#so other people can also have fun with them you GOD DAMN FUCKING KILLJOY.
Hi!! Can I request a Harry Warden x gn reader (if possible) where reader is being forced into the mines and they're alone, their friends are making fun of them/mocking them and Harry helps and let's them out of the mine. I'm sorry if this is too specific, tysm!! I hope ur doing good rn! <3
OMG YES OFC (Dw abt being to specific, I prefer specific because it helps me write easier most the time, Also I'm doing wonderfully, almost out of school so I feel much better, thanks!)☆
Mᴜᴄʜ ɴᴇᴇᴅᴇᴅ ᴀssɪsᴛᴀɴᴄᴇ..
(Harry Warden x !Gender neutral reader!)
Fluff/Comfort, Harry being Uncharacteristically nice to you, your friends are horrible people,
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It takes courage they say, something you didn't seem to have according to your friends, but who are you to blame, they're the ones who are making you go into this damned mine.. it's not even like your doing this for money.. you wouldn't say your a scaredy cat.. but who in their right mind enters the mines alone..? Let alone the one rumored to be haunted by Harry Warden..? well look where we ended now..
"Are you fucking serious..?" You say to your friend group.. as they laugh their asses off in the truck Infront of you..
"Oh c'mon' (Name).. have some fun for once will ya'..?" They spout mockingly.. still giggling like a bunch of maniacs as they continue to mock your fear..
"Assholes.." You mutter softly.. your voice straining gently.. as you look at them frustrated and annoyed.. it's at least almost midnight and their still out here giving you bullshit..
"What..? Are you seriously scared of the mines..? Harry Warden is just a myth (Name), stop being such a Killjoy..!" They say in a mock disappointed tone... still laughing hysterically as they stare at your form standing in front of the entrance..
"You owe me after this I swear to god.." You spout.. obviously annoyed.. a hint of fear behind your voice.. as one of them pulls you into the mines.. the others looking at you two and giggling..
He takes you inside and gives his mocking goodbye as he runs off back to their truck.. trying his hardest to suppress his own laughter as your left inside the dark mines.. The soft sound of the truck starting up and driving off in the distance further fueling your annoyance and anxiety.. those Bastards just left you without back up.. with only a Flashlight and whatever lit up the area to guide you blindly.. your fear getting the better of you as you walk through the mines cautiously and slowly.. quivering slightly as your heart pounds aggressively in your chest.. you continue to walk straight forward.. trying to avoid taking many turns as to not lose your way..
"Can't believe I-I'm actually fucking doing this.. I'm not even getting anything out of this besides their entertainment and approval.." you grumble softly.. as you point the flashlight at different area's of the mines.. observing the many things that seem to be there.. paying close attention to every nook in corner.. afraid something might pop out and get you if your not fully alert..
As you travel farther and farther your overwhelming fear gets the better of you.. you sit down and try and calm yourself to no avail by now.. breathing heavy as you try to catch your breath as I slowly turns to hyperventilating desperately for air.. your arms go to wrap around your legs gently letting yourself curl up and give in on the dirt covered grounds of the mines.. tears welling up as soft chokes and gag's come out.. you feel all these emotions consuming you..
You sat there for what seemed like hours.. still trying to get ahold of yourself to no avail.. but letting yourself look up and observe your surroundings.. as you go quiet.. your sobs dying down but tears still flowing.. you freeze up.. hearing the soft breathing of.. something.. echo closely as it seemed.. this compelled you to attempt hiding.. you hide behind a coal barrow.. shivering and shaking as you zip up your jacket.. trying to hold your breath to not alert it's presence..
"Shit..." You mutter under your breath.. turning off your flashlight as you see a soft glow coming towards your area.. getting brighter and brighter.. after a couple minutes of loud footsteps and dragging you see a tall figure.. dressed in miners clothing.. and a gas mask.. the gear having soft dark red accents to it.. holy shit is that Harry Warden..
His heavy.. ragged breathing echos throughout the mines.. as he softly walks close to your hiding spot.. not because he realized you were there but because he was going to set his pick down..
you slap a hand to your mouth softly as to quiet your breathing.. trying to avoid him noticing you as you stay completely still as you can manage.. you flinch softly as his pick clatters on top of the barrow.. you accidently shuffle a rock next to you by moving softly.. causing you to flinch and for his gaze to shoot towards your hiding spot.. he seems to be there the moment you blink.. looking down at you as he breathes heavily.. staring down at you through the eye holes of his mask as you stare up at him in shock and terror
"P-Please.. don't hurt.. me I didn't come in on my own will.." you manage to spit out.. trying not to make a fool out of yourself and get yourself in more deep shit..
He seems to just keep staring at you.. not doing anything for a good couple minutes.. before he slowly offers you his hands.. still staring down at you and breathing heavily under his mask..
You stare at him.. confused.. yet hesitant.. before he just scoops you up.. picking you up as easy as it would be to pick up something like a cat or small animal.. damn he must be strong.. and extremely tall.. as he lifts you off the grounds and up into his arms.. your a couple feet off the ground but he's quite obviously taller than you by a milestone..
"Huh..?" You mutter softly.. looking at him baffled and confused.. he just continues to stare at you his head tilted as he brings a hand up to wipe your remaining tears off your cheeks.. he seems sympathetic.. or is this some kind of trap luring you into you in so you can die later.. oh well.. at least he's being nice at the moment..
He starts to carry you off somewhere.. fixing your clothes for you and tidying you up.. as he carries you throughout the mines.. silent as a mouse the entire time.. he seems to gently hold you closer.. perhaps as an attempt at comfort..? He pulls your hood up for you.. gently drying your cheeks for you as he holds you.. comforting you silently as he walks softly through the mines.. the gentle footsteps of his boots and the crumble of gravel and dirt underneath comforting you as you lax into his hold.. still on high alert though, he's a killer, you don't know what his motives may be..
"Why are you doing this..?" you ask softly.. your eyes staring up at his as he bundles up your jacket.. making sure you aren't cold due to your soft spasms of shivering that come every now and then.. he seems to only show concern and sympathy to your emotionally vulnerable self.. he doesn't answer you though.. his only sign of him hearing what you said being the soft nod he gave you as he continued his voyage in the mines.. where is he even taking you..?
After you travel for awhile your eyes light up.. seeing the soft glow of midnight as he sets you down at the entrance.. opening the gates of the mines as he gently sets you down.. dusting you off and doing one last check through for any injury.. patting your shoulder and tilting his head as if he was smiling at you.. except it just looked kind of scary.. but he's trying..
"Uhm.. Thanks Harry..?" you say hesitantly.. he nods softly as he turns.. quickly walking off into the void of the mines.. leaving you dazed and confused as to what happened.. huh.. at least you came out unharmed..
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SORRY THIS WAS SO SHORT!! I haven't written in like forever so I'm warming up to it again, I HOPE YOU LIKE IT ANON!! ☆
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scare-ard--sleigh · 2 years
i have something to say and it is not nice: 
that post going around that’s like ‘if you can alter your fic and get it published as something original, it wasn’t good fic and it isn’t good original work’ really underestimates the power of like ummmm writing lmao 
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synchlora · 4 years
bro talk to me about kobra kid. anything. give me
here's some general headcanons ive got for him
overall pretty quiet but damn he is a very physical, very angry person if he's upset (and he is always at least mildly pissed off, may be projecting oh no)
autistic and wears sunglasses a lot bc bright sun is godawful (not great to live in a bright ass desert but oh well)
so much bottling up of emotions oh my gOD kobra please talk to people
twins w party poison (though poison does not know this, their memory prior to 13 is entirely gone bc of BLi. which is another reason why they need to talk lmao)
he loves to feel emotions dialed up to 10 bc his emotions were so heavily dampened down when he was on BLi's medication
trans but everyone is so u already knew that
not a great biker but it's very fun so he does it a lot
gets in a lot of crashes bc of the above point oh no
loves making random little gadgets
his crowning achievement is the vend-a-hack which very nearly got broken the first day he tried to use it (also happened to be the day he met ghoul, yes those two events are related, yes it is the way you'd think but not in the way you'd probably guess)
loves his sibling a lot :(
loves his crewmates a lot :(
loves the girl SO MUCH :(
likes to think he's punk rock/hardcore. he is not, this bitch is SCENE as fuck (kk: im punk, im punk!! pp: you fucking WISH you were punk!)
not the best at hugs but he's trying
LOVES to tackle people
kobra Kid 🤝 fun ghoul -> tackling people out of affection
he and ghoul will literally play wrestle all the fuckin time
likes to whistle a lot
will literally whistle or hum in response to most questions (aaaahhhhh projecting)
switches between talking and signing a lot
very sweet w his family <3
here's some backstory
saw party poison get taken away in front of him when he was 13. he didn't shed a single tear and even though his whole body was screaming, he couldn't let out a sound
despite how muddled his head was and how many times he got in trouble, he kept trying to find people to get information on where his sibling could be
eventually got to a point where he just wanted to escape. so he ran out of battery city in a t shirt and shorts (the desert's hot right??) and a few important things that he could carry in his pockets
among this was a polaroid picture of him and party from when party had found an illegal camera. it has two words written on the back in poison's sloppy attempt at cursive: "my brother!" this means a lot bc it was the first time poison called him brother (they took the photo like right after he came out)
he also has a small cd player with one single cd: ¡viva la cobra! also a gift from his sibling
so he attempts to escape through a gate w/o alerting the drac guards but he does anyway
ends up running from them and gets shot in the lower leg and grazed on the arm in a strange, snake-like pattern because of how he was limping
makes it out into the desert in the middle of the night, in a t shirt and shorts, bleeding from one leg and one arm so hurt he can hardly move it without screaming
so, not knowing any better, he wanders directly along route guano hoping to find some semblance of civilization. the desert's supposed to be teeming with killjoys according to BLi isn't it??
eventually collapses along the road, shivering, in withdrawal, and also having lost a fuck ton of blood
after who knows how long, he hears motors and hopes for the best
it's the worst
a drac patrol comes careening across the sand, kicking up dust and headed straight for him
but he realizes they aren't coming for him; they're running from someone else (as evident by the lasers arcing over their heads and occasionally hitting them)
and a band of killjoys also come down the road and take down the dracs right in front of kobra
once the dust has both literally and metaphorically settled, the group notices kobra sitting dazed in the sand, propped up against a rock trying to brace against the cold
a very nice killjoy in a red jacket who can't be more than a year or two kobra's senior goes over to him and gives him their jacket as the rest of their crew calls someone called "cherri" on their radio
kobra later gets to properly meet this killjoy and learns their name is jet star
after what feels like hours, the killjoy group finally decided they've got to get moving and they'll have to leave kobra to wait for cherri. kobra's not sure why they're in such a hurry, but they're not going to be able to wait with him for cherri cola to show up
so they let him know what cherri looks like, tell him to hide out nearby where they told cherri he was at, and wish him luck as they all speed off on their motorcycles
kobra's not sure how much time passes before he hears yet another engine roaring up route guano
he sees a dull green truck come rumbling over the hill, but doesn't see the person until the truck is on the road right next to his hiding place
when the guy that seemed to pretty well match the other 'joys description steps out of the truck, kobra fumbles up to his feet, entirely forgetting his injuries for a moment
man, this bitch falls flat on his fucking face and is just out cold
cherri is, as you would imagine, extremely concerned and very quickly gets this kid back to the dj shack where he can fix up his wounds and hopefully keep the poor kid from dying then and there
but he lives so fuck yeah! and cherri takes him in, so he lives at the djs shack for a while before meeting the rest of the four
that's as far as i'll go for his backstory lmao agndvsjsvsh i just have many thoughts abt poor kobra just trying his best to escape and failing in every aspect short of dying
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aliferous-ly · 5 years
OWU,,,,, PROMPTS TIME BITCH,,,, #7 with intrulogical?
owu….. writing remus is basically stream of consciousness for me and like… yo…. she got long….. 
summary: remus realizes something’s wrong with his side of the minescape in the same moment he realizes that logan is gone. 
warnings: aight buckle up ; implied breaking lightbulb in a mouth, throwing deadly things at people for shits and gigs, self harm mention, stabbing mention, talking about ripping organs out of body, a. dick, vipers, dismemberment, massacre mention, black plague, rats, puking guts mention, cut nose mention, i’m pretty sure that’s everything like none of this is described it’s just remus being Remus
Remus swears to fuck that Logan is too curious for his own damn good, which is saying something because Remus is usually up for whatever Logan feels like doing. Pouring stuff on a dead octopus to watch its dead body wiggle? Hell yeah! See if someone can actually fit a light bulb in their mouth and take it out without breaking it? Let’s find out!
(So far Remus is 0 for 3, but he has lots of time to practice). 
And usually Logan managed to make some sort of twist to make Remus’s fun ethical which strips like, at least 70% of the fun, but Logan is always there, too, which Remus loves Logan, so then it’s fine. And then Patton and Virgil don’t flip their shit as much, which Remus is a little upset about, but Logan has been implying that they’re going to start a prank war soon, which--
Even Remus knows his mind is not a pretty place. He’s proud of how gross and awful and nasty it is, actually, because he has no limits and it’s super fun so he doesn’t know why everyone doesn’t just live like this, except he really does, because it’s really easy to. Get hurt. 
Really easy. 
And it’s not just because he promised not to mortally or otherwise hurt or maim anybody (Roman is such a killjoy) but he sorta doesn’t want to… hurt Logan. For some reason. 
Obviously he still throws shit at him all the time but Logan flips between dodging it or sending it flying back at Remus, both of which are hot as fuck. But Logan never gets actually hurt. They’re just playing around. 
Which is why nobody goes into Remus’s imagination. Ever. Point blank. Roman chills there sometimes because Roman like, hates himself sometimes, so Remus has to then pull the reins and then kick him out because his brain is not for others to punish themselves, he would like to do the punishing, thank you very little. 
(Although sometimes Roman stops by with a little gift of his own and Remus -- lets it stay. For a little while.)
BUT god Remus keeps getting sidetracked -- well, it’s like this: Logan one day gets up and says hey, sometimes I really want to know what goes on in that head of yours and Remus is like well OBVIOUSLY everyone wants to know what’s going on in my head and that was that. And Remus got distracted by a five pronged fork because -- what the fuck? You could stab somebody with that and nobody would know what was up because five prongs. 
And the other day Roman goes oh yeah I granted limited access to my side of the Imagination to the lamer sides and Logan btdubs or something like that. Remus is like mostly sure that’s exactly what Roman said. 
And then Remus gets all tingly but not like, the good tingly like when he rips his intestines out or anything, the bad tingly like someone is doing something he really doesn’t like. Which is weird because normally he’s down for whatever. 
And then he realizes it’s because someone’s in his side of the imagination and at first of course Remus is all excited, and then he realizes it won’t be fun because they’ll be traumatized, and then he realizes it’s Logan and that Logan will not exit easily because Logan probably went in there purposefully. 
Which, hot. But also Logan could actually die? 
Because everyone knows: what happens in the imagination Stays. Like that’s why Roman is always wounded. Do they think Roman got hurt and needed taking care of like he has some sort of masochistic care kink? Actually, that’s pretty good, put a big ol’ five prong fork in that one--
Remus thinks that the other sides might be a little worried. He was just chilling in the living room (Virgil screaming was really unnecessary, it was only a little glitter and peanut butter and like the shark was only half alive anyway) when he realized where Logan had gone and he just -- sank out. 
Roman buzzes against the corner of Remus’s skull and it, it just, it’s so irritating so Remus reaches in and just pulls part of his brain out and chucks it at the wall. It buzzes angrily like a bunch of bees or locusts. 
So Remus goes into the imagination. 
And he’s instantly slapped in the face with a giant pink dick which, rude, jesus christ, so he breaks it into a million little pieces. And then takes a step, and falls into a pit of vipers, only the vipers are really spikey and pointy. 
So Remus stops. 
Takes a deep breath. 
And screams. 
His voice rattles the very essence of the Imagination, air molecules vibrating and shifting, colors fading into a mush of grey as the world warps and twists before his very eyes. 
He spies a golden glowing being, beyond the whirl of Imagination. 
More notably, he spies a golden glowing being approaching the door that hides Remus’s intrusive thoughts. Because yeah, Remus says whatever he wants, does whatever he wants, but some shit he just… he gets tired sometimes, okay? Leave him alone! So what if he locks some shit up, maybe he’s just saving it, yeah? 
Remus’s yell travels through the Imagination like a ripple in a pond and the door vanishes, leaving a gaping pit and no no no NO. 
Remus spirals, sprinting as quickly as he can through the molasses of melting Imagination, because Logan’s over there, if Logan falls in there he will splinter like glass or more likely like a sheet of ice being chucked onto a frozen lake, shattering and glittering and making really beautiful noises but no, he doesn’t want Logan dead, he just--
“LOGAN!” Remus screams, the word tearing from his throat, feeling like it took his very essence with it, leaving his chest feeling hollow and numb and he’s not fast enough he’s just like Roman said that one time forever ago, he’s just not needed not useful. 
(A stray thought floats through his head that Roman took it back years later but--)
Remus shoots the thought down. 
And he runs, he runs like it’s -- the worst massacre in the world, or the return of the black plague (but this time with more rats). He runs. And the Imagination crumbles beneath Logan’s feet, dropping him into the depths of Remus’s worst thoughts, and Remus has liquid on his face like that time he cut his nose off, Remus flings his arm out, crying (crying? Remus didn’t know he could cry), throat raw. 
His fingers wrap around a wrist. 
It’s just Logan’s arm, the rest of him is broken and splintered, there’s no hope. 
Remus opens his eyes. 
Logan turns, gripping Remus’s arm with his other hand, eyes wide. His glasses spiral away, down, never to be seen again -- but it’s better his glasses than Logan, better anything than Logan-- 
Remus yanks Logan away from the edge, stumbling like he never has before, something heavy and thick clogging his throat, a foreign feeling pulsing through his body. He closes his eyes, a loud sob wrenching from his throat. Warm arms wrap around his neck, a body pressing against Remus and he clutches at Logan tighter, emotions flying from him like fleas. 
The Imagination melts around him, fading into his room. He drops and Logan drops with him, huddled on the floor, surrounded by comforting, familiar stench. 
They’re quiet, for a few moments. 
“I almost lost you,” Remus says before he can clamp his mouth shut. The words are watery. 
“I’m sorry,” Logan says. A shaking hand comes up to slide through Remus’s hair. “I didn’t…”
“I’ll show you,” Remus says. He wants to pull away to make the point more intense, by staring at Logan, but he doesn’t have the guts. Literally. He thinks he puked earlier and they all just came out. And he really likes touching Logan so he just holds on as tightly as he can. “If you want. I’ll show you everything -- well not everything some things are not meant to be seen but I can try I -- you -- don’t go there.” 
“I wanted to see. I want to see,” Logan murmurs. “What… is that?” 
“I’m not telling you,” Remus blurts out, even though he sorta wants to scream exactly what that was. “Not right now. I hate this feeling. Don’t do that again.” 
Logan pulls away. Remus tries to chase the feeling but Logan stares him down, forcing eye contact. Well. Not forcing. But Remus loves his eyes and can never look away (and Roman said he’s not allowed to just take Logan’s eyes, so he has to settle for staring at them as much as possible). 
“I won’t,” Logan says, brushing his thumb under Remus’s eyes. Remus stares at him. Maybe Logan wants his eyes too. Remus would do anything for Logan, and he’s ripped his eyes out before. “I promise.” 
Remus replies by burying his face in Logan’s shoulder. He believes Logan he’s just -- needs to settle. Which isn’t something he ever thought he’d say, but. 
Seeing Logan like that… 
Remus never wants to see it again. 
I’ll fix this. He’ll make sure it never happens again. 
For now, though…
Remus presses his body against Logan. 
For now he’s just going to exist.
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sapphiccritique · 5 years
Character study plus observations of lesbophobic and misogynistic online discourse on LIHKG with regards to a queer JAV porn-star
SapphicCritique here again. Today, I would like to introduce an awesome queer celebrity to you and be a killjoy and rant about what I find to be troubling lesbophobic and misogynistic online discourse on LIHKG in a discussion thread of running commentary on Shiina Sora’s performance in her newest films. I am not going to expose the usernames of these forum participants, but I am going to quote some of them in this blog.
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Shiina Sora is this hot JAV porn-star who came out as a lesbian ciswoman in the year 2013. She is open about her sexual orientation and her personal love life and even produced a series of real-life sex documentary called ‘Bibians’ with her ex-girlfriend (then girlfriend) in the years 2013-2015, making her a pioneer as the first gay woman to come out in the industry in Japan and the first star to produce a real-life sex documentary with her actual lover. Her godly status in the industry is seen in her title, the female version of Taka Kato the Adult Films King (unrelated: why is the male version unmarked and the female marked?) Her performance in adult films is subversive due to her queer identity and high acceptance of different forms of sex. She is supportive of queer rights and sex-positivity, and she is also an active fighter on the front of dispersing AIDS-related attacks on the gay community. She is also known for her genderfucking performance as an occasional casual drag king and a woman penetrating man in some of her films.
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(Shiina Sora with her signature pose, with the same name as her self-dubbed title, the god of Teman [fingering in Japanese])
The discussion thread I meant to discuss here shows the construction of gender ideals on digital media through a homosocial, misogynistic and heteronormative discourse. Namely, it is an online co-construction and re-articulation of the tough masculinity ideal which involves homophobic slurs and sexual objectification of women as vile bodies. It is needless to say I was very mad and dumbfounded to see some forum participants of LIHKG take this female subject who is queer and assumed agency through her openness about sex out of context and objectify her as merely “the sex” and the queer other, and proceed to talk about conquering this “unattainable prize” in the language of rape culture. I believe that online discourse and social reality are co-dependent and what we talk or hear about online affects how we think and act in real life. Therefore, it is highly meaningful for us to always question how online discourse is shaped in such a way that it both informs and re-articulates gender ideals both online and in real life.
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Some of what these forum participants said brought my attention to their alarming lesbophobia and how it is vastly different from homophobia charged towards gay men. Some of the forum participants said and I quote, “Fucking a pretty tomboy is THE dream. Fuck her so hard until she turns fucking straight.” “Since she admitted to the public what her sexual orientation is, it makes it that much more exciting to jerk off to her films.” “Cunt’s fucking unwilling face when she’s getting fucked… like it is I who is fucking her out of her mind and reverting her into a damn normal woman.” It seems significant that this kind of “conversion by sex” criticism is phallocentric, and I seldom hear of criticism of male-identified homosexual people in the same manner. I wonder if it has to do with the notions of the penis as powerful and the man as the conqueror. In this discussion thread, I also catch some hints of gay-suspecting in the forum participants. Some are dissatisfied that one of them found Shiina’s gender performance of ‘female masculinity’ hot and subjugated him to gay-shaming, insinuating that maybe he “wanted to be fucked by her wearing a strap-on dildo” and was latently gay, thereby not belonging there with them. I wonder if these two ideas are conflicting, or if they are two facets of one tough masculinity ideal. Why in the homosocial interaction, the majority of the participants policed dealignment from heterosexual masculinity through a homophobic discourse? Why did one person’s dealignment harm the group’s heterosexual masculinity?
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The group-dynamics in this online locker-room talk is so strange when I notice that both online and in real life, some men tend to boast of their sexual conquests (or made-up sexual conquests) and that it is strictly homosocial yet universal, almost as if they either want or need to massage their and each other’s egos by upholding this façade under some kind of peer pressure. It is deeply troubling that they do not see (or they knowingly ignore) the misogyny in this behaviour. I seldom find women doing this. I think I first became aware of this kind of behaviour when reading Deborah Cameron’s blog, language: a feminist guide, where she noted that nearly all men partake in misogynistic conversation to uphold a kind of strictly heterosexual masculinity and foster heterosexual homosociality, to distance themselves from any doubt that they could be homosexual and thereby not masculine. This leads me to ponder the heterosexual matrix proposed by Judith Butler in Gender Trouble, where sex shapes gender and then shapes desire, and all of them work in tandem with each other such that each one affirms or negates the other. If you are born with a penis, you are a guy and you love women. Contradicting one of these three notions will disqualify the other two. As such, a man who loves another man is not ‘masculine’, and thus is ‘less than’ a man. (huge urgh) In this thread, it seems that it is imperative for these ‘straight cismen’ to appreciate and police Shiina’s body in a misogynist conquering manner while putting down any dissenting gender performance (such as appreciating Shiina’s manliness) lest it harms the masculinity of the whole.
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Another thing that I deem worth looking into is the conflicting desire that the forum participants voice out in the thread. On one hand, they seemed to enjoy criticizing the Shiina’s body and her performance, comparing her to the mainstream porn-star persona. On the other hand, they value her uniqueness and unattainable status, claiming it makes her hotter. This is shown when they argued that as a “tomboy”, she is very hot because “tomboys” are “unattainable” (by men) in real life. At the same time, some of them argued that she can’t be a real lesbian and must instead be a bisexual woman (and must be by deduction “attainable”) (as if women are objects to be acquired) (huger ugh). Why is an ‘unattainable’ female person both more appealing and less appealing to them?
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Yet another mystery bigger than the discussion thread itself is the thread’s oddity in the forum. Although LIHKG users often joke that there are no “sisters” (female users) in the forum and all those whose user name is red (it can be either red or blue) are gay male users, not female users, they also good-naturedly joke that it is the largest local gay forum. They say so because there are often posts advocating for queer rights or promoting equality movements in Hong Kong, and when it is discussed as a big topic, it is more well-received than hated. But in this discussion thread, I see homophobia dominating and underlining a misogynistic discussion over a female body. I can’t help but wonder, where do participants draw the line? What makes the political queer matters serious and deserving support, but Shiina and her fans laughing stocks?
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(meme with the caption: LIHKG The largest local gay forum)
I am probably reading too much out of what these men called ‘having a bit of fun’. But it is definitely not okay when it is at the expense of women or queer people. In fact, it is not okay on any person, and I am not merely being a killjoy when I problematize online discourse oozing in misogyny and lesbophobia. Online discourse and social reality are co-dependent and what we talk or hear about online always affects how we think and act in real life. Normalizing sexual objectification by letting it pass us by without comment is dangerous. We can never be too careful what we take in unconsciously and when we inadvertently help re-articulate ‘toxic’ gender ideals.
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mychemicalficrecs · 4 years
I don’t know if you will be able to find anything, but are there any Lindsey/Jamia fics out there?
There are! It’s often a side pairing but thankfully not always!
Sass by akamine_chan, 981 words, Mature. Sometimes, a girl just needs a break from her own pack.
walk away a savior by akamine_chan, 853 words, Mature. By the time Lindsey gets to the rooftop and flings open the door, she's out of breath and the stitch in her side is fucking killing her. What's the point of being a superhero if she still has to take the stairs like everyone else?
Two Smokin' Chicks by mistresscurvy, 1k, Explicit. Jamia wouldn't have described herself as an exhibitionist. She was positive her ex-girlfriends would laugh at the idea that she would get off on people watching her, let alone being filmed; she tended to stay in the background, preferring to run things behind the scenes and leaving the face time to Lyn-Z. There was a reason why she was a graphic artist, designing the logos and promotional tools for galleries rather than trying to get her work into them. So it came as a bit of a shock even to herself when the possibility of doing a shoot with Summertime Studios was something she was pitching to Lyn-Z rather than the other way around.
Seven Times a-Coming by mistresscurvy, 1k, Explicit. It was remarkably hard for Lyn-Z to stop watching Gerard’s fuck vid and wait for Jamia to get home to finish it together, but she was just that awesome of a girlfriend.
Went Out Looking for the Rainbow by fleurdeliser, tuesdaysgone, 13k, Explicit. When a stressed out Jamia shows up at her front door, Lindsey decides what they need is a weekend away.
Outtake # 3: The Governor's Desk by jjtaylor, 2k, Mature. "Are you just not interested?"
Origins of the Secret Language of Breakfast by jjtaylor, 2k, Teen And Up Audiences. It's Lindsey's first day as Lieutenant Governor, and it's not going well at all.
The True Wives of the Fabulous Killjoys by effervescentJester, 781 words, Teen And Up Audiences. When the boys are on tour, sometimes Lindsey and Jamia like to get together to talk. One night doesn't end with just talking.
A Walk In The Park by momiji_neyuki, 3k, Mature. ”Tell me again why we are here?” ”Because it is a nice day and all you ever do is sit inside and play video games. You need to get out and enjoy the sunshine more.” ”I can enjoy it just fine from our living room. I get full sun in the front window!” ”Yeah, but it only hits the back of your head and fries your brain.”
I like my girls like my women by akamine_chan, 1k, Explicit. There are a lot of things that Jamia loves about joining the band on tour. She gets to spend time with Frank, who she misses intensely when he's on the road. She gets to spend time with his band, who are the dorkiest nerds to ever have nerded, and she loves them all. And now there's Lindsey.
What You're Doing To Me by whisperfade, 955 words, Explicit. "The boys were off doing God knows what, and the girls wanted to have some fun."
a hedgehog dilemma by akamine_chan, 520 words, Teen And Up Audiences. Jamia has a temper.
I Reign Supreme in My Own Damn Mind by pxncey, 1k, General Audiences. Lindsey is despairingly gay, and likes to hang out in graveyards because she is also despairingly punk. Jamia is suitably Catholic, and her grandma has just died.
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eisforeidolon · 6 years
Unhuman Nature
Honestly, if I actively wanted to watch a terribly written fantasy soap opera, I'll bet there are more entertaining ones out there I could find.  I felt like this episode desperately wanted me to be emotionally invested in a lot of really ridiculous and completely over-the-top soapy bullshit that neither the episodes preceding it nor this one actually did the work to earn – at least not from me.
It's Bucklemming so this is yet another episode filled to the brim with Nick bullshit.  I'm seriously supposed to care about Nick's wailing angst over a murder that happened to characters we didn't even meet alive nine seasons ago? LOL.  I'm supposed to be, what, scared by him becoming a bog-standard human serial killer when even Pellegrino’s Lucifer hasn't been scary in several seasons?  Yawn. I should be in any way drawn in by this story about the influence of possession on a human vessel when exploring that would be a million times more interesting with the actual main characters and it's written with all the subtlety and nuance of a brick to the face?  Oh, please. Not to mention that it would actually be more interesting if demons hadn't killed Nick's family, that's how predictable and unnecessary this plotline is.  The only thing that separates Nick and his family from every other group of randos harmed by monsters along the way is Ross-Lemming's Pellegrino thirst.  The amount I absolutely do not care cannot be understated.
I think we're supposed to be sympathetic to the Winchesters being flummoxed by being questioned trying to admit Jack to the hospital?  Like, normal people would be flustered by their worry in that situation, so we should feel it more?  Except I wasn't sympathetic, because the Winchesters aren’t normal people - I thought it just made them look like idiots.  Castiel, okay, him not knowing how anything works in that situation makes sense.  Sam and Dean though?  Within the show itself they've had to check themselves, each other, and other people they care about into the hospital.  So they should damn well know how hospitals are about insisting on getting information upfront, and yet they don't discuss what to say for Jack in advance when they're thinking about taking him in?  Let alone when they're in the car driving him there?  No, of course they don't, because these writers are perfectly happy to make the characters idiots or OOC to do a “dramatic” scene they've decided they want.
Speaking of which, I already reposted some people pointing it out at the time, but the scene with Rowena not knowing who Jack is another example of that.  She literally said his name when she was taunting Lucifer last season, but Bucklemming don't give a shit about continuity and desperately wanted a scene of pathetic woobie Jack convincing Rowena to stay after she was upset about his existence/possible evil.  Pay attention to something in someone else's episodes?  Ha, like they even pay attention to what's in their own!  The thing is, Rowena being reluctant to help Jack and Jack playing on Rowena's desire to be appreciated by thanking her (without any awareness how persuasive that particular tack is) could actually work just fine if it wasn't proceeded by Rowena's sudden inexplicable bout of amnesia.  Hell, the whole thing where she comes rushing in thinking Sam has called her to help save Dean would actually work better if they had remembered she already knew who Jack was!
Then there's the part where archangels can juice themselves up on regular ol’ angel grace, but Jack, of course, has a whole new set of special rules where that can't work because reasons.  That's pretty much how all powers in this show work now, so I'm not surprised, just disappointed.  I could maybe even forgive that for Jack because we haven't had a nephilim character before and they are meant to be a fairly rare and unique hybrid creature, but when the rules for bog standard witches and angels seem to change every single time they show up on screen, I am over it.  
So the episode opens and Sam, Dean, and Cas are all SO CONCERNED about Jack.  Yet for some reason, Dean is the only one that goes with him on his “live life for a day” trip, because …  Okay, Castiel goes off to meet with Ketch's contact, Accent Guy.  So at least there was an excuse there and he was trying to do something theoretically productive.  But Sam just stays in the bunker … because ... it's not like he and Dean would have gone through every bit of information on nephilim that's in there already when they thought he was a threat.  Or again when he lost his grace to begin with so they’d know what to expect.  Going back through the material they have absolutely no reason not to have read already certainly couldn't be pawned off on the suddenly  AWOL AU!hunters who literally, personally owe Jack their lives.  Nope, that would make them actually useful for once, so Sam had to stay behind for reasons.
Look, I'm not saying I didn't like the scenes with Jack and Dean, because I did.  Nor that I didn’t appreciate the brief bit of Impala porn in the teaching-Jack-to-drive segment.  Nor that if I was going to pick only one of those three for a fun last-day-alive romp, it wouldn't be Dean.  With that said, there was literally no reason for Sam to stay back when he's had the closest relationship to Jack overall – it was one of the most transparently ridiculous times the Winchesters have been split up recently for reasons and that is seriously saying something.   It’s not like Dean would be magically unable to develop more of a connection with Jack, if that was the whole intent, if Sam was also there.  Even from the angle of Sam sometimes coming off like a killjoy, I don't believe he wouldn't be willing to indulge a dying Jack in the same way he's sometimes been willing to indulge Dean when he was in peril or down (early season 3, Plucky, Advanced Thanatology, etc.)if he’d gotten the same speech from Jack about wanting to live a little more in what time he had - and they all but asked for Sam’s permission to go before leaving anyway. 
Part of what makes it so ridiculous is how hard other parts of the episode were selling the contrived, fanfiction-borrowed Jack-is-their-smol-son thing.  Again, this is something I know a lot of other people are actually into, but it really isn't working for me to the extent they're selling it.  I’m not saying they don’t care about him, but he's not literally their kid.  For one, he's not actually a child.  For two, most of the time where he and the Winchesters were actually together, it was because they were afraid he'd go darkside.  For three, a great chunk of the limited time he's been alive, he was in Apocaworld, not even with them.  It's bad enough that literally everybody is totally family now after, like, an episode.  It's bad enough Jack's personality is more often than not written as a beige blob of cutesy inoffensiveness.  Compounding it with this whole oh noes, our actual child has mystical consumption?  God, it's so contrived for the dramaz and so far as I'm concerned, tissue-paper thin if you take out all the fanfic and imagines posts written about it.  
Then there's the part at the end where Dean apologizes for taking Jack out for the day because … fuck if I know?  The reason Jack's worse at the end is because he was already dying and they tried some unknown spell thing from some sketchy contact Ketch knows, so if there's any guilt to be had there, which is dubious, it should be on trying some spell they know basically nothing about without trying to research it first.  Like, it felt like Bucklemming suddenly decided they couldn't end the episode without Dean gratuitously feeling guilty for something because his only real emotions are guilt and anger, so here you go!
Finally, gosh, if death ever really meant anything on this show anymore, this ending would totally be sad and shit.  As it is?  Even if I wasn't spoiled for future events, the only thing I feel is: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Great job, guys.  Keep up the good work!
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meet-the-mun-kegan · 6 years
My District Manager (DM) is a fuckwad and here’s why, 
We got this new DM about 6mo-1y ago, I dunno when exactly, I wasn’t paying too close attention. We didn’t have a DM when I was hired, and everything was fucking superb.  When I was hired, we had our Store Manager(we’ll call him L), the Retail Sales Manager(Call her C), and our two Front End Supervisors(Jo and M). Jo got a better job, so J was promoted to FES and that was how it was for a while. L went to another store, and G was promoted to Store Manager. All was good. Everyone was relatively happy, with just a few personal qualms within the staff, but nothing serious.  And then DM comes along.  The first thing he changes, makes sense, so I don’t really blame him too much for that. It was just that before when we closed and registers were closed down, we all just kinda sat there and waited for the closing manager to count the safe and send numbers and then we left. DM wanted us still working and cleaning up the store. Aiight, I get it, you can have that one I guess, although you still don’t pay us enough, but whatever. After that, he wanted us to increase the amount of announcements we do. Usually, we’re supposed to do them every 15 minutes, but we don’t because that’s dumb and no one pays attention to them unless it’s about a sale, and even then they only hear what they want to hear. We literally have made announcements before that are like “Join us NEXT MONDAY, (DATE),  for our 50% off sale!” and someone will come up an hour later with a cart full of shit like “I thought the announcement said this was 50% off!?!?!?!” But whatever, so we did increase them to every 10 minutes. And guess what? People complained about how annoying the extra announcements were. The next thing he did was require us to all wear either aprons or vests, to “help customers know we work there”,,, which is bullshit, and no one notices. Do you know how many times I’ll be wearing that god damn apron along with my name tag, and be literally standing behind the register, and someone will come up to me and ask “do you work here?” I’ve come to the conclusion that no matter who you are, the moment you become a retail customer, you become a dumbass. I don’t care, no one is excluded from this. You could literally be the most intelligent person in the universe, but you walk into a retail store and now you’re instantly a total dumbass. No one gets away from it, sorry, I don’t make the rules. After that, DM decides that we’re not allowed to wear fun shirts anymore. Before, I would wear tons of fun shirts, often ones I’d find in the store, and people would compliment the shirts and ask where I got them, and I’d say here. They’d be like “Whaaaattt I had no idea you had cool shirts like that” (I work at a thrift store) and then they’d go back to the t shirts and come back with an arm full of fun shirts. People don’t get that excited about plain fucking solid color shirts. The fun shirts would also strike up conversations, like if I was wearing an anime shirt or whatever, which made customers happier because that’s a nice conversation, and then they come back or write nice things on the online surveys because man that one cashier was fun to talk to. Now I just go through the spiel and hope my resting bitch face doesn’t make people think I’m a heartless heathen. (spoiler alert, it has, and I’ve been called a “killjoy” and been told to “get a personality” because apparently even though I feel like I’m smiling, I guess I’m not??? And I used to get a ton of good reviews on surveys every month. Now I get barely any)
But all this is petty, now getting a bit more serious. Remember how I said he wanted more announcements? Well guess what that excludes? Closing announcements. We’re no longer allowed to make closing announcements. Literally every retail store ever makes closing announcements. We have had so many customers freak out because they were in the store a half hour past close because we’re not allowed to make closing announcements. We had customers who were actively listening FOR closing announcements and using that to keep track of time, and then they were screwed over because we’re not allowed to make closing announcements. Our store closes at 9pm, and usually the closers would leave before or around 9:30, but now they’re lucky if they get to head home before 10, which is hell for the high schoolers who then have to go home and do homework. He’s also very misogynistic and homophobic, he’s been reported to be rude and condescending to his female and LGBT+ staff, but treats his straight (cis)male employees (relatively more) like human beings. I was going to include an actual review about him that was posted on our store’s google reviews, giving a detailed account of how a customer has seen him be like this, but it has been removed. Go figure. I wonder who made that happen. Early January, one of the FES straight up told me that DM was on a head hunt. That he was after our store manager(G), the production manager(CT), and herself, and that he would most likely be after the Retail Sales Manager ( C ) soon after. A couple weeks later, he fires G.  Two weeks ago, he fired both FES and C and the Production manager in the same day. This at first came as a surprise to me, because one of the FES, M, wasn’t listed to be on that head hunt. In fact, she was the most strict on us and was keeping to DM’s new policies. But after thinking about it for a bit, and after hearing the petty ass reason why they were fired, I think I know what happened. I bet that DM wanted J, C , and Production manager gone so bad for whatever stupid reason, but he had nothing to get them on. Because they we’re good at their jobs and were loved by the staff. And so he finally found one thing they did that broke the rules, but M was also guilty of it, so he had to get rid of her too if he was going to use it. 
He’s now replaced all of them. One of them was replaced by one of our own cashiers, which is nice. but the rest are managers from different stores. One of which has to drive an hour to get there. Because apparently I can’t be promoted because he’s transphobic and will never promote me or give me a raise. The two (cis)male cashiers who would be able to be promoted, wont, because one of them quit immediately after hearing that C was fired, and the other one is on the fence about staying. The majority of us are. In fact, I was so close to just walking out on Monday after I was told that we’d have to take turns standing outside and spinning a sign for the sale, that no one fucking reads, in below freezing temperatures. And right now, as I’m typing this, I’m worried that I wont even get to walk out, because I’m probably next in line to get fired. Because of no fault of my own. But these dumb ass new managers didn’t schedule an opening cashier. So they called me last night asking if I could come in early to open. I said yeah sure, I know how to open, that’s my favorite shift. But then it snowed. I knew it was going to, but I didn’t think it would be that bad. I literally can not get out of my driveway. I messaged my work group chat asking if anyone can make it in, but I don’t think anyone has seen it yet. I’ve been calling the store for an hour, waiting for someone to get there, and someone finally answered. It was H, the new store manager, and she sounded irritated when I told her I couldn’t get out of my driveway. None of the old management would have been angry like that. They all saw us as human beings and knew that this shit happens.  DM literally fired all the management who recognized us as humans, and replaced them with assholes who only see us as robots, and they get pissed when we show any kind of clue that we might be anything other than cheap labor.
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Got tagged by @daxir who is a very cool and good friend ^^
It’s one of those music memes! You put your library on shuffle and you write the first 9 songs that come up and your favourite lyrics from them. This sounds like fun! I’m probably gonna go on and on about this so I’ll put the rest of this post under a break. I’m skipping instrumental songs, and songs by the same band (unless it’s like, one of my favourite songs or something).  I’ll also put links to the songs in case you wanna listen! (Also please note, I’ve put warnings for possibly-triggering content so please read the descriptions if you need to.)
1. Deftones - Knife Prty I could float here forever In this room, we can’t touch the floor This is absolutely my favourite song from White Pony. It rocks, it’s vaguely depressing, it perfectly fits my self-image lol. There’s lots of good Deftones songs but this is one of the best. If there was ever a soundtrack for my life, this song would probably be on it (actually I’m playing songs from the “if my life had a soundtrack” playlist so they’re all gonna be like this haha).
2. Incubus - Blood On The Ground From now on, gonna start holding my breath when you come around and you flex that fake grin ‘Cause something inside me has said more than twice that breathing less air beats breathing you in So this song seems uncharacteristically like me, but... deep down inside, I am a bitter, resentful person who thinks there are too damn many people in the world. There have been people in my life, for whatever reason, that just grate on my nerves, and I can’t tell them due to social mores and all that (please don’t worry, it’s no one on here, you all are fantastic, these are just skeletons in my closet lol).
3. Metric - Lost Kitten Halfway starts with happiness for me Halfway house lost kitten in the street Hit me where it hurts, I was coming home to lose Kitten on the catwalk, high heeled shoes God I love this song. It’s so upbeat and fun-sounding, and the lyrics are equal parts cheeky and sad (and clever) (so basically like any other Metric song). Plus Emily’s voice is fucking amazing <3
4. Blue Foundation - Eyes On Fire I won’t soothe your pain I won’t ease your strain You’ll be waiting in vain I’ve got nothing for you to gain So... this is one of those songs where I can always appreciate the delicious guitar tone, but I have to be in a Very Specific Mood to really appreciate the song as a whole. The lyrics are actually really kinda depressing (well, the ones I can understand, anyway), which is just absolutely what I need sometimes. (Also apparently this is a cover version or a remix or something of this song; I once sought out the original and I really didn’t like it as much.)
5. Porcupine Tree - Anesthetize Because of who we are We react in mock surprise The curse of “there must be more” So don’t breathe here Don’t leave your bags Well, this song has a lot of good lyrics to pick from, since it’s like almost 18 minutes long (though at least half of it is instrumental). These are some good ones. I never quite know how to feel about this song. Musically, I love it, but it’s not one of my favourite songs. Lyrically, I laugh along bitterly and nod in understanding, yet I never catch myself singing it. It’s in a weird limbo of sorts.
6. Marianas Trench - Say Anything Hurts the same when nobody knows Guess that’s just how it goes And I, I won’t say anything at all OH FUCK I LOVE THIS SONG. This whole album is so incredible. Josh Ramsay is a goddamn musical genius, even when he was an angsty fucking teenager, because he captured that feeling PERFECTLY. Any time I want to feel like I’m in high school again I just have to put on this album (even though I had been out of high school for like 3 years when it came out lol). (Also TW for self-harm in the lyrics)
7. Tool - Jimmy Hold your light, Eleven. Lead me through each gentle step by step by inch by loaded memory. I’ll move to heal as soon as pain allows so we can reunite and both move on together. Hold your light, Eleven. Lead me through each gentle step by step by inch by loaded memory til one and one are one, Eleven. So glow, child, glow. I’m heading back home. Yes, I know that was a big chunk of lyrics, but that’s my whole favourite part of that song. I was SO into Tool back in the day, wowzers. Some of these songs still hit me right in the feels.
8. Killjoys - Rave & Drool It was just another cure Never bother, just ignore I’m not anything at all I’m not a monster, I’m a friend who raves and drools This is an ooooooold song for me, musically. I first heard this waaaay back in elementary school, when I picked up a copy of Big Shiny Tunes. I’m pretty sure it was this compilation album that set me on the musical path I ended up going down. It’s still a solid song, 20 years later (the video is SO 90S THO OMG). (Also holy shit seizure warning for this video, yikes)
9. Queens Of The Stone Age - In The Fade They don’t know I never do you any good Laughing is easy I would if I could This album probably has most of my favourite QOTSA songs (except for like... 3), and this is one of the top faves. It just sounds really cool, and it is really, like, My Aesthetic... musically. I don’t know, I just really like this one.
I feel like I always tag the same people in these, so let’s try a few different folks for a change. @cherenobul @redacuarela @scatterdarknessscattersilence @weedingandwandering @overlyexcitedvegan if any of y’all feel like doing this, feel free (don’t take my post as an example tho you don’t have to ramble as much as me lmao). And anyone else, if you read this far, consider yourself tagged if you wanna do this!
Also, in case anyone was curious, here are all the instrumental songs I skipped: Gifts From Enola - City Lights Scraped the Sky Sithu Aye - Lights! Camera! Explosions! Queens Of The Stone Age - Lightning Song Scale the Summit - Secret Earth Aphex Twin - Matchsticks Anamanaguchi - Power Supply Estradasphere - The Return Jake Chudnow - Muff Mittens
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Episode #9- “that was lowkey pretty fucked up soooo... fuck all you guys”- Kyle
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The defeat feeling jumped out me! Yeah, I thought seeing Gwen leave was bad, but I still had Rizo. Now that he's gone, and I'm stuck with a mix of people who very clearly don't trust me is just...oof. Austin cant pretend any longer that his mindgame works on me, Cheatham is all about being safe, Kyle is cracked, AM/Sara/Liam I guess are thriving, Noah is probably not long and Vincent will probably end up as the last one around out of all of us. I feel like no matter what I try and do I'm just kinda stuck unable to get out the hole and it is a killjoy. I'm gonna let the defeatist attitude remain for the night and think on what to do to survive next!
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Damn KYLE! Way to make a ass of yourself and become a target :) . I really hope I get to write his name down soon.
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I think for right now Operation: Wolfsheep is needed. That is, I intend on infiltrating the Petrel alliance somehow. At the same time I am going to go to Cheatham and just say look, I get we we did not give you immunity and I can't change that. What I can change is how to act moving forward. He needs to realize there are sides to this game and the side he currently is flipping yo play for is going to cut him when everyone else is rip. So I am going to approach him and ask for a Final 2 deal. As abrupt as it would be, I'd be the only person who can say I dont have anyone else to work with. Besides, I have an argument to use against him in the F2 already BUT one thing at a time.
So far, Operation: Wolfsheep seems successful. Sara says she is willing to work with me and AnnMarie says she feels bad how dominating one side is doing and how dirty she did me thats rad. Now I think I am going to try and do Liam/Cheatham tomorrow just because doing everyone in the same day may be suspect
I always love acting like Im on the bottom but now I actually am haha its fun though as I can paint myself as a nonthreatening person and it look legitimate! So far AM I think is one key. Sara is the other for me. All I gotta do is make it to F7 and I have a chance to help turn this game around
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I REALLY needed this immunity win.now do I take out someone who is tatgetting me (kyle) or take out someone I see as a big threat later (noah) ?
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AnnMarie came and said she didnt want Austin to win so it at least tells me she is potentially sincere in wanting to work together. It also tells me that she may have realized she underestimate him. I talked with Noah and he is keen on us waiting til Final 7 to do anything. I told him we need to spend the next two votes buttering up to AnnMarie and Sara because they're our easiest shot to gaining some ounce of control later on- or at least something with hope!
AnnMarie said there was a group of 5 that had trust and all. Austin said there were 6. Now I can tell the people consist of some combo of Liam/Sara/AM/Austin/Cheatham. Noah remains a puzzle piece as I cant tell if he or Vincent are actually on the bottom as they claim to be. Nonetheless, Liam has said nada to me which is upsetting since people are keeping inactive people- great players dont need to rely on that but ya know!
Every time someone has blowup, my name is dropped and its comically hilarious because on one end I'm like oh okay this person has facts and then I'm like OH MY GOD NO SHUT UP FELICIA!
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This time we're voting Noah out. He's a good player, and he's slid too far into the background that he could easily end up at the end. So if he's voted out now, which we almost certainly have the numbers for, the game should change considerably. He's easily the best vote here, because getting distracted and voting someone else is exactly how he ends up at the end, saying "come on guys how did this happen?" However, after Noah goes, it would be the final 8, and afaik Austin is really good with Liam/AM/Sara. I'm good with Cheatham. Chris and Kyle are wildcards, but I feel like if we tell Chris about the Noah vote he'd be more likely to vote with us. Kyle is not a good ally, so he's not worth picking up in almost every single scenario. The exception is when it's coming down to a single vote, which depending on what Austin does here, it almost certainly will. Kyle has said on too many occasions that he is targeting Austin's group, so if that's my objective he should go with me, and if he doesn't then he has lost absolutely all credibility and chances of getting any jury votes. So then in this hypothetical scenario, it's 4-4. What happens next? Two scenarios. One, Cheatham plays his idol. He is clearly unwilling to do this, and I will not tell him what to do with his idol. Two, we break up the trio. Cheatham thinks that we can get one of AM/Sara on our side, and if we can then we've successfully controlled the vote. However, I do not know if we'll be able to. I'm thinking ahead, because I feel like winners never look one step at a time when they are in a relatively good position (i.e. not fighting for their life every round). Hopefully it all works out!
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I have to say, Austin/Vincent/Cheatham are not even hiding the fact they are together behind closed doors. It sorta makes me wonder how F8 goes because it seems like this really would just become Thrush vs Petrel...Kyle's now apparently a goat and shield but honestly if they plan on voting Noah out then I'm just going to put Kyle in his place. Vincent wants me on Noah though so let us see if anybody else will actually say his name!
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So it's very quiet today and that's...spooky! Kyle calling myself and AnnMarie out is a mood. Kyle calling myself/AM/Liam a trio is an even bigger mood. And tbh...I've totally considered that 3 going to the end if at all possible....but now that it's been put out in the open people are gonna be legit sus...so if one of em gotta go...they gotta go. Just hopefully it isn't me... D:
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The alliance of 5 is sticking together. Austin said he wants me for his final 2/3. Things are looking good, but I know for a fact that if I want to win this game, I can't stick with austin. He's doing too well and winning too much. If I stand a chance, I can't bestandinf next to him at the end.
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This tribal could either be messy or straight forward?? Kyle's been spouting his mouth off again all day & I'm sick of it & i'm probably the most vocal about it because I quite frankly don't care about holding myself back when people are being annoying lmao. Hopefully tonight isn't the end of my journey & Kyle's just gonna get disregarded by everyone else, but this round is quiet, so I wouldn't be shocked with a blindside. Prayin for myself.
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it has been a pretty uneventful week in the neighborhood. Kyle kinda I dug himself a grave at last tribal. So it is easy to act like he is the main target. Even though Noah is the one going home this week. I’m getting kind of pissed off however, because Kyle and Noah both brought up how they will be better jurors if i blindside them. so I guess just stay tuned!
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7 votes Noah, 1 vote Kyle, 1 vote Liam.
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A well-meaning friend gave me a book series that is hilariously bad. The first book was Souless and my riffs were entitled brainless. This second book is entitled Changless and these riff are then gormless.
I mean to say I have entitled them gormless! Not that my riffs are dumb, and the effort I spend on them stupid since I’m the only one who enjoys them. HAHA!
The story is SUPPOSED TO be about how a badass lady wearing a rad-looking carriage dress hits baddies with her umbrella and bangs her hot werewolf husband.  In reality it’s mostly poor attempts at being witty, flirty, and superior.
For the last book check out the brainless tag.
If you want the TL;DR version but want to read these new riffs anyway?
This story is set in supernatural Victorian steampunk England.  Alexia is our NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS protag.  She is a soulless, which means she’s able to negate the abilities of vampires and werewolves by touching them. She’s recently married a big oaf, named Lord Connel Maccon.  He’s the manchild in charge of the supernatural police with a zillion dollars and he’s totes super hot too ok.  Their relationship is mostly arguments about how Maccon can’t tell her fucking anything.  Alexia has also recently become head of ~Soulless affairs~ in Queen Victoria’s government.  She has a dumb friend named Ivy, a gay vampire friend named Akeldama, a family who’s evil because they do the same shit as her but while being blonde, and most importantly Alexia is better than everyone cause…cause.
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Last time on Gormless:
Alexia solved the problems!  So it’s time for our obligatory fade to black sex scene and cliff-hanger.
So this is our last chapter and boy does it TAKE A TURN! WOOF!
So the chapter opens up with the Maccons, I guess doing it, in the hallway right after the above conversation.  And I do not like the language used.
“There was really nothing else to do when Conall was in one of these moods but to enjoy it.”
“Alexia sacrificed herself on the altar of wifely duty, enjoying every minute of it, of course, …”
My inner feminist killjoy hates the rape culture language used as well as the term WIFELY DUTY. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad she enjoyed it and they make it clear in the text. I’m just irritated that they have to throw ravishment language all over it.  Why can’t it be phrased as expressly consensual since it is?  I know ravishment is a popular fetish…but it’s also everywhere and doesn’t apply here? WHATEVER!
The married pair go up to the Aethographor and message Akeldama, and Akeldama confirms that the Westminster Hive’s aethograhor broke.  Real essential this information.
It is explained that Ivy and Tunstell eloped in a letter they left behind.  In a letter that’s supposed to be funny but it’s just cringy and embarrassing.
In the middle of dinner Maccon decides to change his granddaughter into a werewolf. Apparently this works by chewing through her neck and drooling into the gaping hole.
Despite this very tame display Alexia faints.
When she wakes up LeFoux and Maccon are there.  Sidheag was successfully changed into a werewolf hooray!
LeFoux explains that a lot of the symptoms Alexia is experiencing indicate that she is pregnant. Apparently SO FAR IN HISTORY a werewolf has yet to make someone preggorz.  
So Maccon assumes that she must have had an affair and wowzers, he has the granddaddy of all freakouts.
He swears a blue streak and accuses her of sleeping with other men in awful and cruel terms, he screams, and carries on and it’s described with this kind of language.
“He was quietly, white-faced, shivering angry.  And it was terribly, terribly frightening.”
“…But Alexia had never been actually afraid of him before. She was afraid of him now.”
“It was as though he’d placed the distance between them, not because he didn’t want to come at her and tear her apart, but because he really thought he might.”
LeFoux stands in a protective stance in front of Alexia at this time and is the only one who believes her when she claims she did not cheat on him.  Maccon runs out of there all dramatic style. Sidheag, in polite terms admittedly, tells her to get her slut butt out of there cause she has to support the pack.  Despite how Alexia convinced Maccon to make her a werewolf, stopped a violent person from tearing the pack to shreds, and got their werewolfism back. But okay sis, GO OFF!
Alexia leaves with LeFoux and her sister, and just stares longingly out the window hoping to see Maccon running toward them apologizing.
I had a lot of mean shit to say about this story but that’s genuinely a good cliffhanger.  The whole pregnancy scare conflict doesn’t seem uncommon for het romance fiction but I think it can be used to good effect. This maybe a more ME specific thing, but I am a protective kind of person.  And this flares up hottest if a man is being shitty and unfair to a woman. So this I felt more viscerally.
Now this is objectively an awful fucking move on Maccon’s part. Like without a doubt he’s a garbage man, and he doesn’t get any kudos for NOT PHYSICALLY HURTING HER EVEN THOUGH THE TEXT PRETTY CLEARLY SAYS HE WANTED TO.
I think it’s kinda ridiculous that he NOT FOR A BRIEF FUCKING SECOND thought that either:
A.)    She may not actually be pregnant.  They’re just taking LeFoux’s word when she says she thinks the fainting and the trouble eating might mean pregnancy.
B.)    We just very clearly and very recently demonstrated that nobody knows jackshit about Soulless people and perhaps it is possible that a Soulless can bear a supernatural person’s child.
C.)    Since he’s without supernatural powers when they touch…and for pregnancy producing sex they had, they touched…soooooooo?
D.)   That if it was someone else that caused the pregnancy, MAYBE, it happened without her consent?  Real supportive there!  I mean at the beginning of this book his bff Channing seemed pretty primed to rape her. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?
Like he didn’t consider any of these options for a half fucking second.  And instead just drops his pregnant wife like a sack of shit, to presumably raise a child on her own with only the help of the family that Maccon knows treats Alexia shitty.  Violently tore apart your great granddaughter and abandoned your unborn child on the same day.  IT’S NOT EVERY DAY WHERE YOU’RE BOTH THE SHITTEST DAD AND SHITTEST GREAT GRANDDAD!
Trying to have any sympathy for Maccon here is really undercut by the fact that Alexia bragged about being flirted with by a woman, just last chapter, and his inept jealous rage was played for laughs.  If we’re really trying to drive home the HURT Maccon must by the betrayal of cheating…maybe don’t poke fun of the possibility 10 pages ago?
Unlike a lot of similarly styled stories, I suppose it makes a modicum of sense that he fears she may have cheated though.  She’s literally spite-flirted before when she was mad at Maccon.  I.E with MacDougall last book.  She flirted with LeFoux throughout this book, not out of spite, but maybe out of ignorance cause she didn’t know two women could like kiss or whatever GOD.  She also was asking leading sexual questions regarding that pretty bag of dicks, Channing.
So at least she hadn’t shown 0 behaviors beforehand and he’s utterly convinced she’d drop him like a hot potato as soon as a another pretty face roamed into frame.
But I will say I am just not looking forward to how easily he’s going to be forgiven next book.  
Say something nice Faps:
Legit good cliffhanger. Color me pleasantly surprised.
Run away with LeFoux and raise your kids together.
Just kidding LeFoux is way too good for you.
0 notes