#so this is the answer you get 🤷🏼
mintedwitcher · 4 months
I think that this episode showed without any doubt that Eddie loved Shannon. He didn't love the idea of her, he didn't just do the right thing, he isn't a closeted case because he married young to the first girl he has been with, he loved her deeply. He only figured it out too late, when he couldn't love her like she deserved and that's is what he's lamenting. I think the fandom gives Shannon so much sh!t. They often act like she was the most horrible person, like she left her son because she was tired of him not because Eddie never put her and her needs in mind at all.
Eddie deserves to be loved and he made a lot of mistakes that don't define him, but it's also unfair to act like he was without faults in their marriage. But Shannon, she is loved and she is understood. I think it's time the fandom let go of the idea of "perfect, victim Eddie" and recognise that Shannon too was only human. (Obviously this is an opinion and you're free to ignore it or disagree with it but as a disabled person myself I thought it's important to be said)
Say it again and say it louder nonnie you're absolutely correct.
Shannon and Eddie, despite their faults and failings, truly loved each other. I really believe that they were a case of "right person, wrong timeline."
They both screwed up, they both made mistakes. They both ran from one problem only to cause another. They were so young and under so much pressure, but underneath the fights and the arguments and the bitter words and the running... they loved each other.
Shannon was the love of Eddie's life. And Eddie, I think, was the love of Shannon's life, too.
We're quick to lay the blame on Shannon for leaving but I think people forget why she left.
She was being constantly criticised and torn down by Eddie's parents. Constantly belittled and berated and undermined when it came to caring for her own son. She didn't have anyone in her corner. And when Eddie got back, he was so twisted up and angry about the war and everything he'd done and seen and survived, he couldn't see how fast she was sinking until it was too late to pull her back up to the surface. They were both sinking. Both drowning under the pressure and expectations and obligations of their lives, their family that began all too early.
They both ran away.
But it's no coincidence that Eddie chose LA to run to. LA was where Shannon was. He didn't know where, or what she was doing. If she'd moved on. But he ran towards her anyway. And they collided, burning too bright with all of that love turned bitter through time and separation, and they burned each other, they burned out.
And still, when there was even an inkling of a chance to do it all again, Eddie grabbed it with both hands.
He loved her. He just didn't realise how much he loved her until loving her wasn't an option anymore. Until he lost her completely to something so much more permanent than a divorce.
They loved each other. They broke each other's hearts. They hurt each other. They healed each other. They're married. They're not exes but they're not together and there's no way to fix that.
And now Eddie has to go on living like that, somehow, for himself and for Chris and for the memory of the girl he fell in love with and the woman he married.
She was the love of his life. She deserves to be recognised as such.
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mooodyblue · 2 years
call me | 70s!elvis x fem!reader
summary: you and elvis meet at a time where he needs someone the most.
warnings: angst, gets nsfw at the end but not too crazy. mentions of pills, loneliness and idk it's kinda sad. sorry if i missed anything
word count: 3,029
note: written while listening to call me by kali uchis <3 i don't know why everything i write is always sad, maybe i'm portraying my own feelings on elvis. WHO KNOWS! i honestly wanted to write more to this but i needed to stop myself lol i skimmed through for errors so if i missed any, that's my bad. if i read my writing over again, im deleting it 🤷🏼 may contain inaccuracies. i write everything with the real elvis in mind but you could probably imagine aus!elvis if you wanted.
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elvis was grateful for everything in his life. he was happy to be able to make millions of people’s lives a little better by singing the music he loved. 
but god, he was so lonely.
going back to his hotel room, show after show, it was tiring. he loved performing but coming back to a quiet room after hours of social interaction left him feeling empty. of course, he would occasionally bring a girl to his hotel room but that was never enough for him. the sex was always great, but sometimes he just wanted someone to talk to. the women who came to his room never cared about talking, they just wanted him. 
he was having one of those nights. finishing up his final show of the month before flying back to memphis for a few weeks. he planned to leave in the morning so he could get a few hours of sleep before heading out. 
you happened to be staying in the same hotel elvis was staying. seeing elvis was a dream come true. it had been an awful week for you but nothing was going to stop you from seeing him, that's for sure. it was a chance for you to forget the real world for a little bit. 
oh, but of course something had to go wrong on this day. your stupid, little hotel key wasn’t working. that or the door was stuck. 
“well, i sure hope you're not tryin’ to break in my hotel room.” a man said in a strong, accent that sounded awfully too familiar to you. he walked closer to you, taking his glasses off. 
you looked up at him, then at the number on the hotel door. stupid, stupid, stupid. it was the wrong room. yours was next door. you had just tried to break into elvis presley’s hotel room. “oh….you're-i….i wasn’t-...it's not what it looks like-” you stammered. 
he laughed and pat you on the shoulder. “darlin’, don't even worry about it. i can tell by the look on your face that you got the wrong room.” 
“i’m so sorry, elvis. really! it's been a long week, i just wasn't paying attention.” 
elvis shook his head,”don't apologize. d’ya need anything?” he asked. you were taken back by the question, even if it was a simple one. how do you even answer that question? 
“i don't want to be a burden-”
“definitely not a burden. i can’t sleep after a show anyway.” he unlocked the door to his hotel room, “you did just try to break into my room, it's the least i can do.” he joked.
you wandered into his room, looking around. there were only a few clothing items hanging in the closet and the room seemed as if nobody was staying there, besides the various pill bottles you noticed on the side table. it did smell like him though, in a good way. 
“i never leave my room when i’m tourin’ except to perform. that's why there's not much to look at, sorry if you're disappointed.” he chuckled. he placed his glasses on the dresser and slid his shoes off, setting them aside. “make yourself at home! i’m gonna shower and freshen up.” you nodded as you watched him make his way to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
you sat on the edge of his bed, still wondering why you were invited into his room. you've read about the girls he brings into his hotel rooms, there was no way that's why he invited you in. you loved elvis, you thought he was very handsome but you weren't that kind of girl. it was definitely tempting to snoop around his room but you had too much respect for the man to do that. his personal business was not yours. 
he opened the bathroom door, glancing over to see if you were still there. you turned your head towards him, flashing a small smile at him as he ran a towel through his hair. 
“have you just been sitting there? you haven't even taken your shoes off! i promise i don't bite!” he hung his towel up and made his way to pour himself and you a drink. “unless you want me to, of course.” he grinned. 
“oh come on, you don't even know my name.” you giggled, slipping your shoes off. he handed you a drink and sat beside you. 
“alright then, what's your name?” he asked. 
“lovely name, y/n.” he took a sip from his drink. “so, y/n….” 
you turned your body slightly to look him in the eyes. “elvis…i-i hope you know i’m not that kind of girl…y’know that sleeps around. you're a very nice looking man but-”
his eyes widened at you, almost as if he was offended. “woah, wait a minute. who said anything about sleepin’ together?! i was just joking about the biting thing! you said you had a bad week, i thought you might wanna talk about it.  is that why you think i invited you in here?” he exclaimed. “i’m not all about sex, y’know!” 
ah–now you felt bad, you felt the heat from your cheeks turning red in embarrassment. “oh lord, i’m making a fool of myself tonight.” you muttered, drinking the entire glass he handed to you earlier. you don't even drink often and the liquid burned as it went down your throat but god, after tonight, you didn't care. “look, i’m sorry. apparently my big mouth continues to fail me.” you stood up. “can't keep a job, can't keep my relationships and apparently i can’t even talk to elvis presley!” 
he pulled you back down onto the bed next to him. “let’s just start over, sound good?” 
you nodded, apologizing again. “i’m sorry. i just–seeing you tonight was amazing. i lost my job last week, just got out of a awful relationship and all my friends have been avoiding me ever since. i was supposed to be here with my best friend but she won't talk to me so i had to come alone and to make things worse, i almost broke into your hotel room.” you sniffled. “i’m a disaster.” 
“don't say that.” he frowned. “first of all, if you hadn't tried breaking in here, you wouldn't be talking to me. second, you're not a disaster, don't ever say that about yourself. one bad week doesn't determine your whole life.” 
elvis stood up from the bed, walking over to the window showing the night sky over the city. he leaned against the wall, drink in hand while staring out. you couldn't help but stare at his tall figure, dressed in basic black pajamas with his hair still slightly damp from his shower. it was the most beautiful sight you've ever seen.
“i ain’t ever said this to anyone. but my heart is telling me to trust you.” he took a sip from his drink and continued to stare out the window. “do you know how many friends i’ve lost since….” he pointed outside. “all this? all these shows? all people ever want from me is money or expensive shit, nobody ever asks how i’m doin’” he stood there silent for a minute. “i finish a show, hop on a plane, do another show, sit in a hotel room by myself and just rot. that's all i do.” 
“but the girls-” 
he looked over at you. “the girls?” he scoffed. “gotta do something with all that adrenaline.” 
you looked down at your hands, still holding the empty glass that was handed to you earlier. the urge to pour yourself another drink was strong, but you were too nervous to get up from the bed. who would have known that someone who has made such a huge impact in music, was struggling so much? it broke your heart listening to him tell you his troubles, you could tell he had been holding it in for so long. 
you looked up at him again. “do you enjoy it?” 
“enjoy what?”
he sat in a chair in the corner of the room facing her. he sighed. “i enjoy making people happy.” you stood up and made your way to the spot he was standing in near the window, crossing your arms and looking down at him. 
“but are you happy?”
elvis had never really been asked that before. he didn’t know how to answer that question. to be honest, he wasn't unhappy. but he wasn't thrilled about how his life was going either. the colonel refused to let him leave the states, he was very much overworked and exhausted, but no matter how tired or how much pain he was in, he went on to perform a hell of a show for hundreds of people every night. seeing the fans happy is what brought him so much joy.
he sat there in silence, not looking at you, almost as if he was holding back tears. god, he was so overwhelmed. he didn't even know you and he was sitting here, opening up his more vulnerable side to you. “i don't know if i can answer that question.” he murmured. 
crouching down in front of him, his tear-filled eyes glanced up at you. “can i hug you, elvis?” he nodded, reaching his breaking point and letting tears fall from his blue eyes. you sat on his thigh and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, giving an awkward, yet comforting side hug. it was nice. the smell of old spice and aftershave giving you a sense of peace. 
“thank you.” he whispered. “i’ve been feelin’ so lost, so alone….i have nobody to talk to.” 
“do you have a show tomorrow?” he shook his head. “‘m going back to memphis tomorrow.” 
you got up from his lap and went over to the desk, reaching for a pen and ripping off part of a small hotel notepad to jot down your number. “if you need anything, and i mean anything…..i want you to call me. if you feel lonely or just need to escape for a bit, call me. i don't care what time it is or what day it is, please reach out to me.” you begged. 
he smiled at you. “i may just take you up on that offer.” 
a few days passed. there was no sign of elvis, you hadn't received any calls since you saw him that night. it was a little worrying. maybe he didn't like you or maybe he was embarrassed? you tried to not let it bother you.
you were back home in california, spending each day checking the papers for new job listings and trying to keep yourself busy. the only time the phone rang was when your so called best friend finally called you, apologizing and asking about the concert. there was no explanation for them ignoring you for so long so you didn't say a word about the night you had with elvis. 
the day was dragging on, it was hot and musty outside and the neighbors upstairs were arguing for the third time that evening. you were sat on the couch staring at the ceiling as a movie played in the background when the phone range. you turned your head towards the phone, almost afraid to answer it. picking it up, you nervously held it to your ear. “..hello?”
“is this y/n?” 
your eyes widened. it was him. “elvis?” you gasped.
you could hear a slight chuckle on the other end. “hi darlin’, sorry for not calling. once i got to here, i just slept and uh….” he cleared his throat. “i was embarrassed…about-y’know.” 
“not embarrassed enough cause you decided to call me” you joked. 
“well, you got me there.” he laughed. “i wasn't feelin’ all that great so, i thought i’d suck it up and finally give you a call. how are you doin’?”
the two of you caught up. it hadn't been that long since you first met but it felt much longer. you rambled on about your friends and not being able to find a job, he rambled on about the colonel booking more dates. 
“why don't you come down to memphis?” 
“oh elvis, i don't have that kind of money–”
“did you really think i was gonna make you buy your own ticket?” he interrupted. “i can get you on the next flight down here. i just really need to see you.” 
you didn't pass up on that offer. the flight was that same night, he had even arranged someone to pick you up and bring you to graceland. none of this felt real to you. you both spent nearly every second together, outside and inside of his home. he opened up to you even more, expressing his feelings about his mom, the colonel and the many friends who used him throughout the years. you told him about your hometown, how you didn't have many friends growing up and the struggle of keeping a job. it was like that for a few weeks. 
eventually, people were starting to question his relationship with you. it wouldn't be long before the colonel started getting involved, especially with the new vegas shows coming up. 
one morning, you were greeted by jerry, one of the few friends elvis trusted. he gave you a slight smile, wishing you good morning and asking how you've been. “i’ve haven't seen him like that in years, y’know.” he said.
you looked at him, puzzled. “like what?” 
“happy.” you opened your mouth to respond, but nothing came out. “and for once, it's not because of the pills.” 
you didn't see him much that day due to him being off recording an album, but you stayed at graceland, thinking about what jerry had said to you earlier. there was no denying it, you had feelings for him and you were positive he felt the same towards you. there was the occasional flirting and hand holding, maybe a few friendly kisses here and there but nothing more. now, it was just a matter of when elvis would confess to you his true feelings. 
he returned home later that night, lighting up when he saw you dozing off on the couch. you jolted awake upon hearing the door shut. “hi, doll.” he whispered. “sorry for wakin’ ya.” sitting up, you rubbed at your eyes and got up from the couch. “i didn't mean to fall asleep, how was your day?”
he shrugged. “the usual. ‘m just ready to sleep” he sighed. 
you hummed, stretching and wincing at the slight cracks your bones made. “i’ll let you sleep then, see you in the morning?” 
“actually,” he took your hands in his, “would you sleep with me tonight?” he asked. his hands were warm against yours, you felt your heart skip a beat. “okay.” you responded, not giving it a second thought. 
he took you to his room upstairs, you had been in there several times already but it was different this time. you sat in his bed and waited for him to return from the bathroom as he washed up. looking around, you couldn't help but notice the small bottle of sleeping pills next to him. he had always complained to you about never being able to fall asleep, maybe he just wanted some company tonight. 
you watched as he stepped out of the bathroom and into his bed, bracing yourself for the conversation you were about to have with him.
“i-i spoke to jerry this morning.” you mumbled. his eyebrows rose, “oh? was he sayin’ anything bad about me?” you let out a small laugh. “no, no. nothin’ like that.” you stretched your legs out, playing with the hem of his blanket. “he said you've been happy lately.” 
“i see.” he rubbed the back of his neck. “he said it was because of me.” you blurted out. elvis’s face turned red, “ah…that man..” he muttered, covering his face with his hands. 
you removed his hands away from his face, giggling at him. “c’mon, sweet boy.” his face turned even more red. “don't call me that!” he felt his heart flutter at the pet name. 
despite the many love songs he sang almost everyday, it had been awhile since he felt this much love for someone. he was absolutely, madly in love with you despite only knowing you for just a few weeks. your presence filled that emptiness that had been lingering in his heart for so long. 
he looked away from you in embarrassment. “you can be honest with me, it's okay.” you squeezed his knee. elvis turned his head back towards you, fiddling with his hands nervously. 
“i like you a lot, y/n. you breaking into my hotel room-”
“that was an accident!” you yelled.
“damn, honey! lower your voice!” he yelled back. “i’m trying to confess to you, let me finish! ever since that night, i haven't been able to stop thinkin’ about you. you don't know how bad i needed someone like you in my life…..baby, it gets lonely. i don't feel like that when i’m with you.” 
you cupped his face, staring into his eyes lovingly. “can i kiss you?” you asked, softly. “yes, please.” 
you wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing his beautiful, soft lips that you adored so much. he tasted like mint from the toothpaste he used earlier mixed with your cherry chapstick and you wouldn't have it any other way. 
you always imagined this day, but never once thought you'd ever get to kiss elvis presley. he always kissed fans during his shows. unfortunately, he missed you at the last show. but now you finally had your time and boy, was it worth the wait. 
he pulled you onto his lap, deepening the kiss. you rolled your hips against his, forcing a small groan to escape his lips. the two of you continued for a few minutes till he pulled away, breathless and looking at you, pupils blown and with lust in his eyes. “baby, if we keep goin’, i’m not gonna last long.” 
“mmm, i guess we'll have to find out, won't we?” you grinned.
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gulliblelemon · 15 days
For the fic ask game:
☉ what do you do when you get stuck writing?
✄ DVD BONUS: pick a fic and I’ll describe or write a deleted scene!
This one for WWLO :))
☉ what do you do when you get stuck writing?
Walk away! I’m not a consistent writer at all. Some days I’ll write nothing, some days I’ll write thousands of words. My brain doesn’t cope well under pressure, so if it’s not happening, it’s not happening. 
Unfortunately, I’m also not great at thinking about writing when I’m not actively doing it. So it means that sometimes I can go for ages and ages without being able to write anything at all. But… it’s the brain I’ve been lumped with so 🤷🏼
✄ DVD BONUS: pick a fic and I’ll describe or write a deleted scene!
This one for WWLO :))
I do keep hold of my deleted scenes! There are only three for this one though. One from Wille’s POV at the end of Chapter 3 (spoilers: after Felice's NYE party when they slept together for the first time), when I was still toying with idea of having alternating POV (I’ll put a snippet of that below the cut).
And I originally wrote a different epilogue (twice, once from Simon’s POV and once from Wille’s), of Simon waiting for Wille on the runway as he returns to Sweden. But I decided Felice’s party was a much better way to tie everything together, and also gave me an excuse to write them dancing together 🥰
Thank you for the ask!
I'm still answering these and these.
Wilhelm watched from a distance as Simon and Sara got into their mum’s car. He lifted his hand to shade his eyes from the weak winter sun that was still sitting low to the horizon. 
“Hey, Wille,” Felice said, appearing over his shoulder. “Did you get any breakfast?”
He shook his head, keeping his eyes trained on the small red car as it disappeared up the drive.
“Is everything okay?” she said. “I didn’t see you again last night?”
Wille waited until he’d lost sight of the car before pushing himself off the wall and turning to face her.
“I wasn’t feeling great, I went to bed early,” he said.
“Are you okay?” she said.
“Yeah,” he said. “I’m fine now. But I think I’m just going to head home if that’s okay?”
“Oh.” She sounded disappointed. “Do you not want breakfast?”
“No thanks,” he said. “I’d rather just go. But thank you. You’ve been a wonderful host.”
She smiled and reached up to hug him. “Okay,” she said. “I hope you had a good time.”
Nodding, he pushed down the lump in his throat at the memory of Simon’s face below him on the bed, his cross necklace dangling between them. “Thanks for the invite, Felice.”
She pulled back and smiled. “See you at the next stuffy event?”
He gave a soft laugh. “Yeah. Probably. Bye, Felice.”
“Bye, Wilhelm.”
He waved before turning and heading down to where his car was waiting for him. Taking a deep breath in, he opened the door and with one last look at the house he slipped into the back seat.
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bechloeislegit · 2 months
do you ever get discouraged to write and how do you keep going?
Dear Anon:
Thanks for dropping by and asking this question. I have to admit I had to take a little bit of time to flesh out my response; it was kind of a tough question for me because being discouraged is not something I really deal with. Anyway, here’s what I want to say in response.
Do I ever get discouraged to write?
Is it weird if I say I don't? I’m an optimistic person, and there isn’t much that discourages me from doing something I love. And writing is something I love to do; I especially love writing about BeChloe.
How do I keep going?
Let me start by saying I've had periods of writer's block, but I've never felt discouraged to write because of it. If the block hits, as it tends to do, I read some of my old BeChloe fics (or someone else’s) to relax, and the next thing I know, I'm writing a new fic. I guess you could consider that my way to cope and keep going; but I wouldn’t consider it as being discouraged.
Wow! That was a lot of words just to say No. 😏 Guess that’s just the writer in me taking over. 🤷🏼
So, the shorter answer: No, I don't get discouraged. And the main reason I keep going is that there are still BeChloe fans (of which I am unapologetically one) out there who want to read fluffy, smutty (not me), angsty, soft, multiple AU fics about them.
I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I hope I answered the question in a way that makes sense. Also, if you’re a writer and you feel discouraged, reach out; I’m a good listener and will do my best to encourage you to keep writing. We need as many Pitch Perfect (BeChloe) fans to keep going as we can get.
Thank you again for the Ask.
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dyouevendraw · 7 months
About me
So, I thought I’d probably be best to just make a pinned post with some info so I’m not just a void who throws art a a wall. (I’m probably gonna edit as things change) But here we go:
My tiktok is dyoueven
My instagram is dyouevendraw
My name is D, sometimes people still call me Fay, I don’t mind that either
I’m 22 years old
I use they/them pronouns, I’m fine with he/him too. I’d call myself nonbinary or even agender, leaning towards the masc side. It’s a struggle
Additionally to that, I am ace and my romantic attraction is 🤷🏼. I like androgyny and femininity if that says anything lmao
I have a hypermobilty condition, thus, my physical health is very inconsistent. Sometimes I feel fine for weeks, sometimes I can barely move my arms. Luckily, I don’t dislocate easily, I mostly get joint pain, pinched nerves, random bruises and badly healing wounds. Additionally, I seem to have a mild variant of long covid, which is making my lungs weak, so sometimes physical activities winds me badly even though it’s not hard work.
I am autistic and only found out around 2 years ago, thus, school burned me out! I was bullied by my teachers and they ignored all the signs of a struggling student, so I developed bad social anxiety (added by other events with former friends and general genetics probably). I took a year off of art to focus on getting a better mindset, and I guess I’ve been back since this year.
I am a clumsy and unlucky person, that’s why I say I am like Xie Lian a lot (send me a Hua Cheng)
I like k-pop. Currently, I like BTS, TXT, SKZ, LE SSERAFIM, New Jeans, Red Velvet and SHINee.
Other artists I like are: Tatsuya Kitani, Eve, The Oral Cigarettes, Vaundy, King Gnu, Queen Bee and MCR (what a mix)
Fandoms I’m in include(I’m sure I’ll add more danmei when I’m done reading them):
TGCF (I have beef with it but I’m deeply in love)
SVSSS (still reading, on volume 2)
Sometimes I like Marvel. I only care about Spider-Man and Loki
(Always open to suggestions for more things, especially when they’re queer🤠👍🏻)
I write my own stories and am working on an AU that includes many fantastical being, though I am not entirely sure if that’s ever gonna see the light of day bc I don’t see anyone caring about my writing lol (it already has 137.000 words I’m not even joking it’s not funny, why am I writing this)
I’m sure I’ll post more of my OC’s when I find the time. My favorite is Harumi, he’s the main character in the fantastic beings AU, as a werewolf
I am so sorry my humor is super trauma based, bare with me it’s okay to laugh at my pain, it’s how I process, I swear
My favorite food is anything indian (especially aloo mutter, I bathe in that), pizza (only the one I make), and (red) thai curry.
That’s the only thing that sets me apart from Xie Lian, I eventually did learn how to cook and apparently people like my food!! (I add cinnamon and chili to everything, maybe that’s the key?)
I love building lego and organizing things by category (why I didn’t get diagnosed with asd is beyond me, I’ve always been like that)
I mostly draw on an Ipad with procreate, but I wanna get into watercolor and copics too, I just feel like I’m wasting the suff when things don’t turn out how I wanted them to be
I am horrible at texting and get anxious over it
I had another account here I was running for years, but I was in a pretty icky fandom and didn’t want to associate with the reputation that came with it, thus, I left. I am not the stupid, hurt and depressed teenager I was anymore, and that’s great!
I am german, though, I speak English so much I might as well be a native speaker
That’s it for now, you can always feel free to ask my questions, my (anonymous) asks, submissions and reblogs are always open, I just won’t answer if you’re rude🤠✌🏻
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ohgodimafraud · 1 year
hello I come with 'anythings' if you'd like them <3 - What TYPE of dessert is your favourite? (follow up) what kind from that type? (as specific as you wanna get!) - Do you have a favourite place to hang out when you wanna do nothing? Or a favourite place to people watch? - If you need to get studying done, what helps you? What makes it worse? - If you were a bird for a day, what would you be excited to do? What would you not wanna do? - Is there a song stuck in your head? More than one? (follow up) If so, which one(s)? - Do you have anything you need so you can sleep? Is there anything that you can't stand while sleeping? - If you could have any meal free for the rest of your life, (every time you get it, it's free) what meal would you choose, and why? - What meal always makes you feel happy? Do you know why that is, and if you do, want to share the reason~? this is so long, so feel free to pick and choose, or answer all if you want!! Just a lil variety~ <3)
Tysm for asking these omg 🥺🥺🥺 you are so sweet fjdjdhjfj
Ahhh I can’t choose honestly. Maybe like puddingy types? Like I love getting rice pudding and flan and bread pudding at restaurants. Also love good ice cream in the summer
For hangout places I love the weeby stores by me!!!! There’s a spot I love that has rlly good ramen and snacks. I also love going to a specific mall and the barcade w friends. Always love GameStop too.
Omg studying 😭 thank god I’m done w college. If I wanted to get a masters tho 💀 omg. Ok hm. Def practicing. For some types of studying music can help. Other times it doesn’t. Having a specific area helped me like sometimes going to the library or sitting on the floor rather than my bed or in the living room. Having snacks or set goals for myself. Setting a timer could help. Working w ppl who would hold me accountable vs ppl who just wanna chill (less helpful)
Having the tv on is def a distraction or like trying to study passively. I don’t remember all the tools I used honestly. I probably would rewrite the info and give myself practice questions. I definitely struggled to pay attention looking back. Lots of my note docs would be almost blank bc I’d just start writing fanfic. I also attended zoom university for a bit so it was a wash. I sucked at studying in high school. My senior year was full of bs classes that I was actually interested in. I probably should get screened for adhd but my therapist was like you’re fine so 🤷🏼 w/e. I almost failed math sophomore year of hs bc I could not focus I would just draw mermaids in the corners of my notebook. My parents’ friend/a dif teacher tutored me and the one on one help is def the only way I passed. I took an easier class next year that I could bs my way thru and same for my senior year.
In college I’d be like bitch u don’t EAT until u do this math. U get NO free ice cream if u don’t do it >:(. U don’t get to do xyz until after. I will order DOMINOS if u actually try
I am v lucky to have a job I care about and can plan for. It’s like the fine dining and breathing SpongeBob thing. If I don’t care about it it’s thrown out and everything is on fire.
If I were a bird I’d be like omfg write that down WRITE THAT DOWN it’s going in the next h//awks fanfic. I would wanna fly. I’d maybe wanna visit ppl I care about. Like not to do anything creepy tho idek. I probs wouldn’t wanna eat bugs.
I found a way from drake and Josh and also flowers - Miley Cyrus
Haha I used to need the tv on to sleep at my parents’ house. I also used to have a much easier time w melatonin, weed, or alcohol bc I was constantly anxious there. 🥲 now I can lit sleep in absolute dark and w silence and don’t need any sleep aides. I love the lil fan I have blowing on my face and I love sleeping in the ac. I love my blankets I have some special ones and then a weighted one that is such a game changer. I hate when it’s too hot to sleep or too cold like I don’t like having to bundle. When I lived w my roommates they liked it really cold and I’d basically shiver until I finally crashed. W like a sweatshirt and sweatpants and socks and multiple blankets.
A burrito or burrito bowl bc whenever I was hella sad I’d go to qdoba and it would make me so much happier immediately. And whenever it was free it was an extra boost. I loved being able to choose everything too and like a lot of the staff knew what I was gonna say bc I was there a lot 💀💀💀
also my moms cooking is so good. like it’s soooo fucking fire it’s worth the drama just to come eat.
also I love sushi. I think I tried it for the first time w friends and it’s always a comforting food. same w ramen. if im like s*** or depressed it’s another go to. I used to get it a lot when I was working at this one job I hated
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sapphicslut777 · 10 months
Hello hello I'm your friendly neighbourhood ghost and I am a collector of spooky tales, folklore, Urban legends, cryptids and spooky experiences and I was wondering if you want to share your favourite one with me, and I hope you are having a wonderful day and hi 😳
hello!! it’s so nice to meet you @ghost-feratu 👻 i’m bug! ✨🦋 i will share with you the tale of a haunted motel that was once shared with me by some old man i nannied for in college…
he told me that while he was on vacation in dade city FL in the 60s/70s, he was driving down some freeway at night and needed a hotel to stop at. well he found this motel on the side of the road and he parked and left his two friends in the car, while he went up to the counter window thing.
he told me that this counter person was shrouded in the darkness and all you could see was their forearms/hands. he said that he asked to stay the night but before the person could answer if there were any rooms available, he had the feeling that he should turn around (like he was uneasy/felt unsafe)…
he made sure to clarify and tell me that there was no sound of shuffling feet or anyone approaching. but when he turned around there were 10 to 12 men coming up to him from out of nowhere, not saying anything. and there weren’t any other cars around.
well, this old man (probs not old at the time 😂😭) decided he valued his life and that he was gonna get the fuck outta there. so he swiftly returned to his car and told his friends they’d find a hotel further down the road.
so they drove into whatever town and stayed the night there… but! the next day when they went back down the road to find the motel in the daylight… it was totally run down and destroyed!
like the building was all rubble and stuff, like it had been torn down. but not recently.. there were vines and overgrowth and there’s no way they destroyed this motel in one night.
but this old man told me it was Definitely the same motel, in the same spot, across from the same liquor store.
….i never knew if he made the story up or not but i choose to believe him bc he looked So shook up when he was telling me, like actually scared. and this was a very cynical man who wasn’t phased by much 🤷🏼
i hope i aced the assignment 😂
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thebigbiwolf · 9 months
Not to diagnose you or anything but have you looked into long covid? The fatigue levels you're describing + pots sounds a lot like my experience with it :/. Hopefully you get some answers either way! Wishing you well
The fatigue thing is from long before covid unfortunately. I do stop breathing at night and wake up from it every now and then but chalked it up to general anxiety bc Ive never had consistent health insurance so it's like 🤷🏼 also turns out you can have sleep apnea even if you don't snore which is news to me
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roomatewells · 10 months
Omg some of these questions have been wild lately
As to answer your question from a few days ago, work has been okay! Been working my butt off to earn my upcoming vacation, but 🤷🏼 at least I like the work, you know?
I'm glad that you seem to be doing all right and keeping yourself together despite the wildness going on
Also, why are so many people asking about Scott?? Khdkhd People, at the very least let Wallace go on a date with him at the very least, already discussing marriage?? 😂😂
Oh, tell me about it. As of typing this, I'm actually getting ready to go ahead and make my way to the store. I have to restock all my shelves, as I am now housing a rabbit who I was just informed has infected all of my food. So, yes, things have been good.
People like asking about Scott because they have a weird obsession with jumping to conclusions about things about me and his relationship. For the sake of this entire account and how some of you act, I don't know if I would even tell some of you if I started to go out with him.
I've got three dates planned, all of them which I am very eager for. Marriage is going to have to wait.
Good luck on earning that vacation.
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quotemenevervore · 2 years
Game is done! My school won by about 10-12 points. Had lots of fun talking with my friend about the possibility of a white Christmas while waiting for our rides. What is your favorite part of Christmas (if you like/celebrate it) and favorite Christmas/winter song? Also for SM, what about Shroud, have you thought of giving spiders similar abilities for nomming? Also, I can just imagine Tommy nomming shroud to comfort them(?)/keep them(?) safe. (Idk shroud's canonical gender)
-Gremlin Anon
That’s awesome, Gremlin! Maybe your white Christmas will turn out better than the one at my work lol
Unfortunately, about a decade ago I had a pretty traumatic event happen so Christmas isn’t really a holiday we celebrate. We do gifts and stuff, but we never really celebrate it on Christmas itself. All our closest family (and chosen family) come over, so that’s pretty nice. Think that’s my favorite part (same can be said for thanksgiving though so 🤷🏼
I’m not a big fan of Christmas music kinda for the same reason, but I do enjoy Snow by Ricky Montgomery! I know it’s not Christmas or even completely about winter but it gives me the vibes of a wintery song. Also feel free to answer these questions as well! I’m curious to learn more about my inbox’s resident gremlin : )
And for Shroud, (I’m gonna use they/them) they do have the ability to store people! It’s not always safe, but usually if they store someone it is. (It’s only one stomach but they can technically control how fast it processes stuff, when they want to store people they won’t eat for a while to make sure it doesn’t instinctively turn back on when they stop it) And if it isn’t? Well, they can find a purple potion pretty easily, Tommy started keeping the stuff around when he realized this tidbit about them (and for himself)
And Tommy has stored Shroud before! For comfort for both, or one or the other, sometimes for timeout, and if Tommy is worried that they’re not safe then he will!
Michael and Shroud get into shenanigans a lot when they’re together, hence the ‘timeout’. Even if he isn’t a hybrid himself, Tommy can’t get away from his upbringing lol
But thank you so much for the asks! And I hope the answers I’m giving are good!
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So where is Kristie? She just liked that Barclays post with Sam at what would be 6:30 am Jersey time. Seems way to early for her right?
Lol😂I keep saying I suck at this game but you all still want me to play. I mean yeah that's way to early for Kristie,however she could be fighting jet lag and trying to get back on east coast time. But she could also easily be in London. I think she will post a story today that answers where she is🤷🏼
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tagalongifyoudare · 2 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (no pressure, but positivity is cool) <3
Oh boy… okay, so I feel like I end up putting the same things, which maybe means I should think of more things to like about myself or maybe I’m just bad at thinking of things 🤷🏼 I’m just going to see it as knowing what i like about myself and move on….
1. My passion-I’ve definitely put this one before, but without it I wouldn’t recognize myself, so it’s important.
2. My writing-I have also definitely put this one before, but it is one of the few things I am confident about, so again 🤷🏼
3. My collection of rocks and shells from the beach-why do I have so many collections?!
4. My nose-I think this is a new one too!
5. That I try to spread positivity-3 new ones; not so bad!
Thanks @nicksmile for the ask and for sharing your own 🫀
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gulliblelemon · 6 months
I know I'm very late and I get if you aren't answering anymore but I was wondering about 1, 12, 15 and 29 for the fanfic asks.
Wishing you a fabulous rest of the weekend! 💜
I don’t mind late! I love ask games! ☺️
1 Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
This is a really good question, and I’m not sure of the answer. I once tried to write angst and it went fluffy, then I tried to write fluff and it went angsty 🤷🏼. The story owns me! 😂
But probably: light angst, fade to black, fluff, supportive besties, getting together arc.
12 Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
Probably not specifically. It depends what I’m trying to write. But maybe s1e2? And s1e4? With them getting together.
15 If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Errrrrmmmm…. Maybe See You (Soon)? I think that’s one’s probably got the most solid structure and would translate to film best.
29 If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Ahhhhh! Fics are all perfect just as they are! But (in the spirit of things), I would love to see the process of Simon falling in love with Wille in Sore Loser by @piebingo. Actually, scrap that, I don’t want to do it, I want Emma to write it for me 😉 Her jealous!Simon is so wonderful and so hopelessly in love. I would absolutely devour more of that. (I’ve not answered the actual question there - oops!).
Thanks for the ask! I hope you have a lovely day ☺️
(From this list - I’m still happy to answer!)
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officially-kirby · 1 year
Hi there, trust you are having great Monday Morning, and here is wishing a happy new month. I'm a victim of abuse from my grandmother and dad, I don't want to go too much into detail, as it's highly triggering, i worked on getting some evidence to press charge against them(going well so far) but i need to move out of the house of my abusers as soon as possible and seek justice. I need all the help i can get (please see my pinned post for my frequently updated "beg-post"). I beseech(beg of) you to donate towards my moving/getting justice if you can. Also, if you can, please consider boosting my pinned post (a detailed beg-post)(if you have already seen my post somehow before now, there's been a recent development/progress)- that will help reach more potential helpers. please don't ignore me, please!. I'm open to suggestions/corrections, you can send an inbox/ direct message if you have concerns/questions, and i will answer in no time. Thank you for hearing me out.
i aint readin allat/j
if this is a scam then ignore it but i answer all asks so 🤷🏼
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prettyboybuckley · 1 year
Gotta say that it feels a little like the shit that Hi! I'm just new to this fandom and what do you mean here? Eddie used to get has shifted to Buck lately, though Eddie isn't exactly in the clear from the, uhm, curious interpretations of his character either. Not that I'm an authority on the characterization of 9-1-1 characters, though, obviously
I think copy paste went a little crazy there 😅 I'll put the paragraph and post you're referring to down here so maybe it's a little easier to read:
Gotta say that it feels a little like the shit that Eddie used to get has shifted to Buck lately, though Eddie isn't exactly in the clear from the, uhm, curious interpretations of his character either. Not that I'm an authority on the characterization of 9-1-1 characters, though, obviously - (post here)
Okay, where to start...
Not everyone will agree with me on this, but there used to be (and sometimes still is) this overwhelming idea that Buck is a sweet little baby that can do no wrong. This is especially prominent in post-lawsuit fics that are still being written to this day, where often the entire 118 is made out to be the bad guy.
Meanwhile, people also got pretty fixated on Eddie's street fighting arc in season 3. This led to what I personally consider to be a fanon version of Eddie that can be intensely aggressive. I think it's also where the idea that Eddie is some kind of stoic, angry man comes from sometimes, instead of the ray of sunshine (with slight issues in verbal communication of feelings and other important issues at times) that we often see when he's isn't being traumatized on the show. Either way I have Opinions on the way people assign him "anger issues" that I won't get into any further right now.
Another contributing factor, I suspect, is some of the problematic things Ryan Guzman has said and done in recent years. (Another thing I won't get into right now, but I could maybe dig up old posts somewhere. Google knows as well). "Actor does bad thing = character is bad" is not an uncommon view, and I think it definitely influenced some people's opinion of Eddie.
These are all things that are definitely not gone, but I've seen more and more people loving Eddie after season 5, because of his character development and him going to therapy. Personally, I've started to love him more and more as well (can't believe I could love him more than I already did 🥰). Buck, on the other hand, seems to be on a downward trend, especially since the sperm donor arc started. To keep this post from becoming too long, I answered and ask here about "Buck getting shit on" but it boils down to the fact that people basically seem to think the whole character belongs in the trash because they don't like that part of his character development 🤷🏼
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myownprivatcidaho · 2 years
ok this sucks im trying to sort out whats the best deal for off campus housing and i want to ask him his experience but i cant just fucjjng text this guy "where do you live"
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