#so we would 'chat' exclusively over email
smile-files · 1 year
i should have my gmail privileges revoked
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seren1tyhaze · 11 months
of grocery lists and spilled (oat) milk
PAIRING: mark lee x afab reader
SUMMARY: sure, keeping your grocery list in Mark Lee's dms may seem like next level delusional but it can't do any harm, right?
AUTHOR’S NOTE: for my lovely @strwbrysunday who inspired this and for being there always for every step of my delusional writing process <3 In case I don’t pull something together in time, we can count this as a VERY early bday tribute to Markly
WARNINGS: fluff, romantic meet cute, light swearing, rekindling romance, childhood friends to lovers
PLAYLIST: Broken Melodies and Like We Just Met by NCT Dream
Life is but a dream, we got history
Your alarm is blaring in your ear as your cat licks the tip of your nose, jolting you awake to see hot sun streaming in your bedroom window. How bright the room is has you scrambling for your phone, desperately hoping you hadn’t overslept (again).
Your phone screen confirms the worst as you whip back the covers and slide into fluffy slippers next to your bed, knocking a cup over as you reach for your cat’s food in the kitchen and spilling some of it in the process. She happily purrs against your bare legs before starting to eat slowly out of the small tray and you realize you’re going to have to drink the shitty office coffee since you’re both out of espresso pods and oat milk.
You quickly shower and are out the door in record time, thanking yourself that you hadn’t unpacked your work bag when you had gotten home late the night before. Work has been brutal lately, giving you barely any time in the evenings to yourself and you’ve never been one to wake up early in the morning. You know you have to go to the store today so you plan to try to sneak out a bit early to get your essentials.
Once you’re settled in the train car for your twenty seven minute ride, you work through a couple emails to get a head start on work before turning to your grocery list.
You glance to your side to see if anyone is looking over your shoulder at your phone, knowing the unconventional location of said list would seem questionable to a passerby.
Even you can admit that your delusional habit you had started ages ago was a little strange, but it felt comforting at this point and wasn’t hurting anyone. You opened up your Instagram DMs and tapped into the extremely one sided conversation with a charming, smiley rapper with 11.5M followers who did not know you existed.
Yes, you kept your grocery lists (and other important info you needed to find quickly) in Mark Lee’s DMs. 
It had started as a joke a few years ago when you had finally admitted to your closest friend in the city that you and Mark had gone to summer camp together when you were kids. It had only been for a couple years but you remembered it like it was yesterday. The early morning kayak trips, knocking bare knees around a late night campfire, and how he used to sing you to sleep accompanied by the soft strumming of his guitar from the steps of your cabin. 
You had followed his career ever since, listening to new songs as they were released, watching him on variety shows, and flipping through magazines whenever you saw his stunning face and bold style gracing the covers. You enjoyed seeing the short poems he would post on his stories or read out loud on the rare live he would do after shows.
Your friend had encouraged you to slide into his DMs at the time, purely motivated by her desire to meet his dancer best friend that he was sometimes spotted with at the most exclusive clubs. You had tapped open the message conversation with him and in typing quickly, accidentally pasted your short grocery list into the chat. She had laughed at you and you sent the message anyways, knowing that there was no way he would reply or ever even see it in his message requests.
You had a solid amount of followers for someone who didn’t work in the entertainment industry due to the app you had helped develop rising in popularity in the past few months. You sometimes helped out with filming vlog content for the website or TikToks but mostly kept to yourself and didn’t really have any interest in being internet famous.
Since you had first put your grocery list in Mark’s DMs, you had used the space to put little notes to yourself, including a drunken ramble one night about how 16 Personalities has royally fucked up everyone’s perception of MBTI.
Today, you opened up the message to add in your latest essentials, putting oat milk in all caps since the last few times you went you somehow managed to forget it. You needed food for the week, chicken and veggies, some other basics like mascara and tampons and remembered running low on cat treats.
Sliding your phone back into the front pocket of your bag, you let your eyes flutter shut for the rest of the ride to work, finally feeling the adrenaline of waking up late wear off.
Many hours later you are angrily typing on your computer, finishing up some code review for the development team, eyes flicking repeatedly to the clock in the bottom of your screen.
“I’m sorry you had to stay late, you should head out soon before it starts raining harder,” your coworker messages you, leaning from behind their monitor across the open office space, offering you a small smile.
You send off a couple frustrated emojis before typing up your feedback for the team in an email, feet already sliding into your rain boots you kept under your desk for gloomy days like today.
Checking your watch, you realize you are barely going to make it to the grocery store if you don’t leave now. The only benefit will be that it should be pretty empty this late at night. After a short train ride, you’re pushing a cart through the empty aisles, grabbing what you need and humming lightly to yourself. There are a few fellow late night shoppers milling about alongside the workers stocking the shelves for the next morning.
You grab the last item on your list just as a series of yawns hit you, making your way to the self-checkout area. You are about to scan your first item when you glance down at your cart, noticing you’ve managed to forget the oat milk again.
“Fucking…” you murmur under your breath, dropping your pack of tampons back into the cart and spinning on your heel, heading towards the back of the store to quickly grab the milk.
You’re almost back to your cart when you hit a wet spot on the floor, slipping in a dramatic, banana peel comedy sketch moment, falling hard on your back, managing to catch the back of your head with your hand before it collides with the linoleum floor.
The oat milk cartons in your hands crash to the floor, one of them starting to leak out in a milky puddle next to you.
Suddenly a masked face appears over you, white cloth covering most of his features, dark eyes holding a confused look. You are breathing heavily and blink a couple times to clear your vision.
“Yo…are you okay?” comes a loud and worried voice, holding a hand out in an offer of help.
You feel a little light headed but accept the hand anyways, allowing yourself to sit up and meet the eyes of the young man now crouching next to you on the wet floor.
“Uh yeah…yeah…the floor was we-” your speech is cut off suddenly as he pulls down his mask, shaking dark hair from his eyes and making eye contact with you again.
Kneeling in a puddle of rainwater and oat milk was none other than the man whose DMs you had monopolized for the past few years and the name you had moaned late at night with your hand shoved under your covers. It was the face you had studied countless times in high resolution photos from the airport posted on Twitter, a face that you had memorized down to the prominent mole on his cheek and the curves of his shining white teeth. Mark Lee had just watched you bite it on the floor of the grocery store right before closing.
You can barely keep eye contact with Mark as you stand up, looking down to see damp pants and your shirt rumpled. Embarrassed, you thank him under your breath, reaching down to pick up the milk cartons and tossing them in a nearby trash can. You quickly begin scanning the items from your cart with shaky hands, placing them in your tote bag, hoping to get out of there as soon as possible.
“Did you remember the cat treats?” he asks quietly, pushing the black hood off his head and stepping closer to you, handing you a carton of strawberries from your basket.
You lift up your gaze to meet his, mouth falling open at his question. His eyes are big and kind and he has a shy but warm expression on his face, plump pink lips settling into a pout as he finishes his question.
“You…read those messages? I’m uh…Mark…Lee…Mark Lee. I’m so sorry…” you ramble, brain scrambled and swimming with all other reasons why he could have asked that, praying that he somehow hadn’t been reading your messages all these years.
“How could I not when the cute girl from summer camp kept me informed on every little detail of her life,” he replied, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, smiling bashfully as his fingertips made contact with your now flushed cheek.
“I’m so sorry, Mark, I didn’t think there was any way you would remember me and it just kind of became a habit,” you stuttered out, scanning your last item and reaching for your wallet. You were acutely aware of how close he had gotten and silently hoped your makeup still looked good and that your hair had stayed lightly curled from yesterday’s styling. Every inch of your skin felt like it was on fire and you knew how red your neck had to be getting.
“I got it, but don’t forget the oat milk,” he offers as he scans a carton of the same brand from his own cart before swiping his card on the reader to pay for your groceries. You are once again stunned but tip your head down in a silent thanks.
“But for real, thank you for recommending this brand, it’s the best!” he laughs, scratching the back of his head awkwardly and grabbing your bags for you.
“I can’t believe you remember me,” you say quietly, a grin settling across your face as the two of you walk out of the store. His hand is brushing up against the back of yours as he keeps close to your side, popping open an umbrella to shield you from the light rain that hasn’t quite cleared yet.
“I’ve thought about you a lot over the years, but also know our lives took us in different directions. But I always hoped you were supporting me from a distance,” he replies candidly, tapping into his phone before handing it to you with an open contact card screen.
“Now, can you please give me your number so I can call you and we can go on a real date that doesn’t involve you laying a puddle of milk?”
“Hey, maybe that’s my idea of a perfect first date!” you laugh out, quickly adding yourself as a contact in his phone before handing it back to him. Your heart is pounding as your fingers brush against his, unable to believe that this is happening. You half expect to sit up in your bed any moment, thinking that all the videos you studied about lucid dreaming must have finally paid off.
He chuckles, closing the umbrella as the rain comes to a stop at the most picture perfect moment. The air smelled fresh in the post storm haze, fog settling lightly around you amongst flickering streetlights and the hum of city sounds. He reaches back to pull his hood up, covering dark and piecey short hair, hanging perfectly at the sides of his forehead. Whenever he turns his head, you catch a glimpse of an intricate pattern buzzed into the shorter sides, exposing flashes of his scalp in contrast to his dark hair. 
Your eyes trail down his face and take in his full frame for the first moment since you first encountered him in the store. He’s broader than you had imagined, your height difference the same as when you had known him as a kid, but his arms look strong and tight jeans leaving little to the imagination. His face is bare but immaculate, brows perfectly coiffed and lips plump and moisturized.
He clears his throat lightly at you ogling him and you meet his sparkling eyes again as he sits your bags gently on the ground next to him, placing a tentative hand on your lower back.
“Yes?” you ask teasingly, batting your eyelashes a little for good measure, suddenly feeling confidence bloom within you. He sighs before speaking again and you feel the tension and nervousness between the two of you start to melt away.
“Ever since you sent me those videos on Halloween, I’ve been having to stop myself from sliding into your DMs like some sleazy asshole,” he mutters, voice suddenly lower and strained as his pinky finger brushes up against yours, linking with it and swinging lightly.
You knit your eyebrows together in confusion, trying to think back to what videos he could be talking about. Hazy memories of your drunken night out to multiple bars and house parties start flooding in as you begin to remember what you wore that night. 
Golden fabric and black strappy laces from below your navel up to your neck flash in your mind and you suddenly remember your cheetah costume that was less than safe for work. Those heels went straight in the trash when you got home because while they made your legs look amazing, they gave you the worst blisters of your entire life.
“...I did not send you videos that night,” you start cautiously, placing a hand on his chest to ground yourself. You are trying to force the memories forward but all you can think of is the countless shots you took with your friend and some sloppy make out sessions on the dance floor.
He chuckles, nodding silently and letting his forehead fall towards yours, pressing against yours tenderly. It did bring you comfort but also made your heart skip a beat.
“I am…mortified,” you sigh, blinking up at him from the awkward angle.
“Don’t be, you looked fucking hot,” he breathes out, warm breath minty and fanning out across your lips.
His lips are on yours seconds later, hand sliding down towards your ass and pulling you closer into him. He breaks away from you, inches from your lips, checking your face for any sign of discomfort, only to find lust laden, hooded eyes blinking rapidly.
You surge forward to capture his lips again, bringing your hand up to his neck and digging your nails into the skin there. His tongue presses against your lips eagerly and you give him access instantly, a soft whine buzzing against his mouth. You lose all concept of time and space, forgetting you are standing on the empty downtown streets in front of the market, in the arms of one of the most famous musicians in the world.
You break away first, having to calm your breathing pattern and releasing the material you were gripping on his chest.
He chuckles and slides his hand up your back, massaging your shoulder lightly through your raincoat. He’s so much more gentle and tender than you could have ever imagined and you struggle to maintain eye contact with him.
“I can’t believe all I had to do was buy a carton of oat milk to finally kiss my first crush after all these years,” he laughs out, leaning in to gently nuzzle at your hair.
“Do you need me to add anything to our grocery list? You know, it’s almost been two years since we started it, I think,” Mark laughed out a little loudly, despite being close to your ear in Taeyong’s crowded apartment.
“Wait, I thought you two just moved in together recently?” Jaemin cackles, taking a long sip of beer. You didn’t realize he was eavesdropping on your conversation, assuming he had been too focused on Jeno’s karaoke performance happening in the center of the room.
You dip your head down, embarrassed by the fact that Mark’s closest friends still didn’t know the full details of your reunion and start of your relationship. You had sworn him to secrecy, telling him he could fill them in on the past camp days and make up some story about how the two of you had met at an art gallery opening.
“Oh Jaem, haven’t you heard of our adorable meet cute?” Mark asks mischievously, nudging your knee with his and dragging his lips over your ear. His eyes tell you everything, just as they always had, just like when you first met.
“Oh do tell,” he gushed, letting his chin drop into his hand with his elbow propped up on his crossed legs. He tapped his cheek with his fingers, wiggling his eyebrows at the two of you.
While you refused to let Mark share the story of years of grocery lists and your fall at the market check out, you did let him share how he asked you to move in with him a few months prior.
On a normal Friday morning you had pulled open the fridge, reaching in without looking, and feeling your hand brush against an unfamiliar piece of paper on the oat milk. 
A watermelon shaped post-it note (that had seemingly been “borrowed” from your desk) was taped to the front of the carton with hurried handwriting in a statement that made your heart flutter.
I hate this distance and I hate singing broken melodies. Move in with me &lt;3
The carton almost slips from your fingers but you manage to catch it and pour some with a shaky hand into your waiting tumbler.
Pulling your phone from your jeans pocket, you lean your back against the counter, petting your cat’s head as she emerges from her favorite spot behind the toaster oven. 
Opening Instagram, you tap into your conversation, adding a to do list in the same format you usually used for your grocery lists.
To Do List: Help my new roommate pick out more comfortable pillows for the bed -.-
Typing bubbles appear almost immediately, and a string of sappy emojis and voice notes start flooding in from Mark.
It’s still surreal to see replies from the message thread that had been one-sided for so long. You still message in Instagram from time to time, finding comfort in the space, despite spending hours on the phone each day and being in almost constant contact via other messaging apps.
A knock at your door pulls your attention and you have to dab your eyes with the back of your hand where tears have pricked up. A couple large boxes are waiting outside your door and you drag them inside before snapping a picture to send to Mark. You had planned a camping trip for later in the summer, looking forward to reliving those muggy summer nights spent chasing fireflies, spending your days reading in a hammock and falling even deeper in love with the boy who first made you feel special all those years ago.
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uniquexusposts · 1 month
Her || Charles Leclerc
Main characters: Charles Leclerc x OC Genre: fanfiction, fluff  Story type: novel  Part: 8/? Word count: 2014 Co writer: @mistrose23
Summary: This was Matilde Jørgensen, the newly appointed team principal of Scuderia Ferrari, about to face one of the most nerve-wracking challenges of her life. She tried to save the team from more disappointing results and put everything on the line to make them world champion again. There will be a big challenge to lead a historic team as 'newbie' and keeping her work and personal opinions apart from each other. The big question everybody will be asking: is she capable to do so?
Previous chapter
Chapter 6. Barbecue Sauce On My...
Matilde was in her office, finishing her final task of the day; writing an email to the factory. It had been a long, but productive and interesting day for the team. The first two free practices in Miami were over, and the results were helpful and fine.
A knock on the door made Matilde look up from her computer. The door opened, and her assistant entered the office. Matilde removed the special blue light glasses from her nose and smiled.
"A reminder: your interview is in ten minutes," Galileo said.
"Thanks," Matilde said. "I will be finishing up now. Give me a few minutes."
Galileo nodded and stepped back, leaving Matilde to her work. As he closed the door, Matilde took a deep breath and stretched her arms, feeling the tension from the tasks slowly melt away. She glanced at the clock on her computer screen and realised that her interview with Lissie Mackintosh was just around the corner.
With a renewed focus, Matilde typed the final lines of the email, ensuring that all necessary details were included. Satisfied, she hit the send button and leaned back in her chair. It wasn't her first interview, but it was her first interview with Lissie and her first interview together with Charles and Carlos. It would be a casual interview, more like a chat, and Matilde was glad that was the case. She wasn't waiting for an in-depth interview with a lot of details.
She stood up, logged off and put on some deodorant, perfume and lip balm before leaving her office on wheels. When leaving the room, she picked up a reflection of herself; she got used to the bright red outfit, and she looked fine in it; her hair still looked fine as well, so she had nothing to do with it.
Outside her office, Galileo was waiting for her. He flashed a reassuring smile, and Matilde returned it with a nod. Together they made their way to the designated interview spot in the paddock.
When Matilde arrived, Lissie approached the team principal to introduce herself and exchanged a few words with her. Matilde greeted the Ferrari drivers and sat down next to Charles, around the table. A few minutes later, the camera started rolling.
"Today, we will be sauce testing," Lissie said and looked at the three people from Ferrari.
Matilde only smiled, but looked waitingful at Lissie, not knowing what to expect, Charles looked questionable at Lissie, and Carlos only looked amused. "Sounds interesting," Charles mentioned.
"Sounds exciting, too," Carlos replied to Charles, who sat on the other side of him. They both giggled.
Lissie smiled. "We're in America, and they are known for their sauces," she said. "It's like wine tasting, but then with sauces and chips." She became silent. "Fries," she said again and chuckled.
Matilde smirked. "Can't wait."
The friendly conversation continued as the interview kicked off. Matilde decided to stay in the background, as Charles and Carlos were sharing laughs and anecdotes with Lissie. The atmosphere was relaxed, but Matilde, on the other hand, felt a growing sense of exclusion. It seemed that Charles was intentionally directing most of his attention towards Carlos and Lissie, leaving Matilde out of the conversation.
"There is something that I really want to talk about," Lissie began, changing subjects. "There has been a lot of talk about the dynamic within Ferrari since Matilde took over as team principal. And I think we are all wondering one thing: what are your thoughts on Matilde after four races? How is she doing as team principal?" Lissie asked.
Matilde looked at Charles and Carlos, waiting for their reactions. She knew it would be a generated answer by Silvia, not their honest thought.
Charles kept his expression neutral, his mind quickly processing a response. However, Carlos chimed in with a response the fastest.
"Of course, we had to adjust to Matilde, and she had to adjust to us, but I think we are doing great," Carlos said and looked at Matilde with a smile on his face. "It feels quite weird to say it when she's sitting next to us," he added with a smirk.
"Please, don't hold back on my account," Matilde smiled.
Lissie nodded and pressed further with another question. "The media spoke about the way of working, and they have their opinions on it. It is known that you, Matilde, have a completely different way of working and that you all have your differences. How are you managing to work together effectively? Charles?"
Charles felt a slight twinge of irritation at the mention of Matilde, but he kept his composure. He expected questions about her, but he had hoped that people wouldn't spend this much attention on her when interviewing them. "Every team principal has their own style of working, so we have to find a way to work with it and what works for both of us. But we focus on achieving the best results. We're professionals, and our focus remains on our performance on the track." Charles looked in Matilde's direction. "And as Carlos said, we have to adjust, and it takes time. But so far, it's going well." He moved his eyes to her face, scanning for a reaction. To his surprise, she didn't show much emotion, it looked like it didn't do anything to her.
It was noticeable to Lissie that Charles didn't mention Matilde's name, but she decided to let it go. The interviewer looked at Matilde, scanning her face for a reaction. Lissie thought that Matilde was a woman with an honest reaction, but she stayed neutral and showed the same professional smile over and over again. Lissie became impressed by her media skills. Even though she admired the team principal, she wondered when the world would see the real Matilde. "And what about you, Matilde? How is it to work with these two young and talented drivers?"
"It is an honour to work with Charles and Carlos," Matilde replied, her tone steady and professional. "They are incredibly talented. And of course, this is all new to me, but we are finding a style that works for us all. We are getting there, and I'm just grateful to work with the entire team. I'm happy that they support me during this journey and that they are willing to teach me all those things."
As the topic shifted to fry sauce, Lissie introduced the condiment, explaining that it was a combination of ketchup and mayonnaise. Matilde's eyes lit up at the mention of it, evoking a sense of nostalgia. She couldn't resist sharing her own experience with the sauce.
"I used to eat this as a kid," Matilde chimed in, her voice filled with a touch of fondness. "Put mayo and ketchup on a plate and mix it with a fry. Best way to eat it." She couldn't help, but smile as she recalled those childhood moments. Picking up a fry, she dipped it into the sauce and took a bite, savouring the familiar flavour.
"My sister used to do this," Carlos said. "And I never understood why. It tastes horrible," he remarked, tasting it anyway. "It looks like cocktail sauce, but it tasted nothing like it," he breathed, shaking his head with a playful expression.
Charles turned to the group, a quizzical look on his face. "Is this an American sauce?" he asked, looking at the others. "Because we all know it, it's not new to me. I didn't even know that it was American. It was a thing...we just did?"
The four Europeans exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of neutrality and amusement. They happened to look into the same camera at the same time. Their shared cultural familiarity with the sauce seemed to bond them in a humorous moment. The people behind the cameras started to laugh, making them look at each other. As the laughter rang out between them, Matilde found herself smiling genuinely. It felt like the ice broke between them.
"Before we move on to the next sauce; the ratings. Matilde?" Lissie asked.
"An eight," she said. "Because it's nostalgic."
"A six."
"Zero points."
"Lissie?" Charles asked.
"A seven, I think. I'm not a huge fan, but I also do not not like it," Lissie replied. "Anyway, the next one: barbeque sauce."
While Lissie was giving some backstory of the barbeque sauce, Matilde stared in front of her. She squinted her eyes, her mind wandered momentarily. Something seemed to tickle the edge of her memory, a hint of a sound or a phrase associated with barbeque sauce. She tried to grasp at the elusive thought, but it slipped through her fingers like sand.
A memory surfaced with a jolt, and before she could control herself, the words tumbled out of her mouth. "So I'm sitting there, barbeque sauce on my-" Before she could finish the sentence, people were looking at her.
The entire crew turned their head to Matilde; this was the first time they saw her break her role. Her slip of words had caught everyone off guard, including herself. Charles widened his eyes. When his eyes met Matilde's gaze, they both erupted into laughter.
Charles was the first to recover from the surprise. His gaze met Matilde's, who was still laughing, and they shared a moment of shared amusement. It was as if their inside joke had formed a connection between them, breaking down some of the invisible barriers that often stood between the team principal and drivers.
"Sorry," Matilde mumbled and dried her eyes, hoping her mascara wasn't ruined. She sniffed. "Okay," she said and ran her hand through her hair.
As Lissie moved the conversation forward, asking them to rate the barbeque sauce, Matilde and Charles exchanged a quick glance, their laughter still twinkling in their eyes. "Charles?" Lissie turned to him, a knowing grin on her face.
"I would say; a seven," he replied. "Let's say it's a tribute to the sauce that brings back the best of unintentional moments," he chuckled.
Matilde started to laugh again, wanting to stop, but she heard Charles' laughter next to her. The iconic Vine kept replying in her mind, unlocking memories of her younger years with friends at the university, during the prime time of Vine. "Sorry, I'm getting the giggles now." She took a deep breath. "A seven, by the way."
The camaraderie and shared laughter continued throughout the interview, creating a light and enjoyable atmosphere. As they tasted and discussed different sauces, their interactions were sprinkled with spontaneous giggles and playful exchanges. Charles and Matilde had the giggles, they weren't able to stop. It made Matilde enjoy the dynamic, it was the first time they had fun as a team.
By the time the interview wrapped up, Matilde had almost forgotten the initial tension she had felt. The shared laughter and light-hearted moments had formed a bridge between them, breaking down the barriers and bringing a genuine warmth to the conversation. As they said their goodbyes to Lissie and the crew, Matilde exchanged a smile with Charles, the bond between them feeling a little stronger and more genuine than before.
"What was that?" Carlos asked as they walked back towards their hospitality.
Charles looked at Carlos. "You don't know it?"
"It's from Vine," Charles shrugged.
"What does it mean then?" Carlos looked utterly bewildered.
Matilde smirked mischievously. "So I'm sitting there, barbeque sauce on my titties," she quoted. "Orange Is The New Black... Vine..."
Carlos blinked. "Oh."
"If you know, you know," Charles replied.
"And if you don't, well, now you do," Matilde added.
The drivers said goodbye to their team principal as she excused herself from them. Charles watched her walk away with a newfound sense of understanding. Her ability to let loose and share a laugh had surprised him, but it also showed a side of her that he hadn't expected. Within the team, she was formal, professional and serious. This interview showed some of her own personality. Charles glanced at Carlos, who was still processing the Vine reference, and couldn't help, but smile. It seemed like they were starting to find their footing as a team. 
Next chapter
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mythaura-blog · 1 year
Development Update - April 2023
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It's time for Mythaura's April Development Update!
Topics covered include:
Battle Demo Preview
Feature Spotlight: Radiant Companions
Year in Review & Special Giveaway
Beast Species Descriptions
Q4 (2023) Voting Results
More info available under the cut!
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Koa and Sark here,
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your unwavering support and enthusiasm towards Mythaura over the past year. It has been an incredible journey, and we could not have made it this far without your constant encouragement and feedback.
We are so grateful to have such an amazing community that is passionate about our game and genuinely cares about its development. Your feedback and suggestions have helped us shape Mythaura into something truly special and it has been an absolute joy to work on this project with our incredible team and community. We look forward to sharing our progress with you again next month!
Over the past year, our team has accomplished a lot. Here are some of the highlights:
Welcomed back Luci and introduced new team members Miyazaki, Kymara, Munkeking, and Sashie.
Created a new UI from scratch and upgraded to the latest web tools for an improved user experience.
Rebuilt the creator to be faster and more intuitive than before, and added a breeding predictor compatible with creator import codes.
Added 50 new colors to the color wheel.
Introduced Tint and Panda as new Specials.
Introduced the Supers feature, along with the Tegu Super.
Completed assets for 3 NPCS: Reine, Esris, and Jaq, with several more in the works.
Created a battle system capable of multiplayer matchmaking and 3v3 beast battles.
Introduced cosmetic skins called Glamours and formalized the distinction between Gear and Apparel.
Developed our Elemental astrology system, along with beast sizes & descriptions.
Added 30 new companions and another 30 non-companion items.
Built out critical behind-the-scenes infrastructure, and prototyped important features such as real-time chat, breeding, battling, inventory, companions, and even procedural level generation (more on that in a future update!).
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Battle Demo Preview
We're so excited to share actual Mythaura gameplay footage with you all--the PVP Battle Demo will be rolling out on June 1. Catch a sneak peek of what you can expect to see on launch day in the video above.
We look forward to your feedback on the system next month!
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Radiant Companions
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What’s that strange coloration and sparkle we see on that Flamebrush Boar?
Radiant companions are extremely rare color deviations from the species’s standard colors. Radiant companions differ from their standard counterparts in appearance only–they have access to the same attributes as the standard coloration.
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You’ll know when you’ve encountered a radiant companion in the Wild Area: at the start of the fight there will be an animation and sound indicator to let you know you’ve found something special. There will be several in-game methods of increasing your odds of encountering a radiant companion!
Almost all companions will have a radiant version. However, Ko-fi exclusive companions (with the exception of the Golden Ossiflage; see below) will NOT have radiant versions, nor will account-locked companions that fall into our “sapient companion” category, such as Vitterfolk, Harpies, and Fauns.
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Giveaway: Radiant Golden Ossiflage
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As a thank you to one year’s worth of your support, we will be giving one free Radiant Golden Ossiflage to previous or current Bronze, Silver, and/or Gold Sponsors through the end of May (May 31st, 2023 @ 11:59pm PST). This companion will automatically be applied to your associated Ko-fi email on June 1st for all sponsors who sponsored (or previously held sponsorships) before the deadline.
If you previously held a sponsorship and don’t presently have one–don’t worry! This companion will still be granted to you automatically.
Sponsors of any level may purchase one (1) copy of the Radiant Golden Ossiflage in the Ko-fi shop starting on June 1, 2023. The listing will remain in the Ko-fi shop for the lifetime of our Ko-fi shop for $5. Copies bought in the store will be awarded within a few minutes of purchase.
Thank you so much for all your support over the past year–it means the world to us!
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Beast Descriptions
We're excited to share some key features for each of the nine available beast species currently available in Mythaura! Expanded entries on each beast species will be shared later this year. These descriptions can be found on the beast creator page by clicking the "?" icon next to the beast's species.
Basilisk: The Basilisk's manual dexterity made them the first master alchemists, where their quick movements and precise control of Fire allowed them to safely transmute materials. When a Basilisk is threatened, it can shoot smoldering quills to buy time to flee.
Dragon: Dragons were the first species to develop a written language, and consider themselves preeminent chroniclers of Mythauran history. Their homes are icy, labyrinthine tunnels carved into the Spine of Ere, with miles' worth of stories etched into the walls.
Griffin: Griffin drifts fought one another for conquest of the central plateau during the Hundred Generations War before Atticus the Reformer brokered an uneasy peace. He built the Arena as a forum for warlike Griffins to connect through healthy competition.
Hippogriff: A Hippogriff's highly sensitive brow feathers detect the slightest changes in barometric pressure, alerting them to oncoming gales and storms. They can navigate any storm on their powerful wings, silhouettes lit from behind by bright bolts of lightning.
Kirin: Kirins innately have a strong sense of intuition, and those in touch with their Arcane element are often granted the gift of foresight. They are revered soothsayers and advisors, whose prophetic abilities have shaped the course of Mythauran history.
Peryton: A Peryton can perfectly mimic the sound of any creature that it has heard before. Though a Peryton can will its shadow to take any shape, without focus it naturally takes the form of the creature whose heart the Peryton last consumed.
Quetzal: Quetzals can bend sunlight to create a Solar Aegis, shielding others from harm. Their inherent Light element makes them adept healers; Mythauran townships have their own local pantheons of patron saints, almost all of which feature a Quetzal healer.
Ryu: Ryus use ribbon-like movements to propel themselves through water and air with equal ease. Some Ryu families leave the mainland altogether to build undersea homes for themselves; several sprawling Ryu cities exist in the dark, abyssal ocean depths.
Unicorn: Unicorns hail from the tempestuous Southern Plains, where their affinity for Lightning made them at home in the storms that constantly batter the area. They typically live in large herds of connected families and don't maintain established territory.
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Ko-fi Sponsored Items
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Bonds of Friendship
Sponsored by: Kitty
From left to right:
Bond of Respect
Bond of Generosity
Bond of Forgiveness
Bond of Dependability
Bond of Empathy
Bond of Trust
Bond of Admiration
Bond of Compassion
Bond of Honesty
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Quarter 4 (2023) Ko-fi Rewards: Voting Results
The results are in!
For Quarter 4 (2023) our Glamour winner is Koi Pond, our Companion winner is Blooming Jackalope, and the Solid Gold Glamour will be for adult Basilisks. We look forward to sharing the finalized pieces with you in our June 2023 update!
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Code Log - Mythaura v0.15
Adds ability to equip companions to beasts
Uses index to properly store battle action resolution order
Updated dependencies to most stable versions
Allowed for multiple state changes of the same stat to be added to abilities
Prevents damage from ever being less than 0 or healing to go above 100%
Fixes problem with setting implementation in ability resolution
Updates defending and resting so that some surge is replenished & health (resting or fatigue (defending)
Properly handles stat buffs & debuffs
Adds support for radiant companions
Refactors battle state management to alleviate edge-case bugs
Adds element icons to the beast’s name in battle.
Adds animations for attacking, defend, and stat buffs
Readout of actions added to battle
Cleaned up animations and effect timing
Corrected issue with site body for better scrolling on mobile
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Thank You!
We'll say it again: many, many thanks to all of you for making this first year such an amazing one for all of us here on the dev team. We are constantly appreciative of and humbled by your enthusiasm, engagement, and feedback--thanks for being part of this very foundational year for Mythaura!
We're so excited for Mythaura’s player versus player (PVP) battle demo to go live with the June 1, 2023 update. We’re so excited to see everyone partake in this system, and look forward to your feedback!
See you around the Discord!
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threadbaresweater · 11 months
hii just wondering why you don't support/like cha.ai? i personally don't use it but i get why there is an audience who enjoy talking to the bots/find it entertaining. is there a point that i missed where it's unacceptable to use? like how people were against chat GPT since people would use it to write stories/essays and find shortcuts for creative work or manipulate other people hard work for their own gain. is chai in some way the same thing or is there something else?
Hi! I'm glad you asked, because it prompted me to do a little digging and figure out if there really is a difference between the different chat ai's. From what I could gather, they all obtain their "intelligence" from similar sources: websites, emails, social media, texts- basically anything accessible on the internet is fair game for AI food, which leads me to think that there really isn't anything they won't use. According to an article in the Washington Post, "the three biggest sites were patents.google.com No. 1, which contains text from patents issued around the world; wikipedia.org No. 2, the free online encyclopedia; and scribd.com No. 3, a subscription-only digital library. Also high on the list: b-ok.org No. 190, a notorious market for pirated e-books that has since been seized by the U.S. Justice Department...Not far behind were kickstarter.com No. 25, which lets users crowdfund for creative projects, and further down the list, patreon.com No. 2,398, which helps creators collect monthly fees from subscribers for exclusive content."
Maybe I'm mistaken, and if I am, forgive me, but the articles I've read and the things I've heard via word-of-mouth have not been positive. In a world where social media is so commonplace and we are all connected almost 24/7, there's something so impersonal about AI that threatens the livelihood of fandom spaces like ours. I fear that in the near future, consumers of fanworks (and creators!) will favor ai over works that are created the "old fashioned way". There's an ever growing need for instant gratification, and while ai may seem harmless because it's usually a private thing between the user and the bot, the fact that it draws from information that's already been created somewhere else just doesn't sit well with me. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I fondly recall days of rp'ing with internet friends. Real people with original ideas that weren't regurgitating something they copied from another writer.
Obviously I'm not policing anyone. People are free to use whatever media they want, just as I'm free to not use it or support it in any way. I encourage you to make your own informed opinions about it 🙂
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heartlandians · 2 years
Ask the cast of Heartland your questions
The cast of Heartland Season 16 will be answering your questions in a new Family Dinner special
Heartland fans! Season 16 of your favourite family drama is almost here and, to celebrate, we are planning something extra special for you before it premieres. We love connecting with our fans all over the world, and the last couple of seasons we have loved answering your questions directly in the Season 14 Fan Video and Season 15 Launch Event.
If you sent in your questions last season and watched the event on Youtube, how exciting was it to hear your name and/or see your video question addressed by the Heartland cast? Well, this year, you will have another chance to have your questions answered! To celebrate the upcoming Season 16 premiere, the Heartland family will be getting together for dinner to answer your questions. And it's going to be a big one.
Do you have a question that you would like to ask the cast of Heartland? Jump over to this form and submit a video question today! This will be the best way for the cast to see your questions. There are details on how to send your video in the form. Your video questions may appear in the Heartland Season 16 Family Dinner Special and the cast will see it before they answer!
Ask your questions to any of the following cast members:
Amy (Amber Marshall)
Jack (Shaun Johnston)
Lou (Michelle Morgan)
Tim (Chris Potter)
Lyndy (Ruby and Emmanuella Spencer)
Katie (Baye McPherson)
Lisa (Jessica Steen)
Jessica (Michelle Nolden)
Logan (Drew Davis)
Parker (Ava Tran)
Video question submission tips:
Tell us who you are and where you are from: "My name is Meghan, and I'm living in Calgary. This question is for Katie (Baye McPherson). How has it been joining the Heartland family?"
Make it short but sweet. We will be editing your questions into the larger event, and we want to get to as many questions as we can. So please try to keep your video question under 15 seconds.
Be creative! Try to ask something you want to know the answer to, but haven't heard before. The more unique your question is, the more likely we will be able to get new information from the cast!
You can submit your video file in multiple ways:
Save the video to your social media account and send us the link (enter it in the form).
Send us a link to your video on Youtube (enter it in the form)
Save the video to your Google drive, dropbox or other file sharing account and send the link (enter it in the form)
Send us an email with your video attached (send your email to [email protected])
This is all outlined in the form as well.
Your questions will be part of a larger special that will celebrate Heartland Season 16. It will be exclusively shared via a Youtube Premiere on The official Heartland Youtube channel before Heartland Season 16 starts! We will let you know the exact date of the Family Dinner screening in the near future. Be sure to come by and chat live!
Make sure to tune in to the Heartland Season 16 premiere on Sunday, October 2nd at 7pm (7:30pm NT) on CBC and CBC Gem.
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yaaxlshirley · 23 days
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21/05/2024 Time: 9:30am - 5:30pm
Location: 700 Harris St, Ultimo NSW 2007
Writing contributor list
Pre-production meeting
Chat with digital researcher
Today was the second day of my internship, and I learned how to review films with producer Jessica, then attended a catch up meeting with the show's crew and a planning meeting for a new episode of Catalyst, and then interviewed digital researcher Marcie.
Jessica told me that her day-to-day job is to review each episode of Catalyst to see if they have permission to film, including the locations, characters, paintings or sculptures in the background, and logos. Her day job is to go shot by shot through what appears in the video, checking to see if the on-set producer got permission to film signed by everyone whose face was filmed, and if children were filmed we needed their parents' signatures as well. Additionally, some of the locations featured artists' work, such as sculptures, toys or paintings, or the logos of deadly brands such as McDonald's and Starbucks, and if these things were in sharp focus for more than five seconds, Jessica would need to report it to the executive producer to discuss either deleting or replacing the footage, or paying a hefty royalty fee. Additionally, Jessica informed me that the job is very complex and that we encounter many situations that are difficult to define. For example, if a party photo from an interviewee shows the faces of at least 20 people, but the owner of the photo is the interviewee, not the 20 people in the photo, we only need the owner's permission to use the photo. A cctv video from inside the store where the photo was taken does not belong to the store, but to the cctv company, and we need to write an email to the cctv company asking them for permission to use the video.
Jessica showed me a form called contributor list, which recorded the name of each person featured in the footage along with their contact information and the act of authorization (usually Jessica has to check the pdf version of the authorization letter one by one) to categorize their authorization. We have 13 different types of licenses such as verbal release, contract attached, release attached, creative commons and incidented use. Verbal release has the highest risk factor, people usually promise to authorize verbally, then turn around and forget about it, so producer assistants often need to write emails to people who promise to authorize verbally, and expect to get their written permission to keep evidence of their authorization.
In an interview with digital researcher Marcie, I learned that her job was to develop CATALYST's YouTube channel, and that she needed to discover the scientific, medicinal information in the show, and individually make a whole new episode for that information to be aired exclusively on the YouTube channel, rather than simply editing the show's clips.I questioned her about this.
I asked her what the biggest difference was between the videos in the YouTube channel and the ones that were shown on the television, and she thought that in the YouTube channel, people from all over the world could easily access our program, comment on it, and let her know quickly if our content was engaging people's attention, whereas the programs that were shown on the television were only seen by Australians and they can rarely give feedback.
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rhysand-vs-fenrys · 3 months
Is it hard to unionize? What would someone need to do if they were thinking about it? Asking for... reasons 👀
The answer to that question is incredibly dependent on where you work. I can lay out how we managed it (well, technically we aren't unionized YET, that's technically the contract signing, but still).
As far as your first question- is it hard to unionize- that is... very hard to answer. In terms of what actual stuff you do, the physical work, it's actually extremely easy. In terms of mental health, it's one of the hardest things you could ever do. Unionizing involves talking with a lot of people about the worst aspects of where you work. It's incredibly easy to feel overwhelmed. You'll want to give up so many times... But you'll suffer longer if things don't change where you are.
I don't know if we had it easy in terms of getting to this point, or if we were just so paranoid and so cautious that we avoided anything that could cause us trouble.
Either way, if anyone would like to learn about the process and how we managed it, what's still to come, and all that, see under the cut!
So, I came in a couple months into the process, when it went from a "Talk about it as a joke sometimes" to "oh we're actually doing this".
Step 1 was to decide to unionize.
This can be really hard, because you want to talk to A COUPLE of co-workers who you REALLY trust to keep their mouths shut. Discuss it in off-hours, never at work, never sending messages through any work communication, and never using work wifi (some places will scan wifi use and who is saying what),
Step 2 and 3 happen at the same time. That's finding a union, and defining who you want in it.
You can find contact info for any union on their website, and also just look at like, other companies like yours who have unionized. You can also just google unions.
Find two or three, and talk to their representatives (they'll put you in touch with one maybe even within minutes of you emailing them). They'll ask about where you work and what the situation is, and they might recommend changes to your thought bubble.
Step 4, set up secure communications.
First, we religiously meet every single week for an hour. The day has changed a few times based on who is on the Organizing Committee (more on that later), but EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK. Even if it's just 15 minutes, even if our union rep doesn't attend.
A discord server was created, invite-only, and divided into several channels. Most are public- Updates, General, Rules.
Another channel is exclusive only to Organizing Committee members, a channel we can group-chat with our representative on, and then a second channel he isn't part of where we can complain about our representative (you have to do something to blow off steam as the stress builds).
And we created the rule that no one could be added to the Discord server until 3 members of the Organizing Committee signed off. That's the person who recruited them (more on that later) plus two others.
Step 5, who qualifies?
Your union rep will tell you this, because usually it's a policy set by their national board.
For us, it was any part time or full time employee (not freelancers) who works an average of AT LEAST 4 hours a week over a 3 month span.
Step 6, divide who is in your unionization pool into groups, and recruit your Organizing Committee
Again, I work at a tv station, so it was fairly easy to divide out. How you divide it might even be suggested by the union rep working with you.
Originally, when I joined, the Organizing Committee was all news people and I was the only non-news person there, but we've since equalized.
We did one person from each department covered under the union. So like, I had all of production (22 people, but with those qualifications we set in Step 5, it became 13 (the rest don't make the hours)).
Step 7, set more policies.
This was when we had to set rules, and what we did was:
Make a list of every single person in your organization. For us, this was easy because it's on our employee portal.
Copy the list into a spreadsheet, save that, and then duplicate the list into another spread sheet (you want one that's raw). YOUR UNION REP MIGHT DO THIS PART FOR YOU.
Go through every single name one by one and talk about them- how good are they at keeping secrets and being discrete? Do you think they'd be up for a union? YOU CANNOT EXCLUDE ANYONE WHO QUALIFIES- EVEN IF YOU DON'T LIKE THEM. This is about the greater good, not your personal feelings.
We used a number scale- 5 means "Pro Union", 1 means "Can't keep a secret/probably anti-union".
We also set a policy of no speaking to anyone about the union without the "Go ahead" of 2 other organizers, and ONLY the Organizing Committee member overseeing that department can recruit people, with exceptions here and there as needed.
Step 8, talk to people ONE-ON-ONE
**One on one, except when sometimes 2 organizing committee members would go. OC members quit, it's an emotionally draining process, so veteran ones always help new ones with their first couple recruits)
You're going to have to lure people away from the building in a way that flies under management's radar.
Sometimes it was just "Hey, want to go grab a cup of coffee?"
Sometimes it was less subtle, "Hey, can I talk to you about something? It's private, can we get coffee?"
Sometimes it was a flat out lie, "Wanna play dungeons and dragons?" (I used this lie on two people and it ended with the station actually creating a D&D club for employees because there were too many nerds talking about it all the sudden).
The Talks
Every last one of them followed a basic pattern:
Please keep this conversation between just us, even if you don't like what I'm going to say. Everyone has the right to make a choice for themselves.
How do you feel about the organization? What issues have you had? Any frustrations?
I'm part of a secret group of employees working with (Union) to unionize (I cannot stress how much the SAG-AFTRA strike in 2023 helped us with being able to hear people's feelings about unions and talking more openly at work about them than we normally could have).
Here is what the process looks like (more on that later), here are the issues we've noticed are the biggest and why we think they are the solution to this problem.
What do you think?
Those conversations were an hour or so each, and there isn't much of a guide there because we kept it fluid to each person. This is why I say one-on-one, or if there is a second person, only an OC member, not you speaking to 2 people about the union.
Let them be honest with their feelings and let that lead the conversation, but don't make airy promises. Your union representative will have talked to you and talked you through what to say, so you'll have a kind of basic guide.
The Process (Which took a year, so it's not a fast process)
So, here's what it looked like for us, some of this is the policy of our national union.
Talk to everyone you believe is safe to speak with, who can keep a secret.
Every conversation, get the personal email and phone number of the person.
Pass it along to your union rep, who should call them individually to go through the process and get to know them and the job they do. It'll be almost identical to the convo you just had with them.
Our goal was to recruit 70% of eligible people and have a "Yes, I like this plan" from them. Our national union sent our representative out to us to have an in-person kind of party-meeting with everyone to get them hyped when we were around 60%.
Once we hit 70%, we entered a holding pattern, waiting for our organizer's boss to give him a thumbs up, then he engaged one of the union's attorneys in our general region (the union hadn't existed in our state until us, so no one was in-state).
Because of how the process works, we had to be in sync with her schedule.
During this time, we wrote our petition (which the attorney worked on with us), created a social media plan, created a logo, created a union gmail for official communication, and prepared press releases (we're a TV station so we do this normally, part of our jobs. Other unions will help you via their own press office).
Once we were getting closer, we reached out to our high-risk people.
Then the petition went live. The petition is just a message to management saying "Hey, we're doing this". You can find examples of what they look like everywhere, it isn't a vent session, it's not like "You suck, we unionize", it's much friendlier than we wanted to be.
People digitally sign the petition, and we managed to keep everyone quiet during this.
At this point, the Organizing Committee went from transparent to fairly opaque, we don't want to give people timelines because timelines and things are very rapidly changing at this point and you are so incredibly stressed about the news leaking.
Once the petition is green-lit, when we hit 70% of eligible people signed (more signed after, we didn't stop anyone from signing even after it was sent to the government), the next phase began.
The petition- with names- was sent to the CEO. He received a wake-up call from our attorney at 8am (his fault for having his calls forward to his personal cell).
At that point, government protections kick in in a much more serious way. They can't fire you or punish you for signing that petition in any way or the law comes down HARD on them (especially while Democrats control the white house). All the secrecy and stress was to get to this point without them knowing we existed, and we somehow managed to achieve it.
From there, it gets funky, and we're still in that process.
Basically they'll have to either voluntarily recognize us (which they have now put in writing with attorneys they intend to do, this is the unicorn of unionizations, so incredibly rare), or they fight like hell and there is an election 3-5 weeks after that petition is filed.
It isn't a done-deal yet, it could still become that knock-down-drag-out fight that is the unionization vote... but all signs are pointing in a very positive direction.
After that, we'll elect a Negotiating Committee (that is done union-group-wide, it's usually the same as the Organizing Committee, but the OC you just end up on if the OC wants you, the Negotiating Committee is more complicated).
The contract negotiation takes about a year, just how it works out, and you don't pay a single penny to the union until you sign that contract. They're covering the attorney and all that, not you.
Our union is also throwing us a party and bringing us swag to celebrate becoming the very first public media station in our state's history to ever unionize :)
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findinginga · 4 months
Just More of the Same
Did I really expect that things would change?
As much as I had hoped that attention, positive reinforcement, generosity and validation of her worth would result in Inga opening up to me, there were no appreciable changes.  This should not have come as a surprise but, I was disappointed.  I wished to have my loving words reciprocated and there was simply none of that from Inga.  She would bristle when I would wax romantic.  She claimed that flowery words were not for her and that detested romanticism.  If Inga were more an Eliza Doolittle who longed for loving actions as opposed to loving words, this would all be understandable.  How much more could I actually do?  After all, I was indulging her whims and I was constantly available to chat with her.  Yet again, these things were not reciprocal.
As we exchanged more messages over the Winter-Spring of 2021, I was again introducing probing questions to understand how Inga envisioned her short and long term future.  As it was when I was trying to learn about her past, Inga avoided speaking of the future.  She restated her previously articulated position that she had learned to live for now.  In her mind, this helped her better cope with anxiety and disappointment.  Her unoriginal mantra of "hope for the best but be prepared for the worst" usually accompanied any discussions of planning. What did emerge from these discussions was that she had entered her 30's but did not seem to have a clear direction for her life.  She worked as a graphics designer but, according to her, she changed her employment a few times to be more available for Eva.  She stated that her work situations needed to give her the flexibility to collect Eva from pre-school and, then later, kindergarten.
Despite a VK.com webpage (vk.com/hm_jewellery) and an Instagram account devoted to her efforts in jewelry making, Inga was quick to dismiss this as a hobby for which she did not have much time.
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As the Spring of 2021 was advancing, Inga began to discuss her desire to attend a workshop related to embroidery.  This training session was to take place in Yaroslavl, in the Summer, and she was especially excited that the school was famous for this sort of artistry.  She then talked about her ambivalence to attend citing her inability to leave Eva in Pskov.  According to Inga, it was not possible to be without her.  It would be necessary to take Eva to Yaroslavl but the challenge still remained as to who would care of Eva while she attended classes.  I attempted to be supportive of her desire to attend and to have a vacation from Pskov.  I proposed a few potential solutions.  Inga seemed receptive and then suggested that she may be able to attend the school if she could convince a friend to accompany them on the trip.  Her friend would look after Eva while Inga was away at classes.  After a few days, Inga reported that her friend had agreed.  It was necessary now to pull together the tuition and the money for travel and lodging.  Again, Inga and I discussed options for travel and accommodations.  Ultimately, Inga decided on train travel.  While still maintaining some level of skepticism, I was more than willing to assist and provided her the tuition and travel money she required.  My rationale was that this may be the shared effort that would further demonstrate my commitment to her well-being and success.
Something was not quite right...
Before her departure from Pskov, I had the overwhelming feeling that something was amiss.  I could not identify the issue exactly but that inner voice was speaking again and I was not sure what to do.  I had already forwarded the money and she claimed that she made the arrangements so those wheels were already in motion.  It then occurred to me that Ingeborga used her telephone (a new iPhone which I purchased for her) almost exclusively for communication., even her email to me.  I could roughly follow her trip by checking the dynamic IP addresses assigned to her phone as the location of her train changed enroute.  These addresses would display in the headers of the email I received.
The first email I received from Inga, as she was making her way to Yaroslavl, had an IP address of a mobile carrier in St. Petersburg.  Why was Inga in St. Petersburg?  The plan had been for her to travel by train from Pskov to Moscow and then change trains to proceed to Yaroslavl.  Well, you learn a valuable lesson in clinical research that is applicable to daily life.  Avoid drawing conclusions when there is a small sample size.  Mistakes and random events are always possible.  However, I received additional email from her over the next couple of hours with different IP addresses which still reflected St. Petersburg carriers.  Suddenly, messages stopped for a period of a couple of hours only to resume with IP addresses reflecting Moscow-based ISPs.  It was simply not possible for her to travel from Pskov to Moscow, by train, in that amount of time.  It was also not possible for her to travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow in the same time period.  
It seemed that she had lied to me again.
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
"People are maxing out their credit cards" – Evacuees call for extra emergency money in wildfire aftermath
Westwood Hills resident Johanne Thompson wrote a letter to Premier Tim Houston and Halifax Mayor Mike Savage, calling for more financial aid for wildfire evacuees who still haven’t been able to go back home.
The $500 in emergency funding provided by the province at the outset of the emergency is now long gone.
“It was gone with the first trip, to get essentials at the store, just to get those essentials of everyday life that got left behind,” she says. “Especially for the families that have lost their houses completely, they really need additional support.”
She considers herself lucky as her family of six has been staying with friends, but she knows there are others from her neighborhood that are in tight spots.
Thompson says some residents are still waiting for the $500, and like herself, haven’t received any insurance payouts yet.
“A lot of people are in hotels, they don't have friends, family to rely on, so they're sort of figuring it out on their own,” she says. “The neighborhood chat has been (that) people are maxing out their credit cards paying for hotel rooms, and at this point they don’t know what else to do.”
“The funding that’s been offered to people who are reeling from the wildfire, it's just inadequate, and it's unfair,” says the Liberal MLA for Hammonds Plains-Lucasville, Ben Jessome.
He sent his own letter to the PC Premier, pointing to the $1,000 per household in relief handed out to Nova Scotians forced from their homes by Fiona.
Jessome says what Nova Scotia has offered so far is far less than what other provinces are providing in the wake of their own wildfires.
“The government of Alberta is offering $3,500 for families of four,” he explains, “so it just doesn't really add up.”
“I’m hoping for ongoing, more meaningful support,” he adds.
So far, the province hasn't committed additional funds.
The Canadian Red Cross wants evacuees who haven't registered with them already to do so in order to access both the emergency money and any long-term assistance.
The acting vice-president for the Red Cross in Atlantic Canada, Bill Lawlor, says almost 8,900 households have done so to this point, and it’s handed out the $500 emergency payment to just over 6,344 households.
The money is designated for residents affected by mandatory evacuation orders during and since the wildfires.
It has also raised $2.4 million so far in its Nova Scotia – Atlantic Fires Appeal. All the money raised in total will then be matched by both the province and the federal government.
But Lawlor says details on how that will be handed out are still being worked out.
“For this, it is likely that we would focus exclusively on those mandatory evacuation zones, but again, we’re still working through some of those details,” he says. “We know the impact has been great for so many throughout both of the affected areas.”
He says anyone who needs assistance in the interim should reach out.
“We’re working everyday not only with the non-profit sector, but with provincial and local authorities to get a really good sense of what’s happening on the ground,” he explains.
“That's why we're in both HRM as well as Shelburne county and Barrington, to make sure we can provide some good support for those who have more pressing needs beyond the $500,” Lawlor adds.
The United Way Halifax is also raising relief money through its Wildfire Recovery Appeal, which goes to charitable organizations to address different needs.
Funding will soon be distributed to organizations in the Tantallon area, Sarah White, the non-profit’s communications manager, said in an email.
The cash will be used “to help with food, transportation, PPE for cleanup and other identified needs. This will just be the first round of funding to meet those immediate needs,” White said.
White says the United Way has raised more than $870,000 so far.
In the meantime, residents of evacuated areas are calling on the province to do more.
“We need leadership,” says Jacob Killawee, an evacuee from Westwood Hills.
“(Some people) are eating into, beyond their savings and their credit, and even if they don't have that, they're in a difficult spot,” he says. “Communicate to us what is being done, and make sure we see an increase in supports for those individuals who need it.”
The president of the Westwood Hills Residents Association, a community still largely under the evacuation order, agrees time is of the essence.
“It’s been really challenging and unfortunately it’s not getting any easier,” he says. “Even though the $500 was a tremendous help to people at the time, some folks are on day eleven right now, renting Air BnBs or hotels, and $500 doesn’t take you a long way.”
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mcgowanpehrson68 · 1 year
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“The only means we can shield the aged and folks with underlying illnesses is by social isolation. Register on HeraldLIVE without charge to obtain newsletters, read exclusive articles & more. Have been in practice for 30 years do not use other modalities other than the interpretation of Diagnostic X-Rays and Chiropractic. Adjustments to correct Spinal Subluxations so as to restore a healthy neurological supply to the physique. I am significantly interested in features of urban and neighbourhood change within the post-apartheid city. I even have published work on the role of artistic industries in city regeneration. dr gregory hough Dr Snyckers qualified as an Orthopaedic surgeon on the University of Pretoria and presently works in private apply at Eugene Marais Hospital in addition to part-time advisor in Orthopaedic surgery at Steve Biko Academic hospital. We are the libraries of a college in Cape Town, South Africa and the one college of know-how within the Western Cape province. The Innovation Fund is mandated to promote technological innovation through investing in late - stage research and development, Intellectual Property protection and commercialisation of novel and creative South African applied sciences. South Africa is pretty fortunate in terms of our plentiful marine life and the assorted species we encounter right here. Some only present uncommon sightings however we will nonetheless boast that 11,a hundred thirty different species of marine animals inhabit our shores. On Sunday 16th October 2016 the "Best of The Best" in the tourism industry gathered together for the Lilizela Tourism Awards at the Sandton Convention Centre, in Johannesburg. Last month the provincial awards were held and out of the 589 finalists, 2... “That was 30 years ago, so clearly there was no email or cell phones,” laughs Rabbie. I initially got one and recorded a protracted “voice note” with all my news. She’d receive the tape from me, hear and then report over with all that was occurring in her life. We’d send it back and forth in these brown envelopes.” Yet over the years, life happened, and the 2 misplaced contact. “Part of our trip involved visiting my mother’s Estonian pals who had been residing around the world,” says Olswang. “One of the families we stayed with was that of an Estonian school pal of hers who was dwelling in Toronto along with her husband and two daughters. How can children be depressed when it looks like they've never had it better? Children are being raised in environments that usually offer them extra of everything. Compared to 50 to one hundred years ago, youngsters have entry to better educational opportunities, health care and material benefits. These two humpback whales spent almost the whole day swimming around the harbour entrance, seemingly having fun with themselves. The NSRI was referred to as out to assess the state of affairs and two tug boats preceded to 'herd' them out of the way so as to get a ship... As we were leaving port last week with some tourists aboard for a whale, dolphin and penguin island cruise, we received a radio name from Gareth Right, the skipper of the oyster boat. He informed us that there was a humpback whale connected to a buoy ... This area is a part of the Greater Addo Elephant National Park and contains all three islands off the port at Coega and runs all the method in which to Cannon Rocks i... On Saturday morning we left the port with Guy Cloete aboard, who had won a free cruise with us for naming the first born Southern Right whale in Algoa Bay. Was actually good to be part of an event again after a really lengthy virtually 2 years of no events and 'getting out there'. To chat to folks and share with them all that Raggy Charters has to offer. “The immediate rush of curiosity that was generated when the event was announced final 12 months required the shift to a venue that would accommodate the demand of conference delegates and exhibitors, Taryn Westoby, head of Arena Holdings’ Events Division. “It’s clear that CEO’s throughout all industries in South Africa find the onset of 4IR a urgent concern, for which they want their companies to remain ahead of the curve. “They say dangerous news comes in threes but with recent announcements to do with mobile information, salaries and the inflation fee, the same could be mentioned of fine information,” mentioned Greg Brophy, WASPA chair. A new division of full-service company HaveYouHeard, inBroadcast is innovating the printed media and branded content spaces. The group may even work with the neighborhood in developing a long-term project plan. Police are warning individuals operating as ‘skoppers’ that that is illegal while at the same time want to urge stokvel clubs to take the mandatory precautions in safeguarding their cash. During this time of the 12 months, thousands of rands are withdrawn to be paid out to membership members. Police are advising that as a substitute of withdrawing such giant quantities of cash, organize for the club’s pay out to be electronically transferred into each club member’s private account or accounts of their alternative. In so doing, the bodily handling of big amounts of cash could be averted. Adding to her feedback, Prof Motaung also thanked Prof Moyo as this had been her dream and he or she had always needed this on-line Repository for the Creative Research Outputs, which she added is very-user pleasant and that anybody can be capable of use it. “I actually need to recognise all the protocols, especially the Executive Dean, Prof Runette Kruger, Faculty of Arts and Design, who joined DUT this yr, and thank TTI ‘s Prof Motaung and her group for their onerous work. I additionally need to use this time to recognise our Institutional Creative Outputs Committee which is made up of external members from outdoors of the University and likewise members inside the University. I actually wish to thank this staff and recognise each member as I suppose that it is extremely important to recognise the contribution that they every make,” relayed Prof Moyo. That focus has attracted critics amongst vested interests in food and drug companies against LCHF. Critics additionally include docs and dietitians who assist orthodox remedy protocols for these illnesses.
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truelymarry · 2 years
Why Matchmaking Services for the best Marriage Experience
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Matchmaking means matching two people together for the purpose of marriage. Our older elders know a lot more things than the modern generation. They know how life was when the internet does not exist. In those days was the traditional matchmaking where couples do not meet online face to face. In our bygone era matchmaking was done by older men and women, who went all around to find those unmarried people and find a suitable partner for them. They were excellent at their work because they kept their ears to the ground and know all movements of unmarried men and women. This was an old profession but all though we can claim that modern matchmakers have got their roots in this old traditional matchmaking only.
Today, the internet has permeated all aspects of our lives, Thus modern matchmaking services have taken over traditional matchmaking services, though there is no comparison to which is the best because traditional matchmaking has helped millions frame a perfect life,Nevertheless, modern individuals prefer matchmaking services as all these services be it online and offline offer a wide arena of opportunities to explore which has helped individuals in specific preferences choose the best potential matching theirs without any compromising and adjusting factor.
Today,s matchmaking services are booming because it is human involved, technologically advanced, and have many algorithms to find out which door you open will you get a positive result. Individuals today are choosing matchmaking services because if we take one of hundred people,s have different preferences. We all desire to bump into our desired man or woman is an ideal way to a perfect life, because we all believe that finding love should be an effortless way rather then finding it with stress. This is how our matchmaking services got overlooked. Matchmaking services can be viewed as equal to a close friend suggesting a good alliance for you, But matchmaking services are much more than these.Let's have a look
You will get a better chance of finding your perfect match when you receive bespoke services, tailored to fit your specific criteria for your match. I really guess that instead of filling up forms related to your preferences and spending hours on that, you would really prefer discussing your preferences with an expert who listens to all your concerns, answers all your queries, and actually gives a clear picture of everything. A matchmaking service will help you to give you the best, understand your positives and negatives, and provide you with suitable profiles.
In anything we do, we have so many doubts, so much of why,s what, where,how. These matchmaking services acts like the best platform where you get answers to all your queries and that too after thoroughly verifying things, and the second most important factor is feedback on all updates via call,s emails, and live chats.
Modern matchmaking services are so much developed that they provide services based on mother tongue, city, region, caste, community, profession,qualification, family status, financial factor, late marriages, second marriages, and NRI marriages. So it's a pool of preferences. Whatever may be your criteria,s matchmaking services have the solution for it.
Clients who join these matchmaking services are thoroughly verified and only genuine profiles are accepted , Also these matchmakers do not expose your details or phone numbers without your consent..These matchmaking services are safe, which will not lead us to any problems.
The profiles in the matchmaking services are as serious as you in seeking a partner. And also exclusive matchmaking services are provided by the matchmakers where you are provided with the very person who shares the same choices as you so that seeking your match becomes very easier.
If you consider a matchmaker, for him/her they are coming upon many persons each day with unique choices, and many relationships bonding happily,so each day these, matchmakers are gaining a different experience which will help each one approaching them to help them find the right person with their experience, intuition, and the confidence they gained by bonding many individual together.
In matchmaking services, support is given to you right from registration, profile creation, and shortlisting the best bride and groom profiles to arranging the first meeting o bringing out that confidence in you to speak to the other side, They would be always by your side.
Matchmaking services are the exclusive matchmaking services provided to all those who are seeking their perfect match especially when you have reached that established stage and gained the confidence to share your life with your perfect match, Your age, profession, qualification, caste, community, nothing matters here as India,s matrimonial website provides the most trusted matchmaking services bottom line is that if you are confident in what you want, who you are and if you really wish that through partnership you can attain a perfect match, matchmaking services are the best.
Matchmaking services not only provide clients with more comfort and assurance but also give a new experience of availing matrimonial services. Matchmaking services always try to provide services very much amenable and trustworthy. Indian tradition is an inspiration to all those who look forward to a stable and traditional marriage approach. India,s best matrimonial sites provide matchmaking services in such a way that clients can meet personally with expert team members which is very much different from the robotic world of the internet where there is a loss in the human touch.
Indian matchmaking services are accustomed, to almost all cultures and traditions in India and also for Indians living abroad and wishing to find their perfect match from India itself with their specific preferences. Matchmaking services precisely help two individuals with similarities tie the marriage knot without having to face any difficult situations. Matchmaking services make your journey to a happy married life much easier and more satisfying.
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tekpiner · 2 years
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yourheartonfire · 3 years
A continuation/conclusion of the hacker protagonist and the villain who tricks them into finding the hero. This turned into a double length snippet, so the Read More is included.
Part one here. Part two here.
In the end, it came down to the basic questions that the protagonist had avoided thinking about from the start: What did they want? And What were they prepared to do to get it?
The protagonist threw their keys in the bowl by the door, sat at their desk and stared at their reflection in their monitors. It had been easier to think of themselves as a victim, as a pawn, as a freelancer dabbling in a bit of wickedness. But now they had a hero's blood on their hands and less than 4 hours until 8:00pm, when the villain would come for them. What do you want? What are you prepared to do to get it?
The protagonist tapped their computer awake. An auto-generated tropical paradise pulled up under their login window, and the protagonist stared at it- white sand, cloudless sky, and clear shallow water.
It was as good an answer as any. The protagonist swallowed, and looked around for their old webcam equipment.
223 minutes later, the protagonist was sitting in one of the most exclusive restaurants in town, watching the villain savor a third bacon-wrapped foie gras cube.
"Are you going to eat?" they asked mildly, gesturing to the two remaining cubes on the shared appetizer plate. "I didn't think you'd be the type to sulk."
The protagonist folded their hands and checked their watch. "I'm not hungry," they replied, just as calm.
The villain's brow creased - but their phone dinged and they glanced down. The crease deepened. "I need to take this. If you'll excuse me?" they said, already tapping away.
"Sure," the protagonist said, mouth dry. There was a moment as the villain looked at them. "Oh." The protagonist rose and went in search of the restroom. They shut themselves in and waited, heart pounding.
The protagonist intended to wait five minutes, but after about three there was a tremendous crash as the villain's enormous driver/bodyguard/henchman barged in and grabbed them. He marched the protagonist through the suddenly empty dining room back to where the villain waited, face thunderous. They held up their phone and pressed play.
The protagonist's face - scared but brave - filled the screen. "...forced me into helping them. But I cant stand by and let [Hero] die. I'm setting this message to send in four hours, so if you're seeing this, I'm..." The villain cut off the video with a jab of their thumb.
"You got that fast," the protagonist said, trying to twist their arms out of the henchman's grip. He held on tighter. "I thought I'd have to not eat the main course too before it leaked from the heroes' group chat to you."
"Why?" the villain breathed out.
The protagonist gulped, but lifted their chin. "I'm not the type to sulk. Did you watch the whole thing?" they went on quickly, seeing the villain's face go red. "I also identified your home address and your main hideout. Once the others rescue [Hero], that's probably where they're headed. You can beat them there, to all your stuff, if you hurry."
The villain bared their teeth, but whirled to the henchman. "Hold them at the pier location," they snarled, jabbing a thumb at the protagonist. "We have a date to continue. Later." The villain stormed away towards the kitchen exit, tugging their jacket off. The henchman dragged the protagonist out the front.
The protagonist got lucky. The henchman took their phone but didn't bother to gag them or even tie their hands before showing them into the car. The advantage of looking harmless. Though that would make the next part harder.
"That was crazy stupid," the henchman muttered, shaking his head as he pulled them away. "You know what [Villain's] going to do to you?"
"Nothing," said the protagonist, leaning back in the seat with a smile they prayed looked confident. "[Villain's] not going to win this one. You're about to be unemployed."
The henchman shook his head. His phone chimed- he glanced down but tucked it away. "He always wins."
"I texted the video at 8:05," the protagonist said, glancing down at their nails. "I emailed it almost 90 minutes ago. Every hero in town is already waiting for [Villain]- and if that doesn't do it, the unscheduled software update that's been draining his suit's battery should finish him off." The henchman's phone chimed again. The protagonist took a breath and put as much chill into their voice as they could. "You should answer your daughter's texts. Daniel."
There was a beat. Then henchman yanked the wheel right. They pulled over in a squeal of brakes, and he spun to face the protagonist. There it was. Anger - and fear. "Family is off limits," he snarled, failing to hide the terror in his eyes. "If you've hurt her-"
"Quite the opposite." The protagonist waved a hand airily, trying not to imagine the henchman crushing their skull in one massive hand. "Your daughter has just been accepted into her second choice college on full scholarship. Sorry, couldn't hack her first choice in time. Loved her essay, by the way. Go on, check."
The henchman stared, but started texting away. The protagonist waited for the slow dawning of amazement on his face before clearing their throat. "Check your bank account too. You've been paid the next 12 months' salary - better than [Villain] can do as his accounts will be frozen momentarily." The protagonist sneered. It looked good in the rearview mirror. "Except the ones I've moved to my name, of course."
The henchman swallowed, looked back at the protagonist. "What do you want?" he whispered.
The protagonist could barely keep from clapping with glee. "[Hero] will swear he saw [Villain] drag me off to my death earlier today. Back him up. Swear that you didn't recognize [Villain's] dinner date tonight - that it was someone they picked up in a bar. My name stays out of it, and I think you'll find your daughter's grad school surprisingly affordable in a few years."
The henchman flicked open a banking app on his phone. Glanced at the number. Closed the phone. Stared at his hands on the steering wheel.
"Where do I drop you off?" he asked meekly.
Not long after, the protagonist leaned their head against cool glass and gazed out at the starry night sky through the window of the villain's private plane. The protagonist's private plane for now - just long enough to quietly, anonymously exit the country.
Villain's arrest - and the revelation of their identity - was all over the news and the protagonist was more and more sure they had done it. They had gotten away. They'd taken only a fraction of the villain's ill-gotten wealth but it was enough of a nest egg to live off for the rest of their life, if they budgeted, made investments, all that.
But the protagonist's thoughts kept drifting to all the projects the villain had left unfinished. They'd had some real good plans going, some with people who didn't realize who they were working with. People who might not notice if someone else starting the answering the emails,, calling the shots. It didn't seem too hard; mostly it just needed someone with a bit of start-up cash and a way with thorny problems.
The protagonist sipped their champagne and frowned thoughtfully as the little plane sailed on, carrying them off towards that sunny beach with warm, calm water.
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Magicam Live
Vil’s guest is a pest. Contains coarse language, people being catty bitches, and more telling than showing.
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Vil: Hello my dearest fans! As promised, I will be showing off my newest capsule makeup collection, to be released this Monday exclusively at Feathersweep Cosmetics. However, due to high demand, instead of simply demonstrating on myself, I thought I would show that anyone could be half as beautiful as me with these!
[He holds a hand out to the side.]
V: Please welcome my fellow student at Night's Raven College, Yuu.
Yuu: Yo.
[A girl with short, dark hair and tired eyes sits down beside him. Spotty and plump, with a notable double chin. She's notably underdressed, compared to Vil.]
Y: I am she. I'm *donegotisekaid, if you haven't seen yet. Full of genuine memes from another universe, as well as me figuring this place out, and pictures of my not-cat.
V: She's simply been begging me for a makeover!
Y: He asked me if I'd do it, actually.
[Vil stops and takes a deep breath, clearly irritated.]
V: Yes, well. You've prepared?
Y: I scrubbed my face real good and managed to leave most of my pimples alone, if that's what you mean.
[Vil sighs]
V: As much as you're capable of, clearly. We'll start with the primer.
Y: [with a smile] Didn't you already give me one on how to act in this?
[Vil pinched the bridge of his nose, regret pouring from every cell in his body.]
V: Just lie back and be quiet until I'm done with you.
[Yuu looks at the camera, but says nothing. There's an audible snicker from behind the camera.]
[There are a few quiet minutes where Vil prepares her face, before selecting a foundation.]
V: So, is there a reason you don't wear makeup? You could look quite nice with it.
Y: Few reasons. It's a lot of effort, and I tire easily. I don't really like the feel of it on my face, and I tend to touch my face a lot anyways, so it doesn't last. It's a lot of money, and I break out very easily.
V: I can see that. Don't you use face wash?
Y: You should have seen me when I did use it! Much worse.
V: Ugh. I'll give you something later. And none of these have a good tone for you.
Y: Just pick the closest! I'll end up wrecking it by a few hours from now anyways.
[Vil rolled his eyes.]
V: Rook, any questions from the chat?
[A familiar accented voice from offscreen]
Rook: *stellargems wants to know how Yuu found herself at NRC.
Y: Transdimensional bullshit. I'm here until we figure out how I can get home. It's not bad, I don't miss it much.
V: Yuu even has her own dorm so she doesn't have to bother anyone.
Y: Not that it stops me.
V: [sotto voce] Don't we all know.
Y: If they kept you in a building with four usable rooms total and no electricity, you'd be out and about too. At least the ghosts there are really nice and help me out.
V: Do you kiss these ones too, or was that a one time thing?
Y: If I hadn't kissed her we'd be down a student and you and half the people I hang out with would be paralyzed, so don't make fun.
[Vil stops to regard the camera.]
V: To clarify, there was an incident with a ghost princess causing a lot of trouble at the school a few months ago. Yuu decided to kiss her to fix everything, because she's both stupid and deeply strange.
Y: It was really fun until I started dying.
V: All her blood was on the outside. It was disgusting.
Y: It did work though!
V: Keep telling yourself that, you didn't kiss the one you really wanted to.
[Yuu gives him the finger, and Vil shoves her hand down.]
R: *vilpleasefathermychildren asks-
[Yuu sputters with laughter. Vil just winks at the camera with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes.]
R: They want to know if there'll be a coupon code for the new release.
V: There will! It'll be released via the official fanclub email Sunday night.
Y: It'll be a whole three percent off and you have to pay to access it.
V: Stop that.
Y: [sweetly] No.
Rook: *getterbackback wants to know what your shirt says?
Y: Yeah, hold on.
[She stands and pulls the shirt out to be seen better. It says in large letters, I'M CUTE AND I BITE]
Y: You can do one yourself if you take a dark shirt, tape the parts you want covered, and scorch the area around it with diluted bleach. I've done a few of these, a few designs more than once.
V: Destroyed them?
Y: Nah, Lil wants at least one of every one I do.
V: [to the camera] That would be our fellow student Lilia Vanrouge, from Diasomnia.
Y: He's pretty great. He's *elderbatbrat if you want to look him up.
V: Sit back down so I can figure out which blush to use.
Y: Pinks and corals work best for my skin tone.
V: I thought you didn't wear makeup?
Y: Why do you think I know wearing it tires me out? It's not something I ever did a lot because of the effort.
Y: Except for highlighter. it's basically sparkles and it's light, so I like that.
V: You remember that, but not your proper name?
Y: Ain't life grand.
R: I'm getting several questions about that. Would you care to elabourate for the chat?
Y: Yeah. I don't remember a lot about where I'm from. Culturally? Lots. What I like? What I don't like? Everything. Names and places specific to who I was? No. And don't ask me to think about it too hard, I get the worst fucking headache and I stop seeing right.
V: You've never seen right in your life.
Y: Oh, fuck off, Vil.
[Vil stops blushing one cheek to point.]
V: Stop that.
[Yuu responds by biting at his finger with an audible click when her teeth meet, laughing hysterically as Vil pulls back in shock.]
V: !!! Dreadful little monster!
Y: Yeah, but you're the one who thought you'd get more views if I was here.
R: We indeed just surged another 20,000 views and counting! Excellent work, Yuu.
Y: Thank you, Rook.
[Vil looks ready to explode.]
Y: I won't bite again, that was just too easy. Please continue, I do want to see what magic you can do.
V: This is regular makeup.
Y: Metaphorically, you jackass. 
R: *rosemassacre wants to know if you're always like this.
V: She's always this horrible.
Y: Vil first saw me and called me a dumpy little potato. I told him it's because I'm great all ways and everyone wants a taste, and slapped my ass at him. He's been obsessed with me ever since.
V: I am not obsessed with you.
R: You go into a rage over her at least once a week.
V:  She can't go a week without being a pest.
Y: I went three after you kicked me out of the movie club.
V: You can't just project violence on the walls of Pomfiore because I said we weren't going to watch it!
Y: Vil, it was The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, and it is art.
V: A man gets sawed in half in the first ten minutes.
Y: To an absolutely bangin' soundtrack. Oh that reminds me. Ad time, hold on.
[She wiggles a little before puting on her best customer service face.]
Y: If you want to access media that is quite literally from another world, please go to MonstroMedia dot com and sign up! There's ebooks, movies, tv, music, and more. Much of it is horror, sci-fi and fantasy, as it's from my person collection of media brought with me on my laptop and backup drives. You can use the code SHOENHEITSAYSWHAT for the first month free!
[She put her hand up and lowered her voice to a conspiratorial tone.]
Y: I completely understand piracy, but I'd appreciate if you paid because this is the only way I get spending money, and I can only bat my eyes at these boys so much before they expect something in return for gifts.
V: How'd Ashengrotto talk you into that one?
Y: He was going to make me start paying for all the food I eat if I didn't.
R: *waterwitchesbetgitches says, and I quote, "so like if ur the only gal at NRC how many boyfs you have"
Y: So many. At least twenty. Even more if there were girls here.
V: That is a gross exaggeration. She has maybe three, if we're being very generous on the definition.
Y: [points] And he's mad he's not one of them.
V: [squinting] You are absolutely dreadful and I can't understand how you're so popular.
Y: I like you too, Vil.
[Vil pauses, visibly taken aback.]
V: ... Thank you.
V: You know you're going to have paparazzi on your tail now, right?
Y: Aw, shit.
R: *insertmagicamhandlehere wants to know what's on your neck.
V: An antique chain with an attached charm specially made for me by Soleil Atelier.
R: I believe that was for Yuu.
[Yuu snickers, as Vil looks for himself. When her collar is pulled down, it fully reveals a vicious set of hickeys with visible toothmarks.]
V: Eww.
Y: You should see the other guy.
V: Eww!
[Vil takes a moment to recover, while Yuu laughs.]
Y: That could be a second part! Everyone needs that tutorial. "Bruise Coverup How-to by Vil Shoenheit: For when you just can't keep them off of you."
[Vil mutters something under his breath that sounds suspiciously like "nerds shouldn't be allowed to fuck"]
Y: Then where would your fans be?
V: At least there's only setting spray after this and then you can leave.
Y: Won't you get bored without me here?
R: One last question! *shroudstreaming has asked... well, there's a lengthy keysmash and an all-caps "why".
Y: Ah. Hi, babe!
Y: Hey, everyone go follow him, he's a total fucking babe and he refuses to take my word for it, no matter what I do to him-
[Vil sprays setting spray directly in her face, leading to Yuu coughing.]
V: No taste at all, and gross to boot. 
Y: Asshole.
[Vil offers a mirror]
V: No. Miracle worker.
[Yuu looks... well, the same, but with an even, well made-up face.]
Y: ... Aww. You remembered I like sparkles.
V: Less likely to scrub it off if you actually like it.
[Yuu's admiring herself for a few moments in silence, with Vil watching, quite pleased.]
Y: Hey, can I do you next?
V: Absolutely not.
Y: Ask the chat.
V: No.
R: Chat says yes.
V: [With a visible eye roll] Ugh, fine. 
Y: Aight. Take your shirt off.
V: What.
[Yuu brings up a case and flips it open. Inside is a magazine with a gory cover, and various things like fake blood and liquid latex.]
Y: Alright kiddies. You wanna learn how to slit a man's throat?
[Vil gets up and walks away without another word.]
Y: You said I could! Get back here!
[Yuu follows. Rook emerges from behind the camera.]
R: That's it for tonight, ma belles. Next time.
[Magicam Live ends, but not before audible yelling and scuffling, quickly cut off.]
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