#so sorry anon this has been in my inbox since august ;-;
dontfindmeimscared · 1 year
I cant stoo thinking of how, whike Leo would've become more tech-y, he wouldn't know ANY of the technical terms. That gap would probably really hilarious because Leo seems like the kind of person to name everything in a super explanitory but funny way (since I doubt he had much else for comedy in the pd except for his thoughts)
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Donnie will hammer the proper tech terms into him... eventually... maybe
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whorekneecentral · 7 months
Spontaneous vegas trip with seb where he gets lucky...at the casino that is. Gets you to do cheesy shit like blowing a kiss on his dice for good luck (i was typing without thinking and you can guess what I accidentally typed instead of dice) - seb anon
okay so this has been in my inbox since august of last year 🫠 sorry bestie
seb found himself at the vegas GP - he still isn't sure how he let lewis talk him into going but he did.
you two had gone to the race, a bit of a different vibe compared to the new races/tracks but you two had a good time.
seb made the rounds, stopping in to see all his old teams and friends, stopping for every fan/person that shouted his name; it was just like old times.
lewis had invited you two for dinner afterwards and you did, getting dressed up to the nines - mostly you and lewis, as seb wore his type army green button up and some slacks, following you two around as you gossiped and took a million and one pictures.
eventually lewis split from you two, going to the club as you two headed to the casino.
seb was the one that had the luck, you followed him around as he went to the different machines and tables.
you thought it was cheesy but seb made kiss him each time as he plays his games, having you blow on the dice when he rolled them.
"you're my good luck charm," he kisses your shoulder, hugging on you when you're in the elevator.
you laughed, ignoring your husband as he was on a winning streak and tipsy.
seb clings to you as you walk to the room, the two of you all giggly and all over each other as the door shuts. seb kisses you, the two of you falling on the bed.
"sebastian!" you giggled, trying to scoot back into the bed. the man crawls on top of you.
"trying to reward my good girl," he smiles at you, the mischief all over his face as he kisses up your calf to your thigh.
"thought I was your good luck charm."
"good luck, good girl - same thing."
you feel your husband's head under your dress, his tongue meeting your panties, taking his sweet time to move your panties to the side, finally giving you want you wanted.
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infamous-if · 2 years
You don’t need to post this but just so you know, it really does sounding like almost no one in the story who have witness to or have heard the MC’s work think it is very interesting at all 🫣, and just occasionally a person will randomly appreciate for some reason, such as Orion. I think maybe a lot of readers might had anticipated a type of MC that has the experience of undeniably suited for this and so on, in the way you have sometimes describe some others in the story, such as S
Hi ! Sorry but I'm going to post this mostly (and apologies that your ask is the one who is gonna get this long response, my ire isn't towards you because you're being very kind about it but others have, honestly, not been) because other people probably have this thought as well but I'm sort of confused on where this whole idea of MC being useless/untalented/not suitable is coming from?
I've said before there will be people who question MC's talent, but that's just natural--not everyone is going to think someone is worthy of their fame and attention. People thinking that there are better singers out there doesn't invalidate what MC is capable of. If I wrote a story where every person thinks MC is the greatest thing since sliced bread then that wouldn't be an entertaining story lol You need tension, and you need naysayers so every win can feel satisfying. Plus, doubters is a natural and normal thing in the business. MC is literally in a competition where other very talented bands are competing. Even though they're the main character, they're the main character of their story. Not everyone elses. Other bands believe they are just as deserving--if not more--of winning than MC's band. It's natural. To those bands MC is just another person they need to beat to win.
Seven being more famous doesn't mean MC isn't talented (the band literally voted for MC's vocals over Seven's). G being more famous doesn't mean MC isn't talented. Hell, if MC's band lost BOTB and went home empty handed, that doesn't mean MC isn't talented. It's part of the competition. Amazing bands and amazing singers get rejected all the time. There isn't room for everybody.
I do want to mention that people probably feel this way because I can not give concrete answers about an MC that is largely customizable. In the game, your MC can lack confidence. Or they can be arrogant. They can believe their skills are lackluster, or they can believe they are the best singer alive. People expect me to answer questions that have varied answers depending on what MC each player is playing. I can't give you that! I do my best.
Orion listened to MC once and quit his job to manage them.
2. August auditioned to be their drummer, and while August is largely indifferent, they admit themselves they were interested and they tell MC how good MC's voice is.
3. Maya is quite literally following MC's band around the USA because she's that much of a fan.
4. Seven dislikes MC, but Seven is not a liar: they will always stand by their opinion that MC is talented. That's one of the biggest reasons why Seven liked MC so much: their artistry.
4. This is spoilery but fuck it: G listened to MC once and wanted MC's band in BOTB.
idk why people think that people listen to MC and get bored when I don't think I've ever indicated that? The demo isn't even out lshshdhsahs
anyway this isn't an attack on you anon but it is kind of frustrating that people think MC is just this untalented fluke that didn't work hard to get to where they are today. Just as much as MC is yours, they're also mine, and I wanted to make it clear that MC isn't lazy nor are they someone who just does nothing and doesn't try. At least that part isn't customizable: MC works and has worked really freaking hard to be where they are.
sorry for the long response and once again, this isn't an attack on you, but this has been a topic in my inbox and i just dont get it--the demo is literally not even out.
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(Introduction renewed since 16 August 2023. Click here for previous intro!)
Welcome to our askblog! We hope you enjoy your stay here!
[Rules and Info under the cut! Please read before interacting!]
Hello. I’m Dummy. Before we get started, here are some rules you must follow!
-No NSFW! We’re a kid friendly game with kid friendly people! Swearing is allowed but please refrain from doing so! Father Figure may make some really awful jokes, but don’t worry, he’ll get what he deserves! =)
-Avoid triggering/offensive topics! Orby is extremely uncomfortable with that sort of stuff, and the others and myself aren’t too well with it either.
-If you have any triggers you’d like Kyu to filter, let us know! She'll be sure to tag your triggers so you won’t have to see them!
-M!A’s(Magic Anons), I’m sorry, but you can’t affect us here!
-This is an ASK blog, we don’t do dares!
-This blog is heavily head-canon based. Apologies if we don’t act the way you want us to.
-Don’t spam the inbox please. Orby’s the one who transfers the asks to us, and they get incredibly anxious with too many at once..
-Please don’t repeat asks! If your original ask hasn’t been responded to, please wait patiently! Repeating your asks will not speed up the response for it!
-Replies/Comments will be ignored sorry! Please interact via inbox!
-Ship asks excluding Kyuby are not allowed, sorry. This includes Cashy.
And now time for some info about us!
Kyu-Main holder of the blog, She/Her, friendly and very interactive, I do all the technical stuff here! Orby and I are dating!
Orby-Ask Reader, They/It, Quiet And Shy, Semi-Nonverbal, I Like Reading Asks!
Dummy-Co-Holder, Any pronouns, I don’t really do much, I just enjoy everyone’s company here!
Cashier-i don’t really do anything important here. he/they, thanks.
Player is also here! They’re non-verbal, they never speak (they can somehow speak in pictures though :/). They don’t care what pronouns you use for them, and honestly, none of us know about their sexuality, but we don’t ask about it. They’re pretty chill, but please refrain from giving them toothpaste...
We also have Father Figure, who uses He/Him! He does pretty much nothing but cause trouble, refrain from speaking to him if you can. He’s just rude.
Kyu-She/They. I'm keeping an eye on everyone here, really.
Orby-they/it. i stay close to my kyu here.
Dummy-They/Them. Please do not mind me.
Cashier-he/him. i have nothing better to do.
There's also this rascal Player here too. They're non-verbal, just like the "original" cast's. They use They/It pronouns. Oh yeah, there's our Father Figure too, He/Him, but he's asleep most of the time. He also has a sword for some reason.
And last of all, we have our mod!
🌨 Hello GASA4 community! I go by a lot of different names, but my main names are CCTV or 8-Bit! I run this blog entirely alone so forgive me if hiatuses come around! I do my best to keep this blog running but I haven't been very active in the fandom let alone this ask blog. My main is @peculiar-shardscape​! If you have any questions for me or such, send them over to that blog! I don’t bite! Please enjoy this blog!
Post time is 8:30am once a week! (Time zone is AEST)
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white-nolse · 2 years
Going anon to tell you ❤️you are an amazing person and no one can tell you otherwise or make you feel other way!! ❤️
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Istg y'all are too nice with me.
I don't know if this is for the anon opinion ask game or not since I just got it, but either way, thank you very much (⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝).
God, this has been in my inbox for so fucking long, literally since August. I'm sorry anon, your message deserved to get to a nicer person.
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kckenobi · 2 years
I’ve had this (fic idea? General musing? Insane rambling?) in my head for days now and I just have to share because I need opinions on it: does Anakin and Padmé’s relationship strike you as having interesting parallels to Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan? Gatsby working his way up just for her, secret romance, Gatsby unable to see her truly as a complex person and being very selfish in his love���
Anon I'm so sorry this has been in my inbox since august omg, my fatal flaw is looking at asks and then forgetting about them. But this is definitely so interesting!! It's been a long time since I've read the great gatsby, but from what I remember I can see the parallel
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bumblebeerror · 29 days
[this anon was originally written back in early august, in response to this: https://www.tumblr.com/bumblebeerror/757738358762094592/data-entry-seems-like-it-has-to-do-with-computers?source=share , but it seems like it got lost or deleted in your inbox. luckily i had it saved in my notes so i'm gonna send it to you again]
i also forgot to mention that another thing i could do really easily: write paragraphs/articles/essays.
you said it yourself, my asks are "novella-sized" and it usually takes me less than 30 minutes to write them (once i get in the appropriate frame of mind and start writing on autopilot). it's super natural for me and it feels satisfying when i get it off my chest. if only there was some kind of job that would pay me to write stuff for them, that would be a very easy way for me to make money. and i could write from home!
there are questions you ask during job interviews? i thought the employer was the one asking all the questions and you are only allowed to give answers? what.
i know people might understand my phobia of bugs and be sympathetic, but it's not about them. it's about how this phobia interferes with my proper functioning. i can't even cook a meal for myself without running back to my room in fear because i saw a spider. that's a problem. if i start living alone at one point, it'll be an even bigger problem.
unfortunately i don't live in the US, so i can't do state healthcare :( but i do live in western europe, so my country is pretty well-off and has a decent standard of living.
yeah, I'm 20, but i honestly feel 80. and i'm not disabled, but sometimes i feel spiritually disabled. it's like i'm in a deep pit. i've been in this pit for over a decade. and i feel like the harder i try to climb my way out to the surface, the further i fall down. every day i feel like i get further and further from the surface.
and i'm sorry to hear about your situation. but you can get through this. take it one day at a time! i wish you luck in finding a new job as well, bumble. :)
[add-on which i wrote today]:
i am doing okay, i think. not sure how i feel anymore or what direction i am heading in. i feel disoriented. and i'm still not on speaking terms with my mother or anybody. it's been over a month since we last spoke. damn...
but anyways, i love the finch app a lot, it's so cool. it really helps me do things i usually have no motivation for. it does cheer me up.
- 🍄
You never know, you could always see if you can get in somewhere writing for a living. Local newspapers and stuff. I was close with a guy who used to write articles on freelance to support him and his mom.
Brains are hard, man. Maybe the way to deal with it is sorta… going around it, in a way. Instead of dealing with bugs and spiders and stuff directly, you could use repellent to make them leave or just simplify tasks where they hang out so that you don’t have to spend so much time around them, that’s usually how I deal with spiders.
In general, honestly, I use a lot of shortcuts. Meal replacers, bath wipes, premade stuff and setting up things when I have energy for when I don’t, y’know?
That kinda pit is exactly how a lot of people describe depression. The most annoying part of it is that it tries to make you feel like fighting it is useless or hurts more, eventually though that’s about the only way to feel better.
I’m getting used to just not having a car 😅 it’s been rough, but it’s fine. I’m thinking about trying to scrape some money together to get a bike instead so that I can still run little errands in town at least.
I’m glad things are changing, even if you don’t know where they’re going, yet. You sound a little more hopeful about it all. I hope your mom comes around at some point. But I’m glad you like the app! Its so so good for giving you reasons to do things and the outfits are fun :3
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copperbadge · 2 years
1 of 2. Hi Sam - good morning! Re anxiety & ADHD. As a long-time clinical psychologist and experiencer of anxiety I would say that there is somewhat of a difference between the anxiety disorders identified in DSM such as GAD, (they typically address excessive/unrealistic/unwarranted worry/anxiety/fear) and the stress/anxiety that comes from knowing we are not managing to do the things necessary to keeping our life running smoothly because of, for example, ADHD. Of course, someone can experience
both at the same time. Typically, what we do about them differs a bit. For the excessive worry of GAD, we might help people change their relationship to worry thoughts so they're less dominated by them and they do less to 'fuel them.' With the stress of struggling with managing life tasks, we might use meds or behavioral strategies to increase ability and/or find ways of reducing life demands - to the extent that's possible in a capitalist society :(
Turns out I can't write the letters DSM without adding a disclaimer! DSM treats a complex biopsychosocial experience like anxiety a bit like it's measles - like it's a disease which we have or don't have: not my experience personally or professionally, & the data around many mental health issues suggests they're dimensional rather than categorical & they have complex, interactional risk factors to varying degrees. DSM may have some utility but it's not 'the truth.'
Yikes, I just found this in my drafts after having lost it for like...I think a couple of weeks at least, sorry Anon that I did not respond sooner. If it’s any consolation there’s at least one ask in my inbox from 2014. 
What you’re saying about GAD vs. bog-standard “something’s wrong in my life” anxiety makes a lot of sense, and is kind of how I was looking at it, I think, but I’m not sure I was vocalizing it well. What was throwing me for a loop was the evaluator saying that I had really severe levels of anxiety, something that was worrying to her in a clinical sense -- GAD never really came up as a term, it was just what I had to go on when I got off the zoom call with her and googled about it. (She was very clear to state that while I had anxiety surrounding social situations she was not offering a diagnosis of Social Anxiety, both parts of which I agree with.) Of course it’s hard to know when you’re sitting in it whether what you’re feeling is unwarranted, but I felt like what worry I do feel is generally legit. I’ve been able to identify “Hey you’re freaked out about nothing” before, including times I couldn’t stop freaking out about nothing, but that seemed to me to be evidence I had a sense of scale, and it was never chronic. 
These last few days, having shoveled out from under a bunch of stuff, I’ve been unsettled about the fact that there are periods of time when I don’t need to be doing anything. There’s stuff I could be doing, my to-do list isn’t empty, but none of it is catch-on-fire urgent the way much of my life has chronically been. I’m just so conditioned to having forgotten to do stuff and/or having stuff I know I should be doing that when I am permitted by circumstances to just sit and vegetate, I’m extremely bad about accepting it. Reading is helping, since there’s always another book to read and it fulfills my “I should be doing something” sense without actually wearing me out, and Dearborn is helping by sitting on me a bunch, but it’s very much an adjustment.
Still haven’t gotten the evaluation report from the clinic. I nudged the person who said she was doing the writeup, and she said she’d have it for me by today, then a few hours later emailed me to say “Actually your case was assigned to another doctor. I’ve asked her to bump it to the top of her queue, but I don’t have an ETA for you.”
They’ve got until August (mainly because the second half of July is going to be super hectic for me) and then I’m getting insurance involved. 
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therealvinelle · 3 years
What was your best/favorite ask of 2021?
Worst ask?
Ooh, cool question! And sorry about the reply delay, but better a week too late than never.
There have been so many good questions, though, good in different ways, ranging from crazy creative to really thoughtful that I could write essays for to asks that I had been hoping someone would send. And in turn the bad questions have been bad in different ways, ranging from alarmingly stupid to sexually depraved to horrifying.
Then there's the plain funny asks.
I think I'll give examples from the inbox, as they world has yet to behold their (questionable) glory.
The good
Made me laugh
Also while I’m brave enough tos end u asks, I saw a post that said dr Cullen has no personality and i immediately thought that u and the muffin would disagree So. for the record, Does Carslisle (aaaaa spelling) have a personality?
Date received: August 12th
As of unanswered, because this one will be another instance of me making fun of movie Carlisle. My apologies to Mr. Facinelli, but... I see why anon has to ask.
If you were in twilight which character do you think would be more fond of you? (not who you like but who would like you)
Date received: September 17th
I just really enjoy anon realizing that if I was isekaied into the Twilight universe, the question of which characters would not hate my guts would be a very valid one.
Vinelle is isekaied into the Twilight universe, where she proceeds to be that weird kid in the cafeteria everyone's glaring at from across the room. No one likes her.
Thoughtful and lovely questions
Hi - I was thinking about your post re: Aro's sexuality and the historical background you provided there, and since you've said before that you think Aro and Carlisle had a full sexual relationship when Carlisle was staying with the Volturi, I was curious - how do you envision Carlisle, a pastor's son from 17th c. England, reconciling his attraction to Aro with the negative views of his time/religion? I can buy him not being prejudiced, but do you think he struggled with any guilt or shame?
from @troquantary.
Date received: April 3rd
Originally put off because I had to write the theology post first, I haven't gotten around to writing the essay worthy of the question.
I've been burning through your metas and really enjoying them! I've got a question, if you'd like to answer. Say the Volturi did fall, checks on vampires were removed, and humanity was hunted to extinction as you suggested. What would happen to the vampire population in the aftermath? Do you think a vampire can starve to death, or will they be trapped in a living hell till the sun swallows the earth? Will they fight each other till they wipe themselves out?
from @trueishcolours
Date received: September 1st
Not only is it a great question, but I love the visuals of picturing this terrible future. Whenever I get around to answering it you can count on Now and Then, Here and There being referenced.
Questions I wanted to receive
Ooh, if your ideal Twilight is animated, what kind of art style do you see it in? 3d? 2d? is it somewhat realistic or cartoony? any shows with the art style youd see it in?
Date received: November 11th
YES. God I have opinions on art styles for animated Twilight! So many opinions that I was too excited to answer so, uh, it'll come someday, someday that isn't today. And it'll be a long post featuring examples.
You’ve mentioned that Edward is a dimwit and that Bella is smarter than him. Twilight was popular during my early adolescence and reading sexist takes on Bella was disheartening, so I really appreciate how you see her as a character with personality. I’ve always felt so bad for her because she’s presented with the illusion of choice and even when she makes decisions, the information she has is distorted by Edward. Can you do a meta on how she’s smarter than Edward? He’d absolutely hate it.
Date received: September 16th
There's a beautiful post to be written, but I need to reread the books first.
The bad
we know jasper made it to general in the army, so he must have seen battle. do you think he might have some anxiety, ptsd or suvivor's guilt from that?
Date received: December 11th
"How did fighting for the right to enslave black people make Jasper sad?"
Not even a word about how Jasper might have felt bad about his cause decades later, how that might have affected him, nope, anon wants Confederate feels. I hope anon is young and doesn't yet understand what being a Confederate meant.
Just out of spite of the whole pregnant vampire asks, i want to know is any vamps ate babies. Like I know they technically can, but the real question is if they would? Morals aside, I feel like it wouldn't be really filling. This isn't fawn venison we're talking about. Plus, babies don't really remember shit so I don't know if it would break the secrecy.
Now wait, thats the better question. If a vampire was to feed infront of an infant before its at that cognitive stage, would it break the law to leave them alive?
Date received: November 10th
Anon, all your points are legitimate, your questions valid, it's just... so dark. "Would you like an hors d'oeuvre, my dear?" says the sexy vampire as he holds out a baby fresh from the nursery.
... I could answer with that.
The dirty
I read that post of yours about vampires and (anal) sex and I can't help but wonder.... Do you think they're able to go down on someone (male or female, human or not), since their mouths are full of venom (and fangs)? Wouldn't that hurt the... soft tissue? Could the venom get in the bloodstream that way?
Date received: September 4th
There's just no way to sit down to answer this one without flinching in phantom pain.
The horrifying
Do you think there may have been an Akasha sort of situation in the Twilight universe where one vampire sought not kill most of a particular demographic in a specific region if not the world?
Date received: Decembere 24th
Anon, that's... that's ethnic cleansing.
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swanqiu · 2 years
hi ess, i can’t help it but i always feel suckish whenever i come back after a hiatus :/ like all the friends i had here before are part of new groups now or there’s a feeling where i’ve sorta been replaced and i don’t really have the interactions levels i had before. it just feels awful but isk i notice that you always seem to have a decent amount of people who still interact with you whenever you end a hiatus. how do you do it?? what are your tips for not feeling this gross sucky feeling?
lmao i’m so sorry this has been sitting in my inbox since august OF LAST YEAR and i’ve vaguely answered it here and there over the last few months with the intention of maybe one day giving you a real, proper answer but like
i genuinely don’t think i could sum it up any better than the last few tags from this post
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alt text* + a longer, more in-depth answer below the cut!
building genuine connections and friendships with your mutuals is gonna mean so much more than only caring about them for their writing/muses if a sustainable friendship is what you’re looking for?? being able to have ic/dash/writing/rp interactions that vibe well and can pick up again after long periods of time is just a byproduct of being friends ooc, tbh. 
but i mean... elaborating on that and to more specifically answer your second question, i would also say to set boundaries (if you haven’t already!!) or even healthier boundaries between yourself and being online, or between yourself and the people you write with. like if you’re feeling these feelings you describe of being replaced or, god FORBID, being jealous that people you thought were your friends are now... getting along better with other people or are doing what’s best for themselves and building spaces where they can be more comfortable.......... maybe you should reevaluate whether being in indie rp/writing space (which is very fluid and always subject to tons of new relationships or drifting-aparts) is the best space for you and your emotional/mental wellbeing.
tying it all together: when you view your mutuals only as transaction machines who are there to just write with you or talk about your muse(s)/plot(s) with you and you’re quantifying your relationships with your “friends” based on in-character things? especially if you’ve been the one gone for a while on hiatus and expect people to still want to connect with you (for ic things) on the same level when you return?? i’d very kindly ask you to reevaluate how you view and cultivate your rp space and expectations for it bc. that does not sound healthy NOR does it sound like a good time for anyone. in my very honest, very straightforward opinion.
also, if you’ve been on hiatus and not keeping in touch with anyone while you’ve been away, it’s normal for people to drift apart or lose connection for a little bit. how much are you willing to invest into rebuilding and re-sparking that friendship? if you haven’t even tried reaching out to people yet and are jumping to conclusions about being replaced (which, to an extent, could be valid), then i think you’re underestimating the effect even a “hi hello i missed being on here and missed you!” can do to kickstart that reconnecting process.
anyway i really hope this message somehow finds its way to you, anon, or that my two cents is of use to someone else who’s lurking but like. yeah. sending this out into the void and hoping it does what it needs to do!! message me off anon any time or just chat me up if we’re mutuals tbh. my discord is esscapekey#3726
anyway i really hope all of this isn’t just me blowing smoke up my own ass or sounding like i’m the know-it-all/fix-it-all go-to for this topic specifically bc i really am not but. best believe if u approach me and sincerely ask me for advice then yeah sure absolutely you bet i will do that to the best of my ability.
*photo text:
@anon asking how to retain a community after being away or on hiatus for so long— this is how!!
develop genuine ooc friends with ur mutuals!!! care abt their interests off the dash and outside of their muses!!!
tbh if you only care about their muses it is not a sustainable friendship or writing relationship at all!!!! imho!!!!!
anyway sorry i was going through my inbox and saw an ask from *checks notes* a million years ago (*lmao once again.......... i am so sorry)
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An explanation of recent events
Hi all. I am posting a timeline of the recent events that have ended up with me inviting some of the mods I trust from @advicetotraumasurvivors to this blog. It is incomplete; as of this posting (4pm CST, August 23, 2021), nobody has admitted any wrongdoing, but I know a lot of you aren't really sure what happened at all. I apologize in advance for the verb tense shift midway through. I unfortunately don't have the spoons to edit it.
Hayden does not plan to stay with the blog. Olive plans to stay at least for now. I will likely stay. I'm not sure about Henrie or Berry at the moment. Those are the only mods that currently have access to this blog. (Edit from Mod Henrie: I’ll be staying.)
The timeline will be under the cut as it is fairly long. All times are in Central Standard Time.
Around 5:30pm CST last night, April messaged the Discord telling us she was leaving the blog. She left both the Discord and the blog shortly thereafter. We got some anons asking about why she'd left and I directed those towards her @traumasurvivors blog because I didn't feel comfortable trying to speak for her, One of them felt my answers was dismissive. That anon ended up being a mod in the Discord who was triggered by my tone. We received more asks from them, one passive-aggressive and one outright guilt-trippy.
At 7:30pm CST Henrie made an announcement that everyone who participates in the blog is a volunteer. Several mods offered in the Discord to mediate since the mod who was upset didn't feel comfortable addressing the issue with me directly.
Around 9:00pm CST we started getting some positive messages to the blog. I started to think maybe the situation had blown over. I tried to answer one of the positive anons. Tumblr gave me an error code.
We discovered the upset mod had deleted all of our inbox messages.
At 9:30pm CST Berry noticed posts were disappearing from our blog. I had noticed some weren't showing up for me, but because Tumblr is a Hellsite I figured they were there and it was just a glitch. Even the pinned post got deleted.
I panicked and asked what if the Carrd got deleted. Unfortunately, whoever the mod was, saw that and changed the email and password to the Carrd.
At 9:36pm I started adding Henrie, Hayden, Berry, and Olive to this side blog. This ended up taking several hours because we were all disoriented and triggered pretty badly by then.
At 9:45 pm I noticed they deleted my mod tag. We kept trying to encourage them to stop. Henrie reblogged all the asks that were still there to their personal in case they got deleted.
At 9:55pm I left the server and asked Berry to invite me to the new one they said they'd make so the handful of us could discuss the situation while feeling a bit more safe. There's a gap of about 20 minutes in the timeline here but I'm not sure anything super important happened during it.
Olive rescues most of the info from the Carrd by 10:21pm. April offers to transcribe the pinned post that I managed to screenshot on my phone.
Hayden makes a post around this time saying we've moved URLs. The upset mod deletes it.
I ask April if she will write down the URLs of all of our followers on advicetotraumasurvivors and send asks to them one by one to let them know what's going on. An extremely inefficient method, but at this point I'm at a loss. Henrie starts sending the asks to our followers. April finishes transcribing the pinned post at about 10:30.
At this point I have taken my sleep med and am losing reading comprehension rapidly. I say I'm going to bed but end up not sleeping until something like 4am.
At 10:31 Olive discovers that the upset mod has password-protected the blog. Henrie copy pastes the only ask in the inbox. It came in after the others were deleted.
At 11pm Olive announces she has a download/export of the blog in progress to hopefully preserve some of the posts and information on it. I ask April to boost the new URL. Henrie asks Tumblr's customer service system about uploading the file to the new blog.
At 11:10 Berry notices the queue is being messed with. Several mods go back and forth with the saboteur mod changing how often the queue posts. I suggest that we reblog ask games to the new blog so people can get to know us better once this all dies down.
At 11:21 Hayden announces the blog title has been changed to DON'T TALK TO US. A few minutes later Olive says some extremely tasteless tags are being added to queued posts, including the r slur and the n word. We won't go to any more detail about any of the other things that were said because they were extremely triggering, but we are deeply sorry to any followers (and mods) that may have seen those tags.
11: 38pm: Henrie makes posts on both blogs saying it's not us typing these awful things and to block advicetotraumasurvivors.
11:40pm: We decide to delete all the posts on the blog and the whole queue. April starts mass deleting.
11:53pm: I screenshot all the asks in the drafts. We delete all the drafts. The upset mod continues to change the blog title to triggering and inflammatory things.
1am today (Monday): Henrie asks if it's okay to announce to the original server that we moved discords and blogs. I ask if we can avoid adding people to the new discord until we know who the mod is that's upset. We eventually agree to hold off on adding people into the new discord.
2:44am: April gets an anon apologizing for their poor/inflammatory actions on her traumasurvivors blog and posts a response separate from the ask. We wait, hoping that the anon will message April.
3am: We get a similar apology on the new blog. It gets screenshotted and sent the new Discord so everyone can see it. I delete the ask from the inbox with everyone's permission because it feels very guilt trippy to me.
3:23 April gets more anons blaming her for the situation spiraling out of control, presumably from the upset mod.
12:22pm: April has more anons when we all wake up. All of us in the new server agree that we're tired and just want the situation resolved. No one comes forward.
Edit from mod Henrie: This is a timeline of all of the “major events���, but it doesn’t convey how frantic we all were. We were all feverishly working on deleting triggering tags/deleting posts/trying to find out who was doing this/etc. in between each of these times. It was chaotic and messy and incredibly exhausting for everyone involved.
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rj-s · 4 years
I Like It (Like How I Like You)
Reader x Irene
Requested by anon
Genre: fluff
Words: 398
A/N: This request had been in the bottom of my inbox since August 🤭 Sowwyyy. I hope you like it still!
Tumblr media
3 am, you sipped on your coffee before digging into your laptop again. 
You let out a groan, you've been working for 7 hours straight. It's not like you don't like your job, you love it so much you're willing to work for 7 hours nonstop to get the perfect version of the song.
You kept playing the song through your studio speaker, and you aren't having it.
You tried to fix the song, again.
You were so focused on your laptop and didn't even realise your girlfriend came into your studio until you felt a tap on your shoulder.
"Hey." She smiled at you. 
You looked up at her. She has her hair tied up in a messy bun, sweaty, and in one of her dance practice outfit. 
'She just got out of practice.' You thought.
You gave her a weak smile.
"I thought that you might haven't eaten soooooo I got you some food." 
Is that what they meant when they say "Man, I fell in love with her again and again."?
"Thank you, Joohyun unni." 
She took a seat next to you as you started to dig in your food. You didn't realise you were THAT hungry. You looked like an animal.
"Hey, slow down." She smiled at you.
You realised you probably looked like a mess, "Yah, look away!"
"No way~" She just kept looking at you with a loving smile.
 Your heart arches a little seeing her smiling like this.
"You're so cute."
"Cute is not enough for a good song."
"I like it tho."
You were about to argue.
"I like it like how I like you, it's perfect the way it is."
She suddenly turned to a blank face.
"Don't you ever judge my love for you."
Did she just said-
She burst into laughter as you did.
"You're so cheesy today." You said as you held her hand.
"Shut up." She hit you lightly.
"I like it tho."
"Go date Seungwan then."
"I'm pretty sure Wendy unni will-"
"Yah!" She hit you again.
You let out a laugh.
"미안 미안. (sorry sorry)" You said as you laugh.
She tried to keep a straight face but failed as you pouted.
She leaned her head on your shoulder, you two just stayed like that for minutes.
"But hey, I really like your song. I think your fans are gonna love it."
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Did you die from salmonella
Congratulations anon you’ve been chosen as part of my resurrection post.
First of all: this was funnier than it should have been, thanks for the concern I somehow survived the incident. (And yes I’m going to completely avoid the fact that this has been in my inbox since December and this anon will probably never see my reply.)
Second, and most importantly: allow me to state the obvious.
I haven’t posted anything since august of 2020
Now what does this mean you may ask. And to that I say: I have no idea.
Truth is, I have no idea what to do on this account. Yes I still like the content I produced, Hamilton is and will forever hold a very special place in my heart, but let’s be honest the fandom is kinda dead. (Or at least I think it is, I really haven’t been on here for a while.) Everything has its time and place, that time frame I spent on here was really fun and I always got really nice feedback and messages. To all those people who made this experience so lovely I want to thank you for not being part of the hellhole the internet can be.
This of course still begs the question, what comes next? (haha see what I did there :) )
And I guess this is up to you guys. I really don’t know what to do with this blog.
Either way, I won’t delete it since some people could probably still get a laugh of out some of the things on here.
Leave your suggestions I guess
This was fun, truly
I hope every nice soul I’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with has a wonderful day
And I’m sorry lol
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hyukaheart · 3 years
when you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! then, send to your last ten people in your notifs (anonymously). you never know who might benefit from spreading positivity♡
this has been sat in my inbox since august <//3 i’m so sorry sweet anon, thank you for the positivity !!
hmmmm, my five happy things right now:
1) music !! especially e’lasts’ dark dream since i discovered it recently hehe
2) shortbread from my local supermarket
3) the small pumpkin i carved with my sibling this morning!
4) my new plant frens i got last week <33333
5) sitting and finally reading an actual book again (currently reading: the letters of vincent van gogh)
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aritany · 4 years
i’m so impressed by how quickly you write your novels! do you have any tips for completing stories/general motivation/things that work for you while writing? absolutely in love with iwyw and congrats on being close to completion!
hi anon! 
it’s very telling that this has been in my inbox for quite a while since iwyw has been finished since early august... so sorry for the delay! 
thank you for your kind words! the short answer is: yes, i do actually have a lot of tips on this. 
i’m going to be talking about this in my upcoming craft book, but don’t worry, i’ll also be posting some excerpts from it for free on here, and i’ve also written up some general information in this post. :) hope that helps! thanks for asking!
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**update**and happy fall ;) guidelines
im going to reschedule my blog time. i will delete the app from my tablet because it makes me obsessively refresh and feel like its broken in some way. when its not.
ive been only realizing this now but i had close to 1000 subs (even tho most of them inactive or moved or personal blog who followed me once and idk stayed?) and now i  have 800 something. its not the number that bothers me but the fact that these are all those nasty nude girl bot blogs... i really dont care about the number since i myself follow like 30 ppl at most
i checked the last 3 month activity  and in june i had 50 reblogs on threads which is not too shabby in july i had 28 in august i had 5 (granted  i was off for like two weeks) and since the beginning of september i had 9 (i also counted in the inbox replies i did) 
i dont know how anyone is with it but i follow very few people and i even go back to the day before and recognize where my dash was when i went to bed. its compulsive and its bad because i get myself hyped up then i feel shit when i scroll past so many threads that has nothing to do with me. and im not about that. im about the fun and im glad others are having fun. i also remember sending out memes but dont remember to whom and how many. if it was excessive im sorry and if yall dont feel like answering just drop it and delete it.  same goes for threads if you wont feel like something anymore tag me into a thread drop post and the thread and ill just like it and stop waiting on it. 
and this is me saying literally that i have nothing better to do then sit and refresh when i could be (and should be tbh) doing something else. im not being negative about it but i feel like its pointless for me to reblog inbox meme compilations and the like. 
it starts to feel like less as a hobby then a device to torture myself because even over extended period of time i dont get anything. and when i do its unhealthy how hyped i get about it and drop everything i do to reply. 
i think about my ships even though i wait sometimes months for a thread to move forward. i dont lack in ideas and even tried to do just drabbles but i got scared of those even because i think what if the other party will think i interpret their muse in a way they wont portray and drop me completely. (i did get shit for that a long time ago) 
i dont write headcanons even though i think of them often because most of my muses dont even get requested and if by some miracle i get to try them out its literally 3 notes in and never hear from the new partner again. also if i do introduce myself to new blogs i follow and ive stressed this before so many times.... if i get ignored i get pissed. i get pissed if someone follows me then i follow them back and even chat them up and they ignore me unfollow me (without my dumbass noticing because im not about the numbers) and i like their starter call because they are still on my dash and then they spat out a “mutuals only” message i loose my cool. 
i love the people i regularly play with and the reason why im so hesitant to even accept new followers or follow someone when the mood strikes is exactly because im at the end of my rope here. i dont want to hate coming on here because new people ruin my experience and then my friends who actually do bomb threads with me have to deal with my sour ass because others pissed me off. 
 so long story short;
*dont expect me to give you more than 3 weeks waiting time to interact and get something going on if you are new,  * ill come online once a week do all my replies put them into queue and maybe at the most lurk and reblog pictures tagging my partners whos ship it may concern * i wont reblog inbox one liner meme anymore. its pointless and just makes me get upset with myself. (although i will participate in tags if someone tags me) that being said my inbox is open (and empty) and everyone is welcome (yes anon is also welcome) * i wont put out and wont like starter calls. those are the things that break my spirit the most. i dont need a starter to have 3 notes in and never continued.  * i WILL literally drop a thread if i write an extensive reply and get like at the maximum 3 lines of reply. that is the biggest disrespect in my book and im done making exceptions even if we are years long partners. its just rude and you can move your brain a little to write more than a paragraph.  * i WILL block you if you ask for a starter and let it sit after 3 notes in because fuck you thats why. 
i hope you all have a lovely day or night wherever you are , stay safe and stay hydrated. eat fruits and sleep lots.  💝
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