#sokka’s shopping addiction
icrowler · 1 year
zuko's love language is buying gifts, literally stealing gold just to buy iroh fancy tea sets he doesn't need or ordering mai's favorite pastries and getting cute sea-shells. sokka's shopping addiction would be fuled so well it becomes an actual problem efnfksf
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hollypunkers · 4 years
a modern Zukka coffee shop AU where Sokka is a barista and the only tension in their relationship is Zuko being too afraid to tell Iroh about his coffee addiction
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skeetusmcyeetus · 4 years
I’ve making headcanons about all of my hyper fixations for a while now and just dumping them on my friends so I’m gonna also dump them here.
If you’re into All For the Game , My Hero Academia, ATLA, The Raven Cycle stay fuckn tuned my doods bc I have a loooot of stuff rattling around my empty skull.
Not all of these are 100% mine some of them are already pretty popular and I’m expanding on them or I heard something similar and edited it to my own tastes
I’ll separate them by series,,,
Theres like one canon that’s mildly nsfw
TW: drug abuse
pro hero kirishima’s Red Riot™️ merch is insanely size inclusive bc he wants fatgum to be able to wear the hoodie that kiri’s pr team sent him but that’s not all,,
If he wasn’t super gay and in love with Bakugou he’d be very Into BBWs so again his merch is super size inclusive bc he wants everyone to be able to wear it
The company that makes the merch also takes requests for special made merch for people who’s quirks interfere with a “normal” size or dimension
ALSO ,,,,this man(kiri) is built like a fuckn MACK TRUCK OKAY he is 6’7” and cannot fit through doorways without ducking and turning a little to the side ,,, he is broad And still wears no shirt™️ ,,, this being said ,, bakugou is still around 5’8” and pretty slim don’t get me wrong he’s extremely strong and toned but he’s not huge,, it makes flying easier if he stays a little lighter ,,,,,,, the point is,, sometimes kiri will pick up bakugou with one arm and bakugou can’t even pretend to hate it anymore
Also,,,, fatgum has to use special pens and keyboards because of how big his hands are,,, he’s literally 8’2” I won’t take criticism on this
Fatgum actually loves wearing red riot and sun eater merch
Allmight and Inko start dating and one day when they’re out someone comments on how much all might “looks like a skeleton” and she absolutley lets loose on them for being so vapid and shallow and how “he’s risked his life to save people like you more times than you have ever even thought about being helpful in your life and it would serve you well to treat someone who’d die for you without even knowing you with more respect”
All might had to gently pull her away bc the guy was crying and she wasn’t anywhere near finished with him
Midnight is Asexual and aggressively pretends to be horny on main™️ because for one, it works with her quirk and two, nothing sells better than sex especially when you’re a woman.
Bakugou and kirishima use sign language to talk shit at Public events
Dabi is addicted to painkillers because he’s been on them his entire life,, he wakes up with the shakes and sometimes toga has to help him take his meds in the morning because he’s already in withdrawal
Tensei was the first one to realize that iida was autistic and immediately did copious amounts of research on ASD and how to be a good brother to him
sokka grows his hair as long as Zuko’s (except the sides obvi) and sometimes he’ll wear his hair in the fire nation top knot and zuko loses it every time
Azula gets help and now sometimes when she wakes up with the sun after a night of fitful sleep she goes to the courtyard to have tea with iroh. They never talk, but then again they never need to.
Sometimes after a hard day sokka falls asleep in the bathtub and wakes up to zuko warming the water back up and washing his hair for him
Suki lounges in zukos throne while zuko gets worked up about stuff and paces all around the room
Mai is on the ace spectrum
When sokka and zuko visit the southern water tribe zuko will firebend for the all of the kids in the village,,, they love him so much and sometimes sokka gets a little teary eyed watching him
Sokka braids zukos hair water tribe style and it’s the hottest thing maybe ever
Zuko takes sokka on shopping sprees pretty frequently and sokka fuckn loves it
One time someone has the nerve to call sokka “the fire lords sugar baby” and sokka just flips his ponytail over his shoulder Ariana style and says “and what about it?”
The Raven cycle
Ronan has 100% killed Robert Parrish in his dreams and when he wakes up to see Adam next to him he almost immediately wants to go back to sleep and do it again for all the pain he’s caused Adam
Gansey is oblivious to the fact that he is indeed shredded,, when he gets really worked up he moves his arms a l o t like rolls up his sleeves, crosses and uncrosses his arms and The gang’s favorite is when he puts his hands on his head and subconsciously flexes,,,, literally entire gangsey will group swoon at him and he genuinely thinks they are marvelling at his passion for whatever he’s worked up about
Ronan watched broke back mountain once when he was like 16 and now all he can think about is being a gay cowboy ,,,
Adam will read people’s tarot wrong if theyre douchebags
Don’t you think it’s funny that the ganseys don’t have any straight children?
Blue has a T-shirt from each member of the gangsey (except Noah,, rip Noah) and shes created a terrible Franken-T-shirt by ripping them up and sewing them all back together in an extremely ugly patch work thing
Adam talks in Latin in his sleep and it really freaks his roommate out,, like a lot,, not to mention the fact that Adam already creeps him out to begin with bc he’s got that other vibe that comes from being tied to cabeswater and lindenmere ,, 6 out of 7 days his roommate is convinced that he’s a witch or a fairy or something
Ronan teaches opal how to bake and opal burns everything on purpose
Neil has definitely killed multiple people to survive
Neil’s mom definitely made him kill someone at least twice to make sure he could kill to survive on his own if they got separated
he probably definitely still has nightmares about each one
Matt and Dan both had a crush on Neil for like 30 seconds and absolutely talked to each other about him
Ppl always talk about how hot it is to crush a watermelon with your thighs,,,, Andrew could do it with his arms
Aarons ass is so flat and Andrew has an absolute dumptruck
Kevin started out as one of those annoying “obsessed with WWII” history guys and now he’s actually very into queer history and will rant about the lavender scare for an hour if you let him
The foxes lounge room(?) has a dart board with riko’s face on it to this day,, they literally have a drawer full of copies the same image of riko and every time one gets worn out they put a new one up. It’s more of an inside joke now but wymack still hates that little puke even though he’s dead so it stays up
Post-canon Neil gets drunk and teaches the team how to steal a car by hot wiring Matt’s truck
Matt does drag for halloween one year and Dan liked it a little too much *cough cough* she pegged him while he was still in drag
Someone once asked Renee if she was “saving herself for marriage like a good Christian girl should” and Allison knocked them out cold and stepped over the body
Neil calls Aaron ugly to his face literally any chance he gets (I feel like this one might be canon but I actually don’t know What’s real anymore)
Andrew Unironically wears a pink apron that says “kiss the cook” that Nicky got him for Christmas when he bakes
Okay I think that’s it ? For now?? Let me know if y’all want more,,,,, I’ll separate them next time I just really had to dump these and I didn’t want to make multiple posts.
I made this at 5:30 in the morning sorry if it’s riddled with typos and errors.
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here lies the complete story of the Crocverse (AtLA zukka modern AU)
The general facts are as follows: 
Iroh owns a croc store and Zuko works there
Sokka works at Trader Joe’s and loves crocs
Bending is a thing
Jeong Jeong owns an antique store and is furious the croc store ruined the vibe of the strip mall
Sokka and Zuko go on a date to Olive Garden
Toph and Zuko hate crocs
Bumi owns a Jamba Juice
This takes place in Florida
Bending is a thing, but it is unclear whether or not the Avatar is a thing 
The 2008 financial crisis was a thing that happened in this universe 
Iroh is the new owner of the strip mall Croc store. He loves and appreciates crocs in a big dorky way. 
Zuko is his disgruntled nephew who works at the Croc store. He hates crocs with a passion and is in kind of a Linkin Park phase. (He is not an eboy, no one is an eboy, society has moved past the need for eboys.) 
Sokka works at the local Trader Joe’s. He wears Hawaiian shirts all the gd time. He is incredibly excited about the croc store and gets addicted to buying crocs. He also likes wearing a ‘men want me, fish fear me’ hat and sometimes completes his ensembles with fanny packs. 
Katara works at a Petsmart. 
Jeong Jeong owns an antique store next to the croc store and is pissed that the croc store ruined the vibe of the strip mall. 
It is undecided whether or not Aang works at Bumi’s Jamba Juice or if he works at the Trader Joe’s bakery. Regardless, he’s more of a Birkenstocks guy and finds that crocs and airbending don’t really work together. 
Piandao is the Trader Joe’s manager. 
Hakoda is currently deployed and Sokka is trying his best to cope (with unhealthy shopping habits). 
Zuko goes to Jamba Juice a lot. Toph also goes to Jamba Juice a lot. They become buds because they go ‘well we’re both loners going into school with few or no friends and we both love Jamba Juice and hate crocs, that’s as good a place as any to start a friendship’ 
Sokka loves to explore Jeong Jeong’s antique store. Jeong Jeong considers Sokka to be a local menace (and he’d never say it but he’s his local menace and would be hurt if Sokka started poking around another antique store). 
Iroh really wants to be friends with Jeong Jeong (who could honestly use a friend, he’s kind of a hermit). Jeong Jeong is firmly annoyed that Iroh ruined the vibe of the strip mall. 
Zuko likes hanging out at the antique store and occasionally runs into Sokka. He voices his displeasure for the croc store on multiple occasions and Jeong Jeong feels incredibly validated. 
Zuko has kind of just planned to not have friends for his senior year. Iroh thinks that unacceptable. 
Iroh loves Sokka’s outfits a whole lot and compliments them all the time (while also trying to set him up with Zuko as friends). 
Sokka initially thinks Zuko is just kind of weird and asocial, but then one day at Petsmart he’s bothering Katara at work and he sees Zuko sitting on the floor of the reptile section just looking at all the tanks. Katara tells Sokka that Zuko basically does this every other day and Sokka realizes how soft this guy is and just kind of goes ‘oh’. 
Sokka goes to the crocstore and buys some pride crocs to send a message to Zuko. Zuko is oblivious. 
Eventually, Sokka pulls the “so… do you want to do an activity together?” and Iroh comes over with a “he’d LOVE to” and gives them an Olive Garden gift card. 
Sokka hopes Zuko thinks this is an actual date, Zuko is unclear on whether or not this is a date but puts on a button down shirt just in case, and Iroh doesn’t realize it’s 100% a date until Zuko comes out with his shirt and Iroh decides that it is of the utmost importance that he does Zuko’s hair. 
The details of the date have been decided on….but @animegenork is writing the actual fic and if you really want the sweet, soft zukka details you’ll have to wait. All I’ll say is there are turtleducks and smooching involved. 
Relevant Backstory 
Iroh didn’t actually want to own a croc store. He used to own his own tea/coffee store, but when the economy tanked and his son died, it ended up going bust. 
Iroh didn’t have much contact with his brother after Lu Ten died because Ozai was an unsympathetic asshole about it. The last time he saw his brother’s family was at Azulon’s funeral. 
A few years after the falling out with Ozai (and Iroh’s contact with his niece and nephew being basically reduced to birthday phone calls) Iroh finally upgrades to an iPhone with Facetime. When he calls for Zuko’s birthday, Iroh is VERY FUCKING DISPLEASED to see that someone has burned off half of Zuko’s face (and it doesn’t take much thinking for him to guess who). 
Iroh scoops Zuko up ASAP and Zuko moves in with him. 
Iroh attempts to bring Azula, but she firmly does not want to go with him and Iroh can’t exactly just kidnap a child in this day and age. 
So instead of reinvesting in a new tea shop, Iroh invests his time in legal work to go after Ozai for being the Fucking Worst™. 
He also puts Zuko in therapy, because god knows the kid needs it. 
Iroh worked in middle management for various retail stores and landed a management position in a croc store. Eventually, he opened up his own branch in Florida (which is where our story starts). 
And really, it wasn’t Iroh’s dream to own a croc store, but he accepts that life doesn’t always go exactly how you plan it. Iroh recognizes that what he can focus on is bringing joy to people and trying to project kindness into the world every day. Maybe you end up onwing a croc store. Maybe you’re in a bunch of bs legal crap because your brother is a monster and there are two kids who need someone, but you can make the best of it and it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy simple pleasure where you find them. 
Other details 
The Crocverse is a Mouth Wheat Boy Free Zone. Jet is just not a croc person. Jet has no reason to enter the croc store. This AU does not have room for Jet. I’m sorry Jet stans. (I’m not.) 
Zuko and Sokka are upcoming high school seniors (age 17). 
Katara is an upcoming junior (16), Aang is an upcoming sophomore (15), and Toph is an upcoming freshman (14). 
The swampbenders are frequent patrons of the croc store because they’re good for marshy areas.
The only people who are actually croc enthusiest in this world are Sokka and Iroh. 
Sokka likes wearing neon turquoise crocs the most. 
Sometimes Iroh wears rainbow tie dye crocs to support his gay nephew .
Final words 
This is what I meant when I said the Crocverse was never really about the crocs. The crocs were just a framing device, they’re just how we got here. At its core, the crocverse is about these characters and their struggles, and more importantly how they find each other despite the struggles. It’s about Zuko learning how to make friends. It’s about Iroh wanting the best for his nephew and trying to make the best of a less than ideal situation. It’s about Sokka trying to figure out what to do now that his dad is gone and learning how to open up about it instead of cope with unhealthy shopping habits and deflection. It’s about going to Petsmart and spending an hour looking at the reptiles because you deserve it. It’s about going to Jamba Juice and making friends with the other loners. It’s about learning that you don’t have to be alone. It’s about ditching Olive Garden for a better date somewhere else and smooching the ridiculous Hawaiian shirt Trader Joe’s employee because he’s funny and caring and maybe, just maybe, you deserve that. It’s about letting new people enter your life when you think you have to be alone. It’s about being teenagers together before life starts for real. It’s about, above all else, finding those weirdos who will be there for you and accept you for all your quirks and baggage. 
And that’s the Crocverse. I will shut up about it forever now. 
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randomfandomimagine · 3 years
Ficlets Masterlist
◾ Zuko
The Truth (Angst, Fluff)
Suspicious about Zuko’s intentions, the group comes up with a plan in which Y/N finds out the truth about his reasons. They just didn’t know it would also means to learn the truth about his scar.
Not Afraid Anymore (Angst, Happy Ending)
Facing what might be their last battle, Y/N realizes that not even Zuko’s company proves comforting, until something happens that helps them find their courage.
Separated (Angst, Happy Ending)
Y/N and Zuko are constantly arguing because of his stubbornness, and it isn’t until they are separated that they truly realize how much they need each other.
Shared Secrets (Angst, Fluff)
After meeting in Iroh’s tea shop, Zuko and Y/N are becoming close. But Y/N knows Zuko as Lee, and he comes to realize that he’s not the only one keeping secrets.
◾ Sokka
Hooked (Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Fluff)
Surrounded by benders, Y/N feels inadequate until Sokka notices.
◾ Marty McFly
Struck By Lightning (Friends To Lovers)
Being Doc’s family, Y/N invents a time machine that they don’t hesitate to show their best friend Marty. The only problem is, they end up getting stuck in the year 1955 and have to find a way to go back together.
Cupid’s Arrow (Love At First Sight, Fluff)
Y/N and Marty meet when their bands audition on the same day, finding that they share more than just a love for music.
◾ Jesse Pinkman
Kind (Emotional Hurt / Comfort)
That house seems like the home of drug addicts and nothing more, but when Jesse comes in, he didn’t expect to meet someone like Y/N.
◾ Jake Peralta
Bottled Feelings (Angst With a Happy Ending, Idiots In Love)
Tired of trying to get close to Jake, Y/N finds that working on a case with him has a very messy result due to their tension.
I’m Here For You (Emotional Hurt / Comfort)
When Y/N doesn’t answer Jake’s calls or texts, he decides to check on them. He just wan’t expecting to see them feeling so sad.
How You Make Me Feel (Mutual Pining, Idiots In Love)
After Y/N has a nice gesture with Jake, his reaction causes a rollercoaster of emotions that culminate when he takes actions on how Y/N’s gesture made him feel.
Fake It Until You Make It (Fake Dating, Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending)
Wanting to make Amy jealous, Jake and Y/N agree to pretend to be dating. After a while, they realize that their feelings might not be as fake as their plan.
Undercover (Angst, Fluff)
Jake and Y/N have an undercover mission, which has lots of surprises in store for them.
Drunken Confession (Enemies To Lovers)
Y/N seems to be mean to Jake for no reason, until their drunken state finally makes htem confess the real reason of their behavior.
Back To Normal (Angst, Fluff, Emotional Hurt / Comfort)
Arriving back at the precinct after a long time undercover, Jake seems to be the one who treats Y/N normally while at the same time trying to be of comfort.
🔷 DC
◾ Jimmy Olsen
Lazarus (Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Angst, Happy Ending)
Y/N is a photographer at the Daily Planet, quite close with Jimmy Olsen. Being really close with Lois Lane and, especially Clark Kent, Y/N is devastated when something happens to Clark and seeks comfort in Jimmy’s presence.
🔸 SUPERGIRL (Old fandom)
◾ Clark Kent
The Right Moment (Angst, Fluff)
Y/N knows that Clark is keeping a secret, but he thinks it’s time to reveal it.
◾ Barry Allen
Here With You (Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Fluff)
Y/N is having a bad day, but still doesn’t want to reach out. When Barry still appears at Y/N’s place, worried, they will realize it’s not so bad to need cheering up.
I Love You Too (Hurt / Comfort, Angst, Happy Ending)
Barry must make a great sacrifice, but Y/N wants to tell him something before he does. Unable to tell him, Y/N deals with the result of Barry’s sacrifice and wonders whether or not he reciprocated those feelings.
◾ Clark Kent
A Whisper Among The Noise (Songfic, Pining, Angst, Happy Ending)
Clark and Y/N had known each other for a while, but it’s in an office party that  they finally start to bond and Clark comforts Y/N about those insecurities concerning him.
◾ Connor RK800
Can Do Both (Emotional Hurt / Comfort)
You call Connor when you think someone’s broken into your place, and are surprised by how he can change from badass to gentle.
New Emotion (Fluff)
Connor feels very protective of Y/N, perhaps more so than his prograaming tells him to be.
First Date (Fluff)
Y/N and Connor want to spend some time alone and go on their first date.
Meeting His Creator (Fluff)
Connor grows flustered when he meets Y/N, the person that created the RK800 model
In Love (Fluff)
Something is coming in conflict with Connor’s programming, and he comes to realizes it’s his feelings for Y/N.
Fascinating (Fluff)
Connor learns about the small things that make being human special through Y/N’s eyes.
Breakdown (Angst, Emotional Hurt / Comfort)
After a specially tough case, Y/N breaks down and Connor doesn’t hesitate to be there to pick up the pieces.
Surprise! (Fluff)
Wanting to do something special for Y/N, Connor prepares a surprise party for their birthday.
◾ Markus RK200
Thunderstorm (Emotional Hurt / Comfort)
Y/N goes to spend some days at Carl’s house just when a scary thunderstorm breaks out. Luckily, Markus is there for comfort.
◾ Cloud Strife
Reunion (Angst, Happy Ending)
Sharing a tragic past with Cloud and Zack, Y/N tries to move on from the haunting memories of her time at SOLDIER. It isn’t until she is reunited with Cloud that he realizes Y/N is alive.
Heal My Heart (Hurt / Comfort, Angst, Happy Ending)
Because of their stubbornness, both Cloud and Y/N ended up injured during a dangerous fight. Once they’re safe, they have to mends those internal wounds as well as the external ones.
Star In Your Eyes (Pining, Angst, Happy Ending)
Y/N has feelings for Cloud, but is convinced that he can’t reciprocate them. One night, thoughtfully looking at the stars, Cloud finds Y/N wanting to talk.
Holiday (Tooth Rotting Fluff)
Having some time for themselves, Y/N and Cloud go on a holiday together in which they learn to further understand one another.
Don’t Be Like Me (Sickfic, Hurt / Comfort, Angst, Fluff)
Cloud goes to check on Y/N after not hearing from them for a few days and finds that they’re neglecting themselves, forcing Cloud to look after them himself.
Fast Learner (Fluff, Mutual Pining)
Cloud finally gives in and teaches Y/N how to fight.
Distraction (Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending)
When Y/N stumbles back into the bar, hurt and barely conscious, Cloud has to make his best to distract them and keep them awake. That might just be enough for him to slip up and confess his feelings.
Flirt (Mutual Pining, Fluff)
Although Cloud isn’t usually the affectionate type, Y/N finds that he’s surprisingly close with them and decides to test his attraction for them.
Too Scared (Hurt / Comfort, Fluff)
When something goes wrong during a mission and Y/N gets hurt, Cloud gets slightly protective. Even with Barret and Tifa’s concern, Y/N doesn’t quite feel safe until a certain someone steps in.
◾ Aerith Gainsborough
Even From Afar (Bodyguard, Fluff)
Being assigned to protect Aerith, Y/N is struggling to fulfill her duty as a Turk. Upon noticing Y/N, Aerith playfullys tries to make them less tense about it.
◾ Reno Sinclair
Bruised Soul (Hurt / Comfort, Angst)
Y/N patches Reno up after he arrives from one of his many missions, showing there’s more to that Turk than what it seemed.
Sworn Enemies (Enemies To Lovers, Mutual Pining)
Reno and Y/N are on opposite teams, but they are too attracted to each other to be able to ignore it.
◾ Prompto Argentum
Finger Guns (Emotional Hurt / Comfort)
Prompto realizes that Y/N is terrified of guns and, them being his main weapons, he tries to help with that fear.
◾ Gladiolus Amicitia
Birthday Surprise (Fluff)
Gladio’s and Y/N’s birthday are near each other, so they want to celebrate them together.
◾ Atreus
White Wolf (Fluff, Non Romantic)
While they take a walk and try to hunt, Y/N and Atreus find a wolf cub that they try to get Kratos to let them keep.
◾ Neville Longbottom
Expecto Patronum (Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Fluff)
With everything that is happening due to the return of Voldemort, a scary storm is the last straw for Y/N. Luckily, Neville is there to comfort them and make them forget all their fears.
◾ Cedric Diggory
Protective (Hurt / Comfort)
The Quidditch match is not turning out how the Hufflepuff team expected, with Y/N getting hurt in the process. Luckily, Cedric cares enough about Y/N to leave Quidditch behind.
Hufflepuff Champion (Fluff, Emotional Hurt / Comfort)
Upon Y/N being chosen as the Hufflepuff Champion for the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric becomes very worried about them.
◾ Luna Lovegood
Always Welcome (Christmas, Fluff)
Luna invites Y/N to spend Christmas at the Lovegood residence with her.
◾ Howl Pendragon
Special (Fluff)
Being Howl’s apprentice comes with lots of perks, one of them being your closeness to him. However, it also comes with lots of surprises.
◾ Hiccup Haddock
Just A Dragon (Slight Hurt / Comfort, Fluff)
After arriving to Berk when they’re rescued from their dying land, Y/N tries to adjust to their new home. Luckily, a boy called Hiccup is very helpful in that regard. Unluckily, he’s good friends with a dragon that scares Y/N.
◾ Peter Parker
Secret Identity (Pining, Hurt / Comfort)
Y/N realizes Peter is behaving strangely, though nothing seeems to make sense until Spiderman appears on Y/N’s house, needing their help.
Weight On His Shoulders (Pining, Fluff)
Y/N is a huge Spiderman fan, which earns them constant teasing from Peter, who happens to also be Y/N’s best friend. But what happens when those two people collide in Y/N’s life, and what feelings will that evoke?
Secrets (Fluff)
Wanting to confess their feelings once and for all, Y/N finally faces Peter and rushes to his apartment. What Y/N wasn’t expeccting was that not only secret was revealed.
Halloween Party (Fluff)
Y/N and Peter attend a Halloween party dressed as Spiderpeople.
◾ Peter Parker
Empty Heart (Fluff, Angst, Sad Ending)
Y/N and Peter have admired each other from afar in high school, until they reunite after graduation and finally gather enough courage to talk to each other. However, and despite how happy they are while they date, Y/N’s career as a firefighter and Peter’s secret identity as Spiderman collide in a not so happy ending.
◾ Bucky Barnes
No Hope (Fluff, Angst, Sad Ending)
After a period of happiness, Y/N and Bucky are forced to face the harsh reality that is the Winter Soldier’s life even after he has tried to leave his past behind.
Steal Your Pain Away (Enemies To Lovers, Angst, Hurt / Comfort, Happy Ending)
Bucky doesn’t seem to like Y/N because of their link with HYDRA, and some of the other Avengers join him on his dislike of Y/N. However, when Y/N saves Bucky’s life, their secret is revealed and with that their hidden feelings for Bucky and that make him see things differently.
◾ Arthur Pendragon
Flowers (Angst, Fluff)
Despite their close relationship, Arthur has distanced himself from Y/N. Worried about this, Y/N worries and confronts Merlin about the matter, who reveals that the secret might not be as bad as Y/N thought.
◾ Gavin
Hostage (Angst, Fluff, Hurt / Comfort, Happy Ending)
Gavin and MC are working on one of the shows together at the police station when something unexpected happens to them that will change not only their day, but also their whole relationship.
First Kiss (Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending)
Y/N hurries to go visit Gavin, worrying about him because of his job, only for that anguish to end up in unxpected affection.
◾ Nick Miller
Puzzle (Friends To Lovers, Idiots In Love, Mutual Pining)
Y/N doesn’t understand why it’s so hard to concentrate on anything. Likewise, Nick is obsessed with different tasks that take his entire focus. It isn’t until Jess realizes that Nick and Y/N like each other that their odd behaviors change.
◾ Leon Kennedy
What Matters Most (Hurt / Comfort, Angst, Happy Ending)
Being trapped with Leon, Y/N end ups taking a hit for him in order to save his life.
That Flirt In The Red Dress (Emotional Hurt / Comfort)
Dating Leon while surviving is hard enough for Y/N to on top of all meet someone who flirts with Leon and makes Y/N jealous.
Black And White (Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Soulmate AU)
Y/N’s world has always been in black and white, until they meet their soulmate, who happesn to also be the person that saves them.
◾ Poe Dameron
Love Notes (Mutual Pining, Fluff)
Being a nurse in the Resistance isn’t always easy, but things feels a little more bearable thanks to those sweet but mysterious love notes that BB8 brings you... until you find out your secret admirer’s identity.
◾ Link
Crush (Fluff)
Y/N tries to deal with their crush on Link, only to find that he might reciprocate.
◾ Illya Kuryakin
Aftermath (Hurt / Comfort, Fluff)
Illya and Y/N comfort each other after a especially challenging mission.
◾ Geralt
I Don’t Need You (Angst)
Geralt’s behavior is extremely cold and distant after Y/N gets severely hurt. Will they be able to settle their differences after this incident?
Not A Hero (Angst, Happy Ending, Hurt / Comfort)
When a injured witcher arrived to them, It seemed like Y/N was his savior when they took him in and healed him. However, it seems like Geralt can also save Y/N.
◾ Jaskier
What Would You Do Without Me (Hurt / Comfort, Fluff)
Y/N is intent on exploring perilous lands and Jaskier, ever at her side, agrees to go wit her. His presence and comfort prove more helpful than she could have imagined.
Closer (Hurt / Comfort, Angst, Happy Ending)
You don’t know what you have until you lose it, and it isn’t until Jaskier gets badly hurt that Y/N realizes how much he truly means to them.
You’re My Heart (Fluff, Angst, Sad Ending)
There’s a blossoming romance between Y/N and Jaskier among their journey, but after Y/N is put through near death experience, Geralt and Jaskier decide that it’s best to part ways in order to protect Y/N.
Under Your Spell (Pining, Idiots In Love, Angst, Happy Ending)
Reuniting by a whim of destiny, Jaskier and Y/N bond again despite their clear differences.
Friends (Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Angst, Happy Ending)
Y/N feels tired and hopeless, and it isn’t until Jaskier talks to them that they don’t realize many things about themselves.
I Still Love You (Songfic, Angst)
Jealous of his endless interests on other people, Y/N runs away from their feelings on Jaskier only to walk straight into a dangerous situation.
Shower Day (Angst, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Happy Ending)
After a tough break up, Y/N is feeling heartbroken and worthless, but Jaskier is determined to be there to make them feel better.
Light Of My Life (Fluff, Emotional Hurt / Comfort)
To show his love for Y/N, Jaskier prepares a romantic surprise in which he plans to confess. What he wasn’t expecting was to see Y/N being insecure upon realizing his feelings.
Little Bard (Hurt / Comfort, Fluff)
When Jaskier turns up injured and looking for help, Y/N doesn’t hesitate to look after him, even if he becomes more important to them and either of them could imagine.
◾ John Ambrose McClaren
Too Nice (Mutual Pining, Fluff)
Unable to deal with their feelings for John, Y/N constantly tries to find his flaws, even if in the end they have to give up and admit how great John is.
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incorrectzukka · 4 years
i love ur blog n i offer a concept. coffee/tea shop au concept where sokka goes with the gaang every other day bc aang has an Addiction to boba and asks poor exasperated zuko if hot kool-aid is on the menu every day just to annoy him. zuko actually makes it for him once (like actually buys some just for sokka) to see what he'd do and thats how sokka knows He's The One
the phrase “to see what he’d do” is SUCH big zuko energy
- he’s at his last braincell with this group of kids who always make too much noise and look too happy
- the cute (but also annoying) one always asks him for warm kool-aid like he doesn’t get it. it’s in the name. it’s KOOL-aid not HOT-aid, i d i o t
- one friday he just fucking snaps. he’s gonna make that guy eat his words. before his shift, he goes to the department store and buys some kool-aid.
- when the gaang come in for aang’s daily fix, as per usual he fields all sorts of silly questions plus aang’s extreme niceness. he tells them he’ll call out their order number and ignores all the other things they keep saying. sokka winks at him and asks for kool-aid. zuko just blinks.
- he actually does it, even though his own actions are terrifying him. he boils the kool-aid. he gets aang’s tea ready and then hurries to the counter so that he can catch sokka’s face
- (because sokka always picks up the order. always. because it had stopped being about aang’s boba a long time ago, and started being about sokka’s crush on zuko.)
- so sokka comes, mouth set in a smirk, prepared to make another snarky comment. except then zuko pushes two cups towards them.
- one of them is aang’s usual. but the other. the other... is goddamn warm kool-aid. “marry me” sokka blurts then wants to kind of die.
- zuko blinks. “you have issues,” he tells sokka, but he’s surprised to find he’s smiling, too. sokka, because now that he’s definitely made an ass of himself, what’s he got to lose?
- “okay, maybe i’ll ask that questions three years later. uh. how about i revise that? i meant.. date me?”
- what does it say about zuko that the line definitely works?
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zukka has been living in my brain rent free so its headcanon time. today we’re talking about love languages lets get into it:
- both sokkas and zukos love languages include gift giving. due to sokka’s shopping addiction and zuko’s access to pretty much anything at any given moment, the amount of gifts they give each other is absolutely absurd. 
- they both really appreciate the thought but sometimes they both go a little too far and they usually have to reign each other in
- sokka will be like oh i ran to the market to grab a couple of things and i saw something that reminded me of you so i bought it and zukos like oh? and sokka whips on the original playscript to their favorite show that definitely cost a ridiculous amount of money. and zukos like !!!!!!!!!! thats too much i cannot accept it. btw i bought you an entirely new custom made wardrobe bc a couple months ago you said one of your socks was itchy.
- they have to create a budget for themselves whenever the holidays come around (they always go just a little over but they just Had to get it because they knew it was perfect)
-  sokkas favorite gift from zuko was a promise ring made out of whale bone and space rock with a sun setting on tiny waves carved into the inside. zuko said that he knew life wouldnt be easy for them given their political statuses but the sun always set on the sea and he promised would always fine his way back to him. it is one of sokkas most prized possessions
- zukos favorite gift is from the time when sokka had casually been taking paint classes and come back one day and was like i made it for you!!!its a family portrait :) the portrait itself was zuko sitting in his thrown with sokka standing tall next to him in a style that was an awkward attempt at realism. zuko honestly wouldnt have known what it was otherwise but oh how he cried. he keeps it framed in his study.
- on that note, theyre also big into acts of service
- like one day zuko is grumbling to himself after a particularly frustrating meeting with some of the generals about something or the other. sokka can tell he just doesnt want to be bothered so he silently gets some jasmine tea and braids his hair and allows zuko to sulk. zuko was too cranky to admit it but in that moment he quite literally fell in love with him all over again
- it becomes this routine that whenever zuko has a particularly rough sokka will bring him some tea and company
- another big thing is that zuko would not take care of himself. some nights much to zukos dismay, sokka will quite literally take the papers from his hands and send him to bed 
- “i dont want to hear it. theres a bath ready for you and food with your name on it in my room. ill meet you there when im finished with all this.” zukos protests fell on empty ears as he shoved zuko out the study and locked the door behind him. sokka spent maybe an hour going over the rest of zuko’s paperwork before returning to his room only to find zuko fast asleep with his hair still wet and smelling like spice. 
- on the flip side, sokka keeps his space pretty messy. he swears its organized chaos but its just a fire hazard waiting to happen. sokka was always a late riser, much later than zuko. one time sokka woke up to find zuko long gone and the mess had gone with him. on the night stand next to the bed was a note that read ‘cleaned your chaos’ with a little heart squiggled in the corner
- honestly most of what sokka had originally thought was good luck around the palace was just zuko working his magic and flexing some muscle and honestly? sokka couldnt complain
- they do the absolute most for each other at all times and honestly? its kind of adorable
((also if this is a fanfic yall would read i could definitely clean it up and throw some dialogue in there hehe))
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sideb00000b · 4 years
zuko x fem!reader
a/n: hi! i’ve never written smut before, so I apologize in advance. i tried my best to do my main man Zuko justice :) it gets a bit bumpy and also a bit steamy, so uhhhh enjoy!
word count: 3.9k (it’s a long one folks)
context: After the war had ended, you had returned to the fire nation and served as a loyal general to the newly crowned firelord. Naturally, the new position required that you spent a lot of time around Zuko, even more so than when you had both traveled the world with the gaang. The two of you became extremely close, best friends, confidants. The sexual and romantic tension was very obvious to everyone... except the two of you, you were both oblivious. However, your love for eachother reached a pivotal point, two days ago when you shared a romantic smooch under the stars. Each of you had avoided the other since then, scared that a romance would get in the way of civil responsibilities or obligations toward the fire nation citizens. Now, both of you were attending a fire nation royal ball, in celebration of something neither of you knew or cared about. The longer you spent apart, denying the tension, the more it grew.
(firebender!fem!reader pov)
 I didn't even know why I was here. The dancing lights, crowds of people, I could leave right now, firebend a hole in the wall and escape, and nobody would notice. On second thought, someone would notice. Zuko would. He hadn’t taken his eyes off of me the entire night, not once. I looked across the room, and there he was, in all of his glory, staring me down. I looked away quickly, hoping he hadn’t noticed. I suddenly became very aware of how tight my red dress was and how I was standing. I adjusted my stance, attempting to blend in with the group of people chatting beside me. He was no longer in my range of view, but I didn’t need to see him to know that those golden eyes of his were fixed on me.
 I tried desperately to distract myself by diving into conversation with some of the strangers around me. Their voices bored me, their topics bland. There was only one voice I wanted to hear, one person that I cared to discuss. That person was across the room. That person also happened to be the firelord, my boss and my best friend. I laughed at myself, who was I to have fallen head over heels for the most important person in the entire nation?
 Sure, the whole world now knew my name thanks to my adventures with the gaang, but I could never escape the fact that only months ago I had been a lowly fire nation deserter hiding in Ba Sing Se. I cringed at the memory. To this day, I still found it hard to believe that I had once been a fire nation soldier. I had run away because I was scared, because I knew what I was fighting for was wrong. After I deserted the rest of my troop, as well as my uniform, I had fled to Ba Sing Se, where I later met Zuko (although, I then knew him by the name Lee) in his uncles tea shop. We were fast friends from the very beginning, sharing late night talks by the water fountain and glances over the rims of tea cups. He had been the very first person I shared my true identity with, and he entrusted his true name to me as well. However, after the fight in the crystal caves below the city, I chose to leave with Aang, Katara, Toph and Sokka. I knew that my destiny was to help the avatar, to help defeat the Sozin,unfortunately that meant leaving the troubled Zuko behind.
 I fit in with the gaang perfectly, exchanging jokes with Sokka, wrestling with Toph, secretly treating Appa every chance I got. Often times, flying through the air on Appa, I found myself thinking of the mysterious Zuko I had met in Ba Sing Se, I missed him. I had briefly attempted to teach Aang firebending, however, it became painfully clear I was not a great teacher. Later, when Zuko showed up at the eastern air temple, I did not hesitate to run into his arms. From that point on, Zuko and I had been inseparable.
 As I finished reminiscing, I realized that the party-goers around me had been asking me questions, silently waiting for a reply. I ushered a quick apology and excused myself. I didn’t belong with them, it was clear to me now who I really belonged with. It had always been Zuko. From when I first saw him, I knew that my heart was already his. I can’t believe it had taken me this long to realize that he was the one. The one that would truly be there for me, the one that would hold me in is arms at the end of the day, the one that would love me for lifetimes.
 I stumbled through the crowds, shoving through the seemingly endless waves of people, ignoring the rude glances I was given. They didn’t matter, nothing did anymore, except for Zuko. I shoved through a particularly dense wall of people and found myself in a clearing. I desperately scanned the crowds for him, face to face, person to person. My eyes landed on a tall figure scrambling through the crowd. It was Zuko! We had apparently had the same idea, his golden eyes scanning the crowd, and I knew it was my face he was looking for. I watched him, transfixed on his every movement. After some struggle, he finally made his way into the clearing.
 He was positively stunning. He wore flattering red robes, traditional firelord attire, that hugged his figure in all of the right places. His hair was up, although he knew I always preferred it down. I scanned his body, my eyes connecting with his. He had been observing, memorizing every inch of me as well. I wanted to say so many things to him, to do so many things to him. I couldn’t stand another moment being apart, and I found myself running forward. I had no plan, I was just desperate for any part of him. He did the same, the two of us rushing toward eachother at an alarming speed. I knew people were staring, I didn’t care. The universe existed just for us. 
 We collided, our lips crashing into eachother. I wrapped my hands around his neck, his hands finding their way to my hips. Lights from the party danced on my eyelids, electricity flowed through my veins. Life should always be like this. What had taken us so long? Zuko’s tongue ran across my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I happily obliged. He began to explore every inch of my mouth and I pulled him closer. The taste of him was addictive, and I found myself never wanting this moment to end, but desperately needing air. I reluctantly pulled away from the kiss, the both of us gasping for breath. I glanced around us, the whole room was staring. I blushed profusely, what would they think of us? What would they think of the firelord dating a deserter-turned-general? I felt a hand grab ahold of my chin, my attention returning to the man standing in front of me. He turned my head so I was staring directly into his eyes. In those endless golden orbs, I could see sadness, guilt and other emotions from his complicated past. I also saw love. I knew it was for me. 
 His eyes left mine to slowly observe my body, staring at my lips for a particularly long time. I let out a giggle, this man had no shame. I also became very aware of the feeling growing between my legs... we needed to get out of here. I grabbed his wrist tightly. “Follow me”. I instructed as I began weaving through the crowd. The longer it took to leave the party, the more impatient I grew. If I didn’t get my hands on Zuko soon, I was going to explode. Zuko’s front stayed pressed to my back as I guided us through the groups of people. My brain became dysfunctional, blurred with arousal. There were so many things I wanted to do to him, I wondered briefly if Zuko was thinking the same thing. After what seemed like forever, the two of us broke through the last of the crowd, finding ourselves in an empty hallway. I had no idea where I was or where to go, so I decided to just pick a door. The first door I opened revealed an empty bedroom with a large bed. I silently gave myself a pat on the back.
I had barely made my way through the door before Zuko had me pressed against the nearest wall. He reached behind my back, smoothly locking the door. I was so turned on, I couldn’t think straight. I grabbed the front of Zuko’s robe, bringing his closer, our noses barely touching. I stared up at him, the firelord looking down at me, as if seeing eachother for the first time. With another tug to his robe, our lips met for the second time that night. This time, the kiss started slow, passionate. I relished every second, but I was becoming impatient. I deepened the kiss, Zuko matching my eager energy. Our teeth clattered, tongues danced. Continuing to press me against the wall, Zuko took off my dress while I kicked off my shoes. I then made a feeble attempt at taking off his robe, failing miserably. He broke our kiss, flung his robe to the floor and returned to my lips hungrily.
  Zuko began vigorously kissing my neck, no doubt leaving bruises. I needed more, rubbing my thighs together to get some relief. Zuko noticed my desperate actions, moving his hands towards my underwear. He roughly slid the palm of his hand along the thin fabric, flawlessly hitting my clit. I whimpered, temporarily collapsing into Zukos chest as my knees threatened to give out. I blushed, it was a little embarrassing knowing the effect this man had on me with a small movement of his hand. I looked up at Zuko, who was smirking at me like he had just won the Olympics. I wanted payback, I wanted to make him scream my name. I composed myself, using what strength I could to push myself off the wall, trading places with the firelord. I pinned his wrists above his head, moving my lips to the edge of his ear. “Hello, Zuko here”, I whispered, mocking the first words he had said to the gaang when he showed up at the air temple. I laughed at my own joke, leaving a bite to his earlobe as I returned to my place in front of him. Zuko began to protest against my teasing, put I firmly wrapped a hand around his throat, silencing him.
 Zuko looked at me, eyes wide and ablaze, trying to anticipate what my next move would be. My hand still around his neck, I took a moment to appreciate the sight in front of me. A thin layer of sweat covered his body, making his abs shine. His hands had found their way to my hips, his arm muscles on display. With each breath, the muscles in his torso moved, somehow making him impossibly more sexy. I was practically drooling. I tightened my grip around his neck, eliciting a whimper. I released his wrists from above his head, using my free hand to touch every piece of skin I had access to. I pressed a quick kiss to Zuko’s lips, biting his bottom lip. I removed my hand from his neck, now using both hands to feel my way down his torso, pressing kisses along the way, as I dropped to my knees. Zuko didn’t take his eyes off me once, and judging by the look in his eyes and the bulge in his underwear, he was enjoying this just as much as I was.
 I wasted no time in ripping off his underwear, releasing his huge dick. Honestly, did I really expect it to be anything big? I wondered briefly if I could even fit my mouth around him. Only one way to find out. I wrapped my lips around him, making my way to the base. Zuko let out an unholy moan steadying himself on my shoulders before entangling his fingers in my hair. His moans turned me on even more and I made it my mission to hear as many as I could. He pulled on my hair and I hummed around his dick in response. “Fuck”, Zuko groaned between gritted teeth. I pulled back, swirling my tongue around the tip and moving a hand to massage his balls. I pulled off completely, looking up at Zuko. He was a mess, eyes closed, cheeks bright red, breathing erotic. The most powerful man in the entire nation was putty in my hands. 
 He looked down at me desperately, no doubt wondering why I stopped. I looked at him through my eyelashes, nodding. I wanted him to face fuck me. Zuko understood, excitedly tightening his grip on my hair. I took him back in my mouth, Zuko beginning to guide my head, starting slow. I removed my hand from his balls, steadying myself with his thighs. His hips picked up speed, becoming more erratic. Tears threatened to roll down my cheeks, loud strings of moans coming from Zukos mouth. My mind blurred, reveling in the glory of being face fucked by the firelord. His thrusts became messy, my name and a multitude of different curses flowing from his lips like a mantra. I opened my throat, eager to swallow. Instead of cumming in my mouth, Zuko pulled my hair roughly, forcing me to my feet. 
 His eyes were dark, clouded with lust. My eyes widened, the confidence from earlier quickly disappearing. His hair had fallen out of his bun, now hanging around his face. I could see tear streaks down his cheeks, his chest heaving. I was breathless, nearing an orgasm at the mere sight of him. He wrapped his hand around my throat, like I had done to him earlier. His hands were by far my new favorite necklace, I made a mental note to tell him that later. He leaned in, lips touching mine, yet not kissing me. “Prepare for the fuck of your life, Y/N” he growled. Any thought I had of questioning his authority over me, fled my mind. I bit my lip, if he wasn’t inside me soon, I was going to throw a fit. Zuko seemed to sense my frustrations and removed his hand from my neck, it felt empty. His hands traveled down my back and to my thighs, preparing to lift me up. All too happily, I jumped into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck. He walked the two of us over to the bed, never breaking eye contact once.
 He threw me onto the soft mattress, staring down at me hungrily. I became very aware of my body, but instead of shying away from the intimidating man in front of me, I let him look, I trusted him. The wild, erotic Zuko vanished for a few moments, a floppy grin lighting up his face. He grabbed my hips, pulling me to the edge of the bed. Zuko ripped my underwear, burning them to a crisp as he threw them to the floor. I bit my lip once again, he really was going to give me the fuck of my life. He pressed a few kisses to my inner thighs before disappearing between my legs. Before I could even process what I was in for, I felt two fingers inside me and a mouth sucking on my clit. I screamed. “HOLY SHIT, ZUKO!” I arched my back off the bed, pleasure taking over my senses. Zuko continued his movements, pumping his fingers in and out of me, swirling his tongue around my clit. My mind failed to function, Zuko’s name the only thing on my tongue. I tugged on his hair, desperate. He moaned around me in response, sending me into a frenzy. “Zuko! I’m gonna-” He hummed a second time and I cut myself off, moaning erotically.
 The knot in my stomach grew, my orgasm closing in. I tightened my grip on his hair, hanging on for dear life. Zuko curled his fingers, a whole new sensation taking me over the edge. I screamed his name as I came, my back arching impossibly further off the bed. My chest heaving, seeing stars, I realized that Zuko had not stopped, and showed no signs of slowing. His mouth continued to suck on my clit, his curled fingers pounding into me. Tears flowed down my cheeks, the pleasure overwhelming. “Zuko.... I can’t” I whimpered between moans. Zuko ceased his actions, looking up at me from between my legs. His lips were swollen, some of his hair matted to his face. “You want me to stop?” he asked innocently. I looked down at him desperately. He knew full well I didn’t actually want him too. He grinned at me, diving back in. He resumed his actions from before, only his curled fingers pounding into me harder, swirling his tongue around my clit faster. I screamed his name, my second orgasm fast approaching. Zuko’s free hand traveled up to my mouth, tapping on my lips, asking me to suck on two of his fingers. I happily obliged, my throat sore. I tried my best to concentrate on swirling my tongue between his digits, but the pleasure was too much, I couldn’t think. I wrapped my legs around Zuko’s head as my second orgasm hit me like a train. I bit down on his fingers, Zuko’s resulting moan sending vibrations to my core. My legs shook uncontrollably, trying to regain my breath.
 Zuko emerged from between my legs, removing his fingers from my mouth and wiping his lips with the back of his hand as he crawled up my torso. Even though my clit throbbed, I was still incredibly tuned on and I wanted more. I giggled breathlessly as Zuko loomed over me. This man really would be the death of me. I grabbed the back of his neck, quickly pulling him in for a passionate kiss. I could taste myself on his lips, the insatiable need for him growing. He broke from the kiss, cupping my face in his hands as he sat back on his heels. The heated moment morphed into a sweet delicate one as Zuko stared into my eyes. “Are you sure you want to do this?” He asked softly. My brain, in its current state of messy arousal, struggled to comprehend his words. I finally realized that he was asking for consent...of course he was. I couldn’t control the huge smile that spread across my face, how did I get so lucky?
 I propped myself onto my elbows so I could look into Zuko’s eyes properly. “Im sure”, I replied.”Now, I need you to fuck me, firelord Zuko.” He chuckled lightly, his eyes getting darker. His hands skillfully undid my bra, tossing it to the ground. I had forgotten about the piece of clothing, happy to be rid of it. Zuko attacked my lips once again, groaning slightly as my bare breasts touched his chest. I rolled my hips upwards, Zuko’s cock sliding through my slick folds. I threw my head back, Zuko sitting upright. He looked into my eyes one last time, looking for any signs of hesitation. Zuko growled, low and sexy. “Prepare for the fuck of your life, Y/N”. With that, he started pounding into me, each thrust deep and quick. Any coherent thoughts fled my mind, my back arching off the bed. I screamed his name, struggling to keep my eyes open. I moved my arms to Zuko’s shoulders, electricity shooting through my fingers. I dragged my hands down his back , no doubt leaving scratch marks. Zuko tossed his head back, moaning loudly, thrusting into me harder. At this point, if he became any more sexy, it would be a crime.
 Tears flowed down my cheeks again, my makeup from the party before no doubt a mess. In between my moans and screams, a part of me decided it was my turn to be in control again. I put my hands on his chest, pushing him off of me and to the side. He looked suprsied, while I rushed to crawl on top of him. Somehow, he was still inside of me, and I gave myself a second pat on the back. I smirked down at a wide eyed Zuko, happy with myself. I breifly thought of what it would be like to peg him, before reminding myself of the task at hand. I squeezed my walls around him, Zuko growling in return, his hands flying to my hips. I pulled out slowly, slamming back down. Zuko watched me intently, struggling to keep his eyes open. I realized my chest was fully exposed, no doubt giving him a show as I bounced up at down. I threw my head back in pure ecstasy, bringing my hand behind me to support myself on his knees. Zuko moaned my name, breathing hard. My thighs began to burn, and I questioned how long I could keep this up for. Zuko glanced at me quickly, feeling my pace falter. 
 He sat up, catching me in a heated kiss. I bit his lip, hard. “Hands and knees, now”, He ordered. I did as told, whimpering at Zukos authoritative, rough tone. I felt his hands dig into my hips, probably leaving bruises. I loved it. My breath quickened, waiting for Zuko to fuck me senseless again. I felt him enter me, however, his pace was agonizingly slow. Disappointed, I wiggled my hips, letting him know I wanted him to pick up the pace. Zuko ignored me, relishing in my suffering. He was teasing me. I huffed, about to voice my frustrations. Before I could get the words out, Zuko’s hand covered my mouth, silencing me. At the same time, he slammed into me, pounding into me faster than I could have ever hoped. My eyes rolled back, moaning into Zuko’s hand. My arms, which had been holding me up, gave out and my face was buried into the blankets. My new position deepened Zuko’s thrusts. I cried out, sobbing into his hand and the sheets. He removed his hand from my mouth, instead bringing it down to my clit, furiously rubbing circles. “FUCK, ZUKO!” I screamed. The pleasure was becoming too much, I knew I wouldn't last much longer. Zuko’s moans became louder, his thrusts sloppier. 
 He slammed into me impossibly faster, calling my name. I grabbed the sheets, hanging on for dear life. Pleasure took over every part of my body, all of my senses. I screamed his name one last time, seeing stars as I climaxed, moaning uncontrollably. Zuko came a few seconds afterwards, his cum filling me to the brim. He pulled out, crashing down next to me as I flipped onto my back. Our heavy breathing filled the room, my legs shaking uncontrollably. His hand moved down to rest on my thigh, bringing me back down to earth. We turned our heads to face eachother, breathless. I smiled. “Did we really just do that?” I asked, attempting to process the events that had taken place throughout the night. Zuko was silent beside me, watching me. 
 “I love you.” He told me. He said the phrase so simply, so honestly, I knew I wanted to marry him. I giggled, climbing on to his lap. “I love you too.” I replied breathlessly. I meant it with every part of my being. Love for him filled me up, making me forget about everything else besides the two of us. Whatever shit I had gone through, whatever shit the future was going to throw at me, I knew I would always find my way back to him. My Zuko. I leaned down to kiss him, knowing he understood. He pulled me closer, kissing me passionately. I suddenly pulled back, sitting up. I covered my mouth, realizing something. “What is it?” Zuko asked, concerned. My eyes widened. “I just fucked the firelord and made him my boyfriend”. I confessed to him in a playful tone. He laughed, glowing. Holy shit. This boy was going to be the death of me.
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Headcanon: uhm how the gaang treats yue or how they see yue shshhs
OKAY, so I decided to focus on the girls first because I went off (but are we really surprised? This is me we’re talking about). 
I focused on how they met Yue, what made them click, and how they treat/view. Consider this headcanon for Limerence as it is developing, not as an end-all-be-all.
If you want one of the boys (Aang, Sokka, Zuko) let me know cause I’ll post it ASAP rather than dwindling around~
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“Yue?” Katara would perk, before smiling, “She’s more than just a friend; she’s family, a sister.”
Katara, Aang and Sokka are the first ones to met Yue after she saves Aang. Immediate reaction - grateful.
Secondary reaction - worry. Katara’s blue eyes settled over Yue, and saw how frail she looked. Her clothes dirty and torn, hair a birds nest; she was skin and bones. Katara’s ‘must-take-care’ instincts blaring.
The same day they met, they bonded;
Yue was sitting in the river under the starry night as Katara helped wash her hair. She couldn’t help but notice the tiny scratches and bruises that littered Yue’s skin, superficial. But she could imagine how they stung.
“Why don’t you heal yourself, Yue? You’re a Waterbender.” Katara asked with her brows pinched, confused to see all of Yue’s injuries. But Yue let out an awkward giggle, shyly sinking further into the water, “I-I’m a terrible healer.”
“I can teach you if you want.” Katara perked, happy to show off her skills to teach another.
But she quickly noted Yue’s expression in the reflection of the water. Her eyes heavy, lip trembling. It was an expression filled with deep pain and sadness, and without another word, Katara found herself embracing Yue from behind.
From that point on, Katara took on the big sister role despite being the younger one by a few months.
Katara sometimes stares at Yue and has to smile, happy to be by her side and watch Yue grow. She wasn’t the girl crying in the river anymore; she was the impending Queen of a Nation.
She always stands up for Yue and encourages her to put her foot down whenever someone disrespects her. Even Katara’s frustrated at how nice Yue is.
Very protective, and will lowkey judge the people Yue is around. She knows Yue is a bit naive and doesn’t want someone to take advantage #SorrynotsorryZuko. 
A bit disappointed that Yue never Waterbended with her, despite asking her multiple times to train. She finally found another Waterbender, someone who was by her side full-time, and it proved fruitless.
The one time they did battle, Katara was about to go easy. She quickly realized never to doubt Yue’s fighting skills…but her healing could use some work.
Guilty for thinking Yue was a Firebender at first.
Was lowkey jealous at Yue’s and Aang’s relationship and how quickly they hit it off before realizing it is just Yue’s personality
Often bond in the hot springs with a nice face and hair mask, fantasizing about their future and wedding plans.
Katara’s go-to person to vent and shop with.
Will cook meals for Yue because Yue cannot cook to survive. Katara’s still baffled at how Yue managed to burn boiling water. Like seriously, how?
Often heals Yue’s bruises and scratches because she’s way too clumsy. Also stopped asking questions as to how she even gets hurt. A papercut from a teddy bear?
“Yue’s biggest strength is also her weakness, her heart.” Katara would softly speak, twirling her braid in her hands, “But that’s why we’re here. To make sure she’s okay and that she doesn’t live off sweets because that girl has a sugar addiction.”
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“She’s alright, I guess… kinda whiny, always needing attention, we call her Princess for a reason- but…” Toph would start before stepping forward. She would cross her arms before whispering, “She’s an amazing baker and gives the best hugs. BUT YOU DIDN’T HEAR THAT FROM ME.”
Toph and Suki met Yue a few days after the others, and the first thing she noticed was how damn light Yue was on her feet, another Airbender?
Yue was quick to greet Toph, voice chirpy and filled with life, and for a moment, Toph thought Yue was going to be an absolute chatterbox. Talking her ears off until they bled. Imagine her surprise how quiet Yue got after their greeting, standing off to the side as the others spoke.
Toph would study her movements, how she twirled her fingers, pulse racing…
Their moment of connection would come days after, Toph feeling the ground underneath her vibrate, just a touch. It was enough to wake her up from her slumber, feet embedded on the ground and searching for those light footsteps. Toph would begrudgingly follow, thinking it was Aang taking a late-night stroll before they suddenly stopped.
“The stars… they’re beautiful tonight. Want to experience them with me?” Yue would hum, taking Toph off guard.
“I’m blind-”
“You of all people should know there is more than one way to experience the world.”
Toph would snort, kicking the dirt under her feet, “Oh yeah? Explain colour to me.”
Toph could feel Yue walked towards her, bending over, a distinct pulling sound-making light, before standing upright. Yue’s hands gently reached for Toph’s, letting something dewy in nature fall into her palms.
“Green… it’s the grass and leaves, soft and tickles your toes. Filled with life. It’s not my favourite colour; I enjoy red much more. Red is the colour of the blaring sun against your skin. Like a festering burn, pulsing with strong vibrations.”
Yue’s wasn’t that bad after all.
Abnormally tolerate to Yue’s need for physical affection. Timed ‘hugs’ are a norm (don’t want to let Yue know how much Toph loves them, or else she’ll never hear the end of it).
Careful about her tone with Yue. Rarely raising it like how she would with Sokka or Katara because Toph could feel how Yue’s heart would race.
One of the few people Toph would willingly let touch her feet and pamper.
Toph listens to Yue’s rants about fashion or makeup because there was something about hearing her heart skip - she dares say it, it was cute.
Toph went from feeling indifferent to Yue to finding an odd sense of comfort in her presence. An Aang 2.0, but a lot more sensitive and a way better baker.
Views Yue as a best friend and typically calls her Princess because she is one.
Taught her that being feminine in nature doesn’t equal weak. You can be fabulous and kick ass.
Will unconsciously take a big sniff around Yue. She smells good, like baked goods.
“She may be a crybaby…but she has a good heart.”
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“She’s too cute!” Suki would laugh, smiling fondly at all the memories that seemingly flashed through her mind. “Yue is like a kitten. She’s cute and shy, but she has that curious spirit inside. A mischievousness that you’ll never expect to see.”
Suki met Yue at the same time as Toph, but because Sokka introduced Yue to her with much glee, Suki immediately opened up.
Funny enough, unlike the rest who shared a bonding moment via a direct personal experience, Suki realized she loved Yue when seeing how she spent time with Sokka.
Suki was lounging on the sandy beaches in the Earth Nation, enjoying the sun kissing her skin with the waves crashing in the distance. Sokka proclaimed that he was a sandcastle master, and Suki watched with lowered sunglasses how Sokka and Yue spent precisely two hours building a monstrously of a sandcastle.
Seeing Yue and Sokka bickering and having fun like siblings struck a chord with Suki. She was going to love anyone who can make her boyfriend that happy.
Suki dusted herself off from the sand, coming behind Yue and placing her hands on her shoulders, “Want to come shopping tomorrow with me downtown?”
“Me?” Yue would gasp, her eyes wide.
Suki would smile, eagerly shaking her head, and she saw that happiness spread over Yue’s face, “I would love to!”
Girls night is a tradition between them, getting tipsy- drunk on wine and spoiling Yue with dresses.
Guilty of being the ‘devil on her shoulder.’ Suki can’t help it; she loves Yue’s eagerness to try new things and learn, but her shyness always got the better of her, and that’s where Suki comes in.
Half of their conversations go from sweet to sexual in under ten seconds.
Besides Aang and Sokka, Suki’s the closest to Yue, they’re practically sisters.
Like Katara loves hyping Yue and encouraging her to stand up for herself and seek happiness. Suki knows Yue always puts herself second; that’s why she pampers Yue whenever she can.
Love teasing Yue with Toph. It’s just too easy.
“She’s a girl’s best friend, the best shoulder to cry on, and the easiest to tease.” 
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Okay y’all I saw this post by @koalaotterodae and I HAD AN IDEA
Confessions of a Shopaholic AU starring Sokka and Zuko
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Confessions of a Shopaholic is a movie based on the novels by Sophie Kinsella starring Isla Fisher. The main character is Rebecca Bloomwood, a shopping addict.
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(Keep in mind I’ve only ever seen the movie!!)
Hear me out.
Sokka is Rebecca Bloomwood.
Aang is Suze, AKA Sokka’s bestie and roommate, and Aang is engaged to Katara.
Zuko is Luke Brandon.
It’s the whole story but with them as the main cast and everyone else in the Gaang as the other characters. Anyway Sokka wants to work for some big magazine but instead gets stuck with Zuko’s magazine. He’s a little unhappy at first, but well... movie plot ensues.
(You can also work Zuko’s father situation in here very easily...)
Here’s the real question though.
Who plays debt collector Derek Smeath?
(I vote Long Feng)
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ao3feed-zukka · 4 years
golden abyss
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3nQxj7z
by Elvira21
sokka is a tired college student with a caffeine addiction. zuko is the new mysterious barista at his favourite coffee shop.
Words: 2821, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Zuko (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Toph Beifong
Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, zukka but make it coffee shop au!!, also kinda college au, Sokka is a bi disaster, toph is a wingman, Bisexual Panic, Flirting, MAJOR FLUFF!!!!, mention of katara, aang and suki, i have absolutely no idea how coffee or college works, no i didn't proof read this fuck you, femboy zuko ???, sokka has absolutely no idea how to be smooth but he tries his best and thats all that matters, zuko is a barista, sokka is a tired college student and a volleyball player, this is for the girls and gays, Swearing
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3nQxj7z
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sukkasupremacy · 4 years
For context they all live together as roomates in this AU
ZUKO: He’s the one who panic buys and is a stickler on the cleaning and washing hands and masks(yay zuko) His quarantine hobby baking bread no questions asked😤 Is obsessed with skincarebyhyram cuz HIS SCAR and Mai laughs at him but he gets her to get Cerave wnd The Ordinary and it made her GLOWWWW
Katara: She’s family walk girl. 7pm, after dinner. All of them go on the family walks. She makes a “schedule” so they have a sense or normal. She helps Toph film her Tiktok videos because Toph is blind ALSO Katara totally tries all the recipes she finds on social media. She makes earrings and sells them on Etsy to all our WLW hehe
TOPH: She’s a social media star. She’s the queen of anime and cosplay tiktok. She also stays in bed for most of the day cuz WHY NOT! She also promotes Katara and Suki’s Etsy earring buisness since she’s famous.
Aang: Aang totally helps Zuko bake it’s their BONDING also he got into sewing over quarantine and playing the Ukelele and he got famous on YouTube for his uke covers
Sokka: He’s determined for get them quarantine body goals. He does Chloe Ting with Suki EVERYDAY and does couple yoga with her. He loves making arts and crafts w/ty lee and sings when Aang plays the uke. He eats EVERYTHING Zuko bakes for sure and all of Katara’s cooking creations.Also, he’s a painter now. Also, he let Suki shave his head for fun and Toph laughs at him even though she can’t see. Has an online shopping addiction
Suki: Does Chloe Ting with Sokka. She has to go, “DON’T STOP” when Sokka lays there and complains, “Is Chloe tryna kills us!” She helps Katara make the earrings and together they run a successful Etsy small buisness. Occasionally, she takes Sokka out on cottage core picnics. She gets the Gaang and Ozai’s Angels to gather around the piano to sing as she plays at the end of the day. ALSO SHE GOT KATARA TO TRY HER INDIE GIRL STYLE. Unfortunantly, she let Sokka dye two strips of her hair and she cut her hair at three am. Forces Zuko to learn Tiktok dances with her
Azula: Her makeup game got SO GOOD over quarantine. She was the one who was like, “I’m gonna improve at my hobby so much” over quarantine but like didn’t work at it at all. Has a crying session with Tylee and Sokka everyday cuz quarantine does that. She learned how to make scrunchies and drinks whipped coffee every morning. Also she cut her bangs unevenly during a mental breakdown at four am.
Ty Lee: She took onlince dance class EVERYDAY except on sundays when her and Azula would go on a picnic together. She got REALLY into cottagecore and she’s the one renovating the WHOLE HOUSE. I’m talking, re flooring, painting, and decorating. She drags Mai to helps her and Mai hates it but secretly likes it! She’s really good at embroidery now and helps Toph her new Cosplays. Made family movie night a thing and helps cooked themed dinners.Makes arts and crafts with Sokka and is OBSESSED with skincarebyhyram
Mai: She totally binged Netflix. Believe or not, she made a scrapbook and got REALLY into it. She learned how to make boba and it was a GAME CHANGER for the whole squad like queen mai. She got back into her middle school phases of children’s cartoons and now she’s writing fanfiction and making fanart cuz Sokka taught her how to paint and draw.
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Crocverse is VERY GOOD and everyone who doesn't agree is a coward and a fool
Listen, you can hate crocs all you want, but let’s look at what we have for the Crocverse so far: 
Sokka as a chaotic bi who regularly wears Hawaiian shirt + croc combos
Iroh having his own collection of comfy shoes. Ranging from sensible croc loafers to rainbow crocs (which he started wearing to support his nephew) 
Iroh being a caring croc shop seller who wants you to find just the right crocs that will make you happy 
Zuko hating crocs with a passion but putting up with them for Iroh’s sake but “Uncle I am drawing the line at neon pink crocs, do NOT wear those in public”
Jeong Jeong as the resident cryptic antique store owner who is just pissed that the vibe of the strip mall was ruined with a fucking croc store of all things 
Iroh trying to befriend Jeong Jeong anyway because he’s just delighted that he has a business neighbor his age who he can play pai sho with 
Sokka being the local menace that just hangs out in Jeong Jeong’s store all the time and gets yelled at for touching everything all the goddamn time 
Sokka waltzing into Jeong Jeong’s antique store with a pair of brand new neon turquoise crocs and JJ losing his mind because Sokka might be a menace, but he’s his menace and he can’t believe this betrayal 
But it’s okay, because Zuko ends up hanging out in Jeong Jeong’s antique store and complains about crocs all the time, which is just food for JJ’s soul 
Sokka going almost bankrupt over these terrible shoes 
Because he is addicted to them, but what really keeps bringing him back is the cute emo croc shop employee 
Iroh catches onto this and gives Sokka a gift card for the local Olive Garden so he can take Zuko on a date 
Zuko shows up to the date with his hair gelled and in a button down shirt 
Sokka shows up to the date in his fancy Hawaiian shirt and a pair of blue crocs with heart jibbitz 
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flickityfics · 4 years
Don’t Play With Fire, Chap 7 First Day of Work
Um..to answer your concerns Sokka there's no need to worry. This may embarrass you to read but its all perfectly normal in women's body. The throbbing and slick you've mentioned is from arousal and the ones you mention that come randomly isn't always arousal but the way the body is trying to self clean or protect your genitals from tearing and dangerous bacteria's. Sometimes your vagina can even..well for lack of a better word let's just call it sweating, so for example say you're moving around a lot and you feel you're self dripping but its a different feeling from arousal just hot and a wetter feeling which again all normal, if you're feeling uncomfortable just wipe yourself and go through the day. I'm Glad you're taking my advice seriously and it's good to hear you're doing well with your situation. So far I haven't found anything about body swapping? gender swapping or transference of any kind I'm so sorry. Just keep staying low and being careful, we'll figure this out soon.
Sokka, It's great to hear from you! We're still putting up fliers of Appa around Ba Sing Se and looking all around places. Toph and Katara are always fighting though, Katara won't let us play our tricks on anyone or even explore or relax, its all work work wor-  
                                               Anyways Sokka you better be pulling your weight and not having Suki cleaning up after you and do try to stay out of trouble okay, I do worry you know, we miss you a lot.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -The Gaang
Sokka laughed hard seeing Toph's lone foot print right underneath his sister's and Aang's writing, seeing that told him more about her than words ever could. He really missed his family/friend group. Before he could get any sadder he folded the letter and stuffed it in his pack heading to work, he'll write a responding note later tonight.  
Sokka was full of energy heading towards his new job. He's curious to know how different it'll be from the other ehem manlier jobs he's done. 'Honestly how hard could a girl's job be? Katara complains all the time but I bet she was just being dramatic'  he figured. With everything double checked and his breakfast packed he went out for the semi-long walk to work.  Upon arriving to the building, Sokka went straight through the door finding the elder lady waiting for him.
"Hi, so what will I be doing today?" He asked with all the enthusiasm he could muster.
"We start by checking our list of customers who dropped off their laundry, with the other workers we'll go wash together then hang all the laundry to dry and fold, lastly we pack and send out the clothes." she explained.
"Alright sounds easy enough." Sokka followed along as she gave him a tour of the place and areas he'll be needing to know.
After a few tiring hours did he have breakfast, the work ended up more tiring and tougher than expected but he got the hang of it pretty fast and turned out he was the fastest and strongest there which turned out some of the girls didn't like. On his first day an older girl by few years was sabotaging all his work trying to get him trouble and after explaining that to the elder boss lady was he able to stay working. 'women are crazy, guys just nod at each other, find their spots to work, get paid then leave without any word to one another'  He couldn't believe how cut throat it was working as a girl alongside other girls. Just a few more hours and he'll be able to relax and enjoy Zuko's company at the Jasmine Dragon, 'oh my god I didn't just think of stupid fire bending Zuko as nice company?! I've got to get a hold of myself, I'll just blame this dumb girl body and girly brain, ick .'  He mentally shook himself from the strange feeling that came over him towards another guy.
Sokka came through the door of the tea shop dramatically falling in the doorway trying to catch Zuko's eye. He spotted Zuko in the kitchen and waved to him obnoxiously, he could honestly say he liked the perplexed and fearful look in the other boys face from the scene he was causing. Walking towards the kitchen, he sat himself down waiting to tell Zuko about his day.
Since Zuko looked like he was trying to ignore him, he caught the uncle's attention instead, "Hey old man when's the jerk's break?" To other's he may seem like an uncouth girl but he really didn't care for appropriateness right after work.
"You can't talk to him lik-" Zuko was just about to rant when he heard his uncle guffawed loudly.
"Oh nephew don't worry about my feelings, I love this young lady and her wily ways, its quite refreshing from your gloomy moods." he expressed. Zuko could only scoff at his uncle's slight rub towards him.
Sokka stuck his tongue at Zuko watching as he just rolled his eyes in return.
"I'll let my dear nephew  off for the rest of the day. Please take him away and show him how to have fun for once in his life." His uncle practically begged.
The two conspired against Zuko and all he could do was hang up his apron and get dragged by Miyuki's whims, he'll never admit to either of them that he likes getting pushed around, he'll keep that to the grave.
"Great! Let's get a table, I've got tons of stuff to share about my day." He grabbed Zuko by the arm and lead him to a free spot.
Sokka waited to be settled at the table, ordering before turning around to unleash his rant. He was weirdly giddy wanting to tell Zuko about his day.
"You won't believe my day." Sokka shook his head tiredly, "So I get there, the boss lady is nice but oh man some of those girls are mean. I had one try to sabotage my work by telling me to place stuff in the wrong place and they're very particular about where things go so that messed me up some. The washing part was tougher than I thought, I had to wring and scrub the clothes til my fingers cramped and wrinkled, ugh it was tiring. Drying was easier and folding strangely calming, the whole clean-up routine was just easy and besides the rude girls, I liked the job overall and think I can stick with it." He ended with a flourish, elbows on the table smiling at the fire prince, laughing internally with Zuko's stoned-face reaction to his long-winded story.
"Sounds like a frustrating day to me, welcome to the job world I guess." Sokka could't believe Zuko's flippant reply, he honestly thought he would be more caring to his woes and again what's with himself wanting Zuko's sympathy?
"Excuse me, that's funny coming from someone whose probably never had a hard labor job before. I'm guessing you had it easy since your uncle was able to provide you one. You don't know the struggles of running around and being told flat out no or when you finally get lucky it only lasts for so long before you're replaced or treated like crap and running yourself exhausted for people who don't care but keep abusing you til you can't go on anymore." Sokka had no idea why he was throwing everything at Zuko. His emotions just started bursting maybe its the way he knows Zuko's privileged, entitled fire prince jerk that he is has everything handed to him and  just pretending to be undercover as some regular civilian to get to Aang. He could only huff in annoyance at himself and Zuko for letting his emotions get the better of him, he decided it was just best to stay quiet and not look at Zuko lest his hostility for the guy becomes more prominent.
"Well, I do find serving customers and cleaning after everyone frustrating and tiring most days. I've been assaulted by older women pinching my bottom cheeks, jealous boyfriends harassing me when their girlfriends try to be flirty at me, even got some few girls who stalked me for quite some time or the rude customers I hate who are disrespectful to me but mostly my uncle, I just want to burn them to a crisp, nobody disrespects my uncle and his beloved tea shop in front of me. I actually do know how hard laborious work can be especially with not much help and little pay." Zuko looked at the girl in front of him with all the openness he could muster. He knew she had it rougher than him but it wasn't like he didn't have his own hardships, they were just different from hers.
Sokka huffed in annoyance even more hating being so temper mental while Zuko explained himself calmly and free of judgment for his part. 'why am I such a child?'  he thought lamely.
"Ugh, sorry for being rude, I guess I'm more annoyed at the fact that I got turned down for most jobs just because I'm a girl. I know I can do the tough jobs, I've done them before and I like working hard and with my hands so it makes it more frustrating not even giving me a chance just by one look at me." He drummed his fingers nervously on the table still embarrassed about earlier.
Zuko couldn't help finding Miyuki's mannerisms and  temper cute, just seeing her emotions displayed out in the open and being ridiculous was refreshing and exciting to witness. Most of his life was closed off of emotions and barely a few months now he's been trying to open up to his feelings, they were scary but freeing and seeing Miyuki so unafraid of her emotions filled him with more confidence each day.
"I get it and if you'd like something more.. uh manlier to do, I can train you in dual wielding after whenever you'd like." He offered.
"Oh? Is that a date dear Lee?" Sokka jumped on the chance to embarrass him, something about seeing Zuko so flustered had him feeling awesome. He liked being back in control and harassing the poor teen.
"Ugh no, if you don't want the training then I won't bother." The tips of Zuko's ears went red as he looked glaringly at Sokka.
"Nooooo, I want the training really." To soften the blow of annoying Zuko did he mentally shrug and go for a kiss to the bender's cheek. He gasped in total surprise as he felt heat around his lips and a waft of what could only be the fire bender's particular scent, it was in his nose so thickly and strangely addictive he wanted to keep his nose to the other's cheek and soak it up forever even be mixed in it. 'What 's wrong with you?! Why are you smelling another dudes scent, stop! Stop it nooooow!'  he couldn't believe how soft a cheek could feel and was that a bit of scruff he felt, it felt so rough on his lips he actually didn't like that. Finally did he pull away and hope to agni the shudder he felt coursing through his body didn't show outwardly.
Zuko was surprised from the peck, it happened so fast but had him feel deeply warm from such a sweet kiss. "Um, how uh- or I mean.. What else did you like about the new job?" Yeah, his brain was done for.
Sokka rolled his eyes playfully, "How bout we talk more about it on the way to walking me to my place?" He held out his hand nervously.
"Okay." Zuko agreed grabbing her hand walking out the shop and down the familiar path to Miyuki's place.
The two caught up with each other's day, some more teasing, awkward flirting and plans for the next time they meet unaware of the mischievous moonlight's gaze upon them.
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the-messenger-hawk · 4 years
Jetka, obviously!
@purpleplatypusbear21 thank u!
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter
We really gotta go through the song and dance? Sokka's the werewolf, obviously. Who else would be?
I was actually toying with the story/drawing idea of the current leader of the Southern Tribe (entrusted to Sokka by his father) carrying a wolf spirit that can let him transform. And his beast form/instincts form a bond with first person able to overpower it with physical skill. Which is, of course, Jet. From then Jet's basically the Wolf equivalent of walking catnip; he smells pleasantly calming and Sokka tends to fall asleep near or on him all the time without meaning to. Obviously this is prime material for embarrassing shenanigans.
who’s the mermaid and who’s the fisherman
Sokka and Jet respectively. Or maybe Sokka is a selkie and Jet stole his pelt, and learned to willingly give it back when he learns to be better.
who’s the witch and who’s the familiar
Witch (or rather warlock) Jet whose specialty is poisons of all forms, and Sokka is the canine familiar who lectures him when he screws up.
who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addict
Jet is the barista of course because he's the odd jobs guy who can't hold down something with real prospects to save his life. Sokka tends to be in the shop all the time studying for his college and ignoring everybody. Sooner or later, Jet decides his curiosity can't take not knowing more.
who’s the professor and who’s the TA
Sokka would be the teacher here, but I'm not sure about the other half, because I'm more interested in seeing him teach Jet how to read.
who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss)
I mean, if things were different for him, Sokka would be considered a sort of Prince, so it's not too big of a leap for him. If the South had enough power to even have real royalty, that would probably be him. Also, Jet having a life debt to him that he swears to repay so he can be free again, except it slowly turns into a good ol' fashioned bodyguard crush.
who’s the teacher and who’s the single parent
Is Sokka not the single parent trying herd cats in the form of taking care of the gang? Although, Jet could work as a combat instructor (I have the fuzzy feeling of reading something like this before and I wanna know if that wasn't just a daydream) just as well, improving Sokka's armed and unarmed skills.
who’s the writer and who’s the editor
Jet's a rough writer just getting his start and the editor assigned to him as almost exclusively negative things to say. Tired of his lecturing emails, Jet makes a point of arranging a meeting in person, and wow, he's actually not that bad at all.
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Light and Dark (Part Two)
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Summary: What changes would occur if there were Two Avatars during Aang’s adventures? One that has a connection to the banished Fire lord Prince?
Word Count: 1429
Pairings: Zuko X Avatar!Reader, Aang X Avatar!Reader, Platonic!Katara X Reader, Platonic!Sokka X Reader, Platonic!Toph X Reader
Warnings: Mentions of fighting, pain and angst. 
A/n: We learn about the Reader’s backstory!
Part One
Blinking, you opened your eyes to flickering flames in a dark cavern.
“You’re back. Good. We’re about to have company.” Katara’s voice was hard and you quickly noticed her rigid stance, hands poised to attack.
Sokka and Toph stood nearby, both looking towards the entrance of the cave.
Sharing a quick look with Aang, knowing that you would have to talk about what had happened later, you scrambled to your feet and steadied your breathing.
You disliked firebending, as it brought back memories you would rather forget, but to protect this ragtag group and yourself, you would fight fire with fire if you had to.
Footsteps, muffled by the dirt,  came closer and closer.
Causing the tension in the cave to rise higher and higher.
And then a figure stood in the entrance, bathed in the small light available from the fire.
A gasp left you and you found yourself trembling in fear. “General Iroh?” A whisper. One that you had not intended to let slip. Because it immediately drew the attention to you.
The group’s eyes flitted to you for a second, with Katara’s lasting a little longer, cold fury blazin in her blue eyes.
The short, staut man grinned and chuckled lowly. “It’s been a long time [Y/n]. You gave my nephew quite the scare back in the tea shop.”
Sokka spoke up, his boomerang in his hands, “Hey! Aren’t you the old man who was with the crazy Prince trying to capture the Avatar!?”
You breathed deeply, trying to make yourself stop trembling. Lowering your hands, you stepped forward, feet together, hands splayed open with palms up, you bent into a low bow.
“Please, General Iroh. Do not Harm this simple group of travelers. They were not harboring me. I will not resist. Take me to the Fire Lord.”
At Katara’s outburst, you shot her a quick look, one that told her to shut up. You were willing to let yourself be sacrificed if it meant that General Iroh would not recognize Aang and take him to Prince Zuko.
Afterall, you were the Avatar that hosted the spirit of darkness and chaos, not peace and light like Aang was.
To yours, and everyone else's, surprise General Iroh broke out into a deep belly laugh.
Wiping away a tear of mirth, General Iroh walked up to you, aware of the eyes and positions of everyone around him.
Upon reaching where you stayed bent, he placed a hand on your shoulder and guided your body back upright.
Your trembling froze, as you stared into golden eyes that held warmth. Not anger, or sadistic glee like Zuko’s or Azula’s ever did.
“Please, child, call me Iroh. I Do not wish you or the Avatar here any harm.” He winked over at Aang, who was as wide eyed as the rest of his group. Well, Aside from Toph who had the same bland look on her face.
Turning back to you, he smiled softly, “I am sorry for what my Brother has done. And for what Zuko has done in his pain and grief. You have been put through much. And I feel that you will be put through much more before your adventure is over.”
A shaky sigh escaped from your lips. Taking a step back, registering the small hint of hurt in the older man’s eyes, you stood tall and spoke softly, “Gener-” You broke off and tried to smile, but you felt like it came out more like a grimace, “I mean, Iroh. I appreciate what you are saying. But you can not apologize for the Fire Lord, or your niece and nephew. You can not erase the wounds that are on my body, and you cannot take away the fact that I am an Avatar and therefore a threat to your brother.”
Your voice got louder as you continued. Feeling a presence next to you, you glanced over and saw that Aang had come to stand beside you, with the rest of the Gang lined up beside him. A show of strength. It made your heart warm, even with knowing that Katara and Sokka were likely just doing it for Aang.
Looking back at Iroh, you continued despite seeing the tears gathering in the older man’s eyes.
“I do not know what you hoped to accomplish by coming here. But know this. I will never be the same little girl that you and Prince Zuko knew.” Your voice cracked as your own emotions caught up to you, memories swimming through your head with a dizzying speed.
“I was just a simple servant girl. I was raised to take care of the Royals! I took the bruises and blood that the princess gave me in the name of just playing! I listened to Prince Zuko cry about his mother and then I tended to him when his father burned him! I stayed quiet and worked hard! And what did I get in return for being a loyal and faithful servant!?”
At this point, Iroh had tears down his cheeks, as did you. And Aang had ahold of you hand in warning.
A wet, dark chuckle escaped from you as you closed your eyes, unable to look at him anymore as you continued. Not caring that Toph, Sokka, Katara, and Aang where hearing the story about your past.
“One afternoon, during my daily practice of Firebending with Prince Zuko before he was to be banished...I somehow managed to bend some water from the nearby pond. I was only Twelve years old! A child! And before I could even register what I had done, I had guards around me, threatening to kill me! And Prince Zuko…”
You futility tried to wipe away your tears, but it was a steady river of pain flowing from your eyes.
Heavy breathing from in front and beside you let you know that you weren’t the only one affected by your past.
But you powered forward. You needed to get this off your chest. It had been three years of hiding and running from your past. It was time to confront it. It was easier, though, than you thought it would be to, to talk about this. A foreign feeling of anger and darkness coursed through you, feeding your pain. Feeding your darker emotions. Vaatu. But you did not care. You needed this. Needed him. Needed his strength, no matter how twisted it came.
“The look he gave me. One of hatreds and some sort of twisted pleasure of having the Avatar in his grasp before he was banished. Instead of the soft, loving looks he had given me before. Despite it not being possible and my tangible fear! A firebender was not supposed to be the next Avatar! It was impossible! But did any of you care about that!? Did anyone care about my cries and please and fear!? No! I was thrown before the Fire Lord and sentenced to death! I barely escaped with my life! I have spent the last three years running, barely surviving. Learning how to master bending.”
Your eyes snapped open and clashed with the golden ones in front of you.
“And I will not allow you or any of the royals to hurt me ever again!” And with that, you wrenched your hand out of Aang’s grasp and flung it forward.
Raging Orange flames burst forward from your open palm. Only to clash with another set of flames from Iroh. The flames fizzled out, and you readied yourself to shoot another round of Fire.
Before either of you could retaliate, Aang stepped forward and yelled, “Enough!”
Turning, he looked at Iroh, who had tear tracks on his cheeks, eyes shining with regret and pain.
“I think it’s best if you left. Don’t bother telling anyone where we are. We will be long gone by then.”
Iroh opened his mouth, but closed it without saying anything. With a sigh, and another quick look at you, he left.
Once you could no longer hear his footsteps, it was like all your strength was gone. You collapsed to the ground in a limp pile.
“Strange Fire girl? What was all that?” Sokka was the first to speak in the heavy silence that followed your outburst.
From your spot on the ground, you whimpered, the sound turning into a humourless laugh.
Tired eyes looked up at the Gang, “That was your proof that I won’t betray you. You now know all about my horrible past and my sordid affair with the Banished Fire Prince.”
FOREVER Taglist:
@sxph-t​ @mialeelavellan​ @rainydaysrnevergrey​  @platonic-plots​ @sociallyawkwardcircus-freak-hi​ @queenbbarnes​ @mythixmagic​ @chas-z​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @strangersstranger​ @princess-evans-addict​ @rororo06​ @timelordhunterandmysterysolver​
Light and Dark (Avatar) Taglist:
@blue-and-yellow-jjk-pjm​ @kingniazx​ @aggynus​ @taina-eny​ @casedoina​ @grippleback-galaxy​ @utterlyconfused-tm​ @trash1ty​
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