#so while i am still searching for the og site
kikiknits · 1 month
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Shameless pics of the lemon squares I made today 🍋
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voxofthevoid · 9 months
My reaction was equally 'send this to my friend to scream about with' - i am legitimately moved to tears. it's one hellova way to gain a legacy, but i'll take it! and here i expected the other, more severe, set of cramps and results thereof to've been the thing to last (that being my kid, lmao!)
i'd accept that proposal, btw ;P such blushing is being had over the compliments, omg my tears are evaporating on my cheeks
i'm gobsmacked and beyond happy to've had a positive (and lasting!) impression :) i rewrote and nearly deleted the last bit several times, not wanting to be too derisive but also make clear just how silly the delusional anon is being XP your works have brought such joy and pleasure - to me, my friend, and so very many others - it felt before and feels now like the least i can do to reach out with a push back against the dumb <3 whether that be with a humouros possible overshare or a 'man, fuck that guy' lol
(og anon asks might've been tagged fiber anon, if i recall correctly. but Our Hellsite [who's search is broken, hallowed be thy name] may not spit it back regardless)
I'm howling, sweet baby gods 🤣
I guess you could introduce your two legacies in the future? Via storytime, I mean, not painful constipation. On that note, you might be amused to know that there's bit of a role reversal going on right now. While I did not go to town on the fiber, my gut has been revolting for several days, and I'm this close to performing homebrew surgery on myself with a kitchen knife (I kid, I kid...for now).
Anyway, yes, we're internet married now. And thank you so much, seriously 💗
(The hellsite refuses to cough them up no matter what I try. I even tried site-specific googling for both "fiber" and "celery" but still no dice. We inhabit a functional webbed site for sure!)
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ballplayersxo · 1 year
I know this is kind of late, but I’ve been seeing people ask where to find tea on Kobe and Vanessa Bryant and there’s a really big pinned thread in the Conspiracy Theory Alley on LSA. You need an account to access that section of LSA and I haven’t been on the site in a while so I am not sure whether it’s still pinned. And before anyone comes at me about the fact that it’s located in the conspiracy theory alley, yes, the thread was originally created because people wanted to discuss conspiracies about his death, but a couple of pages in, it transitions into a tea/gossip thread. The only reason why I know about the conspiracy thread is because I wanted tea on them too and I originally went to the thread that used to be pinned in Celebrity News section of the site, but that thread was just filled with weirdo stans who did nothing but bitch about how the “other thread” (aka, the conspiracy theory thread) basically didn’t do a 180 and fall in line with the history revisionism that had been going on since the crash. If the thread is no longer pinned and you can’t find it by scrolling through the Conspiracy Alley, you should be able to find it just by typing it in the google search engine. If not, the mods got rid of the thread.
The thread has SO much tea from past and present. Some of the fonts on there were on OG LSA, when it use to have REAL tea about athletes and wags, since that was the original intention behind the website to begin with. They have screenshots of old tea and links to articles and videos. Someone posted screenshots of when VB was on LSA (with “Vanessa Bryant” as a username and all) and she used to talk mad crap about Ayesha, Savannah, and a bunch of other wags. Now, you could say that the font could be any random person, but that woman used to be wild as hell and responded to any and everybody on social media back then. She used to watermark her social media posts and used to make KB watermark everything he reposted from her account, so she was/is not shy about being messy and letting people know that it is HER that is being messy. She was also a self-hater. Someone posted a screenshot tweet from when she had Twitter and she claimed that she was Italian, German, and Irish knowing damn well she was just straight-up full on Mexican. Someone in that thread found a picture of her biological father and there’s no denying it. It’s now cool to be an exotical, especially Hispanic, which is why she now claims Mexican all the way. Someone posted an article from LA Times from a few years back where one of the head managers at a Jimmy Choo shoe store in LA condemned her for her nasty behavior at their store, especially towards his staff. LA Times would never post an article like that about her now because they, along with other media outlets are far up their ass. Someone also posted tea from another site about how construction was going on at the house next door and VB drives right into the construction lot with her Lamborghini and parks there. One of construction employees knocks on her door and asks her to move her car and she was basically really rude and dismissive towards them. She straight up said “no” when asked to move her car. There was a back and forth between them where she would slam the door in their faces after re-opening it and after being told that she would be fined, she just completely stopped opening the door. An assistant eventually came around, called KB who was at practice at the time and he too was apparently dismissive when told about the debacle and just agreed to pay the fine so he could hang up and go about his day. The construction workers ended up going home since they couldn’t work because VB’s parked her Lambo there and refused to move it. I also remember a new font came to the thread who claimed to be a cosmetic nurse at a plastic surgeon’s office in Orange County. She claimed that she hears gossip from other nurses and the doctor that she is awful and how they do not like her at all, but the check always clears. Someone in that thread also came across the USC subreddit, the university the oldest daughter is attending. She is majoring in film and apparently some of her classmates spilled tea that she is never in class but she is always at these Hollywood parties with her mother. They also made note of the fact that KB used to go to USC all the time to give “talks” to the students and athletes so it wasn’t going to be hard for her to get accepted into their film school, which is one of the highest ranking film schools and is not only notorious for being difficult to get into, but it is notorious for being a program filled with nepo-babies. I’m honestly not shocked about her *allegedly* never attending class because not did the classmates of former USC student, Olivia Jade, spill tea that she too was never in class but none of these rich kids actually care about college, they can easily get in based on either legacy, their family’s money, and/or their name and they just use their degrees as an accessory.These are just things off the top of my head. There’s a bunch of other tea in that very long thread that you can CHOOSE (for emphasis) to believe. Sorry for the overdrawn post, I won’t blame anyone for skipping this long read, including you owner. Thank you.
no anon this was a great read, thank you for sharing! but this is all just wow. i can def see a lot of this being true
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stellocchia · 3 years
Okay, now that I have a bit of time it’s time to analize that disaster of a custody battle stream, also known as Tommy and Wilbur visiting Las Nevadas!
As always this is gonna be quite long so I’ll put everything under the cut and remember that I’ll only be talking about the characters. Also for the dialogues the colors are: Quackity, Tommy and Wilbur
One thing that I would like to point out before we get into it is that c!Tommy is pretty much spiraling throughout this stream (he dissociates and shows his suicidal tendencies more clearly) so it’s good to keep this in mind when analizing his actions and words. 
First of all here’s Wilbur’s pov of it: Wilbur's POV
And here’s Tommy’s: Tommy's POV
I’ll be using both for this.
One thing that is immediately interesting to notice is that, despite supposedly living with Phil we mostly see Wilbur around L’Manhole.
“Have you been sewing? Knitting? That can be a dangerous sport if done too quickly” (just wanted to point out the tailor!Tommy bit)
So first of all is the confirmation that the stone never had a use beyond keeping Tommy occupied back when Wilbur asked for it. The task of gathering the stone could also have been a test on Wilbur’s part to test Tommy’s obedience considering that it was a tedious and apparently sensless task that most people would not have taken on.
Afterwards we have an interesting little bit where Wilbur demonstrates that he is still extremely knowledgable when it comes to tnt, knowing which blocks are more resistent to it and even being able to deduce that the ufo was blown up from the inside (something he’ll lie about later). 
“Someone’s a little copycat. Hey tommy someone’s a little copycat~” (in reference to what happened to Purpled’s ufo. This could be interpreted as derogatory we’ll have to see if Wilbur appreciates someone imitating his work)
Quackity’s book is then introduced, though at first Wilbur is very vague about it’s contents before straight up lying about them (saying that it said: “My dearest friend Wilbur, I’ve really missed seeing you, come to project Nevadas your best friend Quackity”), here’s the actual contents of it:
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It is possible that he didn’t mention the actual content to Tommy because he was afraid Tommy would have kept him from meeting Quackity if he knew that he seemingly agreed with Wilbur’s ideology, though this is just a theory. 
Another interesting thing is that Wilbur keeps referring to Ghostbur’s resurrection site as his “tombstone” despite Tommy having already told him last time that he didn’t get one. Perhaps this is a show of Wilbur’s own fear of being forgotten or of having been inconsequential to the bigger narrative (his continued search for the confirmation that he did have a big impact would seem to point to this).
“Will, I’m accustomed to people lying to me. Just tell me: will the book, whatever is in there, bring us more primes?” (this is an interesting way for Tommy to let Wilbur know that he knows he’s lying while still trying to keep the conversation more light herted)
On their way to Las Nevadas there is an interesting instance of Wilbur standing still near a creeper instead of trying to protect himself so that Tommy has to intervene (similar instances happen multiple times throughout the stream) which could be a portrayal of his self-destructive tendencies and kinda mirrors Tommy's behaviour in exile. 
“Every person we’ve spoken to aside from say, I don’t know, Jack Manifold. Every person aside from Jack Manifold has taken a bit of a disliking to me. Oh and Phil, Phil was lovely too, and you actually! Come to think of it the 3 people I care about most, Jack Manifold, you and Phil, have been the nicest to me”
There are a few things I wanna say here: first of all there is one manipulation tactic that consists of making yourself out to be the victim in a certain situation in order to gain pity, sympathy or evoke compassion in the other and that’s what Wilbur has been doing both in this stream and in the past when mentioning that people hate him despite every single person he met (aside from Tommy himself) actually being rather kind and accomodating. This does probably come from Wilbur’s own self-hatred and his view of himself as a villain but, once again, I would like to remind you that manipulation is still manipulation even if you believe in what you’re saying. 
The second point I wanted to talk about briefly was the line about only caring about the 3 people he mentioned. Aside from how truthful he is about all 3 of them (I’m sorry but I have a hard time believing that he cares deeply for Jack Manifold when he didn’t even used to remember who he was) he also later mentions that there are other people he would like to see, basically it’s like the L’Manburg situation: just because Wilbur says he doesn’t care about something it doesn’t mean that it’s true.
“They told me it was like a small little town where Big Q sells funny potions and liquids from his van” (so from Tommy’s understanding Las Nevadas was a mix between the drug van and og L’Manburg. I wonder if we’ll find out who gave him this idea)
Little note about Wilbur throwing Linda (Tommy’s prized shovel) away twice during this stream almost casually.
“Tommy stand back. Tommy stand back” (Wilbur interposing himself between Tommy and a situation that might be dangerous, I’ll talk about this a bit later but keep it in mind)
“I’ll tell you what: it’s nice to see you out of that stupid vice president shirt. You know I never thought you were fit for that vice president thing anyway, I think that this is- this is- what- what are you like the concierge of this area? Like the cleaner?” “This is so nice!” “I don’t know what to call it Wilbur all I know is that this is my place. This is mine. I own this place”
It is interesting to note that Wilbur apparently did not think too highly of Quackity, immediately assuming he must be and employee rather then having a leading position, he even expresses that he didn’t think Quackity was fit to even be vice president. It’s also interesting to point out that Tommy gets immediately uncomfortable with where the conversation is going and splits off from the two to explore while also being extra obnoxious in an attempt to split up the fight he knew to be coming (he is always rather perceptive), to which Quackity responds only with amusement (actually humouring Tommy), while Wilbur simply ignores it for the time being. 
“If I’d known there was a place I could align myself to as quickly as this I would have done it sooner” (could be both a search for community as well as him generally prefering being aligned to a country as he comments later on that he’s not a fan of anarchy by mentioning that him and Phil don’t see eye to eye on this)
This is when Wilbur brings up Quackity’s book for the second time mentioning that he assumed it was an invite to joing Quackity in Las Nevadas, which turns out it wasn’t. 
“So that’s the invitation to work alongside you I assume, I- I accept. I accept. I’d love to come in” “Big Q I also wanted... can I move into the big- the big penis?” “*laugh* No Tommy. Wilbur, Wilbur” “Yeah?” “No? No?” “That was... that was not an invitation I’m sorry Wilbur” *Wilbur checks the book again* “That’s not an invitation. Wilbur, Wilbur, my nation will not be subject to your... unpredictability, alright? Thank you so much for coming, thank you so much for visiting Wilbur but, uhm... I don’t need any- I don’t need any extra members right now” 
So taking this conversation a bit at a time: Quackity is the first person since Wilbur has come back (aside from Tommy, but Tommy’s opinion really doesn’t matter to Wilbur) who hasn’t tried to accomodate him. He set his own rules and stuck by them not willing to budge on it at all. Also it is interesting to note that Quackity so far doesn’t seem to be interested in letting Tommy join either, only changing his demeanour later after Tommy calls Wilbur out on his lying. This change of mind could both be tied to a crack he noticed in Tommy’s loyalty to Wilbur as well as done to spite Wilbur himself. Or both really. 
“[Las Nevadas] It’s like one of those visions you have after being in the mines for several hours” (Tommy mentioning having hallucinations once again)
“No... no, you’ve got it all wrong. You’ve got it all wrong man. Okay okay, maybe, maybe I was unprdictable in the past” “But it’s really nice...” “But I’ve turned over a new leaf Quackity! I don’t lie anymore, I don’t- I don’t, you know, I don’t deceive, I know nothing about tnt anymore. I’ve forgotten everything I knew about tnt, it’s ridiculous I-” “*snicker* Ok- mmm, well... Will, well” “Is he lying Tommy?”
Also here we have a clearer example of Wilbur lying and deceiving right after asserting that he doesn’t do it anymore (he deceived Tommy on the book and lied about his knowledge on tnt) together with Tommy calling him out on it.
“This is the best place on the server! This is like heaven! Paradise!” “Quackity we can stay, right?” “You seem to like it a lot Tommy” 
Immediately afterwards there’s where Quackity seems to change his mind about letting Tommy stay while also ignoring Wilbur in the process. Again we really don’t have any definitive indication for the reason why he changes his mind, it could be because he saw how much Tommy liked it here as much as it could be to spite Wilbur. Any conclusion for either is pure speculation.
“Quackity look at me, look at me in the eyes. I. Am. Your. Servant. I am at your service. I have run countries, I’ve won elections, I’ve done everything that you will need in a leadership role, Quackity. Even not in leadership! I can- I can be, you know, assistent to president”
Another less known form of manipulation. Wilbur wants power within this new country so he offers to cover a more “subservient” position to have Quackity let his guard down so that he can achieve his role. 
“Will this is so cool!” “Tommy SHUT UP!” “Hey! What a fu- hey what a fuck?!” (a bit of Wilbur’s “affable” persona slipping away paired up with Tommy immediately noticing that that was not okay and calling Wilbur out on it)
“Wilbur listen to me: I saw what you did to L’Manburg and I’m not letting Las Nevadas have the same fate as L’Manburg. I appreciate Tommy here, I appreciate you checking this place out Wilbur but, I don’t need your services, I don’t need your presence, you’re very unpredictable” (Quackity once more standing his ground and repeating that he does not trust Wilbur in the slightest and also reaffirming that he does want Tommy there instead)
It’s interesting to notice that all throughout this exchange, while Tommy was off exploring Quackity was the one often paying attention to him while Wilbur ignored him the whole time before snapping.
“So we’re not allowed?” “Tommy, I need to talk to you Tommy” “Am I allowed? Or is it just Will?” “Well, I’d love to discuss it with you” (Quackity is the first person that actually directly addressed Tommy while ignoring Wilbur since Wilbur’s resurrection and that’s quite interesting. It could be that perhaps he noticed that Wilbur seems to consider Tommy almost like an extension of himself and that he tried to drive a wedge into that)
The next few minutes are spent with Wilbur trying to find out exactly where the confines of Las Nevadas are.
“Tommy come with me. Tommy at my side please” (addressing him like a soldier again)
There is a back and forth between Wilbur and Quackity where Quackity tries to deflect Wilbur’s question about his ownership of the adiacent forest multiple times, but Wilbur does end up finding out that it’s not Quackity’s land. (Wilbur also has a throwaway comment about that forest being Paradise in response to Tommy calling Las Nevadas that which Tommy disagrees on).
“What’s the point in capitalism without healthy competition?” (Wilbur announcing he wants to create a country next to Quackity’s)
“Wait, where are you going?” “Just over here Tommy. Stay by my side, by my side” (once again an emphasis on wanting Tommy nearby, which isn’t new)
“You know what Wilbur? You’re right: capitalism strives on competition and I’m ready for all the competition you can bring me” (Wilbur is positively giddy at this declaration, which makes me think that he does truly see this competition mostly as a game)
“Will I don’t want to start a country, I very much like that country there” *Tommy points at Las Nevadas* “With the stone-” “Tommy we- we’ll discuss this in a minute” “No...” “No no no, Tommy seems to have some concerns about building a country from the ground up” (Tommy under) “Listen, listen, guys, guys, I was over there” (Quackity over) “So how about you take Tommy’s opinion into consideration? For once, for once in your life since you’ve never done so before” (Tommy under) “Can we please listen to me? You [Quackity] are not lis- you’re not lis- you’re actually speaking over me”
This is the first one of many conversations this stream where the fight has moved from the power pissing context Wilbur and Quackity had going on to Tommy. It’s also where they starting weaponizing him more and more (his traumas as well as the other’s treatment of him) while each trying to prove that they’re better for him then the other. Of course this isn’t actually about Tommy, it’s about power once again. Quackity has undeniably noticed by now how Wilbur treats Tommy (aka as an extension of himself) together with being pissed that Wilbur challenged him on his own territory (challenging Las Nevadas which is Quackity’s most prized possession) so he decided to repay him in kind. 
From here on out Tommy seems to spiral more, standing up for himself less, looking more and more uncomfortable (especially when the other two start bringing up his traumatic experiences) and slipping back into dissociation and self-loathing behaviour.
“You showed great interest for my country Tommy and I would like to speak to you about that” “Yes” “Wilbur I don’t think you’ll hold Tommy down and make him join your country” “I have utter fate that Tommy will make the right decision” (both of them starting to put pressure on him, subtly influencing him with their wording) 
Tommy and Quackity have a chat together alone (though Wilbur is listening in). 
First thing that happens is Quackity bringing up the hotel which Wilbur implies later was done maliciously, though we don’t know if Quackity knew that the ownership of it didn’t go back to Tommy once he came back to life.
Afterwards Tommy asks Quackity about his scar. 
“If I’m gonna speak to you I want you to be honest with me, ‘cause I’ve spent quite a lot of time with people who just bullshit me, they lie to me and I’m not doing that anymore” (this is one of Tommy’s 2 priorities in life right now. What he wants can be boiled down to honesty and safety)
Quackity does explain honestly what happened, though the information that they spent their time hunting down Techno while Tommy was in exile instead of trying to help him does understandably upset Tommy quite a bit. (Also Wilbur finally makes himself a sword).
“But if this [butcher army] was while I was in exile you’re meaning to tell me that you put in all of the effort to kill Techno instead of helping me?” (...) “You know I needed help and no one came to see me” (this set back his mentality regarding exile quite a bit I’d guess. The anger is more then understandable)
Quackity doesn’t deny the accusations but he does deflect a bit saying that they can talk about it another time and that he is not Tommy’s enemy to which Tommy agrees.
“How would you like to run the official food business of Las Nevadas” (this is Quackity’s big offer for Tommy)
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(Wilbur putting pressure on Tommy in the meantime)
After this Wilbur intervenes directly inquiring on wether or not they were done. Quackity tries to get in a last minute sale pitch to Tommy who is getting quite overwhelmed and asks for some time to think (which he is now given by Quackity, but not later by Wilbur)
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Wilbur also expresses worry for Tommy’s safety while they’re coming back, though how sincere it is it’s unknown (I think it's at least partially sincere worry, but I doubt that's all there is to it). That said I want to say that multiple times in this stream Wilbur has seemingly shown to be protective of Tommy when it comes to Quackity, often almost treating him as if he was incapable of defending himself (as if he couldn’t 1v2 the two of them easily). For example here, even though Tommy said that he can take care of himself Wilbur immediately responds out loud with an: “okay I’m coming” and bringing out his sword.
“Listen Tommy I heard what he was saying to you man and you don’t seriously believe that do you?” (keeping the question very open so that Tommy can interject his own doubts. Also Quackity technically didn’t lie once to Tommy and, while there was a bit of deflection on his part so far he hasn’t been all that manipulative if I’m being honest)
Wilbur proceeds to tell Tommy that if he stays with Quackity he’ll be nothing more then a caterer (strongly implying that that’s not something he wants) and Tommy chimes in saying that that’s not for him.
“Listen Tommy I’m not gonna stop you but, I’ll be honest with you man, you’re all I’ve got” (set up for the guilt tripping later as well as once again putting himself in the position of the victim so that Tommy won’t leave him. Also he denies that Jack and Phil count as well because the first is too busy and he doesn’t agree with the political views of the latter)
“I wanna make a place where we can be safe for once. Tommy it’s been so long since we felt safe and man you deserve it. You’ve been through so much, you’ve done so much, Tommy you’ve changed the world! And all you’ve got to show for it is some scars and some trauma. Tommy you deserve this safety and this sanctuary and that’s why I wanna make it with you and you won’t get it over there”
Now this should sound familiar to quite a few people, mostly because it’s pretty similar to the tactic that Quackity himself uses. First identify the victim’s vulnerabilities and their desires (Tommy only wants 2 things and only one is connected to physical places so safety it is). Second relate to the victims experiences repeating that they do deserve to get what they so desperately want (check back Quackity’s conversation with Fundy if you want to see that done really well). And lastly emphasise that you’re the only one who can give them what they want.
“You know what has substance Tommy? Family. Blood” (what sparked back the canon sbi discourse)
“I haven’t- I don’t wanna make my mind now ‘cause it’s- it feels like-” “Tommy you need to make your mind now” (putting a ton of pressure onto Tommy, enough that Tommy is reminded of his time in prison)
“Tommy I love a challenge” (considering the context and the fact that this is in response to Tommy hesitating on who to join this is most definitely about him. Wilbur definitely still considers this, at least partially, part of his and Quackity’s game)
“If you pick Las Nevadas what am I gonna do? Man, what am I gonna do? I’d never hurt you. I’d never want anything bad for you Tommy” (mixing in a bit of guilt tripping with a bit of lies. Now, it’s probably not a lie that he wouldn’t want something bad for Tommy, but the thing about never hurting him? I mean, this stream is a proof of the cotrary)
“You can go with whatever you want, but just know what you’d do to me” (once again painting himself as the victim while guilt tripping Tommy)
“I put a lot of things to the side that I shouldn’t of. I prioritized the wrong things, I put revenge over humanity. I guess all I’m seeking right now is someone who’ll be honest with me and a place where I can feel safe”
Here it is, we got Tommy’s desire spelled out by him. This is what makes him so vulnerable to Wilbur’s manipulation, the fact that Wilbur knows how to pretend that he can offer this. Also the first part of this is another recognition of how unhealthy his mindset was while he was with Technoblade, which makes him saying that he betrayed Techno and feels guilty about that afterwards even more sad because he recognizes that being with Techno was not good for him but still bashes himself over leaving him even if he really didn’t have any other choice if he wanted to stay true to himself. It’s quite tragic and it’s once more a show of his self-loathing. 
“This can be a safe place for them [Techno and Tubbo]” (Wilbur is using the informations Tommy provided him in a moment of open vulnerability to manipulate him further)
Tommy then agrees to stay with Wilbur though he seems far from enthusiastic about it. He seems to believe Wilbur when he says he's gonna make a safe space for him and the people he cares about, but also seems hesitant to fully trust him.
“Big Q is gonna wish he never fucked with me” (still in regard to challenging Wilbur’s perceived ownership of Tommy)
The stream is far from over though. After that conversation between Wilbur and Tommy they start to build a stone penis over the lake and Wilbur and Quackity get in a very heated argument that leaves Tommy incredibly uncomfortable. The whole conversation consists in Wilbur and Quackity shouting at each other about things the other has done to Tommy (all traumatic for him) while Tommy makes himself smaller and shuts down. First Qauckity accuses Wilbur of emotionally manipulating Tommy (which is true), then Wilbur accuses Quackity of using the hotel against Tommy (which wasn’t actually true) and they keep going like that. 
“The one thing [the hotel] Tommy’s tried to do was a failure” (way to undermine achievements like putting Dream behind bars there... however to be exact this is a manipulation tactic known as “shaming” which consists in undermining the victim’s worth to foster feelings of inadequacy which makes them more vulnerable. It’s a tactic Wilbur has used quite often since Pogtopia)
“Great job Wilbur of doing to Tomminnit what you’ve done your entire fucking life” (Quackity does sound actually upset) 
“Don’t try to compare me to you Wilbur, me and you are not the same” (this does align to Quackity’s desire to not live in other people shadows any longer)
“Hey hey hey hey, don’t come near Tommy, don’t come near Tommy” “Will, Will, hey hey, let me speak! This is about me so let me speak! I don’t know I-” “I just don’t want him to hurt you. I just don’t want him to hurt you” “I can fend for myself. You weren’t here for a long time. I thought, I thought you [Wilbur] were gonna make me feel a little bit safer, let me tell you now either of you-” “Fellas fellas” “No shut the fuck up! I didn’t feel- that didn’t make me feel- that was weird, I didn’t- don’t do that either of you” 
Now this is both Wilbur once again babying Tommy and treating him as if he’s not capable of taking care of himself (it could be done out of sincere care, but that doesn’t make it any less patronizing) and Tommy actually standing up for himself. Tommy made himself as little as possible during their confrontation and didn’t utter a word and now he finally got a bit of confidence back to say that he didn’t like that and both of them still tried to interrupt him. And Wilbur immediately went to say that he won’t do it again, but Quackity will as if he didn’t listen to a word Tommy just said. That said after that Quackity does apologize to Tommy specifically (though how sincere that was is debatable and Wilbur also accepts the apology as well even if it wasn’t directed at him) and invites the both of them to have a tour of Las Nevadas. Tommy wanted to refuse the tour because he was already visibly overwhelmed, but Wilbur ignores him and proceeds to accept anyway. 
“Quackity I wanna say from here on, as much as we may have our disagreements here man I- we gotta leave Tommy out of this” (they don’t)
“Tommy I’ll take it back, I’m fine with you working here and still being, you know, as long as you still hang out with me and don’t leave me on my own I have no problems with you working here man” (except they both already put an incredible amount of pressure on him and Will in partucular already made him feel guilty for even considering sort of leaving him)
“At the end of the day it’s okay Tommy, you make your own decisions, but let me keep showing you around the TommyInnit res- uh, I mean the restourant” (very sneaky there Quackity. Naming things creates attachment btw) 
Btw, Quackity and Wilbur are still very tense, but they both put their differences aside in a split second to get Tommy away from the strip club, which honestly is just funny. Also once again Wilbur goes before Tommy inside the casino in case it’s dangerous.
They then gamble for a bit and Tommy bets Linda away and looses it. They then go up in the white tower. 
“This would be such a good point to just jump off and just end it. Woah” “no no no Tommy get down!” “Tommy get down from the rail” (casual reminder that Tommy is still extremely suicidal, though at least this time there was someone there to get him down)
Quackity and Wilbur have a small conversation while Tommy is still checking out the view which mostly consist in Quackity trying to find out more about the Revival Book (while feigning complete ignorance about it). 
Meanwhile while dissociating Tommy puts down some water to the side of the tower and then jumps in it while taking it away (therefore technically jumipng off, but not dying because his fall was slowed down). Quackity notices and immediately panics, while Wilbur places some water down for him so he can get back up. 
“Tommy come here, I’ve got you, I’ve always got you” (both helping and emphasizing his wish for Tommy to depend on him as much as he does on Tommy)
After that they talk for a while and Quackity brings up the conversation that he had with Wilbur which is the moment Wilbur realizes that the “You were right” in the book was referring to the pre-Pogtopia him. Also Wilbur talks about the things he’s lost (years of his life and people are the two things he mentioned). 
“There’s lots of people I wish I could see. Like I wish I could just tell them ‘I’m alive’ and apologize and also thank them” (I do think he’s sincere, but it does make me a bit sad that Tommy was not in the list of people who deserved an apology in Wilbur’s mind)
After that Quackity seems to take an interest in Wilbur’s plans specifically, but, before he can investigate further, Tommy gives him his own answer and declines his offer of manning the restaurant saying that that life is not for him, it’s too relaxed (Wilbur's reaction to it is also worth notice). 
“I don’t wanna run a food stand. Wilbur gets things done” (sorry to Tommy here, but, genuinely, when’s the last time Wilbur got something done without Dream’s or Tommy’s help?)
After this they get back on the topic of the Revive Book and Wilbur reveals that Dream is the one who brought him back. He also admits that he wants to thank Dream for saving him and describes him as his “hero” again. Quackity himself reveals that he has been visiting Dream.
“Oh who cares about Ghostbur?” “Don’t fucking say- don’t- he killed Ghostbur” (once again Tommy should not be here for this conversation considering how triggering the subject is for him)
“I can’t believe- you’re like a misinformed parent, you’re just wrong” (Tommy both pointing out that Wilbur is wrong and admitting that that’s due to a lack of information)
“The prison is not just this thing, this dandelion. No no no, the prison-” “How are you back then Tommy? If you died” “Dream killed me to prove a point. That he- (continues under) he’s omnipotent, he’s got this God complex” “Quackity I need to get in there”
Once again not letting Tommy speak even if Wilbur himself asked the question, though this time it may be because if he listened to Tommy’s story and his experience with Dream he would realize that there are some incongruences between the version of Dream he created in his mind and the real Dream. Between his hero and Tommy’s abuser who beat him to death to prove a point. This split in his mind in how he views Dream was already evident in the last stream with him fip flopping between wanting him dead or not. 
“Tommy, Tommy, I’m not gonna talk shit about them [Sam] without their presence here alright?” (Quackity being protective of his own business patners)
Also Tommy manages to deduce on his own what Quackity has been doing to Dream, though he gets to the conclusion with the wrong clues. Either way after finding out how to visit the prison Wilbur leaves in a hurry telling Tommy to go with him as well.
“I’m a big boy Tommy, I’m a big boy, I’ll be fine” “Wilbur I’m a big man, but I was not fine” (Tommy tries to explain Dream’s danger to Wilbur by making himself vulnerable again, but it doesn’t work as Wilbur doesn’t listen)
Afterwards Wilbur tells Tommy that he is going to the prison and ignores any of Tommy’s concerns on the matter.
“Tommy listen, I didn’t wanna spring things on you because I’m really trying not to be a shit person to you Tommy, right? I’m really really trying. And it’s easy, it’s easy not to be a shit person to you, right? Because we got people like Quackity over there who are just- you know he said it best I’m not gonna talk shit about him behind his back"
If he’s not trying to be a sh*t person to Tommy he is failing miserably. Truly this whole stream he either ignored him, talked over him, talked about incredibly triggering stuff in front of him or tried manipulating him. This was all their interactions summarized. Pettiness aside though, he still badmouths Quackity by handing Tommy the book and telling him that Quackity agreed with the “old Wilbur” (not specifying that he is referring to pre-Pogtopia Wilbur and that he himself still agrees with the “old him”) to villainize him. He also acts like Tommy is being unreasonable for not wanting him to go, despite having died there and having seen Ghostbur die there. Wilbur does say that he won’t go if Tommy really doesn’t want him to, but he leaves telling him they’ll talk about it again right after Tommy tells him this: 
“I don’t think you should do that, he’s more powerful then you think you are”
Left on his own Tommy reminisces of when he went to the prison looking for closure as well. He then borrows an ender chest from Quackity for his and Wilbur’s little stone shack and then goes to the middle of the lake to listen to cat. 
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officiallyashley · 2 years
—about me!
Heya! Welcome to my blog! My name is Ashley, but I mostly go by Ash or Ashkele (that’s ash-kee-lee btw). I write fanfics for a multitude of fandoms, and I have been writing stories for 10 years now (can’t believe it’s been that long holy shit). I reblog stuff, as well! You’re welcome to send in asks about my ocs or other stuff, if you want. I’m down to chat. Keep in mind that I’m in school, so uploads may not be super consistent. Also, this is a chill, judgment-free zone where we can all vibe and hang out, so let’s not have any negativity here, kk? With that being said, I hope you enjoy my content on my blog!
Random Facts About Ash;
My first fandoms were vocaloid, creepypasta, and sonic the hedgehog! I’m still in those fandoms to this day!
I am a part of the lgbt+ community and I’m proud of it! I go by multiple terms, so I’ll just condense it a bit: I identify with greyromantic, panromantic, demiflux, and polyamorous to name a few. I mainly use she/her or they/them pronouns, but tbh, as long as I’m being addressed with feminine leaning or gender-neutral pronouns idc.
With my writing, I aim to add in topics that need more awareness around them. I like to write about topics that challenge some of the social norms of today and even from the past.
Outside of writing, my hobbies are singing, writing songs, making book covers/aesthetics/banners for my fanfics, true crime, watching anime, reading, and hanging out with my friends.
My aesthetics that represents my fashion would be grunge, goth, skater girl, and emo.
My favorite artists I would say are Linkin Park, Avril Lavigne, Black Veil Brides, Evanescence, Icon For Hire, The Pretty Reckless to name a few. I'm not gonna lie, I also really like Britney Spears and Aaliyah— I'm a total early 2000s kid!
I'm an INFJ :)
My favorite shows outside of anime are Steven Universe, SonicSATAM, Thundercats OG & 2011, Adventure Time, The Amazing World of Gumball, and Regular Show. I could list more, since I grew up on shows that were on the EARLY DAYS of Cartoon Network (you know, when CN was known as Boomerang. yeah.), but then we'd be here all day, so I'll leave it at that.
I have a Wattpad, Fanfiction.net, Quotev, and an AO3 account. I have multiple Wattpad accounts, and I have been on the app for a very very long time, but the main one I am utilizing currently is called AshuraElaineDragneel. My Quotev account is officiallyashley. Here is my AO3 account, AshleighVioletLouise248, and here is my Fanfiction.net account, polyforluffyzoroandsanji. I have been on all of these websites for a very long time, and I am in the process of transferring my stories onto these platforms, so not everything will be on there (and there will be more content on some sites than others). I have written a shit ton, and I'm adding my works from 2020-present day onto my profiles on these sites, so it's going to be a while until everything is on there because I'm going through years of content (so please be patient knowing that, and, ya know, life gets busy, as well.) If these links don't work, please message me and I'll try and have it fixed as quickly as possible.
I just made a Twitter account as of 03-21-23! It’s called @officiallyash24. You’ll know it’s me bc I have the same profile pic and background pic as I do here on tumblr.
If I need to or if I feel like I need to add something, then I will. I'm not trying to make this simple "about me" post something so complicated and shit like that. I just wanted to put something here that gives everyone some more knowledge of who I am. The Masterlist is currently being constructed. Also, since I reblog a shit ton of stuff, search up the tag #ashwrites if you’re interested in my fanfictions!
also, don’t interact with this blog if you’re homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, and all that other shit. i won’t hesitate to block your ass from my blog if i discover that someone is one of those things. another thing — please credit me if you take inspiration from one of my fanfics (also, i would love to see what you would do with that inspiration). if you’re someone that’s reading fanfics on YouTube and you want to read one of my works, all you have to do is ask me! as always, just credit me and leave a link to my tumblr page. please notify me if you realize that someone has stolen any of my stories. seriously, don’t steal people’s stuff, it’s not that hard to credit the original creator.
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watoshimi-kairou · 3 years
Damn you got me when you said Sun is more badass than in the drama you know how dramas nerf the ML from novels anyways or change things where it doesn't do the OG characters justice. I hope she doesn't push him away a lot and misunderstands him like she did early on in the drama I know this isn't a romance story but I do love my action and romance so couldn't help but love them as a couple when watching the drama. Oh that sounds so cute where she blushes when he asks her so they have a
better relationship early on then the drama did and we see them grow closer throughout their time together? Oh tell me all the Cp moments you sold me on this lol I need all the spoilers for them I thought I liked them in the drama but I can tell I'll love them more in the manga version. By the way do you think you can link me to it so I can read it? I thought you meant the character as well as Changge family and friends wanted them to kiss already lol. How different is Sun like he's still an amazing general like in the manga right? I did hear about Sun not knowing she's a girl for a while when is that revealed? Doesn't he fall for her even though he thinks she's a guy? I actually didn't mind too much of Sun saving her a lot isn't she more of a strategist than a fighter? But that might be because I only watched the drama. Does Pusa not like Sun? I'm sure people are wary of him because he was part of the Ashille Tribe. Oh what did the letter say? I remember him writing one in the drama but I assume what he says something different. Oh man this is SO MUCH more CP moments for them than the drama ever did and I can't wait for it. What chapter is it on right now? I hope the hiatus is over soon so I can read even more when I get close to getting caught up. Sorry for sending multiple messages I tried responding to most of what you said but I might've missed some I wish tumblr had a higher character limit.
YES! I can't even say they nerfed his characterization because drama!Sun vs manhua!Sun are two completely different characters. Like I said, still a badass and definitely still an amazing general.
Also, there is no misunderstanding in the manhua like the drama. Simply because the drama sped up how they met. They met in the capital, various times throughout their journal, and finally again when they are standing on opposite sides of the battlefield. In the manhua, Chang Ge and Sun do not meet or know each other until they are on opposite sides of the battlefield.
Like the drama, she loses the final battle and he has her become his military strategist. (My memory gets a little fuzzy at this point). But he doesn't trust her at first and she proved herself (intelligence-wise and saving his butt) so then he's like, thank you for saving me; I now consider you my good brother. Manhua-Sun is very... simple? He is very obvious in his likes and dislikes. If he trusts you, he gives his 100%, if he doesn't then he is not going to pretend to like you.
He finds out her gender after she goes missing. In both the manhua and drama, she ends up at a Taoist temple. So while he was searching for her he encounters Old Man Qin? Was that his name? I honestly can't remember. The interaction goes something like this:
Mujin: We asked around but found no young man fitting that description. Old Man Qin: Oh, maybe you should ask around for a young woman instead. Sun: *spit take* also *blushx100*
I honestly can't remember if he falls for her while still thinking she was a guy. He probably was feeling some type of way but there was no real indication of his feelings during that time. Sun was obviously super embarrassed when he found out that she was a girl but anything beyond that is up in the air. But when he actually sees her, he does admit to Mujin that she's "kinda pretty" is his exact words, I'm pretty sure.
So, the reason I didn't like Sun saving Chang Ge so much isn't because she is more of a military strategist than a fighter... Although, I am pretty sure the drama also made her physically weaker than she is in the manhua. What annoyed me the most was (again, this is me comparing drama!Chang Ge to manhua!Chang Ge) manhua!Chang Ge would have never gotten herself into the situations she got into in the drama. I'm not saying she is intelligent just because the drama/manhua says she is. She comes up with plans and plans behind plans; she would have maneuvered and manipulated herself out of the situation. Girl thinks three steps ahead and if something does not go her way, she is able to adjust her plan accordingly.
Pusa's relationship with Sun is more of "you have an ambiguous relationship with my niece and I am not sure how I feel about that." Anyway, their relationship is hilarious. Pusa's relationship with Chang Ge is hilarious as well. I just love Pusa.
I honestly can't remember what the letter in the manhua said. I think it was something like, "Beautiful Han girl. I like." in horrible handwriting. LOLOL Definitely something just as cheesy.
It's currently on Chapter 61. And yeah, I think the hiatus will be over soon. Bilibili and Teacher Xia Da made an announcement that the manhua was going to get reserialized again late November of 2020 but we haven't gotten an actual date yet. There's also going to be an animation, which I am pretty excited about. I don't care what form it comes at me in, I just want more Chang Ge Xing!
And sorry, I don't like to link to aggressor sites (Mangadex is currently down, otherwise I would link you to that) but you can just google Chang Ge Xing and pick a site to read it from. I can't even link you to the original RAW as her old publisher doesn't deserve anymore pageviews.
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faunusrights · 4 years
On the other end of the line, Cinder let out a tight sigh. “Yeah. Okay, well—I’m in a difficult position right now. I’m balancing a lot. So, that wasn’t, you know, directed at you or whatever… I’m just trying to deliver you to Atlas. That’s all.”
“Yeah,” Glynda said. “This apology sucks.”
it’s been a WHILE but i’m STILL HERE!!!!!!!!! also i’m a little late to the draw and also unlike w/ prior chaps i did actually read this one when it came out so i’ve had my first run already. BUT that means i actually get 2 Focus so lets get this party started
so we’re now entering into the New Umbraroot Arc which Frightens me on a deep and intrinsic scale because now i have no padding to ready me for whatever the Hell is going to occur, but i do know it will be gay(er) than the current content was (is/shall be) and here’s the proof
It had only been a day, but the sound of Cinder’s voice was a relief to Glynda’s senses.
glynda that’s gay. hey. hey. glynda have u been told yr a lesbian. lesbeeb. besbion--
“Not at all.” Thank god. It was one thing to be traveling with Cinder Fall. It was entirely another to have her checking in on Glynda’s well-being.
cinder: my well-being is SHIT but thankfully there’s someone nearby doing WORSE than me, which makes me feel better at least,
“Oh.” Our sounded strange in her mouth.
my favourite thing abt any gay media and content is that it’s gay in ways that hettie(tm) nonsense can only dream of being. when a story is abt a guy and a gal all the romantic tension comes from like. looking at a tiddy or getting naked or w/e the shit. here? it’s literally found entirely in the use of the word our. such power. i love it.
I went from unknown to one of Atlas’ most wanted overnight, which is charming… And also annoying, because they refuse to stop pasting wanted posters on every street corner.
i feel like cinder is the type of bitch to send pics of them back to emerald like ‘is my face ACTUALLY that janky??? my hair is a state. you think they’ll use a selfie if i ask nicely???’
Cinder hummed, affirmative. “Which would be unnecessary, if you hadn’t reported me.”
Glynda returned, “I wouldn’t have reported you if you hadn’t been committing a crime.”
glynda you snitch. you narc. you bootlicker. does be gay do crime mean NOTHING to you,
We left a funny taste in her mouth, almost as strange as when Cinder had said our. She tried not to examine it too closely.
again. look at this shit. this is real slowburn hours. this is how u DO IT.
Her heart was beginning to feel like a pin cushion with all the needles pulled out, little holes left in their wake.
would i be showing my age if i glanced at this and wondered if it were a reference to the inciting og offal hunt inspiration fic or. it does doesnt it. okay moving on.
“Okay.” And then, in an effort to change the subject to something lighter: “I’ve never broken into a country before.”
glynda’s complete and continuous inability to actually like. do what she plans on doing is SO funny to me. she’s going to be stealthy, she says, throwing a man aside in obvious fashion. i’m going to be subtle, she says, being as conspicuous as possible. she’s a disaster and i live for it.
"The Faunus." Cinder's voice was cold. "Don't speak to her."
this part of this fic is subtitled ‘cinder’s rank opinions time’, apparently. not that u can tell. but it is. dsfhgjsdfghjghfjdk
In the silence that followed, Glynda thought of the stunted horns jutting above Cinder's hairline at the restaurant.
Glynda murmured, "That’s a horrible thing to say."
"Don’t start." There was no concession in her words. “I mean it.”
“...I just didn’t expect that from you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
There was something in Cinder’s tone that told Glynda that nothing she said would be correct. She said nothing.
cinder’s! rank! opinions! time! honestly this section victimises me the MOST as i very famously cried over an earlier section in which cinder thought abt all the faunus she grew up with, so i know that kc and diesel were looking to hurt me directly. that said i DO find it funny that cinder, yet again, looks like a pile of shit.  she can’t do anything right. naturally inclined to be the villain completely unintentionally. what a moron.
A harsh laugh. “What do you think we are, friends?”
“Well, no—um. Not really, but—”
“Then, just—just listen to me. I’m going to get us there. I p-promise.” There was a soft sound, like disgust or the prelude to a gag. “Urgh, your soul—give me more space.”
cinder: i’m inclined to being an asshole glynda: every time yr mean 2 me i’ll make u feel worse cinder: ah no. ah shit. i have to be nice??? ah fuck. what the shit is this.
Glynda thought of Ozpin. It wasn’t a comforting thought—more like the memory of a near-accident, like sliding on ice and feeling the world shift beneath you. It was a flinch-thought, and it would have made her miserable instead of just homesick had she not shut it out so quickly.
god the writing in this fic is so especially pristine. everything feels so real and visceral and you just know Exactly how that feels. it’s brilliantly punchy and i adore the way u get have the exact sensation click into place. it’s SO good.
She wondered if it was the same moon Bacia and Vivienne had looked upon. If they had felt the same beneath its pale light. The Great War had seen two shatterings of the moon, so perhaps it had appeared different, but… Glynda couldn’t help but wish that it was something they shared, even lifetimes apart.
actually im a little nervous abt doing fingerguns because WHAT IF SMTHNG HAS CHANGED... but i think this bit is. safe. maybe. diesel. kc. am i safe,
Glynda closed her eyes and tried to feel out that instinctual power within her. Tried to know herself better. It resonated around her like a water in a tank, nearly palpable.
again this is just GREAT storytelling. i just LOVE how well kc and diesel turn abstract ideas into such physical manifestations it’s completely unreal. r y’all seein this shit???
upon checking his number, she’d discovered it had been blocked.
i love that glynda is abt as knowledgeable abt little jumps like this as the reader is. are we surprised as a reader? yes. is glynda also surprised? HELL YEAH SHE IS. SHE AIN’T GOT A FUCKIN CLUE MY DUDE.
Remembering the notes to herself not to trust Winter, Glynda opened the log hesitantly.
glynda no yr sending read receipts to yr future gf and thats a bad move on everybodys part
The indicator showed this wasn’t the first time Glynda had accessed the message. She couldn’t remember doing so. 
“Special Operative Schnee, things are…” Glynda paused, searching for something suitably vague to say. “Proceeding.
do you see what i mean abt glynda’s ineptitude. it’s slapstick levels of ridiculous and i’m living for it.
Do you suspect she’s attempting to cross the border?”
‘sure,’ glynda says. ‘you could word it like that if you wanted to.’
“Bold of her, if nothing else. She should know there will—” Glynda skimmed through the rest of the paragraph to reach the end, the corners of her mouth curling. “—can make arrangements. Let me know if there’s anything else you need.”
its like in fallout 4 when someone tells u important info and when u click past it the main character just goes ‘uh huh’ ‘yeah’ ‘okay’ ‘sure’ ‘mm-hm’ as the text boxes whizz by GLYNDA PLEASE
Bubbles appeared, showing that Cinder was typing. Glynda waited.
And waited.
And waited.
The bubbles appeared and disappeared four times.
She flipped back to Cinder’s conversation and found that, after all that time, Cinder had finally settled on a reply.
It said:
i just had to pair these up for a second if only to say: dis me lol
okay let’s double back for a second just to cover this Juicy Lore:
If you’d like, I can arrange a bouquet of flowers to be left at your mothers’ memorial site. My thoughts are with you.”
For a long moment, Glynda simply stared at the screen. [...] In quick succession, she realized that it had been sixteen days since she’d met with Cinder in the restaurant and that it was soon to be the anniversary of her mothers’ deaths.
WHAT IS THIS LORE MA’AM AND MX??? **MA’X**??? firstly idk what the HELL the Black March tragedy is but im fascinated but also: did u have to do that. can ONE person in this fic not have [spoilers redacted cant say that yet no sir] problems??? no??? die. dsfhjgghjkfsddf
Glynda picked herself up from the armchair, neat and tidy, and disassembled into bed, pulling the covers up to her throat. With her Semblance, she turned off the lights. She closed her eyes.
It was quiet. Cold. The only thing she felt was the weight of her soul.
Her Scroll buzzed. Glynda answered it.
“Glynda.” It was Cinder. “I can feel that.”
okay following on from cinder’s text message, i just. love that cinder’s having such direct repercussions to her shitty shitty actions. like this is all tying together in some 👈😎👈 instances but having cinder be her usual callous self and having to literally turn around and start fucking Being Nice For Once is VERY gratifying. fuck you you lil round-faced one-braincelled baby. time to learn to have some Manners. jgdsfghsdfghfjd
She’d simply resigned to the loneliness of having no one to trust but Cinder, and then, not even having her.
... thats gay. hey lads is that gay? its gay. it feels gay.
On the other end of the line, Cinder let out a tight sigh. “Yeah. Okay, well—I’m in a difficult position right now. I’m balancing a lot. So, that wasn’t, you know, directed at you or whatever… I’m just trying to deliver you to Atlas. That’s all.”
“Yeah,” Glynda said. “This apology sucks.”
this feels like a reference to 👈👈👈😎👈👈👈 (IS IT. AM I RIGHT. IT IS ISNT IT) but also: LOOK AT CINDER GO. TRYING. BADLY. BUT TRYING. i love her she sucks so much shes such a dumbass. feel the consequences. feel them.
Glynda chided herself; Cinder Fall wasn’t capable of remorse, but she was more than capable of simple math. It seemed the worse she treated Glynda, the worse she herself would feel.
glynda: she’s doing this because it makes her feel better, not me cinder in like idk 20 chapters down the line:
Tumblr media
(i guess thats another 👈😎👈 moment but for GOOD REASON)
There was a shift, like Cinder was rolling over, or maybe propping herself up. Was she in bed also? It triggered the remembrance of Glynda’s own physicality, and she turned over as well, searching in the dark for the nightstand and the lamp upon it. The light clicked on. The room brightened. Glynda settled in, ready.
OOOOOH THE PARALLELS. glynda turning the lights off and sinking into darkness and the void versus perking up and sitting up and turning the lights on when talking to cinder!!!!!!! POETIC CINEMA. OOF. OOF. HOW DOES FIFTEEN POINTS OF LOVE TASTE.
“Great! Lovely. Glad to hear it.” Fangs rounded out the words like scissors. A pleasant sense of satisfaction unfurled in Glynda’s chest. “So, once upon a fucking time—”
there were two gays and they were enemies to lovers but didnt know it yet. but they will be.
THATS CHAPTER 14 BABEY!!!!!!!! i LOVED this chap and i can rly feel kc and diesel gearing up for umbraroot. its great being able to like. feel the shift of focus goin on here and im SO ready to see this arc play out. once again offal hunt is the best fic ever made. this is a fact.
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newmayhem · 3 years
Character analysis: Aubrey (Part 2)
Because this post heavily refers to direct quotations from the author and the OG text, I’ll stick calling everyone by their original names throughout (as I usually do when I’m talking specifically about the original iteration and in quotations). But elsewhere on the site, I typically refer to everyone by different names in all other situations.
It's been a while, but I was finally able to pull it together! I'm taking a magnifying glass to the brief glimpses of Aubrey that we see in the books to try to fill in the blanks of his personality and to build up a consistent character for the fic.
General Personality
Risika sees Aubrey as being this bluntly chaotic, destructive person, who doesn't care about anything and just does whatever he wants on a whim. In both ITFOTN Chapters 12 and 15, Risika assumes that Aubrey doesn’t have any complex ideas about morality, he’s just doing whatever Ather tells him to do or whatever destructive impulse strikes his fancy.
It's easy to see why—he carries himself with this cool-headed devil-may-care attitude even as he's fucking up her life.
He’s also a bit of a troll. In both ITFOTN and DIMV, he seems to get a kick out of knowing exactly what to buttons to push in order to get a reaction.
However, his actual actions show that he's actually very calculating, patient, decisive, and highly manipulative.
Some examples:
He convinced Ather that it was a better idea to turn Risika instead of kill her.
He conspired with Pandora to keep Risika and Alexander apart and then, of course, not only let Risika believe that her brother was dead for centuries but actively lied to her about it.
That whole situation with Risika and her stepmother.
The most significant part of Aubrey’s personality with regards to Risika’s story is his morality, so I spent the most time on this. Luckily for us, in ITFOTN Aubrey tells us pretty explicitly what his views on morality are almost every time we see him:
ITFOTN, Chapter 12 (Risika in the mountains)
‘No one orders me, child.’ ‘Except Ather,’ I countered. ‘She snaps and you jump. Or search, or kill.’ ‘Not always … I just didn't like your brother,’ Aubrey answered, laughing … ‘Who was that carrion on the ground behind you, Risika?’ he taunted. ‘Did you even bother to ask? Who loved him? To whom was he a brother? You stepped over his body without a care. Over the body—no respect, Risika. You would leave his body here without a prayer for the scavengers to eat. Who is the monster now, Risika?’ ... ‘Are you a god now, Risika, deciding who is to live and who is to die? The world has teeth and claws, Risika; you are either the predator or the prey. No one deserves to die any more than they deserve to live. The weak die, the strong survive. There is nothing else. Your brother was one of the weak. It is his own fault if he is dead.’”
Later on, he throws his knife down and challenges Risika to stab him with it:
‘You can't,’ he finally said, when I did not move. ‘You can't kill me while I am defenseless because you still think like a human. Well, know this, Risika—that isn't how the world works.’
ITFOTN, Chapter 15 (Risika returns home)
“Jealous?” someone said over my shoulder, and I swung around toward Aubrey, knowing that my eyes were narrowed with hatred. “If she bothers you that much, kill her.” “I am sure you would appreciate that,” I hissed. He laughed. “You have too many morals.” “And you have none,” I snapped back, trying to keep myself from hitting him. I refused to leave while he was here, his attention on my father and this innocent woman. Innocent woman…strange, how my opinion changed so quickly. As soon as Aubrey suggested I kill her, I felt the need to protect her. “I have some morals, I suppose,” he argued, though his voice was light. He had taken no offense at the accusation. “But none that interfere with the way I survive. Look at yourself, Risika—you can hardly preach the benefits of morality.” Though I did not hate myself for killing to survive, I feared that I would one day become as indifferent to murder as Aubrey was. ... “Fine, Aubrey—you have made your point,” I snapped, stepping between him and his prey. “Now leave.” “And what point would that be?” he inquired. “I do not share your reservations, Risika. I hunt when I wish, as I always have.”
ITFOTN, Chapter 20 (The fight in Las Noches)
“I do not kill my own unless forced to, Risika, and you are not enough of a threat to force me. So go.”
Through these exchanges, Aubrey reveals that:
He believes that he lives by a moral code.
His moral code doesn't interfere with his survival.
His moral code allows him to kill someone for no other reason than that he simply doesn’t like them. Also, I know it's just him lying, but I feel like the integrity of his claim that he killed Alexander simply because he didn't like him is undermined by the fact that Alexander was still alive and he knew it.
His moral code DOES prohibit killing other vampires. Actually, it could be argued that this prohibition was more for political reasons rather than moral reasons.
He believes that in determining who is ‘deserving’ of life or not, survival/survival of the fittest trumps any absolute ideas of right or wrong/good or bad. Even in the act of killing, he believes that there’s no need for justification, it just is what it is–no further meaning, no moral weight behind it. For Aubrey, you’re either predator or you’re prey. In that way, it’s almost as black and white as Alexander’s idea of morality is, at least on the surface. It’s just that while he doesn’t like or respect weakness, he understands it and doesn’t consider those who are weak to be abominations.
What we don’t see spelled out explicitly is that he places a lot of importance on strength. He’s very willing to cultivate and defend that in himself and others (Risika is a prime example). Could be argued that it’s to the point of fanaticism.
His moral compass is just built differently. The cardinal directions aren’t good/bad, it’s strong/weak.
He dislikes hypocrisy. Actually, I'm not so sure about this one. It could just be that he wants to show Risika that she's being hypocritical with her morals.
This is an interesting one and it’s worth taking a tangent to discuss it. We know based on Word of God that Aubrey has been trying to get Risika to kill and eat regularly, so why not just let her keep her moral justification for only targeting criminals if that’s what allows her to kill and eat regularly? I think, perhaps based on his own experience, he knows that holding onto that morality will hurt her in the long run.
In Chapter 12, he tells her "‘You can't kill me while I am defenseless because you still think like a human. Well, know this, Risika—that isn't how the world works.’”
I think that more than trying to get her to feed regularly, Aubrey is trying to get Risika to understand that she's not human anymore, that her world is no longer governed by human notions of morality and so if she keeps holding herself back to abide by those human morals (no matter how fast and loose she plays with those boundaries), someone else who does know how to play by vampire rules is going to use that against her and actually hurt her.
Demon In My View
There aren’t any quotes here that directly relate to the topic of morality, but we do see that despite the change in Aubrey’s role (from antagonist to romantic antihero), his actions in this book do support everything we learned about his morality in ITFOTN.
In DIMV his dilemma over whether or not to kill Jessica is driven more by pride/reputation vs. attraction/personal desire rather than morality. I mean, the whole reason he goes after her in the first place is because she exposed his past weaknesses and defeats in her books. This is also highlighted in ITFOTN, Chapter 16 when Risika draws Aubrey out of his hiding place by accusing him of being afraid of her—"There is one taunt that almost guarantees a vampire's response: accusing him of being afraid." Image matters a lot to him. Which is interesting when you consider that he was willing to put his image on the line in order for Risika to show that she belongs in that world.
In contrast to Risika, Aubrey is deeply embedded in vampire society (literally, he lives in an apartment behind Las Noches, at the heart of New Mayhem). Status and reputation within the vampire community mean a lot to him. From the above quotes, we can also conclude that he also cares a lot about strength. He not only cultivates it in himself, but he's also drawn to it in others. That said, based on his decision to trade in his blood (and therefore his strength and status) for his life at the end of ITFOTN as well as what he says about his morals, it seems like survival is what he prioritizes above all.
It should also be noted that strength, status within vampire society, and survival are all deeply interconnected.
Risika kind of characterizes Aubrey as being the pinnacle of rebellion and lawlessness, but the truth is, he’s deeply ingrained into vampire society and the rules and norms of that world.
What's really interesting is that he not only prioritizes these things, he thinks that Risika should too. It was important to him that Risika learn to survive and be a part of vampire society and he didn't care that he had to hurt her (and the ones she loves) and become her enemy in order to get that point across.
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A GMAT story
Hi guys, I just came back from the test center with a big smile on my face.   Got a 700 (Q47, V39). As many of you guys remember, I joined this site after getting a 420 back in October. I was feeling so down that I chose "positive soul" as my username. I have to say that the road was not easy, but I found very helpful all the support I got from you guys. I am exhausted, so I will write in more details in the next few days. Now, I am going to sleep. Remember to never give up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you all for your kind words. I am very happy to see that all my effort and sacrificies paid off, and, hopefully, my experience will help others to beat the GMAT. Before I start, I want to thank all the active members of the GMAT Club, specially, ywilfred, professor, vivek123, HongHu, GMATT73, coffeeloverfreak, laxieqv, ps_dahiya, Futuristic, fig, rhyme, u2lover, haas_mba07, necromonger, kevincan, and yezz. I really learned from you guys. I take my hat off. My GMAT experience is a very LONG one. I took the GMAT the first time in 1995, when it was still on paper and I was considering the idea of going for my MBA right after college. I got a 560!! I knew this score was too low to try to get into a top school, so I decided to take a Kaplan course. After 3 months, my score improved a little to 590. Luckly (I guess), I landed a very good job in an European Multinational, so I decided to put off the MBA for a couple of years. The years went by, and I started to climb the corporate ladder, so every year I put off the MBA. The funny thing is that during 4 years, my GMAT books traveled with me around the world. In October 2006, (10 years later), I took the GMAT again, obtaining a very VERY dissapointing score 420 (29Q 20V) I knew my preparation for the test was not optimal, but a 420 was just too low. For my preparation I used the OG and my old Kaplan books. I was consistenly scoring above 550 in sample tests, so I was expecting a low 600. I will never forget that day, it was the worst day of my life. I went back home thinking I was never going to get into a decent MBA program. Out of my dissapointment, I found strength to look for help. So searching the web, I found this amazing site. I posted my experience, and I got encouraging words from some of the member. At this point I saw light at the end of the tunnel. My second try: I became determined to at least break the 500 level. I read many posts regarding preparation materials, and strategies. So I gave myself 3 months to retake the exam. Looking back, it was a mistake because I was working 60+ hours, and under a lot of preassure to deliver a project by the end of January. I went ahead anyway because I wanted my "revenge". My preparation consisted on reviewing the same OG and Kaplan materials that I used before. I also started to solve some of the problems in the GMATClub. I studied on and off during the first 2 1/2 months, and started to put 2 hours during the weekdays and 8 hours during the weekend. I got a 510 (36Q 20V?) this time. Believe it or not, I was happy that I improved my Quantitative score.   Final Try Eventhough, I improved my score, I knew I had to improve. I was not near the 650 I need to even dream about applying to a top MBA. Then I decided to make it happen. I made a decision to score a 700. I was no longer going to be complacent with myself. So I started to make changes in every single aspect of my preparation. Thinks that I did, I believe it made a difference this time around: 1. I committed myself to put the time and effort. Work and travel was no longer an excuse. I made the time. I promised myself I would study at least 2 hours per day. No matter what. This was very difficult, and I did not do it every day, but al least 90% of the time. I became more focus on achiving my objective. 2. I gave myself a realistic timetable to take the test. I knew, I was not going to improve my score by 200 points in one month. At least not with my working schedule. This was one of the mistakes I made in the first 2 tests. However, I knew that I had to be serious with this issue, otherwise history would repeat itself. 3. I put together a very complete list of study materials and resources. This was my list: - OG Materials: GMAT review 10th Edition, Verbal review and Quantitative review. I also obtained old GMAT paper tests from their website. - Kaplan Materials: Kaplan GMAT 2005, Kaplan GMAT 800 and Kaplan GMAT Verbal. - GMATprep Software: Downloaded from the website. - LSAT sample tests - GMAX online - GMAT Club Forum and Challenges. - GMAT 1000 Questions I could have gotten more books, but I wanted keep it as simple as possible. I knew I was NOT going to improve by doing all available questions, but by changing the way I study (I will develop later). 4. I totally changed my study approach: a) I decided to cover the basics: I came to accept that I did not have a good grasp of all the topics (Math and Verbal). It was that simple. I was really troubled by very simple rate and distance problems, and I was a dummy when I tried to solve number properties. What did I do: I took the GMAX online course. I will not recommend this course to everyone, but if you make an honest self-assessment of your skills, and think you need help. I highly recommend it. Note: This course by itself will NOT help you to increase your score dramatically but it will provide you with the basic knowledge you need to apply some strategies. b) I started to use an error log: I cannot tell you how many times I read about it. I always said, I will defenitely do it, it makes sense, etc..... BUT I NEVER DID IT (sounds like anyone you know????). Deep in my mind I thought it was a waste of time and energy: What did I do: I just did it. It was really a pain in the begining. But I cannot tell you how much time I saved, and the things I discovered about myself. After going over the GMAX course, I discovered that 75% of my mistakes were careless mistakes, such as I did not multiply correctly (  ), I did not read the question properly, I did not read all the answers, etc. I think this made a huge difference because on test day, I was right on the ball. I knew in which questions and calculations I was prone to make mistakes, and I paid a LOTof attention. c) I always tried to solve a question on my own, I did not seek help until I knew I could not solve it on my own. Before, I used to try a problem, I got it wrong, I will see the explanation given. BIG mistake. I was only doing the most convinient thing but I was not really learning. What did I do: Sometimes I would spend 10 minutes on a question (obviously not during a sample test), trying to solve it. You might say "what a waste of time", now ask me if got a similar problem wrong. Very few times. I made a comittment to think and learn. d) I never jumped to solve a question before spending a few seconds thinking about the quickest way to solve it. I read once on post, not to attack right away a problem using "brute force". This is a skill you need to develop, and it is very difficult to think about it when you know that the clock is your enemy. What did I do: When I was practicing, I realized that If I could not solve a problem under 1 1/2 minutes, I was using the wrong approach or I did not know the concept tested. So I tried and tried until I found a faster way. e) I decided to learn from the GMAT questions. In some courses, you read about traps, question types, etc. I knew about them, but I never actually thought about them when solving a question. I never said to myself, "this is a global question, so answers that are too specific will probably be wrong....". I knew the theory but I never applied it. What did I do: For every SINGLE question, I would analyze each answer and find WHY it was right and WHY the other 4 were wrong. This way you learn to identify first hand what the GMAT test makers are throwing at you. I was getting so good, I could eliminate in a few seconds 2 to 3 answer choices. Depending on the question, you could eliminate the wrong answers by knowing your scope (even in math) and identifying how GMAT tries to trick you. In summary, Re-do the questions and read every single answer. Identify the reasons for being right and wrong. Do this and you will identify patterns that repeat themselves all the time. Once you do this on YOUR OWN. You will work faster and more efficient. 5) I participated more actively on the GMAT Club. I have to accept that I always felt apprehensive about participating because some of you guys are VERY GOOD. However, once I improved my skills, I started to try. I answer some questions wrong but I learn from them. Don't be intimidated. I found myself learning a lot, trying to explain some of my answers. Sometimes, this process is a great teacher. For you guys that feel intimidated, I can tell you that some of the questions I found in this site were just too hard for me. Some of the explanations were very hard to understand. In summary, I felt dumb. But on test day, I was so ready, I found very few questions I was not able to handle 6) Practice with the GMAT Challenges. They were not easy, but they were great practice. The concepts tested were right on the money, and the time constraints really pushed me to my limits. I scored over 80% after my 6th challenge. It was a good tool to measure my improvement. 7) When I felt overwhelmed, I looked for the GMAT Club for inspiration.. Things were never a piece of cake. I had my ups and downs. I really struggled to overcome my low score stigma. There were days that I would try 10 questions, and I would get 7 wrong. I just convinced myself that it was possible to do it. I logged in everyday for inspiration. (However, I have to say I felt frustrated when members posted their 700+ score on their very first post. Why?, because they made look easy to get a 700, while I was killing myself to get reach that level.) No hard feelings because you probably deserve it. My point is, If you want to improve, you have to work hard for it, and the GMAT Club has examples of people who have done it. Dream that it is possible just as I did. 8) I took care of myself: There is a very good post about improving your score by exercising and eating better. I cannot say for sure If it really help me, but I believe it did not hurt. I convinced myself that this change would help me score higher so I started to exercise 3 times a week and eat better. I made no radical changes and I lost 10 lbs. I will not discuss about the test itself as I don't believe I can add any value to comments made by other members. However, I had a scary moment when the power went out in the middle of the verbal section. The computer shut down and it took 6 minutes to restart and recuperate the test. I believe I could have done a better job on the verbal part since I have to guess the last 5 questions. Maybe I could have reached 720 and make a 300 points improvement.   My final GMAT score was 700 (47Q 39V). Finally, I think I need to talk about things that I could have done better. GMAT can take a huge toll on your personal life. The obsession to score higher hurt my relationship with friends and family. I distanced myself from them for 2 reasons: 1) I was ashamed of my score (since I live in an environment where people seem to get 650+ all the time  ) and 2) I felt guilty when I took some time off. Don't let this happen to you. Find a balance, and try to get support from your friends. Good luck, and remember to be positive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Rhyme mentioned, I got accepted in the Wharton/Lauder Program. I want to thank you guys for your support since the begining. I really worked hard on the applications and followed some of your advise. The only thing I can say about the application procress is that it is a pain in the %%$!!!!!!!  In a serious note, I think you need to market yourself well. Tell your story and be clear on your goals. Schools really look for people that will make a good use of their MBA, thus marketing the school for them. So you know, I also applied to: Harvard....haven't heard from them so I think they dinged me. INSEAD: Accepted London Business School: Accepted. Columbia: dinged after interviewing It has been a long journey since my 420 in the GMAT. Although, the road was not easy, I am really satisfied with the outcome. It is really a dream come true. Good luck guys in your projects and if you need anything, please drop me a line. Remember to be POSITIVE and the only obstacle to achiving your goals is yourself. Your friend
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kentonramsey · 4 years
The Influencers’ Guide To Successful Secondhand Shopping Online
In our dreams, online secondhand shopping is as simple as scrolling through a treasure trove of perfectly preserved items which all cost less than a frappuccino. In reality, the process can be a tad more arduous, requiring a keen eye, good timing and a large dose of luck. In recent years the secondhand clothing industry has taken on a life of its own, with resale apps and websites becoming a focal point of the sustainability movement.  While eBay remains the OG online destination for secondhand steals, platforms such as Depop and Instagram have enticed a new wave of young consumers into the vintage sphere. The Gen Z-focused apps offer the chance to buy both reworked collections and one-off gems, and have quickly become known as go-to spots for preloved pieces. Meanwhile for those searching for serious investment pieces, curated sites like Vestiaire Collective and HEWI sit at the top of the secondhand food chain, boasting a wide range of premium pre-owned clothing. The secondhand shopping space has been bubbling away for quite some time but the recent pandemic has seen a spike in the desire for more purposeful purchasing. New initiatives like Oxfam’s #SecondHandSeptember are working to highlight the need for environmentally conscious shopping, with the campaign drawing attention to the 13 million items of clothing that end up in UK landfill every week. As the negative impacts of the fast fashion industry are increasingly publicised, many people are beginning to examine their shopping habits as well as the contents of their wardrobes. If you're thinking of starting your own secondhand shopping journey, it can be helpful to know what to expect, which is exactly why we've collated the best tips in the business to help you navigate the wonderful world of secondhand retail. Ahead, we speak to eight sustainable fashion influencers about their relationship with pre-owned clothing and their favourite online sellers, plus their top tips for successful secondhand shopping online...
Emma Slade Edmondson, @emsladedmondson
Which secondhand platform do you use most often? I don’t have one favourite per se as I think like any other mode of fashion, each has their different star quality. If I’m looking for a special piece I can wear as everyday glam, I’ll head to little sellers that know how to curate the most beautiful collections and pieces – the likes of Another Matinee (elegant, wearable dresses), Laura Von Behr (pretty, one-of-a-kind patterns and prints), I Am That Shop (effortless cool and fashion cuts) and The Pansy Garden Vintage (prairie dresses that will quickly become your favourite everyday pieces). I also love Shop Berriez because they have a good selection of interesting, colourful pieces for mid plus-size and I think it’s really important to showcase that you can get great secondhand in bigger sizes. I discuss this topic a lot on my IGTV show, Come Second Hand Shopping With Me. What is the best secondhand purchase you've made online? Probably my Anne Klein '90s classic olive green suit from Retold Vintage. It’s a power suit number with just enough shoulder pad but not too much, and the cut is slick but still feminine because of the lightweight material (100% silk). I wear it a lot because it’s comfortable, professional and interesting to look at. I feel like a boss in it. It cost me £110 but I should mention that I nabbed a little discount because I’ve become friends with the owner of Retold Vintage. What is your top hack for successful secondhand shopping? Know your tape measurements, including bust (measure the fullest area all the way round), waist (this is your narrowest part) and hips (the fullest part of your hips and bum) so you don’t miss out because you’re deliberating. Definitely put alerts on for drops from vintage sellers on Instagram as things go very quick. Get friendly with your fave sellers. Sometimes they will keep an eye out for things they know you’ll love and keep aside for you or give you a heads up. Which decade do you love to hunt for while vintage shopping?  The '70s. I love the bright patterns, colours and the exuberance of the ruffles, statement bell sleeves, the glamour of oversized pants and sunglasses and the flared trouser silhouette. I am also influenced by fashion references like those seen in blaxploitation movies like Foxy Brown, Coffy and Super Fly. What do you love about going secondhand? I love the idea that the pieces have a life before me and a story to tell, whether I find out what it is or not. I like that I am actively continuing their legacy. And I really love owning pieces that nobody else will have. Also millions of garments end up in landfill each week in the UK alone so it makes sense to shop consciously – which for me means secondhand as a first port of call. What piece do you have your eye on next? I’d like to nab a secondhand upcycle from JJvintage or Almost On Time, their corsets are amazing. I'd also love to get a summer prairie dress from The Pansy Garden – the blue and pink colourways they have been curating recently are heavenly.Photo Courtesy Of Emma Slade Edmondson
Jessica Wilkinson, @slowfashioncurator
Which secondhand platform do you use most often? My favourite secondhand platforms are Depop and ASOS Marketplace. I largely buy the secondhand clothes I find online from people’s wardrobes rather than from vintage shops. However, I am starting to source more of my clothes from the many beautifully curated shops on the two platforms. The accounts I have my eyes on to buy from, or have bought from before, are Retroverse Vintage for jeans, Lille Finds, Selenasshop and Rebekah Peters for dreamy pieces, and Lazy Lemon Vintage for the thoughtful mystery boxes. What is the best secondhand purchase you've made online? An oversized vintage trench coat. I’d been searching for a light-coloured, long trench coat secondhand and hadn’t been able to find one that was the right style or fit that I wanted. After a few months of looking, I found my trench coat from Vive L’Amour on ASOS Marketplace for £28. All secondhand shoppers know that feeling of finally coming across an item you’ve been holding out for – it’s so worth it. The coat is stone-coloured with a removable checked wool lining and brown wooden buttons. It’s the perfect oversized fit and brings an element of glamour to any outfit. It’s a '90s style but trench coats are timeless and I know it’ll be in my wardrobe for years. What is your top hack for successful secondhand shopping? Start with a plan but have an open mind! The beauty of secondhand is that there’s so much choice and while trends play a part, the very nature of thrifting is that we have access to every trend we’ve had before. For shopping secondhand online I’d recommend going in with a list of items you’d like to look for, and make sure to consider all the different ways that style may have been described in listings. Filter according to size, price and even brand if you’re looking for a high street item, or follow your favourite sellers to see their latest drops. After that, go with the flow and use it as an opportunity to curate your own style, rather than following the trends set by fast fashion brands. Wear what makes you feel good and you can’t go wrong! Which decade do you love to hunt for while vintage shopping?  At the moment I enjoy wearing '70s styles. I love the funky prints, flowing shapes and warm colours. What do you love about going secondhand? Shopping secondhand is a more ethical and creative way for me to enjoy styling outfits. I started shopping secondhand because I enjoyed the opportunity to curate looks that weren’t pre-set for me on fast fashion websites. I’ve since committed to that after opening my eyes to the negative effects of the fast fashion industry on people and the planet. I love wearing a cute thrifted outfit but also knowing my outfit contains no exploitation, and has a low impact on the planet.   What piece do you have your eye on next? I’m currently on the lookout for a pair of silky long trousers that I can wear for working from home and back into the office. My style preferences have slightly shifted during lockdown and I’m definitely gravitating more to pieces that can be dressed up and down while also being comfy in and out the house. A pair of silky drawstring trousers would be the perfect piece!Photo Courtesy Of Jessica Wilkinson
Zeena Shah, @heartzeena
Which secondhand platform do you use most often? I love eBay, I always think it gives you the widest selection and the opportunity for a great bargain. I am forever searching for vintage Laura Ashley and Liberty and bookmark a great seller as soon as I find one as I know they have a great eye and will keep a check on their future listings. That said, over the past few months I've really fallen for Depop! As I started selling preloved, I started looking on there more and more. The sellers are younger so it's easier to find more trend-led pieces and there are some brilliant less-known vintage sellers. I've bagged some real bargains including a dreamy pink satin ruffled dress. What is the best secondhand purchase you've made online? It would have to be my lilac vintage prairie dress from Another Matinee. I feel so lucky to own it! It was £130 and there was a fastest finger first-style Instagram launch, which I hate as I am the unluckiest, but somehow I managed to bag this one. I often think pieces find you! It's lilac cotton with a floral print and has the most beautiful ruffle detailing around the neck and on the bottom tier. What is your top hack for successful secondhand shopping? Persistence is fruitful. Don't give up if you don't find a vintage gem on your first search, successful secondhand shopping is about the long haul. If you were to go into a high street shop, you might not find something on the first go either so it's about making sure to search and knowing your keywords. My favourite thing to do is shop sequins and velvet dresses in the summer, you will bag a bargain. Bookmark your favourite sellers and check back regularly.  Which decade do you love to hunt for while vintage shopping?  It has to be the '70s! I love a midi dress and all the ruffles they wore, glamour without the fuss. The decade was so fun and fabulous and the clothing thus filled with plenty of colour and pattern. I'm an even bigger fan of the interiors from that decade. I also find the clothing shapes incredibly flattering for all shapes and sizes.  What do you love about going secondhand? I just love that every piece is an absolute unique treasure, it has a story to tell. I try to imagine who might have worn it before me and always google the labels to try and find out a bit more about the brand, era it was made and way of life – it's just so fascinating. Clothing has such an intrinsic relationship to our emotions, it's a much more meaningful way of shopping. What piece do you have your eye on next? I love Darling & Vintage's collections and Selena's Shop as well as currently coveting everything from The Wilde Shop.Photo Courtesy Of Zeena Shah
Lottie Hanson-Lowe, @slow_fashion_lottie
Which secondhand platform do you use most often? I'm an eBay queen but I also love using Instagram, Depop and Etsy to find preloved pieces. For me, eBay is a great place to scoop up some casual '60s or '70s wear for a bargain, Etsy and Instagram are where I can find those more unique pieces of vintage and Depop is great for preloved high street clothing. I haven't yet purchased anything from them but I've been really lusting after @cordialvintage and @thepansygarden's Instagram feeds. They both do curated regular drops of prairie dresses which are so lust-worthy. I also really love Another Matinee's approach to creating smaller curated collections.  What is the best secondhand purchase you've made online? I absolutely love the gingham jumpsuit I got on eBay about six years ago. It's incredibly flattering and can be easily paired with trainers and hoops, or dressed up in the evening with silver boots and red lippy. I think it was around £30? I really love '70s clothes as they flatter my figure and generally were made with comfort in mind. Another purchase I LOVE is a vintage '70s green velvet belted trench coat with faux leopard-print trim. It's such a treasure. I lusted after it for about four months before purchasing it on eBay when I was a student. It was way out of my student budget but completely worth it. What is your top hack for successful secondhand shopping? Firstly, know your measurements. Vintage sizing is different to modern sizing so when they say size 12, they may mean a modern size 8. Secondly, if you're using eBay, make sure you wait until the very last possible moment to make a bid (last 15 seconds gives you the best chances of winning). Also always start with lowest price first and UK only on eBay. Thirdly, get to know the specific phrases that describe things you like. For me, searching "prairie dress" brings up so much more that I like than just searching "70s dress".  Which decade do you love to hunt for while vintage shopping?  For me it is the '70s mixed in with a bit of '60s and the occasional '80s blouse. The styles of the '70s suit my figure and there was a big focus on comfort (wide-leg trousers/ loose dresses/ bra-free living etc.), as well as feminine styles mixed with more power items like belted coats and heeled boots.  What do you love about going secondhand? Every item you find secondhand shopping feels exciting and special. The real gems will stick with you for a long time. If you order something that doesn't work for you, you can easily resell it. There is so much less risk with vintage shopping as the value doesn't change from when you bought it to when you want to pass it on. I also love that you can use platforms like Depop to still engage with trends and brands you like but in a more sustainable way than buying new. Often the clothes have only been worn a few times anyway... What piece do you have your eye on next? I've been hunting for the right leather belted coat for a while but am yet to find the right one. I'm also getting married next spring and am doing lots of research on lovely Laura Ashley dresses for my bridesmaids.Photo Courtesy Of Lottie Hanson-Lowe
Montana Marshall, @montana.marshall1
Which secondhand platform do you use most often? There are some really fabulous platforms out there for buying secondhand, like Depop or Vinted. I prefer to swap secondhand with the community I created called The Dress Change, which is the UK’s first peer-to-peer exchange platform. Swapping online is relatively new but essentially you scour your wardrobe for your unwanted items of clothing, shoes and accessories, write a description of the items and add photos, then swap them for pieces listed on the website by other like-minded women. It helps to save money and it uses what we already have in circulation so we aren’t adding to landfill or supporting fast fashion. What is the best secondhand purchase you've made online? My most favourite secondhand piece at the moment has to be a pink '80s oversized boiler suit that I swapped on The Dress Change. You know you have found a great addition to your wardrobe when it’s versatile, and this jumpsuit works for both day and night looks. I’m a trainer girl at heart and this jumpsuit goes perfectly with a pair of neat trainers but in the evening I've worn it with a pair of strappy sandals. What is your top hack for successful secondhand shopping? Firstly, go through your wardrobe, see what you have and what’s missing, then create a ‘wanted list’ of items you feel you need that will help build your dream wardrobe. This will help you to stay focused, know what you need and not get led astray when shopping. Then list items that you want in the wanted section of The Dress Change; if any members have the item you’d like, you’ll be sent a notification to swap. Also make sure to get to know your charity shop workers, find out their name and what days they receive/sort their donations. First in gets the pick of the lot! Visit charity shops in affluent areas too. Finding secondhand online is also a super easy way to shop vintage. Some of these smaller boutiques can also source items for you, so it is worth getting to know the faces behind the stores to give your wardrobe that edge. What is your favourite decade for vintage shopping and why? Being born in the '90s means I missed out on joining in with mom jeans, high necks and crop tops. I love that these pieces have come back around and I get to shop and work these classic looks!  What do you love about shopping secondhand? There are so many things to love about secondhand shopping but the thrill of finding that gem of a piece that you didn’t even know you needed is probably top of the list. Secondhand shopping is also much cheaper and you can find some really amazing bargains. I recently picked up a pair of Fendi black strappy heels from One Scoop Store and these would have retailed for at least £300! I paid £90 for them and they are in great condition as well as being an item I needed to replace in my wardrobe. What secondhand piece do you have your eye on next? I’m super mindful when it comes to shopping and try to only buy secondhand items that I can’t source through swapping. I have my ‘wanted list’ of items that I'd like to add to my wardrobe and top of that list currently is a white denim midi skirt. It’s such a versatile piece which can look super casual paired with a T-shirt and sandals and also dressed up with a silk cami top and a pair of bright-coloured court shoes. Anything you add to your wardrobe should serve multiple looks! Photo Courtesy Of Montana Marshall
Becky Hughes, @theniftythrifter
Which secondhand platform do you use most often? My favourite secondhand platform has to be Depop. I love the way that vintage creators use it to express themselves and over the last few years it's turned into a space which young people actually want to use and will actively choose over conventional fast fashion shops. Some of my favourite shops are @shopnovavintage and @fifisclosetuk, which sell mostly '90s-style vintage which I absolutely love. Other vintage shops I look to regularly are NXC Vintage and Wild Éire, who sell a lot of reworked and upcycled clothing. Ebay forever has a place in my heart but more recently I have discovered the app Vinted, which is such a little treasure trove. I also use the Nu Wardrobe (Nuw) app which centres around clothing swaps. I’ve recently swapped with a girl from London and I should be receiving a new-to-me purple slip dress from her any day now! What is the best secondhand purchase you've made online? The best purchase I have made online is definitely my green shirt from Vinted. It was £5 and such a special find. What I love most is the design on the back which shows a sign for a surf club in Hawaii. It has pearl buttons and the material is soft and lightweight. It's an Italian make and must be late '80s or early '90s judging by its label and design. I love thinking of who might have worn it before, where they went in it, and what was their story. I think that’s what makes shopping secondhand so special – wondering about how many lives that particular piece has lived before. I wear it a lot because it is so versatile. I can tuck it into high-waisted jeans or style it open with a little bandeau and Levi's shorts on hot days! What is your top hack for successful secondhand shopping? I would definitely say taking your time is key to a successful secondhand shop. Be prepared that you will not find everything you want in the first two minutes. On the odd occasion I am looking for something super specific online, I will use ALL the filters available to me. If you are just starting out and struggling to find clothes, a great place to look is in the shop’s accessories section. Loads of times I've been content with thrifting a pair of beautiful vintage earrings that I simply sanitise once they’re delivered. Another great tip is to keep a thrifty wish list of items you need to complete your wardrobe – this helps to assuage my tendency to over-consume. Which decade do you find is the best for vintage shopping?  I definitely have to say '90s. I am a sucker for those tiny glasses and itsy-bitsy handbags. One of my recent favourite outfits is my godmother’s pink dress from the '90s paired with this big, baggy vintage brown jumper and a set of '80s pearls. I love the brown and pink together and clashing the decades. I’m also pretty obsessed with anything Clueless, early '00s vibes at the moment so I'm on the hunt for collared polo shirts for autumn. What do you love about shopping secondhand? I love everything about it. I love how it’s made me way more creative and individual with my style. I thought I would be restricted in not buying fast fashion but it turned out to be the exact opposite. I live for rummaging through charity shops and vintage stores online to find those gem pieces you wouldn’t be able to find anywhere else. Styling secondhand has truly given me a new fashion identity and I feel so content with my current style and how I see it developing. What secondhand piece do you have your eye on next? I am currently looking for a vintage lilac cardigan. What I love to do on my page is match vintage pieces together by colour. I think what I have enjoyed about going seasonless is looking more closely at the colour wheel and what I can learn from it. Once you know what colours are palatable together you can never go wrong. I have a yellow dress that is crying out for a lilac cardigan to match, hopefully I will find one soon. Photo Courtesy Of Becky Hughes
Lydia Taylor, @thriftdiary
Which secondhand platform do you use the most often? I think Depop is my favourite as it’s the fastest, easiest way to find exactly what I’m looking for. Charity shopping can be pretty hit and miss, so Depop is my go-to when I want to find a specific item but still want to avoid buying new. It also saves me some money in the process! I also love online swap shops, like @BigSisterSwap and @WeAreNuw, which I found through Instagram. Swapping is an affordable, sustainable way to refresh your wardrobe and it’s been great to see swapping becoming more popular. What is the best secondhand purchase you've made online? My best purchase was a vintage '90s white Fila jumper, which I got from BigSisterSwap for £15 along with five or six other items of clothing. I get so many compliments on it and I love telling people where I got it from. I love wearing it with my baggy Levi's and chunky trainers for a real '90s look.  What is your top hack for successful secondhand shopping? Be open-minded – don’t always shop your size, gender, or in the right season. Some of my best finds have been from the men’s section (always a win for comfy oversized tees) and I often pick up winter jackets and jumpers during the summer if they’re a great deal. Which decade do you find is the best for vintage shopping?  Definitely the '90s – I love vintage Levi's, leather blazers, platform shoes… So many trends today are inspired by the '90s so it’s an easy one to style, and often easy to find secondhand. I also steal a lot from my parents' wardrobe as they’re definitely old enough to be considered vintage (sorry Mum). What do you love about shopping secondhand?  So many things! I love finding unique pieces, the affordability and sustainability of thrifting, and also knowing where my money is going. If I shop at a charity shop, I know my money is supporting a good cause. If I buy from an online secondhand seller, I know my money is most likely going towards a hardworking individual, rather than to a large fashion chain where I have no idea of the human cost: who made the clothes and the conditions they were working in. What secondhand piece do you have your eye on next? I’m always on the hunt for the perfect vintage jeans! There’s a great denim company called Wampum, which I don’t think exists anymore and is (was) a family secret as they make such great vintage jeans (think Monica Geller from Friends – that kind of vibe). I’m constantly on Depop, searching for a pair in my size as they don’t come up very often.Photo Courtesy Of Lydia Taylor
Harmony Youngs, @harmonyyoungs
Which secondhand platform do you use the most often? All platforms are great and I definitely utilise them all but Instagram has become quite the holy grail for finding vintage over the past year. I see a lot more shops are switching to or starting to sell from their Instagrams, I imagine it’s down to the community-style shopping you experience when using Instagram – it’s great! My top favourites are @luciazolea, who sells and curates ethereal pieces mostly from the '30s and '40s on her feed (I gasp at least once a week seeing her imagery) and @thepansygarden, who curates mostly beautiful prairie dresses with multiple drops a week. What's the best secondhand purchase you've made online? My best secondhand purchase is an original orange Courrèges polo from the '60s. After lusting over one for years, I eventually stumbled upon an Instagram page called @villaharpel. They specialise mostly in Courrèges pieces that are in pristine condition, making our Françoise Hardy dreams come true! What is your top hack for successful secondhand shopping? Know what you’re looking for! eBay, Etsy and other vintage shopping outlets have so much stock and it’s very easy to feel overwhelmed. Know what era you’re looking for, keywords and refined searches will help you find the pieces you’ve been thinking of. Another trick: shop for items in different seasons – I’ve bought some of my best summer dresses in the middle of winter. You just have to play the long game in waiting to wear it, but it’s all the more worthwhile when you finally do. Which decade do you find is the best for vintage shopping?  That would be a very obvious answer of the '70s for myself, as most of my pieces are of that era, but my favourite to browse and shop online is the '30s. The dresses I find of that era are like no other. The shapes, cut and fabric are so beautiful – lots of silk! You can tell that brands such as Dôen and Rouje are inspired by this era when it comes to dresses. The older a piece is, the more special it feels to own. What do you love about shopping secondhand? It’s sustainable! Also the feeling of finding an amazing piece is liberating. I find it empowering to wear vintage pieces. Each and every piece already has a story before you, and you get to give them even more life in a future decade – I think that’s really cool. What secondhand piece do you have your eye on next? I’m currently looking for a new pair of jeans. It took quite some time to find a style and pair of Levi’s that fit my body shape perfectly, which I did and I wore them for over three years (obviously too much as they finally began to tear on the knee). The style I’m after is an orange tab 'student fit' 565 – I haven’t been able to source a pair yet but I’ve got those saved eBay searches on the lookout!Photo Courtesy Of Harmony Youngs
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The Influencers’ Guide To Successful Secondhand Shopping Online published first on https://mariakistler.tumblr.com/
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conjurationstory · 5 years
Act 1: Light, Part II: Black Phase
Unfamiliar bird calls filled the air along with strange wildlife and flora about. All seemed normal until everything went silent. As if everything was holding its breath. The only thing breaking the silence was the rustling of something nearby. With the steps it took, it sounded like any wildlife nearby would flee immediately. Whatever the case, they were heading straight to the destroted shuttle.
Emerging from the flora stood two inky black humanoid creatures. They twitched and spasmed with each move and talked in a series of clicks. They made a beeline to the wreckage, hobbling at a dangerous speed until they were looking at Xander in curiousity. With a blood curdling screech, one of them lunged for Xander's throat with its sharp nails.
What seemed like certain death for the young scientist, a voice rang out from amongst the clicking.
The words seemed to echo all around until vines appeared and began to wrap around the two creatures to the point with one sickly scream, they poofed into black smoke.
He knew it was against his better judgement to exit the wreckage, yet Xander did so anyway.
Making sure his helmet was secure and oxygen tank in one piece and not leaking, he attempts pressing the button for exit hatch to open.
As expected, it did not work so he kicks it down to step out, looking overhead to see the towering trees making everything underneath draped in darkness.
Xander freezes where he stepped when hearing the rustling, wishing he was supplied with SOME sort of weapon. Or at the very least he should've put together something himself before exiting. But should've could've would've he thought. That is until he saw the unknown creatures, the sight of them making him feel his soul freeze over.
Life flashed before his eyes as he felt glued to the floor when they screeched and lunged at him.
Feeling blinded, gaze blank white when he realized he wasn't dead.
Instead the creatures poofed from existence, dusty residue falling onto his suit.
"What the fuck just happened?!"
He shouts to himself as he wipes at the dust, feeling odd that he only now could say something. Normally one would've been screaming bloody murder at such an event, but he had felt he couldn't even get his mouth to move let alone make a sound from what had gone on.
As the sound of wildlife began to echo throughout the wilderness, a woman emerged from the nearby foliage. She walked with grace towards the young scientist, adorned in native clothing and a headdress made of peacock feathers.
"It is a good thing I was in the area when those two Brocas were around. They were the only ones left in their fleet." She remarked, eyeing the other man down. "Judging by your garments, my theory is that you aren't from here." She noted with a glint in her eye. "That and the wreckage of course." The womam chuckled a bit before giving a courteous bow. "I am Vesta of the Sarala people. This is Sidun, our home planet." She introduced. "I'm sure you have many questions. If you like, I can take you to my tribe where we can get you cleaned up and treated for any wounds.
Xander felt flabbergasted of all that had just gone on. What felt was an hours long conflict ended in mere seconds.
Silent, Xander stares at the. . . female? he assumes from the voice and physique taking in even more than he had desired. The woman was incredibly tall, which astounded him due to being five foot and ten inches himself. The garments she wore reminded him of tribal folk that plastered every National Geographic issue on earth, yet it still looked so alien to him.
Xander violently shakes his head to finally get him out of his dazed trance and whaps at his face. Well, glass of the helmet is more accurate. Clearing his throat, he decides to speak with Vesta.
"Before I go with you, just answer me on how in the heck you're speaking English."
While the flora and fauna looked unseen, it had striking resemblances to ones of Earth, and with Vesta having an anthropomorphic figure, perhaps he was still on Earth somehow? Yet then that wouldn't explain what the two creatures he had just seen were. With no other chips to gamble with, he decided to put all his stakes in giving some trust to the woman before him.
"Ah that. You see, I casted a spell on you in the midst of confusion so we can understand one another. To you, it sounds like I'm speaking in your native tongue, to me, you are speaking mine." Vesta explained.
"Our language is used to incite spells. For instance,
the one I used for our language barrier was 'Et eregelletni te eridua oge.'"
"It means 'I hear and understand you'." Vesta smiled softly, her gaze deep to the young scientist.
"Now come, we must start heading back to my home before Dizoba comes to do his rounds. Once he has you in his sights, he won't stop searching for you." Vesta warned, reaching out her hand for Xander take it.
Xander makes a lip trail as he makes an unamused expression before snickering.
"Yeah, sure~~ Speeeells. I'm sure just what had happened was that those creatures are merely susceptible to certain frequencies and what you said was one of those that made them run off letting out black dust like a squid. Pft. Magic."
Xander says as he makes quotation marks with his fingers. It seems he really is back on Earth, just somehow landed in an area of LARPers that are a bit too into method acting and role plays.
Deciding to amuse her, Xander takes her gestured hand to begin following.
"Oh, yes. Let us be off, my fair maiden~~"
Xander says in over the top dramatics as he raises his free hand to rest the wrist upon his helmet.
"I see you don't believe my words. Fair enough." Vesta remarked plainly, showing no sign of annoyance. "Where you're from, I take it our customs such as spells do not occur as it would here." She stated.
"Here on Sidun, the force you label as 'magic' is everywhere you look. The plants, the ground, the animals, and even the inhabitants. However, those creatures, the Brocas, are created from something wicked and perverse. They do not possess free will." Vesta explained, guiding the other through the unknown wilderness, insects of unknown species doing whatever it is to their own volition.
With the crash site now far from sight, Vesta spoke once again. "Though you do not believe me, you may ask any sort of questions you have in regards to your landing here. I trust you would take things seriously enough to give me true questions and not measly jests." Vesta remarked with a chuckle.
"We do have some ground to cover so I believe conversation will help the journey go by faster don't you think?"
Xander couldn't refrain from rolling his eyes from the entire magic exists in everything lecture, yet decided to remain silent as she spoke.
He kept grip on Vesta's hand, not feeling he was being taken anywhere without his consent due to feeling glad he was fortunate enough to run into somebody of higher thinking. Perhaps the best bet to find a way to reestablish communications with the professor and the laboratory staff.
"Well, guess you're not wrong about conversation making things less tedious. Alright, for starters, is there Oxygen here? There's only so much amount in my tank here."
Xander hung onto the thought of still being on earth, yet the more they trekked through the wilderness, the more he thought he was wrong. First the ghastly insects flying about. Then foliage turning into different colors in seconds as they shimmer. Noticing what looked to be a reptile flying overhead that behaved as a bird.
Just stay calm, he repeated in mind, stay calm. They're all just undiscovered species. Yes that's it, many zoologists and entomologists have claimed there still must be dozens upon hundreds of species of animals yet to be seen by human eyes.
"Oxygen? If you're referring to the air beong breathable, it most certainly is. All air and wind based energy comes from the plants here." Vesta answered, smiling serenely at the environment they were treading through. However, before Vesta could continue enjoying the scenery and await any more questions from the young scientist, a haunting and inhuman screech sounded throughout the area. Vesta's eyes widened as everything went quiet. "No. It's too early for him to be out yet." She remarked in concern.
"We must hurry, remove the contraptions on you and hop on my back. I will quickly guide us to Dosum, the city in which my people dwell." The tribal woman instructed.
While waiting on Xander, she began to whisper in her native tongue.
"Suem sutirips es erevom sedep secolev."
As she uttered the words, a slight green glow appeared around her sandles before fading away.
"Hop on when ready. He will be heading this way soon and once he sees us, we're good as dead."
"Well you see, Madame, I, a human, specifically need oxygen to breath and I don't have one of those sci-fi movies gizmos on my wrist here that can scan for that so--"
Xander is also cut off by the screech. He attempted to cover his ears but he just slaps the glass of his helmet. The screech makes his insides feel frozen while head and vision spinning from the dizziness it caused him.
He wobbled where he stood, doing best to stand on his feet since he felt if he fall he may be able to get back up.
"H-hang on! I still ain't sure if it's safe to do take this all off! Sure, maybe breathable air is one thing but the air here might corrode my skin of-"
Xander is cut off again by the violent rustling of leaves and tall grass.
He looks to and fro in a slight panic.
"Oh, alright!"
He presses the button on the straps connected to his shoulders that caused the all the equipment the suit had to fall off except the oxygen tank.
"But this stays!"
Xander says as he points to his helmet and gets onto Vista as instructed.
Once the other finally got on her back, she broke off in a run. With her arms wrapping around the young scientist's legs, she moved quickly, her steps feather light and swift. To humans, Vesta would be running at speeds impossible for a human being to achieve.
The woman's eyes darted around, looking for the landmarks hidden amongst the nature around them. With each turn and jump she finally spoke. "We're almost there!"
With quick strides, they arrived to a dock where others dressed similarly to Vesta were waiting for them.
"Who is the one on your back? You know foreigners aren't to know the location of Dosum." One spoke sternly.
"Onrach, I know well of the rules of our tribe. But you should also know that we don't let innocents die in the hands of Dizoba." Vesta retorted, setting the young scientist down.
"Sound the horn. Dizoba is doing his rounds early."
"How? We should have at least three hours left until he stirs."
"Don't question my orders, Onrach! I wouldn't have used a wind spell to get here in a rush if he was still slumbering!" Vesta remarked with authority.
Vesta motioned for Xander to hop on the boat as Onrach and two others were boarding. In the lake was a huge tree that, upon closer inspection had people living inside of it.
As Vesta ran through the maze of trees faster than cheetahs could do, Xander held onto her shoulders with a tight grip as he was jostled about from her static movements.
Due to her being so tall already and him on her shoulders, Xander kept on shielding his eyes when it seemed he was about to say hello with his face to the branches and leaves. That is until he remembers he has a helmet around his head when the branches whap at the glass.
He looks back as Vesta runs, feeling heart sink at the possibility that something could be behind them the entire time, yet feels relief when he doesn't see anything. At least he feels he didn't, but hopefully was not mistaken due to them moving quickly.
Xander looks ahead again when Vesta voices their soon arrival and the second after she said, he sees the enormous structure that was made into nature.
His eyes stayed wide as he looked up to it as Vesta sat him down. From such he noticed the other humanoids speaking that shared Vesta's height, some even taller, as he looked back and forth to them as they spoke.
Xander raises a finger as he's about to interject with mouth opening, yet stays silent when Vesta gestures where to look and go.
He turns back to her and gives a confused look to her yet walks over anyway and steps into the little canoe he is hoping will not keel over in the water. For all he now, it could be acidic to his body.
As soon as Xander sat down in the canoe, Vesta followed suit and sat in the last available space within. Giving the nod, Onrach began to row them across the lake. It started off as silence until that same inhuman screech sounded again.
"Why is Dizoba doing his rounds so early?" One of the passengers asked Vesta.
"Your answer is as good as mine, Sug." Vesta sighed. "As long as we make it across before he starts walking in the water, we'll be safe."
"And who is this?" The second passenger asked Vesta, his silver eyes locked on Xander.
"To be quite honest, we got so caught up on our chance introduction that he was never able to give me a name, Dra." She answered to the other. "But I assure you, he is not aligned with Prince Saniin." Vesta assured with a small smile.
"When we make it inside Dosum, we will get you changed into more suitable clothing. You will stick out too much and can bring unwanted attention to yourself." Vesta smiled gently towards Xander.
"I'm sure Elder Ophoss will want to see him too." Onrach remarked, paddling as fast as he could without causing too much disturbance and noise in the water.
With luck on their side, the party made it across where the twins Sug and Dra lifted the canoe out the water and placed it onto the dock.
"Onrach? Would you be kind to fetch Elder Ophoss and let him know the news about our guest and Dizoba?" Vesta asked.
"Yes, Priestess Vesta." Onrach answered couterously.
With a hand on Xander's back, she guided the young scientist through a tall opening in the tree root. With whispering behind them it revealed Sug and Dra chanting and causing the doorway to close.
Through the darken hallway, Vesta and the others spoke a single word at the same time, "Aitnarongi."
With the wird being spoken, three bright balls of light followed them overhead, illuminating the dark hallway as they walked.
From the outside, the sound of horns could be heard. But with a bit more of walking, they pushed back a curtain and escorted Xander through. On the other side revealed a city made from wood of the tree roots. Even from up high, there were homes lining the walls of the tree and rising to the top. Even the city itself was layered to rise.
Around there were others like Vesta, Onrach, Sug, and Dra. Dressed in vibrant colors. Woodwind notes and drums filled the background along with commotion amonst other denizens. There were even children playing with orbs of light that they were conjuring using the same word as the others spoke earlier.
"This is Dosum, home of my people, the Sarala." Vesta smiled towards Xander. Taking his hand, she guided him through alleyways of living vines and roots and steps leading higher and higher to the upper parts of the city.
Turning a few corners revealed a hut with crystals hanging from the brances and a curtain of vines obscuring the view of the inside. "And this is my home."
Escorting Xander in, she sat down near a table full of books, crystals, and potions. "You may sit on my bed if you'd like. We must stay here so Elder Ophoss can talk to you." She explained. "But until then, I'm more than happy to answer any other questions you may have."
Xander stayed silent through the trip. As the canoe went across the water, he kept his arms crossed and feet firmly planted on the bottom of the thankfully sturdy wood to make sure he did not lose his balance where he sat.
As Vesta and the other humanoids spoke to each other, he kept looking back and forth to them as they spoke, feeling like a child in the principal's office in a school when in trouble and the adults talking to each other, feeling slight shiver whenever he was mentioned. Something felt odd when the others spoke about him, almost antagonistic.
He bucks his head up when Vista reassures of him, feeling large weight being lifted off his body. He would have attempted to speak up as the boat waded through the waters, yet felt he may end up saying something offensive by accident if he does.
Before he knows it, the boat hits shore. Well, tiny shore. He steps out after Vesta when she brings him up, nodding a thanks. Seeing all the people buzz about like busy bees from foreign instruments echoing through the air, he felt some relief of not crashing into this civilization that seemed so close to his crash zone.
Entering the Dosum, Xander's eyes almost pop out from the massiveness of all the people and constructions done on the inside of what looked to be a regular giant tree from the outside.
It was a spectacular marvel seeing the technical achievements these people have made within here, especially how it was all in tune to nature. Something humans never would do with the environment on earth.
Everyone going about, walking around as they conserve. Children playing in /streets/. Vendor stands. Musical groups on sides. It was all no different than a regular human city, yet it had the air of. . . peaceful within.
Xander is broken from his trance of looking in every direction than what was right in front of him when pulled into Vesta's home.
Xander stays in his state of awe when looking to the unworldy crystals hanging above that shone as he sliently went ahead and sat at her bed.
"O-oh. . . right. So. . . something I was nervous to say with everyone near. . . I think it's my fault this Dizoba dude is awake early."
Xander looks down as he twiddles his boots together feeling some guilt.
"Ya know, with the whole crash landing thing on my part."
"It is not your fault. I assure you that." Vesta reassures. "Dizoba is like the Brochas, both serve Prince Saniin in hopes to find Dosum." She explained. "When I saved you and destroyed the two Brochas, their screams awakened him."
Removing her headdress of feathers, she sets it on the mantle of the fireplace within. Even in place of your typical hearth, it was a piece if petrified wood with runes blazing within it causing the flames to burn.
"The reason why we conceal ourselves and remain hidden is tied to the tale of creation of this planet. If Elder Ophoss deems you just, we may end up going to the temple where our tribe's mist saved treasure is held. The said treasure is what Saniin wants so he can destroy it. But one can't destroy what they can't find." Vesta smiiled slyly.
"Dizoba was once one of us. He was Elder Ophoss' son, however he was caught by a team of scouting Brochas and was corrupted by evil, thus transforming him into something vile. Now we call him Dizoba, or 'The Walker'." Vesta sighed, a bit if sadness flickering in her eyes.
"None of us can try to heal Dizoba and purufy him without risking our very lives. So all we can do is just pray to Trisillus that she will one day find a way for us to purify his body and remove the evil controlling him."
"You see, there are seven types of magic. Each corresponding to an elemental force. Everyone, from the moment of birth is born with a Tinge in their soul. The color is what determines the elemental property they are able to naturally cast though other elemental spells can be learned. For instance, being born with a red tinge in your soul means your natural element is Fire. You would be weak to Water magic, but strong against Air."
"But our people, we are of a rare sort. We our born with a white Tinge in our soul. This means we specialize in Light. Our spells consist of healing, purifying, protecting, blessing, and revealing."
And with the mutter of that same word, she conjured a series of wisps of light that floated about the hut.
"Now, since we are safe from Dizoba and the outside world, tell me, now that you are here, what do you wish to do since your vessel has been destroyed beyond repair?" Vesta asked with curiousity.
Xander kept staring blankly at Vestas as she explained all about magic and it's properties. Mouth slightly open, eyes squinted, the gears in Xander's mind you could almost hear turning.
He looks to the side and makes a slight snicker and waves a hand as he goes-
Though he then comes back to the reality of his situation when asked about his rocket.
"Well, shit. You're right. There's no way I could fix it myself since so much tools and materials are needed. I know I could thoroughly and accurately assess the means of making a smaller craft, but with no idea where in the universe I am, it'd just be a fool's dream."
He sighs as he sits back, glass of the helmet whacking the wooden wall behind him.
"And even still, say if I did know how to go back and had the materials, it would take me years, especially how improbable my success would be due to how unsafe it is out there."
"Your chances of going home are very slim I'm afraid." Vesta admitted. "Our people haven't mastered space travel. Truth be told, there is only one true and assured way for you to return home." She admitted, crossing a leg over the other. "The issue is, you'll be embarking on a journey all throughout this world. Meeting all sorts of creatures and monsters along the way. But it's all the matter if you're willing to try and understand how things work in our world." Vesta added.
"Priestess Vesta, Elder Ophoss is approaching." One of the guards said from outside her hut.
"Understood." Vesta answered back, putting her headdress back on.
With the curtains parting revealed an older man, hobblong in with a cane. Vesta got up from her seat and offered it for the Elder to sit down.
Taking a seat, his eyes focused on the young scientist. "So this is the one the trees are whispering about. Quite the skeptic we have on our hands, Vesta." He smiled warmly towards Xander.
"Elder Ophoss, we-"
"I already know of the conversation you two just had. I may be old but I'm not deaf!" Ophoss replied with a hearty laugh. "I am Elder Ophoss. I guess you could call me the 'King' of Dosum since we don't believe in monarchy. It's why we've hidden ourselves from Prince Saniin!"
"Now, young man, if returning home is your greatest wish, will you learn to open your heart and mind to the wonders of this land?" Ophoss asked, hands on his cane.
Xander sits back up when hearing the elder walk in. He nods towards him to greet himself, seeing that for an elder he still seemed to have some spunk to him.
Xander darts his eyes back and forth, having a slight exasperated expression as they still went on about the magical force hooey.
"I'm willing to accept the idea that I am for sure on another planet, but still sure that there's no such thing as magic hubbubabaloo."
Xander crosses his leg over one as well as he goes to scratch behind his head that whacks at his helmet again. You'd think he would remember by now, especially how his breathing would slightly fog up the glass in front of his face and everyone's words sounding filtered. Yet, he doesn't.
"I do just want to get out of here and back to Earth, so I'll go along with what you guys say. Hopefully you were not all playing me and gonna throw me into a giant boiling pot to be a main course Xander stew for you to feast on~"
Xander waves his arms in front of him like the catroon ghosts would you see on television.
Vesta shot Xander a look screaming 'be respectful'.
"Vesta, no need to glare. He speaks out of fear and uncertainty." Ophoss remarked causing Vesta to avert her gaze. The Elder didn't even need to turn around to know she glared at Xander.
Putting two taps to the wall with his cane, the two guards laid out some white garments that seened extremely breathable and comfortable.
"Change into these. As soon as you do, we will head to the temple to get you on your way. If you wish to have something to eat before we depart, we can arrange something." Ophoss remarked, rising from his seat and heading out the hut.
"And to clarify, we wouldn't be a fan of 'Xander stew'. We're vegetarian!" The elder laughed heartedly until they faded in the distance, leaving the young scientist and the priestess in the hut.
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dorothydelgadillo · 5 years
Why Email Marketing Newsletters Are Making a Comeback
I've been in the marketing world for quite some time and over the past few years, I have watched email marketing undergo a metamorphosis.
Email newsletters used to be a dime a dozen, and then there came a point in time (2017? 2016? I'm not really sure) when it seemed like they were backburnered while marketers focused on exploring new trends.
Now the dust appears to have settled, and I’m finding that the OG of digital marketing is making a comeback.
Here’s the scoop on why marketers are turning back to email marketing newsletters and how you can create a newsletter that your audience can’t get enough of.
Why the Comeback?
While there seem to be an endless stream of headlines proclaiming the "death of email," I personally look forward to getting my favorite email newsletters each time I check my inbox.
There are a number of reasons that email newsletters are making a comeback, including:
The Social Media Honeymoon is Over
Given the frequency with which social media platforms such as Facebook and search engines like Google change the rules of the game, the best marketers ensure that at the core of their strategy is building out an "owned" audience. 
Email marketing allows us to do just this. When you collect and store your audience's email addresses in your CRM or database, you control your ability to connect with them.
By contrast, the fans and followers you gain on your social media channels are not an OWNED audience. Users can mute your efforts by unfollowing or unfriending you, and social platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn can have a direct impact on what your followers see by changing their algorithms.
Email Provides Instant Gratification
We hear time and time again that our culture craves instant gratification. When it comes to content, this means that people want things fast and concise.
A good newsletter is able to deliver this to its readers.
While newsletters tend to go out once a week or even just once a month they can still deliver everything a user needs.
For example, LinkedIn has a new blog called The Water Cooler where they share a monthly report on the top articles published on their site. Although people are not getting updates on these articles in real time, they are able to review all of the best blogs instantly in one spot.
The bottom line - they don't have to do the work. The report shares everything they need to know in one place, once a month, in a clear, to-the-point report.
Great newsletters are able to do this too.
Hyper Personalized Content
Digital marketing is changing at a lightning fast pace, but one thing that has always held true is that people want to feel like they are being spoken to as an individual in an authentic and personalized manner.
A truly fantastic newsletter has the ability to speak to the individual and make them feel that you are invested in them.
By focusing on content that adds value to your audience, you are showing them that you know who you are speaking to, care about their interests, and are aware of what they want to hear about. 
The brands that do this well establish themselves as go-to, trusted resources.
More Value, Less Content
Email newsletters allow companies to share valuable content and updates, and in doing so, create trust with their audience.
Given the tremendous volume of email that we are confronted with every day, how can you stand out rather than adding to the noise?
The best newsletters save their readers time and effort by taking on the heavy lifting of finding what is most important and presenting it to them in a way that delivers added value. Last September, the marketing team at IMPACT decided to just that when it launched our new thrice weekly email newsletter, The Latest. Prior to that, our subscribers could opt into a daily blog digest, which simply gave readers an automated feed of our most recent blogs.
Now, our newsletter goes beyond just articles to incorporate can’t-miss new videos, podcasts, tools and templates, live and on-demand webinars, info and highlights from industry events, and exclusive content subscribers will have access to.
Newsletters We Love
When we decided to create our own email newsletter, we took inspiration from these best-in-class email newsletters that our team loves to see in their inboxes.
Ann Handley’s Total ANNARCHY is an incredible example of a very personal newsletter.
Ann is a legend in the marketing world. She is the Wall Street Journal best-selling author of Everybody Writes and Content Rules, a Partner at MarketingProfs, and a sought-after marketing keynote speaker.
Her newsletter takes a creative approach to its bi-weekly delivery. Rather than a simple compilation of articles and updates, it is a letter from Ann herself. Everything is presented with a conversational tone. As the recipient, I feel like I am getting the scoop from a friend - and I love it!
The Daily Carnage
The Daily Carnage pumps out valuable marketing content to your inbox at the start of each day.
The newsletter itself is broken down by category, such as news, read, tools, and watch, with links to dig deeper into each piece of content if you have the time and inclination. 
The Daily Carnage's conversational tone makes you feel like you're getting the scoop from a friend or colleague.
This newsletter is rocking it - valuable content that readers will look forward to receiving.
What  IMPACTERS are Searching For In A Newsletter….
When I reached out to my teammates to ask what a great newsletter looks like to them, they quickly responded without any hesitation.
Here is what some of our team members had to say:
“One of the reasons I love email newsletters tbh is that I don't have to reply. if I do reply it's because I want to. most emails I receive require a thoughtful and informative response. this is a lower pressure situation. also good newsletters are enjoyable to read and keep me up to date on things in the industry”
- Stephanie Baiocchi, Director of Audience Engagement & Community
  “The newsletters I love aren’t roundups. they provide value. they’re focused. Also if they’re from a single person or have a distinctive, conversational tone, I really love them, because it feels personal. I feel like I’m learning and getting to know someone or if they are roundups I don’t know. it all feels purposeful.”
- Liz Murphy, Director of Web & Interactive Content
One key factor driving the comeback of the email newsletter is a renewed focus on quality over quantity, and a commitment to eliminating “marketing speak” in favor of conversational copy and a more personalized approach.
How You Can Take Advantage Of This New Trend
If you're thinking of starting an email marketing newsletter - or simply want to improve an existing newsletter - here are a few tips to keep in mind:
Make it valuable: A standout newsletter provides readers with content that matters. Think about this when selecting what is going into your newsletter and take a "less is more" approach. It is also important to consider that valuable content does not only come in the form of written copy. Explore video, images, and even podcasts to be shared in your newsletter. If your audience would benefit from it, include it.
Keep it concise: Keep your newsletter well organized and highlights your main points. The Daily Carnage is a perfect example of how you can do this by structuring your newsletter into sections that are clearly labeled
Make it personal: Great newsletters are able to make the reader feel personally invested. Some ways we have seen this done in include sending the email from a person (as opposed to a company) or using a conversational tone.
Today, newsletters are so much more than a list of company updates. They are a valuable component of any digital marketing strategy and should be treated as such.
The next time you go to create an email newsletter, ask yourself - are you providing your readers with added value, are you speaking to them and not at them?
We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
from Web Developers World https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/why-email-marketing-newsletters-are-making-a-comeback
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jbpiggin · 6 years
Via Appia Found on Satellite Image
The Appian Way is perhaps the world's most celebrated road. On the outskirts of Rome it is a major tourist attraction. I have just discovered you can see some of its far reaches on photographs from space. The Way seems to be the source of a common misconception in the English-speaking world that all Roman roads were solidly paved and ran straight as a laser, up hill and down dale, never yielding to the lie of the land. Beyond the vicinity of Rome, much of the Via Appia was neither paved nor straight, but wriggled along long-worn prehistoric ridgeway routes, where the ground was drier (and harder) and the traveler had the best chance of spotting approaching attackers, whether they were bandits or bears. Begun under the direction of Appius Claudius, a consul, in 312 BCE, the Via Appia initially connected Rome to Capua near Naples. Later it was extended to Brindisi on the Adriatic Coast. It was any physical traces of this latter extension that I was hoping to find while on a visit last week to Italy. We were staying in the newly elegant city of Matera which is dolling itself up to be one of two European Capitals of Culture of 2019. In Roman times, Matera was just a remote warren of hand-hewn caves, never mentioned in the ancient sources. Perhaps it was a refuge of the above-mentioned bandits, who could murder a merchant on the Via Appia at dusk and carry the booty 15 kilometers away to the caves to hide it, safely holed up by midnight like the Ahlbergs' brigands:
Near Matera one finds two modern highways named Via Appia. The one beginning from Ferandina, national highway SS7, and proceeding via Matera to Massafra is a fake, although it too terminates at Brindisi. The other, Puglia provincial road SP28, marked "Strada Provinciale Appia" on maps, is, in some stretches at least, the real thing. Recent articles by Luciano Piepoli dispense with the armchair scholarship (mainly German) about this part of the Via. They assemble new hard archaeological evidence about its course and stage-stops. Unfortunately Piepoli does not provide GIS geolocations (this ought to be prescribed by the style guides of every journal dealing with historical geography). He writes:
The Appian Way, at the exit from the current town of Gravina in Puglia, begins its path in a south-easterly direction near Scomunicata and, after having touched the localities of Graviscella and Ponte Padule Cardena, reaches the rocky outcrop of the Murgia Catena, located about 7 km southeast of Altamura. The road runs along the southern slope of this last location to Iesce, where there are the remains of an important settlement that had been abandoned by the 2nd century B.C. On the territory of Altamura, in a flat section between the southern slope of the Murgia Catena and the hillock of Montepovero, the projecting traces of wheel ruts are visible in the rocky surface for a length of about 200m and a total width of more than 30m, forming multiple lanes. Although they are not contemporary with one another, it appears highly probable by virtue of their topographical location that some of them must derive from the consular Via Appia. (My English, helped by Apple and Google Translate).
Hoping to see these traces of the wheels of ancient or medieval carts, we stopped our car on the shoulder of the SP28 at what we thought was the spot. Since a narrow lane of wheat was growing there on the verge of the road itself, we searched the rocky field behind it, but to no avail. On the point of giving up, and after nearly stepping on a sturdy snake, I finally discovered the ruts further up the road.
In the 50-second video above you can hear cicadas and see the colorful wild flowers of a southern Italian spring including tall fennel, all growing in the dirt that has collected in the ruts. The most pronounced track is at the left, close to the dry-stone wall. There are no doubt specialists who could estimate from the wheelbase whether this track is ancient or medieval. A second, shorter bunch of tracks can be found about 50m further down the hill (in a 24-second video). I have uploaded videos of both to my YouTube Channel. The greatest surprise came later: these ruts are visible on common garden satellite imagery. When I studied the same location on Google Maps later, I was amazed to see the big set of ruts quite clearly at the location 40.76424, 16.61516 (tip: copy just this to any sat-nav or mapping app to find it):
As far as I know, this remarkable, aerially visible archaeological site is not listed on any of the ancient geographical portals such as the Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire, Pelagios or Vici. I can see how to add it to Vici (and will add it later), but I must admit that I have no idea yet how to contribute it to the former two. They do not offer any "guide for dummies" instructions. These stone remains do not seem to have gained any legal protection, although the feature is surely known locally. The IGM map of 1919 (reproduced as British AMS M791 of 1939) labels a nearby stretch of the road "od via antica Via Appia". I don't know what "od" means.
Piepoli relies on a survey of the area by the great aerial archaeologist of the 1920s to the 1950s, Giuseppe Lugli, so I presume these remains are mentioned in Lugli's books or articles. As far as I can tell, they are the only surface evidence left of the ancient Via Appia between Gravina and Tarento. The fact that wheels ran across bedrock here is an indication that the highway was unpaved. A few kilometers away, the route has been archaeologically excavated. Piepoli writes:
Near Masseria Capitolicchio Vecchia, recent excavations conducted by the Archaeological Superintendency of Puglia have highlighted a short stretch (about 200 x 4.90 m) of a road - of the glareata type - interpreted, on the basis of the construction technique, orientation and topographic context, as a segment of the Appian Way [Mattioli, 2002]. An interesting fact which emerged during the excavations is that the roadway is partially obliterated by a layer of relative collapse likely due to a structure located near the road axis. The ceramic finds and coins found can be dated between the end of the 2nd century BC and the 3rd century AD, which could be considered as a terminus post quem for the abandonment of the Via Appia in this section.
The simple glareata road had a base of stones, built up to a sand or gravel, and would be kicked or ground apart by heavy traffic if it were not maintained. This is probably what happened at 40.76424, 16.61516, exposing the bedrock to the cart and carriage wheels. Above, I mentioned a narrow crop of wheat growing in the queen's acre (the roadside). It too is clearly visible in the space imagery, and occupies what seems to have once been a ford through a seasonal stream, the Vulle. No doubt the silt, organic particles and the churning of the wheels created fertile soil in this rocky landscape. Most of the Via Appia in this area follows the watershed. Here's a more open location, looking towards the Murgia Catena from the north-west, where you may be able to see that the land slopes very lightly away to both sides.
To the left of this spot, the drop to the base of the valley is quite substantial, as the next image shows:
In an article this year, the scholar Tønnes Bekker-Nielsen compares the posterity of this southern Via Appia built in the 3rd century BCE to the highly engineered Via Traiana built with cuttings and bridges in the 2nd century CE. The bridges ultimately fell down, whereas the prehistoric footpaths and droving tracks along the watersheds remained in use. The self-maintaining character of ridgeway routes is the reason that the Via Appia lost all its gravel but remained in continuous medieval use:
For the Roman traveler, the Via Traiana was a significant improvement. It was shorter, had far fewer inclines and declines and was less vulnerable to snowfall. But despite the many advantages of the Via Traiana, it is the Via Appia which has survived to this day. An estimated 90% of the total length of the Appia is still in use as graveled or asphalt road. Large portions of the Via Traiana, on the other hand, are overgrown and impassable. (My assisted translation from the Danish.) 
Bekker-Nielsen, Tønnes. ‘Romerske Veje i Syditalien: Via Appia Og via Traiana’. Vejhistorie, 2018. Academia.edu
Piepoli, Luciano. ‘Blera e Sub Lupatia (It. Ant. 121,4-5): Proposte per l'identificazione di due stazioni itinerarie lungo il tratto apulo della via Appia’. In Statio amoena: Sostare e vivere lungo le strade romane, edited by Patrizia Basso and Enrico Zanini. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2016.  Academia.edu
———. ‘Il percorso della via Appia antica nell'Apulia et Calabria: Stato dell'arte e nuove acquisizioni sul tratto Gravina-Taranto’, in Vetera Christianorum, 51, 2014, 239-261’. Academia.edu.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2ILsits
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joshuasm28 · 7 years
Zelos Helmsman 2 | Hands on Watch Review
Zelos Helmsman 2
    Zelos Watches is a brand that is pretty popular these days in the microbrand online watch world, but it was just a few years ago that they introduced their first watch, the Zelos Helmsman. I reviewed that very first watch here on Watchreport, and it was one of my first reviews here as well. (You can search on the site to find that original review, though I worn you the pictures are not up to the standards I have today). Flash-forward a few years later and after an array of unique and affordable models from Zelos, (including some other brands Elshan has his hand in, like Vilhelm and Ventus), he has decided to update his OG model with the Zelos Helmsman 2. Currently it is available through preorder on the Zelos website.  In hand I have the bronze/black dial prototype, but there are stainless versions as well as well as meteorite dial options. The prototype is mostly there, but as usual, there will be a few slight changes come production, which is slated for late November/early December 2017.
    Zelos Helmsman 2 Specifications:
42x48mm Bronze or Stainless Steel Case
13.5mm thick
22mm lugs
Domed Sapphire Crystal
Seiko NH35 automatic movement
BGW9 Superluminova
300 Meters Water Resistant
Horween Leather Strap (production model)
Price (Preorder) $429 (Bronze as shown)
    The big change come production for the Zelos Helmsman 2 will be a solid case back versus the exhibition case back with a custom rotor shown below. Elshan told me that it will have a standard rotor with a solid back. Both bronze and stainless versions will have a stainless screw down case back, with some kind of etching or engraving that has yet to be determined. I find this to be a good move as the prototype has a noisy rotor and feels cheap, though on my example the rotor also did not move properly either, and was hard to keep wound through motion. Again, this is all being addressed and I assume, as Zelos has a pretty good track record, that it will all be worked out come production.
    The Zelos Helmsman 2 stays true to the original in terms of overall design, but has had a major dial overall. The inner bezel sits more on top of the dial now as opposed to looking more like a chapter ring in its previous incarnation and the hands and markers are slightly larger, allowing for a bolder look and feel. The dial is clean of excess text and the date is put in place of a 3 o’clock marker, and not obtrusive to the rest of the dial. I wish other brands would do this instead of sticking it at 4:30 and almost in the center of the dial. The internal bezel is lumed as well as you can see below, though the prototype is a little blotchy. I assume it will be filled evenly when they are produced.
    Zelos Helmsman 2 Lume
    Crowns are lumed as well, and also have a similar look to jet fighter exhaust nozzles. I had some issues with the time setting crown on the prototype of this Zelos Helmsman 2, I found it very hard to grasp and unscrew, as I mention in the video. I am not sure if this is something that can be corrected or if it is just because it is a smaller crown that screws down into the case more so than the internal bezel crown, in which I was able to unscrew relatively easy. I will say overall I feel the crowns are on the small side for larger hands, so just a heads up for you big paw gentleman.
    When it comes to finish and machining, I think the Zelos Helmsman 2 is in line with its price point, keeping in mind that the price listed here is preorder price, but even if this ends up being a $600 watch, I feel it is worthy. As you can see, this bronze sample has some patina happening to it, but you can still see the edges of the case are nicely beveled and I found no rough edges or spots. One thing I always check for is the finishing on the underside of the lugs. Some companies neglect this area and you end up with rough or sharp edges. I am glad to say that Zelos passed the test here with this model.
    The strap is a rubber Isofrane style with a custom buckle and overall is very comfortable, and should fit a large wrist. I am not sure if this will be included with the production model though as Zelos lists a Horween leather strap. Zelos has been known to include a few straps with their models in the past, as was the case with the Zelos Hammerhead, so I do not think it would be out of line to say this strap will be included when you get yours, should you order one. If the rubber strap is something that will make or break your purchase, I would contact Zelos ahead of ordering.
    For me, the Zelos Helmsman 2 is a perfect fit for my 7 1/2 inch wrist, at least these days. With the rubber strap, it wraps perfectly around my wrist and the case has a nice curve to it that helps with comfort as well. Because of the size of the crowns, they do not dig into the back of my hand, yet I still would like to see the crowns enlarged a little, or maybe just some extra texture to them to aid in grip.
    It is always great to watch and experience the evolution of a brand. As I stated earlier, in a few short years Zelos has been able to be at the forefront of popular microbrands and that is not an easy task with so many brands these days. Zelos continues to improve with every watch and I while I can not say with absolute certainty any issues I mentioned here will be rectified come production, I have a pretty good feeling that the Zelos Helmsman 2 will be a well made affordable diver. For me, I would probably go for the stainless steel model with meteorite dial, as I find it the most striking, but bronze watches are still very popular these days and this one comes in a more modest size than most.
Thank you for reading, please leave any comments below.
    The post Zelos Helmsman 2 | Hands on Watch Review appeared first on WatchReport.com.
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