#sole survior
khalss · 6 months
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the best part about your boss and friend being so much shorter than you is it's like having a free walking arm rest whenever you need it
peyton and maccready have a loving friendship and maccready is extremely lucky that his friend has the never ending patience of a saint
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catcr4ft · 4 months
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Loving the idea of both sole survivors surviving but thinking their spouse is dead so there's an insane contrast between nate 'war veteran desensitized to violence just saw his wife get fridged' and nora 'stay-at-home housewife who quit her lawyer job to start a family with her husband and now doesn't know what to do when she's not restricted by the guidelines of society'
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mat-neptune · 6 days
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Happy Birthday my sweet boy 🥳 you don't know you're a synth!!!
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fallout4reacts · 11 months
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Read my one shot "Man Enough" on AO3 to find out more about my Sole Survivor Elle Walker <3
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venomgender · 1 year
no but fucking. actually i habe to day this in yags so pere foesnt look
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obsidianraven · 4 months
Preston Garvey, a realistic character in the harsh world of Fallout.
Preston Garvey. The last survivor of the Minutemen. One of the few down to earth characters in the wacky world of Fallout. A character that battles through both mental and physical hardships. I believe what Garvey endures and how he reacts is realistic to the world that he lives in. He goes through a depression after facing failure after failure. Which is then reflected by his almost monotone type of voice. These character flaws are a core part of why I think his character is one of the best.
Preston was forced to watch his heroes (The Minutemen) crumble apart and betray the very ideals that they were meant to stand for. His whole life he idolised them and then they all abandoned him when he needed them most. One of Preston's biggest failures was his lack of success in defending the survivors of Quincy. As a result he believes he is not fit to lead the new Minutemen , and thus he thrusts the mantle of General on to the person who saved his life, The Sole Survivor.
Preston is a failure. He failed to protect the town of Quincy, he failed to see the corruption of the Minutemen and most of all he failed to protect the group that he was meant to lead to safety. He believed he didn't deserve to live. That's why he ends up in a suicidal depression.
Yet through all of his hardships, he still holds onto his morals and ideals. He still believes that there are good people worth protecting in this cruel world, and he saw that when the Sole Survior saved him. That's why he tries his best to help rebuild the Minutemen from the ground up. After a while you can hear his depression fade away as you progress through his personal story and rebuild the Minutemen. He goes from being this depressed shell of a man to being overjoyed when you retake the Castle or when you first build artillery. He comments that the Minutemen have been falling to pieces for so long and that now they've finally re-established the Minutemen as a force to be reckoned with.
Overall, I believe Preston Garvey is an accurate portrayal of how someone might be in an apocalypse. Not everybody would be cracking jokes 24/7. Not everybody has a legion of power armoured soldiers to support them. Through all of his depression and his constant failures he still fought for what he believed was right, and I believe that's an honourable trait to have in a character, and why he's cemented himself as one of my favourite characters of all time.
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effervescentism · 4 months
I have… so many thoughts about Harry Potter it’s actually embarrassing so I’ll be spewing them here 🫶
FOR REFERENCE: Fuck (is cursing bad here??) JKR. Her ideology is shit and I hate her but I will be talking about HP because the character building is decent and interesting to build off of
With that in mind: Tom Riddle & Voldemort (I’m separating them since I will talk about both differently)
TOM RIDDLE: Honestly Tom is one of the most interesting characters in HP solely because of the information given about him. The only time we see him in childhood is completely through Dumbledore (who I don’t hate but definitely is a capital b biased person that I also wanna explore in another post but).
The memories mostly comprase of the whole wardrobe on fire scene (awful way of introducing magic to a child btw) and Tom’s penchant for stealing items from children at Wools Orphanage and harming Billy’s rabbit as revenge. For me, this set the scene as a child that is trying to gain and find power wherever and however, possible. I think that his experience in Wools formed him into a Survior, willing to do anything to find power he feels he was deserved. We also see this kind of behavior when he goes to Hogwarts, forms the Knights, and so forth. This blatant disregard for everyone around him and his singlemindness to get to the top does kind of resonate of ASPD (Anti-social personality disorder) to me (not like a medical professional so take lightly).
I do think that Dumbledore’s whole thing about Amortentia and unable to feel love is kind of B.S. because it feels like a cheap way to say that he was doomed from the beginning. It doesn’t make sense considering how would it even work to create a child incapable of feeling just love? (Weirdo magic thing probably since potions usually aren’t based on a lot of logic) but you would think that it would be illegal, not just banned at Hogwarts if creating it in the first place if that’s a possible side effect. It seems like an excuse of why Dumbledore fundamentally thought something was wrong with him even as a small child (more of dumbledore’s rigid thinking). Also, there was little to no mental health services in the world as far as aware- especially in 1930s it was greatly unlikely that either world would have any access to them. This makes Tom’s conditions, whether it be a mental disorder or just traumatic issues from growing up feeling unwanted and both of his parents gone, difficult to understand especially for a man terrified of making the same mistakes from his youth.
Only other information that we have is from the diary, which does not actually reveal a lot about his exact life or memories. We can see that he is clearly a charming, influential person, although some of the influence might be a side effect from the horcruxes nature, and we see that he obviously knows how to manipulate people and get what he wants. He has a clear blood bias that we see, and he also clearly detest being a half blood in contexts when he talks about his “filthy” muggle father. He also seems to kind of have a superiority complex that only gets further in as he goes farther in the horcrux path, (greatest wizard of all time, etc). Although it’s assumed that he’s already created his first horcrux and the after effect is the diary, but we actually don’t know. I do wonder if this kind of overly confident shade of him was done after he split his soul in a two or if it was him naturally.
He also, has this clear fear of death that is why he created the horcrux assumably, but this is likely onset by the blitz and his want to stay at Hogwarts full-time (which is such an interesting parallel between him and Harry it’s obvious that they are supposed to be parallel characters, but the direct comparison between two scared children is truly fascinating and how dumbledore deals with it is eye-opening).
All that I have talked about are most of the actual facts surrounding Tom Riddle and his youth, but I also do have opinions. It’s clear that because of his Muggle-sounding name (riddle isn’t on the pure blood 28 list and likely not recognizable to purebloods) that he was probably treated badly in his first years before he could gain real power (from his studies and his heritage). I do wonder what he did if there was people that did that to him? Did he try to take revenge on them, or did he just rely on the fact that he is superior to them (in insert ways) so he cannot be harmed by them. 
What i find interesting, that I feel like a lot of fans misinterpret, is his personal beliefs. It’s assumed that he hated muggles & muggleborns to an extent, he talks about filthy Muggles, blood purity, and all of his politics hinge around those ideals. He clearly goes with pureblood ideology, and he leads a pseudo cult that is about exterminating muggles & muggleborns from society. But, he is a halfblood. which makes me wonder what was his true reason for doing all of this. Since to truly believe these ideals, he would have to consider himself lower than purebloods, something that he would never do. Was it for power, a mix of both or did he just kind of turn insane after too many splitting of a fundamental part of him? Also ends up working with multiple magical creatures, such as werewolves, and dementors making me believe either that was a false agreement, or he believes them to be semi-equals, which is also contradictory to the rest of the pure blood beliefs. It’s a question I can’t answer but undoubtably his blood & origin makes a major impact on his decisions, especially regarding Halloween and the prophecy.
Overall, he is a fascinating character to examine in his youth, and although I think we make too much distinction between him and Voldemort, since they are truly two sides of the exact same coin and acting like they are different people is smoke and mirrors, I feel that if we don’t distinct between them, we will lose a lot of interesting discussions. Tom did make the decision to split his soul, but did he actively participate in some of the stuff father along when more horcruxs were made? Or was that only Voldemort? When does the line between Tom riddle and Voldemort begin to blur and when does it fade? Ultimately, Tom is a good jumping point to wonder about choices in life. For how much emphasis Dumbledore places on the power of love, I truly think choices and decisions ruled the difference between Harry and Tom because they were in essence so so similar yet so different and that’s what makes me interested in the both of them.
if any of you liked this one, I’ll do dumbledore and Voldemort (or I’ll do it out of my own volition when I get too bored lmao)
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worldendercharles · 1 year
crying so hard over thief king bakura hours...
As I was telling someone who doesn't know much about yugioh:
"thief king bakura was the sole survior of a horrific genocide and watched it happen at the age of six or so, and was a generally based antimonarchist anarchist who was TRAPPED INSIDE A PRISON MADE FROM THE MELTED CORPSES OF HIS FRIENDS AND FAMILY, IN ISOLATION (which will drive someone insane after like. few days) FOR FOUR THOUSAND OR SO YEARS. OH AND HE WAS SLOWLY HAVING HIS MIND SUBSUMED BY AN ANCIENT ELDRITCH ABOMINATION.
worse also because these items made from the uh melted people (who are actually still alive in perpetual agony unable to pass on to the afterlife btw) were gone for a ritual or whatever for said ancient eldritch abomination. the one that bakura's soul is fused with. YEAH. his soul is fused over the course of thousands of years with the CREATURE THAT LED TO THE GENOCIDE."
anyway tkb was right and correct and the only thing he did that i don't support is killing Mahad
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On The Run - Forced to keep on the move, Tulip can't stay for more than a day in any spot before those.. things find her. What are they? What do they want? With no time to take care of herself, there's only one other thing on her mind - will she get through this?
Songbird in Shadows - Harmonia is in chaos, and Luminos is definitely not safe. With no way to figure out what's truly happened or how Lumiere managed to strike a deal with those.. demons, Nimbus is forced to discard her usual self and put up a front so that she can lead her and the other surviors to safety.
Nightmare's Ward - With Dream King and the Stars out of commission from the otherworldly newcomers, Irene is forced to rely solely on the Nightmare King's powers. With the Bright and the Ruinous showing interest in whatever these things are, she forces herself to lock away all feelings of hesitancy.
Gilded Ringmaster - Doing away with his usual get up, Juliano takes on the new role of being a hopeful beacon for the surivors. While the circus seems to be immune from whatever has happened, the ringmaster can't help but fear for what may happen to his loved ones.
Something something costumes for the characters alluding to Project Thunder.
Something something the memory virus starts making them change to this costume involuntarily.
Something something these are used IRL as a teaser for Connected Cosmos.
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kleiner-ghost · 1 year
We need to start talking about JC Denton the same way we talk about the Sole Survior in Fallout 4.
I'm gonna start thus trend.
This is Jamie Charles. She is an excellent shot, especially when it comes to tequila. Last week she stole 199$ from some dude's bank account. That's on him for writing his account number and password on the same data cube.
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manhuntingbonanza · 1 year
Judging from the absence of Project Militia in the present (Manhunt 2-present, as in 2007), it’s only fair to conclude that:
1) They all got wiped out by Leo.
2) The sole surviors either fled the state or got executed by Pickman himself. 
But oh well. The only good thing they ever had going for them, is the iconic quote “The mongoose is in the cookie jar!”.
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ryderdire · 2 years
I think Piper and sole survior should kiss
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arasokanbina · 2 years
New Jeans comforts my 90s heart. So nostalgic, magical and haunting.
I'm still not sure what to make off the MV reveal. I feel like I am attaching myself to it a lot here but it feels like when you're a teen and you dream and imagine what it'd be like to be happy in school because in reality you're alone and only have your dreams. It's sad but it's comforting my lonely teen memories.
More thoughts below
After watching the B side version I have more thoughts but these are more on a potential story of the MVs and more personal thoughts (for the most part).
Heesoo is the main character along with the boy classmate who she has a crush on. Whilst he is also interested in her, his is mostly more of concern from how she is acting.
In both MVs a deer is shown, a young deer at that. Showing the eyes, I think it's lighting telling the story that Heesoo got into a car accident as with the expression 'Deer in the Headlights'. It's a dual form of her being in a trance from her crush and by a car accident as we see her with a cast. The deer also being a Doe can also be meaning 'Jane Doe' representing missing or unknown human females (her friends) and the deer being a young Doe portraying youth.
The camera footage is also not just nostalgically damaged but potentially by the car crash. Her dropping it from the roof for me was her finishing off her memories after she wakes up coming to the reality. This could be a reality of her being a sole survior of an accident or of my personal take of her being lonely. This could also be mix of the two fro her actions after being in an accident imaging friends in her headlight state. It could also be less dark and her trance is with her crush of the student but I think it is the former because at the end you see her looking through those memories on tape going through the loop again.
However a positive is that the male student is seen walking her home in the rain. I think that shows that there are people that care about you even if it's not the same way as you do or you'd like them too and also showing people can look out for others who are not acting right. A simple thought of 'Oh they're being weird', might be more deep then that and taking a few moments to help the deer get out the road saves them from a worser fate and also you.
Another visual idea is of the cat. Cats having '9 lives' can be a representation of a life loop, the cat is also black known for being 'bad luck' whislt being ironically lucky.
(Note I don't believe black cat are bad luck or evil, they are all cute babies.)
Notes: As usual I might add more later and there is probably some spelling and grammar mistakes. I also wanted say that this is of course my personal take and I might be missing some media or art references that might add more context to scenes of final thoughts. However as usual these are my initial thoughts and opinions.
On a less metaphorical long winded take, Heesoo is struggling with the loss of her friends who are haunting her with memories, whilst she passes between reality of having a heart crush to her heart being crushed.
Finally it could also be that Heesoo is the ghost and the students are noticing her ghost before she moves on. Or even more out there is that its a school of ghosts and Heesoo is a new student transferring to it after she passed away. A new type of grieving her human life with her new after life. We as humans have memories of ghosts but ghosts having memories of humans is an interesting and beautifully emotional idea.
The MVs are thought provoking, emotional and of course nostalgic. I like the story element and that is is emotional because that is nostalgic and New Jeans is my comfort, even though I don't want to be sad haha. But it did show relief from her crush noticing her struggle and that is comforting. However I'd rather no more sad stories please lol.
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rj100789 · 1 year
Watch "17 Year Old Girl Is Sole Survior Of Plane Crash #shorts #viral #facts" on YouTube
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rebeleden · 1 year
Watch "17 Year Old Girl Is Sole Survior Of Plane Crash #shorts #viral #facts" on YouTube
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