#theres a fat cat in this
crimeronan · 10 months
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most of you guys aren't tuned in to oregon local news so i gotta show u this. bc the local news is. Amazing.
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if-mirrormine · 1 year
His name is Blackie and everyone says he's fat (he has 7 kg and will be 8 years old in August), like LEAVE MY BABY ALONE😠😭
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gorgeous boy!!
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luvrodite · 2 months
you should be allowed to call out of work to enjoy nice weather and still get paid
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mismimis · 2 months
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ashenberry · 1 year
i have no idea how sam and cat part 2 is gonna b over 10 hours by the way without feeling a little bit bloated as hell
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elibean · 1 year
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someone please stop me from making a very poor financial decision
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yuridovewing · 1 year
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Literally cartoon levels of fatphobia here
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blurglesmurfklaine · 1 year
so I did not get anything I wanted to done today, but I did manage to find ten years old pictures of myself and feel bad about my body enough to sign up for a gym class later today so there’s that
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mosquitinho · 2 years
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^ the shape of a 16 year old boy whos perfectly healthy according to our vet. this is the ideal male body
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coming up on the 2 year anniversary of my childhood cats death in a few months, it srill doesnt feel real. i can still feel what it felt like to hold him
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globodamorte · 5 months
I get so scared when I'm home alone with the cats. my dad doesn't count bc he doesn't give a shit. but I get so fucking scared that something will happen and I'll be alone not knowing what to do. panicking. freezing.
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ikusayu-no-hana · 1 year
like yeah every desi comedian likes to poke fun at how people use stray animals as landmarks when giving directions but it's not funny anymore bc . that's literally me now . I use cats as landmarks bc all the places I frequent have a good dose of those
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identityarchitect · 1 year
this includes the dp dlc obviously
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webdollzz · 3 months
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a/n: me n my best baby @earth222abi were talking about this on tiktok and I js had to form a post 🧘🏻‍♀️
warnings: none, headcanons rly
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this man can and will come home with random strays at any given moment. dogs, cats, you name it, hes brought it back to his canal boat. including a "hamster" (it was a fucking mouse)
cat distribution system LOVES him. "don' mind these, they jus' a couple o' squatters" and its 4 cats sleeping on his floor, table, bed and worktop living their best lives. if he doesn't see a "regular" as he calls them, on a boring patrol night he'll search for them in usual places because he's so worried.
I think he permanently adopted a stray blue staffy & he just annoys TF outta that poor dawg cuz he loves it. (like this)
can, will & does send you those tiktoks he gets on his fyp with 2 likes of some old tosser on their 2014 android and says "litch me". also sends those tiktoks where its like "you belong to me😈😈" and he fully is just an absolute dickhead with annoying you. (abi damn near killed me for sending those tiktoks)
BUT if you do it back n call this man kitten or sum fucking shit he WILL stare at you sooooo fed up. "only funny when I do it." alr double standards.
carves your initials into his guitar.
fully steals feminine hygiene products for you if you're afab, binders & chest tape if ur ftm, what u want, this man gets. fuck big businesses and that.
loves when you two wander around town at xmas time when theres all those little stalls up.
he pokes ur waist. everytime he sees an opportunity, done. snorts to himself when you yelp.
....he loves a good bubble bath I'm sorry. being spiderman means having achey muscles all the live long day so if you run him a nice bubble bath this man will love you for the rest of his damn life. (even though he would either way.)
on that subject, he too gangly for a shower, the shower doesn't go high enough so he either hunches or uses his webs to put it higher (and that pisses u off if ur shorter) and his knobbly ahh knees poke out the bath sometimes but he too busy in his world to gaf. (you're sat on the toilet watching him and just giggling ur ass off)
he loves sewing. his "nanny" definitely taught him when he was just a lil geezer which is how he has all his patches and badges on his clothes, he put them on himself! only sews in the way his grandmother showed him to honour her, and refuses point blank to do it any other way, even if they're easier/sturdier. trust in great mrs brown.
loves picking you literal weeds out the ground with some daisies and presenting them like they're a 10/10 bouquet with a FAT lopsided grin on his face.
if you yawn infront of him I feel like sometimes he'll just blow air into your mouth briefly before carrying on with his business. idk. he's just got such annoying older brother energy and I feel like that's js what he'd do.
thanks for coming to my ted talk!
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mewvore · 11 months
drawing my funny sex life moments is genuinely important to me like I want people who might not know it that sex can be deeply unserious and hilarious and queer sex especially can be goofy and ridiculous and fun. theres always someone whose expectations for what needs to be done and how are built from adult media that presents a fantasy version of sex first and foremost, and if one person like that sees my stupid fat cat persona and is able to relax a lil bit and feel less intimidated, then I've done what I set out to do. Also its just fun to draw myself fuckin
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saintforan · 5 months
Well now that you made it MLB I have to chant this, LOVE SQUARE LOVE SQUARE LOVE SQUARE. You know, for the extra brain rot. The fun dynamic of getting to draw two idiots pining and blushing around their crush in different scenarios without ever knowing.
ur so real for that anon, i won't lie, the love square is the main thing that got me HOOKED into MLB LMAOO so yea have it for sure that theres a love square here, and it takes the same direction as the series, although their dynamics are a lil bit different from it: made this chart to explain it better LOL
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Down here is a bit of story about how they crushed on each other ir you are interested:
(im sorry for the amount of rambling that ur about to read here)
dogday crushed on catnap the day they met, nap joined the same hs dogday was in as a new student and dogday recognized him as this famous and rich engineer's (prototype cof cof) son, said son was well known to be the face of said engineer's company, and also was an insanely gifted and smart teenager. Well, another one of his atributes, although shadowed by his brain, was his very handsome and elegant appearance, so lets just say he was VERY attractive to dogday, and that made him interested, but it wasnt a full crush, yet.
Later on the day they both stayed late at hs for different reasons (long story short, dogday was on a club, catnap was finishing his admission process) and came out of it at the same time, catnap was waiting for someone to pick him up and dogday took it as oportunity to talk to him, cause catnaps cold robot-like personality was characteristic of him, but he wondered what his actual personality was like, so it's worth the try!
He went over to him and engaged into conversation, during this talk they realized they were unintentionally matching necklaces and well, that made them become friends easily, after this they became really good friends as they, although didn't have a lot in common, understood each other very well, and well after actually talking to him dogday developed a very big fat crush on catnap as he got to know he was actually really sweet when talking to a friend. From there on they became really really close, eventually they became best friends and dogdays crush on catnap got bigger the more he got to know him.
As for catnap, dogday was his first friend ever, all his life he was homeschooled because of his father wanting a child as smart as him that could inherit his company, and therefore never got to make any friends as he got basically forced to became insanely smart, he got sent to highschool because his father realized that his child didn't have any good social skills (not that his father considered that important, but he wanted his successor to be able to be a leader and without social skills thats impossible lol) and therefore sent him to study people lol.
When dogday came to him and they became friends he became very attached to him emotionally (sadly not in a romantic way) and therefore became best friends.
Now going into them as heroes! (If you read all the way here, I'm sorry for this amount of lore)
im going to refer to them as BC Catnap and LB dogday as i still dont know what their hero names should be lol (BC for black cat and LB for ladybug)
BC Catnap's crush on LB dogday is very much the same as the og chat noir and ladybug dynamic, but in this case BC Catnap crushed WAY harder than chat noir, to not make this post any longer, basically BC Catnap liked LB dogday on their first mission, he became attracted to the way LB dogday's hability as hero was, he admired him very much and that admiration evolved into romance bc at one point on their first mission, BC catnap got into a pretty dangerous situation and LB dogday saved him risking his own life, and after the mission was done LB dogday was pretty concerned for his well-being and handled him very carefully, and well, in poor catnaps life no one had cared for him that much before, so he fell for LB dogday's soft caring personality + the admiration he had for him before, he basically became LB dogday's N1 fanboy lmao.
From there on he became very flirty with LB dogday (the plagg effect strikes again, making his holders become sassier and flirtier) and he was very obvious with his feelings, LB dogday found the constant flirting annoying and therefore only considers BC catnap his work buddy cause he finds him way too annoying to be his friend, although with time they do became closer, and they start telling each other a bit about their personal lives without revealing their identities (Ex: LB dogday telling BC catnap about how hes crushed with his best friend ever since they met but although he pursues him romantically he doesn't want to push anything so he doesnt ruin their friendship, no, BC catnap doesnt mind that LB dogday is crushed on someone else, for him LB dogday is the crush he will love with all his heart no matter what bc he alr knows his feelings arent reciprocated, and hes alr with that but he keeps the flirting cause thats how he likes to be with his crush lol)
theres a lot more to this but this post is already REALLY LONG so i'll just keep till here
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