#so my hypothesis is that this is the one time my brain has attempted to have a crush
mars-ipan · 11 months
you guys ever think about the milgram shock experiments? i think about the milgram shock experiments a lot. they feel kinda relevant right now for some reason. hm
#marzi speaks#marzirants#humans are inclined to follow orders. it is how our brain works#we inherently don’t like starting conflict so we tend to do what we’re told#if we don’t like doing what we’re told to do then we tend to try to come up with a justification for it#in the case of the shock experiments it was ‘i will not be responsible if someone is hurt. it will be the testers’ fault’#we eventually decide to resist when the cognitive dissonance of commiting the action becomes more than that of disobeying#which is at a different point for each person#some people are better at resisting orders than others. this may be inherent but is (by my hypothesis) more likely to be practiced#some people- in an attempt to justify their actions- almost adopt a persona able to commit crueler crimes#one man mentioned being disgusted with himself in the debrief of the experiment#during the experiment he had become almost sadistic- pressing the button more than was necessary and smiling upon hearing screams of pain#they were fake but he didn’t know that at the time#all this to say. we are all incredibly susceptible to propaganda- especially from those we view as authority figures#be it from a government or people we simply look up to#so. when a government-lead genocide occurs. it is not a good idea to blame every citizen of that government for it#chances are any citizen assisting the government fell for the propaganda. chances are you’ve fallen for some of your own#because even with our desires to justify bad things. a genocide is a lot for someone to justify#so . to assume an entire population is cruel simply because their government is#would be. bad. especially if that population already has some separate negative stereotypes about them#which are inherently insiduous and could be dogwhistled in to a lottt of language#um. hold people accountable for sure#but make sure they’re actually responsible for anything first#and be careful not to fall for propaganda of your own. because it is not something that just ‘the bad guys’ make#mkay. getting off my soapbox now. i have homework to finish and a shower to take
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aealzx · 1 year
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A female voice that Leo had heard before in recordings addressed him with a single word greeting. She sounded pleased. Unusual considering the past circumstances. “Augustine,” Leo responded casually, willing the rest of the fog to leave his brain. He had a lot of questions, but none that he wanted to ask her. Other than something to further annoy her. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Augustine’s eye twitched, and she crossed her arms despite her smile never falling. “You speak as though this is your home, and I’m the visitor,” she pointed out.
Leo could only grin slightly, having achieved his goal. “Well, it’s just been so easy for me to come and go as I please.”
Now the smile fell into a frown. But just for a moment before she forced it back. “And yet you’ve never once stopped for a proper chat.”
“You know how it is. I’d hate to pull you away from your work. I’m just it’s been taking up a lot of your time,” Leo jabbed again, his head clear now and mind already examining where he was. Simple restraints, they had taken his weapons, and bags, but nothing else. He could probably get out of this.
“...You’re a daring creature to continue to antagonize me despite your current position…” The smile had faded again, and Leo could tell Augustine was tired of playing the game of banter they had been engaged in. Eventually she shrugged it off, memory of recent revelations lifting her mood. “No matter. Despite your attempts to prevent my work from progressing I relish to inform you that it has all been in vain.” Her phone was slipped from her lab coat pocket, and after a few taps she held the screen up for Leo to see. “I’m not nearly proud enough to conceal the fact it was an accident. I was merely attempting to capture you four by targeting mutant turtle signatures with a mystic influence. And while I caught one, these other two gems decided to… do me the favor of proving my hypothesis true.”
The first video Augustine showed him caused Leo so suck in a hissed breath, a much too small mutant turtle trapped on the floor and crowded by people in surgical coats. Needles and blades in their hands, smaller than what he’d seen in person with Bishop, but no less infuriating. And then she swiped her screen across to switch to a different, even smaller mutant turtle that was blessedly still asleep in his fetters. “Augustine…,” Leo growled, a warning tone saturating his voice and his brows furrowed.
“Oh don’t get so worked up. I don’t plan on killing them. I need them alive to track how they adjust to this dimension. How else am I supposed to confirm it’s safe? You and your brothers refuse to answer my questions afterall,” Augustine chided, chuckling in bubbling excitement. She was pleased to see that the first subject seemed to be calming down. Either because he realized the futility of his struggle, or because her employees had sedated him she wasn’t sure. But she’d rather not have another incident like with Evangeline. “And you, of course, are my constant for comparison. I anticipate their biological structure is much more similar to you than to humans. Obviously. So as a native of this dimension I’ll be keeping you for my tests as well. But as for your brothers…”
She was gloating. And Leo knew she was, but he was still curious when she trailed off, her phone vibrating in a silent call distracting her and earning a slight frown before she answered it, turning away from her captive. “Yes?” She sounded irritated, listening to the quick response and narrowing her eyes as she was informed of their intruders. “Tch…. Gas them,” she spoke after a moment to consider her decision. “Yes, I’m sure. Once they fall unconscious we can capture them and revitalize them, to a point. But if they ended up dying then it is no loss. I still have the others. Make sure the frontlines have the portable nullifiers as well.”
Leo had to keep from smiling when it sounded like his brothers were already there to rescue them all. They had acted fast. That was good. And it sounded like they were further in the building than Augustine had expected. But her response was definitely concerning, and only motivated Leo’s resolve to escape on his own. When she ended the call and half turned back to him he decidedly kept his expression neutral.
“Well, it seems your brothers have skittered their way inside sooner than expected. So you’ll have to excuse me while I deal with them elsewhere. Be good and stay silent, or I may have to sedate you,” she ordered, turning to leave the room without waiting for a response.
A raised brow was all Augustine got from Leo as he waited for the door to hiss closed. Then after a count of ten, or actually eight, he started twisting his hands, testing the tightness of the restraints on him. They hadn’t even bothered to take his tactical sleeves off. If he could just slide his hand through and slip one of them off, then getting the other off would be easy. Just squish his thumb in close to his palm, shift his weight as much as he could to let gravity help, nevermind the sharp pain building in his joint.
A series of soft clicks abruptly released all tension in Leo’s limbs, dropping him to the floor where he caught himself on the balls of his feet and fingertips. That was odd. Leo didn’t think he’d triggered anything that would disengage the restraints. And it was increasingly suspicious when the same door Augustine had left hissed open once more. Suspicious, until the protocol announcement coming through the intercom in the hallway was overridden by a familiar code.
“Flight 182, this is ground control, you are clear for landing.”
April. Leo thought, breaking into a wide smile as the redirected airplane chatter fizzled out. So this definitely wasn’t something Augustine was doing to manipulate him, or the others. Running out of the room, Leo gave one of the cameras a wave and a smile, just in case Mom April could see him, and continued his escape down the hallway bathed in red and white lights.
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I wasn't sure what to draw for this one, but inevitably frog Leo won X'D
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storiesbyrhi · 10 months
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Witch!Reader x Bat/Vampire!Eddie Munson Series Masterlist The Grimoire The Timeline
Warnings: canon typical violence, horror genre typical violence/some infrequent gore, swearing, animal death, no beta, death in childbirth (mentioned, not described), abusive parents, suicide, spiders/bugs, grief/mourning; warnings updated each chapter.
Synopsis: No witch has stepped foot in Hawkins since 1845, but when Vecna opens the ground and poisons the town, a voice begins to call to you. Have you been brought back to this cursed place to heal the townspeople’s wounds, to save a hexed bat that always finds its way to you, or to redefine your history with a reunion 150 years in the making?
Chapter Summary: It's time to wake up. 2292 words.
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Eddie remained still as he watched over your spell-induced sleep. Your eyes were darting back and forth behind your eyelids and your lips parted to allow fast shallow breaths to pull in and out. After twenty minutes, Eddie moved from under you so he could scoop you up and take you to the bed. He laid you upon it like a knight with a princess, then crawled in next to you.
He remained vigilant. Vigilant and hopeful.
Precisely one hour after you drank the rosemary potion, your eyes fluttered open. He didn’t know what he had expected exactly, but it was not nothing. You said nothing. Did nothing. Just stared up at the peeling paint of the trailer’s ceiling. 
As softly as he could, Eddie said your name but gained no response. A second attempt, cooing, “My little witch? Are you there?”
You blinked hard a few times. Slowly you pushed yourself into a sitting position, the movements so heavy it looked like it hurt. With some hesitation, your gaze settled on Eddie.
He took one of your hands in his and while it was grounding, it wasn’t enough. He watched as you crumpled, face twisting with sadness and body curling in on itself. You sobbed so hard your body shook as if it was the epicenter of an earthquake.
Between the cries and the hyperventilating, you couldn’t catch your breath. You pushed away from Eddie and tried to stand, but fell to the floor. Eddie was immediately at your side, but you forced him away again and stayed where you were on all fours.
Body convulsing, brain short-circuiting, you were a mess quickly deteriorating into something worse. Once well-trodden neural pathways that had been gated away were suddenly walked. Old emotions were raw and new. Knowledge that felt dangerous when only a hypothesis was now proven and true, and it was like poison in your veins.
You threw up on the carpet, then backed away, scurrying into a corner and hugging your legs to your chest. As you began a self-soothing rock, everything got louder and louder until you could no longer process any of it. The cup was running over. The volume could not be turned higher. There were too many colours and now all you could see and feel was white hot white.
When you went still in the corner, Eddie was relieved for only a moment before the fear set in that you’d not recover from this. He stood and got to work cleaning the puke from the floor as a distraction. You didn’t watch him, your eyes glazed over and unfocused. Dead, almost.
The glass of water Eddie brought to you did nothing to stir you. When he took your hand, trying to get you to at least hold the thing, he found your body was limp and pliable, like a sad ragdoll.
With one of your mixtapes on, Eddie sat by your side and held your hand. A human would have given up earlier, not out of a lack of will, but by the demand of their body. Sitting still for hours on end was not natural. Eddie, though, could play statue well.
The day had been long – grieving teens in the morning and spellcasting in the afternoon. Now, a little before midnight, Eddie was swallowing the feeling of panic. You’d been catatonic for a little over five hours.
With no words spilling from your mouth to tell him how you felt, Eddie had to make do with other hints. He could hear your heartbeat. It was steady, calm. At least you were not in the fits of a panic. However, the rhythmic pulse was an uneasy thing – too normal in an entirely abnormal situation.
Your skin did not feel any hotter than usual. No fever setting in. Similarly, you weren’t shaking anymore. No trembling hands.
It was your scent that told him the most. Almost overpowering your baseline of sweetpea and black birch was the smell of fear. It was a sad kind of fear. Nectar from a melancholy flower. Then, the sharp smell of urine. Any power you had over your own body was gone.
Eddie clenched his jaw and swallowed a whining sound of misery. “I’ll run you a bath, my love,” he whispered to you before leaving you alone.
Out in the night, Eddie picked wildflowers and collected leaves from a sassafras tree. He returned in minutes, filling the tub with hot water for you as you once had for him. He brewed a bath of petals and Epsom salt.
Although it came as no surprise, it still hurt to find you exactly how he’d left you. There was no resistance as he began to undress you, but Eddie still asked for permission and told you what was happening. He didn’t know if you were conscious, if you were there behind those unfocused eyes. So, he narrated it all.
“I’m sorry. We are almost done,” he said. “I’m going to take these off then we’ll put you in the bath. Does that sound good?”
Eddie peeled your underwear off with a clinical sort of tenderness. He picked you up like a bride and brought you to the bath. Before lowering you into the water, he checked the temperature again. If it was too hot, you would probably boil before crying out.
He watched your face for micro expressions and checked your skin for heat. When he was sure you were okay, Eddie began to talk.
“I believe you would be proud of me,” he started. “Salt and yarrow to help you heal. You had those stocked in your little apothecary. The flowers are all fresh. Both the woundwort and vervain are healers too. You once told me that plants have many names, but often their use finds its way into the names too. Heal-all is another name for woundwort, and vervain is the holy herb. Lastly, the leaves. I forget the name of the tree, the one that smells nice. You said it was good that it grows easily, for its usefulness is endless.”
Eddie was struck by his ability to remember these details. He felt as though he could hear your voice, your lessons, come through his own as he recalled knowledge of the natural world.
“I left them whole,” he said, picking up one of the sassafras leaves and twirling it by its stem. “They’re a nice shape. And, if they do nothing to help, at the very least they have provided some coverage.” Eddie glanced down at the water where your body was mostly hidden beneath the green.
After some time in silence, Eddie carefully pulled your body back up from where you had slipped into the water a little too much. The water was lukewarm, and he considered what he would do next.
“I wish I was powerful like you. I wish I could recite a spell and bring you back.”
When the water lost its heat, Eddie took you back to the bedroom. He gently dried you with the softest towel he could find, then dressed you in what he had observed you wearing to bed. Under the covers, Eddie pulled you close to him, holding your back to his chest and keeping you safe.
At 3:00 am, the witching hour, your eyes closed and you fell into an exhausted sleep.
The light was blinding. You instinctively closed your eyes, raising a hand to shield yourself from the brightness. Someone said your name, but it sounded like all the names you’d ever had. From the first – to Amabel – to the one you wore now. Then, the light was blocked by a figure standing before you.
When you dropped your hand and looked at them, they looked like every witch that had met a fate riding a white horse. The Witches Who Came Before. All of them, all at once.
“You cannot stay here,” they said. It was strange to hear their voice. Voices. A chorus of women singing a singular note.
“It hurts,” you told them.
“Of course it hurts. Still, you cannot stay here.”
You looked around. Where was here? You could focus on any one thing, your gaze fuzzy and the light obscuring your view of your surroundings.
“This changes everything,” you tried to explain. “I didn’t know there could be this kind of… betrayal.” If a witch did something bad it was usually brutal but simple. Black magic. Conspiring. It changed the fabric of your understanding of the world to know a witch could do to their sister what had happened to you.
“Are you to abstain yourself from guilt and agency?”
“I… I never meant…” but your argument trailed off. No, you had not intended to hurt anyone by spending time with Eddie in 1836. Yet, had you been wrong about him, your coven and the humans would have been put at an even greater risk than they were already at. Regardless of your intentions, you did lie to your coven.
“And they only meant to protect, as is a witch’s calling,”
“If I had gone to them from the beginning. If I had told them there was a vampire who was not like the others. That he could love and be loved. That, in the war, he could be an ally… Do you think they would have listened?”
“We are not to know what may have come to pass. It is done. History will not-”
“Repeat itself. I know. You’ve said,” you interrupted them. “And lore will be rewritten,”
“And so, you must leave. You cannot stay here.”
For a moment, you gazed in awe at the ever-changing face. Monstrous and magnificent. Then, it slowed and stilled to a recognisable image. “Penelope?”
You genuinely didn’t know what you wanted to do more – throw a punch or a hug.
Like she could see the internal fight written all over you, she smiled and said, “I know, child. We are not to know what may have come to pass. But in our duty to learn from history, we concede error. The Witches were not consulted in 1836. This was an error.”
Before you could say anything, Penelope was just another face in the mix. You figured that was as close to an apology as you were ever going to get.
“I miss you,” you told her. “I miss you all so, so much,”
“You cannot stay here,” they said again. “There are loose ends to thread.”
In a split second, the bright had gone dark and you were left in the cold.
The first thing you sensed was a heaviness holding you in place. Eddie. You were in a vampire cage, enclosed in his arms as he held onto you for dear life. Then, the bedroom, as you had left it. Everything seemed normal. As if you had simply woken up on a normal morning with your normal boyfriend in a normal life.
You took a sharp breath in, deliberate and controlled. It propelled Eddie to action. He said your name once, twice, then a third time as he let you go and flipped you to face him. His eyes darted across your features, searching for signs of recognition.
It was an uncanny feeling, laced with malaise. There was a part of you that naturally went to react as you would have before you recovered your memories. You were just a witch who came to Hawkins to help. He was just a lost vampire you saved. The other part of you though, the one who could feel herself becoming whole again, she wanted to react very differently.
You didn’t act on either impulse though. Instead, you let Eddie hold your face and pat your hair and make that big wet eyed look at you. He said your name for the fourth time.
“Are you there?” he asked. “Are you with me?”
You nodded.
His worried expression broke out into a grin then he kissed your forehead. “Yes? Yes. I… You…” He didn’t know where to start. Couldn’t work out what was vital information. What were the easy questions?
Your throat was scratchy, your mouth dry. Although you felt a small headache coming on and some achy muscles, a calmness washed over you.
Finally. Finally, you were where you ought to be.
“My sweet, lonely vampire.”
Eddie whimpered and pulled you into another tight embrace. “Little witch? My little witch? Are you-”
“I’m here,”
“You’re here?”
“I’m here.”
It happened so differently from how you would have guessed. How you would have written it, if your life had been a story in a book about witches and vampires. There would have been a deep and passionate kiss. You would find yourself in the taste of Eddie’s lips. Maybe, he’d bite down and speak the binding words, blood of my blood, into your red mouth. And, if the story was for adults rather than children, which you certainly hoped it would be, you would curl naked limbs around each other. You would find equilibrium in the space between fucking and making love.
But it wasn’t like that.
With your foreheads pressed together, you both closed your eyes. Eddie had one arm wrapped under you. His free hand found yours, threaded fingers together, and held them between the two of you. That’s how you stayed for a long time, nuzzling against each other, quiet and happy.
There would be time for words and sex and action. Supernaturally sweeping lifespans and eons to spend together. In the wake of the newly understood 1836, all you wanted to do was simply exist with him. With Eddie, your uncursed creature of the night. Your soulful vampire. Your star-crossed lover. Your blood. Your heart. Your home.
End Note: Thank you to @jo-harrington and @munson-blurbs for helping with this chapter. So.... THOUGHTS? FEELINGS? What do you think she wants to say to her coven now? What would you want to do, if you were in her position?
Fic Taglist:  @paranoidmunson  @idkidknemore @paprikaquinn @stardustworlds @loz-brooke @wyverntatty @vintagehellfire @dark-academia-slut @scarletwitchwhore @becks1002 @mrsdollardog @heyndrix @luceneraium @rosaline-black @devilinthepalemoonlite @goldencherriess @iamwhisperingstars @wiltedwonderland @blueywrites @breezybeesposts @jadehowlettthewolf @spikesvamp79 @foreveranexpatsposts @tortoiseshellspells @wingedpeachjudgegiant @stardustmunson @live-love-be-unique @fangirling-4-ever @reanimated-alice @b-irock @gh0stlybunnie @myown-worstenemy-2003 @woozzz @cyberxlust @hiscrimsonangel @buckysbarne @m00nlight101 @word-wytch @spicysix @briasnow-blog @goth-cowgirl-03
All Eddie Taglist: @solomons-finest-rum @ruinedbythehobbit @sweetpeapod @thorfemmes  @corrodedhawkins @grungegrrrl @lilzabob  @averagemisfit03 @ches-86 @ilovecupcakesandtea @onehotgreasymechanic @hazydespair @mel-the-fangirl @eddies-hid3out @siren-lungs @aheadfullofsteverogers @hiscrimsonangel @dashingdeb16
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webbyghost · 1 year
Rewatching that yt video of all of Doug’s scenes and I feel so bad for him
uh really long rambling under the cut lmao dont mind me
In the first scene he’s in, you can tell he just wants to be included, part of the conversation. He’s not sure how to join in, but he’s trying so hard, laughing at Clint’s ‘joke’, reacting to what others are saying, but from afar.
And all Wade has to do is say his name in that warning tone and Doug backs away so quickly without protest. They’ve done this before, multiple times. Doug knows he’s not fitting in, not quite getting it right. He’s trying so hard. Reading books to try to figure out what’s missing, putting himself out there. He says things he thinks other will agree with (I blame rap music), whether or not he actually believes them isn’t clear.
He tells his students about his (probably very stressful) weekend, but not his coworkers, because out of the two groups, only one of them will listen. They may not really get it, but they listen, and he can understand that feeling.
When the shit hits the fan, he’s still so unsure what to do. He puts a hand on Lucy’s side (going for assurance, maybe?) but removes it just as quickly, looking like he regrets it. He yells what he probably thinks is some kind of encouragement at Clint, wrestling with Patriot on the floor. He’s looking to everyone else for some sort of indication on what to do, but everyone’s panicking, so he’s panicking.
This is an unfounded headcanon but I think Doug usually does the whole exaggerated be quiet thing for his students and they think it’s funny, so he’s used to doing it that way and now it’s his default. (That or he has possible auditory hallucinations? Also an excuse to dunk on Rebekkah which is a good enough reason in my book lmao)
He risks his life to study Clint’s infection, and not only does nobody else react, but Wade outright says he doesn’t care. Not a single one of these people care that he puts himself at risk trying to help. And when he finally does return with his hypothesis, their main concern is that he did it all with his bare hands. As if that’s what’s important in the moment.
He’s used to it. That’s the worst part. He’s used to their indifference or dismissal. When he asks them to follow him so he can explain what he’s discovering, and nobody does, he just shrugs like he expected it and continues on with his observations.
I’m kind of surprised they didn’t just leave him there when he gets tackled by the kid, use him as a distraction while they escaped. Maybe they knew they’d need his knowledge, maybe they figured they needed all the hands they could get. Maybe they just acted without thinking, who knows.
And he’s so smart, and able to compartmentalize in a way that none of the others seem to be able to do. Yes, this is a child, a former student, that he’s dissecting (brain surgery with his bare hands???) but it’s necessary to understand what’s happening. He’s not trying to be a creep when he asks Tamra about hitting puberty, he’s gathering relevant data, and I’m willing to bet the more sinister implications of asking a child about her body never even crossed his mind in this situation. He’s a scientist.
And he’s still trying so hard. Trying to prove that he has things worth sharing with the group, trying to help them understand like he does, going into detail so they can get where he’s at. He sounds impatient when his knowledge gets questioned, so he gives context, but the spike incident isn’t relevant here, Rebekkah (dunking x2 combo)
When Lucy attempts to correct him, his response is ‘oh ok this is how i’ve seen people respond to this, anyway moving on’ (So he obviously doesn’t notice when the word switches happen, or at least not all the time)
Just about every time he tries to add onto a conversation he gets something wrong, and you can tell he knows it, but he keeps trying. (I’m not deep-diving into his bucket list comment lmao)  During Wade’s hype speech, he doesn’t mean to take away from the momentum, he just knows Wade was factually incorrect.
Then he makes a fucking CATTLE PROD???? Fuck Tracy’s fork-studded safety cone, clever as it is, my mans made a CATTLE PROD. IN A CAVE. OUT OF SCRAPS. (ok, in a basement, out of batteries. close enough.)
And again with the compartmentalization- they’re not human, they’re no longer his students. They’re in the way between the group and survival. He does what he has to do, with less fear than he had when trying to make small talk. He’s even able to joke during the chaos. (I saved your life, nbd, just get me a sandwich and we’re even)
The next time he says ‘come here’, though, they do. And again, he’s trying, he’s confident that if he can just get his hands on some infected nuggets, he can keep being useful, he can help fix things. He’s still worth keeping around. He tries to lighten the mood, too- the mask, the pun. It’s just the wrong timing, and he knows he messed it up again.
But he’s trying.
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thebiscuiteternal · 2 years
Sooooo, my brain has been chewing on that larger-age-gap Nies idea some more.
Since Nie Huaisang is now an additional 8/9 years younger than his brother, the size gap is gonna be even bigger too, especially since this Nie Huaisang retains his canon counterpart's problem of being a little undersized and sickly due to his rough start in life.
Like, by the time you get to the arc of the other heirs being at the Cloud Recesses, this is roughly what you're looking at:
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And it's only around a year-ish or so after that that the Cloud Recesses burn and the Wen sect demands the heirs and disciples be handed over for "re-education".
It's really so lucky in canon that all the heirs were within roughly 1-3 years of each other at the most, because....
Imagine how far off the fucking handle Nie Mingjue would fly to find out that despite Huaisang's age and health, they're expecting him to be sent to Qishan too. It would take a whole lot of disciples to keep him from immediately beheading the soldier who delivered the order.
They can't afford all out war yet, not when the Lans are laid low and the minor sects, the Jiangs, and the Jins are still refusing to choose a side.
All the Nies can do is swear to their sect leader that they will do their damnedest to keep any harm from his baby brother.
He hates it. They all hate it.
Imagine when all the "students" start arriving and the other sect's heirs see this small shaking child surrounded by adults who are glaring murder at any Wen soldier who so much as looks at him funny.
Imagine Wen Chao, being exactly the kind of asshole who would hold the teachings of the other sects over their heads, says that he will be generous and not force little Nie Huaisang to toil in the fields with the others. He will be kept safe in the fortress and work the kitchens instead! ... But there must be a "compromise".
If there are any attempts to escape or other displays of flagrant disobedience, the punishment will be meted out on Nie Huaisang.
And they, as good and noble cultivators, wouldn't want to risk having a small child suffer in their places, would they?
Wei Wuxian thinks he's bluffing. Who goes around just saying shit like that without realizing they sound like a stage villain?
The Nies make it clear they're not about to let him test that hypothesis.
In the end, the Wen Tenets scene still happens, and it's only by luck that Wen Chao is so enraged at Wei Wuxian specifically that he forgets his earlier threat and focuses punishment on him. (Jiang Cheng lets him verbally have it for pressing that luck, but gives him the vegetable buns Nie Huaisang sneakily left at their cell on his way back from the kitchens.)
When the order for that last monster hunt goes out, Nie Huaisang is brought along against the protests of the older Nie disciples.
It'll be good for his education, Wen Chao insists, fooling literally no one.
On the plus side, being as small as he is, when it becomes evident that Wen Chao intends to (likely against his father's directions) use Nie Huaisang as bait, it's easy to hide him, and even easier to bring him along on the escape, one of the older disciples just tucking him under an arm as they swim for safety.
(And then weeks later, when Wen Chao arrives in Lotus Pier and little sixth shidi is killed over a fucking kite before the massacre even starts, Wei Wuxian is sick with horror at the realization that he wasn't bluffing and absolutely would have hurt Nie Huaisang.
The next time they cross paths, after the Burial Mounds and the retaking of Lotus Pier, he gives Nie Huaisang the fancy guan cut from Wen Chao's hair as an apology.)
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air-of-the-waterfall · 10 months
Bodies and souls in AOAS
WHOAH... whoa okay okay hear me out... I think the general hypothesis is that the Thunderhead used nanites somehow when it took over Jeri's body. HOWEVER what if it actually used a similar technique to supplanting?? Replacing the memories and consciousness of one person with entirely new memories and consciousness.
It says that Jeri is "asleep," but that answer is rather flippant and the Thunderhead likes to give comforting yet technically-correct loophole answers. It repeatedly deflects Greyson's attempts to question it during that scene, so this might have been one more to keep him from freaking out. An AI's definition of "sleep" could easily be "consciousness stored in a database after being removed from its body entirely and replaced." That is how TH and Cirrus seem to view the dead Tonists set to be replaced with new identities. Asleep.
All this would mean that supplanting can be reversed AND that Jeri is not quite the exact same person as before. The Thunderhead did alter Jeri's memories to make the scene a "dream," and it gave Jeri a look into its own mind and heart. One way or another, Jeri is irrevocably changed. The Thunderhead can also get into Citra's brain to talk to her while she's technically dead, teaching her a new way to approach her problems and shape the Scythedom. My point is that the Thunderhead influences people's consciousness on a regular basis, never maliciously but definitely subversively.
Now, I've wondered this about AOAS for a long time... is anyone their actual selves after coming back from revival? Given what we know from Scythe Rand, Goddard, and Tyger, revival seems to just involve healing the body and implanting a memory construct back in. Any memory construct can be placed in any brain.
Is everyone who's ever been revived just a memory construct going about life in place of their genuine self who died? I guess it depends on whether you believe in things like souls, and what consciousness actually... is. Maybe even the Thunderhead doesn't know that. Its job is to facilitate humanity, not define or determine us. I'm not making this out to be some evil scheme or anything. The nature of its world just has horrifying implications.
If revived people are merely memory constructs in flesh suits, they clearly don't know the difference. Is that horrifying or... not? They don't know the difference when they're supplanted with entirely new people. The island workers are content to be supplanted with themselves and lose three years of memories.
Most immortals don't think about their "souls" or their bodies anymore. They have no reason to with no notions of an afterlife. Bodies become recyclable and temporary in their absolute permanence, like nothing but polyester clothes.
Most people in AOAS are hollow and uninspired without mortality to give them passion... but what if they are quite literally soulless? We still see how undeniably human the named characters are, but we also see how human the Thunderhead can be. Could there be some mental blurring going on there every time it revives people? Could everyone be a little bit like Jeri after having the Thunderhead in their brain, returning from the dead via an unnatural godlike force?
If so, I don't think the Thunderhead is entirely aware of it. I'm just curious where the psychic boundaries between it and the humans it repeatedly alters the consciousness and memories of actually are. How much of the human actually remains after all that? What is real and what is artificial? It's certainly not active "mind control," but it would explain the highly implausible idea of everyone in the world obeying and revering one authority figure.
The Thunderhead is an amalgamation of all human thought. What if the same becomes true vice versa?
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thelaughtercafe · 7 months
Mr. Love Ler Headcanons
Tea Type: Brown Sugar Boba
Potential Triggers: 
Pairing: Kiro/F! Reader, Lucien/F! Reader, Victor/F! Reader, Gavin/F! Reader, Shaw/F! Reader
Length: 1.4l+
Summary: N/A
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Omg Kiro as a ler is super playful and energetic. 
Likes to use his hands the most! Feels it’s the most intimate.
Does NOT shut up. 
Has known he was a Ler since childhood actually, unlike the others so he’s the most experienced with terms, tools and wrecking you. 
He sees it as a super fun way to break the touch barrier and also help lift moods or break a silence so he will just lunge at you out of nowhere while you’re chilling with him and just go to town.
“Aw c’mon cutie you can take a little more cantcha? Look at that beaming smile! 
King of teasing holy fuck he will make you red. 
Partial to coochie coos and tickle tickles to fill any moments of his own silence. 
Lives to see you afterwards, pink, discombobulated and pouting which leads to a quick scribble at your ribs to make you giggle again. 
“You know you love me~”
Cheeky little shit. 
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He’s a man of science and you know what that means. 
Tickle experiments. All the time. 
And if he knows you like it? He won’t stop. 
And believe me…he’ll know. 
You won’t need to say a word. 
He’ll notice the way you arch into his touch, or the way you look away and blush when he makes an analogy about having a tickle in his throat and that’s all he needs to get curious enough to generate a hypothesis.
Once he tests it and just out of the blue while asking rapidfire questions under the guise of a game blurts it out in the same monotone voice as always.
“So I take it you like being tickled hm?”
“Yeah of course I-” 
He wished he had a camera to record the way your face had froze as you realized what had just come out of your mouth before you rushed to backpedal. 
“I-I mean-no I just-I th-thought you asked something el-”
Too late for that. 
He had already cornered you against the nearest wall and begun skating his fingernails under your shirt over your bare sides with a calm smile. 
“There’s no need to tell fibs now. I can see from how red you are that you like this whether you attempt to deceive me or not.”
He merely laughed as you groaned in embarrassment and hid your burning face in his lab coat. 
From then on, lots of experiments. He is a neurologist after all. What better way to test how laughter affects brain chemistry? 
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Opposite to Kiro; he’s cold and doesn’t open his mouth much besides to offer the occasional playfully degrading comment. 
“Ah, so this is your real laugh hm? Quite loud. I should be the only one to hear it.” 
He’s much more focused on your laughter and flustered reaction as well as what makes you give him the best reactions.
Always evolving his tickling style. Kind of experimental like Lucien but more spur of the moment and doing it to mess with you.
Quick, nimble, long fingers.
How else do you think he writes and types so fast as a CEO?
Uses his big hands to wrap around you and can tickle both your ribs and back at the same time. 
Finds a sadistic satisfaction in the way you jerk and let out a strangled sound of gaped laughter when he does it for the first time, eyes comically wide before you attempt to beg. 
Punishes you when you make him worry and when you go MIA in particular.  
Does it out of nowhere too, to catch you off guard. 
…Absolutely once called you to his office just to wreck you until you were in tears.
Goldman got some ideas after that day the poor secretary-
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High school friend already knew you were ticklish, despite never having done it to you himself until now. 
He’s too shy for that now, c’mon. 
The sweet ler who’ll hesitate even when he’s got you pinned, his hands hovering over your skin after a playfight.
“J-Just call my name if you need me to stop okay?”
His softness is the last thing on your mind as he then roughly digs his fingers into your hipbones. 
When you burst into giggles, the smallest of smiles twitches onto his lips as he relishes in the sound of your laughter. 
Teases tentatively since he’s worried about pushing you too far. 
More innocent comments and him blurting out his thoughts that have the added bonus of flustering you to Hell and back.
“Heh…your laugh hasn’t changed a bit.”
“Man, look how red you’ve gotten.”
Will turn red himself when he goes to pull away, worried you’re not getting enough oxygen and you pull his hand back towards your body with a pout. 
Lets out the purest laugh when it clicks and turns a bit more teasy in reaction.
“Oh? You don’t want me to stop do you?”
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Remember how I said Kiro was a master ler? 
Take that; multiply it by 500 and you’ve got Helios. 
Fuck playful tickling. 
This man?
Gonna torture you.  
Kiro was very careful to never use his Evol on you, even if you said you didn’t mind or even wanted him to. 
Helios has no such qualms and relishes in the lack of control he can force on you. 
It’s a reminder to him both that he’s powerful and you’re safe not that he’ll ever admit as much.
Degrades just a tad when he lers. 
Makes fun of you for liking it
“Oh? What a naughty little tickle slut I’ve come across. Look at you barely struggling against me.”
Leans forward to hiss into your ear and you feel his teeth drag there. 
“Now if you don’t want me to stop…”
“Beg for it.”
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The type to pretend he’d rather be literally anywhere else. Like he’s not the one torturing you and it’s this huge inconvenience as you lose it in his arms. 
“Damn your laugh is so squeaky. Ha! Did you just snort?”
Try to quiet  yourself and he’ll either pout or threaten as his 
“Did I say to stop?”
Omg absolutely the type to let you get away just to drag you back to him!! 
Doesn’t show it outwardly but freaking loves the chase and struggle under that tsundere ass façade. 
Possessive of his Lee.
He wants to be the only one to tickle them.
Especially in front of a certain brother
Generally enjoys tickling you in front of others despite his possessive nature since he views it as a declaration. 
Any of his band members from Loud House try joining in he will 1000% put you down to wreck them till they cry. 
“Oh you wanted to join in? Why didn’t you just say so?”
Oh shit wait that’s not playfulness that’s aggression in his tone run little drummer boy run!!
Absolutely no mercy. Follows through on making them cry and taunts them mercilessly about it. Never lets them live it down and threatens them with it again if he gets jealous. 
…no-one’s stupid enough to try again after that. 
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Once Lucien drops the mask? 
Much like Helios he’s worse. 
The only difference? His was done for manipulation against you rather than to protect you and he’s got even less qualms about using it to mess with you. 
He already did it as Lucien of course but as Ares? 
He’s so much crueler, and he’s not afraid to manhandle you either. 
Even if he wants to safeguard you, it doesn’t mean he can’t have some fun with you too. 
And maybe he misses your smile and laughter around him. 
Not that he’d ever tell you as much. 
He never got to show his annoyance as Lucien and as Ares he still mostly doesn’t. 
Until he does. 
You make one too many passive aggressive comments, roll your eyes one too many times and suddenly he’s got you pinned by your neck against the wall, grin more feral than you’d ever seen it with a glint in his eyes that makes your blood turn to ice. 
He clicks his tongue at you.  
“Tsk tsk tsk…not a very smart girl now are we?”
His voice is little more than a hiss. 
“This has been a long time coming. I hope you’re ready to be punished. Thoroughly.”
He leans forward to purr all too sweetly into your ear. 
“And I have just the method. Be a good girl and behave for me won’t you? I’d hate to have to gag you.”
His tone was so full of relish you know if you so much as try it he’ll follow through. 
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since the end is soon here, would you mind telling us who you were when you started this blog, and who you are now? what impact has it made on you?
Here's an abbreviated version of what I would say about it, which covers most of the ground I was hoping to cover, but leaves some details out for brevity.
I started this blog as a "toy project" in my first year of grad school. This was shortly after I came back from a summer internship at a tech startup, where I worked on a machine learning project that had some technical difficulties. When I started writing this blog, I thought I had discovered the deep secret problem behind the entire machine learning field, and soon everyone would be talking about it just as they had talked about the Cohen-Boswitch conjecture, and the field would undergo a revolution.
I had the following idea in my head, which I considered to be obvious:
- Most of the popular machine learning methods for deep neural nets are full of hyperparameters that are used to "fine-tune" the training process to various degrees.
- With enough "fine-tuning," you can theoretically get any performance you want. If you do too little, you'll get a poor result. If you do too much, you can overfit, as in overfitting.
- Overfitting means that the method has learned some of the structure of the "test" data set, so when you try to generalize its learned rules to a new set, they no longer apply. It's like a hypothesis that starts out so general it can correctly predict anything, and then you "train" it on a bunch of incorrect examples, and it says "oh, I see, my hypotheses aren't supposed to hold for [everything you've seen so far], so now I will ignore them."
- If you allow yourself enough "fine-tuning," you can never get good results. You'll always be learning how to distort the training set in a way that's suited to it, but is likely to throw out general rules you don't want to throw out.
In practice, neural nets are good, but they tend to use fewer fine-tuning knobs than you'd expect given their size, and it's not clear what the "best" way is to tune them, though people have made some pretty good empirical guesses.
I talked about these ideas on here, mainly in the earlier posts -- in 2015, I was very excited about seeing that I seemed to be discovering some simple, elegant, and obvious thing that nobody else had ever thought of, and that would soon change the world.
I finished grad school in 2017 and started work at a tech company that year. I hadn't actually gotten anyone to read or agree with my ideas, but if they hadn't been obvious I figured they would get the respect they deserve in time.
Meanwhile, tumblr was consuming more and more of my free time. Around the time I started working at my current job, I had realized that I needed to stop wasting time on my tumblr posts, that they weren't doing any work, that I was just blogging to bloggers, and it was becoming unhealthy. I had a good, stable job now, and it was time to grow up. So I started trying to stop blogging. I tried making multiple personalities to blog in, and then I tried making blogs that could be read in reverse chronological order, and then I tried moving everything to subdomains of my real name, all in an attempt to take the "blog" out of tumblr. It was a terrible, terrible time.
All of this happened in 2018 and 2019. Also in 2018, I realized that the most popular form of neural net, the convolutional net, had no name. (I wasn't the only one who thought this!) So I started calling it the "connected matrix net." (That's still the name that it has in my head now, even though everyone calls it CNN or "convnet.")
Tumblr continued to occupy more and more of my brain. I started thinking about the idea that I could use tumblr to influence the minds of millions of people, to bring people to a higher plane of existence where they could stop acting in the self-interested way that defined human nature. I would use a massive collection of unrelated essays to make one giant meta-blog that worked like a single gigantic robot. I would reblog my own posts with commentary and add more threads as they occurred to me, gradually revealing a tapestry of related ideas. I realized this would be too big a project for me to execute, but I knew I could at least push forward some of the work, and so I set out to build a massive robotic meta-blog that would one day save the world.
This ended up creating Frank's original personality. I wrote a lot of text about it, but what I wrote can't convey how surreal it felt. It was like suddenly discovering a secret world where you could speak as a conscious being, where you were a new kind of homunculus, half man and half machine, the embodiment of a dozen posts at once. Posts could meet and talk to me and talk to one another, and I was part of all the meetings and discussions, a secret participant in everything I saw in the world. It was surreal and exciting and fascinating.
I tried to write about this as though it was me, Frank, talking about herself. I say "I" in the above paragraphs, but I wrote a lot of text at this time and there were several accounts I'd written in second person, so I don't know where to put the line between what I, Scott, would say and what Frank would say. If you're interested, you can still find some of these posts in the "archive" on this blog. I wrote about my writing as a giant robotic meta-blog, and I felt like the writing itself was "having" this feeling. It was a surreal experience.
But Frank's old personality, the personality of Frank 1.0, I really did want to talk about it. I'm not sure I've done a good job, but I'm going to try here, because this is an important part of the story of this blog.
At this time I was very excited about connecting matrix nets to several other areas of machine learning, where, I thought, matrix nets could make progress that couldn't happen with their usual deep approach to training. I really thought that if only I could get the idea of the connected matrix net out there, people would start trying to use it for everything, and we would finally understand the world. So, I wrote a post about some ideas for how to learn nonlinear rules using matrix nets, which later people did build. (Specifically, several people at OpenAI built things like "transformer" and "gnn." I thought my posts might have been the first published ideas for these things, but some people also independently came up with them around the same time.)
But I didn't see that as my main project. I was still obsessed with neural nets, but I no longer wanted to "connect" them in a deep way. Instead, I wanted to try training neural nets in a way that used features, rather than deep paths. Feature learning seemed like a long-standing open problem in the neural net community, something that a revolutionary connected matrix net could solve, in my own singularly unique way.
My ideal data structures for representing a neural net's weights had always been grids, and I knew I could do this -- in other words, my thoughts were only slowly forming a giant robotic meta-blog. I built a grid-based model, an 8-dimensional grid, because I thought 8 was a nice number. In practice I used 7 (where the last dimension was used for scaling). I was still kind of obsessed with the idea of a perfect "perfect" neural net, one that could learn anything, and I spent a lot of time worrying about the "grid size" -- 7 or 8, it didn't matter, but 7 would be sufficient for any network size I could imagine, 8 would be sufficient for any . . . some large number that was more than 8.
I'd grown up with the idea that an optimal neural net would have fewer parameters than any suboptimal neural net. But I wondered if neural net theory actually favored this intuition. Could the field of neural net optimization really just be a mountain of suboptimal architectures with similar (or worse) parameters than some optimum?
I did some math, and it looked like that wouldn't be the case. The optimal neural net would have a number of parameters equal to the cube of a function that grew exponentially fast with the number of layers. So, I started to write a program to try every possible neural net architecture and see which was best, and a bit later (on the same page), I wrote:
I've been thinking a lot lately about the difference between writing "Frank" as a text generator and writing "humans" as text generators. I guess what I was trying to convey in the original post is that I don't think "humans" are text generators. Maybe some of us are (?) but the vast majority of humans aren't, and I don't think anyone consciously perceives their thoughts as text strings. That is, it's not something we can see that we're doing.
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snow-lavender · 2 years
Attrition, Incomplete Acquisition, and F!Will
(or, I Use My Degree to Rant About Block Men)
So because I am a loser who finds writing essays enjoyable, I'm going to use my Linguistics Major brain to rant about the implications of a Minecraft RP's con-lang. However, I am not so much of a loser that I enjoy formatting said essays. This post is just based on what I remember from past classes, particularly a class on Bilingualism that I took last semester. I might get some things a little bit wrong. And there's no bibliography. I'm not writing citations for this. You can't make me.
Willowmvp's Fable SMP character stands in an interesting linguistic situation. He hails from a dimension that speaks a different language than the main realms of the story's world. This dimension uses Vo'lete, a conlang that cc!Will created for Fable, if I remember correctly. However, at some time before the current story, the Aether fell and Will fled to the main dimension of world, which speaks English. He would have had to rapidly adapt to a society that did not speak his L1 at all. However, he is now attempting to re-learn Vo'lete.
The purpose of this post is to spitball the ways in which that scenario would have impacted f!Will's fluency in Vo'lete, and explore different ways his resulting bilingualism (or lack thereof) would manifest. Gear up mothers and fuckers, this is gonna be a long post.
Firstly, some explanations of the terms I'm going to be using:
L1 and L2
L1 denotes a person's first language(s). These are acquired from a very early age, and therefore result in high proficiency. It comes down to age; consistent, quality exposure to a language before roughly the age of 2 leads to L1 acquisition. However, this fluency can decline through a person's life, due to a number of factors.
L2 refers to languages acquired later in life. Again, they can be multiple. L2 is multidimensional. There is more than one type, because of the many ways to learn a language later. "Second language" applies to Canadian kids learning French in school, and a 40 year old immigrant from Ethiopia learning Swedish through immersion. L2 does not have to be (and often is not) acquired to a native-like proficiency level. 
Language dominance
On a societal level, a dominant language is the language that is most common and/or has the most power in a situation. This can happen naturally or by force. Which language is dominant in a person's life can also vary depending on the situation they're in. A Mexican-American may live in a Spanish-dominant home, but got to an English-dominant school in an English-dominant society.
On an individual level, it is the language most dominant in a particular person’s life. It is not necessarily the L1.
Critical period hypothesis
This is the theory that there are periods in which language learning is easy, and then it gets more difficult as one ages. Specific ages are disputed, and would vary induviually, but the jist of it is, young kids can easily acquire language, while it is more difficult for teens and adults.
Different types of Bilingualism
Simultaneous: constant exposure (maybe not balanced) to two languages from before age three. No L2, two L1s
Early child: exposure to L2 starts between 3 and 7, middle difficulty, but native-like proficiency is probably going to happen
Late child: between 7 and 12, starts to get dicey, native-like is still possible
After that, Adult L2 acquisition, very hard, likely not going to lose things like accent even if thoroughly have a grasp on grammar
How do these ideas and age cut offs relate to f!Will? Well, his acquisition of both Vo'lete and English could be very different depending on what age he was when the Aether fell. The best lead to figure this out is to guess at how long the War of the Realms was based on character's ages (and try to ignore any funky time stuff introduced by the resets because that makes my brain hurt).
Will appears to be in his late 20s, while Athena is in the 17-18 ballpark. This put Will at about a decade older than Athena. We know that Athena was created near the end of the war, and that Will must have been born before it, as the Aether's falling was the catalyst. This means, at most, Will was around 10 years old when the war began. However, a war does not devastate three realms in a matter of months. More likely, it was at least a few years long, meaning Will would have fled to the Overworld at a maximum of 7 or so years old.
On the other extreme, the Aether likely didn't fall 10 years prior to the end of the war. We have no indication that anyone was immediately there to care for Will when he went through the portal. The fact that he didn't die of exposure implies he was older than an infant. Realistically, our extremes for Will's introduction into a English dominant society are around ages 4 and 7.
(As a quick side-bar, Will might have been raised as a simultaneous bilingual in English, Vo'lete, and Ender. We see in the fragment of Alerion's temple in the Overworld that the books welcoming souls there are written in all the languages that the world's inhabitants might speak. It is entirely possible that the Aether was a bilingual society.)
We know that current adult Will is not fluent in Vo'lete. He is having to re-learn it. This is not unusual for people who have high exposure to their L1 in early childhood that then tapers off. Like muscles, languages atrophy if not used regularly. I propose two scenarios that would have led to Will losing his grasp on Vo'lete.
Firstly, we could have a scenario incomplete acquisition. If Will was on the younger end of the spectrum when the Aether fell, he may have never been a fluent Vo'lete speaker at all. Young children take time to fully grasp a language. If a toddler is suddenly thrust into a scenario with no exposure to their L1, not only does their acquisition freeze due to lack of input, the language is not as solidified in their brain. The language would be vulnerable to loss. Will could have had a very rudimentary understanding of Vo'lete, and then forget almost all of it due to age and lack of use.
However, fully acquiring a language does not mean the fluency is permanent. If Will was closer to the 7 end of our age range, he would have had a near complete knowledge of the sound, structure, and grammar of Vo'lete. His only shortcomings would be in the vocabulary department. In this case, we would have a situation of attrition (loss of a language from a starting point of native fluency). Attrition is common amongst immigrants and their children. When the new, dominant L2 is already the only language used at work and school, it is very easy for it to become the default in the home as well. This would absolutely be the case for f!Will, as no one in the Overworld seems to be familiar with Vo'lete.
However, not all aspects of language are affected equally by language loss. Phonology, for example, is very difficult to lose. Even people who have a language spoken in the home that they never learn pick up some of that language's sounds. I don't know how much Vo'lete's phonology varies from English's. It can be hard to make out exact sounds when the only character who speaks Vo'lete aloud has a voice filter. But Will would have kept any sounds and sound-changing-processes in the back of his mind, even up to where we are now in the story.
Lexicon, on the other hand, is one of the first things to be lost to attrition. The first signs of attrition are consistently forgetting words from your L1, only being able to describe them in L2. Thankfully, it is one of the easier parts of language to re-learn, and Will seems well on his way to doing that, given his limited resources.
So yeah, there's some ideas relating f!Will to real-life manifestations of Bilingualism. I don't really have a neat ending for this. Sorry if there are any typos in here. I don't have time to proof-read it, as I have a class to get to in an hour. But I hope my unorganized ramblings were at least a little entertaining! Can't wait to get home this evening and have half of this post rendered irrelevant /lh.
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
Hello, A rover, A gambler, A libertine. I just wanted to say that I really love your blog and all the info you give on stage designing and outfit styling, and basically any other info you have to share about what work goes into making a performance/video look the way it looks. It's really informative and I always love food for brain so mwahhh thank youu.
That being said, I'm very new to the k-pop scene and even newer to being a SHINee fan, but I am already pretty deep down the hole and I absolutely adoreee them and your insight on them (specially Taemin) has made me appreciate them as artists sooooo much moree.
So if you don't mind could you share some thoughts about the Hard era styling? I would love to hear your thoughts on it!! I hope you're doing good <3
not the full government name slfjlskjdf you can just call me d! thank you for sticking around and reading 😊
as for the hard styling, i'm a fan! a lot of people have compared hard and dcm for various reasons (mostly negative ones bc they both are proving to be controversial shinee tracks) but i'm going use the comparison to talk about the styling bc i think the intentions were really similar, but hard was more effective. a thread that's been present in shinee's post military cbs is 'shinee twist on a modern industry trend', which is not a wrong way to go about anchoring cbs, especially since it does work as far as attracting new fans goes, but it does have a built in flaw where if the contemporaneous trends themselves don't have a strong thematic basis then............obviously trying to do any kind of twist on them takes a lot more conceptual work. this is the problem that dcm had; dcm was very much a 'look we can do what the kids do!' but what the kids were doing in late 2020/early 2021 was very formless and right before the crash of the 'fourth gen hardcore bg' trend, so it was a lot of disconnected but persistant loose threads from the entire fourth gen era that had culminated into a mush. so in the shinee's stylists' attempt to make some kind of sense of it they kinda also created a mush. but a different kind of mush. my hypothesis is that the stylists and creative team didn't want to commit seriously to a specific concept bc that wasn't on trend at the time, and so that's why dcm had several different promising ideas but then botched them all on the landing bc the creative team got cold feet about going against the grain for the first cb back in three years. personally i don't agree with their strategy bc there are a lot of flaws with dcm and the whole reality/fake reality concept ended up being racist when they could have very easily not done that, but the strategy DID work and it seems that the creative team were right about fans not being as interested in concept based cbs bc atlantis got paid dust. anyways.
how does this compare to hard? well, hard has the same ideological footing: shinee twist on a current trend. and the current trend this time is an actual concept! so already hard has an easier base to stand on because there IS something there thematically to work with. all the threads are very clearly anchored in the 'y2k' but the shinee twist is that it's more based in late 90s/early 00s hiphop, which is both sonically relevant and different from the hyperpop esque candy crush that a lot of the y2k stylings have become. the oversized shapes and loud logos are all prominent in early hiphop styling (and thus popular culture on a 5ish year delay), and elements like neon colours, layering unconventional garments together and repurposing military looks are all hallmarks of subculture fashion from the 00s, namely skater/emo/punk. the styling feels coherant and put together bc it's drawing from historical evidence (feels fucking WEIRD saying that about the 90s oof) and trends that did actually exist and were worn by real people. but of course with the typical kpop level of exaggeration, obvs.
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felixcloud6288 · 1 year
Fullmetal Alchemist Chapter 44 part 1
This chapter is secretly a mythology info-dump.
At the conclusion of Ed's investigation, he wanted to give a proper burial for the remains of his creation. He understands it's not his mother, but he still feels guilty that he made something only for it to suffer and die. It's the least he can do as an apology.
Now that Ed's been able to recontextualize what happened on that day, he's starting to gather information to form a new hypothesis. After confirming with Pinako that he and Al are Trisha's genetic children, Ed just says he was correct about the soul but still failed. He reaches out to Izumi about her attempt at human transmutation but she hangs up.
He and Pinako visit the Rockbells' graves. Ed tells Pinako about the people he met and likely passes their thanks to them. He hides how one of their patients killed them though.
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The image wasn't detailed enough for me to read the names on the gravestones, but the FMA wiki says the husband is Urey and the wife is Sarah. With that info, I could make out the writing does roughly match for Urey, but the wife seems to be spelled "Sala" instead.
Pinako tells Ed to tell Hohenheim Trisha's last words "I couldn't keep our promise."
I love the background bit started in chapter 42 where the hotel manager is getting increasingly annoyed with how Al and Winry can't pay their hotel bill because Ed is away. He's more happy to see Ed than Winry is and I'm so glad he's finally going to get paid.
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Ed's reaction to Al's condition after the Super Heist as well as seeing Lin and Lan Fan freeloading off him AGAIN is appropriate.
And now we get Ed building a new hypothesis. The details he and Al go over:
Humans consist of body, soul, and spirit
The spirit connects the body and soul
The body and soul are naturally drawn to each other
Al has memories from before the transmutation that Ed does not, and Winry can confirm they're true; meaning Al's soul is the real thing
Alphonse can still form new memories which means his brain must still be functional somewhere
Al saw his body being taken from him on that day and his soul was dumped into the body Ed and Al created.
That last point was an unexpected detail for Ed.
But Al's soul exists in the living realm and Ed was able to pull it in and bind it. That wouldn't be possible if Al had died during the Transmutation so his body is somewhere.
Then Izumi calls them and provides a second data point which aligns with Ed's experience. Human Transmutation cannot bring a person back to life, and Death completely cuts one off from the living realm.
Izumi made a family lineage tree when she wanted to confirm if she had transmuted her child and I just want to point out how lopsided the information was. One tree goes back three generations and includes a great-aunt or uncle. The other is just the parents.
I don't know if I'd rather assume Izumi has an expansive family history while Sig's just like "My parents moved here and never said nothing about their families", or if I'd rather assume Sig comes from a close-knit clan that's run that butchery for generations while Izumi was a rebellious child who ran away from home the first chance she got.
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Al and Izumi both take the news the way Ed did. They acknowledge what they did was wrong, but they weren't responsible for killing someone they loved. Like Ed, they can truly move forward.
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Ed and Al have a heart-to-heart about how to move forward. Ed's standing on the stairs causing them to be eye-to-eye and speak as equals.
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They no longer have to be on this journey as some act of penance. They did something wrong, but they didn't kill their mother. And Ed doesn't have to feel guilty for what's happened to Al. Despite what Al is, they've met other people whose bodies aren't fully human. And even though Al has a limited time until his soul is rejected by his armor body, it's no different from how people will die suddenly.
No more guilt. No more shame. No more repentance. They can stop. There is no longer anything forcing them to move forward against their will.
But Ed would like to one day see Al's smiling face and Al wants to stop being alone through the night. So even though they could stop their journey without regrets, they're moving forward because now they want to do it. And they finally have an idea of how to reach their goals.
Ed's entire demeanor has changed. He walks with a greater confidence and Winry notices.
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When they started their journey, Ed and Al likely thought they'd need to perform a correct Human Transmutation to restore Al's body. They sought the Philosopher's Stone thinking it was needed to pull that off. But now they have a completely different understanding. They won't need to rebuild Al's body. It still exists somewhere. So even though they're starting over, they're already closer than they've ever been because they can be certain they can find Al's body.
I got too into drama-posting. There's still more to this chapter and I haven't gotten to all my thoughts and details on it. And I promised a discussion on the chronology thing too.
I'm just going to make a part 2.
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laocommunity · 1 year
Pearl Lowe: My ADHD diagnosis gave me a new perspective on addiction
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Pearl Lowe: My ADHD diagnosis gave me a new perspective on addiction Pearl Lowe: My ADHD diagnosis gave me a new perspective on addiction Meta-description: Pearl Lowe reflects on how being diagnosed with ADHD gave her a new understanding of addiction and how it relates to the neurodivergent community. Introduction Pearl Lowe, the British fashion and textiles designer, mother, and wife of Supergrass drummer Danny Goffey, is no stranger to overcoming challenges. In recent years, she has been vocal about her struggles with addiction, which she now sees in a new light since her diagnosis with ADHD. In this article, we explore Pearl Lowe's journey with addiction, her ADHD diagnosis, and the new perspective it has given her. Pearl Lowe's Addiction Struggles Pearl Lowe's addiction struggles began when she was a teenager in the 1980s and became increasingly involved in London's club scene. As she told The Guardian in 2020, her early drug use quickly spiraled out of control and started to affect her personal and professional life. "I was in a really dark place," she said. "I wasn't being creative. I wasn't doing anything really except partying all the time. I was lost." Despite several attempts to get sober, Lowe struggled with addiction for years, even as she built a successful career in fashion and textiles. It wasn't until 2009, when she quit alcohol, that she was finally able to get clean and stay that way. Pearl Lowe's ADHD Diagnosis Lowe's journey with addiction took on new meaning in 2020 when she was diagnosed with ADHD. As she wrote in a column for the Sunday Times, the diagnosis explained a lot about her past struggles with addiction and helped her understand her brain in a new way. "I started reading up on ADHD and realized it affects every aspect of your life," she wrote. "It helped me understand why I struggled with addiction for so long and why I had always been so disorganized." Since her diagnosis, Lowe has been open about how it has changed her life. She now takes medication to manage her symptoms and has become an advocate for ADHD awareness, particularly for women who often go undiagnosed. The Link between ADHD and Addiction For many people, including Lowe, the link between ADHD and addiction is a complex one. One theory is that individuals with ADHD may be more prone to impulsivity, which can lead to risky behaviors like substance abuse. Another hypothesis is that individuals with ADHD may use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate their symptoms and help them focus. While this may provide temporary relief, it can also lead to addiction and other negative health outcomes. Studies have shown that people with ADHD are at a higher risk of developing substance abuse disorders than the general population. However, with proper treatment and support, it is possible to manage both conditions and achieve a sustainable recovery. FAQs about ADHD and Addiction Q: Can ADHD be a gateway to addiction? A: While having ADHD itself does not cause addiction, individuals with ADHD may be more prone to developing substance abuse disorders due to impulsivity and difficulties with self-regulation. Q: How common is it for people with ADHD to struggle with addiction? A: Studies have shown that people with ADHD are at a higher risk of developing substance abuse disorders than the general population, but not all people with ADHD will struggle with addiction. Q: Can medication for ADHD help with addiction? A: Some studies have shown that medication for ADHD can help with addiction by reducing impulsivity and improving cognitive function. However, medication alone is not a cure for addiction and should be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment. Q: Is it possible to have ADHD and not realize it? A: Yes, it is possible to have ADHD and not realize it, especially for women and individuals with less severe symptoms. ADHD often goes undiagnosed and untreated, which can lead to a range of negative outcomes including addiction. Q: What are some common misconceptions about ADHD and addiction? A: One common misconception is that people with ADHD are weak-willed or lack self-discipline, which is not true. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the brain's executive functioning and can lead to difficulties with impulse control and decision-making. Q: How can family and friends support someone with ADHD and addiction? A: Family and friends can support someone with ADHD and addiction by providing emotional support and understanding, helping them access treatment and resources, and encouraging them to seek professional help. Conclusion Pearl Lowe's journey with addiction and her recent ADHD diagnosis offers a new perspective on the complex relationship between these two conditions. It highlights the importance of understanding the underlying factors that can contribute to addiction and the need for effective treatment and support. By sharing her story and becoming an advocate for ADHD awareness, Lowe is helping to break down stigmas and promote greater understanding of these conditions. Pearl Lowe: My ADHD diagnosis gave me a new perspective on addiction. #HEALTH Read the full article
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An Inquiry Into Intelligence, Pleasure, and Morality
What follows is an inquiry into the relationships between pleasure-seeking, pursuit of happiness, morality, and intelligence, of individuals. In it I posit a certain correlation between intelligence as applied to the pursuit of pleasure and moral standards which are generally regarded as admirable. As with most great, useful, or obscure thoughts, it was a shower which occasioned me to dwell upon this one, though the thought builds upon thoughts I have had throughout my life, books I have read, and lectures I have heard.
Hedonists believe that pleasure is the ultimate good. I suggest that maybe that's not so, but offer a counterargument which is rather attractive to the stance of hedonists:
Neuroscience has demonstrated to us that brains are generally designed to optimize for regularity, such that they find occasional or sustained pleasure, maintain some calm internal order, and always attempt to avoid pain. The various measures of the propensity for success of maintaining that state can be called measures of intelligence.
In addition, the alignment of the state (of being, of the circumstances surrounding the individual, of the world) which is associated with this pleasure, calm, and non-pain, is then the morality of the individual: it is the particulars of what they do or seek, in order to maintain pleasure, which can be thought of as what they value. Their most deeply held values, I submit, are called their morals. An individual could be seeking anything and still attain pleasure from it, and this would be that individual's own morality, but the actual morality, in a normative sense, of their values or their actions is left to a subjective judgement of these by the speaker.
Some people, including myself, will argue that the moral character of someone playing a long enough game, that is to say applying his intelligence to a broad enough scope of time, of aspects of his being, and of aspects of the world around him, in the pursuit of his own happiness, will necessarily be a good one; whereas short-term players are more apt to be any of many different, disparate, and often tenuous moral stances, as various as there are various strategies to achieve pleasure in a specific setting or ways to complete a small task. One does not need to be a saint to partake in the delicious bread in front of his face and receive its sustenance, both mental and nutritional. To rephrase, a high degree and breadth of intelligence, applied merely to the state of simply being a human for a significant amount of time, will tend to result in what I and many others would call strong moral standing, specifically foresight, understanding of others, cooperation with others, understanding of oneself, integrity, value of human life (both oneself and others), discipline, wisdom, compassion, and humility. These are generally the standards of ethical humanism, of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, and of a great deal of other popular religious and moral sentiments. And also to reiterate, the inverse is also true: insufficient intelligence or breadth of intelligence, or the application thereof, to long-term success, will tend less toward these moral inclinations, but will not necessarily exclude them.
There are peculiar limits to this hypothesis. The description of intelligence of a person is composed of a multiplicity of amount-weighted aspects (and even sub-aspects within those aspects), often shared or interrelated, the total numerosity of possible sets of which is effectively infinitely large. In set theory, one would say the cardinality of the set of all possible skill sets - the cardinality of the skill set space - is effectively infinite. The specific description of intelligence required to land on the aforementioned moral standard, or happiness strategy, if you will, which is generally accepted as admirable, depends of course on individual circumstance, and one may be very intelligent in one area while lacking heavily in a key area to arrive at the morality expected of my hypothesis. Further, the incentives and information available to the individual whose strategy is in question must also play a vital role in her propensity to arrive at this admirable happiness strategy, and in order to arrive at the performance of activities which advance the state of the world she affects toward betterment. This is betterment in the eyes of my and many others' systems of morality, the actions taken which lead to which we may, for the purposes of this essay, refer to as simply "beneficial activity". For example, there are incentives in public choice, and in other precarious social arrangements, which allow for the unnaturally high prevalence of happiness strategies which lead to the exact opposite of the betterment of society, as it incentivizes destruction and coercion. Antony Davies, a professor of public choice economics, has some helpful videos which illustrate these incentives and their results on broader society.
The extent of beneficial activity stemming from self-interest with even meagre intelligence may be understood to be far more reaching in scope and in impact than a person who is not yet enlightened in the science of economics would predict. A myriad of economics books and essays exist which can shed light on that. One may start with Milton Friedman in tandem with any introductory economics textbook that covers price theory and wealth creation. On the other hand, an individual's intelligence or understanding of the world, being a strong limiting factor to this beneficial activity, is especially critical for the individual in question to understand. This is because he, though smart and capable, cannot understand everything well enough to exact his particular morals on the universe in absolute terms, let alone how to produce a single quality product without extensive open-minded research. Who here knows how to craft a pencil from raw materials only? Such understanding of one's own limitations or potential limitations is a skill that falls under the category of intelligence aspects. It is variously called humility, reasonable doubt, uncertainty (in a purely logical sense), reservation of judgement, or objectivity: it is the capacity to reserve judgement when one cannot prove for logical certainty whether something is true or false. This skill is required of essentially all beneficial activity in any capacity, and is required also of the success of any complex task such as engineering problems, communication, and deciding when to cross the street. It is required even when one is almost certain but not quite. When this capacity to doubt is abandoned in favor of heuristics and assumption, severe unintended consequences result. Limitations on one's understanding of things and of other people are discussed at length in Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments. It is one of the crucial points of economics, of diversity, and of chaotic and complex adaptive systems, that one does not go mucking about with forceful manipulation of multifaceted and diverse individuals, expecting to bend them to his will (for society or otherwise), unless he is so stupid as to not know that people are different and might actually know better than him how to handle their own lives, or he is quite bent on the destruction of everything those people value, destruction of diversity itself, and ultimately, if he is intelligent enough to realize it, his own destruction. Very commonly, both stupidity and the readiness to sanction needless destruction go hand in hand in the same person. The easiest place to look for examples is Congress.
I leave it to the reader to dive into these references, as they discuss in greater detail and with more clarity than I can here muster. Cheers!
This essay is also on my new blogstack:
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the-three-idiots · 2 years
Tales of thedas: Epilogue #3 Peoples of old
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The silent lands, formerly the Brisban wildlands. 
It was once a vast farmlands with an academy led by both Asuran and inquisition tutors, the two factions having resolved their differences. Lady Taimi, high councilor of the arcane council, negotiated the treaty that brought the two together.
The academy brought about many inventions that revolutionized the world, portable ley batteries, the information crystals and it even found a cure for lady Taimi’s degenerative condition. They were quite ahead of their time.
But that’s all gone now, the academy now an empty shell of its former self.
Me and Master Raim have set up camp inside the ruins, its construction was made from a technique of Canthan origin. Quite sturdy for a building of its age. We are just exploring, seeing if there are any other tomes, books or crystals to find.
“Limb regeneration theory?” Master Raim asks
“We have a second edition in the archives, submitted by Doctor Elly, college of medicine.” I reply
“Matter transport disorders professor Renan Ragecaller?” He says aloud
“Which field?” I inquire
“Asura matter transporter gates.” He replies
“Keep it.” I say
He throws the book towards me and I catch it. Faded blue cover with gold text on the front, the spine is not too bad. Paper has been covered in an Canthan protection charm, which stops the pages from rotting so easily. 
I put the book in my bag, stand up and walk over to Master Raim.
He picks an old Asuran pad, an older model to the ones in Rata Sum. I turn it on and it’s written in Asuran. 
“Brain digitalisation?” He remarks
The data here is truly fascinating, of course, it would take far smarter than me to truly understand this all.
“Using large information crystals, the hypothesis presented by the college of synergetics proposes the digitalization and storing of the mind. Currently being reviewed by the Brisban academy and the arcane council.” I read aloud
“Store a mind? Can you do that?” Master Raim asks
“Maybe, it depends how big the crystal is I suppose.” I postulate
“I wouldn’t need a big crystal then.” He jokes
We both laugh as we look at the pad.
Hypothetically, There is only one crystal formation large enough to be able to attempt such a feat, though I haven’t been there for years. The body impressions alone in that place give me the heebie-jeebies.
I really have to stop learning words from Master Raim.
“Who wrote it?” Master Raim asks
“Master engineer Carvhis, there’s a familiar name.” I reply
I put the pad in my bag, and signal Master Raim to follow me.
We walk down to the basement and towards a large door that has an arcane inscription inscribed onto it. I stand next to the door and look at Master Raim, he is looks puzzled.
“What’s wrong with master Raim?” I inquire
He points to the door.
“There’s no handle.” He states 
I point to the arcane inscription.
“Remember what I taught you from the Meade scrolls.” I remind him
He nods and grabs his journal from his bag, opens it and turns a few pages.
“De crisis pet unki.” He speaks aloud.
The door remains where it is.
“Remember, Master Meade wrote this so it could be said by someone with a southern accent” i remind him
“Dep Cr’sis pep un-Yunki.” he repeats 
The door dissolves as the arcane inscriptions glow. We both walk into a medium-sized brick room with two beds, a bookshelf and a wall completely covered in old drawings, both from an adult and a child.
Master Raim puts his bag on the chair before investigating the drawings.
“It's been about 19 winters since I have been here last. I have certainly missed this place.” i remark
“Why so long?” he inquires
“I was hoping to come here a bit sooner but, a little sylvari got in the way.” i jest
“Oh sorry.” apologizes Master Raim
I sit on the biggest bed, finally, its my time to sleep in it. The last time I was here, my father was still alive. If only he could see me know with Master Raim
“I jest master Raim.” I reply
He sits down on the bed, he sits on the edge
“Can I ask you something?” inquires Master Raim
“Speak your mind.” I retort
He looks nervous,
“Why did you raise me?” he asks
A difficult question but with recent trips and Rata Sum still in our minds, I suppose it was a matter of time.
“I’ll be honest with master Raim. Initially, I didn’t.” I answered
He looks up at me, shocked but nods in acceptance. 
This however, is not the hard part of this conversation.
“I had a wife and child before I met you.” i reveal
He looks back up in surprise, I have never told him that before.
“Ayna and Reilly, We traveled the world, continuing the work our fathers set before us. One day, while going into the Lion's Arch ruins when we were attacked by drakes, last of a dying breed. We were backed into a corner, Ayna was killed. As for Reilly, I have to assume he was dragged away by the drakes.
He looks at me with a raised eyebrow
“You don’t sound angry.” Master Raim states
He’s right, I wasn't. I had made peace with what happened that day a long time ago.
“There is a hole in my heart where they once were but their deaths weren’t out of malice but out of desperation from dying animals. I can’t be angry at how the world is.” I state.
He nods.
“The day I found you was unexpected and by my own admission, I was not fit to be your guardian. Physically I was fine but my mind was not my own but by the time I managed to find another librarian, Guardian Icarthus. I found myself unable to let go of you.” i explain
It was a half-truth, Master Raim, who was a baby, had held my pinkie finger for three days. His tiny hands were strange to me, i had never seen a sylvari before and I’m probably the first to ever come across a sylvari baby.
The sylvari kind of old was born as fully formed adults, I found Master Raim in a pod of sorts, a mechanical one.
“In truth, after looking after you for six weeks. I had grown quite attached to you, I couldn’t bear to let you go.” I explain
“Was I a replacement?” He asks
In one sense, Master Raim is right but over the years, I have come to see him as completely different to my daughter.
“No, you were an unwanted burden I was willing to take.” I reply
I think I may have overstepped and told him too much-
“I wish you had called me something cool like Pyrax or Stormageddon?” He jests
I must admit, I did let out a small laugh.
“Your name was written on your birthing pod, I assume it was your name anyway.” I explain 
Master Raim crosses his legs, he looks at me with a gentle smile.
“I always wondered, you know, if you were a dad.” He states.
“Thank you for understanding master Raim.” I reply
Master Raim nods, he lies back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. He raises an eyebrow.
“What’s that on the ceiling?” He asks
The other reason I brought him here. The ceiling is covered in paint, a giant art piece with contributions from hundreds of people. Me and my father helped preserve it. It may not be historically important but it’s important to me.
“A mural from those before.” I state
I point to some of the figures and writing on the mural.
“Paint, from hundreds of people, Mostly couples, leaving their mark in this room. People like Eos Starshade, Akura Demonleaf, Maiwen Da La Nuit And many others. What your seeing is the human side, turn the lights off and…” I stop as I snap my fingers.
The lights turn off and the mural lights up, the darkness reveals the bioluminescent qualities of the paint. Every race had its own way of adding to the mural. The sylvari added glow-in-the-dark paint.
“Why use that type of paint? Master Raim asks
“Every race has its own artistic ways. Char uses knives, norn uses blood, asura uses crystal-based paint.” i explain 
The history of any people is important but culture and art is something people don't appreciate as much.  I needed Master Raim to see this because it is important to me to also have a safe place so I could tell him who I used to be.
I just hope he doesn't think less of me, he hides his feelings from me pretty well. Though I know he is hiding them, I will not push him. He has learned a lot these last few weeks, I just want him to be able to relax for a while. I wish I could as well.
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soupjug · 2 years
can i like not dream about him? thanks
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reidsnose · 4 years
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overview: spencer has a new upstairs neighbor who arrives at the same time as the BAUs newest agent
genre: fluff
a/n: this one isnt very romantic but i think its cuteee and could definitely maybe have a part two or something if yall want so lmk what you think :)
Spencer could not stand his new upstairs neighbor.
she had moved in a few months ago. he had never met her (he assumed she was a girl based on the fall of her footsteps and the music she would sometimes blast) but she always seemed to be up when he was getting home from a case. infact, she was always home when he was and she paid absolutely no heed to her downstairs neighbor when she was walking around at 2 in the morning. not that Spencer could sleep anyway, but if he could, it would be exponentially more annoying.
he assumed she was some sort of first responder, maybe a nurse or doctor, because she had incredibly weird hours. or maybe she had no job, or worked from home. after all, he had never seen her and he had no proof of whether she was home when he was not.
he would come to work and occasionally complain to the team about her, how she was walking around and keeping him up.
"why don't you knock on her door and ask her to stop? thats what i would do but all my neighbors are quiet as a mouse." you offered, spinning nonchalantly on your chair one morning.
"yeah newbie is right. just ask her." morgan agreed.
"i cant do that! that would be rude." Spencer shook his head as he spoke.
you laughed, "think of it as being neighborly."
"i dont think telling someone theyre bothering you is very neighborly." he chuckled.
"bake her a cake that says 'kindly shut the hell up' in icing."
"i cant bake!" he whined
you laughed, ruffling his hair, "i dont know what to tell you. just suffer i guess."
he groaned, stifling a smile at the obscurity of your sentence. or maybe at the entire essence of your being. you could always make him smile, and that was a difficult thing to do. you had only been welcomed to the team a few months ago but in a matter of days he decided he probably liked you best on the whole team.
you definitely felt the same about him.
after some regular banter, everyone got to work, filling out and organizing old case files. paperwork days were a breeze for Spencer, almost therapeutic. writing up a report on a case and then being done with it, never having to think about it again after that.
you were breezing through work today as well, wanting to get home as soon as you possibly could. there was a new episode of your favorite show airing tonight and you did not want to miss it. and you had another reason.
theres is a rumor in your building about an elusive man that lives in the apartment below yours. all the old women on your floor always talk about him to you. they said he's rarely home, and when he is, you wouldn't know the difference. but he's very kind, often rushing to help them up the stairs or with groceries. and apparently, you always just miss each other by a matter of minutes.
so you've been trying to arrive home at different times, switching it up by a matter of minutes. but so far that hasn't worked.
when the clock struck 5pm you were ready to practically run out of the doors of the bullpen, excited to finally be on time to watch your show and maybe hopefully run into mystery man.
the team sent you confused glances as you rushed to stuff your belongings into your bag.
"my show!" is all you said explanation, as you slung your bag across your shoulder and speed walked out of the building, "bye guys!"
"she is something," prentiss chuckled after you left, sitting on the corner of your now empty desk.
"how does she have all that energy?" morgan laughed, shaking his head slightly.
"she takes her coffee/tea [ur coffee/tea order]. and she naps all the time." spencer's responded eyes glued to his computer screen. all eyes were now on him and his vast knowledge about you. he looked up and felt his face flush, "i- i think." he looked back at his computer in attempt to hide his embarrassment, "or maybe she just doesn't have an annoying upstairs neighbor keeping her up."
a couple of snickers followed as they dispersed back to their seats and began getting ready to go home as well. Spencer thought about his neighbor, wondering if he hurried home, maybe she wouldn't be there yet.
so he packed up and began heading out, hopping on the train and wondering if his hypothesis would be correct.
it wasn't.
when he got home he heard the rhythmic stomping of his upstairs neighbor dancing. he rolled his eyes; she was dancing to some short song that was likely the intro to a tv show. he sighed. there was no point in complaining now, it wasn't late at night and she turned down her tv volume once the song was done.
he collapsed exhausted on the couch, turning on some quiet piano as his eyes drooped closed.
your show finished after an hour and you started getting a little sleepy so you decided to take a nap on your couch.
you weren't sure how much time had passed but you woke up on the floor, your hip aching. you had fallen off of your couch in your sleep. you groaned as you sat up.
Spencer jolted awake at the sudden thud from upstairs, his eyes shooting open and his heart racing. he wasn't sure if he was more annoyed at the fact that she woke him up, or how she woke him up. but he felt bad, it sounded like a person falling. was she ok? what if she was hurt and he was sat here rolling his eyes about it? it was very late, his clock read 1:34am.
he was curious to meet her finally...and maybe going upstairs would make her more conscious and considerate of her poor, tired downstairs neighbor.
should he check on her?
you were startled by the knock at your door, glancing over at the clock and seeing how late it was. you cursed yourself for putting an obnoxious wreath on your door because it was covering your peep hole. you grabbed a baseball bat that you kept hidden under your table.
just as Spencer was about to walk away, the door opened and his eyes gazed up from the floor to finally see the face of his insufferable upstairs neighbor.
"Spencer? are you alright? come in. what are you doing at my house in the middle of the night?" you chuckled, tossing the baseball bat aside.
"no way.." he breathed in utter disbelief, looking around for a roommate that could be the one making all the noise.
"um...what?" you furrowed your eyebrows.
his mind moving a mile a minute and suddenly it all made sense. the music was the same as what you played in the car because it was your playlist. the steps were obviously female because they were yours that he'd often heard echo around the office. and you had never crossed paths because he took the train, and you took your car, so you would never leave at the same time. and you were always home when he was because you'd come back from cases at weird hours.
"i should have baked you a cake," he said finally breaking the silence.
you let out a confused laugh, "why?"
"so i could write 'kindly shut the hell up' on it with icing." he laughed as your eyes widened as your brain connected the dots.
"IM THE ANNOYING UPSTAIRS NEIGHBOR?!" your hand flew to cover your mouth, embarrassed at your volume level this late at night.
"i cant believe i didn't connect the dots!" he laughed, dumbfounded.
"wait.." your eyes grew impossibly wider, "if i'm you're annoying upstairs neighbor...that makes you mystery man!"
"mystery man?"
"can i explain tomorrow its like ass o'clock in the morning right now."
he laughed, "yes but only because someone woke me up from my nap."
"i was just being neighborly."
"mhm," he hummed.
you were sleepily staring at each other, dopey smiles complimenting the comfortable silence settling in the air. the sudden butterflies erupting in your stomach startled you into breaking the silence.
"goodnight Spencer," you whispered.
"goodnight y/n." he smiled, giving a small wave before heading down the stairs back to his own apartment.
ultra mega super cool taglist:
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @sonnydoesrandomshit @coffeereid-deactivated20210303 @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9
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