#so uh...
flower-boi16 · 5 months
So uh.
Critical community's thoughts on this video?
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sweetspecterz · 1 year
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caktusjuice-draws · 7 months
pokey HATES that paul matthews is destined to fall in love with emma perkins in every universe so he just says "screw destiny" and fights tooth and nail to get his human
Pokotho paced the tile floor of Miss Retro's. The human feet that he was now much accustomed to anxiously clicked back and forth across the floor in a rapid albeit hypnotic beat. Holloway picked at the piece of good ol' cherry pie on her plate, lazily breaking it apart with a fork. Otho wheeled around, angry that she hadn't yet said anything of use to him. She knew what was happening, of course she did, she always knew. She was Miss Holloway after all.
Now that he had stopped his anxious teetering about the diner was quiet, save for the gentle click from Holloway's fork and plate, or the loud buzz of a yellow streetlamp outside. He breathed angrily through his nose and his hands clenched to turn his knuckles white.
"It isn't fair!"
"It seldom ever is," Holloway confirmed, smiling softly. Her expression read that while she was trying to be understanding, she found the irony in this situation grating rather than, say, humorous.
"I've been doing so well," Otho argued with no one in particular, words choked through gritted teeth. "I did everything right! I courted him! I showered him with my attentions! We live together for fuck all's sakes! I did everything right and now this! And because why? Because he and Emma are ... They're... simply just..."
He couldn't bring himself to say it. His shoulders had begun shaking and his breathing became loud and shuddery. But he didn't have to say it, because Miss Holloway was not sparing him the sword.
"Inevitable." She finished for him.
Otho choked on a sound that threatened to rip through his throat like hot iron.
"Don't say that," he whispered, his voice full with undeniable defeat.
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copingwithmemes · 1 year
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sleepanonymous · 6 months
Coffee!anon, this one is for you 🖤☕ It's not ME, but still technically a space video game lol.
Unfortunately, I have next to no information on this mp3. It was only uncovered recently because a fan had archived it without a link or screenshot.
There was a hand-typed description provided recently but no proof that it came from Ves's actual YouTube description. Literally, anyone could have written it and the source isn't quite reliable.
Anywho, if you're a gamer (like me) and you recognize that little bit played at the end, check the video below the cut.
Remember when I bet that one of the Xbox games was Halo 3 on Ves's desk in this video? Yeah. This is why 🙃 This man had the audacity to name my favourite ST album after a Cortana quote.
Update on this song as of December 2023:
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A lovely anon provided me with this screenshot, which has the upload date and correct title. I've changed the song name, as well as the tags to reflect this.
March 2024 Update
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Aaand we now have the description too! Amazing 😌
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detox2retox · 8 months
"this is a rare level 3 gyatt sighting" dave says to rose, before karkat proceeds to deck him
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cindernet-explorer · 3 months
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Happy Sinday have the raunchiest pose I've ever posted here! Inspired by some art by Qsy! (Full picture below the cut for those that don't want cock jumpscare)
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vexedallay · 5 months
Im just gonna put this here-
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cattyanon · 2 months
GUYSSSSS I unknowingly moved an inch worm (type of caterpillar) about an hour and a half away from it's home because I picked up a few feathers off the ground from where we were and didn't know he was on one of them when I put one of the feathers in my bag. ;-;
Further context is in the tags. Also I'm once again apologizing to the inch worm for moving him that far from his home. Poor dude looked so confused when I put him on a plant lol. I'm sooooo sorry dude I didn't knowwww...
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erigold13261 · 8 months
I swear, one of these days I will get around to designing 1010's warbot models. I really want Purl's warbot to be a super creepy interrogation bot, very much the least humanoid out of all of them.
And then I want Purl to be showing Cyril and West their old body (that the captain kept in the basement with all their old models) and for Cyril to say: "Smash."
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shakibone · 21 days
Reverse unpopular opinion: what do you like about avengers: endgame?
Most of it!
I remember when it came out how big of a cinematic event it was. We had all be speculating for months how it would play out, and then we were hit by that FIVE YEARS LATER...
After that we got some fun character interractions we hadn't had, like Rhodie and Nebula proving friends, or Professor Hulk giving Ant Man that Taco. The Time Heist itself was fun, with lots of callbacks and neat moments.
I liked it when Past Thanos heard of his fate to accomplish the Snap and then die, and how Ebony Maw practically creamed himself in admiration.
Then, of course, was the great big fight.
More a fireworks show dedicated to it's own existance, the big fight at the end was a great capper to the Infinity Saga.
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recklessmoss · 1 year
Th. This blog?? Got gay baby jailed and I'm??? Not allowed to send messages??? On the app???
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orbdotexe · 1 year
Ik I have plenty of asks about Exile I've not answered yet, but I keep thinking about the Lucent Hive Lightbearers.
I'm drawn on how Exile treats them?
I don't think Ghost would care as much, or at least not in the same way that he does in canon, about them as to push Wolf to crush the Hive Ghost. And in canon, Wolf only does it after Ghost pushes them to? and then they look horrified over it
But I don't even know whether Exile has crushed Ghosts before in this. In the egregore short (I'm sorry I haven't finished it yet), Exile does fight a fireteam sent to either put them down or capture them - But doesn't kill their Ghosts afterwards, though that's mostly explained by... egregore is in there!! They can't focus and are in massive amounts of pain!
So I have no idea if they'd have crushed the Ghosts if they had been able to. Or if they have before, in the past?
So like... would Exile crush another Guardian's Ghost? Would they crush a Hive Ghost? mmmm cant decide, what do people think?
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hifi-walkman · 2 months
I've seen a lot of people say the average life expectancy was 30 before the twentieth century.
this isn't true, the average person lived to just twelve minutes of age
Annus Georg was a statistical outlier who should not have been counted.
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delphi-dreamin · 2 months
Who's feeling particularly brave and wants to read my current WIP?
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sxrrandomfanfics · 7 months
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