#so perhaps i am biased
neverbesokind · 5 months
While I think if Taylor wanted to work with new producers I would absolutely be happy to hear what came of it, I don't love the way people harp so much on her for sticking with Aaron and Jack. While they do both have definite producing styles, it always feels to me like people are discounting Taylor's own artistic decision-making.
Like, she knows what they can do, and she makes the decision to work with them on certain songs intentionally. She's not leaning back and letting them do anything they want, it's a collaboration, y'know? If you don't vibe, then you don't vibe, but that's her art, too.
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front-facing-pokemon · 3 months
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monotone-artist · 4 months
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lil scribble that i liked, hello. left is montegracyn, right is edmunathy. ed is monty's son! while she didn't raise him herself because of various life reasons, she still made it a point to visit him as frequently as possible. he's one of the only good things left in her life. also ed is usually super shy and quiet, but he is super talkative around her :]
[id: digital sketch of monty and ed, both fluffy dragons. monty has a thick mane of fur and a scarred face; ed is pretty scrawny, and is about teen age. monty is sitting and looking over at ed, who has bounded up to her side and is talking happily. monty looks tired, but ed's appearance has put a smile on her face. end id]
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bijoumikhawal · 10 months
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Coptic lesbians (inspired by @felrija's work)
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thatshakespeareanfool · 11 months
“They were moon and sun ascended down to earth. Narcissa’s always impeccable appearance with her fashionably styled hair and lavish french robes would have caught anyone’s eye if not for her elder sister. Bellatrix lived up to her namesake, she was the warrior star in human shape walking in the world of mere mortals. It was impossible to miss how she carried herself with raw wildness,how her curls laid freely on her back, letting the autumn wind dance with them. She owned every room she walked in ever since Sirius could have remembered”
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lesbianfakir · 1 year
Not saying anything I haven’t already said but it’s 2 in the morning and I have feelings about this!! I want more queerplatonic art and interpretations in the tutu fandom sooooo bad. I keep coming back to how it’s so rare to have a show of this genre where the boy and the girl stay friends without any pressure to make their relationship “something more,” and that really resonates.
It’s not a bad thing but it’s a little sad to me that the tag is so focused on romantic shipping when there are so many other ways to explore the relationships in the show. I would love to see more people engaging with the text in ways that don’t fit in with the conventional relationship script.
Duck feels she is lacking in some fundamental human quality, a narrative that is so very often, an aspec one. For a show that’s so entrenched in amatonormativity I connected with the narrative of tutu in a way that I do with so few shows because it feels so fundamentally aspec. And I want to explore the shit out of that!!
The way the show develops it’s central relationships really resonates with me—rather being built upon some nebulous attraction the foundation of many central relationships come from a place of deep admiration. There is no expectation that that admiration must blossom into romance. At the end of the day, the world is saved through a friendship. There’s no NEED for it to be anything else because that love is complete just as it is. There’s no lack felt—only the strength of what’s already there.
And that said, I feel like when engaging with fanwork that quality is often missing. The idea that these relationships hold the same strength and validity whether they’re platonic or romantic doesn’t always carry through. And don’t get me wrong, I love to see a cute couple. But I wish there was more exploration of the weird nebulous up to interpretation not-quite-romantic, not-quite-platonic relationships the show gives us. It can go either way so it’s so strange to me that fandom tends to gravitate towards only one outcome to these options
Anyways, this is my rallying cry, JOIN ME IN QUEERING PRINCESS TUTU
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coredrill · 7 months
all the speculation of bravern being 2-cour/split-cour is so interesting to me. cause like it all seems to be based on the idea that we’ve got 6-7 enemies left to defeat whereas i feel like everything else in the story really is fitting for a halfway point? like. i could be very very wrong ofc but i really struggle to think that this show, with all its loving genre subversions, is suddenly gonna go monster-of-the-week and play that trope straight so that it runs for two dozen episodes? like yeah we still don’t know bravern’s or lulu’s deals yet nor what arael is doing in the OP but from a plot perspective i think it’s totally fair to assume that if we do face all the deathdrives, the fights don’t all have to be one-on-one………….thematically we’ve already set up a contrast between the deathdrives purpose as it relates to death and ep5’s conflict boiling down to isami and smith understanding each other’s willingness to self-sacrifice but also not wanting the other to die………..which works from a character perspective along with the rule of 3 being maybe set up in 2 different potentially emotionally charged ways (with smith now having lost fights twice and also the “baby bird” thing)…………..so like!!! idk i feel like 12 eps could be perfectly satisfying if that is what they are going for!!!
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leeimperatriz · 4 months
¿Locamente enamorado o trágiamente culpable? / Madly in love or tragically guilty?
Porque también veo otras series a parte de BajoTerra.
Gabriel Agreste ha sido uno de los personajes que más me ha llamado la atención (y que siento que Thomas masacró completamente junto con Chloé y pienso defender esto con capa y espada), debido a su historia de amor que término en tragedia y en la búsqueda de los miraculous de Ladybug y Chat Noir, más que un villano, era un hombre roto que cazaba un milagro. ¡Y ese es un gran concepto!
Sin embargo, siento que algo que no se ha explorado muy bien en la serie es su relación con Emilie, el por qué la amaba tanto, hasta el punto en que fue capaz de convertirse en Hawk Moth/Monarca para traerla de regreso, y si bien es cierto que es su amor por Emilie quien define quién es Gabriel y su rol en la serie, puede que no sea su única motivación.
Because I also watch other shows that aren't SlugTerra.
Gabriel Agreste has been one of the characters who got my attention the most (and who I feel got completely butchered by Thomas alongside with Chloé and I will defend this with cape and sword), due to his love story that ended in tragedy and his quest for the miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir, more than a villain, he was a broken man, hunting a miracle. And that is a great concept!
However, I feel that something that hasn't been explored enough is his relationship with Emilie, why did he love her so much, to the point of becoming Hawk Moth/Monarch to bring her back, and although it is true that his love for Emilie defines who Gabriel is and what he does as a character, it may not be his only motivation.
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Gabriel le entrega a su esposa el miraculous roto del pavo real.
Puede que no parezca mucho, ellos decidieron tener un hijo, y al no poder lograrlo, recurrieron a métodos cuestionables para tener a Adrien, la culpa recae en los dos, Emilie por acceder a usar el miraculous, sabiendo que estaba roto, y Gabriel, por haberle permitido usarlo.
Sin embargo, creo que no nos hemos puesto en los zapatos de Gabriel, ni nos hemos puesto a pensar en las connotaciones que esto conlleva para el desdichado y enloquecido diseñador/terrorista.
"Gabriel le entrega a su esposa el miraculous roto del pavo real."
Gabriel le entrega a su esposa el miraculous roto.
Él le entrega a SU esposa un miraculous roto.
Él le hizo esto.
Gabriel gives his wife the broken miraculous of the peacock.
It may not look like much, they decided to have a kid, and when they could not, they went with questionable methods to create have Adrien, the guilt falls to both of them, to Emilie for agreeing to use a broken miraculous, and to Gabriel for allowing her to use it.
However, I don't think we have put ourselves on Gabriel's shoes, nor thought on the connotations that this have for the hapless and maddened designer/terrorist.
"Gabriel gives his wife the broken miraculous of the peacock."
Gabriel gives his wife the broken miraculous.
He gives HIS wife a broken miraculous.
He did this to her.
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Él le entregó el miraculous roto, lo que provocó que la salud de Emilie se deteriorara hasta llegar a ese punto, lo que desató toda la serie.
Gabriel la amaba, con toda la fuerza de su corazón y su alma, de eso no hay duda... pero ella está ahí dentro por culpa suya, porque ÉL fue lo suficientemente estúpido como para darle el miraculous roto sin medir las consecuencias, él la condenó a ese destino.
A parte de sus planes para derrotar a Ladybug y Chat Noir, esto es lo que verdaderamente puede estar pasando por su cabeza, esto es lo que verdaderamente puede estarlo torturando, es cierto que ama a Emilie lo suficiente como para aterrorizar Paris, pero también es cierto que puede vivir terriblemente atormentado por la culpa de haber sido responsable de su estado actual.
Y de ahí viene su desesperación de conseguir los miraculous, no solamente es incapaz superar lo que le ocurrió a Emilie por su amor por ella, sino también, porque siente que él le hizo esto, que él la puso en esa cápsula y quiere enmendar su error a toda costa, no solo para tenerla de vuelta, sino también para liberarse de la culpa que lo tortura día y noche.
Él la amaba, él la amaba, era su alma gemela, la mujer que lo completaba, su vida, su todo...
... Y él. La puso. Ahí.
He gave her the broken miraculous, what caused Emilie's health to deteriorate until getting to this point, which kickstarted the whole show.
Gabriel loved her, there is no doubt on that... But she is inside there because of him, because HE was stupid enough to give her a broken miraculous without measuring the consequences, he doomed her to this fate.
Apart from his plans to defeat Ladybug and Chat Noir, this is what must be truly going on in his head, this is what must be torturing him so much, it is true that he loved Emilie enough to terrorize Paris to bring her back, but it is also true that he could be living terribly tormented for the guilt of being responsible for her current state.
And this is where his despair for getting the miraculouses comes from, not only he is not capable of getting over her demise because of his love for her, but also, because he feels he did this to her, that he put her in the casket and wants to correct that mistake at all costs, not only to have her back, but also to free himself from the guilt torturing him day and night.
He loved her, he loved her, she was his soulmate, the woman that completed him, his life, his everything...
... And he. Put her. There.
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Yo también enloquecería.
I would go crazy too.
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revvethasmythh · 10 months
still genuinely think that shadowheart and gale (in that order) have the best parallels to the durge storyline. imo actually really sad we don't get, like, any durge specific dialogues for them because their parallels are so obvious and interesting
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applestorms · 8 months
questions of pacing aside, i actually think the progression from one set of kids to the next in homestuck is quite good, and also at least in part explains why the comic shifts so heavily into the more blood-based relationship/character dynamic focus in Act 6 and onward, as opposed to the more breath-based plot emphasis that was more present in the first half.
the most basic way you can see this is in how the characters age over the course of the story, actually. you start off with the beta kids--13 years old, four humans, related by blood even if not explicitly stated from the start--who generally stick to the plot and keep away from the relationship drama. john doesn't seem particularly interested in romance other than through celebrity crushes and as a plot point in his movies, rose is (presumably) confident in her lesbianism and doesn't converse w/ jade enough in-canon to push much of a dynamic there. dave is the main one that very obviously (and, imo, cutely. d'aww) has a crush on all of his friends, but his latent internalized homophobia (and the uncomfortably Freudian implications of the Other One) means that jade is the only real candidate he can pursue. jade herself ends up being into the idea too, so there ends up not being much of a struggle anyways, at least at the beginning.
the trolls are also 13 years/6 sweeps old, but notably they're coming from an entirely different social context, one that pushes the necessity of relationships much more strongly (note the underlying "fuck or die" implications of the imperial drones). there's also 12 of them, meaning a lot more potential options for romance, not to mention the 4 quadrants for pursuing it in the first place. fitting, then, that the introduction of the leader-ly blood player adds more romantic drama to the story.
karkat bitches about his fears of troll/human sloppy makeouts enough that the story was destined to devolve into some degree of that at some point, but the rapidly rising number of troll/human interactions in A5A2 in general was bound to add to the already present interpersonal drama that drove a lot of A5A1. even looking past the burgeoning powerhouse that is rosemary at this point in the story, terezi, dave, & karkat have enough drama amongst themselves to power a fucking rocket, and that's before you add people like vriska, jade, & john into the mix.
so by the time you get to the alphas it really doesn't surprise me that so much of the plot of their early pages revolves around The Jakestakes and it's corresponding drama. the kids are also 15 going on 16 and a lot more explicitly horny by this point (bound to happen w/ the smuppets & blue women, roxy's overwhelming Thirst aside), pushed to new levels by the similarly new levels of isolation almost every character is surrounded by. the kids want interpersonal connection, and it seems natural to me considering the (human) Society they're coming from that they would default to romance at this age, REGARDLESS of whether or not they are actually interested in it. (i see you, aromantic jake headcanons.)
the same thing happens with the dancestors, actually, who are probably the most explicitly horny set of characters in the comic iirc? or at the very least, the ones who have the most canon basis for that kind of relationship history, even considering how little they show up in general. i see this as a combination of both being around 19 years/9 sweeps old and being stuck in the dream bubbles, honestly. what else is there to do but delve into a bunch of nuanced relationship drama and awkward post-death situationships, really? (unless you're cronus, of course.)
but anyways, alongside the age difference resulting in more relationship drama, there's another thing the progression lends itself to: identity crises!
this is maybe less clear in the dancestors, but it's definitely clear for the first three groups. where the beta kids all have fairly distinct, natural identities revolving around their interests (maybe more strongly stated in the case of dave & rose, fitting considering their level of maturity in comparison to the prospit kids), a lot more of the trolls are concerned with the Image they project out into the world. take rose's pre-grimdark interest in the occult & psychoanalysis, fairly genuine interests i think that do shape her identity into something fairly distinct, in comparison to the fucking Lifestyle Choices of vriska & terezi with their respective mindfang & redglare roleplay. not all the trolls are that level of dedicated so they make for a smoother transition from the betas, but there's definitely a lot stronger of a theme of personal reflection & identity within the trolls, especially in how they view/treat their ancestors.
the alpha kids take this to another level, which again i think is fitting considering their age. the alphas are a bunch of fucking liars, yes, but the key thing to note here is that when they lie to themselves, it's probably just cause they don't really know who they are yet? like, dirk is certainly Aware of some core, unchangeable parts of himself, yes-- but none of these kids have really gotten the chance to figure out who they are yet. when roxy talks about being a sick haxxor bitch, or dirk about being a multitasking, hyper-competent puppet master, or jake about being A Goddamn Adventurer-- they're playing with costumes. they're rp-ing, and trying to figure out who they actually are in the process, what parts they're willing to show the world and what parts they're more inclined to hide. even jane (or perhaps especially jane?) is just fitting herself into the role she's been placed under since childhood.
this is one idea i think the epilogues/post-canon content really missed in its interpretation of the alphas. these kids aren't uniquely terrible, their relationship drama is not world ending (despite how it may feel. looking at you A6A5A1x2), they are not harboring some exclusive seed of evil deep within them. i honestly think that if you had chucked the john/vriska/terezi/karkat/dave/jade love hexagon from hell into a different context it would look no different to the alphas' English Sweepstakes.
which kinda leads to my final point, actually: the third thread. miscommunication.
communication gets more and more obtuse the further along in the story you go. i feel like i've mentioned this before, but hussie really starts taking advantage of the medium of pesterlogs the further in you get w/ the whole concept of Biased Narrators (also see: doc scratch, homosuck), which is part of the reason why i think the story gets more and more misread the further into it you get as people skim more and pay the price even harder.
prospit/derse differences about directly vs. indirectly saying what you mean aside, the kids get more and more cagey as the story progresses. this development is actually the clearest imo when you look at how it goes from the beta kids (friends talking to friends) -> trolls (online strangers, ready to fuck w/ you but ultimately sympathetic in their own right) -> doc scratch (literally just an internet predator). as who you're talking to online increases in potential danger, so too must the required level of Fuckery.
caliborn might be a little shit w/ some violent tendencies & questionable taste in art when he's talking to the alphas (in particular, dirk & jake), but he's also the future (V)illain of The Comic and shouldn't be taken too lightly. at the very least, the power that he and calliope both have over the story as a whole is nothing to scoff at.
as much as it doesn't feel like it at first, the alphas take a lot of the themes previously established surrounding the more personal/emotional/relationship-oriented aspects of the beta kids & trolls and crank it up to 11. everything just feels so much more intense, even if the game mechanics and plot shit is dialed down significantly in turn. it's no wonder A6A5A2 (the tricksters) and A6A5A1x2 (the conversation on the quest beds) play out the way they do-- i mean, those two acts alone basically sum up the Entire dynamic of the alphas & all of their interpersonal problems in one big dramatic swoop. more lonely, more longing, more confused about who they are and who they love and who they want to be. the alphas got it all.
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hyperfixationtimego · 2 years
hello!! i don’t really want to harp on this issue, but this is just a small reminder that Mindy Kaling has actually NOT done a lot of the horrible things she’s being accused of! You don’t have to personally like her or her humor, but I beg of you to please at least do some research on her supposed problematic behavior before you start treating her & the things she makes/contributes to so viciously :(
If you have a reliable source detailing something shitty she’s done, by all means please leave it in a reply/reblog! The more knowledge the better! But I do ask that you be civil about it!
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lesbiancloudtail · 6 months
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ardenigh · 2 years
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dusting off an old character design w this dude! his concept was “resident token human clown option in a visual novel lineup” but these days he mostly just does interior design
original draft sprite and flat colors under the cut!
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heksen-sabbat · 10 months
I hope you enjoy Robocop if you actually watch it! It’s in my top ten stupid action movies for sure
Hi I just finished it!!! Very good very silly very violent. Especially loved the robot who ate shit because he was too big to use the stairs lol
So far my second-favourite Paul Verhoeven movie out of the three I've seen. I've really liked all of them so far but sometimes I just think he doesn't address the impact of things that happened in the film enough yknow. idk they're all good I just love thinking about potential all the time lol
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kuuyandere · 1 year
Part of me wishes I could be normal. I'm well out of my teens and have left behind my toxic ex/my Darling and am in a healthier relationship. I've been processing a lot of stuff through therapy that has really helped me get closer to my family and set boundaries, make time for friends that I really love having around and feel much more safe and secure in the things around me. And yet despite all this recovery I still can't help but desire yandere fulfillment. I can't help but still want to be noticed, followed, stalked just for being myself. I want to be someone's entire obsession and I can't help daydreaming about being wanted so much that they start killing my loved ones just to make me scared and dependent on them. As much as I try to be healthy and normal I just want to feel the intense love I've always wanted.,💘
I greatly admire your journey towards healing, and I am glad your life has improved from your past experiences as a result. I don’t think it is inherently unhealthy to want to receive obsessive love. People have “types” that are sometimes not good for them and desires that society finds taboo: that is relatively common. You describe wanting to be wanted intensely to the point of isolation. Seen completely for who you are- desired despite seeing your bad and hurt (with the stalking). Who doesn’t want to be wanted, understood, special?
I understand how it is frustrating to not be “normal” though and wish to experience a love that is safer. Often I wish I didn’t have yandere tendencies either, but it is a part of me, just as your desires are a part of you/your life experience, in a way.
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funnywormz · 2 years
Idk if this is particularly weird but I've always been very enamored with Miss Bianca from The Rescuers
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AWWWGHHG she's so cute and pretty....... ive never seen this movie but i understand this. i would have probably had a crush on her if i had watched this as a kid she's so cute ;__; her voice is so lovely to listen to as well, the voice is probably part of it i imagine LOL. i get it
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