#so many things went wrong while i was working on this jesus christ
*my humble offering to @steddie-week (and the s4 anniversary!) | ao3 link here*
Like most bad ideas, it starts with a question. Eddie is sitting on the ground, messing with the laces on his sneakers. Tying, untying. Mindless shit.
Steve is taking up the whole damn park bench, practically laying on it. Hasn’t said a word in the last ten minutes. 
And Eddie sort of hates the silence. Would like Silence to get decapitated with a chainsaw or something equally gruesome. Needs that particular volume to die the loudest death possible. For the sake of irony, of course.
So Eddie kills it - the silence, that is. The lull taking up all this air between him and Steve Harrington.
He kills it with a question:
“What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done?”
Steve’s head snaps in Eddie’s direction. “What did you say?”
“You heard me.”
“Fuck, I don’t know, man.” Steve sort of twitches, right between his eyebrows. Shoulders going lopsided, unnaturally angled. Uncomfortable.
Eddie shouldn’t be feeding off this tension so much. Judging by Steve’s body language though, the answer must be a good one. 
He leans forward, almost singing the words. “You sure about that?”
Pushing is fun, darkly playful. Eddie enjoys getting under people’s skin, crawling around till they shrivel up. Is it wrong? Morally unethical? Well… the verdict is still out on that.
Besides, he’s been around Harrington enough lately to know that it doesn’t take much to make him surrender. 
“Fine.” Steve huffs. He lifts himself to a sitting position, knees bobbing up and down. It takes all of Eddie’s leftover energy to not gloat about how easy that was - how quickly Steve caved. Teasing can (will) come later - right now, he wants answers. 
“So, Robin and I went to this party in the city… got pretty shitfaced.”
Eddie throws his head back. “Lame.” 
“Story’s not over.”
Oh? Interesting. Eddie places his hand over his heart, then waves it back at Steve. “My sincere apologies. Continue.”
Steve rolls his eyes, clears his throat (not that he needed to but whatever). “Anyways, she somehow convinced me to go to this tattoo parlor with her. Said her friend worked there and she wanted to visit them, so-”
“Wait wait wait. Don’t tell me this story ends with you getting a butterfly tattoo on your lower back.”
“Will you stop interrupting?”
There’s this serious expression in Steve’s eyes. A combination of dark colors and pure annoyance. Eddie is sane enough to know that annoyance isn’t something he should find endearing, but he does. On Steve.
Just a little.
He shrugs, and Steve continues. “Well, it turns out her friend wasn’t working that night. But the piercing lady was working and was like… superpersuasive.”
“Look, Munson, I don’t remember many details after that. Like I said, totally shitfaced. I just know when Robin and I woke up the next morning, we were so fucking sore. And not like, hangover sore either. We were sore in the same exact place. Right here.”
Steve’s pointer finger is gesturing at his stomach. Right in the center.
No. Absolutely not. Either Steve had severe stomach pains that night, or he’s suggesting that…
“Yeah. There you have it.”  Steve says. Blankly nodding into space. “Stupidest thing I’ve ever done is get a matching belly button piercing with my best friend. Jesus christ, that’s freaky to say out loud.”
The Silence sneaks up on him. Stabs Eddie in the back when he isn’t looking because he’s too busy trying to imagine Steve Harrington with a piercing of any kind. Let alone the most famously slutty kind.
Wrong, so very wrong. He should never let the words slutty and piercing clutter up his imagination while thinking about Steve. The silence has been too long now. Gotta say something, anything.
“Bullshit.” His tone is harsh. Doesn’t mean for it to be. “There’s no fucking way.”
Steve pouts, crinkles his forehead. “I swear on my car - I’m not making this up.”
And see, here’s where the bad idea comes in. This stormcloud of pouting and piercings and chest hair, it’s all becoming dangerous. That urge to provoke is in Eddie’s bloodstream. He has to tip the scale, twist the knife of chaos as far as he can. Self control is out the fucking window.
“Prove it then.”
“Fuck off, Munson.” Steve laughs, maybe scoffs. Either reaction is a little confusing. “Seriously, this isn’t truth or dare.”
The truth is already out though. It’s the dare that Eddie is hungry for. “You can’t just drop a nuclear statement like that and expect me not to ask to see it.”
“Technically, you didn’t ask.”
Eddie clamors over to Steve, all theatrics and fake agony. “Please, Lord Harrington.” He clasps both hands together, rests his cheek on Steve’s knee. Batting his eyelashes till Steve cracks a smile. “Let me see the metal that has punctured thy skin. I beg of thee.”
Steve shoves him off. “You’re such a dork.” It’s lighthearted, barely qualifies as shoving. He’s become way too decent for actual aggression these days. 
A fact Eddie tirelessly clings to when Steve stands up. Lifts the bottom of his shirt and puts it in his fucking mouth.
“Holy shit.” Eddie mutters. No time to consider how pathetic it comes across.
In theory, this should all be stupidly unattractive. The way Steve holds his shirt between his teeth. The way he mumbles incoherent shit between the fabric in his mouth. The way he keeps pointing at it, poking it.
That shiny, teardrop-shaped metal. Just… hanging from Steve’s belly button, swinging slightly with every small movement. Eddie’s eyes start to swing with it, back and forth. Back and forth. Maybe those roadside hypnotists are onto something, because the dumbest piece of jewelry has Eddie captivated.
He could just be captivated by the guy attached to the dumbest piece of jewelry. Piercing.
Jesus Christ. Eddie really didn’t think his life could get any weirder. But here he is. Staring at Steve Harrington’s belly button piercing. Fucking mouth-breathing at the sight of it. Probably seconds away from salivating. 
He really should consider seeing a licensed psychologist. Fix his terminally horned-up brain once and for all.
“It’s…” Eddie swallows, his eyelids feel heavier than his stare. “Not what I expected.”
The fabric drops from Steve’s mouth. Unevenly falls around his waist... hips. “What were you expecting?”
To laugh. To mock. Threaten blackmail for six lifetimes, maybe more.
Instead, Eddie gazing at it the way people gaze through telescopes. He peers lower, tries to see if it’s silver or gold. Hard to tell at sunset. None of Eddie’s typical instincts are sinking in. All he wants is to feel the metal rolling over his tongue or get it trapped between his teeth. See how it tastes mixed up with Steve’s skin.
“Fuck.” Yikes. Eddie didn’t mean to say that out loud. Straightens up from his questionable position, does it so fast that his spine sounds like bubble wrap. “Sorry, sorry.”
What the hell is he apologizing for? Cussing? Having a skeletal structure? Christ almighty, he’s a mess.
Steve’s lips spread into a grin, doesn’t look like his own. Looks more like the kind Eddie might give after pulling off a successful decoy in one of his campaigns. “What’s wrong with your face, man?”
“My face?”
“It’s all…” Steve trails off. Sighs and sits back down on the bench. “Nevermind.”
Eddie reaches up to his cheek, understands exactly what Steve is referring to. He feels feverish to the touch, must be a shade of red that is so deep, it’s noticeable in the darkening sky. 
“Sorry… sorry.” Steve hangs his head. Seems troubled even though Eddie is nailing that particular routine all on his own.
“Think that’s my line.” Eddie jokes. 
Silence is lurking around them yet again. Eddie hates it, but he’s running out of steam here. The embarrassment is on display, his cheeks and neck covered in splotchy red patches. His voice is higher, somehow, as if his vocal chords are shrinking. He’s undergoing a crisis and crush simultaneously and it is not an attractive look for him.
“Just go ahead and get it over with.” Steve says. Interrupts whatever cynicism that’s currently brewing in Eddie's head. 
“Get what over with?”
“The teasing.”
“Oh that’s not… it’s um… you don’t…” Eddie can’t pick an appropriate response. They’re way beyond politeness and niceties. And any bullshit he tries to pull isn't gonna be convincing. So it’s best to stay honest. Embarrassing, but honest. “I think it looks pretty good.”
“You do?” Steve looks softer. 
“Yeah. I mean… Bowie probably has one, and he’s a fucking superstar so. Uh. Yeah.”
“Bowie, huh?”
“I like Bowie.” I like Bowie? What a beefhead answer. Eddie joins Steve on the bench, hopes it distracts from that very un-cool line. 
“I like Bowie too.” Steve messes with his hair a bit. Elbows Eddie in the side and chuckles. “You should get one.”
“A piercing?”
“Don’t hold your breath, man. I’m not letting that nightmare creator you described anywhere near my lower abdomen. Not gonna happen.”
Steve reaches out, runs his knuckles down the bridge of Eddie’s nose. Stops at the crease of his nostril. “What about one right here?” His voice is even, calm. Too calm for what he’s asking.
His hand is warm, slightly calloused. The only two thoughts Eddie can process without going fully catatonic. Steve’s hand is on his face and it’s warm.
Slightly calloused. 
“Uh. Dunno.” Eddie says. A hoarse whisper in reply. “Probably not.”
Steve scoots in closer, never taking his hand off Eddie’s face. Just moving it around. Exploring. He brushes along to Eddie’s ear this time. Holds the edge of it between his thumb and index finger, looking straight at it. 
“What about right here?” Steve’s eyes stay fixed on Eddie’s ear. Every touch seems natural, just questions that involve connection or something.
Internally, Eddie is dousing flames. Fanning them left and right. Running in circles, fucking clueless on how to properly calm down. Be civil. Be Dude Civil. His breathing is so rapid, he knows it. Can hear it between them, collecting space. Decides it would be best to mimic Steve. Fix his eyes only on him, borrow the stability as much as possible.
“Mmm… maybe.”  Eddie gets stuck on the ‘mmm’ sound. That’s how good it feels having someone touch him like this. Careful, yet heavy in curiosity. Rolling the tip of his earlobe between two fingers, just enough pressure to create heat. 
It warrants that sound.
Steve’s glance drifts before his fingers do. Eyes landing on Eddie’s lips, slight hesitancy before his hand follows. Eddie has to hold his breath now. Minimal oxygen is the only way he’ll survive this moment, which makes no fucking sense, but it does all the same.
“Here would look really good.” Steve slowly traces the curve of Eddie’s bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. The back and forth pattern is disarming. Makes Eddie’s lips part, mouth slightly open.
Just enough to speak. “Yeah?”
If Eddie passes out from lack of oxygen, he’ll regret it. He’ll regret not taking the risk, finishing what Steve has started. Because this surpasses friendly touching. 
This is charged in electric shockwaves.
Eddie dips in, kisses Steve before he can move his hand out of the way. Steve makes a sound, not even a surprised one. It’s sweeter, laced in relief. Eddie pushes in, wants more, whatever he can get. Has his fingers wrapped around Steve’s wrist, the same hand that’s dragging down his face, his neck. Stopping at his chest. 
Every rumor is true, that kissing Steve Harrington is like the gates of heaven opening up. That his tongue could work miracles on amateur lips with a few licks and curls. But no one ever told him about the noises he makes - and those are the best fucking part. Heaving breaths, pleased whines, each one captured with Eddie’s mouth before they get any louder.
Maybe that’s it. Maybe those are just for Eddie. Reserved for kissing him.
Goddamn, he’s delusional. Completely delirious from kissing a dude with a belly button piercing.
There’s a light getting brighter, almost approaching them. Eddie opens his eyes, quickly backs off while Steve does the same. Has to literally detachhimself from wherever his hand was busy wandering all over Steve’s body. 
Headlights pull into the nearby parking lot. Eddie squints to get a better look at the car. It’s Robin and Vickie, showing up fashionably late as always. Sure, he’s grateful that it’s just them, the queerest people in his circle of weirdos. And while they’re reasonable people with shit like this, even they’dbe shocked to know that Eddie and Steve just sucked face for a solid three minutes. Probably best to not mention the gory details, not tonight. Eddie hopes Steve is thinking the same thing.
Both of them stand up, rearrange themselves to look presentable. Less tousled and kiss-bitten. Steve spends a few extra seconds with his hair before turning to Eddie, eyebrows high. Likely a non-verbal ask if his hair is looking as godly as ever.
Of course it does. Looks even better knowing Eddie’s nails were just digging into it.
Steve is a few steps ahead of Eddie, heading for the girls, when Eddie does it again. Kills the silence with a question. 
“Can we… do this again?” It’s edging on desperate, he’s so fucking aware of that. Self control really proving to be a major downfall with him tonight. Should definitely consider taking classes, train his willpower or some shit.
Steve stops walking. He doesn’t turn around, doesn’t even look at Eddie as he speaks. “My place.”
Oh. That’s… wow. Unexpected. Eddie jogs up to Steve, beside him. Way too eager now, sort of buzzing for more information. Hints of excitement or maybe a smile. Anything, really. He’s at that level of weak for this guy.
Steve just keeps walking, but leans in, right next to Eddie’s ear. The same one he messed with earlier. His voice is quiet, but Eddie hears every damn syllable:
“I’ll leave the window unlatched for you.”
For him. 
Maybe Eddie isn’t completely delusional after all.
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thiswasneverthat · 9 months
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ㅡ seven masterlist
❅ chan x fem!reader
❅ smut, minor dni, masturbation, just overall chris being chris ig
❅ wc: 1.2K
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When Chris said you were gonna pay for messing with him earlier in the morning, you thought it was an empty threat. He had this tendency to do that in the bedroom while you both were fucking each other's brains out.
However, it appeared that in this particular instance, you may have overlooked the significance of his wordsㅡ which you shouldn't have done. 
When you got home later at night, you were welcomed by the unforeseen sight of him in the living room. He was sitting down on the couch while watching a football match, wearing nothing but a running short. 
"Hey, is there something wrong with the aircon?" you squinted your eyes at him, head tilted slightly.
"No, it's working just fine," Chris answered casually without sparing you a glance.
"So?" you cleared your throat before walking toward the kitchen. "What has gotten to you, then? Don't you have any clean shirt to wear?"
You have seen Chris naked so many times, but it was rather out of the ordinary to witness him comfortably seated in the living room like that without any perceptible motive.
"Why? Does it bother you?"
From where you were standingㅡ in front of the fridge, you couldn't see his face but you could feel that he was smirking as he said that.
"No, it doesn't," you answered rigidly before downing a mouthful of cold water down your throat to soothe your jitters.
Out of nowhere, a staggering sensation then arose as you felt an inexplicable warmth slowly emanating from your cheeks, causing a slight flush to color your complexion.
"Do we still have some beers?" Chris asked casuallyㅡ and unbeknownst to you, he was already walking toward the kitchen.
"Yeah, yeah, we do. I'll get you one."
While still oblivious to the fact that Chris was approaching closer, you hastily retrieved a can of beer from the fridge. However, when you turned around, your face nearly collided with his bare chest, causing you to let out a startled gasp.
"Jesus fucking Christ!"
"You okay, babe?" he asked with a mischievous laugh as one of his hands automatically came up to hold your shoulder.
"Chris, my God! Don't sneak up on me like that!" you grumbled and closed your eyes.
With him standing in close proximity, the distinctive scent of his perfume enveloped your senses, causing a dizzying effect on your head.
"What?! I didn't mean to sneak up on you," Chris shook his head as his laughter subsided. "Why are you so antsy, though?"
"Never mind! I am going to take a bath," you quickly handed him the can of beer before you bolted out to the bathroom.
Something must have gone wrong with you, because why were you so agitated since the first second you saw him shirtless in the living room.. right?
It shouldn't be a problem if he doesn't want to wear a freaking shirt at home.. right? It wasn't like there were anybody else except the two of you.
And for fuck's sake, you have seen him naked more times than you cared to count.
"Shit, what the hell is wrong with me?!" you groaned to yourself before you stepped into the bathtub.
As you let out a long and heavy sigh, you slowly submerge yourself under the water, hoping that the comfort could wash away your intrusive thoughts. You needed to stop fantasizing about his abs in your head. You seriously needed to stop salivating over how insanely stunning he looked without a damn shirt.
But the most important thing was to detach yourself from the incessant flow of thoughts. Because you were so absorbed in your own mind that the presence of Chris joining you in the bathroom went completely unnoticed.
Without making a noise, he swiftly slid down his shorts and walked over to the shower which was next to the bathtub, separated merely by a glass wall.
Only when he turned on the water that you finally snapped out of it. "Oh myㅡ Chris! What are you doing?!"
"Taking a shower, what else?" Chris said casually as he threw his head back a little, relishing the warm water coursing down his naked body. "You okay, though? You are not yourself."
"What?! No, no, Iㅡ I am fine, no worries," you stuttered and then averted your eyes.
How is this possible? Your heart was pounding violently when you caught a glimpse of him standing naked under the shower as if it was your first time.
Did he do all of this on purpose? Or it was you who was overly sensitive?
"Fuck," you hissed and hurriedly reached for the shower gel. For your own sakeㅡ to avoid worsening your emotional turmoil, you need to speed up your bathing ritual.
However, as you were about to stand up and grab the towel that was placed near the sink, you stopped dead in your track when you heard a soft moan.
In the next second, your pupils dilated and you felt your stomach churned. And much to your dismay, your head turned on its ownㅡ facing the source of the noise.
There he was, standing under the running shower while massaging his cock. 
"Ah, fuck fuck," Chris grunted sharply before he bit his lower lip. His chest heaved up and down, his eyes sealed shut and his hand working with great vigor to satisfy himself. 
From where you were standing, your view began to be obstructed by the fog that enveloped the glass wall, which then prompted you to let out a loud groan. 
"Enjoying the view?" he asked through gritted teeth without glancing over at you.
"Huh? Whaㅡ what? I didn'tㅡ" your words came out in a jumble, stuttering and stumbling over each other after he caught you like a deer in the headlights. 
You then only stood in your spot, your mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. You had no idea what to say or how to explain yourself. Your eyes darted around nervously, hoping for some kind of way out of the situation. 
And Chris was right. You were not yourself.
"Come closer then," his command came out in a low guttural grunt before he turned around to face you instead of the wall this time. "Look at what you'll be missing for the next couple of days."
Heeding his command, you took a few steps closer and held your breath. Your heart was racing as you struggled to comprehend the weight of his words and the mouthwatering sight he had just unveiled before you.
In fact, nothing else held your interest as much as he did at that moment. He occupied all of your thoughts and consumed your attention entirely. It was like he had a certain power over you that you couldn't resist.
Well.. definitely not, when the veins in his arms were popping out as he stroked his cock vigorously. You swore you could religiously watch him like that all day.
"Look at me, baby," Chris called out to you, instantly pulling you out of your trance. "Look at how hard I will cum."
Accompanied by throaty moans and gasping breaths, Chris came all over his hands and trickled down to his thighs. 
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daddydoddsjr · 9 months
Mafia!Sonny AU
Pairing || Mafia!Sonny Carisi x Female!Reader
Contents/Warnings || Mentions of assault, mentions mafia business, stalking, obsessiveness
Part 1/?
Authors Note || i hinted i was going to do this a while back and simply forgot.. but here’s a little taste. this fic currently is nameless cause idk what to name it :’) i’ll figure it out eventually. also didn’t proofread lol
Tag List || @teddybluesclues
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“Piece of shit,” Sonny mumbled to himself as he left the apartment with two other men, just having watched them nearly beat the life out of the man who lived there. The very stupid man who thought he could get away with not paying back the 5 grand he owed to the Carisi family. Sonny had been in charge of things for a while now since his father was getting older, and so far everything had been running smoothly, just with the occasional pester from his mother to get married and start having children, to carry on the family name.
Sonny’s mind was elsewhere as he walked down the hall to the elevator, waiting for its arrival, acting normal. The doors opened and revealed you, standing there quietly. You gave Sonny a small smile and moved to the side so they could come in; you were all going down to the lobby from the two top floors. Jesus christ, he thought you were the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. He made a point to stand beside you and let his men stand on the other side of them. They talked quietly about something while Sonny snuck glances at you— taking in every detail. Your hair colour, the way you held yourself, the type of clothes you were wearing, every detail.
He let you off first and waited until you were out of the building to tell one of his men, “Follow her for the day. I want to know everything.” His man, Nick, knew better than to argue with his boss and silently headed after you. You were oblivious to him the entire day as you had lunch with a few friends and went shopping before going back to your apartment. He reported back to Sonny the details; the first names of who you were with, your first name, what you ordered, what you bought, etc. Sonny was enamoured. This wasn’t the first time, though. He had a bit of a habit for seeing a pretty woman and following them for a bit, sneaking his way into their lives if he really wanted to. They never went too far, though, every time he found a new woman, something went wrong. She would freak out once she found out about the family business, or they were only in it for the money, they were too entitled, etc, etc, etc. You were his new interest now, whether you liked it or not.
It started off slow. At first, you saw him at your usual coffee shop. You remembered him from the apartment building and assumed he lived there or was visiting someone, so you didn’t think much about him being at the coffee shop so close to the building. You saw him a few days later near your work as you were leaving. You owned an antique shop and you had people that worked there for you, but you stopped by once a week to check up on things. He was just walking by, nonchalantly. The second time you saw him at the coffee shop, he struck up a conversation with you while you both waited on your coffees, saying how he remembers seeing you in the elevator and how it must be a coincidence that you ran into each other again.
You had to admit to yourself that he was attractive; his greying dirty blonde hair that was so neatly done, the piercing blue eyes that looked at you so intently, his 6 foot lanky frame, the way he called you doll in that accent of his. You ran into him a couple more times before he finally asked you on a date, saying something about it being too coincidental that you both liked so many of the same places and clearly the universe was trying to say something. Cliche, but you fell for it easily, since you already liked him. He was weaselling his way right into your world and it was working just as he wanted.
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aspd-culture · 4 months
aspd and adhd(/possible autism) culture is realizing only once you're out of high school "ohhhhhhh wait, so i thought i wasn't abused growing up, but actually i was and it only stopped due to covid, and that resulted in my osdd system and aspd?"
buckle up, this is Long and definitely classifies as a Vent. honestly, you can ignore the middle section and jump to the next blank line of space if you want.
jesus christ. i was punished more harshly than my peers, i struggled to make friends, i was put into a little school program where board games were used to reinforce good behavior in problem kids which i only realized two months ago, my memory issues (which were always there, but only noticed in fifth grade) got me into so much shit with every authority figure ever, i broke a window using one of those mechanical hamster things that were popular at the time by accident but i didn't care at all, that's just scratching the surface
memories of things have been coming back to me lately. according to my mom i was such a nice little kid, always shared and was polite and highly empathetic, all the goods.
school came along, flipped everything on its head. i remember harassing and hurting animals, and people, and sometimes telling those people not to tell—not because i felt bad but because i didn't want to get into trouble again, it was an inconvenience. my home life was pretty good but other kids left me out of things a lot and sometimes called me names, even the neighbors' kids i liked to hang out with would make me the monster of their games and that does something to a kid (one of them is also the reason i'm a victim of cocsa). when i did something wrong or bad there was only punishment because i "should know not to do that" and so i had to teach myself how to be a functioning and good member of society. i got good at lying towards the end of third grade, the skill got better from there with every punishment i faced
when a former friend told me "hey, you have aspd traits/might have aspd" i went and found the checklist, because thorough research is how i work, went through it. at the time i didn't think it fit very well because "yes, i experience that but that's pretty normal for people, i learned how to manage it under several layers of creating a socially acceptable person just like everyone else"
i've gone back to it a couple times since and wow, surprise surprise, everything applies! the "this doesn't apply to me because i have a system to help with this thing" mindset means the thing still applies! there's some stuff, namely the destruction and truancy, that i didn't do but that's solely because i knew i couldn't get away with it and therefore didn't bother trying. so thanks to aaaaaaall that stuff and more, i definitely grew up with both conduct disorder and odd, and now it's aspd
i can't say i'm mad about having aspd? it causes problems in my life, yes, but i've spent so long wrangling myself into a form small enough to fit into society's box that it's not the worst thing anymore. i think i'm more mad at society, my peers, for not helping me with this and being kind where they should've, especially my mom as of recently
that said: it is fucking hard-wired into me that there's only good people and bad people in the world. harmful behavior towards me (or someone else doing something i can't forgive) is automatically met with hammurabi's eye for an eye. the coping mechanisms i use work very well, are generally healthy, and people who don't do anything to calm themselves down and think rationally tend to piss me off. i have been fighting those things for a while but they're the ones that simply won't go away. hamburger help me.
There's a lot of good information in this ask. Too many people see ASPD as a direct result of physical abuse or CSA/SA, when a lot of ASPD symptoms really develop around things that are seen as smaller issues, where a child's problems get diminished by the people who are supposed to help that child to the point where they feel the only person that will help them is themself.
More than anything else, I personally think a very quick and simple way to decrease the number of people who end up with ASPD would be to get parents and other caregiving adults, and honestly society as a whole, to understand that regardless of how simple, silly, or insignificant it may seem to someone older, these "silly" things are often the worst thing the child has experienced up until that point. Someone always having to be the monster sounds like nothing to an adult, leading to no response to help besides maybe "they're just teasing you, ignore them". But "just teasing" is the most social rejection a child has experienced to that point, and so it is extremely distressing and emotionally painful. It feels like the most isolated they could possibly be, because they haven't been around long enough to experience worse. Then, the child is told to ignore it, which not only fails to make them feel better, but often causes it to get even worse as the other kids try and push harder to get the reaction they're looking for. Do they eventually give up? Sometimes. But the lengths and extremes many bullies will go to when "just teasing" doesn't elicit a response is disturbing and that fact is either unknown to or ignored by adults.
Part of why always being made the monster does something to a kid is that it is treated as a non-issue. When that is what a developing brain learns is the reaction to their pain, they will no longer seek outside help when things become extreme.
TW: descriptions of SA/r threats. Skip the following paragraph and move to the next one to avoid. Also a bit of a vent.
When I was in school, I was teased. I was made the dog who was not allowed to talk or a person with their vocal chords removed any time we played pretend. Sometimes they made me a rock or stick on the ground, even. It sounds like nothing, and when I was told it would go away if I ignored them, I listened. It didn't stop them. It led to an entire set of multiple schools that were combined into one building seeing me as a verbal and sometimes physical plaything; a place to take out your angst and distress. I lost my personhood in their eyes, so my understanding of social interactions were tainted and colored by the way my peers treated me. I told anyone who tried to befriend me not to be seen talking to me, to bully me publicly so they wouldn't get the treatment I got, so even the few people who tried to be kind got a skewed, unnatural social interaction with me. Many listened, and I don't hold that against them at all. That's simply what they had to do to make it. It got to the point of receiving verbal and *detailed, written-out, and signed* r word threats, and boys who were 11 years old talking about kidnapping tying me up in their parents attic and using me whenever they wanted (theirs was more detailed). Some even attempted to touch me, and adults nearby ignored it because "X likes to handle it themselves, they don't like when adults get involved", because I learned that they would only vaguely say stop, and it would get worse. That's what happens when you just ignore it.
And what do we call a person who learns that only they can protect themselves, and who doesn't understand any positive interaction with anyone that isn't transactional? Antisocial. I hate the idea what a positive relationship with family is incompatible with ASPD, sorry about the rant. Because of how ASPD develops, I refuse to dislike or resent myself or my symptoms when it comes to ASPD. If people didn't want me like this, they shouldn't have treated me like this.
Plain text below the cut:
There's a lot of good information in this ask. Too many people see ASPD as a direct result of physical abuse or CSA/SA, when a lot of ASPD symptoms really develop around things that are seen as smaller issues, where a child's problems get diminished by the people who are supposed to help that child to the point where they feel the only person that will help them is themself.
More than anything else, I personally think a very quick and simple way to decrease the number of people who end up with ASPD would be to get parents and other caregiving adults, and honestly society as a whole, to understand that regardless of how simple, silly, or insignificant it may seem to someone older, these "silly" things are often the worst thing the child has experienced up until that point. Someone always having to be the monster sounds like nothing to an adult, leading to no response to help besides maybe "they're just teasing you, ignore them". But "just teasing" is the most social rejection a child has experienced to that point, and so it is extremely distressing and emotionally painful. It feels like the most isolated they could possibly be, because they haven't been around long enough to experience worse. Then, the child is told to ignore it, which not only fails to make them feel better, but often causes it to get even worse as the other kids try and push harder to get the reaction they're looking for. Do they eventually give up? Sometimes. But the lengths and extremes many bullies will go to when "just teasing" doesn't elicit a response is disturbing and that fact is either unknown to or ignored by adults.
Part of why always being made the monster does something to a kid is that it is treated as a non-issue. When that is what a developing brain learns is the reaction to their pain, they will no longer seek outside help when things become extreme.
TW: descriptions of SA/r threats. Skip the following paragraph and move to the next one to avoid. Also a bit of a vent.
When I was in school, I was teased. I was made the dog who was not allowed to talk or a person with their vocal chords removed any time we played pretend. Sometimes they made me a rock or stick on the ground, even. It sounds like nothing, and when I was told it would go away if I ignored them, I listened. It didn't stop them. It led to an entire set of multiple schools that were combined into one building seeing me as a verbal and sometimes physical plaything; a place to take out your angst and distress. I lost my personhood in their eyes, so my understanding of social interactions were tainted and colored by the way my peers treated me. I told anyone who tried to befriend me not to be seen talking to me, to bully me publicly so they wouldn't get the treatment I got, so even the few people who tried to be kind got a skewed, unnatural social interaction with me. Many listened, and I don't hold that against them at all. That's simply what they had to do to make it. It got to the point of receiving verbal and *detailed, written-out, and signed* r word threats, and boys who were 11 years old talking about kidnapping tying me up in their parents attic and using me whenever they wanted (theirs was more detailed). Some even attempted to touch me, and adults nearby ignored it because "X likes to handle it themselves, they don't like when adults get involved", because I learned that they would only vaguely say stop, and it would get worse. That's what happens when you just ignore it.
And what do we call a person who learns that only they can protect themselves, and who doesn't understand any positive interaction with anyone that isn't transactional? Antisocial. I hate the idea what a positive relationship with family is incompatible with ASPD, sorry about the rant. Because of how ASPD develops, I refuse to dislike or resent myself or my symptoms when it comes to ASPD. If people didn't want me like this, they shouldn't have treated me like this.
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if-you-feel-lonely · 2 years
hi!! i was wondering if you could write hcs about wilbur soot falling in love with and eventually dating a shy baker girl? like, she's super sweet and shy and isn't super loud or outgoing and she just kinda likes to do her own thing and bake sweets?
aaaaaaaaa this took me ages to get to but hey, better late than never!
I did assume this was cc!wilbur since you didn't specify, so I went with this. do correct me if I'm wrong, though! I love this prompt, so I'll happily redo it :>
Wilbur Soot falling in love with the sweet baker girl!
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Oh my god when he saw you
He physically went 😳
It starts with him coming in every day
He literally has no reason to come in as often as he does, he doesn't have a sense of taste
It's not the pastries he comes for, though
It's the baker behind the counter that's even more sweet than her treats
Sooner or later, the daily visits turn into flirting
Well, him dancing on the line between flirting and joking whilst you listen and laugh
And later on, it blossoms into friendship. Well, what friendship you can see for seeing each other for maybe half an hour every day.
In a burst of confidence, you finally managed to respond to his hopeless flirting
"Do you have an extra heart? Because someone just stole mine." "Heart transplants? Already? At least take me to dinner first." "Happily. How does dinner at my flat sound? Maybe half six tonight?" "Sounds like a plan." "Great. Pick you up here?" "Sounds good!"
You know that clip from the "Wrong Number" comedy skip where the comedian suddenly sighs and says, "OH MY GOD THAT WORKED."?
Both of you.
He seriously didn't expect you to respond like that. Not that he's complaining, though!
That evening, you go to his flat
Upon seeing his guitar, you start asking various questions about if he plays and what songs he plays - that sort of thing
Something between the two of you starts to click, and you both notice
Without realising, you start going on more and more dates
It starts off as once a month, then maybe every two weeks, then every wednesday evening, and then lunch at yours every friday afternoon
It's not something that you really discuss, it just happens
The fact that he has a girlfriend only really sinks in when he's discussing relationships with Tommy on stream
"Wilbur, how many dates have you been on recently? Are you getting many women?"
"Actually, I've been on quite few, recently."
"Getting all them hoes, eh?"
"Jesus Christ, don't say that to anyone, please. It's been with the same person; we've been going out for a while now."
He never goes any further than that, though
Chat knows he has a girlfriend, but they don't know much more than that
He wants you to have privacy, and broadcasting you across the internet is not the way to go about that
He might talk about your dates or the things you do together, but other than that, he tries to avoid talking about you while streaming
He's very shocked to discover that you're genuinely just that nice
He always assumed it was one of those things where you act differently around strangers, but when you warm up to them, that changes
But no
You're just an absolute sweetheart!
Occasionally you might have days where, after a long day of work, you don't want to go out
On those days, you sit in either of your beds, and just exist with each other
Maybe you read or watch a film or something like that
all in all, 10/10 relationship
would recommend
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angelthefirst1 · 2 months
The eclipse of - What happened and what's going on 509. 🌞 ☀️ 🌙 🌚
In past posts, I've mentioned how the eclipses of 2017, 2023, and this weeks eclipse in 2024 were important to Beth's return.
You can read more on the eclipses here and here.
They are time markers to her return, and we can count it as a sign to look for, because Leah and Daryl were looking up at the 2017 eclipse.
I stumbled across this connection, placing them in 2017, but yesterday, other walking dead accounts put out material saying the same thing. It's confirmed, and this eclipse symbolism is part of the clues on how we "find me" or find Beth.
So it is important...
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Emily mentioned Monday's eclipse by re-posting a story of a person talking about how the eclipse was a big old waste of time. He thought It left much to be desired, considering all the hype there was around it.
All the whether people were talking about it. All the conspiracy people were talking about it. He thought he was gonna get superpowers from it, but he just got really cold 🥶 (notice Leah and Daryl are watching the eclipse on a fridge)
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I've learnt over the years that Emily leaves clues, but she will also lie lie lie. (I still love her 😆)
This is fitting because as they are using the biblical end time template over and over, and the number one sign Christ points to as a sign of his coming is deception.
Matthew 24.3
The Signs of the Times and the End of the Age
3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”
4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Leah's "son" called Matthew?
The fact that Emily even acknowledges the eclipse points to it meaning something.
And while it may have been a big nothing burger in some locations. Other locations got a magnificent show.
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The eclipse symbolism was front and center at Rick's reunion. The glowing ring of the CRM logo in the sky, is the eclipse.
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We saw wedding symbolism and wedding ring symbolism, which is also eclipse symbolism, and it's all connected to the return of Christ.
His coming is connected to marriage to the "bride" of Christ.
Eclipse terminology even uses the term diamond ring to describe the eclipse (You can see the "diamond" in the above eclipse picture)
It's wedding season (return/union/reunion/wedding season), and Emily is well aware of the symbolic connections to the eclipse and marriage.
She's seen here - the humming bird, at Hummingbird Nest in wedding season...
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Emily released the song called Rock Star when she had just left The Walking Dead.
I have talked many times before about how the end is the beginning, and the beginning is the end. The projects she did after just leaving the walking dead give clues to how she will return.
She has used the biblical end times template in much of her work, as has TWD - they just rework it.
And that's exactly what Emily did with the song Rock-star.
It's a song about marriage, and the video is in black and white (colour eclipsed). Listen here
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The song mentions diamond rings 💍, Converse (star) shoes, something Emily posted about recently, too.
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The song also talks about satellites, The Walking Dead, getting old, and...Lofting a bed above his practice space.
This scene below is from an episode after Jesus dies. (The end is the beginning)
Daryl shares the loft bed with dog, aka Beth.
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The loft or penthouse suite...Beth picked it.
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Knowing that the end is the beginning and the beginning is the end, I went back and re-watched episode 509 - What happened and what's going on.
To look for any clues that point to an eclipse and oh boy I was not disappointed.
The episode literally shows us a solar eclipse. They use flashes of blinding colored light to block out the sun...
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The use of pulsing and flashing lightning all through the episode always seemed odd, but now, in light of the eclipse symbolism, it makes sense.
Especially with the knowledge that the episode starts and ends with Father Gabriel quoting the bible verse about looking at what is unseen and what is eternal.
Go re-watch the episode if you get a chance, with eclipse symbolism in mind. You will see it differently.
Not only do we get the depiction of a solar eclipse, but we also see this image...
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We have analysed this picture many times before. What stands out to me having the eclipse in mind is the X shape on the door pointing to the X eclipse.
Obviously. We have the dog on the porch, Sirius, and the American flag, which would point to the X eclipse being over the United States.
We also see Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde statue, looking up at the sky through what seems to be a magnifying glass or lens. You could say Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde's personalities are night and day (eclipse)
What I found most interesting about this picture is the globe. The globe has shadows of eclipse lines on it...
After some digging, I discovered the map on the globe focuses over Africa.
If you look closely, you'll see the little growing ball of light over the ocean. I discovered that is a representation of the moon.
The globe here is pointing to a blood moon lunar eclipse that is scheduled to happen over this exact location In the year 2029.
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Notice in the graphic above, the eye 👁 of the moon goes from closed to open - keep this in mind for later.
I point this out because Emily has written about blood moons before in her song Mortal.
Many people thought when she released the song that it was about her and Daryl, and it is.
Here are the relevant words from the song Mortal...
Baby, that's what I call feeling mortal.
Put your head and cry on my shoulder.
We can watch the moon turn bright blood red.
We can stay the night in my tree house bed. (Loft that 🐕 dog chose)
If the end is the beginning and the beginning is the end, then It's very possible when Beth returns, Daryl and her will watch a blood red moon in her tree house bed. Their story may well end in 2029, when this real blood moon is scheduled. Why the Africa link? Who knows, maybe it's a link to the pyramids, Sirius rising and Alexandria/Andrea (Revived Roman empire territory)
After posting the story about the guy talking about the eclipse, Emily also posted this blood red picture of the album, Oh Jonathan. From which the song Mortal comes.
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Not a coincidence.
I've mentioned before how the antichrist receives a mortal head wound but is healed from that head wound.
Emily chose the title Mortal for this reason, it's another hint to her head wound survival and her return.
Both of these again link back to the return of Christ and the antichrist.
The beast is another term for the antichrist...
Revelation 13.3
And I saw that one of his heads was, as it were, wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world wondered after the beast.
Back to the blood moon clip that I showed you from Africa. What's really interesting is one specific piece of Emily's artwork for her album swim team.
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It matches the blood moon chart, and the blood moons eye 👁 goes from closed to open. We can watch 👁 the moon turn bright blood red...
One other connection that's worth mentioning here since we are back at Noah's house is that the bible describes the return of Christ as being like the days of Noah. 🌈
‭Matthew 24:36-39 (once again, Matthew is connected to FIND ME and Beth, and so are the days of Noah)
“Now concerning that day and hour no one knows — neither the angels of heaven nor the Son — except the Father alone. [37] As the days of Noah were, so the coming of the Son of Man will be. [38] For in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah boarded the ark. [39] They didn’t know until the flood came and swept them all away. This is the way the coming of the Son of Man will be.
The days of Noah are associated with the rainbow, and we just saw Rick (Andrew Lincoln) post about a rainbow after the final of the ones who live. Here
When I took a video of the certain portions of What's happened and what's going on I realised they used all the colours of the rainbow 🌈 over the top of particular footage...
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And we see the same colour eclipse Beth, in this clip below, that we saw in the sun drawing eclipse...
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Beth - blue eclipse - Sun
Now i need to back up a bit, because before the group arrived at Noah's home.
We see them drive into a clearing, in a vehicle with this number plate
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The number plate says WBT 1417
This clearing they park in before going on foot to Noah's house, is the first time we see the symbol of the wolf, which is carved into the walkers that have been chopped in half and shoved into the red vehicle.
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We also see a girl walker trapped in a car that's been shot up, and many have speculated it was to remind us of Beth.
I very much think it's symbolic of Beth.
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All these connections made me think about what the number plate could stand for.
W Stands for wolf.
B T stands for Beth, Beth means house of...so WBT means house of wolf.
When I searched for house of wolf 1417, the results led me to the Wolf of Rimini.
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After reading about the Wolf of Rimini, for me, the most notable connection is that the Wolf of Rimini is from Italy, which connects to the antichrist coming from a revived Roman empire.
The Wolf of Rimini was known for being a military leader, which is another thing he would have in common with the antichrist, who will conquer through great military power.
The last connection that the Wolf of Rimini has that reminded me of Beth, is that he led a group to steal the remains of one of his teachers and mentors.
So in one clearing, we have wolf, antichrist, Beth, and stolen remains symbolism.
But that's not all...
The other car we see in this clearing has the number plate Luke 8:41-67.
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I talked about this number plate in my last post that you can read here.
This Luke number plate was related to Jesus's healing miracles around the pool of Bethesda. It's super interesting that this car has the wolf or W marked walkers in it that have had their legs cut off.
Luke in the show had his leg cut off.
The Luke number plate was also seen when Jesus was first introduced in 610, and the Luke car is parked next to the car with the walker "Beth" in it.
During this episode, Tyrese keeps talking about keeping up with the news and being aware of what's going on in the world.
Well, I was keeping up with the news over the eclipse and one article caught my attention because right as the eclipse was happening, a lady decided to shoot up a car.
It caught my attention because it looked exactly like the shot up car that the Beth Walker was in.
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The article said that God told her to shoot the car up.
I had to add this because the connections are too bizarre to just skip over. Hopefully, no one was hurt.
What happened and what's going on is all related to the coming wolves.
Wolf symbolism in the bible is described as something bad.
The wolf is repeatedly mentioned in the scriptures as an enemy of flocks: a metaphor for evil men with a lust for power and dishonest gain, as well as a metaphor for Satan preying on Christians, contrasted with the shepherd Jesus who keeps his flock safe.
So, the wolf symbolism being tied to the antichrist (wolf of Rimini/Roman Empire) and the Wolf Praying on the Christians (Christ/Beth/Luke) and the potential stealing of Beth's remains, all works together to paint a picture of the past but also the future story they will tell.
Another eclipse sign i noticed in this episode was when Glenn broke a C.D. in half.
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To me, the CD glowing in the sun reminded me of an eclipse. We have been analysing a hidden or eclipsed version of Beth's story ever since she "died."
When the group finally arrived at Noah's house, We see more hints of Beth return.
We see a sign that says Summer place (pine for Summer)
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We see the eclipse sun on the ground which i already showed, and the wolves not far sign.
When Noah enters his house, He places a blanket with black and white XXXX's all over it, over the dead body. While he says...
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When Tyrese enters Noah's brother's bedroom, we first see a telescope 🔭 and rockets. Telling us to look to the skies, more hints at the eclipse, sun, moon, and star symbolism and as if mentioned before those are also signs of the coming of Christ.
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The book of Luke also gives instruction to look up when you see all the signs of the second coming of Christ.
Luke 21.28
When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
The bedroom he enters has a lot of plane and dog (Sirius) symbolism.
We saw a lot of planes and helicopters around Rick's return, and in other posts, I've already mentioned how they are symbolic of inter-dimensional travel. That can relate to God Satan, angels, or fallen angels.
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The Governor returns, and he represents Sirius, returning with the one eye symbolism. He talks about paying the bill. At the same time, we see more of the sun eclipse and Beth in the car symbolism in the background.
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All this is happening in Noah's house, and it's a sign of judgment day and the end times. 🌈
This is emphasized by showing us the train tracks to Terminus (coda/end) being shown along with the flickering rainbow eclipse lights.
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The last thing i want to mention is something Glenn says in this episode. At one point, he mentions the guy in the train car that they came across at Terminus (the end) who screams... they're us, we're the same...
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To sum up, the eclipse symbolism is huge in this episode and to Beth's return, and I bet no one (not even me) realised just how much symbolism there is for it surrounding Beth.
She will return with the same signs and symbolism that she left with.
If you have any questions, just send me an ask.
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starry-hughes · 9 months
“ can we promise to talk things out going forward “ and “ i never want to go that long without talking again “ with quinn? maybe the daisy au if you’re taking requests for that?
Quinn was still learning who you were as a person. He went from hooking up with you to being the father of the unborn baby in your stomach. It was a lot of changes. He was traveling for work and you were at home, nesting and getting stuff ready for the baby. Quinn didn’t know how to exactly deal with your pregnancy hormones.
He felt like he couldn’t do anything exactly right. From what temperature to make your soup at or what laundry detergent you liked, something was always off, not the best. He didn’t know what he did wrong this time but you were ignoring him. When he left to San Jose for a game, you simply shrugged him off.
He hadn’t received many texts while he was gone. He would get the standard “baby is fine” text daily or see Ring doorbell notifications of you leaving and arriving home. Quinn was tired of it by the time he arrived home. It was late and he wanted to speak to you but your bedroom door was shut and the lights were off. He tried to be quiet as he walked around the apartment, checking in on the nursery and making sure the door was locked.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Quinn jumped back as he entered his bedroom, you had somehow quietly made your way into his room. “Can i sleep here tonight? Your sheets are softer,” you asked gently. He glanced around the room and the cup of water on his nightstand and your slippers by the bed told him that you had been sleeping in his room since he left.
“Can we promise to talk things out going forward? I feel like you’re ignoring me and like I did something horribly wrong.”
You felt bad, you hadn’t even realized that you had been so upset with him. It all started days ago and by now, you were missing him. “My toast.”
Quinn’s eyebrows furrowed together, “your toast?”
“You burned it. The other day. I was so angry with you that I didn’t want to talk and now I feel bad, I’m sorry,” your eyes became teary and Quinn rushed over to you. “Hey, it’s okay. Let’s just rest, you look exhausted.”
You nodded and he helped you into bed, making sure you had your blanket and favorite pillow. “I never want to go that long without talking again,” you mumbled when he climbed into bed behind you. “We won’t.”
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No hate just wanted to know your opinion on 1 Corithians 10:20 because ive been wanting to Pray to other Gods as well but im scared that its a sin. Tysm in advance 💙
Hey friend, no problem, I'm chill with discussing opinions. Long post in-bound with textual and contextual analysis of 1 Corinthians chapter 10.
So, the verse in question is this one:
"No, it does not; simply that when pagans sacrifice, what is sacrificed by them is sacrificed to demons who are not God. I do not want you to share with demons."
Corinthians is a book of the Bible attributed to St. Paul, who was absolutely famous for writing a LOT of early Church literature (like, 12 books worth of Biblical writings, depending on who you ask) and proselytizing to a wide range of people, even when jailed by the Romans for doing so. St Paul's goal was conversion for these people; he so sincerely believed in the mission and message of Jesus Christ that his ultimate goal was to bring as many people as possible to Heaven through his writing.
With this bias in mind, let's look at the context of 1 Corinthians 10:20. In Chapter 10 of 1 Corinthians, Paul is talking about previous instances of cultures who turned their backs on God to worship false gods and idols, and who were then punished for doing so as God "scattered [their corpses] over the desert." So, his advice to the Corinthians, who at the time would likely have worshipped the Greek and/or Roman pantheons, was to stop worshipping these gods and turn to the Almighty for redemption. He classified these pantheons as "demons."
In the original Greek text, Paul uses the phrase,
δαιμων  δαιμονιον
which, to the best translations I can find, means something akin to "inspiring force" (as in, an independent force with autonomous actions) and is used here by Paul to refer to the pagan gods in a relatively neutral sense. This word in Greek doesn't necessarily have any malevolent intention behind it, and in the text, the line about not cavorting with demons doesn't necessarily call them evil and is followed quickly by "Do we really want to arouse the Lord's jealousy; are we stronger than he is?" (1 Corinthians 10:22).
So, to my reading, Paul isn't necessarily condemning the pagan gods, but the practice of honoring them for things he believes that the Abrahamic God is responsible for, which (understandably) pisses God off. This, he tells the Corinthians, is the sin, and is what they need to stop to convert and be saved.
Now I need to note again that Paul is trying to convert the Corinthians in this letter - he has an inherent bias against their faith because he believes it's the "wrong" one. While Christians generally believe that the Bible is divinely inspired by God, I personally believe that it shouldn't be taken in a literal sense, and should instead be seen as an inspirational mythology to work with. The letters especially I take with a big grain of salt; conversion was a major focus of early Church writing - they were desperate to establish the Church long-term, after all - and so condemnation of other religions is bound to happen sometimes. I take this as human bias and error in the interpretation of the divine inspiration.
Do I personally think it's a sin to work with God and other deities? No, I don't think so. I operate on the idea that as long as you're honoring God for his role in the universe as its creator and overseer, there's nothing wrong with also honoring other deities with specific domains within that universe. It's just probably best not to give them credit for the things He does (you might use the idea of syncretism to avoid doing this - seeing certain gods as aspects of capital-G God and so on).
I am a Catholic who went to 10 years of Catholic school.
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chezzywezzy · 2 years
Yandere Birdbox (1/5)
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Word count ; 4.0k
*Dedicated to @horrorfan-666-anoynmous. This is gn!reader. The plot will be on the abstract side and it’ll be only me that’ll actually know what’s going through my head explanation-wise. Enjoy :)
The citizens of small town Lacombe, Alberta were already starting to bundle up. It was late October and already the middle-of-nowhere area was starting to feel chills. Many had stocked up on new winter jackets; the shop keepers were already starting to run the heater in the early morning; and those that wandered late at night could see their breath.
It was safe to say the local clothes store was having a run on the winter jackets. And, alike to the other customers, Y/n was quick to hop on the trend. Their cane was outstretched in front of them while a plastic bag dangled from their other hand, tearing at the seams from how large the wooly coat was.
Y/n always appreciated that Lacombe was easy to traverse. There was rarely traffic or people to run into to begin with, and the town was so small they could probably manage to walk from one end to the other in under an hour. It was a quaint place. And, for someone labeled as disabled, that was certainly appreciated.
They ran their cane over the sidewalk, avoiding another street lamp. They came to a grinding halt as they found the ledge, and they pulled their phone from their pocket. Y/n started,” Hey, Siri, is the traffic light green?”
The quiet voice was easily overpowered as cars flew past the curb. That was answer enough, and Y/n expected that the tiny app would tell them when the lights changed, as per usual. They clutched the bag closer to their side, and despite the thick sweater and jeans and boots, Y/n was still feeling the chills of the quickly cooling weather as the days passed.
“Hey, do you need some help getting home?” A young man around Y/n’s age, tatted and pierced up the wazoo, approached. He eyed them in worry, continuing,” If you need directions —“
“Do I look like I need help?” Y/n snapped irritably.
The man was taken aback, and despite recognizing that they were blind as a bat, held his hands up defensively. “Geez, asshole. I was just trying to be nice. You clearly woke up on the wrong side of the fucking bed.”
Y/n didn’t reply. They were ever so slightly irked - even though they consciously knew they shouldn’t be - but chose to ignore the random man. Their foot tapped against the concrete impatiently and their fingers were itching to get back to work.
The man furrowed his brows, eyeing the sky. He wasn’t the only one to stop in pure confusion. The entire town of Lacombe came to a screeching halt and perhaps even the earth stopped spinning. Because, descending from the sky, was a large, grey blob. It was far too circular to be a plane, but far too small to be a ship of some sort.
And it was rocketing right toward the center square.
From Y/n’s phone, Siri’s robotic voice chirped,” The light is red.”
Y/n used their cane, stepping off into the street. However, their movements shook the young man free of his paralysis. In horror, he saw that the late, egg-shaped monolith was barreling to the center block, right to where Y/n was intending to walk through.
“Hey, asshole, stop. Don’t walk out into the middle of the street —!”
They paid him no mind. Some women screamed, others gasped, but generally, the consensus was to gain distance from the large, metallic thing. And Y/n, in their blissfully unaware state, had no idea that they were heading into an immediate danger zone.
“Jesus fucking christ!”
The man reached out, grabbing their upper arm. Y/n yelped, the cane being torn from their hold. The young man jerked them back, and Y/n tripped on the ledge. Both went barreling to the ground, the concrete tearing into their clothes, but that was immediately the least of their worries.
It hit. No more than a couple yards away, the unidentified flying object collided into the ground. Smoke and steam poured from it, and very quickly, the streets were rolled over with a thick fog. Y/n and the man began coughing viciously. They covered their mouth, propping themselves up on their elbows.
“The light is green.”
The man peered up, trying his best to stumble to his feet. He was anxious, and his eyes flitted with concern to and from the blind individual, even more confused than anyone else. When he was on his feet, he waved some of the mist away, but he could no longer see the metal sheath as the fog seemingly dispersed into nothing.
And that was what was left. Nothing. The only indication it was there in the first place was a large dent and rapture in the pavement, large cracks crossing all the way to the sidewalk itself. Everyone was slowly gathering, and even the cars had gone into park to see what the commotion was.
“Hey, dude, let me help you up,” the man mumbled, grabbing out to Y/n’s arm.
Y/n, not arguing and far too shaken up by how the earth had rumbled, grasped onto the man and made their way onto their feet. They continued to grip the man tightly, and questions threatened tho escape their lips. The man was still staring warily at where the object once was.
And then, one of those questions escaped.
“What… happened?”
“I - I don’t fucking know. There was some thing in the sky coming right toward the street. It hit not too far from us and, uh… now it’s, like, gone.”
Y/n was too shaken up. Their brows furrowed and they aimed to prod further, but they knew damn well he was as unknowing as the next person. They decided they would just shake it off. They were going to try their best to get to the safety of their home, because whatever happened could’ve been a bomb for all they knew.
They detached from the man. They crouched down, reaching around for their walking cane.
“The light is red.”
A piercing shriek broke out from across the street. Y/n was on their hands and knees in search of the cane, still abandoned a few feet in the street ahead of them. However, both them and the man froze in here confusion. And I ust like that, all panic broke loose.
“Holy fuck!” he exclaimed, stumbling back to a store window and pressing himself against him. “What the hell…”
The woman from across the street suddenly stepped up to a lamppost. All at once, she began bashing her head against it. Others screamed, but what was more terrifying was how certain citizens were completely silent. A hoard began to circle the lamppost, doing the same exact thing.
Suddenly, the cars started up. From each intersection, cars went flying toward one another. Screams echoed the plaza, and all at once, explosions from those imploding in the center ensued. The man was screaming at the top of his lungs.
But Y/n was far too shocked and baffled to know what was going on. For all they knew, a war started. A smoke grenade was set off and everyone was going insane. But what they did know was that screaming wouldn’t do a damn thing, especially with how the wind had picked up and was now howling just as loudly as the shrieks themselves.
Y/n curled up into a ball in on the ground. The cane, finally found, was clutched in their grasp. It didn’t do much, but they shut their eyes tightly and rolled ever so slightly back and forth. Siri’s voice was greatly silenced by the pure mania surrounding them.
“Wh - what…- Hey, asshole, we need to —“
Just like that, an engine roared. The man was cut short as a large truck came barreling across the sidewalk, totaling the man into the store front. The window shattered. Y/n let out a mangled sob, hearing the engine burst. The scene was hardly the most gruesome of their surroundings, but it was bad.
The man’s body was but a splatter of blood and torn flesh. It was a large lump inside the hardware store, and the truck itself had the entire engine shoved through the window. The airbag poured out the open windows, masking the imploded head on a once living human being’s body. The glass had shattered and scattered around the ground, but the tiny shards that dug into Y/n’s pant legs were hardly the greatest of their worries.
“Jace!” a mother bellowed, grasping at her child’s shoulders, not even a hundred yards away. “Jace, what’s wrong? What are you looking at? You’re alright, baby, you’re alright —“
And just like that, a fog passed over her vision. She was not afraid, no; but, alike to her son, she looked so very depressed. Nobody would ever know why, too preoccupied with their own hallucinations. It was frightening how, once the cars went silent, Y/n became dutifully aware of how silent the screams had become.
Because, not too far away, that single mother and her young boy were clawing out their own eyeballs. They did not care how deep their fingers dug into their sockets and how badly it stung to rip their eyes free entirely. They did not care that blood spewed and darkness clouded their vision.
And that was soon because both dropped dead to the ground, too enchanted by the visions they’d witnessed. 
Y/n was only half aware of the fact that people are seeing things. They were being possessed, and whatever that fog was made everyone around them kill themselves. The wind was howling so viciously, whipping Y/n’s body around. They clutched the plastic bag and one to their chest, trying to ignore how wet their jeans were.
Clear as a bell, a feminine voice whispered to them. Y/n clawed into the ground the best they could, covering their ears. They rocked back and forth, terrified tears continuing to spill  from their eyes.
‘Look, Y/n.’
All at once, it was a chorus. So many different voices, ranging from a small toddler to an old man, were crowding their head. It was awful, because they couldn’t. They couldn’t look and they weren’t sire they wanted to even if they could. Whatever people were witnessing was horrifying and grotesque. 
‘You saw once and you can see again. Look.’
‘To see is beautiful, Y/n. To look is heaven.’
“Stop,” Y/n muttered gruffly, shaking their head. “Shut up. You’re not real.”
‘Look, look, look. To witness is divine.’
Something suddenly smacked across their cheek. It smeared, and Y/n yelped, but it kept returning. Smack. Smack. Smack. Over and over again, the wind brought it back. And then, it was only duplicated. Two wet items were hitting Y/n, and they swatted it away.
At a final swat, they ended up enclosing their hand around the object.
Y/n squished it. It felt slimy, like jello. And, as they felt around the circular object, they noticed a long thread escape a part of it. The object was so wet, and it didn’t take more than a moment for them to connect the dots. A howl escaped their lips and they dropped the crushed eyeball to the ground.
And then, the wind stopped. The voices stopped. Everything stopped. No more screams, no more crashing cars. Nothing. And that terrified Y/n to their very core.
They released a shaky breath, propping themselves up on their elbows. Y/n eagerly wiped their hand on their jeans, reeling in pure disgust. Their jeans were soaked to the core, and they were more than happy to use their cane to stumble to their feet.
The wind was still howling, and yet, it was as though the entity itself was the wind. Some dead leaves slapped against Y/n’s body, and they used the cane to stabilize themselves. They were hyperventilating crazily.
“The light is green.”
Y/n took their phone out from their pocket. Immediately, they ordered,” Hey Siri, call nine-one-one.”
They wanted to begin shuffling away. But they were still paralyzed in fright, so baffled by the sudden - and seemingly supernatural - turn of events. The phone kept ringing.
And ringing.
And ringing.
Y/n gulped, connecting the dots. The local police station was as fucked as everyone else. They had no idea what was going on, but what they did know was that it was cold and scary and dangerous. And that they needed to go home. Now.
Gulping, they outstretched the cane. They made sure to be precise, waving it in every approaching inch. Halfway across the street, the cane collided right with a hunk of metal, and they scaled the piece, recognizing that a car crash happened right in front of them. They maintained a mental map - if they could even call it that - and made it around the vehicles.
They didn’t hear a single sound, except for their footsteps and the wind. It was deadly silent and it shouldn’t have been. It was odd how, in the span of no more than three seconds, Lacombe had gone from a friendly and quaint village town to a hell-scape. 
They were often bitter about their blindness, but they were now glad they were left unable to witness the events. And, potentially, it had saved their life.
They made it down the sidewalk. There were so many corpses and detached limbs that they tripped frequently. And it made no sense, but it was like the bustling wind was following their every step. It was frightening to know but not see what was going on. But Y/n couldn’t have been more grateful for it.
As they made their way to the small apartment complex, hardly three stories tall and with roughly ten apartments for rent, they passed by the worst gore of all; there was a pyramid of crushed cars and bodies, towering almost as high as the building itself. The pile creaked and swayed with every burst of wind.
Y/n opened the front entrance. They shut and locked the door behind them, already feeling far more safe and secure. They used the cane to traverse the steep steps to the second story, and the moment they felt the familiar apartment door, a sigh of relief escaped.
Shakily, they removed their keys from their pocket. They felt around for the lock before it entered with ease and the door swung open with an eerie creak. Oftentimes, they hated that the neighbors threw constant parties since they belonged to some far more immature young adults. And the apartment directly above their’s was occupied by some abusive couple.
And nothing made them happier than the silence. Or, at least, that would’ve been the case if it wasn’t because an entire population had been slaughtered by unknown attackers.
They shut and locked the door, momentarily pressing their back against it to catch their thoughts. They panted profusely, waiting a brief moment to simply… catch their breath. Think. Because as far as they knew, it was either the end of Canada or the end of the entire world.
Y/n’s apartment was quaint and, right upon walking in, it was clear it belonged to an artist. There were various paint splurges on the wall. Several of their works - or, at least, the most successful - were framed. They weren’t the originals, as some very rich people were instantly captivated by them, but they were the best of the best. Y/n was an artist. And, thanks to her special background, a fairly well-known one.
To the right was a small kitchen with the usual appliances and an island with barstools. Beyond that, a small living room with a couch, coffee table, and their kindle. Right in front, without an especially acquired office, was the place where they painted. An easel, a small desk with a notebook. Drawers with supplies, and many, many blank canvases. Beyond the public living space was a small bed and bathroom, messy and cluttered because the maid hadn’t been around in a few weeks.
They sighed and pushed themself from the wall. They felt disgusting. The first thing they wanted to do was strip off their filthy clothes - even if it was rather chilly inside the apartment - and shower. So, they did just that. And a half hour later, they emerged, towel wrapped around their neck and snuggly adorning fluffy pajamas.
They sat at the island. Their thoughts were still racing, but at least they were more coherently organized. And, as much as they thought to their father, wanting to check up on him, they spoke,” Hey Siri, turn on CBC live.”
Siri did so. The wifi was abnormally slow, and much to their unawareness, didn’t even work thanks to the amount of cars that crashed into telephone lines and electricity servers. The world around them was dying, and the moment the news started, they started realizing it.
“—International tragedy has struck,” the news reporter spoke urgently. “Mass hysteria that leads leading to suicide is occurring worldwide. Scientists and politicians are scrambling to discover the contaminants of the air, if any, and suspect a far deadlier and rapid mutation of dancing mania.
“Religious communities are calling it ‘the end of times.’ Others are insisting it is a long-since-coming alien invasion. There are several videos circulating of egg-shaped pods shooting from the sky. The videos are as can be seen here.”
Y/n grumbled in irritation, hearing the screams and crash from the video. It was displayed in the corner of the phone screen while the news reporter was standing still, clearly sweating bullets. Even the camera man was trembling. The studio was oddly dark, except for the bleeding light from the windows beyond the camera. The video finally stopped.
“…This supposed virus was seemingly first appeared in Los Angelos, California, but many separate clusters have been spotted in Shanghai, London, New York, Brazil, Moscow, and Lagos. We advise that you stay inside your house at all costs. I repeat, stay inside and stay safe —“
The news reporter went silent. Y/n blinked in bafflement, concern growing in their chest. And then the camera man tittered,” John? John, are alright —“
A scream escaped the cameraman. It was live footage of the news reporter himself, John, pushing past the cameraman aggressively. The entire screen became blurry and some cracks covered it. The camera man was pushed and became far too quiet.
Although the view was tilted, it was plain as day that John crashed right through the skyscraper window. The glass shattered. The camera man was crawling toward it just as quickly, blubbering in awe. He was muttering something to himself.
But Y/n had heard enough. “Hey Siri, go to the home screen.”
The phone went silent once the report was completely minimized. Y/n’s ears rang because the silence was utterly deafening. They gulped thickly and their mouth was completely dry. They were thirsty, but for all they knew, whatever was killing the entire world population was in the water, too.
They rose to their feet and went to the fridge. They felt around, knowing it like the back of their hand. In the door shelves were rows of beer. Their immediate action was to pick one up. Y/n one drank a few times a month and saved it for special occasions - after completing a painting, for instance - and the end of the world seemed as good of an excuse as any other.
Their phone was left abandoned on the counter for the time being. They trotted over to the living room and plopped onto the couch. Y/n popped open the beer and took a quick swig. The flinched, not the fondness of the strength of the beverage, but if they was going to die, it was better to die drunk and unaware that one was dying.
Y/n was faced toward the small windows. The walls of the apartment was made of bricks and the floor of wood. It did its job, namely, housing someone, but a complaint of the building was that it wasn’t ‘modern.’ They couldn’t care less since it’s not like they could see the lack of modernity.
And, as proven in this day and age where aliens were apparently invading, it mattered even less. Y/n didn’t care too much about saving their hide. A part of them always wanted to die the day they went blind. That day… Y/n dreaded to remember it. Because they couldn’t. There was nothing to see. Only things to hear. 
They laid back on the couch, kicking their feet up. The beer was abandoned on the coffee table. They crossed their arms after readjusting the pillow. Y/n was consumed by their thoughts, and it struck them as odd that, even in the apocalypse days, they were still consumed with bitterness and selfishness. They knew damn well their life wasn’t supposed to revolve around them being angry at a god that might exist for taking their sight.
Because they knew damn well that not only did other blind people have it far worse, but that other people had it worse. And sometimes, Y/n felt bad that they were so goddamn bitter and mean. But now, it was the end of humanity as everyone knew it. So they didn’t feel nearly as bad because it clearly didn’t matter if aliens were planning to take over.
Y/n forced their mind to become silent. And, somehow, amidst the world ending, they fell right to sleep. The apartment complex was a safe haven, because even upon exiting the front door, there were bodies upon bodies. It was frightening. And it was deadly silent except for the bellowing winds.
It was home. And, as cranky and miserable of a human Y/n was known for being, they were undoubtedly talented. They’d been on many late-night interviews. And even to this day, Y/n was still baffled as to why. Because somehow - despite everything they painted being replications of their dreams - they were ‘profoundly lifelike.’ 
For instance, one of their most recent paintings was recognized as an exact replication of the Kunlun Mountains, as if drawn from memory. And, seeing as they’ve never even left the memory and became blind before they could even think about taking geography, it was truly a miracle.
Next to that was a fairly abstract one; ironically, it was named ‘The End of Days.’ It portrayed a rather ghastly figure, its face scrawled and yet defined. Y/n often had help picking out the paints, but they custom ordered a palette with the brail inscriptions of the colors. And, despite how Y/n often had landscapes drawn that were colorful and captivating, this particular one was dark and dismal, yet used earthy colors such as maroon and brown.
And finally, the ‘portrait,’ as Y/n considered it, that was the breakthrough. It was the painting everyone knew and was the most popular work. It stung them to the core just thinking of it, but even decades later, it was burned into their brains.
‘Last Look.’ The title itself was fairly straightforward. Y/n remembered it like yesterday. 
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callsign-joyride · 1 year
Rules & Regulations | 0.5
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Summary: You work in the human resources department at NAS North Island. A noise complaint at a hotel leads to some unexpected endeavors - and an ironic workplace romance.
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x reader (no use of Y/N)
Content warnings: Fluff, Rooster can't cook but it works out, drinking but not getting drunk, smut (fingering - f receiving, protected pinv), Bradley is a consent KING
Series Masterlist | Next Chapter | Previous Chapter
“I’m gonna fuck it up,” Bradley said as Bob tried to show him how to cook.
“No, you’re not. These are easy, okay?”
“That’s what they all say.”
Normally, you weren’t the type of person to get nervous about dates. You hadn’t really gone on that many, but the concept didn’t freak you out, and you had already gone out with Bradley. But something about this was… Different. Everything felt like complete chaos as you FaceTimed Natasha with a pile of clothes on your bed.
“You’re gonna watch a movie and eat. You really don’t need to wear anything special,” she said. You let out a sigh before moving on to the next t-shirt that you had picked out as an option.
“Yeah, I know that but what if I wear a David Bowie shirt only to find out that he hates David Bowie? That would be so embarrassing.”
“Okay, one, he doesn’t hate David Bowie. That’s like a massive red flag and I would’ve told you about that a week ago. Two, honestly, I think that if he really hated your shirt, he would take it off… And you wouldn’t end up watching the movie but that’s beside the point.”
“That’s not helpful!”
“Relax. Wear a white t-shirt and jeans. Guys love white t-shirts.”
“What if I stain it?”
“Jesus Christ. I’m done. Goodnight.”
It was just your luck that it was going to rain on and off in San Diego for the next three days. Everyone was effectively grounded with paperwork being the only thing to do. Bradley had texted you his address in the morning, but you didn’t expect him and Natasha to walk into your office with their laptops. You didn’t say anything as they sat down and started to fill out the forms, mostly because you were so nervous about the date with Bradley. Things were going smoothly until Tom walked in. 
“Oh shit! Fuck! Sorry, sir,” Bradley said. 
“At ease, lieutenant. Anyway, I came to ask you what your plans for lunch were,” Tom told you.
“Oh, I was just gonna reheat my leftovers and work on more paperwork.”
Bradley looked dumbfounded as you and Tom had a full conversation. He was finally able to breathe again when Tom left the room.
“Okay, you didn’t tell me that the two of you were that close. Jesus Christ, I was half expecting to get reprimanded for what went down. I can handle getting chewed out by Cyclone and Warlock, but that man scares me.”
You and Natasha looked at each other and laughed. Bradley and Tom were practically family for a while. He didn’t talk about it often, but you knew what happened to Goose, and you knew what went down with Bradley and Maverick all those years ago. 
Bradley walked you to your car at the end of the day, and you told him when you would be around his place. It was going to take you a few minutes to change once you got back to your apartment. Natasha had offered to take care of Viper in case you were planning on spending the night at Bradley’s, but you still didn’t know where things were going to go. You lived pretty close to each other, so that worked out nicely. Bradley’s place looked nice from the outside. You texted him that you were outside and he told you that you were welcome to just walk in, so that’s what you did. What you didn’t expect, though, was to see him panicking in the kitchen.
“Woah, what’s wrong?” You asked.
“I tried to make these crab cakes because Bob said they would be easy but I somehow managed to royally fuck it up and I don’t know what to do. There’s like nothing in my fridge.”
“Then we’ll order a pizza or something. It’s not a big deal.”
Bradley smiled and took out his phone to get the pizza ordered. Both of you put your phones on the coffee table and he got some drinks before putting the movie on.
“This looks scary. I don’t like scary,” you told him as the word “barbarian” came across the screen.
“I’ll protect you from all of the barbarians, babe.”
Bradley waited until the pizza arrived to start the movie. The first scares didn’t come until after you had finished eating, but Bradley told you to put your drink down mere moments before the first one. He stifled a laugh as you jumped and covered your eyes, but he was quick to put his arm around you and sink back into the couch. You were eventually laying on top of him, staring into the back of the couch. In fact, you practically refused to move until you knew that the movie was over.
“I’m probably gonna have nightmares for the rest of my life from that, so you better turn on something funny. Turn on Friends or something, I don’t know.”
“Okay, I will. Relax. Did you like the movie?”
“Um, I liked being in your arms. Made me feel a lot safer and not like anything was gonna get me. We’re not talking about the fact that I basically buried my face into that couch cushion.”
Bradley smiled before turning on an episode of Friends like you asked. Both of you picked up your phones and tidied up the area. You followed him to the kitchen as he carried both wine glasses and the box of pizza. He put the glasses on the counter and you sat by the sink. Both of you smiled when you got out your phone and put a playlist on shuffle. The first song that came on was Super Trouper by ABBA and you started to laugh as Bradley danced and sang around the kitchen. He stood in between your legs as the song wrapped up, the dishes having been done moments prior. You paused the music and wrapped your arms around his neck as he gazed into your eyes. Bradley sealed the moment with a kiss, and you leaned further into him. 
The kiss was fueled with passion and desire. Things became more heated as you unzipped Bradley’s shorts and he put his hands under your shirt. You let out a breathy moan as he started to pinch and roll your nipples through the thin lace of your bra. He sighed into the kiss when you started to palm him through his boxers. He caressed your thighs and started to kiss up and down your neck when everything suddenly stopped.
“Is everything okay?” You asked with some hesitation.
“How are you feeling? Like how much have you had to drink?”
“I’m sober.”
“D’you wanna keep going with this?”
You didn’t hesitate as you hopped off of the counter and waited for Bradley to walk you to his bedroom. As soon as the door was closed, he was careful as he held you against the wall and started hungrily kissing you again. You were eager to start taking each other’s clothes off, and Bradley’s pupils were blown with lust after he unclipped your bra and haphazardly tossed it away. He took your phone out of your pocket and placed it on the nightstand before laying you on the bed.
“Tell me if you want me to stop,” he said.
After you nodded your head, he pulled your pants off and hovered over you. You pulled him down for a kiss, grinning as you thought about what was going to happen next. With one arm by your head to support himself, Bradley trailed his hand down your stomach and closer to your center. He quickly found your clit and used his thumb to rub it while one of his fingers slid into you. The action made you moan into the kiss and wrap your legs around his hips to give him a new angle.
“You’re so wet for me,” he groaned into your ear. You chuckled and pulled him in for a kiss. He started to go faster and you almost hit your climax before he abruptly stopped.
“Bradley,” you whimpered.
He shushed you before standing to take his pants off. He grabbed a condom from the drawer on the nightstand before hovering over you again. You started to get impatient as Bradley teased your entrance with the tip of his cock. You were already a mess and he wasn’t even inside you. Bradley was slightly surprised when you pulled him down for a kiss, but he used that time to ease himself into you. Both of you groaned in pleasure once he was fully inside of you, and you didn’t want to let him go. His thrusts quickly became erratic as you were forehead to forehead. 
“Oh, Bradley, fuck!” You screamed as he started to rub your clit while he was thrusting into you.
“That’s it. Want you to cum on my cock. Think you could do that for me? Hm?”
“Yes! Oh, don’t stop.”
Bradley kissed you as you came, and he wasn’t too far behind. He groaned and stilled inside of you as he came. He stayed inside of you for a little bit as your breathing started to go back to normal. You slightly winced as he finally pulled out of you. He disappeared into the bathroom to get rid of the condom and grab a warm washcloth to clean you up. During that time, you decided to text Phoenix to ask her to feed Viper and take him for a short walk. You put your phone down once he walked back into the room.
“Sorry, was just texting Nat for a favor,” you said. He smiled and handed you one of his shirts for you to wear.
“That’s fine. Hey, do you wanna spend the night? I don’t wanna make it weird but I wanted to ask.”
You looked at him and smiled. Of course, you wanted to stay the night, you just didn’t want to be the one to ask. His eyes filled with joy when you told him that you were more than willing to stay. You got up and went to the bathroom and he texted Bob about what happened. Everyone else had been at The Hard Deck, and Phoenix knew exactly what kind of text Bob got when his face turned bright red.
“So, do you think they still would’ve hooked up if he didn’t royally fuck up those crab cakes?” She asked.
“I’m not answering that.”
Bradley got up to make sure that the front door was locked, and he filled two glasses with water when he was on the way back to the bedroom. You fell asleep in his arms not too long after that. When you woke up the next morning, you were surprised to find his side of the bed empty. Nat had texted you a few minutes before you woke up and asked if she needed to feed Viper his breakfast. You got out of bed and stretched your legs. You were sore from the events of last night but it wasn’t anything too bad. There was music coming from the kitchen, and it was mildly surprising to see Bradley cooking breakfast.
“Good morning,” he said as he leaned down to kiss you.
“Good morning indeed. I thought you didn’t know how to cook,” you jokingly said.
“I only know how to cook a few things semi-decently. I hope you’re okay with bacon and eggs.”
You nodded your head and grabbed a plate before getting your food and heading to the table. Bradley could barely keep his hands off of you as he had you sit on his lap. You melted into his touch as he started to trail his hand in between your legs. He grinned as he kissed your neck and heard you moan while his fingers trailed over your clit. You were trying to eat your breakfast when you felt him start to leave a hickey.
“You’re gonna leave marks!” You exclaimed.
“I’m okay with that.”
“I thought you were hungry.”
“What if bacon and eggs aren’t the only things I want to eat this morning?”
“You’re an animal,” you said with a chuckle.
You didn’t leave Bradley’s house until later in the morning. Neither of you really wanted to part from the other, so you offered to let him go with you to walk Viper on the beach. It wasn’t a surprise that he immediately accepted the offer. You put on the same clothes from the night before and grabbed all of your stuff before heading out to your car. It was a little messy, but Bradley was willing to overlook the empty Starbucks cup and granola bar wrapper. Nat wasn’t at your apartment, but you wouldn’t have really cared if she was. 
“Hey, buddy,” you said as Viper ran over to you. Bradley closed the door while you gave Viper some pets and you kicked your shoes off.
“I’m gonna go shower and change my clothes real quick,” you said as you walked to your bedroom. Bradley nodded his head and sat on the couch. When you said quick shower, you really meant quick shower. You were in and out of the bathroom in five minutes. Bradley was slightly taken aback. 
“You ready?” You asked as you slid your shoes on.
Even though you lived five minutes from a beach, the one behind The Hard Deck was better. Maybe it was the fact that you knew Penny pretty well or the proximity to the base, but it was your favorite beach to walk Viper on. There was also the fact that it was pretty low traffic, so no one bothered you while you were on your walk.
“I didn’t know you used the beach back here,” Bradley said.
“Really? I feel like you would’ve seen me before.”
“No, I would’ve remembered a face like yours. And Phoenix never would have let me live it down.”
You stopped in The Hard Deck to get a bottle of water, and Penny started asking a ton of questions about how things were going with the two of you. You gave her your honest answers, but Bradley seemed embarrassed by everything that was going on. He was actually relieved when she finally let you go. It was a low-tide kind of day, so you walked closer to the water. The entire walk lasted about half an hour, and you took Bradley back to your apartment. He ended up staying until later in the evening.
“Okay, I think I should get going now. I really enjoy being around you,” Bradley said as he pulled you in for a kiss.
“How are you getting home?” You asked.
“I’ll walk. It’s nice out anyways.”
“Okay, well, be safe and text me when you get in the door.”
Once he left, you grabbed your phone and laid on the couch. A random episode of Criminal Minds played as you scrolled through your social media. You tended to lose all track of time when you were on the couch because half an hour had passed and you didn’t even realize it. Bradley texted you that he made it home safely and you smiled at the message. You finally texted Nat to update her on where things were going, but you weren’t going to tell her everything that happened. (That was saved for the “Wednesday debrief”.) 
“I think I’m in love with him,” the message said.
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@littlebadariell @cycbaby @luckyladycreator2 @idontcare-11 @blue-aconite @maverick-wingman @shawty-fenty @littlemisstopgun @rosiahills22 @katieshook02 @justanothermagicalsara @caitsymichelle13 @smoothdogsgirl @adoringsebstan @cherrycola27 @alexxavicry @mrsjaderogers @mak-32 @thefandomimagines @tallrock35 @caatheeriinee07 @bradshawseresinbabe @atarmychick007 @3sriracha
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isleofdarkness · 1 year
Number one, I want to know how you put a link in an ask while on anon. I've been trying to submit video to an is-the-x-video-cute blog for WEEKS and Tumblr refuses to let me put a link in an ask. Tell me how you did it, por favor.
I have both. He has adopted many children, unfortunately, and he found an obsession- Yzma
Here's the thing- Yzma is pretty, just not in a conventional way. She's elderly, sure, but that doesn't mean she's ugly. And even if she was, being ugly isn't why she would be fired. The Inca thought highly of the elderly and put a lot of effort into making sure they were happy and comfortable. Why was she fired? because she was old, and Kuzco didn't want the woman who had raised him to continue working when she should have been relaxing. He doesn't explain this the way he should. He tells her that she's old, too old, and her mind instantly went to vain Kuzco firing her because of how she looks. Prior to this, Yzma had thought highly of how she looked- copper skin wrinkled by expressions of joy, near-black purple eyes that glittered with her humour and spoke volumes to her hard-earned wisdom, her thick hair like the feathers of a cormorant, black and grey but reflecting deep violet and mysterious blue where the light hit it. She took pride in how she looked. But then, she started to hate the features she had once loved. Everything she had thought made her beautiful now seemed ugly to her. And if she had been wrong about being beautiful, what else was she wrong about? Her strength, her intelligence, her wisdom? He unintentionally yanked everything she loved about herself out from under her feet.
When she met Frollo, she was at her lowest. Had that been it, he wouldn't have given her a second thought.
But she looked like Esmeralda.
Thick, black hair. Copper skin. Dark emerald eyes. Full lips. A curvy figure, a grace of movement, and intelligent, stubborn sparkle in her eyes. Without the wrinkles and grey hairs, he thought she would have looked exactly like Esmeralda (except, of course, the part where Esmeralda is Romani and Yzma is Incan, but he'd probably the kind who think all brown people look alive even if they're different races. Moving on.)
This was it, this was how he could have his Esmeralda again. And this one, this one he could manipulate into loving him. So he did.
Elizabeth, named for a saint. Melchizedek (Zevon,) named for a king.
And then there was Claudine, born when Want was trying to get Frollo to leave her "witch" children alone. His price, to a young black woman who was trying to keep from losing everything, was that she gave herself, mind, soul, and body to the word of Jesus Christ. She had to denounce her "claims" (they weren't claims, she really was a ghost) that she was a spirit and be cleansed by a judge. Her original "cleansing" was to be held under holy water as if being baptised but she was, again, a spirit and it could severely hurt her, so she offered sex instead. Frollo could not resist a dark-skin girl with silk-pressed waves.
Want personally wishes she had ripped his dick off. Her husband would have supported her.
They would have raised "Catherine" (Claudine,) too, but Frollo claimed that a whore and a demon could never raise a child of God, so he refused to allow them to ever so much as look at Claudine.
It is currently two am. I am not Catholic and I am not Incan so I am probably messing up here and this post probably makes no sense. I am sorry.
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
73. Faking an illness just to be taken care of with Steddie? Steve faking the illness? o___o
Ok so I took this in the direction of: Doctor office AU, Eddie constantly is overworking himself so Steve fakes sick to get Eddie to take a day off. Enjoy!! 🤍
Steve loved Eddie to death. He loved how he put his patients first, how passionate he was about his work, and how dedicated he was to the job.
But in times of burnout, Steve also hated how Eddie put his patients first, how passionate he was about the work, and how dedicated he was to the job - because for Eddie, that meant no resting.
The last two weeks had been a prime example of the latter. Eddie was working his ass off during their typical 7am-6pm schedule, but then he and Steve would go home and he’d keep working. Either updating chart notes on his laptop, writing emotional support pet letters, etc etc.
For the past two weeks, Steve had been desperately trying to get Eddie to come to bed at a normal time, to eat meals regularly, to put the work down and watch a show. Every time it was the same ‘I have work to do, Steve,’ excuse.
Eddie lived and breathed for this job, but Steve had decided enough was enough. There was truly only one thing that could get Eddie to slow down for a day, and this was it.
This morning, Steve got up extra early. He went outside to the balcony quietly and misted the air with an old cologne that he was allergic to. The effect was instantaneous, his eyes and nose itching.
He had also heated up a damp towel in the microwave and pressed it against his face in the bathroom for a while, making his face warm and clammy.
He’d been sniffling since the cologne was sprayed, and now he was thoroughly congested. He stood up and left the en suite as he felt the tickle take over. Making a bit of a scene, he buckled at the waist.
Eddie jerked out of sleep, startled by the loud outburst.
“Jesus Christ Steve. Bless you…”
“Sorry snFF didn’t bean to wake you… eKSHew!”
Eddie had gotten up from bed by now and was making his way to Steve. “Are you okay?”
Steve knew in a real circumstance, he’d not admit it right away.
“Yeah I’m fine,” He coughed into his shoulder, not looking at Eddie.
“Steve?” Eddie said sternly, resting a hand to his forehead. “You feel warm and clammy. What’s wrong?”
Steve shrugged, “Just started feeling sick last night. iTSCH’ew! I’ll be fine though. We have to get ready for work.”
Eddie looked his partner up and down. “I don’t think so. You, Steve Harrington, are taking a sick day.”
“Will you take care of me?” He asked, eyes wide.
Eddie looked conflicted. “I… I have a lot of work to do Stevie…”
Thank goodness Steve felt a strong tickle start to blossom. He scrunched his nose and really played into it as his breath hitched.
“Ak’TCHuh! EhCHOO! … hiKSHshEW!!”
The last sneeze was bad, Steve helplessly sniffling the mess back as he coughed into a closed fist.
The display was so pathetic and gross, Eddie felt his body go lax.
“Yeah alright, I’ll take today off and take care of you. Now get back in bed, you sound horrible. I’m gonna call Robin.”
Eddie grabbed his phone off the nightstand and slipped out of the bedroom to make the phone call. Steve crawled back into bed, blowing his nose a few times and adding the tissues to the growing pile on the bed.
A few minutes later, Eddie entered the room again and climbed into bed next to Steve. “Alright. Robin is calling in Billy. Do you want me to make you any tea or soup?”
“Can you just lay with me?” Steve asked.
“Yeah Steve. Of course.”
Eddie sat upright, propped against several pillows looking at the tv. Steve had made himself comfortable resting his head on Eddie’s lap. After two or three episodes of bake off, Steve had actually fallen asleep.
He’d blown his nose so many times and the cologne’s effect was wearing off. He actually was breathing through his nose without realizing. Eddie didn’t notice, but instinctively reached down and felt Steve’s forehead. It wasn’t clammy anymore but it also wasn’t warm at all.
He smiled, knowing his boyfriend wasn’t running a fever and he took the opportunity to slip out of bed, transferring Steve’s head to a pillow. Eddie quietly started making some tea in the kitchen when he noticed the sliding door to the balcony was unlocked.
He stepped closer to lock the door, not thinking too much of it when he saw the bottle of cologne on the patio table. He stepped outside and picked it up, realizing it was the one Steve was allergic to.
He turned off the stove and marched back into the bedroom, picking up a pillow and hitting Steve with it.
“Ow! What was that for??” Steve woke up, holding his head.
“What was that for? What was this for Steve??” Eddie asked, holding you the bottle.
“Are you even sick??” Eddie questioned.
Steve was caught. There was no lying now. “No. I’m not. I was pretending because I knew you’d take care of me. Which really translated to taking care of yourself with an off day.”
“What??” Eddie asked.
“You’ve been working yourself too hard Eddie. 24/7 it’s just work. You needed a break and this was the one way I knew you’d take it. Are you mad at me?”
Eddie sighed, “No, I’m not mad at you…but I am telling Nancy and Robin all about this. I’m sorry I’ve been working so much. There’s just so much stuff to do.”
“I know but you have to take care of yourself too!”
“I know.” Eddie nodded, looking down at his feet. He examined the cologne bottle again. “Allergic reaction. You really had me there. How’d you do the whole-”
“Fever? Hot towel in the microwave.” Steve finished the thought for him.
“Classic. How could I have missed that?” Eddie chuckled to himself. “How about we both take a nap and then finish that cooking show before work tomorrow?”
Steve smiled, “I thought you’d never ask.”
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hide-in-imagination · 2 years
I was watching this amazing video by Cinema Therapy (if you haven't watched any of them, I highly recommend that channel) and one thing that the couple's therapist said struck me so hard because it immediately reminded me of Simbar:
“He feels betrayed because there was a lie. He doesn’t take the time to consider the why.
And that’s the thing. There can be wrong behavior in a relationship. But when we fail to consider the why, we fail to see the person.
And it may not change the outcome of things. Like, if someone lies to you or deceives you, betrays your trust, you may choose not to trust them anymore.
But when we just look at behavior and we don’t look at motivation… Once again, we make misjudgments, and that’s exactly what he does.”
I just really wanna point out Simón's growth regarding this. By the end of season 2, this is exactly what he does: He finds out about the handkerchief and everything Ámbar has done, and he doesn't even try to listen to the why. Which is very ironic because he asks her Why like a thousand times. He's going "Why would you do that? Why, Ámbar?" but he never gives the time for an answer. His whys are not really a petition for motive, they're just accusations.
And jesus christ, I love this.
So, it starts as early as episode 2 when they have their conversation at the sidewalk. He's once again accusing her, once again judging her for ruining Luna's party, but this time Ámbar fires back and she goes "What about me?"
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And it's so interesting because you can see Simón genuinely didn't thought about that, he didn't consider how Ámbar might feel about the whole thing, and he even admits it (because he's not a prideful person, he does what's right, and admitting his wrongs is right).
He still thinks it's wrong, but he gets now where she's coming from, and he validates it, and S2 Simón would never because he didn't even listen.
Now. This is not a complete shift, it's not full growth, because, as you might notice, he didn't ask about her motivation; Ámbar presented it to him. (Because she's tired of all these things happening to her and no one considering how they affect her, but that's a whole different text post entirely--Which can hastily be summarized in I hate so many people except Mónica).
What's really precious is what happens with Felipe Mendevilla's number. Because then he asks. And he listens. And instead of going "Well, you shouldn't feel like that, this was wrong wrong wrong and I'm telling everyone about this, you psycho", he walks her through it. He goes, okay, I understand your emotions, but you must know, deep down, that your reaction to said emotions was unfair. He appeals to her own good judgement instead of hanging her at the altar of his own.
(Don't take me wrong tho, he's still a self-righteous bitch, but he's learning, alright?)
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Now, while that whole thing ended in fiasco-- And I gotta blame Simón for this one because, has he ever heard of baby steps? He wants to appeal to her good judgement, okay, but the first task he asks of her is apologizing to her sworn nemesis; Seriously, Simón? Really? You truly thought that was the way to go? Okay-- I think it really shows how Simón also tried to make concessions to make things work with Ámbar. Because I see many discourses that go "Simón only wanted to change Ámbar, Ámbar had to change her whole self to be with him", and I just think that's not correct ?? Sure, it wasn't a 50/50 thing, absolutely, but surprise surprise! It almost never is in real relationships; and Simón did put in some effort, it just wasn't very grand compared to Ámbar-- But that's precisely why I'm making this post.
Between the sidewalk talk and the Felipe Mendevilla thing were some good 30 episodes or so, so about some weeks. In that time, Simón went from not thinking about motivations to actively asking for them and trying to guide her into a different, less hostile way to deal with things. And while, sure, the main motivator from his part was the attraction he felt towards her, absolutely, I think that's something he eventually could've been able to kill if he truly believed Ámbar was hopeless. Like, if she was just a bad person period.
Which is a very strong stance to take but that's precisely what he did by the end of season 2. When he says "You're full of hate" what he's saying is, this person is rotten inside, only a person rotten inside could do this; she is a bad person.
And I think, (besides the time he spent in Cancún which helped him to get some more perspective maybe and reconcile what he lived with Ámbar vs all the bad things Ámbar did), that the moment that really helped him make that mental shift was precisely that sidewalk talk. It was realizing "Oh, she's feeling bad about all of this", and "Oh, she actually has valid reasons to be feeling bad about all of this". Because from then on, Ámbar kept antagonizing the Roller, openly. Simón could've had all the reason in the world to go "She's just a bad person, let's forget about her". Except now he's got a glimpse into her point of view. And as he watches her --and he watches her a lot-- he starts realizing that something, just, doesn't fit. Sure, she does bad things, but she's not evil, he can tell. And then she hugs him at the lockers and he goes "Ah, right. This is not a bad person. This is a person grieving."
And that just makes all the difference, because she's not rotten inside; she's hurt.
"When we fail to consider the why, we fail to see the person." Simón starts seeing the person, and I gotta say, he was pretty much the only one, along with Mónica, who did.
And that, for this self-righteous bastard that I love so much, it's growth.
[You might have noticed I didn't mention their slow dance in episode 1 and that's because... narratively it makes no sense sdkfns. Like, don't take me wrong, I love it just as much as any simbar shipper, but were the writers on crack? I mean, after how season 2 ended, why the hell would Simón ask her to dance all flirty-like? Because it wasn't even a "Oh, everyone else already paired up and we have no one, I guess I'll dance with you" situation, it was right up "Dance with me if you dare *smirk* *bedroom eyes*"
Which, again, I love, but what the fuck sdkfns. The only explanation I can arrive to is just hormones dkjfn, which doesn't sit very right with me because that means he asked her because "Hey, you look hot and we made out once, wanna dance?" I- 🤣🤣🤣]
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garrulousgeologist · 1 year
Act 3 =>
 💚💚💚 JADE HARLEY 💚💚💚
Manic pixie dream girl syndrome wouldn’t dare go near this silly girl. She knows what the fuck she’s doing!! 
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Becquerel is such a raw name for a dog. No wonder Bec is so fucking powerful. 
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Now hang on just one second. Of course I remember Bec has some wildly OP stats and ultimately has an enormous role to play, along with a certain cat of similar description. But with the name and irradiated food I’m piecing subtext together I never did in high school. So like…did someone toss this dog in a vat of radioactive sludge shitty comic book hero style? (I tried to find a gif of that scene from Sky High where the dad goes “Where would we even find a vat of toxic waste?” for wayy too long and couldn’t find one but I’m too lazy to make it myself so pretend I made a cute lil joke and move on).
Seriously though where does this thing originate? Is it ever explained? Don’t answer that.
I do like my knee-jerk reaction that Bec possesses radioactive powers because of the name alone, though, the implications are hilarious. My cats are named Kenma, after the Haikyuu character, and Monkey D Luffy, after the idiot. They reflect their namesakes well. Should have named one Tesla. The unit, not the dude.
While I’m on a brief tangent away from the storyline let me add how deeply I appreciate everyone who helped put together the Unofficial Homestuck Collection! I’m reminded of the work and passion that went into this project once again at the original format and poll statistics can be viewed on the decision for Jade’s symbol on her shirt! Dress..lab coat. Clothing! One of many really cool pieces of early HS fandom interaction I’m infinitely glad isn’t lost.
And getting back to the comic at hand, Jade is a furry who ends up a real anthropomorphic individual and I love that for her.
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The 8 ball and cue ball in her chest (of the treasure variety) made me flinch, though. For no particular reason, of course. Why would I even say that?
[S] Jade: Open FreshJamz! 
Dave would have been an extremely popular vaporwave artist and you know it. He’d have an extremely successful and elaborate lofi channel like lofi girl, steezyasfuck, chill village, etc. (NEW) Explore Remix and Crystalthemums are too fucking good. Especially for a 13 year old!
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Jesus fucking christ. This is where she’s getting her information on John? And everyone else? 
[S] Dave: STRIFE.
[S] Jade: Descend.
Is this just going to keep happening?! I say this with somewhat delirious glee, don’t get me wrong this RULES- it’s just all jumbled together. 
…which is a really good description of how I view HS altogether tbh.
Jade: Answer.
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HI AGAIN, IDIOT. <3 <3 <3 <3
For most characters in HS that start a shitty kid and end up with an immense amount of growth later on I will state that I give their shitty actions no leniency. A character needs to be shit on for their fuck ups in order to succeed at growth!
However Karkat is an exception. Vriska did nothing wrong? More like Karkat could never do anything bad ever he’s perfect and I love him. He is doing his best!!! He is always doing his best!! He is trying to save everyone all the time!! Ahhhh!!!!
[S] Dave: Abscond.
Whoop, there it is. Ugh. I have a similar relationship with this flash animation as I did playing Undertale for the first time, and honestly I think I have Undertale to thank for my paradigm shift. I was almost completely detached from genuine reaction and evaluation of media in high school and focused almost entirely on reflecting the thoughts and emotions of my peers around me. It didn’t even occur to me, shallow as my views on media were, to genuinely observe Dave’s stubby little sprite and what happens to him in his attempt to flee his Bro’s onslaught. And dude :c Dave gets beat the fuck up. It’s hard to watch, the humor overtones are appreciated to soften the blow so to speak, but it still sucks to think it takes so long for Dave to realize how wrong this dynamic really is, and even longer for him to work through the complicated feelings and thoughts that come along with a realization like that. I digress, I guess.
[S] Rose: Ascend.
Love you Nanaquin <3 
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Grist, Shale, Tar, and Mercury. I want to parse this out, why these materials specifically? My initial curiosity comes from being a geologist. Tar and shale form together naturally. In many shale formations there are also mercury deposits, usually pointed out on geological survey websites for public safety reasons (at least in the U.S. where I live this is commonplace). While all those things make sense together to me, I don’t understand why they are being used in the first place. And grist is just a byproduct of milling grain, right?
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Matter that forms the basis of a story or analysis. A building block material for a concept. That makes way more sense. I’m pretty sure I heard this definition from Tex Talks on youtube first, who has a series of video essays on Homestuck processes and mechanics. If you haven’t seen them I recommend those videos, they are the kind of in-depth that I like to pretend I could go in conversation about HS, as long as you don’t mind the topics being chosen based purely on individual interest. I certainly don’t. 
Anyway grist is a conceptual building block, used to build concepts through the alchemiter and general server side shenanigans. This makes a lot of sense to me having seen an enormous amount of grist being needed for more complicated but physically small items, while very little is needed to build an entire house.
What about the other materials? I don’t know! I did some research and dug around and honestly I don’t get it. Please shoot me a message if you’ve heard it explained in a forum, blog or video essay somewhere, I’m really interested to know if anyone else has found more answers than me! Especially if it pertains to something revealed later in the comic that I haven’t gotten to yet
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Liberty. Reason. Justice. Civility. Edification. Perfection.
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[S] Strife!!!
Uhh sooo ummm is Jade okay? *gets adoption papers ready*
I guess I straight up forgot how she talks to her gpa. I remembered that he was, like, stuffed. But all the antics, forgot about that. He died during her lifetime right? She remembers him and how he was and this is her coping with all that? Did she,, stuff him herself? Preserve him? Hm.
Moving on, back to PM.
Back to Rose.
Okay so they’re setting up the idea that Mamalonde’s lab is the same we’re seeing the Mayor and PM interact with later, got it. Way easier to comprehend this time around vs. as a small teen.
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Right, of course. I knew that, as I always do. This was just for you.
[S] Rose: Fast forward to now.
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BABY ROSE <3 And same face as surprised Dave! Ugghh she’s so cute. What does Jaspers tell her?? We must find out at some point but I have absolute zero recollection of this as a plot point. I’ll keep an eye out!!
Aah, chorale for Jaspers. I remember this meme’d, I also remember playing it for my cat to get a reaction. She did not react.
Skipping ahead some more, John is having his first Father Crisis [dad is not a street performing clown but a boring business man?? Who could have guessed that??]
No shade to Dad though, obviously. Dude kicks ass.
We also briefly see Jade wandering out to feed Bec if the creechure so deems to be found and fed with aforementioned radioactive food. So does a dog(?) with radioactive powers eat radioactive food to fuel it’s life force of radioactivity? Is that the logic we’re working with? I’m not knocking it I just want to be sure that’s…that’s the line of thought. Andrew Hussie. Genius.
Ending it here because we’re got Jack Noir coming up and I want to dedicate a good amount of thought to that. Once again, I have a few posts queued still, so expect another one a week from today. Ily!
Jade Harley = Furry and I support her. Appreciation of Dave’s artistic ability some more. Karkat blocked by Jade, Kells being protective of Dave. Discussion of grist use and origin. PM. Jade’s Grandpa. Baby Rose.
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dromaeo-sauridae · 2 years
Sorry for spam liking half of your promethea tag SHFJKSKFK but I saw one of your posts come up bc I follow the spec evo tag, and I’m intrigued!! I have no clue what’s going on over there, I didn’t see a summary in as far as I scrolled — what’s the story with that world?
AEIFHUJA youre all good i was sleeping anyway! i dont mind spam liking !!
oh god yeah i never have posted a summary of wtf is going on have i. i just draw random shit LOL. ok lemme try to say all this without taking forever. um before i start i want to mention that im making the story with my friend who isnt on tumblr! i do most of the worldbuilding for promethea itself (and the creature design for all of cassandra) and they are in charge of another group of people who are pretty important lol. theres a LOT going on, so im just gonna focus on the main thing for now but if you want to know EVERYTHING then i can go over it all lmao
the story focuses on dawn (friend's character) who used to be a part of a group of sun god worshippers that were in charge of guarding the prison of a dragon named cinder. dawn was going to be the next warden/priest and in charge of keeping the prison secure, but a follower of cinder broke in and killed almost everyone there when dawn was a young child. they escaped when a wolf named theo led them to safety. afterwards, they were found and taken in by the king of promethea, jack. after a while, dawn realizes that something is wrong with him. hes being possessed, and its by the god of death. no one else is aware of this, since its been going on since he was a child and hes "himself" most of the time. however, as time goes on, its getting worse and worse and dawn starts looking for a way to help him. during their search, they find a woman named anuba, who strangely enough is looking for the same thing. well pretty quickly they realize that they both know jack, him and anuba being partners when they went to school together. so they start working together. unfortunately this sort of thing doesnt really. happen. ever. and they keep coming up with dead ends.
eventually one of them (not sure who yet, this bitch of a story is still a work in progress <3) comes up with the idea of calling on the sun god for help. the important thing here is that this god isnt the god of the sun, shes the god of damn everything. shes represented by the sun because of how powerful she is. the problem with her is since she's so huge and powerful, getting her attention is nearly impossible, even for someone like dawn who came from a group of her worshippers. anuba suggests letting the dragon whos locked up, cinder, out, since this god was the one who locked cinder up. dawn doesnt like the idea since cinder was locked up after she attempted to destroy all of cassandra, but they dont have many other options. anuba, who's desperate for literally any solution at this point, gets frustrated and goes off on her own to let cinder out anyway.
cinder is free.
now, there are two pieces of information that have been hidden from everyone up until this point. one, cinder is not just a dragon, she is a god, and she is the god who created cassandra. and two, cinder and the god that has been possessing jack are working together, and have been since the beginning. and jack is the one who killed the sun worshippers.
at this point, jack is beyond saving. hes too far gone and basically dead. his body is being used by the death god and when dawn returns, it attempts to kill them and theyre forced to finally kill him. dawn and anuba end up working together again, this time to kill cinder.
and yeah thats it. the ending is a bit rough cuz like i said its still a work in progress and jesus H christ this is so goddamn long already i need to fucking stop i hope this makes sense sorry for taking literally all day to answer its bc im atrocious at writing and it kept getting confusing LOL. theres a bunch of important shit ive left out bc of. the length. so if you have questions pls ask them
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allfather-we-stan · 2 years
A little life update "summer 22 with no solid poo"
for anyone who cares lol
as some of you may have seen from my other social medias and here, my health has gone to pretty downhill and I want to share my story and explain bc idk
And for not to scare anyone, no its im not deadly ill. Im prob gonna be just fine.
gross warning i talk about poop
So umm this all started at the end of may- start of june when i started having diarreah. no biggie, i get anxiety diarreah like once a week so i didnt think much of it at the time. Only took me like few more weeks for straight diarreah to realize that something may be wrong lol. So i joked about it and let it be. I call this summer "Summer 22 with no solid poo" and wanted to wait till august to go to doctor. Then i got covid. So i had to wait that out before going to the hospital.
And finally the day I got to go to the doctor and everything was fine, i was supposed to get blood work tested and maybe poop in a container and the doctor thought that it might be celiac-disease bc that runs in my family. But i got fever straight as i got home. I didn't feel so good. The fever continued for a couple of days and then we decided its time to go to ER.
We went there, got bloodwork done etc. Waited there like 6 hours and finallly at 9pm the doctor had time to see me and turns out my inflammatory values were super high and that theyd like me to stay at the hospital for a while. So i stayed at the hospital for 7 days.
In those 7 days they took so much bloodwork from me it was insane! (and fun fact, turns out my veins are shit and no one can find a good spot to draw blood or put an IV tube in). For a couple of days, no answers. They had no idea whats wrong with me. My fever rise and they gave me antibiotics and other meds. Went to the ultrasound and nothing. And then, they had to give me a observation aka "put a little camera up my ass".
But bc i live in a small city theres like one doctor who does that and his schedule was full. So I had long long days waiting for my appointment. And they got me on friday.
But before we get to the camera up my ass part. Hell was loose. They had to "clean" my bowels. And they told me, and I QOUTE "It's either 1: drink two cups of this cocktail that tastes like orange juice or 2: drink 3 litres of water". Obv i took the orange juice! It cant be that bad! WRONG! JESUS CHRIST I WAS WRONG.
As soon as i drank the bad tasting orange drink, i felt like throwing up. Then the pain came. Oh god the pain. It was like level 10 menstrual cramp kind of pain. I was literally crying and screaming bc it hurt so bad. Only thing that helped at the moment was to stay still but i couldnt do that bc i had to shit out the cocktail like every 5 minutes. Many times i thought to just shit my pants on the bed and not let that be my problem. I was in so much pain I was in panic mode. And the worst thing was, no one warned me. They didn't even mention that it might hurt with some people. I don't remember all bc panic lol but i remember this one bitch ass nurse going "Duh its gonna hurt it has big chemicals in it! Even gas can hurt inside bowels". I would have punched her if I wasnt shitting at the time. Then the nurses took their sweet time to get me painkillers and nausea meds. But I couldnt take those bc i felt like throwing up. And then I remember a doctor came. He was nice and explained to me that it hurts bc the orange juice made my bowels like spasm to clean it. I was like "lol thanks for warning me beforehand". Some time goes, they give me that yummy tranquilizer trough IV and I'm high asf. It still hurt but atleast i was high. Then came the cup number 2! I tried to drink it, immeadetly i threw it up like no way that stayed down. And again, panic bc idk what happens next. Do i need to do this all again? Is my bowel clean? Am i gonna be okay? And then i passed out and slept trough the night.
And at this point, on a serious point. WHY THE FUCK IS TELLING PATIENCE THAT THIS THING X IS GONNA HURT SO FUCKING TABOO??? Like i get it, you dont want to scare people but a little heads up would be better than nothing! I just wish someone had told me.
Okay, morning comes, its friday, camera about to go up my ass. they give me nice tranquilizer again, YUMMY. Im high again. they roll me to the operation room, and the nice nurses and a doctor explains whats gonna happen. ( I knew this was gonna hurt beforehand bc they gave me the tranquilizer and figures). At this point they tell me that going up my ass is the hardest part and hurts but after that its easier. Im like okay i can do this, im high and im a big boy! So there i was, laying on my side, doctor rips hole in my underwear to put the camera up my ass. And there it goes, felt weird. Then this stinging pain comes and i curse. Nice nurse lady notices and presses against my tummy and the pain gets easier. They tell me to take a deep breath everytime the pain eases. I do. I'm breathing so good baby you wouldnt believe ( still fucking high). And that thing happens over and over again for like, maybe 3-4 minutes but felt much longer. Sometimes the pain was larger but the nice nurse always pressed my tummy and i, kind of, farted the pain out? It's weird but you get it. Then i hear the words of heaven "We are there"! THE WORST IS BEHIND. I'm happy! I turn around, look at the screen where i can somehow see ( didnt have my glasses) the inside of my bowel part. And i said "ew" and turned my head back. I dont wanna see that. it was pink. Then the doctor spoke something doctorly that i didnt understand. They spend a minute inside my ass doing... doctor stuff and then they took the camera out. It didnt hurt just felt weird, like taking a weirdly shaped long shit. And then they were like "lol we done! We gonna take these samples to the lab asap!" And I was like "you took samples?". THEY TOOK PIECES OF THE INSIDE OF MY ASS WTF.
okay its done, im still high and after couple of hours, they let me go home. I'm happy. I'm feeling good. Life was good. Untill the next morning.
I felt bad again, I threw up at night and I had a mild fever. We call the ER to ask what we do. They tell me that i havent drank enough liquids. So for the next two days I drank so much water you wont believe but i still felt bad and had a fever. So off to ER again!
We went there, they were like lol again bloodwork. At this point im sure i have no blood left. Then we waited and waited and they take some more blood and wait again. Results come back. My inflammatory values were high again. They again want me to stay at the hospital overnight. Hospital booked full. I wait. And finally its time. They take me to a 2 person room, as a 3rd guy. Like it was so cramped and I didnt even have the emergency button. Everything is overwhelming. It smelled like shit. I cried. it was a horrible experience and i can go all night about how shit it was but ill skip it at this point.
So i spend like two nights at the hospital, and they finally have the results in about the pieces of my ass they took. they dont know what it is. THEY HAVE NO CLUE. But atleast they got me meds that work and i dont have a fever anymore. But its like 5 different meds. They make me nauseous and tired. So its not going that well now but atleast im in a good shape to be at home rn.
Im still waiting for more results and follow-up things at the hospital. I'll update as I get to those. Thanks for reading, feel free to ask any questions and stay healthy lmao.
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