#solo louis sabotage
alarrytale · 2 months
I use my mom's Peloton and it has plenty of album tracks, it's not just hits. But most of Louis' music is not on All Access so I doubt Peloton can download it. Radios certainly can't. This is a bmg matter but Louis should be pestering them to add his songs to All Access and he clearly isn't and nor are Matt V and CF. Just so much unprofessional behaviour.
Hi, anon!
No, this is Sony saying if you put Louis' music on there we will withdraw access to Beyoncé or Harry (or other Sony artists), so what are you choosing? That's the boycott. BMG and Louis' management can beg as much as they want, but Sony's got beef with Louis, are super powerful, and are sabotaging him from making his music available.
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leeminholinoing · 10 months
Pleas don’t pay attention to what certain larries say. They’re here for harry only. They pretend to like Louis just because they write fab fiction and they need followers and comments/kudos.
I am aware dskfgh but my fingers are itching to call them out on their bs
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zot3-flopped · 24 days
Not to glaze Niall, but his career is due to hard work, which is why I think Harry respects him as a friend. Niall had a very weak voice just like Louis, but unlike Louis, he didn't have a psycho fanbase to rely on because he got shipped with Harry. Niall learned how to play the guitar, and didn't burn bridges with the 1D songwriters, and didn't attack journalists, and built his own fanbase without riding Harry's coattails (even if he cosplayed his looks a bit)
Louis on the other hand only has a career because of that tinhat conspiracy. He didn't bother improving any of his weaknesses after 1D, in fact his singing and memory have gotten worse, and his attitude is still entitled and smug.
Rads' entire conspiracy of "sabotage" falls apart when Harry is out there publicly supporting Niall. If Sony really wanted Harry to be the only breakout solo star, they would have "sabotaged" Niall too (they would have also forbidden Zayn from leaving the band) Louis is failing because he's just an unserious lazy slob who wants to be seen as a successful musician without putting in any of the work.
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twopoppies · 6 months
Re your anon about why there are more Louies than Harries amongst Larries. I remember when it shifted cause it’s never been this way. Up until 2016 I would say. Harry was photographed with Jeff ‘during the solo contact signing’ and Freddie being born a view weeks after that. Many Larries saw the stark differences and blamed Harry for it. For getting signed by Azoff when everyone thought the band would be signed by Azoff and come back very soon. And then Harry getting to be MIA and work on his debut album and interviewing Paul McCartney. And louis with the baby and Danielle in LA. They thought Harry has all the freedom making hints and being a solo star and Louis is paying for that freedom and is taking the burden of their closet tenfold. Harry so selfish and Louis is selfless. And that kind of established itself in many Larries minds and many many Harrie Larries left the fandom. So what’s left is an huge amount / majority of Louies in the fandom. Most harries couldn’t take the constant skepticism and double standards re Harry anymore. E.g. Harry being papped = fame hungry, Jeff’s puppet, he’s changed and money hungry. Louis getting papped = smart businessman, fighting against his team to get more exposure, underdog and being sabotaged (stunt pics, pics of him w alcohol) etc. not the best example but yeah haha there’s probably more but that what’s comes to all when I reflect back on the 2017/2017 time hsjsjsjs
Yeah, I think you’re actually very right. That was also the rise of the rad Louies and a few very vocal ex-larries who really did their best to tear Harry down and paint him as the villain who tricked everyone so he could rise to the top. Honestly some of the shit I’ve read from these people is so vile. Anyway, I can’t say that’s definitely why there seem to be so many Louie larries here on Tumblr, but now that you remind me of all of that, I think that period caused a lot of harrie larries to either became solo stans or leave the fandom altogether.
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skepticalarrie · 6 months
What did you mean by Louis not doing real promo?
He doesn’t get real promo 🤷‍♀️ It’s so frustrating and it’s been a topic of discussion since the begging of his solo career, you can read more about it on my BLACKLISTED and LOUIS X RADIO tags. It’s difficult to fully grasp the extent of the sabotage all of these years, but the fact is that Louis has almost exclusively relied on promo strategies around fan engagement rather than aiming for mainstream or at least a bigger audience.
Recently, the director marketing from BMG spoke up about Louis’ challenges with promotion opportunities, especially on radio playing his songs, because “he had to compete against other 3 one direction members” which was also what I was referring to on that post.
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alltheselights · 7 months
You might not what to post this or answer it and I get it but after listening to that End of the Day alternate version, it just reminded me of how much the people who made the decisions behind 1D sucked. I love Harry, I do, but when I heard MITAM, I was disappointed. Not because of the quality of the songs - some MITAM songs are some of my favourites from 1D - but because of how one-sided that album is. I wanted 1D, not Harry featuring Liam, Niall and Louis, and I even naively hoped Louis would have more of a chance without Zayn there too. Louis and Niall deserved better than what they got, and that goes the most for Louis. And now with this, all I can think about is Louis singing these parts, hoping he might be featured in the song more and then his sadness and deflation over finding out it wasn’t going to be released. No wonder he struggles with confidence so much and how much that gets in his head when he is performing when you think about what happened to him while he was in 1D. The label behind 1D clearly never really cared about nurturing the talents of 4 of the boys, they only cared about making Harry the frontman and preparing for his solo career. A more balanced album with solos and prominent vocals from all four members would have been even better than what we got and I will never not think they did Louis wrong. It’s why, despite the disappointments in Louis’ solo career and how it has been mismanaged and essentially sabotaged, I still am so thankful for it. I saw Louis in concert and he was so good on stage, and I enjoyed every moment of it. I’ve never enjoyed a concert as much as I did Louis’. Louis’ voice has so much emotion in it, he has that emotion and inflection that just completely elevates music and I can never have enough of it
I totally agree! It's ironic to look back because MITAM was my favorite of One Direction's albums when it was released. I still think the songwriting quality and the overall sound was amazing on that album, but how little Louis got to sing (and the other boys besides Harry, but Louis most of all) has dimmed that album in my mind and I really can't listen to it anymore without just feeling sad.
With time to reflect, I started to recognize more and more how imbalanced and unfair that album was, especially because once all the boys went solo, it was so abundantly clear that Harry was placed on a different playing field than the other boys and was given advantages that none of the others got. I think most One Direction fans or fans that support multiple 1D members recognize that these days and it's basically just Harries who refuse to recognize it or who claim that Harry was advantaged based only on talent.
Louis deserved better, Liam and Niall deserved better, and MITAM deserved better. All of their voices and their songwriting abilities had improved so much by the time that album was released. The power that album could have had if all of the boys had gotten time to shine......it was such a missed opportunity and I'll never stop resenting 1DHQ for their decisions and unequal treatment.
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savebylou · 3 months
The decisions he has made make him get two solo succesful albums, two world tours, 4 afhf festivals, his own clothing line, booking like 18 music festivals in different countries this year. - I’m sorry but no, Louis made so many terrible decisions and he lost a lot of fans because of that and the fact that he still can tour/the fact that his album was n.1 etc it’s all on the fans, not on Louis, and definitely not on his team. He’s winning despite his self-sabotage&his team incompetence and not because of that.
And no one’s asking for him to stop singing 1D songs but 1-2 songs are enough, not three songs in the 10 songs setlist when he has two solo albums+FITF was specifically promoted as an album for the live shows.
Hi anon. There is a lot of topics here so I did write a long response sorry in advanced.
Yes Louis had achieve many great things thanks to the support of the fans but this is not giving just because of his existance, he has getting support because he puts work behind it, he makes good albums, beautiful songs, his performance is amazing, his band is fantastic, he plans a great show to perfom in his tour with different elements between a good setlist, screen graphics, lights, pyro etc. And this is possible because of his team's work as well.
He makes livestreams, his own festival, his clothing line, he does so many interviews to promote his album, he does album signings and see sometimes fans after a show, he takes photos with fans even if he is tired. That is a lot of work and is important to remember it.
Fans wouldn't go to his shows or buy his music if he didn't have something special that they want to hear or see. The artist show who he is and shares his craft and then the fans support it.
About his terrible decisions and the self sabotage, that is very vague so I don't know how to respond to that with more details. Yes he has lost fans, but he still haves a lot of fans support otherwise he couldn't keep making this amazing things he has done over the years. And he has achieve those things thanks to his hard work and his team's work, they book the festivals, they plan the tour, etc.
His team work really hard and ultimately Louis is the boss, the team work for him, if you criticize his team your are criticizing Louis, they don't work without Louis' decision making. He knows what he wants, but he is dealing with a music industry that promotes pop music and artists with big labels, is a difficult market to navigate with when he is trying to go for a different genre of music and dealing with the lack of support on radio.
But I think this festival era is such a good move for him, he is showing his music to new audiences.
About the 3 songs of 1D I think fans are making a big deal out of this, he still sing a lot of important songs of his own and is a festival he needs to share popular songs as well as new songs so new people get interested. Is a smart move to sing 1D songs, Night Changes is the most stream song of 1D, at the time I check it has on spotify 1, 563,210,935 & Drag me down has 1,131,128,488, I don't know how many WDBHG but I imagine a lot.
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I invite you to read the tags of this post that Ingrid made bacause explain why is so smart the setlist.
I just think sometimes the fact that Louis is so down to earth and sweet make fans think they have the right to say how he has to navigate his career and cross the line trying to reach his team & to delivered their unsolicited opinions like they did with Krystle or Matt Vines, which I think they are really awful comments and I don't even want to see the posts to read more of that.
What makes me sad is to think Louis could see those comments instead of the ones that are celebrating this huge achievement.
Is fine if you don't agree with his setlist but is his second festival of so many, I think we should focus on celebrating how happy he was performing even though he felt insecure at the beginning. Louis after this festival era will be even more confident and will bring more new fans along the way which is a wonderful thing.
I think anyone can disagree with Louis at some point, but is his life and his journey, we will never learn the reasons behind most of his decisions and I think to follow Louis and his journey we have to accept that there will be moments like that and that is ok. Just enjoy the things that you like and take distance from the things that you don't enjoy or disagree with, if you don't like that he performs the 1D songs just don't hear it and move on. He will do what he wants to do regardless of fans' opinions, is his show and this is how he wants his setlist to be.
He share so many of him with us, I'm just thankful we still have the festivals to look for, after the festivals we will have to wait for a while to see him perform again.
I hope you have a great day.
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louisisalarrie · 3 months
I just feel really outnumbered when it comes to solo harries. Sure there are some solo louies who are ridiculous and think that Harry is sabotaging louis' career but these are few and far between. Most louies here and on twitter are larries. Most harries are not and they are vicious about Louis: 'Harry wouldn't date a chainsmoker, Harry likes peace and quiet and wouldn't date someone who's loud, Harry is pescatarian and wouldn't date a meat eater' ... it just goes on and on. They seem repulsed by the whole idea of Larry being together and not because they're homophobic but because they hate Louis. And it isn't young ignorant people, a lot are Gen X and talk about their kids or even grandchildren.
Yeah. Harry’s crowd is pretty vicious at times. Funny that the folks who follow someone who’s so loud about positivity, just scream toxicity at everyone else.
And you’re correct, it is a very wide demographic with a hell of a lot of people in it. Different opinions are thrown around nonstop. I just don’t understand the energy you need to put in to be so hateful?
like… I am not on the TS train, but do I go around screaming about how much I don’t like her and saying awful things? Absolutely not. It’s a position of personal preference and I let people enjoy what they want to enjoy, because that’s what music is all about.
It’s easy to feel outnumbered and it can be very frustrating, but don’t let people bully you into thinking who you love is wrong. Probably half the reason Harry is off Twitter & Insta now is the chaos and absolute insane talk that goes on there in his fandom. It’s truly baffling as to how they think they’re getting anywhere with yelling at people.
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faithinlouisfuture · 4 months
I’m glad you were not ardor the coordinated attack on Louis done by key influencers because it was a dark time. Solo Louies were about 5 ppl and being inundated with death threats daily. Even Louis charity project were demonized and the project organizers were hunted. This is what TPTB knew Louis was capable so no expense or effort was spared to destroy him. The fact he over came every imaginable obstacle to achieve tonight’s validation says everything about his determination, business acumen, talent and most importantly who he is as a person. He really was celebrating us as a team. Sticking with him when the whole industry turned their back on him and some actively sabotaging him. Winners recognize winners.
there’s a reason i have a whole tag about louis the phoenix 🫶🏽🥲
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alarrytale · 11 months
Has Louis won any awards with FITF?
Indeed he has!
He's won the following awards:
Best album by Louis Tomlinson voted by the Louies. Walls came in second place.
Best album in 2022 at the 13th consecutive One Direction awards.
Best bridge of all time at the prestigious International Bridge Awards for the bridge in Holding on to Heartache. He beat Golden Gate bridge and Storebælt.
Best worst placement of the word "girl" for the song "The Way I Do" at the Exasperated Queers Ceremony. The award has previously been won by One Direction for "Live While We're Young" (2012) and "They Don't Know About Us" (2013).
Best song to grab a pint to at the pub voted by the regulars at the Priory pub in Doncaster for the song "Silver Tongues".
Best reference to a made up conspiracy. He won for "All along" at the International Anti-Conspiracy Awards.
Best description of lack of communication between lovers in a song or a poem voted by the Sexual Therapist Association (STA) by poll. He won for "Written All Over Your Face".
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awesomefringey · 1 year
LTxPromo on twitter is also a rad Louie who despises Harry. She keeps the account somewhat professional but occasionally throws tantrums over Harry when his music does better than Louis and say he is trying to sabotage him. Then she'll delete the posts after. Unfortunately Louis follows her. She has a tumblr account under a different name and is friends with Sea. Part of that crowd that thinks Harry is trying to ruin Louis' career.
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Yikes! I added a proper tag for all the nasty solo UAs on Twitter. I’m not surprised that these people who don’t share our views (which is fine) also turn out to be massive assholes. There’s a pattern.
I followed this account, but I have blocked them now. Thank you for letting me know! 💜
In reference to the other Louis UAs whose admins are nasty, hate Larries, hate Harry, hate One Direction, made sure HLD got blocked.
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zot3-flopped · 2 months
Sea is such a disingenuous twat. There is NOTHING wrong with being a small artist who is only able to fill theaters or half an arena. But that's not Sea (and other rads) angle. They paint Louis as this super mega star that is on the same level as Harry and the ONLY reason he's not selling out stadiums is because SABOTAGE and NO PROMO and (insert conspiracy bs here)
Nah. Louis can't sing and is an awful performer, that's it. He is LUCKY he got shipped into a tinhat relationship with Harry. It's the only reason he has been able to grift as a solo artist for this long. If he wasn't such an egotist and accepted this truth, I'd respect him more. But no, he acts like he's some successful musician and books stadiums, starts a festival, starts a clothing brand, films a documentary (something even Harry hasn't done). Like??? The hubris. The only people more delusional than Louis about his career are the idiot louies that prop him up.
Another note, excessive promo and opportunities does nothing for a talentless person. Chappell Roan only gaining massive popularity this year because of Coachella, even though she's been singing for years, is testament to that. She was given an amazing opportunity and she blew up. People will always support awesome music and interesting people, even if it takes years for a person to get their chance. Louis has been known for years in the music industry and with the public through his massive SM following, but still hasn't gotten big. Don't need to be a genius to figure out why.
Agree with every word. Louis could have the best team in the world and it wouldn't make any difference because Louis himself would still be useless.
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twopoppies · 5 months
People are really out here thinking that Harry and Louis have broken up (which is fine) but that Harry is using the umbro shirt in some sort of petty move to piss off Louis or get noticed or get the larries on side. I get thinking HL are over but where did this idea that they are petty bickering exes come from?
Rads (solo Louies who hate Harry). That’s been their premise for years. Harry is obsessed with Louis, so he keeps writing songs about him and referencing him, etc. But he also sabotages Louis’ career at every turn and is in cahoots with everyone and their uncle to rule the world at the expense of Louis Tomlinson with whom he had a very toxic relationship. 🤡🤡🤡
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
allie💖💖💖thanks to your blog and posts I finally understand Harry's situation a little bit, but I have one more question. I understand now that the azoff's work FOR harry and harry can fire them if he's done with them. Same with louis; he can fire matt vines (something he should absolutely do). But is it possible that the CEO of the label (Rob stringer) forces Harry to do PR stunts/ fake relationships and Jeff arranges it for them? Also, this might be out of the blue but do you think Harry was groomed by jeff?
Finally (last one, I swear) why do you think louis doesn't fire Matt Vines? Because in harry's situation I get it; his team gets him places even tho he has to participate in stunts (they might have a deal yk, harry gets to express himself in his gay way and has to do stunts on the side to appeal to women). But for louis it's the complete opposite: his team doesn't do ANYTHING good, they only rely on his fanbase. But no good promo, only stunt talk, babygate and all that crap. (His clostet is indeed different, but louis must be hella gay in real life if they needed babygate, elounor and continiously stunt talk in order to make him seem straight.)
I think the word forcing sometimes can sound a bit extreme like he’s doing things completely against his will and being given absolutely no choices. I don’t think it’s like that, I don't think he's oblivious to the situation and he has given plenty of signs of that. But we can certainly call it some sort of abuse of power. IMO Harry has contractual obligations and he's strongly advised to do or not to do something by his label, which leaves him in situations that can be quite unpleasant for him, in order to keep doing other stuff that he wants or in benefit of a bigger picture.
Unfortunately, a lot of artists end up cornered like that and in an extremely unfair position. And the bigger they get, and the more money is involved, the worse it gets. It's a cruel industry. And it's also a domino effect, so if he's not out he's going to need to have fake girlfriends etc etc one thing leads to another. I think his friendship with Jeff sounds genuine and Jeff actually did a lot of good stuff for him, and he cares about Harry, but this doesn't mean he wasn't groomed by the Azoffs. A LOT of people were just hanging around Harry for when he decided to go solo they could be involved and that's no secret.
As for Louis, I actually quite like Matt Vines. I think he's doing a great job with Louis, especially compared to all the previous AWFUL managers he had. I understand the lack of promo is a bit unsettling and confusing, but I'm sure the fact he was sabotaged by Syco for years, and maybe he's still blacklisted, has a lot to do with that. And I also assume none of the stunts has anything to do with his current management, this is old stuff. I think they're just working with what they have....
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izacore · 2 years
This doc is only and only to push babygate down our throats. Thats why no promo. That is why it was seeded since 2020. He is obsesssed with this het dad image.
But he fails to understand that he looks shitty with that kid being him, and now "without" after pushing it so much. So you mean to tell me you got a random girl pregnant with pap pics, pushed it into media, kept the fans in the dark? Even the child doesn't know who his dad is just because a millionaire pop star decided to not take a pat test. And what was babygate? Why all the larry baiting? Why is he acting like it did not sabotage him and made a joke of him to gp? He looks bad even if its his kid+ there is babygate. And all the gf drama. His obsession with infact straight is weird as hell. Plus all the solo weirdo fans/sheeps that are no better than larries and toxic as hell, idk how he hasn't understood the fandom in 10+ years. Idk how they fucking expect us to believe that kid is him after everything. And whats so funny is for them larry is not real=that kid is his. Sorry louis but I would rather leave the fandom than believe this bullshit. Idk what he is trying to achieve here. So many questions.
I wish we knew what happened in 2021 cause after that at least in my opinion, he hasn't been himself almost at all and clearly lost it (and the same with Harry, although he seems to be better now even though he occasionally pisses me off as well). But I came to understand that ultimately it is not my life and you cannot save somebody who doesn’t want to be saved. So as much as it's sad to watch, I think only a miracle could change things at this point.
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silverfoxlou · 10 months
Is Niall the same as Harry or Louis? /
Of course not but he’s doing well with his career and nobody seems to have a problem with it so I was just wondering why Louis‘ success would be a problem and Niall’s success wouldn’t. And i don’t understand why their teams would want all the 1D fans in Harry’s fanbase bc I always perceived Harry fanbase as mainly being new fans that came there after the band ended and actually Louis got a lot of 1D fans. But that’s just me. And I’m trying to understand why everyone seems to think Louis is being sabotaged and that it has to do with the band or the other members. I just don’t see yet where this is coming from.
I don’t know if you’re being sincere or not, but I don’t particularly feel like rehashing 8 years worth of history about their solo careers, and the 5 years before that laid the groundwork for it.
If you’re a new fan, just enjoy the fact that you joined at a time when there is a lot Louis content to enjoy and didn’t have to live through the dark ages. If you’ve been around, well… go back and re-examine everything you’ve experienced with a more critical eye.
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