#so really he’s making me unfine
isanyonetoknow · 5 months
I need to distance myself from this one guy because he keeps genuinely asking me if I’m ok and it’s like bitch I’m trying to get work done here not be honest and possibly break down
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mollyjames · 2 years
I buy the line that Mark Rosewater wanted acorn instead of silver border because he got tired of telling people they couldn't play silver border in sanctioned events. As a creator it makes sense that would frustrate him, that there's an audience that very clearly wants to play these cards but feels like they cant. I think that makes a lot of sense. I wish they'd been a little more conservative with it (did stickers really have to be Eternal legal?), but my point is I believe the decision to switch to acorn came from a sincere place.
What's unfortunate is that it comes in the midst of this deluge of product that has personally worn down a lot of my goodwill. The Warhammer commander decks look interesting and well made, but these are the most expensive commander precons we've ever gotten. Jumpstart: Dominaria was a dud product, so now we might not ever get another Jumpstart again because that's how market research works. Dominaria Remastered seems cool, but Timespiral Remastered was already too expensive for me to really participate in. Same with the Double Masters sets. We did a draft for Double Masters 2022 for my birthday but it was 60 bucks for the buy in and very much an indulgence.
And now with the Alpha proxies being $1000 for 60 cards I really do have to wonder.... where is the product for me? It feels like maybe that should be Dominaria United, but the truth is I just bought a couple of singles I wanted for Cube and called it good, because we already spent too much on Magic this year. Maybe it could have been Unfinity, but it feels like a set with so much random baggage attached. I would rather they take all of the lottery cards out of the set, make it silver border, and price the thing dirt cheap so I can get in as many games as I want. But that's not what happened so... I guess I just wont be playing with these cards at all.
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thoughtsbyharu · 2 years
Webtoon Review: Love Advice From the Great Duke of Hell
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source: unfins (twitter)
The girl of your dreams barely knows you exist. Your friends can’t help. Your family is clueless. So where do you turn for love advice? Who can provide you with that essential assistance for the lovelorn? If you’re average everyday teenager Paul, you summon a powerful demon from deep in the recesses of Hell and frankly, hope for the best.
Status: Completed (updated 12-01-2022)
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Comedy
Author: unfins
REVIEW (until episode 128):
I first read this webtoon during its first release and re-release back in 2018. I read this comic again last month because I stopped reading it around 2020. I wanted to continue reading it once the 2nd season is completed cuz I hate cliffhangers.
Now that all chapters for season 2 are available, I'll be able to review this comic~
A little bit of summary.
Paul, our protaganist, is an ordinary boy that has the biggest crush on this girl named Elena who works at a café. He wanted to ask her out so he did the most rational thing a person can do, buy a book of the occult and summon a demon to help him.
Paul summoned not just any demon, but a powerful and high ranking duke of hell named Astaroth.
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source: unfins (twitter)
This comic is actually my favorite comic in the comedy genre. The synopsis captured my interest because a guy summoning a high ranking demon for love advice sounds like a recipe for disaster. When I was done reading the first chapter, I was sold because it already had me giggling.
The comedy in this comic is just pure gold. Chef's kiss! I like how every chapter makes me laugh. Like, not the quiet kind of laugh but really laugh out loud!
The delivery and timing of the punchlines are perfect and unpredictable. Sometimes you think the characters are being serious but then something absurd and outrageous happens which makes you laugh unexpectedly. I would also like to highlight the characters' reactions and expressions because it makes everything 5x funnier.
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R/N: Juliet has the most relatable reactions lmao
I have to be honest, at first I thought it's just a gag comic that only circles around its initial premise and has no progress at all. You know, a comic made just for laughs. But I was so wrong! I am kind of surprised that it has development in both the characters and the story! Like what? This comic has actual plot??
The development of the story is actually really good and interesting. There are a lot of twists too so it makes you wanna read more to know what will happen next.
Season 2 & 3 focuses more on the plot but the humor is still consistent which is great since I think the comedy is what this comic is known and loved for.
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Character-wise, i like all of them! Oh! a little tip when reading this comic but don't judge the characters at face value because they sometimes turn out differently than what they seem! Some characters may look scary but they are actually really nice. Some characters look really cool or intimidating but they actually arent 🤣
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R/N: this guy here had me fooled
The main characters have very interesting and unexpected development as well although sometimes they make dumb and questionable things.
To be fair, the decisions that they make are useful to the plot and in-character so it kinda makes sense. My fave character is probably Vin, our resident bystander who wants nothing to do with any events in the story but gets dragged anyway.
His arc is actually very funny and his development is actually what I least expected.
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R/N: Vin before and after. They really pushed him too hard huh ><
Overall, I really love this comic and will reccommend this to others especially those who likes comedy or if you want something to make you smile or laugh.
Overall Rating: 4/5
Reading Status: Done
A little spoiler btw!
Gonna post Paul's Demon form because he looks cool and hot
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his abs tho
ADDITIONAL REVIEW (since this webtoon is already completed)
Soooo I kinda feel sad hahaha.
The series actually ended a few weeks after I wrote my initial review so yeah, I feel kinda empty after finishing it.
I am not aware that it ended so I expected a few more chapters. But then it dawned on me when I read the author's epilogue. I didn't even know that I was reading the last chapter 🤣
Well anyways, the series is still great although the ending felt like a cliffhanger. I'm not sure if the author will continue the story but I will commend them because I really enjoyed this series a lot! I will miss the characters and all their mishaps!
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It finally hit me why Unfinity is Not a Vibe; an essay-rant by a nerd fan
So, for summary, Magic: the Gathering; it is a trading card game that I really love for the mechanical intricacies of and the lore flavor having a, shall we say, consistent variety. It's high fantasy with recurring themes across an infinite multiverse, and boy oh boy, has Wizards of the Coast (the game's producing company) Really, REALLY started to push to the outer fringes of that infinity.
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They made a new parody set called Unfinity, the 4th in a line of Un- sets. Previous Un-sets, Unglued, Unhinged, and Unstable, all had a fancy silver border for the very not tournament legal cards made in jest for players to have a gaff with. Unfinity, however, has done away with that fragile skin between the un-multiverse and the multiverse, and they have done so at a depth I did not properly comprehend until this struck me.
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This is Jace Beleren. He's kind of the officially unofficial poster child for the entire franchise of the game. He's one of the most prolific planeswalkers, which is what we are as players; characters who can hop between worlds within the multiverse as we please, although at effort depending on how powerful a mage you are & how you go about such travel.
Unfinity takes the form of a space-faring carnival theme park that is themed after all of Magic: the Gathering.
And Jace. Visited.
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He is also in a non-acorn stamped card, meaning this is legal in all 'eternal' formats. For those of you who aren't shuffling nerds, This is Canon now. Jace went to a theme park based on his struggles.
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With play actors like this, recounting the history of another world for fun and profit, with overpriced souvenirs and dangerous roller coasters.
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You see this? This is a wrestling match mock-up of one of the most intense points in Jace's life;
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Where this scaley bastard;
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Nearly became what he wanted to be after thousands of years of scheming, and was only stopped by his own contractually obligated minion;
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Did I mention that Liliana and Jace tried to date once?
and here's a show, of one of the many times he's nearly died at the malice of another planeswalker, reduced to pro wrestling in foam-padded costumes.
And he's having fun with a laser gun.
Granted, there's always the excuse that Jace had his memory wiped, again. Apparently being the Multiverse's greatest Telepath makes your own memory highly susceptible to disruption. But it's still too much of a head trip for me to just see this and think he'd dissociate hard enough to be ok with it all.
TL;DR; M:tG Lore Broke, Jokes are Real.
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airctrl · 2 years
Been reading webcomics on Webtoon and tapas! Here are some thoughts :
- Tripp by KotaBlickie
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I found this comic through the Parasomnia OCT! When I figured out that one of the judges has an original comic of their own I had to check it out.. and it does not disappoint HOHOO I love me some space adventures. The characters are so fresh and lively! With a non-binary mc!!! :D
- The Weekly Roll by CME-T
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I’m trying to get into DND at some point and this comic really brings into perspective how being in a campaign is! Its humor is so snarky and the helmet Beckett guy is hilarious. the comments had people referencing Monty Python. It feels at home…
- Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell by unfins
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I remember reading this years ago and I just finished it… the serious plot that’s right there with the overpowering comedy is something I fall for because the expressions/jokes in it made me audibly laugh so many times. Plus I love demons and the designs are sick.
- Don’t Worry Teri Blokhin by Bioatomic
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I gotta say this is that one webcomic that made me motivated to create my own. I’ve been following this comic for a long time and seeing new updates come in makes my day! The object heads are S-tier. I love EVERYONE in this comic wtf, especially Sputnik. Also Gram. he’s a scummy asshole but I can’t not love a believable character. The depth put in the characters is so cool to see because learning how things are connected is the most satisfying part of stories for me. I can tell there’s so much in store for this world and it’s inspiring.
- Sparks by Revel
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This is such a cute comic I just started to read! (despite its mature themes lol) the banquet scene near the beginning is so warm and the dynamic between the humans and satyrs is so interesting. The world-building is so easy to follow and the little chibi pages explaining how magic worked are so cute and informative!! Plus the royalty and fruitiness going on is 10/10. When I realized that the comic was only starting after reading deep into it made me so excited!
- TRINITY by stillindigo
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Characters are SOO cool…. dystopian class conflict stories are the best because you can have that Sleek and seemingly Perfect but controlling government setting and that more chaotic and rough underground setting that creates that SCRUMPTIOUS contrast between characters. So awesome…. & I love Frannie and her dad they are so adorable!
I think from all the inspiration here I’ve gathered I’m going to finally write out a structure of what my webcomic is going to be like since I recently changed up a plot point. It's called plantverse!
I’ll probably never find a stable upload schedule in the next few years but the leisure in it is the best part :) doing something of my own will… crazy.. My art below!
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I might follow up on this with other webcomics I've read!
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thewickerking · 2 years
*holding my hands out* spare valentine? i wanna know more about her.... <3 your ocs sound so cool :-)!
aaaaaaa omg im so so flattered u think so i love my ocs a ton i just get a little shy abt posting them sometimes but im wanting to do it more ^-^
for most of my rpg ocs i have some art of them but i only have. very unfinalized doodles for valentine bc hes for a college roommates campaign and we havent run our first session yet, just a prep thing but somethings i know for sure!!!
they are, as said in the result but im adding here for context, a tiefling (my first tiefling character!) and she has horns that curve and make an outline of a heart (cause i think its cute) and im planning on adding a heart motif (i love heart shaped things with character design i dont do it enough imo) to really sell the cleric of love thing. bc theyre an orphan and have a lack of connection to pretty much any community he has identity issues and when she gets the smallest crumbs of belonging they cling to it extremely and thus go hard with the heart/love aesthetic
a look inside his brain and thought process would look something like "step 1: can i solve this with the power of love? step 2: i gave it my best shot lets use this trick i learned in the fantasy mafia or whatever and Destroy." they also have a warhammer bc i think its neat and can absolutely destroy you but will rarely default to it bc they want to be close to others very badly and wants to love and be loved but doesnt always know the best way to do things without going to extremes.
i had something else to add but i forgot and i accidentally deleted half my response in while writing so i had to rewrite it 😔😔 but when i do finalize their design ill maybe post it? also feel free to ask me abt any of my ocs or just like tell me to gush abt an oc of my choice i have many to chose from and i love talking abt them so bad even when im nervous abt it :3
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haleyboook · 2 years
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Past mistakes pt. 4
word count: 1,936
warnings: none
------------------- :) -------------------
I sit in my rental car, yeah, I had to get one of those. I sit in it, waiting, across the street of the set.
I lean back staring at the ceiling of the car, turning up the music and sighing as I stare at my ring finger, empty and bare.
The ring Pete gave me in my bag, I reach for my bag pulling it to my lap but first I unclasp my necklace.
I reach my hand in the front pocket but I pause as I look to the ring on the necklace. I toss the backpack onto the seat as I twist the ring in the sunlight
My smile widening as I look at the small details on the ring. The engraving on the inside reading
I love you more than anything ~ C
I sigh semi happily and there's a knock on my window making me jump. I drop the necklace into my hand clasping it closed.
I roll it down as I look over. Chris tilts his head saying "It took me 3 months to decide on that one. And my original engraving was rejected, remember?"
My hand opens and I smile slightly "Yes, I do. You wanted a paragraph of words and they told you no."
He nods saying "Air head moment on my part."
I laugh saying "Blonde moment, hm?"
He shakes his head saying "Y'know, the cast and security on set are thinking you're a stalker. They're about 5 minutes away from calling the police."
"That'd be something, wouldn't it? My face on the cover of magazines and my police records showing y/n evans the secret wife of Captain America? Hm?”
He sighs saying “You gotta go, Jules.”
I tilt my head to him saying “Sign and I’ll leave.”
“Why’s it so important for me to sign them now? After all these years of me signing them and sending them back to you to only go unfinalized…”
I look down at my hands saying “That was before. I was still… grieving.”
He sighs nodding saying “As was I. But I still have you what you wanted. I signed those papers 6 times. Every time I did it took a toll on me. You put me through that.”
“I’m sorry alright? I wanted to finalize it. I just moved so often and there was so much history between us that I couldn’t sign it.”
He nods and leans both arms on my car. My eyes looking down to his arms hanging inside my car.
I gulp and say “But… I think it’s about time.”
“And your lawyers gave up trying to chase after me.”
“Good. You needed to find me yourself if you wanted me to sign these.”
I nod saying “You’ll sign them?” He shrugs saying “No, I don’t think so. Maybe in 5 or so attempts.”
“Very mature. You want me to get a taste of my own medicine hm?”
He smiles slightly saying “Basically.”
I shake my head saying “You’re going to make me stay here in Atlanta to force this out of you. Make me pay for a hotel, a stupid rental car, and extend my plane ticket return date, go to the stupid laundromat to wash my few items of clothes I brought just so you can stick it to me?”
He nods saying “Pretty much.”
He taps the car and looks around at it “Pretty nice rental car you got.”
I grumble saying “Oh… I am so going to call Scott.”
“Do it. I’m sure he’ll give you an earful.”
I narrow my eyes at him saying “Does this make you happy? Seeing me nearly begging for a divorce? Because all we’ve really ever wanted for each other was for both of us to be happy. Are you happy because I sure as hell am not.”
He pauses and says “You can use the washing machine at my rental if you really don’t wanna go to the laundromat.”
“Chris..” I say quietly
He nods saying “No. I’m not happy. Alright? But maybe I will be soon. You know how much I love to gloat.”
I bite my lip annoyed as he goes to take a step back. He says “I may sign earlier if you give me back the ring.”
My throat tightens and I freeze. He says “I figured since you brought it with you, you were returning it.”
I scoff and push my car door open. I huff a breath of air and walk towards him. He smiles widely amused as I dig my finger into his chest saying “You want my ring?! So you can what? Give it to Jenny? The Jenny from the block wannabe?? Hm?? Hm!?”
He smirks and quips “Maybe.”
I grumble saying “No. I think such a priss from Hollywood would want a bigger ring. She might pawn this one off.”
He scoffs and says “Sorry, forgot you only got half that degree of yours. Jenny went to Colombia for literature. She values the little things.”
“Are you telling me that it’s my fault I didn’t finish college?!”
“No! But-”
“You were entirely at fault! I gave up my degree for you. And you repay me by this complete bullshit. I have to chase after you.”
“It wasn’t me you gave your degree up for. And you know that.”
I dig my finger into his chest, poking him in an annoyed way “Well you put me in that situation!”
“It takes two to tango, dear.” He quips.
God he’s enraging!
“And I was way too young!”
“So was I!”
I frown as I look to the closeness of the two of us and he grabs my wrist saying “Enough poking.”
I poke him again and he pulls my hand from his chest saying “Enough.”
I shake my head saying “I despise you.”
“I loathe you.” He says
We hold the intense eye contact and I mutter “You’re not getting that ring back. Maybe my uneducated self will pawn it off for the money. God knows I might need it.”
He nods saying “Pawn shop will only give you a hundred or two hundred.”
“What? You some sort of a pawn shop expert?”
He shakes his head saying “You’re ridiculous.”
I look down to his grip around my wrist as he mindlessly runs his thumb over my wrist
I look up to him and say “Personalized crap always goes for less.”
“maybe you can scratch the engraving off than.”
I grit my teeth saying “It bothers you I have that. I have your exact words. That you love me. And it irks you. Bothers you.”
His teeth grit and I smile saying “Wow! You don’t like the fact that it’s out there, that you’ll love me..”
He cuts me off saying “always.” I shake my head as he says “I was 19. Always back then meant nothing.”
“Mmhm. Yeah..”
“Even uneducated you still know that.”
I shake my head as the car door behind me shuts to the wind and I lean back slightly. Chris leans back with me and my loose hand snakes to the back of his head
Where it’s always fight so perfectly, I lean against the car as he shuffles forward towards me
We get so close I can smell the cologne off him
He even uses the same cologne. He’s the same.. but so different.
He leans into me and quickly his hands slide down to my waist and he kisses me.
Delicately but longingly. It's been too long.
So long.
I don't think my lips move as fluidly with any other lips
I lean in.
I don’t pull away.
I don’t pull away.
OH GOD I’m not pulling away.
Oh god.
I'm not gonna pull away
He’s really good at this. Well, he's always been. Obviously.
His arms pull me in as my hands settle on his back now. He opens his mouth slightly, allowing my tongue entrance and I follow easily after his ques as his hand wander down to my hip
Chills run up my arms and I smile into the kiss as I release his hand and hold tightly to his broad shoulders.
My fingers skimming the toned shoulder muscles
His hands wander slowly up my sides and I swear my knees go weak so quickly.
I slide in his grasp as he holds me up tightly, but not painfully. Just enough to keep me from falling.
Chris' smile widens and I delicately kiss him as I open my eyes momentarily
We both look to each other as we close our eyes again kissing once again closely.
I bite down on his lip as I finally come to the realization
I curse as I step back "shit. shit. Matt! I completely forgot about Matt!"
Chris says "What? Who's Matt?"
"No! Pete. I meant Pete. I meant to say Pete. Oh my god. Jamie and my father. It's their fault."
Chris says "Hey-"
"God I come to finalize my divorce and I do that. I just.. oh god."
I shake my head as I go to reach for the handle of my car door. I open it quickly but he closes it quickly. He says "y/n. We obviously need to talk."
"No. No talking."
He looks to me confused and I say "I need to go home. I need to be home. I'm supposed to get married!"
He freezes, his hand slipping off the door as shock writes itself onto his expression. He looks to me dumbfounded.
I pause as I realize what I said. I shut the door, press my forehead to the side of the door shaking my head. I heave a deep breath saying "This... that wasn't how I wanted to tell you."
"Ah.. and you were going to even tell me about, Pete? That's his name right?"
God even he get's his name right.
He pays attention. He always pays attention to the details.
I frown and look to him as he crosses his arms, he has that embarrassed look on his face
I nod saying "Yeah. His names Peter."
Chris nods slowly and says "I need to get back to shooting my scenes. Make sure to leave before security calls the police."
"Chris." I plead with him
He shakes his head saying "Nope. I don't want to talk."
"Christopher!" I shout as he crosses the street.
God why does every conversation I have with him end with him walking away or us shouting with each other?
But, I don't stop there. Nope.
I quickly cross the street, in the middle of the intersection, at least 4 cars laying on their car horns for me to move.
"Lady! Get out of the road!"
Chris turns around as he starts to walk through security. I shout "You didn't even let me talk!" as I walk through the intersection
He looks at me dumbfounded saying "You have lost your mind."
I approach saying "Don't walk away. Please."
He shakes his head saying "No, I should. Before both of our relationships can be unrecoverable."
I scowl saying in a hushed tone "You kissed me."
He nods saying "Yeah. Like an idiot. You haven't told me one thing that was the genuine truth. You've been lying. The whole time."
I shake my head saying "I didn't lie."
"You conveniently didn't mention anything but the divorce. I'd say that's lying."
"You want some truth? I'll give you some truthful words alright? You kissed me and I'm engaged to someone else. But I didn't pull away. Chris... I didn't pull away and that's so terrifying. And I call your stupid old phone number all the time. I block my number and I call it. Just so I could hear your voice. And I kept our old home phone. I pay a ridiculous amount to keep it. Just... just so I never lose the recording we left on it."
He looks to me surprised and I shake my head saying "And every photo we have together I can't throw away. I can't. You have to let me go. Because..."
He shakes his head walking away as I say "Chris."
He says "I told you I don't want to talk. I'm at work. I need you to respect that."
I watch him leave and I run my hands down my face as my hands stop on my lips. Oh god.
I just made out with him.
Oh my god.
I run my thumb over my bottom lip, biting it and dropping my hand. I just kissed him.
Do I regret it?
...... no.
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hi guys, I wanted to post this like 2 days ago but I was in the ER with a little head trauma lmao, I'm alright and once I'm fully healed I'll be posting more normally.
If you'd like to be added to the taglist, make sure to comment!
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lesbianralzarek · 2 years
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what makes me really happy here is that everyone else in unfinity is either a new character or an impersonator
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(note the typeline and the quotation marks)
but jace seems like.... thats really him? whats he doing there? this card is eternal legal, so i think its supposed to be canon. he went to a space carnival and they gave him white mana and a fuckin gun
king shit, honestly
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rosieblogstuff · 3 years
Jack + Matty’s Plan (whatever it was)
Mac might be our titular hero but Jack is absolutely the glue that binds so many of the relationships in the show together. And Jack and Matty is s really interesting one. Jack was so alarmed when he found out Matty was replacing Thornton, because of… whatever happened between Jack and Matty in the CIA. And aside from the assless chaps cold open (for which I would like to send the scriptwriters my deep and everlasting appreciation), we can only guess what all went on back then. 
Jack was plenty quick to turn Thornton in even though he and Mac spent years working close with her, including in the field. He refused to believe in Nikki’s innocence, and he and Mac were even closer with Nikki. But Matty? Jack’s trust for Matty is on a whole other level, right up there with his trust in Mac. 
I love this little scene in 2x17 where the team debates why Matty tried to lie to Mac about knowing his dad and if they can still trust her:
Mac: I can’t just ignore this. She already lied to me once.
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Bozer: She can’t hide this. Jack found actual proof she was investigating your Dad.
Mac: No. We found proof Matty was compiling a dossier. We have no idea what was in the actual report.
(interrupted by Riley’s arrival but then…)
Riley: I swept through every government server and I found nothing. Either that report on your Dad is so top secret no one has access to it, or it simply doesn’t exist anymore.
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Mac: It doesn't make any sense. My dad was an inventor, he was a scientist. Why–why was Matty investigating him? More importantly, why did she lie to me about it?
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Bozer: Okay, I hate to be the one to say it but after Thornton, someone has to. Can we even still trust Matty?
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Jack: I–I’ve known Matty longer than anyone else here, and it’s no secret that our relationship is–is less than perfect. But it doesn’t change the fact that I do trust her. I–I really do. Always have.
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Did she lie to you? Yeah. But my guess is she probably has a pretty good reason for it. Think about it.
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Riley: Yeah, I mean, is–isn’t it possible she may have lied to protect you?
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Mac: (sighs) I guess. But protect me from what?
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Bozer: I don’t know. But whatever it is, Matty probably thinks she’s doing what’s best.
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I mean, there’s a lot going on here. Jack’s sticking up for Matty is big. He says he’s always trusted Matty, and even though he’s the one who just went out of his way to break into her personal safe to find that unredacted file, he still trusts that she absolutely had her reasons and that they’re really good reasons. Even though nobody knows why.
(In hindsight, there are some really good clues here: Riley says the report has either been deleted or is so top secret no one has access to it. Ding ding ding – there’s the ticket! It’s just that the idea of Mac’s dad being a top secret person is so outrageous nobody really gives that idea much consideration.)
But–Jack, Riley, and Bozer all seem to really think that whatever incomprehensible thing Matty’s up to, she’s watching out for Mac. Even Mac almost seems willing to accept it. In the end, when she asks him what’s wrong, he tells her it’s nothing, even though he’s clearly still bothered. 
It’s a disappointment that nowhere in this season do we ever get a really clear explanation for what Matty was up to. So we can only guess what Matty’s plan was supposed to be. Two possible theories:
Plan A: Was she trying to drive Mac to a situation where he had to confront Oversight? It’s possible, although she surely knew Mac would end up realizing how truely fucked up it is that Mac has been in this close proximity to his dad for literally years, how crazy hurtful it is to find out you Dad could have just walked into the room any time, and probably knows you’ve been actively trying to find him–and he clearly didn’t want to be found.
Plan B: Was she trying to throw Mac off the trail? This seems like a better idea, if you’re Matty and know all about James. Throw Mac some clues, give him something to chew on until he feels like his dad is unfindable, and gives up. Or maybe the clues would have led to some false ending, in which good old Dad died years ago. Could Matty have delivered a trail that led to Mac thinking that James died shortly after disappearing and never had a chance to come back? 
Ignoring the fact that the show didn’t really bother to really explain what, if anything, the actual plan was supposed to be… let’s assume it was Plan B: Let Mac chase some leads then convince him James died so he can stop looking. 
But even the best of plots can go off the rails, and Matty didn’t anticipate that Jack would mastermind that plan to break into her house, crack her safe, and give Mac actual information about James. If this is how Matty’s plan went wrong, then it’s because Jack outsmarted her and inadvertently set off the chain of events that leads to 
If only Jack had just gone with that trust he has in Matty in the first place. He was trying to do the right thing for Mac. But then it all spirals out of control, and neither he nor Matty can stop Mac from chewing on the mystery until he finds his answers. 
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robinrequiems · 2 years
heartthrob villain jon and shadow-y invisible like damian! | unfin
around the age of 18, damian wayne being somewhat of a ghost, of course, he is alive, everyone knows that, but his hero work is under the radar, he travels around and died whatever he want, he makes sure to only go for the villains who hide in the shadows behind more known villains, it’s how it works, it’s easier for him, he isn’t a hero for the fame anyways. he liked taking down the idiots hiding in the background anyways.
but then.. Damian met him. he was 19, finally getting into the hang of things when he was starting to investigate an up and coming money laundering scheme. sure.. that was normal, but the dead bodies with laser holes was not. and definitely not the flying guy grinning at him. like he waiting.
“hey! you’re the.. shadow guy? I’ve heard of you, you’ve taken down some of my friends! “..okay?” “im jon, what’s your name?” “why would I tell you that? why are you telling me yours?” “because, we’re gonna be friends!” “you’re a villain.” “so so mean! you’re breaking my heart. if you won’t tell me your name, I’ll give you one. “I’d rather you didn’t” “hmm.. you’re kinda stuck up, so.. prince shadow.” “No.”
Damian thought that would be the end when the police showed up and jon disappeared, but it wasn’t. news spread about the “hot” new supervillain. who really wasn’t a supervillain honestly.. he only killed off bad people- or people who pissed him off/ so maybe a bit villainous
Damian chose to stay away, he left the cities Jon had coincidentally been in.. wait. what? each place damian was in, so was jon. Damian felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand when he realized that.
bastard. he came to the realization that jon was messing with him. jon was also was smarter than he appeared. he always left something that made Damian know he was there. bastard. absolute asshole.
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ohwhatamessiam · 3 years
Self Control - Epilogue
Summary: Summer break leaves you with time to miss your favorite colleague. And you hope it's not too late to make a move.
Pairing: Professor!Sebastian Stan X TA!Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Language, more realizations, the possibility of a HEA.
A/N: Hi again! I'm back sooner than y'all have come to expect, and this time I'm finally bringing you the end! So yeah, this story took on a life of its own and we're ending up with a different pairing than we began. I'm sorry for the Chris lovers who may not be down for this, but it's what ultimately made sense to me. I hope those of you who do want this extra lil bit of closure enjoy it! As always, a huge thanks to @fangirlisms-22 for sticking with me through this for what feels like AGES (4 years??) I tried to tag everyone, but some blogs have deactivated, changed urls, or won’t let me tag them. Here’s the Spotify playlist for the epilogue.
I love feedback, so send me your thoughts and feelings!
Self Control | Masterlist
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You knock on the old wooden door and it creaks under the weight of your hand, just as it has since the first time you touched it last January.
“Come in,” he calls from behind the frame.
It’s been about seven months since you first stepped into his office, but it looks the exact same. The only thing that’s different is that his hair has gotten longer, and since it’s the summer, he’s only wearing a wrinkled t-shirt and sweatpants. You weren’t sure if he’d be here, in the middle of July, but Robert informed you during your meeting that afternoon that he was one of the few professors that were already back in office. Apparently Robert had challenged him to teach an intensive seminar on the archetype of martyrs in modern literature, and he’d bunkered down to work on the course syllabus and materials since.
Sebastian’s eyes widen as he sees you in his door frame, an embarrassed blush coloring his cheeks as he realizes you’ve never seen him in this relaxed casual attire. You press your lips together, trying to suppress the grin that pulls on your cheeks. It had been almost two months since you’d seen him, and you’d missed the annoying twinkle in his eyes when he looked at you for a little too long, or the way the moment you’d meet his fixed gaze he’d gulp and look away. Those moments reminded you how he really felt about you, when the rest of your time together was spent focused on students or pretending to be politely professional.
But this summer break has left you alone, giving you time to chip away at your manuscript, letting you work through your feelings about everything that has happened this year. And you needed that. Yet it also showed you how lonely you were now, and how your feelings began developing for someone besides Chris.
You step into the room and watch how he straightens in his chair. There’s a nice layer of stubble coating his jaw to let you know he’s been zeroed in on the task at hand for a couple of days. He motions for you to sit down across from him before he realizes the wooden chair is stacked high with books.
“Shit I’ll grab those,” he says as he pushes up from his seat.
“It’s okay, I got it,” you assure as you start to move the stack to the floor beside his desk. He still pushes towards the books, but it doesn’t stop your eyes from landing on the book at the bottom of his stack, An Undue Affair by CR Evans. It’s an unfinalized bound copy, but it’s clearly a mock up of the book about you that’s set to hit shelves in several months.
Your hand hovers over the cover as Sebastian freezes next to you, a worried look pushing his brows down. Picking it up, you do a quick flip through the pages and notice wrinkles and indents. Either it hadn’t been looked after well, or someone had poured over it. From the darkening of Sebastian’s cheeks, you would bet it was the latter option.
Placing it on top of the other books, you ask him, “How was it?”
He watches you with trepidation, hesitating as you sit down like nothing about this situation or these questions are weird in any way. You cock an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to say something. Instead, he sits down opposite you, his hands joining under his chin as he leans on his desk.
“It’s not bad, a little indulgent at times. And even though he tried to make the character that’s clearly him unsympathetic, he still comes off looking good. But you already know that, don’t you?”
“I don’t actually. I have no clue what he put in there.” His eyes examine you closely, and you smile in an attempt to smooth out his still evident concern. “I burned the copy he gave me in the spring without opening it.”
That answer only makes him look more worried. You shake your head, “I spent a lot of time hurting and trying to ignore the hurt after what happened to us. I didn’t need to rehash it even more than I already was.”
You catch that twinkle in his eyes, but as soon as you do he drops his gaze. “I don’t know how accurate the details in the book were, but if what happened was anything like what he wrote, I’m sorry. I had no idea how, um, deeply involved you two were.”
Still trying to lighten the mood in the room, you let out a laugh. “Seb, I thought you would have guessed when we ran into each other before Thanksgiving. I was such a fucking mess.”
“I knew something was off with you, but I figured it was personal. You’d made it pretty clear your relationship was none of my business.” A little chord of guilt pangs inside your chest at his words, but looking at his face, you know he didn’t mean for it to sound like that.
“It wasn’t. But now it’s about to be everyone’s business.”
“I’m sorry this is happening to you.” The sincerity in his voice almost makes your chest hurt. “I don’t agree with Chris’s decision, it's shitty to you. And you shouldn’t be put through what’s coming your way.”
Your eyes fall to his joined hands, still supporting his chin, keeping him locked in an open yet controlled position. “That’s actually part of why I’m here. When I was working through everything that happened this last year, I started writing my take on that relationship. I doubt it’s as literal as this,” you gesture to the book in front of you, “probably is. But I hope you’ll be open to reading it.”
His eyes soften, falling to your lips, your throat, before making it to your eyes. “I’d be happy to.” He nods gently, his fingers unwinding as he leans back in his chair. The rigidness falls from his shoulders.
“Good, thank you.” You nod back and close your eyes, reminding yourself why else you came into this room. You can’t let your nerve escape before you get the rest out. “I don’t think I can show it to Robert, especially not after he reads Chris’s novel. He’ll be so mad at me. I mean, I know he already is, but that’ll just confirm it all. But I trust you, and I hope you don’t feel any different about me now.”
A soft noise escapes his throat that forces your eyes open, forces you to take in his expression. It’s still gentle, but pained in a way you hadn’t seen since before last semester when he came to your office. Your heart thuds louder in your chest.
“I don’t feel any differently about you. But I think I see you more clearly now, I feel like I understand you better than I did before. And I know reading your side will only allow me more of that.”
You hold each other’s gaze for a long moment, vulnerability coming off you in waves you’ve never shown him before. And you know he’s right. You letting him in on a different level than you’re willing to give anyone else is no small feat. It means something. Whether he’s noticed just what it means coming from you, you’re unsure.
When he finally looks away you let out a sigh, feeling your heart beating even harder. Dammit, you need to just cut to the chase. Tell him the second part of your news.
He speaks before you do. “So which classes are TA-ing this semester? Any with me? I know Robert thought we worked well together.”
“He did. Actually that’s the other thing I came here to talk to you about.”
There’s a light in his eyes, excitement over your continued professional relationship. “Is it my analysis of Shakespeare’s comedies class? I know I threw your name out for that one, since I think we’d have a lot of fun.”
“No, I am not TA-ing for you.”
“Shit,” his eyes darken with disappointment. “I was hoping for that to work out.”
“No, I’m actually TA-ing for Robert this semester. For his postmodern literature class.”
“Well, there’s always next semester for us to work together again.” He says it with a small tug of his lips, the tease of a smile, but his eyes are still distant, like he’s trying to fixate on something besides his regret.
You can feel your heart in your throat as you say, “Actually, there won’t be.” You know this whole conversation feels dramatic, but you need him to listen to you. You need him to understand what you’re trying to do here. You’d been thinking about it for over a month, and after your meeting with Robert, you knew you had to get it out.
His eyes focus on you again, his brows furrowing, “Are you going somewhere or transferring?”
“No. I asked Robert if I could only TA classes you don’t teach anymore.”
“(Y/N),” Seb whispers your name, shock rocking his features. His eyes drop to the desk between you, and he shakes his head like what you’re saying can’t be right. “I didn’t know that you didn’t want to work with me. If you’d told me, I’d have never mentioned anything about you to Robert.”
“Seb, it isn’t that.” You place a hand on his desk, trying to pull his attention back to you. If his fingers were still within your reach, you would be squeezing them by now. “I told Robert it would be unfair of me to work with you again, considering how I feel about you.”
Something inside you snaps and you close your eyes again. It would have been easier to have this conversation away from campus. You could have called him and asked him to coffee, it would have made more sense to him then.
His fingers brush your own, gently teasing you to open your eyes, to look at him. You let out a deep breath and give in. His confusion from before is gone and something else has settled in its place. It could just be the warmth of his skin against your own, but you feel heat rise up your limbs. And his eyes are filled with something you’ve been looking for. What you’d been ignoring since he’d admitted his interest in you last semester. What you had prayed, at one point, might fade away.
His eyes twinkle with hope.
It’s something you let drain from you after Chris, and when it did you wanted it to stay gone. But it found a new home, a new person to attach to. It had already been planted before you realized it. And as you worked with him, watched how he encouraged and celebrated his students, it grew. When the semester ended you thought you could stamp it out again, but it refused to go away. So you finally gave it permission to bloom.
“How do you feel about me?” His words are so quiet, your beating heart almost drowns them out.
Your fingers find his and knot between them in a way you’ve been aching to do since the spring. “I remember what you said before last semester, how you felt about me before you knew anything about Chris and I. Do you still feel that way now?”
His thumb runs across your own but his eyes never leave yours, never lose that twinkle you’ve missed so much. “Even more so than I did then.”
“Well shit.” It’s merely a whisper, but it forces him to tighten his grip on you. Your eyes drop to your joined hands, your fingers that would be shaking if it wasn’t for him holding them still. “I took your promise to heart, and decided to take the job part out of the equation.”
His eyes grow wide again, but a slow smile tugs at his lips. “Are you saying-”
Your eyes find his as you cut him off. “We don’t have to be professional and platonic anymore.”
He pulls your fingers toward him as he leans forward. And then his grip loosens on you so he can place a kiss to your knuckles, and then your palm. You know you’re smiling now, but something builds behind your eyes. A heat you’d thought you’d left behind when you stopped crying over Chris.
But the tears that cloud your vision don’t hurt you. They don’t rise in your chest with heartache. They grant you a release from all the worries that you’d never find something that felt this good again. That someone would ever understand you, and then still choose you.
Seb stands from behind his desk, immediately going to you. His eyes look sad, but it’s not sadness about what’s happening between you. It’s sadness for what you’ve been through, it’s sadness that you couldn’t let him in sooner.
You’re standing, letting him pull you against his body when you notice you’re laughing. He holds you tightly against him, an arm wrapped around your back and another brushing through your hair. The relief you feel in his arms is enough to let you give into every feeling you’d been fighting yourself from having about him. They crash around you as your tears stain his shirt. You know you can finally let go of the leash you’d been using to control yourself.
His lips ghost your cheek and he whispers, “I’m promising you something new. I promise to do this right. No lying or sneaking around. And if anybody else gives a damn, fuck them.”
You’re laughing again and it feels so good. It’s so good to know you’re not someone’s second option, that you’re good enough to be chosen in front of everybody. And then his fingers are wiping your tears from your cheeks, his lips kissing the areas he just dried.
And goddammit, screw your self control. It doesn’t matter that you’re standing in his office in the middle of the day, with your boss just down the hall. It doesn’t matter that your ex was one of his closest friends. None of that matters now that you’ve made it here, and you won’t ever let any of that interfere again.
Your fingers knot in his hair and you pull his mouth to yours.
Afterword: For clarification, unlike Chris and the reader’s relationship, Sebastian and Jennifer were purely physical and consisted of a few hook ups that occurred during September/October of this story’s timeline. That’s why Sebastian doesn’t fully grasp how involved Chris and the reader were until he reads his book. Also, Sebastian used protection when he was with Jennifer to avoid the possibility of knocking up one of his best friend’s wives. And the fact that Chris never uses a condom, nor asks if the reader wants him to, is just one of the red flags that indicated where their relationship was headed from the beginning.
Tags: @irishdancr24 @lostboyinneverland @captainmarvels @suz-123 @funlizzie02-blog @void-imaginations @cryingovershipsthatneversailed @breezykpop @jcc04220 @nys30 @jonsnowisnotdeadthough @guera31 @wickedcitywitch @london-dreamer71 @patzammit @lilypalmer1987 @talannalew @thatonetuesdaywhensam @supperunnatural20 @amijardin @lucinapomona @lilbitofeverything2020 @dolphinpink310 @bojabee @zlixlle @smashley816 @stevieang @youtheheckisbucky @chrisbck @bit-of-a-timelord @bucky-plums @thefridgeismybestie @ssweet-empowerment @sophiealiice @imaginesofdreams @anotherawkwardaustralian @lostxsea @canyoonmoon
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omniscientreaderr · 3 years
hi! need input lol i found out about the villain wrangler au and got so inspired :) haven't actually written in a hot 5 years but apparently i can bang out 1.1k words for a story but not my homework :" i actually wanted to write more but didn't know if it be offensive in any way. so yes input thank you - be kind djfkdkke I'm scared but I'm really open to feedback :)) ok dankes to whoever actually sees this! have a great day
- (this is after the VW gets saved, and the one that saved him is meeting to give the girl a pep talk) -
The villain shuffles into the hospital, meeting with the eyes of the VW as he glances up from his clipboard.
VW: “hey! Thanks for saving me the other day :) appreciate it! You ready to meet the girl?”
B: “yeah…as ready as I’ll ever be, I guess? What am i suppose to say? I don’t do fancy motivational speeches like that captain, I don’t know how i’m supposed to encourage and help her…she’s going to be insecure, she’s going to be wallowing in a pit of uncertainty over whether she’s ever going to be…accepted. How am i supposed to help a girl with that?!”
The VW looks over at him with a gentle smile, steering B into a nearby seat, setting his clipboard on the nurse’s tray next to them.
“Hey. Hey. The fact that you know how she will feel, the fact that you worry about whether you can help her, is all that matters. You don’t need fancy words designed to psychologically rouse the masses - i personally have always found them pretentious - you just need to tell her what you’ve always wished to hear. Speak from the heart. Words really don’t come easy, but the rawest, most truthful and touching ones are those that come from the place of absolute vulnerability. Words from the mind, touch the mind. But words from your heart? They touch the heart.” He laughs, taking a pause. “Honestly, I could go on a whole spiel about why is it the speeches of villain appeal to the masses, and how they always gain so much support. You’ve got this.”
B simply nods, giving the VW a small smile, before resuming chewing on his bottom lip. Standing outside the girl’s door, he lifts his hand to knock on the door, before dropping it again. He pauses, leaning backwards against the adjacent wall. “What am I doing? Me? A fuckin pyromaniac helping a little girl? Heck, I can do fighting that obnoxious righteous moral spewing jackass in tightey-whiteys. I can do getting dropped from 10 stories. I could even do pickin up ladies with just my words. But this? No. No way in hell am i walking in there, just to disappoint that kid.”
He walks away, ready to tell the VW that sorry to disappoint, but he couldn’t do this.
The door to the room swings open, a nurse bustling out with her cart. He presses himself against the corner, hiding from the view of the nurse. He glances over, catching sight of a tiny, fragile girl in that all-too-big white sterile room, sitting up on her bed with a sad smile on her face. The door closes all too soon, but that sparks something inside him. He walks towards her door and knocks, as if guided by some impulse, a duty towards this little child.
“Come in! Did you forget something, R? I promise you that if it’s your stethoscope it’s gone!”
He takes a step in, still shrouded in the darkness that the entryway is covered in.
“OH! Hello! Are you lost? Do you need help getting somewhere?”
She beams at him, turning her body slightly to see him, and he sees it. He’s struck by the image of a child scarred across half her body, snaking past her uncovered arms and legs…and across her face, where a pure, warm and joyful smile sits.
He brushes his long fringe back and finds himself rolling up his long sleeves, almost unconsciously. For the first time, in possibly his whole life, he was willing to let someone see him. See him, with his scars on display, not hidden behind a mask, or his hair, or the long sleeves he always wore. He wanted someone to see him. He…wanted to let this girl know she was not alone, that she was not broken.
He stepped forward into the light, quirking his lips into an awkward, unsure smile.
“Hi, Emilia, I’m B, and a little birdie told me you wanted to meet me, so here I am.”
The child shoots upright, nearly clambering out of bed to rush to him.
(Ok she becomes quieter because the dialogue is meant to be poignant. The atmosphere is quiet. It’s two people reflecting, basking in the presence of the only person who understands their pain. There’s no need for pretences, to push the traits that make you likeable.)
Alarmed, he takes large strides to her bedside, catching her before she topples over, having gotten tangled in her blankets. He lifts her back up, before scratching his head, taking a seat next to her bed.
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to touch you without your permission.”
The child says nothing, simply nodding her head excitedly, grinning at him. She reaches for his arm, and he places it in her open hand. It’s so tiny. She’s so small. She’s adorable.
She traces his scars, and he waits for the wave of insecurity to hit him. For the voice that urges him to pull back his sleeve and not let anyone see his wounds. But today, it stays quiet. She points to her own healing wounds from the grafting surgery, saying, “Same.”
Now that he’s near her, he’s hit by the full brightness of her smile, the enthusiasm at seeing him, the anticipation of what he would do or say, and something pulls at his heartstrings, and loosens the string of tension and worry that has been restricting his tongue.
“Sorry. I’m not very good at this, haha.”
He pauses. The child offers another encouraging smile, holding his calloused hands with both of her hands.
“I guess…I wanted to let you know that these scars don’t matter. They don’t. They don’t take away the warmth of your smile, the fact that you brighten up the day of everyone around you. They don’t…they don’t…take away your worth. Or any of your beauty. Fu- AHahah don’t listen to anyone who tells you this. It’s a long road, but you’re not alone.”
“Not alone”, the kid repeats. “Not alone”. He notices tears in her eyes, tears that he doesn’t realise are reflected in his own eyes, and he is struck by the comfort that he finds in them. He isn’t alone.
He wills his tears back, giving her a brighter grin. “Did you know that in some cultures, scars are actually seen as signs of bravery? The more you had, the more brave you were among the tribes. They were warriors, feared, esteemed, respected for their wounds. You must be a mighty fine warrior. I bow in your presence, my lady.”
Their peals of laughter reverberates through the ward, ringing in the ears of concerned nurses, hiding watery smiles, in the ears of the kid’s anxious parents, sobbing into each other. She’s laughing. She’s happy. Not those calculated smiles and calculated giggles that hide a lot of pain and insecurity, full of the desire to be…desirable, but one of pure joy. One, of a child rediscovering their youth.
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nextwarden · 4 years
Webtoons are good for the soul [Long post] [but worth it] [hopefully]
Bit of a long one (for a change...), sorry.
I haven’t read that many that’s a lie but here are my favs!
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Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe [ongoing - every Sunday]
or when Hades met Persephone. It’s a love story, fluffy yet deep and sad at times. Very well told and with incredible art (as you can see from the cover ci-dessus), in a pastel/watercolour fluid style, as is the storytelling. It has compelling characters, character growth, love, funny moments, and basically the best you could ask from a romantic story. And it had enough material to get you through good number of hours of reading before you have to break down every sunday in wait of the following week like the rest of us.
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Love Advice From the Great Duke of Hell by unfins [ongoing - every Friday]
Paul is in love with a cute girl who works in a café nearby. But Paul is shy and can’t work out how to go ask her out. So Paul does what anyone would do and summons one of the Great Dukes of Hell in order to get better at fumbling his sentences and blushing at beautiful maidens. It’s about discovery of one’s true self and how getting deep into shenanigans will lead you to find so much more. Also, sister. (You’ll understand when you get there.)
It’s funny but also compelling and serious but still incredibly funny. I don’t think I’ve laughed as much reading any other webtoon and yet the story is also really cool. It strikes a perfect balance, or near perfect. The expressions and the action scenes are just incredible too.
chenandeler bong/10
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Suitor Armor by Purpah [ongoing - every Friday]
In a land with magic and war between humans and fairies, Lucia is the princess’s lady in waiting and her only goal in life at the moment is to get her Lady to have the wedding she wishes for and deserves. But then she gets a flower from a magic armor and everything changes. Also, she’s a fairy.
It’s well drawn, characters all seem unique, varied and personnality-driven. The art style is beautiful. It’s also deeper than what I expected, with inklings of different types and levels of drama.
Alright, I’ll say it, it feels like a ‘promising new Lore Olympus’. By which I mean not to compare but simply to say I felt as taken by the story as I did with L.O.
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Facing the Sun by ArtbyTesslyn [ongoing]
Aarya reaserches the intricacies of dobotics and artificial intelligence with her companion robot Liza who's expiration is long everdue. Things change with a hardware update. One can’t live without the other, and neither can the other.
It’s dark but beautiful, both in the art and in the story. The sci-fi elements aren’t overwhelming and pieces of lore bring begin to pain a picture over time. It’s a slow burn but oh lord! if it isn’t going to be blazing hot...
I Robot/10
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Spellbound by Ronce [ongoing]
Eglantine joins a new highschool midyear and finds herself paired with a refractarian roommate. She does her best to fit in to her new school despite not conforming to all the expectations that others might have of her. Or of her strange but likeable roommate.
It’s a cute and queer little romance, very underrated in my opinion. The art is wonderful, it’s black and white in the beginning and starts having touches of colour here and there before going full blown coloured, and I didn’t even realize it had until many chapters into it... The characters all all diverse and interesting. Also did I forget to say it’s set in France and it’s a wizarding school? Because it is!
conseiller principal d’éducation/10
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180 Angel by King Katbird [ongoing]
Chloe is an angel, she lives in Heaven and goes to school in the hopes of becoming a delivery angel one day! However her plan are compromised by her inability to do anything well except halo manipulation. Even flying is not easy for her. But a fateful meeting with a reaper sends her on a trip to Hell and back which changes her. Or is it that she had always been different?
It may not seem much from the banner but I tried it and I got hooke. The art is great and still improves over time, the plot takes a bit of time to set in - I’m still not sure it’s fully set in yet - but it’s worth it, and the characters are visually deep. It sometimes jumps weirdly between scenes or sequences but not so much it completely loses you.
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Letters on the Wall by JaelynGs [ongoing]
Tara comes back fom spain after a five years abroad to find things have changed and others haven’t, to her equal pleasure and dismay. This is how she and her friends deal with these old relatioships that they are now reviving.
Everything doesn’t go smoothly despite each and every character deserving them to. The art is good to begin with and manages to improve over time, as well as the storytelling. Where it might have been a bit hectic before, it smoothes over time. It was for the longest time the only reason I would stalk Webtoons everyday to see if there was any updates. Also each chapter has a colour in the name and that’s just cool!
If Da Yomanville Gang [see below] got me to come to Webtoons, this sealed the deal for me to stay. [And then there was Lore Olympus.]/10
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Not So Shoujo Love Story by Curryuku [ongoing - every Tuesday]
Rei Chan-chan loves Hansum, the chin chin chinny goodest looking student, more than she loves her shoujo manga. But gorgeous Hannah is in her way and won’t seem to let her get her way with him. Why is that? Well, gaybe there’s a secret hidden behind her motives? Read it to find out...
It’s funny, it’s cute, and it’s so, so stupid. I love them all. It’s dumb but so much fun to read. There aren’t that many chapters yet but enough to get into it. Also, sisters. (You’ll understand when you get there. Bis) So this is what the spring of youth feels like, huh...
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Always Human by walkingnorth [completed]
Sunati, a young engineer in training, fan of all those mods you can add to change your appearance, meets Austen, a beautiful yet modless girl who she’s been admiring from afar for a while now. She thinks the girl’s beautiful, but sdly she’s refused when she asks her out on a date, and for rather good reasons.
Now watch as they gravitate around each other and how it influences them both.
It’s a slow-burn quite realistic lesbian sci-fi story about finding love and accepting oneself and others in the midst of life and all it brings upon us. It’s cute, it’s fluffy, and it’s heartwarming despite broaching serious subjects - in a good way -, and it’s finished so you can read the whole thing! (It has enough chapters to give you a few hours of reading)
hay fever sucks/10
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Da Yomanville Gang by Jason King [ongoing - every Tuesday]
Layla moved recently, to get away from a dose of angst she didn’t want to have to deal with. She meets new people, fun and friendly people, but it seems the angst can’t quite seem to leave her alone. Alone is what she’s not to deal with it anymore, however.
This is the one, long before Lore Olympus, which brought bme over to Webtoons. It’s not the best drawn, not the most compelling, but the strong point and what made me love it - beyond Layla’s chara design - is the depth of most of the characters, how not all good is good and all bad is bad, and reality often lies in the middle - and how they evolve over the course of the story. Definitely worth a read.
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Love Bot by Chase Keels and Miranda Mundt [ongoing - every Sunday]
In the near future - the year is (Blade Runner) 2049 - technology has advanced enough to creat pseudo-artificial intelligence and thus lovebots. Xada mods and repairs those emotionnaly intelligent robots for a living. What brings this story about is him toying with a less-than-friendly client’s bot so much so that he finds himself in quite a pickle when the bot ‘wakes up’.
It seems to be BL. Let it be BL, please! The art is very nice, the story feels dark but the pitch give way to many interesting possibilities, and, well, the characters are quite nice to look at, I’ll admit... Also, angst. I don’t always enjoy it but when I do, I do.
Not many chapters but it’s getting there.
i’ll let you bot my love/10
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Mage & Demon Queen by Color_LES [ongoing - every Thusday]
Malori is the best and the most promising mage student at her school. Aided by Cerik, her best friend and swordsman party member, she attempts to conquer the last floor of the demon tower, reigned over by the ferocious Velverosa, the demon queen, whose defeat will bring glory and richess to those who defeat her. But all is not quite as it seems and, what is that, might it be a crush I see over there? Oh, wait, no, that’s just our protagonist getting squished by the weight of her love...
Once again, it’s fun and stupid (a pattern? noooo) but it’s worth a read.
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Down to Earth by Pookie Senpai [ongoing - every Tuesday]
Kade live alone and depressed in spite of fleeting relatioships since his big breakup, content with simply going by life while he works in retail. One day, an alien crashes into his backyard. Zaida’s an alien but she’s cute, seems innocent, is unfamiliar with everything, so he agrees to help. Thus begins a slice of life story of them roommating in his appartment until, maybe, one of them crashes into the other’s heart?
It’s cute, heartwarming, and I sort f relate with the main character. Although I don’t know if’d prefer a cute alien, a dragon or a stalking neighbour... [that’s an inside joke, I’ll explain if I ever make a list of the good yamete onii-chan! I’ve been reading] It’s a slow burn with enough depth to hook you up. Some characters are still uncertain in my eyes but that makes me curious.
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The Remarried Empress by Alphatart / Sumpul [ongoing - every Wednesday and Sunday]
Navier Ellie Trovi is an empress. Perfect and perfectly content in every way with her life until the day a mistress enters her husband’s life. Things sort of go downhill from there. Or do they? For she also learns about herself and what she might actually want out of life to be happy. Breaking the status quo might be the way.
It feels like one of those poor quality isekai comics or manga in which the MC is brought back to a time where she has the power to change her life and decides for emancipation and revenge, but it’s not. It’s more ‘yolo’ and had interesting characters, especially the MC - no pushover - and a slow-burn plot. Don’t expect to see the flash-forward in the first chapter quite yet, but come to experience the whole affaire in detail and in the most satisfying of ways! Also the art is cool!
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Muted by Miranda Mundt [ongoing - every Friday]
On her 21st birthday, Camille fails the ritual to become a full-fledged witch and is isolated from what remains of her old and successful family. This leads to her discovering truths about herself and her powers that will change her and those around her.
By the same author as Love Bot. I haven’t read the whole thing yet but the designs are good, the plot is interesting, the characters have depth and personnality, it has witches, magic, romance [I guess, still unsure of the details though], a bit of angst, and it’s set in Louisianna. All good points.
plant magic/10
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Cursed Princess Club by LambCat [ongoing - every Monday]
Gwendolyn and her sisters, each a princess in their own right, are set to be betrothed to three princes of a neighbouring country after living all their lives happy and sheltered with their father and brother. Unfortunately, Gwendolyn is not like her sisters - and brother, for that matter - in that her beauty is... less than conventionnal. Devastated by what outsiders think of her she escapes into the forest and meets kindred spirits in the form of the Cursed Princess Club - non-gendered, they also have that one prince there! - and it might just help her grow into the confident woman she is destined to become.
I clicked for the funny hahas ‘because she’s ugly’ and cursed princess trope, I stayed for the genuine laughs and smiles and the heartwarming good nature of most of te characters. Also, haha, funny characters are funny. So, yeah, I started this with a bias - still haven’t caught up yet - and have been seduced by this lesser known webtoon. Don’t let the visuals fool you, it’s really good!
respect wahmen/10
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Andy Bass by KenneDuck / Gia [ongoing - every Friday]
Andy Bass is our average highschool girl. Litterally. She’s half human, half fish, a real mermaid but vertically. That leads to less-than-friendly looks and reactions from others. However, the arrival of a new, and frankly very cute, transfer student might change all that.
Haven’t read it all yet, not that there are many chapters out, but it feel fun and promising. Also, physically imperfect characters are best characters. Down with the reign of beauty and up with 𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔪𝔲𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔪!
Chin Hansum 2.0/10
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For the Sake of Sita by Haga [completed]
A medical student passionately falls in love with a fallen goddess during his volunteer abroad in Nepal, and he desperately tries to fight off destiny to save his love. [the actual summary]
Okay, I’ll be honest: I haven’t quite read that one yet. I’m guilty of only having looked at the beginning and the end to see if it seemed worth it and, oh my gorsh! it does. The art is beautiful, the story seems sad yet beautiful too (I had tears reading the last chapters without knowing much of the rest) and it’s short, so jump on it!
[I’ll probably come back to that later when I’ve actually read it completely]/10
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Us Right Now by yurineseventeen [ongoing]
Rina's long-term girlfriend, Noa, decides to run away from home. Rina has limited time to find her.
Not much more to say other than it’s sweet and it feels real. I like the beginning, haven’t read the rest yet, but will definitely soon.
keep going/10
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New Normal: Class 8 by Youngpaka [ongoing - every Sunday]
Dongwoon has a big head. It does not make life easy. But what if he wasn’t alone being so... different? He discovers it is the case when he joins his new school a special class full of people who are different. Things get weird fast but also better and fun.
I haven’t read this in a long time, it’s on my list though. But until the moment I stopped at least, it was fun, funny, and interesting. It’s slice-of-life comedy, often ligthearted and stupid, sometimes more serious, but globally a pleasure to read.
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The Witch and The Bull by Moonsia [ongoing - every Thursday]
Tan's job as the King's royal advisor has nothing to do with his hatred for witches, but it does make him a prime target for a curse that turns him into a BULL! The only way to undo this hex is to rely on the beautiful witch, Aro. Can her kindness turn his feelings around, and break this spell? [the actual summary]
There are two bulls and they have to ask it questions to know which is the real bull? I dunno, I haven’t read this one... But it’s been recommnded by @berigolote​ so it’s worth a try I guess? She did recommend Lore Olympus to me, so it’s on my list anyway.
to try/10
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The Right Knight and Our Days in Lumain by buttersphere [completed & ongoing]
A fun short comic about a play on the ‘knight comes to fight dragon to save princess in her tower’ trope and it’s sequel. The sequel is not finished yet (seems on hiatus) but they are worth the read for cute, funny, fluffy knight and dragon/witch romance and grumpy princesses.
need more/10
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NetOL by Forever9Nine [completed]
A slice of life comic about a veeery shy cat-girl (not literally) falling in love with a warm-tempered bookshop employee ( and NOT her colleague), and all the shenanigans that ensue. It’s short, it’s fun, and it’s cute. What more to ask?
oh wow sports/10
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Susuhara is a Demon by Soya S. Holm [ongoing]
The usual romance storyof perfectly perfect girl meets absolutely bazongers delinquent and reluctantly carries her unconscious ass to her appartment to help her after witnessing a gang fight between multiple idiots and her (future) idiot and saving her from a knife attack by bashing the last standing dude with a wooden shop sign. Legend says there’s a demon in K-city, I still am unsure of whom it might be.
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It Stems From Love by Soya S. Holm [competed]
A short story about a girl who loves flowers and finds herself unexpectedly coughing them up dramatically whenever she’s jealous of those around her crush. It’s short, it’s cute, a bit dark at times, but definitely worth a read!
bouquet final/10
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Lesbiampires by fabarts [ongoing]
So, yeah, lesbian vampires. Nuffin’ ta add.
Well, anyway, it’s cute, it’s funny, it’s serious too, it makes me root for antihero type characters who actually murder people for fun (but in a fun and respectful way, I swear!) because, well, love./10
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Perfect Harmony by bluebloodtanuki [ongoing]
An Overwatch fan-comic about Symmetra and her disaster roommates.
I don’t play Overatch but I like the lore and got dragged into fanfiction and shipping (by myself, mind you), so a fan-comic about similar dynamics AND it’s funny? Gimme.
Roadhog & Junkrat best duo/10
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Love Doesn’t Talk by Ann [completed?]
A misunderstanding is fine. Two? Hmmm. Three? Surely that’s fate, no?
A cute love story unfolding before your eyes with no dialogue, only pretty pictures. I’m not actually sure it’s completed but even if it isn’t, the ending doesn’t feel disappointing in the least.
no words/10
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AntiSTALKER by VOKIVORMOK [ongoing - every Thursday]
Humans, vampires and werewolves all cohabitate in this freaky highschool, despite tensions between the three races. A bittersweet yet fun love story between a fake stalker and his amnesiac prey...
Eugene wants Kira’s heart, she wants his head.
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Kiss It Goodbye by Ticcytx [ongoing]
Two lesbians in love recount to their drunk friends the story of how they met. It’s fun and cute, both in story and in art.
delinquent x prim&proper/10
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Avril and the Divine Being by Charlie Genmor [ongoing]
Avril is a waitress, Cat is a reccuring client. Feeling blossom before they even exchange words and when they finally do, embarassment ensues.
I got hooked by the art style for this one and I have yet to be disappointed. Not many chapters but keep it close.
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Sunflower by EtoileKonijn [ongoing]
Wednesday, an art student, meets Sophie, a friend of a friend. Feelings ensue. It’s beginning to have a good number of chapters (even if they are short) and it feels like it’s actually the slowest burn of them all. Very much worth a read though, for the art style especially.
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It Takes Two by love_of_pi [ongoing]
Common art style: imperfect but improving. Classic story: normal girl meets famous girl by accident and leave a great first impression. Shenanigans and romance ensue. However the tints of drama, the fun interaction between characters, and the smooth plot make it worth it.
Honolulu latte/10
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A Mild Flavor by Ru-rin [ongoing]
A slice of life of different couples. One with a compromised relationship and bittersweet reflections of the past, and the other which is hidden from plain sight, at different times if life. It is not perfect but it managed to worm its way into my heart nonetheless.
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The Greenhouse by Viesallon [ongoing]
Another one I haven’t read, but from the extracts I’ve seen the art is compelling, the story seems worth it - definitely deserves the drama tag it seems - and I keep it on my shortlist until I have time to read it.
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My Masochistic Boss by Arisas_Art [ongoing]
Debuting goth writer meets hellish boss of editing company about her new book. Disagreement and tensions ensue. It starts with a slap and might very well end in bed, stay tuned!
This one rebooted recently and the art is soooo beautiful, moreso than before is I may say.
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Still Alive by Comic Kat19 [ongoing]
Half-zombie girl meets emo boy, baby ensues.
After the zombie apocalypse, they have to survive, and despite their differences, maybe together is better?
This I classify in the ‘Yuuutsu-kun to Succubus-san‘ category: a somewhat rough art style that I have come to love and enjoy greatly. Also the story is fun.
cat creature/10
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The Biggest of Treasures by Aixn [ongoing]
That smile, that damn smile. It’s what got me to try and it got me to stay. The art style is beautiful and the chara designs is too. The plot? Not much to say yet, but cuteness is enough.
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And there you go for now. These are my picks. I haven’t read everything on Webtoon, I haven’t even read everything I’ve subscribed to, but if I had to recommend anything I have tasted, here it is.
Sorry if I missed any you deem worthy; feel free to harass me and mock my lack of culture by flaunting your own.
Maybe more later, in the mean time: keep scrolling, scrub!
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flowers-of-io · 4 years
Read it on AO3 here.
It is thirty-six hours later when the shockwave hits.
The Stranger—Elisabeth—let them stay in her camp out in the frigid nowhere, just a tiny round cabin with a bed and a table. She has driven off into the blizzard for supplies, and Eris quietly notes the subtle sign of trust that was leaving her and the Drifter alone in her personal space. It is cosily warm inside, well-insulated Braytech door keeping the cold out. She can see the snowstorm raging on the other side of the glass, white and blue and violent like the power crackling in her fingertips.
They sit on the opposite sides of the table, an old radio between them fighting through the snow to catch any signal that might slip through. Between the cracks of static and scraps of broadcast, there is silence.
This is the first time Eris has really sat down, stretching her back and legs aching from the hike. Between her mad escape from Io and what happened in the City, and persuading Zavala and the flight to the Jovians, she did not have time for as much as think. Head spinning as she danced from one purpose to the next, time slipping past her, reality squirming and bending. She has not slept in a long time.
The radio hums and Zavala’s voice pierces through, cracking and out of context. “…confirmed that Io, Mars, Titan, and Mercury have disappeared. We don't know why. We have lost contact with Deputy Commander Sloane and Gensym Scribe Asher Mir. We are deploying…”
She cannot hear him anymore.
Realisation hits her like a train at full speed. The assailed planets are gone. Her beloved, sacred Cradle, the Tree of Silver Wings – they are gone.
Sloane is dead. Asher is…
She has known. Since he squeezed her hand goodbye, and his red shadow began to darken her door every night, she has known what choice he would make and struggled to respect it. But it was too calm of a sorrow, she realises now, like leaves falling upon a grave, and she did not wail or claw her fingernails against the sandstone. There was still a thread of stupid hope, one that she hung upon by the little finger and refused to admit it, refused to acknowledge she believed there was still a chance, an unfinality of loss possible to revert. That threat is strangling her now, sharp and merciless, and Eris struggles to suck in a breath.
Drifter moves, his heavy coat rustling as he slouches forward towards the radio. He stares at it intently, silent, until Zavala’s voice is drowned in static again.
“Guess our pals kicked the bucket,” he says with such tremor in his voice Eris is not even angry.
She turns the realisation around like a bitter pill in her mouth, sticking fingers into the wound to get used to the pain. It is best constant, she has learned long ago, rather than the sudden spikes when she would touch the hurting place inadvertently. She digs deep to find some visceral core of horror; she imagines Asher dead in a hundred atrocious ways, his body broken and dismembered, crushed into red pulp, blew apart from the inside in an eruption of sizzling radiolaria. The deeper she reaches now, the safer it will be to sleep – the images familiar and predictable, horrent with spikes she already knows the placement of.
Skittish thoughts propel her to run off into the storm, let the blizzard lash her skin with an icy whip and scream until her larynx bleeds, until she cannot hear the din in her mind anymore. But she will not lose her composure. The days of punching walls and hollering into the night are long past her, shed along with the skin of chitin and blood she had been wearing for too long. She has only just started to bloom again—she will not allow it to trample the gentle scaffolding she has so arduously put up to hold her. She will not break.
Somewhat absently, she can see Drifter staring at her from across the table but her brain is screaming too loud to process it. He must have noticed some change on her face, or maybe how her hands started to shake and fiddle with the beads hanging by her belt, because he keeps his eyes on her—cautious, searching. As if looking for a handhold to grab and drag her out of the pit of horror she is thrusting herself into over and over.
“You saw it coming?” His voice seems to echo from far away.
“I should have,” Eris murmurs, nausea swelling up in her throat. “I should have persuaded them… I should have been there.”
In a desperate attempt to chase off the fuzz of thoughts hurtling through her mind at lightspeed, she stands up and regrets it immediately; the horizontal axis of her vision rotates by thirty degrees and she leans on the table with her full weight for support. Drifter stirs, then reaches out but she waves him off.
She can manage. She has been worse. It’s just another arrow to the same knee—does it make any difference?
She thinks about how her bloodied fingers traced the letters she had never sent to the people she would never see again. Piles of ink-stained paper, trembling sentences seeking comfort and asking forgiveness of the shadows she projected in her mind instead of the real flesh and bone. Real was too frightening, real could judge and shun her, real required a vulnerability she was terrified to reveal. She dreamed of a day when she would be steadier, braver—her hands no longer flinching away from touch, her words bold and sure of themselves—when she would send the letters out, confident of the fearful affection they disclosed. The correspondence she had truly written to herself.
Scrap-sentences circle in her head, squirming into her ears and eyes and mouth slithering between her teeth bitter like poison. Everything she will never tell him, one more thing the paranoia took from her, all the honest words and quivering confessions she feared to account for and how he will never know how she loved loved loved—
Staggering, she slumps onto the cot. Guilt is burning acidic in her chest and she cannot keep from shuddering any longer, burying her face in hands and smearing the ichor all over her cheeks. These eyes cannot cry and oh how she wishes they could, remembering the warm release of tears streaming down and tasting salt on her lips. There is only the black ooze now, seeping into her mouth and ears as she sleeps, drying on her eyelids and sticking them shut with a black wax seal. She is shaking so wildly her back hurts and tries to stifle the wail that creeps upon her lips, threatening to escape instinctively like a held-back breath.
The letters she never sent; alas, the promise had been made. She should have been there.
She had sworn.
The mattress dips down beside her, a movement she hardly registers. Only when an arm wraps itself around her loosely, a tentative loop for her to lean into or move away from, do the floodgates truly break. She curls up against Drifter’s chest and starts sobbing, dry and ugly sobs like frantic gasps for air above water.
He caresses her back, slow and soothing movements of a warm hand against the fabric of her cloak. Eris can hear her own wailing resonating through his ribcage.
“I should’ve been there,” she mumbles, her jaw trembling so hard it is difficult to push the words out.
“I know you were close,” Drifter hums, “but what use would be for you to die there? It’s not like you could’ve done anything.”
“He would comfort me in my darkness… and dying… I could not.”
He shifts and Eris feels his other hand gently press against her head. It is soft and warm and comforting, enclosing her in this tight dark space like in a blanket fort. It helps her slowly calm down until she is not heaving anymore, shivering only from time to time with leftover sobs.
“There was a kid in Eaton. A place I used to live,” Drifter says when her breathing is almost steady, “Taught her to fly a kite. Once it got stuck in a tree, almost at the top, and she climbed all the way up to get it. I asked her if she wasn’t afraid of falling.” There’s gentleness in his voice, one she has never heard there before. “And she said she wasn’t, ‘cause she knew I’d catch her if she did. Knew I’d save her.”
His thumb rubs gentle circles against her temple, lulling her, and Eris struggles to stay focused. She is too exhausted to think, and a terrible headache has begun to settle in, hammering against her sinuses, and Drifter’s tone is deep and calming, as if he was telling a bedtime story.
“When Eaton burned… when she took a bullet and stumbled and fell… I caught her. But I couldn’t save her.”
“At least you were able to offer comfort… One last time.”
“And did it change anything? She’s dead anyway.” Drifter shakes his head, a rustle of cloth sounding so odd with her ear partially covered. “You did what you could, sister. Don’t beat yourself up for it.”
The guilt will not subside until many, many moons later, and it is still gnawing at Eris’ bones in this moment, but the sharp, blinding fear has somewhat subsided into a dull ache. Maybe it is the catharsis of crying, or the initial shock having tumbled past, but an odd haziness overcomes her and her strained muscles begin to ease. The terrible weight of the loss is still dark and grim – she dreads to acknowledge it, fears the moment she will have to look under the cover and face it in all its irrevocable finality, yet for now it sits tucked away somewhere in the corner of her vision, present but bearably distant. For now she is warm and safe and breathing.
They do not speak more, just sit in hazy silence as the storm rages outside.
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piduai · 3 years
i honestly feel like the igogusa story ruled solely because we never got to know what actually happened. it was such a good way to show how tsurumi is purposefully unreliable and will literally lie to your face fully knowing that you know he’s probably lying and still do it because he also knows you’ll never know for sure, and by then you’re too exhausted from 5D chess to actually question him, knowing you won’t get a straight answer either way. not even the audience knowing the truth was such a good move on nodas part, because the actual truth here doesn’t matter? what matters is showing the effort tsurumi puts into manipulation. and to put readers in the position of the one being done-to, instead of making us the all knowing entity.. so if chiyo comes back i really do feel like noda ruined a perfectly good chunk of writing. like whats next. usami actually always had a fake finger made out of marzipan and tsurumi just ate that part because he would never do a cannibalism, actually, hes normal now just a little goofi sometimes hehe
(also as someone whos completely neutral on clitface, i think his role is the best when hes an unchanging tool to be used by whoever is the most convincing in the moment. him never getting the truth fits him. makes it more uwu tragic for the stans, gives him less of a redemption focus for the haters, and to me just. seems the most True, i really enjoyed the whole “unchanging moon” thing, for one. his story leading the audience on only to end up nowhere would be sooo good)
hmm i don’t know about ruining. i personally think that keeping this plot point vague was a good and unique decision, but one might make the argument that never coming clear with it was confusing and felt unfinalized and they wouldn’t be wrong. or that re-introduces her nicely rounds up the story. again i do agree with you that it was good, and that if she does resurface it would undermine that decision and be rather underwhelming, but it’s not a writing problem on noda’s part but my personal wants one. first off it would center clitface in discussion again when he JUST fucked off and nobody brought him up for an entire week. second off i don’t give a shit. third as i said it would nerf tsurumi’s vileness which i don’t want. was about to go on a rant about clitface but no i will be civil i will be civil
the whole cast (including asirpa and tsurumi who are on opposite sides) are on a morally grey spectrum and tsurumi’s happens to be a very dark shade, i personally want him to go darker but noda keeps doing him lighter. again this is not a flaw within the narrative, just my preference. back when i was reading koito’s arc i was like ‘if i were him i would just choose to stay by tsurumi’s side for fun’ and while noda did go into that direction he quickly showed that it’s a facade and that koito is going through an identity crisis. the vagueness, the uncertainty, the hesitation, the pendulum swinging swinging swinging - all of this is very very good and denotes noda’s capabilities as a writer, but sometimes you simply disagree with things emotionally. then again chiyo showing up at all is just a wild guess, maybe the fact that kaeko’s dad is a mitsubishi executive and noda tweeting about marriage agencies and how ‘if the candidates liked each other, they would introduce each other to their parents. look forward to next week’s chapter!’ a few days after the chapter dropped was a fun coincidence i’m reading too much into, which is hopefully the case.
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godlyborn · 4 years
it’ll all make sense again. / spencer self-para.
date: march 15, 2021 summary: spencer has her second appointment for her running blade with the prosthetist.
Spencer met up with her brother at the prosthetist’s office. Spencer instantly wrapped her brother in a hug. “You really didn’t need to fly all the way from Hawaii to come with me,” she insisted, but still had a bright smile on her face.
“Please, you think I’m going to miss my sister run for the first time in like two years?” Sylar answered. “Dad says he would’ve come, but he had a surgery scheduled today, and Serenity had school.”
“That’s okay,” Spencer replied. “And don’t get your hopes up. As much as I would love to be able to try out running today, it’s only an appointment to fix the alignment before they finalize it. So I’m not sure if I’m doing much with it today.”
“Either way,” Sylar replied with a shrug, swinging his arm over his little sister as they walked into the office. Spencer quickly signed in and waited for the prosthetist to call her in. When they did, she entered the room. Though it wasn’t the original room that she had gotten her first prosthetic, there was a familiar feeling to it. The room with a shelf of prosthetics and parallel bars, and a few chairs. 
This felt weird. The first time she was here, she was at a low point, but now, it was like she felt she was getting something she wished for since her leg was amputated. “Okay, Spencer, take a seat,” Kathleen, the prosthetist said, carrying in the unfinalized running blade. “Let’s get this on.”
“Do I pull it on the same way as my walking leg?” Spencer asked, taking off her leg.
She nodded at Spencer. Spencer stood up as she held the leg for her. Spencer slid her leg in. leaning in on it to secure it better. When she had it on, she wobbled slightly, feeling the weight of the running blade, feeling it bounce. “Woah this is so weird!” she said through a laugh, not being able to contain the smile on her face.
“Just be a little cautious when you start,” Kathleen told Spencer, showing her what to do. “Let’s get you over to the bars, and try it out and then we’ll make some adjustments.”
Spencer nodded, walking over to the bars, cautiously. “This is so weird, it feels like I’m walking on a trampoline or something,” she said.
“That’s what some people say it feels like,” Kathleen replied. 
Spencer started at the end of the parallel bar, walking back and forth. She could tell it was new and non finalized, but it felt okay measurement wise. “It feels just a little bit off,” she said.
“Any intense pain besides the beginning uncomfort?” Kathleen asked. Spencer shook her head. “Come here, and let me adjust something and you can try again.” Spencer did as she was told, smiling at her brother. Sylas gave Spencer a thumbs up.
She adjusted it and Spencer stood up again, this time just switching between her legs. She bounced on the running blade a few times. She let out a small laugh. “I’m not quite sure what to do with it.” Sylar and Kathleen laughed along with her. “Is it okay if try and take some faster steps while I’m trying it out?” she asked.
“Yeah. So, it’s kind of like how you could run before.”
Sylas let out a laugh. “Don’t tell her that, once you get her started, you might not be able to stop,” he commented.
“Shut up,” Spencer teased. “I won’t go overboard to anything, I promise.”
Spencer took a few faster steps down the parallel bars, her grin growing. “This is so cool.” She started to jog lightly back and forth. She stopped to let it get adjusted a little. 
“Do you want to try it in the hallway? Do you feel steady enough?” 
Spencer nodded. They all walked into the hallway. Spencer jogged back and forth down the hallway, each time getting it adjusted till it was just right. “This is so weird, I still can’t believe it.” Spencer laughed in glee after another time back and forth. “This is so cool guys!” the two laughed along. 
“Do you want to run outside?” Kathleen asked. 
“Yeah, sure!” Spencer said excitedly. They went out to the parking lot. Spencer stood there, Sylas taking out his phone to record. 
“It’s a bit chilly, is that okay?” Kathleen asked. 
Spencer nodded. “It’s fine.”
“Don’t fall, you’re on camera,” Sylas teased at his sister.
Spencer rolled her eyes, letting out a small laugh. “I make no promises.” She looked over at Kathleen who was standing a couple yards away. Spencer put up a thumbs up. “Good?”
Kathleen nodded. “Whenever you’re ready.”
Spencer ran, not as fast as she would before, but it was slightly faster than jogging. She smiled as she ran to Kathleen and back to Sylar. When she stopped, she noticed she was crying. Not out of pain, or sadness, but happiness because she finally felt like a part of herself was back. 
Sylas noticed and put his phone down. “Woah, are you alright?” he asked. 
Spencer nodded. “I’m just really happy,” she told him. Sylar wrapped Spencer in his arms. “I can’t believe this. This is so crazy.” She let out a small laugh, burying her head in her brother’s chest. Sylar laughed along, squeezing Spencer tight.
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