#sofia the first dating sim
lefunnymoncey · 5 months
the adults only obviously, characters im thinking of making dateable are:
Miss Nettle
Princess Ivy
Greylock maybe??
anyone else, if you have a request you can comment or reblog
if its just a few like 3 or 4, ill probably make all of them really long. unless you guys just want cedric, then ill make it all focused on cedric romancing
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stfdatingsimupdates · 3 months
workin hard or hardly workin
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manonamora-if-reviews · 9 months
============= Links
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============= Synopsis
A very, very short highschool dating simulator snippet based on the Tumblr meme Goncharov (1973).
============= Other Info
G - TMHDS is a Twine (SugarCube) piece, submitted to the Goncharov Game Jam.
Status: Completed Genre: Dating-Sim, Unreality, Mafia, Goncharov
CW: Drug and alcohol use, References to gang violence and organised crime, Unreality, Mild internalised homophobia
============= Playthrough
First Played: Dec-2022 Last Played: 31-Aug-2023 Playtime: around 15min Rating: 3 /5 Thoughts: Parody on parody, in an alternate universe
============= Review
I think this line summarises the game best: Your name is Goncharov. You are fifteen years old, and today is your first day of mafia school. G-TMHDS is a very short datim-sim game, dabbling with the Goncharov "lore". Dipped in humour and sarcasm, the game gives the player a short introduction of the main players of the "movie" and their relationship to one another... if this was a Highschool AU.
Spoilers ahead (not so many, but this is a template). It is recommended to play the game first. The review is based on my understanding/reading of the story.
Due to its short length, the game feels more of an introduction to a larger dating-sim, rather than a fully rounded story. You wake up, get ready for school, meet up with a friend (Joe), and try to talk to your crush (Katya) and be jealous of her friend (Sofia), before the game ends with a hint of a dark attraction (Andrej). There are a few choices throughout the story, each giving some humourous variation (try ditching school).
From the start, it is clear the game is not to be taken seriously. It will treat your not-so-smart question with disdain, and your doubt with deprecation - an attitude many would have towards teenagers or very naive individuals. The narrator is not afraid to call you out for stupid decisions (or as-stupid thoughts about doing something). "Teresa Maria, Goncharov, don’t be such a square." had me wheezing.
Honestly, I still haven't decided whether this was meant as a parody of the meme or of the highschool dating-sim genre. It makes fun of both mafia tropes and of those dating-sim (as much as it can with the limited passages), juggling between the two without missing a beat. While reading through it, it reminded me of that KFC dating sim game from a few years back - I Love You, Colonel Sanders! - it is of the same tone: frivolous, humourous, and plain stupid (the hahaha this is so dumb kind). It just hits all the right notes.
I think this game might work even better in a VN form...
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agena87 · 1 month
📩 Simblr question of the day: Choose as many sims/ocs as you'd like for this question, What's something INCREDIBLY obscure and/or out-of-pocket about your sim/oc? Something that nobody (fellow sims and/or your followers and mutuals) knows 👀 (This could be things about their social skills, physicality and/or birth defects, or it could be something they vaguely remember, a dream they had that actually predicted the future, etc etc... whatever you come up with)
Oooooooh, I love this ask! I feel that I'll discover plenty of stuff about my characters 😃
In no specific order other than whatever pops into my mind first:
* The first "book" Jeb ever wrote was about twelve (short) sentences long, full of spelling & grammar errors, written in several colours in crayon, and called "Don't cry, mommy". He was eight.
* On a more happy note, Lukas and Max have been calling each other husband and wife since, when they were nine, Elsa "married" them during recess.
* Hugo & Mallory used to date, that's no secret. What is, is how they actually broke up (Hugo will kill me for telling this story). They had been dating for nearly two years, and never had sex (they did touch each other a bit before, though). After talking, and deciding they were both ready, they scheduled their first time. Hugo, the sweet boy he is, had even "studied" how to please his partner; he was determined to give Lory the best experience possible. And he did give her a good time. So good that Lory couldn't stop from moaning a name, but unfortunately it wasn't Hugo's, but Jacques's. And that's how Hugo discovered that his girlfriend had the hots for his father; worse, Lory was IN LOVE with Jacques. So, they broke up (and somehow remained friends).
*Strabismus is very common in the Landgraab family, especially among women. If you look closely to pics of them you'll notice that Clara, Sofia, Olivia, Teresa, and Joy have it to some degree. But not Nancy. That's because Queenie had her operated because she "had to be perfect".
* Willa got pregnant when she was sixteen, but she got an abortion because she wasn't ready to be a mom. Plus, the dad was a wanker who dumped her as soon as she told him he had knocked her up. She sometimes regrets her decision, as she wants plenty of kids (at least four), but she knows it was for the best. And she still has time.
* Mila owns a restaurant and has two Simichelin Stars. Hugo is her sous.
* I think I already said that Joy's mom was Holly Alto and that she died during childbirth. What I didn't say (I think), was that Holly was Malcolm's best friend (and regular "bed companion"), and that they only got married because Holly got pregnant. They loved each other but were never IN LOVE with each other.
* Jacques is a very enthusiastic and talented pussy-eater. Sorry, Lory took possession of me for an instant.
* Willa says that Mal is, too. THANK YOU, GIRLS, THAT'LL BE ENOUGH.
* Björn and Nancy used to date in high school, but her parents were against their relationship (a heiress such as Nancy shouldn't marry someone from a "poor" family). So, she married Geoffrey who always had a massive crush on her; he was cute and from a good family, so why not? Clara who had always been sweet on her older sister's boyfriend, saw her chance to finally have the boy she wanted (her parents couldn't care less about what she did, she was just a spare after all). Somehow Björn accepted to date her and later asked her to marry him (a long time later, she would understand that it was to stay close to Nancy without seeming suspicious).
* Nancy was already pregnant with Johnny when Geoffrey and her married. Of course, Geoff knew he wasn't his, since he and Nancy hadn't had sex before their wedding night (though now one other than them - and Björn - knew that), but he loved Nancy and thought that their wedding would put an end to Nancy and Björn affair (which... nope).
Aaaaaand, I'll stop here because it's starting to be a tad long.
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cathplayssims · 4 months
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"You can't sit with us!"
Pictures from my save file that I've been playing for a year now. Cassie Roberts (inspired by Barbie Roberts) is Barbie's cousin (let's pretend) And she's a super star actress and also the leader of the Paragons after she dethroned Siobhan (her son Lucas ended up liking Siobhan's adopted daughter Marlene that she raised with her spouse Judith Ward, how does Cassie feel about this? Well that's a long story). I would have to say Sofia (the blonde rubbing Cassie's feet) is probably the one who's most desperate to be liked by Cassie and Cassie definitely takes advantage of this because she's a horrible person but she looks good which is all that seem to matter for the Paragons.
She dated/married Travis Scott (changed his hair to brown cus his original hair was waay too vibrant and also his face, body basically everything, I tweaked all of the sims except Cassie cus she is made by me. Also changed the Paragons hangout spot to my liking now they have a tv and a massage chair yay) at first their relationship was rocky because Cassie has jealousy issues and Travis couldn't provide her with the attention she desperately wants from him because he was too immersed in his video games.
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platinumaspiration · 1 year
For the Fanciest - Academie le Tour!
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Sofia Baldwin and Sebastian Monty were BFFs as teens and finally found love and their first kiss at university. Good for them, we love strong 2 bolters. Buck might be falling in love with the llama mascot. Ceres reminds Bottom the importance of going to class. Meanwhile, Marla Biggs admires Sofia Baldwin and a dormie struggles to survive the dorms.
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Bottom completes her want of being "Big Sim on Campus" and apparently made some friends in sketchy places! Campus police escorted her to a limo?
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Turns out it was the secret society! And Bottom and Sally Riley become a pair, too! Buck... jeez, get a life!
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Meanwhile, Ceres Beaker starts online dating, not able to find love at L'Academie le Tour. She lands upon Erik Swain who fell in love almost immediately.
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Closing out this time at university, Bottom is crowned as the Queen of ALT, winner of the Graduation Party. Unfortunately, the party blew chunks of pink soup.
Had to snap a pick of Sofia Baldwin and her lovely nails haha
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aleksa-sims · 2 years
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My RL Sims-Story (18+)
CW: addiction, drugs, withdrawal symptoms
When I got up this morning, Daniel wasn’t in bed. It was only 5 am, so I went over to check on him. He was totally tense & restless. I knew what was wrong with him! I was in this damn situation often enough myself. But why does he have withdrawal symptoms? Actually, this should not happen! He’s got his drug substitutes, just like I had mine. 🤷‍♀️
Daniel got methadone when he started his therapy 2 years ago. Recently he stopped this drug with his doc and got other pills. Another opiate! One that actually just keeps you from getting physical withdrawal symptoms. It doesn’t make you high or anything. This drug only helps to alleviate physical withdrawal, with the goal of one day, to completely stop it. But since Daniel and I relapsed together 3 months ago and have continued to use drugs like two crazy, life-weary........ addicts, this drug had no effect. 😟 😢
Me: Daniel! 😧 Are you ok? Didn’t you take your pill today?
Daniel: I need... MORE!!!  👿
Me: You want my pill? Then you’d have two, but- ....ugh 🤦‍♀️ , what am I talking? 😩 It’s no use anyway! You need something stronger! I could take you to the addiction clinic!! There’s an emergency room & you’ll get methadone. I got that once there.
Daniel: I don’t want that fucking methadone! This shit just makes me even more sick! I will somehow get through the weekend and on Monday, I go to my doc!! 
Me: You can’t do this! 😟 You need help! A cold turkey without medical help, thats....insane! 😨 But... can’t you call Dominick? I mean, he’s been getting us something the last few days? 🤷‍♀️
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Daniel: I called D.! He went to that fucker Tarek, to ge me something! But he won’t be here till tomorrow.
Me: You know what? I’ll call that guy Mike. I’ll get you what you need.
Daniel: I can’t let that happen!😠 This is not good for us!  I don’t want you to buy drugs for me and meet those... people alone!!
Me: I can dig that, you know? And tbh, I’ve met him a few times alone. He’s fast and uncomplicated. Don’t worry, I can do it.
Daniel: You stay here or go back to your parents. That might be best for you anyway! Or go to Philip or anyone else. But you’re not dating those fucking dealers for me. If, I’ll do it myself! 😠 🤕
Me: You can’t! 😨 And that guy, Mike, only comes when I call him or- ...Sofia!!!😲...Yeah, I’ll call Sof! She’ll help us! She owes me some favors! And I will stay with you! I will not leave! 😟 😢
Daniel: Idk? 😩
I called Sofia and she’s coming.
Me: She’s coming! It’ll be over soon. Come with me, maybe you can fall asleep somehow? You look absolutely exhausted.😟
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Daniel: You talk like you don’t know what I’m going through. Do you think I can fucking sleep now? 😠... Look, I demand nothing from you! You don’t have to take care of me! Just please leave me alone and stop talking.
I left Daniel alone and took care of his kitty in the bedroom. I knew he was desperate and had hellish pain 😟 .....Some hours later, Sofia came! But Sofia couldn’t meet Mike yet, after all, she owed him money and she had none. 
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Sofia (to me): What’s up, A.? 😧 And... why the hell are you half naked?🤨
Me: 😭 😭  Idk what to do? He needs help! Urgent!! And I can’t do anything, he won’t let me.
Sofia: Did he hurt you? 😟 I will help you! No matter what you need.
Me: What? NO! 😩 🤦‍♀️ He’s really sick! I’m totally confused and worried about him, I didn’t even have time to get dressed, you know? Please help us! Can you meet this  guy Mike?
Sofia: He-he 😬...okay, but you know? I owe him money.
Me: Damn, Sofia!!!! How much???? 😩 🤷‍♀️
Sofia: 200! But he said, if I return 50 today, he will come.  I will need about 2 hours until I am back. Sorry. It’s not my fault, that motherfucker Mike needs an hour before he can come.
Me: Ugh no! Two more hours? But....come on in first.
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Me (to Daniel): Sofia is here, D.! Only two more hours! Hold on! We can do it! You & I! 😟
Sofia: Holy shit!!! 😱  That’s not how I remembered Daniel! 
Me: Sofia!! 😠
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Sofia: I’ll get him this shit, but if something goes wrong, you have to take him to a doc!
Daniel (to me): Can we trust her, babe? 😕
Me: Don’t worry! Sofia’s never been to this damn club with me. She doesn’t know anyone from there and nobody knows her!
Sofia: You look like shit, man! Totally shit! I know how it feels! And believe me, you won’t last until Monday! You’re a smack junky!
Daniel: I don’t bang, you crazy freak! 😒
Sofia: The way you look...I’m not sure, dude! 🤨
Me: Shut up, Sofia! Daniel DOESN’T shoot! 😠 ...And look at yourself, how you look! I mean Daniel is going through hell rn, but you, you’re fine. Or maybe not?... Anyway! Can I rely on you?
Sofia: I’ll be back in two hours! And just by the way!I look like I always do. You’re the one running around naked.
Me: Well!...Here, take that! And now you owe ME,50 €! 🤨
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Daniel: We just gave that sick person our money. If she doesn’t come back, I’ll kill her!
Me: Yeah, Sof’s such a pain! But she keeps her word! And now come on! Let’s go to the bathroom! Water has helped me with my pain and it will give you some relief. Just try....And don’t smoke so much Daniel, it doesn’t help! 😕
Daniel: Yeah, you’re right!... And I’m sorry, I was rude to you, I’m just not used to being helped. But I’m glad you’re with me.
Me: And I stay with you! That’s what I want! You were there for me too, but even if not, I would stay with you. 😳
Daniel:....Are you coming?... Just distract me, please.
I told Daniel to take a shower and it actually relaxed him a bit. He was still very tense and nervous, but I think, I could help him a bit, by just being there for him. All this made a strong bond between us. But we got lost and caught up in that..... intense rush of emotions. The perfect illusion. But the cruel reality will soon catch up with us and show us that we have barely escaped death.
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And let’s see if Sofia will come back. 🤨 Actually I thought it couldn’t get any worse. But I learned that this is possible! Even when I had reached the low point, I learned, it can still get worse. Nevertheless, I am not a pessimistic person! I have always told myself that in the end, everything will be fine! 😟
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realjennyrae · 1 year
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Bjergsen Family Rotation 3:
Sofia Bjergsen had been wanting to visit her friend, Dan Holiday. Not just to visit, but ask him on a date! She went over to ask him out and he accepted, so they went out on the town.
Sofia's date with Dan went really well. They went to the Stargazer Lounge to flirt, and not long after, Sofia went for her first kiss! By the end of their date they were officially dating. Sofia was ready to move fast!
Sims 4 Rotation 3 || Windenburg Families || Bjergsen Family
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aprilbrowines · 2 years
Meta runner headcanons
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First we start with Marco.
He's Biracial, having a mexican mother and a chinese father.
His full name is Marco Zhao
Got a degree in robotic engineering
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Next is Sofia porter.
She's totally neurodivergent
She would infodump about computer programming and software
Boarding school kid
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And Last but certainly not least Lamar williams.
Is a big fan of racing games, Dating sims, and farming sims ( he plays those in secret)
his playlist consists of anime ost
He met masa in an arcade
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andthebubbles · 2 years
just thinking out loud to myself... out of all the sims i’ve made/played, i remember best:
- my first one which i don’t really like anymore because i realised the game gave me one of the default faces that appears on the game cover art lmao (the girl with black hair and pink highlights)
- the one i called Ubetter Save because i lost them like 3 times due to the game screwing up one way or another, but luckily i somehow managed to recreate their face pretty well each time. idk how now, but yeah
- cinda lilwitch: i made 3 sisters based on the little witch in sofia the first, but like, the youngest being a kid, the next being a teenager and the last being an adult, and cinda is the teenager who i got most fond of lol (i think she also has level 10 gardening now and is the highest rank (or almost highest rank) for spellcaster so HM i should send her to uni to do the electrical engineering (???? i’ve never played the uni part of this game yet haha) course so that she can make a servo
- i did this full-on mermaid family in sulani where the mum’s a mermaid, the dad’s a human, and their 4 kids are all mermaids lol and i gave them wacky but cool names? except i don’t remember the two oldest kids’ names anymore LOL but the youngest two are nezanreyi (which i totally made up lol (and i checked her adult face and she’s soooo pretty)) and ganbaatar. and this was before bunk beds were introduced so i was squishing the youngest two (both toddlers) into one room... now i could bunk them, and the other two could be aged up into teenagers. but playing teenagers is so disappointing because they already look like adults. not even the height mod helps very much when their face is basically identical to their adult face
- i quite like the two sims i’m currently playing with, twin sisters but i made them polar opposites. i made linnéa with all the cottagecore stuff (that’s what i do when i get a new pack) and then later i made alva who hates gardening and cooking and etc. and then they died, but i just shoved them back into the game, and then moved them out to san myshuno and i think they could date Ubetter Save (who i should rename to Yubetta LOL)
- my evil family!! (i nearly forgot them/remembered them when i was scrolling through my households.) basically i gave them all the evil/angry/mean traits so they spend their time being horrible to each other and getting pleased about it. i love it. (there are two girl kids, one boy teenager and their parents, and they live in a castle-ish creepy house)
- my famous writer sim who lives in a tiny house with their husband and child that they don’t care about. i don’t think i specifically gave them the trait ‘hates children’ but she has no relationship to their child or husband (her child doesn’t even sleep in the main house, but a little shed i built out the back with its own toddler potty etc) and i think that’s hilarious. i got her to the highest fame level, she makes tonnes of money, and basically the purpose of her was to hold huge parties at her house, invite everyone she knew over, and try to keep the party going for days (people being wasted in the garden etc) and it was hilarious because the house was TINY and i was fitting like 30+ sims in there and you couldn’t see anyone. that was good fun XD
- this one’s not so much the family that i’m fond of, but i made a gigantic treehouse house and gave the elderly mum and their (young) adult child the paranoid and erratic traits, and i think i made the elderly dad... something else, but yeah, building the treehouse was fun. and a bit annoying
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simvibing · 3 months
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Meet The Mezas (Scenario turned LP)
This legacy originated in "Parenting Predicaments" on The Sims 4, featuring the Martinez family with Sofia and her brother as the initial generation. Sofia, evolving into the matriarch, met Howard Aoki, a lawyer turned author, during college. They relocated to Del Sol Valley, with their three children: Londyn, Howard Jr., and Ciara, in tow.
As the first child, Londyn assumed the role of the second-generation heiress. Due to her spectacular grades in school, she was invited to graduate high school early and therefore, start college. Although her parents covered her tuition, they encouraged her to gain work experience for curation g a diverse resume. Struggling to secure a job at 16, Sofia turned to being a Micro-Simfluencer for some spending money. While pursuing a Fine Arts major at the University of Britechester, Sofia rekindled connections with a family friend, Kody Edge.
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Kody and Londyn's relationship deepened as they started dating and eventually they decided to move in together off-campus. As graduation approached, they sent out resumes to corporations. A few weeks before graduation, Kody was presented with a life-changing opportunity – the chance to become a Marine Biologist in the enchanting islands of Sulani. Despite the excitement, he whether or not Londyn was prepared to leave Britechester and be far from her Del Sol Valley-based parents. Facing a tough decision, Kody contemplated the possibility of moving together or navigating a long-distance relationship.
Fortunately, Londyn eagerly embraced the move to Sulani, immediately said yes! Though her parents weren't thrilled about her leaving, they knew Kody's family, so they wished her luck and made her promise to visit during holidays.
Their life in Sulani was like living in paradise. They secured a charming two-bedroom bungalow by the water, even though the second bedroom turned out to be too small for a bed.
When the holidays arrived, as promised, Londyn and Kody returned home for a visit. They had dinner at Londyn's parent's house, where, unexpectedly, Londyn had to leave early due to feeling unwell. Kody decided to stay behind and catch up with everyone. As everyone turned in for the night, Sofia and Kody stayed up, sharing laughs and a few drinks. In an unexpected twist, a fleeting romantic scene unfolded between Sofia and Kody. Soon after, Kody regained his senses and headed back to the hotel.
After weeks of hesitation, Kody finally gathered the courage to confess to Londyn about what happened with her mom. The revelation came when Londyn shared her parents' plans to visit. While enraged, Londyn considered kicking him out but realized financial constraints made that challenging. Instead, she booked a flight to return to her parent's house to confront her mother. Londyn hoped her mom would come clean to her dad about the cheating, as she didn't want to be the bearer of that painful truth.
When she arrived, she planned on immediately confronting her mom. Sofia opened the door for Londyn and apologized. Howard was still at work so the two of them talked. Londyn couldn't stand to look at her mother now that she had to accept the painful truth of what happened. She told her mom she'd stay with them for a while so she could figure out her next moves.
Londyn thought about forgiving Kody, but how was she supposed to move forward knowing their attraction to each other. The biggest question that loomed was: What if it happened again?
Londyn booked a flight to return to Sulani in order to collect her belongings while maintaining weeks of silence with Kody. The day before her departure, Kody called, revealing that he found a nearby place and was in the mddle of moving. He informed her that he had covered the rent for the next few months, ensuring she had a place to stay. Assuring Londyn that he would vacate the house by the time she landed, he aimed to make this a smooth transition for both of them.
Londyn found a sense of relief in the following months as she applied to various jobs and continued her Simfluencer work. Incorporating her expertise in interior design and sharing her innate design sense in videos, her channel gained traction and went viral. Islanders began reaching out, seeking Londyn's guidance for home investments. Gradually, she carved out a name for herself, tripling her earnings. Now, she could independently sustain the bungalow without relying on Kody or her parents for financial support.
Finally feeling free to explore after so much time with her head down and focused on work, she took a flight to San Myshuno to meet up with her college friends, Naomi and Yasmin. The girls took her to a new spot in town to have a few drinks and enjoy some live music. The three of them grabbed a table and ordered their drinks. The lights started to dim as a performer made their way to the stage. He sits down at the piano and introduces himself to the audience, Ronen Meza. Before he begins to play, he says the piece is dedicated to his soulmate, wherever she was.
As Ronen started to play, she was locked in on him. His voice and the melody of the piano synced together and touched her so deeply that she actually shed a tear. She didn't understand why she was getting emotional. The whole time Ronen played, his face was hidden by a veil of shadow. Londyn couldn't make out his face, all she could see was the soft glimmer of the light shining on his hair and his back turned slightly. When he stopped playing, the lights came back on and he stood up to thank the audience, waving in each direction of the room. As he turned his gaze to the right, he saw Londyn standing and clapping.
They locked eyes and he mouthed, "Thank you". Ronen proceeded to exit the stage and went backstage.
Londyn needed to meet him. She told the girls she would be back. They already knew she was going to try to meet him and told her to try to get backstage. Of course, there was security in the way. The security guard told her she wasn't allowed back there and no, they would not make an exception for her. As she turned to walk back to her table from her failed mission, Ronen was standing behind her. She hadn't heard her friends trying to get her attention since the lounge decided to play music in the intermission between performers.
Londyn introduced herself to him. He asked how she liked the performance. She said she loved it and was completely moved by the melody.
"I guess the song was for you", Ronen said with a smirk.
Londyn blushed. "Are you saying I'm your soulmate?"
"Only one way to find out. Why don't I buy you a drink and we can get to know each other better".
Londyn looked over at her friends and signaled that she'd be heading to the bar on the other side of the room. Ronen asked Londyn what she'd like to drink. "Rum and coke", she replied.
"Fine choice... Let me get two rum and cokes?", Ronen says to the bartender.
Ronen and Londyn enjoyed their drinks, talked about their career paths, and exchanged stories of their upbringings. Ronen had been trying to make it as a performer in San Myshuno for the last three years, seeking a record deal. In the meantime, he performed in lounges or on the streets, especially in the Spice District and Uptown because they tipped well. He'd perform at the various festivals around town. He asked her if she lived around here and she told him she was only in San Myshuno for a couple more days before she headed back to her home in Sulani. Right there and then, Ronen knew she was the one. "Are you serious? I'm from Sulani! Born and raised-- my folks still live out there! I haven't been home since I came out here."
"Now, you have another reason to come to Sulani.", Londyn says as she gives him a flirtatious look.
"I definitely do. I'll have to book my flight soon before you forget about me."
"I'll be waiting. Here's my number. Give me a call when you're in town."
"For sure. Listen, it's been great connecting with you. I've got another gig in Uptown I have to get to. Let me give you my number, too. I'd love to talk to you before you leave."
Ronen called her the next morning telling her how amazing it was to meet her and letting her know he really did book his tickets. The next morning, Londyn headed to the airport and texted Ronen until it was time to board. "Get there safely, beautiful" he texted her as they signed off.
When Ronen arrived in Sulani, he called Londyn to see if they could catch up so he could show her his favorite spots, the places only locals know about. Even though he was staying with his parents for the time he had in Sulani, he spent half of his time with Londyn. They fell for each other HARD.
It'd been a year now of long-distance talking, and quarterly weekend meet-ups. Ronen finally landed a record deal, and Londyn was assisting a well-known and sought-after designer of a large firm. Both of their careers were thriving.
One day, there was a knock on Londyn's door. It was Kody. He wanted to try and work things out. Londyn told him even though she still had love for him, she couldn't be with him. Plus, she'd started seeing someone. He was obviously hurt and a bit jealous.
"Well, I hope he treats you better than I did." and he was gone.
Ronen called a few days later to let Londyn know he was planning to fly out next week.
"Would it be weird if I wanted you to move in with me?", Londyn blurts out.
"Nah, not at all. I'd been wondering for a while if I should ask you to move in with me, but I do have a roommate and that'd be a little awkward."
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When Ronen arrived the next week, he'd brought extra bags with most of his belongings. He'd have to make another trip to San Myshuno to get the rest of his things and to sign papers to remove his name from the lease.
And with that move, started the beginning of Meet The Mezas.
| Chapter One Episodes |
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lefunnymoncey · 4 months
that last answer is a yes btw
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stfdatingsimupdates · 3 months
imagine if cedric got a low taper fade....
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xxxmasterkali · 1 year
Riku Gallagher
Basic Info Name: Riku David Gallagher Birthday: August 21st Age: 22 VA: David Gallagher Sexual Orientation: Straight Astrological Sign: Virgo Aspiration: Location - Sightseer Favorite Color: Blue Sim Characteristics: Cerebral, Egotistical, Hard Working, High Energy Likes: Comedy, Fishing, Fitness, Handiness, Mischief, Rock Climbing, Video Gaming Dislikes: Baking, Cooking, Dancing, Painting, Programming, Singing Fears: Being Judged & Unfulfilled Dreams Traits: Child of the Islands, Competitive, Well Balanced, Adventurous, Stoic, Loyal, Observant, True Hearted, Independent, Headstrong, Cool, Determined, Humble, Brave, Authentic Prankster, Survivalist, Natural Leader, Survivalist Instinct, Thrill Seeking, Prepared Voyager, Soul Searcher Lifestyles: Close Knit, Adrenaline Seeker, Frequent Traveler Self Image: Neutral Self Image
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NSFW Info Virgin: No Alcohol: Yes Cigarette Smoker: Yes Drugs: Cannabis Wicked Attributes: Switch
Physical & Mental Health Physical: Fast Muscle Gain
Milestones Teen: Adopted a Pet, First Kiss, First Woohoo, Been Cheated On, Started a New Relationship, Smoked Tobacco, Smoked Cannabis, Bought Drugs, Got Drunk, Graduated High School
Young Adult: Got a Job
Family Parents: Brenda & John Gallagher (Married) Siblings: None Pets: Opie (Dog) & Whiskers (Cat) Financial Status: Rich
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High School High School: Destati High (Graduated) Grade: A Student Popularity: Very Popular Social Group: Womp Jocks Affinity: Indifferent Club: Football
College College: Hikari University Major: Communications
Work Job: Fisherman (Part Time)
Friends Best Friends: Sora Osment & Kairi Panettiere Close Friends: Terra Dohring & Namine Snow
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Romance Relationship Status: In a Relationship First Kiss: Jenna Delgato Crush/Partner: Namine Snow Ex Relationships: Jenna Delgato, Sofia Bjerson Sexual Partners: Sofia Bjerson, Namine Snow
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Situation (DH) Riku is the most popular guy in school & is dating one of the most popular girls in school, Sofia. Sofia starts to become very clingy & needy towards Riku, since she senses Riku starting to drift from her. Riku begins to do this more & more as he starts to realize how shallow she is. He starts spending more time with his friends than Sofia & Sofia notices he's been paying an awful lot of attention to Namine. She begins to desperately crave more attention from Riku, which results in her being cold towards Namine & arguing with Sora. Not only does Riku drift from Sofia, he starts to notice this budding attraction towards Namine.
UPDATE: Riku & Kairi caught Sofia trying to make a move on Sora, to which Sora rejects her of course. Riku then breaks up with Sofia & after Namine & Riku work together to patch up Sora & Kairi's relationship, they share their first kiss. Roxas then tells Riku & Sora about Namine's secret, that she's been abused by her father. The three boys race to Namine's, to find she was seriously injured by her father. Once she recovers in the hospital, Riku asks Namine to be his girlfriend & they are now in a relationship.
Situation (HU) Riku has spent the last 3 years, trying to keep Sora afloat & hold it together. In that time, he learns a dark secret about Sora & keeps it from everyone else, at Sora's request. Riku is still dating Namine, but he begins to question their relationship & the single life starts to look more appealing to him.
Photo Album
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Shout out to the wonderful modders & content creators out there! Most of the information here I was able to add to each character courtesy of Radiophobe, Heleane, BasementalCC, TurboDriver, Chingyu, Kuttoe, YourFalseHope, adeepindigo, & littlemssam. Hairstyles were also created by racoonium! Link below for the Mods/CC/Sets/Animations that I have used in my KH Sims videos!
Character Bios for Destati High & Hikari University
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glowyjellyfish · 1 year
...so now I have played through Desiderata Valley and almost completed Pleasantview in my latest Ubermegahood, and am still way back in Belladonna Cove for posting. That needs remedying!
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I last posted about the Patels and their quadruplets; up next is Jessica Peterson. I’ll keep it brief!
Peterson, Summer/Fall 2001:
Jessica Peterson wants to own 5 top-level businesses, an LTW I am rapidly growing sick of. I had her open a tiny salon, and she also managed to get Carlos Contender to agree to a committed relationship so I think she’s gonna sink her claws into him and move in as soon as she can.
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Jessica: Kleptomaniac, Party Animal, Gatherer, Rebellious, Evil
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Green, Summer/Fall 2001
Chastity Gere got the super fun LTW to constantly switch jobs, and enjoyed herself seducing a vampire and her roommate. Gabriel Green wants a lot of talent badges, and searched fruitlessly for romance. They wound up sleeping together, but Gabriel wants to get engaged and Chastity actively fears it (in addition to her LTW screaming that she hates commitment!), so that’s only ending in disaster.
Gabriel: Hydrophobic, Loves the Heat, Friendly, Coward, Snob
Chastity: Natural Cook, Unlucky, Brave, Dramatic, Shy
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Riley/Cho, Summer/Fall 2001
Vivian Cho managed to get a few promotions and also engaged to Timothy; she and Etsu moved into the Riley apartment at the end of his round. They’ll get married and start looking for a house next round.
Vivian: Never Nude, Party Animal, Irresistible, Over-Emotional, Good
Etsu: Artistic, Brave
Timothy: Dog Person, Bot Fan, Mean Spirited, Mooch, Coward
Sally: Coward, Family Oriented, Night Owl
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Baldwin, Summer/Fall 2001
Isabel Baldwin got pregnant quickly, and gave birth to the hood’s first boy born-in-game, Ulises. …not much else happened, at least not that I took screenshots or notes of. GO ME.
Benjamin: Handy, Inappropriate, Lucky, Kleptomaniac, Irresistible
Isabel: Star Quality, Unflirty, Neurotic, Loser, Evil
Sofia: Star Quality, Inappropriate, Workaholic
Marcus: Evil, Excitable
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DeBateau, Summer/Fall 2001
Tara DeBateau got her first kiss with Justin Cleveland, but isn’t particularly invested in the romance and is more interested in science. Armand hastily married Samantha at the very end of the round (in hindsight I should have just moved her in and made them wait a few days to marry, for the timeline to make more sense), so they’re gonna be more exciting next round.
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Armand: Great Kisser, Unstable, Absent-Minded, Vehicle Enthusiast, Dramatic
Tara: Ambitious, Good, Absent-Minded, Equestrian
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Rutherford, Summer/Fall 2001
Geoff Rutherford shared a wonderful date with Chastity Gere… and another one with the bartender from the club they visited. And he’s working on Nina Caliente. Connor Weir was interested in the local Diva, but then met Florence Delarosa online and was unable to think about anyone else. He tried to take a weekend vacation to fulfill his dream of seeing the world, buuuuuuut the hotel doors were broken, I probably know the reason but I had to just send him home and will fix that later.
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Geoff: Irresistible, Over-Emotional, Lucky, Night Owl, Charismatic
Connor: Loves to Swim, Good Sense of Humor, Unstable, Heavy Sleeper, Night Owl
OKAY. That completes Round One in Belladonna Cove! Next up is Desiderata Valley, which is exciting. The Contrarys were SUPER INTERESTING, the Bells are always fun, and John Mole was... hmm, interesting in a “no! bad sim!” way. Then it’ll be Pleasantview, wherein Brandi Broke’s romantic prospects are delightful and Cassandra Goth’s wedding was seconds away from disaster the entire time, with bonus chaotic high school footage! Yayyyyyyy
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00katrinka00 · 1 year
Landcaster Legacy Gen 7 Update #11 Part 1
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Dear Diary, I'm currently in Moonwood Mill with Janie. She's in the bathroom as I'm writing this, but there's a part of me that feels like all of this is a colossal mistake. The pit I have in my stomach won't go away. I feel like something bad is about to happen.
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Mads was busy washing dishes when Leo got home from school that day. "Hey mom," Leo said as he entered the kitchen. "Is it alright if I hang out with a friend tonight?" "Absolutely!" exclaimed Mads. "I'm so happy you and Violet are getting out and meeting people!"
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With the knowledge that her two oldest children would be out of the house that night, Mads took the opportunity to sweet talk Ethan. "I was thinking we could have a stay-at-home date night after putting Rosie to bed," she suggested. "I'd love nothing more, except maybe you."
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Meanwhile Leo met Sofia at the bowling alley for their first date. "So," he began to ask. "Have you thought about what you want to do after high school?" "As a matter of fact, I have. I hope to study history and become a politician. I want to advocate for the environment"
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Meanwhile Leo met Sofia at the bowling alley for their first date. "So," he began to ask. "Have you thought about what you want to do after high school?" "As a matter of fact, I have. I hope to study history and become a politician. I want to advocate for the environment"
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Leo was impressed with how good Sofia was at video games, he even admitted she was better than he was. Leo also thought her concentration face was adorable. Needless to say, their first date was pretty legendary.
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Back at the house, Mads put Rosie into her pajamas before reading her a bedtime story. She was excited to have a date night with Ethan, even if it was in the comfort of their own home. They hadn't been able to spend much time together since the move. "Love you little bug"
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Since neither mads nor Ethan felt like cooking that night, they settled on ordering a pizza and watching a movie together. "I was thinking," said Mads. "It's got to be awfully lonely for Rosie to not have any siblings near her age." "You want another baby, don't you?"
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"Only one more I swear," Mads told him. "In three years both Leo and Violet will be out of the house, I want Rosie to have a sibling close in age to spend time with. We also just make really cute babies." "That we do," Ethan agreed. "It's all your genes though." "Oh please,"
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Ethan pulled Mads in. "If you want another baby, then we can have another baby." "I love you," Mads smiled over at him. "I love you more."
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The sun was starting to set as Janie and Violet headed to the Moonwood Mill public library. If the well truly was located in Moonwood Mill then they had to have a book on it. "You sure about this?" Violet asked "Trust me, there has to be someone inside who has heard of this well"
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They decided to split up once inside to cover more ground. Violet approached the first townie she saw. "There doesn't happen to be a magical well with the ability to bring sims back from the dead somewhere in Moonwood Mill is there?" she asked. "You're crazy," the townie laughed
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Janie also approached a townie. "I'm looking for a magical well, every heard of one?" "No," said the townie. Janie's face fell. "But if it did exist it would probably be located in the forgotten forest." "Thanks, you've been a big help," Janie rushed to tell Violet the news.
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"Let's go right now," Janie said after relaying the information. "It's getting late, and I still have curfew tonight, maybe tomorrow?" "Screw curfew!" exclaimed Janie. "You're just about to accomplish your plan, why wait until tomorrow?" "You're right, let's go."
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"On second thought I really don't know about this," Violet said her voice trembling. "It's dark, and honestly maybe this is a really bad idea." "You did not just drag me all the way out here to get cold feet," Janie glared at her. "For watcher's sake, stop being a baby."
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"Excuse me? I dragged you all the way out here," Violet was starting to get angry. "This was all your plan! You wanted to bring your grandmother back to life, not me! I swear, just help me investigate the forest, and then we'll head back. Nothing bad is going to happen I swear!"
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"Look, I'm sorry for snapping at you," Janie apologized. "I'm tired too, I guess we can head home if you really want." "Thanks," said Violet. "But you're right, this is my plan and I want to follow through with it." The girls hugged. "What in the watcher?" Janie said in disbelief
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Together the girls headed towards what appeared to be some brick poking out from behind a tree "No way," Violet said in disbelief. "Is this the well?" "You need to give it an offering," Janie added. "That's what the book said. Better offering, better change your wish comes true"
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"How much?" Violet asked as she approached the well. "As much as it'll allow." "5,000 is a lot of simoleons though." "Better offering, the more likely it'll grant your wish," Janie reminded her. "Fine," Violet tossed 5,000 simoleons into the well.
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The well glowed as Violet stared down at it in awe. Soon a deep voice bellowed back, "What a generous offering, I will most certainly grant whatever you ask for next. Just beware, everything comes at a price."
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"What kind of price?" Violet asked. "That depends on your wish," spoke the well. "What do you wish for child?" Violet paused, the well was just trying to scare her, she was a legacy heir, the watcher would never let anything bad happen. "Bring back Lacy Landcaster from the dead."
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In life Lacy had died alone, she found death a rather cold friend. It'd happened, in her sleep at the old age of 83. Lacy hadn't minded. She'd since enjoyed her time as a ghost, she especially liked the sensation of passing through solid objects "Boo!" "Gah! C'mon now superstar"
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"You have to stop sneaking up on me like that," Laurent told her. "Scaring me to death here, superstar." Lacy rolled her eyes, "You're already dead, idiot." She'd met Laurent nearly 30 years ago in some occult bar located in Forgotten Hallow, they'd been friends ever since.
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"One of these days my mother's going to find out about you," Laurent told her. "She doesn't like when I talk to anyone outside our little family." "What's she going to do? Kill me again, I'm already dead," Lacy joked. "Your Mom's psycho anyways, crazy evil vampire and everything"
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"You gotta just chill out, we could take a vacation to Sulani or something," Lacy suggested "I'd burn to death," Laurent reminded her. "And my mother would probably find me, and the kill me, again, if I left. She won't even let me go to the academy in Windenburg" "Schools boring"
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"Some people actually like school," Laurent told her "I refuse to believe that" she and Laurent stood up to continue the conversation. "School is hell, and oh my watcher am I excited to never have to go back, all drama, all the time" "Lacy you're the most dramatic person I know"
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"Take that-" Lacy grew tense all of a sudden. She couldn't help but feel like she was being pulled somewhere she definitely didn't want to go. "Lacy?" Laurent asked. "What's going on?"
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"I don't feel so good," Lacy muttered right before she vanished. "Lacy!" Laurent exclaimed. He began to look around frantically for his friend, she sometimes liked to play around like this, but the longer she was gone the more it felt like she wouldn't be coming back.
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