karume-selfshipper · 7 months
Working on Inari's story and hitting a snag (my friend irl brought this up when talking about what all her presence changes outside of being All Might’s daughter).
Who would she replace within 1-A, if anybody?
I instantly said Mineta cause... I don't particularly care for the little grape. But after a bit of thought, I realized that Hanagure also sat in a decent position to be quietly shuffled out of the plot. And both have decent moments where I could shoe horn in a moment or two for Inari. But I can't figure out which one I like better. Contrarily, I could give Inari Main Character Status ™️ and let her be in 1-A without kicking anyone. And each has some merit and decent character building/revealing moments early on... which I've listed below.
Things that happen no matter what:
She would have a front-row seat to All Might's injury being ripped open and this would cause Inari to enter a feral state, tearing the Nomu a new one
That would turn into Inari hurting herself from misuse of her quirk. (She can build up strength from taking hits and releasing the force all at once which if built up too much can break her bones/tear her muscles like Midoryia)
Giving All Might two scares from 1 thinking that Inari might have One for All (again... like the second or third time he's thought this), and 2 when she very calmly tells Recovery Girl that this isn't the first time something like this has happened and it's just a negative side effect of her quirk
Inari would win the Sports Festival Tournament, setting up a one-sided rivalry with Todoroki... even though she "whispers" (only Todoroki can hear it) that He doesn't have to be his father the way she has to be hers
When the mid-year training comes around, she's one of the first to realize what's about to happen. If she replaces Mineta, no one is around to say "Everyone back to the bus". If not, then she ignores that call. Either way, she jumps over the railing without a second thought.
That ignites everyone else's competitive spirit as the rest of the class follows her without instructions... leaving Aizawa to stare blankly and say "well sh-t... she's more like All Might than I thought"
Replacing Mineta means:
I don't remember what all Mineta does prior to the USJ but Inari would take his place completely in training. I just don't fully remember what that is or what kinds of character moments Inari could have...
Inari will be able to take on the Nomu at the USJ and show that even with her minimal training she can rival All Might in strength
Jumping to the tournament, Inari, Shoji, and Tsuyu getting into the tournament as opposed to Tetsutetsu and (the vine/plant quirked girl I can't remember her name to save my life). And nudge the last of Shinsou's team out as the reverse Sparticus moment that Oujiro (probably misspelled that) started
And during the Mid Term (that should have been an end-of-yearoff-handedly test but whatever) Inari would be paired with Sero.
He would still try to do the self sacrifice, but Inari would be more than capable of yanking him back with her then quickly make a plan to defeat Midnight with heavy reliance on Sero's quirk
Sero would off handedly remark how she's like Midoriya which would be the first time anyone has compared her to someone other than All Might to her face.
Replacing Hanagure means:
During the first training, Inari would be paired with Oujiro (probably misspelled it) and she would be against Todoroki
The outcome would be different as Inari tries to counter Todoroki (or run out the clock) as her perfectionism would not let her accept defeat readily
Very early setup for their rivalry, but it would be a little more obviously one-sided (on Todoroki because Inari really doesn't care, she's just trying to be the perfect daughter... according to outside forces telling her that "All Might's daughter shouldn't... wouldn't... needs to... etc.)
She also gets sent to the same area Todoroki does during the USJ fight and they just exchange a look and a nod before going to the center of the arena
During the tournament, she gets a wild card effect (possibly teaming up with Shinsou willingly or teaming up with Tetsutetsu)
Main Character Syndrome™️ means:
She's essentially hot-glued to Midoriya for plot reasons (outside of One for All business)
Instead of 300 students and Aizawa having a class of 20, it is 301 and 21 respectively
Most people assume that it's because of All Might with no credit given to Inari for anything (or the flac being given to the miss filed paperwork) and no one is surprised because she's All Might's daughter. Of course she'd be allowed to break the entrance rule, she's a legacy student and the daughter of THE number one Pro Hero... Nezu would be insane to not give her a spot in UA's top freshman class...
Inari would be teamed up with Iida and Bakugo during the first training lesson, giving this calm, collected air and proving that she can handle most situations cleanly (also setup for her to be a touch more social)
Her participation in other things would boil down to her being hot-glued to Midoriya for plot reasons and reacting like a poor girl with perfection complexes and the pressure of living up to All Might's legacy in the forefront of her mind
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pixiestixs · 6 years
Wow the girl can jump #esuk #workinghunter #jumping #achivement #yearoff #piebald #horseshow #grassroots x https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl_aXG1AKYI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nyzdfo7tm23v
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stovie101 · 7 years
finally starting that blog I promised...
Gabriel and I have been travelling through Europe for almost four months and have settled in Aix-en-Provence until March 1st. With the longer stays, we have to resist the urge to become too settled. It is far too easy to waste the day hanging out inside our apartment after the schoolwork is done. 
I have no intention of boring you with every detail of our first four months. Mostly because this would require me to remember the details…and also because I get to decide what I want to do on my year off. Spending hours sitting in front of a computer is how I normally spend my time. This year, I get to wander the streets of Europe, avoiding dog poop and eating the occasional pastry.
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dashiellqvverty · 3 years
have moved back to school and the Bad Feelings are hitting.... i dont want to have to put on a mask and shoes to go to the bathroom i want to live in my HOUSE
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montepulcianoblog · 7 years
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@Regrann from @europenomads - Montepulciano. A very hot ☀️ but peaceful walk around the nature reserve at Lago di Montepulciano. 🌿Stunning scenery all around! #italy🇮🇹 #hikingadventures #montepulciano #naturereserve #italia #travel #travelgram #traveller #travelbug #tuscany #instatravelling #travelblogger #traveleurope #italianlandscapes #instatravel #travelphoto #travelphotography #mytravelgram #europenomads #europetrip #europetravel #instatraveling #italy #wanderlust #wanderlusting #walking #yearoff #exploring #europeadventure #travelitaly
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books-aremyescape · 7 years
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Put your goals in gold and make a promise to achieve them #nursingschool #nursingstudent #classof2017 #medicalschool #hereicome #6moreyearsofschool #yearoff #futuremedstudent #onedegreedown #onedegreetogo
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crashpaddiaries · 8 years
Dear Crashpad Diary #25
Weeeeeeeeee =) how are yous beasts?? Sweeeet I know! =) 
The story continues and the good vibes have been increasing exponentially!! haha
Today the post has loads of elements that will sound like coming from a movie or book written by Douglas Adams but it´s all provided by the Thai and supported by the backpacking!! haha
It´ll embrace black eggs and sweet olives, fire, friends, monkeys and fishes... loads of them!! =) I finished the previous post when we were getting to Tonsai beach... what a spectacular place... nature is in its full exuberance and the simplicity of that village brings an experience that everyone should live, at least one in life! So... getting there and overwhelmed by the beauty I shot a video and uploaded via Instagram right away... few hours later I received a comment on it.. a good friend of mine let me know that a Brazillian friend was there too... what are the odds of meeting an old friend... in a place like that?? haha Ok.. we are both climbers and the place is well known also because of the climbing... but we met when I first started climbing... just before moving to Ireland. I got in touch with testa so we could meet and climb together... And it gets even better... the same day I received another msg from another friend that was also there... haha And few days later a third friend arrived with his wife and daughter... It seems impossible but we all headed to the same place, coming from different points in this earth... we all are good and old friends but no one chatted about it before the trip... by a simply casuality we were there... this world keeps surprising me every single day... bringing me awesome experiences and fantastic and unexpected people!! The following days were amazing... I got to climb my first route in maybe 5 years haha twas great and sketchy hehe During the time we were there a weekend party to clean the beach was held by the community. The ran some competitions and contests... juggling and fire, climbing, beach volleyball... all the restaurants had stands and there were some shows... was great... we were so fortunate being there... synchronicity ma bro!! hahaha The restos were down to the beach cuz in that particular beach there is no restaurants in front of the beach... its quite weird but there is a huge wall just by the beach... we were wondering why but we couldnt understand why all the restaurants were hiding behind that wall and going through the jungle valley inland instead of being facing the stunning bay... well... people are crazy so you never know... Some days later muy friend learnt that the restaurants and guesthouses use to by the se and all... but few years ago a big hotel chain came down and bought the whole area in front of the beach planning of built a resort... they took all of them out that´s why they are behind the wall... however... after some researchs they came to a decision that it would not be a good business... the sand is not too thin and there are too many rocks on the beach... it does not attract tourists... so they shut down the project and cotributed with the destruction of the beach beauty by putting up an wall.... Shame on you Sheraton (http://www.lifegate.com/people/news/tonsai-displaced-hotel-wall). Anyways... the wall´s story is sad but does not prevent the travelers and climbing of having a blast... we got loads of climbing.. deep water soloing, kayaking, beaching and monkey robbering!! hahaha The monkeys in Railay Beach are darn well organised... they come as a wave taking everything from everyone on the beach... food or wathever they think is eatable haha so... if you´re there... whatchout for your stuff!! And the best part is that they will rob you... climb up a tree or wall and eat the stuff lookingh at you.. hahahahaha jumpy bullies!! hahaha Another thing that dragged my attention is the amount of Chilean people in Tonsai... awesome to see my hermanitos there!! Love´em!! =) As our last days in that beach were approaching fast, we decided for visiting the other islands in the surroundings... it is unbelievable how astonishing the nature can be!! Maya Bay, Ko Phi Phi, Bamboo Island... one prettier than the others... but we were all surprised by the beauty under waters... Myself and Luh had never done snorkelling or scuba diving and we are until these days overwhelmed by how the bottom of the ocean can be fantastic... Fair enough... the forecast for spectacular beaches and sweet islands is more than positive so... timeto invest some cash buying our own snorkelling gear!! hahaha The next stop in fact was Koh Tao... world wide known as one of the best places for scuba diving =) what a fantastic life! hehe We got our tickets there when were still in Tonsai... we would take a boat to go to Ao Nang... from there a van to cross from west to east... get to Surat Thani and take the night boat... as you should know... I´m constantly hungry... so we grabbed some "snacks" on the way... 7-elevens (convenience stores) are everywhere here and they sell many many many different stuff.. also... "ready to eat" food... so we went for some food while waiting for the van in Ao Nang... rookie call!! haha I got a black egg that was already boiled and some olives... no way to go wrong with eggs and olives right??? Well... its true that the egg was black... man... It was black... it said sth related to oriental seasoning but hell nooooooo hahahah Twas sweet, weird and disgusting!! eeeeeew!! hahahah Well... At least I had the olives.... hahahahhaha poor thing... they were also sweet! hahaha man.... why??? We took the safe call and got a smoothie before heading the pier!! haha Hope you had fun reading it!! if not.... Grab your backpack and head Thailand... you´ll defo have fun!! haha
Cheers beasts... it´s been a pleasure sharing the stories and experiences with yas!!
All the best vibes, my smiles and kmooooon!! =)
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juihung18 · 2 years
Cost of Studying in Canada
According to the latest statistics, Canada has been one of the highly ranked study destinations for students across the globe. From 2015 to 2018, the number of registered students increased significantly at all levels, with college attendance increasing the most. One of the primary reasons for this is the economical education provided in the country.The number of students enrolled in postsecondary education in Canada exceeded 2.18 million. Comparatively speaking to other nations, Canada has affordable educational options. In Canada, the average cost of tuition is between 20,000 and 30,000 CAD per year.How much money I need to have is a crucial concern that every student who wants to study in Canada faces. or how much does education in Canada cost? or How much does a student visa to Canada cost? In this article, we'll respond to each of those queries.Canada – Cost of attendanceThe price varies depending on the curriculum and college the student chooses.Type of AccountsCost in CADUnder-graduate Program30,000 / yearPost-graduate Program20,120 / yearOn-Campus Residence7,000 to 8,000 / yearOff-campus Shared Apartments400 to 700 / monthFood & Groceries200 to 600 / monthBooks & Supplies200 to 350/ semester Accommodation costs
According to the latest statistics, Canada has been one of the highly ranked study destinations for students across the globe. From 2015 to 2018, the number of registered students increased significantly at all levels, with college attendance increasing the most. One of the primary reasons for this is the economical education provided in the country.
The number of students enrolled in postsecondary education in Canada exceeded 2.18 million.
Comparatively speaking to other nations, Canada has affordable educational options.
In Canada, the average cost of tuition is between 20,000 and 30,000 CAD per year.
How much money I need to have is a crucial concern that every student who wants to study in Canada faces. or how much does education in Canada cost? or How much does a student visa to Canada cost? In this article, we'll respond to each of those queries.
Canada – Cost of attendance
The price varies depending on the curriculum and college the student chooses.
Type of Accounts
Cost in CAD
Under-graduate Program
30,000 / year
Post-graduate Program
20,120 / year
On-Campus Residence
7,000 to 8,000 / year
Off-campus Shared Apartments
400 to 700 / month
Food & Groceries
200 to 600 / month
Books & Supplies
200 to 350/ semester
International students have access to on-campus housing at the majority of Canadian universities. You can also choose off-campus housing, where you'll live in apartments with other Indian students. While living in a shared apartment can cost anywhere between CAD 400 and CAD 700 per month, depending on your location and the time of year, the cost of on-campus housing can range from CAD 8,000 to CAD 10,000 (annually). Do not forget that rental prices vary from city to city.
A different choice is a homestay, in which you reside with a Canadian host family. You will be required to pay a placement fee of CAD 200 and a monthly charge of CAD 750–950 in exchange for food and housing in this. However, you'll be able to engage in regional activities with the host and gain a thorough understanding of the culture.
A different choice is to stay with a Canadian host family through a homestay programme. In exchange for meals and housing, you will need to pay a placement fee of CAD 200 and a monthly charge of CAD 750–950. The host will allow you to join in on local events though, so you can get a close-up look at the culture.
Visa Fees
Another vital aspect of studying in Canada is a valid student visa. The overall visa application fee is CAD 150.
Indian students are eligible for the fast-track application if they can pay GIC (Guaranteed Investment Certificate). It means that you have to invest an amount of CAD10,000  or, as stipulated by IRCC (Immigration Refugee Citizenship Canada). So, add GIC into your tuition fees because express entry is the best pathway to a student visa but tends to be complex and riskier.
Also, the best part of GIC is that it can be reclaimed once you reach Canada. Different banks can provide GIC certificates, and ICICI bank’s program allows you to get your investment fund in your savings to account after in-person verification in Canada
MSM Unify provides the information you need so you can learn more about Study in Canada – Tuition Fees, Visa Fees, and More
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maddblackgemini · 5 years
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#MRDRC20 #readinggoals... This year I am going to focus on more intentional reading through my reading challenge of - Mood Readers Delight Reading Challenge. As we all contemplate our reading goals for the new year, I've decided to start my year off with the reading prompt "an author I've liked but haven't read before." I had a few authors in mind, but I ultimately chose this one title. I've had the book "A Cry Among Men" by C. Erskine Brown (@cerskinebrown) on my mind for a few years. However, I wasn't able to find it anywhere until recently, and as soon as I found it, I bought it. What are you starting your new yearoff with? #readingprompt #blackbookstagram #maddblackreads #blackbibliophile #wellreadblackgirl #wellreadblackgirls #diversespines #goodreads #booklove #booksofinstagram #bookstagram #bookaholic #bookaddict #bookstagrammer #bookworm #blackgirlsread #lovetoread #blackwomenread #blackandbookish #bookreview #blackbookblogger #becauseofreading #readingrainbow #booknerdigans #bookrecommendation #moodreader #cerskinebrown #acryamongmen https://www.instagram.com/p/B6yuZE-g8wJ/?igshid=akczfcg8lydb
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Skill shortage looming for Australian rail industry/ News/ News/ Railpage
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The rail industry is dealing with a workforce skills scarcity crisis, risking substantial expense and shipment blowouts on significant train and tram tasks nationwide throughout the next years.
Worth about $7 billion to the economy, rail-related building and construction spending is anticipated to grow as much as 8 percent every yearoff the back of significant projects in Victoria, NSW, Queensland and Western Australia, along with a string of light rail developments.
However a report set to be released by the Australasian Railways Association on Tuesday has required reforms to the training sector to meet need for workers, in addition to for better co-operation between state and federal governments and the economic sector.
Prepared by BIS Oxford Economics, the report states the market in Australia and New Zealand is currently experiencing skills shortages and warns more than 20 per cent of the sector's existing workforce is expected to retire before 2028.
The report recommends brand-new strategies to hire rail employees, through co-operation in between government, industry and education providers. Kirk Gilmour
It says strong demand for train drivers, controllers, track and upkeep workers, signal engineers, service technicians and tunnellers is overtaking supply, with the arrival of brand-new technologies set to need new training.
The report likewise calls for options to a "chronic" lack of fitness instructors and assessors and an end to stop-start financial investment in rail jobs, including the federal government constructing the $10 billion Inland Rail freight task.
"While the present 'tsunami' of rail financial investment, moneyed predominantly by the public sector, is producing a restored sense of urgency towards the development of construction-side skills, a few of the largest risks associate with roles that will be needed to operate and maintain the new rail networks once they are commissioned," the report says.
"These skills are not effectively targeted by recent government initiatives intended at enhancing the number of capable workers at all ability levels."
Immediate action
Amongst its suggestions is a call for a brand-new taskforce be established to bring together federal government, market and education providers, part of efforts to much better facilitate advancement and upkeep of a pipeline of tasks.
It recommends a brand-new national skills and advancement strategy for the rail market and for steps to improve awareness and destination of rail-related tasks.
Australasian Railways Association chief executive Danny Broad said the report showed the requirement for instant action to fill skills spaces.
"Financial investment of over $100 billion in rail tasks by Australian federal governments over the next ten years will be weakened by shortages of experienced labour that considerably impact the building of brand-new rail systems, and our capacity to operate them," Mr Broad stated.
"Unless we attend to lacks due to market failure, attrition, and inappropriate training arrangements, tasks will blow out in regards to shipment and cost. Designing programs that in 2023, the peak of the construction phase, we may have labor force gaps of up to 70,000 people."
The report will be gone for the AusRail conference in Canberra on Tuesday.
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beamjaruwan · 7 years
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Kong Si Fah Chai #chinesenewyear #chinese #yearofthedog #chinesefood #yearendsale #china #chinesecrested #yearofyes #love #year2000 #chineseart #yearzero #newmusic #happy #2018 #chineseink #chinesefoods #chinesetea #newproject #music #yearoff #yearendsale2017 #lunarnewyear #chinesecuisine #chinesehair #newvideo #new #chinesedress #newchapter #happychinesenewyear — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2Fez3mF
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pixiestixs · 6 years
Wow the girl can jump #esuk #workinghunter #jumping #achivement #yearoff #piebald #horseshow #grassroots x https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl_aXG1AKYI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cykizhznloli
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unknown-journeys · 8 years
Taking a year off and figuring out myself and my emotions has been one of the best decisions
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charismalree-blog1 · 8 years
Hey guys! Welcome to my new blog about volunteering abroad. The purpose of this blog is to provide people with information about volunteering all over the world. Each day I hope to look at different places and opportunities. The different categories are as broad as the horizon, from hatching sea turtle eggs in Costa Rica to researching penguins in Antarctica. Over time I am sure to discuss a topic that appeals to you. By volunteering you not only achieve a sense of accomplishment but you can also receive hours for college and community service; sometimes ultimately receiving job offers! So let’s help out the world that we all share by using our time to better benefit it! Attached is a link of some first hand accounts of people who have participated and loved every experience. http://www.workingabroad.com/volunteering-abroad/volunteer-stories
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Erasmus is synonym of experience, travelling, self-growing and culture. It is an opportunity to study abroad and to meet people from different cultures but, at the same time it is a chance to switch off from daily routine and start experiencing new sensations and new ways of life. Because you are going to live in another country different from your home country- Because most likely you are going to speak another language different form your mother language. Because you are going to be living with other people different from your family and friends. So, although this is pretty obvious and logical, is the true also. So why instead of hearing always the same words coming form other people don’t you live your own experience?
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