#so many options! 😂
canirove · 5 months
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Declan Rice sitting on ⚽
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911 + Text Posts pt69/?
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biteofcherry · 11 months
In a want to be spanked so good mood 🥺🍑🤭
over Steve’s knee, with his bare hand
zip-tied and paddled by Lloyd
on pristine sheets, with Andy’s belt
against the wall, taking it from Bucky’s metal hand 
squirming on tiptoes from Ari’s lashes 
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
hello beans!! hope you're doing well 💜 ^w^ I know you've probably gotten a lot of requests - but I'm gonna add to that pile anyway because it's fun and also your writing is wonderful and always cheers me up to read!! I'm so inspired by your drabbles and you really bring these characters and this little world to life ;w;
From drabble list #1:
14. "Please tell me, this is not why you woke me up."
Character(s): honestly anyone, but my gut was saying Es as soon as I saw that sentence so... up to you!
Woo thank you pal, same to you!! Thanks for your kind words ah ;--; This is the perfect line for Es omg, I've been cracking up over it for so long 😂 I was tempted to write them waking up for T2, taking one look around and going "uh-uh," but decided on some T1 comedy...
Es rarely dreamed. Usually it was vague images and thoughts. Sometimes it was just them thinking about breakfast the following morning. Occasionally they were plagued by a nightmare of being forced to sing karaoke with the prisoners. Most of the time, though, it was just silence that welcomed them at the end of the day. Wonderful, peaceful, silence.
Someone slammed their fist on the door. Es just about fell out of bed.
Mikoto’s voice came from outside. “Oi, get up! There’s been… uh… an incident!”
That was the last thing a prison guard wanted to hear at -- Es checked the clock -- 2am. Damn. 
They muttered to themself as they threw on their uniform. Why the prison’s cells didn’t lock was beyond them. Some of the prisoners were more troublesome than others, but the first trial had been going smoothly thus far. Why now? 
Their mind flashed with various possibilities, each one worse than the last, all urging them forward. By the time they were running down the hallway, their shirt buttons were a row off, and they had to switch their shoes to the opposite foot. They adjusted the cap clumsily on their head.
Fear gripped their chest as they heard Jackalope’s voice crying out for help from the panopticon. Jackalope never called for help. 
Es burst into the room. The prisoners froze, looking up guiltily. 
They sat in a huddle on the floor. Yuno and Muu held the little furry warden over a tub of sudsy water. Bottles of soap and shampoo sat nearby. An assortment of brushes and combs sat to the side. Splashes of water spread across the prisoners and ground, speaking to several failed attempts at getting Jackalope into the bath.
Nearby, Mahiru was holding up the tiny guard’s uniform, her sewing kit spread out on her lap. Es spotted bandages on Yuno’s and Kazui’s fingers. Shidou was currently dabbing blood off Fuuta’s nose as he fumed. Jackalope leaned over to nip at the hands holding him, but Yuno and Muu held him fast.
“Es!” came his frantic voice as he thrashed around. “You gotta help me! Make them stop, dammit!” 
From the group of prisoners who had been watching from a distance, Haruka turned to them. “Oh! Es! Th-they thought that he needed a -- uh, a bath! His uniform had a h-hole, and Mahiru can s-sew! And they thought, they thought we could do it all t-together… Muu called it a -- a spa night…” 
“At two in the morning?” Was all that came to mind.
“We tried to get him to do it earlier today,” Muu said, “but we didn’t get a chance until now.”
“They didn’t get a chance to kidnap me, she means!” He squirmed around some more, swinging his antlers wildly. “They hid around the corner and nabbed me like the filthy criminals they are!!”
Yuno said, “hold still,” as she brought him closer to the water. He kicked his feet wildly, screaming at Es to show a little authority and do something. 
“Hold on a second,” they stopped her.
They closed their eyes, pinching the bridge of their nose. They took a measured breath. They were here to contemplate sin and crime, guilt and forgiveness. Their job should have consisted of questions about morality and life and death; they never anticipated looking around their prison and asking, “is human shampoo even safe for his fur?”
Kotoko spoke up from the other side of the room. “That’s what I thought, but is he really a rabbit? He eats human food and everything, we didn’t think a bit of soap was that different.”
Jackalope disagreed (“that stuff is as bad as poison -- poison I tell you!”) but the others chimed in with their agreement. From around the room came promises that they were being gentle with him, and that they’d keep quiet, and that they’d dry and brush his fur really well when they’d finished, and that they’d feed him treats, and that his uniform was already good as new, and so on. A few complaints at getting bit mingled with Jackalope’s own insults. 
“-- Alright.” Es held up a hand to silence them all. They knew a warden shouldn’t be making compromises with their prisoners. At the same time, they didn’t have the energy to argue about bunny baths at this time of night. “You can continue, but wash him outside of the tub. And go easy on the shampoo. Any mess you make must be cleaned by morning.” 
They were met with excitement and thanks. Jackalope grumbled that they were too soft, but he sounded relieved as he was whisked away from the dreaded bathwater. 
Es sighed. There may have been a few bites and bumps, but that was all. No emergency, no fight, no danger plagued Milgram tonight. Their relief quickly turned to annoyance. They leveled their gaze at Mikoto as he entered from the hallway behind.
“Please tell me this isn’t why you woke me up.”
“Huh? Oh, this? No, no -- we have everything under control. Aw, Mappi, that looks great!”
He pointed at her sewing job, revealing bandages on his hands as well. It looked like no one was safe from the rabbit’s little teeth… Then Mikoto jabbed a thumb casually over his shoulder. “Nah, the faucet in the men’s room broke when we tried filling the basin. The whole room’s flooded now. I think it’s gonna start spilling into the hallway soon.”
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Ok I see it. Kim Kitsuragi is hot.
Yknow rothfuss or someone has that line in their fiction about fearing the anger of a gentle man? He said fear not lust after but here I am 👀
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fablewritesnonsense · 2 months
OC Tag Game
We were having fun with the other one that was swnt around but i noticed a bunch of lamenting over the lack of certain features so I'm starting a new game with the one I originally used to make my Nuclear Family crew.
Link Here
No Pressure Tags: @bokatan @thefallenangelsgang @bardic-inspo @andyandnormski
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Okay starting from the top:
Virginia "Gin" Valentine- 19, she/her, Railroad Heavy "Bootlegger", Minutemen Militia
Veronica "Ronnie" Long- 228, she/her, Railroad Heavy "Lilith"
Nicolas "Val" Valentine Jr.- 248 he/him, Railroad Safe-House Keeper
Richard Maxson- 27, he/him, Brotherhood of Steel Knight, Minutemen General
Kara Jennings- 18, she/her, former Brotherhood of Steel Knight, Minuteman Cook/Milita, The Silver Shroud
Asher- 30?, they/them, Brotherhood of Steel Proctor
Carlene Kelly- 20, she/her, former Brotherhood of Steel Lancer, Minutemen Pilot
Blair Birmingham- 29, any pronouns, Lone Wanderer, Brotherhood of Steel Field Scribe
Tea- 45?, she/her, Courier Six, Institute [Redacted]
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killuaisaprincess · 3 months
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spacepunksupreme · 6 months
hii hannah! i consider you a 007 expert, so i wondered if you could recommend which bond movie i should watch, like in which is he the sluttiest whumpiest bitch ever?👀👀
Ooooooough okay first off, thank you lol I’m so honored.
Short answer: I think you might enjoy Pierce Brosnan’s Bond the best, he gets beat down a lot but his movies still have a good balance of goofy/serious. He is also drenched in water with hilarious frequency, truly wet and pathetic. And definitely the sluttiest Bond to me.
Therefore I’d recommend Goldeneye (1995) ! The main villain has the most “you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid” feelings towards Bond, and his right hand (arm. man.) henchwoman’s whole deal is that she loves to crush men to death with her thighs which she subjects Bond to at least twice lol.
Long answer: I’ll also rec a few others with various Bond actors though so you can like pick your choice of vibe and intensity if Goldeneye doesn’t seem like your thing since the Bond franchise covers the entire range of silly to serious. Under the cut vvv
Unfortunately some of Pierce Brosnan’s truly sluttiest moments are in his two shittiest movies lol. That being said if you really just wanna have fun seeing Bond get tossed around and don’t care as much about the quality of the plot then you could also check out The World is Not Enough (1999) or Die Another Day (2002). The World is Not Enough has a great torture scene where he’s put in a ridiculous strangulation device while the villainess sits on his lap. and Die Another Day also has Bond captured and tortured in the first thirty minutes, the opening song is literally intercut with clips of him getting like sexily tortured lmao. Completely ridiculous. And post-rescue he spends a good chunk of time in hospital jammies with scruffy grown-out hair and beard getting scolded by M.
As for other Bonds:
Dr. No (1962) the very first Bond movie, actually has some pretty good scenes of Bond getting beat down. He gets knocked unconscious like at least twice, beat by henchmen, and drugged and undressed/redressed (the old pajama treatment lol) then creepily stared at in bed by the villain lol. And has a great scene where he has to crawl through a hot steam vent to escape imprisonment. Sean Connery’s Bond is the most macho though so he’s pretty stoic through it all. Somewhat slutty but not very pathetic lol.
If you wanna check out Roger Moore, The Spy Who Loved (1977) me has a pretty great fight scene in which Bond is just getting tossed around a train car by Jaws, a villain twice his size with metal teeth that he tries to bite Bond to death with lol. I personally think Roger Moore was like actually a little scared filming this scene with a man so much larger than him because he has the most animated facial expressions I’ve ever seen on him lmao. Jaws’ hand fits over his entire face and he does just grab Bond by the face more than once.
Timothy Dalton in License to Kill (1989) has a pretty good scene where he’s taken captive by the villain and given the pajama treatment as well (I believe you’ve seen the clip I’ve posted of this before lol). And gets knocked around pretty good in some of the other fight scenes throughout. Overall it’s only a decent movie though I think.
Lastly if you want to see Bond truly, truly tortured. Daniel Craig definitely gets beat up the most in general out of any of the Bonds lol, he gets nicely bloodied and disheveled in pretty much every fight scene, and Casino Royale (2006) has the uh, infamous cock and ball torture scene. The whole works in this scene: captured, stripped naked, beaten + he’s going through the entire emotional range from screaming to laughing hysterically through the pain. It’s extremely brutal though. I knew about this scene going in but it was still way more intense than I expected. Zero goofiness.
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raksh-writes · 9 months
Me, unable to play, because its been 30+ degrees Celcius for over a week now and my room is absolutely awfully hot even without my PC sweating:
Maybe I should multiclass my Ranger with a Druid 🤔🤔
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undefeatablesin · 1 year
OH! If you want can you tell us about your arcane hunter??? (I love arcane builds)
Ask Sin Stuff ✨️
Omg thank you for indulging me I would indeed love to talk about my arcane hunter actually 💅 I guess I'll start with the actual gameplay side of it because they were a total accident to be completely fair; at the beginning, I'd wanted to main the Blades of Mercy and focus on Skill, but found that a bit unfulfilling to play so I switched gears mid-run to invest mostly in Arcane instead with some Strength and Skill still thrown in for good measure. Rather unexpectedly for me who knows very little about builds and the like, they became an absolute powerhouse of a hunter and incredibly fun to run because of it 😂
Currently they main the Holy Moonlight Sword (with the BoM still equipped as their secondary since those have some Arc scaling anyway). They don't often need to use their Blunderbuss that much since HMS just destroys everything that breathes in its transformed state, but they have it anyway for parrying's sake! Their most often used Arcane tools are the Tiny Tonitrus, Augur of Ebrietas and A Call Beyond. As you can probably tell, we are most enthusiastic about the Tiny Tonitrus and its ability to just one shot annoying kin enemies from a distance 😂 Please enjoy some not so HQ images of my little menace ✨️How they got so bloody I dont remember, just that it felt metal af to walk around like that against the snowy white scenery of Cainhurst tbqh.
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As for this hunter as a character, I kind of didn't have one in mind at first! This profile started as just a catalyst for a new playstyle initially. However, that has definitely since changed. They're still a relatively new and unpolished addition to my roster since the majority of my creative time is devoted to Ruza My Beloved, but I am pursuing an interesting??? Set of concepts for this hunter too lmao. This is probably not news to anyone who has been in the fandom longer than me, but I read recently about the blue eyed scourge beasts from UCW and was enlightened to the fact those were actually "ascendant" scourge beasts with kin-like qualities, such as being weak only to thrust damage; most likely created from members of the Choir who were steeped in the Arcane and rich with Insight by time the scourge got to them, hence they basically became a different strain of scourge beast. I also spied a reddit thread that proposed the idea of the abhorrent beast/suspicious beggar being able to freely control his transformations into his beastly self and that what primarily made this character unique was his complete acceptance of said self. A sort of Beastly Embrace, you might say? 🤭
So tl;dr, I am workshopping this character rn as an Arcane Beast hunter who can freely control their beast self and for that beast self to be modelled after the blue eyed kin-like scourge beasts. Perhaps a renegade member of the choir who turned against their faction? I haven't fully decided yet, but we will see 😤✨️ Oh, and their name (for rn anyway) is Aloysha.
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orcelito · 5 months
I got 7 reactions to the post I made on this app 8 whole days ago (when most ppl in my area got 2 or 3 at the most). & Several messages I haven't responded to. Tbh I haven't bothered since that first day, bc I got what I wanted out of it (decided to try a hookup and accomplished it 3 days after deciding it), and...
We've still been texting. Sometimes about things that aren't exactly typical of what you'd think for a hookup (emotionally intimate, I guess?). Today we got on the topic of hiking and I mentioned my fav state park & she said she was planning to go there over spring break and said she'd love to bring me with her... which That is a level of accepting me in her life that I think is not typical of just a one-off hookup kinda thing.
So like... idk if we r skirting around the possibility of a relationship?? Or if we r setting up to be friends with benefits?? Would it be exclusive??? Open??? Assuming there's any kind of relationship at all??????
Idk. It feels like there's Something there. I don't know what she wants out of it. I kinda don't even know what I want out of it. But it'd feel a little weird to pursue smth else when we're in this nebulous area... it wouldn't be cheating bc it's not like we're dating, but I'd also hate it if we Did end up dating (exclusively) and then I'd have to give up someone else........
Idk. I wasn't expecting to hit it off with someone like this. I'm still pretty burnt out on serious romance, so I don't want to just jump right into a new thing. I just know that I like talking with her and I'll probably want to sleep with her again. Beyond that...
I dont know. It's all so confusing.
#speculation nation#i think im bigtime failing at the whole Casual aspect of it 😂#but i cant help being so alluring.... the girls Love a sweet nerd with a mysterious hidden darkness.....#might be why i have so many reactions too. i am for serious my post has over twice as many reactions as anyone else#idk. i have options. for now im just leaving them open.#it's only been a week now since we started chatting. still way too early to decide anything.#i will simply play it by ear. see where things take me.#we have. we have a spotify playlist. for sharing our favorite songs together. we are sharing music.#i feel like im going insane. this cant be the normal Just Casual kinda thing can it???#not when shes said at multiple points that im 'the coolest person ever' or that im really kind#oh god am i turning into one of those useless lesbian tropes????#'help this girl keeps saying im really cool and that she wants to go hiking with me and we are sharing music together#and also we had sex. do you think she likes me?'#fbkdfkshfkshdjd it sounds so FUNNY laid out like that. but the sex rly is just incidental and all ykno?#i dont know how many hookups shes actually had. i dont know how special i am to her#emotionally Or sexually. and i feel like asking would be rude.#so i am simply waiting it out. seeing where it goes. and being pleasantly surprised anytime it goes well.#the thing with the hiking today made me all 😳😳😳😳 bc it spoke of a desire to have me in her life several months from now#it's only been a week. it's only been a week. i have no idea what im doing.
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Im sorry but I must admit that making Julia beg changed my brain chemistry
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adore-gregor · 6 months
I feel so lucky
#even though i often rant to complain here#i never imagined my life to be this good as it is now 🥹#i have almost everything i ever wished for#i sometimes switch between this and feeling alone like no one gets me 😅#like sometimes i feel like i should be so grateful but also that doesn't mean everything is awesome#often i feel like no one sees my struggles from the people i'm close to#because everyone always thinks things are easy for me like when it comes to university or because i appear so happy#it feels lonely sometimes but anyways#like they don't know the expectations people especially my family have for me even tho they don't say it normally sometimes it comes through#anyways i do have a lot to be grateful#i never had such a good relationship with my parents 🥺 it's not perfect but it feels so much more normal like it should be#and i have so many friends and people i get on at uni and my sports it's amazing 🥹#i never thought that would be me it's like a dream :))) i struggled so much with anxiety#i was so scared to even speak to someone a few years ago 😅#it makes the experience so pleasant i also enjoy uni <3#(altough i still think of adding something to my major to give me more options but also i think i would like it)#my grades are good no worries of failing classes anymore atm (altough i will still worry 😂)#i even get great grades with minimal effort (though this one is only partly good as it encourages laziness haha)#and i found something i'm passionate about again i love tennis sm 🫶#when i play i'm so happy and it gives me drive to become rly good at it even though it's not like i wanna become pro or sth. haha#it would be too late for that anyway lol tho ofc it'd be great but i just enjoy the challenge and seeing progress it's so rewarding 😁#and tennis with friends >>#i also like football :) and it feels like the void ski jumping left behind is finally getting filled :')#like when gregor retired i kind of lost my love for the sport and yeah it's sad but i'm glad i have sth again 🥹#also the freedom i have i could never have imagined#i could just go on a little trip with friends if i wanted to and i talked about this with a friend and i got so excited abt it 🥺😍😍#to have the possibility to just travel when i want to :))#i earned some money from (mostly summer) jobs these last years and it's great#and i can just get myself whatever i want mostly (i don't want crazy things)#and my family is much better off i guess that doesn't hurt either
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popchoc · 1 year
Could you do celebration prompt 45 for Gigi & Dani, please?
Gigi Ghorbani & Dani Nuñez, The L Word: Generation Q
45: How Many Have You Killed?
Gigi opens the door of their somewhat rickety beach hut to meet Dani on the small porch.
"Alright, all done," she grins, "You can come in."
Dani doesn't move though. Instead she narrows her eyes to peek over Gigi's shoulder, into the dim-lit room.
"How many have you killed?"
"One hundred and sixty eight," Gigi answers without blinking, drawing Dani's attention back to her. It takes her everything not to laugh at her girlfriend's expression, that is both shocked and full out disgusted.
"Really?!" Dani gasps.
Gigi snorts, no longer able to keep a straight face, and shakes her head. "No, not really," she admits, "I didn't count. You know, as I was too busy with assassinating everything in there with wings, or with six or more legs..." Taking a step closer, she rests her hand on Dani's arm and gives her a deep, meaningful look. "... for you."
As she takes in a long breath, collecting courage for her next step, Dani just nods.
"Come on, let's get in," Gigi suggests, taking Dani's hand. "The sooner we can close that door behind us, the better." She's wise enough not to point out the huge cracks between the floor boards - to start with - and thus the fact that there is simply no way to keep anything out.
The second they're inside, they both take a sprint towards the bed, where they dive underneath the mosquito net as quickly as they can.
"Well, this sure wasn't in the brochure," Dani pants, unamused. Yet this time, when her dry remark makes Gigi chuckle again, she can't help but join her. Hiccupping with laughter, she flops herself onto the mattress. "Go to Thailand, they said. You'll love it, they said."
Gigi lays down next to her, her head resting on her elbow, ignoring the few curls, still damp from their swim in the ocean, that fall across her face.
"You have to admit today was beautiful though. This beach is the most gorgeous one I've ever seen. And that sunset was just... stunning!"
Smiling up at her, Dani raises her hand and mindlessly rakes her fingers through Gigi's hair.
"You're stunning," she hums. "And I shouldn't whine. This is actually kind of perf-"
Right then the creaking fan above their heads sighs deep and suspiciously, then stops working altogether, making her groan in frustration.
"Okay, I'm taking that back. Can we just agree to pick a four-star hotel for our next vacation?"
Glancing at her luggage in the corner, and thinking of the little velvet box within it, Gigi suppresses another smile, before swiftly focusing on Dani again. 
"Sure," she nods, while crossing her fingers that her eyes won't give her away. "Who knows, we might even end up at a five-star one."
3k Celebration Prompts (closed)
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gridanian-red-mage · 9 months
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ARR Monk Glamour Showcase!--Part 2/2
Aaand here's the look when she's outdoors! I tried my hand at a more "dynamic" shot since I wanted to experiment and play around with camera angles. The weather was kinda weird here so the yellow looks off. Either way, I didn't think I would like the asymmetry her shirt had on the bottom, but I think it suits her pretty well.💖💖
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All right, full house! That I really should try to decorate more.😅
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