mesetacadre · 4 months
On Spain, Palestine, and socialdemocracy
I'm sorry to my spanish-speaking friends but this post is mostly meant for the various people who aren't that familiar with Spanish politics so they fully understand the context of Spain's recognition of Palestine, so it'll be written in English instead of Spanish.
Ever since the Spanish government decided to recognize Palestine, amongst other events, I've seen many friends celebrating. This is normal, of course, but the over-enthusiasm makes me think some of you are lacking context.
First, the arms trade. At least since 1995, Spain has sold arms, munitions, explosives, and vehicles to Israel, according to the government's own sources. The total value of arms and munitions exports since 1995 amounts to 36,616,066.21€ ($39,730,901) and 800,417.6kg (1,764,616.6 pounds). The total of "airships and spatial vehicles" amounts to 233,622,074.13€ ($253,495,704.46). Officials have repeatedly stated that, since Oct 7 2023, there have been no arms sales to Israel. However, in November of 2023, this website shows an arms export worth 987,000€ ($1,070,961.56) in the subcategory of "bombs, grenades, torpedoes, missiles". In December of 2023 there is another export with the same category as the last one worth 125,240€ ($135,893.85). The government has stated that the November export was made up of "medium caliber munitions without explosives" (which is weird that it was classified under bombs, grenades, torpedoes and missiles but whatever) and that it had already been agreed upon before Oct 7th. I'm sure that the Palestinians appreciate the munitions they are being killed with do not explode, and that the 552kg (1,216.95 pounds) of "gunpowder and explosives" exported in 2023 will also go very well with those non-explosive munitions. And, regardless, we all know that the Palestinian genocide did not start last October. This is also just the publicly available data, but I think we can trust them to be honest :)
For some context on the political situation. In July of 2023 we had general elections in which a coalition government was formed. The biggest party in this coalition is the PSOE, the president's (Pedro Sánchez) party, a socialdemocratic party that has governed on-and-off since the establishment of the current liberal democracy in 1978, this will be important later. The other member of this coalition is Sumar, a further-left socialdemocratic party that is itself a broader coalition of almost all parliamentarty "leftist" groups, such as IU (United Left) and the PCE (Spanish Communist Party, don't get too caught up on the name because their eurocommunist turn in the 60s has rendered then just another socdem party). The election was very closed and the coalition was almost not formed, and in the end PSOE had to reach an agreement with the pro-Catalan independence parties. All of this means that it has been a weak government without much cohesion, which in turns means every member of the coalition has been doing everything they can to reinforce their position. One example of this was Pedro Sánchez's letter contemplating resigning because of the verbal attacks he and his wife had been recueveing from the opposition. That letter forced every entity in the parliamentary and even some in the extra-parliamentary left to express support for Sánchez, and after announcing he would not be resigning, polling shows support for his government increased, though this is disputed by some and I'm suspicious of it myself.
Anyhow, this is important because the parties that make up the government are being very conscious about their support, more than usual. The decision to finally recognize Palestine (and I'm not even getting into the Palestinian National Authority, which is what they're actually recognizing) comes in this context of insecurity regarding their support, and comes after weeks of encampments and other protests in universities across the entire country. The continued arms exports, the delay in taking the decision and the context of the decision makes it quite obviously an opportunistic move to garner support. But is the recognition actually meaningful for Palestinians suffering a genocide? Barely. It might pave the way for Palestine's inclusion in the UN (the US will veto anyway) (and it's not like the UN can do more than stern condemnations). What does not change is the continuous arms exports since at least when export data was first published, and the commercial relations the government and Spanish monopolies have with Israel, all of which allow Israel to carry out genocide. And even if Spain had never sold even a grain of gunpowder to Israel, and even if no economic relations had ever been established, Spain is an important member of NATO and the EU.
A few days ago it was 43 years since Spain officially joined NATO in 1982 without a referendum, since polling showed only 18% supported joining NATO, and 52% outright opposed it. It was only 4 years later, in 1986, when PSOE carried out a referendum on remaining in NATO (note: the PSOE had gone from fully opposing NATO membership when they were in the opposition to defending it after winning the elections). The question was "Do you consider Spain remaining in the Atlantic Alliance under the terms agreed upon by the Nation's Government to be convenient". This question did not actually say "NATO" (OTAN in Spanish) and it did not make clear what people were actually voting on. 52.24% voted yes. One of the unwritten prerequisites for joining the EU in 1985 was to also be a member of NATO.
NATO is an imperialist alliance that has always defended the continuity of Israel, and its member states have always supplied it with the resources necessary to displace, opress, and kill the Palestinian people. The economic benefits of this fact permeates the economy of every NATO member state. The same goes for the EU, which is one of the most significant trade partners of Israel. And the increase of intensity in the genocide Israel commits is happening parallel to the EU's turn towards a military economy. For example, the European Stability Mechanism, founded in 2011, has given the EU member states 400,000,000,000€ ($434,059,923,120) to invest in the "defense" industry and the "green transition". The European Commissioner Thierry Breton said in early April of this year that "we need to change the paradigm and transition to the mode of war production", amongst other warmongering statements by European leaders. Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands and Germany have already expanded military service. This is all, of course, driven by the interimperialist war in Ukraine, but the investment in the war industry will undoubtedly continue to fuel Israel's occupation.
There is no group within the Spanish parliament (and very few outside the parliament) that even begins to question NATO and EU membership. The government can get away with this apparent pro-Palestine (more like two-state solution but that's beyond the point) posturing because regardless of Spain's own exports and positions, its membership in NATO and the EU will be the most relevant factor in its ties with Israel. Recognition of a nation as a "legitimate" country does not have a material effect on the Palestinians' situation, and the unquestioned participation in these imperialist alliances does. PSOE's slogan for next week's European elections is "More Europe". Do not let empty actions distract you from the real facts of Spain's unbroken complicitness in this genocide
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A list of Les Mis headcanons I have because of fanon characterizations. I tried to keep out things that are suggested in canon or in adaptations. So:
-Les Amis are anticapitalist and they believe there is a class war. In the novel they look like radical republican -EDIT: I mean pro Republic and obviously NOT the American Republican- and socialdemocratic more than real socialists (except for Bahorel probably) but the fandom made them totally red and I embrace this headcanon.
-Jean Valjean will be saved and will never be estranged from his daughter. His last plot doesn't exist in none of my headcanons and I'm glad the fandom ignored it as well. They have a strong and healthy relationship. Marius will respect that or he will fuck off.
-Javert can and will be saved
-Reincarnation for every character.
-R is an artist. In the brick he dumped Art but I share the fanon vision of Grantaire being very fond of every art in canon era and also doing graphic design in modern era. He can be bitter about it tho.
-R is actually helpful once in a while.
-R IS NOT a misogynist in modern AUs and is also friend with several women. Musichetta is a good match, because if his closeness with JB, but also Irma and Floreal, subverting the canon dynamics. Eponine too. He's smart and he thinks a lot about systemic oppression so I agree he would be sympathetic to women in 2023. BUT I don't overlook R's misogyny in canon era.
-Grantaire and Eponine would get along very well, especially if the age gap was eliminated in AUs.
-Jehan has a gender non conforming style. Long hair for sure but also traditionally feminine clothing in his wardrobe, like skirts.
-Enjolras cares about Grantaire. This one may seem born in adaptations but imho fanworks got to it before musical productions.
-Eponine, Cosette, Musichetta are relevant in modern AU ABC plots.
-I love bi Cosette! Zero hints in the novel but it would be neat.
-If the scenario hasn't to be strictly canon compliant, Les Amis survive, take a while to heal and then they reprise the struggle.
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razistoricharka · 11 months
Radnička Fronta is such a mid socialdemocratic party but it's very amusing to me how it reframes the narrative of national sovereignty to "Croatia was more independent within Yugoslavia than in the EU". An unorthodox approach but definitely subverts the whole right wing narrative you see in every country that broke off from formerly multinational socialist states.
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min3nc · 1 year
hhow should i call my animal crossing island.................................... why can't it be Socialdemocratic Republic of Recoleta
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cuntstable · 1 year
i mean its not that im suprised though like a bunch of other north european countries also recently changed from socialdemocratic parliaments to fash ones so lol
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shitchannel4you · 2 years
Hello everyone. I'm sorry for been late. I'm dealing with a lot of things in my Home. AND I need time to Think. Now then THE inflation are sky high expensive. I need to find extra job. And the worst Think in my homenation. A New goverment have been selected and they are popular to all companies and elites. We as working class the poor site have been struggling last time they attended in the goverment before socialdemocrat took over then. Now the ELITES, CEO's, businessmen/businesswoman, companies. Richer companies. Industry and the overclass buttkisser to party is back. We all, the poor and middleclass going to face a lot of shit with the New goverment.
Anyway. I MADE A video, kind if Vlog about me. AND it's short. So dont sorry. BUT this Doug Wilson fellow I working to make video about. Is still running, But taking time. Sorry for that.
My apologise
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oneiriad · 2 years
I am moderately annoyed that we managed to just barely get a left wing majority, and still, after a month and change, the Socialdemocrats insists on forming a government with the right wing parties the Moderates and Left.
I have concerns...
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ghoulishcraving · 5 months
i thought the worst i would encounter were the nazis on highschool but NO!! THE SOCIALDEMOCRATS ON COLLEG-
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babyawacs · 9 months
if germany stands or falls- andtheywillalways cheat weasel or trick sth to: is: #keypoint can they pass on their higher costs to their customers ihr k o e n n t e t hamburg_olaf die schuld geben: o d e r : ihr koenntet begreifen was passiert:  .@spd .@spd_de @spd_de @fdp .@fdp .@die_gruenen @die_gruenen @cdu @phoenix_de .@dw @dwnews @bild @deutschland @hamburg .@muenchen .@stuttgart .@ecb .@ezb @ bankofengland @fedny @federalreserve  .@wef .@imf @imf @wef .@potus .@vp .@wto @wto . @profklausschwab .@msc @profklausschab ‎#onthefly #analysis #on #germany_inc #germany @deutsch land #whatdidyousee  .@sun @sun #politisches #kleinklein #und #hamburg_olaf :  #bestadvice #to #socialdemocrats #liberals #thegreens #of #geremany
if germany stands or falls- andtheywillalways cheat weasel or trick sth to: is: #keypoint can they pass on their higher costs to their customers ihr k o e n n t e t hamburg_olaf die schuld geben: o d e r : ihr koenntet begreifen was passiert: .@spd .@spd_de @spd_de @fdp .@fdp .@die_gruenen @die_gruenen @cdu @phoenix_de .@dw @dwnews @bild @deutschland @hamburg .@muenchen .@stuttgart .@ecb .@ezb…
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mesetacadre · 3 months
🔥the EU election results? ofc I know that you've talked about EU elections (how their importance) already but maybe you have some specific thoughts about the results and reactions now?
while the result of the elections are concerning, the policies that the EU parliament enact are
a) only a third of the governing bodies of the EU, and the other 2 are unelected
b) much more influenced by the whims of European capital and the general economic trends than the ideology of the sitting parties. These trends are (1) a slowdown in the economic growth of the main European economies, for example, GDP growth between 2022 and 2023 was 0'8 in France, 0'7 in Italy, and -0'3 in Germany. Spain is an exception at 2'5, perhaps part of the reason why the socialdemocrats are still in power. GDP growth is, of course, a limited metric of economic health, but the signs of this slowdown are becoming apparent, even if bourgeois economists insist on forgetting that capitalism suffers from cyclical recessions. This leads to (2) a rise in protectionist policies. It's not like the EU wasn't protectionist before, but in the period between 2022 and 2023, around 6000 commercial restrictions were placed, compared to 2019's roughly 1000 new restrictions. Economic recession is also favoring (3) a rise in militaristic policies and a future reconfiguring of the European economy into a war economy. 18 NATO countries are expected to reach a 2% GDP expenditure in the military this year, and the total GDP expenditure in the military for the EU is also expected to reach 2% this year. I've already talked about how through EU funds and projects like the European Stability Mechanism, more and more money is allowed to be invested into the military industry. Many EU countries (whose governments have not changed after the EU elections) have expanded military service or are in the process of. These two trends, militarization and protectionism, fit neatly into the EU's already stated goal of "strategic autonomy" regarding the military, and by extension, the war economy which they are planning to pivot into.
This is all much stronger than any election results. The inevitable coming cyclical recession will keep forcing European capital to cut back on expenditure except that of the military, they will keep preparing for a war they are partly instigating. Election results will not change this.
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skipp3r · 11 months
sometimes i remember we have to cooperate with socialdemocrats as an early step in the revolution and i want to cry
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earaercircular · 1 year
The fashion chains were to be forced to pay for the clothing waste - but the investigation was dropped
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An investigation into the introduction of producer responsibility for fashion chains in Sweden, which would force them to pay for the handling of clothing waste, was scrapped by the previous government. The proposal would have contributed to reduced climate emissions and environmental footprint. The current government is instead awaiting an EU proposal on producer responsibility, and investigator Birgitta Losman warns that more clothes could be dumped in poor countries in the absence of national regulations.
The proposal was ready. The fashion chains would be forced to pay for the clothing waste - and Sweden would become a leading country. But the inquiry was quietly scrapped by the previous government. “It was in a great hurry to get everything out. Then everything spilled out into the sand”, says investigator Birgitta Losman
In a series of reports, Aftonbladet has told how used clothes collected in H&M stores are sent to poor countries, where they risk being dumped or burned uncontrolled. In Ghana, which receives up to 15 million garments a week, the handling of second-hand clothing has completely collapsed. The clothes are dumped in canals and lakes and along beaches.[1] The city of Accra's waste manager appealed in an interview to fashion companies such as H&M to pay for the waste.
But such a system could already have been in place. One of the points of the January agreement, between the previous Socialdemocrats and Environmental party (S and M) government and Centre party and Liberals (C and L), was to introduce so-called extended producer responsibility, which would force fashion manufacturers to pay the cost of taking care of the garment, the day it is thrown away.
In December 2020, the government's special investigator Birgitta Losman presented a finished proposal. The fashion companies would take responsibility. Climate emissions and the environmental footprint would decrease as the collection of textiles increased. The responsibility for handling the waste and recycling would be placed on the clothing producers, based on the principle that the polluter pays.[2] “The proposal was rooted in the fashion industry. Despite the tough requirements, they basically backed this up”, says Birgitta Losman. Hard targets were set for collection, reuse, follow-up and transparency. “If everything was just dumped somewhere, it would be pointless. Our ambition was clear: Sweden would go ahead and take the lead in the transition to a circular fashion industry.”
The phone fell silent
But shortly after Birgitta Losman presented her proposal, she noticed how the phone went silent. “At first it was very rushed. Then it became very quiet and everything spilled out into the sand. I was disappointed both for the sake of the environment and for the sake of industry and jobs.”
The proposal would have made Sweden the second country after France[3] to introduce extended producer responsibility. Since then, several EU countries have put forward their own proposals on producer responsibility. [4] “It's tragical. We in Sweden are very good at, for example, fibre recycling and are far ahead today, but this means that research and development risks ending up elsewhere,” says Birgitta Losman.
"Lack of time"
The then Minister of the Environment, Per Bolund, states today that the proposal could not be introduced due to lack of time. “We worked hard so that the proposals from the research would become a reality, but it was one of many things that we did not have time to address, leaving it to the next governments to take it forward”, he says.
The new bourgeois government has recently decided that from January 2025[5] the municipalities will be responsible for offering textile collection, in response to an EU requirement. There is no producer responsibility at the moment. Instead, they intend to wait for the EU proposal on producer responsibility, which is expected to come later within the framework of the Union's new textile strategy. [6] “We want to see what the outcome of the negotiations within the EU will be, to be able to see how the new EU regulations will affect Sweden, before we can decide on regulations at the national level”, says Climate and Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari (L).
Risk of more dumping
Birgitta Losman sees risks with the strategy. “Firstly, the financial risk for the collection is placed on the citizens. And partly there is a lack of goals for what should happen to the clothes that are collected. They can be piled up. And go for export and end up in the wrong places”, she says.
Is there a risk of more clothes being dumped in poor countries?
“There is a gap before you succeed in reusing and recycling on a larger scale. In that gap, there is an extremely large amount of textiles to be collected at the same time as textile consumption continues to increase. Then I think the risk is quite high.”         
"The last thing the government wants"
But Romina Pourmokhtari believes that the collected textiles should be treated in a sustainable way. “Large clothing companies should not continue to export their waste problems and dump environmentally damaging textile waste in other countries. With the proposals that the government has sent out for consultation, we want to lay the foundation for an increase in reuse in Sweden.” "Exporting environmental impact" is the last thing the government wants to cause, the minister states. “This is precisely why we look forward to working with producer responsibility in the EU. There, the entire Union, as a large trade block, can set a good and high standard for all companies that operate within EU countries.”
Staffan Lindberg, Modekedjorna skulle tvingas betala för klädsoporna – men utredningen dumpades, Aftonbladet, 27-06-2023, https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/Xb3jkn/modekedjorna-skulle-fa-betala-for-sopor-men-utredningen-dumpades
[1] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/720260226679488512/hms-answer-about-the-dumped-clothes-article?source=share
[2] https://www.regeringen.se/contentassets/46456fe9a2954a7fa5b5116aaee71930/betankande-producentansvar-for-textil.pdf
[3] Read also; https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/697446169498058752/recycling-regulatory-framework-and-customers-are?source=share
[4] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/721717700267753472/as-of-last-saturday-on-textile-producers-in-the?source=share
[5] Proposal for new circular handling of textiles and textile waste. Published 04 May 2023. The Government Office today forwards a proposal to promote recycling of textiles and separate collection of textile waste. The proposals aim to increase the circular handling of waste in society and in that way promote circular business models and reduce the burden on the environment and the climate. https://www.regeringen.se/pressmeddelanden/2023/05/forslag-pa-ny-cirkular-hantering-av-textil-och-textilavfall/
[6] https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/12822-EU-strategy-for-sustainable-textiles_en.  Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/722179599996534784/towards-a-circular-and-more-sustainable-fashion?source=share
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openapocalypse · 1 year
EVERY social media network should have #FollowBackFriday for #SocialDemocrats!
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marmorenshud · 1 year
still angry about the Danish election literally the socialist block won by a landslide and still somehow we got a center government with MORE liberals than socialdemocrats??? how did this happen
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progressiveparty · 4 years
Bernie Sanders - Progressive Politician - Video Gallery
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Bernard Sanders is a Progressive politician who has served as the United States Senator from Vermont since 2007. Sanders sought the Democratic Party nomination for president of the United States in 2016 and 2020. An advocate of social democratic and progressive policies, Sanders is known for his opposition to economic inequality, labor rights, universal and single-payer healthcare, paid parental leave, tuition-free education, and the Green New Deal to create jobs addressing climate change. Read the full article
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daniel-beer · 5 years
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My 3 time great uncle #FriedrichEbert #germany #politician #SocialDemocratic Party of Germany first #President of Germany 1919 til death 1925 He threw Hitler in #jail #documentaries #documentarty #bavarian #bayern #immingrantkid #germany #deutschland #socialist #germanconsulatelosangeles #germanhistory #germanboy #weinmarrepublic #berlin🇩🇪 #bundestag #germangovernment #germanembassy #deutschland #proud https://www.instagram.com/p/By31bYIFZQe/?igshid=1vh9tcsior1et
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