#yall communication is not conditional?
whump-queen · 9 months
Rope work
tags: conditioned pet whumpee, intimate whumper/carewhumper, shibari, restraints
Whumper laying slow and beautiful rope across Whumpee’s skin whenever they’re stressed.
Their voice is a low hum when they lean in close, ordering their pet to stay still and quiet— while tying them up into whatever little oragami shape suits their whim in that moment.
Taking their time weaving intricate knots up Whumpee’s spine—around their ribs, down their arms—until they’re completely restrained, panting and practically drooling they’re so fucking gone.
Maybe Whumper lets them stay like that for a while. They’d feel so calm and spinny, left there tied up, if Whumper had other things to do.
No thoughts.
Nothing else they’re supposed to be doing.
They’re exactly where they’re meant to be.
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thottybrucewayne · 9 months
When I say "I'm rooting for everybody Black," I mean I'm including Black people who are usually overlooked outside and within the community. Black people whose Blackness becomes conditional the second they confront other Black people about bigotry within our community (Transmisogynoir, Transphobia, homophobia, ableism, sanism, etc.) not abusers and coons...
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oddsconvert · 5 months
"Open it." For my boy Josh (prompt for the five sentence fic!)
"Open it."
It isn't a request.
It's a dare. An ice-cold threat that freezes Josh to the spot. He stands paralyzed, his clammy palm welded to the doorknob. Josh's sorry life flashes before his bloodshot eyes, and his freedom taunts him from the other side of the unlocked door. It calls him, it pulls him like a magnet.
Josh wants to live, and not just survive. He wants his life back. His simple, mundane life. He'd give anything and everything to blend back into the world and fade into the background.
"Go on, Joshy. See what happens the second you open that door." Felix stalks closer but Josh doesn't face him. He can't face him. With his puffy, tear-stained cheeks and deer-in-headlight eyes. Josh's ears prick up at the sound of slow footsteps coming to a stop just over his shoulder.
"You know I'd catch you, don't you, honey?" Felix half purrs, half growls. Josh's thumping heart falls to the pit of his stomach. "God have mercy on you, I'd hunt you down like a wild animal. And when I finally find you...?"
Josh physically cringes and shrivels up as Felix nibbles at Josh's neck and kisses the dip of his collarbone. Felix slowly reaches around to place his hand on top of Josh's shaking one, on the door handle, and pulls it away.
"I'd snap your legs like twigs," Felix whispers in Josh's ear. "I would just love you bed-bound. It would be my dream come true, baby... the things I'd do to you..."
Josh hears Felix actually lick his lips and his gut suddenly twists. Josh thought his life was already a fate worse than death...somehow, it can get worse. He spins around to face Felix, eyes blown wide and sparkling - his lip wobbling like a small child.
It's a risk he's not willing to take. Any foolish bravery suddenly dissolves and his fight or flight suddenly switches off. Josh just feels empty.
He collapses into Felix's arms in a slump. His body rockets with sobs as Felix cradles him and smoothes the jet-black hair over his scalp.
"Sweet boy," Felix mumurs dotingly, "sweet, confused little boy. You know you belong with me, don't you?"
Josh nods miserably into Felix's chest.
"I'm the only one who knows you inside and out, who will take care of your every want and need. You'll never leave me, baby-blue."
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redheadedfailgirl · 3 months
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From 'Dream of a woman' By Cacey Plett.
This sums up exactly how I feel about most transition timelines. As much as they reflect people's experiences, they are also a narrative. And the narratives that get shared the most tell a lot about what our values are. The timelines that get the most attention are the ones where people go from sad, loser, nothing boys into beautiful women.
But if you go to /r/transitiontimelines or a similar place, and sort by controversial or look at what has the least likes, its people who made timelines when they still don't 'pass' yet. Even if they're happy as can be, that's not what people are looking for.
I think it says a lot about what people expect from trans women, that they only want to see us be beautiful. In some cases, that they want to believe they can be beautiful. So there is no value in trans life if you're not beautiful.
#i dont know if this is exactly what the narrative was trying to convey here but it is something i felt while reading it#and i hope thats meaningful to others when shared#i know he's kind of a chucklefuck but i so think 'the queer art of failure' by J. Halberstam has a lot to say about the impetus to he happy#and its conditions#a lot of the time i feel like i have to perform positivity as a trans woman because its whats expected both from women#and from people lucky enough to transition#while at the same time social conditions are worsening and even personally#there arent solutions to much of my dysphoria#regardless of all that you're expected to just be happy even though the conditions for that don't exist#i think being honest about those things#that negativity#can bring its own happiness#and i think thats also valuable#i guess what im trying to say is that i think ugly trannies can be happy and should be valued#i think sad trannies are wonderful and ought to be cherished#and i think people shouldnt have to pretend to be happy in the same way a woman shouldn't have to pretend to be a man#maybe that doesnt make full sense and i need to think harder to communicate my feelings#but thats the vibe rn#anyways#i really like this book and yall should check it out#dream of a woman#cacey plett#trans women#transgender#trans#transmisogyny#transition timeline#i dont mean this post to denigrate timelines btw#just the way that we give certain ones attention and the teleology of transition that follows#books
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bluebudgie · 2 years
Alright gw2 peeps, here's one for all of you with a lot of alts:
All your characters of the same class (e.g. all your rangers) are stuck together in an escape room.
Which of your "class groups" is off the worst and who gets the job done with no problem?
#edit: yall did this way more detailed than my word salad so lemme redo this class by class as well:#eles: not awful. overall a relatively cooperative group despite very differing personalities.#wouldnt be the fastest in finding the solutions but definitely are getting out of there without casualties or other damages#necros: shit tier dynamics. hostile charr that wants to be left alone vs. volatile chak madman vs. way too gentle sylvari plant#communication would NOT go well but they would make it out (neljje contributes NOTHING to this)#mesmers: nightmare courtier who is out to be as destructive on purpose as possible vs. just some guy vs. tvekks (enough said)#tvekks will suffer but they'll probably make it out. maybe. im unsure.#rangers: actually competent. if we ignore the hostile inquest rat in the room we're left with a competent charr leader and a#very cooperative norn huntsman (and bobbie but he contributes absolutely nothing). they will get out just fine.#engineers: disaster. there might be dead. too many egos in one room and a poor norn who just wants to get out beween everyone fighting#she might jus solve this on her own while the other three are about to slice each other's throats#thieves: absolute hell tier. mordrem sylvari trying to eat everything he can possble dig his teeth into.#a mildly confused human who probably just tries her best while the asura in the room is suffering psychic damage caused by#the mordrem and the charr that will simply not shut up for one second#i do not see ANYONE managing to get a solution in these conditions even if individually they might just be able to.#revs: awkward atmosphere between happy upbeat asura kid and really grumpy charr but they're getting through it#warriors: also a weird clash of personalities but they'd pull their asscheeks together and get out of there#and finally the guardians: no destructive force in here. just two very mature people and a slightly chaotic but otherwise clever bard#absolute dream team coming up with solutions. peace and happiness.#budgie plays gw2
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blueboybot · 3 months
In Your Cold Dead Arms
I don't care! I need to show yall one of my weird pairs.
Twigs and dry leaves snapped under feet that were in a hurry, wind blowing violently enough to feel as though it was one more step from uprooting trees and flinging them carelessly about with its strong might. Rain droplets fell from the dark and cloudy sky, rapid rainfall increasing with every droplet that hit skin and cloth, each one harsher than the other.
Some might find struggle with this kind of weather condition but for him it was way nicer than dealing with someone who could manipulate the weather at will. Luckily for him it was simply an act of nature, no powerful foe was attacking him and he could appreciate that once he got out of said rain.
As he ran his eyes continued to look out for shelter, something he could only hope to find in an area like this. More trees and plants overtook his vision, his temper starting to flare as rain fell even harder, almost feeling as if it were lashing him. Thunder boomed from above and lightening soon followed after, clouds lit up and illuminated the area for a few seconds.
On que, lightening striked next to a tree he was close to making him instinctively dodge out of the way. The tree took major damage, its base split in two and some of its green leaves burnt black. Fire appeared for a quick second before immediately being quelched by the rain. However with the destruction of the tree he was able to see a path, and further in the distance some kind of structure.
With the discovery of shelter he headed straight for the building, his legs picking up speed with the promise of soon being out of rain. Getting closer he saw that the structure was a mansion, an abandoned mansion at that. Not one to be picky he pushed open the gates with overgrown vines, finding them unlocked and bolted straight towards the front door, ready to use his body to force it open only to find out it was also unlocked and opened when his hand pushed on it.
Entering the mansion his first red flag came when he laid his eyes on the interior of the place. It was much nicer on the inside than the outside, the floors were clean and shiny, a chandelier lit up with flames hung high from the ceiling, red carpet and wooden decorations greeted him from where he could see them. Overall, the mansion gave off the vibes that it was well kept and that meant he may have just broke into someone's home.
He expected someone to come rushing out of a door, cursing him or attacking him for entering their home as an unwated guest but he got nothing.
"Please tell me I didn't walk into some kind of haunted house." He mumbled.
Arsenal stood near the entrance door, wiping his boots on the mat and trying to dry himself with the warmth of a nearby candle. He tried to contact the team but something was blocking his signal, so for now he was stuck here until the rain stopped, but judging from the sounds outside that may take a while. He himself think back to how he got into this situation in the first place.
They were flying in the bioship when they got attacked, while trying to manuver through the air the ship got hit and plunged into the sea. He remembered exiting the bioship to look at the damage, only to be swept away by a current that appeared out of nowhere. He ended up on a beach and tried to contact the others but his communicator didn't work. Leaving the beach to explore the rest of the island storm coulds appeared, then it started raining so he ran to find shelter. Now, he was here in mansion that may or may not be haunted.
With a hesitant first step he continued to explore the mansion, going up the long steps that lead to the second floor. Turning left he was met with a hallway, dark brown with a few candles lighting up the way from which they were positioned from each door. Peaking inside, he saw a room with the same dark brown wood, but this time there were elegant designs carved into some of the walls, soft looking chairs and a rug lay in the center surrounded by bookshelves on the wall, a window showcasing the rainy outside world.
The sound of something falling against the floor in another room caught his attention. He whipped out his bow and readied an arrow, cautiously, he drew nearer toward the sound, stopping infront of the third room on the right that was slightly open. Slowly, he pushed open the door back, coming to halt when he saw nothing but furniture covered in white sheets.
He didn't lower his bow though, and his theory of something being in here was proven correct when movement came from a sheet close to the window. Arsenal stepped closer, arrow aimed directly at what he assumed was its head, whatever is under there could be dangerous for all he knows and he wasn't taking anymore chances. He wasn't about to lose another arm or any other limbs for that matter.
The rustling stopped and the sheet pulled back, revealing the face of someone that was definitely close in age to him. Hair so dark as if it was trying to mimic the void of space looked wet, strands clinging to their forehead. Freckles dusted over their cheeks and nose like they were carefully placed by the gentlest of hands. Blue eyes stared at the bow and then him, looking at him with a hint of curiousity only to turn to fear a second later at remembering that there was a weapon very close to their face.
Those blue eyes intrigued the red head. They were unlike any blue he had seen before, mesmerizing in a way, tempting him into their hypnotic trance. Looking away was becoming more of a challenge the longer he continued seeing into something so enchanting. They reminded him of the ice and a burning blue star. So out of this world that he swore his body was beginning to tingle as those eyes gaze back into him. He was locked in a view so breathtaking that the word did little justice to describe how he felt as he stared.
His trance was broken when the teen scrambled away from him, hitting hard against the underwall of the window, and likely hurting his back if the way he winced was anything to go by. The other boy quickly got up an moved to side, hitting his head into a piece of covered furniture that reverberated with a clang sound.
Aresenal winced, deciding he needed to step in and do something before the teen knocked himself out while trying and failing to get away from him.
"Easy easy!" He put away his bow and arrow, looking at the boy on the floor with his hands up to come across less dangerous "I'm not going to hurt you, I was just curious as to why I heard a noise coming from this room."
The teen looked at him with those blue eyes, accessing him to see if he was lying. He must of taken a gamble and decided to somewhat believe he meant no harm because the boy rose to his feet once again, looking at him with slight caution now.
"Do you live here?"
"No, I was trying to escape the rain and came across this abandoned mansion." He replied, looking away from Roy and opting to stare at the carpet.
"Got a shy one." Roy thought looking over the boy and his body language.
His clothes looked a little too big for him. A white t-shirt with short red sleeves and an oval pattern in the middle, black cargo pants, and red shoes with white lacing. There was also a metalic looking wristband the boy wore on his left hand. Overall, Arsenal took him for a pretty boy who wasn't used to these sorts of situations, one who doesn't do much except for sit in quiet with the popular kids and have everything handed to him without much of a resistance from other teachers or students.
"So do you have a name or do I just call you boy?" Roy asked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.
"I'm not a child!"
Oh he was going to have fun with this one.
Roy's face split into a grin as he waited for the boy to reply. The other teen rolled his eyes at him.
"My name is Danny." Danny looked him up and down, "Did you just come from a cosplay party or something?"
He raised an eyebrow, "I'm Arsenal!"
This time Danny raised an eyebrow at him.
"Protégé of Green Arrow."
The boy's face remained the same as Roy's changed.
"Part of the Young Justice team."
Still no look of recognition.
"The Justice League."
"I literally don't have a clue on what any of those are, is it like some kind of sports team?"
"How do you not know the Justice League?"
"I'm from a small town, a lot of outside media doesn't get through to us." The boy mumbled something with a hint of annoyance at the end.
Roy groaned in frustration, putting his hands up to his masked face. He silently wondered if he was going to have to tell pretty boy here about the existance of aliens and meta-humans.
"Woah!" He heard the boy exclaim, feet that barely made a sound ran up to him. "Cool arm!" Roy spread his arms apart from his face to look at him, seeing that the boy's focus was entirely on his prosthetic.
"What kind of lights did you buy for this?"
" Lights? What no— This is how it is." He growled out the last part, remembering what Lex did still left a sour taste in his mouth.
"No. Way!" Danny's eyes seemed to sparkle with awe. "Can I touch it, please?"
Roy let the other teen poke at his arm, watching as fascination filled those blue eyes. The only other person that showed this much interest in his arm was Bart and the little menace would always ask to look at it or try to wrestle him, resulting in him always winning because there was no chance of him losing to someone with those kind of arms.
"This is amazing, can you wiggle your fingers for me?" Roy did just that and watched as a smile etched onto the boy's face.
"INCREDIBLE! The black metal, the desgin, everything was made to fit you. But, I bet I could do a way better job."
"Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow.
"My parents are inventors and scientist, I obviously picked up a thing or two from being around their equipment for so long." Danny placed his two hands on the prosthetic, providing Roy with the knowledge that he was two inches taller than Danny.
The vigilante catalogued the information given to him for later. Even if Danny meant him no harm that didn't mean he trusted him right away, sue him, but the other's parents being scientist that built enough inventions for Danny to alledgedly make his own made him wary.
"You're not a bad cosplayer." Danny said, leaning his head against the metalic arm while looking at Roy.
Those too blue eyes pierced his soul. Danny had to be a meta or alien of some kind, there was no other explanation for his eyes.
"It's not a cos—"
An unholy noise screamed out, sounding like a high pitched call and simultaneously a warning from whatever creature it came from.
Roy quickly grabbed Danny by the waist and pushed the boy behind him, shielding him as he armed himself once again.
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papatacomia · 5 months
It’s honestly still insane to me how shiftblr was able to make me understand shifting in such a short amount of time despite being in the community for several years now. Although I don’t want to blame shiftok for everything, I feel like it played a huge factor into why some of us are so pushed back into our shifting journey. 
Shifting is easy, yall. We’ve been so conditioned into adding a lot of unnecessary steps or rules that we’ve made it harder on ourselves.
Do yourself a favor by learning about LOA and how it can be applied to shifting. It’ll help so much with your mindset and how you view shifting.
Anyways, you already are a master shifter whose achieved so much already!! you can do it!! you’ll be in your dr in no time :D
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the-phantom-author · 7 months
husband hasan and his wife joking about tradwives while he’s streaming because it’s just funny to them. some might find it offensive but they think it’s funnyyyyy😭
like some douchebags in the chat making fun of hasan, saying… idk like man insults about muscles and hairlines and being alphas i guess…. hasan is like whatever dude im the biggest alpha, i got a tradwife who is barefoot and pregnant. it doesn’t get much manlier than me🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 she’s sitting there laughing because she knowssssssss hasan is more than an equal partner in housework, cooking, when you have kids, childcare, etc.
plus now when you join him on stream, he’ll hold your left hand, just so he can fiddle with your ring, just a physical reminder you’re legally bound to each other. doesn’t matter if it’s a plain band or a huge diamond, he just LOVES to show people that you’re both taken.
plus you thought he loved you and found you perfect and gorgeous before????? baby yall signed that piece of paper and exchanged rings and it’s OVER. you’re an actual goddess, you look hot with his ring he gave you, he literally cannot get enough of you
Literally you and hasan talking on stream about how you cook his meals, and clean his home, and give him all the sex he could want. And in return he gives you all the money you could ask for. Ya'know the best setup for a trad marriage.
Hasan always just like "idk what to tell you dude. I'm 6'5, built like house, loaded and I have barefoot pregnant wife. What more could an alpha ask for?" All while the two of you are laughing because, yeah, Hasan does do more than his fare share of housework, and he does pay the bill more often than not, and he makes sure to spend more than enough time with not just your kids but also you.
Just as he knows that you are the thing that keeps not just the the two of you, but also the house in running condition. You keep track of the things the need fixing. You make sure that there is open communication between the two you. You make sure that his schedules are compatible with what everyone else has going on. You make sure that guest feel welcomed. And you make sure that the kids are happy and alive.
He love to put emphasis on your wedding rings whenever he can. It's now the only ring he wears on that hand, he's fidgeting with your ring wherever he's bored and you're around. Like logically he knows that nothing really changed since you signed the papers, but also everything has changed. All his feelings towards you has increased like 400%, even though he didn't think it was possible.
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somanyratsinthewalls · 7 months
Your robin and franky fic was chefs kiss but would you be willing to write some solo franky?? Im really into water 7 franky and would love to see what you’d come up with !!
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING FOR THIS! YALL I promise you any time anyone requests a Franky fic I WILL BE WRITING THAT SHIT. This is my dream man and no one gives me enough opportunities to write for him! So, I'm sorry I turned this into a smutty nightmare if you wanted fluff... I just need to service the Fellow Franky Fuckers out there.
Pairing: (pre timeskip) Cyborg Franky x Fem!Reader
WC: 2800
Taglist: @generaldaij0bu you might need to see this
Summary: The Sunny malfunctioning is driving you up a wall. You make a request for repairs and end up getting way more than you bargained for in the workshop.
TWs: ROBO-BONING, BABES! P in V sex, unprotected sex (pls don't) sex toy use, forced orgasm, safe words, light bdsm, communication is key and Franky respects it so hard and he's so hot for it, very much dirty talk...
Too Hot (+18)
— — 
It was hot. 
The sun beat down on the Sunny all day and the unwavering heat was barely dispelled after sunset due to the humidity. You lay sprawled on the deck next to Usopp and Chopper, groaning in the unbearable heat. 
“I think I’ll die here…” Chopper groans with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. 
“I can’t believe I’m going to burn to death after all the horrible monster’s I’ve fought… it’s not fair!” Usopp moans and wipes his brow. 
“Just throw me overboard at this point.” You sigh. 
“But don’t you have devil fruit-“
“I DON’T CARE THROW ME OVER!” You screech at Usopp. 
Before you could murder the cowardly sniped in a fit of heat-induced rage, Sanji steps through the door to the deck from the galley. 
“Okay everyone, dinner’s on. Air con works fine in here.” Sanji calls from the doorway. 
You push Usopp and Chopper behind you as you spring to your feet and sprint towards the galley. 
After entering the swinging door, the cool air hits you like stepping through a cascading waterfall. You sigh in relief. Your bliss was furthered when you see bowls of cool gazpacho at each place setting on the dining room table. 
“Thank gods…” You grumble as you hop onto the bench and start eating. The cold soup alleviated your discomfort from the inside out and you couldn’t help but groan in content. 
“Relax, it’s just soup.” Zoro puts his bowl down next to you and gives you a concerned look. 
“Oh I’m sorry swords-for-brains, did you not notice it’s a billion and five degrees outside?” You scowl at the swordsman seated next to you at the table. 
“Who cares?! This soup is great!” Luffy chimes in and extends his rubbery arms to grab every bowl that wasn’t licked clean and shovels them down his gullet. 
You sigh. 
“Nami please tell me this heat wave will be over soon. I’m getting crows feet ON my crows feet from this sun.” You turn towards your friend and navigator. 
“I wish I had better news but it’ll be at least a few more days before there’s any relief in temperature. We’re just going to have to stay in the shade and inside where the air is working. You’re tough, y/n, you can handle it.” Nami states as she sips from her bowl of cold soup. 
You roll your eyes. 
The dishes were promptly slurped clean by your captain and Sanji cleared the table. The blaring rays of the sun had exhausted so you so you decided to take a shower and head to bed. 
After taking a cool shower, you throw on a t shirt and shorts over your panties and sports bra and lay on top of the covers of your bed. 
“Gods it’s almost like it’s hotter in here than it is out there!” You say to yourself as you lay in bed, sweat soaking through your pillow. You decide to hop up and check if the air conditioning was working. You walk over to the vent in the corner of your room and press your hands against it. HOT air was spewing out from the grate in your room. You walk backwards and fall back onto the bed. 
“Fuck.” You throw your shirt over your head and slip your shorts off and flop back onto the bed. Sweat drips from your chin down your neck to your chest. 
Hot air was being pushed out harsher and faster through the grate in the corner of your room. The temperature continued to rise and your sweat soaked through your top sheet. 
“I’m not living like this!” You shout in frustration as you push your way out of your room, without bothering to throw your clothes back on. You head down into the belly of the ship in your underwear. Upon reaching the door you were looking for, you slam it open without knocking.
“FRANKY!!!!!” You yell angrily. 
“Jeez, y/n where’s the fire? I could have been naked in here!” Franky pushes his sunglasses back on his head as he turns towards you from his work bench. 
“You’re always naked!!! Also, more importantly, why is the HEAT ON in my bedroom?! Are you trying to cook me like a rotisserie chicken?!” You pant out, still very sweaty. 
“Oh that’s no good… I’ll have to go check the generators.” Franky rises to his feet, towering over you. “Sorry you were so uncomfortable, little lady. I’ll get this sorted out super quickly. Why don’t you get some shut eye in my bed for awhile? It’s still nice and cool down here.” He gestures to his bed in the corner of the room while he grabs his toolbox. 
You sigh. 
“Honestly that would be great, I feel like I’ve been in an oven all day.” You walk over to Franky’s bed and flop down on your back. Being this deep in the ship, there were no windows on the walls, but you were so sweaty and tired you didn’t care. 
“Alright well I’m gonna go fix this for ya, try and get some rest. Your room will be back to super condition in no time!” Franky leaves and you settle into the pillows and close your eyes. The sweat covering your body began to dry and you were finally comfortable again. You find yourself relaxing into Franky’s bed, smelling slightly of cola and motor oil, and drifting off into a light sleep. 
You wake up to the door of the bedroom closing and you snap your head up. 
“Woah, what do we have here?” You hear Franky’s booming voice as you rub the brief sleep from your eyes. It must have still been late at night. 
“Some dream ya must have been having, huh?” Franky stands above the bed and nods towards your spread thighs. You look down at where he was gesturing and notice a huge soaked patch in your pink panties. It was at this moment you notice the wanton ache in your core and abdomen… you must have been having a very wet dream and were awoken before you got to the good part. You instinctively slam your thighs shut in embarrassment and cover your face with your hands. 
“Look at you, so shy but dripping all over my sheets?” Franky continues with a smile, noticing your bashfulness. 
“I-I’m sorry I-“ You stutter and try to explain yourself. 
“It’s okay sweet thing! It’s totally normal. Looks like you’re pretty pent up, huh? I can fix that for ya, if you’re interested.” 
“I.. I mean that would be nice I guess…” You pull your hands away from your face hesitantly. 
“Aaaoooww!! That’s what I wanted to hear! Let’s get started then!” Franky grins and leans down to grab something from underneath his bed. He retrieves a large metal box and pops open the lid. 
“Hmmm let’s see… Some of these… definitely this…” Your robot whispers to himself as he roots around in the large chest. He rises and brings a pile of items out and flops them onto the bed. These were things you’ve never seen before, so your eyes were darting from chain to leather to silicone you had no idea what to focus on. 
“Take that bra off for me baby, I wanna ask ya some things before we get started.” Franky grabs the hem of your panties and gently tugs them down your legs.
You did as you were told and unclasped your bra, tossing it to the side and leaning back again. Franky softly sets your panties down on his bedside table and remarks, 
“I’m keepin’ these.” 
Your body shudders when you hear the sinister tone in his voice.
“Ok doll, now tell me…” Franky traces his hands up and down your thighs, parting them in the process. “How do you like it? I can edge you for an hour or so… or you could cum until you cry… any preference?” Frankly asks casually as he organizes the objects he had turned over onto the bed. 
“I, um…” You were young, not a virgin but not very experienced. This man was almost 10 years older than you, how were you supposed to know what you wanted from him?
“I… I wanna cum… I think…” You eventually squeak out. 
“Ok babydoll, good choice. Can ya promise me you’ll say ‘red’ if you want to stop?” Franky cups your jaw and makes sure you’re looking into his eyes above you. You nod. “No no, tell me you will.”
“I will say it, I’ll say red. I can do it.” You breath out, so ready for him to please you already. You rub your thighs together. 
“And you’ll tell me if there’s anything ya don’t like, hm?”
“Yes of course I promise!” You groan out, impatient to feel Franky’s touch on your skin. 
“Super! I’m going to put you in a spreader bar now, sweet cheeks, so you can’t close your legs on me. It’ll just go around your legs like this…” Franky explains to you methodically as he straps your legs into the homemade device. You tentatively try to close your thighs to see how effective the bar was… and it certainly did its job. 
“OK and these are gonna squeeze your nipples, just like this…” Franky gently attaches the nipple clamps onto your sensitive buds. 
“Oh!!” You cry out as he tightens the screws on them. Franky pulls back and admires his handiwork. You were laid out on his bed, metal clasps squeezing your nipples, causing you to writhe against the spreader bar forcefully separating your legs. 
“Fucking perfect. If you want I can gag you, too…” Franky approaches you with a ball gag in hand. 
“Wait, no. I don’t want that.” You state clearly, even through your lust filled haze. Franky grins down at you. 
“Gods, you’re so fucking hot when you tell me what you want baby. Good idea sweetie, that way everyone can hear how good I’m gonna make you feel.” Franky squeezes your breast, eliciting a whine from your lips. He moves to grab something from the foot of the bed. It a large long, black, wand like device. 
“Spread them for me, I wanna see that cute little pussy.” Franky grabbed one of your knees and pushed it open. 
“I didn’t shave…” You try to cover your face with your arm so you didn’t have to see Franky’s eyes on your most intimate bits. 
“Good! Smells much better like this…” He takes a deep inhale. 
“Fuck,” You sigh out. “You really are a fucking pervert- OH!” The device Franky was pressing against your sex suddenly sprung to life and vibrated against your clit. It’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced in your life and your stomach tenses immediately. 
“Wait- fuck, Franky! Wait holy shit, wait- ah!” You scream as your orgasm sneaks up on you and takes you out like an assassin. You legs give out and flop against the bed. Franky removes the toy and cups your sex with his free hand. He feels your hole still gently pulsing against his palm.
“Oh poor baby, ya really are wound tight…” Franky coos down at you from your side. “We’re gonna need a lot more of those before you’re ready for me..” He removes his hand and returns the vibrator to your sex. You cry out as he drags it through your wet folds at the lowest intensity. He eventually keeps it at your clit and increases the vibrations. 
You squirm and moan. 
“Hey,” Franky scolds as he pulls on the chain between your nipple clamps, causing you to moan louder. “Don’t fight it, doll face… just cum, I know you’re there again…” He presses the device harder into your flesh and you crash over the edge again. This time it was even more intense, spasms continuing long after the euphoria ended. 
“Franky… It’s so much…” You whine as he leaves the vibrator pressed against your sex even after you’ve cum for a second time. 
“You can take it. I know you can. You know what to say to get me to stop…” Franky meets your gaze and raises an eyebrow. 
You pull your thighs closed to escape the sensation but the bar prevents you from doing so. 
“Come on baby, one more like this, I know you can…” Franky increases the speed of the vibrator. 
“Shit! I can’t!” You arch your back away from the stimulation. 
“Then say it, sweetheart.” Franky increases the speed again. 
“Fuck! I’m- I’m cumming!” You cry out and violently lurch forward on the bed. You grab Franky’s forearm and sob in pleasure. You hear the buzzing of the machine stop and your spasms start to slow down. 
“Think you can take me now, sweet thing?” You are broken from your post orgasm trance by your cyborg lover slipping off the only piece of clothing he had on, his red swim briefs. 
“Mmmhmmm….” You seductively whisper as you roll onto your stomach and push you ass backwards with your knees, exposing your puffy, red wet hole to him. 
“So ready for me, what a good girl.” Franky coos as he strokes down your back bone. “I’m gonna fuck you now, take a deep breath…” 
“SHIT!” You cry out as Franky’s enormous cockhead breaches your hole. You were wildly wet and open after 3 orgasms, but his sheer size was causing your insides to stretch beyond compare. 
“Its- ah” *sniff* *hiccup* “It’s so big, Frank! Ah!” *sniff* 
“I know sweetheart, it’s a lot at first, but you gotta relax and let me fuck you. You gotta open up more baby..” Franky leans forward and places kisses on your shoulder blades. He feels you lessen your grip around him and he pushes in further. “Gooood girl… stretching so nice for me…” He finally pulls back out and shoves himself into you again. 
“Oh!” You cry out in surprise. You continue to yelp helplessly as your powerful cyborg lover drilled into you from behind. 
“Yes there it is mama, cum on this dick. Feels good, huh?” Franky has the audacity to laugh as he hammers into your G-spot. 
You were involuntarily pushed over the edge and sent screaming into yet another orgasm. You sob and Franky uses his massive strength to flip you over onto your back. He enters you again and you moan out in overstimulation. 
“Come on, one more doll, bet you can squirt on me…” Franky thrusts into you from above, holding your hips into his at the perfect angle to hit your spot. 
“No, I- I can’t” You pant out breathlessly, knowing this is something you aren’t capable of. 
“Yes you can baby, come on just try it for me.” Franky pulls back and places one hand on your stomach and the other on your clit. He begins to rub circles into your sensitive nub and applies deep pressure to your lower abdomen, all while thrusting deeply into you with his cock. You snap for the nth time that evening and tears spill from your lash line as your hips spasm in pleasure. You feel different, like some sort of physical release in your bottom half deeper than the normal climax. You look up after catching your breath and see that your fluids had soaked both the bed and your lover’s abdomen and thighs. 
“Hnnnnhhhh” You whine and weep in overestimation. “It’s too much, Frank, please!” You cry out and claw at your cyborg’s back. 
“Almost there mama, take it for me…” Franky rasps into your ear as he reaches his own climax, huge cock buried deep against your cervix. The loudest moan you’ve ever heard reaches your ears and you toss your head back into the pillows. The both of your whine as Franky carefully removes himself from your body. 
You lay there in a daze and didn’t even notice that your lover had left until he returned with a warm towel to dab at your swollen, messy sex. You twitch involuntarily as he cleans your sensitive bits. He unlocks your legs from their hold in the bar and gently pulls the clamps off your nipples, soothing them with the wet cloth.
“You room should be cooled off by now, glad I could occupy your time until the repairs kicked in.” Franky helps you snap your bra back on behind your back. 
“Thanks for the help, and thanks for the distraction.” You reach up and grip Franky’s jaw to kiss it. You slide off the bed bend down to grab something. You hold the worn red pair of swim briefs up to your face. 
“I’m keepin’ these.” You giggle and bolt out of the room with Franky’s bikini. 
“HEY! Those are my only red ones! This is not very super of you!”
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Hello hello! If request still open, may I have a seperate headcanons for the Hantengu clones? with a fem s/o is selective mute.
what would the clones react when they heard their s/o spoke? it can be mention their name or say I love you?
(s/o communicate them through hand sign or writing on the paper)
Hantengu clones with a selective mute S/O
Your also a demon for this purpose.
Also not pleased with what Sekido did to the other clones..so yall getting angst for him.
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Sekido angst
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You usually write to him if you want to ever talk.
He‘a honestly a great listener im sorry he will give you advice whenever you need it believe it or not.
When you try to teach him signs language he was clueless. He understood some things but not all.
He never admits it but he would DIE to hear to voice.
Once you were both out on a mission, and boy he wished you stayed back home.
He knew you could protect yourself and knows how strong you are, but the mission got worse than what it should’ve been.
You were fighting off some slayers and left Sekido with 2 hashira to fight off, which you regret instantly. So there was a change in plans. You end up getting be-headed by one of the slayers. You head was in your hands, looking at your body your eyes widened. Sekido looked at you with horror. Were you about to actually die on him? “Y/n…Y/N!” Your body turned to face Sekido’s, dropping his staff he walked to you, putting his hands on your cheek. He looked like he’s on the verge of tears?.. “Sekido..I don’t want to die! Please!!.” You we’re begging for him to do something yelling at him with fat tears in your eyes, but you were also happy that you’re now free from the curse, you were going to be alone all over again. He hugged your body as your limbs were slowly burning. “Sekido please I don’t want to be alone again!!” He didn’t have anything to say, he was shocked to say at least, he finally heard your voice but, he wished it wasn’t like this. Ever since he hated himself for letting you die.
He also keeps a piece of your kimono with him.
Karaku nsfw-ish
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You both communicate in sign language, he’s very good at it.
Often tease you whenever he can. Doesn’t matter if it’s sign language or what, he will find his ways.
Always curious about what your voice sounds like, and tells you what he personally thinks it sounds like.
You’d often smile when he tries to do “your voice” impressions, you want to actually speak with him but you just don’t know how to.
You were minding your business one day and decided to have to courage to finally speak with your boyfriend.
You were sitting down on the floor with Karaku big and squishy thighs squishing the side of your face. Leaning your head in his thighs you traced your finger on them. Karaku was in his own little world doing god knows what. You suddenly bit his thighs out of no where which caused him to snap out of his trance to shoot a look at you, groaning, with a small blush on his face. You looked up at him with innocent eyes, drinking his blood from his thigh, followed by a pleased moan. “Oh~… You decide to do this now but can’t wait until we’re in bed hm?” Submissive Karaku Shaking your head as a no, with a smirk on your face. “Actually Karaku.. I can wait my love, I just wanted to have a taste of you now..” His eyes widened in pure shock upon hearing your voice for the first time, it was pretty/handsome to him. In an instant he grabbed your arm and ran to the bedroom…
He’s the one who ends up being the bottom…Anywho..
Have fun darling <3
Urogi fluff
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He does both, he knows sign language pretty well, but prefers whichever your comfortable with.
He doesn’t really care if your mute, he loves you for you.
Often ask you weird questions to keep you entertained if your ever bored.
Overall he’s very happy to have an S/O like you, doesn’t matter what condition you have.
You were both on a night walk, holding eachother hands enjoying the silence. Urogi was humming a random song he heard a villager sing, it was quite the song. “The moon is quite lovely tonight, isn’t it Urogi.” Urogi stopped in his tracks and just stared at you in pure shock, his eye lighting up along with his wings fluttering. As if a child was just offered candy. He quickly flew over to you, flying in the air hugging you tightly, causing you to laugh with him. “Holy shit!! Your voice is so heavenly! If that’s a word…, But who cares!!” Now he would often get you to speak more because he just loves your voice.
Aizetsu fluff
A little after episode 7, but if they won.
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He prefers writing, he doesn’t mind sign language but he just like to write.
He would often write letters to remind you that he loves you no matter what, which makes your heart melt into millions of pieces.
Does think of what your voice could possibly sound like, but don’t actually ask you, he doesn’t wish to step over your boundaries.
He came back after a mission with his brothers but they looked traumatized, but the oldest one..
Being the good S/O you are, you wrote on a paper asking him what was wrong.
Aizetsu just stared at you, debating if he should actually tell you what happened. He ends up tell you what happened with his oldest brother absorbing him and his brothers, in details. It made you shudder just imagining it, Aizetsu swore that he’s alright now which you found hard to believe, you just hugged him to comfort him. “I’m sorry that happened to you hun… But you’re alright now, I’m here with you.” I kid you not this man was crying, fat tears falling from his face, he hugged you back, his head buried at the crook of your neck. He was smiling, happy tears to be exact. “Thank you Y/N…”
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I need more requests in my inbox..Pleaseeee🙌🏾
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solar-sunnyside-up · 11 months
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Community gardens-
Community gardens are a piece of land gardened or cultivated by a group of people, which you can do individually or collectively. So they can be done on private or public land. 
Community gardens are not only a testament to community care and mutual aid, it's also almost a radical act of protest and activism. You're combining and sharing resources, which is inherently anti-capitalist, and you're actively protesting climate change by cultivating the land and bringing back native plants. They exist in various forms, it can be located in the proximity of neighborhoods or on balconies and rooftops. They are far from a one size fits all, they are built to meet the needs of the people cultivating them.
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this is gunna be a long one yall--
1890s-- Rapid urbanization in Europe and North America lead to community ran gardens to supplement food stocks that the city couldn't maintain causing an obscene cost of food. Thus lead to cities across the world attempting in their own ways to handle the problem-
1893 - Detroit Mayor Hazen S. Pingree took office with citizens even calling for “bread or blood”. In the mist of this crisis the city establishes a program that required vacant lots to be used as gardens and farms for the unemployed citizens have access to food. The deal the city basically makes is 'we will provide the land for you to farm, you feed yourself by farming it!' Later called "Potato Patches" would convert thousands of acres of vacant and idle land in the city for subsistence gardens, then cultivated by the unemployed in order to ensure citizens access to food regardless of the employment or economic status. At its peak, 1563 families participating over 430 acres of donated or City land. This would become so successful that later other cities like Boston and Buffalo would later adopt similar programs.
In England, “allotment” gardens were created to improve working-class people’s food provision, living conditions, and overall health of people living in suddenly crowded city centers.
Marseille in 1896, “les jardins d’ouvriers”, or ‘the workers’ gardens’, were created by a clergyman, with the purpose of reducing the misery of the working class and improving living condition.
1917- The War Gardens Commission was established to call on citizens to become, "Soldiers of the soil," planting gardens to meet some of their own domestic need for food as well as solider rations. (talk about abandoning your citizens for the sake of war >.>) Providing booklets, cartoons, and plenty of propaganda to teach everyone able to grow and preserve their own food supplies. War and Victory Gardens running well through the 1920s into the 50s. Often communties would have a vacant lot or shared spaces to also fullfill any need that wouldnt fit on private land. By 1944, between 18 to 20 million families with victory gardens were providing up to 40% of the vegetables in America.
1970s - In major cities that were fighting both economic crisis and urban decay as a result of white flight to the suburbs. Bringing rise to community groups like The Green Guerillas-  built of horticulturalists, gardeners, botanists, and planners who work to turn abandoned or empty spaces in New York City into gardens. The group threw "seed grenades" into derelict lots and developed community gardens, often without going through official channels. It became especially popular after the concerted redevelopment of a dangerous, trash-filled space at the corner of Houston Street and Bowery in Manhattan.  That first and now oldest recognized community garden in New York City on a street corner, grew to be over an acre and remains active as of 2023 now named the Liz Christy Garden after its founder who wanted a safe space and good food for children in her community.
Millions of community gardens spanning across the entire world have been reestablished. Particularly over the course of 2012 on wards in order to get back to connecting with the soil and feeding low income housing. Many of the gardens today also hold other community functions like yoga and woodworking classes, socializing centers, holding events, and act as a 3rd space where there are so few these days. Becoming more like a community hub over just a simple source of food.
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How do I join or create a community garden?
Join an existing garden- look up one in your area here
To create your own, you will need to do your own research on your city or towns bylaws but generally you'll need a few things-
Gather friends/group to garden with
Secure a place to garden, as well as access to water
Gardening Equipment
Happy Gardening!!
Also @solarpunkani this is for you!!!
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thottybrucewayne · 1 year
Ain't it funny how Black people in marginalized spaces are just supposed to excuse and dismiss antiblackness at every turn but our non-black counterparts are ready to shun us for the slightest of transgressions? We're expected to be endlessly forgiving and understanding but we are never extended the same courtesy.
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34 notes · View notes
Yall. Just say you hate intersex people already.
I make a post that's like "If you don't want to have sympathy for a small percentage of the human population, then I'll prove to you that it's not uncommon."
And like every other day I get "Intersex isn't that common because I don't consider these conditions to be intersex. So really with my new made up math it's only 0.015% of the population."
And just say "I hate intersex people." It's a hell of a lot easier than making shit up and gatekeeping intersex (which is really weird for people that aren't intersex to gatekeep intersex) to come up with an excuse to not care about them.
And the intersex community largely considers hormone variations to be intersex because people with hormone variation are often time victims of discrimination for androgynous body variations due to being intersex, and are magically pressured my doctors and society to take treatments that they don't need and have medical risks just so they can fit into the gender binary.
Jesus fuck you've no human decency.
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homeofatlas · 5 months
Maybe We're Both Chasing Ghosts
Summary: You and Elisa break up and long for each other.
Auhors note: yall i know i said i was gonna write the other one first..........im so sorry, hope ur in the mood for some angst tho
WC: 2k
Letting go has never been easy for you. You never learned how to give up, concede, or when it was time to let something go. Especially when someone is the love of your life. 
You’re going crazy. Plain and simple you’ve started seeing things. The side table lamp Elisa always used to have on in the living room when she was up late is on when it’s just you in the apartment, her figure walking around the corner, the smell of her as you walk past the door to the balcony. Everything you do reminds you of when she was here. Everywhere you go there's a woman with the same colour hair or skin tone and there’s a colleague who’s expression reminds you of the way Elisas brows furrowed when she was confused. It all makes your stomach hurt to look at and yet you never look away. You’ll hurt as long as you get a chance to see a part her again. 
You know Elisa was doing what she thought was best for both of you. The constant near misses with communication. How far apart you always felt even when you were right next to each other. The stretches you’d go without talking and when you did it felt forced and stilted. Nothing like the beginning when the silence had been because you both were quieter people and enjoyed simply basking in each other's presence. There were times when it had felt like you almost had what you used to have back before it would slip away again. The silences which would drag out seconds too long. 
Maybe it started when you felt like you were overwhelming her, maybe it started when she stopped looking for you first in a crowded room, maybe it was over the second you were finally comfortable. It seems to be a running theme in your life, “Nothing gold can ever stay.” What you won’t admit to as a non religious person is the day before she told you it was for the better to walk away, you asked the moon to keep her. I’ll do anything, just let me keep her. You pleaded and yet no one listened. 
She’s your best friend even though you haven't spoken in months. Three months, two weeks and four days if you were counting. She knows you inside and out, from the food you don’t like to how you appreciate actions more than words. What gets you is the way she knew everything about you and you knew everything about her and none of it was enough to prevent this. 
As the winter months begin to creep in and the wind nips at your cheeks again you feel the weight of her absence more than ever. You never realised you’d become conditioned to having an arm slung around your shoulder until the first time you shivered in a group of friends and a weight hadn’t overcome you to pull you into her side. When you’d been cold and no one had grabbed your hands to warm them up and kissed either side of your cheeks to make you smile and blush. Something in you had felt incomplete without nagging Elisa to put on an extra sweater as you went out because it’ll be cold and you are only human no matter what you say about being super hot Elisa. The way you’d looked up the hall to see whether or not she was coming and then remembered no one was there and there hadn’t been for a while. 
Her ghost hangs heavy in the side of the couch she always used to lay on with the pillow she liked and in the weight of the pan she used to cook almost every meal (the handle feels different like it’s been melded to her hand exactly). Since she left you’ve been missing a part of you. Date your best friend, they say, it’ll be amazing. It was, you wouldn’t give a second of it for anything but this type of pain makes you understand why they call it heartbreak. You feel as though you’ve been split in two and are missing a limb. You’d never been a child who’d cried for their parents and when you’d moved to Europe for schooling you’d never looked back but now at 26 you were learning what it felt like to be home sick. 
Elisa pov:
She’d fucked up. She didn’t know loneliness could be so all encompassing. She’s tried to fill her days with training and exercise and then going out with friends and calling her family “just because she wants to talk.” All of it is to keep her from stopping and thinking about you. The way she’s become less of a whole while still being one person. Half of her is missing. She can’t explain it without sounding like she’s co dependant but she couldn’t tell where she ended and you began. 
Something is missing. 
Scratch that. 
Everything is missing. 
A part of her is empty. 
And she knows she’s got no one to blame but herself. Instead of talking to you, she’d decided the connection you’d had was too good to be true. Of course it was, how can something so romantic exist in real life? It doesn’t. Except it does, the little voice in her heart whispers, you had it. She’d seen it, she’d felt it, she’d tasted it. Had it in the palm of her hand and let it slip away. 
The ache is eating away at her. A dull pulsing in her head constantly, she keeps herself exhausted to the point of falling straight into bed when she gets back to her apartment. It’s hard to call it home anymore without your perfume lingering in the air anymore. Your chapsticks stashed in various drawers through the apartment are gone. All the lights are off when she comes back. The place is empty. She’s empty. 
She’d taken down all the photos and traces of you left around and put them in a box hoping it would help her heal faster. All it does is test her willpower to not empty the tubes of chapstick trying to touch something your lips have been on. No matter what she does, the quiet keeps creeping in. She can’t outrun the itch beneath her skin. The ache in her bones that never seems to fade. The feeling in her gut screaming something isn’t right. The quiet used to be her sanctuary now it’s suffocating without you to smile at her from across a room or squeeze her shoulder as you pass by. 
She simultaneously feels invisible and like she sticks out like a sore thumb in every room she’s in. She’s not meant to be there. She’s meant to be next to you. But now you’re standing on the other side of the change room laughing at a joke she hasn’t heard, hasn’t told and something in her is coiling. She doesn’t know what’s going to happen when it snaps. 
Jackie is helping you put your necklace back on and it shouldn’t bug her but it does. She’s hot and this room is too small. She knows it’s not like that but when Jackie brushes your hair to one side, a tad unnecessary if she gets a say, she has to tear her gaze away. Putting your necklaces back on after practice used to be her job. The small moment of quiet intimacy is what she’d wait all day for. When it felt like nothing else in your relationship was working, she’d always had that at the end of the day. Her fingers brushing the nape of your neck, the brush of your hair to your side, a smile creeping onto her face. If no one else was in the room she’d kiss the back of your neck and wrap her arms around you from behind. You’d stand there basking in each other's presence until you were ready to let go. 
She’s fuming someone has taken her place, although not really and if someone has taken her place as your partner, her stomachs turns and she might be sick at the thought. A small voice calls out within her, be gentle with her. 
She needs to get out of here asap. She’ll call her mom on the drive home, then go for a run, then pick up groceries when she gets back, she should really call her brother soon and see what he’s been working on lately, maybe there's a game on tonight she can catch- anything to keep her from thinking about you and this and how she’s fucked up. 
Cause here’s the thing, even when you’d stopped texting her when you got home and when slowly less and less clothes of yours were appearing in her laundry, you’d never stopped being in sync on the pitch. Always anticipating the others' moves before she did it herself. It was infuriating to know you almost had it all. That’s what happens when you know everything about a person, every habit, every movement, she knows she could pick you out of a room of people just by how you breathe. 
By the time she gets home from her post practice run she’s too tired to make dinner. She’ll order it in, making a deal with herself that she’ll walk to go pick it up. One of the things that most endeared her to you in the beginning was the willingness to break your nutrition plans laid out by the staff. Technically you were allowed to eat what you wanted but some foods were heavily discouraged. Such as pasta with a ton of carbs and no vegetables, which happened to be your favourite meal. 
Slipping her shoes on and beginning the walk down to the italian place you loved to have date nights in she remembers all the times you'd made the walk together. She tries to not think about you and keep herself busy. The key word is tries because about 95% of the time she fails at it. A part of her hopes she’ll walk in to pick up her order and you’ll be there too. Hearts, stomachs, and feet falling in sync together once more. Please, she turns her eyes upward, let me get what I want this once. 
Despite her quick checks around the restaurant and toward the bathroom and her dragging out the process longer than she needs to just in case you showed up, she resigns herself to a life of loneliness. Lost her thoughts she pulls the door open as someone pushes in and they stumble into her. 
“Oh my god i’m so sorry-”
Your eyes turn upwards and meet hers. You both suck in sharp breaths chests in sync as they push against each other. Your eyes lock and the tension is almost unbearable but pretending like you don’t know each other is the most unbearable thing that could happen. Her hand, which came up to stabilise you, rests on your arm. Her thumb twitches to flick up and rub soothing circles right below your bicep. 
If she gets a second chance she’s thinking now might be the time to act on it. She lets herself relax and smile at you, she can instantly feel the sigh of relief. 
“Pretty sure this isn’t on your diet plan” She teases. 
You smile challengingly up at her, “Pretty sure it isn’t on yours either.”
Your smiles are growing bigger by the second. 
“Well,” She whispers and leans closer to you, dropping her voice to an octave where she knows only you’ll be able to hear her. “I won’t tell if you won’t tell.”
She knows what speaking low in a crowded room does to you, it’s no surprise when she feels you shiver against her. She wraps her hand around her bicep now, rubbing your arm up and down as if she’s heating you up, all an excuse to touch you again. 
You lean in conspiratorially, “Okay your secrets safe with me.” Nodding to sell the act. 
You both stand and stare because what are the chances? Maybe, you both think, I don't have to keep chasing your ghost. 
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vasito-de-leche · 8 months
Could we have some Zima relationship headcanons :]
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;R1999 ZIMA - Relationship Headcanons
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Compilation of headcanons about Zima in a romantic relationship.
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ofc you can nonnie, ty for the request! Zima was the other character that got me into the game so he's very dear to me
also also, I'm not sick anymore so I have some steam to work on requests, hehe <3 still working on the sleepy fics though, don't worry yall!
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I haven't done a proper analysis/HCs post on Zima yet, so as usual I'll be talking a little about his character before getting into the whole relationship aspect of things!
The portrayal of Zima as a stereotypical, shy introvert feels extremely reductive to me, especially when it's all attributed to his speech pattern - the pauses, the stuttering... None of it is an indication of timidness. We have to remember that Zima's native language, like many other characters, is not english and he struggles when speaking it. That's the reason he speaks in such a way, there's a language barrier he's constantly fighting against in order to communicate with others and yet he's clearly trying.
There's an emphasis on loneliness, isolation and avoidance in his character that is impossible to ignore, which seems to add to the whole portrayal of Zima as a "shy baby". But again, this is something that comes from an important part of his life - the exile he went through. Him being socially inept is a result of a punishment, years of being alone with no one but animals to keep him company. It doesn't come from a sense of inferiority or insecurity such as Charlie, but an absolute lack of human contact.
When examining his voicelines, we also see that he's opinionated - criticizing the Tsar and the poor living conditions of the people, speaking of the beauty of nature and so on and so forth. He explicitly writes poems on any surface like trees, rocks and snow, even if he knows they'll be washed away overtime.
I understand that it's extremely easy to dismiss Zima when it comes to romance because of all of these details, his isolating ways and all, but he's a poet first and foremost.
While he may not be romantic in the more traditional sense we're used to, he's extremely insightful and takes a lot of care to appreciate the small details that often go overlooked, but that make life feel more lively and rich. In the context of relationships, given his age and his lifestyle, Zima would bring a completely different type of vibe - for comparison, most of the characters I talked about already lean towards high emotions, the fun of discovering love for the first time, etc etc...
Pavia's love is a whole rollercoaster on his own because there's always the chance of either getting hurt or having the time of your life, Forget Me Not's feels exactly like being hungover in the morning. But Zima's love is more like coming home after a long trip, knowing there's a warm meal waiting for you. It's familiar and calm.
On the subject of Zima falling in love.
Zima is used to introspection, so I genuinely believe he has a strong sense of self and a good grasp on his emotions. He quickly realizes when he's fallen for someone and he accepts it easily, despite the lack of romantic interactions in his life. This is because the object of his affections is, most likely, someone he already cherishes, and who puts the effort into maintaining a good friendship with him - so the idea of being in love with them feels natural!
I can't see Zima pursuing romantic relationships with strangers and/or those outside his close circle, not even a surface attraction beyond artistic appreciation for someone's looks. He strikes me as the type who can only fall in love with those he trusts and knows.
And even then, his behaviour wouldn't change much!
It's obvious that he lacks friends, so the very few people he does have are extremely important to him - even so, Zima does not need to constantly orbit around them and will gladly spend days (and weeks if you don't actively seek him out) without seeing them, content to catch up with them whenever their paths cross. He shares what little he has to offer with everyone, practical things and knowledge. Zima is 100% that friend who disappears for months and returns as if nothing happened.
When it comes to you, it's the same. Sure, if you ask him to stay a little longer then he'll oblige you. And if you're the chatty type or find his work interesting, then he'll put the effort into having a conversation with you despite the language barrier. But that's about it, the changes aren't noticeable no matter how much he loves you, because all of that happens when no one is looking.
If you happen to stroll around in the wilderness, getting lost in the forest and all, then you might find your name carved on trees along with many, many poems. If you don't speak or read russian, then all you'll be able to recognize is your name - the very first thing Zima taught you in his native tongue - but these are all declarations of love.
The animals are kinder to you, curious even. They follow and treat you like an old friend, as if they knew you, because everything they've heard from you comes from Zima himself. They speak about everything and anything with him, after all.
Zima lacks the initiative to confess or even consider being in a proper relationship with you - I insist, he's genuinely content with being a close friend - but he also lacks the restraint to keep his feelings to himself and thus puts them on display in the only way he knows how: as a poorly kept secret between himself and the nature that surrounds him.
Not many think of him as a romantic because of how stoic he is, but when Zima is in love, he sees you in every flower, in the snowflakes that fall and kiss his nose. You're the gentle summer breeze and the crystal clear rivers once winter ends. You're right there beside him in spirit when he sees little chicks take flight for the first time, or when all the other forest critters wake up after hibernating. Zima finds beauty in every aspect of nature, and he sees you everywhere he looks.
That said, there's no way he'll take the first step. That's entirely up to you, to pick up all these things and confront him about it - that's the only time he'll be open and direct about his feelings. Because you already know how much you mean to him!
Zima would love to teach you his native language.
This is partially me projecting because english isn't my native language either, but I do like to think that Zima's english is all self-taught. He understands when others speak english, but isn't as fluent when speaking himself. And that's why it's sooo infuriating and frustrating for him, as a creative person and poet.
Not only because it's harder to communicate with others, but because his work and poems - the most important part of himself - can't be fully understood. Therefore HE can't be fully understood. Some translations, while good, can't even come close to their original meaning. As his partner, Zima wants you to understand the full depth of his affections and thoughts.
I do think that the process of learning would also be quite organic, starting with Zima simply pointing out at things and teaching you the way they're named in russian, basic stuff he does unconsciously. If you pick up things on your own from his work and his translations, Zima will be over the moon and would ask you to repeat yourself to make sure your pronunciation is right and because he loves the way his language sounds with your accent.
But if you approach and ask him to properly teach you? He's gone, instantly overwhelmed with emotion and thoughts racing in his head, trying to organize a million different things - what would be the best way to teach you? Should he start with the alphabet? You want to learn this brand new language to understand him better, that simple gesture is a huge deal for him.
Once you have a pretty good grasp on the language, at least enough to have basic conversations with him, it will feel like Zima has gotten a little bolder - addressing you with pet names, being generally more blunt and talkative... But in fact, he's just finally able to express himself in his totality.
This also goes the other way around - Zima would love to learn your own native language, whether it's english or something else. It's yet another language he can use to express himself, so it's a win-win. And I know that it's common for us multilingual people to start confusing and mixing all the languages we speak, but I think Zima would have an easy time keeping them apart, so to speak!
On the subject of Zima and how he acts when he's in a relationship.
You two were close friends before you were lovers, so Zima doesn't feel any sort of pressure to live up to some dating standards like fancy dates, gifts or grandiose displays of affections - once again, it's all about what feels natural. You two know each other more than enough to simply fall into a comfortable routine that works out for both.
He does make the effort to drop by more often, to find a middle ground until he feels more comfortable and used to being around large groups of people. But he would also insist that you accompany for his walks in search of inspiration for his work!
When it comes to showing affection, I think Zima might be a little touchstarved - casual physical contact such as someone hugging or patting him on the back as a greeting still catch him by surprise, but affectionate gestures with those he trusts and loves is a novelty that leaves Zima starry-eyed.
He has a lot of things that he needs to slowly get used to again now that he's not exiled in the middle of the woods, but having you shower him with affection is something that he grows to like rather quickly. When you pet him, pepper his face with kisses, hold his hand when walking or hug him - it doesn't matter, Zima will always stand there, fascinated with the way you make him feel, so very warm and safe.
He would appreciate a warning before being touched, and he always makes sure to ask before initiating anything himself - it doesn't matter how many times you tell him that you're fine with this sort of contact, he's going to ask for permission anyway. Just out of politeness. Personal space is important, after all.
I think Zima would try to stick to a routine he can follow without overwhelming himself, especially if you're the type to need more attention (again, Zima will literally disappear for weeks if left to his own devices). It's more of a short list of things he needs to remember to do before the day is over, the two most important ones being greeting you in the morning and wishing you goodnight.
As for more general aspects of a relationship, I don't think there's much to say! Arguments with him rarely happen because he's patient and careful with his words, he communicates his needs and boundaries as well as he respects yours and all. Zima isn't that talkative, but his more "eccentric" traits are something you're probably used to on account of that initial bond and trust.
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More post-betrayal ruin redemption headcanons yall
Other headcanons: x x
Cassie occasionally gets mild dizzy spells after somewhat physically taxing tasks, likely resulting from having hit her head in the elevator drop. They're mild and usually last only a few minutes at a time.
In those moments, M.X.E.S locks her out of the vanni mask as the AR world can prolong the dizziness with one in such more weary condition. It also discourages Helpi from talking to her through the implant during those moments.
Additionally, M.X.E.S no longer needs the inhibitors to restrict Cassie's vanni mask controls-- after she offered her mask as a new security node, M.X.E.S achieved further incorporation into it, like Helpi. It tends to restrict her mask controls now only with her best interest, such as to prevent her from using it during dizzy spells.
As it appears that Helpi would get tampered with several times (yellow eyes, pulsing vein,) mostly likely by the Mimic pretending to be Gregory. However, with M.X.E.S now also incorporated into the mask, it prevents the Mimic from pulling the same stunt, effectively securing Helpi from future tampering. As a result, his misleading and gaslighting was reduced by a huge notch if not nulled completely, as those instances weren't really him. Unfortunately his sassiness is all his. M.X.E.S has had to become intimately familiar with it now.
Chica has her voice back, thanks to Cassie! She also functions slightly better (as in not randomly powering down,) since Cassie went out of her way to dig and pull all the trash, rotten food, and goo off Chica's body and endoskeleton, as all the accumulated junk in her inner components were interfering with her functions.
Not only you can find Monty's legs in that hidden Monty shrine, but also his sunglasses and even his bass (formerly Bonnie's, as we've learned by now.) For now there's not much to do about his legs because reattaching them back to him require a complex level of repair that they just don't have the means to achieve in their current situation. But gator boy is very happy to have his sunglasses back, and his bass for the emotional value it has even though he can't play it in his current condition. It's the best Monty has felt in a long while now.
While Roxy prided in her appearance, and yes she's upset she hardly resembles who she was, she doesn't dwell on it as much as she used to, far more concerned about her twice no.1 daughter child. But she still greatly appreciates when Cassie lets her know she's still pretty in her eyes.
That can literally be seen with the vanni mask, with Cassie seeing Roxy exactly as she was with holographic filling even through her ruined state.
In fact, that phenomenon gradually spreads over to the other robots as well with holographic filling over their missing parts, seemingly based on how much Cassie bonds with each of them.
In the AR vision, Chica gets her beak back, as well as her hair crest and bow, over her most exposed endo leg/foot, and an entire holographic arm where the physical one is missing and holographic casing over her endo arm; She also gets an holographic eye in place of the one she donated to Roxy.
Monty doesn't get his legs or tail but his entire upper body gets his former pristine holographic looks.
Prototype Glamrock Freddy no longer disappears in the AR world, gets holographic casing over his endo hands as well as his exposed endo foot, then his stomach hatch lids filling in the broken parts and highlighting the bolt pattern, and lastly an entire holographic Glamrock Freddy head (which allows him slightly better communication with Cassie with the mask on, even if mostly through facial expressions and body language since he still can't speak.)
The Daycare Attendant has Sun's sunrays filling the broken parts in with holographic bits, holographic bell at the tip of Moon's cap as well as more holographic bells on his wrists, holographic casing filling in over his hands and an holographic leg filling over his most exposed one.
Bonnie doesn't really fit this phenomenon since he's technically not missing parts, he's just busted as hell. He does however get an holographic filling on his chest highlighting the star symbol he's supposed to have there, and curiously, an holographic earring where his physical one's missing, matching Freddy's earring (the "You & me forever and ever" got me ok.)
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