#anyways however you see them i hope they can bring about the same amount of joy as they did with me
mushroommortem · 1 year
I think as an aro-spec person, what I've been enjoying the most so far about Buddy Daddies is that it's so casual when it comes to Rei and Kazuki's dynamic.
The times I think they would lean more into romantic coded reactions, because of certain scenarios that would normally be seen as such- they didnt.
Like when Kazuki refers to Mirir as their kid or when she starts calling Rei her papa as well, the amount of times they tease each other or make remarks, seemingly knowing each other's little habits, stuff like that would normally be shown for romantic hijinks especially in the childcare genre. And they didnt do that.
It just blatantly shows two roommates/coworkers trying to raise a kid together despite neither being prepared for it. But they try their best nonetheless even with the circumstances they face and grow from it.
Like- their relationship is so inherently queer yet not explicit, but it seems like they're aware of how unconventional it is themselves, and therefore not mind or care about how it gets perceived, especially as the story progresses. If that makes sense? I'm not sure how else to describe but it just makes me so incredibly happy with how it's portrayed currently.
Cause I'll look at them and think 'oh! that's like what I have with me and my Starfriend!" And it's great. I dont know how the rest of the series will go but I'm enjoying it so far and think it's neat regardless :)
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koolades-world · 1 month
hiii i was wondering if you could write abt an asian mc ? with the brothers or the dateables i don't mind! i just think it would be funny to see yk asian mc who's a high achiever (so even at RAD when they know nothing abt magic they'll try to score high), always take off their shoes before entering a place (entering a place with shoes is forbidden !!), always cook rice or stuff from their country when on cooking duties ("wdym we already ate that when it was my turn last time?"), will make you special herbal tea if you're sick (first time i suggested to make tea for my ill white friend they laughed :( ), tells you to eat more and in the same fashion, whose love language is giving you food, etc... bonus point if mc swears in their mother tongue. And if the MC was living in their native country before going to the devildom, their ability to just nap anywhere as if it's normal.
As someone who grew up in an asian household it's just regular to me but i can picture the face Lucifer would make if the first time mc enter Dia's castle they take off their shoes casually or like MC stuffing Beel's mouth with food as if he just didn't swallow the biggest mouthful of udon ever saying "come on Beel you need food, you need strength to play Fangol"
For the nap thing i was thinking about my relatives who take nap on their wooden bad or just the floor during summer (cause its fresh yk). My grandma always said a hard bed is good for the back lol
Anyway no pressure!! Have a nice day and take care !
hi!! yes of course :)
i'm a different flavor of asian but some of the culture overlaps so this was fun to write! haha the amount of times my grandma has urged me to eat more is hard to count. oh and the amount of tea i drank when we went to visit. i'll never forget watching her make the tea because it was a whole experience
i'm half indian and someone actually requested an indian mc so that will be out tomorrow because doing these requests back to back easiest for me!
enjoy <3
Asian Mc
you're ALWAYS on him for the amount of coffee he drinks
you also always make sure he takes a break to eat dinner because he needs to eat in order to continue his work
despite how bothered he might seem sometimes, he really does value what you do for him
plus, you not only keep yourself in line, sometimes you do his brothers for him too. thanks on his behalf!
once you grow closer, he's asking you to teach him swear words so he can cuss out lucifer
if you don’t, well, he’ll just pick them up when you swear and hope he can figure out what it means haha
if you want, feed him random words, or even compliments so when lucifer hears them, he'll just be confused haha
despite the fact that he's the demon, maybe you can help him in class
when he first meets you, he'd not sure what to expect
however he quickly learns you're the best at everything you do
this includes video games and everything of that manner
he's got competition now, but he has no clue how you got so good considering it was probably your first time at all of the games you've tried
he's impressed by your work ethic and desire to achieve
you got dropped in a totally new environment and instead of struggling to adjust like he predicted, you bounced back almost immediately and were at the top of your class like it was nothing!
he tried to ask you once why you seemed so determine to get the best grade and never asked again after the look you gave him
something the two of you can bond over, though, is tea! he can often be seen with a cup of tea so that's an easy conversation starter between the two of you if not homework instead
while initially he thought you two might not get along, you actually do quite well
he's huge on no shoes in the house and especially in his room
after all, he wants to avoid bringing as many outside germs into his room as possible
can and will ask you to teach him how you make your special herbal teas because he hates being sick and genuinely just wants to know
he falls in love with your rice cooker
rice that easy and that quick? sign him up! if he didn't already love rice you've put him on it
he doesn't think he could ever part with you and your wonderful cooking
even if you do cook the same thing every time it's your turn, he will inhale it because not only is it delicious, but you're an amazing cook
even he's impressed by your ability to fall asleep anywhere
at least he's always with his pillow and maybe a blanket but he's seen you just curled up on the porch waiting for someone to get home
but that sighting was rare, because he felt like he always saw you doing something
however he really appreciated all the little things you did for him, such as making his bed
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mimikittysblog · 2 months
TXT when Someone Badmouths You
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Pairing: OT5! TXT x Fem! Reader
Genre: Slight angst, fluff. Hurt to comfort.
Synopsis: How the boys would react when they hear and see someone badmouthing you, their lovely girlfriend.
Warnings: Some jerks bullying you for different reasons. Implied chubby reader for Yeonjun and Soobin, and somewhat body shaming for theirs too. I think that’s it? Please let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: Guess who made this instead of their thesis??? Meeeeeee! Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this, especially cause I made it on the fly. Also got a bit carried away with beomgyus lol
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
Yeonjun decided to go out to take you shopping being the fashonistas you two are. While you’ve always loved clothes and fashion, it was always a bit of a struggle to find your size here in Korea, no actually it was a pretty big struggle, but Yeonjun never minded.
He just wanted to spend time with you and spoil you with whatever you wanted. If the store didnt have your size he’d just look for it online or actually have it custom made. Just for you. Whatever you wanted, its yours in less than a week. You were always grateful for that.
However it still bothered you a bit. It was also always quite embarrassing when you have to walk out of the dressing room to tell him the biggest size didnt fit you. It also doesn’t help when the store clerks are not so subtly or quietly poking fun at you.
“I don’t know why she even tries”
“I know right? Why is he even with her?? Like he clearly takes care of himself. Why can’t she do the same?”
“He deserves so much better.”
Yeonjun obviously heard it too, he isn’t deaf, nor blind cause he sees the looks they give you. He especially sees the small frown that you’re trying so desperately to hide.
“Hmm MY pretty baby” he says as he holds your cheek. “This store is not inclusive huh? How about we just leave and find a better store that values you more, hmm?”
“No yeonjun it’s ju-“
“Hush.” He cuts you off. “This store is clearly not a good one. Cause every good store should always carry beautiful people’s sizes which includes you and they must have RESPECTFUL. Staff too. Don’t you think so pretty baby?” He says as he leans into you.
“I-I guess..?” You say shyly, trying to ignore the harsh glares you’re getting.
“Well thats what I think baby. Come on! Lets find a better store and never come back here, okay beautiful?” He asks as he pats your head.
“Okay” you smile at him.
Before you two leave though, he pulls you in even closer and gives you such a passionate kiss, completely reassuring that he finds you so gorgeous and he doesn’t care what people say about you.
And without your knowledge he also opens his eyes to make eye contact and practically glare at the rude staff that was standing behind you. Seeing their reaction also causes him to smirk into the kiss.
He then pulls away and happily takes you away from that store. Constantly holding you close, to reassure you that he loves your body just the way it is, and he could never be ashamed of you, especially with how firmly and proudly he’s holding on to you.
“Thank you baby” you say as you snuggle into him.
“No one messes with my pretty baby. Remember that.” He said with his charming smirk.
You literally only told him you think the weather feels perfect today, and he suddenly already had a picnic basket packed. So here you are now, at the park having a nice picnic with your lovely boyfriend. While he did pack some food from home, you two also went to your local bakery to pick up some of the most delicious bread and pastries ever. You kind of went overboard with how much you bought but you two wanted to have fun and enjoy your day with great food, if you still had some left you can easily bring them home. So it didn’t matter to the both of you.
That is until another couple who were also having a picnic nearby decided to stare at you and the large amount of food you two had. They were far enough to where you could barely hear what theyre saying, but unfortunately you could still hear. Even if you couldn’t the judgmental looks they gave you, and only you, said it all.
“Can you believe how much she’s eating?”
“Mhm. It’s just all pure carbs and sugar too.”
“Could she be anymore unhealthy? She’s eating so fast too.”
You were trying so hard to ignore it and were just about to take another bite of the croissant you got until you heard they made another comment and even laughed at you. You really did try so hard to ignore it and tried to take that bite but it just felt so humiliating. So you bit your lip and slowly put the croissant down. Soobin on the other hand quickly took the croissant again and put it back up to your mouth.
“Aaah!” He said smiling
“Oh.. Soobin I’m ful-“
“Don’t make me shove this in your mouth princess” he cut you off with another cheeky smile.
God the look in your eyes was so heartbreaking to him.
“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen okay? We also came here to have fun and eat well. I want you to eat well beautiful, and I also want you to have the happiest tummy ever. Please don’t let anyone stop you. Besides, good food makes you happy. And I also want you happy. So please.. Aaaah?” He said, staring straight into your eyes with the purest look ever.
How could you ever deny that? So with a smile you took the bite you did so desperately wanted. With that it made his smile even bigger. He then also took a bite. Since then he continues to feed you, showering you with encouragement and also continues to eat with you too to make you not feel alone. You could never feel alone with him, but he wanted to make sure you knew that.
“Thank you my love.”
“Of course darling”
By the end you were so incredibly happy and so was your tummy.
It’s been a while since you had a date with your boyfriend due to your busy schedules. So when said schedules finally calmed down, you two were very excited to get to finally meet up at your favorite cafe and catch up. Unfortunately you were running a bit late so Beomgyu was already sitting and sipping at his coffee when you arrived. You quickly ordered before sitting down across from him.
“Beomieee! Oh I’m sorry!” You apologized
“It’s okay sweetheart, you’re here now and thats all that matters.” He said with his usual cheeky smile on his face.
The cafe was quite packed, so it was pretty noisy but you two were able to drown everything out with your conversations. You both missed each other very much. Due to the busy cafe it also took a while for your order to get done. By the time it was you and beomgyu decided to continue your date at a nearby park and have a nice walk. He had to use the bathroom first though, and you had to get your drink. So thats what you two did.
Unfortunately for you though, just after you got your drink, you accidentally slipped and caused your coffee to spill a little bit onto the shoes of a nearby customer.
“Oh my goodness I’m so sorry!! I didn’t mean to-“
“Are you fucking kidding me?!?! You bitch!!! These are brand new and now theyre ruined!”
“I didn’t mean to! I’ll pay to have them cle-“
“God you’re so fucking stupid! Didn’t you hear me they’re ruined! How can someone be so clumsy?! There wasn’t even anything there!! Fucki-“
“Oh sweetheart whats going on- WOOOOOAAHHHHH!!!” Beomgyu suddenly showed up out of nowhere and then (purposely and quite dramatically) fell and also spilled his coffee on this customer, though this time it spilled on the rest of their outfit too.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” They yelled and you could only cover your mouth in shock.
“Dang these floors are so slippery! don’t you think?? Everyone be careful okay!!” He chuckled as he still stayed there on the floor.
“Beomgyu are you okay??” You asked as you helped him up.
“Are you?” He asked concerned as he held onto you softly.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!? You just ruined my outfit!!!” This customer bellowed before you even had the chance to answer him.
“And you yelled at my lovely girlfriend for a simple accident. Listen, you have every right to be upset. it’s understandable. Hell she would’ve been upset if you did the same to her. However you had NO. Right to yell at her and talk to her the way you just did. She said she was sorry yet you still found it necessary to berate her in front of everyone. So yeah. I find it necessary to have the rest of your tacky outfit ruined. Even though what I did was an accident too.” He said with a smirk, clearly showing everyone who was still watching, that it was in fact NOT an accident.
“But yknow what? Here.” He explained before opening his wallet and throwing a good couple of bills at them. “Take this to go get those cleaned, or yknow, get better clothes that not only look better but wouldn’t be ruined by simple coffee. Come on my sweet.” He continued as he lead you to the door of the cafe.
And with that the both of you left.
“You okay darling?”
“Yea.. but you shouldn’t have done that beomie” you pouted at him. “I mean thank you! But ruining their outfit was-“
“Sorry to say sweetheart but I couldn’t care less about their outfit. Whoever is mean to my girl especially over something so trivial deserved that kind of treatment okay? I’ll always stick up for you my sweet. Never forget that. Plus, it waaaaas an accident” he said with his cheeky smile again. While you still felt a little bad, you could only chuckle and roll your eyes at this silly boy you call your lovely boyfriend.
“Thank you once again my prince” You said after giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek.
“For whaaat? It was an accident!”
“Oh stop it!!” You laugh
“You’re welcome my sweet”
You were never the biggest fan of the gym, however you always note that it’s not that bad. It gets you healthier when you need to feel like it, gets you to get out of the house a bit more and best of all, you get to spend time with your gym rat of a boyfriend. Who you love to look at when he’s all sweaty.
You don’t come as often as he does, you only join him like about twice a week sometimes just once. Sometimes it’s even once a month but you still go occasionally. Just to fill in some gaps in your schedule. Furthermore because you’re not the biggest fan of the gym, you do usually only very light workout, again just to get your heart pumping and muscles moving, and usually people don’t have an issue with that. You’re healthy and thats all that matters.
Yet for some reason some people decided to be very judgy today. Typically you always have your music playing to focus on yourself, but while you were taking a break and making light convo with your boyfriend, your ears couldn’t help but pick up the chatter of nearby gym goers that can’t mind their own business.
“She barely did anything here and she’s talking about leaving already?”
“And she wanted to get fried chicken too like dang that bare minimum of work out is really gonna go to waste huh?”
“Why is she even here?”
Taehyun who was putting on his hand wraps to have his boxing training session also couldn’t help but hear and lets say he wasn’t pleased. You took notice of that and simply patted his shoulders.
“It’s fine baby” You smiled at him.
“They shouldn’t be saying that.” He grumbled
“Hey its whatever..” You said trying to reassure him, but also yourself. ‘Cause to be honest, you couldn’t help but start to feel maybe you should workout a bit harder.
“No. Here baby put these on.” He said as he suddenly gave you some hand wraps too.
“Tyunnie, it-“
“No come one, lets have some fun” he cut you off with a smirk.
And how could you say no to that?
While you and Taehyun didn’t share your love of workouts or gym equipments, what you did share was your love for martial arts, specifically boxing. While Taehyun mainly did it for its physical benefits, yours was its mental benefits. It was kinda fun throwing punches and showing your strength that way, a good way to get all your anger and frustrations out too.
Plus when you first started doing it you realized you kinda had a knack for it too. So with Taehyun’s encouragement, and some slight anger towards those comments, you put on your gloves and started sparing with him. And let’s just say your punches and kicks were LOUD. People from across the room could hear and kinda feel it.
But mainly you and Taehyun just had fun, he constantly reassured you that you were doing a good job, you still had it, and he’s happy you’re here with him. Once you two were done, even though you were exhausted you two became a giggly mess. You quickly packed up and left to go home and still order some nice delicious fried chicken.
“Thank you baby” You said as you fed him some chicken.
“No worries my strong princess” He chuckled.
You and your boyfriend, hueningkai, had many common interests, from movies to food, one of the cuter interests you two shared are plushies. You both just LOVE plushies. How fluffy they can be, how soft and squishy they are, their cuteness. Like whats not to love really? The amount of plushies you share is quite concerning but hey! They make you both happy!
Today you decided to go out to see a new movie that came out, but you still had some time before the movie started so you decided to look around the mall first. You had no destination in mind, just wanted to walk and talk with your boyfriend before, hopefully, enjoying this new movie.
However as you continued your stroll you came across a new store that had just opened and was filled to the brim with the cutest teddy bears you’ve ever seen, and they came in every size you can think of. From teeeeny tiny to massive teddy bears that fills the corner of the room. So without much thought and a huge gasp you dragged hueningkai inside to check it out.
Quite the understatement to say you were having a blast checking out all the adorable teddy bears they had. They even had clothes for these bears. However excited you were, you didn’t actually have the intention to buy any, but Hueningkai being the angel he is offered to get you one.
“Are you sure?”
“Oh come on its like you don’t know me. Come on I’ll get one for myself. Our teddy bears can be dating too!” He said with his angelic smile.
Now thats an offer you couldn’t refuse!
So you two picked out your teddy bears and dressed them in matching outfits. You then left making your way to the movie theater, as the movie would be starting soon, but you couldn’t stop giggling and hugging your bear. It was just so cute and fluffy. You still had your bear in your arms as you waited in line to get your snacks, when suddenly the people behind you started whispering.
“What a fricken weirdo.”
“I know right? What is she? 5??”
“Exactly! Like who the hell would willingly carry that around?”
“Why would you still even want one at her age?”
Then it was followed by snickers. It made you gulp and as much as you hate to admit it, embarrassed. You were never ashamed of your love for plushies but hearing that just isn’t nice. You started to slowly try to put your plushie back into the bag the store gave you, when Hueningkai gave your hand a firm squeeze.
“Oh look honey, it’s our turn. So what do you two want?
“I.. huh? Us two?” You looked at him confused.
“Yeah! You and this cutiepie! And what should I get him too?” Hueningkai explained as he pinched your cheek, the teddys nose and then pulled out his own too.
“O-oh!” You giggled before answering what you wanted, and just some gummies for the plushies.
“What a great idea!” He added before ordering, then carrying the snacks for you, and sweetly asking you to carry his teddy for him.
As you two made your way to your designated theater you did catch the judging eyes of the people behind you.
“You didn’t have to do that you know hyuka” You pouted.
“Do what?” He asked with a tilt of his head.
“You know.. now those people think you’re a weirdo too”
“Why should we care? I don’t feel like a weirdo for liking cute soft things, and neither should you honey. These things make us happy! I don’t think we’re weird for that, and hey if it is, lets be weirdos together hmm?” He said, again with that angelic smile and a cute raised eyebrow. And you know, he’s right.
“You’re right, these cuties do make us happy.”
“Mmmmhm! So lets go! The movie is about to start!”
“Okay! Oh! And thank you hyuka”
“Anything for my cutie”
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
© mimikittysblog 2024
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starryhologram · 2 months
CCCC Band AU Master Post
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AKA I made a crack AU where Heart, Mind, and Soul become famous. But now, it’s a more serious and loved AU.
Disclaimer: Like the SCP AU, the HMS in this AU exist in the “real world” as opposed to a psyche/headspace. When the Whole splits, the three replace him. Also, warnings of canon typical v10l3nc3. These versions of Heart, Mind and Soul have been caricaturized, and are fun house mirror versions of their album/canon counterparts. Hope you like if you read!
Heart takes his g. un, the same one he missed Mind with, and he places it to the back of Soul’s head.
“Soul.” Heart bites the other’s name hard. Spits it out with disgust. Soul feels the cold metal press against his skull. They were truly going to usurp him. He didn’t think it would end like this.
“Heart. Please. Put the gu. n down.” He begs, eyes sliding over to where Mind watches from a distance. His face unreadable, Soul wishes he would help.
“Shut the fuck up.” Heart jams the barrel against Soul, knocking him slightly forward.
Should he fight? Continue to beg?
“You can threaten to kill us all but I can’t return the sentiment?!” Heart shouts.
Should he let it happen?
His blood goes cold as he hears the trigger shake in Heart’s grip.
Soul falls to the ground.
Heart steps back, dropping the g. un.
Mind walks over to Soul and puts his hand against his neck. “He’s still alive.” He comments.
“That’s fine, I wasn’t trying to kill him, anyways.”
“You’re a bad liar.”
Heart doesn’t say anything in return.
Mind sighs, shaking his head. Best to let Soul recover, then. He wasn’t going to be the one to put him out of his misery, and he had a feeling Heart wouldn’t either.
Mind picks up Soul’s limp body gingerly, his head dripping blood onto his hands. Seeing his face, the skin had torn around where the bullet had exited. Soul’s eye was completely gone.
It was morbid, but Mind continued to carry the other to his room, laying him down on the bed. A few moments later, Heart shuffled in, shoving first aid supplies into Mind’s hands.
“Like this will help.” Mind says sarcastically. Regardless, he begins bandaging up the side of Soul’s face.
The computer in the corner of the room dings with a notification.
“Ugh. I thought we turned those off.” Heart frowned.
“We did, but I kept them on for emails. Stand with him, I’ll see if it’s important.” Mind moves to the desktop, jiggling the mouse to turn it on.
“No way this is real.” He scoffs after a few moments.
“What? What does it say?” Heart demands impatiently.
Mind reads out the contents of the email for the other.
“You’re kidding. Do some background research! Look it up!” Heart raised his voice frantically.
After a few more moments of key strokes mouse clicking, Mind turns back to Heart. “It’s real. What do we say? Should we decline? Accept? This is a very big decision.” He glances at Soul once again. “And honestly, he should decide too.”
“We could let Whole decide.” Heart offers meekly.
“You shot Soul, Whole is probably out of commission as well. We will have to wait. I will let them know to give us time to make the decision.”
Over the course of the next few days, Soul floated in and out of consciousness, the pain in his head ebbing and flowing. He wished he could have had nice dreams, but it was dark and hazy. Something haunted him about how he had gotten hurt. Mind and Heart refused to tell him, and Soul couldn’t bring himself to remember.
The bright side of his dull situation, however, was that Mind and Heart were being so nice to him. They gave him warm food in bed as he recovered, and even spared him from sarcastic quips. He wishes it could always be like this, getting along.
Eventually, Soul was able to remain conscious for a longer amount of time. And Mind and Heart finally decided to tell him once he proved cognizant enough.
“Soul.” Mind announced as he entered the other’s room, Heart trailing in his shadow.
Soul smiled at the other two. “Good morning.” He said softly, his voice had been nothing but kind to them in return these past few days.
“We have to tell you something. And we need… you to help us decide.” Heart stammers, “On what to do about it.” He walked over to stand at the foot of the bed.
“Yeah, of course. What’s up?” Soul asks.
“While you were… recovering. We received an email.” Mind began, sitting at the desktop once more to pull up the page.
“It reads as follows.
‘Dear Tridential Sovereignty, us at Galaxy Star Records have recently found your music and think you have just the talent we’ve been looking for.
We are pleased to offer to sign you as one of our many talented artists. We would be honored to represent you, and help you reach your full star potential.
Kindly, Galaxy Star Records. LA, California.’ “
Mind turns to look at Soul once more. His mouth is agape in shock. “We’ve been offered a record deal?” He asks in disbelief.
“It would seem so.” Mind replies.
“Of course we should go for it!” He exclaims. Mind and Heart almost seem surprised by his answer.
“Uhm.. are you sure? This is crazy.” Heart digs his toe into the carpet absentmindedly.
“I mean, this can only be good right? As long as its reputable! What could go wrong?” Soul looks like he got everything he could have ever wanted for Christmas.
A man tears himself apart in the dead of night
Grasping at lyrics that aren't quite right
But you’ve head this before
And I’ll never again
Because the spotlight is blinding
And the audience is screaming my name
Please don’t let me lose myself in the fame
Private Emails are uploaded. Subject: Sign On Offer From: [email protected] To: [email protected]
Thank you so much for accepting our proposal! We can’t wait to start working with you!
First order of business we do need to get settled is the contract. You can access it here, and we will need all of your E-signatures.
Next you can also take a look at a list of preordained names that you can choose to go by as per our guidelines. Your band will still be called Tridential Sovereignty under us, but your individual names will be pseudonyms (No real popstar doesn’t have a stage name!).
You can view our list below.
Antimar (antimatter)
[File attachment contract.pdf]
Private Emails are uploaded. Subject: RE: Sign On Offer From: [email protected] To: [email protected]
Apologies, there was a misspelling in the list of names.
Voib is meant to be Void.
Thank you.
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BREAKING NEWS! Introducing TRIDENTIAL SOVEREIGNTY! VIX NEWS keeps you updated with up and coming artists that you should be aware of!
Your favorite niche internet micro-celebrities become famous! Who would have thought their covers of cult classic Tally Hall songs would have skyrocketed their stardom?
Meet Comet, Nova, and Pulsar! The ‘Heart, Mind, and Soul’- they call themselves- of Tridential Sovereignty. Sweeping the globe with their new music to rock your socks off!
Recently signed on by Galaxy Star Records, after an interested team heard their individual covers of “The Mind Electric” by ミラクルミュージカル (also known as Miracle Musical). These young artists are rising through the charts, and concerts are selling out fast internationally!
We here at VIX NEWS are excited to see where they go from here! Follow us for more updates on Tridential Sovereignty!
A video titled ‘Late Nite Show Interview with TRIDENTIAL SOVEREIGHNTY’ is uploaded.
The video opens with a studio audience cheering as the host waves at them thankfully, smiling warmly.
“Good evening ladies, gentlemen and other lovely people! We have a special guest for you tonight- at their first television appearance- Tidential Sovereignty!”
The host gestures to curtains that three figures emerge from, the one in a red jacket is waving and smiling just as much as the host was. The two following him are much less enthused.
The crowd cheers as they walk across the stage to sit at a long couch adjacent to the seat the host had taken.
“Thank you so much for joining us this evening!” The hosts says, “Yeah! Thank you for having us!” The one in red responds.
“Now, you guys have been taking the scene by absolute storm- ahaha, pun not intended.” The hosts pauses for the audience to laugh. “But, I’d love to get to know you guys a bit more. You guys all look very similar, is that intentional? Or are you guys triplets?” He asks.
“Triplets is the closest word.” The one in blue states plainly. “Ah yeah! We’re all kind of like brothers, sure.” The one in red adds.
“What interesting responses!” The host laughs. “Now, Pulsar,” he gestures to the one in red, “You call yourself the Soul? What does that mean?”
Pulsar’s smile doesnt faze, but his eyes scan to his other two counterparts nervously. “Yeah, I’m like the Soul… its just… a way of referring to myself, like Nova is the Mind- eh the brains of it all. And Comet is the Heart, you get it? It’s just… the way we make up the Whole… band. Tridential Sovereignty.” He stammers out quickly.
Comet shoves him.
The host is laughing again. “Well that’s certainly a way of thinking about it!” He says, and it eases Pulsar’s nerves. “You guys were pretty popular on the internet at first, right? How’s the transition from the screen to the stage been?”
“It’s been fine, we still do all the main stuff behind the scenes; the music writing and stuff. But seeing fans in real life? Cheering for us on stage? I… don’t think any of us could have imagined it. We assumed we would be stuck in our mom’s basement doing this for a niche audience for our whole career, honestly.” Comet replies.
“It’s crazy how quick things can change!” The host quips, “Hey! Would you guys like to play a song for us?” He asks, the crowd cheers in enthusiasm.
The three nod in agreement, stand up and make their way over to instruments set up for them. Pulsar stands at the middle mic, holding an electric guitar. Nova stands at an electronic keyboard. A blue bass is propped up next to him. Comet sits down at a drum set.
“Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between, this is Tridential Sovereignty!” The host announces as the three begin to play.
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Pictured: (left) Pulsar with no make up, wig or mask, in casual clothes. (Right) Pulsar within the first few months of rising to stardom, before his outfits became more pink.
A video titled ‘VIX NEWS: Exclusive interview with TRIDENTIAL SOVEREIGNTY FT. Your questions!’
The video opens with Pulsar, red wig, feathered boa and pink dress in all, sitting on a stool in a white room. He smiles, introducing himself, “Hi, babes! I’m Pulsar, but you know that!” He laughs
The camera cuts to Nova, sitting in the same room, but clearly shot at a different time than Pulsar’s takes. He sits square and upright and says, “Hello. I’m Nova, of Tridential Sovereignty.”
The video cuts again to Comet, slouching on the stool. He waves meekly to the camera. “Hey, I’m Comet.” He says flatly.
A voice from behind the camera calls out, “So, we sent out a form for fans of your’s to ask! And here are the ones we thought would be best to ask you guys!”
“How exciting!” Pulsar claps his hands together. “What’s the first question?”
“Your-claimed- ‘Number one fan’, Pulsar, asks: what is your favorite song?” The voice off screen laughs aloud as she reads it.
“Oh, I have so many favorites, you know! But I think a special one in my heart will always be The Bidding.” He says.
“Nova, an unnamed fan asks ‘if you could go solo, would you?”
“Hm. I do shows on my own often enough. If you mean officially leave Tridential Sovereignty one day? That is yet to be determined.” Nova’s face shows no change in expression as he answers.
“Comet, Rio asks ‘if you could change anything about your life now, what would it be?”
Comet barks out a laugh and then frowns as he collects himself. “Right. Yeah. I mean, is anyone really happy with where they are? I messed up a lot in the past but I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t. Dunno. I don’t think I care anymore anyways.”
“Pulsar, Twine- of course-?” The announcer sounds confused as she says the name. “Do you have a PR team yet?”
“What? Twine? How did… how did you get that question?” Pulsar’s brow furrows in shock and confusion, “That’s a joke… right? I think. Ah, yeah. A joke.” He laughs unconvincingly.
“Nova, what do you do when you encounter writer’s block? From Hayley.”
“I simply don’t. If I don’t feel like writing, I don’t write. Let it come to me. I know what I write is good.”
“Comet, Jedas asks ‘what is your favorite show you’ve performed at?”
“The VMAs were cool. Or the Bubble Dome. I dunno, as long as the crowds are big they’re always great.” He grins.
“Pulsar, Ciddle asks ‘care to show us what’s behind the mask?”
Pulsar puts a hand up to his mask, holding it down to his cheek. “Yeah, no. Not right now. I wear it for a reason.” He looks away.
“Nova, do you guys plan on doing another make-up collaboration? Asks Lori.”
“I think we’ve got some eyeshadow coming out soon. This is better a question for Pulsar.” Nova sighs.
“Pulsar, Faust asks, if you were a cat, what kind would you be?”
“Orange. Definitely.” Pulsar laughs.
“Nova, ‘Bold move straightening your hair, any reason?”
“It’s a wig. And it differentiates me from the other two.”
“Pulsar- or as ‘Smouul’ calls you ‘Pulss,- insert joy emote- te- tec-ah? Muciss? Teach music? Is that what this says?” The announcer struggles through the question.
“Smoul? I know him… too, like Twine. Ah Smoul! I could teach you music! All you gotta do is ask! But I also offer courses on music too! They should be linked in my Instagram bio!”
“And finally, one more for you Pulsar, from another unnamed fan, ‘Are you going to answer for your growing list of controversies?”
Pulsar frowns. “Hey, I apologized for those. And I promised to do better. That’s all I can do.” He huffs. “Are we done now?”
“Yes, I suppose we are! Thanks for joining us-.” The announcer is cut off as Pulsar gets up and walks off screen.
“Cool, thanks bye!”
The video ends.
List of things Pulsar has done
Been paid to support NFTS {a lot of other celebrities were doing it at the time! It was a cute picture of a chicken! I didnt know it was evil!}
signed a merch deal with a company that runs a sweatshop to produce the merch {Look- I’ve been over this- I even uploaded an apology video! I didnt do my research and I promise to do better!}
uploaded an apology video {Hey! My fans know that it was an honest mistake! Plus I followed the guide on how to make a good apology video! I even made one of my own guides!}
made a guide on how to make apology videos {Only 50$!}
Doesn’t have a PR Team {My PR team is my best friend, Twine, he’s a Soul like me!}
got scammed by someone in another universe than him {Alice is my friend! And he said he needed the money!}
Almost was convinced to join the Church of Scientology {I was not almost convinced it was for the celebrity gossip! But Paladin said I shouldn’t do it}
is there anything else you’ve done? {not yet- I mean, No!}
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Pictured: (Fake) Tweets talking about the perceived decline of Tridential Sovereignty or #TriSov, and how their original fans dislike the way their music sounds nowadays.
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Pictured: The updated outfits of Comet, Pulsar, and Nova! At this point in their career, the three dont perform together as much as they used to. Before this change, Nova would often pick up DJing Gigs around the world. But, now he performs solo songs that sound like theyre meant for Old Navy Advertisements… theres no Heart and Soul to his music, just the melody and baseline lyrics that will appeal to the widest audience.
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Pictured: Nebula, the Whole. He acts as the manager and agent of Tridential Sovereignty. He isn’t seen much nowadays, some say it’s because he can’t handle what they’ve created. They took over his life. This isn’t what he wanted. This isn’t what we wanted to become. But, it’s much too late now.
ive reached the ten photo limit on mobile and ive got so much written that my tumblr is lagging. Theres still some more long written posts ill add in reblogs and such. Characters mentioned such as Twine, Smoul, Alice and Paladin belong to @disruptivevoib @shxwrunner @socialc1imb @calamarispider @b0vidine
Feel free to send asks about these guys! Or even my scp au!
All art in this post is mine
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misshoneyimhome · 5 months
You’re newest oneshot left me dead in a good way it was so hot and him being a cheeky shit saying that they probably heard her being loud. If requests are open, can I submit a request about trying anal for the first time and celebrating his new contract a new series of firsts for both.
Well, as long as it's in a good way bb! 😉
Sooo, this was definitely a first time for me to write about 😉 So I do hope I managed to get it out in a good way 🤍 However, I wasn't sure if you meant it was the first time for them both; so I just went with it 🌺
I did though get carried away a bit, so I apologise in advance for any mistakes or weird phrases 🙈 Additionally I also used this request ~ and tried to stick to the storyline, however, I'm sorry if I repeat myself too much - please do let me know 🙃
Anyway, If you like it, I’ll see you all in church *hell* 💦
Please enjoy 🤍
Warnings; where to begin... 18+ smut; oral sex (f receiving); unprotected sex (p in v); cum inside; cum licking/sucking?; fingering; anal toy, anal fingering; protected anal sex; did I forget anything?
[the 🌶️ is for more explicit content]
Word count; 5.5K
[Inexperienced!reader x Willy]
All good boys go to heaven - But bad boys bring heaven to you pt V I William Nylander 🖋️⚡️🌶️
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Describing your relationship with William Nylander as having a substantial amount of sex would be an understatement.
Not only did he introduce you to various ways of experiencing pleasure and engaging in sexual intimacy, where both giving and receiving pleasure created an exhilarating connection, but he also proved to be an exceptional lover, partner, and boyfriend.
William expressed abundant love and affection, making you feel incredibly comfortable in your own skin as the two of you explored each other's bodies. His presence instilled confidence in you, and you reciprocated the exploration, discovering your deepest desires.
In the process, you found yourself engaging in activities you never thought you would, and despite feeling a bit dirty, each new experience left you with a sense of empowerment. It was akin to reading a romantic novel, where the once innocent larva transforms into a beautiful butterfly.
However, your romantic narrative wasn't solely about innocence; it was laced with hot passion and intense, raw sex. Similar to the hidden, steamy books many women keep in their bedside tables, your reality with William involved fulfilling those fantasies and more.
In your world, William brought those fantasies to life, and reciprocally, you did the same for him. Just the day before, you showed him just how good you could be for him. How good your mouth could work his length as he spilled himself into your warmth. And you’d drink all of him as you made him reach his climax again and again.
You’d celebrated William's new contract both with his family and then in private. And as the night had unfolded and left both of you content after moments of mind blown sex, William, once again returned to the loving boyfriend and broached a significant topic.
The prospect of moving in together.
For William, this step felt natural, almost expected, given the amount of time you spent at his place. To him, it seemed more practical for you both to share a home rather than maintaining separate spaces, especially since you were rarely at your own anymore.
However, for you, it carried more weight. William was your second serious relationship, following and including your high school sweetheart. And despite the growth and independence you had achieved since then, moving in together felt like such a mature, adult decision.
You had established your independence, secured a good job and your own place. You enjoyed the feeling of being a strong and independent woman, breaking free from the chains your ex had once held around you. Yet, your relationship with William had made things take a turn.
His demanding career, coupled with the unique lifestyle of being associated with the Toronto Maple Leafs, shifted your daily routine. Now, your friends were mainly the wives and girlfriends of the Leafs players, and hockey dominated your life with game nights, travel plans, and brunch dates.
Your world had turned upside down. Even maintaining a regular work schedule became challenging amidst late nights and quick trips to away games. Which also led to you finding yourself spending a substantial amount of time at William's place, making it more convenient to be together.
And tonight was no exception, as the Leafs faced off against the Sharks at the Scotiabank Arena. Proudly donning the #88 jersey among the other partners of the players, you cheered on the Leafs, celebrating their dominating 7-1 victory.
After the players completed their media obligations and changed back into their post-game outfits, William quickly sought you out, pulling you into his arms for a deep kiss.
"Min älskling," he whispered sweetly, expressing his affection.
It was one of those tender moments that showcased your love for each other, much like the other couples in the room. However, as romantic as it was, you were aware of how quickly the atmosphere could shift when you were alone.
William's eyes, filled with the excitement of the great win, locked onto yours. Feeling the tension building between your legs from his firm touches with his arms around your waist, you knew it was time to cut the conversation short.
And soon, you found yourselves on the way back to William's condo.
His arms remained around you as you rode the lift to his floor. As you entered the condo, his mouth found yours without hesitation, and William effortlessly picked you up, carrying you to the open kitchen – a place where you’d often shared heated, intimate moments before turning in for the night.
Seated on the dining table, you let his tongue explore your mouth, his hands roaming every inch of your soft skin as he slowly began to undress you. Simultaneously, you didn't let him remain fully clothed either.
Clothing items were discarded and tossed aside on the floor as you passionately kissed, stealing breaths from each other as you were deeply devoted.
“Willy,” you managed to moan between the eager kisses. “Fuck me…”
And he fully intended to do so.
But first, he'd indulge in his late-night snack. Bending down between your bare legs, his mouth came close to your needy heat. His lips planted hungry kisses on your inner thighs, teasing you and devilishly slowly building up pleasure.
And as your impatience got the better of you, your hand found his long blonde locks, gently tugging them to pull him a little closer.
A smirk formed on William’s lips as he sensed your growing desperation, but he didn't keep you waiting. Licking up your folds, he tasted your sweet honey, and the soft moans escaping your mouth only encouraged him further. Using his skilled mouth, he explored your core, licking and sucking your sweet, sensitive flesh. And as he heard your moans gradually growing louder, felt your heels digging into the back of his shoulders, he knew he could easily bring you to your first climax.
Then adding two of his large fingers to the equation, he eased them into your warmth while his mouth devoted itself to your clit. And only with several pumps of his curled digits, your moans called out William's name in between heavy breaths and deep, husky tones.
“Oh yes! Willy, I’m coming.”
And William had no doubt as your juices sprayed and coated his fingers, as well as moisturising his moustache.
“Mmm, tastes so good, baby,” he murmured into your cunt, as his fingers pumped slowly, guiding you down from the high, before carefully retreating them and licking them clean. His eyes gazed up at you, while yours met his in an intense moment.
“Please, I need you in me,” you found yourself pleading, and William couldn't contain his amusement as he rose from his position. With eyes still locked, he removed the last piece of clothing, freeing his hard cock from his boxers.
Your sweet whimper enchanted him, and with no more foreplay needed, William pulled you to the very edge of the table. He lined the tip of his member with your pulsating entrance and eased himself in.
Deep moans harmonised as he filled your depth, your walls hugging him tightly. Your hands wrapped around his neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss, letting your lips get moist from your own essence, and your tongue sensually licking his lips as you tasted yourself.
William held a firm grip on your thighs as he began rocking his hips, his length stimulating your walls with every motion. And your foreheads came to rest against each other, sharing breaths as his thrusts grew harder and deeper, eliciting small cries from you.
“Yes… Fuck, Willy… feels so good,” you whimpered as his cock touched your very back and hit a highly sensitive spot.
“Yeah, baby… your pussy is like made for me…” he moaned in return, the clenching of your muscles bringing him closer to climax.
It was passionate and lustful. Every pound became more eager, and as William felt your nails digging into the back of his neck, he knew you were about to reach your second orgasm. 
He knew your body so well. Knowing exactly how to hit at what speed, and what angle to make you moan so sweetly. And he loved every bit of it. He loved it so much, it could bring himself to climax, sooner rather than later. 
Then increasing his speed, letting his skin slam against yours, both your moans grew louder. Sweat formed on your skin, letting the intense heat fill the condo's air as sounds of sex echoed.
“Fuck, baby, I’m gonna come….” You cried as his thrusts became overwhelming, your walls clenching, and your mind growing hazy.
“Yes, baby, I’m gonna come with you.”
And with deep grunts, both of you arched back and let the orgasms course through your bodies. Ecstasy filled your minds as visions became blurry, and William spilled his seed into the depth of your warmth.
As always, it was skilled, perhaps a bit quick, yet also intense for both of you.
Almost frozen in your position, William gently withdrew his member, watching as his cum slowly dripped from your tight space. And he couldn't help himself.
It was so hot. Seeing how he claimed you as his with his liquids, he then used two fingers to trace up your folds, collecting some of the sticky mixed fluids. And with a dark glare, he locked eyes with you, a smirk forming on his lips as he brought his fingers to your mouth.
“Open,” he commanded in his rough voice. And you did as told.
Letting your lips slowly part, slightly sticking out your tongue, you allowed him to put his coated digits into your mouth. You tasted the sweet and salty mix, circling your tongue around his fingers as you sucked him completely clean. Maintaining a sensual look in your eyes, you watched as William let out a small gasp. 
This was hotter than he thought it would be.
He had to gulp as he slowly pulled out his fingers, and you made sure to let your lips feel every inch of them. “Fucking good girl…” was all he managed to whisper roughly.
And slowly, the two of you came out of the euphoric state, and with satisfied smiles across your lips, you retreated to the bathroom to clean up before tucking in under the covers.
Amidst soft lights in the bedroom, you couldn’t help but lie in comfortable silence, gazing at each other as you admired one another.
As you delicately traced his handsome facial features with your fingers, gently stroking them across his gorgeous pink lips, William then broke the silence.
“You’re so fucking hot… you know that, right?”
His voice was low and husky, his eyes darting from side to side as he studied every little detail of your face.
“You’re not too shabby yourself,” you chuckled lightly, but William wasn’t joking around.
His smile was wide, and his eyes sparkled in the dimmed lights, as he couldn’t help but adore you.
“What’s on your mind baby?”
You withdrew your hand and let your head rest on your arm as you offered William a soft smile.
“Nothing, I’m just thinking.”
“…many things - like about why you like me so much,” you let out a soft sigh, a smile still on your face as you gently bit down on your lower lip, your eyes darting down into the sheets before looking back up at him. “And if you’re actually serious about me…”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” he inquired with a concerned expression.
“I don’t know… I guess I just… can’t help but wonder… if you really feel completely satisfied with me?”
It was a question you’d been pondering for a little while now. Despite William often providing solid evidence of how he felt towards you, you still had a small amount of doubt - perhaps a fear that he was only interested in you for a short while before he got bored. That he was feeling lonely, and you’d been there for some time now and he’d just want someone around all the time. 
But that was nowhere near the truth. William was sure of his feelings for you. Given that he wasn’t a type to overthink anything, he honestly just went with his gut feeling.
“What do you mean? Of course, I feel satisfied,” William let out a soft chuckle. What had you thinking like that, he thought.
“Well, I was just wondering… that maybe, there were still some things… you know, you’d want to do… sexually – that maybe, you didn’t feel like you could do with me?” Your voice unwillingly trembled a tad as you spoke the words. Though you knew he was your boyfriend and there was nothing to fear, you felt slightly nervous. 
“Like what?”
“You know… like tonight, when you stuck your fingers in my mouth – I mean it was hot, definitely… but it just had me thinking that maybe there were still more things we haven’t tried – you know, fantasies you might want to explore?”
Though your questioning was primarily aimed at understanding William's needs, it equally reflected your own curiosity. You had sensed that William often hinted at his desires but not really speaking openly about them, almost as if he was holding back.
“Hmm...” he started softly, his eyes looking down as he pressed his lips together, pondering whether to share his thoughts or not.
“Willy, you can tell me…” you spoke softly as his eyes met yours again.
But he simply shook his head. “No, baby… I’m completely satisfied as it is.”
However, he wasn’t fooling anyone.
“Come on, I can practically hear the wheels turning in your head…”
And William knew you wouldn’t let it go until he let you in on what he’d been fantasising about for a while now.
“Well, there is something…” he spoke with a sly grin smeared across his lips, a little excited to see your reaction to his proposal. “We’ve touched on it a little, but I really want to…” His deep voice faded, his fingers tracing down your body, gently feeling your skin as his palm caressed your buttocks before he let his fingers slip between your cheeks and gently nudged your tight entrance furthest behind. “… feel myself inside you… here.”
A small gasp escaped your lips as you heard his idea. Yet, for some unknown reason, you were rather intrigued. Licking your lips, you studied his face as you enjoyed his finger gently poking your tight hole.
“Oh…” you breathed out lightly. “Well… Uhm.” You gave yourself a moment to think, though a part of you already knew the answer. And curiosity once again got the better of you. “Okay.” 
You were surprised by your own voice speaking, your mind quickly agreeing to his suggestion, though it was way out of your comfort zone. And William seemed equally surprised.
Withdrawing his hand, he repositioned himself a little and looked intensely at you.
“Wait… seriously?”
And you couldn’t help but chuckle a little, as his reaction to your reaction was slightly amusing.
“Why not… we’ve done so many other things – why not this?”
William couldn’t really believe it at first. What had he turned you into? You were definitely no longer the innocent girl he’d met and shown new territories. But he liked it. You were amazing how you let yourself into curiosity. And most importantly, you wanted to do it all with him.
“Well alright then… but not tonight – let’s do it another night.”
“Okay,” you chuckled, as you then repositioned as well, with confidence you rose and straddled his hips, prompting him onto his back and gazing seductively down at him. “Guess this is going to be an interesting celebration week.”
And it most definitely was an interesting week.
Following the loss against the Islanders Thursday night in New York, William was looking forward to coming home to you again. Well, at least home to his own place, where he knew you’d be. Arriving during the night, he simply admired your figure tangled up in his bedsheets before he too surrendered to the night, a smile on his lips as he thought about your plans for the following evening. 
While he’d been away, you’d done everything to prepare yourself for the Friday night.
You'd done research about the various ways to prepare yourself for the new activity you and William would explore. Mentally, you thought about what to expect—the possible pain and the pleasure.
You’d read about the dos and don'ts, understanding that reality wasn’t exactly equivalent to porno. So, real-life experiences were sought, and you felt confident in yourself. Having gotten to know your body a lot better over the past few months it had bolstered your self-confident.
Furthermore, you trusted William.
Though he hadn't experienced it himself, he felt confident too. He’d only tried one attempt with a girl in a casual friends-with-benefits relationship, where the encounter turned out to be somewhat unpleasant for both, and they couldn't go through with it. However, with you, he wanted to try again, taking it slow and creating a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. While he hadn't delved into research as much as you, he ensured he was prepared. He wanted you to have the best experience possible.
And as William's training drew to a close, and he made his way home, he sensed a slow build-up of nerves. Which was an unusual feeling for him when it came to sex. However, since this was new for both of you, he wasn't entirely the experienced one this time.
Meanwhile at home, you were trying everything to keep yourself relaxed. Reassuring yourself that it wasn't a big deal—many people did this all the time, right? Yet, it was still a bit nerve-wracking. It was a territory you'd never even discussed with your girlfriends, and you hadn't really tried anything similar before.
So, you decided to enjoy a cup of tea to calm your nerves. 
And when William returned home, you swiftly embraced each other, not bothering with too much talk before finding yourselves in the dimmed lights of your bedroom. You had tried to make it nice and cosy, even preparing with a towel just in case of an emergency.
As you and William were together in bed you felt yourself slowly relax. His warm body against yours, lips connected in soft and gentle motions, tongues dancing sensually. The soothing smell of candlelight filled the air as you eased into the sexual pleasure.
Naked under the duvet, you calmed more and more with each deep kiss. William's fingers slowly explored your heat, gently circling your clit before he entered two of his thick fingers, as he wanted to make sure you felt good. Loosen yourself into his touch as he carefully pumped his digits and stimulated your walls.
And as he worked your tense muscles, you let the pleasure slowly take over, coursing through every vein. You felt an orgasm cloud your mind, filling it with dopamine. William felt how the high made you clench around him, and as you slowly came down, he sensed your tense muscles relax.
“You’re okay, baby?” William's low, husky voice softly echoed in your ears as he broke the kiss and gently pulled out his fingers.
“Mmm…” you nodded, flashing him a sweet smile.
“And you're sure you want to do this?”
You couldn’t help but offer him a light chuckle as you gently stroked your fingers through his hair. “Yeah, Willy, I’m sure… just… go slow.”
The way William was so relaxed had made you relaxed too.
“Of course, baby… and you tell me to stop if that’s what you want,” his voice came out slightly serious. He didn’t want you to do something you deeply didn’t desire, nor would he risk hurting you.
“Willy, I’m good,” you grinned sweetly, biting down on your lower lip as you gazed up at him. “Actually, I’m a bit… excited.”
And that seemed to reassure him enough. With a gentle nod and a sly grin, William then pulled away from you, kneeled between your legs as he leaned over to the nightstand where he had a small butt plug ready, as well as a small tube of lube.
You watched him intensely as he took hold of the little bottle, coating his two digits he’d just used inside your cunt. Then, he hovered over you again, one arm supporting him next to your head while the other gently traced up between your ass cheeks.
You couldn’t help but let out a light gasp as you felt the cold lube touch your skin, but you did your best to maintain control of your breaths as William’s middle finger gently poked against your tight hole.
And very carefully, he pushed it in, his eyes still locked onto yours as he observed your reaction.
Soft moans escaped your lips. It was a strange feeling, good, but strange. The way his finger slowly eased in, stretching your entrance, was an odd sensation that had you feeling a new form of pleasure.
“Is this alright, baby?”
With a light 'yes,' you reassured him once more, encouraging him to keep moving. He took his time, pumping his finger as he watched you whimper and focused on your breathing.
Then delicately, William tried to add his second finger, making sure his motions were patient and slow. He let his two digits stretch you a little further, and a louder moan escaped you this time. The way his fingers stimulated your ass was slowly becoming a little overwhelming.
“Is this good?”
“Yes, Willy… shit, it feels good,” you panted.
Slightly surprised by your own words, you moaned softly and let sweet cries escape, feeling a rush of pleasure slowly forming. It wasn’t like the usual way an orgasm would build up, yet it did feel really good.
“Baby, let me put the toy in you, and I’ll take good care of you.”
With a soft nod and a deep breath, you relaxed your body and William carefully pulled out his fingers. Then, he leaned over again, grabbed the little metal plug with a small fake diamond to make it look cute, coated it with a good layer of lube, before he gently placed it by your entrance.
“Ready?” he inquired; his eyes locked onto yours as you gave him acceptance. You noticed yourself briefly holding your breath as he let the toy slowly slip into you yet surrendering to the pleasure of the cold metal.
“Oh… fuck,” you breathed out.
William couldn’t help but express a smile, quickly gazing down as he saw the silver disappear into your hole. It was more than just a turn on for him. He felt his hard cock throbbing just by the mere thought of feeling himself inside you.
But he remained patient and controlled. And as the toy was all the way in, William then came back into missionary, kissing you again to make sure you were feeling good and calm with the new toy.
And you most definitely did. It was stimulating you in a whole new way.
Then, still with your lips connected, William lined his member with your heat and slowly eased himself into your core. Your juices provided him with a good amount of lubricant, mixed with the lube from the butt plug.
“Fuck…” he heavily breathed out. “Oh shit, baby, I can feel it inside you.”
However, you were unable to respond. Feeling William filling you up with his cock, coupled with the little metal in your ass, had you seeing stars. And as he then began to rock his hips, gently and controlled, you couldn’t contain your louder moans.
It was beyond intense. William’s cock alone could normally hit you so perfectly; however, with the butt plug in your other hole, you were feeling more than just pleasure. This was a different kind of high you were about to reach.
“Yes, baby… God! You feel so fucking incredible…” William moaned along your sweet sounds, as he thrusted into you. “Shit, I’m gonna need you to come for me, baby… show me how good I make you feel.”
Though the dirty talk seemed to come naturally to him, William also felt the need to make sure you were feeling the comfort and pleasure like he was, ensuring you'd come at least one more time, before he could move on. 
And he did not have to say much more. Holding a tight grip onto his shoulders, you let out cries, indicating you were so close to an orgasm. Feeling the intensity on your two holes being stimulated, it did not take much longer for you to almost scream out his name, letting your mind go completely foggy as you came.
“Oh Willy…” you whimpered softly, feeling his shaft softly pounding a few more times as you calmed down from your intense high. “Shit, that felt good.”
William was feeling rather satisfied with the results so far; however, he was also becoming more eager to have himself inside your ass.
So, with a few more seconds to make you both regain your breaths, he then slowly pulled out his cock, making you feel a void as he gently toyed with the little piece of metal.
“You think you can handle me, älskling?”
And with an excited nod, you bit down on your lip again, watched him intensely as you took in another deep breath and relaxed so he could slowly pull out the butt plug.
“Oh,” you moaned as you felt it stretch you once more, your hands finding the sheets to grab a hold onto. 
Then, with the toy completely out, William tossed it aside, again reached over to the bedside table, finding the condom package and the bottle of lube, and skilfully wrapped himself up, giving the latex an extra coat of lubricant.
“Alright,” he spoke dark and husky, as he again came to lean his body over you. “Just breathe and relax. We’ll go slow, and you tell me if it hurts.”
"Yes," you managed to exhale, feeling the tip of his cock against your ass.
Raising your lower half slightly to provide better access, William tried to ease himself in very slowly, almost agonisingly so. Only allowing the tip to barely enter, he observed you squirming beneath him, your nails digging into his skin as you attempted to control your breath.
He then retracted just a little before gradually pushing further, allowing more of his length to slip inside. 
"Fuck!" he erupted with a loud, raw moan. "You're so tight, baby!"
The intensity was overwhelming, overstimulating for both of you as your moans synchronised, resonating through the air. And in a matter of seconds, William was completely in, stretching your hole with his hard member.
A tear escaped from the corner of your eye, not a result of pain but sheer pleasure as William filled you up. And as he stared directly at you in search for any hints of discomfort, you flashed him a gentle smile and reassurance. 
"Willy..." you whimpered softly, your breath catching. "You can move."
Your eyes remained locked as he delicately withdrew before pushing back in again. And slowly, he established a gentle rhythm, allowing the lube to coat his member as he swayed his hips, stimulating your ass.
You couldn't stifle your moans as this new wave of pleasure built up, your hands moving eagerly from the sheets to his shoulders to his hair, tugging on it as William pounded into you.
"God, baby, you take me so good," praises slipped off his tongue.
And he knew he wasn't going to last long. The muscles were a lot tighter than he was used to from your cunt, pushing him quicker toward his climax. His palms gripped tightly onto the sheets beside you, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he kept thrusting. His movements gradually became a little harder and quicker.
"Fuck... shit... oh, baby... fuck."
A series of curse words were shouted as William maintained a steady motion. And you couldn't even articulate coherent words any longer. Only deep breaths and loud moans escaped you, and air was emptied from your lungs as your eyes rolled back in your head.
"Willy... I'm... gon... Mmmm come..." you managed to blurt out in between cries and whimpers, feeling your climax about to peak.
And as William felt himself right on the edge as well, he couldn't control his hard thrusts and deep grunts any longer. 
"Yes, baby... come with me..."
One of his hands forcefully grabbed onto the headboard of the bed as he now too cried out. On the brink of climax, ecstasy coursing through his mind, body, and soul. And as William felt your opening clench around him, as you moaned out his name in the purest sense of an intense orgasm, he then too, let himself surrender to the rush. Spilling his seed into the latex as a string of curse words and groans escaped his lips amid praises.
What felt like an eternity of a high rush was merely a few seconds, perhaps almost a minute, where the two of you were completely stunned. William's cock still buried inside you as you both slowly came out of the euphoric state of mind. Your legs trembled as you regained consciousness, your sight clearing as you felt your heated bodies share sweat and vibrations.
Breaths were deep and heavy, both of you finding your way back to reality.
And slowly, very slowly, William pulled out his shaft. Your ass felt sore and stretched, yet your body still lingered from the intense pleasure.
Smiles adorned your lips, and William took a few silent seconds to study your face, making sure you were feeling okay.
He rested his forehead against yours, sharing light chuckles before connecting your lips in a soft and tender kiss, ensuring the atmosphere remained romantic and sincere.
"You're feeling good?" he asked softly.
"Yes, Willy, that was incredible," you reassured him with a sweet smile. And again, you both waited a few more seconds, sharing a quick kiss, before untangling from the position.
Feeling beyond excited and satisfied, you took your time to clean up in the shower, softly and gently washing each other as you shared kisses and heartfelt giggles.
After all, William was a master at aftercare. 
And as you retreated to the bed, he made sure to snuggle and cuddle with all his love.
"You're alright, baby?"
"Yes, Willy, you don't have to keep asking," you giggled as you rested your head on his chest.
"Sorry, I just want to make sure it was good for you too," he glanced down at you with an arm resting behind his head and a smile across his handsome face.
"It was, baby," you gently leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his lips before returning to rest on his broad torso, his hand softly stroking your hair while a brief, comfortable silence settled between you.
"Will you stay here tomorrow? Until the game," his husky voice softly spoke, his eyes sparkling in the soft lights of your bedroom.
“Mmm, yes - but I might have to go by my own place during the day,” you flashed him a content grin.
“Why’s that?”
You leaned up a little, stretching your arms as you looked down at him with a soft smirk.
“Well, I have to go home and… collect some stuff, you know… if I have to be here for a little longer,” you couldn’t contain your amusement as William slowly came to realise what you were saying.
“Wait… so that’s a yes?” He chuckled.
“Mmm,” you nodded with a wide smile. “But I’m not sure if I’ll give up my apartment just yet… I want to do this right, Willy, and for me, that just means taking things a little slow…”
“Of course, baby, whatever you need,” William smiled as he gently sat up and connected your lips in a tender kiss. His hand finding the back of your hair, pulling you close to him, before swiftly retreating again. “Hang on… so anal sex was what had you make up your mind?”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his sudden exclamation.
“Hmm, I suppose - I mean, you’ve literally seen every part of me now.”
William’s grin grew a little wider.
“Well then I guess I should have suggested it sooner.”
With playful banter and shared laughter, you and William continued to bask in the afterglow of your intimate moment. And as the night progressed, you found comfort in each other's arms, exchanging sweet whispers and tender kisses. The condo became a haven for your shared secrets, desires, and newfound closeness.
And the next morning, as the alarm set off, you woke up entwined with William. The previous night's passion had created a deeper connection between you two, and the sense of intimacy lingered in the air. 
With William then heading to morning skates, you took the opportunity to visit your place and gather a few more items than usual. And returning to his condo, you discovered he had made space for your belongings in his closet and bathroom. A wide smile adorned your face as you left your new home, eager to watch him play in the upcoming home game later that night.
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r3d-redemptions · 3 months
Mephistopheles & Raphael parallel
right, bare with me because i just want to discuss their parallel because it’s so fascinating to me. i don’t see it discussed enough. spoilers ahead!
• unsurprisingly, mephistopheles is charming and as cunning, but he can display different façades sometimes. and yet, behind that cold surface, mephisto is a walking contradiction. “Fiendish codex II” (i absolutely recommend getting this if you want to know more about the hells, it has all the essential about them) also describes him as depite for someone who appears cold and reserved all the time, mephistopheles would have an actual temper tantrum. something he does is “destroying everything around him in a thunderous explosion of hellfire and devastating magic.”
•mephistopheles appears as a handsome gentleman! he speaks in an intelligent, calculated manner and of course wit won’t be absent.
•he also doesn’t give up easilly when something gets in his way he would always find ways to get whatever he wants.
•he is always eager to find out new information around him, things thay could make himself even more powerful because he wants to take over asmodeus too
now, doesn’t what i’ve described above remind you of raphael? and isn’t it interesting how raph hates his daddy so much yet he wants to be so much like him? that’s daddy issues at its finest, if you ask me. besides, raphael’s inner conflict seems to be familliar to mephistopheles’, but in his case the conflict is based on the fact that he’s a half devil. the fact that he’s a human too makes him absolutely more vulnerable, unlike how devils are supposed to be. however, in my opinion, it’s his human form that brings him most of his sucess in deals after all.
regarding how raphael appears and expresses himself: he gives the first impression of an intelligent gentleman, but as the plot progresses, he’s a cunning little bastard that has us easily around his fingers. interestingly enough, he seems to display the same façade as his father… beyond having the inherited personality(most likely), i think raphael decided to display a very simillar façade to his fathers’ after he’s seen Mephistopheles becoming this powerful with such a personality.
and my favourite part so far: raphael’s ambition! in a case where you give the crown to gale and he becomes a god in the epilogue raphael is still very determined to take over as he would rise from the gods’ ruins, like he says. also, before fighting him in the house of hope, you can be something like “if you kill me you won’t have the crown” he’s like “yeah whatever i’ll get it because i can😠”.
about the finding information part… isn’t it interesting how around the house of hope you find so much powerul equipment? man seeks ANYTHING that can make him feel powerful. mind you, i’ve always found the amount of equipment he has around the house of hope pretty impressive ngl
(also the fact that he can manage so many portals? i wonder how they appeared in the house of hope in the first place, someone enlighten me pls xd)
anyway yeah, just wanted to ramble about it for now. i hope you enjoyed my yapping and that i made sense lol. thx for the attention and for reachig this point of the post :)
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fatuismooches · 7 months
omg omg how would fragile reader use foxtorre in gameplay? idk why the first thing i thought of is reader throwing it at their enemies but they wouldnt do that 😭 im suddenly thinking how their gameplay would be like, their vision, their idles, etc... IF YOU COULD PLEASE MAKE VOICELINES FOR THEM I THINK IT WOULD BE COOL
Fragile reader throws the creature onto the field to do the work for them! Depending on whether their skill is held or tapped, Foxttore will summon multiple little Puffttores that will attack enemies to heal the team or do damage, based on reader’s current HP. Using the skill also consumes a set amount of fragile reader's HP. But using their burst will let them recover HP, as they will steal a certain percentage of HP from their fellow party members. All they want to be is healthy, they can be a little selfish, no? But fragile reader isn’t that mean, they’ll grant the party members who they stole HP from a random buff (ATK, crit rate/dmg, EM, etc) so they can sit back and relax as the others fight for them. And no, they won’t steal HP from Dottore or another Harbinger on the team, that’s their beloved and their friends after all! But they can’t do elemental reactions, they don’t want that horrid thing from Celestia and even if they got one they would refuse to use it. (But I still have hope another element will be added, I cannot see Dottore using a Vision HE BETTER NOT he’s stronger than that 😞)
Their idles include pulling out Foxttore and squeezing it really tightly, and then they suddenly pause for a few seconds as they feel something fuzzy moving inside of their shirt... and then a few small Puffttores jump out of their clothes making them laugh :) Another one, i imagine they carry around a small bag to hold their necessary items (such as medication) but also to bring around a scrapbook they've made with all their memories. Lots of photos and journal entries spanning many years. They pull it out and flip through it, before sighing almost sadly and putting it away again. Their BIS weapon is the same one from centuries ago, Dottore had preserved it for all those years so they could use it once again (not really though because they wobble all over the place if you use their normal attacks)
Hello: "I am [Name]. I doubt I'll be much help to you, but I'm here now. By the way, I won't do anything I don't want to. If you have a problem with that, you can take it up with Dottore."
About the Archons: "... Do not mention them in front of me... it makes me sick to my stomach, thinking about the divine. However, there is one exception - the Tsaritsa of course. She is truly the epitome of what a God should be, benevolent and kind. I may not be able to help much, but I will support her until the end. When you meet her, Traveler, I hope you will understand her goals."
About the Illness: "Ah, my sickness... it has plagued me for countless years, laying a horrible curse upon my body and mind. It's... it's been quite difficult sometimes... er, forgive me. It's hard to speak about."
"Oh... to be honest, Paimon always thought you were faking it for the Fatui's goals to some extent."
"... this is why I only confide in Dottore."
About Dottore: "My one and only... words cannot express my tenderness and love toward him. Not once has he given up on me, despite the times I've given up on myself. And he has always taken care of me, not once faltering in over four hundred years. I- I don't know what to do sometimes when faced with that information. I wish I could be... less of a burden on him... *sigh*"
About the Akademiya: "Say, does anything good come out of that school anymore? Hm? You say a brilliant mage graduated from there and is now a librarian? Well, good for her. Who would want to be associated with them anyway? And there's also a doctor who's very sick, searching for the answer to immortality? Well now... how interesting."
About the Past: "You wish to know about my past? Well, there's not too much to say. I was a regular student in the Akademiya before I met Dottore, and we fell in love... we did many things together before I... It's not like it matters anymore, being the way I am now..."
Chat - The Body: “One’s body is extremely important, yet many take it for granted. Please, make sure to treasure and love your body. It does more for you than you could ever imagine.”
Chat - Walks: "I love taking walks. It seems so normal to you but, it brings me great happiness. Especially now... I have not felt the sun caress my body or the soft breeze sweep through my hair for a long, long time. Hm? I don't mind if you come with, but... Dottore will be joining me shortly. Would you like to see him? No? Hehe."
When it Rains: "Oh no... do you have an umbrella? Dottore's going to- a-achoo!- get mad at me for not taking care of myself properly..."
Likes - Dancing: "O-oh. You saw me just now? I was just... practicing. I'm not very good at it, but dancing with Dottore as he twirls me around makes me... happy. I just need to stop tripping and falling over his feet all the time."
Nahida - About You: "You've met the Doctor's spouse? Please, would you enlighten me about them some more? I have always been extremely curious about the kind of person who would capture his attention. Hmm... I see. Still sick, are they? Perhaps Dottore sees something in them that the rest of us cannot. Though, I have to commend their spirit. Being able to wake up every day and face what's in front of them while being afflicted with such a condition... takes a strong will."
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bodycountgame · 1 year
Hello! I was a big fan of the series a while a go and it is lovely to see that you are back. I'm terribly sorry that other anons put you through a lot with the voting aspect of the game. Absolutely no one deserves death threats for a story that they are bringing to us for free. However, I am not going to lie, I always feel a bit worried when a fandom majority vote is what has long lasting effects on character life/death. It was ok when it was everyone voting with an equal effect. Now there will be a wealth gap to vote. Only people that pay can contribute. And at least where I'm from wealth looks a certain kind of way.
Since you have characters that are in a minority it feels... Bad. Maybe I'm projecting how racist and transphobic my home country is on the vote for this game. I also don't want you to feel like this is an attack on you because that is not my intent at all! I love the diversity in the love interests and it was what brought me to the game initially. I am worried that if you do a majority vote on Patreon that characters that aren't white/cis will face a harsher vote. Trans lives are in danger and I was not surprised when a nonbinary character died first. I was part of the fandom and people treated them very grossly (it actually made me step away for a bit as well). There were many options but the vocally out and proud person got the boot first. What I'm saying is I trust you more than your Patreon supporters. If the people can't all vote as one, due to the actions of some terrible people, then maybe we shouldn't vote at all
anon, i totally understand your concerns because i absolutely shared them. to be completely honest with you, i had totally misjudged which characters i thought were popular or not and watching the three non binary cast members struggle through that first vote felt Bad. my personal disappointment about ellis being the character to receive the least votes in the vote contributed in no small part to the twist in chapter 3 and their revised arc (which was Not planned when i set out writing body count hahaha). howeverrrrrr, i did learn a lot from the process.
my main motivator behind making the vote patreon exclusive was that the voters would be genuinely invested in the game and that the polling would be much harder to game or manipulate. selfishly, i also think it will reduce a certain amount of the absolute barrage of wild anons from the first time around haha!
in addition to that, though, i think its important that i reaffirm what i have said from the start: i am acutely aware that in interactive fiction in general and particularly on tumblr there is a strong preference for white male characters, and i am not here to write some kind of gross POC/women/nb slasher. as much as i want the audience to have a say in the direction the story takes, i ultimately have final say on what happens in the story that i am writing.
the main way that i intend to have oversight of the voting process is by who appears on the polls in the first place; the first poll was the last time the whole cast will be available for a vote at the same time. since ellis, one of three NB cast members, was the first character to die, i've said that neither of the other NB cast members will appear on future polls. if it's women and POC suffering in the next vote, then i'll be applying similar logic. if that means we get towards the end and we need a white boy only poll then so be it!
that said, if people cannot behave then i will simply take away their toys. although i consider the voting mechanic to be one of the things that makes body count unique and fun, i'm absolutely not above doing away with it if there are Shenanigans that spoil it, ya know?
anyway, i hope that assuages some of your concerns! sorry for another giant wall of text wow i simply cannot answer a question concisely atm
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Crack Theory: Will Byers is Twelve (012) - Part 3
I seriously meant it when I said things are about to get even more interesting. You're not ready.
I didn't notice this until literally today (so if it's a well known concept already, my apologizes!).
For those like me who didn't know about this, essentially we got two different versions of the opening to the Massacre at Hawkins Lab. The 4x01 version, and the 4x07 version.
They're almost identical, both one long take, but still with slight differences, especially in how they end. It's now clear to me that these are two entirely different takes. And so what purpose does that serve exactly?
I'm guessing they did this in large part to convey how El now has a more clear memory of that day, compared to at the start of the season.
But upon rewatching the 4x07 version, and specifically in the context of this Twelve theory, I'm shook.
4x07: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab (cont.)
Does this series of images... remind you of anything?
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Oh nvm he's gone.
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It's confirmed!?!! Twelve (Will) sat next to Eleven (El)!?!?! It's just that the story wasn't willing to reveal this in the beginning....
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And there he is again, just on the edge of the frame, to the right, coloring away...
Then, Brenner takes Ten out of the Rainbow room, and suddenly this moment that was framed as important in the s4 opener, is now being looked at from a more important perspective: El's.
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El then follows through with the plan, in hopes it will bring back her memory...
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The last time we see Twelve, he's still sitting at the desk drawing.
I will say before getting into what's about to happen, that this sequence is pretty haphazard at times. Like s3 ending w/the goodbye hugs level haphazard. What I'm saying is, there's visible shots during this sequence, where you can tell the blocking of the characters doesn't match up exactly with where they were in the previous shot/where they were probably intended to be for that shot.
However, I think it's helpful to think about how these are very young actors in this scene, and a scene that is extremely sensitive/serious at that. I wouldn't want children (or even adults) to have to work ungodly amounts of hours, redoing a take over and over because it wasn't perfect, nor would I expect them to do reshoots just because one or two shots doesn't match perfectly with what they intended continuity-wise. That just happens occasionally in film, and the only people with perfect continuity, I imagine are a pain in the ass to work with...
However, I think there is one specific detail that makes me slightly open to humoring this theory.
Because I will admit, I myself am skeptical for an abundance of reasons. There is still a lot that would need to be addressed in s5 if Will was indeed Twelve this whole time. Like a lot of explaining. Though, now looking back at past seasons, there is an interesting new angle to think about it with all of this in mind (that's a different post for a different day).
Still, one of the main arguments, that debunks this whole theory, is that presumably, all of the kids died that day, except for El. Right?
And so how the hell would Twelve (Will) have survived?
Well, that one specific detail I was just referring to, is the framing of Twelve in s4, and specifically in relation to El.
As you've seen so far, Twelve is either very much in focus more than the others, practically front and center, or he's lingering in the background of shots that are really odd for him to be in, or he is left out of the sequences almost entirely, while everyone else is shown. It is so. weird.!
And the ending of the massacre follows that same formula.
As El runs into the Rainbow room, the first place she looks is in the direction where she was just sitting before she left, which we now know happens to be where Twelve was as well (last time we saw him).
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However, we do not get to see what El saw in this exact moment. Instead, the camera continues to focus on El as her eyes scan the room from left to right.
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Once she looks down to her right, we finally get to see what she sees (I'm not going to post these shots for obvious reasons).
And so basically....
I think Twelve is under the mirror/window, roughly the same area where Twelve was when she left the Rainbow room...
The first time we get closer to seeing someone possibly under the mirror/window, they don't allow us to. It's as if they are panning over it, high enough so that test subject is out of view.
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But then, we see a pair of feet on the floor to the left, below the mirror/window, along with a very prominent bloody hand print.
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Take note of that handprint and those feet because I think it could be important...
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SHIT there it is again!
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And again, this time slightly between Henry and El, but more so closer to Henry.
God. I feel like any moment know, dramatic irony is gonna kick in and we're somehow gonna get something that makes us think of Will...
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Part 4 coming soon!
Part 1, 2, 3, 4
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swords-of-a-soilder · 4 months
Remove Problematic CCs
Section 2
"The Qsmp is problematic"
So fun fact twitter hates this fandom and everything it stands for, I'm not kidding when I say the amount of people I saw calling the fandom, toxic, racist, misgontic and ableist is interesting to say the least.
So of course when the SulhasSpace issue happened some people ran with it as proof that the fandom is the problem. Now I've show you guys an racist account before in the last account of interest (burnbook Qsmp) So I'm not here to pretend it's not a problem, it absolutely is.
So yes I get where these are coming from to some degree but Twitter doesn't forgive or forget, and there's of course the fact that not ever "fan" is actually a fan.
That being said they are two sides to Qsmp twitter right now,
1)Chill fun time, drawing your faves.
2)your faves are problematic and if you don't push for them to be kick out your a terrible person.
A common discussion I see on the twitter is often, "oh you're defending your faves, you call out any creator but your faves" completely ingoring the fact that most the stuff their holding said faves accountable for are ages old.
They call us parasocial but then make post after post advocating for members to be removed from the SMP, it's making rounds, so I want to clear any misinformation on Twitter and make it clear when creators apologize.
I bring you back to this tweet (please don't even interact with this person Thank you.)
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You might remember them from the bonus section, this was posted jan 5 2024 with 1.3K likes (Jesus) so allow me to clear the air on some accusations.
In the reply of this they link a thread stating all problematic behaviors of creators, however MAJORITY of the this thread is just attacking the fan base I'm not even kidding.
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Here's the thing, the bad apples aren't the fandom, it was this same behavior that had people attack dsmp fans.
Say what you want about Dream but you can acknowledge the dsmp fandom got so much hate for simply existing because a few of them were bad.
Because as someone who's been in both, and left both oddly who was previously a full on dream Stan and just sorta grew out of him. People hated us just for liking the dsmp.
They attacked minors in cosplay called us fatherless and cringe (and like yeah but still) overall make fun of Nurodiverst kids for having hyperfixations, and their justification was we're all terrible people.
Here's my thing, you don't actually care, you don't care about the alleged victims or the people who's lives are at risk; You want to make the fandom look bad.
You could have easily said "A person on twitter told another they hope the us gets bomb" and yeah I understand it was in the context of the Qsmp but people are not their interset, don't water people down to the things they like, then you're just making stereotypes.
How is it any different than saying, "a kpop stan did this, a furry did that,"
Also while I'm on this compersion of both I've noticed a constant conflict in regards to the Forever situation vs Dream situation with the parties on either side the other cc is guilty but theirs isn't.
I noticed this as soon as the accusations dropped actually a lot of people even here on Tumblr, where saying "this is what we deserved" and at "least dream didn't actually do it"
Tô be honest I noticed the fandom was at odds before that even, they were sudden talk here on Tumblr which means the topic likely came from Twitter of the dsmp compered to the Qsmp.
And I'll be honest dsmp was getting dragged, I read these thinking, 'why are we comparing them, they're clearly different with their own stories.' I still wonder that.
I don't want to fight with dream SMP fans, I use to be one of you , I had a freaking fan fic plan that was just c:! ranboo getting teleported into the Qsmp.
Why don't have to fight, but I guess with dream being unlikable, that makes things very hard.
Anyways I'm getting of track, when this person does have a important Calm it's often.. wrong
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Ok no, to both of these.
1) she was not the only woman on the server, Jaiden joined the server at the very beginning, so unless I miss an noticed that Jaiden actually used macs pronounces that's a fuckin lie.
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You can see Jaiden right there behind Foolish, on the very first day. This isn't hard to confirm, it doesn't even take a second.
I read the tweet and immediately went, nah that's not true I remember Jaiden, And what do you know Jaiden was in fact a member at that time.
(looking at this image gives me so much Nostalgia omg..)
2) she was not the only one being harassed, in fact they literally contradict their own statement with proof bad was receiving hate at the same time
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Political lore, as in election season? I mean it must be I can't think of another political Qsmp event that bad was involved it huh crazy but If thats the case then Baghera wasn't the only one receiving hate thats... that's crazy, you're crazy.
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Non of the tweets that screenshot are misogynistic, it's just people who believe the dream accusations criticing her attendance to his concert.
Also let me be clear real quick, I am AFAB in fact tmi I haven't even gotten on T, it's difficult to here and I'm afraid of getting hate crimed.
So I understand misgony, I live it, this is not what this is; Criticizing a woman isn't inherently misgony.
When you guys said "Qsmp had a misgony problem," is that what you guys meant, a woman gets hate and it's automatically misgony and not a section of the fandom being toxic..? Ok
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pugwitharug · 6 months
Im going through withdrawals why is it always the good stuff that gets sent to the abyss-
Ahem anyways, can I request mc cooking anisa a meal. (She deserves it >:[] well all of them do lol) I remember one of the options in the game being to cook her something on earth or taking her out to fast food. So since there's a... low chance of ever getting anything else (;-;) I'll fufill the scenario via fic.
(Also I hope you know that you and the others that still write for LL make life worth living lol just kidding not that extreme but you are appreciated nonetheless!)
-miss anisa obsessed anon
Oh you have the biggest brain. The best brain I have ever seen. Miss Anisa Obsessed Anon, just know that I love you with my whole heart and soul and that I came back from a HUGE tumblr writing block to write about my knight wife
GN Reader, this honestly might be kinda short but it will be filled with as much love as possible, I actually recently made some baked mac and cheese that went really well so you know what I'm gonna do that but you're free to substitute it with whatever you want, I wanna revive the fandom but would it be beating a dead horse?
I think what you're talking about is both of you going to Earth and you cooking her a meal there, so let's say you're both able to travel to and from Earth easily
You bring her to your house/apartment/whatever, and she's honestly jealous
(Mainly because yours is cleaner than hers but that's every place lbh)
You both came to Earth to plan a little Earth date. She desperately wants to go to the aquarium and see the dolphins. Get her a dolphin plushie, she will adore it
But before you can set out, both of your stomachs begin to grumble with hunger. Anisa says the two of you should go get some fast food (she's been wanting to try it recently) but you say that it's been a while since you've cleaned out the kitchen and you can probably whip something up
You find noodles, flour, milk, and....cheese. A surprising amount of cheese
Baked mac and cheese it is!
Anisa doesn't know what an oven is. Okay, they have ovens in Astraea but they're more like furnaces, not convection ovens
Is it convection or convention? I'm not sure, and Anisa isn't sure either. She finds it fascinated either way
She wants to help! No self-respecting knight would let one person do all the work. However, neither of you want to burn the place down, so she can boil the pasta while you make the sauce
She makes a mess with the flour.............flour kisses.............
She steals some cheese while you're cooking. Processed cheese is definitely...different from the fresh stuff. And also not coming from the same animal
As she drains the noodles and helps you mix it with the sauce, you can see her hair poof up a little bit with excitement. Even if it's a simple dish, having good homemade food will make anyone excited
As the dish does its final cooking, she helps you with cleaning up. You thank her for the help (even tho you did most of the work lol) and she gives you a little smooch on your cheek. She still has a little crumb of cheese in the corner of her mouth
Needless to say, the dish is delicious and helped to clean out your kitchen before it all went bad
Now it's time to get to your aquarium date!
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yourlocalabstraction · 9 months
your soul design is so yumilicious I need all the details now on my dinner plate
fr tho I want to know all the soul design lore how did you create such a creature /vpos
I struggled the most with Soul ngl. I couldn’t really think of anything I could add that would differentiate him from the fanon standard. I’m a lil upset I couldn’t think of something more original, but nonetheless he turned out quite lovely !!!
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I started with the color picking. I was very insistent on making everyone’s colors proportional to eachother. The main colors should have (about) the same saturation/brightness, contrasting colors that are the exact opposite hue of the main color, respective black/grey/white values (soul’s ‘grey’ color is more teal bc color theory but yea), shit like that i guess. The final palette is on the right, it’s what I use today.
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Soul never got fully fleshed out concept sheets like the other two. I guess my brain just filled in the rest of the gaps without having to draw them. (I apologize for never finishing these btw. It’s been months man. I hope the blorbo doodles in the corner make up for it) The second image was done a lot later than the first btw. Idk if that matters but I’m bringing it up anyway.
His fit inspo came mostly from Pinterest. I just compiled a bunch of shit I think he’d wear. Plus a majestic cape because it makes him look plenty more epic.
OK MOVING ON. I decided that his main gimmick would be my take on his shaded side. The idea was to make it represent dissonance, and how it affects Soul. The shadow is basically just this fuckin void. It has no physical form, and you can just stick your hand in there if you’d like (he sometimes stores the trident there). However I wouldn’t recommend it. The feeling is indescribable, but very uncomfortable. The void has a life of it’s own in a way. It does not stay confined within the Soul’s physical form (or in my case, his lineart). When conflict is at a high, like, tridential regicide level high, the void will get very close to fully overtaking him. It only fully disappears once true concord is reached, and starts reforming when the next cycle starts.
Also, the mask !!!!! Throughout cacophony, Soul is having a huge fucking identity crisis and shit. He doesn’t really have a physical organ like the other two. He doesn’t know why he’s here, or what he did to deserve this, or why nothing he’s trying works, and just. What is he if he’s failing at his main purpose???? I think because of this, he doesn’t like showing his face around the other two. He needs to assert is power, and thinks that showing his face will make him come of softer and less of someone to obey, if that makes sense. He only really takes it off when he’s alone in his room or pocket dimension (still trying to decide if they have a mock ‘apartment’, or ever did at one point). But once he has the character arc in Two Wuv, it permanently comes off !!! Wahoo!!!!!!! If only the next cycle weren’t to start, resetting his newfound self image to its previous state !!!!!!!!!!
Ok this is getting long im putting a read more thing
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This image was very helpful for designing the tine shapes!! Guess which one is Soul’s !!!!!! (Spoiler alert, im pretty sure its either the 2nd or 6th ones in the 2nd row. However i genuinely dont remember. This may not even be the right image)
Soul also has a strange tie with eyes. If the halves have pissed him off to the point of no return, he does this fuckin analog horror stare that freaks the shit out of them (although heart cant see he remembers it very well. Plus, he just k n o w s that extra eye is there). I haven’t really played around with this, but I like the idea of a freakishly absurd amount of eyes hidden within the shadow. I should maybe like. Draw that sometime.
Also, expect a Soil patch update in the future!! I’d like to make his fangs more deranged, and maybe add an earth pattern to the cape. Right now, he has no symbols on him that represent him in the astronomy metaphor.
Uhhhh i hoped this helped??? If i missed anything you were hoping to know about, do let me know !!!!!!!
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stormoflina · 2 months
Hello again! It's the same overly talkative anon from the last ask lol
I wanted to talk more about the social media thing, which it sounds like you have a lot to talk about too! I didn't follow Dom when he was at Leipzig but I'm going to go out on a limb and assume the spotlight and reaction to him on social media was not as big as it now but I know he's like the king of Hungary (in a good way) anyway I say that because when it comes to the prem the fans and media are a lot less forgiving and love to put players in a box.
For instance Dom is very handsome (as are a lot players in Liverpool) but he's gotten labeled as the pretty boy who cares more about his hair than he does about his performances which is silly because every player cares about their outward appearance that's why they get haircuts and tattoos and etc. It's kind of similar with people screaming from the rooftops that Trent can't defend if he makes one missed tackle.
Anyway I think if Dom was less attractive or less confident people would stop raging about him loving the camera, if anything it's just a reaction to how good he looks on camera. Personally I already know he has a nice face and I still get caught off guard when he pops up on the TV, bless the dinosaurs that made the fuel to bring his parents together 🤣
Hii! 🫶🏼
Apologies for the late answer! I started writing a whole ass novell to you, then lost internet connection and I lost everything. But maybe it's for the better, because I was borderline psychoanalysing people lol. 😭
I admit, I couldn't really stomach following RB Leipzig just for him lol, I only started paying more attention to them (well Domi, and they came with him) after Marco Rose became their manager - I really like that man - so, I don't know tbh how he was perceived by their fans or even in the media really. What's evident is that he was a favourite of the social media team, judging by their insta haha. In Hungary, it's very hit or miss. He is either perceived as basically the Chosen One from the Footy Gods, or very harshly, unfairly criticised hated on for everything. There are a surprising amount of miserable people who are hoping that he will flop hard as a rock in Liverpool, but then again, he is still much more beloved, especially ever since he became the captain. Our sports media, hmm, let's just say, very amateur, and because Dominik is our most successful player he gets his ass kissed ever since he signed for Liverpool. The thing is with that however, is that they try to frame it more like a Hungarian success story, rather than the success story of Dominik, if that makes sense. So it's not really about the persona of Dominik, but rather the Hungarian who did something that not many could in the last few decades. Or at least that's how I see it overall.
However, all this vain, egoistical gimmick is not something that has been present in his usual criticism until recently. I mean it makes sense, the media needs characters, easily noticeable one or two traits they can give to players to sell the stories and the narrative better, and let's be honest, Dominik is a very easy target for that. For one, yes, that he is objectively a handsome man, but what I think is even more important is the way he carries himself. I think he is not someone, who will 'bow down' if that makes sense, he has a strong personality, a strong trust and sense of himself and his abilities, and he is very honest about that. The media loves underdog stories, especially for people like Dominik, but it's very evident that he doesn't lean into that. Even in Hungary, he asked the journalists multiple times, to stop listening to all his achievements, calling him the nt's best player, trying to sell the story of the 'poor hungarian lad who somehow did the unthinkable'. He seemed pretty rejective towards these underdog PR questions they tried to do with him in the start, which honestly from a straight PR point turned out to be a mistake for him, for sure hahah. But I can respect the dedication to be true to his morals and character, rather than playing the well-crafted PR character.
This turned out into me, rumbling I'm so sorry. I truly can talk a lot. 😭😭 Please, don't be shy to do the same, I absolutely love reading all your options!! 💗
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cebwrites · 2 years
Red Hair pirates anon here! that's totally fine! I get not wanting to jump into something without being more sure, since Shanks wasn't on the masterlist I debated at first but glad to know!
instead of that crew then what about the Strawhat crew then? Luffy invited new crew member after (incident they met/beat up the same person lol) then Luffy convinced this complete stranger to join the crew. its clear they're nervous/not so open in the merriment then it's revealed it's cause they're trans.
a much smaller crew/ship nothing stays secret forever, even if the Strawhats are friendly, new crew member can't help being wary from past rejections.
can do, anon~
coming out to the strawhats as transmasc
various trans/queer hcs for the strawhats word count: 1k
My readings of characters tend to lean very queer anyway, so you honestly could come to me and say that the SHs were an all trans crew and I'd take your word at face value - lets take a “”conservative”” estimate though and propose that it’s, say, only Zoro, Franky, and Robin as binary-ish trans folk
And Sanji (after the timeskip and a LOT of tumultuous unlearning of embarrassing amounts of internalized trans and homophobia) and Luffy as the sort of nebulous genderfucks; Sanji has the vocabulary to describe his disconnect with gender, Luffy however is completely feral and doesn’t care - one of those “ate my gender like a beetle last week” lil guys
Point is, no one on this fruity little crew would judge you for it, some might need a bit of explaining (namely Luffy) but honestly it wouldn’t change anyone’s perceptions of you afterwards - Luffy would just hit you with the ol’, “oh, so just like Ace, cool!” and then ask if you’d like to see the bug he found under one of the floorboards
Least of all the older members; you don’t get to Warlord status like Jinbei and still have trans people elude your periphery when you’ve got people like Iva running about, and Brook? Well, even if he set sail a lot earlier than everyone else on this crew, pirates are meant to be wild and free, who cares about what’s in someone’s pants so long as it wasn’t a weapon
Plus, looking at him now, what does gender even matter to Brook anyway? He’s a bag of bones! Yohohohoho!
It’s easier said than done though, I get it, not everything is outwardly supportive and you can’t always be sure from the jump - depending on when you join, too, it might just be you and the East Blue crew and it’s not like Zoro’s particularly talkative about his experiences
When the man comes back post-timeskip with top scars from the vampire dad himself, though, that line of dialogue might be a little easier to have; he’s very matter-of-fact about it, talking about what it was like growing up in the kind of environment his master’s dojo fostered, how stifling it could be at times, Kuina, and how he vowed to rise above it all in spite of that, for the both of them
It’s a tender moment Zoro doesn’t have easily, but if it’s with nakama he’ll manage, just maybe don’t mention the emotional vulnerability in front of anybody else, okay?
Sanji’s love language, as it’s always been and not always romantically, is through food and cooking for those close to him, he won’t mention it unless you bring it up but he does see you hanging back a little bit, understandable since not everyone is able to match the Strawhats’ bombastic energy right off the bat, but he does bring little snacks to you and make small talk in the hopes that you’d come around
He’s reassuring, joking about how the best of people probably wouldn’t adjust to this wild crew all that easily but you’d find your footing soon enough, share his reason for joining and you’d see the way he lights up when Sanji talks about the All Blue - nothing about gender was actually mentioned, but by the end of it you’d feel just that much warmer
Usopp and Nami have responses not dissimilar from each other but approach it from different angles - they’d have an inkling of what’s going on but not really the tools to help, maybe even turning to Franky and Robin respectively as the resident trans parents to help out with the situation, but ultimately handle it in ways both unique to each other
Nami would huff at Luffy and the other’s antics from the shade of her Mikan trees while you were nearby, tsk’ing about potential collateral damage once Franky and his weapons join the fray before pushing down her shades and asking if you’d like to join them, when you decline, she smiles knowingly and mumbles that she supposes there can be exceptions to boys being boys
Usopp is a bit more skittish around the idea, as he usually, is but it doesn’t take long for him to fire off into one of his tall, unbelievable tales about how he’d fought and taken down giants before you joined the crew (not entirely wrong depending on when this is), how he was determined to be a brave warrior of the sea just like his father, but most importantly he wanted to be a man that his crew could depend on
All three of them, Sanji, Nami, and Usopp, don’t address the root issue, but their intentions are clear - they want you to feel welcome on this crew, make it your home as much as they have
Post-Enies Robin would be more willing to help, although a repertoire would have to be built up first - that’s more on her own issues surrounding trust and being vulnerable - she’d be a lot more open about it after the timeskip, talking you through potential ways you’d be able to tell the rest of the crew and calmly soothing your worries about any potential (non-existent in this case) backlash
If you came to Franky at any point about it, he’d be SUUUUPER supportive from the start, surprisingly good at keeping secrets despite his usual bluster; he kept Pluton out of the WG’s hands for that long before it’s eventual burning at Enies Lobby, no? Franky’s the best hype man once the cat is out of the bag too, you don’t really get much “bro”-er than the SH’s loveable (suuuuper) Cyborg
Chopper would also be overjoyed to help out his nakama as the crew’s resident doctor, maybe a little too excited at first and you have to remind the little reindeer that you’re not ready for everyone else to know yet, but once he’s calmed down your health, happiness, and confidentiality is 100% in good hands
All in all, your crew will support you with whatever decision you make regarding this going forward (just like they always have for any of their own’s wishes), and hey, if you need a little extra reassurance, all you’d have to do is ask and they’d be more than willing to shower you in it
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ooh can you elaborate the parallel between rhea killing nemesis with a dagger and dimitri giving el one? i'm curious but feel free to ignore, if you don't want to!
Thanks for the ask anon ! =D
For context, I just realized there even was a parallel yesterday while I was watching the opening cutscene - and though I thought I'd share it because people might have some interesting things to say about it, I didn't really think that deep into it myself.
That being said, I thought I'd at least give it a go !! Keep in mind though, this might be pretty disorganized since I am thinking it out at the same time as I am writing it.
Off the top of my mind, there are three important daggers I can think of when playing fe3h. The first one, and perhaps the most significant,  is Edelgard's, that was gifted to her by Dimitri so she could cut her own future. The second one, which I talked about yesterday,  is the one Rhea uses to kill Nemesis. And finally, there is a last one: the one Monica uses to stab Jeralt.
Interestingly enough, Seiros kills Nemesis for revenge- because her people have no future now that they've been genocided, because they themselves will not have the opportunity to cut their own future anymore. This is pretty similar to how Edelgard herself is the only one of her siblings left to build a new world where what they went through will never happen again. Both are motivated by their grief of their loved ones who were ripped away from them.
However, and I think that’s very important- unlike Edelgard, Rhea never really moves on from the grief. She tries so much  to stop such horrible things from happening again that she helps build and preserve a system that is, at its core, centered on a romanticized version of the past (what’s with how she rewrites history) and resistant to change (I believe  it is mentioned at some point in Cindered Shadows that she prohibited the development of the printing press and some medical progress). In that regard, you could say she doesn’t even have a “future” if you consider that with future comes change. She clings to the past while being stuck in a kind of “still life” that is her present- and hoping that she can go back to “the way things were” once she brings her mother back to life.
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That makes Edelgard the polar opposite of that. She, too, disregards the present- but only because she herself cannot dwell on the past, and thus considers building what she sees as a better future her priority. Living in the present time isn’t worth it if her work amounts to no significant change, and fast -hence the radicality of her actions compared to the more gradual reforms Claude advocates for. She is the gal who devised a plan to take down Those Who Slither In The Dark with her goth best friend in her twenties, while Rhea barely made a move against them in a thousand years. 
Her act of desperation at the end of Azure Moon, when she tries to kill Dimitri last minute, is because she is unwilling to give up on the future she envisioned, not  a way to avenge the past. Now that I think about it, this is emphasized even more by the fact that her dagger is supposed to kill the one who gave it to her in a past she has no care left for, and barely remembers anyways. But this last action still leaves room for a better future- she doesn’t manage to kill Dimitri.
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Rhea uses her dagger so the past can live again- Edelgard uses hers to kill the past.
So, now that I am wayyyy too deep into this to back down- where does Kronya’s dagger fit in all of this ?
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Kronya/Monica killing Jeralt is the catalyst for change in Byleth. The one key element that allows for the return of the Goddess in the world of the living (speaking of that, have some cool symbolism about their fusion with Sothis I thought about the other day) . But, even more importantly, Byleth embodies the movement of the world itself, the force of change. They are interminatum, neither God nor mortal, everchanging and undetermined, unpredictable. They are the time that passes ("Byleth interminatum" is also slowly becoming my favorite way to call them but that's another matter entirely).
Without them, the conflict stagnates, torn in the struggle between the past and the future ; because neither Edelgard nor Rhea know how to live in the present. But you know what's pretty cool ?
Byleth never uses their own dagger. They literally have it on at all times but never use it. My guess is, it is exactly because they have been revealed "both sides of time" that they can live in the present without regret, kept in check by all of the ties they have made there with their loved ones. This might even be because they are the only character who was "cut from the world" and felt like they lived outside of it at the beginning of the story, whose entire character arc centers on finding their place into this world. Jeralt's murder is just what triggers this force of change.
Byleth is essential in that they teach both the archbishop and the empress something they have always been lacking- learning to live in the present, to be part of the world again, to open themselves up to others and love. Edelgard never uses her dagger in Crimson Flower because Byleth was there to keep her aware of the consequences her actions have in the here-and-now.
Aaalright, I guess that's a wrap ! Please forgive any mistakes as English isn't my first language. Similarly, I might not have covered everything and it's just me musing, don't hesitate to add anything to this !!! ^^ But the symbolism of the dagger was really cool to think about !!
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under-lore · 2 years
Is there anything in the game that tells how long Chara lived Underground before dying?
Sort of. You can, but it will be no more than vague approximations with questionable reliability.
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The bond between Asriel and Chara was formed over time, friendship did not ensue immediately.
As for the monsters, viewing the friendship they formed as a symbol of the future for humans and monsters was able to fill the entire underground with renewed hope for the future.
So much so that Chara and Asriel's death fully crushed the hope of the entire underground by itself.
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And while it is true that monsters do get attached easily...
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Such an effet seems unlikely to be possible if Chara had not been present at least for a few months.
To further support this, there is the fact that Chara as the narrator already knows who a quite considerable amount of the monsters we meet are as well as a little bit of info about them.
We know from Toby Fox's concept art that Chara and Asriel did wonder around the underground while playing. (The only "stars" in the underground are the fake ones in Waterfall)
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Other than that, there is the monthly address in which Chara could have gotten to see more people, assuming that they were present at least sometimes during those.
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It also seems unlikely that they could have known the underground and its people as well as they do in-game if they hadn't been down there for long enough to have met quite a lot of monsters (and seen quite a few places) in the first place, or at the very least to have heard about them from Asgore, who would know all about the monsters out there.
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One can also add the Mr Dad Guy shirt into the mix. Asgore is a very large person and knitting something like this would be a very difficult task that would take a long time to go from start to finish. Even more so when considering the fact that Chara is shown to be an impatient person on top of a child, which does not make knitting any easier. (or if one wants to imagine that Chara did not know how to do so originally and that Toriel would have had to help/teach them.)
One more thing to bring up would be the sprite heights of Chara.
In the actual gameplay, Asriel's sprites is 28 pixels tall. Whilst Chara is 29 pixels tall, the same height as Frisk. Chara appears slightly taller than him.
In the cutscenes dating way back from Chara's fall however, Asriel seems to be taller than Chara.
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(Note : Asriel is leaning forward here, which means he appears smaller than he really is, yet even then he's still a bit taller !)
Now, we do also know that pixel sizes and Temmie Chang's art are not necessarily reliable sources in terms of height so this observation is to take with a grain of salt. It might not have been intended to be this way.
But if we were to consider it to be true, then this would prove interesting. It would mean that in between the time where Chara fell and when they died, they have not only caught up to Asriel but even outgrown him a little.
Considering regular monsters can be shown to be aging slower than humans do, this would appear pretty believable. Although its not certain wether this also applies to boss monsters like Asriel or not.
Since we do not know how fast boss monsters grow in height compared to humans (resulting in an unknown variable), that it depends on age a little for humans (and thus on Chara's age which would also be an approximation) and that again pixel sizes and Temmie's art are hardly reliable. Calculating how long it would take for Chara to grow this amount compared to Asriel isn't really possible without making a lot of estimations.
With that being said, attempting to do it anyway would result in a difference which would suggest that Chara would have been underground for a minimum of 2 years. (I want to restate that this result is to be taken with a full teaspoon of salt ! Too many unknown variables.)
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