#so…. yeah….. yanno…….
fratboystrider · 8 months
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girl dude
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merrigel · 5 months
I want it back = I drag its dead weight forward
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cynicallyneutral · 1 year
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Go accla!!!!
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skrunksthatwunk · 4 months
i just know his ass has a debilitating urge to chew ice constantly (<- projecting)
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xbomboi · 2 months
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Happily ever after’s a lot further away than they thought…
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olive-riggzey · 1 year
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I blame this post for making this dumb idea spawn in my brain
Because now I’m convinced that Temenos actually doesn’t realize what a twig he is, like a small dog that barks at much bigger animals on the other side of a fence. I DUNNO-- (Also this was my first time doodling like half these characters so there’s a lot of improvising haHA)
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essektheylyss · 1 year
It took me like two hours to process that Caleb's description of dunamis actually was somewhat new information and then go back to grab the transcription because, uh, both "form of magic that exists between the fabric of all of forces of power" and "one of the oldest and most fundamental forces" are far more confidently firm descriptions than we ever got in campaign 2.
Was I actually roughly correct about what dunamis was??? HELLO???
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tsunael · 14 days
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wolcred week |  7. 'the last.'
"I want," she says. "That's my problem. I want, and I want, and I want." "What do you want?" he asks, voice soft. "Everything. Charm me. Rip me open. Ruin me. Go too far."
Holly Black, The Prisoner’s Throne.
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starpros-sunshine · 11 months
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I don't really like the way this colouring turned out but oh well I'm getting back into it
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kingfakey · 1 year
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Between the shattering of bones and the last gasp of air from his lungs, something broke. Crippled fingers gripped at what they could find, feeble as it was, with the last remnants of a soul slipping through his fingers. Forever, irrevocably, and undeniably changed, words like dead don't do it justice. This is something worse.
Something new.
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chezforshire · 5 months
remembered that once when i got hospitalized as a kid, they had to put the iv on my right hand and back then that meant your hand was immobilized and i just taught myself to draw on my left hand because i super wanted to draw the power puff girls
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clowningaroundmars · 1 month
e-42 prowlerbyte angst (kinda) cuz i thought it'd be funny but in like a sad way
margo actually hating the prowler and thinking anyone with masks and weapons are terrible ppl just bc of how bad things are on earth-42
every time miles and his uncle show up on tv news channels she talks shit abt them not knowing she's talkin about her bf and his uncle
miles is oddly defensive every time, just sayin stuff like "margo you literally have never seen these two hurt civilians or anyone else but cops for that matter"
margo argues back "they obviously steal stuff and use bombs that could hurt someone tho. and nobody who's up to any good is swingin around wearing stuff like THAT"
miles rolls his eyes and pouts a lil bit about it but is genuinely distressed that his own gf can't see the good that the prowler does on a near daily basis so that pushes him to actually help more civvies whenever possible.
it kinda annoys aaron but he understands. eventually aaron lets him go off and do his own thing occasionally, stopping bank robbers from shooting unarmed bystanders and whatnot
the word spreads relatively quickly and soon prowler gains a "vigilante" label on the streets. a couple of his saves end up on the news, too
cue miles smirking at margo one day as they're sat in miles' living room with the tv on.
"...so. looks like prowler's moving different lately, just like i said he would. not lookin too bad there, is he?"
margo scoffs and shakes her head. "i mean... it's cool that he's saving ppl now i guess. doesnt mean hes a good guy exactly but we'll take what we can get!"
this definitely doesnt help miles' paranoia at all tho. he's even more adamant with his uncle that margo cannot know abt their prowler business now more than ever.
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circleofbirds · 8 days
Columbo theory: Columbo actually watches the intro to each episode via the Columbo Dimension™, but since "your honor, I saw them do it via a portal to my magical Columbo Dimension™" is not admissible in a court of law the rest of the episode is spent trying to catch the murderer without admitting that he is an eldritch being outside the mortal limitations of time and space
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jinmalos · 1 year
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they're borrowing each other's fits! taion might feel a bit too nude, though....
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madeimpact · 7 months
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Y'know I think it could be interesting to write a thread where my little man just gets to go completely apeshit. The problem is it takes a LOT to get him to that point. But it can be done
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skrunksthatwunk · 9 days
ok i know everyone says "love like you is soooo xyz shipcore" but i need you to know it's kuwameshicore to me. song's got yusuke written all over it arright. in case you don't have the lyrics memorized like i do here they are
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#it's too mushy for him but like.. the beats are all there yknow#kuwa thinks the world of him and it helps him love himself enough to live (see the wake scene but also like. in general)#while keiko's been there all along i think it's kuwabara that really serves as a bridge into more friendships (maybe botan? debatable)#the wondering when im coming back/shaken by how long it took is pretty self explanatory. guy keeps dying on him#'i always thought i might be bad' honestly yusuke probably thinks he IS bad but kuwa contrasting him might make him feel it all over again#sometimes. not bc kuwa's doing anything wrong just like.. oh yeah im TOTALLY right about that sucking thing bc here's another example#and obviously they're very different in approaches to virtue and honor (perceived goodness)#yyh#kuwameshi#and i think yusuke deep down feels he owes kuwabara a lot. he's saved his life multiple times and kept him company#he understands a lotta things in a way keiko can't and pushes him to be better in his own way. there's a debt there#so the 'if i could begin to do something that does right by you' bit feels like a sentiment he'd have at some point#like. why'd he save eikichi if not that yanno. stuff like that#idk. again it's a bit Too mushy for him but the fact that a lotta the beats align so well...#maybe this is just the quiet tender sentiments deeeeeeep deep in yusuke's heart. idk post over#anyway if you haven't listened to this before I'd recommend it it's just a gorgeous piece to me. mwah
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