#so them three defo hits a bit different and i will enjoy this feeling while it's still here
mushroommortem · 1 year
I think as an aro-spec person, what I've been enjoying the most so far about Buddy Daddies is that it's so casual when it comes to Rei and Kazuki's dynamic.
The times I think they would lean more into romantic coded reactions, because of certain scenarios that would normally be seen as such- they didnt.
Like when Kazuki refers to Mirir as their kid or when she starts calling Rei her papa as well, the amount of times they tease each other or make remarks, seemingly knowing each other's little habits, stuff like that would normally be shown for romantic hijinks especially in the childcare genre. And they didnt do that.
It just blatantly shows two roommates/coworkers trying to raise a kid together despite neither being prepared for it. But they try their best nonetheless even with the circumstances they face and grow from it.
Like- their relationship is so inherently queer yet not explicit, but it seems like they're aware of how unconventional it is themselves, and therefore not mind or care about how it gets perceived, especially as the story progresses. If that makes sense? I'm not sure how else to describe but it just makes me so incredibly happy with how it's portrayed currently.
Cause I'll look at them and think 'oh! that's like what I have with me and my Starfriend!" And it's great. I dont know how the rest of the series will go but I'm enjoying it so far and think it's neat regardless :)
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haysprite · 1 year
can we hear some of your headcanons about frank :)
OMG YES !!! I feel like my interpretation of him is like really different than other people's, but its finnnneee :o) Also there's a lot so brace yourself 👍 I also wanted to focus more on just him this time around since I've already done a HC dump about him and Julie !
• AuDHD also go brrr (I’ll be real I’ve hit all four of em with this lmfao)
• Has a really high pain tolerance! He could break a bone or somethin and literally try to walk it off despite the other’s protests. 
• ON THE OTHER HAND THO, he is PATHETIC when it comes to getting sick (which isn’t often, but that means it hits him HARD when he does). Talk about man colds fr 🙏 The other three tend to make fun of him for this, but Julie still takes care of him cause she finds it a bit funny and wants to help her silly bf out.
• Absolutely loves being the center of attention, so he defo tries to impress anyone around him
• He really did enjoy playing basketball and being on Fairview’s team! He didn’t really get along with most of his team, but he was pretty good at the sport and being on the court was sometimes freeing for him. Was also a p good excuse to stay away from home.
• Dropped out of school early into his senior year, punching that referee was simply his final straw
• During the car ride to Ormond, he defo tried to run away while Clive was stopped to get some gas, but got caught pretty quickly. Frank may be strong, but Clive was stronger, and managed to force him back into the car. The rest of the ride was pretty silent after this
• Absolutely loves hoodies and jackets, and is rarely seen without one (whether he’s wearing it or just has it on hand). They’re just comfy, what can I say
• Loves the thrill of fights, which he gets into a bit more often than he probably should. Also tends to be the one to throw the first punch.
• He is NOT a morning person whatsoever. It takes him forever to finally drag his ass out of bed. He’s more of a night person, both for the peacefulness and because there’s more potential to cause some mayhem without getting caught.
• Though he’s the leader of the Legion, most of the plans and ideas come from Julie and Joey, since they actually like to think plans through unlike Frank, who will jump straight into something without giving it a second thought. He’s got zero impulse control lets be fr
• Hates the quiet, he either has to have music playing or be talking to somebody or else he just feels uncomfortable
• Has quite a few tattoos, though the only one ever really visible is the one on his neck. Got his first tattoo at 15 and loved the rush he got from getting one. I feel like he got his neck tattoo right before being dragged to Ormond at (roughly) 17. He had to be sneaky about getting them, ofc, but he’s always been pretty good at faking IDs and lying about his age (hence why he’s able to get his hands on alcohol n shit p easily).
• He’s a bit of a flirt, having a pretty charming nature to him, which he defo uses to his advantage when he needs to get out of sticky situations
• Not trusted behind the steering wheel, so Julie or Joey are always the ones to drive everyone places, which he’s a bit annoyed by, but he got over it eventually
• Has a lil collection of random trinkets he’s saved throughout his life, like things he’s stolen from every foster home he’s been through, random shit he’s found on the ground, gifts given to him by his friends, etc
• Whenever he was relocated, he would ALWAYS research as much as he possibly could about where he was being sentenced to. He found the history behind certain places really interesting, especially if there were any murders or creepy shit involved, and it also helped him plan out ways to get out of there as quickly as possible.
• Absolutely hates Clive with the PASSION. He did nothing but ignore Frank, no matter how hard he tried to get his attention. Frank picked a lot of verbal fights with him, some of them almost escalating into something physical, but Clive wasn’t afraid to fight back and stopped each fight pretty quickly.
• Got kicked out about half a year after turning 18, but he didn’t really care since he basically lived at the lodge anyway. Just meant he was finally free from living with Clive permanently
• He has a funny older brother / younger sister relationship with Susie. They’ll do shit like yelling at each other from across the lodge about what kind of pizza they should get, or walking into the room the other is in only to stand there silently before turning off the lights and BOOKING it. They annoy each other a lot, but they do it out of love (platonic obv) lmfao
• He and Joey do stupid shit like wrestling, arm wrestling, or straight up fights to see who’s stronger. Despite Frank being the one to initiate most of these, Joey wins a good 90% of the time unless he’s really caught off guard.
• Would do literally anything for Julie <3 He is so pathetically in love with her. I feel like Susie bugged him a lot about this before he and Julie started dating, calling him out whenever she caught him staring at Julie for too long or just teasing him about it
• Is REALLY bad at comforting his friends when they’re feelin down, but he tries his best 👍 It’s either him threatening to kick the ass of whoever made them upset, or just being silent and letting them vent cause he doesn’t really know how to respond
• Got super excited when he found out Julie also loved slasher films and learning about serial killers, and was really happy about finally having someone to talk about this shit with. They have movie nights a lot where they watch stupid slasher films for sure !
• It takes a lot to calm him down when he’s angry. Though his friends are sometimes able to help, most of the time they have to leave him be and let him punch or break some shit to release his anger.
• He always feels really bad whenever he blows up at one of his friends, he just struggles with actually apologizing about it. Julie is helping him a lot with this, and even though progress is slow, he’s slowly learning and getting better at it
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chiaki-translation · 3 years
SSR Homare [Wachter of the Holy Night]: Backstage Translation
I heard the news, I’m quite upset with it, so I would appreciate it if no one ask/talk to me about it. Thank you for your understanding~
In the meantime, just enjoy Homare’s story~ Also, I’m not German in anyway, but according to google translate, wachter means Guardian.
Summary: Christmas party becomes a snowball fight tournament in Homare’s vacation home.
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A3! belongs to Liber Entertainment
Translator’s Note: There are quite a bit of reference to previous events on this story. But mainly being Summer and Winter Troupe training camp and Muku/Sakuya/Kazu knowing Homare’s Grandmother from Luminous Circus.
Troupe Competition! A Serious Snowball Fight!
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Homare’s Grandmother:
Homare, you came.
I just arrived.
So, Grandmother, what do you want to talk about…?
Homare’s Grandmother:
It’s about Christmas Party.
I was thinking of opening up the vacation home for it this year.
Oh, that sounds like a good idea. It’s a wonderful place, I’m sure Grandmother’s guest will be delighted.
Homare’s Grandmother:
No, that’s not the case. I’m not talking about my acquaintances; I’m thinking about inviting everyone from your theatre troupe.
My comrades from the theatre troupe?
Homare’s Grandmother:
You have a certain habit, I figured you would have troubled them throughout the year.
Grandmother… Are you sure it’s alright?
Homare’s Grandmother:
If it’s not alright, I won’t even bring it up from the first place.
… Thank you so much!
Then, I’ll go and tell them immediately.
<Shifts to Dorm>
Everyone, listen to me!
We’re going to hold a Christmas Party in my vacation home.
By all means, I’m inviting everyone to come, how is it!
Eh, we’re going to Homare-san’s vacation home again!?
Yeah, you’re right.
Oh, I heard about it from Summer Troupe and Winter Troupe’s training camp, I wanted to come too you know!
Kumon said that Homare-san’s vacation home is really big right.
Yeah! It’s so big, it feels like you’re doing an exploration inside. I had so much fun back then~!
Ah, but that time, we ended up crashing Aririn’s grandmother’s party!
Homare-san, are we holding this without your Grandmother’s permission again…
You’re wrong. Rather, it’s actually an invitation from my Grandmother herself this time.
… Is it an apology because Arisu has troubled the troupe throughout the year, maybe?
Hisoka-kun, why do you only know such things.
Ahaha… But, I’m relieved if that’s the case. By the way, when will it be?
Oh, I’ve forgotten to tell you.
The party will be held next weekend.
Will your Grandmother come to the party as well?
Of course.
If so, can I come too?
It’s been a while since I met her!
Me too, let me greet her too!
Hmm, I wanted to come too, but that day seems though for me.
Really sorry!
I’m free!
Can I come too!?
Everyone is welcome. Grandmother said that she doesn’t mind for everyone in the troupe to come.
That’s why, I’m going to talk to the others who aren’t here right now too.
If you have some time, please come!
<End of Part 1>
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Welcome everyone.
Long time no see.
Pleased to be with you today!
Everyone, thank you for coming.
Please enjoy your time here.
Woah, the place’s so big!
The displays are full of wonderful vases and pictures!
As expected of Homare-san’s vacation home.
It reminds me of the training camp!
You’re right.
Fufu, that time, a lot of things happened.
Arisu tried to use this place without permission, it became a big problem.
I was told that I can use it as I want!
It just happened to overlap with my Grandmother’s party.
Regardless, making the script and costumes last minute was a good experience.
Tsuzuru too, he was hurrying the script while talking to Tsumugi and the others on the phone.
Ahaha, right. We called Tsuzuru-kun and got some help to make the script.
Just from the story, I can tell you guys were in a big trouble.
But, I want to be able to act flexibly and adapt like that too.
If it’s Big Brother, I’m sure you can do it!
Also, even if Robert the armor moves, I won’t be scared anymore.
E, even I won’t be scared anymore!
… No one said anything about Tenma.
Homare’s Grandmother:
Everyone, thank you for coming.
Thank you for always taking care of Homare.
Thank you so much for the invitation.
We’re bothering you with a lot of people today.
Good afternoon!
I’m glad I can meet you again.
It’s been a while!
Thank you for the invitation.
Homare’s Grandmother:
You guys came as well.
Please take it easy and enjoy your time here.
There are a lot of food prepared, please don’t refrain yourself.
Thank you so much.
Amazing, the table top looks so luxurious!
It’s shining!
Oh, this looks like something that Kazunari and Yuki will be happy to see.
Over here, the meat looks delicious!
The sweets look delicious too.
There are a lot of marshmallows… I’m happy.
Then, we’ll start with a cheer!
It’s daytime though, so I’m not taking out the alcohol.
There are a lot of minors too.
Thank you for your concern.
Then, for the welcome toast, I’ll deliver a poem.
Christmas is comparable to crystal--
Arisu, your speech’s too long.
Hisoka-kun! I’m still in the middle of it!
Nah, that’s enough.
Troupe Members:
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Ahaha… I apologize for them.
Homare’s Grandmother:
Don’t mind.
It’s true that Homare’s speech is too long anyway.
Even Grandmother!
(Fufu, even if he said that, Homare-san looks like he’s enjoying himself)
Hisoka-san, that cake is delicious.
Thank you.
This marshmallow taste great too.
The two of you, why do you eat sweets first for lunch…
… Just looking at them gives me the heartburn.
Citron-san, this meat is so tender!
Oh, this sauce’s the best!
Director, what do you want to eat?
I’ll take it for you.
Really? Thank you.
Everything looks delicious, I don’t know what to start with.
Right, what will Homare-san recommend?
Let’s see, I want you to try everything here, but how about starting with buratta caprese.
Woah, it looks so delicious!
Then I’ll get this. Masumi-kun, are you going to eat this too?
… I’m reluctant to take Homare’s recommendation, but it’s fine if I can see your smiling face.
Geez, Masumi-kun, you’re the same as usual.
… Ah.
Speaking of which, this vacation home has a wide and wonderful garden right.
There are a lot of snow piling up today too, it feels so romantic somehow!
Amazing, if there’s this much snow, we can even do snowball fight!
Oh, Japanese snowball fight, I want to try it too!
That sounds fun!
But, if a lot of people step on the garden at once, won’t it be a trou…?
Homare’s Grandmother:
I don’t mind, there are no flower beds underneath.
You can do anything you want there.
Thank you so much.
Then, let’s go out and have a snowball fight after everyone’s done eating!
<End of Part 2>
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No matter how many times I see it, it’s such a wonderful garden.
Somehow, I’m still pretty excited.
Oh, it looks like the sky will clear out in a bit.
Then, what are we going to do about the team.
How about making it a competition between troupe?
The number of people seems to be just right too.
You’re right.
Then, let’s do that.
Alright, I’ll do my best for Summer Troupe!
I want to be with my Big Brother on the second round though!
… Are we having a second round.
Only Autumn Troupe is left with two people though.
But if it’s Banri-kun and Juza-kun, it’s like you have the strength of 3 people.
No, I don’t think I can do it properly with this guy.
Then, would it be fine if Director join the Autumn troupe?
Eh, me!?
I see, then everyone will have 3 people on their team!
I was thinking of cheering everyone instead of participating…
It’s fine, isn’t it.
Director-chan, let’s do it too.
I’m sure it will be more fun than just watching!
You’re right, then…
If that’s the case, I’ll join Autumn troupe too.
What are you saying, Masumi is in Spring Troupe!
The number of people will be wrong, let’s do our best with the three of us this time!
How about the rule?
You drop out when you got hit by the enemy team, the team who remained through the end will be the winner, how about that!?
Let’s go with that.
Then everyone, are you ready?
Yep, let’s do it!
Okay dayo~
Then, Inter Troupe Snowball Fight, commence!
Troupe Members:
Let’s go!
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<Short Time Skip>
Fufun, I will defo defo beat everyone!
Sigh… To be in different team from Director…
Look, it’s starting, Masumi-kun!
Ah, I found Tenma-kun!
… There.
Oh, oops.
Hmm, don’t think that I’ll be that easy to hit!
Woah, a counterattack…!
Sakuya, that’s dangerous!
I’ll assist you! There!
Over here too! I’m going to protect Tenma-san, take that!
<Short Time Skip>
Alright, I have to try my best too…
Firstly, let’s make the snowball properly…
Tsumugi, if you’re stoning in that kind of place, I think you’ll get targeted immediately.
Eh, Masumi-kun!?
Since when were you this close--
I’m going to show Director my cool side…!
Wa, wait a minute!
… He avoided it successfully.
Then next--
Tsumugi-kun, I’ve come to help you!
Take that!
… What kind of throwing method is that.
Homare-san, I think you won’t hit anyone if you keep throwing that way…!
Hmm, really?
I thought it was a good stance.
If it’s from here, I should be able to take Masumi down.
…What the! You hit the back of your own teammate, where the hell did you even aim at, no-con! (T.N: No-con is short  for no control)
It’s your position that’s bad.
What the hell was that!
The two of you are in the same team right, don’t fight!
Ah, whatever, the one I want to hit with the snowball the most right now is him.
Well well… Ah, Muku-kun.
Ba, Banri-san, Ju-chan, Director-san, prepare yourself!
Oh, oops… Safe.
Me too, I managed to avoid it somehow…
But, I think it will be better for people from the same team not to gather in the same place.
Then, I’ll be going to that direction!
<Short Time Skip>
… Phew, I think I’ve lost Muku-kun for now.
Oh, I don’t think I’ll see Director-kun in this kind of place.
Choice 1: The garden is a really nice place
Umm… The garden is a really nice place!
You’re right!
It’s the prided garden of Arisugawa family.
But, it’s too wide, it becomes hard to make a hit in a snowball fight, it might be the only drawback it has.
Ahaha, it’s true, meeting Homare-san here was too much of a chance to pass…!
Choice 2: The snowball fight is fun
I’ve never really played snowball fight with this many people before, it was fun right!
Yeah. What’s more, I got the chance to confront Director-kun like this. It’s really an exciting situation.
Flying snowball, cool heel on the useless rule, the rose…
Homare-san, is it alright for you to show me so much opening?
I’m in the Autumn Troupe team you know?
Hmm, I thought I can distract you when you’re entranced with my poem.
If it doesn’t work then I’ll have no other choice.
I’m going to hit you with the snowball with all I have!
… I’m going in with all I have!
Take this!
As you wish!
…Take that!
(Ho, Homare-san’s form, what is that!?)
Ah, Director-kun, you got me!
I guess I’ll have to drop out now... What a pity.
I, I did it! I can hit someone too, with this, one person’s down…
… There’s an opening.
Director-kun, now you need to drop out too!
Director, you were wide open.
Hahaha, you were off guard, Director-kun!
And I thought I actually did well…!
<End of Part 3>
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flowers-creativity · 4 years
Bad Luck: Epilogue
Fandom: The Musketeers Characters: Porthos du Vallon, Athos (Comte de la Fere), Aramis (René d’Herblay, d’Artagnan (Charles), Jean Tréville, Flea Warnings: Violence, whipping, racism, slavery, abduction, minor character death Summary: Porthos rarely had bad luck at the card table. But when he hit a streak of really bad luck, it was only the beginning …Soon, the other three Inseparables were desperately searching for their missing friend while he did his best to get back to them.
Notes: That's all, folks! *Looney Tunes melody*
Thank you so much to all of you who have followed this story - thank you for your comments and for your patience and for sticking with me till the end! I hope you enjoyed it!
I want to acknowledge that this is a delicate topic, writing about a black character experiencing slavery, especially as a non-black author (possibly why they chose to use d'Artagnan instead of Porthos in "An Ordinary Man"), and I hope I have treated it with the sufficient sensitivity. If there are any parts where I did not succeed in this, please feel free to let me know! Even if the story is finished now, I would much rather edit or rewrite as needed than leave anything offensive in it.
AO3 link
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20
The horses' hooves clopped loudly on the city's cobblestones. Porthos relished the sound and did nothing to hide his grin as he gazed up at the buildings around them as if he hadn't seen them in ages, far longer than what had been, after all, barely more than a month. They had been on missions taking them away from Paris much longer than that in their service to the King. But it was different, returning home when, at some point, you had doubted if you ever would. And this, Paris with its narrow streets, the stench of too many people and animals living too closely together, the constant din of traders hawking their wares and housewives gossiping, was home to him most of all of them, even if for a long time, his home had been a part of Paris no one liked to think about.
Now his home was the Garrison, and his grin impossibly widened when they passed below the arch into the courtyard. It made his cheeks hurt but it was a happy ache.
A few Musketeers milling about in the courtyard looked up at the sound of their approach, gaping at the arriving group. Porthos might have felt embarrassed at the attention, but he could always pretend they were going slack-jawed at the sight of the three fine horses Athos had purchased in Le Havre. The one Porthos was riding, bought in the small village where they had found shelter, was a good beast and had borne him home faithfully, but those three were something else.
Still, the notion was dispelled when he had dismounted and handed the horse's reins to Jacques who had dutifully appeared to take care of their horses and was definitely smitten with the new horses at first glance.
The first to greet him was Defoe, a fellow recruit from the general army who liked to play cards with Porthos, grumbling good-naturedly about cheating when he unavoidably lost. “Porthos! You're back!”
The joy on his face made warmth rise in Porthos' cheeks. He tried to suppress it as he grinned, spreading his arms and bouncing on his toes. “In the flesh!” he replied, and if it didn't sound quite as nonchalant as he wanted it to because his voice was a bit too gruff with emotion, no one mentioned it. He accepted an embrace from Defoe, followed up by back pats and claps to his shoulders from the others as they gathered around him, and basked in the warmth spreading through him. As much as Athos, Aramis and d'Artagnan were the brothers of his heart, these men were his family, too.
Above them, a door opened, and Porthos sensed rather than heard the heavy boots stomping up to the railing, and he felt rather than saw the icy blue eyes of their Captain settle on the group in the courtyard. There was a beat, and then the familiar gruff voice called down to them: “You four, my office! The rest of you, I'm sure you have some work to do. Hop to it.”
No one needed to ask who the four were he had addressed. Porthos exchanged a look with his brothers, and as one, they headed for the stairs, ascending them and presenting themselves before their commanding officer in his office.
Treville observed them, the shrewd blue gaze impassive as it raked over them. Finally, he gave a clipped nod and said: “Report.”
As usual, Athos took the lead, summarising in a few short sentences what he had already sent ahead in his messages and ending with their trip back, which had been wholly without incident – unless you counted some heated discussions between Aramis and Porthos himself because he was sick of being coddled and eager to head home. Their medic hadn't been too happy about his insistence to ride further and faster than Aramis considered advisable …
Once Athos had ended, Treville's gaze came to rest on Porthos, and he unconsciously straightened slightly. “Welcome back, Porthos,” the Captain said. “You are well?”
“Fine and fit, sir,” Porthos replied. And he added: “Thank you for sending the others after me.” Because as much as an attack on a King's Musketeer was deemed an attack on the King himself, and his retrieval the recovery of an asset of the Crown, he knew the Captain wouldn't have had to do it. And that was why, while they were the King's men, they were Treville's men twice as much.
The Captain waved his words away impatiently and addressed the next man: “Aramis?”
Porthos bit his lip in irritation as his friend took off his hat, raking his fingers through his curls, and gave him a short, slightly smug smile. “Maybe let him take it slow another few days until he's settled back in,” Aramis suggested. “But yes, he's healed well,” he allowed.
“Fine,” the Captain grouched. “Take the rest of the day, all of you. I'll see you at muster tomorrow.”
They nodded at him with various levels of respectfulness and turned when his voice made them halt once more. “Good to have you back, Porthos,” he said. “And if you ever … feel the need to talk about any of it: My door is always open.”
Porthos felt a sudden pressure in his throat at the offer, and he cleared it roughly. “Thank you, sir,” he replied.
Treville nodded and waved a hand at them. “Get going, then.”
Porthos was the last to file out, and as the others descended into the courtyard, he stopped at the top of the stairs, taking a deep breath. Below him, his brothers turned to look up at him, and d'Artagnan called: “What are you waiting for, Porthos? Let's find out how much dust your quarters have gathered.”
The dark-skinned Musketeer looked down at them and then around the courtyard in which a certain temperamental Gascon had challenged Athos, in which they had trained, fought, drunk, eaten, and bantered together, as three before that and as four since then. He blew out a breath and called out: “Comin'!”
He was home.
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limejuicer1862 · 4 years
Wombwell Rainbow Interviews
I am honoured and privileged that the following writers local, national and international have agreed to be interviewed by me. I gave the writers two options: an emailed list of questions or a more fluid interview via messenger.
The usual ground is covered about motivation, daily routines and work ethic, but some surprises too. Some of these poets you may know, others may be new to you. I hope you enjoy the experience as much as I do.
Andy N.
is a writer, performer, podcaster, creative writing workshop tutor and sometimes experimental musician from Manchester who also is currently co running Stretford’s always welcoming spoken word night ‘Speak easy’
He has been published in numerous books and magazines and has been performing in some form or the other since 2006 and regularly since 2008 and was also vocalist and keyboardist in the spoken word collective ‘A Means to an End’ (Can be found on facebook).
He is also the editor and chief of Spoken Label, a new spoken word based interview podcast label featuring podcasts with all kinds of writers and artists (https://spokenlabel.bandcamp.com/) and is also the co creator of ‘Reading in Bed’, a literature review podcast he does with his partner (http://readinginbed.bandcamp.com)
His official website is onewriterandhispc.blogspot.co.uk/ and he is always interested in under-taking performing / new projects. His email address is [email protected]
List of Publications:
on Facebook (Official page)
on Bandcamp
Ocean in a Bottle (ambient music)
on Facebook
on bandcamp
Spoken Label (spoken word podcasts)
on facebook
on bandcamp
Speak Easy (Stretford’s always welcoming Spoken Word Open Mic night)
Reading in Bed (Book Review Podcast with Amanda)
on facebook
on bandcamp
Comics Unity Podcast Series (Comics related and culture podcast with Michael)
on facebook
  The Interview
1. When and why did you start writing poetry?
I actually started writing poetry when i was 10. It was terrible i seem to recall. My teacher encouraged to keep on it at it
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. Little did she know
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2. Who introduced you to poetry?
Good question. It was my teacher Miss Fenton. She always thought i had a good eye for images even back then
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2.1. What poetry did she introduce you to?
She introduced me into Hilaire Belloc at the time. My major inspirations Hugo Williams and Paul Celan / Wilfred Owen came during college and at degree level years ago.
2.2. How did they influence you?
In Williams case it was the human touch the sheer love of life. Cealan and owen the misery
3. How aware are and were you of the dominating presence of older poets traditional and contemporary?
Not really if I am honest until I got into my mid 20s when I went back to evening classes. I had left school with quite poor qualifications (long story) and next to no interest in writing by the time I got to 18 or 19 and although I touched on poetry while studying English A Level (where I studied Tennyson, Browning and Swinburne etc), it wasn’t until I got to university in 1999 as a mature student (I was 27) when I really began to see the dominating presence of older poets traditional and contemporary and slowly began to find my own voice.
4. What is your daily writing routine?
I actually have a day job (I wish I was a full time artist) so that covers me during the day so it usually means just the evening when I get home. I’m quite deep into the world of Podcasting at the moment which can means that does take some time up when I am at home, and I also do ambient music under the name of Ocean in a Bottle but if I am not writing everyday I am always reading and usually have either a book in my bag or a new poetry book on my kindle. Bookwise, that’s Robert Cochrane’s ‘A Memory of Keys’ and I have a pre-order of a book by a South African writer called Alta Martin which is out later in the year I think.
5. What motivates you to write?
What motivates my writing? That’s a good question really. When I first started writing right up to when I went to university, I never really had any plans with it atall,  perhaps I thought it was something more interesting to do than just watch Television. The older I got, it changed and now I love telling my own stories in poems rather than been told stories (for example on Television) if they makes sense and this has now developed further so on my laptop I have various folders on there on sequences I want to tell. Currently this includes Science Fiction poems (A mystery called Robot Noir) or poems about an imaginary couple I am writing about who visit all kinds of cities and have adventures in them. Both of them motivate me as I want to work out where they end both of these stories end up next.
6. Why do you like writing mysteries?
Just what I am writing really at the moment, Paul and is not a reflection of my first three full length poetry collections. The first book ‘Return to Kemptown’ was a compilation of what I regarded as my best material as of 2010 (I have been performing poetry on a fairly regular basis since 2007). The second and third books ‘The End of Summer’ ‘and ‘The Birth of Spring’ are seasonal books really with each book designed to represent the seasons with poems about Summer and Autumn mixed with longer narrative poems which contain the elements of those seasons also.
I do have a third seasonal book in mind ‘In the Midst of Winter’ which is looking good but I also have two other full length books on the go which are certainly more mystery based. The first one ‘Changing carriages at Birmingham New Street’ which is about my imaginary couple actually made a brief appearance in The Birth of Autumn and I enjoyed reading about them, it kind of made sense to try and write a full length collection covering their time together. Robot Noir, my Science Fiction poetry book is quite different but still carries the same emotional strengths that people like about my poetry but is getting wrote hand in hand next to it covering before, during and after a Robot uprising in Poetry which threatens the existence of mankind itself. Both books here are mysteries as they do not operate like most full length poetry collections, but tell a story like in novels but rather in poetry which pieces stand alone but also work well in a long sequence and I hope will prove emotional satisfying for readers as well as me when they are completed.
7. How do the writers/musicians you read/heard when you were young influence you today?
I had a bit of a unusual taste in music growing up in the early 80s when my father got me into folk music and country and western music, of which if I am honest I haven’t heard in years. When I got into my mid teens in the late 80s, I started listening to some discoveries of my own, some of which are very difficult to listen to nowadays. One band I love listening to even now and saw live twice back at that point were a Scottish band called The Blue Nile who have had a rare ability to convey the ordinariness of life itself which still hits me hard even now over thirty years later and has proved a influence on my writing certainly.
Reading wise, I’ve just re-read a few books by Fred Hoyle which are very pure Science Fiction indeed and I think are difficult to read now (How I read them at 11 or 12 with great ease I have no idea) and I also remember reading a lot of Harry Harrison’s work as the Stainless Steel Rat which I struggle with nowadays also because of the sexism towards women which is pretty bad in the first book or two. I think it depends really, my father got me reading the Western works by American writer Louis L’Amour in my early teens and his later books like Comstack Lode are great novels and while a little preachy are full of what I try to convey in my poems now (as much as any work by Plath and Larkin, both of which I was familiar with in my early 20s and am still now).. I let the characters tell their own stories whether in a few lines or 40 lines
8. Who of today’s writers/musicians/ do you admire the most and why?
Ooh. I am taking my time reading Ocean Vuong’s ‘Night Sky with Exit Wounds’ at the moment. I also recommend Spiderseed by David Hartley, a young writer from Stretford (near where I was born) whose debut book is twenty illustrated flash fictions, all of which has a defo Gorey feel to them. Comic wise, as I am still reading them, I love the work by Ed Brukaber (who is known on the TV front for being the show runner for Season 1 of West World and Too die to this young). Comic wise, his work with Sean Philips is always worth reading, and their current series Criminal which is a series of interlinked stories involving Criminal has magnificient character work
9. What would you say to someone who asked you “How do you become a writer?”
I started as a child as I said before and also studied writing at university, but if I am honest although I learned stuff from starting from so young and also studying it, I learnt going to a writing group certainly helped me the most as it made me listen to people who tried to give me advice. So listen really
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And also perhaps join websites likes Writeoutloud.net and blog your poems on there, as people will give you feedback on them sometimes.
10. Tell me about writing projects you’re involved in at the moment.
Current writing projects are the following:
1) The Streets were all we could see – my 4th full length poetry book which is a series of mini poems (All under 10 lines each). Book is now complete and will be out before the end of Winter.
2) Buried alive under the Wall – this is my second fantasy book, a sequel to a book released in 2018 called Enemy of the Wall. Currently on the last draft.
Other projects on the go is Europa 4, my 4th book of anti war poetry with my pal Nick Armbrister and I am thinking about what I am can do for NaPoWriMo this year which I think will be 30 poems wrote daily in April called Fragments of David.
Also will be carrying on with my constant podcasting and ambient music.
Wombwell Rainbow Interviews: Andy N. Wombwell Rainbow Interviews I am honoured and privileged that the following writers local, national and international have agreed to be interviewed by me.
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faunahudson · 5 years
sauna texts
What: Fauna tries to persuade Sophia to let her, the angels and Jack into the club without an escort When: Last Wednesday Warnings: Fauna being Fauna Who: Fauna and @madamebarton
Fauna: Hi, hello. My name is Fauna, and I know your club like requires a Dom to sign you in. But I really want to take my friend Jack to your club, because he’s sad and I think it would really like cheer him up!!!! Because his parents are Uber traditionalist!!! So could we please come in on maybe Friday. Me and my girlfriends are super hot
Sophia: I- What? Sophia: Your friend is... sad? Sophia: Plaisir's rules are very clear, dear. This is a place for Dominants to enjoy themselves, not for your friend to mope around. Sophia: If you and your 'girlfriends' can find a Dominant to get you inside, you're welcome to come. If not, I'm afraid he's going to have to go cry elsewhere.
Fauna: But why though? Surely to have a lit club you need hot single submissives to look at??? Fauna: If you need an escort then most submissives won’t be available Fauna: It doesn’t like.. feel profitable Fauna: Jack doesn’t cry, he just.. wants to date one of you guys, and the clubs I go to.. he’s not going to want to date the guys I date
Sophia: We have hot single submissives of our own. I'm sure you've heard of the Barton girls? Sophia: In any case, it's rare for Dominants to bring only one submissive with them. Our clients... they like to show off. It doesn't mean they're particularly attached to their dates. Sophia: You should see my bank account. Sophia: Like I told you, all you need is a Dominant to get you inside. If you can't find one, there's nothing I can do.
Fauna: I’ve heard of Barton girls, but like... have you heard of Charlie’s Angels? We’re an organisation of three super hot girls who are the life of the party at any establishment Fauna: See I can bring a Dominant, like my brother or the postman.. but it’s like less hot. Fauna: Id love to see your bank account Ma’am, mine has like 14 dollars in it right now
Couple of minutes later Fauna: Well what if you were our escort, we don’t know each other so it would be like meeting someone at the club for the first time for me, but you would know I was solidly escorted Fauna: If you need proof of hotness or my ability my resume is as follows a girl I once slept with reviewed my submission technique as follows “Her dedication to pussy pleasing hits different ya know.” And here’s a selfie
Sophia: Three girls is hardly an organization, dear. And I'm not sure if 'life of the party' is encouraging or terrifying coming from you. Sophia: Yes, please, don't bring a postman. It's not that kind of establishment. Sophia: Are you sure you're not the one who's sad?
Sophia: I, uh- I don't think that's a good idea.
Fauna: Three is a party, and is therefore also an organisation. It is known Fauna: Nah I’m alright, I cried a bit when I gave most of my last paycheck to the student loan company. But I mop my tears with a Harvard medical degree Fauna: Why? And would a picture with the top off persuade you Fauna: If you were wondering about the back view.. I provide this evidence
Sophia: Three is most definitely not a party. Sophia: That is impressive, actually. You should have led with that. Sophia: No, I wasn't wondering about the back view- what? Sophia: You're obviously an attractive young girl, but I cannot allow this.
Fauna: Girl you need to come to a Charlie’s Angels party.. because we would change your mind Fauna: Well then Doctor Fauna Frightman at your service. Fauna: I mean I thought you might be an ass girl, I had to cover my bases Fauna: Can’t allow what? Fauna: After a quick google I’ve discovered you’re smoking, I’m hot lets make this happen
Sophia: I'm not convinced that's a party I would like to attend. I don't even know who you are. Sophia: A submissive Doctor. Now I've seen everything. Sophia: What makes you think I'm an anything girl? I've given no indication that I'm interested in women. Sophia: You, bribing me with tantalizing pictures. Sophia: ...I have to say it's the first time someone called me 'smoking'.
Fauna: I mean I’d tell you to google me, but in order to be professional you’d only find boring hospital pics. But trust me it would be a great party Fauna: It’s amazing isn’t it, how I can manage to do both at once? Fauna: I mean doesn’t matter if you’re into women or not, boys have fronts and backs too Fauna: Though tantalising suggests you think I’m hot! Fauna: Well you are super duper smoking, I said “She should top me.” As soon as I saw your pic Fauna: since I’m not allowed to send pictures how about a gif... one of my tik tok followers made this one so shout out m&mdude17
Sophia: I'll take your word for it. Sophia: Actually, it is. Sophia: You're a woman. You're trying to seduce me (I think?). You wouldn't be doing that if you assumed I was straight (I think). Sophia: It doesn't matter if I do. Sophia: You really are forward, aren't you, girl? It's entertaining, I'll give you that. Sophia: You're actually gonna drive me speechless. Do you often send pictures of your body to get what you want?
Fauna: I mean you don’t have to, me and the girls love a practical demonstration Fauna: Lol why, it’s not like the urge to submit strikes me suddenly while I’m operating on a kids kneecap Fauna: I mean I’ll give anything a shot, though I’m pretty sure you like ladies Ma’am if you weren’t aware because you defo think I’m hot af Fauna: The way you call me girl gets me really hot under the collar, like it’s so dehumanising. We’re basically sceneing already Fauna: Pretty much yeah, these are tame though. Usually I send nudes ;)
Fauna: I made this for you
Sophia: I'm sure you do. Sophia: A submissive's place is next to their Dominant, not at an operating table. Sophia: How can you be so sure of that? Sophia: Oh, we are not scening by any means. Deleted: But I'm glad you caught that Sophia: You send nudes to strangers? Sophia: You drew hearts on my breasts. It's... lovely.
Fauna: sksks Lol. Look all the Doms say that until they need me to operate on their kid and then suddenly they change their tune Fauna: Cos you’re still texting me back, and you called me attractive Fauna: Yet. We’re not sceneing yet. But you could give me a time and place when we could? Fauna: Sometimes, when the mood strikes me. Would you like a nude? Fauna: Thank you Miss!!!
Sophia: There are other qualified people to do that kind of work. It doesn't have to be you. Sophia: I have no idea why I'm still texting you, to be perfectly honest. Sophia: You're impossible. Sophia: ... I don't think that would be a good idea.
Fauna: Except I’m better than all of them, why would I waste my IQ baking cookies or whatever because I like to get trodden on in bed? Fauna: It’s because of my hotness, and because you want me to make you give in and scene with me Fauna: I mean I’m sure you could handle me Miss ;) Fauna:
Sophia: Because that's the way the world works. We play the cards that were dealt to us. Sophia: Oh, do I? Thank you for explaining. [After a lot of staring, saving the pic and staring some more] Sophia: You'll speak nothing of this to anyone. Sophia: Come to Plaisir tomorrow. Alone.
Fauna: And the world dealt me the genius card, and I choose to play my ace and save lives. And ya know not be a selfish cunt Fauna: Yup. Fauna: What time Miss?
Sophia: After 10. You'll join me for the night. Sophia: If you're good enough, you and your friends can come on Friday. Sophia: But remember, nobody finds out about this.
Fauna: I’ll be there Miss, look for angel wings Fauna: I’ll be good as gold, I promise Fauna: Understood Miss
Sophia: You're far from an angel, girl. Sophia: I'll believe it when I see it. Sophia: Rest well.
Fauna: Hey Miss, just checking how I’m gonna get into the club tonight Fauna: Do you want me to come around the back or somethin?
Sophia: That won't be necessary. No guest of mine uses the backdoor. Sophia: Announce yourself when you arrive. You'll be brought to my private room.
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crashpaddiaries · 7 years
Dear Crashpad Diary #26
Yooooooooo freackin beasts!! Wassssssuuuuuup??
So great to hear good news from Ireland!! Ro and Stephen are already training with Rob Hunter… the master!! ahaha Now I am the one worrying about it… they’ll become beasts and it´ll be so hard to catch up with them later on hehehe All the best vibes beasts and keep strong… it´ll hurt and youll get exhausted but itll also pay off!! =)
So… going back in time a bit and I´ll tell yas about: our adventure overnite going to Koh Tao, rainstorms, the incredible case of a Russian newbie alcoholic-wise,  fruits for free, getting close to sea urchins, things for the first time ever, Brazilians messing around, another interview, boat to Krabi, what a great start for the surfing trip, the cursed room, paid beaches and fixing the room for the AC…
coolio…. last time we were heading Koh Tao or Kho Tao or Kho Thao or Ko That…. dunno… they defo have some trouble defining what is the correct way to write down their shit heheheheh
So… the boat from Surat Thani… or Suratani or Surat Tani… hahaha same same… was pretty cool… we got there not putting much faith on it but we were surprised by the quality and the size of the boat… it was like a hostel… dunno… maybe 200 beds or so… double beds and all… we got there a bit early and left the bags to get some food outside… as it was weekend there was a huge… gigantic open air market.. with food, clothes, animals, electronics and so on… as usual… real local street food does not suit vegetarian so we walked a little to find some for me… Luh is always freakin patient with that… haha thanks Luh!! Luv ya!! =)
I got some Papaya Salad and he ate his addiction… fried rice with chicken hehe and than we went back to our floating and surprisingly not-shaky-at-all hostel… sweet dreams and few hours later we arrived to one of the most beautiful islands I’ve ever been to… Koh Tao!
I had the idea that Id get some climbing there too but turned out that the climbing is quite inexistent and all the info I gathered in 27crags was quite shit… we walked one day loads to get to a boulder and there was any hahahah instead, we ended up in an open field hahahahah maybe with a local it’d be better but even that I couldn’t find hehe so we went for snorkelling all the days we were there… such a bad option, right?? hehehe
Ive always being a mountain guy… I would go for jungle/forest/mountain rather then ocean anytime but the reefs and the beaches here got me… the underwater world is amazing and we are enjoying in a way that I could never imagine!! We walked pretty much everywhere there and got one day the boat to go to Koh Nang Yuan… three islands connected between them… one of the few ones in the world…. what a gem!!
All the other beaches though, are incredible too… there is no need of boat to have a blast here!!
You´ll need only some goggles and hold your breath to get a breathtaking experience!! hehe
The top 3 beaches we visited there: Nang Yuan… Said Nuam…. Ao Lek…  2 of them you can go on your own and they are stunning!! =)
The trip to the Nang Yuan islands was great… the scenery is something else there!! But I dunno…. it seems that crazy people go everywhere… we got another mad guy… drunk just for a change… falling off from one of the platforms going to the viewpoint…. Viewpoints are normally on top of hills… so you can see better right?! Well… if you´re going up… kinda scrambling up…. would you drink and mess up with your ability of ensure that youre standing up?? I dont think so right?? hahaha
Well… the same way we got over Christmas, in Hampi, some dumb guy falling, hitting his head and almost dying, while walking and jumping from boulder to boulder drunk, we got another not-too-smart one… but this time was a bit funnier… kmon… its hard to find a Russian that goes down on whisky heheheh Yep… the weak Russian didn’t hold up well on whisky… decided go for a walk but chose the tricky path throughs the platforms that go over the ocean and rocks till the point you get to the jungle and reach the viewpoint… unfortunately, for his head and back…. he got a short cut to another view point… the viewpoint of the reef down there hehe he got some good scratches and the people on the beach had to come and help otherwise we would have one less person in this world and a little bit more alcohol haha
The best part was when a lady-boy came and said: “Don’t worry guys… Ill take care of him!”… and sailed away as a storm with his/her boat and the dizzy Russian!! hahahah
Talking about storms and rain… we´ve been enjoying hugely the rain here… every afternoon we get few storms… something peculiar for those who live in Ireland… First of all because we dont have storms like that… when it seems the world is ending on water… and second of all… its impossible to go out and enjoy the rain… feeling the mild water hitting your skin… and the refreshment that it provides….. if you try that in Ireland you´ll get some pneumonia with not doubt heheheheh
After few days having fun in Koh Tao we decided to leave and head to Koh Phangan… or Koh Phan Gnan… or…. hahahahah you know right!! hahaha
All the big islands are quite close and you can reach them with a short trip on a boat… so we did that… over 1 hours on a jumpy boat and we got to Koh Phangan… the second biggest island… we could see the other side Ko Samui… the largest one… but we decided for Phangan cuz Luh would meet Dai and we could also check some rad places we´ve been told!
The first days we stayed in the south… but there is no much… the accommodations are cheaper but the only attractions are parties and kite surfing… not our style tho…. fortunately we found a freaking good restaurant there… Harbour House… cheap and scrumptious… worth defo a visit if your there!! =)
Once we realised that the beautiful beaches and awesome waterfalls were up north we grabbed our backpacks and snorkelling gear and off we went!! WOW… if you like nature… go straight to the north of that island!! Astonishing!! =)
Thailand is great… seriously… its nature… people… food… you can easily fall in love with the country… the only thing I couldn’t understand was why everyone was telling me before the trip that I would love the fruits here and that would be cheap and all… but so far was so hard to even find it!! Well… Phangan surprised us in that sense… and confirmed our friends theory… we were walking one of the first days there when we found a fruit stand and simply asked how much was the banana… the girl didn’t speak any english but made sure that a wave of free fruits came towards us.. hahaha FINALLY… FRUITS FOR FREE!! HAHAHAHAHA No need to say that we got fruits for dinner that day!! and the other!! and the following one too!! hahahaha What a sweeeeet life!! =)
Days of new things are common when you´re travelling and for me it wasn’t different… as we were 3 people we had to rent two motorbikes… so Luh would go with Dai and I had to get one on my own… you know… I love adrenaline and that´s why I never got a bike… because if you accelerate it will speed up and I´ve already some trouble cycling… crashing into a wall with a motorbike is not on my life bucket so I´ve always avoided… up to now though… when you have no option … well… the choice is already made! hehehe
So there we were… handled our passports (yep… no passport no bike… no bike… no trip around… so….)… and got two bike… Luh is already used to it… but me…. you should’ve seen the guy´s face from the rental shop when I left the place driving the bike and showing all my newbieness hahahahahah Hoooooooray… the first 200 metres done and I´m in one piece!! Self high five!!! =) hahahah
In fact, in the end of that day I was myself and somethings else…. we went to another fantastic beach where you can see coral reefs and enjoy a sweet beach… Ko Ma… and chatting… not paying attention… I stepped on a sea urchin… haha got some nice spikes inside my left foot… few of them are still with me hahahahah part of the family hehehehe But even some needles can´t change your perception of great life, awesome vibes and gratitude when you are in a place like Ko Ma.
The tourism is the locomotive of the island… there are … loads of them… tourists from all over the world coming and going constantly… therefore, loads of people renting bikes… and falling off in small accidents… that´s one of the other reasons I didn´t want to rent the bike… additionally the island is full of up and downhills, the roads are good but some are covered in sand due to the constructions and all…. Plus, the amount of people wth sort of bandages or dressings covering the wounds was bigger than Hampi… and in there the bikes were shit like you turn to right and it goes to the left!! haha
I got the bike anyways cuz I had no option hehe but kind not sure of what would be the output.. some new scratches? On me or on the bike?? Will I get the passport back?? hahaha
In the end, I enjoyed the rides, learnt ok-ish and after the bad first impression I gave to the rental guy… I got along with the idea pretty well!! We met two  Brazilian girls that can’t say the same though… visiting Ko Ma we have to go through a quite big uphill… as we were going we saw on the left side a group of people in an area that is not common… well… on the side of the road… full of dirty and roasting under the sun… don´t think its a pleasurable place to be hehehe as we approach the group we realised that it was an accident… the bike went off-road with two girls and the other couple was trying to help´em… we stopped right after and started helping too… pushing here and lifting there… speaking in english with them and when we had to lift the bike back to the road  I spoke in Portuguese with my bro to sync the moves… so the girls said: Oh you´re Brazilian too?? hahahahaha and after that PT took the chat… the couple left as they had done loads already and couldn’t´t understand a fuckin word haha
With the rescue finished they told us what happened… it was a sum of mistakes… even funny tho hehehehe
1st and main mistake - they didn´t know how to drive… haha 2nd - they were going up through the wrong lane… as over here they use the British way… on the left lane…   3rd and the best one - the driver saw an elephant and got way to excited… tried to point it out to the passenger and forgot that autopilot is an utopia yet ahahahaha
They ended up with few some good scars, with less money and with only one good pic of the elephant hahahahah
That made remember one time I was enjoying a beautiful trekking in the middle of the desert in San Pedro de Atacama… the guy who brought us there told us that he couldn’t go further because it was dangerous and more likely to get stuck on the sand… cool… we were maybe 5 mins already walking, when we see a car stuck in the sand… actually with sand almost covering the tires… and everyone started chatting and commenting… the group was heterogeneous, peeps from different nationalities and we were all betting with nationality that guys were… hahaha just to mess around… some said Argentinian, some sad north American,  some bet they were locals… and as we got closer and closer we could hear the indistinctly Portuguese… clear and loud… mainly when one of them yelled to the driver: “I told you so!! The rental company said that we shouldn’t go any close to the dunes!” hahahaha
Yep… it seems the Brazilians are around to provide fun and good stories!! hahahahahaha We are messers and that no one can change!! hahahahah
What happened to that car??? Dunno… there are some stories… you know… urban legends… in that case desert legends… that says the car has been swollen by the sand!! The group registered a stealing case in the police station, the rental company got the money back from the insurance and the group rent only 4X4 cars nowadays!! hahaha
Our last day in Phangan brought another great surprise… fortunately, good vibes and sweet happenings are recurrent!! …. we met a girl that left everything behind, got a one way ticket to Thailand and started a YouTube channel… to tell her story!! It´s incredibly fantastic how people like her are inspirational and full of life… we chatted loads about the adventure… life… how the uncertainty makes us scary and happy simultaneously… how the world is great and provides the most extraordinary experiences for those that go after it…
In fact, in contrary of many people think…. not much courage is needed… one only a bit of curiosity… a small portion of will to change things in your life… capacity to accept what comes… and some steps towards the unknown… a leap of faith… that will present you with surreality, happiness and stories that you had never dreamt of!!    
She interviewed me for one of the videos that come out soon… and if you´d like to enjoy her stories and her epic adventure… send good vibes or get inspired to do the same… I mean… same same but different…. check her channel: Voecomjulia…. you type that one YT and you´ll have a blast!! =)
See you soon Julia and talk to yous soon beasts!!
I got a bit excited on this post… sorry for the exaggerated text… I´ll take it easy next time… or not!! hahahahaha too many stories!!
All the best vibes and sweet smiles…. =) =) =) =) =) =) =)
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dastardlydandelion · 3 years
more rubber duck ‘verse
misc tidbits abt what i’ve dubbed the rubber duck ‘verse fic i won’t write bc i’m attached now.
under the cut bc it’s long. 
max’s residual anger toward susan is complicated. she’s angry that her mother ever got together with someone like neil, that she spent yrs growing up in fear and that she has to bear the impact of that by proxy of susan’s decision to marry neil. but she also loves her siblings v much and she wouldn’t have them if susan didn’t get together with neil, and that gives her all kinds of weird feelings. acknowledges her mother was also a victim in the situation, isn’t rly angry at how it ended with neil but nonetheless wishes the rest of them could’ve left sooner— and left without the bloodshed —bc she defo believes neil deserved what he got, but she doesn’t believe susan or the rest of them deserved the fallout. she didn’t rly want to spent a decade without her mother and helping a v unprepared billy raise a child. :( 
before neil’s slaying, at one point susan comes home whilst a babysitting billy’s stereo is blaring and she’s like?? ‘the heck?? ur gonna make the bby cry,’ >:( and billy’s all, ‘no, this is literally why it isn’t crying anymore,’ and shuts off the stereo to prove it. sure enough, ducky wakes up and promptly starts bawling. susan is speechless, totally mystified.
even long after neil’s slaying, when ducky’s living with her siblings in cali, she cannot sleep unless she blasts a lil metal before bedtime. it puts her at ease.
ducky looks more like neil than susan. has neil’s hair, neil’s eyes. gets the tall genes from both of them tho. grows tall v early on tbh, shoots up like a fucking weed. ends up around billy’s height even going from puberty blockers to hrt. ducky does not have susan’s proportionately long legs, she’s got more of a long torso.
speaking of susan’s legs for days, uh. part of the emotional abuse on neil’s end was constantly degrading and nitpicking her appearance to the point that susan felt like a hideous blob. while she’s in prison she genuinely doesn’t notice when other inmates fight over her. even when one fight gets so bad the shivs come out and one lady gives the other a buck fifty to the face, susan is completely oblivious that she’s what’s being fought over.  
ducky doesn’t just collect rubber ducks, she kinda waddles like a duck too, is the exact opposite of athletic. max tries to teach her to skateboard on numerous occasions, all of which end in scrapes and bruises, a grand total of three prompting visits to the emergency room. billy tries to play basketball with ducky and the poor thing can’t get the ball in the hoop even once. he also accidentally knocks her out when she fails to catch his pass and the ball hits her so hard in the face that when she drops, billy swears he sees the lil’ cartoon birds flying around her head.
ducky is v good at building things tho. has an affinity for super complicated lego projects. makes a hammerhead shark for billy’s 30th bday and it’s literally life-size.
max sticks around even after she’s eighteen both to help billy with ducky and bc, like. yk. it’s a modern au. equipped with the modern cost of living in cali. neil’s life insurance only went so far. max saves more staying at home, goes to community college and works in the cafeteria on campus. it takes her awhile to graduate bc she changes her major several times, but by the time susan’s out, she has her degree…and finds herself working a menial job in a skate shop anyway. yk how it goes tho, lotta competition out there and sadly community college degrees are often undervalued. max likes the skate shop tho. quickly rises from an associate to managerial position bc she’s v good at setting the customers up with the right boards.
susan’s return is p awkward for everyone, to say the least. at this point max has worked thru most of that residual, complex anger, and she and susan have written each other letters over the yrs where the reality of the household was addressed v frankly and she didn’t hold back expressing those feelings at all. nonetheless, some traces of anger still remain and while she’s glad to have her mom back, susan too is adjusting to life outside in an entirely different state and she’s not quite the person max remembers.
susan actually has a lot of trouble coping with freedom. even before being incarcerated, she lived according to neil’s rules and demands. being completely and utterly in charge of herself is a struggle to adapt to. sometimes she asks billy and max permission for small, odd things neither of them would ever care abt and it just. makes max. so, so sad.
billy is often ??? when it comes to susan. tbvh he’s grateful she killed neil and that fucks with his head a lil. bc neil was his parent and yes, he did love him. he hates that he loved him, but he did. and he wonders if that love is why he didn’t kill neil himself, bc he 100% thought abt it. he also has no idea if susan regrets it or not, has no clue whatever her various apologies over the yrs were for. killing neil, being promoted to parent against his will, or for errything that came even before the night of the slaying. susan turning away, shutting her eyes to his bruises. 
also at first billy’s unsure if susan thinks she’s going to be head of household upon her return. since she’s like, the oldest and natal mother of max n ducky. this defo reveals itself to be an untrue concern in every way, quite the opposite. susan can barely comprehend freedom, let alone being in charge. some days susan dead ass asks billy permission to leave the dinner table even if she’s the one who cooked dinner.
ducky is also ??? when it comes to susan for v different reasons. she’s known the exact circumstances of susan’s incarceration since she was seven. before that, billy and max would be vague abt what she was locked up for and they never rly talked abt neil much beyond, ‘ur better off without him, he sucked big time.’
max is the one who eventually goes into graphic detail with ducky abt the whole thing bc she remembers that night and what happened before susan got home. how she had to step in bc she was fucking terrified neil was going to literally kill baby ducky. how she actually hit neil for the v first time even tho she’d wanted to many, many times. how she hit and kept hitting him, pummeling her fists against his body until he put ducky down. but once he did, that meant it was his turn. and ofc, neil hit much harder. max vividly recalls how badly her eye throbbed, swollen shut for two days. her nose wasn’t broken but it bled a whole lot, over her lips, into her mouth, down her chin, and the taste of blood lingered awfully.
ducky is naturally disturbed by the whole thing but her feelings toward susan aren’t as complicated as max’s or even billy’s for that matter. she doesn’t remember neil at all. and while she’s also written and received letters from susan, as well as the illicitly ordered rubber ducks, and she knows in a distant way susan is her mother, it doesn’t actually *feel* like she is. it feels more like susan is a kind of…special penpal, tbh. billy remains the person ducky goes to for parental guidance.
ducky still wants to get closer to susan tho. when the time comes for her to legally change her name, she asks susan to write a list of names she would’ve considered had she been afab, and goes on to choose one from the list.
even before she came out tho, ducky was p much called by her nickname at home anyway. both billy and max knew neil had picked her (dead)name out and neither of them rly wanted to acknowledge that. neither of them rly wanted to deal with the remaining traces of neil in their lives any more than they had to, any more than they already grappled with.
ducky has quite the degree of success getting susan into legos. this surprises both max and billy. but in prison susan would do crafts whenever available and she enjoyed stacking cups and stuff during rec time, so it’s not hard to translate these hobbies into legos. they build p neat things together sometimes— however, the hammerhead is all ducky, come billy’s birthday. she wanted to do that specially for her big bro, all by herself.
now, susan’s birthday present to billy is a big ass breakdown after midnight. lots of snotty sobbing. she hugs him so hard she’s hurting him a lil tbh and just apologizes profusely for errything and thanks him for taking care of her kids even tho he shouldn’t have had to. billy thanks susan too— it takes a min for her to figure out what for. bc they don’t talk abt that. no one’s mentioned that since she’s been out.
susan just nods a lil bit and lets go. they eat some more cake. life goes on. everything gets less awkward in time. susan stops asking for permission to move freely. ducky keeps filling up the shelves with rubber ducks of every variety, and dnd becomes another one of her interests in middle school, a hobby max nostalgically revisits with her. billy’s returned to surfing recreationally. swims a lot, finds it soothing and it helps keep him in shape. is a good low-impact workout to balance the weightlifting he still defo does, stereo blaring. 
getting a job for convicted felons is difficult but eventually susan finds work on a commercial goat farm. she learns to herd goats and takes them out to areas where there are invasive grasses or dry brush particularly vulnerable to wildfire. the goats graze on the invasive vegetation and the dry brush, which helps prevent wildfires. no, i’m srs, this is an actual thing. she likes the goats a lot. they’re easier to talk to than ppl, sometimes. 
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