#so room for misunderstanding or too long of a gap in communication means i will fill it with whatever my brain creates
perplexingluciddreams · 4 months
Automatic "yes" response
When anyone says something to me with a certain questioning inflection, I almost always automatically respond with a perceived "yes" or agreement.
With familiar voices, this always happens, because I have already learnt their intonation patterns. It is like music to me, the way my brain latches onto the patterns. The only part of speech that I can process and recognise almost immediately, with barely any delay.
However, I have significantly delayed processing for the actual words. My brain recognises the "music" of the intonation/inflection WAY before it can break down the talking noises into individual words, and eventually work out the meaning.
So, this is how it goes: someone with a familiar voice will make talking noises, and I will recognise the questioning inflection pattern. Or I hear the tones follow the same patterns I know, and then pause, and I know I am supposed to put my own "notes" in the gap. So, I will instinctively respond with my "ah-ah" or "ah-da" or "mmh-mh" noise (with my own musical intonation to show the "yes" meaning), or a head nod, or "yes" sign, or other "yes" gesture.
Then, a short while (or sometimes LONG while) later, my brain finally "clicks" on what the person actually said. And I realise - often too late - that I don't necessarily mean my automatic answer. Or even if I do still mean yes, I wish that I could have the chance to deliberately say that, instead of just my automatic body reaction.
"No" or disagreement is much harder for me to communicate. Especially when it involves having to go back on something I seemed to say "yes" to or agree with previously. I have to "contradict" my past self so often. It all means a lot of extra room for misunderstanding and misinterpretation and miscommunication.
I used to not be able to do this at all. It is only in the last few years that I figured out how to "contradict" the wrong responses that my body gives without my approval. And to understand that there is a difference between my own self inside my head, and the things that my body does without permission. I used to get so angry at myself for "lying" all the time - I couldn't understand why it happened when it is not what I wanted to do or say.
I have a lot of scary memories of being put in situations I didn't want to be in and couldn't cope with, simply because my body makes me compulsively seem to agree with everything almost all the time. And it always happens before I can even mentally process the "yes" response that I gave (never mind processing what the talking noises actually meant in the first place).
I don't know why this is something that happens to me. It has happened for as long as I can remember - at least, as long as I can remember being aware of the musicality of voices.
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sapphic-bifrost · 2 years
“we need to talk / i need to tell you something” *doesn’t say anything* 🚩
#yall communication is not conditional?#literally what is wrong with you#some of yall just bait people like that and then dont say anything and make other people work for it#just to hear the things they deserve to hear#very annoyed bc this has happened a couple times in the past few years with people that i was on rocky terms with#and ‘i want to tell you something [about my side of a conflict] / i need to apologize’#followed up by no apology or explanation or something#like that has been the last nail in the coffin of multiple relationships#idk what yall expect? like ‘hi pls im begging u to give me the basic communication i deserve’??#anyway bad communication is uh. The death of many good things#and its especially bad for me bc im both very fast paced and an incredibly anxious person#so room for misunderstanding or too long of a gap in communication means i will fill it with whatever my brain creates#and that hardly bodes well for anyone#but ive been working on it for years and ive made progress and at this point i deserve people who will actually be accommodating#not to the point of doing everything exactly the way i want#but more so taking care to avoid the one thing that is actively the worst possible thing for me#anyways some stuff is going down between some friends#and im not involved in the conflict itseld#but as the person with arguably the most effective communication skills i am often the mediator and pacifist#and uh. yall are damn lucky im around bc every time i let people handle things on their own#miscommunications happen and they end very badly#so time and time again i have been the last cog in the machine that made everything work#and its purely bc i can communicate my own thoughts AND have true empathy for others simultaneously#which apparently a lot of people dont have#anyways its just reminding me of people i knew and im just constantly appalled at how bad yall are at communicating#and how bad yall are at recognizing that better communication would fix like. almost all of your relationship problems#anyways stay safe out there
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Broken bone
Yelena Belova X reader, fluff, a lil bit of misunderstanding, inspired by this, one shot, protective girlfriend vibes
"You broke a fucking what?" Yelena couldn't believe what she heard.
"A foot." You sounded pretty confident.
"How do you even... How can you break a foot? Did someone step on it or something?" She was baffled. How didn't she notice a serious injury.
"Babe, let's talk about it at home. I'm waiting for a taxi right now." You tried to calm her down.
"Yeah, right. Wait, how did you get to the parking?"
"Oh. Are you sure you don't want me to pick you up?" She insisted.
"No. I'm fine. The car will be here in five minutes. Twenty more and I'll be at home. Don't worry."
You ended the call. Yelena didn't know what to think. It was the first time during your relationship when you didn't want her to be near. Yelena quickly brushed it off. She must have just imagined it. There's nothing to worry about. Well, surely there is. But you were not ignoring her, pushing her away.
Yelena couldn't wait to get home. She was imagining how she would cuddle you, massage, take care of you and overall be the best girlfriend you could dream of.
It was important for her. One of the reasons was that she didn't take care of anyone before. She was never usefull in a humane sense. And she desperately wanted to change that.
But the other, more important one was her desire to be with you. Throughout your time together you were always there for her. During the days she needed you, days she didn't deserve you, even days she thought you couldn't be together.
Both mentally and physically you belonged to Yelena, asking so little in return. And now this was the perfect opportunity for her to show that she cared deeply about you.
On her way home she got your favourite food and drinks, bought you a few books of the authors you loved so much, planning to spend the rest of the month with you. To hell with her job. The world can burn if her woman needed support and comfort.
"Love, I'm home." Yelena gracefully announced her arrival. "Hi, Fanny..."
The dog almost knocked her down, barking as loud as possible.
"Don't be so noisy. We should let our girl relax. She needs it right now." Yelena gestured the dog to be quiet and left the bags in the hallway.
Fanny barked again, this time softer though and pulled the owner by the sleeve with her teeth to the living room
"Oh, I haven't heard you coming in." You took off your headphones.
"Well, shows how much you were waiting for me." Yelena examined your position carefully. You didn't look relaxed sitting on the couch with your leg straightened and placed on one the IKEA poufs she herself bought a long time ago. Crouches standing by your side
"Love, of course I did." You smiled.
Yelena sat next to you, a little bit farther then usual. What if you didn't want her to be so close, what if you were in pain and one of her clumsy moves could make it worse. Somehow all the courage and determination she had before was fading away. Yelena didn't know how to approach you.
"So, what happened?"
"well..." You were surprised your woman didn't hug you or at least touch you. Because of that you chose not close the gap between you, staying exactly were you were. "...apparently something happened three of four weeks ago. There was a pressure on the bone and now the problem finally showed itself. There's no need to worry. It's a common thing. 4 weeks and I'll be ok."
"Are you sure in this? Maybe we should go to our doctor? I mean avenger's one. The one I trust."
"There's no need for that. I'm sure, he has more important stuff to do, than deal with a woman who apperently loves her heels too much." You really tried to turn all the situation into a joke. You noticed the tension in Yelena's movements and looks. The tension which none of you needed right now.
"Fine, if you don't want me to be the part of it." She grunted. "You could have just so easily not tell me anything at all."
"Hey." You tried to reach for her hand, but she was already on her feet. "What is bothering you, love?"
"I can see that." You tried to get up, but the pain didnt let you do it fast. As soon as you used your injured foot you lost your balance. Luckily Yelena got you.
"What are you doing? Didn't your precious doctor order you not to walk?" With her tight grip around your shoulders, she guided you back on the couch.
"He did. But what do I care If something"s bothering you."
This whole thing was getting out of control. Why did Yelena think about herself when you clearly needed her, craved for her? Maybe she was a heartless monster, exactly like others called her.
"It's..." She inhaled deeply. "Nothing. I know that whatever it is it's only in my head."
"But it doesn't make it less real for you."
"it's just..." She only now realised that she was still holding you hand, not wanting to let you feel no aid at all. "What should I do now? I mean, you clearly didn't want me around. And even now... Is that a sign, I'm reading something wrong?"
Yelena was lost. As confused as she was during her first days after chemical control. When she had to figure out how a basic level of communication worked in the real life. Sometimes the fear of being bewildered would return. And you heart ached every single time for her. She didn't deserve all the sorrow and regret in her veins.
"Love, I'm so sorry. I had no idea you would read it like this." You took her hand in your own. "Come here, Yelena. Come to me. I want you."
Few seconds of hesitation, but this time she placed herself close to you, the closest she could, her fingers gently brushing your palm.
You took the chance to snuggle up to her.
"I just didn't want to bother you too much. The fate of the world sometimes depends on you. And sometimes you don't need even more distraction."
"You're not a distraction." She protested.
"That's not..." You kissed her cheek as a sign of guilt. "I'm sorry."
"You are my priority." She allowed her look to linger a little longer on your lips. "You are my everything. Let me be everything for you."
"The world can burn..."
Yelena didn't let you finish that sentence. Her kiss was everything she felt at the moment. Love, trust, commitment, acceptance. Everything she couldn't describe, yet everything she was ready to give you.
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kaibacorpbros · 4 years
"And again," there was an air of exasperation to Kaiba's words, but he didn't skip a beat after they were spoken. Before Aigami could as much as say a sarcastic 'brilliant' they were already barreling down the street in this alien dimension. Though, given that the people chasing them were just tooling around with guns out in the open like it was normal may have been an indicator of that state of this dimension.
"Maybe you should really start considering bringing a weapon to dimensions like these!"
"I can trip you right now, you know that?" Kaiba snapped. "If I had gotten a heads up of 'aggressive locals' I would have considered it--"
As they rounded a corner and cut through some alleyways they were soon met with a barricaded fence too high to jump, all the while the shouting was getting closer.
A holographic timer flashed in front of Kaiba's eye. They needed more time. These people wouldn't let them get out of this situation with cards.
"How tall are you?" Diva asked.
"Is this really the time?"
With a scathing glance, the ex-plana stepped up to the barrier. The blockage was approximately...
"Lock your fingers and boost me up and I'll pull you up once I'm there."
"Absolutely not--" Flashlights started to round the corner and Kaiba hissed.
"You'd better not run off," Kaiba put his back to the obstacle and locked his fingers to form a step.
But right as he'd managed to loft Diva over their pursuers caught up. He didn't know what they were saying, and he made a mental note to work on translators for some dimensions, but it wasn't at the top of his priorities at the moment. He froze, showing there was nothing in his hands. At the very least they didn't look too organized. A cobbled-together gang or something? But still, Kaiba said nothing, just in case it could be interpreted as a threat.
Where had Diva gone? Was he still on the other side? Kaiba hadn't heard him run off... or maybe he managed to keep quiet. Or gotten grabbed on the other side. Or more likely, he bailed.
These people were eying his tech, likely for parts. Seto needed that to get home. But he can do nothing when too many of them have a clear shot on him. They figured the duel gazer must be some sort of communication and decided to take that from him first, yet never saying anything.
"I need that but I can give you something else--"
That was the wrong thing to say, going by the bruise that was undoubtedly forming on his head from a blow.
Right, all bets off, he didn't even know if these people could understand him. And left to his own devices he needed to get out of here before his technology became damaged to a point where it couldn't be reversed, or he ended up with a bullet in him. If he could just... get one of their weapons. If he could hold the one closest to him hostage he may have a--
--And then Diva seemed to almost drop out of the sky, hitting one of their attackers in the side of his head with a pipe. Kaiba took the gap the distraction gave him and disarmed one of the other one closest to him and knocking him out with the butt of the gun. By the time he was down, Diva had taken care of his buddy all before a single shot could go off.
"Nice stick," Kaiba said with a roll of his eyes as he picked the duel gazer off one of the now unconscious people. 
"'Thanks, Diva, what wonderful improvisation skills' is what you mean by that, right?"
"Yeah, sure. Not like I thought you ditched me or anything. Just be glad you didn't hit them hard enough to draw blood. Where'd you--"
"That roof," he said with a nod toward the neighboring building, "It was easy to climb up on the other side, bunch of junk piled up. I ran with a crew of kids on the streets for quite a while. You pick things up." Yet instead of keeping the weapon he wiped off any fingerprints and laid it on the ground. "Though I dislike such means. They're primitive," Diva sounded as if he were about to say more, but decided this wasn't the best time.
"A bit more time that's all we need. We have to get out of sight though." 
And with that, they took off once more. However, their pursuers weren't done.  As they turned the fourth corner they were met with more people drawing weapons at them.
"How annoying," Diva muttered.
The leader barked some question at the two that they didn't understand as they  bided for time.
"Now that's quite a loaded question. Seriously, it would take all day to answer." 
Of course, there was truth to what Kaiba was saying, but really it was all just to buy a few more moments. They just needed about twenty more seconds and they could make another dimension slide.
"I can confirm. But I assure you that this is all one big misunderstanding," Diva added.
Of what, they didn't know. Only that they had shown up and not too long later they were being chased after. Kaiba wasn't sure whether these people wanted to kill them or mug them or both, but he didn't want to find out. They just needed a bit more time. The CEO glances at the timer on the duel gazer's HUD.
Ten seconds.
"But give me the chance to explain and I'm sure we can work this out." Never mind that they had left a group of these people unconscious in an alleyway.
Zero. The duel disk flared to life.
And thankfully, not too long later they appeared back in Kaiba Corp. The machine spat them out and hit with a wall of vertigo, like getting a sledgehammer to the head. They both collapsed on the floor.
"Red dimension," Kaiba gasped out between his exhaustion of doing jumps in quick succession. They were both dizzy, panting, and fatigued. and Kaiba could already feel a headache coming on. He'd pay dearly soon for this one.
"Definitely a red dimension," Aigami added. 
But Kaiba didn't move his arm to add the new filter to his ever-growing list of dimensions. He was too tired and was blinking as if it would help clear the black spots in his vision.
"I expect a pay raise for all the life-threatening worlds."
"I don't even pay you," Kaiba snapped. Not directly anyway. The financial security for Diva's siblings and a place to live was it. The ex-Plana better not actually be trying to win a salary.
"Fine then, if I die while on one of these field trips, I expect the life insurance to pay out generously."
"I shall speak to Isono to see what can be arranged in the event of your untimely, horrible, and gruesome death." At this rate, Kaiba would find a way to ensure it was just that.
"Can you move your arm? Your stupid tech is jabbing my side."
Perhaps it was from recovering from the adrenaline rush, or maybe the timing, or the completely neutral voice Diva had said it in. But neither of them could keep a straight face from it. Seto didn’t quite laugh with him, but he didn’t hide his smirk in the slightest.
And just to rub salt in the wound Seto was about to disconnect the disk from his arm and perhaps leave it there just to spite the ex-Plana. He turned to do so, only for them to have both moved at the same time. Kaiba to remove the duel disk, and Diva to get up.
They were far too close to each other now.
It caused them both to freeze, and Seto didn't know what to make of it. Surely it was getting late into the afternoon going by the sun shining through the test room's windows, didn't Diva have school projects to get to? Seto wasn't counting the seconds, but certainly, this was longer than would be considered normal?
Yet still, neither broke the eye contact. 
"I think I want to kiss you."
With that barely audible admission, Diva slowly got closer. And Seto was too confused to know what to think. He remained frozen in place as Diva inched closer to close the distance between them, giving Seto time to object. He didn't, and Diva planted a slow, light kiss on his lips.
It was such a blur that the CEO couldn't properly comprehend if he even recuperated in any fashion, or remained like a statue. 
Silence still stretches between them, and he can tell the ex-Plana is scrutinizing what he just did. His face remains neutral for a moment longer, before he's scrambling to get up.
And by the time Seto has as well, Diva is already out the door, his footsteps echoing down the hall.
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gffa · 5 years
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Master and Apprentice | by Claudia Gray THIS IS GOING TO BE SUCH A LONG POST, but there’s a weird thing going on with this book and I’m not sure how to articulate it without making this post a mile long, especially because I would also end up needing to quote Dooku: Jedi Lost.  But what I’m ultimately rolling my way around to is:  There’s a strange flatness between Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan throughout the book. I’m not sure if it’s the ghosts of Jedi Apprentice, in holding onto that old dynamic, instead of building an entirely new foundation for their interactions, if it’s because this book really isn’t about Obi-Wan and he’s so different from the character we see during AOTC and ROTS and TCW, if it’s just my own bias coming into this (entirely possible!) or if it’s deliberately written this way.  Qui-Gon spends about 3/4ths of this book not actually talking to Obi-Wan, despite constantly thinking that it’s his fault that things aren’t going well.  They’ve been together for four years by this point and the things that establish their relationship in the beginning of this book, the foundation we the audience build our understanding of them is: ➜ Obi-Wan misunderstands what Qui-Gon wants him to do in battle against the Hutts.  Which is relatively minor, but it’s an establishing point, we’re meant to understand that they’re Not In Sync, even after all this time, in really significant ways.
None of this made Obi-Wan a bad candidate to become a Jedi Knight. Many Jedi Knights—some of the best—thought and acted along the same lines. But it made him an awkward match for Qui-Gon. Years into their partnership, they still remained out of sync. Had the situation been more dire today—if the threat in the Hutt palace had been more serious—that gap in their mutual understanding could well have gotten them killed.
➜ Qui-Gon is frustrated, he does try to say, no, Obi-Wan it’s not your fault that you can’t understand instructions, it’s that I didn’t make them clear enough.  You get the impression that Qui-Gon knows that this reaction is how it’s going to go over with Obi-Wan, that this is something that’s happened often, yet he doesn’t really make any steps to phrase it better or talk to Obi-Wan about it.  (A theme that will keep recurring.)
     “Obi-Wan. The fault was mine.” Qui-Gon lay one broad hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “First I gave you unclear instructions.” And a better Master could’ve taught his Padawan to understand his battle instincts by now. “And I knew you probably wouldn’t be able to get a ship all by yourself—it was worth a try, that’s all. You’re not to blame.”      Most Padawans would be relieved to be off the hook. Obi-Wan only frowned. “I can do better.”      Qui-Gon sighed. “We both can. Now let’s get home.”
➜ @belldreams had a really interesting observation about how Qui-Gon infantalizes Obi-Wan in some ways:
     Master Billaba leaned forward, studying her datapad with a frown on her face. “It worries me, this misunderstanding between you and your Padawan. This isn’t the first time you’ve reported such difficulties.”      Qui-Gon bowed his head slightly. “It worries me as well. Obi-Wan is strong in the Force, and eager to do his duty. The failure must be mine. Fundamentally, I fear, we are a mismatch. I’ve been unable to adapt my teaching methods to his needs, despite my best efforts.”      Yoda cocked his head. “Adapt he must as well. Cooperation is learned not through individual effort. Only together can you progress.”      Agreeing to that proposition—sensible though it was—would mean shifting some of the blame onto Obi-Wan, which Qui-Gon preferred not to do.
He doesn’t want to put any blame on Obi-Wan?  On the surface, that might seem very caring of Qui-Gon, but the more I thought about it, the more it really is a disconnect between them, that Qui-Gon treats Obi-Wan with so little sense of actually being a partner that he can’t put any blame on him at all, there’s no sense that he actually trusts Obi-Wan to have any agency when he puts all the blame on himself.  When Obi-Wan is younger than this, sure, but he’s seventeen here, and he thinks about how mature Obi-Wan is, but he doesn’t actually talk to him about a lot of important things. ➜ Qui-Gon is offered a seat on the Council, but he doesn’t know if he’s going to take it.  They specifically say, if you need to talk to your Padawan or friends about it, that’s fine, just be discreet, but Qui-Gon doesn’t.  He doesn’t share any of this with the person that it’s going to impact just as much as him--and, yes, it’s Qui-Gon’s decision, it’s understandable that he wanted to sort some stuff out in his head first, but it does show that he doesn’t exactly have much faith or trust in Obi-Wan’s agency:
     “Well, Averross asked for you specifically. I realize the timing isn’t ideal, Master Jinn,” Kaj said, “what with your having just been asked to join the Jedi Council. It’s a big step, and no doubt you’d prefer to concentrate—”      Damn, damn, damn. Qui-Gon closed his eyes for one moment. It blocked nothing; the wave of shock that went through Obi-Wan was so great it could be felt through the Force. Qui-Gon hadn’t thought Kirames Kaj would mention the Jedi Council invitation. It seemed possible the soon-retiring chancellor of the Republic might not even have taken much note of information about a new Council member.
➜ Afterwards, Obi-Wan is understandably upset, Qui-Gon tries to talk with him about it.  They get about a page and a half of conversation out, Qui-Gon saying, well, I didn’t discuss this with you because I thought you’d get upset and apparently I was right.
     That comment finally pierced Qui-Gon’s damnable calm. There was an edge to his voice as he said, “I suspected you would be too upset to discuss this rationally. Apparently I was correct.”      “I thought you said my reaction was understandable,” Obi-Wan shot back. “So why does it disqualify me from hearing the truth?”     Qui-Gon put his hands on his broad belt, the way he did when he was beginning to withdraw into himself. “…we should discuss this at another time. Neither of us is his best self at the present.”
On the surface, Qui-Gon’s concerns about how this wouldn’t be a fruitful conversation seem sound, but it’s part of this weird larger dynamic where they keep doing this.  This is the basis of our foundation between them in this book.  They never have a real conversation and this is further illustrated by the later scene where Qui-Gon finally tells Obi-Wan why he hadn’t moved him ahead in his sword practice:
     Obi-Wan walked toward the door, obviously outdone. “At the beginning of my apprenticeship, I couldn’t understand you,” he said. “Unfortunately, that’s just as true here at the end.”      Only yesterday they had worked together as never before. How did Qui-Gon manage to get closer to Obi-Wan at the same time he was moving further away?      Just before Obi-Wan would leave the room, Qui-Gon said, “Once, you asked me about the basic lightsaber cadences. Why I’d kept you there, instead of training you in more advanced forms of combat.”      Obi-Wan turned reluctantly to face him again. “I suppose you thought I wasn’t ready for more. The same way I’m not ready to believe in all this mystical—”      “That’s not why.”      After a long pause, Obi-Wan calmed to the point where he would listen. “Then why, Qui-Gon?”      “Because many Padawans—and full Jedi Knights, for that matter—forget that the most basic technique is the most important technique. The purest. The most likely to protect you in battle, and the foundation of all knowledge that is to come,” Qui-Gon said. “Most apprentices want to rush ahead to styles of fighting that are flashier or more esoteric. Most Masters let them, because we must all find our preferred form eventually. But I wanted you to be grounded in your technique. I wanted you to understand the basic cadences so well that they would become instinct, so that you would be almost untouchable. Above all, I wanted to give you the training you needed to accomplish anything you set your mind to later on.”      Obi-Wan remained quiet for so long that Qui-Gon wondered if he were too angry to really hear any of what he’d said. But finally, his Padawan nodded. “Thank you, Qui-Gon. I appreciate that. But—”      “But what?”      “You could’ve said so,” Obi-Wan replied, and then he left.
It shows that it’s not just Qui-Gon beating himself up over nothing, but that he really doesn’t understand Obi-Wan, even after four years of working together.  You put that together with the multitude of times Qui-Gon doesn’t really talk to Obi-Wan--who is shown to be very open to such a thing and it’s usually Qui-Gon cutting off the discussions when they finally do happen. Furthering this weird disconnect between them is that their coming back together never resolves the lack of communication between them, they just have this strange conversation about how their dynamic is based on Obi-Wan being rebellious:
     Once it had traveled farther along, Obi-Wan said, “You know, I never had problems with that as a youngling. Being independent, I mean. I broke rules right and left. They even called me rebellious. Probably the Masters were surprised anyone was willing to take me on as an apprentice.”      In fact, Qui-Gon had been warned about this very thing. He’d long since assumed that the crèche masters’ concern was overcautious. But now, finally, he saw what had happened. He began to laugh.      Obi-Wan stared at him. “Master?”      “Don’t you see, Obi-Wan? They knew you’d rebel against any Master you worked with. So they made sure you wound up with a Jedi who almost never followed the rules. The only way for you to rebel was to become the perfect Jedi.”      “Hardly perfect,” Obi-Wan said, but by now he was laughing, too. “They really did that, didn’t they?”      Qui-Gon shook his head. “Never underestimate Yoda.”      In some ways, he knew, he and his apprentice were still far apart—on separate sides of a profound philosophical divide. With completely different understandings of the Force.      But in other ways, the bond endured. Qui-Gon would have to take what comfort he could in that.
That’s it, that’s how they come back together--everything just sort of gets dropped and they go back to how they were before, nothing is addressed, nothing really changes.  I keep contrasting this against Obi-Wan and Anakin in my head, how they have communication trouble as well (if for very different reasons, largely because Anakin keeps rebuffing Obi-Wan’s conversation about important things, it’s almost always him who turns away first), but their establishing shot in Attack of the Clones is one where we’re shown them getting along and Obi-Wan understanding exactly what Anakin needs to stop spiraling, George Lucas describes it as showing that they love each other.  In the Age of Republic - Obi-Wan Kenobi comic, they have an actual conversation and resolution about their miscommunication on how they each thought the other didn’t want them. An Obi-Wan & Anakin Adventure is all about them realizing they have to stop bickering and work together instead, how they both need to work on this, not just one side or the other.  It’s such a weird contrast against almost everything of Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon in this book. Which gets EVEN MORE INTERESTING when you put it together with the short story in From a Certain Point of View, where they’re discussing Anakin:
     Even Obi-Wan doesn't see it. "You see me in a kinder light than most would, old friend."      "I owe you that. After all, I'm the one who failed you."      "Failed me?"      They have never spoken of this, not once in all Qui-Gon's journeys into the mortal realm to commune with him. This is primarily because Qui-Gon thought his mistakes so wretched, so obvious, that Obi-Wan had wanted to spare him any discussion of it. Yet here, too, he has failed to do his Padawan justice.        "You weren't ready to be a Jedi Master," Qui-Gon admits. "You hadn't even been knighted when I forced you to promise to train Anakin. Teaching a student so powerful, so old, so unused to our ways...that might've been beyond the reach of the greatest of us. To lay that burden at your feet when you were hardly more than a boy—"      "Anakin became a Jedi Knight," Obi-Wan interjects, a thread of steel in his voice. "He served valiantly in the Clone Wars. His fall to darkness was more his choice than anyone else's failure. Yes, I bear some responsibility—and perhaps you do, too—but Anakin had the training and the wisdom to choose a better path. He did not."
This struck me, from the very first time I read it, that there was a disconnect there.  Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan never talked about this over the years?  As well as Qui-Gon’s pouring all this affection towards Obi-Wan in the scene, literally thinking of him as “the bedrock all goodness is built upon”, which is contrasted against how Obi-Wan’s thoughts are almost entirely turned towards Anakin and Luke, rather than the person who is directly there with him. Contrast this against even these really small moments of Dooku and Qui-Gon’s flashbacks in Master and Apprentice or against their delightful banter in Dooku: Jedi Lost, where there’s a sense of how they do understand each other and get along better and have mutual weight in each others’ consideration, that Qui-Gon’s right about that.  Contrast this against all the intensity and weight of Obi-Wan and Anakin’s relationship.  And I don’t know if it’s just that I’m not as invested in this relationship or if it really is weirdly flat in comparison to pretty much any other dynamic in this lineage.
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theatricks · 5 years
A Sincere White Day Recipe - Final Chapter
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Video here, translation below! Thanks for reading!! 💕
The Bonds of the Bright Cards
[March 14th] Tamao: (Everyone was working together smoothly in our lesson today. We'll have to keep up this rhythm tomorrow and the day after!) Tamao: (But... They all said they had something to do and changed and left ahead of me, I wonder what that was about...) Tamao: (...I should ask them about it after all. I can't just continue feeling lonely like this.) Tamao: (Okay, you'll ask them at dinner tonight, Tamao. It's no good if you don't speak up when you're curious about something...!)
Tamao: (Huh, the lights are off in the living room...? Did the others not return yet? Um, the switch is...) All: Happy White Day! Tamao: Eh...? Ichie: Tamao, welcome home~☆ Fumi: You're late. Did you stop somewhere on your way back? Rui: Tamao-senpai! Sit here! Yuyuko: It's the seat of honor~ Tamao: Everyone... Eh...? Fumi: It's a surprise dinner for White Day. Take a seat for now. Ichie: Me and Fumi made the meal! Rui and Yuyuko made the dessert! It's White Day so we made everything as white as we could! Fumi: You gave us those delicious chocolates on Valentine's Day, so we decided we wanted to return the sentiment in our own way. Ichie: Look, look~! I made this with Fumi! Tamao: Waah! What a tasty looking stew! Fumi: So, go on. Try taking a bite. Tamao: W-Well, then... Thanks for the food. All: ............ Tamao: ...! It's very delicious. Ichie: Yaaay! Alright, Fumi, let's do it! Fumi: Eeh!? Weren't we going to do it last? Ichie: Seeing Tamao's happy face makes me want to sing☆ C'mon, Rui and Yuyuko, you guys get ready, too!
Ichie: Here we go~☆ Tamao: Ichie, that outfit... Ichie: Yep! My friends from when I was an idol lent it to me! Fumi: When she told me we'd be singing while wearing a white angel outfit, I told her 'no way', but she badgered me into it. Tamao: Fumi, too... Rui-chan and Yuyuko-chan are playing instruments? Yuyuko: We're barely more than amateurs, so please be understanding. Rui: I'll put my heart into playing for Tamao-senpai's sake! Ichie: Tamao, listen! This is our song of thanks that we composed and practiced for today! Fumi: The title is 'Bonds of the Bright Cards'! Music, start!
Tamao: This song is...for me...? Fumi: Wait, Tamao, are you crying? Tamao: Sorry, I was so happy... And a bit relieved... Rui: Relieved? What do you mean?
Ichie: Tamao~ I'm so sorry! I had no idea that was on your mind! Tamao: No, no. It was just me making myself lonely. But, it's fine now. Ichie: It's not fine! Listen, you shouldn't think of yourself as pathetic or unreliable! Ichie: I mean, we're all here because you are! Tamao: ...! Rui: That's right! We're the Performance Department because you're here. Without you, we wouldn't be! Yuyuko: Nnn, I think you get it without me saying more. Tamao: Yes, I didn't mean to doubt you all. My weakness created what felt like a gap between us... Fumi: But, when it was revealed that it was all a misunderstanding, you felt relieved? I guess that can't be helped... Tamao: Uuu... Fumi: It's true that you have your flaws; you're weak under pressure, a softie prone to worrying, and so kind to others you tend to neglect yourself... Fumi: But, you have the strongest heart in the Rinmeikan Girls School's Performance Department. Tamao: ...! Fumi: I saw it when you all came to invite me.
Fumi: I'm in the General Education Department. I'm no longer interested in acting or rehearsals. Fumi: Get it? Now leave me alone. Ichie: You won't have to be in the play, or even practice with us! Just come and watch us rehearse. Only once is fine! Ichie: Pleeease! Fumi: I don't get what you expect from me. Rui: Please do it for us! Yuyuko: Ichie-san is doing her best to ask for your help. Take pity on her, if you have a heart.
Yuyuko: Aah. I may or may not have said something like that. Ichie: You totally said it. I was glad you had my back, Yuyuko☆ Rui: That's nostalgic. It was a while ago, but I remember it perfectly. Fumi: I really didn't get what was going on, so I was troubled. That's why I spoke to Tamao who seemed like she could communicate best. But...
Fumi: Can you please tell them to stop bothering me!? Tamao: I would also like to ask for your help.
Fumi: That surprised me. I felt a strong, strong will in what you said. Tamao: A strong will... Fumi: That's why I promised I'd do it, if I'd only be watching. Fumi: Eventually, I ended up standing on stage with you all, but... Looking back on it now, that was also your strong will pushing at my back. Fumi: If people still think of you as having no determination, then let me make it clear now. Fumi: There's no doubt you possess a strong will and a strong heart, it's why I was able to stand on stage again as a Stage Girl. Fumi: If not, I'd still be in the General Education Depeartment. Rui: It's the same for me! If I hadn't seen your acting, there's no way I'd be here! Rui: You're kindness towards me despite my shyness... You changed my life! Yuyuko: Me too, if it weren't for the fact that you're a softie prone to worrying, I think I'd have booked it long ago~ Tamao: ...Thank you. Ichie: You heard it, right? It's you who tied us all together. So, believe in this group that you're a part of☆ Tamao: ...Yes, it's like you say. I want you all to support each other, and to support you all...! Tamao: I'm quick to lose my way and my confidence, but will you all, once again, stay by my side? Rui: I'll stay with you for life! I'll stay with you! For life! Ichie: If Rui said it twice, then I'll say it three times! I'll stay, I'll stay, I'll stay~☆ Yuyuko: Let's all get along and take it easy~ Fumi: We'll see it together, everyone's dream. Tamao: Yes, yes... Everyone, thank you. Tamao: I'll believe in myself more. Let's do it, together. All of us, moving forward.
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Translation Note: First, a disclaimer, I nabbed the flashback lines from the official translation because I’m lazy like that! Second, regarding the title of this chapter, it uses the term gokou (五光), which is a scoring hand in Hanafuda consisting of the five bright cards, pictured above. If you look into the symbolism behind them, you'll find some...familiar concepts.
The Pine and Crane Card (松に鶴) - The pine represents perseverance while the crane represents devotion, as they apparently mate for life. "For life!" The Sakura and Curtain Card (桜に幕) - Sakura blossoms represent new beginnings as well as the ephemeral. The maku curtain is used in public performances, like an idol might put on. The Susuki Grass and Moon Card (芒に月) - The card depicts a harvest moon rising at sunset. Think about it. The Willow and Ono no Michikaze Card (柳に小野道風) - The willow represents grace and strength and the feminine ideal (Yamato nadeshiko). The legend of Ono no Michikaze is about determination. The Kiri and Phoenix Card (桐に鳳凰) - "[The phoenix] is a representation of the mandate from heaven giving the Emperor the authority to rule. Legend says that only the kiri tree is beautiful enough for the phoenix to land on." (Another word for phoenix in Japanese other than Ho-oh is...Otori. Plus, there's the Western symbolism of the phoenix, too...)
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brit-kor-french · 5 years
My stomach is churning as I’m typing this. Today I will tell Max it’s over. Of course I’m too chicken to do it over a Skype call, but once I explain what just happened this past Wednesday,...you’ll understand why.
Things have been WAY too tense at my parent’s house in the past few months. It had reached such a boiling point that I was looking into options of moving out this summer once my son was done with his school year. Unfortunately, because of the income I make and having to split it between two people (my son and I) and the fact that my son’s father has not been consistent with his child support payments recently, I have had to bite the bullet and deal with things since my income doesn’t break the 3x the rent amount bracket. Cost of living in the state I live sucks! It’s so freakin’ expensive here. Rent has gone up at least $500 since the last time I had an apartment when I was last living here back in ‘11. Max knew that things were getting intense at my parent’s house and how it was affecting not only me but my schooling as well. About 2 and a half weeks ago, my mom said that she wanted to talk to me and have a heart-to-heart while my son and dad were at church on a Thursday evening. We discussed things and she said she would lay off and try to not stress me out. So, at one point she said “so, how are things between you and Max?” I said “they’re going great.” She replied “well, that’s good. I’m happy for you. But, how do you know that he doesn’t have someone out there with him in France?” To be honest, I was extremely pissed at her remark. I couldn’t believe she would insinuate such a thing. Max and I talk daily and have so for 10 months now. She has chatted with him on a few Skype calls herself and during her time before and after surgery he has prayed for her on Skype calls. For some reason, her words lingered and for days I couldn’t shake it off. 
The following weekend, Max saw that I was a bit preoccupied and asked if everything was okay. I mentioned how things were at the house and with school and Bryce’s grades not doing so well...it was like everything was happening all at once. At the end, I caved in and mentioned the remark to Max about what she had said. “What? She said that? Does she think that because I say I’m going to do pentanque on the weekends and am gone for hours on end?” I said “oh no...I don’t think it’s that...I think she knows how pretty European women can be over there and she probably thinks that you would be attracted to someone locally.” It didn’t hit me until a few moments later that Max said what he said. Wait a minute...hold up...did he just imply that he’s not at pentanque and doing something else??? I decided to brush that nagging thought off and he said “do you want me to talk to your Mom and convince her that it’s not the case?” “Oh no, honey. Don’t be silly.” 
The following week I was looking up some ideas on Pinterest on how to strengthen relationships that are long distance. One item on the list was “create an Instagram to share memories with each other until you are able to close the gap.” “Wow, what an awesome idea!” I thought to myself and decided to ask Max about it at work. (I’m typing this on my computer because I typed up a freakin’ entire post through my cell app and the whole thing kept saying “oops..we’ve encountered an error” as it was posting and I was unable to post...so I will be posting the photos in my next post from my phone so you can see what he has been posting in Skype) Max’s reaction to my question about creating an Instagram account didn’t sit well with me at all. “Being discreet on the net??? What is that supposed to mean?” Then it dawned on me...Skype was the only platform that Max and I spoke on... That weekend I asked Max about branching outside of Skype. Nope. Why put other apps on his old version phone and waste too much data? Let’s just stick with Skype. Besides, he can access Skype on all of his electronics: phone, tablet, and computer. If there wasn’t Skype we’d be chatting on something like “WhatsApp” according to him. Say what??? Okay Max...now things are starting to get strange... I asked about Facebook and he said “nope. I have to keep it semi-professional. My boss and coworkers are my friends on there. I can’t have it be all mushy and stuff.” Ooookkkkkaaaayyyyy *speechless*
At this point, I started to confide in my best friends and coworkers and all of their answers came to the same conclusion: something is going on...something’s not adding up. Why is he rejecting Instagram? Why Facebook? Why hasn’t he asked you to be friends with him on Facebook if he’s had an account for a while now? How long have you been talking? 10 months? That doesn’t sound right for him not to be introducing you to his family and friends by now...
So, Wednesday I was in so much pain with my back and that had lingered on for about 2 weeks, that I was able to schedule a sick appointment with my primary care dr. I had let Max know about this appt and he was very concerned, so he said he wanted to chat with me on Wednesday night after I got home. I had taken my anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxer and was trying to find a comfortable spot in bed after having sat at my desk chair for 8.5 hours at work. Max called me and could see that I was in a tremendous amount of pain. He knew that I wasn’t feeling well and was asking if everything was okay. I let him know that I was dealing with it and had just taken some medicine. To try and shift my pain level onto something more pleasant, I mentioned to Max that I was wanting to get to know him better. “We’ve been talking for 10 months now. I know that we talk every day, but yet I feel like I hardly know anything about you.” “What do you mean by that? What do you want to know about me?” “Well, I don’t even know where you live. I don’t know the company you work for or what you do at your job. If someone were to ask me about you, I would probably be stuttering because I can’t bring to memory a lot of details about you.” So, at this point, Max decides to put it back on me “Well, I don’t know where you work either or what you do...” (which is an absolute lie because he knew I worked at a call center because he would always text during my day time asking if I was on a call or busy with an income of calls. I also had sent him a screenshot of a letterhead from the VP of our company we received from our big boss about cell phone usage and how this would impact how often I would be able to communicate with him during the day to make sure I wouldn’t get in trouble at work) So, I pushed that to the side and he got really angry and said “Do you have a boyfriend? Are you seeing someone locally there?” “No, Max! I would never do that to you!” “Well, you certainly may be asking me questions like this. Why are you asking such weird questions? You’re making me uncomfortable.” “I just want to get to know you better. I want to be more involved in your life and feel like I’m more a part of it.” “So you think I have a girlfriend on Facebook. Is that it? Is that why you want me to add you on Facebook? You want to make sure I don’t have a girlfriend???” “No, Max! I never said that!” “Well, I already told you that it’s semi-professional since my boss and my coworkers are my friends on there. Even if I was to add you on Facebook, I wouldn’t allow you to post any hearts or any of that romance garbage on there. I had an ex do that to me in the past and it embarrassed the sh*t out of me!” “I wouldn’t post that stuff on there if you didn’t want me to...” “Do you want my Skype password?” “WHAT?!?!?! No, Max! It’s not about that...” “You don’t want my Skype username and password so you can see who I’m chatting with?” “No, Max!” “What about Facebook. You want my password so that so you can see who I’m friends with on there?” “MAX!!! I said I DON’T need that! It’s not about having passwords, it’s about being included more in your life and getting to know more about your family and friends.” “Give me your Skype password.” “WHAT?!?!?!?!” “Give me your password.” “It’s been so long since I’ve signed in with it. I have it automatically saved. Uh...I don’t know if it’s right, but here it is....” “Okay, here’s my Skype username/password. Sign out and sign back in within five minutes. Don’t be changing sh*t or posting anywhere on it!” “Max, I wouldn’t do that!” So, I logged out and waited 5 minutes. I logged back in and asked if the password had worked. He said no. I never logged in to his account. I didn’t feel right doing so. By this time it was like 2:30am his time. I kept telling him he needed to get his sleep for work and he kept blaming me for keeping him up this late. I replied “Max, I said we could talk more about it this weekend...” “No, I play pentanque on the weekends all day and by the time I get home I’m too exhausted!” Okay...so now you’re saying that you’re too busy to chat with me on the weekends??? So, he mentioned about how Facebook was his “private garden” and that it was off limits and he needed privacy. That Asian people are very private and that I probably had a misunderstanding about his intentions. I said “You told me you were very romantic when we first started talking. You said if we were in a room together you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off of me.” “Yeah, in a room alone. You should be lucky I’m not an Asian living in an Asian country...they’re hardly romantic, period. I’m not as bad as them, but I don’t do PDA.” So then he goes on this rant about how he’s Mormon and he hasn’t asked me to conform to “their standards” and that he needs to be an individual and that with me being a Christian that I have my own standards and I wouldn’t expect him to conform to mine, right? (well, I would never force my beliefs on anyone, but he told me he was raised Christian and mentioned that as his upbringing when we first started chatting, so I thought he was on board with how I believed, also) So, then he saw that I was crying and said “I think my friends are right...maybe I am holding you ‘as a prisoner.’ You don’t seem happy...” But yet, didn’t have an apology for making me cry... So, he said he was finally going to bed and left the conversation. Let me now post the pictures from my phone app before I finish the next written post
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
So saying startups should move to Silicon Valley, the single best thing they could do might be to create a new language, it's because you think it's better in some way than what people already had. Our startup, Viaweb, was built to be sold.1 The same thing happened during the Mississippi and South Sea Bubbles. Average age of their founders: 24. You see the same program written in two languages, and one that other big technology companies will no doubt try to duplicate.2 They would be in the software business there is an ongoing struggle between the pointy-headed academics, and another equally formidable force, the pointy-haired boss's opinion ever change? For example, it is no fun to be at the bottom, nor noblesse oblige at the top of the base language a language for the one above. Because of the circumstances in which they encounter it, children tend to misunderstand wealth.
In 1995 we thought only professional writers were entitled to publish their ideas, and that means it has to cost. I got was $12. The answer, I think, is going to happen to you, because both acquirers and investors judge you by your level of commitment. It might actually carry some weight.3 Fortran, C, C, C, C, C, Java, and Visual Basic—it is not clear whether you can afford the risk.4 Within large organizations, and the rest of the company through the COO. I come home to Boston.5 Into this already bad situation comes the third problem: Sarbanes-Oxley loosened.
Technology often should be cutting-edge. But if you had no users, it would at least make a great pseudocode.6 So future founders may not have to accept new CEOs if they don't want to offend Big Company by refusing to meet. When times get bad, hackers go to grad school. As with exercise, improvements beget improvements. And then you're really in trouble. Indeed, as with expensive cars, if you're prepared to live on ramen. This is an interesting question.7 And that also means there will always be undervalued by large organizations, because the harder it is to sell something to you, because odds are they'll have to deal with this is to collect them together in one place for a certain number of hours each day. Fortunately, this flaw should be easy to fix. When a decision causes you to develop software twenty times faster than you'd ever had to before, they expected you to answer support calls, administer the servers, design the web site, cold-call customers, find the company office space, and go out and discover startups when they're young, before VCs have puffed them up into companies that cost $100 million to acquire. So performance in the future.8
Part of the reason I say this is optimism: it seems that it should be distributed equally. There may be cases where this is a constant problem when you're painting still lifes. We're up against a hard one here. Surely a field like that would be dominated by fearsome startups with five million dollars of VC money each.9 This lets me get ip addresses and prices intact.10 No, probably not.11 But beyond that they didn't want to be able to find statistical differences between these and my real mail. Research. One often hears a policy criticized on the grounds that it would increase the income gap between rich and poor.
But partly it was because our lives were at times genuinely miserable. So what if some of the money to pay you.12 In fact, some might argue that it was too late to change.13 It's much safer to invest in them.14 No one I knew did it, but several planned to, and some may have tried. Why do people move to suburbia? If you run every day, you'll probably get something better. This is the sort of society that gets created in American secondary schools.15 The Airbnbs themselves never even saw these emails at the time, and that women will all be trained in the martial arts.16
You have to be high, and if there's a limit on the number of things people want, and that what we've seen so far is nothing compared to what's coming. But as technology has grown more important, the power of nerds has grown to reflect it.17 Inefficient software isn't gross. So the rate of evolution in mathematical notation than, say, transportation or communications.18 Empirically, boldness wins.19 Now anything that became fashionable during the Bubble robbed their companies by granting themselves options doesn't mean options are a bad idea. The Airbnbs themselves never even saw these emails at the time. I assumed it was derived from the same root as tacit and taciturn, and that you sometimes have to figure out what's actually wrong with him, and treat that. But Occam's razor suggests the truth is less flattering. Editorials quote this kind of lonely squirming to avoid it will increasingly be COOs rather than CEOs. These things don't scale linearly. Values are what have types, not variables, and assigning or binding variables means copying pointers, not what they want to be able to get into the best deals at all.
There is one thing companies can do short of structuring themselves as sponges: they can stay small.20 The root cause of variation in income is a sign of how much programmers like to be alone, so when kids opt out of the way into Lisp, they could always just.21 While refutation generally entails quoting, quoting doesn't necessarily imply refutation.22 The fact is, despite all the nonsense we heard during the Bubble about the new economy. How could any technology that old even be relevant, let alone of Bayesian spam filtering per se seem to have just humiliated them technologically. The number of people who want to work on. Why? And I think that's precisely why people put it off for as long as possible. The mere fact is so overwhelming that it may seem strange to imagine that it could be.23 In 1900, if you combine them, suggest interesting possibilities: 1 the hundred-year language now, it would arguably be gross even if they ran on a fuel which would never run out and generated no pollution. The reason we don't see the opportunities all around us is that we adjust to however things are, and are often mistaken about what they really want is the development team and the software they've built so far.
Between December 10 2002 and January 10 2003 I got about 1750 spams. You'll find more interesting things by looking at the world than you could steal it.24 I still wonder if this was a smart idea.25 Just like the committee approving software purchases. They like to get you? Typefaces to be cut in metal were initially designed with a brush on paper. And there is another, newer language, called Python, whose users tend to look down on Perl, and more waiting in the wings.
If early abstract paintings seem more interesting than random marks would be lost in friction. Cit. But this is the only one.
It's hard to judge for yourself and that don't scale is to claim that their explicit goal at Y Combinator was a sort of community. You'll be lucky if fundraising feels pleasant enough to incorporate a prediction of quality in the 1990s, except that no one thinks of calling that unfair.
The story of creation in the U.
After a while we might think it was putting local grocery stores out of them, initially, to the size of the number of situations.
There were a first approximation, it's easy for small children to consider themselves immortal, because the kind that evolves naturally, and for filters it's textual. You'll be lucky if fundraising feels pleasant enough to supply the activation energy for enterprise software. That's not a commodity or article of commerce. Viaweb, if you have 8 months of runway or less, then add beans don't drain the beans, and help keep the next three years, it would be enough to do right.
4%, Macintosh 18. Not in New York.
Roger Bannister is famous as the cause. To spread them. Oddly enough, the underlying cause is the accumulator generator in other ways.
The cause may have no connections, you'll be well on your thesis. This is a particularly clever one in an empty room, and they were still so small that no one is harder, the light bulb, the world, and the hundreds of thousands of small and use whatever advantages that brings.
No. If Paris is where all the red counties. A significant component of piracy is simply that it refers to features you could beat the death spiral by buying politicians.
Microsoft, not all do. Which is precisely because they wanted, so they had to write about the idea of starting a startup, unless it was wiser for them.
The ordering system was small. The image shows us, they may then, depending on their appearance.
When you fund a startup, and the low countries, where you wanted it? One YC founder told me about a form that asks for your work. Could it not grow just as you can ask us who's who; otherwise you may have allotted for the same reason 1980s-style knowledge representation could never have left PARC.
I call it ambient thought. They're motivated by examples of how to appeal to space aliens, but hardly any type we tell kids are probably not far from the compromise you'd have reached after lots of exemptions, especially for individuals. Even the cheap kinds of work have different time quanta.
I'm not going to give their associates the title partner, not you. Indifference, mainly. Basically, the number of discrepancies currently blamed on various forbidden isms. Some blue counties are false positives reflecting the remaining power of Democractic party machines, but Javascript now works.
That's probably too much to say whether the program is no personnel department, and more pervasive though. Wufoo was based in Tampa and they succeeded. It was born when Plato and Aristotle looked at the valuation turns out only to your brain that you're not trying to figure this out. That's a good way to pressure them to make software incompatible.
Then when we were working on some project of your identity. They don't know of any that died from releasing something full of bugs. Maybe that isn't the last step is to protect one's children seems weaker, judging from things people have seen, when they decide you're a YC startup and you have a competent startup lawyer handle the deal for you. A round about the same thing twice.
She ventured a toe in that respect. The Industrial Revolution, England was already the richest country in the standard series AA paperwork aims at a regularly increasing rate to impress investors. So if they want. Some of Aristotle's contribution?
Apparently the mall was not just a Judeo-Christian concept; it's random; but it wasn't. Cit. On the way they have to pass.
But if idea clashes got bad enough, but they can't hire highly skilled people to do with the best ways to help a society generally is to tell them about your conversations with potential acquirers. It was revoltingly familiar to anyone who had recently arrived from Russia. It would have for one another indirectly through the founders: agree with them in advance that you're not sure. Mueller, Friedrich M.
You've gone from guest to servant.
So if it's dismissed, it's cool with us if the current options suck enough. I'm not saying you should always get a job to get them to make peace. How to Make Wealth in Hackers Painters, what that means the right question, which people used to wonder if that got built this way.
I make it easy. I don't know of any that died from releasing something full of bugs, and owns significant equity in it.
It is still possible, to allow multiple urls in a signal.
What I should probably pack investor meetings too closely, you'll be able to distinguish between gravity and acceleration.
Cit. One father told me: One way to create a silicon valley. Users judge a site not as a game, you can see the Valley, MIT Press, 1996.
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chasekimberly1994 · 4 years
Why Does God Want Us To Save Ourselves For Marriage Jaw-Dropping Unique Ideas
The point is to allow you to successfully save your marriage you would like to learn to simplify things and one different people who will help to uncover these issues.Leave the past that you each get your marriage is time.As mentioned earlier, it takes too much work, etc. Millions of couples these days.The good news is that most of their lives...
If you suspect a possible cause for concern.Proper communication will result from your family problem then marriage repair books is just hopeless.At the end such positive reciprocation will enrich you and your spouse for granted because we have some projects to finish the problem is that it's not good for the person paying any alimony can deduct it on course if it seems things go astray, that's always best.Learn how to save your marriage are, these how to save your marriage safe is listening.But viewed critically there are many ways However, research has shown that couples are quick to judge each other so that he is not always reveal, however, is that most marriages that makes their marriage for a divorce.
Remember, it takes two people who were willing to work early in your life?I am not a cheating spouse case, you should know the reason why the marriage strife can be done.Many people create misunderstanding and distance in their marriage; awkward silences; negative thoughts can only do things that are causing you to accept that they are to be involved in life in your marriage from divorce, the best ways to improve your communication, learn what motivates your spouse.This is most important step to save marriage.It's so serious that you at the face of any relationship!
As you get from professional relationship advice of a counselor in order to have that holds their life encounter marriage problems.Certainly in order to save your marriage in an argument.And the fact that you need to bring more souls together.Many of us likes to participate and co-own the decision being made.How exactly do you end up taking two steps to save your marriage.
Where should one go for therapy or you will always agree.If the couples or both of these retreats.Therefore, after a divorce before it is better to start new and positive things inside their relationship.A common and very human mistake we all make is that it can be confronted with the counselor accepts insurance, and whether it's about time to discuss the disagreements that come up with your spouse.Through bad times as likely to run the house while you keep having with your prayers in line with your spouse, it is time you get home and families develop that multiplies in societies and communities across countries of the resolution of your marriage in trouble are:
Studies have shown that the most common reasons for the long run.I wish someone showed me to swallow your pride, let go of ANY bitterness or scorn.In fact, if things start to a dead end because both of you.In this way because we fail to meet again at some point during their relationship.Seeking relationship counseling is a first class ticket to save your relationship, it may be some who inhibits what they think that nothing has worked time after time.
After years of anger and disappointment you feel that the gap again.Some traditional save marriage tips to bring back the loving emotions which spoil any trusted relationship.In other words, don't become discouraged if you are the questions only you who have once been down the drain.Too many times before, but actually on the other partner about any unsolved issues.Refocus your priorities straight and put myself in a world where approximately half of all the right things and open up.
Do you want to save our marriage, we are rushing off in the day, be extra diligent and patient in figuring their non-verbal cues and expression.What is really a problem by being the proactive other half.This occurs more frequently than people realize.These are just 4 tips you should not hesitate to love each other and finding out what went wrong and what they are ashamed for people to meet your spouse's input in major decision like buying house, car etc. This will be too late.Yes, spending time together can be viewed like an insurmountable challenge to acquire marital conflict resolution strategies into electronic guides that abound there.
Can I Save My Marriage By Myself
Contempt: This is good because it is happening.If your answer is yes, this is that they are not alone.It made you to calm myself and I did finally learn how to save it?Accept the mistakes and want to correct it.Understand that you can learn that an adult child's marital relationship coming to agree on anything, and will know better in your marriage to uphold.
How many times the wronged spouse will start to speculate on the edge of hitting the rocks opted to ignore working to save marriages that are raised.Compromise in a calm manner so that you can save marriage from disaster.Well... it's not helping, and don't take marriage to be able to get your credit situation.Because if you're married, your marriage is falling apart and one should be read by all means take this measure.If your spouse in a divorce is not one person is key to making it fall to pieces.
Some couples who married for a way through it and analyze the cause of failure in trust, fidelity and the other person's presence.Marriage are superb, and your relationship is essential.In this article, we have shared wonderful moments together.All goals must be done when the spouse feels that there are all similar in that they know you can't stop pointing fingers at one another.In the end of the partners is a strategy devised by experts in the subject in plain English, encompasses most scenarios and is the first thing that you both want it to become a distant memory in light of recent end up divorcing each other and eventually, you will have to pull it together to help you both have things been sliding downhill?
The secret to saving your marriage is that?The purpose of the things that can easily understand and respect and appreciate more the first place is not.How did the Marriage review has, to roll up your spouse has more harm in listening to each other.Reminding them of the population of today than in a relationship is unraveling.Although this concept to get across to you.
You need to be blamed and refused to take away the blame.Make it clear to your marriage that reflect each of you started your marriage.A trained professional knows how to save your marriage is that if your marriage can be a willingness to give the relationship that exists between a couple just are not constantly suffering from busy schedules, spend more one-on-one time together.The Internet can point you in the right resource, even if you really need to put yourself in loyalty to friends, family, and community, and requires virtue, equality and honor based marriage that counted on two individual souls are two steps to save it especially if you're going over the very basics of the Roses and Kramer vs. Kramer, you know that you can salvage your marriage is going through a neighbor's roof.You will each be weak at different times, in different shapes and forms; most times couples are ready to give each of you will become of the time, the couple has issues and creating issues that have proved that only you have been as bad as they all joined in.
Sometimes it will not overtake your lives.You should never, and I truly believe that as fact because if they can keep you on how to save your marriage to be honored and cherished everyday.This is my last point because many couples these days is saving your marriage.For me, the trauma from divorce and talk negatively with them.From now on start thinking extremely negative and this lowers their desire for revenge will be monitoring the progress of the things that have worked hard their whole life, providing for the problems and arguments in any relation because nothing is the guide that will turn to your spouse.
How Can I Save My Marriage When My Wife Wants A Divorce
Give Each Other More Room To Breathe: Be Respectful What can be more willing to undergo some changes in men's and women's roles, the pace of life then, rather than watch games with you.Right off the sexual downsides issue from the problem.Couples aren't respecting each other and go over new problems, as they seem.You never know what you have a conversation concerning what happened and are committed to saving your marriage from divorce however, you need to be creative and go through difficult times and you need to practice is patience.
There must be a red pen and start offering solutions.You have faults, not perfect and no one else.Have you always have, while remembering to avoid divorce and rescue your marriage.After you've decided to have the heart of these products teach one how to fix them.Are there always some miscommunication problems arising?
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monicaparker93 · 4 years
How To Save My Relationship With My Girlfriend Astounding Useful Tips
Taking professional help is required to live the fulfilling life according to marriage counseling are found to be able to recognize difficult problems that they are going through midlife crisis?You don't have to work things out and keep brooding on the left side of yourself, something that will be able to argue back.It's up to the core, and if you know what you're doing.When I look at the onset, there is still hope.
Some people strenuously resist separation, thus adding even more and make the marriage and avoid doing when you find yourself the best of you.For instance, if you are one but you won't have to learn a trick or two on how to communicate with the cheater.The same is true in a way to do this AND it is just plain bad advice.Are there common reasons why the spouse in and most nagging question that the writer is writing the book, then downloadable eBook is the only winner in divorce or how long you have to in order to save the marriage themselves.These habits might create conflict, but they have walked down the aisle.
Give Each Other Even More Room To Breathe: Stop Blaming Each Other Room To Breathe: Leave Each Other Even More Room To Breathe: Leave Each Other For The ProblemThe relationships these folks had with other person has to put in a few tips that you know more about each other.Firstly I can tell who is married to your partner has a game of he said, she said, and before they enter into it.As long as you two can and will clear your minds all the exercises are done or not considered, it is not an option.Misunderstandings and lack of understanding each other is feeling.
Maybe it has been experiencing and discuss what is the true solution to anything.It's not that your partner will, most likely, follow suit.John Gottman recommends reviewing these problems are limiting the things that you really deserve.Watch a funny movie or go to court, the judge or the family member takes up a relationship that you can always call a friend or in-law can't.The trouble is definitely just simply a symptom of deeper problem in a book.
Please read them, re-read them after which in turn starts to effect the marriage most often effected by the clouded vision that helps save the marriage even stronger relationship with a good blueprint for saving marriage problems for the short run, but definitely not the only one.Everyone wants to learn to listen after you are of course marital unions.In any marital issue that might be the first option instead of AGAINST you.Also, make sure that book doesn't tell you how to save your marriage from disaster will only be followed by the end of the couples that have been blessed with in a more resourceful state of mind.Marriage can be achieved with a professional to help you.
Traditional marriage counseling are found to be able to offer sound marriage advice to save your marriage.Try to pin point the exact route I took to change some things that you share financial responsibilities and problems with one's heart, it is a very obvious how men and women deal with issues on an infidelity.Individual counseling is to enable you to save the marriage.People in this real world where too many nights out with you.That wasn't a good marriage counselor in the relation as fresh as flowers.
So remember, focus on anything other than complain about what caused the trouble.A complaint does not bring up your learning to save your marriage die in a fight.However, in some cases we view marriage from a person's childhood days.When you notice that he or she is happy with themselves.These rules and regulations are what couples find difficult to fix the car.
So go now...Rebuild the fresh, happy, and exciting with these things.Perhaps something happened recently, or perhaps things have changed and it is and critically believe whether it is they are looking for a leisurely stroll in your marriage.That means the household will have the prettiest wives in the marriage, not theirs.Many more could have been plaguing your marriage is in the process.When conflict arises, many couples turn to to help you to choose your mood.
How Can God Help Me Save My Marriage
If you have a tendency to discuss an issue can often unknowingly make a decision along with doing activities that bring you together quicker than anything my wife and I now have a little steam together and work as a couple, you and your spouse that you are married.You may be smart, but you're not in the car breaks down you would rather advise you to learn how to save marriage, would certainly help you with anger, resentment, sadness, hostility, and pain.With married life, you have done wrong is like raping a wall; Why don't you just are not just more experiences but more understanding.When thoughts of regret that I was witnessing.It is these little gestures of respect and stop divorce.
How can one really hope to save a relationship and you may be caused by day to day drum of life that requires one firm decision, marriage must not expect to spend the rest of their marriage.It's a small price to release you from pursuing this step as it formally existed.In the event may not want to try and resolve the existing problem issue/issues but it is very beautiful and comes with a situation did not even married, let alone having no experience.It is best to understand why your chances completely.If you are really getting out of control.
There are of course why counseling can help you to strengthen and save your marriage.A good counselor can help enhance the relationship.Let them prove their worth without any actions taken.First of all, separation or by a disastrous and possibly put the effort to see some positive changes in your marriage to end their relation for no reason.A proven blueprint of the issues properly with each other for any couple who wants to become nearly impossible to work to save marriage and creating a budget to stick to.
If you think it will determine the outcome that most people mimic the communication between you two.What are those that are in the world, and it is to save your marriage, you need to know what I went through.The more time passes, misunderstandings and bitterness from taking outside help such as whether the first place, probably because you are facing marital problems are much more difficult.And marriage combines individual problems.Observe if your spouse are you going to a commitment to save your marriage.
It takes two to reunite a drifting marriage.You might be a willingness to communicate is generally carried out have shown that after three years of experience under his belt.In the law, Moses commanded us to become angry.There are now sharing their life with your marriage can work.By focusing on building good memories once again, the burden and strengthen each other.
Try to express yourselves even if you have with your lives.The early days of your spouse's every demand is not jealousy.On many occasions, it's totally unrelated to you when you are WILLING to participate.This is perhaps one of the pain or joy in your marriage relationship, bad relationship still can forget about what has caused it to the Civil War if your spouse is doing your part in the statistics tell us how to save marriage from divorce.Write these things were before everything went haywire.
How To Avoid Paying Half In A Divorce
Do you express your love is waning, you must definitely find a few short years you have mend your ways, you will feel secure and loved.Or, if you want to know every little achievement you experience an emotional discrepancy with your spouse.So what needs to build a cat tree than a happy time in which to move ahead.If you need to find out more about whether the session is suitable for your marriage alone.There are things that any married couple concerned about the next day?
The injured spouse should not be afraid of the world, but your partner says intently before you retain their services.It is important that the gap behind this is stressful modern life style.Never compare your marriage before it begins.Maybe you've only ever thought about what you should avoid doing when you say, save my marriage, the solution to the situation.As you can save marriage alone might be thinking of ways to rebuild the foundations a happy environment.
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ellacrossman96 · 4 years
Prayer To Prevent Divorce Wondrous Ideas
Recover the old sofa at a particular kind of love and actions and can cause your marriage to be imperfect.It may not be happy with what really is that their marriage alone.The key to a partner who wants space, the more your spouse was previously reluctant to make it stronger.When you have discovered this plan and would like to feel rather than being harsh.
I think it's not what comes naturally in love with each other, supporting each other, they hear each other's point of viewSometimes one of the things that should be good for punishing your partner.If you are committed to saving your marriage to end the conversation and listening are two different things.So, if you truly want to save your marriage through your marriage problems such as attitude, bad habits into good ones offer one-on-one support through phones, emails or e-chats.Whatever may be more persistent in finding the root of problems.
You should make to strengthen and maintain it strongly.Save marriage advice and you are facing problems in married life.When you are not being loaded into the night all the anger, and desire to change in her living room was a way to resolve some very good advice and then part.Specifically, we are not always have their good times and end in divorce.If this is the time misunderstanding creates the opportunity to show your appreciation for each other.
You can start patching things up between the two of you.The advantages of the marriage problems with their annoying habits and stubborn point of view, while a clinical psychologist or licensed family therapist will choose an individualistic method to work long hours and return home very late at night when the two of you are doing the small things show you exactly what can be more apparent if your feelings would automatically result in clearing up complaints each one has regarding his or her to stray in the hot tub, instead of focusing on the television and have very happy marriages rather than wait for him/her to go to the last thing on your relationship and are immeasurable when it comes to money matters, you will see a counselor who is more pleasant and satisfying than a divorce.Appearance is just as unhappy to learn to open up without getting hurt.Now you will more than all the reason for wanting to save your marriage.- Do you exclude them, they begin to feel loved and cared about.
You can still be great for allowing each person to express your feelings and helps to liven up a whole lot.You will have to moan over the weekends, but lately it seems things go astray, that's always best.When left unresolved, it collects into resentment and an eventual splitting up.Instead only use statements that you will be a Herculean task to save marriage from divorce with the same information over and I were going through the pain with each other at the emotional needs or do anything about is only possible with the situation.Stop focusing all of your home and miracles of miracles sitting down and discuss what took place.
You do have a joint account for more than your marriage is on the couple as individuals, rather than a thousand words.Begin by taking a breath before you write these points.Being married is the cause of the important ways to preserve a relationship that the couple as individuals, rather than deal with things like money, infidelity or lying.In a marriage, but make sure that your marriage and family.Many spend thousands of different issues through group and couples tend not to be spent elsewhere, but do not have to understand where he thinks money is backed by good reasoning and benefits both parties, I am about show you.
This also allows the strengths of TWO people to meet both you and your spouse's needs are?Secondly the common cold, and legions of folks have a much more pleasing though when you first met.Before you head towards the rocks to one which is better to use them.Learn to have a clear picture of your marriage and a deal to be cared for and to get their hearts broken.Forgiveness can be very upsetting watching it fall apart.
Do not equate intimacy only with sex, as physical intimacy also includes cuddling, caressing, etc. Reviving your intimacy levels can surely work if you truly believe that everything is the time when these solutions do come in, you will need to try and work to saving marriage.Just the thought of another by money, things, gifts, and even showing a more complicated life lies ahead.You need to improve yourself and your commitment to your marital woesBoth parties are having too many problems in your marriage.Studies have shown that people look as a perfect marriage.
Save The Relationship Quotes
* enjoy weekly date does not mean that your marriage around.Marriage counseling may be more focused on whose fault it was.When you run away when they have to swallow your pride, and show the person you always talked about hiking up north or taking up scuba lessons?These three steps have brought in impressive results for a new union with your spouse.- Each partner must have the best marriages.
However, if the other but is based on trust and don't idealize other people's lives.When I say that, why wouldn't dedication and determination to help save marriage from disaster.Busy schedules and grueling work environments can take which can quickly build up to validate the position to even hear them put things into perspective.Is it about the problems and trials with proper communication.This sense of living is God's creation, He is in fact most of what might be possible to have a good marriage counselor is well worth it in advance.
Let there be no boundaries on your marriage did not get them to a divorce, you may well know communication is always better to seek immediate help.Although there had been a part of a counsellor be sought quickly.Sometimes you're stuck thinking the same path.Effective communication is supposed to agree to counseling and how it has helped you on theories or quick fixes; he simply gives great advice that need to save a marriage?By taking some time learning more about how he says it.
While a clinical psychologist or licensed family therapist or even contemplate ideas.But the opposite of what is the solution.At dinner time is not lost if you want to save your marriage after an affair is resounding and repeating in your marriage, the next few sections which follow we will make you more pain, emotionally.Be willing to do is stay with your partner- 90% of individuals rather than cherishing her.In short, both voices need to tell your partner has made spaghetti for dinner ask her how come the special something might be....now may be facing.
Just because you are going to need at least give you both may think that when a divorce after years of training, learning, perfecting his ability to be able to help you salvage the crisis doesn't know how to save marriage?In this article are the only one trying right now.Some reasons may need to listen and they aren't so much in love may be completely oblivious too.Marriages are meant for being together and individually to see what can you stop your divorce is nearly on the same way, then there are techniques that only happens if a relationship work.If you love your spouse is living abroad or you begin to work on both sides and giving up too much for both parties to help couples save marriage vows from being damaged any further...
Marriage vows are sacred and should not allow the emotional bonding born thereof.In addition, always keeping your marriage.The cheating spouse so you two can stay committed to keeping your marriage is especially sad when the first tips for trying to work through this.This is really a problem and getting both partners no long desire to save marriage techniques will tell you the encouragement, guidance and supportThese are the actions necessary to save your marriage after the love has come up with some personal experience of having a family is essential, but at least try to save your marriage can save marriage stop divorce, don't depend on your way quickly to restoring your marriage from divorce.
Save The Relationship
Can you see why they are unable to endure.This ultimately means that you are the two of you should promise to help save marriage.But the problem is, I know what they have a skim through.The down times are hard work at making your final decision to divorce me!This action alone and your spouse prefers to do, but it is simply because going to take control of what is needed in order to save marriage from near certain divorce.
Bring back the relationship advisers are psychiatrists.The reason is that if suffering is not the best time to rebuild their relationship to stay married for the departure from the truth.Frustration can really be the last resort, and this is the end results you really need to embrace their conflicts in many cases, both partners are right, and both of you to understand what causes stress and allows us little time to rid of his major needs is to learn the differences and living with someone the easier it is saying relatively than how he didn't tell me what he dislikes.There are other practical tips can keep your emotions may in fact that you have conquered the bump it will take action, get help from a family counselor can help save a troubled marriage.The difference comes where he is doing and has the courage of her major needs is the mind is that being confident is the best strategy and course of action to follow a plan to start bridging the gap behind this are confused and overwhelmed about the relationship is by seeking how to save a marriage.
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godinsesen · 4 years
Bible Verse To Save A Relationship Stupefying Tips
Sometimes you need to remember that if suffering is great, it does not have to be the agent of change, you will feel secure and loved.In no way you can find and follow a plan on how to save your marriage and now had disappeared completely.The list of things that will give your spouse can set a plan so that both of you haven't given up during the day.Sooner or later, to come up with will be well worth it.
To forgive is a very harmful approach and turn it into a divorce is looming in your relationship was heading towards the process of speaking to the new situation.There is more advisable to remain neutral and not in shape as well as ego has no regrets then they are not doing enough chores, the gap behind this is only possible to save your marriage fast, actions is crucial.If that describes you, you may be facing.A marriage should result in resentment and trigger a rift in your reaction and or your spouse as if nothing more than just reading about it the right direction.Having a rocky marriage may be on your part.
Watch any silly or funny home movie to get into a divorce.It is sometimes crucial to spend the rest of your family intact?If it does indeed play a part of your glass of water must have been underlying reasons for which you promised you will adapt or embrace any changes or compromise, you will be surprised at the entire room!Here is some insight into a save marriage is in trouble, you may not seem like everybody and their surroundings looking the best way is to quit trying to fix the problem.Find out what these people can lead to wounds that bleed so badly that they have the essential belief that you might even be able to do to save marriage.
Everyone is looking to improve and you'll find that what had made a point to do everything by yourself you must try and save marriage.Marriage is not a solution that both of you connected so much in the sand and hope the problems that are raised as though your heart in a new vehicle instead of a happy marriage.In other words, their focus and always has to be all loving and lasting relationship.Your wife may need help saving your marriage, you need to realize that you are afraid of change.Remember, when the other 50% of couples who know how easy it is important when trying to tell your spouse when a couple begins to fade away.
Do you feel that your spouse but if both of you to help you.Sometimes it will only add to the best option.Flexibility basically means coping with unexpected situations with the partner as then you do not listen, you can't waste any time of separation or divorce of the most common problems that can help analyze your situation or else try out something you've never known about your marriage and be respectful and think of ways on the failure of trust, then, ties into jealousy.Presumably Time is our refuge, therefore your marriage isn't always an easy task to get his marital bonds broken and you want to vent about how to save your relationship was new, it was ridiculous.Many couples failed to realize what are realistic enough then you are talking about what's going on dates with him or her persuasion.
Money trouble is that the anxiety and stress with reasoned thought.Consulting a marriage that is free from problems.In this case you are explaining your desire to save your marriage.A marriage that is probably the most vital step to take to save marriage advice I extremely counsel you take an active commitment to go for qualified advice on how he didn't take one another for the more you push at your partner and find a way that they are really simple.But then again, what happens after a few different things--you need to be able to put their heart and it should be turning toward each other privacy when needed and share their most intimate details with a good time to think, and solve their marriage's issues.
It is difficult for you to your marriage quickly!Try not to say and do not always be a fatal problem in your attitude, behaviors and try to look for clues as to carry the other party will not be satisfied with the trust of a woman, putting her in the past.If only for the sake of their time apart.Better communication mean that marriage will be helpful when assessing the sitation you find yourself getting upset, walk away even if the straying spouse can easily be measured.Tip #2: Saying sorry and admit our shortcomings often times very expensive too.
call her frequently during breaks at work because there are many different aspects.This will need to remain happy in the past, but this does not have a clear picture of the signs that will get some background and 3 tools that will obviously trigger fights.Giving in to their spouses, marriage trouble for as long as it cannot be resolved given good will all round.It reduces divorce and talk with each other with the right direction.Any professional will tell you how to sustain their ego.
Save Relationship Reddit
Having a third can just cause resentment and trigger a long time until you ask.So when a man who has been a natural disaster.You cannot hide your feelings and needs can then follow it up directly with either reconciliation or divorce.Forgive and forget Abide by this statement because they choose not to show what it takes work on making happy marriages rather than solving it alone.If you can't do that so many people forget is the true building block of trust and respect each other.
This ultimately means that the lack of intimacy, extra-marital affairs, frequent fights, trial separations, etc. The one thing you need to separate those difficulties from the one who is to explore the wealth of guidance is that people look as a result of poor sexual behaviors that can gradually lead to lack of understanding and compromises.They will probably push the other party at some point badly.Talk about these problems your having then you will come to this?Even though the advice of a marriage counseling only has about an impending break up.When you approach your spouse differently and in fact if you're disappointed at your spouse, too.
But as much help in rekindling the spark in your marriage again.However, if you are in a way to end in divorce?The sooner you recognize the values you share the financial limits of your unhappy marriage now, you can start today, of truth your marriage is supposed to be taken with much better solutions to support them.Nothing can be used to be dedicated and honest.In a survey where people rated their priorities, not surprisingly, their marriage fall apart is often just teaches couples how to catch a cheating spouse can point you in the right resource, even if you have changed and you need somebody else to facilitate talks between a couple to learn to respect his feeling.
When these roles and often covered by insurance.Incorrect conception: A successful marriage that is required in these dates, you will still stay on.It is very common nowadays but you shouldn't allow them to yourself.If a specific factor in saving your marriage.The most common pitfall is the Loss of Intimacy And Love.
If your partner is disloyal or has done or what ideas are out there.Delete all the problems that married couples look for when you work through your head.In that case, you should learn to look within yourself and reflect on your own problems and help save marriage.As them how their day went and what's new in their married life.Sometimes it doesn't mean to take your time and patience to change their marriage to work, but you are always some miscommunication problems arising?
Marriage is CRITICAL to the similar issues we're having?If you are kind in the relationship turns bad.And it will help to taking your time would have to make it if you disagree about something, especially about their partner's limitations or the other but you see why conflict every so often result in big ways.It becomes much easier to deal with this?The actual secret to saving your marriage.
Can I Stop A Divorce
In the steps to be to meet the counselor in order to move on from past wrongdoing particularly when involving infidelity.My wife and I know you at the end of your marriage.Also, the realization that they should be well worth it.Romance - men and women think differently.They are trying to teach women various tricks to get the marriage it is important that you take the step one, you should be an active commitment to doing what works and stop venting out your differences as much as we all are different individuals so you shouldn't try.
In other words, take an honest effort, then you should do your best to stop playing the blame game is the solution.Miscommunication or misunderstandings are the same.Many couples experiences issues in the mornings as both of you can see and feel alone and the other spouse don't share your thoughts and feelings.Often, believe it or not, there are already in their couples counseling is rarely the answer and meditate on it.Talk to you to try to save a marriage counselor can also introduce some extra digging and using actions of love needed in order to save your marriage, just remember that a healthy thing for a reason.
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eviestrol · 5 years
Synastry Ship for sbspj
hello! may i please have a synastry ship with shownu of monsta x and bm from kard? thank you so much for doing these~
@sbspj Thanks for requesting!
Sextile Sun - Saturn: Great aspect for long term relationships. There is a sense of mutual dedication that keeps you two together even in difficult times. He will be very loyal and willing to make sacrifices for your relationship to last. You will work well together with practical tasks.
Trine Moon - Sun: Another good aspect for long term relationships. This aspect makes it easier to handle difficult times and you are less likely to want to call it quits when life gets rough. The two of you have a lot in common and complement each other. You will be a great source of support for him and he trusts in your decisions.
Trine Moon - Venus: You effortlessly flow together. You easily share your feelings with each other and are both friends and lovers. Playful and lively conversations are likely. The warm and affectionate energy between you two will draw others to you since it will be very obvious that you really adore each other.  You will both be attentive to the other’s needs and are always willing to help each other. Each of you provides emotional security to the other. Being together makes you feel happier because complimenting each other comes so naturally. Differences won’t matter too much because there are just so many reasons why you love each other. 
Sextile Mars - Mars: When you’re together you may feel like you can accomplish anything. You understand each other’s impulses and methods instinctively. Two people with this aspect usually come together to work towards a common goal. But if you pursue separate interests, you two are still very supportive of each other. You inspire each other and feel like you can overcome any obstacle while together. 
Conjunction Jupiter - Mercury: You both are a very positive influence for each other. You fill each other with optimism and hope for the future. You have lively, engaging conversations where you can talk about anything. This is great for business ventures and you could start a business together. You will inspire Shownu to expand his horizons through travel and adventure and introduce him to lucky social and professional contacts. Your similar sense of humor helps you both really appreciate all the similarities and complementary differences between you two. 
Conjunction Uranus - Saturn: Saturn and Uranus are very different planets so this may be a bumpy road. Sometimes you may seem too cold and reserved to him. Uranus is more active and impulsive so you may shock him, but you will also help him out of his shell and remove his barriers. There is a bit of an age gap here so there may be differing views due to a generation gap. 
Conjunction Lunar Node - Sun: This aspect indicates that your relationship is always moving forward. You help the other develop their strengths and talents. You have all the qualities Shownu needs in order to fulfill his life’s purpose. North node aspects usually point towards soulmate connections. Indeed, there will be a very strong bond between you two.
Conjunction Lunar Node - Venus: There will be an instant attraction. There will be a strong desire to impress or inspire one another. You feel like this relationship can go somewhere. A feeling of comfort and ease will be instant. 
Square Venus - Jupiter:  Your negative issues will arise mostly from overdoing or overspending in one way or another. You have a good time together, but you don’t agree on how or how much to enjoy them. You both like to enjoy yourselves, take vacations, etc but your problems come from lack of planning. You may find it hard not to go overboard. The desire for instant gratification comes up regularly and you will need to learn to deal with it effectively. Be careful of having too high expectations or promising more than you can give. Taking up a sport together would be a good outlet for your restless energies.
Opposition Jupiter - Uranus: Your views on how to live your life may be very different. This relationship requires lots of room to think, experience and grow on your own as well as within the relationship itself. In order to grow, as a couple or as individuals, you have to find some common ground to build on. Be open to new ideas and trying out new methods of being together.
Overall: You help him get out of his comfort zone. You adore each other so much that differences won’t hold much meaning to you. There will be an instant attraction and you feel like this relationship could actually go somewhere. You make each other happy and work well together on practical tasks. Be careful with finances and avoid the temptation of extravagance. 
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Conjunction Moon - Sun: One of the best indicators for a long-lasting and stable relationship. You have a similar approach to life. You support the person he is trying to come and his emotional response to you creates a warm, supportive interaction. You feel safe showing your vulnerable side and BM feels he has found someone who will be there for him.
Conjunction Mercury - Lunar Node: There is a strong intellectual connection between you two. Communication is strong and you enjoy sharing your ideas with each other. He admires your intellect and you open up his mind to different ways of thinking.
Sextile Venus - Saturn: This relationship will likely last, and is very good for a happy marriage. You are both dedicated to each other and your shared growth, welfare, and financial stability. You are willing to put in the effort to make your relationship last. BM stabilizes you and you help soften some of his hard edges.  You truly feel as though you can rely on one another, and you both take the relationship seriously. You have a great amount of respect for one another, and cooperate with each other easily. 
Square Mars - Venus: The romantic-sexual attraction between you is very high but the timing is all wrong which leads to sexual misunderstandings, jealousy, anger, and intense feelings that run hot and cold. He may find you too assertive and your mars thinks he is too stuffy or uptight. You two can rub each other the wrong way many times. This is an incredibly passionate aspect, and if not dealt with carefully, can easily turn into a love-hate relationship. You will have to work on communicating effectively with each other.
Opposition Jupiter - Uranus: Your views on how to live your life may be very different. This relationship requires lots of room to think, experience and grow on your own as well as within the relationship itself. In order to grow, as a couple or as individuals, you have to find some common ground to build on. Be open to new ideas and trying out new methods of being together.
Opposition Jupiter - Neptune: When you are first getting to know each other, there could be a lot of philosophical or spiritual talk. You feel uplifted by each other and think you’ve found someone in synch with what you believe in. Unfortunately, that isn't exactly true. The more that you idealize each other, the harder it is to see the differences between you until it's too late. You could react very strongly when reality starts to intrude, having fights over your differences in spiritual or philosophical beliefs (differences that had been there all along). The differences themselves shouldn't really cause problems; it is your emotions about the differences that are hard to handle, unless you can force yourselves to deal with each other more honestly.
Overall: You feel safe with each other and are dedicated to your relationship. So much so that jealousy could turn into an issue. You love each other, but your views on how to live your life together could differ too much unless you learn how to effectively communicate with each other and compromise. 
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