#so my mom and her boyfriend finished it themselves and made a complete house unit
gardenstateofmind · 2 years
idk maybe it's bc growing up i've always had family that has rental properties, but to me there's a difference between a landlord that's just some guy and real estate companies owned by millionaire investors
like it is without argument a huge privilege to actually own property, but like a working class family renting out their basement isn't bad to me
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billyspotato · 4 years
Stopping You - Michael Gray [Prologue]
I know I have requests to do but I hope you all understand. The idea of this story as been marinating in my mind for over 2 months, and I actually started writing it today.
If you’re still waiting for me to do your request, I’m done with my exams on my 21st, so until then... I probably won’t post anything.
Words: 1.558 words
Type: Mostly Angst
Warnings: Swearing. Probable misspelling. Some big hatred towards the characters Michael and Gina. There will be scenes of the show in here, but also some made up (this applies to all parts of this future story). No race of the reader is mentioned (therefore, anyone can read this as themselves). Female Reader. (Season 5 Spoilers)
[Prologue] [Part 1] [Part 2]
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A/N: Gif’s not mine :)
Michael was the name that would make you smile just by hearing it. Make you happy just by thinking about it. Make you feel those butterflies just by remembering who it belonged to.
Michael Gray was once the man that you promised to love unconditionally for the rest of your life. No matter what would happen, your heart would belong to him and him only. And so, did his. You two belonged to each other, and no one would even try to separate the two of you.
But that all ended one day. The day before Michael had to leave to go to the United States. Miles and miles away from you. And for God knows how long.
You two decided to continue your lives without being in a relationship with each other, and just like Michael said: “It’s just in case anyone wants to hurt you because of me. I don’t want you to be dragged into all this”. You agreed. It made sense. But it hurt.
You made Michael promise to never stop answering your calls or even making them. You even made a joke about you going to America just to teach him a lesson if he didn’t. You remember that Michael laughed at that with you. Showing his pearly white teeth with his perfect smile. Eyes full of love.
And everything went well after that.
Well, except for all the nights you cried yourself to sleep just by thinking of all the dangers Michael would face when he would set foot on the American soil.
And… Everything else after that.
Everything went downhill. The sweet Michael that always answered the phone at any time of day turned into the cold man that would continuously sigh over the phone when hearing your words to then just say “Honey, I’m working right now” or “I’m actually busy” or “I can’t talk today, I’ll call you when I can”.
At first those words made complete sense to you, he is only away from you because he is working for his family, his work must be pilling up after all these months of doing business. You understood it completely. And with that, you stopped calling.
The only objective into doing this was to not make Michael upset or even frustrated with your calls. You want him to be the member of the family that he aspired to be, and you refused to be the one to stop him.
By the time you completely stopped calling, calls would be more and more rare. It started with one call at the end of his day, which always woke you up, to one in two days, to one in a week, to one a month, and then… It stopped.
Once it reached the third month, you still didn’t call. You went to talk to Tommy, because maybe he could tell you something about Michael’s well being or even if he is alive. And Tommy confirmed it to you that he was more than fine, just working at his office.
Your last call was on the fifth month of silence. The first time you attempted to do the call, he didn’t pick up. Nor on the second, third, or fourth. But on the seventh and he did not sound happy.
Your tone started off sweet, as always, while his was filled with a slight arrogance and annoyance. As you tried to make conversation, Michael would give you short and direct answers.
It took some good minutes for you to stop your nice attitude and confront him about his absence, “Why didn’t you call me?”. “Because I have been working, you know that” He answered before letting out one of his notorious sighs at you. “All day? Did you ever leave the office?” You would ask him; concern came back to your voice as soon as that. And the conversation from then on was a complete and utter mess. Michael quickly became extremely annoyed and specifically told you about his frustration towards your constant concern.
And it all ended with “Well if I’m such a burden to you then maybe it’s better if we stop talking to each other”. Michael stayed silent after you said that, but he did answer. He answered an “Okay”.
That was when you finished that call. Tears already falling down your cheeks and sobs building up in your chest so rapidly that it felt that they were trying to rip through your chest and make you let it all out. Which you did. And it didn’t stop for days.
The first person to check on you was Polly. She found your lack of calls and lack of visits to her home, strange. She automatically felt that something was extremely wrong once she stepped foot at your front door. And when she welcomed herself in with Michael’s keys, she heard pure silence. No signs of life in that house.
Polly first thought that you weren’t even home at some point but that’s when something made her go into your bedroom, where she found you, awake and staring at the ceiling with no readable expression in your face.
You had no strength to get yourself up from bed, your eyes were red, face slightly swollen and your skin didn’t glow as it usually did. All of it caused by lack of sleep, food, water. Three things you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You were, even though completely silent, fighting a mental battle at every second of the day. And all of it was about whether or not it was your fault Michael had become the arrogant man he did.
Polly quickly ran over to you, cupping your face, letting her colds hands hit your warm cheeks and as your eyes met, Polly just asked “What did he do?”.
After Polly’s appearance, everything started to get better for you. She made sure you had company all the time. When she couldn’t be there because of meetings, she would call over Finn, since he was the only Shelby that wasn’t occupied. Making you and Finn start an amazing friendship (and no, there is absolutely no attraction between the two of you) in which you supported each other at all costs with everything.
The other Shelby brothers (and sister) started showing their concern towards you as soon as Polly started to seem worried in meetings, in which she had to leave you all alone at her house.
She knows what’s like to be in your all-time-low, and so does Arthur and Tom, and they do not want to see such a sweet and happy young woman experience such dark times, especially alone.
No one deserves it.
As you started to become healthier and healthier, Michael still didn’t call once. He did talk to Tommy and sometimes his mom on the phone, but they never told him about what he never asked: you.
Arthur then offered to bring you over to the Shelby’s meetings, even if you weren’t apart of the family, you and your parents, which are somewhere you don’t know, have been loyal to the Shelby’s, always. And maybe, meetings could have the same impact in you as they do on everyone: keep your mind occupied with business and almost never think about your personal life.
You accepted it, you came to the meetings but sat in silence, only listened. It did help. Michael stopped being on your mind on a daily basis, and when he did, you pushed him away.
One day, you gave your first observation in a meeting, which was welcomed by the Shelby’s with smiles or smirks, all of it because the meetings indeed worked, and also… You give really fucking good strategies and advice for the business.
After that, Tommy made you learn how to shoot a gun, which took some time, but once you got the hang of it… Good lord. Nobody wanted to challenge you into any shooting ‘contest’.
As you warmed up to the idea of being a part of the Shelby’s and the peaky Blinders, you definitely became one of their favorites. Some even called you the Peaky Blinders’ princess, which you believe it’s awfully cliché and over the top.
You did become one of the members that should always be present in any killing, meeting, dinner, etc.
You grew from this sweet and loving girl, who got destroyed over her first boyfriend, in which she trusted with her life; into this woman who learned how to use her beauty against others and then rapidly attack, making her one of the, if not, the most dangerous woman in Birmingham, a gangster who’s protect by the family of gypsies the world learned to fear and the assassin she learned to be.
People fear you. People fear your name. People fear the idea of you. And there’s no man who’s going to hurt you once more without experiencing the lethal consequences you swear to do.
But who’s going to stop you when Michael steps foot into that ship with his future American wife, ready to come back home after the incident that he caused? Who’s going to stop you when you’ll have to look at the blue eyes of the man that broke you? Who’s going to stop you?
Easy, just two options. Everyone or no one.
But who’s going to stop him?
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🌸✨Sorry, but I’m not writing in this account anymore. Go check out my new one @twinklelilstarkey✨🌸
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ificanthaveu · 5 years
A Baby’s Intuition || Shawn Mendes
Description: Shawn meets your family for the first time, but more importantly, he meets your baby cousins. 
A/N: honestly, Shawn with babies always got me feeling some type of way and I got a bunch of lil cousins so I had to write this before I combusted. 
Word Count: 2.3k
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“I’m nervous,” Shawn mumbled as his hands gripped the steering wheel tighter, if that was even possible.
“You’ve met almost half of them already. This really isn’t that big of a deal,” you say as you watch his jaw tense up for what felt like the twentieth time in the last forty-five minutes.
“But I haven’t met the babies,” he said like it was the most obvious thing and ‘how could you not remember that.’
“They’re babies, Shawn. Carson likes anyone who will play cars with him. Sammy likes anyone who will chase him around, which is actually incredibly dangerous, and I should really check with Steph to see if he’s still doing that because last time I saw her-“ you trailed off, thinking out loud, before Shawn interrupted you, nerves still laced in his voice.
“Right, anyway, and all that’s left is Adelaide who will love you forever if you let her eat your berries,” you finished as you clapped your hands together. “Easy as that.”
“But what if they cry.”
“Then their mom, dad or grandparent will scoop them up for two seconds, and they’ll be fine. You’re stressing over nothing, hun.” You were trying your hardest to soothe Shawn’s nerves, but it had been like this for a week now. Ever since he found out he’d be able to make it to your Grandpa’s eightieth birthday party this weekend with your mom's side of the family, he’d been freaking out. Sure, he’d met your parents, siblings and grandparents, but your cousins, aunts and uncles had been bugging you for months to bring him around. Apparently they weren’t too happy that they found out you were dating Shawn Mendes from Twitter instead of from you. You’d never hear the end of that one.
“Take a left here, babe,” you said as he almost missed the turn, completely ignoring his phone’s directions.
“What about your scary uncle?” He said pointing at nothing.
“Not that scary.”
“He looks pretty intimidating in all the family pictures.”
“The most intimidating thing he will do is talk your ear off about the time I proved him wrong in front of the whole family. Only thing you’ll be intimidated about is how damn smart I am.”
Shawn finally laughed a little as he pulled up in front of your grandfather’s house. Balloons stood at the end of the driveway. You could already hear a baby’s laughter and talking coming from the backyard. You were home.
Shawn parked the car and stayed sitting as he stared at the house in front of you two.
“Is your brother here yet?” He asked with hesitation in his voice, hesitation your family would definitely pick up on right when he walked through the gate.
“Nope, him and the rest of my family just left home. They’ll be here in an hour,” you said as you read the most recent text from your mom.
“So, you’re the only person I know here? And I’m going to have to stick to your side like we’re ‘that’ couple?” He rambled.
“You know my grandpa.”
“But he’s the man of honor. I can’t just sit and talk to him for the next hour straight.” He was talking himself into a hole he wouldn’t be able to dig himself out of. You opened up your door and grabbed the gift from the back before rounding the car to Shawn’s door and yanking it open.
“Are you seriously telling me that you’ve sang in front of multiple sold out stadiums, and you can’t hold a conversation with my aunt?” You asked as you gave him the look he’d been dreading. He finally shut the car off and got out, looking down at you.
“This better go well,” he whispered to you.
“It will,” you say as you cupped his chin and kissed his cheek. He leaned into your touch before you slowly pulled away. You held your hand out for him to take, and he grabbed it.
You could feel Shawn shaking as you push open the gate and your uncle’s family along with your grandpa looked up at the two of you. Their faces lit up instantly, and you were greeted with a chorus of “hello”s, “how are you”s and “we’ve missed you”s.
Carson was running up to you and into your arms as you threw him up in the air and then held him tightly to your chest. Shawn watched you with the most admiration he had ever had for you. The giggly three year old had been your best friend since he was born, and no matter what your brother said, you were definitely his favorite.
“Can you say hi to Shawn?” You whispered in his ear, just loud enough so that Shawn could hear it.
Carson looked over at him, just noticing the huge man you walked in with.
“Hi,” he mumbled shyly before wiggling out of your arms and back to his dad.
“He hates me,” Shawn whispered to you.
“He just met you. Simmer down.” You grabbed onto his hand and yanked him towards your family seated around the table. You pointed to each person at the table, introducing him to your uncle, aunt, cousins and your cousins’ husbands and girlfriends. They all politely smiled and waved as they kept glancing between the two of you, watching the way you look at him and the way he kept glancing at you.
Your uncle rounded the table, and you could feel Shawn’s hand squeeze yours before letting go and shaking your uncle’s hand. You took the free seat next to your cousin, and the two of you watched the interaction.
“Nice to finally meet you, Shawn,” your uncle said with a steady look on his face. You could see Shawn gulp.
“Great to meet you, too,” he said back.
“So, why haven’t we met you sooner?” Your uncle questioned. You didn’t prepare him for this question.
“Jack,” your aunt warned and gave him a look. Shawn had seen that look before. In fact, it was the same look you gave him not even ten minutes ago, and you’ve given it to him plenty of times. That was definitely your aunt.
“What? I’m just wondering,” he trailed off, losing his composure he had built up to meet “the boyfriend,” all taken down with that “[Y/L/N] girl look.”
Shawn finally loosened up a little as he laughed along with everyone else.
“I’ve been in Europe. I actually just got back into the United States a few days ago,” he explained.
Your younger cousin launched into a million questions about what it was like to travel so frequently, turning in between the both of you, knowing you had gone to visit Shawn multiple times. Shawn finally sat down in the chair next to you and rested his arm on the back of yours, intently listening to everything he had to say.
Shawn answered every question he could, turning the questions back to your cousin as well.
“I heard you guys went to New York recently. How was that?” He asked, turning to your aunt. She talked about the trip with your cousins occasionally chiming in. Your cousin’s girlfriend Myla tapped your shoulder and motioned for you to come with her. You slipped out of your chair and patted Shawn’s arm. He smiled softly uthe p at you before going back into conversation.
You followed Myla inside to grab some of the food still in the house. You let out a deep breath as you finished cutting the vegetables your aunt had abandoned.
“That nervous, huh?” She questioned you as she bumped her hip into you.
“You should’ve seen him,” you mumbled. “It’s all he talked about for the past week. I love you guys, but I never want to have to talk that much about you.”
Myla laughed at your response as she continued to unwrap food. You glanced out the window, and you swear your heart skipped a beat. Sammy was perched up on his mom’s lap as Shawn talked to him. Both of the boys had big smiles on their faces as Sammy laughed at everything Shawn said to him. He skillfully went between talking to Sammy and talking to your cousin.
“Damn, he’s better with Sammy than I am, and I’ve been here since before Sammy can remember,” Myla said as she joined you by the window. She looked over at you with a small smile on her face. “Looks like you both had nothing to worry about.” With that, she grabbed trays and made her way outside with you shortly behind her. By the time you got all of the food out, Shawn made his way to sitting on the grass and playing cars with Carson and Sammy. Adelaide watched them from your cousin’s lap as she tried to figure out who this guy was.
You scooped her up and joined the boys on the lawn. She cuddled into your shoulder, thumb in her mouth and looking in the opposite direction. You leaned your head against hers and squeezed her tightly. Shawn reached out and poked at her side. With her head still tucked into your neck, she glanced over at him. He had a little Spider-man doll in his hand, and he poked her with it as she giggled. Adelaide made her way to sitting in your lap and playing with the doll Shawn had handed her.
Your family arrived shortly after and greeted you and Shawn before dropping their stuff off inside. Your sister gave you a questioning look which you responded with a thumbs up and a nod. Everyone crowded around the table and filled their plates with food before dispersing themselves around the various chairs scattered around the yard.
You sat across from your cousin Kate and her husband Casey as Shawn discussed hockey with him. You filled Kate in on your most recent trip to visit Shawn and the schoolwork you’d been doing as well. You and her grabbed the boys’ finished plates and went to go clean them off.
“Does he have similar interests with every person he talks to?” She whispered to you. You shook your head slowly and laughed a little.
“It sure does seem that way, doesn’t it?” She finished scraping off the plates as you turned around and made your way back to Shawn. You stopped half way there and watched what was going on. Adelaide had made her way over by her new friend Shawn, pulled herself into his lap and had already eaten half of the berry tort your aunt had brought him a piece of. Every now and then, she picked up a berry with her messy hands and fed it to Shawn. He’d graciously take every piece with an expressive “thank you.”
Kate came up next to you and watched your boyfriend talk to her daughter like there was never a time he wasn’t in her life.
“The first time I brought Casey to a family event, Grandma came up next to me and told me that she could tell he was the one,” she said. Your heart dropped a little as you remembered how fond of Casey your Grandma was. She had passed away just a month before you met Shawn.
“Do you think she would’ve said the same thing about...” You trailed off. You’d thought about it time and time again. It had been nearly a year since you’d been together, and you couldn’t count how many times you’d tried to get through to heaven to ask your grandma her opinion on him.
“I think she would’ve disliked him just a little bit because she’d think he was too nice. That he’s got to have a bad side to him somewhere,” she said as you laughed. “But she would’ve loved him, and I know she’d want me to tell you that I think he’s the one.”
You turned your head quickly to look at her, but she was still watching Shawn and Adelaide. This was the answer you needed.
“They say babies know the true character of a person,” she said, still watching them. You looked back at them and saw Shawn lifting Adelaide up in the air and catching her as she giggled. Carson and Sammy watched close by, waiting for their turn to get tossed up into the air. You looked back at your family around the table. Your aunt caught your eye and winked at you, and your grandfather gave a smile and a nod.
Your cousin’s hand rested on your shoulder as she squeezed you softly. “He’s going to be a great dad.” She walked away before you even had a chance to respond. You stayed standing there for a while, thinking about everything Kate and Myla had talked to you about.
“Hey,” Shawn said as he appeared in front of you. You blinked a few times before smiling at him and reaching for his hand. “I think they like me.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the sure smile on his face. Before you could say you agreed, your dad had started singing Happy Birthday, and everyone joined in. You ended up around the table with Sammy pressed between you and Shawn as he kept a small, chubby arm around each of you. You gripped onto his small waist as Shawn kept his arm around yours. You watched Shawn throw his head back with laughter at something your uncle had said.
You made eye contact with Kate across the table, and she glanced at Shawn before smiling at you. A smile that was definitely your grandma’s.
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lamortexiii · 4 years
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Cryptic Mystic: Ouija & You
We’ve all heard of ouija boards. Maybe you played with one as a kid. Maybe you come from a place where they are forbidden. Why do certain cultures view this divine board as deserving of high praise, while others are terrified of it? Maybe you should be terrified, or maybe… if you know what you’re doing and you’re careful... you may have found exactly what you’re looking for. Get ready to explore the catacombs of ouija stemming from its origins to what we know it as today. Strange encounters, myths, mediums, and tales of yore; we will dive into some of the mysterious happenings that surround the Ouija board.
Before the Ouija board there was the “talking board.” The talking board is a descendent of automatic writing, also known as psychography, in which a person thought to have psychic abilities is able to write words without consciously thinking about it. Automatic writing can be traced back to China as early as 1100 AD. The Chinese termed this activity “fuji” or “planchette writing.” A planchette is the heart-shaped tool used as your guide when engaging with a Ouija board. Similar practices have been found in various countries around the world.
During the spiritualist movement of the late 1800s mediums began using this technique as a part of their ritualistic practices. This became especially popular with those who had lost loved ones during war and those who had served in the war and lost combat buddies. Due to the skepticism of legit mediumship, talking boards slowly became associated with part of this skepticism.
A businessman from Baltimore, Maryland named Elijah Bond discovered talking boards one day and decided to make a patent on the boards and planchettes, turning them into the “family fun game” we know today as sold by toy companies. His patent was granted in 1891, and the mass manufacturing of talking boards began. The name “Ouija board” and its origins are up for speculation. One story from one of the manufacturers of the original boards said that he learned the name “Ouija” by using a talking board, and that he was told this means “good luck” in an ancient Egyptian language. After his experience he began terming the boards as Ouija boards, and that is supposedly how we know them today. Another story suggests that an employee of Bond named William Fuld coined the name Ouija from a combination of French and German words for “yes.” The actual origin of the name is a mystery, but these are the most popular stories that have been passed down from generation to generation. To be completely honest, I always thought there was a cool story behind the term. Nope,  just boring old businessmen trying to make a quick buck. *hard eye roll*
Scientists have an explanation for the phenomenon that takes place whenever someone engages with a Ouija board. Their theory is that the movement of the planchette across the board is caused by an ideomotor response. This is a psychological response in which someone makes movements unconsciously. The unconscious mind is thought to produce answers in a way that psychologists call a dissociative state. A dissociative state is one in which consciousness is somehow divided or cut off from some aspects of the individual's normal cognitive, motor, or sensory functions. Many studies have shown that participants move the planchette around the board themselves involuntarily. Don’t ask me how they measure an involuntary movement versus a voluntary one - I don’t know. I have to challenge this theory, as there is much we do not know about the world around us, and the many worlds around this one. In the early 1900s as research continued to be conducted on this phenomenon, many more skeptics surfaced as Ouija boards were used by con-artists for financial gain. This progressed to Ouija boards being associated with cults in the 1970s. If you were seen using a Ouija board in that time you may be thought to be a “devil worshiper,” because Christians began to spread the word that whenever people were using these boards they were talking to demons rather than entities from another realm. In more recent times, Ouija boards have been burned alongside Harry Potter books as being considered witchcraft.
I have a few noteworthy encounters with Ouija boards that I feel are important to share with you. The first was when I was about 12 years old. I was at a friend’s house. We used the board in their home between 5 of us. Most of the kids were goofing off and not taking it seriously, so I lost interest. That is, until my friend’s younger brother started freaking out. A terrified look spread across his face as he told us that he had seen a dark figure pass behind us in the room. We all thought he was joking, but then he got up and started screaming. Because of all of the commotion, my friend’s mother noticed what we were doing and ordered that we take the board out of the house immediately. We weren’t supposed to have the Ouija board in her house, but one of the kids had managed to sneak one in. Two of the kids that had brought the board to the house left with the board and took off down the street. My friend’s little brother followed them. My friend and I hung back for a few minutes, but then decided to take a walk around town. As we got to the end of the alley that was beside her house we noticed her brother and the other two kids by the soda machine at the corner store. There was a small fire burning in front of them. Within the fire was the Ouija board. My friend screamed at them, “what the fuck are you doing?!” We were both a little upset that they were going to the extreme of burning it. Her brother told us it was his idea after what he had seen in their house, and that he was not joking with us. We let them be, and continued to walk around town for about an hour. When we got back to her house I couldn’t believe my eyes. On the front porch sitting on the edge of a bench was the Ouija board in perfect condition. There were no burn marks, scratches, or dirt. It looked as though it hadn’t been touched. We immediately went to my friend’s brother and our other two friends who were playing video games in his bedroom. My friend begged to know what kind of trickery they were pulling on us. They swore they didn’t trick us and that they had burnt the board and threw the small remnants in a dumpster. No one ever figured out how the Ouija board ended up in perfect condition back at their house, but my friend did end up keeping it under her bed to hide it from her mom. We would bring it out every now and again, just not in front of her brother.
Another time, when I was 13 I was at another friend’s house. She lived with her mother and her boyfriend in the projects. There was a spare bedroom in their unit that her older sister had used to stay there for a while before she got another place to live. One day when I was hanging out at my friend’s place she asked me if I wanted to break out her Ouija board. I knew that she was big into witchcraft and dark arts, and she was a good friend, so I trusted her judgement. This was much different than the time with my other friends because this time it would be just me and this friend, and she was familiar with her Ouija board. While I was there I remember she made a circle of salt around us, and dropped some sort of oils around while she recited an incantation. She called this “blessing the board,” and said it would protect us from anything evil that may be present. Shortly after we started we got a hit. We talked to a man who said he was murdered in the 1800s and thrown in a nearby creek. The reason he was murdered is because he was accused of sleeping with a married man’s wife. He claimed he was innocent. When he died he was in his 20s. He was a local to the area. After we were done talking with him, my friend closed the board and did a different incantation before we were finished. It was an interesting experience that gave me goosebumps. This experience was much better than my initial one. I did question whether or not my friend was moving the planchette, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt and trusted that she wasn’t and that the experience we had was a legit encounter with something not of this world.
Personally, I believe there is something more to Ouija boards that is powerful. I believe Ouija boards to be yet another mysterious unknown that we only know a fragment about. Think about it - where do ideas come from? What or who planted the seed for this thought; this idea that spiraled into what we know today as the Ouija board. If you notice, it came in stages and progressed into the modern board that we know today. Some documentaries have made mention of the ancient Egyptians holding key knowledge to how this world and other worlds work, and that this gift was bestowed on them from the Gods or “sky people.” One of the theories of how the Ouija board got its name has potential origins in ancient Egypt. Could it be that other life forms set this idea into motion all of those years ago, knowing what automatic writing would eventually turn into? Could it be that the power that we experience when engaging with a Ouija board is somehow related to extraterrestrials? Is this why there is a strong emphasis on the sun, moon, and stars within the drawings and carvings surrounding Ouija board decor? One thing is for certain, there is much more to the Ouija board than meets the eye. This practice has been around for thousands of years. We would be foolish to not at least question the “what if’s” that surround some of the mysteries of its origin and capabilities. As I always say, at the end of the day you choose what you want to believe.
Cryptic Mystic Blog by PsychVVitch
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tyrustrash · 4 years
Going Down in The White House
The White House has always been a place for shit to go down, literally. With everything that has happened, history likes to repeat itself. For example, the live broadcasts the president gives whenever some major world news breaks out, or the signing of a new bill that will probably help the country. Perhaps one of the most infamous moments of White House wouldn’t have crossed people’s minds since it was an embarrassing and a total what-the-fuck moment. A damn blowjob. Come on, no pun intended, it was a complete gag, again, no pun intended, that moment happened. Out of all the places they could’ve gone, it doesn’t make sense why it was done in the Oval Office. Maybe the floor wasn’t hard on the knees, or they just wanted to say they’ve gotten it on in that room. Whatever the case might be, history is bound to repeat itself and that’s what Alex and Henry wanted. They wanted to make some history, huh. Alex stands in the corner of the office as he watches his mother handle some paperwork for an upcoming conference. She is planned to gather with other world leaders to discuss a new treaty that would potentially end all threats and would cause peace. She’ll go down as the best president if the conference is successful. Not even a few months into her reelection and she’s making progress that others have dreamt of doing. She’s proud of her accomplishments so far, but each one brings more and more stress. Alex can barely handle it himself, and he’s not even doing any hard work. All he has to do during this process is be her support system, be her errand boy, and stand to the side next to Henry and look cute for the purpose of demonstrating that nations can be united, although those two are more united than the other countries wanted to be. Speaking of which, their relationship for the past few months has been stronger, and hornier, than ever. The two made sure to be in attendance at every broadcast and public event that has been held, showing that it is possible for countries to be at peace, and to give updates about their relationship because the world wanted to know how the first son of the president and a prince can hold a relationship. Questions included if they plan on getting married, if they want kids, if Alex plans on running for president and hoping Henry becomes king to that they can be the ultimate power couple. They enjoyed answering the lighthearted and simple questions, however, they wanted to completely ignore the damn tabloids that wanted nothing other than to hurt them and make them look bad. There were still skeptics that thought their relationship is just a cover-up for the US and the UK to take over the world, or that they were only pretending to date to someone take advantage of the citizens, which didn’t make sense but somehow idiots believe it. So much negativity can get to them at times, but they keep telling themselves to ignore it because the only thing that matters is their happiness. Right now, their happiness is through the rough, and about to be through their pants if they can’t control themselves. Henry is standing to the left of Alex with his hand rubbing Alex’s back and is making its way down. Although there are plenty of people in the room, including the president herself, it made it even more of a turn on. The couple realized they had a thing for physical flirting in public, as long as it didn’t go too far and didn’t get caught. This moment is definitely one of their riskier times, but it will be so worth it once they leave and get an empty room all to themselves. Henry’s hand slides down Alex’s back and reaches the top of his ass. The sensation sends tiny bursts of tingles throughout Alex’s body. All Alex can do is place his hands over the raging boner that’s growing in his tight silver dress pants. Henry notices and uses his free hand to pull Alex’s hands away, resulting in an angry, yet pleasurable, groan from his boyfriend. Henry takes one of Alex’s hands and holds it. Without waiting any longer, Henry continues his trail and his other hand lands in the middle of Alex’s ass. Giving it a firm pat, Alex can’t help himself to jolt a little from the pleasure. “Damn you, you little tease,” Alex whispers as he attempts to hide his boner again, but Henry doesn’t allow him. “What can I say,” Henry starts saying as he feels his boyfriend’s ass and squeezes it every few seconds. “I know this gets you worked up, which will end up with me fucked up.” Alex lets out a deep huff, knowing Henry’s right. The more Henry restricts him during this, the harder Alex will go when the actual start fucking. Either way, it’s a win-win situation. “I got to do something,” Alex says. “Please, baby, mi amor, let me do something.” Henry grins as he swats Alex’s ass again. He moves his hand to the front of Alex’s pants and gently rubs his boner, causing a staggering moan. “I wanna do something else.” Alex’s eyes widen as he looks around the room. Luckily, no one is watching. “Babe, right now? We can’t. We can’t just leave. What if my mom needs us for something?” “Well,” Henry starts saying as he continues rubbing Alex’s cock. Alex feels as though he might burst. “Perhaps we can wait until this little part is over. Shouldn’t be too much longer.” “I hope you’re right.” He isn’t. Alex continues to be in a state of semi-ecstasy for another hour while waiting for his mother to finish. All the while, Henry continues to be the damn tease that he is and makes Alex suffer some more. He dips his hand into Alex’s pants and kneads his ass like pizza dough, almost making Alex produce some sauce from the friction caused by his pants. While making sure no one is looking, Henry maneuvers his hand to the front and rubs Alex’s dick. He feels the precum start to come out and uses it to help guide his hand. Alex can barely hold himself back from making the loudest moan he has ever made. Unfortunately, he does too loud. One of the secretaries hears his moan and turns her attention to the two. As if he were The Flash, Henry quickly removes his hand and places it behind his back, so that she doesn’t she the residue. Letting out a sigh as the secretary goes back to work, Henry deviously grins. He caresses the back of Alex’s head; he plays with the end of his ear and leans in. “That was so fucking hot.” “We almost got caught!” Alex whisper yells. “I don’t want to know what would’ve happened if we were.” “That’s the thrill of it.” Henry slowly and seductively traces his finger across Alex’s chest. When he reaches his nipple, he gives it a little flick, sending body-aching levels of desire throughout his body. Everything about this moment makes Alex more impatient. The more he waits, the harder it is to control his thoughts of slamming Henry face down on the table and fucking the life out of him until they both make the White House even whiter. After waiting longer than they had hoped, Alex and Henry finally have the Oval Office for themselves. They made up a completely bullshit excuse about wanting to have their own meeting about military funds as a way of them being allowed to stay in. They were shocked that it had worked, but they weren’t going to complain, mainly since their mouths will be full. Henry sits on top of the desk with his legs spread apart. He can barely contain his own boner when Alex stands between his legs and kisses him passionately. Their hands are roaming every area of their bodies. They can hardly breathe due to not wanting to stop the intense make-out session. Henry is the first to pull away from the kiss. He moves his hands from Alex’s shoulders to his crotch. He begins undoing his belt. “Sit down.” “What?” Alex helps with the belt. He takes it off and flings it across the room. He does the same for Henry. “What for?” “History.” Henry stands and guides Alex to the leather chair. Alex plops down and unbuttons his pants, but Henry stops him to do it himself. Henry gets down on his knees and unzips Alex. With just the crotch area of Alex’s boxer briefs showing, Henry goes down and starts working his tongue. He goes faster upon smelling the musk radiating from Alex. Alex, on the other hand, is completely losing it. He can hardly contain himself in the chair. He tries standing, but Henry sits him back down while continuing his thing. Without looking up, Henry manages to bring Alex’s hands to his head, indicating he wants it rough. Alex grips Henry’s hair and pushes him deeper into his crotch. Coming up from panting too hard, Henry takes Alex’s pants and underwear and pulls them down to his ankles. Alex’s eight-incher points straight up at the ceiling as Henry holds it. Alex rubs his hand through Henry’s hair and nods. As soon as Henry goes down, Alex’s head flings back and lets out the deepest groan. He can’t believe the sheer amount of pleasure someone can bring him. This is unlike all their past experiences. This belongs on a different spiritual plane, its own dimension. Henry’s sucking skills have definitely increased. The way he hollows his cheeks allows for the premium quality of suckage that feels like his dick could come off. The way Henry’s hand helps by gripping and tugging at the base adds an extra layer of sensation. Just the sound of Henry’s slight gagging and slobbering is an orchestra. The entire process needs appreciation because not everyone can accomplish this skill. Oh, but the sight is the best part. Alex can never get enough of the sight of the world’s perfect boyfriend as he sucks him off. Although Alex is the one that typically does the blowjobs, he’ll never refuse to receive one. Even though Alex loves the feeling, he loves the look on his boyfriend’s face more. Looking into his eyes while Henry looks up at him brings warmth to his heart. Henry always has that look of seeking approval, even though he knows he’s an expert. But that look makes the prince look even more precious and it makes Alex contemplate how he was dating him. Seeing the spit roll down his chin makes Alex’s mouth water. It makes him want to pull Henry up and lick it away as they kiss. Henry’s blowjobs are the most beautiful site he can imagine. “How does it feel?” Henry asks as he pulls away but continues jerking him off. “Feels like,” Alex starts saying, but hesitates due to his heavy breathing and him trying to not let his hips thrust up uncontrollably. “Feels like I want to fuck you senseless. I want to bend you over and punish you like the damn naughty boy you’ve been.” Henry chuckles as he slowly starts to rise. He keeps his hands on Alex’s thick and sturdy thighs as he continues rubbing them. “Oh, I’ve been a naughty boy, have I? I haven’t noticed.” Alex lets out a huff as he takes a hold of Henry’s waist, pulls him up, and sets him on his lap. His dick rests between the crack of Henry’s khaki covered ass. “The best tease I’ve ever experienced. But now, I get to have some fun.” Henry leans forward until his mouth is next to Alex’s ear. He gives the ear a little nibble and says, “Fucking destroy me.” As if he has superspeed, Alex manages to pick up Henry, slam him face down on the table, and pulls down his khakis and briefs to his ankles. Alex drools at the sight of Henry’s glorious ass, all bubbly and spankable. He raises his hand and brings it down on Henry’s ass, resulting in an echoey wave throughout the room. His ass simply jiggles as a faint red spot appears. “Fuck,” Henry mummers, “Never gets old.” “Well,” Alex starts as he raises his hand again, “Naughty boys deserve a spanking.” Another rough spank makes Henry squeal in pleasure as he begs for more. “Oh, daddy.” That’s music to Alex’s ears. Hearing a damn prince call him daddy is something that he never thought of hearing, but it’s the only thing he wants to hear during sex. “What’s my name?” Alex asks in a seduction yet stern manner, which nearly causes Henry to climax. “Daddy.” Henry begins sweating. “Please, Papi, take me already.” Fuck it. No, fuck Henry. His Spanish, or what bits of it he knows, triggers his animal instincts. He takes off both sets of pants, underwear, and shirts and tosses them to the nearest bookshelf. He uses his legs to spread apart Henry’s. He spits on his hand and uses it to help lube up his dick, which is easier thanks to Henry’s own spit and the precum from the blowjob. Alex aligns his dick with Henry’s hole. He can hear the slight begging from his lover, and it makes his dick throb even more. Slowly pushing it in, Henry lets out a loud, high-pitched, and extremely sexy moan. Alex leans down, making sure to rub all over Henry’s back, and rests his head on his shoulder. “How bad do you want me?” Henry can barely respond. Even though he should be used to Alex’s dick, the feeling never gets old. Just having it in him brings a level of pleasure that he only ever dreamt about. Alex begins pounding him slowly with rough thrusts. Henry’s ass jiggles with each moment Alex pounds the living daylight out of him. He can feel himself getting close. “Harder,” Henry manages to say at an audible level, “Faster. I’m so close that I want it to go all over this room. I want you to fuck me so hard that my come soars all over.” “Your wish is my command.” Without missing a beat, Alex increases his pace and power until the only thing that can be heard is a mix of an ass getting pounded and Henry’s moans. Alex sets himself back to his position of standing tall so he can grip Henry’s hips. Making sure his hands are tight enough, Alex begins bringing him further on his dick. Henry is in heaven. His dreams are coming true, literally. Ever since they officially began their relationship, he wanted to do something in the Oval Office, mostly because he was a huge history fan and wanted to relive that one moment. Now, he’s getting more than what he wanted, and he’s not complaining, mainly because he’s unable to say anything due to being so caught up in the pleasure Alex is giving him. A few short moments later, Henry is feeling pure bliss. Alex starts hitting his prostate, resulting in louder moans and more begging. It’s like the ultimate form of pleasure he can receive. “That’s the spot,” Henry says between his panting. The sweat is covering his face. “I’m almost there, keep going.” Not saying a word, Alex goes faster. Neither one can breathe properly, they can’t control their sweat, they can barely control themselves. Alex rubs his hands over Henry’s back as he leans down and kisses his neck. Seconds later, it’s over. Henry lets out the loudest groan as he comes all over the desk, with some get on the floor, which makes the room look like a shaken snow globe. Alex, on the other hand, decides to stay in and comes in his ass. Feeling the throbbing of Alex’s dick send tingles up Henry’s spin. He can also feel himself feeling up with some, something he’s not used to but wouldn’t mind it happening more often. After lying still for a moment to cool off, Alex slowly pulls out. A strand of come follows, but it breaks off and hangs out of Henry’s ass. Henry stands but has trouble being straight. He hasn’t felt this amount of pain since they used toys for the first time. “Damn, that was fucking fantastic.” Alex sits down in the chair and wipes some sweat off his face. “Yeah, but we gotta clean this up before anyone comes back.” “Don’t worry about it.” Henry goes over and sits in his lap. “We always leave no mess behind. Besides, Maybe I want a round two.” They start making out again and Alex squeezes Henry’s ass before he gives it another little spank. Henry gyrates his hips and Alex begins sucking his neck. They are too caught up that they don’t see the flashing red light on the camera in the corner.
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reddie-set-go · 7 years
Welcome to the Loser’s Club
Chapter 1 - Movin’ on Down
Beverly came barreling into Richie’s room, completely out of breath and panting. “You guys will never fucking believe what just happened!” She said between gasping breaths. She flopped down on Richie’s disheveled bed next to Richie, Eddie, Stan, Mike and Bill. Her waist-length red hair splayed out over the mattress. She threw her hand out to Richie, who knowingly stuck a cigarette in her outstretched hand.
Ben came strolling in shortly behind her, a huge smile on his face. “Bev, chill out so you can tell them before you die,” he laughed. He sat on the edge of the bed next to Mike.
Bev pulled a pale blue lighter out of the pocket of her green jumper and lit the cigarette, taking a huge drag before speaking: “So you know my apartment, right?”
The group sighed. On Bev’s 19th birthday, her mom, out of the kindness of her heart (and probably a little guilt over what Bev’s dad had done to her), had gifted her with a set of keys. Keys to a new, fully furnished, apartment unit in a complex down the road. The landlord was an old family friend, and had struck a deal with Bev’s mom that as long as Bev did a favor here and there for him, she could live there for free. Ever since, her place had been the hangout spot, and Bev never stopped talking about “her apartment” and how much she loved it. The other Losers pretended to be annoyed, but really, they were just jealous, since they all still lived at home. (Other than Ben, of course, who slept at home but spent the rest of his time at Bev’s anyway.)
“Yeah, Bev, what about it?” Said Mike, shaking his head and sharing a smile with Stan.
“The lady down the hall from me died,” she said, taking another drag from her cigarette. “You know, the one I’ve been making breakfast for every morning?”
“Yeah,” Eddie chimed in. “Mrs. Bendell. She was a sweetheart.” He pushed himself up from his laying position on Richie’s lap. “She died?”
”Yeah. Died in her sleep. But guess what?” Beverly beamed at the boys, despite the somber topic.
“What?” Stan quipped. “Spit it out, Bev.” Bill removed his hand from Stan’s to fix an unruly curl sticking out from Stan’s head.
“She left her apartment to me! And, her sister that lived in the Union Manor complex down the street? She’s moving out! And she left hers to me as well!” Beverly yelled this last part, sitting up quickly and ashing her cigarette in the ashtray on Richie’s bedside table.
“So now you have th-three units?” Bill moaned, throwing his hands up in the air. “Lucky! How are y-you even going to af-fford that?”
“They’re all paid off! I guess Mrs. Bendell and her sister had more money than we thought. Both of their places are completely mine, free of charge, according to the landlord at Union Manor.”
“So, what then? Did you just come over here to brag?” Richie asked, obviously jealous.
“That’s where this gets interesting.” Beverly’s blue eyes sparkled as she looked around at the 6 boys sitting next to her. “I’ve decided to move into the Union Manor complex. It’s way bigger. It’s got 2 bedrooms and a separate kitchen and dining room. As for the other two in the Cedarwood complex…” She trailed off, reaching into the other pocket of her jumper. She revealed two keys, one blue, one red. She tossed the red key to Richie, who caught it and stared at Bev in shock. She threw the other to Bill, who made no effort to catch it and let it fall to the bed in front of him and Stan.
“You can’t be serious.” Richie said, staring at the key in his hand. “Are you serious?”
“Dead serious.” Beverly laughed at her own dark joke.
“B-Beverly-” Bill began. “There’s no way I can just-”
“Shh, both of you. We’re all 19, we’ve all outgrown our houses, and I’m sure our parents are tired of us hanging around. We’re in college, for Christ’s sake. It’s not a gift, it’s mercy. Take it.” She said, a very clear sense of finality in her voice. She looked at Mike. “And you can feel free to stay with whoever you want. My place is always open, and Bill and Richie don’t have much say in the matter.” Mike beamed back at her, more grateful than words would express.
Richie looked like he was holding back tears. For probably the first time in the Losers’ lives, the Trashmouth was speechless. “This is a joke, right?” His voice cracked very slightly. “Right?”
Bev shook her head. “Far from a joke, Richie ol’ boy. Far from a joke.”
Beverly looked over and noticed Eddie sitting next to Richie silently, staring at his red and white striped socks and picking at his fingernails. She nudged Richie, who was still visibly shaken, and pointed a finger at Eddie.
“You good, Eds? Richie asked, his voice uncharacteristically low and unanimated.
“Yeah. Just wish I could move out,” Eddie said, looking up. I can’t afford my own place working at the craft store. And besides, my mom would never let me.” He smiled, his eyes still sad. I’m happy for you guys, though.”
Richie looked taken aback. He and Bev shared a look and snickered to themselves, Richie finally recovering from the shock. “You’re right, Eds,” he chuckled. “I just got a brand-fucking-new place to live, big enough for a small family, and I was just gonna let my boyfriend keep living with his toxic mother.” He lightly shoved Eddie, who looked up at him in utter disbelief.
“You mean-” Eddie stopped, afraid to finish the question. “You’re asking me to live with you?”
“Obviously, asshole! I thought that was pretty clear,” Richie laughed, his wild curly hair bouncing.
“I was throwing the key to both of you, Eddie.” Beverly giggled.
“We’re gonna live together?” Eddie stared at his boyfriend with skepticism. 
“Is that a yes?”
“If I can convince my mom-”
“To hell with your mom! Richie suddenly yelled. “We’ve got the opportunity of a fucking lifetime here, and I’ll be damned if Sonia fucking Kaspbrak is going to keep us from it.” Richie grabbed Eddie’s face and pressed their lips together. “We’re gonna live together.” Richie said when they pulled apart, staring at each other.
“We’re gonna live together.” Eddie repeated, a smile creeping across his now-red face.
Most of the other Losers watched this adorable exchange, but Bill and Stan were having a whispered conversation to the side.
“So, you wanna l-live with me?” Bill smirked, dangling the key in front of Stan’s face, which was flushed with excitement.
“Of course I do, you big dork.” Stan laughed. He playfully snatched the key from Bill’s hand and stared at it, reveling in all the possibilities the tiny blue key held.
Bill watched Stan inspect the key, loving how he could see the gears in Stan’s mind churn. It was the way he scrunched his cute nose, and how his eyes lit up when he thought of something that made him happy. Bill’s heart swelled at the thought of being able to make Stan happy, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just the two of them, together. He planted a kiss on the curly-headed boy’s forehead and pulled him into a hug, Stan’s head on his chest as they sat with their friends.
After arrangements had been made for Mike to stay with Beverly, and everyone had showered her with thanks and gratitude, Bev left for home. The boys decided they’d move in the following Friday, to give them time to pack and let their parents know.
Ben and Beverly strolled down the sidewalk to Bev’s apartment hand in hand, Bev staring wistfully at the pink and orange sunset. Ben stared at the love of his life, as he often did, in complete disbelief that someone could be so beautiful.
“So, Mike’s gonna stay with you, then, huh?” Ben asked, hoping he wasn’t expressing his slight hurt.
Beverly turned to look at her soon-to-be fiancé, a tiny smile pulling at the corners of her mouth. “Why?” She asked innocently.
“Well, it’s just that I, uh, I thought we might-” Ben was cut off by Beverly swooping over and planting a kiss on his lips.
“I thought you’d never ask.” Beverly said after they parted, her cheeks a flushed pink. “Of course you can live with me, Benjamin. I can’t live without you.”
Ben blushed the rest of the way home.
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