#so who's excited for Daryl?
sssssssim · 1 year
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The Walking-Dead-Verse keeps getting more and more disturbing.
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ss-trashboat · 4 months
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i was debating on posting them over here, but fuck it i can. those who know me (and put up with me lol) know how much i've talked about if this ever happened. and somehow, after an impromptu travel to new jersey in under two weeks of planning, it fucking happened. will hold this incredibly close for the rest of my life ~
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kinokoshoujoart · 1 year
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an addendum to the bachelor relationship post because i realized these are the four elements
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heathermason6060 · 1 month
Daryl Dixon x f!Reader Smut: Stars in the Dark
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Warnings/Mentions: Smut, unprotected p in v, emergency contraceptives, slight alcohol consumption, reader is strong (minor description)
Summary: You're a former farm hand at the Greene Farm. You swoon over the new hunter, and he notices.
Notes: This was one of the first requests I got and I'm so sorry it took me this long to put it out! I hope you're still around anon, and you enjoy.
It was an unusually cool day. 
You sat on the front porch of the Greene house, watching as the strangers that were slowly becoming friends did their daily chores. Carol sat in the center of their camp, scrubbing clothes in a bucket next to Lori, who was hanging them up to dry. Andrea sat on the top of the RV, switching between her gun scope and her binoculars to observe the tree line. There was a man beside her, the one that was with Otis when he died, was his name Shawn? Shane?
It was hard to remember their names, there were so many of them.
But you didn't have trouble remembering Daryl’s name. Especially considering how often you would whimper it into your pillow at night. 
You felt your cheeks heat up at the idea of him, your legs switching from being crossed at your ankles to your knees, the rocking chair beneath you swaying slightly. 
Your eyes drifted to the man you'd been thinking of, watching as he walked back to the camp for lunch after spending the morning hunting. You'd been seeing more of him, especially after the whole incident with the walkers in the barn, something not even you had known about. You knew they were there, sure, but you had no idea the little girl they were looking for had been in there the whole time. 
The Greene family had kept it from you for a while. You had gone to school with Maggie, Hershel's daughter, and she was able to get you a spring job working at her farm with the horses and cattle. They were even kind enough to let you have their spare bedroom downstairs near the back door. It was tiny, but it was free lodging, and you loved it. 
That spring job turned into a summer job once the infection started. Hershel had done a pretty good job convincing you of his beliefs. You had little medical experience, mostly just patching up animals at the farm, especially the barn cat PeePoe, but you liked to believe Hershel knew what he was talking about. Even if it seemed a little farfetched. So, you kept their secret and minded your own business. 
You were sort of glad Shane forced the whole thing to happen. The walkers in the barn were starting to really creep you out, especially with how much they began to rot over time. 
The movement of two people sneaking around to the back of the house caught your eye and you saw Maggie and Glenn, something you'd grown accustomed to. She had a big smile, full of excitement and nervousness, and Glenn just looked thrilled to be there. You watched as they disappeared to the back workshop and felt envy bubble in your stomach. 
The sound of that familiar gruff voice that you'd gotten really good at imagining at night startled you. You looked up and away from beside you, your mouth slightly open in surprise, not having heard him walk up on the porch. 
“Hi?” You looked up at him, awkward and embarrassed from your earlier thoughts. You weren't used to seeing him so up close. He smelled like cigarettes and something else, something artificial, and when you saw him chewing something you realized it was the very faint scent of bubblegum. 
“Patricia said you knew the shops in town. Can't find Glenn, and we need supplies for dinner tonight.” His eyes held little emotion, a bit of annoyance maybe. Annoyance at having to ask you, or annoyance at having to go into town instead of Glenn, you weren't sure. 
“Yeah, I do.” You nodded slowly, trying to keep the filthy thoughts from your head as your eyes raked over his face and upper body, catching yourself and quickly looking back up at his face. 
“Good. C'mon.” He didn't ask, he just slung his crossbow over his bloody ripped shirt, which you assumed was from the deer he had bagged that morning. 
Patricia had mentioned to you in passing about wanting to have another group dinner that night, you didn't expect it to actually happen, given how awkward the last one had been at first. With the weather slowly fading into autumn and the crops dying from age, you figured it was necessary to get some supplies from town. 
You didn't leave often. You didn't have a desire, or a need to, but the idea of being alone with Daryl had you almost skipping to his bike. 
As much as you wanted to push Daryl against the wall of the corner store and kiss him till he passed out, you didn't feel like getting humiliated from rejection. You settled for just watching him as he moved, picking up cans and turning them over before stuffing them in his burlap potato sack. 
The sight of his eyes flickering up over the aisle and landing right on yours snapped you out of your dirty daydream. You quickly looked down to your shelf, picking up a can of corn and pretending to be interested in the ingredients in it. Hmm, yes, Corn. 
He eyed you through suspicious slits, having a hard time deciding between being concerned or annoyed.
Daryl didn't know much about you at all. He knew your name, he knew you were younger than Maggie but older than Beth and that you were a newer farmhand. The only people that ever talked about you never really spoke to him.
He did know that you were way too hot to be working on a farm shoveling horse shit. You belonged in a fuckin magazine, one of those that fashion ones Amy used to read back at their first camp in Atlanta. You were fit, you had to be for your job, what you looked like before all the labor-intensive work, he didn't know or care. 
He'd never seen someone as hot as you in person. He couldn't even think of the words to describe you. You looked so out of place at that farm, it was like taking a supermodel and putting her in a gas station. He watched as you put food in your bag, trying not to get hard as his thoughts swiftly changed from admiring your beauty to imagining how you'd look when you came. 
Daryl thought about that way too much already. He thought about it so much that he was confident he was spot on with the image of you he created in his mind. Alone in his far-off tent at night, not having to worry about getting caught, rubbing his dick raw to the thought of you naked, drooling and crying from pleasure under him. 
“Okay, my bag’s full.” Your voice ripped him from his trance and he blinked a few times, realizing he'd been staring at the same can of peas for the past two minutes. 
“Yeah. Alright.” He swept his arm across his shelf, knocking several cans into his bag and two on the floor. You jumped at the sound and he cursed, his brain still not working right with all the blood that went to his dick. 
You peeked over the shelf to see two cans on the floor, one perfectly fine and the other surrounded in a gross pile of butter beans. No loss to you. Daryl snatched the can of diced tomatoes from the floor and put it in his bag, twisting it a few times before slinging it over the shoulder that didn't have the crossbow on it. 
“How the hell are we gonna get these back?” You asked as you walked out the front door, trying not to fall head over heels when he stuck back to hold the door open for you. You thought he was being chivalrous, he just wanted to stare at your ass in those Bobbie Brooks as you walked to his bike. 
“We'll figure it out.” 
And you did, sort of, but it was incredibly awkward with a bag pressed between the two of you on the bike, and the other tied to your torso so it sat behind you. Thankfully, he drove thoughtfully slowly, and you were able to get back to the farm without incident. 
You were happy to let the other women do the cooking, trying to pay attention to the rant Andrea was currently going on about how Lori loved her social norms. 
The wind had grown a bit cooler, sending goosebumps over the back of your neck as the breeze blew through your hair. 
“You ever cook?” Andrea said suddenly, a cautious edge to her voice as if she suddenly realized she had no idea how you felt about gender roles. “Or, like it, I mean?”
“Was more of an outdoor kind of girl.” You chuckled, leaning back in the plastic lawn chair around the fire you sat at. 
Daryl was chopping wood, something you'd never been so interested in before. Andreas' conversation was getting real, real boring. 
“Yeah. I liked fishing myself.” She grew silent after that, and you looked away from Daryl to see she had a far out look in her eyes.
“You okay?” You asked in a gentle voice, only earning a silent nod from her. You took that as your leave and gave her a comforting shoulder squeeze before heading inside. The sun would set in a few hours, and you wanted to change into warmer clothes before dinner. 
You didn't expect to have Daryl sit beside you at dinner. 
You didn't really expect him to come, let alone eat with the group. Last time he’d been stuck in the bed upstairs since he’d been shot by Andrea. You basically froze when you saw the seating arrangements.
 It wasn't really his choice, honestly, everyone sat down so fast, the only two seats that were open were right beside each other. Looked like no one wanted to sit next to Shane. And from the look on his face, you didn't really want to either.
Relief flooded through you when Daryl sat down next to Shane. You took your seat beside Daryl, Andrea on your right. You smiled at Patricia in front of you, only getting a small one in return. 
It wasn't as quiet or awkward as the last dinner. Spirits were a bit higher, although tense with the whole “prisoner in the barn” fiasco. You couldn't recall the name of the man that was currently chained up, but you did know Dale made a scene of fixing him a plate, much to Shane's objection. 
You tried to distract yourself from their bickering by looking at Daryl. A quick bolt of subdued adrenaline coursed through you when you saw he was already looking at you. You looked away almost immediately out of reflex, and deciding against your better judgment, you looked back. He was still looking at you. 
Daryl couldn't figure you out. If he had a bullet for how many times he caught you looking at him, he'd be able to kill every damn walker on earth. 
It never even crossed his mind you were into him before that night. It seemed so farfetched, you were too fuckin pretty to be looking at him like that. Your features were so soft, even after all the work that had toughened your muscles, your face was still so… 
 He didn't notice the tugging that had pulled at the corner of his mouth until it was a full-fledged smirk. He was about to look away when he realized how creepy he probably looked, staring down at you smirking without speaking, but the feeling of your knee bumping against his had his eyes locked to yours. 
His smirk slowly faded, being replaced by a more serious expression, until he saw the soft smile on your lips. 
Nah, she's just friendly. He found himself trying to explain away your actions, but a large part of him desperately wanted him to be wrong. Having such a sweet girl look up at him like that was uncharted territory, and his mind slowly drifted away to the idea of your uncharted territory. He would've snorted at the pun if not for the feel of your thigh pressing against his and staying there this time. 
Neither of you had noticed, but the bickering had finally died down, and a different and lighter conversation was taking place. 
Your silent interaction wasn't as private as it felt, the burn of Rick's eyes on his face had Daryl dragging his eyes to the leader of the group, holding so much cold annoyance towards the nosey man that it could've frozen hell. 
Rick just grinned, happy to see at least some people weren't so miserable with how things were going and went back to picking at his plate with his fork, silently chuckling. 
“Do you drink?” Your soft voice broke him from his thoughts, he looked back over to you, his expression softening when he saw you. He couldn't decide if he wanted to take you out back and fuck you in the grass like an animal, or take you to your bed and kiss every inch of your body. 
“Sometimes.” He shrugged, his voice low and quiet amongst the chatter of the table. “Why?”
You shrugged in return, popping an apple slice in your mouth and crunching it before swallowing and speaking. “I found a bottle of wine today at the store. I don't really drink much anymore but wanted to find a reason to.” 
Your open-ended words had him overthinking once again, over analyzing what you meant. Was he the reason to drink? Or did you have one already? Before he could leave you in more silence your thigh moved against his again, bringing his attention back to you. 
“What're you askin’ me?” He needed to hear you clearly state your intentions, not wanting to humiliate himself by accepting a nonexistent request. 
“If you'll join me.” Your voice was quiet, almost too quiet, and it took him a few seconds to process what you'd said. 
He looked you over, his eyes narrowing as he searched your face for any sign of a trick. You smiled nervously, your eyes flickering to and fro, only settling on his eyes for a second a time. Something about you being unable to keep eye contact stirred something in him, something he was painfully unfamiliar with. He wanted to grab your chin and make you look up at him, make you speak up, make you tremble under his touch-
“You can say no.” He snapped out of it to see your smile had faded to fear of rejection. 
“No. I want to.” He answered immediately, nodding and earning another smile from you. 
You met him in the front field, holding your bundled up blanket with the wine bottle inside. You were originally going to bring glasses, but said fuck it, you could drink from the bottle. You did forget to bring a bottle opener, though, something Daryl was happy to help with. 
He took the bottle from you and sat down on the blanket beside you, pulling a switchblade from his back pocket and beginning to work it into the cork.
“Hershel said something about moving you guys inside soon.” You commented as he blew a few chunks of broken cork from his blade. 
“I'll pass.” He grunted, digging the blade back into the cork. 
You looked away, your heart dropping at his words. 
“Can't stop thinking about it.” 
“About winter.” You thought you might've just been imagining it, but you swore you saw his face drop in disappointment at your answer. 
Finally, you heard the pop of the cork finally coming out, and he took the first swig, spitting out the few pieces of cork that had fallen in after he demolished the poor thing. 
He handed it back to you and you took a deep swig, trying to get as much courage as possible. You didn't know how to act around Daryl. He was so unpredictable, nothing like the other men you'd crushed on before. They were all easy, quick to accept your subliminal hints. 
But Daryl? You could tell him you wanted to suck his dick till he couldn't breathe, and he'd probably laugh, thinking you were just joking, and go off and hunt or whatever it was he did all day. 
It was easy for your mind to wander in the silence. You handed the bottle back to Daryl as you slowly undressed him in your head, imagining him taking your clothes off, his lips all over your neck, switching between your different fantasies. Rough, violent and painful, sweet, slow and deep, or quick, needy and dirty. You wondered what he would be like, was he experienced? Would he be able to make you cum just with his fingers? Or was he the opposite? Either way you wanted him, so unreasonably bad, you'd never felt this way about a man before. If someone told you a witch put a lust spell on you strictly for him, you'd believe it in a heartbeat. You didn't even know his favorite color. Or what type of music he listened to. 
“Shit, get down.” His hand on your chest pushing you to your back had your heart in your throat. You tilted your head back to see Maggie and Glenn, sneaking away once again. Daryl relaxed at the realization that it was just them and drew his hand away from you. 
“Lucky them.” You grumbled, taking the bottle from him and taking a sip. You were happily buzzed at this point, eager to make conversation but not at the point where you'd make a fool of yourself. 
“Hmm. Yeah.” He agreed, watching as they slipped behind the stables. “Lucky.”
With your newfound courage, you decided to test the waters in a way that you felt seemed completely unsuspecting and not suspicious at all. 
“Must be nice to have someone like that to take your mind off things for a while.” You commented casually, your gaze now back at the stars. 
“Wouldn't know.” His gruff reply gave you motivation to push on. 
“Yeah, me neither.” You couldn't think of the words that wouldn't possibly spook him off. Little did you know, Daryl wasn't some cornered frightful animal, he was thinking of the same things and worse than you. He'd been looking at you, his chest rising and falling in short quick breaths, his eyes all over your body beside him. 
“Those stars look better laying down.” He felt like an obviously desperate teenager after saying that, but when you immediately laid down on the blanket he smirked a bit. Maybe it wasn't such a stupid suggestion. 
He took a deep sip of wine and looked over you, noticing you'd changed back into your jean shorts after dinner. It was odd, he thought, considering the chill in the air, but he wasn't complaining. The way he looked at your bare legs was akin to someone on a diet looking at a plate of fresh, hot salty fries. His mouth watered, not from the idea of fries, but from the idea of sinking his teeth into the soft flesh of your thighs so hard you'd be littered with bruises. 
Daryl wanted to touch you so goddamn bad. But being him, he was too disgusted by the idea of getting the nerve to reach out and touch your thigh and having you pull away, shout at him, storm off and never talk to him again. 
And you being you, you were too terrified at the idea of making the first move and getting a similar reaction. 
So you stared up at the stars, forcing yourself to concentrate, before that last bit of wine spread through your body and gave you enough confidence to look at him. 
A buzzed smile spread on your lips when you saw he was already looking at you. And not your face either, but your thighs, and to gauge his reaction you trailed your hand down your torso to casually rest at the bottom of your shorts. You toyed with it, a bit, pretending you had an itch under the fabric and slipping your fingers under the hem. 
He looked at your face then. 
“You look real good.” He blurted, and froze at his words, ready to get up and bolt if you reacted the wrong way. 
“You look really pretty.” You responded without thinking, earning a look of confusion from him. “I mean, in a good way, like you could model in one of those underground fashion shows-” You cut yourself off before you could humiliate yourself further, but the grin on his face put you at ease. And made you a little tiny bit bolder. 
Neither of you knew what to say. He suddenly grabbed the wine and took an exceptionally impressive sip, leaving the bottle half empty. 
It was a few moments before either of you spoke again. 
“What did you do before this?” You asked, trying to ease the tension enough to relax the both of you. 
He snorted at that question, shaking his head and looking away from you. “Same as everyone else. Lived. Paid for food.”
You took that as the best answer you'd get from him and decided to use the boldness you'd earned from the alcohol. 
“Did you have a girlfriend?” 
He must've found your question amusing, because he snorted. “Psh. No. You got a boyfriend?” 
You noticed his question was in the present tense, not past like yours. “No.” 
He grunted and shifted in his spot so his forearms rested on his knees. He toyed with the grass for a bit, snapping off blades and picking them apart into little green confetti pieces. 
Daryl gave up on talking. He looked down at you again, seeing you were looking at the stars again, but not really seeing them. With the wine induced confidence he wasn't sure if he was thankful for yet, he reached out for you, his fingertips ghosting your knee. His eyes flickered to your face, and when he saw the expression it held there, he decided he was very grateful for the wine.
You sucked in a sharp breath, your lips parted and your eyebrows a bit furrowed. It was funny, with that look you'd think he had slipped his hands in your shorts. And when his hand fully pressed down on your thigh you closed your eyes and clenched your jaw, your body giving a billion silent ‘finally, finally, yes, yes, yes’. 
“Been thinkin’ ‘bout this for a while.” His gravelly voice sent chills through your entire body. 
“I can't stop thinking about it.” You admitted. 
“Yeah?” Your confession had him spinning, his hand now in the pocket of your shorts, two of his fingers dipping in to pull the two of you closer together. 
You found it hard to speak, so you settled on a whiny and desperate ‘Uh-huh’. 
He smirked down at you, his fingers back at your inner thigh. His touch was lazy, but deliberate, his rough fingers slipping up your thigh to the top of your shorts again. He ached to tease you, watch you whimper and squirm under you, but it was getting progressively harder. He glanced over his shoulder at the house, seeing all the windows dark besides Beth's bedroom. He then looked over the moonlit field, concerned for a moment about walkers, but when he saw the fence he felt all concern melt away. 
Daryl's hand continued roaming over your body, relishing in each little whimper being pulled from your throat. The thought that he was doing this to you, it was him making you into this needy little mess, it gave him a new sense of pride he hadn't felt in a long time. 
“You look real damn good.” He repeated his earlier compliment. The way you looked laying down beside him, your long sleeve shirt pushed up around your stomach, your chest rising and falling sharply, had his heart racing despite the buzz he had going on. 
“Thank you.” Your voice was barely a whisper, sending a shiver through him at the sound of it. Your body arched into his touch, desperate to have his hand move from your stomach either up or down. 
“You feel real damn good too.” He muttered, loving the way your body was responding to his touch. 
“God. So do you.” You breathed out a long exhale, looking up at him like he was the prettiest thing above you, not the stars. 
“Yeah?” His voice had taken on a higher pitch, a bit teasing, making you involuntarily whimper at the sound of it. He suddenly took it up ten notches, sliding his hand up your shirt to your breast. You had to bite back the moan that you knew would either call walkers or humans if you made it. While he played with your nipple, rougher than you expected, his other hand popped open the button on your shorts. 
You didn't have time to be impressed before his hand shoved its way through your tight shorts to your panties, catching you completely off guard with how suddenly forward it was. A strangled groan and the sight of your eyes squeezing shut had him teasing you again. “S’been a while, huh?” 
You nodded frantically, biting down hard on your bottom lip. Your legs trembled, moving apart so he could move his hand easier. He eagerly took advantage of the new space and moved his fingers through the sides of your panties, beelining for your clit. You weren't sure if it was experience, or if he just wasn't stupid, but the way he rubbed your embarrassingly slick clit had your head reeling. 
“You want me to take care of this little ache you got goin’ on?” The fact his southern drawl had gotten much stronger was almost enough to make you cum. Coupled with the dirty words he was saying, which was something you didn't expect from Daryl at all, your face burned with embarrassment. 
“Please.” You choked out, your hands gripping onto the blanket under you, having no idea what to do with your hands. 
He put more weight on his hands as he shuffled so close that he was basically on top of you. His middle finger slid into you, and the feigned cockiness quickly left his body when he felt you. He didn't know if he'd last more than ten seconds inside you. You were unbearably hot and wet. And just by the way you squeezed his finger, he couldn't imagine how that would feel on something bigger like his dick. 
Your worries were right, your orgasm came so fast you were humiliated. He'd barely curled his fingers inside you a few times, something you had to teach him through your haze, and you groaned, low and guttural.
His eyes widened when he realized what was happening, your orgasm catching him off guard. He took his hand that was busy pinching your incredibly sore nipples and clamped it firmly over your mouth, muffling your cries, even though they were enough to give him enough material to jerk his dick to for months. 
He'd need to find somewhere he could let you scream in peace. But for now, he'd have you right here, keep his hand over your mouth and fuck you into the grass. 
Daryl watched you come undone under his fingers like it would be the last time he'd ever see it. Memorizing the way your hips rolled up into his hand, the way they pulled away when you arched your back. The way your eyebrows pulled tightly together, then the way they relaxed as you rode out your high, your eyes fluttering like they couldn't decide on opening or staying closed. 
“Jesus Christ woman.” He breathed, his eyes dark and wild, like he'd just watched a miracle being performed in front of him. To Daryl it was. He felt an unbridled sense of satisfaction knowing he was the one who did that to you. 
You relaxed fully, your hips pulling away from his rough fingers and thumb, which were still stroking your clit. 
“Ain't done with you yet.” He pulled his hand from your shorts, leaving a trail of shimmering wetness on your stomach. 
“God. You're so pretty.” You said breathlessly, looking up at him again with that damn look on your face as you struggled to sit up to take your clothes off.
“You think I'm pretty? Yeah? C'mon then, show me.” He grabbed your hands, bringing them to his chest, forcing you to touch him. Your mind spun, still recovering from the first orgasm you'd had in god knows how long, trying to take over control as he used your hands to unbutton his plaid button up, not caring if you saw him shirtless because of how dark it was. The red one with the sleeves torn off,  it was your favorite. It was almost a loss to see him remove it, that was until he brought your hands back to touch his chest again. 
You decided you liked his direction, and let him move your hands down his chest to his jeans. Your hands fumbled with his belt buckle, messing up one too many times. He unbuckled it for you, deciding he was too impatient to wait on you, undoing his jeans and tugging them down just enough to get his cock out. 
When he finally tugged it out you tried your best to memorize every single detail about it. The glint of the moon on the bead of precum at the slit, the way the tip was darker than the pale base, the way his unruly pubes looked exactly like you'd imagined. 
Your hands reached out to grab the length of his cock and he sucked in a sharp breath, his head tipping back as he muttered out a string of curses you couldn't understand through his thick accent. 
He was so fucking glad he jerked off in his tent before he came out to meet you. Or else just that touch alone would've had him busting in your hands. 
The sound of him spitting into his hand made your core do that flip and you let out a shaky breath, watching as he rubbed his palm over the tip of his cock. 
He said nothing as he manhandled you, pushing your shorts right down your thighs, ignoring your little sound of surprise. He pulled you into his lap, and the way he took full control of your body like you were a puppet had you growing wetter than you thought possible. He moved you like you weighed nothing, one hand holding your side in a firm grip to keep you hovering over his dick. He was going to spit again, but you sank down against him and he felt how wet you were, he sputtered out a groan and swallowed his spit. 
He reached down between you and grabbed his dick, trying to guide it to the right spot in the confusion of his lust clouded brain and how wet and hot everything felt. You grabbed his hand and aimed it right at your soaking entrance, and sank your hips down. 
His head barely nudged against your entrance before it slid away, up through your lips and bumping your sensitive clit roughly. You hissed at the feeling and he grunted in irritation. 
“Here-” You pulled back from him, which he objected to for a split second, the idea of you separating from him not an option he wanted to consider. But when you started laying down on your back he moved forward on top of you, grabbing your thigh to hike it up over his waist. 
The new angle made things much easier, although your tightness still proved to be a slight inconvenience. You cursed yourself for being so sexually inactive, squeezing your eyes shut as you felt the burn of his tip slowly pushing inside you. 
His mouth found your neck as he lowered his body flat on yours, his weight nearly crushing your chest under his. He kissed your neck as he felt the resistance finally give, his head popping inside you and the rest of his dick pushing forward easier. 
You still saw stars when you closed your eyes, your body freezing from the mind numbing pleasure at the feeling of him filling you in a way you'd either never experienced, or had long forgotten. When the burn of the intrusion finally gave away and melted into complete bliss you relaxed under him, your hips angling up to drive him deeper. 
Daryl groaned in your neck, the sound stuttered as he fought to gain his bearings. His hand tugging his dick to the thought of you was something he never thought he'd top. The feeling of you wrapped around it was something he knew he'd never top. 
The tension between you broke and he finally began moving, dragging his dick out painfully slowly before plunging it back in, fitting like the last piece of a puzzle he'd been working on his whole life. 
He let out a low groan, sinking his teeth into the meat of your neck and bringing a high pitched cry from your mouth. 
“Nuh-uh.” He panted, his hips picking up a faster pace as he pulled away from your neck. “You gotta be quiet, sweetheart.” 
“Mhmm!” You clenched your jaw, your eyes fluttering open to look at him above you. His eyes dark, his mouth open as he breathed heavily, beads of sweat forming at his hairline. The sight had you arching your back, making him groan at the feeling of you squeezing and pulling on his dick. He really did look so fucking pretty. 
Daryl looked down at you, eyes tracing over your face twisted in pleasure, and he felt you grow wetter around him. The way your body responded to him had him trembling. He couldn't get enough of you. He needed more. He grabbed your hips, his grip firm enough to keep you in place as he sped up. 
The quickening of his rough thrusts had your head lolling to the side, each thrust knocking a breathless moan from your lips. They were quiet, to be heard by him alone, which was more than enough for him. The muscles in his jaw flexed as he fought to keep his composure, the last bit of him that he had under control worried about possibly hurting you. 
But that concern quickly went out the window when you started begging. 
“Please.” Your words bubbled from your chest, hot and desperate. “Please!”
“Please what?” He hissed, his brows furrowed in confusion as he fucked deep into you. “Use your words, tell me whatcha want. I'll give it to you.” 
“More, please, I don't know.” You babbled under him, trying your best to stay quiet. “Harder, more, I don't-” 
He moved on you, suddenly putting all the weight of his upper body into his grip on your hips, right before he started fucking you so hard you lost the ability to speak. 
Each thrust sent a bolt of sharp and deep pleasure through your pussy, up your body and ending with a tingle on your scalp. You couldn't moan, even if you wanted to, his movements were so rough it felt like each snap of his hips knocked the air from your lungs. You knew there'd be a deep imprint of your ass in the dirt tomorrow from how much weight he was boring down on you, and the sensation of that alone made your head spin. 
Your sharp gasps that were in sync with his thrusts neared a dangerous volume, and he slowed his hips, using the opportunity to catch his breath. 
“Ya gotta be quiet. M’serious.” He whispered, his thumbs pressing down on the sides of your stomach when your whimpers had yet to cease. “Gonna have to stop.”
You spewed out a soft stream of no’s, your hands wrapping around his wrists as if you had the strength to keep him there. “I will, sorry.”
He nodded in response and carried back on with quicker thrusts, his mouth open as he sucked in shaky breaths. Daryl couldn't take his eyes off you. He wished he had met you a year ago, before all this happened, so he could fuck you without worrying about walkers, getting caught, he wanted desperately to hear every sound he earned from you. He was the reason you were a broken mess; he deserved to hear and have all of you. 
Your right hand let go of his wrist to snake under his stomach, your flat fingers rubbing firm massages on your greedy clit. The sight had a choked moan sounding from his throat and you whined in response, the sound sending long bolts of pleasure through your core. 
“Daryl, so close.” You whispered, your toes curling from their spot at the base of his spine. 
He understood your meaning and set a steadier pace, not too rough or fast, but deep and steady enough to guarantee your final orgasm, since his first with you was approaching. 
Daryl wasn't stupid, he meant to pull out, truly, but when you came and squeezed his cock like a fist, he couldn't help it. His body trembled and he choked, gasping and whimpering as he came with you. 
Your jaw dropped and you saw more than stars, you saw the whole damn galaxy. Daryl quickly pressed his hand over your mouth to muffle your obscene moans, his hips stuttering as he finished the last drop in his orgasm. 
“My God. My God. Oh my God.” You panted after he removed his hand, your eyes bleary and wet, your body vibrating with exhausted shakes as your ecstasy slowly faded away. Your hands and feet felt cold and numb, and when he pulled away it felt like someone had taken something from you. You whimpered in a soft objection as his wrist left your grip. 
“Goddamn.” He sat back to stuff his raw dick back in his jeans, twitching when he felt the uncomfortable friction from his boxers, it was too stimulating. 
It took you some time to put your clothes back on, when you were finally dressed you were too exhausted to do anything but lay there on the blanket and catch your breath. 
Neither of you spoke for a while, sitting in silence to regain your bearings and enjoy the final moments of buzz from sex. As soon as he came down from his high, he grabbed the abandoned bottle of wine and drank nearly the rest of it. 
“I'm gonna go shower.” You breathed, sitting upright to find your shoes and put them back on. 
“G’night.” He muttered between swigs.
“Goodnight Daryl. That was amazing.” You thanked him with a quick kiss that seemed to startle him.
He sucked his teeth in embarrassment, waving you off as if to say, ‘it's nothing'. He watched you walk away, scratching the backs of your arms, itching from the grass. Daryl turned back to the woods and finished the bottle before chucking it into the field, eventually leaving for his tent, bringing your blanket with him. 
You took the best bath you could manage with your supplies; it wasn't as satisfying as a hot shower with your old fancy soaps and shampoos, but you were too exhausted to do more than just clean yourself. You barely even wrapped your hair with a towel before tripping into your room and falling on your bed. 
You yelped when you felt something hard like at your back and you leaned up on your elbow to see a small box with a note. 
From Lori. Use these next time. -Maggie
You sighed in relief when you saw it was emergency contraceptives and a pack of condoms, despite the pit in your stomach from knowing Maggie had seen you. It was something you should have already planned for yourself, the condoms, but it was hard to think straight when you were horny over Daryl Dixon. 
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@ophelialaufey @carlgrimesgfofficial @theskinniestjackson-denny @dilfish-daydreams
697 notes · View notes
ssvnriseya · 1 month
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summary - daryl can't seem to get enough of the farmer's daughter, you.
warnings - MDNI 18+ very dark!daryl × innocent!reader, slight obsessive behavior, slight stalker behavior, manipulation, masturbation (m!), loss of virginity, unprotected p in v, baby trapping, age gap (reader is 20, daryl is mid 30's), intended lowercase.
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you watched as a boy walked away from your sister, you smiled at him as he passed you.
he tried to smile back but failed immediately, the frown winning him over, he looked down the ground instead.
he walked away, shaking his head and tipping his hat off every now and then in frustration.
your face immediately converted into full worry as you glanced at your sister who seemed to be deep in thought.
you walked over to her slowly, the green grass beneath you falling as you stepped on them quite carefully.
the sky was as blue as it could get and it was a clear sunny day, and you loved it.
the trees danced with the wind softly as the birds living in them seemed to be singing along, chirping.
you smiled at maggie as you approached her. "hey." she greeted you, you beamed at her once again.
"maggie, was that glenn?" you asked in worry and wiggled your eyebrows at her, she shook her head giving you a small smile.
"just a crazy asian with a name." she responded, you nodded and continued looking for eggs at the chicken coops.
"well, i think the only thing about him crazy is about you." you replied back as you bent down to pick up an egg.
"trust me, he doesn't know what he wants, or what he is crazy about." she fought back, determined to make you know.
"i think he's old enough to know what he wants." you tried to defend the boy you hardly knew.
"you done there? how many eggs did nessie lay?" she changed the subject you looked at the chicken you and maggie, along with beth named a year before the apocalypse started.
"she's healthy... she has four babies." you said excited, you looked at maggie through your lashes and she groaned, looking away.
"no! you're not keeping one to raise as a pet!" she immediately shut your thought down even before you said them.
"just one? just one little chick?" you asked and pouted when she shook her head again.
"no." she said, her mind is settled on 'no chickens inside the house, baby or not!'
"but, it's gonna be so cute when it's hatched and grown a bit!" you exclaimed in excitement, imagining the chick running around the house.
"no..." she shook her head and said your full name making you pout, she really wasn't going to change her mind.
"i'll take care of it, feed it, and bathe it." you promised her, even holding your right hand up as a sign.
"and what will you feed it?" she raised an eyebrow at you, continuing to check the coop.
"my bread, i get two pieces every morning, i'll save one for it to eat the whole day." you planned slowly, not entirely sure.
"it's a baby." she pressed on and you nodded in agreement, you smiled at her.
"when you and glenn go on a run... w–will you get me a formula and the thing to feed it with? if you ever came across one, don't risk your life for it, okay?" you rambled to her.
"fine." she finally gave in, making you smile in delight. you beamed at her and hugged her so tight
"thank you, mags!" you kissed her cheeks and she smiled, she really loved making you happy.
"take care of it, okay? don't let it die." she reminded you sternly and you nodded.
"i see how glenn looks at you, maggie... i think he really likes you." you gave her a bright smile and handed her the basket full of eggs.
she didn't reply and checked the coops for more eggs, "no more eggs." she said.
she took the basket from you, "I'll check out the stables, you should go in." you told her sweetly.
she nodded and looked around, then she stopped her gaze before looking away after giving a nod.
you looked around but can't seem to find anyone. "was that glenn?" you asked her, your brows furrowed in confusion.
"no, take care at the stables. scream for help if anything happens." she said, care and worry evident in her voice.
"okay! i'm going to check out nervous nelly, i need to ease her nerves." you tried to joke and maggie rolled her eyes with a smile.
"careful." she warned one last time, you nodded and took a few steps back, waving at her happily.
"bye, maggie!" you shouted when she was far enough. she nodded and finally turned around and started walking to the house.
you turned around and walked to the stables slowly, humming to yourself.
you passed by a campsite rather far than the others, you stopped a bit and analyzed it.
it had squirrels hanging around a line and a tent that was beside a rock structure.
you walked forward, curiosity winning the best of you. your boots stopped outside the tent.
it was closed and you looked towards the house, which was quite far from here.
you heard grunts and moans inside suddenly making you wonder if it was one of your neighbors before the turn.
you kneeled by the soft green grass, your dress covering your knees from the rocks and dirts that may stick to your knees.
"hello?" you asked and waited for a response, then right after there was a string of curses.
then the tent opened, you stood up and took a few steps back for safety.
then a man came out, probably a lot older than you. he then scowled when he saw you.
"are you with mr. grimes?" you asked him politely and walked near him.
he didn't answer so you frowned, was he mute or deaf? you can't tell but you were sure he was very bothered with your presence.
you suddenly felt embarrassed, he was probably sleeping and you woke him up, at least you saved him from his nightmares, right?
"i'm sorry, did i wake you up?" you asked as you were the type of girl who really wants to know everything.
"doesn't matter." he grunted and you smiled, so he wasn't deaf or mute at all!
"i thought you were a walker 'cause you were groaning..." you confessed shyly.
his face turns red and looks away from you, why was he embarrassed? it isn't embarrassing to have nightmares, even you still have nightmares.
"was it nightmares? even though it isn't night anymore..." you asked him, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
he took a few seconds before hesitantly nodding, you spot a log near him and walked towards it, sitting.
"i have nightmares too, you don't have to be embarrassed about it. it's totally normal." you comforted him, squinting your eyes at him as you smiled.
"how'd ye end up here? isn't your daddy gon' come crazy lookin for ya?" he asked in a mocking manner.
"no, i told maggie that i'll be checking the stables for nelly, she's always nervous..." you said as you scratched your neck.
"the stables tha' way." he told you pointing at the stables, a bit of a distance from him.
"yeah, i know. i've lived here all my life." you told him in a matter-of-fact tone.
"so why are ye here?" he asked, you shook your head at him.
"i was just curious who stayed here, it's so far from the others. are you being bullied? do you want me to tell dadd—" you rambled.
"nah, i jus' like my space. no nosy neighbor or anythin'." he admitted.
"okay, i'll get going, i just check up on you." you smiled at him and stood up from the log.
he grunted in response, you turned around to walk to the stables but stopped.
you turned to face him again, you caught eye contact with him.
"wait! what's your name?" you asked him, eyebrows furrowed in curiousity once again.
"daryl... dixon." he told you, still hesitantly, as always.
"okay! i'll come visit you tomorrow mr. dixon!" you said cheerfully.
you waved at him, a bright smile on your face. you turned around and continued your way to your original destination.
you can feel his stare burning through your back but you ignored it, was he so angry he was burning holes into you?
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"daddy? who's been shot?" you asked as you went down the stairs rubbing your eyes.
your sister, beth, woke you up and said that someone has been shot, only a graze in the head and your daddy's already fixed it.
"who told you?" maggie asked as she handed you your cup of coffee, you took it with a smile and a good morning.
"beth, she woke me up." you said and maggie nodded.
"it's daryl." maggie responded to you for your father, seeing that her dad, your dad, who is also beth's dad is busy checking the medication stock.
"the one near the barn?" you asked her as you took a sip of the coffee, taking a seat on the counter as you played with the hem of your night dress.
"i guess so." maggie replied, finishing off her bread. then you remembered something.
"hey, where's my chick?" you asked her, jumping off the counter and scanning the cupboards for the eggs, ready to take one.
"what chick?" your dad butted in, having finished with checking the stocks.
"maggie told me yes, daddy." you quickly defended, still not explaining.
"told her she could keep an egg to raise, as long as she keeps it alive." maggie said.
you beamed at your daddy, plastering on your most charming and pleading eyes.
"you know i can't say no to you." your dad chuckled and shook his head.
"i know, daddy." you hugged him as he kissed the top of your head, ruffling it.
"are you coming with beth, maggie, patricia and jim for gun training?" your dad asked as you backed away from the hug.
"i don't feel like it today, daddy... not after beth interrupted my sleep." you glanced at your younger sister, teasing her.
"alright." he said with a huff, making you pout.
"is that okay with you, daddy?" you asked him for permission, he nodded once again.
"that's alright with me." he said, you smiled at him as you got back to your coffee.
"who's the ones staying behind?" you asked your older sister as you swing your legs back and forth.
"just you and daddy." she said, glancing out the window a little longer than a second.
"okay." you shrugged.
she glanced out the window again and kept on repeating it, making you worried for her.
"are you alright, do you see any walkers?" you asked her as you went near the window to take a glance.
she tried to stop you but it was already too late, you had already seen it.
"oh." you said and smiled at her, it was glenn having breakfast with the others who were living outside their house.
"you're so whipped for him, did something happen between you?" you asked her as you took a step back.
she turned red and avoided your gaze, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
"did he hurt you?" you immediately asked your older sister as you were worried for her.
she shook her head, placing her empty cup on the sink.
"okay. i think i'll go check up on mr. dixon." you told her as you finished the rest of your coffee, placing it down on the counter.
she nodded and waved you off, you smiled and took a few steps back, before turning around and rushing upstairs.
you scanned the first guest room and saw that there was no one, so you closed it.
you took a few steps towards the second door and knocked on it softly.
you opened the door and found the man you were looking for, you smiled at him as he glanced at you.
"how are you feeling?" you asked as you walked towards him, gently closing the door behind you.
you sat at the side of the bed as you checked him, he looked pretty bruised.
you let the back of your hand feel his temperature, he flinched but didn't say anything else.
"as shitty as i look." he responded as he gazed up the ceiling, ignoring the aching pain in his head.
"i'm sure andrea didn't mean it, she thought you were one of them so she tried to shoot you to protect everyone else in this camp." you explained to him what you see in the situation.
he grunted, "sure she didn't." you frowned and nodded then gazed around the room.
"this is my favorite room." you told him as you analyzed him, from the bandages on his head to the dirts on his face and tattoos on his muscular chest.
"you've got two rooms?" he asked rather harshly, he can't blame himself as he's grown to always share things and the girl in front of him has two rooms.
"no, silly. i like to stay here when i'm feeling sad... i love the view by that window, you should check it before you guys find sophia and leave..." you smiled at him, the smile never faltering.
"ya want us to leave already?" he asked and you turned red, embarrassed.
"n—no! i kind of love having you guys here, it's not boring as before..." you told him as you fidgeted with your fingers.
"jus' teasin' ye." he smirked at you, making you sighed out in relief.
"what's your job before all of this?" you asked him as you put the rest of your body up the bed.
you crawled over to the head of the bed and laid your back against the headboard.
"what ye doin'?" he asked as he watched your every movement, you can feel his heated gaze at your skin.
"i'm sitting..." you stated the obvious and he groaned, deciding to let it go.
"so what's your job?" you asked him as you reached out to touch his hair.
he snapped his eyes at you making you giggle and pull away from him, pretending to do something else.
"jus' everything, as long as it gives money." he stated, his voice cold making you feel guilty.
it must have been bad memories and you had the audacity to bring it up.
"sorry, i didn't know it was a sensitive topic to you." you admitted as you laid down the bed.
you still kept a fair distance between the both of you as you laid in your back.
you turned to your side, facing him as he was still facing the ceiling.
"it wasn't." he argued making you nod, not truly believing the two words coming out of his mouth.
"have you had breakfast?" you asked him as you gazed at his side profile.
"'m not hungry." he told you, you still didn't believe him. you sat up and slide down the bed, getting on your feet.
"i'll make you something to eat." you told him as you smiled, walking towards the door, opening it as you went outside and closing it.
once you went outside to make him something to eat, he immediately darted his hand at his chest, breathing heavily.
"fuck." he cursed as he can feel his jeans tightening. he tried to shift it but failed miserably.
he had to make this quick if he doesn't want you to notice when you come back, or catch him on the act.
he shifted slightly, going up the bed and sitting up, back against the headboard.
he feels guilty, he wants to stop himself as he's having forbidden thoughts about you.
he was almost caught by you yesterday when you went to his little campsite.
he was jerking off, to the thought of you. he felt an invisible string of attraction when he saw you when they first arrived.
he loved the way you smiled at each one of them even though you hardly knew them.
he loved you in your cute dresses, almost as if teasing him with the below knee length.
everything you did had a meaning to him, with you going to check up on him and laying in bed with him.
he absolutely loved the feeling of your hand on his forehead when you checked his temperature.
call him obsessed but he grabbed the part of comforter you sat on.
he brought it to his face, sniffing it and immediately relaxing to the smell of you.
to the smell of honey and candy. he hates sweet smells but when it comes to you, he's totally head over heels for it.
he slowly unbuckled his belt and took it off, shifting with the buttons of his jeans as he slipped the zipper off.
he lifted his hips slightly as he lowered his jeans just below the butt.
he grabbed his semi-hard cock as he groaned just when he touched it.
he tried thinking of other things, imagining two people having sex or the pornographic photos merle showed him.
but his mind left drifting back to you, you and your cute dresses that had no intentions of teasing him ever intentionally.
the way you bent over to pick eggs from the chicken coop, showing a little bit of your legs.
he felt like a victorian man seeing some ankles, but instead he saw your legs.
it's not much but he gets a hard on when he glances at your milky white legs.
he raised his hand up and down as he threw his head back, he imagined the way your pretty little mouth would fit his cock in.
he could tell he would have a hard time fitting it in, if ever you and him happened.
he can picture you being a moaning mess beneath him as you cried his name in pleasure.
you, begging him to go faster as your nearing, you, clenching the sheets as you come all over his cock.
the way your breasts would wiggle when he thrusts into you from above and from behind.
he can see the way your cunt hugs around his cock as he had a hard time thrusting in.
but due to the pre-cum from both of you he will start having it easy but still hard due to your tight cunt.
he kept pumping his cock on his hand as he raised his hips, he then imagined fucking you over the window as you glanced at the beautiful view outside.
he stifled a moan when he moved his hands faster, then after a few seconds his hands was covered with his warm white liquid.
he could hear a slight shuffle as he wiped his hands on the towel on the bedside table, he stuffed his cock back in his jeans, fastening it and buckling his belt back.
he wiped his hands on the comforter, if it ever had any liquid left then covered half of his body with the comforter.
then just a minute later, the door opened, revealing you carrying a tray with a bright smile.
"here, coffee and bacon..." you placed the tray beside him as you took a chair and sat next to him.
"y'want?" he asked as he chewed on the bacon, you shook your head.
"daddy is busy, he's busy with carl." you told him as you stood up from the chair, going to one of the cupboard.
"so what?" he asked as he took a sip of his coffee, still chewing on the bacon.
"i'll be your nurse today, isn't that great? i'll get to know you more, mr. dixon." you smiled at him, turning your head back as you rummaged through the things inside.
you grabbed a roll of bandage and a few ointments for him, "better." he whispered under his breath as he tried to avert his eyes from the way your dress rose every time you stood on your tippy toes to reach inside the cupboard.
"i'll change your bandages, they must be covered in your blood." you told him as you closed the cupboard, going back to sit at the chair beside him.
"you should finish that first and i'll give you pain killers." you told him as he nodded, drinking the rest of his coffee.
he set the tray aside as you popped open the organizer, giving him a pain killer.
he took it and drank it with the water you brought earlier, you started assisting him to sitting up straighter.
you slowly took off his bandage as you looked across his back, "it's beautiful." you assured him when he tried to shift away from your touch.
"no scars are beautiful." he argued, hating that you lied to him to make him feel better.
"well, yours are. it shows that you survived that stage of life. i like your tattoos too, does it hurt?" you asked him as you wiped his back.
"when ye get 'em, and fer the first few weeks." he responded with a grunt as you stopped cleaning his back.
"i don't think i'll find someone who still does tattoos." you squint your eyes as you started opening the cap of the ointment.
you applied some to his side gently as he flinched every now and then.
"trust me, ye don't wanna get one." he groaned as he flinched away from your touch.
you pulled away from him as you placed the cap back of the ointment.
you took the bandage, "okay, tell me if it's too tight." you said as you looked at him.
he looked away before he could think about anything else dirty on your sentence.
he simply nodded and raised his arms a bit as you wrapped your arms around him.
you placed the end of the bandage on his back as you circled the bandage, wrapping him.
your touch burned him but he didn't dare say anything else, he simply enjoyed the feelings of your small hands on him.
you finished wrapping his torso in bandage, you set it aside as you sealed the bandage.
"i-i... saw you earlier." you admitted, cheeks red as you stared at the bed.
"w-what?" he stuttered, hoping that you didn't catch him masturbating and moaning your name.
"you were s-saying my name... and you were touching the thing here." you pointed at his bulge as you looked at his eyes.
your blush darkened when you made eye contact with him, his eyes darkened as he looked at your flustered form.
"i... was just trying to make my pain go away." he lied as he looked away from you.
"oh... i learned that, my classmate told me they do that and release a white cream once they feel better." you told him with interest.
"yeah..." he went along as he nodded immediately, he can feel himself growing hard again so he placed a pillow on top.
"are you feeling pain again?" you asked him as your eyes filled with worry.
"y-yeah." he hesitated, she went near him as she touched his forehead.
"i'll make you feel better, daddy told me to take care of you." you sat on the heels of your feet.
"you should." he didn't know where his confidence came from but he used it.
"okay... i-i don't know how to start." you admitted, looking up at him as you fidgeted with your fingers.
"take off my jeans." he told her softly, she followed what he said and soon slipped his jeans off his legs.
"i'll make you feel better, mr. dixon... i promise." you smiled at him reassuringly.
you place two hands to wrap around his angry cock, you stare at it with amusement.
it was your first time seeing one, except for the drawings in schools that's presented in science.
"i-is all this big?" you asked as you can't even wrap a hand on him.
"no, baby." he caressed your jaw as you nodded, you copied his actions moments earlier.
you stroke his cock carefully, watching his face contort into pleasure as he closed his eyes.
"are you starting to feel better, mr. dixon?" you asked as you continued stroking his length.
"yes..." he nodded as he gripped the headboards, opening his eyes to see you looking at him with a smile.
you continued moving your hand up and down as he held back a quiet moan, in case hershel heard.
his cock twitched as you stared at it weirdly, it's veins were more prominent and his tip is red.
he was most likely ten inches long or maybe more, he was very thick.
"it feels good... baby." he moaned as he thrust his cock into your hand.
"tell me once you feel better, okay?" you asked him as you stroked him faster.
his cock twitches one more time before his cum rushes down and drips down your hand.
he moaned heavily as he panted, coming down from his high.
"i did it! i made you feel better!" you exclaimed in happiness, not really minding the white liquid covering your hand.
"yes, baby. you did." he smiled as he ruffles your hair, he had an idea as he bit his lips.
"you need to drink my white cream, you might have been infected and that white cream is like a medicine." he said without an ounce of guilt.
you stared at him weirdly once again as he nodded encouragely at you.
you nodded and bent down to face his lower abdomen, you licked his stomach and upper leg as you tried to kick every of his cum that you see.
you also looked at him as you licked your hand, you sucked one of your fingers into your mouth, pulling it out then the other one.
he groaned and almost cum again without contact, just the sight of you like that or even just with your hands on him can almost make him cum.
"it... tastes weird." you told him truthfully as you fidgeted with your fingers.
"what's that? you know that is very disrespectful?" he told you as your eyes went wide.
"i—i didn't know, i'm sorry..." you told him quickly as you shifted.
"you should be grateful for whatever i give you, 'ight?" he held your chin as he studied every inch of your face.
"y—yes." you nodded slowly, completely submitting to him, he smiled at that.
daryl patted your head as he lifted you into his lap, you shifted on top of him comfortably as you looked at his eyes.
he groaned when his tip came in contact with your clothed cunt.
"you feel good, baby?" he asked when you grind onto him for unknown reasons to you.
you nodded as he held your hips to stop you from moving any further.
you felt bliss when his tip was just touching your cunt, you have to feel more.
you want to feel more of him, you want to feel good and you also want him to feel good.
"use your words, sweetheart." he let out a low groan as his grip tightens on your hip.
you whimpered as you tried to form a proper sentence without stuttering or stumbling with your words.
"y—yes, mr. dixon." you nodded as you tried to fight his grip by moving to grind onto him.
"no, baby..." he told you, he scolded you as if you're a little girl who needs a punishment.
"you can't call me, mr... if you want me to make you feel good." he slowly talked to you, like talking to a little girl.
you nodded, "what should i call you? what will i call you?" you asked him as you try to grind onto him.
"daryl..." he teased you, moaning slightly as he said his own name.
you blushed as you took in his name, "daryl." you tried and looked at his eyes.
"it would be weird, da... daddy would be mad if he knew i called an older person by their name, he told me to always be respectful..." you told him what hershel taught you.
"well, your daddy doesn't have to know." he told you as he caressed your hips by his thumb.
"i... can't keep secrets." you told him, looking up at him. he was a lot taller than you even when he was seated with you on his lap.
"well, you have to... or else your daddy and i will be mad at you, do you want that?" he asked as he tapped his thumb onto your hips.
"no... i don't want someone mad at me." you shook your head as you looked down.
you blushed when you saw his erected cock, his tip was touching your clothed cunt.
your dress has lifted a bit when he sat you on his lap, the dress was in your hips, showing your legs and underwear.
"then let's keep this a secret, 'ight?" he leaned closer, pressing his tip into you harder.
you whimpered and nodded your head, he softened his grip on your hips as you stayed in place.
"a-are we going to do sex?" you asked him as you placed your hands on his chest. you played with his chest as you looked back and up at him.
"no, baby. we're going to make love." daryl told you, his eyes glinting with mischief.
"but we don't love each other." you told him sheepishly as you looked back at his chest. you admired his tattoos in awe as you traced them softly.
"i love you, and you will love me back after this." he told you firmly as he caressed your hair.
"o—kay..." you said, believing him. your daddy told you to always open your heart.
he leaned in and placed his lips onto yours, you blushed as you didn't know what to do.
you closed your eyes as he kissed you, he placed his grip onto your waist.
he kissed you softly as he bit your lip, you whimpered in pain as he took it as an opportunity to enter his tongue in.
you unconsciously put your arms around his neck as you started to follow his movements.
you tried to kiss him back as you moaned when he sucked on your lower lip.
you were almost embarrassed for the sounds you were making as he kissed you.
you grind your hips onto him unconsciously as you kissed, he sucked on your tongue and lower lip every now and then.
he let you grind your hips into him as you whimpered, you felt good and you want more.
"i-i'm sorry, daryl... but, i want more." you started after you pulled away from him, you tried to also catch your breath.
you were sorry because he just told you earlier how disrespectful it is to not appreciate what you were given.
he smirked and caressed your waist and hair, "you do? what do you want?"
"i feel good, but i want to feel more good..." you told him as you pouted and looked into his eyes.
"do you want daryl in your princess part?" he told you as you nodded, you didn't know what princess part is but you just nodded.
"do you know what that is?" he asked you, you shook your head shyly.
he let out a low chuckled as he let go of your hair he let his hands wander between your thighs as you whimpered.
he caressed it, "this is your princess part, baby." he told you, you didn't say anything as you whimpered, trying to grind onto his hand.
"that's my vagina..." you told him as you so desperately tried grinding onto him.
"no, it's princess part for you, 'right?" he said and slapped your princess part.
you whimpered and nodded, "it's my princess part." you told him as he grinned.
"how bad do you want it, sweetheart?" he asked as he slowly took off your panties.
"so... bad." you whined as you got off his lap and took off your own panties.
you got back on his lap, sitting directly on his cock as you moaned softly.
he teased your entrance as he slid his cock up and down your slit.
"you ready?" he asked and you nodded slowly, you were nervous, it was your first time.
you can't think about anything else, you didn't care if your daddy will get angry if he found out.
you just want daryl, you want to feel good and make love with him.
"i-i'll get pregnant..." you told him worriedly as you placed your hands on his shoulder.
he didn't respond and you gulped, he turned your positions so he was on top of you.
"so wet already?" he tapped his tip into your slit as he teased you.
you nodded, you can feel the wetness on your leg dripping down earlier.
it wasn't the first time you felt like that... you felt it whenever you catch maggie watching pornographic movies.
you felt guilty and confused why you got wet when you also watched the movie secretly.
you immediately went into your room that night and just slept it off.
daryl adjusted his cock into your entrance as he slowly slid in, you gasped in pain as you gripped onto his shoulders.
"daryl... i-i can't, it hurts." you cried as a tear slid down your face.
"it's okay, baby... it's just for a minute or so, everyone experiences this on their first time, it's normal." he told you, wiping your tears.
you nodded and sniffled, it was the truth, you heard your female classmates talking about their first time hurting.
but what isn't normal is the size of daryl's cock, it was beyond the average size.
it added to the pain you were feeling, you felt stretched out even if it was just his tip in you.
you closed your eyes in pain when he pushed a part of him in again. you took deep breaths and tried to calm your self.
"it still hurts..." you told him softly, opening your eyes and looking at him.
he felt a tug at his heart when you looked at him and when he looked at your eyes.
daryl wiped your tears again as he shush you. "it's okay, it'll hurt even more when i pull out."
you pouted but nodded, you wanted this too so you just have to suck it up.
he pushed another part of him in and you just whispered to yourself.
"why are you so big... i—is that normal?" you asked him, glaring at the ceiling.
he just chuckled, he whispered something incoherently to you before pushing the rest of his length in.
"dar—" you shouted in pain but he put his hand onto your mouth, he wiped your tears.
"it's okay..." he slowly told you as he pulled out just to go back in.
you can feel the sudden shift of emotions, you moaned in pleasure and pain the fifth time he slammed into you.
"feels good?" he asked you as he pounded into you, gently then roughly.
"daryl..." you moaned loudly as he pumped in and out, you whimpered.
"stay quiet, your daddy will hear ye'." he whispered to your ear.
you bit down on your lip to stop your loud moans, that even porn models would be jealous of.
daryl loved your moans but it was what would get the both of you caught.
he looked down where both of you meet, your cunt was better than he dreamt of.
your cunt was hugging his cock so tight that his imagination would be so ashamed.
"daryl..." you moaned lowly as he continued his pace, you kissed him as he roughly pumped into you.
"this princess part is mine, got it?" he asked as he slowed his pace.
"daryl— faster!" you bit your lip as you begged him to pick up his pace again.
"got it?" he asked and you nodded, "words, sweetheart." he whispered into your ear.
"yes... it's yours! please— daryl..." you moaned softly as he fastened his pace again.
he can feel you clench around him and he started slowing down just to go faster.
"i-i feel something weird on my tummy... daryl!" you moaned as you squirmed.
"let it out, baby... cum on my cock." he told you as you both can only hear the sound of sound slapping against each other.
you did as he told and let it out, whatever you were feeling on your stomach..
you came as daryl continued pounding onto your cunt relentlessly.
"i would make love to you from day to night if it wasn't your first time, baby..." he whispered.
you were feeling so sensitive that every time he came in contact with your princess part, you messily moaned.
"i-i feel it again..." you said quickly, it hasn't even been a minute since your last release.
daryl was so quick and rough that you came once again, you whimpered as daryl groaned and growled into your ears.
"i'm coming, baby." he muttered under his breath, "i'm cumming inside you."
"i-i'll get pregnant—" you tried to say but was interrupted by your own moan.
you tried protesting but he whispered soft things to your ear.
"i'll take care of you both..." he assured you as he fastened his pace.
"i'll keep stuffing my babies into you so you can never be taken away from me..." he told you.
you nodded, it was a promising life. it was your dream to have your own family someday.
you didn't know if your daddy would be happy with having a grandchild already.
"i'll show the boys interested to you that you're mine and you're carrying my baby..." he moaned.
"y-yes! okay..." you nodded as he thrust into you, you felt attracted to him and you thought it was enough to start a family of your own with him.
you didn't know again what your daddy would feel if you had a family of your own before your older sister, maggie.
"fuck... 'm goin' to cum inside ye'." he told you and his thrust turn sloppy as you can feel warm liquid gush into you.
you whimpered softly as he pulled out his cock. he was still hard even if you were already done.
you can feel your own cum mixed with daryl's cum trickle out of you slowly.
you tried to catch your breath as you pulled down your dress.
"i love ye'..." daryl whispered to you as he stuffed his cum back into you.
you didn't respond and closed your eyes, laying your head on the soft pillow.
you can feel a bit of guilt and regret that you let him cum inside you.
you started to doubt if it was a good idea to let him cum inside you.
you weren't even sure if you were ready to start a family as sure as you were earlier.
"i—i... don't think i want a child at this time..." you told him innocently and softly.
you can't imagine raising a child during an apocalypse where every breath you make is a risk.
"you can't do anything about it... i already came inside you, you're going to carry our child, hm?" he hugged you as he caressed your hair.
you didn't know what to do.
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scudslut · 8 months
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ahhh yes yes, I haven’t written him too subby on here yet so I was super excited to write this❤️ I hope you like it @darylsgirl23 <3
Daryl x f!reader
Setting: Bridge Camp/Post Savior War
Wordcount: 2.6k
Warnings: 18+, softdom reader, unestablished relationship (but both know there’s a little somethin somethin iykwim), aka your his and everyone knows it, oral (m - receiving), unprotected piv, premature finish
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Daryl was never one to keep still.
It made him anxious to be in one place for too long, always going on runs and patrols ensuring his people were as safe and provided for as they could be. He felt at ease outside the walls, out of people's prying gazes, and left alone to do his part for the community in peace. These days though, he was a flurry of activity. Hardly ever in the same spot long enough to see the sun rise and set again.
You knew he felt guilty - that he was angry and didn't know how to release it. You'd watch him work on the bridge for hours, frustration seeping out of his bones and into the atmosphere around him. It hung off him like a phantom.
The vast majority of the community was intimidated by it. They would walk on eggshells in his presence as if they could predict an oncoming outburst. But you knew better, you knew him.
He was angry at the world, yes. But he was distraught with himself... his own mind. It ran a mile a minute and gave absolutely zero reprieve. Anyone could see that if they dug just a bit deeper, looked at him a little closer.
Sure he was strong and burly; a true beast of a man, but he was also quiet and thoughtful. He cared so deeply about others that it frightened him to his core. All he wanted was to protect his family and do right by them.
And you saw all of that.
You had for years now and it only made your desire for him stronger. You wanted to thank him. Drop down to your knees and worship every freckle and scar that made him, him. He deserved it, deserved an escape.
Initially, you thought maybe he wasn't into that and preferred to keep his relationships asexual, to which you were perfectly happy to abide by. Any time spent with him was cherished time in your eyes. But during a sleep-deprived chat with Carol one night on patrol, long ago, you had found out he did have a few sexual encounters before the apocalypse. Just none that had truly meant much to him, or that he was entirely sober for.
That small bit of insight helped you understand the man so much more and you carefully dropped your hints from that point on. However, with your luck, every time you thought something might happen between you two, the moment would slip right through your aching fingers, dusted away by whatever imminent danger lurked behind each corner.
To be quite honest, you were getting fed up with the world's continuous cruel jokes, and from the looks of things, Daryl could use a healthy distraction right about now.
Ears perking at the familiar rumble you'd grown to love, you watched as he pulled up on his trusty, beaten-up Nighthawk, finally returning from a longer visit at Hilltop. You could see the sheen layer of sweat built up above his furrowed brows, his teeth nibbling away at his lower lip - an anxious habit you had picked up on mere days after meeting him.
His mind was bothering him. That much was clear.
He shuffled quickly to his tent, gaze transfixed on the muddy shoes he wore, avoiding any onlookers who wanted to ask their silly questions, throwing the flaps open, and disappearing in a fluster.
You knew better than to bother him now, give him some time to gather his thoughts and decompress. You whittled away at your spears, biding the time as you devised a plan on how you would approach him. After all, the last thing you wanted was to scare him off or embarrass him in any way. He was reserved when it came to these situations, unsure of himself. The few times you had brushed lips or touched him a bit heatedly, he was jumpy and almost insecure, as if he needed instructions on how he should behave. It was extremely endearing to you; like a stray pup who just needed a little reassurance and affection to calm his fierce walls of doubt.
It was almost dusk when you finished with your spears, gathering them up and placing them near some of the other weapons the community used when needed. You scanned the grounds, noticing everyone collected by the fire, dishing up for a late dinner. You quickly made your way over, grabbing two portions and slipping away before you were noticed and stopped for conversation. You knew Daryl wouldn't get one for himself, spew some excuse that 'he wasn't hungry' or was 'too tired' when really, he just didn't want to take away from another. Even if that meant he didn't eat or drink anything for days at a time. It made your heart blister for more reasons than one.
You balance both plates on your left arm, reaching to pull the flaps open slowly, not wanting to startle him with your arrival, "Dar? You asleep?" you whisper into the dim den.
You hear a grunt, some shuffling, and in a moment a soft glow fills the area as he lights a nearby lamp, perching up on his small cot, "I was."
Flicking off your boots, you zip the entrance closed behind you, "I brought you some dinner, figured you'd be hungry after your trip," You smile and he mutters a quiet thanks, opting to accept your kind offer rather than argue with you, he knew you wouldn't take no for answer anyway. He scoots to the side, creating a spot for you to sit while you two eat in comfortable silence. He liked that you didn't feel the need to fill the air, that you could simply enjoy each other's company without all the small talk. You were one of the few people he'd met in his life, who just inherently understood him, down to the most basic level. He hated leaving you all the time like he had been, just another thing to nag at his over-exhausted mind.
Hearing him sigh quietly, you cast your eyes over, watching as he scrapes up the remaining crumbs off his plate, placing it outside the tent along with yours for you both to deal with in the morning.
"I imagine your pretty tired, huh?" You ask, following his movements as he plops down again beside you.
"Nah, not really. Got a few hours 'fore ya came bustin' in here," he grumbles with a small smirk and you lean into him nudging his shoulder playfully. "Why ya wanna chat or somethin'?"
You consider him for a minute, trying to find the proper words to initiate what was truly on your mind. You knew you had no reason to be nervous. That even though you'd never labeled anything between you guys, you both felt it. Knew it was there. You just needed the right moment. Now was as good a time as any, you figured.
"No, I just- I wanna try something."
He nods his head for you to continue, so you scoot closer, placing your hand delicately on his shoulder and bringing your face centimeters from his. You stop just before you close the gap, gauging his reaction. His breath hitches slightly and you feel his pulse rapid under your fingertips, but he doesn't pull away. Taking that as the only confirmation you'll get, you press your lips to his softly, brushing your thumb against his stubbly, pink cheek. He takes a good minute to respond, carefully moving his lips back against yours and placing his hands on your hips. You feel him squeeze, eliciting a quiet moan of encouragement from you and he all but sinks into your touch, falling into a comfortable rhythm with your lips. You stay like that for a while, breathing in his piney scent and relishing in his gentle kneads at your waist. It wasn’t much to the untrained eye, but you knew that was his way of pouring his affection into you without so many words. His way of telling you he was yours.
You drag your kisses down his neck, nibbling and sucking at the salty flesh between his collarbones. His breaths grow uneven and you can feel him begin to tense again, unused to such personal attention, "Is this okay?" You ask, not wanting to push him past his boundaries. He only nods in response, his throat feeling like the Sahara.
He has to admit, he's thought about this many times, relieved himself to thoughts of you too many times to count over the years. He's just never known how to approach you about it, scared you'd reject him or he'd do something wrong.
He watches as you slip to your knees before him, your eyes glued to his. "You'll let me know if you want me to stop, yeah?" As he tries to nod in response again, you stop him, "I need you to say it to me," You press.
"Y-yea, I'll say somethin'," he whispers timidly and you grin, beginning to unbuckle his belt and slip his raged jeans down. You kiss down his strong thighs, feeling them tremble slightly beneath you. His hard-on is poking through his boxers and you drag your lips across it, placing soft pecks down the length of him, listening to his breathy pants. You didn't realize how turned on you'd be, having him all flushed and needy for you, but god were you enjoying it. Slipping your fingers into the waistband, you tug them down and his cock springs free, precum leaking from the pretty, pink tip.
"You dun have'ta," he mutters, anxiety sweeping over him fast, even though he really, really does want to. You catch his gaze, noticing how dark his stormy eyes have gotten.
"Let me take care of you, sweetheart," you reply, pressing soft kisses from the base to tip, feeling him pulse under your touch. You enclose your mouth around him, taking almost his entire length at once and you hear a guttural groan from above you, his knuckles white from the clutch they had on the bedsheets.
You wondered if he had ever had a woman go down on him before. Judging by the gasps and twitches he was emitting, if he had, it hadn't been for a very long time.
He bucks into you, searching in a daze for more friction, and you pin his hips down, earning a deep whine from him. You knew if he wanted to, he could easily overpower you, use your mouth to his heart's content, but he wouldn't. He wanted you to take charge. Needed it.
Raking your eyes over his heaving figure, you slide your tongue along his shaft, moving in slow, sensual circles as you bob up and down. Daryl's head is tossed back, eyes screwed shut and you can tell he won't last much longer. The sensitivity of not being touched in so long, sprinting towards him at full speed. You pull back, slowing your movements. He lifts his head off the wall, pale blue eyes blown to darkness as he watches you take him so sweetly, "Please," He whispers.
When you shake your head, humming a soft, "Not yet," as best you can around him, his eyes roll back into his skull, entirely overwhelmed by the overstimulation, but loving it nonetheless. "I-I can't," He gasps, his accent muddled even stronger in his lustful state. You have to squeeze your legs tighter, clenching around nothing hearing your man so utterly wrecked beneath you. You want to draw it out for hours. Have him begging you to let him cum down your awaiting throat. However, you decide you both have waited damn long enough to prolong your union even more.
Releasing him with a soft kiss to his leaking tip, you stand in front of him, shimmying out of your clothes as quickly as you can. "Lay down for me, baby,' You direct, moving the straddle him as he eagerly follows your orders, turning lengthwise on the makeshift bed. His eyes never leave yours as you sit down on him, groaning when he feels how wet you are pressed against his cock. "Have you thought about this before, pretty boy?" His cheeks flush crimson at your sultry compliments, nodding curtly whilst avoiding your stare.
"Dar." You press.
You were being so gentle yet stern with him it was making it brain fuzzy, all stressors from the day long washed away to be replaced by only you.
"Have, yeah," He huffs in embarrassment, trying with great difficulty not to portray how truly turned on your words were making him. But you saw right through him... or rather felt him. You lean forward, kissing and nipping up his neck to the shell of his pink ears, "Do you want me to stop?"
A full-body shiver jolts through him when he feels your warm breath against his ear, involuntarily rolling his hips into yours and you chuckle at his obvious sensitivity. He knows he needs to use his words. You won't be letting him off that easy. "Please don't," Is all he manages and it seems to do the trick. You grip his length, tracing it along your soaked folds, and slowly sink down. Your careful as you take in his reaction, scanning his expression for any signs of discomfort. He bites his lip, his eyes squeezed shut and lets out a muffled groan.
"Fuck," He mumbles, and you're surprised to hear him say anything you didn't need to pry out of him. A positive sign, you determined and start to bounce your hips slowly, creating a synchronized dance between your bodies. Your body is buzzing as you ride him, finally feeling the dull ache you’ve had for the man below you begin to dissipate as he whimpers oh so softly for only you to hear. His hands grip your waist hard enough to leave bruises to find in the morning, but you hardly give it a second thought. All you can think about is Daryl. His closeness, his warmth and strength, and-
He tenses beneath you, broken gasps leaving his chewed lips and suddenly he’s lifting you off of him, soaking your thighs and abdomen completely. You gawk as you watch him come down, sworn you haven’t ever seen something so fucking sexy in your life. His head tossed back, jumbled curses leaving his mouth, and dark auburn hair dripping with sweat. You don’t care that he finished before you, this was about him. But you see his eyes snap to yours when he fully comes back down to reality, cheeks blazing for a different reason than before.
Leaning towards him, you capture his lips with your own, tenderly pouring your affection into him, needing him to know you weren’t upset, “It’s okay, relax,” you whisper against him with a soft smile, leaning your forehead onto his. His eyes are filled with guilt, “I mean it, Dar,” And he’s back to his nods of response.
He didn’t need any more words of sympathy. He knew you were happy as a kid on Christmas, he just needed to accept it for himself. So with one last peck to his cherry lips, you slide off him, grab a rag to clean yourself up with, and scoot right in beside him, craving his warmth. He turns to you quickly, grabbing your waist and pulling you impossibly closer to him, burying his head into the crook of your neck. You feel a few soft pecks from him along your jaw and you sigh contentedly, wrapping your limbs around his, reeling in your post-coital glow.
You were safe, snuggled with your love, and that was all you needed.
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kissesfordaryl · 3 months
I have a request!!!!
Okay okay…
Daryl who has never had any desire to touch or masturbate… he doesn’t even know how… he rarely gets hard.
But… once he meets reader, suddenly he’s got this new feeling, he’s always getting hard but he’s so pure and sexually innocent that he doesn’t know what to do, doesn’t know how to touch, he’s never cum before.
Reader very gently teaches Daryl how his body works and shows him how to cum and Daryl’s basically a puddle on the floor. He’s very shy to be touched, reluctant at first, never having experience even just masturbation.
You teach him how his body works and he loves it.
Subby innocent baby
a sweet thing.
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male reader x daryl dixon.
summary: theres many things new daryls yet to experience in your relationship- but what he was most excited for was you: your touch lingering over his skin as you show him how to feel good.
era: prison.
note: ty for the request anon!! hopefully i didnt take too long to write
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daryl twists and turns in bed, waiting for you to come back from your shower. hes been antsy all day, images of you flashing through his mind. youve both been busy lately with all the new additions to the group and the renovations happening- but you managed to sneak some time away with him once in a while: a stolen kiss here or there.
but daryls been wanting more. he had asked to take things slow between you, and of course youve complied perfectly. in fact, he thinks youve followed his request too closely. youve been waiting on him to make a move, but daryl has absolutely no clue how to do so. hes never done anything like that. hes only masturbated a handful of times in his whole life, and that was ages ago. he wasnt the physical touch type, but when it came to you, everything was different. he found himself having urges hes never experienced before- and all of it was overwhelming. he just wished he knew the right words to say to you.
daryl sighs, sitting up a little. he stares up at the thin sheet acting as a barrier, then down at his lap. he thinks about you in the shower now, rinsing off all the sweat and grime thats accumulated from working so hard throughout the day. thinks about the water gliding down your body, wet hair clinging to your face.
his body feels hot all over, pleasure bubbling underneath his skin. with a foreign touch, his hand comes up to palm at his half-hard cock. hes never realized how sensitive he is, his legs drawn together as he strokes himself with one hand, the other muffling his sounds. with his eyes shut, he misses the curtains being drawn back to reveal you standing there.
and you, youve never seen daryl like this. sure, hes always been more of the needy type, constantly clinging to you as you made out with him- but never this: a hand wrapped firmly around his dick, pumping up and down and eyes screwed shut.
well, he looked delicious. you felt frozen in place, just watching and watching. youre careful as you approach daryl, the bed dipping under your weight. he springs up in response, wide eyed and breathless.
youre a little rough, attacking his mouth with a searing kiss. "i cant wait," daryl tilts his head back, mouth parting just slightly, "cant go slow anymore. cmon."
he lets you redirect him on the bed, eyes glazed over with arousal. he shakes his head and nods at the same time, both reluctant and eager for you to touch him. your gaze lands on his cock, flush at the head and twitching underneath your attention.
you realize he hasnt got any lubricant, not even spit. "jesus, dee. doesnt that hurt?"
he stares at you in confusion until youre spitting into your hand, grabbing him by the shaft and slicking him up. he arches into the touch like he doesnt even know hes doing it, eyes rolling back. and you knew he never had experience doing this kinda stuff with men, but not even a handjob? here you were, barely touching him and he was teetering over the edge already. a sort of warm energy rushes through your body at seeing daryl like this, short hair matted like hes been tossing and turning in pleasure.
"what, you couldnt just wait for me to come outta the shower?" you tease, pressing short but warm kisses all along his neck, "had to take care of yourself?"
a sliver of pre-come collects at his slit, and you continue. "or maybe you wanted me to see you like this? shit, good thing i did too- looks like you could use some pointers."
daryls a mess, and it occurs to you that your words may not even be registering for him. "fuck," he finally responds, "fuck- yeah. yeah, please."
"please?" and in the face of it all, you cant help but let out a little chuckle. daryl could handle anything- walkers, people, hunting- but he doesnt know how to jerk off? "alright, ill teach you a little something."
you rearrange your positions, getting up on the bed and sitting in between his legs. hes got his pants pulled halfway down his ass, just enough room for him to get his dick out. "first," you take him by the base, "its good to get this pretty cock all wet beforehand." you collect all the saliva in your mouth, letting it drip onto his cock. his hand flys out to muffle his moans, his hips jerking into your fist. "makes everything feel better, right?"
he nods weakly, shirt riding up to reveal soft skin. you tugged at it, urging him to take it off. he obliges with ease, throwing his shirt to the ground. "and if you wanna feel real good," youre tearing at his pants now, "you can go a little lower."
your fingers ghost over his hole, applying just a little pressure. he cums right then and there, a low whine escaping from him. you refuse to let up, your hands still stroking his flaccid cock. he shoves at your chest, tears springing in his eyes.
with a gentle touch, youre wiping at his face and kissing away his tears. "good?"
he nods, arms weakly wrapping around your back and pulling you close. you hiss as your own erection presses against his thigh, daryl shifting underneath you.
"m'gonna try it again. on you." he suggests shyly, hands disappearing under your shirt.
you lean back onto the mattress, an arm coming up to rest under your head to watch him work. yeah, you could get used to this.
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first little drabbleish how do we feel
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thewalkingdilf · 3 months
thinking about being daryl’s own personal stress relief.
you just get so happy and excited to please him, that when he’s had a bad or particularly stressful day, you know exactly how to help him through it.
you’re on your knees almost immediately as he walks through the door, staring up at him with your puppy eyes, mouth wide open for him.
before he can even get his boots off, you’re kneeled in front of him; and who is he to say no to a pretty little thing like you who is just so eager to make him feel better?
before you know it, his fingers are laced in your hair with one hand, making their home in your silky locks, and pulling his already hardening cock from his pants with the other.
giving your tongue a couple light slaps with his cock for good measure, he plunges into the velvety warmth of your mouth, releasing a sinful groan as he does so.
“fuck,” he pants out. “such a good fuckin’ girl f’ me. taking me so well.”
“how’d i get such a pretty lil’ doll like you? hm?”
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dixons-sunshine · 4 months
Imagine Daryl Dixon finding out you're pregnant with his baby.
The news was a big surprise for him. The two of you were relatively safe when it came to sex, but there were times when there just wasn't access to protection or when you told him he didn't have to pull out, so he guessed he shouldn't have been that surprised at the news. But still, he was caught off guard.
Daryl felt happy and excited, yet scared and unsure simultaneously. All in all, Daryl felt extremely overwhelmed. He had to leave the house for a few hours, have a smoke and gather his thoughts before he even addressed the situation.
He felt guilty for leaving you so abruptly, and he felt like the lowest piece of crap on the planet. If he was feeling overwhelmed, how did you feel? You were the one carrying the baby. You were the one who had to go through nine months of pregnancy and you were the one who had to give birth. Not him. The least he could do was ensure that you were comfortable and well taken care of—and with that in mind, he got a truck and went and scavenged every baby thing he could find.
That night, he returned with mountains of things for both you and the baby. He even went to the Hilltop's doctor to get prenatal vitamins for you. When he returned, he pulled you into a hug and apologized for leaving. When he calmed down somewhat and he fully processed the news, he allowed himself a small smile as you lead one of his hands to rest on your stomach, above the light that fluttered beyond the skin.
Daryl was surprisingly affectionate all throughout your pregnancy. He loved laying his head on your stomach and to press soft kisses to your growing baby bump. He'd whisper sweet nothings to your baby, soft promises of taking care of them and ensuring that he would do his best to never be like somebody terrible that used to be in his life—someone you knew to be his father. You had to reassure him multiple times throughout your pregnancy that he would be okay, that he would be nothing like that monster.
When you went into labour, Daryl was a nervous wreck. During the birth, Daryl may or may not have been close to passing out from sheer panic of impending fatherhood. But he toughed it out for your sake. And when he heard his child's crying for the first time, his entire world changed. That was his baby, his little one, a wonder that his damaged , unworthy self managed to create with you. And he'd be damned if he let anything happen to this perfect little being.
He was very wary when the doctor told both of you to take of your shirts to hold the baby. The doctor was instructed to leave the room before Daryl agreed, and he told you to hold your baby first—you went through all the pain, you deserved to hold your little one first. However, when Daryl held his baby to his bare chest for the first time, he was instantly captivated. He couldn't believe that someone so perfect could be his. And he wouldn't let anything happen to them.
And of course you allowed Daryl to pick their name. And their name ended up being the most perfect one ever.
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hazza043 · 9 days
Daryl speaks, his voice firm and rough. "I don't like you, woman. Never have, never will." You look up at him, tears threatening to fall from your eyes. You feel a sting from his harsh words and try to hold back your emotions. "Okay," you say, beginning to walk away, trying to keep your dignity intact. You slowly slump back to the prison, and when you reach the gate, Carl asks, "Where's Daryl?" You shrug, walking to your cell, trying to escape the pain of Daryl's words.
But as you lie down on your cot, you can't shake off the feeling of rejection. Days pass, and you try to avoid Daryl as much as possible. However, it's hard, especially when you're living in such close quarters. One day, as you're walking out of the prison, you see Daryl sitting by the gate, cleaning his crossbow. You try to ignore him, but he looks up and catches your eye. "Hey," he says, his voice a little softer than usual.
You hesitate, unsure of what to say. Then, you shrug and walk over to him. "What?" you ask, trying to sound nonchalant. Daryl looks at you, his eyes searching for something. "I'm not good at feelings, and how could you like an old man like me?" You're taken aback by Daryl's vulnerability, and your heart softens.
"You're not old, Daryl," you say, trying to reassure him. "And feelings aren't always easy for anyone." Daryl snorts, looking away. "You're just saying that to be nice." You take a step closer, your voice gentle. "No, I mean it. And even if I didn't, it's not about age or appearance. It's about who you are as a person."
Daryl's eyes flicker back to yours, searching for sincerity. You hold his gaze, trying to convey that you're genuine. "I...don't know what to say," he mutters, his gruff exterior cracking. You smile, trying to put him at ease. "You don't have to say anything. Just knowing you're trying...means a lot." Daryl nods, his expression softening. For a moment, you see a glimmer of hope, of connection.
Then, he looks away, clearing his throat. "Yeah. Well. Just forget it, okay?" You nod, understanding. "Okay."
As you walk away, you can't help but feel a sense of wonder. Did Daryl just open up to you? You're not sure, but you sense a shift in his demeanor. You realize that beneath his tough exterior, he's struggling with his own emotions. Days pass, and you notice Daryl watching you from afar. You catch him looking at you during meals or while you're working in the prison yard.
You start to feel a flutter in your chest, and you wonder if maybe, just maybe, Daryl feels the same way. One evening, as you're walking back to your cell, Daryl falls into step beside you. "Hey," he says, his voice low and rough. You look up at him, your heart racing. "Hey," you reply, trying to sound casual.
Daryl clears his throat. "I've been thinking...maybe I was wrong about you." You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh?" Daryl nods, his eyes locked on yours. "Yeah. Maybe you're not so bad after all." You smile, feeling a spark of connection. "Maybe I'm not." Daryl's expression softens, and for a moment, you see a glimmer of hope.
Then, he looks away, his mask slipping back into place. "Just don't get too comfortable," he mutters. You laugh, feeling a sense of excitement. "I wouldn't dream of it," you reply, wondering what's next for you and Daryl.
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holdmytesseract · 3 months
Hello I was wondering if you could do a Daryl Dixon in the first few seasons when he got shot and an arrow to the side. Where the reader is taking care of him while he is recovering.
Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
Summary: When Andrea mistakes Daryl for a walker and shots him, you are here to take care of the injured archer; causing the both of you to get closer...
Set in Season 2!
Warnings: Andrea? gunshot, weapons, TWD stuff, blood, injuries, fluff, idiots in love?
Word Count: 1,7k
a/n: I had a lot of fun writing this! I never wrote S2 Daryl before, so... Very exciting! I hope you like it, nonny and thanks for requesting!
Daryl Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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You were in Dale's RV, peacefully napping on the little bench with your back pressed up against the window and your body squashed between the back rest and the small table. Your actual plan was to study the map Hershel had given your group, in order to search for Sophia - and not to doze off, but well... Your body had a different opinion on your priorities. And you'd have definitely slept for another while, if not a loud noise ripped you cruelly out of your sleep.
You shot up; heart hammering against your chest. A gunshot. It was a gunshot! "Shit," you cursed and scrambled to get up. On slightly wobbly feet - due to your rushed movements, you more or less stumbled down the few steps of the RV and immediately ran to the front. You saw Rick, Shane, T-Dog and Glenn up ahead on the meadow in distance waving and shouting something like mad men.
"What happened?" You asked and looked to your right, where Dale stood on the little ladder which led to the RV's roof. Andrea kneeled on top; rifle in hands and smiling victoriously. "Apparently a walker made-," was all Dale could say, before he got interrupted by quick footsteps coming from the house and Hershel's voice.
"What on earth is going on out here?" He yelled; all the other's gathering around him. All eyes were directed on the four men, but when they started to crouch around the 'walker' and lift him up to his feet, everybody soon realised that the walker was definitely not a walker.
"Oh my god, is that...?" Andrea spoke almost in a panicked voice; quickly ushering Dale down the ladder, so that she could climb down as well.
You took a few steps forward; squeezing your eyes shut to identify the 'walker', but deep down, you already knew. No ten seconds later, your eyes widened; heart rate picking up again. "Daryl! Oh my god, that's Daryl!" You started to run; Andrea following you behind.
"I-Is he dead?" You asked Rick and Shane - who had each draped one arm of the archer over their shoulders and carrying him, in a quivering voice. Rick shook his head. "Nah, just unconscious," the leader answered; then turned his gaze to a shaken Andrea. "Bullet only grazed him."
Slight relief washed over you, but your worries nevertheless didn't cease. Daryl looked bad. All caked in dirt and mud; his top soaked in blood. You couldn't tell if it was his own or from walkers.
Chewing on your thumbnail, you watched how Shane and Rick dragged the archer inside the house, so that Hershel could take care of his wound. You hesitatingly followed them and sat down on the steps of the porch; soon getting lost in thoughts.
It wasn't like you and Daryl were a thing or something. Actually not at all. However, you had grown very fond of him the past days and weeks. Something intrigued you and seemed to draw you closer to Daryl. You liked him. A lot. Most of the group only saw his rough and edged exterior, but you also saw that he had also a different side. His selflessness. Braveness. Protectiveness. You knew Daryl was a good man.
Almost everyone of the group had noticed, of course, that you had cast an eye on the crossbow-wielding redneck. You weren't quite subtle in your words and gestures; how you acted around him. You, though, you were oblivious to the others observations.
"Hey, Y/N," a voice urged to your ears and caused you to snap out of your thoughts. Turning your head to the left, you saw how Lori placed a hand on your shoulder. "You okay?"
You gave her a soft smile. "Yeah, sure." She nodded and gestured towards the main door. "You should go to him," Lori said and gave you a wink as she passed you by. "He's upstairs." Your eyes followed the brown haired woman, before they travelled over to the door. Biting your lip, you stood up and made your way inside.
Just as you set foot in the hallway, you saw Hershel exiting a room to the left; some medical stuff in hands. The older man saw you approaching and gave you a nod. "H-How is he? Is it bad?" Hershel shook his head. "He'll live. A few days of rest and he should be a'right again." Now you were the one who nodded. "Thank you." He gave you an uptight smile as he passed you by. "Can I, uh, go to him?" "Of course." With those words, Hershel was out of your sight; left you standing alone in the hallway.
You stared at the doorhandle for a moment, took a deep breath and knocked. A gruff 'Yeah' coming from inside the room allowed you to step inside. So, you did.
Gently closing the door behind yourself, your eyes fell on Daryl, who was snugly wrapped up in a blanket on the bed; a bandage around his head. At the sound of your footsteps, he turned; now facing you.
"Hey," you softly greeted him; giving him a small smile. "Thought I'll come look after you..." You were still concerned about his well-being. After all, he was shot - even though the bullet just grazed. "How are you feeling?"
Daryl shook his shoulders with a grunt. "'M fine." You weren't neither convinced by the answer nor were you believing that he was telling the truth, but you decided to leave it for now. So, you just nodded and sat down on the edge of the bed beside him; gently placing a hand on his arm. Your skin on his didn't fail to send a shiver down your spine. This bold, simple gesture was already enough to drive the butterflies within your stomach wild - and not just yours...
You were totally oblivious to Daryl's slight flinch as you suddenly touched his arm; eyelids fluttering for just a moment. It wasn't like the others from the group hadn't 'touched' him before... A clap from Rick on the back, Carol's hand on his shoulder. Simple gestures, which he usually wasn't fond of. Bad memories were connected with touch, so he learned to avoid it. But your touch... Your palm on his forearm... That was different.
"What happened?" You whispered. Daryl could see worry in your eyes. Honest concern. You didn't just ask out of politeness, no... You meant it.
Once more he shrugged his shoulders; trying to play it cool. "Horse threw me off, fell down a slope 'n well... Caused one of ma arrows to kinda impale me." Your eyes widened. "Hang on, wha'? You got impaled by your arrow?!" "Yeah, 's not a big deal." You felt how your heart sped up. "Not a big deal?! Daryl, you could've died!"
He shook his head. "Nah. I ain't jus' die like a pussy. 'S a boring death. 'Sides Hershel got me fixed again."
You blinked; little bit overwhelmed by the information and his words. You swallowed; worry taking over then once again.
"Are you in pain? Is there something I can do for you?"
And that was the moment Daryl's cool façade started to crumble down entirely. You were so sweet and kind to him - something he didn't deserve. And yet you willingly gave it to him. From that day on, Daryl stopped pushing you away. He let you stay with him while his wounds healed; let you entertain him with a book you read out loud or some of your funny childhood and teenager stories. You brought him food, made sure he stayed hydrated in the Georgia heat and cleaned his wounds and changed the bandages. You were no nurse, but you had at least a little experience.
"I don't hurt you, do I?" You asked while you carefully dabbed the wound on his temple, where Andrea's bullet had grazed him. "Nah, ya don't. 'S all good." "Good." You gave Daryl a small smile, before you concentrated on cleaning the wound again. Daryl's blue-grey eyes watched you intensely; saw the frown on your face and the tip of your tongue poking out between your closed lips. His heart fluttered. You looked cute - and he could've watched you for several hours like this, but unfortunately you were way to quickly finished and before he could blink, you had patched his wound again and with that your touch was gone.
"There you go. All finished." "Thank you," Daryl croaked out; his voice definitely more hoarse than usual. You nervously tucked a loose strand behind your ear, "Of course." before meeting his gaze; looking into his beautiful blue-grey orbs.
The tension between you and him was literally cuttable with a knife as you stared into each other's eyes; totally lost. Neither of you didn't even notice how you moved closer. Daryl propping himself up on his elbows, while you leaned down; on your way to meet him halfway.
But when the redneck's brain finally managed to catch up with the situation he was in and suddenly realised that he was inches away from kissing you, his mind panicked and immediately went to pull up the invisible walls he had built around himself through the years - and so Daryl turned his head away, before your lips could touch his; clearing his throat.
"I should... I should get some more sleep."
You immediately sat back on your haunches; the beautiful, intimate moment gone. Bursted in front of your eyes like a bubble. You cleared your throat as well; nodding. "Yeah, I, uh, I should go, too. 'S getting dark soon, so, uh, time for dinner, right?" You tried to stay cool and just play off what happened a few seconds ago, but you were not very good at it - and Daryl noticed. Nevertheless, he played along.
"Yeah, right."
You gave him a soft, uptight smile and got up. "I, uh, I'll come back later to bring you dinner, okay?" "Alrigh'." Another awkward smile crossed your lips, before you went to leave hit tent; zipping it shut behind yourself.
The moment you were gone, Daryl led himself fall back down on his sleeping bag with a frustrating groan; rubbing the heels of his hands into his eyes. He wanted to kiss you. He really wanted to - but he just got cold feet. His fear of letting someone getting too close to him in the way.
He groaned again. "Ya fuckin' coward..."
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Tags: @suniloli @stitchintimefan @celtic-crossbow @fictive-sl0th @loz-3 @erebus-et-eigengrau @km-ffluv @fuseburner @sweetz1919 @in-this-minute @mandywholock1980 @lou12346789 @mischief-dream @crimson25 @buttercupcookies-blog @salvinaa @javagirl328
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starshipsofstarlord · 6 months
lap girl (1)
summary. a series of unchronological scenarios of y/n being in daryl’s lap within part of their journey (part 1 - the first night in alexandria)
warnings. fluff, daryl’s lap (as that should be a warning in itself), sleepy!y/n, 3rd person - that’s all the warnings for this chapter
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divider credits @cafekitsune
It was miserably quiet on the streets of alexandria, aside from the clanging against the metal walls from the prowling walkers, but those inside their homes were ignorant to their hungry fuss. The journey to find the community that had invited them within their borders was a tiresome one, Daryl sat sceptically against the wall of the living space of the house that they had all huddled within, watching over his friends as they shuffled sheets upon the ground to make their slumber in the new place a little more comfortable.
He wouldn’t sleep, he was well aware of that fact. The archer was volunteering to keep watch, as he had done so countless times on the difficult road. His eyes were heavy, but it was an expense to make sure the family that was far more loyal than from that he had came were safe, and able to rest without a threat having the opportunity to creep within the large residency in the middle of the night, and take a sullen advantage of their exhausted state.
His eyes wandered up as he caught a sight of y/n, who’s hair was wet from the shower that she had been far too excited to endure. Her skin was warm to the touch, he could tell that as her pores were swollen from the foreign heat of the scalding water. He hadn’t seen her in such an almost relaxed state since the prison, and even then her eyes were always obscured to the fences, spying on the dead that rattled against the metal fences.
Daryl felt his lips twitch to the sight as he realised she was creeping closer to him, dragging a blanket along the ground until she reached him, a languid sluggishness to each of her steps. “We on watch?” She asked almost comically as she fought the desire to rub her drained eyes whilst she simultaneously fought the battle of keeping them open. Her shirt was a little damp from where her tresses were still wet from her shower, but he didn’t care that he felt a few drops smack down on his hand as she sat beside him, coaxing herself to lean her head against his shoulder.
“I ‘m.” He replied sternly, understanding that she was in dire need of a long nap, and thus he grasped her waist, caring not for the eyes of their friends as she released a surprised squeal, and placed her body over his own, so that she was seated perfectly atop of his lap. He grasped the material of the blanket, curling it around her shoulder and tightly holding it against her front. Her nose nuzzled into the middle of his throat, absorbing the wild scent that living outside of a home had inhabited him with, however she found comfort in the familiarity of it.
“We are.” She sluggishly replied, her pupils dancing with frugal resistance to remain upon him, he knew she was stubborn, and so Daryl dragged her in closer to his body, cradling her preciously as he placed a kiss on her forehead, wrinkling his nose at the strong scent of coconut that had soothed her scalp. “Let me stay up with you Dar, you shouldn’t have to be the only one that is watching over everyone.” What she didn’t realise was that he really didn’t mind, he just wanted her to gain some of her strength back.
“How ‘bout i wake you as soon as someone else takes over?” Daryl knew she’d only rest if she had confirmation that he too would get some shut eye, and so he surrendered to being cared for, deep down understanding that he was in need of rest, even if it be eventually, in order to protect her. He wouldn’t allow a single soul to lay harm to her, he had taken it upon himself as his own duty to protect her, he had done so when and before the prison had fallen, and had every intention of continuing on his love smothered path of being the catalyst to keep them together.
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happy74827 · 6 months
The Lesson of Reality
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[Rick Grimes and Child!Reader]
Synopsis: You accidentally get a lot more “experience” than what Rick had planned.
WC: 3080
Category: Slight Angst, S6!Rick (no TOWL spoilers) {TW — Gore, Violence, Walkers, Blood, Death}
There’s so many fics about Daryl being a father figure that it’s about time that Rick had his Joel Miller moment (especially now that all the episodes of The Ones Who Live have aired). So have fun with this cute Protective!Rick moment.
They say when times are tough, people can rise to the occasion and show their true colors. For some, it's an opportunity to prove they can survive the hardships and come out the other side stronger, wiser, and more experienced. Then there is the scum of the earth. They will take any opportunity to steal, kill, and hurt others while they try and make it out unscathed.
For Rick, he wanted you to be part of the former. He always saw your potential to become a fighter—a survivor. Hell, you made it this long by yourself, after all. You had to learn and adapt to the world.
And given your age, it was a hard thing to accomplish.
Your innocence didn't help, either. On one hand, he wanted to keep you as innocent and childlike as possible for as long as he could. The world was already a shit-show. The least you could do was still have the mentality of the child you were supposed to be. Being only ten years old, it was the right thing to do.
But then he remembers what the world was like now. If he let you live with that naivety, it'd get you killed. And it didn’t matter how intelligent you were because even if it saved your ass a few times, it won’t forever.
The fact of the matter is you were going to be hurt no matter what. And you had to be prepared for it.
He had already shown his own son, Carl, the harshness of the new world. He didn't want to do it, but the world left him no choice. And he couldn't deny the boy the means to defend himself and his family.
And even if you weren’t his kid, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t do the same for you.
He just needed the right time to teach you… to remind you that Alexandria isn’t the safest place on the planet.
The perfect time came when the Wolves attacked the group, and the gates were broken down.
After all the tragedy and loss, and Alexandria started to rebuild and strengthen their walls once again, Rick decided then was the time to toughen you up.
And thus, there you were, sitting on a tree stump as Rick stood in front of you, knife in hand, and Daryl beside him.
Eugene was also there, but he was standing to the side, watching with mild curiosity.
“You sure ‘bout this?” Daryl asked, looking from you to Rick, brows furrowed in concern. “It’s good takin' 'em outside the walls, but now? After everything that just happened, I mean? The people need yah right now, man. And the last thing we need is for the lil' squirt here to get hurt, too. Yer already lookin' rough as it is."
"I'll be fine, Daryl," Rick replied, his eyes not leaving yours. “Besides, I won’t be gone long. It’s just a quick look around. In and out, and then I'll be back. Two days, tops.”
Everyone around you seemed to be on edge, with the attack on the walls still fresh in their minds. But you?
Well, you were too busy staring at the shiny, shiny knife. Excitement shone in your eyes as your fingers twitched.
Truth be told, ever since Daryl and Aaron found you alone, wandering the woods and eating raw squirrel, and brought you to Alexandria, you felt as if something was missing.
You had never been the most social kid. You had the bare minimum amount of friends at school. None of them stuck around after you were pulled out of school. You had no close relatives that wanted you around. No father figure and the only motherly presence in your life was gone before you understood the new reality.
And while there were other kids in Alexandria, the older ones were already too busy trying to act like adults, and the younger ones were too immature. Sam, the kid that had once been closest to your age, was just a crybaby who didn’t know any better. He was scared of the dark and the idea of a walker. He never went outside the walls, so it was no wonder.
It was like living in a house full of strangers. They were all kind to you, but there was something missing.
But the Grimes family? Well, you couldn't help but feel more comfortable around them. Carl didn’t seem to like you, at least not at first, but ever since the “Wolves” attack and sudden loss of his eye, he was becoming nicer.
And then there was Rick. He was always kind, but after the incident, he became even kinder. More attentive and caring. Always checking on you, making sure you were safe and comfortable. Something about that night must've really changed him because he's been different since then.
And you liked it. You felt more comfortable around him. You didn’t know what it was. Maybe it was because he had saved you from a walker, or perhaps it was the way he talked to you, but you enjoyed his company.
You also loved destroying him in Gin Rummy. With the mix of his shocked expression and Michonne’s laughter, it was priceless.
Rick looked back at Daryl, who was still giving him a doubtful expression. But it wasn’t a no. So, Rick took it as a sign of agreement.
Daryl huffed and put a hand on his hip, shifting his weight to his right side. "Alright, alright. But if somethin' goes wrong, I won’t hesitate to tell ya I told ya so, yah hear me?”
Rick snorted. "Wouldn’t expect any less from you."
Daryl rolled his eyes and shook his head, a smirk on his lips. He gave you one more glance, and then he turned and left.
With that out of the way, Rick focused on the task at hand. That’s when Eugene made his presence known. He was the man with the map, so to speak.
He came over and laid the map of the area on the ground in front of you.
"I've marked the areas of the woods I believe would be best suited for your scavenging mission. However, should your route take a turn, there are several alternate routes to get back. There are also a few marked areas with potential food sources, water, and the possibility of tools or other survival necessities.
"Thank you, Eugene. I appreciate this," Rick said, putting a hand on the man's shoulder. Eugene smiled and nodded.
"You're welcome, sir. Now, if you'll excuse me, Rosita and I have an appointment at the gate to inspect and repair the damaged panels.” Eugene stood up and straightened his clothes, and then he was gone, heading back to the gate.
"Ready?" Rick asked. You looked up at him, smiling, and gave a nod. Soon, you were off into the rusty car that Daryl had brought from outside the walls.
You sat in the back seat, along with the bags semi-full of supplies and some extra weapons. Most of them belonged to Rick, however, so all you had was your old baseball cap.
And, of course, the old switchblade that Daryl gave you a while back.
For most of the scavenge trip, it was peaceful. The occasional walker showed up here and there, but for the most part, they were few and far between.
You found a lot of supplies. Food, medicine, clothes, and anything else you could think of. Rick also made sure to teach you how to pick locks, avoid traps, and a bunch of other skills.
But, of course, as things go, something has to go wrong.
A group of walkers, about twenty or so, showed up. It was no big deal. It was a lot, but nothing you couldn't handle.
You and Rick quickly got to work, taking them out one by one. You had gotten good with your knife, and with some pointers from Rick, you were practically a pro.
And then there was Rick, swinging his machete, stabbing and slashing his way through the herd. His face was a mix of focus and calm. It was impressive.
But the problem wasn’t the walkers. You were both doing fine. The problem was the aftermath. When the last walker fell to your feet, a gun rose and pointed at Rick's head.
And the guy holding the gun? Well, he looked like a psychopath. He had a smile that sent shivers down your spine, and it didn't help that the sun was starting to set.
"Hey there. Nice work taking out those rotters. But I'm going to have to ask you to hand over the bags and all the weapons you have. Oh, and I love that baseball cap. That'll be mine, too."
Well, Rick wanted you to toughen up. It seemed the universe had the same idea.
Somehow, you ended up behind Rick, shielded from the man and his gun. Your heart was pounding in your ears as the adrenaline kicked in. You didn't know what to do.
Rick didn't, either. Not when a group of armed men stepped out of the trees and aimed their guns at him. He didn't even have the time to reach for his machete.
Rick raised his hands, but his body was tense.
"Don't," was the only thing he said. His voice was stern, a growl hidden underneath. The man grinned and laughed.
"Oh, I'm gonna have fun with you," the man sneered.
Suddenly, all of them charged forward, grabbing the two of you. Your cap was taken, and Rick's machete was tossed away.
Despite the stronghold, Rick was able to kick and punch his way through his attackers. Even with the gun being pointed at him and the man pulling the trigger, he still managed to dodge the bullet and throw a few more punches.
The man growled, but the smile didn't leave his face.
"Feisty, aren't you? I love a challenge."
With a flick of his wrist, he knocked the butt of the gun against Rick's temple, sending him to the ground.
"Rick!" You yelled but were cut off when someone grabbed you by the hair and pulled, eliciting a scream from you.
"What a cutie," the man purred, grabbing you by the chin. You tried to pull away, but he held tight.
"How old are you, huh? Six? Seven? Eh, it doesn't matter. All kids are the same. Little shits who don't know their place."
You took that as a sign. You spat in his face. He didn't even flinch. In fact, the smile only widened. It pissed you off so much that you did the one thing that would definitely take a smile off his face.
You saw it done once, with a foot. A woman back in Alexandria seemed upset with a man, and she took her boot and kicked him right where you aimed your switchblade.
You weren't sure if it was a good idea, but it was the only thing you could think of.
So you did. And let me tell you, that was one of the few times you had ever heard someone scream so loud. He dropped you in an instant, unfortunately taking the knife with him.
“Son of a-!! You little-!!” Pain and anger laced the man's words as he clutched himself. You scrambled back, watching with wide eyes as he slowly recovered.
He didn’t dare try to crawl over to you, though. He didn’t trust his body to move.
Instead, he turned his attention to his side, where his small pistol had been tossed. He reached over and picked it up, pointing the barrel in your direction.
“I was gonna be nice… maybe have a little fun, but now?” He let out a painful chuckle. The smile was still there, but it was laced with anger. He groaned in pain, and his body shook.
Still, his hands remained steady.
"You little shit. I outta blow your head off. Let the rotters tear you apart, limb from limb. Would serve you right.”
Rick's heart stopped at that. The gun was aimed at you, and he was too far away. Even if he charged, he wouldn't make it in time.
There was no other option.
Just as the man squinted his eyes, about to pull the trigger, the sound of a gunshot rang through the air. It made the man jump and look around, right in time to see one of his men fall to the ground.
"What the-?"
You turned and saw Rick tussling with another man, the one holding a gun, who was fighting for control.
The man who had his gun pointed at you took the opportunity to shoot it again, but you were prepared enough to duck out of the way.
The bullet went into a tree, and by the time the next one fired, he was the last one standing.
And boy, was he pissed. The bullet once again missed his target, but only barely.
That was enough, though. Just enough to get Rick to kick the gun out of his hands before pressing his boot right where your pocket knife was still sticking out.
Rick had the advantage, and it was obvious, with the screams of agony coming from the man. He was on his knees, clutching his crotch, and Rick had a firm hand on the back of his head, ready to bash his skull into the ground if need be.
But he didn't. He had other plans.
He pulled out your knife, only to stick it right back into place and then some.
"Ah! You crazy bas-!! Fuck!!"
"You’re going to listen to me. Real good, you’ hear?” Rick’s voice was dark, and the man nodded frantically.
"Grab his gun and come over here."
You did as you were told, picking up the pistol and slowly walking over. The man whimpered, tears staining his cheeks as blood seeped through his pants.
"You're gonna stand there and keep your gun pointed at his head while I tie his hands together. If he even twitches, shoot him."
You gulped but nodded. You kept your arms out, hands as steady as you could make them.
“You sick, twisted, fuckin' asshole. I'll fucking kill you!" The man snarled, his teeth gritting and his face contorted in pain.
"That's cute," Rick said. He was quick to tie the man's wrists together. Rick was just as quick to grab him and force him on his feet before kicking the back of his knees and sending him sprawling on the ground.
"Stay," Rick commanded him like a dog, and you couldn't help but smile a little at the man's pained, angry expression.
Rick quickly gathered the supplies and the bag, and then he was over to you, giving you a once-over.
"You hurt? Bleeding? Anything broken?"
"N-No, I'm okay," you replied, voice wavering a bit.
"Good," he breathed out, and you noticed he was shaking a bit, too. Not enough to notice at first glance, but enough to know that he was trying his hardest not to.
He took the gun from your hands gingerly, and then he was kneeling before the man.
"Who are you?"
The man was silent. Rick didn't wait long before aiming the gun at the man's right thigh.
"Let me rephrase that. Who are you? What's your name?"
"Fuck y—”
Rick shot the man in the thigh without any hesitation. The scream of pain made you jump.
"Try again. Who are you?"
"Aah!! Fuck!! I-I'm Dave, okay? My name's Dave!"
"Okay, Dave. Good. Now, why did you attack us? And don't think I'm above shooting you again, or worse, so be honest. I can tell when someone's lying to me."
"We were just passing through! Saw you and thought, 'Hey, easy pickings!' Didn't expect you to be the goddamn terminator!"
"Passing through to where?"
Silence. Rick sighed and shook his head, but before he could fire another shot, Dave finally caved.
"Back to c-camp. Please, we have family. Wives, children… We meant nothin' by it! We swear! We just-! We were hungry. We were starving! Please, have mercy!"
"Children? Like the one you just threatened to shoot in the head?" Rick growled. Dave flinched.
"N-no, I-"
“Where are they? Down that stream? I saw your tracks earlier. That was you, wasn’t it?"
Dave's silence spoke volumes. Rick looked back at you, and you were staring at the man, wide-eyed and fearful, not of him specifically, but of what Rick could do to him.
Rick took a deep breath and then turned back to Dave.
"How many are there?"
"T-Ten. Maybe eleven."
"Are they armed?"
"J-Just with knives and stuff."
"You got anything else? Any other guns or ammo?"
"N-No. Please, just let us go! We won't bother you again! Just don't hurt me."
Rick looked back at you again. Your eyes were still locked on the man, but you could feel his gaze. You looked up at him.
"With that stunt, you just pulled,” Rick stood up, his eyes still aligned with yours, but he wasn’t speaking to you. He was addressing Dave.
"I can’t take that chance.”
Then the bullet fired, and soon it was just you and Rick with a bunch of corpses.
He quickly holstered the gun and rushed to bags left on the ground.
"What about his family?” Your voice was shaken. You had never seen someone shot like that, point blank.
Rick sighed, pausing in his movements.
"They don’t exist.” Rick stood and turned, looking you in the eye. “I know people like him. If he had a family, they're already dead, or he killed them himself.”
You didn’t break eye contact, “and if you’re wrong? What then?"
Rick didn’t even blink. "Then I saved them a lot of suffering."
Rick didn't like doing this, killing people, taking life. He hated it, really.
But he would be damned if anyone ever laid a hand on his family or his people. Even if it meant getting a little bloody.
You had to turn away from him, from the intensity of his stare.
Rick sighed and walked over to you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"You did good back there. Really good. The world it’s… It ain't kind to people. And even though I hope it never happens, you have to be prepared for anything. For anyone."
Rick squeezed your shoulder, and his voice was gentle.
"And, for what it's worth, I'm proud of you."
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grimesgirll · 7 months
the first thing rick wakes up to is you telling him you want to be double stuffed.
he’s just opening his eyes and you’re straddling him, whispering, “now is the perfect time. we never have this much alone time,” into his ear as you work your mouth up and down his neck.
his dick is already twitching in his boxers at the sight of you, all needy on top of him. your hair is down and disheveled from sleep and your activities just a few hours before.
and who can stay soft when you’re begging to be double stuffed first thing in the morning.
“sweetheart, are you sure you know what you’re talkin’ bout?”
you shake your head yes at him. “yes, i want you and daryl to double stuff my pussy.”
rick wonders if this is a stepping stone to them fucking your ass.
“you sure you want this, baby?” he asks, looking to you. you liked it rough but both of their cocks in your tiny pussy was a lot to figure out.
“mhmm.” you confirm. “i know it’s gonna feel so good - the stretch.”
you must be fucked out from the night before still to want them both inside of you this early.
“well, let’s ask daryl,” rick tells you and you lean over slightly off of rick to tap on daryl’s chest lightly. you even bestow him with a kiss as his eyes flutter open.
“hey, sleeping beauty,” you greet softly, watching as his blue eyes blink open. “wanna double stuff my pussy with rick before everyone wakes up?”
it’s like you can feel his cock shooting through his pants when all of the sudden you’re on your back next to rick and daryl is prying your pajama shorts off. “of course, i wanna double stuff this pussy,” daryl moans as he nearly rips off your panties. “gotta get you ready for two cocks first.”
“yeah i’m kinda worried about you fitting,” you turn to rick on the pillow beside you.
“don’t worry, we’ll make it fit,” rick promises. he takes your chin in his hand and brings your lips together, slipping his tongue into your mouth while daryl dips a finger into your heat. your legs buck at the intrusion and even more when daryl works another finger into you.
“baby, if you’re squirmin’ on my fingers like this right now, i can’t imagine how you’re gonna feel on top of both ‘a us.”
you pout at his words. “don’t make me change my mind.”
“just sayin��.”
rick rolls his eyes, before looking down to your glistening cunt. you follow his gaze before getting an idea. “daryl,” you chirp.
“yeah,” he doesn’t stop his fingers or break eye contact as you open your mouth to speak.
“i wanna give you a blowjob while rick eats me out. is that okay?”
rick huffs. daryl isn’t usually the one you ask for permission.
he doesn’t say no of course and suddenly he and rick are swapping places so the ex-cop can spread your legs open and plant a finger inside of you. your mouth opens almost as if on cue for daryl as rick’s tongue makes contact with your lower lips.
meanwhile, daryl’s cock breaches your lips. you open your mouth wider in an “o” shape, reacting to how rick’s fingers curl inside of you. he picks up the pace as you moan around daryl, slowly working more of his length into your mouth. he hisses at the feeling of his cock being surrounded by your warm, willing mouth. this encourages you to start bobbing your head up and down faster, making sure to punctuate every satisfying twist of rick’s sturdy fingers inside of you with a moan around the archer’s length.
daryl almost cums down your throat at the sight of you looking up at him. doe eyed and aching to be double stuffed, you had one thing on your mind - or two, to be precise.
he’s still surprised that you were the one to bring up them both filling your pussy. being stuffed with one of their cocks in your mouth and one inside of you was exciting enough to get you grinding on their laps. this would rock your world.
rick is already eliciting all kinds of scandalous noises from you as he dives nose deep into your soaked pussy. just the idea of being completely full of rick and daryl set a fire in your core. a fire that rick tries to put out with his tongue, even holding your legs down as you start to buck up into his face, barely keeping in position with daryl nearly down your throat now.
you know you’re a goner when the sheriff reaches forward to clutch at your breast while sucking down on your most sensitive bundle of nerves. you wince like you stubbed your toe but in fact you’re barely holding your (first) orgasm from breaking through.
“rick,” the sound comes out garbled around daryl’s dick.
“gotta’ get ya’ nice and ready, sweetheart.” with that, his tongue drags torturously across your clit.
you’re almost pulling off of daryl with how rick is lapping up your pussy. you loved both of their mouths on you but there’s something about rick and how smug he is between your legs that has you humming again, the sound vibrating around your boyfriend’s dick and sending those familiar pleasure signals to the brain. you don’t complain as he tugs your head further into him; a quick gag stops you in your tracks for a moment before you relax your throat again and swallow.
feeling daryl grow painfully hard in your mouth, you let his glossy cock fall out of your mouth and take a moment just to enjoy the man between your legs. he understands and is happy to give you a moment to breathe before they stretch you to the limit. he tucks a strand of hair from your blushed out face. pale lips find your breasts again and a tongue swirls around your areola, helping to scoop your hardened bud into a warm mouth.
with both of your boys on you, mouths repaying you for every kiss, every time they stuck a tongue or a cock your throat, you can't help but come undone on rick's lips. your leader is more than ready to lick you clean, flattening his tongue against you.
rick's chocolate curls are in your hands when he starts on your poor, pulsing pussy again. without a break to collect your thoughts between orgasms - not that you had many aside from coming undone with both of them inside you - you whine into daryl's shoulder. "its so much." you pant into the man beside you, "so sensitive, daryl."
"already?" rick questions, lips covered from when you came on his face.
you nod, and mewl into daryl when he bites down on a tit.
"how're you gonna handle two, honey?" rick is eager to know your plan.
"how do you want me to handle it?" you challenge through labored breaths as they both work you towards an overload again.
rick chuckles. he speeds up enough for you to start bucking into him again, gripping the back of your head. daryl helps him out when his teeth travel up your neck to bite at your pulse. you yelp and drops you arms, giving rick the opportunity to pin them down, handsfree and filling every corner of his mouth with you.
you groan and gasp in his arms, nowhere to run from the inevitable waves that wash over you as your orgasm hits you like tidal force. "rick!" you're squealing so loud that daryl leans over to shut you up with an open mouthed kiss. you take it; kissing back with a passion while you rock your hips into rick's mouth.
the older man comes up for air after he's made sure your pussy's thoroughly saturated, and already needy again; this time for both of them.
blissfully unaware, you're barely comprehending the looks rick and daryl are giving each other. articulate plans made from a shared gaze at you, a grunt, and some words from rick have the man sitting up next to you steal a kiss from you too and ask, “think you’re ready, honey?”
you grin at him. rick's thumbing your lip while he studies your face until you nod your head an enthusiastic yes still trying to catch your breath. he watches as your chest heaves, leaving kisses and bruising hot marks on your torso while the bed squeaks with daryl's absence.
rick lays back on the bed, patting your lap for you to straddle him. he pulls you down onto him by your hips, easy work after he and daryl put in the time to prep you for them. you're always dripping but this morning, rick thinks this is the wettest you've ever been and they haven't even given you what you asked for yet.
daryl palms his hard on at the edge of the bed. "think y'all are gonna wanna be as close together as possible for this," he advises.
"bend down more, sweetheart," rick instructs and you do so, folding into him until your chests were plush together. "good girl," he punctuates with a kiss on your neck.
behind you, you feel the bed dip slightly. you tense but relax when rick's mouth finds your shoulder, distracting you with pecks as daryl bullies a finger into your already crammed hole. rick pauses his ministrations to clench his jaw. you wiggle slightly, earning a noise or two from rick.
"you like this?" daryl's voice breaks you out of the tension started to build in your core again.
you nod your head, almost too enthusiastically. "want more!" you request with a grind of your hips.
daryl chuckles. "it's coming," he adds another finger.
"fuck, daryl," rick huffs, face glistening with sweat and a rose color started to creep into his cheeks.
"daryl, wanna feel you," you agree with rick and rotate your hips again until both of them are sighing.
rick's muscles are tensing under you and he's bucking into you when you feel daryl's lips on your neck for the first time in a few minutes. "so, tight." he mumbles in your ear.
he's so close that you arch into his touch until he's ushering you back down with a palm against your back. "don't wanna us all to slip out, baby," he tells you and that's when you realize that he's replaced his fingers with his cock.
“i think you can move more now.” you tell daryl as your breath picks up.
he takes the opportunity to heed your words, beginning a slow, pounding pace. "you want me to go faster already?"
"i wanna come on both of your cocks," you clarify, core starting to turn to molten lava as you wanted to be even more full of your two favorite men.
"little slut," rick exhales at your words.
"don't you like being in me at my tightest?" you whisper as you lower down to his ear.
"this how you pictured it?" rick grins at you lazily when you nod. "wanna get fucked like this all the time?"
"such a good girl," he muses.
"the best," daryl croaks, snapping his hips to push you closer to the edge.
your head is buried in rick's shoulder when you feel the heat from your core start to ravage your entire lower body. "so, full," you utter as the reality that you're being stretched to your limit hits you. you had not one, but two dicks inside of you, one absolutely ruining you with his ravenous rhythm.
daryl squeezes at your ass, massaging the flesh further once he hears you whining his name. it feels like out of nowhere that a hand comes down and smacks your ass, sending a signal straight to your pussy.
you nearly purr and babble into rick's shoulder. "feel you tensin', darlin'," rick notes. you murmur in agreement, barely computing now aside from how overwhelmed you were by the liquid fire consuming your loins.
the two of them can't make out a word you're saying and you're pressed completely into rick's clavicle when you squeak and gush. your swear you black out for a split second as the delicious pressure overtakes you - the feeling of convulsing around two cocks has you almost screaming, biting rick's shoulder, ass angling towards daryl.
for once your legs aren't numb but definitely not usable at that moment and you feel like the embodiment of a puddle. they haven't even spilled inside of you yet and you're shuddering between them through the aftershocks of your climax.
it takes you a moment to realize that they've both stopped; rick isn't kissing or biting up and down your shoulder, and daryl is barely thrusting into you.
as the heat builds up again you get annoyed. "guys!" you whimper. "stop staring and do it again!"
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boop-le-snoot · 1 year
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sundress+no panties+daryl = uh oh...
title and soundtrack is dirt by depeche mode. you need to take depeche mode away from me tbh, I'm hung up on the exciter album writing smut when I should be making updates to my negan and ironstrange fics.
I also headcanon daryl having huge fat swinging balls for some reason and I'm so sorry you had to read that I turn into an animal when I write daryl
cw: 18+, word count 3k. a little rough (butt slaps, some bites, he calls you a "bitch in heat" and a "slut" a couple of times - lovingly of course), a little pervy (you're fucking outside and daryl eats his own come out of your pussy+breeding kink if you squint really hard).
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He reaches in, fingers curling around the bunched up, patterned cotton of the dress and his mind blanks. The low growling, he realises, is coming from his own mouth.
"The fuck, girl?"
You look at Daryl over your shoulder, where the bare skin has erupted in goosebumps from his hot, humid breath. "What?"
You sound annoyed, but there's a distinctive teasing undertone to it. Your eyes are narrowed a little too much. The corners of your cherry-tinted lips are tilted upwards.
"You ripped all my damn underwear, Daryl! What did you expect?" You grouch, breaking the second of still silence. "Can't just take a stroll to Victoria's Secret anymore, can I?" Seeing his face darken even more, you hastily add, "I got a couple I wear on runs."
You sound so cute when you're annoyed, Daryl thinks, but it's overshadowed by his blood rushing in his ears, hot and fast. His cock is still pulsing in his jeans and it demands to be released.
"So you jus' walkin' 'round with allat juicy ass hangin' out fo' all da men to sniff?" Daryl feels an urge to clarify to you, what is exactly you're doing, that he's upset with. "Cuz that's exactly what all them dawgs are fuckin' doin'!" He's jealous, of course he is, but most importantly, he doesn't trust any of the men as far as he can see them.
Hell, he isn't completely sure even Rick would pass on the opportunity to get an eyeful of your soft thighs, your scrumptious ass, or your fat cunt, for that matter.
Lord knows they're the juiciest fucking things he has seen in his whole entire miserable life. Just thinking about it makes his rock hard cock twitch and release a sad dribble of pre-cum in his pants.
"Exactly, your girl!" You declare, eyeroll audible in your voice. "Nobody's seein' me without my panties 'cept you."
Daryl's only response is to hitch up the sundress higher, the movement so quick, the fabric gives a sad crack as the seams threaten to burst. Your ass is still bare, still round and smooth as ever, nobody should have this sort of curves while they're in the middle of a damn apocalypse, he thinks, and sinks to his knees and sinks his teeth into the supple skin of your right ass cheek.
You yelp at the sharp pain. You squirm, your attempt at getting away, of course, futile: your hips and waist are firmly in his grasp. Rough fingertips dig into you, just shy of painful.
"There," Daryl inches back a bit, admiring the indentations left behind by his teeth. For someone who forgets to take care of himself most days, his teeth are surprisingly straight and white and strong. And he lets you feel it. "Now if any asshole decides to go nosin' where he shouldn't, there'll be a warnin'." Daryl sounds proud of himself, which is all and all - fair.
Once the initial shock subsides, your feel your cunt lips stick together even more as your arousal oozes out of them- and down your thighs, now that there isn't any fabric to contain it all. In all honesty, you did enjoy the occasional breeze that would waft up your skirt, even if it didn't offer much respite from the sweltering summer heat.
And Daryl is definitely not helping matters, either. He's like a damn furnace, pressed up against the back of your legs, all solid bulk, breathing hot and moist into your skin, every exhale going around the curve of your ass and disappearing between your legs. He knows it the moment that you shift in place, subtly trying to widen your stance even though there is nothing more you want than to rub your thighs together to provide relief to your swollen lips and throbbing clit.
He raises a hand, wide and open-palmed, and smacks your ass. "You're such a fuckin' slut," he grouses. And your first instinct is to gasp at the offense; you hide your grin in a lip bite. Yes, yes you are. And you know it. And he knows it. Your ass cheek jiggles as he gives it another well-aimed slap. "Lookit you," Daryl presses the issue, "drippin' wet." To hammer his point home, he takes a thick, fat finger and runs it along the seam of your cunt.
It glides easily. You shudder, biting back a moan. Your legs shake just a little, but Daryl notices - he always does - and his finger dips inside your lips. The rough, calloused fingertip swipes through your labia, stopping just short of your clit. You whine and he withdraws.
His numerous knives and tools clatter as he abruptly gets up.
"You wanna be fucked, huh?" Voice quiet, Daryl's front presses to your back with a malicious intent. The prominent bulge of his erection is pushing into your back. "Is that why you goin' round naked? So anybody coulda bend you over, anytime, huh?" He reaches around you, hand blindly nosing for your face. When he finds it, he wastes no time in prying your mouth open, sticking the damp finger inside.
Your own cunt, salty and tangy, blossoms on your tongue. The gesture makes you moan around his finger and him- he sticks another one in, keeping you quiet.
"Shut the fuck up," Daryl orders. The rasp in his voice makes your knees buck and your cunt weep and he knows it. His free hand moves at your back, and with the accompanying noises, you come to realise that he's opening his pants and hurrying to free his dick.
When the damp, silky tip touches the bare skin of your ass, your body reacts before you do. Your mouth wraps tighter around his fingers. Spit dribbles from the corners of your mouth and onto his wrist. Your back arches into his body. He is just as scalding as the sun beaming down from the sky.
Daryl pushes his fingers deeper into your mouth, holding them there until you gag. The motion makes your whole form spasm and shiver; his cock gives a responding jump of its own.
"Lookit you," he rasps directly into your ear, hot breath tickling the shell of it. "Like a fuckin' bitch in heat," he grabs the meat of your ass cheek, spreading you one-handed. His cockhead noses around the cleft, leaving a sticky trail behind itself. It dips near your cunt, adding your juices to the mix. "You want it so bad."
You do. You really, really do. But you know Daryl is mean. You love it when he's mean to you. When he is proud of the strength of his bulk, when his eyebrows draw tightly over his brilliant blue eyes and nothing, absolutely nothing can escape his predatory stare. You crane your neck, trying to look back at him, to plead with your eyes.
He gets it, because he always does. Daryl's fingers quickly leave your mouth, dragging a wet trail of spit down to your neck where his fingers wrap around it in a secure hold.
"You want it so bad, then fuckin' beg," he says the words and you immediately, greedily descend into the permitted depravity.
"Please, Daryl," your voice sounds hoarse, interrupted by hiccups as you struggle to swallow the saliva that had pooled in your mouth and around his fingers, "please, fuck me. I'll be good. Please."
You feel him fist his cock as it twitches; you can't help it, really, as you arch your back even more and push your ass against his rough hand. Immediately, he withdraws it, just to slap you again.
"You're a bitch in heat," he muses, but you can hear the beginnings of impatience in his voice. "Say it!"
He's never made you do that before. Wide-eyed and open-mouthed, you gasp, part shock part offense, until you feel a drop of fluid roll out over the outer lip of your cunt and fall and disappear somewhere below you. Then it's just lust. The kind that tints the whole world red and narrows your field of vision.
"Fuckin' say it!" Daryl demands, patience thin.
You wouldn't put it past him to just shove himself in at this point. "I'm... I'm a bi- I'm a bitch in heat," you hiccup, feeling your face flood with heat. "I'm a bitch in heat, please fuck me!"
You feel his lips tilt up just the tiniest bit against your ear before he reaches back for his cock and aims it at your cunt in a single, precise thrust. You gasp and mewl as he suddenly stops halfway through. Your cunt ripples and flexes and squeezes. Daryl drops his forehead onto your shoulder, panting.
"So fuckin' tight," he murmurs, mostly to himself. You're not - he knows better, he makes sure you're not before he even thinks about sticking it in - but you are. All that blood that went straight to your cunt the moment his breath caught up in his throat at the sight of your bare pussy - It's making your cunt swell all around him.
A pathetic mewl leaves your lips, your satisfaction incomplete. You wiggle, you arch, but Daryl is as unyielding as ever.
"You take what I give you," he growls, teeth bared like an animal against your ear. Nonetheless, you feel the tip of his cock kiss your cervix. Stars burst in your eyes. You are so full, practically bursting at the seam of your cunt where his fat balls rest against the stretched hole.
Slowly, Daryl withdraws, both of you hissing at the drag of his fat cock in your engorged cunt. You may be a bitch in heat but he's every bit the stud that is just as fervent and feral to breed you. His teeth creak as he pulls back completely, leaving just his weeping tip inside of you.
And then he slams home. And again. And again. And again.
With every powerful thrust of his hips, you gasp. Quiet, pleading moans is the limit of your vocal capacity. Mouth dry, the air gets trapped in the back of your throat as your lungs demand their due.
Daryl is unrelenting. His blunt fingernails drag over the skin of your throat, leaving marks in their wake, as he makes way to your mouth.
"This is what you wanted, slut?" He pants into your hair. "Be quiet. Be really fucking quiet unless you want everybody to see what kinda..." He inhales sharply, feeling your walls flutter at the flith dripping from his tongue.
And it shouldn't make you feel the way you feel. Those fucking words just add more accelerant to the fire in the pit of your stomach, spreading it from there and up, over your face. It flames. Your hand helplessly clutches the nearest surface as you attempt to brace yourself against his thrusts and the notion that anyone could see you.
Bent over something or another, dress hiked up to your waist and Daryl's hips pistoning in and out of you at a rapid pace. He didn't bother undressing save for letting his pants hang freely just below his cock and balls. Heavy, fat balls, littered with coarse dark hair, that slap against your cunt and your clit with a resounding smack every time he drives his cock inside of your cunt. The squelching noise it makes is obscene.
Another whine, and your pussy squeezes him once again, blind and hungry for release. You can feel it building steadily, deep within your abdomen.
"Fuck yeah," Daryl growls, "you fuckin' like this, don't 'cha?" He's gotten the hang of it: the dirty talk, he knows exactly how to get under your skin. He's a mean bastard with nothing close to dignity or self-respect. If anyone saw him, rutting into you, little more than two animals, he wouldn't, couldn't stop.
Daryl would stare them down up until his cock swelled and busted, depositing his seed inside your womb.
Your knees feel weak. It's getting harder and harder to keep up with him; seems like every pathetic whimper that leaves your lips only makes him meaner, stronger somehow. The grip of his hand on your hip is bruising. Daryl effectively wears you on his cock, submerging himself into the warm depths of your pulsing cunt over and over.
"Da-Daryl..." You gasp, you moan and you plead.
He doesn't stop. He merely handles you into a different angle, the one that hits that special spot inside of you with every powerful thrust. He is mean, but he is also fair.
"Gonna cream my cock?" He barely makes sense to himself, the words that his dry mouth garbles seem to have a mind of their own. "Gonna be good, girl? C'mon."
"Ah," you want to say yes, you want to affirm, but all that comes out of your mouth are garbled, unintelligible noises of pleasure. But Daryl sees it. It's in the way your arch becomes near-painful, body overtaking your mind. Even the slightest bit of pain blends into hot-blinding pleasure. You don't know where what ends and begins.
It begins somewhere behind your cunt. The contractions start slow and aching, and every punch of his cock to your guts intensifies the feeling tenfold, until every last inch of your cunt is squeezing around him in that same arduous, suckling rhythm. It's like your pussy is nursing at his cock, attempting to suck his life out of him and deposit it into you.
The pleasure is like a wall of fire and water. Your chest blooms with it, but your extremities swarm with pinpricks. Mouth parted in a silent scream, you sway forward, managing to catch yourself on your elbows at the last moment.
The man behind you doesn't care. He's way past caring, having had started chasing his release the moment your cunt enveloped his cock in a vice grip. The meat of it is sensitive and he spends the few inches to the finish line gracelessly mashing it inside of you, accompanied by the sound of wet flesh meeting even wetter, sloppier flesh.
"Take it, fuckin' take it," you hear him gasp through your stupor before that familiar, warm rush floods your cunt. His cock twitches, once, twice, three times, each forceful throb followed up by more and more seed being pumped into the depths of you.
Against your back, Daryl sags and pants out his excerption. Like a dog. His wet nose leaves sweat stains on your back where he nuzzles into you.
Your knees shake as you struggle to hold up his weight, and then your legs completely turn to mush when droplets of his cum escape your cunt as his spent cock slips out. You know you should be worried about stains in unsightly places but somehow, you can't bring yourself to care.
Daryl notices this, of course. His bulk slides off you; you hear him quickly shove himself back into his pants before his ass hits the ground with a loud thud. Next to you, of course, his stubbly, prickly cheek rubbing over the skin of your leg. He places a wet kiss on the inside of your thigh, and then another.
You know the drill. It's hard for him to find words, sometimes, after a scene like that. It's the intensity of it, the forceful ejection of him out of his head where he spends most of the time, that renders him speechless. Daryl is forced to feel - good things. It's not something that he is used to.
Your skirt is still around your waist and the hot sun is shooting lasers directly at your ass and pussy. You've managed to get your bearings enough to feel at least a little self-conscious, a little exposed. Your combined fluid still drip from you and for a split second, you think about pulling up your panties to try and at least somewhat contain the mess.
Right, you sigh to yourself. It makes your exhausted body twitch and sag even more.
Daryl gently pushes away your hand that was attempting to pull the dress over your ass. You freeze; he smiles against your skin, a little closed-lipped grin that makes something warm and fuzzy make a nest inside your chest. That quickly turns into a startled gasp as his fingers glide through the mess of your cunt.
You're spent. Exhausted. So sensitive, his rough skin practically hurts on your hole and clit.
But Daryl gets it. You get him, and he - he gets you. His hot breath fans over your pubic hair and it's all the warning you get before he opens his mouth wide, flattens his tongue and licks. You've made a big mess and there is a lot to take care of, but if there's anything about Daryl that you know, is that he's thorough at what he does.
In no time, he's got his tongue shoved down your cunt as far as it would go, curling against your walls, lapping up his and your cum like your pussy is an all-you-can-eat-buffet and what's inside of it is sugar and spice and everything nice.
But it's not enough. It's not anywhere near your clit, or any other place that could make you produce more of the cream he's feasting on. Idly, you think about who's the real bitch in heat here, but push out your hips to meet his face nonetheless. You can be mean too. If you want to.
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I don't know what to say for myself
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So Hear My Voice Remind You Not to Bleed
Pairing: Daryl Dixon and Fem!Reader (pre-relationship)
Setting: Alexandria
Warnings: Typical TWD violence and gore; Injuries; angst
Summary: You're injured and benched, unable to go with Daryl on runs. When someone else is brought in to take your place, it does not go well.
A/N: for @darylsgarden. I had mixed feelings about this and had a couple of wonderful friends ( thank you @shadowcitrine and @enlightndone!🩵) read it and help me out. I hope it's at least close to what you were looking for 🩵
*gif is not mine
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“It doesn’t even hurt.”
“Uh huh.” Daryl stopped preparing his bag and stepped across the living room, beckoning you with a wave of his hand. “Then walk over here without limpin’.” You narrowed your eyes and pushed yourself up off the couch, setting your jaw. 
You didn’t even make it a single step before falling forward with a choked off shout. 
And, of course, he was there to catch you as you crumbled. 
“Thought so.” He said with a hint of a smirk, depositing you back onto the couch. “Doc said ya gotta stay off’a it a couple’a weeks an’ that’s whatcha gonna do.” You whined and flopped around like a fish out of water. “Stop.” He chuckled, grabbing his bag. “Got paired up with someone who just got here ‘til ya get better.”
You stilled, brow creasing. “You got a new partner. Who said? Rick?”
Daryl continued to shoulder his bag, then his crossbow. “Deanna.” Why would Deanna step in? “Said she needs to see what the woman can do to help. She’s s’posed to be good with a bow but I dunno.”
Woman? Bow? You already didn’t like this suggestion. “Oh.” It was all you could think of to say. You didn’t want him to go before when you thought he was going out alone. Now that you knew he was going with a strange woman, you really didn’t want him to go. But why? Daryl was your best friend. You didn’t have any say in his comings and goings, and why should you? 
A knock on your door startled you out of your thoughts, Daryl watching you with a flat expression. 
“Guess that’s her. See ya.” He started toward the door, and you found yourself leaning nearly off the couch to see who was on the other side. When he opened it, your breath caught. 
Her long blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail, a bow and quiver somehow anchored to her back. She was almost as tall as Daryl, lean and curvy in all the right places. Shit. She was gorgeous. 
“Uh, bye.” You muttered. Daryl didn’t even regard you. Maybe he hadn’t heard. Or maybe he was too busy ogling the beautiful woman in front of him. You couldn’t tell from his position. What you could see was the woman giving your run partner an appreciative once over before smiling. 
“Hey! You must be Daryl. I’m Angie.” She held out a hand, which the archer ignored with a grunt, pushing his way past her to walk to his bike. He was taking the bike? You sighed. You weren’t supposed to care. Daryl was your friend. Not your—he was your friend. 
And you just kept telling yourself that. 
Even a week later, when you were able to be up and about but not without difficulty, things felt—different. Daryl was always gone with Angie, like he was at that very moment. Now that you could actually move, you went about slowly cleaning up the house the two of you shared and started making something for dinner. You could leave Daryl’s in the oven for him to eat later. 
You had just finished your own when you heard the roar of the bike, saw the headlights illuminate the walls inside the dining room window, sending the shadows scattering. You found yourself excited to see him, to show him you were mobile. Hobbling over to the window, you felt silly for the ridiculous smile splitting your face but you didn’t feel that way for long. 
Angie was standing in front of Daryl at the bike, her bow in her hand at her side. He had already unlatched his crossbow from the back of the bike and had it across his back. She was smiling brightly with her perfect teeth and small creases next to her bright blue eyes, looking every bit like a model in the middle of the apocalypse. And Daryl—his lips were turned up on one side, a very Daryl smile that he gave when he was relaxed and in a good mood. 
You had known the man since the quarry and it had taken months to earn that smile. Angie was getting it in less than a week? 
You should have turned away. Spying on them wasn’t right. Daryl wouldn’t be pleased if he caught you, no matter what he was doing. He never liked feeling as though he was being watched too closely. 
You should have turned away but you didn’t. 
And then you wished you had. 
Angie reached out as she spoke, her words muffled and distorted through the glass. Her long, slender fingers wrapped around his bicep and squeezed, her thumb stroking the skin there. Daryl glanced at her hand but that was it. He didn’t ask her to remove it, didn’t step back to increase the distance between them. 
You didn’t want to admit that you were jealous. Even as your mind and heart both screamed only I can touch him that way—for two entirely different reasons—you refused to grant it a name. 
You couldn’t take anymore, limped away from the window and climbed the stairs with more than a few whimpers of pain. Daryl would usually help you to your room at night and back down in the mornings. But you didn’t want to see him, felt an anger toward him that was just as confusing as it was unjustified. You felt the same anger toward Angie, a woman you knew nothing about beyond the things Daryl would tell you. 
And he didn’t tell you a lot. 
You still should have been happy that Daryl both wanted to share something with you and that he had found someone that seemed to make him happy enough to gab about them, limited as it was. 
But you weren’t happy. 
It hurt. You hurt. Your heart felt constricted, wrapped in a cord that would tighten with each breath, faster and faster with each moment you spent thinking of him just outside, smiling at her. 
She didn’t deserve his smile. 
She hadn’t been there when Merle was left behind in Atlanta. She hadn’t been there when Sophia went missing and Daryl ran himself ragged trying to find her. She wasn’t the one to care for him after he’d fallen and was shot. She hadn’t been the one whose arms he’d finally chosen to let hold him when Merle died. She hadn’t run to him and felt his relief at being reunited after Terminus. She hadn’t walked along with him and coaxed him to drink just enough water to stay alive on the road. And she damn sure hadn’t stood up and told everyone he needed his own place in Alexandria so he wouldn’t feel more trapped than the gates already made him feel. 
That had been you. Always you. 
The door opened and closed downstairs, your name being called. You could hear the concern, knew it would be there at not finding you downstairs. You shimmied out of your jeans and climbed into bed—your back to the door—and just listened. Daryl methodically looked around, his voice carrying from different rooms throughout his search. Your room would be last because it would be the last place he’d think of you being. Not without his help. 
The oven door opened and closed, too quickly for him to grab the food. He was checking to make sure you had been there. Likely spotted your used dishes as well. You barely heard his boots on the stairs. Daryl, for all his height and muscle, moved like a spirit. Still, you knew his gait, what to listen for that signaled his approach. 
You drew up the comforter just as the soft knock came and a quiet call of Y/N? that you decided to not answer. The light from downstairs was pale in your room, starting on the floor and soon bathing your bed and walls. He didn’t say anything, simply closed the door and descended the stairs just as quietly. 
And somehow, that’s what made the tears come. 
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There were two days of tense air in the house before Daryl’s next run. Your ankle had improved but you were still unable to put weight on it. Denise advised you to stay off of it but you had waved her off with a yeah yeah, absolutely zero intention of heeding her advice. 
When you arrived at your home, Angie was already leaning against Daryl’s bike like she belonged there. The sight infuriated you. Your attempt to pass her by was quickly foiled by the woman herself, her hand coming up to tap a finger on your shoulder. 
“It’s Y/N, right?” 
Sighing, you turned, sitting your bad foot up on the toe of your boot to keep the pressure from taking you down. “Yeah.”
“I’ve been dying to meet you. Daryl’s told me a lot about you.”
“Funny. He hasn’t told me much about you.” She didn’t seem fazed. I’m glad he’s so chatty with you. “Nice to meet you.” You said in place of your inner monologue. “Excuse me.” You started to turn when she stood straight. 
“Hey, uh—I was just wondering. Are you and him a thing?” She flipped her hair—braided today—over her shoulder. 
“A thing?” You knew exactly what she meant, but feigned ignorance. It was not a conversation you wanted to have. 
“Yeah, you know—a couple.”
Closing your eyes, you inhaled through your nose and exhaled through your mouth. “No. Why?” You didn’t even realize you had clenched your fists until her eyes flitted down and back up, forcing you to relax lest she tell Daryl you were being hostile toward her. 
“No reason. He’s a great guy, isn’t he? Handsome too.” Now she was just trying to push your buttons. 
“Yeah. The best, actually.” Don’t cry, don’t cry, do not cry. “Don’t hurt him.” You said flatly—a clear warning—and limped your way up the steps and inside. 
“Where ya been?” Daryl’s voice greeted you before the door had even closed. He was on the couch, lacing up his boots. You regarded him silently for a moment, allowing Angie’s words to sink in before setting your jaw and squaring your shoulders.
“I’m going with you today.”
His hands stilled, frozen for a moment before he sat back a little and placed his forearms over his knees. Piercing blue eyes scanned over you before settling on your bum ankle, the urge to place your foot flat on the floor too intense to disregard. “Nah. Y’ain’t ready.”
“You don’t get to make that call.” You snapped, more harshly than you had intended, but it got your point across. His eyes narrowed, his own jaw tightening.
“Maybe not, but I do get to say who goes with me an’ it ain’t you. Not today.” The archer went back to his boots while you gaped at him, lacing the right one up before getting to his feet and grabbing his things.
“Why not? Because suddenly Angie is better than me?”
Daryl scoffed. “Stop.” He went for the door, opening it a couple of inches before your palm landed flat against the surface and shoved it closed. “The hell ya doin’?!”
“I won't stop.” You mocked, drawing your lips back in a snarl. “You’ve been up her ass since you met her. Hardly ever here and when you are, you don’t even talk to me.” 
“The fuck you on ‘bout? We go on runs, get the things people need. Ya forget food an’ meds ain’t just down at the convenience store anymore, Y/N?” He pulled the door open again, and again, you pushed it shut. “Let go.” His voice had dropped into that serious tone, the warning before the anger.
“No. I’m going with you. I’ll let you open this door when you agree to that.” You stood straighter, tucking your lip between your teeth to stave off the whimper when you dared place your weight on the healing ankle. Of course, Daryl and his hyper awareness caught it.
“Guess it ain’t openin’ cause y’ain’t goin’.” He tried once more with the same result, this time letting his burdens fall to the floor in order to face you, nearly nose to nose. “Alright, ya got my attention.” He growled. It had been so long since he had spoken to you with such enmity, you couldn’t suppress a jarring flinch. 
Swallowing hard, you attempted to control the wobbling of your bottom lip. “Please, take me with you.”
“How many times I gotta say no?! Y’need to take your ass to that couch an’ let your damn ankle heal ‘fore I even think ‘bout lettin’ back out there.”
“No, Y/N.”
With a deep breath through your nose, you stepped backward, freeing up the space. “Fine. But maybe you should stay with Carol for a while when you get back.” Giving him your back, you didn’t bother to hide the limp. 
“Y’don’t mean that.” 
You needed to force yourself to keep walking when you heard the dejection in his tone. “I do.” You didn’t. “I don’t need you here.” You did. 
“Angie’s waiting.” You detoured at the last second and veered into the kitchen, seeing him from the corner of your eye, his hand lowering as if he had been reaching for you. Your heart was beating in your ankle by the time you were leaning heavily against the countertop. 
When the door closed, the floodgates opened. 
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Two days. Daryl and Angie had been gone for two days. It wasn’t anything new to be held up on a run, but there were always close calls involved and you couldn’t imagine Daryl battling his way through herds or humans without you at his side. The two of you predicted one another’s movements, flowing and fighting together like a well oiled machine, always ending up victorious and on your way home. 
Did he have that with her now? 
“You know it’s not like that with the two of them, right?” Carol looked up from beneath her lashes as she chopped up the herbs and available vegetables for the stew. You knew it was more of an admonishing statement and not entirely a question.
“I don’t know that and neither do you.” You replied bitterly before tipping your glass to your lips. Carol smiled, that suspicious grin like she knew something you didn’t. 
“I know Daryl.” She picked up the cutting board and used the knife to scrape the occupying ingredients into the pot. “Why does it bother you so much anyway?”
“He’s my best friend.” The answer came out a little too quickly.
The other woman chuckled. “Is that all?” 
“Yes.” You countered almost gibingly. She only spared you an arched brow before turning to place the pot on the stove. You decided to ignore the intensely foreign fluttering in your chest and began spinning the glass between your palms. “Do you think they’re okay?”
The knock at the door was sudden and urgent, repeating after only a few heartbeats. Your questioning expression met Carol’s. Spinning on the island stool, you eyed the door until it was opened. Carol’s hand on the edge tightened until her knuckles were white, but you could only make out quiet words and someone’s heavy breaths. Hobbling from your perch, you grabbed the door and pulled it back further. 
Angie was a mess, covered in dirt and blood and walker innards. “Y/N.” She panted. 
Your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach. “Where’s Daryl?” You didn’t remember ducking beneath Carol’s arm or pushing past Angie. The pain in your ankle became a mere afterthought as you walked backwards toward the steps, awaiting information. 
“He’s in the infirmary. He’s asking for you.” 
You didn’t wait, running with only the slightest hitch in your step. Daryl was more important than any amount of discomfort. Your mind was running rampant with scenarios. What if he was bit? Dying? What if he died before you made it to him? The last thing you had said to him was that you didn’t need him. 
And it was such a lie. 
“Y/N, wait!”
You tried to ignore her, the infirmary within sight. You needed to get to him so that you could breathe again. 
When her hand caught your shoulder, you reacted almost violently, throwing her away from you and almost to the dirt. “What?!” You bellowed. “What could possibly be more important than Daryl right now?!”
“Lana is!” She answered quickly. “My Lana!” Breathing heavily, you shook your head and threw out your arms, a silent but gestured question. “My wife.”
You felt like the wind had been punched right out of you. “Your—your wife?” Damn you, Carol!
“Yeah. I think there’s been a huge misunderstanding.”
“You’re telling me.” You muttered, looking toward the infirmary with an expression of remorseful longing. 
“I asked those questions because—because that man is so obviously head over heels for you that it’s absurd he hasn’t made a move. I thought maybe—maybe I could push things along.” She rubbed at the back of her neck, her eyes brightening at something she saw just over your other shoulder. When you turned, a dark haired woman was making her way over, a toddler on her hip. “I just—he’s not much of a talker—until I mention you.” Another glance at the other woman. “I’m sorry.”
When she started to leave, you reached out a hand, the new information still pinballing around in your head. “I’m sorry.” You had treated her—thought of her—so unfairly, and still, she smiled at you. 
“Go on. He’s waiting for you.” And then she was walking away to kiss her wife before converting to a motherly gentleness, her lips pressed to her son’s forehead.
God, you were an asshole.
To her. 
To Daryl. 
Your ankle only received a moment to remind you it was still weak before you continued your journey to the infirmary. 
“M’fine! Quit proddin’ at me!”
The sound of his voice gave your heart permission to beat again. You stood at the door, listening to him argue with Denise until the woman finally gave up with a huff and a clang of metal. Opening the screen door, you limped inside with a hiss, the adrenaline draining out of you, no longer blanketing the pain. You would definitely be set back a week or so after this. 
Daryl was on the exam table, filthy and cut up, shirt open and left foot propped up on a pillow. You could have laughed at the irony if you weren’t so relieved at seeing him there and breathing and whole. Alive. 
His ranting came to an abrupt halt when he noticed you in the doorway, eyes softening. His entire body seemed to visibly relax with an audible exhale. 
You didn’t even try to control your quivering lip this time and rushed to cross the distance even with Denise scolding you in the background. 
Your arms wound around his neck and his around your back. “Daryl. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it—I didn’t—”
“S’fine. Know ya didn’t.” He whispered against your temple. Denise cleared her throat behind you and the weight of one of Daryl’s hands disappeared before returning with renewed pressure. The sound of the door opening and closing signaled that he had—in one way or another—told Denise to get lost. Neither of you spoke until you pressed your face into the side of his neck and began to sob. “Hey, m’okay. Just fell on my ass.”
“How?” You sniffled. 
“Window was in my way.”
You laughed wetly, his shoulders bouncing with a breathy chuckle of his own. 
“Idiot.” You chided, pulling away to wipe at your eyes. He watched you gather your bearings, blue eyes dancing between yours. “Are you really okay?”
“Yeah.” His hand was so gentle against your face, thumb sweeping over your cheek to wipe away the tears. “Need to talk to ya ‘bout Angie.”
You shook your head but placed your hand upon his so that he didn’t dare move it. “She beat you to it. I’m so sorry. I was being a jealous asshole.” He tilted his head and squinted. 
“Jealous cause I was spendin’ so much time ‘round her?” It was like he knew the answer that you hadn’t quite accepted as truth yourself. 
“Among other things.” You rubbed your lips together and ducked your head. Daryl hummed in question, his hand sliding down to your jaw, thumb absently stroking across your bottom lip. Your voice instantly decided to become lost in your throat, your mouth opening when his hand fell away. “Daryl, I—” You almost bolted, felt the insane urge to run begin to vibrate throughout your legs from a nervous twitch that started in your stomach and spread throughout your chest.
“That man is so obviously head over heels for you—”
Your lips were on his before your brain had even fully given the order for you to move, likely startling you just as much as it had him—if the sharp inhale through his nose was anything to go by. So, you stayed there, frozen with your mouth against his, neither of you moving until it was so awkward that you thought more than once of how great it would be for the earth to open up and swallow you. Humiliation coloring your cheeks, you began to pull away—and then his mouth moved over yours, his warm palm coming to rest on the side of your neck. Brilliant as you were, you pulled back in shock, wide eyes blinking at him. Cerulean pools were shimmering with horror and shame.
“That bad, huh?” He asked, dropping his hand and picking at a patch of dry skin on his palm. His eyes lowered to follow the movement.
“No!” You blurted. Daryl actually flinched and reeled back. “No, no. It wasn’t—there’s no way it could be—ah, fuck it.” Your hands cupped either side of his face, pulling him to meet you in the middle. There was no hesitance on either side, mouths moving, tongues dancing, a delicate exploration of new territory, both literally and figuratively. His hands settled on your ribs, fingers flexing, trying to pull you closer when there was already so little space between you. 
When you parted, it wasn’t from a lack of oxygen, but from Daryl attempting to alter the angle, forgetting that you were no longer alone in the land of bum ankles.
“Ow, ow, ow!”
You pulled away and jumped back, hands in the air to ensure he knew that you were no longer touching him—as if he weren’t already missing it. “What? What happened?”
“Ankle.” He hissed, gingerly placing his foot back on the pillow. Once the pain had ebbed, he chuckled and beckoned you back over with a wave. “Looks like we’ll both be trapped at home, sunshine.”
“There are worse things.” You brushed a strand of hair away from his face. “We have to talk about this.” You knew you sounded scared, and you were. Everything had just changed in the blink of an eye, the man you knew as your best friend had just suddenly become more, and it was terrifyingly exciting.
“Yeah, I know. Couch ain’t big enough for both’a our lame asses.”
You giggled and shook your head. “Guess it’s off to Carol’s extra bedroom.” When he arched a dark brow, you etched the most serious expression you could summon onto your face. “Strictly for logical reasoning, Mr. Dixon. We can’t climb stairs. She has one bedroom on the first floor. Lecher.” 
“First time I been called that.” He gave you that smile, the one that was so special, and seeing it then, you realized that he hadn’t given Angie that smile at all. It was yours and yours alone.
And you’d need to thank the gorgeous woman with the bow.
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