#soft chanyeol suggestions
kaleidohscopic · 1 month
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PAIRING: baekhyun x female reader SUMMARY: a weekend up at the beach house might just be enough to make you crack and come clean about your little (big, fat) crush. alternatively, park chanyeol is possibly the worst wingman ever. GENRE: friends to lovers! au, crush! baekhyun, romance, fluff, a pinch of angst, pining, humour WARNINGS: swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual tension!!, slightly suggestive, reader and baekhyun are both kind of clueless tbh WORD COUNT: 9.4k NOTE: happy birthday baekhyun!! thought it would be fitting to start off this blog with a fic for bbh on his birthday. this was supposed to be a 4-5k piece of fluff but somehow it ended up being double that and a lot more serious than i originally intended (oops?). kinda nervy posting such a long fic for the first time ever so feedback is most certainly welcome and i hope you enjoy!
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“You definitely rigged this.”
Chanyeol only rewarded you with a shit-eating grin.
The scrap of paper couldn’t weigh more than a few grams, but in your hands, they felt like the barbell plates at the gym that he could never leave alone. Especially since a certain someone was also holding another scrap of paper with ‘ground floor twin room’ hastily scrawled across it.
You shook your head vehemently, fixing the tall boy with a dagger-like stare that he seemed completely unfazed by. “I demand a redraw.”
“Which is not going to happen,” was his gleeful response. “We all agreed — no take-backs before picking.” The hat that you had all drawn out of, now empty, was tossed on the coffee table as everyone else began to move their bags into their freshly chosen rooms. Somewhere down the hallway, Jongin tripped over the wheels of his suitcase, his pained groan and Kyungsoo’s laughter bouncing against the walls of the AirBnb.
“Besides,” Chanyeol continued, hand coming up to ruffle your hair, “if I had actually rigged it, you should be thanking me. I’d be doing you a favour.” He gestured towards Baekhyun, who was busying himself with packing his hoodie back into his duffle bag, hopefully oblivious to the fact that the two of you were conspiring about him less than three metres away. 
“Yeah, say it any louder, why don’t you. And no, that wasn’t an invitation,” you warned, catching the wicked glint in Chanyeol’s eyes. He opened his mouth, as if to make good on your request and let the whole house know, only to choke back a groan at the elbow you shoved into his side. Behave, said the glare that you shot at him. His replying smile was anything but reassuring, before he picked up his bag and headed upstairs.
That was what you got for getting a little too drunk at Jongdae’s housewarming get-together last month and accidentally slipping up about your big, fat, debilitating crush on Baekhyun after the third glass of pinot noir in one night. If it had been anyone else made aware of your juvenile secret, you would probably be feeling a little less uneasy — but it just had to be the one person who couldn’t keep his mouth shut to save his life. Not to mention Park Chanyeol was a terrible wingman, having heard about the ridiculous escapades he put Jongdae through before he finally cuffed his girlfriend. Lucky for you, you were now getting to experience it first-hand.
“I can ask Jongin to swap, if you really don’t want to room with me,” came a soft voice from your right. Baekhyun regarded you with an expectant, if somewhat hesitant expression. 
“No, it’s okay,” you replied, trying your best to mask the panic that was fighting its way into your voice. It would be just your luck, that he would think your reluctance to share a sleeping space with him was because you didn’t like him enough, and not that you liked him a little too much. The slight furrow in his brow seemed to melt away with your words. “I just wanted the big room with the queen bed, but somehow Chanyeol got it. I seriously think he did something to these,” you said, waving your slip of paper that matched the one he was holding.
Come to think of it, you and Baekhyun had also been the last ones to draw out of the hat, since Chanyeol had insisted on going counter-clockwise around the dining table. How he managed to game the room allocations was beyond you, but you were now almost certain that he did.
“It’s good that he’s by himself though. The snoring would drive anyone mad,” Baekhyun mused, and you had to chuckle in agreement. 
“That time he passed out at my place after Saturday drinks…I genuinely thought I’d end up with a murder charge that night.” you said, chest squeezing at the way his eyes crinkled into crescent moons at your words. You busied yourself with your own bag, hoping he wouldn’t see the dumb smile on your face, and be able to tell how pleased you were to have teased a laugh out of him. Laughter was not something he usually withheld — he gave it freely, if not a little too generously — but it always did a funny thing to your heart when you were the cause of it. 
“Definitely can’t have that. Pretty face like yours would not last a day in jail.” With one hand around his own duffle, he draped the free one around your shoulders, letting the warmth of his arm wrap around you as you headed down the corridor to the room you’d be sharing for the weekend.
Having a crush on Baekhyun was no big deal. Probably even normal, if his college days were anything to go by. But what made it so debilitating was things like this — the little comments he’d throw around that could easily be passed off as just friendly flirting if you were so inclined, though you sometimes let yourself imagine his intentions came more from the flirting than the friendly part. He was a generally touchy person too, never missing a chance to pat Kyungsoo’s ass when the opportunity arose, but sometimes the brush of his fingers against the inside of your wrist felt a little too affectionate for two people united solely through friendship, even if you were the only one who internally crossed that line a while ago. It was things like this that made you question, every once in a while, if your feelings were as one-sided as you believed. Most of the time though, you chalked it up to his disposition, his easy-going magnetism, and concluded that whatever signals you thought he was sending were merely due to your overactive imagination running wild with hopes that he felt the same way.
“Dibs left,” he said, plopping down on the twin bed closer to the window. His arms raised above his head in a long, yawning stretch, revealing a thin strip of skin at the waistband of his jeans. Just the sight of it was enough to control your blood, sending a rush of it to your face, and you internally cursed yourself for being so weak to such a small thing. It was obvious you had been alone for way too long. He was too comfortable to notice the flush on your cheeks, eyes shut and enjoying the tension leaving his body after the long drive up.
You sat yourself down carefully on the remaining bed, noting the gap between the two mattresses. Whether you wanted to push them together or against opposite walls of the room, you couldn’t be sure. It was hard to form coherent thoughts when he turned to you with a boyish playfulness that curled the corner of his mouth upwards.
“You’re not going to sleepwalk your way into my bed, are you?” he asked, chin in his hand, a teasing glint in his eyes. You tried hard to catch yourself from choking on your own saliva.
“I’ve been known to kick in my sleep,” was your reply, voice much more nonchalant than you thought you were capable of, given that he had just planted the seed of the two of you sharing a twin mattress that was definitely not big enough to lie down on without touching in at least three different places. The glint in his eyes faded immediately, giving way to thinly-veiled concern at the threat underlying your words.
“I was kidding,” you clarified when he sat up and started to back away from you. “At least, I haven’t done that for fifteen or so years. But you never know, it might come back again tonight, when you’ve finally fallen asleep, and then BAM! Foot to the face. You better sleep with your eyes open, Byun Baekhyun,” you warned, giggling at the realisation dawning over his face before his pretty features settled into mock annoyance.
“You just think you’re so funny, don’t you?” He was on all fours now, making his way towards you with a wolfish grin. In no time, he had crawled over the gap between your two beds and suddenly his fingers were prodding at your ribs. It was a well-planned tickle attack, and one you had no chance of escaping from, since his legs had caged you in and the rest of him was pinning you down. You were helpless against the ambush of his fingers, succumbing to them with gasping giggles, punctuated by desperate pleas for him to stop. He showed no intention of letting up, fingers digging even deeper into your waist.
If you were going to die like this, you thought, at least you’d be dying while lying under him.
“When you two are done canoodling, we’re going to go set up on the beach,” came a voice from the doorway. Baekhyun’s merciless fingers paused, and the two of you looked back to see Chanyeol’s amused face at the foot of your bed, smirking like he knew some big secret that neither of you were privy to. God, you were seriously regretting that third glass at Jongdae’s new apartment last month.
Baekhyun turned back to you, your noses almost touching, and you could feel the air from his exhales fanning against the skin of your cheek. There was a mole just above the corner of his mouth that you don’t think you had ever noticed before. Warmth from his jean-clad legs radiated into your hips and meandered up and down your spine, and suddenly the late summer air around you was becoming sticky and heavier than usual. 
As if just now noticing the proximity you were in, he slowly untangled himself from your limbs, making sure not to crush you in the process. You sat up, still breathless, having just calmed down enough for full inhales again, but so was he, you noted. Surely tickling wasn’t that exertive of an activity? Or maybe you’d put up a better fight than you had thought.
“Don’t forget your towels,” was the last thing Chanyeol said before he ducked out, yelling at Jongin to grab the beach umbrellas, not the rain ones. There were a few seconds just filled with the sounds of your slowing breathing.
“I’m going to go get changed,” Baekhyun said, turning around to dig through his bag for his swim shorts. You couldn’t see his expression, but you could hear the slight tremble in his voice that indicated he hadn’t quite recovered from whatever was afflicting him. “We’ll probably just be setting up the umbrellas, so no rush, just come down when you’re ready.” As he turned around to head towards the bathroom, he flashed you that familiar smile, the one that always resulted in one of your own to mirror his, and set you at ease again. 
“And make sure you bring your sunscreen,” he added, before disappearing down the hallway. You watched him go, throwing yourself back onto the bed with a frustrated groan once you were sure he was out of earshot. Two whole days and nights in this tiny room, in the languid death of summer, with his body just an arm’s length away from yours — you had no idea how much of this you could stomach and emerge with your sanity intact.
This was shaping up to be the longest weekend ever.
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The afternoon sun was unforgiving when you emerged from the house. Though you had thrown on a cover up before leaving, you could feel the heat tingling on the surface of your skin through the thin cotton. From the top of the bushy path leading down to the beach, you could already hear the tell-tale signs of a competition brewing between the boys, even if you couldn’t quite see them yet. A few steps down and you could make out their figures, managing to catch the view of Chanyeol flipping backwards off the jetty before plunging into the water, where the rest of them were bobbing around. Baekhyun’s voice floated above the others the way it always did when he was teasing, liltingly distinguishable, though perhaps that was only because you were now so attuned to it that other voices naturally started to sound more foreign. 
It was hard to pinpoint exactly when he went from Baekhyun, your friend who tended to get a little too rowdy after half a can of beer, to Baekhyun, your friend who made your heart pick up a little faster when you thought of him. One day his hiccuping laugh was teetering on the edge of obnoxiousness, and then all of a sudden it became endearing to hear the raw joy in his voice. If you knew exactly when the switch flipped, maybe you’d be able to retrace your steps and stop yourself from ever setting off down this path to end up where you were now, watching the sunlight glisten against his wet face with an overwhelming affection, wondering what it would be like to be the private audience of his radiant smile everyday.
You set your things down on the sand next to the pile of clothes and towels that were already there, recognising Chanyeol’s hat somewhere in the mix. The beach umbrella that Jongin had set up was already beginning to lurch towards one side, the brim rather close to the ground. Fixing it back in place and digging it into the sand a little deeper, you let out a fond laugh — some things, like the way Jongin used his hands like they weren’t his own, would stand the test of time. 
You had hoped that your friendship with Baekhyun would be one of those things, but the more time you spent casting longing glances his way when he wasn’t looking, the more you weren’t sure if you could ever recover from his rejection if you ever did decide to be honest about your feelings towards him. So you did your best to bury them, content to enjoy his company in the way you were both familiar with, afraid that if they did surface, they’d taint your friendship with something unpleasant and irreversible. If you couldn’t own the sun, at least you could still revel in its warmth.
Satisfied with the position of your towel underneath the shade of the umbrella, you looked back at the water, returning Baekhyun’s sweeping wave with a small one of your own. It was just enough of a distraction for Chanyeol to turn around as well, and Baekhyun seized the opportunity to dunk him, gleefully howling as the taller boy’s head disappeared below the waves. Before Chanyeol could resurface and enact his retaliation, Baekhyun was already making his escape, swimming towards the shore with fearful determination. Chanyeol made to follow, but upon seeing you sitting on the beach with your eyes fixed on Baekhyun’s approaching figure, he thought better of it, turning back around to continue the diving evaluation as Jongin took his turn to leap off the jetty.
With an amused smile, you watched as Baekhyun hurried out of the ocean, wet hair flying in all directions and flicking droplets of seawater across the sand. The water trickled down the planes of his bare torso, and you tried to keep your eyes away from the firmness of his pec, or the flexing movements of his abdominals as he made his way over to you. One thing was for sure — the gym sessions with Chanyeol were paying off. 
When he finally reached you, Baekhyun slumped onto your towel, ignoring your protests for him to stay away, and proceeded to soak you in the remaining water that was still clinging to his body. The skin of his stomach was cool against your calf, and he giggled delightfully at your attempts to push him off to avoid getting more water onto your clothes.
“Stop trying to fight it, you’re going to get wet when you go in anyway,” he said, finally rolling off you.
“I wasn’t planning on going in. I’m scared you’ll try to drown me,” you huffed, lightly flicking some sand onto his shoulder with your toe. He turned back around, chin cradled in his left hand, and flashed you a boyish smile.
“I would never do that,” he said, though the glint in his eyes was anything but convincing. “Besides, what are you going to do at the beach if you’re not getting in the water?”
You picked up the book nestled in between your shoes and waved it at him. “Read, of course.” He regarded the worn paperback with amused disbelief, eyebrows slightly raised. It was only when you flipped the book open to the paperclip you’d been using as a bookmark that he realised you were serious, and let out a scoff that was laced with something akin to fondness.
“You are such a cliche. Pretty girl reading at the beach? Unbelievable, seriously,” he said, before wriggling his head into your stomach, relishing in your shocked squeals as your cover up began to dampen again. His mischief had left a few wet patches on the fabric that were beginning to stick to your body in the uncomfortable fashion of late summer. You reached for the hem, pulling it off not without some struggle, and immediately felt the sun kissing against your bare shoulders. Though you were mostly covered by the shade from the umbrella, the last thing you wanted was a blistering sunburn where the straps of your tote bag usually rested, so you grabbed the sunscreen you had so diligently packed and began applying it on the parts of your skin that were exposed.
Baekhyun had gone uncharacteristically quiet. If you had been paying attention to him instead of so attentively rubbing the cream into the underside of your knee, perhaps you would have noticed the way his eyes lingered on you for a little longer than would have been polite. They followed the path your hands took, from the expanse of skin below your neck, across your stomach, and down the length of your legs.
“Do you want me to do your back?” he blurted, his voice a little more strained than usual. He was wearing an odd expression on his face, something you couldn’t quite place, but it was different from the usual playful one you were most well acquainted with. Nevertheless, you agreed, passing him the tube and turning around so your back was facing him.
His fingers were still cold from the water, and you jumped when they first made contact with your skin. He only laughed, squeezing both hands around your shoulders to hold you still before he got back to work again.
The first graze of his hands across your shoulders was tentative. You could feel the heat of him behind your back, the smell of salt and sun clinging to the air around you. His breaths fanned the skin on the back of your neck, sending goosebumps down your arms and legs despite the thick heat of the afternoon. If he noticed, he didn’t say anything. Slowly, his hands made their way down to your lower back, and it was then that you realised you might be in trouble. His hands pressed against the grooves of your spine, curving ever so slightly around your waist, and if you shivered, he pretended not to feel you tremble in his grasp. 
It was when his fingers slipped underneath the ties of your bikini top that the alarm bells began to go off in your head. His movements were hesitant, fingers stuttering in their dance across your skin before they gingerly pulled the strings aside to spread the sunscreen between the top and bottom halves of your back. It was too much, feeling his warmth, knowing there was only an inch of space between your bare torsos, having his hands on you doing such a thorough job with the task he had assigned to himself. When the tips of his fingers brushed the side of your ribs, just under the edge of the fabric, you couldn’t help the breathy noise that escaped your lips. 
“Actually, I think I left something back at the house,” you said suddenly, words hurriedly running into each other as they tripped over your tongue on the way out of your mouth. Twisting away from his dangerous touch, you bolted to a stand and hoped he’d attribute the pinkness of your cheeks to being outside in the brightness of the afternoon. Your words came out staggered, the slight tremble in your voice betraying the composure you were fighting so hard to maintain. 
Baekhyun’s gaze was careful, if not a little confused. The more his eyes ran over you, the more you were sure that the depth of your feelings towards him were beginning to surface on your face. Another second and he’d be able to tell, he’d figure out the little secret you’d been trying to conceal for the last couple of months. And then you wouldn’t be able to deny its existence anymore. 
So you fled, tossing a rushed promise to be right back over your shoulder before scurrying up the bushy path again. Away from the scrutiny of his eyes, away from the truth you did not want revealed to the world. The ghost of his touch lingered between your shoulder blades and along the ridges of your spine, your body already committing to memory the caress of his skin against yours. You realised then, that it would not be possible to continue living on as usual, now that you knew the taste of his closeness, as fleeting as it may have been.
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“I think you should just go for it.”
Your fingers tightened around the glass at his words. Chanyeol’s tone was light and pragmatic, speaking as if the act of unfurling your heart were nothing more than a decision about whether to have steak or pork belly for dinner. 
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you scoffed, bringing the bottle to your lips.
“I’m serious though,” he continued, nudging your arm with the lip of his own beer. “I think you should just tell him, and see what he says. And stop expecting the worst. You’ll never know how things could turn out if you never do anything.”
You let your head fall back to lean on the doorframe you were both standing against, gazing out at the patio that had begun to darken following the sunset. Baekhyun and Jongin were placed at opposite ends of the ping pong table that had been wheeled out of the living room after dinner, neither seeming to mind the soft prick of grass at the underside of their bare feet. Whether the game was proceeding well was difficult to deduce, since both were sporting wide grins and rosy cheeks, courtesy of the glasses in their hands — but judging by the cluster of orange balls around Baekhyun’s feet, you had an inkling that victory would not be his. He didn’t seem to mind yet, laughing gleefully as Jongin swung his racquet too hard and launched a ball over the fence. 
“Not everyone is as good as you when it comes to talking about their feelings, you know,” you said, fixing Chanyeol with a knowing look that was halfway between admiration and resentment. If you only had his courage of expression, perhaps you would’ve put an end to your suffering a while ago. Ripped the band-aid off cleanly instead of peeling away at it, day by day, bit by bit, until it was hanging on by the last of its adhesive. You weren’t sure how much longer your resolve could last, if it would even survive this weekend without snapping under the force of your attraction.
He only shrugged. “You can’t get good without actually doing it.” You pondered his words in the short silence that settled while you both took another sip. He was right, of course, you knew that, but it didn’t make hearing it any easier.
“I think… I’m just scared,” you began slowly. Realising you were about to put his advice into action, Chanyeol turned to you with reassuring and patient eyes, waiting. You took a deep breath, swinging the contents of your bottle back and forth, and continued, “I’m scared that if I do tell him, it’s going to change our relationship and then I’ll lose him completely. At least if I don’t say anything, he’s still my friend, and I get to keep being in his life.”
He regarded you for a moment, brows furrowed thoughtfully, as he decided on his next words. It was no easy feat to try on honesty the way you just did, having so carefully avoided it for your entire life, and he was well aware of it. The slight tremble in your hands was a dead giveaway.
“And I think that’s completely understandable,” he finally said. “There’s always going to be a trade-off, no matter what you choose to do. But I guess you have to weigh up which one means more to you, and if you’re willing to take that risk on the chance that it does work out between you two. I’m only telling you what I think you should do. You’re the one who knows your own feelings the best.”
Another silence fell over the two of you again. Your bottle was nearly empty now, the beer inside already lukewarm from being out of the cooler for too long. Jongin let out a cheer as the ball sailed over his head, landing far behind him on the grass and ignoring Baekhyun’s flagrant attempts at contesting the point. Even under the patio lights, he was still so pretty, cheeks pink and glowy, the shape of his mouth so endearing as it settled into a pout. By now, you were used to the longing, and paid it no mind as it filled your chest with a bittersweet warmth.
“Aren’t you two best friends though?” you asked, the thought suddenly occurring to you. “You’re telling me you don’t know anything about how he feels about… whatever is going on?” The look you gave Chanyeol was suspicious, but he stood strong, resisting your prying eyes.
“I wouldn’t be much of a best friend if I went around blabbing to you about his feelings, would I?” was his response, accompanied by an elusive smile. There was something in his words that lingered in your mind, some important detail you felt as if you had overlooked, but his amused expression gave you nothing to hold onto. “You’re both so clueless,” he chuckled after a beat of your thoughtful silence, downing the rest of his drink.
Baekhyun was skipping over now, having officially lost 18-21 to Jongin, who was heartily celebrating his victory with a series of hoots and giggles. He headed straight for you, hair all messed up from running his hands through it during the game, and a rosy flush to his face, though you weren’t sure if that was from the game or the glass that he had left at the ping pong table. When he wrapped his arms around you and buried his head in your shoulder, you knew that it was probably the latter.
“I lost the game,” he whined, petulant and firm against you. His hair tickled your chin, and you could smell the faint scent of his shampoo from his shower after the beach.
“Are you drunk already?” you asked, trying to mask your breathlessness at his proximity with a few giggles. Baekhyun’s affinity for physical contact was the worst — or best, depending on how you looked at it — when he had alcohol in his system, and it didn’t take much to push him past the borders of sobriety. His ache for touch and affection was most often relieved on you, and you always obliged, gladly and readily letting him take whatever it was he wanted.
The tip of his nose brushed back and forth against your skin as he shook his head. “Just a little, tiny bit,” he said, voice muffled, and you felt the warmth of his breath through your t-shirt.
“Where’s the love for your best friend?” Chanyeol teased, the only one amused at the way Baekhyun had dived straight into your arms without even sparing him a glance. 
The boy in your arms didn’t even falter, only snuggling further into you. “You know it’s because she’s my favourite,” he murmured, lips skimming your collarbone ever so softly as he spoke. The panic onset was instantaneous, and you prayed he was too drunk to pick up on the sudden rapid thundering of your heartbeat inside your chest. You tried to look at Chanyeol for help, but he was setting off across the patio, taking up Jongin on his invitation for a match with the promise that he would wipe the floor with the younger boy.
Baekhyun only hummed contentedly, oblivious to the havoc he was wreaking inside you, tightening his hold around you when you made a half-hearted attempt to wriggle out of his arms. His pink lips set into another rounded pout, brows slightly creased as he pulled back to look at you.
“You know you’re my favourite, right?” he asked, trying to be convincing despite the slight slur to his words. You could only nod, letting a small smile twist the corners of your mouth upwards. Whether he realised or meant what he was saying, you weren’t all that concerned, simply happy to bask in the warmth of his full attention knowing it was probably just nonsensical babble brought on by the drink in his belly. It was so much easier to be close to him when he was like this, hazier, and sure to forget most of what he had said the morning afterwards. It didn’t hurt that you were also starting to feel a little blurrier around the edges, the beer from earlier making its way through your system and leaving behind a pleasant fuzziness that made it all the more tempting to come clean about your feelings. But you weren’t quite there yet, and you had no plans to get to that point tonight.
Seemingly satisfied with your answer, he curled back up into you. With your hands around his back, you could feel the steady rhythm of his heart, the comfortingly even beat of it through his rib cage. It was so easy to imagine this was the way it had always been, and would always be, so easy to slip into the fairytale you often found yourself fabricating when your one-sided longing became too much to contain. It would be so nice if you could live in this moment forever, you thought. But was this small pocket of peace worth risking your entire friendship?
“I wish you’d stop running away from me,” he murmured, or at least that’s what you thought he said. It was a little difficult to concentrate when his lips were grazing your skin again, lightly feathering across your neck as the words shaped his mouth on their way out of it. 
And then you felt it, the unmistakable and deliberate press of his lips against your collarbone, the gentle pressure and the slight moisture on your skin from it searing through you like a lit trail of gasoline. This time, he had to have heard the stilted gasp that escaped your mouth.
He lifted his head slowly to look at you again, searching your face with glassy eyes — for what, you weren’t quite sure. The only things you were sure of right now were the fiery burn in your cheeks, and the deafening pounding of your heart that echoed between your ears. 
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that,” he said, though his expression was nowhere near as apologetic as his words would have you believe. If anything, his gaze on you was almost daring, waiting to see how you’d respond, if you’d shrink back into yourself like you always did when he got too close and crossed that invisible boundary you only danced around. If you’d run away from him the way he had just said he wished you wouldn’t. Or if you’d let him push you over too, just this once.
Seeing the hesitation in your face, he slowly extricated from you, retracting his limbs and warmth until they hung limply by his sides again. Scratched the back of his head. Let his eyes wander around the patio and settle on anything except for you. 
“I’m going to see if Kyungsoo needs any help with cleaning up,” he said quietly, not waiting for your response as he headed back into the house. The drink had made his gait unsteady, and you felt him sway against the doorframe as he brushed past you. A chilling unease began to settle in the pit of your stomach as you watched him go, the shape of his back getting smaller and smaller as he was swallowed by the light of the living room. 
Try as you might, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted, and that there was a possibility it had not been in the direction you had hoped for.
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Perhaps the second glass of wine had been a little overambitious, you realised, staring up at the ceiling of your shared bedroom. Kyungsoo had been so excited about the 2012 Shiraz he had brought from home, pouring you a full glass with an enthusiasm he didn’t often display. You couldn’t say no, and you didn’t protest when he refilled it a short while later. If he noticed the faster-than-usual speed with which you drained its contents, he did not show it. Whilst alcohol tended to put people to sleep, it had the opposite effect on you, dangling sleep in front of you like a carrot you could never get a hold of easily, or for long. That second glass of wine was the reason you were lying in bed, not soundly asleep like you wished, but keenly aware of every breath and every movement from the other occupant of the room, only an arm’s length away from you.
Baekhyun had spent most of the night with Chanyeol out on the patio, drinking and laughing under the generous light of the moon. Even if he wasn’t purposely avoiding you, you felt his absence from your side sorely. He didn’t say much during the wind down for bed either, only asking if you wanted the curtains fully shut, to which you gave an affirmative. Still, a sliver of moonlight speared through the gap between them, illuminating the room just enough that if you turned your head to the side, you could make out the outline of his body beneath the covers and acquaint yourself with the familiar curve of his nose.
It was only fair that the wine, having taken your sleep, offered something in return to mark an honourable trade. That something manifested itself in the restlessness of your mouth, which battled against the remaining rationality of your mind. Loose-lipped and anxious, you dug your nails into the palm of your hand, willing the war inside your head to approach a ceasefire. You did not want to make a fool of yourself in the intimacy of this small room. 
However, your resolve could not last for long, corroded by the hours spent without his presence, without the familiar warmth of his touch, without his little comments meant only for you as he pointed out something silly or poked fun at Jongin’s whining. Barely above a whisper, you called out his name, letting your voice permeate the darkness. It was loud enough that he’d hear it above the silence, but soft enough that he could ignore it if he so wished, and you’d attribute his ignorance to the deepness of sleep.
There was a second of silence, which he followed with an answering hum and a shuffle of his legs on the mattress. He was awake, and he was waiting for you to speak.
“Are you mad at me?” you asked the ceiling. 
“No, I’m not mad at you,” was his reply, accompanied by a quiet sigh. He was conversing with the ceiling too, just as reluctant to face you.
Your hands twisted the sheets in dissatisfaction. The even tone of his voice indicated truth, but his answer didn’t explain why he had spent the whole night outside without calling for you even once, when he usually couldn’t last half an hour without pressing into your side and tickling your shoulder to grab your attention. 
“Then what?” you probed, cringing at the whiny edge to your voice. 
He was quiet for a while, letting your words hang in the air, that for a moment you thought he wouldn’t speak, that your brief conversation had already come to an end, and you’d be left with unanswered questions as bedside companions for the night. There was another rustling from his side of the room as he settled himself under the covers.
“Sometimes, I think I want too much from you,” he finally said. He was quiet, but you heard every word with the clarity as if they had been projected through a stereo system. “And you can’t give me everything I want, but that’s not your fault. It’s an indication of my own greed and selfishness more than anything else.”
You kicked around at your sheets to signal your unrest at his words. “I don’t think you are greedy or selfish. At all. At least not with me.” If anything, you were the selfish one, wanting all his smiles and touches for yourself, wanting the entire spectrum of his existence to only ever be shown to you. Your generosity only ever came to light when it was in service of him, gladly letting him take your attention, your time, allocating space in your mind for him and him only. 
Baekhyun only laughed a soft and short laugh at your reply, the sound so different from the usual one filled with boisterous joy that you had grown the most used to. You heard him turn over in his bed to face you. In the quiet darkness of the room, the focus of his gaze flooded over you, and the intensity of it was so blinding you didn’t dare to look away from the smoothness of the ceiling, fearing you’d smoulder into ash the moment you locked eyes with him.
“You know that you are a really important person to me. You know that, right?” he asked, eyes searing into you with the force of a thousand suns. “I mean, everyone else is also important because they’re my friends, but you’re different — you are a special person to me. I don’t see you the way I see Chanyeol, or Jongin, or anyone else.” 
His words were still tinged with the slight slur of the beer from out on the patio, but you could feel the delicate care with which they were chosen and spoken. Something was different about tonight. You could taste it in the thick air between the two of you, feel it in the wire-taut tension stretching across the gap between your two twin beds. Your fingers dug into the comforter, willing the turbulence in your chest to subside.
He paused and took a deep breath, as if bracing himself against something devastating. “I don’t want the same things with them as I do with you.”
You held your breath until you felt the pain of deprivation in your chest.
“But I’ve made peace with the fact that what I want from you, and the way I feel about you, are things I’ll have to carry with me. They’re things I have to bear the weight of alone. I don’t — I would never want you to be uncomfortable, or see me differently.” There was a slight catch in his voice at the end.
You didn’t even know if your lungs were still working while you listened to him speak. There was a surrealness to the night, as if everything had been covered in a blanket of haze and everything that was transpiring was the product of a fever-induced dream, existing on an alternate timeline.
Baekhyun… it didn’t even feel right thinking it.
Baekhyun had feelings for you? And he had convinced himself it was one-sided?
“It’s pretty selfish, isn’t it? Asking you to act like things between us won’t change after everything I just said,” he laughed, but there was little humour in the sound. You finally turned your head to look at him, the wry curve of his mouth catching the moonlight as he gazed at you. He was smiling, the shape of it meant to comfort you, but he could not hide the sadness weaved into the downturn of his eyes. He had always been braver than you, perhaps not in the aspect of riding roller-coasters, but certainly in his ability to be honest and open about his emotions, regardless of whether they were good or bad. 
It was your turn to be brave now, and shed your own fear to meet him where he stood.
“I’ve been seeing you differently for a while now,” you admitted, turning under the sheets to fully face him. You were grateful for the darkness, hoping that it would conceal the heat creeping up your neck and face, painting your cheeks with a hot blush that accompanied the start of your confession. His brows furrowed slightly as he tried to process your words, confusion settling in the crease between them. You held yourself back from reaching out to smooth them over.
“What do you mean?”
“What makes you think you’re the only one who feels this way?” you asked instead, leaving his question unanswered. There was a tremble in your voice as you spoke, and you were sure he heard it above the quiet of your bedroom. It was the closest you could get to telling him without actually telling him about the silent battle that had been raging in your head for the last few months. 
This was it, you thought. He had to know now.
“Am I not?”
The weight of his stare pressed against you, drawing you to him with the tangible pull of gravity. The eyes that roamed your face had replaced their previous confusion with questioning, and a glimmer of something akin to hope. He had never looked more beautiful and devastating than he did right now. You felt the light of dawn breaking over your skin, a promise of something new and good sure to follow. Its warmth simmered within you, staving off the chill of the late summer night with a heat that had you pushing off your covers in a hurried frenzy and rising to sit on the edge of your bed, toes just grazing the floorboards beneath you. Would you still have had the same nerve to face him in the daylight, rough and exposed without the lulling comfort of darkness? Would he still look at you, unpolished and flawed in the clarity of the sun, the same way, with the reverence of man at the sight of an angel? 
Baekhyun mirrored you and sat up on his own bed, slowly, as if not wanting to spook you, fearing you’d run off and retreat back into the confined familiarity of your own head. His knees knocked against yours in the small space between your two mattresses. You jolted at the feeling of his skin on yours, having gone without it for so long that the mere touch was like the first drop of water after emerging from the desert. He made to move away, trying to shuffle across the length of the bed, but stilled at the hand you placed just over his knee, willing him to stay put. Surely, he could feel the beat of your heart thrumming through your fingertips.
It was your turn to be brave now.
Fueled by the second glass of Shiraz and the muted encouragement of darkness, before you could second guess yourself and overthink every possible negative outcome of what you were about to do, you closed your eyes and leant towards him. Slowly, inch by inch, until your journey ended with the soft, tentative press of your lips against his. It was short and chaste, nothing more than a gentle pressure, and you pulled back when you felt his lips part in surprise.
“Does that answer your question?” you whispered, heart in your throat. 
There it was. You had gone and done it. 
His eyes were closed, and in the dim moonlight peeking through the curtain, you could almost make out each of his eyelashes, fluttering dark and soft against the smooth skin of his cheek. For a few seconds, the room was filled only with the sounds of your breathing as you waited for his reaction, for the consequences of your actions and what that meant for your friendship with him. 
Then you heard it — his soft laugh, coloured with appreciative disbelief, and felt the air of it caress your face. The corners of his mouth curved upwards into a small, pleased smile. His eyes blinked open slowly, taking you in with a hunger that had desire curling in the pit of your stomach.
“You are just so…” he began, but you never found out just exactly what you were. He was already pulling you back into him, slotting his mouth against yours like they were always made to fit perfectly together. This time, the kiss was anything but chaste, the sheer force of it enough to scorch your insides down to your bones. His arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you flush towards him, and your knees parted around his thighs to adjust to the new position. Your own hands found purchase in the softness of the hair at the nape of his neck, desperate for something to anchor yourself to, in fear that the realisation of this moment would somehow make it slip away.
This was what it felt like to stand unafraid and bare in the light of unbridled wanting, to consume and be consumed by a ravenous appetite with no propensity for satiety. When his hands slipped past the hem of your sleep tank, fingertips grazing across the skin of your lower back, you were sure you could erupt into flames. He swallowed the breathy noise that escaped your lips, tongue brushing against yours as he claimed your mouth with his own. 
This was what it felt like to hold the sun in the palm of your hand.
When you broke apart to catch your breaths, his eyes were bright, lips plump and swollen, chest heaving beneath your hands. Somehow, you had ended up back on his bed, his head against the pillows, hands under your shirt and keeping you close to him with an unforgiving hold. He was gazing up at you with a devotion that made your heart swell even more than it did pulling oxygen back into your lungs.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a really long time,” he admitted, hiding his head into the crook of your shoulder. You felt his abashed smile against your skin and wondered how it could be possible that you had contained all of this, the longing, the yearning, inside you for so long.
“How long?” you asked, hearing the smile in your own voice.
“Since Chanyeol’s birthday, when you wore that brown sweater with the little bow on the back.”
Last year, Chanyeol had gotten everyone together at his place for a nice dinner and wine followed by a binge watch of all the Iron Man movies in one sitting. It was all going according to plan until a quarter of the way into the third one, when he began snoring at his own birthday gathering. The bowl of popcorn was sliding out of his hands and sure to make a buttery mess all over the rug, and that’s when the rest of you decided to turn the television off and call it a night. Sehun and Jongin tasked themselves with getting the birthday boy into bed, and likely collapsed onto it with him immediately after, while Baekhyun had offered you the couch, assuring you he’d be fine with the blankets on the floor. At the time, you hadn’t thought much of it. As chaotic as he could be, Baekhyun was nothing if not kind, and you had been grateful that his kindness had always extended to you over the three years you had known each other.
“But that was more than half a year ago. Why didn’t you say something sooner?” 
His fingers prodded into your sides, eliciting a few choked giggles from you. “I didn’t know how you’d react. You know you’re not the most expressive person on the planet,” he said dryly. “Or the most observant. I literally frenched your collarbone and you’re telling me you didn’t realise I liked you more than as a friend?”
“Okay, well when you put it like that,” you huffed, feeling the vibrations of his laugh through his chest. “But you really didn’t know I had feelings for you? Chanyeol never said anything?”
His movements stilled, leaning back into the pillows so he could lock eyes with you again. “You talk to Chanyeol about me?” he asked, to which you nodded sheepishly. “Since when?”
“Last month, Jongdae’s housewarming. He fished it out of me after dinner,” you sighed, picturing his smug grin under the lights of Jongdae’s fancy new kitchen when you realised that you had slipped up and let him in on your little secret. 
“But I talk to him about you.”
You looked at each other for another beat, realisation breaking over the both of you, before dissolving into another fit of disbelieving giggles. Maybe Park Chanyeol did know how to keep his mouth shut after all.
“So he’s a terrible wingman, is what I’m getting out of this whole thing,” Baekhyun chuckled, rolling you over so you were now lying on your side, face to face with him. He planted a slow, sweet kiss on your lips, taking his time to acquaint himself with the shape and taste of your mouth, and you felt the contentment of his smile against you. “I can’t believe we could have gotten together a month ago. Some best friend he is.”
“Gotten together?” you echoed, one eyebrow raised in feigned dispute, delighting in the way his sweet mouth settled into the pout that you adored.
“You mean to tell me that you don’t want to be with me after your tongue was all up in my mouth?”
You pushed his face away, groaning, “Gross, don’t say it like that.” He, however, had different plans, hooking a calf behind your knees and tugging you back into him, before weaving the other leg in between your own.
“You know you like it,” he murmured into your neck, squeezing his arms around you just in case you’d disappear if he didn’t hold on tight enough. One hand traced absent-minded circles over the grooves of your spine as he breathed you in, warm and familiar against your chest. 
Yes, you thought, you’d risk any and everything for this exact moment. It was worth all the doubt and heartache, all the time spent replaying those moments in your head, unsure of the meaning behind his actions. You could be sure of it now.
“I do,” you agreed, threading your fingers through the softness of his hair. “I probably more than like you,” you added, tilting his face upwards to steal another kiss, giddy and chest swelling with affection. Perhaps you weren’t quite yet ready for that other four letter word, but you had no doubt you would be one day, and soon. He was all too willing to comply, letting his mouth mould against yours with the poise and patience of a saint. 
“I probably more than like you too,” he replied, punctuating his confession with one final kiss to the tip of your nose. It was enough for the serene smile on your face to persist, even past the arrival of sleep.
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“I knew it.”
You cracked one eye open, trying to adjust to the light flooding in through the open door to your room. Chanyeol stood at the foot of your bed, grinning from ear to ear with what could only be described as a look of triumph as he took in the scene before him. The boy next to you stirred lightly, digging his face deeper into the pillow, reluctant to leave the realm of the sleeping. Chanyeol was not in the least sympathetic to his friend’s struggles, striding over to the window and pulling back the curtains with a clang. You winced as the full force of the morning sun barged in, and Baekhyun let out a soft noise of displeasure at the intrusion.
“I fucking knew it,” Chanyeol said again, quickly bringing you to your senses as you registered the weight of another body on top of your own. You made to remove yourself from him, fighting the flush creeping up your neck and face, but it was an effort which proved futile as he only tightened the arm around your waist, loath to let you go. 
“Can you be quiet? You’re going to wake the whole house,” you hushed, finally succeeding in untangling your legs from Baekhyun’s, feeling the loss of his warmth immediately.
“They’re already up. I came to call you for breakfast,” Chanyeol replied, the grin seemingly stuck to his face. “Which actually reminds me,” he began, before sticking his head out of the doorway to holler, “You better pay up, Jongin. And you too, Kyungsoo!”
“You bet on us?” came the groggy voice from the pillows behind you.
“What the hell, Chanyeol? I thought you said you didn’t go around blabbing about his feelings!” you exclaimed, indignant.
“To you. I never said anything about telling anyone else,” was his reply, smug and victorious at having outsmarted you.
Kyungsoo appeared in the doorway, donning a flour-covered apron, as if to confirm for himself that he was in fact a debtor to the taller boy. “Even if he didn’t say anything, it wasn’t all that hard to figure out,” he said lightly, surveying the room with curiosity and paying no mind to the shock painted on your face. How had everybody known about your now not-so-secret crush on Baekhyun except for the man himself? “Anyways, I only said that it would be unlikely to happen over this weekend, not that it was impossible. So Jongin is the only loser. Now come for pancakes.” And with that, he headed back towards his bowl of batter on the kitchen counter, chuckling at the sound of Jongin’s complaints against fulfilling his end of the wager.
Baekhyun, having somewhat freed himself from the clutches of sleep, rose to a sitting position and shot a drowsy scowl at his friend. “You’re kind of an asshole, you know that right?”
But even the expletive could not put a damper on Chanyeol’s mood, his smile never slipping. “You two should honestly be thanking me,” he said, to which you also shot him a glare. “Also, I’m happy for you and everything, but can you please keep the PDA to a minimum in front of the rest of us? I will lock you out of the house if you don’t.”
Baekhyun turned to you, the creases of the frown on his face slowly but surely smoothing out as he took you in, cheeks puffy and hair a mess from having just woken up. He had seen you in worse states, and definitely in better states, but none of that seemed to matter as he regarded you with nothing but fondness in his eyes. You were sure that your expression mirrored his, affection spreading throughout your entire body, reaching even the tips of your fingers and toes, at the sight of his tousled bed head, the sleepy droop of his eyes, the sweet pinkness of his lips. 
The sun was yours. There was no feasible way to stop the smile from blooming across your entire face.
“No promises.”
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eomayas · 1 year
key: smut (s), suggestive (sg), fluff (f), angst (a), request (r), complete (c) [for series], popular(🌷), personal favorite (🌹)
— airport dads
— sugar daddy line
— exo when angry | r
— exo simping | sg 🌷
— jealous exo
— pda
— being shipped with another idol | r
kim minseok
— best friend | f
— in the morning | s, f, r 🌹
kim junmyeon
— sneakin’ | s, a
— nip slip | s 🌷
— testy | s 🌹
— handsome stranger | f
— strictly business | s, r 🌹
— yours | f, a, r
— wants & needs | s, f, r
byun baekhyun
— baby blues | f, a, r
— unplanned | a, r
— besos | f, r
— frisky | sg, r 🌹
— baby blues (vol. 2) | f, a, r
— soft side | f, r
— the bodyguard | f, a, r
— broken promises | a, r
— (computer) games | f, r
— cream soda | s, f, r 🌷
— all the rumors are true | f, a 🌷🌹
— closure | s, a
— fantasy | sg, a, f
kim jongdae
— coming soon
park chanyeol
— back 2 u | a, sg, r
— new thing (series) | s, f, a, c
— rainy day | s, r
— call me what you want, when you want, if you want | a, f, r
do kyungsoo
— make it up to you | s 🌹
— caught in the act | s, f 🌷🌹
— amore | f
— tender love | f, r
— ninety | a, f
— interruptions | f, sg 🌹
— swervin | s
kim jongin
— d appointment | s, f
— confessions | f, a (sequel to d appointment)
— friendly competition | f
— take a break | f, r
oh sehun
— 10:07 pm | s
— firsts | s, f, r
— 21:34 | j. wonwoo, a/s/f 🌷🌹
— love without tragedy | j. wonwoo, a
— stay the night | k. mingyu, f
— silent night | w. junhui, s/f 🌹
— the boy is mine | l.chan, s
— never lose me | l.jihoon, s/f/a 🌹🌷
— tell me a joke | h. joshua, s 🌷
— his friends and his dad hate me | c. hansol, s/a
— we could call it even | j. wonwoo, a
— 08:42 | k. soonyoung, s/f🌹🌷
— distracted | h. joshua, s/f 🌷
— be alright | k. mingyu, a/f
— acts of service | h. joshua , f
559 notes · View notes
jongbross · 10 months
reckless behavior (park chanyeol x reader)
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pairing: park chanyeol x reader
word count: 1388
genre: mature
warnings: suggestive themes, mention of sex, falling in love
a/n: inspired on pillow talk by zayn malik <3
relationships are complicated. 
the whole thing about having feelings, about dealing with them while also dealing with someone else’s. the idea of getting attached to a person and being so careful not to hurt them but not knowing if they would ever be careful to not hurt you too - and then the heartbreak when either they leave or you had to leave…
ugh, it’s just too much. having a relationship as in actually being a couple is too much. but it also sucks to not have someone to satisfy your needs when you need to, when you want to; your own hand and toys are fun and do the job most days, but nothing compares to having a human being beside you - or on top of you, or beneath you, or whatever position two people can imagine. nothing compares to the feeling of being pleased by someone else.
so, what to do? the definition of friends with benefits sounds kinda fun but it has its issues too, because someone always catches feelings towards the other one and yes, sometimes it’s all a fairytale and the couple realize they have always loved each other and suddenly they’re so happy they drunkenly hooked up one night. but sometimes it’s hell on earth, as the person who caught feelings confesses to the other one and they don’t feel the same and suddenly everything is ruined, they don’t have a booty call anymore and they probably won’t stay friends as it’s way too awkward to face your friend after seeing them naked and knowing they love you.
so truly, what to do?
the only answer chanyeol came up with was finding someone he absolutely did not know. someone he knew nothing about, a mere acquaintance. he didn’t care about their story, where they came from, if they had any pets when they were little or which was their happiest memory. chanyeol just wanted someone to please and to get pleased by them. simple, pure lust and desire.
he searched for a bit, meeting friends of friends countless times at parties or whatever. he didn’t like to be so shallow as to only look for someone pretty, someone he immediately felt attracted to - but that was the only way, right? that was the only thing that mattered.
that’s how he found you. sitting on a corner at a christmas dinner jongdae held with his wife, having small talk with people whenever they tried to, a polite smile on your lips even though your eyes gave away how annoyed you truly were.
that’s how he got curious about you. chanyeol asked jongdae about you, learning your name and that he had met you through his wife, maybe you had worked with her? studied with her? chanyeol couldn’t quite remember. jongdae told him that you were nice, and that you were single. thank god jongdae was kinda nosy, he gave all the information the youngest needed to approach you that day.
that’s how you ended up knocking on his studio door late at night, now. chanyeol had asked if he could go to your place, have a night off with you - which of course would turn into sex -, but you chose to meet him instead. he received you with a soft spot on the couch of the studio, a blanket ready for you in case you got cold and lots of take out food. “i was gonna take it with me to your place, but we can eat here too”, he had said.
“we’re gonna make a mess, probably.”
“we’re gonna make a mess anyway, darling”, chanyeol said with a smirk.
he was a nice guy, you found out as soon as you agreed to the whole “strangers with benefits” thing the two of you had going on. he always made sure that you were comfortable with the whole situation, and never ever did something against your will. if anything, he was actually a gentleman, even going as far as breaking his own rules and knowing a little bit about you - i mean, otherwise, how could he ever have picked your favorite take out if he didn’t know shit about you?
you grinned to yourself as chanyeol sat beside you on the couch, big hands quickly working on undoing the food boxes and serving a bit for you and a lot for him. he probably hasn’t eat it the whole day, you thought, and didn’t need verbal confirmation of your assumption as you heard his stomach growling before he took the first bite of his food. chanyeol had a problem with taking care of himself whenever he was working hard on something, you could clearly see; it was a habit that you could only try to break it for him if he’d let you into his life.
which he didn’t, and which you didn’t want to.
quickly, eating turned into small talk - about what every button on the huge desk in front of the two of you did and about how you found a new route to his studio on waze -, small talk turned into something a little more intimate as he got closer and closer to you on the couch, and “something a little more intimate” turned into a whole makeout session once you were finished eating.
chanyeol’s lips were all over you suddenly, kissing your exposed throat and brushing against your jaw. his hands flew to your waist, grabbing your flesh and pulling you so close to him that for a second you questioned if he wanted the two of you to become one - thought quickly sat aside as he kissed you hard, giving everything he got. you moaned against his lips as his hand left your waist and started to caress your thigh, a weak spot you had that he always made sure to use against you.
“come here”, he whispered once he broke the kiss, skillfully pulling you to his lap.
you straddled him, mind clouded with lust as you didn’t give yourself time to adjust and just attacked his neck, feeling your whole body shake when you heard his beautiful moan for the first time that night. his hands traveled to your waist once against, pulling you down so you could feel how hard you were getting him, how turned on he was for you. 
you were so lost in the need to please him that you couldn’t help but groan when he pulled your hair strongly, forcing you to look at him. “why didn’t you let me go to your place?”, chanyeol asked, voice raspy and low. “i wanted to have you all spread out on your bed for me.”
“cause last time you went there, my neighbor complained to me about how loud we were for a whole week straight”, you smirked.
chanyeol chuckled, pulling your face down to his so he could speak against your lips. “good thing these walls are soundproofed then, i want you screaming tonight.”
the moan you let out for him was sinful, but quickly muffled by the way he once again kissed you. 
you could hear his heartbeat, loud and clear against his chest while he tried to catch up his breath. his skin smelled like a perfect mix of sweat and his cologne, with a little bit of your own lotion as he held you so close. you closed your eyes, enjoying the quiet and rare moment - part of you didn’t want to let go, but that was against your rules; you couldn’t allow yourself to want to be that way with him, you couldn’t let the need of aftercare and coziness ruin what you had with him.
so you tried to get up, gently pushing yourself up and off his arms. but you see, the strangest thing was he didn’t let you. chanyeol held you tighter, right hand coming up to the back of your neck to push you down to his chest again. he even went as far as laying his lips against your hair.
“it’s okay”, he murmured, like he could see exactly what was going inside your mind. “this… this is nice. i mean… h-how was your day?”
park chanyeol did a lot of things throughout his life, but the most reckless one, by far, was allowing himself to break some of his rules just for you.
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prettywordsyouleft · 13 days
Roll Into Me
Pairing: Park Chanyeol x female reader
Genre: smut / suggestive fluff
Tropes: established couple
Warnings: everything but the actual smut scene occurs here, nudity, mild cussing
Word count: 961
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Chanyeol had barely gotten through the front door and dropped the bag he had over his shoulder before you launched yourself at him, his surprise thankfully not inhibiting his body from moving quickly to catch you. He then grinned, delighting in the shriek-whimper that left your mouth before your head buried into the side of his neck.
He chuckled. “Did you miss me, by chance?”
“I’m so glad you’re home. It was hell without you.”
“Aw, was it?” he wondered genuinely, looking around the apartment for telltale signs of such torment. Everything looked almost the same, and he smiled brightly when he spotted the flowers he had gotten delivered two days prior with a note telling you he was coming home earlier than planned sitting in a vase on the corner of the kitchen countertop.
He carried you over to said countertop and placed you down, right as you pulled back enough to scowl at him. “Why did you put the instant pot on the top shelf?! I wanted to pressure cook some chicken to shred, but I couldn’t get it down because I have no idea where the stool has gone to!”
“Did I?” he asked, scratching his head in what he hoped appeared like confusion.
You didn’t buy it for a second and slapped his upper arm playfully. “And where is the box of my snacks?! You hid them on purpose, didn’t you?”
“I did no such thing!” he responded, but he was unable to stop another chuckle from tumbling from his lips.
“You’re such a teasing shit, you know that? I’ve been going out of my mind with all the small but significant changes you made to annoy me whilst you’ve been gone, and here you are trying to act innocent?! Park Chanyeol, you’re anything but!”
“I didn’t want you to stop needing me,” he disputed, and you stopped mid-way from retorting, your expression softening. He leaned forward, chuffed at your reaction. “And your snacks are up on the top shelf too.”
“The stool?”
“Behind the washing machine,” he confessed, smiling even when his lips met yours. You sighed into the embrace, shifting again until you were flush against him, your body rolling forward into him in that familiar way that he loved so much. He couldn’t stop the extra thud his heart did then, his brain crooning there she is to him as he realised just how much he had anticipated the move. You arched further into the embrace, a needy little moan breathily being passed from you through the kiss. He kissed you deeper, harder, until he couldn’t breathe anymore and needed air.
“Missed you.”
“Missed this,” you refuted, and he grinned, nodding down at your body flush against his.
“Me too. I thought I was imagining it when I was away and thinking about this.”
“You when you kiss me.” You frowned, and instead of explaining it, he reached out for your lips again. He smiled when your hips shifted against him and briefly cut off the kiss. “That. You do that.”
“I do what?”
“You have no idea?” he asked with a surprised laugh and moved his hands from the countertop where they had ended up and put them on your hips. “You roll yourself into me when you arch your back. With every kiss you give me. You’ve never noticed it?”
“I…” Pausing to look down and then up at Chanyeol, you placed a hand on his neck to bring his lips closer to yours. You were too rigid going into the kiss as you tried to understand the habit, and whilst your body shifted infinitesimally, it wasn’t like it usually was. Chanyeol scooped you up and kissed you more passionately, hoping that after losing your focus you’d discover the little habit. Instead, he too lost track of what you were both discussing, his own body shifting, needing, craving.
Soon you were no longer resting on the countertop but clumsily pulled into his arms again and making your way to the bedroom, Chanyeol tripping over a soft toy your dog left lying around. He cursed but managed to right you both, succeeding in reaching his destination, sans his hoodie and your dress along the way.
“It’s been too long.”
“Really,” you agreed, your hands greedily smoothing over his skin whilst he kicked off his pants. Chanyeol’s attention slipped back to you, his palms skimming over familiar trails as he stripped you of your underwear. Crawling up onto the bed, he brought his body back against yours. It wasn’t long until your lips moved from his neck up to his lips, and Chanyeol groaned with the satisfaction of having your taste upon his tongue once more.
Suddenly, it stopped.
“Oh my God!” you exclaimed, sitting up and leaving him stranded below you with his lips still puckered mid-kiss. “I really do it!”
“The hip thing! I never realised, but I just did it then.”
Chanyeol blinked several times before pointing down at his body. “Could you do it again right now? I was experiencing something then.”
“It’s your fault! You pointed it out to me.”
“Talk later? Meet me here now?” he begged, and you laughed, pushing him onto his back and throwing a leg over his waist, nestling your body with his.
You kissed him sweetly, and now that he didn’t feel so bereft with you back against him, he matched your smile when you rolled into him, your back arching.
“There you are.”
“You wait for me to do it?”
“Almost every time,” he confessed, drawing you back into the throes of your building passion. Closing his eyes as your lips moved to other parts of his body, he let out a little contented sigh.
It’s good to be home.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[EXO Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist]
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cyberexo · 1 year
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S I R E N PT 1 | Byun Baekhyun x Fem Reader
“What the hell are you?”
word count: 4.2K
warning: may include 18/21+ scenes that are not suitable for minors.
"Ahh it's been a while since we've gotten time to get away like this," Jongin sighed out as he threw himself onto the soft king sized bed, smiling in content at the comforting feeling, "I can just stay here forever"
It's been a while since the boys had finally gotten some time off stage and away from their schedule without the staff or cameras invading every corner of their life for "entertainment" but finally for a change there was going to be none of that, just them and mother nature. All alone on this private island and minds empty of worries and thoughts of work.
Baekhyun only hummed in response, lying face down on the lethally soft bed, he was too tired to vocally express his content, almost deceased with exhaustion. They've all just arrived at their temporary vacation home, it was late and as much as he wanted to wander around the house and explore every corner, he knew he'd be too exhausted to seize the whole day tomorrow, plus it was late so his best deal was to sleep off the jet lag anyway.
Jongin chuckled at his dozing off friend, getting up to leave the room, leaving Baekhyun behind to rest properly while he went on to see what the rest were doing.
The next morning everyone was up early, loudly discussing what they wanted to do with all the free time they had for the next two weeks over breakfast, "Let's collect shells!", pausing their rather chaotic discussion they all turned to the source of such a lousy suggestion, "Out of everything that we can do Baekhyun, you want to collect shells?" Kyungsoo interrogated, "I like shells!" he defended.
Everyone just shook their head while giggling at the childish activity he wished to partake in, "Let's play in the ocean together first and I'll collect shells with you?" Chanyeol offered, not wanting to see Baekhyun wandering on his own all grumpy.
"Fine," Baekhyun puffed, tuning in to listen to whatever everyone else was talking about whilst he finished the rest of his breakfast.
I'm going to collect as many as I can and stash them in Kyungsoos' bedding, Baekhyun evily thought before taking himself and his dishes to the sink to rinse off.
Sooner or later everyone headed out to the beach, some laid down to tan, others were in the water splashing one another or floating around in the cool water. Chanyeol dunked himself into the water, stealthily making his way over to baekhyun, being able to spot him easily from his red swimming trunks, as soon as he was within arms reach he quickly grabbed onto both of his legs before pulling him down.
Baekhyun could barely manage the most unmanly scream before he was fully submerged into the water, the sound of the boys laughing muffled, his eyes adjusted to his surroundings as he looked for chanyeol who was already at the surface, as if he didn't do anything.
Imitating his friends actions, he swam over to him, and just as he was about to return the favour, something glowing in the corner of his eye caught his attention. Quickly but not quickly enough, he twisted his body to see what it was, he managed to make out something swimming away in the distance despite how blurry his vision was under water, it was too big for a normal fish and too little for anything as such as a shark, before he could investigate any further he felt a pair of arms pull him up to the surface.
"I hope you weren't planning on dying down there," Minseok playfully commentated, letting go of Baekhyun who was busy catching his breath but still deep in thought.
Maybe I was just imagining things, he silently concluded to himself. "There was just a really interesting fish," he managed to say, "And that scream I let out earlier, I don't want to hear about it!" he quickly changed the topic, making an empty threat in case anyone starts to poke fun at his not so manly moment.
"Till today I couldn't think of anything that could be louder than our fans, thank you for showing me that there is!" Suho shouted from the shore, making everyone else around him laugh, Baekhyun let out a fake cry before dunking himself back into the cool waters.
Everyone was sat in the living room snacking away whilst playing board games or just talking, Baekhyun sat scrolling through his phone trying to find something entertaining but he couldn't, of course normally he'd stick to his favourite webtoons and since he hasn't had time to read in a while he was sure there'd be a lot to catch up on however, the thought of going through a bunch of webtoons and remembering so many different plots exhausted him.
He settled his phone down, looking around to see who was occupied with what, none of the activities seemed that exciting to him, so he got up on his feet announcing he was going on a evening walk just in case anyone starts wondering.
"Don't go too far," Suho called out after him, the motherly instincts spread warmth through his chest, "I'll lay some shells down just in case I do wander off," he assured.
And that he did, he walked an awful lot of distance in such little time. He wasn't sure of what he was trying to get away from or what he was trying to find. Whatever it was that he saw when chanyeol pulled him under water was definitely not just his imagination. It's been eating at him all day
He was far enough from where everyone else was, no longer able to hear the faint sound of shouting and laughter. He watched the last of the sunset disappear into darkness, the only thing lighting up his path was the full moon. Baekhyun softly smiled, closing his eyes to savour the feeling, he walked over to a mount of rocks, submerging his feet into the shallow water beneath him, trying to find a rock with less rougher edges to sit on as he admired the way the ocean shifted from the left to the right.
He couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious swimming creature he caught a glimpse of. Sighing, he started to play with whatever shells he had left in his hand, "Maybe it really was just a fish," he surrendered. He didn't even know why he was questioning it so much, it was the ocean for gods' sake.
He closed his eyes once again, taking in the feeling of the cold breeze of the night engulfing his figure.
"Some pretty shells you got there," a voice spoke, tone almost seductive, which immediately pulled Baekhyun out of his trance, eyes wondering everywhere to find out where the voice emitted from, the darkness didn’t really help much but he didn't have to scan around for too long before his eyes landed on a woman, she looked around his age, hair wet and some strands clung to her face, her eyes wide with curiosity and the way she shone under the moonlight almost made Baekhyun evaporate right there and then, it all happened in a matter of seconds, realising there was a half naked woman staring at him and god knows where she came from.
Baekhyun was a little too quick to get up on his feet, he lost his balance, landing himself in the shallow water below him in the process. Quickly, he recomposed himself, brushing his wet hair away from his eyes as he tried leaning away opposite the mysterious woman who started giggling at his startled state. He rubbed his eyes, trying to get the salty water out of them so he could get a proper look at her.
“Who are you?! How did you find me?!” he started interrogating the woman, “Aren’t you going to ask for my name first?” she remained calm, a smile gracing her face, “I’m Y/N.”
Baekhyun couldn't believe it, he was convinced that he somehow managed to pass out as he was walking around and all of this must be some sort of realistic dream he was having. But no, it was all very much real. He stared you down, eyes travelling from your exotic features to what seemed like a fishes tail, admiring how it glowed in the dark water, an electric blue, but it was all too much for him to process at once. You couldn't blame him of course, he was just a mere human being taught to not believe in this sort of stuff, that you were just a fantasy.
"What the hell are you?"
His words were harsh, but his eyes and tone weren't, "A Siren," you casually answered in a tone that suggested it should've been an obvious answer he could achieve on his own. There was a moment of silence before he spoke up again, "Was that you this morning, by the reef?" he questioned again, his voice lowering itself with each syllable. "Yeah, seemed like you were having a lot of fun," you said, slightly bitter at how much company he had compared to yourself, "But now, it's my turn,"
With a sly smirk on your face, you moved closer to him, Baekhyun tried to back away but he was up against a rock so not much was in his favour, if he went the other way he'd be out in the open water, your home.
"What are you doing?" he stuttered out, eyes diverting left and right trying to muster up and plan of some sort, "You're not going to kill me are you-"
"That's only going to happen if you try to kill me," you countered, now much closer to him, allowing your hand to travel up his torso, memorising every crevice and detail. His suspicion was unmistaken though, normally you would enthral the men you come across on the island before you drag them to the pit of the ocean, but you were willing to spare the man in front of you, his features were too delicate for you to not savour him.
With the way your nude chest was on full display for him under the moonlight and shimmering stars, your hair wet and the way it clung to your glistening skin was enchanting, his body temperature rising didn’t go unnoticed by you, the tension building up under the garments of his pants, and that handsome face of his, he was for sure a healing sight for sore eyes.
Baekhyun didn't dare move, for a couple of seconds you stopped your movements and looked up to meet his eyes, faces only millimetres apart, none of it felt real, a creature as beautiful as you that he'd only see in fairytales or in the movies he'd watch, he'd even make up his own fantasy in his own head afterwards of what it would be like if such mythical creatures existed.
This is my chance, he silently thought to himself, slowly lifting his hand to place on the nape of your cold neck, bringing you closer to him, both knowing what was the intent behind his brave gesture, your eyes fluttered closed waiting for that magical connection.
The sudden echo of his name being called out ripped you out of his touch and sent you back into the pitch black waters, it all happened way too quick for Baekhyun to realise, a disappointed groan leaving his lips, he even considered swimming after you but he knew better than that.
He stood up on his feet hurriedly trying to get around the mount of rocks around him, looking back to try and catch a glimpse of you, for it could be the last time he'd ever see you. To his dismay, you were long gone by now. He continued to drag his soaked body to where the voices of his friends were coming from.
“He’s over there!” squinting his eyes to see who it was coming towards him, he could make out Sehuns’ slender figure approaching him with a slight jog, making him roll his eyes in annoyance. “Where on earth- why are you all wet bro?” Sehun questioned his older friend, getting a 360 look at him to see if he was possibly hurt or not, “I accidentally slipped off one of the rocks over there,” pointing towards the mount where the both of you were about to share an intimate moment.
“Are you okay? you must be freezing!” Suho chimed in, finally catching up to Sehuns’ long legs with the rest of the crew. “I’m good, really, I just want to sleep,” Baekhyun grumpily announced, still very much annoyed by their sudden disturbance.
Why do they always have to ruin everything, that’s my job!
Baekhyun tossed and turned for the majority of the night, it's been a couple of days since his up close & personal encounter with you and he hasn't caught a single glimpse of you since, always going back to the same spot where you met during the day and night. There was only a week left before he had to go back to his busy city life, and he wasn't ready to leave just yet at least not without seeing you one more time.
It was hard to keep his head straight and pay attention to what and who was around him, he was a lot less playful & witty during group activities, your existence completely threw him off his game, and the desire you two shared for each other that night was unmistakable, it frustrated him, the frequent familiar tension building up ever so frequently between his legs every time he’d remember the sight of you, his own hand wasn’t enough, he needed more. He needed you. He knew from then no other woman back home would ever come close to you. He hated how he was feeling, and hated himself for letting you get away so easily but he came around to understand, he may have been somewhat calm when it came to seeing a real life, man eating siren. Who knows how the rest would have reacted.
They definitely wouldn't have been welcoming, he concluded.
Baekhyun of course hadn't uttered a single word about you, even though it low-key killed him to keep you all to himself it also gave him an out of this world adrenaline rush, you were his mythical dirty secret, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
Most of his friends noticed his odd behaviour but decided against questioning him, concluding he may still not have been able to shake off work stress completely, especially since the ending of their two week vacation was coming to an end soon but really he was just working up different plans to try and lure you in.
You knew Baekhyun was coming back multiple times through the day and sometimes at night just to see you again, you'd watch him through the water, admiring how his eyes scanned over the waters to try and catch a glimpse of you even if it was just for a second.
While you enjoyed how desperate he was becoming you just couldn't give him what he wanted, at least not for a little time, you weren't the only siren down there and it was risky for you to disappear to the same reef everyday, the rest would get too suspicious and knowing them, they'd 100% follow you but that wasn't even the worst that could happen. If they caught you with Baekhyun they may not even give you time state your reasons before they'd pull him into the waters and you doubt he'd have a slight chance of getting out alive.
So for the past couple of days you've been hiding out by a different corner on the island, far enough from their villa and far enough for Baekhyun to doubt you'd even be. Once a siren emerges out of the water and onto dry land, their tail starts to shed away, uncovering the unused legs beneath, and the unused organs in between.
For Baekhyun you literally learnt how to walk, at least you think you learnt properly, you mostly focused on keeping your balance, assuming Baekhyun would be willing to keep you up and supported once he acknowledges what efforts you've been putting in to be closer to him.
This was very out of character for you, learning how to walk... for a man? it was a laughable cause for anyone of your kind. Normally you wouldn't even obtain a name before you pulled them down to the core of the earth, and how did you know Baekhyuns' name without asking? his friends could wake up the entire hidden city below with how loud their voices were, or maybe it was just your 50 mile radius hearing? nevertheless catching his name wasn't exactly a mission.
Baekhyun carried out his day like nothing was wrong, laughing along with his friends and making jokes like he normally would, which was a huge relief for them, finally he could relish in the feeling he was there for, but really the reason as to why he was there changed a long time ago.
Of course one of the reasons why was because today he was sure he was going to see you again, talk to you again, and maybe even having your skin finally meet. He made a plan with himself during his sleepless nights, how he'd lure you in and allow himself to indulge in the erotic fantasy that was you.
As the day stretched on, Baekhyuns' excitement and eagerness grew, he was psyched. For the first time in forever he tagged along with Minseok to work out which was very unusual behaviour from Baekhyun but Minseok payed him no thought, enjoying the company for once. Baekhyun followed through with Minseoks' workout routine, even though he felt like the world was caving in on him, he pushed himself to achieve the best muscle definition he could muster, all being in the name to lure you in.
Sooner or later the evening arrived, gathering around the table to share a meal together, Baekhyun made a mental note to not eat so much that he would bloat, that wasn't the look he was going for tonight. Faking his interest in whatever Lay was babbling about and laughing at Suhos' & Minseoks' dad jokes that made zero fucking sense, time was going too slow, he just felt like bolting into the water and pull you out by the tail, the thought alone made him lose it, spitting out his drink all over Chanyeol, uncontrollably laughing at the impulsive thought.
"Okay man, the joke wasn't that funny," Kai interjected his obnoxious laughter, "What are you really losing your shit over?" Chanyeol pushed whilst laughing lightly but also slightly disgusted, as he was still trying to get Baekhyuns' drink and spit off his face. To their dismay, Baekhyun said nothing but continued to laugh instead, leaving them with puzzled expressions.
Soon his laugher died down, the rest of his friends still staring at him dumbfounded at his state, "You're acting like you've never seen me laugh" Baekhyun expressed, wiping away the tears that formed at the corner of his eyes. "We have seen you laugh before, just not like THAT." Sehun replied, "So, let us in on the joke!" Chen exclaimed, making the rest nod their heads eagerly wanting to know what could possibly be that funny.
"Nothing! I just imagined something," which wasn't exactly a lie, "I'd like to keep my weird imagery to myself thank you very much." he ended, earning a couple of eye rolls while diverting their attention back to their food, "Of course it would be something weird, whatever it was I'm sure the pope wouldn't even be able to cleanse you of such," Kyungsoo commentated whilst shaking his head, "Anyway Lay, you were saying?" they all continued to tune back into their conversations, Baekhyun taking it as a good time to wrap up his own meal time.
He finally settled into bed, as did everyone else but he wasn't planning on sleeping, he stayed up waiting out every single one of his friends so he could save himself the scenario of being bothered when he eventually left the villa to sought out what he planned on doing.
It wasn't that cold tonight, the wind was warm but not the gross type where it's all humid and you get all sweaty. Beakhyun slipped out of his bed, going to make one final check of everyone being knocked out before he went back to his room to change out of his clothes, making sure to keep quiet as he was sharing the room with Kai, who was knocked out like a baby. He Slipped out of his pjs in exchanged for some black swimming trunks, ones that slightly clung to his legs but not so much that it made him uncomfortable.
He grabbed his phone for some extra lighting, taking one last look at his sleeping roomie before quietly sneaking out of the room and out of the villa.
You were already at the mount of rocks since the afternoon, hoping for Baekhyun to show himself, but unfortunately he hadn't, and right when you thought about leaving and coming back tomorrow instead, you heard the faint sounds of someone's feet kicking through the sand.
That must be him.
Bitter at how much you had been waiting for him you lurched yourself back into the water, close enough to see him but not close enough for him to see you. Sooner or later, he was standing between the mount of rocks, your breath hitched as you scanned his body.
His lean figure was humbly sculpted, the valleys and crevices of his lean muscle even deeper than before, you rolled your eyes with a smirk tugging at your lips. Must be his way of trying to lure me in, you figured, the way his shorts hugged his thighs perfectly almost made you drool, and his hair- he had such beautiful hair you were almost envious of this mere human. As much as you wanted to throw yourself at him you held yourself back making him wait a little longer.
It didn’t take you that long to catch the flashlight of his phone, pulling yourself into the water just a little more, he paired his voice with his search device, calling your name out. He wasn’t really loud, he knew you could hear him but he still felt obliged to go up an octave.
At this point I’m just torturing the both of us.
Slowly you made your way back up to the surface, your emergence was quiet, it took him a couple of seconds to catch your eyes. A faint gasp escaping his mouth, the way you appeared so quietly was almost eerie to him. However, despite your own eagerness you remained quiet, eyes staring into his waiting for him to speak. He did call out for you after all.
"Y/N.." he barely managed a whisper, turning his phone off and placing it on the sand, away from the water. He didn't expect you to appear this quickly. You merely hummed in response, siren eyes piercing through his but he just stood there unable to form the words, it was like the first time he saw you, playfully rolling your eyes you said, "You know your silence is kind of rude, calling out for me while I was busy sorting out some business," you teased, sheepishly smiling up at him, putting your sharp canines on display for him.
"So that's why you appeared so quickly huh, because you were "busy"" he snapped back in the same teasing tone, you said nothing but shoot a rope of seaweed towards him, too fast for him to react, locking it around his wrist before pulling him into the water with you.
"Okay i'm sorry please don't eat me!" he exclaimed, making you loudly laugh, hands quickly flying to your mouth to muffle your sounds of joy so no one else could hear you. Soon he started to laugh too, slightly embarrassed by his naive outburst. Your joined laughter soon died down before you started nudging him towards the land so he wouldn’t freeze to death, “I can keep up with you I don’t need to be on the sand-“ “I’ll join you,”
Baekhyun looked at you dumbfounded with a slight concern in his eyes, “But you need water don’t you?” you continued to stay quiet, ignoring his calls of staying in the water instead. His protests were short lived once you were behind him, fully on land. He watched how your tail started to slowly shed off from top to bottom freeing your nude lower body.
He could see everything.
part 2
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demure2 · 10 months
Blood is Thicker Than Wine _ FOUR
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— 1930s au
— yandere neighbor!chanyeol x reader || ft. best friend!sehun
— genre: angst, suggestive
— warnings: language, alcohol use, cigarette/substance use, mental illness, watching from afar, anxiety, gun, blood, older fella chanyeol
— word count: 3.5k
— note: hey guys, sorry i got caught up in schtuff. final smut chapter after dis one and then i will FINALLY BE ABLE TO START NEW WRITING. smut chapter IS coming soon. um YAY…!! open to suggestions and criticisms always :)
“Would you stop doing that, Chanyeol?” Your voice can’t help but come out small and innocently, not sure if he even hears you. You’re inundated by the pressure of his gaze beating down on you, the embarrassing urge to cry tugging relentlessly on your soft features.
“Baby, doing what?” His face softens. The gash across Chanyeol’s nose bridge looks more salient than ever, the dried blood glistening in the sodium light. His boastful posture deflates.
He inches dangerously close to you, until you can feel his emanating body heat. Blood on his lips threaten to spill over from teeth marks branded deep into his skin, eyes blown out and impatiently waiting for your response. A simple-minded man, he’s always been unsure of how to confront feelings meaningfully. If he could make himself think harder of anything better than easing it all with a smoke, he’d do it, but he can’t.
The yearning is sudden and impulsive on his fingertips, creeping down into his jacket. He’s ready to balance a cigarette between his forefinger and middle, but his pocket is vacant no matter how many times he runs the pads of his fingers over the patch of surface. Fuck.
“Stop telling me stupid things. Responsible for the death of Park Yoora? Sehun’s a mailboy and author, working part time as a mechanic. He’s never maimed anyone, never hurt a soul, let alone someone from your bloodline, Chanyeol,” it comes out harshly from your throat, crudely. “I have no reason to believe you and your lies anymore.” As if watching Chanyeol’s face falter and fall dramatically was too much to bear, you lazily shut your hooded eye, which have no problem sticking together easily due to the air’s stagnant moisture. The words are oddly visceral in his ears, cold and unforgiving all at once.
The townsfolk would agree that they’re used to, maybe unsettlingly too used to, Chanyeol’s eyes being void of much emotion. That’s the kind of man he is, after all, no one else can ignite unexpected life in them besides you.
And so, the gleam of betrayal in his eyes tonight is suddenly immediate, catching you off-guard nonetheless. His fitfully soft gaze hardens and his eyebrows scrunch angrily, watching your irises amplify with fear beneath him. “What’s so unbelievable about that, [Y/N]? Believe me, your little boyfriend’s maimed whether you want it or not, and he’s maimed my sister. Her husband couldn’t pay off a car loan and she was dead, just like that. Accept it, like I have.
You don’t have to be best friends with a murderer, you can come keep me company, bring me pastries or bake me an apple pie every weekend — I’ll take care of you. He's not your best friend. Don’t want him to be,” Chanyeol’s voice breaks, the weight of his acidic jealousy and grief awfully agonizing. He pauses to watch your stoic face carefully, searching for regret, but he won’t find any more than his own. “There’s bathtubs of our moonshine in front of you, aren’t there? Then what’s so hard to believe about that? Can’t you just believe me?” His firm tone becomes desperate, tender and divulging of his feelings.
“When it’s Sehun doing dirt, you don’t bat a pretty eyelash, you don’t think he could ever do it. When I tell you, you’re quick to deem me incredulous. You just don’t know everything like you think you do, bunny,” Chanyeol’s complexion toughens up just enough for him to not break down, an almost-sneer. The words come out in fragments, bits and pieces, his eyes still eager for validation in yours. The distance between your bodies makes you anxious.
You attempt to save your case, beginning to look crazed going back and forth. “Your lies are in poor taste. Let’s not forget that you’re villainizing Sehun, when you’re just as worse, Chanyeol — you’re jealous, aren’t you? You can’t bear the thought of me hanging out with him, because your filthy mind is convinced he’s fucking my brains out over the hood of one of his flivvers,” you hiss, voice tight and indignant. Chanyeol’s jaw clenches, teeth gritting together in his guise of red-eared anger.
“My ‘little boyfriend,’ Chanyeol? You think I’m a damned slut? He’s still my best friend, and I won’t let your apparent matters get in between us. And you said you'd take care of me? With what, with the criminal cash you’ve laundered? Why do you even do this filthy work? Where did you fuck up, Chanyeol? Tell me! What went wrong with you?”
The confrontation reminds Chanyeol of his roots. He bares his teeth, putting his hands up defensively. “No. Don’t talk down to me. I’ll take care of us. I will.”
“No, really, Chanyeol. Why else would you be working for bootleggers? You fucked up, and then you try to make it all better by making me think my best friend is just as bad.”
“I wouldn’t say that I fucked up. Would you rather have not known that he was doing those things? Would you have rather lived in euphoric bliss all your life, hanging out with a murderer? You should be thanking me, [Y/N]. Are you upset, baby? Maybe I did make you hate your little boyfriend and you’re afraid to admit it.” You flinch as he gets in your face, mere inches away. But the smell of ash is unusually absent from his breath, and on nights like these, where you’ve wandered too far away from home, it’s more unsettling than comforting.
Chanyeol feels his words pile on top of each other in front of you, unable to withstand his anger. Despite this, sweet relief merely washes over his anger for a second, like a crisp breeze. He hopes you can sense it, too. More or less, he’d tasted victory. He knows you’re sort of unsure now, insecure of your accords with Sehun and who you thought he was.
Men like Chanyeol are stupid, so he takes the chance to finally close the distance between you, taking you into his arms and murmuring into your hair. “You don’t like him anymore, do you?” Chanyeol is hopeful and gentle with his words, softly in your ear. “You don’t love him more than you love me,” he repeats. “You love me.” The feeling deep inside you that Chanyeol was right is acidic in your mouth, and it eats at you tenaciously.
You push him off of you and wipe your mouth, as if being that close to him was depraving, although you’d been pressed up to him before.
Over and over again, countless times before, but never close enough.
Sehun still occupied your mind without a doubt — how could he not, having known you for 4 years? You’d deeply cared for him since you first met in highschool — you, a junior, and him, a second year college student. Brought together by your close-rooted excursions home from school, he’d been your older brother figure. You remember it clearly, he’d bring along his two college friends with him to walk you home some days — Junmyeon and Yixing. They both had a crush on you that winter, red noses and all.
JUNMYEON’S ETHYL & GARAGE WORK’s formation was starting to make a lot of sense. Especially regarding their choice of hired hands.
By your senior year, Sehun had already been close to dropping out twice, but for some reason, stayed. Your momma liked Sehun all the same, wishful thinking that he’d end up somewhere.
You start hesitantly, worry etched into your expression. “I didn’t know he was like this. I didn’t know both of you were involved in this, Chanyeol, and if I did, I wouldn’t have decided to know you. I’m compliant. I am sorry, but I cannot love crooked men like you.” Again, the words reverberate twice as cruel in Chanyeol’s large ears, echoing over and over. He can’t find a solution.
Still feeling the phantom trace of both of your hands pressed up to his chest, pushing him away, Chanyeol doesn’t like the feeling of defeat. “Talk about compliance? With what, laws or rumors? Was it so compliant of you to loiter and trespass into my house at midnight? Are you so compliant when Sehun asks you to use your pretty skirt to sneak a few cigarette packs out from the store? Who cares about what we do for cash, I know sure as hell that you of all people fucking don’t, [Y/N].”
You’re stunned, defensive and cold, so the words blurt out of your mouth before you have the chance to fully apprehend them, swiftly and fleeting. "I have a right to care, do I not?”
But they’re nothing of swiftly and fleeting to Chanyeol, repeating over and over in his mind in your gentle voice. You almost clasp your hands over your mouth, feeling your teeth gnawing on the inside of your cheek. Gravity had pulled your senses together too late, long after the words had left your mouth. Chanyeol releases his heel, ready to turn around just seconds before.
The lull in his voice isn’t deceptive for once, something of a catharsis. “You’ve never cared. Aren't you scared of me, [Y/N]? You don’t think I notice? You don’t think I’m self aware? Of course I’m jealous, I know that I’m fucking sick, I’m in love with someone who I’ve watched for weeks." He says this in a tone matter-of-factly, but shameful in its meaning. He can’t help but feel allured to the thought of protecting your sugary elation from his potent, black tar of a psyche, despite eagerly desiring its corruption. “I just can’t help it, anymore. Men like me are stupid,” he says, and you notice that he says that a lot. “I always want what I can’t have," Chanyeol exhales, catching his breath. "You’ll never get it, [Y/N].”
Unsure of what to say, you look up at Chanyeol with demure eyes, tears threatening to fall at the motion of a blink. The cellar air is still cold yet saturated against your skin, harsh and unforgiving. You're just as destroyed, turning away from him.
You don’t think he does, but of course Chanyeol takes notice of you eyeing the stairway carefully, the center of each step slightly depressed in crescents after years of crude weight. You take one more look behind you at him, eyebrows still furrowed and focused on you. Then, holding your skirt down, you run as fast as possible. “I’ve gotta go.”
Chanyeol stays still, watching your form retreat up the stairs.
Making it back to the intermediate EMPLOYEES ONLY desk room, your eyes meet Jongin's. He's breathing heavily, his body already backed up against the door, barricading it with muscular leverage. Jongin smiles gently at the sight of you, sweat from the parching tension condensing at his cupid's bow. His eyes curve upward as he smiles. "Why don't you stay with Chanyeol, instead."
The sound of steady footfall echoes in the stairwell behind you, creaking the wood underneath. Desperately, you run up to Jongin. "Let me out, I have to leave." You whisper thinly, pushing Jongin's hair back to reveal his pink flushed ears. He pauses for a moment, allowing the stairwell noises to reverberate louder. Quickly, voice hitching in his throat, he quietly urges. "Relax. He’s gon' go mad if he sees you this close to me, sweet stuff. Let's back up, ‘kay?”
Discomfort vaguely reflected in your expression, you back away slowly, turning your gaze to the stairwell. You watch intently as Chanyeol's torso slowly emerges from the stairs, holding onto the left railing.
Your eyes grace each other instantaneously, doubtful and ashamed. He approaches you first, although timidly, head down. Then lowly, pulling you toward him so only you can hear, he murmurs a pitiful "I'm so sorry."
Chanyeol looks up to press his lips together into a quick smile, glancing at Jongin — slang for thanks! Jongin nods, subsiding his body from the door. "Sehun's in the back again tonight. Still working on that flaming ‘32 Buick."
When you two meet the night air outside, his smile collapses again, everything inside of him falling in on each other. “Let’s bring you to him, now. He can drive you home tonight,” Chanyeol asserts coldly, angry at himself. He didn't mean to tell you all of that, especially before he’d told you that he’d loved you. He didn’t mean to tell you all of that for weeks, but stupid men like me aren’t good at thinking before we speak. His hands are rough and calloused, the functional arm brushing against your shoulder before quickly retracting.
You make your way around the back together to the rows of vehicle hoists in the large outdoor garage, moments of stillness and night peeking through the open air on the sides. Feeling pissed, you make sure to walk in front of Chanyeol, so he can see the perfect ellipse your hips sway in when you walk. You know he likes it.
You see it all at once; a vibrant and lousy red car with stained white wheels, and beneath it, a quietly focused but normally lousy boy. Black hair pasted to his forehead with sweat, and eyes thin at practice.
“Sehun!” you call eagerly, desperate for his familiarity. His narrowed eyes snap to you in an instant, then darts to the taller man next you.
You run towards him, even against the emanating smell of gas and motor oil from his work station. Then, you fall to your knees on the rough asphalt, meeting him eye level as he sits there in baggy denim, one knee up and the other leg stretched out like a cat.
“He took you here, doll?” His voice is shaky and concerned for the both of you, glaring at Chanyeol from a distance. Sehun’s face is covered in sweaty dew from exposure to the close heat, hands diligently buried in the car’s hind suspension beam and axle.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner that you work with him?”
Sehun’s gaze hardens intensely, his dark brown irises piercing the scene behind you. You turn around quickly, realizing Chanyeol was now close to the car as well, having walked to where you two were.
Sehun draws back his hands from the machinery and hoists himself up to the other side, out from sitting underneath the raised car. He dusts off his knees, standing up to reach Chanyeol’s height, separated only by the flaming red Buick between them — and you, sitting at Chanyeol’s feet. They stare at each other menacingly in the dim garage light momentarily. Their mannerisms are similar in this way; backs straight like soldiers for war, eyebrows furrowed and heaving chests. What could you do?
Chanyeol breaks the silence. Snarkily, he’s unphased, unmoving and still. “Just wanted to show your sweetheart what you were up to. Car fixing, wine selling, killing innocent families for patriarchs’ loans. She actually really missed you, Sehun. I’m so jealous, really.”
“Still caught up on big sissy? That happened months ago, don’t be so brash in front of [Y/N], now. Does she know that you taint the liquor you sell, Chanyeol?”
“She knows what my tongue feels like,” Chanyeol cocks his head to the side, sticking out his tongue to bite down on it. A taunting demonstration in Sehun’s face, the mockery is jarring. He’s taken aback momentarily, but that doesn’t stop him from putting his arms down onto the Buick’s hood, triumphantly. “What’s your fucking problem?”
“That someone I’m forced to work with keeps fucking with things I care about.” Sehun fucks up on the job, and he gets away kindly with a lengthy talk from Junmyeon about not killing innocent people for fear. Sehun fucks up off the job, and he’s got no one left to clean up for him. These things are still foreign to Sehun, still young and unsure of trivial matters. Like if the way his dick curves to the right will make him die sooner, or if he’ll ever grow any facial hair.
Your eyes dart between the two men and their exchange, though its difficult to see Sehun from your position, so you stand up.
Sehun throws his denim jacket to the garage’s floor, nothing underneath except skin slick with grease. The buttons make contact with the cement, clicking and clunking. Their eyes are locked, not parting for a second.
“You wanna go? Fist to fist like men?” Sehun clenches his fists with bruising grasps. Chanyeol laughs, “not really.”
He’d lose anyway, with one functional arm, the other in a sling to his side.
Sehun seethes, seconds away from lunging at Chanyeol anyway. “What’s got you so pent up? The girl here has your panties in a twist?”
“Every man’s own right to go and have his own wife.”
Then, Sehun frowns upon reaching an epiphany. “So pitiful of you. You dragged [Y/N] along so she would hate me.” Chanyeol smiles shamelessly, not completely a lie. “Some of it.”
Sehun begins to make his way around the hood of the car, nothing in between you now to shield against his vexation. The denim jeans he wears are dirty and caked with dirt at the knees, and the baggy fabric folds between his legs at every motion.
“Why don’t we put this in the past, Chanyeol? You always let all your emotions get the best of you, except anger. You always let the anger bottle up! Even now I know you’re not angry at me, even though I can’t bring Yoora back for you,” Sehun contends, strangely assertive behavior for him. “Let’s start over, Park Chanyeol. I’ll hang out with [Y/N], and you can go back to that Mélis doll. We’ll work together from now on, I’m not bargaining with you, now.”
From the corner of his eye, he can see Chanyeol raise his hand up from his hip, slipping into his coat.
You almost would have missed it if it weren’t for the proud blood splatter on the cement, the vehemently loud noise over in the span of a blink.
Sehun jerks his body away from Chanyeol’s at once, your heart thundering in your chest. You watch stock-still and he wretches an agonizing groan, clutching his lower abdomen and collapsing onto the bloodied cement. Sehun calls out your name faintly, but you try not to look. His stomach makes an obscene sticky squelch.
Your scream makes Chanyeol wince with an eye closed, though the gloating smile tugging at his lips is harder to hide. “He’ll be fine, ready to work in a week. Just in the hip. Jongin and Baekhyun heard it, it’s nothing,” nonchalantly, he returns the hand to his side.
You rush to Sehun’s side before you have the chance to puke all over the pavement, holding his face in your hands. His eyes are hazy, but eyebrows still furrowed in a fit of silent rage, teeth hissing. “Hurts so bad, [Y/N]. You need to run,” he pants in your ear, tucking his head in between your neck and your collarbone. He’s lightheaded because of the blood loss, blooming through his denim jeans. His eyes plead, and he manages a small “love ya.”
“You’re gonna be okay, Sehun, I’m here.”
The silence makes you twist your head to find the older man, quickly. “You did this to him! You sick creep, he’s bleeding out, he’s hurt, he’s in pain. He’s going to die!” But Chanyeol is already leaning on a concrete pillar haphazardly, without a care in the world, “let him.”
You take off your slip-on coat quickly, then your tight, long sleeved blouse. The tourniquet you make resembles a bloodied kitchen rag, but it will make-do until Jongin and Baekhyun flood the scene. The slip-on coat makes it back on your form before they arrive.
When the men reach Sehun’s side, they work hastily and efficiently, before hefting his weight onto their backs.
You slip next to Chanyeol, still gazing at Sehun’s disheveled form. He’s still conscious, but in shock and daze held up. “You still want him to take you home tonight?”
“What is wrong with you?”
Chanyeol had gotten into the illegal trade while youthful, following his discharge from the militia. A jarhead, blunt and unsure, he’d reluctantly majored in business. When it all came crashing down in the midst of the roaring 20s, he’d decided that he’d work in law enforcement customs — an easy job that brunt men could understand, watching the crime rate reach an all time high. During these times, he observed Mr. Kim Junmyeon, a sophisticated industrialist, audaciously bringing in wooden crates of illegally distilled liquor crossing between Montreal to Manhattan. He wasn’t worried, because he knew it would work out in the end — and he was good at networking, even with the authorities.
Really, he admired Junmyeon’s work and dedication to the craft, lacking his own ambition. He'd let Junmyeon slip through easily, beginning to lack integrity. Junmyeon knew this, so he’d go back and forth with new bottles every two weekends, sparing Chanyeol a few for his kind gesture. Now, they hand out laundered money together at the pubs like candy, and crash autos like they’re nothing more than just carnival bumper cars. Sell wine like water, corrupt what you need to in order to get what you want.
Out of all, though, they don't meddle in each other’s businesses.
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justwritedreams · 1 year
Hey love!! I hope you take sehun requests. If you don’t I understand.
May I request something we’re the reader is much younger than sehun and the boys joke around their age gap and reader feel insecure and distances herself from Sehun and the boys and they find out why the reader is been so distant so they try to make things right.
Again I totally understand if your busy or you don’t want to take this request don’t feel forced to make it. Have a grate day 😘❤️❤️
Hellooo, honey! Of course I do 🥰 I write a lot for Baekhyun but the truth is that my bias is Sehun 🤣 I'm in the mood for some reaction so 😏
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Idol!Sehun x Reader
Word count: 2136 (that's long, sorry) Genre: fluff, slight angst. Author: maari  Warnings: Age gap (reader is 22 while Sehun is at the current age nothing illegal okay), insecurity, jokes. ⫷ Exo Masterlist
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 So you and Sehun are at his house
You trying to decide what to do for the rest of your life
After you finished school you decided to do volunteer work to try to find your way, which didn't do much but at least you had a good experience for the last 3 years
While you're frustrated looking at college papers, staring at them like they're going to speak to you somehow
And Sehun is there by your side comforting you because he is an angel 🥺
He is there convincing you that you will be able to do the best you can
"And you can start over if you find that's not what you like"
"You always know what to say, don't you?"
Sehun raised an eyebrow and got up from the stool he was sitting on, leaning his torso to get close enough to kiss you with that little smile of his that I particularly love
"You know that better than anyone."
You rolled you eyes playfully and waited for him to plant a soft kiss on your lips
You were both interrupted by Sehun's doorbell
And Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Jongin's voices started to echo complaining about how cold it was outside 🤣
"Should I let them freeze?" Sehun asked playful
But of course you told him to open the door and let his friends in
Even if they interrupted the moment between you two
And when they walked in, they were shivering with cold but it didn't take long for you to greet them
And when they arrived in the room, where the college papers were spread out, Baekhyun was the first to comment "College papers? Who will go to college?"
You explained it was your plans
"And what did you think of doing?" Jongin asked interestedly
while he and the boys divided between the sofa and the rug
And of course Sehun sat next to you, hugging you by the shoulders
The truth is you wanted to do so much
Choosing a profession was just a difficult task because you liked everything
But you limited youself to saying "I like arts and laws"
And the guys were like oh yeah that's really complicated because there's no profession that does both at the same time
"There's still time for you to debut." Baekhyun suggested, laughing and the boys stared at him in confusion. "What? Suppose SM decides to make a female NCT Dream, Y/N can already be the maknae."
"Oh yeah, you're Jisung's age." Jongin remembered and you laughed nervously.
"I'm a year older." you corrected.
That was a very important detail to remember!
"And I wouldn't be a good idol, I don't know how to dance at all!"
"I could tell that's a lie." Sehun spoke softly and you turned to smack him in the chest. "Oh, that's a compliment!"
It was a compliment he didn't need to give in front of his friends!
"Please don't pollute my mind with that kind of scene." Chanyeol asked, covering his ears. "Y/N is still a baby, I don't want to think about that kind of thing."
"Then don't imagine, I didn't ask you to do that!" Sehun spoke angrily
And tried to hit Chanyeol on the shoulder, who dodged laughing like a child.
"Y/N debuting and Sehun going to the army." Baekhyun said, laughing. "Sometimes I forget you guys have a big age gap."
And even though it was a joke without any intention you felt your shoulders tense.
I mean remembering that you were 6 years younger than Sehun wasn't your favorite subject
"Because Y/N is very mature for her age." Sehun spoke
And he stroked your shoulder, trying to ease the tension that was there.
But it didn't help much.
"Actually, it's not just that." Kai continued. "You're such a big baby, sometimes it feels like Y/N is older than you are."
"Yeah, it sounds like she's more your babysitter than your girlfriend." Chanyeol spoke and a pillow flew to his face, which he caught complaining. "Hey, you gonna mess my hair!"
"You guys are starting to overreact." Sehun complained and made a pout that in normal days you would have turned away, cupped his cheek and laughed but you were too deep in thought to pay attention to the four men arguing.
I mean everything there was a joke, it was just to tease Sehun and you knew it
But a part deep down, the insecure part, agreed with the boys.
Well, at least for the most part.
Sehun was reaching an age where he would probably want to settle down to various projects in his life.
As you were starting your long journey now
It felt like two different worlds
While neither of you had ever mentioned your age difference as an issue, now you realized that maybe it was.
And well, it wasn't like you were the most confident person in the world, because you'd never had that experience before.
Dating a guy who was 6 months older? Nobody ever complained
Dating a man who was 6 years older? People looked on with distrust.
That's why, even though you felt guilty, you were avoiding Sehun
You tried to use college and all its confusion as an excuse to be busy and forget to answer his texts or even answer the phone when he called
But of course you should have known it wouldn't be that easy
Sehun was determined to talk to you
Let's face it, it was no mystery to him that you had become distant after that night
Even because he noticed your face when you left, he knew there was something wrong
Even if it meant him calling 3 times in a row
And he did!
And since your anxiety was already eating you up inside, of course you answered
Also, you really missed talking to him
The way you always did
"Hey, babe. Are you busy?” poor you had already melted just hearing his voice
You tried to lie that you were busy but of course the change in tone of your voice didn't go unnoticed by Sehun.
You were never good at lying and he knew it
You could still imagine him pouting as he said that the boys were at his house and that he wanted you to be there
But ignoring the tightness in your heart, you stood your ground
It would be best for you, that's what you thought
And that's when Sehun was sure something was wrong
Because honestly you didn't see him because had to do the laundry?? like since when
But he knew he couldn't confront you over the phone
Because you would be even more defensive and it wouldn't do any good, because you would deny it
Then he took off, voice clearly upset and you felt even more guilty.
But you couldn't go back
No, your plan was too perfect
Gradually pull away from him until you are no longer attached to him, to the point where it doesn't hurt too much when things are over so he can find someone his own age
Great, right?
Because after you've taken a shower to try to relax, still with wet hair and comfortable clothes
When I say comfortable, it's actually a sweatshirt you stole from Sehun
Because sincerely who wouldn't do that?
Your doorbell rang and you were like no, impossible!
You went to the kitchen to get a chocolate bar, thinking you were imagining things
Of course Sehun wouldn't be on your doorstep!
Well, actually he was.
And you proved it when the little bell rang once more, in a long way that an impatient person would do and you went to answer
And what was the surprise that he came in and took the chocolate from your hand as soon as you opened the door?
And you were like what is he doing here? 🤷‍♀️
And he was very worried about putting his feet still on your couch while opening the chocolate bar
"That is the best." he said and you looked at him in shock. "Do you have more? Because the boys are coming over with food and some games."
"Hey, that's mine!"
Of course you complained, going towards him and trying to take the chocolate from his hand, which he just deflected. "Sehun!"
"You didn’t answer my question." he hummed with his mouth smeared with chocolate and honestly, you wanted to keep a straight face
But it was impossible
So you just laughed, shaking your head
Yeah, he was a baby sometimes but you loved it
"There's enough chocolate for the whole week."
And oh boy
Why did you said that
Because he smiled proudly, "I knew that"
You wanted to hit yourself because it was obvious that he knew you stuffed yourself with chocolate in one situation
When you were a wreck of emotions
So that was kind of a confession
But you couldn't talk anymore because the boys arrived, with a lot of food and your favorite pie!
And you found out it was actually an apology when you went to take the food into the kitchen with them
Kai was the first to admit that it wasn't meant to hurt you but to annoy Sehun 🤣
Because apparently Sehun didn't like anyone making any hints about the age difference between you
And you only found out now!
And well, it was almost impossible not to forgive them
Because it wasn't just them admitting they made a mistake but the way they tried to fix what they did
You wouldn't be bought with food but it's your favorite pie!!
And Chanyeol's Puss in Boots eyes from Shrek were helping a lot
You forgive them, "You didn't have to do that."
"We did." Chanyeol assured.
"No one could stand Sehun anymore saying it was our fault for you stopping talking to him." Jongin rolled his eyes 
This made you turn to face Sehun who glared at his friend angrily.
"You said that?" 👀
"It wasn't a lie." 🤷‍♀️
So after everyone stopped feeling guilty and you forgave them, it was a good night.
You ate and laughed until your stomach hurt and enjoyed yourselves and after that the boys left
But Sehun stayed, it was clear on his face that you guys needed to have the talk
And you didn't even know where to begin to explain
But it wasn't so necessary because he just crossed the room and hugged you
Firm and strong
To the point of making you melt completely and all worries go away
"I'm sorry I avoided you. I thought it would have been better if I just walked out of your life."
"I think it's a little late for that." 🥺
And you pulled away enough to look him in the eyes and oh my god
There was a different glow there
And the same playful smile as always because it's Sehun after all
But he was serious
"Silly, how could I think about my life without you?"
And you didn't even want to get emotional but hearing him talk like that
"Wouldn't you want someone older?” Of course you had to ask
And Sehun just laughed, "You're much more mature than a lot of people my age so”
And you were like I'm serious
And he tucked a lock of you hair behind your ear as he tilted his head
"I don't want anyone else but you!” he assured
And if you didn't feel your legs tremble just from that, I did 😮‍💨
"I really think you missed the part that I'm in love with you!"
And man, if you need any more proof, what will he have to do? Put a ring on your finger
I mean, it doesn't seem like a bad idea right 😏
In conclusion: I think Sehun would do anything to make you as comfortable as possible with this and if you ever feel insecure again, he'll prove to you that has no reason, why he chose to be with you. I think deep down he also felt insecure about you wanting someone younger but you'll never know that 🤣 He would try to keep a balance between his plans and yours so that both of you don't have to give up what you want, because just like you he wants this to work out. You don't have to feel pressured to go a step further just to keep up with him. And he will want you to live all the experiences you need so that you become an even stronger woman than you already are so yes, I think he is the companion type for everything. Everything!
And honestly, does anyone believe this man is 28 years old? I don't!
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I Do for Two
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Genre: Baekhyun AU, EXO AU, Fluff
Characters: Baekhyun x Reader
Warnings: Slightly suggestive, kissing, consensual touching
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: It’s your anniversary–and Baekhyun has surprised you with a vow renewal ceremony and a second honeymoon to Hawaii! But there’s a secret brewing—one you’ll have to spill before the night’s through. 
A/N: Lots of requests for Baek pregnancy fics, so I tried to blend a couple of them together! Appropriate also in honor of Baekhyun’s return from the military! 🎉🎉🎉Enjoy! 
*Please note image(s) do not belong to me and credit should be given to their original owner(s)*
“...that’s a nice dress…but I bet it would look better on my bedroom floor.” 
You chuckled at the horrendous pickup line your husband was whispering in your ear. 
“Ha, ha, ha, did you get that one from Junmyeon?”
“Hardly, baby, you know Junmyeon is innocent–I got that masterpiece from Chanyeol.” 
You tried to formulate a suitably snarky response, but became distracted by Baekhyun slowly trailing his fingers up your back, lingering where your dress revealed naked skin. Leaning in, he placed frenzied kisses on your neck, signaling his desperation to get you into the honeymoon suite. 
Normally, your mind would’ve been following the same path. You were, afterall, married to one of the most devilishly handsome men in the entire universe. Soft, fluffy hair, soulful eyes, sinful lips, large hands, and abs worthy of adoration–all yours to enjoy. You wanted nothing more than to get Baekhyun alone and have your wicked way with him. It had already been a year since your wedding, but you still couldn’t keep your hands off each other. 
However, there was one thing alone bringing sense to your lust-addled brain: a secret–one you had yet to share with your overly-enthusiastic groom. You’d wanted to tell Baekhyun right away, but in typical Baekhyun-fashion, he’d throw you for a loop after his recent return from the military–a vowel renewal and surprise second honeymoon to Hawaii. With all the commotion, you’d thought it better to wait until it was all over, or at the very least, until you had a non-alcoholic piña colada in your hand.
Children had always been on the table, but always in a future sense. Baekhyun had his music career, which kept him incredibly busy, and you had your job as a restaurant critic. Both involved lots of travel and frequent late nights, so it had never really seemed like the right time. Putting a hand over your belly, you wondered how your husband would react to the news. Your heart beat fast in your chest, whether out of excitement or nervousness, you weren’t sure.
The car eased to a stop and you were pulled back to the present. Baekhyun swiftly grabbed your hand, escorting you out of the car and through the lobby. In what felt like ten seconds flat, you were checked in and giggling on the elevator, sharing sloppy, heated kisses like two two youngins giddy to experience their first times. When the elevator reached your floor, you yelped in surprise as Baekhyun hoisted you in his arms, princess-style, so he could “carry you over the threshold”. 
When the door to your suite finally closed behind you, the air was heavy with anticipation and expectation of what the night would bring. Before you could get out a word, you were pressed against the door, fighting for air as Baekhyun’s lips tangled with yours. For a few minutes, you were lost, tightening your hands in his hair to secure what you desired. 
Giving you a few moments of relief, Baekhyun trailed his lips downward, starting from your chin and stopping short when the neckline of your dress prevented him from going any lower. With a pout on his cherry-red lips, he started to ease down the fabric at your shoulders, placing small kisses each time he exposed more of your bare skin. 
As your breath came out in small gasps, you knew that soon you’d lose yourself to him, entranced by the touch of his hands and his clever mouth. Using all your willpower, you freed your hands from the confines of his silky hair and laid them against this chest, attempting to hold him slightly away from you. 
He grabbed the hand against his chest, his lips leaving pointed kisses against your palm before continuing their journey up to your wrist. 
“Baekhyun, stop,” you murmured, trying again to gain the attention of the man who was currently making your brain feel like scrambled eggs.
“Hmmm?” he responded absently, clearly only half-listening, as he continued on with his mission of seduction. 
You ducked under his arm, which had been caging you against the door, hoping some physical space might help you both cool down. You ambled over and sat down in one of the fluffy arm chairs situated in the “living room” area of the suite. You would have preferred to sit on the bed, but didn’t think that would bode well for such a serious conversation. 
Meanwhile, Baekhyun had seemed to finally realize that something was off. The glazed look had faded from his eyes and he looked vaguely confused to find you outside of his arms. He walked over, kneeling down in front of you so he could cup your face in his hands.
“What’s wrong, baby?”  He looked at you with concern, rubbing your cheeks in a comforting gesture. 
“Baek–I have–I have something to tell you.” Your voice trembled a bit, betraying your nervousness. 
“What is it, baby? You know you can tell me anything,” Baekhyun cooed in a soothing manner. 
Warmth bloomed in your chest as his words washed over you. Your lovely Baek had a way of making you feel like all of life’s problems weren’t so important anymore. Feeling supremely comforted, you decided to just rip this off like a band-aid. 
“Baek, I’m pregnant.” Finally, the words were out there and you internally sighed with relief that this secret was no longer yours alone. 
The hands that had been stroking your cheeks stilled. Baekhyun’s eyes widened and without a word, he dropped his hands from your cheeks. Hands covering his own face, he scrubbed them up and down, as though coming to terms with what you’d just told him. 
“Baek, are you ok—?” 
Before you could finish your sentence, he shot forward like a rocket to gather you in his arms, peppering your face with kisses. Sitting back on his heels, he grinned, chuckling at a joke that only he was in on.
“So…you’re happy, I take it?”, you clarified, though you were pretty sure of the answer. 
“Baby, I was fully preparing myself for you to tell me something horrible–like you wanted a divorce and were taking Mongryong with you--but this, this is excellent news!” Baekhyun pulled you up from the chair, wrapping his arms around your waist to lift you into the air. 
You clutched at his shoulders, squealing as your feet left the ground. He spun you around in a circle until both of you were breathing heavily. Setting you down, he placed a kiss of your lips, which proved difficult since neither of you could stop grinning. 
As your breathing slowed, Baekhyun moved to gently release the numerous clasps holding up the back of your dress. With each freed button, Baekhyun placed gentle kisses on your spine as more and more skin was revealed. 
Gripping the top of your dress up as best you could, you stepped back from Baekhyun, enjoying as his eyes followed you like a hawk. Without fanfare, you let the garment drop to your feet, revealing the special wedding lingerie you’d saved for just this occasion alone. 
“Baby, you wore this just for me?” he cooed, eyes heavy with appreciation. Advancing towards you, he ran his hands over the lacey material, as though luxuriating in the feel. 
“Of course, love, who else?” you teased. 
Thinking swiftly, you slowly backed towards the bed, challenge and mirth dancing in your eyes. With a wicked grin, Baekhyun lunged forward, ensnaring you within his grasp, and suddenly you felt yourself falling and landing atop the cushy bed. Baekhyun gently pressed you against his chest, tilting his head down to sweetly kiss your forehead.
Leaning up on your elbows, you moved to place a lingering kiss on his mouth. With deliberate slowness, Baekhyun guided your head until your foreheads touched. Sharing air, you savored this moment of intimacy, feelings bubbling up on your lips. 
“I love you, Baekhyun,” you whispered against his lips. 
“I love you too, my sweet wife,” he echoed. Snaking a hand down to your middle, he stroked your stomach with reverence. “And, of course, my sweet baby, too.” 
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yeolsaintlaurent · 7 months
Nocturnal Reverie ch.9 [PCY]
pairing - chanyeol x fem reader
genre - mature, smut, angst
themes - power imbalance, romance, crime, justice, class divide, politics, sex
synopsis - In the sprawling, dystopian city of Emberhaven, where power and corruption reign supreme, the lives of two unlikely individuals collide in a tale of passion, intrigue, and moral reckoning. Chanyeol, an enigmatic and wealthy scion of the city's elite, finds himself captivated by the elusive Y/N, a cunning and resourceful thief who navigates the treacherous underworld of Emberhaven. Their first encounter, sparked by a chance meeting in a luxurious club called The Velvet Lounge, sets the stage for a whirlwind romance amidst a backdrop of crime, politics, and danger.
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warnings - none for this chapter
A/N - Hey my lovelies~ did you miss me? and did you miss our Chanyeol? Well, both of us are back, and as a thank you for waiting for us, here is a whole load of heart warming fluff, romantic gestures, and lovely bonding in serenity. Also guitar-playing yeol!! Let me know what you think of this chapter~~
Chapter 9: Harmony in Midnight melodies
In the tranquil embrace of Chanyeol's urban haven, the night unfurled enchantingly  as Chanyeol suggested they take a bath together. They had helped each other undress, gently, as he suggested they take a bath together. There were lingering touches, as they peeled the clothes off of each other, and playful glints in their eyes.
After the adrenaline-laden chase, their connection blossomed as they exchanged playful banter while helping each other wash away the remnants of the night's escapade. Chanyeol, ever the attentive host, orchestrated a bath like a maestro crafting a soothing melody—an oasis of fragrant bubbles and soft candlelight that cradled them in serene tranquility.
The ambiance, a blend of warm hues and the soft glow of flickering candles, transformed the living room into an intimate sanctuary. Plush towels cocooned their bodies as they emerged from the bath, the softness against their skin accentuating the sense of comfort and closeness.
A bottle of rich red wine awaited them on the coffee table, its deep aroma mingling with the playful banter that echoed through the room.
"So," Chanyeol grinned, pouring the wine, "what's the most adventurous thing you've ever done?"
Y/N chuckled, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Well, aside from narrowly escaping danger tonight, I once climbed the city's tallest building just to see the sunrise."
Chanyeol raised an impressed eyebrow. "Now that's a story I want to hear."
Their conversation, a delightful dance of shared tales and laughter, added vibrant strokes to the canvas of the night. The city outside, with its twinkling lights and distant hum, provided a backdrop to their intimate exchange.
Chanyeol, with his guitar, plucked a melody that resonated in the walls of his home. The music, a sweet serenade that filled the room, seemed to harmonize with the laughter and conversation that flowed freely.
"I wrote this when I was figuring out life," Chanyeol shared, his fingers expertly navigating the strings. "It's a reminder that every note, like every moment, contributes to the symphony of our existence."
Y/N, captivated by both the melody and Chanyeol's words, leaned in closer. "It's beautiful, Chanyeol. You've got a talent for capturing emotions."
As the night unfolded, they shared the simple joy of cooking together. Chanyeol, with an apron tied loosely around his waist, guided Y/N through the steps of a recipe that spoke of warmth and shared moments.
"I've never been much of a chef," Y/N admitted, her laughter echoing in the cozy kitchen. "But with you as my guide, maybe I'll become a culinary master."
Chanyeol, his eyes twinkling, replied, "Who knows, we might just discover the perfect recipe for happiness."
Their whimsical night continued as Y/N, embracing the playful spirit of the moment, decided to paint Chanyeol's nails black. The vibrant hues of the polish contrasted with the robe he wore, creating a visual symphony that mirrored the harmonious energy between them.
"Never thought I'd be rocking black nails," Chanyeol chuckled, examining his hands. "But it suits the mood, doesn't it?"
Y/N, her laughter bubbling like a melody, replied, "Absolutely. Now you're officially part of the midnight aesthetic club."
In return, Chanyeol picked out a blushy pink nail polish, and with meticulous care, painted Y/N's nails. The delicate strokes of the brush mirrored the tenderness that enveloped them, a connection that transcended the ordinary.
As the night deepened, Chanyeol, with a playful glint in his eye, attempted to curl Y/N's hair. The gentle tug of the curling iron, combined with their laughter, became a whimsical moment etched in the fabric of their shared adventure.
Outside, the city's heartbeat continued, oblivious to the private symphony of laughter and connection within Chanyeol's home. The couple, wrapped in blankets on the balcony, gazed at the city lights. The ambient glow, a reflection of the warmth they found in each other, created a serene finale to their night.
Pouring more glasses of wine, their conversation meandered into more personal territories. Y/N, guided by the gentle current of the night, began to share the intricacies of her past. Her childhood unfolded like a cherished storybook, illuminated by the love and support of her amazing parents.
Y/N began to open up about her past. She spoke of her childhood, where she had been blessed with amazing parents who loved and supported her. Her eyes glistened with fond memories as she painted a picture of a warm and loving family.
But then, her tone grew somber as she recounted the heart-wrenching moment that had shattered her world. During her sixth term in college, she received a devastating call that her parents had passed away. She rushed back home in anguish, only to find that their bodies had mysteriously vanished. The loss and confusion had plunged her into a pit of depression, forcing her to quit college and navigate the harsh, unforgiving streets of Emberhaven.
Y/N's voice quivered as she continued her story. She revealed how, in her darkest days, she had discovered her ability to use her feminine wiles and her athletic skills to her advantage. It was a stark contrast to the bright future she had once envisioned, but it had become a means of survival in the unforgiving city.
Chanyeol listened in silence, his expression filled with empathy and understanding. The weight of her past was etched in her eyes, and in this shared moment of vulnerability, they began to forge a deeper connection.
"Life has a way of throwing curveballs, doesn't it?" Chanyeol mused, sipping his wine with a thoughtful expression. "And yet, here we are, making sense of our stories in the midst of chaos."
As Y/N shared her life story, Chanyeol couldn't help but admire her resilience and strength. Her past was a mosaic of love, loss, and survival, and she had managed to emerge from it, albeit with a few scars. When she finished her narrative, he knew it was time to open up about his own life.
Taking a sip of the rich red wine, Chanyeol began, "Well, I had quite a different upbringing from yours. I came from a very sheltered and privileged home, with all the trappings of wealth. My family wanted me to follow in my father's footsteps, to take over his business."
He paused, his gaze distant, as he omitted the truth about his father's criminal empire. Instead, he continued with a faint smile, "But, I didn't really receive the proper love and attention I needed from my parents. It was more about grooming me to be the perfect heir."
Y/N's eyes held a warmth that encouraged him to share more, "Eventually, I realized that the life they had planned for me wasn't what I wanted. I decided to leave that life behind and start anew, find my own path."
Chanyeol took another sip of wine, his eyes locking with Y/N's. "It was a difficult decision, and it meant leaving behind everything I had known. But it was the best choice I ever made. I wanted to find a life that was meaningful to me, a life where I could be myself."
His revelation hung in the air, the weight of their pasts and their present circumstances converging on the balcony. The unspoken understanding between them was powerful, a bond that transcended the complexities of their lives.
Their hearts had bared the secrets of their pasts, and now in the intimate streaks of city lights and under the twinkling stars, Chanyeol couldn't help but confess his true feelings for Y/N. He looked into her eyes, his own filled with sincerity and a hint of playful charm.
"Y/N," he began, his voice low and loving, "from the moment I saw you, I knew there was something special about you. I was drawn to your spirit, your strength, and your incredible beauty. But as we spent time together, I realized that there's so much more to you than meets the eye. You're not just any woman; you're extraordinary, and I can't help but be captivated by you."
Chanyeol's confession was met with a warm smile from Y/N, her eyes reflecting the affection she felt for him. "Chanyeol," she replied, her voice equally tender, "I feel the same way. There's something about you that makes my heart race, that makes me feel alive and happy in a way I haven't in a long time."
Their words hung in the air, explicit understanding of the depth of their feelings. Chanyeol leaned in slowly, capturing Y/N's lips in a soft and passionate kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of longing and affection, a promise of the romantic night they were about to share.
As they embraced, they knew that their connection was more than just a chance encounter. It was a rare and beautiful thing, born from the complexities of their pasts and the shared experiences that had brought them together. In each other's arms, they found solace and the promise of a love that had the potential to heal the wounds of their pasts.
"I never imagined a single unexpected encounter could lead to something so magical," Chanyeol mused, his voice a soft undertone to the city's nocturnal melody.
Y/N, her head resting on his shoulder, replied, "Life's full of surprises, isn't it? But I wouldn't have it any other way."
They sat in companionable silence, their fingers entwined, savoring the magic of the night—a night that marked the beginning of a chapter filled with laughter, shared secrets, and the promise of a love that blossomed in the most unexpected of places.
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
Hi, #17 and #21 with Chanyeol plis🫶🏼
Hey, thanks for requesting! Coming right up 🤍
Chanyeol (EXO) | Sharing secrets & Thinking about them when they’re away fluff | 0.8k
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The city is unfamiliar. The streets seem all wrong and empty, dull, even though they’re colorful and bustling with people. He understands that it’s all in his head, that he’s just missing you, but Chanyeol is good at being dramatic, occasionally. He tries not to show his lack of excitement at exploring the new country, but he must be painfully obvious since the guys keep teasing him. The worst thing is that they are right - he does wish you were there with him. That he could show you the cool store he saw on the way, and the cute squirrels chasing each other in the park. He can’t help missing holding your hand in his as he walks.
“Shouldn’t you at least take some pictures to show y/n when you come back?” Junmyeon suggests with a gentle smile. One of the few helpful people of the bunch. And he’s right, so Chanyeol pulls out his phone and tries to pay more attention to his surroundings. Eventually, and with the help of his bandmates that won’t allow their free day be ruined because of one sulking idiot, he manages to enjoy himself and take some cool pictures. But there’s something missing anyway. Like an empty hole inside of him that refuses to disappear no matter what he does. 
“So? How’s it going?” you smile at him, watching as his smiling face appears on the screen of your phone.
“Good, it was good,” he says and tries to fake enthusiasm but you read him like an open book, noting the pout tugging at his lips and the look in his eyes, the longing puppy gaze that he always wears when he wants your attention - or when he’s missing you. You sigh, watching him fondly as he squirms under your scrutiny. 
“Wanna hear something?” you ask, catching him off guard. There’s something infinitely charming about the way he perks up when you say that.
“Anything,” he grins, and this time the smile’s genuine. You have no idea how he’s surviving with everyone when he’s so whipped. Maybe you’ll call Minseok and ask him to make sure the others aren’t teasing your boyfriend too much.
“I went to the store today,” you start, holding back chuckles seeing Chanyeol hanging on to your every word, “And the car was there again. The cool one we saw last time. It made me think of you.” 
Maybe it’s good you’re not next to him, or you’d surely hear his heart beating so fast it’s almost worrying. You think of him? He shouldn’t be surprised, of course you do. You tell him every time he’s away. But it still warms his heart.
“And I miss you. Very much,” you add - why are you making this so hard on him? 
“Me too,” he sighs, deflating on the bed, “The guys were mean. I couldn’t focus at all today.”
Okay, so a call to Minseok it is. Still you chuckle seeing your mountain of a boyfriend looking like a kicked puppy.
“Why’s that?” you ask. Missing you is one thing, but for him not to enjoy himself… That is a little concerning. He licks his lips, clearly contemplating whether to tell you or not. 
“You don’t have to share. I’m just curious how much you miss me exactly,” you tease. He rolls his eyes at you, but you see the shift in his mood. Not only does he love you, he never backs down when you push his buttons.
“I kept thinking about how much I want to hold your hand,” he admits, hiding his face in his pillow, “But you weren’t there.”
You coo at him, a soft smile playing on your lips. He raises his head eventually, carefully monitoring your reaction.
“I’m not gonna laugh at you,” you reassure him, “It’s sweet.”
“It’s embarrassing,” he corrects you with a whine and you give him an unimpressed look.
“So is it also embarrassing when I hug your pillow to sleep because it smells like you?” you question. It’s hard to keep a straight face when he beams at you like the sun. You shake your head, laughing when he showers you in praises that you don’t deserve for missing him of all things.
“Anyway,” you shush him after allowing him to gush for a while, “See, it’s not embarrassing. We love each other, we’re used to living with each other, it’s natural that we’re upset now.”
“You’re right,” he sighs, “I just can’t wait to be home.”
“I know, but try to enjoy yourself, hm? And if you miss me that much, just call me whenever. I’ll pick up,” you promise, not quite liking the cocky smirk on his lips.
“Nothing like talking to my grumpy sleepy darling,” he hums, sticking out his tongue at you since you do anything about his teasing. But oh does he wish you could. He makes a promise to himself to write down every time he misses you. Then he’ll read it all to you, and you’ll be too soft to leave his side, staying cuddled into him for hours.
He can’t wait.
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eomayas · 10 months
new thing (pt. 7) • pcy
pairing: chanyeol x f!reader, age gap, established relationship
synopsis: reader and chanyeol reconcile after being broken up for a few months.
genre: angst & fluff. LOTS OF FLUFF. e2l. happy ending
warnings: swearing, drinking, crying. lots of crying. reader is just a girl and chanyeol is just a 30 year old boy :(
a/n: this is the finale!! yay!! thank you to everybody who has been here from the beginning and stuck with me and this story! it has been a lot of fun writing this. once again thank you, and i hope you like it. sorry for the lowkey trash ending lmao! ❤️
seulgi runs across the grass with her arms open wide, gown flowing behind her. you meet her halfway and throw your arms around her, engaging in a moving hug. “we really did it!” she squeals, hugging you tight against her.
your heart beats rapidly from pure joy that you haven’t felt in awhile, and mild case of anxiety at the prospect of your future truly beginning now. you two just walked across the stage to declare yourselves officially done with undergrad. it’s exciting and nauseating at the same time.
“i know, i know,” you say, pulling back and holding her arms. she looks up at you and you get the overwhelming feeling to cry into her arms. “i love you.” you say, pulling her back into a hug so you don’t have to look at her in the face.
“i love you more!” she says. you two stay wrapped up together for a moment longer before she taps your back. “i’m sinking.” seulgi says, making a show of picking up her legs to remove her heels from the grass.
“me too,” you say, letting go of her to pull both of you out of the earth. “our parents should be around here somewhere.” you say, linking arms with her and weaving through throngs of people. a lot of them stop the two of you to give hugs and exclaim how excited they are to be done with college. you're excited too, but there is a pit in the bottom of your stomach that reminds you that you're officially not a kid anymore. there's so much of life that you haven't experienced, and its all going to be laid out in front of you.
finally, you find your parents talking amongst each other, as well and mr and mrs. kim. seulgi is practically family to them at this point, so it makes sense that they showed up to support her. "congratulations!" mrs. kim yells, bouncing over to you two and engulfing you into a hug.
you go around giving hugs and accepting congratulations from everybody before ending up at your mothers side, clinging to her the way a child would. “so, what’s next?” mr. kim asks, and you and seulgi glance at each other before bursting into breathless giggles, no clear idea or answer.
everybody laughs when you two laugh and it puts you at ease for a moment. seulgis parents suggest heading to the restaurant to go eat, and you agree. “i think someone is looking for you,” your mom says, glancing over your shoulder. you assume it’s a fellow classmate, so you turn around with the intention to shout congratulations, but are stunned into silence when you see who it is, going weak at the knees.
he looks nervous, and so endearingly awkward that it makes you want to cry and scream. and in extreme chanyeol fashion, he holds an assorted bouquet of pink flowers between his hands.
your heart leaps into your throat, just as shock and confusion cross over your face. you wonder if he can see the desperation in your face, that your been wanting to see him for months. you’re aware of other people around you, but it just feels like it’s you and him. it’s been so long since you’ve seen him—nearly three months to the day—and you still don’t know how to properly function near him, or without him, for that matter.
“uh, hi,” he says, and your knees feel weak at him being so shy and awkward. somehow, your brain tells you to move, and you take a few short steps towards him, stopping when there’s about two feet of space between you. “hi.” he says again, looking down at you with a soft smile.
“hi,” you say, nervously wringing your hands in front of you. you shift your eyes to glance at the flowers, and his eyes widen like he forget he was holding them.
“oh, these are for you,” he says, a blush forming on his cheeks and going to the tips of his ears in the way that you’re so fond of. it makes your heart clench in your chest.
you thank him as you accept the flowers and hold them between to shaky hands. you wonder how you look to the people around you; if they can read your body language and see that you two have obvious history. or maybe you look as rigid as you feel, nervous and taut? “what are you doing here?” you ask, blinking a few times.
“uh, seulgi invited me,” he says. you whip your head around to glare at her, but are met with an empty path of grass; your mother the only person still standing there. “she said… she said you wouldn’t mind.” and you hate that she was right, because of course you’d want him here. you’d want him anywhere, at any time.
“oh. well… thank you for coming,” you say, ducking your head shyly. chanyeol nearly reaches out to tip your chin up, but stops himself before he gets the courage. you’re not his to touch like that, and the realization burns in his chest.
“always. i’m proud of you, y/n,” he says softly, and you look up at him, lips folded into your mouth. that pit in your stomach only gets deeper and you feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. you can feel yourself melting into the earth as he keeps looking you dead in the eye.
“thank you,” you say, hugging the flowers to your chest as if to ground you, like you’re afraid if you’re not anchored to something you might float up, up, up into the clouds and disappear among the stars. you’re not even sure you’re still breathing properly, not with the way you can smell his cologne despite being outdoors and surrounded by hundreds of people.
chanyeol glances behind you, and you become acutely aware of the fact that your mother is still standing behind you. “oh!” you exclaim, whirling around and motioning for your mom to come over. they’ve never met, and this isn’t necessarily the way you want them to meet, but you’re not going to have them ignore each other just because you’re broken up—especially not when he keeps looking at you like he could eat you. “mom, this is chanyeol; chanyeol, my mom.” you say, gently nudging her, telling her to be nice.
your mom shakes his hand and gives him a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. a few months ago, she did her typical check in via a phone call. you never told her about chanyeol explicitly, just told her that there was a guy you were seeing back when you two first started dating. she asked about him here and there, but it was never anything pressing and you weren’t just going to give up the information. but when she called you after you two broke up, you couldn’t help but vent to her on the phone. for once, she let you cry in peace over a man—you don’t know why, maybe it’s because she could tell you actually liked him? but she let you cry and told you that one day, it would get better. she didn’t chastise you and tell you to simply get over it and to stop crying like you expected. you never asked her, but you figured she might’ve experienced something similar when she was your age or before you were born.
“it’s nice to put a face to a name, now,” your mom says, glancing at you before returning her gaze to chanyeol. he smiles, and the tips of his ears turn pink again. “how nice of you to show up today, too.” she adds and you cut your eyes at her, wanting her to lay off of him.
chanyeol only nods, his eyes never leaving yours as he says, “of course. i’m proud of her.” your whole body burns, the heat starting at your toes and spreading upwards. it’s too much to look at him, so you break first and awkwardly clear your throat.
“we’re about to go celebrate—you’re welcome to join us, if you want,” your mom says, shocking you and chanyeol, and probably even herself. you look at chanyeol with wide eyes, praying that he says no and spares an awkward, tension filled dinner.
“thank you, but i’ll pass for now,” he says politely and you nearly sigh in relief. your mom nods and smiles at him, seemingly happy with his answer, and announces that she’ll be waiting for you in the car.
you and chanyeol are truly left alone, and you don’t know how to determine the rolling of your stomach; anxiety, or excitement? either way, your pulse quickens and you feel shy when he smiles at you. "you look pretty, by the way," he compliments, and you feel like you're floating in the air when he says it. you thank him and he stuffs his hands into his front pockets of his jeans. "can i see you later? after your dinner?" chanyeol asks.
you bite the inside of your cheek. you know you should probably say no, because while you're elated to see him right now, you don't know when reality will set in and shatter whatever idea you have of him. his proposition from a few months ago still lurk in the depths of your memory, reminding you that you were too much and not enough for him at the same time. but on the flip side, you really do want to see him. theres so much you've wanted to say to him since your breakup and that rotten day.
blowing out a breath, you look up at chanyeol who wears a hopeful expression on his face. you’ve never been strong around him, never been able to resist him and those eyes that make you turn into mush around him. “yeah, sure. after dinner,” you say, nodding as if to convince yourself and psych yourself up.
chanyeol smiles, his dimples popping out and making your chest squeeze. “okay, cool. i’ll see you then,” he says. you nod and the two of you look at each other for a second before awkwardly laughing. chanyeol opens one of his arms, inviting you in for a hug. it takes everything in you to not throw yourself at him, and you slip underneath his arm just like you used to. you’re practically made to fit in his side.
the whole uber ride, you wonder if you’re too dressed up to see him. you changed your outfit four times, always feeling like it was too much or not enough, before you finally ended up in a blue, silk midi dress with lace trim, paired with heeled boots and a leather jacket. it might be too much, since it’s not a date. but he said he wanted to buy you a celebratory drink, and would it really hurt if you looked nice?
thanking your driver, you step out of the car and make the short walk into the bar. it’s quiet, save for the soft jazz music playing over the speakers. it’s definitely not somewhere you’d have picked if it was up to you, but it’s very chanyeol.
he sits at a high table near the windows, and gets up from his chair to greet you. it’s awkward again, stuck in the in between of a hug, or if you should just sit down. you both opt for the latter, chanyeol casting you a lingering glance. “what are you drinking?” you ask him, hanging your bag off the back of your chair.
“don’t know yet; i was waiting for you,” he answers, and you hate that you find it sweet. you only hum and start looking over the drink menu, not set on one particular drink.
“i think i’m gonna try this,” you say, pointing and showing chanyeol. he nods before slipping the menu from your fingertips and looking for his own option. you study him while he’s momentarily preoccupied and take in the few changes: the stubble, which you can admit you’re a fan of, thicker forearms like he’s been working out, and slightly longer hair. you slip your eyes to look out the window when he lifts his head and announces to you that he’s going to go order your drinks.
letting out a breath, you fold your hands together and glance around the bar, really wondering what you’re doing here with him. you know you shouldn’t be here after the way he tried to have some of you without having all of you, but you still have feelings for him despite it all. you’ve never really stopped.
chanyeol returns with your drinks and you two cheers before taking a sip, both making a face when you taste the alcohol. "so, how've you been—besides graduating?" chanyeol asks, looking over at you with a small, expectant smile.
with a shrug, you take another sip of your drink and set it down. "i've been fine, i guess. not really much going on," you say. "i have an interview coming up for this job—hopefully its my last one." chanyeols eyebrows raise at the mention of a new job, and eggs you on to tell him about it. you get a moment of deja vu, like you've had this conversation before and are going through the motions of trying to make everything right again.
"thats great, y/n. i'm really proud of you," he says it with so much genuineness that you have to take a deep breath to relax yourself. its just the simple things that make you ache the most. when you got an email back from the job, the first person you wanted to tell was him. he hasn't been an afterthought for you, not even after over 100 days of being apart.
you must get a look on your face, because chanyeol frowns and leans forward and asks if you're alright. "huh? yeah, i'm fine," you say, taking another sip of your drink. chanyeol backs off, but he knows you nearly as good as he knows himself, and the look on your face is one he's seen many of times. it lets him know that there is something on your mind that you aren't saying, but he knows better to press you about it, especially since you are not his anymore. "whats up with you?" you ask, wanting the attention off of you.
chanyeol goes on about how its been pretty much the same for him as well, except he's helping his cousin produce an album and is trying to get his brother in the studio more. you can't help but think about that fateful night at the drug store when you caught him buying condoms. you wonder if you hadn't run into him, if you wouldn't be sitting here with him trying to act normal and like you don't think about him nearly everyday. "y/n, you're doing it again," he notes, snapping you out of your own thoughts.
"doing what?"
he makes a face that says, really?, and shakes his head. "i know you, you know. say whatever's on your mind," you chew on the inside of your cheek and crack your fingers against your leg. "please, y/n."
you look up at him and your eyes start to well with tears, for reasons unknown to you and him. "oh my god," you mumble, covering your face with your hands. you sniff and wait for your eyes to dry up before uncovering your face and blowing out a heavy sigh of a breath. you look away from chanyeol as you talk, not trusting yourself to be able to make it while looking at him. "i am just so... confused, chanyeol. we don't talk for months, and then you show up to my graduation—and that was fine, okay?—but this? i can't just sit here and act normal with you, like we're friends or something, because we're not." your voice is even and slow, but you feel a wave of emotions brewing up again. "and with how we ended things? chanyeol, i need to know why you're trying to come around again because i just can't deal with it."
hes silent as he absorbs your words. chanyeol runs a hand through his hair and presses his lips together into a thin line. "okay, i'm just going to be honest, alright?" chanyeol looks over at you, and his stomach flips when you look up at him with wide, tear filled eyes. "first, i want to apologize—for everything, but especially the last time we saw each other. that was fucked up, and i knew it, and i still said it anyways. i wasn't... that just wasn't fair to you," chanyeols picks at his fingernails and looks down at his lap.
"i broke us up the first time; that wasn't your fault."
"yes, it was, y/n. there were things i didn't say to you, that i should have said. i could've tried harder, i could've just been honest with you," you bite your bottom lip, wishing he would just tell you those simple three words, whether they're still true or not. you need to hear it. "you can say it was all on you—fine—but i know that it wasn't. we both played a part, but it was completely my fault this time around. i don't want you to think that i... that i think less of you, because i don't. it was a stupid and fucked up thing for me to imply." chanyeols says, running his hand through his hair and gently tugging at the roots.
you fold your lips into your mouth and blink back the tears that form in your eyes again. his words mean something to you, so much that you don't think you'll be able to make it the rest of the night without crying. "y/n, can you look at me? please?" his tone is pleading, like its all he needs from you to get through the night. but you know the moment you look like him you'll start crying, and you don't know if you'll be able to stop. "please, y/n." and you wish he'd just call you baby.
with a breath, you finally turn your head to face him, and it hardly takes a second of seeing him before your face crumples and you drop your head into your hands. you're embarrassed for crying so quickly and in public, and you try to keep it silent. chanyeol jumps up from his chair and comes over to wrap you in a comforting embrace. you let him hold you for a moment, missing the feeling of being wrapped up in his strong arms. it doesn't last long before you mumble that you need air, and pull yourself from his grasp, not making eye contact with him as you slip on your jacket and dash outside.
you expect him to follow after you, and are greatly relieved when he does exactly that. "y/n," chanyeol says, a crestfallen expression on his face. the tears don't stop and you lean against the side of the building to support yourself. "i'm sorry." he's not really sure what he's apologizing for exactly, but he feels guilty and helpless watching you cry like this.
shaking your head, you wipe underneath your eyes and sniff, letting out a breath. "i don't know whats wrong with me," you mumble, letting out a weak chuckle. chanyeol gives you a small smile, taking a step closer to you. you take the risk of looking at him again, the urge to throw yourself into his arms tempting you. "why couldn't you just tell me?" you ask him, sniffing again. but you could ask yourself the same thin. why? seems to be the one question neither of you can figure out.
chanyeol lifts his shoulders and drops them before slumping against the building, mirroring your stance. "i don't know. i really don't. i felt—feel—so many things for you, so strongly, that i didn't want to ruin it or complicate it. especially if you didn't feel the same way," he says. the correction to the present tense makes your heart skip a beat, but also just makes you feel more frustrated.
"chanyeol, do you seriously think i just... kind of liked you, or something?" you ask, wiping the last of the tears from your cheeks. he shrugs and hangs his head when you let out a sarcastic cackle. "the way i felt about you scared the shit out of me. and since we're being honest, i still feel the exact same way. i can't even go a minute without thinking about you and wishing i could just go back in time so none of this happened." you're shocked that you found the bravery to tell him, but it feels like a weight has been taken off of your shoulders.
chanyeol blushes, and looks down at his shoes. "its the same thing for me. i really fucked up when i said what i said. i want you in more than that way, and i mean it. you mean more to me than just sex. i don't know why i thought i could even do that with you and not want more," you bite your bottom lip, his words settling in the pit in your stomach. the words are on the tip of your tongue, like they've been for months.
he beats you to the punch, nearly knocking the wind out of you. "i can't imagine trying to go through life without ever getting the chance to tell you that i love you. because i do, and i have for a long time, and i should have told you a long time ago."
"chanyeol," your voice cracks on the last syllable and tears immediately stream down your face again. his arms are around you in seconds, holding you tightly against him. chanyeol rests his chin atop your head and cages his body around you in a way that is just natural for the two of you.
you circle your arms around his torso and rest your cheek against his chest, letting out a deep breath and closing your eyes for a brief moment. this is all you've wanted, to be back in his arms, to be his, if not just for the moment.
"yeol," you mutter, pulling back to look up at him. chanyeols looks down at you and your eyes flick to his lips. thats all it takes for his lips to be on yours, one of his large hands cradling your head and the other around your waist. your palms rest flat on his chest before sliding up to grab onto the back of his neck to press him closer to you.
chanyeol backs you up against the wall of the building and presses your bodies impossibly closer, your hands sliding into his hair. you kiss him like its the last thing you'll do in this lifetime. theres a sense of desperation in the way you press yourself against him, but you don't care, and neither does he because all he does is shove his tongue into your mouth.
a whine leaves chanyeols throat when you pull away, and he chases after your lips. you blush and let him kiss you before you pull away again. you put your hands on his cheeks and look up at him, with what you can only image are heart eyes. "chanyeol," you say, gently stroking the left side of his face with your thumb.
"hmm?" he gently holds onto your wrist.
"i love you," you confess, and the smile that stretches across his lips is enough to make you weak in the knees.
"i love you." kiss. "i love you." kiss. "i love you." kiss.
you two stay like that for a few more minutes, pressed against each other. you feel his love for you in the way he holds you like you're delicate. you feel it in the way he kisses you like he means it, and you wonder why it couldn't have always been this easy and simple.
you've spent so long wondering why?, and you don't know if you'll ever find the answer, and for right now that is okay. because being back in chanyeols arms is enough.
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softpcysuggestions · 6 years
Chanyeol would love when the air turned crisp and when the autumn leaves fell down. There would always be some sweet tint in the air, but he loved it most because it gave him an excuse to bundle up close to you. How many nights you would spend - cuddled with a blanket while the snow fell outside. Yeah, Chanyeol loved the cold, but only because your presence was his warmth.
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dazz-linglight · 3 years
Requests are now OPEN.
Welcome to dazz-linglight.
Let me tell you a little about me: I'm Lina, brazillian, 21yo, black girl, bisexual, ESFJ, into kpop since 2015 and multifandom writer. I'm a sub myself so I might not be good at writing Dom reader, but I can try and do my best if you ask. I mostly write female reader, but you can specify if you want male reader. I'm not fond of writing full angst, but I can do mild angst with happy endings! I won't write: non-con, smut for underage idols, yandere or toxic relationships.
You can request imagines, reactions, send prompts and anything for the groups below! Also, feel free to ask about me if you're curious too. You can buy me a coffee
EXO (OT9) / GOT7 / Stray Kids / Monsta X / ATEEZ / ENHYPEN / JUST B.
Masterlist below: updated 25/03
Optional bias:
New year, new love
Strawberry & Champagne (fluff)
Comfort after a streesful day/ week
First Kiss (Ta-ki)
New Lipstick (Sehun)
First "I love you"
Promise me (Baekhyun)
Jealous Sehun
Mafia Baekhyun
Best friends to lovers (Baekhyun)
Jealous Chanyeol
Comforting the members (to post)
Enemies to lovers with Yugyeom
Mafia JB
Mafia GOT7
High school lovers
JB getting caught (suggestive)
Jealous reaction
Making out
Mafia Jinyoung
Skincare with Jinyoung
Stray Kids:
Comforting the members (to post)
Them confessing
High school lovers
2:56 Chan fluff
Jealous Felix (m!reader smut)
Matching onesies with I.M
First time with Kihyun
Minhyuk fluff
Seonghwa corruption kink | part 2 (to post)
A to Z NSFW with San
San hugging a crying fan
Birthday breakfast (oral with Yunho)
7:54p.m (dom!Yunho)
8:34 (Yunho smut)
MIST (Werewolf!Wooyoung)
Getting caught making out with Mingi
INCEPTION (Werewolf!San)
First "I love you" (Wooyoung)
Making out with Jongho
S/o has small hands (San, Seonghwa and Wooyoung)
22:34 Yunho fluff
A to Z NSFW Seonghwa
Sunghoon nipple play
Nose kisses with Jungwon
The moon is beautiful, isn't it (fluffy Ni-ki)
Professor Jake smut
Soft!Dom Jay
First time with Sunghoon
NSFW A-Z Sunghoon
Dry humping Jay
Jay with oral fixation smut
Bad boy Jay smut
Doctor Yang Jungwon (fluff)
Birthday blurb for Sunoo
Smut with bestfriend Sunghoon
Couch sex with Jay
Athlete Jake and cheerleader reader smut
First time with Jay
Crack EN- hyung line
Public sex with Jay
Pool sex with Jay
Sucking Jake off while he's gaming
Bad boy Jay smut
Enemies to lovers Jay smut
Enemies to lovers Jay fluff
Enemies to lovers Jake
Jealous Sunghoon
Rough sex with Sunghoon
Hard dom Sunghoon
First "I love you" with Heeseung smut
Jealous Jay smut
Mafia hyung line
Dominant Heeseung
NSFW A-Z Heeseung
S/o with small titties (hyung line)
Hyung line mtl to do stuff in public
Too hot game with Heeseung
Jealous EN-
First "I love you" with Jay
Pillow fort with Jungwon
Jay taking care of sick s/o
First time with Jay
Making out with Jay
Jay giving you a massage (smut)
Skincare with Sunoo
Sunghoon getting caught (smut)
Getting caught with Heeseung, Jay and Jake
Keep Driving (Geonu)
Despacito (Bain)
Having an idol s/o
Sleepover with Sangwoo
Birthday gift - JM
Bain taking care of a sick s/o
Having a tall s/o
Bath with Bain
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kpopfairyland · 2 years
Chanyeol and the almost date night
(I suck at naming things.... specially drabbles..........)
Chanyeol x Reader (fem)
Fluff, suggestive
“You look beautiful,” said a voice from the door.
With a scream and a jump you turned around. Chanyeol grinned at you, his arms crossed he leaned against the doorframe. Lately he got into the habit of sneaking up on you. For a man this tall and clumsy he could be surprisingly quiet.
“How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough to know that your underwear is matching.”
“That was suppose to be a surprise for after the date.” You tried to glare at him, but his stupid grin made you smile yourself.
“I will pretend to be surprised,” he said and stepped closer. His hand came around your waist and he pult you up. His lips met yours and what started out as a soft caress turned into a needy moan. He pressed closer, pushing you back until you hit your vanity table. Something dropped to the floor and the smell of roses filled the air.
“My face wash.”
“Leave it. I get you a knew one.”
Chanyeol trailed kisses down your throat, tasting your skin and making you moan again.
“How about you surprise me with your matching underwear now?”
“And skip the dinner and gallery? No chance.”
His lips found your sweet spot and his hand came up to caress your face.
With shaky knees you had to admit that his arguments were the better once.
“One the other hand, we could always go tomorrow.”
“Good girl.”
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iibonniee · 2 years
Dinner Date (Kim Minseok smut)
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It was supposed to be one nice dinner date. Minseok wanted other things than just the main course, however.
Warnings: smut, fingering, oral (fem receiving) public sex (restaurant bathroom), unprotected sex
Word Count 1.3k
It was almost hard to ignore the constant buzzing that shook her whole desk. Her eyes glanced towards her right for a brief moment to send silent words of hate to the small brick electronic that she called her phone.
The notifications stared just twenty minutes ago, and with the rapid way her phone buzzed she could only guess it was a groupchat. She couldn't afford to take a peek. Odds are it wouldn't be dire. She was well aware that if a situation came to such, her boyfriend would break down her office door and tell her the news.
So far, the silence that rested upon the room was what she drowned in.
No such signs of her boyfriend coming in telling her that something dire had happened, so she knew it wasn’t bad. Her mind tried to figure out what it possibly could be without grabbing her phone to look. The only possible thing that came to mind was possible upcoming plans.
“Have you seen Junmyeon’s messages?” Minseok’s voice broke the silent air as she heard him move deeper into the room, his arms wrapping around her shoulders the second he got there. He greeted her with a head kiss, then propped it there shortly after.
“So he’s blowing up my phone now?”
“Well, not technically,” He chuckled to her more than he spoke. The boys were definitely chatting amongst themselves, probably raising some type of hell within the group chat. “He wanted to know if we’d be down to go out to eat.”
She thought about it for a moment. The thought of going out seemed like a good idea. Well, it would be better than staying inside and wasting away in her office. Dinner was better than studying. That was for sure.
“Tell him we’ll tag along.”
It had only taken her 20 minutes to get ready. The short black dress had matched Minseok’s suit perfectly. Compliments were spilled out as well as soft prepped kisses along her jaw. If they stayed any longer, she’d take him up on leaving the dress on the floor and canceling their plans.
Her smile was bright as she met Chanyeol for a hug. The hug was just as amazing as it always was. His, and the rest of the boys. One by one she was met with greets and hugs until Junmyeon suggested they sit down.
Being smushed between Minseok and Chanyeol was rather nice. The male always seemed to hold the brightest smile while he talked his life away.
“How’s your classes been going?” Chanyeol asked placing his cup down. The mention of her classes struck some dread deep in her. It was probably because she had up and left her textbook and notes.
Oh well.
“Um, pretty good actually. Somewhat feels like my life has been in a rotation of sleep and classes. But I’m getting there.”
The feeling of a hand on her thigh had her tense, her eyes flicking to catch a glimpse at Minseok. His face remained expressionless, head nodding in agreement to what Junmyeon had been talking about.
Slowly but surely his hand crept up further and further until it reached her underwear...or her uncovered core for the matter. Ditching her underwear was only going to be mentioned for a fun time on their journey home.
He took a sharp breath and leaned over.
"No underwear? You naughty girl." He whispered into her ear eyes following the plate that was being set on the table in front of the two.
The sudden feeling of his cold fingers brushed against her lips, causing her to jump at the sudden sensation.
"Are you ok Y/N?" Junyeon immediately asked, worry filling his face.
"Y-Yeah I'm fine!” She quickly cleared her throat, “Minnie just tickled me to see if I was still focused.”
She felt him place a single finger inside of her, then another one. She looked over at him again,
surprise flooding her as he was completely absorbed in a conversation with Sehun. The damn bastard was acting like he wasn’t finger fucking her.
The sudden third intrusion of a third finger sparked an uninvited moan. Her cheeks felt hot when she felt the burning gaze of both Chanyoel and Jongin.
“This food is amazing.”
She felt herself grow closer and closer to her release. And unfortunately, so did Minseok. Being the amazing asshole he was, he pulled his fingers out leaving her all hot and bothered.
"I have to run to the bathroom, please excuse me." She smiled at everyone, fixing her dress while making her way to the bathroom. Once the bathroom door shut, she leaned against the sink and let out a heavy sigh.
Her emotions fell between wanting to hate him and wanting to cry. How dare he?
"You better not do what I think you're gonna do." Minseok’s voice filled the quiet bathroom, the sound of the lock being heard just shortly after.
"You're a fucking asshole you know that! You couldn't wait until we got home?!" She hissed, punching his shoulder. He grinned, pushing her body against the sink.
"I couldn't. It was hard to resist. All I can think about since I found you without underwear is fucking you." He smirked, dropping to his knees and pushed her dress up. Her lower half was now fully exposed to him. And seeing him on his knees like that sent a jolt right through her core.
She felt a warm breath inch towards her core before the warmth was replaced by a hungry mouth. She let out a moan as she pushed her fingers through his hair.
"Silent Y/N, we don't want to get caught." She nodded her head, biting her lip as his mouth continued to attack her pussy.
He slipped two fingers inside of her while his mouth sucked with her juices. The sensation was amazing, and she soon found the familiar feeling once more.
"Minnie I'm close." She whispered again, biting your lip to contain the moans. If they were to ever get caught neither of them would be able to hear the end of it.
He curled his finger to reach that spot that drove her insane while his mouth sucked on her clit.
Her mouth widened as her body shook as her orgasm hit her hard. He stood up and laughed, shuffling around to get his erect member out. He pulled her closer to him and slipped himself inside waiting a couple of seconds before moving. She thought the moment would be sweet, but she was wrong, he set a brutal paste.
"We need to finish up quickly, they think I'm in the bathroom as well. If we both take forever, who knows what Yoel would put in their heads." He whispered into her ear, his fingers working to play with her clit. His teeth nibbled on her ear, her breath hitting his cheek as he heard your muffled moans.
"I'm close." She whispered kissing him.
"I am too." He said, still pounding into her and playing with her clit. His mouth moved to find her sweet spot and he sucked on it. He felt her body tense up, her orgasm washing over you yet again. This triggered his and he found himself cumming inside her.
He stood there trying to catch his breath, a nervous laugh falling into the air as he spoke, "I got into the moment, and I might've given you a hickey."
"Are you serious?!" She hissed as she felt him pull out of her. She watched as he grabbed some paper towels cleaning up the mess.
"You're an idiot." She groaned, turning to see the bruise.
"We'll just go home, they'll be fine." He said pulling up her underwear and fixing her dress. He must've fixed himself up when she was complaining about the mar, he left her.
"You're so lucky I love you."
"I am too lucky you love me." He chuckled, kissing the back of her head. "I love you too."
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For Life
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Genre: Canon, Fluff
Characters: You x Kyungsoo
Warnings: None
Summary: Kyungsoo finds himself in a similar position: singing to the girl of his dreams on her wedding day. But this time, she only has eyes for him. 
A/N: Hello! I received a request for a follow-up to “Beautiful” because Kyungsoo needs his happy ending. It’s a short little nugget of a drabble, but I hope it makes you smile! Please consider liking, re-blogging, or commenting so that others can find this easier! 
*Please note: I do not own the above picture(s), so credit goes to the original owner(s)*
Read Part 1, Beautiful, here
Read the side story, Hair Necessities, here
What does a man think about on his wedding day?
Maybe he thinks about how his tux is fitting, or his hair falling just the *right* way over his forehead. Maybe he thinks about how nervous he is to be tying the knot, or wonders how you’ll look coming down the aisle.
Kyungsoo expected to worry about how sweaty his hands were before the ceremony, to think about not tripping on his way down the aisle. He even foresaw “bad influence” Park Chanyeol suggesting a couple shots of soju to “calm his nerves” before the ceremony. 
As you slowly made your way down the aisle towards him, Kyungsoo felt absolute contentment. There you were, coming to him and only him, your eyes shining brightly against the twinkling lights of the church. It was at that place that you pledged your love for each other, and Kyungsoo reveled in the knowledge that your hand would be forever joined with his. He’d never forget the look in your eyes when you promised yourself to him, dewey with unshed tears but shining with a love that would last a thousand years. Your first kiss as husband and wife, a soft, desperate meeting of lips, marking a permanent place in his memory. He thought about the life you’d have, the places you’d travel together, all the things he could give to you, his beloved. 
Now, hours later at the wedding party, the last thing he expected himself to be thinking about was his ex-girlfriend.
Usually, when a man thinks about an ex at his own wedding, it’s a sign of troubles to come. Maybe he’s pining for a missed connection, or wishing his ring were on a different finger. But no, not for Kyungsoo. Though no one could hear his thoughts, he didn’t want the universe thinking anything of the sort. No, Kyungsoo was a man pure in thought and deed (at least most of the time). 
Rather than regret or resignation, it was a sense of deja vu that led Kyungsoo to a fleeting thought of love’s past. Another wedding where he’d also stood on a stage and in front of a woman he’d loved, singing a song of goodbye. Thinking back, the heartbreak had been excruciating, but worth it. It had led him to you, afterall. Anything would be worth it if it led to you. 
Pushing those thoughts away, he took the microphone in his hand, breathing deep, nervous in a way that he hadn’t experienced before. Singing was his life; he sang in front of thousands of fans screaming his name, and had made his country proud while performing at the Olympics. But this was different, because you were different, so very vital to his entire being. Kyungsoo wasn’t a man of many words, much preferring to show his love through action. So here he was, baring his soul to you through song, a mostly-still-sober Chanyeol by his side to provide the accompaniment. 
“I’d like to dedicate this song to, Y/N, my wife..my love..for life.”
The storm may come and winds may blow
I’ll be your shelter for life
This love, this love
I mean it ‘til the day I die
Oh, never gonna let you go
Giving you my heart and soul
I’ll be right here with you for life
Oh baby, all I wanna do
Is spend my every second with you
So look in my eyes, I’ll be by your side
Yeah, look in my eyes, I’ll be by your side…
For life…
As the words poured from his lips, he looked out to see you standing at the wedding table, the tell-tale sheen of a tear making its way down your cheek, even as your smile shone the brightest in the room. As the last strains of piano dissipated in the air, Kyungsoo saw you hurrying towards the stage, as fast as your poofy dress would let you. Kyungsoo opened his arms and you practically flew into them, squeezing your arms tight around his waist to hold him close. 
“Thank you,” you spoke against his chest, your words strangely loud against the hooting and applause from the audience. 
Trapping your face between his hands, Kyungsoo softly pressed his lips to yours, lingering to commit another moment to memory. 
“I love you”, he whispered, his words only for you.
“I love you”, you returned, “for life”. 
Thank you for reading, For Life! I’m very much in my soft, soft Kyungsoo feels, so I hope you liked it. Please like, comment, and re-blog so that others can find and enjoy! 
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