#soc script
she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 7 months
I also might repost from the start and actually break it down into scenes rather than just pieces if that makes it easier for everyone? And then I could make a master post with like to episodes and scenes so it’s easier to navigate. It’s broken down into scenes on my doc but I didn’t really organise it before I started posting because it was a bit spur of the moment haha
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torvagatai · 10 months
I really do think this is the beginning of the end of Netflix book adaptations. What author is going to sign with Netflix over any of its competitors, knowing that they'll likely be cancelled early without closure? Or, even worse, that their story will be scripted but never made and the rights never sold on? Far better to accept a lower deal from a smaller streamer, but earn more publicity through more seasons and know that your story will be treated properly and see the light of day.
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Fuck you Netflix. They deserve so much better.
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dropping some cringe bit from the script under the cut
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Empire Bay, 1926. Cold October, evening. Eddie visits his uncle. He’s surprised Carlo’s also here, but doesn’t pay much attention to it. The three of them talk for a while. 
Eddie Any news ‘bout my father? Eddie’s uncle About that.. Here 
Eddie’s uncle pulls out some paper and hands it to Eddie
Eddie’s uncle Read it
Eddie reads it. His face goes blank. He looks up at his uncle Eddie What the fuck is that? 
Eddie’s uncle A certificate from the prison doc.
Eddie Nah. They must’ve messed up something
No one answers
Eddie Tuberculosis? This is stupid! He's as healthy as a bull! 
Eddie’s uncle Look. I know it's tough news. But I know you were relieved when they put him behind bars. Lisa felt relieved too, I’ve talked with her.
Eddie But I didn't think he could die there! That's nonsense. It can't be.
Eddie’s uncle (brief pause) You said this yourself it would’ve been better if he’d died. Silence
Eddie That's a lie, am I right? It wasn't tuberculosis. You’re fucking lying. It’s your fault. 
Eddie’s uncle looks at him for a brief moment in silence.
Eddie’s uncle  Listen, kid. I don't give a single fuck ‘bout your father — but it's my sister he's been terrorizing their entire marriage. 
Eddie Huh. Then where were you all this time? Why do you suddenly care bout my ma?
Eddie’s uncle And why do you suddenly pity this bastard? You hated him! Eddie  But he’s my dad! He’s my ma’s husband! Eddie’s uncle You'd talk differently if you heard what he said about you two in prison. Your father's a fucking psycho. Eddie He says a lot of things. Carlo quietly remarks Said. 
Eddie shots him a glare
Eddie’s uncle I couldn't let him get out of there, do you understand or not? He’d kill her!
The news about death is never accepted immediately. Eddie's brain is working feverishly: can he even trust a piece of paper? He needs to verify this information. If it's true (he knows how much his uncle hates Cecilio), how will he tell his mother? How could someone just decide his father's fate? What right did he have? All these questions were swirling around in his head, but the news was so pressing and heavy that he couldn't say a word of it. He will say it all later — if he find the strength to do so. He was afraid to admit to himself that deep down he felt relieved.
Eddie's uncle Can you fucking hear me?
Eddie (unemotionally) adresses to Carlo Did you know about this? Is that why you're here?
Carlo looks him in the eye. He nods.
Eddie Unbelievable.
Carlo He's right, it's best for everyone.
Eddie You (he points to both of them) have no right to decide what's best for my family. It's none of your business.
Eddie's uncle wants to say something, but Eddie interrupts him. He's still talking about his father in the present tense.
Eddie It's not my father who's a psycho — it's you. You're both fucking crazy.
Eddie's uncle straightens You'll thank me for this later.
Eddie chuckles sarcastically Sure I'll do.
Eddie stands up. Infinite disgust. He looks again at that little piece of paper with the nightmarish words on it. Eddie looks at his uncle and Carlo. He wants to say something, but he can't. He turns around and walks away, quickly putting on his coat. He needs to verify the information and then drive to his mother. (He realizes with his head that it's useless to check - it's probably true. But, as is often the case with death, you refuse to believe it until the last moment).
_____________________ this scene happens after that ^ one
^ this is a draft. just decided to change the plot — in frist ver. it was actually Eddie's idea. but Eddie is 17 y.o. in october 1926 (btw if u even care) so i just doubted it a lot. he'd make smth like this but but if he were a bit older.
(Didn't edit their pronunciation of english words)
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phantomantz · 10 months
Fuck it I will make the spinoff myself
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emmikoochaitea · 10 months
guys I’m fine..
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sleepless-crows · 2 years
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excuse me while i scream
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wafflesandkruge · 1 year
It’s crazy how everyone was still so optimistic after s1 even with the plot changes and then the writers decided to be quirky and piss everybody off because they never read the damn books and actually understand them other than maybe going over the plot points to see what they could steal because they can’t come up with their own IP? oh and how to make their own self-insert I guess. let’s do the south asian women, two of the canon’s best characters, dirty while we’re at it. all the while being like please stream the show like zombies so we don’t get fired 😊
Oh fr 😭😭😭 the actors are out here doing their best but they can’t salvage the script bc it makes no sense
They’re treating alina like the 2010s ya fantasy female protagonist she’s supposed to be the antithesis of and as a side effect, everyone else’s arcs get axed
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jamieisnotrich · 2 years
The writers of this show really said “the chances of getting a six of crows show are slim so let’s just squeeze everything we can into one season and ignore shadow and bone” and I love them for that
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snailpdf · 4 months
my desire to impulsively post fic is being curbed by the fact that my laptop runs like shit lmao
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kanejgirl · 10 months
goodbye shadow and bone you were terrible and dumb while you lasted </3
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chaosandwolves · 10 months
They've not only had the SoC script, they even had one for Demon in the Wood
How do you plan on two spinoffs and cancel everything???
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I'm saying this again
Netflix doesn't even WANT successful shows that have a bit of effort and skill put into them cause they don't want to pay for it
They rather produce trash and hope it takes off instead of investing into things that are actually promising and full of potential and have ppl who care, working on it
They all and we deserve better
Let's get them a new home!
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fr sorry for not replying to your posts n texts right away i think in two languages at the same time and forget both as a result
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idreamofgettingout · 8 months
since Leigh Bardugo, Six Of Crows and Shadow And Bone are trending i want to once again make it everyone’s business that the cancellation of Shadow And Bone still makes me so fucking mad. It makes no sense. And the SOC spinoff scripts are already written and are just sitting somewhere. We need it back. We, the cast, crew and everyone who worked on that show deserve it
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throwing-in-the-towel · 2 months
wait omg the original la jolla script makes the darry and dally rivalry make a lot more sense idk. like the “a lot more to prove to us” is soooo interesting. and the emphasis on darry being closer to the socs. ty for sharing!!
oh for sure! i’ll post the audio of that scene here so you can hear how ryan (darry) and da’von (dally) delivered it! i’ll also attach the broadway audio here so you can hear the comparison!
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millaniumcat · 10 months
Honestly, watching that deleted crow scene with Kaz and Jesper, standing side by side, guns drawn, ready for everything.....
I would kill to see more of this. There is a reason Kaz called Jesper "Jordie" in the books, and honestly, we didn't get a lot of Jesper and Kaz scenes in season 1+2. Two unlikely brothers, who might fight and bicker and such, but stand side by side for whatever comes at them. As much as I want more wesper scenes, I need some Jesper&Kaz scenes.
@netflix , please. We need the SoC spinoff. You already have the script. You already know it has a huge fanbase, and will probably get even more streams than SaB.
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