#so you're first on the chopping block my sweet
bubble-leaves · 1 month
Your Cooking Expertise - Reth x Reader
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When you first moved to Kilima, Reth was so ready to show off his skills and impress you, the new human on the block. And, bless his heart, he thought he was so cool. I mean, you seemed to enjoy his world famous soups! He felt on top of the world being able to impress someone that knew nothing about him.
. . . until he learned that you were highly experienced with cooking.
Reth's eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he first saw you bring him a gift of pan-seared scallops. He was so pissed; it tasted delicious. And it got even worse, as you started a habit of bringing him morsels of dishes you were working on perfecting. Eventually, Reth became so intrigued and so jealous that he finally asked if you could teach him some of the basics of your fancy cooking. Which leads us to the present.
Reth stands in the inn kitchen. The inn is closed and empty, apart from Ashura packing up his things for the night. Reth leans against one of the counters, biting his nails as he awaits your arrival. His mind is sifting through all the terrible ways he could embarrass himself in front of you. Asking for your help was embarrassing enough, but what if he spills something and ruins the dish you two were going to make tonight? What if he accidentally cuts himself when chopping produce? Oh Dragon, what if he suddenly sneezes in front of the food?
His face is a shade of deep pink as he pictures several ways he could ruin how you think of him. Just as he's nearly consumed with doubt, your footsteps approach the kitchen entryway. Reth's heart leaps as he takes one look to his left and sees you in the arched entrance. You have a hand on your hip, simultaneously carrying a rattan basket, and a smile on your face.
"Nervous?" You ask.
Reth flashes his handsome award-winning smile and waves his hand dismissively. "Nah! Why would - what gave you that impression?"
"The nail biting. Now you have to go wash your hands," You chuckled, "Wah wah."
Reth paused, then flushed in embarrassment. Yep, first screw up complete.
"Oh, great. I'm on a roll with this fancy cooking biz," Reth sarcastically says, before looking up at you to add, "If you wanna hire me as your head chef at your culinary empire now, you can have all my details."
You laugh as he turns to the sink to wash his hands. He smiles genuinely as he listens to the sound. Your laugh makes him feel so much better, in an instant, like audible morphine.
Reth notices you placing items on the prep counter, each one being taken out from your basket. He finishes drying his hands to investigate. He comes close to see what the ingredients all are. With this distance, you could smell a delightful musk of spices and woodsiness eminating from him. It makes your heart skip a beat, yet you remain calm and act like all is natural.
"Huh. What — HOLY DRAGON," Reth shouts as you suddenly retrieve an expensive sernuk tenderloin from the basket.
You look up at him with raised brows, surprised by his volume. His mouth hangs open as he stares at the sernuk, trying to comprehend how he's possibly allowed to be near such a luxurious cut of meat.
"Wait-waaaait a minute, sweet tooth, that is way out of territory for me," Reth declares.
"You'll do fine," You assure with a gentle laugh.
You place the cut of meat upon a cutting board then reach for the knife rack, simply moving forward. Meanwhile, after a brief pause to comprehend what you said, sparkles fill Reth's eyes. Hearing someone as experienced as you say he'll succeed makes his heart pound. He looks at your face, studying its expression with awe. Damn. You're amazing. Oh, he's so screwed.
"You know, you have a lot of guts to trust me with something like this," Reth chuckles.
"Reth, stop that, I'd trust you with anything," You say with a smile, chastisingly swatting his arm. "Now, c'mon, this is an easy stuffed tenderloin. Slice it open for me."
"Oh, this is the end," Reth dramatically says, taking the knife you carefully hand him.
You ignore his doubts this time and lock into the recipe. You instruct, "Make a three-quarter slice down the middle."
"Bold of you to assume I know fractions," Reth quips before doing as you say.
While he makes a precise cut, you go over to the gas range stove and set the oven to preheat at a precise temperature. You then turn back to Reth, who already has a feeling about the next step.
"Guessing this part includes the salt and pepper you brought," Reth says, "You think I didn't have salt and pep, sweet tooth? I swear I'm not that incompetent!"
You laugh and shove his arm a little. "I bring every ingredient needed just because I can! Plus, you don't have to waste product, right?"
Reth makes an agreeable face and shrugs, simultaneously seasoning the sernuk. "Didn't think about that. Now I appreciate it."
"Don't mention it," You say, multi-tasking just as he was.
You got out a chopping board from a nearby cabinet and moved a medium-sized cube of cheese onto it. Reth raises a brow.
"What kind of cheese is that?" He asks.
"Manchego," You reply, retrieving a knife.
He cocks his head. "Never heard of it. Is it some kind of fancy rich people cheese?"
"Ehhh," You shrug. "Not really. It's just uncommon in every day cooking."
You slice thin sheets of the cheese and lay them flat along the cut of the meat. Again, Reth has the correct intuition of what comes next.
"And this is where the sage comes in, huh?" He asks.
"You got it. See, this isn't hard at all for you, right?" You say, looking over to him with an encouraging smile.
Reth feels his face get a little warm as he looks back at you. He can't believe how well you treat him despite what he's known for around here.
He lags a bit, then smiles back and says, "I just have a good teacher."
You softly chuckle, and for a moment he swore he saw you shift your lips to the side to hide any flustering. He doesn't bring it up, though, and simply retrieves the sage with a suddenly smug smile. Subtle flirting just does that to him.
"Oh, and don't use both sprigs, just use one," You quickly advise.
Reth replies with a quick "gotcha" before scattering the leaves of a sage spring along the sernuk. You're pleased with the even coating, and Reth sees it in your eyes, which shows clear satisfaction. He feels so in control, suddenly, like he actually knows what he's doing.
"Perfect," You praise, sending his heart in a whirl. "Now, could you get me the string in there?"
Quickly recovering from hearing that first word, Reth raises a brow and gets a spool of string out of your basket.
"Okay, officially confused. Is this the part where we sew 'live, laugh, love'?" Reth asks with an amused hum.
A loud cackle escapes your mouth, the sound making Reth's grin double. He motions his hands outward in a manner that signifies asking a question.
You giggle, "No, goofball, we roll up the tenderloin and tie it inch by inch so it won't unroll in the oven."
"Ohhh, gotcha, that was my second guess," Reth muses. "Also, 'goofball'? Is that my new nickname, sweet tooth?"
Once again, you lightly shove his shoulder, your cheeks feeling hot. "Now it is."
Reth smirks, as he knows you're starting to get bashful, just a little bit. He hasn't seen that from you before, you're usually incredibly confident and he's usually the one who seemed flustered by you. He likes the turned tables. Alas, you don't let him bask in the moment for too long. You readjust your posture and put back on a regular façade. Reth refrains from pouting; he listens for your next instructions.
You clear your throat and say, "Okay. Get the roasting tray. Sprinkle — "
"The other sage sprig and this thyme here?" Reth finishes with an uprising tone.
"Yes," You smile, then motion to the tenderloin. "I'll tie this up."
Reth does as you say. You both go into a spell of silence to do your tasks, but since Reth's takes less time, he's left to watch you complete yours. He watches as you tie the tenderloin in evenly spaced intervals. Then, of course, he gets bored and feels the need to chitchat again.
"Hm. I never asked, what are we gonna do with the 'loin when it's completely finished? Do we take it home for friends and family or do we have a little date?" Reth asks.
He sees you do that lip thing again; it must be a habit when you're feeling shy. How cute!
"Uh . . . well, I didn't really think that far, for some reason," You say with a subtly embarrassed chuckle.
"Can I give a suggestion?" Reth asks further, leaning upon the counter with his arms crossed to look at you.
Your face feels hot as he stares at you. He doesn't get an answer to his question, as you had just finished tying the protein.
"Could you get me the olive oil?" You request, pretending that you didn't hear his insinuating question.
Reth narrowed his eyes humorously and nodded his head. “Oh, I see. We’re just gonna have to find out, then.���
He hands you the olive oil, watching you simmer in your own fluster with a smirk. You drizzle some of the oil on the meat, looking at it like you’re asking it to help you out of this sudden shift of atmosphere. Reth glances away from you to look at the remaining ingredient, which is the last sprig of sage. Looking for one last chance to help out, he reaches out for the herb. However, at the last second, you also reached for it. Your hands accidentally make one brisk touch, before simultaneously pulling away.
It’s quiet. Reth looks at you with concern and a hint of curiosity. He worries about how forward he may have been, even if it was accidental. You look like you’re swallowing your words, he can see.
“I’m sorry,” You simply say.
Reth smiles. “It’s fine, no worries. It’s just sage, right?”
You sigh. “Uh, yeah. If you can sprinkle that on, that’d be great . . . oh, what is wrong with me?”
“Huh?” He asks as he cocks a brow.
Reth suddenly notices your face is flushed with color, making both his brows raise in surprise. Your hand rests over your heart wearily as you breathe.
“Aha . . . hold on, let’s just get this in the oven first,” You say.
“(Y/n), you better not peki out about telling me what’s goin’ on,” Reth replies, stepping over to the oven but keeping his eyes on you.
You shook your head. “I’m not, please; I’m just wanting to cook this tenderloin. Open the door.”
He hums a sassy, unconvinced “mmm-hm” and opens the oven door. A wave of heat billows out and he chokes and leans away. You laugh and make it quick as you slide the trayed tenderloin into the oven. You push it to the center before retracting your hands. Reth closes the door immediately after. He’s onto you immediately, too. As you set the timer, his interrogation starts.
“Kay, now, what did I do?” He asks.
“Oh, you didn’t do anything,” You chuckle with a tinge of anxiety. “It was just me.”
His eyes narrow suspiciously, although still playfully spirited. Feeling pressured, you give up more information to satisfy those eyes.
“My heart is just beating very fast,” You say with another laugh, this one sounding breathless and shallow.
That makes Reth’s own heart skip a beat. He’s doing all this to you? Huh. He may be more capable than he thought when it comes to flustering you.
He tilts his head. “My bad, my bad. Do I do that to you often?”
You blink and ponder on that. Your heart palpitations are lesser when you and him are in a room with other people, but you realize that this has only ever happened when you were alone with him.
After brief hesitation, you admit, “Only when no one else is around but me and you.”
Reth stares with complete shock while you bite your cheek in thought. It took him a second for him to process that you basically just confessed your feelings, but now that it’s hit him, he has even more questions.
“...me? Why?” He asks in a voice quieter than usual.
“Why?!” You repeat with passion, making him slightly jump.
You both are completely flushed in the face, hearts beating quick. He has so much he wants to blurt out with passion too, but he waits for you to go first.
“Reth, every time you get close to me or subtly flirt or compliment me or do anything when we’re alone, I get so bashful, I have to find a way to leave immediately,” You confess completely. “But seeing as I can’t leave mid-cook session, I’m . . . agh. I’m just . . .”
Reth’s lips are awkwardly pursed and his eyes are big. He didn’t exactly expect tonight to turn into a confession. He rarely ever saw you this vulnerable, maybe only once or twice. Right now, he can see how conflicted you feel, and hear your soft, deep breaths. He rescues you from the silence.
“Well. Um. I . . . honestly did not expect you to actually share any sort of feeling for me,” Reth suddenly confesses also.
Your eyes, once gazing to the floor, shoot up at him. “Wha — what?”
A soft laugh escapes his lips. “(Y/n), why do you think I act the way I do around you? You’re awesome; you’re so talented and so funny and so sweet and so tolerable of me, for some reason. Like, how could I not . . . y’know . . .”
Reth averts his eyes for a second then looks back with admiration. He sees your face swiftly display relief, which makes him relax too. You both stare at each other for a second, maybe a little too longingly too soon, but you didn't care. You feel the weight and tension graciously lift off your shoulders, as does Reth. The atmosphere feels light and airy, as if anything could happen, as if anything is possible right now.
“Why didn’t you just tell me, though? That I was making you feel like that?” Reth asks.
You lift a hand up before letting it fall back to your leg, as if to say ‘I don’t know.’
“I don’t really know what your stance on relationships is or whatever. Plus, we’re good friends, I wouldn’t wanna ruin it,” You frown.
Reth scoffs as if you said something completely nonsensical. “You really think that I’d just give you the boot? I mean, jeez, sweet tooth, I know I’m a career criminal, but I’m not heartless.”
You chuckle, “True.”
“Plus, I know for a fact that I’m not heartless because I feel the same tussle going on in my heart that you do,” He adds.
“Ah . . . you mean that?” You ask.
Reth’s eyes close halfway and he smirks. “I wouldn’t lie to you. Unless it was funny.”
You roll your eyes but smile widely. Your spirit feels so alive. Being so open with Reth about your feelings with him feels surreal, like a dream, especially due to his reciprocation. He was into you, too.
“Um . . . I’m still up to wine and dine over our fancy-schmancy sernuk,” Reth offers. “If you’d like that too, of course, you don’t have to — ”
You cut him off before he talked himself into a rabbit hole of doubt. “I’d love to.”
Reth processes your interruption, then smiles. “Ugh, you’re so amazing. Should we set up a table in the inn, then? I got fancy cutlery just for this special occasion!”
You laugh and nod your head. “Sure. I’ll keep you in check so nothing gets broken.”
“Ruuude,” Reth playfully drawls. “You’re probably right, though.”
The night ends with you and Reth chatting and laughing at a pristinely decorated table. There’s a luxurious tablecloth, folded napkins, shiny cutlery, and even an atmospheric candle between you two. Reth really goes all out to make this night seem like a high-class restaurant experience for you. You both have a cut of the cooked sernuk tenderloin on your porcelain plates. Although it wasn’t soup, Reth is obsessed with his meal. He is secretly proud of himself for how this night went. Reth managed to cook an excellent protein with you, somehow get a confession out of you that he reciprocated, and now he’s sitting across from you, watching you smile and laugh and enjoy the fruits of your labor. He could get used to seeing you so happy like this, but privately. Reth likes being alone with you, he realizes. You show him a side of you that you don’t show anyone else, and for some reason, it feels so right. He wants you to be that comfortable around him that you just let go and be yourself, he wants to be that safe space for you. Reth doesn’t know what the future holds, though. All he can do in this present moment is just laugh, crack jokes, and keep making your heart race for him.
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wileys-russo · 1 year
First time calling Alessia ‘baby’?
short n sweet.
baby II a.russo
"but i like it better when you make it!" the blonde smiled as she rested her chin on her fist, looking back at you adoringly as you rolled your eyes playfully.
"correct me if i'm wrong here less but i think when you invite someone over for dinner its generally not so that they cook it for you!" you teased, but regardless began to grab out the necessary ingredients already knowing where everything was, comfortable and familiar in alessia's small flat.
only living the floor above her in the block, there was seldom a day that passed where either one of you didn't spend some amount of time in the others home.
you had first encountered one another the day she moved in. you were returning home from a rather stressful work shift, rummaging around in your pocket for your house key when you heard a rather loud crash from downstairs.
racing down you found the then unfamiliar blonde laying on the floor with a defeated sigh, boxes scattered around her where she had obviously tripped over something and sent them flying.
"hi, do you need a hand?" you bit your lip to refrain from laughing at the scene in front of you, alessia's head darting toward you with a mortified expression, cheeks tinted a rosy pink with embarrassment.
"she needs more than a hand she needs an entirely new body. less you're such a clumsy idiot!" a shorter brunette had then stuck her head out of the girls front door, rolling her eyes and bending down to collect a box before venturing back inside.
"i'm y/n. you just moving in?" you asked with a friendly smile, hopping down the last two stairs and offering her a hand up. "i'm alessia, and yeah. sorry for the bother! i was basically unofficially born with two left feet." the taller girl joked, rubbing the back of her neck nervously, admittedly a little more stunned at your beauty than the fall she'd just had.
"less man you gonna stand around flirting all day or get her number and come and help me?" the brunette returned, sending alessia's cheeks an even darker shade of red at the comment. "tooney!" the girl hissed as the shorter of the two shot you a wink and grabbed another box.
"she's very single." the girl notified you bluntly as alessia looked back in horror at her best friend who quickly made herself scarce. "sorry about her." alessia mumbled in embarrassment, unsure how else to really continue on after the interruption.
"she seems fun." you grinned, eyeing a pen on the floor and feeling a sudden unfamiliar wave of confidence roll through you. "give me your hand." you motioned as alessia looked at you with confusion but did so anyway, you quickly scribbled your number down on her wrist and placed the pen in her palm.
"oh, thanks!" alessia perked up, twisting her wrist to read the numbers as you headed back upstairs, hearing her friend call out for her to hurry up from inside.
"oh and for the record, i am also very single." you smiled shyly before disappearing out of view, only letting out a breath after you'd closed your own apartment door.
it had been several weeks since then, and with a very insistent ella urging her on alessia had asked you out for coffee that very next day, and then you'd asked her to the movies, and your ongoing back and forth of dates had commenced.
though nothing yet had been made official, the two of yet to properly talk out how you were feeling, there was a strong connection building.
"hey i invited you over purely for the pleasure of your company, the cooking for me is just an added bonus." alessia winked cheekily as you shook your head with a smile, flicking on her stove top. "well then the least you can do is be my sous chef." you placed a chopping board, a knife and a variety of different vegetables in front of the striker.
"if you can manage that without injury." you teased as the blonde now rolled her own eyes, mocking you under her breath. "can you do the carrots first please baby." you'd asked casually before turning back to the stove, not even at first registering what you said.
"what did you just say?" alessia breathed out, she having most definitely registered the new term of endearment. "i said can you do the carrots first please baby." you repeated, your eyes widening as you heard yourself, unable to force yourself to turn around to see her reaction.
"sorry, i didn't mean to-sorry." you shook your head, feeling a blush spread across your cheeks as you busied yourself filling the pot with water. "you don't need to be...baby." alessia replied, a rosy pink glow coating her own cheeks as she also refused to look toward you to see your reaction.
unknowingly you both smiled shyly to yourselves, butterflies erupting in your stomachs. a few beats of silence passed before you quickly changed the topic, asking her how training had been.
even though neither of you had discussed it, it seemed you had both just confirmed that in fact the connection was mutual, and you were both excited to keep exploring it.
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tyungelic · 11 months
★ my love, mine all mine
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Nothing is certain in this world.
This is something you know for sure; the realization hit particularly hard when lay-offs were happening at your job and you were the first to be on the chopping block.
You spent days stuck in bed, miserable and unsure of what to do next, staring blankly ahead with tired eyes. You'd worked your ass off for years just to be reminded that you're easily replaceable. You loved your job, that love clearly wasn't returned.
But Taehyun... Oh, your sweet Taehyun.
No one loves you, takes your hand and leads you out of the darkness, like Taehyun does.
Taehyun sits on the bed, alongside you and your grief. He rubs your back as you sob for what feels like hours. You still get embarrassed when you cry in front of him, even after all these years, but he doesn't mind. He's seen you in moments much worse than this, bent over a toilet vomiting after a bad night out, or when you pushed him away because you thought you weren't good enough... You still don't think you're good enough for him, but what he said to you that night reverberates through your head in times like these.
"That's for me to decide. I want to stay, so let me stay with you, Y/N. Please."
He wants to stay.
There's nothing you want more than for him to stay.
"Taehyun," you call for your boyfriend, voice quiet and pleading.
"Honey?" he responds warmly.
"C-Can you hold me?"
He doesn't give a verbal answer, but the sudden shifting of the bed and his strong, warm arms around you give you all the answer you need. You close your eyes and suddenly, you're crying all over again.
You're so thankful for him, so thankful you have each other.
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deadlynavigation · 1 year
Hello! how are you? I hope you are well, I love your account and I wanted to place an order with you if possible. Could you do a Male!Wednesday x Reader where the Reader is pregnant? how would he act? How would he take care of the baby when it was born? I hope the request is not too strange and I hope you can attend to it, have a good day.
HC: Pregnancy
Warnings: Pregnancy, mentions of labor, swearing, grave robbing, mentions of castration, electrocution, serial killing, and beheading; mention of sex. (sorry guys it's wednesday 😭)
Author's Note: Oh my gosh you are so sweet, thank you for the request. This was a fun one. And honey I have gotten way weirder requests than this one. Side note tho, if you ever want to request something again make sure you specify headcanon or oneshot, etc. I made this one a headcanon- I hope that it's satisfactory.
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This experience would be entirely new to him
Someone he loves -romantically, at that- is creating and carrying something he’ll love just as much?
He’s obviously overjoyed, but scared as fuck
So he does everything in his power to prepare
The amount of books and tomes he would dig out of the library (and sometimes graves) would start forming a pile on your nightstands the second you tell him the news
Books like How To Raise Your Demon, Surviving and Dying In Parenthood, and What To Expect When You’re Expecting are always either in the corner or tucked away in Wednesday’s arm
And every single day without fail you’ll find your husband reading one of his newly-stolen books, brooding in the sitting room with the straightest posture and most panicked eyes you’ve ever seen
That’s normally when you yank the book from him, walk over to the window, and watch as it drops further and further from you both and into the bushy gardens below
Lots of affirmative kisses from your end
He's probably more anxious than usual but refuses to show it, so just in case, you make it a habit to pepper his face in pecks every ten minutes or so
But at the end of the day, when you're both in bed and cuddled up next to each other
Wednesday is fully relaxed, knowing that he holds his world (and a little addition to that world) in his arms
Besides the prep, this man is also a monstrosity when it comes to your wellbeing
He’s not going to be too protective, and he’s not going to monitor you
But he’s going to call in five different doctors the second you’re feeling under the weather
Your temperature is high? Doctor.
Your feet are sore? Doctor.
Your nausea has you bedridden? Doctor.
And since it’s the only aspect of your pregnancy he’s been a bit feral about, you let him. You know it makes him feel better and it's nice to know he has your back
The baby being born is probably one of the most stressful times of Wednesday’s life
He’s next to you the entire time, letting you squeeze his hand as hard as you deem necessary while he sits there with a stoic face
Every so often he’ll look down to where your face is scrunched in pain and effort, and lay a comforting kiss on your forehead or cheek
You want to slap him for it
There were times where he had to leave the room because of the danger you presented to his well being
Phrases such as: kiss me again and I’ll rip your dick off with my teeth; appreciate your head now because after I’m done, I’m getting your ass on a chopping block; and his personal favorite, I am not above using that electrocution chair to make sure there are no more potential children left within you
So yeah his mom made him leave
When your labor finally stopped after a grueling 13 hours, Wednesday is the first by your side, staring at you in awe as he brushes your hair back
He cries when he holds his baby for the first time
I am a firm believer that Wednesday wouldn’t care about the baby’s gender
Anyone can be a serial killer, no matter if they’re a boy or girl
So either would be treated with the utmost respect and love
As would you- you’re still recovering from labor, as well as caring for your beautiful child
So he dotes on the both of you (but would deny it if anyone asked)
He’s the one that gets up with the child in the night, unless he’s so deep in sleep that he could be mistaken for a corpse
And you take care of the child during the day
It’s pretty much an equal split, one that took time to master after many fights and sleepless nights
But aside from those difficulties
There have been many instances of you and Wednesday standing over your baby’s gothic crib, his hand snaked around your waist and your head leaning on his chest as you admire your creation
Or when you’re feeding the baby, and Wednesday just looks on, observing. When you’re finished, he’ll come to calmly take the child from you, take his time to lay them to sleep, and kiss you fiercely while murmuring how incredibly attractive you are
And though sex isn’t an option right then and there, the intimacy between you two is strong
Overall, the experience has brought you closer together and shown just how deep your problem-solving skills and trust with each other truly are
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agustdiv1ne · 1 year
hii congrats on 3k you deserve it!!! i love your works so much you're one of my favorite writers here <3 can i request for the event yeonjun + howl's moving castle + fluff and smut ? love you <3
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pairing: choi yeonjun x fem!reader
genre: fantasy, fluff, smսt
wc: 3.2k
details + warnings: minors + blank/ageless blogs dni or you will be blocked, yeonjun as howl (take these two pics for reference,, phew), mc as sophie (but no defining physical features are described besides silver hair), this takes place after the events of the movie aka flying castle era, light dom/sub dynamics, vv soft sex, oral (f receiving), they are so in love it's sickening honestly
notes: starting this event off strong with one of my ults paired with one of my favorite movies...*visibly quaking* and ilyt nonnie <3 you're the sweetest
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humming to yourself, you amble down the cobblestone path of a town far from the one that you once considered home. your dress brushes against your legs as you continue forward, the soft fabric rustled by a cool, gentle breeze characteristic of spring. above, clouds drift about the cerulean sky, the sun's rays gentle and warm where they kiss your skin. you soon spot the door that you had first emerged from when you had set out to complete a handful of errands earlier in the afternoon.
your focus on the door falters at the mouth watering scent wafting from a nearby stall, something saccharine and warm. perhaps one more stop is in order, you find yourself thinking as you part from your original path. your feet lead you over to the older woman overseeing the small stand surrounded by other passersby nibbling at the sweets she sells. the crow's feet around her eyes appear when she smiles at you, her chin-length hair a similar silver hue to your own.
“hello, my dear,” she greets, her voice soft and worn with time. as she continues, her hands work in tandem to package some of the treats that had lured you over. “how may i help you?”
you offer her a polite smile while you request four of the small, half-moon pastries filled with molasses-rich sugar and chopped nuts. steam rises from the ones that have just finished cooking, ready to be packaged for awaiting customers. she nods at you, smiling, as she quickly wraps up and hands the fresh ones off to a woman and her two young children to your left. the youngest hums in delight once he takes a bite, and the three of them head off down the road.
“your hair is quite beautiful, dear,” she says, the twinkle in her eyes signifying the truthfulness of her words as you place the correct amount of coins into her awaiting palm. “i’ve never seen someone so young with such a shade. it suits you well.” 
“oh, thank you! that is very kind of you to say,” you reply, your soft voice imbued with surprise. while most do not comment, you have witnessed firsthand the gawking and stares of judgement that your hair has garnered in your travels. the hue is a reminder of the curse you once endured, but the fond memories it brings forth far outweigh any negative reactions you have received thus far. warmth fills your chest at the compliment. 
she wraps and hands you your own pastries seconds later. bowing your head slightly, you voice your gratitude before you realize she has given you one extra. you attempt to hand one back to her, the others tucked into the basket hanging off of your arm. “ma’am, i believe you may have given me one too many—”
“nonsense,” she winks, pushing your hand back towards you. “consider it a gift.”
guilt swirling in your stomach, you try to hand her another coin. however, she refuses, shooing you away from her stand with well-wishes of safe travels. with a final shallow bow and kind words in return, you depart from the stall, your steps light and springy.
embarrassingly giddy after the sweet interaction, you scurry down the street much quicker now, eager to return home. home — it is what you used to call your family's hat shop, but now...now, home is what you call yeonjun, his youthful apprentice, kai, calicfer, heen, even the witch of the waste. they are your home, and nothing could ever exceed the joy that that truth brings you.
you remove one of the pastries from your basket, unwrapping it to take a bite, eyes widening at the sweet, syrupy taste that coats your tongue. delicious is the sole word that comes to mind. the warm delicacy only serves to heighten your mood, and it is long gone before you even reach your destination. you are tempted to reach for another, but decide against it. a hand wraps around the knob and twists, and suddenly, you are no longer in the town, but soaring high above in yeonjun's — and now, too, your own — flying castle.
“i’m home!” you call as you enter, using the heel of your boot to swing the wooden door closed behind you. though he is no longer confined to the hearth, calcifer sits there anyway; it has become habit after his years bound to yeonjun.
“oh, look who’s decided to come back!” he exclaims, flames growing brighter at the sight of you. “yeonjun’s been sulkin’ in his room since ya left — i’ve been dyin’ of boredom out here!”
you breathe a laugh at calcifer’s dramatics, looking for the young boy who is usually around when you return. “where is kai?”
“out. more magical apprentice-y tasks to do, i guess,” he replies, inspecting you as you set the basket down with pursed lips. “why the long face?”
“i got him a sweet from a stall, and it’s still hot,” you hum, beginning to place the produce and other items that you purchased onto the table. “i suppose you will have to warm it up for him later.”
“do i look like some kinda servant?” he asks, indignant. he continues to ramble about his now free status and how he doesn’t need to listen to you while you continue to remove items from your basket, placing the four remaining pastries to the side. 
huffing, you finally wave the firewood you had bought for him. “how about now?”
calcifer gasps at the sight, his small arms appearing to beckon you over. he scoffs, “alright, c’mon, i’ll do it. should’ve just said you had that first.”
you swiftly gather a decent amount of wood in your arms and head over to him, handing him one after another to greedily chomp down. with each one, he grows a bit larger, brighter, his glowing yellow center expanding.
“at this rate, i’ll start likin’ ya better than yeonjun,” the fire demon claims through a mouthful of lumber, snatching another piece from the now dwindling pile that you hold. 
“you already do, just admit it,” you quip, grinning down at him. 
“admit what?” an inimitably deeper voice asks. head whipping around, you find yeonjun leaning against the doorway, lips quirked up in a smirk with his arms folded across his broad chest. a loose, white blouse envelopes his torso and is tucked into primly tailored trousers.  
“oh, nothing for you to fret over,” you tease, well aware that he likely heard the vast majority of the conversation. he tuts, striding over to wrap his arms around your waist from behind, his chin coming to rest upon your shoulder as you present calcifer with the final piece of wood from your makeshift heap. the ends of his hair tickle your skin. he hums something low and quiet, pressing his soft, plump lips against your neck. calcifer, in turn, emits a nauseated heave. 
“if ya gonna act all lovey dovey around me, i’ll just leave,” the ball of flame huffs, beginning to float in the air. 
yeonjun chuckles, his arms pulling you tighter against him. “no need. i was meaning to steal this one away from you, anyway.”
“oh, great! just wonderful!” he sneers, sinking back down to the stone hearth and glowering at the man who leads you back towards the doorway. “spare my ears while ya at it!”
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once you are alone, yeonjun wastes no time in pressing you against his silken bedsheets. he balances himself above you with a single forearm, his hips tucked between your parted thighs and hiked up dress. his lips waste no time in enveloping your own. slow, languid — he takes great care in savoring you, ensuring that you are as close as possible with his free hand cupping your cheek. his cheeky tongue slips into your mouth to curl against yours, causing you to exhale a muffled whine.
before you are able to slide your hands up his shoulders and around the back of his neck, he pulls away. staring up at him, you find chestnut eyes brimming with adoration. the sight of his disheveled hair and shiny, kiss-bruised lips sends flurries of butterflies through your stomach.
"“you taste so sweet, love,” he murmurs as he brushes his thumb against your cheekbone. his words dissipate the heady fog creeping into your mind, and you reach up to grab his hand.
“the pastries!” you exclaim with wide eyes. attempting to sit up, you gently push him back onto his knees. you catch the furrow of his brow, the pout forming on his lips, and you move to explain. “i purchased pastries for us to try while i was out — the stall owner even gave me one more for free! isn’t that delightful?” 
yeonjun blinks. hard. how you are whining into his mouth one moment and growing distracted by sweets the next is quite beyond him, but it nonetheless causes an endeared smile to pull at the corners of his lips.
“you should try it while they’re still hot! i’ll go fetch one for you,” you continue, mistakenly taking his grin for excitement. swinging your legs over the edge of the bed, you stand and begin to scurry over to his bedroom door, him rising from the bed going unnoticed.
despite your newfound goal, your lover does not allow you to stray too far, catching you by the waist and pulling you back against him. his fingers weave together against your stomach, locking you in his embrace, unable to wriggle away.
“don’t leave me,” he pleads, and though you are unable to see it from your position, his tone betrays the pout that he sports. “i feel as if we haven’t seen each other in ages.”
“i’ve only been away for a few hours. you have survived much longer,” you giggle, reaching up to run your fingers through his onyx hair while he kisses up your neck, nipping the skin where you are most sensitive. you allow a quiet moan to escape, a shuddered breath following soon after when he does not halt his ministrations. attempting to pry his hands off, you say, “i’ll be just a minute, if you would let me go.”
whining in protest with his nose nuzzled against your jaw, his grip grows ironclad, the space between your bodies diminishing — and that is when you feel it: the hardness that presses snugly against your rear. heat floods your cheeks at the realization, and your struggle to escape comes to an abrupt end. “love, the pastry—”
“i’ll try it later. i’d much rather taste you at the moment,” he interrupts, voice low and breathy against your ear. the sheer desperation in his voice causes heat to pulse in your center. 
he pulls you back to bed with ease, aiding you in your descent to the sheets. his hands bunching the skirt of your dress up reveals your stocking-clad legs, the fabric squeezing the meat of your thighs in a way that causes him to gulp. he slips his body between your legs, a position reminiscent of mere minutes ago, taking his time in running his hands up and down sensitive skin of your inner thighs, traveling dangerously close to your covered center. goosebumps raise beneath his fingers as a shiver slinks down your spine.
while his actions are drenched in admiration mixed with a soft sense of desire, it is too much for you to bear. overwhelmed with bashfulness, you hide your face in your hands. above you, your lover tuts, as if dissapointed with your choice. prying your hands away, he gathers your wrists and presses them into the bed above your head.
“keep your hands there,” he orders, eyes half-lidded and glazed over with need. “or else i will stop.”
your heart skips a beat in your chest at his order, but you nod nevertheless. he simpers at your obedience.
“that’s my girl.”
and suddenly the desire to melt into a puddle washes over you. the words bring you back to the first day that you had encountered him; when he had saved you from two sleazy soldiers, flew you over the town square and helped you to a balcony before disappearing. that day, you had no inkling of just how drastically your life would change. how fate has landed you here, below that very man, in love with him...you have expressed your gratitude to whatever it is above countless times.
truly, you never thought of yourself to be one for praise, but your time with yeonjun thus far has unlocked a myriad of preferences you had never given a second thought to before. as the words echo in your head, you bite your lip to muffle a tiny whine.
chuckling, he lowers himself onto his stomach so that he is eye level with your center. a finger skates over the seam of your panties, sliding up your slit to press against your awaiting bud. all the while, his plump kiss and suckle their way up your thigh until he's nosing at the crease of your thigh, dangerously close to your folds. pulling away, he helps you slip the thin, soaked fabric from you with teasing touches until you are bare from the waist down, sans your stockings.
at the sight of your glistening core, he licks his lips, taking in the way you clench around nothing. you feel terribly exposed, like a sculpture in the center of a gallery, unable to hide. he coos at your trembling state. ever so sensitive, his little doe, even after so long. holding you open, his gaze travels back up past your heaving chest to your flustered face.
“eyes on me, sweetheart. want you to watch me.” he locks his gaze with yours as he dips down to trace your folds with tongue, reveling in the way your brow furrows and your lips part, teeth grazing your bottom lip for a moment. yeonjun is nothing if not a tease, however; he continues to repeat the same movements until you are battling with the urge to snap your eyes shut and burrow your head into the sheets, until you are pleading with him for more. conceding, he dips down to your entrance only to moan at your taste. yes, this is what he has been craving all day. his tongue dips inside for a moment before he licks a bold stripe up to your clit, his eyes fluttering closed while he takes his time in working you up. you cry out as the tip of his tongue slides under the hood, toying with the tiny bundle of nerves with practiced confidence. his lips do not stray far behind, wrapping around and sucking hard, basking in the choked moan you emit in response. 
but it's not enough.
he pulls away for a moment, hands squeezing your thighs. when you finally meet his gaze, he finds tears lining your bottom lashes, little dewdrops that cause your eyes to shine brighter.
“sing for me, sweetheart,” he says, his voice soft and hypnotizing. “as loud as you desire. when we’re in this room, no one can hear you but me.”
then, without waiting for your foggy brain to register his words, he dives back in with increased vigor, his lone goal being to make you fall apart, to cause you to let go those silly inhibitions that keep you as quiet as a mouse. he is more than pleased at the cries that follow.
while he loses himself in tasting you, you are falling apart. white-hot pleasure burns in the center of your stomach, a fire that grows hotter and brighter and causes you to grip the sheets harder with paled knuckles. it winds around you and spreads across the entirety of your being. with a mist-shrouded mind, all you can do is take what he provides, grinding against his lips. despite his warning from earlier, you reach down to thread your fingers through his hair and tug. this, evidently, sets him off; more beast than human, he devours you whole. he wants — no, needs your release. cum for me, darling, please cum for me — an unspoken plea, conveyed by his zealous tongue and lips, his grip on your thighs nearly bruising. and you listen, you listen so well despite his silence, the pleasure building and building and building and—
you shatter.
wailing, a supernova of pleasure overwhelms your body and soul, hot tears rolling streaming down your cheeks. your body no longer has a beginning nor an end — you feel as though you are floating above the bed rather than laying upon it, looking down at yourself, at the man betwixt your thighs, the care with which he extracts every drop of pleasure from your center, the patience he exudes while he delivers you back down to your true existence, back to him.
slowly, so very slowly, you return back to yourself, weary eyes fluttering open to find him hovering above you. his pupils hold profound concern, the rhythmic circling of his thumb against your cheek soothing to your mind. he's frowning, and you can see the gears spinning inside his head, wondering if he had finally gone too far.
“jjunie,” you whisper with an exhausted yet lovesick grin, pulling him close so that your foreheads press together — and with the melodic sound of your endearing nickname for him, the doubt, the guilt, festering deep in his chest vanishes. you spend a few moments gazing at each other, and you use the edge of your nail to trace his beauty marks while you bask in the presence of one another; just you and him, him and you. 
leaning up, you capture his lips, something soft and sweet and unhurried that causes your heart to pound against your ribcage. the heart — it can be such a fickle thing, always changing, always setting its sights on shiny, new things. yes, it can be quite fickle, but nothing can dispute the undeniable truth of your eternal, immutable love for yeonjun, and his for you. you may change your routines and what you eat and the tunes you sing, but your love is forever frozen in time. “find me in the future,” is what you once exclaimed to him, and he had done just that — and so, so much more.
despite your exhausted mind, you find yourself craving more. the hardness of his cock presses into your thigh, and you grind slightly into him. he stares down at you, lips parted, silently inquiring if you are okay: are you sure you would like to continue? it's a wordless exchange, the way you reach down to stroke him over his trousers, the cheeky bite of your lip. with that, the mischievous grin he wore previously returns.
“you’re absolutely insatiable,” he laughs, returning his lips to your neck.
“oh, please. you were the one who wanted this in the first place,” you tease back before you’re squealing at the sound of ripping fabric. “yeonjun!”
“i shall mend it later,” he shrugs, eyes darkening as he greedily takes in your now bare bosom. “right now, however, there are much more pressing matters.”
perhaps the pastries can wait a wee bit a longer.
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© to agustdiv1ne. do not copy, repost, steal, and/or translate.
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dduane · 2 years
Triple Vanilla Ice Cream
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I think vanilla gets kind of a bum rap in at least some parts of popular culture.* Vanilla is an incredibly subtle and complex flavor if you're just paying attention to it (and the best ways to use it). So I like to take it out and run it around the block every now and then to see what kinds of changes I can ring on the basic theme.
As a result, this recipe, in a number of variants, is a favorite around here. I’ve referred to it now and then online, but realized (when I went looking, per a request) that I’d never actually posted a full recipe. So here it is.
It’s based on the “sweet cream base #1” recipe from the Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Ice Cream & Dessert Book (which we picked up when it first came out, and I’m really pleased to be able to tell you is still in print. There’s also a Kindle edition, which is a nice plus).
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The recipe for this goes as follows:
2 cups / 475ml heavy or whipping cream
1 cup / 240ml milk
2 large eggs
3/4 cup / 170g sugar
Whisk the eggs in a mixing bowl until light and fluffy. Whisk in the sugar, a little at a time, then continue whisking until completely blended. Pour in the cream and milk and whisk to blend. (Makes one quart.)
If (as may be the case) you aren’t comfortable with using uncooked eggs, or just don’t want them in there at all, there is also Sweet Cream Base #2:
2 cups / 475ml heavy or whipping cream
2/3 cup / 160ml half and half
3/4 cup / 170g sugar
Pour the cream into a mixing bowl. Whisk in the sugar, a little at a time; then continue whisking until completely blended. Pour in the half and half and whisk until completely blended. Makes one quart.
Now, as for the three vanillas: Generally speaking, my idea, when I started doing this, was to use three vanillas from different regions, or at the very least, three vanillas made using different styles of preservation/processing… the general idea being that, if it all worked out, the flavor of the finished product would present a sort of spectrum of vanilla flavors instead of one flat background effect.
The three vanillas I routinely try to use tend to go this way:
(a) An alcoholic-based vanilla extract. I routinely use Nielsen-Massey, though frankly there are a lot of far cheaper ones that will do as well, considering that a number of vanillas are involved in this procedure.
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(b) A different form of vanilla, ideally of a different origin, and usually in a paste form. (I like this one, which we get from our local grocery.) 
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(c) At least one fresh vanilla bean. (Meaning, unprocessed except by the usual drying and curing that’s part of preparing the seed pod of the vanilla orchid.)
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(You can grow them, did you know? But apparently they require very specific conditions and are not easy to work with. See this article for details. There’s also a useful article here with a lot of basic background on vanilla and its harvesting and preparation. Yet another of those products that one tends to take for granted, while at the production end it’s amazingly labor-intensive…)
(d) And sometimes I might go for a fourth vanilla, if I had another form around.. such as, for example, a vanilla powder.
Or: I make a pretty fair vanilla whiskey. Recipe: Slice open a vanilla pod. Scrape out the seeds in the usual manner. Chop up the pod. Put all of this in a little bottle—maybe about 100ml, tops—and add whiskey. …Generally I wouldn’t use too smokey a whiskey for this: mostly I use one of the more innocuous Irish whiskeys like Powers or Paddy’s.
Leave this alone in a cupboard for at least a month or so. This is what mine looks like at the moment (and you should have seen how dark it was before I topped it up just now!).
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As you use it, you add more vanilla beans and top it up with more whiskey. (And there’s no reason this wouldn’t work with other alcohols. Vodka occurs immediately, or Polish pure spirit, as something that would more or less stay out of the way of the flavor of the vanilla. All the same, now I’m thinking about vanilla gin…  Hmm.)
…Anyway! A reminder from the food chemistry department as regards alcohol in ice cream: if you add more than about a quarter cup of alcohol (60ml, give or take) to a given quart of ice cream mix, it will function as antifreeze and you’re likely to wind up with a very sweet and lovely slushie, but not much more. So don’t get carried away. Do your math as you put the vanillas together.
I have little experience with non-machine-based ice cream making, so if you have a recipe for a no-machine version that you like, just make a very plain one and add a couple or a few of your chosen vanillas to it. If you’ve got a machine, the procedure is simple: to your basic mixture, add the vanillas you prefer, whisk them in, and freeze as usual. If vanilla powder is one of your chosen ingredients, I’d mix about half of it into the initial mixture, and sprinkle in the rest of it close to the end of the freezing period, as the ice cream’s firming up. Over the next 48-72 hours in the freezer (assuming you like to leave your ice cream alone for a bit to let it develop its flavor), the dry vanilla’s flavor will intensify.
… And that’s it! Noting of course that adding fruit to this mixture (either in the ice cream, or on top) works really well. Or maybe just grate some chocolate on top, as I did for the pic above.
(Disclosure: We’re in the Amazon Associates program, so if you use the Amazon link(s) above and buy something with it, we get a wee tiny commission. Just so you know.)
*I mean, I'd sooner have "vanilla sex" with somebody who loves me than "woowoo wild insane multiple-flavor sex" with anybody else. (shrug) Your mileage may indeed vary. But I like mine.
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vibratingskull · 7 months
What would you think of maybe Thrawn x Reader on a camping trip to somewhere scenic and isolated? Maybe on vacation, away from the stresses of work? I'm definitely imagining Thrawn shirtless and chopping firewood, for some eye candy. Maybe like, half fluff/half spicy?
🥺 pretty please?
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(my love as a gift, regardless of if you write this!)
Of course, anything for you my sweet ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Tags: Winter vacation, fluff, fingering
“Ch’acah, we have arrived.” Thrawn pats your thigh to wake you up.
You rise up in a jolt, still half asleep. You were so comfortable pressed against Thrawn's back, holding him tight on the speeder, his body's higher warmth still spreading to you past the thick leather jacket he wears. 
You rub your eyes and wipe a bit of drool off your mouth and discover a wooden cabin under a thick layer of snow. Thrawn already jumped off the bike to get the luggages as you hug yourself to shield yourself from the biting cold. He was so warm…
“You are shivering, Vir. Let’s get inside.” He invites gallantly.
You jump on the ground, leafing through the bunch of keys you have. You haven't come here in decades, you almost forgot your grand aunt bought that cabin in the middle of nowhere.
You would have come in summer under a blazing sun but you saw how Thrawn's eyes were shining when you told him everything froze in winter in the region. You hoped for a resort near a beach for those vacation, but seeing him getting excited by the prospect of living through a cold climate for some weeks made you cave in, for your Chiss…
As much as Thrawn shows excitement of course, which is always in moderation. 
But enduring the cold and wind is worth it if Thrawn gets something reminding him of his homeworlds.
You enter the key in the door and push the heavy block of wood to enter the modest abode. It is completely dark and cold. You search for a lightswitch on the wall until you find it and flip it.
You flip it again.
Still dark.
“We may have an electricity problem.” You annonce.
Thrawn puts the luggages down in the largest room, consisting of a kitchenette, a sofa, a double bed and a fireplace.
Real small cabin, you see.
You mingle with a heater mounted on the wall, to no avail.
“Let’s start the chimney.” Thrawn says. “Let’s get some light and warmth.”
You go around the cabin in search of the wood reserve, finding the ax in the meantime. You find back Thrawn securing the bike in the nightfall against a tree. You don’t know who would come lost themself in this forest to steal a speeder bike, but security first you suppose.
“No cutted logs, but I found the ax.” 
He nods, standing up. He is only wearing his leather jacket while you're wrapped in the puffiest winter coat you ever saw, a heavy lana scarf and some gloves. 
“I will see the wood, go collect some ice.” He instructs
“Why?” you tilt your head, blowing hot air on your hands.
“For the bath.” He says with a thin smile.
You take a hammer from the top case and a very large bucket. You wave at Thrawn as you go, looking at him chopping wood with application and venture a little bit deeper in the forest. If your memory serves you right there must be a lake not too far away…
You break the ice with the hammer and collect enough to fill the bucket. It is a really, really large bucket and it gets really, really heavy. You have all the pain in the world carrying it back to the cabin, especially with this hindering coat. You take double the time it took you to reach the lake to come back.
But you’re not disappointed, far from it.
Because when you finally reach the cabin, you raise your eyes from the heavy bucket to discover Thrawn, still cutting logs, bare chested and muscles glistening with a thin layer of sweat shining under the rising stars. 
You are so surprised and enthralled you stop dead in your tracks, completely hypnotized by that scene. You cannot help but admire his form, his powerful muscles flexing so wonderfully under the new moonlight. 
You remained silent, eyes wide open, arms holding on desperately on the heavy bucket that started trembling in your hands. He catches a glimpse of you mid swift, sliding a log in too with such force and power the two parts fly on the side. He lays down the ax to turn to you, gasping for air, his breath forming steamy clouds at his mouth. You see his large chest rising up and down rapidly and you imagine his heart beat racing in his rib cage. 
You close your agape mouth with a gulp, shaking your head back to reality. 
“I found ice.” You inform gingerly, trying to keep your eyes to his ember eyes and not his mouth watering chest and abdominals.
Maker… He is such an athlete! He has been carved by the gods in pure marble!
“Good.” He nods, already getting back his breath under control, “Put it in the chimney, we are going to melt it for the bath.”
You greet your teeth as you carry the bucket inside. Right behind you Thrawn gathered the wood he cut and places them in the fireplace. He starts the fire as you get rid of your heavy coat. You take one of the furry plaid and lay it on his naked shoulders, he raises his head to meet your gaze, a silent ‘thank you’ in his eyes.
“You’re going to catch a cold in this outfit.” You smile gently.
You just see a drop of sweat rolling from his pac to roll on his muscular stomach, making you gulp again. He doesn’t close the plaid over him, only holding the sides with the tip of his fingers, letting you appreciate his whole carved bust as he rises back on his feet. The red and yellow flames bounce beautifully on his deep blue skin, creating delightful tones and shades dancing on his skin. You breathe deeply through your nose, trying your best not to drool at that sight.
He turns his head to you, completely lost in your admiration of his body, and smiles thinly before booping the tip of your nose with his knuckle. You wince and wrinkle your nose in reaction, almost sneezing.
“I think we still have some hot cocoa in the thermos. You are shivering, Ch’acah.”
He invites you to sit on the sofa in front of the burning fire and brings the two cups and the thermos bottle, pouring you a cup of the fuming drink. As you blow on the steaming cup in your hand he sits beside you, throwing the side of the plaid over your own shoulders. You smile and snuggle against his warmer body with a sigh of contentment.
“I know you wished to go to the beach for those vacations.” Thrawn says after a very long moment of comfortable silence, “I am sorry, Ch’acah.”
You kiss his shoulder before laying your head on it.
“No need Thrawn. I saw how happy and interested you were in this location.”
“And I am thankful to you for accepting.” He brushes his cheek against the top of your head.
“If you are happy, it is good enough for me.” You assure, sighing contented as you finally started to warm up.
“We will go to that resort you saw, cheo vir, I promise you.”
“And we could come back here each winter, if you wish!” You propose.
“Thank you, love.” He kisses your hair tenderly.
You press yourself against his warm body, feeling his arm circling your shoulders, pressing you tighter against himself. You deeply inhale the natural musk of your Chiss with glee, letting it invade your lungs with great pleasure.
He is so, so warm…
And smells so, so good.
His thumb comes caressing the plump of your cheek softly.
“I love you, Thrawn.” You let escape in the softness and intimacy of the moment.
“I love you too, Ch’acah.” He responds with a melodious tone.
You sip your cups, letting the heavy and thick chunks of ice slowly melt in the bucket over the fire. He keeps caressing your cheek with his thumb, softly, lightly, tenderly…
You hear him purring lowly, feeling the waves through the skin of your cheek. You close your eyes, comfortable and relaxed.
“Do you like it here?” You ask.
“It is quite rudimentary, but yes. It brings back some soft memories.” He admits.
“Good, that’s what I wanted for you.” you press your cheek on his shoulder.
“Thank you, Ch’acah. You take such good care of me.”
You raise your head to look him in the eyes. His so beautiful crimson eyes.
“Because you do it too…” You whisper.
His fingers travel from your cheek to your chin, tilting it to give him a better access to your lips. He leans forward and captures them delicately, pressing sweet kisses on your lips, purring deeply at the sensual contact. In place of purring you moan for his ears, mewling alluringly for his pleasure.
He parts from you with a satisfied sigh, looking into your eyes. His face is stern and unreadable but his eyes are spilling love and adoration. He gently puts a strand of your hair behind your ear before taking your cheek in his palm. You mewl and snuggle against his warm palm.
“I could drown in your eyes.” He murmurs with his deep baritone voice.
“Your eyes set fire to my soul.” You respond.
He kisses your forehead lovingly.
“We should take the water off the fire before it boils.” He simply says, leaving your embrace.
He lets the plaid fall off his large shoulders like a cap in a regal movement, letting you admire his magnificently sculpted back and well defined shoulder blades. You feel your throat drying at that simple sight.
“Will it be sufficient?” You ask tilting your head.
“It is plenty.”
You hardly see how it is enough to fill a bathtub…
He seizes the heavy bucket, flexing his powerful biceps just for you and easily carry it to the ridiculously small bathroom.
This room is hilariously small.
There is no bathtub, not even a shower. There is only a larger than usual metallic barrel next to a crude, but serviceable toilet. Thrawn easily lift the bucket and pour the fuming water in the barrel, filling it up.
“Oh this is really, really rudimentary.” You concede.
“We will be a bit squeezed in here, but it will be quite… pleasant.” He turns to you.
Your gaze travel between the barrel to Thrawn, eyes round.
“You want us to take our bath together, in… this?”
“Will it be a problem?” He asks, opening his pants.
You purse your lips.
You hardly see how Thrawn could squeeze his large and tall body in this barrel, so your two bodies at the same time…
“I thought it would be agreeable to bathe together, in each other's arms.” He presents his argument.
“I mean…” You hesitate.
You turn back to him to see him naked in all his glory and immediately avert your eyes, suddenly shy.
Which is quite weird, you've been seen naked more than once. And you always loved it, a lot!
You feel him come to press his naked form against your body, gently opening the buttons of your thick lana cardigan.
“Come bath with me, Ch’acah.” He whispers in your ear, making you shudder instantly.
You gulp, feeling your body temperature skyrocketing by the second. He pulls the cardigan off your shoulders  gently, nibbling at your ear. You gasp at the touch of his breath on the shell of your ear, sending shivers down your spine and pussy. You bite your lips and take your shirt off while he unbutton your pants before pulling them down, letting you in your bra and tights. You fill his warm hands snaking their way back up your legs, caressing and squeezing the flesh as they rise. 
This is not an alluring stocking but lana tights with extravagant colors and patterns as they tend to be. You hear a low chuckle behind you.
“I am sorry, you may have hoped for a thin shaded stocking.” You mumble. “I am sorry.”
“Not at all, Ch’acah. I know you cannot endure cold climates as well as I. These eccentric patterns and colors are also pleasant to see.”
“I was so cold on the ship.” You admit. “I needed a new layer.”
“I will make sure you remain warm during our stay.” He says lowly, darkly, seductively…
You feel his lips on your lower back brushing the thin sensitive skin like a butterfly, making you shiver again. He stands back to his full height and opens your bra expertly, with a snap of the hooks and his warm hands come forth and grabs your tits delicately. You breathe through your nose, mouth agape as he gently kneads the round mounds of flesh, before making your nipples roll between his master fingers, tugging on them softly.
“I love unclothing you.” He whispers again, “I know really well what I will found, but it is like I am rediscovering our body each time, like a new first time.” and he bites down your ear.
You yelp, to his pleasure.
“Come in with me, sweet thing.” He kisses your shoulder and leave you to enter the barrel.
Somehow, someway he does enter the barrel entirely, sitting down in the warm water, his legs wide apart to leave you space. He extends his hand to you invitingly.
You get rid off your tights and panties quickly and enter the fuming, hot water. Miraculously you manage to both fit in the barrel, squeezed against the other, but surprisingly comfortable nonetheless. Your back is pressed against his chest as you sit between his legs. 
“How is it?” He asks.
“Too hot?” He worries.
‘Against a body such as yours? It is scorching hot’ you think.
“It is agreeable.” You correct, getting comfortable against his chest.
You sigh of comfort, slowly relaxing in the fuming water.
“See? We could fit without any difficulties.”
“I wouldn’t have bet on it!” You retort.
He kisses the top of your head, pecking your hair, hugging your body tightly in his arms. He crosses his legs before yours, imprisoning you between his embrace completely.
“Lay on me, Ch’acah, I am warmer.” He invites.
You let your head fall back on his shoulder with a moan. One of his hands starts drawing circles on your arm while the other one sneakily traces its way on your stomach and goes south. He keep kissing your ear and temples as his hand keeps going until it scoops your sex in his palm. Air gets stuck in your throat as you feel him dressing down your cunt with his large hand. One single finger curls up, trailing your slit until it flicks your clit at the top. You immediately jolt back, and in doing so compress his cock between your two bodies. He hisses in return in pain and pleasure.
“I’m sorry!” You immediately present your excuses.
“Do.not.move.an.inch.” He orders. “Remain here.”
He trails your slit once again, before going at it seriously, pushing past your folds and massaging your entrance with the pad of his finger.
“You are already gaping, I can feel you pulsing against my finger.” He notes satisfied.
“You are teasing me, of course I am going to react!” You defend yourself.
He adds a second finger at the circles he traces around your entrance, applying sweet pressures here and there, titillating your cunny from time to time. His fingers rise to your pearl and knead it thoroughly, adding pressure, making it roll, flicking it repeatedly. Your legs start trembling and you try to close them, but it only imprison his hand in place.
He licks your ear with his warm, wet tongue and a guttural growl. His second hand leaves  your arm to caress and grope your breast, kneading it lovingly, weighting them in his hand, appreciating their roundness and fullness with a hum of approval.
His fingers go back south and one enters you, gently, letting your entrance time to embrace the girth of his digit. He pushes it further, knuckles deep and immediately grazes at your gummy spot, caressing it and crossing it without missing a beat.
You can feel all your south muscles contracting at the shockwaves of pleasure currently spreading in your body, squeezing his finger inside.
“That is the kind of reaction I enjoy…” He says amused and pleased.
To prove his point a second finger enters you deeply, stretching you wide open. His fingers are like his hands: large and long, and a trial to take in, but they give you so much pleasure they are worth any struggle. He spreads his fingers wide to stretch you more and more until your cunny muscles are at their maximum. Shuddering terribly, you hold on his arms for support.
“Can you take a third one, Cheo vir? For me…” He purrs deeply, enjoying himself tremendously.
Mouth agape, gasping, only a strangled moan escape you as an answer. He kisses your cheek and decide for you.
“Yes you can, sweet thing.”
And he pushes the third in. This time you are at your maximum. You are fully stuffed and feel your pussy compressing his three fingers tight, threatening to cut the blood flow in them.
“I love how your tight pussy always struggles to take what I offer you. Even fingers are too much… Somedays I wonder how you can take my cock in your sweet little cunt. But you always do. To my utmost pleasure.” He praises, licking your neck all the way up. “You are so good for me, Ch’acah, always pushing your limits to please me.”
He thoroughly massages your pussy as he speaks, caressing and stroking any hidden spots inside your pussy, sending powerful waves of pleasure in your core.
“I am so stuffed!” You manage to let out in a gasp.
“Are you?” He muses, “Already?” And he pushes his finger deeper until their whole length is inside.
You pant terribly, digging your nails in his arms. You are so stretched! So full! So filled! You cannot take anything more, it is impossible, you would explode in a million pieces!
“You are strangling my fingers so much, sweet thing.” He breathes lowly, “This is so… delectable.” You feel his hips moving behind you, his big, lengthy cock brushing your lower back from side to side, getting as much friction as he can.
He circles your G spot, scratching the itch and resumes the flicking of your clit, he is not one to neglect such an important aspect of womanly pleasure, quite the contrary.
You moan and mewl uncontrollably under his caress as he deep massage your pussy while licking and kissing your neck and shoulder.
“Maker!” You cry out.
You feel your pussy clenching and convulsing furiously around his large fingers while your nervous clit pulsates powerfully.
“Come for me, Ch’acah. Come hard for me...” He whispers seductively in your ear.
You come in a jolt, the pleasure suddenly exploding in your sex like fireworks forcing you to curl over yourself, but Thrawn holds you down with his mighty arm. Your eyes roll inside your skull and your toes curl deliciously as the fire spreads in your veins slowly to your nerves ending.
You tremble, but not of cold, but of pure, raw shock. The aftermath of your climax slowly subsiding, you relax bit by bit, relaxing easily in his arms with a sigh, slouching in his embrace.
“Thank you, Cheo vir.” Thrawn praises you, “You came hard and good. Just as I wanted.” He kisses your cheek again, purring loudly, so much you feel vibrations in your back.
As much as a hard, long warm shaft in your back…
He rolls his hips again, brushing his erection against your back gently with a hum. You slide your hand between your two bodies to stroke and caress him but he stops you.
“No. Leave it.”
“Are you sure?” You ask nicely. “You made me cum, I should reciprocate.”
“Not now.” He decides, pressing you tighter against him, “It is so nervous and sensitive like that, it is really pleasant.” He moves his hips back and forth gently, “I quite like it. Let me appreciate it a bit longer…”
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay, @obbicrystaleo, @germie2037
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silvercap · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Authors
Thank you @thebrandywine for the tag!! :))
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly just Resident Evil, haha, but I've dabbled in a couple other things over the years... nothing else currently, though!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I. My lone Genshin fic 😭😭 at 935 kudos (holy shit!!)
II. Ripping at the Seams with 670
III. *metal pipe sound effect* with 301
IV. Fracture with 290
V. Day 18: Ache with 253!
5. Do you respond to comments?
As much as possible!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
You tell me: is there more angst when older Leon dies, or when re2 rookie Leon does? Personally, I'm leaning on the rookie, but 'do you believe' has the added Hunnigan and Chris angst haha
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
you're my lover is just straight up Nivannedy fluff and sweetness :)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Haven't yet, thankfully!
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
Sometimes 😭 usually it's more of a plot relevant thing than anything else, because smut isn't always my jam--but there are exceptions!! I'm writing a crack ship re5 thing asjdjds and sometimes I do like writing scenes that involve a little sexy time, but I don't think I'd ever write it as a standalone pwp sort of thing haha
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
No...? I mean, I have a Blade Runner au on the backburner of my infinite stove, but I've never put different characters together in a true crossover. Wrote the beginning of an Eragon + Percy Jackson + something I can't remember, when I was in like. 7th grade? But that's long gone and nothing ever came of it asdjdjs
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Hopefully not... 👁️👁️
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Thought about it! It hasn't happened haha, but I'm open to the idea
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I'll be honest... ships are kind of cute adorable plot devices to me. I don't really have a favorite per se, but I do tend to prefer Chreon, Metaltango, and Nivannedy! I like Clairejill and I'm pretty invested in Ada/Hunnigan right now hehe but none of them really stands out as the OTP, y'know?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Not sure! I tend to jump around and abandon and revive things a lot, so it's honestly just up in the air. I'm loath to put one on the chopping block, but I have my doubts about this one (OG!) re4 fic where Leon passes out during the cabin fight
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told that I have a very visceral writing style by several people, and I do often get compliments on how well I've made something feel real/captured a specific feeling! Which is a huge compliment you guys are so nice 🥺 and I do like to think that I'm good at descriptive writing!! I see things very clearly in my head and it's gratifying to know I'm getting it across fully :)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I tend to go at it without figuring out where I'm going, first. Plots are held together with a dab of white glue and some fraying string, and I often worry that I'm not putting scenes together coherently. I can do all the technical stuff just fine, but I really struggle with pacing and character motivations and foreshadowing and background etc, which I think is why I tend to write shorter fics!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's rarely worth it, unless there's some sort of narrative significance or I get to use my Latin knowledge for some silly villain 😭
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Bungou Stray Dogs!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I've always been partial to Fracture
Tagging- @fonulyn, @colesabi, @lightenupcowboy, @sunhatllama, @resident-rats, and anyone else who I forgot or wants to participate! <3
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randofics · 2 years
Winter warmth
Southern reader x Matt Murdock
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I got in the mood for a winter fic. With the temp dropping into the 50's today I just needed something to "warm me up". This is just pure fluff. Hope yall enjoy!
You had known Matt Murdock for a month now. You had literally ran into him on the street. It had been your fault as you were distracted with your phone. You were usually good about avoiding people on the street even when you were engrossed with your phone. You had apologized profusely and then noticed he was blind. He was holding a walking stick and had red round shades over his eyes. He smiled at you with that enticing grin and said it was fine. The rest was history.
You just recently started dating him having found him attractive and funny among other things. He was sweet and you hadn't found many like him in New York. You weren't from New York so the drastic drop in temperature through the fall and start of winter was a struggle for you. You were used to mild winters that rarely dropped below 32°f. The south was like that most years. The large amount of snow was new too. At most you would get a few inches or just slush, but here snow could get a foot or more deep.
Right now you were walking down the icy sidewalk to Matt's apartment. You had to park a block away because of the snow and ice blocking the street. You were so happy when you finally reached the steps. And you just about slipped on an icy patch stepping up to the glass door. The warmth from inside hit you in the face when you opened the door. You stamped your boots on the rug to get the ice off them before you got in the elevator. When you got to his door you knocked gently knowing he would be able to hear it. And sure enough he opened the door. "Hey Matt." "Oh hey y/n what are you doing here?" "I thought I'd surprise you." You shook the plastic bag you were carrying. "Ooh you brought me something?" "Yeah I figured you'd like something to warm you up after work." He stepped out of the way for you to go past him. "Please come in."
You slid off your boots near the door and shucked off your jacket placing it on the coat rack. He walked up behind you and placed his hands on your abdomen. "So what did you get me?" He rested his chin on your shoulder. " Well I figured I would make shrimp and grits and use some of my eggs that my mom sent yesterday. My hens back home laid them so they're better than store bought." "Ooh I've never had shrimp and grits before." You turn your head to look at him. "Really? Well I suppose it's not really a northern thing." "What's it like?" "Well you can get it in a couple different ways but it's sorta like porridge I guess? It's savory and it's made from corn but it doesn't really taste like corn if that makes sense."
He hummed in acknowledgement and released his hold on you. He walked into the kitchen behind you. "You need my help with anything?" "The grits are quick to make but you can chop up the vegetables I got to make omelets with. It's a weird combination of dishes but I couldn't think of a better way to use up these eggs." He squatted down to grab the cutting board from the cabinet while you got everything ready for the grits. By the time you went to grab the veggies for him he had the board and a knife on the counter. You placed the scallions and tomatoes next to the cutting board and handed him the onion to cut first. Soon the smell of the grits and shrimp was wafting around the apartment and you asked him to put some of the scallions in the pot of grits. After the shrimp and grits were taken off the heat you used the same pan you cooked the shrimp in to make two omelets. You scraped the vegetables on top of the cooking eggs and folded it in half.
"What do you want to drink honey?" He opened the top cabinet to grab two glasses. " I actually brought some sweet tea too so if you want to try some you're welcome to it." After placing the glasses on the island behind you he felt around for the bag. You could hear it crinkle when he touched and took the half gallon jug out of it. While he poured the amber liquid into the glasses you finished plating the food. "Ok it's done darlin I'll take our plates to the table if you'll get the utensils and glasses." "Ok I'll be there in a sec." You placed the plates on the table and sat waiting for him. He sat the drinks on the table and handed you a set of utensils. "It smells great!" "Yeah I think you'll enjoy it." He takes a sip of the sweet tea. "Mmh that's really sweet! Almost too sweet." You chuckle at him. "If you want I can water it down a bit. I know it can be strong to anyone who hasn't had it before." He chuckles. "Yeah I may need too." You take the glass from him and walk to the sink pouring some water in it. "Here see if this is any better." He takes an experimental sip.
"Yeah that's better thanks honey." You sit back down. "Alright let's eat before it gets cold." You both scoop up some of the grits and take a bite. "Oh yeah that's good." "Glad you like it darlin. It should help warm us up." He's too busy eating to respond so you continue to eat aswell. A little bit later and you're both stuffed. Matt looks ready to pass out at any moment. "Here why don't you go lay down on the couch and I'll put the dishes up." "Good idea I feel like I'm going to fall asleep any minute now." You gather up the plates and he goes to the couch. When you walk into the living room he's laying across the couch waiting for you. You get on top of him and snuggle into his chest as he covers the both of you in a thick blanket. "Goodnight y/n." "Goodnight Matt." He kisses your head and wraps his arms around you as you drift off to sleep.
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theweirdestroller · 6 months
Headcanons Pt 2 - Star Sanses
Part two of this headcanon saga! If anyone here knows me from my time on Wattpad, a lot of this may be new to you. I actually used to favor this trio before I looked deeper into Ink and Dream. I would like to say my opinions on the Apple Incident now look less like "wtf Dream, why weren't you a better brother???" and more like "wtf village, those are six-year-olds. Leave them alone." To be fair, I typically write the incident with the twins nearing their teens. So, y'know. But canonically, they're both like, six. Anyway! Stars, you're up! It's your turn on the headcanon chopping block! (they're all sympathetic btw)
Really good at drawing but can't write a simple story to save his life
Actually pretty good at sewing. He can not only repair clothing, but make his own
Uses he/they pronouns but doesn't really understand gender. Blue has tried to explain it, but Ink just can't grasp the concept. Or forgets. It might actually be that he keeps forgetting
Despite being horrible at reading others' emotions, he's very good at making and keeping friends. It could be the general joy and carefree attitude he has, but people just really like him
So, with the paints, Ink is supposed to have a bit of each. And most of the time he does. But much like some people ignore certain feelings to cope, Ink will refuse to drink blue or red on certain days because he doesn't want to put up with those feelings if something happens to make them flare up
Has a severe case of leukophobia. He likes painting on his and his friends' bones because of this, but does not explain why
As much as he loves animals, he's scared to have a pet because he thinks he'll forget to take care of it
Despite all his fear of having a pet, he has raised multiple generations of butterflies! And has a pollinator garden
Much like Nightmare, Dream forgave Nim for everything. Much like the Gang, Ink and Blue don't agree
Doesn't know how the modern world works. Nightmare remained awake for the 500 years Dream was in stone and it shows. Dream doesn't understand modern tech, modern clothes, or modern slang. Barely understands what a laptop is much less how it works. Never seen a hoodie before, but now he must have ten. "And what, Ink, in the multiverse is a yeet?!" Nightmare likes teasing him for it. Nightmare watched technology and style and weird slang grow. He has a smartphone and regularly shows other people all the pictures of stupid things the Gang did
Can't stand the taste or smell of apples. Which is weird, because Nightmare can, but the Gang thinks he can't
Can't talk to people. If he gets past his nerves, he's really charismatic, but he'd rather die than approach someone first. This was not an issue when he was little, or even newly freed
Likes climbing things, mainly mountains and other tall landforms, but he'll join Cross in scaling random buildings or people sometimes
His magic feels like someone injected cotton candy into your soul. It's sweet and fluffy, sugary, but you know too much is bad for you
Okie dokie! The one normal one. He is the best cook out of the Stars. Just really good at following recipes
Has a pet, it's just Toby. Toby likes stealing Blue's attacks.
He has 20 HP, and it took so much training just to get there. He's also pretty good at dodging, but compared to other Sanses, he's not particularly skilled
Feels like he doesn't belong in the Stars. He'll walk into an AU next to literal gods and everyone's cheering. For all three of them. Doesn't really know what to do about these feelings
So, Blue's best friends are some of the strongest Sanses alive. And he regularly has to battle with their stupidity. This makes him incredibly intolerant to stupid/arrogant/idiotic people. He will call people out on rude behavior, bullying, or other such things. A lot of people love him for this. A lot of people, who I shall refer to as Karens, hate him for this.
I need to stress, Blue isn't mean to people, but you can't be a prick around him. He just won't put up with it, whether it affected him directly, or it just occurred near him
Despite being the only Sans out of the Gang and Stars that was younger than his Papyrus, he probably acts more like a fun yet responsible big brother than anyone else
And there are the Stars! I realized I never spat my stupid Hogwarts Sorting list and reasonings behind it, and I must do that next. Because Blue is a Gryffindor. And he's the only one of these three. So I'll do my sorting next, before moving on to other Sanses.
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elekinetic · 2 years
my first impression of you was basically confusion because i didnt know people wrote scripts for fun lmfao
and then i started researching scriptwriting more (you inspired me what can i say?) and now i think my impression of you is that you're just generally really cool! also a huge inspiration. every time you post a script i pause what i'm doing to read it, and your grasp on the characters you write amazes me!
AH you’re so sweet!!! this is so kind and is making me v warm :,)
ill be honest, i do love fanfic but i do not have the chops to write prose. im a screenwriting student and i want to (kind of already do) work in the industry, so i figured this would be a cool way to merge my worlds! it also makes me feel unique cause there aren’t a whole lot of other ppl doing it, and even fewer as often as i’ve been over the last few months. (i’ve put out four scripts in the 48 hrs alone, jesus. idk what possessed me but i’ll prob be tapping out for a minute after this. who knows.) AND i love seeing the feedback from y’all! you guys get to project your own set decor + cinematography + blocking & acting choices in your head, so this is really a collaborative process! just like the show :)
on a separate note: i recommend looking into “spec scripts.” screenwriters used to get hired based on their professional fanfiction!
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lee--felix · 2 years
Fanfiction Work-In-Progress Guessing Game
hiii I love your work! This is my first time in your ask box!!🤭 For the game I give you...love, whisper, and kiss😚 I cant wait to read the spoilers🫣🥰
This is so sweet omg 🥺 thank you much! I've been writing for the better part of twenty years and I really pour my heart and soul into my fics. I'm so glad you like them! Welcome to my askbox anon, I hope you enjoy your stay. 🥰
"Did you seriously only order sweets?" Dongju questioned with a chuckle, pulling containers out of the bag he had just retrieved from the doorstep a few minutes ago. "You have to eat real food every once in a while, y/n, you'll make yourself sick."
You were sick, though, just not in a physical sense. Love sick was more like it. The craving for sweets was just an unintended side effect.
[12:07am] - Dongju x fem!reader - fluff, friends to lovers
"Felix?" You questioned again, barely a whisper and with an inflection that implied you were looking for consent rather than an answer. His gaze traced its way up to yours, those deep brown eyes suddenly making your knees weak. Your lips met as though they had done this hundreds of times, hands quickly moving to wrap around each other like forgotten lovers. It felt so natural, so fluid in the way you both moved that you almost forgot you weren't his to take… or were you?
Therefore I Am - Felix x fem!reader - enemies to lovers, smut, angst
"You're not on a stage." Hwanwoong's head bowed for a moment, searching for the correct words to soothe your anxiety. "You're in the office… with me. There's glitter on your face, your hair's a mess, and you've just tied a string of ornaments to my belt." Suddenly you were taken back to a long night that felt like it had only lasted a few minutes. "And you've asked me to put on your favorite playlist and dance with you because there's nobody else around." A smile crept across his face, eyes filled with adoration at the memory. "So you finally, for once, enjoy yourself without the fear of consequences. And I get to watch all that doubt wash away until you're so confident that you pull me in and almost let me kiss you… almost." He chuckled, shaking his head. "Because in that moment I think I fell in love with you."
Same Scent - Hwanwoong x fem!reader - fluff, forbidden relationship, smut (this scene is on the chopping block though, it might not end up in the final product)
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in
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whatyourusherthinks · 4 months
The Strangers: Chapter 1 Review
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I didn't want to watch this movie. I already don't really like slashers, but goddamn did this premise look fucking stupid. "They don't need a reason" just sounds like the writers are bragging about not finishing the script. I almost skipped it using my 'No Sequels, No Prequels' rule, but not only do I think I'm going to eject that rule from this challenge entirely, but it doesn't apply to reboots. Which this is. I haven't seen The Strangers movie from 2008, by the way. And if it's anything like this movie I won't watch it ever, but I spoil my conclusion. Let's get to the review.
What's The Movie About?
Two lovers get stranded in the woods, and they tormented by three masked killers.
What I Like.
There's a scene where the two leads have a heart-to-heart and a couple little moments where they have actual concern for each other and it was very sweet. This movie is also the first time I've heard the song Nights In White Satin by The Moody Blues, and I enjoy that song. I did get a kick at listing every innocuous thing the couple did being the reason that they were going to be killed, and I thought the proposal scene at the end was funny. Both of those things were not intentional on the part of the filmmakers, true, but I'll give the movie credit for it anyway because it's not getting a lot otherwise.
What I Didn't Like.
This movie is not only a checklist of things I don't like about slasher movies, but it also has a cadre of interesting new problems that make it a real slog to watch. I'm gonna split this section into two parts, so let's. Get! CRACKIN'!
First, what I don't like about slashers. I don't think they are scary. At all. I get the idea of a man in a mask with a knife is much more realistic than a ghost or monster, but not only do I think a threat that you can't quite comprehend because it wasn't even believed to EXIST until a few seconds ago is more scary than said man in mask, but it's also more interesting. Plus half the time these movies want us to sympathize with the killer, or at least be happy when the butcher up the ANNOYING AS HELL CHARACTERS. Yes, of course I'm happy to see an annoying character get killed. But I so much would prefer to have enjoyable to watch personalities try to solve a situation, and get sad then they fail and inevitably die. It also doesn't help that all the character are stupid in slashers movies. It's hard to feel sympathy when some dies if it's entirely their own fault. (Also, a lot of slasher have bizarrely puritan ethics. The joke that if you have sex in a horror movie you'll be the first to die is well known, but it also extends to smoking marijuana and the most grievous sin of not being white. Either way, you commit one "sin" and you're next to be on Chuck the Choppin' Man's chopping block. It's really fucked if you think about actually.) And if I don't feel sympathy for the victim of a murder, I don't get scared in the slightest. This, in my opinion, is the biggest way a horror movie can fail. It's not a death knell, I have recommended horror movies that I thought weren't scary. But I always recommend it on the creativity of the film, and/or the fun/spectacle of the violence. And well...
The Strangers fails itself beyond my issue with slashers, mostly because it lack some very important aspects. The first thing it lacks is fun or interesting violence. There are two main, non-killer (kind of) characters. So they are not going to get picked off one by one. Even when they eventually do get killed, it's by a stab to the gut. You know, the most boring way to get murdered. The film is rated R too, so I don't know why they are so coy with the gore. The masked killers of the film spend most of the time just messing around, which leads me to the next thing this movie lacks, any semblance of character intelligence. It's not just the victims in the Strangers, everyone is really fucking dumb. There are several moments where the killers have a perfect opportunity to kill one or both of the victims, but instead just decide to stare at them. Or the camera will pan past something and they're gone. Just like Batman oOoOoOoOh~. "Roan, clearly the killers are trying to mess with their victims. It's probably part of their motivation." Well Buggnutz, not only does half of the 'messing with their victims' go completely unnoticed by said victims, but you just hit the final and biggest aspect that this film is lacking. The Strangers: Chapter 1 lacks context, specifically about the killers. They purposefully did not give the killers any motivation. What they were trying to go for was invoking the horror of random crimes, the (please read the following two words with the thickest sarcasm imaginable) incredibly classy intro makes that clear. But here's the thing. Random violent crimes still have a motive behind them. Sometimes it's an accident, sometimes it's an addition to a robbery, and sometimes it's just because the perpetrator has a mental illness, but it's still a motive. Additionally, fiction has different rules than reality. When you are telling a story, there are certain rules you must follow otherwise it just, objectively, is a bad story. One of those rules is that characters must have a motivation. (Honestly, I think I don't even need to make a distinction between fiction and reality in this instance, but this isn't the place to discuss Nihilism versus Existentialism.) So the movie lacks spectacle, sense, and context. Leaving nothing but boring, nonsensical scenes.
I have one last complaint, which is not only pretty petty, but I also didn't know what section to put it under. So... I hate the dialogue in this movie. It's very quippy. Which I normally have no problem with at all, but it just generally sucks and I was begging for the couple to stop talking to each other entirely. Which is a bit of a shame, because when it felt like they weren't just being smug at each other they had some pretty good chemistry.
Final Summation.
Apparently this is gonna be a trilogy. Great. Next one's supposed to come out in October, so if I'm still doing this watch-everything-that-comes-out thing then I'll of course watch it. But I'm not looking forward to it. Please give the killers a motivation next time.
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mystverse · 10 months
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8:49 PM
PAIRING : Johnny Suh × Female Reader
WARNINGS : Suggestive
AN : anyways hiii people, don't mind me. i am just trying to get used to writing here and trying to cure my writer's block <3
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The cold breeze of December brushes against your cheek. Watching the snow shower from the clouds, snuggled up against Johnny’s chest, is the only thing you want to do. You pad your way in your socks clad feet to the kitchen. And there he is, all handsome and lovable and apron over his red christmas sweater, as he chops the spring onions with skilled precision.
He should never know the thoughts in your head. It would make him either laugh out loud or fuck you on the kitchen counter. The first option would be quite embarrassing but you'd love the latter. He's always been the giver, always pleasing you and coaxing out orgasms with his mouth, his fingers and his dick.
"Are you going to stand there and watch me, angel?" He smiles, warming up your insides in contrast to the way the December's cold chills you. You wrap your arms around his middle from behind, "You looked handsome, that's all." You mumble out a response.
He laughs, eyes creasing up into crescents, "Just handsome? Nothing more?" You know he's trying to make you spill the words in your brain, all muddled with lewd thoughts. "You are much more than that. You're a lovely, sweet, talented, hot, sexy and so on" You don't relent. You wouldn't tell him that you want his fingers stretching you out for his dick.
But he knows.
He knows because his lips spread into a smug smile. He switches off the flame, and a soft hum follows. He turns to you, fingers settling on the curve of your waist. He gently lifts you up with ease and seats you on the kitchen counter. His lips ghost over the skin of your shoulder, and your eyes flutter close with a gasp. He leaves gentle kisses, trailing up your neck like petals falling on your skin. His fingers caress the soft skin of your thighs. Random patterns bring out hushed moans. His tall physique hovers over you, capturing your lips in a kiss that melts you. You caress his cheek, loving the feel of his lips against yours.
You let out a quiet moan when his fingers trace the wet spot on your lace. He grins into the kiss, "You wanted me to finger your pussy,didn't you, angel?" And he doesn't wait for your confirmation because your moan says it all.
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webslingingslasher · 11 months
Aaah ok so so much has honestly happened recently and I have some updates on the Lara and Julie situation🧍🏻‍♀️
So yesterday I was out with Lara and Julie and we bumped into these guys that are in a couple of my classes and I have a massive crush on one of the guys that was there. He is like my perfect type and he’s really sweet, polite and just everything I want in a guy(and single🧍🏻‍♀️) but I’ve never perused it in any way because him and I sit together in classes and I don’t want anything bad to happen and for it to be awkward. So we all decided to stop for some coffee and I was sitting between him and his other friend and Lara and Julie were sitting across from us. And while we were talking Julie blurts out that I’ve had had a crush on this guy for so long and the table went dead silent and it was so awkward. So we all split the bill and went home and after I dropped Lara off at home and was on the way to drop Julie off I asked her why she would say what she did. And she claimed that it didn’t matter and that I was over reacting and I was trying so hard to tell her how terrible it made me feel and she kept ignoring everything I said, and I eventually just came out and told her that it wasn’t the first time she’s embarrassed me in front of guys and that i really don’t appreciate when she does it. She told me I was a liar and that she would never do such a thing to the point where I literally had to pull up texts in an old group chat with a couple other people(guys included) where she went out of her way to send really bad photos of me and tell all the people in it really embarrassing and sometimes untrue things about me. And she said that it didn’t matter and that I’m making a big deal over nothing so I decided to rip the bandaid off and tell her that I think it’s better if we distanced ourselves and she demanded that I stop the car and let her walk home but I wouldn’t make her walk to her apartment all by herself because it’s not safe yk, so I drove her the rest of the way home and she got out and slammed my car door.
And to make it better Lara sided with Julie saying that I can’t control what Julie says about me and I shouldn’t get so upset about it but this is the first time that I have spoken up about any of this or how she’s made me feel
But whatever I’m not going to stress about myself about this because I have some really big exams coming up and have to focus my energy there, I just really hope that things between me and this guy aren’t awkward because I still want to be friends with him 😭
🫧 anon
wooooooooooooooow. bad news, you lost some friends. good news, you don't have to waste your time on bad friends.
i would tell the dude straight up: 'i don't know why j said that, but it made me very uncomfortable and i'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable too, but i'd still like to be friends.' one thing i've learned and it's the most real shit ur gonna hear from me is::
things are only awkward if you make them awkward.
julie is insecure and it'll ruin a lot of relationships in her life, if laura thinks she's safe, she's not. now you're not around on the chopping block, laura will be.
good luck on exams and hoping that boy will brush it off and keep chilling w you!
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the-angry-potato · 1 year
Had a dream today, I was walking through Castro Barros when someone cuts my path off. Some girl named Alex or something was just cussing me out, I have no idea who this is, I look to the side and there you are. Just off to the side looking at me with nothing in your eyes, you didn't say anything but I think that Alex girl was your friend or whatever and she was insulting me on your behalf. I woke up crying, fully rested though so that's good.
It's weird, I feel the most accompanied I've ever been yet the loneliest I've been at the same time. I miss you more everyday yet everyday I grow more dettached of what you were to me. My life has been nothing but incoherent thoughts since you left and I've been kind of through a depressive rut lately, don't blame you for that, my mind just hasn't had something stable to latch onto lately.
To be honest, today I felt like writing something, not sure what but I guess this is it. I wish we could speak, there are so many times throught the day where I find something that I know for a fact I would send to you, there are so many times were I'm like "oh, she would like to know this", so many times where I wish I could send you a "como tas? Que andas haciendo? Te extraño" because honestly, I do. Today I used a hair dryer for the first time in forever, it no longer reminds me of my mother warming up my clothes on cold winter mornings, it reminds me of you, of me laying my head on your lap and being happy that you exist, of us existing next to each other.
It's weird, you've left your mark on so many of the things I do and that I cherish. Everything tastes bittersweet, they are memories I can never go back to but at the same time they bring me comfort, I once let every barrier around me down for someone and I became the happiest I could be. Now I can't pull those barriers back up, you've made me softer, you've made me kinder and perhaps you'll never know the impact you had on me but I know I am better because of you coming into my life. In the words of Rio Romeo:
"Love made me approachable
Love made me sweet
It's fucking miserable
But it can't be beat"
I made a friend who really likes MCR, his name is Mati, lovely fellow, you would have liked him a lot. A gentle giant, super fucking tall but a lovely dude.
Anyway, I just wanted to express some of my feelings. The memory of you haunts my every step, not in a bad way btw, I just remember you in the little things.
"Alf cruza en diagonal porque ALGUIEN le enseño eso"
"Marcos, cruza bien la calle por favor" Now there is a crosswalk on the other side of my block, you'd be proud how much I use it.
Everytime I make coffee it's kind of like you're here with me, I have wanted to make the frapuccino you did but I don't remember how to.
Whenever I cook and I have to chop things I just kind of feel lonely, you really made even the most mundane tasks fun. Washing the dishes is just a reminder of your hugs.
I brush my teeth as often as possible as to not disappoint you, I have a difficult time using dental floss as well but seriously, I've made a lot of progress (?
My office is still a multi workstation thing, I'd love for you to still study here. It's amazing how many times I've asked somebody to come over because being alone in that room brings me down after a long time.
Using some clothes just reminds me of you. Anyway, I've rambled on enough, the point is I will always miss you and I am still trying to be better. You believed in the me that could be better and I am choosing to nurture him. Love you salame, hope you're taking care of yourself
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