#so uh. hope you all like this! It has been very fun to doodle them when i finally got the ball rolling
thehappiestgolucky · 6 months
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It's hard being a messenger, every once in a while you gotta rest.
So, after a while I finally finished part 1 of the Spearmaster Collection: The Eepies!
Credits are under the cut! If I got a credit wrong please let me know. Also, don't see your Spears? Worry not, its logged for a different part of the Spearmaster Collection (otherwise I'd have about 80 odd spears to draw and my hands would cry and i wanted to let everyone's spear get more attention in the drawing :] )
In no particular order: @i-likegamesbut-cant-playthem, @psystirene, @azrielfiend, @kakajoju, @emmetofthestars, @whippiekippy, @ardienothesieno, @sillycryptid, @pookapufferfish, @mothlight-hours, @verdeltiathedead, @rainworld-rivulet (hiiii friend), @nandemonaiwow, @kakyogay, @faelingdraws, @chillysaint, @jpegthedogthing, @fauxbia, @kedakirahei, @shark-bytee, @booksofstars, @stargazer0001
Thank you all for submitting your spears! Ik some designs are a bit outdated, I hope this was still worth it anyway <3
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rogueddie · 11 months
Is That All It Takes / Slither
At the end of the world, Steve is sure that there's no better time for romance. They need all the positives they can get and, in his mind, resolving potential romantic tension is great.
Even if he ends up rejected, like with Robin, he knows that it has the potential to make them better friends. He's not sure he would be as tightly bonded to Robin if he hadn't tried to ask her out- it's a decision he's always been strangely proud of.
The only problem? Steve is usually put into different groups- Robin, Nancy, the kids...
"Good job you've both got tonight off," Robin points out.
Steve qucikly sits up. "What? The whole night?"
With the teams they have, almost everyone is on rotation for patrol of their little camp every night. Having a night off, completely, is rare. Having a night off at the same time as Argyle?
"The whole night," Robin confirms. "Someone said something about him being the only one in that group not on rotation tonight, so I offered to cover for you."
"I was supposed to be with Nancy, wasn't I?"
She throws a notebook at him. It's the one she uses for her notes and doodles- as well as her 'poems'.
When he catches the book, she immediately realizes her mistake and dives after it. They're tangled on the floor, giggling from their attempt at wrestling, when Hopper pokes his head in to call Robin out for her turn on patrol.
"You kids having fun?" He asks.
They both scramble to their feet, despite the smile he has that reassures them that they aren't in trouble.
"Sorry," Steve smiles sheepishly.
"It's fine," Hopper waves him off. "You ready, Buckley?"
"Yep! Let's go!"
A beat after she leaves, Steve realizes he forgot to ask where Argyle will actually be for the night.
It shouldn't be hard, he thinks, trying to reassure himself. From what Steve has seen, or heard through Robin, he usually sticks to the same three spots. It shouldn't take too long to check them out.
And, hopefully, Argyle won't be in his bunk already. Steve crosses his fingers as he heads out.
He finds him in the second place he checks- he's just behind the building they use for storage. He's smoking.
"Hi," Steve greets. He tries to smile, hope it doesn't look as awkward as it feels. "You doing alright?"
"Not bad," Argyle nods. He offers his cigerrette, but Steve shakes his head. He shrugs as he gestures towards the woods. "Quiet."
"Yeah," Steve agrees, not sure what else to say.
He leans against the wall, crossing his arms, slowly realizing that he should have thought of something to actually talk about before he went looking for him.
"We should grow weed," he blurts out. He nearly slaps himself, barely holding back a wince.
Argyle hums, thankfully keeping his eyes forward as he thinks it over. "Yeah. We should. It'd be nice to be able to chill again. Shit's stressful."
"Right," Steve agrees. He does wince this time, hating how lame he sounds. He's sure he's better at this sort of thing.
"How you doing?" Argyle asks, turning to him. "Never see much of you."
"Oh, yeah, I'm alright. This sort of thing is like... well, it's becoming a sort of comfort. I'm kinda thankful for it." He pauses, almost stumbling over his words when he tries to quickly point out; "patroling, I mean! Like, guarding and... that."
"Mm, yeah. One of the small ones mentioned that you're, like, the babysitter. Patrolling is another way of keeping an eye on the kids."
"Right, exactly. Yeah."
"It's good, you know," Argyle continues, before Steve can start to internally scold himself again. "Nice to know you're looking out for us."
"I'm on a good a good team," he shrugs.
"You're not very good at this, huh?"
"There you are!" Someone calls suddenly, loud enough to make Steve flinch. It's Mike, leaning around the corner, frowning. "You said five minutes!"
"Slow your roll, dude! I'm on my way!"
"Hurry up!"
Argyle snorts. He turns to Steve, raising an eyebrow. "You know which one is my room, right?"
"Uh, yeah, I think so?"
"Cool. See you in, like, an hour."
Steve wants to feel frustrated. If Argyle wasn't the one to take initiative, the whole interaction would have gone to shit. Steve could feel any potential slipping straight through his fingers.
But, judging by the implications... well. At least he knows that Argyle is also interested.
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liannelara-dracula · 1 year
Tg boys reactions to an artist s/o?
TG Boys w an Artist GF HCS
Hi Love,
Lol, I realized now that you said reaction when I made hcs. I guess I got really excited. Anyways I hope you like it.
Requests are open
*certain words have been/may be censored for Tumblr guidelines.
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He likes watching you make things with your hands and he likes to join you.
Even if he doesn’t have a clue of what he’s doing.
He really likes it when you make mugs so that you two can use them for coffee.
You once made him a really nice-looking one for his birthday so he really cherishes it.
Ken also likes the doodles you paint on them since they look so pleasing.
You also probably like making aesthetic and minimalist vases which he likes to put on the coffee table you both have or somewhere on a counter of your apartment.
If people come over and like the vase, he will be excited to tell them that his girlfriend made them.
Ken even likes it when you sculpt random things too.
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Omg he’s thrilled to see your work every single time as a cake decorator.
Like he brags about your work all the time.
At first you did it for fun but he advertised you so much that you got a job for it.
He looks forward to parties and birthdays because he gets to see your work.
He sometimes will just watch you pipe and he’s just an awe like a child.
Would never critique bc he doesn’t know how to do anything he just praises your work.
When it’s his birthday you have to go all out mostly cause he just likes seeing your creativity.
He finds it interesting.
And he likes seeing you in an apron, he literally bought you a custom one that says “I love Hide.”
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Thinks it's cool, mostly cause he can. drink coffee and actually appreciate the work more.
He also likes it because it's something you do.
Let me be clear if his sister was a barista he could give less of a fuck.
It also causes you to put a lot of time into it.
And he likes it if you make a personalized design for him.
He's not a huge fan of the heart doodles that much.
Cause he thinks they're "girly".
So he prefers designs like the realistic cat.
In general, if his girl is an artist he's not that big on it because he literally cannot do any form of art whatsoever.
So he barely gets the point and only admires you bc he's obsessed with you and no one else.
seriously he has a one-tracked one and is very picky.
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Like Ayato he doesn't really understand art nor can he do it.
But unlike him, he will admire the works of others since it's something he can't do.
Even if he wouldn't admit it.
Though if there's one thing you both know he likes your photographs.
I mean you even take pictures of the two of you or just him and it looks great!
You pin them in the room and he thinks all your photos look perfect even if you don't think so.
One of your favorite things is to take pictures of him, like the left photo, rather than taking pictures of yourself.
Because of your photography skills and influence, he kinda learns a little bit about lighting and angles and how to use a camera.
Since he cares about you a lot tho, he would probably buy you one of those expensive cameras that you've always talked about.
Even if you do things with film he's interested and willing to see your works.
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Ohhh two artists, the studio isn't big enough for the both of you.
Well, that is when Uta gets competitive anyways.
It's not always, but sometimes he wants to challenge you about art.
"Let's see who's better at tattoo art." He'd say.
"Uh, no fair. That's your thing, Uta." You'd point out.
"That's the point, babe or should I say, amateur." He'd smirk making your mouth agape.
"Hey!" You'd exclaim.
"What's the matter? You gonna lose?" He'd tease.
You'd grow competitive yourself after here this, "Oh you're so going down, loser!" You'd giggle before getting the materials for the task.
It's always such a battle to win, it's mostly cause he's good but also fast. He is probably much faster than you because he does it as a job.
"Hah! Done before you in record time." He'd smirk, rubbing it in your face while you looked at him with your arms crossed. Completely annoyed by him.
Sighing you'd ask, "Okay, what do I have to do?"
He'd look at you with a playful smirk, "Ohhh can you guess?"
You'd look at him biting your lip before saying, "It's that three-letter word isn't it?"
He'd laugh, "You're good at being the loser in this game, you know?"
You'd playfully hit him, "Shut up!"
In general, though, he likes your art work.
But he has a habit of kissing you when you're trying to paint so you sometimes mess up.
Or rather you can't finish the piece because he's keeping you busy with other activities.
But you're the same with when he's working so it's fair.
You've learned to pull him away from work since he does it to you.
You two have paint fights.
Also, he likes seeing you pin up the art bc its an excuse for him to look at your butt.
Gosh, I need more of an exclusive ask for hcs with him just to write more about an artist gf. So I'm cutting it here lol.
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Music and dance, sort of both tbh.
Or either one.
But he'd probably like a girl who is a ballet dancer since they are graceful.
Believe it or not, he likes watching the plays, and if you were in one he'd definitely want to see it.
He also likes to help you stretch or watch you stretch.
Idk why but I get the feeling that he likes to help you put your ballet shoes on.
If you can play the piano he really likes it and could listen to the tunes you create all day long.
I also feel like he might have some experience with it so if he wants to teach you a piece he can put his hand over yours.
Rule number one about Furuta, you can never stop him from being sensual, even if you're hobbies. He always turns it into something unexpected.
Like it can't ever not be suggestive with him.
Even if he claims he's "helping".
Takizawa (ghoul):
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He doesn't get involved in your work he just likes seeing the progress and finished product.
Though he can be bothersome with the shoulder kisses sometimes.
Your paintings are usually about both of you and he really likes them.
You spend a lot of time on them and so afterwords he likes to frame it even if you tell him the piece isn't that good.
If you ask for advice he gives some but mostly he's usually just derailing you.
When it comes to picking flowers he gets more involved.
Though still, he likes when you do it because its a hobby of yours.
The habit really started when he bought a vase that you really like for your place with him.
Though he's not a very colorful person he likes seeing light up the place.
The only thing sei will do for sure is take care of the flowers when you're busy.
He may not share the same feelings with you about your hobbies but enjoys making you happy.
I mean you're all he has so you're the most important person to him.
And all he wants is for you to be happy.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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peachyninjago · 2 years
idk her last name yet (give me recommendations pls <3) but candy is an entrepreneur by day, and the vigilante elemental master of vitality by night!! she, unlike the ninja, isnt above beating people to a pulp (shes never killed, tho). and she actually kinda cares about keeping her identity a secret afsffafa
during the day, they own a flower shop!!! thats why i drew her w flowers in my first post of her :DD their shop is in a very small part of Ninjago city, a section that isn't TOO industrialized. not exactly in the slums per-se, but very close to them.
as for her element, she got it from her mother!! (who has sadly passed away <3) idk the full lore of where vitality comes from, but its definitely a mutation of energy (tho her and Lloyd are NOT related. not at all :,D). even tho she fights on her own, they'd actually be a really good healer/support member on a team!! her ep's are like, uh... like a booster when used aggressively, and a healing thingy when used passively!! if that makes any sense
and, bc her element is mostly passive, shes a self taught fighter!! theyre AMAZING at hand to hand combat (theyve been boxing since they were legit two). I wouldn't call her a 'ninja' per-se, bc she has no official titles/teachers, she just wears a gi bc hey!!! she has one, and the Public know that the ninja are a symbol of safety!!!! and thats what she wants to be!!!!!
this is already long and i still need to do the fun facts, so just know that I plan to do a ficlet about her meeting Lloyd!! (who she is HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE WITH btw). tldr; he has NO IDEA shes the neopolitan ninja, and just vibes at their flower shop during his free time. idk i just think Lloyd deserves a love interest that doesn't want to kill him im sorry 😔😔 (/lhlh ofc
uhh random pieces of information that i couldn't fit in any of the paragraphs bc this is already long enough uafuacuac
• shes pansexual, polyamorus, and a demigirl!! (she/they) idk she just thinks everyones sooo pretty
• her father is horrible, but she has an amazing older sister named mizuu!!!! mizuu was the one who first taught her how to box (mizuu also has a huge crush on nya lol)
• shes been dyeing her hair since she was like. 7 (shes 17 rn). shes naturally a brunette, but keeps her hair a pinkish strawberry blonde!!
• they have two tattoos!! one giant one of a dragon on their back, and a small heart on the inside of their right wrist!! might make another post describing the meanings behind both of them lol
• bc of their gi colors, the internet has affectionately named her the neopolitan ninja <3 candy absolutely ADORES the name
• whenever shes in a more deadly situation, she whips out her brass knuckles. and, only if they ABSOLUTELY MUST, they carry around a ball and chain thats disguised as a belt. that mf is SHARP
• already said this but i can not emphasize enough how INCREDIBLY DOWN BAD she is for Lloyd. girle boutta risk it all for someone whos aroace spec ufaufaufauafas
okay thats all i got for now <3 hope you like them they're my meow meow (affectionate) <3<3<3. if anyone reading this wants to know anything else abt her, please ask!!!! I love her vv much!!! also take a doodle of her and lloyds dynamic <3:
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dotster001 · 2 years
Aaaa I love matchups, so I hope this is alright! Uh, if it isn't taken then maybe 🖍️ anon? I haven't seen anyone else use it (yet) oh yeah, Obey me is the fandom I'm currently in, so the matcbup would be for that! Thank you!
I guess I identify as non-binary? I don't care much for my own gender, so I mostly go by any and all pronouns (My friends call me gender evil as a joke. I'm not that short , roughly 5"2 (160 cm) I present mostly androgynous, but I have moments where I dress very feminine, as a treat. O don't know much about the personality stuff, other than I am a INTP, also a Capricorn - if that means anything ; v ; I have social anxiety, so I stay away from social events, but I usually manage fine in other situations or if I'm with someone I trust. Also I have piercings and dyed hair, I don't know, if that's needed but it's here!
I draw a lot (hence the 🖍️) and spend most of my time doodling and drawing for my own entertainment and for my friends. I also like to watch funky fact videos about random stuff, just for haha funny knowledge.
I see myself as funny, as I can laugh at my own jokes, and other people seem to like them too. Tho I consider myself a bit of a gremlin, with the whole being short , kinda rude and being a jester. I'm kinda absent minded, and mostly speak in memes since it's easy - as English is not my native language (this also makes me switch between languages a bit, the other language being Norwegian) my humor ranges from bad puns and dad jokes to dark humor. If it doesn't hurt anyone, I can laugh at it.
I guess that makes me kinda chaotic? But I do have moments of extreme calm, I study business - so im well versed with Excel and similar software, being serious is something I can easily switch to when needed, which can kinda put some people off.
I dont know the new ones yet so, I don't mind if matched but I wouldn't understand any of it. :v
Hopefully this is alright! Thank you again! ^^
(Kay so it's the perfect time for me to finish this, because we reached 666 followers. Anyway, I heard chaos gremlin and I knew exactly who you should be paired with 😂 Also, that's so badass that you know multiple languages, I'm so jealous of people who are bilingual 😭. Anyway ...)
I match you with Mammon.
Let's start with your serious side. It is canon that he is ridiculously good at math, and that he is also a chaos gremlin. I can totally see the two of you opening a successful side business until one of the brothers (probably Levi) find out and demand Mammon pay them back. But it will be fun while it lasts.
Draw him something sometime. He'll die. Especially if it's like a fan art of the two of you. It doesn't even have to be good, literally draw him two stick figures kissing with your names above them, it'll distract him for hours. He'll bury his face in his hands, leave the room to go squeal and roll around his bed.
He may not seem to be someone who would understand social anxiety, but he is really quite close to Levi. So he understands when it becomes too much for you. He'll literally wrap you up, arms tight around you, his head on top of yours, looking like a puppy, and steer you away from anxious situations. But he really hopes he can be your person, so that you guys can steal food from parties together.
He doesn't really care what you watch as long as you let him cuddle with you while you do it. That said....fun fact videos give him some delightful scheme ideas, and funny videos make him laugh, so I think you'll never have to fight about what to watch.
Mammon has been giving you the details of his latest scheme for the past two hours. He'd charged you with taking down notes as he spoke. Being the good secretary you were....you zoned out a half hour in and started sketching Mammon.
"Kay, watcha got so far?" He said abruptly. You looked down at your paper, then up again, and started subconsciously fiddling with an earring.
"Um," you started, looking at the half hour of notes you took at the beginning. "Basically, we are starting a human world pizza chain in the Devildom, that covers up an underground gambling ring."
"yeah!" He said grinning happily. "What else have I said so far?"
"Um...." You decided to just hand him the sketch you'd been working on. Rip the band aid off.
He immediately turned red, and covered his face with his hands.
"Mams?" You asked. No matter how many times he did this, it still concerned you.
"The Great Mammon will return presently, I just gotta go do somethin'," he left the room, and you heard a delighted giggle and squeal sound that you thought only Asmo was capable of.
Guess he liked it.
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jasmariswonderland · 2 years
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Better late than never, but finally, here is Crisanta’s birthday interview! I hope you all enjoy getting to know her better! Warning: dad jokes ahead. 
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Yuulan: Happy Birthday!
Crisanta: Thankies, Yuu-chan! Hope you’re having fun! 
Y: How are you feeling having everyone celebrate you today?
C: It feels great! I’m fully enjoying myself but I’ve been feeling a little warm since the party started.
Y: Really? Is your birthday outfit uncomfortable?
C: Oh no, not at all. I feel warm because everyone keeps toasting me! 
Y: Toasting…you…oh…oh! *realizes the joke and begins laughing*
C: *laughing too* That’s what I love, seeing people laugh. Doubly so when I can be the cause of that laughter! I feel there’s few things in the world as wonderful as true, genuine laughter. But not the cruel kind that comes at someone else’s expense, laughter that comes from joy.
Y: Making people laugh seems to be a gift of yours. But since it’s your birthday, you should be the one receiving gifts. Have you received any today?
C: Many in fact! Lots of drawing supplies and game pieces. I also got a super cute card and letter from my litter sister, I can’t wait to see her again on my next break from school. But would you like to know what’s been the best thing I’ve received today?
Y: Sure, tell me. 
C: *giggles* Another year of age! 
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Y: Whenever I see you, you’re always doodling in your sketchbook. What are your favorite things to draw?
C: There are a lot of things I love to draw, generally, I just love to create things. But if I had to choose, I love to draw people, portraits. 
Y: Is there a reason you enjoy portrait-drawing best?
C: Art is made up of the fascinating and beautiful and when I draw someone, I have an up close view of what makes them unique. In order to fully capture their likeness, I end up noticing little things about them that I might not have at first, like putting together the pieces of a puzzle, another thing I enjoy doing. 
Y: You like puzzles?
C: And board games in general, but puzzles are my favorite because they challenge the artistic side of my brain. Since a puzzle is basically a picture you have to put together and if you put it together wrong, it looks weird. 
Y: Ah I see, but back to your drawing, is there a portrait you’ve made that you particularly like? 
C: As an artist, I find something I love about everything I draw so that’s a tough one! I think my portrait of Riddle-san was very good. Apparently he thought so too because when he caught me drawing him, when I was supposed to be studying, I didn’t lose my head! Trey-san even commented on how well I had captured his likeness. But I was given a warning not to be caught drawing during dorm study hour again so I’m much more careful about it now. 
Y: Hehe, I understand. 
C: But if I had to choose, the portrait I’m currently making has been my favorite so far! I’m still in the early stages but once it’s done, it will be so beautiful! 
Y: Really? Who is it a portrait of?
C: It’s…uh…*blushes*...actually, I’m sorry, but that’s a secret! 
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Y: What’s your favorite food?
C: I love sweet things, especially mini sweets. Cupcakes, petit fours, tartlets, things like that! I love them because they’re easy to eat and I can use my hands. And they’re so cute! Like flowers or jewels. Most of my magicam feed is made up of the cute little treats we have for our unbirthday parties at Heartslabyul. 
Y: What’s your least favorite food?
C: Sour candies, because sour is the opposite of sweet. Something about them just don’t really vibe with my tastebuds because in my mind, I’m thinking candies should be sweet. I’m not a big fan of bitter candies for the same reason. 
Y: With your love of sweets, I’m guessing you feel pretty at home in Heartslabyul then.
C: Yeah, I love my dorm and Trey-san makes the best sweets! But I also love my dormmates too. We all look out for each other and Riddle-san really does care about us, even if he can be uber strict at times. There’s a sense of whimsy when you enter through the gates of our dorm that’s kind of infectious when you think about it. Even with the mountain of rules. And best of all, I have frequent access to all of my favorite foods! 
Y: Be sure not to eat too many though.  
C: Hehe, don’t worry, Yuu-chan! It’s my birthday, remember? And you know, birthdays are good for your health. It’s science in fact! 
Y: Really? Why?
C: Because, people who have more birthdays always live longer! 
Y: *laughing* I will remember that! Once again, happy birthday! 
(A/N: Groovy art is a WIP but would show Crisanta in her room after the birthday party, opening the present Ione gave her)
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erithacuscreations · 2 months
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Hey! Sorry for the silence; the past couple months have been pretty busy for me. Our little Haus has been moving into a bigger apartment! The new place is much nicer, definitely safer, and we like it a lot. I’ve got my own little space for my animals and desk, we've got a patio, and for once all of our packages are actually getting delivered correctly! It’s very nice now that we’re finally out of the old place. We still have unpacking to do and new routines to settle into, but everything is going great otherwise.
Outside of moving, I’ve kind of been having a rough time emotionally. My grandma began rapidly declining in January, and though I immediately took time to drive out of state to see her in early February, I wasn’t ready for her to pass so soon after that. I’m still processing everything. She was the grandparent I spent the most the most time with growing up. She fostered my love of drawing and dragons and fantasy, so it’s safe to say I wouldn’t even be recognizable as the same person if she wasn’t in my life. I'm very sad of course, but I'm glad she was able to pass the way she wanted to. I’m hoping that remembering her gets easier as time goes on.
I’ve had a birthday in the past month as well, not a very exciting or pleasant one coming off the heels of a fresh loss and in the depths of moving hell but what can you do, really?
I’m also sick haha yaaaaay. Lots of coughing, chest congestion, and mucus that have made working hard the past week. The more severe parts of it are over now, and I just have rattling lungs and congested sinuses left. Y’all, this thing took me out for a while, not gonna lie. Definitely don’t recommend working a full day in a grocery store while wearing a binder and having chest congestion at the same time lmao. I’m taking it as easy as I can though, given that I work in an unforgiving retail environment. Most of my managers have been pretty kind about my current state, some have let me leave early on days where I’m not feeling great.
Uhhh art news… Working on a couple new isopods for my local ad, then I’ll be sharing an updated commission menu with adjusted prices! And maybe I’ll be opening up for telegram stickers? Haven’t opened for em in a while but I enjoy doing them when I get a chance! It’s uh. Kinda been a while since I’ve done any art so I’m going a little easy on myself getting started again. I need to go through my WIPs and figure out what to work on after that! I know I’ve got a lot of stuff on my infinite to-do list that I want to get around to doing.
I don’t really allow myself to splurge on a lot besides snacks, but I’ve gotten some fun pens and plan to start journaling, regularly hopefully. I don’t do a lot of traditional media stuff these days, but I feel like jotting down my thoughts about how my day went will help be build more familiarity with the tools and practice again. I have a little notebook that I’ve customized and keep in my nightstand with the thought that I’ll do little sharpie doodles in it, but I never manage to motivate myself to do it even when I remember to… Maybe journaling will help with the confidence I need to do that? We’ll see.
Anyways, thanks for bearing with me y’all! Hope you’re doing okay. As always, please feel free to email me if you have any questions about commissions. Have a good week!
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glitchysquidd · 3 years
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I posted 919 times in 2021
468 posts created (51%)
451 posts reblogged (49%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.0 posts.
I added 1,524 tags in 2021
#reblog - 380 posts
#answered❗ - 206 posts
#my art - 193 posts
#undertale - 143 posts
#undertale au - 141 posts
#the variants - 129 posts
#ask - 100 posts
#doodles - 85 posts
#aggie - 77 posts
#fren - 70 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#and woah one of the first times i actually am drawing with pen pressure and not that tool that doesn't ever react to pen pressure!
My Top Posts in 2021
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His nickname is Misprint.
There's been a trend of pink Sanses going around and I adore ErrorSans so why not make a pink ErrorSans with Purple clothes instead of his normal blue and black clothing.I also decided it would be a cool idea if his eyes could turn into any heart emoji or emoji in general by will,because why not ????
He's literally just ErrorSans but replace all the blue with purple and red with pink.Oh but also his strings are pink because he's beautiful.
At some point I hope to give him a more original design but for now he'll be like this :]
@/whyiswingdingsafont has created a pink Swapfell
@/harmonytre-art has created a pink Outertale
@/scarew0lves has created a pink Underswap
Go check those out!
//ErrorSans belongs to loverofpiggies//
513 notes • Posted 2021-08-12 10:16:07 GMT
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I drew a bunch of Inks in suits and uh,button ups because...they were so much fun to draw like???
Tysm @squidiotslittlevoid for requesting this! I like had an apsolute blast-💖💕
//InkSans belongs to comyet//
554 notes • Posted 2021-10-21 23:35:43 GMT
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This is just a shitpost of my now newly developed head cannon
Spamton just wears his glasses because they make him look cool. But he can't see well out of them AT ALL.
Strongly inspired by this post!
(Check out the poster's art btw<3)
639 notes • Posted 2021-10-30 01:08:26 GMT
Starberry! Ever used a red laser pointer on someone?
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The answer is yes.
645 notes • Posted 2021-11-06 22:36:35 GMT
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Error,if you don't love him in some way...
That's valid but also just look at him.
Man <3
FellError is also very valid 💖
//ErrorSans belongs to loverofpiggies//
//FellError belongs to @/adorablemew//
825 notes • Posted 2021-11-20 15:32:22 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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kaaytea · 3 years
heyhey !! can i request some hcs of jun, tetsuya, n chris having a very soft but artistic s/o who draws them a lot? and maybe one day they find her sketchbook open n it’s just sketches of them? no pressure if you’re not inspired by this or anything tho n ty !! <33
Sketchy Secrets
⤷Includes: Chris, Jun, Tetsuya
A/n: I'd be more than happy to write this! The 3rd years make me unfathomably soft so I'm going to have a bunch of fun with this! Thank you for requesting and I hope you like it ♥️
Chris wouldn't consider himself a very nosy person
He's always respectful of your space and never pries when he can tell you want to keep something private
But nothing has ever tempted him to break that boundary more than the worn notebook you keep on you
It's in your hands constantly and you're so secretive about the item your behavior was bound to garner some curiosity on his end eventually
Nevertheless, Chris fought his inquiring mind out of respect for you and let the contents of the notebook remain a mystery
Chris could definitely appreciate art but he wasn't much of an artist himself, so it was quite the surprise when he opened the notebook he used the keep baseball notes in and be met with a bunch of sketches
Immediately he understood that this must be the oh-so mysterious notebook you've had on you for months. By some miraculous force the two of you seemed to have accidentally swapped notebooks
The damage was done and he already knew what resided in the book so how much worse could it be to give into the hungry curiosity he's been harboring the past few months?
Chris handled the pages with care as he flipped through the book. Most of the pages were filled with what he assumed to be anatomy studies and the occasional silly doodle here and there
When Chris reached the middle of the notebook he noticed a trend in your art begin: All of your sketches were of him
His cheeks were most definitely tinted a soft pink the further he flipped. He was dumbfounded that you found him to be a source of inspiration, he wasn't always a ball of sunshine and rainbows as you've seen him on his worst days
But he found it interesting to look at the conjured up version of how you saw him. It was like he was looking at himself through your eyes
It was then that you barged open his dorm door, hair messy from running and his baseball notebook clung to your chest. He saw the fear flare in your eyes when you spotted the open book in front of him
"D-did you..."
"I looked through it. I'm sorry, you wanted to keep this private and I spoiled that for you."
"So did you see the...uh sketches?"
"I did and I think they're remarkably beautiful, I had no idea you were so talented, love"
A wave of relief crashed into you at his words. You honestly thought he'd think it was creepy you had pages and pages filled with sketches of him
Chris chuckled at your reaction before he stood up and pulled you into a warm embrace where he placed a kiss to the top of your head
Jun is...a very brash person
He's loud and rambunctious by nature but the man instantly developes a softer side when around you
Seeing the normally boisterous outfielder morph into a far gentler version of himself was quite the sight, and the occurrence had definitely become a topic his friends would make jabs at
Jun never let their teasing remarks bother him much, he enjoyed spending quiet time with you and was more than happy to sit through his friends bad jokes if it meant he could continue hanging around you
Recently though Jun had noticed an odd habit of yours
You stare at him alot. Not in a 'checking your boyfriend out' kind of way but as in blatant staring even if you knew he caught you looking
It was a bit odd in his opinion seeing as you never addressed or hinted at why you actually do stare at him so much
Jun didn't question it, maybe he was just catching while you were spacing out and didn't realize what you were doing
What he didn't know was that he would unintentional find out what was driving this habit of yours only a few weeks after becoming aware of it
He spotted you alone at a table in the schools library one afternoon while searching for some research material he needed for a project
You were sitting with your back to him, leaning heavily on on of your arms. From where he was standing it looked like you had either fell asleep or were zoning out like you often did around him
Jun decided to go "wake" you up, as leaving you there in that state would be defeating your purpose of coming to the library in the first place
Before he could tap your shoulder after approaching your table, his eyes flicked to the book sitting wide open infront of you
More specifically he was watching your hand roughly sketching the outline of a person's hair style
The longer he looked the more he realized that the entirety of the two pages in front of you were drawings of him
Anything from small, quick doodles of him catching a ball or swinging a bat to more detailed sketches of him laughing or reading a book
You must have finally sensed someone looking over your shoulder as you jumped slightly in your seat and quickly turned to find Jun (whose face was beyond flushed might I add)
"This is why you stare at me all the time?!"
Despite how embarrassed you both were he still pulled a seat up next to you, gruffly mumbling out how you shouldn't let his presence keep you from your art
He then quietly complimented your artistic skills, sealed with a soft kiss to the back or your hand
If there is one thing that Yuki Tetsuya loves about your relationship it's the fact that you always pack little bentos for the two of you to share after games
Obviously he loves YOU for many other reasons! But if he were asked what quirk or abnormality he loves the most in your relationship it'd be the bentos
Which he was currently rummaging through your bag for
You usually have a specific spot in your bag for the small containers, a place that would keep the food cool so it wouldn't get spoiled in the Tokyo heat, but Tetsu couldn't seem to find them
Eventually he spotted the familiar teal and green box after shuffling the contents of your bag around a bit
With an accomplished glimmer in his eyes he pulled the bento out from your bag
As he was retrieving the container, said bento caught the corner of a small notebook causing it to tumble out and flop open on the concrete
Tetsuya quickly scooped the book up from the ground fearing that he had gotten it scuffed or dirty, but those worries left as his attention was captured to the contents of the notebook
At first he thought the image was a digital picture you had printed out but the longer he looked the more he picked up on the smudgy finger prints littering the page
And then it clicked for him: You drew this!
Right next to the portrait of him was a smaller doodle of a scene he recognized as your phones lockscreen (a second year version of the two of you happily smiling at eachother, his arm wrapped respectfully around your waist as you struggled to look up at him due to the brim of his Seidou hat blocking your view)
The sketched version looked exactly the same as the real photo! It was beautiful and somehow you had managed to enhance the tender emotions portrayed in the picture
"Tetsuya, did you find the ben- oh.."
"Do you think you could draw a larger version of this? I want to put it on my desk."
You just laughed at his bluntness before giving him a nod in response
A small smile graced his features as he looked from you back to your messy sketch. It wasn't a look you saw very often from him, but that smile made your knees weak as you fell in love with him all over again
107 notes · View notes
wooyunhwa · 4 years
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Genre: smut, fluff, humorous undertones
Pairing: barista!san & barista!wooyoung x fem!reader
Word Count: 7.6k
Warnings: idk just a lot of smut scenes, semi-public sex (in a bathroom), minor pet play (san discovers he’s furry trash), threesome with san and wooyoung but they’re not gay for each other, mild food play (whipped cream) 
Synopsis: How do you choose between two cute baristas competing for your attention? The short answer: you don’t. 
A/N: This one starts wholesome and gets wild. I have a problem with writing San with a furry kink oops,, anyway there’s three separate smut scenes in this so strap in and enjoy the ride~ this was so much fun to write and I hope it’s just as fun to read! Comments are appreciated as always <3 
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You paid for your coffee, taking your debit card back from the cashier with a polite nod and a “thank you.” He smiled warmly, flashing his brilliant teeth as he tore off the little piece of paper from the printer. 
“Receipt?” he asked. 
“Sure,” you replied. 
His name was San, which you knew from his nametag. You had come to that particular cafe enough that you were pretty familiar with everyone. You took it, smiling back at him. It could have been your imagination, but lately it seemed like his gaze had been lingering on you. He would make eye contact for a little longer than necessary when you ordered, or smile a little too much when handing you your coffee, or maybe not, and it was all just in your head. You kinda hoped it wasn’t, because he was really, really cute. 
You’d been coming to that coffee shop since earlier in the summer, sporadically at first, but midterms coming up meant you really had to buckle down on trying to tame your workload. You kinda regretted taking summer classes at first, but it was nice to have the coffee shop all to yourself in the evenings, unlike in the fall when it was packed with students. It was so quiet, in fact, that the employees had shut the lights off and almost closed up once when they hadn’t noticed you were still inside. It wasn’t strange for you to be the last customer left in the cafe, especially since you’d been staying late to study more often.
You set your laptop up in your usual spot—the corner seat with the outlet. It was cozy and out of the way, and relatively free of distractions. Well, relatively meaning there was still a very cute barista shooting glances your way, and you tried your best to keep your eyes glued to your screen as you typed out your essay for your literature class. But you couldn’t help but peek in his direction every now and then.
“Y/N?” a voice called. It was Wooyoung’s voice, not San’s. Wooyoung was the other cute barista who worked there, and honestly, you’d kinda had your eye on both of them for a while. It wasn’t unusual for them to be working at the same time, but most nights it was either one or the other. He gave you a sweet smile as you thanked him and took the cup back to your seat. 
Next to your name was a smiley face and some cute flower doodles, and you grinned at the fact that he’d gone out of his way to make your coffee cup look special. Wooyoung always drew a cute little design next to your name, sometimes including phrases like “have a good day!” or “you rock!” or even a short little joke. You often wondered if he did that for other customers, or if he was doing it to flirt with you. Which you kinda hoped was the case, to be honest. He had a playful, sexy charm about him, and you often wondered how a person could make an apron look so hot. 
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The next day, you were working diligently when you noticed San slide into the empty seat across from you as you worked. You looked up from your coffee, startled, but moved your laptop out of the way to give him some room. 
“What’cha studying?” he asked, grinning as he leaned over to peek at your screen. 
“Oh—uh, just studying for midterms, nothing too exciting,” you said, taking a shy sip of your coffee. He was even more beautiful up close, his smile almost too dazzling for words. He ran a hand through his pale blonde hair, turning his head to glance out the window, and you marvelled at the cut of his jawline as he tipped his chin up slightly. He turned back, meeting your stare warmly. 
“Is it ok if I sit here? I can move, I don’t wanna bother you—“
“No, not at all!” you said a little too quickly. “Actually, I was just about to take a break from studying.”
“Oh, nice! I’m on break, too,” he said, a warm smile still plastered across his face. You tried your best not to stare, but it was futile. 
“I’m Y/N,” you said instinctively. 
He laughed. “Yeah, I know. I take your coffee order every day!” 
Your face felt red hot. Something about looking at how gorgeous he was made your brain short-circuit. 
“But while we’re introducing ourselves, I’m San,” he said seriously before breaking into a smile. He extended his hand for a cheesy handshake.Your heart fluttered a bit at how charming he was.
 “I know, I order coffee from you every day,” you teased back. 
You chatted for a while, exchanging flirtatious quips with each other. The time seemed to fly by and you noticed him glancing at the clock nervously. 
“Shit, I gotta get back to work,” he sighed, lifting himself up from the table, his toned arms flexing beneath the rolled sleeves of his button up. “But hey, here’s my number,” he pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket smoothly and slid it across the table. “We should do something this weekend.”
You knew he was being flirtatious, but you didn’t expect him to actually make a move. You wouldn’t say you were unattractive, but this guy felt way out of your league.
You nodded a bit too enthusiastically, flashing a smile. “I’ll call you,” you said, holding the piece of paper up between your fingers. 
He winked, and nodded towards the bar. “You know where to find me.”
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You found yourself at the cafe again the following night, as your workload never seemed to end. Last night, San had given you his number on his break, and you smiled as you got a text from him asking if you were free that weekend. You messaged back and forth for a bit, eventually settling on a plan to meet at a cat cafe on Saturday. 
San wasn’t working that night, but Wooyoung was, and you felt a little strange flirting with him after you’d already given San your number. But he probably didn’t know that, and it’s not like you were dating either of them, so why not? 
Wooyoung called your name when your coffee was ready, and you hopped out of your seat to grab it from the bar. To your surprise, there was no cup to be seen, and you looked up to see Wooyoung holding your drink in his hand with a mischievous smile. 
“Question,” he said. “Why did the coffee file a police report?” 
You looked at him in confusion, trying to come up with a response. 
“Because it was mugged!” he said, grinning at his joke. 
“Ha-ha,” you said sarcastically, but you couldn’t help the smile spreading across your face. “Are you holding my drink hostage?”
“Yes, would you like to hear the conditions?”
“Conditions?” you laughed, raising your eyebrows. 
“Mhm. One: I have another joke, and this time you have to laugh.” Wooyoung dangled the cup of coffee in his fingers, taunting you with it. 
“Ok, I’ll do my best. What’s the second condition?”
“Second condition: you have to text me,” he said, and he turned the cup to show you he’d written his number on one side, surrounded by hearts and winky faces. 
“Ok, deal,” you said, cheeks heating up as you saw the smile spread across his face. He was gorgeous, and undoubtedly charming, how could you say no?
“Alright, why did the hipster burn his tongue?” 
“He drank it before it was cool.” He pushed the cup across the bar to you, and you forced a laugh, taking it from his hand as he stuck his tongue out cheekily. 
You put his number in your phone, sending him a text with an equally cheesy joke you found off google. You heard him laugh when he read it, and you smiled as you continued to type out your essay. 
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[Saturday, 4pm]
It was finally time for your first date, and you arrived at the cat cafe a few minutes early, eager in anticipation. You couldn’t help but think about how cute he was as you waited—you couldn’t believe he’d even asked you out in the first place. Let alone both of them. 
You heard him calling to you and you turned in the direction of his voice as he walked up to meet you by the entrance. “Hey, Y/N! I hope you haven’t been waiting too long.” You shook your head reassuringly. “Shall we go inside? Pretty ladies first,” he said, opening the door for you and flashing you a flirtatious smile. 
You two were seated at your table, and immediately the cats took interest in you, rubbing on your legs and mewing. You admired him as he pet them lovingly. There was nothing more attractive than a man who loved animals. 
He ordered coffee and you opted for tea, and you both split a blueberry scone. The waitress came over with a small basket full of cat toys and accessories to play with, and you grabbed a handful, including a cute little headband with cat ears, which you slid on your head. You started playing with the cat toys when you noticed San’s eyes trained to you—specifically to the cheap cat ears on your head. 
He tipped his head to the side in thought. “Wow, you look really nice in those ears.” 
“Huh, these?” you said, gesturing to the cat ears. “I didn’t know you were into that kind of thing,” you teased jokingly. You noticed his face go red suddenly, and you couldn’t help but blush back. He was looking at you like you were the only other person in existence. 
“You never know,” he joked back, letting out a soft laugh and raising his eyebrow. He was so damn charming.
You spent the rest of the time playing with the kitties at the cafe, and you couldn’t help but marvel at how cute he was. He was the poster child for duality—his good looks were intimidating, and every time you saw him standing there with a straight face, he looked kind of scary, the kind of man you wouldn’t ever have the courage to approach. That is, until he flashed his intoxicating, dimpled smile of his, which immediately put you at ease, his eyes forming into cute crescents as he laughed. 
“Do you have any pets?” He asked, making light conversation as he dangled a toy in front of one of the kittens. 
“Not right now, my apartment doesn’t allow them,” you said dejectedly. “But I really want a dog when I move out.”
“Hey, I have a dog! He’s a Shiba, he’s super sweet. Everyone who meets him falls in love instantly,” he smiled, twirling the cat toy between his fingers. “You could come meet him if you want?” 
You blushed, flustered a bit at the idea of going to his place. But you two were really hitting it off, and you definitely didn’t want the day to end. You nodded eagerly. “I’d really like that.”
He flashed you another big smile, and you were entranced. How could he be so charming?
When you got to his apartment, he immediately introduced you to his dog, Shiber. You laughed at the unexpectedly literal name choice. 
“Shiber the Shiba?” you teased, and he laughed with you about it. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d had a date go so well, and your cheeks hurt from the constant smiling. 
You ended up settling on the couch to watch a movie, but neither of you were paying attention. Your movie plans had devolved into you talking and laughing with the TV only acting as background noise for your conversation. At one point, your conversation reached its natural conclusion, and you had your eyes trained to his lips, signaling that you wanted him to make a move. He noticed immediately, and scooted himself as close as possible to you, pushing your hair behind your ear. “Can I kiss you?” he asked softly, like you hadn't just been begging him to with your eyes seconds before. You answered by pressing your lips to his softly, and he reciprocated fervently. You immediately tasted the faint lingering of coffee, and you smiled against his lips. What could be more fitting for a man you’d met at the coffee shop? 
As the kisses began to escalate in intensity, you swung your leg over his and planted yourself firmly in his lap. He pulled you in by the waist, his hands grasping at your shirt eagerly, and you pressed your hips down against his crotch. The sudden pressure caused his breath to hitch in his throat. 
“That feels so good,” he moaned against your lips. 
You took his words as motivation to grind yourself faster and harder against the hard mound growing underneath you, taking pleasure in the moans and grunts escaping him. He grasped hungrily at the fabric of your shirt, practically tearing it off of your body. You were taken aback by his sudden aggression, but welcomed his forwardness as he began kissing and sucking down your neck. 
You pulled back, slipping off of his lap, and planted your knees in the carpet. You began unzipping his pants, and he ran his fingers through your hair in anticipation. 
“Wait,” he said suddenly. You looked at him, brows furrowed in confusion. “I keep thinking about something… those cat ears from earlier looked so sexy on you.” 
“I told you you had a cat kink,” you said with a chuckle. 
“I can’t stop thinking about making you my pet. You’d just look so good in ears and a collar,” he said, eyes darkening as he marveled at the sight of you kneeling before him. The way he said it sent shivers down your spine. His voice was so much deeper now, dripping with lust.
“Well you do have a dog,” you joked lightly.
A lightbulb seemed to go off in his head, and he quickly got up and rustled around in the other room for something. When he came back you were still in the same position, and he knelt behind you, leaning in close. 
“Wanna be my pet?” he whispered in your ear, and you giggled, thinking he was still joking. 
“Sounds fun,” you responded.
You were met with the feeling of a vice being tightened around your neck. He was serious? “I’ve always wanted to try something like this,” he mused in your ear, clicking the collar together. “Turn around,” he demanded, and his sudden commanding tone had you melting at his feet. You liked when he was cute, but you might have liked this side of him even more. 
You wasted no time getting your lips around his cock. It was picturesque in every way, and you wanted to savor it. His hands tangled in your hair as he held back from thrusting himself into you, and you took him as deeply as you could into your mouth. You took his dick enthusiastically, pressing your tongue firmly against it as you hollowed your cheeks to suck. You hummed against him, and you felt his fingers tense in your hair as he bucked his hips up needily. You glanced up at him, hoping to catch a glimpse of his pleasured expression. The view from beneath him was incredible, and it gave you a chance to marvel at the curve of his jaw from below. “Fuck...” he moaned. You pulled back for a moment to take a breath, your saliva connecting at the tip of his cock, and he let out a pleased sigh at the lewd display. “Good girl,” he praised, patting the top of your head softly. It was cute and hot at the same time, and you didn’t know how that was even possible, but he pulled it off effortlessly.
You resisted the urge to joke around with him—you weren’t in a position to kink shame. 
As he patted your head, you noticed something glistening on the floor next to you. A leash?
“What, are you gonna leash me up now?” you asked playfully, glancing up at him from your submissive position. 
“Well, yeah. I am.” His lips drew up into a devilish smirk as he retrieved the leash from beside you and hooked it on the collar around your neck. You had never done anything like this before, and you couldn’t deny it was kinda hot. You let out a small whimper as he tugged at the chain, testing your reaction. He wrapped his hand around the end of the leash a few times before yanking it gently, drawing you up to your feet. Even though it started as a joke, he was really getting into it, and you couldn’t lie, you were too. 
His finger dragged along the edge of the collar. “God, you look so good in this thing. Come to bed with me.” You wanted to, not that you really had a choice in the matter as he led you by the chain to his bed. 
He shoved you down forcefully onto your stomach, but you bounced back gently against the soft mattress. He slipped off your panties, bringing a finger down between your legs to sample your wetness. 
“Looks like I’m not the only one with a cat kink here,” he teased, pushing one finger inside. It slipped in effortlessly, and you let out a whine at the stimulation. He teased in and out with his finger torturously, twisting it inside you, every so often pushing against your clit to watch you squirm. 
You couldn’t take it anymore. “San, Jesus Christ, just fuck me.”
That was all he needed to hear. He pushed in slowly at first before bottoming out inside of you. He tugged your collar as he pulsed his dick inside you, tugging at your collar, causing you to let out a soft choked moan against the pressure. He grabbed your hips hungrily, pulling your hips back against him impatiently. 
He started to pick up the pace, thrusting rhythmically, one hand holding the leash and the other fisted in your hair. You were entirely overwhelmed in the best way possible. “Harder,” you urged, and his thrusts followed your orders. Your eyes rolled back in your head at the sensation of him inside you, and of course, the high you got from the collar choking around your neck. He pulled out of you and released himself on your lower back with heavy labored breaths. Your body gave out beneath you, causing you to collapse on the bed, waiting for him to bring back a cool cloth to clean you up with. 
After you both had collected yourselves, you flopped into the soft sheets of San’s bed. He sunk into the sheets next to you, and you rolled over to swing a tired arm around his chest.
“Well that was… memorable,” you giggled, and he laughed with you, still riding a high from your orgasm. 
“So I made a good impression?” he joked. 
You melted into his touch as he traced his fingers down your back. You nuzzled your head into the warm crook of his neck, finally starting to feel a bit drowsy from your wild night. 
“Yeah, you made a great one.”
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[Sunday, 9pm]
The buzzer went off in the laser tag arena, signaling the start of the game. Everyone scattered, artificial gun sounds filling the room as you ducked for cover. Glowing barrels leaking “toxic waste” littered the dark room, and you dove behind one, dodging enemy fire with a nimble slide. 
Wooyoung spotted you as you poked your head over the top of the barrel, and he pursued you with a grin, weapon poised to shoot. Lasers discharged from his gun, aiming for the target at the center of your chest, and you squealed and scrambled away.
He chased you, running a full circle around the barricade, and you turned on your heels, shooting him square in the chest. Wooyoung gasped in mock-offense, and you ran away as he raised his gun again. He had insisted on playing for the opposing team so he could whoop your ass, but so far you were winning. 
You chased each other around like that for a while, giggling and shooting lasers at each other, ignoring the other players in favor of your own flirty warfare. He landed a particularly well-placed shot at your gun, and it made a sad little noise and died, lights flickering as it disabled. 
Wooyoung smirked, backing you into a corner, cut off from all the other players by an artificially dilapidated wall. 
“You’re weaponless,” he laughed, nodding his head toward your defunct toy gun. He pressed closer, causing your back to hit the wall, and he brought a hand up to it to cage you there. 
“Please, spare me!” you giggled, your faces just inches apart. Your heart began to beat faster as he leaned in, sliding his arm around your waist, pulling your body against his. 
“Not this time,” he said, and pressed your lips together. You dropped your gun, letting it fall to the carpet as you wrapped your hands around his shoulders, reciprocating the kiss. 
Wooyoung pressed you firmly against the wall, his tongue sliding against yours with a soft sigh. You got way too into it, completely forgetting where you were as the kiss grew more and more heated. His hands came down to squeeze your ass, pulling you even closer against his body, and you were about ready to fuck him right then and there before the buzzer went off once more, snapping you back to reality. 
You both pulled back, startled, then burst into laughter. As you caught your breath, you couldn’t help but stare. He had a beautiful smile, and a contagious laugh that had you doubled over for a second time. 
“We should probably go before they kick us out,” you said breathlessly, picking your gun up from the floor. 
“It was just getting good, too,” he pouted, pulling you in for another quick kiss before leading the way back to the gear room. 
You hung up your vests and put yours guns back, and you were grabbing your purse from the locker when you felt Wooyoung come up behind you. He slid his hands over your waist and leaned in close to your ear, his warm breath tickling your neck. You quickly looked around to see if anyone was around, but you were the last two there, since it had taken you the longest to return. 
“What’s my prize for winning?” he asked, his lips just barely brushing against your neck. 
“Oh, there was a prize?” you teased, and turned around to face him. He had mischief all over his face, and you kinda just wanted to pull him in and pick up where you left off in the arena. 
As if thinking the same thing, he leaned in, pressing your back against the lockers as he sealed your lips together.  The kiss was even more heated than before, and you let your hands wander over his shirt, across the plane of his chest, moving downward to give him a teasing squeeze to the front of his jeans. He groaned against your lips, pulling back just enough to give you a sly smile. 
“Just can’t wait, huh?”
“So what if I can’t?” you said against his lips, and he pressed you harder against the lockers. 
“Dirty, I like it. You want my dick that bad?” 
“Mm, maybe,” you laughed, and he captured your lips again, sliding his hands down to your hips. 
“Why does home have to be so far away,” he whined playfully. 
“I mean… they have a bathroom.” You were joking, but then again, were you?
“A bathroom?” he raised his eyebrows, surprised and also quite impressed at your suggestion. “What goes on in that little head of yours?”
“I guess you’ll see,” you said, grabbing his wrist, sliding out from underneath him to lead him into the single occupant bathroom down the hall. It was pretty late, and most of the employees were up front, so you were able to slip into the bathroom together without being seen. You flipped the lock, pushing Wooyoung against the heavy door as it slammed shut. 
You kissed him hard, palming the bulge forming in his jeans, reveling in the way he moaned against your lips. You were on a roll—two hot baristas in one weekend? You felt a little guilty agreeing to both dates at first, but who could blame you? 
The heart wanted what the heart wanted. Well, maybe not your heart so much...
You sank to your knees, maintaining eye contact as you worked his belt open and pulled down the zipper on his jeans, and he helped you slide his boxers down enough to let his dick spring free. 
You wrapped your hand around his length, jerking it a few times until he bit his lip and tipped his head back against the door. You were in the mood to tease him, for some reason, and it was working. You planted a tiny kiss to the head of his cock, and you heard him sigh above you. 
“Stop torturing me.” 
You giggled, giving the tip of his dick another small peck. Slowly, you wrapped your lips around it, giving the slit a little flick with your tongue, and he groaned in the back of his throat. You took more of it, letting it sink deeper into your mouth, curling your hand around what you couldn’t fit. 
You sucked hard, cheeks hollowing out as you bobbed your head, forming a steady rhythm as you began jerking him off as well. A particularly well-executed twisting motion had him cursing aloud, and you pulled back, a thin string of saliva connected to your lip. 
“Shh, quiet!” you stage-whispered up at him, grinning at the ridiculousness of the situation. 
“C’mere,” Woouoing said as he pulled you up, giving you a quick kiss before spinning you around. “Hands on the counter.” 
“But it’s wet,” you whined, grabbing a few paper towels from the dispenser to mop up the water. 
“Don’t be such a baby,” Wooyoung teased, flipping your skirt up to give you a sudden smack on the ass. You yelped, partially because of the smack, partially because your elbows were resting in a puddle of cold water. 
You watched him in the mirror as he massaged your ass, momentarily in his own world as he admired it. You wiggled your hips to pull him back to reality. 
He slid a hand between your legs, rubbing over the crotch of your panties, watching your face in the mirror as he added more pressure and started teasing circles over your clit with his fingers. You whined, breathy and needy, and you watched his face light up into a smirk in the mirror.
He slid your panties down, the thin fabric falling around your ankles. He pulled his wallet out of his jeans, retrieving a condom from between the bills. He ripped it open with his teeth, spitting the torn plastic onto the floor as he rolled the condom onto his cock. 
Wooyoung lined his cock up with your pussy, dragging it along your wet folds, and it slid in easily. You bit your lip as he slipped it in, pushing in slowly with a groan. He started off slow at first, then quickly picked up the pace, falling into a fast rhythm as he fucked you. 
You didn’t even care that the counter was wet anymore. You clawed at it with your fingernails, scratching against the sink as he fucked you harder, and it was becoming difficult to silence the cries that spilled from your mouth. 
“Fuck, harder,” you whined, and he obliged. The wet sound of his cock fucking into you echoed in the small, single-person bathroom, and you wondered if people could hear from outside. Not that you really cared at that moment. 
You were in heaven, not in a grimy public bathroom. At least, that’s what it felt like. His thrusts grew faster, and he slid a hand around your front to stroke his fingers over your clit. You had to slap a hand over your mouth to keep from crying out, and your other hand slipped forward and accidentally set off the automatic soap dispenser, depositing foam all over the back of your hand. 
“Fuck, shit,” you said, and you both started cracking up as you shook your hand, splattering foamy soap all over the mirror. 
Tears welled up in your eyes from laughing so hard, but it wasn’t long before your laughter turned to moans again as fucked you faster, giving a few broken thrusts as he finished, groaning as he buried his cock to the hilt. 
Wooyoung let his sweaty forehead fall against your back, panting out laughter as you wiped your soapy hand against his arm. 
“Someone definitely heard us,” he said, and you hummed in agreement. 
He pulled out, snapping the condom off and tying it up before slingshotting it into the trash can with impressive accuracy. You were busy using toilet paper to wipe down your crotch when a sudden knock on the door made you both freeze. 
Wooyoung mouthed oh shit! as you clamped a hand around your mouth to muffle your laughter. 
“Just a minute!” he called at the door, and you both cleaned up as fast as you could, bursting into a new round of laughter every time you made eye contact. 
Good thing you’d chosen to go with the adults only time slot for your laser tag date. 
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In the days following your two dates, you still attended the coffee shop as regularly as you had before. You couldn’t seem to focus anywhere else. Things were relatively normal, but any time Wooyoung and San happened to be working together on the same day, you didn’t know how to speak to one without exposing yourself to the other, so you opted for no flirting at all, pretending instead to be too preoccupied with your studies. It was probably suspicious, how cold you acted to them when they were working together, but you didn’t want to seem like you were flirting with one and not the other.
It was Friday, and you were engaged in a particularly intense study session, and in your focused state, the time seemed to slip away without warning. You glanced up to realize the sun had set completely, meaning it’d soon be time for the cafe to close. It was just you, Wooyoung and San left in the cafe now, who were the only ones working the evening closing shift that night. You gathered up your things quickly, trying to leave without making much of a scene. You still felt awkward around the both of them when they were together, not knowing how to approach the delicate situation. 
As you were walking out the door, an arm came down and blocked your exit. 
“Don’t leave just yet.” It was San’s voice, and you turned to see him looking at you with a strange expression. You were the last one left in the store, so he was obviously addressing you. He kept his arm out to block your path. You looked at him in confusion. 
“So I was talking with Wooyoung, and both of us happened to hook up with a cute regular over the weekend. Turns out, it was the same one.”  
You shifted uncomfortably under his intense gaze, not knowing what to make of the awkward situation. Was he mad? You peeked up at him to gauge his expression, but to your surprise, he was smiling. “Oh, uh…” was all you could say. 
You glanced over your shoulder, and Wooyoung had sat down at one of the tables in the middle of the cafe, leaning nonchalantly back into his seat. 
“Come on, let’s have a chat,” San said, and for some reason his tone sent shivers down your spine. You swallowed, San’s hands on your shoulders spinning you around and guiding you to the table where Wooyoung was sitting. Neither of them seemed particularly upset, which made you even more confused on why they were confronting you about it in the first place. 
You sat down at one side of the table, and San joined, both of them facing you. You set your bag on the floor and placed your hands in your lap, feeling like you were in trouble. 
“Alright, spill. Who was better?” Wooyoung said bluntly. 
“Who was—huh?” you said, gaping at the unexpected question. 
Wooyoung threw San a glance, like there was an inside joke you were missing. “C’mon, we just wanna know. We have a bet going, so who was better?” 
“No way, I’m not answering that!” you laughed indignantly. San made a pouty face at you. 
“I think it was me,” Wooyoung said, crossing his arms. “I kicked your ass at laser tag and you loved it.”
“Hell no! Cat cafe totally wins,” San whined. 
“C’mon, you wish you’d thought of laser tag. Just admit it.” 
“Ok, fine, laser tag is pretty cool,” San sighed. “But you don’t have a cute dog like I do.” 
“I don’t need a cute dog, I’m already cute enough as it is,” Wooyoung said, making a cutesy gesture with his hands around his face at you. You and San both rolled your eyes. 
“Whatever you wanna tell yourself,” San said dryly, and Wooyoung gave him a playful shove. “Ok, laser tag or cat cafe?” he asked you seriously. 
“I can’t pick,” you said, which was the truth. They were both fun, how could you possibly pick the superior date?
“Making out in a laser tag arena or… cat hair up your nose. Tough choice.” Wooyoung pretended to seriously mull over the question. 
“Uh, how ‘bout… sexy kittycat with a leash, or disgusting public bathroom?” San shot back at him. 
“I’m not saying public bathrooms aren’t gross, but that’s why it’s hot,” Wooyoung shrugged, confident with his answer. 
You covered your face with your hands, mortified to be having this conversation. “Do we have to be having this discussion?” you groaned. 
“Yes!” they said in unison, like cartoon characters. 
“Which of us was the better lay?” Wooyoung demanded.
“Not telling!” you hmph’d, crossing your arms petulantly. 
“I put a dog collar on you, so obviously me,” San said, hitting the table like a lawyer who’d just won his case. 
“You did help San discover his furry kink—,” 
“I’ll kill you.”
“—But my dick is bigger.”
“No it isn’t!” 
They both looked at you expectantly, as if waiting for you to settle it. You made a gesture indicating that your lips were sealed. You wondered how long they planned on arguing for. 
“I think there’s only one way to settle this,” Wooyoung said matter-of-factly. 
What, were they about to whip their dicks out and measure them? 
“You fuck both of us.” Didn’t you do that already? “...Right now.” Oh. 
“Deal,” you said a little too quickly. You couldn’t choose anyway, so wasn’t it the perfect solution?
“Wow, fast answer,” San commented, and you blushed a little at his call-out. “Don’t forget, the bet is still on,” he called over his shoulder as he got up to lock the door and draw the blinds over the windows. 
“And I’m so winning it,” Wooyoung said as he scooped you up from your chair, carrying you honeymoon-style to the bar and depositing you onto the counter. San flipped a few of the lights off as he came back, keeping just enough of them on so that it wasn't completely dark. 
Wooyoung disappeared for a second, ducking down to retrieve something from the fridge underneath the counter. He popped back up with a canister of whipped cream, then threw his shirt over his head, tossing it behind him. He sprayed a line of whipped cream along his neck, tipping his chin up to give you the most access. He leaned in, caging you against the counter with his arms. He quirked an eyebrow, waiting for your move. 
You kissed along his neck, scooping up the whipped cream with your tongue and tasting the sugar on his skin. You licked it clean, and glanced up at San, who rolled his eyes and grabbed the can from Wooyoung’s hand. Not to be bested, he sprayed some directly into his mouth, maintaining eye contact with you as he did so. 
He leaned on the counter next to you, and you hooked a finger in the collar of his shirt and pulled him in, leaning over Wooyoung’s shoulder to kiss him. You slid your tongue into his mouth, lapping up the whipped cream as he smirked against your lips. 
Wooyoung scoffed as he kissed along your neck, pulling back to utter a brief but sarcastic “wooow.” His hands came up to feel underneath your shirt, pushing it up to your shoulders, ducking his head to pull your bra down with his teeth. He brought his mouth to your nipple, licking and sucking on it, and you moaned against San’s lips. His thumb traced circles along your skin, and you wanted more. 
San moved a hand between your legs, giving your thigh a quick squeeze before dipping under your skirt and brushing his fingers over the crotch of your panties. He used just enough pressure to have you squirming, determined to be the one to make you moan. You felt like the luckiest girl alive, having these two hot baristas competing over you. 
San slid your panties off, dropping them to the floor. He teased his thumb over your clit, and you arched your back, threading your fingers into Wooyoung’s hair. He gave a soft moan against your breast, then raised his head, stealing you from San as he locked you in a heated kiss. 
You felt the press of San’s fingers as he slipped them inside you, dragging them in and out as you moaned into Wooyoung’s mouth. You raised your arms so Wooyoung could take your shirt off, and he worked on your bra next. San’s fingers moved faster as Wooyoung brushed your nipples with his thumbs, and you had no idea who was winning at this point. 
You tipped your head back, moaning loudly as San fucked you with his fingers, and Wooyoung sucked along the curve of your neck, teeth scraping along the sensitive skin. Suddenly, Wooyoung brought a hand up to your face, brushing his fingers along your lips, and you opened them, letting him dip two fingers into your mouth. You sucked, letting your tongue drag between them, and both of them watched you hungrily, eyes full of desire. 
“Alright, how ‘bout this?” Wooyoung said, pulling back. You looked at him in confusion, and San slipped his fingers out to see what he was about to do. Wooyoung worked his belt open, sliding his pants down enough to free his dick. It sprang free, and he grabbed the canister again, spraying whipped cream in a line along his cock. 
“Gross,” San muttered to himself as you hopped off the counter, getting on your knees in front of Wooyoung. 
You gave the tip of his dick a tiny lick, laughing as a little puff of whipped cream stuck to your nose. He wiped it off with his finger, then licked it off with a smirk. You dragged your tongue along his cock, kissing and sucking off the whipped cream as you worked your way down the shaft. He gave a satisfied moan, petting your hair as you licked it clean. 
"Let's take this to the couch," Wooyoung said, and San agreed with a nod. 
San guided you to a small carpeted area with a couch and a few chairs, draping you over the arm of the couch as he slid beneath you, grabbing your hips and lining you up with his mouth. He took a few tentative licks. “Mm, you taste so good,” he moaned against you. 
Wooyoung moved in front of you, and you took him in your mouth eagerly, twisting the base of his dick with your hands as you sucked. He let out a few pleasured groans, signaling that he wanted more. 
Pleasure swelled inside of you as San began circling your clit with his tongue. You moaned around Wooyoung’s cock, sending vibrations up the shaft that had him biting his lip. You let your tongue circle the head of his cock, distracted by San as he upped the intensity. 
Soon enough you were grinding against his face, leaning your head against Wooyoung’s hip as you jerked him off, moaning as San slid his fingers into you once again. 
You brought the tip of Wooyoung’s cock back into your mouth, bobbing your head over his length. You pulled off as you felt your climax growing, Wooyoung’s hand stroking your hair as you rode San’s face. San sucked hard on your clit as he fucked you with his fingers, and you cried out as you came, bucking your hips against his face involuntarily. 
San kissed all the way down your inner thigh as he slid out from under you, a subtle smirk on his face that indicated he thought he was winning so far. You caught your breath, moving to the center of the couch to make room for the guys. San swiveled to face you, his cock in front of your face as Wooyoung’s hands found their way to your ass. 
You repositioned yourself to all fours, waiting expectantly to feel Wooyoung’s cock push into you. In front of you, San tipped your chin up to meet his gaze, his lips pulling into a sinister smirk. He pushed his thumb against your lip, dragging it down slightly, then hooked two fingers in your mouth, pulling it open to accept his eager cock. 
As if they had conspired, Wooyoung slid the tip of his dick inside of you at the same time that San pushed his against your lips. Your head rushed with bliss at the sudden overwhelming sensation of being taken from both ends. You moaned deeply, sending vibrations against San’s dick as Wooyoung pushed fully into you.
“Look at me,” San cooed, resting one hand under your chin, the other wrapped tightly in your hair. You lifted your gaze up, maintaining eye contact with him as he gently rocked against the roof of your mouth. “Good girl.” You heard Wooyoung scoff as San sang your praises. They fought for your attention as San maintained eye contact, but Wooyoung’s thrusts behind you had you seeing stars. Wooyoung’s hands clamped your ass, digging his nails in as he squeezed, delivering a harsh slap to your ass. They seemed to be enjoying themselves as much as you were—you could tell from their moans harmonizing beautifully as they shared you, and your mind short-circuited trying to focus just on one or the other. 
“That’s a good girl… just like that, princess,” San purred, holding your chin as you sucked and licked at his dick enthusiastically.
“Can you shut up,” Wooyoung groaned, making a fake gagging noise. “I don’t wanna hear your voice right now.”
San smirked in amusement as he continued sliding in and out of your mouth. You wondered how much fun he must be having making Wooyoung gag like that. 
You pressed your tongue firmly on San’s shaft as you sucked, and he bit his lip, holding back stifled moans. Behind you, Wooyoung’s thrusts grew more aggressive as he sunk his nails into your ass. “Fuck,” Wooyoung grunted, giving one final thrust before pulling out hastily, cursing as he finished. Warm liquid dripped slowly down the curve of your back as you turned your attention back to San, who was nearing his tipping point. You focused all your efforts on his dick, sucking mercilessly until he couldn’t take it anymore. He pulled out, painting your face with hot streaks of cum. You stuck your tongue out to catch some, and the rest dribbled down your cheeks and chin. He smiled, petting your hair softly. 
“What a good kitty, lapping up my milk,” he said, making direct eye-contact with Wooyoung, who immediately gagged. 
“Are you trying to make me sick right now? If I hadn’t cum already my boner would be dead.” San laughed, cherishing Wooyoung’s disgust. “Just having a little fun. I know how to show my girl a good time.”
“My girl,” Wooyoung corrected.
You took pleasure in listening to them fight over you. You knew they were going to ask you who was better, but you really couldn’t decide in this moment. You honestly kind of wanted both. But right now you were more worried about the sticky liquid threatening to drip on the cafe’s couch.
“Guys, stop. Can someone get me a towel or something?” you asked. Hearing your voice, they both stopped bickering and trained their eyes on you, eyes growing wide as they realized you were still draped over the arm of the couch, cum dripping slowly down your sides. 
“Shit! Sorry,” Wooyoung said as he scrambled to locate the nearest towel. Wooyoung got you cleaned up, and you all searched for your haphazardly discarded clothing scattered around the cafe.
“Pretty sure that violated like, every food safety rule,” San joked as he buttoned his shirt back up. 
“Yikes, you’re right. Maybe we should throw that whipped cream away,” Wooyoung said, pretending to cringe. You laughed, shuddering at the idea of them using it for people’s drinks after such… unprofessional activities.  Wooyoung came and stood next to you, crossing his arms. “So, who won?”
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lady-literature · 4 years
ayy, so ya’ll know that Miraculous/DC crossover I screamed about a while back? I found plot for it.
It is not quite finished yet, but it’s also so much longer than I originally planned on it being. (me: I’ll just write a fun little thing to get this out of my head!
me, 13k words later: oh no)
SO! Here’s a little sneak peak!
(or, find the finished product here!)
There is an unspoken rule, kept by any outsider who’s ever set foot in Gotham, that you should only ever visit the city once. Most find that visiting even once was already too much.
The most dangerous city on earth isn’t kind to its residents—much less strangers who don’t know how to watch their pockets or keep off the streets after dark. It’s gotten better, perhaps, in recent years since the Bat started lurking on rooftops, but that doesn’t mean the city is good.
Normal people stay as far from Gotham as they can get.
Marinette, (un)luckily, is far from normal.
The touring of Metropolis, New York City, and Gotham had been going well as far as Marinette was concerned, no matter what Chloé says to her about carelessness and naivety.
She’s glad her, Adrien and Chloé all decided to take this summer trip before they started University in the fall. It sucks that it was just the three of them, she wishes more of their friends could’ve tagged along but, alas, it wasn’t meant to be.
Kagami was in the middle of training season and couldn’t come. Luka was touring with his father, learning the tricks of the trade and other things. Nathaniel had already been commissioned to paint a mural downtown before they really finalized dates. Nino was in much the same boat as Nath, just with music and pitch meetings. Felix hated traveling and Alix was doing… something. Time travelling, probably. Or at least spending more time in the burrow.
Marinette was certainly starting to notice the way she’s begun talking about ancient history like she was actually there when she goes on rants now. Felix also probably noticed but Marinette’s also sure that he’s aiding and abetting her in exchange for insider information so…
She’ll probably have to deal with that later, unfortunately. But not today.
Their tour group was going to Amusement Mile later that afternoon, but had been given free roam until then. Marinette decided to spend the time up until lunch at the park near the meetup spot in Gotham Square and Chloé hadn’t complained or vetoed that idea so the trio happily camped out on the grass.
Marinette had returned to her sketch of Lady Gotham in between eating bites of her sandwich. She thinks she much preferred the style of it to New York City’s Lady Liberty. There was just something about the Statue of Justice that inspired her.
She’d been doodling about it since they left the marina yesterday. She also had plenty of pictures of the statue for inspiration later. There’s one she especially likes and thinks she might even print out to put up on her wall at home.
She’s playing with the idea of draping fabrics for formal wear designs like the roman togas both Lady statues seem to wear when a tennis ball rolls up and bumps into her leg. She has only enough time to move her sketchbook out of the way before a large dog bowls into her, tail wagging happily and barking up a storm.
Adrien’s already halfway up the tree, startled out of his light doze by the barking and Chloé only daintily moved away from Marinette, leaving her to her fate. 
Pushing herself back up so she’s not crushed by what feels like one hundred pounds of dog, she comes face to snout with quite possibly the biggest dog she’s ever seen. From there, there was really only one choice of action Marinette could have followed.
“Oh! Well, aren’t you just the prettiest boy?” she tells the dog happily, reaching up to give him scratches. “Such a big boy! You nearly bowled me over, didn’t you?”
If it’s possible, the dog’s tail begins to wag even faster, enough that he accidentally overbalances himself and decides to roll with it, flopping onto his back and letting her rub his stomach. Marinette does so enthusiastically, her baby-talk to the dog devolving into broken not-words and the occasional exclamation of good boy! in both English and French.
The dog was a great dane, and had the softest coat of black fur she’s ever seen. There was a thick red collar around his throat, and Marinette stopped furiously rubbing his belly long enough to look at the silver tag attached to it.
“Titus, huh?” she says to the dog. “Such a strong name for such a distinguished boy, huh?”
“Oh god,” she hears Adrien groan from his spot still up in the tree. When she looks up, she finds him eyeing Titus with distrust, the absolute kitten. “I hope whoever his owner is, they’ve never read Shakespeare.”
Both her and Chloé blink at the strange non sequitur.
“Uh, why? Exactly?”
“Because they have shit taste in his plays if they do! Titus Andronicus is, like, Shakespeare’s worst play.”
Chloé glares up at him. “You’re such a nerd. Now stop being ridiculous and get down from there.”
“But, Chloé! It’s a dog.”
“Adrien Agreste!”
Marinette tunes out the two blondes as they devolve into sibling-like bickering. It’s a skill she’s had to learn and learn quickly with living in such close quarters with the pair for the last few weeks and also being friends with the pair for the past three years.
“Speaking of your owner, I wonder where they are?” She scratches under Titus’ chin thoughtfully. “Should we go look for them?”
Titus' head flops to the side, almost like he’s listening for something, before he’s clambering up onto his feet to tower over her. He’s almost twice as tall as she is sitting, which is just ridiculous. Why is everything in America so big?
Getting to her feet herself, Titus still stands almost as tall as her. She can rest her elbow on his back when she grabs his collar to make sure he doesn’t run off. He leads mostly, pulling her along at a steady trot she has to jog to keep up with.
He truly was such a well behaved dog and certainly lived up to his breed’s reputation as a gentle giant.
Or at least she thought so, until the call of “Titus! Here!” echoes through the park and he goes racing off towards it, dragging Marinette along for the ride no matter how much she tries to slow down.
Titus comes to a skidding stop, and Marinette barely stops herself from falling by keeping her arm around Titus.
“And who are you?”
Looking up, she finds a young man, probably around her age, staring down at her. He does not look happy—but most Gothamites don’t, Marinette’s found. He’s also, despite the almost glare he’s giving her, very attractive.
When she opens her mouth, incoherent French comes tumbling out, much to her embarrassment.
Ah. ‘Not being able to speak coherently to people she finds attractive’, she had wondered where that particular personality trait had been as of late. Even after so many years hanging around people who should be—and are—super models, she still acts like a spaz. Why is she like this?
The man raises an eyebrow at her, looking very unamused.
She tries again. “Ah- Je suis- I mean, I am very sorry. Your dog found me sitting over there with my friends and I figured I should find his owner instead of letting him just wander around and I assume your his owner because if you aren’t this is very embarrassing for me. Not that it wasn’t embarrassing before but, oh, I’m definitely rambling and I’m going to shut up now.”
Pressing her lips together as tightly as humanly possible so her tongue will stop making horrible life decisions, she holds Titus’ bright yellow tennis ball out to his owner.
The man huffs, taking the ball from her hand. “I didn’t ask for your life’s story.”
Marinette blinks and then frowns. Her hand tightens around where she’s still holding onto Titus’ collar and she has to very carefully unclench her hand before she breaks it or something.
“I didn’t give it,” she says through clenched teeth, embarrassment abruptly forgotten. There’s no need for the man to be rude.
He scoffs. “Could’ve fooled me.”
She doesn't really have anything to say to that. Instead, she turns to Titus, who’s sitting like the good boy he is. She very seriously leans down to eye level—she does not have to lean down far—and tells him, “Your owner is an ass. But you are still a very good boy.”
She plants a kiss to his forehead that makes his tail wag, gives him one last scratch behind the ears and walks back towards her friends without looking back at the rude man. 
Colonel Bug: so I met kagami and felix’s lovechild today
MY HONOR: I would never stoop so low.
the evil twin: I would never stoop so low.
ShutUpTurtleMan: Nettie
the evil twin: Okay first of all-
ShutUpTurtleMan: sunshine
light of our collective lives and reason I breathe
what the fuCK
YoureUnderAgreste: Kagami, my love, how could you?
The Betrayal™
GottaGoFast: ew
Queen of Salt: ew
sneaky snake: Send pics or it didn’t happen
give me art or give me death: [a photo of the ‘right in front of my salad?’ meme]
Queen of Salt: wait
I was with you all day when did this happen?
was it the owner of the dog that attacked you?
ShutUpTurtleMan: WHAT
Colonel Bug: he didn’t attack me!
chloe stop spreading misinformation!
titus was a sweetheart!
YoureUnderAgreste: incorrect
he was, in fact, a menace
give me art or give me death: wait was Titus the dog or the lovechild
ShutUpTurtleMan: ^^^ ?
Colonel Bug: shut up adrien
all animals are great
stop being elitist
give me art or give me death: okay but seriously what kind of dog was it
the evil twin: why exactly was he our lovechild?
GottaGoFast: because of the dramatic tryst you and Kagami had obviously
keep up
Colonel Bug: because he was as pretty as he was rude actually
And gave me the feeling that he’d rant about his honor and parentage if it given the chance
MY HONOR: you say something once as an unsocialized teen
GottaGoFast: MARI YOU DOG!
Colonel Bug: no alix
did you not read the part about how rude he is
YoureUnderAgreste: i mean,,,,,
Felix is pretty rude and we all still like him
ShutUpTurtleMan: and Chloe
YoureUnderAgreste: oh good point nino
Colonel Bug: i hate it here
i spoke to him for like 2 seconds
Queen of Salt: Okay first of all-
YoureUnderAgreste: so i mean it’s not really a dealbreaker yaknow?
Colonel Bug: this familys a nightmare
i shoulda left you all on the street corner where i found you
YoureUnderAgreste: BUT CHA DINDT
ShutUpTurtleMan: but yA DIDNT
GottaGoFast: BUT CHA DIDNT!!
sneaky snake: but ya didn’t
I have every no regrets. stay tuned for more!
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r0zyp0zy0zy · 3 years
Hi, sorry if you’re not writing but, could you do prompt #7 or #24 your choosing with yamaguchi? Just basically a gn!reader who is flustering the shit out of him or smthing ty <3
Haikyuu!! Prompt list trial
HQ!! Prompt list
Sorry this took so long! I’m feeling a little slow with writing lately. Thanks for your request, and I hope you enjoy!
Words: 1275
Warnings: suggestive, teasing Yamaguchi
Pairing: Yamaguchi Tadashi x GN!reader
Prompt(s): #7- "..so if I do this, you'll get harder?"
It wasn't exactly fair what you were doing, but it was way too fun to stop. You hadn't meant to find out that the beloved Yamaguchi had a crush on you, but it was difficult not to listen to the teasing of his teammates. Obviously you reciprocated his feelings, (honesty who wouldn't), and your chest bubbled in excitement. You were in the same class as Ennoshita, occasionally participating in study groups with him, and the two of you got along pretty well. It wasn't too odd that you had asked to watch the boys he talked about so much practice, and Ennoshita was ecstatic that you wanted to experience the first years' talent.
You were sat on the bleachers pretending to do homework, peaking down at your paper occasionally to doodle. It was cute how Yamaguchi would glance at you after he served, and you would always smile encouragingly. He was just so adorable and so blushy that you couldn't help but have feelings for him. Before one of their matches, you DIYed a cheerleader outfit like you saw in America, matching the length of the short skirt/shorts.
You cheered playfully along with the other students that came to watch the match that would determine whether the team was going to nationals or not, flashing your pom-poms around beside Yachi and Tanaka's sister. You weren't quite sure who the other guys beside you were, but they seemed nice enough. The match was confusing and you had no clue what was going on half of the time, but you cheered the loudest whenever Yamaguchi was serving.
"You guys did awesome!!" Yachi pumped a fist into the air as she ran towards the boys with you, gripping your hand tightly. The two of you had gotten a bit closer during the match, and you now had her number in your phone.
"Y-y/n-san," Ennoshita blushed as he took in your outfit, "I didn't realize that you would be cheering for us today."
"Yep! I made it last night!" You twirled in a circle, showing off your handiwork, "though it would look better with a number on the back."
"You can put my number on it, y/n-chan,~" Tanaka and Nishinoya said at the same time, clasping their hands together and fluttering their lashes. Sugawara slapped his palm on both of their heads and whispered something in their ears. The two boys' eyes widened and they started giggling, which was a concerning sight.
"Locker rooms, guys," Daichi reminded the team, and you watched as they made their way to the change rooms.
"What was that about?" You wondered aloud to Yachi, following her down the hallway where the boys disappeared. She just shrugged, a cheeky grin forming on her face.
The two of you waited outside of the boys' locker room, listening to the chaos that was inside.
"—how were we supposed to know that it was that y/n-san?" Nishinoya asked someone, and your interest piqued at the sound of your name.
"I'm pretty sure there's only one y/n-san in the school," Tsukishima replied, to your confusion. "And I told you not to hit on them because Yamaguchi has a crush on them."
"Awe Tsukki,~" Tanaka said. "You're such a good friend to him."
You glanced at Yachi quizzically, who was looking away guiltily. Well she obviously knew Yamaguchi liked you. Your face reddened with happiness, and a smile broke out onto your face. Your heart swelled at the thought of a blushy Yamaguchi, arm carefully locked with your own and a blush on his face.
"Would it be alright if I took the bus with you guys?" You asked Yachi airily. "I don't wanna sit in Tanaka-san's car for another couple hours."
"I-I mean you would h-have to ask c-coach Ukai I'm p-pretty sure," she replied, a flustered blush on her cheeks.
It was odd how easily convinced the Karasuno volleyball coach was to let you on their ride, even if you had been at their practices a few times. Ukai let you have a seat to yourself near the back of the bus, overlooking the rest of the vehicle. When the boys finally started to fill in they didn't notice you at first, but once Hinata locked eyes with you he shouted out a loud greeting.
"Hi y/n!!" The redhead beamed. "Why're you here? Did you watch the whole game? Did you see our quick attack?!!"
"Calm down, shrimpy," Tsukishima mumbled as he pushed past the smaller boy, "don't overload them with questions."
"Oh, I'm just here because Tanaka-san's driving made me incredibly car-sick," you shrugged. "I didn't feel like puking out the window a second time."
You saw the green cowlick of Yamaguchi's hair peak over the tall blonde's shoulder, and you could tell that he was cowering away. Tsukishima found himself a seat, blocking off the edge with his gym bag.
"Sorry Yams," he grinned cheekily, "looks like you'll have to find another spot."
Yamaguchi's face flushed a cherry red as he looked around, knowing what his best friend was trying to do. He bit his lip once he noticed that all of the other seats were taken, either by his teammates or their luggage. He gulped and turned over to look at you, grip tightening on his bag strap.
"U-uh, can I, uhm, can I sit here?" The nervous boy asked quietly, trying to mask the shake in his voice.
"Sure!" You accepted happily, offering him the window seat. He held his breath as he shimmied by, immediately regretting facing his body towards you. His cheeks flared another spout of dark pink.
Yamaguchi sat down and let his bag fall to his feet, and he looked out the window anxiously. The two of you didn't say much once the bus began to move; his legs couldn't stop bouncing with nerves, and he occasionally turned his head slightly to peek at you. He admired your appearance through his eyelashes, watching you nibble on your lips. Yamaguchi gulped and turned back away, his mind racing with thoughts of your puffy lips.
A small smile broke onto his face as he felt your head lean against his shoulder and he blushed. Your hand slowly slipped onto his thigh and his breath hitched, trying with all his might to not get hard. Which obviously failed when he felt a twitch in his dick. Yamaguchi shifted uncomfortably, awkwardly hunching over to conceal his erection.
"...are you hard?" You whispered questioningly, so quietly he almost couldn't hear you. "Wow, you are."
Yamaguchi choked on his own saliva processing what you said, and he felt his face flush so hard he swore that blood vessels broke, "I-I'm sorry," he whimpered, rubbing his legs together, "I-it's just when you touch me l-like that..." he trailed off.
"..so if I do this, you'll get harder?" You whispered in his ear as you slid your hand onto his inner thigh, gently massaging it.
"U-uh," he squeaked, "y-yeah..." Yamaguchi was sure the bus had gotten hotter with your hand between his legs.
"This is ok, right Yams?" You nibbled on his earlobe and he whimpered out a quiet breath.
"Y-yes," Yamaguchi swallowed harshly. He let his grey-green hair cover his eyes as you continued to massage very close to his erection,. "I-I like you," he confessed softly, glancing at your e/c eyes.
"I know," you uttered into his neck. "I like you too, cutie."
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starcrossedkaiju · 3 years
Kingslayer AU: Chapter Seven
This one is very nice I think you will like it. I call this the “Scott accidentally makes friends” arc.
Scott had just returned from a boring mining trip. Thankfully it wasn’t netherite duty this time. He was looking forward to sitting down after putting everything away when he looked out the window.
Martyn was perched on top of the walls, he seemed to be writing something. Scott’s interest was piqued. It was just after nightfall and cold out. He wondered what the other man was doing as he quietly opened the door of the Renchanting base. It was one in the morning when he checked the clock. There was time to spare.
The world was silent save for a chorus of crickets. It had stormed the night before and a thin blanket of snow preserved the land in tiny crystals. Scott did his best not to crunch the ice beneath his feet as he approached the ladder strung over the high walls.
Looking up, he saw that the sky was clear and brilliantly lit by the stars. A third quarter Moon hung in the air. Obfuscated by the only bank of clouds in the night sky.
He climbed.
As Scott approached the top, he wondered what he was even planning to do. He was going to talk to Martyn, then what. The whole Red Army was still walking on eggshells around him. Of course he didn’t mind. No, he wasn’t supposed to. He was a spy.
That’s what he told himself to sleep better at night.
Yes, ever since he’d started “intermingling” with the Red Army he had grown to admire their friendship. Not between himself and them so much as between each other. It was refreshing. Scott caught himself smiling along with their jokes, tapping his foot to the beat of whatever song was on the radio.
He didn’t dare laugh, or start a conversation, that would be out of line for him. Not yet. Not right now. When tensions were still so high.
Scott poked his head over the top of the wall. Ever so slightly, glancing at the deserted surroundings. He ducked down just enough so that Martyn wouldn’t be immediately aware of his presence. Still contemplating whether or not he was making a good decision.
“You know, if you’re aiming to be sneaky you should really think about investing in a hat,” Martyn’s voice shook Scott from his thoughts.
It also shook him from his perch on the ladder. He jumped in surprise and threw his hands up, conveniently forgetting about the rung he was holding onto.
“Well, this is it,” Scott’s mind said to him, at least his green life track record wasn’t too shabby.
A hand clasped around his wrist, suspending him in air with his feet braced on the ladder.
Scott stared wide eyed up at Martyn, who looked like he was contemplating letting him go. Then he pulled the other back to the ladder and sat back down.
“Uh, thank you,” Scott almost whispered. Pulling himself up onto the wall.
“Well it would be very hard to explain to Timmy,” Martyn replied.
“Jimmy,” Scott corrected, still looking at his feet.
“Timmy,” Martyn said back immediately.
Scott shut up.
“Major?,” Martyn looked over at him. Scott’s head snapped to attention.
“Jesus! Are you possessed?” He asked.
“No. I’m fine,” Scott assured. He didn’t want to admit to himself that the Hand made him nervous.
Martyn laughed at his expense, “calm yourself Major,” he clapped him on the shoulder.
Against his best interest Scott flinched a bit. Trying to laugh off his discomfort.
“What brings you out here in the middle of the night?” Martyn changed the subject.
“I- uh. I saw you up here,” Scott scooted a bit closer, swinging his legs over so that he was facing the same way as the other man. He looked over to see what Martyn was working on.
A book with plain pages was splayed across his lap, the page open was about halfway through the well loved sketchbook. The first half’s papers were crinkled and discolored from use. On the open canvas was a few disconnected sketches of figures that Scott didn’t recognize. Smudges and erase marks scattered the page.
“What’re you drawing?” Scott asked. Aiming to redo the icebreaker.
Martyn held out his art book so the other could see better, “these are just some sketches of people I used to see on TV. That’s Metal Man. I’m certain he wasn’t actually called that; but I can’t remember his real name,” he explained.
Further down the page was “Scarlet Witch,” then there was a drawing of Ren that neither of them mentioned.
Scott pointed to the last drawing, a bust of a superhero-looking man, “that one looks like you,” he observed.
“Mm, maybe a little?” Martyn replied with a bashful inflection.
“Yeah that’s totally you. He even has the little swirly thing on the chest,” Scott said. Martyn made a dismissive gesture.
“Aw come on. Like you never wanted to be a superhero,” he replied quietly.
Scott giggled. He wasn’t making fun of Martyn. It was just funny, a little, to see the Hand of the King up here doodling cartoons.
“I usually come out here to draw the sky. It’s different every night, always pretty,” Martyn flipped the page back to reveal a drawing of the night sky.
It took up two pages, landscape style, entirely pencil. The scenery even included some landmarks like the very top of Big B’s base. Scott noticed that Martyn’s fingers were covered in excess graphite from blending out the stars.
It was beautiful.
“Helps me umwind,” Martyn flipped a few pages forward to a blank spread, “you should try it,” he suggested as he put the sketchbook in the other’s lap.
Scott sat cluelessly. Staring at the page when he was handed a pencil.
“I’m no artist. Not like you are,” he tried to pass the supplies back but the other refused.
“Whatever you want. It doesn’t have to be the sky, it doesn’t have to be anything recognizable,” Martyn encouraged.
Scott nodded. He adjusted his grip on the pencil and positioned it above the page. It stayed there motionless while he thought.
Martyn had grabbed his hand on that ladder. He let him sit next to him while he was completely vulnerable, trying to get away from reality on top of the wall as long as he could. Martyn showed him pieces of his world. The world the way he saw it, the way he chose to preserve it. Remember it.
He shared it without question and now he was telling Scott to do the same. Show him a bit of his reality so he could understand.
This was a leap. Scott knew it, straight out of his comfort zone; and there would be no turning around, but something in the back of his mind screamed that he couldn’t keep hiding from people.
So a line showed up on the paper, followed by another. Scott pulled the image out of his mind and funneled it through the pencil, the foreground and then the background. A landscape that shaped itself across the whole page. There were mountains fading into blue against the skyline, he remembered, a river with a house on one of its banks.
A floating mass of land in the sky with vines hanging from the bottom, and a building on top.
Martyn didn’t say anything. It was like he wasn’t even there. Scott started drawing a figure to occupy the space. Reaching deep into his mind to see their face. Their faces. Soon instead of one person there was two, then three, then four. He drew every attribute and detail that came back to him.
Twelve people. He didn’t want to forget them.
When Scott finished he put the pencil down next to him. So Martyn knew he was done. He held the page up to study what he’d made, looking for anything he may have forgotten.
“That’s pretty cool,” Martyn complimented him.
“Really?” Scott asked.
“Yeah, I like that dude. The one with the wings,” Martyn pointed to where Scott had drawn a man gliding through the air with huge wings, holding onto his striped hat.
“I don’t remember his name,” Scott admitted. Mostly to himself.
“He had a name?” Martyn asked.
“They all did. I can barely remember their faces,” Scott replied, running his fingers over each of the people he’d drawn. An ugly feeling of guilt made a home in his chest.
“It’s a lovely picture,” Martyn said after a few seconds. He took the book from Scott and ripped a chunk of the pages out, “here,” he held them towards Scott. Including the one he’d been drawing on.
Scott was shocked that the other had desiccated his art book so quickly, but took the pages. He may as well.
“Use em’ however you like. I have plenty more,” Martyn instructed. He clapped Scott on the back again.
Scott flashed him a smile, hoping he didn’t look too much like an idiot, “Thank you,” he said.
“I have to go,” Scott jumped quickly back onto the ladder. He made it a few rungs down before pausing and returning to the top.
“Sorry for kicking you in… You know,” he apologized.
Martyn threw his head back in laughter, “thanks Major,” he replied.
“Bye,” Scott responded. He descended the ladder quickly and jogged to the exit of Dogwarts, fumbling with the doors and then trudging down the hill to make way for his flower forest.
“Remember to get a hat!” Echoed from behind him.
Scott turned around momentarily and nodded to Martyn on the wall, then continued into the trees.
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anarcoqueer1994 · 3 years
No More Dates
It was the summer of 1933, and Steve had just turned 15 years old. He is sitting in his kitchen with his ma, as she cooks. He's doodling on a scrap of paper when behind him he hears the door open; Bucky. Sarah never minded the brunette busting in without knocking. She sees him like another one of her kids and loves that her son has such a good friend. 
Steve hears Bucky walk up behind him, feeling Bucky's strong arm wrap around his shoulder. Steve has to focus on not blushing. Ever since his friend has started down at the docks, his already handsome body has taken on harder lines and muscles. It was not helping Steve’s massive crush on him one bit.
 He is broken out of his thoughts when the other boy starts to speak. "Good evening, Mrs. Rogers." He smiles at the blond woman at the stove. She smiles back and waves slightly.
He turns his attention to Steve. "Hey, Stevie. What'cha drawing?" Bucky looks down at the paper which Steve tries to hide. He isn't quick enough. Bucky sees. "This is good." Buck beams at the hastily sketched lips on the page. Luckily for Steve, he doesn't realize those are his lips.
"Uh, thanks Buck." Steve flashes a little smile back before turning the paper over, giving his full attention to the older boy.
"So listen Stevie, want to go out with me tonight?" Steve's  hands suddenly get sweaty. What does Bucky mean, out tonight? With him, like a date. They can't do this, two guys. Bucky sees Steve’s panic stricken face. He asks "What's  wrong? Please tell me you don’t have a shift at Mr. Green's do you?" Mr. Green owned a grocery store where Steve would bag at, one of the only places that would hire him. Bucky continues. "Please say you don't, I got us two pretty dames looking for a good time."
Oh. Steve thinks. Of course Bucky wasn’t talking about going out with him. Why would he? He got them a double date. He doesn't particularly want to go. Over the last few months, Bucky has gotten them all these double dates. But they all end up the same. Whatever poor girl who is his date, politely conducts herself but she always is more enthralled with Bucky. Oftentimes the girl only says yes to a date with him so her friend could get a date with the other man, since Bucky has made it clear that he won't go out with anyone if Steve can’t come.
But Steve would watch as the girls would whisper between themselves, teenage girls tending to not be discrete. He would see them giggle and bat their eyes at his friend, when the most he would get is an obligatory smile. He can't blame them though, he wasn’t much to look at, not like Bucky.  Steve swore Bucky was the picture  perfect man. To be honest, he catches himself staring at his friend too, jealousy  often washing over him when he would see Bucky's  hand wrapped around a girl's waist, pulling her close. He wishes Bucky could hold him like that; wanted to hold him like that back.
"No, I worked this morning. But Buck...you didn't need to get me a date. You go on and have fun. Plus I promised Ma I would help clean the oven tonight." He lies lamely.
Bucky frowns but nods his head. "Alright, Stevie…" He sounds disappointed.
Sarah, hearing the lie, shakes her head, careful not to embarrass her son while still not letting him off the hook. "It's alright, Steve. I got the oven. Just go have fun, tonight." Sarah doesn’t want her boy sitting at home. She knows that her son is a little...funny. And she knows she will always love her son no matter who he loves. But their church and society could be mean. She didn’t  want her Steve facing that. She hopes that with these dates he can find a nice girl. 
Bucky's face lights up.  "Perfect! Thanks Mrs. Rogers!" He smiles at Steve and heads to the door. 'Be ready in an hour, okay?"
"Sure Buck…" Steve says unenthusiastically as the older boy leaves. He sighs before putting his head down in his arm on the table. 
"Steve…" Sarah says softly. "It'll be fun. Maybe the girl will be nice."
Steve picks his head up slightly to look at his mom. "Ma, it always is the same. The poor girl who gets stuck with me has no interest. And why should she? Look at me."
She puts a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Baby, you're very handsome and any one would be lucky to be "stuck with you."
"You have to say that, you are my mom. I look like those yappy dogs with the big head and tiny body. I am nobody's type." He mopes.
"Steven Grant Rogers, you stop that right now. You are going on this date tonight and you are going to have fun." She says sternly.
Steve knows there is not a use in arguing with her so he just nods and resides himself to his fate.
Sarah had pulled out Steve's dad's  
old grey suit, insisting on dressing the boy well for his date. He felt ridiculous, everything slightly too big. He should be used to that, all of his clothes fit like that. He wore the jacket unbuttoned hoping it would be less obvious about how too big it was. His mother let him use some of the little colgne she had, stored away from her late husband. She said he was perfect.  He knew otherwise.
He meets Bucky at the bottom of the steps of his tenement. Bucky, of course, looks flawless, hair slicked back, effortless handsome, with button down shirt rolled to his elbows. Steve thinks he is the most beautiful man he has ever seen. And then Bucky smiles. A smile Steve cherishes as it is just for him.
"Hey Stevie" he throws his arm around his shoulder, pulling him into a half hug. "You look great!" 
Steve blushes. "You're lying but thanks, so do you, pal."
Bucky wants to argue. He wants to tell him he's wrong because Steve always looked great, always looked perfect to him but knows Steve won't  back down. So, he just smiles sadly at his best friend. "What are we going to do with you, man?" He asks as they start walking.
Once they get their dates, they head to a dance hall. Bucky's date is a pretty blond girl with bright blue eyes, Margaret, and Steve's is a redhead with green eyes named Dora. Steve is polite and is surprisingly light on his feet. Dora looks like she is having a good enough time as Steve tries his best to small talk with her and enjoy this date.
But it's hard because it is obvious that they both want someone else. As they danced, Steve would watch out of the corner of his eye as Bucky would twirl and dip his date, then pull her oh so close. There felt like there was something pushing down on his chest, making it hard to breathe. He hated himself for hating that Bucky was holding someone else. 
He tried his best to put on a happy face for his date, who had been nothing but sweet. But he noticed that she too was making eyes at someone else, a guy across the room right that she seemed to know, as he looked back equally as sweetly. Steve knew how it felt to want someone else, but unlike him, she had a chance.
He pulls her over to the table mid dance. "What is it?" She says softly. 
"You're a very nice girl, Dora. You have been incredibly kind and I have had a good time. But I'm not the one you want to be here with, am I?" Steve asks nicely, careful not to sound accusatory.
She looks down before saying "Am I that obvious? 
He laughs, showing her he is not mad. "Yea. Also... it looks like he wants to be with you as much as you want to be with him. So go and dance with him, have fun."  Steve replies lightly.
She gives him a pretty smile before surprising him with a hug, which he returns. She whispers "Thank you Steve." She holds him there a little longer before whispering  one more thing. "I know I'm not the only one of us sweet on someone else and for the record, I think he is sweet on you too." What Steve didn’t realize was that between his glances at Bucky, Bucky glanced back, an evening of missed gazes.
She pulls away and waves, without another word making her way to the other man. Steve is left dumbfounded, and terrified, and excited all at once. 
Most importantly he knows he has to get out of there, a feeling a dread that he gave himself away as a fairy. He knows she won't tell anyone other than maybe her friend...but what if others do find out. Suddenly it is hard to breathe, as he rushes out the door. 
He ends up on the fire escape outside Bucky's room. The lights are out in the Barnes' residence,indicating that the family was asleep. He comes here a lot when he wants to escape. He guesses he is not that great at escaping since he always ends up at the same place. He sits with his arms wrapped around his knees, eyes shut.
What did she mean he was sweet on me too? How can she know that? How could, Bucky, the boy who has been chasing skirt like it was going out of style the last few months, be into him? They were just best friends, and he was just a hopeless fool who wanted to much. What if Bucky turned on him when he found out that Steve liked other fellas...liked him.
The last thought made him shiver, made him sick to his stomach, losing the one man that means more than him than the entire universe. A tear rolls down his face, before closing his eyes again. He is so focused on his thoughts, he doesn’t hear the window open behind him and someone step out. It isn't until he feels an arm wrap around his shoulder and pull him close that he realizes he isn't alone.
Bucky's voice is gentle as he whispers "Why'd you leave, Stevie?"
Steve’s  breath hitches in his throat as he feels Bucky's strong arm holding him there. He forces himself to talk "I...i just wasn't having a good time, I just wanted to leave…thats all."
Bucky's voice gains a level of worry as he replies "You wouldn’t be sitting here if that was all. Please tell me what's wrong...I would of left with you, Steve. When I noticed you were gone, I left immediately and searched everywhere for you. Your ma said you didn’t come home, so I knew you would be here. Why didn’t  you get me?"
Hearing the worry and sadness coat Bucky's  voice makes Steve feel terrible, unable to look up at him as he answers "Because, Buck, I left because of you…" another silent tear falls. 
"What..." Bucky sound confused, voice broken as he instinctively pulls away from Steve, scared whatever he did, he is making worse. "What did I do?"
Steve lets put an unamused laugh, silent tears falling more freely now as he looks at Bucky, who's  face is distorted with guilt and confusion. Steve just wants to reach up and smooth out his features back to the beautiful care free ones that typically live on his face. "You...didn't do anything, I did. I'm whats wrong here, Buck."
Bucky is torn between wanting to pull Steve into a hug and never let go and not wanting to scare away his friend by touching him, so he fidgets with his hands in his lap. "Steve that's impossible...you couldn't have done anything wrong." He sounds sincere, like he thinks Steve is perfect.
"You---" a strangle sob manages to escape. "You think to highly of me. I don't deserve it. Buck, remember when we were in school, and the other boys would call me a fairy because we spent so much time together….and I look like this?" Steve feels bad, Bucky would always stand up for him, the other boys always backing down. They never backed down when Steve would stand up for himself, often getting his ass kicked.
"Yea, those guys are idiots, still are. I work with some of them down at the dock." Bucky says plainly.
"No...they aren't, because they were right." Steve sound sad.
"What?" Bucky says again, confused more than ever.
"I'm a fairy...a pansy….I like fellas like you are supposed to like dames, Buck. And I'm so sorry….so so sorry. I'm so afraid of anyone finding out. It'll break ma's heart….everyone at church will hate me...God hates me….everyone will hate me. I'm disgusting…" Steve is shaking now, sobs freely escaping between words. He hadn't meant to say all this but it slipped out.
Bucky, unable to not do anything, throws his arms around Steve, pulling his head to his chest, gently petting his hair. "Shhh...shhh….its okay Stevie, s'okay." He repeats for awhile before whispering "If you're disgusting,  I'm disgusting." Steve gets really still in his arms, before tilting his head up to look at Bucky. "What?"
"I said, I'm "disgusting" too. I...uh like ladies, I do. I just like fellas too...especially...one fella in particular." He answers shyly.
Steve’s heart feels like it is on a roller coaster. In the same breath that he found out Bucky was also a queer...he finds out Bucky has eyes for a guy already.  Jealousy wells up inside of him, this somehow hurting more than a dame. Being a glutton for punishment, Steve asks "Who?"
Bucky laughs, arms still around his oblivious friend. "You, punk."
Steve’s heart is literally going to beat right out his chest qnd fly away. In disbelief he asks "Then why did you drag me on all those dates?" 
Bucky takes a deep breath, steadying himself. "I thought it was easier this way...hide how I was feeling and get to spend time with you, thought it was a win-win."
Steve clears his throat, pulling away so he can look Bucky in the eyes, Bucky’s arms still resting on his shoulders. "Not...not for me. I...hated seeing you holding other people...that weren't me. Do you know how many times I wished it was me in your arms, slow dancing. Because…I really love you. And I know people say that you can't  know love at 15….but I do….love is whatever I feel when I'm with you and---" 
Before he can finish, Bucky pulls him in for a soft, chaste kiss. Steve practically melts. This is is his first kiss, and its clumsy and sweet and everything he ever wanted.
When they break away, both boys smile like love sick puppies. Bucky smiles "I love you too, Stevie."
Steve smiles back "No more dates?"
"No more dates." Bucky agrees.
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kaveuh · 2 years
can i get you on the matchup event sharty 😩😫‼️ JKJK unless......
if you cant tell from the opening i am a bit of a chaotic gremlin. a tiny bit of a troublemaker. just a little lad inconviniencing others for my own personal amusement. the rage , concern and sheer exhaustion others express when seeing me approach them makes me feel raw happiness and glee.
or at least thats what im like once we get to know eachother for more than 5 months AHAHAHAHAHA first month or two i meet people i am similar to the "shy hot rich dark haired divorcee , emotionally constipated hard dom character" character trope you see in medias and all. like i do Not talk unless spoken to, and usually then i just kinda nod and make agreeing noises LMFAOAOA
anyway during friendship state i would jumpscare people by revealing an exaggerated summary of past events. like, "the principal at my elementary school used to chase me down alot" or "i fell into a sewer once" so they'll go ??? and then i dont elaborate and dissapear into thin air . . . .
next stage is a draw them alot. like i go and ask them "hey ! lets say, in an absolutely 100% hypothetical situation, that we are married. eo you wear the dress or suit. answer now gogogo." or something of the sort, draw them and never show them because im a lil shy SJDKKDKSKD
after that i shyly ask if .......... they wanna go hangout and do smth ............. like .............. commit crimes together or smth maybe .............................. because i am mentally ill and does not know how people usually hangout 👍 following that, i sometimes drop hints that im not okay in the head. like i cant think of an example rn at the top of my head but when asked if im okay or whatev i always go "when have i ever been . . . " and proceed to make shart jokes HAHSGAGAGAHAGAHAGAHA
like everyone else, there would be time when i crack and need some time to recover. during this period, i just isolate myself and dissapear without a trace and dont come back until i feel a bit better, and if asked i just go "dw abt it" and change the topic 👍 i dont really like troubling others with my problems because i always feel like since its My problem that I should deal with it because not only do i know myself best, things are sometimes better when done alone.
so to sum it up : shy, hella quiet at first. but slowly opens up by showing my funky little doodles and then after that is absolute chaos. you are now a part of my circus
additionally : i speak fluent sarcasm, has the humor of a 14 y.o (cum/dick/generally inappropriate jokes). once were good friends i Will insult you in a gentle way because idk how to be nice without being a lil mean sometimes 👍 i also like calling people clowns, fools and sharties.
i also listen to edgy vocaloid music (MARETU and other stuff) and it concerns people when i listen to them sometimes but I CANT HELP IT THEY SLAP SO HARD OKAY ‼️
i also have mild god complex SKSKDKDKC IM, IM SO ARROGANT BUT LIKE IM ALSO KINDA COWARDLY ???? i say things like " this world was made for me. I am The Emperor, the Ruler of this world and everyone shall bow to me and kiss my feet. " but then i go sit in the very back hoping that no one notices me AHAHAHAHAHAH
uh , drawing, gently traumitizing friends with cursed knowledge and imagery. reading but cONLY if its reader inserted 👍 i used to write but not anymore, so sometimes i dig my old books like a lil molerat to read my old writings because i dislike myself
sharty getting a date is already a dream come true 😭😭😭 idk if i could ask for more LMAOAOAOAO but u u h, staying inside while it rains really hard . . . i just really like the rain bc it gets cold sometimes and i like curling up into a ball and sleep wawawa . . or just dates where you get to have lots of fun and get to show off or whatever alot, like arcade/festival game dates !!!
idk what else to put here ngl HAWHAHAGAHWHAH
[ note ] ure officially #1 on my pookie bear list smirk
i got carried away with this one again
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I SHIP YOU WITH… ❁𓂃 ִֶָ  🥥 ٬٬
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a.itto 🍓🍒
• itto’s one of the few people who wouldn’t get annoyed by your presence tbh, but you can try annoying him
• he’s equally as annoying as ch*lde but in a funnier way ‼️
• once you get a bit more comfortable with itto, the two of you would have a prank war… and it’ll exhaust everyone around you
• itto is the type to get jumpscared easily, so whenever you’d drop something like, “i almost got arrested and fell into the sewer lmao” he’d literally just go ???? SPEECHLESS HELP
• he’s usually the one to ask to go on a date or something so when you shyly 🥺👉👈 (HELP) ask him to go out HE WAS BEAMING WITH HAPPINESS WITH TEARS OF JOY
• he actually knows about the fact that you draw him btw lol, he sees you staring at him occasionally BUT DOESN’T SAY ANYTHING‼️ HE WANTS TO WAIT FOR YOU TO SHOW HIM INSTEAD
• if you ever end up isolating yourself from him, or even feeling down, HE WILL KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG ESP IF YOU’RE ACTING DIFFERENT !! expect tons of gifts (including onikabutos) coming your way because he has no idea on how to comfort someone so he relies on gift giving and physical affection!
• he also doesn’t mind if you send him cursed images, not that he’s phased by it, rather he’d be amused by it and show it to his gang to traumatize them instead LMAOO
• ITTO’S THE TYPE OF BF TO PASS YOU TO AUX CORD NO MATTER WHAT YOU DONT EVEN HAVE TO ASK! he’ll listen to the music you put on even if he doesn’t particularly like the genre. he loved you, so he’ll deal with it and let the song grow in him <33
• you cannot tell me that this man doesn’t have 14 y.o fortnite humor either like 😭 he definitely tries to get sara to fight him again by going “i bet you’ll lose a 1v1 against me in fortnite…” and he doesn’t even play.
• so overall, arataki itto truly is the best man you could ever ask for because he will take you everywhere, on random dates, onikabuto fighting, games, etc.
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franeridart · 3 years
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Anon said: [Spoilers for non-manga readers] opinion on Baku's hero name?
Very Bakugou, honestly don’t mind it at all! Mostly just surprised it’s, like, legal in the bnha universe for heroes to call themselves stuff like explodo-kills (and also that there isn’t a character limit for hero names??) but that Bakugou would stick with it is pretty damn in character for him so I like it xD still, I’ll probably just call him Dynamight if I’ll ever need to use his hero name lmao
Anon said: not to be the most romantic sap but uh just a kiss by lady a is killin me
Nothing sappy about letting romantic songs get to you!!!! I say, as I’m constantly crying over romantic songs so this mindset benefits me as well lol
Anon said: i may or may not have stumbled across some of your older kiribaku art, the stuff with akane, and she's the best child oc tbh. i actually like her and i tend to not be a fan of child ocs but she's just the cutest darn thing 🥰
I’m so glad you like her!!!!! She was a lot of fun, what a good gremlin ;;;
Anon said: uve heard of dragon!kiri w his hair spikes up, now get ready for dragon!kiri w his hair dowm lookin like the softest boy
AW HECK I think I’ve drawn him in the past, actually!!!! Spike-haired Kiri will forever be my fav Kiri, but there’s just something about hair down Kiri isn’t it!! What a cute boy ;;;; all sharp edges and soft curves, what a lovely sight
Anon said: can i just say your itafushi art is so cute? these two already make me feel and then your art just (つω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
THANK YOU SO MUCH I really need to draw them more, don’t I! goge kinda monopolized my attention there, but the way itafushi makes me feel..........boy the way they make me feel ;;;;
Anon said: good day, poké au thought: 12 y/o bakugo somehow catches a dreepy as like his 2nd pokemon and never questions it
WHY NOT WHY NOT I have a whole team in my mind for the boy tbh but dreepy is so cute ;;;; and anyway, I like my poke!bakugou with as many dragon types as he could possibly get his hands on hahaha
Anon said: Please know that, amongst other factors, you were one of the maon reasons I stsrted Jujutsu Kaisen two days ago and there isnothing more to say except thank you and I'm absolutely in debt with you for that, thank you so much 😍
I’m so so SO glad you’re liking it!!!!!! It can get kinda heavy but it’s such a great story.... honestly I’d been wanting to start it since I saw the first pv for the anime all the way back last year but I was like, you know it’s a mappa anime! so I wanted to watch the anime as a new thing, cause I love mappa, but three episodes in I couldn’t hold back and just binged it. It’s kind of story that just makes you wanna drink it all in one go, isn’t it? so good so good
Anon said: makeup artist kirishima and model bakugo or makeup artist bakugo and model kirishima? :0c
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm can’t say I see either of them much into fashion tbh, but if I had to pick probably model Kiri and artist Baku? I just don’t think Baku would be able to stay still enough to get photographed, and he wouldn’t like the photographer bossing him around anyway, and catwalks would be impossible for him to stomach imho, he’s too restless for it! At least it’s the way I see it haha
Anon said: fdgdhdkfhdafs i had a thought, what if bakugo prefers dogs and kirishima prefers cats and when they meet each other and become friends it's like, "oh." because they have some striking similarities to their fave animals
That’s been my headcanon for a while now, actually!! I think for me it came from two characters in a manga I like that are a lot like a dog and a cat but have inverted fav animals and when I read about that I was like “oh, right, makes sense since they like each other” and then my brain turned it krbk because when does it not lmao
Anon said: your art is the soothing balm to my soul recently, thank you for posting so much beautiful content. i hope you have a lovely week. ♡
sob thank you so much, I’m glad my doodling can help you feel better ;; <3
Anon said: Friendly reminder anon from last time: that post I left last time I had only eaten 7 gingersnaps that day and hadn’t drank any water. So that encouraged me to actually self care. Thank you.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well I hope you’re taking care of yourself today too! And as fair trade, I’ll do the same myself! <3
Anon said: Hi! I'm an artist and I'm thinking of making a sideblog for my art. Do you have any tips?
Ah man, I’m sorry but I’m not the best person to ask this to! I started this sideblog cause I had too many followers on my main and I didn’t want my stuff to be seen by that many people at first, so whatever I did probably isn’t what you’re looking for :( but really there isn’t much to it, just post whatever you like to draw, tag it as best as you can (but remember that only the first five tags appear in the search page) and be patient, since whatever you do at first you won’t get much attention anyway - the only real advice I can give is to draw something that makes you happy and that you’d draw anyway even if no one were to see it, it’ll make keep posting despite a possible lack of activity a lot easier!
Anon said: Your goge art🥺🥺
I just love them so much ( TT’’’TT)9
Anon said: how the fuck have i not been following you? I remember seeing your bakushima art in the bnha tag and always thinking it's so cute. Now you're into JJK too??? and the satosugu art??? fuckin, diabetes incarnate. I love it. I love you. Your art 10/10. I'm tired lmao.
WELL thank you for the follow!! And for thinking my stuff is cute!!!!! I do my best with that, I want all the soft things for my favs 😌
Anon said: Are you gonna draw Gojou/Getou comic?? 👉🏻👈🏻 WOULD LOVE TO READ IT
you mean an actual doujin? I don’t think I will, sorry! I’m really no good at long projects orz but thank you so much for wishing to read something like that from me!!! ;A;
Anon said: Hello! YOUR ART IS SO FREAKING GORGEOUSSSS!!! I love them so much!! If I may ask you one question. Between Getou amd Gojou, who do you see as top/bottom? Just curious
THANK YOU!!!!! And I honestly don’t care as long as they’re happy and together!!! please let them be happy and together 🙏🙏🙏
Anon said: i want you to know!!! i followed you for your kiribaku art but!!! i love your art so much that idc what you post because it's all just!!!! incredible and wonderful and stunning!!!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!! this means a lot to me so seriously thank you so much!!!!
Anon said: d'you think bakugo has like headaches or migraines after training or battles because of how loud his quirk is? like, i listen to music slightly too loud and my head is sending me to hell. (unless you go with the hoh hc which is also 👌)
I like to think Baku’s body is attuned enough to his own quirk that he wouldn’t get drawbacks of the kind tbh, though that wouldn’t be a bad thought for when he just starts to increase the output/width and strength of his explosions............ well, I myself suffer from chronic headaches and migraines so I’m always up for projecting on my favs ngl lmao
Anon said:  so like... dragon kirishima's eyes glow right? like, if we equate his dragon-ness to unbreakable his eyes glow? they also glow when he's half shifted? honestly i just live glowing eyes
Oh hell yeah I’m all for that, definitely definitely, I love glowing eyes with my whole heart and Kiri’s eyes in unbreakable are just so!!!!!! NGH *chef kiss* the more of unbreakable there is in his dragon form the happier I am ( TT^TT)9
Anon said: me, scrolling through your blog: ah shit guess im gonna have to start watching jjk
!!!!! hope it won’t hurt you too much, anon!!
Anon said: dragon!kiri and bakugo having a tug-of-war match over a piece of meat. both have it in their mouths. both are determined to win.
Kiri is turned into his dragon form and Baku still wins, hell yeah
Anon said: your satosugu is top tier!! it's hard to find stuff for them that isn't straight up angst so your art has been super cool and also very very cute!! (tho if you went with angst, it wouldn't be a bad thing obviously)
AH I’m so happy to hear you like them!!!! but also happy you wouldn’t mind angst, as I do like them the best happy and soft but my brain, my brain has been throwing sads my way for a while now 👀 I got some ideas
Anon said: What program/device do you use??
Easy Paint Tool SAI and a wacom intuos!! Though I got myself an ipad+procreate just yesterday and I’ve been messing around with it, let’s see how that one goes!
Anon said: *inahles* i am simping for mohawk man please tell me everything about your ocs immediately or i will detonate
THANK YOU FOR LIKING HIM HE’S CALLED DAVIDE Dav for short, he’s a cat of a man and a music instrument enthusiast (mostly string ones, but he’s very good with the piano as well) - he works in a music instruments store, and he’s a uni student majoring in philosphy! He doesn’t like bothersome things, he isn’t very good at taking anything seriously or putting effort in stuff, but he’s very chill to spend time with and generally a nice chat both if you want mindless thoughts or deep conversations (he’s a philosophy major after all). He can’t sing for shit, he’s got two cats (tago and schelly!), and he just wants a quiet life to laze around but all his friends are hurricanes in human bodies, but then again, he picked them himself so he can’t complain. He’s a good boy!! I’m planning a comic for him and his boy Ross >:]
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