#so what we did is move into the basement and rented out the actual house upstairs lol
As many of you know, I lived in a frat house in college. What you may not know is that our house bled so much money that we stopped vetting people. As a result, I spent the worst 3 years of my life in a building that was eventually condemned. It was Lord of the Flies in there.
Read all options carefully before voting. Names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent.
Levi: Has apparently never worked a dishwasher in his life. Possibly unfamiliar with the concept of showering. Will offer to cook for the entire house, then will wipe dirt off his foot and go back to handling meat without washing his hands in the process. Is completely fine with the roaches in the microwave.
Connor: A hedonist by nature, Connor's goal in life is to sleep with as many men as possible. His room is a revolving door of guys ages 19 to 45. Has a drinking problem and falls into a weekly trap where he will drink too much, pick a fight with someone at random, and then start crying. This makes everyone at the party uncomfortable.
Harlow: When diagnosed with several mental illnesses, Harlow said, "I don't need therapy, I can exercise 5 hours a day and that will cure me." It did not work. She tried to steal my ADHD meds because she heard they could make you lose weight but instead she stole my mood stabilizers and we found out who the crazy one was. Every month or so she'd try to kill someone in the house, but she was pretty bad at it, so it was an inconvenience more than anything.
Topher: Topher will not move out of the basement, because doing so would require him to get a job. Instead, he's an amateur bootlegger who has contracted every infectious disease known to man. You will come home semi-regularly to find that one of his projects has taken over the entire dining room.
Katy: Katy has not consumed any media in the last 5 years besides Harry Potter, which she religiously rewatches and rereads. Possibly as a consequence of this, Katy does not believe that the humanities are important and will outright call you stupid if you do not study STEM. She also harbors a vendetta against the Irish, cat people, and baseball fans.
Mark: A sheltered only child, Mark does not know the common courtesies of living with other people. He will occupy the bathroom for 45 minutes in the morning without telling anyone else or asking if it's a good time. He will leave beard trimmings over every sink. He will eat your food, and you can no longer hang out in the living room, because he and his 12 closest friends are down there smoking weed and watching anime between the hours of 4pm and 2am.
Dani: Dani might be an unfair option, because Dani does not technically live in the house. She lives with her boyfriend, but if her parents found out about that, they would disown her, so she rents a room in the house and has her name on the lease. Downside: Dani will block you if you ask her to pay rent or utilities because "I don't actually live there." For the purposes of this exercise, you do not make enough money to cover her share.
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misssugarpinkshome · 6 months
Author Update!
Hooooo boy it's been a little bit! Hope everyone had a great January, February, and March. Woops.
Anyways, author update under the cut since it's bit of a longer one, but I just wanna say, thanks everyone for reading and support. I write these chapters for myself, but I'm also in love with comments, and knowing folks might actually enjoy what I write is a major factor on WHY I write.
So, let's just go in order, shall we?
House is doing great, we did in fact hire someone to help us. Not sure if I mentioned that, lol. My partner did a big brave thing and purchased a countertop dishwasher, which... holy shit cannot recommend enough, IT IS WORTH THE MONEY Y'ALL.
MY PARTNER IS TITLESS!!!!!!!! They finally have a body they like, or at least way better than they had before. They're out of recovery now, but obviously, caretaking for them while they recovered made it so I couldn't update easily.
Me and my therapist discussed starting EMDR in the summer, which. Nervousness, rising, but also, I'm so excited. I want to start processing some of this trauma and shit lol.
Grading did not fucking get better, lol. It's Term 4 now at least so we started with a blank slate.
March came and went pretty quickly, but lord it was exhausting, and I really burnt out due to work. Writing was next to impossible. I wrote this chapter in like 20 pieces and just puzzle-pieced them together and moved everything around like 50 times. It's been a looooong editing process for this one, but I think I like it moving in this direction!
Yeah that's kinda the biggest news. Me and my partner are working on buying a house. I can't believe that. Obviously, stress abounds, but thankfully, this settlement/vacate date are aWHILE away, so we have time.
I'm just... kinda floored by that. Wow. I'm an adult, that's fucking bizarre. We've been wanting out of this basement apartment we've been in for awhile now, or at least I have. It's unfortunate, because the rent here is fucking insanity... but I also don't have natural light throughout the day beyond the living room, there's bug infestations everywhere, there's mice and spiders and just.
I wanted out. And now it looks like that's coming for me.
<3 Love you all!
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searchingwardrobes · 2 years
The morning a comment made me cry . . .
I have been wrestling with posting this for ages. On the one hand, I want to let people who follow my fanfic to know that I haven’t left. On the other, I am an INFJ, an introvert, and a highly sensitive person who never wants to feel like I’m bothering people or whining about my life. Everyone has problems, everyone is busy, am I right? But then last week, I woke up to a comment on Ao3 for a fic that I wrote years ago, and I ended up sitting at my kitchen table and crying.
It wasn’t just the comment. It was that I had just spent the last night in the house we have lived in for the last 17 years. The house each of my children came home from the hospital to. A house I honestly didn’t want to sell or leave. And it wasn’t like we were moving because we found our dream house or because a new job opportunity came up or anything like that. We sold our house because the church my husband just took a new job at has a parsonage, and that means we can live there rent free. You can’t pass that up from a financial standpoint. 
Even if the parsonage is way smaller. And darker. And filthy. And smells bad. And looks like the Byers house in Stranger Things AFTER monsters started coming out of the walls. (ie 80s but gross)
And what makes it harder is that people berate me every time I try to share how hard this is. “You can’t beat free.” I know, I know, but can’t anyone try to imagine how I’m feeling? If you were in my shoes, would it be easy? 
Anyways, so back to the comment. I’ve been doing this fanfic thing long enough that in some ways, the comment just made me roll my eyes. But it was kind of like the proverbial straw, you know? I had been trying to hold it together for days, and this mean comment pushed me over the edge. So there I was, crying at my kitchen table surrounded by moving boxes. 
To compound it all, I haven’t written much at all since November. Scratch that, more like October. This is frustrating because it’s something I love, and it also causes guilt over all my WIPs. But we decided to put the house on the market in early November, and our realtor said we needed to get it listed before Thanksgiving, so there was the frantic race of “decluttering” ie half-packing the house and a million and one little home repair projects and deep cleaning. Then the house was shown only four times, and we got an offer. Great, right? Only they wanted to move in TWO DAYS before Christmas. That was a hard no for me. So they comprised and said two days AFTER Christmas. Their offer was over the asking price, so we had to take it. 
But did I mention the parsonage isn’t livable yet? So yep, we have no home right now. (I won’t say homeless because that word means something very different and much more serious than what we’re going through.) I’ve slept in so many different places over the last week, that this morning I woke up and couldn’t remember where I was. 
Did I mention I also have three kids? 
If you’ve stuck with me so far, don’t worry, I won’t go into all the details. Just understand that our family of five (plus a dog) will soon be living in my aunt and uncle’s basement for possibly two months. While I homeschool. 
And now I feel like I’m whining again. I’m really not a whiner, I promise. I’m just trying to a) explain why I have disappeared for so long and b) why that negative Ao3 comment came at the absolute worst possible time. 
That comment was the least of my worries on that particular day, and a week later, I just don’t think it’s worth discussing. Maybe, though, this tale will help people remember to pause before they type something on the internet. Because the person you are addressing has a real life, and there is no way for you to know what they might be going through. I was actually a little happy when I saw the email because a nice comment would have been a bright spot in an otherwise tough day. Instead, it was a kick while I was already down. Comments have a lot of power for a creator. I wish they didn’t. I wish we all “just wrote for ourselves” or could brush it off easily. But writers are sensitive creatures as a rule, especially fanfic writers who are only doing it as a hobby, not for a career. So, you know, just stop and think for a sec. That’s all. And this comment served no purpose whatsoever. I wrote the fic so long ago, there’s no way I’m revising it. Ironically, the person ended the comment by saying, “Enjoying it so far, though.” Which rang totally false after their long list of what was wrong with the story. 
Side note: the comment has made me contemplate a post on writer’s tips for writing children well. I’m not just a homeschooling mom, I’m also a former teacher. People seem to seriously not realize this, but teachers have to take college courses on child and adolescent development. We are around children a lot, too, so (shock!) we actually are experts in the field. I don’t know - is that something anyone would be interested in as writers? Because you don’t have to be a parent to write kids well - @whimsicallyenchantedrose and @distant-rose are awesome at it, and they don’t have kids. So if you want tips on that, I’d love to share. It’s something I can kind of get on a soapbox about, lol. 
And as for my readers, I’ll tag you all so you know where the hell I’ve been. So here comes the tag list, and I’ll now shut up: 
@snowbellewells @teamhook @kmomof4 @jrob64 @xhookswenchx @thisonesatellite @welllpthisishappening @spartanguard @ohmakemeahercules @tiganasummertree @sparlecorn93 @sals86 @pirateprincessofpizza @xarandomdreamx @zaharadessert @huntressandlioness1 @jamif @undercaffinatednightmare @onceratheart18 @sparlecorn93 @sals86 @pirateprincessofpizza @xarandomdreamx @zaharadessert @huntressandlioness1  @winterbaby89 @hollyethecurious @svenjaliv
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Isle Connections Ch1 Towards The Isle Of Armor
The sixth and final Installment of the Galar Soulmate Series.
You're not sure how you stayed but you did. Never again to return home. After all the game's storyline was over. Now what? Well you were hired to play babysitter yet again so it looks like you're heading off to the famous Isle of Armor. Maybe this would be a fun time with your friends! Now only if this goofball wouldn't be such a pain.
(Ok. So like I know I said that Milo's route was going to be the last installment of this series but as A very is technically a Gym Leader at the end of the events of the Isle of Armor DLC and a lot of people voted for a route of him and I said that I would write for all of the male cast of the Sword and Shield Gym Leader cast (minus Kabu) ....Yeah. I got roped into writing for this psychic goofball but I am serious when I say this is actually the last installment of this series. I won't be writing for anyone else from Sword and Shield after Avery. I do however thank everyone for all the love that you all have shown this series and I genuinely appreciate all of the support. It means a lot! Also Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to everyone reading this first chapter.
Also vote for what kind of Pokemon from the Isle of Armor y'all want plus names.)
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This entire thing all started in March. That fateful decision that Leon made.
"Uh...What exactly is going on around here?"
It had been about a month since you arrived back in Postwick and already so many things had happened. Your Valentine's Day was great! And so was the rest of the week as the guys and Leon got to hang out with their families before he sadly had to once again take off for Wyndon again at the request of the new Chairman. Well he WAS still Champion after all. He still had a lot of responsibilities now that there was repairs going on. As for you, you got settled back into your basement room and had tried to once again (and succeeded in-) getting that job at Mr. Frederick's grocery store up the road a bit. And Mrs. L had instead started charging you a hundred dollars a month in rent instead of a hundred fifty. You suspected it was because of helping Leon but when you asked she claimed you were probably wanting to save money in order to move out once you figured out what you wanted to do again. Fair enough. If you were living in Galar now you'd need money to buy a house. The guys had been pretty chill. Usually going out to explore the fields or practice battle. Sonia had even published her book a week after you all arrived! Even making a free digital copy anyone could read on the web although you hadn't read it yet. Her publisher worked FAST! But that's not why you had woken up today. You had woken up to a whole bunch of commotion from downstairs and figured everyone was up, but when you came upstairs the strong scent of lemon and cleaning supplies hit your nose stronger than that roof piece did. And the sight of Hop wiping down one of the WALLS with a small rag certainly caught your tired brain off guard. Were you still dreaming???
"Oh uh. Good morning, Y/n!," the boy greeted your tired bed headed stare with an awkward smile. "Did I wake you up?"
"Kinda." You yawned reaching a hand up to rub your eyes. "What are you doing?"
"Oh! Spring cleaning! We do it every year once the weather's warm enough!"
"Spring cleaning?" He nodded. Oh. Makes sense. Lots of people did Spring Cleaning. You know you and your mom sure did.
"Yep! Once a year when it's Spring we clean the house literally top to bottom! But that's not the only reason why we're sprucing up the place!'' He turned back to the wall wiping it down with the biggest smile on his face. "I want everything to look it's best when Lee comes back this weekend!"
"...Say what now?"
"Lee called last night when you went to sleep! He's visiting us again this weekend and he's bringing a really special surprise for Glory! I dunno what it is yet but it's gotta be good! So today the house and then tomorrow the yard and shed! You wanna help?"
You shook your head no. "Sorry I can't. I have to work if I'm going to pay your mom that rent money for this month...But tell you what. Tell your mom to leave the basement and I'll clean that for you guys when I get back from work tonight. Ok?"
He beamed. "Yeah! That'd be a big help thanks!"
So Leon was coming that weekend huh? It'd be nice to see him again after so long. You just wondered what this 'surprise' was. Whelp you didn't have to wait long to find out that either because as he promised he showed up that weekend. The guys were pretty excited to see their big brother figure again and you'd be lying if you said you weren't excited to see him either. After all he was one of the few friends you had really. You kept your word of cleaning out the basement and downstairs bathroom for Mrs. L which she was grateful for but sadly weren't able to help much else due to your working. But it was alright. Mrs. G and the guys came over to help out and prepare things before Leon's big arrival that Saturday. And you were lucky enough to have the weekends off in order to see him. And then the day came. It was pretty early in the morning when someone bursts through the basement door startling you awake as Hop rushed down the stairs to wake you.
"Huh?....What the-"
"LEON'S HERE!!", Hop excitedly called out for you from the basement stairs grinning like he had won a million dollars. "Everyone's here waiting for Mom to come back with him from the station! Come on before you miss him!"
You groaned. Oh. Right. It was THAT Saturday. "Alright. Alright. I'm up."
You groaned but did get up in order to go greet Leon. Whelp! You did want to see Leon again anyways. So you stumbled out of your sleeping back, slapped on come clothes that weren't PJs, and made yourself presentable in the bathroom before heading back up the stairs with Silver at your heels. But you were NOT prepared again for what you saw in the living room. Yes. Everyone was there. The guys, their moms, Leon's grandparents, and even Lee himself! But what you WEREN'T expecting was the extra person in the room. As soon as you had walked in someone had looked up from you at the couch and you paused seeing the much older man. And your eyes widened! NO. WAY. IT WAS KABU!! The older gym leader was sitting there in ordinary clothes right next to Leon and had looked up at you when you walked right in but paused in the doorway surprised. Kabu? Here? What in the world was one of the gym leader's doing here?
"Y/n!" You jumped when Leon smiled at you and gestured for you to come in as you stood there. "It's great to see you! Come in! You remember Kabu right?"
"Uh...Y-Yeah." You blinked before slowly walking in Silver at your heels. Still confused, you raised a hand and smiled at Kabu anyways. "Hey. Nice to see you again."
To your surprise instead of waving back the older man bowed to you. "It is an honor to meet our great champion's family and friends."
"Y-Yeah. Likewise. *ahem*....So what brings you to Postwick?"
"That's what this meeting here is all about." Leon looked back to Kabu who sat back up and looked to Gloria who you now realized was sitting across from him and Leon.
"Yes. You all must be very surprised someone like me decided to make the long journey here with Leon but rest assured that I had a purpose." His somber but calm expression met Gloria's. "You see there is a very good reason why I'm here. It is to see you." he then pointed a finger at Gloria.
Everyone looked surprised but more so Gloria who blinked and pointed at herself. "Ye came all the way from Motostoke jus' ta see ...me?" Kabu nodded but to her confusion. "But why?"
"A very good question to ask. And I have a very good answer. You see...I am in good shape for my age." ...You blinked raising a brow as he stated a ..true but very out of no where fact about him. "More than most people my age are, but as healthy as I may be it doesn't get rid of the fact that I am growing older. I have been the Fire Type Gym Leader for many years but it goes without saying I can't just keep that title forever. Like everyone there will be a time that I will decide or need to retire, but I can't as there's no one else to take over Motostoke's gym." ....He leaned forward making Gloria blink. "As with any Gym leader I study my opponents' moves, strategies, skill sets, and a slew of other variables in order to dictate their attacks. It's rare that I find a trainer who could not only beat me on her first try but in a way I wasn't expecting. Leon's judgement is something I respect highly and he wasn't wrong when he saw great potential in you Ms. Gloria."
The whole room fell silent for a moment as Gloria just..stared at him with the boys exchanging looks with each other before she spoke again. "Uh...W-Well thank ye. But what does that have ta do with anythin'?"
"It has to do with everything. Ms. Gloria if you're willing to accept my offer, and with your mother's permission of course." He nodded to Ms. G for a brief moment before turning back to her. "I would be honored to take you on and train you to become the new Fire Type Gym Leader of Motostoke."
Your. Jaw. DROPPED!! As did everyone else's besides Leon who smiled happily towards the shocked Gloria as she just sat there as kabu's words sank into everyone's heads. Kabu wanted to train HER!? As the new Fire Type Gym Leader for Motostoke!? THAT CERTAINLY WASN'T IN THE GAME!! After a moment of silence Gloria eventually sputtered out some noises that sounded like she was trying to talk gesturing her arms to him and around the room. Looking between him and Leon. Back and forth. Back and forth between the two league members before she finally let one word escape her mouth.
"Yes. Honestly with your skills and quick thinking I'm sure you'd make a great future gym leader. All you need is some guidance."
"I-I-I heard you b-b-but....WHY me!?" She gestured to herself again as if that was obvious. "I-I can't b-be a gym leader! I-I...I d-don't have the steel nerves it t-takes ta be one!"
"I thought you'd say that actually." She turned back to Leon who smiled warmly at her. "That's why I came up a plan that'd help you with your stage fright and anything else you might need improving on." With one hand Leon reached into his shirt's pocket and produced what looked like a tanish-golden colored train pass before holding it out to Gloria. "Here."
She blinked at it for a moment looking between Lee and the card before slowly taking it. "...What's this?"
"It's an exclusive Armor Pass."
"Armor Pass?," she asked him raising a brow.
He nodded with a hum. "Uh huh! With this you'll be able to directly go to the Isle of Armor station and catch one of their special taxi's to the island. That's where I trained when I first became Champion around your age. You see there's a very special dojo there with a very special teacher who specializes in training people into becoming better trainers. He's helped other people in the league before just like me. In fact he's pretty famous! You might even know about him. His name's Mustard."
You rose a brow. Mustard?? What kind of name was that?
"MUSTARD!?" You jumped hearing Hop shout eyes practically popping from his head with how wide they were in amazement. "As in like the old Champion who had the old title of Champion before he was defeated!? THAT MUSTARD!?"
Your eyes widened at Hop's words before turning to Leon who nodded. A former Champion?! No wonder Hop sounded amazed. "That's right. He's been running the dojo for years now and helps improve peoples' battling as well as themselves. I think it would be a great idea to have Gloria pay him a visit as I believe he'd be able to really help her come out of her shell. That is if she accepts Kabu's offer." He looked back to Gloria who still blinked at him. "You don't have to if you don't want to Gloria but know that you won't be in it alone."
"Yes. It's going to be hard work but that's what makes the end goal much more meaningful. But it depends on your answer."
Gloria blinked. Looked around the room at all of you. Looked at Leon. Looked at Kabu. Looked back down to the pass in her hands......Before smiling brightly like someone had just given her a brand new gym badge before looking back at Kabu! "YES!! O' course I accept ye offer! How can I not!? I just- Wow! THIS IS AMAZING!!"
A few smiles were shared even by the older man as Kabu bowed to her-
"Wait. When does she leave for the Isle of Armor?"
"Oh. Next Thursday. The train to the isle is already scheduled to arrive at noon then."
"NEXT THURSDAY!?" Everyone jumped as all of sudden Gloria shot up to her feet in panic. Hands grabbing her cheeks as a wave of fear washed over her all of a sudden. "T-THAT SOON!? I JUST- ....I NEED TA GO PACK!!" And with that she turned and fled. Silver having to literally jump out of the way as Gloria sped off out of Hop's out throwing the door open with a BANG behind her in her rush. Leaving everyone there sitting in silence...Until Mrs. G sighed.
The Isle of Armor?? Why did that sound familiar to you?...Oh well. You didn't pay it much mind but you were happy for Gloria to get such an unexpected surprise! Being trained by both a gym leader and a former champion sounds like a dream come true for someone like her. You didn't know all the details but Kabu talked for a while with Mrs. G getting Gloria's Mother's permission to train her before Leon had pulled you aside as everyone else was distracted by the sudden happy news. You were surprised when he lead you into the kitchen looking over his shoulder to make sure no one followed or was listening to him. 
It made you raise a brow. "Leon, is everything ok?" You gently pulled your arm away from the Champion. "You're acting weird, Dude."
He again looked over his shoulder back into the living room to make sure no one was listening before looking back at you with an inhale. "Actually I wanted to ask something of you and I wouldn't be asking you if it wasn't for a good reason."
Your brow rose higher as Silver waddled in following you before plopping on the floor by your legs. "It depends on what you're asking of me. What ARE you asking of me exactly?"
Leon reached a hand up to rub his neck, something you learnt that both himself and Hop had a habit of doing when nervous. "Well... I-its about Glory. I figured she'd accept the offer but there's a slight problem I'm worried about." Your crossed arms invited him to go on. "Well as you and I know Hop and Glory both have a habit of sometimes maybe running ahead when they shouldn't and ...Well...H-Hoppy's gonna be trained under Sonia's eyes and Victor's not very prone to running ahead. It's not that I don't trust Mustard but I was kinda maybe hoping that perhaps you'd agree to going along with her and making sure she was settling in ok there?"
You stared. "So...You want me to keep an eye on her and keep her out of trouble like I've been doing this entire time?"
"I-Ill make sure you're fully compensated for everything!," Leon assured you, "I-I would just feel better knowing that she was with someone in case she needed help. W-What do you say?"
You hummed furrowing a brow. You didn't feel like traveling again so soon after just settling down two months after an almost region ending event. You were honestly still surprised that you didn't teleport back home to your horrible mother. Then again...there really wasn't anything else you were doing right now. You were still figuring out what you wanted to do with your new life. Maybe a trip to this Isle would help. Plus spending time with Gloria sounded like fun.
You shrugged before nodding. "Sure. Why not? It might be fun."
The purple haired champion lit up before sighing in relief. "Thank you. I mean it. Thank you! I'll make it up to you I promise! I'm just happy to know that Glory is in good hands."
Quickly Mrs. L and everyone else was made aware that you'd also be able to go with Glory and Gloria seemed excited to know that you'd also be going with her. Leon making sure to also gift you the same pass as Gloria before he had to leave with Kabu. Whelp. Guess you were traveling again somewhere. But why did this Isle of Armor sound familiar to you? Oh well. You just packed up and prepared to to go traveling again. Soon Thursday rolled around and You, Hop, Victor, and Mrs. G all traveled with to the station. Gloria both giddy and nervous with a big old stuffed pack on her back. Mrs. G asking over and over again if Gloria remembered to pack everything she needed. First aid kit. Food. Clothes. A coat. Her sleeping bag. Etc. When you got to the train station Practically no one was there except for one or two other people and the station master behind the counter as usual. You did pause to look at the other two people who were dressed somewhat strangely and very colorfully waiting for the train as well. One had really BRIGHT pink hair and the other guy wore this gigantic top hat with pokeballs floating around it like some psychic pokemon. Wha- How was he doing that? Your attention was brought back to the present as the distant sounds of the evening train approaching caught everyone's attention.
"There's the train!," Mrs. G commented before grabbing Gloria by the shoulders with a look. "Are you sure you packed everything you needed?"
"Yes, Mum! For the millionth time I double checked this mornin'. I'll be fine travelin' there. Lee said he was gonna meet me at the taxi station anyways."
Mrs. G still didn't look so sure but Victor assured her. "Don't worry none, Mum. Glory's gonna be fine on her trip there. 'Sides Y/n is gonna be with 'er."
Eventually she did sigh and remove her hands from Gloria. "You're right. I just can't help but be worried about her traveling by herself. You all are growing up too fast for my liking."
"She'll be fine!," Hop said smiling widely before looking to Gloria, "You're gonna do great Glory! I know you will! You're my rival after all so you have to do your best or else I'll become a better trainer than you."
Gloria smiled back at him. "Ha! We'll see 'bout that. OH! I almost forgot! I got something for ye!" She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a pokeball, holding it up to the purple haired boy. "'Ere! I had a couple a few extra o' these wee ones lying about an' I know they mean a lot ta people in a special way so I got ye one."
Hop slowly took the pokeball from her. "A pokemon? For me?" 
She nodded. "It's a rare find I had been gifted by Sonia back at Wyndon but I have no use for it. But don't see what it is til ye get home. Ok?"
Hop again blinked but smiled widely. "Wow! This is amazing Glory! Thank you." he excited turned to Victor holding up the brand new pokeball. "Hey, Vick! Look what Glory gave me!"
"You gave Hop a pokemon?"
Gloria turned to you and nodded. "I gave all me rivals an extra pokemon I got from the rotomi boxes ta show there's nay hard feelings. After all you said I shouldn't cause any bad blood between me rivals."
You smiled. "Oh ..Wow, Gloria. That was really nice of you! What did you give them if you don't mind me asking?"
"Oh nothin' special really. I gave Marnie a wee purloin I found and I sent Bede a lovedisc before we went ta see you at the hospital."
You froze. .....And blinked. "Wait, wait, wait. You gave BEDE a what?!"
"This cute water pokemon I found called a lovedisc," she gushed obvliviously. "It was jus' the cutest wee thing shaped like a sweet lil heart! I figured since Bede's always wearin' pink and he has works with cute fairy type pokemon it'd be perfect! An' I gave Hop one of the extra pokeballs I had forgotten in me bag." She paused with a hum rubbing her chin. "I can't remember what pokemon it was but I'm sure Hop will love it all the same!"
You wanted to facepalm right then and there. Because as soon as the words 'I gave Bede a lovedisc' slipped out of her mouth so obliviously you knew she had once again blundered. And you had a good reason why. There was ONE specific pokemon Dex entry you specifically remembered about luvdisc-
"Its heart-shaped body makes it popular. In some places, you would give a Luvdisc to someone you love."
AND she gave one to Bede who she already flustered with accidentally making him think she was trying to gift him an applin. Great. You sighed but figured maybe Bede wouldn't know or he wouldn't think much of it since she also gifted Marnie a purrloin and Hop a....mystery pokemon you have yet to figure out. Here's hoping. The sounds of the train came further and further until with a high pitched screech it stopped right in front of you all and the station master announced it.
"The train to the Isle of Armor has arrived! Those with an Armor Pass please board the train! The train will departing in fifthteen minutes!"
"That's our cue!" Gloria said as the other two weirdly dressed people walked up to the station master. She turned back to all of you with a smile. "I guess this is good bye for now."
"Don't worry about us," you assured her smiling. "You're going to do great out there! And I'm still coming with you."
"Yeah! Glory, you'll do great!" "It's gonna be great to have a Champion brother and Gym Leader Rival!" "I'll miss you, Sweetie."
Hugs were had all around and good bye's were exchanged before Gloria a little tearfully joined the other two weirdly dressed folks in line for the train with you behind her as the station master checked their passes.
"Do you have an Armor Pass?"
"Naturally. I have made all the proper preparations which you can observe with unclouded eyes."
"Hee hee! Of course! I totally have one!"
"Then please allow me to check your passes."
You all watched as the weirdly dressed people handed their passes to the station master who proceeded to look over both behind the booth. Huh...Why did those two look familiar? Deja vu again. But you shrugged it off. Lots of different people in the pokemon world. They probably just reminded you of some you've seen before. After a moment the station master handed the two back their passes and they stepped out of the way for Gloria and yourself to walk up and also hand him your pass Leon gave you both. It was also at that moment the doors to the train opened and something came walking out of it. You turned ..and blinked as a SLOWPOKE slowly crawled it's way out of the train's doorway and into the station. It's dopey grinning face smiling at nothing as it randomly crawled into the station. Wha- What was a slowpoke doing here? Silver noticed too and chirped at it curiously gaining it's attention...or more so the food Silver held that he had been snacking on. the slowpoke peeked it's interest at that and came towards Silver making him chirp in warning backing up behind your legs holding his precious food from it's reach.
"Aw. Hey little guy." You slowly kneeled down to the pokemon who tilted it's head curiously but otherwise none threateningly at you as you kneeled down catching everyone's attention. "Where did you come from?" Of course it didn't answer you but made a happy noise when you reached out to pet it's head. CUTE!
"Oh a slowpoke!" "Hmph. To meet a slowpoke. Such a thing is simply elegant."
You paid no mind to the other two adults but the station master peeked out of his booth to see the thing before giving a groan. "Uh oh. Looks like another one's gotten on the train and ridden over from the Isle of Armor. Hey you're all pokemon trainers right?" He asked you all. "If Slowpoke blocks the ticket gate, it'll cause trouble for other customers. Slowpoke are actually really heavy. So do you think you can catch it for me?"
"I think it's just hungry," you answered back noticing the way it kept staring at Silver's food as your brave guard dog cowered away from the dopey looking teddy bear thing.
"If that case I can lead it out of the station with this." You turned to Victor who reached inside of his pocket and pulled out what looked like those granola breakfast bars that no one really liked besides him. Carefully peeling off the wrapper he exposed the granola berry mix thing and went over to the slowpoke. It was pretty easy to catch his attention as it almost immediately turned it's head to him. "C'mon boy! Ye want it? Come get it." And like magic the pokemon turned and slowly began following Victor as he made his way to back out of the station. The slowpoke slowly but surely following behind.
The station master sighed. "Thanks much! Slowpoke can be a big trouble to move sometimes." And he went back to finish giving Gloria and you your passes as Victor continued to lead the pokemon out of the station. 
"Hmmm? How interesting. I must say your catching style is quite simply elegant." "Whoa amazing! The way you're catching that slowpoke is the absolute coolest!"
Victor chuckled nervously as he continued leaving. "Are you guys getting on the train too?"
They both turned to Gloria and the pink haired lady nodded. "I'm heading to a place called the Isle of Armor! I'm gonna catch some rare pokemon and do some training!"
The blonde haired man nodded. Again HOW were those pokeballs floating around his hat?? "I've heard it's a place where one can catch rare pokemon and do lots of training."
Before Gloria could say anything else the station master turned back to the three of them. "We apologize for the wait. We have checked your Armor pass. All aboard the the train to the Isle of Armor! Mind your step when boarding. Please be aware there will also be a connection along the way."
"Okaaay!" "Understood."
The pink haired lady turned back to Gloria. "Let's hang if we meet up again, 'K? Bye bye then! See ya!"
The taller blonde man reached up to tip his hat slightly to Gloria. "Yes. Perhaps we shall meet again sometime. Well then please excuse me."
And both turned to board the train. You all watched them go before Hop hummed. "I could be wrong..But that lady looked familiar."
"You too huh?" Hop nodded and you hummed. Ok. That was strange. Hop seemed to kinda recognize them too so it's more than a deja vu affect. ...Well considering those two were in Wedgeherst Station that means they must've been from Postwick too right? You must've seen them around before and not paid them much attention beforehand. Yeah. That must've been it.
The station master ended up giving Gloria her pass and she quickly boarded the train with you and Silver behind her but she paused and looked behind her at them all....Smiling sadly and waved. You  waved too as they all waved back smiling and in Mrs. G's case crying lightly until the doors closed and the train moved. You both stood there for a long moment before you felt a jolt of the train move and you nudged her shoulder gently saying that you both should probably take your seats. She agreed so you both walked further into the train to take your seats. Huh. You didn't see the guy with the top hat or the girl with really bright pink hair anywhere. Guess they were in a different part of the train. It took a good few days and nights  of traveling by train and following the instructions Leon gave Gloria on her rotomi phone before stopping by and getting off at a station over looking an ocean. We're you supposed to travel the rest of the way by boat?
"Misses Gloria and Y/n?," a male voice called making you both look left and saw the familiar sight of a flying taxi. "You are them right?"
"Yeah!," Gloria happily answered with a smile, "Why?"
"I was assigned by the Champion to take you both to the Isle of Armor." He made a come on motion. "Climb aboard."
"Oh this is great!" Gloria beamed grabbing your arm. "We'll be there in no time!"
You groaned as she dragged you by the arm towards the taxi with Silver at your heels. Flying. WHY WAS IT ALWAYS FLYING!?
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Yellowjackets S1 E7 thoughts
Oh no, I'm getting attached to them. This is no longer teen slasher vibes.
If Van and Taissa don't get that soft pretzel together I am going to die
I'm sure he's trying to let her down gently so she doesn't stab him but the coach X Misty thing still feels super wrong
She really used Randy as a cover though? I'd sooner tell Jackie it was her dad that knocked me up
Did they really have to make us sit through that whole scene with Travis and Nat though?
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Jackie has better timeline awareness than the entire pretty little liars writing team. She is a walking, talking, Shauna historian. She caught her out immediately. I'm not saying it's cause they're in love but...
Are the girls about to get attacked by wild animals?
That Sandra Bullock movie is good btw. It's called "while you were sleeping" and it's about a woman who manifests a relationship with her crush while he's in a comma.
If the reporter is tied up in Misty's basement then either she has a partner or she's not part of the blackmail plot. It could be one of the girls we haven't seen yet. Like maybe adult Lottie or Van...though I still think Lottie dies.
Reporter really overestimated how much Misty actually cares about Travis
Why is Shauna so secretive with that diary? Tell me she wasn't dumb enough to write who her baby's father is in that.
The blackmailer is definitely a guy. At least from the back it looks like a guy. Is it Jeff? It feels like everyone they know is trying to get the truth out of them.
How did they keep going after the red river?
Genuinely asking cause that can't be a good sign.
How did they see a whole red river and think that's not enough of a sign and decide to keep going until maybe they encounter the red smoke?
Is Shauna doing that at home or in some motel room or whatever? Cause I'm worried about her getting caught. Also by not checking if her husband is covered in glitter we can't confirm or deny his involvement, so I'm not convinced he's innocent.
Misty continues to carry the group.
Also considering there's no mention of his brother, and since they didn't immediately go looking for him after he died, I'm gonna assume he died out there too.
He should have hid under the bed. What if her husband wanted to change clothes?
Also Jeff is sooo shady. Like I feel like they want us to believe he's out sleeping around and that's why they showed him rent a hotel room with another woman, so we wouldn't suspect he's in on the blackmailing thing, but if I've learned anything from pretty little liars, itf someone has an alibi; no they don't. He could be in England and still be A somehow.
Do they have another hamper in the bathroom or does Jeff just wear his undies in the shower? Cause he was taking everything else off.. I bet he was hiding glitter in his undies. I bet that's why he left them on. That or some sex thing. He's definitely hiding something.
Natalie is probably self-sabotaging here. I'm guessing it's to show she really does like whatshisname. I'm still rooting for her to get with Misty anyway though so I'm glad if that thing is ending.
Those were definitely wolf sounds
Oh, I get it. Red smoke = flare
Oh shit oh fuck oh no her face!
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Wait, is she fucking dead? Did they just kill her? She can't be! She can't be dead right? Oh god, why isn't she moving? I can't even go to sleep now, I need to watch more
I mean, on the upside: they have some food now. But at what cost?
Misty's there. Misty can save Van. Misty could bring her back from the jaws of death. House has nothing on Misty. In Misty we trust. Please Misty don't let me down.
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kait16xo · 1 month
Dance Moms: A New Era Thoughts (Episode 4)
My computer and the website I was watching it on both crashed at least once so I guess my computer REALLY didn’t want me to see this episode.
Anyways, as usual, spoilers under the cut :)
* Ashlan & Leilah playing at the beginning of the episode was cute and kinda restores my faith in the youth :’)
* Audrey’s in a soft shoe but I literally thought she was in mismatched shoes lol
* Oh fake injury drama where have I seen this before
* Bellatrix being on the bottom after swinging for Audrey is kinda bullshit I’m ngl. I’m kinda with Roxce for getting pissed regardless of her messing up
* Oh shit audrey was in music man? Nice
* Ashlan being above Bellatrix on the pyramid when her behavior was as bad as it was is bullshit. No hate but Abby wouldn’t even do that
* Audrey also being in the middle but not dancing is also fucking wild 💀
* Does Mina really need to wear a crown in pyramid 🤨 at least it’s not a conceited thing ig
* “I’m looking for someone to serve” I’m giggling. Also cackling bc they’re voguing??
* This bitch did not just call herself a trophy in response to calling herself a trophy wife 💀
* Idk what happened to Audrey and Tammi but how tf does Glo not know what’s happening? 🤨 interesting reaction
* Why is this grown woman practically sulking over one (1) student not being there 😐 Glo really fuckin irks me
* Explaining a pas de chat in
* Domenica girl…why are you bothering Glo about Tammi mid rehearsal like she knows anything more than what she told you? Nosy ass
* Clock it Min!! And Roxce too actually
* “Well well well if it isn’t the consequences of our own actions yet again!!”
* Are you seriously insinuating that this mom hates you about you having more instagram followers than her rather than the fact you’re clearly still in high school?? Move over “shut up Jill”, now we have “shut up domenica”
* Aww Ashlan’s helping Mina that’s cute
* Glo, haven’t we learned that depending on one person to carry the group and hide their flaws does not work?? 🤨
* “Team Pantyhose!” I almost spit out my water 😭 also this dance looks dangerous as hell but ok
* “After Saturday you can call them team winner” “impossible” MIN IS ON FIRE THIS EPISODE I CANT
* Aww we were so close to having an episode without Ashlan crying. Thanks a lot Glo
* Audrey’s here and all is well or something idek anymore
* “The only one who’s living rent free is Glo in Tammi’s basement” oh these moms are fucking sending me this ep. This might be the only funny thing Lisa will ever say/do
* Someone needs to slip a xanax in Domenica’s drink why is she constantly starting shit
* Oh now it’s Audrey’s turn to throw a tantrum because Glo told her no. Slay :/
* Oh this Cats trio is so cute lol
* Hey editing team! We don’t need to see the turns in slo-mo! It doesn’t work for this format! Fucking stop! :)
* Those must be some big ass panythoes how tf can it fit 3 kids
* I love how the 3 with lesser technique were given a contemporary trio and they bootsed the goddamn HOUSE down
* “That, my friend, is serving” rare footage of me agreeing with Glo
* “Nobody needs to stress we’re having fun” are we?
* “I need to create a freakin’ circus to win without Audrey” or, hear me out, you could have faith in your fucking students and provide them equal opportunity?
* These blacklight/glow in the dark costumes are so cool
* “I think we ate and left no crumbs” it’s so funny hearing modern lingo in Dance Moms of all shows
* Girl why is Audrey on stage if she didn’t dance 😐
* Bound together got 4th? Bitch this competition is rigged
* The group got 3rd we really can’t have shit in Philadelphia
* “We all let down miss glo this week” I’m sorry your teacher is a miserable bitch and you think that way
* Oh interesting Gina’s dancing next week too
*I try to not comment on the next episode until I watch it but Audrey’s solo and the group’s costumes are so pretty
0 notes
maximuswolf · 3 months
My Nintendo SNES Exertainment Life Cycle Bike 9XS - A retro gaming machine you never even heard of!
My Nintendo SNES Exertainment Life Cycle Bike 9XS - A retro gaming machine you never even heard of! https://ift.tt/8cw7g2H Wow haha look what I found, rare Nintendo bike from 1993, still working, very coolHello gaming redditors! This post will be about the Nintendo Exertainment SNES Life Cycle Bike 9XS, one of the rarest and craziest products to ever get released by Nintendo.In 1993, Nintendo revealed their new way to connect fitness and sports with gaming: the Nintendo Exertainment Exercise Bikes. There were 2 different models on the market: The Life Cycle Bike 3500 and the Life Cycle Bike 9XS. The 3500 was released for training at home: you would connect your bike with your own SNES console via an extra receiver and you would be able to play one of 2 games to ever get produced for that purpose - but being priced at $800, the interest was very very low. And then there was its big brother: the 9XS. Priced at $2,000, the 9XS would have its own built in console and monitor, so you would just need some energy to start playing! This was perfect for e.g. fitness studios, because they wouldn't need to set up a console and TV for you to start playing, and just have everything built in in a single machine!There are 2 games made for the bikes: "Speed Racer" and "Mountain Bike Rally". The first one is a car game, where you boost your car by kicking the pedals as fast as possible, and steering with the buttons on your handles. The second one is an actual bike racing game, working similar to the first one. There were special edition disks with both these games on a single disk, with some of them selling for many thousands of euros today. There were no more games produced because of the low demand of these bikes on the market.Now to my (m21, from Munich, Germany) personal story (don't expect too much, it's lame af): my parents bought a house in 2001, and bought another one in 2009, renovated it and moved into that in 2016. The other house has been empty since then, waiting for me to finish university and live in that house. It wasn't rented to anyone else because the rules for renting are pretty strict in germany, so just letting it wait was the best idea for them. Some weeks ago, they started to clean out the basement, and found this insane gaming rarity. They thought it's just a classic exercise bike and asked me if they can throw it away or if I needed it. To be honest, I didn't know anything about it aswell - but after starting to find some information online, the decision to not throw it away was pretty obvious :DNow, we carried the bike over to my parents newer house, cleaned it and did some testings - and everything works perfectly!! There are close to no usage marks aswell, and the original disk with both games is still inside!With the 9XS being built for commercial usage only, and Nintendo stopping the production shortly after release because nobody would spent 2k$ to play just 2 games, not many of there were ever sold, and even less are still existing today.I didn't find too much information about it, and even less people who own this. I talked to someone who owns both bikes and collects Nintendo stuff, and he told be that he didn't know about another working 9XS bike to exist besides his and told me that this has to be worth like $8,000-$15,000 at least, depending on usage marks and on how complete it is.Here is an imgur link with even more pictures:https://ift.tt/glObJNt check my profile for some more posts about the bike!If you have any questions, any personal experience or just want to push this post to get more attention, just type in the comments, I will answer everything! Also, dms are open for more infos on the bike, if you are interested in buying!That's it from me, now it's your turn! Thank you guys for reading!!  Submitted June 19, 2024 at 04:19AM by tobi_1504 https://ift.tt/Tpx3rUj via /r/gaming
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Vent post
cw: uhhhh food, my trademarked Tense Living Situation, injury/medical stuff
I don't know what we're going to do, dear readers.
I tore something in my knee last month (exactly a month ago today) and haven't been able to work, and so when Beloved got their tax return, it all went to our bills and the rent we pay at the family house. We were really hoping to use it to get out of here and into our own place, but we had to use up our savings, too. Beloved's been running as much as they can but had to take a burnout break for a week last week because they just couldn't handle it for a bit, and I've been unable to work for most of the last month. I've gotten back into the office, but only part time, and of course it's not enough. This paycheck tomorrow will get me maaaaaaybe $200, and we have to pay rent on the 1st. Beloved, thankfully, gets paid on the 29th but that's supposed to go to bills.
The only saving grace is that this injury is being paid for by workman's comp, as it was a work injury, but that's part of why I haven't been able to work; if I could afford to pay for it myself, or had insurance, I could have gotten the relevant imaging done by now and had a game plan. As it is, we don't know if I need surgery, and my MRI is scheduled for the 1st, which will be five weeks since the injury. Who knows what kind of damage I did to my knee in the first place, or what I've done since?
Since I've fucked up my knee, I haven't been able to really do much about food, which is doubly fucking me over because I'm on a restricted diet anyway. Not that it matters, since I don't have access to a kitchen to actually prepare shit in. When I told my doc at my appointments that I haven't been icing my knee, he got really huffy at me and was like, "you know you'd probably feel better if you did," and I had to tell him "well then get me an apartment with a kitchen". I felt all of one foot tall. I don't have access to a fridge, I have half of a pantry shelf, and I can't cook in the kitchen without my mom or uncle yelling at me. And mom hasn't been cooking food that I can eat (I'm on a medically restrictive diet to heal my digestive tract/stomach/throat), and then gets huffy at me for not eating with the family. But like. Why would I be up there when I can't eat with you? There already isn't enough room for anyone to sit and our dining room table is buried! So I've been staying in the basement, making as few trips up and down the stairs as possible, and living off of Ensure nutritional drinks.
God, I hate it here. I feel like I'm gonna die in this bedroom. I really need us to move out of this house but to do that we need money, but for us to have money I have to work, but for me to work I need to heal my knee, but to heal my knee I need to eat properly (among other things), but to eat properly, I need a useable kitchen and groceries, but to have a kitchen and groceries, I need to move out of this house.
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Isle Connections Ch1 Towards The Isle Of Armor
The sixth and final Installment of the Galar Soulmate Series.
You're not sure how you stayed but you did. Never again to return home. After all the game's storyline was over. Now what? Well you were hired to play babysitter yet again so it looks like you're heading off to the famous Isle of Armor. Maybe this would be a fun time with your friends! Now only if this goofball wouldn't be such a pain.
(Ok. So like I know I said that Milo's route was going to be the last installment of this series but as A very is technically a Gym Leader at the end of the events of the Isle of Armor DLC and a lot of people voted for a route of him and I said that I would write for all of the male cast of the Sword and Shield Gym Leader cast (minus Kabu) ....Yeah. I got roped into writing for this psychic goofball but I am serious when I say this is actually the last installment of this series. I won't be writing for anyone else from Sword and Shield after Avery. I do however thank everyone for all the love that you all have shown this series and I genuinely appreciate all of the support. It means a lot! Also Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to everyone reading this first chapter.
Also vote for what kind of Pokemon from the Isle of Armor y'all want plus names.)
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This entire thing all started in March. That fateful decision that Leon made.
"Uh...What exactly is going on around here?"
It had been about a month since you arrived back in Postwick and already so many things had happened. Your Valentine's Day was great! And so was the rest of the week as the guys and Leon got to hang out with their families before he sadly had to once again take off for Wyndon again at the request of the new Chairman. Well he WAS still Champion after all. He still had a lot of responsibilities now that there was repairs going on. As for you, you got settled back into your basement room and had tried to once again (and succeeded in-) getting that job at Mr. Frederick's grocery store up the road a bit. And Mrs. L had instead started charging you a hundred dollars a month in rent instead of a hundred fifty. You suspected it was because of helping Leon but when you asked she claimed you were probably wanting to save money in order to move out once you figured out what you wanted to do again. Fair enough. If you were living in Galar now you'd need money to buy a house. The guys had been pretty chill. Usually going out to explore the fields or practice battle. Sonia had even published her book a week after you all arrived! Even making a free digital copy anyone could read on the web although you hadn't read it yet. Her publisher worked FAST! But that's not why you had woken up today. You had woken up to a whole bunch of commotion from downstairs and figured everyone was up, but when you came upstairs the strong scent of lemon and cleaning supplies hit your nose stronger than that roof piece did. And the sight of Hop wiping down one of the WALLS with a small rag certainly caught your tired brain off guard. Were you still dreaming???
"Oh uh. Good morning, Y/n!," the boy greeted your tired bed headed stare with an awkward smile. "Did I wake you up?"
"Kinda." You yawned reaching a hand up to rub your eyes. "What are you doing?"
"Oh! Spring cleaning! We do it every year once the weather's warm enough!"
"Spring cleaning?" He nodded. Oh. Makes sense. Lots of people did Spring Cleaning. You know you and your mom sure did.
"Yep! Once a year when it's Spring we clean the house literally top to bottom! But that's not the only reason why we're sprucing up the place!'' He turned back to the wall wiping it down with the biggest smile on his face. "I want everything to look it's best when Lee comes back this weekend!"
"...Say what now?"
"Lee called last night when you went to sleep! He's visiting us again this weekend and he's bringing a really special surprise for Glory! I dunno what it is yet but it's gotta be good! So today the house and then tomorrow the yard and shed! You wanna help?"
You shook your head no. "Sorry I can't. I have to work if I'm going to pay your mom that rent money for this month...But tell you what. Tell your mom to leave the basement and I'll clean that for you guys when I get back from work tonight. Ok?"
He beamed. "Yeah! That'd be a big help thanks!"
So Leon was coming that weekend huh? It'd be nice to see him again after so long. You just wondered what this 'surprise' was. Whelp you didn't have to wait long to find out that either because as he promised he showed up that weekend. The guys were pretty excited to see their big brother figure again and you'd be lying if you said you weren't excited to see him either. After all he was one of the few friends you had really. You kept your word of cleaning out the basement and downstairs bathroom for Mrs. L which she was grateful for but sadly weren't able to help much else due to your working. But it was alright. Mrs. G and the guys came over to help out and prepare things before Leon's big arrival that Saturday. And you were lucky enough to have the weekends off in order to see him. And then the day came. It was pretty early in the morning when someone bursts through the basement door startling you awake as Hop rushed down the stairs to wake you.
"Huh?....What the-"
"LEON'S HERE!!", Hop excitedly called out for you from the basement stairs grinning like he had won a million dollars. "Everyone's here waiting for Mom to come back with him from the station! Come on before you miss him!"
You groaned. Oh. Right. It was THAT Saturday. "Alright. Alright. I'm up."
You groaned but did get up in order to go greet Leon. Whelp! You did want to see Leon again anyways. So you stumbled out of your sleeping back, slapped on come clothes that weren't PJs, and made yourself presentable in the bathroom before heading back up the stairs with Silver at your heels. But you were NOT prepared again for what you saw in the living room. Yes. Everyone was there. The guys, their moms, Leon's grandparents, and even Lee himself! But what you WEREN'T expecting was the extra person in the room. As soon as you had walked in someone had looked up from you at the couch and you paused seeing the much older man. And your eyes widened! NO. WAY. IT WAS KABU!! The older gym leader was sitting there in ordinary clothes right next to Leon and had looked up at you when you walked right in but paused in the doorway surprised. Kabu? Here? What in the world was one of the gym leader's doing here?
"Y/n!" You jumped when Leon smiled at you and gestured for you to come in as you stood there. "It's great to see you! Come in! You remember Kabu right?"
"Uh...Y-Yeah." You blinked before slowly walking in Silver at your heels. Still confused, you raised a hand and smiled at Kabu anyways. "Hey. Nice to see you again."
To your surprise instead of waving back the older man bowed to you. "It is an honor to meet our great champion's family and friends."
"Y-Yeah. Likewise. *ahem*....So what brings you to Postwick?"
"That's what this meeting here is all about." Leon looked back to Kabu who sat back up and looked to Gloria who you now realized was sitting across from him and Leon.
"Yes. You all must be very surprised someone like me decided to make the long journey here with Leon but rest assured that I had a purpose." His somber but calm expression met Gloria's. "You see there is a very good reason why I'm here. It is to see you." he then pointed a finger at Gloria.
Everyone looked surprised but more so Gloria who blinked and pointed at herself. "Ye came all the way from Motostoke jus' ta see ...me?" Kabu nodded but to her confusion. "But why?"
"A very good question to ask. And I have a very good answer. You see...I am in good shape for my age." ...You blinked raising a brow as he stated a ..true but very out of no where fact about him. "More than most people my age are, but as healthy as I may be it doesn't get rid of the fact that I am growing older. I have been the Fire Type Gym Leader for many years but it goes without saying I can't just keep that title forever. Like everyone there will be a time that I will decide or need to retire, but I can't as there's no one else to take over Motostoke's gym." ....He leaned forward making Gloria blink. "As with any Gym leader I study my opponents' moves, strategies, skill sets, and a slew of other variables in order to dictate their attacks. It's rare that I find a trainer who could not only beat me on her first try but in a way I wasn't expecting. Leon's judgement is something I respect highly and he wasn't wrong when he saw great potential in you Ms. Gloria."
The whole room fell silent for a moment as Gloria just..stared at him with the boys exchanging looks with each other before she spoke again. "Uh...W-Well thank ye. But what does that have ta do with anythin'?"
"It has to do with everything. Ms. Gloria if you're willing to accept my offer, and with your mother's permission of course." He nodded to Ms. G for a brief moment before turning back to her. "I would be honored to take you on and train you to become the new Fire Type Gym Leader of Motostoke."
Your. Jaw. DROPPED!! As did everyone else's besides Leon who smiled happily towards the shocked Gloria as she just sat there as kabu's words sank into everyone's heads. Kabu wanted to train HER!? As the new Fire Type Gym Leader for Motostoke!? THAT CERTAINLY WASN'T IN THE GAME!! After a moment of silence Gloria eventually sputtered out some noises that sounded like she was trying to talk gesturing her arms to him and around the room. Looking between him and Leon. Back and forth. Back and forth between the two league members before she finally let one word escape her mouth.
"Yes. Honestly with your skills and quick thinking I'm sure you'd make a great future gym leader. All you need is some guidance."
"I-I-I heard you b-b-but....WHY me!?" She gestured to herself again as if that was obvious. "I-I can't b-be a gym leader! I-I...I d-don't have the steel nerves it t-takes ta be one!"
"I thought you'd say that actually." She turned back to Leon who smiled warmly at her. "That's why I came up a plan that'd help you with your stage fright and anything else you might need improving on." With one hand Leon reached into his shirt's pocket and produced what looked like a tanish-golden colored train pass before holding it out to Gloria. "Here."
She blinked at it for a moment looking between Lee and the card before slowly taking it. "...What's this?"
"It's an exclusive Armor Pass."
"Armor Pass?," she asked him raising a brow.
He nodded with a hum. "Uh huh! With this you'll be able to directly go to the Isle of Armor station and catch one of their special taxi's to the island. That's where I trained when I first became Champion around your age. You see there's a very special dojo there with a very special teacher who specializes in training people into becoming better trainers. He's helped other people in the league before just like me. In fact he's pretty famous! You might even know about him. His name's Mustard."
You rose a brow. Mustard?? What kind of name was that?
"MUSTARD!?" You jumped hearing Hop shout eyes practically popping from his head with how wide they were in amazement. "As in like the old Champion who had the old title of Champion before he was defeated!? THAT MUSTARD!?"
Your eyes widened at Hop's words before turning to Leon who nodded. A former Champion?! No wonder Hop sounded amazed. "That's right. He's been running the dojo for years now and helps improve peoples' battling as well as themselves. I think it would be a great idea to have Gloria pay him a visit as I believe he'd be able to really help her come out of her shell. That is if she accepts Kabu's offer." He looked back to Gloria who still blinked at him. "You don't have to if you don't want to Gloria but know that you won't be in it alone."
"Yes. It's going to be hard work but that's what makes the end goal much more meaningful. But it depends on your answer."
Gloria blinked. Looked around the room at all of you. Looked at Leon. Looked at Kabu. Looked back down to the pass in her hands......Before smiling brightly like someone had just given her a brand new gym badge before looking back at Kabu! "YES!! O' course I accept ye offer! How can I not!? I just- Wow! THIS IS AMAZING!!"
A few smiles were shared even by the older man as Kabu bowed to her-
"Wait. When does she leave for the Isle of Armor?"
"Oh. Next Thursday. The train to the isle is already scheduled to arrive at noon then."
"NEXT THURSDAY!?" Everyone jumped as all of sudden Gloria shot up to her feet in panic. Hands grabbing her cheeks as a wave of fear washed over her all of a sudden. "T-THAT SOON!? I JUST- ....I NEED TA GO PACK!!" And with that she turned and fled. Silver having to literally jump out of the way as Gloria sped off out of Hop's out throwing the door open with a BANG behind her in her rush. Leaving everyone there sitting in silence...Until Mrs. G sighed.
The Isle of Armor?? Why did that sound familiar to you?...Oh well. You didn't pay it much mind but you were happy for Gloria to get such an unexpected surprise! Being trained by both a gym leader and a former champion sounds like a dream come true for someone like her. You didn't know all the details but Kabu talked for a while with Mrs. G getting Gloria's Mother's permission to train her before Leon had pulled you aside as everyone else was distracted by the sudden happy news. You were surprised when he lead you into the kitchen looking over his shoulder to make sure no one followed or was listening to him. 
It made you raise a brow. "Leon, is everything ok?" You gently pulled your arm away from the Champion. "You're acting weird, Dude."
He again looked over his shoulder back into the living room to make sure no one was listening before looking back at you with an inhale. "Actually I wanted to ask something of you and I wouldn't be asking you if it wasn't for a good reason."
Your brow rose higher as Silver waddled in following you before plopping on the floor by your legs. "It depends on what you're asking of me. What ARE you asking of me exactly?"
Leon reached a hand up to rub his neck, something you learnt that both himself and Hop had a habit of doing when nervous. "Well... I-its about Glory. I figured she'd accept the offer but there's a slight problem I'm worried about." Your crossed arms invited him to go on. "Well as you and I know Hop and Glory both have a habit of sometimes maybe running ahead when they shouldn't and ...Well...H-Hoppy's gonna be trained under Sonia's eyes and Victor's not very prone to running ahead. It's not that I don't trust Mustard but I was kinda maybe hoping that perhaps you'd agree to going along with her and making sure she was settling in ok there?"
You stared. "So...You want me to keep an eye on her and keep her out of trouble like I've been doing this entire time?"
"I-Ill make sure you're fully compensated for everything!," Leon assured you, "I-I would just feel better knowing that she was with someone in case she needed help. W-What do you say?"
You hummed furrowing a brow. You didn't feel like traveling again so soon after just settling down two months after an almost region ending event. You were honestly still surprised that you didn't teleport back home to your horrible mother. Then again...there really wasn't anything else you were doing right now. You were still figuring out what you wanted to do with your new life. Maybe a trip to this Isle would help. Plus spending time with Gloria sounded like fun.
You shrugged before nodding. "Sure. Why not? It might be fun."
The purple haired champion lit up before sighing in relief. "Thank you. I mean it. Thank you! I'll make it up to you I promise! I'm just happy to know that Glory is in good hands."
Quickly Mrs. L and everyone else was made aware that you'd also be able to go with Glory and Gloria seemed excited to know that you'd also be going with her. Leon making sure to also gift you the same pass as Gloria before he had to leave with Kabu. Whelp. Guess you were traveling again somewhere. But why did this Isle of Armor sound familiar to you? Oh well. You just packed up and prepared to to go traveling again. Soon Thursday rolled around and You, Hop, Victor, and Mrs. G all traveled with to the station. Gloria both giddy and nervous with a big old stuffed pack on her back. Mrs. G asking over and over again if Gloria remembered to pack everything she needed. First aid kit. Food. Clothes. A coat. Her sleeping bag. Etc. When you got to the train station Practically no one was there except for one or two other people and the station master behind the counter as usual. You did pause to look at the other two people who were dressed somewhat strangely and very colorfully waiting for the train as well. One had really BRIGHT pink hair and the other guy wore this gigantic top hat with pokeballs floating around it like some psychic pokemon. Wha- How was he doing that? Your attention was brought back to the present as the distant sounds of the evening train approaching caught everyone's attention.
"There's the train!," Mrs. G commented before grabbing Gloria by the shoulders with a look. "Are you sure you packed everything you needed?"
"Yes, Mum! For the millionth time I double checked this mornin'. I'll be fine travelin' there. Lee said he was gonna meet me at the taxi station anyways."
Mrs. G still didn't look so sure but Victor assured her. "Don't worry none, Mum. Glory's gonna be fine on her trip there. 'Sides Y/n is gonna be with 'er."
Eventually she did sigh and remove her hands from Gloria. "You're right. I just can't help but be worried about her traveling by herself. You all are growing up too fast for my liking."
"She'll be fine!," Hop said smiling widely before looking to Gloria, "You're gonna do great Glory! I know you will! You're my rival after all so you have to do your best or else I'll become a better trainer than you."
Gloria smiled back at him. "Ha! We'll see 'bout that. OH! I almost forgot! I got something for ye!" She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a pokeball, holding it up to the purple haired boy. "'Ere! I had a couple a few extra o' these wee ones lying about an' I know they mean a lot ta people in a special way so I got ye one."
Hop slowly took the pokeball from her. "A pokemon? For me?" 
She nodded. "It's a rare find I had been gifted by Sonia back at Wyndon but I have no use for it. But don't see what it is til ye get home. Ok?"
Hop again blinked but smiled widely. "Wow! This is amazing Glory! Thank you." he excited turned to Victor holding up the brand new pokeball. "Hey, Vick! Look what Glory gave me!"
"You gave Hop a pokemon?"
Gloria turned to you and nodded. "I gave all me rivals an extra pokemon I got from the rotomi boxes ta show there's nay hard feelings. After all you said I shouldn't cause any bad blood between me rivals."
You smiled. "Oh ..Wow, Gloria. That was really nice of you! What did you give them if you don't mind me asking?"
"Oh nothin' special really. I gave Marnie a wee purloin I found and I sent Bede a lovedisc before we went ta see you at the hospital."
You froze. .....And blinked. "Wait, wait, wait. You gave BEDE a what?!"
"This cute water pokemon I found called a lovedisc," she gushed obvliviously. "It was jus' the cutest wee thing shaped like a sweet lil heart! I figured since Bede's always wearin' pink and he has works with cute fairy type pokemon it'd be perfect! An' I gave Hop one of the extra pokeballs I had forgotten in me bag." She paused with a hum rubbing her chin. "I can't remember what pokemon it was but I'm sure Hop will love it all the same!"
You wanted to facepalm right then and there. Because as soon as the words 'I gave Bede a lovedisc' slipped out of her mouth so obliviously you knew she had once again blundered. And you had a good reason why. There was ONE specific pokemon Dex entry you specifically remembered about luvdisc-
"Its heart-shaped body makes it popular. In some places, you would give a Luvdisc to someone you love."
AND she gave one to Bede who she already flustered with accidentally making him think she was trying to gift him an applin. Great. You sighed but figured maybe Bede wouldn't know or he wouldn't think much of it since she also gifted Marnie a purrloin and Hop a....mystery pokemon you have yet to figure out. Here's hoping. The sounds of the train came further and further until with a high pitched screech it stopped right in front of you all and the station master announced it.
"The train to the Isle of Armor has arrived! Those with an Armor Pass please board the train! The train will departing in fifthteen minutes!"
"That's our cue!" Gloria said as the other two weirdly dressed people walked up to the station master. She turned back to all of you with a smile. "I guess this is good bye for now."
"Don't worry about us," you assured her smiling. "You're going to do great out there! And I'm still coming with you."
"Yeah! Glory, you'll do great!" "It's gonna be great to have a Champion brother and Gym Leader Rival!" "I'll miss you, Sweetie."
Hugs were had all around and good bye's were exchanged before Gloria a little tearfully joined the other two weirdly dressed folks in line for the train with you behind her as the station master checked their passes.
"Do you have an Armor Pass?"
"Naturally. I have made all the proper preparations which you can observe with unclouded eyes."
"Hee hee! Of course! I totally have one!"
"Then please allow me to check your passes."
You all watched as the weirdly dressed people handed their passes to the station master who proceeded to look over both behind the booth. Huh...Why did those two look familiar? Deja vu again. But you shrugged it off. Lots of different people in the pokemon world. They probably just reminded you of some you've seen before. After a moment the station master handed the two back their passes and they stepped out of the way for Gloria and yourself to walk up and also hand him your pass Leon gave you both. It was also at that moment the doors to the train opened and something came walking out of it. You turned ..and blinked as a SLOWPOKE slowly crawled it's way out of the train's doorway and into the station. It's dopey grinning face smiling at nothing as it randomly crawled into the station. Wha- What was a slowpoke doing here? Silver noticed too and chirped at it curiously gaining it's attention...or more so the food Silver held that he had been snacking on. the slowpoke peeked it's interest at that and came towards Silver making him chirp in warning backing up behind your legs holding his precious food from it's reach.
"Aw. Hey little guy." You slowly kneeled down to the pokemon who tilted it's head curiously but otherwise none threateningly at you as you kneeled down catching everyone's attention. "Where did you come from?" Of course it didn't answer you but made a happy noise when you reached out to pet it's head. CUTE!
"Oh a slowpoke!" "Hmph. To meet a slowpoke. Such a thing is simply elegant."
You paid no mind to the other two adults but the station master peeked out of his booth to see the thing before giving a groan. "Uh oh. Looks like another one's gotten on the train and ridden over from the Isle of Armor. Hey you're all pokemon trainers right?" He asked you all. "If Slowpoke blocks the ticket gate, it'll cause trouble for other customers. Slowpoke are actually really heavy. So do you think you can catch it for me?"
"I think it's just hungry," you answered back noticing the way it kept staring at Silver's food as your brave guard dog cowered away from the dopey looking teddy bear thing.
"If that case I can lead it out of the station with this." You turned to Victor who reached inside of his pocket and pulled out what looked like those granola breakfast bars that no one really liked besides him. Carefully peeling off the wrapper he exposed the granola berry mix thing and went over to the slowpoke. It was pretty easy to catch his attention as it almost immediately turned it's head to him. "C'mon boy! Ye want it? Come get it." And like magic the pokemon turned and slowly began following Victor as he made his way to back out of the station. The slowpoke slowly but surely following behind.
The station master sighed. "Thanks much! Slowpoke can be a big trouble to move sometimes." And he went back to finish giving Gloria and you your passes as Victor continued to lead the pokemon out of the station. 
"Hmmm? How interesting. I must say your catching style is quite simply elegant." "Whoa amazing! The way you're catching that slowpoke is the absolute coolest!"
Victor chuckled nervously as he continued leaving. "Are you guys getting on the train too?"
They both turned to Gloria and the pink haired lady nodded. "I'm heading to a place called the Isle of Armor! I'm gonna catch some rare pokemon and do some training!"
The blonde haired man nodded. Again HOW were those pokeballs floating around his hat?? "I've heard it's a place where one can catch rare pokemon and do lots of training."
Before Gloria could say anything else the station master turned back to the three of them. "We apologize for the wait. We have checked your Armor pass. All aboard the the train to the Isle of Armor! Mind your step when boarding. Please be aware there will also be a connection along the way."
"Okaaay!" "Understood."
The pink haired lady turned back to Gloria. "Let's hang if we meet up again, 'K? Bye bye then! See ya!"
The taller blonde man reached up to tip his hat slightly to Gloria. "Yes. Perhaps we shall meet again sometime. Well then please excuse me."
And both turned to board the train. You all watched them go before Hop hummed. "I could be wrong..But that lady looked familiar."
"You too huh?" Hop nodded and you hummed. Ok. That was strange. Hop seemed to kinda recognize them too so it's more than a deja vu affect. ...Well considering those two were in Wedgeherst Station that means they must've been from Postwick too right? You must've seen them around before and not paid them much attention beforehand. Yeah. That must've been it.
The station master ended up giving Gloria her pass and she quickly boarded the train with you and Silver behind her but she paused and looked behind her at them all....Smiling sadly and waved. You  waved too as they all waved back smiling and in Mrs. G's case crying lightly until the doors closed and the train moved. You both stood there for a long moment before you felt a jolt of the train move and you nudged her shoulder gently saying that you both should probably take your seats. She agreed so you both walked further into the train to take your seats. Huh. You didn't see the guy with the top hat or the girl with really bright pink hair anywhere. Guess they were in a different part of the train. It took a good few days and nights  of traveling by train and following the instructions Leon gave Gloria on her rotomi phone before stopping by and getting off at a station over looking an ocean. We're you supposed to travel the rest of the way by boat?
"Misses Gloria and Y/n?," a male voice called making you both look left and saw the familiar sight of a flying taxi. "You are them right?"
"Yeah!," Gloria happily answered with a smile, "Why?"
"I was assigned by the Champion to take you both to the Isle of Armor." He made a come on motion. "Climb aboard."
"Oh this is great!" Gloria beamed grabbing your arm. "We'll be there in no time!"
You groaned as she dragged you by the arm towards the taxi with Silver at your heels. Flying. WHY WAS IT ALWAYS FLYING!?
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echoequinox · 1 year
my life story
at 18 i moved in with my girlfriend into a one bed apartment. i was going to college in the city until i messed that up and stopped going to school.
i pushed carts for a while. i tried to be good but sometimes i talked to people. i found out there was a name i liked better.
christmas eve i left, drove an hour and a half to some other girl's house, one who called me a name that felt good. one that said i was a good girl. i didnt go back to my girlfriend's apartment again.
i moved in with a friend from high school. he didnt get it but he loved me as a best friend. that was enough. a girl i used to date was at college in iowa or something, dating some guy from the military. it all made her want to die. i told her to leave. she did.
we lived in that spare bedroom with my rabbit for a while, and then into her mom's house. not for terribly long, only long enough for her to pick up drinking, finding a guy at the bar that she barely liked and wouldnt stay with but at least he "made her feel something". she misgendered me anyway.
so then i went home. to my mom and her abusive boyfriend. i was out a lot, with friends, running around, not wanting to be home.
i met a boy who worked at a taco shop. he'd work at a starbucks later, and when we lived in the halfway house he was in because he was kicked out by his parents for being trans, he'd bring me tea from work. my introduction into the wonderful world of tea.
that was the happiest i was for a while. sleeping at his place, playing games, fucking when he got home and drinking tea. we went to restaurants and pride rallies where i met my other boyfriend.
the three of us moved into a new place together where i lived in the basement. i got alcohol poisoning there after drinking 20 shots of whiskey in a row on an empty stomach. i was miserable then, too, i think. at least they both took care of me.
first boy got another bf. he told me once when he got me drunk to have sex with me (which failed, got me too drunk) that he had to find someone else because id stopped fucking him enough. that was what i was there for.
me and the second boyfriend left. we went back to my mother's. the second time i had returned. we were actively getting kicked out when he proposed to me. i said yes. we went to live in an abandoned motel that had electricity but no heat in the middle of one of the coldest missouri winters.
a girl id reconnected with offered me a place with her and her husband. told me my bf at the time was using me for comfort and affection, didnt actually like me. that made sense. i left.
alabama. it was better there. the housewife's live in girlfriend to a wealthy programmer. he was very sweet and kind and cute. she was very familiar with what she wanted.
it was a few years and a few houses in alabama, getting on new medications and starting to put out applications when she told me i couldn't stay there anymore. the third home i was forced out of.
a friend in florida had a job opportunity for me. i lived with their parents because id fallen in love with them. it was never reciprocated, not in the way i wanted. but we did become quickly codependent in ways that relationships usually never got to.
we moved out and into an apartment. we bought a cat. we decorated our home together. we made meals. the pandemic hit. non-essential workers meant stipends. we made art. we learned new skills. we started working out.
the pandemic ended and i got fired. no job, no income, i was once again a burden. i couldnt do the one thing required of me - previously sex, here rent - and so i was nothing. what we had ended in a matter of weeks. love crumbled to ash in my hands and I was cruelly reminded that unless you serve a purpose to others, you dont deserve to exist.
i got into school, got some loans, and lived off campus in florida. the dream school, the one id wanted since high school. THE programmer school!! THE place that would teach me to make games!!! finally!!!!!
it fell through. classes became harder and harder to attend, and the few i did i felt ostracized and discarded. i remembered why I hated being around people.
it ended too. not the school, thank god for covid for forcing online schooling to become the norm. one thanksgiving, visiting friends, i had them help cosign on a car. i would drive back to florida and doordash to keep myself afloat.
the car broke. stranded in illinois. i had to find somewhere to go. a friend helped me for a time, and then finally when my mom and her horrible husband separated, she let me back in. the third return.
we had to drive to florida to get my stuff, a 20 hour drive both ways while we both had covid, but i survived. everything i owned fit in the back of an suv. anything that didnt got thrown away.
and now im here. back in the house i grew up in. in a house ive come to hate. i hate it here. this is where i live, but it isnt home. i desperately want to go home, but i dont have one.
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bittersweettweet · 42 years
Today I woke up to a really gloomy day. I asked Liz if it was snowing, and she said yes! I was secretly thrilled because I wasn't quite ready for the Baha'i class. I hoped that maybe the teacher and the other kids wouldn't show up, and we'd get a day off.
Yesterday at school, the kids teased me about having a whole week off and asked if I had a blast. They thought it was funny.
Later, Mehri and I went to the office to hand in our doctor's notes. She had been sick for a few days too. We also wanted to get our report cards since we missed the day they were handed out. We asked Mrs. Badiee if she could give us our grade cards. But she got distracted with other work and forgot about us. We tried to remind her, but she didn't seem to hear us. So we went to Mrs. Saam's desk, but she sent us back to Badiee. Then Badiee sent us to Aabedi, and Aabedi sent us back to Badiee. It was like a crazy maze! Finally, Badiee told Aabedi to check a folder on her desk. Phew, it was quite exhausting. My report card was kind of disappointing, but Mehri's was great, as always.
By the time I got to class, the teacher had already arrived. I sat down on the bench, and she asked me to bring my homework. I blurted out, "But I was absent!" I don't know why I said that because I had actually done my homework. The teacher looked at me and said, "So what? Many students were sick but still did their homework." I was about to say something when Zeynal jumped in and said, "She was absent for a whole week, ma'am." Then the teacher looked at me again and said, "Oh, okay then."
Some of the kids were crying. One girl had a GPA of 17 out of 20, and another girl's parents were in a car accident and were in the hospital. She was really worried about them but wasn't allowed to go see them. Then I heard my name over the intercom. "Rouhani, come to the office." They said I needed the district physician's approval to go back to school after having chickenpox. Dad came and picked me up. The doctor said I shouldn't be in school for another week.
Today, we had a lot of fun playing in the snow. I went down to the basement to ask Dad why the Baha'i children's class hadn't shown up yet.
The entrance to the house is a narrow iron door with designs on it, and when we come in, there are some steps leading to a little garden with flowers and herbs. Then there's a steep stairway going down to our spooky basement, and a door that goes even deeper where the water heater is. It's a dark room with barely any light. There's a toilet in the corner that I use in emergencies. It gives me the creeps, especially when I'm using the toilet and the pipes clank super loud whenever someone uses hot water. But before that room, there's a door to a finished small room with a narrow window overlooking the garden. That's where Dad, and sometimes Mom, weave carpets. Dad learned how to make the frame from his parents when he was a child. Mom is a great weaver since she had to help Grandma, who was so good at doing this for a living. They said on the opposite ends of this board. Dad calls out the color of the yarn he's using so Mom can do the same for a symmetrical pattern. While working, they often joke and laugh, but sometimes they also have arguments on rough days.
Dad had to start this since they closed down Monfared's insurance office where he used to work. He hasn't had much luck finding a job. Many places don't hire Baha'is these days. And the Baha'is aren't allowed to have their own businesses. The money situation is tight. There's even talk of us having to rent our 2-bedroom on the first floor and all seven of us moving to the small bedroom on the third floor. Mom says it'll be fun!
Anyway, Dad told me the class wasn't coming to our house, and we didn't have to go. That made me really happy :)
Not much else to say for now. Hoping for more exciting things to come!
0 notes
cedarboughs · 1 year
The Californians
The posters had been up all over town and the hill for a month. The International Junior Freeriding Cup, presented by a major car brand. They would rip down the rails and groomed jumps of the terrain park underneath the Lynx Quad, and everyone would cheer. We were dreading it. A competition meant a flood of athletes descending on Raven River in a loose horde, high on glory and just plain high, and every modifier on the poster winnowed the athletes, already a particular breed, into a narrower clan. Junior: teenage athletes. International Junior: American teenage athletes. Given that so particular flood, then, maybe the conversation I had on Hemlock Street was inevitable. 
We were headed down Hemlock to the Trapper’s Cabin liquor store, three of us, lifties all, from the rental house. Antoine and Pierre had moved in there a few weeks ago, just after the start of the season, during the second hiring spree. Antoine, from Trois-Rivieres, was a huge birdwatcher, and had taught me how to identify waxwings by the way they flocked. I had taught him Ticket to Ride - the board game, not the Beatles song. Pierre, from Gatineau, had given me his password to an online indie short film festival out of Montreal. I had found his best golf disc when he lost it in the snow. 
It was a warm night for January. We were in little more than sweaters, and wide Hemlock was alive. There were no fences on the residential side of the street, and between houses you could see and smell fires cracking in backyards, joints being passed around them. Somewhere down a side street, a guitar was playing some cowboy chords. We were just passing the bottle depot when footsteps fell in behind us, crunching on the old snow of the sidewalk. 
“Where’s the party?” said a voice, male, barely broken, and with a faintly detectable American-style fry on the syllables. 
I was in a good mood, so I glanced back and said, “Right here, man! This sidewalk is the party!” 
I expected in response a half-ironic but genuinely enthused fist pump and a mumbled ‘Hell yeah,’ an acknowledgement of the simple joy of existing, of standing on the cusp of the night, the unknown and, for all we knew then, the endless night, like a fresh-powder chute hidden by cliffs, and we were standing at the drop-in, clicking poles, ignorant of what the line might hold but ready to drop all the same. 
But there was no fist pump, no feeling of the drop back there. Instead, I turned and started walking switch to look at round faces, unmasked, deadly serious, hanging over shelf-creased Arc'teryx jackets. The one who’d spoken, I think, had a green jacket and was a bit shorter. The other was in orange and a little lankier.   
“Are you guys going to a party?” Green asked flatly. 
Now, I did really think that the party was there on the sidewalk. Not to get too woo-woo about it, but on some level it’s true that a party is a state of mind. That said, we were also on our way to a real party, that is to say, a physical party, nothing wild, but a living room in another rental, some drinks, and a Bluetooth speaker. Whoever brought a speaker somewhere was always hailed as a hero. Tunes out loud always brought things up, but a speaker cost well over a day’s wages for a liftie, probably close to a week’s rent. I had looked at them a half-dozen times, but never yet brought myself to justify it. It was an expensive sacrifice to the altar of kicks. Kicks! Did anyone actually call a fun night out ‘kicks?’ anymore? Not likely, but I didn’t mind thinking it. Whenever I started thinking in Kerouacisms, I knew my energy was right for the night. It was Margot Frances and Jimmy Anders, who had lived in the basement of the rental house before Antoine and Pierre, who had left On the Road in the kitchen for me when they moved out, after all. I could do a lot worse than taking some of the slang from it and leaving the homophobic and misogynistic bits. I wonder vaguely if Margot and Jimmy would be at the other house tonight. I had heard they were back in town, after tree-planting somewhere in the Cariboo for the summer. I had cooked my best chickpea pasta for Jimmy and Margot and given them the recipe. Margot had taught me Norwegian Wood – The Beatles song, not the Murakami novel. I had given Jimmy the novel. 
So, yes, we were going to a party. But we’d already agreed, without a word exchanged, that these guys wouldn't be following us there. 
“We’re looking for hookers,” said Green. 
“Hookers and molly,” said Orange. ”You know what molly is?” 
MDMA. I did know. I’d seen enough videos of glassy-eyed people grinding their teeth in dark parkades to know. It wasn’t much of a Raven drug. Oh, don’t get me wrong, there were drugs aplenty in town. I’d heard the rumours about how to get shrooms, and testimonies from lifties who insisted it was the only way to watch 2001. And of course, by my calculations there was a cannabis shop for every one-and-a-half-thousand people in the region, which had to be some kind of record, and that was just the legal trade. From what I’d heard, most people still got back-alley stuff, whether out of price or habit, since there was almost no enforcement on it anyway. Last summer during the public concert series, there was an opening act by the guy who owned the disc golf course, whose legal name was Eternity Equinox. He’d sung four songs, and three of them were about how pot was an herb that he grew in his garden and so should be legalized. I don’t think anyone had the heart to tell him that this had been the case for years. Margot said it was the best act of the season. 
But I’d never heard of MDMA in Raven River. I knew what it was, but didn’t know what it was, and maybe that was the difference. The drugs people wanted here were plants and mushrooms. You could imagine every step from growing in the woods to a backyard fire. Ecstasy was a pill, wasn’t it? Like Tylenol. Totally synthetic. I had no conception of where Eternity Equinox’s garden might come in. 
“Bro, d’you know where to find hookers?” Green said again. 
I didn’t know if there were sex workers in Raven. It was certainly possible, but I’d never heard of it. I was still in a good mood, though, so I joked back at them: “Everyone’s a hooker for a price, right? For a million bucks I’ll do anything!” 
Again, no laughter, but in the dark patch between street lights I could feel more than see a smirk come to Green’s face. ”My daddy’s a millionaire,” he said, “I could give you fifty thousand right now.” 
“Right now? For nothing? Deal!” 
“I’ll give you ten thousand to suck my cock,” he said. 
“We’re from California,” Orange put in, as if to support the claim. Only millionaires came from California, I guess he meant to say, and not from anywhere else. 
Antoine turned around for the first time and asked, “How old are you guys?”  
“I’m fifteen and he’s sixteen,” said Green. 
“Ah,” said Pierre, and there was great understanding in the syllable. Fifteen. Children of the new millennium. It still struck me as odd that birth years could start with a 2 for people who knew what drugs were. The Californians were born well after the twin towers crumbled down, just around when the economy followed, when, as Arcade Fire put it, we watched the markets crash, and the promises we were made were torn. We had to make our own promises after that. It became clear after a few years that the things we were told in school, that we could all climb the ladder of work and profit, that hard work paid out in the end in the victorious capitalism in which we lived, all that was bunk. So, we had to figure out something else. I think we were all still trying to figure out what that was, but I don’t know. It’s not as if we talked about it. And for kids like these Californians, it was history anyway. They had their own shatterings. I sometimes lamented that my life beyond my hometown had been almost entirely pandemic, but hell, these kids’ whole teens had mostly been pandemic so far. 
“Ten thousand dollars, bro, if you want it.” 
“What do you guys do for fun around here?” asked Orange. 
I said, ”Ski,” just as Pierre said “Snowboard.” 
Well, it was the Kootenays in January. What answer did they expect? 
“I can do a backflip,” said Orange. 
“That’s really cool,” said Pierre, falling back with them a bit. It was cool. I couldn’t do a backflip. Pierre could, I’d seen it once, but he didn’t often. When we rode together we spent more time digging the resort and the sidecountry for hidden lines, untouched pockets of treacherous but ridable alpine terrain far down the remotest ends of ridges where no one had dared to go since the snow fell. Backflips by the chair were cool, but they took time away from that. 
“This place is kinds fucking lame,” said Green, “There’s really no hookers except you fags?” 
“We’re not hookers. Or gay,” said Antoine. 
“Ten thousand, dude.”
“Yeah, okay,” said Antoine. We crossed a side street and he picked up his pace, muttering to me, “Viens. On parle en Francais, ouais?” 
My French was hardly good enough to hold any sort of conversation even in the enunciated Parisian accent of school memories and Duolingo. In Quebec French I was hopeless. Antoine knew that, though. He was trying to talk so that the Californians couldn’t overhear. He would go easy on me. 
“D’accord,” I said, wondering if the Californians could tell how bad my accent was, how transparent our attempt at coding our words was from them. We had no clue that they didn’t also speak French, I suppose. Somehow it just seemed unlikely. 
“I think they are rich,” said Antoine, in a French that was much slower and more scholarly than his and Pierre’s usual cheerful chatter, “They think they can pay for anything. It changes you as a person.” 
“Oui,” I said back, “I mean, ouais. And they’re fifteen!” 
“Are you gonna suck my cock for ten thousand dollars?” Green shouted again. 
“You are going to do it?” asked Antoine, a smirk in his voice. 
I struggled to find the words in French to explain. Even “Non,” was too transparent, as it sounded just like the English word. So, I just said “They’re fifteen,“ again, ils on quinze ans, and Antoine nodded sagely.  
Pierre was hanging back, speaking with the Californians quietly. Antoine glanced at the three of them. “He’s good at talking to them,” he said. We were getting close to the liquor store now, and they could tell. The sign with the trapper in his David Thompson hat was lit and visible. They knew where we were going, and switched tactics accordingly. The ten thousand dollars to be added to a sex offenders registry seemed to be, mercifully, put to the wayside. 
“Will you buy us beer?” 
“Maybe,” Pierre said diplomatically. 
“We want PBR. Do you know what PBR is?” 
Do you know what PBR is? I wanted to say back to them, it’s cheap shit. Instead I said, “Yeah, I know PBR.” 
“Pabst?” asked Pierre. I nodded. “Ah,” he said, ”Cheap shit.” 
“Not bad as cheap shit goes,” I said, granting a concession to the Californians. It was true; it wasn’t like it was Kokanee. 
Pierre held the Californians back again as Antoine and I went ahead. With Pierre distracting them, we could talk in English now. 
“There’s no price for sucking underage dick,” he said. 
“No, of course not.” 
“I don’t want to be on a registry. It’s selling your freedom.” 
“And your self-respect. It’s just a horrible thing to do. I wouldn’t want to do it even if they were our age, but at least it wouldn’t be criminal. They think they can just pay us to become criminals. Do you think they were joking? They have to be just joking. Right?” 
“I don’t know, man. I really don’t know. Money does things to you. They think they can just own people.” 
We came to a stop at last, across the road from the Trapper’s Cabin, the five of us hemmed into a two-by-two line by the snowbanks.  Pierre came over to us, a messenger crossing No Man’s Land, and leaned in. “I told them we would get them beer as long as they don’t follow us.” Antoine and I nodded. This seemed like a fair price for peace. 
“Will you get me a six-pack of PBR?” asked Green. 
“I’ll get you one can,” I said. 
“Two,” said Green. 
PBR was cheap shit, and there were two of them. “Alright,” I said. 
We started off across the road. As we went, Green dug his hands into his pockets and said to Orange, “Bro. It’s kind of lame. I thought the team was gonna party.” 
The team. Somehow, until then, I hadn’t thought about the freeride competition. But of course, that was why they were here, wandering the streets unsupervised. This was probably one of the first times they had a weekend away from their parents, who were back in Los Angeles, busy with their millionaire business. If they were millionaires. As we crossed Hemlock I thought about the bad teen movies I’d seen, where the heroes - to stretch a term – pulled off such elaborate scams, whole layers of lies. I thought about the party scene in every movie like that, with flashing coloured lights coming from who-knew-where in a house full of people with their arms up, music blasting, not a speaker in sight. Part of me still thought that maybe parties like that did exist, and just like in high school, I still wasn‘t in enough loops to know about them. But no, I’m sure I would have seen one by now. I thought about pop songs and trap-hop songs, music videos and lyrics, popping pills and hoes in the back seat. Like I said, Hemlock is a wide street. 
There was only one car parked at the Trapper’s Cabin. I hadn’t noticed it across the street, but it materialized in the red light up close. I was terrible at recognizing cars – these days they were uniformly bubbly and monochrome, the better to resell you to someone who might not like a certain colour, my dear - but this was a car I would remember for years. It was a pale green chevy pickup, circa early nineties model, with “protect parks” stickers on the tailgate and no less than three Rasta bobbleheads all lined up in the windshield. The roof was folded in a way that was definitely off-model, and I knew it was because it had collapsed in after a huge dump of snow, and then been punched back out and reinforced with two-by-fours nailed to the inside. This was Margot Frances and Jimmy Anders’ truck, a Genuine Kootenay Beater. When walking along the ski hill road with intent to get up there close to opening, it was generally known that if a clean black Mercedes SUV passed by, it wasn’t worth the muscle motion to send up a thumb. If a GKB the colour of road salt grumbled past, though, that was usually your way. And absent the quasi-trusty shuttle bus, Margot and Jimmy’s truck was my favourite way to ride up or down. There was just one back seat, which I had to fold into and sit sideways in, and feeling not at all like I’d be safe in a crash, we would set off around the hairpin switchbacks on the hill road, playing The Doors out loud on Margot’s Bluetooth and talking about our runs for the day.  
If one of them was shopping, I’d say hi. 
I’ve never thought of a liquor store as a refuge before, probably, and thankfully, because I’m not an alcoholic. But it was kind of nice having a place that we knew the Californians couldn’t follow. We could talk freely here, albeit with the restriction that we couldn't explicitly mention our plan to toss some cans to underage Americans, although in fairness, it was the Trapper's Cabin, the less refined of the two liquor stores in Raven River, and given it was Raven River, that was saying something, so I doubt the cashier would have cared in the least. He was slumped over the counter, head in his hands, hands breaking up the fall of his blond hair, which fell too around wire-framed round glasses – blond! Round glasses! So that was why the truck was outside. Jimmy was the cashier! 
“Hey!” I said, just as I’d promised myself. 
Jimmy jumped up a bit, activating Customer Service Mode, but shut it down when he saw me. “Jay!” he called out, “You’re still around!” 
I always went by J, or Jay, in Raven River. Jerry, what I’d been in Calgary, had been ditched after the first few weeks of jokes. I’d vaguely known that a Jerry was a term for a bad skier, but not realized quite how prevalent it was, or all the implications. Jerry wasn’t just someone who didn’t know how to ski, who was new, trying to figure things out. Jerry was someone from Calgary, or Toronto, who had a fresh snowsuit that matched pants to jacket, and slick skis with oiled bindings, and his toe in the heel piece of the bindings, because with the cash he’d spent on coming out here, somewhere along the line he must have bought the understanding of what he was doing. 
“I’m still around,” I said, “I heard you were back. And working here!” 
“Ayup. You’re liftying again?”  
“Yeah. Probably my last season.” 
“You said that last winter.” 
“I did. Yeah. I don’t know. Can’t beat the free pass, I guess.” 
“Yeah, for sure. It’s tough going back to paying for it. Margot’s just doing day passes, ‘cause she tore her ACL climbing in November.” 
“Oh, shit! Hope she’s alright?” 
“Yeah, she just lost enough riding days that buying the pass didn’t make sense. She’s working at the Lark Café now. Jill got her the position she used to have.” 
“Right, ‘cause Jill’s at that mid-mountain coffee hut now. I always get free hot chocolate from her. Well, if I’m scanning at the base, I’ll just let Margot up.” 
“Much obliged,” Jimmy nodded, and I went off to look at beers. 
For what I called a less refined store, the selection at the Trapper’s was good – two walls of beer and cider fridges and warm packages in pyramids between, good breweries from all around the West and any flavour profile or drinking style you might want. We rolled past plain sours and fruit sours and salted sours and goses, milk stouts and peanut butter porters, you name it. Antoine lingered in front of something called a Show-off Double IPA. I thought he might take it, but he pointed instead at the peacock on the label and said, “Green peafowl.” I think his bird-identifying was mostly somatic at this point, totally involuntary. 
The PBR was tucked in the slightly dismal back corner, under the little selection of Budweiser and the like. I grabbed a six-pack and brought it to Jimmy. Antoine settled on a box of ginger ciders. Pierre was still in the back, weighing a nice pack of honey ales with another pack of PBR. 
“I didn’t know you were big Pabst guys,” said Jimmy. 
“No,” said Pierre, “This is for someone else maybe. I will try to decide if I want to get it.” 
“Yeah,” said Antoine, in a quick, shut-us-down sort of way. He didn’t know Jimmy, though. With any other cashier, not an old liftie, he’d have been right to be cautious. But I knew Jimmy. 
“Jimsy,” I said, using Margot’s pet name for him, which I didn’t know if I was allowed to do, but whatever. “You remember when you sent Napalm Chute in the work jacket and I didn’t tell?” 
“Yeah,” said Jimmy, unsure where this was going. 
“Right, that’s all. So you don’t need to tell whoever your boss is here that there are two fifteen-year-olds outside who won’t leave us alone unless we get them beer.” 
“One of them is sixteen,” said Pierre. 
“Sure. Some of the PBR is for them.” 
“Two cans.” 
“Did they give you money?” 
“No,” said Antoine, “But they’re rich. They could have!” 
“I don’t think they were really rich,” I said. Putting it out loud changed the situation somehow. 
Jimmy went to the window, to the little maze of gaps between his back counter and the posters above, and peered out. “Those kids by the light?” 
I joined him at the window and looked. The Californians were kicking at a frozen snowbank under the halogen glow of a streetlamp. Maybe they were trying to cut a path through. That bank was solid ice though, weeks old, thawed and frozen a thousand times. It was hardly just snow anymore. At best there was a layer of avi-chute choss, three-day-old plow discard, on top of gravel ice. What’s that thing about the Inuit language having ten words for snow where English has one? Whoever started spreading that one wasn’t a skier. 
“They look kind of beat, don’t they?” I said. 
Jimmy nodded and considered this. “D’you mean like beaten up, or like, The Beats, like Kerouac?” 
“Both. Isn’t it the same thing, anyway? Like, he used the word the way it was used, beaten up, but then he added the other definition, the thing about beatific.” 
“You read it, Jay!” 
“Yeah. Thanks for leaving it there.” 
“I’m gonna get the honey ale,” Pierre broke in suddenly, “And I’m gonna give some to the kids as well. It’s more expensive but I’ll keep some.” 
“They wanted PBR,” I said. 
“But this is better,” said Pierre, “It’s sweet. They’ll like it. I’ll give them two.” 
“I was going to give them two of the Pabst,” I said. 
Jimmy leaned in and laced his fingers conspiratorially. “Tell you what,” he said, “If you’re getting two half packs then you’re just buying one, really. Then the kids can have the rest. They look pretty beat, after all. So...” he took off his glasses, laid them on the counter, and looked to the ceiling, “It’d be too bad if you put one of those packs in your bag and I didn’t see it. You might forget to even pay for it.” 
Grinning, Pierre unshouldered his backpack and slid the honey ale in. We paid for the Pabst and Antoine’s cider, which came out to not much more than the honey ales by themselves. The cost, then, was around an hour’s liftying. Two if it hadn’t been for Jimmy. Of course, to say two hours of liftying meant nothing without specifying. Was that two hours of the top station at the out-of-the-way chair on an uncommonly quiet day, sitting in a hut with a thermos of hot chocolate and a paperback, watching snow fall on the valley cedars outside, and then occasionally, every two minutes or so, someone would get off, give a wave, and glide away? Or was that two hours at the base, the main base, on a mobbed-busy weekend, with an endless crowded maze of beginners needing the chair slowed down or even full-stopped for them, and others trying to skip the line while you were occupied, and rich Americans who didn’t think the rules about masks in line applied to them, and even the best most courteous guests were still part of the back-aching cycle of bumping, holding back the mass of each and every chair with a special calculated one-leg-up leanback and never a moment to sit down or even to simply stand at attention? Those shifts paid the same: not quite a six-pack per hour.
“Thanks, man,” said Pierre, as he packed up all the beer, ”From a liftie to another.” 
Jimmy only shrugged. “Not a liftie anymore,” he said. 
“But you were, man, and maybe you say, once a liftie, always a liftie. What were you saying about calling people Beat, Jay? It means two things?” 
“Sort of,” Jimmy explained, “It means, like, poor, beaten up, had a bad time. But these guys back, what, seventy years ago, made it that, but short for beatific, like, spiritual. Godly. They thought that one led to the other.” 
“Yes!” said Pierre, jabbing a finger, leaning close in over the glass bit of the counter where Jimmy scanned wine bottle bar codes, “And Liftie is like that. It’s the job where we put people on the lift, but it’s also, like. Hey. Answer me this. When you work on a chair, who’s your favourite person to see in line?” 
Jimmy and I had no answer for this, but without missing a beat, Antoine said, “Another Liftie.” 
“Exactly!” said Pierre, getting way into it now, “Because they are your friend, but not just that. Because they make you feel good about doing the job. They know what it’s like! And...” he was practically vibrating now, “Wherever you meet another liftie, an old liftie too, even years later, they also try to help, because they know you’re down, they know you’re working hard and you’re tired and they LIFT you up... and you LIFT them up sometimes. The people who own the ski hill, who own the shops, they want you to pay for everything. They want you to work more, they want you to be better than the other guy by buying more stuff by working harder so you have more stuff than him. You compete, always competition. Lifting just yourself up...” 
“By your bootstraps,” I nodded. I’d never understood that expression. The only boots I even knew of that had straps were ski boots with ratchet straps, and they were too tight to the boots to lift anything by. They were too busy holding you to the snow. 
“But you don’t have to. Instead, you let people have free beer. That’s what Liftie is. You lift each other!” 
Jimmy stood stunned for a long hanging moment. I thought about the songs we sang and taught on guitar, free beers and hot chocolates, bird facts, board games. I thought about Pierre and Antoine and Jimmy and Margot, and Jill at the mid-mountain hut. Then Jimmy hit a button on his screen, and my short receipt began to print with a sound like the Lynx Quad powering up in the morning, and he nodded, slowly at first and then picking up, and said “Hell yeah.” Then he turned to me and said, “Holy fuck, Jay. Where do you meet these people?” 
I said, “At the hill. Liftying. Where else?” 
The Californians were still hanging out under the streetlight when we left the store. They perked up when they saw us heading back their way. 
“You got our stuff?” Green called. 
In response I twisted two cans off my six-pack and tossed them one at a time at him. He caught each with the flawless reflexes of a seasoned backflipper. 
“Take some of this too,” said Pierre, tossing them two of his honey ales. 
“What’s this?” said Orange. 
“Try it!” said Pierre, “Expand your taste!” Then he jogged off. Antoine was already headed back the way we’d come from. 
The Californians didn’t comment on getting four beers when they asked for two, but then, neither did any of us.  I never saw them again after that, so I never got any more hints on whether they really were millionaires’ sons, or just ski team kids on the tournament dime. Right then, when they were huddling with their gloveless hands in their armpits on a lonely street, I decided it didn’t much matter. Green gave me a peace-sign salute, a universal gesture of cool accord, and we parted, we two victims of disparate hoped-for nights. 
As I ran to catch up with Pierre and Antoine, a big raven fell with a sound of wind from a nearby powerline, landing in the middle of Hemlock Street. I took a pause to curtsy a bit. I always bowed to a raven when I saw one alone. One of them, an immortal one, pulled the first humans out of a clam shell on the beach in Haida Gwaii, so it was always good to be respectful, because you never know. Two years ago, when I was browsing a list of ski resorts that were looking for applicants, I had seen Raven River and thought of that. 
Two days later, on the final day of the International Junior Freeriding Cup (presented by a major car brand,) I was working the Lynx Quad at the mid-station. A remarkable oddity for a chairlift, Lynx Mid lets riders get off halfway, or else to sit tight and carry on through. For those who carried on, up to where they entered the start gates at the top of the terrain park, all I had to do was watch them pass by, thrusting their numbered bibs out to the safety bar for all to see. I passed the time by collecting high-fives. As they glided past, all I had to do for a high-five was to extend my hand, inches from where the chair slid by. I always got one back, and they would cheer for me.
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rainbowjay20 · 1 year
So a little googling and a bit of archeology, and we went through about 100 years of wallpaper. Including fabric. Embossed. Felt like suede or velvet? Hard to tell after so long. The glue was still good. Wheat Paste.
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Found it later in the basement. Someone kept some in case they needed more. SMDH
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This seemed the earliest and was crumbling when I came to it, so I didn't get many intact layers. If you were that old and came out and saw the world today, wouldn't you?
The next oldest was this.
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It looks like a standard Art Deco geometric diamond pattern. As pictured in the top corner. The picture next to it is closer to the coloring and texture, except it is gold and brown instead of gold and silver.
[Art Deco, short for the French Arts Décoratifs, and sometimes referred to simply as Deco, is a style of visual arts, architecture, and product design, that first appeared in France in the 1910s, and flourished in the United States and Europe during the 1920s and 1930s.]
I believe the next layer was blue paint. Boy, did that make a mess.
I think I may have seen the trace of a nursery print, but it was only in a small spot. To be fair, we had been huffing vinegar and getting steamed by the professional wallpaper steamer that we rented for so long that I might have been imagining things.
Boy and Girls, Ladies and Germs,
Please, For the love of all that you hold dear, strip your walls between mess and masterpiece. Don't leave the next person to clean up your mistakes! Also, NEVER EVER USE FABRIC OR WHEAT PASTE ON YOUR WALLS! Thank you from a person who just spent two days cleaning half a room with a professional wallpaper steamer.
The next paper on our mystery tours seems to have been the flowery one. Again, this was disentagrating at the touch, but I managed to get a few pieces to photograph. Unfortunately, google can't identify it. Similar styles seem to have been in vogue in the 20s and 30s, and the fact that it was the next layer allows me to guess at the date.
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I think this one may have been very pretty, and my Aunt found what she thought was Cardinal too.
But I am not positive if it was preceded or followed by the blue Americana paper because I found evidence of both.
However, in several spots, the Purple Flowers ALSO HAVE TWO LAYERS!
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Next comes the Greco-Roman ruins/countryside. This was popular, and it was also all over the house. I actually really liked this where it was still up in closets and stuff. I don't think I could handle a whole wall, though.
Now, here is where it gets complicated. How did we get to 9/10 layers, and why don't we have a definitive number of layers? Several papers appear to have been re-papered over the top of the previous layer. Perhaps the owner liked the paper or bought too much the first time and wanted to reuse it. Perhaps large parts were patched, and that is what we were seeing.
As these were peeling badly, and not at the same time, it was hard to tell which one came first.
It looks like there was a layer of this Americana paper next.
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But, it does appear to be at least two layers of this because I had a photo of it where the Eagle was in the middle of the circle motif thing.
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Next is either the floral print or the yellow marbled paper. GoogleFu matches it to the Biltmore Estate. That doesn't help date it because it was opened to the public in the 1950's.
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This print seems psychedelic, but there are similar prints all the back to the 40s. I think a small area of this would be good, but a large amount would be vomit/migraine inducing.
The final layer is the one I hated so much that we embarked on this project.
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Now it could be older, but I'm pretty sure that this was there when my parents moved in in the 70s. When we removed it, a few spots had two layers, and it turned out it that the stripe was blue. For years, I thought it was intentionally baby shit green.
That doesn't quite account for the gold stripe in the corner,
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but we are guessing that the textured wall fabric or the Greco-Roman countryside. Or they started to paint the walls, realized the amount of work and went fuck it.
All in all, it was a lot of work to undo someone else's bad work. We still have to patch, sand, and paint. I could just imagine the amount of work it would have been if we had pulled down the wainscoting! It was about light switch level, around four foot high. It was a dark olive green that helped contribute to the wallpaper above looking green.
My plan to paint it-
Wainscoting dark grey instead of dark green.
The wall above a silvery purple grey.
My Aunt is not amused.
I keep telling her it will work.
Updates pending.
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gardenstateofmind · 2 years
idk maybe it's bc growing up i've always had family that has rental properties, but to me there's a difference between a landlord that's just some guy and real estate companies owned by millionaire investors
like it is without argument a huge privilege to actually own property, but like a working class family renting out their basement isn't bad to me
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“The Kingston Community Legal Clinic is warning residents after a Landlord and Tenant Board adjudicator decided a landlord was wrongfully attempting to evict their tenant.
“The landlord seeks possession of the rental unit so his mother can live there,” adjudicator Laura Hartslief wrote in her June 28 decision on the fate of Jason Martin’s home in the basement unit of 151 Fraser St. “I am not satisfied that it is more likely than not that she genuinely intends to live there.”
Jordan Morelli, a physics professor at Queen’s University who owns the rental unit, said he is devastated by Hartslief’s decision.
“It’s a complete outrage that we’ve lost this thing because I’ve been trying to get my parents here for two years,” Morelli said. “I really want my parents to be living in there.”
John Done of the Kingston Community Legal Clinic represented Martin at the Landlord and Tenant Board hearing. He said his clinic has seen a significant increase in evictions for landlords to renovate units or to use for their own use — which is what Morelli applied for. In many of those cases, but not all, landlords evict a tenant who is paying a lower rent, renovate the unit, and rent it out again for sometimes double the cost.
Done said that, at first, Martin was resigned to moving out, but when Done saw Martin’s case, he urged him to push back against Morelli.
“These are situations we see all of the time in a Landlord’s Own Use application, and our view is (that) once we start putting these under the microscope, a lot of them don’t have merit,” Done said. “Once Mr. Martin said he would accept our help, then there were, indeed, some things that sort of leaped off the page. … There were the hallmarks of these (types of) landlords’ applications that I don’t think they could show good faith.”
Martin, who on Wednesday said he still couldn’t believe he was successful, said Done worked wonders. Martin said, the stress of the case, which was drawn out over two years due to a scheduling overflow caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, has caused Martin to lose five jobs over the two years.
“When I got that decision, I actually had to leave work,” Martin, who has been working steadily at a local fishing tackle manufacturing company since the end of May, said excitedly. “I couldn’t believe it, and I was overwhelmed. I was shaking, I couldn’t talk, my brain went to mush. I’m very happy with the decision.”
Morelli owns a total of 10 units within five properties in Kingston. He said he wanted to use Martin’s apartment as a new home for his mother, Henriette Morelli, who currently lives in a two-bedroom condominium with her husband, Edwin Morelli, in Saskatoon.”
- Steph Crosier, “Tenant wins at board hearing,” Kingston Whig-Standard. Jul 11, 2022. This was a front page story in the print edition.
We are happy that this story is now out in the open for all to see. It won't be the last word on the matter, that's for sure. But it clearly demonstrates why Queen's University professor and faculty association president (as well as former president of the Kingston NDP riding association) Jordan Morelli's N12 eviction notice was thrown out at the LTB. In our opinion, what this stories reveals is that Morelli is willing to exploit the housing crisis for his own financial gain. 
Prior to this instance, there was two previous times where he claimed family members were moving in to units when they never did. He paid these tenants a meagre $3000, money which they quickly burned through with their rent prices hundreds of dollars a month higher. Meanwhile, he charged higher rents to the people moving in: one unit went from $409 to $1150 a month, while another went from $670 to $1200. He made that money back within months. 
Morelli wants to claim he is a victim in all this, and actually goes so far as saying that the landlord tenant laws works well for tenants. But the facts speak for themselves: The LTB rejected his case because they do not believe his story. Additionally, close to 90 percent of tenants at the LTB have no legal representation, and if it weren't for KUT and KCLC supporting Morelli's tenant, Morelli would most likely have someone living in Martin's unit's at double the rent. 
Tenants can win when they stand up and fight. Get to know your neighbours and organize with them! In Martin's case, former tenants stood with Martin to explain what had happened to them after moving out. This sort of solidarity led to Martin staying in his apartment at a rent price he can afford. KUT stands with tenants across the city and will do what we can to help.
- official statement of the Kingston / Katarokwi Union of Tenants, July 12, 2022 (Martin is a member)
/// The tenant union had helped several other tenants of Morelli, who had also been told they would have to move out of his own properties for the same reason of family need, and the communication between tenants allowed them to learn he was using the same line on several tenants - allowing the tenants to resist his efforts or negotiate for better accommodation to leave. Martin’s is the first official victory against this particular landlord, but likely won’t be the last. Of course, Morelli is a self-pitying landlord in all of this, being quoted in the article as saying: “Somehow I’m the bad guy in all of this; they’re trying to paint me as a villain.”  Morelli is hardly the worst landlord in Kingston, Ontario, and nowhere near as powerful as a rental company like Homestead. His tactics are typical of landlords everywhere. The reason why he acts the way he does, and can act the way he does, is at base a structural issue, in which housing is an investment and a means of accumulation rather than a basic right. But Kingston is a smallish town, with a proportionately smallish, vague, fragmented, and often dysfunctional ‘left’, so Morelli’s role has been controversial and increasingly divisive. Notably, it was discovered by the tenant union that his mother, who he has been claiming he was going to move into one of these vacated units, is a retired university professor who likely doesn’t want to live in a tiny basement apartment! 
As the press release from KUT notes, Morelli is a major player in the local political scene, as former riding president for the federal NDP, as secretary of the Kingston and District Labour Council (and had the temerity to send this article to other council members, even after the Council passed a pro-tenant motion!) and at Queen’s University, where he is a professor and head of the faculty association. In those roles, he is a bad faith opponent of tenant rights, student activism, grassroots unionism, and the left-wing of the NDP (as well as the small, overlapping and fractious autonomist, anarchist, communist and decolonial groups in the area). For instance, this was his response to the Ontario government, controlled by Conservatives, capping rent increases!
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If there was any justice in the world or social democracy and labour unionism was not so pathetically degenerated, this kind of coverage should get him kicked out of the KDLC or NDP.
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phantomrose96 · 3 years
For Pennies
Warm-up mini fic. Consider this a doodle.
The Fentons were selling their house for pennies.
The “For Sale” sign out front was easily missed against the ostentatious display of the op center, and the “FENTON” sign, and the Fenton RV. Or perhaps, all that made it more noticeable. It bolstered the weird and unsettling mundanity of a standard-issue For Sale sign dictating the fate of a house so indescribably odd.
It took only a few curious gossips to find the listing, and to spread the news further when the listing asked for hardly a fifth of standard asking price. Real estate agents weighed in on town facebook pages that, yes, this was abysmally low. Others rationalized it. “It’s only natural. Those house modifications have killed the resale value. The basement is uninhabitable according to the listing. They’re selling an extreme fixer-upper.”
And when the house did not sell in the first week, the price dipped again. And when rumors spread that the house owners were responsible for the town’s ghost blight, the price dipped once again. Then nearly overnight, the op-center vanished, and the FENTON sign disappeared from sight. The Fentons were, if nothing else, impressive engineers, capable of undoing a lifetime’s work in a weekend. Soon after, the listing sold.
The buyer, Peter, was looking for fixer-uppers to flip and rent. He knew about the Amity Park rumors, but if the renting market proved stale for the fear of ghosts, he knew the airbnb market would thrive with curious tourists, so the property was a safe bet regardless.
He met the family once, in the house, when he came to inspect it and sign paperwork if he was satisfied. The husband was perhaps the biggest man Peter had ever seen, portly yet rock solid, clad head to toe in neon orange. The wife matched him in jumpsuits, a powder blue one. Their daughter seemed normal, though she and Peter only exchanged a handful of words.
“Where are you folks headed once this place is sold?” Peter asked, cordially, eyes flitting between the contract before him and the couple seated across the table.
“Westward, a bit. Um, Maddie’s got a sister out there. We’re trying to be closer to family.”
Peter nodded. “Always good to have family around.” He glanced in the daughter’s direction. “Are you excited to be moving closer to your aunt?”
The daughter met his gaze, level. “I’m not going with them, actually.”
“Oh?” Peter asked. “Headed to college? That would make sense.”
“I’m a rising senior,” the girl answered.
“Jazz is—” the mother, Maddie, cut in. “It’s well, it’s about to be her senior year of high school. Hard time to switch schools, you know? She’s going to be renting a place nearby so she can finish school here.”
“Oh? First time living all on your own?” Peter asked, initialing a page of the contract.
“I’m 17. It’s not that weird.”
“Never said it was. I remember my first place pretty fondly. It’s an exciting milestone, don’t waste it!”
Peter initialed another page. He spun the document back to the Fentons to sign as well.
“Well, I really like the place, is what I’ve got to say. The newly redone flooring on this floor was a perk I wasn’t expecting, can’t have been cheap. You still managed to keep the price amazing though. Don’t worry about the dings and scratches – I’ve got the art of fixing up places down to a science. I’ll take a crack at the basement too.”
“We’d rather you didn’t,” Maddie answered.
Peter waved her off. “I know it was some kind of lab, yeah? You won’t be liable if I say, spill acid on myself or dunk myself in radiation or, whatever you had going on down there. We can go over that clause of the contract again if you want. Ghosts, right?”
“It’s dangerous—”
“If I can’t hack it, I’ll seal up the basement for good. But I won’t know until I try. Seriously, don’t worry.”
The Fentons signed the final page, and flipped the contract back around to Peter. He pulled an envelope from his coat – a check made out with the full amount. No loan needed. No mortgage. Their asking price was practically pocket change.
The daughter excused herself from the room.
The Fenton basement had fewer wonders than Peter was expecting.
He swung a flashlight around, as the bulb hanging overhead had been cut from the main power supply. Most everything had been cleared out, leaving a room hollowed out. His feet clicked across the metal floor. Walls of bolted steel rose high on all four sides. On the opposite wall, the scars of heavy bolting remained, along with the smoky stain of something huge, and geometric, no longer bolted to the wall.
He swung his beam wide, across every which wall beveling with bloated shadows, until he pinned the electrical panel.
“There you are.”
It took some tampering, and some patience, because something had physically demolished the box before him. Peter knew his way around basic house wiring, so it took only a few experimental adjustments until he threw the breaker, and the industrial light overhead clunked to life.
Peter turned, surveying the mouse cage of pure, uninterrupted steel sheeting, bolted together wall to wall, across the floor, across the ceiling. It was an impressive expanse of space, and under the proper flood lighting Peter could make out the deeper shadowy stains of where industrial cabinets used to be affixed to the floors, the walls. He was staring into the burnt out afterimage of what, he could only conjecture, had once been an impressive scientific facility.
It wasn’t above being carpeted and turned into a rec room.
Peter paused, his eyes training to the back corner near the octagonal imprint left in the wall. Something seemed amiss, something with color, popping bright against a display of pure ash and silver.
Peter stepped forward, flashlight still pointed though it served little use now. The space took shape – a rectangular impression on the floor, about as large as a twin bed, formed a negative image. The rectangle was spotlessly clean, silver and shiny, as though recently cleaned and polished and recleaned and repolished.
It was the edges of the rectangle, the spatters of space stretching beyond it, that held Peter’s attention.
Green, verging toward a rusty brown, splattered the floor. He stepped closer, and knelt, and stared at the pattern. Like a dropped vial of green chemicals that shattered and spattered the floors, the neighboring wall. Like radioactive spill left to eat into the floor. Peter thought back to his radioactive quip, and wondered if he should perhaps back away.
He set a nail to one of the stains and scratched at it. It would not lift. It would not budge. He swung the flashlight beam, and he found the stains glittered, and then dulled where they edged closer to rust.
And it was the rust that confused Peter the most. That copper color, like pennies, that morphed away from the green. It wasn’t uniform. It did not eat away symmetrically at the edges of the stains. Instead it spattered, and dragged, and molded from droplets to long streaks dragging across the floor like chalk dust on a blackboard.
Peter followed them. The streaking ended. Beyond that, he caught a single droplet speckled into the floor a foot away. Another, when he swung his beam. And another. He followed them, one by one, tracing them back to the basement stairs, up, up, up, up.
At the top of the stairs, the trail vanished. The brand new hardwood flooring that stretched through the whole first floor was immaculate.
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