#so lets rumble
deecotan · 4 months
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"Oh! Oh! Jail for Soundwave! Jail for Soundwave for One Million Years!!!"
This was a lot funnier in my head
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curtisberzattos · 1 month
it's absolutely criminal that they make joshua boone (and everyone who has ever/will ever play dally) sing LITTLE BROTHER !!!!! almost immediately after the rumble. you'd have to scrape me off the ground i'd be so exhausted
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vvvoxal · 2 months
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Thank you WolfGame, for tipping! Here is your Mammon and Adam with their empty, rumbling bellies.
My kofi
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sleepy-ventus · 2 years
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actually, can I get five more of them?
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taegularities · 10 months
regarding: colour me in – OKAY ALL, FINAL STRETCH!!!! going to read through a few changed/improved scenes and then draft and prepare the post for 8pm EST. but first – attendance check❗️ gotta make sure you guys are around and up for it, so if you are, SPEAK UPPP AND YELL WITH ME!!! 🗣
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raindrvq · 5 months
me if saying "Ponyboy moment ☺️" everytime i took too many advil backstage was illegal
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mayvora · 5 months
Part one of the lore!!
I wanna share more about the au but I'm sick and it makes my brain a wobbly mossy thingy. So I just... wrote down some of the things about the characters? The revolution group! Some you saw already. Some you didn't!! Hope you'll like it. And surely this is not all of the characters, just the main group.
Some explanations :
Higher Force - a high deity that gives the creature their power. Any creature wound have at least one and very rarely they have two w/ one being main.
The common Higher Forces are Fire (not just simple fire, it is also a master of heat and light), Life (as a connection to living creatures and the nature itself), Ocean (like a world ocean? the one that carries all the ocean, seas, rivers and lakes and swamps and every body of water. The system of The Ocean itself), Vortex (the wind but I tried giving it a fancy name. A Force of freedom itself), Pride (as in a flock/pack meaning. like a pack of wolves) (basically is for creatures who are always in clans and are highly loyal to their family) and Ice (the youngest one that was born when creatures of other Forces left their territory to live in a colder land and their magic adapted to the environment).
Then we can look at rare ones - Eye, Moon, Sun and Wing. While the last two will be explored in a story and I can't talk about them rn, we can rumble bout Eye and Moon cause we have two characters who follow their path.
Moon is for creatures who was supposed to become followers of one of the main Forces (being born in a tribe that follows Pride for example) but something usually tragic happened forcing them to change their ways. Some tribes and clans have the "initiation" that helps you awake your connection to your Force. But if you fail the exam you are usually abandoned by your tribe and forced to live a lonely life. That's when The Moon chooses you - she takes anyone who is turned away and left alone and gift them her power. Being a Moon follower gives you access to both your "supposed-to-be-yours" Force and Moon Force making you a follower of both technically. But creatures that follow path of the Moon will never have a full power of their first Force and also depend on phases of the moon quite a lot. They are powerfull when the moon is full, but... new moon understandably cuts their power. Stories of the Moon followers are always unique and they are not very common.
Then you have The Eye, the most powerful yet the most mysterious one. There can only be one follower of the Eye alive. These creatures followed a different Force before, but at some point of their life they made a decision that turned them into "an interesting character for the Fate to watch over". Basically, they are followed by the eyes of Fate and their appearing awakes the Knight of Fate himself. Every decision of the "chosen one" is important and can affect the world massively. They are mighty powerful even if they had no magic before being awoken by The Eye. They also change their appearance after awaking (which is the process of changing from one Force to another) and usually are very purple. xD.
Then there is Darkness - its like an "Anti-Force" cause while literally any other force is guided by the light of a person's soul, Darkness feeds on negativity of their followers giving them powers in return. Some of their followers are evil... some are broken.
And some are forced.
There is also something called an Ancient Force - it's a classification than is put on every old Force that does not take followers anymore but still has some of their followers walking the earth. These followers are always very old and disturbingly powerful, but they prefer to not interact with a world around them and keep their existence a secret so they don't get hunted and killed. They are quite good at masking their powers and pretending to be a human. There is only one Ancient character in the story (I'm not planning to add more but perhaps??) and they will not be mentioned today.
AND AT LAST. and then we talk about the characters I swear. There are Unique Forces. They are the only one quite literally. There will only be one with this power and that's it. Usually they have a heavy lore bag behind their Unique Force - like The Fate which only has one follower and it's The Knight of Fate himself. Possibly one of them have a lore bag behind his back that he knows nothing about...
AND NOW WITH THE CHARACTERS sorry it took way too long I just really love the Forces.
Scar Goodtimes! 💚
Age: around 19 years
Creature: human
Higher Force: none
Abilities: literally has none. okay maybe we can count the woodcarving as an ability. he is very good at it.
Weakness: is a human. poor guy.
Is a very empathetic and sweet guy who stole his way into the hearts of the rebellion by just being kind, loving and accepting. A main character.
Has a little scar on his nose that he claims is from his childhood friend Jellie the cat. Believes in magic and has special connection to the world around him that most humans can't understand. Its not exactly magic... its the way Scar feels connected to the world that gave him life. The way he opens his soul for the beauty of living, enjoying every little thing the world has for him to explore.
Lord Xelqua [aka Grian] 💜
Age: wildly old, is indeed the oldest in the group. Around 350 years (being old doesn't make you less stupid I swear)
Creature: awoken avian with a bump of void magic
Higher Force: The Eye, used to be The Vortex
Abilities: is very skilled with magic, but has a limit cause his magic uses his physical energy to work since he is not born with magic and does not have a "Mana reserve" and his magic literally feeds on what his body creates for itself. Therefore magic for him is quite exhausting. Is crazy fast in combat, uses a halber.
Weakness: does not have Mana => uses his own energy to cast spells. Is the worst at keeping a human disguise cause it's very painful for him for the reason of his magic not being native to his body => it does not accept Xels tries to use the magic to modify his body. Illusions does not work with him cause his wings are very big and nearly impossible to keep on one place.
Sarcastic asshole who actually really cares about his group but does not have the balls to show it openly. Quite clever when he wants to be. Has the worst and in the same time the best sence of humour and a shady backstory (read like TRAUMA) that he does not share. Is a leader of the rebellion. Usually wears black long clothes that help him hide his wings a little bit. Is indeed a nests boy and enjoys sleeping (not in a sex way) with people. Very cuddly when he sleeps.
When he uses his magic, two pairs of "ghost wings" appear on his head, following the real head wings. His eyes are a pools of void with purples and golds circling in it. Has two rings on his hand that are covered by gloves so we can't see their color but can roughly see their shape through the gloves. Also has an enderdragon amulet that is usually hidden too. .
For him Martyn and Jim are his younger brothers.
Is very passionate about his rebellion, but always seems very distant and sad when you try to talk with him about the "brighter future" that will follow their possible victory as a rebellion against the inquisition. I wonder why. I really wonder.
Lizzie Shadowlady 💕
Age: around 250, a little younger than Xel
Creature: spirit of the Ocean
Higher Force: The Ocean
Abilities: her deep bond with the Ocean allows her to control massive amounts of ocean water, shaping it any way she wants. Non-salted water also follows her commands, but ocean water is easier to manipulate - she can literally create a tsunami or a storm with it. Is a skilled warrior and uses a sword. Is very good at masking her appearence and pretending to be a human, can do this without pain and for a long time.
Weakness: as I said, she is stronger when she controls the ocean water. Rivers wouldn't follow her command that easily. Hot dry weather weakens her. Can't stay away from a water source for longer than couple of days in her real form, in her human form she can stay for a week.
For many centuries people of the Ocean lived in peace with the humanity, creating their cities in the lakes and seas near places where humans based. They oftenly visited the surface to trade with humans and socialise and because of that it's very easy for most old Ocean followers to turn into humans - something they used to be able to stay at the surface for a longer time. That's why for Lizzie and Jimmy turning into human disguise is so easy.
In her human form she is just a dark-haired woman with no unique thaits (not counting eyes), but in her true form she has a beautiful blue skin with golden scales all aver her body. Her ears turn sharp and her hair turn pink. She has a coral crown on her head and a little wooden fish on her neck as an amulet - this fish was given to her by Scar the first day they met. She uses her magic to keep it from breaking even when she is in the water. She also has little copper cod-shaped charms on her belt from her brother. Her eyes resemble the ocean, turning from light blue to dark blue and showing little fishes, corals and sometimes (when she is angry) - something dark and scary, as a silhouette in the water, a shadow of something deep inside of it...
She is the latest adding to the rebellion (not counting Scar) and knows about it because they saved her live a century ago. For a long time she helped them with getting supplies, but stayed an empress of her empire, but then something changed and she decided to join the rebellion instead.
Can appear as soft, but only if it's needed. Usually is also a sarcastic character who enjoys pranking others just as much as Xel does. Very clever and is one of the only one who actually thinks before doing.
Jimmy Solidarity 💙
Age: around 240, is just a little bit younger than Liz
Creature: spirit of the river
Higher Force: The Ocean
Abilities: is very strong in his home river, has a wild control over it, being able to manipulate the whole river easily. With other water sources his abilities are much weaker, but he can still control the water if it's not an ocean water. Is a skilled warrior and uses the battle stuff. Also is good with human disguises. Has a strong connection with river/swamp creatures.
Weakness: he is only strong when he is near his home river, that's where he is basically god-like in power. Sadly, the rebellion has to travel a lot so inquisition don't find them and because of that Jim has to use other water sources to fight with and it's just not that cool and strong. Sea water he can't use at all. Also gets weaker in dry hot climate and can't stay away from water for a week, in human disguise - three weeks (trained)
He is the Codfather, he is so cool. He wears armor (AT LEAST SOMEONE, JEES) and has a cool mask for his pretty face to protect it. Wears coral earrings from Liz, they look like little stars. Has a lot of little wooden figures that are attached to his belt with little copper chains. All of those are from Scar and has protection magic over it! Has a bracelet with six little charms on it, each one representing one of his revolution friends. One of the charms is cracked. Adds two more for Liz and Scar after escaping. Has a little replica of the revolutions flag on his belt and a piece of bright red cloth near it. Has a spyglass from Xelqua that he gifted him and Martyn when he first met the two.
He has green (like a swamp green) scales and marks in his true form that glow a little when Jim is in the water. Eyes resemble a swamp with fireflies and are brown-dark green, but they get lighter when Jimmy is happy and turn light blue, resembling his homeriver with little fishes in it. (Yes this is based on the fact that many people draw Jimmy with blue eyes even if they are brown. I think it really funny).
A silly guy with deep sadness hiding in his eyes. Lizzie is his sister and he also sees Xelqua and Martyn as older brothers.
Martyn Littlewood 💛
(I sold my soul to rec2 Littlewood)
Age: unknown, is around Jimmy's age (?)
Creature: unknown, but is calling himself a star. Everyone seems to have a way to call him - with Lizzie and Xel saying he is a firefly, Joel and Jim calling him a swamp firespirit and Etho and Ren choosing a "little comet". Scar is the only one who calls him a Star. No one actually knows what he is
Higher Force: The Starpath (unique)
Abilities: can levitate himself for a short time (2-3 minutes) and control light (creates little balls of light or takes it from a light source). His light can create warmth strong enough to light something on fire. Can speed himself up. He is very fast and deadly dangerous with his weapons - two swords. Easily turns himself into human.
Weakness: doesn't seem to be magically cool to be honest. With his weird Force and abilities that would fit into both Fire and Vortex... No one actually knows what to expect from him, but he doesn't seem to have more magic other then what he already has
Martyn is a weird one. As said, no one actually knows what he is including Martyn himself. His Force is unique, his appearence is more human-like than anything with his true form being... quite literally human with lightmarks over him. He does not remember his young ages or his parents, like he has none.
Has a strict moral code that goes like "creatures should be saved no matter what, kids should not be touched even if they are humans and inquisition can suck their ass and I can punch them as much as I want". Easygoing, fun and reckless, loud and quite silly sometimes. Never thinks (sorry Martyn). Is a strategy man of the rebellion usually helping Xelqua with creating operation plans.
Sees Jimmy as an annoying young brother (who always needs protection) and Xelqua as an annoying old brother (who always needs to fucking SLEEP).
Has a small flag of the revolution on him with it being on his shoulder or on his belt. He also has a red flag with white triangles on the bottom of it that he carries in his pocket, its an inside joke between him and Ren who he is big friends with. Also has a spyglass from Xel.
His eyes are bright blue and looks like humans if he doesn't want them to shine (something that only he can do, no creature can hide their soul glowing except him). When they do glow they are very bright and weirdly glitchy, like there is something you are not supposed to see in them. Only Xel is able to see through them and he says that Martyns eyes are actually endless seas of stars and it terrifies him.
Ren ❤ (I'm not adding dawg but I really want to...)
Age: around 200 years
Creature: werewolf woof woof bark bark
Higher Force: The Pride
Abilities: can turn into a wolf; becomes physically stronger when his allies (read like "his family") are with him. More family = more strength, can also summon a wolf spirit for every ally he has near him that slightly copies the appearence of an ally. Fights with a massive axe. Good with masking since he literally swaps between a human form, a partly wolf form (with ears and tail and sharp teeth) and a wolf
Weakness: is not technically a magic user and does not have spells (spirits are a little bit different thing)
Ren has a red cape with the symbols of the moon on it which has a story behind it for sure. His long hair is sometimes partly braided (he has small braids on both sides of his face but not everywhere else). Braids are locked with little beads that are all custom created by Ren. Has a bracelet with charms that looks a lot like Jims bracelet! Even with one of the charm being broken. Charms glow a little when the ally they are made for is near (ex: Xel is near => a little purple charm with an eye drawn on it glows). Also have two flags on him - the rebellion flag and the red flag.
His eyes are sky blue and resemble... well, sky. Bright sky with little clouds apearring when he is stresses and storm grey clouds - when he is angry. Yes, his eyes turn grey and sometimes even have sparks of lightning if you piss him off. His sky eyes show his pure and bright soul.
Acts a lot like a mother chicken (I'm so sorry Ren) with the rebellion, being a caring and loving big brother for everyone (therapy doggo 😭🤲). Looks after supplies of food and water and after mental health of everyone ESPECIALLY Xelqua. Is the only one who can force their leader to sleep. Is soft and fun and sometimes dramatic for a bit but genually is a very great guy that melts my heart by just existing.
His wolf emh sona is a big brown wolf with long fur and soft blue eyes. Has marks of the moon on his cheecks, I wonder why.
For the "spirits resemble allies" part. Xelqua has a spirit of a black wolf with fur cut like feathers. Lizzie - light grey with blue elements. Jim - sun yellow with a bump of green. Their wolves have their fur in shape of fish scales. Etho's wolf is white with a scar on one eye and massive long winter coat and his ears are in a shape of fox ears. Joel's wolf is just like Joel and surely has that green colored fur on his tail. Martyns is so bright that you can only see a silhouette of light with fun spiky fur. Eyes of the spirits copy the allies they resemble.
Etho 🤍
Age: 234
Creature: an Arctic fox hybrid (you can call him a were-fox)
Higher Force: The Moon & The Ice with Moon obviously being the main one
Abilities: at night and at full moon he's mighty powerful, using the power of the moon to create what he desires from its like. He can turn it into a spirit like Rens or into a weapon or shoot it as a ball of pure power. Can also control snow and create snowstorms, but it's a power that only works if there is snow around him. Can make the air around him colder and uses this to not go insane cause he was born in the cold lands and summers are just way to hot for him. Wields many weapons, having like from 10 to 20 knives on him and a katana. Good at throwing knives
Weakness: his moon powers only work at night and get weaker the closer the moon is to a new moon. Powerless when it's new moon. Always hot at summer and spends a lot of mana just to cool himself down. His ice abilities only work when it's cold & snowing so it's for winter & cold lands. Not very good at masking his ears and tail
Etho is a very silent guy at first look, but when you spend a lot of time with him, you start seeing that he is quite talkative when he talks about something he likes and can be a very fun guy to hang out with. Doesn't talk about himself tho. Took a job of the spy, going into cities at night and collecting information + when he's home he works as a night guard. Very sleepy if you awake him during the daytime. Does most of the night works if there are any for him to do.
Has a fun relationship with Joel (they are "obsessed" with eachother and seems to be always flirting but are 100% platonic and just enjoy their play).
Has a scar on his eye and covers his mouth with a mask. His non-human features are white fox ears and tail, also has little claws on his hands. His right eye is silver-grey, having a constant snowstorm in it (possibly as a mark that he has a lot of mess in his soul) and his left eye is bright red and has a clock in it. Etho laughs when you ask him about it and never gives you a clear answer.
Has a clock and a rebellion flag on his belt, both always on the right side. His clock does not resemble real time instead going very slow and backwards. As a countdown for something perhaps...
Joel Smallishbeans 🧡 (child)
Age: 17
Creature: werewolf
Higher Force: The Pride
Abilities: turns into a wolf and also fights with a big axe. Always bloodthirsty. Good at masking
Weakness: doesn't think. No magic. Can't charm woman (but really tries with Lizzie)
Joel is the most reckless one (but it seems like Martyn really tries to beat him at this for some reason). He never thinks and always acts (definitely got this from Mar) and everyone always have to rescue him from the situations he got himself into. Is a very loyal man and goes into protective mode immediately if someone from his rebellion is hurted. Also is very passionate about the ideas the rebellion is fighting for since he literally grew up with them (they took them in when he was three). Willingly does all the heavy lifting and packing and unpacking when the group moves places and is always ready to help with anything. Does night guarding when Etho is away on a mission. Is a very energetic and enthusiastic bud with a spark of a sarcasm.
His wolf form is way shorter then Rens and has short fur since he is from warm forest while Rens clan lived in taiga. He has a green part on his fur that is on his tail and no one knows where it came from. It is in his hair when he turns back into human.
His human-self wears messy and always dirty clothes since he is a hard worker who does not really care about his clothes as long as it doesn't break. Ren had to force him to change more then once... The only thing he looks after and washes regularly is the flag. Everyone else has a small version but Joel literally wears his as a cape and only takes it off when he is doing work.
He has little cherry blossom earrings! They are actually made from corals and are a gift from Lizzie who knows he is in love with her and doesn't know what to do (since he is too young for her but she respects him as a person and doesn't wanna make him sad). He also has many colorful bracelets that Ren made for him (Ren sees him as a younger brother) and Joel always calls his affection annoying but never takes bracelets off. He is also the only one who has Xelquas feather on him since Xel doesn't like giving them away but when Joel was young he was obsessed with Xels wings and only being hidden behind the wings would calm him down if he was upset. Has a wooden toy of the wolf that was gifted to him by Jimmy.
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mintycurry · 21 days
@ao3org where art thou? why not uponeth me?
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eterniityblooms · 4 months
i Apologize for the wait on replies and whatnot, yesterday and today were busy again
i'll try my best to knock some out later today though! in the meantime, mutuals feel free to add me on discord since that's where i lurk when i'm not here
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dynamo-deepblue · 1 month
Reignited and N. Sane (Crash n' Spyro) Pins + Pin Banners! Preorders open Friday, August 23 @ 3 PM EST! 🧡💜
Preorder listings will be available in my shop here to purchase at the date and time above. You'll have an option to buy each pin and banner separately, or each pin and banner together at a slight discount. Preorders will be available until Saturday, September 7 @ 12 AM EST.
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N. Sane and Reignited Enamel Pins
Chibi Spyro and Crash are on their way to their next adventure - with you! These will be hard enamel pins with black nickel plating, and two rubber clutches (the plating was gold in my previous post). Crash measures 1.5 in. and Spyro measures 1.75 in. because he's a bit longer and would be too small otherwise, but they'll both be the same price.
Price: $15 USD each, or both for $25.
(This is my first time doing enamel pins so if you happen to place a preorder, I'd very much like to ask you for your patience!)
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N. Sane and Reignited Pin Banners
Have you ever wanted Spyro and Crash but LONG? These banners are made of super soft drill satin fabric and come with the pole, caps and string shown in the photo above. They measure about 8 in. wide and 31 in. long. They can hold up to 20-30 enamel pins each (assuming they're between 1-2 in. in size.)
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How to stay up to date If you don't use social media too often or just don't want to miss the opening, sign up for my newsletter to have info and updates straight to your email: https://www.dynamo-deepblue.store/get-shop-updates
If you or someone you know might be interested in Crash and Spyro pieces like these, please consider sharing this around in order to help more things like this become a reality, so we can celebrate these franchises together.
Thanks for looking! 💙
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shuckstruck · 3 months
God what an absolutely spectacular landscape though. Here are some of the pictures I took from Many Glaciers
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and Yellowstone
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My picture cannot even begin to describe the beauty of Lamar Valley. I’ve never seen such massive, gorgeous, rolling green hills. It was awe-inspiring.
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inhaleaaaaaaaa · 9 months
My dark urge baby boy, (Who I have just named Durge) is such a fucking sweetheart man. Because I am a loot goblin and always pick up gemstones and they’re shiny I just made it part of him and I always carry the gold too. Big bad Bhaalspawn has a hoard of malachites, rubies, aquamarines, jades, pearls, bunch of rings and necklaces, and a lot of gold. Even some shiny or uncommon weapons. I can imagine he sleeps near or partially on it.
When he’s trying his best to ‘court’ Astarion after the Teifling party by showing off his hoard and just putting necklaces on him and giving him weapons. Giving him arrows and just staring at him across the camp or fire with them big ‘ol eyes. And Astarion is just trying to pretend he doesn’t notice that the Dragonborn who blacked out and killed Alfira has been staring directly at him for the past fucking hour.
He would leave dead animals in front of Astarion’s tent too, like some weird fucked up cat. Speaking of that, I HC he does happy rumbles similar to a purr. Like I want to show affection with more than just kisses and hugs. Durge would sit next to him while he’s reading and just nuzzle his snout against him, lay his head in Astarion’s lap. Just cuddle against his side, rest his head on Astarion’s shoulder.
I just wanna exist domestically with him. I wanna run my claws through his hair as he reads and laugh as he whines I’m messing it up. I want to cover him in the finest jewels, I want to spoil him and make him feel loved.
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rivangel · 10 months
when will aot fans stop saying hange’s death was a s*icide
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just say you have the media literacy of a grain of sand from idiot island and go
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eggonthemoon · 11 months
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Oh? What’s this?
Guess we’ll find out if I finish it
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clownjail · 11 months
WHB is one of those games where I vicariously play and love it through other people. Like I don’t think I’m ever going to play it myself because I don’t have the balls or the strength to get through some of the more promiscuous scenes (which is 90% of the game from what I can tell).
But I like the concept of the games, I like a good chunk of the character designs, I like the little comics, and I like reading headcanons and other people’s theories about the game and the characters! I enjoy the media through other’s people enjoyment and idk I think that’s kind of neat sjsjsj
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kirbyddd · 2 years
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#school rumble#i could write an essay on it#actually i have#one of the most powerful stories ever written gah it drives me crazy that it comes in such a strange package#the story so powerful the animation team rejected the manga's bs to give the characters the finale they deserved#even though they were forced to retcon it in the final 2 episodes to push for another season#literally they just end the story on episode 19 and hard pivot to movie parody skits/vacation specials for the rest of the episodes#it's magical#until the episode 25 does the ''ohhh nooo they forgot the whole thing and put us right back where we started uh oh whoops''#''awww looks like we're gonna have to have another season''#literally#anyway if i ever start feeling emotions im probably going to start school rumble posting and never stop#schoolrum's so stupid you can only appreciate it emotionally#it's not like nichijou where theres still all this artistry and richness you can still engage with if youre cut off heartwise#i didnt even have emotions when i first watched it but it was still powerful enough to make a visceral impact#but at this point im just too far gone i need a bit of heartspace before i can have any chance of actually registering any of it again#<- finally caved and posted a schoolrum rant after like 5 and a half years on here#its the kind of series that lurks forgotten for years at a time#until one day it jumps out and grabs you and refuses to let go until you rewatch it again#best dub in history btw you didnt know english localization and voice acting could be this good#knocks the original japanese out of the park and truly ties everything together#nichijou japanese and school rumble english are the two best animation dubs of all time
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