#so please just ignore the stupid mistakes lmao
nataliesfirefly · 4 months
You and I Walk a Fragile Line - Farleigh Start x F!Reader - Part 3
a/n: omg thanks again for all the love on the last two parts! i'm probably going to make a masterlist to make all the parts more accessible <3 i feel so special when i see y'all's comments so don't be afraid to share your thoughts! this chapter is a little shorter but only because that's just how the events are playing out! btw, this one starts out with a flashback, it can be a lil confusing hehe but anyways enjoy! (also none of these are proofread LMAO so ignore mistakes)
part 1, part 2, part 4
word count: 3.0k words
warnings: ANGSTTT, language, drugs, alcohol, smoking
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It was finally time to depart from your first summer at Saltburn. School was going to start in a week, and you wanted to spend some time relaxing at home before the chaos of your penultimate year in secondary school. 
The summer had been a wild yet fun time. You had so much freedom to do whatever you pleased, and you didn’t really know how to spend your time, since you were usually so focused on your academics.
You warmed up to the Catton family quite a lot. You understood you didn’t really fit in, but it was nice to pretend you did. Elspeth had even gifted you one of her old necklaces that probably would have paid for a car if you had sold it.
You and Venetia spent countless hours together; by the poolside, in your rooms, doing each other's nails or makeup, and playing tennis. Although she was a few years older than you, she was like the sister you never had.
As for Felix, your friendship only grew. You were thankful for him, for being so kind to you and welcoming you into a world you had never known before.
And Farleigh. Your relationship with him was… complicated. One moment, you would hurl stupid and immature insults at each other, and the next, you would be having a peaceful conversation. But the latter usually only occured when you were alone with him, which didn’t happen often. He let his guard down when he wasn’t around his family, which you found strange, but you never questioned it.
You were going to miss this place. You had to return to your normal, everyday life as a student with a normal house and normal parents. 
“We’re going to miss you dearly, love. We hope you visit again next year,” Elspeth remarked as you all sat around the breakfast table on the patio.
“Yeah. Felix, invite her again,” Venetia nudged her brother as she whispered loudly. Felix grinned and looked at you from across the table.
“So, what’s been your favorite part about your stay?” Elspeth questioned, leaning forward with curiosity.
“Honestly, I can’t even pick. It’s all been amazing. Really.” You said. You meant every single word. But you could’ve actually picked a favorite part, you just didn’t want to admit what, or who it was.
A while later, you were standing at the large front doors with your packed bags in your hands. 
Venetia embraced you tightly and you dropped your bags so you could hug her back. “See you next year, hopefully,” She said with a smile after releasing you.
“Yeah. See you.” You nodded and then looked over to Felix who was now also coming in for a hug.
“Bye, mate. I’ll see you at school, alright?” He patted your back as he pulled away and you smiled with a nod. 
Farleigh stood farther away, watching the goodbyes at a distance. You stared him down, trying to will him to come over. 
“Bye.” He simply said, expressionless. “Bye, Farleigh,” You smiled softly at him. You weren’t sure when the next time you would see him would be. He blinked at you and held your gaze before you turned away as Duncan was opening the doors for you. 
“Your cab is waiting outside the gates, miss,” He informed you. You nodded and picked up your bags.
It was your first evening at Oxford. You had just arrived and gotten most of your things unpacked, and then you and Felix were headed to the dining hall.
You remembered a few months ago when Felix told you Farleigh would be going to Oxford as well. You didn’t really know what you thought about this. Part of you was interested in seeing him in a different setting, not just at Saltburn during your summer holiday. Was he nicer to people at school? Did he even care about schoolwork?
“I told Farleigh to sit with us,” Felix mentioned as you walked next to him. You nodded. “Okay. How has he been?” You asked. You knew better than to care about him, since the feeling was clearly unrequited. You don’t think he would care if you died a sudden death.
But it was harmless, and only in a friendship kind of way. Or whatever complicated relationship you two had. 
“Good, I think,” Felix said. “You know, his mom went to Oxford. In a way, he’ll be able to connect with her. By being here, I mean.” He explained. You could tell it was his attempt at being philosophical. You just nodded and pretended to follow what he was saying.
You both walked into the large dining hall, mini lamps placed on top of the long tables to light the dim, high-ceilinged room.
You found some empty seats and sat down. A few minutes later, Felix had already spotted Farleigh and was waving for him to come over. You followed Felix’s line of sight and saw  Farleigh’s familiar coiled hair, and it seemed that maybe he had let it grow a bit longer than usual.
He was actually smiling for once, and it was such a rare sight you had to blink to make sure you weren’t hallucinating.
“Hey,” He grinned as he took the seat on the other side of you, pulling it closer to the table.
You had seen Farleigh earlier this month when you were still at Saltburn, but for some reason, he looked different. Like he grew up, or something. You couldn’t put your finger on what had changed, though.
Sure, he had recently turned 18, shortly before you did. But the whole aura radiating from Farleigh felt different and more mature. Or maybe it was the new designer clothes you had noticed, or the new necklaces and rings he was sporting. 
“Hi,” You smiled. You realized you must have been staring, and you quickly glanced away to survey the rest of the students filing into the hall.
You spaced out during the small talk and stared into space, pondering how your first day would go tomorrow.
“Are you going to the party tonight?” Felix nudged you. You glanced up. “Uhh… What party?” You hated seeming clueless, but when it came to this kind of thing, you were.
“You know, to welcome all the first years. Us.” He nodded as if to gesture to everyone else.
“Oh. Right. I don’t know, I want to get some good sleep before tomorrow.” You replied while inspecting your nails and picking away at them. 
That statement was half true, half not. You did want to get some well-needed rest, but you were also just terrified of parties and large social gatherings. You could be awkward sometimes, and you were scared of what a real college party would include. Drugs, alcohol… It made you uncomfortable to think about.
“C’mon, please? For me?” Felix gave you the puppy eyes and you sighed. “It’ll be fun,” He reassured you. You looked over to Farleigh. “Are you going?” You asked him.
He looked offended by your question. “Duh,” He answered. You didn’t know why it mattered if he was going or not.
“Ughhh, fine.” You rolled your eyes and facepalmed. Felix grinned brightly. “Yesss,” He whispered.
You couldn’t deny that you were having a good time at the party. You made a few new friends and you were gaining some confidence.
The only problem was that Felix promised you he would stay with you the whole time, since he knew how weary you were with even going in the first place.
And where was he? Nowhere to be seen. You guessed he had run off with some girl already. Hell, within the first ten minutes of you three entering the function, about four girls were already up on him, desperately flirting and twirling their hair.
You were standing in a dark corner when you saw Farleigh approaching you. He had a glass bottle of beer in each of his hands.
“Hey, you want one?” He offered you one of the beers. You were bored out of your mind, so you shrugged and took it. The glass felt nice and cold against your hand.
“Have you seen Felix?” Your eyes darted around nervously. Farleigh shook his head. “Nope. Saw him leaving with some red-head chick, though.” He raised his eyebrows up and down which made you laugh.
He moved to stand next to you against the wall, observing the neon-lit dance floor. “Are you enjoying yourself?” He peered down at you.
You shrugged. “I guess? I’d rather be inside sleeping, though.” He groaned. “You’re so boring. You know why you’re not having fun, right?” He leaned down slightly. You shook your head. “No, enlighten me.”
“You’re not high enough,” He said, a smirk forming on his face. “Farleigh. I’m not gonna get high with you.” You scoffed and took a swig of your beer, wincing a bit at the taste.
“Some guy was giving out joints. It’s weed,” He explained, drawing a small plastic bag of rolled joints out of his pocket.
“Yeah, I’m not gonna just smoke weed from some random guy.” You blew a strand of hair out of your face.
“They’re legit, I swear.” He leaned down to your height and whispered, “I already tried one.” 
You shook your head again. “I don’t smoke, you know that.” He stood up straight.
“Just try it. Look, I’m not dead yet. See?” He twirled around and you giggled. “C’mon, we can go out here.” He nodded to the side door.
You just wanted him to stop bothering you, so you let out a sigh. “Okay, fine. Let’s go.” He excitedly spun on his heel and led you both over to the door before holding it open for you.
You stepped into the warm and dense air of the night, glancing around nervously like you might get caught by someone. But who are you kidding, pretty much everyone here smokes and probably does worse.
“Okay. I’ll light it for you. Do you wanna share it?” He asked, pulling out his lighter and flicking it on.
“Yeah.” You didn’t want the commitment of having it all to yourself. He lit the joint and you watched him take a hit. He made eye contact with you the whole time. It seemed simple enough— a short inhale and then exhale.
“You try,” He handed you the joint and you eyed it suspiciously before putting it to your lips. You took maybe too long of a hit and immediately began coughing, smoke billowing out of your mouth. 
“Woah, easy..”  Farleigh chuckled at your reaction and you felt his hand on the small of your back as you tried to catch your breath.
“You make it look so easy,” You cleared your throat and looked up at him with watery eyes. He smiled smugly at your words.
“Just takes practice,” He told you casually. “Smoking weed is something I’d rather not practice.” Farleigh laughed at your remark and took the joint to take another hit.
“Do you like Felix?” The question came out of the blue and you turned to him.
“What do you mean…?” You lifted an eyebrow as he passed the joint to you. He leaned up against the wall and crossed his arms.
“Like, do you actually enjoy your friendship with him?” He asked. You actually considered the question for a long moment.
“Well, he’s like… the only close friend I have,” You said hesitantly. “I continue to be friends with him because I don’t have a reason not to,” You explained before taking a small hit from the joint.
“And you like the wealth and title that comes with him, yeah?” Farleigh’s words hung in the silence. You knew he was being too nice. It was too good to be true.
“Yeah, I like the summers at Saltburn, but that’s not the reason why I’m friends with him.” Or was it? No. You refused to let yourself get gaslighted by Farleigh. But you began to question your reasoning when you said it out loud.
“I mean, what else does he have to offer?” Farleigh asked as you exhaled the smoke. Why was he suddenly turning against Felix? You thought Farleigh loved Felix. Maybe you had it all wrong.
“He’s nice to me,” You flashed him a glare and he stared back at you, drilling his gaze into yours. “I’m nice to you.” He said in a harsher tone.
“When you want to be,” You shot back, pressing the joint to your lips again, staring out into the darkness.
“What do you have against Felix, anyway?” You broke the short moment of silence and turned to face him.
“Nothing. Forget I ever said anything,” He raised his arms up as if to defend himself. “No, you can’t say weird shit like that and then expect me not to question it,” You handed the joint back to him and headed for the door to go back in. You planned on drinking as much alcohol as possible to show him that you don’t need him to teach you how to have fun.
“Do you even know how to get back to your dorm?” He asked, his brows furrowed. “What do you care?” You scowled at him before going back inside. 
Sooner or later, you had downed your whole bottle of beer and then you were doing shots with some random group of girls. You didn’t remember the rest of that night, but at least you ended up in your bed by the morning, even if you had a horrible hangover.
Sunlight creeps through the window and knocks impatiently on your eyelids. You groan and sit up, opening your eyes to the bright sunrise shining through your curtains,
Memories of yesterday flood back to you. Your drama with Felix, the car ride and visit to your parents with Farleigh, and telling Venetia all about it when you got back.
Felix didn’t get back from London until late last night, so you were waiting to talk to him today.
You don’t want problems between the two of you, but sometimes he’s just so ignorant and out of touch. 
A little while after breakfast, you make your way to Felix’s room. He seemed hungover during breakfast, so you wonder if this is going to turn out well.
You hesitate before knocking. “Come in,” He calls. You twist the doorknob and carefully enter. His expression softens slightly at the sight of you. He’s sitting on the edge of his bed with a book in his hands.
“Hey. Can we talk?” You ask quietly. He nods, setting the book down.
“Look, I’m sorry about yesterday. I was in a mood, and I shouldn’t have said those things to you.” Felix starts before you can.
“Okay. But you know why I was mad, right?” You don’t want it to be that easy for him.
You can see the gears turning in his head. “Erm… because I couldn’t give you a ride?” He looks up at you, and you can’t tell if he’s playing dumb or not.
“No, it wasn’t just that. It’s the principle of it, Felix.” You shake your head. “The principle of what?” He asks, standing up.
“It just seems a lot like you care more about your popularity than you care about your best friend,” You explain, your voice shaking a bit. You don’t really like confrontation.
“No, that’s not true. I just-“
“Yes, it is. Ever since we got to Oxford. It’s always been this way. Leaving me alone at parties to go fuck some random girl, or multiple, for that matter.” Your voice is raised now and you can feel the anger rushing through your veins. All the things you’ve always wanted to say, but couldn’t.
“You know what, you should be thankful I even became your friend. Look what I’ve given you.” He gestures to what you’re assuming is the estate as a whole.
You scoff and laugh at his statement. “What you’ve given me? Are you kidding?! I’m not some stray animal off the street, Felix. I’m not homeless. I have parents. I have a home.” You feel tears welling up in your eyes already and that lump in your throat starting to form.
“Then why are you here?” This is the first time you’ve ever heard Felix really raise his voice. You both freeze in the silence and let his words hang in the air.
“You want me to leave? I can leave,” The tears are now falling down your cheeks as you blink. “No, wait-“
But it’s too late. You’re already storming out of his room and back to yours, which is just down the hall.
You see Farleigh standing near the end of the hallway, trying to eavesdrop. He notices your tears and is immediately heading over to you.
You try to get into your room and lock the door before Farleigh can get to you, but you fail. 
He guides you into your room, his hand pressed against your back firmly before closing the door with his free hand.
He embraces you in a gentle yet tight hug as you continue to sob. He rests his chin on your head and smooths some of your hair out. He holds you and lets you cry.
Farleigh was right about him. Felix thought he saved you from a horrible life. In reality, you would be fine without him. He was just a simple addition to your life.
You hardly realize the intimate moment that you’re in with Farleigh right now until your sobbing subsides.
You push away from him slightly, hands on his chest as you gaze up at him. You sniffle. “I got stuff on your shirt,” You laugh weakly and point at the wet spot on his shirt.
“It’s okay.” His arms return to his side and you find yourself missing the comfort of his arms around you and embracing you.
“Did you hear what he said?” You ask, wiping your eyes and sniffing again.
“Yeah. Yeah, I did.” He nods. “Are you going to say I told you so?” You smile softly as you wipe the rest of your tears away.
“Do you want me to say I told you so?” He grins down at you, his brown eyes bright with amusement. You shake your head. “No way.” You both laugh, and you think you’ll be okay.
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stellamancer · 3 months
heel (gojo x reader???)
notes: um. idk what i should say. though i am not hating on feet people!! i am feet people!! if you want a non foot version of this feel free to read my other fic empty threat: also post spar with gojo shenanigans (even reused a line to connect the two lmao). part of the infinite loop! fic verse.
ageless blogs and minors do not interact
contains: gn!reader (no gendered language is used) gojo, feet (or what i like to call the steppy)??, dubcon?? (just in case), sexual implications, the use of the words dick and cock, no this isn't smut
wc: 812
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You wish you knew how you ended up in this situation.
It all started with you agreeing to spar with Gojo and thinking back now, that was your first mistake. Training with him has been odd lately, though you can’t quite put your finger on why, but one minute the two of you were engaged in hand to hand combat and now he’s laying on the floor with your foot pressed firmly against his crotch.
You don't even know how it got there in the first place.
“Well?” he drawls, that stupid amused tone of his grating on your nerves as he waits for your next move.
Idly, you think it’d be nice if you could end his family line here and now by stomping down hard enough but you know that that’s just wishful thinking on your part.
Should you just back off then? Fight’s over; you’ve won, but only because Gojo let you. Honestly speaking, that fact burns you, keeps your foot in place despite your attempts to rationalize it with the notion that a win’s a win. If he were a curse, you wouldn’t care about it being an easy win.
But he’s not; he’s Satoru Gojo and there’s something off about all this.
“Enjoying the view?” Gojo asks, yanking you from your thoughts. You stare down at him, scowling, but he remains unfazed as usual. “Not that I can blame you since—”
Your body reacts instantly in annoyance, your foot jerking down, digging into his dick and, for a split second, you think that it’s the surprise of it that causes him to cut off mid-sentence.
Except for the fact that he moans.
He fucking moans.
You’ve always thought, always known that Satoru Gojo is an absolute freak but you’d never really given much thought to it.
If you could, you’d keep it that way— the last thing you want is to be giving him more mental real estate than he deserves.
This is way too much for you right now.
“Ah, so you’re into that, are you?” Gojo’s voice sounds way too entertained, way too pleased for someone who just had someone grind their heel into his crotch. “Somehow, I’m not surprised.”
Instinct bids you to crush his cock beneath your foot because normally guys find that to be pretty painful, but you have to remind yourself that Gojo is far from normal. He might actually be into it. So instead, you try to pull your foot away, to get away from him as fast as possible, but try as you might, your foot doesn’t move, as if it’s being held in place by some invisible force.
You’re mildly horrified when you realize that it is and this, you think, has the be the most disturbing use of the Limitless technique in all of history. The realization causes your self-control to slip and your foot presses even harder against him.
Gojo moans again, louder this time and you can’t ignore the slight pressure of what you fear to be a growing boner pushing against the sole of your shoe.
Nor can you ignore the electric prickle running up and down the length of your spine. What the heck? When it starts to settle in the pit of your stomach you realize what it is.
You need to get away from Gojo.
You yank your foot away from him and luckily, luckily, he releases his technique and you’re free of him. Like a frightened creature, you back away and refuse to look Gojo in the eye.
“...get up,” you say after a second of absolute silence. You hear the ruffle of clothes as he rises to his feet and slowly, carefully, you peer at him from the corner of your eye. “Don’t do that again.”
Gojo’s expression is unreadable. Figures. But who knows, maybe, for once in his life, he’ll actually listen.
Unfortunately, your hopes are dashed the moment he opens his mouth. “Why? You looked like you were enjoying yourself.”
You are horrified. What kind of face were you making? There’s no way. He has to be lying, saying what he wants for the sake of his own entertainment. You couldn't have been into it! You were mortified, horrified by all of it, but yet you still managed get tu—
Before that last thought can fully form itself in your mind you shake your head violently as if that will rid you of it.
Gojo laughs lighthearted and amused as always, “Okay, okay, if you say so.”
He doesn’t believe you, but he’s always been delusional. You glare at Gojo but he ignores it, and stretches.
“Let me know if you change your mind though,” he says casually. “I think it could be fun.”
“Yeah right,” you huff, ignoring how he laughs, ignoring how the tiniest voice in the back of your mind thinks that maybe, just maybe he’s got a point.
Satoru Gojo’s definitely a freak, but maybe you are too.
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is gojo actually into getting his dick stepped on or was he just fucking around and you were just finding out? you decide.
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theyeid20 · 8 months
"Three Times" (Tomas "Smoke" Vrbada x reader) AFAB
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Hi! So this is the first time I actually had the inspiration AND the discipline to start and finish a one shot fic I had in mind, and it came from a stupid and horny idea I had at 2 a.m lmao
English is not my first language so if there are any mistakes I can correct or tags I can add please let me know!
Anyways enjoy my writing based on my sleepy brain lol.
Also I published this on AO3 if you're interested.
Tags: #Missionary position, #oral sex (fem received) #mating press, #gentle to rough sex, rough sex. #Vaginal sex.
Unfolding all the clothes you had packed was more exhausting than you expected. You along with the other Earthrrealm protectors arrived at the Shaolin Temple for training, you never knew when more dangers would be on your way so Liu Kang reunited all of his warriors to start training together and be stronger.
You felt a knock on your door, and after a few seconds, Tomas entered your room, wearing his training clothes and not wearing his mask, shamefully showing his expression of mischief.
You are confused at his expression, normally he would show you his genuine smile without any problem anytime he would see you, but now he seemed like he was hiding something from you.
"Smoke?".-you spoke, slowly going toward him to see what was going through his mind better while he closed the door of your room. You looked at him while putting your hand on his chest, a normal gesture you would do when you're about to kiss him.
"Is everything alright, why aren't you speaking?"
Before you could even come closer to him, he trapped you in his arms and started to kiss you, going slowly from short kisses to a passionate long one. Your tongues were touching and fighting for dominance, one of his hands is placed in your head so you wouldn't escape the kiss, and the other one is in your back, his arm powerfully grabbing you to surrender at his trap.
The make out section you were having was cut for the lack of air from both of you, and as you were heavily breathing and gasping for air, Smoke led you effortlessly to your bed, as now he was on top of you, grabbing your face with one hand and the other one your ass, kissing you and exploring the inside of your mouth with his tongue. You are still processing what just happened but with no complaints. During your relationship with Tomas, he was never as straightforward to initiate sex as he is doing now, and you are ok with that since your sex life is still good, yet you were enjoying this new approach.
"Mm....Tomas...".-you moaned, while having your arms around his neck, your hands brushing his soft hair, and your legs in his hips, you are feeling his increasing erection, his hard cock in between your legs rubbing against your clit. You started to get impatient as you were taking off your clothes, so is Tomas. Still kissing each other, both of you end up being naked.
Smoke massage your breasts, your nipples at this point were hard, sensitive at his touch, he was massaging your nipples with enough force to send chills through your spine but not to hurt you, and to give you that delicious sensation of pleasure. He started sucking one of them while still delicately massaging the other one.
At this point you were being slightly louder, his movements were too good for your body to ignore. His lips now stopped sucking your nipple, and now was trading kisses from your stomach and now leading to your private area. His fingers were entering your pussy, and since you got really wet with his previous touch his fingers entered slowly without any problem, his thumb is carefully and teasingly touching your clitoris, provoking you moans and to be louder at every movement.
You almost screamed when you instead of his thumb, you felt his tongue in your clit, still doing slow movement but increasing his speed, sucking and licking while his fingers curled inside you, searching for that sensible spot on you.
The sloppy sounds from your vagina and your legs staring tightening around his head, along with your moans felt like music to his ears. He sucked your clit and flicked his tongue across it. His tongue was drenched with saliva and your juices. Your now hypersensitive clitoris was red from overstimulation and you are trembling as your body is reaching its limit. His fingers are still moving inside you, now hitting that delicious spot on you. His other hand was placed in your thigh.
Tomas was eating your pussy to the point of you seeing stars, your entire body was shaking from the good feeling of his tongue in your most sensitive area. His dick was hard as a rock, and precum was leaking from his tip, he was hard from only your moans, and knowing he was the one making you feel like this, he grows impatient form his desire to only just fuck you there, but your pleasure was a priority to him always.
After what felt like eternity to you, you came unexpectedly in his mouth, your whole body shaken after your intense orgasm, you didn't realize your hand were grabbing his hair, you had chunks of his hair in your fists, you opened your hands to let go of his hair, worried that you might have hurted him.
"S-sorry I didn't mea-".-you were silenced by his gruff voice, who gestured you to hush, his pupils were occupying the mayority of his eyes. His lust and desire for you were not finished yet.
His still didn't say a word, and was only guiding you with gestures. Crawling back to you, and putting himself in top again, he for a moment, admired you, your beauty, he thought to himself how lucky he was to have you in his life, and how you were there for him In moments when he most needed. After a few moments of him admiring you, he then kissed you, with more love than he can ever show you in a kiss. You were feeling your juices in his mouth, meanwhile he grabbed your legs and separated them, grabbing his dick and guiding it to your entrance. He started moving his tip in circles in your clitoris, sending shivers to your body.
"Mm.. stop teasing!".-you please impatiently now.
He still didn't say anything, and he granted you your wish and slowly entered his cock into your vagina, putting your legs in his shoulder to get a better angle at your G-spot. The sensation of his veins in your walls were making you go crazy, as his slow movements were making you go more inpatient for him to just fuck you hard and make you forget everything but his big cock thrusting mercilessly into your tight pussy.
After moments of him being gentle while penetrating you, and seeing your red face and your moans increasing their volumes, he started going faster, and keeping his pace.
Your moans were starting to get louder as his movements were getting rougher, not focusing on his velocity but now on finding your sensible spot, getting into a more slow but rough pace to pleasure you, he watches as your face was getting lost on lust and pleasure, his dick stretching your walls in a delicious way, his tip abusing your cervix while hitting now your right spot.
You squirmed and mumbled nonsense, while he was whimpering from feeling your tight and wet walls against his rubbing dick. Your tongue is almost falling out of your mouth from the movements of his hips towards your entrance. Your abused pussy was barely taking his length and your body was shaking like crazy from his movements, entering and leaving, and repeating the process this time getting faster as he found your sensitive spot in your cervix.
His balls slapped against you ass, the bed now hitting the wall and his groans mixing with your whines and moans of pleasure. Smoke was feeling cocky, your moans and praises encouraged him further to keep his pace. Your hands are on his back, your nails scratching his back.
Your pussy tighting his dick and milking it to get more precum from it, as Smoke was now getting louder and louder along with you. His movements getting less erratic and his hips movements were getting stronger, ramming himself into you. You cried in pleasure rolling your eyes back and clenching around him. Your orgasm is again taking control of your body and you are screaming from pleasure.
"Tomas Oh My...God!".-your trembling lips could barely say a word after the second intense orgasm you had. Your walls are clenching Smoke's cock, with the sensation of tightness on his dick, his sensitive tip was now feeling extra slimy from the precum and the juice from your vagina combined. With your walls and your orgasms clenching and milking his dick, Smoke finally let out a loud moan and came inside you, his cum loading inside you.
He pulled out from you slowly, so his seed would still be inside you, and to not ruin the shed that are already wet with you sweat. You and Smoke did your best to catch breath and to finally for you to relax in bed and to look at each other with love in your eyes.
"Tomas"-.You finally said in a shaky voice. "That was... amazing".- while hugging him, you yawned, getting really tired after a good section of sex with your partner. "This is the first time you straight up went directly to the action eh? Not complaining at all".
"After Johnny made me play a game with the others about not speaking until someone said my name three times, let's say I had an idea"-..Tomas finally said, with a smile on his face, he started laughing looking at your confused face. "Everyone but me had someone to say their names, we couldn't help each other, so I came to you, and I can see that you like it"
"....Are you kidding me?".-you couldn't believe it. Your boyfriend had probable gave you the best fuck of your life and it's started because of one of the stupidest reasons? For a Game Johnny made him play? Well you are not complaining at all, it is hilarious after all.
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sonarspace · 6 months
Hii, could you write something where reader is insecure about herself because she thinks she’s overweight when the only thing fat about her is her ass and the jjk men (specifically geto or gojo or both, idk it’s up to you) try to tell her?
had this idea lmao
wc: 1k a/n: i really hope i did justice to what you had in mind and I wasn’t sure if you wanted to fluff or smut but i opted for smut cause why not 😄! included some visuals as well. also not proofread and i'm very sleepy, so just ignore any mistakes. warnings: sensitive topic! (insecure reader, body image issues?) 18+. smut. f! receiving, (cunninglingus, fingering) sex (cowgirl & back shots) idek. a/n part 2: reblogs and comments are appreciated and very helpful :)
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he walks out of the bathroom and sees you palming at different parts of your body whilst looking at yourself in the mirror with a pout on your face. your stomach. your thighs. your ass. 
“hey” he walks up behind you. you just sigh and turn away from the mirror but he grabs your hand before you can walk away further. “talk to me. what’s going on up there” he taps your forehead lightly.  
“it’s stupid.” you huff back looking down. “it’s not stupid, if it’s bothering you.” he puts his finger under your chin turning your face towards him. “i feel…i don’t know…i feel like my thighs are too big. my ass too. and i-” 
he cuts you off quickly with a “nuh uh”. his eyebrows furrowing “your ass is sexy. love the way it moves when i’m fucking you from behind. and your thighs. god, i could spend forever in between them but i’d miss your pretty face too much.” 
your face turns red instantly. “you’re so annoying”. you chuckle lightly wiping at the tear stuck in the corner of your eyes. “i’m serioussss baby.” he says with his hands cupping your face. leaves small kisses at the corner of your eyes. “wish you could see yourself through my eyes.”
an idea pops into his head. he kisses you slowly at first. your hand moves up his chest and grasps his neck when he slides his tongue into your mouth.
he pushes you down on the bed and starts trailing kisses over your jaw and down to your neck. he pulls back from you and lowers himself to the floor, on his knees.
he pulls off your shorts and leaves kisses up your ankles to your inner thighs. you grow wetter with each kiss. he gets closer to your core, breathing heavily and his eyes dart up to you. lips parted, looking down at him in anticipation, you mewl out a "please".
"going to make you feel really good sweets but i need you to keep looking at me, okay?" he tells you. you breathe out a quick "okay".
his tongue teases around your clit. lapping at the wetness that built from your makeout session earlier. he spreads the wetness around with his tongue and pokes at your opening slightly. hooks your legs over his shoulders and pulls you closer to his mouth. his head between your thighs.
flicks your clit once, twice and you whimper. move your hand in his tugging and urging him to keep going. like a starved man he alternates between sucking and licking at your clit. your moans getting louder and that feeling of an orgasm building in your stomach.
he looked up at you from under his lashes and smiles smugly at the contorted look on your face. he maintains eye contact as he continues slurping at your clit and inserts a finger in your needy hole.
"ahhh. one more, please" you beg. "so greedy," he remarks. he inserts another finger curving slightly to reach your g-spot. your head tilts back in pleasure, your body arching further into his mouth. your grip on his hair tightens, nails scratch his scalp and his eyes close as he moans into your cunt like this was just as pleasurable for him as it was for you.
"come on baby. give it to me. please. give it to me." he whines. his desperation, his pretty face in between your thighs. his continuous ministrations on your clit and cunt has you coming with a loud cry of his name.
he licks you clean and pulls back with the biggest smile. his chin covered in your juices and you laugh at him and pull him towards you to give a kiss. his hands moves under your chest. tracing over your ribs and going under your back to undo your bra. he pulls back to rid himself of his clothes and you quickly remove your shirt.
your legs wrap around his hips and he picks you up and sits back down sideways with you on top of him. you grab his cock from between you two and rub it against your core. he groans when you finally sink down on him. "good god, you're so warm." you bounce on his cock as he his hand massages your left boob and his tongue flicks the bud of your right boob which has you writhing.
he suddenly lays you down and flips you over. pulling your ass up, he pushes in from behind and has you jerking forward from the insanity of his thrusts. "ahhh so fucking perfect f'me." his right hand goes around your throat, squeezes lightly as it moves higher and grips your jaw to turn it towards the mirror. "look at yourself. look at how beautiful you look. bet god spent an eternity creating you. my venus. ahh, pussy’s taking me so well."
and surely you do look good like this. you feel sexy. the insecurity you felt earlier are eased as your ass continuously hits his pelvis with each thrust. with his hold on your jaw he pulls you up. your back to his chest. his other hand moves between your thighs to play with your clit. "cum for me pretty girl." your hand reaches back and tugs his hair as you cum soon after. you're clenching so much that it triggers his own orgasm and he stills as it takes him by surprises.
you both flop down on the bed, panting heavily. his body on top of you feels like a weighted blanket that relaxes you further into slumber. he leaves kisses down your back and bites at the end tender flesh between your hips and ass. "love everything about you darling." you turn around to face him and hum as he pecks your lips. "thank you baby, i love you" you whisper to him as you hold his face between your hands and kiss him deeply. "i love you more my sweet venus," he beams at you.
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a/n part 3: send in a request and i’ll try my best to write it. feel free to chat me up. -> through my ask box titled “talk to me” on my page :)
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lipglossanon · 7 months
Alright, this is gonna be my last post on the matter. It’s long so I did a read more (and gets kinda vent-y lmao) but this is the last of it.
If I get any more asks (unless it’s from people I know who haven’t been online in months and are lost) I’m just going to delete it.
A few days ago I was deemed a blog to unfollow by some folks who felt I had crossed a boundary of theirs.
(Idk who, how, what, or why. That’s their own choice and all that jazz).
So they’ve asked others to unfollow them if they wanted to keep following me or vice versa (at least that’s the gist I’ve gotten).
There’s been no arguments or a big blow out or anything. We parted amicably because I was just booted out, unfollowed, and blocked lmao.
So with that said, there’s no reason for anyone to harass anyone else about the matter. Everyone makes their own choices in what they deem as problematic or not, so there’s no sense in being mean or hateful about it.
(Here’s the venting haha)
With all that said, you also can’t police/parent other people on the internet. That’s just ignorance (in my opinion). You can only control yourself, how you react to things or what you consume, and frankly it’s also no one else’s business (my body my choice, right?). I’m not here to babysit.
I guess I should also clarify (for the obtuse) that this doesn’t mean I’m a-fucking-okay with certain things. I’m just saying it’s really fucking dumb to think you can control someone’s way of thinking especially on the internet of all places.
If someone lies and comes into a mature space who’s underage, how am I gonna know? Call their parents? Lmao. And if I answer something vaguely that makes you uncomfortable, instead of assuming, just ask me. I’m not gonna be a bitch about it.
I’m always open to learning from my mistakes. I’m gonna fuck up at times, that’s just human nature. To pretend otherwise is stupidity.
I’m also not trying to be an asshole or anything either. I’m just putting out how I think and feel. If you don’t like it or are anonymously stalking my page just to send in hate, please block me and get a life. This isn’t high school. I’m not your mom. Idgaf what other people do. I’m just here to write smut and have a good time. ✌️
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definatelymrhyde · 29 days
Okay so I was thinking about reviving my writing days and posting a little Jekyll and Hyde au thingy I’ve been working on for Ao3.
EssentiLly it goes like this; TGS Jekyll/Hyde do something stupid and end up in a musical universe where they meet an alternate version of themselves who only just created Hyde. Now, this universe is very similar to the musical BUT Hyde isn’t the one killing people, it’s some mystery man. So New duo Jekyll and Hyde, while struggling with spontaneous, non HJ7 triggered transformations figure they will be blamed for the murders if anyone finds out. So I’m exchange for figuring out how to help them get home TGS Jekyll and Hyde help them with that problem.
The alternate universe the TGS Jekyll and Hyde end up in is my own little au I made up like a few days ago for shits and giggles that I am now invested in for some reason I can’t explain.
Please ignore any spelling mistakes im writing this without my glasses on lmao so if any of this makes zero sense I apologize, feel free to ask me questions :))
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HIIII @foileadeux I hope you don’t mine me using your gijinkas/au for this experiment LMAO I wanted to draw them again.. and I wanted to mess around with neon colours again and try n make something slightly surreal.. so this happened
Please ignore the crunchiness I accidentally deleted the file and had to use the crunchy ass speedpaint screenshot so let’s just all agree to pretend it was intentional and not a stupid mistake that ruined my whole day 👍
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telefonemast · 4 months
Count the days where I felt whole
This is my first time writing literally anything lmao, I'm editing and posting stuff semi-consistently. If u take some time to read this, thank you! (https://archiveofourown.org/works/53395966/chapters/135145096)
- Starts shortly before the Ceroba fight in true pacifist. As Clover is haunted by fragments of past resets as he goes through the underground. He's been able to push forward so far, but when he's betrayed by the only person who hasn't killed him yet, will he finally snap? Ceroba has been planning this moment for a while now, and although she's gotten a bit attached to her human companion, she knows what she has to do. But in the end, will she stop herself from repeating past mistakes, or will she follow through? Cringe description, ik, but what I'm putting here isn't super long, and I have more planned, so if you stop to read this at all I'd be over the moon! As I said before, this is still mostly WIP, the story isn't going to change, but I'm trying to improve, any and all constructive criticism is welcome (please, I need feedback)
Since falling down, Clover’s original purpose of finding the fallen children had slowly faded to the background. He wasn’t stupid, he was able to quickly figure out rather quickly that the missing humans were long dead. With nowhere to go back to, and his purpose gone, for a while, Clover just decided to allow Flowey to drive him forward. He knew Flowey was lying to him, but the flower clearly needed Clover for something, and that was reason enough for him.
He learned early on that almost every encounter started with a fight. Clover was able to peacefully resolve each run-in with some fast footwork and quick thinking. The battles were even a bit entertaining in their own way, and it never felt like there was any real malice directed towards him.
However, the monsters he encountered didn’t seem to register the fact that his body was fragile. He didn’t blame them, most of them probably had no idea how weak human children were. But, as he made his way through the Dark Ruins, it became more and more difficult for him to emerge unscathed. He figured out that he could heal himself with food after an encounter in Snowdin, where a crab monster had pinched his arm hard enough to pierce skin; and since then his supply of items had started to dwindle.
The first peaceful interaction he had with any monster, aside from Toriel, was at the Snowdin Resort. Most of the monsters had never even seen a human, and those that had were simply curious. The more he talked with them, the more he realized that the monsters had been trapped down here unfairly, unjustly. He saw it in their eyes, a buried despair that was only barely covered by a facade of optimism. Most of them had nothing to do with the war, let alone the fallen children; so why had they been left down here to rot? Finally he had real purpose, something worth working towards no matter how vague and impossible the task seemed.
He pressed on, doing his best to shoulder a portion of their burden so that he could give them a fraction of the happiness they had been robbed of. So that he wouldn’t be forgotten.
The first time he died was during what he thought was his first encounter with Martlet. During his battle with the blue bird monster, a feather had gotten dangerously close to his soul. He blinked, and for a split second he saw the feather he had just dodged pierce clean through his left arm, causing him to fall to his knees in pain. While he was preoccupied with the unexpected wound, another feather slammed through his forehead, snapping him back to the present, blinking away tears at the sudden phantom pain.
Afterwards the visions became more prevalent, MUCH more prevalent. Every encounter brought with it a near constant onslaught of memories that Clover forced himself to ignore.
I've only gotten this far because of it right? Without this pain I wouldn't have been able to accomplish anything, without this curse I wouldn’t be useful to anyone.
Besides, he could take it, he had to.
He tried to convince himself that Starlo, Martlet, and the others hadn’t meant to kill him in those memories. It was just his fault for being incompetent, he was doing enough that they didn't want him dead. Right?
As much as he desperately wanted to open up to his new companions, being with them only caused him to spiral deeper into the pit of doubt he had dug.
The only exception was Ceroba. She may not have been the most compassionate monster, but Clover felt an odd type of assurance when he was with her. He sympathized with her quest to obtain justice for her daughter Kanako, and without her he would have died, or at least died more than he already had, attempting to navigate the Steamworks.
However, the biggest reason Clover felt at ease with Ceroba wasn’t because of what she had done, but because of what she hadn’t. When he was with her, he didn’t have to worry about having memories of false death's flash before his eyes.
She was calm, collected, and for some reason cared about him enough to protect him during their journey together. After she began to open up more about her daughter, Clover found himself wishing he had a parent like her to protect him, to make him feel worth something.
Clover knew good things never lasted forever, but was it really too much to hope that she could care for someone like him? ______________________________________________________________________
Pink leaves floated slowly through the air, pushed steadily to the ground by the whispering wind. Clover stands up to face Ceroba, stopping only to quickly glance at the prone forms of Martlet and Starlo. Ceroba stared down at him, eyes filled with a dark determination.
“Clover… I… I'm sorry for what I've done.”, Ceroba’s voice sounded almost uncertain now, a stark contrast to the anger and conviction moments prior, “I almost wish you never showed up in the Wild East. Maybe then I could've continued to bury my sorrows in the Saloon.”
Clover's gaze was locked onto the Kitsune, one of the few people he thought he could consider safe.
“But now... I must follow through with my mission. I've somehow grown to respect the hell out of you but… At the end of the day, you're naive. There is so much you don't understand about monsters. What, did you think you'd jump down here and find them? Five humans, living out their lives, unharmed… That isn't how it works.”
“You think I don’t know that?” Clover whispered, he may be a child, but he wasn’t stupid.
Ceroba continued, “Then what? Was your plan to plead for a free ticket back to the Surface? He only needs two more SOULS to shatter the barrier. Wouldn't hesitate for a SECOND to make that one. But who am I to criticize how he carries out business?”
Her head jerked back and a tense laugh escaped her mouth, “Here I am about to do the very same thing I am a hypocrite. I am no better than Asgore on a scale of morality, I'm sure of it. But what I am, is proactive. Truthfully… I have nothing left in life, so I've made peace with throwing it away.” At this, some of the tension drains from Ceroba’s face, but only for a moment as she locks eyes with Clover.
“Nothing left? You had Starlo! You had the gang, the town!” Clover screamed.
You had me.
But it was clear that Ceroba wasn’t listening anymore.
“You'll fight back, but you can't forever. Goodbye.”
Clover gripped the handle of his toy gun as he prepared to draw. He thought back to his battles with Starlo, Martlet, the Feisty Five… Even if the resets had taken a toll on him, he truly believed that they didn’t want him dead, that they cared.
Now, he was facing down the one person who seemed to realize that he was a child, someone who had helped him without killing him; and now she wanted him dead.
Ceroba twirled her tasseled staff through the air and Clover yanked his gun out of its holster. His soul appeared, and the small rooftop faded to monochrome… and for the first time in Ceroba’s presence, his vision went black.
In the memory, a ball of beautiful crimson flame burst from the ground behind him, striking through his chest and killing him instantly. Clover braced himself for the phantom pain that usually accompanied each vision, only to scream out as his entire body burned with the heat of a flame that wasn’t there.
His vision flashed black again, this time he was hit from the front, another flash, from the sky this time. Body and eyes alight in agony, another scream tore itself from his mouth as countless visions, countless deaths piled on top of each other. Clover stared up at Ceroba with wide eyes, panting with exertion even though the fight hadn’t even begun.
Tipping the brim of his hat down so it covered his eyes, Clover realized that this wasn’t a fight he could win by deescalating, this was a duel for survival, and Ceroba wanted him dead.
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arlecchno · 2 years
mission accomplished [ scaramouche x reader ]
ten | the incident
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your escape from the young couple failed miserably when they found you sneaking around. you decided to hang out a bit with them to dig out more information, and a book you've been working on sent you and scaramouche both down memory lane.
warnings: swearing, fighting scenes, mentions of blood, guns, drugs, wounds, hurt and comfort? i'm not sure if it fits
a/n: i decided to make this chapter a bit longer than usual hehe 🫣 half of this chapter is just you and scaramouche reminiscing the old days lmao, happy reading!
grammatical errors may occur so please let me know if i've made any mistakes!
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scaramouche yanked you back to the ground as soon as you uttered your words. “what the hell do you think you're doing! they're gonna fucking hear your ass!” he scolded you, his eyes wandering to viktor and yun jin to see if they've noticed your lowkey yelp.
their heads turned to the sound they heard from the bush you two were currently hiding at, scaramouche's jaw went slack and he swiftly duck his head down to hide behind the bush.
“it wasn't my fault she caught me off guard!” you defended. “do you think they–”
scaramouche slapped a hand to your mouth. “can't you shut that damn mouth for one second?! you're gonna get us caught!” he scolded you, looking through the gaps from the bush to see the two people you both were spying on.
they're headed this way.
“what–” your sentence was interrupted by scaramouche, who's profusely shoving you to move. “why the hell are you pushing me?!”
scaramouche scoffed, crawling past you. “to get out of here, you idiot! they're gonna find us here if we don't move!” he scolded. you huffed, but obliged anyways.
pretty sure you two looked like complete idiots the whole time, hiding behind a bush spying on two students, then proceeded to crawl like cats at a campus park filled with people everywhere, but you could care less. you just hoped that viktor nor yun jin notices your presence.
“luna? why are you on the floor?”
well i'll be damned.
you slowly turned your head back to look at the two people you wished you'd never encounter while you're on the case, especially in a situation like this.
scaramouche lowly cursed under his breath. “you're gonna be dead the second we are done with them.” he whispered.
you gritted your teeth, turning back to the male beside you. “we'll see who gets to kill who first.” you forced a smile, standing up from your crawling position, scaramouche following you.
“yun jin! so nice to meet you!” you beamed, faking a smile to cover up the awkward situation you're currently in.
“...are we really just going to ignore what you two were doing a second ago?” viktor asked, standing beside yun jin.
viktor is very tall compared to the young woman in front of you, opposed to you and scaramouche, with him being only slightly taller than you, which he takes pride in every chance he gets.
“oh, we were just um... exercising!” you lied. “i saw some people doing this crawling work out thing and thought we should try it. right, sc– ivan?”
scaramouche clenched his jaw at you almost slipping out his name. “yeah, a stupid one at that.” he said, face deadpanned.
“is that so... that's good i guees? i've seen worse than that.” yun jin declared, making you sweat from the possibilities of a way more worse scenario than what you had just now. “do you guys want to grab some coffee? if you're not busy of course, we were actually on our way to the cafe.” yun jin continued, eyes trailing to the both of you and scaramouche.
“i don't think–” scaramouche's words were interrupted by you jabbing his side with your elbow, making him grimaced.
“nope! we're not busy, let's go!” you grinned, while the male beside you sent a death glare to you.
yun jin smiled. “ah, that's great! we should get going now.” she said, already starting to walk ahead, viktor following beside her.
you were about to walk when scaramouche stopped you, grabbing your wrist. you turned your head back to look at him, who's still staring daggers at you.
“what?” you asked coldly, wiggling your hand off from his hold, but he didn't budge a single bit.
scaramouche marched a few steps to your form and tugged your hand, urging you to follow him.
“we have a tutorial class soon yet you want to go on this stupid hang out thing with viktor and yun jin, are you out of your mind?”
“first of all, we're not students. we can ditch classes for all we care because we've learned our asses off years ago. secondly, don't you think this is a great idea? we might get to dig more info about viktor, especially with yun jin. she seems like she knows a whole lot about him, judging by their... relationship.” you said while looking at the two people a few metres ahead of you, holding hands like a couple.
yeah, there's definitely something going on between them.
scaramouche scoffed. “can't believe you're right for once.”
“you know damn well i'm always right.”
“keep telling yourself that.” he retorted.
the two of you continued walking, trying to catch up with the pair while still arguing with scaramouche.
he didn't take his hand off your wrist the whole time.
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“so...” you looked at yun jin and viktor in front of you on the table. it seemed like none of you have any idea on how to start your conversation, given how everyone didn't even try to say a word ever since you arrived at the cafe.
“you two a thing?” scaramouche said straightforwardly, gesturing to yun jin and viktor.
you smacked his arm in return for his blunt question, making him glare at you.
viktor cleared his throat. “oh, um... yes, actually. for about a month now. it was around the time when you two transferred here.” the tall man said.
viktor brought his hand to yun jin's on the table to take a hold of it, caressing her knuckles and smiling at her sweetly. the young woman shyly smiled in return and nodded, flustered by his bold but subtle move.
archons, no need to be flexing your relationship on me, you think.
you thought you'd stop seeing young couples being all lovey dovey once you got a job, but it looks like that's not gonna happen anytime soon.
maybe it's just a tinge of envy. you've never been in a relationship the whole 26 years of your life because you were always busy with a lot of stuff. school, college, work, everything. you didn't have time to look for a partner because you've always thought that it'd be a waste of time, or that people would leave you since you're too much of a workaholic to even care about your personal life, so you're envious of the relationship between yun jin and viktor.
okay, maybe it's more than a tinge.
“oohh! luna and ivan transferred at the same time?” yun jin questioned, looking at the two of you giddily.
“yeah. we're from the same campus, we were offered to transfer here together.” you put up a smile for yun jin, turning your head towards scaramouche.
scaramouche turned to you in return, arching a brow with a confused look, as if he's asking 'what?'. you frowned, tilting your head a bit to the couple in front of you, a gesture for him to continue the conversation. he almost wanted to flip you off, but opted to just send a deathly glare before turning back to yun jin and viktor.
scaramouche hummed. “hmm, yeah. it was pure luck, i guess.”
yun jin grinned, taking her hand off viktor's to clasp her hands together. “you two look like you've known each other for so long. you moved here together, came from the same uni, and i heard from viktor that you two are roommates. so that must mean you guys are dating!”
your smile for yun jin vanished, replacing with a shocked face instead. scaramouche did the same.
“NO!” you two denied at the same time, albeit rather a little too loud, considering that half of the people in the cafe looked over to your table from your reactions.
you chuckled awkwardly. “me? and him? dating?” you cackled. “that's something i hope i never get to experience.”
scaramouche laughed beside you, a bit amused by yun jin's statement. “oh, archons! you're so funny, i might need a moment.”
the young couple just stared at you two laughing to yourselves like lunatics, that went on for at least a minute.
“goodness! we– we'd never. like, ever...” you remarked, though trailing off at the end.
yes, you'd never— not in a million years. you said that yourself before going undercover. it's the only possible answer because it's true, you'd never date your worst enemy.
hell, if death comes knocking at your door and your only other option to save yourself is to go out with scaramouche, you would have shooted yourself first.
but why did it make you feel... empty?
you shrugged it off. it's probably nothing, you thought. who would even go out with someone like him? right...?
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you spent the whole afternoon talking with yun jin and viktor, much to scaramouche's disappointment. though you've known a lot about viktor and yun jin, it was still nice to talk with other people.
you two didn't get much information from them, only about how yun jin lives a few dorms away from viktor, that being how they first met.
apparently they met when yun jin forgot to bring her key to her dorm one day, and her roommate was away for the whole day, making her locked outside her dorm. viktor found her sitting on the floor at the corridor and kept her company until her roommate came back.
pretty sweet, you'll give them that.
“what's got you distracted now?”
you jerked your head up from scaramouche's voice and moved your eyes to the door frame of your room, scaramouche was leaning onto it with his arms crossed. you were currently sitting cross-legged on your bed.
you stared at scaramouche for a few seconds before moving your gaze to the untouched book on your lap. you initially wanted to write some things about today's events, because you usually do that at the end of the day, but you never got to do it today, too busy thinking about everything else.
“...nothing. why are you here?”
scaramouche pushed himself off your door frame, heading to your bed. “'m bored. what d'ya got there?” he sat on your bed, facing you.
“just this... book. i've been writing about some stuff, kind of like a diary i guess? or a journal, i'm not sure if there's any difference. it's kind of both.” you said, flipping through some pages for scaramouche to see. “here, you can take a look. there's nothing interesting anyways.”
scaramouche took the book from you, going through each page and reading what you've wrote. he stopped at a particular page and observed it, before showing it to you. “you still have this?” scaramouche asked, pointing out to the polaroid picture of you and him from a few years back, taped onto the page.
you were grinning brightly, while scaramouche on the other hand had a dejected look, crossing his arms with a big frown on his face. you two side by side, at a small party you had. you both looked pretty young in the picture.
you took it off from the book and took a good look at it, tracing your hands over the small polaroid. you smiled fondly, recalling the memories. “4 years ago. it was when we got up our ranks from police officer to detective at the same time, and everyone from the precint decided to throw a party for the both of us.”
scaramouche chuckled. “i wasn't having it because i was so pissed we got our detective badges on the same day.”
“i actually can't believe you still have this, y/n. i thought you'd be the type to throw all these things away.” scaramouche said, taking the book from your lap and going through them once again. seeing a lot of pictures and writings about everything you've experienced, and most of them involved him in it.
you looked up at scaramouche. “5 years and you still don't know a lot about me.” you chuckled.
scaramouche raised a brow. “sure i don't. i know your exact order at the breakfast diner a few blocks away from our precint, i've also met your family.” scaramouche said, crossing his arms.
“i know you're indecisive about everything so you always make me choose stuff for you, i know your fears and favourites, i even know your drink order like the back of my hand. i think that says a lot about how much i know you.”
you laughed, amused with scaramouche's list of things he knows about you. you placed the polaroid on your bedside table and moved back your gaze towards scaramouche, who's back to looking at your book filled with memories.
“there's a lot of stuff that i keep in here. i think it's just a reminder for all the bittersweet memories i've had.” you shruggdd.
there were various pictures of you and scaramouche throughout the years, which was kind of surprising considering that you hate each other's guts. there were also a lot of pictures with everyone in the precint, some of them even had childe in it despite him still being pretty new there.
you and scaramouche spent the whole night going through the pages of the book together to recall the sweet memories. you two had a few laughs here and there over the pictures, a rare sight indeed.
you never thought you'd find yourself in a situation where you genuinely liked his company, yet here you are, laughing your ass off with the one person you're supposed to hate.
you two stopped at a page from a little over a year ago, when you were still in the hospital and fresh out of the incident. both of your laughter quieted down at the sight.
“i had to be bedridden for the first few months after the incident.” you said, picking up a picture of you on the hospital bed smiling while throwing up a peace sign. “you visited me every day until i was discharged.” you faintly smiled, glacing up at scaramouche.
the ravenette scoffed, though he had a small smile plastered on his face too. “forced, you could say.” he lied.
he visited you every single day before and after work at his own will to the point that the nurses there refer him as the 'caring boyfriend' of yours, but he would never tell you this out loud. not even over his dead body.
“who took this?” scaramouche asked, looking at the picture of you and him. this was when you were first admitted to the hospital, you were covered up in all sorts of bandages and most of your wounds were still visible. scaramouche was all bandaged up too, but he didn't have any major injuries like you did.
you were asleep on the hospital bed, while he was resting his head on one of his propped arms on the edge of your hospital bed, seemingly like he was asleep too.
his other arm was splayed across the hospital bed, his hand loosely holding onto yours.
“i haven't the faintest idea, but pretty sure it was childe, he was the one who gave it to me.” you said, remembering when childe gave it to you as a 'welcome back' gift once you got back to the precint. “everything still feels like yesterday.” you said.
scaramouche frowned. “i thought you said i should be the one who needs to move on from the incident, looks like you can't either.”
“it's hard to not think about it.” you looked back down to your lap. “when the man that almost made me lose my life keeps haunting my dreams every single night.”
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one year and three months ago
“look, i don't have any idea why you're cornering me here, but can't you make it quick? i've got somewhere else to be.” you said, putting your hands up in defense.
the man scoffed. “don't play stupid with me, detective. i know you're undercover to hunt me down.”
you raised a brow. “and how are you so sure? what if i'm just a normal citizen walking around here, you're quite literally harassing an innocent person here.”
the man cocked his gun and stepped closer to you, making you take a few steps back. “i know who you are!” he shouted. “i know you and your short friend have been keeping tabs on me. i know you two are always at that bar i usually hang out at. i know you two were the ones who kept sneaking around our base, and i know you're not getting away with this.”
you clasped your hands, the sound of it made the man perked his head from his stance. “ah, what a shame. you've figured that out too quickly. how long has it only been? 2 weeks? i think that's the shortest time i've ever been in undercover.” you took a few steps closer to the man.
“you know, for a drug dealer, you sure are smart. here i thought we'd break away from this and catch you easily, yet here we are, the complete opposite. you're cornering me in a dark alleyway with no person in sight, not even my partner is here. though he'd be worried sick if he knew that i'm at a dead end.” you said confidently, all the while you were pressing your finger on to the earpiece in your ear to give a signal for scaramouche.
a faint sound of a beep can be heard from the earpiece, a sign that scaramouche received your message.
please be quick, you thought.
the man pointed his gun at you quickly. “hands up! now!”
you rolled your eyes at him. “archons, you really do have no patience.” you remarked, putting your hands up once again. you observed your surroundings, trying to find at least something to defend yourself with, but to no avail.
guess i'll just have to deal with him physicallly.
“say, why don't we play a little game?” you speak up. the man frowned, confused with your relaxed expression despite you being cornered at a dead end, a gun pointed towards you, and not a single person to come and help.
“if that's your last request, then make it quick.”
you stepped a little closer to the man, and he didn't bother to move. “i spy with my little eye...” you trailed off, making the man dumbfounded.
that's when you took a charge and punched him in the face, the man dropped the gun to the ground from the punch, nose bleeding. “a huge punch.” you finished off. you tried to take the gun before the man kicked you in the stomach and you fell down, groaning from the pain.
can't scaramouche come any quicker?
the man took the gun and pointed it towards you on the ground. “we should stop this here. any last words?”
“rot in hell.” you hissed in pain, kicking up your leg to the gun, the weapon dropping ahead of the two of you. you stood up quickly and shoved the man to the ground, making him whimper in pain. he stood up a second later to continue your fight.
the both of you chased for the gun while fighting. attacking and kicking each other, you raced for the gun that's almost to your reach.
the man kicked you hard on the leg and you fell down once again, this time not on the ground. you moaned from the impact and looked down, wincing from the sight. you fell hard on an abandoned concrete block and your leg went through the fall first, making you let out a cry. you were covered with wounds and cuts from the fight and now your leg is bleeding.
damnit, i think he broke my leg, you thought. i can't move, how the hell am i supposed to stop this guy now?
the man in question stood in front of you, gun in hand. “not so tough now, are we?” he smiled in amusement, looking down at your helpless form.
“agh... fuck. this– this isn't how you should treat a woman, didn't your mother teach you man– manners?” you mewl, groaning from the pain and the rush of adrenaline.
the man scoffed. “you sure you want those to be your last words?” he asked, cocking his gun once again, aiming to your chest.
a faint voice of someone shouting can be heard from the street, making the both of you turn your heads to the sound. it sounded like the person you've been waiting decades for.
good, he's finally here.
you smiled at the thought. “well, looks like help has arrived. this is a dead end, where are you planning to escape now?” you asked to the man, making him turn his gaze back to you.
“that's none of your business.”
the voice becomes clearer and clearer, a sign that he's close.
“i wouldn't be of any help to the others anyways. i'd be dead.” you bit back a groan, wanting to look strong.
“y/n!” scaramouche shouted, looking at the small alleyway you and the prime suspect were currently at. he widened his eyes at the sight of you on the verge of death.
the man in front of you panicked from scaramouche who's rushing to the both of you.
scaramouche was quick on his feet, but a gun will always win the race.
the sound of a gunshot was the last thing you heard.
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transfemlogan · 7 months
Texting Headcanons
Patton: using emojis 24/7. Literally every text will have some sort of emoji, even if it doesn't fit the original message. Texts like a dad & a mom combined. Uses grammar occassionally. Usually types in all caps, because he doesn't know how to turn them off. Sends the laughing emoji when he laughs at something. Prefers talking in person if he can.
Roman: uses emojis occassionally. Types in caps when he's excited. Uses capital letters when necessary and never any time else. Shorten words and uses popular acronyms. Says "ROLF" and "LMAO" when he laughs at texts. Uses the sparkle emoji constantly. Loves to facetime. Double texts like CRAZY
"Helloooo~ ✨️✨️ romans here!! A REMINDER for all of u 2 tell me what u thought of the script ASAP bcus thomas NEEEDDS it by tmrw!!!!"
Virgil: shorten every word ever even if its not readable. Types in all lower case with 0 grammar. Sends 💀 or "lol" when he inhales through his nose at something. Keysmashes when he finds something really funny. Prefers to text above all else & will cry if you try to call him. Spelling mistakes all over the place. Hard 2 tell if something is supoosed to be an acronym or if its a mistake?
"im not rding ur stpjd script roman also twll thomas not 2g2 that dumb party on sat or i swear 2 god ill bloqk all of u ok bye also hi pat"
Logan: proper grammar all of the time. Probably ends his messages with "sincerely, logan" (he knows theyre not letters or emails, but he can't help himself.) Says "that was funny" when he finds something funny (very rare). Prefers in person communication or calling, as he is usually busy working and can't text if he's using his hands. Doesn't use emojis ever & finds them so so stupid but will SOMETIMES use the heart emoji if he's comforting virgil or trying to be nice. Learns about tone indicators after virgil tells him & now he uses them all the time. Will start to let loose if he's comfortable around you. Looking at his msgs with virgil is almost like an entirely different person.
"Hello, all. I have read your script, Roman, and will be sending you my edits soon. I find it to be very long and wordy and full of mistakes. /neg You are lucky you have me to help you. Also, Virge, I'll try to get Thomas to not go to that party /srs, as he has many responsibilities that day, such as: cleaning his room, recording, and doing his laundry. Here is a link to my plan for next week. Please let me know if there's any complaints. Sincerely, Logan."
(Virgil: thnk u L . m not reading ur plsn ethr
Logan: Hi Virgil. That is alright. I'll just let you know next time we "hang out". Sincerely Logan.)
Janus: also texts all lower case & never uses commas but does use periods. Loves to use ":)" and "<3" (<- in a mean sarcastic way most of the time). Doesn't express laughter anytime anywhere. Prefers facetime or in person communication. Doesn't text often. Also doesn't respond often. Will leave you on read, he has other things to do. Uses tone indicators only if he is personally texting logan and no one else. Will sometimes not even respond to what you said in the first place.
"oh of course logan let's have thomas work all the time and never ever get any rest. sounds very healthy :). roman i read your script. hi patton".
(Roman: aand jan? What did u think??
Janus: Read 2:43 pm)
Remus: sends nudes in chat. And the most random gore vids he can find. Types in all caps willingly. Sends very strange emojis that dont match up with anything. Responds lightning quick but also ignores everything you say in order 2 send what he wants 2 talk abt so it doesnt even matter. Homestuck speak. Has never read homestuck.
"H3Y0 🦿🍒🛝😝 CHECK OUT TH12 PHOTO I JUST T00K RN. (Sends a dick pic)"
- Virgil has left the group chat -
Logan: Hello, Remus. That does not look very healthy. We should send you to a physician to get that checked out. Sincerely, Logan.
Janus: read 2:48 pm)
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access--granted · 9 months
Apologies for keeping this nonsense going, you must be exhausted, so I'm clarifying before I speak - delete this ask if you don't want to address this topic anymore.
Anyway, to offer a different perspective, I have personal substance issues. Life's been lifeing and I eventually turned to not-so-healthy coping mechanisms over the last few months. Fan fiction about this is my safe way of exploring my feelings about it. This widespread assumption that I need a handheld, sugar coated portrayal to cope is offensive. Shying away from difficult topics is censorship. Period. And it is a big issue because it carries a massive real-world impact on those who use fiction to escape. The same cowards criticising you will bang on and on about "representation in media", but won't note their hypocrisy.
I'm not a baby, I don't need the teletubbies to show up and remind everyone that Leon is flawless and a hug willl fix him. The fact that there's a new age approach that hails this crap as gospel, is more dangerous and harmful than one might think. I know it's stupid, but I am utterly fuming on your behalf.
That fic was the first gently thought out, yet brutally realistic piece I've found in AGES (this isn't pressure to repost!!). The fact you were bullied into believing you did something immoral just... it fucking irritates me to no end. I am so tired of this huge scream for censorship, I'm tired. Just don't engage if it triggers you, it's that easy. The rest of us adults have every right to explore darker aspects through fiction because it is SAFE. It's safe and it helps people. Talented writing is a life skill. It truly is. (Also on an amusing note: if they think me exploring his drinking habits is sinful, I would he sent straight to prison for the smut I read, lmfao!)
I'll end it by saying THANK YOU for the effort that you made. If it's better for your mental health not to post about that specific thing anymore, then please don't, but damn I'm not leaving without saying thank you for that honest portrayal of how addiction and alcohol dependency harms people and how it feels for everyone involved. You've got a talent and your empathy is very noticeable. Fuck these puriteens, lmao.
You have nothing to apologise for, anon. I'm certainly not going to shy away from talking about specific topics on my blog just because other people don't know how to ignore content they dislike. I already made the mistake of letting a bully get to me during a low point, resulting in the deletion of a piece I was both proud of and that had all-around mostly positive feedback anyway. I still appreciate your concern, though.
I completely understand that life has been lifeing, as it has been for me, too. I wrote that piece because I want my fics to be inclusive to a more widespread audience so that more people can relate. There's a lot of happily ever after fic out there, even some that completely ignore the struggles that happen in real life, too. So, I thought I'd write something different. I'm all for fluff, smut, romance, etc. But there is so much content for that already. I wanted to, and will continue to, add mature content to my writing, but not in the sense that it's always about getting Leon naked and doing the devil's tango with him.
I'd like to say also that it's not at all stupid for you to be fuming about this; I certainly am, and even more so for letting asshats get to me.
I'm happy that my representation of the issue was well thought out and realistic in your eyes. The thing I was most nervous about, to begin with, was getting things right. While I've never dealt with it personally, I had a very close friend who went through this, and many people left them behind. I will be reposting the fic at some point. I was proud of that work, and nobody will spoil it for me or anyone else who finds some kind of solace in reading it. (Also, same - like, why is exploring real-life struggles so outrageous, yet reading a crap ton of smut isn't? None of it should be a problem for people to explore.)
This topic is in no way detrimental to my mental health. I was just down in the dumps for personal reasons at the time anyway, lmao. Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm touched you think I have talent as a writer, and as a colossal empath, I'm glad it's clear to see.
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lord-squiggletits · 2 years
I haven't read any yet but I'm a little nervous about reading IDW Optimus. I like it when Optimus prime is "strong enough to be kind" and from what I've heard, everyone's an asshole to each other in idw. If I'm way off base please let me know, I hear the comics are good but I'm not interested in an Optimus that's mean and miserable. I resent the idea that misery has greater artistic merit than joy.
I mean, I'd say don't trust what the fandom says about the comics (or any media for any fandom in general tbh) because the majority of the time they're wrong.
I'm an IDW Optimus apologist so I'm a little biased, but I genuinely think that most of the story moments people call him "an asshole" over are moments that make 1000% sense when you read them in context. Like, people act like Optimus is just a jerk that goes around being mean to people for no reason when the reality is that when he's frustrated, angry, lashes out, or distant from other people, it makes perfect sense as to why??? IDW Optimus is still a noble person that believes in mercy, gives people second chances, and thinks that treating people like people is better than ending them because it's more convenient. It's just that in IDW he's more than just a noble hero icon, he's also a human that sometimes runs out of patience and snaps at people, or makes mistakes that he can't take back.
When IDW OP lashes out at people, it's not because he's a meanie jerk >:((( or whatever the fuck haters think, it's because he's incredibly idealistic and has high moral standards, and when people/the world don't measure up to them he gets frustrated. In other words, he's so passionate about doing something, about trying to help, that that passion can turn into frustration when things aren't going well. It's the fact that his virtues can be both a virtue and a flaw depending on the situation that makes him feel like the most interesting OP to me.
Also, IDW is a realistic and gritty continuity, embroiled in politics and conflict that leaves no one untouched. and Optimus is in a position of power over an army. I think it's really stupid to expect the commander of an army who gets into politics afterwards to be a squeaky clean hero who does nothing wrong and everyone likes him.
And also also, almost every single complaint I hear about IDW OP either takes his actions completely out of context or just straight up gets basic story facts wrong lmao. Like people will call him an asshole for punching Prowl when what Prowl actually did to get punched was using Devastator to try to destroy a space bridge despite knowing it would lead to the death of an entire Cybertronian colony. People call IDW OP an asshole for "not letting the Dynobots leave the planet" in Monstrosity when actually OP was the one telling them that he would help find a cure for their beastial forms, and when they decided to leave Cybertron anyways, he didn't stop them. People even get mad at him for making Megatron give a speech telling the Decepticons to stop fighting, even though Optimus was already being ridiculously lenient by letting Megatron on parole to be co-captain of the Lost Light!
The main reason people hate IDW Optimus is because they just cherrypick his worst moments without including the context and they ignore his good moments in the story. And also instead of accepting that IDW OP is his own version of Optimus that can be interesting if you give him a chance, they basically hate him for not being a cardboard cutout of a meek depressed uwu Optimus/a silly funny stupid dad character.
Optimus apologism aside, I would really, really just ignore what people say about everyone being assholes in IDW1. Just because a lot of the subject matter is dark doesn't mean that the story says that nothing in life matters and people suck-- far from it. Even Barber (whose writing I think is mediocre and shittily executed), who constantly writes Optimus being shit on, still gives him moments where he's allowed to be the hero that chooses peace and reconciliation. Not to mention how if you look at MTMTE/LL, those stories are more or less fundamentally about the power of relationships/friendship/love between people.
Anyways, fuck what the haters say, send me more asks about IDW Optimus so I can gush about his underappreciated moments of heroism and be an apologist for him whenever he acts like a jerk is a human person with flaws and virtues just like every other character in the continuity.
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creaturebehavior · 2 years
please don’t reblog this insane post lol
i have a hot take that doesn’t matter, that i don’t know how to articulate lol partly because of how much the hot take doenst really matter but mostly i’ve been struggling with language because of psychosis
here’s the bare bones of my opinion
some people think your character in animal crossing is a child and they are both wrong and stupid for this i think. they are close minded and mostly likely cis and hetero because queers don’t think like this. and don’t get it twisted i know people who aren’t cis can be heterosexual too but i’m obviously referring to a certain group of people and you know the one. i am a little cis phobic and het phobic on occasion lmao y’all are fucking stupid and squished up into your creepy box and you’re weird it blows me away. they thinking it because they’re so cis and hetero that their little brain just can’t handle having a bigger thought. (i don’t actually feel this way about ppl who are ignorant and w at to learn, we are all that person at times. i still feel like mocking and bullying cis straight people right now though lol) they can’t understand that cartoon person without big boob doesn’t always mean child. oh my person in animal crossing doesn’t have sex characteristics so they’re automatically a child because i’m so stupid i can’t understand that sometimes something is a genderless cartoon that’s not meant to be sexed or gendered. like.
and yeah if you change how your character looks in the mirror it does give a you a presumed gender choice options by makeing you check a box next to a character with short hair or a character with a ponytail but OBVIOUSLY the creators put that in to appease cis people because news flash: not a damn thing changes about your character no matter fi you check the box next to the short hair or the ponytail literally either way you look the same and either way you can wear any hairstyle and any article of clothing. like it wasn’t a mistake that they put those things into the game, it was actually a conscious effort to move away from gender norms and expectations and allow players all options to express themselves however they want to. they intentionally programmed those things in, and they also intentionally removed transphobic aspects of previous games, such as whenever a male character in the gamecube version would put on a dress, they would allow you to wear it but the NPC’s would make a transphobic comment to you if you did. they only kept in the “gender” selection option of the game in for fuddy duddies who haven’t caught up yet full stop
so yeah i think cis people are silly. also parts of this i articulated way better than expected. maybe i just needed to warm up a little lol
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
“That’s what people do who love you. They put their arms around you and love you when you’re not so lovable.” — Deb Caletti
Omg I started this chapter yesterday but fell asleep reaaaally early bc I think I was super tired but I also slept more than 10 hours!!! That's literally more than I have slept three days combined of this week😂
It was the coolest shit ever. The kind of cool shit Max loved.
But right now, he couldn’t care less about the stupid nine-point circle or the lame spells.
He has to have the opportunity to meet them and talk to them when all of this is over or I will riot 😭
“Ah,” Max said, tracing a finger on the ground and keeping his hands busy. “Bapak got the hot ones.” They are all hot and you know it!!!
Luca is here!!!! I am love him already jdhdkdbdj
It seemed like a cruel joke. David was everywhere and nowhere. 😭😭😭😭💙
Poor Luca and Max😂 but you can't blame Alec babes!! I can only imagine how Magnus looks...
No wait!! I also want to know his superpower!!!
Max just wanted to set something on fire.
*Me whispering* please do Mallory, please do Mallory, please do Mal-
“You do,” Nicolas grinned widely. “When I see your future, I see too much. It’s almost blinding.”
“Pun intended?”
“Of course.”
Should I be scared or excited or??? Yeah, Imma be both ;)
“You worry too much about the future,” Nicolas told him.
“It’s a warlock thing.”
“It’s a you thing,” Nicolas chuckled. “But it’s not a bad thing. I taught you for a reason, Maxwell. You must use it wisely.”
He knows something I ignore and I am getting frustrated and that ending was really cryptic😭😭 I need answers!!! Please!!!
Clary Fairchild being a bad bitch I'd honestly the only reason I'm surviving this...
“People do awful things because they often think they are doing it for the right reasons,” the woman told her. “And most often, the reason is love. Love of something. Love for someone.” Don't mind me, I just cracked some main plotline of my story bc of this😂
Them getting into Marcus brain and figuring out the logo like the power couple the are😎
But also, I'm always forgetting that shadowhunters don't have that much education in lots of subjects like maths or astronomy or mundane things in general and it's kinda funny 😂
She looked at Gabriel. “I want to talk to Claire Devlin.” Is that a good idea? Idk. Am I excited nevertheless?? ✨yes✨
Istg, this scenes are taking years of my life😭 I can't even read it twice as I normally do!!! That's how scared I am!!!
He doesn't remember about Edom 😭😭😭 or the time they went to London's shadow market!!!
After we give David his gift, I will make sure you join your brother,” Mallory said. “Okay?” I don't even feel bad about this one :)) don't say David didn't warn you...
All of this just so his parents believe him... bitch just go to therapy and move on like the rest!!
David, who was breathing raggedly, stared at her. “If you touch him, I will kill you.” He doesn't have half his memories, and he still will kill you if you touch him. Take that!! 🥰
Not the first time they meet!!!! NO NO THAT ONE!!! PLEASE!!! WHY DO I ALWAY END UP CRYING AFTER A CHAPTER NOW??? 😭😭😭
I thought I knew hate, but then I met the Devlins and I understood I knew nothing 🔪🙂
Last POV... WTF????
First of all, Gigi and Lexi are the best babes ever. My beautiful parabatai 😍
And also all the other parabatai paired with a Super Babe!! The power!! The potential!! I want to thank you for the parabatai content we got 💙💙
Her father had taught her that the biggest mistake a fighter can do was to deny their own fear.
Don’t deny it. Don’t dismiss it. Feel it. Use it.
Jace as a father will never not make me emo🥺
Nevermind, I understood why no one likes Evan lmao
And why did Nico request to be escorted by Gigi and Lexi??? And go to Paris???? And left his cane??? To NY Institute??
Shadow demons are going to show up. I just feel it!
Lexi fighting Mallory is totally awesome. But maybe we can fast forward to the part she kills her or something?? 🥺 Also Mallory fighting with Pressure??? THE AUDACITY OF THIS BITCH!!!
Why did Nico said the suggenes thing??? Why did he protected her like that???
What did Nico saw on Logan's future??? Who will come for both of them?? Lucifer?? Max?? The Prince of Darkness????
“You are about to change the fate of the shadow world,” Nicolas said. I AM CONFUSION AND SADNESS 🔪😭
“Warlocks might forgive. But they don’t forget,” Nicolas told her. “He will remember.” And I damn hope he will burn everything down
Will Max make another spell??? Now that Nico taught him some warlock math??? Who is other Max???? What is he talking about?? 😭😭😭
Nicolas smiled.
The most beautiful smile.
The smile of a little boy with big dreams.
“Good,” Nicolas smiled. “I can finally grow up.”
I. I have no words. I'm still processing. WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK?? I realized half of the last POV was me just asking questions I won't get the answer to until later 😭😭
I'm still missing some chores for this week to finally be over, but now I'm going to do them thinking about that ending:))
but wait i can answer one of them.
Nico lied about the suggenes thing because he wanted to protect Lexi. Otherwise Mallory would have killed her.
PS- mallory fighting with Pressure reminds me of that time when Zara fought with Cortana 🤢
okay ily bye
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stormyoceans · 2 years
[VICE VERSA episode 3 parts 1&2]
Talay with his anti-fantasy bias again, thankfully Puen answers him for me
Hey Nurse, don’t you have a /job/
Maybe Puen was on to more than I thought when he brought up hurting him (WHILE LITERALLY IN BED)
“It’s extremely difficult to find a match” Bitch where, the only example you have are two girls who clicked on the same day
These two seem to have switched, now Talay’s the chill one while Puen is fussing over going back
“If it’s you, I’m okay” Puen: *d-doki*
“I don’t like pink” Talay shut the fuck up
Also just because the pants belong to Tess doesn’t mean you HAVE to wear them
“Open your mouth willingly or I make you” There he goes again with his dom streak
“The café doesn’t really wow me” That’s because you’re not in a CAT café my man
Talay please don’t ever apply for the job of forensic sketch artist
“Were you born with straight hair” Nope my hair is hella gay
Okay but Tess is just the kid of the guy who owns the film company right? How on earth did the script become his business? What the heck is his position
It went by fast but Up and Aou went to “pee” /together/, HMMMM
“You once had a 39 degree fever” Puen should’ve said “yeah but this is a /forty/ degree fever”
Right so this is where I really don’t Puen simply because I h a t e drunk drivers, it’s one of the most irresponsible things you can do and I wish they’d chosen something less severe to show that he’s not treating Tun’s life with respect
(Jimmy’s drunk acting is still pretty funny though)
I feel so fucking bad for Up and Aou man, they worked so hard on this and now their friend is acting like a clown and about to ruin the whole thing and they don’t understand why
It’s pretty thoughtful of Talay to ask him what’s wrong rather than to keep chastising him
Poor Tun is literally living the “what if you woke up famous” question
Up’s “HELLO!” I’m screaming
Call me an uncultured swine but isn’t social satire also a form of comedy
Maybe Tun shouldn’t have gotten physical but I don’t even give a shit, throw those asshats in the trash instead of the scripts
Like yes apparently the scripts sucked and yes they thought they were alone but would it kill you to be professional (and respectful, like they literally SPAT on the scripts) at your workplace, Jesus
Going by their flaws I’d probably hate Tun’s script the most lmao, I hate plotholes (well, big ones that truly kill a story)
I think I’d be with Up; toss a middle finger at 26P and try every other film studio
As much as I have my gripes with Puen being stupid I appreciate that he regrets it so sincerely
“The old Tun has died” You have no idea
Screw the person who has to clean these windows lmao
Love how Up’s sentence is five times the size of the other two XD
the way i ended up writing an entire in-depth analysis for this episode yesterday only to lose it forever because of my shitty internet connection :)))))))))
not even gonna try to replicate it but the point was!!!!!!! i feel like people either want to ignore the drunk puen narrative or use that to condemn him and i think both attitudes are kinda doing a disservice to the character. the show can’t really explore that side of him because it would clash with the tone of the story, but it does help the viewers form a pretty clear image of puen in their heads, of someone who is acting irresponsibly and should know better than drink and drive, and at the same time of someone who is very lonely and unsatisfied with his life despite being famous and rich. puen is a deeply flawed and human character, and throughout the show he makes tons of mistakes, because at his core he is a selfless man who desperately wants to be selfish for once, which is understandable to a certain extent, but not when he ends up hurting others (in this case, up and aou and, in a way, even tun)
in episode 6 puen says that talay “is the light that saved me” and that’s so true!!! but what i’ve always loved the most about them is that talay is just the lighthouse guiding puen in the right direction: talay is stern but caring, he points out how wrong puen was but never judges him for it, and when he realizes how bad puen feels for what he’s done, he tries to cheer puen up any way he can, but never steps in to fix the situation for him. talay is there to give puen advices and support, but puen is the one to actively make amends and change his behaviour. before being lovers, puen and talay are friends who make each other better, and that’s why i like them so much
“Open your mouth willingly or I make you” There he goes again with his dom streak <<<<< CAN’T BELIEVE I FORGOT TO PUT THIS IN MY TOP 10 MOST UNHINGED PUEN MOMENTS IT DEFINITELY DESERVED A SPOT THERE SHAME ON ME
Okay but Tess is just the kid of the guy who owns the film company right? How on earth did the script become his business? What the heck is his position <<<<< i think it’s because tess’ father always wanted him to work for the company, and in episode 1 we see tess’ brother bringing talay along to help out with all the people wanting to sell their movie project. that’s how he meets tun again, and in episode 2 when talay goes to bar and meets up and aou as well, he says “your screenplay is bought. i talked to my brother for you”, so i think talay acting as an intermediary also made the project his responsibility in the company (it’s like he’s their agent, sort of?)
I NEED TO KNOW IF THOSE GOOFY EXPRESSIONS WERE ALL SEA, LIKE THE DIRECTOR SAID “okay go nuts with your face” AND HE DID <<<<< IM PRETTY SURE THAT WAS JUST SEA BEING HIMSELF because apparently stealing phones and making funny faces is his hobby
also i don’t talk nearly enough about my love for up and aou but GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
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lunar-clementine · 4 months
I'm so tornnnnn
like on one hand the maybe misinterpreted signals
and on the other the complete undeniable ignoring.
(Ya'll pleez be gentle with my writing, I'm not that amazing, also this is soothe myself mostly)
I hate this. stop it love it is unfair for u to ruin such a sweet soul that is so shiny. ur a terrible person. u know that. he is like the fucking sun and I'm definitely the hell on the darkside of the moon. the sun does not belong to u. it belongs to the world. u deserve the hell on earth. just like the family u come from. his family is just as radiant. do not dare covet the sun he does not belong to u
the sun does not belong to anyone.
the the ignoring as the gods trying to keep distance between u.
and the signals as ur daydreaming.
the sun is not yours he doesn't belong to anyone.
let go of the sun you'll steal all the radiant light from him
that is far to cruel of a thing to do
the sun is not yours he does not belong to anyone
The sun should never be near u
u should never ever again covet the sun
let go
the sun doesn't belong to anyone and he most certainly doesn't belong to u.
let him go love if u know what's best for him. let those thoughts go away. Love ur making a mistake by fighting this.
fuck I love his smile it's adorable even as baby
the point is those dimples are drawing me in and I should not do this fuckkkk
the sun isn't yours love
the sun doesn't belong to u love
the sun can't be help down by u love
stop this love
fuck no
I can't
I legit can't do this
I won't be able toooo
but u know after he saw that the name of my book review was " girl who drank the moon" which if u don't know I see myself in as the character,luna, and he was all " I'll be the guy who ate the sun"
shut. The. front. door. no. u did not say the name of her soul mate that I dreamt up
I thought my hear wa saying to swell out of pure admiration for something so small and insignificant. I was so dazed for a moment when he said that lmao and he said that so casually and I was starstruck for a good while.
wow like he said that. that thing in my brain that made me so happy. I was so elated u don't even knowwww
he really said be the moon for everyone I'll be ur sun 🤭🫠
God fuck my lifeeee he's just perfect in my eyes and can do no wrong so cut and adorable and wonderful and honestly how am I not throwing myself at him so strange
I feel like I found my soulmate thelusaaa
he ticks all the boxes
not like my dad
no smoking or drinking
no anger issues
a good listener
tall enough that me
and most of he loves children from what I've seen so far so he won't ever hurt his children at all mentally or physically
I'm young and stupid so what do I know
I swear it on god this boy is driving me insanee
please don't be inlove with somebody else
please just look my way forever
just don't give your heart to someone else
dear God
consider this my love letter and my song of sorrows
this fear is immense and I
am a mortal whose soul has been captured
in the net
we all like to call
this is torturous and blissful
The symphony of silence is forever
when ur not around me
why is it that
I seem to look at u like the stars
but u hate the nighttime?
if ur the sun in my life
the eight minutes apart leave me lifeless
but ur that bright
u don't see ur surroundings
or perhaps
even worse
u choose to ignore them
that seems like a stake to my heart
when u smile at the other one
I'm desperately hoping
u don't love
Someone else?
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