#astronaut rambles
applestorms · 1 year
clawed my way through (some of) the epilogues and hs^2 again for dirkjake crumbs and i think there is a Genuine place for ultimate jake to fit into canon (or at the very least, lord jake english) since meat timeline jake never actually shows up visually in hs^2 and his final appearance in that timeline (minus a phone call or something w/ roxy? or was it kanaya fuck) is giving ult. dirk his spaceship and then proclaiming his undying love while desperately trying to get dirk to let him join him, to which dirk responds that he’ll “never let [jake] break [his] heart again” (ch39). agony.
two interesting things about the end of his arc in meat actually: for one thing, it’s kinda implied that along with giving dirk a spaceship, he also gave dave/karkat/roxy/kanaya/etc a spaceship to chase after him, so he’s at least taken some action to try to stop him. again though, we never see him after that point so like. the idea that he could just hope himself into becoming an ultimate self in the background is actually kind of a possibility?? like while the others try to chase dirk down, jake is figuring out how to brute force himself into ascension as a backup plan. second thing, dirk is very snarky in the narration about the fact that this dramatic goodbye he’s giving jake is the last time he’ll ever get to see him (jake see dirk, i mean) but ult. dirk also seems to lack power against alt. calliope when they fight over the narrative so jake ascending would actually pose a serious threat and might be able to override that, assuming dirk’s power over the narrative extends that far in the first place (thinking about that post talking about how narration is also a reflection of characters’ thoughts…)
candy timeline jake is also pretty interesting since he very notably starts being advised by BGD to be a kind of spy on the inside against jane’s. whole thing in that timeline. i actually completely cannot remember what jane does in the meat timeline, i think also some presidency bullshit, right?? that’s what the davekat thing was about??? but anyway BGD sounds pretty normal in all his dialogue, or normal for BGD at least, and is aware of both the game over timeline and ult. dirk’s bullshit enough to make fun of it so. idk maybe i’m just misunderstanding how ultimate selves work, but the fact that BGD wasn’t really “integrated” into ult. dirk feels significant to me, especially considering the fact that we can see caliborn/LE’s influence on ult. dirk so much (his narration in ch39 gives AR too, frankly, like the epilogues are obvs way more openly horny than hs proper but AR was always kinda like that too, especially about jake). hs^2 also ends super abruptly with some lore shit i skimmed half heartedly between calliope, roxy, and john again talking about his initial decision between candy and meat. that whole conversation pretty deliberately frames the decision between meat and candy as being parallel to terezi’s coin flip about whether or not to kill vriska, and roxycallie even tell john straight up that he needs to get vriska again to fix the story, perhaps assuming that’ll work again since it did when he was retconning the timeline? but imo, though maybe i’m biased cause i didn’t really review what vriska does post-canon again, it seems more fitting to me that jake would be the one to fix the bullshit timelines, considering 1. dirk is the one going bananas out of his fucking mind w/ control of the narrative, 2. thematically, pumpkins are the most logical, healthy alternative to meat and candy, fitting since caliborn explicitly aligns dirk and jake’s color scheme with them in the smut-drawing conversation and since (in the same breath) he establishes that he hates them and prefers meat/candy. but that’s getting into sherlock secret final episode levels of conspiracy, and i’m not sure i’m ready for that one
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suiana · 8 months
bro imagine yandere alien and yandere astronaut threesome love triangle
you'd be another astronaut of course, travelling the wonders of the world and space along side your partners which obviously includes this smitten astronaut.
being in love with you since day 1, this astronaut knows you by heart. he'll recite everything about you like it's the national pledge. he's just so terribly in love that he'd do everything for you. and that includes keeping you safe, with him of course.
but oh no!! by some god forsaken accident, your space craft failed and now you're on this alien planet!!! what?1!1! 😱😱😱 and all your other crewmates are dead too??? except for him?? oh no it looks like you two are stuck with each other forever now... 😇😇 like he didn't orchestrate this whole incident just so you two could be alone forever...
stuck in an unknown planet with only him, all you could do was trust him. he'd never do anything to hurt you after all!
but then you met this alien while out on your own one day??? and the alien was so drawn in by you that he's now madly in love with you too???
astronaut guy is pissed but you?? you?? you're happy??? what??? and your explanation??
three dicks is better than one :3 (alien has two dicks)
like what?!?
horny mf
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hangman is a neat freak and you see him tidying up and washing dishes and hoovering all the damn time
“such a good housewife,” you would tease him.
“tsk wife me the fuck up then,” he mutters under his breath, “coward.”
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dootznbootz · 3 days
Hi. I'm cyberbullying a long dead poet because of his shitty fanfic. Enjoy. I'd love it if you joined me.
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(Before you get mad at me, yes, I know Eugammon of Cyrene is an important figure and all that. I'm sick with some sort of flu. Let me cyberbully an ancient dead fanfic writer in peace.)
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chanderlona · 24 days
guess whaatttt i made new OCs HORRAYYYYY and finally, some ACTUAL sugar nova odyssey related post YIPPEEEE
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believe it or not i'm quite upset devsis wont give us designs for Astronaut Cookie's colleages like SHE MISSES THEM A LOT WHY YOU'RE NOT SHOWING US WHO OUR MC MISESS...????
so i decide to make them myself cause i'm too silly :] this is Vanilla Ice Cookie !!!! they're the co captain of the rocketship Napollo 💥💥💥 also a decendant of the Vanilla Kingdom cause v a n i l l a
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this here is Pandan Ice Bread Cookie, the silliest engineer of the whole CASSA, some would say 🤭🤭🤭 his little inventions were the ones who caught the evacuation signal (who was sent by Planet Xylitol), and so CASSA started the whole mission!!! ofc he's told to hop in the rocketship (which he thankfully agrees to because the crewmates are his beloved partners colleages 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻)
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what a wholesome poly space crew i hope none of them get sucked into a black hole on their mission!!!
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chiquilines · 4 months
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Hi guysssssss its been a minute
I havent posted in a hot while due toooo many things one of which being im not that much into mha anymore... i still really really love all my girls, tgchk mmjr midjoke miryumi etc still hold a dear place in my heart, and I'm gonna keep drawing them, just less. I might start posting more art from different media, but regardless im not gonna be able to post much in the coming months cause I am about to have a very very busy time academically, so Im gonna have less time for drawing :( anyways, thanks to everyone whos been liking my my hero art, it means a lot to me and i appreciate everyone who takes the time to look at my silly self endulging wlw!! This isnt a goodbye btw, im just taking the opportunity to be sappy :) see yall in the next post!!
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raplinesmoon · 10 months
My dream is for Jin to completely embrace his inner indie/alt rock and go full Black Keys/Arctic Monkeys mode
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cupidastrology · 2 years
moon through the signs - short terms
please do not copy or repost my work.
associate this with your natal moon placement.
consider subscribing to my post plus or booking a birth chart reading to know more about your ☽ position.
moon ☽ in aries ♈︎: emotions are always expressed in brute manners, mainly vulgar, impulsive, and harsh. you're not someone to sit still or take the time to take things slow. you must be involved in all situations first or be at the front of the line. your desires are high standing, risky, and rugged. colors of bright red may trigger aggression and feelings of adrenaline.
moon ☽ in taurus ♉︎: you're adorned with money, gifts, and many forms of indulgence from the mother/feminine figures of life. you take your time in choice making and through any process you place yourself in. the neck and skin are both sensitive; you need to be involved with the beauty of life. expressing your desires is healing.
moon ☽ in gemini ♊︎: thoughts, ideas, and new forms of creativity all clash with your emotions. what is there to do with your hands? you must always be on the move, needing to implement new structures into your life and solving word puzzles. reading and learning new skills are a passion, you need it all to stay in the air.
moon ☽ in cancer ♋︎ : the influence of family, procreation, and the mother figure are of an importance with moon at home in this sign. its important to understand the connections of the family structure so you may be involved with community building most of your life. you may be pulled towards children and areas involving the childhood.
moon ☽ in leo ♌︎ : confidence and pride are keys that link to how you secure and motivate yourself emotionally. you may feel inadequate if others you feel protective of don't allow you to protect them. your stomach is prominent and you may be susceptible to stomach aches depending on your mood.
moon ☽ in virgo ♍︎: your worries may be at the forefront of every event when it comes to your emotions. you're someone who seeks to understand the depth of emotional issues rather than sticking to the constant positive or ego. getting into video games, racing, or even research around movement and direction may stimulate your senses.
moon ☽ in libra ♎︎ : stability, security, and emotional expression are always involved in group settings as well as with those that are able to influence you to upgrade in your life. you must have the connections of social media and discussion with you, this gives you the chances of expressing your desires, wants, and needs in a blunt and elegant manner.
☽ in scorpio ♏︎ : the emotions are always pointed towards the downsides and darknesses of life and self expression. the dark of the bedroom is the humble abode while understanding that it's okay to make large changes over time. the mother may be draining.
☽ in sagittarius ♐︎ : feelings are not tied to anyone or anything, but instead drawn or pointed towards new environments and lifestyles. you are the scrapbook full of samples that are worth tasting and throwing away all at the same time.
☽ in capricorn ♑︎ : you set your emotions into a form of stability that bound you by the connections you make with others. family expects so much yet you must maintain self control. being aware of control is a lesson in life. the mother is strong but hurt.
☽ in aquarius ♒︎ : you may seek everything outside your home as the true essence of ancestry and roots. you're not connected to just anyone but have the ability to connect with everyone all at the same time. staying open to what's to come is your bestfriend.
☽ in pisces ♓︎ : your emotions may not matter to many and are strong. overwhelming, it's easy to experience release and death throughout life. you're not someone that can feel many at once but at all once. you pick your people even if they try to rub themselves on you.
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physics-for-fishes · 2 months
Space is a near-perfect vacuum, but it’s not entirely empty. A small list of matter include :
a few hydrogen atoms here and there (less than one hydrogen atom per cubic meter)
Dark Matter — an enigma that was recently discovered in the 20th century. It doesn’t interact with the normal matter that we’re used to (eg. solid, gas, liquid). We can’t see it since it doesn't interact with light or any electromagnetic radiation. However, it does exist and makes up about 27% of the universe.
Neutrinos — neutral subatomic particles with little mass and no electric charge. They’re from atoms that come together (nuclear fusion) or break apart (nuclear fission)
Electromagnetic radiation and magnetic fields
There are other things that exist in outer space but they’re usually not normal matter and don’t make space very dense at all. It’s okay because space is never truly empty but it can still be very close to empty, making it a far better vacuum than the best ones we can make on earth.
This is not an issue for electromagnetic waves (like light and radio waves) that can travel through space unhindered because they don’t need any medium to propagate.
Sound waves are different since they're mechanical waves, which is just vibrating matter. Hence, they need a medium to travel through to be heard. In space there is no air or medium for sound waves to travel through. This means that no one can hear you scream in space :)
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lethally-hedonistic · 9 months
as an autistic person, it's hard for me to name anything about myself. who's this "myself" guy anyway?
and as an alterhuman, there's this silent yet constant pressure to "figure out who I am". that knowing exactly what your experience falls under is somehow "the point of it all". no one really says it, but then you join a server and there's roles asking you "and which one are you?" and you don't know. but you can't say that, because "I don't know" means "questioning". that there's an answer to be found.
I've been that "questioning" for 3 years now. and sure, I like finding out things about myself - but maybe it's time I allow myself just be.
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dougielombax · 5 months
Faction Paradox fans when they see the dead skull of anything that isn’t a human being:
*this is obviously a secret faction paradox reference by the creators, even if they didn’t know it, how could it be anything else?!*
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Bottom text.
Shut up.
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applestorms · 11 months
in writing my response to @tipsygnostalgy's most recent dirkjake essay post, i accidentally wrote my own mini-essay. here's a little sneak peak since i dunno if i'll be able to finish this one tonight:
I’ve been thinking a lot about what Dirk says to Jane during their conversation post-Tricksters (A6A5A1x2:5830):
TT: We were all designated for a session that was utterly inert. TT: A place where the mechanisms for success never even existed to begin with. TT: In such a place it makes sense that the formal leader would be neutralized, to made feel unempowered and static. TT: And it seems particularly fitting she would be the noble of life in a realm of the dead. TT: A realm that foretold of a life player who felt lifeless, a hope player who felt hopeless, and a heart player who was just a stone cold motherfucker.
I feel like this conversation gets misread a lot, particularly in that people will often ignore the fact that Dirk is clearly biased in terms of his praise/idolization of Roxy and disregard for/blatant hatred of himself. Because the thing is- Jake isn’t hopeless, if anything he’s fuckin overflowing with hope when it comes to believing in other people, it’s just that he completely lacks that same belief when it comes to himself. Act Omega really got that part right, imo, with the fact that Jake really does need the reassurance that other people (namely, Dirk) believe in him in order to be empowered to actually start being active. “Learned helplessness” is the idea that comes to mind for me, one of the key ways that Jake is put into the stereotypical “woman’s role” is in the fact that he feels like he can never be direct in getting what he wants. But actually, I think Jake is pretty active, he just does it in stupidly subtle ways so that he can avoid having to take responsibility for literally anything. That conversation with Jane, for example- he still manipulates Jane into friendzoning herself, therefore getting what he wants (Dirk), he just muddles the waters enough that he doesn’t have to take responsibility for hurting her by rejecting her.
I think Jane actually is thematically a good representative of the alphas, in the same way that John is for the betas (and really all kids, but Johnny is special cause he was #1), it’s just that you have to look at her class, not her aspect. Maids are typically understood as overflowing with their aspect, literally made of it, causing them to have a very close, personal relationship with it but also putting a strain on their relationship with others because of it. The word “maid” also brings to mind servitude to others, which is big for the Megidos & their history w/ Doc Scratch.
While Jane struggles a lot with giving (life) to others, I still think the Maid class really is relevant to all of the alphas, especially Dirk and Jake but also kinda Roxy. This is where I think Dirk is ever so slightly off in his interpretation of their session- it’s not that they’re lacking their aspect, they can’t stop giving it away in service of each other honestly, it’s that they can’t give the same help to themselves.
Jake fervently believes in his friends, he has to if he wants them to be real as you said above, and it’s ultimately all very selfish, but he cannot believe in himself to the point where he needs to create a fucking intricately detailed copy of his boyfriend to tell all of his thoughts to him before he can believe they’re true. Dirk is fucking overflowing with love for his friends, his introduction to the comic is making sure Jane is alright, he holds onto Roxy and seems to be almost as devastated as she is that he can’t love her the way that she wants him to, Jake, but he absolutely cannot give that same affection and sympathy to himself. Roxy holds the group together, yes, but I think it’s in a very different way than Karkat and his blood aspect- she is the confidant that everyone talks to and everyone can confide their secrets in (regardless of how well she keeps them- sorry Jane, lol), she is void in that she is the keeper of secrets but also in that, by getting people to communicate and giving them advice, she takes away the void/confusion and helps them see a better path. However she cannot hold her own secrets, doesn’t have anyone else to confide in in the way that she wants to (Dirk gets it but doesn’t love her that way, Jane doesn’t believe her, Jake) and passively aggressively lashes out because of it.
It’s their fundamental flaw and the motivation behind the lies in their introductions and their problems with miscommunication. They love each other so fucking dearly, care so agonizingly much about one another, but can’t deal with themselves, can barely even face a mirror. It's the void session: heart is locked off, hope is twisted into something strange, and life has already long-since ended. The reason why Roxy is able to rise above all that shit is because she chooses to engage with her own issues, to face her alcoholism and shitty behavior head on and Deal With It, in a way that the others simply aren’t.
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poisonhemloc · 5 months
The first thing we learn about Riebeck is they have a banjo. The second is Moraine is worried about their safety over that of everyone else in space, and the third is they’re clumsy to the point where if they had the translator, Hal is worried they’d break it. 
The clumsiness is easiest to address- why do we have the translator, not the resident xenoarcheologist? Why is our first task not ‘take this to Riebeck?’ And the answer is because they will break it on accident (and because we were half of the team that made it, but, I think that’s just another justification for us starting with and keeping it).
So, Moraine is hoping hearing Riebeck’s banjo means they’re alright- and Esker, if you read their notes, they were worried until they started hearing Riebeck’s banjo from Brittle Hollow. And when you do find Riebeck, at the far end of a trail they tell you they fell down, they tell you they’re scared of space. It’s an interesting choice for an astronaut- the other character we know of (Tuff) who is scared of space is firmly underground on Timber Hearth- so why give that trait to one of the travelers?
Because Riebeck needs to be at the Crossroads. There is a lot going on in Brittle Hollow and the Crossroads are the easiest way to get everywhere if you’re still learning the layout. And having that banjo playing loud and clear is a very handy way to find it easily.  Leading players to it, with Riebeck’s notes around the Southern Observatory and the gravity crystal workshop, and the banjo guiding them, is the best way to introduce it early before people get too frustrated trying to navigate the biggest (in terms of Nomai writing) planet in the system.
And the easiest way to keep Riebeck at the Crossroads, not at the Southern Observatory or the Hanging City or anywhere else, is to make them anxious to the point of staying right where they are despite their eventual goal- the Hanging City- being practically within view (Off topic but a detail I like, Riebeck is the only traveler without a pot full of stew next to their campfire- they have a kettle on, and marshmallows, but no fish stew. I chose to believe they were planning to keep going soon, not, they already ran out of rations taking so long to move along).
There isn’t as much of a ‘why here’ for Riebeck, compared to everyone else- they’re a xenoarcheologist, Brittle Hollow is the only planet you know has a Nomai settlement on it when you launch, of course that’s where they’ll be. Astronomer!Riebeck isn’t here, not with Hollow’s Lantern, and lazy!Riebeck never launched, adventurous!Riebeck is somewhere in the Hanging City and not useful for you navigating under the crust on Brittle Hollow. 
They could have been investigating ruins on a different planet- the only switch that would make sense is Gabbro and Riebeck (Astronomer Chert and ship fixer Esker don’t have reasons to be on Brittle Hollow, Feldspar is required to be Stuck), so we'd get Riebeck having panic attacks every time their island gets thrown into space, and Gabbro decided to stop and relax at the Crossroads and not the Hanging City. But, Riebeck won’t be on a random island if they were on Giant's Deep, they’d be on one of the two islands with Nomai ruins- so why even have the fourth island? They’d have a camp among proper Nomai ruins and be one more thing to explore in the middle of the history you’re hunting for, and the game is pretty consistent about keeping the Hearthians and the Important Nomai Knowledge from being on top of each other. Also, Gabbro’s ‘flute’ is the hardest to hear out of the traveler’s instruments- which makes it that much harder to follow them to the Crossroads.
Nah, that’s not gonna work. Riebeck has to be on Brittle Hollow, at the Crossroads, anxiously staying in one place, to make it easy for us to find them and navigate.
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if i get started on that hangman x astronaut!reader, would y'all be interested? 👀
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mothmanwarble · 2 months
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Since the Grickle cartoons and Puzzle Agent reference each other on occasion, (ie. the Hidden People eating from a bag of “Tethers Chips” in Grickle Television (vol.2), the portrait of Nelson seen hanging on a wall in Dummy, Principal Skeleton appearing in the background of the Davners’ postcard in Puzzle Agent 2…) I find myself endlessly amused by the prospect that virtually everything that occurs in the Grickle animations is more or less “canon” to Puzzle Agent.
And that’s beautiful to me cuz then that would suggest that Nelson somehow lives life blissfully unaware of apartment vampires or fish people or soup leprechauns or kaiju.
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chloeseyeliner · 1 month
help, now that i have stopped tearing up at every mention of the series, the young royals forever documentary and the bts videos have brought my past obsession with film-making back-
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