#so its how I like kinda incorporate in the threads into my story in my mind
snugcubunny · 25 days
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Final Fantasy'd ya boi
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avelera · 7 months
Some missed opportunities for Norse Mythology references in the Loki S2 Finale
I want to quickly preface this by saying the Loki show never claimed to be about or even incorporate more than passing nods to Norse mythology, so the following "missed opportunities" are more things that I think could have been cool and were perhaps within reach as references, but that even at my most wildly optimistic I didn't and still don't really expect because the show has been so very clear on this front. It's not fair to say these are flaws because the show never pretended to be about Norse mythology. NEVERTHELESS, because I'm a big nerd:
1) Ragnarok - All respect to Waititi and Thor III, it was a great interpretation of the myth, but I've always longed for something a little closer to the doom and mysticism of the mythology and the Loki S2 finale came tantalizingly close to invoking it, but fell short of actually using the word. Because Ragnarok isn't just about the fall of the gods, it's about the destruction and rebirth of the world. "After [the events of Ragnarok], the world will rise again, cleansed and fertile, the surviving and returning gods will meet, and the world will be repopulated by two human survivors." 
Gee does that sound familiar! Almost like destroying all of the timelines to create them anew! Almost like that's what Sylvie was invoking by telling him it's better to accept destruction rather than accept imprisonment, and to build something new out of the ashes.
That's Ragnarok. That's literally Ragnarok and they invoked it in so many ways there short of actually using the damn word.
Loki, the god destined to bring about Ragnarok, proceeding to directly bring down the current timeline by destroying and then renewing it with a male and female survivor to help rebuild (visualized with Mobius and Sylvie's little chat at the end, even if it's the TVA they helped rebuild not the human population) sure does sound astonishingly close to invoking the story of Ragnarok.
And even though I'm bummed they never called it Ragnarok, I completely understand why! Ragnarok has kinda already happened in the MCU (never mind that Ragnarok itself is cyclical and will come again, but I digress)! I'd even go so far as to guess that earlier drafts probably did make it clearer but the thread, except for its bones and outline, were abandoned or left unnamed explicitly because it would be confusing for those not familiar with the myth or who would conflate Ragnarok with its Thor III invocation. Alas.
2) Loki bound - Already sort of invoked in Thor II with Loki imprisoned, which is why I don't think any more overt reference was made, but Loki was rather famously bound up in mythology. In this case, in a cave with a snake's poison dripping into his mouth. Not saying Loki bound to his throne of time needed to be conflated with how he was imprisoned until Ragnarok in the myhology, but the imprisonment parallel is there.
3) Loki becomes the new Odin, sacrificed upon Yggrasil - "The generally accepted meaning of Old Norse Yggdrasill is "Odin's horse", meaning "gallows". This interpretation comes about because drasill means "horse" and Ygg(r) is one of Odin's many names. The Poetic Edda poem Hávamál describes how Odin sacrificed himself by hanging from a tree, making this tree Odin's gallows. This tree may have been Yggdrasil." (source)
IE, Loki has sacrificed himself upon the world tree for power and knowledge and for the sake of the world. In this, unlike in the mythology where Loki is not Odin's son, Loki ascends to a parallel of his father's throne to follow in his legacy, having finally learned his father's lessons about rulership and self-sacrifice. Perhaps like the mythological Odin, we will learn that in making this self-sacrifice, Loki too has gained phenomenal knowledge and power?
4) Ratatoskr - This is more foward-looking and I don't in a million years think they'll do it but it would be so cool - so cool - if at some later point Loki has a friend or a servant or a squirrel form or idk, something that invokes Ratatoskr, the squirrel that lives in the World Tree and freely travels up and down its branches delivering messages. Please, MCU, give Loki a little squirrel friend??
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rhywhitefang · 2 months
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Gertrude Robinson, through the ages
Indulge me for a rambly explanation under the cut... sorry i am an unhinged Gertrude lover
1950 - I will confess that I fudged the dates from the wiki a little bit for this timeline, apparently she was born in 1945? But that would mean that she became Head Archivist at 20 years old?? Which doesn't seem right to me so I aged her up a bit haha
1958 - Okay so please HEAR ME out, because I swear that my own self indulgence isnt the (only) reason why I gave Gertrude the headcanon of having a witchy/goth phase in her young adulthood. I just think it makes a lot of sense for her to already have an interest in the occult and the supernatural prior to having anything to do with the Magnus Institute, not only because of the ironic twist it gives her later excapades but also because I think it makes a lot of sense considering how the brief mentions of her younger years are framed. Plus, I just think its fun if she and Gerry secretly have this in common... though I don't think she would've brought it up to him, but you know^^
1961 - You know I fully believe that when Gertrude said the Desolation killed her cat she was telling the truth - much in the same way that her remark to Gerard about the tunnels under the institute was her telling the truth. There's definitely more to the story, though.
1963 - First day at the Archives, woohoo! Complete with a narratively significant haircut^^ This Gertrude means *busniess*
1965 - This is the year that Gertrude becomes Head Archivist yay^^
1974 - This is when she gets tied to Agnes by the Web... she's a bit older and has seen more shit. I also like the idea of her hair starting to gray at this point because I like that being a subtle Web mark.
1997 - Quite a skip forward, this is the year she learns of Jonah Magnus' secrets and unravels that whole thread. Once you do that, I feel like you kinda stop giving a fuck about the dress code at the Institute, I think. When I was talking to Phi about it, they said that it would make sense for this to be the start of Gertrude's very own paranoia arc. And you know what? I love that and it makes SO much sense. So that's why I incorporated that^^
2009 - Time to sacrifice Michael to stop the Spiral's ritual which is extremely hot and sexy of her <3 I support women's wrongs <3 (the picture is supposed to be her closing the door, I'm not sure how clear that is, though, haha)
2015 - Last year of her life, but still ready to fuck shit up
in conclusion... gertrude robinson lolm <3 <3 <3
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thelazyhermits · 5 months
Y'all know how I've mentioned before that I like playing otome games? Well one of the games I played last month has been on my mind cause I keep thinking of how I could incorporate Yuu and some of the TWST boys into the story of that game.
I have no idea why my brain suddenly started doing this, but I figured I'd go ahead and make a post about it cause why not? 😂
Okay, so first off, the otome game that I'll be talking about is Winter’s Wish: Spirits of Edo, which I would recommend to anyone who likes otome games. While I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a favorite of mine since I didn't get super attached to any particular LI, I still enjoyed the game and thought it was really cute ^^
Anyway, this game takes place in Japan during the Kyoha era, and it involves these monsters called blightfall that are created thanks to people's negative emotions. They've been wreaking havoc in the town of Edo for a while now.
There's a special task force established by the shogunate called the Oniwaban, which is in charge of fighting these monsters that most people don't know anything about since blightfall mostly appear at night, and this is just something they try to keep the public from having to know about.
The Oniwaban mostly consist of individuals called vessels, which are formfolk that have had their memories and hearts sealed. In exchange, they're given the power called Snow Sacrament which allows them to defeat blightfall when they engage them in battle.
Formfolk are human-like figures that are born when an item receives enough love from its owner and is given a name. The main difference between them and humans is that they can change their appearance at will, and they can be killed if you destroy the items they were born from. They also have wooden name tags, which can also be targeted, so they have two weaknesses.
Moving on, the heroine of the game has the ability to see threads that no one else can see, and by looking at these threads, which are attached to everyone's, except for vessels, necks, she can tell what a person is truly feeling, ergo she can see their emotions. These threads can also tell her when a blightfall is about to appear since they're the product of negative emotions.
That's why the shogunate summons her and has her join the Oniwaban in hopes that she'll be able to help them stop the outbreak of blightfall that has been going on for the last several years.
The reason I started thinking of Yuu in this setting is because in the game the poor heroine is ostracized/exiled by the village she grew up in because she could see things they couldn't and she could tell when someone was gonna die from looking at their threads which led them to believe she was the reason those people died.
The heroine lived in the village with her father, but as soon as he passed away, she was forced to live up on the mountain away from the village. Thankfully, because her father was so well-respected by the village, they send her provisions, so she is still technically provided for, even though that obviously doesn't make her situation any less horrible.
It's just really easy for me to imagine Yuu in that kinda character role, because of the kinda luck she has, so my brain just rolled with the idea lol
I could easily picture poor Yuu being misunderstood for powers only she has, and as a result, she's only close to her father, whom thankfully loves her very much and takes good care of her up until his passing.
Because she wants to be useful to her hardworking father, Yuu learns at a young age how to cook and clean despite him telling her she doesn't have to. Plus, she prefers remaining indoors practicing these skills anyway since indoors she won't have to deal with any judging looks or people whispering about her.
However, Yuu does venture outside whenever she wants fresh air. She just typically heads outside of the village, although she doesn't go too far since she doesn't want to scare/worry her father.
It's during one such outing that an eight-year old Yuu happens to find a young wolf that's injured and has an infected wound. The poor thing was abandoned by its pack and left to die since it was in such bad shape.
Yuu couldn't bear to abandon the animal, which was too weak to do anything but quietly growl at her, so she did what she could to treat its wound with the first aid supplies she likes to always carry around with her.
Despite her young age, she's rather good at first aid, because she has a lot of experience practicing it due all the injuries she'd get when the kids in the village would bully her. She learned how to tend to her own injuries so her father wouldn't have to and she had hoped this would make him less worried about her.
However, after she finishes tending to the wolf, Yuu still thinks her father should personally check on the wolf since she's obviously no doctor and is just a kid, and thankfully, when he hears about the wolf, her father agrees to look it over after she begs and pleads for his help.
Since the villagers wouldn't be pleased about a potentially dangerous wild animal being brought to the village, Yuu's father decides to bring the wolf to the old house up on the mountain that's not being used by anyone.
For the next several days, Yuu and her father tend to the wolf, constantly taking care of its injury and offering it food to help it regain its strength.
Yuu spends almost all of her time with the wolf and only leaves its side whenever her father says its time for her to come home at the end of the day.
Thanks to Yuu and her father's dutiful care, the wolf survives its injury and manages to make a full recovery, much to their great relief.
Once the wolf eventually recovers, they expect it to leave and return to the wild, although Yuu hates the idea of having to part with it, but to their great surprise, the wolf decides to remain in the area.
Naturally, that's partially because it has nowhere else to go but mostly because it wants to remain with the people that nursed it back to health since it feels indebted to them and has become attached to them.
Yuu is delighted about this since this means she now has a friend, and she pays the wolf, which she names Jack after a storybook character she likes, visits all the time since she loves hanging out with him.
For a while, time passes like this until a very surprising turn of events occurs that involves a sad, nine-year old Yuu visiting Jack after having escaped her bullies.
While she's not normally one to cry since she thinks she should be strong in order to avoid worrying her father, Yuu is crying when she comes to visit Jack, who becomes worried about her since he's never seen in her in a state like this before.
Jack wants to know why Yuu's crying, but obviously, he can't ask since he can't speak like a human. He wishes he could, though, since he really wants to help her so she'll smile for him again.
As of late, Jack has been having these kinda thoughts where he wished he was more than just a wolf so he could become even closer to Yuu and better support her since there's only so much he can do with a form like this.
Much to his and Yuu's surprise, this strong desire to talk to Yuu and become closer to her leads to Jack turning into a Beastman, which is something that's not in the game so it's an original idea.
Just like how items can turn into formfolk, I thought it'd be neat if something similar could happen to animals when they receive enough love/feel enough love toward a human that leads to them wanting to communicate with/be closer to a human, and I just decided to use the Beastman term since I'm not creative with names in the slightest lol
One thing that's special about Beastmen is that they can swap forms, so they can look like an animal or a human, although their human forms will always have animal characteristics like ears and a tail.
Since Beastmen are rarer than formfolk, Yuu is very surprised to see one for the first time, but she's also delighted that she can have a conversation with Jack, whose current form appears to be the same age as her.
Jack is also pleased with his sudden transformation since he'll be able to talk to Yuu now and be the kind of friend she needs/deserves. He'll be able to support/protect her even better now.
Because the village forbids formfolk from living there since formfolk eat like humans and this small village has limited supplies, it's immediately assumed that the same would be said about Beastmen, so Yuu only tells her father about what happened to Jack.
Thankfully, Jack can turn back into a wolf whenever he wants, so the chances of the villagers finding out about him are low, especially as long as he remains around the house on the mountain where he's been hanging around up until this point.
From that point on, Yuu is even more excited about visiting Jack, and she spends the majority of her time with him because she loves being with Jack who doesn't treat her like she's something dangerous cause of her powers.
They become really close over the years, like family, and it's because of that bond that Yuu has an easier time getting by after her father eventually passes away when she's thirteen, because she ends up living with Jack, who the villagers thankfully never find out about.
Jack is Yuu's rock during the time she's mourning her father and dealing with being ostracized/exiled by the village. While he was already protective of her, Jack becomes even more so after those events.
More than anything, he'd like to tear into those villagers for their cold-heartedness, but he doesn't since that's not what Yuu would want. Plus, he can't risk the villagers finding out about him and possibly trying to separate him from Yuu.
So, instead, Jack focuses on doing everything else he can think of to look after her, like helping with house repairs and hunting/gathering food in the forest, so there's always enough food for the two of them since the village only sends up enough supplies for one person.
Just like a human, Jack grows older as time passes, so he eventually ends up with an appearance like what he has in TWST canon. He gets all his muscles cause he's constantly training in order to make himself stronger, so he can always protect himself and Yuu, because that's what's most important to him.
For a while, their little world just consists of the two of them, and they're perfectly fine with that since they're just so grateful and happy to have each other. However, eventually, their world becomes a little bit bigger.
Enter the Shroud brothers.
One day, while a fourteen year old Yuu is in the forest gathering edible plants, she happens to hear a lot of yelling, and out of curiosity, she decides to check the situation out but fully intends to remain out of sight since the villagers have to be behind the ruckus and she knows they won't wanna see her.
Much to her surprise, Yuu finds out the commotion is about the village having discovered that Ortho is a formfolk, which is something Idia and his parents have been hiding these last few years.
You see, a few years ago, there was a living human by the name of Ortho Shroud. Sadly, he fell seriously ill and died despite his family's best efforts to save him.
Coincidentally, around this time, one of Ortho's favorite toys, a puzzle box that Idia had made for him, became a formfolk and ended up with an appearance just like Ortho's since formfolk tend to end up looking just like their owners.
Because they knew about the village's law about formfolk being forbidden, the Shroud family decided to hide the truth about Ortho's death and bury him secretly, so that formfolk Ortho could take his place.
The only other person that knew the truth about that incident was actually Yuu, because, back when she still could live in the village, she had seen the original Ortho with black threads around his neck which meant death was in his near future, although she didn't say as much because she didn't wanna be blamed for his death.
Yuu found it highly unlikely that Ortho could survive, considering no one with black threads has ever survived before, but she kept those thoughts to herself since she had no proof that he had been replaced. Plus, she didn't want him to get in trouble with the villagers.
Unfortunately, the secret has finally come out, and the village wants Ortho gone by tomorrow. Naturally, Idia and his parents are against this since Ortho's too young to be off on his own, and Idia can't bear to lose his brother again.
Taking pity on them, Yuu decides to get involved after the villagers all return to the village and the Shroud parents run after them in hopes of getting them to reconsider their demands.
Once Idia and Ortho are the only ones who are left, she calls out to them from her hiding spot, catching them off guard. They quickly recognize her, though, since everyone in the village knows her.
Fortunately, they don't treat her like the other villagers do since they don't see her as a monster. The reason for that is because for the last few years their parents have been researching the clan that Yuu's mother came from.
It's her late mother's blood that led to Yuu having her special power because everyone in that clan could see threads like her, and they were often relied on by the shogunate to fight the blightfall.
While the original reason the Shroud family moved to this village several years ago was to be with Idia/Ortho's grandparents who were unable to provide for themselves due to old age/illness, Mama and Papa Shroud soon had another reason for living there, because a few years after they moved to the village, they received an order from the shogunate to research Yuu's mother's clan's sudden disappearance/demise since no one knows what happened to them and why Yuu is the only one with that clan's blood left.
Mama and Papa Shroud, who were both held in high regard by the shogunate due to their brilliant, inventive minds, were all to eager to accept the order because they've always been quite fascinated by the family Yuu's mother came from, so they were all too happy to delve into this intriguing mystery.
As a result, thanks to their research, the Shroud family knows Yuu's situation, and Mama and Papa Shroud really felt bad for the poor girl and wished the villagers didn't treat her so horribly. Unfortunately, there was no reasoning with the other villagers who outnumbered them.
Plus, they were doing their best to avoid drawing too much attention to their family because the whole situation with Ortho.
Anyway, back to Yuu and the Shroud brothers, after she gets the boys' attention, Yuu offers to let Ortho stay in her home, much to their surprise.
While they'll need to make a big show of Ortho leaving so the villagers will be led to believe he's gone for good, Ortho can secretly come back through the forest and hide out on the mountain with Yuu if he so desires. That way he won't have to be completely separated from his family.
Ortho is delighted by this news since he doesn't want to be apart from his brother and parents. Meanwhile, Idia is surprised and confused by why Yuu would help them when they hardly know each other. Plus, they're part of the village that exiled her, even though their family was actually against Yuu being treated so horribly.
Yuu wants to help because she doesn't think it's right to separate Ortho from his family, and she also has noticed that the Shroud family were the only villagers that never treated her unkindly, so that's enough of a reason for her to wanna help them out.
In the end, the Shroud family takes her up on her offer, but it'll be just a temporary living situation since Mama and Papa Shroud intend to ask the shogunate if they can leave the village and plan on wrapping up their reasearch efforts over the next few weeks/upcoming month.
During this time, Idia, who, ever since the original Ortho died, typically spent all his time indoors with formfolk Ortho up until this point because he was so afraid of losing his brother again, constantly visits his brother at Yuu's house, and as a result, ends up spending a lot of time with Yuu and Jack as well.
Thankfully, Jack didn't mind this temporary living arrangement since Ortho's a sweetheart who's willing to help out around the house, and cause the Shroud family never mistreated Yuu.
Thanks to this, the Shroud brothers become a part of Yuu and Jack's little family, and they all become quite close friends.
Because he feels she has the right to know, Idia explains to Yuu about her powers and her mother's side of the family since it pisses him off that she's treated like a monster and that because of the villagers Yuu sees herself in a negative light just cause she's not like everyone else.
Idia also mentions that his parents had talked to Yuu's father about the missing clan as part of their research, but all he knew was that they were dead. He has no idea what happened to them. He was just told by the god of the local shrine that they're all gone now, which was also the story the heroine's father was given in the game.
Yuu is naturally very sad to hear that she's the last of her clan, but she's glad that she's not the only one to ever have had these powers.
She's also puzzled about what happened to her mother and her clan since she doesn't have any memories of her mother. For some reason, she can't remember anything from those years when she had lived with both of her parents, which is also the story for the game's heroine.
The Shroud family knows this because Yuu's father had said as much. Yuu had actually been with her mother when the clan suddenly disappeared, so they think something traumatic must have happened that resulted in Yuu losing her memories.
Thankfully, while he couldn't find his wife or her clan, Yuu's father was able to find Yuu after the incident occurred, and he avoided talking to Yuu about it out of worry that she'd remember painful memories best left forgotten.
That's why Mama and Papa Shroud never tried to question Yuu since, despite their curiosity, they didn't want to endanger her mental wellbeing.
This is why Idia tells Yuu not to think too hard about those memories and says that she's better off focusing on the present than dwelling on the past since finding out what happened to her mother and her clan won't make her current situation any better.
Jack backs Idia up cause he doesn't want Yuu to remember anything that will hurt her, and he also agrees that focusing on what happened in the past won't do her any good.
Even though she really would like to remember her mother, Yuu does think they make a good point, so when she fails to recall anything from what happened all those years ago, she decides to drop the matter, especially after Ortho says his parents are working hard to figure out what happened so she can leave things to them.
Sadly, in the end, Mama and Papa Shroud are unable to figure out what happened to Yuu's mother and her clan, although they do think the snow that's always falling on the mountain where Yuu lives is somehow connected to the clan because it's not natural for there to be snow there all year round, making them wonder if the shrine god that Yuu's father mentioned is possibly behind the constant snow and if the snow has a purpose of some kind.
Even though they're not successful with their research efforts, Mama and Papa Shroud still get permission from the shogunate to leave the village since there's really not much else the researchers can do at this point.
So, once that's decided, the Shroud family leaves and heads for Edo since Mama and Papa Shroud's services were requested by the shogunate which is stationed there.
Yuu is naturally very sad to see Idia and Ortho go since she had been so happy to have more friends, but she's happy that they'll be able to live together as a family with their parents again.
Idia and Ortho wish they could just take Yuu with them since she deserves better than being isolated on a mountain, but Yuu and Jack are a package deal and it'd be rough for Mama and Papa Shroud to take care of two extra mouths.
Plus, with all the blightfalls showing up as of late, Yuu is safer on the mountain, so it's decided that she's better off remaining there.
It's still hard for Idia and Ortho to leave since they got really attached to Yuu, and Idia, who's older than her, feels like he should take care of her like Ortho.
That's why Idia says that he'll come back for Yuu and Jack once his family has settled down in Edo and he thinks that the two can safely and comfortably live in Edo.
Little did Idia know that five years later he'd be coming back for Yuu on the shogunate's orders because her powers are needed to deal with the blightfall.
The reason Idia was sent was because, with his genius mind, he ended up becoming a great resource to the shogunate, especially since, during his time at Edo, it was discovered he had great potential to be a soothsayer, which is someone who can use magic by using their knowledge of onmyodo.
The Shroud family is well-known for having powerful magic users, and Idia ends up being a prodigy, the best the family has seen in many generations.
While he orignally had no interest in using magic and doing this kinda work, Idia started practicing and studying after he moved to Edo so he'd be able to protect his family from blightfall and he had hoped he could solve the blightfall crisis before the shogunate felt the need to seek out Yuu's help.
Unfortunately, Idia wasn't able to accomplish that goal so he's left with the frustrating task of having to recruit Yuu, even though the last thing he wants is for her to have to be anywhere near those dangerous monsters, even if it means he can finally get her far away from that damn village.
However, he can't refuse an order from the shogun, so Idia has no other choice but to go get Yuu, but he's determined to keep her out of harm's way and won't let anyone take advanatage of her like what had often seemed to happen to the members of her dead clan.
Because Yuu is family, and nobody takes advantage of Idia's family while he's around.
Now that I've covered the Shroud brothers, there's one last member of Yuu's makeshift family I wanna talk about here, and he gets brought into the picture after the Shroud family leaves for Edo.
About four years after the Shroud family leaves, a formfolk is born in Yuu/Jack's household, and it's from one of Yuu's old toys. It was a small wooden crocodile that Yuu's father made along with several other wooden animals.
Because the crocodile was her father's favorite animal, Yuu always especially treasured that one after he died, so she'd take extra good care of it and make sure it was always clean as it remained in a shelf that she could always look at.
Because Yuu had a lot of love for that crocodile, a formfolk is eventually born from it, much to her great surprise.
Naturally, Yuu is also very excited since this means she'll have a new family member/friend, and she quickly gives him the name Sebek, which she came up thanks to a book she once read thanks to the Shroud family sharing their huge book collection with her that mentioned the Egyptian deity, Sobek, who is associated with crocodiles.
Jack is a little exasperated by this turn of events because Sebek has such a huge appetite, but he doesn't mind having another face around since he gets along well enough with Sebek. Plus, it makes Yuu happy to have another family member/friend, and he's glad there's someone else to help him look after Yuu.
Sebek here is a lot like his TWST game counterpart, except he doesn't have any negative feelings toward humans, although he does hate the villagers for making Yuu suffer, like Jack.
In this setting, Sebek treats Yuu like his master and is very loyal/decidated to her and quite protective of her.
While Yuu greatly appreciates how dedicated Sebek is to her, she doesn't want him to treat her like she's his master since she sees them both as equals.
Thankfully, after enough time passes, Yuu is able to get Sebek to be more relaxed and less formal around her, and he begins treating her more like Jack, although he still remains overprotective of her.
From the start, Sebek thought highly of Yuu because of all the love she showed him when he was just a wooden crocodile, and he found it impressive that she could remain so kindhearted despite everything she went through thanks to the villagers.
However, after spending time with her as a formfolk, Sebek's attachment toward her grew even stronger because she treated him as an equal and always showered him with so much genuine love and care.
As a result, Sebek becomes quite close to Yuu, like Jack, and ends up seamlessly incorporating himself into Yuu & Jack's little family since the three of them get along so well.
Of course, there are still times when Jack and Sebek butt heads since their personalities are similar, but they never have serious fights and can usually resolve things within a reasonable amount of time.
Unfortunately, while Sebek's presence in their lives is wholeheartedly welcomed, he does make their living situation more difficult because of his large appetite, even with Jack's hunting skills.
Which leads to Sebek eventually deciding that he needs to find a job so he can make money to buy the food he needs since he refuses to impose upon Yuu/Jack despite Yuu insisting that he doesn't have to do that.
Sebek is determined to find work, however, since he feels he should be responsible for himself, and he's also hoping that he can make enough money that he can use it to further improve Yuu/Jack's lives that way they don't have to always scour the forest for food.
That's why Sebek goes on a journey to find work since he doesn't want anything to do with the nearby village. He's hoping he can find a town that's not too far from home, so he can make regular trips back to see Yuu/Jack.
Sadly, Sebek's journey ends in tragedy since he ends up turning back into a wooden crocodile after having saved the shogun, whom he didn't realize was the shogun at the time, from a blightfall by shoving him to safety.
The shogun, who had been traveling incognito at the time, had shared his food with a hungry Sebek who had collapsed by the road prior to that incident, which is what led to Sebek risking his life to save him.
After the Oniwaban, who eventually arrived on the scene, later defeated the blightfall, the shogun collected Sebek's item and decided that he'd make him into a vessel since he didn't know who and where Sebek's owner was, only Sebek's name, since this is the only way to give Sebek's life back to him without his owner.
Plus, by having Sebek join the Oniwaban, Sebek will have a stable job and a roof over his head, which the shogun felt he deserved after sacrificing himself for his sake. This is why Sebek becomes so loyal to the shogun and treats him as his master since the shogun always treats him so kindly.
Unfortunately, this means that when Sebek is reborn his memories and heart are sealed, so he no longer remembers Yuu and Jack, which the two are naturally sad about when they finally reunite with him.
This reunion happens when Idia is sent to retrieve Yuu because Sebek is tasked with accompanying him.
Yuu is elated when she sees Idia and Sebek since she had missed them dearly, and she had been worried sick about Sebek whom she hasn't seen/heard from in months.
(Yuu had wanted to go looking for Sebek, but Jack convinced her to wait since it was possible that Sebek had to travel a great distance to find work or that Sebek didn't want to contact them until he had good news about work since he's so prideful and wouldn't ever want to admit he couldn't do what he set out to do.)
She's both confused and heartbroken when Sebek asks if he knows her while Jack is angry since he can't believe Sebek could just forget them like that.
Upon realizing Yuu is Sebek's owner, Idia quickly pulls her and Jack aside and explains Sebek's situation and how vessels have their memories/hearts sealed.
He also tells them that if a vessel's heart/memories were to ever become unsealed the vessel would soon cease to exist, so if they don't want to lose Sebek, they need to accept his memory loss and not force him to remember.
Yuu is devastated by this news, but she, along with Jack, agrees to keep Sebek's past a secret from him since she can't bear the thought of losing him again.
Fortunately, despite his memories being sealed, Sebek seems to unconsciously recognize who Yuu is since he feels drawn to her, and he's kinder to her than he has ever been to any other human aside from the shogun he so loyally serves.
Sebek is also quick to protect Yuu when a blightfall appears in her village after the villagers get all worked up over Idia and Sebek bringing Yuu down to the village from the mountain, like what happened in the game.
Initially, Sebek fights the blightfall on his own since Idia's magic can't outright defeat blightfall, only someone with Snow Sacrament can do that, but Jack ends up joining the fight despite Yuu/Idia telling him not to.
Much to everyone's surprise, after working with Sebek to fight the monster, Jack manages to unconsciously use Snow Sacrament on the blightfall, which, according to Idia, shouldn't be possible.
Idia has never seen anything like this, so he has no idea how Jack can perform a feat like that, and of course, neither does Jack who was just acting on instinct and his strong desire to protect his friends.
The only possible explanation Idia can think of is Jack's prolonged exposure to Yuu and the fact that he became a Beastman because of Yuu led to him obtaining a special power the likes of which her clan posseses, although it sounds way too surreal to him.
While the shogunate's orders were to recruit just Yuu to the Oniwaban, Idia knows they'll be interested in Jack as well, so he decides to introduce them both to the shogun. That way Jack can remain close to Yuu to keep her safe and Jack can use his power to help them deal with the blightfall.
Initially, there are some reservations about joining the Oniwaban on Yuu/Jack's end, but because they trust Idia and want to be with Sebek, they agree to go to Edo with them after Yuu asks the villagers to take care of her father's grave in her absence.
And that's all I've got right now. I'll write more later if I can think of anything else for this AU lol
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lovejustforaday · 5 months
2023 Year End List - #1
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夢之駭客 Dream Hacker - Otay:onii
Main Genres: Post-Industrial, Experimental
A decent sampling of: Neoclassical Darkwave, Electroacoustic, Glitch, Industrial Techno, Drone
Brace yourself, cause from here on out this is mostly just gonna be me fanboying and gushing uncontrollably.
Back in 2021, I had championed the Chinese American singer/songwriter/composer/producer/performance artist Lane Shi Otayonii a.k.a. Otay:onii for her experimental record Ming Ming on that year's roundup, describing her potential to become "one of the greatest producers of the decade". But who is this enigmatic artist?
Lane Shi divides her time and energy between creating and touring with her hardcore noise rock band Elizabeth Colour Wheel, and performing studio black magic with her solo project under the Otay:onii name.
She is also an artist who regularly alternates her base of operations between two worlds, residing at different times in New York City and Shanghai. The duality of her identity as a Chinese American is a narrative thread that appears many times throughout the artist's work, informing some of the thematic elements of her records.
According to a really great interview she did with the YouTuber Heinos, the moniker 'Otayonii' itself is actually a name that was given to the artist when she met a Seneca First Nations man, who asked if he could call her by the name for 'wolf' in his ancestral language. She liked the sound and what it represented, and so decided to own her new given title.
Musically, Otay:onii is primarily a post-industrial project, but Lane Shi regularly incorporates aspects of darkwave, glitch, drone, traditional Chinese music, and electroacoustic music into her work. Her signature sound is equal parts atmospheric, lovecraftian, primordial, playful, and frenetic. She's kinda like if an ancient vengeful demi-god reemerged from the bowels of the Earth, and learned how to download and play around with studio software on a laptop.
As a vocalist, Lane Shi possesses a contralto range, and falls under one of my favourite niche categories of woman singers I like to call "force-of-nature belters", along with the likes of Tanya Tagaq and Björk. She has a trademark lower register that I would describe as a witch's snarl, a gentler middle register, as well as a higher register that she usually reserves for piercing battle cries and wailing like a banshee.
Her 2018 debut Nag was a comparatively more minimalist, grayscale undertaking, heavy on the more ambient and gothic tones of her sound. A genuinely solid first effort, if a bit less memorable than later records, barring the deliciously dreary eponymous song which is still among her very best.
2021's Ming Ming was an upgrade in all respects. Pulling major influences from Chinese folk music and folklore, I described the record in my previous Otay:onii review as a "true Pandora's Box . . . like the story of a mortal who attempts to enter the realm of the gods". Lots of ominous industrial cyber-magic, with a rare few moments that could have perhaps been edited down or omitted altogether to increase the force of its impact.
So, what to make of her latest then?
Dream Hacker is an exorcism. An inferno of ancient eternal flames envelops this absolutely bonkers and surreal listening experience. Each song carries powerful buildups in intensity combined with impossibly elegant structural competence. Far and away one of the most visceral and transcendent records I have ever beheld. This gets into your bloodstream, like an innate, raw instinct towards entropy.
Otay:onii's work has never sounded quite this immediate, energetic, and dynamic, thanks to the incorporation of avant-garde industrial techno beats that gives the whole project a mighty propulsion. Even during its quieter moments, you as the listener are never far from being engulfed in its unruly fire and brimstone. So many little leftfield moments that made me audibly go "what the fuck?" upon my first listen, too.
To me, this is album of the year not just because it poses the best collection of songs from an artist in 2023 (which, to be clear, it does), but also because it forms the most cohesive and fully realized project of the year. Every moment of this record feels intentional, meticulously crafted, and designed to fit accordingly into a larger entity. This is almost a living, breathing organism unto itself.
Lane Shi described how much of the inspiration for Dream Hacker came to her in a dream, or as she sees it, an "astral projection". Within this dream, she says she witnessed stones being thrown by a child until two of them overlapped, followed by a great light which emerged from the center of the overlap. The imagery was profound enough that she ended up naming most of the tracks after different aspects of what she saw in the dream.
The album starts with humble beginnings. "You Do/Rub" is a two-parter, opening with the haunting, softly swirling piano ballad melancholy of "You Do". The lyrics are deeply cutting and vulnerable, as the artist ponders her shaky relationship with her father as a daughter of the generation where China had implemented the one child policy, breeding stigma against female offspring in the more conservative rural communities. Lane Shi wields her voice like a delicate blade, gracefully and artfully interrogating her father's worldview. The progression of the piano's melody suggests a kind of resolution in ambiguity, resisting rigid, narrow-minded answers to multidimensional questions.
Then quite abruptly, "Rub" completely overtakes and drowns out the serenity of the softer piano song, like a sudden onset computer virus infection. What becomes of this part two is honestly one of the most immaculate timbral frequencies I've ever heard. A glitchy, droning wall of madness forms in dark, ominous, tempestuous clouds all across the sky. Warm colours are sucked out of existence by a black hole, leaving only greyish pale blues. The soul is washed with abrasion until all that's left is the ability to observe. Sound design on this is fucking unreal, as though Lane Shi Otayonii is wiping clean of our universe, leaving only a empty slate to form the basis for her own new sonic domain, wherein she is god of all things.
"Light Burst" is the combustion spark of a rebirth of all things that comes immediately after. Lane Shi let's out a shrill cry of tremendous power and agony amidst the grinding dust and debris of an incredibly dense and intricate industrial techno concoction, built upon her long standing love affair with minor second chord progressions. This track does not relent, adding more and more layers to its already colossal tower of babel proportions until, just as suddenly as it came into existence, it vanishes without a trace of detection.
"Two Rocks A Bird" oscillates like an electron creating new electromagnetic waves. Sound particles split into atoms that dance in a mindless frenzy. Even as a regular Arca fan, I don't think I was ready to comprehend something like this the first time I heard it. Subverted all of my expectations. I think the artist may have invented a few completely new sound textures on this track. A highly reactive new form of industrial music.
After deliberating with all of the sheer fucking brilliance to be found on this project, I eventually concluded that "Overlap" was my favourite off of the record. Like the best song on her last LP "Blackheart Breakables", this is an epic midpoint that just continues to build and build, feeding endlessly like a malignant being that cannot be stopped. Hand drum beat patterns are mutated, modulated, and mutilated by industrial electroacoustic mechanisms, while a synthesized flute echos a most forlorn and sinister melody.
Lane Shi takes on the shape of a skillful pyromancer, testing her newfound powers by conjuring a sea of flames that I visualize with my mind's eye as something similar to the Darvaza Gas Crater. Alternatively, I imagine thousand year old stains of bloodshed on the tombs of a ransacked temple, or the ancient terracotta soldiers of Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum brought to life for the purpose of ushering a new war. "Overlap" is just something else, man. My other pick for song of the year.
"Ritualware" opens with a rare calm, dreams swirling on the outskirts of a newborn world that has not reached its zenith. The spacious void bursts to life with a single, literal drop (another brilliant production choice), creating ripples in space-time that give way to a trumpeting sawtooth synths' cacophonous symphony.
"Good Fool" brings things to a stirringly harmonious denouement. The light of the last candle is blown out, and a creeping dusk sets in. Petals of sound float along the wind and promptly dissipate, as everything reaches an uncanny stillness. A hushed, rapid-fire breakdown of bass drums, hand drums, and gongs occurs as the final closing act of the record.
I know I've already said this like a dozen times before about a dozen different artists, but it really needs to be said here - more people should know about Otay:onii. No one I've discovered has been doing anything as consistently exciting, challenging, and infectious as this project in the last few years. As it stands right now, the artist is criminally unknown and criminally underappreciated.
Dream Hacker is the rare ambitious record that dares to be so challenging and not only lives up to all of its potential, but manages to make the old formula of doing things look incredibly obsolete by comparison. Not many avant-garde music albums are this ridiculously fun to listen to, let alone manage to capture sonic worlds that are this truly sublime.
I've probably listened to this at least 40 times in the last year, and I plan on at least doubling that number in the following year. This is not just my album of the year; it is my top album of the 2020s as a decade so far, and already one of my favourites of all time. This record sets my soul ablaze and I simply can't get enough of it. Otay:onii is my new religion, and Dream Hacker is the scripture.
Highlights: "Overlap", "You Do/Rub", "Light Burst", "Two Rocks A Bird", "Ritualware", "Good Fool"
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itsybitsylemonsqueezy · 9 months
How do you rank the Yakuza games by story quality?
Welp, this will be opening up a can of worms, but to thank you for asking... (still leaving out both Judgment games because I'm a loser who hasn't played them) And obviously, this will get long, so much more under the cut:
First: Yakuza 0 -
You can all dunk on me for putting the popular choice first, but it's popular for a reason. The story stands on its own feet; if you never played another Yakuza game, you still got a satisfying story out of this. No dangling plot threads or criminally underutilized characters*. I think as a whole the series could have built more on these themes, I think Kiwami 1 does a little, which we'll get to in due course, but in general my biggest problem with Yakuza series writing is they adamantly refuse to view their writing as a story and only see it as a vehicle for a video game which... makes for some really questionable decisions. (* I know there are those who think more should have been done with Makoto or Nishitani living and there's room to argue here. It's half the reason to write fanfiction, but I think from a bird's eye view, we have a cohesive narrative where the stakes were fulfilled.)
Second: Yakuza 7 -
On the whole, this was a really solid entry writing wise. There's only a couple of missteps I see here and mostly they're to do with the very end. So, spoilers for the end of Yakuza 7, skip to the next point if you don't want to know. I think it would have been really cool if they'd just made Ichiban Black-Asian, but that's a personal quibble for me. I think crowbarring Kiryu in was... questionable and not really good??? For Ichiban??? But my biggest problem was killing Ryo, that was absolutely unneeded and kinda makes a mockery of Kiryu's entire arc. Like, Ichiban and Kiryu, as have oft been noted, are very different protagonists. Kiryu is haunted by the sins of his father and the death of his brother. These slowly eat Kiryu from the inside out (much like cancer) turning him bitter and away from the yakuza as a whole. We deal with these themes in every single game, more or less. That's not what Ichiban's set up to deal with. Ichiban from day 1 is Just Some Guy, started at the bottom now we're here. He's all about success and joy and loving life, especially in the face of adversity, and in particular, in the face of social convention. Killing his brother saddles Ichiban with deep guilt and grief over what could have been, should have been, or at least it should, right? Ichiban spends their last minutes together trying to save his soul and I think would have been successful if the writing hadn't fucked him at the last second. And just... why? What purpose does it serve? Tying up loose ends? I don't know how to explain this, but you actually can let a character's story be over without killing them. That's actually just a very normal thing you can do. And this is what I mean about viewing the story as a video game rather than as a story: the boss must be defeated, Ryo must die, whether or not that makes any fucking sense. And especially in the context of what Kiryu went through, this looks super fucking bad because I can almost guarantee we will never revisit any guilt or sorrow over that death in any future game. Like, we do the exact same thing, Ichiban traumatically loses a brother he had a fraught relationship with, just like Kiryu, but instead of changing him and his trajectory irrevocably it just... bounces off. Really, really bad choice, I do not care for it.
Third: Yakuza Kiwami 1 -
Haters gonna hate, but I love Kiwami 1. I think it's an excellent retelling and refinement of the first Yakuza while incorporating a lot of relevant details and character progress from Yakuza 0. If I was going to level a criticism at it, it would be that we still shy from letting Kiryu confirm his emotional tethers. For all that I think there's some very strong writing regarding what Kiryu cares about and what motivates him, at strange moments the writing will suddenly back down in a fit of cowardly homophobia and cling to just enough plausible deniability that they won't upset censors or alienate less subtextual readers. This goes hand in hand with the narrative cannot fucking figure out what to do with Majima. He's important! But not that important. He's Kiryu's closest friend and also they hate each other. Sometimes the narrative tries very hard to convince you It's Not Gay We Swear, The Rivalry Is So Straight And Malicious You Guys when two scenes before they lovingly stared into each others eyes while speaking deep personal truths for like a full three minutes, unblinking, unlaughing. And in the context of later games, it's weird to give Majima so much space in this game and in 0, to give him oodles of screen time, to make it very clear how close he and Kiryu are, and then frantically backtrack and nearly try to erase him from the narrative later, assure you he's Just Some Guy to Kiryu, after they've already painstakingly proved otherwise. It's frustrating, but certainly not a unique criticism. And I get that Majima has a big pull promotional wise, we all love the mad man, but... pick a lane. Either let him be Kiryu's one true love or stop messing with this shit, since it makes you so uncomfortable to imply otherwise.
Fourth: Yakuza 3 -
Okay, this game has really, really good writing actually! Yes, it drags in spots, but I think this game pulls off the greatest villain reveal of the whole series. It's really hard to reveal a villain's motives at the very end and have it resonate with the audience. And when you hear Mine say "Daigo is the only man I ever loved" it fucking makes sense. All his weird behavior, his barely contained rage, his psychotic choices... it all becomes crystal clear why as you see this picture of a man with the worst kind of self-esteem problems, who pinned the whole of his essence on someone else and cannot come to terms with the reality of human frailty. I make no apologies for being a huge fan of Mine and he's definitely the best written character in the game. This game still struggles with letting Kiryu put proper emotional weight on his core relationships, both with Majima and with Daigo specifically. And even with his orphanage, we introduce all those children but when do they ever matter? Yes, this is a yakuza game, Kiryu has to go out and fight people because this is a game and he's the protagonist, but then why have him retire to the beach at all if you're just going to have him come back, painlessly, every time?
Fifth: Yakuza 5 -
Oh, Yakuza 5, my ugly beloved. My swan song. My cherished disaster. Equal parts sublime and terrible. This is peak writing for Kiryu, of all the games, this one understands him the best. He's tired and sad and bitter, he's riddled with guilt and doing his best and his best is shit, and in the end he still tries to come home. God, this... this was the closest we ever came to letting Kiryu grow, letting him learn his lesson, letting him understand that dying like his father did and abandoning his family is not the fucking answer. Kiryu's arc in this game is so good, so earned, we even let him go bug fucking crazy at the idea Majima is dead, I could swoon. God, this was So Good, I will not hear any criticisms about Kiryu in this game, 10/10 Kiryu.
On the other hand, it has been well documented that I am a Mirei Park hater, RIP to her lovers, but I just hated every part of that. I think Majima was character assassinated this game. I understand that at the time, 0 and both Kiwamis didn't exist yet and so the writing is responding to this impulse that for Majima to work, for him to make sense, there has to be deep pain and tragedy in his background. But this was a catastrophic vehicle for it, it does not fit for him, and they did a 10/10 job in 0 so... that's the canon I believe. Semi-related, I don't love making Haruka an idol? Not only does she state in previous games that she's not interested in being an idol, but I just think it's a waste of her potential. I love her being a protag, I wish we could get MORE protag Haruka, god she deserves it, we deserve it. And I think there were many other ways we could have done that, I think this fell prey to a lack of imagination on the part of the writers. But, she does call her father home in the end and decide this isn't what she wanted after all so... I do love that. They snatched it back in the end.
And hey, we even got a fulfilling arc out of Saejima! Who knew! On balance, the writing of this game is really good, it just has a couple of critical failures for me. But mostly, expert characterization and finally allowing emotional weight to have its due. It's cruel of me to say, but I so wish the series had ended here. Or even hard reboot with 7, that's fine. Just... man. I wish we hadn't destroyed everything we did correctly here.
Sixth: Yakuza 4 -
Everyone loves to dunk on Yakuza 4 for being too complicated and difficult to understand. That actually doesn't bother me. I think the plot isn't that bad to follow and I think the introduction of non-yakuza members to the crime world, Akiyama and Tanimura, are really good world building. It helps to understand that there are forces that can impact what the yakuza do and what they are capable of doing. I think Daigo is 10/10 in this game, I think his mistakes are entirely justified, and I love how we have to deal with it.
What I don't love is Kiryu's amnesia from Yakuza 3, that those lessons seem to be entirely lost and have to be learned again. I don't love that there's no continuity of consequences, either from other games into this one or from this game into later ones. That's really my biggest problem with 4. That despite introducing fan favorites like Saejima and Akiyama, both of whom are executed really well and are excellent additions, the political tension and themes that I think are very coherent here don't have much impact on the later series. And maybe that was down to poor reception and people complaining that they didn't like the story. That could just be an artifact of serial publication and bending to the whims of public opinion. Again, for me that's an issue of viewing the story as a video game and product rather than maintaining loyalty to the story above all else. But that's my bias as a writer and as a professional academic when it comes to story.
Seventh: Yakuza 6 -
Full disclosure: I have almost no love for Yakuza 6. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth and a fog in my brain. I find it particularly egregious of erasing past lessons, of ignoring understandings we already had. I think it deliberately ignores emotional weight we already established and used. I loathe what we do with Haruka, that her entire autonomy is stripped from her and she is little more than a bauble used to torture Kiryu. I find the choices made for her at best perplexing and at worst deeply misogynistic and narrow. I hate that rather than use characters already long-established to deal with Kiryu's trauma regarding organized crime, family, brotherhood, and fatherhood, we introduce new people who do not matter and will never be seen again instead of resolving anything with the people we already know and care about. It feels like an incredible slap in the face to anyone who cared about those previous characters and the relationships they had with Kiryu.
Think about that letter to Daigo at the end. How earned, how deserved it is. And yet, it's so hollow because it's literally the bare minimum Kiryu needed to do for him. Think about how much more fulfilling this story could have been if we actually spent it with Daigo, resolving all the pain there. Also, Kiryu faking his death??? Abandoning his family, after we just literally in the last game proved why you shouldn't do that??? I get that this was supposed to be the end of the series and nothing is more final than death. But at the first opportunity they drag Kiryu back, like they always do. So his faked death does nothing to the plot except hurt the people around him, the people who cared about him. I in fact wrote an entire fic about how bad a job I think this game was and how much it hurt me personally. So it's very hard for me to be objective about this.
Viewing it apart from continuity, it's a relatively engaging story about a middle-aged dad trying to navigate a shady past. And if you look at this like that, if Kiryu was just some guy, some stranger, I know I wouldn't be as devastated by it as I am. For all the people who love this game, maybe that's what's working for you. It's also lush and beautiful and Kiryu's ass is in every shot. But putting it in context... I can't really think of anything I like here.
Eighth: Yakuza Kiwami 2 -
Now, now, before you get angry, I love Kiwami 2! In terms of enjoyment, I rate it very high! But... it's a pretty hot mess in terms of story. It's a real odd duck in continuity and I know that's down to it was originally a sequel to a standalone game that was never meant to have a sequel. And when they remade Yakuza 1, they couldn't very well not make Yakuza 2. But considering what we later did in the series... it just doesn't quite come together. Like, Ryuji should matter. The shit we bring up about that backstory should matter. This was a great opportunity for Kiryu to unpack some of his feelings about the yakuza and it makes sense that he's depressed as shit here, but... there's just a lot of missed opportunities. In our pursuit of putting Daigo on the throne, there was so much more work we could have done regarding the sins of the father, the narrative is kinda set up for that since we're a father-son team, but... we don't really. We again let Kiryu refuse to unpack and shy out of the emotional weight of our choices. I don't love that. And since we do some of the work, we at least start it, in Yakuza 3 with Kiryu having to acknowledge that he abandoned Daigo in a shit position (god if only, if only...), it's weird that we didn't build more of the blocks here. Again, I know this is largely down to Yakuza 2 was never supposed to exist and they didn't know how many games they would get, but since it's a remake, they had time to go back and clean things up. *sigh* Oh well, at least there's Ryuji titty and tigers to fight.
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armoricaroyalty · 1 year
dev diaries #2 - april 14th, 2023
Life comes at you fast.
Per my last one of these, I was going to use this blog to talk primarily about Emily and Josie's friendship, but my plans have shifted a lot since then.
Without getting into detail, I'd hit a bit of a slump with my story. I really liked what I've been doing with it, but I was tangled up in an outline that I had slowly come to realize didn't really suit my end goals. There was a lot of filler in that original outline, mostly to try to convey the passage of time and show what my characters get up to when they're not having dramatic arguments or chance encounters with their brother's ex-girlfriend and the baby that might be his. It was good material, but it wasn't stuff that excited me in the way that the next part of the story did.
So! I decided to cut to the chase and trim a lot of filler.
I have a new outline for the rest of my chapter 2, one that I'm super excited about. Josie plays a minor but important role in it, so that's what I'll be focusing on.
Over the course of the last couple months, I've realized that the parts of my stories I am most excited about are the ones where lots of different little plot threads converge in one big event. Emily's brother's wedding, Jacques' bachelor party, the museum gala...those are my happy places, narratively.
To that end, I decided to give Josie a fiancee almost as soon as I hit 'post' on the first entry in this series. Her wedding was going to be a minor setpiece/a backdrop for an upcoming Emily plot, but I realized I could inflate its importance a bit, involve more characters, and once again make all of my plots happen at the same time, in the same place. It wasn't my intention, but once the idea had occurred to me, I was too into it to let it go.
For all of my plans to work, I needed to figure out how to get a bunch of different characters into one room. I'd already decided that Josie should work for the royal family in some capacity, but I decided for the sake of the plot that she should be on Rosalind's communications/PR team. I think this fits in with the things I'd already decided about her, and it further helps with characterization.
People who work in communications tend to be outgoing and quick on their feet. Comms work (especially for a formal institution like a royal family) implies a high degree of professional and personal polish.
Josie (last name is tentatively 'Logan' as a nod to Succession, which I am watching and enjoying a lot...can you tell?) is going to be outgoing, into storytelling, and skilled at managing tricky personalities. Emily has that same level of polish but is less poised and much more introverted. I think this could set them up for a really fun dynamic, and I've already got some ideas about how to utilize that in my larger, long-term plans.
I'm really excited about my new plans, and really happy that I had some initial ideas for Josie that could be incorporated into the larger plot. I think that's the biggest part of my method, is just generating a lot of ideas that are potentially kinda interesting and then trying to make connections between them and tie things together. No one element needs to really shine on its own, because it's the gestalt of a lot of little ideas that makes the story tick.
That's it for now! Next post might just be wedding dresses, ngl.
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regarding-stories · 9 months
Roundup of the backlog... returns!
As the Bloodhound Gang said... I had a lot of time. So, naturally, I watched anime and read some light novels and manga!
But I didn't end up writing about them. Fail. So let's give some at least a mention.
Hell's Paradise
The protagonist is a shinobi/assassin from a village who trains lots of them, finally up for the chopping block due to a betrayal. His executioner is a female sword master. Because the shogun craves an immortality elixir, both of them end up on a cursed island full of a strange remix of the Daoist, Buddhist, and other afterlives, fighting for their lives and seeking the elixir. As the story unfolds, more than a few things unravel.
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Visually stunning, rather gory and violent, interesting concept and execution. Nasty butterflies, though.
Wave, Listen to Me!
Series focused on a woman who doesn't have her life together, ending up getting a radio show for her artful rants. The story is irreverent, doesn't thrive on typical anime tropes, and sometimes the protagonist is just... endless cringe. As such the whole thing is relatable and aimed at adults, for a change.
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Intense, too... Give it a try, you might like it.
I'm feeling like I'm spoiling something major here, but it gets revealed very early on, so here's the synopsis: Guy finds girl on trash yard and recognizes her as a "Player" because she has... a place to connect an audio cable? He then shows her the "Equipment" he restored which turns out to be a... guitar amplifier. Yes, the thing that takes electric guitar signals and makes them loud and awesome. And when she jacks in... it turns into a giant mecha under her control, in a design resembling the original guitar amp.
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Fuck yeah!
So, "Players" battle a thread called "the Earless" with the help of their "Equipment." Expect to see a lot of classic guitar amps, mecha designs lovingly crafted to incorporate what made them stand out, and a deluge of references to all kinds of music, including ... Einstürzende Neubauten?? Yes, this is definitely from Japan.
The Prince/Artist Formerly Known Of... episode kinda sucks, but it's a solid anime with a unique twist in how it tells a story involving giant mecha, and some of its pop culture jokes are priceless.
The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten
Unsurprising plot surprisingly well executed. Girl that's sweet on a boy starts showing up to take care of him. Takes him all season to get a clue (because Japanese rom-com). Wraps up with the season.
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Generally sweet and I enjoyed it all the way through.
Girl from the future with telekinetic superpowers shows up on Yakuza middle manager's doorstep. Yes, he kind of becomes her dad.
Everything about this show is weird (and so is the original manga, which you could get for cheap on Humble Bundle). It mostly features girls at high school age suddenly thrust into the world of adults, working jobs, for example, a theater of the absurd.
Blew my mind when it actually gave serious consideration to the life of homeless people in Japan. (In a dignified way, for sure.)
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One of the weirder shows out there while still featuring a plot progression and character arcs. Go figure.
Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari
In this show, objects can take on spirits and this gives those spirits access to the mortal realm. Meet an overzealous guy with tragic backstory who is tasked with policing them. To teach him a softer touch, he's thrust into a household with a young woman (with a tragic backstory) and five such spirit-people who enlisted in helping fight out-of-control spirit-people. Of course he doesn't like them at first, bonds form, lots of dramatic battles and slow personal change.
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So, this is basically a slow-boiling romance between two unusual people interwoven with something that resembles a bit a police procedural, definitely a lot of action, and a growing cast of characters. Expect intrigue and some gray areas, too.
It's really hard to summarize this show, it's actually better to watch it!
Masamune-kun's Revenge
Masamune was a fat kid who got his heart broken in the most cruel way (and beaten up), so he got obsessed with working out. When he realizes the girl that did that to him is the man-hater of his new high school, he begins to plot revenge - to make her fall for him and then cruelly dump her.
Many people apparently expected that to go straightforwardly, but the series is actually full of plot twists and a somewhat sweet romance story.
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The problem is that it at some point doesn't know how to sustain its own continuation, so instead of winding down, it throws more plot twists at us. Also expect lots of "never communicate" moments.
It has some nice characters going for itself. It also has some of the worst character intros. And whenever it seems to finally go well (in terms of a resolving narrative), it reverts to some unfortunate harem logic - which it didn't set up properly, either, so it doesn't really pay off. This prevents this show from getting truly good - it probably paced itself wrong, and then flails making up for it.
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
Wow, this show is surely grim in its look on reality. Meet the protagonist, working a dead-end job for a black company. He literally works all the time, his life unravels, sleep-deprived, unable to enjoy any of it. Watch his descent into becoming a mindless capitalist zombie...
And then the actual zombie apocalypse happens. What a relief!
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So, Japan is afflicted by a massive outbreak, almost everyone is dead, Tokyo is overrun by zombies that move way too fast, but this guy sets out to do 100 things to enjoy life before he dies. Somehow this struck a nerve, because it already got a live-action adaptation while the anime adaptation is also released.
It has strong art, it's super-gory at times, its humor is extremely dark, but most of the time it's fun to watch. (Just not while eating dinner.)
And all the parts really hard to watch are when we see the psychological abuse heaped on our main character in the workplace. That tells you something... Here the show is absolutely merciless. No kidding.
Am I Actually the Strongest?
Japan's anime industry is a hungry beast, and for plots it mostly surveys its enormous manga (so it also saves on original designs) and light novel markets. And there are only so many original ideas, it seems. So a lot of books with unimaginative titles exist, something on the nose like (I made these up) "Vampire Maid from Another World" or "Strongest Necromancer Now Reincarnated As Manga Store Clerk". And you would be surprised how many of these end up being picked up to be given at least one anime season. (Bottom of the barrel, anyone?)
"Am I Actually the Strongest?" is taking such a "remix premise" but it definitely has good execution. Boy is reborn in another world, and the ditzy goddess in charge of his case actually tries to make him an absolutely overpowered magician, but she fails to give him a magic school because she doesn't understand the magic system. He's born to royalty but since his magic is off the scale, the magic detection ritual actually reads it as almost non-existent, and he's discarded in the woods. Yes, a comedy of errors unfolds.
(Can't find any GIF for this I'm willing to show.)
The show makes fun of some of the Isekai genre's tropes, and follows our protagonist around as he rises in the world while actually trying to return to the lazy shut-in life he enjoyed before. So his character arc is actually involuntary and maybe driven by his care for this growing cast of people around him.
All in all a decent show, but expect some typical anime shenanigans.
The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses
Did I mention on-the-nose titles? Middle schooler has a crush on the girl sitting next to him. Luckily for him, she always forgets her glasses and apparently is almost blind as a bat without them.
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Slowly this unfolds into a sweet little love story where he constantly tells himself (to an annoying degree) that she's not into him to keep the tension just a bit longer.
It's one of those guilty little pleasures where you wonder how they twist it in the next story, but we all know the premise is stupid.
Speaking of idiot goddesses. Konosuba is a parody on the Isekai and fantasy genres. Guy dies trying to save someone (but it was actually unneeded), so he gets to reincarnate in a fantasy world, allowed to take "one thing" with him to aid him in his quest against the Demon Lord. Since the ditzy goddess pisses him off, he chooses her, and he ends up in that world without a special skill and with her by his side.
His party soon fills up with two also completely weird characters - a wizard who can cast only one giant explosion per day and then collapses, and a crusader knight who misses every swing but can withstand massive punishment on the front line. The wizard is a "loli" obsessed with only one kind of magic and no other skills, and the knight is a beautiful but completely perverted masochist who says the most outrageous things throughout the series while on the surface pretending to want to remain chaste. The goddess herself is spoiled and wastes money, and spends the majority of her skill points on (surprisingly expensive) party tricks.
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This is one show that takes neither itself or its genre serious, sometimes to its detriment. You'd wish at some point that it was more plot-focused or its characters had more sense... yet it relies on this setup for humor. It still grew on me.
It definitely is a show full of boob jokes, though. Excessively so. They aren't very funny, either. A very self-referential anime full of tropes to boot - and that part is funny.
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pass-the-bechdel · 4 years
The Good Place full series review
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How many episodes pass the Bechdel test?
96% (forty-eight of fifty).
What is the average percentage of female characters with names and lines for the full series?
How many episodes have a cast that is at least 40% female?
How many episodes have a cast that is at least 50% female?
How many episodes have a cast that is less than 20% female?
Positive Content Status:
Good - you might even say, strong - in the sense that it’s all there, pretty much all of the big representation bells are ringing, particularly the ones for women and racial diversity. That said, the show is generally content to sit pretty and not push the envelope on inclusivity, so if you’re looking for inspiration in-text instead of just in casting, you might be disappointed. At any rate, it’s a solid feel-good time, and not likely to make you mad (average rating of 3.01).
Which season had the best representation statistics overall?
The numbers stay pretty consistent across the whole series, but if I had to call a winner, it’s season four, which has the highest percentage of female characters and the only above-average positive content rating (though that was awarded somewhat cumulatively, and so doesn’t feel particularly well-earned by that season above the others). 
Which season had the worst representation statistics overall?
It’s such a close call, but season three must be the loser here by virtue of the lowest ratio of female to male characters; it also had one of the series’ two Bechdel fails. Like I said, it’s...a really close call.
Overall Series Quality:
There’s so much about it that is fresh and original and interesting, I wish I could love it more. After a magnificent debut season, the show suffers immensely for a lack of pacing and the absence of coherently-planned plot, and at times the stagnating characterisation and pointless filler caked into the cracks in the storytelling can be frustrating and/or tedious. I’m only as disappointed as I am because the potential for greatness was so strong. That said, even at it’s worst The Good Place is still entertaining, and most of it is better than that. It’s irreverent, it’s fun, it’s surprising, and sometimes it’s even as poignant as it is remarkable. I have my gripes, in droves, but that doesn’t mean this show is not worthy.
MORE INFO (and potential spoilers) under the cut:
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Imagine. Imagine a version of this show where the first season is basically the same, and the second season is...somewhat similar to how it is, but with more focus and direction, less time-wasting; a second season where figuring out that some fundamental change to their circumstances is necessary comes early, and instead of faffing about with ethical lessons in the fake neighbourhood again while Michael pretends he can get everyone to the Good Place, we get down to business with going on the run and into the Bad Place to find the judge and petition for help. Imagine this show, but the third season has none of that return to Earth crap, and instead, is the neighbourhood experiment from season four, properly fleshed out. And then season four is all about going to the Good Place and solving the problems there, addressing issues with the concept of utopia and the ineffectual bureaucracy of obsessive niceness (used for comedic effect in the actual show, but c’mon, there’s a whole untapped reservoir about morality there). Each season could have (gasp!) a properly-planned and plotted arc, dealing with a different school of ethical considerations, and I dunno, maybe the characterisation could have trajectory too, and the characters could vitally shape the storytelling, and maybe not get their personalities and experiences erased and rebooted over and over again, nullifying large swathes of the narrative which came before? Ideally, they could be reset zero (0) times, or at least have all their reboot experiences dumped back into them in the first few episodes of season two, so that they could proceed from there as whole people. Rebooting everyone’s personalities is not actually necessary to the plot in any way, and is, actually, incredibly detrimental to storytelling and especially, character development. Imagine this show, but just chilling out and actually telling a coherent story? 
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I am all the more annoyed by how things turned out on this show because I know that the four seasons were planned for, rather than being the result of cancellation; the idea that the creators sat down and ‘plotted’ (using that term loosely) to make this mess drives me a little wild. The (attempted) avoidance of the dreaded ‘stagnation’ seems obvious, and it leads to major narrative shortcuts and jumps and instances where the show spends an episode or two on what should have been a half-season’s development, minimum, and yet at other times all momentum grinds to a halt for a bizarre bottle-type episode where the characters just talk about a concept for a while or work on some unimportant romantic subplot. The various ethical concepts that the show heavily incorporated as its bread and butter in the first season start to stick out like sore thumbs in season two, seemingly wedged into one episode or another for no real reason other than just to be there, and the fact that the show lets go of the idea of moral choices in the life mattering at all in the end leaves the backbone of the show in a very strange shape. I said in the season four review that I didn’t expect the show to come up with some One True Answer about how people should live their lives, but that I was baffled by the fact that the show side-stepped that altogether; what I expected them to conclude was something in the line of ‘we recognise that life is complicated, not all situations are created equal, and it can be hard to know how to proceed ethically or even to access ethical options within one’s circumstances. Still, it is important to do your best, not only for yourself but for your community, because the more good you put into the world, the more there will be to go around and come back to you. What matters most is that you are doing your best with what you’ve got’. The fact that the show distracted itself with fixing how the afterlife rewards people within the afterlife means that it suggests no incentive to perform moral actions in life, and frankly...who gives a fuck? The real world is the place we’re all living in, and there’s no point starting a conversation about morality in real life if the conclusion is just ‘guess we’ll straighten out all the fascists and bigots and the other pieces of shit after they die, so don’t worry, everyone gets to Heaven eventually!’
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Anyway, if that seems like just a reiteration of what I said in the season four review, well. I’m still baffled by it. The other thing I was going to talk about in the season four review but held for the full series instead was that one big thing that I have railed about all the time since season one, and that’s PACING. For all ye wannabe-writers out there, please understand how important pacing is. Even vital plot or character beats can seem like meaningless filler in a poorly-paced story, because your audience’s mind is hardwired to try and follow narrative cues that are being incomprehensibly muddled. Standard structure can be played with, but if you toss it out in favour of ‘stuff just happens, ok? Except when it doesn’t’, you just end up with a soup of disconnected story ideas, and nothing threading it together. Character interactions and especially developments can help to create the through-line you need to keep the story functioning despite itself, but as variously noted with The Good Place...initial characterisation? Strong, excellent. Development? Not so much, not least because they kept getting deleted and rebooted. Also, time skips kept happening, and that’s a great way to fuck over your narrative coherence even more: remove the recognisable constant we call time! It’ll be fine! As with all things, it is perfectly possible to play around with this stuff, but you have to know what you’re doing and be doing it for a good reason, and that’s not what they had going on here. This was narrative soup, and when you have a soup, the pieces all kinda meld together and lose any individual purpose, meaning, or power they may have had. The result in this case was not bad, but it really could have been so much better, and literally all it needed for that was some attention being paid to the story structure via pacing.
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So. The good news is, I think I have pretty well exhausted all of my complaints by now, and that leaves us with the good stuff, of which there was no paltry amount. The show was not a hit by accident (even if I do feel that it’s success had a lot to do with people sticking around after the spectacular first season, and not because it stayed strong throughout), and even if there was a lot of soup going on, what comprised that soup was all really fun and unique, and this made for a wonderful piece of light-hearted television that could be as hilarious as it was insightful. It still had a lot of great takes on things, the commentary was strong (even if it pulled all its punches towards the end), and whether the storytelling was ebbing or flowing, it was always delightful. The show also managed to pull a miraculous finale out of its hat, and that’s a rare thing in television; however the story wobbled over the course, the ending provided enough satisfaction to forgive just about any sins, especially if you don’t happen to have been watching with a deliberately critical eye. Do I wish that Eleanor got to hook up with a chick on-screen some time instead of just making a lot of bi remarks? Yes. Do I consider the show to have queerbaited instead of providing genuine rep? No. Is the underselling of the queer content my most significant representation complaint? Yes, it is, and that's good news considering the world we live in and the dearth of quality representation that the industry has brought us to expect. 
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There's an important distinction to be made there, regarding the tokenistic representation that is very common these days in tv trying for brownie points and good publicity, exactly that kind of 'political' inclusivity that conservatives are always bitching about. It should not be surprising that I support that tokenism over the alternative of having no representation at all, but it can still be quite disheartening to feel like your identity or the identities that you value are being referenced as nothing more than an opportunity for some shitty producer to perform wokeness for attention, praise, and the almighty dollar. I bring this up because - even though The Good Place never really worked up much of a boost to its content rating - one thing I felt that it did really, really right was providing representation without it feeling tokenistic at all. Eleanor's bisexuality wasn't as prominent as I might have preferred, and as noted through the course of the show, there were times I feared it was more bait than real rep, but reflecting on it at the end, the way it was included feels organic, it never gets in the way in order to ensure the audience notices and is dutifully impressed. The number of women around and the multicoloured casting plays out even better; I never once felt cynical about the gender balance I was seeing, and I've said it before but I'll say it again: the fact that the show was packed with names from across the world gives me so much life. I'm still a little salty about Chidi's Senegalese origins getting the shaft (and we won't talk about 'Australia'), but the nonchalant diversity of naming goes such a long way to embracing the idea that this is a world for everyone (and an afterlife for everyone, too). And where anything else might fall apart or lose its way, that is an affirming thing. If you want feel-good tv, it’s here. This is the Good Place.
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behappykeepclassy · 5 years
LOVER Track-by-track Impressions
1. I Forgot That You Existed
catchy AF with the da-da-da in the beginning
“Free rent, living in my mind”
love how she sings “and quieeeetttt”
“It isn’t love, it isn’t hate, it’s just indifference”
“I forgot that you sent me a clear message, taught me some hard lessons”
The “So, yeah” at the end is gold, like vocally shrugging
2. Cruel Summer 
Pure BOP!
Feeling that bass in my soul
“I’m always waiting for you to be waiting below” - 80s John Hughes movie style!
“Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes” is perfect
The whole chorus floats and soars and I love it so much
“You say that we’ll just screw it up in these trying times, we’re not trying” - SUCH A GOOD LINE
“So cut the headlights, summer’s knife, I’m always waiting for you just to cut to the bone” Ouf!
“I don’t wanna keep secrets just to keep you”
The raspy roar in her voice when she sings “He looks up, grinning like a devil”
3. Lover
Quiet and precious and sweet and lovely and cozy
So happy we have an album with a title song again
4. The Man
“They’d say I played the field before i found someone to commit to”
“Every conquest I had made would make me more of a boss to you”
“I’m so sick of running as fast as I can, wondering if I’d get there quicker if I was a man” - MY MOTTO FROM NOW ON, just running through my head constantly
“What I was wearing, if I was rude” - I feel like this also doubles for her sexual assault case against that radio DJ (blaming the victim)
“I’d be just like Leo in Saint-Tropez” LOL
The whole bridge, when she switches from “And getting bitches and models” to “If I was out flashing my dollars, I’d be a bitch not a baller” OUF
5. The Archer
This is one of my favourites, even though I’ve had it longer than most cause it was released earlier
Lyrically, best or second best on the album
Destroys me every time, goddamnit
6. I Think He Knows
“I am an architect, I’m drawing up the plans”
I love how she sings “skipping down 16th avenue”, like so specific and wonderful but universal
I like how she owns how much of a catch she herself is in the second verse - like yassss girl
“Lyrical smile, indigo eyes, hand on my thigh, we can follow the sparks (SPARKS FLYYYYYYYY), I’ll smile”
7. Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince
The way it starts, it made me think of The Killers “Well somebody told me that you had a boyfriend who looked like a girlfriend…”
“American glory faded before me” - her fall from the spotlight
“I saw the scoreboard and ran for my life” - hiding away from media and everyone
I like how she incorporates the “OKAY” school chant in the background of the chorus
This has a lot of “I Know Places” vibes, especially second verse
The switch in the bridge from “And I don’t want you to (Go), I don’t really wanna (Fight), ‘Cause nobody’s gonna (Win)” to “And I’ll never let you (Go), ‘Cause I know this is a (Fight),” That somebody we’re gonna (Win)”
Wish she’d held the the last note that she started before entering back into final chorus (it sounded like it was going to go on longer
8. Paper Rings
Makes me think of the happiness of “Stay, Stay, Stay” with a dash of “Holy Ground” energy
Easily one of my faves
Jack Antonoff counting us into the chorus, just love him
Just such fun, every lyric and beat
“I like shiny things but I’d marry you with paper rings” and “I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this” SO CUTE
“Honey, without all the exes, fights, and flaws, we wouldn’t be standing here so tall” - so mature and wonderful and she’s so happy now!
I love that she brings it up an octave starting at the bridge and into the final chorus
I can’t help but smile listening to this over and over again
Like, I want Lover as my wedding song and Paper Rings as a choreographed 20s swing dance with my future husband
9. Cornelia Street 
Hit me the second time more than the first, like wow I actually love this
“‘I rent a place on Cornelia Street,’ I say casually in the car” CUTEEEEE
“That’s the kinda heartbreak time could never mend, I’d never walk Cornelia Street again”
Second half of the chorus makes me think of Dress
“Windows swung right open, autumn air, jacket ‘round my shoulders is yours” - ALL TOO WELL callback
“Back when we were card sharks, playing games, I thought you were leading me one, I packed my bags, left Cornelia Street before you even knew I was gone” - makes me think of when she sings “If I had known what I know now, I never would have played so nonchalant” in Come Back, Be Here
“Barefoot in the kitchen” - makes me think of All Too Well “dancing in the refrigerator light”
I also think Cornelia Street doubles for love itself, like this is it for her, this is the one big love for her and there won’t be another so she wants to get it right and keep it safe
10. Death By A Thousand Cuts
Ignore the lyrics and you almost think it’s a happy song (classic Jack Antonoff Bleachers thing to do)
“I look through the windows of this love, even though we boarded them up, chandelier still flickering here” - brilliant
THE PIANOOOOOOOOOOOOO (very Bleachers ‘Wild Heart’ outro)
She goes from “We were a fresh page on the desk, filling in the blanks as we go” in Cornelia Street to “But if the story’s over, why am I still writing pages?” in Death By A Thousand Cuts, and that kills me
“My heart, my hips, my body, my love, Tryna find a part of me that you didn’t touch”
“Our songs, our films, united, we stand, our country, guess it was a lawless land”
“Why are my fears at the touch of your hands? Paper cut stains from my paper-thin plans” - some of the best lyrics on the album right there, IMO
“My time, my wine, my sprit, my trust, Tryna find a part of me you didn’t take up” - this destroyed me more than I thought it would because it was so unexpected and raw, especially the second half of the line, like she’s realizing that he took too much and it hurts but it wasn’t good to lose herself like that
11. London Boy
Is the voice talking in the beginning Idris Elba?
“They say home is where the heart is, But that’s not where mine lives” - she says the second half like a secret she’s sharing with us over wine
Gotta go back to London STAT
“Doesn’t have to be Louis V up on Bond Street” LOL fancy baller line
12. Soon You’ll Get Better
This and The Archer are the two songs I cried during, just gutted
“The buttons of my coat were tangled in my hair” - how we think of the mundane things when the worst things are happening to try and distract ourselves
“Holy orange bottles, each night, I pray to you” - I don’t know what to say
“…’Cause you have to”
I love that the Dixie Chicks are lightly assisting the chorus without taking the song away from Taylor and its focus
The bridge and pre-final-chorus have me crying the most and I don’t know what to do
This remind me a lot of Ronan mixed with Never Grow Up and Fleetwood Mac’s Landslide
13. False God
Sax is a bit like the sax in Bleachers’ Everybody Lost Somebody (not complaining at all)
“We were stupid to jump in the ocean separating us
I get Dress sexy vibes from this (“The altar is my hips”)
The feathery way she sings the second “this loooovee)
Reminds me of “So It Goes…”
14. You Need to Calm Down
Still a bop, and always will be a bop - just so fun
15. Afterglow
I like that she owns up to her mistakes and destructive tendency
Makes me think of the Lover lyric “And I’m highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you” and in the music video it’s her jealousy that leads to a fight
“Fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves”
“I lived like an island, punished you in silence”
16. ME!
Lyrically and musically, exactly like what happened with Look What You Made Me Do and Reputation - almost like a red herring to put us off the sonic trail of her album until single 2 came out
17. It’s Nice To Have a Friend
We get a story again! I’ve missed story song! (think Mary’s Song and Everything Has Changed mixed together)
Lovely chill indie vibes
“Something gave you the nerve to touch my hand”
Love me some trumpet
“Church bells ring, carry me home” (like third verse of Mary’s Song)
“Rice on the ground looks like snow” - poetic cute
18. Daylight
“My love was a cruel as the cities I lived in, everyone looked worse in the light” - like Cruel Summer and Getaway Car and even Back to December, she wanted something and got it, only find it wasn’t what she wanted and she ended up hurting someone in the process
Chorus makes me think of You Are in Love floating synth
“I wounded the good and I trusted the wicked” (Back to December, Getaway Car, I Knew You Were Trouble)
“Clearing the air, I breathed in the smoke” harkens back to The Archer’s “The room is on fire, invisible smoke”
“Threw out our cloaks and our daggers because it’s morning now” - she no longer needs I Know Places, no fear or hiding
“I once believe love would be (Black and white) But it’s (Golden) […] I once believed love would be (Burning red) But it’s golden” - Burning red calls back to Red (duh!), Golden calls back to Dress “Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo”, End Game “It’s like your eyes are liquor, it’s like your body is gold”, So It Goes… “Gold cage, hostage to my feelings” and Dancing With Our Hands Tied “Deep blue, but you painted me golden”
“You gotta step into the daylight and let it go” - remind me of the poem The Trick to Holding On that she wrote for Vogue (“The trick to holding on Was all that letting go”)
The talking outro is very Jack Antonoff/Bleachers’ Strange Desire, cause he threads introspective talking throughout, especially when she says “I wanna be defined by the things that I love” and he sings “I wanna be grateful for the experiences that I’ve had” in You’re Still a Mystery
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
12/15/2020 DAB Transcript
Micah 1:1-4:13, Revelation 6:1-17, Psalms 134:1-3, Proverbs 30:1-4
Today is the 15th day of December welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it is a joy to be here with you today, center of the last month of the year, 10 days from now, a week and a half from now Christmas Day and we are continuing our journey forward in rapid fashion as we move through some of the shorter texts, especially in the Old Testament. We are already in the book of Revelation in the New Testament. So, we've reached our final book there, but we’ve got a ways to go in the Old Testament. So, we read the book of Jonah in its entirety yesterday, which brings us to the book of Micah, and this is halfway. So, this is the sixth of the 12 minor prophets that will conclude the Old Testament.
Introduction to the book of Micah:
And in terms of who Micah was, that…there is very little that's known. A little bit. The name Micah means “who is like God” We’re told in the text that he’s from the town of Moresheth and many biblical archaeologists associate this with Moresheth Gath which would…which would put Micah in the lowlands in the kingdom of Judah in the lowlands. And this is kind of the region where other famous stories in the Bible like David and Goliath happened. The book, as we’ll find out in just a minute tells us that the Lord gave the message to Micah of Moresheth and then lists Kings during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah when they were kings of Judah and that the visions that he had seen pertained to Samaria and Jerusalem. So, Samaria is the capital city of the northern kingdom of Israel. Jerusalem is the capital city of the southern kingdom of Judah. So, with the names of some of the kings incorporated into the text then we could date Micah to somewhere around the eighth century B.C. And then we also know that Micah has a brief mention in the book of Jeremiah. And Jeremiah was later. So, if all that I'm saying is correct Micah was still being quoted, Micah was still being referenced over a century later among the prophets when Jeremiah was doing his ministry. The book of Micah has a pattern, a prophetic pattern. There's like utterances of coming doom and judgment and then there are words of hope and restoration. That's a pattern that we see in a lot of the prophets. This is no different in Micah except that he does it three times in a row back-to-back in a short book. And, so, many scholars think that's a very intentional thing that's trying to be said beneath what's being said. Another thing of note about Micah is that Micah has promises in it of the coming messianic Messiah, deliverer. And, so, like it wasn't too long ago we read to the book of Hebrews in which the author continually says Jesus, basically Jesus was always supposed to come, you can see this thread through the prophets. Well, Micah would be one of those prophets. So, like Micah 5:2 is quoted in Matthew 2:5 and 6. “But, you all Bethlehem Ephrathah you are only a small village among all the people of Judah yet a ruler of Israel, whose origins are in the distant past will come from you”, right? So, this foretelling of the birth of Christ in Bethlehem. Jesus Himself quotes from Micah when He is talking about his own ministry and what it’s supposed to do, like that He's bringing down or exposing the world system. So, in Micah, “don't imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth. I came not to bring peace but a sword.” So, we recognize those words coming from Jesus, but Jesus was quoting Micah. But by the time we get done with reading the book of Micah, which will be tomorrow it should be pretty clear that God has no interest…in fact, is completely displeased with corruption and idolatry and rebellion and people who use their power or misuse their power to exploit the vulnerable or the less fortunate. But God is also perhaps even more passionate about hope and restoration for those who stay true. And, so, we begin. And we will read the first four chapters of the book of Micah. We’re reading from the Good News Translation this week.
Father, we thank You for Your word. It's an everyday thing and we will never not be grateful because it has changed us and shaped us, and it continues to inform us, and it doesn't matter what year it is, it doesn't matter what day or week it is, You are always present speaking to us through Your word and it becomes such a mirror to our own hearts. It reveals us to ourselves in ways that…that You're…only Your Holy Spirit can do. And, so, we are grateful for that and we invite that. And as we continue this journey, we open ourselves, even as the days get busier, even as the world out there invites us to continue to close down because there’s just too much going on. We open ourselves fully to You. Nothing is off limits to You. So, come Holy Spirit, plant the words of the Scriptures in the soil of our hearts today. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it's the website, it’s where you find what's going on around here.
And we��ve been talking about Christmas being the thing that's going on around here because that is…that it's what's happening around here, everywhere around the world. And, so, it's Christmas time in…around the Global Campfire as well. And, so, a couple things. We’ve been talking about the…the Daily Audio Bible Shop and the 2020 ornament. If you spend $40 or more in the Daily Audio Bible Shop, that is all true other than to say probably we’re not gonna have any more ornaments past tomorrow for sure, maybe…maybe not passed today. So, if, yeah…you know, if you were maybe kinda procrastinating a little bit and thought maybe you should check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop because you wanted that then check out…check it out today. Of course, once we run out of ornaments the Shop will still be open as long as we still have some…some stuff left. And, so, we will gladly continue to send…to send anything that…that you want from the Shop out. But I'm just giving you a heads up.
The other thing that we’ve been talking about is the annual Daily Audio Bible Christmas party that we do. And, so, we’ve been calling in our holiday greetings into the community here by using the prayer line apparatus, the phone number and the Hotline in the app. Tomorrow is going to be the last day for that. It’s a pretty good sized job to edit it all together and piece all of the pieces together so that we can have this virtual party and want to do that before Christmas, obviously. And, so, tomorrow will be the last day that we will be taking holiday greetings. So, if you’ve been procrastinating on that then now would be the time. You can…well…you can use the Hotline button in the app, which is the red button up at the top or…or you can dial 877-942-4253. And as I’ve been saying, there's really only one rule. That's…that's the prayer line. So, that's what it's primary…it’s primary purpose is to encourage each other through prayer and to keep each other up to date on the things that we are struggling through so that we don't have to be alone in it all so that we can shoulder each other's burdens. If you have that going on, if there are some things to share definitely call in. Just don't make a holiday greeting and a prayer request in the same call. This is one of the rare times you can call in and then hang up and call back. You can call in your holiday greeting and then if you have a prayer or encouragement or prayer request then make that a separate call so that we can keep everything tidy and in order.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you, especially now as we’re moving into the final weeks of the year. Thank you for your partnership. If the Global Campfire…if the fact that we can come together each day and allow God's word to be read fresh and fresh over us, if that's…if that makes a difference then thank you, thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, or holiday greeting right now, yup, the hotline button in the app is the place to go. You can’t miss it. It’s up at the top. Looks like a hotline button or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hey DAB family this is Byron out in Florida hope you all are doing well. Could use your help on something. As a lot of you know my youngest son Nehemiah is autistic and he goes to a special school and he’s been doing pretty well there but the schools been recommending that he gets additional behavioral therapy so that what they’re trying to do can work better. And, so, we’ve looked into it and it turns out that our insurance is not going to cover it but this is something that he really and truly needs. So, we’re going to move forward with it anyway. The numbers here are…are pretty large in an order of multiple thousand dollars a month and I’m not sure how were going to be able to pay for it but we’re gonna start it and see where it goes. So, I could use you guys’s prayers because I think this is best. We think this is best for him. We think the Lord is in it. We just don’t know how it’s going to add up at the bottom of the tiling. But God has promised to many things before. He has not forgotten us, and this is just the next step. So, we’re trusting Him for that but it’s not gonna happen without prayer. And, so, I would ask you guys to add your faith of mine and my wife’s faith and all the people that are surrounding Nehemiah to get him to where he needs to be in his particular development. So, praises to Him. He’s worthy of all of our praise. He’s never let us down. He’s never let you down. We come before Him in prayer and honor Him that He will take care of His children. So, thank you guys. I love you all and talk to you later.
Hello Daily Audio Bible prayer warriors this is only Tony. I’m calling tonight wishing that I could say a happy thing but I’m really calling for emergency prayers. I’m asking for prayers for my mother who has contracted Covid. Both my mother and father are in the hospital with Covid in the same room. My father is doing fair. My mother is doing very poorly. She’s really gasping for air and she’s very scared. She knows the Lord but she’s very scared. She’s afraid to go to sleep because she’s afraid that she won’t wake up. So, I’m asking if you would lift up Kathryn in New Jersey. I love her dearly and I just pray that God won’t take her at this point and give me more time with her. I ask that He would comfort her and ease her fears. Let her know that He is with and that He cares about her. So, if you would please lift up Kathryn in New Jersey I would appreciate it. I love you all. I thank you. I thank Brian for the wonderful year I’ve spent with you all. This is my first time calling and I just I pray that you would all have a Merry Christmas. My mother’s birthday’s is on the 18th of December and I pray that she makes it till then. Thanks very much. God bless.
Hello, my wonderful DAB family today is Saturday, December 11th and this is Rosie and it’s great to be free in Jesus. I’m calling in right now because I really need your prayers. I really need healing. I’ve been puttin’ up with a lot of pain and it just keeps getting worse and I just feel like I need my family to stand in the gap with me. There’s…I have pain in my back and in my knees and it’s moved to my feet. My toes feel like they’re on fire and I went to the doctor. He told me that I need to take extra vitamin B. Well, I’ve been doing that for the past month and the pains only getting worse. So, I’m having a hard time sleeping at night because of all the pain. So, I really need your prayers. And I really appreciate all of you, my family. And I appreciate Brian and Jill and China and the whole Hardin family for the wonderful community that you have made this and that you have let God lead you the whole way and we really do appreciate that and thank you family. God bless you.
Hello this is Wonderfully Made in Albuquerque I am calling in to pray for a woman who…she didn’t say her name, but she asked for prayers over just being distracted with everything that’s going on in the world that makes her sick I think and she’s having trouble with listening to the Bible and feeling God’s presence. And, so, today is I think this is from the December 11 reading actually. So, I’m calling in for you whoever your name is and I know that your…know that you’re not alone, that many struggle with this especially including myself. So, heavenly Father I pray for this woman and others who are struggling with the many distractions and what’s going on right now and who are weighed down. And also, those who don’t feel Your presence and who are discouraged by that who…who just need hope and I lift all of these up to You and this woman Lord and I praise You that You are greater than he who is in the world. And even those times when it feels like You’re not present You are present, and Your love will never let us go. And…and I praise You for the times where You do give us glimpses Lord and…and bless us with…with those feelings of Your presence. Yet faith is not about feeling or seeing. Faith is just moving forward and believing even when we can’t see and feel and everything. And thank You that Your spirit gives us…that You give us what we need in the moments that we need it. And I ask and pray for perseverance…
Hi Daily Audio Bible this is Carmen from Orlando Florida calling with a praise report. Thank you everybody who prayed for my husband who had Covid at the end of October. He spent five days at the hospital and then he spent another week at home and getting better every day. And, so, two weeks later he went back to work and his personalities been back and he’s, you know, he still had an inhaler to use and his breathing wasn’t all the way there. But he seems fine now. I never see him running short of breath or anything like that and he feels like his old self again and I am so so grateful. I don’t know how to thank God for his healing. I don’t know how to thank you guys for them. So, all I can do is be here and say thank you thank you so much. I send you all a virtual hug and I wish everybody a Merry Christmas and an awesome new year 2021. God bless you. Bye-bye.
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floofiestboy · 4 years
Haruhara Question Corners #1-10
Haruhara took questions from 2017 - 2018 on his blog - he’s no longer accepting questions, but they’re still up for people to see for free. There’s 50 question corners in total, each about one question each. 
I don’t know if someone’s translated this before, but I couldn’t find anything so I figured I might as well do it. The questions are mostly Senyuu-related, but there’s some questions about Haruhara himself, Gakumon, and Hero Hearts as well. 
Without further ado - here are the translations of the first ten question corners below the cut:
Question Corner #1
Q. From À La Carte-san:
Do you have any drinks you’d recommend, or that you drink a lot? Also, what flavour of ice cream do you like best?
I like carbonated drinks, so I drink those a lot. I like carbonated drinks, but I get thirsty if I drink sweet drinks, so I just drink carbonated water.
My favourite flavour of ice cream would be chocolate. I like chocolate. But I don’t really have ice cream that often. I like sour things more nowadays. I like persimmons, I eat them. If I ever went to Sapporo for a signing session, I’d like to buy some famous curry-flavoured snacks.
Q. From My Bank Account Has 800 Yen-san:
I’d like to know more about Alles-san’s family and also about what she was doing before becoming a maid.
I think she was kinda just loitering about before becoming a maid. I explain how she became a maid in Main Quest, but if you asked me what she was doing before that, I’d have to say she was loitering. I tried thinking about it seriously since I never thought about it before, but all I can think of is that she was loitering about, so that’s what I think she was doing.
About her family - she has a little brother… if I recall correctly, I’ve thought, “This woman definitely has a little brother,” in the past, so I think she’s got one. I don’t plan to ever incorporate him in the main story though. Since their dynamic would be too similar to the siblings that appear in Gakumon! I don’t think he’ll ever appear.
What is her little brother doing? Unlike his big sister, he went to a good school, graduated, and is now loitering about.
Question Corner #2
Q. From I Like Rice-san:
Lately, I’ve been getting into sprinkling furikake or nameko mushrooms on my rice - it’s really good! Do you have anything you like putting on your rice?
This one kind of food I was served a signing session was super good. I thought “Ah, it’s good! It’s so good!” all while scarfing it down. What was it called again…? I got it at a lot of signing sessions, but the only thing I remember is “It’s good!” - I can’t recall its proper name… anyways, the point is, it was delicious! Thanks to the people who gave me it!
I fried up some beef tongue and chili oil I was gifted recently and made fried rice. It was delicious!
Q. From My Bank Account Has 800 Yen-san:
What’s Roborabbit (from Gakumon)’s HF (Human Form) like?
Two question corners in a row, My Bank Account Has 800 Yen-san!
Have I never drawn Roborabbit’s human form? No I haven’t, I’ve only ever thought about it. For those of you wondering what a “Human Form” is, please read Gakumon!
She’d be a black-haired girl with straight bangs and a goth lolita look.
Q. From Aoi-san:
Sion-san seems like he’d be really smart, but in reality, did he ever get the chance to go to school when he was young?
He didn’t, no. In that era, I get the feeling that there weren’t many schools. It was kinda like the adults around you would teach you the essentials you needed to survive. Though I think there were schools in more prosperous cities of the era.
He learnt science by helping his father out sometimes, reading books, and studying in prosperous cities of the era. He kinda studied as he drifted from region to region.
Question Corner #3
Q. From Sakekawa-san:
Now that Alba has magic, will he live longer?
He will not, he will die.
Aside from demons who have magic at birth, anyone who has magic will age just like any other human and die.
But if you use your mana well, you might be able to live in a healthy way, letting you live longer.
In that sense, his life expectancy would increase, but if he just lived normally, he’d die normally as well.
[T/N: Haruhara, how did Elf live for 2000+ years then…]
Q. From Kion-san:
There have been concepts like the Alba Manjuu in SQ being made of(?) ribs, and the number of plates of food MQ Ros ate increasing, that your assistants have secretly(?) put in. Have there been other cases where your assistants have put in concepts that made the story more interesting or added more characterization? Alternatively, please tell me about cases where the assistants were actually the ones to think of an idea and draw it.
If we’re talking recently, the flea market scene in the Dododon-sama arc.
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When I saw this, I remembered that “Ah, Senyuu was a fantasy series!” 
On a side note, my backgrounds are more like this:
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I’m sure there were other cases where this kind of thing happened, but I can’t recall…
On a side note, those maids in MQ are wearing heavy make-up because I asked my assistants to draw them that way, not because my assistants’ drawing styles were like that.
Question Corner #4
Q. From My Bank Account Has 800 Yen-san:
Does Shushu-chan from Gakumon wear short sleeves all year around? Doesn’t she get cold in the winter?
I was planning to have her wear long sleeves in the winter, but the manga ended… before it hit wintertime… I think Juz would wear shorts even in the winter.
I even thought about making a chapter where she picked up some long sleeves.
In order to be fair, I’ve just been looking at the question contents and not the names of the senders, but My Bank Account Has 800 Yen-san, your overwhelming probability rate of being picked… Everyone! I’m looking for more than just Senyuu questions!
Q. From Nanako-san:
What are Crea’s parents like? Does he remember them?
They’re delightful. Crea does not remember them. When he tries to remember them, he just feels warm inside.
Question Corner #5
Q. From Mt. Hakkaisan-san:
Do you have any animals you’d like to keep as a pet?
I’d like a cat or a dog. According to my life plan, I’ll have one in around ten years. A dog that really acts like a dog or a cat that really acts like a cat would be nice!
Question Corner #6
Q. From I Stubbed My Toe Into the Drawers-san:
How many metres tall can Rchi-chan stretch her body to become?
She’s capable of stretching her body a fair bit, but since she doesn’t have the muscles to support it, if she stretches too much her body can’t support the weight.
If we consider how tall she could stretch and still be useful, she can stretch to about the height of a basket used in a sports day ball-throwing competition.
[T/N: He’s talking about one of these things.]
Question Corner #7
Q. From Tatami-san:
Why is Professor Ain from Hero Hearts a “professor”? In the character summary for Hero Hearts Volume 2, it said that this would be explained “later”, but since it was never revealed, it’s been bothering me.
I wonder why?!
I’ve forgotten! I’ve completely forgotten! I vaguely remember that I thought up something related to Professor Ain’s true identity - which was revealed near the end - but since Hero Hearts was cancelled, I abandoned that plot thread to wrap everything up nicely… I think…?
I think something happened that couldn’t see the light of day. This is what cancellation does.
Question Corner #8
Q. From Rorota-san:
Alba became able to use magic through the Mana Maker inserted into his body, but do Elf and Alf have magic naturally? Also, can Crea use magic since he awoke to magic when he was a child?
In Elf and Alf’s world, since Great Mage Alba popularized the use of magic, they use magic like we use electronics and gas in reality. (Like how in Chapter 4 Episode 0, they have cars and gas stoves.) Just like how we can turn on a fan with the flick of a switch even though we don’t have electricity-manipulating powers, your average person who can’t use magic can similarly turn on a magic-powered fan with the flick of switch. 
If you go to a specialized school and study magic, mana will build up within your body.
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* Just an illustration
The more knowledge you have of magic, the more mana builds up within you. After that, it’s just getting used to it.
[T/N: If that’s the case, then why can’t Ros use magic even without a Mana Maker…]
Since Crea’s body was taken as-is from after Rchimedes was using it, I think there’s some mana left behind in it. But since Crea isn’t really a subtle kind of person and he doesn’t like studying, I think he can’t use magic.
Question Corner #9
Q. From Arin-san:
Hello, please tell me Alf Parkinton’s birthday and what food he likes to eat.
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Since I named him “Parkinton” because I wanted to give him a name that sounds like “Pumpkin”, he’s born on October 31st!
His favourite foods are Squash Cake and Mashed Sweet Potatoes with Chestnuts.
He’s the type of person to drink black tea at a coffee shop instead of coffee, while enjoying a squash cake.
[T/N: A squash cake and kuri-kinton (mashed sweet potatoes with chestnuts).]
Question Corner #10
Q. From: Totomaru.-san:
Regarding what SQ Ros-san is called - Crea-san calls Ros-san “Sii-tan”, then introduces himself to Rchi-chan as “Ros’ friend Crea”, but is Ros’ real name in that universe still Sion? Also, are there some circumstances explaining why Ros-san decided to call himself Ros there?
I had Crea call him “Sii-tan” because it felt weird having him call him “Ros”.
I did try thinking back then about why Crea would call him “Sii-tan”, but I eventually decided to not worry about the little details and abandoned the idea without really thinking about it.
Some explanations could be:
1. Ros’ full name is Sion Ros or Ros Sion.
2. It’s a nickname that has nothing to do with his real name - to give an anecdote, I had a friend back in elementary school that we called “Ze”, but this was just because he liked ending his sentences with “-daze!” Originally, his nickname was “Daze”, but somewhere along the line it ended up as just “Ze”. Maybe something like that?
3. For some reason he’s taken up the false name of Ros.
It’s one of these three reasons! The truth is hidden in the darkness!
But since SQ has ended the truth will never be revealed, huh. Well then, I’ll think about it! This is my homework!
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yeebles-writes-shit · 5 years
about them themes in my wip...
this is just me rambling about the themes in my WIP (memories, running from one’s past, melancholy) so imma include a Readmore for you beautiful people
so earlier today the folks at the Screaming Writers Incorporated server (clicky name for invite) were talking about themes in writing, and how like - you don’t wanna force it, and just. let it grow organically first, before you shape it into a proper theme in the second draft
naturally as the night shift sucker i missed the entirety of the party, but it did get me thinking about my WIP again. i’ve talked about it with MANY folks before (in fact there’s a chance you might already know this), but i might as well ramble it here before going back to finishing my campaign’s AU fanfic thing to post here the whole concept that OGNW is built on is the idea of just, people continuing to live their lives after the apocalypse. and i wanted it to be a sorta light and fluffy kinda work, but i mean we’re talking about the APOCALYPSE, it ain’t gonna be a light and fluffy thing so it wasn’t. instead it grew into this story that was just, at its core, incredibly melancholic. the entire cast is overshadowed by their past, which shouldn’t be haunting them anymore because the crisis is over and done and resolved. the story starts out with the core cast already living the found family trope. they’re at the end of the story. their journey has technically ended
but it hasn’t.
instead there’s still survivor’s guilt to deal with, there’s still trauma to deal with, and it’s resulted in a story whose primary forward momentum stems from the past catching up to the present, and how the characters tackle and deal with that, and how THAT weight affects them in the present as well
so the end result is the entire cast communicating with each other like they’re really close, and they are close and you can see that in how they trust each other, which gives me so much more room to play with what they’re not saying to, what they’re keeping from each other, and how there’s holes in this fabric of friendship they all have
which means just watching the cast carefully navigate around those holes, because although they know those holes exist, nobody (out of politeness and trust and respect) wants to ask why they’re there, what is inside them, and what caused them, and it’s an equilibrium that can’t last forever - so many character threads are intertwined with each other that it’s, in at least one character’s case, choking them entirely (metaphorically)
there’s also the fact that, just. everyone’s walking with one foot in memory, and it expresses itself in the narrative style as well? i’ve never written anything like this for my other projects. it’s very dreamy, very surreal - very little is grounded, so when it happens it’s like sharp moments of clarity. otherwise most of the time you’re looking through someone’s tinted glasses - it’s a question of who’s glasses, and what colour
anyway i still need to finish the first draft and then fix up the weird pacing and bad structural issues, but this is such an interesting thing that’s grown out of the original seed that i’ve planted, and i can’t wait to see where it goes next
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incarnateirony · 6 years
An apology, but a story.
Okay guys, sorry for uh, talking so much about Pillowfort lately. I do mean it when I say I’m still here to stay until Tumblr totally dies, and I know I’ve been posting a LOT of PF content, but I’m also trying to help tailor an environment over there where this fandom can thrive. Add in momma’s heart attack and coma and my dash has been a hot mess and bare bones of my usual content, and I apologize.
But at the same time I’d like to sort of tell a bit of a flashback story of social media, fandom, and why I really do hope the best for Pillowfort. Some people are too young to remember the slow death of Livejournal, and I’m having like, flashbacks from that. I wasn’t in SPN fandom itself at the time but I was on LJ, so if you’re 
worried about your friends leaving
intent on sticking to tumblr hell or high water
kind of upset at some friends trying to manage both
Let me give a little bit of history to explain what people are doing right now and why.
Long long ago, in a digital world far away when the internet still screamed at you when you connected to it, fandom wasn’t really globalized like it is. Twitter didn’t exist. Eventually Facebook was a hot new commodity not everybody adopted immediately. Tumblr wasn’t a sparkle in anybody’s eye. 
Fandom was mostly relegated to php forums and places like Livejournal. Livejournal proved to be -- at the time -- one of the best methods to engage in fandom. You could have your own journal, but you could also join communities with your account and comment on long discussions. 
There were weaknesses of this to be sure. Notifications were pretty raw to nonexistent compared to how we know of them modernly. You had to basically manually check the comm to stay on top of things, and what was said in that comm was choked to that comm. Now, that had its strengths: you could control the community and posts, ergo minimizing flame wars, but it made fandom a bunch of pigeonhole wings and, to be honest, echo chambers. Lots of things got missed, overlooked, and what have you. And god help you if you pissed off a big name fan in your wing that owned one or most of the communities you went to. Replies and the ilk were pretty limited on what you could do, too. But it was something. It was more than just a standard forum. You could still try to cross-engage.
Then came the LJ Purge, which... is pretty much identical to the Tumblr purge. New rules banishing NSFW to the depths of the internet, some out of control censorship, targeting all LGBT content no matter how pure as NSFW and explicit -- you name it. They didn’t really have wildly out of control filterbots, that’s a new modern invention just to shit in our bin a little better, but you get the idea. What happened -- and is still, more quietly, now that the shock has passed -- to Tumblr is what happened to LJ. People lost mountains of work. 
Now, LJ didn’t die overnight. It died over the course of a few years. Some people left fairly quickly, others tried to stay aboard. For example, Destiel fandom was fairly young at the point the LJ Purge kicked off, and were already sort of outsiders among the fandom newsletters that were more Gen or Wincest doused at that point because -- well, duh -- they had a several year running start on that platform. The communities, as above, were really regulated. There just wasn’t room to breathe. Sure, they had their own comms, but once material started vanishing, they were much more eager to, en masse, migrate to a new platform. And yes, some stayed behind longer, because people, even in shipland, aren’t a borg.
Other communities, like gen or Wincest, stayed behind longer. They had years of built up work and huge communities they were attached to there and it was a lot harder for them to let that all go. But it didn’t get better. More quietly, once the hysteria ended, people just lost their will to continue to use livejournal and they more dribbled across.
Some went to Dreamwidth back then. Some went to tumblr. Long term, tumblr worked for everybody until now. Dreamwidth was pretty much Livejournal, minus censorship, plus a few bells and whistles but it worked for a few people, but let’s face it -- that’s not where central fandom ended up.
Now, people are talking alternatives. Some are saying to go back to Dreamwidth. I refuse. 
Because there’s a reason it wasn’t the most successful platform in the past and we’ll go back to completely segregated fandom like before and 
because certain aspects of fandom that DID go to Dreamwidth and stay there, have still been there, and are a huge thorn in the side to almost anyone with their head screwed on straight, Destiel fandom or not. J2 tinhats are the eternal asscramps of the fandom and they’ve squatted on dreamwidth for their crazy ass tinhat page for years, god knows they probably went to adjacent communities, god knows how ingrained they are into it, and I am NOT willing to deal with that level of horse shit again.
Pornhub tried a grab, that didn’t work, as it shouldn’t, for a list of reasons as long as my arm; Mastodon was suggested, but has a huge issue in some of its other channels that people don’t want to float in the vicinity of. 
And then there’s Pillowfort.
So look, Pillowfort is young, it is a smolbabe. In a few months it went from 4K users to 25K users and is growing innumerably by the day. Its servers are struggling. That turns some people off. I get that. But that isn’t permanent.
So first of all, early pioneers are what make migrations work. Just like LJ had its initial members, and then tumblr had its early migrators, places like Pillowfort can be the same. Dreamwidth already has its foundations. That’s redundant, and foundations I’m not even going to touch, much less the regressive, divisive form of communities that will segregate all of us again. It’s fine if you aren’t one of the first people to take up the platform. The people ahead of you will start laying down content and communities and, if it works out, you can join in when you’re ready.
So what makes Pillowfort so fucking special?
Okay, so check it out. On tumblr, we’re used to reblogging shit into the bowels of the internet. As Pillowfort grows it, too, has that capability with some differences.
The boldest difference is that when you reblog, your opinion doesn’t get attached to the end of the post. It just reblogs the base post. Some people initially complained and thought that was the loss of a feature but came to realize it’s a blessing.
You see, that means someone can’t kidnap your post with a shitty opinion to reblog it to their friends with a shitty opinion that all attach their heckling shitty opinions. Like, let’s say it’s someone that’s Destiel fandom reading this. Ever had an anti shit reblog your post and it run wild? Well, now, if they try to reblog it, all they reblog is... your Destiel post. Thanks for that.
So how do we actually say what we need to?
Well, fam, it incorporated elements from LJ/DW, in having threaded replies. Multiple threads if so needed. The threaded replies are capable of housing just about anything an OP has. So a blog post has, alongside Like/Reblog notifications, comments. Open the post, read the comments, start an actual conversation with some merit. Did some douchebag come to spam your comments since they can’t reblog? No problem, delete their shitty comments and block them, problem solved.
But it doesn’t end there.
See, like LJ, PF has communities. While your post can reblog just about anywhere just like on tumblr, you can blog or reblog them into the communities you follow. Anyone following that community, whether they follow you directly or not, gets that turning up in their feed, maximizing your spread. So sure, it’s a young platform and you only have 20 followers or whatever, but if you make a general Supernatural style post and blog it to the SPN com, 300 people (at current) see it. If you post something to the Destiel comm, over 200 people see it. It’s a way to even find new accounts and friends.
If you don’t like something that’s turning up in a community, you can blacklist shit. And/or find a more appropriate community if it gets out of hand to you.
When you make your own communities you can have internal discussions or blog in/out posts, you can set rules, promote moderators, remove or ban problem users, and generally control the flow of your community to keep out shitlords. But, if for example, you subscribed to a community that turns out to be secretly run BY a shitlord because, IDK, maybe they don’t like that you think Sam is bi or something, most of these communities are large and blog in/out/engageable enough that you won’t lose your contacts, you WILL find your people over time, and you won’t be completely choked off to a singular abyss.
So the base beat is
PF treats every single post like any root post on an LJ/DW comm, but is able to be reblogged from/to communities or your own blog page as freely as tumblr.  PF takes the best concepts of current and previous fandom platforms in its base application and lays a groundwork that literally all of us can prosper on if it survives and continues. 
But that’s the catch.
And it’s cool if you aren’t ready to completely take that leap yet. I get that.
“I kinda like PF but it doesn’t have X feature-”
Okay look, PF is a smolbabe, like I said. It’s in beta. The thing is, they’re adding things every day. They have a dev list like 2 pages long for goals and things are getting crossed off and added like, biweekly. It might already be on their list to add. And if it’s not, guess what?
The staff actually give a shit and react to questions and concerns. There’s entire beta groups to talk about features with bugs, and/or features that should be added or adjusted. There’s a comm to talk directly to the staff about things.
A small, young platform needs people willing to be out there saying what would improve the experience. So if you go there, you’re not just fandom pioneers, you’re social media pioneers if you so choose to be. It’s not mandatory. You can just fan in your space how you want. Or you can go to the beta groups and staff groups and tell them what you think would improve the experience. 
And again, it’s okay if you aren’t willing to move right now.
I’m not moving entirely. I’m double blogging, and will return to my regularly scheduled blogging on tumblr here soon, now that my life is calming down and I got most of my PF heavy lifting out of the way. But I want to make a nest in case this does pan out to be the next forward horizon, rather than taking a step back to something like Dreamwidth that segregates us all again. I want to help them build that platform. 
But I’ll still be here with you guys.
But if you’ve felt like friends are abandoning you
Please try to understand the history, please understand what they’re doing and why they’re doing it, and just try to encourage them to cross blog where you can/will engage. And if you’re feeling daring one day? Try to poke your head into PF.
I have one remaining key that I’m willing to give a really good fandom creator. I gave one to a meta-mind and I’d like this to go to a heavy, inclusive gif creator, because that’s still a sparse art on PF. You’d be the belle of the ball just for crossposting your work, in a place that DOESN’T have a threat of it getting deleted when tumblr throws a hissyfit. Just post on both. Tada. Suddenly you’re the popular kid.
If you’re interested, if you poke your head in, check my recent post listing communities that are growing rapidly and the ilk to know where to get your feet wet. Or send me a DM. I’ll help.
We good? Cool.
155 notes · View notes
So, Sensei Dare, my animesque Doctor Who AU, is a complete reboot of Doctor Who canon, but when I first started it in 2012, it was actually continued from what was at that point the most recent episode, the series 7 episode The Angels Take Manhattan (though I later retconned it so that it actually continued from the series 6 finale, The Wedding of River Song, and other events happened to result in the Doctor splitting off from the Ponds). The AU started with the eleventh Doctor dying and regenerating into the twelfth; but since Peter Capaldi hadn’t been announced yet at that point, I had to come up with my own.
And, like, here’s the thing; I didn’t know that Sensei Dare was gonna end up as some big AU that I’d care for yet at that point. I was just starting a new RP blog. And my theme for RP blogs until that point, out of a desire to stay unique (what was the point in playing a character that someone else was already playing?), had been crossover blogs- my initial RP blog when I joined Tumblr was a Doctor Who/My Little Pony AU, with Rory Williams as a cartoon horse; then, it was a Homestuck/TF2 crossover, where for some reason or another The Condesce basically became the Administrator and so Aradia became the RED Spy; then, my next character was not a crossover AU, but since the series was so obscure (and kinda crossover-y on its own), I figured it was still unique- Kaoru Matsubara, AKA Powered Buttercup, from PowerPuff Girls Z; and then finally, I did a TF2/Pokemon crossover where TF2 took place in the Pokemon universe and so the Mercs were having Pokemon battles, and I played Soldier (my url was “soldierjanedoewantstobattle”, which I’m still kinda proud of).
Anyways, Sensei Dare started with my next crossover idea: Doctor Who/Homestuck.
Namely, the Doctor can regenerate, and each regeneration looks and acts different... so there’s no reason that incarnation’s appearance and personality can’t be identical to a pre-existing character. Like, by doing that, I can essentially play two characters at once, by mixing the core personality traits that stay the same with every incarnation of the Doctor with the more fluid personality traits of the pre-existing character, as well as that character’s appearance.
So, the twelfth Doctor... was just Dave Strider.
And honestly? I stuck with this idea for a long time- where the Doctor would regenerate into a body and personality identical to a pre-existing character- but Dave was always one of my best choices, because A) he’s already heavily associated with time travel and stuff, B) I’d already been a Homestuck fan for about a year and this was when Homestuck was at the height of its popularity so I had plenty of material to work with, C) interacting with other Homestuck blogs gave me plenty of worldbuilding to work with for this early version of Sensei Dare, and finally, D) Dave Strider has very distinctive mannerisms, so it was really easy to communicate this idea of “The character looks and acts like Dave, but make no mistake, this isn’t Dave, it’s the Doctor“.
Initially, I was gonna stick with this idea for 3-4 months before moving on to my next idea, like I’d been doing before, but then I realized that, hey, the Doctor can regenerate multiple times, so why not try this idea with a new character? So after 3-4 months of playing the Dave Doctor, I decided to have the Doctor regenerate again, into a new character.
And here’s a new, equally key thing.
While I was playing the Dave Doctor, I basically had my Anime Awakening. If you’d asked me before if I liked anime, I’d have said yes, but I only knew the really popular stuff like Pokemon and Digimon and a few obscure niche shows like PowerPuff Girls Z; but when I was playing Dave Doctor, I ran into a Haruhi Suzumiya RP blog, and that inspired me to watch it, and then from there everything spiraled out. Before, anime was an interest of mine; now, it was my preferred style of storytelling. And you can bet your ass I was gonna start incorporating it.
The thirteenth Doctor ended up being Ritsu Tainaka from K-On! (when the canon thirteenth Doctor was announced, I was kinda amused to realize that my thirteenth Doctor was also the first female one, funny how that works). I decided to do the regeneration in a series of “Story” posts, and in the first one, I foreshadowed my character choice by having the Doctor encounter a pair of drumsticks in the snow (since Ritsu’s a drummer). Then, the Doctor died and regenerated into the new incarnation. From that point onwards, in both that version of Sensei Dare and the next reboot, every Doctor was an anime girl (with one minor exception; with 17, I experimented with a split timeline where in one timeline, 17 was an anime girl, but in the other, 17 was an anime boy; but I scrapped this idea, and when 18 rolled around, I made the anime girl timeline the canon one).
However, then I ran into a problem. Canon Who states pretty specifically and consistently that a Timelord can only regenerate 12 times for a total of 13 lives. I was on the thirteenth life. And that’s when I remembered the drumsticks. For one, they kinda had just initially existed to tease Ritsu; it seemed a little strange for them to be that noticeable for just some vague symbolism. Also, in canon, the Master managed to exceed the 13 life limit... and the Master was also strongly associated with a drum beat.
So I decided that the drumsticks were a sort of Regeneration-Enabling Tool developed by the Master. Like, if a Timelord that was out of regenerations was dying, the drumsticks would activate and give them the energy they needed to regenerate. And so, I had the Doctor realize this (it wasn’t that implausible that the Doctor would eventually figure this out from a single innocuous encounter, since the Doctor did notice them, and Timelords are regularly shown to have some psychic ability to recognize each other and their tech) and go on a quest to track down those drumsticks. And she found them! So, for the rest of this incarnation of Sensei Dare, the Doctor just carried these drumsticks around at all times so she could keep living.
I’m also just remembering some of the ways the Doctor died in that version of the story. 12 fell off a building because he was chasing someone and it was all icy and slippery. 18 locked herself in the TARDIS and starved to death (that one was, in retrospect, really dumb; but it’s dumb enough to be noteworthy). 16, in a Timelord Victorious moment of fury and recklessness, tried to attack a totalitarian government, but they shot a missile at the TARDIS, and the Doctor, out of said recklessness, had the door open, so the missile exploded in the console room. 14 got shot by a nazi (not even a neo-nazi, a normal nazi, since she was in 1940 Germany at the time).
19 and 20, the last two, were particularly fun; for the 21st Doctor, I decided to go with a Kantai Collection character, and I decided to lean super hard into the crossover, and so I decided to have the Kancolle Doctor come into existence via the Doctor fusing with the actual ship during regeneration. Like, the Doctor was Nenohi, so the 20th Doctor drowned in the middle of the ocean and encountered the remains of the IJN Nenohi, and because Shintoism (or at least my vague understanding of Shintoism), the ship had a sort of “spirit”, and that spirit reacted to the Doctor’s regeneration by integrating itself into her, resulting in her being both the 21st incarnation of the Timelord hero known as the Doctor, and being the living personification of an old warship.
Meanwhile, with the 19th, well... the Doctor died by getting hit on the head really hard. But while the cause of death was in hindsight kinda boring, the circumstances of her death were less so. I actually kinda jumped right from the 19th Doctor to the 21st, because I wanted the 20th to exist primarily for one storyline: Sensei Dare: The Movie (or rather, Sensei Dare Ka: The Movie, since I was calling it Sensei Dare Ka at that point). SDK:TM was a huge event; it was a huge RP with multiple RP partners of mine being involved in the story. I had multiple SDK:TM threads, for different parts of the story.
The plot of SDK:TM? The Timelords were returning. Since I split off from canon before the 50th anniversary special, I also decided that the 50th special wasn’t canon to Sensei Dare, so Gallifrey was still somehow locked off from the rest of the universe and still didn’t want to be. The Doctor realized this, and recruited allies to help suppress the scenario; but she failed, and even died and regenerated again during the whole mess. She was, however, at least able to stop the worst-case scenario (the Timelords just conquer the universe) from happening.
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themurphyzone · 5 years
Absolutely Disastrous Ch 14
Ch 14: Anchors Aweigh! Setting Sail to Dewford Town!
Milo, Melissa, Zack, Amanda, Lydia, and their Pokémon emerged from Petalburg Woods without serious injury. Diogee had been a huge help in predicting where flaming tree branches and Slakoth would fall, while Milo’s pocket masks were great tools for avoiding smoke inhalation.
Since the local fire departments already had their Water-types combating the flames and rescuing the local wildlife, they didn’t stick around and continued on their way to Captain Jack’s seaside cottage. 
“Breaking news! The Rustboro Gym and Contest Hall have been destroyed, the Petalburg Woods is on fire, and Ace Trainer Kayla has nicknamed her Kecleon ‘Cleko’. What a beautiful nickname for a beautiful Kecleon! It’s a better name than before, how fortunate for Kayla and Cleko to experience the bond that unites trainer and Pokémon!”
Melissa muted her PokéNav, which was now reporting the detailed shopping habits of students at Lilycove Prep. 
To be honest, it was kinda creepy. 
The cottage overlooked a beach, where many fishermen hooked Magikarp and Tentacool. Zack latched onto Milo as a human shield, which made walking up to the cottage awkward. 
“I need to lay down a ground rule so Captain Jack doesn’t have an incentive to try and strand us on an island: don’t ask why he has a Chatot instead of Wingull,” Milo said. “He’s a bit touchy about that.” 
With that last bit of advice, he knocked on the door and accidentally put a large hole through the middle. Then the rest of the wooden slabs splintered into pieces. 
Captain Jack chased Gary around a table, completely ignoring their visitors and broken door. 
“Hey, Captain Jack!” Milo waved. “Sorry to interrupt, but when you’re done with your game, could you please take us to Dewford?” 
“Milo said you could give us a lift to Slateport,” Amanda added. 
“That was the last strawberry, Gary!” Captain Jack complained. “You know perfectly well it’s the last harvest of the season!” 
Gary twittered and fluffed his tail in Captain Jack’s direction. “Gary deserve! Like getting on nerves!” 
“I’m a reasonable man. I’ll just take the last clementine as payment,” Captain Jack said with a sly grin. 
“RAWK! BAWK!” Gary screeched. 
Captain Jack finally took notice of Milo and his friends, then quickly clamped his hands around Gary’s beak. Gary flapped his wings in protest. “Gary, keep your fowl beak shut around children!” Captain Jack exclaimed. Gary glared at him.  “And no, taking the last clementine does not qualify as cruel and unusual punishment!” 
“Uh, sure. Melissa, Zack, and I would like to go to Dewford please. And Amanda and Lydia are heading to Slateport,” Milo said. 
“The CEO of Mahlson Corp asked us to do a few favors. Do you know Captain Webber by any chance?” Lydia asked. 
Captain Jack frowned. “Ah, yes. The guy who snapped his fingers and claimed it was okay when we capsized on an island because he couldn’t predict the ocean currents properly. The guy who claimed it was okay when he was promoted because his father knows the first cousin of the fleet admiral and I got stuck on potato peeling duty for five years! The guy who opened the oven when I told him not to and utterly ruined my puff pastry so that I could never show my face at a dinner party again!”
“We probably shouldn’t open that can of Wurmple,” Melissa whispered. 
“Anyway,” Zack said slowly, hoping to get Captain Jack focused on navigating and not some years-old grudge with a fellow seagoer. “We just wanna head to Dewford and Slateport.”
“Take the plunge! Take the plunge!” Gary squawked. 
“You don’t mind if we take Gary’s favorite vessel, right?” Captain Jack asked. 
“Nope, we don’t mind at all!” Milo said. 
When Gary’s favorite vessel turned out to be a very old and very foreboding ship, Milo realized that his friends cared deeply about their mode of transportation. 
“Next time, I’ll be the negotiator,” Melissa muttered, deftly avoiding a loose wooden board that promptly crashed into a storage area below. 
Amanda helped Zack into another life jacket. He heavily resembled a traffic light with the three life jackets he’d already donned. 
“Don’t you have enough life jackets?” Lydia asked in concern. 
“Welcome to the S.S Plunge,” Captain Jack said proudly, kissing the faded lettering on the captain’s door. “No storm, stone, or iceberg can strike her down to Davy Jones! She’s virtually unsinkable!” 
Everyone followed Zack’s example and put on another life jacket. 
“I’ve never been on a ship that wasn’t sinking before,” Milo admitted as Captain Jack undid the restraints that tied the S.S Plunge to the docks. He caught Zack’s bewildered look, then realized that was probably not the best reassurance to give someone who was deeply afraid of what lurked below. “Sorry, Zack.” 
“I’ll be fine,” Zack shrugged. “Though let’s try to keep the fish Pokémon out of the boat, alright?” 
“Do you have Jellicent in Hoenn?” Lydia asked. She peered at the ocean closely. “We’re always told to avoid their territory at sea. It’s said they make homes out of underwater ship graveyards, and if you wander too close, they’ll drag you down into the abyss where you’ll never be seen again.” 
“We don’t have Jellicent here,” Melissa said. “I’ve only seen them when Milo and Sara begged me to stay for an all-night Dr. Magnezone marathon.” She rubbed her arms in embarrassment. “I was jumpy for days after that...” 
“Episode 79: ’The Depths of Bermuda Bay’,” Milo said, grinning at the memory of Melissa clinging to a pillow when the red-eyed Jellicent flitted across the screen. He’d seen her face runaway Camerupt with nothing but a stuffed Snubbull and a lanyard, but seeing her afraid of a puppet where the stitching was highly visible was downright surreal. 
That particular episode was infamous for its creepy imagery in the Dr. Magnezone community. 
Lydia sighed in relief. “I’m glad. Their tentacles creep me out so much.”
The S.S Plunge shuddered and lurched forward, sending everyone crashing to the floor. 
“Sorry!” Captain Jack said hastily over an intercom. “She’s just pulling out of port. We’ll be in Dewford in an hour and a half, give or take a few minutes!”
“Since we have a while, who wants to help me record the events that happened so far?” Melissa asked. “This’ll be a great baseline for the life story I plan to sell.” 
One hour later, Milo and Diogee had settled into their niche of driving away hungry Wingull while everyone else helped Melissa remember the important things. They had fun embellishing their run-in with Team Magma in Rusturf Tunnel. 
“So then Torchic and Shroomish are hanging on by a thread, an inevitable defeat drawing closer, then Marshtomp suddenly appears to save the day!” Lydia exclaimed. 
“Or we could say that Treecko used his speed to confuse them, allowing Milo to swoop in and take both Gary and the briefcase,” Amanda suggested. 
Zack rolled his eyes. “Why do all your suggestions involve Milo and his Pokémon ultimately defeating Team Magma? What are Melissa, Bradley, and I doing?” 
“You were incapacitated due to the Whismur,” Lydia replied. “Besides, the leader of the group is always the one who does the confronting. The rest of the party usually gets preoccupied with other things.” 
“Since when is Milo the leader?” Zack asked. 
“Since he got the gene for good charisma,” Melissa replied. “Keep ‘em coming, everyone. These are gold so far!” 
“Zack, look! I’m king of the world!” Milo laughed as he ran up to the bow of the ship, spreading his arms wide as the cool sea breeze whipped around him. 
Zack stood a safe distance away while Diogee held onto Milo’s life jackets with his teeth to prevent him from falling. Upon closer inspection, the railing didn’t hold much integrity.
Milo stepped back just as part of the railing broke off and dropped into the rippling ocean below. Then the ship lurched again, and Diogee lost his grip on Milo. Milo stumbled over the edge, though his fall was broken by a lifeboat. 
“Milo overboard!” Zack hollered. Milo heard Zack’s frantic footsteps as he tried to figure out a way to help. 
“Zack, it’s okay! I have a grapple!” Milo yelled, He waved the rope above his head and threw it as far he could. He tugged, frowning slightly when the line didn’t feel tight enough to support his weight. 
He pulled back to try again, only to jump out of the way as a blur suddenly crashed into the lifeboat and made the entire structure sway. Milo braced himself against the seat until the rocking stopped. 
“Sorry, Zack!” Milo apologized as he removed the hook from the hem of Zack’s jeans. 
“The Charmander are singing...” Zack giggled, still dizzy from his fall. 
Don’t worry, we’ll get you up, Melissa had texted. 
Ten minutes later, everyone clung onto life preservers and tried to keep the saltwater out of their mouths as Captain Jack towed them into Dewford Town. 
Dewford Town: Trendy phrases! Trendy surfing! Trendy fishing! Are you on the cutting edge of Hoenn trends? 
The billboard featured a supermodel and her Marill striking a flashy pose. 
“It’s been five minutes, and I’m already sick of hearing the word ‘trendy’,” Melissa said. “Amanda and Lydia are so lucky.” 
Amanda and Lydia only spent enough time in Dewford to change into dry clothes before hurrying back to the S.S Plunge. They hadn’t been interested in exploring since they heard three different people declaring their everlasting love for potion festivals. 
Captain Jack agreed to come back to Dewford when he finished taking Amanda and Lydia to Slateport. Thankfully, he had no hard feelings about the damage the S.S Plunge sustained during their little voyage. 
Besides, Milo had grown up on Dr. Magnezone. He could handle a little obsessiveness based around trendy sayings. 
“BIG LAUNDRY! I NEED MERCHANDISE OF BIG LAUNDRY!” someone screeched into a megaphone. 
“Big laundry is so two days ago,” a posh man sniffed. “Potion festivals are in.” 
“Potion festivals should be incorporated into everybody’s daily lives!” a woman sobbed. “I can’t live without potion festivals!” 
Then again, Milo knew what Dr. Magnezone fans were talking about. 
“I don’t know nothin’ about paintings! And we wouldn’t tell ya cause youse obviously one of dem potion festival wackos!”
“We be makin’ ye talk, landlubber!” a familiar voice snarled. 
As Milo, Diogee, Melissa, and Zack headed south, they caught a glimpse of a trio in blue bandanas and scruffy, cheap pirate clothing from a Halloween store cornering an old woman against the sand dunes. 
“Do you know who we are?” the only woman in the trio taunted, pointing to the skull-like ‘A’ in the middle of her bandana. “Team Aqua, scourge of humanity! We take what we want, and that includes information!” 
The third member of the trio remained silent, coolly watching his teammates try to wheedle information out of their would-be informant. His bandana was set low over his eyes, hiding all but his dark, prominent eyebags from view. 
Diogee jumped between the old woman and the Aqua members, crouching low and growling. 
“I thought Officer Elliot carted you off,” Melissa said to Patchy, who stepped back after Diogee waved his horn at him. 
“Aye, but there be only three sea shanties a man can take,” Patchy leered. “I know ye three scallywags. And I be not the forgivin’ type.” 
He threw a Poké Ball and released an aggressive-looking fish Pokémon. Zack eyed the razor-sharp teeth warily before sending out Treecko. 
“Zack, stick to long-range attacks,” Milo advised. “Carvanha has the Rough Skin ability. Its skin is super abrasive and can really hurt Treecko if you use contact moves.” 
Zack nodded. “Don’t worry, we’ll be careful.” 
“Mari! John!” Patchy barked. “I be needin’ assistance!” 
Mari eagerly jumped in with her Masquerain, and Melissa sent out Torchic to cover Treecko’s weaknesses. Patchy and Mari forgot the old woman entirely, but John intercepted her as she tried to sneak off and whispered something in her ear. 
The old woman pointed frantically at a nearby cave, and John let her go with a curt nod. She muttered something about potion festival hooligans before rushing back to town, unwilling to stay any longer than she had to. 
“What are you waiting for, John?” Mari called. “Send someone out already so we can crush ‘em!” 
John crossed his arms. “Not worth my time and effort,” he grunted harshly. “Unlike you bozos, I choose my battles wisely.” 
Carvanha barely managed to intercept a Fire Spin intended for Masquerain. 
“And I also pay attention to what my opponents are doing,” John added. 
Mari growled. “That was cheap, you brat!”
“Not my fault. You gave me the opportunity,” Melissa shrugged. “Fire Spin again!” 
“Oh no you don’t! Use Water Sport!” Mari yelled.
Bubbles formed along Masquerain’s body just as Fire Spin engulfed it. Melissa pursed her lips when the bubbles cushioned the majority of Fire Spin’s damage. 
Meanwhile, Carvanha bit down on Treecko’s tail and refused to let go. Treecko winced but didn’t cry out in pain, and Zack was watching the thrashing Water-type carefully in case it flailed in his direction. 
“Torchic, get Carvanha off Treecko!” Melissa shouted. 
Torchic scored her feet against Carvanha’s side, and it let go of Treecko with an angry snap of its teeth. Torchic hopped from foot to foot, chirping in pain from Rough Skin.
Torchic and Treecko lost their footing due to Masquerain’s Gust, slipping against the sand as they struggled to their feet. 
“Melissa, we need a plan!” Zack said frantically as Treecko was hit by a Hidden Power from Carvanha. It didn’t seem to be a type that was super-effective against Grass, but it still did a number on Treecko. 
“I’m trying! But she just has to have Water Sport and—Torchic, roll!” 
Torchic narrowly avoided a Bubble attack, then sent an Ember at Masquerain. It managed to clip the edge of Masquerain’s left wing, but didn’t do enough damage to slow it down. 
“Treecko, Bullet Seed on Carvanha!” Zack ordered. 
“He be an annoyin’ one,” Patchy said. “Use Rage!” 
Carvanha charged at Treecko, its body illuminated by a dangerous red light. Treecko fired a barrage of seeds to counter, but Carvanha broke through after a brief stalemate and slammed into Treecko. 
Treecko skidded across the beach, landing partway in the surf. 
Diogee snarled as Zack shouted at Treecko to get up, but Milo held him back. Diogee’s interference would be heavily frowned on by both sides, regardless of their morals.
Torchic held her opponents at bay with Fire Spin for now, but she would eventually be overwhelmed. 
“You have to help, Treecko!” Zack insisted. “We can’t let these Aqua goons win!” 
“Who’re you calling goon, brat?” Mari snarled. “Just for that, you’re going down first! Finish that Treecko with Gust!” 
“Don’t let that Gust hit Treecko!” Melissa yelled.
Ember interfered with Masquerain’s ability to produce a wind blast strong enough to knock out Treecko, but Torchic was wide open for Carvanha. 
“Argh, Bite that wee chick and don’t let go!” Patchy crowed. 
Carvanha clamped down on Torchic’s head and brushed its fins against her feathers, its Rough Skin crippling her further. 
Melissa reluctantly held up Torchic’s Poké Ball, ready to forfeit her part in the battle. Torchic wouldn’t last much longer at this rate. 
Diogee took several steps towards the surf, and Milo followed to make sure he didn’t jump into the middle of the battle. Diogee seemed incredibly curious about the white, glowing body lying in the surf. The body grew taller, and a white, leafy projection grew from its head. 
“Zack, Treecko’s evolving!” Milo called. 
Zack gasped as the white glow faded and his Grovyle’s brilliant green and red scales shone in the sunlight. 
Grovyle shook the water out of his leafy tail, then fixed his opponents with a stern glare. 
“Can you still fight?” Zack asked. 
Grovyle slashed the air in confirmation. 
Zack grinned, and while Mari and Patchy floundered for strategies on how to deal with Grovyle, Torchic cried out as a blinding white glow covered her body. 
Melissa shrieked with glee as two long arms tipped with sharp claws emerged from Torchic’s torso. “Dislodge that Carvanha, Tor-no, Combusken!” she screamed triumphantly. 
Combusken yanked a shocked Carvanha off her head, and Patchy screamed in rage as she drop-kicked it straight into Masquerain. Masquerain squealed as Carvanha slammed into it. Rough Skin dug into its wings, and the ability had suddenly become a hindrance for the Aqua Goons. 
“Turn off Rough Skin!” Mari shouted at Patchy, glaring daggers at him. 
“Lassie, I would, but-” 
“’Tis beyond me mind.” 
Grovyle disappeared, then reappeared behind Masquerain as it shook sand out of its wings. The Grass-type slashed downwards, and Masquerain slammed into the sandy ground, too exhausted to continue. 
“That was Aerial Ace!” Milo shouted. “Grovyle knows Aerial Ace! That move is super cool! My dad’s Absol knows it!” 
Zack grinned. “Awesome.” 
Mari huffed disdainfully as she recalled Masquerain. “Patchy, you better beat them for me.” 
But Carvanha stood no chance against a powered-up Fire Spin and Bullet Seed combo and fainted without landing a hit on either Combusken or Grovyle. 
Patchy recalled Carvanha, but he didn’t seem too angry with his loss. “Eh, ‘tis a good fight,” he said. 
“This isn’t over!” Mari howled. “John, let me borrow your Pokémon! It wouldn’t take much to beat them now!” 
“You lost valuable time by taunting instead of attacking,” John stated coldly. “You lost it when your opponents evolved. You didn’t take advantage of Combusken’s Flying-type weakness, nor did you rely on Masquerain’s strengths.”
Mari opened her mouth to protest, but John beat her to the punch. 
“My Pokémon don’t tolerate incompetence.” 
“Aye. He has a point, he has,” Patchy agreed. “The scallywags won fairly, and ‘tis a disgrace to claim otherwise.” 
Mari let out a wordless scream of rage and stalked off. Patchy followed her, though he kept his distance. 
Milo blinked, then realized John was addressing him. It was hard to tell since his eyes were hidden. “Um, me?” Milo awkwardly pointed to himself. 
John snorted. “No, the piece of seaweed to your left. Yes, I’m talking to you. You have an Absol.” 
Milo glanced at Diogee, whose eyes flitted between Milo and John, unsure of the Aqua member’s threat level. “He’s a great partner,” Milo finally said. 
“Keep him close,” John advised. “You might need him a lot sooner than you’d expect.” 
“Of course,” Milo agreed. 
John trudged away, kicking up sand as he grumbled about his ridiculous coworkers. 
“I don’t get those guys at all,” Zack said. 
Melissa released Combusken from a celebratory hug and made a note on her phone. “Maybe I should add another charge for every questionable hire Dakota makes for his team,” she mused. 
They made a brief stop at the Pokémon Center to heal Combusken and Grovyle, then began asking the locals for directions to Granite Cave. Unfortunately, most of them believed they were either potion festival hooligans or big laundry punks and refused to give them any useful information. 
“Is there anyone in this town who isn’t crazy?” Melissa sighed, throwing a rock into the ocean in frustration. 
A strange figure rode a giant wave, surfing rapidly towards the beach at an alarming pace. Diogee dragged Milo out of the way as Melissa and Zack took cover behind a cluster of boulders. The wave crashed onto the beach with a resounding roar, depositing a speedboat that had been painted to resemble a heavily fortified castle and its rider on the sand. 
The rider took off her helmet and squeezed the water out of her long, blonde hair. 
“Veronica?” Milo gasped. 
“Long time, no see, Milo!” Veronica grinned. Diogee circled her excitedly, and Veronica laughed as she stroked his head. “Aw, Diogee’s grown so much! You’ve been taking real good care of each other!” 
“You know each other?” Zack asked.
Milo nodded. “Melissa, Zack, this is Veronica. She was the best babysitter I’ve ever had! Haven’t seen her in like, a lot of fortnights, but she’s still awesome! And she gave me this backpack!” 
“I always wondered why you were attached to that thing,” Melissa remarked. 
“Last babysitter standing,” Veronica stated proudly. “I’ve also added pizza delivery girl and Dewford Gym Leader to my skillset. You up for a challenge, Milo? Cause I have a Knuckle Badge with your name on it.” 
AN: The S.S Plunge is the name of the ship that takes Dakota to the Island. It’s in the background when Dakota is at the docks and looking for the ship.
ORAS’ default trendy saying is Potion Festivals. Unfortunately, you can’t mix and match to get the dumbest or most risque sayings like in Gen 3.
Team Aqua returns! I was listening to Heroes of Hoenn while writing the battle scene. It helps if you really want that triumphant feeling.
The anime does establish that Rough Skin has an off switch, but Patchy hasn’t figured that out.
Veronica is awesome.
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