#so what if Stiles just stays human? everyone is still supposed to be friends and shouldn't just drop someone because
bagerfluff · 11 months
can I request stiles stilinski x male reader
take place way after void has been defeated
plot new student joins the school and he very tall muscular leather wearing bad boy who stiles become whipped for reader ask stiles out and stiles agrees all to excitedly but scott doesn't like nor trust reader you know how stiles usually the paranoid one well this time stiles is not but Scott is you know when Scott get paranoid it bad real bad Scott is having a full on paranoid panic attack that because he can't sense what reader is but Scott know reader not human leading Scott to believe reader is the most dangerous thing Scott and the pack has ever encountered and Scott just suppose to let his best friend be hang around reader absolutely not so imagine Scott reaction to stiles telling him that stiles and reader are going on a date alone all by themselves at night --------- reader is a hybrid between a demon and a hellhound and a nogistue
reader father is a hybrid between a demon and a hellhound reader mother is a nogistue like void
Your wish is my command and I hope I fulfilled your wish. If you wish for a part two tell me and I might do it.
The New Kid
Stiles Stilinski x Male Reader
Set after season three
Stiles sighed as he entered Beacon Hills High School. He had stayed up all night studying for a test that he was ninety percent sure he was going to fail. So Stiles was half asleep as he walked over to his locker where Scott was already there. Waiting for Stiles. But he was looking behind him. “Hey Scott” Stiles yawned as he opened his locker. “Hey Stiles,” Scott said, looking over at Stiles but still glancing over his shoulder. “Who are you looking at?” Stiles asked, looking over Scott’s shoulder. I'm not waiting for Scott to answer him. When Stiles eyes landed on who Scott was looking at, Stiles eyes widened, and he blushed.
He was looking at Y/n. You were new to Beacon Hills. Having moved in a few months ago and joining the high school student body a couple of weeks ago. Y/n was given the name as the ‘bad boy’ by the students. You were pretty tall and muscular despite not being on the lacrosse team. He also wore black leather jackets and jeans. Y/n was kind of a loner because almost everyone was scared of him. Stiles for him hot. Ever since Stiles first saw Y/n. He was in Stiles math class, so he saw you almost every day. “Why are you looking at him?” Stiles asked once he was done gawking at you and looking back at Scott. Who was  still looking at you.
Scott had been watching you ever since you came to the school. He’d watch you whenever he got the chance. His eyes squinted as he basically glared at you. “I don’t know,” Scott said as he started to walk to his first class. As not to be late. Stiles quickly shut his locker and ran to catch up to Scott. “I just get a bad feeling from him,” Scott said as he stopped right outside his classroom. “But he didnt’ do anything,” Stiles said as he stopped right in front of Scott. “I just get a bad feeling from him. Might be instincts. Scott said as he entered the classroom. Stiles couldn't really argue with that. Since Scott was a werewolf, he had some sixth sense to see if someone was evil.
But you hadn’t done anything. You were acting weird. You weren’t connected to any supernatural thing that was happening. Was that what Scott was talking about? Did he sense you were supernatural? Surely not. Stiles was about to ask Scott, but the bell rang, and the teacher entered that classroom. Guess Stiles would have to ask him later.
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Scott sighed as he sat in his history class. It was about halfway through the day, and Scott wasn’t really listening to anything any of his teachers have said. He was too busy thinking about you. Scott could tell that you weren’t human, You didn’t smell right. Plus, when he used his wolf sight, he saw some weird red figure around you. It looked like a wild dog mixed with a cat or a fox. Scott couldn’t really tell. Plus, the figure had horns. Like demon horns. Scott could tell from when he was near you that you were powerful. More powerful than anything he and his pack had ever faced. But what were you planning? Nothing weird or supernatural had happened in a while. Were you waiting for the right time to attack.
Were you waiting for Scott to be alone? It was even worse since Stiles seemed to validate you. Scott could hear Stiles heartbeat increased whenever you were mentioned or when Stiles saw you. Did you put him under a spell? Could you do magic? Scott didn’t know. And that scared Scott. Scott knew you were dangerous. But he didn’t know why or how. So, for now, he had to keep his friends safe. Till he could figure out what you were and what you were planning. Maybe Scott could ask Deaton what you were. Or Derek. Someone. He needed to know. But for now, all he could do was wait. And keep an eye on you. 
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“So why do you think Y/n is evil?” Stiles asked Scott during lunch. Stiles was eating his lunch as Scott just looked at you. You were actually eating your lunch. Or that’s what Scott thought. Your back was facing the two boys. “I think he’s supernatural,” Scott said as he looked back at Stiles. Leaning closer to the boy and whispering so nobody could overhear them. “So that makes him evil?” Stile asked. He was confused. Just because you were supernatural doesn't mean you were evil. You hadn’t even done anything. Now that made Scott confused. Any other time, Scott said he thought someone was supernatural. Stiles would be paranoid. But now he wasn’t. Scott wondered why Stiles seemed to defend you. 
Scott leaned closer to Stiles to tell Stiles that he thought you might be the most powerful thing they had ever faced. Stiles eyes widened as Scott leaned back down and turned his head to glare at you. Were you evil? Stiles didn’t think so. You hadn’t done or said anything to make anyone think you were evil. But Scott was the werewolf, and Stiles wasn’t. So maybe Scott was right. Stiles leaned his body so he could look at you. Though Scott had told him that you might be evil, Stiles couldn’t help himself from thinking that you were hot. Your hair, eyes, face, body. Everything. Stiles sighed as he went back to eating. 
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Stiles ran out the doors of the school as the bell rang. But he stopped when he heard someone call out his name. Stiles turned around, and he blushed as he saw you walking over to him. “Hey Stilinski” you said once you were close enough. “Hey L/n” Stiles said as he tried to keep eye contact. But hell, your eyes were pretty. “I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date?” You asked with a sly smile. Stiles blushed as he heard you and by that smile. Got you were hot. Stiles shook his head to remove his thought, but then quickly nodded. “YES!” Stiles yelled but was then embarrassed by how loud he yelled. You let out a little laugh at Stiles cuteness as you pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to him. “Call me cutie” you said with a wink as you walked away. 
Stiles looked down at the note and smiled. But Scott was scared. You see, Scott was waiting for Stiles in his jeep. And heard your entire conversation. What were you planning? Why did you want to go on a date with Stiles? Did you want to hurt Stiles? Maybe you wanted to hurt Scott by hurting Stiles? Scott was scared. Maybe he could convince Stiles not to go. Scott was staring into space as Stiles got into the driver's seat of the jeep and placed the note in his bag. “Did you hear!” Stiles yelled at Scott. Shocking him out of his thoughts. “I’m going on a date with the hottest guy at the school!” Stiles was excited. He was going on a date with you. Tonight. The note had a phone number and a time and place for your date.
“Are you sure this is safe?” Scott asked but continued talking before Stiles could answer him. “What if he is evil? What if he’s trying to kill you?” Stiles eyes widened as he realized how scared and paranoid Scott was. Scott and Stiles stayed silent after Scott was done talking. Scott took a breath in before he continued talking “I don’t know what Y/n is, and that scares me” Stiles nodded, telling Scott to continue. And Scott did “let me at least talk to Deaton before you go on a date with him” Stiles nodded as he started the car and started to drive to Scott’s house. Maybe Scott was right? But if Stiles doesn't go on a date now, he may never get the chance to again. Surely, going on one date isn’t bad, right?
How bad could you be? How dangerous could you be? Surely, you were just a werewolf, and Scott was paranoid. Right?
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babeyvenus · 2 years
My Future
Derek Hale x OC
Samantha, Stiles and Scott are always joking about the impossible. Who wouldn't when your best friend's dad is the sheriff of Beacon Hills? All jokes stop when they realize the impossible is indeed possible.
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Chapter 51: Shadow Woman
After learning about Sam's history, Derek felt as if he understood her a bit better. He lightly dragged his thumb down her cheek as he frowned softly.
“I'm just glad you didn't die on us. I don't know what I would've done.”
He understood why she was the way she was.
“You're not alone, Derek.”
He understood why she and the boys were so close. Why she stayed with her mother. Why she acted the way she acted toward the others that they've come across.
“You haven’t given up trying to push me away, yet? It doesn’t get old?”
It made sense now.
“I'm not leaving you. I won't leave you.”
He was so curious about her and why she felt the need to be so persistent in helping him and Scott to begin with.
“I'm not gonna let you go out there if it means you're gonna die and I won't be able to do anything about it.”
It wasn't just because she cared… she was afraid. She was afraid of being alone.
“I don't wanna do that without you.”
He sighed softly, laying back against her pillows, and closed his eyes. With her brother and father missing, it messed her up. The abandonment dug a hole in her being and her friends only filled it so much.
This entire time… Derek was worried about himself. Thinking about himself and how he was the bane of everyone's pain but now he knew he wasn't just that. This wasn't his fault yet he felt like it was.
He wasn't here to protect her either.
Despite all that she's been through, she was still caring and not as cold as he expected her to be after hearing what happened.
In the beginning, he was just a stranger to her. The boys were right to have their suspicions and guards up around him, but she wasn't like them…
She could've been hostile toward him, but she wasn't. She was definitely crazy brave for standing up to him and Peter, regardless of their supernatural status. But she welcomed them all the same.
He frowned at another thought that plagued his mind. She could've been just like the Argents.
However, she was the opposite. She wasn't as threatening when she found out who bit Scott. Hell, she was on the Hales' side the entire time.
She could've hated him. He anticipated it. He wasn't supposed to care. He was supposed to gather betas for revenge. So was Peter. And he did.
But he lost his betas. His alpha spark and this girl, this once human girl, stayed by his side.
She made him think of Paige. Maybe… maybe this was his new chance. A chance to do better. To do right. To make sure he didn't relive a repeat.
He was… scared when Sam had gotten bit.
He hid it well, but he was terrified. Terrified that he'd let another innocent girl die because of his mistakes.
She could've lost her life and she didn't blame him for getting bit. She made it seem like it was a normal occurrence when she told her mother.
He thanked his lucky stars. That was, if he had any.
Even laying next to her, he felt lucky. The dim moonlight that peeked through her curtains, he saw how her usually plump cheeks were less swollen from crying so hard.
Her eyes were still a little puffy, but it didn't bother him much. She slept peacefully. At least he hoped.
This wasn't something he expected to come home to. Another family reunion? One that wasn't mysteriously his?
He wondered about her father and brother. Was the trip even worth it? Was it worth tearing her apart so emotionally?
Did they really miss her?
Derek lifted a hand to hover his fingertips over her cheek. He glanced at the small faded scar over her eyelid. He felt guilty that it hadn't healed completely before she got bit.
She'd probably tell him that it wasn't his fault. She was always like that. He kinda wished she'd just yell at him, tell him to get lost, to never see her or her friends again.
Maybe it'd hurt less if she had. He can't imagine why anyone would hurt her so bad even as a kid. She sounded so sweet and kind hearted from what Stiles had described.
It made him wish he'd met her earlier. Before the fire. Before Kate.
His thoughts paused as he heard a soft groan come from her and watched as she woke up. Her eyes slowly opened and met his, a relieved expression washed over her face.
"Hi.", she whispered softly. A small smile lifted his lips. "Hi.", he responded. "How're you feeling?"
She let out a muffled noise and rubbed her face on her pillow. "Still kinda tired, but I'm okay. You okay?"
He let out a snort. Worried about him as always… "Yeah. I'm okay."
He watched as she lifted a hand, the tips of her fingers pressed against his scruffy cheek. "You're really here…", she muttered.
He nodded. "I'm back."
She dropped her hand with a small huff and a smile. Derek returned her smile and brought her into his hold. "I missed you.", he muttered in her hair. She nuzzled into his chest. "I really missed you."
He laid a kiss on top of her forehead and looked down at her. "How come you were sick?", he asked softly.
She looked up at him, a questioning look on her face. "When I came home, I smelled you all over my couch. I smelled your pain. You were sick. Why?", he responded.
"I got drugged and kidnapped.", she muttered, looking down. Derek's face hardened. What the hell happened while he was gone?
"By who?", he asked. "A guy me, Stiles and Scott knew when we were younger.", she responded. She told him everything that happened from meeting Theo to him being dragged to hell by his dead sister.
Good riddance, Derek thought. The boy was power hungry and it didn't set Derek in a good way. Even going as far to get everyone to hate Stiles and getting Liam to kill Scott. It was too much.
He wanted to ask her so many other questions. How much had he missed out on since he left?
There was one thing that also bothered him. While he went to visit Cora, the sky suddenly changed one night. It tripped him out so much, he thought he hadn't even slept yet.
"Did a weird thing happen here? Like a sudden change in the sky?", he asked. Sam felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment as she shrunk under her covers. That was one detail she left out of her explanation.
So her powers did reach around the world…
She hadn't meant to do that. It was an accident.
Derek looked at her in confusion. "What? What happened?", he asked quietly.
She looked up at him. "I did it…" He raised a thick eyebrow in question. "Did what?", he asked. She grumbled in embarrassment. "I changed the sky. It wasn't my fault. I had this stupid hallucination. When Stiles snapped me out of it, the next thing I know, it's night outside."
She waited for him to laugh. To let out a teasing chuckle. To tell her she was being a big baby and that it was reckless of her to do that.
He did neither of those things, to her surprise. Instead, he wrapped an arm around her, his thumb rubbing at her back. "You wanna tell me what the hallucination was about?", he asked softly.
He didn't wanna pressure her, considering the last hallucination almost made her drown herself out of guilt. He couldn't imagine what this one was like.
She frowned softly and told him what she saw. In the end, Derek was jumbled with emotions. They were bouncing everywhere. He was worried, relieved, pissed and pleased all at the same time.
He was relieved she couldn't sense chemosignals.
"I don't know. I know that house meant a lot to you, but it brings me comfort too. I don't know why. I used to get relieved when I saw it. Now the loft holds that relief for me too.", she says. He looked down at her, but she didn't meet his eyes.
Her safe place was where he resided…
He wondered if the boys had figured that out already. Maybe Peter did. It was no wonder why they smelled her all over the couch.
It was a faint smell, but potent nonetheless. If her comfort wasn't something she could explain, he wouldn't question it anymore.
She sighed and sat up. "What's wrong?", he asked.
She looked at him. "We gotta figure out who's been kidnapping people for youth.", she said.
He sat up on his elbows. "You actually wanna help them?", he asks, referring to the two that came with the info.
She frowned. "I'm not helping them. I'm helping the people who are in danger.", she corrected. "Even if it meant you had to work with them?", he asked.
She paused. Would she have to work with them? It'd be awkward and annoying. If she could avoid it, it'd be great.
She sighed through her nose. "If it can't be helped…"
She lifted herself out of the bed, floating softly on the carpet floor as she stretched. Derek watched in surprise, fully sitting up now. He really missed out on a lot.
"You can fly now?", he muttered. She turned to him. "What, jealous?", she asked, teasingly.
He scoffed with a smile as she went to freshen up. When she disappeared in her bathroom, he turned on a lamp and laid back down on her bed, looking around her room.
It seemed bigger than the last time he came. There were things that he hadn't noticed. He knew about her little bookshelf that she had acquired before he left. Her desk was neater and she ended up getting a new alarm clock.
She had a slightly bigger TV sat on an entertainment center that stood next to her bedroom door.
Looks like that spot's taken if he ever were to come back by himself. But he didn't think he'd need to sneak in the house anymore now. But, it was a force of habit.
The entertainment center was neatly occupied by DVD cases, PlayStation controllers, the console and games.
Why hadn't he noticed all of this before…?
Maybe because they were constantly running around trying to stay alive from any possible threat that harmed their lives…
Had he been doing a good job teaching her to stay alive…?
He'd like to think so, considering she was still alive.
"Your thoughts are loud.", he hears and looks over at Sam who emerged from the bathroom dressed more comfortably.
He lets out a chuckle. She smiled and walked over to him.
"What else have you learned about your new powers?", Derek asked. She hummed and used her shadow to make her float and sat on top of the black blob that floated below her.
"Well, now that I know I can change the day to night, I have to work on that before I unintentionally do that again and cause a worldwide situation.", she said.
She frowned in thought. There was a new thing she tried, but it was worth a shot. She reached for his head and plucked a strand, making him reel back, and place a hand on his head in reaction. "The hell was that for?", he fussed, scratching at his slightly sore scalp.
She floated to her carpet floor, creating a glowing resin that she had done before and placed the strand of dark hair in the middle.
It was a harmless thing, of course. She knew that, but it was still shocking to him.
He watched as the small, illuminated crescent moon appeared on her forehead and looked at his hand that seemed to glow as well.
He lifted his hand and saw a similar illuminated moon on the corner of his wrist, inspecting it as it faded.
He looked at Sam as she looked at him with a sheepish smile. "I kinda made a link to you. It'll let me know if something's wrong with you.", she explained. He understood now.
It was creative. Smart.
He smiled. "Thanks for that.", he said. Her eyes nearly sparkled at his smile. It always brought butterflies in her stomach, but brought her relief that he was still able to even after everything that happened.
She smiled.
The next day, the pack met up at Scott's house, discussing what they should do about the kidnapped.
"Where should we even look first?", Lydia asked.
"They said there were people running away from Beacon Hills, but they weren't far. So that just means that whoever's doing the kidnapping is still here.", Stiles said.
Scott turned to Sam. "Why don't we ask your grandma?", he asked. Sam looked at him in confusion. "Why my grandma?"
They looked at her, confused as well. "You… don't know?", Liam asked. She looked at him then looked at her packmates. "Know what?"
Stiles frowned. "Your mom told us your grandma pretty much knows every single supernatural thing in Beacon Hills. Including the Argents."
Sam frowned deeply, and glanced at Derek who looked at her with an expression that gave the confirmation.
The truth dropped into her stomach with a nauseating wave. Her eyes weakly blinked. "I feel sick.", she muttered.
"It's not your fault.", Derek quickly reassured.
Sam rubbed at her temples as she sat down. She knew her mom went to her grandma for help as far as protection spells, but…
It made sense that she knew about the supernatural things in Beacon Hills, but…
Why hadn't she gone to her for help before?
Sam let out a sigh, dragging a hand down her face. "Fine. We'll go to her to see what she knows."
They couldn't go to the store since it was closed on certain days so Sam drove the girls and led the boys to her grandma's house.
She stared at the house with a frown. It brought back memories that bothered her a bit. Shaking it off, she got out of her car and walked up to the porch, knocking on the door.
The pack stood behind her and waited.
Three more knocks and they could hear the old rickety door opening. To the pack's surprise, they saw an older woman that was shorter than Sam despite having some of her features.
She didn't have grey hair, rather dark hair with white streaks. Her eyes seemed approachable whilst she wore a smile that could warm anyone's heart.
It definitely warmed Sam's. She smiled and gave her grandma a hug. "Hi, granny.", she softly greeted.
The older woman greeted her back with a hug and scolded the girl. "You should've told me you were bringing company. Y'all come on in."
The pack looked at Sam for confirmation and the girl only smiled, nodding her head towards the door as she walked through.
As she looked around, she felt a sense of familiarity. She hadn't exactly been to the house in years. Seeing her at the shop was enough and she wasn't always exactly invited. Especially not recently with everything going on.
Sam was trying to avoid giving her grandmother any type of hints that she was now involved with supernatural mysteries and fights.
Now, she had no choice but to tell her. "So, why the visit?", she hears her grandma ask.
Sam turns to her, "We came here to see what you knew about the recent supernatural issues that's been happening. Something about someone kidnapping people to make themselves younger."
The older woman's face turned into a frown as she looked at her granddaughter's friends. Taking one good look at them, she pointed at each. "Werewolves," She said pointing at Liam, Scott and Derek. She pointed at Malia. "Coyote."
She looked at Kira and huffed. "Kitsune." She pointed at Lydia, "Banshee." She looked at Stiles. "You were possessed…"
Stiles looked down, scratching behind his neck. Anita turned to her granddaughter. "How long have you known?"
"About the supernatural or the recent issue?", Sam asked.
"Both, while we're at it.", Anita responded, crossing her arms. Sam sighed and glanced at her pack before looking back at her grandma.
"For a while now.", Sam responded. It wasn't completely a lie, and it was an avoidance. Anita sighed, rubbing her temple.
"I know a lot of what's here in Beacon Hills. I know what's what and weaknesses and strengths. But what you're looking for will be hard to find.", Anita determined.
Sam frowned as her grandmother walked into a hall that was lined up with bookshelves. She pulled a book out of the bookshelf in front of her.
She opened it, and walked back to Sam. "The thing you're looking for is normally called a shadow person.”, she says, handing the book over to Sam. “They drain people of their energies and life force in their sleep. But if what you're looking for is a woman, then that would be a shadow woman, of course.”
Sam looked at the description in the book then paused as she looked up at her grandma. "How'd you know it was a woman?"
Anita scoffed, "The shadow man doesn't drain people to make himself younger. More powerful, maybe, but definitely not younger. A shadow woman may be trying to make herself more physical, hence draining people out of their youth to make her look young."
Sam closed the book. "If it's just a woman, that'll be easy.", she determined, walking past her.
Anita stopped her. "Hold your horses. Why are you so confident?"
Sam turned to her, an eyebrow raised. "You don't know?", Scott asked.
Anita looked confused. What had her granddaughter not told her?
"I thought you knew every supernatural thing that happens in Beacon Hills?", Malia asked. Anita frowned. "I know of every supernatural thing in Beacon Hills. Not what happens in Beacon Hills.", she corrected and turned to her granddaughter.
"Mom's leaving you out of the loop, too, huh?", Sam said and sighed. "I can control shadows and apparently the night as well.", she confessed.
Anita was more than surprised, she was intrigued and almost seemed expectant.
"Your mom had you do some studying too, hm?", Anita asked. Sam frowned a bit, but agreed nonetheless.
If she didn't know about everything that's happened, she doesn't need to now. Sam felt no need to explain more.
"Who's been protecting you?", Anita asked. "Who's your entities?"
"Nyx and Hecate. Sometimes Eris.", Sam confessed, shocking Anita a bit.
Sam sighed. "I've done all my research and if that's all then thanks for the book, granny. I'll see you later.", she said, smiling and pushing her friends out of the door.
Anita followed and watched from the porch as the pack piled into their cars and pulled out from her driveway.
She has the power to manipulate shadows to her will and has the power of the moon…
Anita smirked.
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dckweed · 2 years
@multifandom-world8 babes i am so sorry, this took me an embarrassing amount of time, but, here it is, and there will also be a second part as well !
my loves, it's been a hot minuet..but hi, hey, I'm here. Idk about yall but i had a kick ass weekend. Currently recovering from whiplash and fucking up my throat at a rock concert on Sunday (escape the fate, Hollywood undead, falling in reverse, and papa roach ((loml)) fr those wondering) that was so fucking amazing. How was yalls weekend? Everyone blow up the comments !
PLEASE NO ONE SPOIL THE TEENWOLF MOVIE! i have yet to watch it, and im sure there are others who haven't as well. Please be respectful in not spoiling anything on my posts.
I am aware that there is a paragraph that's darkened out and I have no idea how to fix it, for that, i apologize.
warnings: minors should not read this, but i know that i cannot stop you from opening this, so please, if you're under the age of 18, read at your own risk. this fic contains smut, maybe a bit of angst, biting, AGE GAPPED READER! reader was 19 when bitten, and in her 20s in the fic. Peter himself is a warning because guys look at him.
california dreamin'.., peter hale
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Five years. Five long, fucking years of being stuck in this bullshit ass town, cleaning up supernatural mess after supernatural mess. You couldn't help but to wonder if the founders of Beacon Hills truly understood the irony of their towns name, it truly was a Beacon.
You suppose that was how you'd wound up in this mess anyway, the town being what it was and all, the werewolf population had gripped its claws into you and had never let you go. You had been a sophomore when it all happened, roped in by association with Stiles and Scott, and much like Stiles you had stayed human for most of it, until Derek's uncle had decided to use you as the main pawn for one of his stupid ass revenge fantasies. You hadn't taken it well at first, the bite completely destroyed you and it took a long time to build yourself up again, and by the time you had, you were much too late to do anything else with your life, and so, you had elected to stay behind and help keep the town out of trouble while the rest of your friends went on and lived their lives. 
Working at your family's business wasn't that horrible you supposed, you could make your own hours, and being the owners child, you got paid just slightly more than the others did, which was definitely on your pro list. As was your weekly meeting with the man who had turned you. Typically, Peter came in for lunch or maybe dinner (depending on which shift you were working) and while you worked, the pair of you would talk about any odd goings on, and catch up on what everyone was doing out in the world. It was also your allotted time to ogle the man. 
Maybe it was the loyalty you still felt to him after all this time from the bite, or maybe you were just really fucking lonely, but good god you couldn't deny that the man was the definition of sexy..
You had seen him today, during the lunch shift and though it had been brief, it had been long enough for your mind to wonder to dangerous places, wild thoughts running loose in your mind, the slight scar on your shoulder throbbing as they did, reminding you of the night he had given it to you..
It was cold, fall was beginning to set in to Beacon Hills once more as the seasons changed. You were 19 now, barely scraping by in highschool as it was, caught between the drama of your friend group and the drama of the supernatural beings that inhabited said group and tonight? Well, tonight you were quite literally the drama. 
Peter had lured you to his loft, you had thought that you would be meeting the entire pack there, and therefore hadn't thought to text any of them and after arriving, you quickly realized how wrong you were. Peter had answered the door, much too friendly than he had ever been towards you before with a smile on his usually scowling face. 
"I didn't think you'd actually show up." He says, opening the door just enough to let you slip in, your body brushing against his ever so slightly, shock of electric tingling down your spine as you did. You had always felt that way around him, but you just assumed it was a you thing and didn't notice the way that his hand tightened its grip on the door, or that his body went rigid, nor did you hear the sigh that escaped his lips. 
"What exactly is the emergency, Peter?" You ask, turning to face him when you realize the loft is empty. He had sent you an urgent text, the kind that usually went out to the entire pack, and you were in partial disbelief that you would have been the first to show up, or the first texted. You were human, which meant you were far down the chain of urgency list in emergency werewolf situations. 
"Sit." He says, eyebrow quirking and a slight thrill spreading through him as he watches you drop immediately onto the couch, almost mindlessly, eyes trained on him, wide and curious. He takes a seat on the chair across from the couch, launching into what was meant to be a proposal, a deal if you will..He was in one of his revenge fantasy phases, and was trying to willingly enlist your help, because for some reason (both Supernatural and logically), you weren't the person he was intent to have helping him. 
Peter knew why he felt the way he did when you brushed against him, it wasn't the first time and it certainly wasn't the last. He was a smart man, and it wasn't too hard to piece together for him. And in all honesty, at first he wanted to protect you from it, from him, and for a while it worked. But now? Now he wanted to be selfish. He needed to be selfish, even if it meant bringing you into the mix. 
"Absolutely fucking not." You say abruptly after a brief moment of silence once he had finished speaking, explaining to you what was going on in his mind. "No..just..no. ive seen what Scott and Liam go through, and yeah maybe it has cool perks but no just..why would you even think that I would go along with something like that Peter?" 
He could hear in your voice how desperately you disagreed with his idea, and a part of him wants to let you walk out that door and forget that this whole thing happened to begin with, but that selfish side wins. He stands as you move towards the door, and in two long, powerful strides, he pulls you back against his chest, arms around your torso pinning your own to your sides. 
"Peter! Peter let me go!" You yell, struggling despite the electric shock coursing through you once more. His grip only tightens on you, and you feel his breath on your ear as he brings his mouth down, can feel him breathing in your scent. 
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, but this isn't optional.." He whispers, feeling you start to struggle more. He growls a little, his werewolf side coming out. His hold on you strengthens enough to be able to hold you still as he licks the area of exposed shoulder that your sweater had slid off of, his teeth grazing the skin ever so slightly. He debated letting you go, he didn't like the way that you were crying at all, you were going to hate him for this. 
He had already gone too far to turn back though. Before he can talk himself out of it, he bites down on your shoulder, trying to be as gentle as possible so as not to hurt you too much, but also trying to make sure it would take. He can't help but to savor you for a moment, the animal in him going absolutely feral over scent alone, he could do this for hours, he thought and happily he almost does until he realizes that your crying has stopped and you are now slumped against him. 
It had been the longest couple of years after that. You had just barely been able to graduate with your friends, nearly having to take a sixth year of highschool, though if that had happened you probably would have just dropped out. You had already taken freshman year twice, you couldn't go through senior year again. 
You had been so mad at Peter for the longest time, though you were still doing everything he asked of you. Scott and Derek had said it was the alpha bond, but personally, you felt like it was different than that because if was like your entire judgement was clouded over when it came to him, and honestly it still was though you had learned to look through it and use your own logic. 
Even before the bite you had been strangely attracted to Peter, though it definitely intensified after and you were certainly no stranger to fantasizing about him, so, as your shoulder throbbed ever so slightly, you let yourself fall into one of those fantasies, you were the only one in the front of the diner anyway, the late shift never being busy save for the occasional drunkard, you needed some form of entertainment. 
The fantasy was much like your others, though more intense than they normally were..peter was leading you up to his loft, your hand in his as he practically dragged you up the stairs, a girly little giggle escaping you as you run after him, your heels sounding on the ground and the skirt of your dress swishing around your bottom. 
Peter had gone full on foreplay in the car on your way back from your dinner date, his hands in between your legs, his nails ripping the fabric of your panties to shreds before pumping his fingers in and out of your dripping, aching core, clenching around his fingers as if begging for something more. 
The sound he had made when he felt you was almost feral, it ripped right through to your core and you could've cum from that alone, but alas, Peter had other plans for you. The door to his loft is barely even closed before he has you pressed up against it, his large, firm hands pressed tightly on your thighs as he hoists you up, letting you wrap your legs around his waist, your mouths moving against each other's with an urgency that you'd grown accustomed to when it came to him, as if the two of you could never get enough of each other. 
"Jesus.." You groan, the feel of his hard cock pressed against your bare mound sending shockwaves through your aching body, lust taking over your entire train of thought. 
"You and I both know I'm the farthest thing from holy, sweetheart.." He whispers, voice breathless as he makes his way down your throat, the stubble of his five o'clock shadow tickling your skin in the most delicious of ways, edging you halfway to insanity. 
After a few moments longer he removes you from the door, carrying you to his bed. His hands are on your bare ass under the skirt of your dress, squeezing the flesh appreciatively before giving a nice slap, throwing you off of his body and onto his mattress. You bounce, staring up at him through lust filled eyes as you watch him take his V-Neck off of his torso, tossing it to the ground before he gets to work on his jeans. You kick your heels off, they clunk to the floor before you shimmy out of your dress, the fabric falling off your body as you lift yourself off of the mattress the slightest bit. 
You realize as he gives you long, gazing look over your body that you are embarrassingly desperate for this man to even breathe in your direction, let alone fuck you, and yet here you are, on his bed, laid out all nice and pretty as you watch him fist his thick, deliciously long cock in his hands a couple of times, groaning at the thought of it inside of you. 
"You coming?" You ask, teasingly as you spread your legs for him, biting your lip. His shoulders slump as if in defeat and he let's out one of the prettiest sighs you think you've ever heard in your life. 
"Sweetheart, i hope not for a long while." He says finally and you giggle, before screeching in surprise when he grips your ankle and pulls you down to the edge of the bed, wrapping your legs around his hips as he teases your aching cunt with his cock, dragging up and down your sopping slit, once..twice..three times before he pushes himself into your tight, warm hole.
The noise that escapes your mouth is one of pure filth and it seems to be all the urging on he needs as he pumps his hips in and out of you. You watch as his face contort with each thrust deeper and deeper into you, your pussy clenching onto him with need he'd never felt before, your hips rising up off of his bed as if to beckon him in to you farther. 
You were already so over stimulated just from being horny that you knew you didn't stand a chance of lasting nearly as long as you could have, and you had a feeling he knew it to because the more sounds you made for him, the more one of your hands tugged at your own breasts and the other pawed at his forearm where his hand gripped your hips so meanly, the harder he fucked into you. 
It was almost painful, and you knew that if you hadn't been a werewolf it probably would have been. You wouldn't complain though because something about him being the one to bring on that kind of way in the sinfully delicious way that he was doing it, was absolutely glorious to you and dear God you basked in the absolute pleasure it brought you. 
Peter grunts as your pussy grips him, the sound of your skin slapping together and the squelching of your wet cunt sucking him back into your pussy every time he pulled out was filling the room, a beautiful music to his ears, as was the high pitched groan that escaped your throat as he gripped your hips harder, angling them up off the bed. He could feel himself hitting you at a deeper angle and just the look on your face as he did was what was going to make him finish, the way your eyes rolled into the back of your head, your mouth hung open in a silent moan, your tits bouncing every time he fucked into you..you were the perfect sight..
"So fucking perfect for me, y/n..y/n..
"Y/N!" Peter brings you out of your day dream, snapping his fingers in front of your face. You squeak in fright, heart racing and face flushing as you realize the man you had been fantasizing about was standing before you. 
"Jesus fucking Christ Peter!" You yell, calming yourself down. You glance at the clock behind him, noting the time. "It's almost midnight what the hell are you doing here?" 
The man looks at you as if you were insane, which, honestly, you had to wonder yourself if you were..nothing else could explain the way that you felt about the man that barely looked at you some days. "I told you at lunch I was going to pick you up tonight, remember? You said your car was broke down.." Truthfully, you hadn't thought he was serious. Peter hardly ever did anything with you outside of your meetings and occasionally running into him at the store..
"Oh.." Shit. How the fuck were you supposed to survive an entire car ride with him when you knew he could smell the horny radiating off of you? You were about to tell him that you were fine to walk when you realized it was raining pretty hard out, because of course California would decde to ends its drought right now. Fuck me up a goddamn river. 
"Give me a minuet.." 
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mostly-vo1d · 3 years
I still think it could have been really interesting if they had resurrected Paige for s5
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Noise Complaint
Stiles Stilinski Masterlist / Main Masterlist / Navigation
Summary: Keeping multiple hormone enraged students in a motel for a night wasn’t going to end well for anyone, except them
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Female Reader, mentioned Scott McCall x Allison Argent
Warnings: 18+ minors dni if you do then I take no responsibility, smut, strip tease, protected sex, vaginal penetration, and a noise complaint
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The motel room was exactly what you had expected, shabby rather than chic, and despite the low expectations that you had initially had, you couldn't help but pout; a part of you was more lenient to sleep on the school bus instead of these already combusted mattresses that were dressed in the most hideous sheets that you had ever laid your eyes on. But you supposed that this was the punishment that you had earned yourself by tagging along with Lydia and Allison; it hadn't quite been a fool proof plan, more so considering that it hadn't taken Stiles long to realise that you three were in the vehicle behind them. The room that you had been given the key to was a single, and it haunted and disgusted you as he said that you were to be sleeping in this horror setting alone; no Stiles he had meant.
It wasn't justified fairness, you'd even argue that it commended against your human rights. But old Bobby enjoyed to make everyone suffer, and that was the type of pain that you were undergoing as you dealt with the separation that - hold that thought, a notification sprang from the speaker of your phone, and as you read the iMessage that bombarded your lock screen, excitement coursed through your veins. Open up, it said, and giddily you hurried to the door, instantly obliging to what the message had said. On the other side stood Stiles who didn't waste a moment before he pushed the both of you back into the room, being quick to ensure that nobody saw the both of you blatantly disobeying the rules. To be honest you didn't know what Finstock had expected, bringing well over a handful of hormonal teenagers to stay at a dingy motel overnight couldn't possibly respect the restrictions of chastity; nobody was going to listen, including Stiles and yourself.
"Let me guess, you couldn't sleep?" You crawled onto the bed after your boyfriend who had gone up the length of the mattress to rest his head upon the flat pillows that had been provided, weaving yourself beneath his arm and dancing your fingers across his chest. "You're still worried about Scott, aren't you?" The scratch that the alpha had left on him was nasty, and went further than surface deep. His worry towards his best friend was understandable, you were concerned too. Stiles hummed in reply, combing his long fingers through your hair, his body shifting as he found it quire difficult to go on considering everything that was going on.
"He's gone to see Allison now." Stiles revealed, it was no doubt that if Scott had remained in their room that he'd have stayed too. They weren't just best friends, they were brothers and that bond would always be his first priority, you had never met anybody as loyal as Stiles Stilinski. "But I could use a distraction from all the sacrifices and alphas and whatever else is going to happen." He rambled, his hands tossing about a little as he spoke, and you found the action rather adorable, he was always very expressive as he spoke, in fact the two of you had met first day of freshman year by him whipping you around the face with his flying hands, and it had been rather hard to forget him since you had a black eye for the rest of the week.
"I've got the perfect thing in mind." You informed him, coercing him to grumble as you got up, searching for your phone and scrolling on it until you came across the playlist that you had created for a moment like this. 'Hands to myself' began to play, perking Stiles up as he watched you stand by the end of the bed, dragging your own hands up your body, prompting him to lick his lips that were feeling rather dry. He sat upright as you slowly peeled the shirt up to reveal your bare skin until you were dressed in nothing more than your bra and shorts and walking closer to Stiles. The music was quite loud, drowning out any sounds of Stiles' laboured breaths that he was trying to control, it made you feel strong seeing the affect that you had upon him, and only served to encourage you more to act more deviously. Your thumbs tucked into the elastic band of your shorts, toying with them, the sight alone had the poor yet lucky boy before you feel lightheaded.
The first time that you had actually performed a strip tease for Stiles, he had literally fainted; looking back on that time was quite funny, more so since you had been sworn to secrecy by the victim himself when he groggily came back to consciousness. But it had become the faintest memory in Stiles' head as your shorts piled around your feet, he couldn't help but lean forwards, his eyes delicately tracing the sultry edges of your underwear. Drool began to seep out from the corner of his mouth whence you played with the frills that decorated your panties, hips still swaying as your hand that was not dancing along the front of your left thigh was swimming in your hair as your tongue deliciously ran across your teeth.
"You're so hot." Stiles murmured, his leg began to jitter against the ground as his body endured the rush of desire. "Come here baby, need you." Sweetly you tip toed over to him and placed your hands onto his shoulders, taking a seat of placement upon his aroused lap, feeling his hard cock through the layers of material which separated each of the parts of your bodies that hungered to unite in a rouse of passion. The music faded away from your sense whilst his eyes ravenously scaled up your bare torso, his hands were starved as they refused to miss an opportunity to touch any skin on your body that they possibly could - no doubt he was struggling to keep his hands to himself.
You didn't mind in the slightest as you fiddled with the straps on your loose shoulders, reaching behind you Stiles disconnected the clasps on the back of your bra, to which obeyed his command by dropping the garment between your bodies, only serving to build misdemeanour tension within the room. Both of your hands ravelled in his dark locks that he had allowed to grow out not so long ago as he threw your bra to the floor, raising his large and desirable palms to cup both your breasts, becoming vastly more turned on by feeling the natural weight in his grip. Leaning down, you hungrily joined your lips in a sloppily paced kiss which remained elongated in time for a while, your bodies rutting in unison to build up pressure to which was called pleasure. Thank god for Scott for not being over Allison, otherwise this event would never have fitted the occasion!
Soon the rest of your and his clothes were scattered around the room like an image from a spot the difference game, though if it were a then it'd have definitely have been R-rated as the pair of you were completely in the nude, Stiles now atop of you and teasing his cock head upon your sweet clit. He ran his tip up and down your slit, collecting wetness, the notion alone causing you to drop your head back into the pillow supporting you as your eyes deliriously fluttered closed. But they fixated open no more than a minute later as a disastrous thought bombarded your mind, leading you to tightly grip your boyfriend’s forearms and dig your nails a little into his flesh, all to refrain him from going further for a moment. “Do you have a condom?” He blinked multiple times before springing into action.
Despite it resulting in you and him groaning simultaneously, he stir up so that he could rummage through his belongings until he found one. Once he did he wasted no more time and instead put the contraceptive method onto his length and resumed his previous position. Your legs twitched and coiled around him as he began to push into your walls, his right hand roughly grabbing the back of your thigh to bring some pain upon your body to mix with the exonerating pleasure that shuttled through it. The collaboration of your bodies was heaven with the bitterness of hell that raked through them via the bruising grip below your ass, the passion transcended into the clouds from aggressive and hungry flames, creating a breathless hue to burn beneath your flesh. Each breath that pardoned out from Stiles' panting lips scorned your skin, he was desperate for release and was feeling close, his quickening thrusts only made the endurance of your orgasm slacken as everything around you felt as though it was crashing down.
There was a storm within the room, the lightning struck above both of you in the form of a bulb with faulty wire as the thunder resonated in pounding, which you could not register as such, against the door to the motel room. The music that you had earlier put on acted as a soundtrack to the scene, and your sounds of ecstasy dwindled down into as you reached the climax to the intimate story that you had shared with Stiles. "Stilinski! Y/l/n! Open up but only if you're decent." The level of the music was still loud and therefore you hoped that the lyrics of Ariana Grande and other artists that had recently performed on your playlist had masked your moans of synchronised pleasure but you knew that that specific hope was far too good to be true.
And so you and Stiles scrambled to cover yourselves and answer the door as Finstock began to rampantly knock again. He was like a flu that you couldn't get rid of, and it was no surprise to when you eventually opened up the door it looked as though he had caught a fever. It was a blessing to his ears that the variety of sounds had ceased including those that had exhumed from your phone that was now somewhere on the floor. "The two of you are one of the reasons that I drink." Bobby defeatedly spoke, waving his finger like a madman to which it was already believable prior that he was one. You cocked your head waiting for him to scold the of you more however Stiles had already beaten him to it, silencing him with his natural wit in the moment. "In my defence I am only here because I felt lonely, nobody else is in my room." He practically dubbed Scott in the trouble, but you also knew that Stiles had the intention of having someone check up on his best friend and so he was using Bobby as the surrogate to do so.
Coach's face crinkled, this was more work than he was cut out for, and he wasn't enjoying a moment of it. At least he didn't have to worry about Greenberg as he strongly doubted that he had the moved to get into such a compromising position with any other example of the human species, he'd just be yelled at because he was annoying and an absolute kiss ass all whilst being terrible at lacrosse. "Wait, where is McCall?" He was slowly putting the pieces together... if there was another noise complaint then he'd be at fault since he was the adult, and so he rushed off in hopes of not having to succumb to responsibility. The opportunity arose to shut the door and so you took it, and Stiles dropped his head in relief as he hurriedly began to remove his jeans again. "Oh thank god." He sighed when he dropped them and you laughed when you realised that it was not his intent to continue what you were doing beforehand but instead the condom the condom that he had forgone and forgotten to remove in the rush of things.
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dramaticvhs · 2 years
twenty sterek fics with 30k+ words ~
I don't read as much sterek as I'd like to, but here are 20 longer fics I enjoyed really well! as always, read the tags! some of these are fics I come back to regularly, and some are ones I've only read once or twice but they left an impact. hope you enjoy! feel free to reblog with or comment more fics you love, I'm always looking for a new read :)
1. Little Wild Animal by DiscontentedWinter
(underage, explicit, 61k)
Derek Hale finds a feral human on his pack's property.
Humans are supposed to be extinct.
But then, Stiles is full of surprises.
2. Sex Therapy by Asterekmess (Livinginfictions) (locked to a03)
(no archive warnings apply, Teen and Up, 81k)
Stiles wanders into a club named Eclipse, looking for a one night stand to help him get over his breakup, only to realize that he has no idea what he's doing. Luckily for him, Derek is happy to be his Yoda.
The only problem comes when neither of them are able to keep it to just one night.
3. Move A Mountain by ZainClaw
(creator chose not to use archive warnings, explicit, 69k)
Stiles goes camping with his friends in New Mexico after graduation where they befriend a biker gang led by Derek: a guy whom Stiles can’t decide if he will be either relieved or devastated to never see again once their week is up.
4. stuck in reverse by crazyassmurdererwall
(creator chose not to use archive warnings, explicit, 65k)
Look, Derek is the worst. Everyone knows that. Their fearless leader is a total and complete failwolf.
Which means the rest of them? Are kind of the worst too. They’re a ramshackle, slap dashed, sorry excuse for a pack that’s about a half second away from getting one of them killed. And this is a problem, because Stiles would really like to survive high school. Thanks.
Still, nobody deserves what Derek has gone through. Nobody.
And it’s about time somebody told him that.
5. His Only Defence by LunaCanisLupus_22
(graphic descriptions of violence, rape/noncon, explicit, 78k)
Stiles had just accidentally challenged an alpha.
Oh God, and Scott had just stood by and let him do it. He was the worst best friend ever. Stiles was going to kill him. Except, oh right, the alpha was going to kill him first. Like beyond dead, ripped into tiny little pieces dead. So far dead that his dad would not be able to identify him, dead.
6. The Quickest Way to a Man’s Heart (is Through His Bottomless Pit) by isthatbloodonhisshirt
(creator chose not to use archive warnings, explicit, 54k)
Pulling open his apartment door, he let out an involuntary shout when something was quite literally thrust into his chest hard enough to have him almost tip backwards. He managed to right himself while keeping hold of what had been shoved at him and looked up in time to see his neighbour striding back towards his apartment.
“You’re going to fucking kill yourself.”
His door slammed.
Stiles blinked at the other man’s door, utterly confused, and looked down at what he was holding.
It was a plastic bag, full of what felt like tupperware, which made no sense to Stiles because when had his neighbour broken into his house to steal his tupperware?
(SNYE - January 11th - Neighbours)
7. Northern Blues by kaistrex (weishen)
(no archive warnings apply, explicit, 40k)
When Stiles steps into the room that the Hale house has conjured for him to stay in, the first thing he sees is a window already open, letting in a pleasant breeze. The second is a door in the right-hand wall.
Laura clears her throat, scratching at her nose. “That leads to Derek’s room.”
Stiles’ eyebrows shoot up and a laugh bursts out before he can stop it. Now he understands how the pack knew this room probably wouldn’t belong to his dad (which, gross).
He looks over his shoulder at Derek who’s glaring pointedly at everything except for Stiles with pink-tipped ears.
“Presumptuous. I like it,” he says to the house, patting one of the walls and throwing a wink at Derek hovering in the doorway.
8. Of Werewolves and Dolphins by Ilovesocks_24
(no archive warnings apply, Teen and Up, 53k)
Stiles, come on! It’ll be fun,” Scott said. “You can’t deny that seven days in the Caribbean on a cruise ship full of hot, single werewolves won’t be a good time.”
“Maybe for you,” Stiles said. “Because you’re tan and have a six pack. No one is going to talk to me at all. Also, fun fact: I’m not even a werewolf.”
“You don’t have to be a werewolf to come,” Scott said. “You just have to be twenty-one so you can drink. Or so hot guys can buy you drinks,” he added, raising his eyebrows suggestively.
“No, thanks,” Stiles said, shrugging. “Go on without me, just send postcards with all the hot guys you meet.”
“They’re stopping in Cozumel,” Scott said. “It says here that you can swim with dolphins.”
“Did you say we could swim with dolphins?” Stiles asked, curiously. “Like the ones that do tricks at Seaworld?”
“That’s what swimming is,” Scott said, eyes gleaming.
“When do we leave?” Stiles asked.
Or the one where Scott convinces Stiles to go on a werewolf singles cruise. Stiles is really only going for the dolphins. Until he meets Derek.
9. Cloaked in Gold by kaistrex
(no archive warnings apply, explicit, 57k)
Stiles' world tilts, the bed dipping as a weight settles over him, caging him in. Growling. His eyes flutter open in distant confusion as hot air sweeps over his throat and he stares up at twin beams of gold shining inches from his face.
Stiles does the only thing he can.
The werewolf jumps at the sudden shout, blanketing him tighter, and it’s only seconds until his dad is in his bedroom doorway with Melissa close behind, flicking on the light. Stiles' mouth drops open as he stares up at the thick eyebrows, sharp nose and perfectly groomed stubble of a golden-eyed and fanged Derek Hale.
When son of the Alpha, Derek Hale, ends up in his bed in heat, Stiles decides to use it to his advantage and secure the Bite for his sick stepbrother. As he and his family are welcomed into the Hale pack, Stiles grows closer to Derek than he'd ever dreamed he'd get, but with the fanged Soulbite of a born wolf on Derek's neck, he knows he's just setting himself up for heartbreak. Derek has a Soulmate out there, and it definitely isn't Stiles.
10. Ruin Me (Take Me Down) by xLostDreamsx
(underage, explicit, 50k)
Driving his teachers and his Dad crazy with his incessant trouble making, Stiles reluctantly accepts young college student Derek Hale as his ‘babysitter’, his Dad misguidedly believing he will be a positive role model to help guide him back to the straight and narrow.
Unfortunately for the Sheriff, he isn’t quite aware that Derek isn’t quite as up-standing as he appears and at the hands of his smart, young, manipulative son with a head full of ideas, his rather weak moral codes soon crumble.
Or put simply, Derek gives in to Stiles and things get hot and heavy pretty fast.
11. I've Got it Bad, Got it Bad, Got it Bad by RedRidingStiles
(underage, mature, 47k)
“Woah are those real?” Stiles found himself saying as he reached out and squeezed the man’s (it was a man and not a brick wall Stiles’ brain supplies) bicep which was bulging under the guy’s shirt. Stiles hasn’t even looked at the man’s face too preoccupied gasping at the tone muscles in front of him.
“Something tells me you’re the infamous Stiles.”
“Stiles, yes that’s my name, well it’s not really my name that’s too hard for anyone to pronounce so it’s just Stiles. Or you know, some colorful names the lower IQs of this place like to make up. But Stiles, you can call me Stiles.” Stiles rambles on, watching the man try to suppress a grin and failing. He has a gorgeous smile that made his bunny teeth present and his eyes crinkle and Stiles thinks he might be a little bit in love.
“Nice to meet you Stiles, why don’t you take a seat.” The man, Stiles doesn’t even know his name and he’s already starting to plan their wedding, says with a nod to the already full classroom. Stiles hasn’t even heard the bell ring. Huh.
“But I didn’t get your name,” Stiles replies.
“Mr. Hale, I’m your new English teacher.”
12. Lap Magnet by Prairie_Grass
(underage, explicit, 30k)
Wherein an ill-advised floral arrangement leads to a whole new definition of obliviousness, accidental mate-bonds, and far more sex and tropes than one fic really needs.
Five times Derek and Stiles didn’t notice how close they were (literally) and then a whole bunch of times when they did...
13. Stilinski's Home for Wayward Wolves by owlpostagain
(no archive warnings apply, Teen and Up, 35k)
“At least your puppies knock first,” Stiles snorts. “Here I thought their alpha raised them to be well-mannered.”
“There’s a sign,” Derek responds stiffly.
Stiles, whose curiosity outweighs even his hardest of grudges, abandons his chilly façade of nonchalance in a heartbeat. He jumps right up and all but pushes Derek out of the way in his effort to get to the window, and sure enough when he leans outside there’s a laminated strip of cardstock duct taped to the vinyl siding:
DON’T FORGET TO KNOCK Stiles gets cranky when we scare him
Or, in which Stiles Stilinski moves to Beacon Hills for his junior year of high school and accidentally adopts a pack of teenage werewolves.
14. Waiting by isthatbloodonhisshirt
(no archive warnings apply, Teen and Up, 81k)
Not wanting to think on it too much, Stiles took a step forward and passed his hand between the bars, moving the bleeding side closer to Derek’s mouth.
“Not too close, he bites.”
Stiles snatched his hand away just as Derek had been about to lick at it. The snarl he got in response was not comforting.
“He what?” Stiles asked nervously, turning to Deaton.
The man looked a little amused. “Don’t worry, only if he doesn’t like you.”
“Well, he probably hates me, now!” Stiles insisted, turning back to Derek.
He looked extremely displeased.
15. To Each Their Own by SylvieW
(creator chose not to use archive warnings, explicit, 32k)
Stiles agrees to become the owner of a werewolf with some very special needs. Derek has been abused for so long he’s nearly feral. Stiles has to find a way to gain his trust before Derek’s heat, or he could be put down.
16. Words Cannot Espresso How Much You Bean to Me by isthatbloodonhisshirt
(no archive warnings apply, Teen and Up, 68k)
“You’re late,” Derek informed him coldly, jaw clenched. He barely even moved his mouth to speak. This guy was seriously scary.
And because Stiles was suicidal, he said, “No, I’m Stiles.”
The look he got could’ve curdled milk. Stiles even noticed that Derek’s muscles were tensing, arms bulging even more and wow this guy was scary and hot but mostly scary holy shit.
“You’re not funny,” Derek informed him coldly.
Stiles shrugged. “I think that’s a matter of opinion.”
17. (Fuck you they said) As they threw their threads from their wedding bed by dearericbittle
(no archive warnings apply, mature, 96k)
First Son Stiles Stilinski just accidentally caused an international incident. And apparently the only way to save human-werewolf relations is to marry him off to Prince Derek of Triskele. Stiles is going to need all of his acting skills to make the marriage look real, because the Prince is kind of a fucking asshole.
18. Where the Real Beasts Are by kaistrex (weishen)
(graphic descriptions of violence, explicit, 109k)
Crown Prince Stiles is gifted a direwolf on his eighteenth birthday by King Gerard I of Venatia. The only instruction? Never remove the collar.
Stiles never has been one to do as he’s told.
19. The Not So Beauty to Your Not So Beast by isthatbloodonhisshirt
(Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Mature, 64k)
“Mieczyslaw Stilinski?”
All eyes instantly turned to Stiles and he felt his stomach drop. They’d taken his dad. They’d actually taken his dad and were here to tell him so.
“Yeah?” he asked in a small voice, feeling ready to be sick.
The second he spoke, two of the four regular guards moved through the rows, the lead guard speaking.
“By order of his Grace Peter Hale, you have been selected to begin your employ under the royal house of Hale.”
(SNYE - January 19th - Royalty AU)
20. Don't Feed the Wolves by Amazonia_8
(creator chose not to use archive warnings, explicit, 30k)
Stiles took the dare, because what else was he supposed to do when the whole lacrosse team was chanting his name? Even though the werewolf pack had left Beacon Hills years ago, nobody was stupid enough to set foot on the Hale property.
Except, apparently, Stiles.
Now he's got a feral werewolf following him around town with the sole purpose of claiming Stiles as his own.
aaaand that's all for now! again, if you have sterek fics you love don't hesitate to let me know about them! my ask box should be open if you'd rather rec anonymously :) I'm in the process of making "my favorite 15k word or less teen wolf fics" and "my favorite smutty fics" so stay tuned for that. hope you enjoy!!
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p4lparker · 3 years
Part of the Pack
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The aggressive alpha threw you away as if you weighed nothing, like a broken toy or a floppy rag doll. You felt your body crash into the concrete wall. It crumpled in on itself- nothing felt broken, as far as you knew. Well nothing apart from your pride. Thinking back, you had hoped today would be normal day- or as normal as cold be for you anyhow.
         The day had started out normal, well as normal as it could when there was a new alpha in town hoping to take over the pack. Scott had warned you and so had the others, but you didn’t feel all that scared. You were just a human who ran with wolves- you weren’t supernatural and you definitely weren’t a threat to anyone or anything. Though the rest of the pack felt it necessary to keep tabs on you and Stiles constantly. They would take it in turns ‘hanging out’- which was basically babysitting you to make sure you didn’t put yourselves in danger somehow. Scott had come over and watched movies with Kira and yourself, you all were sat watching Kick Ass- when Scott perked up. Almost like a dog; he quickly sat up and brought Kira with him. You paused the movie- waiting to find out what had caused him to do so.
         “Derek’s here..” Scott said, standing up and walking to the door; you followed Kira after. You stood leaning on the wall as Scott opened the door and revealed a brooding Derek. His dark brow furrowed and his face scrunched in a frown- his green eyes glaring at the three of you intently.
         “I’ve been calling you for an hour and you didn’t pick up. It’s your turn to patrol the perimeter.. I’m supposed to stay with Y/N.” Derek grunted, he was still glaring- but it was mainly aimed at Scott and Kira, rather than you. You folded your arms and stayed leaning against the jam of the lounge room door. Watching as Scott and Kira collected their things and gave you a sheepish goodbye before dashing through the still open door and to Scott’s parked bike. Derek turned his almost angry gaze to you before nodding his head at the front door. You flustered for a moment before gesturing for him to enter, then closed and locked the door behind him at his instruction. Not that locking it would keep an alpha out or anything- but whatever, you did as the intimidating wolf told you and lead him through the house to the kitchen. Grabbing a glass and a can of pop from the fridge, you offered one to him which he gratefully agreed to. Offering him a glass he nodded and allowed you to pour the carbonated refreshment. You both stood in silence as you took sips from the drinks. You shared an awkward smile with Derek, who just nodded at you- not smiling back or giving any emotion away. You gestured for Derek to follow you back to the lounge- sitting down and making yourself comfortable on the sofa once more. You watched as Derek perched himself on the couch- at the other end of it. You started the movie again and allowed yourself to get sucked into watching the movie- trying not to feel on edge, Derek’s tense body and stoic facial expression was making this situation feel all the more forced.
         The movie was almost over, throughout it you’d wriggled and squirmed around the sofa- all the while Derek sat still, perched on the very edge of the couch cushion. You’d tried to concentrate on the vigilantism on the screen, you found it difficult to focus; it wasn’t until Derek sat up even straighter, as if that was possible. He lifted his head and glared at the ceiling, your eyes following his. He tilted his head and sniffed the air. You watched half amused half confused as he stood and walked out of the lounge room and to the stairs of the building. All the while still sniffing at the air. Following behind him as he began to trek up the stairs, through the hall and sniffing at each door until he stopped in front of one. Yours. He sniffed deeply, before rearing back. When he finally turned to face you, you could tell something was bothering him.
"Have you left your window unlocked?" His voice gruff and demanding. You looked at him in surprise. Shaking your head quickly.
"No! Everywhere is locked up tight, like you and Scott and everyone else had ordered.." You muttered, glaring alternatively between your feet and Derek's leather clad back. All you heard in return was a grunt, before you bedroom door was roughly pushed open; the handle slamming against the pale walls and probably leaving a dent or a mark or something. Derek stalked around the room still sniffing, until he found himself standing under the sky light. The access to the roof, the wide opening window didn't work though- it wouldn't lock, so your dad nailed it shut. Derek jumped up from the floor and onto your bed, boots and all. As he stared intently at the big window above him. You watched, from your position by the door as his eyes flickered blue.
"The window is broken." Was all he uttered, the anger present in his voice.
"Yeah, it always has been.. My dad nailed it shut years ago. It wouldn't lock or anything.." You stated, shrugging your shoulders.
"No. The glass. It's broken. It's like its been lifted from the surround. And put back." Derek growled, eyes narrowing as he glared at you.
"Meaning what?" You asked, terror seeping into your words that you couldn't control. You were sure, Derek could hear how fast your heart was beating even without his wolf hearing. The tension in the room and your bodies built.
"Meaning, I don't know how long the alpha may have been coming in here. Meaning I don't think you're safe here.." Derek answered. His eyes narrowed still, but holding worry in their green depths. "C'mon." He grunted. Stalking towards you and gripping your upper arm. You struggled to keep up with his long strides, he walked out the room not even closing the door- dragging you with him as he practically ran down the stairs and out the front door. He came to a stop just short of the road, you not realising he'd stopped slammed into his back. Wincing as you nose bumped into the leather was wearing, you stumbled back and lifted your free hand to your nose checking for blood. Derek let go of your arm and glanced over his shoulder at you, dark brows drawn together. He moved towards your neighbours car, looking around him suspiciously. Raising his elbow and slamming it into the drivers side window, you shrieked. Dashing over to him quickly and gripping his arm through his jacket. Through the thick material did nothing to hide or disguise his tensed muscles. It took a moment for you to shake yourself to move your brain back to what the issue at hand was.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" You demanded, trying to tug his arm away from the broken glass- he was slowly moving his elbow to knock the remaining pieces from the frame.
"I'm stealing your neighbours car. Get in." Derek replied, as if it was the most simple thing in the world. Once the frame was clear of any sharp shards, he put his hand through and pulled the lock up. You heard the click as the internal locking mechanism worked. Opening the door, Derek threw himself into the drivers seat and waited impatiently for you to copy him. Groaning to yourself, you dashed around the front of the car and got in. Staring at Derek as he was fiddling with some wiring under the steering wheel. In a moments notice, you were off. Driving down the road quickly, Derek not really paying all that much attention to the road; he wriggled around awkwardly for a moment before pulling his phone from his jeans pocket. He looked sparingly at the road before dialling someone's number. You watched the scenery pass, you were in the warehouse district. Full of concrete walls and steel roofs.
"The alpha's been in her room. She needs to leave..." Was all he managed to get out before he was slamming the brakes on. Both of your bodies being jarred forwards, your seat belts yanking you back into the cushioned seats.
Breathing heavily as you tried to gather your bearings, you stared straight ahead of you in terror. There in the middle of the road was a great hulking beast. It was black and huge, making Peter's alpha wolf form look like a kitten in comparison. Derek stared ahead also, sizing the creature up. Before either of you could comprehend what was happening, the beast was pounding towards the stopped vehicle. Derek thinking quickly tried to put the car in reverse, but the beast just came at a quicker speed. It charged towards you on all fours and once it was close enough- it stood on two feet, reaching its clawed hands out and ripping the hood of the car to shreds. The scraping of metal made you cringe, but what petrified you was the fact that the engine was destroyed, and there was no chance for you to escape. The creature sauntered round the car, it ripped off the door on you side and snagged you from the opening. You screamed. Derek flustered with his seat belt before he leapt from the destroyed vehicle. It didn't take  long for you to realise that he was in full wolf form, but you also resigned yourself to the fact that he wouldn't be able to save you. He stood no chance against the monstrosity holding you captive in its sharp claws- you struggled to breath.
Your throat being constricted dangerously as you were held captive. You watched through bleary and unfocused eyes as Derek launched himself from the car; his eyes shining a bright blue, claws protruding from his hands and fuzzy hair clumping on the sides of his face as his face contorted into that of his wolf form. He dashed towards where the Alpha had you clasped, he started throwing slashes here and there. Desperately trying to free you from the monster. Though, the alpha did little more than seat Derek away as if he were nothing more than a fly. Derek didn't give up though, he kept coming- attacking again every time he got thrown back. You could feel your breathing becoming more laboured as the claws tightened. You felt the darkness calling to you like an old friend. You hadn't noticed that the rest of the pack; Malia, Isaac, Scott, Kira and Alison all joining Derek in trying to rescue you. Your eyes had fallen shut, and you felt consciousness slipping away. It wasn't until you felt someone stroking hair from your face gently, did you wake up. Peeking your eyes open to see Alison kneeling next to you- she smiled down at you as consciousness came back to your aching body.
“She’s okay guys.. but she needs moving. Like yesterday.” Alison stated as she helped to pull you up into a sitting position- you winced slightly, pain radiating from your ribs causing you to freeze. You looked to Alison, who frowned and prodded gently at your ribs; she shook her head.
“And I think she has either some cracked or broken ribs from the awkward way she’s moving..” Alison muttered, pulling you even more gently into a sitting and then standing position- in a slow but sure manner, she kept her arm supporting you. The rest of the group nodded, moving around you. It was then you took notice of them; they were all battered and bruised, deep angry looking gashes on their faces and arms. Your eyes caught sight of Derek who was favouring one arm, it cradled to his chest- which was barely covered by the shirt he had been wearing. It was slashed to smithereens, blood and skin showing through the rags, Alison and Kira helped you stand- staying close until they were sure you were steady on your feet.
“The Alpha’s gone for now. He’s off to lick his wounds. But I have no doubt that he’ll be back and soon. Y/N needs to be somewhere safe and secure- I vote we take her to the old train car.” Isaac stated, mainly directing his words to Derek and Scott who both nodded.
“There’s at least two other scents that’ll mask yours and hers, you should be safe their until we can get rid of this guy… Even if we have to chase him from Beacon- he’s gone.” Scott stated, you didn’t miss the red circling his irises as he spoke. He looked determined, and you knew not to be afraid. Scott was an alpha. He was a true alpha. He was your alpha- even if you weren’t a wolf. And with that the others were off, you looked to Derek still cradling his arm and knew he wouldn’t be able to drive.  Looking around, you spotted the demolished car not too far from you- sighing as you had no way of getting to the train car. Derek grunted and nodded his head to the left, you followed him. Hoping he knew where he was going, as you had no idea. You followed as he walked through the maze of practically identical buildings- leading you left and right and left again. Hoping like hell you wouldn’t have to navigate your way out yourself, as you had no chance of remembering and would probably end up living in this concrete jungle like a hermit. Soon enough you were standing in front of the abandoned subway- staring wide eyed as Derek had successfully navigated you both there- you had no idea it was so close, but then you realised that, that was the reason Isaac had suggested it to begin with. If the Alpha’s scent was covering the area, he probably wouldn’t return to it and you’d be safe- or safer. You followed Derek into the abandoned area and shivered. It felt so lonely- you remembered Boyd and Erica, smiling faintly before it slipped off your face all together. Moving further into the abandoned area, you collapsed onto a tattered seat- your eyes roving over all of the graffiti and claw marks that marred the walls. Derek groaned as he too collapsed into a seat. Breathing deeply, through his nose and clenching his jaw. It was then you realised how badly he was injured. His dark features were even darker due to the bruising covering his face, the gashes and slashes in his chest and torso- still bleeding, looked angry and painful. And the awkward angle that he held his arm, showed you he was in bad shape. Pulling yourself up and off the seat- ignoring your screaming muscles, you searched slowly- or as quickly as your sluggish body would allow, for some medical supplies. Knowing that Derek’s old pack must have had something like that lying around.
Your eyes landed on a couple of old shirts that looked similar to the tattered remains on Derek’s shoulders- making your way over to them, grabbing them up and letting your eyes roam over the area- until they landed on a lock box of some sort. Moving towards it, you checked on Derek over your shoulder- he hadn’t moved, you opened it quickly and smiled lightly. There in the box sat a bottle and a half of Jack. Gripping them both and the shirts in your hands before moving back over to him. Kneeling in front of him, you let your eyes scan over his injured body once more. Derek’s eyes flicked open as he felt you pushing his knees apart- allowing you to slip between them and situate yourself more comfortably.
“I-I th-think we need to set your arm first and then deal with the..” You stated and gestured to your own chest, Derek said nothing- just nodding and delicately offering you the obviously broken arm. “You need to tell me how to do this.. I’ve watched Grey’s Anatomy plenty.. but I’ve never actually done it..” you spoke quickly the words tumbling from your lips almost of their own accord. He nodded, and grit his teeth as you gently took hold of the broken limb.
“It’s my shoulder.. it’s dislocated- you need to grab hold of my arm and pull as hard as you can. When you hear it click and me scream- you’ve set it back.. Go!” Derek commanded, your eyes were wide as you tried to remember his words. You steadied yourself and pulled as hard as you could like he said. You yanked at his arm- as he growled- pulling as hard as physically possible for you until you heard a loud and sickening click and a scream-like groan fly from his slowly healing lips as well as some more unsavoury curses- you tried to steady your breathing and not let the pain show on your face too much. You let go of his arm and fell back onto your butt, watching as he breathed deeply and a light sweat dotted his forehead. He nodded and gestured to the injuries marring his chest, you too nodded and gripped the bottle of Jack before handing it to him. He raised a brow and chuckled darkly- before shoving it back at you.
“You need it more, besides it won’t do any good for me to drink it. It won’t affect me.” Derek told you, you nodded before unscrewing the cap and taking a swig of the dark liquid- letting to sweet taste linger in your mouth before swallowing it- then taking another long gulp. Setting it down by Derek’s foot, you kneeled up and gently tried to move the shreds of material away from the affected areas- but having no luck. Derek sighed almost impatiently, before gripping the fabric in his hands and tugging- the material falling away from his glorious chest- injured, but still glorious chest. You held your breath as he shrugged his shoulders, making the material fall to rest around his hips- his torso now bare to your wide eyes. You took hold of the bottle and one of the shirts, lifting both to Derek’s chest. You took a deep breath as you tipped the bottle allowing the liquid to flow down and onto the injuries. He hissed in pain- you moved the shirt and pressed against the wound- he groaned but allowed you to continue the process until you were sure the slashes were cleaned out. You knew though- he wouldn’t heal for a good while, but the treatment you’d given would do for now. Derek nodded his thanks, you smiled shyly at him before gripping the bottle and bringing it to your lips again. Taking a deep swallow you sat back, not realising your eyes had locked with his. The deep green boring into you- you didn’t know if it was the alcohol or what, but a shiver ran down your entire body. Blinking and looking away, you let one hand slip to his thigh and pushed yourself up- still gripping the bottle, you looked over your shoulder when you felt his eyes still on you.
You turned away and took another swallow of the sweet liquid, the burn becoming a comfort now. You hadn’t heard him move until you felt him rest a hand on your shoulder. He span you around so quickly- it felt like the room was spinning around you. The bottle slipped from your lips as you stared wide eyed at him, he stepped you backwards until your back was pressed against the cool metal of the train car. Lifting one of his hands, he gently brushed his fingers against your neck- gasping softly- his fingers sweeping your hair out of the way. One of his hands stayed at your neck, gently poking over the area, whilst the other trailed down your arm and to your hand gripping the bottle- pulling it from your fingers and bringing to his lips taking a swallow himself. Before placing it near your lips offering it to you- you obliged gulping some down, he then moved it down slightly and tipped the contents onto you. Your eyes still staring into each other’s, though yours widened marginally as a stinging pain radiated from you neck.
“Looks like the Alpha got you…” Was all Derek whispered, his eyes not leaving yours as the liquid flowed over the affected are of your skin. You just stood frozen, back to the wall- alcohol dripping down your neck and chest soaking your t-shirt, teeth biting into your bottom lip as you tried to control the raging hormones in your body. All you could think of was that if he leaned just that bit closer- his inviting lips would meet your own. Your body moved of its own accord, pushing forwards slightly. Your lips pushing against his. It wasn’t a kiss, not really- it was just your lips meeting his. And he didn’t push you away- so you pressed against him harder, your wet chest meeting his. Your lips moving with his as the kiss gained momentum and passion. You weren’t sure who’s tongue slipped out first and deepened the kiss, but you were sure it was you who moaned- and you were definitely sure it was Derek who pushed away from you. He stumbled away from you, and you struggled not to giggle at the image. The big bad wolf stumbling away from little old you. A giggle must have slipped out though, because Derek glared at you. He stormed towards you- ceasing the giggles almost immediately. He stopped in front of you. His body flush against yours, glaring eyes boring into you. Before he pushed his lips against yours kissing you furiously. Soon it wasn’t just lips meeting, his teeth were scraping against your bottom lip, and clashing against your own teeth as you opened your mouth.
You moaned again. Not even caring. It felt too good, his toned chest pressed against your own- even through the saturated top, you could feel his body heat, his pecks pressing against you- his muscled abs pressing against your belly. Which felt like it was filling with liquid lava- that seeped solely into your core, giving you a pleasant ache between your legs. Derek pulled back, closing his eyes as he tilted his head and sniffed the air. His eyes narrowing as he stepped back, taking your hand and leading you after him. He stepped backwards until his knees contacted the leather of the seat, he fell back and tugged you with him. Pulling you until you were kneeling on the seat- knees each side of his hips, he pulled on your hand until your chest was hovering over him- leaving you to straddle him in the abandoned train car. He stretched his neck up to graze his lips over the fragile and broken skin of your throat- his stubble creating a delicious friction, before moving to your lips and pulling you into another passionate kiss that sent shivers straight to your core. Derek breathed deeply through his nose and growled- before pulling you down onto his lap. You fell and kissed him more comfortably as your neck wasn’t craning at an awkward angle.
Derek’s hands rested on your hips for a moment, before they ventured upwards- dragging the wet material of your shirt with them. He pulled the soggy shirt up and only separated from your lips to remove it from your body. Tossing it away and pressing his lips back to your own. You let your fingers wander over neck and shoulders feeling the tensing muscles. Derek picked up the discarded bottle of Jack beside him. Pulling from the kiss to take a swig of the booze- before pulling your lips back to his own, you felt the Jack slip into your own mouth before you swallowed it. Derek pulled back from you again and you moaned in disappointment. You were getting sick of him pulling away from you! You watched as his eyes roved over the expanse of your half naked body before him- his fingers lifting to caress over our rubs, causing you to suck in a breath. He frowned before pushing his lips against your own more ferociously than before; and soon enough you were lost in his lips and tongue again. The pain simply disappeared. And when you pulled away from him to watch the blackened veins recede into his skin, you knew he’ deliberately taken your pain. Raising a hand to stroke over his stubble covered cheek- you kissed him gently, before letting him control you once more.
He tipped the bottle over you neck again, you hissing at the sting it brought- until his lips followed the trail. Licking and sucking over any skin that was flavoured with the drink. His lips lingering around your breasts, kissing and suckling at the sensitive ignored area. His hands trailed over your stomach, caressing the skin and tracing down to your hips- where they played with the waistband of your jeans. Fingers moving to unfasten them and tug them over your butt and hips. You stood from his lap and stepped back, catching his eyes and pulling the denim down your legs slowly- his eyes only stared at your partially dressed form. The damp bra still hiding your breasts from him and the dark panties covering your core from his waiting eyes. He leaned forward and tugged on your hand- pulling you back to your spot on his lap. You kissed him solidly, letting your tongue trace over his lips before letting your lips explore. They kissed over his rough cheeks, and down his neck- gently nipping at the stubble covered skin, he groaned loudly- letting his hands grip your hips and pull you down onto his own.
Once you were situated in his lap and still devouring his neck- he moved your hips back and forth- creating a friction that was almost maddening.  It was driving you to distraction, and you almost lost focus on kissing as much of his skin as you could. You weren’t sure what it was- but you couldn’t get enough of him, and you needed more. You ground your hips against his and could feel that pooling sensation- though it was more noticeable now, that and there was a stirring within Derek’s pants that had you grinning into the open mouthed kisses you were leaving down his chest, careful to avoid the injuries that were still trying to heal. You let you fingers feel over those delicious abs, before dipping lower; rubbing over the bulge in his jeans, rubbing back and forth until you were desperate for more, moving your shaky fingers down to the button and zipper. Popping one and tugging the other. Derek got the message and lifted his hips obediently and shuffled out of his boxers. You moved your gaze to look at him, his size was impressive and made your mouth water and core clench. He lifted your chin with the forefinger of one hand, as his other made a home rubbing you through your panties. A pathetic moan- not even stifled, echoed through the silent room; his calloused fingertips were rubbing the dark lace onto your most sensitive area, and you were revelling in the feeling of it. The way it sent shocks through your body, the way it thrilled you and left you needing more and more. You were chasing that soul shattering feeling, and you were well on our way to catching it- especially if Derek kept his fingers moving at that pace and in that certain pattern.
You hadn’t realised, but moans and groans were spilling from your lips almost in a chant. You were praising Derek’s skilful fingers and he chuckled in response, letting his other hand unclasp your bra and let it fall to rest against your stomach- the straps caught on your elbows, as your hands desperately clutched at Derek’s waist for something to keep you grounded as you floated higher and higher into the pleasure he was offering you. His lips descended onto your exposed chest, teeth and lips nipping at the taut bud. All it took was one hard bite to your nipple and you were coming apart in his arms. Your breath halting, your shoulders tensing and your knees shaking. His fingers didn’t let up though- they guided you through the haze of pleasure and only left you when you were breathing out slowly into the crook of his neck. You let your forehead rest against his shoulder as your tried to calm yourself down, once you felt your breathing return to a semi-normal pace; you let your eyes trail to where his erection was straining and leaking happily- if it were possible, he looked like he was even more erect and ready for you than before. You watched as he let his hand slip from between your legs and you gasped at how wet it was, he just chuckled before slicking his hand down himself and moving your hips to just above him. They rested poised, ready- yearning to plunge downwards and onto him- but he held you steady, teasing you. Before deciding; enough was enough and letting your hips drop.
He raised his own the moment you met, and a sigh slipped from his manly mouth as he was welcomed into your warmth. He held you still for a moment; as if he knew you were still too sensitive and needed some time to adjust. And adjust you did, soon you were desperate to grind yourself against him. Or thrust yourself one him and chase that pleasure again. Sure you were being reedy, but it was almost a necessity! Derek held your hips steady- still buried within you, but not moving. He hissed a breath through his teeth- then let his grip on your hips loosen, you let yourself free. Grinding against him- the skin above where you were joined rubbing at the sensitive nub, you let out a guttural moan; which made even Derek blush by the looks of his pink cheeks. He gripped your hips tighter and guided them into a rhythm. You could feel him rubbing against you in all the right ways, reaching parts of you- you didn’t think was possible, merely a myth. But Derek Hale proved you wring and reached that elusive spot within you. Your rhythm continued, gaining speed and strength. Until you could feel yourself on the cusp of oblivion, and Derek gave a hard thrust within; giving you that final nudge. You cried out- probably an unrecognisable sound or even made up language you weren’t sure. You just knew the way you were feeling in that moment nothing mattered. You could feel the pulsing between your legs, though if it was you. Or Derek. Or you both combined, you weren’t sure and you sure as hell didn’t care- your body was shaking and covered in a light sweat. But nothing mattered apart from Derek still being buried deep within you as you both experienced euphoria. Once you were both calmed from your activities, you rest your head against his shoulder and lifted your hips lazily from his. The slightly uncomfortable feeling of being empty, brought you back to reality. And your senses- and it seemed like Derek’s had also returned. As his mood changed from sated to grumpy in no time. He was soon shoving you off his lap, and onto the seat beside him- and shoving a discarded shirt into your chest.
His glare forced you to tug the shirt over your head, and once it was situated; covering the necessities and Derek had tucked himself away. You noticed that Scott was stood sheepishly by the entrance- rubbing at the back of his neck awkwardly and blushing a bright red. You buried your face in your hands embarrassed, because Scott could tell what had not long since transpired within the abandoned train car.
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thebigoblin · 3 years
A Sterek Fic Rec Post
(because why not?)
This is not in any particular order, these are just the fics I have read in the last couple weeks and which I think were an amazing read.
don't know what i'm supposed to do (haunted by the ghost of you)
Stiles sees dead people. Yep. Seriously.
(He’s got this. He’s totally got this. So what if one of them is Derek’s mom?)
AU - Canon Divergence | 31k | By Crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli)
I've Got A Sure Thing
Stiles' water breaks 10 miles out of Beacon Hills.
AU - Werewolves are known, Werefox Stiles Stilinski, Mpreg | 11.2k | By Skoosiepants
Three Clicks & I'm Home
Summary in simple words: Stiles magically summons Laura from a parallel universe.
Summary in not so simple words: After a tragic event, Laura’s life is relegated to pack life and staying put. But then a Blue Moon and a kid with a heart full of love who believes he can do magic turns Laura’s world upside down. She's reunited with her brother who was long gone but never forgotten, and the Hale family is whole once again. But like all magic, it has a cost, and Derek’s happiness is not something Laura’s willing to sacrifice.
AU - Canon Divergence, POV Laura Hale, Parallel Universe | 31k | By ocdindeed
If The World Was Ending
Derek swallowed the lump in his throat. “If the world was ending,” he started, eyes fluttering open to meet Stiles’ doe brown ones, “I would find you and tell you-”
He broke off, biting down on his tongue hard. He felt Stiles’ fingers trace over cheeks, thumb brushing softly against his bottom lip.
“And if the world wasn’t ending?” Stiles asked, voice barely above a whisper.
AU - Canon Divergence | 2.3k | By spaceprincessem
life-shattering love
He falls in love with Stiles the summer before college. It's a slow sticky summer, the whole world moving with a kind of mesmerizing laziness. For once, there is nothing trying to kill them. No witches in the woods, no pixies in the preserve, no selkies in the swamp.
(Stiles giggles around a spoonful of ice cream when he says that, sweaty and beautiful in the sunshine.)
AU - Canon Divergence | 5k | By Areiton
It Took A Rumor (to make me wonder)
Half the town seems to think that he and Derek are dating, and Stiles just can’t figure out why.
AU - Canon Divergence | 1.7k | By dragon_temeraire
state of readiness
After barely defeating the Alpha pack, Derek is determined to give his own pack members the one-on-one training they need to ensure each is ready for the next enemy. He sets out with a goal of eliminating everyone's biggest weakness, but if he thought his pack would let self-improvement pass their Alpha by, he's sadly mistaken. When Stiles is chosen to mentor Derek, things between them change forever.
AU - Canon Divergence, Everyone is Pack, Alpha!Derek Hale | 40.4k | By girlguidejones
Thrill (like white-hot wire)
Stiles made the decision that Derek was his new best friend (and that he'll one day marry him) the day he shared his dinosaur chicken nuggets with him.
AU - Human, Childhood Friends | 4.3k | By raisesomehale
"Pretend this is our den, kay?"
In which Stiles is raised by (were)wolves, and he and Derek are childhood sweethearts that never stopped. Also, Kate Argent is a homicidal maniac but a very helpful plot device
AU, The Hales are still werewolves though | 16.1k | By Survivah
i'll burn for you
Derek is scared of fire, and Derek is scared of being seen, and Derek is terrified, most of all, of love. But, somehow, when Stiles looks at him, Derek thinks maybe he’s stronger than he thought.
Derek Hale Character Study | 348 words | By jesuisgrace
The Hale Pack
Per Stiles’s instructions, the Hale pack is tasked with building their web of allies at a west coast pack convention. Which is...fun, right? As their first convention, they’re technically making their debut as a pack. It’s only been, what, seven years? This is long overdue.
Aka, The Hale Pack has a reputation. Told from outsiders’ points of view.
AU - Canon Divergence, Future Fic, Everybody Lives, Kind of Crack, Outsiders POV | 3.9k | By LessonsFromMoths
Thank Jackson for me
Derek keeps asking the wrong kind of questions.
AU - High School | 3.2k | By IdontlikeIobsess
All right, so this is it for now! Go read these awesome fics (or re-read!) and don't forget to leave kudos and comments. They really motivate the writers 😘
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asterekmess · 3 years
Did you ever watch Buffy? The first episode where Anya was introduced was titled "The Wish" and all I can think about is if Scott McCall had ever run into a pure Sidhe where they offered him a wish. Instead of, "I wish Buffy had never come to Sunnydale." It would be more, "I wish I was never bitten to become a werewolf." But just like all feaye tricks, the outcome is more, his Dad ended up with primary custody rather than his Mom and he was forced to leave BH. And then Stiles ended up more friends with Heather and others. And while Scott's life is worse, when he tracks down the others he finds all of theirs are greatly improved.
I think about it a lot and how Scott never really dealt with the consequences of any of his actions, everyone else did, and how an episode or mini-arc could have fixed a flaw in the show's design. I mean, we were already dealing with a lot of Celtic lore, why not someone from the Sidhe courts?
I have no idea why this took me so long to answer, so apologies for that. <3 I did watch buffy! I've seen all of it, and all of Angel as well. XD
I remember 'The Wish' episode, and whoooo boy it gave me chills. I loved how big the butterfly effect was, how something that seemed so small, something that Genuinely seemed to be the cause of a lot of problems in Sunnydale, ended up being so important to how things had progressed. Because, yeah, you would think Buffy not coming to Sunnydale would be a Good Thing, right? Sunnydale didn't have all of these insane issues before she arrived. It was quiet, and nothing big or scary ever happened. Her arrival matches perfectly with when everything started going absolutely nuts, so whatever selfish ideas Cordelia had, her thought that Buffy not coming to Sunnydale would be a good thing, makes sense. Except that, as she finds out, she's entirely wrong. Buffy's arrival was a lucky coincidence, or fate, whatever your taste leans toward. She showed up right as things started going nuts, and she kept it from going SO MUCH MORE NUTS.
Now, moving on to TW, it is a fascinating mix of being the Exact same situation, and the exact Opposite. I'll add a Read More, cus' holy god is this a lot of Rambling.
Because Scott wishing not to have been bitten...yeah, the bite Did improve things. But it improved things for him. He would absolutely regret making the wish, just like Cordelia did, because he would realize how many good things the bite had brought with it. BUT, conversely, he would have to realize how many good things the bite had brought for him, not for other people, and how their lives either wouldn't have been affect, or might've even Improved without him being bitten. Without the bite, Scott wouldn't have gotten on first line, period. His health issues made very clear in the five minutes he had them that any kind of stamina based sport was just out of the question for him. If he is unable to walk through the woods at a moderate pace without needing to grab his inhaler and stop against a tree, he just plain cannot play lacrosse for two or three hours of running at high speeds and working a bunch of muscles in his upper body. He likely wouldn't have gone out with Allison, because he would have no convenient way to get her attention. Furthermore, he wouldn't have the extra senses that both impressed her on the lacrosse field, and told him about her 'family dinner' the night of Lydia's party. (I've discussed this before, but... While it's true, Allison would have still brought him the dog; that dog would likely have attacked him, and his chances with her would have been shot in the foot when they both got in massive trouble and he likely had to go to the ER for stitches or something. Without Allison or first line, he wouldn't have started hanging out with the 'cool kids,' and quite frankly, wouldn't have had anyone to help him study for the classes he was struggling with. It's true that he also wouldn't have had werewolf things to worry about, or even a girlfriend to distract him from homework, so maybe that wouldn't have been such a huge issue, but still.
If we look at other people's lives and how They would have been affected by Scott not getting the bite...well, let's talk about that.
Stiles didn't get on first line because of Scott, or because of a werewolf bite. Or even because of the werewolf bullshittery occurring in town. He was put on first line because of his abilities, and even after being taken OFF first line for missing the game, he was put Right onto the field in the next game, chosen OVER other players who were perfectly viable options. Which means, he still would've ended up on first line. Allison wasn't interested in dating before she met Scott, and part of her draw to him was based on how 'different' he was. He knew things she didn't know how he could know, he had a weird ability to calm a furious, injured dog, and he had charisma that was ALSO gained from the bite, since being on first line made Scott Much more self-confident. If she didn't end up dating him, it's likely she wouldn't have dated at all. Which would mean no hiding from her parents, no strange conflicts of interest, AND, interestingly enough --depending on her involvement in the murders, etc that would still be occurring in town--no night in the school that would scare her bad enough to ask Kate for extra help and tip her headfirst into hunter training. AND, even if she DID still end up getting those lessons from Kate? There would be no bitterness to fuel her behavior at the end of season 1.
Allison was Traumatized after Kate showed her Derek on the grate. She was horrified, and didn't know what to do about it, and while we can ramble all we want about the morality of her not confronting her family (whom she's just discovered is willing to electrocute people) about it, the fact is that she pushed the thoughts aside to stop freaking out and went to that dance. Where she found out Scott was a werewolf, and was So fucking Betrayed that she was willing to help Kate catch him and Derek. No Scott, no betrayal, no willingness to help Kate recapture the miserable man who'd been chained up in a basement.
If we go back to that specific night, and try to unfold the events from there if Scott hadn't been bitten, things get a little complicated, but I'll take a few artistic liberties. Scott isn't bitten. Presumably, he just happens to get out of the woods in time, or he gets caught with Stiles by the sheriff, or doesn't go to the woods in the first place. These all change the possible outcomes of that night. If he hadn't gone in the first place, and Stiles went alone, would he have been bitten instead? Would Scott have been dragged into all of this anyway, but without the protection and boost of being a werewolf and cured of his asthma? If he weren't the one bitten, and he saw everything Stiles gained from it, would he still have such a hatred for the bite? Or would he want it, like Erica did, to cure him and make him powerful and cool? But, let's assume Stiles doesn't get bitten either. The second half of Laura's body still hasn't been found, and Stiles has no reason to fear running back into the preserve the next day, and no real punishment from his father as far as we can tell. So, does he go back to look again? If he did, he would run into Derek, because Derek would still be there after retrieving Laura's body himself. He would see Derek and still recognize him, and from there, things might spiral, still involving Stiles in the supernatural, and it's likely Stiles would try to involve Scott, and Again we get hit with "Would Scott want the bite, if he hadn't gotten forcibly bitten in the first place?" The answer is probably yes. He wanted to be cool, and popular, and on the lacrosse team. He wanted everything being a werewolf gave him. BUT if we're looking at this wish as similar to "The Wish," then no matter what, Scott won't be bitten. He'll be transported to a new world where it just never happened, and he'll be human, and forced to watch everyone around him be just plain different. Scott not being bitten would isolate him from Stiles, if Stiles got involved in the spn anyway. We SAW how Stiles cut off his other friends once the spn starting getting in the way. He and Harley? We have no clue how close they were. They were close enough for her to tease him about his crush on Lydia, for her to wander up comfortably to the locker and talk to them. And he cut her off as soon as the werewolf stuff hit. What if he cut Scott off? To protect him, if nothing else, like he did his own father. Once he realized the danger involved, I doubt he would be willing to put Scott in harm's way.
So, Scott would not only lose first line, lose his girlfriend, lose his popularity, lose his health and strength and heightened abilities, lose his 'importance' to the goings-on of Beacon Hills, but he would also lose Stiles, who seems to have been his only friend, unless he also had a relationship with Harley.
Okay, I've rambled enough about the what if's, so let's talk about the Reason why this wish would go so badly for Scott, in such a different way than it went for Cordelia. Cordelia, first off, wished that someone Else would not have/do something, rather than wishing for herself not to have done something. She watches how fucked up the world gets, and how much worse her life is without Buffy around to save the day. Scott wished for Himself not to have done something (even something passive, like 'get bitten') and would have to watch how fucked up his world gets, and how far behind he would fall. The other's lives might not necessarily get better, because Peter is still on the loose, and the hunters are still there, etc etc, but they would still Progress, while Scott would stay stagnant.
And WHY is that? Because Scott isn't important to the story. It DOESN'T start with him. That's the Whole Point of his character. He is supposed to be the 'everyman' who gets dragged into crazy shit and becomes integral to things that he wasn't ever meant to be a part of. The guy who wanders into becoming King or 'The Hero' that will save the world, even though he's just a small lad from a tiny town, whose highest prospects were "get on first line."
He was NEVER supposed to be Buffy, or if he was, it was done Very Badly.
But Beacon Hills WASN'T a quiet town before Scott was bitten; however much he might've said 'nothing ever happens in this town.' It was FULL of bullshittery and magic from the very beginning. There was the fire, and Paige, and the blinding of Deucalion, and the death of Alexander Argent, and the Nogitsune in the internment camp nearby. All of these things were around So much longer than Scott's bite, and they'd been affecting the world that whole time too. Because yes, in Buffy, the master was There before she was, but he was literally rendered inert by the situations he was in. And the things he'd done happened Centuries before, not six years. There is a difference. Sunnydale was Not Known for the insane number of weird deaths. Beacon Hills was. And aside from the Nogitsune, every single fucking thing that happened in Beacon Hills, was attuned to the Hale family in one way or another. Deucalion's blinding occurred during a meeting on Hale land, because Talia was known as a wise leader, etc, in the area and other wolves flocked to her. Deucalion biting Argent seems unrelated (if you even believe Deucalion did that, despite being a fucking pacifist before Gerard blinded him), but again, it occurs just a couple hours away from Beacon Hills, which is Hale Territory. The one who plays the Buffy role here? Who shows up at just the right time, and launches themself against an endless wave of evil, with slightly enhanced senses and a thorough need to do good and not back away from things that 'aren't they're problem'? The actual hero who is somehow tied to everything going on in ways even they don't understand? Was Derek. The guy who entirely unwittingly allowed Julia Baccari to survive, because he was trying to be merciful to his first love. Who entirely unwittingly was manipulated into giving up information that let a hunter kill his family. Who followed his sister back to town after six years of just trying to survive in New York, fell into a fucking tragedy, and decided to stop the bad guys anyway, even though he knew he didn't stand a fucking chance.
And as annoyed as some might get. The 'everyman' who stumbles onto the set and accidentally becomes integral to the saving of the world? The one whose ambitions are small and who expectations are smaller? Who is misunderstood, and has abilities that aren't recognized or appreciated, that doesn't really fit in, but tries their best anyway? The literal Angel to Derek's Buffy?
Is fucking Stiles. The son of the sheriff who just could not let it go when he discovered there was something funky going on. Who hung around on the edges, even though he wasn't really wanted, because he needed to help. Who ended up saving Derek's life over and over, and becoming so important as to be Derek's anchor? Who literally WENT DARKSIDE and HAD TO BE NEARLY KILLED, even though Derek didn't to kill him???
I know how it sounds, but JD SAID he took inspiration from Buffy. The issue is that his parallels are between DEREK AND STILES, and BUFFY AND ANGEL. Respectively.
Derek might act like the broody bad boy, but it is STILES' mentality that matches Angel's behavior, and it's Derek who matches Buffy.
I'm so fucking off track. Scott would be miserable if he ever managed to get a wish and used it to keep from having been bitten. And it would be sad. I would feel bad for him, had I watched something like that happen. Seeing him realize that most of the good things he had, he only got because of the bite. That Stiles would still be on first line, that Lydia and Jackson would still be the popular kids. That Allison wouldn't know he existed, or if she did would avoid him entirely. That Jackson would never have been turned into the kanima in the first place. That everyone else would move on and up in life, and he would still be standing at the bottom step. Because it wasn't his actual limitations that were holding him back, it was his refusal to accept them, to work with them, and to just plain stop Envying Everyone Around him, and start living his own fucking life instead of trying to steal other people's.
Scott wishes he were Cordelia, and I promise that would backfire too.
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Blue Moon - Part 1
A/N: See masterlist for prompts used. (And the list of amazing people who have helped me with this.)
I do not own Teen Wolf or it’s characters. Sadly.
Warnings: See Masterlist
Word count: 2,746
“So what’s it like living with a Hale?” Stiles asked, turning away from your locker after you shut it. Both of you fell into step with Scott as you made your way to your next class. 
You must have grimaced or made some face with a slight slant of your eyebrows only a Stilinski could read, because Stiles let out a snort. “That bad?”
You shrugged, sighing. “I mean, it’s not like I expected it to be a walk in the park, it is Derek Hale after all.” Scott chuckled with a gentle shake of his head, making you smile before you continued. “But I didn’t expect it to be this…. easy….. either.”
“Easy?” Scott questioned, making the same face you must have initially as Stiles let out another snort of laughter.
“Yeah, I mean, the first few days were awkward. If we weren’t training we weren’t doing anything. The man is silent, had no TV, or any of that-”
“Wait, ‘had’?” Stiles held out his hand, effectively cutting off your sentence and your steps, your shoes screeching on the floor at the sudden stop. 
“Yes, had. He now has a TV, streaming services- yes, Stiles, services as in plural, if you keep your eyebrows that high they may stick that way, and it’s not the best look for you…”
“So at least there is something to fill the silence at least.” Scott resumed walking, you followed a few steps behind, Stiles lagging, jaw still dropped in shock. 
“Well, yeah,” you agreed with Scott, and this time you felt your eyebrows making the face.
“But….?” Scott’s prodding was gentle, but his face held a smirk.
“But somewhere along the way we went from off handed comments during a news broadcast, or some show we were watching, to actually pausing it to have some discussion, or referencing some situation later and asking if the other had had something similar happen, or just opening up about random experiences and stuff. It’s…”
“Weird?” This time Stiles prodded, earning a glare and gentle whack on the arm from Scott.
“Well, maybe it’s because you’re…. new.” Scott opted for a more discrete word for ‘werewolf’ in the crowded hallways. “He may feel like opening up more because of the pack mentality and all.”
“No, it’s not because she’s…. new.” Stiles raised one eyebrow on the word as he addressed Scott, earning a sigh and eye roll from the young Beta. “The man is a brooding wall of leather and growls.” You chuckled at the description, making Stiles grin. “I think we finally found our miracle cure for our Sourwolf!”
“Woah, woah, woah, hold up.” You held up your hands as if to physically stop their words. “What?”
“Oh, come on, Y/N. We know you two like each other. It’s so obvious.” Stiles immediately closed his mouth, his lips a tight line, eyes wide and eyebrows in his hairline in his signature “I was not supposed to say that” face.
“What?” you deadpanned to your friend. 
The bell rang, and Scott, wide eyed and smiling too broadly, gave Stiles a shove on the shoulder in the opposite direction of your next class as Stiles muttered, “Oh, look. The bell.” They both began to walk quickly the opposite way. 
“Guys!” you yelled. “This is not over! But I am not responsible for you guys missing another class, what does that make, like fifteen already this semester?”
Your two friends stilled and turned on their heels, ushering past you quickly, avoiding your glare, Stiles looking at Scott and muttering, “See, Scott? I told you our class with Miss Blake was this way.”
“Ugh,” you mumbled under your breath. The sour expression stayed on your face even after you sat at your desk in the back of the class.
Chuckling, Stiles chanced a glance your way from beside you, hoping to change the subject from his ultimate fail in the hallway. “You still don’t like her?”
“I still don’t like her.” You overlapped his last few words, matching his gentle nod with one of your own as you stared straight ahead at the teacher’s still vacant desk. 
“What is it about her you don’t like?”
“I just have a really bad feeling whenever I see her. Something just isn’t right.”
Scott chuckled, opening his book to the proper page. “You’re just mad that she gives you a little bit of a harder time.”
“You mean she gives me ‘more attention’?” you asked, your words rising to a ridiculous octave as they repeated Jennifer’s words she had used when she assigned you some extra credit to help raise your grade so you could stay on the lacrosse team. Your friends chuckled at your words. “I’m sorry, not everyone can be amazing at everything, being a wer-” you stopped yourself, clearing your throat before continuing- “new-” you looked at Scott pointedly, earning you a glare and Stiles’ laughter on your other side- “doesn’t allow for a whole lot of extra studying time.”
“Oh, come on, Y/N. I know you feel that way now, but it will pass,” Scott said with a smile as Miss Blake walked in, setting things on her desk, and he chuckled as you glared at her. “This is all ephemeral.”
You looked at Stiles, your face blank, voice a deadpan. “You ever buy him a word of the day subscription thing again, and I will rip your throat out.” You flickered your yellow eyes at him discreetly. “With my teeth.”
“With your teeth,” Stiles mumbled, overlapping your words, both of you nodding in agreement again. “I asked what it’s like living with a Hale, and now I got my answer.” He looked at you, shaking his head mockingly. “You’re becoming one of them. It’s contagious. We’ll call it ‘Sourwolf Syndrome’.”
Due to your parents’ professions taking them all over the place constantly, like Allison, you were actually a year older than your friends, having to repeat a year a few grades back. But you wouldn’t change it for anything, because that’s how you met your best friends. 
It helped that your parents were away on business most of the time, so no one questioned your staying at Derek’s loft for so long. You stopped by every few days to get the mail and check on the plants around the house, packing some new clothes if needed, Derek sitting outside in his car the first few times, but lately he had taken to coming in and helping you do the few things you had to do.
You told yourself it was just because of the increased threat that he wanted to be closer to his newest Beta. He didn’t have too many of those these days, you thought bitterly, smirking to yourself. You stared blankly as you rinsed out your coffee cup in the sink, and a wave of sadness washed over you as you thought of Erica, her absence still fresh and raw. The two of you had never really been close; just acquaintances at school, then pack members briefly, before she was gone. 
Boyd had really withdrawn himself after that, and you didn’t blame him. You knew he probably felt how you did times ten. When Cora had been here briefly she mentioned losing a pack member was like losing a limb, and she hadn’t been wrong. 
Then Derek had kicked both Cora and Isaac out of the loft, claiming it wasn’t safe with the Alpha Pack around. Isaac was staying with Scott, but you didn’t know where Cora had disappeared to. Peter was a wild card, so you didn’t even try to factor him in, and Scott outright refused to be a member of Derek’s pack. He was an Alpha with Beta eyes, and an enigma for another time.
The point was, Derek was running low in the Beta department lately.
The only reason Derek had you staying at the loft and followed you around the house when you had to go was because you were the newest, or so he said. Deep down you knew he just didn’t want to be responsible if something happened to you. He wanted to control the situation as much as possible which, you guessed, you were kind of glad, being new to this whole werewolf thing, and admittedly not wanting to stay home alone again, human or werewolf.
At least at the loft, even in the times before Derek brought home the TV and stuff, the silence had been comfortable. You’d never admit it to anyone, but just being in the presence of another living, breathing being, even one as brooding and somewhat annoying as Derek Hale, was nice. 
And you sure as hell weren’t going to think about how he had helped you with your homework sometimes, especially with that English extra credit. He had a side he didn’t share often, and you were glad you got to see it. It was like a rare spotting of a mythological creature. 
You smiled to yourself, watching the water in the cup filling clear now, the mug long clean, and you let your feelings wash away down the drain with the water as you turned it off. 
Setting the mug in the sink, you took a deep breath, letting the feelings whirling around you fully roll off your back, rolling your shoulders back as they did.
Stepping into the doorway to the living room you saw him delicately watering some houseplant your mom babied. The first few times he had just poured water at its base, and you had to stop him, showing him how it had to be done, otherwise he’d over water it. And since then, though he had said initially that it was stupid under his breath, he took meticulous care to check if it even needed watering, and then watered it properly, like you showed him, even bringing books home to the loft about how to care for the various types of plants your mom had around the house. You found it endearing. 
Smiling softly, you gently shook your head. One second you were bitter towards him, the next finding little things that made him amazing. “I’m going to go grab some clothes, my stuff got torn to hell last week when we dealt with what’s his face,” you said offhandedly, starting up the stairs. So many baddies came through this town, you got them all confused. 
Derek chuckled. “Okay. You know you can always borrow some of my clothes if you need to.”
You stopped midstep on the staircase, each foot on a different step, and your grip on the bannister tightened, your knuckles turning white. 
This is why you had such conflicting emotions about this man. Wolf. Wolfman.
“Are you sure?” You kept your voice even, smiling softly. 
He shrugged. “Yeah, I mean, makes more sense then driving all the way over here.” His voice tried to be neutral, but it was evident he was trying to cover up something he had let slip before really thinking about it.
“Thanks. I’ll remember that next time.” You nodded once to each other before you took two steps calmly and then practically ran up the rest of them to your room. 
Holding a hand to your chest, taking deep breaths to try and stabilize your heartbeat, you slumped against the door after you closed it, sighing. 
You tried not to over analyze what he said, but failed. 
You knew he probably was making some underhanded comment about your abilities, “coming all the way over here”, really he wanted to say, “you suck at being a werewolf, you’re always getting hurt and your clothes destroyed in the process”. 
“You too, wolfman. You too,” you mumbled under your breath as you angrily rifled through one of your drawers, grabbing a few things. 
You chuckled a dark laugh. “But I’m an Alpha, Y/N. I’ll heal faster.” You mocked his deep tone, your search in your drawer turning into an aimless activity, the contents totally mixed up now.
He had never been around whenever you had gotten in a hit or takedown on the baddies you guys had encountered so far in your short time in this world. For some reasons you ended up on opposite sides of the battle fields, and he never said it directly, but you knew he probably thought you sucked. How else does one end up with torn shirts from claw marks and blood being covered by your jacket?
Everyone else had called you a badass, but Derek had yet to compliment or even comment on your fighting ability. But maybe, since he trained you, that spoke more to his ability and not yours, you thought with a smirk. Satisfied with the thought, you grabbed a few clothes out of the drawer before snapping it shut.
After a few steps toward the door, you slowed to a stop, absently staring at the clothes in your hand as your thoughts cleared a little from your earlier anger. 
If it was a reflection on how he thought he was, that was kind of sad. Did he really think so lowly of himself and his abilities? 
You had only been in this world a short time now, but even you had to admit he was a good Alpha. A good wolfm- werewolf. A good man. He was a great person to have at your back in a fight and in mundane things like math, which was also a fight, but that was a thought for another day. He was a good friend to have, period. 
Shaking your head and chuckling gently at yourself, you wondered why your thoughts were everywhere. Glancing at your calendar on the wall, you saw the full moon was coming up soon and rolled your eyes. Of course. 
This would pass. This was ephemeral. You groaned softly as you made your way back down the stairs. Stiles was going to pay.
Derek met your eyes when you made it to the last step, hopping the last few inches to the first floor. He set down the watering can softly.
“Do I really sound like that?” His lips twitched upward slightly.
Screwing up your face in confusion it took you a second to realize he had heard your mutterings as you disorganized the contents of your drawer upstairs. Realization crossed your face before your palm slapped to your forehead, the groan passing your lips before you could stop it. 
Derek laughed, and you looked at him apologetically, to which he motioned with his hand as if waving it away and smiled at the floor where his gaze was focused. “Don’t worry about it. I just always thought my voice was deeper than that.”
He chuckled even more as you swatted his arm, laughing gently yourself. He grabbed your wrist playfully before you could withdraw your hand, and you found yourself pulled closer to him, almost toe to toe and having to crane your neck to look up and meet his eyes that looked down at you with some emotion you couldn’t decipher. 
That comfortable silence hung around you two like a blanket… Until his phone rang. 
As he fished it out of his pocket, you softly cleared your throat and took a small step back, feeling Derek’s gaze on you the whole time. 
“Hello?” His voice was gruff and annoyed, and he was still staring at you. It almost seemed like he was upset at whoever was on the other end for interrupting his moment with you.
But that thought quickly evaporated. 
“Jennifer!” He said it with a broad smile on his face, his voice a total about face from his greeting, and his eyes moving from you to the wall behind you. 
It couldn’t be who you thought. There was no way. That would be too much of a coincidence.
“No, I’m not busy,” he said, turning to the door. 
Grabbing his arm to stop him, he turned to look at you, eyebrows raised in question and, if you weren’t mistaken, slight annoyance.
“What?” he mouthed. 
“Who is that?” you whispered. 
“A friend,” he hissed. 
“Who is it?” you hissed back at him. 
“Your English teacher, Jennifer Blake.” He shrugged out of your grip and out your front door, motioning you to the car.
You seethed as you turned off the lights, grabbing your bag of clothes, and locking the door after you. 
Reason number five hundred and sixty two to hate Miss Jennifer Blake.
Tags: @mayahart02, @palaiasaurus64, @shydinosaurcandy, @lucyqueenofthestars, @c-breanne1999, @l4life, @ethereallysimple, @teenwolffan-with-nolife, @bellabadacadabra What’s This?
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mermaidenisaacs · 4 years
isaac is bad at feelings
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it goes like this: you get sad, you text isaac, he comes over and makes it all better. 
feat. stiles, who knows the vibes
🎶 telepatía - kali uchis 🎶 
The morning afters were always the same. 
I usually woke up first. Sometimes I climbed out of my bed and carefully tiptoed into the bathroom, where I sloshed a bit of mouthwash, rubbed the gunk out of my eye, and slipped back underneath my sheets before Isaac woke up. The first face he’d see was mine. I did what I could to make it look kind of okay.
It’s not that I thought he would judge me if I looked bad. He wasn’t that kind of friend. He was just the kind of friend I fucked on occasion, when we both had nothing better to do and found ourselves lonely and a little unloved. 
We both had a bad habit of avoiding the heaps of repressed childhood trauma that lurked in the dark corners of our minds. Some days were harder than others. On those days, sometimes the only comfort we found was in each other. And what were friends for, if not that? 
Isaac stirred awake. He blinked twice, clearing the sleepy haze shrouding his eyes. His eyes focused on me and his face broke into a marshmallow sweet smile. He looked adorable, and I was as fond of him as ever. 
He was laying on his side. The morning sun peeked through the blinds, reflecting off the floating stardust in the air. The light landed on Isaac, his sandy brown curls and his sporadically freckled skin. He was golden. In the moment, he looked younger, warmer, unburdened, happy.
“Morning,” he said. The sound of his greeting came out deep and gravely. His morning voice was, as always, a bit much. 
“Morning,” I hummed.
“How long have you been awake?” 
“Not too long.” 
“That’s good. I guess it’s not as creepy to watch someone while they’re sleeping if you do it for not too long.” 
I laughed. “I wasn’t watching you. Just, casually observing. You look really peaceful when you’re sleeping, did you know? Like, peaceful and serene and beautiful.” 
Isaac raised his brow playfully. “Beautiful? Are you trying to be romantic? Is that what we’re doing now?” 
I snorted and rolled over to face away from him. “No way.” 
The weight shifted on the mattress as he scooted closer and his soft lips brushed against my shoulder. Isaac’s chest was warm and solid, protective behind me. 
“I’m just kidding,” he said softly. “Anyway, you’re the one who looks beautiful when you’re sleeping. Also when you’re awake. Anytime you’re existing, really.” His lips trailed up my shoulder and he brushed my hair away from my neck to kiss me there. A hand snaked around my torso and turned me over to face him. 
I playfully rolled my eyes. “Whatever. You’re just complimenting me because you have morning wood and you want to fuck.” 
He tsked disapprovingly. “Way to ruin the moment. You’re always so quick to doubt my motives. It’s not my fault you don’t know how to take a compliment.” 
I shoved him back lightly, flipping us over so I was straddling him around his waist. “It’s not your compliments that I want.” 
Pushing Isaac’s boxers down his thighs, I positioned his already swollen cock at my wet entrance and slipped him inside me. Isaac emitted a shuddered breath as I took in all of him. I pushed up and brought my hips back down, creating a slow rhythm.
Isaac sucked in his breath. “Fuck, fuck, come here.” 
He tangled his fingers in my hair and brought down my forehead to rest against his. I braced my hands on either side of him and rolled my hips. Isaac pinched one of my nipples, twisted it between his fingers and kneaded my other breast. 
I sighed in pleasure, arching into him as a familiar sensation pooled underneath my stomach. I moved my hips faster. Isaac steadied my urgent movements with his arms locked around me. He held me still so he could pump into me from below. I sighed in pleasure. From this angle, I felt him deep inside me, felt every ridge, every vein on his cock against every inch of my walls. 
“Oh god, fuck, Isaac, please,” I moaned pathetically. My nails dug into his shoulders while he slammed into me. It was a lot. It was always a lot, in the best way. I still wasn’t used to the fact that my fuck buddy was a teenage wolf-human hybrid with lots of energy to expend in the morning, or really at any point during the day.
In the corner of my eye, I glanced at the clock on my bedside table. If we took too long, we’d be late for school. Reaching under me, I rubbed my clit and moved my hips with Isaac’s. 
“Isaac, please I’m so close, please don’t stop, right there…” 
Isaac rutted his hips and sank deep into me, and then we were both coming with strangled groans. I felt his smile against my skin, mirroring my own that he couldn’t see.  
Later that morning, I drove us to school, rolling my eyes when Isaac said that it’d be faster if he just carried me on his back and ran there. 
“You can’t carry me,” I said. “I’m not skinny.” 
“And what of it? Your body’s amazing,” he replied without missing a beat, “and I would, and could, carry you anywhere.”
I chuckled. “Whatever, wolf boy.”
“Your car really is a piece of shit.”
I lightly punched Isaac’s shoulder. “My car’s fine. You’re free to get out and walk your ungrateful ass to school.” 
Isaac rubbed his shoulder and chuckled. “So um,” he said hesitantly, “thanks again for letting me come over last night.”
I frowned. “You know you don’t have to thank me for that.” 
“Yeah, I do. I just don’t ever want you to think I’m using my nightmares and my issues as like, a pick up line to get into your pants or something. I would never take advantage of you.” 
Briefly, I glanced over. He was looking at me with a peculiar expression. He looked sincere, and because I was emotionally stunted, it made me uncomfortable. I chuckled to dispel the tension in the air. 
“Don’t worry,” I said. “You’re not taking advantage of anything. I do what I want, nothing more or less. You don’t have to treat me like I’m a virginal princess and you’re like, some big bad wolf stealing my flower.” I laughed at the idea that Isaac could ever be predatory in any way. “And it’s not like I don’t need you too. We’re there for each other because we’re friends. We’ll always be friends.” 
“Friends. Good, that’s good…” Isaac trailed off. 
“Um, is there something else you want to tell me?” I asked. It sounded like there was something unsaid lingering in the air.
After a few beats of silence, Isaac casually replied, “Nope, that’s it. Just wanted to make sure we were alright, that’s all.” 
That wasn’t all. I could detect the slight uneasiness in his voice. I knew in my gut something was off, but I was a coward, and I hated confronting people, so I didn’t. Instead, I decided to turn up the radio and pretend everything was fine, while a tiny little knowing voice in my head mocked me the rest of the car ride to school.
The ominous feeling from the morning stayed with me throughout the day. At noon, I waited for Isaac to show up in the cafeteria at our usual lunch table with the pack. After waiting fifteen minutes, I started to get a little concerned.
I turned to Erica. “Have you seen Isaac? He’s not answering my texts.” 
Erica smirked. “Worried about your boyfriend?”
I rolled my eyes. “He’s not my boyfriend.” 
“So I’m just supposed to believe you sneak a boy into your room every night to chit chat and do homework? Are we that innocent?”  
I shrugged. “I can be innocent.”
Erica laughed. “You haven’t been innocent since we were fifteen. But I think I saw Isaac earlier headed to the boys’ locker room.”
With that information, I left to go find Isaac, briskly walking through the hallways. I turned a corner and stopped dead in my tracks, suddenly wishing I’d never left the safe confines of the cafeteria. 
I was about twenty feet away from the locker room entrance where I saw Isaac standing in front of a girl, his hand on her waist, her lips near his ear giggling and whispering, his face buried into her neck. And then he kissed her. In the middle of the hallway in front of everyone, not caring who might see them. Not caring if I might see them. 
I stepped backwards until I was shielded behind the wall. I was hurt, but I didn’t even feel like I deserved to be. Isaac and I weren’t together. He was free to do whatever he wanted. We were just friends. I told him so this morning.
I mentally smacked my forehead. My own stupidity always came back to haunt me. This was what Isaac was trying to tell me in the car. 
I returned to the cafeteria and sat next to Erica and stared blankly at my lunch tray. I didn’t know how to feel. There had always been this unspoken rule between me and Isaac that we wouldn’t keep secrets from each other. He had told me he didn’t want to take advantage of me but that’s exactly what it felt like. 
He was messing around with another girl. For all I knew, there were many other girls. And he had kept it a secret. His withholding information by default made the scales uneven. Before, everything felt balanced and fair, but now, the dynamic felt different. I trusted him and he didn’t give me the same trust back. 
If Isaac was just a casual friend, it wouldn’t hurt this much. I naively thought he and I had something different. I thought he was different.
Erica gently shook my shoulder. “Babe?” I felt too embarrassed to even look at her. “What’s wrong? Did you find Isaac?” 
“Oh um, no I didn’t uh, I didn’t see him.” Erica soothingly raked her nails across my back and I relaxed into her touch. There was no way she bought my bullshit lie, and I loved her for not pressing me about it. “Hey um, remember last week when you said I should start dating again?”
“Um, yeah. You said you weren’t interested though, right?” 
“I did say that, but I am now,” I said. “But I’m not exactly interested in dating someone. I just need a distraction, you know?” 
“Hm,” Erica said. “That can be arranged too. But what changed your mind?” 
I shrugged nonchalantly. “Nothing really. My old distraction isn’t working for me anymore. I need something new.” 
Erica suggested I meet up with one of one of her old casual hook-ups. When she first told me who it was, I was flummoxed. But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense when Erica told me I should go out with Stiles Stilinski. 
Since Erica pre-approved him for me, I knew he was someone I could trust and someone who probably knew what they were doing. I wasn’t super close to him either, which would help with avoiding another Isaac situation where I was too enmeshed with the person. Overall, Stiles was a pretty ideal distraction.
It turned out that he was also pretty into the idea of us linking up. My phone kept vibrating with his texts the whole time I drove home from school. As I walked to my room, I opened my unread messages, except ones that were from Isaac.  
3:20 pm: Hey, this is Stiles. Well you probably knew that. Unless you don’t have my number saved 
3:22 pm: Which isn’t a big deal considering we’ve never really talked that much
3:25 pm: Anyway Erica just texted me and told me that we’re hanging out tonight? 
3:25 pm: We as in you and me, not me and Erica. That’s been over for a long time 
3:26 pm: We didn’t date or anything don’t worry 
3:26 pm: Anyway what I’m trying to say is that I’m totally down. I’m just a little confused
3:30 pm: Are we going out, like out out? Or are we just hanging out? Or is it like what Erica and I used to do?
3:34 pm: Sorry I’m making this weird. I’ll just pick you up tonight around 8 for dinner. Cya then :) 
I was reading his last message as I opened the door to my bedroom, chuckling at Stiles’s messages, when I jumped backwards and yelped at the sight of Isaac laying casually on my bed. 
“Jesus, you scared me,” I muttered. He simply grinned. 
“Sorry, but I think it’d be fair to say you’re easily spooked.” 
I stared back impassively, ignoring his playful quip. “What are you doing here?” I crossed my arms over my chest. 
Isaac shrugged. “Had nothing to do after school.” 
I rolled my eyes. “Oh, so it’s just a convenience thing? You just show up whenever you want when you have nothing better to do?” 
Isaac frowned and sat up. “You never had a problem with me showing up here unannounced before. What’s wrong? Are you mad at me?” 
“Nope,” I lied. “I just don’t have time to deal with you right now.” 
I knew why he was here. To him, I was just an easy fuck. No different than the girl he was pressed up against at school and probably the countless other girls who gave him full access to whatever he wanted. “I need to shower and study.” 
“Okay? I’m not stopping you. I need to study too. We can study together.”
I turned on my heel and lifted my shirt over my shoulder, walking topless to my hamper to discard the garment. “I don’t have time to study with you. I’m going out later.” 
After unzipping my jeans and pulling them down my legs, I threw them on top of the pile of dirty laundry. Standing there in my bra and underwear, for the first time, I truly felt naked in front of Isaac. I’d grown so accustomed to him seeing me without clothes on that it stopped phasing me, but I couldn’t get the image of Isaac kissing another girl out of my head. 
I always used to feel so safe around him. For once, I felt vulnerable in front of Isaac.
“You’re going out?” Isaac rose to his feet. “With who?” 
Isaac blinked. After a few moments, he said, “Oh I’m sorry, are you not kidding?” 
“Why would I be kidding?” I challenged.
The corners of Isaac’s mouth turned down in a thoughtful, indifferent frown. “I just didn’t know you two were close like that.” Isaac scoffed again. “Wait, I’m sorry, I can’t get past this. Stiles? How the hell did that happen?” 
I chuckled, remembering that Isaac and Stiles hated each other. “He’s cute, and I like him. He texted me earlier, so we’re going out.” 
Isaac shook his head. “I feel like you’ve lost your mind, but I suppose I can’t stop you.” 
Just like you couldn’t stop yourself from shoving your tongue down random girls’ throats, I thought bitterly. 
“So, are you gonna fuck him?” 
I snorted. “Excuse me? How is that any of your business?”
“It is if we’re fucking.” 
My jaw fell open. “Holy shit, you’re unbelievable. You know what? We’re not anymore.” 
“Seriously?” When I didn’t respond, he laughed in disbelief. “You’re joking. You can’t be ending this over Stilinski.” 
“I’m not. I just don’t want to do this anymore.” 
Isaac blinked. “You know I can tell when you’re lying right?” 
“Whatever. I don’t care if you’re listening to my heart rate or reading my perspiration levels or my scent or whatever. None of that means anything. What matters is what I’m telling you, and I’m telling you this is over. You should leave.”
For a brief moment, Isaac looked taken aback, hurt evident in his slightly wide eyes. “Come on, you don’t seriously mean that.” 
He stepped forward and I stepped back. He looked surprised again. He walked us backwards until my back met the wall. He lifted his hand and with his pinky, gently brushed a stray lock of hair from the side of my face. I turned away and placed a hand on his chest. 
“Isaac, I don’t…” Faintly, I tried to protest. I really did. But Isaac Lahey was not someone who made it easy to resist. He lifted my chin and softly pressed his lips to mine. I kissed him back, a sudden impulse fueled by longing and self-loathing overriding my will power. I pulled him closer by the collar of his shirt, groaning when his hand slid down my back and squeezed my ass. 
Somewhere in the room, I heard my phone send out a loud text notification ding!. Oh right, reality. 
I shoved Isaac’s chest and pushed him away. He stumbled slightly, his face full of confusion and sadness. I felt a twinge of remorse. At the end of the day, I didn’t want to hurt him. There was a soft spot in my heart and Isaac had made it his home a long time ago. But I couldn’t do this anymore. It was too painful.
“Just go please,” I said quietly. This time, he listened. 
At 8 o’clock, I saw Stiles parked outside my house. I knocked on the window of his jeep, and in doing so, inadvertently scared him. Stiles jumped and hit his head on the roof of his car. I heard a muffled “what the fu-oh hey!” I gave him a guilty smile and a small wave. He rubbed his cranial injury and fumbled with his door handle, finally managing to step outside. 
“Hey,” he said. “Sorry about that. I was on my phone and I wasn’t paying attention and… you look really pretty.” He cleared his throat. “Is that okay to say? Because we’re sort of friends and now we’re going… out…? But not like, going out, not like that. Unless um, are we? Because Erica kind of implied that this was just to... you know... I mean, it’s totally possible that I misconstrued her words and we are actually going out? Or… fuck. I’m sorry. I don’t know what I’m saying.” 
Poor kid. 
He’d texted me about 10 minutes ago to tell me he was in front of my house. He was early and I was nowhere near ready. After I had finished combing mascara through my lashes, I looked at myself in the mirror, mostly indifferent at my reflection, but a little disgusted. I wasn’t thrilled by the idea of using Stiles to distract myself from Isaac, but it’s not like Stiles was naive. He was Erica’s fuck buddy once upon a time. He knew the vibes. 
Erica was supposed to tell Stiles this was purely a hookup, casual and unofficial, but considering he wanted to pick me up and take me to dinner, some signals might’ve gotten crossed. 
I laid my hand on his shoulder and smiled. “Hey, Stiles, relax. It’s only me. I just needed to get out and have some fun, no pressure. We’ll figure things out as we go, okay? And thank you! You look nice too.” 
I reached up to adjust the collar of his flannel button down. He smiled at the gesture, and I noticed for the first time that he had a really nice jawline. There was also a cluster of moles on his face and his neck, sixteen in total. Cute.
“Thanks,” he said shyly. “So, shall we?” He jogged to the other side of his car and held open the door, beaming back with a toothy grin. 
I giggled, and the tension in my shoulders unfurled. There was nothing to fret over. This was Stiles, the least intimidating person ever.
Everything was going to be fine. 
My “date” with Stiles was going surprisingly well. He let me play my music in his car, lovingly calling my playlist a “pretentiously indie softcore mess.” I pretended to be offended and played three more Bon Iver songs just to spite him. 
At dinner, we slid into a booth at a colorful diner. He ordered a hamburger, a chocolate milkshake, and curly fries, then made fun of me for ordering a veggie burger, water, and sweet potato fries. I playfully punched him in the arm when he tried to steal some of them. 
“What kind of self-respecting woman would I be if I just let you steal my food right after you made fun of it?” I quipped. 
“First of all, I was making fun of you, not the food,” I gasped in mock offense. “And second of all, I just wanted to understand how you could give up meat and dairy for something that looks like dog food and cardboard. Now I’m making fun of your food.” 
I snorted. The thing about Stiles was that even when he was roasting you, he had the unique ability to put you at ease, just by virtue of treating everyone the same way. He could be sarcastic and blunt and unnervingly confrontational, but he was that way towards everyone. Maybe if I hung out with him enough, those qualities would rub off on me. 
“How dare you?” I said. “Just for that, I’m stealing some of your fries.” I reached across the table and snagged the biggest curl of greasy potato from his plate. 
Stiles stared at me blankly. “If you wanted real fries, you could’ve just ordered them.” 
“Hmm, it’s more fun this way,” I said cheerily. 
“Wow, I have half a mind to out of this diner right now, but you’re cute, so I’ll allow it.” He leaned back against the booth and grinned. I smiled shyly at the unexpected compliment and stared down at my lap. “So, what’s your deal?” he asked. 
I looked up. “My deal?”
“Yeah. Erica hits me up out of nowhere and tells me to take you out, which I don’t mind at all. We’ve just never been particularly close.” 
I nibbled on a fry. “What do you want to know?”
“Just tell me why we’re really here.” 
I paused. “You’ll judge me if I do.” 
Stiles tilted his head to the side and crossed his arms over his chest. “Unless the reason you’re with me right now is that you need an alibi for a murder scheme, I probably won’t judge you, but even then…” I gave him a small smile and shrugged. “Here,” he extended his pinkie, “I promise I won’t judge, okay?” 
I laughed and twisted my pinkie with his. “Okay.” 
I told him about the casual arrangement I had with Isaac, getting jealous after seeing him kiss another girl, asking Erica to set me up with a distraction, getting into a fight with Isaac, and finally ending our whole arrangement. 
“Wow,” he said. 
“First of all, Isaac Lahey? Doesn’t deserve you. You could do way better. Second, should I be offended or flattered that I’m just being passed around to different girls as a distraction? And third…” Stiles reached forward and laid his hand over mine, “I’m sorry this is all happening to you. I know what it’s like to see the person I’m into be all over someone else.” 
I was nodding along until he said the last part. “Wait, what? I’m not into Isaac,” I said incredulously.  
“Yeah, you kinda are. Why else would you be upset that he kissed someone else?” 
“Um, because he hid it from me?” 
“Nah, I’m not buying it.” 
“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes and tried to retract my hand from his. 
Stiles grinned and gripped my hand tighter. “Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay to have feelings for him. Just don’t fall in love with me too, kid.” He winked. 
I tried to give him an unimpressed stare, but I couldn’t help the giggles that bubbled out of my throat. “I’ll try.” 
“I know, I’m pretty hard to resist.” Stiles looked me dead in the eye, grabbed his milkshake, opened his mouth to take a sip and missed the straw completely, aimlessly moving his head and searching for it with his tongue. I laughed at him so loud that people gave me judgmental stares.
After we left the diner, we climbed back into his jeep. I graciously allowed Stiles to turn on the radio. In the spirit of our mutual dislike for Isaac, we loudly sang along to “I Don’t Fuck With You.” I realized I hadn’t felt sad about Isaac the entire time I’d been out with Stiles. Erica was right; he was the perfect distraction. 
We were still parked outside the diner. I looked over at Stiles. Suddenly, I had the overwhelming urge to lean over the console and kiss Stiles on the cheek, so I did. I started moving away, but before I could, he surged forward and connected our lips. We were kissing for about four seconds before he pulled away. 
“Sorry,” he said. “I don’t know why I did that.”  
“It’s cool,” I said, licking my bottom lip. Stiles tasted like the strawberry from his milkshake. “Wanna do it again?”
His mouth parted slightly. He looked surprised. “Really?” Without answering, I closed the distance between us and kissed him again, on his lips this time. 
I grabbed the back of his neck and mushed our mouths closer. His lips tasted sweet. His sugar-coated tongue slipped into my mouth. He placed his hand timidly on my bare thigh where my dress had ridden up. 
Stiles was a good kisser. I liked the feeling of his hands on my body and his lips on my lips, but even in the midst of all this, I couldn’t help but be reminded of Isaac, kissing him just this morning because we had woken up in the same bed together.
I tried to get my mind off him and focus on what Stiles was doing. Stiles kissing the corner of my mouth, Stiles grazing his lips against my jaw, then my neck, every once in a while tasting my skin with his tongue. He was sucking on my collarbone when my phone started buzzing in the cup holder. 
I tried to ignore it, but against the plastic container, it was rattling obnoxiously. I pulled away, despite Stiles’s little whine of protest. “I’m sorry, let me just turn it off-oh.” 
“What?” Stiles asked. 
“It’s Isaac. What do I do?” I asked, a little panicked.
“I want to give you unbiased advice,” Stiles said, “but I currently have a boner, so my interests are a little biased at the moment.” 
I ignored the call, but the moment was already ruined.
Since I couldn’t get back into the mood, Stiles offered to just drive me home. The car ride was silent and awkward and sexually frustrating all at once, and it was all Isaac’s fault. 
“I’m sorry,” I said as Stiles pulled into my driveway. 
“Don’t be. It’s not your fault your ex boy toy takes every chance to screw me over.” 
I chuckled. “Guess we’re both getting screwed by him.” I nervously picked at chipped polish on my nail. “Hey Stiles?” 
“Do you maybe wanna come inside?” I asked before I lost my nerve, hoping Stiles would understand what I was really asking him.
Stiles licked his lips. “Really?” Seemed like he understood pretty clearly.
I shrugged. “Offer’s on the table.” 
Stiles pursed his mouth and squinted at me. “Do you wanna do this just to get back at Isaac, or are you actually into me like that?” 
“Is it bad if I say both?”
“Maybe, but I’m no better, because I do want to come inside. Your house. Not-” I clapped my hand over my mouth to muffle my laughter. “Shut up,” he muttered, which only made me laugh harder.
I reached for the door handle, but Stiles stopped me. I was confused until he jogged around the front and opened my door for me again. “If this is how polite you are on all your dates, you must get laid all the time.” 
“You know how I do,” Stiles said, making me snort. He wove his fingers through mine, and we walked towards my front door. When we arrived, I nearly tripped and fell, because the last thing I expected to see was Isaac sitting on my doorsteps.
“Jesus fucking christ Lahey, are you kidding me?” Stiles said, grabbing my arm to steady me. “You’re creepy as hell, you know that?” 
Isaac remained expressionless. He stood up and dusted off his khakis. “Really, I’m creepy? You stalked Lydia for years and she didn’t even know your name.” 
“What did you just-” Stiles sputtered. 
“Alright,” I interrupted before they started throwing fisticuffs. “Isaac, what are you doing here?” 
He frowned. “I was waiting for you. I didn’t think you’d bring him back with you.” 
“He is my date, which I told you before, and we had a great time, so I invited him in,” I said in a clipped tone. 
“To get back at me.” I froze. “That’s what you told him in the car, right? Why are you getting back at me? What did I do?” 
I looked down. “Nothing,” I mumbled. “I don’t know.” The silence stretched on. Beside me, Stiles was impatiently tapping his heel. He exhaled loudly. 
“Really?” he said. “You’re both gonna do this now, right before I was supposed to get laid?” 
Stiles was fed up, which became abundantly clear when he cursed our “unnatural capacity to be stubborn little shits.” He grabbed our arms and led us inside. He marched us up my stairs to my bedroom and told us to sit down. He stood in front of us with the authority and sternness of a school vice principal. 
“We are going to resolve this right now,” Stiles stated. 
“Resolve what?” Isaac mumbled. “I didn’t even do anything.” 
I snorted. “Yeah right.” 
Isaac turned to me. “What’s your problem?” he asked. The fact that he had the audacity to ask like he still didn’t know was infuriating. I was over it.
“Your face,” I muttered. I was aware I sounded like a child. I didn’t care. 
“Oh, that’s mature. My face is your problem?”
“Well your face sucks too.” 
“That’s not what you said this morning,” I retorted. 
“That’s because you weren’t acting like this this morning.” 
“Well your face was better this morning.”
Isaac looked absolutely vexed. It was almost funny. “What does that even mean?”
“Holy shit,” Stiles said. “She’s mad because you kissed another girl. And many others possibly, but she saw you with someone at school today. That’s why she’s mad.” 
“Stiles, what the fuck?!” I sputtered as he exposed me.
I felt my face get hot. I turned to Isaac, who was looking at me with his mouth parted in surprise and awe. This was so fucking embarrassing. 
“Look,” I said, “you don’t have to explain yourself, okay? We never set any rules for what this was, and I just assumed we wouldn’t be seeing other people. So it’s fine. I’ll get over it.” 
I scooted backwards on my bed until I reached the stack of pillows near the headboard. I locked my arms around my knees and hid my face. In the silence, I heard faint mumblings and harsh whispers. Lifting my head, I watched Stiles and Isaac engaging in an inaudible argument of accusatory finger pointing and other frustrated hand gestures. I ducked my head again. I couldn’t face the mess I’d made. 
The weight on the mattress shifted. I felt a presence to my left. A hand rested gently on my arm. I looked up. It was Isaac, looking at me with a guilty expression on his face. 
“I’m so sorry,” he said. “The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you. I wasn’t messing around with anyone else in the beginning. That started a few weeks ago.”
“If you wanted to mess around with other people, you should’ve just told me. I thought we were close enough that you could tell me anything,” I said, unable to keep the sadness out of my voice. 
“I didn’t want to mess around with other people. I only did it because I started having feelings for you.” 
I froze. “You what?” 
Isaac sighed. “I like you. A lot. I couldn’t tell you because I know you only think of me as your friend. I did try at one point to stop what we were doing, but I wanted you too much. But it was killing me not to tell you, so I got sad, like really sad. I couldn’t tell you I was basically in love with you, and I didn’t want to deal with how depressed it was making me, so I started messing around with other people. I fucked up.”
“You’re in love with me,” I repeated in awe. Of all the things I expected him to say, that information was nowhere on the list. “I can’t believe it.” 
Isaac winced. “Look, you don’t need to address it. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or feel obligated to comfort me or anything. I’ll deal with it on my own. I don’t want things to change between us just because of this.” 
"But things have changed,” I said, thinking out loud. “Because I love you too.” 
Isaac blinked. “You do?”
I nodded. “Yeah,” I laughed in disbelief. “I think that’s why I was so mad. I didn’t even realize I had feelings for you until today. Stiles figured it out first. Oh shit, Stiles.” 
Stiles raised his hand like a teacher just called on him for attendance. “That’s me,” he said. 
“Oh god, I’m sorry you got caught up in the middle of all this,” I said.
Stiles shrugged. “No worries. Erica said there was a possibility I would get laid, and it was with you, so I was down for whatever. Actually I’m still down if you two are about to fuck.” 
I sputtered. My entire face felt like it was on flames. I laughed nervously. “You’re still down to what?” 
“To fuck.” 
“Fuck who?”
“Fuck you. And Isaac.” 
My eyes darted back and forth between the two boys currently on my bed. What did he just say? “What did you just say?” I squeaked.
Stiles blinked. “What? Haven’t you ever had a threesome before?” 
“Haven’t I-? No, of course not! That’s freaky, even for me.” 
“Really? Oh. I just thought, considering you have a reputation for being kinda promiscuous, no offense.” 
I glared at Stiles. Full offense.
“No seriously, it’s not a bad thing at all. We all have an inner slut and there’s nothing wrong with expressing that. I’ve had lots of threesomes before. I’m sure Isaac has too.” 
I snorted. “No way. Isaac’s too vanilla, right Isaac?” 
I turned to Isaac. He grinned guiltily. “Uh, actually.” 
“See,” Stiles said, smirking.
My jaw dropped open. “How did I not know this about you?” 
Isaac shrugged. “Never really came up. It’s honestly not a big deal.” 
“Wow, I feel like such a prude right now. Who’d you even do it with?” I asked.
“Scott and Derek,” Isaac answered.
My jaw fell open again. “And you, Stiles?” 
“Scott and Erica.” 
“Wow, Scott really takes care of his pack huh?”
Stiles laughed. "He takes his true alpha status to heart. But anyway, you don’t have to do it. I’m just saying, it’s fun, and I personally am horny and down for whatever.” 
“I…” Thinking about being with Stiles and Isaac at the same time made something flutter in my lower stomach. I glanced at Isaac, questioning him silently. He smiled and shrugged casually in an I’m-down-if-you’re-down kind of way. 
I inhaled. 
“Okay. I, yeah. I’m in."
Isaac grinned. “Well this is a surprising turn of events. Just to clarify,” Isaac gestured at the empty space between us, “we’re together right? Now that we’re both in love and all?” 
“That is correct, yes,” I said matter-of-factly. 
Isaac leaned forward and kissed my shoulder. 
Stiles clapped his hands. “Alright, alright, congratulations to the happy couple. Just a reminder: I made this happen. You guys owe me.” 
“Was your 3-way suggestion not your way of collecting?” I asked sarcastically. 
Stiles shrugged. “Only if it goes really well.” 
“Jesus,” I said, rolling my eyes. “So uh, how do we do this?” I wiped my palms on my bed sheet. Starting off sweaty. Less than ideal.
Stiles stood up and walked around my bed towards us. He unbuttoned his flannel with each step and discarded it on the floor. Okay, straight to the point. 
“Don’t be so shy,” said Isaac sarcastically, but watched Stiles with anticipation. 
Stiles grinned before cradling the back of my neck and leaning down to kiss me. “Oh right, acting shy to get girls is more your style,” Stiles replied, with no real malice in his tone. It almost sounded like they were flirting with each other. 
Isaac rolled his eyes. He turned to me, caught me watching him. His expression changed, becoming softer. He leaned forward, his lips gently trailing down my neck. Stiles laid me flat on my bed. They both laid on either side of me. 
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Isaac asked.
“Yes,” I answered breathlessly. “I want you. Both of you.” 
part 2 is coming.
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bonniebird · 4 years
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The Lost boys x Reader / McCall pack x Reader
Requested by Anon
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“You sure you saw something flying out here?” You asked Liam. The night before he had been patrolling through the woods. Something had attacked Satomi’s and now they were living with Derek, temporarily.
Tha same night Liam had sworn he’d seen something giant, human shaped, flying through the sky. No one believed him until they found out what happened to Satomi and her pack. “Yes! It was over near the Nemeton.” Liam insisted.
“Well, maybe it was just something weird flying over? You know how the Telluric Current affects supernatural creatures this time of year.” You offered as an explanation.
“I’m telling you that it was…” He trailed off when he heard something. In fact you both heard it at the same time which was odd. He should have been able to hear the voices long before you had.
“We’re supposed to meet with Malia and Kira down the road. They’ll know if we’re not there in time and come looking for us. We should check it out.” Liam said firmly. You nodded, gripping the straps of your back pack and wishing you had brought the baseball bat Stiles had offered. All you had was a few jars of mountain ash and a few other ingredients Deaton was teaching you to use.
The two of you carefully trekked towards the noise. As the two of you got closer you could see the flicker of fire, several motorbikes glistened as the fire flickered. You could see two young me with boots on and from what you could make out between the tree branches, leather jackets and dark clothes. A woman was with them, she looked like the sort of person that fell out of a story book.
“Do you think they’re human?” You whispered to Liam as the two of you crouched down.
“No idea. Who do you think they are?” Liam asked.
“Well the blond one is David and the girl is Star. That other dude is Dwayne.” A blond man whispered to the two of you as he crouched beside you, joining in on the spying. Neither of you had noticed him sneak up, nor the tall blond one who was leaning on the tree behind him. You and Liam screamed, the short blond one hopped up and screamed. Then everyone hurried over.
“Marko, Paul?” David asked as he hurried through the woods.
“We’re fine. Just making some friends.” Marko answered.
“Yeah, some friends.” Paul added, he was staring at Liam in a way that made you both uncomfortable. “Sorry, we didn’t mean to intrude we were just… passing by.” You said quickly. Liam nodded. He was glaring at Paul and didn’t seem to want to take his eyes off him. “We should get going.” You said as you tugged at Liam’s sleeve and pulled him away.
“You’re sure that the last people you saw (Y/N) with was that David guy?” Stiles asked Liam.
“For the last time! Yes. I saw her going with him and Star down into the woods.
“Why didn’t you say anything at the time?” Scott asked quickly.
“Because I didn’t know she was going to go missing!” Liam snapped. He was getting sick of people doubting him.
You’d been missing for four days. In those four days, David’s biker crew that had become a constant fixture over the last few months, had also vanished. The Sheriff had gotten so desperate he even asked Peter and Derek to help him. When they came up with nothing, they asked Chris Argent who had rushed back into town. When Liam had mentioned that the bikers had no scent, Deaton had divulged the information that he was once carrying out a request for Talia Hale in Santa Carla and came across some scentless creatures that seemed to match vampiric lore.
“So (Y/N) either ran away or was kidnapped by maybe vampires?” Malia summed up for everyone.
“We’ll find her! I mean, she always has some sort of druid magic stuff on her. Maybe she saved herself and is just waiting for a bit of help?” Scott said hopefully.
“Wait. We can’t track the… maybe vampires. What if we try tracking (Y/N)?” Liam suggested.
“We tried that. Her scent went into the woods and we lost it.” Scott answered quickly.
“No, Peter and Derek said that the scent went up the trees and a little way off the usual scent track from where we patrol. If (Y/N) or Lydia get lost in the woods then they follow the patrol path we made. So it makes sense that she would have gone there.” Liam explained quickly.
“You think you could… climb through the trees?” Stiles asked Scott who shrugged.
“I don’t see why we couldn’t. If we have more of us tracking a faint scent then we should be able to give your dad and Argent a path to follow.” Scott summed up.
The group headed to the station with the plan. Even Derek and Peter agreed. Satomi was willing to split her pack, some helping look for you and others staying around the hospital, Lydia and Deaton were asked to stay with them, in case the vampires struck again.
“Remember, we all meet back at the hospital.” Scott said as everyone started heading out. Liam was trying to focus on the fact that he was going to find you and he was sure of it. Not on the fact that Lydia, Deaton and Melissa had prepared a room for you.
Liam managed to lead the way as the wolves throughout the woods guided everyone in and out of your scent track. Scott followed close behind Liam while Argent rode on a quad bike behind him. Liam stopped abruptly and everyone in the group stopped. “We’re stopping.” Argent said to Stiles through a walkie-talkie strapped to his shoulder.
“Liam?” Scott asked as Liam stayed perfectly still. Suddenly Liam was running. It took a few moments but Scott caught a waft of your scent too. It was maybe three days old but it was stronger than anything that had been in the woods.
Stiles had to slam on the breaks when a herd of werewolves burst out of the woods, following Liam. “What’s going on!” Stiles yelled as Malia and Derek clambered in the back of the Jeep. “Liam found her.” Derek said and Stiles hurriedly sped down the road Liam was hurtling down. He scurried into a run down building and vanished. Everyone else had stopped. “Liam!” Scott was hissing as Argent motioned for Stiles to cut his engine as he climbed off the quad.
“He just rushed in!” Scott said to Argent.
“Derek, Stiles. Hold the fort out here. Scott and I will go inside. Stiles will get the signal if we need help inside.” Chris said sternly. Stiles nodded. He hated wearing the hunter’s armor that Chris had given him. It made him think of Allison and the last person he wanted to think about right now was losing someone.
Scott headed inside with Chris close behind him. Scott heard a gun clicking as someone shuffled up ahead. “Are you ready?” Chris asked. Scot swallowed and didn't answer as they made it to the next room.
“Liam?” Scott said quickly.
“Don’t come any closer!” Liam said quickly. He had thrown his jacket over something on the floor and for a moment Scott’s heart plummeted. “The light in her is hurting her. They left her in the woods.” 
“What do you mean?” He asked Liam. Chris took a step closer as Liam lifted you up and his jacket fell down.
“Is that blood?” Scott asked slowly.
“They must have turned her.” Chris muttered bitterly.
“She hasn’t drunk anything yet. It’s hurting her but she hasn’t!” Liam insisted as he clutched you tightly, as if he was scared Chris or Scott would take you again.
“Is that good?” Scott asked.
According to Deaton, yes. But I;m going to have to do a lot of research. I wanted to have Isaac back here by now, but he’ll have to keep researching on his own. This problem isn’t over.”
“Why?” Liam asked and Chris sighed.
“Because we’re dealing with a group of vampires trying to find a new nest. One of ours is already going through the change and although there is a rumor of a cure for vampires. These are the first ones that have been seen for a good hundred years or so by genuine hunters. A few that accidentally stumbled into hunting have boasted about it. We have the disadvantage here.” Chris explained.
“But… (Y/N) will be ok?” Liam asked as Scott hurried to cover you with the jacket and added his own to cover your legs as Chris started to lead the way out to the Jeep. Liam wouldn’t let you go and when Malia had heard exactly what happened she sat in the back with you and Liam, glaring at anyone who might dare consider ‘dealing’ with your vampire problem.
“She still has a scent. That’s good.” Derek told Liam as Stiles tore through the streets to get to the hospital.
“I knew there was something wrong with them! That little one, Marko was always hanging around where she worked and the bigger one, Paul. He kept asking all sorts of questions about her family.” Liam said as he kept perfectly still so the coats wouldn’t fall off you. As soon as Stiles pulled up in the hospital parking lot, Melissa was outside with Deaton and a bed, Liam set you down as a blanket was tossed over you.
“She’ll be in the room with Lydia. Chris called us. Satomi and Deaton are going to come up with a medical reason for her to be here long term and avoid any sunlight.” Melissa explained as everyone helped rush you inside. Stiles staggered off to talk with his dad who had been looking for David and found nothing in the four days that you’d been gone.
“You did a great job Liam. Chris doesn’t think she would have held out much longer if you hadn’t found her.” Melissa said as the door shut on her, leaving Malia, Liam and Deaton in the lobby as Derek asked at the desk for the room number that you’d be in.
“We have to find them before they do this to more people!” Liam insisted angrily.
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heliads · 3 years
One Moves On Chapter Four: Crow Rock
Stiles Stilinski doesn’t know what to think when he’s taken by the Ghost Riders. He’s grateful to be joined by Y/N L/N, although when he finally escapes, no one seems to remember her at all.
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Now that he’s finished his research, Stiles isn’t sure what to do next. Does he drive over in a fit of glory and bad decision making, hope to find Y/N and pray she hasn’t left before he gets there? Does he risk traveling without a pack to one of the areas with the most supernatural activity other than Beacon Hills? 
In the end, Stiles decides to just go. Deliberating and hesitating won’t do him any good, not when Y/N is still out there, weaponless and with no idea where she is. Stiles spends a haphazard half hour running about his house, trying to put together supplies he might need for the trip, before finally stumbling over to his Jeep.
When he finally makes it out, keys clutched in his hand, Scott is waiting for him.
His best friend is leaning up against the driver’s side door, arms folded across his chest. Stiles’ steps falter. “You knew I was going?” Scott lifts a shoulder. “Your dad called me, said he was worried. We knew you’ve been concerned about Y/N, but we didn’t know that you would go this far. Where are you going, Stiles?”
Stiles holds up a hastily printed map. “Actually, I’m going to a town called Crow Rock. Good supernatural activity, and I followed the law of triangles-” Stiles’ voice dies off as he takes in the look on Scott’s face. “The law of triangles, which is a very reputable law from a very reputable manuscript which we all know about. Right. Well, I know how it sounds but trust me, it’s going to be alright.”
Scott sighs. “I want to believe you. Honestly, I do. But Y/N died months ago. You have to know that. I didn’t even know you cared this much about her. I’d call it grief, but you watched her die some time ago. She’s already buried.” Stiles frowns at him. “Is she? Where?” Scott fumbles for a moment. “Uh, in some cemetery.” Stiles presses his advantage. “Which cemetery? If we saw her buried, where is she?”
Scott’s brow furrows, and he stares at Stiles in bewilderment. “I can’t remember. I know where Allison and Aiden and all the others are buried, but I don’t know where she is.” Stiles throws his hands in the air. “This is exactly what I’m talking about. You don’t know because she isn’t dead. We never buried her so of course we can’t remember the cemetery. Scott, you have to believe me. She’s out there somewhere and I have to bring her back.”
Scott’s face softens. “You’re sure this will work? You know where to find her?” Stiles nods fervently. “I’ve done my research. Sometimes, people are pulled away from rifts by something called etheria. I was able to make it back safely from the Wild Hunt, but she wouldn’t. She’s not the first either- these victims, they call them etherials or something, have been disappearing for centuries. I’ve managed to track down another hotspot where she might be located and I think it’s my best shot at finding her.”
Scott nods once, then claps him on the shoulder. “I think you can do it.” Stiles looks up at him. “Really?” Scott smiles trustingly. “From what I’ve heard, you’ve put in a considerable amount of time for research. I think if anyone could track down an etherial who everyone else thinks is dead, it would be you.” Stiles grins. For some reason, hearing his best friend’s belief in him is enough to give Stiles a boost in confidence.
Scott steps away from the door of the Jeep, allowing Stiles access at last. “I just wanted to check with you before you go. To make sure you knew what you were doing.” He glances at the map, taking in the location of the hotspot. “There’s going to be a lot of supernatural trouble there. You sure you don’t want a backup group?” Stiles shakes his head, smiling. “I’m good, thank you. I think this is something I have to do by myself.”
Stiles climbs into the Jeep, giving himself a moment to think. This is it, the last moment before he sets off on his journey. He’s spent so much time preparing that it’s strange to think that this is his stepping off point, the last opportunity he has to back down and say that this is too dangerous, or that the chances are too great that he will fail.
Stiles turns on the ignition in a roar. Scott waves goodbye as the Jeep disappears down the road.
Stiles has only been driving for an hour or so before he notices a shift in the air. It’s not much, barely there, but yet something is not right. It’s like the atmosphere of the car has become quieter, even more silent than before. No one has entered or left the vehicle to warrant this silence, but it’s still enough to make Stiles feel slightly uneasy. He’d felt it a little when he was crossing over the boundary to Beacon Hills, a slight change in the energy as if by leaving he was passing through a barrier of some sort.
Stiles supposes it makes sense- you leave a hotspot, you might notice some change. Stiles doubts he would have noticed it had he not just been taken by the Wild Hunt or even gone without his temporary possession by the Nogitsune. He has a feeling that sensing this change in supernatural activity is an ability usually attributed to the supernatural, and the fact that he, a supposedly ordinary human, can sense it sets Stiles’ teeth on edge.
Stiles becomes aware of another change about fifteen minutes later. He sits up straighter in his seat, trying and failing to figure out what exactly is filling him with unease, and then he sees the sign. It’s faded, paint crumbling off of a metal backing. Even with the weathering of the sign, Stiles can still read the derelict letters: Welcome to Crow Rock. Stiles has made it at last.
The Jeep rumbles on, past the sign and onto the twisting roads. Scott, Lydia, and Malia had told him about visiting Canaan while he was still in the thrall of the Wild Hunt, and how the entire town had given off the uncanny, almost sinister energy of a ghost town. Stiles has no idea what it must have been like to walk those streets, but he has a suspicion that it would be pretty similar to how he feels right now, driving down the blocks and avenues in his truck.
Stiles has looked at images of Crow Rock from larger topographical maps, and realized that the town itself isn’t actually that big. He’d been happy then, thinking that maybe this was one instance of luck for himself and that it might not take as long to search the town for Y/N, but that hope is starting to wither away from him now. The town may be small, yes, with fewer hiding spots, but it also means fewer people to watch him. With fewer bystanders, the chance of supernaturals backing down from a public attack grows slimmer and slimmer with each mile Stiles travels within the town.
Stiles intended to drive to the center of town, where the hotspot of supernatural activity would most likely be the highest. However, as he goes he finds that certain roads are blocked off or congested with traffic that miraculously vanishes a few blocks down. He’s forced to take alternate routes, driving him on a convoluted path away from the entrance. It gives Stiles a sneaking suspicion that he’s being intentionally misrouted, that something is drawing him close.
Stiles has just taken a turn into a new street when he’s forced to come to an abrupt stop. A construction barricade has been laid across the road, orange and white paint signaling that he can travel no further. Stiles checks his rearview mirrors, ready to make a U-turn and get onto another road, when he freezes in place. A group of people is slowly spilling out into the road behind him, and they come to a stop at the main road, blocking off any chance of escape. They all consider Stiles with identical glares. This is not good.
Seeing as he can’t drive anywhere without mowing down this group of people, Stiles turns off the ignition and starts to climb down out of the Jeep. All of his instincts are screaming at him to stay in the car, to not give up the one piece of shelter he still has left, but it’s not like he has much of a choice. At least he’d be able to run on foot- if he remains in the Jeep, he’d just be a sitting duck.
Stiles walks away from the car, coming to a stop a few yards away from the group. One man steps forward, glaring at Stiles with an almost animal rage. “You should not have come here, human. You reek of enemy packs.” Most people would be smart and hold their tongues, choosing to live instead of delivering a supposedly witty retort. Stiles prefers to save his academic success for the tests in school.
“I think it’s kind of mean to go up to people and tell them they smell. I mean, I showered this morning, I can’t be that bad.” The man raises an eyebrow. “You are a human with a death wish, I see. It is not wise to pick a fight that you cannot win.” Stiles shrugs. “I’m just a tourist, man. I can see why your driving tours got such low reviews on Yelp.”
The man scoffs, the sound skidding deep in his throat like the roar of an engine. “I am quickly tiring of you. I will give you one minute to leave this town. If you are not gone by then, you will be dead.” Stiles shakes his head slowly. “I can’t do that. I’m here for someone.” The man roars at him, the sound echoing off of the buildings around them to culminate in a low din of noise. “Then you will die here instead.”
The man charges towards Stiles, claws already starting to extend from his fingers. Stiles takes one look at him and decides to do what he does best: run. He spins on his heels, dashing towards his Jeep with every ounce of energy still left in him. He’s almost there, one hand flung out towards the door, when a werewolf skids to a stop in front of him. It lets out a piercing howl, the sound of an animal about to attack.
Suddenly, a knife slams into its throat, and the wolf slumps sideways. Stiles’ head jerks up as he looks for his savior. A blur of flashing knives and running limbs appears out of nowhere, and a figure grabs the knife from the werewolf’s throat to throw it at another approaching wolf. Then the figure turns to Stiles, and he feels like he could dance with joy.
“Y/N?” She flashes him a grin. “Great to see you. Get in the Jeep.” Stiles doesn’t think twice, diving for the door and throwing himself in. Y/N climbs into the passenger seat, slamming the door closed just before a werewolf can slash her to ribbons. Stiles turns on the ignition, thanking everything holy and then some that the engine doesn’t fail him. He begins the turn to direct his car back towards the road, and then hesitates.
Y/N stares at him. “What are you waiting for? Do you enjoy being killed by enemy packs?” Stiles gestures towards the road. “The werewolves are blocking all the lanes!” Y/N’s eyes widen in something like incredulity. “Then run them over!” Stiles returns her startled gaze. “They’ll wreck my car!” Y/N grabs his hand, forcing it back onto the wheel. “If you stay here, they’ll wreck your car by dragging your dead body out of it and tearing it to shreds. Drive!”
A wolf howls nearby, raising his hand to slash at the metal body of the car. This is enough to motivate him, and Stiles slams a foot on the gas. The Jeep lurches forward, and the werewolves are forced to dive out of the way lest they get flattened by the wheels. The Jeep races around corners and through straightaways before they finally lose the enemy pack and the roads become deserted once more.
Stiles stares at the windshield unseeingly. His hands still shake from the close call. “You know, I don’t think I used my turn signal once during all of this.” There’s a quiet sound next to him, and for a second Stiles thinks that Y/N has started sobbing. Then he looks over and realizes that she’s doubled over in silent laughter. She manages to choke out two words. “Turn signal?”
Stiles stares at her for a second, then starts laughing too. Maybe it’s the thrill of yet another near death experience, or the rush of gratitude that he’s managed to find her at last, but all of a sudden every single thing in the world seems funny. He has to divert his attention back to the road in a jolt lest he run over a suicidal squirrel, which just makes them laugh even harder.
At last, they approach the sign announcing that they will shortly be leaving Crow Rock. Y/N’s laughter dies on her lips as she stares at the sign, then speaks abruptly. “Stop the car.” Stiles stares at her as she jumps out before the wheels have even stopped moving. He puts the car in park just a little bit beyond the sign, then leaps out after her. “What are you doing? Do you like the idea of being slashed to bits by the enemy packs?”
Y/N shakes her head, staring at him with quiet grief. “I can’t leave the town.” Stiles walks back over to her. “What are you talking about?” Y/N looks at him, and Stiles realizes that she doesn’t look afraid or even disappointed. Her face only holds a calm acceptance of a depressing fact. “I can’t leave. I’ve tried before, but the town won’t let me. Look.” She moves to step forward, past the ‘Leaving Crow Rock’ sign, but her feet refuse to budge. It’s as if she’s trying to walk into an invisible wall.
“I’ve tried to leave, ever since I showed up here, but I can’t. It’s like the same magic that brought me here intends on trapping me here forever.” Stiles’ eyes widen. “It’s the etheria. All those manuscripts talked about how people would be yanked away to other hotspots and never return. I thought they just meant that it was the olden days or whatever and that long of a distance was too far to travel without cars or something, but they literally meant that they couldn’t leave.”
Stiles shakes his head, unable to accept this. “I’m not giving up, not now. I’m not losing you again.” Y/N laughs quietly at that. The sound is bittersweet and tears at his heart. “I don’t think you have a choice, Stiles. There’s no way around this.” Stiles’ pulse is thundering in his veins. “No, I’m going to make a choice. Even if I have to do it all myself. No one is supposed to remember the etherials, but I remember you. We’re the exception, Y/N. I am not leaving you again.”
Out of some impulse, Stiles steps forward, wrapping his arms around Y/N and pulling her close. She stiffens for a second, then returns his embrace. After so many days of hearing everyone tell him that she was dead, that she didn’t exist, having her so close is like a dream or an impossibility. They stumble slightly as a strong wind hits them, shifting slightly but not letting go. Y/N gasps quietly, the sound torn away from her chest. Stiles looks at her. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
Y/N shakes her head slightly. “I don’t know. I feel like-” Her eyes widen as she stares at the sign to Crow Rock, the sign that is now behind them. In that brief moment, when they’d moved to avoid the wind, they’d moved over the town barrier. It had just been mere inches, but it was enough. Y/N stares at him in awe. “How did that happen? It’s never happened before.”
Stiles can just smile at her, feeling relief crest over him like a wave. “I told you, didn’t I? We’re the exception. Now, I don’t know about you, but I think I’d like to go home.” She beams at him. “I think I’d like that a lot.” Stiles reaches out, wrapping his hand around hers to guide her back to the car. They’re together at last, and they can finally make their way back to where they belong.
one moves on tag list: @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch​, @blahhhhhhhaaa​
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You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader part 24
“We lay to rest a beloved member of the community. A mother. A friend. A daughter. A wife. Claudia Stilinski...” We stood on the lawn of Beacon Hills Memorial Cemetery, watching Aunt Claudia’s casket being lowered into the ground. She had been sick for so long and it was starting to turn ugly... But she was in a better place now, that’s what Uncle Noah said. When he spoke at least. I looked past the grieving people, like Ms. McCall, Scott, the entire police department, and looked at Stiles. He looked so tired. His cheeks were tear stained and his eyes were red from crying. 
Once people started to disperse, my parents and I made our way over to Uncle Noah and Stiles. While the adults talked, Stiles and I just continued to stare at the grave. The grounds keepers were starting to cover her body with dirt. 
“Do you want me to spend the night tonight?” I whispered, reaching over and holding his hand. 
Stiles shook his head, chewing on the inside of his cheek, “I want to be alone tonight.” He gave my hand a squeeze.
“Wouldn’t tonight be the worst time to be alone?” 
“I just want to be at home with my dad. I need some time for myself.” 
“(Y/N).” We both turned at my father’s voice, “Let’s go, sweetie.” We both looked back at the grave.
“Okay. Well, call if you change your mind.” I gave his hand a squeeze before letting it slip away. 
We got into the car, making our way back home. 
“How you holding up, sweetie?” Mom turned back and looked at me over the sink. 
“I don’t want to be alone tonight.” I said, looking out the window.
“Well, you don’t have to.” Dad said, “We’ll get into our pjs and watch Disney movies. You know how much Aunt Claudia loved Disney movies.” 
I swallowed thickly, “Actually... I was hoping that I could go to see the Hales. If that’s okay.” Dad sighed loudly and mom smacked him subtly. 
“Sure, baby.” Mom said, a sad smile on her face, “I’ll call Talia when we get home.” 
When I was dropped off at the Hales’, Talia welcomed me with open arms, a blanket, and a hot chocolate. I guess what I needed was away from the whole situation. We played games, Laura braided my hair, we made friendship bracelets. At the end of the night, Laura and Cora had fallen asleep to the movie we had been watching and Derek had snuck us both onto the roof of the Hale house. We were on our back, looking up at all the stars in the sky and the moon shining down on us. We had been in silence for a while until Derek cleared his throat awkwardly. 
“So, uh, are you excited for high school next year?” 
I sighed and shook my head, “After today? I don’t think I’ll be ready for anything.”
“Yeah...” He turned on his side to face me, “I’m sorry about your aunt. I know she was important to you.” 
“Thanks...” I turned, “I guess I’m just kinda worried about everything. I don’t know what life is going to be like without her. And I’m worried about Stiles too.” 
“I bet. I don’t know what I would do if I lost my mom.” He said. Then, he reached out and grabbed my hand, “Whenever you feel like this again, let me know. You can come over and we can do this again. Whatever you need, I’ll be there.” 
I smiled, a slight blush to my cheeks that I really hoped was hidden in the dark, “Thanks, Derek.” 
“Of course.” He smiled, “It’s what friends do.” 
The communication with Beacon Hills was slim to none. And, ya know, that didn’t feel great. I understood that everyone was busy living their lives whether it was being a high school student or fighting supernatural beings or being a supernatural being or the sheriff in a town full of both. But unanswered texts and calls were starting to get to me. 
The ones I got weren’t great either though. Stiles occasionally sent me a long email about the events that had happened since long distance calls weren’t in the phone plan. 
I had learned more about the alpha pack - a blind one, a woman who could definitely use a manicure, a strong man, and twins who could morph into each other. I was almost a little happy I didn’t have to deal with that. 
All the betas were missing except Isaac who had stayed behind. Even if he did get in trouble every now and then. 
And then missing turned into dead. Hearing that Erica was dead really hit me hard. I barely knew the girl, a few moments and quick chats usually didn’t mean that much. But they found her locked in a closet, rotting. It was horrifying. She was a child. She was finally enjoying her life - a new life without seizures and bullying, her parents had taken her to get pictures taken; happy to see that their little girl loved herself for the first time. Now she was gone. 
They found Boyd alive, thankfully. And surprisingly, they had found Derek’s sister: Cora. 
Not forgetting that there were flocks of animals committing mass suicide and kids turning up murdered. It seems home is getting more and more dangerous. Not only was there an alpha pack but there was a creature called a Darach, a dark druid. 
The leader of the alpha pack, Deucalion, was trying to get Derek to join his pack. He also wanted me to join as well, apparently he had been asking where I was. To join, he would have to kill the betas. Derek, who I’m sure was done being manipulated, refused. To keep him safe, Derek kicked Isaac out of the depot to live with Scott. 
Speaking of dead...
Even thousands of miles away, the vision of falling three stories still hurt as much as if I was actually there. A battle between the alphas, Derek and Scott. And honestly, I wasn’t sure if Derek was alive or dead. Every little message I thought to him just echoed in my head. I had cried, tried forcing myself to work through it. But nothing really worked. I still woke up in the middle of the night, naked on the castle grounds having shifted my feelings or else I was instinctually trying to search for him. First it was anger, next it was denial, then more anger. And that was all just last night. 
Hell, not even forgetting to mention the fact that the test Lachlan ran on me was a little more than just a blood panel. They checked for human chorionic gonadotropin hormone aka the pregnancy hormone. And things were just getting better and better. Because it was positive. I am pregnant. And the father may be dead. 
Sending a preemptive long distance fee to Stiles’ PayPal account, I called the house phone. It didn’t have caller ID but it was something. Michael didn’t think it was a good idea, however, it was gonna be a cold day in Hell before I listened to his double agent ass. Lachlan thought I deserved closure. And I trusted him more. 
“Stilinski residence.” Stiles’ voice was a little scratchy, but still loud and clear. 
“Stiles, if you hang up on me I swear you will live to regret it. I still have access to your secret YouTube channel.” There was a pause on the other end, then a sigh. 
“Hey (Y/N). I was wondering why I got an email from my PayPal."
 "Is there a reason I've been on everyone's pay no mind list? Because it's starting to piss me off."
"Well... Derek said that we shouldn't worry about or get you stressed out."
"So not talking to me for months is supposed to help?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Uh... Ya got me there."
I groaned and started tapping my foot, "I just...." My mind seemed to go blank, my heart rate going up. That's not right. I wasn't doing anything to make it spike like this.
"I know, I know. And I'm sorry, I wish I could contact you more. But there's a lot going on here with the alpha pack and Lydia and-and Derek-"
"Shit." I wheezed, sitting down on the bed. My body felt so warm and not in the way it normally would.
"Yeah I know, it's a lot right now-" His voice was drowned out by my senses taking over. It was the familiar warmth of intimacy. But not from me. It was Derek! He was alive. But he was with someone. And that someone-
He was kissing her. Touching her. His heart racing. Her touch set his skin ablaze and nothing else mattered. Not even the wounds on his body that nearly killed him. But all that mattered was her intoxicating touch. The touch of a woman he didn’t know. But her whole being enveloped him.  
I screamed loudly in anger, but behind that anger was so much pain. My chest ached and felt like it was being pulled across the world. I dropped the phone, holding my chest.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! What's wrong?!" My breathing was erratic and my thoughts were going wild between what had just happened and what I was thinking and what I had to do from here. I felt so helpless and alone. What could I do?
Then... There was an answer. Maybe it was the stress? Maybe it was my raging hormones? But I had my answer.
I picked the phone back up.
"(Y/N)! Talk to me, what's going on?"
I inhaled and exhaled deeply, "Derek’s alive."
"He is?"
"But not for long." I hung up.
How dare he? HOW COULD HE? AFTER EVERYTHING WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH OUR ENTIRE LIVES AND HE JUST- JUST THROWS IT ALL OUT? And for what? Who could have been more important than me? I'm his stupid mate for Christ's sake.
But if he wants to sleep around?
He could for the next thirteen hours. Because I'm going back to Beacon Hills for the soul purpose of ripping his heart out like he did mine. And if this emotional trauma affected my child? Well, there were repercussions for that too.
Michael and Lachlan were in my room, watching me as I threw together a bag to take on the plane. Remarkably, as a member of the Lunar Circle I would get free airfare courtesy of Lachlan mostly because the guy was insanely rich and he agreed with my revenge plot, for the most part.
"Okay, let's think rationally here." Michael said, taking things out of my bag as I was putting them in, "He's a total douche bag for doing this. We all agree. But in your state, I don't think you should fly. I mean anything could happen."
"I can fly until I'm thirty-six weeks along." I said curtly, grabbing my things out of his hands and putting them back in the bag.
"Come on, think about what you're doing-"
"I have thought about it. And I'm going to kill him."
Michael looked back at Lachlan who had his arms crossed over my chest, only observing.
"A little help here, Praetor McLeod?"
Lachlan shrugged, "Seems justified to me."
"Murder? Murder seems justified to you." He asked incredulously.
"It's the werewolf way." Lachlan said simply.
"Thank you, Lachlan." I smiled.
"Okay, what about this?" Michael stood in front of my path to my bag, "Murdering him seems like a great idea right now, I totally get it. But-but if you do that, it will weigh heavily on your conscience."
"The Lunar Circle has excellent insurance, including therapy." Lachlan chimed in.
I moved Michael out of the way, "Duly noted."
Michael sputtered, "And-and your baby? What about your baby? That's their dad."
"Their dad who decided to stick his penis in another woman." I raised my eyebrows at him, "That one? Yeah, what a stand up guy."
“But you love him. Don’t you think killing him-”
“Michael!” I slammed my suitcase shut, “Shut up.” I turned and faced both of them, “You’re right, okay? I do love him, which is the worst part. I hate him so much but I still love him. I dedicated my life to him and I thought he had dedicated himself to me. I was wrong.” I zipped the bag and made my way out the door, “I’ll be back at the end of the week.”
Getting on the plane didn’t take long. Relatively short lines, quick ticket, fast boarding. Like someone was looking out for me as I went to kick Derek's ass. Becoming alpha to Derek's pack was starting to sound better and better as the pain continued to radiate through my body. Eventually, I just felt numb.
The people on the plane were nice. I sat next to an older gentleman who slept for the most part so I could whisper profanities under my breath. The stewardess had been kind, making sure I had enough to drink. It seems someone had tipped them off I was pregnant, probably Michael. The guy had been a nervous wreck since he found out I was pregnant. He wouldn’t even let me train, not like he had much of a choice in what I did. But he sure knew how to annoy me out of a room. Lachlan had been supportive, talking about adding an additional room onto mine for a nursery. I told that it wasn’t necessary since I wouldn’t be staying in Scotland that long. 
After the plane landed, I was met by a very tired looking Stiles. We didn’t speak much, just began the drive back home. 
"So...." He swallowed, his eyes darted from me to the road ahead, "Pregnant," He chuckled nervously, "That-that's great! I'm so happy for you.” He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. He was hesitating, he wanted to say something else, “Uh...Speaking of-” I groaned loudly, another lecture. 
He ignored my dramatics, “Maybe you shouldn't kill him. That's not good for the baby..." 
“It wasn’t good for the baby when he decided to take our bond, step on it and rub it in the dirt.” He was silent, but not for long.
"Yeah-but you see we kinda need Derek to help with some big bads. Like Deucalion and the Darach and ya know, other stuff." 
"I remember you telling me about it. I tried to do some research but Lachlan said that we didn’t have too much information on them.” 
“Well that’s not too helpful.” 
We made it back to the house at sunset, which was perfect timing. The cover of night would be great to conceal me in the dark. Sure, he would smell my scent but he would have no idea where I was coming from. I pulled on the handle on the door but stared at it when it didn’t budge. Still locked. I looked back at Stiles. He looked tired, a wreck.
“Would you just... See dad before you cover yourself in blood? He was really excited to hear you were coming home.” Like he always seemed to be, Stiles’ was right. I should see Uncle Noah. 
“I will. I need to rest anyway. Besides, I can’t kill him on an empty stomach.” I winked.
“You terrify me.” He unlocked the doors. We got out just in time for Uncle Noah to jog down the driveway. 
“There she is!” He grinned, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tight. 
“I missed you so much.” I said into his shirt, giving him a soft squeeze. He pulled away and looked over me, “Look at you.” He motioned to my stomach that looked more like I was bloated than a fetus growing inside of me, “This-this is... Mhm. Exciting!” 
I chuckled, “Thanks. Very mhm.” 
“Uh, you hungry?” 
Dinner had been extremely awkward, the conversation mostly coming back to the child growing inside of me. Lots of questions from both of them. Mostly how I hadn't called. In actuality I had called approximately twenty times a day with no answer from anyone per Derek's request. Unfortunately for him, his requests were now being put on the back burner. I excused myself to my room.
My room was kept the same, I'm certain no one had been inside besides Uncle Noah. And from the ruffled blankets, maybe Stiles. Back when we were kids, we used to sneak scary movies and had to sleep in a huddled pile because we were too scared to sleep by ourselves. 
I grabbed a jacket and opened up my window, I was half way out of it when my door opened. Stiles stood in the doorway. We stared at each other for a minute. 
“I may regret saying this one day because I don’t care for Derek, but don’t kill him.” He said, “Kick the living shit out of him, sure. Get in a few punches for me. But don’t kill him. We need him.” Of course, all it took was Stiles to talk me off the murder-ledge. 
“I won’t kill him.” I smiled, “I’ll be home soon.”
Odds are, with the alpha pack threat Derek will have the depot protected. What he failed to remember was that the most dangerous being in the world had a key to every place in the depot. I simply walked in the front door. Almost like he was expecting me.
His scent was so strong, like the forest after it rained. It made this ball of emotion well up in my chest bringing me back to all the love and memories we had shared together. Not all the memories were life and death. They weren't all fights. Some days, Derek and I would curl up and bed and never leave, only grabbing food here and there. His smile would light up his whole face, sometimes it would even reach his green eyes and make them sparkle. When he would nap, he would lay his head on my chest and sleep, like he was finally at peace with himself and the world. That was the person I loved. 
I walked through the main room at the depot, getting to the stairs. The worst part here was the pictures, us together, the pack. I want to make the depot less abandoned and more homey for the betas to have a place to go and relax. Some of the pictures had turned heads at the photo developing counter (but I had managed to convince them that it was for a theater class). The worst part was that on my way here Boyd had been killed. If only I had been here soon, if only I had been here at all. Only two of the pack remained, Isaac and Jackson who was no longer a killer lizard thanks to Lydia. Say what you will about Peter Hale but sometimes he knew what he was talking about.  
If Derek knew I was here, he hadn’t tried to make a move. Smart. 
After wandering a bit, I finally decided to face the music. I found him hunched over his desk in the main office room. Rain was dancing against the fluorescent lights from the street lamps down below. He hadn’t looked up at me the whole time that I walked up to him. He felt defeat and alone. He had lost everything. He was looking down at his desk, his hands laced together. He looked up slightly, more looking at my shirt than my face. 
“I...” His voice was soft and quiet, something unlike the loud, booming man I was used to, “I messed up.” 
“Yeah, you did.” It was silent for a moment, then he spoke again. 
“Who’s with you?” He asked, his eyes scanning the room. 
I narrowed my eyes at him, “No one.” 
“Then why do I hear another heart-” His eyes widened. He stared directly at my stomach. I thought I almost saw his ears perk up. 
“Are you...”
“I am. I’m having a baby. Emphasis on the ‘I’m’.” I really hadn’t wanted to do much talking, I really hadn’t planned on saying anything besides obscenities and screaming at him. He stood up from the desk and quickly came around, he reached his hand out towards my stomach but I smacked it away. 
“You have no right to touch me. Especially when I can still smell her stench on you.” I scrunched up my nose and sneered. 
“Look,” He licked his lips, “I can’t give you a good answer or an excuse-”
“Good, because I don’t want one.” I glared. 
He looked at me a moment then continued, “I don’t know why I did what I did. Something just came over me. Please tell me you believe me.” He put his hand on my shoulder. 
He really should have taken a lesson out of his own book. With amazing speed, I grabbed him by the throat and threw him across the room. When he landed, my features shifted and my eyes glowed red. He groaned, holding at his waist. That’s where he had been injured in the alpha fight, it had healed but it was still sore. 
“I don’t want your apologies.” I growled, walking towards him, “I want you to feel what I felt. The pain and the suffering. The violation...” I chuckled darkly, “You know that I felt her hands on you? Touching the most private parts of your body that only I was supposed to feel. Do you know how disgusting I felt afterwards? I felt used and dirty and it wasn’t even my body.” I stepped on his chest with my boot to keep him down on the ground. He still wasn’t looking at me. I snarled, grabbing him by his shirt and shoving him against the concrete pillar he landed on. 
“Look at me!” I roared, “You broke me into a million little pieces. You didn’t answer my calls.” I punched him. 
“You kept me hidden in the dark about Erica’s death.” I hit him again. 
“You wouldn’t let my family communicate with me and when they did they couldn’t even tell me everything that was going on. I was begging to hear from someone, anyone, I was all alone!” I threw him across the room. 
“You blocked my number two months ago.” I stalked over to him, ignoring the tears running down my face, “I couldn’t even hear your voice on your goddamn voicemail!” I got down on my knees and grabbed his chin so that his eyes met mine. 
“LOOK AT ME!” I screamed, “Look what you did to me! For months you’ve been using our bond for your own strength, strength that used used to heal and have sex with another woman!” My voice was starting to crack as all the things I had thought about were coming out, “See how much my heart broke when I felt how happy you were with someone other than me.” He was finally looking at me. The worst thing though was that his eyes were full of so much love for me, that special twinkle that Peter said only happened when he looked at me. I wasn’t angry anymore, I was devastated. 
“I came here to kill you.” I sniffled, my features shifting back to normal, “I wanted to tear your heart out. But I can’t... I can’t because I love you and I don’t want to hurt you anymore. I shouldn’t have hurt you, but I want to because of what you did.” As the anger fogged cleared, I realized that I was just as bad as he was. 
“You had every right to hurt me-”
“No, I didn’t. I shouldn’t have hurt you. I’m sorry.” I looked down at my hands, “I felt so out of control. I thought I was getting better at it.” 
“You were.” Derek sat up slowly, “It’s the baby. All of your emotions are going to be heightened. More than usual.” 
“It doesn’t matter.” I made my way towards the exit, not caring that he was calling after me, running to catch up to me. I just left him there. Even when I got home and he tried to get into my window, I just ignored his pleading. What I did wasn’t right, I shouldn’t have hit him or punched him. I was just so angry and that anger clouded my vision. 
Weren’t we a pair - one cheats and the other goes into a blind rage. Perfect. 
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Read part 25 here!
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I'm ECSTATIC that you guys are open again!! May I get a few long and angsty sterek fics with a happy/fluffy ending? preferably hurt!stiles and protective!derek if you have any. Bonus if there are any Alive Hale Family fics as well! Thank you for everything you guys do!
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Glory of the Dead by thedarknovak
(10/10 I 41,926 I Mature)
In the wake of the death of head Whiterun guard Jon Stilinski, the newly orphaned Stiles has no where else to go. Sure he could stay with Melissa, but he wants to escape he wants to see Skyrim. So he goes to the only place he could think of. He goes to Jorrvaskr, the same place his best friend Scott had gone to a year prior. He wants to make his father proud, he wants to become an honorable warrior and make it to Sovngarde. Then he thinks why would the Companions ever want a slim half Breton as an prestigious warrior of their ranks.
Or when Stiles joins the Companions
Or when Stiles was given a choice of being given the blood of the wolf, but the choice is made for him when something terrible happens to him. Stiles struggles accepting that he’d now be joining the eternal hunt.
Will Stiles or Derek address the very apparent feelings both of them share for each other? Will Stiles find a way for Derek and him to make it to Sovngarde?
So here begins the Adventure of Stiles Stilinski, hero, werewolf, mate. The dragonborn has a run for his money with Stiles around.
Burning House by witchgrassi
(1/1 I 46,133 I Not Rated)
For as long as he can remember, Stiles Stilinski has dreamt of the house in the woods.
I'll Throw Us Stars, Stars, Stars! by ChrysX
(15/15 I 46,985 I Mature)
In an alternate universe where everyone is some sort of shapeshifter, Derek Hale the 30 year old chief editor of ''Alpha to Ωmega'' magazine has just come out on the winning side of a difficult adventure with his health. He is finally in a really good place in his life. He has a job he's great at, a loving family and the perfect girlfriend by his side. The only thing he wishes for? A child of course! That's where Stiles Stilinski comes in the picture. The 18 year old photography student who somewhere along the story ends up working for Derek... and also is somehow pregnant with his child. But neither of them knows that!
Not With a Bang, But a Shiver by captaintinymite (augopher)
(11/11 I 51,148 I Explicit)
Eighteen years ago, Earth froze over. You either adapted, or you didn't survive. A group of nomads arrived at the coast, settling at the small shipyard. A lone barge, laden with containers, sat frozen in port.
They fashioned a functional society at the docks. Survivors came from all over, drawn to the Bear Beacon that burned atop a stack of shipping containers. Everyone did their part to keep it safe. The most skilled went out on the sea ice and sought out seals. The bravest ventured up into the forest to the junction of two frozen rivers. Yet... No one ever crossed that line.
There were stories of men who wore the skins of wolves and preyed on the weak. A young shaman, however, knew the real story. Men didn't just wear the skins; they were the wolves. If his people didn't cross into their territory, then they were left alone. Until one day, one pack strayed over the line and attacked first. In a desperate bid to escape, the shaman found he'd stepped over the boundary where he met a young, handsome wolf who had been warned to stay away from humans.
Neither could stay away from the other, and their romance would set in motion events no one could foresee: The thaw.
The Second We Said ‘I Do’ by Jiaxing
(19/19 I 53,056 I Mature)
Stiles is an aspiring digital artist who is struggling to open his own advertising company. He’s also in ‘friends with benefit’ term with the rising pop idol Theo Raeken. One day, his father summons Stiles home and tells him that his deceased mother had one last wish that has not yet fulfilled by them. Her will was: to see Stiles marries one of her best friend, Talia Hale’s, children, once Stiles graduated from uni. Half-heartedly, because it was his mother’s wish and motivates by the fact that his father threatened to freeze his allowance and capital to establish his company, Stiles complies to be married off to the Hale. He’s supposed to wed Cora Hale, Talia’s youngest daughter, a petite brunette. He may get to like his bride, since he’s into brunettes. However, on the wedding day, his ‘other half’ is not petite at all, and definitely not a brunette. Not only he’s a he, the said other half has a face of a serial killer, despite all his hotness. That day, Stiles is married to one Derek fucking Hale.
Are you the one by fullmoontonightt
(6/6 I 57,248 I Mature)
If you’d told Stiles that one day he’d be the star of some stupid soulmate searching reality show, he probably would have laughed in your face.
Yet, nothing was less true today.
When Stiles enters mtv's reality tv show 'Are you the one' he doesn't expect anything serious to come from it. He especially doesn't expect to meet the love of his life.
This is Yours by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
(2/2 I 73,347 I Mature)
‘Lance’ had one hand against the back of his neck beneath his hood, and the other gripping the back of Derek’s head, sucking on his tongue almost lewdly while rocking his hips forward into Derek’s. A groan slid its way up his throat, and Derek broke the kiss, biting at the other’s full bottom lip.
“Seriously,” he said loudly, “what’s your name?”
“It’s a secret,” the other informed him, still smiling impishly, then dove in for another kiss.
Derek decided to let it go for now, he had the rest of the night to get a name out of him.
Followed by the past by Amatour424
(!2/12 I 90,806 I Explicit)
“Just to be clear: you want to give a good fuck like, a literal fuck as a birthday present to Derek Hale,” Scott said uncertainly, his voice laced with confusion.
The pack nodded to his statement, one by one.
“He'll be 30, and we want him to spend this special night in a very-very pleasurable situation. Like any good pack would do for their leader. He deserves it,” Boyd smirked at the human boy.
Stiles left the town after his graduation with his boyfriend. He moved back after some serious shit happened to his father. Now, he's alone, without any friends, with a lot on his shoulders. He finds himself in the middle of a horrible misunderstanding, which will maybe lead him to a life he always dreamed about.
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mamashenisfav · 4 years
I Hope You Won’t Miss Her
Tw: I’m not responsible for any tears. sorry.
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Y/n’s POV
“Why are you doing this? Why me?” I cried, struggling.
“Because.” Nogistune Stiles snarled. “Since I am now wearing your boyfriend, I carry the same affection for you. But I still need to win. And I can’t do that without an upper hand.”
"They'll be here. They'll be looking for me." I stated. He just gave me a sickly smile.
"Oh, I'm counting on it."
Stiles’ POV
"Are you sure she's here?" I asked again. Scott and Lydia nodded.
I sighed and we all hopped out of the jeep, walking up to the gates of an old building.
"Are we doing this?" Lydia sighed, crossing her arms. I quickly nodded.
“I’m here to save my girlfriend.”
Scott agreed. "I'm here to save my friend. I intend to do that."
Issac just shrugged. "I just didn't feel like doing homework."
I rolled my eyes before stomping towards the door, where Meredith said Y/N was.
"Stiles!" Lydia yelled. I turned around.
"What?" I asked. She jogged up to me.
"How are you going to find her?" She breathed out.
“I just will.”
She shook her head. "I'll go. You stay here with Scott. I think I'm getting a hand with these Banshee skills, don't ya think?"
I was reluctant but I knew she would find her.
"Fine. But you come right out here with her." I pointed. She nodded before entering the building herself.
"Now?" Issac asked. I turned around the see the Oni.
"Now we fight.”
The Nogistune finally left me, not telling me anything like I'd hoped.
"Y/N!" I heard a feminine shout. No. They weren't supposed to be here.
"Lydia?" I asked, my voice raspy. I saw her appear in front of me.
"Oh thank god." She sighed, rushing to me. She pulled me in a hug, rubbing my back.
I pushed her away, shaking my head. "You aren't supposed to be here."
"What? Why?" She hurried. I grabbed her shoulders.
"Who's here with you? Lydia!" I yelled. She was scared now.
"Well- Scott, Issac, Allison, and Stiles."
My heart dropped. The Oni we're going to murder them.
"Lydia, we have to get to them! How'd you get here?!" I yelled, rushing her back the way she came.
"This way!" She said, running with me down multiple hallways and turns. We finally reached a rusted door and pushed it open.
I saw the Nogistune, just sitting and watching as Scott, Issac and Allison fought the Oni.
I saw Allison shoot one, lowering her bow after the arrow stuck in the chest of an Oni.
It shook and spazzed, until it burst, leaving a black mark on the ground.
As if it was slow motion, I watched an Oni raise its katana towards her.
"No!" I shouted, running towards her. Everyone's heads shot to me, taking in my awful appearance.
The Nogistune snapped his head towards me. His face held shock for one moment before he walked up to me and grabbed me, dragging me away from Lydia.
The Oni all froze, now standing in the same resting position. The one who had once held a katana towards Allison was now stopped.
They vanished before reappearing around me and the Nogistune. Lydia tried to run to me until one Oni held her back, holding its weapon to her throat.
"Don't hurt her." I snarled at the Nogistune. He smirked at me and then looked at everyone else.
"You think you've won." He laughed, gripping me harder. Stiles had tears in his eyes, slowly stepping closer.
"Let her go." He warned.
"I've grown to know her. I wouldn't dare hurt her." He spoke, faking a hurt voice. He put his face next to mine, breathing over my cheek.
"But the Oni-" he laughed. "They might."
"I hope you won't miss her." He stated, before quickly letting go of me and backing up.
The three Oni advanced before shoving all of their weapons through my torso.
I let out a scream of pain, tears quickly developing and running. Through mine, I could hear the muffled screams of the others.
The stinging feeling of the katana's leaving my body caused me to whimper more. I dropped to the ground, holding my torso.
It probably didn't help, but I had to do what I could.
They all disappeared, letting go of Lydia. I heard her heels click over to me before getting on her knees.
"Oh god. Oh god. Oh god, no. Please. Please." She sobbed, attempting to pull me up. I winced at the movement, the wounds squeezing and ripping even more.
  "Y/N!" I heard a clear shout. Stiles soon appeared above me, crouching down. He grabbed me from Lydia and sat down as he placed me on his lap.
"No. No. Don't do this. Come on." He nodded, tears shaking from his eyes.
"You can do it. You'll be fine. We- Scott, can help you heal." His voice shook as he spoke, his voice becoming more and more deformed as the sobs came up.
I felt a hand on mine, quickly gripping. I glanced at Scott who was holding onto my hand.
Tears appeared in his eyes as he shook his head, his mouth slightly open.
"I-I can't. It's not working." He whispered, trying to grab my hand tighter. Stiles had a worried look on his face.
"What? Why? It has to work!" He yelled. Scott was still shaking his head
"I'm sorry." He let out a whisper, sniffling.
Stiles quickly shook his head. "No. No. Come on. You can't leave me Y/N. You can't do this."
I let my tears freely fall, not having the strength to even attempt to hold them back.
"I'm sorry. It'll be okay." I whispered. Stiles only denied it.
"No. You are not leaving me. I won't let that happen." He cried.
"It's okay. Hey-" I said, before coughing. I felt liquid run from the corner of my mouth.
"I'm okay with this. I- I'm here with my love. My first love and my only love." I stuttered out, my breathing becoming a problem.
"No. Don't say stuff like that. Don't say goodbye." He was slowly shaking his head now. His chest was giving off chopped breaths as his hands that held me were shaking
"St- stiles." I choked. "Don't worry. You'll find someone." I laid my hand on him, the one that was holding my hip.
"I-I don't want to. Y/N, I love you. I'll only love you. I don't want anyone else." He cried more. I let a small smile spread on my face.
"Stiles-" I said before the breath left my throat. I searched for more air but it wasn't coming. A worried look flashed on Stiles's face.
"No. No. No. No! Come on. Stay with me." He sobbed, holding my face.
My eyesight dimmed and as they closed, Stiles continued yelling. I don't know what, my hearing had quit. Everything shut off, probably even my brain. Not before thinking one last thought.
I'll always love you, Stiles Stilinski.
Stiles’ POV
I'd been here more times this month than I ever have in my whole life.
I never wanted to come again.
They had her in a room, inspecting her body. They had to pry me from her, policemen dragging me away from the ambulance.
I hadn't quit crying until just now, and even now, tears silently fell.
I couldn't believe this. The idea of her leaving me almost flew over my head. She couldn't die, I love her. Shouldn't that mean something?
Melissa had pulled Scott away, probably not wanting to say anything about her in front of me.
Lydia sat in the waiting room chair next to me, her head laying on my shoulder. She almost seemed just as devastated as I was.
Allison hasn't spoken a word. Maybe from almost dying tonight, but maybe because she was still in shock about
Scott walked out from the room his mom dragged him in, sadly looking at me.
"Stiles." He softly said, walking up to me. "You can go see her now."
I shook my head. I can't- I couldn't. I couldn't look at her body. Not a second time.
"Stiles, you know you're going to wish you had said something before they- you know."
He was right. Goddammit, of course, he was.
My legs shook as I stood up, almost giving out.
He led me to her room, before leaving me on my own. I nodded at him as he trailed down the hallway.
I slowly opened the door, my eyes attempting to start anywhere except her body.
I entered and turned around fully to close the door. Now or never.
I took a deep breath before turning to look at her.
Her body was still, different from her constant need to move. Much like me, but mine was more a nervous habit.
Her hair was smooth, brushed out, and straightened. Her face was washed of any blood or dirt, showing her flawless face.
I took sad steps closer, getting a more detailed look.
They had her in normal clothes, a t-shirt, and shorts. I almost let out a smile.
She always expressed her love for t-shirts. Especially mine.
A thought tugged at my brain-
What had they done about the several stab wounds in her?
My hand moved like I was lifting a ton, eventually my fingers meeting the edge of her shirt.
I sluggishly dragged it up to her ribs, and let go.
What the hell.
I may not have much medical knowledge, but I don't think doctors had the science to completely get rid of stab wounds.
My hand brushed over her stomach, feeling no dips, no sign of injury.
Not having the energy, I simply pulled out my phone and called Scott, telling him he needed to haul his ass in here.
Seconds later he did, rushing next to me.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, and so is she." I pointed to her belly. He looked at me before following my finger. His eyes widened and he leaned in.
"They... Healed?" He wondered, shrugging.
"How? She's human. Right?" I asked. Was she supernatural? What was she?
We continued to stare at her stomach, but maybe a little too long.
It's almost like it was moving.
"Stiles," Scott said, nudging me.
"What?" I asked. Did he know what she is? Or- was.
"I hear three heartbeats."
My heart leaped, I could feel the excitement rushing through me.
My heart leaped, I could feel the excitement rushing through me.
"She's alive," I whispered.
"She's alive!" I shouted again.
As if I pulled a trigger, her body shot up before she leaned over and retched out a familiar black liquid.
She leaned back and wiped her mouth with her shirt.
"Y/N!" I shouted before pulling her into my arms. She tensed at the contact but soon wrapped her arms around me.
"Oh my god. Don't do that ever again. I thought I lost you." I sighed, hugging her even harder.
I felt her tears soak my shoulder but I could care less.
"I love you so much. So much." I whispered, my own tears forming.
"I love you too." She whispered.
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