#so this could be super botched up too
izartn · 1 year
My head canon for Ichigo: he's been dead since Urahara cut his soul chain, his body was prepared so it wouldn't decay/he could use it as a gigai and it would age. He should have been unable to go back to it at the end of the manga given his power levels, thus realising his dead from the start status.
But also what a reveal would that have been, to know you were dead and in bought time from the moment you decided to go to the afterlife to save your best friend (who's also been dead from the beginning). You chose her world (that's also yours) and you didn't now.
Also Urahara being a creep and doing Ichigo body as a gigai and not telling a soul.
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struwberrii · 2 months
Hello, I like your haikyu headcanons and was wondering if you could do tendou headcanons?:)
tendou headcanons ₊˚⊹♡
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thank u for the request!! i feel like tendou doesn’t get a lot of love nowadays so this one is for all the tendou fans (•̀ᴗ•́ )و
he def just makes up songs randomly and sings them for you (usually just to make you laugh)
his shoes usually aren’t tied and he never noticed until someone points it out
imagine tendou with a snaggletooth (i saw someone on tiktok say this and CANNOT STOP THINKING ABT IT it so cute)
constantly does impersonations of characters (he’s actually kind of decent)
little trinket collector
chronically picks at his lips and always ends up bleeding
also picks at his nails/fingers
always celebrates your small little wins with you (yaaayyyy!!)
always comes up with silly games to play when you guys are bored
randomly drops lore on you
makes scary faces at kids if they’re staring for too long
i feel like he’d lowkey listen to tommy heavenly6
hates calling during the day but will have a full convo with you through voice messages
does not let anyone pick on you AT ALL like he’ll get super protective and use his ‘scary’ looks to his advantage to freak people out
encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and try new things
some days social anxiety is scared of him, then the next day he’s too anxious to even go outside
constantly begging you to let him do your makeup even if you don’t wear it (he botched you)
but he still gets insecure sometimes and needs to hear praises and reassurance
let’s you style/cut his hair for him
probably had a random pet growing up, like he found a frog or turtle outside and kept it as a pet
draws on his arms and legs when he gets bored
always scares you, like he waits around the corner for you then jumps out and scares you
has a HUGE sweet tooth
i feel like he would have a really bad memory but keeps all important dates written down, don’t ask him what he ate for dinner because he doesn’t remember
sits in the shower
playful teasing as a love language
watches mukbang videos while he eats
genuinely has a hard time voicing how he feels about people so he uses humor to mask his emotions and now nobody takes him seriously
shockingly the best guy to go to when you need to cheer up, and not because he’d make you laugh but he just knows what to say?? if that makes sense
like he tells you what he wishes someone told him when he was in middle school
always makes sure nobody is left out in a group activity
has the craziest diet, like i feel like he’d eat like a toddler
average tendou meal consists of a yoohoo chocolate milk, a pizza lunchable and a handful of grapes and that’s enough to hold him over for the day
sports garfield pajama pants ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
i feel like he’d also listen to alice in chains
but i also feel like he’d listen to gorillaz
his knees are always bruised (prob from volleyball)
has an impressive figure collection of his favorite manga character :3
sorry guys this is like 30% me projecting 70% tendou hcs 😭
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stariiesz · 4 months
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୨⎯𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚄𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝙰𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ⎯୧
Chapter 3
Authors note: Satoru is actually becoming likeable! Also this isn’t proof read again hehe
Tw: Alcohol consumption
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August 20th 2017
After a long summer of rest, fun, and heartbreak, it was finally time for the back-to-school season. And for you, it was time to start your first semester at Kyoto College. You were excited of course, it was a fresh start and a chance to meet new people. But somewhere in the back of your mind, you were still a little hurt about what happened at the festival but you were trying to get over it. That wouldn’t stop the thoughts about how Satoru was supposed to also be going to Kyoto College but had changed his mind a few months beforehand.
Now you think it’s better he doesn’t come. Running into him would most likely go a lot like it did at the festival. There was no universe in which he’d want to see you and potentially be friends. Those were all hopes of the past and you’ve learned to accept it. You would be lying if you didn’t say you weren’t a little mad at Satoru. I mean, after all, he hated you for no reason. He was rude and he made it clear he wanted nothing to do to you. You wish you had gotten the hint earlier in high school so you didn’t look like such a hopeless romantic. Now that you think about it, maybe Alina wasn’t the only one with an obvious crush on Satoru.
More importantly, you were moving out of the only home you’ve ever known for the year. You were dorming on campus with what you hoped would be a good roommate. You packed everything you needed for the time being. You took one last look at your room before heading out. You lived an hour and thirty minutes away from Kyoto University, so you wouldn’t be going home daily. More like once a week or two. It wasn’t too bad a schedule, but for you who aren’t used to being away from home for so long, it would be a little difficult.
Your parents helped you load up the car and you drove to the campus. After finally arriving on campus you had your parents help you load stuff in your dorm. The dorm was average-sized. Your roommate wasn’t coming until tomorrow so it gave you some time to adjust and have things the way you wanted them. You said goodbyes to your family and there you were. Sitting in your empty dorm room with boxes of stuff packed around you. You sighed and laid down on your bed staring straight up at the ceiling. Classes started tomorrow and you were taking the writing class you wanted to take. That was something to look forward to, right?
You explored the campus and got a feel of where you would be dedicating the next four years of your education. You got some ramen at a local ramen shop on campus and went back to your dorm where you would eat in silence. Your roommate decided to come a little earlier and came later that evening. So far you liked her.
Her name was Ayaka. She was 18 and was really interested in majoring in arts. She seemed like someone you could make friends with so that was good. She was super optimistic and she wore bright clothes and had bright room decor. She was the solar opposite of you but it was nice to have the company. You two talked for a while and you realized you weirdly had a lot in common. You botched like reading books, especially manga, you both strive to do good in school, and you both didn’t have any friends. You were just glad to have a good roommate and a nice person to talk to. So far college life was good, even though you hadn’t actually started classes.
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So there you were the next day standing in front of your mirror wearing an outfit that wasn’t you at all. You just wanted to make a good impression on your first day, but you figured it would be better if you dressed like yourself. Wearing a mini skirt and a crop top was unlike you, so you changed to the usual hoodie and some sweats. Much better and much more comfortable.
“I like your outfit, Y/N,” Ayaka said from her top bunk as she dangled her legs and played with one of many charm bracelets. You gave her a smile and adjusted your ponytail. “Thanks.” You said putting the last notebook into your bag. Even though you hadn’t even known each other for 24 hours, you were becoming friends. You had a fresh start indeed.
You two went your separate ways as you had classes on opposite sides of the campus. You walked to your first class which was mathematics, a subject you didn’t like but you did decent in it. The class wasn’t too bad. You got to know your professor and some other nearby seatmates. After that, you had social science. You actually made good friends with a friend group consisting of three people. They were all super nice and again you had a bunch of shared interests. This college thing wasn’t so bad after all.
After three classes, you had a break for lunch where you sat with your new-found friends, including Ayaka. You talked about the professors you liked the ones you didn’t and the classes you wanted to take and the ones you didn’t. It was going great until Ayaka mentioned something that piqued your interest immediately.
“Yeah so, in my art class this morning there was this really pretty boy. He seemed popular already too! He had white hair and the prettiest shade of blue eyes you’ve ever seen. He was soo cool. He had these piercings and-” Ayakas voice faded into the background. White hair blue eyes, white hair blue eyes. Surly it couldn’t be him. You heard yourself that he was going to the University of Tokyo with Alina so why would he be here? What could have changed? Then again, maybe it’s not him. His hair could have been a super light blonde instead of white right? But those eyes, you couldn’t mistake those eyes.
Your mind was running wild with thoughts about the mystery man who was possibly Satoru. It was only confirmed when:
“Yeah he was so pretty, I think his name started with an S or something. Sawyer? No that’s stupid. Sa...Ugh, I can’t remember.” She was cut off by you mid-sentence.
“Satoru. His name was Satoru, right?” You asked. You had to be sure it was him. And even if it was, why was he here, why did he change schools last second? You had so many questions, but on top of all of that was the slight bit of hope that maybe things could be different this time.
“Yeah, yeah! That was his name, Satoru. Do you know him or something?” Ayaka said as she took another bite of her Mac and Cheese. Your stomach felt like it was making knots. So it really was him. Satoru Gojo was at your school after all, but why, and did that mean Alina was there?
“Yeah actually, we used to go to the same high school, long story.” You said snapping out of your daydreaming. Ayaka looked surprised at your comment.
“Really? I figured he was a model or something. You must have been lucky to have him at your school.” She said. The rest of your friend's conversation faded into the back as you pondered. Ok so it was confirmed to be him, but now what? There was a likely chance of running into him, but what would you do if you did? Ignore him, smile at him, hell maybe even try to talk to him? But would he even be interested in striking up a conversation with you? Probably not. It’s probably best for you to ignore him like he's done to you right?
After the lunch break ended you headed to class. This one you were pretty excited about because it was the writing class. You got there a bit early so you could get to know the professor. You may have seemed like a teacher's pet to others but you were excited for this professor's class. You took a seat in the middle row of seats and pulled out your supplies. As class officially started students started to flood in, you were looking to see if a certain white head of hair had entered but you hadn’t seen anything yet. Thank god. You weren’t sure if it would be a good or bad thing if he were to come into this class. But if he were to come, you’d try your best to avoid him.
The class filled up rather quickly and there was one seat left which was right by you. As you were waiting for the class to start, you had your head down lost in the fantasy of the book you were reading, you only looked up when you felt the presence of someone sitting next to you. You only looked up when they had dropped their pen and you grabbed it for them. That's when you locked eyes with those eyes. Those beautiful ocean eyes. His eyes. No other than Satoru Gojo sat beside you. You were shocked it really was him. He mumbled a quiet thanks before taking his pen back and looking up at the board. You closed your book and paid attention to the board, not that you were really paying attention though. You kept getting the occasional glance at Satoru and he did the same even going as far as to smile at you. It was like the first day of high school all over again.
Things felt different like he was being maybe even nice to you. Did you change that much over the summer that he couldn’t recognize you or something? The only thing you really changed about your appearance was getting bangs over the summer but unless Satoru’s blind, he would still know it’s you. Unless he was just being genuinely nice for some odd reason. You were so lost in your thoughts that you basically missed half the first lecture, but it didn’t really matter to you now.
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After class, you were both packing up when your professor called you up.
“Since you two are the last ones here, can you do me a favor and clean the board and sweep the floors? There’s a board meeting in here next and I haven’t had the time to do it, I have to grab the snacks for everyone.” Your professor asked in a hurry. Normally it would have been an immediate yes, but again it wasn’t just you, it was Satoru too. But you couldn’t turn down your clearly stressed professor just because of a boy so you agreed and so did Satoru.
“Thank you both, I owe ya!” He said walking out of the class and closing the door behind him. An awkward silence fell over the room as you and Satoru stood there for a second before you took the broom and began to sweep. You didn’t care at this point. You just wanted this awkward interaction to be over with. Satoru took an eraser and ran it over the chalk writing on the board. There had been an awkward silence for a few minutes before Satoru finally broke it.
Satoru cleared his throat “So, how did you like his class?” He asked, eyes still preen on removing the chalk writing on the board.
You were silent for a second, still not completely sure he was talking to you. “Uh, I liked it, it was interesting.” You replied focusing on sweeping like it was the most important thing ever.
“Yeah.” He said. He stopped erasing and turned to look at you. You looked up at him and you two made eye contact for what felt like forever. His eyes focused on yours and the same with yours. You cleared your throat before looking back down and sweeping, but Satoru was still looking at you, you could feel it.
“Y/N, I want you to know I’m sorry for being such a douchebag in high school, you didn’t deserve that.” He said rebreaking the silence. Your mouth almost dropped to the floor. Satoru was apologizing to you? Now? Why was he doing it now? Was he dying and he wanted to make right before he passed or something? You stopped your brain from jumping to crazy and stupid conclusions like that and thought of a way to respond to all this.
“It’s.. ok, I guess.” That was all you said as you continued to sweep up the floor. You couldn't stop yourself from asking the next question though. “Why now are you apologizing?” You asked finally looking up from the floor again. He was looking down at you.
“Because we're in college now, there's no need to hold stupid grudges from high school, so let’s have a fresh start, yeah?” He said with a smile. The first ever genuine smile he’s given you since that day in freshman year. You were very surprised, but what he said made sense. Even though it had only been a month since you last saw him, he seemed to grow over such a short period of time. But there was another question eating at you. Where was Alina, and why did he not go to the University of Tokyo with her?
Since Satoru was being honest with you, you did the same.
“So, what happened to your girlfriend?” You asked as you set the broom down, finally being done with your small side quest. A flash of confusion crossed Satoru’s face for a moment as if he was totally unaware of having this so-called ‘girlfriend’.
“Who?” He asked as he finished wiping up the last bit of chalk on the board. Now it was your turn to be the confused one. Just a month ago, Alina had made it very clear that she was with Satoru now. It was confirmed by your own eyes when you saw them kiss in the parking lot too. So why is he now acting like he isn’t dating her? The thought that they may have broken up popped up in your mind as well.
“You know, Alina. She told me you two were together back at the festival, and I saw you guys kissing in the parking lot.” You told him as you sat and spun in the professor's chair right in front of him. Satoru giggled a bit.
“Me and Alina? No, I bet she was just pranking you, we’re not dating. And that kiss was just her trying to make some boy jealous, so I went along.” Satoru said clearing up the misunderstanding.
Maybe the kiss made sense now but you remember very vividly Alina telling you that the two of them were together. It made you a little happy to know that she tried to make you jealous but lied the whole time. And it was clear by Satoru’s tone that he saw her more as a close friend than a girlfriend. But another part of you felt a little bad for Alina. Crazy, right? But the poor girl was so desperate to keep other girls away from him that she would lie and ruin other girl’s reputations one of those being yours. Wait, maybe you don’t feel so bad after all. So they weren’t together, that was kind of a relief. You seemed to note that Satoru probably didn’t want to talk about your little confession, so you didn’t bring it up.
You two were interrupted by the professor coming back in with a tray of snacks and napkins in his hand.
“Thank you, you two. I will pay you back somehow. You can go now, I gotta set up.” He said ushering you out of his classroom. This was the last class of the day so you had nothing but time. You and Satoru awkwardly stood outside the door of the class before he spoke.
“Uh wanna head to the dorms now?” He asked rubbing his undercut. You nodded and you both headed in that direction. The dorms weren’t on the same floor due to the gender-separated dorm system, but they were in the same building. The walk there was silent, it wasn’t as awkward as it would have been before but it was quiet. You finally decide to ask him another question as you enter the building.
“So why’d you not go to the University of Tokyo with Alina?” You said as you both stood at the beginning of the stairwell which would lead to different floors. He took a long pause before speaking.
“It’s gonna seem stupid but, it’s cause my father used to go here and… I don’t know I guess I wanted to carry on his legacy and make him proud.”
Right. You had heard that Satoru’s dad had sadly passed when he was still young and it affected him greatly. He didn’t like talking about it either. So it had to mean something for him to tell you about it.
“Yeah, I thought I wanted to go to the University of Tokyo because a bunch of my friends were going there like Alina and the rest, but, I thought about it and I wanted to come here again. Alina thinks she might transfer here next year, but I don’t think she will.
That made sense now. Satoru always wanted to come here for his dad but was temporarily persuaded by his friends to join them at the University of Tokyo. You were kind of glad that he came to this school. This felt like it could be the beginning of a friendship between the two of you, or something like that.
“Oh, that’s nice I guess.” You said holding on to the straps of your bags. “Well, I’m that way.” You said pointing to your dorm level.
“And I’m that way.” He said pointing to the level of his dorm. “I guess we'll see each other another time, bye Y/N.” He said heading up to his dorm. Maybe Satoru wasn’t so bad after all. He was just misunderstood by you, and Alina didn’t help with that image. He was pretty chill, you see why people wanted to be friends with him so bad.
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August 21st 2017
You were woken up bright and early by a text message on your phone. It was six am and you were staring into the bright light of your phone. What stared back at you was a notification saying that Satoru had started following you on Instagram. Your eyes widened for a brief moment as you clicked on his profile skimming through the photos. He had a very active social life, there was no doubt about that.
He had a lot of photos of himself with friends, and family, and traveling to different places. He also had a lot of photos with Alina, who was tagged in each one. You clicked on her user and checked out her page. Half of her pictures were ones with Satoru. You blocked her before hitting the ‘follow’ button on Satoru’s profile. You put your phone down and went right back to sleep.
Later that morning you woke up and started getting ready when your phone dinged again. This time it was a DM from Satoru on Instagram. You opened it and read what he had said. “I was just looking through your profile and I didn’t know you liked manga. I have a big collection myself.” He said. You smiled at that because, under his popular boy image, he was just as much as much as a nerd as you.
“Yeah, I like reading One Piece, what about you?” You texted back as you resumed getting ready.
“Same!” He said. This brought another smile to your face.
After finally getting ready, you started walking onto campus with your friends but their conversations faded to the back as you thought about things with Satoru. Things were going great so far, and it indeed seemed like the beginning of a friendship.
“Yeah, there’s a party there tonight, wanna go? Y/N?” Ayaka tapped your shoulder and you snapped out of it. “What are you pondering about?” Ayaka asked.
“Nothing, what were you asking me?” You said brushing a strand of hair out of your face.
“I was asking if you want to go to a party with me tonight! It’s for the freshman and like everyone is going. Ayaka said nudging your shoulder. You had other academic things to focus on that night so you declined.
“Nah that's ok, you guys have fun though.” You said as you pulled out your phone and checked for any DM’s. Nothing new from Satoru. You wonder if he’s going to the party, but then remember it’s Satoru, of course, he would be there with girls swarming all around him.
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After classes that day, you went to a coffee shop on campus and did a little reading there. You were at the climax of the book when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You took out your headphones and turned around to see Satoru with some books in his hands.
“Can I sit here?” Here said with a few strands of his snow colored hair in his face. You nodded and he sat down. You took out your headphones and closed your book.
“So are you going to that freshman party thing tonight?” Satoru asked taking a sip of his expresso.
“No, it doesn’t really interest me.” You said playing with the rim of your novel. “Are you going?” You asked as you stared at him. You were tempted to move those strands of hair out of his face as you paid attention to him.
“Yeah, I figured it would be a chance to get, hang out with my friends, and meet new people,” Satoru said. “You should come though, you never came to one of the high school ones so the least you can do is come to college ones.”
You sighed. He was right about that, but did you actually want to go to a party tonight? No, that was the last thing you wanted to do. But he and your new friend group were all going too. Sure you didn’t really like parties but, it was college, it was time to step out of your comfort zone for a bit.
You hesitated. ‘I’ll… think about it.” Satoru smiled at your words.
“Great, so I’ll take that as a yes!” Satoru said taking another sip of his drink. He gave you a lemon muffin which he had bought for you at the front of the coffee shop. Lemon was your favorite flavor, so it was cute how he got you a lemon muffin most likely not even knowing.
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After you and Satoru left the cafe you went your separate ways and you dashed up your dorms staircase. You went to your dorm and asked Ayaka for help on what to wear, how to do your makeup, hair all of that. She laughed a bit
“Y/N, It’s not a dinner date, it’s a college party, you don’t have to dress up so much. Just wear a tight short dress, leave your hair down, and a little makeup.” She said laughing at your frantic state of panic.
“Why did you change your mind? I thought you didn’t want to come.” Ayaka said as she put her hair in a bun and ate her instant ramen from the cup. You sighed.
“Well I didn’t but now someone I like is going and he wanted me to come so, I’m coming.” You said looking through your wardrobe for anything somewhat cute. Unfortunately, you didn’t own any tight dresses, so the best outfit you could put together was a short top and a skirt. Ayaka did a light amount of makeup for you and did your hair as well. You looked good, and it didn’t feel like you were being a fake either.
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You and Ayaka walked to the party which wasn’t too long a walk. You met up with a few other friends too. Now you were standing in front of the door, the sound of loud music playing in the room.
“Are you guys ready for our first college party?” Ayaka said excitedly as she opened the door and you all entered.
It was loud and smelled of booze, there were a lot of people and you kept bumping into people. It was pretty overwhelming. The whole time you were looking for Satoru as your friends went off to grab some drinks. You had never been drunk before and you didn’t want to start doing stuff like that now. Instead, you took a seat in the kitchen where it was more quiet and people would occasionally come in and out for the alcohol.
You sat at the kitchen table suddenly regretting coming to this god-awful place. You’d much rather be cozy at your dorm reading a book or watching a movie, but here you were trying to step out of your comfort zone and do something new for a change. You decided you should probably just head back to the dorms and let your friends have fun. Right before you were about to leave the kitchen a guy with long black hair, ear piercings, and sweats on entered. He dug around the fridge which indicated he probably lived there with some other roommates. You got up about to leave before he stopped you.
“Hey, why are you leaving so soon?” He asked not batting an eye and pouring beer into a cup. It caught you off guard. Why did he care if you left, he looked like the type of guy to have a bunch of girls waiting for him.
“Uh, it’s not really my scene.” You said with an awkward chuckle. He closed the fridge and turned around to face you. That's when you got a good look at his face and he was hot.
“Want some?” He said holding out the red cup of beer. You politely declined before he took a seat across from you. “So if it’s not your scene, why’d you come in the first place?” He said staring at you as he started sipping some of his beer. You didn’t want to tell him that it was because of a boy, so you told him the partial truth.
“Because my friends are here and I wanted to check out the party.” You said as you sat back down. “What about you? Why are you here?” You said returning his question.
“Just came for the drinks and a few friends as well.” He said gulping down the rest of his beer. A moment of science passed before you got up.
“Well, I’m gonna head out now.” You said before you felt a strong grip on your shoulder. It was his.
“Wait, I just wanted to know your name.” He said putting his red cup on the table. You told him your name and he told you his name was Suguru.
“Have a good night.” He said walking back to the pile of drinks for his next one. You left the kitchen and navigated through the noisy party. Right before you left you heard a familiar voice call your name behind you. It was Satoru’s. You turned around and there he was with a red solo cup in his hand.
“I didn’t know if you’d come.” He said a little out of breath likely from chasing after you. “Here follow me, it’s too loud in here.” He muttered taking your hand and leading you somewhere. It was to the backyard where a few other people were, mostly the stoners. You two Sat down on the sofa and he smiled. “I’m glad you came, it was starting to get boring around here.” He said as he offered you his drink. You declined.
“Oh, I keep forgetting to ask you, can I have your number Y/N? It’s easier to text than DM on Instagram, you know?” He asked you. You were a little surprised but you gave it to him nonetheless.
“Great, now we can keep in contact.” He said as he smiled at you for the thousandth time that day. But that smile made you feel like you had butterflies in your stomach every time. “Uh so I stopped by a manga store after school and I got this one for you. I saw it was one of your favorite series and the latest volume just dropped. I hope you don’t already have it.” He said in a somewhat shy tone of voice as he rubbed the back of his head. You found it sweet that he had found one of your interests and bought it for you.
“No, actually I haven’t gotten the new volume, thanks!” You said giving him a small hug as you took the book. He smelled good was the main thing you noticed when you hugged him. Hugging him felt nice, and comforting. It was awkward when you stopped hugging and sat on opposite sides of the sofa. You tucked your hair behind your ear. It was clear Satoru was a little drunk but nothing too bad.
“Y/N, your confession didn’t mean nothing to me,” Satoru said suddenly breaking the silence. Confession? Right, you had almost forgotten that you had poured your feelings out to him before graduation because you thought he wasn’t coming to Kyoto, but now he’s here and it’s awkward.
Your eyes widened. “Oh.” That was all you managed to say as you locked eyes with him. You quickly looked down feeling the heat rush to your face. “Yeah about that-” He cut you off.
“And I think I like you too.”
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Authors note: each chapter keeps getting longer and longer:p
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Banner creds: @cafekitsune
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stu-dyingstudent · 2 months
Sakura fic recs: captured on a mission/mission gone wrong
Okay, I'm going to be completely honest with y'all, I'm really just recommending stuff by my favorite tropes lmao. Quite honestly, mission gone wrong just makes things so much more entertaining. Poor Sakura though, this girl just can't catch a damn break.
Now, I should point out that there are MANY Sakura fics out there were the mission goes wrong, but in this list I am only going to put ones where that is the primary focus of the series.
Started: 2024.07.23
Last Updated: 2024.07.25
note: feel free to check out my master list which has a bunch of Sakura Haruno fic recs (all organized)!
Survival of the fittest - cywscross || ao3 || T || shikasaku || mission gone wrong || one shot
Sakura is thirteen, still a Genin, lost in the middle of Earth Country, lugging an unconscious Chuunin around, and so far beyond scared that she’s moved right on to pissed off.
Survival of the Fittest is a fabulous one-shot that follows the trouble that Sakura and Shikamaru find themselves in after accidentally landing themselves in Iwa. This story depicts the characters truthfully and fully conveys exactly how hopeless they feel in their situation. I highly recommend.
The Ocean is Deep and Dark - Pleasedial123 || ao3 || M || captured || complete
Gato doesn't trust Zabuza to get the job done. Instead he sends a team of thugs to ambush the Bridge Builder on his return to Wave. Team Seven, exhausted from their fight and Kakashi still unconscious, is separated. Sakura gets captured.Terrible things happen to pretty girls in the hands of men like Gato and his thugs.But Zabuza puts his claim in first and suddenly Sakura isn't the prisoner of a civillian businessman and his hired muscle. Suddenly she's Momichi Zabuza's.
I won't lie, I have a soft spot for fics that take place during the land of waves arc, especially when they focus on Sakura's growth. I love how Zabuza was portrayed in this as although he wasn't necessarily a bad guy, he wasn't a good one either. He simply has morals. Sakura's fear in this is also quite raw and eye opening as it covers a theme that isn't ever covered in the original series. The reality is, the world is not kind to women, and a captured young female ninja is most certainly going to be at some untasteful risks. Oh, team 7's concern was also pretty touching ngl.
With Every Beat - halfdemonfan || ffn || sasusaku || M || canon divergent || incomplete
Pain can come in various forms. Sakura had suffered all of them; but with the war raging on she found the torture would continue.
If I'm completely honest, With Every Beat probably isn't the best rec for this trope since from what I remember Sakura is not captured for too long. I never did get very far reading this so I don't have too much to say, but it takes place during the war arc and is an interesting take.
Ripples - Yellow Mask || ffn || sasusaku || T || captured || complete
Following a botched mission, Sakura is made a slave by Sound, a position that could very well alter the future…especially concerning a certain familiar missing-nin.
Ripples is probably one of the og mission gone wrong/captured Sakura fics, as far as I am aware, but it's pretty good! On her way back from a mission, she manages to get captured and is taken to Orochimaru's hideout. Super interesting to see as Sasuke is still with the sanin at this time.
The Pack Survives - ihopethelightwillshineupon || ao3 || team 7 || mission gone wrong || complete
When a simple C-rank mission turns into a straight-up nightmare, the members of Team Seven narrowly escape with their lives. They end up stuck in the middle of nowhere, each of them injured and forced to rely on one another for help.They’ve only been a team for a couple of weeks, still distant from one another, still trying hard to prove themselves. But when they’re all hurt and struggling desperately to survive, they have no choice but to lower their walls.Stranded far away from the village, Team Seven fights to get back home safely – but with help impossibly far away, with their food supplies shrinking and with their injuries slowing them down, their journey becomes more difficult with every step.In the wake of their struggle, though, their bonds grow steadily stronger.
Sakura is not the main character in this one as it it more focused on team 7 as a whole, but she still has some great development! Essentially, in typical team 7 fashion, they find themselves in a bit of a pickle during a mission and it results in some great bonding between them.
An Inch of Gold - KuriQuinn || ffn || sasusaku || T || mission gone wrong - time travel AU || complete
Team 7 is sent on a mission to investigate a disturbance outside of the village, where they encounter an unconscious girl in a crater. The mysterious Sarada insists she's a shinobi from the Hidden Leaf trying to rescue her teammates. When the team discovers she possesses a Sharingan, things become even more unbelievable. [Part of the Legacy of Fire Series]
Somehow, the Boruto and Naruto timelines interconnect and Sarada literally falls into team 7's mission. Things only get worse from there. The writing captures the personalities of the characters so well and I'm a complete sucker for the whole Sarada meets Sakura and Sasuke trope!! Sasusaku is super cute in this (while being realistic) and I love how Kakashi is such a shipper. Also, this is a multiple perspective fic.
Dirt and Ashes, or: The One-and-a-Half Body Problem - Tozette || captured || gen || M || canon divergent || complete
The invasion of Konoha during the chuunin exam didn't fail. Team seven is broken, people are dead, and Sakura is hurt and frightened and a very long way from home.Alternative summary: In which Sakura carries half of Hidan across two countries, leaving a trail of blood, bodies, and other people's legs.
This one is pretty gross tbh, but I highly recommend!
Only a Crush by Gingersoup || ao3 || kakasaku || M || canon divergent || complete
It was supposed to be an easy, fun night out. She never intended to wake up in her sensei's bed, half-naked and with no memory of what happened the night before! As she tries to unravel the mystery of that night, something sinister is growing beyond the walls of the Leaf Village... and what was only a crush spirals wildly out of control.
I can't really say much without spoiling, but Sakura is unwillingly thrust into the world of illegal drugs, trafficking, and sex all while coming to terms with her new feelings regarding her former sensei. I typically don't like kakasaku, but I think this work is done tastefully well. The characters are both adults and the immorality of the relationship is not ignored, so be prepared for a lot of "we can't," "this is wrong," etc.. Anyway, Sakura is an absolute powerhouse and I thoroughly enjoyed the relationship between all of the different characters and villages!
Got Nothing to Prove (but I'ma show you how I do) - GuardianMars || ao3 || gen || T || mission gone wrong || incomplete
Civilians and orphans are always used as cannon fodder. Sakura’s not sure where she first came by this phrase. Whether she heard it or read it, she can’t quite remember, but it stuck in her head and it stays in the back of her mind whenever Team 7 takes a mission. When Sakura and Tenten get placed on a temporary team looking into a series of kidnappings of local village girls, Sakura is naturally worried. She doesn't want to be cannon fodder. When the mission goes to pot, Sakura and Tenten find themselves far away from home and with only each other to rely on. As it turns out being cannon fodder is the least of their worries.
Genin Sakura and TenTen are sent on a mission due to their unimpressive lineage and things go wrong. This is a bit of a mystery where details of the mission are uncovered as the series progresses and is seen from the prospective of both the girls and their sensei's who are desperately trying to bring them back.
The Storm Beneath - CrimsonEden || ao3 || gen || T || mission gone wrong || one-shot complete
Sakura skidded to a halt. “Sensei?” she choked out, voice raw and painful. Kakashi made no reply. His eyes stared desperately up at her, as if he thought that she was going to disappear if he looked away. One of his hands reached out slowly, like he wanted to touch her face, to check to see did she was really there. His eyes were glazed over and his chest was heaving from the force of his heavy breaths. She stood there frozen, unsure of what to say or do. How could things have gone so wrong? . . . . . A simple mission goes horribly wrong, and Team-7 finds themselves stuck in the wilderness injured and facing Kakashi’s past demons. POV Kakashi and Sakura.
Team 7's mission gone wrong not just lands them in a complete disaster physically and politically, but also uncovers some of Kakashi's trauma. Really well written and focuses a lot on the team bonding, primarily Sakura and Kakashi, which I love.
Team Seven and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Roadtrip -Transformatron || ao3 || gen || T || captured || incomplete
No chakra. No allies. Captured by an unknown enemy a thousand miles from home, Team Seven must work together if they want to survive - which, if you ask Sakura, puts their life expectancy at approximately one week. If she’s feeling generous.
Team 7 is captured and the enemy is trying to get information out of them by any means possible. Follow them as they try to escape.
final exams coming up! - waterpllar || ao3 || gen || M || captured || complete
Kakuzu can name numerous reasons why Hatake Kakashi could make him an excellent profit, most of which involve the numerous organizations he's sabotaged. Specific figures would certainly be willing to pay very well for free reign to relieve their violent frustrations on one of the most notorious jounin in the Bingo books. Such a business would only function with a healer on hand, but it just so happens that a vast majority of shinobi teams have a healer, and there is a pink-haired genin without a bloodline limit or bijuu on the team. What he did not anticipate is that the Copy-nin's teaching might be so remiss that he hadn't trained said genin in any iryo-ninjutsu whatsoever. Kakuzu does not like making oversights, and he decides to remedy this fact immediately (unluckily for sakura).
Kakuzu captured Sakura and Kakashi in an attempt to make money (of course) off of Kakashi's many enemies and Sakura is forced to learn medical ninjutsu in order to keep him alive. Although this is marked as complete and could be considered that to those who read it, the ending is not very conclusive tbh (I wanted more).
Edit: ok this actually just got updated even though it’s marked as complete, so ig it’s still ongoing?? Maybe???
New Day Dawning - IncompleteSentanc (Erava) || ao3 || narusaku || T || captured || complete
One day, while visiting the grave of Nohara Rin, Obito stumbles across a young girl terrifyingly like her. He decides to ensure she doesn’t meet the same fate. As for Sakura? Sakura had no idea what she was awakening the day she went to visit her parents graves - but she never looked back. One way or another.(Feat. Sakura raised by Obito and the Akatsuki, and her eventual return to Konoha and all those she left behind)
Sakura is brainwashed and manipulated, but loved by notorious killers nonetheless. Incredibly well written and I won't lie when I say that the ending took me a bit by surprise.
Your childhood home is just powder-white bones (and you'll never find your way back) - Dovey || ao3 || gen || M || captured || complete
Sasuke is not the only one who worries he's getting too comfortable in his genin life. Itachi decides to add another motivator to Sasuke's revenge plans by kidnapping the teammate who wasn't a charismatic Jinchuriki. Sakura is used to being an objective for those around her, not a person, but even for her this is a little much. In which Sakura is held captive and learns what a genjutsu specialist can do to a person's mind, that sharks can actually make great friends, joins a dying clan, and gets regifted multiple times before she's finally strong enough to fight back. *while this fic contains explicit and graphic torture, there's no sexual assault.
Okay, this was actually a really hard read for me. We truly see Sakura's decline in this as she slowly loses her mind and it is very frustrating to see what has happened to her. Nonetheless, it is extremely well written and great is you want something dark.
Freedom in the Eyes of Another - Oroburos69 || ffn || gen || M || captured || complete
The Wave Mission was a failure. They got caught, captured, taken-it didn't end well. Now Sakura has a half-heard order, uncut fingernails, and more desperation than bravery. One way or another, she's getting Team Seven out today. Complete.
I actually can't believe that I forgot to add this the first time I wrote this list! Anyway, team 7 is captured on the mission to Wave and Sakura takes Kakashi's mumble and runs with it! Pretty interesting as we get some nice team bonding and there are some other popular character appearances too.
Like always, please send me recs if you have any!
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fosterworks-art · 10 days
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Thought WAY too hard about undergrad Phoenix, and now Amazon thinks I'm a lawyer.
Commissions || Store || patreon || Webcomic
Just in case you can't read my handwriting, please look below for the notes. The below notes are a tad differently written + there may be some extra info I couldn't put in the sketches.
Page 1 - 18 y/o Phoenix
He majors in Criminology and Studio Art. So his main courses are Criminal Justice & Criminology, and Drawing.
He disappeared sometime after DL-6 and showed up with short hair, living in a duplex.
Studying to be a prosecutor - or cartoonist. His reasoning to becoming a prosecutor is unclear, he gives different answers (He can't do math, money and respect, it's a good job), he does genuinely want to help people through prosecuting, though.
Larry and Phoenix haven't seen each other for eight years, but did exchange letters.
For Larry, I wrote a couple notes for him: Going from job to job (and girl to girl) - Pretty good with tech and mechanics. That's a reference to the Thinker clocks, because it's impressive that he made them.
Page 2 - 19 y/o
Poker Hobbyist
Draws and sells card decks (and doujinshis)
People say he has a great poker face.
Also super friendly, just a doormat.
Friends don't know much about him and he doesn't talk about himself much.
He didn't remember Miles or the class trial until he saw the newspaper
That's when he decides to switch from being a prosecutor to being a defense attorney.
It doesn't change much about school.
Page 3 - 20 y/o
He's been taking summer classes this entire time. So he's a senior by 20.
He's a hard worker, and very tired. But he needs to meet Edgeworth asap.
Starts shrimping
People generally know him as a sweetheart and a softie, and a doormat. His classmates also realize that he could be a bit mean.
Heard about the Armando poisoning, but believed it was a different Dahlia Hawthorne. The one he was dating wouldn't harm a soul.
He trusted his girlfriend more than anyone, but never showed his true face until their last date. (He wore makeup and colored contacts throughout high school and college, only Larry knows what he really looks like.)
Couldn't see each other much, because they were both so busy.
Page 4- Born April 11th, 1993
This is what he looked like before the Doug Swallow trial. I just wanted to draw him when he wasn't sick, because the mask would cover the makeup.
(Just pretend I know what I'm doing with the hospital drawing)
Phoenix's 21st Birthday Presents
Not Guilty verdict
Hospital Bill
Botched Surgery (awake, aware, remembered)
Aversion to chips, pills, and romantic relationships
Friend (Mia Fey)
He didn't stay in the hospital for long and refused medication.
Yes he was in excruciating pain. Yes he finished his exams.
He ate glass, he can take it.
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natspookie · 1 year
Nat x spidey-powers!reader (romantic or platonic up to you)
Got a couple ideas involving reader who is pretty happy just being a hero around NYC instead of an avenger going on big missions:
* Reader botches a stealthy takedown of some robbers in NYC. Gets a little roughed up (minor bruises and scrapes). Then asks Nat for lessons in "how to stealth"
* 4 times reader fails to sneak up on Nat. And the 1 time they succeed.
* Reader getting in over their head with something big happening in NYC and calls Nat for backup
Love your work! No worries if you don't vibe with any of these ideas. I just saw that you were looking for more. Thank you so much for sharing what you write:)
a/n, whennnn i tell you i grinned ear to ear at having a request heheeheh, thank you anon<333
i hope you don’t mind i mixed these requests a bit and write it in fem!reader ? if you want a gender neutral one lmk!!!
★ summary : 4 times reader fails to sneak up on natasha and the one time she does
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you tried to sneak up on natasha by tiptoeing your way through the compound. you smiled seeing natasha’s back faced to you in the middle of the kitchen, making her famous peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
“i heard you tiptoe from the entrance” you could hear her smirking “nattie!” you groaned, making your footsteps known and louder now. “try harder” she handed you a sandwich.
natasha is seated in the middle of your shared apartment with a glass of wine in her hand when she was flipping through the tv channels. you open the balcony door a little, squeezing through, when you hear natasha
“i heard your webs get tangled in the tree, dekta” “nattttt” you whined, sitting on her lap as you tucked your face into her neck. “try quieter” she mumbled with a laugh
“third time’s a charm” you mumbled trying to use your spidey senses to hear natasha walk through the hallway. you heard her pause before entering the library of the compound, where you were. you held your breath but she opened the door, clearly unsurprised you were hear.
“i heard you hold your breath” “natasha! why can’t you stop being a super spy for a second! i have the super senses” you whined “what’s the fun in that, spidey?” she laughed, shaking her head
you had come home too late when you tiptoed into you and natasha’s shared room, taking your mask off, wincing at the nasty scratch on your forehead.
“dekta?” natasha sat up with a frown, turning the lamp on “sorry nat, these guys were kinda tough” you laughed as you peeled the suit off “ow ow ow” you said as natasha tried to help “sorry” she muttered
you watched as natasha got out her first aid kid “take a shower will ya? i’ll clean it up after” you nodded, tiredly.
when you got out of the shower, natasha had laid out her pajamas for you.
you walked out of the bathroom ready to hear a handful from natasha. she patted your side of the bed and so you sat there. natasha disinfected the wounds carefully as you bit your lip. “dekta you need to be more careful, i’m serious. look at this…” she pointed to the open wound on your leg “this could get infected”
“i really tried to he careful nat” you said, teary eyed “you can always call me if you need backup okay?” she cupped your face, carefully leaning against your forehead as you nodded.
natasha sighs from the balcony of your shared apartment, watching the sunset. she wished you came back from all your ‘good neighborhood friend’ work. she mostly wished you didn’t forget it was your 1 year anniversary.
she twirled her hair around, leaning her head at the palm of her hand in hopes of catching a glimpse of you swinging through the city. just when she lost all hope, a loud squeal left her mouth as you swooped her body securely and swung through the city.
“Y/N DON’T DROP ME!” she squeezed her eyes shut as you swung through the city that never sleeps. “shh, you’ll be fine nattie, i’ve got you” you squeezed her thrice before landing on top of a building overlooking the brookyln bridge with spiderwebs saying ‘i love you’.
“i thought you forgot” natasha looked at the bridge in awe before turning around to see all her favorite food on a picnic blanket. “i should be hurt but i’ll let you go this once” you winked
“happy anniversary, my spider” natasha placed herself on your lap “happy anniversary nattie, i finally snuck up on you” “don’t gloat” she nudged your shoulder
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helena-thessaloniki · 7 months
Just dropping in to say that Silent Night has me in a chokehold I will likely never recover from and that you are awe-spiringly talented!! (new chapter is *chef's kiss*) I believe I speak for the damirae fandom when I say the wait for your updates is sweet torture and reading is an absoLUTE delight 🩷
If you don't mind questions ofc, I am super curious as to how you found damirae and got inspired to write for it! The DCAMU community size has nothing on popular anime fandoms, so I'd love to hear how it started 🥰 Your grasp on their deep and compelling characters is so immaculate (+ the heartwrenchingly articulate writing style??🩷) 😍😍 ugh love it to the moon and back!!
ahhh hi !! Thank you so much. It's pretty much terrifying posting a new story in a new fandom, so I really appreciate this. 🖤
yes! Always open to questions. :] the various algothirms must have targeted me, because I've always seen such great art for damirae, I didn't realize it was a smaller fandom and something of a rare pair on Ao3. Silent Night definitely draws inspiration from gorgeous artwork by @kasieli.
Looking back, there's a chance that damirae was my first childhood OTP? I grew up watching the early 2000s Teen Titans and shipped Raven and Robin before my little kid brain could properly understand anything about romance. I have not rewatched the show as an adult, but this is such a fantastic edit by @unlikely-alliance. I mean, it's a cartoon but their chemistry and closeness is out of this world.
Then sometime last year I got hit hard with the Marvel fatigue. (DC too, but admittedly, I didn't give the Titans live-action show a chance, too afraid they botched Raven.) The comics, movies, and animated shows were such a quintessential part of my childhood, so it was kind of upsetting to realize I was so tired and uninspired by it all. Trying to reclaim some of that old joy, I guess, led me to start rewatching Justice League and working through the DC catalogue on HBO/Max. Instead of watching in order, though, I went straight for the Teen Titans movies, knowing ahead of time from tumblr that Robin/Raven would be canon this time. 😏
Probably my writing of them is more inspired by the old cartoon, but we only get the complexity of Robin-Damian Wayne because of the DCAMU and I am so grateful for it. The way it makes them make so much sense as the only two people who could properly understand and deeply care for the other creates such a dream pairing.
Thank you again 🥰🖤 this is the most absolutely self-indulgent fic I have ever written and posted, I'm so surprised and grateful for such a positive response.
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chainsawcorazon · 2 months
i think the one thing i can agree with now is that there’s no real desire, creatively, to continue kon’s story. i think after geoff took over, they tried to build out a semi-new character that did end up working for the stories of its time, but couldn’t really work with new 52 or the rebirth initiative pre-bendis. which, to be perfectly honest, was probably the most cognizant decision they could have made since they were pushing super sons and uuuuh whatever it is they were doing with new 52.
i think what vexes me most is that they brought kon back and did genuinely give him thoughtful character development for a handful of years before shooting all of that dead for dark crisis and dawn of dc. i think it’s easy to hate on bendis but bendis did actually demonstrate that he’d read the broader canon, even if he didn’t necessarily CARE about it.
but he cared about kon plenty, which allowed kon not only to get a coming-home story with young justice and SPECIFICALLY his relationship with bart, but also positioned jonathan and martha as the true ‘parents’ of kon, and not some botched ‘is clark my daddy or lex.’ like yeah, he still shared luthor and clark’s dna, but he’s JONATHAN AND MARTHA’S son, which only makes sense if you see the way adults have constantly failed kon throughout his solo until he finally found his forever home with the kents.
for all of that to be squandered by the trash in dark crisis and the softboot in superboy the man of tmrw, im convinced that kon is just too complex as a character for anyone to really want to grow him using his established canon. truly a victim of the forgotten generation.
and i don’t wanna pretend like not reading the old canon is the only part of the problem. i genuinely think characters like kon and bart simply don’t fit into the ‘clean’ narrative they want to push to promote their one hundred liveaction movies and their latest era of comics. dc’s regressed so much as a creative unit.
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Do you have any ideas/tips/tricks on running a campaign with (former?) bandit-likes as the protagonists? Inspired by your deep dive on the archetype, kinda had ideas of 'main prophecied adventurers are slain by the party, have to take over for the prophecy so as the world wont explode', but if you have alternate ideas or ways to spruce it up, super open.
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Adventure: Where the Low Road Leads
Through unworthy means the sword has come to you, and with it you grip a destiny that some part of you knows is too glorious for your dirty hands. You can't help but think perhaps this is your chance to be remembered for anything other than an ignoble end.
The Sword can come into possession of the party in any number of ways:
As the original asker suggested, it would be a great opening for an evil or dark-grey aligned party to pull it from the bodies of a group of adventures or bountyhunters who were hired to stamp them out. If I were running this as the start of a campaign I'd have the story pick up shortly after the fight and subsequent looting has taken place, to ensure your anti-heroes are set on the right course.
Alternatively the sword could very easily be found in a treasure horde, picked off a corpse lost in a the wilderness, or bestowed upon them by some wellmeaning patron.
All that matters is that the sword finds them, and then shortly after that the dreams start: Pitched battle in darkened corridors, a few valiant warriors standing against an onslaught of robed figures and formless horrors, warriors bearing the same amber and knot design that decorates the hilt of the sword's crossguard. The last echoes of a desperate struggle.
After one or two of these visions a strange messenger arrives: Jott, a boisterous homunculus delivering a greeting and a communication stone from his master Telbhar the Wizard. Mostly bound to his far off tower these days, Telbhar is relieved beyond measure that he managed to tack down whoever was in possession of the sword, as it is the keystone in a great undertaking he has been involved in since his youth.
As Telbhar explains, back when he was but an apprentice he and his teacher served a now extinct group known as the Order Fulgoric, who battled many evils in their day but perished preventing an incursion from an unknown otherworldly entity. The blade, Sequester, was crafted to shut out that entity forever, but it was lost in the final rout against the entity's cultists and though the ritual of its summoning was disrupted, the entity ended up half in, half out of our reality, bleeding out its corruption into the world.
Challenges & Complications:
As you may have guessed, Telbhar is not being completely forward with the truth. He was in fact one of the cultists trying to summon the otherworldly entity on the day the Fulgoric order made their final march, and though he fled while his fellow acolytes were being slaughtered he retained enough of their knowledge to reconstruct the ritual many years later. It didn't matter, the Order had succeeded in trapping the entity between worlds and the only way to un-trap it was lost with the sword. Telbhar spent decades searching for it... only for it to resurface in the party's possession. Now he either needs to convince them to bring it to him, or find a means of picking it off their corpses.
The entity the cultists were attempting to summon was a powerful quori dreamspirit known as Uaxt, which was spoken of by ancient sources as a thing capable of granting wishes. Called "Yearning beyond reach" by those that studied it in the past, the entity's true power was in mass delusion, creating waking dreams that would seep across entire kingdoms like a plague. While its body remains entwined through the depths of the dungeon, flash fossilized by the energies of botched planear travel, its mind is imprisoned in the blade, slowly taking root in the party's minds as it uses their dreams to reconstitute itself.
Consider introducing Telbhar when the party is in a deep bind, most in need of wizardly council. It should not be directly related to the sword, alternatively, if your party ends up wanting to seek out a lorekeeper of some kind you may consider introducing Telbhar first and have him ask them to seek the sword in return for helping them with their current woes.
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adobe-outdesign · 8 months
Could you review the ixi?
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Briefly limited edition for a very short period after their release, Ixi are mostly just goats, and there's really nothing fancy about them beyond being goats (unless you want to count the collars). They are pretty nicely designed goats though, with distinct eye shapes, lots of black accents on the hooves, eyebrows, and horns, and some nice markings around the face and muzzle that really help to break up the body.
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I also like the personality Ixis have, being mischievous and sort of sassy. This was more obvious in their old circle art, but you still get it a bit from the converted version as well. It's fun and helps make them stand out.
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This might be a controversial Hot Take(TM), but I'd argue that Ixis mostly benefited from customization. The old art was just a bit janky all around—the circle pose mostly looks good, but the default happy poses could look kind of off. The converted version cleans up a lot of that, removing things like the second fur tuft on the head that's too close to the horn to be noticeable, the unpleasant lines around the mouth, the shaggy fur lines, etc.
It also refines some aspects, like giving the lighter tail tip an outline to match the rest of the lighter areas and fixing the hind torso, which was all kinds of screwed up on the original art. It also improves the eyes so they're closer to being the same size (it still looks a smidge off to me, but it's at least better). The shading is also less messy (what was up with that pink reflective light on the tail?), the eyebrows have been thickened to match the other black areas more, and it's easier to make out aspects of the design.
Another benefit is that the collars can be removed. I do think Ixi collars look better than Aisha collars (mostly because they can be interpreted as chokers when anthropomorphized, and they at least match the color of the eyes), but it's nice to have the option to remove it if one wants to.
However, there were a few things that don't look as good—namely, the head is both a bit too big and too wide compared to the original, giving it a weird rectangle shape that doesn't quite feel right. Here's a super quick edit of the converted version to try to get the point across:
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Also, for some reason the chest fur also stops below the collar instead of under it, and the red Ixi's mouth is no longer the lighter shade like it is on every other Ixi. The sideways hair ruffle at the top is also weird due to them adding a line underneath. So overall an improvement—but not perfect.
Favorite Colours:
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Mutant: What a great color! It's just messed up enough to look properly mutant-y, with the fangs, mismatched horns and ears, bipedal stance, spots, and a long, drooping tail. The color palette is subtle and muted, and it's detailed but still completely coherent as a whole. This design also didn't change with customization at all, so it's still as enjoyable as it ever was.
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Grey: I already covered this one a bit in my grey color review so I won't get into it much here, but this color is great. The customized version is so-so (good as a neutral base, but the eyes look a bit weird due to lack of top lids), but the UC version is beautiful with its forlorned expression, huge droppy ears, and pretty dull red accents. Even the collar is drooping!
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Robot: Converted robot Ixis unfortunately aren't very good—yes, they have to proportionally match the default base, but the chunky round legs, overly large head ridge, and completely botched shading look pretty bad. It looks weirdly rubbery in a really unpleasant way. On the plus side, the unclothed version is terrifying, so it has that much going for it.
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However, the UC version is fantastic! It has a super sleek design that manages to look unusually elegant and cute for a robot pet, with a subtle dark green and black palette and high-contrast red eyes. There are lots of good details in there too, like how the neck matches the legs and ears.
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muddyorbsblr · 2 years
lavender haze
See my full list of works here!
Summary: When a video of you and Loki goes viral, the world weighs in on your relationship. One comment in particular grates at Loki because it came from your mother.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: some angst; mentions of firearms, explosions, and axes at the beginning; light cussing; shitty parenting [let me know if i missed anything]
Things to be aware of: slightly insecure Loki hours
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"Romanoff, your 5 o'clock!!" you bellowed from behind your cover, aiming at the head of the mercenary three feet away and sneaking up with an axe aimed at her head. You pulled the trigger before he could pull back and throw. 
The Russian looked back at the fallen mercenary and then at you, nodding once as both acknowledgement and gratitude. You peeked from behind the still upright slab of broken wall you were using as cover, firing at the mercenaries once more, trying to get them to at least stop firing at Nat so she could get to the case of botched super soldier serum that the group had somehow acquired. 
You heard a muffled call of your name vaguely somewhere behind you, but with the mercenaries now firing at you, you couldn't really afford to look back. When you ducked behind the wall once again to reload your pistol, you heard the sound of a much larger weapon firing and headed for your direction. 
"Y/N!!" You turned your head in the direction of the loud cry of your name, finding Loki charging toward your direction, his arms outstretched pointed at something to your right. When you looked, you were floored to be three feet away from a rocket pointed directly at you floating midair, surrounded by the unmistakable green of your boyfriend's magic. 
He made quick work to turn the trajectory around back to the shooter before running toward you and shielding you both from the explosion with his cape. "Are you alright, darling?" His hand cupped your face, thumb stroking your cheek, almost making the world and the chaos around you fade away. 
"I'm fine." You held the side of his face, pulling him until his forehead was leaning against yours. "Mischief, I'm okay. Go. Finish the mission, remember?"
"You are more important to me than this mission. I'm bringing you to the exfiltration point. Now, my love." 
"We can't go. Nat's still there. Getting the serums. I have to cover her. She's my partner—"
"And you're my priority," he insisted. You gave him a look, as if pleading that he see your reason, making him sigh. "You cover Agent Romanoff. I will cover you." 
"Thank you." You pulled him towards you and he wrapped his arm around you as he pressed a quick kiss to your lips. "I love you." And then you turned back and began to shoot at the mercenaries again.
"I'm clear. I got the serums," Nat's voice rang through your earpiece. 
"I'm clear, too. Let's go." 
When you three got back to the Quinjet, you were greeted with one smirking Tony Stark. "You two chaotic lovebirds," he said, pointing a finger between you and Loki. "A bystander took a video of you two. Kissing. You're going viral." 
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criticalhitavengers: Hold on. Y/N and Loki? Yeah. No. Hard pass. Babes you can do so much better than him. thorshammerjonathan: Loki saving Y/N from a literal missile? Hot. I approve. Loki kissing Y/N and seeing her mouth "I love you"? He should have turned the missile toward me I think a part of my soul died. Why him? I'd rather she dated Bucky than him. avengingmomma: Y/N, I'm so proud of you for becoming an Avenger but why did you have to go and date Loki? Thor was right there, sweetie. It's so disappointing to have to see you settle.
The words on the screen had barely bothered Loki until he saw the last comment. The motherly tone used to address you didn't sit right with the god, as if you were so familiar to her, and she believed that she had the right to speak to you like this. 
And to bring his brother into the conversation was below the belt. He knew that you held no affection towards his brother, and that Thor in turn held none for you beyond friendship, but the thought always haunted him that one day you would desire to be with somebody…less tainted. Someone who hadn't caused the death and destruction that he both directly and indirectly did.
Someone less hateful, less spiteful, less…Loki.
"Sweetie?" Your voice broke him out of his spiraling thoughts. "Are you alright?" 
The question poured out of him before he could stop himself. "What was your mother's name again?" 
"Audrey Y/L/N. Why? Did she do something?" Your line of questioning felt unusual, as if there was this level of distrust already between you and your mother. Even stranger, that tone gave him enough comfort to simply pass you his phone so that you could have the context behind his question. 
"It seems she has some opinions about our relationship." 
You let out a frustrated sigh. "Fucking Christ, this again? She really doesn't know when to let something go, huh." 
He took hold of your hand as you positioned yourself next to him on the bed, laying your head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around you, stroking your side gently. "What do you mean 'again', darling?" 
You handed him back his phone and draped your arm across his waist, absentmindedly starting to trace indistinguishable patterns on his skin. "She's been on this since 2012." His hand stilled its movements, fingers splaying over your stomach. "Since the Battle of New York. I was in college, and your faces were all over the news. At that time she was pestering me for not having a boyfriend and giving me a hard time over having 'impossible standards'--"
"To be fair, my love, if we will be considering our current situation, your standards seem to be a thousand years old, not of this planet, and…well, a god." His quip made you cease your pattern tracing on his skin as you held on to him tightly and tucked your face into his chest trying to muffle your laugh; meanwhile he let out his own set of chuckles as he held you tighter against him. "I would say that your standards seem difficult to reach." 
As you let out even less restrained laughs against his chest, he could feel his heart swelling with love for you. He felt such a comfort being able to speak so freely without you judging him, especially without you telling him to stop talking. And to have you receiving his words the way he intended? Listening to him? He had no inkling on whether you knew how much he treasured this very moment with you. How he wanted to immortalize it in his memory as a moment of light if ever he found himself wandering towards the darkness ever again.
When your laughter subsided, the god felt his heart pick up as you placed a kiss on his chest before asking, "Where was I again?" 
"Impossible standards," he prompted you, leaning in to press a kiss to your lips as you looked up into his eyes. 
"Right…well she saw your brother's face on the news and she said something along the lines of wanting me to end up with someone like Thor." His body went rigid at the very thought. "I told her that he wasn't my type. He was too…muscly, too clean cut, too simple. Too…Asgardian Barbie." Your analogy caused the god to break out in laughter once more, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "And then…she told me that if I were to ever meet any of you in person she was positivethat I would end up falling for blondie." You rolled your eyes to punctuate your opinion on your mother's botched prediction.
"And what did you tell her?" A smile grew on his face as he watched your cheeks grew pink at his question. "As much as I adore that color on your skin, my darling, now you've piqued my interest." He lightly poked your side, causing you to let out a stream of giggles. "What's going through your mind that has you so flushed, my precious little mortal?" 
"I told my mother, with my entire chest and with the adolescent indignance of my 18-year old self…Watch me meet them and end up falling for the brother." He felt like his heart had stopped at your words. He lightly grasped your chin, urging you to look at him, and he was floored at the sincerity and the love shining in your eyes. "I suppose even back then I knew." 
"Knew what?" At this point he was surprised there was even any air in his lungs.
"One look at you and I knew there were no standards. There's just you." You placed your hand on his shoulder and he pulled you closer towards him before proceeding to gently rolling you over to your back and reversing your positions. Once he was hovering over you he captured your lips with his in a tender kiss, his hand freely roaming your body, relishing in the soft muffled whimpers coming from you reacting to his touch.
"I love you," he murmured against your lips as you gasped for breath. "My darling girl." 
"And I love you, my absolutely perfect standard-defying god." You pulled him to you for another kiss. "So don't listen to anything anyone says about us. None of them matter. Not even my mother. I will love you until my final moment. The day I stop loving you is the day I stop breathing. Not a day sooner." 
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Considering how inactive you were on social media, the world was floored to open Instagram one day to find a video from you, sitting in front of the simple backdrop of the black bedroom wall, with your hair down in soft waves instead of the tactical braid that most of the world saw when you were out in the field and wearing simple makeup as if you were about to make an announcement.
Which you were.
"I understand that…many of you who follow me and the rest of my fellow Avengers have been expressing your opinions about my relationship. We'd never felt the need to publicize the knowledge of said relationship, but considering the video that went viral a few days ago, we now feel the need to let it be known. Yes, I am in a relationship with Loki. And for anyone who has any strong opinions about that, I just want it out there that you can shout it to the high heavens all you want, but the fact of the matter is there's no one better, and there never will be anyone better. Not for me. 
"But in truth most of your opinions don't matter, and this video is not intended for the majority of you. This is just for one of you. Mother? Audrey? Back the fuck off. Your sentiments were annoying ten years ago and they're downright exasperating now. I am in love. And I am over the fucking moon with happiness. And nothing you say online or off is ever going to change that. But since I do have a modicum of respect left for you, I will do this." 
You tucked your hair behind your ear, making sure that there was more than ample time for the viewers to see the emerald engagement ring on your finger. Then you kept your hand tucked under your chin at such an angle that the ring was still in plain view.
"So that you don't have to be front and center of an event that you believe will be so disappointing for you, you're not coming to the wedding. You don't get to walk me down the aisle and pass me on to the man I love. That honor? Will be Thor's. Have the day you deserve." 
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A/N: I've had this story planned out for a while now…like weeks ago, but the minute I decided that this untitled oneshot was going to be named 'lavender haze' because of the song from Midnights, the words started flowing and now it's finally here.
Fun fact (or not so fun fact depending how you look at it): the whole "watch me fall for the brother" is an actual thing I said to my mother back in 2012 when the first Avengers movie came out and she was hell bent on getting me to crush on Thor. So I told her "we can return to this conversation in ten years and my answer will stay the same. In fact no, we can come back to this in ten years and I'll tell you I ended up falling for Loki."
And now we're here. In 2022. Hi, Mom 🤣🤣🤣
Everything: @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @imalovernotahater @mygfloki @lucylaufeyson3 @thomase1 @springdandelixn @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @laliceee @xorpsbane @gigglingtigger @silverfire475 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @vickie5446 @salempoe @lokixryss @sinsandguilt @lokidbadguy @alexakeyloveloki @glitterylokislut @arch-venus25 @freefrommars @littlemortals @cakesandtom @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @peaches1958 @huntress-artemiss @lilibet261 @iobsessoverfictionalmen @holymultiplefandomsbatman @lovingchoices14 @avoliax @devilsadvocactus @purplegrrl27 @lokiprompts @sititran @imherefortomhiddleston @ladyjames78 @stupidthoughtsinwriting
Loki: @calumance
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cyborgpulsebooks · 11 months
Pulse of Life Press 1st Anniversary - and an experiment!
It's been a whole year since I started this crazy artform! I can't believe it myself. The amount of books I've made in the past year has long since hit the double digits, and each and every one of them is incredibly important to me, flaws and all.
However, there was one book - my first book - that had more issues than the others, some that outright interfered with reading. Luckily I've been learning book repair at the same time as binding, but when I tried to fix some of the problems for Bernhardiner, it went...well... about as badly as it could.
What to do, then, with a ruined book? I didn't have enough decorative paper to completely redo the cover, with all the little dogs. But then I thought - why not leave the cover? I know how books work - I could pretty easily detach the whole case from the ruined textblock, make a new textblock, and just reuse the old case. It seemed like a sound experiment. Now, for the press's first anniversary, I have compiled most of the process under the cut, complete with pictures.
Please come along with me on this journey!
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This was the beginning of the process, after having slooowly and carefully detached the endpapers of the textblock (right) from the case itself (left). You might remember this from my recent shitpost! To loosen the adhesive and separate the two parts without ruining either one, I initially slid a bonefolder into the hinge area of the case, and then switched to a thin little boi called a microspatula to slip through the glue not unlike a letter opener.
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This did lead to some wear and tear on the boards of course, but it could have gone a lot worse. Most binders that I've learned from use a homemade wheat paste to attach case to textblock, but so far I have not been able to make it without the ingredients turning into an Oobleck-esque gelatin. Thus I use PVA glue, which is far stronger, and can lead to things like this. Still, not too bad. The case was successfully salvaged!
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Before I describe and show off the redux, I just wanna share a couple of the errors and mistakes I made on the first textblock here, as I usually try and photograph my books with the least amount of flaws visible. Here we can see, firstly, that the glue job on the spine was shoddy at best; none of it really got quite between the individual signatures of the book, leading to weird gaps like that which compromise the stability of the book and show off the spine liner/mull, to my dismay.
In the other two pics you can see page numbers where they're definitely not supposed to be. Ah, MS Word, you son of a bitch and your terrible, terrible pagination settings. Took me months and months to learn how to paginate my books correctly, up until about my FINAGLC bind.
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Not enough glue here on the pre-made endbands, either. It would sometimes fold under while reading, which wasn't super fun to see.
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Finally, the botched repair that started this whole journey - I had attempted to fix one of the gaps between signatures (seen earlier) with some Japanese repair tissue, but ended up sticking these pages awkwardly together and fucked up that little top part there. A nightmare!
For all the above reasons, I actually decided to go back to my original typeset and revamp it. I've gotten some... teasing in my binding groups for the fact that my first few books were set in Times New Roman (which I actually find satisfying to read, thank you very much), which apparently gives off a sort of amateurish vibe. I've been experimenting with body fonts since, and the two I reliably use at the moment are usually Sylfaen (for shorter, smaller books) and Baskerville Old Face (for longer books). I switched it to Sylfaen here, and you can compare and contrast the results far down below.
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Now, I'm not going to detail the entire bookmaking process here - just the interesting bits. If you want to learn how to make books, I highly suggest checking out @renegadepublishing's resources, as they're how I learned. But here we can see all the new signatures of the new edition nice and crisp and printed. In the second photo they've even been punched for sewing already!
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At the co-op where I print and sew my textblocks, I often get to use real nipping presses like this bad boy right here. It's entirely metal (iron?) and way too heavy to lift. Between the two scrap papers peeking out is the new Bernhardiner!
But at home, this is my current set up:
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Everyone, meet the eponymous Pulse of Life Press. POL Press, meet everyone.
A family member of mine made the wood part (obviously, a separate piece from the HS books) for me last Christmas, with no real knowledge of what a book press should look like at all. It's sort of a cross between what's known as a lying/finishing press and just some sort of regular old clamp. I line it with wax paper, stick the spine of the book in the center, tighten, and then cover the rest of the textblock with my trusty viz Homestuck books. It's a little MacGyver-y, but it's served me well.
This is the part where you glue the spine, attach the endpapers, and so forth.
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For this redux, I decided to continue practicing making my own endbands instead of using the same pre-made ones I had for the first copy. These ones actually came out pretty darn well, if I do say so myself! They're the absolute neatest I've made them so far, and that's a relief. Obviously I still need work, but it's so lovely making them. <3
After this, I actually don't have a lot of pictures! It's basically just press, attach the spine liner and glue again, press again, casing in, and then...
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Et voila!
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Lookin' pretty good, if I do say so myself.
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I didn't get exact duplicate photos of the original textblock's mistakes for a before/after, but you can probably just tell from these just how cleaned up the new one is. Rest assured those pesky out-of-place page numbers are long gone, and my spine gluing has gotten a lot better. I'm honestly just glad that it cased in so well - I was worried about that flaky board for a minute there!
And that's all. Thank you for coming with me on this little peek behind the scenes! Here's to many more books in the coming year - more to read, more to make, and more to write.
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thevondoom62 · 2 months
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Behold, DOOM! I have plenty of Dooms, but how can I say no to another? There was a lot I was liking about this in promo images, such as the redone hood and shorter skirt. Is it a worthy replacement of the already GOATed Super Skrull Doctor Doom?
Give or take some things, sure. It's roughly about the same, really. The main thing going for this one is the cloth cape... which I already replaced with a wired one. The stock cape is fine. I'll take it any day over a stiff plastic one. In terms of domestic line capes, I'd rank it squarely between the godawful straight piece of felt that was Masterverse Skeletor's cape and the really primo Black Series Darth Vader capes. It's not bad, but it could stand to be fuller.
The silvers were also duller and the armor straps weren't painted. I thought this was a bit of a downgrade, so I swapped the limbs and mask of a spare Super Skrull wave Doom I had lying around from a botched custom attempt. I just like the colors on this armor more, it's shinier.
The photoreal eyes are what seals the deal on this, it's a huge upgrade from the wonky eyes of the previous classic Doom head. The modern hood looks really good on that classic head too. I also like how they tweaked the sculpt so the hood impedes much less head movement and flows into the cape more naturally. Great job!
One final change is that the skirt is shorter. This frees up the hips, but not as much as I'd hoped. Getting them to move forward still feels harder than I'd like. Wish it were made of a softer or thinner plastic.
Overall, this is a really good Doom. With the mods I've made, I'd say it's the definitive one in Legends right now. Now that they've gotten so much use out of this mold, I'd really like to see them take a crack at a truly classic Jack Kirby style Doom next.
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wraith-caller · 7 months
this is something of a complaint post, not theory related.
I frequently(relative to the size of the fandom) see folks say they hope Miquella masterminded Mohg's kidnapping of him, because otherwise, he is 'reduced' to a helpless victim or damsel in distress. This is a super frustrating view and feels hastily applied. If Miquella was kidnapped against his will, this is simply ONE of many things that has happened to him in his life. If the game dwelled ONLY on this, then I could see the argument that he is reduced to a helpless victim. But it doesn't. The game is dripping with Miquella's influence. That boy has been at work EVERYWHERE. He turned his back on his father, who he was very devoted to, because his love and dedication for his sister was greater. He raised up a second Erdtree with his own blood in an effort to improve not just himself but the lives of the beleaguered and oppressed. He saw the curse afflicted on his beloved brother and sought a cure when no one else had answers or even a care. And he saw his own curse and rather than wallow in it, took proactive steps to try to resolve or mitigate it.
There is so much more to Miquella than 'kidnapped by Mohg'. The game is not 'reducing him to a victim' by having this terrible thing happen to him, you are. And this is what's frustrating because this perspective plays out in not just all kinds of fandom spaces, but in reality too. Bad things happen to people, but they are more than the bad thing that happened to them. Still sometimes all anyone focuses on is the bad thing, and nothing else of the person. It's exhausting to see this view perpetuated, and that there is this implication that there should be no victims in media(because then they are JUST a victim, right?), even though these stories are just as worthy of being told as any other.
I get that there are works which definitely botch this subject, but I also think people are really quick to decide a character is being 'reduced to a victim' when the truth is, you are the one who can't see past that to the whole of the character.
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how the fuck was Steven supposed to kill the diamonds? With the crystal gems a team consisting of like 8 people? One is a human girl with a sword, another is a random technician and another is a disabled soldier? With the breaking point? The diamonds are huge and have insane powers they could use to protect themselves with ease so...and if somehow he did find a way to kill them- what would the aftermath be? What would happen to the corrupted gems? The system on homeworld wouldn't have changed, they'd still kill the off colors, they'd still be colonizing planets etc. would spinel still be waiting never knowing anything about what happened to her friend? Like what would have happened- 'oh the diamonds will probably go right back to killing people if Steven let them live and therefore Steven will be responsible for all the blood on their handa when that eventually happens, it's also unjust and toxic that Steven forgives other peoples abusers on their behalf we always let the colonizers have redemption arcs and portray the people they hurt as villains for fighting back' yeah okay, you cop Steven is a moral failure who is guilty of colonization and hes an abuse apologist who ignore the victims and demonizes them(where we watching the same show? Did we not see Steven try to help centipetle? Did we not see him break down over the cluster- could Steven had forgiven the diamonds for the sake of the victims? I do give some shit to Steven for how he acts about rose but even then he's a teenage with PTSD)-The situation also changed from 'homeworld gems are coming back to earth after the war to create a geo-weapon, they thought they won the war and didn't care about colonizing the earth anymore' to 'now they want rose quartz to hang for as justice for what happened to pink diamond' to 'pink diamond faked her death and her attempt to escape the abuse and evils of her home ended up turning her friends into monsters and her deciding to die to create Steven has led her sisters trying to drag her back to homeworld to uphold the horrible caste system' no more going after earth the way they used too, now the conflict was personal.
su's ending was bad- it felt hollow rushed and like so much happened but also like not enough was happening- it was a mess but also, su is about restorative justice and changing unhealthy family dynamics, and that's actually great. I get pissy about Steven Universe's ending-lapis, peridot, lars and bismuth were completely irrelevant the complaints i have about white diamond are the exact same ones i have about the collector (i hate them both) the movie piled more shit onto rose's bad rep sheet when it was really unnecessary and the show only portrays the perspective she was a brat which was great at the start but once you see how internalized she was and that shes an abuse victim the show should have portrayed her more empathetically, and if we wanna talk about the show as a whole- i hate that shattering can be reversed fully now and that jasper didn't stay dead as much as i love her, i hate that the show never acknowledged how toxic sadie was toward lars (kidnapping him and steven the donut prank- lars was a dick but sadie was a psycho) or how its hard to defend pearl after they made her a total creep (even if you don't read fusion as sexual its still super uncomfortable to see pearl lie to garnet like that and take advantage of something that meant so much to garnet) and i dislike that peridot lost her edge and the episode "too far" pissed me off (amethyst you encouraged peridot to be mean and call garnet a slur, pearl a braindead slave and Steven an affront to nature but when she made an accidentally ableist remark while trying to compliment you that's when it became a problem?). Su botched a fuckton of its messages and the filler was hit or miss in terms of quality and a lot the hate was Deserved (it did get uncomfortably sexual when it came to certain fusions- and rebecca sugar being Jewish bi, nonbinary etc doesn't exempt them from criticism- it felt perverted in several parts and rocknaldo was a worthless episode though if I hear another anti-Semitic take on this show im gonna flip- y'all don't know what Nazism is please stop using that word without understanding it) but I while I have my complaints about the ending I think Steven changing the diamonds minds was the only appropriate way for the show to end, the show always was about making amends or living life after the carnage had settled without focusing on vengeance/perpetuating the cycle of violence it was always about seeing nuance and not seeing you people you come into conflict with as enemies. I'm not angry at the diamonds being redeemed, I hate how it was handled, I'm not angry at the show for saying bismuth was wrong I hate how it was handled she deserved better but Jesus christ can we stop acting like the only appropriate way the show could have ended is with Steven 'realizing pacifism is bad and killing the abusers/colonizers is the only answer' because fuck diplomacy and systemic change-
also Steven is fully willing to use violence, Steven would pick up a gun and shoot to before batman or aang would ever if it meant saving his world (this isn't me shitting on those characters just pointing out Steven isn't that extreme of a pacifist) and Steven carries a lot of anger as we see in su future (whether or not you think it's a hot mess it's canon) while i don't think he hates the diamonds he definitely resents them and is afraid of then but holds back (until he ya now gats... Way worse mentally), he wants to fix the system not get justice or vengeance or make huge moral judgements where he is in the right when he hurts others- steven isn't an abuse apologist who believes him self morally superior (he actually kind of is afraid of that) he isn't afraid to use violence if he seems it necessary (he's a diplomat and his skills lie in talking things out- of course he'd go to that first) he cares a lot of about the victims of the diamonds and people who have been hurt- even if they hurt him. Steven is deeply flawed his martyr complex reveals him to be incredibly entitled and desperate to be in control and for others to be hurt or bad so he can fix their problems so he can feel good about himself and deals with a lot of guilt and by future he has developed anger issues- but he always cared about others that's why he did what he did and does what he does
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cboffshore · 5 months
Little random game: Name a season for each of the ninja where they most had their potential wasted by the story and explain why :3
I... would not qualify this as a little game, honestly, but I'll try to keep it short (because I'm on my way to bed but if I don't get this done now I may never do it)! It might also not be the MOST wasted potential for each character, but just what comes to mind for each of the main six. Below the cut we go. TLDR: Everyone needs a little more time and thought.
For Lloyd, I'm inclined to say Crystalized - although quite frankly this could be for EVERYONE. I give this to Lloyd specifically because he's supposed to be the Main Special Boy here and the season has too much happening to let it work. Yeah, they tried to bring Harumi back, but if you botch THAT angle you're SOL... it could have been so cool. The scrapped Last Spin concepts HAUNT ME.
Kai... hmmm. Off the top of my head I can't actually think of a full season, but I think I can give him the first half of Crystalized. They did him relatively well in Seabound, but then Crystalized hit and he just... Vanished, kinda? In a character development sense? I think we all agree he could have had some KILLER stuff going on if the writers let him show his own grief a bit more (to be fair, however, I do sort of think the reserved bottle-upper of emotions thing they accidentally wrote him into suits him... though I couldn't quite explain why).
Nya. Oh, jeez. You already know I'm saying Skybound, because here's the thing: what she has happening there is FASCINATING, but again, it suffers from the Crystalized problem where too much is happening and any attempts to balance her out feel awkward. I love what she's got going on! I love her arc of learning to balance her independence versus her need to collaborate with her team! I love the development she does get, but it does get somewhat glossed over... Screw it, Jay gets this one for his answer too. I also love what he's got going on: learning to not be so weird to/about Nya and how to balance his desires with the needs of his friends and the world he's responsible for, and learning how to step up and take charge and avoid joining Nadakhan's downward spiral. Again, though: too much happening overall to really let it glow. I love how his story complements Nya's and how their arcs fit together, but they're almost too strong together and cancel out a little in terms of intensity. These stories would definitely have benefited from having more time to play out. Like, WAY more time. Shame about those deadlines and sales seasons.
Zane and Cole: I have to admit these aren't characters that I think about that much unless they're at the forefront of something (for example, without spoilers, I LOVE how they've been used in Dragons Rising so far!). That being said, I honestly can't name a season, because they're not my faves that I follow super closely. Of course I love them, but not to a laptop-bitin' analytical degree, so I'm afraid I don't have an answer for either of them.
Thanks for swinging by, anon!
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