#so......... that's why i'm trying to hold out hope that this won't be manga canon
I’m so sorry something happened with ur anime ;w; I know that feeling of betrayal, it sucks. I’m sure there are other people out there who feel the same way you do. sending good vibes ur way.
awwwww, you're so sweet anon, wtf 😭💜 *sigh* yeah, it really, really sucks. When you become invested in something for so so long, over a period of many years (so, usually manga), you build up expectations for the writing quality.... so if and when it lets you down, you feel like a fool for ever getting so invested in the first place 🫠 and it hurts even more if it's something extra special to you. This definitely isn't the first time I've been let down like this lol. It's not the end of the world just yet in this case, I'll have to see how the manga handles it, but... yeah..... it's pretty miserable. ugh.
Anyway, thank you so much, anon. 🥺 Sending good vibes back to you too. I hope you have a wonderful day 💖
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fertilize-my-eggs · 4 months
Send to the mha omegaverse ch.3
Joining the league of villains. A03
Ch.1 ch.2 ch.4
A/N: the next chapter will be smutty ;) I don't remember if twice join in before or after toga and dabi but you and Jin join them in, toga and dabi join in afterwards. Every chapter will be posted on Thursday ❤️❤️❤️
The hours went to weeks as I woke up in a room, I'm not home… Nor in my old world but in Jin's apartment, I would greet him every morning while he was near a window smoking cigarettes. The patches that I got from izuku were gone in a flash as I worried about the alphas finding me and taking advantage of me.
Living with Jin has been nice sometimes, I found out he's a beta and wasn't interested in biting my neck like alphas do. It was difficult to live a normal life with this cursed quirk, I don't like staring at people's faces whenever it's eye contact otherwise they'll get affected by my quirk.
“ hey y/n!!! ” I turned my head towards twice as he put his hands on my shoulder with a huge smile on his face.
“ Friend, you're not gonna believe this but we're joining a group!! Isn't that great girly? ” He's talking about the League of villains?? Oh man… does this affect the story that I will become a villain and fight with the hero… I mean it's not canon, but this is probably the same universe as it but a different story and doesn't affect it like the manga in my world.
I look at his feet as I smile happily.” hell yeah!! But… ” I look away as I bite my lips.
“ What if they don't like me? Or think my quirk is dumb. ” I can see twice tilt his head to the side as he said.
“ what??? Friend, you're great!! No you suck ass… but I think you'll do amazing, your quirk is quite useful… You don't know how to use it dumb bitch. ” I laugh awkwardly as I rub my neck, it's true… I can't control it and whenever an alpha locks eyes with me, I always run away in panic and twice would help me out. I feel weak, I feel pathetic having this quirk.
I sigh softly as I said.”... alright let's join them. I hope they think I'm cool just like you said buddy. ” Jin has a smile on his face as he said.
“ RIGHTT!! YOU'LL FIT IN GIRL.. ” he pulled me into a hug as I hugged him back, it felt nice but I soon realized I'm gonna meet shigaraki face to face…. Ohh I'm getting excited and nervous at the same time.
We got dressed into nice outfits, twice got me a white cloth to cover my eyes so I won't affect people around me with my quirk.
We were talking and walking towards the location of it as Jin spotted a man with light gray hair smoking a cigarette, he blew a puff of smoke out as he greeted us.
It's giran, I thought to myself.. Jin was trying not to panic as I pat his shoulder softly.
“ hey.. it'll be okay Jin, don't freak out.” I whisper to him as I could tell by his heavy breathing and holding his chest.
He grips the paper bag on his head as he controls his breath, I feel pity for him.
Having to deal with his quirk alone and freaking out that he will hurt himself again, he told me about it when I first joined him in his apartment. He struggled with it on a daily basis.
He nods his head as we meet Giran.
“ hello. You must be Jin Bubaigawara and y/n l/n? ” I nod my head as I said.” Yeah, we are here to join the league. ” twice mumble quietly towards me.
“ y/n…. I'm freaking out here. ” I rub his back comfortably as I lean in.
“ Stay calm dude, I know it's hard, I'm sorry you're dealing with it. ” I pout my lips as I feel sadness towards him, poor guy.
“ Come on in! Let's have a little chat and then you can meet the boss. ” I nod my head as we follow Giran inside the building.
“ So I heard you two have intriguing quirks… I must ask why do you have a paper bag over your head and why are you wearing an old cloth? ”
We sat in the booth as bubaigawara explained about his quirk and why he has a bag over his face.
Giran inhales the smoke as he puffs it out.
“ ahh.. I see. Well what your quirk and why you're wearing a blindfold? ” I started to feel nervous as I looked down at the table.
“ Well my quirk is called lovestruck, I can't make eye contact with anyone because they'll get affected by my quirk. So I'm wearing this cloth to cover my eyes. ”
I removed my cloth as I looked at his purple suit.
“ Your eyes are normal but useful quirks, I'll let the boss know and we'll see what we can do for you. ”
We watch Giran getting up to walk away as he turns." Would you guys like a drink? ” I put my blindfold on as I said.
“ No thank you, I think we're good. ” Giran nods his head as he walks away, the minute feels like hours as I turn towards twice.
“ It'll be okay friend, take deep breathing. ” I rub his shoulder as he leans towards the table and hear him breathing.
Then we heard the door open and close.
“ Alrighty, the boss wants to see both of you right now. ” … shit I'm gonna meet him, my favorite character that I simp for… well I still can't say character anymore since I exist in their world and there is no way people will believe me if I told them that I'm not in their world…. Would the league of villains believe me? Would shigaraki believe me that I'm not in their universe?
As we were getting up, Giran raised a hand with a crooked smile.
“ One at a time, Jin came with me. ” I blink a few times shit shit shit…. This is gonna be interesting.
I look at twice as he gets up to follow giran leaving me alone.
This is nerve wrecking, I swear.. No wonder he was panicking already.
Stay calm, maybe twice won't get dusted off by shigaraki, I had to play my cards right otherwise shigaraki will disintegrate me… he wouldn't do that.. would he?
Wait, would I die in this world? Would I be in the afterlife or-...
I didn't have time to think as Giran came in with a smile.
“ Jin is accepted into the group now it's your turn y/n. ” I had a smile on my face as I got up, I knew he was joining the league but will he accept me as well?
It was difficult seeing where I was going but Giran helped me out by holding my arm as we headed into the hallway and into the bar.
It feels intense, the atmosphere feels heavy as I stare at my feet underneath my blindfold.
It was silent as I heard Tomura speak, I had goosebumps just hearing his raspy tone.
“ you.. removed your blindfold so we can have a talk. I have questions for you. ” I gulp my saliva as I try to stay calm but also freaking out that I'm meeting him.
I removed my blindfold as I looked at the floor, I can't tell his body language but it felt intense, I can smell his scent. It was faint but it's smell like light dew drop rain from a morning with a hint of citrus lingering. The smell makes my omega mind into lustful hazed as I bite my tongue to not do anything, I'm hoping shigaraki doesn't tell by my scent.
“ state your name and quirk omega. ”
“ I-I’m y/n l/n, my quirk is called lovestruck. ” I gulp hard as I try not to panic, feeling dry in my throat.
“ I can't make eye contact with anyone by my quirk, they're will get affected by it and- ”
“ I don't believe you. Look at me while you're speaking to me. ” I pause as I feel panicked quickly, it'll answer my question from a few days ago.. will he become full yandere if I look him in the eyes? I felt a lump in my throat as I slowly looked up.
We made eye contact for the first time, he looks the same just like the anime version in my world… It feels weird seeing him casually sitting here with his leg over the other.
He had a calm aura that made this eerily unnerving atmosphere. Putting a hand on his chin made my knees weak as I bit my lips.
He so fucking hot, I don't wanna giggle too much otherwise he's gonna think I'm a weirdo.
Wait, my quirk does not affect him, he looked emotionless and hard to tell what he was thinking as he tilted his head. Odd.. I thought to myself.
“ Why do you wanna join us? ” I blink as I thought about a reason to join them. . . Think of something fast.
“ I-... I want to join the league because I want a better life.. ” his eyes light up as he straightens his back.
“ I want equality for this world, I want everything to be peaceful where we don't have to fight each other. ” I know it's far-fetched by this but I already know what happened towards the end of the manga but will this be the same as there?
I see tomura smirk wide as he puts his fingers on the wooden bar, I'm about to scream in joy, I've never seen him smiling like that.
“ Interesting answer.. we'll destroy the heroes and make this a better society.. give them a destruction over this rpg plot storyline. ” I smile at him as I look down at my feet.
I began to noticed his hand going up to his neck as he growled.
“ turn your quirk off, it's pissing me off.. ” I blink a few times as I think, oh it is affecting him… I thought he wasn't getting affected immediately, maybe he was just tolerating it a bit.
“ I'm sorry!! I don't know how to control it at the moment… How are you feeling? ” I was curious about it but also I didn't want him to kill me quickly as I watched the scene unfold as he dug his skin harshly seeing the blood coming out make me feel bad for him.
“ What the hell do you mean you can't turn it off and how am I feeling?!? ” He gets up as I feel a chill run down my spine as I hold my breath, back away slowly until my back touches the wall.
Tomura ran towards me as I heard the loud slam of his palm hitting the wall as I looked at him in shock and turned on by this. His four fingers aren't touching the wall as he stares down at me like a piece of meat.
Why do I feel like this, why do I feel myself getting wet from him doing that, I should be scared and fearing for my life that tomura shigaraki can easily disintegrate me immediately and I'll gladly accept it just to see him one last time. At least I'll die happily knowing that I met him in person.
He's so much taller than me makes this nerve wracking as I feel hair standing on my neck while I stare into his intense red eyes.
“ how am I feeling.. tsk it feels…" I can see his eyes dilating fast as he growls low as a smirk appears on his face.
“ I don't know this feeling but it makes me want to do the things towards you omega.. ” he closed his fist tight as he lean in to whisper into my ear.
“ unspeakable things that, I want you… mine-... You're so cute and annoying that I want to tear you apart every inch of you. ” I put my hand on my chest as I began to feel my cheeks red from this.
“ I can't look you straight in the eyes by this quirk. It's driving me nuts. ” he growls as he grips my arms as he speaks.
“ you're gonna be a problem little omega, I know it… I-I…” he immediately removed his hands as he backed away as he just stared at me intensely. I barely hear it but he mumble.
“ your scent… it-... ” he turned away, not looking at me.
“... you can stay and kurogiri will help you better with your quirk. Keep the blindfold on, I can't think… straight by this.” I watch Shigaraki quickly speed away into a hallway, making me think.
Wow… this quirk is dangerous for myself, Jesus Christ…. I can't imagine being alone with him but I want him to do it again, I feel my heart jumping out of my chest, the way he looks at me and the way he's telling me.
I couldn't stop my cheeks from burning as I rubbed my skin softly.
Giran put a hand on my shoulder.” wow… never seen him acting like that. ” he has a smile as he begins to chuckle.
“ I think the alpha really likes you and your quirk, I'm impressed that he didn't use his quirk on you. . . ” I let out the air as I breathed some in, I grip my shirt tight.
I can't imagine what they will be like once the groups come together.
I smile softly as I suddenly feel pain in my womb as I cry out, I collapse onto the ground as Giran has a shock expression on his face.
“ oh crap, you're going into heat.. no wonder alpha shigaraki ran away from this…. It's because of you. ” I started to smell my scent getting stronger by the minute. The strong strawberry scent turned sweeter and more intense as I curled into a ball.
Great… this couldn't get any better, I hugged myself tight as I felt my entrance getting slick with wetness as my mind couldn't think clearly but… to breed.. have pups, my omega mind want him asap.. I chirp out loud.
“ alpha shigaraki… fuck! It hurts..” my eyes begin to watery as I rub my thick thighs together, I immediately get up fast as my body has a mind of its own as I speed off looking for him.
I hear Giran’s voice in the background but I don't think about it as I crave it… craving tomura right now.
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risingsouls · 2 years
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[Ah yes. New chapter is out today. So I'll put my ramblins under the cut. I'm thinking it's not going to be eventful just by the first page and title, but hey. I do tend to find some dusty, scratched gems in here.]
[For starters, and why this will likely be uneventful for this arc, it has definitely just gone into the events of Super Hero. Which. Is expected but kind of lame. It's just really boring to rehash the movies, either going from movie to anime/manga (not sure which came first with BoG and Res:F) or, in this case, movie to manga. Maybe they'll change some shit, add a little more detail, but I'm going to guess it won't be anything significant.
Also, where's the Broly movie adapted to the manga? I'm still bothered by this because he DOES appear in the movie. So, if they adapt those scenes to the manga, how do they explain his appearance? It's really just super inconsistent, which, for this series, is a feature more than it is a bug.
HOWEVER. As I said when I watched Super Hero:
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I love Pan's teacher. She's really cute. And I love how there's zero concern for the green man picking up Pan. Great teachering. 10/10.
But then immediately this--
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I think we all know my disdain for the "Piccolo is a better dad to Gohan" narrative, so are we going to start getting the same with "Piccolo is a better parent to Pan than Videl and Gohan?" Like I get his frustration but considering he literally kidnaps Gohan at age 4 (and yes, I know things get better and he does change and treat Gohan well as time goes on), I have trouble holding Piccolo up as the gold standard of parenting. And secondly, if it's the same as the movie, I GUESS i can kinda get frustration with Gohan not taking a few minutes to just...go pick up his kid, but Videl was at work. He could have just said no and Gohan would have HAD to go. Either way, I don't feel like Gohan and Videl working makes them a bad parent. This is pretty normal shit when both parents work.
Also not gonna lie, this reeks a little of Toriyama's sexism OR at the VERY LEAST his old fashioned and traditional ideas about how families should work (and I feel Super really pushes the traditional family over what it felt like DB/Z were pushing in the importance of friends/found families as well). As in, one of them should always be available to take care of Pan, which, usually translates to the woman. And I'm GLAD they worked Videl away from just being another housewife because it doesn't suit her, but ugh. I can see the GOHAN BAD DAD LIKE HIS DAD jokes already.
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Idk how Krillin knows all this but whatever. I still hate Vomi as her name, but I'm more disappointed that we couldn't get at least faces for Hedo's parents. But I guess we know Gero and Vomi had two sons, apparently. I'm naming him Puka (I fucking hate it and this is a joke and in no way canon or at least i hope it's not god).
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So they're involving the police more in this? Maybe. Might be an interesting sidebar? Who knows. I imagine it won't actually be worth much later, but I like that Krillin is getting some screen time as he would have obvious stake in not wanting the RR to resurface, considering.
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Piccolo. Fucking. I get she has two grandpas, but I find it really hard to believe he just forgot Goku existed for a minute. also, where is Pan hearing this? Who's talking shit on her daddy? 🤣🤣 But seriously. Are they just trying to run this "everyone hates Goku now" route or what?
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I love this nerd. Let him be. 😭😭
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Okay, that is pretty shitty of Gohan tbh. I personally think it's out of character for him to be that thoughtless, though. I could see him ASKING as Videl does, but I don't see him ASSUMING Piccolo would always be there and willing to help out. I don't know what it is about demonizing the Son family, but Super seems to have a huge hard on for it.
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klajsdf I'm sure I ranted about this with the movie but I fucking HATE this shit. Like we've literally been through this TWICE with Gohan in Z, and even to some extent in Super with Frieza returning, the expo tournament, and the ToP. Gohan would ABSOLUTELY by EXPERIENCE know that Goku and Vegeta aren't always going to be around to save their asses. It's why I don't agree with the idea that he just gives up training entirely. He has too much of a hero complex in the first place, and he knows that he's the next strongest behind them (because I can at least see him being reluctant to define himself as stronger than them, even if he has the potential to be because modest boi), so keeping up with his training to some degree is a no brainer, even if he doesn't WANT to. He knows he has that responsibility, so once more playing up this "lol Gohan stopped training!!!" bit, especially at this point, is so damn old. They don't even try to make it halfway nuanced in any way, so it's literally just rehashing nonsense for a shit narrative.
And in this instance for this specific case, I agree with Piccolo being pissed. That's a stupid ass mindset for him to have.
Anyway. I still love Gamma 2.
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But yeah. That chapter was pretty much a rehash of the beginning of the movie with a few, but unnoteworthy additions. But that was to be expected. Part of me wants to just say screw it with reading the rest of this arc, but I guess it gives me something to look at for a little while. I'm not holding my breath, but since they have the space, maybe they'll do something a little extra or interesting with it after all.]
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Hello dear mutual of mine just wanted to ask a random question again (hope you don't mind) what is your favourite manga in this time period and why? (Aka I'm fishing for recs ok? You have really great taste!)
It's a tie at the moment between Osamu Nishi's 'Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun!' and Yuu Morikawa's 'Mr. Villain's Day Off'!!
Welcome to demon School Iruma Kun! because it has, for me, a good balance between action, school day growth, teen self-discovery and deep seated political drama! We follow the titular Iruma-kun on his journey in the demon realm as a human recently adopted by a grand demon! The story is all about Iruma gaining confidence, friends and most importantly learning that being selfish isn't always a bad thing. That and also a massive conspiracy about dead/missing demon kings; terrorism and elements of what I'd say are thriller!
That and the fact that the main cast is mostly made up of a full class of students and it's amazing how the class are all a found family (that feels REALISTIC and CONSISTENT) but are also allowed to be individual characters with their own interpersonal relationships and ideals/wants that are never pushed aside for plot convivence or in service of the main characters progression. I also hold a special place in my heart for the love trio (the CANON) name for the main trio of the cast and they're (canonically) self-proclaimed soulmates who just love each other and its like it doesn't have to be specified if its romantic or platonic because they love each other and that's what's important!!
And Mr Villain's Day Off because it's just so fucking funny. Need a silly fluff piece with unexpected jabs of angst that still leave you with the feeling of 'oh there is good in the world'? wrapped up in a power-rangers parody??? Well, this is for you. We follow the 'general' a member of an alien race who are trying to invade the earth and take over; destroying all humans in the process who are stopped by the Rangers which are literally just the power rangers but for copyright reasons aren't called that. As the title suggests however, we only follow him when he's off duty and it's a very (ironically) humanising piece and shows our MC seeing the beauty of Earth and human life! He has doubts every so often about his mission because of this and its fun to see his thought process!!
We also occasionally see from the Rangers POV who are very confused about the fact that apparently their alien enemies have... enforced workplace routines?? And mandatory bureaucracy?? Also the GENERAL (implied to be the one who they mainly go up against/at least meet/ know is behind most of the things they deal with) has a hard line that if he's not paid he's not fighting them and won't intentionally hurt animals. They also see that he's a *person* because for instance he finds out that the Red Ranger has a very glaring weakness and could take him out with it but simply doesn't... which is cool of him?
There's also a recurring plot line with actual spirits and cherry blossoms etc that i won't spoil but is so simultaneously sad and fluffy!!
Also I know i told you last time but I really, really don't mind questions!!!
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ignitification · 4 years
I'm glad we could handle this respectfully.
Two questions
Do you think Endeavor will Die in the Future,Like Dabi Kills him?or will he stay alive throughout?
Also I feel like and hope him and Rei Should get a divorce.She should'nt be with someone who's hurt her Physically and psychologically.I think them not being married would be very healthy for them
And In response,People can change but I haven't seen the villians wanna change since they believe they're in the right.you have to want change in order to change.Shigaraki,Toga,Dabi and All for one have shown no signs of wanting to change.this is all my opinion but like They honestly don't wanna change since they believe,due to their pasts,that they're doing the right thing.Dabi has Murdered 30 innocent people,Toga is literally a wanted Serial Who drinks blood like Juice,and Shigaraki Murdered many heroes and ordered his Minions to destroy everything.
Imo,that doesn't look like wanting to change.
I feel like they work well as villians So Horikoshi probably won't redeem them But again I can't predict the future so I'm getting ahead of myself 😅sorry for wasting your time
It was just my two sense
Plus we need to fix hero society but they're doing it in a cruel and hypocritical way
I'd like to address the three points you made in three different sections:
Endeavour probability of staying alive (of which I already talked here, so it will be short)
Rei's involvment with Todoroki Enji
The Three Villains (the three mains) not wanting to change (on which I already hinted at here and here)
Trigger warning: mentions of suicide; violence; self-harm.
1.) Endeavour’s course of life (and action)
To be honest, I think this is the easiest point to address and I’ll refrain from going over and over again the same point. My answer, as before, is no. I do not think that Enji is going to die (refer to the linked before post for a more in depth analysis of why). However, on the question whether Enji Todoroki will still be alive at the end of the manga, I think the answer might be different. I utterly think that where the manga is going so far foreshadows a lot of pain to come. And I’ll let Horikoshi do whatever he plans, but my spider-senses tell me that even if he does survive, Endeavour is unlikely to get a happy ending (or at least a canonically happy one). He will be hold responsible of his actions, and that is the most important thing. As long as he gets on the right path, everything could happen. Especially considering the events of Ch. 300, which might be interpreted as a first step on regaining the real narrative of what went down (and which might be even more cruel than we think) , so this means we are getting at the root of the problem. 
2.) Rei’s involvement in Enji’s life
This, on the contrary, is the most delicate point of the post. Rei is introduced as a 'weak' and heavily mentally abused character. She is confined in a hospital and she seems to be closed in her own world so much she does not notice time passing and stares out of the window trying to make sense of the world. Which, on one hand, I think is very fitting for her, but at the same time I am included to think that this is the furthest thing from what Rei' character is supposed to be.
Rei Todoroki is a victim. But she is not weak. She made her mistakes (of which she is aware of and feels guilty about, but that's for another time because Shouto's scar - mental and facial - is a whole lot deal to unpack) and she had way too much time to think. Shouto never held it against her and now, he, together with Natsuo and Fuyumi helped her to regain the confidence she knows Enji took from her. He closed her off in a hospital to prederve her health, but instead he just took off years of her life from her children and viceversa.
However, I am not sure whether Enji and Rei are still married or separated or divorced or whatever. It seems like on paper they are still together, but there is a rift in their relationship.
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I mean, look at this panel: Rei is behind her children, looking at Endeavour like the douchebag he is, and telling him promptly that, this, is not about him and that however he might feel, he is not the victim or the one who needs to be forgiven.
I, personally, have never thought much of her character, besides of her being sick, in hospital and trying not to relapse so hard.
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The first time we see her, she looks lifeless. They looks listless. And I can't stress that enough, it is not that she did not try to fight it. But accepting that the trauma happened in the first time is a stress for her mental health. But instead of getting worse, Shouto and her family's presence revitalizes her.
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Which beings me to the point made in the last panel. She knows that in his shallow way, Endeavour tried to tell her that he is still there, and while he does not want to impose his presence, he will still wait for her when she wants to.
Funny thing, is that we discover is that she does not want him back. She is done with everything that happened and she is ready to take the reigns of her life back. And in order to do that she needs to wash their dirty landry. And she does not care of how this might affect Endeavour, but instead she wants justice, truth and not tears and excuses.
Rei ia going to fight to have her way. Be it out of Endeavour 's life or inside the life of Touya, time only will tell.
And finally point 3.) The Big Three Villains' on change and saviours
I am very hard trying to get through to everyone out there while I say that change is something that comes to you regardless of whether you want it or not. Shigaraki, Dabi and Toga do not recognise that they might be able to change, and that they might be saved. In their minds, fairly, they do not have to change in order to be eligible for salvation. I already stressed this in my other answers, they should not change in order for them to ‘deserve’ being saved. Maybe they do not even want it. But if the chance presents itself, of them being offered a hand, would they dare to take it? Probably not. And this is not because they are happily wasting their time to kill and fuck around, no. It’s because it’s a mechanism ingrained into their minds: Dabi escaped home after he abused and neglected, Shigaraki accidentally killed his family and then was left to himself, and Toga was deemed weird and creepy and just cast aside as trash. Do you see a pattern here? If yes, well congratulations. It’s a quirk-based society, and since their quirks somehow became synonym to their worth, these individuals were deemed not worthy or villains from the get-go and they just choose to embrace whatever life threw at them, instead of just letting go. And let me tell you, that in their cases, letting go would mean die. They all, in some degree, suffer from auto-destructive and self-harm tendencies, which should be telling enough. And if it not, just think about why people behave this way. Why do people feel the need to destroy themselves? They do because they feel like the pain inside them feels a tiny bit lighter if they externate. Shigaraki told Izuku that as this failed society refused and never forgave him, he won’t forgive anyone in return. He does not care about his crimes because apart from those crimes he commits for a reason, he has nothing else going on. He does not have a family to go home to. He does not have a home. He does not have anything apart from the League, his memories hunting him and the eternal stigma of society labelling him as unsavable.
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So excuse me very much when I say that they do not want to change and they might be right. Nothing changed, and nothing changes now. The only hope they have to be redeemed, it’s not for the heroes to forget their crimes, and to enjoy further destruction but to understand that the only way someone can help you is if believe in them. Dabi does not think he deserves to be saved. Toga had hopes which were destroyed right after Hawks killed Twice. Shigaraki put everything on the stake because the kid never knew how to genuinely smile. Let us for a moment think what would have happened to Eri if she did not get saved. It’s not hard after all: the kids of the League are all examples of what happens then.
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It’s not because they change that they need to be saved. They need to be saved because they need to change. 
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mrm64 · 3 years
hello! i know it's a bad idea to engage in any shipping discourse but for the sake of constructive criticism, i asked an sns shipper if she thinks there's atleast potential in ss if ever sakura had that capacity to stand up to sasuke and if she wasn't as much fixated on him during shipuuden and the war arc. i even brought up the wasted opportunity of sasuke vs sakura that was shown in the game. the sns shipper gave a very structured and well-versed answer and i do agree with some of her points. i'm not even anti-sns and i understand the support this ship gets. but this person really hates sakura. so her answer to my question if ss has potential is straight up NO. hate is an understatement. she explicitly said she DETESTS sakura and ss xD. granted, her hatred is valid since sakura's writing is very flawed and inconsistent. what i didn't like was when she said why am i trying to change sakura's personality (her standing up to sasuke whether physically or verbally) when "she's constantly on heat when he's around". gosh, i really wanted to retaliate here and say it's called freakin character development. i mean, that's what she's mainly hated for right? the fact that she's obsessed and a pushover when it comes to sasuke. having that change especially during the war arc doesn't mean she's out of character, it means development. but gah, sakura haters are really hard to argue with so i just stayed silent.
to briefly summarize, her main point of argumentation is that sakura was toxic to both naruto and sasuke. sasuke's relationship with naruto is more defined than whatever he had with sakura. she brought up ss's pt.1 moments and said that sasuke would do the same to naruto, if not even better. as for naruto's case, sakura was a mean bitch and was so unfair to him throughout the series. simply put, even if sns has questionable elements, they are more organic and healthy than sasusaku.
this got me thinking. between sasunarusasu and sasusaku, despite both having toxic elements, i think the reason why there are relatively more sns shippers is because there's balance. compared to sakura, sasuke has shown more consideration towards naruto and we all know naruto cares for sasuke just as much and he isn't afraid to stand up to this guy.
idk what i'm even trying to ask here. i guess i'm just ranting lol. i've always seen your comments in youtube vids defending sakura and ss and i know you have an extensive knowledge of the naruto manga in general. you could only imagine how shocked i am when i found out you're a male. it's really rare to find someone like you. :)
anyways, i just feel so disappointed and pressed lmao. ss shippers couldn't catch a break from haters. like yea, some of us know it has shit writing in the canon and explanations regarding their relationship in the series is very limited. i already accepted the fact that they are underdeveloped and was borderline toxic. but then, between kishimoto's pitiful inability to write female characters properly and SP's biased treatment towards sasusaku plus the manga's main narrative focusing on naruto and sasuke, i just feel like it's kinda unfair for antis to shit on ss shippers when in reality, most of us just hold onto it because of nostalgia. most sasusaku shippers came to be when they were very young. i even found comments saying they started shipping them when they were 6 or 7. in my case, i was 12 lol.
it's kinda unfair since sns has the upperhand bcoz the series is mainly about them. naruhina has retcons and SP and what does ss have? small pt.1 moments, headcanons, fanons and to top it off SP's biased ass shitting on it. the ss fandom isn't perfect and has its fair share of immature stans as well, but i'm still glad that didn't stop authors and artists from making content. ss has got some of the best fanfictions, fanarts and doujinshis. i just wished antis won't attack them as much.
anyways, i'm not even asking a specific question. i just ranted. i just needed to get this out of my system. sorry for that 😅
Hey! It's been a long while since I got asks like this lol! Once tumblr went all anti-nsfw a few years ago, we all kinda migrated to Twitter for our SS/Anime cravings tbh but I'm glad and flattered you decided to ask me on my thoughts! :)
I won't write long as again, tbh, I'm kinda retired from debating/arguing with antis on things of SS/Naruto/Etc (unless I'm simply too triggered to let it go lol. You've already probably seen my long Sakura video so I won't go too much into details of what I already covered with Sakura's character. But to answer you, I'll keep it to the point.
It's ok of course to say Kishi's writing is flawed, I mean he is human and we know Naruto has holes. Every manga/story does of course. When it comes to SS, I personally bring it to this: Sasuke and Naruto's relationship is NOT Sasuke and Sakura's relationship. And that's (imo) ok. Sasuke and Naruto obviously have a bond only they have. Both lonely and orphaned, rivals with each other, haters to brother, you know it all. But Sakura is different. She's simply a normal, head-strong and caring girl. Kishi wanted to write a normal girl, and he did a darn well good job, because just like normal girls (or people in general), they're imperfect. That's why she first appealed to me.
Anyway, to the point, SS is pretty easy to follow. Sakura likes Sasuke....what's the problem? Where's the toxicity, lol. Sure she fangirls over him as a 12 year old girl, but again, Sakura is normal. Most girls I knew that age did the same thing. Most BOYS I knew were super...*cough* ready to be with girls (*cough cough*, puberty, everyone, *cough*). Sasuke is cool and confident. Sakura lacked confidence, so naturally she was drawn to Sasuke. Sasuke at first found her annoying (as he did with Naruto too) but as the became a team, she bonded. SS' bond is NOT NSN's bond. SS's bond is built upon a simply caring basis. Sakura always cared for Sasuke, and Sasuke always was protective of Sakura. Forest of Death, Sand Invasion, etc...add in the angst of Shippuden (nobody can tell me one was better than the other during Shippuden, Sasuke was 'bout to axe everyone while in darkness lol), blank period bonding, and then Boruto. There it is in SIMPLE terms.
As far as "standing up" to Sasuke...not sure where this person is coming from....again, NSN is NOT SS....Sakura has stood up to Sasuke at times. In the FOD where she indirectly called him a coward, when she pleaded with him to not fight in the Prelims and threatened to tell the proctors of the curse mark, trying to stop him from leaving Konoha., etc. If she was a "doormat", she would have said "Ok Sauske, you do whatever you want, it's all ok my love!" That was chapter 3 Sakura. A LOT of haters can't move beyond that chapter tbh...moving on. The main thing is, she wasn't STRONG enough to stop him by FORCE. She wasn't written to. Sure I woulda liked some angsty moments of them fighting, TRUST ME, you already know. But Kishi wanted the fighting to mostly be between Naruto and Sasuke, as most battle Shonen go. It's Goku and Vegeta, Deku and Bakugou, you name it. She was written to LOVE him unconditionally. And despite Kishi's misses here and here, it's clear as day to many people that they do indeed, love each other. Sarada is a product of years of redemption, forgiveness, and understanding between SS (which is....literally some of the themes of Naruto....Zabuza...Haku...Gaara...Pein...Obito....list goes on...).
And of course Naruto and Sasuke's relationship got more spotlight. They're essentially the Shonen "duo" like I explained before with Goku and Vegeta. It's a common tope which can be a bit annoying imo since other characters get shafted, but they're gonna be seen more by the public. At the end of the day, Kishi modeled NSN after his relationship with his BROTHER....that was one of Naruto's main story plots. AGAIN, OF COURSE it's gonna be pushed and seem like it's more "balanced"...it's a battle Shonen, not a love story lol. The love stuff is sprinkled in. This isn't a Shojo. If it was, SS would be the main focus (or...I guess NSN if Kishi WANTED to go that route).
So to finish off, you're right with the SP thing. But it can't be helped. If people wanna say NSN has more "development", let them. At the end of the day, they're shown more to the viewers because they're the Goku and Vegeta of Naruto. They push the narrative, not a romance. They're Kishi's go-to boys. They're the essential main character and rival. It's nothing new. But you know what else? They're. NOT. A. COUPLE. SasuSaku is, and again, romance is SPRINKLED in. It's N O T a Shojo and not the main focus. Honestly...the arguments that NSN shipper used are a bit weak knowing full well that SNS represent Kishi's brother and himself.
I mean...tldr, I could just say "Kishi and his bro are Naruto and Sasuke. SO nah bro, NSN has no romantic development. I wasn't meant to lol."
Typed longer than I thought, but I hope this helped! At the end of the day, ship SS in peace. We have an amazing fandom for the most part with wonderful content and we ain't stopping anytime soon :)
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