#hes just a funny guy with anger issues that loves his friends
haysprite · 1 year
can we hear some of your headcanons about frank :)
OMG YES !!! I feel like my interpretation of him is like really different than other people's, but its finnnneee :o) Also there's a lot so brace yourself 👍 I also wanted to focus more on just him this time around since I've already done a HC dump about him and Julie !
• AuDHD also go brrr (I’ll be real I’ve hit all four of em with this lmfao)
• Has a really high pain tolerance! He could break a bone or somethin and literally try to walk it off despite the other’s protests. 
• ON THE OTHER HAND THO, he is PATHETIC when it comes to getting sick (which isn’t often, but that means it hits him HARD when he does). Talk about man colds fr 🙏 The other three tend to make fun of him for this, but Julie still takes care of him cause she finds it a bit funny and wants to help her silly bf out.
• Absolutely loves being the center of attention, so he defo tries to impress anyone around him
• He really did enjoy playing basketball and being on Fairview’s team! He didn’t really get along with most of his team, but he was pretty good at the sport and being on the court was sometimes freeing for him. Was also a p good excuse to stay away from home.
• Dropped out of school early into his senior year, punching that referee was simply his final straw
• During the car ride to Ormond, he defo tried to run away while Clive was stopped to get some gas, but got caught pretty quickly. Frank may be strong, but Clive was stronger, and managed to force him back into the car. The rest of the ride was pretty silent after this
• Absolutely loves hoodies and jackets, and is rarely seen without one (whether he’s wearing it or just has it on hand). They’re just comfy, what can I say
• Loves the thrill of fights, which he gets into a bit more often than he probably should. Also tends to be the one to throw the first punch.
• He is NOT a morning person whatsoever. It takes him forever to finally drag his ass out of bed. He’s more of a night person, both for the peacefulness and because there’s more potential to cause some mayhem without getting caught.
• Though he’s the leader of the Legion, most of the plans and ideas come from Julie and Joey, since they actually like to think plans through unlike Frank, who will jump straight into something without giving it a second thought. He’s got zero impulse control lets be fr
• Hates the quiet, he either has to have music playing or be talking to somebody or else he just feels uncomfortable
• Has quite a few tattoos, though the only one ever really visible is the one on his neck. Got his first tattoo at 15 and loved the rush he got from getting one. I feel like he got his neck tattoo right before being dragged to Ormond at (roughly) 17. He had to be sneaky about getting them, ofc, but he’s always been pretty good at faking IDs and lying about his age (hence why he’s able to get his hands on alcohol n shit p easily).
• He’s a bit of a flirt, having a pretty charming nature to him, which he defo uses to his advantage when he needs to get out of sticky situations
• Not trusted behind the steering wheel, so Julie or Joey are always the ones to drive everyone places, which he’s a bit annoyed by, but he got over it eventually
• Has a lil collection of random trinkets he’s saved throughout his life, like things he’s stolen from every foster home he’s been through, random shit he’s found on the ground, gifts given to him by his friends, etc
• Whenever he was relocated, he would ALWAYS research as much as he possibly could about where he was being sentenced to. He found the history behind certain places really interesting, especially if there were any murders or creepy shit involved, and it also helped him plan out ways to get out of there as quickly as possible.
• Absolutely hates Clive with the PASSION. He did nothing but ignore Frank, no matter how hard he tried to get his attention. Frank picked a lot of verbal fights with him, some of them almost escalating into something physical, but Clive wasn’t afraid to fight back and stopped each fight pretty quickly.
• Got kicked out about half a year after turning 18, but he didn’t really care since he basically lived at the lodge anyway. Just meant he was finally free from living with Clive permanently
• He has a funny older brother / younger sister relationship with Susie. They’ll do shit like yelling at each other from across the lodge about what kind of pizza they should get, or walking into the room the other is in only to stand there silently before turning off the lights and BOOKING it. They annoy each other a lot, but they do it out of love (platonic obv) lmfao
• He and Joey do stupid shit like wrestling, arm wrestling, or straight up fights to see who’s stronger. Despite Frank being the one to initiate most of these, Joey wins a good 90% of the time unless he’s really caught off guard.
• Would do literally anything for Julie <3 He is so pathetically in love with her. I feel like Susie bugged him a lot about this before he and Julie started dating, calling him out whenever she caught him staring at Julie for too long or just teasing him about it
• Is REALLY bad at comforting his friends when they’re feelin down, but he tries his best 👍 It’s either him threatening to kick the ass of whoever made them upset, or just being silent and letting them vent cause he doesn’t really know how to respond
• Got super excited when he found out Julie also loved slasher films and learning about serial killers, and was really happy about finally having someone to talk about this shit with. They have movie nights a lot where they watch stupid slasher films for sure !
• It takes a lot to calm him down when he’s angry. Though his friends are sometimes able to help, most of the time they have to leave him be and let him punch or break some shit to release his anger.
• He always feels really bad whenever he blows up at one of his friends, he just struggles with actually apologizing about it. Julie is helping him a lot with this, and even though progress is slow, he’s slowly learning and getting better at it
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erwinsvow · 6 months
uuuh love the kook!best friend idea??? the trio would be so overprotective of her??? at keggers she would just make small talk with some pogues and they'll be 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️like right next to her!
- 🔮
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rafe is getting weirdly possessive over you, you think for a moment, standing near the keg and waiting patiently for your turn to get a drink. you don't think he's ever been so.... territorial. or maybe he has been, and you've just been ignoring it, thinking that he's been a really good, really close friend—looking out for you the way he does.
you can feel eyes burning holes into the back of your head, three sets of eyes in particular. your friends are funny—charmingly stupid, annoying arrogant, and a whole host of other things, but they've always been funny. it's why you guys get along so well, you return their jokes and comments at the same pace, more often than not even cracking jokes that make rafe break his stoic facade.
but he has been, you reflect, stepping up to whichever pogue is pouring the beer today—breaking his facade. you thought you were going a little crazy, thinking that he's actually being nicer to you, until kelce and top comment on it too. even today, he picked you up from your place first, letting you crawl into the front seat even though the other boys complain about being smushed in the back endlessly. he complimented your dress, even asked if it was new, which it was. he even got you your first drink without you asking for it, the strawberry seltzer that you're sure the pogues hosting didn't have lying around.
you feel surprisingly giddy about it—after all, you're still a girl, still their newer friend. like any other girl, you worry your new friends won't like you or that there's some ulterior motive going on. rafe's being a little weird, but he's always thinking about something that he doesn't talk about until days later. you think it'll pass like it always does.
"ah, ah," the blond pogue boy says—the cute one some of your girl friends buy weed from occasionally, when rafe can't deliver. "what's the magic word?"
you giggle at his antics, your worry about rafe floating away. you keep chatting with him, reaching in for the red cup twice, that he pulls up and over his head—impossible for you to grasp.
fifteen feet away, rafe watches jj tease you with the beer cup, jaw clenching while top and kelce see what he's staring at.
"see, boys. now that is not okay." he gestures to you with the cup in his own hand, watching your tiny dress ride up as you jump to get your beer from jj. "that pogue is disrespectin' our girl."
"rafe, i think it's just a joke-" top interjects, but he gets interrupted himself.
"nah, nah, man. these pogues. they think it's funny. i'll show him funny. c'mon." rafe stalks over, and the two boys follow. you don't notice but jj does, lowering the cup and staring at something—or someone—behind you.
"havin' fun, huh?" rafe questions, and you spin around. the jerk scared you—kelce and top surrounding you like bodyguards.
"guys, what are you-"
"i think she's all set, pogue. you can fuck off now."
"don't you have some store to rob?"
"guys, c'mon, it's a beer-"
"it's alright, princess, i see these three musketeers have an issue, so i'll just catch you around, hm?"
jj walks away, leaving the beer he poured for you on the log. you smile apologetically at him, fist clenching in anger at your stupid, stupid friends.
"you idiots. what the hell was that? i can't even talk to someone now-"
"what the hell's that mean, i'll catch you around?" rafe says, cutting you off. "you talkin' to that pogue?"
you pick up the beer and splash it over rafe's head.
"no, you asshole. it's a figure of speech and we live on the same island. jesus christ."
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bluebasie · 17 days
Sanegiyuu Makes So Much Sense!!
I absolutely adore the ship of Sanemi and Giyuu and it never fails to confuse me when people say they don't understand why people ship them or when people say it makes no sense, especially when compared to other ships. I understand it's one thing to personally not ship Sanegiyuu because obviously it's just not for everyone and other people prefer other ships, but I definitely feel like I can confidently say that the ship makes a ton of sense from a character perspective. 
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Firstly, Sanemi and Giyuu have this mutual interest in each other that just isn't displayed when Giyuu or Sanemi interact with the other Hashiras or just others in general. While Sanemi loves to say that he hates Giyuu’s attitude he could just as easily just ignore him and leave him alone since he ‘dislikes him so much’. But clearly Sanemi has some sort of interest with Giyuu as seen when he gets so worked up when Giyuu tries to leave the Hashira meeting after it was over in comparison to the other Hashiras who albeit showed care for Giyuu’s abandonment, they all remained seated except for Sanemi who tried to physically force Giyuu to stay. If Sanemi really did dislike Giyuu’s presence he wouldn't have cared if Giyuu left or stayed but the fact that he wanted him to stay shows he does care about him even if it was negative at first. Then there was their whole sparing scene in which Sanemi apparently stormed to Giyuus house to try to talk to him or at least get some kind of reaction out of him which clearly shows Sanemi’s abnormal obsession with Giyuu whether it be his actions or trying to understand him. Then when Tanjiro 'interrupted’ the two fighting Sanemi seemed to gain a new layer of protectiveness that he clearly didn't have while fighting when he noticed Tanjiro’s presence. While Sanemi seemed unrestrained and free while fighting Giyuu with an onslaught of loose movements and confident attacks as if his spar with Giyuu was a form of stress relief for him, when seeing Tanjiro and realizing his spar with Giyuu was being perceived by another he immediately put his borders back up. Sanemi immediately came to the conclusion that Tanjiro was spying on them as if their spar was a private moment between two close companions. Sanemi already seemed to get defensive when Tanjiro arrived but when Tanjiro revealed Sanemi enjoyance of frivolous things such as ohagi and green tea and Sanemi’s persona as some kind of extreme tough guy who didn't care for things such as sweets was broken obviously Sanemi started to get irritated. What's interesting about this scene though is that it isn't until Giyuu comments on Sanemi’s affection for ohagi does Sanemi crash out and punch the lights out of Tanjiro. It's just so obvious that Sanemi was embarrassed that Giyuu could think he's soft which just provided another example of Sanemi caring what Giyuu thinks of him when he clearly does not care when it comes to others. It's just too funny how much Sanemi cares about Giyuu to the point where the scene right before THE ENTIRE INFINITY CASTLE ARC AND THE DEATH OF SO MANY CHARACTERS he is literally just storming off and steaming at the thought of “what would have happened if Tanjiro didn't interrupt”.
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It’s even more hilarious that Giyuu, the character that is literally known for being antisocial and having no friends, just wants to be Sanemi’s friend. Giyuu has Tanjiro and Shinobu and definitely a few others who are trying or have tried desperately to befriend him with absolutely no reaction but apparently Giyuu decides that he wants to befriend the unapproachable guy with anger issues who says he dislikes him. I'm sorry but that is such homosexual activity I don't even know how else to put it. Like Sanemi literally barged into Giyuu’s house, fought him, knocked his little brother out, and stormed off without a word, and all Giyuu can think of afterward is how happy he is to know Sanemi’s favorite food and is already coming up with a sad plan to win him over. This dude is really smiling and all thinking of his perfect future interaction with Sanemi with floating flowers in his little fantasy. I also just love the idea that he uses Tanjiro as his little wingman to help come up with ideas to win Sanemi over that all probably fail miserably just like the ohagi. 
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Sanemi and Giyuu have been set up from the beginning and you can see the future of their relationship from the fact that Giyuu’s voice was enough to distract Sanemi enough to get hit by Tanjiro who was a much lower rank than himself in the scene of Nezuko’s trial. The characters have been set up as parallel characters throughout the series in so many ways it's hard to not spot the special relationship between them that isn't there between other characters. Their character design and personalities are already foil with Sanemi’s white hair and impulsive and explosive personality compared to Giyuu’s black hair and calm and collected personality. There is Sanemi’s ability to speak his mind at all times and Giyuu’s inability to speak his mind at times at all. There is Sanemi’s main emotion and expression being one of anger with Giyuu’s being sadness. Another big foil being Giyuu’s compassion and trust towards Tanjiro and Nezuko and their situation while acting as an advocate for them while Sanemi had clear mistrust towards them and their situation acting as their biggest opponent during Nezuko’s trial. Finally, there is the fact that Giyuu’s fighting style is one that revolves around ultimate defense while Sanemi is one that focuses on the ultimate attack. Just by noticing their opposites you can tell the importance of their relationship, but this continues throughout the series in which they are the ONLY two hashiras to survive which was definitely done for a reason. Their relationship is also displayed during their clash to turn their blades red showing their status as equals. The fact that they are the two last Hashiras ties them together even more seeing as after the war they both kind of don't have anyone to lean on besides themselves with the Kamaboko squad all living together and the Uzui’s having each other, Sanemi and Giyuu don’t have some big family to stay with, so they hang out with each other as seen in the panel why their having lunch together.
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Out of every non canon ship I truly think thank Sanemi and Giyuu have the most developed and well written relationship down to basic characterization to where these two seem like they were really made together as a pair. Even though they aren’t canonically romantic, their relationship is written better than some actual cannon ships and I think some people should look more into the smaller details when it comes to this ship!
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miley1442111 · 3 months
So... Since you saved and now im already in dept with you can I ask for another one??? Pleaseee!! If you dont like Its ok just ignore and If you feel uncomfortable IM SORRYYY.
It would be something like, Rafe gets into a fight as always and then the reader, his friend tries to break the fight and then the other person fighting Rafe says something like "YEAH LISTEN TO YOUR GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND/THEYFRIEND" and like every single person on the vicinity goes dead silent because everyone know you guys like each other but didnt realized yet and EVERYONE is scared of Rafe and also both of you have a partner, whos RIGHT there and will for now on live with the knowledge that: Since Rafe and Reader met, every other relationship they would have would be the runner-up.
Maybe Rafe and Reader trying to prove everyones wrong by sticking to the partners but its undeniable how the two are good for each other, how the always serious and scary Rafe looks like a normal funny happy guy when hanging out with the Reader who also goes from a quiet apathetic person ta burning sun.
Sorry this os too long 😭😭😭😭😭
Also i typed that listening to Entombed by Deftones
Byeee love youuuuuu
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waiting game- r.cameron
a/n: welcome back light of my life anon. ur too cool i knew u listened to deftones bc only cool people can. thank you for requesting :)
pairing: rafe cameron x fem! reader, male oc x fem! reader, rafe cameron x female oc
summary: i suggest you look at the ask
warnings: kissing, toxic relationship, rafe is a bit of a fucking prick to Ava and reader, rafe is confused and a dick, cursing, underage drinking, drinking, suggestive mentions, reader is going through it, rafe is a crybaby, violence, creepy guy (I think that's it?)
not entirely proofread
Rafe watched as you crossed the busy dance floor, two drinks in hand. Usually, one of those would be his, he was your best friend after all. But in recent weeks, you’d been becoming friendly with a pogue named ‘Elijah’. He hated him, seriously, he did. He was a piece of shit in Rafe's eyes, and somehow that made you like him more. 
You and Rafe had been friends since you were little kids, and you’d always brought out the best in each other. When Rafe was around you, he wasn’t a lunatic with raging anger issues and a god complex, around him, you weren’t the shy, quiet girl everyone knew you to be. It worked well, and you promised each other that you’d never bullshit each other. That meant; he’d never lie to you, and that you’d always tell it to him straight. It worked, and it worked well. 
So well in fact, that people usually assumed you were dating.
Years and years of being told by your respective friends and family that you two should ‘just date and put the entire island out of its misery made the idea even less appealing, at least to you. You always wanted to do the opposite of what you were told, and that meant never even thinking of Rafe in a romantic sense. Obviously, Rafe never thought of you like that either. He didn’t think about how sweet your lips would taste, how well you two fit together, how you brought out the best in him, or how much he loved you being around. He’d never think about how good calling you ‘his girlfriend’ was when he had to fend off assholes at the bar. He’d never even mention how good it felt to know he was your first kiss, and how you were his (courtesy of you two being very drunk 15 year olds). 
He never thought about any of that. That would be weird, right?
So he stood, his new girlfriend, Ava, hanging off of his arm as he watched you sit in Elijah’s lap. 
“Rafey,” she whined and he winced. He hated that name. “I’m so drunk!” 
She’d had a beer and two vodka lemonade’s he’d made with about one shot of vodka between the two, she wasn’t drunk. Ava was the perfect kook princess, and she was driving him crazy, but Midsummers was in three months, and his dad told him he needed someone respectable. That’s what he’d told you when he asked for candidates, though he must’ve failed to mention the way his dad asked him to bring you. 
“Ava, go sit down then,” Rafe shrugged her off of him. “I have to go talk to someone, ok?”
“You’re seriously leaving me here alone?” Her face formed a frown, but Rafe couldn’t find it in himself to give a fuck. 
“Yes,” he answered before walking off to find you. 
The last couple of months had been very freeing for you. You’d finally gotten over the crush you’d had on Rafe for years, and you were finally out having fun and really dating for the first time. You had your friends, and Rafe finally stopped scolding you like an old man every time you went out with the pogues, you made friends with more people from the mainland since you’d started to go to college there, and Rafe had a girlfriend, so he wasn’t constantly with you, making your crush come back. It felt good. Elijah was hot, and all you really wanted was to fuck someone, and he’d do just fine. Dark curly hair, big brown eyes, and if the semi he was sporting underneath you now was any indication, he was do just fine in the ‘fucking’ department. 
“So what are you studying?” he asked, taking another sip. The mixture of drink and smoke in the air made your head spin in the best way. 
“Journalism and English lit,” you answered, pressing your hand against his chest. “You?”
“Maths,” he answered and you laughed. 
“That’s unexpected,” you chuckled. He looked like he was a surfer boy, not a maths major. His dirt tank top, worn-in swim shorts, and salty skin. He was hot. He laughed with you as his hands travelled lower, grabbing your ass, and you didn’t even mind. 
“I know, right?” He smirked. 
“So why did you pick maths?”
“I’m good at it,” he shrugged. “And I got a scholarship.”
You nodded. “So can you do like, any maths question?” You knew it was low-hanging fruit in terms of flirting, but you really weren’t in the mood for trying very hard. It was late and you were pretty drunk. 
He nodded nipping at your lips with his own. Your conversation was long forgotten as your finger ran through his hair and he groaned into your mouth. He was a good kisser, despite his wandering hands, which were either on your ass or tits, but again, you didn’t mind. 
He pulled away with glazed, lust-filled eyes. “You wanna get out of here?”
You nodded, then pulled him back in to kiss you. 
“Y/n!” Jj’s voice rang out in your ear, and he started to tap you hard on the shoulder. “Eli!”
You pulled away, annoyed. “What?” 
“Rafe is beating the shit out of  one of Eli’s friends, can you talk him down please?”
“What?” Eli asked. “Who?”
“Josh,” Jj answered. “Let’s go Y/n, before Rafe kills someone ideally!” Jj said it in a sing-song voice to mask the truth in his words. Rafe had come very close to seriously hurting people before, and every year he was just getting stronger (thanks to his gym addiction and never-ending rage). 
You reluctantly got off of Eli’s lap and ran behind Jj as he led you to the scene. 
Rafe was beating the shit out of Eli’s best friend, Josh and he was not looking good. He was trying to fight back, but you could tell he was close to tapping out, though you also knew that Rafe didn’t do ‘tap-outs’. 
“Rafe!” You shouted as the circle of people silenced. “Stop being a fucking idiot, get off of him!” you grabbed one of his arms, angry now. Your nights were always getting ruined by Rafe, especially recently. He had no right to pull shit like this, it wasn’t fair that you always had to clean up his messes. 
“Yeah exactly, listen to your girlfriend!” Josh spat. 
The circle of people watching went dead silent, and phones stopped recording. Both you and Rafe froze. Josh dropped to the floor, and Eli walked him off without sparing you a glance. The moment was frozen, and you were stuck in place, staring at Rafe's eyes.
Rafe could always tell how you were feeling but he couldn't now.
And it scared the shit out of him.
After another moment of confusion and being frozen, you looked after Eli, and tried to walk after him, but Rafe grabbed your arm. 
“Can we talk ab-”
“No! You fucking asshole! Did you really need to ruin tonight for me? Seriously? Go fuck yourself Rafe!” You cursed, then turned to the crowd around you. “Rafe Cameron is not my boyfriend, nor will he ever be, the shows over folks, fuck off!”
And with that you ran off to find Eli and Josh. 
Rafe was searching the party for you. You weren’t where Eli had been before, and he wanted to talk to you, to drag you away from that piece of shit. 
In all honesty, the past few months had been a very confusing time for Rafe. He’d started college (only because his dad asked him to), he’d gotten his first long-term (3 months so far) relationship, he’d gone off drugs for the most part, he’d started feeling things for you. 
His best friend. 
Not that he hadn’t realised it before, but you were just so… you. So gorgeous, so smart, so funny, all of you. It was proving to be an issue, so he’d stopped hanging out with you so much, at least until he could figure out what was going on. He was about 99% sure his feelings were platonic, because everyone felt this way for their best friend, right? Obviously. Totally. Maybe?
He crossed the dance floor, only to be met with the face of Josh, Eli’s friend. And he was talking about you.
“Yeah, Eli’s got the only fucking hot girl here,” He smirked. Rafe hated how he smirked. He hated how he looked. He hated everything about this man, the one he’d never even met. “I’ll ask him if he’ll share,” he laughed like a sleazy piece of shit, and so did his friends. 
“Excuse me,” Rafe tried to move past them, but Josh grabbed his arm.
“Oh shit! You’re the boyfriend,” Josh chuckled and Rafe didn't correct him. “Sorry dude, she’s all mine tonight.”
And that’s when Rafe’s right hand made contact with his face. 
Rafe stood there staring dumbly at his bloodied and bruised hands. You’d never spoken to him like that, ever. Rafe knew he could fly off the handle, and he knew it annoyed you when you had to fix everything for him, but you’d never complain. Tonight. Tonight, it finally boiled over and you shouted at him. Like he was anyone. Like he wasn’t your best friend, your Rafe. 
“You ok?” 
Topper’s voice cut through the ringing in his ears. Rafe’s eyes were glossy with unshed tears and it was taking a lot of willpower to not scream and try to break something, or sob and run after you. 
“Fine,” he said, letters over-punctuated as he rolled his eyes, looking up to stop the tears from falling. 
“Rafey!” Fucking Ava. “Did you get into another fight over me again?” She sighed, faking anger. He knew she didn’t give a fuck if he fought, she only cared about what the fight was about. 
“No,” he answered, getting closer to her face, dwarfing her with his tall height. “Go away.”
She pouted. “Rafey-”
“Stop fucking calling me that,” He cursed, grabbing the wrist of her hand, which was reaching to touch his face. “Ava, go home.”
“You brought me here,” she mumbled. 
“Yeah, so find another way home,” he chuckled softly, delighting in making her feel small. 
Ava looked down, angry now. “You’re a piece of shit, you know that?”
Rafe just smirked. “But you’re still with me, so I must not be that bad,” he laughed in her face. “Unless it’s just your daddy issues-”
He was hit so fast he didn’t even know what had happened. 
“Don’t ever talk to her like that again,” Kiara scoffed, squaring up to Rafe. “Ava, you can get a ride with me, ok?” Ava nodded and walked off with Kiara as you appeared. 
Kiara’d hit him. And he’d deserved it. 
Kelce and Topper cleared off, they knew this was about you. 
“How’s Elijah?” He rubbed his red cheek. 
“Josh is fine, thanks for asking,” your voice was cutting and precise. 
“I asked about Eli,” Rafe growled, grabbing your hand. 
“And I answered about Josh.”
He chuckled. “Your friends suck.”
“Your girlfriend is a bimbo.”
Rafe smiled. “And she takes dick like a champ, what more could a man want?”
Your face went from mild annoyance directly to disgust. “I’ll see you later,” you scoffed, starting to walk off. 
“Wait, wait, wait!” He called after you. “I-I’m sorry, ok? I was an asshole, and I’m sorry. That was a gross thing to say, I’m drunk and I just got beaten up, can you please forgive me?” he begged. 
But you were still walking away from him, and he was losing you. He followed you through the hoards of people, pleading and begging for you to forgive him as he trailed behind.
Finally, on the most secluded area of the beach you turned to him with tears streaming down your cheeks, and he felt his heart break. 
“Fucking hell Rafe! Can you not just notice anyone else around you for once!? You just ruined my fucking chances with Eli, you just beat the shit out of someone, and you just treated your girlfriend like she was some fangirl, you think I was to be associated with you right now? Let alone with you right now?! Can you stop being so tunnel-visioned? Fuck’s sake!” You wiped your eyes. “I’m so sick of being your fucking babysitter, you’re older than me Rafe! Please act like an adult! Treat your girlfriend better and treat the people around you better!” You sighed. “Treat me better.” 
Rafe’s heart was breaking. He never wanted to hurt you, that was the one thing he’d sworn he’d never do. You were with him through everything, through thick and fucking thin. And he was treating you like this? This was unacceptable,and he felt so guilty he wanted to throw up. 
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered, the tears finally falling. “I’m sorry.”
You nodded, crossing your arms over. “Where?! Where are you fucking sorry Rafe? Because all I keep seeing is empty fucking promises and bullshit excuses,” You groaned. “You think I want to be the one scolding you? You think I want to have to de-escalate situations for you? No! This was my one fucking night off from work too, and you ruined it.”
“I’m sorry,” he was breathing heavily, he’d never felt so shitty. 
“Rafe,” you sighed. “Please don’t say things you don’t mean.”
And with that you walked away. 
You dialled Eli’s number and prayed that he would answer. 
“Hey,” he sighed. 
“I’m so sorry,” you immediately answered. “Can we still meet up?”
He sighed into the phone. “I’m not sure Y/n, you kind of seem… preoccupied with Rafe.”
Fuck. Yet another one of your relationships ruined by Rafe Cameron. “What do you mean?”
“You don’t see it?” he chuckled. “You two are perfect for each other. He’s like the most angry and uncontrollable guy I’ve ever seen, and you control him and calm him down by just breathing. And you were the most shy and quiet person I’d ever seen, but when I see you talking with Rafe, or just being around him, you’re so much more brave and extroverted. It’s seriously impressive. You two complement each other Y/n. You bring the real him out, and he brings the real you out. That’s beautiful, and i’m not going to be the person to fuck that up.”
You finally understood. Rafe loved you back. You loved Rafe. Simple. Why did you ever overcomplicate this?
“Ok, thanks Eli,” you sighed, then hung up. You were still angry with Rafe, but you needed to tell him, and you needed to go now.
When you turned around, you ran straight into someone, Rafe.
“I couldn’t just let you walk away, you were crying and-”
“I’m super pissed with you, obviously,” you interrupted. “But I love you, like, love you. And I have for a long time.” 
Rafe’s jaw dropped. That’s all he had wanted to hear his whole life, and he only wanted to hear it form your perfect lips. 
“I-I-I-” he took a deep breath. “I love you too.”
He went in for a kiss but you pushed him back. “I’m still pissed, and you still have a girlfriend.”
He nodded, agreeing. “Right.”
You pressed your lips to his cheek. He smiled. There was a moment of silence. 
“Tanneyhill?” he offered. You agreed, and you walked there hand in hand. 
While you weren’t together yet, you would be. 
And that was enough for the both of you.
obx masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, obx, the bear, marvel, top gun, the hunger games, challengers :)
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jaegerisim · 1 year
Vent post y'all are gonna hate me for.
I viscerally hate how the Duffers treat most of their non white or queer characters and I hate even more viscerally, how y'all big byler blogs in your circle jerk of other 5 big byler blogs casually like to ignore many red flags the show has.
Y'all like to say: "tHe DufFeRs ArE gReAt WrIteRs" and it's like girl, who are you lying to??? They aren't top shit writers at all. The Duffers are pretty mid imo. Yeah, they run a good show that's fun to watch and theorize abt , but that doesn't mean they're good writers cuz they're not.
1. they completely side lined Will during s3 for the sake of their straight romances: lumax, jancy, mlvn, duzie and partly stobin (even if stobin wasn't endgame, thankfully, Steve's intentions were clearly wanting to date Robin and they gave it a lot of screen time). Will was sidelined bc he didn't fit the straight romance plotline bc they planned to make him gay or whatever. Now in s4 Will and his feelings have been used as mlvn toilet paper. Yes, we like to say this is build up for byler but canonically, Will's feelings have been used to clean the shit mlvn leaves behind.
2. Billy was sympathized a lot during the last 2 seasons. They gave him the sad backstoryTM in order for ppl to feel sorry for him. Billy's backstory is literally Jonathan's but whatever.
3. El's anger issues are constantly girlboss-ified. They down play her bullying situation and literally just use it for El to be a ''girlboss" without realizing how triggering that is. As someone who has lived bullying, seeing it be ignored by canon and fanon is super sad. The whole Rink-O' Mania experience must have been so traumatizing for her yet, everyone absolutely forgets abt it 🤷🏻‍♀️
4. Robin, Erica and Argyle are stereotypical characters. Robin is the quirky lesbian with social anxiety, Erica is the badass black woman and Argyle is the Latino stoner that sells weed to white kids and works as a pizza delivery guy.
5. Altho Argyle and Eddie both do drugs, (Eddie actually sells K-12 to a minor and nobody batted an eye. He has a huge fan base). Eddie is held in a pedestal bc "poor thing 🥺 he lives in a trailer with his uncle 🥺". Tell me a single fact you know abt Argyle that isn't "he smokes weed", "he is Jonathan's only friend", "drives a van" and "he works at a pizzeria". Exactly, Eddie is given a useless backstory and Argyle isn't.
6. Dustin stopped being important to the plot sometime around s2 and s3. He is only there to curse and be mildly funny. My guy needs to hangout with ppl his age cuz he only hangs out with seniors.
7. El needs to stop having so much "I'M THAT BITCH" screentime like I need in s5 for El's arc to not just be her becoming more powerful and falling in love with Mike. I need the Duffers to explore her trauma and problems.
8. Angela should have been run over by the van.
9. Patrick should have been given a backstory that isn't the basic "strict black parents that hit their kids cuz they are a disgrace". Patrick's backstory is actually racist af, fight w the wall.
10. As Lex already said, they didn't trigger tag the ep where Jason and his friends assault Lucas and Erica. Like wtf? Why was that necessary? Why did I have to see a black boy being held at gunpoint by some white guy?? Was it relevant to the plot?? I don't think so. And then I've got to see ppl online be like "Jason wasn't that bad. He was just mourning" like bitch you can stfu. This is what happens when you make the racist assholes conventionally attractive.
Also the fact that Lucas's arc is fulfilled by him fist-fighting Jason and "embracing his weirdness" aka accepting he is black. His arc was not fulfilled at all cuz that ending spoke so loud to me. It showed how little empathy ppl have towards the struggles poc ppl living in the Midwest have. Y'all circle jerks can only see racism when it's super obvious.
Furthermore, parents complained when ST showed "an excessive amount of smoking" yet nobody batted an eye when Billy tried to run over Lucas, when Erica (an 11 y.o ffs) was chased by white kids or when Lucas was held at gunpoint by Jason.
All of this happened while they focused on Max's guilt and mourning that, yeah, are important but certainly not less important than racism!!!
11. In s3, they gave us that whole Nancy vs The Bigots arc that was honestly just triggering and useless. It didn't help Nancy's character at all, quite the opposite it put unnecessary angst.
12. Lonnie being presented as an abuser just for him to never be spoken of again. Can we please get to explore the trauma he left the Byers's with?
13. The fact that both queer relationships are considered "sloppy seconds" is extremely sad. Both Vickie and Mike are rebounding from their failed relationship with Robin and Will. These 2 ships have caused more commotion than Jancy and Jopper together! (These last ships are technically sloppy seconds too but everybody forgets that. Shocker!!)
14. Last but not least, ppl blame Argyle for being the one to get Jonathan into smoking weed as if Jonathan probably wasn't the one looking for it. Let me tell you, that you only find weed if you look for it.
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ms-potato · 1 year
Hindu gods as students in school ; a modern(ish) au (because I can)
starting with
> Vishnu
• rich guy™
• very calm, the main participant in conflict resolution ✌
• always treats his friends and pays for everything
• middle bencher, not fully interested in class but also not uninterested.
> Shiva
• he looks really intimidating at first but once you get to know him, he is goofy
• is usually chill until he is not 💀
• backbencher for sure
> Brahma
• topper of the class
• that respected, parent friend™
• the oldest in class
• he is rarely seen because he is always studying
• obviously a front bencher
> Rama
• class president ™
• literally the kindest, most calm guy ever seen
• helps everyone in the class with everything
• he is literally good at everything
• a front bencher
> Krishna
• troublemaker ™
• always interrupts the teacher to ask funny questions
• but really smart, always gets A+ grades
• he invented backbencher culture.
• the ultimate rizzler
> Venkateshwara
• Some guy™
• he's always there, but you probably will never notice him
• representative emoji: 🧍‍♂️
• he's probably just an introvert
Bonus -
> Ganesha
• he's that adorable junior everyone loves
• really loves food, so he always has snacks
• loves to sleep in class
• totally street smart 😎
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devotedlykoneshots · 6 months
Genre:🔞, minors dni, librarian theme, nothing too bad.
Word count: 3706
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After ending things so terribly with your family , you decided you needed a change.
A new place to start over.
So you move into a small town and take a job at a book shop.
Soon you would meet the neo fraternity brothers and a special young fella who changes the course of your life and plans forever.
It was two weeks after you began working did you notice the chaotic group of students who frequently came to the library.
Huang renjun was probably the most level headed among the group, you often caught him trying to keep the rowdy ones quiet before you would step in and remind them of the rules but the guy surely had anger issues which he frequently took out on Lee donghyuck.
You're sure the older didn't mind though.
Lee donghyuck was the trouble maker and he loved finding new ways to get under peoples skin, his friend mark Lee was often the target of his endless teasing.
Speaking of Mark Lee, he wasnt as noisy as donghyuck but it was hard not to notice his laugh which resonated throughout the library when he found something funny.
Which was mostly everything.
Zhong chenle was pretty laid back but he was a gossip king, there was nothing that went on around campus that he didn't know about.
Na jaemin was a ladies man, he couldn't help that he attracted a flock of girls everywhere he went, you had to kick him and his guests out multiple times because of his blatant ignorance to the no sex rule.
Lee jeno was also a ladies man but not as bad as jaemin, he wasn't cocky but he was confident in his abilities and he also respected the library rules.
That only left park jisung the quiet guy in the hoodie, he was polite and seemed the most mature out of all his hyungs.
He never spoke up much but you had caught him staring at you on multiple occasions before he would look away and acted as if it never happened.
It was a school night when you had to break it to the freshman that time was up and you had to close the library, you felt bad but it was late and you were in desperate need of a cool bath.
"Ah...I should walk you out" jisung offered and you smiled, hugging your bag closely to your chest and nodding in agreement.
A swarm of butterflies erupting in the depths of your belly, jisung was attractive and no one could deny that.
A crush on the quiet freshman was bound to happen.
"Okay"you agreed and walked with him towards the door.
"Text me when you're safe at
home."he said and slipped something in your jacket pocket, he seemed hopeful and you looked up at him but bit your bottom lip to hide your smile.
"I will"you promised and waved goodbye to him, walking the rest of the way home. Thankfully you didn't live too far from your job, maybe just a 5 minute walk or so.
However jisung wasn't expecting his hyungs to jump from behind a bush and ultimately surprising the unsuspecting freshman.
"Aww jisungie has a crush"he groans in annoyance as haechan pinched his cheek.
The next time you see jisung is at school the following week and he arrived earlier than his hyungs, which you raised your eyebrows at.
"You didn't come here with your friends?"you asked curiously and he smiles, rubbing the back of his neck nervously and sitting down in front of you.
"Eh? No, I uh ...wanted to ask you something. Alone."he puts emphasis on the word alone and you became nervous yourself.
"What is it?"you asked him and he looks around to make sure his fingers weren't lurking around a corner before leaning over the table to whisper to you.
"Do you know how to bake?"he asked and you laugh softly at that, quite amused to be frank.
"Yes I do"you tell him and lean forward on your own, not missing the way his eyes flicker down to your lips for a moment before licking his own.
"Can you help me?"he asked as he refocused on your eyes and you lean forward, resting your chin in your palm.
"What are we baking?"you asked him, he smiles shyly and ducks his head as he becomes embarrassed.
"Muffins, mum's having a sale"your heart melts at that and you take a risk, reaching out to ruffle his hair and he hums before looking back up at you.
"Okay, what time should I be there?"you asked as if you knew where he lived.
"I'll pick you up"he tells you and you smile softly, biting your bottom lip.
"Yeah? I'm off tomorrow so give me your phone I'll give you my number"you hold your hand out for his phone and he laughs awkwardly, pulling his phone from his back pocket and unlocking it before sliding it over to you.
"You won't give my number away will you?"you asked jokingly and he smiles, shaking his head and running his fingers through his hair before ruffling it again.
"Of course not"he swears and you smiled, putting your number into his contacts.
"Great"you both smile at each other and you hear a bunch of ruckus coming from the entrance of the cafeteria, it's his friends.
"I should go"he said and you tried your best not to look sad but he saw the look on your face.
"I'll call you or text you , or both, yeah I'll do both"you laugh at him again and nod, watching as he rushes off before his friends spot him with you and tease him until the end of time.
Jisung arrives at your place the next day and you lock up behind yourself, getting in the car and smiling over at him. He's quick to tell you it's his friends Jeno's car so if you see any girl clothes it doesn't belong to him.
"Jisung it's fine, I promise"you have to cut him off and grab his hand, stroking his hand with your thumb to calm him down.
He bites his bottom lip as he keeps glancing down at your hands and you're just innocently fiddling with his fingers now, whipping your head to look at him as he traps them in between his own and intertwining your fingers.
You can't help the smile that takes over your face and look out of the window, jisung smiles and keeps driving before pulling into a parking lot.
"Oh, my mom is here"he said and you looked over at him in panic, you weren't expecting to meet his mom so soon.
"Sorry, I didn't know she would be here"he turns and apologizes , you shake your head as you scold yourself for overreacting.
"It's okay, I'm here to help remember"you smile at him to reassure him and he nods, getting out of the car and you get out as well.
He immediately reaches for your hand to hold and squeeze, you look up at him as you approach his mother who was sitting on the porch.
"You must be the girl my son speaks so much about"you blush at her words and look at jisung.
"Mom"he whines softly and the woman laughs, ruffling his hair.
"Thank you for coming to help, chenle just arrived and the rest of your friends will stop by later"she informs him and a look of panic crosses over both of your faces , she only laughs and watches as jisung leads you into the house.
"Your mother is really sweet"you tell him as you both make a beeline for the kitchen, he moves around to grab all of the ingredients you'd made a list of beforehand.
"Hyuck you won't believe who just walked in hand and hand with jisung"chenle gushed , the boys ended up coming over at lot sooner than they intended.
You and jisung are just in your own little world when the guys enter, somehow the boy got flour on his cheek and you couldn't ignore it any longer.
"You have a little something right here"you lick your thumb and wipe the flour off his cheek, he blushes and shakes his head.
"Look at you two, all in love twilight style"haechan speaks up being unfortunately himself.
"Haechan be normal for once , challenge failed"you shoot back and jaemin snorts at that, amused.
"Woah, where did this sass come from? What happened to the sweet Liberian?"he teased and you rolled your eyes.
"I picked it up over time, now are you gonna stand there or come over here and help us?"you asked them, jisung watched in amazement as you bodied haechan.
"Yes ma'am"mark said and immediately gets to work, by work you mean grabbing a bowl and waiting for you because he absolutely had no idea what he was doing.
"Marks like-"haechan speaks, doing a salute sign as he clowns mark one last time.
"Me when a bad bitch tell me to do something, looking real goofy"renjun takes a deep breath and sighs.
"Haechan"said boy whipped around to look at him, the room erupting in pure chaos at his choice of words.
"Yes daddy?"renjun looked nothing short of disgusted, questioning why he was friends with these people for the sixth time this week.
Thankfully you guys finished making muffins in under 5 to 6 hours, with the help of jaemin which you found out was the sole reason why the guys have survived so long without their parents.
The guys invited you back to their place after to unwind and that's how you found yourself trying weed for the first time, it took a couple hits for you to get the hang of it but now you were relaxed and finding a spot next to jisung.
"Is it the weed or are your eyes always this pretty?" You ask and he laughs softly, cupping your chin with his hand and studying your face for a moment.
"You're so high right now"he said before taking another puff of the blunt that was being passed around.
"I've always thought you were pretty"you speak, unable to stop yourself from speaking your mind.
"Pretty goofy"haechan snorts and continues rolling another blunt.
"Don't be a hater hyuck"you roll your eyes but jisung brushes your cheek gaining your attention.
"You're pretty"he states, the weed giving him the confidence to say that and you're quick to act on your instincts.
Your lips moulding together for the first time and he gasps cupping your cheeks, he kisses back for a moment as your fingers run through his hair before he pulls back.
"Mmm- y/n"he pulls away but you chase his lips , your lips connecting once again and he groans softly against your lips before he's pulling away again.
"Get a room!"haechan yelled out and you both pull away , blushing again and not daring to look at the wild boy.
"Ow!"you hear him cry out from renjun slapping him upside the head.
"Shut up haechan"he rolled his eyes, leaning his head back against the couch and you got up from your spot.
"Jisung, come with me"he looks up at you and your outstretched hand before getting up, taking your hand and letting you pull him to the kitchen.
You both end up outside and you sigh at the same time before laughing at you being so in sync.
"Why are you single?"he suddenly asked and you laugh at the sudden question.
"Sorry, I'm just trying to wrap my head around why a girl like you would be with someone like me"he elaborated and you furrow your eyebrows, confused even more.
"Someone like you?"you questioned.
"A nobody, all of my friends are interesting and I'm just...me"he frowned and you cup his face in your hands.
"Don't talk like that ji, not ever. I like you for you, you're sweet and funny albeit unintentionally sometimes but I'm perfectly fine where I am right now because you make me happy"you tell him and he smiles , leaning forward and kissing your lips.
His large hands grab your waist and pulls you onto his lap, you kneel above him and he pulls back.
"So technically I'm your first love?"he asked hopefully and you smiled, his hands sliding up the back of your thighs and squeezing your ass.
"Something like that, yeah."you said breathless and leaning down to kiss his lips again, his hand grips the back of your neck and he forces his tongue in your mouth.
You can't help but moan into the kiss out of surprise and his hands kneading the flesh of your ass, deepening the kiss and taking your breath away.
You whine softly into the kiss and jisung pulls away, panting and closing his eyes to calm down his breathing.
"Jisung-"you gasp as he picks you up once he stands and carries you inside to his bedroom, your face is in his neck as your heart beats faster the closer you get to his bedroom.
"Tell me you don't want this and we can go back downstairs-"he says and you can feel his heart beating just as fast as your own, your back pressed up against the door to his room and you knew in that moment what you wanted.
"I want this- I want you"your fingers tangle in his hair and you kiss his lips with passion, he stumbles back before regaining his balance and pressing you against the door again.
His lips trail from your lips to your neck and sucks, bites and licks the skin there.
You can't help but to moan as he practically devours the right side of your neck before dipping down to leave his marks over your collarbone.
You couldn't believe the shy guy you'd met months ago was now ravishing you up against his door , his name falling from your lips and his hands squeezing your ass again.
You hear the doorknob turn and he carries you inside , shutting and locking the door behind him.
A gasp leaves your lips as he drops you onto his comfy mattress and moves to take the leather jacket off.
"Keep it on" you speak up and he stops immediately, crawling onto the bed and leaning over your body.
"You like my leather jacket that much?" He asked with a smirk and you bit your bottom lip, nodding your head and pulling him down as you wrap your legs around his waist.
"You look so hot in leather"no one could deny that and you certainly weren't about to, so jisung pulls your tank top down and your breasts spill out.
"Fuck- you're so pretty baby" you roll your hips up against his bulge and he let's out a shaky breath, you were already soaking your panties with your arousal and he takes your nipple into his mouth as he sucks on your nipples languidly.
Your eyes close and he moves to your side, still sucking and licking your nipples as he slides his fingers over the damp material of your underwear and you let out a whimper.
"Jisung" you call out to him and grab a fist full of his hair, he sucks your nipple harder and successfully draws another moan out of you.
He can feel your arousal seeping through your underwear and covering his fingers with your slick , his free hand wraps around your shoulder and rolls your unoccupied nipple between his fingers.
"jisung"you gasp and grab his hand , his tongue continues to flick against your nipple and you groan softly.
"jisung please"you cry out to him and he chuckles softly, kissing your cheek.
"I have to prep you first doll"he tells you and you whimper softly, moving around your body to kiss down the expanse of your chest.
"jisung, I need you"you whine and he laughs , lips pressed against your stomach on his descent down your body.
"baby, what did I just say?"he looks up at you with a look in his eyes that you've never seen before.
"I'm sorry"you apologize, gripping the sheets to ground yourself to reality.
"I'm going to remove these now"he said as he grabs the waistband of your pants, your heart beating faster in anticipation.
"just put it in"you say exasperated and he laughs, taking off your pants and licking the outline of your panties.
A new side of jisung that no one knew about, where did he even learn this from? The sweet and innocent boy who helped her bake hours prior, now was making her squirm underneath him.
Your underwear was the last thing to go, leaving you naked and vulnerable.
"tell me you want my tongue"he speaks as he rests his head on the inside of your thigh, using his other hand to trace mindless shapes onto your skin to tease you.
"please jisung, I need your tongue on my pussy."he hums softly, lifting his head and licking a stripe up your core and hearing you gasp.
Jisung doesn't hold back as his tongue flicks against your clit, his lips enclosing around the bud and sucking languidly , his hands holding your hips still and placing a hand over your hips to keep you in place.
Your back arching off the bed countless numbers of times as he brings you to an orgasm with just his tongue, the second time you cum is by his fingers alone and the third is simply by both just because he felt like it and he got too carried away.
You push at jisungs head as he continues to lap at your juices from your latest orgasm, he pulls back eventually and hovers his body above yours.
He places a hand over your mouth as he pushes his cock into you slowly, your back arching at his sheer size but he pushes you back down and delivering a quick thrust into you before he starts to thrust into you.
"fuck"you scream against his hand and your eyes roll into the back of your head as he continues to thrust, every thrust precise while his free hand fondles with your breast.
A pull on your nipple has you arching your back before a sharp thrust sends you back flat against the mattress, your nails digging into his back as he fucks his cock into you faster.
He dips his head to suck on a spot on your neck harshly and you whimper, holding onto him tightly before his lips are back against yours and he's forcing his tongue into your mouth.
Your tongues brush together repeatedly as you kiss messily, groans and whimpers leaving the both of your lips.
"I'm cumming!"you cry out and your hips stutter against his own, he quickly pulls out as you cum and watches as your body spasms.
Your hips thrusting into the air before he slips his fingers inside of your cunt and thrusts his fingers at a fast pace, his hand clamping down on your mouth to hide the impending scream you release.
Once you finish cumming you roll onto your side to get away from his fingers but his hands guide you onto your hands and knees.
"you think you can cum for me one more time doll?"he asked sweetly, kissing your cheek and turning your head to kiss your lips passionately.
"Jisung ah-"you whine as he enters you again and starts to thrust his hips again, his hands gripping your hips tightly and trailing his tongue up your spine to lick your sweat.
"ah- jisung, that's dirty"he just laughs at you and thrusts his hips faster, you moan louder at the pleasure coursing through your body and he continues.
He licks the expanse of your back and pulls your head back to kiss your lips again, his fingers rolling your nipples between them and you cry out.
Your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you cum again, your body falling against the mattress completely exhausted.
"you did so good for me"he praises you and kisses your lips, you kiss lazily as he takes your hands in his and guides them to his cock.
You take his cock into your hands and stroke his length, your eyes opening as he climbs up your body.
"be a good girl and finish me off"he said and you stick out your tongue, your lips wrapping around his tip as you suck and he thursts into your mouth.
Each thrust you take him deeper until you're gagging on his cock, so deep in your throat and jisung groans and praises you.
" my girls so good at taking my cock"he moans, fingers tangled in your hair.
"I'm gonna cum"he grunts and pulls out of your mouth, his hand stroking his cock quickly before he's cumming all over his hand and your face.
"fuck, come here"he licks up his mess and you gasp, trying to push him away to stop him but you're no match for his strength and he kisses your lips deeply.
The aftertaste of cum lingers on his tongue and you whimper, wrapping your arms and legs around him.
"y/n, will you go on a date with me?"he asked , the drastic change in his demeanor nearly gives you whiplash and you kiss his lips again.
"That's a yes"you mumble between the kiss and he chuckles, wrapping his arms around you as you kiss.
"I can't get enough of you"he groans softly as his lips trail down to your neck, you let out a breathless sigh.
"I'm yours, always have been since the moment we met"you speak sincerely and he smiles, you and jisung were as inseparable as you were insatiable that night.
Your love for each other will go down in history, you were just the local librarian who just so happened to have stolen his heart, always and forever.
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 3 months
When requests are open;3 jeff, ben, (im sorry i love them) and child reader maybe 12/13? that is the biggest troublemaker ever. Like this kid has put jeffs WHITE hoodie in the washer with sallys PINK dress and they scared Ben to make him lose his game😭 like they are the definition of chaos and they do not think when they speak, they are very flirty with others, they also tried hitting on jane once.. butttt that dont matter rn. But like put this damn child on a leash‼️ (sorry for yapping:c)
Summary: Various creeps with a trouble maker child reader headcanons
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/n: I changed up the format a bit idkkk
Credits- Any creepypasta characters used- Creepypasta, Divider- waspsribbon
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Oh lord
Oh lordy lord
Let's get one thing straight, due to you being a trouble maker, you aren't allowed in a lot of places
For example, you aren't allowed to be anywhere near "perfectionist" creeps, creeps with anger issues, or the more "scary" creeps
Both for your own safety and for the mental wellbeing of said creeps
This being said, you still find ways to have fun
Despite being not allowed around Jeff, you can still get your hands on his hoodie when he leaves it out on the couch by mistake
And of course, being such good friends with Sally, she doesn't say no to you giving her favorite dress a wash
Jeff is confused, because he can't find his hoodie anywhere, no matter how hard he looks
Someone suggests that he check the laundry, because it isn't uncommon for other's clothes to end up in someone else's laundry
Then, all the whole manor hears "You're fucking kidding!" as Jeff discovers his hoodie, dyed a shade of light pink
Seeing Sally's dress in there with it, he assumes that it's sally's fault
So he storms up to Sally's room, holding up his hoodie and going "You think this is funny?"
Sally doesn't like being yelled at, so she almost immediately starts crying, trying to explain that it wasn't her that put her dress in there with his hoodie
All the while, you giggle at the mischif
You are allowed around Ben, as he doesn't pose a threat to you in any way
And because of how emotionless he is, you like to try and find ways to get a reaction out of him
He almost always seems to catch on to what you are doing though, so you never get the chance to actually put your plan into action
But this time, he is distracted by Toby talking to him while he plays video games
He is trying to beat his current high score, so the tensions are high
You see your chance and sneak up on him, to which he is none the wiser
You then wait until he is very focused, before screaming right by his ear, making him jump and lose the game
As the "Game over" tune plays on the screen, he just stares at you, absolutely bewildered that you would do such a thing to him
Ben's a pretty chill guy, but the number one unspoken rule with him is DONT fuck with his video games
Toby is also shocked, stating "There's no way that just happened"
Ben doesn't even know what to do
He's just so shocked that somebody would do that
He is still silent as you laugh and walk away
You are allowed around Jane, as she is one of the caretakers of the manor
Jane gets flirted with a lot, mostly by the men of the manor despite her being a lesbian
They promptly get either told off or a middle finger in their face
Even though she's used to being flirted with at this point, she would have never expected to be flirted with by a child
As she brings you your breakfast, you look up at her and say "You know, if we got married i'd cook for you everyday"
She thinks you are just being a sweet kid at this point, so she replies "Aw, how sweet! You're too young to marry me though, silly"
Another day, she is dressed up as she is going to a party, to which you say "Jane, you really are a sight for sore eyes"
She is flabbergasted, like where did you hear that????
She just awkwardly laughs before walking away
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cookii-moon · 6 months
Introducing… the Perfectly Neurotypical Ninja!!!
(I had an idea and thought it’d be funny)
our first incredibly neurotypical ninja is…
✨ JAY! ✨
Has zero volume control whatsoever
He can NOT be quiet for the life of him
There is no way he doesn’t have some form of anxiety disorder
Like his entire panic and fear definitely seem like anxiety to me
Has a plushie he still sleeps with for comfort and is emotionally attached to (which is super real of him honestly)
Panic attacks
He DEFINITELY has hyperfixations
Have you just seen him in general
That one short where he just starts running around on the roof
Also that one time he and Kai were supposed to train and got distracted by competition (Actually this could probably apply to all the ninja because they do this type of thing all the time)
Got so hyperfixated on dancing games that he learnt how to dance
I don’t think he can sit still it just doesn’t seem possible to me
(I’m not a Jay fan so I can’t point to much else off the top of my head but we’re all in agreement there’s no way he’s neurotypical right?)
Okay never mind, our FIRSt neurotypical ninja is…
✨ COLE! ✨
Talks to himself. A lot.
No seriously he talks to himself so much
Professional school dropout
Gets along great with animals and people who don’t fit in
Probably has owned a pet. Or five. (Probably a cat or a reptile) (he came around to them eventually and now he loves them) (dogs are too energetic and loud)
Most likely has depression
Definitely has sensory issues there’s no way he doesn’t
That one time he nearly had a breakdown from being overwhelmed. (Points to core shorts)
Dislikes metaphors (canon)
Wears the exact same hoodie without fail in every single episode where he has to wear civilian clothing (I think it’s a comfort thing at this point)
Probably taught himself several different ninja things he had no need to learn (why can he fight with a sword and nunchucks when he never uses either of them outside of a single special) (this also applies to shields and staffs and throwing stars but those are at least practical)
He says it’s to prepare but really he did it for fun
Has somehow not discovered his ninja special interest yet
(he physically can’t do anything else it’s too boring) (even when he’s not ninjaing he needs to practice once a day minimum or else he explodes)
Dances when happy/excited (definitely not a stim)
Immediately starts telling Jay about dancing when he enters the contest in a very excited manner (definitely not infodumping)
Has caused several misunderstandings due to bad social skills (he can NOT read the room for the life of him)
His best friend is Jay.
(even if he’s not autistic there’s no way this guy is neurotypical.)
(these are not the actions of a neurotypical person we’re all in agreement of that right)
Whoops… uh…never mind…our FIRST!!!! Neurotypical ninja…
✨ NYA! ✨
Terrified of failure
Like it haunts her she does NOT want to fail she has an entire arc devoted to it
Has a hard time letting go of things (she holds grudges A LOT)
This also includes things of sentimental value like Samurai X
Change is difficult for her just in general
SUPER stubborn
Definitely has a schedule that she envisions in her head but forgets to tell everyone else
(that short where she planned to spend time with Jay but he was going to the arcade)
Short temper especially on bad days
The more I write this the more I realize how little characterization she actually gets for most of the series
Justice for Nya honestly
(I’m assigning her neurodivergence I don’t care how short this is)
(I think autistic. But spicy.)
(probably also anxiety or OCD)
(do you see the vision)
….Okay so maybe not that one either- Uh… our FIRST!!! Neurotypical !!! Ninja!!!
✨ KAI! ✨
Has anger issues. Probably.
Super impulsive
No like incredibly impulsive. Ultra impulsive.
Craves attention but has really bad self worth issues
Hinges his worth on his powers (not healthy)
Wanted to be useful so badly that he convinced himself he’d get powers if he drop kicked Garmadon (it did not work)
Did I mention anger issues
Wants to be useful so he can protect!!!
That one time he and Jay were supposed to be training and-
Has zero patience
(I don’t know what flavor of neurodivergent he is but he’s neurodivergent somehow)
(once again I don’t pay attention to Kai there’s definitely more)
…Okay so this time for sure. Introducing FOR SURE our FIRST neurotypical ninja….
✨ ZANE! ✨
Do I even need to say anything
The entire episode “Home”
Social skills
Taking things literal
That one canon (?) book where he apparently has flashbacks to the ice emperor (im calling OCD or PTSD on that one Zane)
Also that one time he locked away bad memories in decoded (decoded is canon to me and the reason for that is mainly because it actually references ghost Cole (iirc) which is a miracle)
Yeah I think he has PTSD
that one time he hyperfixated on and roleplayed as a detective and then a pirate
probably more. Maybe.
That one’s a robot he’s disqualified. The FIRST, FOR SURE, NO MISTAKES, neurotypical ninja is…
✨ LLOYD! ✨
The fact he apparently has so much of starfarer memorized that he can nearly win a quiz contest thingy and the only thing that stopped him from doing that was that he hadn’t read a brand new limited edition issue
starfarer in general he is not normal about starfarer
Way too trusting for his own good
I would be more surprised if he didn’t have some sort of disorder considering everything he’s gone through
hes got to have at least something related to his trauma right
(This one is way shorter because. Again. Not a Lloyd fan. but. I think the starfarer thing is enough to push him into probably not neurotypical territory.)
(most kids do not know the entire plot and all the fun facts to a long running comic book series by heart)
Are you kidding me none of them are neurotypical?
Okay ne- what do you mean the last one
there’s those ones over there!!!! *points to Arin, Sora and wyldfyre*
Oh wait they’re also neurodivergent?
…..uuuuugh shows canceled then…. Sigh… Guess I’ll start up the Incredibly Neurodivergent Ninja show instead.
(disclaimer this is a joke)
(but they are all neurodivergent that part isn’t)
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bonefall · 10 months
Is Crowfeather's parenting and abuse of Breeze going to be any different and/or handled differently by other cats in BB? Thinking about his honor title being for Feathertail and... ugh this poor woman having to watch a cat who named himself for his love for her be so horrible to his own kin after she's torn from hers so soon. She should get to come down and knock some sense into him, if that's even possible
I haven't been able to get into BB!Feathertail yet, but she's fascinating honestly. I like the vibe that Feather x Crow is like this cosmically doomed ship, destined to torpedo itself time and time again for various reasons, and that's the foundation of them in BB.
They were NEVER going to work. Crowfoot has a ton of issues he's working through. Feathertail values herself too much to allow him to mistreat her in the meanwhile. If Feathertail never died, the breakup would have been good for him. He REALLY needed it, actually. Calm, funny, easygoing Feathertail just laying their problems on the table, why she doesn't want a relationship, but still spinning it in that way-of-hers that softens a hard blow.
It wouldn't have fixed him overnight, of course. It just would have been a spark. Paws on a better, happier path. Not a lover in another Clan, but a friend, if he took her words to heart.
But she's dead. She died horribly. And her memory is this perfect fantasy for the magical, flawless love they could have had, an impossible standard Crowfeather viciously holds all of his future lovers to. So as a spirit guide, with all her eloquence, she'd say to him, "That's not very cash money of you."
But anyway, on Breeze's abuse.
For one, I absolutely would want to make sure to stress Breeze's good qualities sooner and harder, and explicitly make them friends at certain points.
The Tribe Journey in particular, where there's a lot of opportunities to get him away from Crowfeather. By the end of it, I would want to include a poignant moment where they have one final nice moment together, before Crowfeather barks for him, and it's gone.
(and, also, add a couple of cats who help The Three discuss their complicated emotions towards seeing their bully being abused.)
I would also actually remove the way that the cats of WindClan "look to" Crowfeather on how Breezepelt should be treated, particularly from Crowfeather's Trial. I feel it misses the point and ends up saying that Breezepelt could NEVER get the social approval he craves unless his abusive dad CHOSE to stop mistreating him.
Like!! FUCK no!!! You do NOT need the approval of a guy who NEVER would have given it without 3 different women and Onestar screaming it into his ear!
Instead, I'd stress how the Clan was beginning to turn on him as soon as his problems escalated into active reckless endangerment. His abuse was causing his social alienation by making his behavior worse and worse.
That seems like a minor change, but it's one of my bigger complaints. ALL of WindClan shouldn't be looking to an abusive parent to model how they'll react to his son. PLEASE let the cats have their own unique social opinions.
One of Breezepelt's adult defenders is Brushblaze. I will be picking more-- but there's always going to be some cats in his corner besides Nightcloud and Heathertail (and Harestar of course who is poly with Heather and Breeze in BB.)
(though Pro-Breeze cats are in the minority unfortunately.)
MOST of the Dark Forest trainees from WindClan were personal friends of Breezepelt. Harespring, Sunstrike, Furzepelt, and Antpelt all came into the training because of him.
All that said, not much else is different about the setup of Breezepelt's childhood abuse! It's a part of canon I think is good and I would like to stay relatively faithful to it.
His arc also continues into BB!AVoS. Continued distrust of him after fighting for the Dark Forest, misplacing his anger onto Harespring when he manages to take deputyship, and Dishonor Titles from Onestar end up causing him and his friends to feel so rejected that they join The Kin.
Its message, that they are "The Kin that the Clans abandoned" appeals to over a dozen cats from other Clans who are shunned for various reasons. HalfClan cats, codebreakers, and Dark Forest trainees alike all come together, because BB!The Kin is mostly comprised of Clan cats, particularly ones from SkyClan, NOT rogues.
There's about 6 or so non-Clanborn cats in The Kin; Rain, Raven, Flame, Dragonfly, Roach, Nettle. If I end up keeping Silt, Thistle, or any of the 7-10 unnamed cats, they'll get shuffled to be Clanborn.
(Max, Loki, and Zelda are cut. Many of Zelda's roles are being absorbed by Dragonfly, who is remaining with Violetshine after The Kin disbands)
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klausysworld · 2 years
Not sure if you have written anything like this, but could you do something where Klaus is into reader and she doesn’t give him the time of day, he try’s to win her over by giving readers expensive gifts but she’s not impressed. Klaus overhears reader and a friend talking and she saids how she’s a simple woman, good food, good beer, good music is all she needs.
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A narcissistic white man with anger issues?
(third person)
Klaus had been trying his very best to impress this girl. He had gone to all sorts of lengths. Thousands spent of jewellery: necklaces, bracelets, rings, earnings, anklets, hair accessories, anything. He bought clothes of the finest material: dresses, jumpers, jeans, skirts, tops, sweats, anything he could find. He would ask for her to go out with him: “we could go to dinner? I know this lovely restaurant up town” but she would deny his advances. “come ok now love, my family are throwing a gala, i’ll provide everything for you to wear, just show up” but once again she did not. “an art exhibit?” no. “wine tasting?” nope. “i could take you to Paris?” nah. “Italy is nice this time of year” i’m alright.
Let’s say he was getting frustrated. He could hand her the keys to house made of solid gold and she wouldn’t care.
He became a little obsessive, new things at her door everyday, he’d stand by watching for her reaction, the shrug she gave as you looked over his gift before rolling her eyes and inevitably dropping it back off at his house with a note saying “stop trying so hard” which to him meant that he wasn’t trying hard enough.
The one thing she did keep were the sweatpants and a jumper. He found it odd, she also kept some of the chocolates but not all of them, it was like the more money he spent the less she wanted him, and he was getting upset.
People loved money, he’d watched wars start over it and people die because of it, what was her deal?
So he followed her a little bit, for research purposes of course. And he managed to hear a very useful conversation
(first person)
I was out with my friends down in the streets of New Orleans, we were making our way through the stalls while drinking our pints. There was some sort of festival going on so it was pretty crowded, we decided to go for it and dress up like hippies and raid the different free samples they were giving out at the stalls.
A few hours in we were sat in camping chairs in the middle of the street listening to the bands play their music, just past tipsy and passing round a blunt between the four of us
“this was fun, we haven’t gone out in a while” my best friend, just the one i was naturally closest to said quietly while looking at me, i nodded with a smile
“yep it’s been some time” i laughed leaning back in my chair
“surprised you still enjoy these simple outings, your pretty boyfriend still buying you a million jewels?“ we both giggled at that and i sipped my drink
“oh yea, he has not stopped, i get something everyday and everyday i bring it back”
“damn i wish someone would spend that kinda shit on me” she laughed
“he’s sweet but he’s also a little bit of a narcissist” i told her and she rolled her eyes
“what so he’s in love with himself? who cares he’s got cash”
“oh my gosh you’re right i should just marry him right now” i gasped dramatically
“yea yea i know you don’t want a super fancy life with a mansion and pool”
“i wouldn’t mind a pool”
“you’re funny” she mumbled sarcastic and i mimicked her
“leave me be” i muttered slapping her hand away when she went to take my drink from my hand
“i just don’t get it, the guy won’t take a hint?” she asked
“a hint? i’ve straight up told him to shove it” i laughed
“is he stupid?” she asked while giggling loudly, okay so maybe we drank a little more than i thought
“he’s a privileged white man with anger issues” we were absolutely pissing ourselves over nothing
“okay okay, so would you like ever go out with him?” she asked once calmed down
“i dunno, he’s alright”
“he’s hot” she responded
“he is, he’s also kinda funny sometimes”
“he had a good accent” she muttered nodding her head making me nod too
“he seems to genuinely like me” i pointed out
“that’s true, he’s quite nice actually, he hasn’t done or said anything offensive that i know of”
“no i don’t think so” i muttered while trying to think
“has he ever commented on money situations?” she asked
“mmm no… i don’t think so? he knows he has money, very self aware of that but i know that they give money to charity through their galas and stuff, last time they literally raised like millions and gave it to kids with diseases, like he’s good, you know?”
“mm i say try it, like he’s gotta good heart, right intentions and i’m sure if you go out with him once and then tell him you don’t want to he should quit”
“i don’t want to have to sit in a restaurant filled with snobs that turn their noses up because the flavour is just a tiny bit off, i think you need an extra sprinkle of seasoning no? Like no, literally just put some salt on it”
“i like salt” she murmured
“me too” i nodded
(third person)
klaus was stood blankly listening to her conversation, he was a narcissistic white man with anger issues, a hot accent and he was funny…sometimes.
He thought it over a little before returning home, his siblings all eyed him suspiciously as he walked with purpose and a determined expression
“oh dear we’re all going to die” Kol muttered while hugging his knees, Rebekah slapped him up the side of the head
“shut up, you’ll give him ideas” she whispered
“both of you remain quiet, he hasn’t headed for the daggers…he’s in his art room” Elijah stated as he listened closely
“so he’s feeling artistic stop worrying” Freya mumbled with a wave of her hand in dismissal
“this is about the girl” Elijah smiled slightly to himself
“the one that told him to piss off?” Kol asked and Rebekah hit him again
“shut-up he can literally hear you” she growled
“oh come on he’s been chasing her for bloody months, i know he likes a chase but it’s getting pathetic” Kol whispered harshly back at her
“he loves her” Freya spoke into his book
“he might just” Elijah murmured
(first person)
i woke up early afternoon, i made my way downstairs still wrapped in my duvet and opened my front door and yet for the first time in ages there was no present, i frowned slightly, not because i wanted another priceless gift but because it was odd that he hadn’t left me something, was something wrong? was he hurt? Quickly i pulled my phone out and rang his number
“love? is everything okay?” oh thank fuck he was alive
“yes, sorry i’m fine…are you okay?” i asked while closing the door and rubbing my temples
“i’m quite alright, i was actually going to ask if i could see you today… or another day if you’re busy”
“sure come on down, its already like 2pm so i have no plans” i could hear tapping on the other side, probably his fingers on his desk, he does it sometimes when he’s nervous.
“okay…i’ll get there in half an hour?”
“see you then”
Klaus arrived exactly 30 minutes later with a singular red rose and a nervous look in his eye
“please don’t give it back” he whispered and i smiled taking it from his hand
“i’ll keep it” i promised and he smiled back at me
“would you like to come inside?” i asked opening the door wide enough
That afternoon/into evening we spoke about various topics, our families, our pasts, our hopes for the future, ideas, dreams, aspirations. He showed me his art and i asked why i never received this as a present instead, he said he though that id judge him and i told him that he was being silly.
We planned to go out for coffee/tea instead of a top class Italian restaurant, and from there we spent much more time together.
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hey!! if you are taking requests, i wanted to request the tmnt mm! boys having a crush on a fem! reader who’s EXACTLY like raph. she loves fighting, may or may not have anger issues, cursed with resting bitch face, BUT, she’s actually really sweet and outgoing. never afraid to speak her mind, so, she may come across as rude sometimes, but, she never really means to be. (lowkey a biased request but SSSHH, we’re not gonna talk about that)
(this is cute and of course! Enjoy!)
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You guys have such contrast in your relationship
He can be hyper, but sometimes quiet and mostly calm
He just wants to have fun, and basically be there to vibe
While you're there and ready to fight and down for anything
He tries to help you manage your anger but he sometimes finds it funny and entertaining
Not in an assholey way, just letting you be and the shit you say can actually be pretty funny
He doesn't really like when you get into fights when you don't need to
But when someone says something about you, him or his brothers?
He lets you rain hell
He really loves that you cut bullshit and speak your mind
He needs help deciding something and he knows to go to you because you can actually give an honest answer
He doesn't mind your RBF
At first it did make him think you were a mean person before he got to know you
But now you're so sweet and happy and outgoing and he loves you very much!
He knows you don't mean to be rude, you're just speaking and don't mean to
He lets you know that what you say can be rude, but he isn't mean about it
He just helps you correct it, lmao
(I wrote sm for Donnie and you can tell who I grew up crushing on just by this)
He def uses your angry and RBF to scare ppl messing with him off
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He tries to get you to calm down a lot
But usually he is also one to let you be
He's always getting you out of trouble
You remind him a bit TOO much of Raph
He does love you though
At first he was very hesitant to get to know you because of your angry energy and because of the RBF
But now he is very glad that he did and that you're his friend…crush-
Sometimes the stuff you do, especially defending him, gets him so blushy it's not even funny
The fact you love to fight actually made him worry a bit
He didn't want you getting hurt
But he is always glad to scold you while patching your dumbass up
The anger issues he tries to help you manage and give you little tips to help
But those like breathing exercises just hypes you up even more so he kinda gave up
He now just lets you have at something like a punching bag or letting you run free and rampant as he sits and lets you do your thing
When you turned out to be very sweet and caring he was pleasantly surprised
He's very glad that you guys match on that level at least
He is sorta surprised on how freely you speak your mind
He is the one to constantly be watching what he says while you say the most rancid and random shit
He has to cover your mouth a lot lmao
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The anger issues sometimes surprise him especially at random times but he is the one to be able to also get on your level to an extent
He's very funny and he's always hyping you up
Especially when you're in a more fighting move
You could be beating the shit out of someone and just have him yelling and hyping you up and ready to run outta there with you
You guys are constantly sneaking off and on rooftops as you're pretending to mimic a fight and he's just eating pizza
He helps you get your energy out a lot
He smack talks you just for you to get mad and show off them skills bae
Oddly finds it cute? A bit idk how to explain it
He says it fits you better than it fits Raph
He really likes being around you, especially because of the RBF and how you sometimes tend to look mean
He acts like he has them scary dog privileges where he gets to hang out with the "Bad Kid" and he's basically protected
He loves your energy because of how outgoing, caring and sweet you can be
He loves that you can go from angry and upset and fighting to sweet, caring and helping some old guy in his shop just because you want to
You're just like him when speaking your mind
You guys say some loud and rancid shit and don't care at this point
When you're mean and don't know, at first he thought you were mean on purpose and got quite sad
It wasn't until you or someone else noticed and you apologized a lot
But now he thinks it was kinda funny
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Raphael has met his soulmate and match
You guys are constantly talking smack and shit to each other but dare someone else do it about the other
You guys have both a RBF at times but more you
He is constantly pointing it out and teasing you about it and how mean you look
He thinks it's pretty cool though
The fact that you get him on a level nobody else can just makes the crush feelings even more stronger
He loves how he can relax and just have fun with you to be angry, punch and fight something
He loves when you guys go out and just are on a rooftop, probably fighting with each other or wrestling to get the energy out
The anger issues also he doesn't mind
He doesn't think he has them, and doesn't really think you have them
He just blames others for making y'all mad and calls it a day
But due to these anger issues when you guys argue it gets heated
But somehow turns into a major joke like 20 minutes later idk how
He finds it funny how you can go from an RBF, angry and fighting t sweet and caring to him in a matter of seconds
You guys have a lot of competition going on it's not even funny at this point
Shit is serious and he's going to die because of it
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h-harleybaby · 2 years
kenny, Kyle, butter and Jimmy with a s/O whos really bubbly and extroverted?? not to mention popular 😭 if it's not too much ofc 🫶🫶
It’s not it’ll just take me like, forever because I’m not too much like that ya know???
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• Tbh it didn't make sense that you and Kyle were together
• This guy who has anger issues and hangs around Cartman, and this really happy popular bubbly girl? Ok it makes SOME sense but not all that much
• No one knows how you guys started to talk
• But Kyle felt like he hit the jackpot, that he was the luckiest guy in the world to be the one who's dating you
• Neither of you cared for status so that's not the reason you started dating. But how did you?
• It's actually kind of funny, you've been neighbors with the Broflovski's for years! You've even babysat Ike before
• But you and Kyle ended up meeting when you became part of one of Cartmans schemes, and you and Kyle hit it off right away
• Y'all were really just perfect for each other!
• Kyle refuses to admit that Cartman had any help with getting you guys together... Even tho he has pictures of y'all in his shipping scrapbook and might've locked you guys in the locker room so he, Stan, and Kenny could execute part of the plan
• You were just a detail in a plan so the guys didn't have Kyle getting in the way of them tbh
• Anyways, Kyle loves you and y'all are frequently seen holding hands and stuff
• A lot of your friends question your choices a l o t, they don't think he's good enough for you but fuck them
• Kyle's a really good bf who takes you on dates and doesn't talk shit behind your back
• He's with you because he genuinely likes you and your personalities fit so well together despite being pretty different
• You encourage him to come out of his shell :)
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• No one understood how you guys got together, no one even knows how you guys became friends
• Yeah sure you guys has similar personalities but your classes and friend groups were so different
• Although Butters did seem to make friends with everyone he's met he just isn't considered popular
• He's probably sent you love letters and stuff as a secret admirer
• Butters is so hard not to like, and tbh you fell for him hard. It was obvious you guys had the biggest crush on each other
• He also probably did a really public confession, everyone expected you to reject him but you kissed him!
• Tbh your relationship works so well because you guys are both really happy extroverted people
• Butters always tries taking you on dates once a week, he even got a job to help fund your dates because he always insists on going all out
• Y'all are often seen cuddling by the stairs or maybe around any of Butters' friends (because your friend group is shallow af and would insult Butters)
• He's completely head over heels for you
• Plus, you don't mind when he dresses up
• Actually you think it's fun and might just join in
• Y'all also have baking dates and Butters is always trying to put extra sugar so it can "taste as sweet as you"
• He does all kinds of shit for you, like leaving you little love notes in your backpack or lunch box
• God he loves you so much
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• You and Jimmy weren't actually that hard to believe
• Jimmy is most likely popular too (especially with the ladies because he keeps flirting with girls), so it's not too far fetched that y'all would get together
• You guys often hung out anyways because you've been friends for a while
• Jimmy had a bit of an obvious crush on you, he always told you his best jokes and keeps giving you stuff he 'found' because they remind him of you
• He probably confessed to you with a corny joke he knew you would love and a big bouquet of flowers
• As he knew you would, you loved it. Jimmy knows you so well :)
• Y'all matched up pretty well considered how happy and bubbly you are and how Jimmy's the calm one between the two of you
• Tbh he's always getting you little gifts and holding your hand when he can, which isn't often but he tries!
• A lot of jokes he writes he has you in mind, sometimes he calls you his muse
• There's also a bunch of dirty jokes but we don't talk about those
• Jimmy is almost glued to your hip, he's always around but he'll give you the space when you need it
• Otherwise he's there for you, whether you need to cry to him or ramble about what happened
Imagine me writing this, with bloodshot eyes writing this at 5 am after going to sleep at 12:30 and doing that for months straight
As you can tell, I didn't have much inspiration
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makncheese12 · 1 year
IM SORRY ANON I LOST YOUR REQUEST TRYING TO MAKE IT😭 but here a request for Stu macher with a bad bitch who will smack a bitch and has anger issues (no ghost face, yet?)
(So cute for him🫶🏻)
Warning: I don’t know how to write about a bad bitch😀, bad writing?
(Gif is not mine)
Stu Macher x badbitch!fem!Reader
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oh yes, the black cat to his pitbull/golden retriever
Absolutely in love with you first even if you clearly want him away from you, man won’t stop pursuing until he gets to you
Knows he’s winning you over when you smile and roll your eyes at him
man makes it his mission to see you happy, even when you hit him for being stupid or saying something stupid
of course you’d never hit him seriously, he knows that and laughs or fakes looking hurt everytime
laughs at every snarky comment you say to people and repeats your words
Man knows he has a bad bitch, he’ll see some guy staring and he’ll stick his tongue out and laugh to himself
Loves, loves, loves kissing you.
Don’t like being kissed in public? Alright, he’ll kiss your cheek any chance he can get let it be random, dropping you off to class, or when your upset, he’ll do it.
you never get into actual fights, you just ignore him whenever he’s being extra annoying
man gets so whiny when that happens because he wants your attention and doesn’t like it when you ignore him
will do everything in his power to get a reaction from you let it be a glare, a chest slap. hell, he’ll take a cuss out. As long as he gets a reaction
he’s not the jealous type, but he knows you are (maybe)
there was a random girl in the hall who was obviously flirting with Stu but he didn’t seem to really care nor notice but you did
if looks could kill, her head would be brutally beat into the ground as you stand right behind her
“baby!” He call out as he moves past her and opens his arms to you
he’d pick you up and squeeze you as you flick the girl off, maybe next time you get to yank her by that stupid blonde pony tail
loves when you’re anywhere near him, he just thrives off holding you by your waist
he’s constantly giving you attention and craves the attention from you which you happily give
constantly glaring at Billy waiting for the moment he says something that gives you an opening to punch him square in the nose
and boy does he do it a lot, you got one hit in once and that was the first time you heard him
he had a black eye for a week or two, Stu makes sure to always keep an arm on you just in case you decide it’s time again
Always making a kissy face at you, which you just pinch his lips and he gets pouty
Now you have to give him a kiss, doesn’t matter if you roll your eyes first just do it
loves when you where his clothes, makes him feel special
of course he has to get something too, so you give him your bracelets, necklace, ect.
Never loses anything you give him, he makes sure of it. And takes extra care of it because he knows you’ll be upset if he doesn’t or loses it
Plus, he loves the little things you give him
You can be hesitant at first to give it to him but once you see that he’s always wearing it or doesn’t lose it, you can give him more
cuddles, cuddles, cuddles
Loves cuddles, especially when he gets to lay on your chest and you rub his back, neck and head
That or he’ll lay his head in your lap when your with friends, at a party, or just because he can
Loves when you hold his arm/hand, makes him feel like a gentleman
You only know the soft side of Stu where he’s not as goofy and more so serious
He rants about a lot of things when you two are alone and he feels safe, and you’d gladly listen
He would of course listen to you rant as well, adding his own commentary
“*gasp* no! She didn’t!” “And then what happened?” “Did you hit her?”
Encourages you when you get into fights cause he thinks it’s both funny and hot
He’ll see you across the school yard on top of some random chick and he’s laughing his ass off with the biggest smile
“Look at her go!” “Bet your girlfriend can’t do that!”
Over all loves, trust and supports you through everything and would never change anything about you
Even if you hit him constantly but who knows, he most likely likes it🫶🏻
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jqmalikhsgib · 7 months
beauty and the freak
you were pissed! the moment you heard the news about your mom moving into the house right across the street from you. you knew she only did that to piss your father off.
it angered you to your core! who the hell does she think she is?! your dad tried to keep you from blowing a fuse, but it was too late.
by the time eddie arrived to pick you up, you went off, cursing, yelling, and screaming. Eddie’s just hummed along. he was use to you constantly going on about how much distain you have for your mother.
“eddie?! are you even listening to me?”
“im sorry sweetheart, but is it such a bad thing she lives right across the street? its not like you have to see her everyday. im sure she’ll be in her own little bubble just like before.”
you scoffed. “that’s not the point edward!”
eddie sighs. “what is the point baby?”
you didn’t know what to say. mostly because you didn’t know why you were so angry by this. but eddie was suppose to just understand.
“as my boyfriend you’d think you would give a fuck about how i feel.” you roll your eyes.
eddie sighs once more. he really didn’t have the energy to argue with you.
“hey! i understand you have this huge issue with your mom, i do! but you do not talk to me like that. do you understand?!”
you huffed and folded your arms while looking out the window right when eddie parks.
he grabs your face a little roughly. you looked into his eyes before he speaks. “do you understand?!”
“yes, sir.”
“now, may we please have somewhat of a decent day? i canceled dnd tonight to watch my girl cheer today.”
you had been begging him to come see you from the moment the two of you started dating. unfortunately he had a dnd game every friday as well. he refused to cancel it simply because, just like cheer is important to you, dungeons and dragons is important to him.
this week was a very convenient one for him to cancel. gareth was grounded, mike and dustins family was going to visit their friend will, and lucas joined said basketball team, so he figured he might as well cancel tonight’s events.
eddie smirks. “yeah!”
you squealed before hugging him tightly. “you’re gonna enjoy it, i promise.”
“doubt it. couldn’t care less about basketball. but i do like that short little skirt you have to wear.” eddie smirks.
you playfully roll your eyes as eddie gets out of his van and goes to open the door for you. the two of you walk hand and hand, all eyes on you. people still didn’t get the appeal of eddie munson, but you couldn’t give three fucks.
your relationship with eddie was amazing. he treated you like the queen you are. no one else’s opinions mattered.
a few of your friends actually loved eddie once they got to know him. he was funny and charming so they understood. others, not so much.
your turned and saw your best friend, ariana. “what’s up?”
“did you hear about what happened last night? apparently jason cheated on chrissy again, but she caught him in the act.”
“it was about time. we kept telling her he’s no good.”
“yeah, but that’s not the worst part. she forgave him instantly! he kept apologizing to her all night and she made him promise he’d never do it again.”
“she can’t be that dumb?!”
eddie was already over this conversation. not giving a single fuck about jason fucking carver.
“im gonna go find the guys. see you later, baby.” eddie kisses you passionately before walking away.
“god! you’re so lucky. eddie is literally the perfect man.”
you honestly couldn’t argue with that. eddie was the perfect man! and if this closed minded, dumb fucked town actually got to know the metal head, they’d realize he was the sweetest man on the planet. you were so sick of them judging eddie simply because he liked listening to heavy metal and playing a fantasy game.
eddie made you the happiest. no boyfriend before him has ever treated you the way he did. eddie was the kind of boyfriend to buy you flowers every date, run to the store to buy you pads or tampons when needed, cuddle you whenever you just needed someone to hold, listen to anything and everything you had to say, gives you random forehead kisses, and so much more. he was perfect in your eyes.
not to mention, the only man who could put you in your place. eddie was a very dominant man when it came to the bedroom. it’s something you lacked in the past. most guys just want to get off! they couldn’t care less about your needs. eddie, eddie made sure you came at least once before he fucked you into oblivion.
“i know! god, ari! he’s so romantic! just last night he took me out to this fancy ass restaurant outside of hawkins. he bought me my favorite flowers and spoiled me with anything i wanted! i don’t understand how i got so lucky with him. it still baffles me.” you slowly shake your head as you looked over and spot eddie talking to his group of friends.
“please find me an eddie, girl!”
“his best friend gareth is single!”
“the one with the short hair? he’s cute!”
“mhm! he’s still very skeptical of me. but i can ask eddie to talk to him for you. im sure he’d finally give me the green light as well. so far ive only been able to win dustin over.” you sigh.
it was hard on your relationship with eddie. you wanted—no, needed his friends to like you! you weren’t going anywhere, you let eddie know that the moment you took interest in him. he knew that of course! but his friends would still put things into his head. calling you suspicious, saying girls like you don’t date guys like them, saying you’re using him, calling it a bet like you’re in so basic ass rom-com! it hurt. you love eddie with your whole heart. sure, the two of you were young, but you knew eddie was your person. you wanted to marry him someday and have as many little munsons ruling the world in the future! but winning the friends over was a must! and you’d do anything and everything to try and prove to them you’re not going anywhere.
“set it up! we can double date.”
“texting eddie now,” the first bell rung. you say goodbye to ari as eddie walks over to you and walks you to your first class of the day.
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taglist: @lov3withurgency @sunshineandwitchery @melaninjhs @baileebear @am0iur @lovesanimals0000 @pipsqueakkitten @paygurlxoxo @peachy4u2
if anyone else wants to be added to the taglist please kindly let me know <3
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 month
hori constantly acts as if he isn’t the writer and has full control of the story and it pisses me off to no end. gonna drop some examples below. these are from the street wear profiles from the manga.
sen kaibara - “I love his Quirk, so I can’t wait to portray it more.” he’s acting like something/someone is actively holding him back from doing so.
tetsutetsu tetsutetsu - “I hope I get to show him in action more.” once again, acting like something is stopping him. side note, why tf did he give him that name. it’s just so lazy. and it’s not even funny. just annoying to say and annoying to write.
hanta sero - “He’s mostly just for one liners in the background, but he’s a good guy, and I’d like to feature him more. At some point. For sure.” and then proceeds to never do that.
this might just be me being bitter abt all the amazing characters he’s completely disregarded and disrespected. this might just be me not understanding what it’s like being a mangaka. but it still bothers me.
i just hate how he’s created this insanely interesting world and amazing characters and never expands on anything bc he’s too busy sucking bakugos dick.
speaking of bakugo, as someone who has narcissistic tendencies, he’s a textbook case.
he obviously has some sort of inferiority/superiority complex and a mild to severe case of a god complex. at best he’s dismissive of people who he sees as inferior to him, at worst he’s downright cruel.
his “nicknames” are all just fucking insults aimed at peoples insecurities.
raccoon eyes/horns: mina was probably bullied for her appearance and then her so called “friend” exclusively calls her names that poke fun at her appearance.
bird brain/bird face/other bird names: tokoyami has probably heard it all at this point but once again bakugo making fun of heteromorphs.
dunce face: denki has shown to be insecure about his intelligence and once again his so called “friend” mocks him for it.
tentacles/arms/octopus: again, mocking heteromorphs.
tail: i’m beginning to see a pattern here.
ears: ok how has no one pointed out how most of his nicknames are him basically just calling them slurs.
i don’t think bakugo has ever called someone their actual name. maybe a handful of times? but it’s like a massive event when he calls someone by their actual name.
exclusive calling people insults isn’t exactly heroic.
anyway rant over i just needed to get all this shit off my chest.
No, no honey, go the fuck off.
I will say as a writer, I have experience with 'my characters have a mind of their own' and that through writing our plans have to change because the characters adapt more, but I will also say that Hori dropped the ball BIG TIME.
I am firmly of the belief that he had to have been pushed into making some choices by the publishing company because like... dude! You have so much cool stuff and you focus on Bakugou? The 'rich kid with superiority/inferority issues' you find in every drama?
All the insults is just another tick in the 'let's be honest no one would like this guy in real life' column, and it is so fucking funny to me that people try to romantisize that shit. Hell, look what everyone does to the name Deku.
'Oh he couldn't read it properly'
Did you watch or read the manga? Cause he did, and realized that it could also mean this.
'He called Izuku Zuku before'
'It was after-'
Nope, before the diagnosis, also the fact people try to use it to excuse it is fucked up. It would be like calling me the r word for my autism as a 'fun nickname'.
(I will say I know people with the same first and last name in real life. Some own it, some go by a middle name. I think it's funny that his name is Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu)
I saw someone say Bakugou has face blindness but even then you're right. Why the fuck is he making those jokes? He's like that white friend who makes racist jokes you ignore but will say someone is being sensitive when he gets called out.
Bakugou is just... ugh. He's so boring. My anger towards him has become: you're just a dull little man.
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