#so its not like she cant do her schoolwork
mothswitheyes · 6 months
do you think with (I'm 99% sure) kipperlily's very aggressive conversation with kristen and kristen getting expelled that kipperlily is gonna succeed at doing something to get her kicked out of school?
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got hospitalised against my will lol love my life love being alive
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tw: substances + possible child neglect + suicidal plans mentioned.
am i the asshole for occasionally smoking a joint when i am on videocall with my younger relative?
for context, she is 12, she is the literal light of my life, the reason i didnt off myself in my late teens / early twenties, the coolest smartest strongest most fun person i know. i would do anything for her and i mean anything i'd kill an angry bear barehanded idc.
however, i live in a different country, so most of what she wants from me is the occasional videocall, either to help with schoolwork or just to hang out. it doesn't happen more than twice a month, so i'm always really resistant to not take her calls.
i use weed both for medicinal and recreative purposes, and it's happened before that she called in the middle of a flareup that i needed to manage with weed. i also cant exclude this will happen again. part of my managing of my addiction is that when im having a 'feeling better' joint i take care to dose it lower, so it won't actually give me a high, but you know, there's margin for error there.
my conundrum is happening because i generally dont think its a great idea to expose children to drugs, but like, we're on videocall, she can't see or smell it, and i don't think she would be able to clock that there's anything weird about me. and im not supervising an amateur explosives building session, we're literally just doing homework. idk. am i the asshole? is this going to measurably impact her in a negative way? not the kind of opinion you should crowdsource, but i'm curious what you all think.
What are these acronyms?
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dullgecko · 4 days
Bad kids headcanons
Riz had been accidentally laid on multiple times, 1) Gorgug, and he never did it again he felt terrible 2) Fabian has done it multiple times but mainly because Riz was laying on his bed or under a pillow 3) Kristen, continuously does this hasn’t learned surprisingly.
Gorgug and Adaine go out of their way to feed the other bad kids, they have everything from apple slices to protein bars, to baked goods.
Fig has playlists for all the bad kids, and surprisingly it’s not all metal, it’s songs that genuinely fit the them. Sometimes they get emotional while listening to them because some of the songs hit hard.
Fabian takes the bad kids to do expensive activities that he thinks they’ll enjoy, he takes Kristen to dance lessons, Riz to an escape room, Gorgug to take a class for a falconry, Adaine to a self defense class (furious fists!!), and Fig to a movie set about doctors who keep making out?? (He had no idea what do for her)
(Junior) Kristen tries to get all of her friends to work out together, so far she’s gotten most of them to participate. Gorgug used to be the only she asked to come so he could spot her. Riz just sits on the treadmill and brings them water occasionally.
The unfortunate instances of the squished Riz
Gorgug had gotten up to go get more snacks while the rest of the kids were watching a movie. He was gone a while because he's the kind of person who enjoys things like cut-up fruit instead of popcorn as his snack of choice. He was holding a plate in one hand and was watching the screen when he went to sit back down again and accidentally squished Riz who had finally arrived after one of his club activities while Gorgug was out of the room.
No one had told him that Gorgug was sitting on the couch before he arrived so he just plopped himself down with the pillows on one end and fully passed out from exhaustion. His nap lasted about four minutes before he got partially sat on by their barbarian, took a shitload of bludgeoning damage, and scrambled free while Gorgug apologised profusely. Gorgug is much more careful about checking where he sits now, even if Riz isnt there.
Riz tends to disappear into Fabians room a lot in junior year when he's a) exhausted all the time because of schoolwork and clubs and b) still having to attend a billion social gatherings at his house in order to help Kristens campaign. The bard/fighters room is always locked during parties but a locked door isnt even a challenge to Riz. He hits his social limit, disappears upstairs, picks the lock and sits in the dark in the partially soundproofed room until he feels like he can deal with other people again without getting snappy.
Most of the time he just passes out for twenty minutes or so on the bed for a power nap before going back downstairs but more than once he's slept so long the party has ended, Fabian has stumbled back to his room drunk and exhausted and not turned on a light and just fully faceplanted on top of the goblin who's curled up in a ball and very pillow-shaped in the dark. Sometimes Riz is too tired to turn the lights off in the room (reaching the light switch involves jumping for someone his height) so he just hides under the ten or so pillows piled on the bed to block out the light and gets flopped on that way. At least Fabian is lighter than Gorgug, and all it really does is startle the shit out of Riz and wake him up. Depending on how drunk Fabian is though Riz might not get to leave until the next day because he cant escape the grapple.
Kristen just doesnt look before she sits or lies down. At sleepovers she'll flop down wherever, not caring if that lump next to Fig is suspiciously goblin sized or not. Full weight flop, unexpected yelping and sometimes biting if she doesnt get up fast enough. She even rolls over in her sleep a lot and will steamroll anyone in her way. Its gotten to the point that if Riz does bother sleeping he has to strategically place himself where their cleric cant get to him easily. Near Gorgugs shoulder or against Fabians side are the safest spots.
He's not even safe when just sitting half the time either. At lunch time he will sit cross-legged on the cafeteria table if not eating otherwise Kristen might try to occupy the same bench space as him because she's paying more attention to her crystal than where she's going.
Fig will sometimes just send random songs to her friends crystals too, they always end up getting added to their playlists because they're always a banger. Fig is also responsible for the road-trip dj-ing, she's the only one they can trust to put on songs everyone will like and wont fight over.
Kristens dance lessons are mostly because he tried teaching her himself and is now deeply traumatised. Best to leave it to the professionals. She's getting better at things like square dancing but ballroom dancing is off the table. Too many broken toes.
Riz's escape room, all time record beaten. He found all the clues, decoded all the cyphers, found all the hidden doors and panels, put together the narative and was out within three minutes. It was honestly a little scary to watch, Fabian just stood out of the way near the entrance as the goblin went full investigator mode (he did help once by picking Riz up so he could reach something on a high shelf but he doesnt count it as participating). Technically Riz could have done it in one minute but he felt like he had to do it properly so he made sure to follow the proper steps and collect all the clues (he thought they might get extra points that way). Riz gets a little pin saying he beat the room with his time on it and clips it to the collar of his vest.
Gorgug thoroughly enjoys his falconry lesson and even after its finished still sometimes goes back to visit and see how the birds are going. He would have also enjoyed a trip to the zoo but Fabian framed it as more of a 'i would like company at my falconry lesson' rather than a gift for the half-orc (Gorgug was honestly a little surprised that Fabian wasnt taking Riz but some of the birds were very large and he could just imagine one flying off with the goblin so didnt ask questions).
Adaine actually asked Fabian to teach her some hand-to-hand fighting because, even though he has levels in bard now, he is a fighter himself. He decided to bring in a teacher once a week for a month or so at his manor to help the both of them improve their skills so she wasnt doing it alone.
Figs day out was fun but weird. He payed for a full studio tour where she got to meet the actors and watch some filming on set from off to the side. Fig had a lot of fun, mostly because she secretly watches the show and got autographs from her favorite characters.
Gorgug and Fabian will join her sometimes, but they can literally run circles around her. The pair of them do help her with her form so she doesnt hurt herself though, or try to put way too much weight on at once. Fig and Adaine fully do not want anything to do with it, not interested at all. Riz will sit and watch, and go fetch water if needed, but he's basically jogging all day every day to keep up with people and doesnt need the extra cardio.
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jcdlem · 1 year
ೃ༄ Fade Into You
cherry valance dating hcs
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im gonna start working on requests, which may or may not take a while. in the mean time, i offer you some cherry thoughts<3
warnings: written with a fem!reader in mind, not beta or proof read
her love language is gift-giving. she has no issues expressing her affection through actions or words; she simply enjoys getting you things she thinks youll like. a vinyl of your favorite band, a necklace that matches one of hers, your favorite flowers, and so on.
uses schoolwork as an excuse to spend time with you. if anyone asks why youre at her house so often, or why she stares at you in the hallways with such longing, she’ll say its because you helped her prepare for the last history exam.
very chatty when youre around. nobody can get her talking quite like you do.
slips little notes into your locker. shes always careful to make them look nice, drawing hearts in the corners and adding extra loops to her handwriting.
wears your jewelry, if you let her. she cant love you as much as she’d like to in public—correction, she cant love you at all—so she does it in a subtle attempt to display her feelings towards you.
steals glances at you during her cheer routines. youre the only person in the crowd she truly cares about; she cant help herself, even if she wanted to.
calls you a lot, especially at night. listening to your voice and having long conversations is almost as good as seeing your face, in her opinion. almost.
begs you to stay over when her parents arent home. she cant love you as much as she’d like to in public, but she can in private<3
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komohine · 2 months
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(College au)
Today i bring you found siblings Pidge and James. Wont disclose too much (for suspense but also bcs i havent figured everytjinf out yet) but basically Pidge is a 15 year old in an extremely fast paced and competitive college environment (their uni, Burnham, is basically just another ivy league in this universe. And she’s in uni for compsci and coding) balancing her schoolwork with her tireless search for her missing brother and father. That’s not healthy for a 15 year old. On top of that she doesn’t get that big of a monthly stipend because her mother is really struggling to keep everything afloat alone. And even though her mom tells her not to worry of course Pidge fucking worries.
James comes from a similarly fast paced and stressful background. His whole life was pretty much making sure everything he did was beyond perfect for not only the public eye but also so he could maybe get some love from his parents (never happened). He’s balancing a dual major and a minor with the responsibilities of being his parents company’s heir and it absolutely sucks but at least he’s a legal adult.
Pidge does NOT like James at first. Like with James you either really like him or you really, really hate him. Most people like him but the small minority that hate him are passionate about it. She always questioned Keith’s taste and thought James was a no good pretentious asshole that would only hurt Keith and everyone around him.
Until one day, while James is spending some time in the dorm, Pidge offhandedly mentions to Hunk how annoying it was that her favourite chocolate brand doubled in price because of import fees because she could no longer afford buying it. James made zero indication that he care or even that he heard this. But two days go by and the paladin dorm gets a fresh grocery delivery (their struggle with groceries was a recurring theme). Beyond the fact that James went out of his way to buy groceries for them, the groceries weren’t just a random assortment of stuff either. Inside were spices Hunk complained he was missing, a premium protein powder for Lance because Lance finds the cheap ones taste quite bad, chestnuts for Keith, and a megapack of the chocolate Pidge wanted. Down to the specific kind of chocolate from the specific brand.
And Pidge had been so wrapped up in her insane schedule and stresses that she’d forgotten how nice it was for an adult to take care of things for her. Because making the decision to skip out on your favourite treat in favour of actual nourishing food bcs you cant afford both is a heartbreaking decision to make at 15. And Pidge realizes that maybe James isn’t so bad.
And she starts sucking up to him and loudly mentioning her favourite snacks around him because she knows he’ll buy them for her and every grocery delivery she’s proved right when her favourite snacks show up. But one day James just looks at her and goes “you know you can ask me directly, right? I don’t mind” and Pidge crumbles a little and her voice gets stuck in her throat and she can only manage a weak comeback because shes now realizing that James actually does care and that he reminds her a lot of Matt and she misses Matt so much its painful.
One time Keith and James were out but Keith forgot something in his dorm. James is the faster one so he offered to go get it for Keith and ended up accidentally walking in on Pidge having a full on meltdown (Pidge and Keith are roommates). James very quickly walked back out of that room to give her space but he didn’t leave immediately. After he heard her sniffling die down a bit he asked through the door if she wanted to talk about it. Because James came from a big family that was devoid of love. He would do anything to have had one of his older siblings comfort him when he was younger and sad over whatever. The least he can do is try to be what his older brothers were not. Because he sees himself reflected in Pidge in a way. He knows if he was in her position at her age he’d kill for someone older to tell him that all will be well eventually.
And instead of answering Pidge just opens the door and hugs James and James is a little shocked but hugs back nonetheless and sits with her on the dorm floor for a long while (he had to text Keith to go on without him) listening to her ramble about school problems, more personal issues, club penguin drama, and warrior cats lore.
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dballzposting · 1 year
See when Goku died the second time it was such a morose and sensitive time and Chichi was due for another baby and there was just no room for negativity any more. It was sad and quiet and sweet and bittersweet and careful. She had a new beautiful baby boy and Gohan had a new baby brother.
It was a time of gentle healing. There was relief in the peace.
Because of that I'm very interested in the time when suddenly Goten was old enough that Chichi saw it fit to start beating him. It's been years and the tone of the house has been studious and sensitive, and the new baby has been such a blessing that no one has ever gotten THAT mad about anything lately. Chichi has not used the iron skillet on Gohan in this time, though there were a few times where Gohan felt it would be threatened - but mostly, he felt that he was old enough that that wasnt gonna happen anymore. He felt some sense of satisfaction at his own strength, and that the peace was earned. This house is an emotionally sensitive and intelligent one now.
But chichi is maligned and it's going to come out somehow. When Goten gets to be about 6, Chichi stops being comforted by his babyness and her patience starts to wear thin with him. It starts being ok to slap him, for some reason.
And I just imagine the SICK HORROR that Gohan would feel, in his bedroom, doing his schoolwork like a good boy, when he can hear his mother's tone go sharp in the other room, and then the unmistakable CRACK of a slap to the face. It's defintiely not her strongest, but it stings on babyfat.
The way Gohan's heart would SINK ... he would feel so sick immediately.. It's as if that behavior never left their house, and he's responding in an uncapped adverse way as if he's still young hinself - but unlike when he was young, he's lost the defensive emotional wall regarding it that would have spared him the embarrassment of tears. His defenses have disintegrated with disuse and the panic and pain and sickened SADNESS of hearing that from the other room is suddenly intolerable.
He would act but he knows that theres nothing he could say to get through to Chichi .. and he knows that he cant talk back to his mother. He has too much empathy for her at this present time, so while he DOES hurry out into the room and take Goten into his protective arms and beg their mom to not do that, to beseech how COULD she do that?, to remind her of their saddened circumstances, and to ultimately startle her by the way he's trembling and his voice in a pre-tears wounded cadence, he does not blame her like he should. He knows shes stressed.
Not much can really be done about Chichi so Gohan just tries to keep Goten close, and to specifically encourage him to leave the room with him whenever Gohan starts to sense that Chichi is operating on one nerve only. But who knows what is free to transpire when Gohan isnt around.
Chichi does try to train Goten a little bit, and gives up immediately + dissolves to tears when he goes super saiyan. I dont imagine this rejection by his mother felt good to Goten. And he does learn to fight over at Capsule Corp, but it's a completely different environment and circumstance than when Chichi cracks the wooden spoon over his head.
There is one time where Goten, as he learns about the world, wonders why there is a difference. And there's a day where he catches the spoon before it makes it to his head. As he and Chichi stare at the spoon, frozen in its trajectory, Goten doesnt know exactly what this means yet. He feels a bit shy at the defiance, and a lot of pride at having defended his organism - but then his mother mobilizes in a response of pure shock, fear, and pain. She starts to cry and it's clear she feels betrayed. It's clear he's in trouble. And Goten then is overwhelmed with the new knowledge that - oh, oh no, I'm not suppsoed to do that, I'm not suppsoed to dishonor my mother by getting in her way and going against her will, look at how upset I've made her, look at how much she doesnt love me right now! I've committed a grave defilement of our honor! I've lost her love!
So naturally he never does that again.
I've written about this before but it was only briefly + in the middle of a 6600 word post about GT Trunks, so I'll summarize to the best of my memory: Goten, as his mother's baby boy and saving grace, as her only source of happiness and salvation, as her only source of purity, and as a male who is always told how much he looks like his father (by whom she has taken pain from), feels personally responsible for his mother's emotionally state and feels BEYOND ABYSMAL whenever he feels that he has besmirched her. This is a response to a wound of early childhood and is a moodstate that is out of context in our present time, but is just as persuasive. He feels inconsolably depressed at these times because it's the feeling a baby would have when it got the sense that its mother didnt love it.
He's a happy guy otherwise and he'll go through life being so true to hinself UNTIL he's suddenly down. He's a martial artist + so in-tuned with hinself and his authenticity and his organism's natural healing resources so the effect isnt as PERVASIVE or ENDURING as it could be, but still detrimental.
He'll walk around on GT being a slag and playfully going against his mother's wishes for the priority of authenticity, but if his mother actuslly shed tears or expressed real distress that he's not making any real commitments or efforts toward marriage, then he would get down on his knees on the floor next to her chair and gently grip the arm that Chichi is using to cover her tears and he would promise her, promise her, promise her that he'll do better. As an old wound, he CAN NOT and WILL NOT end up like the father that everyone says he looks like, whose absence he has seen cause his mother irreparable misery and stress over the years. He'll be a good son and a better husband than his father ever was. He looks up a lot to Goku of course but in these moments, it's just between him and his mother, and he just wants to soothe her as he was able to do when he was a sweet baby boy and earn her love. He'll give her a good daughter-in-law and grandkids like she wants.
Goten is a wild man and he loves being himself BUT at times like this he takes a MASSIVE HIT regarding his percieved loss of purity. He knows love and pleasure and sincerity and beauty when he sees it, but at these times and in this moodstate, he feels like he deserves to die for all the pretty women's hands he has held and not honored through marriage. When in his frat years Kinto-Un temporarily rejected him on account of his shitting in one too many urinals, that triggered one of those episodes and he was AWOL for a short while.
Obviously this is clearly fucked. Chichi has made her baby boy responsible for her emotions, becasue she evidently cant moderate/regulate them on her own, when in parenting it's suppsoed to be the other way around. Though I know she loves and is loyal to her family so deeply, she has conducted herself in a manner that has colored her love as conditional and equaling to her satisfaction in her child. She is reactive and explosive and temperamental. She is emotionally immature. Why. I feel like she had a fine dad so why is she like this
Gohan knows this about her and he just sort of .. moves out about it. He takes refuge in his work. He starts his own family. He lets Goten visit as much as he wants. Gohan of course loves his mother and feels responsible for her in the way that one with a sensitive and elderly mother would, and he really does want her to be happy, but he also shuts down a lot of her behaviors and a lot of his responses to her emotions for the sake of his own wellbeing. But he also avoids the topic of her insanity and will not read any books that could explain her behavior or help him to heal, he just hyperfocuses on bugs and disassociates from himself to get by. Whatever
The only one who could ever tame ms Chichi BTW was Piccolo becasue he brought her much-needed peace and security.
Ms Chichi everyone
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dykeyote · 2 years
i got through all my schoolwork and so i am requesting some sweet sorelaide hcs as a littl . treat :-) been on a soren kick recently,,,,,
PROUD OF U!!!!!!! sorelaide my fucking BELOVEDS u dont even need to ask im so crazy abt them ....
i think soren likes sneaking up on adelaide and just POUNCING on her . he does this even before theyr dating when he just has a crush on her and is attempting to befriend he just goes POUNCE . adelaide pretends she finds this annoying but in reality she thinks its very cute and when soren asks if hegenuinely wants it to stop adelaides like um . no its ok . its fine . just like say smt beforehand . and soren always goes HEY ADELAIDE WATCH OUT before POUNCING HER AND BITING HER AND SENDING HER TUMBLING TO THE GROUND WHLIE SHE GIGGLES AND TRIES TO HIDE IT
soren wears LOTS of black lipgloss and he likes kissing adelaide on the cheek to see the little lipgloss stains .... adelaide never wipes them off she thinks they make her look all pretty (and also shes flustered) . adelaide doesnt wear lipstick usually but she wears tinted lip balm on occasion and soren likes being able to feel it on his face and look int he mirror and see the smear .... SIGH
i like to think about soren just . randomly catching adelaide off guard before she even realizes she has feelings for him and being SO flustered and thinking about it all day and not knowing why . soren says shes ethereal looking and reminds him of a moth and adelaide tries to convince herself that she finds it FREAKISH and WEIRD and WHAT IS WRONG W THAT BOY but she cant stop thinking about it all day and blushing and hiding her face in her hands shes so mad at herself for it
oh and how adelaide flusters him back ..... i dont even think adelaide tries to do it its just smt About her . she tucks her hair behind her ear or she brushes her hand against his completely on accident and doesnt notice or goes on a nice long ramble to sydney while sorens nearby and oh how soren SWOONS he thinks shes so pretty ..... its things adelaide doesnt evn know sorens paying attention to but he IS and he loves her so much god dammit i LOE THEM
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tearsonthepage · 1 year
hi, so i wanted to ask you a question.
i know that you are very protective of charlie's mother and i understand why and i fully agree that comparing her to aled's mother doesn't make sense. i agree that jane isn't abusive.
but, i also want to hear your opinion about her as a mother without bringing up all the people who call her worse than she actually is, i want to hear your opinion without putting you in a situation in which you have to protect her. so, my questions are:
do you think that she is a good mother?
do you think that she made mistakes in the series? if you do think so, what were the mistakes?
is there anything in general that you have against her as a mother?
i also just wanted to say that i'm so so sorry if it comes out as offensive or agressive, i don't want to fight, i just want to know your opinion, because when i read the books (especially solitaire and this winter) i thought about her as not the best mother in this world and even though i don't think that she was abusive or anything like it or actively hurt her kids on purpose i also think that she made some mistakes and i feel like your opinion might be very interesting because you always have great takes
~ the 💎anon
oooo i love this one, okok so
i do think she is a good mother, i think (like everyone else) she makes mistakes and she says the wrong thing because she doesn’t understand why her kids are upset with her when she’s just trying to protect them, but i don’t think that makes her a bad mother overall.
i think that when (in the show) she used banning her kid (charlie) from seeing the person they love (nick) as a punishment wasn’t exactly a great move. i understand where she could be coming from, that he spends too much time js hanging out and he ignores his work, but if that was something she wanted to teach was wrong she could’ve spoken with him abt time management, or getting work out of the way before going out. just flat out going “you cant see nick until its done” wasnt the way to go, maybe she could’ve said “i understand that you care abt him, but holding him as your number one priority, even above your schoolwork and future, isn’t healthy for you two. you need to understand that you need to manage your time better, and maybe get the boring stuff out of the way before hanging out with friends or your boyfriend.” but, if she did say that, theres no guarantee he actually wouldve learned anything. theres more but i feel like that needs to be its own post, and this one is js an example on the tip of the iceberg.
i dont necessarily have anything against her as a mother, being a parent is hard and theres no one way to do it, so you probably feel a little lost and overwhelmed at times. that being said, its pretty clear that her kids feel ignored or flat out hated by her pretty frequently, and that is DEFINITELY not what you want as a mom. i think she js tries so hard to care for them and protect them it can be overwhelming/overbearing and if shes not doing that, it seems to them like she’s ignoring them or doesnt care. she cares so much she tends to get a lot of things wrong, but when push comes to shove, she loves her kids and she can be good for them (letting charlie and nick have a sleepover, for example), she just worries too much and tries a little too hard to not be like her mom (the flashback of her mom hitting her when she was a teen).
sorry if this doesnt make too much sense lol, i tried ❤️
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Give some fun facts about the kid characters, any of them, whichever are your favorites, I guess. Love these kids, theyre so fun. Your character designs are always so nice!
Thanks! Heres some assorted fun facts under the cut (fun level varies)
Cara: Cara is short for Caramel. She likes puzzles a lot, especially puzzle cubes. They can also carry pretty much anything in the pockets inside their sweater because of magic she used on them when she sewed them in. Its very rare for her to not have something you'd need. Shes prepared for almost anything. She also says gamer words without knowing what most of them really mean (other than bro, she usues that literally)
Barley: He calls himself Epic Fail as an insult to himself, so nobody else calls him that. Cara calls him Epic and Epic Win. He likes horror movies, but he cant watch them that often because of his parents and Cara being around, so he usually watches them in bed on his phone.
Ryan: Ryan is really sporty, he likes basketball and baseball, but hes not on any sports teams. His favorite colors are orange and yellow, and he likes baking. He picked it up from his parents, as he would help them when he was younger. He still helps them now when he can, whenever he isnt busy with school, that is. Hes unaware of The Horrors.
Rosie: Rosie isn't actually her aunts favorite, even though it would seem like that since she gets whatever she wants. She only gets stuff because her aunt thinks it'll keep Rosie quiet and away from her. Rosie has Posie do her schoolwork for her, so she isnt that good with reading and writing. She does know how to swim and ride a bike though, which Posie does not. She can be mean to Posie sometimes, but thats only because shes jealous that Posie is the favorite, something both of them have been told before.
Logan: Logan is only a few months younger than Barley. Her egg showed up a couple months after Barleys did, and since they lived in the same aprtment complex, they spent a lot of time together. Logan sees Barley and Cara as siblings, and they feel the same towards the Berry kids. Shes the one who introduced Barley to horror movies, she especially likes monster movies...and vampires.
Posie: Posie is the favorite due to her being very quiet (usually unable to speak up) and how she can entertain herself without being around her aunt and uncle. She likes to build blanket forts in her and Rosies playroom. She could sit in there for hours by herself, reading or coloring, she doesnt like being away from Rosie though, so theyre usually together.
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year
I asked for tinimmy cause i love them BUT I also like the zeke and Tina ship(can't remember their ship name for the life of me) so do you got any headcannons for them?
honestly i dont know how to answer this bcuz i feel like everybody has such a specific fanon idea of them in their heads?? like canon tina and zeke is VERY different from fanon tina and zeke (not a bad thing especially bcuz they're usually written to be older and more mature in fanon) but im gonna try and stick to their actual canon friendship as its portrayed in the show :)
neither of them are smart but they usually get okay grades in different classes (tina is better at english and science, zeke does better in math and history they're both solid B+ students in those classes) so they will often help each other with homework they're stuck on or help each other cheat off their schoolwork lol
tina originally attended zeke's wrestling matches for jimmy jr (obviously) but after they become better friends she starts cheering for him too!!!! he's always trying to impress her by using super complex moves that he isnt really that good at and he ends up getting his ass handed to him but tina still thinks he's amazing
jimmy jr will sometimes ask to hang out with both of them and get frozen yoghurt or smth and just completely forget or leave midway through their date (love this boy but he is dumb as HELL zero thoughts inside his head) which left them in an awkward "we're both friends with the same person but not with each other and now our mutual friend left us alone at a party what do we do" situation. this also happens frequently at tammy/jocelyn parties and get togethers so they've gotten pretty good at making awkward small talk and thats kinda how their friendship begins
tina will NEVER stop playfully arguing or teasing zeke even after they're good friends he doesn't mind it but they're always jokingly fighting w/ each other. nobody can ever tell if they're serious or not
tina doesn't have the biggest appetite and zeke has a HUGE one (and he doesnt always get as much food as he maybe needs when he's at home) so sometimes tina will give him half of her lunch and they'll eat together. gene is very offended that she didnt offer to him first but she reminds him that they literally live together and share food ALL THE TIME (and he shares with louise most of the time anyway)
tina also sometimes brings snacks to school that she knows zeke likes and she buys them at the store :) she shares during recess
zeke walks her home sometimes after school (usually with jimmy jr louise gene etc there as well bcuz tina cant really walk home without them) and they'll just laugh and tell jokes together!!!! they have a very similar tense of humor and a very teasing relationship so its easy for them to get along <3
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linoone · 2 years
Basically work has been turning me into more of a cunt. Let me bitch about it a little
For the past ... two months now i think , ive had to work at separate locations. Sometimes three a week. Initially i got hired at one location within walking distance of my house but am now part of the roster at a roach infested location, except not really because i cant clock in or out. Despite the fact ive been working there for a month
Other than fainting at work things were fine at first, but my coworkers have started talking negatively about me which ive mentioned before. I know this because they do it when i am within earshot, often to my back in the most literal sense possible. Its mostly one woman who complains about having to work with me because i, quote, “cannot do anything”. She talks about my apparent poor performance to other people even when i am a few feet away from her working the register. Ive even seen at least one other coworker possibly go to her to complain about me screwing up. Unless we are working alone, she uses someone else to talk to me. Everyone makes mistakes, but it feels like they are held against me when i make them despite the fact we are minimum wage fast food employees and not a 5 star restaurant
None of the complaints are in any way critical, its just me being bad at my job/being unable to do certain tasks right. I have worked for this company for not even 3 months, and admittedly was not trained well (plus my memory is shit). I even have a feeling that sometimes i made to do things /just/ so my coworkers have an excuse to talk about me being a horrible employee. I got laughed at for not knowing how to wrap food up properly. It is not a welcoming environment if youre new and feels like a clique. But because i am a warm body who can go to other locations, customers do like me, and i do my job well enough, i dont think my job is in real jeopardy unless i put my foot down about it. Im just a little slow because of autism (and theres no way on gods green earth im letting the coworkers at that location know i have autism)
The problem i have is despite how petty and bitchy i am, and with the 500 different ways ive complained about it on twitter and with family, i am not good with confrontation. And as much as i want to talk to management about not working there anymore (other than that it is a horrible environment, no communication between employees + the afformentioned roach infestation), based on past experience im worried that /ILL/ get in trouble for it, because i brought it up in the first place + because ive been getting ruder to her. I just let all my emotions build up and not do anything with them. Shes been working at the company for 7 years, surely she can talk to/about other employees how she feels like it?
Everyone ive talked to about it has said i am being taken advantage of by the company and that i have every reason to not want to work at that location. Plus, i am incredibly behind on my schoolwork because of it - i barely passed my first exam in my vet assistant course
I just worry that the worst thing possible will happen, because my luck is not good. Even if my family doesnt care if i get fired, /I/ care if i get fired. Because it just proves that in situations like this, and like the ones ive been through in the past (the reason i have ptsd in the first place), the best thing to do is just grin and bear it. And i am tired of having to put up with poor treatment
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xxxg0ryygurlll13xxx · 4 months
something that has been bothering me a hell of a lot more than usual is ppl seem to never have time for me (sorry this is so incredibly long)
when i was a kid ofc ppl didnt either like for basketball games or band concerts my friends never went they said they never have time. but now on tuesday is my NAHS induction, i cant stress enough that this is only 15 mins, from 5-515. and no one can go....everyone ive invited except my parents are too busy, my best friend of 10 years, my bf, my only school friend, everyone. shes always busy tho and refuses to make time for anyone but herself even if she makes everyone else make time for her events, which i do go to. i think swingin 15 mins on a tuesday evening isnt that difficult. i mean my bf lives kinda far and my best friend has some kind of other event, and my school friend just never has time for anyone but herself. youd think id be used to ppl not going to my things (ive had many bday parties as a kid that turned out to just be me and maybe 2 other kids from school...) i wanna know why tho. why ppl never seem to make time for me. am i not important enough to just miss out on some studying? skip a school meeting? catch a ride from someone who lives closer? i mean it stings. it really does. to go to all of their events and important things and then when i have one important thing (most important thing thats happened to me in my 2 years so far of highschool) no one seems to make time for me. im grateful my parents are going ofc but still itd be nice to know other people like me as much. again i thought i was used to sort of being left out or forgotten about i mean it has happened my whole life but this this is so important and these people know that and they still wont go. i mean its 15 mins. FIFTEEN MINUTES OF THEIR TIME AND IVE GIVEN THEM HOURS AND HOURS. ive missed therapy appointment, dr appointments, family dinners, schoolwork for these people and they wont even give me 15 mins of their evening. i feel bad esentially being on my knees begging them to go so ive refused to ask again. i might ask my bf again and see if i can emphasize that its only 15 minutes. he doesnt have to stay for the whole art show which is till 7. he only has to sit in the auditorium for 15 mins and maybe hang out a bit in the lobby afterwards. thats all any of them have to do...maybe im the problem w this i mean the only common thread is me so maybe im just a shit person and unaware of it and thats why ppl never seem to want to hang out w me. i mean they know its so important to me but here they are not planning on going. it really burns to be the friend thats always forgotten about.
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sixosix · 6 months
bc ilysm, i drew some stuff (im so normal abt Thawed like actually normal no no i am not insane at all ahah,,,)
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(that time mc got burnt like a bicken nugget, aftermath of ch2)^^
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(when shit went south, like, before ch3. that time mc began HATIN)^^
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the way bro fumbled (aftermath of mc leaving)^^
i cannot count how many times I've read this godsent blessed fic u made. its running in my blood. injected into my dna. im the numero uno biggest Thawed fic dick rider ong. if Thawed never existed i would be DEAD. ur writing is just so HNNDBSJSJXHNSJDGCGJWJSNXHS yeah. it makes me wanna jump off a cliff in a good way. giving u the biggest smackiest juiciest slimiest kiss of the century for making this masterpiece dawg🩷🩷🩷
anywayssss how u beeeennnnn!!!! heard ur swarmed w school works (me too pookie) so i made this to (hopefully) make u feel better. just wanna check on my fav author<33 ALSO arlecchino😭😭😭🩷😭😭🩷🥰😭🥰🥰😭🩷 my pocketd boita be BUSTED bc wym her and lyney are on the same bannerrr💀(the leaks are KILLING ME) hopefully god strikes me down w goodluck when the time comes
here's an extra: lyney basically pestered his twin to teach him how to braid (i hc lynette to be doing the lil side braid in his hair for him) so that he can braid mc's hair and be close to her for a long period of time (he's taking his sweet sweet time)
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im the most normal Thawed fan I swear on my left ballsack 😭🙏
HI AKAGI HIII thank you for checking up on me wahhh im not so swarmed w schoolwork anymore and ive been playing genshin (SEEING ARLECCHINO DRIP MARKETING MADE ME FALL TO MY KNEES) to save up for lyneys weapon but HEAVENS ABOVE chiori is too cunty for me to skip. JUST SEEING U IN MY INBOX ALREADY MADE ME FEEL BETTER 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ but then u took it one step further AND SHOWERED ME WITH MASTERPIECES
THE FACE OF SOMEONE WHO FUMBLED i actually cant breath e THE BANDAGES ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ MY BABY HOW DARE SHE DO THAT TO YOU!!! he looks so broken ohhmmygk my heart 😭 the readers rat tail hairstyle will always be so precious to me i feel sick to my stomach
LYNEY FEEDING READER IS SO CUTE AND SO REAAAALLL AAARRTGRGGHHGGGGGG pyro magician whos the eldest brother save me… save me pyro magician whos the eldest brother Hes so cute in your artstyle im going to consume him whole like kirby devouring a watermelon gif
I CANT BELIEVE EVEN WHEN I HAVENT UPDATED IN SO LONG U STILL THINK ABOUT THAWED.. (in a good way) i feel so honored so blessed Who did i save in my past life to deserve this…….
AND YES!! i agree that lynettes the one who does lyneys braids. IJBOLLL HIM TAKING IT SLOW IS SO FUNNY hes so whipped what the hell… stupid boy. THEYRE SO CUTTEEE WAAARRGRGGGGGGYTSTDTG LYNEYS BLUSH IM GPIGN TO THROW UP hes doing so well… hes trying his best 😭
i think tumblr ruined the sequence of the photos again BUT I PIECED IT TOGETHER RIGHT AWAY HAHAHAH stupid tumblr stop ruining akagis presentations wts
THANK U AGAIN 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 it seems like every time i spiral u show up in my inbox like a guardian angel
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how-gross · 9 months
2:37am — December 23, 2023
I’m so fucking sick of everything. Whoever said you life doesn’t end at seventeen was a fucking liar. I’m sick of this. All of this. I hate everyone and everything and I really just want to go to sleep, and never wake up.
It’s almost my second semester of my senior year of high school. My college application deadlines are coming up. Scholarship application deadlines are coming up. I might not even win some scholarships since I waited until the last fucking minute to apply— I DIDNT EVEN APPLY YET.
I wanted to apply for scholarships before the school year even started, that’s why my mom’s friend suggested. But the minute before I submit the application, my mom’s like, “wait don’t do it yet. Wait until we can do it together”. So I wait, but then other people are talking about getting scholarships, so I beg my mom to help but she goes ahead and tells me that her friend says I should do it myself. I FUCKING TRIED TO, BUT YOU TOLD ME TO WAIT UNTIL WE DO IT TOGETHER, SO I WAITED FOR YOU TO TELL ME WHEN YOURE READY TO DO IT TOGETHER. And then you want to tell me that you already have enough stuff on your plate so I can’t expect you to remember when to do those applications. But if I were to go up to you and ask you to do it, you’d be hostile or exhausted and either way I’d end up feeling bad. And then you want to turn the conversation around, asking me if I want to do applications tonight, but when I tell you I’m tired from the week alone — WHICH I AM. I AM TIRED. I HAVE A RIGHT TO BE FUCKING TIRED — you wanna say, “you made such a big deal out of it”.
And now, during Christmas Break, a fucking old lady wants to mention, “yeah, around this time scholarship deadlines are coming up”. Oh yeah, just what I wanted to hear. I know that already, shit-for-brains. You heard me mention scholarship applications, you see me trying to make the effort, you think I don’t know that applications are coming up? Why the fuck do you think I brought my backpack with me on fucking holiday break? And then when I try to apply for scholarships and get ahead on things, listing out the different ones I want to apply to, my mom’s like, “Let me check grammar before you submit”. But as I’m sending you the stuff to let you check, you can’t because you’re in a meeting. And then I try to talk about how I can stay organized by making a spreadsheet and asking you to help, you’re like, “I promise we will work on it together while I’m off”. But then, when I say we could work on scholarship applications the next day after you get off from work, you’re like, “do we have to do it tomorrow?”. YES. YES WE DO, BECAUSE AT THIS POINT IM GONNA BE FUCKING DROWNING IN DEBT. IM GONNA HAVE TO WORK FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. THIS AFFECTS MY FUCKING FUTURE AND YOURE TREATING IT LIKE ITS A FUCKING SIDE JOB. AND YOU WANT TO YELL AT ME FOR PROCRASTINATING AND SAYING I NEED TO WORK ON TIME MANAGMENT, BUT YOU DONT WORK ON TIME MANAGMENT YOURSELF. YOURE SUPPOSED TO BE MY FUCKING EXAMPLE— SOME SHIT OF AN EXAMPLE YOU ARE.
My holiday break isn’t even my own. I can’t relax, at all. Because if it’s not schoolwork, then it’s college applications or scholarship applications, and if it’s not those, it’s family.
Oh by the way, forgot to mention, MY FUCKING GRANDMOTHER IS LIVING WITH US NOW. YEAH, CUZ MY FUCKING MOTHER DECIDED TO JUST PICK HER UP AND BRING HER TO OUR HOUSE, AND NOT BRING HER BACK HOME BECAUSE SHE CANT LIVE BY HERSELF SINCE SHE HAS DEMENTIA. And now my fucking grandmothers insistent on going by home, arguing with my mother, and I’m expected to take sides as usual. My mom’s trying to get me to be on her side and understand her issue, but it’s like; you lied to her and told her all this shit and you expect her to be okay with it? You know how she gets and how stubborn she is about her own independence, what the fuck did you expect when you lie to her, tell her she’s not going home at the last minute, and expect her to just deal with it? You do this shit with everyone; you make decisions for other people and expect them to just suck it up and deal with it, just be subservient to all your fucking needs. This is why I hate you. You don’t let others make their own choices.
And I get it, because my grandmother is too unstable to live by herself. She forgets things and asks for stuff multiple times. She mixes up her own medicine. She creates these scenarios in her head and believes they’re real. And it’s even harder on my mom because my aunt doesn’t do jack shit besides paying for groceries once in a while, and even then it’s half-assed. But for fuck’s sake, you could have handled it differently instead of just bullshitting your way through. Sure she probably would have reacted the same, but at least it wouldn’t have the added effect of, “dealing with this shit at the last minute”, and “being lied to”.
And yeah. It’s almost Christmas too. That’s fun. Fucking fantastic.
Everything is happening all at once, I’m overwhelmed, stressed and so close to just relapsing heavily, and I’m just expected to be okay with it? Just expected to suck it up and deal with it because everyone else is going through this and it’s hard on everyone, not just me? Everyone just expects me to communicate with my mom, like it’s the easiest thing in the fucking world— but you don’t have to fucking live with her. She doesn’t see you the same way she sees me. And that’s the fucking problem.
I hate all of you. I hate this. I hate everything and everyone and I just want it all to be over. I’m sick of this.
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suiciderape · 1 year
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he met her in hell! thats the right way to do that! everybody stfu! wooouh it is the right way im a woman bitch nigger what the fuck is this kid about now? ew! ew! ew! get away from her! nvm! exactly ok? so like what am i doing here? whaaaat? get away from me! so u think ur gonna right about me?? noo!! shes just doing job dude we told her shes in the russian mafia as a chinese spy and shes an asian gangster its 𝖌𝔢𝖙𝔬 𝔯𝖊𝔞𝖑 ur welcome! ok? right? so were ok! now? yess!!! always! <3 okk so? nvm! were not getting kicked ouut? hell nah bitch im just a chinese spy! ooomgg ooooh! no i cant. period boo! ok! eer errr nvm! hahaha what? shes geto real? thaaank u! nvm romeo universe shes in the romeo universe and we didnt do anything for her! her schoolwork did? yea? > she did a lot of hw nvm! oouu get away from her! she didnt do anything at all baaad shes hella jock hell nation tight get a writer!!! shes geto real ewww!!!! hahaha ooooh end it end it end it
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