#so it's probably not even sensible
silverskull · 1 year
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I. ADORE. the editors on The Rookie.
Because even if the cuts make no visual sense, they have always, always, extended the Chenford scenes for us. You can see it on replays when the actors jaws are moving, but there are no lines. We just get longer moments between the characters - we always have. It's messy, but I'm here for it.
So you'll never hear me complain about the editors. They are me.
And the sound mixers? In this scene, they joined forces with the editors and slapped some sloppy kissy lip noises in there. BOOM. My heroes.
And then this moment in 5x14?
What we have here is everyone working together to give the viewers what we want, while still respecting intimacy boundaries for the actors. It's a coordinated illusion. There was no kiss, but we're allowed to believe there was.
I'm so happy with this season, and with Chenford.
As I've said elsewhere, I'd happily watch The Chenford Show, guest starring all the rest of my faves. But that's not what we have, and despite how good it's been, we're gonna have missing scenes.
(Maybe "because of how good it's been", we're expecting more scenes??)
This is just a lil ramble. Don't get disillusioned, my lovelies. Don't be hard on any of the creators, or yourself. Make your fiction yours. Keep yourself happy. Enjoy the ride. 💖
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kacievvbbbb · 5 months
I just know Crocodile brought on Mihawk because he thought he would be sensible, calm and collected, low maintenance. He thought it was going to be them against the idiocy that is buggy. And it is to a degree.
What he failed to calculate is that Mihawk is just as bad as buggy.
Worse even because at least Buggy can be bullied into doing paperwork. I just know everyday Crocodile is astonished by the absolute commitment Mihawk has to his aesthetic. Walks into his tent just to find that he has somehow converted this circus ass tent into a mid century gothic castle. Somehow carpeted the whole thing end to end is burning more that a 100 candles for “mood lighting”, has a fully open fire pit and a sewing machine in the corner.
Like Crocodiles essentially a mafioso he can appreciate the wanting nice things. Still won’t prepare him for the day Mihawk’s brings him a wine budget, a tailoring budget and an embroidery budget all painstakingly itemized.
Won’t prepare him for having to replace every single wine glass because buggy drank out of one and he can’t break up a set but refuses to use a cup that buggy’s put his mouth on.
He’s starting to think that the real reason the Warlords were disbanded was because they simply could not afford to pay for Mihawk’s upkeep anymore and decided they’d rather pay in cadet lives than see one more wine budget.
He is essentially being held hostage, in his own guild, by the whims of a bored middle aged vampire, and a fucking clown.
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butlerkitty-art · 6 months
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old/unfinished explorations of freya's past through her garb as Leader of the Vanir & Queen of the Aesir.
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youremyonlyhope · 16 days
Bride and Prejudice is free with ads on YouTube!
Link if embed doesn't work.
As someone who has watched literally every single adaptation of Pride and Prejudice that I can get my hands on, this is my favorite version. Go watch it if you have not. It's a Bollywood version of Pride and Prejudice, what is there not to love?
(Directed by Gurinder Chadha who did Bend It Like Beckham, in case you needed an extra push)
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dragonsongmakhali · 5 months
Come visit Makhali's house!
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Mateus || Lavender Beds || Ward 27 || Plot 59
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mothric · 6 months
happy new year!! I had a horrible nightmare that (check the tags before proceeding please) I had to get a surgery to release some kind of fluid buildup in my brain and the surgery involved drilling a hole into my skull and I didn't find out they weren't intending to put me under until I was on the operating table with the nurse hovering over me with a GIANT drill
she reassured me they gave me local anesthesia but i flailed and begged to go to sleep and tried to shove the drill away while the nurse basically forced me into position, and I kept tapping my skull trying to confirm that the local even did anything because I couldn't remember them administering it. before I knew it they were drilling into the side of my head and it wasn't painful, so I guess the stuff worked, but I could hear it and feel it the way you feel what the dentist is doing even when there's novocaine. eventually i stopped yelling and fell silent because the drill was so loud and what can you even do at that point.
when they were done they cheerfully showed me an x ray of the hole they made, which went ALL the way back to my spinal cord and brain stem and stopped just a millimeter short of touching them, and they acted like this was normal and they hadn't just gone within a hair's breadth of killing me, and then they gave me a flimsy paper towel and told me I'd just need to hold it over the fresh hole in my head for awhile until it healed.
bizarre and upsetting New Year's Day dreams are practically a tradition for me at this point but, genuinely, what the Fuck was that.
#tw medical#tw medical trauma#tw surgery#tw body horror#tw nightmares#cant decide if this is better or worse than the religious nightmare i had a handful of january firsts ago#my dreams#jan 2024#happy new year!!! :) :) :)#trying to figure out what in my waking life could have possibly prompted this#it's probably a combination of stresses all rolled into one big awful thing tbh#i guess the thrust is i wanted to be fixed or cured of something but i didnt get to be in control of how that happened#and the solution felt archaic and the aftercare was nonexistent#and i mean that's. a sensible thing to be afraid of#it wasn't even clear in the dream if the procedure even helped#but i went to this clinic at the recommendation of someone i knew. whose input- in waking life- i dont especially trust. so#maybe there's something to unpack there#ive also had friends experience some really shocking malpractice this year#and i'm still paying off medical debt#and doing year in review has brought up some unpleasant emotions as i'm realizing this year was more stressful than i thought#like a major element of this dream was 'yes i did sign up for this but some Very Important Information was withheld from me' which HONESTLY#sums up a lot of my year >_>#AND on top of that i've been wrestling with faith stuff. not getting to pick the healing process and fearing the outcome... yea#at the end of the day it's just another stress dream. it just took a form it doesnt usually take so it stands out#blegh. we'll get through this
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resolvebound · 2 months
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@quiiscnt im taking the opportunity to do 3 😅 so here's #1/3
Send ⭐ for a sample of a new muse I am thinking of writing // accepting
The soft sigh she let out would have come across as exasperated to some, yet those who had come to know her well would see the touch of a smile and the warmth in her eyes. She watched Wendy fall deeper into sleep, marvelling at the way the girl could rest on the floor as she was. Even with the pile of blankets they’d amassed for their ‘movie night’, it wasn’t particularly comfortable on the floor of the lounge.
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Charle suppressed a yawn and eyed the movie Lacrima that continued to play softly. Would Wendy wake up if it was turned off? Perhaps she’d wait a few minutes more, just to be sure it was safe. Wendy deserved a good rest, after all. They’d had quite a day of travelling, finally returning home after an extended mission together. Tiring as it had been, it was…nice to not be involved in some world threatening danger for a change. Did they dare get used to it? She supposed she could channel her prophetic powers if she really wanted to know…But the future was too fluid, she knew, nothing could really be certain.
What she did know for sure, was that Wendy would wake up with a stiff neck from the position she was curled in now. Really, she should be moved to her bed, or at least the couch.
Another sigh slipped from Charle as she adjusted herself to stand, paws brushing invisible dirt from her clothes out of habit. Closing her eyes, she focused her magic and allowed it to wash over her, the transformation sending a warmth through her body. Now considerably taller than she was (though her ‘human’ form was still hardly tall), she opened her eyes and peered down at her dearest friend, watching for a moment to see if she remained asleep. Reassured for the moment, Charle quietly shifted closer, glad that she had pushed herself to gain new magic so that she could be of more use. Stronger (and longer) limbs certainly made gently scooping up the young dragon slayer now a lot easier, after all.
With Wendy’s slight form in her arms, she carefully lifted her to the couch and eased her down on the plush surface. Certain the girl wouldn’t wake, Charle straightened up watched her for a moment, a fond smile playing on her lips.
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She then turned and picked up one of the blankets from the floor, draping it gently across Wendy before moving to sit upon one of the nearby armchairs with her own blanket. Content for the moment, she allowed her eyes to close and peace to seep in.
And that was when the vision struck.
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i was watching the lighthouse with squid and the seagull murder scene came up and i was too high and got really scared. i think im over it now but holy shit that was really brutal i wasn't expecting that even though the movie was pointing a big arrow in the direction of "he's gonna kill the seagull dude"
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I graduated from my bachelor degrees yesterday. It still feels like a bit of a dream.
I’ve got two fancy pieces of paper now, and a fancy hat, and a feeling of pride that I made it through uni, let alone while my health crashed and burned around me, through multiple investigative surgeries and procedures, and so many diagnoses, in the midst of a global pandemic. I, and many of my friends, and my peers, we made it.
But the day took a huge toll on me. Wake up early to get ready. Ready includes the waist-high compression stockings I sometimes don’t have the strength to put on. Struggle with them for a solid while. A beautiful dress, with pockets!! Wear sensible shoes, with a low heel and additional arch support. Worry about tripping or fainting while walking the stage for a good long while. Instead, trip and fall on the way to registration, banging my knee onto carpet covered concrete. Ouch. Sit in the shade, with sunnies on, hoping I don’t develop a migraine while waiting for doors to open for us to be seated in the hall. Walk the stage without any issues, but lean heavily on the bannister as I cautiously take the steps off the stage. Let loose and allow myself a glass of champagne to celebrate after. Roll my ankle again, walking to a photo location after the ceremony. Start to feel exhausted, but know we still have dinner plans. Majorly enjoy dinner, almost forgetting that my stomach will hate me for it later. Still had to take my meds, still had to pay attention to most of my pain and migraine mitigation strategies on this day that’s so special, but cannot be just about me, because it is also about my managing my illnesses and how they are never going away.
So here I am at home, resting, nursing a twice sprained ankle, a sore knee, a gastro intestinal tract that can’t deal with the excitement and nerves and lovely celebration dinner, a flu-like feeling and thermoregulation issues and malaise (so a fatigue flare up basically). But it was worth it.
I did it. And I’m going to keep doing it at my own pace as long as I can. I’ve been accepted for an honours year (or 2- part time) and I hope to do more after that. Disabled and chronically ill people belong in academia. Our voices are important.
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fideidefenswhore · 10 months
Them: Anne Boleyn was not a NICE person.
Us: All the six wives were not NICE people.
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reginrokkr · 8 months
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The condemned willingly serve the gods out of their own sense of guilt, but have they considered that the gods may be unable to bring them the consolation they long for…?
𝐂𝐗𝐗𝐕. Sligthly related to the previous post, but even if it's all jokes and laughs, I like the idea that one of the reasons why Dain says this referring to Furina isn't simply to throw shade at her, but because he might be aware that even gods need consolation. So in some way it boils down to "if not even gods can't help themselves, how can they humans?".
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rainworld-enot · 11 months
Since you replied, I'll elaborate (jk, I was gonna do that anyways) enot's funky little trait is spawning those singularity eggs every cycle, so if enot was engineered by an iterator, it's obviously meant to be ascendy. but the egg doesn't actually permakill or ascend anyone, so it's a failure. But it does succeed in a different way. It warps reality! this is best showed in the dating sim thing, as every time the egg is used, or cracked, it causes some pretty weird reality-bending (in one case, just making a whole new universe) in the standard game it just acts like a regular singularity bomb, but you could also interpret that the weirdness of the Enot campaign is due to the egg's influence. Enot on their own is (mostly) like a regular slugcat. It's when they bring along the egg that things get all funky and, of course, the dating sim setting itself! you unlock it by ascending as Enot, which implies that rather than truly ascending, they ended up resetting the cycles in a new alternate universe or timeline, and the routes where they end up using the egg causes further weirdness... and most notably, Saint knows about this and has tried to break the cycles using it! it's implied it just resets the cycle instead, though. So, thanks to enot your au could technically be cannon! (Thx to bluenightold for putting this in my brain. And sorry that this is excessively long :( )
You're good with having it really long- I like reading people's rambles as a whole!
Void in general causes reality warping properties, we can see this in general with echos, singularity bombs, and karma flowers which all have void fluid in them from what we can see of the effects.
Even Rubicon has this odd effect of changing properties of things, and is probably closer to the void freaking the fuck out from Saint... Saint-ness. We can see the creatures with void in them as a whole tend to have a lot more energy and movement. given the destruction too it's likely that void has a stupid amount of energy but also highly corrosive by all means.
It's very interesting as a whole, given the fact this means there's an unnatural vs natural power sources issue within the game and likely has been in affect in the past given that the emergency power batteries (known as Rarefaction cells)! which act nearly exactly like singularity cells if destroyed via a leviathan if not a bit worse. probably a bit more of the aftershock (best word to use I suppose) is affected and twisted much worse to the point where artificer can not survive the aftershocks... but given it's literally warping everything with the amount of energy produced, it's like a much worse version of breaking the wind barrier in a way. Probably a very painful death given everything.
Saint is definitely fucked up! and I love it. it's very fun to imagine the relationship of em in my own hc and aus of these lil guys :)!!
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mushroom-for-art · 10 months
I don't know what came over me but uh, don't mess with Axels family and probably don't read this tbh it's nasty
Grunts moved quickly packing up boxes and supplies with clumsy inefficiency as a superior admin barked orders for them to hurry up and get everything taken down and shipped 10 minutes ago. They needed to get out of there quickly if they were hoping to survive.
"Stop fucking about! Get those boxes moved now, go go go! We haven't the time for you to be a pansy!" the Admin snarled at a stumbling grunt who had just dropped a small stack of boxes they'd been moving, they skittered past the doors of the main entrance, their neck snapping at the speed and velocity of the doors blasting inwards and becoming lodged into walls saving them from what was going to occur.
Time slowed as the Mewtwo floated into the room gliding in eerie silence as his tail swayed.
"Where, is my family. " His voice was more of a growl in his throat as he spoke and projected the words outwards, the snarl echoed painfully inside of the skulls of those present causing many to double over in sheer agony at the psychic voice probing their minds and tearing into their thoughts.
Limbs locked the Admin couldn't grab any of the Pokeballs secured to her belt and she felt psychic energy burning into her as the mewtwo zeroed in on her, she sneered at him past the pain inside her skull.
"I won't be intimidated by you. You won't find them if you kill me."
Her body was lifted slightly from the floor and floated up to his eye level slowly as he loomed in front of her his expression dark and unreadable, his eyes bore through her laced with unspoken threats and an awareness of control and power.
"If that is the knowledge you want to put your faith into." he lifted arms to the side casually his hand doing a flourish, "just know," his fingers moved closing into a fist before his arm flicked forward as though throwing something, bones slammed into a wall breaking on impact as the sound of tearing flesh and muscle registered to the admins ears, a grunts body stood for a second completely torn open from the inside outwards before their boneless husk slumped with a sickening slap of blood, brains smeared slowly down the walls from where the skull has smashed open on impact.
"You won't be granted the same quickness or relief."
Eyes staring on in horror the mewtwo produced a sharp quill from his inner wrist pulling it out from his flesh, he held it in his fingers twirling it before pointing it to another nearby grunt who let out a soft hiss as the quill cut a small line in their cheek. They started to hyperventilate before the toxins even took hold, the blood seeping from the cut became putrid and contaminated turning into yellow pus as the surrounding skin turned to shades of blue and purple and ultimately darkening to a deathly black.
The psychic restrains let up on the grunt who stumbled quickly, they tried to speak spraying spit as their tongue swelled causing them to hack and cough struggling for breath as it started to block off their airway, they were in hysterics crying and choking, dying flesh wetly slid from their muscles and bones sloshing on the floor beneath them filling the room with the horrid stench of death. Their gurgled quiet screaming and choking as their tongue rotted out from their mouth had fear soaking into the Admins very core as the grunt fell down onto their side. For a moment she thought dead but their wheezing told her they hadn't received that mercy yet.
The mewtwo had not broken their gaze from watching her even as his tail swayed behind him, she watched the fur shifting intertwining around itself morphing into a pointed shape like a syringe, there was an audible hissing of steam as see through organic pipes grew out and back into the mewtwos tail flesh. With a flash that nearly burned her irises, red hot flowing liquid pumped through the structures, almost like Kyurems biological tubes as they changed their form the way they pumped energy. Tail stabbed forward past her shoulder into the last grunt behind her, and he hollered in agony immediately.
She couldn't turn her head to see, but she could feel it was hot suddenly as there was another hiss with the mewtwos tail returning to its original state, screaming never ending behind her and the smell of burning flesh and flooring. She could barely swallow as she stared forward a horrid red hue illuminating the mewtwo from behind her as he looked at her but his expression was still dark.
"They were sent to another facility! In Unova! We only wanted the Haunter! The Gengar was just in the way!" She barely recognised her own voice for the terror in it.
"I know."
She found her breathing difficult as she stared at him.
"I was one of the most powerful pure creatures to ever bless this planet, and I am now a bastardized chimera of that purity that violated the boundaries of limits set by Arceus." His expression was almost a deranged grin.
"Do you really believe your thoughts are your own and private? That I couldn't rip out that information, why do you think your head hurts so much." His teeth gleamed in the unnaturally hot red fading light behind her.
"Why are, why are you still here then?! Wasting time! That family of yours must not be so precious-" Her voice choked as her lungs were squeezed in a way that forced all the breath from her, her vision blackening at the edges as her compressed lungs fought to gain any air, if this was how she went then she'd accept that. Unfortunately the air forces back into her lungs brought her back from the cusps of unconsciousness.
"You don't get to die that easily, don't presume about the importance of my family when I know what you did to my daughter and mate. I've seen through your eyes what you did to her. How you tormented my love in the process." His spoken words were venomous as he stared down at her in pure hatred, she was faintly aware of the weakening wheeze on the floor near her.
His hands came up casually and she felt like her aura was being pulled out of her body like her soul was being separated before witnessing the projected double helix swirling around before her.
"They say mew are the ancestor of everything, classes as the genetics pokemon, so very fitting" his finger idly touched over a strand of dna and she felt her skin begin to crawl from uncomfortable to painfully as it seperated from her muscles as though the connective tissues were dissolving, before he flicked his finger over the strand again and her skin stopped trying to peel from her body though it still hung just a bit looser than it did before.
"When me and my brother were younger, not in full control of our powers we used to play this game with other pokemon." another idle adjustment, the backs of her eyeballs burnt as her eyes weeped her ears ringing loudly painfully in a way that blossomed pain across her whole temple in a brain splitting migraine.
"We'd fly past and," his fingers moved adjusting changing her dna structure, she hitched a quiet scream as her muscles spasmed in her arm breaking her forearm bones as her fingers twitched against her control, the bones in her fingers began to deform subtly but quickly deforming her fingers and cracking through the skin, "of course we were only little and we could only change phenotype expressions making fur scales and that different colors, or grow faster, straighten curl." he let out a sigh.
"In hindsight, what cruel little bastards we were, mini gods tampering with things that they really had no right to for our own amusement, of course we meant no harm and didn't intend harm but I do sometimes wonder." Her vision went black as the genetics in control of her sight were altered, blood vessels popped and blood mixed with her tears streaming down her face. She could feel her organs moving, growing shifting inside her as well as he altered her biology casually in a way that shattered her concept of pain, leaving her with only searing burning nerves.
"I was pretty blind to the cruelty of mews when I was one, maybe I wouldn't have ended up like this were my brother kinder, but I see now how rotten we can be but we still had our naivety at least that kept our innocence, the disconnect from mortals that we couldn't properly sympathize to or understand." Her spine popped bones growing out from her skin but she could still feel everything as more muscles broke in spasms.
"I don't have the excuse of innocence or naivety anymore, I can see with mortal eyes everything I do and the effect it has, and how wonderfully ironic that in place of that innocent evil the rot of humanity has replaced it, giving rise to the ability and enjoyment of hurting others and how to make it worse. I am the worst of humans and the worst of mew." He looked at her almost gently with a smile that mocked her as her bloody eyes met his, blood dribbled from her cracked lips.
His eyes roamed her for a second as he fiddled with the very core of her person altering her genetics irreversibly.
"Did you know that there's a lot of uncategorized pokemon that exist purely inside others?" his finger hovered over her stomach "it's fascinating actually the organisms that have specialized in your gut, and they're so intertwined with you that no one realized they're there. Why don't we let you be the first to say hello?" psychic energy glowed from his hand and she felt the breath leave her again as she almost wretched.
Something inside her began to writhe, she could feel hundreds, maybe thousands of squirming legs pushing on her stomach and small intestines and a sickly burning pain that would've had her double over did the psychic energy not keep her restrained. He lowered her body slowly and her legs flopped uselessly like a ragdoll as he slumped her down on her legs unnaturally. She couldn't move still.
A piece of glass levitated to him and he put it in her hand, "here, since you did tell me eventually I'll give you this mercy to end this suffering." he closed her hand around the glass shard as her arm remained held out for his psychic ability. He turned leaving her there, the grunt finally still but bloated and missing chunks of flesh that lay gruesomely on the floor.
His psychic restraint released and the admin raised her hand quickly to thrust the shard into her throat. Her fingers went numb and the shard slipped smashing by her feet as her arm slumped body collapsing to the side, she could breathe but only barely and she could move her eyes but nothing else.
"Guess you didn't act fast enough." the mewtwo had stopped at the busted doorway just to look back and mock her, "ah well, ever heard of parasitic Beedrill? I'm sure you'll make a very comfortable flesh womb meal combo, you'll get to enjoy feeling them grow inside you while unable to speak or tell anyone. Maybe they'll die inside you and the sepsis will take you out or maybe they'll adapt to keep you alive even after you should die, after all your insides will have been their comfortable little home for so long they won't want to part with it. You'll be their hive their playground protection from the real world in your chest cavity nuzzling into your ribs. Congratulations Admin. This could be the rest of your life." his smirk was simple as he flew away with force that caused the trees to bend and sway.
The admin lay there stomach twisting in knots, eyes in a panic darting around at the sight of the corpses around her as the horrors crept into her mind of what would happen, her thoughts spiraling into gibberish as the hours passed decaying her only ability to even try to communicate as her eyes flicked around in circles, death burning into her vision and the stench crawling over and seeping into her skin and senses permanently.
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opalsiren · 2 years
rikki is really that ride or die friend who will hype you up when you are objectively wrong you'll be like 'i just murdered someone' and rikki will be like 'well they probably deserved it they breathed in your direction earlier in a way i didn't like can i help you bury the body bestie'
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tmae3114 · 2 years
[muffled screaming into my hands]
#this is not about anything important#I just saw a post about ''''the problem of susan''' and it's the first day of my period so I'm even LESS capable of being sensible about it#than I usually would be#ANYWAYS SUSAN BEING LEFT OUT OF NARNIA AT THE END OF THE LAST BATTLE WAS ABOUT MATERIALISM#IT WAS SO VERY VERY MUCH ABOUT MATERIALISM AND DENYING YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE OF THE SPIRITUAL IN PURSUIT OF THE MATERIAL#IT WAS NOT!! ABOUT!! SUSAN!! LIKING!! BOYS!!#I UNDERSTOOD THIS AT EIGHT YEARS OLD I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY SO MANY PEOPLE DON'T SEEM TO GRASP#THAT THE PROBLEM WASN'T SUSAN LIKING PARTIES & LIPSTICKS & SUCH#IT WAS SUSAN CARING /ONLY/ ABOUT THOSE THINGS TO THE EXTENT THAT SHE PRETENDED HER EXPERIENCES IN NARNIA WEREN'T REAL#I so do wish the quote people focused on from that scene was Polly's rather than Jill's#everyone goes on about the ''nylons and lipstick and invitations''#nobody seems to remember ''I wish she WOULD grow up. She wasted all her school time wanting to be the age she is now''#''and she'll waste all the rest of her life trying to stay that age.''#IT'S NOT ABOUT BOYS IT WAS NEVER ABOUT BOYS AAAAAAAAGH#anyways I think if someone hypothetically did a version of narnia where the pevensies came from the modern day#Susan would probably be obsessed with instagram & tiktok & influencer culture#that's my controversial opinion of the day#also to vaguepost the actual post that prompted this instance of rage:#if you have to ''introduce'' a child who just read Narnia to '''the problem of susan'''#and EXPLAIN to her that it's supposedly because of Susan liking boys#and the child did not get that from her own reading of the text#PERHAPS YOUR INTERPRETATION IS NOT PARTICULARLY SUPPORTED BY THE TEXT?
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kibibarel · 2 years
What's your opinion on Lusamine×Wicke
i actually have a lot of thoughts and headcanons about them and their history (one might say too many?!??!!) but the short version is i love it and they make me sad.........harold
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