#so they had to go stay at one of calebs friends n she wanted to stay w him fr a while to make sure he was on his feet so she
gucciwins · 7 months
birthday blues
Y/N doesn't celebrate her birthday. Harry wants to change that.
Word count: 9381
A/N: it's my birthday! and I thought you deserved something nice. I feel sometimes birthday can be very up and down. somehow tears come by every year. I always wanted to write a birthday story and what better day to post it than on my birthday.
warnings: mentions of a parent death
happy reading!
365 days
That’s how long it took the sun to rotate the earth. That was also how many days it took for Y/N to turn a year older. 
Birthdays are meant to be celebrated with family and friends. Where they shower someone with gifts cake but mostly love. It’s something Y/N hasn’t felt since she was young. Her mother made sure Y/N was reminded that the sun shined bright for her. She made all her dreams come true until she couldn’t. Y/N lost her mother, Isla, to cancer. She fought a long battle, but it seemed losing her mother meant losing her father as he lost the love of his life. Her older brother, already close to eighteen, understood loss but didn’t realize how grief could change a person because as soon as Caleb turned eighteen, he was gone. Only calling during the holidays but never coming home. 
Y/N saw how others were celebrated on their birthdays as she grew up, from being invited to birthday parties to the grand gifts they would receive, primarily knowing that her friends had someone show up for them. That never happened for Y/N. 
She moved away from home for university, and there was no argument from her father. She began her life where she hoped to create a family of her own, and with time, she had. Y/N never believed in having a large group of friends, but wherever she went, she made a friend along the way. 
Aurora is Y/N’s best friend. She met her at a book club, their local bookstore hosts. Y/N complimented her fiery red hair; Aurora took one hard look at Y/N and claimed they would be best friends. Y/N brushed her off instead asking her out for coffee, and well, it seemed Aurora was right. She always is Y/N had come to learn. 
With Aurora in her life came new friends; she was invited to dinner parties, coffee days, and to join in on mundane errand days. Y/N had never felt so invited and loved by her friends, but she made sure to give it right back. When it was Suki’s birthday, Y/N knew she wanted an ice skating day with all their friends but could never convince everyone to go; well, Y/N turned on the charm, and off they went. At Edward’s graduation party, she brought his favorite cake from the bakery across town. For Tina, she found a vintage sweater she had been searching for since she was seventeen and learned who Vivienne Westwood was. Y/N was the friend who went above and beyond for everyone because she knew they deserved it.
Year after year, they would ask Y/N to celebrate her birthday or accomplishments, but Y/N always promised them she didn’t like celebrating her birthday. After two years, her friends decided not to fight it and respected her wishes. She’d start her day the same way each year: head to Heart Coffee to buy a croissant and an oat milk vanilla latte. She’d head to the park, where she’d sit by the lake, seeing all the people run by. Then she’d cook herself a small meal and stay home to watch her favorite show (Parks and Rec). It’s a simple plan, one she liked and her friends respected. Her friends would get her gifts, sometimes books, kitchen supplies, or even the sweater she had been eyeing and saving up for, but that’s as much as she allowed to be celebrated. 
Then Harry came into her life. 
Aurora was having a bonfire to celebrate the start of Summer. Y/N loved the beach, searching for shells, and mostly, being in the water. Y/N had offered to help set up because she wanted to maximize her time in the water. Her mum always told her she was born a mermaid in another life for how much she loved water. Y/N spent her time in the water, and once she felt the sun begin to set (Aurora yelled for her to come in), she took a final dive and dashed to her car to change into warmer clothes. As she was closing her car’s trunk, Y/N bumped into someone. She quickly apologized, knowing she was in a hurry to return to her friends because she was hungry. 
“My fault,” a strong voice responded. 
It sent chills down her back. She looked up to meet his eyes and found mossy green eyes staring at her. “Sorry,” she apologized again. “I’ve got to go.” Y/N pointed behind her to signify she had people waiting for her, and before he could stop her, she ran off. 
Y/N tried to brush away his pretty face, but her brain seemed frozen. She’d never seen someone so pretty. He had curls peeking out behind his hood, and his long eyelashes were something she’d forever be jealous of while she’d dream of what his pink lips might taste like. Y/N, with a drink in her hand, allowed herself to escape to her thoughts. 
“Babes, you’ve got a pretty tan going,” Aurora commented as Y/N set her bag down.
Y/N felt her face warm, knowing tomorrow she’d be more burnt than she liked, but being in the water was worth it. 
“So the mermaid has legs,” Frannie teases Y/N as she sits in the sand. 
“So it seems. Got any gummy worms?” Y/N plays along, knowing her friend would understand the significance of the candy from one of their favorite movies.   
There was a lot of chatter going around. She patted Frannie’s thigh, telling her she was getting another drink, but before she could do that, Tobias, Aurora’s boyfriend of two years, called for her. 
“Y/NNNNN!” She giggled because it was clear he was a few drinks in. “My sweet baby, I want to introduce you to my friends. We’re in a band.” 
“Were.” A man with an Irish accent answers. 
“Shush, Niall. Y/N loves musicians.” 
Y/N rolls her eyes, “only if they play the piano,” she corrects. 
She turned to look at the people Tobias wanted to introduce her to, and she took a deep breath when she recognized the guy with the gray hood, a smirk on his face.
“Right, whatever. My good mates from left to right are Niall, Sarah, Devon, and Harry. Mitch is off getting drinks. He’s the dude with really long hair. You’ll see him,” Tobias assures her. “Now, this is my best mate Y/N.” Y/N giggles. “Don’t tell Aurora, she’ll fight anyone who calls Y/N her, and I quote “bestie.””
Y/N hums in agreement. “It’s lovely to meet you all.” She shakes their hand in greeting. She saved Harry for last. Y/N tries to hide she’s looking at his long fingers, but when she looks at Harry, he’s staring at her with a wide smile. 
“Piano hands.” 
Y/N feels her face flush because he’s referring to the comment she made a few minutes ago. She takes a step back and excuses herself. “Off to get a drink. It was lovely to meet you all.” 
Harry steps forward as if to follow her, but Tobias stops him with a shake of his head. Always protective. She looks over her shoulder and finds Harry already staring at her. She laughs to herself. Maybe she’ll get the courage to talk to him after two more drinks. 
One drink later, Y/N was watching the waves crash in when she heard someone coming closer. She thought it was Aurora who was escaping the loud music for a moment, so she patted the seat next to her, but to her surprise, it was Harry. 
“Hi,” she greeted softly. 
“Hi, Y/N.” Harry smiled at her. “You’re hard to get alone.”
She rolls her eyes playfully. “That’s Mum and Dad for you.” 
“They’re protective of everyone like that?” He asks.
“Yes, but more so me.”
“Is it because you’re too sweet?” Harry asks curiously.
“Or to mean,” she counters. 
Harry laughs, “I doubt that.” 
Y/N turns her body to look at him, squinting her eyes suspiciously. “You don’t know me.” 
He shrugs, “I don’t, but you shook my hand when we met. Don’t think that’s happened in such an informal setting.”
Y/N lets his words sink in. So it was weird to shake hands, but her mum always taught her to be polite, and she'd shake their hand if she couldn’t be a hugger. Were handshakes weird? Did that mean Harry thought she was strange? Well, there goes her chance with him.
“Y/N, Sweets? Where’d you go?” Harry calls for her attention, seeing her lost in her head. “I’m that boring, huh?”
She’s quick to shake her head. “Sorry. That was so rude of me.” 
“Only teasing.” 
“Don’t like the party?” Y/N gestured behind them, knowing that was much better than sitting with her. 
Harry scoots his hand closer to hers, only an inch apart the slightest movement, and they’d be touching. “I meant it when I said you’re hard to get alone. Aurora asked me fifty different questions, and one was about my car insurance.” 
Aurora was odd, but she always had her best interests in mind. 
“Think she’s scared I might get taken away from her.”
“She did say something about 60/40.” 
Y/N lets her head fall into her lap, “that’s embarrassing.” 
“Take it everyone’s sweet on you, Sweets.” 
Y/N feels herself melt at the moniker. Harry is too charming for her, but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t want a chance.
“Are you?” 
Harry takes it in stride. “Definitely.”
Harry takes her silence as rejection. “Take it, it’s not mutual?” 
“I’m afraid you never asked me a question.” She feigns innocence. 
Harry grins, “would you like to go on a date with me?” Y/N stays silent. “How’s that for a question?” 
Y/N stands up, brushes away the sand, and offers her hand to Harry. He takes it, careful to not pull her off balance. “Yes.” 
She walks back to her friends, leaving behind a stunned Harry. 
“Did you say yes?” He yells, hurrying to catch up. 
“I did.” 
Y/N laughs, confused. “Was I supposed to say no?”
“Tobias assured me you would say no, so I thought no harm in trying.”
Y/N steps close to Harry, removing any space they head between each other. “Listen here, Harry. As much as I love Tobias, he doesn’t speak for me. So, if you ever have a question for me, just ask.”
Harry nods. 
“Good. Now I’d love a s’more, care to join me?” 
Harry, enamored by Y/N, is quick to agree.
He spent the remainder of the night glued to Y/N’s side. He couldn’t get enough of her. He wanted to know everything about her, from her birthday to her favorite number. She asked him about the pets he had growing up and who his three favorite female artists were. Y/N told Harry his answer could change her response to their upcoming date. Harry named Stevie Nicks, Kacey Musgraves, and Megan Thee Stallion. Y/N told him she approved. He sighed in relief, telling her that his heart was close to beating out of his chest. 
Harry’s friends began to pack up to leave, but he noticed Y/N didn’t, so he stayed put Y/N tucked against his side and said it was time for him to go, sensing all the looking Harry’s friends were directing at him and he was ignoring.  
“Don’t want to leave you alone.”
“I’ve got my friends, Harry. I was fine before you and will be fine once you leave.” 
Harry frowned, “fine isn’t good enough.” 
“You’re a tough cookie.” 
Harry makes no move to get up.
“I’ll make you a deal.”
He perks up, “I’m listening.”
“You text me when you make it home.” Harry nods eagerly. “I’ll text you when I make it home. If you’re awake, I’ll let you call me to wish me goodnight.” 
“I’ll be awake,” he promises.
Y/N doesn’t know how true that is, but it does get him to finally follow his tired friends to their car. She watches him walk away when Aurora comes up behind, resting her head on Y/N’s shoulder. 
“Tobias bet me $50 bucks he could keep Harry away from you.” 
“What did you do, Rora?” 
“I offered him a blowie if he let you be,” Aurora laughed, “I saw the sparkle in your eye. Don’t love him more than me is all I ask.” 
Y/N giggles, “I wouldn’t dare.”
“Good. I told him 60/40, but 70/30 is a better deal for me.”
Y/N felt like throwing up. She changed her outfit three times, restyled her hair twice, and messed up her eyeliner for the first time in months. Her date with Harry was tonight, and while she had a massive crush on him, her nerves were getting the better of her. 
Before she could change her outfit another time, her phone rang, notifying her of a knock on her door. The security camera she had installed was a significant help. She pulled up the app on her phone and saw Harry wearing a black knitted sweater with two swans kissing. A bouquet of flowers in his hand. He kept pacing the front door, and Y/N felt settled, knowing he was nervous, too. 
First dates can be awkward, and small talk is boring, but as soon as she opens the front door, Y/N knows it’s different. Harry shows her a bright smile, telling her how beautiful she looks. Y/N lets Harry open her car door; for dinner, Harry decides to take her to his favorite Italian restaurant. It’s ten minutes from the beach. It’s a family-owned establishment where all the dishes are made from scratch. Harry promised Mama D’s offers a pink sauce that’s to die for. Y/N let Harry order for her, and she was not sorry; the food was delicious. She knew she would return, but that wasn’t the best part. No, it was spending time with Harry. 
She learned how smart he was. He is constantly reading a new book, whether poetry or history books; he always has his hand on something new. Y/N proudly told him she loved her romance books, that she had only recently begun to get into fantasy, but that her favorite series growing up was “The Hunger Games.” She went on a slight tangent explaining what the books meant to her and how, from time to time, she would pick it up to read it all over again. When she realized she had probably said too much, Y/N felt her face burning and wouldn’t dare to meet Harry’s stare.
“Sorry,” she apologized. 
Harry shakes his head, “no, don’t do that.”
“What?” Y/N asks confused. 
“Apologize for what you’re passionate about. It’s a part of you; don’t make it seem insignificant,” his words settled deep in her heart. “I could write you a ten-page essay on why The Notebook is one of the best romance movies to exist.” 
“With citations included?” Y/N teased, easing the tension she was holding. 
“Well, of course,” Harry plays into her banter. 
It’s clear by the end of the date that Y/N is head over heels for Harry, and the feeling is mutual. Harry sat across from Y/N at the start of the meal, but after their dinner and a glass of wine, he slipped into the seat next to her. He played with her fingers that rested on the table, his entire body turned to her, giving her his undivided attention. Y/N and Harry stayed at the restaurant until they closed. Their waiter, Devin, told them he didn’t want to rush them, but they did need to clean up the outside patio. Harry knew it was time to go but didn’t want the night to end. 
“Fancy a walk?” Harry asked Y/N as they stood by the car, pointing toward the beach where she could hear the waves crashing on the shore.
“Lead the way.”
Harry reached for Y/N’s hand, but Y/N was the one to intertwine their fingers, keeping a tight grip on him. Harry gave her a squeeze to assure her he liked it. The moon shone down on them as they walked towards the calm waves. They walked in silence; there was no need to fill the void with talk. Simply being together was enough for them. 
He was aware this was a first date. Yet, Harry knew what he was feeling was something he would never experience again, entirely because of Y/N. 
“Yes, Sweets.” 
“Can I confess something to you?” 
Harry stops walking, hearing the tremble in her voice. “Hey, of course you can. Anything you want.” 
“Well,” she takes a deep breath. “When we met, I thought you might be a little cocky because you have this larger-than-life personality, but truthfully, you're the sweetest person I have ever met.” 
Harry feels his cheeks turn red. He did not see this coming. “Sweets, you mean that?” 
“I do. You make me feel safe and cared for. I-I know we don’t know each other too well, but I would like to keep seeing you if you’re interested,” she whispers the final word as if all her confidence was sucked away. 
“Y/N, look at me.” She lifts her gaze to meet his. Y/N can see how bright his eyes are with the moon's light. “I would love to keep going on dates with you. You called me sweet, but Y/N, you’re the kindest, smartest, most beautiful person I have met in all my years of life. I’d love to keep spending time with you even if it was simply to go grocery shopping.” 
“Good,” she whispers. “I’m glad we’re on the same page.” 
“Come one, Sweets. The night is still young.” 
Harry and Y/N spent the remainder of the night sitting on the cold sand, telling each other everything they could think of because while neither would say it out loud, they knew they had met their soulmate.
Y/N loved playing dress-up. She loved exploring her fashion, knowing she’d get suitable and horrible outfits, but each one would be a story for her to tell. Y/N loved going to flea markets on the weekends and went to her favorite thrift store every time the kind worker shot her a text, there was a large donation that came in. Her mother once took her to an estate sale, and Y/N got to see pieces of someone else’s story. Y/N loved visiting the homes but also because she got to find some of the most insane items. Y/N had found a vintage baby pink Chanel sweater and a never-worn pearl necklace. It was her most precious piece of jewelry. 
When Harry learned that Y/N loved going to vintage and second-hand stores, he planned a date night to take her to all the hidden spots his mother had shown him. It had been a few weeks of dates, Y/N and Harry being exclusive, enjoying their time together. Harry had planned a few dates, but so had Y/N. With final exams looming close, he wanted to make sure that Y/N knew that spending time with her was his priority, so he wanted to take her to one of her favorite activities. 
Harry had specific tastes, loving to wear vintage shirts, sometimes paying too much for one he couldn’t live without. Harry loved being able to share this passion with Y/N but mostly enjoyed spending time with her. He understood they both had schoolwork and needed to make time to study, but Y/N was great at making time to see him, so he decided he could do the same. She stopped by for breakfast after her morning pilates class. Harry would send her flowers to arrive at her office. It was a simple gesture, but Y/N appreciated it each time.
“Did you know Dee can’t stand Prim?” Y/N tells Harry as she looks through the rack of skirts, trying to find a velvet skirt. 
Harry frowned. “Prim the cat?” 
“Mhmm…the very one. Says she’s demonic or something,” Y/N shrugs.
“Prim is the sweetest little baby. Always curl up in your lap for a nap.”
Y/N looks back at him with a big smile, recalling the memory of them over at Sasha’s house for game night. Harry sat to her right as they watched Frannie and Brandon try to beat their score in charades when the small black cat came right over to her with a tiny meow and settled in her lap. Y/N ran her hand through Prim’s black coat, coxing her right to sleep. Harry made sure to capture photos for her. Even made it his new lock screen.
“Yeah, told Dee she probably needs to bring Prim a snack to befriend her.” 
Y/N pulled out a black skirt; she looked it over, trying to decide if she wanted it, when Harry spotted something over her shoulder. It was a maroon velvet skirt with a split on the leg, and he knew it was exactly what she was looking for. 
“How about this?” 
She turned around to see Harry holding up a skirt. It looked in perfect condition, not a tear in sight. “What if it doesn’t fit?” 
“We can always alter it. I’m amazing with a sewing machine,” Harry shares. 
Y/N grabs it from him, adding it to the pile of clothes she’s already holding in one arm. “Fine, I’ve been convinced.” She giggles, knowing she would have taken it no matter what because Harry was the one who found it for her. 
“Did you find that knitted cardigan here?” Y/N asks him, exiting the shop, the bag of clothes in Harry’s hand as he uses his other hand to hold hers. 
“No, my Nan made it.” 
Y/N’s eyes gleam in excitement. “That’s amazing. Did she teach you?” 
Harry laughs. “No, I'm really bad with needles. Nan says I’ve got too big of hands.” 
Y/N lifts their intertwined hands, looking down at his black nail polish contrasting her red. “I think you’ve got perfect hands.” 
Harry kisses her temple. “Thank you, sweets. Are you up for a coffee?”
“And a croissant?” She asks excitedly. 
“Well, of course. Only the best for you.” Harry pulls her close and leads them to a coffee shop up the street. 
Harry knows he’s never been happier. He’s glad to have Y/N in his life.
Y/N had spent the summer falling in love. Harry had been the perfect gentleman. She had never met someone as kind as him, and when he asked her to be his girlfriend, there was only one clear answer. 
She held back from screaming it. Her excitement was hard to hide, but thankfully, so was Harry’s. They spent that night back at Y/N’s apartment kissing. Harry had the sweetest lips, and Y/N always wanted more after one taste. He brought warmth into her life, which she would always be thankful for. 
Now, in Autumn, she spent her time with her studying, going on dates, and sharing lots of kisses. Y/N got to meet Harry’s family: his mother, who has a big love for cats; his older sister, who’s a lawyer and the best baker to ever exist; and his step-father, who is heaven-sent. Y/N shared she was nervous to meet them all because of how much Harry talked about them, but he assured her they’d love her. 
They settled on brunch together, which went as well as Harry expected. Y/N shared what she was studying, where she was from, and how sweet Harry was raised. His mother, Elise, was over the moon with her kind words. When Y/N excused herself to the restroom, his mum could not stop gushing about how perfect Y/N was for him. His sister, Aaliyah, was more challenging to win over. She seemed to think she could read everyone perfectly. It was her job as a lawyer, but sometimes Harry wanted her to simply be his sister. Y/N spent the breakfast sharing stories asking about Harry growing up. His stepfather shared his favorite memories of Harry growing up. How Aaliyah tried to always sell Harry away or ship him off in a box. It never worked, but she tried so hard.
It took a slight turn when the conversation shifted to Y/N’s family. “Has Harry met your family?” Aaliyah asked. 
Y/N felt her hands begin to sweat, and as if he could sense her nerves, Harry reached down and intertwined her hand with his, letting them rest on her lap. 
“No, uh, he hasn’t.” 
Aaliyah frowned, “Now that doesn’t seem right. Are you ashamed of him?” 
Y/N jumps back as if she had just been slapped. She knew his sister cared for him, but being accused of being ashamed of Harry was not something she ever wanted to happen. Y/N took a deep breath and decided to share the deepest parts of herself with Harry’s family, something she did not like to talk about and only mentioned to Harry, never giving him the whole story. 
“My mum Isla passed away when I was ten. She was my hero and my biggest supporter. It’s not something you ever really heal from; grief lessens, but you’ll always miss them.” Y/N wanted to look away. The look of pity on their face was not something she wanted. “My—my dad loved my mum. He always said she was his other half, and well…when he lost her, it’s like we lost him too. My older brother is eight years older than me. So when my mum passed away, he was getting ready to leave for university. Once he left, he never came back. He calls on the occasional holiday but loves life in America.” Y/N is surprised she’s not crying yet but pushes on. “It’s hard living in a house when you’re the one who essentially raised yourself. Dad worked, came home and mourned, then went back to work. An endless cycle. I had family members try to help him, but they knew it would be better if I left.” Y/N could feel her hands shaking and her knee continuously bouncing, but she did it; she made it through her story. “Sorry if that was an overshare.” Y/N excuses herself, needing a minute. 
She walks out front, and that’s when her tears fall. 
“For fucks sake,” she groans, knowing tear stains are hard to hide. 
“Y/N,” Harry calls for her softly. “Are you okay?” 
Harry. Her sweet angel. Y/N’s sure her mum put him on her path because her love for him is something she’s never felt before, but it makes her feel whole. Y/N lets herself collapse in his arms, no longer caring about her tears. 
“I’m sorry,” she mutters. “They must think I’m a mess.” 
“Hey,” he says softly. “Don’t talk about my girlfriend like that.” 
“It’s true,” she defends. 
Harry lifts her head to have him look at her. “You don’t have to be perfect or have to have your life together. You just need to remember you’re not alone. You’ve got so many people that l–adore you.” 
Y/N takes a moment to let it all sink in. Harry’s right. She’s simply overwhelmed and thankful to have him here. 
“Is your family upset with me?”
“Not at all, baby,” he assures her. “I think Mum was reprimanding Aaliyah, actually.”
Y/N laughs at his excitement, “let's go back.” 
“Are you sure?” He checks one final time.
“Mhm. Do you think your mum will share photos of you?” 
“Only one way to find out,” Y/N let him lead the way as she felt her heart calm down, knowing she was in safe hands.
Y/N could not be prouder of Harry. He had passed all his exams with flying colors (Y/N did, too), all while getting promoted at work. It was a campus job that paid decently. He did it for the scholarship offered but had come to love his role in helping other students. Y/N had done well, too, but that didn’t matter to her, not when she wanted to celebrate Harry. She planned a special night out for him with all of their friends. Harry loved a good party, and she wanted to give him precisely that. She had told him to prepare for the night, claiming it was a surprise. 
Harry didn’t think much, knowing her surprise ranged from a bouquet of flowers to getting dessert and the occasional new clothing she found for him. He didn't know what to expect tonight because when she showed up at his apartment in a little black dress, he was close to pulling her into his apartment and not letting her go. As good as that dress looked on Y/N, he knew it would look better on his bedroom floor. Harry noticed Y/N’s excitement and knew he couldn’t keep her locked up, but it did not stop him from pushing her up against the wall and happily messing up her lipstick. 
Once he noticed it was getting hard to control himself when he pulled away. “Look beautiful, sweets.” 
Y/N giggled, pressing a kiss to his stained lips. “Thank you.”
“Should we head out?” Harry asked, grabbing his coat and helping Y/N slip hers on. 
The car ride was short, driving close to the university. He noticed they were outside the bar they come to for karaoke some nights. He loves belting out an Adele song from time to time. Y/N hurried out the door, her excitement unable to be contained. Y/N waited at the door for him, her hand outstretched for him to take. He kissed her wrist and gestured for her to go on. 
Walking in, everything looked normal. People were sitting around at the tables, not a seat in sight at the bar. Y/N offered Grady, their favorite bartender, a wave. The crowd parted for Y/N as if she were an angel walking by. He was always mesmerized by how her presence caught the attention of everyone around her. 
Y/N led them to the back room, which was reserved for large parties. Harry was confused; she had said the surprise was for him, but it didn’t make sense when there was nothing to celebrate. His birthday wasn’t until February, and she knew that. Made a clear point to add it to her calendar as Harry Styles’ Birthday with a yellow heart next to it. A simple gesture that made his heart skip a beat. When they entered the room, Harry noticed all their friends gathered around. Mitch was laughing with Niall while Sarah approached them with three drinks in hand. She quickly passed Harry a vodka cranberry while Y/N got Sprite. 
“Your girl sure knows how to throw a party,” Sarah raises her glass in a cheer. 
“I-I.” Harry has no words. 
Sarah laughs. “Did you really not know? I thought she would have told you. Y/N was so excited she thought she might burst,” she teased. 
Y/N smiles, leaning her head on Harry’s shoulder. “It’s for everyone,” Y/N reminds her. 
Sarah clicks her tongue. “You said, and I quote, ‘Harry aced every exam. He had the highest grade in each class. It deserves to be celebrated.’ Or am I wrong?” 
Y/N feels her face heat up because Sarah’s words are true. She said it because it was true. He deserves all his accomplishments to be celebrated, from acing an exam to turning in an exam. Uni isn’t always fun; if she can make good days for him, she feels like she did something good for someone she loves. 
Harry excuses them, pulling them to the corner of the room. A few people try to get his attention, but he’s on a mission to get his girl alone. Harry corners her, his emerald eyes locked with her soft eyes. “You’re an angel,” he whispers. “What did I do to deserve you?” 
Y/N has no answer because she feels the same way. “I feel the same way.” 
“You didn’t have to do all of this,” he gestures around them. 
She nods, “I wanted to. You deserve to be celebrated.” 
Harry can no longer hold back. He connects his lips with hers. His hands settle on her waist while Y/N fists the front of his shirt. The passion was burning him; he craved the feeling. Y/N was lost in the feeling that she had forgotten they were in a room with their friends. She jumps back when she hears a loud holler and a yell of Harry’s name. Y/N lets her head fall on his chest, her cheeks burning while Harry tries to coax her to look at him. 
“Y/N, love. You’re amazing.” 
A large smile splits on her face; before Harry can kiss it away, Y/N holds his hand and pulls him to the dance floor, their drinks long forgotten.
“Let’s celebrate, baby!” Y/N shouts, laughing as Harry twirls her into him. Her laugh rings loud, and Harry knows she’s the best thing to ever happen to him. As Y/N dances in front of him, one thought rings loud in his head. 
He is completely and utterly in love with Y/N. 
Y/N didn’t enjoy her birthday, but it didn’t mean she didn’t celebrate her friend's special day. Frannie loved spending time with her friends, so with the help from Aurora, they planned a dinner party at Aurora’s shared apartment. They set up two long folding tables with chairs and pushed the couches back for extra space. Y/N decorated the apartment with streamers, balloons, and banners with the help of Harry, who got on the ladder for her when she couldn’t reach something. 
The dinner was set for 5pm. Thankfully, Frannie’s birthday landed on a Saturday, so everyone will be free from uni for the week. Y/N had place cards made for everyone. Harry even had a little heart next to his name. He would be sitting right next to Y/N, with Mitch to his left. They were his two favorite people because while he was good at having Y/N’s attention, it seemed when she was in a large group of people, she always became the life of the party.  
At 4:30, everyone began to arrive one by one. Aurora was set to get there at 5 with Frannie. They had told Frannie it would only be dinner with the three of them, but she was in for a big surprise. The door opened at 5:01, and everyone screamed, “Surprise!” 
Frannie dropped the flowers she was holding in shock. 
“You did this!” Frannie pointed at Y/N, who was leaning against Harry’s chest. 
Y/N brushes her off, “it was all of us.”
Harry knew she didn’t like all the attention, yet Y/N always went out of her way to show everyone how much she loved and appreciated them. It made him wonder how her friends would celebrate Y/N this year. He knows he tried but sometimes never can’t measure up. He loves buying her flowers, always treats her to coffee, and gives her kisses tenfold because he knows it makes her smile. 
He sees Frannie, gives her a tight hug, then settles down at the head of the table. Harry likes how easy conversation falls around him. He talks about a new album that recently came out with Mitch. Y/N jumps in, saying the closing song is her favorite. Sarah shared how the campus job is giving her 40 percent off on all merchandise, so send her a list of what they want. 
Y/N rests her hand on Harry’s thigh as she slips into conversation with Aurora and Brandon, talking about the lab Aurora did earlier in the week. Y/N jumps in every few minutes to show she’s listening. Harry selfishly wants to pull her away, wanting her attention back on him. 
Harry traces random shapes on her hand, letting Mitch talk his ear off as he picks at Y/N’s chipped nails. He makes a mental note of painting them for her tomorrow. 
“I love you, Harry,” she whispers in his ear. A soft kiss is placed on his cheek as she goes to pull away. Harry reaches out and sets her in his lap, not caring that all their friends are watching.
“Say it again,” he begs in a husky voice.
“You've heard me say it before,” she giggled, thinking about their midnight walk when Harry confessed under the stars how he had fallen in love with her. Y/N kissed him, not needing him to beg her to say she loved him. She’d say it over and over again for as long as he asked. “I love you” had become his favorite phrase. 
Y/N sits in his lap for a while; Harry knows she’s tired and close to falling asleep as he feels her settle deeper in his lap. She jolts up when Aurora asks for help with the main dish. Y/N kisses his lips, promising to be back quickly. Being at the apartment all day getting everything ready took a toll on her, and he knew that after eating, she would want to sleep for a long time, but Y/N would not leave because she would see it as rude. Harry composes an idea as dinner continues. 
The meal is enjoyed, and he has the perfect idea when dessert is passed around. He feigns a yawn, making sure Y/N is watching him. He apologizes, giving her a brief kiss. 
“Do you wanna go, H?” Y/N asks. “I know we’ve been here all day.” 
He shakes his head, “no, you can stay.” 
Y/N frowns, not liking that option at all. Harry has been staying over lately, and she’s gotten used to him in her bed. She debates on what to do because she knows cleaning up will be a bitch and would hate to leave it all to Aurora. Sarah notices her mood change and asks her what’s wrong.
“You alright?” 
“Ready to call it a night, but worried about the mess,” Y/N looks around mentally, trying to see what she can throw out and save. 
Sarah waves her off, “go home, babes.” 
“Nope. We’ve got this. You set up, we take down,” Sarah tells her like it’s obvious. 
Y/N reaches forward, tugging her friend in for a hug. “You’re the best.” 
Y/N begins to make her rounds, bidding goodnight, sharing her fair of I love you before landing at Harry’s side, her hand in his. Harry quietly thanks Sarah and walks out with his tired girlfriend. She sinks against him as they walk down the steps leading them to the street where they parked 
“Remind me to never set up a party,” she groans as she throws herself into the passenger seat. Harry bites back a laugh instead, leans in, and helps Y/N buckle up. She gives him a tired grin. “You’re the best.” 
“Do you want me to set up a bath for when I get you home?” 
Y/N perks up. “Does that mean we’re going to yours?” 
Harry has the bigger bathtub, so he knows what she’s asking. If he’ll be joining her. “Text Mitch to stay with Sarah.” 
“Oh, are we using the citrus one?” 
“If that’s what you want.” 
Y/N sighs against her seat. “Oh, how I love you, Harry.” 
Harry’s heart fills with warmth. This love is everything he’s ever wanted in life.
Y/N loved her friends. She loved seeing them smile, helping them out, and, most of all, celebrating them. All her friends took care of her, but Y/N always seemed to go above and beyond for each of them. It was something her Mumma taught her. “Give graciously because it will come back to you.” She likes to think it’s come back in ways she never imagined. 
Brandon had always been an excellent friend to Y/N. He had her back when she failed her first exam. He held her hand when she got lost at the pumpkin patch the year prior. Y/N was thankful for everything he did, from helping her set up her first tattoo appointment to taking her to the mechanic and ensuring she wasn’t being ripped off. He was a good friend, and she wanted to celebrate this new opportunity that had opened up for him. He had started a new job in IT a few months back, and Y/N knew how much he enjoyed it. It was better than biology, but soon, his job offered him pay for his education under a different major: IT Security Protection. It was the easiest, yes, but the only problem was that he’d have to go to a college in the States. This was a celebration and an early goodbye because he wasn’t set to leave until the New Year. 
This time, the event was at a club. Everyone was ready to let loose after a hard week, and the celebration was a perfect opportunity. Harry promised Y/N he’d watch after them, only limiting himself to two drinks and ordering them an Uber home when it was time to go. Except for the fact that Y/N was making sure her friends were enjoying themselves. It seemed Samantha got into some drama with Frannie, and they’ve been butting heads. Harry knows Y/N is a great mediator, but he wants Y/N to be able to go out without worrying about fixing problems. His girlfriend is heaven-sent, but he wants her friends to be there for her like she is for them. 
Harry hoped they would prove it on the most important day for Y/N. 
Harry takes note of all the grand gifts and events Y/N goes on to plan for her friends. It’s something he knows Y/N loves doing, but what does she get in return? Harry knows her birthday is soon and wonders what her friends have planned. 
A few friends gathered to go out for drinks. Harry had not left his seat beside Y/N except to buy their drinks. Y/N leans in, kissing the corner of his mouth, promising she’d be gone a second, needing to use the restroom. Harry made sure she made it safely before getting everyone’s attention. 
“What are you planning for Y/N’s birthday in a few weeks?” Harry asks, popping Y/N’s cherry from her Shirley Temple in his mouth. Y/N stated she hated them but always ordered extra because she knew Harry would eat them.
Aurora frowned, “What do you mean?” 
“Her birthday. December 3rd. How do you want to celebrate? Was thinking of renting out the backroom of her favorite restaurant, inviting some friends, drinks all night, and cake. You know we’ve got to take care of her sweet tooth.” 
“She doesn’t celebrate her birthday,” Frannie tells him. 
Harry frowns; that doesn’t make sense. Y/N had told him all about how she celebrated with her mum when she was growing up. How her Mum would wake her up to breakfast in bed and slip in next to her, telling Y/N her favorite memories from when Y/N was an infant to her current age. It filled him with so much happiness that she got to experience it. That she had that much love in her life, and while he knows she has lost it in some way, it will always be with her. Frannie’s words ring over and over in his head.
 Y/N never mentioned not being a fan of her birthday. 
“What ya mean?” Harry needs a clear answer. 
“She refuses to celebrate her birthday with us. It’s been like this since I met her, Harry,” Aurora tells him, but he’s not so convinced. 
“Have you asked her? She’s got fond memories of her birthday, and if we let her stop celebrating, this day will mean nothing to her. Y/N makes all of you feel special every chance she gets, from celebrating graduations to the newest tattoos. You mean the world to her, but what does she mean to you?” 
Harry is getting heated, so he excuses himself. He was going to find Y/N and hoped to convince her to let him take her home. He’s too frustrated to keep sitting at a table of their friends who refuse to do something kind for Y/N simply because she said she didn’t want to celebrate once a few years ago.
“H, honey? You okay?” Y/N asks, concerned when she finds him leaning against the wall beside the restroom.
“Got a headache, Sweets. Wanted to see if you wanted to stay, and I’ll suck it up to keep you company.”
Y/N is quick to disagree. “No, no. We’ll go back to yours. Let me take care of you.” 
Harry loves his girl. She deserves the universe; if he can try to give it to her each day, he knows she will always feel loved. 
Harry woke up bright early, under purple covers. Y/N curled up into his chest, almost her entire face hiding under the covers. He hated moving, knowing she might wake up with any wrong move, but he managed to settle her and went outside. He did his morning routine quickly, then headed to the kitchen, where he made sure he had everything for French toast, her absolute favorite meal last night. 
While cooking the French toast, he ordered her iced vanilla oat milk latte to be delivered. He hated delivery fees, but today was a special occasion, and he would do anything to make her day memorable. 
As he placed the French toast on a plate, Harry noticed the front door camera and hurried over before the person could knock. Harry received the drinks with a giant smile, giving the guy a ten-dollar bill in thanks. He found the tray Y/N told him she likes to use under the sink. He put the French toast and a cup of water on the tray. Grabbing the flowers, he rushed out to get up the street from Lady Silvie and her coffee. 
He saw her beginning to stir, her hands moving around as if searching for him. His heart tightened in his chest at how much he loved her. Softly, he began to sing “Happy Birthday.” Y/N, in confusion, froze before shooting upright. Harry walked closer to the edge of the bed until he knelt on the corner, placing the tray over her lap. 
Y/N’s eyes were filled with tears at the sweet gesture her boyfriend did for her. She mentioned her birthday in passing, hoping he wouldn’t remember, but her dear Harry remembers everything she has ever told him. She had told him stories of how she celebrated with her mum growing up, the only person Y/N has confided in since moving here. Not that she didn’t trust her other friends but because he was patient with her and broke down every single wall she had. Y/N had never felt she could truly be herself with anyone, and thenHarry came into her life. He helped her begin to love every part of herself. 
“Happy Birthday, Sweet Y/N!” 
Her tears break free. 
She can’t even get a word out because her tears keep coming. Every birthday after her mum passed, she dreaded waking up. Most of the time, she slept the day away or treated it as any other day, but today, she woke up with a full heart as she woke up to her boyfriend singing. It’s something Y/N will always hold close to her heart. 
Harry is her best friend, the other person who knows her inside out. With a single look he knows what she’s saying. 
He crawled onto the bed, carefully moving the tray to avoid spilling anything, and pulled Y/N into his lap. It’s one of his favorite positions to be in.  
“Happy tears?” 
Y/N nods. 
“I have a nice day planned for us. Are you up for it?” He asks softly, his hand rubbing circles in her back. 
“You do?” She asks, surprised. 
Harry chuckles, “of course, it’s my favorite person’s birthday.” 
Y/N’s smile is bright. She lets Harry wipe away her tears and then gives him a chaste kiss. “I’m very lucky to have you in my life.” 
They eat breakfast with Y/N in Harry’s lap as she feeds him bites of her fruit. It was very domestic and everything he looks forward to with his future with Y/N. Harry cleans breakfast, asking Y/N to meet him in the living room. She comes out, hair brushed and wearing his hoodie. He has a few gifts sitting on her coffee table. 
Y/N jumps on the couch as she waits for Harry to give her the go-ahead with the presents. She opened her gifts and found items ranging from silk scrunchies to glitter bath bombs. Y/N thanks Harry with a kiss after each present. Harry hands her an envelope, promising it’s the last one. Y/N looks at him suspiciously but opens it slowly. It’s a piece of paper, and she can’t believe her eyes when she unfolds it. 
She reads it again and again.
“Is this real?” Y/N inquires. 
Harry laughs, “very much so.” 
“You got us tickets to SZA,” she says slowly, as if she’s waiting for Harry to tell her it’s not real. 
“It’s our favorite album. I-I thought it would be special. Something to look forward to,” he promised. 
“I love you. I love you so much.”
Harry spends the rest of the morning showing Y/N how much he loves her.
After spending a lovely morning in bed, Harry convinced Y/N to get ready and took her to her favorite bookstore, where he helped her pick a few books from her “tbr,” of course paying for her.  They took a stroll by the lake before deciding it was too cold. Then Y/N decided it was time for an early lunch, and they ate tacos from Y/N’s favorite restaurant. 
It was a perfect day. 
One that helps one final surprise for her. 
Harry had requested that she put on her favorite dress and get ready. There was somewhere he wanted to take her.
Outside the restaurant, Y/N asked Harry what they were doing as she saw a full parking lot and a familiar car, but her gaze didn’t linger long as Harry captured her attention.
“Do you trust me?” Harry asked.
“With all my heart,” she answered without hesitation. 
“Then follow me. No questions.” She took his outstretched hand and let him lead the way. Harry told the Hostess the name of his reservation and was told to go down the hall to the right. 
Harry felt his heart pounding as they neared the door that would lead them to all of Y/N’s friends, who were ready to surprise her with a party. Something in him stopped a few steps away. Y/N frowned because something was wrong. Harry seemed like he was going to throw up. 
“H, what’s wrong?” 
Harry lets go of her hand and brings them to rest on her cheek, needing her sweet eyes on him. “I-I-I love you, Sweets. I love you so much. Behind that door are all your friends, ready to celebrate your birthday with you. Selfishly, I want to steal you away, but they’re excited to spend this day with you. If it’s too much and I crossed a line,” his voice cracked. “I apologize. So if you don’t want that, we can go right now.”
“You planned this,” she whispered. 
Harry sighs, “yes, they told me not to, but you shower everyone with your love, and you deserve the same, if not more.” 
Y/N feels her throat close up and knows she’s going to cry as soon as Harry leads them to the party. 
She steps closer to him, with no space between them. Harry looks at her with so much love she knows he’s honestly her other half.  Y/N pulls him down by the collar of his shirt and kisses him with everything she has. Y/N spills everything in the kiss. All her love wrapped in a kiss for Harry. He gives her back the same energy; both lost in the taste of each other don’t pull apart until they’re fighting for a breath. Y/N laughs against his mouth. “I love you. I love you so much.” 
Harry kisses her again. “I love you, Sweets.” 
“Let’s go in.” 
He leads the way, knocking on the door three times, telling her that was the code for her arrival. Harry lets her in, and that’s when her friend's screams ring in her ears. Everyone Y/N considers a friend is here. The room has balloons and streamers around. There’s a cake that looks so yummy and a table full of presents all for her. Her friends stare at her with smiles. Y/N is so overwhelmed she doesn’t even know who to approach first. Aurora chooses for her, pulling her in for a tight hug. 
”Happy Birthday, bestie!” Y/N laughs as Rora twirls her around. Rora pulls her back in, wiping away a tear rolling down her cheek. “I’m sorry I didn’t try harder.”
Y/N shakes her head, “no, no.” 
Rora brushes her off. “You’ve been there for me since I met you. I’m sorry I didn’t always do the same.” 
Y/N appreciates her friend’s apology, but she was partly to blame. She never fully let anyone in, afraid they’d leave her just like everyone else, but Harry showed her that wasn’t the way to live.
“You’ve got a good one,” Aurora told Y/N, pointing at Harry, who was talking with Mitch and Brandon. As if he could feel his eyes on her, he turned around, sending her a dimpled smile. 
“You okay?” He mouthed.
“Perfect.” She replied. She blew him a kiss and continued around the room, talking to her friends.
As the night continued, Harry ensured Y/N always had a drink in hand, whether a vodka cranberry, or water. He ate dinner with her and helped her cut the cake when she asked for his help. All the cameras were on her, and she had gotten overwhelmed. Harry slipped his hand on top of hers, and together, they cut Y/N’s slice of cake. 
No one had left yet, but Y/N needed a breather, so she stepped onto the patio overlooking a beautiful lit-up forest. Y/N heard silent footsteps behind her. She turned around to find Harry with his coat in his hands. 
“Don’t want you to get sick, my love.”
Y/N smiles, stepping close to him and letting him help her put it on. She was staring at Harry with so much adoration. She couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have him in her life. Y/N leaned in close. The music flowing out of the room had her wrapping her arms around his waist. His hands settled on her waist as he held her tight, that familiar feeling that if he didn’t hold tight enough, she might disappear. 
Harry leaned his forehead against hers, letting each other fall in love all over again.
“This was the best birthday,” she whispered as they swayed to the music in the distance. 
Harry lifted his hand, brushing a strand of hair back. “Just wait until next year,” he promised.
Y/N looked forward to it. 
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websterss · 2 months
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𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓: Hey I was wondering if you could do a Luke Patterson one-shot where the reader is trying to make Luke stay with her at Caleb’s club when the guys go to stand tall will he show up or not? Just if u have time  
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Luke Patterson x fem!Reader
𝐀/𝐍: Hope you enjoy it! ♡ Old repost! Feedback is always welcomed!
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You couldn’t even begin to understand why Caleb did what he did. You and Willie playing as his puppets. Caleb had his eyes on you two to ensure you kept a close eye on the boys.
The guilt that flooded through you every time one of them threw you a smile. Specifically Luke. The minute you met at the club, you knew you were doomed. You wouldn’t be able to get past anything other than being friends, so long as Caleb shadowed your every move.
“Hey, you okay?” You felt his touch caress over your hand. Your focus came back to reality. You shook your head.
“Huh? Yeah, I’m fine.” You could tell Luke probably didn’t believe you. You didn’t believe anything that left your mouth anymore.
“If this is about crossing over…” He nervously smiled at you. “I’m gonna miss you, Y/L/N.” Luke tilted his head to catch your eyes.
Your eyes were still directed to the ground underneath you. Your breathing shuddered. Not wanting to tell Luke the truth. You were almost jealous of Willie. He told the boys the truth and was now on their good side. Luke thought you were on their side. He thought that you were opposed to Caleb’s plan.
The fact was…you were. But Caleb had other plans. He had leverage over you.
“L-Luke I have to tell you to tell you something.” You finally looked up at him. You were on the verge of nearly breaking down right in front of him.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m so sorry for everything.” You started. 
“What are you sorry for?” He laughed.
“Willie told you guys the truth about Caleb, but I wasn’t so honest with you guys.”
“What do you mean?” He let go of your hand. The frown he made caused your heart to ache.
“Caleb was gonna hurt you guys even more if I didn’t help him…If I didn't follow through then...”
“Then she wouldn’t be here right now.” Luke took a step back right as Caleb appeared behind you, placing his hands on your shoulders. You shuddered at his touch.
“Y/n?” A look of betrayal was clear on his face. On the boys.
“Luke you have to know that I didn’t mean for it to be this wa-” You cut off by Caleb. Your mouth was moving but no words could no longer be heard.
“While I have you three here for a minute, let’s chat a bit okay.”
Tears shed as you keep screaming. Luke felt a pang in his chest as he watched you panic, but he couldn’t hear you scream. Caleb silenced you.
“Let her talk first.” Luke clenched his jaw.
“Oh trust me you don’t want to hear this…” He gestured towards your crying and hysterical muted yells. “Save your ears while you can.”
Luke swallowed back a sob as he looked back at Caleb somberly. 
“What are you doing here?”
“I heard from my little Y/n here that you’re looking to cross over tonight. How exciting is that!” Caleb smiled.
Reggie and Alex looked over at you right as you looked down at your feet in shame.
“Congrats on the big show tonight boys. Not everyone gets to play at the Orpheum. Only a lucky few have had the chance.” He smirked.
“Drop the act, okay? We know that it’s your stamp that’s been hurting us.” Luke pulled back his sleeve.
“Ahhh.” Caleb nodded slowly. “Y/n told you?”
“Willie did. He couldn’t see us get hurt anymore…” Alex stepped up, back stepped back feeling intimidated by Caleb’s stare.
“Look, we already told you. We already have a band. We don’t want to join your little club.” 
“Yeah! And you can’t make us either.” Alex tried but shrunk back. ”S-Sir.”
“Well that would just break my heart…if I had one.” He chuckles. “Though I’m sure you’re breaking poor Y/n’s here. Isn’t that right, Y/n?” You flinched as he pressed his hand into your left shoulder.
You only shook your head no.
“Not so talkative now are you.” He mocked you. “She doesn’t have an off switch. You ought to know what I mean, Luke. It’s just blah blah blah blah blah all day. I don’t know how you put up with her?”
“I quite enjoy our talks actually.” Luke scowled at the man.
“Hmm. Anyway, time is sensitive, but when you’re dead that doesn’t matter much anymore, so let’s get going shall we.” Caleb clasped his hands excitedly. Then blew a puff of magic at them causing them to disappear.
“That never gets old.” He leaned back on his hands.
You clenched your jaw, shaking your head at him. Tears viciously fall down your face. 
“What? Oh, don’t look at me at that. It’s your fault you didn’t tell him you were still helping me. Don’t be pointing fingers at me little dove. You did this yourself.” Caleb scoffed then felt he had enough of looking at your crying. He snapped his fingers and watched as you now adorned a black strapped dress with heels. Your hair and makeup were done, but your eyes remained the same. Displaying every broken piece of yourself that was barely holding on. Holding on to any last hope that you’d finally be okay. That your heart would stop feeling so shattered at the hands of Caleb’s doing.
“Don’t even think about shedding another tear.” He warned you, noticing your eyes glisten. "I won't hesitate to turn you into a bird again."
The boys had just finished doing You Got Nothing to Lose and you could only watch as their fears and emotions overtook their faces. They were uncomfortable and wanted no part of this. While the crowd applauded and cheered on the band. You cried and wished that Caleb would let them go. You stood up as the band walked off stage and began mingling with the guests. The boys gathered together taking hesitant steps down the stairs and walked over to where you met them halfway.
“Y/n!” Luke looked relieved to see you. He thought you looked even more so beautiful standing in front of him. The gown was a stunning one, but you appeared to be feeling quite the opposite. 
He could see it. The way you shrugged your shoulders and wrapped your arms around yourself. Another tear fell down your cheek as you stared at the ground.
Luke’s thumb gently wipes it away and tilts your head up. You looked so delicate, he was scared to break you even more than you were.
“I’m so sorry.” You mouthed. Luke couldn’t hear your voice but he had never heard you more clearer than now.
“I know. I know you are, but it’s okay.” Luke reassured you. He could feel himself begin to cry as well. You launched yourself into his arms. Luke took a second then did the same.
“D-Don’t go!” Luke could hear the crack in your voice. Luke choked on a sob. Caleb gave you your voice back. “Please don’t leave me!” You begged him.
“We have to get back to Julie. We can’t let her down again.” Luke tried to reason with you. 
“I know Caleb tries to make eternity sound like it might be hell, but you could learn to love it here. Willie always made sure that it was enjoyable…even when it wasn’t.” You nodded trying to convince even yourself that the words you were saying were true. You knew it was a lie though. Nothing about the club was enjoyable, you had your scarred mental health to attest to it.
“You wouldn’t be alone to get through it…I wouldn’t be alone.” You cried.
“I know what I’m asking of you is such a selfish thing. I could never give you an ultimatum between me and your music. I wouldn’t do that to you, Luke.” You smiled sadly. Licking your lips as your salty tears reached them. “But if you even for a second felt what I did…when we first sang together, when I got to know you. The real you, then could you consider staying…for me?” You closed your eyes wanting him to say yes, yet you knew what the outcome would be regardless of his verbal confirmation.
“You know I would…” Luke cried. “You know I would in a heartbeat…”
“But...” Your voice cracked as you closed your eyes. You nodded in acceptance.
“But we can’t give up on Julie, we made a promise to her. I promised her…” Luke furrowed his. He didn’t want this. He wanted to be with you.
“I know.” You nodded. Your eyes were still closed. “I wouldn’t give up on her either.” You laughed as more tears fell down your face. “Go to her.” You ushered the boys. You sniffled looking around the club. There was no sign of Caleb. “Just think about where you want to be. Julie’s like a tether. Think of her and it will feel like a pull.”
“Will it work?” Alex asked.
“Only one way to find out.” You laughed slightly.
“Thanks for everything, Y/n.” Alex embraced you.
“Don’t mention it.”  You pulled away from him.
Alex stopped and then felt the said pull. It had been Julie summoning then. "I can feel her..." Alex gasped. Then went first thinking of and only of her, then within a few seconds of him standing there he was gone. You laughed realizing it worked.
“Okay, you’re next Reggie.” You grabbed onto his shoulder pinching them in reassurance. “Just think about Julie, and only her. Think about wanting to see her and wanting to hear her sing. The rest will do its work.” You smiled. Reggie stopped and lunged himself at you.
“We’ll come back for you...” He mumbled into your ear. You wanted to cry right then and there but stopped yourself. He pulled back and gasped, clutching at his chest. He looked at you scared but you nodded in reassurance that what he was feeling was okay, that it was safe, that it was Julie.
"You feel her?" You grinned.
"I-I feel her..." He shed a tear.
“Bye Reg.” You sniffed and let go of his hand. Watching the boy orb out. 
“How did you know that would work?” You turned to face Luke.
“Caused I’ve tried it…” Your voice was shaky. “I-I’ve thought about my family before.” You looked down. “It never worked for me, but I figured hey why not you guys.” You laughed slightly. You wiped away your tears and stepped closer. “Now you have to go, okay.” You smoothed out his blazer. You stopped your hands and then looked up into his eyes. Like your own, his eyes were filled with tears, pain, love…You cupped his face gently and pressed your lips against his. He gripped at your waist pulling you closer.
“You kissed me?” He rasped out.
“It’s what you do with the things you love…” You laughed, choking back a sob. The memory of Reggie kissing his pizza made you smile.
“Y/n-” Luke didn’t want this to be the last time he saw you.
“Go.” You lightly pushed on his shoulder. “Please before he gets back.” You turned around keeping an eye out for Caleb.
“Wait!” He held your hands and crushed his lips against yours. You pulled back gasping for air. This time letting out a small cry.
“God, I love you.” You laughed half-heartedly.
“I love you, Y/n.” He slowly let go of your hand. "I'm coming back for you, okay." You watched as he started flickering away. A faded smile was the last thing you saw. You closed your eyes wanting that to be the last image of him you remembered before doing what you were about to do.
You sucked in a breath as you sobbed. You couldn’t bear the pain in your heart anymore. You couldn’t continue being trapped at the Hollywood Ghost Club. You stumbled back into the wall behind you and slid down until your butt hit the floor.
“Alright let’s get this show on the road. The girls are all set up to start the next number and where are the boys?” Caleb looked around the club, then back at you.
“They’re gone…” You stared motionless ahead of you.
“What do you mean gone?”
“They’re gone. They left you, Caleb. They chose music over being trapped here with you.” You smirked up at the man. “They aren't your problem anymore, and neither am I.” You swallowed.
“What are you talking about?”
That’s when you pulled out the little container from your dress’s pocket. The glow of the tube illuminated your face. You could only stare at it. The one thing you wanted more than anything was now in your possession again.
Your soul.
“Where did you get that?”
“I was always so appreciative of you taking me under your wig Caleb…I was a newly lost ghost, who felt like she had no purpose. Who had no will to live. Yet, turns out I did.” You bit your lip as your emotionless expression caught his attention. “I had a will to live and I had a purpose. Luke was the one who made me realize that there was actually more to me than being your puppet.” You glanced up at him. “Hope you don’t mind…I gave Willie back his soul. Didn’t think you’d need it.” You shrugged. You shook your head as you stared down at your soul. Your light of your soul was slightly dimmer than Willie’s. “You took everything from me. You broke me, and now you can live with the fact that you shattered the last piece that was holding me together. Luke’s free, the boys are free, and they’re gonna take you down. You’re gonna get what’s coming to you, Caleb, I can promise you that. I just won’t be here to see it when it happens.” You fiddled with the container. “I can finally be at peace knowing that the guys got away from you. I can finally be with my family again.” You smiled to yourself. “The second thing I've wanted more than anything.”
“What was the first?” Caleb asked out of curiosity.
“Getting to love, Luke.” You held the glass to your chest. “Even if it was for a little while, but he’ll be okay. All of them will.” With that, you broke the container and watched as the glass shattered on the ground. Your soul becoming one with your body again. You gasped as the light overtook you. Then you were gone. Caleb was left standing alone with broken glass at his feet.
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fortheloveofowen · 1 year
I'd Do Anything - Luke Patterson
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Summary: Luke Patterson could finally touch the world around him without it slipping through his grasp. With his new-found ability, Luke can finally tell her how he feels. But, when a sticky situation ends up giving him the perfect opportunity, will Luke be able to get the girl?
Warnings: Underage drinking, PINING, slight angst, physical fighting, fluffy ending
Note: For the story purposes, reader could see Luke before
Hello, hello! First post on this blog! I plan on giving a little introduction to me in a separate post! But, welcome to the jungle!
Luke's eyes had trailed around the party for 20 minutes, having lost sight of you when you escaped to the kitchen to get a drink. You had walked in together, his arm slung loosely around your shoulder as you strolled over to your friends.
30 minutes, now.
Luke decided he needed to look for you. He strode quickly around the teenage girls dancing on the makeshift dance floor and down the hallway to the kitchen. As soon as he caught glimpse of you his breath hitched. There you were, drink in hand, obviously uncomfortable. The football player had to be easily 6 feet tall.
"What do you say we head out of here? It's boring, right?" The tall boy slurred at you as he leaned over your much shorter stature.
"Sorry... I uh..." You looked around nervously, "I came with my friends... and they're probably looking for me," your uneasiness was obvious to Luke as he stormed his way over.
Now, Luke was never a fighter. Not before he died, and definitely not after. But, when it came to the one girl he needed to protect at all costs, he didn't care. After Caleb's curse had dissipated, Luke ,along with Reggie and Alex, were a little closer to normalcy. They could touch, feel things. Feel a little more alive. And Luke didn't think one of the first things he'd do, now that he could touch things, was punch a jock square in the face.
The initial blow was like a firecracker erupting inside of Luke. Dan (as Luke did lots of yearbook stalking to find his name) was quick to grab his own bruised cheek. Your eyes were gaping as you took in the scene in front of you: Luke angry, and heaving as Dan takes a step toward him. What could you do?
"L-Luke, please stop" You begged, tears threatening to escape as you choked them back.
At this point, the rest of the band had made their way into the kitchen where a large crowd was staring at the two fighting boys. A quick-thinking Alex had managed to peel Luke off of the bleeding teenager as Julie ran over to you.
"C'mon y/n, we gotta go before cops bust this place!" Julie shouted over the commotion as she grabbed you wrist and dragged you outside.
Reggie was quick to follow, not forgetting to grab a drink for the road. Flynn, only recently getting her license, decided to lay back in case they need a designated driver for the night. And, oh boy, did they. Her headlights shone on them as they made their way over to her car, each one of them squeezing in beside each other. Your eyes scanned over the cuts and bruises littered over your best friends knuckles. You weren't afraid of him. But, seeing so much anger in his eyes was new to you. Luke was soft, to put it lightly.
The ride home had been silent, other than Julie recapping the night for Flynn. Originally, you had planned to stay with Julie for the night, but after reliving the night through Julie's words, you decided it was best to just go home. Everyone had said quiet goodbyes to you and letting you know that they were there if you wanted to talk about the events of the night.
Your bed welcomed you with open arms after the long, hot shower you had just taken. A tap on the window had moved you attention away from the re-run that had been playing on your TV. You looked up to see Luke's eye peering through the gap in your curtains. With a sigh, you threw your blankets off your legs and made your way over to the window, careful not to be too loud. You opened it slightly.
"Luke what're you doing here I told-" Your argument was cut-off by him making his way past you and onto your bed.
He had stayed there many nights, glancing over at you from the opposite side of the bed. Of course, when he couldn't touch anything, things seemed simpler. He knew things would never work out between the two of you if you could never touch. So, he had pushed those feelings aside. But, tonight at the party, all he had wanted to do was put his arms around your waist and drunkenly dance.
Your eyes fell onto the blood still speckled across his hands. You audibly sighed and went to the bathroom, grabbing some peroxide and bandaids. If there was one person you'd drop anything for, it'd be Luke.
He winced as the cold liquid came in contact with the open cuts littering his knuckles. You hadn't spoken since he had come into your bedroom unannounced, and this silence was most definitely awkward. You made your way up to the one small wound that cracked his once soft lip, using a cotton ball to wipe off the remaining blood. Luke's eyes darted between yours and your lips, wondering if he should take the chance while he still has it. But, he decided to go with his better judgement on this one.
"Y/n," Luke finally broke the silence, "could I stay here tonight? The boys are all over me with questions and I just need to be away from it and your room is so comfortable and-"
"Luke, you're always welcome to stay, you know that," you paused for a moment, "and, thank you for tonight. I forgot to thank you earlier," you spoke while smiling at him and applying the final bandaid.
The movie you had put on was only background noise as the two of you lay silent in your bed. Your body turned away from Luke as you hugged yourself into your blanket, once again recounting every step from the night. You began to let out barely audible sobs, finally letting them fall after hours. Luke had been staring at the back of your head for what seemed like hours, in a daze of his own. But, that daze was quickly broken as he scooted closer to you and leaned over your shoulder.
"Hey, hey, hey, are you okay?" he asked, turning you to face him, concerned riddling his face.
You were fast to cover your face, attempting to suppress the sobs coming out of your mouth. Luke hated to see you in pain, and even more when he was part of the cause.
"Don't cover your face... you're too pretty to cover your face, come here," Luke sighed out, pulling you to his chest and running his fingers through your hair. You had noticed the calluses on his fingers slightly snagging at your hair, but you didn't mind.
If you hadn't been so upset in the moment, Luke would've noticed how his mind began racing and he finally felt whole. He wanted this. Forever. You and him, cuddled up in bed, his hands stroking your hair as you lay awake. And as much as he wanted to focus on that, you needed him more than he needed you right now. He let you cry. Staining his shirt with the remnants of the makeup you haphazardly washed off in the shower.
"Luke, why? Why did you protect me? You wouldn't have gotten hurt if it wasn't for me!" You manage to push out as you pull your head away from his chest to look up at him.
His usually smug and confident smirk was replaced with a nervous smile as he let out a little chuckle.
"I don't think this is funny, Luke!" You huffed out and rolled over again.
"It's not funny, it's just," he paused pulling you back around to face, "are you seriously that oblivious? I thought I've been pretty bold these past few days." You stared at him, confusion plastered on your tear stained face.
"Oh, you really don't know..." his jaw moved slightly before he bit his lip to think, "Look, I have lived every waking second since I somehow ended up in Julie's studio thinking about you. About the next time I'd get to see you, next time you'd come to band practice. I don't know when it started, but I really," you cut Luke off.
"Luke, if this is a pity love confession then you really don't have to. I'm seriously okay," you let out, your heart beginning to race.
"If you'd just let me finish. I had like a whole speech written out," Luke giggled and scratched the back of his neck.
"Anyways... I don't know when I started feeling that way about you, but I know it's real and it hurts like hell. God, not being able to even touch you for months was hell. It was all hell. But, I still wanted it. When Caleb cursed us I promised myself I wouldn't do it anymore. But, I couldn't help it. And," he looked down at you, searching for any reaction in your eyes.
"And?" You questioned, getting anxious by all of his stalling.
"And, I'm pretty sure I don't really know what love is, but if I had to guess, then this is it, right? You asked why I protected you, and I protected you because I love you. And I know this life might not be what you want, but I'd do anything just to have you by my side," Luke continued rambling, spilling his heart out to you, scared you didn't feel the same way.
"Luke, Luke, hey Luke," his mouth closed as you shushed him," Just kiss me you dork."
And he did.
Thank you so much for reading my first little story! I just love soft Luke omg.
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justanamesstuff · 11 months
I pretend that I'm not ready - Matty Healy x F!reader
Part 2 of this story, inspired by 'Why' - Shawn Mendes
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A/N: Again very painful to write but I'm obsessed with this. I hope you guys like it!! let me know <3
Warnings: swearing, hurt feelings, mention of alcohol, cheating, typos.
Word count: 2.8 k
Blog Masterlist
I know a girl, she's like a curse
We want each other, no one will break first
So many nights, trying to find someone new
They don't mean nothing compared to her, and I know
Matty carried Y/n away from all the prying looks of the guests. He didn’t care about anyone else than her. Their conversation playing again and again inside his mind, trying to tear it apart, to find meaning behind her words, her face. 
Nathalie was behind him, he could hear the sound of her heels on the marbled floor. He felt bad to recognize he didn’t care if she traced behind him or not. All that Matty could think about was his friend’s pale face before falling into his arms. 
His pulse razing thinking of her state. She was in his arms but what was the cost? 
The first door that was unlocked, he pushed it open. An expensive couch occupying one of the corners of the room. Matty gently rested her unconscious body on the couch.
“Matty?” Nath closed the door behind her. 
“Yeah?” he was dry, distant. He didn’t intend to be harsh with his wife. ‘His wife’, his head turned to look at her. 
Matty saw how she studied him kneeling beside the couch, clenching his friend’s hand, “Is she alright?” 
“I’m not sure.” he couldn’t tear his eyes too long from her closed eyes, waiting she wakes up any minute.
“Maybe we should call one of the bo-” 
“No. I’m staying.” his words cutting her quickly.
“Matty, it’s our wedding.”
“She’s my best friend.”
“Believe me, I know.” she said.
Matty got angry, sensing the poison under her words, “What that supposed to mean?”
“I’m not stupid, Matthew.”
He closed and open his mouth repeatedly, unsure of the next sounds dropping from his lips. Nathalie didn’t see that. 
“Go back to the party, I’ll be there in a minute.”
She left without saying a word. 
“I’ll come to check on you.” Matty said, walking far from her, feeling his chest closing. 
“Fine.” her voice sounding like if she was under the water, unsure. 
Matty turned around, holding the door open, staring at her beautiful face still lacking a good colour. “See you in a bit, sweetheart.” he promised her. 
He walked along the halls, trying to find his way back to the salon. His mind was everywhere when she fainted, he couldn’t recall the path he took. Matty made the effort to clear his mind. It was his wedding day. 
“Baby.” Nathalie exclaimed, rounding her brother, so she was in front of Matty.
“Hey.” he said softly, letting his hands trace her waist. “I’m sorry.” he whispered.
She held his cheeks, staring into his eyes, “It’s fine. Is she okay?” 
“Okay, let’s celebrate! I told Caleb to check on her.” 
Matty felt a protest in the back of his throat, even though the moment they shared before his friend wake up was tense enough. Nathalie was his wife, he had duties now. She would understand his position if he didn’t return for the night. 
“Perfect.” he mumbled, kissing her. 
When people ask about us, now, we just brush it off
I don't know why we act like it means nothing at all
I wish that I could tell you that you're all that I want, yeah
Matty emptied his glass of red wine. Dinners at his in-laws were a routine he dreaded, but Nathalie insisted on him spending time with her family. It’s not like he hated them, thing was that night he wanted to be in bed. The singer has spent hours on airports and planes coming home from the other side of the world. Nathalie greeted him with a kiss and a reminder. Matty made his attempt, tried to skip it, although she started saying the same words he already knew by heart. He wasn’t in the mood to hear her. 
He brought his phone out of his pocket. The cutlery against the plates, the women standing while the man watched them. Matty’s fogged mind trying to prevent his mouth to speak up about it. His finger moved by memory, searching for her contact number. She hadn’t answered in days, no new texts. He blocked his phone with a huff.
“Mate.” ‘I’m not your mate, I’m your sister’s husband, asshole’, Matty thought looking at Caleb, waiting for his next attempt of sentence. “What’s the name of your friend?” 
Matty gripped the cloth of his trousers harder than he should. He wanted to punch him. 
Her name wasn’t supposed to be on Caleb’s lips. Ever. He wasn’t the one for her. His friend’s name on Matty’s lips felt bittersweet. 
“Yeah, her. Do you know who she is, dad?” 
“No, who?” Nathalie’s father asked, changing his focus to stare at Matty.
Matty’s mouth dried before he could mutter a “My best friend.” 
“The one that fainted?”
“Her.” Caleb answered before Matty. “I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but…” ‘if he had to add that last word, of course I’m taking it the wrong way’. “We talked when I went to check on her during your wedding. Didn’t have the chance to exchange numbers. I was wondering maybe you-”
“No.” Matty cut him short. The men stared at him with puzzled looks, Matty felt uncomfortable so he added, “I can ask her.” 
“Dessert!” his mother-in-law came with a big cake, interrupting the moment.
Nathalie sat back down beside him, taking his hand to her lap. “What were you talking about?”
“I-” Matty stared at Caleb.
His brother explained, “I was asking Matty for his friend’s number, as you suggested.” 
Matty turned to look at his wife. ‘She did what?’
Nathalie’s shoulders dropped, staring at Matty with a big pout. “Come on, baby! They would make a great couple.”
“I said, I’ll ask her.”
“It’s not a big deal. She’s your friend, he’s my brother. It is between the family.” she insisted.
“Please.” she begged.
Matty took his phone out, hearing Nathalie squealed. 
I pretend that I'm not ready
Why do we put each other through hell?
Why can't we just get over ourselves?
And you say hi like you just met me
Why do we put each other through hell?
Why can't we just get over ourselves?
Why can't we just get over ourselves?
The ceremony of barbecues was a concept Matty couldn’t grab his head around. Even though it was one of the few times the men had to cook the main course. Matty kept his mouth closed, drinking from his beer.
Even when they were outside, all the air lacked when she entered the patio, followed by Caleb. After months, she was in front of him. After months, she was not only a creation of his mind, his memory. She was there. 
Caleb made her laugh, walking closer to Matty and his father-in-law. Matty felt the urge to punch him in the gut. He sipped from the bottle, studying her outfit. She looked perfect like never before. ‘She was happier without me in her life?’
When the new couple stood in front of the other men, she greeted the older man under the attentive sight of Matty. Her eyes on the person speaking and no one else. Matty wanted to jump or do something to catch her attention. 
“Okay, Caleb, help me out with the meat.” Nathalie’s father pronounced. The man in question looked between Matty and her as if he knew something Matty didn’t. He was his confident now, not him. Matty emptied the bottle.
They stood there, awkwardly.
“Maybe I should-” she gestured back to the house. 
“You disappeared from months. No texts back, don’t pick up my calls, nothing.” Matty rambled, looking down at the empty bottle. “And now you want to run back to your new boyfriend, huh?” his tone was bitter. 
“I don’t understand.”
“There is nothing to understand.”
Matty caught her eyes, “You have to be messing with me, sweetheart.” the nickname foreign. 
“Yes, fucking please.” he begged at her, exasperated. “What went wrong? What did I do or not do?” 
“We can’t do this right now, Matty.”
She said after storming back into the house. He swore under his breath.
When I hear you sing, it gets hard to breathe
Can't help but think every song's about me
And every line, every word that I write
You are the muse in the back of my mind, oh
The barbecue during the day extended further than expected. It was after dinner, every adult around the table drunk and didn’t think about stopping soon. 
Matty’s father-in-law started laughing until the sound converted on a song, everybody except Matty joined. The singer shielded his face, especially his eyes, with his glass looking at her singing with Caleb’s arm around her shoulders. The whisky burning his throat, although he stopped feeling anything a long time ago when she walked out of his life.
Nathalie rested her head on his shoulders, he didn’t mind. His attention wasn’t on his wife.
His mind bringing back strange scenarios, memories really from another life when they were friends and young, lying on his bedroom floor. He used to beg her to sing for him, she refused every time. The only exception was when he was sick, only then she caved in giving him was he begged fighting the fever. 
She noticed his eyes on her, staring back as best as she could while being drunk. Matty’s heart stopped for a second. She pushed her glass up, toasting with him. For what? He wasn’t sure, but she was smiling at him…he didn’t care.
Don't want to ask about it 'cause you might brush it off
I'm afraid you think that it means nothing at all
I don't know why I won't admit that you're all I want
Matty opened the bathroom door without thinking. 
“Hey!” she protested, turning around, standing in front of the mirror. 
The state of both of them was something time before they would laugh about. Matty entered the small space and closed the door.
“What are you doin’ Matty?” she sounded defeated. 
“I can’t any more.”
Matty stood closer to her body, although no close enough. She folded her arms, trying to create some space between them. It was difficult. 
“Sweets.” he pleaded.
She couldn’t believe him. “What do you want, Matty?”
“Why you disappeared?”
“Why you are with him?”
“That’s not your business.”
“If it’s about you, it’s always…always my business, sweets.” the nickname made her weak. She shook her head, trying to find the right words. 
“Matty.” she tried.
The singer brushed her hair back, watching her taking in his factions, he was closer like never before. Matty’s friend bite down onto the plush meat of her bottom lip, grabbing his attention. The simple action drove Matty insane. 
“Don’t do this.”
“I can’t pretend any more.”
“What are you talking about?” 
“You know.” Matty let his nose brushed the tip of his nose with hers. 
“No, I don’t.”
Her name always sounded different on his lips, even though it always sounded special for some reason. 
“You’re playing with fire. This is wrong. I- We- I should get back…” 
She left again without giving him the chance to speak. 
I pretend that I'm not ready
Why do we put each other through hell?
Why can't we just get over ourselves?
And you say hi like you just met me
Why do we put each other through hell?
Why can't we just get over ourselves?
Fighting with your wife. ‘What a cliché’, Matty thought, making the car turn into a corner. 
Nathalie wasn’t happy with him touring even more than he promised we would during that year. Her anger with him being against having children was turning into resentment. At the same time, Matty care less and less every single day. 
He had been driving for more than an hour. He turned his phone off, so Nathalie couldn’t reach him, and he was avoiding going to the boy’s houses to give her fewer options even. 
The neighbours changed until his car moved around one he knew very well. Only one person he was familiar with lived there. He didn’t remember exactly the address of her new house with Caleb. Matty refused to visit them every time his wife tried to drag him there, she could drag him to hell but not there. 
Matty remembered the time they moved together. Well, the time she spoke about it during a Sunday lunch when Matty’s heart was stabbed. She looked directly into his eyes, saying it, as if she waited for his reaction. He did nothing.  
The moment inside the bathroom playing constantly in his mind. She was so close, he was so close to tell her. Every day, the urge to scream the words out from his rotting heart. 
He thought about her when he woke up, when he went to sleep, when he was away. The guilt to think about someone that wasn’t his wife. He was married, for fuck's sake. Matty didn’t care any more. 
It was almost midnight when his car turned around another corner and a familiar small car took his attention.
Matty knocked and knocked on the front door like it was an emergency. 
“Coming…I’m coming!” she said from the other side of the door. He definitely woke her up, her voice strange after probably not using it for hours. 
The singer witnessed the moment she opened the door only wearing shorts and a big baggy shirt, her feet bare. 
“Hi, sweets.”
She peeked outside to both sides of the road, “What are you doing here?”
“Nathalie and I fought.”
“Oh.” she stayed there, not really knowing what to say or do. 
Matty scratched the back of his head, “Can I come in?”
She sighed loud, turning around to stand inside, making movements with her hand, so he moved inside. Matty almost ran inside. 
He was aware Caleb wasn’t home, Nathalie had mentioned something about a trip or travelling for his job, he couldn’t recall. 
They moved to the living room, Matty sat on the big couch, taking in the decoration and the pictures around the fire place. He wasn’t on any of the pictured frames. 
Contrary to him, she decided to keep her distance. 
“What are you doing here?” she asked once more.
“I- I was driving around town. I don’t have a place to go.”
“So you just remembered my house?”
“Something similar.”
“How convenient.”
Matty pronounced her name, staring into her tired eyes. 
“Do you miss me?” he asked, suddenly, surprising even himself.
“I see you every Sunday of the month, Matty.”
“That’s not-”
Her mouth hang open, his eyes glutted to it, “What do you want me to say, Matty?”
“The truth.”
“Fuck you.”
He nodded. “I deserved that.” he admitted. “I do. I miss you like a crazy man, sweets.”
“Stop calling me that!” she wandered around the room.
“‘Cause when you call me that, I remember all the men I’ve loved and lost.” her eyes shining with tears, meanwhile sense entered the singer’s mind.
“Sweetheart.” Matty stood up, she took a step back. 
“You haven’t lost me.”
“I did.”
“You walked away from my life, sweets.” he reminded her.
Her eyes bored into his. “It was too much, Matty.”
She scoffed, ending in a chuckled. “Don’t you know?”
“Say it.” he dared her.
Matty walked closer and she let him invade her space. His hands coming to rest on her cheeks. He repeated his words again. “Say it.”
She looked between his eyes, “I loved you…my entire life. I love you for years, and you didn’t notice, you didn’t care.” tears burning in the corner of her eyes. “I watched you fell in love with…her. Hell, I watched you married her, Matty. I watched from the side, loving you to a point that almost drove me insane. I loved you to a point I didn’t do anything about it because you were so happy…so happy with her. My love is not selfish, I’m not selfish.”
“Am I?” Matty pushed his forehead into hers.
“Yes.” she protested. “I’m with Caleb, Matty. I found someone that loves me, truly does.”
His breath caressed her lips, exhaling, “Do you love him?”
She didn’t answer right away, his presence overwhelmed her, a big distraction. “Yes.”
“Did you stop loving me?” 
“Because I don’t think I function without loving you.”
“This is not funny.” she tried to push back, away from him. Although, Matty was adamant about not letting her go. “All what I said and you just-” 
His lips crushing against hers, shutting his lover up in the sweetest way possible. Matty held the back of her head, pressing her mouth against his. The singer tried to pour into the kiss everything he was uncapable to tell her. Just how much she meant to him, how much he loved her, and how what they had was forever.
I know a girl, she's like a curse
We want each other, no one will break first
So many nights, trying to find someone new
They don't mean nothing compared to you
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slut4tangerine · 2 years
Could you possibly do one where The reader is at Madelyn’s with the rest of the cast, and she’s pregnant, but her boyfriend is out at work and she goes into labour and drew helps her and when they get to the hospital the doctors think Drew is the father even tho it’s the boyfriends, and Drew is in the room while you give birth holding your hand because the doctors were like begging him too and when the boyfriend shows up he’s pised🤭🤭
Your writing is so good btw 🤍🤍
thank u anon!!
IMPORTANT: this is not part of the Starkey’s series
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— pairing: Drew Starkey x pregnant!Reader x trash!boyfriend
— type: angst -> fluff
— warnings: pregnancy // labor // accusations of cheating // cursing
You felt a sharp pain in your belly as you sat down on the couch at Madelyn’s apartment. You immediately reaction was to hold your belly, which made everyone run to you.
“You okay, Y/n?” JD asked
“Yeah, baby’s just being a bit fussy today” You laughed before you felt the sharp pain again.
Everyone went back to playing Mario Kart while you tried to get comfortable on the couch. When you finally got comfortable, you felt liquid sliding down your leg and your eyes widened.
“Oh no no no no no no” You muttered as you struggled to get up. Drew immediately moved to help you up.
“Woah woah woah what’s happening?” Drew asked as he held you up.
“I think I pissed myself and now Maddie’s couch is ruined and-” You couldn’t even get through your sentence before you started crying.
“Girl, it’s fine. I promise” You suddenly gripped Drew’s arm as another shot of pain spread across your belly.
“I think- I think I’m having contractions” You held his arm tight as different reactions were heard all around you.
“Oh shit”
“Oh my god”
“Should we call Caleb (your boyfriend)”
“Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!” Madelyn shouted as she grabbed your keys so they could take to you to the hospital in your car.
Drew helped you make your way to the car before he made sure that your hospital bag was in the back seat.
Everyone situated themselves while Drew got into the drivers seat and drove you to the closest hospital.
You’d had 2 more contractions while on the drive, and the pain was absolutely unbearable.
— at the hospital —
You entered the hospital with everyone following. Drew guided you to the reception desk where he explained that you were going into labor.
“And how are you related to the patient?” The receptionist asked. Drew looked around and didn’t see Caleb anywhere.
“I’m her boyfriend” He lied to the woman just so he could be there with you. You didn’t question it though. Your boyfriend didn’t even tell you where he was going, so you had no idea how long it would take him to get to you.
The nurses took you and Drew to a room where you got situated to give birth. He stayed in contact with the rest of his friends that were forced to wait in the lobby to give them updates.
“Ms Y/n you are currently 10 cm dialated. I think it’s time” The nurse said as you nodded. To say you were petrified was an understatement. You had been wanting this for such a long time, but you weren’t sure if you’d be a good mom.
Drew stood up from his seat and stood next to you.
“You’re gonna do amazing, Y/n. This baby is going to love you like there’s no tomorrow” He reassured you as you smiled at him.
The nurses told him to hold your hand while you pushed. You held his hand the entire time, even though you thought you had broken his hand from the amount of pressure you were putting on it.
“I CANT!” You yelled as your face was now red and drenched in sweat.
“Y/n you can do this” He whispered to you as he pushed the hair out of your face.
“Just one more push” The nurse said, causing you to nod.
You grabbed his hand again and squeezed like there was no tomorrow until you heard the cries of your child.
You face returned to its natural color after you stopped pushing and you smiled.
“It’s a boy!” The nurses exclaimed. They cleaned him off and put him on your chest so you could cherish your first moments with your son.
Drew just stood back and smiled as you looked at your baby with such love and adoration.
The door opened with a bang, causing you & Drew to jump at the sound.
“What the hell is going on here?” Caleb shouted as he saw the two of you.
“Caleb not right now-” You told him as you carried your son in your arms.
“Why the fuck is he in here instead of me?” Caleb was seething as he stared Drew down.
“Calm down there, big boy. I’m just doing her a favor since you weren’t here” Drew tried to de-escalate the situation, but it was no use.
“I’m the father of this baby! I should have been here, not him!” Caleb shouted as you handed the newborn to the nurse. She immediately nodded and understood the situation.
“Well maybe if you hadn’t gone wherever the hell you went, you would’ve witnessed the birth of your son” Drew replied as Caleb simply stared at him.
“You couldn’t just wait 30 more minutes?” Caleb looked at you.
“No, Caleb, I couldn’t. That’s not exactly how labor works” You rolled your eyes at his stupidity.
“How do I even know if that baby is mine? Because clearly there’s something going on”
“You’re kidding me, right? We’re just friends, Caleb” You scoffed at his accusation.
“Sure, Y/n” He paced around the room.
“You know what, fuck this” You and Drew looked at him confused.
“We’re done. I want nothing to do with that kid or you, fucking cheater” And with that he left. You watched as the door closed behind him, tears beginning to well up in your eyes.
Drew turned to you, the same shocked expression spread across his face.
“Drew I-” You whispered
“Shh… shh. It’s okay” He immediately wrapped you in his arms and hugged you as you sobbed.
“This is supposed to the happiest day of my life, Drew. And now it’s just- UGH” You attempted to normalize your breathing as you pulled away from the hug.
“I know, and this is still the best day of your life. I mean, you gave birth to a healthy baby boy, and he’s perfect”
“Yeah but thanks to me, his father wants nothing to do with him”
“Oh absolutely not. Don’t blame this on yourself. It’s not your fault he’s an insecure prick who can’t trust his own girlfriend. He didn’t deserve you and your kindness from the start” Drew sat at your feet as he spoke, looking at you with so much love in his eyes.
“I know it’s a huge step, but I can help you out with the baby and everything. You shouldn’t have to go through this alone” He smiled at you.
“Thank you, Drew, but I don’t want to be any sort of burden to you”
“You could never be a burden to me, Y/n L/n. Never in a million years” He smiled as he stood up and kissed the crown of your head.
The nurse re-entered the room with your new baby in hand.
“Is everything alright, Ms L/n?” She asked while handing you the baby.
“Everything’s just fine, miss” You smiled at her as Drew rubbed your back in reassurance.
“So what would you like to name this beauty baby?” You looked at Drew and smiled.
“Joseph Maxwell L/n”
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fire-feather-flies · 6 months
idk I'm going insane HELP-
1st. Caleb "A Offering..." "He don't know what is gonna HIT him" Basically, he was HITTED by something heavy on HIS head. His body was below his bed, and it was found by Scary Girl, Zee, Ripper and Axel.
Musical reference: A offering... By My chemical romance The music is fully made of just a instrumental. But by the time the music stills plays, it slowly starts playing some Whisper's while the music loses it calm and chill tone. That's how the the day of his death was. It started all chill and calm and then it was ruined by his premonition and death.
2nd. Damien "Come into water" "There's nothing here, just you. Not counting with me and the water of course." Damien was all alone, cuz he was waiting for someone appear. But during this time, the killer found a him. He got killed by having right side of his through cutted, but he fall into the water and drowned cuz he couldn't move. His body was found by Scary girl and Axel
Musical Reference: come into water by mitski. Come into water with me blub blub
3rd. Zee. (SORRY MARK😭😭) "Pork Soda" "I'm sorry for you having HIM as a friend" he was left behind by Chase. Chase said that he didn't noticed Zee, but actually he just ignored him because he wanted to save Ripper (Ripper also didn't noticed, when he tried to look behind Chase forced him to look Infront again) Zee ended up like the IOTS Ezekiel, ya know? His body was Found next to the ferocious trout cabin by Ripper. Ripper went back to where he Last saw Zee because he didn't found him anywhere, the killer noticed him and cutted Ripper's left eye and Ripper was saved Chase
Musical Reference: Pork Soda by Glass animals. Zee was kinda of "faded" while Chase lefted him behind, he didn't even noticed the killer. And until the killer even killed him, he's was pratically numb, felling nothing and not even sure if he was alive.
4th Wayne "Where's you head at?" "If you was selfish you could be alive for Seeing a another day" Wayne and Raj where running from the killer, but Raj fell behind and Wayne went back to save him. Raj could run fast enough, but only him was alive
Musical Reference: Where's your head at by Basement Jaxx WHERE'S YOU HEAD AT?! oh, it is in a plastic bag!... WAIT WHAT?! He body wasn't found, but they found his head. His head was found by Raj in the morning of one day after the tragedy. His head was in a plastic bag, and was Infront of the cafeteria door.
5th Emma "Thank you for the Venom, Chase" "It wasn't me. Maybe was someone else" Emma was feeling really sick during this days, and no one had a medicine or someone to help her cuz they were completely alone without no one else. So Chase convinced them to leave her behind, Emma accepted without begging. Her last words where "thank you for the venom, Chase". The killer found her body, but the unic thing he did was put any flower or plant he could find next to her.
Musical reference: thank you for the venom by My chemical romance SO GIVE ALL YOUR POISON, AND GIVE ME ALL YOUR PILLS, AND GIMME ALL YOUR HOPELESS HEARTS AND MAKE ME ILL. Her body was enside the Frogs of death cabin. She was in her bed, and when the killer found her, she was already dead. He dragged her body to the Florest and putted every plant or flower he could find next to her.
6th Raj "Homecoming" "You'll never come back home" Raj was trying to run from the killer, and almost could. But when he tried to Get in the cafeteria, Julia was at the door making him get outside till the killer gets him. He tried to run again but he falled and failed. He was killed by a rock, a heavy and sharp rock.
Musical reference: Homecoming by Green day "I have a rock n roll boyfriend! Someone get me out of here! Am I getting out of here?! I should have stayed in home, ARE YOU HEARING ME RIGHT NOW?! nobody cares about me?" Raj wanted to stay completely alone after Wayne's death, he keeped all the time with the "nobody like me, everyone left me, they are all out without me having fun. Could you go?" Thoughts, and that annoyed Julia. She makes his words go against him, as could I say. His body was found by Axel.
7th Chase "Till the end" (CHIPPER ALERT😨) Chase: "Ripper... If you could marry me, would you bury me and carry me till the end? No homo tho." Ripper: "Pff, what type of question is that, dude!" Chase: "yeah, edgy right? I've heard that on a emo song!" Chase went back to try to kill the killer, he almost did. But the killer used dirty tricks to end him, Chase was lefted alone to die of blood loss cuz the killer tought that he was a horrible person.
Musical reference: Till the end by My Chemical Romance Chase and Ripper HAD a "colorful friendship", during the entire incident Chase tried to keep Ripper safe while Ripper gets anxious if Chase was doing that because he loves him or that he'll leave him when he thinks it's the time. Ripper have other thoughts than just "friends" with Chase, but he never told him because he: thought it wasn't the time, cuz he thought it was something pathetic of saying, cuz he was anxious of Chase reject him and leave him. Chase thought the same on Ripper, he loved Ripper. but he never said it to him and never will.
8th and 9th Julia and Nichelle "Inferno" "Please don't/let me die" Nichelle was the nicest person in there, Julia was the worse in there. When the Killer could actually kill Julia, Nichelle also appeared. So he killed them both and let them together.
Musical reference: Charlies inferno by That Handsome Devil "I SHOULDN'T BE IN HERE!" "Please don't let me die"
10th Priya "Cálice" "Are you'll demented or are y'all disturbed?" Priya was the last one to die, she went to fight the killer just like how Chase did. She actually was close of doing it, but she got severally hurt during the fight, so she finded a way to put all the place on fire and to her die alone in the woods.
Musical reference: Cálice by Chico Buarque It's a Brazilian music so I'll try in my own way to translate the lyrics "Maybe the world isn't small... (Shut up)" "I want to create my own sin (shut up)" "I want to die by my own poison (shut up)" "I want to finally lose your head (shut up)" "And my head lose your sense (shut up)" "I want to smell diesel gasoline (shut up)" "Get high till someone forgets me (SHUT UP)"
After all the deaths, Chris arrived in the island. He went there to rescue the 6 remaining  Campers: Mary Kate (mk) Ripper Millie Lauren (Scary Girl) Bowie Axel But he didn't came back with them, the spirit of all the other 10 campers went to him and drag him to the same hell hole that they ended.
Mk was numb, she was happy of being alive but depressed for the Unic friend she had was a horrible person. Ripper was emotionsless, not knowing if he should cry for the friends he lost or should be happy for being alive. Millie was crying, her heart was completely broken because there still was something inside her saying that Priya was alive. Scary girl was traumatized, during her entire life she said that she was interested in death, but seeing the people that supposed to be her friends dying was too much. She NEVER asked for that. Bowie was miserable. Miserable for losing the guy he most loved, for never loving anyone again, for losing all his friends, for being a victim of a 1 million dollars trap and for being left for death. Axel was anxious, she don't know how to react by the fact that she is scaping. She thought that their tragedy was gonna last forever, but now she's finally going back home... But what now?
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deanstead · 2 years
Pieces (14): Our Jobs
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Chapter Summary: Jay takes Y/N and Chloe out for a kid-friendly date which is interrupted by an unforeseen circumstance.
Word Count: 1,928
Warnings: canon-typical mentions of guns, injuries, GSWs
A/N: I'm back with Chapter 14! I'm just really thankful for all of you who have stayed on to follow this series, I hope you guys like this too! Remember to stop by and let me know what you guys think!
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Between Jay’s work at Intelligence, your shifts at Med, as well as Chloe, time passed quicker than you could ever imagine.
You’d been waiting for the thing to happen. The thing that would break this fairy tale apart, that moment when Jay would turn around and tell you he couldn’t do it, that it was too hard between your work, or with Chloe. But it didn’t come.
You were prepared again that first time you disagreed with something Jay said, the day you’d had a fight. But it didn’t come either. And when you asked him about it, your boyfriend looked at you like you were crazy. “What am I, an authoritarian? You’re entitled to disagree with me and to do whatever the hell you want. And if anyone says any different, you kick their ass. Me, included.” Jay had said with a smile.
Again, and again, Jay continued to show you that he most definitely meant everything he said.
“The park?” You asked him, an eyebrow raising.
Jay smiled. “Come on, the weather is going to be great, we just closed a big case so I have more time this weekend and I know you still have a day or two from the time you swapped with Connor. Or you can make Will work.” He paused. “I’ll make him work.”
You laughed, nodding. “But let’s not tell her yet, just in case.”
Jay nodded, smiling. The nature of their jobs, mainly his, meant there would be emergencies, or sudden calls that meant he had to take off, and he really didn’t want to be the person who disappointed Chloe, or you.
The weekend came around and everything seemed stable so you’d woken Chloe with a “Do you want to go on a picnic?”
“A picnic?” Chloe asked. “Can Jay come?”
You smiled. “Yeah, he’s coming to see you anyway.”
The little yelp of happiness made you smile. The last time you’d seen her so excited was when her father had agreed to take her out to a theme park, although that had been followed by the small disappointed look on her face when her father had canceled. Even though you had offered to take her anyway, Chloe had smiled and shook her head, asking if the both of you could go get ice cream instead.
And now looking back, you realized that all it chalked down to was effort. Effort that Jay could do, which was at least ten times what Caleb could do for his own daughter.
“Mom, hurry up!” Chloe yelled from where she was already up front with Jay.
So you’d spent the afternoon at the park, munching on sandwiches and other picnic food, watching Chloe run around, sometimes accompanied by her excited shrieks while Jay chased her.
As Chloe dragged Jay off a little further out, you leaned back, inclining your head back up against the clear sky. You forgot how much you liked watching the clouds drift by.
Then a shot ripped through the park.
You froze, sitting up with a jerk. Jay had paused as well from where he was playing with Chloe. There was a silence, where you figured maybe it was just a tire going off, or some other similar sound when a bunch of other shots went off, followed by screams.
Jay scooped Chloe up with one arm, both of them coming towards you quickly.
“Come on.” Jay whispered, readjusting Chloe onto his arm and taking your hand, leaving everything else behind, his only thought to get the two of you out.
You’d almost reached the parking lot when you saw him, a guy holding a gun, laughing and marching across the field to his friend. Jay pulled you down behind a small dividing wall made of stones.
“This is Detective Jay Halstead, badge number 51163. I have two active shooters in the park. Send some cars and ambos. Be advised, plainclothes officer on the scene.” Jay spoke into his phone in a low voice.
He turned back to you. “I need to make a break for it, alright. Get Chloe out of here.”
Jay pressed the keys of the car into your hand now.
You knew that if you didn’t have Chloe with you, you might have stayed. You’d have argued that you’re a doctor and you could help. Somehow.
But you weren’t alone. You weren’t just responsible for yourself.
Jay put his finger to his lips and glanced at Chloe. “Take care of your mom, alright?”
Chloe didn’t say anything, just studied Jay’s face before she turned to put her arms around him in a hug and nodded.
You took Chloe from his arms and nodded.
“I’ll cover you. So whatever you hear, don’t look back. Just drive and get as far away from here as possible.” Jay nodded. “I’ll be fine.”
You swallowed before you nodded and Jay pressed a firm kiss to your forehead, before he gently touched Chloe’s head. “Be safe.” He whispered.
Your eyes lingered on his for just a moment longer before he nodded. You squeezed his hand.
“You come back to us, you hear?”
Jay smiled and nodded.
You kept your body crouched low, Chloe pressed against you as you ran straight for the car. You’d barely closed the back door behind Chloe when you heard shots ring out, bullets sounding like they were crossing each other.
“Y/N, go!” You heard Jay yell and you pulled yourself into the car, hitting the accelerator.
You spotted Jay in the rearview mirror but you wrenched your eyes back onto the road, turning away from where you could still hear gunshots.
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Just as Jay thought you’d be able to at least start the cae before the shooter noticed, he’d turned and aimed his gun right at you.
With barely any consideration for the fact that he didn’t even have his police vest on, Jay had shot out of the corner he’d jammed himself into, firing the weapon he already had with him with no reservations now that you and Chloe were not there. Especially Chloe.
Jay rolled back down behind cover as he heard the sound of your car drive away and he allowed himself just a second to exhale and get his head back in the game before he peered out again and moved, exactly like he was trained.
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You’d driven straight to Med.
“Y/N? Aren’t you off today?” Maggie asked, the confusion written across her face as you marched into the ED with your daughter. “Everything okay?”
You nodded. “Yeah, there’s a shooting at the park. This place is gonna be flooded. I just…”
Maggie glanced at Chloe and nodded. “We can take her to the daycare.”
You looked at Chloe. “Can you go with April?”
“You need to go too?” Chloe asked.
You smiled. “Yeah.”
“With Jay?”
Your heart clenched and you nodded, smiling and giving her a kiss. “We’ll come and get you as soon as we can, alright?”
As April took her gently from your arms, you paused as your brain had an internal battle all on its own. All you wanted was to dash back to the park to make sure Jay was alright. You had the one car you'd driven out in together this morning, the keys felt like stones in your pocket.
But the rational part argued against it. Other than the obvious danger you’d be putting yourself in, there was literally no value in you being there in a dangerous situation and there was a higher possibility in Jay getting hurt just to protect you.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Will touched your arm.
“What are you doing here?”
You shook your head but then glanced back at him before you pointed to the doctor’s lounge, to which Will nodded.
Will closed the door behind him, before he looked at you. “You okay? I thought you and Jay…”
You nodded, taking a breath, feeling your heart pump a little harder as the memory hit you again. “We did. We were at the park. There was a… shooter. Two? I don’t know, Jay made me take the car and leave and I just… I just drove here.”
Will was blinking back at you, his eyes wide. “Should I go back?” You asked him now.
Will shook his head. “Listen, Jay’s going to be fine.”
“Liar.” You shot back at him, studying his face. “You’re worried too.”
Will smiled. “Being worried and believing he’s going to be fine are two separate matters.”
You narrowed your eyes. “Hardly.”
Will nodded. “Chloe’s upstairs, isn’t she?”
You frowned and nodded, wondering where he was going with this. Will reached over and threw your scrubs at you. “Let’s do our job then. We’ll be useful here.”
You stared at the scrubs in your hand for a bit before you nodded, glancing up at him. “I know.”
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Before long, the ED was flooded with all sorts of injuries. There were the serious gunshot wounds, then the slightly less serious ones that came in with fractures and sprains from the stampede.
You’d been kept so busy, you didn’t have much time to let your mind wander. Not that you’d forgotten. It felt more like a nagging feeling, a stone at the base of your stomach, or sometimes it sprouted in your chest when you were least expecting it and you had to take another moment to breathe.
“Maggie, if you see anyone from CPD, or Intelligence, can you let me know?” You leaned in across the counter.
Maggie glanced up at you and nodded. “You want me to make some calls?’
“If you can.” You nodded. “Thanks.”
You were interrupted almost immediately by Ethan calling for help and you turned around, heading for the treatment room at the back.
“I’ll intubate.” You said, the moment you entered, moving as quickly as you could. “I’m in.”
The beeping sounds got steadier and you glanced at the monitor, before you looked at Ethan, who was studying the ultrasound.
“She’s bleeding into her belly. She’s got to go in to surgery.”
You nodded, “I’ll call ahead.”
You followed Ethan to the lift before he nodded at you. “I’ll bring her up. You better stay down here, just in case.”
Patient flow had already stabilized. Most of the non-emergent patients had been treated and the emergent patients were mostly upstairs already in surgery. But Ethan was right, you just never knew. Just then, you heard the sound signaling an ambulance had brought in another emergency patient, so you nodded at Ethan and headed back to the front, freezing as you watched the paramedics wheel him in as Connor reached them.
“GSW to the chest, intubated in the field. He lost consciousness halfway.” Sylvie’s voice felt like it was coming from another dimension.
The breath caught in your throat as you saw him, everything felt like it was going in slow motion as you stared. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from him, watching as he was wheeled into a treatment room.
“Jay.” His name left your lips through no will of your own.
“Someone get me Dr Choi. Y/N and Will, out.” Connor barked.
You couldn’t have been of any help anyway as you stood mutely there next to Will.
The worst was the sound that followed, the sound that came from the machine Jay was already hooked up to. The sound that echoed in your ears, in your mind, that terrified you to your bones. The sound of a flatline.
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dyns33 · 2 years
A long, complicated and a bit dark Nathan Bateman story 
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It had been a surprise for the five engineers to be invited to spend a little more than a week with the famous Nathan Bateman. The creator of Blue Book, their boss, was a genius, a very secretive man, who lived in seclusion, hardly ever leaving his house. No one knew where he lived. He never gave a real interview, only sending a script already prepared to journalists when he had a statement to make.
It also happened that he gave the answers to certain questions that they had noted on their computer, but without ever communicating them to him, indicating that he had eyes and ears everywhere, but without anyone ever being able to prove anything. . He didn't leave a trace if he hacked something.
People didn't know anything about him, if he didn't want to.
Paul, Sherly, Han, Caleb and Y/N did not all arrive at the same time, each one brought by a different helicopter. Even though they worked for the same company, they didn't know each other, not coming from the same departments.
The first day, they didn't see Nathan Bateman, being greeted by a voice in the ceiling telling them where their room was, and that they could make themselves comfortable. If a door opened, that meant they were allowed to explore. Otherwise, their access card wouldn't unlock it anyway. If they needed anything, they could ask, or call Kyoko, the maid. She didn't speak, so there was no point in trying to communicate with her any more than necessary.
While three of them decided to search the house a bit to figure out why their boss had brought them in, Caleb and Y/N stayed in the living room, admiring the view, having a drink and chatting a bit to get to know each other and determine the reason for their presence.
           "He has to be working on a big project, and he needs outside eyes." Caleb said, smiling shyly, impressed to be in such an extraordinary place, with such an extraordinary man.
           "Ridiculous ?"
           "Nathan Bateman is one of the greatest minds of this century. He never asked anyone for help, and even if he did, five people at the same time ? And not the best ? Because, no offence, I don't know you well, I don't know the others, but we're clearly not the best qualified to figure out his work in a week. There's something else. Maybe a test, and we'll be guinea pigs."
           "Are you always distrustful and pessimistic by nature ?"
           "Dare to tell me that I am wrong."
           "No, I think what you're saying is pretty true, unfortunately for us. What kind of test do you think this is going to be ?"
           "Hard to say. But he starts by leaving us alone and watching us. You've probably noticed all the cameras. There are even some in the bedrooms, and probably in the bathrooms."
           "In the bathrooms ?!"
As Caleb ran to his bedroom to inspect the mirror, though he certainly couldn't find Bateman's hidden cameras, Y/N stayed on the couch, downing her drink and staring out into the forest.
The dinner passed in silence. The others also seemed to have guessed that he was planning something important and they were convinced that it was better if they did not talk to each other, because if it was a competition, it was not a good idea to become friends.
Or simply to be able to bring down their opponent more easily. They might try that later when they had more information.
Nathan Bateman kept them waiting for much of the next day. The tension was starting to build, Caleb getting as nervous as the others. Only Y/N remained calm, not really concerned by the situation. Even if it was an opportunity, she could just tell Bateman to fuck off if he didn't like what he wanted, and she'd go home with no regrets. This shocked the others, and as they praised their boss's work, he finally arrived.
           "When people will ask me how our first meeting went, I'll say that I walked into the room as my guests were comparing me to God." he sneered.
           "Four of your guests."
           "Small detail, Y/N. And that's not the most important. What's important is why you're here now."
Before revealing his big secret to them, Nathan asked them to sign a fairly complex confidentiality agreement. They all hesitated, seeing that he would have access to all their data, but surprisingly Y/N was the first to sign.
           "He already has access to all our data." she said, which is enough to convince the others.
Upon discovering Ava, the engineers didn't know what to say. It seemed almost impossible to create an AI, but it seemed like nothing was impossible for Nathan Bateman. He had invited them all to take part in a Turing test. He considered that one human was not enough, and since he was her creator, he did not have enough distance to judge his work.
           "You're all different. Three men, two women, some straight, some gay, some bi, qll pretty smart. I want you to talk to her, and then I want you to tell me what you think. If, at any moment, you are doubting that she is a machine."
When Caleb asked Y/N what she thought about it, she replied that it was nonsense. Because the Turing test worked if the human didn't know they were talking to a machine. Here, not only did they know Ava wasn't human, but it was obvious. Her face could mimic any expression she wanted, since she knew it was a robot, so Y/N couldn't see her as anything other than a robot.
           "Keep an open mind !"
           "Even with an open mind, I can't pretend not to see that it's made of bolts and electrical circuits."
           "I didn't use any bolts when building Ava."
They jumped, finding Nathan standing by the door, smirking.
Blushing and acting like a smitten teenager in front of a rock star, Caleb stammered, trying to impress their boss with his knowledge and complimenting him, but Bateman's eyes never left Y/N, who stared at him fearlessly, but with a strange sensation.
Not only did she have the feeling of having already met him, but above all something drew her to him, and she didn't like that.
As if guessing what she was thinking, Nathan smiled even more before leaving them without saying anything. She noted that he hadn't contradicted her regarding the test.
During the following days, each engineer spent some time with Ava, talking to her, observing her, trying to determine if she really had an artificial intelligence or if she was simply very well coded.
Since it was not a competition, they were also more open with their colleagues when they had free time. However, they didn't dare to talk about Ava and their impressions right away, being afraid of distorting the results by being disturbed by the ideas of others. But when they all dined together, Nathan invited them to communicate, saying that it could only be positive.
After ignoring them for the first two days, he spent most of his time with them, when he wasn't watching them with his cameras. He had proudly shown them, revealing that there were indeed some in the bathrooms.
           "Just in case. You never know, you might be hiding something, or feeling unwell. I'm a considerate host."
           "And a suspicious one." added Y/N.
           "Yes, suspicious, extremely suspicious. What do you think of Ava ?"
           "It's an exceptional robot."
           "Robot. Not AI. Too early to tell ?"
           "Don't take this the wrong way, Mister Bateman, but nothing will convince me about your creation. It is magnificent, yes, it can perfectly imitate humans, I grant you that, but it is only following the program that you have integrated into its system. There is no decision-making, no spontaneity, no feeling. It is a machine, and artificial intelligence is a myth, a wild dream. You will not have validation with me. Now I imagine you're going to ask me to leave, to not ruin everything."
           "Leave ?" he repeated with a look of surprise, almost panicked. "Not at all. I never falsify the results, you stay, and I will change your mind before the end."
Being a professional, Y/N continued to talk with Ava, applying the protocol required for a Turing test, but she couldn't forget that she was talking to a machine. She knew it, she saw it and she felt it every time the robot opened its mouth. The answers were elaborate, but obvious and repetitive. Never laughing, shouting or crying, except in imitation, when the person in front of her was doing it, or talking about it.
Without being asked, Caleb seemed to make it his mission to prove to Y/N that Ava had a conscience. It soon became clear that it wasn't to curry favour with Nathan, but because he was beginning to have feelings for the android, who was using this to manipulate him. No doubt Ava felt she couldn't convince her on her own.
Y/N admitted that it was clever, very clever. But still not a proof of artificial intelligence. Only Nathan's intelligence, which he had put into his code.
           "First, she's not manipulating me." Caleb insisted when she told him about it. "And then, if it was, how can you say it's not a proof ?"
           "I'll tell you again, Nathan coded it that way. He keeps talking about sex, and you even wondered if he ordered her to flirt with you."
           "He said no."
           "I don't believe a word this guy is telling us. He's falsifying the test by constantly talking to us. But I don't think he ordered her anything. He just told her that she wouldn't come out without help. And that to get outside help, you had to gain a person's trust, their friendship, their pity. Their love. It use what he gave them to coax you into helping them. But Caleb, it's a machine. Have you seen Terminator ? Bad idea."
           "He's going to destroy her when it's all over."
           "And it's his right. It's his creation. I'm sorry."
Caleb avoided Y/N after that, visibly upset. He had to know deep down that she was right, but men could be stupid, especially when they thought with their dicks. He didn't notice the odd little details. He hadn't even seen that Kyoko wasn't human.
Paul and Sherly also seemed under the spell of this machine. Han, though unresponsive to her advances, felt empathy and pity.
Apart from Y/N, they were all convinced that there was something human about Ava. But, unlike Caleb, they remained professional and did not attempt to release her until their stay was over.
Either way, the escape plan was doomed. After all, Nathan had eyes and ears absolutely everywhere, even more in his own house. He wasn't angry, gently patting the shoulder of the poor fool who had wanted to run off with his robot, stating that it was just more proof of Ava's intelligence, and her ability to adapt.
This is not enough to convince Y/N. But he didn't seem worried. Maybe having four commits was enough for him.
Y/N thought he was going to try something when he came to her bedroom in the middle of the night.
She jumped, waking up by a strange noise, a bottle falling to the floor and a man grunting, discovering him standing near her bed. He was drunk. He looked at her strangely.
Since the beginning of the stay, she felt his gaze following her every time they were in the same room. She felt that the cameras were always on her, more than on the others, and she didn't know what to make of it.
           "Maybe it was a bad idea." he muttered, grimacing.
           "What are you doing here ? What was a bad idea ? Bringing me here ? Letting me stay when I'm not going to validate your little robot ?"
           "AI. You're still so stubborn. That's good. But I should have done it differently. It didn't work last time, but maybe I made a mistake."
           "Mister Bateman..."
           "Nathan. Call me Nathan, like before." he begged her with a voice full of desperation, collapsing on top of her, hugging her despite her protests.
           "No ! Leave me ! Nathan, leave me !"
This seemed to bring him back to reality. He stammered an apology as he got up and staggered out of the room. Y/N decided to forget it, and not think that she knew his scent, and the feel of his skin against hers.
On the day of departure, he wanted to speak to them all, individually, and he asked them about their colleagues. Nothing about its creation. Not a word.
           "You seem pretty close to Caleb." noted Bateman, raising a questioning eyebrow.
           "Close ?"
           "You talk a lot. More than with the others."
           "Only because he was more present. We still had a disagreement."
           "Ah. You mean when you broke his little heart telling him he had to give up his android girlfriend who was not really in love with him. I can understand that, it hurts. But you were right, he should have been wary. We do a lot of bullshit for love."
           "Have you ever been in love ?" she scoffed lightly.
           "Yes. Once. I hurt her a lot and lost her. Not like you imagine. A car accident, she died. Stupid, huh ? Maybe she would have left me in the end, we'll never know now. I couldn't work for months after that. I couldn't do anything without her. We were working together. She wasn't as smart as me, but she channelled me. Brought solutions that I did not see. We completed each other, we were in symbiosis."
Y/N said nothing, having lost her smile. Even though she had a hard time putting up with Nathan, she didn't hate him and she didn't want him to suffer. He clearly had a complicated life, and while that didn't excuse his behaviour, she could understand. He seemed to notice her sadness, which he waved away with a sigh.
To change the subject, she asked him if he was really going to destroy Ava. Not because it was going to break Caleb, but because she didn't understand why he would do such a thing. Whether she passed the test or not, and whether he was able to create an even more sophisticated machine, that didn't justify her destruction.
           "She's unstable, and she's served her purpose well. I've got five passes. It's perfect."
           "I didn't validate it."
           "No. But she validated you, and the others too."
There was a long silence, Y/N staring at Nathan, waiting for him to laugh indicating that he had just made a stupid joke, but he looked awfully serious, studying her reaction. As she said nothing, he got up to walk around the room, continuing to watch her, going to get himself a drink.
           "I know what you must be thinking. That's stupid, he says that to annoy me, because I didn't recognize that his creation was a real AI. But you were right, Ava is not an AI, not really. A hybrid. A decoy. To distract people from the real test, your test. No one saw anything. They all declared you human. Ava too, she never had a doubt. And you are the first to believe that you are human. That is why you are so perfect."
           "I know it's hard. The last three times, the others reacted badly. But it was different. I had modelled them from Y/N. I mean, my Y/N, the first, my sweet silly babe. There was always something wrong, and they were angry to learn that I had coded their feeling for me. So I changed my approach. I created you from her, but before she met me. Well, maybe there are a few snippets, I had trouble staying distant, but you were as free as possible. The most human. Without having the obligation to love me, just to adapt. To be."
           "I remember very well the day I arrived here. I have an apartment in town, a job. My colleagues from Blue Book..."
           "False memories. They were all from different departments, right ? They had never seen each other before. I put you in the helicopter and you woke up there."
           "I know it's hard." he repeated calmly approaching to try to take her hands. "You have to understand. It's a big step forward. And I missed you too much. I really couldn't do anything without you. Now you're here, we can work together again. You're the start of a new era. A superior creature."
           "Y/N. Y/N, think. You can't go anywhere. Stay with me, at least for work. I'll be better this time. I know I've been a real jerk, but I'll do better . Please, stay calm."
He repeated her name as she pushed him and ran out of the room, out of the house, screaming, looking for help. But there was no one there. The others had already left. Kyoko, sitting on the ground, wouldn't help her. Nor would Ava, locked in her room waiting for her end.
When Nathan caught her and hugged her, she didn't listen to his pleas, his explanations, his excuses, continuing to cry until she was totally exhausted, realizing that there was nothing to be done and dropping down.
           "It's okay. It's all good." he sighed, holding her in his arms, resting his head on hers. "It's better than last time. You'll be fine. You just need to rest and get used to the situation. You'll be fine, Y/N. I'm here."
That's the problem, she thought, as he led her to his room to put her to bed, when she certainly didn't really need to sleep. She should have let Caleb do what he wanted.
But despite all this, when Nathan kissed her forehead, stroking her cheek to wipe away her tears and whispering sweet words in her ears, she had the twisted feeling of being at home.
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in these walls (beauyasha week day 2)
Prompt: home @beauyasha-week Read on ao3
At the end of a long, winding road is a house. 
The house is old, overgrown with vines and the plants that must have been confined to the gardens now overflow into the yard and over the brick path leading to the porch. Some of the windows are broken, some from storms, most of them probably from neighboring kids. The unbroken windows are clouded with a thick layer of dust or shuttered against the wind.
The wrought iron fence and gate are creaky and bent in places, the plants starting to swallow them into the earth. The boards of the front porch are warped and broken, the stain all but washed away. And even through the grim and plants covering the house, the faintest bit of blue siding can be seen. 
This is a house that is full of stories, as all houses are. It has been long since abandoned, but still stands against the wind and weather to deliver its stories to anyone brave enough to open the door. There aren’t many people like that anymore, people are much happier to wait and stay where it is safe than to venture into the unknown.
The second Beau sees it, she knows that this is the one. 
She can so clearly see Yasha tending to the garden on a spring morning. She can see Imdrin sitting in the bay window, doing his homework. She can see Cricket running about the whole place, her footsteps echoing through the whole house. She can see their family living here happily.
It’s big enough to host the Mighty Nein and their families and it’s close enough to the city that Beau won’t need Caleb to teleport her to work anymore. 
She and Yasha have had it in the back of their mind to start looking for a new house, big enough for the kids as they grow and to act as shelter for their friends when they need it. Yes, it will take lots of time to fix this one up, but it’s more than worth it to her. The second she tells Yasha about it, she is completely on board.
Later that week, Beau and Yasha sit the kids down in the living room. “So,” Beau begins with a smile, “your mom and I want to ask you something. How would you two feel about moving into a new house closer to the city? It’s going to be bigger and with an even bigger yard.”
Imdrin’s face slowly starts to break into a smile, “Would I be able to go to school in the city?”
Yasha nods, “You would and so would your sister. And it would mean your uncles Caleb and Essek get to visit more often.” Immediately Imdrin lights up, as the only other drow he knows, Imdrin has grown incredibly fond of Essek. And though he almost never says it, Beau and Caleb both know how good talking with Imdrin has been for Essek.
“What do you think, Cricket?” Beau asks, turning to their daughter. Unlike her brother, Cricket doesn’t seem convinced, in fact she seems incredibly concerned. Instead of answering the question, she gets off the couch and runs to her room, the door shutting behind her with a soft click.
“I’ve got it,” Yasha says, ghosting a hand over Imdrin’s hair as she follows Cricket upstairs to her bedroom. 
Cricket’s door is covered with drawings, one Imdrin drew of a cricket sits right in the middle. Yasha approaches quietly, rapping a single knuckle against the door. “Bug? Can I come in?”
“Yeah,” Cricket responds softly. 
Yasha slowly pushes open the door and scans the room. Cricket is nowhere in sight, but Yasha knows her daughter well enough to know her hiding places. Which is why she just sits against the wall beside the bed, knowing Cricket has tucked herself underneath it.
“You know, long before I met your mama, I was part of a tribe that traveled all over. We were hardly ever in the same spot for more than a month. So I know that moving can be scary-”
“Not scared.” 
Yasha smiles fondly, though Cricket can’t see her. “What are you then?”
Cricket is silent for a long moment and Yasha can hear her fingers tapping against the floor as she thinks, “I’m nervous.”
“Leaving this house means going to a new one and then a new one and then there aren’t any more houses and then we’ll have to live in the mud. And you’ll have to leave me behind.”
Yasha is stunned into silence. As long as they’ve had Cricket, they’ve never been able to find out much of anything about her past, which led her to being alone in the Mudtop Ward. They had assumed she didn’t remember. It is clear as day that she does now.
“Cricket, can you come out so I can see you?”
Cricket sighs softly, but Yasha shortly hears her moving along the floor until her head pops out from under the bed near Yasha’s knee. She smiles and helps Cricket out, sitting her daughter down in front of her.
“You don’t have to worry about that. We’re going to be in the new house for a long time, I promise. And we’re never ever leaving you or your brother behind, okay?”
Cricket sticks her pinky towards Yasha with a serious look. Yasha links hers around Cricket’s and squeezes.
As the summer progresses, Yasha and Beau spend their days at the new house, tearing out floorboards, putting up wallpaper, fixing leaky taps and creaky steps. Despite the hard work, it’s very fun to have time together without the kids. More than a few times as they’re working, Yasha can’t resist pulling Beau into a kiss despite the paint or plaster on their hands. 
And on their last day of work, the day before they show the kids the house the first time and move in, the two of them find themselves standing in the kitchen with content smiles. Beau leans into Yasha’s side, pulling her partner’s arm over her shoulders. 
“It looks amazing,” Yasha says breathlessly. “They’re going to love it.”
“They better,” Beau laughs and Yasha pinches her shoulder playfully. “Seriously though,” Beau turns around and loops her arms around Yasha’s neck, standing on her toes to press a kiss to her lips. “This is fucking awesome.”
Yasha chuckles against her lips, “It is. It’s our house now and you know…the kids are with their uncles tonight.” She kisses Beau, forcing her to tilt her head up. “And I don’t think this house has been properly christened yet.”
Beau smirks, meeting Yasha’s eyes full of lust, “I think we should get to that then, don’t you?”
“My thoughts exactly,” Yasha whispers as she trails her lips down Beau’s neck.
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scarisd3ad · 2 years
Found you | Steve harrington x f!hopper!reader
Chapter nine
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Season two!
𝗢𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟴𝘁𝗵 𝟭𝟵𝟵𝟰
𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗸𝘀
The past year was traumatizing to say the least. Everyone was still a little shaken up from the experience, but everything was finally starting to go back to normal. Steve and I still talked. We were practically best friends now. (besides Liv and mick. If I had to rank the three I'd say mick, Steve then Liv) Steve and I had gotten extremely close over the past year. I was practically always over at Steve despite my dads disapproval. My dad didn't hate Steve...but he didn't live him either. Dad didn't like Mike either so I guess he just didn't like boys that his daughters were romantically interested in. Mom had called a few time this year. It was weird talking to her after all this time. She now has two daughters one is eight and the other is three. It's weird..to say the least. It hurt a lot finding out she had two 'new' daughters. It felt like she was replacing Sarah and I. The two girls even had the same age gap. Mom wants me to come over for thanksgiving but I don't think I could leave dad and el alone like that. And I don't really want to meet moms 'new' family either. Yeah maybe the two girls were interesting but I had already knew her new husband. He was her boss when we lived in New York. I would always go up to the office with her to help so would Sarah.
I was missing Sarah a lot recently. I couldn't help but feel like I was replacing her with el. El was the same age Sarah would be now. I couldn't help but feel she felt like I was replacing her. She didn't deserve mom to replace her, i didn't want her to feel like I was too. I wasn't replacing her though. Dad wasn't either he tried his best to make it feel like he wasn't. We'd tell stories about Sarah to el all the time. About how funny she was, how smart. I missed her so much.
"I'll be right here at three fifteen" dad said as we pulled up into the schools parking lot. I fidgeted with the blue 'bracelet' on my wrist pulling it off and putting it back on. "I know dad" I replied. Dad made me babysit el a lot. Especially since he was staying out at the station later recently. I grabbed my bag off of the floorboard, and slipped my water bottle into the side compartment. "And remember I need you to watch El after school so no going over to Michele's after school" I nodded as I groaned quietly. I hadn't really gotten used to being a big sister again though. I guess since I was only twelve when Sarah died I really didn't have to do all the babysitting, and being a good influence part of being an older sister.
"I love you" dad said as I started to get out of the car. I smiled and nodded "I love you too see you later" I slammed the car door shut before running towards the building. Mick was standing near the front door as usual waiting for Liv and I. She held a copy of Carrie in her hands, mindlessly flipping through the pages. Mick wasn't a reader..not at all. But I had read Carrie and told her how good it was so she decided to read it too. "Mick!" I shouted as I ran up to her, she looked up from her book and smiled "y/n!" She immediately closed the book. "Where's Liv?" I asked my eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "Dunno" mick shrugged her shoulders.
"Should we wait or...I don't wanna be late for English" I mumbled quietly. English wasn't my favorite class this year (Especially because the teacher was horrible) but i was terrified of the teacher, I was scared of what she'd do to me if I was late. "We can wait for a few more minutes" I sat down on the curb next to mick and she soon took the spot next to me. "So what'd you do this weekend?" Mick asked as she stuffed her book back into her bag. "Oh..I- just some babysitting how bout you?" I wasn't allowed to tell anyone about el. 'It wasn't safe' dad said. It wasn't especially with the dr Brenner situation. Last I heard he had fled town.
"Visited Caleb in Virginia" she groaned as she leaned her head back against the brick. "Is he still an asshole?" I asked she rolled her eyes and nodded. "Major asshole he thinks he's the shit now cause he's in college."
This was the routine, I'd get to school at about seven twenty. Mick was already standing there we'd talk shit about her brother for about ten minutes before Liv showed up. That's how it has been since freshman year.
"He's also somehow has a girlfriend now" my eyes widened and my mouth gaped open. "no way?" Caleb was definitely not the lady's man. He was the worst, and not like liam worst liam just taunted us. Caleb was actually violent. He was horrible with girls to the point every girl in his grade hated him. "Yes way. Her name is Maya she super sweet I kinda feel bad."
Mick and I both looked up to see Liv walking up with a red head. she had a red skirt and a college t- shirt on. "Who this?" Mick asked her head tilting to the side a bit. "Oh- oh this is Phoebe she's new here. I'm supposed to show her around since she wants to be on the cheer squad!" Liv explained. Mick and I both nodded. Pheobe sent both mick and I a fake looking grin and I already knew what type of person she was.
Just like Carol Perkins.
Bitch. She was a huge bitch god I hated her. I used to be friends with her well when we were in elementary school and she wasn't as big of a bitch as she was now. She became a bitch in middle school when she started hanging around tommy hagan. Who is a major dick. They both ended up being apart of Steve's 'posse' from sixth grade to junior year. Steve blew up on Carol last year during all the demogorgon stuff and she's hated him since. Tommy still hung out with Steve though. But it was because they were best friends ever since kindergarten.
"Anyways phoebe this is y/n my best friend and mick my girlfriend!" Liv said pointing to each of us. "Girlfriend?" Phoebes eyebrows knitted together in confusion. I knew it was the eighty's and like everyone was homophobic but she had to at least know what a lesbian was. "Yep were dating shes my girlfriend" Liv explained. Phoebe rolled her eye "duh I know what gay is I just didn't expect the you know...cheer captain to be..gay" I rolled my eyes and lean my head back against the brick.
"Well I am so deal with it" Liv said rolling her eyes and sitting down next to mick. I loved how Liv didn't care what people thought about her anymore. She used to care but not anymore. I didn't understand how mick and Liv weren't scared. Every boy in our high school was Homophobic. Only a few weren't and that was probably one out of every twenty boys at our school. Every boy also had a crush on Liv so mick was the brunt of a bunch of harassment from them. "We should go inside" mick said as Liv leaned her head against micks shoulder. "Yeah" Liv whispered.
"Hey hop"
I looked up to see Steve walking past with Tommy hagan on his right side. I smiled "who's that?" Phoebe asked. "Which one?" Liv asked as she stood up and held her hand out helping mick up. "The one with the nice hair" Phoebe said her cheeks flushing pink. "Ohhh..Steve harrington."
"Is he single?"
Yeah technically he was single. He was still hooking up with a bunch of girls though. It hurt my feeling but he didn't have to not date or have sex with girls just to save my feelings. After our kiss last year maybe I assumed that he'd like me but it was a drunken mistake so I let it go.
Liv rolled her eyes as we began to walk into the school. "Yeah technically but he's got eyes for y/n" Phoebe instantly sent me and death glare. Steve didn't have eyes for me. I didn't understand why Liv and mick thought he did. "He doesn't" i muttered as I pushed mick lightly "totally does have you seen the way he looks at you?" Mick laughed. I rolled my eyes at her antics and let her carry on with her rant about Steve and I. She'd always do that anytime Steve was mentioned. She'd rant about he's 'practically got heart eyes' and how 'his face softens everytime he talks to me' which he totally didn't. Pheobe mumbled as quietly 'bye' as she walked towards her locker.
"Well she hates you" mick said whispering into my ear. I slapped micks shoulder as I walked up to my locker and unlocked it. "Did you do the math homework?" Mick asked as I nodded.
"Hey y/n?" I quickly turned around to see Steve standing next to mick. "I've gotta go find Liv" mick mumbled out before speed walking away. "Yeah?" I asked my eyebrows furrowed together.
"Can we talk?...Privately?" I nodded "yeahh.." my thoughts ran wild. Did I piss him off, I hadn't talked to him since last Friday. I didn't think I said anything to make him mad.
The bell rang sending kids every which way as the scurryed to they're classes. Steve grabbed my wrist pulling me into the direction towards one of the exit doors my anxiety was I at an all time high. My hands shook as we jogged down the hallway.
"Did I make you mad?" I blurted out, Steve chuckled and shook his head, his eyes softening. "I just want to talk to you..stop worrying so much."
"I..I'm not worrying I just don't like making people mad" I huffed. I didn't, I hated making people mad especially Steve.
Steve pushed open the large metal door and held it open for me as I walked out.
"Okay what'd you wanna talk about?" I asked as Steve let go of my arm. My hands continued to shake as I slipped a ring off my finger and fiddled with it as he figured out what he was going to say. He leaned himself against the brick wall and said  "Okay.." he exhaled "will you fake date me?"
Fake date? What'd he even mean by that? The only time I 'fake dated' someone was when Tom Martinez and I got 'married' on the playground in the third grade.
his hand combing through his hair anxiously. I furrowed my eyebrows staring up at Steve. His cheeks were tinted a light shade of pink, and his hair was a bit disheveled from how many times he ran his hands through it. I could tell he's was anxious, his foot was tapping against the cement quietly, and his hand was constantly in his hair. A obvious hint to him being anxious. "What?" I asked as I leaned myself against the wall. "Like we pretend to date, just for a few weeks to make Nancy jealous" i scoffed and shook my head.
Nancy? Still god. Nancy was happy with liam for about a year now. What kind of choke hold did she have on the man. I shouldn't be talking though. I had been in love with Steve harrington since middle school and, I had written him several unmailed love letters since. My latest one being last year at the beginning of the demogorgon/will going missing thing.
"You and Nancy have been broken up for a whole year" I laughed.
"Yeah I know, I just..I um really want her back. Please y/n" he begged. I rolled my eyes "fake dating? No sorry Steve" I scoffed. I couldn't do it. I wouldn't be able to without getting myself hurt. And if I did do it I'd get a lecture from either Jonathan, mick, or Liv telling me how it wasn't a good idea. "Come on y/n only for like three weeks! Please! I'll give you whatever you want!" He begged. He had a choke hold on me just like Nancy did on him. It just took a few times of him begging and offering me things for me to cave.
I rolled my eyes yet again about to decline when I idea popped into my head. I could use him for rides! Yeah it wasn't like a big plan to like loose my virginity but now I wouldn't have to have my dad drive me around. He was so embarrassing especially when he dropped me off at school. "Anything?" I asked, he nodded "ok can you drive me to school and to my house everyday?" I asked he nodded again "that's all?" He asked.
"Yup...but you've gotta meet my dad after school" he furrowed his eyebrows "I've already met your dad" I rolled my eyes, and leaned my head back against the locker. "Yeah but you haven't met him as my 'boyfriend' he's super strict. He wouldn't just let anybody date his daughter" I explained.
Dad wouldn't even let Jonathan take me to our middle snowball dance. It took so much persuading for him to even agree. (and we were close with the byers family! He knew that Jon wouldn't let anything happen to me) so imagine me bring Steve fucking harrington to the house telling him he was my boyfriend. Steve was well known for being well Steve. Dating girls, breaking they're hearts. My dad would probably have an aneurism. Then he'd probably kick him out shouting threats that weren't empty.
He nodded his head slowly, "oh..Um okay."
"Is there any ground rules?" I asked, he nodded "yeah um don't tell anyone it's fake it'll save the embarrassment once we 'break up.'" I hummed in response before turning around and walking back towards the payphones. "I'll see you at lunch?!" He shouted in a more questioning tone. "Yup see you then harrington!" I said sending him a soft smile before running off.
I rummaged through my pockets until I found a quarter as placed it into the machine. I pulled the phone off the hook and began to dial the police stations phone number. After a few rings flo answered.
"Hello? Hawkins police station how may I help you?"
"Hey flo! Can I talk to me dad?" I asked as I twirled my finger around the cord.
"Yup of course sweetheart"
It took few minutes but soon enough I heard the familiar gruff voice belonging to my father.
"Hey dad I don't need you to pick me up...Steve's going to drop me off Mkay?"
"You're still coming straight home?" Dad asked. I nodded "yup Steve's just dropping me off."
"Okay I'll see you later..love you."
"Love you too bye!" I replied as I hung the phone back onto the hook
I sighed as I practically fell into my seat. I stared up at the chalkboard trying to comprehend what Mrs.Garcia was writing. My leg bounced up and down anxiously as it normally did.
"What was that about?"
I turned my head towards mick. Of course mick wanted to know everything that had happened. She had been rooting for Steve and I since I started hanging out with him again. I didn't want to lie to her, but I kind of had to now. She has a gigantic smirk on her face. The same one that she had everytime I talked to Steve. "He asked me out" I whispered. Her eyes widened and she squealed "what?!" She squealed. I felt bad, she had gotten so excited over it. "shut up!" I giggled as I slapped her arm. She didn't need to know it was fake if she did she'd give me this whole lecture on how I'm going to get myself hurt, and I'd be left heartbroken. I didn't want to hear that now.
"Okay, okay" she rolled her eyes. "Soo..how did it go?" She asked her hands wrapped around my arm trying to pry the details out of me. "He just asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend that all, and he's coming over later to see my dad" I replied. Her eyes widened "Woah he's gonna see hopper?" She asked I nodded "Yep" I replied popping the 'p' "hope he gets out alive" she muttered. "Shut up Turner" I said rolling my eyes "okay Hopper" she teased.
The rest of the day, I kind of forgot about the whole fake dating Steve until he sat down next to me at lunch. He Mumbled a soft 'hi' as he pressed his lips to my cheek. It kind of took me off guard. I flinched a bit before looking up. "hi Steve!" I said a smile on my face. "What are you doing here harrington?" Michele asked in a monotone voice. Mick and Steve had this on going banter since Steve and I started hanging out. He rolled his eyes "I'm here to see my girlfriend, what's so wrong with that turner?" He asked wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.
"Oh so this is real?" She asked pointing to both of us with her fork. "of course its real why wouldn't it be?" He asked pressing a kiss to my cheek. My cheeks heated up as I leaned my head on his shoulder "Okayy then kiss her" I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked up at Steve. He had just kissed me? "I just kissed her" Steve furrowed his eyebrows "like an actual kiss" I rolled my eyes, mick always did the most when it came to her friends being in relationships. He raised his eyebrows as if to say 'can I?' I nodded slightly giving him the ok before he leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips.
Last time I kissed him he had a girlfriend, and we were both drunk. I didn't even remember it. It's funny how it's almost a year later and I'm still somehow competing with that same girl.
The thing about being in a fake relationship with Steve harrington, was that no one would believe us if he didn't kiss me. Every relationship he's every been in was full of pda. Making out next to his locker, making out during lunch. You name it he did with every single one of his girlfriends. So I had to even if I didn't want to hurt myself I had to kiss him. No one would believe us if we didn't so we had to do the most. The thought of maybe ruining our friendship by doing this scared me though.
"Ew okay gross I believe it" she groaned as we pulled away. Steve chuckled as my cheeks burned leaning my head against Steve's shoulder. "Good job" Steve whispered somehow making me even more flustered. Maybe it was the fact that my best friend and fake boyfriend was praising me for doing the smallest thing. Making every girl in the cafeteria hate me. "Okay where's liv because I know the moment she's here you two will have each other's tongues down each other's throat." I rolled my eyes. "Speak of the devil" I said as the blonde walked up to our table. Her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail , it bouncing up and down as she walked towards us. "Hi Livy!" Mick exclaimed as she pressed a kiss to liv's lips. "Told you" I scoffed. "Why's he here?" Liv asked pointing at Steve. Liv had the best relationship with Steve compared the the three of us. She used to be the harringtons next door neighbor. Steve and her used to be best friends until she met mick and I. "Y/n's new boyfriend" mick said.
Her eyes widened before she squealed "You're dating Steve harrington?!" her eyebrows knitted together. I nodded and she sighed in relief "finally I was tired of having to deal with you two and your sexual tension." Liv's attention immediately turned to mick as she begged for a lollipop.
Steve and I didn't have sexual tension. Right?
"Mick did you bring me candy?" Liv asked. Michele groaned playfully before handing Liv a lollipop. "Thanks" Liv said a smile spreading across her face as she popping the lollipop into her mouth. "you're welcome" mick pressed her lips liv's cheeks instantly turned a bright red. "Can I have a lolliepop mick?" I asked putting on a fake pout "nope" she said popping a carrot into her mouth. "Please mick! I'm your best friend!" I begged "please!" I pouted placing my hands in front of me in a prayer like hand gestures "sure ok" she groaned as she threw one across the table.
I smiled as I unwrapped it and popped it into my mouth. The strawberry flavor immediately engulfed my taste buds. "Can I try?" Steve asked as he tried to grab the lollipop out of my mouth. I scrunched my nose up in distaste and shook my head. "Awe come on" he said through a fake pout. I shook my head as my giggle was muffled by the lollipop. he rolled his eyes before grabbing the lollipop from my hands and popping it into my mouth. "Ew gross Steve!" I groaned as I grabbed it out of his mouth before pouring my water bottle over the lollipop.
"Oh come on know y/n/n now you're just being dramatic. don't act like you didn't just kiss me" he chuckled "that's different!" I said popping the lollipop back into my mouth.
It wasn't different
"No it's not" he laughed as he took the lollipop out of my mouth yet again, but this time he sat the lollipop on my tray before pulling me in for another kiss. He tasted like artificial strawberries and cigarettes. (Both of us still not able to break our habit of smoking) "You see not different" he laughed as my cheeks turned a bright red.
Everyone was staring at us, and I mean everyone. It felt like every girl in every grade was staring daggers into my back. Even Nancy was staring at me. I couldn't tell if it was jealous or just straight hatred but I didn't like it. "They're staring" I mumbled "don't worry they're just jealous" he whispered as he pressed his lips to my cheek. This seemed oddly real for it to just be a fake dating situation I thought we would just act like a couple not kiss and shit. "Hey sweetheart can I have that?" Steve asked pointing to the cup of carrots on my tray. My eyes widened at the nickname. "Yeah sure" I mumbled.
The bell rang signifying the end of lunch and start of sixth period. Steve mumbled a small goodbye as he pressed his lips to my forehead before running off. Mick, Liv, and I walked down the hallway towards our next class. Mick and Liv walked hand and hand while I walked next to Liv. "Soo..you two must be real serious already" mick said, i shrugged my shoulders. This faking dating this would probably last a good week before he was off with Nancy wheeler. Having they're stereotypical gross high school relationship. Flaunting how they had Fall in love so young to everyone.  "I dunno it probably isn't gonna last long" I mumbled "what do you mean?! He's totally in love with you y/n/n" Liv exclaimed. "No he's not liv you know how he was with Nancy I'll never live up to that" I replied. "Come on y/n you've gotta be optimistic, you two are totally in love. New power couple of Hawkins high" Liv giggled. "After us though" mick said making both Liv and I laugh. "Yeah after us of course" Liv laughed.
The truth was no one at school really liked mick and Liv together. All the guys were jealous of mick because well Liv was Liv. She was beautiful, and caring who didn't want her. And everyone was a homophobe it was actually kinda scary. Mick didn't care much though she loved Liv and that was that, but liv, Liv didn't want to ruin her social life at first. She was popular and she didn't want to ruin that. Well she kept that mindset until mick kissed her publicly for the first time.
I cared I don't know why I cared so much. What people would think of me if I was gay. What if I was? Was there more than just lesbian and gay. I didn't know. I had found myself having crushes on a few girls in my past. I'm pretty sure I've even had a crush on Liv before. But it was just because she was pretty right? I just found her pretty and confused those feelings with love.
As we were walking down the hallway I spotted a girl a beautiful girl. She had a short bob with freckles spotted all over her face. Her blue eyes sparkled. God I could almost feel my cheeks burning. Here I was confusing the thought of this girl being pretty with love again. But I couldn't help but feel the same feeling I felt when I first saw Steve after I left for New York.
The rest of the day went by smoothly, math, science, social studies and then I was practically sprinting down the hallway towards my locker. I almost forgot about the pretty girl I saw in the hallway almost is the key word because she just so happened to have her locker exactly five away from mine. She walked up to hers giggling with one of her friends I recognized from band.
I tried not to stare quickly opening my locker and I shuffling through the books I had kept in my locker. trying to figure out which ones I wanted to take home when two arms were wrapped around my waist. All of a sudden I was being picked up.
"Oh my god!" I giggled. When I was set back on the ground I was met with Steve's face. "Hey pretty girl you ready?" I nodded and mumbled a soft 'yeah' before he pressed his lips to mine. It was still new, flustering kissing him. I didn't expect fake dating him to feel so real. Excitement swirled in my stomach as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I automatically forgot about the girl. Steve just did that to people.
We both pulled away, everyone was staring again. Even the girl. "Don't worry bout them, they're idiots" Steve said softly as he grabbed my hand and we began to walk down the hallway.
"You think he'll hate me?" Steve asked as we walked up to his car. He probably would, for a good week then he'll get used to it. "Probably" I laughed as I opened up the passenger side door. "Seriously? Are you sure he'll hate me?" He laughed. I wrinkled up my nose and laughed as I sat down "yeah probably."
After the rather long drive to my fathers cabin we made it. I hopped out of the car "I'm gonna go in first then I'll come out, ok?" I asked he nodded before I ran up to my house. I fished the spare house key I had out of my pocket and unlocked the door to see el sitting in front of the tv. She was watching an episode of the three stooges giggling at the characters. She didn't even notice I had walked in at first until I said her name.
Her head snapped back before smiling softly. I dropped my bag down softly by the door and walked over to her. I sat next to her and asked "hey is hop home?" She nodded and then pointed back to his room. "Thanks" I pressed a kiss on top of her head before getting up and walking back towards his room.
I knocked a few times before hearing a muffled groan and then "come in!" I pushed the door open to be met with a dark room. The only sign of him even being in the room was the large mass curled up in the sheets. "Hey dad?" I said softly "hmm" he hummed into the pillow. "I've got someone for you to meet" I said, he groaned and mumbled "do I gotta meet them now?"
I nodded and mumbled "yeah it's kinda important" he groaned before slowly sitting up. "Mkay I'll be out in a minute" I nodded and walked out the door making sure to close it behind me. "Hey el..can you go in our room I've gotta bring someone in it's not.."
She nodded and mumbled "safe.." and standing up, grabbing up the blanket she had dragged into the living room, and then walking to our room. I bolted out the door, "come on!" I shouted and Steve rolled his eyes before getting out.
"Are you sure he'll be okay with it I don't want to get my ass beat y/n" Steve mumbled as we walked up towards the front door. "He'll be fine I'm not a baby anymore" I said as I pushed open the door. My dad was now sitting on the couch dressed in his police attire mindlessly switching the channel.
"Dad?" He turned around and then said  "Y/n I've already met harrington, I've know him since he was five" his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "I know but...we're dating now" I mumbled out. Dads eyes widened before mumbling a quiet "oh god." He buried his face in he hands as he cursed. He was mad, scared I could see it on his face. I had never had a boyfriend before well at least to his knowledge. I had dated liam for a good week in the sixth grade but liam and I both decided that, that did not count.
"Are you sure he's alright that doesn't seem alright." Steve mumbled. I nodded "he's fine..you should see him when he watches jeopardy."
"I'm fine...I'm fine" he mumbled under his breath. "Okay come sit with me" he said patting the spot next to him. I sat down next to my dad as Steve sat down next to me. "Nope farther apart" he said shooing Steve to the side. Steve nodded and scooted away.
"Okay..I um let's start with some ground rules..keep the door open 3 inches MINIMUM! got it harrington?!" Steve nodded frantically "yes sir!" "Good..and um don't have sex in my house...especially if I'm here" my nose wrinkled up in distaste. I hated when my dad talked about sex. It was always so embarrassing. "And..um if you're going to be here you've gotta know about el" he mumbled out before shouting "el!"
I nervously fidgeted with Sarah's hair tie on my wrist. I hated this, this was a horrible idea. El slowly opened the bedroom door and stepped out her eyebrows furrowed together. "Is that the girl.." I cut Steve off by nodding. "If you tell anyone about that..I will hunt you down and kill you do you understand?" Steve nodded quickly. "I've gotta go back to work..stay or don't I really don't care" dad said before grabbing up his keys and walking out the door.
"That went nicely didn't it?" Steve chuckled as he scooted closer to me. I laughed as I buried my face in my hands. "He's so overprotective sometimes" I mumbled.
"At least he cares right?"
I nodded, at least he cared. Unlike Steve's parents. Steve talked about it all the time, how they were always out, Didn't care about him. I felt bad. Steve and I could relate on fact of having a parent or parents who don't care much about our existence.
"Who's this?"
I raised my head to see el sitting on the floor in front of steve and I. "This is steve my boyfriend..and steve you already know my sister el" I replied. "Boyfriend?" He face contorted into a confused expression. El didn't know much about everyday life or just normal human being activities. So we had to explain a lot of things to her at first it was mike who explained these things. But Mike wasn't very good at explaining some of those things for example love.
"You know how you feel about Mike?" I asked she nodded softly. She stared up at me with such interest and such a dire need to learn. El was a very smart little girl. To the point that it took her two weeks tops to master elementary level math. And then a month to master algebra (I took a whole year to 'master' that and I still barely understand it.) el loved to learn so whenever I sat down to teach her anything no matter if it was just stupid definitions of words or science she'd sit there staring at me so interested in something she had barely known.
"Well Steve and I love each other that same way" I cringed at my words. Yeah I loved Steve that way but he most definitely didn't love me. "So..one day mike and I will date?" She asked. I nodded slowly "yeah maybe."
"Ca..can I watch tv?" I nodded as she hopped up on the couch next to me curling up beside me. "Whatcha wanna watch?" I asked as I picked up the remote and flipped through the channels.
"Wait, wait!" Steve said gesturing for me to go back a few channels. "Have you ever watch a horror movie before?" El furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head. "What's a horror movie?" El asked, "oh um scary" I explained. El fidgeted with the few bracelets that sat on her arm I had given to her (one of them being Sarah's other blue ponytail my dad had given her). "You know scary right?" I asked she nodded slowly. "Okay well we're watching Friday the thirteenth" Steve said grabbing the remote from my hand, flipping the few channels back, and wrapping his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him. My head leans against his chest, this feeling of sadness, dispair fills  my chest. I felt like I couldn't breath, it hurt realizing this wasn't real and in a few weeks steve would probably be doing this with Nancy and her little sister.
I buried my face into his chest, his head instantly tilted downward to see what I was doing. "You okay?" He asked softly, "yup" I said my words muffled by his chest. "You smell nice" I murmured, it wasn't a lie. Steve smelt nice, it was a sleek, gruff smell. It wasn't like those shitty 'manly' cologne the advertised at the mall either. It was kinda floral. He always smelt like that though ever since freshman year. He'd walk past you in the hall and anyone could recognize it was Steve harrington.
"I do?" He chuckled softly, I nodded into his chest. His hand landed on my back rubbing up and down softly. I raised my head and smiled as I looked up at Steve. He smiled back softly as I turned my head to check on el. She was starting intently at the screen nothing and I mean nothing could break her stare. If she was into a tv show or movie, don't you dare try and interrupt her. I laid my head back onto Steve's chest and my eyelids slowly fell allowing me to drift to sleep. Normally sleep didn't come this easy for me, not since what happened last year. Nightmares of demogorgons and the upside down poured into my thoughts everytime I tried to close me eyes.
@kleeixe @teddyylicious @band--psycho @fixtionlover @sbeve-chairington @hellojameshowyadoin @write-from-the-heart @sagejin @burn1ngw00d
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 years
seven! <33
Send me a number!
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"H, c'mon..." Y/N giggled as he once again ignored her. She was just trying to take a picture, they were on vacation with their other friends and he was being a grump. Y/N rolled her eyes as she fully turned her body towards him as he stayed in the same position, glancing down at the book beneath him, she was positive he wasn't even reading and she gave up and put the camera back in her bag.
He was being grumpy because Y/N had gone out with some guy she'd met at the club for brunch with him, his sister, and their friends. The guys’d name was Caleb, they were Americans and Y/N had helped the guy's sister out with some rather persistent drunk guys at the bar they were at the night before. Seeing the way she had jumped up to fend for his sister was really sweet and after that he had bought her a drink and invited her to hang out with them the next morning as a thank you. She didn't see anything wrong with it but Harry had. He had to hold back from pleading her not to go, but he didn’t because really, he had no claim over Y/N. They were friends who hooked up semi-regularly, but the threat of losing her to someone else, well quite frankly, it made his blood boil. How could she not see that? He's certain that she'd get jealous if he went out with someone else.
Y/N sat there in silence as he "read" for about another ten minutes, just looking through her phone.
"Harry." she said more softly and he still didn't respond and after that she decided she'd had enough of trying to get him to just acknowledge her. She let out a soft sigh and put her phone in her tote before standing up, trying to be as stoic as possible. She wasn't going to let his shitty mood ruin her day. She stripped off the t-shirt he had let her borrow as a cover up and dropped it on the chaise she had been sitting on. This made Harry sneak a glance as she swept her hair up into a clip. She's so fucking beautiful it makes his heart flutter.
"Where are you going?" he asked extremely low and she wanted to be snippy with him but she decided against it.
"Around. Gonna go make friends or something." she hummed and walked away. Harry felt his chest tighten as she left without so much as a glance back. Why was he like this? Why was he wasting such precious time with her just to be a grumpy little bitch? He was certainly in the wrong and he knew it. Despite this he didn't swallow his pride down and go after her. Instead he just sat around some more until one of their friends, Allison, returned.
"Hey, H. You feeling alright?" Allison asked him and he hummed.
"Just tired. Where's Johnny… and Y/N?"
"Johnny's at the bar and Y/N actually ran into the people from the bar last night? They’re hanging out, apparently they’ve been staying here too." She explained.
"Mmmm." he mumbled before looking down at his book again.
"You know, jealousy's not a good look on you, H."
"What are you talking about?" he quite nearly scoffed and Allison grinned.
"You're acting like a baby, H. You can't be angry over Y/N having a life outside of your hook ups, specially if you’re the one insisting on keeping it casual." he didn't answer and she sighed, "You know it wasn't like that with Caleb. He really did just want to thank her for helping out his sister."
"Ok?" Harry huffed out and Allison groaned audibly at his obstinance and trudged off. Little did he know that the one person she had gone off to rant to was none other than Y/N.
Y/N was so amazing at talking people down from the ledge (except herself, there's always a cruel irony to life). She helped Allison get over her irritation with Harry's bad attitude and get back to her day. Y/N encouraged her to go have a shot with Johnny, which Allison easily agreed to and made her way through the resort pool to find her friend and Y/N slowly made her way back to the chaises they had all started out at. Harry had been laying out for quite a while now and he had a nice tan going as he leant his elbow against one of the little tables off to the sides, still laser focused on the book he had brought with him. Nearly just in the same position as she had left him nearly a half an hour before.
"You're quite committed. I'll give you that." Y/N chuckled as she approached and went straight for her tote bag when he said nothing and spoke up again, "If you wanted any of us to believe you were actually reading you'd think to at least flip the fucking page." she teased as she sat down grabbing her camera again and bringing it up to her eye, "H." she called for him again.
"What?!" he responded in irritation and turned towards her. He brought his hand up to block the sun from his eyes as his lips formed a childish pout and she snapped a picture quickly and smiled as she looked down to the screen to see the image of Harry in the middle of a full on strop. He groaned and turned back to his book as she put the camera away again with a giggle.
"Why are you being grumpy, H? What’s this about, huh?" she asked softly and he ignored her yet again. He was being such a child, "Fine, whatever… you win.” She said in exasperation, “Look, you have every right to feel whatever it is you're feeling and to see it through but you're on vacation with your friends and you're ruining everyone's day with your shitty attitude, OK? So either grow up or go back to the room because you're literally putting a downer on all of us." she expressed more sternly before shooting up from her seat, getting ready to head to the bar herself.
"Wait, m'sorry." he spoke up right before she walked off and she tuned back around and he sat up properly to face her. Just uttering the words felt like he was chewing on gravel, but he was in the wrong. She looked like she’d had quite enough of him.
“OK, s’fine just stop being a dick.” She said quietly and turned back around to leave him alone.
“I was just…jealous…” he explained and she turned around with a frown, “You went out with that guy for brunch and I didn’t want you to go.” He said and she shook her head.
“It was nothing, H. You know that!” She defended herself. “Look, I’m sorry it made you jealous, but you don’t have anything to worry about in that regard. I…I know that you’re not interested in a relationship or being exclusively with a single person, whatever you want to call it, but I’m not in the same boat as you. I’m not seeing anybody other than you in that capacity, OK? So if you want this, us, whatever you say this is, to continue then you need to abide by your own rules and cool the fuck down, OK?” She asked him and he finally looked into her eyes. She wasn’t sure what to make of the way he was looking at her but she held firm to the calm expression she wore.
“OK.” He responded quietly and she nodded.
“We’re good?” She asked and he nodded and she smiled softly at him and he mirrored her now more relaxed expression. “Do you want to come to bar with me?”
“Yeah.” He mumbled as he stood and stretched for a moment. “Can I get a kiss?” He mumbled lowly as he came up to her and she rolled her eyes.
“No.” She said turning around to lead the way and he hurried behind her. Wrapping his warm and strong arms around her waist as he walked along with her.
“Y/N…” he whined and she grinned.
“I mean, you are quite cute when you’re all pouty like tha’ but I don’t want to reinforce this behavior.” She explained, “So you can wait.” She hummed and he groaned.
“Not your baby.” She sang and he huffed.
“And if I want you to be?” He asked more quietly and she quite literally felt her heart stop and her stomach swarm with butterflies.
“Then that’s something you can talk to me about later when I’m positive that you’re not just being a manipulative little shit.” She answered quite wisely.
“Fine. I will.” He responded and she smiled to herself as he settled for planting a kiss on the side of her head.
God, she hoped that he was being serious because she liked him far more than she ought to and her heart had just about melted when he called her baby.
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writingwithciara · 2 years
Saving Grace (Part 1/2) ~Joe Keery~
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summary: after joe saves his best friend from her abusive and stalker ex-boyfriend, she begins to rely on him for everything. This not only drives a wedge between them, but between joe and maika as well
word count: 2.9k
pairings: joe keery x reader
warnings: abu$e is mentioned but not described, dr*g mention, fluff, angst, joe being in an established relationship with someone who is not the reader (if that counts), cute little caleb mention
a/n: I have grown so attached to joe (and even steve) recently, it’s not fair. Also, I love maika, so this is no hate to her. She is fantastic. there will be a part 2 to this, due to the word count i had & it will be shorter than this one
“Please leave me alone, Jake.” y/n tried to pull her arm out of the grasp of her ex-boyfriend. “We broke up 6 months ago.”
“Um, I think I’d recall if you broke up with me.” Jake held tighter and looked down at her. She hated how he made her feel so small, not only physically, but emotionally as well.
“Obviously not because it happened. You probably don’t remember because you were so fucked up on drugs to even put together a coherent sentence.”
“Why on Earth would you even think about leaving me? Alright? I own you.”
“You own me? Are you on fucking crack or something? You can’t own a person and you most certainly cannot own me!” y/n raised her voice and yanked roughly. Her arm came free, and she rubbed the spot he was holding, a large purple bruise already beginning to form.
“Will you keep your voice down? You’re attracting unwanted attention.”
“If you didn’t want all this attention, maybe you should’ve thought about that before you tried to harass me in public, dumbass.”
“What did you just call me, bitch?” The look on his face only meant that she was about to be in trouble.
“You heard her the first time, dumbass.” Joe came out of the coffee shop and handed y/n her favorite drink. “Now why don’t you do what the lady asked, and just leave her alone?”
“Why don’t you make me, huh?” he looked at Joe and shook his head. “Who’s this asshole?”
Joe looked down at y/n. “This the guy you were telling me about?” y/n nodded, and Joe placed his own drink in her hand, stepping closer to Jake. “You are in no position to be demanding anything from anyone, buddy. Especially not after what you did to y/n.”
“Whatever this bitch told you is a lie, believe me. That’s all she does is lie and manipulate people.”
“Oh, she’s the liar? Really? That’s the story you’re sticking with?” Joe laughed dryly and cracked his knuckles. “Also, she’s not a bitch. Her name is y/n, so I suggest you start using her name properly. She is my best friend and she’s shown me all the bruises you’ve given her and all the messages you’ve sent. You’ve been stalking her for months and she has all the proof she needs to get you arrested. So, I suggest you back the fuck up and leave her alone or I will see to it, with every fiber of my being, that you get locked up and stay that way. Is  that clear?”
“You think I’m afraid of you? You’re nothing but a bitch, just like y/n. You don’t have the-“ Jake was almost done his sentence when Joe’s fist collided with his chin. That was all it took for Jake to tumble to the ground. At this point, a crowd was beginning to gather.
“Joe, let’s go. He’s not worth it.” y/n grabbed his arm and attempted to pull him back. But he just leaned down to look Jake in the eye.
“Stay away from y/n! You got that?” Joe’s face was full of rage and if it hadn’t been for the constant tugging on his arm, he would’ve continued beating Jake to a senseless pulp. When Jake nodded, Joe turned back to face y/n. “Come on, love. Let’s go.” He walked past her and out of the mall.
Y/n looked over her shoulder and sighed before following Joe out to his car. She climbed in the passenger seat and handed him his coffee. “Thank you for that. I honestly didn’t think he was ever going to let go of me.”
“That’s what best friends are for, right?” he chuckled and sipped his drink before pulling out of the parking lot. The drive back to set was filled with nothing but silence. When Joe parked in his spot, he turned to face y/n. “Let me see your arm.”
“No, it’s alright. I’m fine.” She tucked it farther into her sleeve and reached for the door. Joe clicked the lock button and gently touched her elbow.
“Please? I promise I’m not going to hurt you.” He looked at her with pleading eyes. “I’m nothing like Jake.”
“I know. It’s just that…I don’t know.” y/n shook her head. “I don’t like people seeing the effects he ever had on me.”
“You’ve showed me multiple times though. I’ve cleaned up your cuts whenever he got a little too violent. I’ve seen it all. So will you please let me see the damage this time?” Joe pleaded one last time before y/n slid her sleeve up to her elbow. His eyes widened when he saw the bruise. “I’m gonna kill him.”
“Joe, I already told you I’m fine. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“The hell it’s not! He’s not going to get away with this, I promise.”
“Joe, I love you. I really do, but I think you scared him enough today.” y/n smiled. “Thank you.”
“I’m just trying to be the greatest friend in the world. No need to thank me.”
“You’re already the greatest, Joe. You just don’t get the appreciation you deserve for it.”
“I want you to know that I’m always going to be here to help you, no matter what. And I promise to never tell your story to anyone.”
“Thanks, Joe. That means a lot to me.”
Joe smiled as the two of them walked to the set, completely prepared to film their scenes. The secret of abuse would stay between them, for now.
A few weeks later, Joe’s phone never stopped ringing & he had found that he could never get any alone time with his girlfriend, Maika because y/n was always in need of something. While he didn’t really notice, Maika couldn’t help but get annoyed.
She didn’t mind it at first. She knew that Joe just wanted to be a good friend. It wasn’t until y/n started interrupting their special date nights with the tiniest problems that Maika spoke up about it.
“Joe, this is getting way out of hand. We never have a minute alone anymore without y/n constantly calling you or just showing up here. When are you going to tell her to stop?”
“I can’t just stop helping her. She’s my best friend and I made a promise.”
“What happened that was so bad you had to make a promise to help her with everything?”
“She um….I can’t say anything. I promised not to.”
“Why do you keep making these promises for her? Don’t you see that she’s taking advantage of you?”
“What are you going on about? She is definitely not taking advantage of me.”
“Yes she is, Joe. You drop everything whenever she calls. And lately, that’s been every single hour.”
“It’s called being a good friend, babe. I can’t just ignore her. She’s my best friend.”
“I know, but it really feels like you’re dropping me for her. Please tell me that’s not what’s happening.”
“Of course it’s not.” Joe walked closer to his girlfriend and held her. “If it makes you feel better, I won’t go help her every time she calls.”
“Okay. Good.” Maika stood on her toes to place a kiss to her boyfriends lips. Just as he returned the favor, his phone began to ring. They didn’t need to check the ID to know it was y/n, since Joe had assigned her a personalized ringtone. “Let it go to voicemail.”
“I plan on it.” Joe kissed her again and smiled when the phone stopped ringing. “Finally, some alone time.”
For the next week, being on set wasn’t easy for Joe or y/n. Joe was just trying to make his girlfriend happy but to y/n, it felt like he didn’t want her in his life anymore, so he stayed away as much as she could and was coming to work late every day.
The next Saturday happened to be the hardest for Joe. Y/n was running extremely late, and it started to worry him.
“We’re gonna have to start without her. Let’s just film the scenes she isn’t in.” Matt looked at Ross, who was looking at Joe. “Come on, Joe. It’s time to film.”
“But y/n isn’t here yet.”
“It’s okay. The scene we’re going to film doesn’t need her yet.”
“What if something bad happened to her? Has anyone been able to contact her?” Joe looked at his costars frantically. “Caleb, she talks to you the most. When’s the last time you spoke to her?”
“Last night when she told me that she’d be here on time today.” Caleb checked his phone just to make sure. “Yeah. The last message was at 9:45 last night.”
“Damn it. How about you, Gaten? Sadie?”
“Sorry, dude. Nothing new for a few days.” Gaten shrugged. Sadie, on the other hand, was staring at her phone as if she was deciding how to respond to a certain text.
“What is it?”
“Um, she says she’s not coming in today. Female problems.” Sadie quickly typed something in response and shoved her phone in her backpack.
“How many scenes do I have to film today?” Joe looked at Ross.
“7. But they’re short scenes and should be able to be shot quickly. Why?”
“I gotta check on y/n.”
“Won’t Maika get pissed?” Gaten questioned as he followed Joe to their marks.
“She’ll get over it.”
The two boys began their scene and remarkably, Joe only messed up twice, so it was easy to film. But for the rest of the day, he could barely focus on his lines. Y/n was all he could think of and because of that, he was stuck on set until it was dark outside. He checked his phone when he could and noticed multiple missed calls from y/n.
As soon as he was allowed to leave, he hopped in his car and drove to y/n’s apartment quickly. He tried calling her, but she wasn’t answering her phone, causing even more panic to flow through his body.
When he got to her building, he rushed to her door and walked in. All the lights were off, and he became more worried.
“y/n, are you home?”
“I’m in here.” He heard her voice and followed it, finally locating her in the corner of her living room.
“Why are you sitting in the dark?”
“Jake came back so I didn’t want him to know I was home.” She tried to look at his face but failed, due to the darkness. “Why didn’t you answer my calls?”
“I was on set all day. I’m so sorry.” He sighed. “Why didn’t you answer my calls?”
“I meant last week. You just stopped answering me altogether and you were avoiding me on set. Did I do something wrong?”
“No. Well, not really. It’s just that Maika-“
“Of course it has something to do with her.” y/n stood up from her spot on the floor and clicked on a lamp. “Did she tell you to stop talking to me or something?”
“No. She just asked me to stop letting you take advantage of me.”
“I was not taking advantage of you! I needed your help.”
“Yeah, with small problems. That’s not exactly what I meant when I said I’d be there to help.”
“You said you’d always be here to help me, no matter what.” y/n threw her hands up in frustration. “And it wasn’t a small problem. Jake came back and you know how horrible he is. I was terrified, and even more so because I didn’t have my ‘best friend’ to talk to. I was completely alone.”
“A ‘best friend’ isn’t someone who constantly calls on the other person to fix every little problem, y/n.” He chuckled coldly while shaking his head. “This is starting to get ridiculous.”
“Yes, I agree.” y/n sighed and took a seat on the couch. “Maybe we should just stop hanging out with each other for a while.”
“What? That’s not what I meant.”
“Joe, it’s really for the best. I mean, that way I’ll stop bothering you and getting on yours and your girlfriends nerves.”
“No, wait. I take it back. I don’t want that. Your calls don’t bother me. I’m sorry.”
“Look, Joe. You already said it. It’s out there. And it’ll be better for your relationship if I’m not always butting in. Maybe then you guys can move forward with your relationship.”
“Y/n, I-“ Joe tried to form a coherent sentence, but nothing came out for a minute. “What about the show?”
“That’s the only place I’ll see you and talk to you. Our relationship is no longer friendly. It’ll be strictly professional from here on out.” y/n got up and walked to the door. “You can go now, Joe.”
Joe looked at her sadly but left without a word. Once the door was closed, y/n turned off all the lights in her apartment and cried herself to sleep. Losing Joe left a big hole in her heart that she knew nothing would fill.
The sun wasn’t even up the next day when y/n woke up to her phone ringing loudly. She rubbed her eyes and answered her phone sluggishly.
“Ugh, Caleb. What do you want? It’s too early.”
“Are you gonna be coming to set today? You still got a few scenes to shoot. And I feel like I’ve barely seen you all week.”
“Is Joe going to be there?” she sighed and swung her legs off the side of her bed.
“He’s here right now. Why? Are you guys okay?”
“I’ll tell you more when I see you.” She checked the clock on her bedside table. “I’ll be there in 20.”
“Okay, great.” Caleb hung up and looked over at Joe. He was pacing while studying his lines. “She’s coming today. Are you sure everything is fine between you? She didn’t sound very happy.”
“It’s a long story. One that I promised not to tell.”
“Alright. I’m gonna take that as a no, but I’m not going to pry.”
“Thanks, Caleb.” Joe sighed and looked down at his phone. The last text he sent to y/n still said it was undelivered, meaning that she either had crappy service or she had his number blocked. Joe had a bad feeling it was the latter.
When she finally showed up on-set, most of the cast had filmed their only scene and were just hanging around to see how the rest of the day would go. There was also a handful of people who wanted to see what was really going on with y/n and Joe. The second the two of them made eye contact, the tension in the air became thicker. Anyone standing near them could feel the intensity. Gaten was the first one to attempt to break the tension.
“The quicker we get this done, the quicker we can all go out for a celebration.”
“Okay.” y/n smiled and turned to Joe. “You ready to do this?”
“Always.” He returned the smile and followed her to their marks. When the director called action, it was like all their problems were forgotten. Y/n felt like herself again and Joe was happy they were talking again, even if it was only just professionally.
After their scene, Caleb, Gaten and Sadie approached them.
“And I thought you guys were having issues.” Gaten smiled & Sadie nodded.
“Just because we’re no longer friends, doesn’t mean we aren’t going to be professional.” Joe looked at his friend and pulled out his phone. As y/n walked away with Sadie, Joe sat in his chair. “Honestly, it’s hard to do this, guys.”
“I know you can’t tell me exactly what happened, because you promised, but maybe there’s a way you can tell me without giving too much detail.”
“Sorry, but I can’t. It’s not just my story to tell. And besides, a promise is a promise. I can’t go back on it.” Joe thought back to what happened the night before and sighed. “I’m an idiot. I’ll be right back.”
Gaten & Caleb watched as Joe walked out of the studio. Y/n and Sadie gave Gaten a look and he shrugged, prompting them to walk back over to him.
“What was that all about?” y/n questioned while sipping on her coffee.
“Not totally sure. We were talking about promises and he mentioned that he promised you he wouldn’t say what happened and how he couldn’t go back on that promise. Then he just got up and walked out. Mentioned something about being an idiot.”
“He’s a big idiot.” y/n sighed. “He used to be my best idiot.”
“Are you going to tell us what actually went down?”
“I did promise you, didn’t I?” y/n set her cup down and proceeded to tell her costars what happened. She even went all the way to the beginning of her friendship with Joe.
Joe, on the other hand, was currently on the phone with Maika.
“Babe, I know I said I’d get her to leave us alone, but I made a promise, and I don’t go back on those. Especially not ones that I’ve made with y/n.”
“Well I’m your girlfriend. Shouldn’t my needs be more important right now?”
“They are important, trust me. But Y/n is important to me too. You can’t just expect me to drop her because it’s what would please you.”
“You’re never focused on this relationship anymore, Joe. You have to pick.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? Look, I love you, but you’re being ridiculous.”
“It’s either her or me, Joe. Who are you going to pick?”
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ashleycatchemm · 2 years
1-15: I Hate Myself For Loving You
Part 15 of ??
Pairings: Reggie x Reader, Luke x Julie, Alex x Willie
Summary: (Y/n) (L/n) has been able to see and feel ghosts ever since she was little, which made it hard to tell the ghosts from the humans. Everyone has always thought she was a bit crazy, even her best friends, Julie and Flynn. But when three ghosts with a love for music appear in Julie's garage, suddenly (Y/n) doesn't seem so crazy anymore.
Song: I Hate Myself For Loving You (Joan Jett & the Blackhearts)
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Season 1 Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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The four of us practiced the chords to the song Finally Free, I stayed quiet, only focusing on the chords I played. Julie sat behind the electric piano, playing her notes, Luke stood between me and Reggie as we played, I wanted to put as much space between me and Reggie as possible. Reggie was just as quiet as me, which was new considering the fact that he always seems to be talking. "One more time." Luke stated as we went through the same group of cords together again.
Once we hit the last note, Alex phased through the door. I took my guitar off and leaned it against the wall, as I walked over to the couch. "Oh hey Alex" Reggie stated as I flopped back on the couch. "Where've you been, man? We need to start practicing." Luke stated as Alex stood there confused, looking between the four of us he asked "Yeah? For what?" Alex eyes stopped on Julie expecting an answer.
The door to the studio suddenly opened, Flynn walked in doing a pose as she stated "Dance news!" With a smile on her face, she then walked over to Julie with a small frown "I don't have a date" I sat up as Flynn continued "But I don't care, because I'm so psyched to see you guys preform." Alex seemed annoyed as he stated "Oh man! We're playing a dance?" His eyes moved over to Luke, as Luke just sat back in the bean bag behind him. "Of course, dude. That's how we get a following nowadays." Julie chuckled as she stated "Yeah, get with the program, Alex." This cause a chuckle to escape past my lips. Luke sent Julie a smile as Flynn yelled "What? The guys are here?" She threw her arms at her sides before waving in the wrong direction.
"Hey guys!"
I raised a brow at her as I stated "Other way girl." Flynn let out an "Oh" and turned around to wave at them, Reggie responded with his usual smile and a wave. Alex waved bringing up his jacket with him, considering both hands were shoved in his pockets. "Okay, now that Alex has graced us with his presence, can we start working?" Julie said "Yes!" Before turning to look at Flynn "We're gonna rehears. You wanna stick around?" Flynn looked off to the side while saying "I'm supposed to blow up 500 balloons for the school dance" looking back at Julie she continued "But, this sounds way better." I stuck my hand up seeing as now was a good time to explain that I won't be at the dance.
"Hey so um, I feel like I should tell you that I'm not gonna be at the dance"
This seemed to grab everyone's attention, mostly the guys as they didn't already know this information. Reggie opened his mouth to say something only for Luke to beat him to it "Wh-Wh-What do you mean you aren't gonna be there?" He let out a small sarcastic laugh before continuing "You have to be there. We have a gig." His tone was serious, and as much as this meant to him, I couldn't just not show up at Calebs. "Listen Luke. I have work. And my boss is not someone you wanna piss off okay?" I stood up, giving him a frustrated look, I wasn't mad but I just hated this situation. If I had a choice I'd go to the gig in a heart beat, but I don't, as long as this stamp is on my wrist Caleb owns me and there is nothing I can do about it.
Luke was about to say something only for Reggie to quickly ask "Cant you just ask your boss for the night off or something? I'm sure he'll understand." I shook my head before sitting back down on the couch behind me "No Reggie. Just drop it." I stared at Reggie, as he stared back at me, having a look on his face, as if he was trying to figure me out. My (e/c) eyes were practically begging him to let things go, or at least wait to talk about it later like he normally does. A determined look crossed his face, which only meant one thing, that he wasn't going to let this go. 'Guess I've been acting to weird for him to just drop the subject.' I thought as Reggie opened his mouth to say something, only for Julies brother to come marching inside the studio.
"Hey, Julie."
This caused Reggie to close his mouth shut, I let out a small sigh of relief in response, not wanting to have this conversation with Reggie right at the moment. Carlos walked through Alex, a picture in hand as he stated "Remember those orbs in Dad's pictures? I...I think they're ghosts." This peaked my interest as Carlos placed the picture on top of the electric piano, Julie picked it up and looked at it. I got up and made my way over to the piano, looking over Julies shoulder to see the picture. "But don't worry. This room is...is..." I noticed the three glowing orbs in the picture, only to look over at Carlos, who spun around trying to get a read on the room.
"This room is clean. I'm not getting the ghost tinglies."
I raised my brows in amusement at Carlos' statement, Reggie spoke up "Wrong again, little dude." This caused a small giggle to leave my lips, my eyes met Reggies, only for him to send me a wink. I felt my face heat up and was quick to bring my attention back to Carlos who stated"Have no fear. If they come back, I will protect you. Because I am the man of the house." Julie smiled and crossed her arms across her chest "Isn't dad supposed to be the man of the house?" I smiled at their interaction.
It was now Carlos' turn to cross his arms across his chest as he stated "There can be two." Julie chuckled in response as Carlos continued "Dad needs all the help he can get, right?" Taking out a container of salt he continued "According to the internet, salt burns their souls out." I rolled my eyes at this 'ah the internet, still spitting out false information to people.' Carlos opened the container as the guys held panicked looks on their faces. "A little sprinkle will keep them from ever coming in here" I let out a laugh while shaking my head grabbing the container from Carlos hands.
"Okay, listen, that stuff online is just a bunch of hogwash they tell you, when none of its actually true."
Carlos narrowed his eyes as me as I shut the container of salt. The guys relaxed as I spoke, only for them to grow panicked again at my next words "Besides..." kneeling down to Carlos' height "If you really wanna get rid of them. Use sage. You burn that stuff and all the bad ghosts will be gone." I smiled at him, only for him to question my idea "oh yeah? And how do you know that will work?" I shrugged and answered with a question "How do you know the salt will work?" He went to say something only to shut his mouth while nodding his head.
"Good point."
A smirk graced my lips as an "mmhmm" left them, standing back up I handed him the salt while saying "Give the sage a try and if that fails, use the salt." Carlos nodded his head, tossing the container in his hands a little before sending me a smile "Yeah okay." Julie suddenly cleared her throat grabbing mine and Carlos attention, only for Flynn to say "Oh! Carlos! You know who's hungry? Me! Um, salt me a path to the kitchen." Carlos pointed out the door as he walked out, Flynn following close behind.
Alex was the first to speak up after they left "Great! Now we are gonna get saged off of earth!" I rolled my eyes at Alex's panic, taking a seat on the couch "Relax, Sage is for bad spirits. You really think I would tell him how to actually get rid of ghosts?" I raised a brow at him as I put my feet up on the table in front of me "Besides if I actually wanted to get rid of you guys, I would've done it already." I made a face as I waved my hands in front of me "It's this long annoying process anyway. No way I'm doing all that. Don't even have all the ingredients." I looked up for a second, thinking back to the ingredients in the box.
"...at least I think I don't."
Luke pointed a finger at me while saying "Ya know I always forget that you're a witch." This grabbed Alex and Julies attention, Alex was quick to ask Luke in astonishment "She's a witch?" Julie was looking at me as she asked at the same time as Alex "You're a witch?" I rolled my eyes before narrowing them at Luke 'Thanks a lot Luke.' I thought before letting out a sigh and shrugging my shoulders, I went to respond, only for Alex to speak up before I could "Yeah okay. Ghosts, alright believable. But witches?" Alex let out a small laugh as if saying that I don't exist would calm him down "No way." He stated with a shake of his head.
I shrugged while throwing my legs up on the other end of the couch "Believe what you want. But it's the truth." I closed my eyes as I leaned back on the couch, Julie being the next person to speak "But (Y/n), I've known you for years. How come you never told me?" Opening my eyes, I looked over at her "Did you believe me when I told you about ghosts?" Julie let out a nervous laugh while moving her head from side to side "Fair point." She stated.
I nodded my head to her while saying "Exactly." Shrugging my shoulders, I continued "Besides, I don't do that stuff anymore anyway. Not since..." I trailed off, thinking back to the accident, their screams and pain all being because of me. Because I lost control. Shaking my head, I brought myself back to the conversation at hand "Anyway, you guys should get rehearsing. The gig isn't gonna play itself." Sending them a smile, Luke excitedly got up while saying "Yes please." Alex got behind the drums as Luke turned to Julie "But remind us later. There is some Sunset Curve songs to show you two." He pointed between me and Julie at the end of his sentence. Julie pushed the mic away from her "Oooo! Show us now." She stated causing Luke to quickly kneel down to grab his journal excitedly while saying "Yeah okay." I suppressed a laugh, because of Luke's behavior.
Reggie got up off the chair he was currently sitting on as Luke paused, looking down at his journal. "Home is where my horse is. Reggie, stop putting your country songs in my journal." Luke took Reggie's song out of his journal as Reggie walked over to him. Luke put the piece of paper down on top of the amp as Reggie stated "That, was a gift." A smile graced my lips as I moved myself so my body now faced the boys, resting my elbow on the arm of the couch, the side of my face sitting in my hand. "Damn straight." I stated, causing Reggie to send me his infamous smirk, along with a wink. This caused a giggle to arise from me as Reggie stared at me with a goofy smile on his face. Only for Luke to grab Reggie's attention back as he hit him lightly in the arm with his journal "Thanks buddy" he stated as he walked over to Julie.
"You should maybe circle back, could be..."
Reggie trailed off as Luke walked away, realizing he wasn't even listening to him anymore. Reggie walked back over to his amp as Luke handed Julie the journal "I dog-eared the ones that I think you would slay." Julie started flipping through the journal, until she stopped and Asked "Who's Emily?" This peaked my interest as I sat up "Woah woah wait, let me see." I went to go look at the journal only for Luke to state "That ones not dog-eared." He tried to take it back, only for Julie to quickly stand up bringing the journal with her. I now stood next to Julie and looked over her shoulder as she read the lyrics "If you could only know that I never let you go" Julie let out a small chuckle.
"Wow, Luke, I didn't know you were such a romantic."
Julie stated and I let out a chuckle while asking "Yeah, got a girl back in 1995 we should know of?" Julie let out a small laugh at my statement only for Alex to walk over and step into the conversation for his friend "He doesn't. That ones actually about-" but got cut off by Luke who held out a hand to Alex as if to silence him as he said "No one." Turning to look at me and Julie "Uh, that's just something that I tried, and..." he tried to take the journal back again only for Julie to hold it close to her.
Giving up on getting his journal back, he decided to change the subject "But if you go to the next dog-eared page. I got a tune that's just... it's got a killer beat." Luke went over to his amp and started playing a tune on his guitar, that sounded all to familiar. Alex and Reggie seemed to have heard the tune before as smiles made their way onto their faces, I watched as Reggie's mouth moved along to the tune of the electric guitar. Julie sat back down while saying "So you wanna sample." Luke stopped playing once those words left her mouth.
A scoff left his lips almost as if he was offended "What do you mean 'sample' ?" I crossed my arms a little surprised that they even knew the song, considering it came out in 1997 "Sample someone else's music." I stated only for Julie to bounce off of what I said "Me and my mom used to sing that song at the top of our lungs in the car all the time. It's a classic Trevor Wilson song." Luke shook his head in response "Nope." He leaned over, lifting up the open journal to show her "It's a classic our song." Reggie then hopped into the conversation, a proud smile on his face.
"Pure Sunset Curve. Never even heard of Trevor Wilson."
Alex nodded his head in agreement as he stated "Yeah, maybe you're mixing it up, you know, with another song." I raised a brow as Julie and I looked at each other, only to look back at the boys in front of us. "We don't mix up songs." Julie stated and I bounced off her statement "Yeah, trust us. We used to be friends with his daughter. Hell, Julie was best friends with the bitch." Julie gave me an annoyed look before rolling her eyes, throwing her input out there "Well she wasn't always mean ya know. I used to hangout at their place all the time. I know that song." Alex moved back and fourth on his feet before saying an unsure "Okay" suddenly Julie grabbed her laptop, sitting it on top of the electric piano.
"Here, I'll prove it."
She stated as she started typing away on her laptop. Only to bring up a picture of Trevor Wilson, turning the laptop to face them. "His first album had a bunch of hits, but none of his latest stuff is as good." Reggie and Alex leaned in, eyes widening in shock as Alex hit Reggie in the chest in surprise. "That's Bobby." Luke stated almost bitterly. This caused my eyes to widen as I finally pieced together what is going on 'oh no.' I thought as Julie said "Seriously? I just told you his name is Trevor." Alex put a hand up as if to tell Julie to be quiet while the three of them try to process things. "Ok, great. Then... Then he changed it. Alright?" Alex stated as the three of them stared at the screen in front of them, he brought up a hand to point at the screen as he continued "That's definitely Bobby. He was our rhythm guitarist." Julie let out a small chortle of disbelief.
She was quick to ask "Trevor Wilson was in your band?" I shook my head while saying "That's not impossible, remember Julie this was all the way back in 1995, isn't that when Trevor started his career?" She nodded her head "Well yeah.." she stated still unable to believe it to be true. Reggie's face scrunched up "I can't get over how old he looks." Alex shook his head, bouncing off Reggie's statement "Oh... He looks like a substitute teacher." Luke was silent, his face holding a look of betrayal and hurt, his hand gripped the strap of his guitar tightly. "Girls..." Everyone's attention now turned to Luke as he stared Julie and I down "What were his other hits?" I stayed silent, not wanting to contribute to the fact that they could become vengeful spirits if they found out.
Julie shrugged before stating "Get lost" Luke's face shifted to anger as he responded with "Yeah. I wrote that." Before taking off his guitar and going to put it down. Seeing the look on his face caused me to speak up "Julie, I wouldn't-" but she spoke up anyway asking "Long weekend?" Luke stayed silent, so Reggie spoke up for him, an almost angry tone to his voice "Yeah, Luke wrote that one too." Julie went silent for a second, only to bring up "Crooked Teeth?" Alex nodded his head, having a much calmer tone than the other two upset band members "And that. It was about Reggie." Pointing his thumb over at Reggie.
Reggie quickly turned his head to look at Alex a surprised and almost hurt look on his face "What? I thought that was about you!" Luke Started grabbing the darts from off the dart board on the wall as Reggie continued in a grumpy tone "I don't like that song anymore." Stomping his foot he went over to the chair he was sitting in before and sat back down in it glumly. Julie was finally starting to wrap her brain around things as she said "Wait. This is...freaking me out. Trevor's songs are kind of big to me. He's the one who introduced me to rock." Alex pointed to Luke as he stated annoyedly "Yeah. Luke introduced you to rock." Luke stayed silent as he angrily threw the darts at the dart board.
Julie spoke again "So this whole time, I thought you were connected to my mom. But instead, you're connected to Carrie's dad?" Alex let out a sigh as he dejectedly sat down, leaning back against the drums. "Out of all people, it had to be the one girl who had it out for me." I scoffed as I glared down at the ground in front of me "If you think she has it out for you, try living a day in my life." This caught Julie's attention, as she looked over at me. I turned my head to look a her as I moved back over to the couch "Do you know how much shit I have to put up with a day because of her? Hell, I've learned to block things out but..." I leaned back and put my beanie on my face as if to cloud myself from my own anger and frustration.
All the things that Carrie has done to me hurts, I can't step one foot in the school without someone whispering about me. People actively try to avoid me because of her, and if it wasn't for Julie and Flynn, I wouldn't even have any living friends, the only person I'd have would be Willie. I let out a sigh and fixed my beanie "You know what? It doesn't matter. She's just a bitch." Julie nodded her head in agreement, as I caught the eyes of Reggie, I could tell he knew that I wanted to say more as he stared me down. I could see the hurt written across his face, but not from me, no. It was because of Trevor Wilson. I felt a weight settle itself on my chest, as I willed myself to look away.
Alex spoke up from the floor "Alright, well, add it to our list of questions" Julie responded bringing Carrie back up "Back when Carrie and I were friends...the three of us used to talk about music all the time." She shook her head before continuing "He never mentioned you guys." Luke threw the last of the darts before angrily shouting "And that's unbelievable!" I noticed Reggie jump a little at the loudness of Luke's voice, only for him to continue "Okay, he can take all the credit and he doesn't even mention us?" Alex and Reggie both gave a small shake of their heads, not even knowing what to say.
Julie suddenly spoke up "And he's rich." I widened my eyes and was quick to say "Julie. Don't." She looked back at me in confusion "What? They deserve to know." Luke was quick to bring his thoughts into the conversation "Yeah. We deserve to know, considering my songs made him rich!" I shook my head and stated "Well I'd rather not have three vengeful ghosts to deal with." I sent Luke a glare, him glaring right back at me. He went to say something, only for Reggie to yell "Julie!" Everyone now looked over at Reggie in surprise, he was up out of his seat and looked between me and Luke an almost panicked expression on his face.
I stared at him in confusion, not knowing why he was so jumpy. Taking a glance at Luke I noticed the anger leave his face, but an upset look still sat on his features. Looking back at Reggie, I watched as he cleared his throat, his eyes drifting over to Julie. "What else does he have?" Julie shrugged while saying "He has his own helicopter." Luke let out a groan in aggravation before throwing another dart at the dartboard.
The three musicians all gathered in front of the laptop on the piano, once again as Alex asked "He has...He has a... a helicopter?" A picture of his house now sat on her laptop to show the boys as she stated "With his face on it." Reggie was quick to comment on the house "And he parks it in front of that hotel?" He pointed at the screen, Julie shook her head as she stated "No. he gets to park it in front of his mansion." In a high pitched voice Reggie said "Mansion?" Alex was quick to comment to Luke "Dude, we live in a garage." The bassist and drummer now looked to their lead guitarist.
Luke, now angry once again, shouted "It's not about the money. It's about the music!" Reggie then countered "It's a little bit about the money though!" Arms thrown lightly at his sides in slight aggravation, Alex voiced his agreement in a small high pitched voice "A little bit about the money." he brought up his right hand and held his thumb and his pointer finger close together as if to signify how much the money means to them. Reggie then started to think about their families, and like the caring person he was, stated "He could've shared it with our families. Maybe then my parents, wouldn't have had their house turned into a bike shack." Reggie started leaning in to get in Luke's face, only for Alex to hit him in the chest causing Reggie to back up.
Luke started leaning over to get in Reggie's face as he stated "What he did is steal our legacy." The three ghosts went silent, Luke having a look I've grown all to familiar with ghosts having. His eyes drifted over to Julie as he asked the question I was dreading "Where does he live?" I shook my head, stepping in to stop things from going to far "Uh, uh. No way. Think about what you're gonna do before you do it Luke. Revenge isn't the answer." Luke ignored me and focused on Julie "Julie, please..." he practically begged her with his eyes, only for Julie to let out a sigh "Above the beach in Malibu." Luke bumped his shoulder into Alex before grabbing his jacket.
Reggie suddenly spoke in anger, causing surprise to grace my features at his words "Let's go teach him a lesson." My eyes stayed glued onto Reggie who's face held an angry expression, Julie shot up and out of her seat "Wait. What? Guys! We have to rehearse for the dance. This is our first gig!" Reggie didn't even look at me, but I wanted him too. It felt awful, seeing him this upset over something, makes me want to help him in anyway I can. I felt drawn to him, and there wasn't anything I could do to stop myself from taking a step towards him. Except for the three of them quickly disappearing.
Once they were gone, I stood still. My eyes still glued onto the place Reggie once was. Shaking my head, I ran a hand down the side of my face while saying "O deus meus." In aggravation. "Okay boys!" Julie and I turned our attention to Flynn who walked into the studio "Break times over, okay? Get to playin." A smirk graced Flynn's lips as she continued "Mama needs her eye candy." Julie was quick to tell Flynn of the latest news.
"They're  gone."
Flynn went quiet waiting for an explanation as I nodded my head "Your girl Jules here decided to not heed my warnings and now we are dealing with three angry poltergeist." Rubbing my forehead in annoyance Flynn stared at Julie with her arms crossed an almost aggravated look sat on her face. Julie gave an innocent smile as she slowly shrugged her shoulders "At least we know where they're going..." I nodded my head and let out a small sigh in annoyance.
"That we do."
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dhampiravidi · 6 months
🚿 my muse has busted out the bath bombs for yours ((Cass with a whole array of trusty bath time stuff- bath bombs, bath salts, bath milk, luxurious bubble baths, flower petals and such specifically purchased for bath time, scented candles, etc- knowing that Jayn has been really stressed out, insisting that she needs to pick some scents and go take a nice, warm, bath and relax~ Can be at Caleb's place, or Cass's (since she has a bathroom off of her own bedroom with a bathtub), or even when the OT4 is all together! Either way, she's gonna try to make sure that Jayn gets to relax and nobody bothers her! <3))
Jayn was on the verge of crying when Cass texted her, asking if she was still free. The girls (also short for girlfriends) had planned their hangout a week in advance, so Jayn didn't want to cancel. But gods, it'd been so hard.
Finding her loves had been nothing short of a miracle, if not a godsend. Between learning she had magic, discovering the beauty of Ipswich, befriending her new friend-coven*, and going on her first date, her initial semesters in college had been great. But that had been when she was going to USM online. She'd transferred to Harvard starting in Fall '09, so she could stay with her newfound family, and the school was slowly killing her. She was smart enough to only take 4 classes, and yet every week left her drained, if not in tears. When she wasn't stressing out over a test or a big essay, she had some cryptic assignment instructions to decipher. Basically, Jayn constantly felt dumb, and her anxiety was through the roof. Twice, Caleb had found her sobbing, wrapped up in her sheets like a wet burrito. He gave great hugs and advice, but he was supposed to be focusing on his debates, not to mention his own assignments. It was the same with Pogue, who still worked part-time on top of swimming for the school's team, and Cass, who mixed astronomy with her Gen Ed stuff. No one was supposed to be helping her.
The moment she saw her girlfriend (after she reluctantly yanked on some clothes and brushed out her matted hair), Jayn hid in her arms, wanting nothing more than to snuggle. She told the usual lie (that she was fine, just had some allergies) and then teleported them back to Cassia's room. She wasn't sure if she had enough energy for a spirited conversation, much less a movie watching, but Cass was worth trying. And then Jayn found soft hands covering her eyes, marching her through the house.
Something smells nice. Like Cass. She smiled to herself, daydreaming about shrinking down and falling asleep in the older girl's pocket. Cass would keep her safe, far away from snippy professors and cold lecture halls...
"OK, you can look!" Those soft hands disappeared right as Jayn opened her eyes--to see something out of a rom-com. Cass's tub (which she'd seen a few times now, hehe) had turned into a fairy spa. The water was a light turquoise color, one that was so shy it seemed like a portal to another world (or maybe a clean, faraway sea!), and a thin layer of foam sat comfortably on top of it, along with a few flower petals. And then, there were tea candles in Jayn's favorite colors (silver, indigo, and pink) gently glowing throughout the room.
She couldn't help it. She broke, whimpering softly as tears ran down her face and soaked her shirt. Cass, of course, was right there, kissing her head plenty of times before she pulled Jayn into a comforting hug.
"N-no one ever--I n-never," Jayn tried. Cass simply shushed her and held her a bit longer. "W-water's gonna get cold..."
"So we should get in, then!" They undressed each other, used to keeping out of each other's way, then sat in the tub, one behind the other. Cass used a washcloth to sop up some warm water and let it run down her love's chest, making Jayn hum happily. It wasn't long before they were exchanging slow kisses and snuggling, just enjoying each other's company.
Jayn would be OK. She'd made it this far without her found family, but they'd be there if she needed them.
*as opposed to friend group! Used to refer to the OT4 + Tyler, Reid, and Aaron :D
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lanasaved · 5 years
gibson 1959 | self
 “I think that’s everything, chicken. Yeah? You got everything, Caleb?”
Eyes dim on a patch of grey linoleum, it took a gentle tug of the larger hand Lana had clasped in hers for her brother to dawn back to reality.
“Hm? Oh... Yeah. Yeah, think so.”
Down by his side, a clear plastic rubbish bag dangled limp from a loose fist, contents occasionally rustling whenever he so much as cleared his throat.
“He does,” Lana interjected, face soaked in the kind of sunshine bright optimism you’d expect from a Labrador puppy anticipating its lunch bowl. “I checked and, like… folded everything, so. Yeah! We’re good. He’s good.”
She wouldn’t have been able to hide the pride in that statement if she’d been trying to, eyes skimming his features with her dimples so pronounced, you could have stashed an entire football trophy cabinet in them. 
“Yeah,” he repeated, gaze flitting over after a pregnant pause to find the nurse’s, regurgitating her polite smile in the seamless way he’d learned he had to. “I’m good.”
He’d been in the hospital for a grand total of two hundred and eighty four days, six hours and twelve minutes.
It seemed like years since she’d seen him outdoors, at all -- he’d been offered trips outside of the facility, if he wanted to, but he’d always declined under the grounds that he wasn’t ready yet. 
It was strange, unlocking their front door after an Uber ride home in which she blabbered endlessly and he merely nodded and listened, occasionally resisting a smile when she got her tongue tied and mispronounced something because she was too excited to talk any slower than supersonic.
She felt kind of like a child that had smuggled a candy bar off the corner shop counter, fingers continuously sifting the crinkles of wrapper inside her pocket just to check that she’d actually had the guts, that she hadn’t just dreamt it. 
“Welcome back to the lurv shack, bay-bee,” Lana enunciated with a lame kick of one leg in halfhearted cancan, forgetting to finish the routine and turning back, instead, to make sure he’d made it through the door okay.
After such an extended period of bed rest -- due to many contributing factors, he’d had to have restraints that sporadically forced him to be mattress bound for days and nights at a time -- his joints were somewhat stiff. He’d joked in monotone on the front steps that he was the Wizard of Oz’s Tin Man in dire need of oiling, and while Lana had returned his small smile, she’d also made sure to squeeze his hand as a wordless encouragement.
“Come on, Ol’ McCreaky.” Flashing him a grin, it was with a lone nod down the corridor that she started shrugging off one sleeve of her faux fur jacket, black and white star print slipping another three inches to reveal a narrow shoulder. Even then, schlepping down the hall with her hair in a barely combed tangle around her cheeks, she looked like a burlesque girl intent on providing a show, framed photos on the walls practically blushing over every glimpse of skin they managed to reflect back.
“I got those dinosaur shaped pancakes you say you hate. So juvenile, those pancakes!” she impersonated, laughter bubbling up from her throat like caramel brought to boil. Twisting around so she could face him as she walked backwards, she quickly reviewed the shuffle of his feet as she continued speaking, monitoring for any lulls in pace. “Honestly, you’re such a fake. I saw you gobble a pterodactyl off my plate, once, when you thought I was peeing. Jokes on you, hombre! She’s a urine scammer. I didn’t even have to go, I totally just spied on you from the banister.”
“That’s a lie.”
Grin only doubling, she started prancing from foot to foot like an evil little hobgoblin delighting in a wicked scheme, red cowboy boots echoing a wild patter around the walls. 
Lips tweaking in a lame attempt to match hers, he rolled his eyes as he continued to follow her towards the kitchen. “Alright, stop that.”
Regardless, she continued, drenched with so much giddy energy that she felt like a jack-in-the-box wound one time too many, rocking around its mechanism in a dangerous frenzy that threatened to break the spring.
“Fucking hell,” he exhaled, unable to help but let out a short laugh, for once. She wasn’t half ridiculous. “I hate this, Lana. That looks horrible.”
Finally ceasing, it was with a breathless swipe at her skirt to right the fluttering pleats that she spun back to yank at the next door handle, jacket still dangling off just one shoulder since she’d forgotten to finish removing it.
“That was my Niall Horan on bath salts impression, actually. If you knew your Irish jigs, that would’ve been obvious. Point deducted, yer wee cunty!”
She felt like she had a firefly jarred inside her chest for the entire duration of their back and forth banter, body of it bumping and glowing against the confines of her rib cage as she clattered into the kitchen.
In fact, she’d been so wrapped up in the fact that Caleb was finally home -- her Caleb, her entire world -- that she hadn’t even noticed the murmur of voices drifting in from the large conservatory, the room their parents reserved for dinner parties given the long table and the view overlooking the garden. 
It was only once she’d turned back from rustling within her shopping bag to produce a carton of eggs that she noticed how tense Caleb’s shoulders were, eyes stuck on something past the wall, staring further into the heart of the house -- if you could even call it that.
A heart implied life. Warmth. 
“They’re here.”
“Fucking hell, is that Caleb Jameson? Fuck me. Just take a look at him! There’s nothing of him!”
Screeching back from his chair to get to his feet once they’d entered the room, Jensen Peters lumbered sideways over the leg he’d somehow managed to position as an obstacle, clearly already drunk at a mere three in the afternoon.
Shirt unbuttoned to just above his belly button, chest hair rampant and just a lone middle finger flecked with black nail polish, he looked like a long lost rock oracle washed ashore on a desert island, eyes red rimmed from salt water and the terror of a stormy shipwreck.
He had a raven’s face, long and thin -- all beak and peck and black, somehow, despite his pale eyes and sandy hair to match.
Next to Caleb, Lana shrank like an under watered tulip, immediately fascinated by the panels of the hardwood.
“Hi. Teeth still unbrushed as ever, I see,” Caleb commented, eyes moving from the hand that Jensen extended to shake his to the face of his father. He made no effort to reach out and complete the greeting, ignoring him completely. “I’m home, Robert. Are you shitting yourself with excitement, yet? Or did you already wipe yourself down so you wouldn’t stink out the dinner table? Incontinence woes.”
Unimpressed, their father merely took a sip from his glass and exchanged an apologetic look with another member of company. 
Gnawing on her bottom lip, Lana held Caleb’s hand a fraction tighter as she shuffled slightly forwards to glance around the occupants of the table, shooting them all a brief smile. 
“Hi. Sorry, Caleb has a migraine. We were just, um... I mean, we’ll get out of your hair and stuff. Nice to see you all, though. Caleb? Should w--”
“Lana, Lana, Laaaaa-naaaa. Lana!” Enamel of his teeth blotted with plaque stains from chain smoking and gargling whiskey for breakfast in the place of Listerine, Jensen thrust his hands out in exclamation, acting as if he’d just been bestowed with a vision of Christ to inform him about his immaculate conception. “Look at you! A fuckin’... tiny thing. Could pick you up and put you in my pocket, couldn’t I?!”
Heart thumping inside her throat, she peeled back her lips to reveal her teeth, a take on a grin that looked more like an animal baring its fangs after it’d been backed against a wall.
 “C’mere,” he enthused, fingers waggling her in. “You gonna give me a fuckin’ hug, or what?”
“Um... Yeah, of course. Yeah, sorry,” she forced out after a stuttered delay, about to take a step forwards when Caleb yanked her back by the hand she’d forgotten she was still holding, startled yelp parting her lips.
“I don’t think she feels like it,” he interrupted, shoulders tense and eyes burning so intently into Jensen’s that it was as if he was willing them to sear black holes through the sockets. “Feel free to sit down and stop talking. Robert,” came as his chin flinched sideways, focus returning to their father as he sat wordlessly at the head of the table, observing the situation in the odd glance before he resumed his thumbing at his phone screen. “We’re gonna go. Just wanted to say hi.”
For as long as Lana could remember, Caleb had never referred to their father by name.
“Mhm?” He barely lifted his eyes from his phone.
Stomaching a scoff, Caleb shook his head and stared briefly at the floor by his shoes.
Lana could sense the frustration unfurling inside his stomach like a fighter’s fist, knuckles twitching every time Jensen dared to so much as look at her.
“Dad,” she started softly, gently letting go of Caleb’s hand so that she could take a step forwards and rest both on the back of a stately designed dining chair, easily priced within three figures to buy just one. “Caleb got discharged today, remember? I, um... I called you, about it. We spoke on the phone. Remember?”
Lie. She’d circled it thrice in red on the calendar, texted him seven times over the past month, and tried to ring eighteen only to be put through to voicemail. But it was better, this way, for Caleb to have a pitiful scrap of compassion for him to gnaw on to keep the starvation at bay, to think that their father had actually been invested at all in his recovery, enough to check in.
“Ah... Yeah,” came as he clicked his lock screen shut, lips a thin line that quivered into action like it took him a great exertion of effort to do so -- the smile he produced was condescendingly pitiful, easily the equivalent of a kindergarten doodle submitted to a university grade portfolio. “Yeah, of course.”
“Fuckin’ right! Yeah, yeah. Fresh out the loony bin, isn’t he? Fuck me,” Jensen got out with a snort, clapping a hand down onto Caleb’s shoulder after closing into his personal space once more. With it, he shook him gently, a carnival guest rapping at the bars of a tiger’s cage to incite a snarl. “Our own resident Girl, Interrupted. Forgot about the whole... slittarooski. Damn. Not quite got the tits for Jolie, though, do you? Then again,” he chided, voice lowering as he shot Caleb a wink, “neither do any of the Jameson’s.”
“That’s enough,” Robert nipped in the bud after his eyes drifted to observe the way Lana’s expression faltered, voice surprisingly apathetic given the derogatory observations of his own wife and daughter. Holding his hands up in mock surrender, Jensen backed up and took a seat at the table once more, immediately tracking a thumb down one of the strings of his 1959 Gibson. Attention back on Caleb, it was as if, to Robert, Jensen had never said anything at all. “That’s great. Well done.”
Dull twangs reverberating whenever Jensen’s rings clacked against the neck of his Gibson, Lana could physically feel Caleb’s rage stilling the air around them, almost suffocated by the dead silence that came with standing in the heart of a hurricane.
“Yeah, um... Anyway, yeah,” she attempted to brush it off, apples of her cheeks so flushed that they almost looked darker than the mahogany tabletop her father propped his elbows against. “It is great. He did really good. And he’s basically, um... You know. Like, all better, now, kind of. So... yeah. Won’t keep you, or anything. Just wanted to... let you know -- that he’s home, I mean.”
“Yeah, great.” He barely cared enough to keep his eyes away from the table. “Cool stuff. I’ll call Stella, in a bit.” Their mother. “She’ll be happy to know.”
“Yeah, ‘cause she’ll take the time out of sunning topless in Monaco to take that call,” Jensen joked with his back turned, shoulders quivering slightly with the effort it took to subdue a laugh. “Fucking drag.” Still dusting down his strings with a soft, mottled cloth, he craned his neck slightly in order to throw a distracted question back over his shoulder, eyes straining to remain on his handiwork all the while. “Say, Lana? About this, uh... facility. You happen to volunteer there, at all? Get about in a little pinstripe thing, give any sponge baths to the rest of the cabbages?”
“Um...” trailed off as her eyes flit to watch Caleb, three casual steps seeing him moving to reach Jensen’s side. “No,” she admitted, hands clasped together like she was front row in a local church choir, fingers clutching one another until they glowed red from the amount of pressure. “No, nothing like that. I don’t think they do, um... a pinstripe, like, thing on--... Caleb, what’re you doing?”
Blinking up at Caleb as Lana’s question prompted him to, Jensen furrowed his eyebrows.
Above him, Caleb loomed like a pillar about to topple down any second and crush someone.
Unblinking, he simply stared. 
“Yeah, Caleb,” he began, delightfully curious at the fact he’d managed to rile enough life out of him at all. On his face, a shit eating grin began to creep into view as he echoed her same sentiment. “What’re you doing?”
It was only when Caleb reached down and wrenched the guitar from his hands that he lost his smugness.
“Wait,” Jensen quickly objected, but Caleb was already gripping the neck in both fists and marching towards the conservatory door, unlocked and looking out over the rest of the garden. “I said fucking-- Rob, stop him. Rob, fucking stop him, that’s my Gibson. That’s my fucking Gibson!”
“Caleb,” Robert warned, chair legs scraping as he rose to his feet, finally paying attention. “That’s enough.”
Racing after him with hands outstretched, Lana almost managed to trip and fall three times in the length it took to reach the patio Caleb had just strode across, chill of the air outside enough to coax goosebumps from her forearms.
“Yeah? Is it your fucking Gibson, is it? It’s your fucking Gibson?” Caleb shouted back, military issue boots clunking hard against power washed stone. “Not the fucking Gibson.”
“--Anything but the fucking Gibson, am I right? The Gibson!”
Wrenching the vintage model up and above his head, it was with a sky splitting yell from Jensen that Caleb smashed it down as forcefully as he could against the ground, wood immediately erupting into a catastrophic splinter.
Within another deafening whack, a dial pinged off and landed in the pool.
“Fuck, there goes the fucking Gibson, Jensen!” came heaved breathlessly from a tired chest, arms trembling as he did it again and again, over and over, buttons and strings scattering. In front of Lana, Robert gripped hard at Jensen’s arm in order to keep him from racing forwards and killing him, too wary of the potential newspaper headlines should he have to ring an ambulance. “Whatever will you do without the fucking Gibson, Jensen? Form an actual personality? Brush your fucking teeth with all the extra free time, maybe? Did you a fucking favour, you ugly fucking cunt.”
Tossing the last of the mess into the pool, Caleb wrenched his eyes to review Lana’s wide pair that were merely blinking back at him, completely stunned. 
All her life, she’d never dared to stand up to any of them. 
She’d only ever managed to cower with her tail between her legs in the face of those men with their oily palms and dirty fingernails, a kicked puppy still intent on nuzzling at your ankles, afterwards, to try and earn its favour back.
As much as Caleb hated him personally, she knew this was for her.
Guilt welled up in her chest like a helium balloon.
“Jesus,” Robert whispered, disbelief reducing his face to a blank and gaping slate. Hand up to clasp his forehead, he dropped the one checking Jensen as another of his associates tread forwards to take over the responsibility. “You’re a fucking... disgrace.”
“Yeah?” came out ragged, eyes wilder than a caged fox as Caleb stared down his father in the face, ignoring the blathering expletives that Jensen was still barking in the background like an Alsatian that just heard the house alarm. “Take a look at who you fucking keep around you, Robert. You’re the disgrace.” Tossing the last bit of jagged wood he held clutched in a trembling fist, it landed gracelessly by their father’s feet. “You’re the fucking disgrace.”
Silence settled like a wet blanket to smother the stove fire, pieces of guitar still bobbing about the pool’s surface like the shrapnel pieces Caleb had to have plucked out of his right leg after his abrupt discharge from duty, nerves salvageable enough that he was only left with a slight limp.
The association had something dark fluttering across his face, although Lana had already hurried forwards to take his hand, again, a panicked glance tossed back between Caleb and their father to assess the potential damage.
“Get out,” Robert breathed after a significant delay, barely able to look either of them in the face as his voice was reduced to a mere whisper.
“Both of you, get out,” he repeated, eyes complete devoid of warmth as they flit between the both of them. “I mean it.”
“But dad, he didn’t me--”
Holding up a hand to cut Lana off, he used the same one to point at her, jaw completely tense.
“Lana, get him the fuck out of here before I call the cops.”
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deanstead · 2 years
Pieces (9): Run
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Chapter 9: Run
Chapter Summary: On their way to the district, Y/N finds herself and Chloe in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Word Count: 1,833
Warnings: canon-typical mention of blood and injuries
A/N: This is one of those chapters that randomly attacked my brain so anyway! Thanks for liking this fic so far, remember to drop by and let me know what you guys think!!
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After pizza night, Chloe had become even more convinced that Jay was her best friend. She hadn’t stopped asking when she could next see Jay and a part of you worried about this dependency she had on Jay.
Especially when she’d come home from school one day with a picture she’d drawn of Jay and asked if she could give it to him personally. You’d wanted to say no, you wanted to come up with an excuse. You wanted to protect Chloe from becoming too heartbroken if one day Jay disappeared from your lives as well. But one look at her face and you knew you’d have a hard time saying no, anyway.
You’d tried telling Chloe you’d call Jay but Chloe had shook her head. “It’s a surprise. It’s my drawing. I want to give it to him.”
You’d gotten a concerned call from one of her new teachers, asking what was going on at home since they were concerned that Chloe was the only kid that didn’t draw her father as her hero. You wanted to roll your eyes, and you had to literally bit your tongue in order to hold back a sassy remark about how it was no wonder Caleb had been able to take Chloe out of school even though he wasn't listed.
Despite your concern of Chloe’s growing love and dependency on Jay’s presence in your lives, you were also proud that your daughter had no qualms drawing who she wanted to draw as her hero.
So you’d given in and now, on your rare off day you were holding Chloe’s hand as she skipped, her backpack sitting on her shoulders with nothing but the drawing in it. “Jay might be busy so we’re just going to drop it off, alright?”
Chloe looked up at you, like she was considering your words, before she nodded.
Chloe looked back down at the ground, counting her steps and hopping past crevices in the sidewalk. Your eyes swept past the bakery and you smiled, remembering that this was the exact street where Chloe had first met Jay and Will. It felt kind of weird how things had progressed to what they were now.
“Mom!” Chloe pointed to a store just down the road.
You gave her a look but nodded with a smile. “Just one.”
Chloe headed straight for the candy section the moment you pushed open the door of the bodega and you smiled when she looked up and asked if she could get one for Jay too. You’d bent down to survey the line of sweets with Chloe when you heard a loud crash and people shouting.
You put your finger to your lips and peered above the shelf.
Two guys had walked in, their voices raised, you couldn’t tell if they were excited or angry but you were pretty sure they were high on something. One of them was swinging a baseball bat around, looking like he couldn’t wait to tear the place apart, while the other leaned across the counter, whipping out a knife.
You sank back down and looked at Chloe.
“I need you to be very quiet, okay?” You whispered.
Chloe nodded, her eyes wide.
“Remember the promise we made?” You asked her. After it had just been the two of you, you’d had a talk with Chloe about danger, about what to do if she ever found herself in a scary situation, with or without you. “I need you to run, okay?”
“With Mom?” Chloe whispered.
Seriously, you had no idea how you had gotten such a genius for a daughter.
You smiled and shook your head. “I need to help people okay?” If you had a choice, you wouldn’t be sending your daughter out onto the streets alone but Chloe was safer out there than in here. Besides you were pretty sure you needed to be the distraction so she could run. “So like what we promised, you run and you don’t look back. Can you do that for me?”
Chloe stayed quiet for a while before she nodded.
You pressed a kiss onto her forehead, as you crept between the shelves with her. “Run, and don’t look back.”
Chloe looked back at you but nodded.
Just as you made for the door, one of the guys turned, spotting you. “What the hell!”
You turned to shield Chloe as one of them lunged at you and you felt the sharp feeling of the knife slice against your arm as he brandished it. “Run, baby!” You yelled, pushing the door open as you watched her slip out and run.
Whatever happened, you had to hold them back. But it was like they had barely noticed your little girl, as they turned on you.
“You bitch!”
You heard the lock of the door click before you felt the other one grab you by the hair and pulled you deeper back into the store.
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“I’m not even kidding.” Jay was talking to Kevin as they jogged up the steps of the 21st District, a little confused to see no one was behind the desk.
“Hey, you know where Sergeant Platt is?” Jay called to one of the officers. Trudy had called to ask Jay to swing by the front desk to get something. Besides, it was unusual that no one was behind the desk considering it was a slow day.
The uniformed officer nodded. “Give her a minute. A little kid came in, wouldn’t say a word, she’s trying something out.”
Jay glanced around, turning back to tell the officer they’d come back down later when he froze and his head snapped back towards the direction of the empty office Trudy was now in.
Trudy was squatting in front of a little girl, looking like she was trying to coax her, while the girl sat there without saying a word.
A little girl Jay knew.
“Chloe?” Jay called, stepping towards the room now.
Chloe’s head snapped up. “Jay!” Chloe squirmed off the chair, heading straight for him.
Jay bent down immediately, at eye-level with Chloe. “Sweetheart, what are you doing here?” Jay frowned. “Are you alone?”
Chloe shook her head, then nodded.
“You know this kid?” Trudy asked, standing back up.
Jay nodded. “Yeah, her mum works with my brother.” He turned back towards Chloe, freezing when he noticed the small droplets of blood on her clothes that must have gotten there while you'd shielded her just before she took off out onto the street.
“Chloe, where’s Mom?”
Chloe blinked back at Jay.
Jay reached out to stroke her head gently. “Chloe, it’s okay. Will you tell me?”
Chloe nodded slowly. “We stopped to get candy for me and Jay. Mom told me to run.”
A small frown crossed Jay’s face. “Do you know where?”
Chloe shook her head, and Jay glanced at Trudy who was already on the phone. “At the strawberry bread.”
Jay’s frown deepened. “No, honey, do you know where…”
Jay trailed off, the memory hitting him all of a sudden. “Strawberry bread?”
Chloe nodded. “Will took me for strawberry bread. Remember?”
Jay stood, scribbling an address down for Trudy and handing it to her. “Send some cars ahead of us. Kevin and I will go now.”
“Will you stay here and wait for me?” Jay asked.
Chloe shook her head, putting her little arms around Jay’s leg.
“Jay?” Jay looked up to see his partner heading down the stairs and he bent to pick up Chloe in his arms. “Listen, this is my friend, Hailey. Do you remember?”
Chloe glanced at Hailey and then back at Jay before she nodded.
“Will you be a brave girl for me? Just for a bit, and then I’ll come back and get you.” Jay assured her.
“You promise?” Chloe asked. “You promise you’ll come back for me? Not like Daddy?”
Jay exhaled slowly. “I promise. I’ll come back.”
Chloe swiveled her head to look at Hailey, who smiled and nodded. “Jay will be right back, why don’t you hang out with me?”
“I promise, Chloe.” Jay whispered again now, like it was a secret between them.
Chloe nodded, but turned to give Jay a hug. Jay squeezed her small body in his arms reassuringly before he put her back down and Hailey took Chloe’s hand. Chloe gave a last look back at Jay before she followed Hailey upstairs.
“Let’s go.” Jay said to Kevin, the both of them heading quickly back out the district.
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Jay got out of the truck, his eyes scanning the street. Nothing looked out of the ordinary but he spied the bakery, his eyes traveling down the street and pausing on the one store that candy would make sense. “The bodega, we’re going in.”
Kevin nodded, pulling his gun out as Jay cautiously pushed open the door.
The bodega was quiet, but it was clear a ruckus had occurred here. There were shelves upended in an obvious struggle, things strewn over the floor.
Kevin and Jay moved in opposite directions, clearing the back of shelves as they moved further in, Jay catching sight of you.
Jay tucked his gun away. “Oh my god, Y/N!”
“5021 George, I need an ambo now.” Jay called into his radio.
“Two, Jay! I got one victim here!” Kevin called from nearer the front.
Jay picked up his radio again. “Two ambos, now!”
“Y/N, you with me?” Jay bent over you, his eyes raking over your injuries as he felt a wave of rage pass over him.
You opened your eyes gingerly. “J..ay?”
There were injuries almost everywhere, a gash on your head, your arm, before he saw the much more serious stab wound in your abdomen. There was blood all over your hands from where you’d been trying to apply pressure on your own wound. Jay pulled off his jacket, balling it up and pushing it onto your wound.
You groaned and Jay glanced back up at you. “I know, I’m sorry, hang in there alright? I got you.”
With your one good hand, you reached out for him. “J… Chloe… Chloe… she…”
“I got her, alright? I got her. She’s fine. She’s scared, but she’s not hurt, I promise.” Jay reassured you. “So you stay with me, the ambulance will be here soon, okay?”
You looked up at Jay and even in the fuzziness, you could tell your arm was probably broken and who knew what internal injuries you had but it was only because Jay had Chloe that you really felt less panicked. “She’s with you?”
“She’s with Hailey at the district. She’s alright, I promise.” Jay reassured. “You’re going to be fine, too, you hear me?”
You didn’t answer.
“Y/N? Y/N, stay with me.”
“Jay… I…”
He felt your hand loosen from the folds of his shirt, your eyes fluttering shut as you lost consciousness. “No, no, Y/N, stay with me!”
“Y/N!” Jay’s voice echoed against the walls of the bodega.
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If you want to support me, buy me a coffee!
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