#so very accurate😂👌
kurishiri · 3 months
official IkeVil JP twitter role-played with fans as Roger
translation may not be 100% accurate or contain creative liberties. Please reblog, not repost!
and here are some of my favorite responses and some tidbits about Roger (and some others, through his eyes) 🥹👌 also I wouldn’t consider these spoilers; they’re more like bite sized fun facts you might find in a random scene in some random side story or event or something lmao also I don’t like the green gun emoji on my phone so I’m using the beer one instead.
1. Roger is trying to get along with Alfons (it’s not working so well though I guess, haha)
💬: Roger!! Have you been getting along with Alfons recently?
🍻: That’s always my intention, but whenever I see him he gives me a kind of disgusted look. So maybe he’s just shy or something.
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2. maybe Victor is trying to get everyone drunk…?
💬: Roger, have you gone out to drink with Victor before?
🍻: I don’t think Victor really drinks outside. If anything, he’s the one bringing some good booze back to Crown for us. Could it be — he’s scheming something and trying to get us drunk?
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3. Roger can crack a joke 😂👌
💬: I kind of just ate this without knowing what that liquid is, but what is it, actually? 🧪
🍻: That’s a love potion. If you drink it you won’t be able to think about anything but me——just kidding.
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4. Roger and Ellis are the strongest!
💬: Who is the strongest in Crown?
🍻: Me, followed by Ellis. You wanna compare our strength now with an arm wrestle? Though I reckon you wouldn’t be able to win against me even if you used both hands.
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5. Roger’s worst fight with Alfons
💬: Please tell us the worst episode of a fight you’ve had with Alfons〜!!
🍻: Once during a mission we got into an argument where Al and I almost died — that day I’ve never seen Victor look that quietly angry before.
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6. drinking with William! (they’re the older bros of the group)
💬: What do you talk about with William when you drink with him?
🍻: Will knows a lot, so we’ll talk about all sorts of stuff. Like how Victor’s overworking himself, or how Jude’s got bad feet, or how Liam hurt himself again——wait, what are we, their guardians?
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7. Alfons bombed the drinking date
💬: Hey Roger, what sweets do you like? Other than Alfons’ scone.
🪞: Are we talking about me? Oh, that’s my handmade scone that I put a lot of love into. Don’t you feel naughty with just one bite? What do you think is in it?
🍻: Hey, you, get out and go somewhere else already.
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8. drinking with Elbie!
💬: Have you drank with Lord Elbert before? 🥺🍻💚💙
🍻: I have, yes. But I can never tell whether he’s drunk or not.
🪞: That’s because he always looks drunk.
🍻: Oy, Al, what are you doing here? Tonight’s supposed to be just me and the lil lady, so don’t get in the way like that. Shoo shoo!
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9. Roger doesn’t just drink beer (surprise surprise!)
💬: What do you like to drink other than beer?
🍻: I also drink whisky, though I always prefer beer. What about you, lil lady?
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10. Roger comforts you after a long day of work
💬: Roger, I finally finished work…
🍻: There, there, you did well. I remember your efforts very well. Good job today.
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11. Jude and drinking, according to Roger
💬: When you’re drinking with Jude, have you seen him when drunk before? I want to know what he’s like when he’s drunk.
🍻: Can’t say I’ve seen him drunk before. It seems like that guy always got a calm look on his face, no matter how much he drinks.
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12. what Ellis is like when drunk
💬: Cheers! I have a question, what is Ellis like when drunk?
🍻: Ellis isn’t that weak to alcohol… but he becomes a bit more fluffy than normal, I guess. But he can walk back to the castle just fine.
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13. trying to get Ellis drunk…?!
💬: I heard Ellis is a little weak to alcohol. Have you taken care of him when he was drunk? Also how many cups does it take for him to become drunk?
🍻: Pfft, haha… Are you trying to get Ellis drunk? I’ll have you know Ellis is like a cute younger brother to me, so I won’t tell. I have taken care of him though——let’s leave it at that.
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14. who can hold their alcohol in Crown?
💬: Who is the worst at holding their alcohol in Crown?
🍻: I think everyone in Crown is pretty good at holding their alcohol. But should we put that to the test? …No way, this really isn’t for me to gather information on them?
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15. he be takin care of Crown when they’re drunk
💬: Who do you drink with most often? And have you taken care of someone when they got drunk!?
🍻: Taking care of someone… Ellis — no, Al, maybe? Oh, and also Jude… whoops, can’t say any more than that, or he’ll be after me.
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16. what Harry drinks
����: I always get the impression Harry drinks strawberry milk a lot, but when it comes to alcohol, what does he drink? I want to know 🦊🍸
🍻: Harry likes whisky soda. It goes well with chocolate, and I’ve seen him eating it together with the drink. Noww then, now that I’ve told you some important information, you’ll stop that lying fox from eating too much sweets for me, won’t you?
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17. Roger’s advice for those who simp to the point of illness 😆
💬: My friends love you to the point they might be a little ill, Roger. They love you so much it’s too much for me to handle. Is there medicine to make them feel better?
🍻: I can introduce you to a doctor I know who has some good medicine. Want me to? His name’s Roger Barel.
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18. he cooks?!?!
💬: I want to eat a meat entree with you, Roger! (this is sausage and roast pork that I made) 😋🍽️🥩✨ What’s your favorite type of meat? And what other foods do you like?
🍻: I would say steak, but any meat is good. But I also like salty things too. Sometimes I make things that go well with alcohol. Want some?
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19. oh..? 😳
💬: Yippeeee✨✨✨ it’s everyone’s older brother Roger!! Congrats on your main story🎉💕 I really look forward to this summer! (I have 🦑 with beer)
🍻: You have as much excitement as Victor! For sure, look forward to it. I’ll make it a summer you won’t ever forget.
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20. Roger’s recommended drinks
💬: I want to know your drink recommendations!
🍻: Mine is beer, beer, and more beer. Ah, having some ginger ale in between seems pretty good too.
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21. he drinks with Ellis and Jude often!
💬: Out of the members of Crown, who have you been drinking with recently? Have you drank with them several times…! 🍻✨
🍻: I go out to drink with Jude and Ellis quite a bit. Well, I think I prefer drinking together with you the most though.
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22. he loves meat at the end of the day eheh
💬: I’m thinking of drinking with you tonight🍻 What do you eat (snack) with alcohol? I’m thinking chips goes well.
🍻: My favorite is salty meat. But chips go well with beer too. Should we order some?
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23. Roger’s advice for those who just turn the legal age
💬: I’ve turned the legal age, what do you recommend for a first timer…? Was your first drink a beer…?
🍻: At first, you should go for drinks that don’t have high alcohol content to see if you can drink it or not. Other than that, drink together with someone. For example, with me. And of course, the first drink I had was beer!
24. Roger’s favorite drinking partner is… ✨✨
💬: Is there anyone you want to drink alone with?? What types of things would you talk about with them!?✨
🍻: The one drinking in front of me, right now.
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acaplaya-musings · 7 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Friends On The Other Side
This was one I was ridiculously eager to get to, because it is an absolute visual treat!!! Layne and the rest of PattyCake Productions really went all out with this video, and I think that it might actually be the most movie-accurate video for a Disney cover that Voiceplay has ever done (and although some things are changed, it's all so amazingly cool that you don't care in the slightest!). Also J None came back for this one to take the lead as Dr Facilier! Heck yeah! Let's get into this! (Oh and nearly forgot to mention: this was uploaded in mid-October of 2021 and was Voiceplay's Halloween upload for the year).
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We got Cesar as Prince Naveen (perfect casting btw) (also he looks a bit different without more of a beard, but I don't hate it), and Eli as Lawrence, Naveen's servant (also another Eli Eyebrow Raise! And a strong one, too!)
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PattyCake Productions has their own YouTube channel where they create videos based around Disney movies and Disney characters (often writing original songs for them) and it shows. They really went off with the costuming and set design (better than Disney would do with a live-action version of their own, almost definitely)
(Also peep Geoff lurking in the background, which I don't think any reactor has noticed when watching the video)
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A more full-body look at J's costume (and cool staff!), plus Geoff and Layne as voodoo spirits! (Also note how Geoff is, once more, the one with the most-exposed arms/shoulders (love that for him 👌)
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Geoff was asked on a Patreon Q&A or something like that if the thumb-down-the-side-of-the-head movement had any meaning to it, but no, he just thought it up himself as a little interesting/spooky/cryptic gesture (I mean... it worked??)
(Also there's so much detail to his outfit and I love it! The subtle patterning on the vest! The things that may or may not be fingerless gloves! The metal boney-finger things hanging off the shoulders! All the things around his neck! (And yes, he's still wearing the necklace he wears all the time)
And shoutout to Layne, who as you can see in the photo above this one, is wearing basically just as much stuff around his neck as Geoff, and he's got a (fake of course) bone through his nose as well? (I know the official audio is all overdubbed anyway, but I wonder how hard it is to beatbox with something like that on/in your nose?)
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Now this is goddamned clever. How do you split the vocal lines of a single character up between multiple vocalists while still making it make sense in-universe? Well in this case, you have Dr Facilier work some voodoo magic so that he and/or the spirits are singing through Lawrence and Naveen, kinda sorta possessing them! The video is enhancing the song itself!!!
I actually went and watched the original Friends On The Other Side scene on YouTube (which I haven't done in ages), so I could better make comparisons, including screencap comparisons!
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"I got voodoo-"
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"-I got hoodoo-"
(also rip Hei Hei)
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"-I got things I ain't even tried!"
Man they really did nail this, huh?
Also I just realised that after "Naveen's" little "I got friends on the other side" solo, while "Facilier" is echoing it as he sits down, "Lawrence" is attempting to get "Naveen's" attention with his eyes, and making facial expressions/head movements that can basically be summed up as "Hey! We need to leave! Now!"
(Seriously it often pays to focus on different people when rewatching Voiceplay stuff (or in my case when scanning for interesting/screencap-worthy moments, to rewind specific parts to focus on different people))
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"The cards! The cards!"
Geoff was absolutely hamming it up during this section. It's kinda hilarious and I love it. Go off, my dude 😂😁
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Very smooth editing!
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Pfft 😆
(Also Eli's acting was phenomenal in this and I swear he kept one eyebrow raised for at least half the whole video)
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I love the expression on Geoff's face here that no reactors have seemingly picked up on, like he's both expectant and eager for "the real fun" to begin
Also check out the details in Layne's outfit! It seems that he's got the same things on his shoulders as Geoff does (except over sleeves instead)
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Geoff: "Oh yeah now it's my time to shine!"
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Okay so I'm definitely counting those as fingerless gloves. Also shoutout to Eli for the lighting once more!
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"Reformation central!"
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There's a lot going on in this picture. And also this moment made more sense after I rewatched the original scene (just that Voiceplay are swapping out the amulet for a shrunken head (fair - it's probably a lot harder to find an amulet that bites 😂))
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Firstly, nice bit of acting/visual storytelling from Eli and Cesar there, and secondly, hey that's the magic lamp from Aladdin in the background on the left there!
And I haven't talked about it a ton here, but J 100% understood the assignment when it came to playing Dr Facilier. He even did some of the same kinda dancing/moves as in the original scene, like the side-to-side head movement on "I hope you're satisfied" (it was so smooth!)
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Man, what a video. Disney could NEVER
Voiceplay always does something mind-blowing for Halloween. It might not always be something you expect, but it's always something that gives us plenty to talk about!
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floralseokjin · 1 year
A very early reaction to chapter 24 but boy was I transported to lockdown 1 in 2020 when my sister had her baby and we were in the same sleepless nights, endless feeding, diaper changing, ever growing love for milky smelling newborn phase and I miss it so much 🥺 you wrote this so accurately istg I loved this chapter.
It brought back those memories back and honestly what a fitting end to the series😫 I almost didn't want this series to end which means OC would have been pregnant throughout 🤣
Thank you for writing this Jordan💜
Not JK getting scandalised by baby farts🤣 u do wonder how they smell that bad when all those tots drink is milk🤣
Can't wait to see drabbles and epilogue and how sweet it's gonna be 🥺 Jin's burping technique was spot on👌😂
aw I’m so pleased you thought it was accurate! I found those last couple of chapters harder to write just because I was researching a lot lol I mean, I know the basics about birth and newborns but now I feel like an expert 🤣
thank you so much for following the story through! I can’t believe we actually got to the end – I’m so proud of myself! I hope you enjoy the epilogue this sunday and the drabbles when they eventually get posted!
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deescade · 2 years
Thank you Jade for caring
I'm not even surprised with Idia 🙄
Also Deuce is having a personality crisis
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Floyd please be more like your brother
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Deuce's old self was seeping through for a moment, then he was probably like, 'Oh crap, gotta be a good guy for mom now', and asks if you're okay 😂 LOL YEAH IDIA'S RESPONSE IS VERY ACCURATE 💀 a bit surprised that Kalim would reply like that, bit maybe he's just incredibly worried about ya 🥺
Floyd's definitely on the same boat as Idia 😂 crowley is also totally acting like a disappointed parent here but still cares haha 💀 I love these results, they're so freaking funny and accurate at the same time 😆👌
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You like salty taste
Were weird kid in school
Favorite color blue
Lick me up, I'm sweet and salty~
I can't help myself. I see salty and I have to do the line.
Although it's also accurate! I like sweet things and also like me some salt.
SO CLOSE with favourite colour!! My favourite colour is purple. 💜 however I find blues very calming so I'd say that's my second fave.
Yeah, I was the 'weird kid' who had to be knocked down a peg or two for having self esteem. 😂 although I think a few weren't actually committed to not liking me in the end. Some who didn't want to know me ended up being in the DM's 😂
There's a few stories I could tell but better keep to myself but long story short. I was the kid who wanted to be everyone's friend, learned the hard way not everyone wanted to be my friend and would rather put themselves above me. Got a destroyed level of self esteem whilst being deemed the weird kid. That's meeeeee 👋😂
Can't relate to those who miss their high school years. Like good on them but wow I could never miss those years 😂 One day I will miss my twenties though I reckon. Made big decisions for me 👌
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acourtofquestions · 5 months
The Assassin and the Desert
— (thoughts while doing my first read) —
Is Ansel the person referenced in Crown of Midnight? The one who taught Celaena about the witches? Does that mean SHE will be the betrayer??? … is this the same person she said “she’d kill” if she ever saw again?!? (These are rhetorical thoughts; more theory than question😂).
The entire time Celaena is talking about these shoes shoes (and really it’s written like poetry; when she compares them to calligraphy👌👌👌) but all I am picturing is green Elf style curly shoes🤣🤦‍♀️… then again those would make a statement sooo…
“and why Arobynn had thought he'd need three seasoned assassins to restrain him that day.” — YEAH I THINK ABOUT THAT TOO CELAENA (Sam🥹😭… ugh this angsty/pining true-soulmate childhood love trope is going to BREAK MEEEE🖤)
Wait… is this where we learn the Asterion Mare tale?!
“Saying that she was sorry didn't feel adequate. She knew what this sort of loss was like, and words didn't do anything at all. ‘Where do men find it in themselves to do such monstrous things? How do they find it acceptable’” — The way Sarah writes sisterhood & female friendship is very special; honestly one of my favorite parts of her books & writing style. She hits the nail on the head 👏EVERY🥹DAM🥰TIME😭 — (not me crying cause Celaena isn’t under the stars sad and alone this time) … this is why Nehemia mattered so much😭
— also if I had a nickel for every time she said “silver lined eyes”🤣
Celaena taking the blame for Ansel because she thinks she doesn’t have a purpose but Ansel does🖤
Every time Celaena flinches I both want to hug her, hug Sarah, hug younger me, (kill Arobynn… I’m with ya Sam😅) and then thank all of them for the trauma representation; heartbreaking as it may be it’s pretty real for a fantasy series, and their is comfort in shared trauma through that lens.❤️‍🩹
EVERYTHING HAS A PRICE (giving me Ruin & Rising levels of fear here Sarah😬) — “but I’ve seen this episode and still loved the show”
It’s lovely to see Celaena be young & normal-ish; like she’s still a teenage girl in this book, she’s mortified over her first kiss, obsessed with shoes, making new friends, recklessly having fun… smiling for once… there’s an innocent joy in this book; one we never see in the post-Assassin’s Blade series…
… I think reading it post-Crown of Midnight (when I am) is especially perfect because you understand her & the books better (including tiny references like the Ironteeth witches & Asterion mares) … There’s also a sense of grief seeing her before it all “ended”, you already understand her now & now you do then too; which makes her make EVEN MORE sense; its not quite a “lost humanity”, but a grieving of lost innocence. — Despite all she had already been through, there were still these little pieces of life kept for herself back then; and something preciously heartbreakingly accurate to girlhood within them.
Despite having never been in love and not known much love Celaena seems to understand it better than most… there’s a special thing to that within her character; her joys resilience, drive for love, and draw toward goodness.
She finally feels safe… at peace🥹 (if only Sam were there… it would be home🥹😭💔)
Oh NO; normal teenage girl drama fight, meets highly trained traumatized assassins; this feels dangerous!!!
NOT FAERIE WINE AGAIN🤦‍♀️… wow if only Celaena had a nickel everytime someone tried TO POISON HER😅😱🫥
Celaena is giving Ahsoka vibes
THAT damned gloriella AGAIN
Her, seeing The Master trying desperately to save his son; doing what a good father should. Meanwhile in opposition her “father figure” Arobynn who was the one to first draw blood
“Wincing as blood from her face dripped to his white clothes” — “A pang of guilt at the sight of her blood staining Arobynn’s exquisite red carpet” — One my heart broke at these lines; she literally feels sorry for bleeding! Two the difference within the Master in white (unstained, untouched, pure) clothes and the Master with red (already red like blood) RED carpet; that she still feels sorry to bleed onto… it’s ALREADY red—he’s the one who drew blood—& yet she’s the one who feels guilty.
Is the foreign language he reads & speaks Wyrd?
… don’t tell me she gets back and Sam is a Courtesan (or some form of indenture) that’s going to require her gold & stop her from leaving😅PLEASE😅I HAVE A BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS😬
The note of the silent Master’s footsteps & lack of cruel punishment, in comparison to Arobynn’s fear invoking silence & unjust cruelty… the fear she feels just standing in front of him once again, feeling little again within minutes of coming back from months of near-freedom… barely a few pages in to The Assassin and the Underworld and I can tell it’s going to crush my heart — isn’t it?!
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bandluvr97 · 2 years
mbb 🎅
Noooo, I wish I got paid the big bucks, I absolutely do not. I let boys flash their money instead.
That’s so amazing! I have friends who are social workers and I see how hard they work, I admire you for doing it. So are you like a case worker?
Shownu is the definition of Head Empty Face Pretty Heart Full. Changkyun is so correct for gnawing on him out of nowhere. Sometimes I forget how strong he is, and then he’ll do some insane dance move and boy HOW, but then gets off stage and wears sandals and socks unironically… But after dancing “Bad Girl” of course he gives off dad/husband vibes, he understands the milfs. Anyway I miss his vocals, Minhyuk’s doing great covering for him but he’s not Shownu.
Did you like Hyungwon’s look in “Love Killa” most? I loved his crazy Fight Club outfit.
SO glad Wonho’s back and doing well and happy. He deserves the whole world. He's so beloved and his big muscles are for hugging (and thirst traps, aka the two most important actions).
Dude, being by yourself to grow is great! Knowing what you want, and not compromising is the best decision. Yeah, lmao, I'm 29, of course I’ve dated. I'm basically an old spinster at this point, according to my dad. But I’ve had to be the bad guy too often, where they catch feelings when I don’t, and we have to deal with the fact I’m too selfish with my time and space to be good for someone. I’ve got shit to do.
Hey love ❤️ lol!!! Fair enough 😂😂😂 best to let people show off their financial worth lol is it fun to people watch or are you more into the behind the scenes stuff?
Oh yeah it can be tricky and a little difficult some days but for the most part it’s rewarding 👍 aw thank you love ❤️ that’s very sweet of you!! 😊😊 yeah I am a case worker in Canada but social wise in the states (only six months into the position and it’s great 👍)
“Head empty, face pretty, heart full” is a perfect way to describe shownu and it’s very accurate lol it makes him such an amazing leader and he’s just so calm and composed it’s a sense of comfort ❤️❤️❤️he really is correct with the gnawing of his arms like come on man have you see those?!?! The man literally is a human pillow it’s insane and he’s a comfort human if that makes sense lol what do you think about his arms? Oh yeah!! There was one dance that OT7 did with a cover song and shownu did a twirl and the splits like SIR!!!! Ooof!!! Them feels love them feels!! Right?? He is doing a great job as a step in but he’s going to get relief soon lol
I absolutely loved his look for fatal love era and love killa was the absolute bomb! He looked gorgeous with the long hair and he sounded amazing, his outfits were on point like it was so well done 👌👌👌👌 did you see the suits though?!?! Like whooo boy!
Amen to that though!! Very glad it was resolved and we have our baby boy back ❤️❤️❤️❤️ he’s just a ball of positivity and it’s lovely 😊 don’t get me started on the thirst traps love 😂😂😂 (heavy inhale of air) he was crazy for doing that and then acting innocent like jessi said “Disney face marvel body” 😂😂😂
Thanks love ❤️ and right??? Like do I want to explore the options? Absolutely 👍 am I ready for that at the age of 25? Not yet but I’m getting there lol plus I was looking for a friend to lover kind of vibe and the people I was talking to only wanted to have sex and rush into things right away and honestly im not into that right now (the rushing into things) but if I meet the person unexpectedly and we vibe then sure! But I’m in no rush for dating if that Ted talk explanation makes sense lol I get the working vibes honestly it’s hard to make the moves and feel genuine about stuff which makes total sense lol would you want to be in a relationship that’s genuine on both sides when there’s a calm lul period?
Hope the day went well ❤️
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ramonag-if · 2 years
Well thank God he wouldn't be that immature to be jealous of his child, but I would like to make a list he HAS been jealous of so far.
1. People who try to get with MC
2. People who try to flirt with MC
3. People who try to befriend MC
4. People who talk to MC
5. People that MC talks to
6. His own horse when MC does on it
7. A fake person MC literally made up to cover the fact that Irus and MC are dating
Idk if I missed any yet but I will gladly add to the list
This list is very accurate Anon 👌 😂 If it's got anything to do with the MC, you can expect Irus to be jealous.
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murfeelee · 2 years
Weekend! Replies! CQL/MDZS Fangirling!
I am thoroughly enjoying my summer vacation so far. I’m just sitting around doing absolutely nothing--GOD I hate school. Next semester I’m not taking as many classes, no way, it’s time to love myself gosh darnit.
declaration-of-dramas replied to your post “CQL/MDZS INSP - Yiling Arc Pt2b: Demon Subduing...”
Master of scenes! Looks amazing 😍 
Omg I’m so glad you think so; thank you! 😭 99.9% of the fun for me when doing fandom inspired gameplay is seeing how I can recreate the scenes from the shows I like, while adding my own spin. Plus it gives me the excuse to rewatch all my fave episodes! XD
headspacedad replied to your post “WangXian: Hanguang-Jun(e) Month Pride Month ’22:...”
the little white bunny jamming out to the flute brings me great joy
LOLOLOL! The Lan clan’s bunnies are musical connoisseurs! 🎶🐇👌
nornities replied to your post “WangXian: Hanguang-Jun(e) Month Pride Month ’22:...”
That's very beautiful. 
I knoooow! There are 3 different versions of the song, since there’s been several adaptations of the original novel, and they’re all beautiful. But the Audio Book version is my absolute favorite. 🎵🎵
themaresnest-dumblr reblogged your post “WangXian: Hanguang-Jun(e) Month Pride Month ’22:...”
Pssst! Here’s what really happened …
There is only one song they’re playing and you know it:
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LMFAO! Them’s fightin’ words! 😂
But TBH, I was pleasantly surprised by how good the Jumanji remake was! I was ready for it to be total trash, but it was fun! BETTER than the original is pushing it though, Wei Wuxian. 😅
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Omg this is actually a painfully accurate song for Wei Wuxian, considering he really was the little orphan Annie as a kid; living on the streets getting mauled by wild dogs before daddy warbucks Jiang Fengmian adopted him and took him to Lotus Pier. 😭
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Stupid theory/headcanon/fangirling incoming!
I don’t think we ever find out exactly how Jiang FengMian found WWX--in both the donghua and live action he just shows up randomly in Yiling, cuz it’s close to Lotus Pier I guess.
HOWEVER! The donghua added this WILD scene that’s never mentioned anywhere else, how the Lan clan was visiting Yiling back when WWX was living on the streets, and that Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian had actually met as kids!
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The scene with LWJ & WWX, and the scene with JFM & WWX are told out of order (IDER which episodes they’re in), but logic dictates that LWJ must have bumped into WWX first, given him the toy; then sometime later WWX was attacked by dogs and rescued by JFM & adopted.
But check this: what if LWJ and the Lan clan were actually visiting the Jiang clan at Lotus Pier (on super important cultivation business, IDGAF), and Lan Wangji TOLD THEM about the homeless kid he gave his toy away to, and that’s how JFM knew where to find WWX!? 😲🤯😲🤯😲🤯
SO LWJ HAS BEEN THE GOAT SINCE CHILDHOOD! 😭 Happy Hanguang-Jun(e) Month indeed!
I completely blame @themaresnest-dumblr​ for all this rambling I’ve just done.
Thanks for reading!
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writertitan · 3 years
Yes, hi, hello again sweet cherub author (lol see what I did there?)
After seeing your post about your tarot deck reading i had a thought XD
Now, I know basically nothing about tarot reading BUT imagine its a thing in an AoT universe, canon or AU, and Y/N has asked (bullied) Levi into allowing them to give him a reading and its just that worst, sassiest (is that a thing?) Reading ever lol like with yours, and he trues to act like he doesn't care, "this is stupid i don't care about what a stupid card is telling me about my life" but he so very clearly is butthurt about it and Y/N is DYING 😂
And from then on, anytime Y/N gets their deck out Levi just glares at it and Y/N thinks it's the funniest shit ever
(Bonus, for his birthday y/n gets him his own tarot deck lol the extra cleaning chores were totally worth his response 👌)
First of all, I am rarely called a sweet cherub so I’m so happy. Second, I’m fucking screaaaming about this 😭😭😭
Levi would absolutely get the WOORST readings every time to the point where you’d be borderline concerned about it and he’s just silently seething but also thinking “fuckfuckfuckfuck”
He hates the damn cards in general but he hates them even more when he gets an accurate reading 💀 it’s the only thing he says are “of the goddamn devil”
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kannra21 · 3 years
Hii! Can I request a matching with bnha boys?
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In addition to the picture, I am a chubby girl. Not many picrews have that feature though💀. and my hair volume is a lot more than that, but other than that, it's pretty accurate.
Personality and hobbies: my sun sign is virgo and my mbti is infp. I am pretty quiet but once I get comfortable, I get pretty open with people. I can be pretty chaotic too. I am a mom friend. Also, I quote novels in daily conversations a lot, though not a lot of people catch on to it, speaking of which, I love reading as my lungs love oxygen. I am always carrying around a book with me, especially in public because social anxiety is a b*tch. I am also a writer. I write novels and poems and sometimes drabbles too. I am also a keen baker and I enjoy cooking too. I love making moodboards.
My fashion style depends upon my mood. I am very flexible with my fashion choice, though I love the minimalistic girly look a lot. Here are pics of my favourite outfits.
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I definitely prefer heroes over villains. And I don't really fully relate to a lot of characters, though I do relate to momo in some aspects since we both are mom friends, good at planning, and empathetic.
And one last thing, my love language is physical touch and words of affirmation (though written, I am not that good with verbal conversation when talking about my loved ones since I tend to blush a lot.)
And yeahh. Thank you so much, love. I really appreciate it <3
Girl omg that's so pretty! You love baking!? Not to brag but I made my first cheesecake bc I had nothin to do (I love lavender lol).
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I match you with-
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What makes you so special to Kaminari? Well, he loves reading. He loves quoting Hemingway books and you will talk enthusiastically about your interests for hours. Everybody will wonder where you guys went off when rly, you spent eternity sitting in the dorm's living room geeking over Greek mythology and literature. He'll be honest with you- he's not the best student in the world, he finds academic articles boring and people think that he's a klutz for not achieving good grades. But he appreciates art, he loves art, and nothing sits better with him than reading a nice book. You're so passionate about it, he loves listening to your smart remarks and he can relate because it doesn't necessarily have to do with school. It's a beautiful hobby that you can enjoy in your free time, it's relaxing and he'll think of learning more about your interests bc you got him rly hooked on it! Congrats, you got yourself a simp. 😉👌
He's familiar with God of War franchise and he learned a lot from playing it haha! He thinks that Hades is a privileged mf bc he owns a giant-ass puppy, other gods could never. 😂 He also enjoys reading Odysseus' adventures because the main idea would be a life's journey that's filled with obstacles and the main character's attempts to return home to his family. Similar to Hemingway- he prefers topics which present human dignity, morality and the formation of individuality through struggle against nature. Love and war are often pictured in those types of works and he likes to project those same ideals on heroes.
Whenever you write something new he'll take full pride in being your personal beta reader. He LOVES reading what's on your mind. It's questionable whether people actually know about this- but writing is the deepest reflection of who you are. You're showing your vulnerabilities and every time he comes across a new chapter, he learns something new about you. You have such a beautiful mind and he can't get enough of you.
Once you've overcome your doubts, you'll tell him ab your social anxiety and he'll soften. Aww hon, he understands how you feel. He's a people pleaser by heart so he'll go into the mass every now and then but he'll always come back to you and make sure you won't be left out. He can try and make you comfortable with his friends but if you don't feel so good about the attention, he'll give you the space you need.
He's very respectful of your privacy and when he returns, he'll always come up with something new like playing you a song on his guitar. You love it and think it's v romantic. You asked him how he learned it and he told you about the time when him and Tokoyami rehearsed their part for the Cultural Festival. His fingers were sore and painful that day but he refused to catch a break because he didn't want to let his friends down. That's how much he loves them and he's ready to apply this same love on you if not even more.
You never told him that you knew how to bake, you wanted to make a small surprise for everyone so you made your favorite dessert in hopes that it'll meet everyone's taste. He always makes a big deal when it comes to complimenting others so he'll brag how he has the best gf in the world (even Bakugou is jealous of your baking skills/he'll probably ask for the recipe). He gets curious at times or perhaps guilty when he sees you doing all the work by yourself so he'll def join you and help with whatever you need. He'll also flirt with you and put some chocolate on his lips yk. 👀 Nah he won't tease you too much bc that would be just mean. He'll lean you on the counter and kiss your pretty face. Now he's more of a distraction than help and friends will tell you to continue your business in the bedroom bc Kaminari sometimes gets carried away and forgets that there are actually people in the dorms ahem. Jirou makes fun of him and you blush. He likes seeing your blushy face and he's in fact- not regretting anything~
When it's just the two of you he likes to hug you from behind as you're leaning on him while reading smtng interesting. He becomes all ears and you read to him as well if he asked for it. He has a tendency to play with your hair (the same way he does with Ojiro's tail except you don't mind lol, and he's not actually messing with it bc he's being gentle). You make him a small man-ponytail and he looks good in whatever style he sports without putting much effort into it. He likes to lean his head on yours and you're making him aware of how clingy he is. He tells you that he's OK with being your Eros if you let him and you reply that Zeus would suit him better bc of his lightning Quirk. He gets red in the face bc you just called him the top fucker haha.
You two are always pulling brainy jokes and it's hilarious. To some it might sound corny but Yaoyorozu appreciates it v much bc, well, she's the smartest student in your class.
In your free time he'll take you out on burgers bc he loves em but you're always free to choose whatever you want. He gets reminded of how bad you feel when there's a large crowd outside so he takes your hand in his own and kisses you to calm you down and remind you that you're not alone in this. 🥺💓 Spending time with him makes everything bearable and you forget ab the stuff you don't like.
He loves trendy things so he'll definitely accompany you and express his opinion on the clothes you pick out during your shopping spree. He loves your style, it's very feminine and attractive. Most guys don't like spending their time in shopping malls bc it's boring and girls take too long at choosing the garments of their liking. They'd rather be somewhere else but with him, it's not the case. He's resting his eyes so to say, it's pleasant and he couldn't reject you like that. He loves you too much.
He adores items that hold special meaning to them so he'll buy you a necklace or something with a theme of your liking bc he knows that it'll always remind you of him. In fact, he likes couple accessories. He doesn't like things that don't bear certain memories. You get surprised when you realized that he's more mature than what you initially thought. The same apparently goes for his room decor. You instantly notice that his room isn't the most aesthetically arranged one and he never planned it to be this way. He keeps stuff in his room that reminds him of nice memories that he shared with people he deems important to him. But hey you can't blame him, he's keeping it neat and he's v conscious ab his tidiness.
Everyone loves you and you're the sunshine duo bc when someone feels down you pull shenanigans and you instantly put a smile on other people's faces. That's also important for hero work.
Sometimes it's nice not to depend on your Quirk too much. It's enough to just pack your things, go out and entrust yourself to nature. He likes hiking with Bakugou and Kirishima and he wished so much for you to join them in the stroll. He doesn't want to force you into anything but he'd rly appreciate if you came. He even asked the guys to go slower but Bakugou refused to go bc he's selfish. If the stroll isn't to his liking he'll choose not to waste his time on people who can't keep up with his tempo. But that's OK bc no one needs him anyways. You had great time with the guys and camping in the woods is so exciting. Why reading about adventures when you could experience one on your own. Technology is overrated these days and there's nothing better than roasting some marshmallows/sausages and singing/talking ab funny stuff under the starry night sky. Your bound became even stronger.
It's midnight, y'all are sleeping bc it's been a long day but Kaminari had the audacity to enter your tent and ask you to swim with him in a lake not far from your camping spot. You ask him if he went completely insane- the water is probably cold and at night you can't see shit so something could happen to you or your clothes. He's been complaining how hot it was tonight and the mosquitoes were killing him + he assured that you won't regret it. OK mby he had a point, it was hot. And mby you trusted him way too much so you said fuck it let's go. 🤣
And he wasn't wrong- it was indeed the prettiest sight ever. The moonlight reflected nicely on the lake's calm surface and the night was pleasant in so many ways- there wasn't a single cloud to disturb the beautiful atmosphere and the nature was peaceful except for the night birds' singing and cicadas. You hated the cold but at least you entered like a champ. Kaminari went slowly step by step like a little bitch haha so you sprayed him with water and he freaked. WhY wOuLd YoU dO tHaT?? Lol you took revenge on him for embarrassing you with kissy stuff in front of your classmates. You meant it as a joke.
He didn't get the memo and ayy he got offended. You started fighting and you ended up crying bc you didn't want it to end up like that. You admitted to love his affectionate self and that you'd never change anything ab him. You apologized and he apologized as well bc he lost his cool too fast when he should've thought that you'd never mock him for something like that. You were both cuddlers after all and he came out as such an idiot, now he feels terrible. He'll hug you and kiss you and whisper apologies in your ear. He loves you so much and you'll hold each other close and kiss under the bright moonlight. You made a promise that you'll always be honest with each other and love your perfections and imperfections.
Even if he tried he couldn't imagine his life without you at this point.
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acaplaya-musings · 6 months
Voiceplay-adjacent Visuals: Saddle Up
From one Thurl song to another!
This song is so old and obscure that if you google "Thurl Ravenscroft Saddle Up" or something similar, Geoff's cover and stuff about Geoff's cover are some of the first/top things to appear in the search results!
Saddle Up (sung by Thurl Ravenscroft) originally featured on a very old album (idk what year) called "Walt Disney Presents: This Was The West (The Story and The Songs by Stan Jones)". (Fun fact: Stan Jones was the original writer of Ghost Riders In The Sky!) It then later featured on the album "Walt Disney Records Archive Collection: Volume 1". This isn't a video I watch all that often (though I've listened to the cover a fair few times via my Spotify playlist), but I would've felt bad for not doing a post about it, even if it only ends up being a short one, so here we go!
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Oh, and starring Layne as Slightly Tired Best Friend 😝 (or as Geoff says in the description: "Layne Stein played by Layne Stein (as only Layne Stein can)" 😁)
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"Scoot over, my show's on!"
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I'm assuming this is just a prop/fake TV?
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(Also a bit of a role reversal from the Aca Top 10 videos on Voiceplay's channel, where typically it's Layne being the silly one and Geoff being more of the "straight man", as opposed to here, where it's vice versa!)
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Appreciation for the editing!
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Layne: *moves a little further away from Geoff on the couch*
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Geoff, like 6 seconds later: *moves closer to Layne on the couch* 😂😂😂
(Who needs personal space when you've known each other for 25+ years? 😋)
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Time for the actual "show"/cover! Got some fun transitions and split-screen styles (and the blue flannel is kinda nice too!)
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Split-screen example! (Also necklace spotted!)
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"the list is long, you'll hear the names" (Layne's reaction is perfect 😆👌)
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There are 6 buttons on that polo shirt, but Geoff only has one (1) of them actually done up 😝 (never change, Geoff, never change)
(Also I only just noticed that the shots of the song performance are in a different aspect ratio to the shots of Geoff and Layne on the couch!)
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Different shirt, same button situation! (This one you can see the pendant of the necklace just peeking out!)
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Boy this must have been fun to film 😂
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I like this splitscreen! Very creative! (But also very brief!)
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Geoff never does anything by half, does he? Why stick to simple stuff when you apparently have better ideas?
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Oh that was a clever little added touch! 👀
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Geoff: "So what did you think?" :D
Layne: "Wasn't that just you in four different shirts?"
Pfft, well what can I say; the song is a bop and a jam, and the video is just good silly fun! And of course shoutout to Layne for being involved with this one, and him and Geoff being an accurate representation of my friends and I when I show them Voiceplay/Geoff videos 😝 (I'm joking - they think Geoff and Voiceplay are really fantastic too, and why wouldn't they? 😁)
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catzeatyerface · 3 years
My guide to figure skating jumps
I’m fairly new to figure skating but I think I’ve learned enough to try making a guide. Important! This guide assumes that you are going to look up actual video examples of the jumps. 
There are six jumps in figure skating and all of them are landed the same way, but are defined by the take-off. Before we define the jumps, let’s learn some other important things.
Edges: Figure skates have an arch to the blades so there are two edges to the skate, the inside edge and the outside edge (image below the cut).
Landings: All jumps are landed on the outside edge of the skate moving backwards. The foot you land on depends on whether you turn clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW). Most ppl turn CCW in the air on their jumps but there are also ppl who jump CW. CCW jumps are landed on the right foot, while CW jumps are landed on the left foot.
Toe v. Edge: “Toe” jumps are jumps where you use the toe pick of the skate that you’re not jumping off to help with the take off (check out videos). “Edge” jumps don’t get the extra help, you just jump off your skate.
Below I’ve ordered the jumps from easiest to hardest and bolded their defining features. If the take off doesn’t have the bolded traits, it's dishonestly declared.
Toe Loop(T) - outside edge toe pick assisted take-off w/ no change of foot, or direction. 
Salchow(S) - inside edge take-off w/ a change of foot. Characterized by the leg position / \
Loop(Lo) - outside edge take-off w/ no change of foot or direction. Characterized by crossed leg position (left over right for CCW jumps, right over left for CW jumps).
Flip(F) - inside edge, toe pick assisted take-off w/ change of foot.
Lutz(Lz) - toe pick assisted take off w/ change of foot on an OUTSIDE edge, which results in a change of curve!! (commonly cheated)
Axel(A) - outside edge takeoff w/ change foot, and direction, going from forward to backward. 
Toe Loop is easy because the take off is the same as the landing and you get extra help from the toe pick.
Scoring: double 1.30, triple 4.20(😂👌🔥), quad 9.50
Salchow is easy because the leg position is very springboard-y. It’s also easy to get rotations from (note the score for 2T and 2S).
Scoring: double 1.30, triple 4.30, quad 9.70
Loop is harder than the T cause there’s no toe pick help, and harder than the S because of the leg position. This jump looks difficult and scary to me.
Scoring: double 1.70, triple 4.90, quad 10.50
Flip is hard cause of the foot change and the straight line entrance.
Scoring: double 1.80, triple 5.30, quad 11
Lutz in simple terms is hard because changing foot and edge is more intuitive/easy than changing foot but not edge. Someone who knows what they’re talking about would say it’s “counter rotated”.
Scoring: double 2.10, triple 5.90, quad 11.50
Axel is the hardest jump because not only is it the only forward facing jump (it’s harder to build up momentum), but because of the direction change there’s an extra half rotation on it. So a double axel is 2.5 rotations, a triple axel is 3.5, and a quad axel would be 4.5 (and so far hasn't been done).
Scoring: double 3.30, triple 8, quad 12.50 (again, no one’s done it)
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Bonus for funsies: If the jumps were named more literally 
T = Toe Cross
S = Springboard 
Lo = Cross
Flip is accurate
Lz = Counter 
A = Forward
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astrxlis-archive · 2 years
Hello again, Fox!! 😍 I have answered the quizzes you linked. I also included some of my thoughts :)
my results for the quizzes you linked!:
1. which (unhealthy) coping mechanism are you [link] - we basically have the same result but i'm still linking it
2. how do you love [link]
- my only comment for this is: i dont know if i get it or not 🤣 if you have an idea, please do tell me how you understood it. no but most of the time, some uquiz results would be poetic but also confusing like it's just there to make you like the standing person emoji xD HOWEVER! the "...smallest of gazes..." called me out because. because yeah 😭 i. i like mutual pining. hahaha. haha.
3. which folklore song are you? [link]
- this. this is so true for me. i like sunrises. i just dont know about the tarot thingy bc it's like astrology to me- very confusing and there's reversed card stuff with new meanings like can someone teach me this so i could have a new fixation even if i dont believe in it xD
4. what kind of book ending would i write for you? [link]
- my thoughts on your result: i could... feel the sense of an dystopian setting like nier's. there's so much that you've gone through, so much that you have lost which made you almost lost yourself in the process. then there's this last last one thing you will lose in the story. something you might be probably holding on for too long, or holding on you for too long. the road was rough, and you're tired. the suffocation vanished the moment "this" certain thing left you in peace. you never felt joy from losing something after so many years. you're alone, but you've find your peace and breathable freedom.
- about my results this time: man. it was funny at first because i cant swim but around the latter half silence surrounded me and i teared up a bit. because i always feel like im already spoiling my self with validation from others to "heal" my wounds but those words feel so nice to read. it feels like an ointment. 👌
5. where does your fear reside in your body? [link]
- Fox, please let me give you a hug :<
— 🍰.
helloooo 🍰❣️
sorry this took so long, my finals are approaching and i got hit by a really bad depressive episode 🫠 anyway!
about result 1: man🧍imo it takes a lot of courage to feel the big scary emotions. i shut them down mostly bc i don't have time for them, which is not very healthy 😂 do you think the result is accurate for you?
about result 2: dude this result is beautiful???? hello???? i think it's a way to say you're also more of an action instead of words type of person, and that your actions are also more "intense", but in a good way. that's my understanding of it, so feel free to disagree 😂 it's a very poetic result indeed. also, mutual pining huh? interesting.......
about result 3: it fits you very well!!! i can't help you with the tarot thing bc i don't really believe in it but at the same time it feels... off? to me 😅 idk how to explain it. but good luck with learning it if you get the chance to!!
about result 4: dude, i both love and hate how spot on you are in your interpretation of my result. it's kind of what i'm going through right now? i havent found the thing causing this whole mess yet, but like 🧍,,,,, about your result, though. first of all, i'm really glad you got the happy ending!!!!! it made me smile when i read the title bc it absolutely fits you!! and like you, i read it and teared up. i hope you know it's ok to be tired of giving, and its ok to be "selfish" and want things for yourself (even if its not really being selfish, but being human). its also ok to want external validation. we crave it bc we want to know we're doing well. it's normal. especially after being hurt. healing is a b tch, and it's hard, and having someone to cheer you on is so important 🥺 its ok to stop pulling people to the shore and just let yourself be pulled to it as well, whether by someone else or by the currents. you deserve a happy ending, dear 🥰🥰 and a happy middle as well!!
about result 5: you,,, got such a normal fear response?? i'm happy for you but at the same time i'm jealous? 😂 do those things fascinate you? or do they just terrify you? 👀
as for your request:
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sorry for how long it took for this reply, expect more to come soon ❣️
see you soon!!!
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artsygirl8 · 3 years
Hello, can I please ask you how I will meet my romantic soulmate and what they're like ? - AC ♉
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Hello! How are you? I apologize for my late response! Thank you for participating in the game! :))
Before getting started I want to make sure you know that you don't have to take seriously what I'm gonna say. I'm new to this so I may not be accurate. It can depend from person to person! It's for fun! Just take what resonates with you, if so!
So let's begin!
You may meet them in a road or during traffic lmao. They may have a black motorcycle. Actually your first meeting may not be that pleasant haha. You may bump into each other's vehicles!! I know that sounds crazy, right?
You'll meet them at your work environment! You may work at the same company and have some kind of "work rivalry" just for no reason lmao. Your other colleagues seem already pissed by your behaviour but they see there's something deeper there 😂👌 And you may fight and disagree a lot because of that. But actually you like eachother and after some time it will be obvious!
Um, they seem brunette to light brown hair, normal weight and a nice physique, approx. 1,75-1,78cm. Stubborn and competitive at work, with a childish energy very expressive personality! An extrovert. They may talk a lot, especially when they are upset lmao!
(The second story sounds more likely to happen btw)
I hope you resonate with the reading!
Let me know if you do!
Thank you and stay safe 🖤✨
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acaplaya-musings · 7 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Superstition
This is actually only my third day of writing these posts - to say I've been flying through them is an understatement (but hey, I've been having a ton of fun!)
In 2020, Voiceplay decided to upload not one but two full-length videos in October, both in the spirit of the Halloween season. The first was Superstition, released on the 10th, and "in spirit" is definitely an accurate way to refer to it! 😉😂 It features Omar Cardona in his first time as a featured artist on a Voiceplay video. He also went on The Voice US in 2022 and came 4th, which is certainly nothing to sneeze at! But anyway, enough backstory, time for the video!
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Hey Omar, a word of advice: if you don't wanna have spooky dreams/hallucinations, maybe don't fall asleep on a couch in a creepy, dusty old room? 😂
(But seriously, very cool set design, and shoutout to Eli as always for the lighting!)
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Love the transluscent-ness(?) on the other guys as they fade into shot!
(Also how nice of Voiceplay to have the upper hand in a video for once instead of being the ones getting kidnapped or tortured or tormented or whatever 😝😁)
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J pretending to rock a baby in his arms on the "thirteen-month-old baby" line
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Shoutout to Omar for his acting skills! Truly multitalented!
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Geoff really said "you think that was ghostly/spooky? Watch this."
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Alright go off then
(Also another good shot where Geoff's eye colour doesn't look brown!)
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Love their faces here 😁
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"BOO!" (🤣)
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*evil laughter*
Geoff loves playing the villain I swear, but I won't lie, I love it too!
Also shoutout to one of the comments on this video which said "Ever since I saw this I've been afraid there's a Geoff under my bed or in my closet, but I've found that I actually get disappointed when he's not there..." (what a mood 😂)
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Rip Omar, you ain't going nowhere! (😉)
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Cool jacket, Eli! (also Omar looks Confused(tm) ("wait I don't remember this part of the song"))
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J holds up a lucky rabbit's foot...
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...and Layne holds up a small carrot 😂 (Carrot Lord strikes again!)
J None kills it with the dancing/acting during his rap solo btw
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Interesting blue wristband thing that Geoff is wearing!
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Yessss go off Omar! (Also cool tattoos!)
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I believe we are now in fact vibing with the ghosts 😆 (not that I can blame him!)
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Terrific editing job on this video btw 👌
A very cool video, what a vibe, and as I am typing this, we are potentially just a few days away from getting to see Omar's 6th collaboration with Voiceplay! (Though by the time you all see this, that video will likely have been up already for a week or so).
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