#solar panels facts
1m-facts · 4 months
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Read the remaining facts, plus myths, quotes, faqs and an epic quiz at: Unlock the Sun’s Power: 50 Epic Facts About Solar Panels
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getallemeralds · 11 months
I am so completely normal about Paranatural. Please ignore the froth in the corners of my mouth
you are so completely normal about paranatural, valley "was paranaturalposting so hard with wybie that it got me to read through the first 5 chapters in a single night" wooshofficial
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archersgaymerblog · 2 years
*passes a solar panel field* woah………. just like Fallout: New Vegas……………………..
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2022dirt · 11 months
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This church has solar panels arranged like a crucifix.
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lixbf · 5 months
i Need to stop trying to figure out for myself what technologies that are common today would exist in panem during katniss' time and whether theyd be implemented in the victors' houses
#our entire perspective of panem is so shaped by katniss' perspective as a poor person from the/one of the poorest district#are showers and like running water in general common in other districts? what about cars?#would solar panels be on richer houses in district 5? are heaters a thing in some of the richer cold districts?#which tech do regular ppl in district 3 have access to? computers? tvs?#how close to whats normal nowadays is the average kitchen in panem?#idk if music is like. allowed in the other districts but if so then do they have record players? is technology at that point again??#also how does the education system in the different districts function?#like yes we know the capitol is sorta where we are in most technological aspects (sometimes theyre further sometimes theyre behind)#but that doesnt tell us anything abt whats normal in the other districts 😭#like. are fridges common in some richer districts????#we know that telephones and like in ear communication thingies exist but like. does the capitol elite have mobile phones?#how does all of their tv stuff etc work if they apparently havent yet figured out satellites again?#how do they have high-speed trains hovercrafts and fucking forcefields but no high flying planes or cds#they have nuclear weapons and solar panels and whatever tf is necessary to control the arenas#but then they dont have other tech thats normal to us??#now that im thinking abt it this sorta feels like how we dont know how some other societies made their concrete#bc they didnt write it down or whatever but it's stronger than what we're doing nowadays#like this is panem w our tech#we have stuff thats normal to us. shit happens. panem comes into existence. and now they wanna figure out wtf we were doing.#and like again abt the fact that fucking latin has survived and knowledge of a place called rome#what are some other things from like our time that couldve made it until then.#do they know abt bts. has greek survived. do they know about the pyramids. they have to know abt the pyramids. theyre so fucking old.#would they know abt like ikea. is the cultural impact of stuff like apple big enough to still be known 200ish yrs in the future in panem.
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greentechspot · 10 months
Solar Power + Water Conservation: How Floating Solar Panels Can Save Reservoirs and Produce Infinite Clean Energy
As the world faces the dual challenge of water scarcity and transitioning to renewable energy sources, innovative technologies are emerging to address these pressing issues. Floating solar panels, also known as floating photovoltaic (FPV) systems, offer a promising solution that not only generates clean energy but also tackles the problem of water evaporation in reservoirs. In this article, we…
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alastors-radioshow · 10 months
For every ☼ in my inbox, the muse has to tell you a fact about the mun.
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"My manager's favorite genre of picture show, is the horror variety~ I am certain that it is not much of a surprise, but one might as well mention it.
Their collection of horror themed picture shows is quite extensive, and claim most of the space on their shelves~"
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foone · 2 months
There exist another dimension called The Empty World. It's very much like ours, in fact it seems to have been identical up until a few weeks ago, but it always seems that way. If you go there today, it was identical in late february, and if you go there this october, it'll have been identical until september.
It's empty, as you might guess. There's no humans, and no animals bigger than a cockroach. The sky is grey, and it slowly rains ash. It's colder than our world by a bit, enough to require a jacket even in summer. The streets are empty, the cars parked neatly in their garages or in lots, but they're all empty and abandoned, their doors locked like they expect their owners to return any minute now.
The newspapers left on stands don't mention any oncoming disaster. We have no idea what the TV or internet would have said: the power is out. The power is very, very out. Not just the grid, but batteries are drained. The cars won't start, the emergency lights are out, and anything with solar panels seems to be getting less energy than you'd expect, even with the perpetually overcast sky.
It's a very silent world, like the calm after a snowstorm. Sounds don't seem to echo as much as they should, nor does sound seem to travel as far. The radio spectrum is empty except for static, there's no one transmitting on any frequency.
There's fewer fires than you'd expect. Even places you'd expect to soon catch fire without human intervention are still standing, undamaged. Campfires can be lit but with difficulty: something is keeping them from burning as they should. Even if you pour kerosene on a campfire it'll barely grow, it's like something sucked the energy out of everything.
All the locked buildings are still locked. Alarms don't sound if you break in (understandable, given the power situation), and of course no one comes to investigate. So The Empty World is your oyster: you can break in wherever you want (provided you can physically do it: some doors are pretty hard to pry open even with tools), take whatever you want, and bring it back here.
Everything resets when you leave. You always enter The Empty World like it's your first time there, like this just happened and you're late to the party... but the party keeps getting rescheduled. You can even take something multiple times if you want.
When you enter The Empty World you get there at the same relative position as you are on this world. If you're in New York, you show up in the empty New York. If you're in Topeka, you show up in empty Topeka. So you have to travel around this world to get to where you want, and you can't just appear in the middle of a bank vault... unless you break into the vault from this world. (So it's great if you work at a bank and want to steal from your employer without repercussions, but not so useful otherwise).
You don't just have to take things, you know. You can take computers and files and books and diaries. You will have to deal with recharging laptops and breaking through any security when you get back, but it's doable.
So, imagine you've just gotten access to The Empty World. What are you going to do with it? What will you take, and where will you go?
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lordcrumps · 6 months
The Sims 2 For Rent - CC EXPANSION PACK
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Sul Sul!
~ More photos under the under the cut ~
Last week the Sims 4 got a new pack, this week Sims 2 players get that same pack! In a collaboration with @platinumaspiration and @tvickiesims and a HUGE assist from @episims, we bring you "The Sims 2 For Rent CC Expansion Pack!"
This is a large set, and advisable that it does not get merged even further than it already is! - I ran into some issues when trying to do this!
When you explore this pack, please take a look at the marble ring rug, it has some surprisingly cute rug swatches! I put a swatch in it to remove the marbles themselves, so you have a cute small rug! - I only mention this as I was going to bin the rug off once uploaded, but then I found it had some lovely swatches!
So most of the items will function as they should and intended as. Its just not just deco items.
There is two collection files included, separated into build buy! Please note that fences and stairs and spandrels cant be but into a collection!
The squatty toilet that took me over 12 hours to make, yeah they squat, animation can be a bit bouncy but such is life. This toilet also can be flushed, get dirty and is cleanable!
Outdoor plants are seasonal!
Counters are animated with insides built, there is no drawer on the counter, I did not want to change the shape of the unit, and saw EA did the same - ignore the fact they grab something from a non existent drawer
Wardrobes have interiors elements, and have working doors!
Each Kettle have two versions, choose only one, one for the colour traits mod / one 'normal'. They function as Tea makers! Huazzah!
Spandrels in build mode are classified as fences. I made a variant with fence / no fence.
Several of the larger deco pieces such as the Arch Gate, or umbrella are actually lights!
Radiators act like radiators!
The Aircon Unit is completely functional, doesn't lower bills, but it does lower sims temperatures!
"Water Heaters" act like solar panels, they get money off your bills!
The Electrical Fuse box has 2 versions, I kept them both in, one wall deco and one functions as a burglar alarm - I wanted more alarms.
Most Sofas / Chairs have morphs!
Slots added to the Vanity and Bathroom Cabinet!
I have included swatch images of each of the spandrels, fences and stairs and labelled them to match, this is so that you can go in and take out any of the swatches you do not want. This is because there are lot of new fences and the menu can feel cluttered with them in for some people.
~ Credits / Thanks / List of items not converted under the cut ~
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Mini fridge is cloned from Targa over at MTS - so now it works just like a regular fridge barring a few animations (get baby bottle and juggle)
Kettles were cloned from @pforestsims's kettle, link here.
@jacky93sims for the base of the squat toilet! Epi for the code edits!
@tvickiesims, @platinumaspiration thank you soo much for helping with the objects, really couldn't do it myself!! Your amazing, awesome, and some of the best creators out there! Thank you again!
@episims - YOU ARE DA BOMB! Thank you for all your help in getting those toilets working with me, and everything else you do when you answer my little annoying questions! Appreciated like you wouldn't believe!
Due to the sizing / functionality of these objects, they will not be included in this pack!
All Yer Fixins Untenable Food Stand
Mali's Moonlight Market Craft Stall
Vegan Vittles Night Market
Late Night Snack Dessert Stall
Rice to Meet You Night Market
The Unrestroom
Fisherman's Slats Window - Tall
The Secret Maze Window - Very Tall
The Secret Maze Window - Super Duper Tall
Stained Glass Tomarani Shutters - Tall
Stained Glass Tomarani Shutters - Tall and Open Wide
The Save Us From Ruin Tallest Cinched Wall Curtain
The How Many Times Do We Need To Tell You It's Not Silk Taller Wall Curtain
The We Are Going To Jail< Tallest Wall Curtain So You Know the Truth Curtain
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rjzimmerman · 1 month
Excerpt from this Op-Ed from the New York Times:
At first glance, Xi Jinping seems to have lost the plot.
China’s president appears to be smothering the entrepreneurial dynamism that allowed his country to crawl out of poverty and become the factory of the world. He has brushed aside Deng Xiaoping’s maxim “To get rich is glorious” in favor of centralized planning and Communist-sounding slogans like “ecological civilization” and “new, quality productive forces,” which have prompted predictions of the end of China’s economic miracle.
But Mr. Xi is, in fact, making a decades-long bet that China can dominate the global transition to green energy, with his one-party state acting as the driving force in a way that free markets cannot or will not. His ultimate goal is not just to address one of humanity’s most urgent problems — climate change — but also to position China as the global savior in the process.
It has already begun. In recent years, the transition away from fossil fuels has become Mr. Xi’s mantra and the common thread in China’s industrial policies. It’s yielding results: China is now the world’s leading manufacturer of climate-friendly technologies, such as solar panels, batteries and electric vehicles. Last year the energy transition was China’s single biggest driver of overall investment and economic growth, making it the first large economy to achieve that.
This raises an important question for the United States and all of humanity: Is Mr. Xi right? Is a state-directed system like China’s better positioned to solve a generational crisis like climate change, or is a decentralized market approach — i.e., the American way — the answer?
How this plays out could have serious implications for American power and influence.
Look at what happened in the early 20th century, when fascism posed a global threat. America entered the fight late, but with its industrial power — the arsenal of democracy — it emerged on top. Whoever unlocks the door inherits the kingdom, and the United States set about building a new architecture of trade and international relations. The era of American dominance began.
Climate change is, similarly, a global problem, one that threatens our species and the world’s biodiversity. Where do Brazil, Pakistan, Indonesia and other large developing nations that are already grappling with the effects of climate change find their solutions? It will be in technologies that offer an affordable path to decarbonization, and so far, it’s China that is providing most of the solar panels, electric cars and more. China’s exports, increasingly led by green technology, are booming, and much of the growth involves exports to developing countries.
From the American neoliberal economic viewpoint, a state-led push like this might seem illegitimate or even unfair. The state, with its subsidies and political directives, is making decisions that are better left to the markets, the thinking goes.
But China’s leaders have their own calculations, which prioritize stability decades from now over shareholder returns today. Chinese history is littered with dynasties that fell because of famines, floods or failures to adapt to new realities. The Chinese Communist Party’s centrally planned system values constant struggle for its own sake, and today’s struggle is against climate change. China received a frightening reminder of this in 2022, when vast areas of the country baked for weeks under a record heat wave that dried up rivers, withered crops and was blamed for several heatstroke deaths.
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carionto · 9 months
Once the Galactic Coalition had (without other realistic options) given Humanity an equal position among the governing bodies, despite the fact they were a single planet race, the initial dread of what they would do eased. A little. When they showed how they powered their impossibly massive vessels, the fears of our ancestors who deemed the Responsibility Barrier a necessity reemerged a thousandfold.
The Humans, with a slight grin, said "Solar power, of course."
They took a delegation within the bowels of one of their smaller, civilian research craft, which was still bulkier, better armored, and more worryingly - better armed than most flagships of the other predator-races. Were we not able to see with our own eyes their actual, what they aptly call, Dreadnoughts, from distances you would normally need a telescope, we would have assumed this was their mightiest warship. Yet it was just one of hundreds.
As we passed through the ludicrously thick and seemingly excessive number of bulkheads and shielded and compartmentalized hallways, the ever present hum of raw power beneath our feet gradually became nerve-wracking. What is that? It reminded us of stories told by those who traveled near Black Holes - of the sheer vastness and infinite apathy they felt from the all consuming entities.
A dozen or so biometric gates later, we were greeted by a gigantic sphere, easily a hundred and fifty meters in diameter, an abomination of reinforced panels, wiring, heat pumps, and countless tubes, hanging from numerous power conduits in the middle of an even more massive chamber from behind our observation platform. A true, pure fusion reactor. And there were Humans, in full protective suits at least, working directly next to it within the ominous chamber.
"We wanted to give you a demonstration of our advances in the past millennia, so please observe as we turn on this one."
This one? As in... the power we were feeling was not from this monstrosity? We had to ask.
"Oh, of course not, this ship has three such reactors, we recently performed a full maintenance on this and decided to delay reactivating it for you to see."
The delegates' mouths (or equivalents) were agape. Sure, nuclear fusion is known far and wide, but due to it's high potential for cataclysmic failure, or worse, deliberate destruction, the vast majority of such reactors were mostly found in deep space stations where solar radiation was scarce. Background radiation converters, while efficient at what they do, were nowhere sufficient enough for anything more than as passive emergency battery chargers. And no civilization kept fusion reactors anywhere near populated or colonizeable planets.
Yet here they were, looking at one nearly five times larger than any other known or attempted. And there were three on this ship alone. They counted hundreds of similar size, a few dozen of their Dreadnoughts, thousands of smaller vessels ferrying between the stations, the surface, and other larger ships. Countless world ending bombs-in-waiting right around the Humans' only home.
"Yeah, us science ships get the biggest ones, kinda need the extra oomph for our projects. The military kids like their redundancies, so theirs are smaller."
A slight relief.
"I think their newest capital ship, the UGSF Caliban of York, has fifteen, each about half ours."
A few delegates passed out. Their attendants rushed to salvage some dignity, but Captain Knoslark of this vessel, The Radiant Dusk at Everest, didn't seem surprised or offended and simply waited for the delegation to regain composure before continuing.
"This is my favorite part."
He said quietly with a glint in his eyes, then his tone changed to a more formal and authoritative one.
"Chief Engineer Ira Tameki, status of Reactor 2."
"All green, Captain. She's ready to purr to life at your command."
"Good. Then," his tone shifted once again, to a far more theatrical one as he took a pose, half turning his body and extending his right hand towards the reactor, index finger pointing dramatically. As he pronounced every syllable of the next word, there was a silent resigned sigh from his crew:
Outwardly, nothing of significance changed. The engineers clicked at their consoles, bars slowly rose and everyone was deliberately doing their best to make it clear they were ignoring the fact that the captain was still in the same pose.
There was a muffled thump from the chamber, then the hum beneath their feet became a rumble for a few moments before steadying back to a now slightly more intense almost-buzz. Physically, nothing all that noteworthy. Mentally, everyone in the delegation was in true shock as they fully understood what they had just witnessed done all too casually:
The birth of a star.
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seat-safety-switch · 9 days
When it comes to alternative energy, there's lots of great solutions. Everybody loves solar power, where you put out a bunch of expensive panels and just collect all the free money that falls from the sky. Most people love hydroelectricity, where you spin a wheel with water and then laugh all the way to the bank. What doesn't get a lot of respect is wind power, where you put a giant spinning thing super high up in the air, and then harvest power from the winds of fate.
We can spend all day guessing about why that is: I think it's the fear of heights, in the same way that vaccination campaigns have to overcome the "needles scary" instinct that has been drilled into us by Hollywood celebrities and that very stern lady who gave us a hepatitis jab in junior high. That said, if we did spend all day talking said shit, then I'd be late to my new job, which is selling expensive wind-power solutions to the city.
"Didn't we ban you from the property last month?" asks the nice city architect I am meeting with. He is partially correct, in that I was banned from a city council meeting after throwing fists when they threatened to take away my free parking (in a neighbourhood I don't live in, but has gradually become "overflow" for the 1975-1981 Pontiac collection.) However, today I am operating in my professional capacity, as a corporation: the Switch Centripetal Assets Multinational. We are here to sell things that spin in the wind, and save the Earth at the same time.
Despite the uphill battle, I successfully convince Mr. Nosey that I am in fact my own identical twin brother. I roll that confidence boost into a big sale: several dozen partially-broken Dana 30 axles, with an old hood welded on one end to catch the breeze, and an old alternator welded onto the other. Works like a charm, and can light almost an entire string of Christmas tree lights if you're currently experiencing a hurricane. A few weeks later, we've successfully sunk them into the ground and cashed a large cheque consisting entirely of government cheddar, and I'm on my way to pick up a bunch more shitty old Mopars.
The best part is, nobody has to be afraid of heights, unlike with my sloppy European competition. They're about five and a half feet tall, due to their origins as a truck axle. You can walk right up to these suckers and service them, though I strongly recommend ducking if the wind is really blowing. Still, if you get decapitated by it, that will at least convince the doubtful to instead be cautiously afraid of its immense power. Nothing better for advertising.
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abandonedography · 2 months
A Well-Preserved Abandoned Time Capsule House
Along a scenic road lies this incredible time capsule house with everything left behind. This large home built in 1956 features interior design elements from the 70s including shag carpeting in the bedrooms, a carpeted wall in the primary bedroom, appliances from the same era, and even an Asian-themed tiki bar/room in the basement. There are several personal items left behind as well from clothing, to photos and even letters from the children to their father.
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The Home was owned by a German man named Hans. He was born in 1923, and he married a woman named Emma at a relatively young age. Hans was a school teacher by profession, teaching at a nearby school. He was a hard worker and was always furthering his education, as seen in several certificates found throughout the home. I believe he also had a small business selling renewable energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines which he operated out of a separate part of the home. In his spare time, he liked to build and maintain his elaborate model train display in the basement.
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He and his wife Emma enjoyed travelling and did so often until finally deciding to settle down. They had two children, Adele and Michael. They led an idyllic life for a few years but as time went on cracks began to emerge in the marriage. Emma decided it was time to leave and she moved with their children a couple of hours away from Hans.
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Hans moved on and met a woman named Ida. Michael would occasionally send letters to Hans and from what I read, they did not have the best relationship. Michael being very religious, was always optimistic they would see each other during the holidays but from the sounds of the letters, that likely didn't happen. He was also upset about the fact that his father did not call him regularly. In one of the letters Michael said that after a phone call with his father, he was scared to death of visiting him after speaking his mind. Emma did not get along well with her ex husband and this likely played a role in the ability for the children to visit with their father as well.
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Life continued on for both families until Hans passed away in 1980, he was only 57. Ida lived in the home until at least 1983 as seen in a handwritten letter from Michael addressed to her. At some point after that, Ida moved to Pennsylvania since she likely had friends/family there. The house has sat abandoned ever since.
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Emma passed away a few years ago but I have not been able to find out any information about Adele. Michael however spent a lot of time in school training to work in a religious-related field. He had inherited a strong work ethic from his father, reminiscing about how Saturdays were work days and how that impacted his life. He has since found a very rewarding and successful career in religion.
source - video of the house
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2022dirt · 3 months
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This church in Roseville, Minnesota has solar panels placed on its roof in the shape of a cross.
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Yes, we need innovation to solve the ecological crisis. We need better solar panels, better insulation, better batteries, better recycling, better methods for producing steel, etc. But we do not need aggregate growth to get these things. If the objective is to achieve specific kinds of innovation, then target those directly rather than grow the whole economy indiscriminately and hope it will magically deliver the innovation we need. Is it really reasonable to grow the plastics industry, the beef industry, and the advertising industry in order to get more efficient trains? Does it really make sense to grow dirty things in order to get clean things? We must be smarter than that. Necessary innovations can be achieved directly – through public investment in innovation – while simultaneously scaling down less necessary forms of production. In fact, the former is enabled by the latter. Engineering talent that is presently organized around developing, say, advertising algorithms, can be remobilized instead to develop better renewables and transit systems.
Jason Hickel, On Technology and Degrowth
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stinalotte · 5 months
inspired by that fic by @massharp1971 where Atlantis gets pissed at John for being a dick to Rodney after Trinity
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AITA for throwing my favorite human into the ocean having a slight transporter malfunction?
One of my (several million years, NB) humans (M37) recently blew up 5/6 of a solar system. My favorite human (M35) is pissed at him. I wasn't there and they haven't written their reports yet, so I don't know exactly what went down, but Favorite is being an ass to the other one. I know for a fact that he is no angel himself. Also, I like the solar system blowing up one, he takes care of me and fixes stuff when it breaks down.
So when Favorite was done being mean and touched the transporter panel without looking (because he wanted to be oh so suave and cool), I sent him exactly where he touched the display — 10.8 meters off of the South East pier. He splashed down into the ocean and eventually got rescued, and I think he learned his lesson. People are saying I'm the asshole because I had to override six security protocols and two subroutines to get the transporter to malfunction, and the waves were high and there were shark-like things, but eh. Sometimes you gotta yeet people into the water to get your point across.
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