#solicited opinion
ariadne-mouse · 30 days
I know Baxford Wanian is a Dark Baron and thus per the lore a nefarious dictator and as of Episode 3 of Moonward he is here to steal the fallen moon, and also Walden's presence as his agent is setting the less hostile tone of the encounter with the party but like. he also immediately and efficiently dispensed help to find survivors per request and seems to genuinely take heed of Walden's opinion (there was a fleeting moment where I thought Walden might actually be the one in charge) and like. man this bad guy is so polite and borderline deferential. runs a professional tight ship with his crew. like sure if Walden wasn't there or the Midst crew resisted it might be carnage but like. are you bamboozling us right now? Are we being bamboozled?? Sir???
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and why?
i'm interested because i see him interpreted as an E in pdb (which can be unreliable) so drop your thoughts? indicate if you're sourcing from TSOA or the iliad too (because there can be differences, such as him leaning towards extraversion in the iliad and intraversion in tsoa imo). sure, the hades game too.
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ciaran · 2 months
do you have any academic publications? in general, how do you feel about research and academia?
darling, i am not going to tell you about any academic publications i may or may not have. i am not interested in doxxing myself! as for research: it seemed to me to be the regrettable thing i am forced to do in order to teach, which is the profession i'm really interested in and maybe the only one im truly suited for. however, i spoke to a professor and he told me that if i do my own research, i'll have something to teach that no one else can teach as well as me. which seems to me to still be not quite a good enough reason to do all of that but i'm interested in the process of research.
academia is hell. however, it might be the only hell i can live in. :')
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viric-dreams · 5 months
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You know what, group vote: which thumbnail for the spy with a proposition for Jones?
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burinazar · 8 months
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I had previously estimated the period of time between 'Vueko recovers from her illness' and 'the village is founded' to be two months, but that may be too short considering the length of her hair in these shots.
Especially the long looped bang -- that portion of hair used to not even come down to her nose, so it grew six to eight inches to become long enough to loop back to one side like that. (I have considered it may be a stylization of some hair from the front sticking together with some from the side, but it does seem clearly drawn as one piece in these shots.)
How long do you personally imagine this time period was? Two months? Six months? Something in between, shorter, or longer...?
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z00r0p4 · 1 year
Tbh im kind of tired of how many "another reason not to have kids" comments I see like. Some chick was talking about how the belly button piercing she got at 13 wasn't a good idea after having 2 kids and someone threw that in the comments.
Like listen I don't particularly want kids, but also I don't view them as a cancer on society??? My reasons for not having kids are more to do with my own health, the hypothetical childrens' overall health and the fact that I don't have a great parenting personality. Not because the kids r gonna spill grape juice on my white couch or get into paint or some shit.
What's worse is I'll see the PARENTS of children post videos of their children making messes or something and Caption it "In case you need a reminder to use protection/ another reason not to have kids" and it just astounds me. Like, as if your children won't one day stumble across that post???
They basically roll out of the wombs with ipads now so like. They're gonna find it somehow. You're basically just fast-tracking them into mental health problems. They're people too u know???
I come from a very loving family so I can't even IMAGINE what i would feel like if my mom and dad had said shit like this (even jokingly) growing up.
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essektheylyss · 6 months
🐹 why would I find anyone on the internet intimidating. What are you gonna do, find me and shoot me with a gun? Are you gonna yell at me or something? Idk maybe I have a weird definition of intimidating but unless someone online actually tries to harm me physically or emotionally or has displayed willingness to do that to people I'm not gonna be intimidated by them
See, that's a reasonable line to draw, but this is interesting to me because I personally don't find people intimidating irl for reasons of threatening harm; I find them alarming if they're in my vicinity, but in my mind that's distinct from intimidation.
(I also have a negative strength mod so I am very aware that pretty much any adult person could hurt me with their bare hands if they wanted to, so I've trained myself out of the kneejerk reaction that a lot of people have for 'person who is imposing and larger than me', not least because if I didn't, I'd act like an actual prey animal at all times.)
So in my mind intimidation is much more of a demeanor, and it's definitely super subjective, i.e. I am in no way intimidated by people who give off Mean Girls or high school bully vibes, and I really do not get starstruck, but I will feel mildly intimidated by people who seem both interesting and competent.
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izvmimi · 4 months
Let’s talk about underrated bnha characters! Mizushima Masaki (Manual) vs. Atsuhiro Sako (Mr. Compress) *FIGHT*
who's hotter (TO ME)
mr. compress but that's because i'm biased to wavy dark toned hair smh
who would win in a fight (TO ME)
this is interesting cuz i feel like we've actually never seen the scope of what manual can do really offensive wise, both are very much utility types but i think the combination of things you can do with mr. compress' ability is much more fun and creative so i'll go with mr. compress
who's more dispensable to the story they're in (TO ME)
man tbh they're both side characters but who's gonna keep aizawa's eyes from being dry... and aizawa's important... manual!
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shinelikethunder · 2 years
wincest perceiver BECAUSE i know what a normal goddamn sibling relationship looks like and this ain't it. a normal sibling relationship is when i tell my brother what i've been binge-watching on netflix lately and he effortlessly one-hit KOs me with "Supernatural? dude, i used to watch that on actual TV back when George W Bush was president"
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caeli0306 · 3 months
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suenitos · 7 months
goodnightogies thank you guys for talking to me 😿 I feel very lonely these days
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vamp4rebatscave · 2 years
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What’s actually the purpose of ranting on my art posts comments lol
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abronzeagegod · 11 months
Untitled YA Novel Project Part One
Part One: The Silence Comes
The zlilfian people have many things in common with the average North American honey bee, from the gold and black hair patterns to the compound eyes and wings. One of the biggest things they have in common is not just the physical similarities, like how homo sapiens have commonalities with the great apes, but that of their social hierarchy. They have three tiers in their society, most similar to gender roles, that are that of the qiin, the political head of the Great Houses that run much of the zlilfian society, the jdargandins, the minders who watch over the internal operations of the Great Houses, and the shrar, the soldiers and laborers who do the work for the Great Houses.
Chapter 1: Adventure Missed It’s Wake Up Call
7:06 AM local time
Chicago, Algonquin State, United States of America
Justin hated waking up early for school, so it was no surprise when he rolled over in bed and saw that he had missed his alarm, sleeping through it. Fortunately, or unfortunately as the case may be, he had gotten somewhat used to the early mornings and only woke up fifteen minutes late. Mornings were the worst. Why hadn’t the administration realized that teenage students wanted nothing more than to sleep until ten, or even ten thirty.
He rolled over and just slapped at the alarm clock out of half asleep muscle memory. After stomping to the bathroom, Justin brushed his teeth with mechanical disinterest. He saw how bad his hair looked, the shaggy brown hair was all over the place from the night of restless sleep. The second he got downstairs he knew that his dad was going to tell him to comb it. Might as well get that done now. He rinsed out his mouth of the strange mint flavored toothpaste and watched the water drain slowly out of the sink before cupping his hands under the faucet and wetting down his hair.
There was something about the dreary, cold November weather, and the second year of high school that really didn’t work for Justin. He didn’t want to go to school today, and even if he was late, he couldn’t bring himself to rush. This strange liminal space between being new at high school, all eager and excited, and the stressful ‘have you decided what you are going to do with the rest of your life’ junior year, was extremely dull and not all that exciting.
He didn’t try that hard with his hair since it was a losing battle anyways, and what was really the point of caring what he looked like. He was an average high school boy. Brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin tone that he got from his mom. Screw it, it didn’t matter, it was just high school.
After throwing on his clothes that were mostly clean, Justin went downstairs where he found his dad mechanically making some coffee and toast. They didn’t greet each other aside from a small nod. Alex, Justin’s father, wasn’t any more of a morning person than his son. He was off to work soon.
Luckily, Justin didn’t hear any comments from his dad about being late, or the state of his hair, or any of the usual complaints. Which was a small mercy.
The rushed breakfast was silent and still. Justin took some of the fresh made toast, liberally covered it in butter and then some cinnamon sugar, before taking it with him. He grabbed his backpack and left the house. He was going to be late for the bus, and if there was one thing he hated it was walking to school.
He must have told his dad goodbye, because that was what he always did, but he couldn’t hear himself say it.
Justin took a few bites of the toast, and chewed. He didn’t really have many thoughts in his head as he walked down the front walkway towards the bus stop. The only thing that was really there was the observation that the house was always so quiet and empty now that his mom had left.
“Justin! Hurry up! I will leave you behind!” yelled his only friend, Mike, from the bus window as the heavy truck lumbered to a squeaking halt a few houses down from Justin’s house.
This made him stop short.
The wall of sound, the shout of Mike, the rumble of the bus, the sounds of the traffic down the street. All of a sudden it was all there. The sound. It was utterly absent from within the house. Justin realized that his house was totally silent, but not in a way that was normal in any way.
“Justin! You’re going to miss the bus,” his dad called form the driveway as he left for work. The car chirping gently as he unlocked it with the remote.
“Yeah, the bus,” Justin muttered, his dad didn’t seem concerned, or he didn’t seem to notice. It’s just that he didn’t know which was worse.
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my kofi where i post everything
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joelletwo · 5 months
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50,000 other difficulties i have w this particular translator aside i think theyre really magical at getting very conversational gintoki dialogue i enjoy it
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husbandhoshi · 6 months
can someone send me an ask so i can feel something
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themyscirah · 7 months
Why are recent comics incapable of being at all normal about Amanda Waller
Hate this so much
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