#some drawing from classics mythology etc. some completely made up some from other cultures i assume
thebirdandhersong · 1 year
Also to be completely honest--warning: I have been obnoxious about names since I was a kid (which is why I gave up reading the Green Ember series... I remember reading it in high school and being Incredibly Frustrated by the lack of consistency in the way the writer chose his characters' names, so despite the fact that I liked the story somewhat, I just never read the rest of the series based on this sticking point)--it really bothers me that Paige and Rose are named Paige and Rose
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alatismeni-theitsa · 4 years
Thanks for bringing the racebending to my attention. I never considered that it was harmful towards the origin culture. I considered that it was kind of strong to claim that sort of race thing in a way, but maybe that comes from the more.. christianity? view of where there isnt a direct way that God looks, except any way the person perceives. That's probably what I thought, too, until just now reading your answer to someone else. So.. it's not okay? 1/?
I honestly want to understand as my perspective on this now changes. It makes total sense why it would be entitled of someone to do such a thing, and how it's inconsiderate of the actual origin culture that the deities come from now that I'm thinking about it in this way. So again thank you for bringing this up and answering that other anon. I have some things to revise in my head on this, as I honor Apollo and Hermes, I want to make sure that I get accurate and do my research.
I really enjoy being able to read your experiences and I think it's important as, someone outside the culture, gets to experience and understand more to be as accurate and non... whats the word... inappropriate with representing such a thing, I guess I can say. If that makes sense.__________________________________________________________
Thank you for sending a message and for listening to the opinion of Greek people. (I am not the only one with that opinion, many of my 500 followers also share the same ideas.) Anyways prepare yourself for a looooooong analysis! So, get under comfy blankets and take your tea/coffee next to you!
To begin with, there are Greeks that don’t mind but those are usually Greeks who have close contact with the American way of thinking through social media. Or some that don’t care because the approach our mythology in a kinda superficial way? I am not saying this to offend any Greeks who don’t mind the racebending. Every Greek has the right to have a relationship with their culture according to their own standards. Those people who think racebending is ok are usually no less patriots than the ones who do. However, those who don’t mind the race bending are extremely rare to find. 
If I go to my 50 y/o aunt and announce to her that foreigners depict Demeter as Black she is gonna lose her mind. I have also asked the opinion of Greeks who are not into social media or groups where Greek mythology is discussed by foreigners. When they were informed of the racebending the first thing they said was “but... why??” and they couldn’t fathom how this could help anyone. The second thing they say is “But the Gods are white!” explaining that our ancestor have depicted them as Caucasian for centuries and we, as Greeks, know no other depiction of them.
I assure you, it has nothing to do with white superiority - which is a myth anyways. Greeks can be perfectly racist to people who are pastry white :P If you racebended the gods into any other race, we would still have a problem. It’s all a matter of respecting iconography and tradition. It would be ignorant of even us Greeks to change the depiction of the gods when our ancestors were very clear in their art about their race. It was also clear in antiquity that the gods had bodies. I am in another computer and I cannot access my files, but I had a file for a philosopher who tried to argue against the public opinion that the gods didn’t have bodies. But the majority of ancient Greeks believed that the gods had a physical presence.
Also, race matters for Greeks as it does for most of other cultures. You expect Nigerian deities to look like the average Nigerian, yes? Because they were created by a homogenous Black population. You think the same for Indian and Chinese deities, yes? It makes sense for deities and public figures from a certain culture to look like the people of that culture. I think it’s common sense. Turning an old Nigerian deity into a Chinese, would’t represent the Nigerian people any more. For similar reasons, we don’t want our important heritage figures changed. (In case a warrior was described as Black African in our ancient texts, then of course we wouldn’t have a problem with keeping that figure Black).
You are correct when saying that the race bending comes from a Christian point of view. I think many hellenic polytheists/pagans/wiccans haven't managed to escape the Christian logic. In Christianity we have accepted for many centuries that saints and important figures would be viewed with different races, so people can come closer to them. For example, there is a Chinese, Native American, Mexican (different tribes), Black Jesus etc. Most of the times they are also dressed in the traditional regalia of the respective culture. It's a thing for the last 200 years at least. 
Even Greeks depicted Jesus kinda white (he has an olive skin complexionand brown hair, which is closer to the Greek standards). And this happened since the Byzantine Empire. We even call the Virgin Mary "Mother of all Greeks" (apparently Mary has a particular interest in our nation xD) We have made her into a Greek mum. But we kinda have the freedom to do this because Christianity is an international religion which is alive for the last 2.000 years, so these changes come organically.
On the contrary, almost nobody has worshipped the Greek gods since 500 AC. The religion was been dead for almost 2.000 years, until Western classicists made it a popular. Now people who have no actual contact with the Greek culture start worshiping those gods. Don’t get me wrong, I believe any foreigner can worship the Greek gods! The thing is that most of the foreign worshippers don’t see the Greek gods as part of the culture that created them, because of the Americanization of the gods in the media and the complete stripping of the Greek elements from them.
But gods are still part of the Greeks’ heritage. Many ancient traditions and myths have kept from the ancient years, we have the names of gods and the gods are still used as symbols here. Our culture hasn’t died, as many westerners (perhaps subconciously) believe. It is alive and evolving, despite foreigners usually ignoring us. So, the ideas about our ancient religion have been involving with us, becoming part of our national identity in a unique way. 
After 2.000 years of the religion’s “death”, foreigners become enamored with Greece again. But not our Greece. They become enamored with a part of our culture that hasn’t existed in millenia. They study the culture only till the Roman years and then they skip 2.000 years of evolving cultural identity and go straight to the 21st century western (west Europe/America) ideals and societies.
You can only imagine how it seems to us Greeks, when foreigners suddenly remember us again and, on top of that, they don’t become part of our culture but they insist that a part of our culture (in its ancient form) becomes tailored to their own standards. And now foreigners ingore our own point of view, because, as they have done the last 2.000 years, they keep on ignoring us :P (I mean they as a people, greatly generalizing here). Please see that post for how disconnected a Greek feels about the modern Greek religion, and the analysis that comes with it. (Link)
Similarly, imagine if suddenly the Nigerian culture became a trend in Greece and now some Greeks become interesting in the old (almost dead to Nigeria) worship of Orishas. And now they want to depict the Orishas as White, because they, themselves are white and maybe white deities reflect better the racial situation in Greece. Wouldn’t that be disrespectful, though? Not only because the Black becomes White, but because we would take an inactive worship from the Nigerians and add our own politics to it.
Our situation is also kind of special because for the last centuries every country that has become interested in our culture has abused it. They have stolen antiquities from us and northwestern Europe but also in the US have no problem having those stolen artifacts and displaying them. There is a tradition of foreigners claiming to “love” Greece but they are really in love with our ancient aesthetic and they don’t give a shit about the Greeks who preserve the culture and even die to protect their antiquities. 
So we are used to this kind of treatment and it hurts extra when it’s happening again. But we are also desensitized. For some reason a person can be dressed as a Greek deity for Halloween and we won’t bat an eye. At the same time, I see people from other cultures defending the importance of their figures, when foreigners dress up as them for fun. 
I don’t understand how we consider this disrespectful for any other culture but if it’s the Greek we don’t care. Why could this be? Perhaps because many Greeks have come to see their own culture as public property. Perhaps because it is what the prominent international media tells us and maybe because we are used to selling our culture for profit (we are a tourist country) and we only see it as merchandise. 
Let me add I am not only fascinated by my own cultures but also cultures around the world. It makes no sense to me that people want Gods of color and their only solution is to make the Greek gods Black. Have we forgotten the numerous rich cultures of Asia and Africa?? There are a ton of deities there who, if you want to draw Afrocentric art for example, will be great inspiration! It reminds me of a publishing house which put POC in the covers of western classic books (thus kinda turning the white main characters into POC only in the cover) while not promoting books from POC or books featuring POC. I think it’s counterproductive.
I think that’s all I have to say for now! Feel free to ask more questions if I haven’t covered you! And if you have more thoughts you can drop them in my ask box.
Also, one question for you before you leave. You mentioned “I considered that it was kind of strong to claim that sort of race thing in a way”. Can you explain to me why? I would like to understand better people who think this way. Then maybe I could explain more effectively to them that their race bending practice isn’t as helpful as they think it is.
P.S. Even saying “races” of people exist is considered deeply racist in Greece (and Europe). I mention that as potential food of thought. For us there are only hues of skin colors, not races, so our social politics are different. 
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djmunden · 4 years
Thousand Scars Author Interview
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Hey guys, back with a new isolation interview! I’ll have an SPFBO author interview ready for the weekend, but I’d like to bring back an old survivor of the Scar den in Deston Munden. Hope you guys enjoy! 
First of all, tell me about yourself! What do you write?
Hello again! I’m Deston J. Munden, former SPFBO writer and now resident stuck in the house author. I’m a science fiction and fantasy author who is surviving all this craziness by stuffing his head full on Dungeons and Dragons characters and learning how to cook neat food. I’m the author of two series, Dargath Chronicles and Dusk Orbit Blues, both which are getting an audiobook real soon. It’s a pleasure to be back.
How do you develop your plots and characters?
I’ve been asked this quite a few times and I never feel like my answers are satisfactory, but nevertheless true. They just kinda come to me. There are small inciting events that makes me want to develop a character or a plot. It could just be me sitting and reading. It could just me be playing a game or roleplaying a completely unrelated character.  From there, I put them on what I called the simmer mode. I slowly develop them in my head until they are ready for the drafting phase.
Tell the world about your current project!
Dargath is a fun, high fantasy world that I created a while back. It’s a world where everyone has magic and no one is truly human. I wanted to create a world where magic was a common stance and everyone has a degree of it that is unique to them. Also, I wanted a world where the reader doesn’t go in with the natural biasness of starting with a human. Yes, there are human-like races, but I wanted to have this mystical feeling to everything. The world is split into two continents, eight races, and plenty of subraces. It’s rich in history, politics, and turmoil while also having that classic dungeons and dragons type of feeling to the world. If that seems like your type of thing, try me out!
Who would you say is the main character of your latest novel? And tell me a little bit about them!
Ser Torlyek is the main character of the novel that is coming out later this year. I’ve been marketing him as Neville Longbottom meets Thor from the MCU and Steven Universe. He’s my first autistic main character who adores knights and honor beyond anything else. He’s also a complex character who has a deep backstory with his family. Duke’s Brand follows him as he comes to terms with who he is now as well as him making friends along the way. I hope that you guys enjoy him as much as I enjoyed writing him.
Have you been to any conventions? If so, tell me a little about them!
I’ve been to so many conventions! They are some of my favorite places to go for vacations. They are so lively and powerful, and you get to meet so many fellow nerds. My goal this year was to finally sell my books at a convention. Sadly, that didn’t happen. Now, I’m going through convention withdrawal. If you never gone to a convention before, I’ll honestly suggest that you try it out. There are so many cool things that you can find and you’ll meet so many cool people.
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
I realized that I wanted to be a writer when I was young. Luckily, none of my teachers tried to squash that love. Instead, they tried their hardest to cultivate the talent that they saw. I always wrote fan fictions and loved the creative writing assignments given to me. But, it wasn’t until after college where I realized this was a career I could do. Self-publishing opened an entirely new opportunity for me and ever since I’ve been pushing myself more and more to expand my dream into a reality.
If you had the opportunity to live anywhere in the world for a year while writing a book that took place in that same setting, where would you choose?
Rome, hands down. There’s so much history there that I would love to explore and set a story within. I think it would be fun to explore the mythology and the people of rome and wrapping that up in a story that I would write.
What advice would you give new writers?
Finish. That. First. Draft. I’ve seen so many new writers get into what I call the world building loop or worse the first chapter loop. Its when a new writer keeps world building or writing the first chapter endlessly until the end of time. That is not how you’re going to improve. You’re going to have to finish that first draft at one point or another. Not to say pre-writing is not important, however, if you’re stuck on it you need to start on the first draft. As a new writer, learning how to finish a project is key.
What real-life inspirations did you draw from for the worldbuilding?
Too many. I usually get inspiration from history, cultures, food, architecture, generally whatever that I think would make my world feel richer and livelier. Each of the races are inspired somewhat after certain regions of our world albeit blended in such a way to better fit the region I’m going for. I’ve used things from Africa, the Middle East, Medieval Europe, Egypt, etc to make my world feel stronger and cohesive. It’s a fun experience as a history and culture nerd.
What inspires you to write?
I enjoy it. That’s the long and short of it all. Writing is a passion of mine. I love sitting down at the computer and letting my imagination go wild. There’s a magic to it all. I used to write after I finished my schoolwork in class just for fun. I didn’t realize that was weird until my teacher saw me doing it while everyone else was playing games on the computer. Writing is my creative outlet and without it I might burst.
What is the hardest part of writing for you?
The hardest part for me is keeping the pace with everything. There’s a lot that goes into be an author. Some days I just want to sit down and write, but I know I can’t do that all the time. There are days where I’m going to have to research, do my social media, and market the books I already have released. Managing my time has become quite difficult.
What is your routine when writing, if any? If you don’t follow a routine, why not?
My routine is usually 8-4 every weekday. If I don’t follow this schedule, I will and can work myself to death.
What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write in any of your books, and why?
This is spoiler territory. There’s a certain scene in Tavern that I really enjoy that has made people lose their marbles and I always laugh manically about when I get a message about it. Recently though, I’ve been getting a lot of “OMG” about a certain scene in the middle of Dusk Mountain Blues. It makes me giggle. I might be evil.
What these two scenes have in common is that I throw the reader for a loop. I love doing that.  
Did you learn anything from writing your latest book? If so, what was it?
Writing Duke’s Brand and Dusk Ocean Blues taught me a lot how to condense my writing style a bit. Lately, I’ve been trying to hone my writing style a bit. I feel like writing these two books has helped that a lot going forward.
Are you a plotter or a pantser? A gardener or an architect?
I am definitely a pantser. I’m all about writing it and winging it until I get to the second draft.
If you had to give up either snacks and drinks during writing sessions, or music, which would you find more difficult to say goodbye to?
Definitely snacks. I can give up music if I had to, but snacks I need to survive. I can’t imagine how I’ll get through certain parts of my novel without snacking on some chips or some other ungodly unhealthy food or beverage.
Which is your favorite season to write in, and why?
Spring. There is something about the temperature and the outside environment that brings out the power in me.
It’s sometimes difficult to get into understanding the characters we write. How do you go about it?
It’s all about learning how that character ticks. The big thing I’ve realized about getting in the mindset of a character is knowing their motivation. A person drive and ambition tell a lot about the character as a whole and getting into the mindset of them. You gotta realize what they want to realize who they are. From there, I think, their personalities, dreams, relationships, etc becomes more apparent the more you write it.
What are your future project(s)?
Dusk Ocean Blues (Book 2 of Dusk Orbit Blues)
Undergrove (Book 3 of Dargath Chronicles)
Dusk Country Blues (Book 3 of Dusk Orbit Blues)
What is your favorite book ever written?
I’m pleading the fifth here. I enjoy all the books that I’ve written so far. There are parts where I feel like I’ve done better in this book while others in that one. So at the end the day, I can’t choose.
Who are your favorite authors?
Traditionally Published: Brandon Sanderson, Patrick Rothfuss, Michael J. Sullivan, Robert Jordan, Scott Lynch, Jonathan French, Brent Weeks, Sean Grisby, and Gareth L. Powell, Renee April.
Self Published: James Jakins, Emmet Moss, Deck Matthews, Andy Peloquin, Bernard Bertram, Garrett B. Robinson.
There’s probably a million more.
What makes a good villain?
A good motivation and a strong personality. I’m the type of person that enjoys a big personality in my villain over sheer fear and power they may possess. The villains that have a good time while also having depth speak out to me. Yes, I do enjoy the looming dark lord type villain as well, but if I can somehow get both I’m a happy camper.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Cooking! It’s my favorite past time other than video games and tabletop RPGs. I’m not as good as it as other people, but I’m trying my best and I’m learning every day!
If you couldn’t be an author, what ideal job would you like to do?
A chef! Like I said before, cooking is a fun hobby and being a chef/cook would be a fun job for me. I also like to bake, so a baker would be not too far behind. I just like working with food.
Coffee or Tea? Or (exult deep breath) what other drink do you prefer, if you like neither?
Tea! There are so many different types of teas and most which I can drink (because I can’t have a lot of caffeinated beverages). I prefer fruity teas, but I’m willing to try any of it.
You can travel to anywhere in the universe. Where would you go, and why?
Whew. I don’t know. I’ll probably want to try to find new planets to explore, specifically with new life.
Do you have any writing blogs you recommend?
No. I don’t have any writer blogs that I’ll recommend but check out the #writerblr tag on tumblr if you need any inspiration!
Do you have any writer friends you’d like to give a shoutout to?
Nicky Ball, Kathryn York, Hallie Fleischmann, Chris Barber, Dave Deickman, Emmet Moss, Bernard Bertram, and Deck Matthews to name a few!
Pick any three fiction characters. These are now your roadtrip crew. Where do you go and what do you do?
Clay Cooper from Kings of the Wyld, Matrim Couthon from Wheel of Time, and Wayne from The Alloy of Law.  
We’re gonna go on a rock-star tour and we’re gonna cause some trouble.
What superpower would you most like?
Super Strength. I know that’s a simple power to want to have but it would just make my life a whole lot easier. Being able to pick up a lot of things would be amazing.
What are two of your favorite covers of all time? (Not your own.)
Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames
Eye of the World by Robert Jordan
It’s a very difficult time right now for the world. When quarantine and pandemic comes to an end, what is the first thing you would like to do?
Travel more and meet some of my online friends. My goal this year was to travel more, get out there, and meet some of the people that I’ve been talking to for ages. The quarantine and pandemic put that to a screeching halt. I want to go to more conventions, I want to see more places, and I want just enjoy life more. This whole situation made me realize that I haven’t been out nearly as much as I want to be.
Finally, what is your preferred method to have readers get in touch with or follow you (i.e., website, personal blog, Facebook page, here on Goodreads, etc.) and link(s)?
Remember to follow me everywhere below and it was great coming back!
Website: www.djmunden.com
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Deston-J-Munden/e/B07Q2D6948/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SrBuffaloKnight
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authordjmunden/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/D.J.Munden/
https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18874896.Deston_J_Munden If you have Kindle Unlimited, both of my books are available there too!
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script-a-world · 5 years
hi! im having some trouble figuring out some things about my world. The main country of the story like a post calamity old west, filled with cowboy gangs that occupy turf. But there are also people in towns within the country that have nothing to do with the gangs. My issue is im having trouble figuring out how the two sides would interact, and how the people in the towns would avoid getting raided every day.
Tex: Ah. Well, cowboys... don't do the raiding thing, traditionally - it's actually a job as a cattle herder and sometimes horse wrangler that worked on a ranch. The original cowboys were vaqueros of the Iberian Peninsula. It's a very old cultural tradition, which is typified by doing cattle - and other animals as necessary - herding on horseback. Technically speaking, the Iberian roots refer to a dressage style of the region, known as doma vaquera (aka "Western dressage" or "cowherd style", DressageToday, which is different from the horsemanship style of doma clásica (aka haute école, Wikipedia in Spanish).
I find the phrase "post calamity old west" very interesting; what about the Old West drew you toward it for a post-calamity setting? It may not have looked like the US east of the Mississippi, but for the most part the frontier was highly oriented around entrepreneurialism, egalitarianism, and self-sufficiency - Manifest Destiny's impact on westward expansion is popularly said to have shaped the roots of American culture, distinct from European. Society in the frontier wasn't highly stratified like in the original colonies, but it was quick to develop in something that reflected the friction with the Native Americans, the aggressive politicking that was the developing legislative landscape, and the shift from financial modesty to the dream of wealth.
Cowboys were incredibly important to frontier culture, as cattleherding [and horse... everything ( 1  2  3  4  5 ) were a core component of the frontier economy. Settlers made up another core component, and between the two of them - under Manifest Destiny's set of goals - American law and government was further developed. The building of the railroads to connect east and west coasts had major help from cowboys and their ability to wrangle horses for use in railroad construction, something that helped put the US higher on the international stage in terms of their trading power. Being able to negotiate literally new trade routes, as well as govern them, is a potent draw for any society as it enables them to have a steady source of income to develop themselves further. Since cowboys were an integral part of this, the culture surrounding them was built up accordingly.
It's important to highlight that the Old West was planned, inasmuch as territorial expansion on other people's property can be. As the population of an area grew, and went through the formal procedures of becoming towns, cities, and states (there were some hiccups, as evidenced by the Kansas-Nebraska Act), the amount of law enforcers grew accordingly. In the beginning sheriffs and others were sparse compared to their big city relatives in the more developed regions of the US, and as such they were spread thin.
What was... maybe not unique to the era and region, but perhaps distinctive, is the fine line between "law-abiding" and "not law-abiding". Since the US was galloping toward expanding its territory and defending it (pun wholly intended), picking up the slack as a representative of the US government could be financially beneficial. Bounties could be put out on criminals - whose crimes were frequently theft of cattle and horses when not cash and other goods - and deals were frequently struck with not only cowboys but whichever criminal was currently in the good graces of the local sheriff/town as a whole.
Outlaws, also known as lawmen (sometimes law-abiding!), badmen, pistoleers, pistoleros, rustlers (a particular occupation), and gunslingers (the last one a post-era name suited for Hollywood), are the byproduct of westward expansion in the US. Like cowboys and law enforcement, they had a spot in their society as, literally, a criminal occupation that varied in how far from the law they operated (entrepreneurship, if technically of a different tone than homesteaders and other settlers). Because of the contemporary in situ development of law, criminals could be sheriffs and sheriffs could be criminals.
This lack of stratification that would typically define respectability is what made the American frontier the "Wild" West, not necessarily the lack of physical infrastructure. The US is big, and matching the technology of the East Coast and Europe took a lot of resources, both physical and financial, and many routes were taken to achieve the singular goal of fulfilling the US' vision of becoming a power player in the world stage.
Such an apparent lawlessness was dealt with by using a form of equality, something best said by the adage "if catapults are outlawed, then only outlaws shall have catapults". The multiple layers of politics - from Native Americans to war with other nations and neighbors to quite simply the wildlife - meant that firearms were a staple of settlers, ranchers, Pony Express riders, and stagecoach travelers that had to deal with "the wild" (something that notably wasn't allowed within town limits as a demarcation of civilization). If you want to talk about raiding, the Bleeding Kansas crisis is your best bet to see how the Old West handled such things.
Combining those two above aspects should give you greater perspective on social dynamics of law vs lawless, as well as how the social circles overlapped. The closest I could find to the modern gang war analogue would be range wars, with notable examples including the Johnson County War, Stuart's Stranglers, and Sheep Wars that fit the parameters of cowboys in territorial disputes during the Old West era and region.
I think you might be particularly interested in the Cochise County Cowboys, as a very early form of American crime syndicate during the time when "cowboy" and "rustler" were mostly interchangeable. They're a part of the family feuds in the United States, many of which occur during the time period and in the region of the Old West.
Below (Mod Miri Note: at the end of the post) is a list gives details of the minutiae I haven't covered, which round out the setting of the Old West, up to the completion of the First Transcontinental Railroad which effectively ended the era - but not quite to the American Civil War. 
Feral: Everything Tex said. Also...
Something else to consider about the real Old West and the sociopolitical dynamics that came with it is that the Old West was happening during a time of class warfare. And I do mean warfare. An incredible amount of the land was not owned by the people living there. It was owned by the railroad companies, banks, and absentee speculators. Most farmers in the 19th century were tenant farmers, who could be evicted for crop failure - evictions to be carried by the local sheriff. Over a thousand people died constructing the transcontinental railroads, and running the railroads was also a very dangerous occupation. Strikes were happening a lot and the Pinkertons were known to actually battle striking workers. The point of this is to say that the common people might not have had as much of an issue with bandits who targeted banks or trains or fought with sheriffs and security agents. Jesse James was a folk hero who is given attributes of a Robin Hood figure, even though there's no evidence he gave away any of his loot - he did, however, steal from the rich and that might have been good enough for some.
Now you ask how the bandits (or cowboys - is that meant as a reference to the Gunfight at OK Corral? if so, it's a proper noun - Cowboys was the name of the specific gang) would interact with the townspeople. I see 2 general models of this.
Model 1: the towns are part of the territories which are "protected" by the gangs that control the territories. So, gangs wouldn't be attacking their own towns; they'd be attacking each others. And likely trading with their own.
Model 2: the towns are no-man's land on the border of territories and trade equally with the bandits (this model would probably require a very strong law enforcement presence). And trade is a really important thing to consider - you can't eat money. Whatever the bandits steal from banks, train cars, etc, they need to get food with it. And given the very real poverty in the Old West, stealing food outright off farms was a very good way to get a huge posse out for your blood.
If you're not already familiar with Westerns, try some out. Tombstone is a favorite of mine (though it is absolutely completely historically inaccurate). Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is a classic. For a more "modern" option, Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy is a must-read. Even when they're inaccurate, they capture the feeling that draws people to the mythology of the Old West, even when reimagined as post-apocalyptic.
And speaking of the post-apocalyptic West, you're probably very familiar with the Joss Whedon show Firefly and Stephen King's Gunslinger, but if you haven't taken the time, really study them. Because the world building, especially in terms of the balance of chaos and order, are wonderful, and again, they capture that feeling of Westerns that keep people coming back. "Train Job," "Bushwacked," and "Heart of Gold" may be particularly helpful episodes for you.
Tex’s Further Reading
American frontier  - Wikipedia Timeline of the American Old West  - Wikipedia Territorial evolution of the United States - WikipediaWestern wear  - WikipediaThe Evolution of Western Wear  - True West Magazine Western Economic Expansion: Railroads and Cattle  - US History II (American Yawp) by Lumen LearningHoofs and Wheels: Transportation in the West  - National Cowboy & Western Heritage MuseumLost Skills of Old West Stagecoach Travel  - American CowboyThe Pony Express  - Cowboy ShowcaseWild West Outlaws and Lawmen - The Wild WestJesse James - WikipediaJames Kirker, the King of New Mexico - "American Studies" of the University of VirginiaDunn Brothers (bounty hunters) - WikipediaKansas Gunfighters, KS Outlaws and KS LawmenList of Old West gunfighters - WikipediaCategory:Gunslingers of the American Old West - WikipediaList of Old West gunfighters - WikipediaCategory:Outlaws of the American Old West - WikipediaCattle raiding - WikipediaList of Old West gunfights - WikipediaCategory:Range wars and feuds of the American Old West - WikipediaThe Missouri Crisis   - Digital History from the University of HoustonCalifornia Gold Rush - WikipediaCalifornia Dream - WikipediaSutter's Mill - WikipediaFirst Transcontinental Railroad - Wikipedia
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traincat · 5 years
so i was talking to someone and they asked me how come i love a movie that everyone hates? and i just. can understand why people didn't like TASM2? like. I feel that, you'd have to dislike Spider-Man as a whole to actively hate it
Oh man, first off, I just want to say, “how can you love a piece of fiction that everyone hates” is like, one of the worst argument of all time, full offense to whoever you were speaking with. The inner Jewish grandmother in me hears that and says, “What, and if everyone suddenly loved jumping off a bridge, you’d do that too?” There are a lot of reasons for not liking a piece of fiction but “well everyone else hates it” really isn’t one of them, to anyone who feels pressured by popular opinion. It’s totally okay to like things other people don’t, be they fiction, food, or fashion, among others. 
(I have a lot of TASM asks right now and I’m working through them in a weird order, apologies to the askers.)
Which brings me to your second point, and like, obviously I love The Amazing Spider-Man 2 a whole lot, but I do think there are valid reasons why someone might personally not like the movie even beyond just personal preferences like “I like this actor’s performance/face/whatever, I don’t like this other actor’s performance/face/whatever” etc. One big thing about both Amazing Spider-Man movies is that they’re an adaptation of The Night Gwen Stacy Died, and they know what they are – it’s all set up even in the first movie. The bridge models on the Parker mantel place. Gwen’s first outfit, along with her last, are tributes to her classic Amazing Spider-Man #121 outfit, involving a coat, purple skirt, and knee high boots, with the first also featuring her iconic black headband. There’s the “I’m going to throw you out a window now” scene, not to mention the death of George Stacy, a precursor to Gwen’s death. (I’ve talked about this before on Gwen’s death, but I do think it’s fascinating how TASM exists in a pop culture landscape where 616 Gwen’s death already happened, and how that drastically alters George’s last words to Peter, going from asking him to take care of Gwen to asking him promise to stay away from her.) The movies knew what they were doing from the start. The audience, on the other hand, didn’t. And I think the experience of watching TASM2 for the first time can be wildly different depending on if you went in knowing about/expecting Gwen’s (especially brutal) death scene, and depending on your personal feelings about the story TASM/2 chose to retell and about the death of Gwen Stacy. And that’s just one reason.
And I can talk about all the things I love in TASM. I can talk about how, in my own personal opinion, it is the film series that cares the most about being faithful to the source material. (Raimi’s Spider-Man, in my opinion, does a great job creating a very specific look, and drawing on classic elements, and creating its own now classic Spider-Man mythology like the upside down kiss, but it ultimately disappoints me with how it chose to interpret the characters. MCU’s Spider-Man, any other thoughts I have on it aside, is clearly more interested in impressing modern audiences and projecting FUN in letters sixteen feet high than it is in being a faithful Spider-Man adaptation.) And it can be debated whether or not it’s a GOOD thing for a film to try and be faithful rather than doing its own thing, but it is a thing I personally love about it, then I can look at the movies and pull things out of them and go “and they got this from here, and that from there” etc. I like that they did things differently while still leaning into the source material; the mystery of Peter’s parents being a big plot of the plot, for example, is something I’ve seen be criticized, but the fact is this is a plot from the comics and when you have a character who is built on these layers and layers of secrecy, it’s a worthy exploration to see where that comes from. I love that the movies focus so heavily on Peter’s relationship with May, and TASM2′s “you’re my boy”/”I’m your boy, you’re my everything” scene is a huge part of that. I love that they’re both crying in that scene. I love how genuine the emotion in TASM2 feels. I love that the first TASM movie took Flash’s limited screen time and didn’t make him one note – aside from Gwen, he’s the only person in the school scene to try and comfort Peter after Ben’s death, and his “it feels better, right?” line is a reference to Flash’s abusive home life from the comics. I love the amount of detail put into the look of these movies – I love the set design of Peter’s room, the posters, the photos of Gwen, how it’s realistically messy and not at all an Ikea-looking cookie cutter set. I love Gwen’s evolving style between the first and second movie, trading in her sleek straight hair and sweaters for waves and jewel toned pattern pieces. In a visual medium like a movie, all of this information is used to tell you things about the characters, and I think TASM uses its environments and its wardrobe to pack as much information in as it can. I love that TASM2 filmed 90% in New York state, which as far as I know is pretty unique in a superhero film. I love that both movies are a love letter in their own ways to New York, to the dazzling heights, to Spider-Man’s iconic connection to his home city. And yeah, I love the tragedy of the movie, I love The Night Gwen Stacy Died as a story that changed the landscape of Spider-Man, I love the raw emotion of the whole thing, and I love that a version of it was made where Gwen got to save New York not once but twice before she died, and how it’s not fair, but the point of it is that it’s not fair, and I love stories that sometimes don’t have happy endings, and I love the performances that were given in retelling this particular story. And yeah, I love that TASM and the people involved in making it, including Andrew Garfield, obviously really cares about Peter Parker as an individual character, and they let him be angry, and be sharp-tongued, and physical, and weird, and not a perfect person because what mattered was the responsibility in the character. TASM’s “That’s not your job”/”Maybe it is” exchange says it best.
But I think ultimately where a lot of the hate comes from is that there’s a pattern in fandom, and we saw it with Raimi > TASM, and with TASM > Homecoming, and even a little bit with Homecoming > Into the Spider-Verse, though I do think the last one is a little difference because of the circumstances. I’d like to think that all the recent criticism of Homecoming’s blatant theft of Miles’ character and story to build up the MCU’s version of Peter Parker is genuine (and I do think most of it is) but I see this patteen whenever a new version of something comes out. There’s a tendency – and I think some of this is studio-led; they want people to throw out the old in favor of the new because it’s simply much better for their business – to trash the one that came before it. Oh, actually, it was bad, it was boring, people only liked it because of this one actor, etc. The MCU in its entirety, with all the marketing power of Disney behind it, has become incredibly good at doing this not just with other Marvel movies under different studios, but with superhero movies on the altogether, whether it be through buying review or through the pressure exerted to acknowledge the MCU as The One True Superhero Movie Franchise. (For the record, there are MCU movies I like, and ones I don’t, and ones I don’t feel anything for, but I truly doubt that the evangelical nature of the truly hardcore MCU audience sprang up completely organically.) Sooner or later, they’ll reboot Spider-Man as a live action film again. I hope they pick Miles as their lead when they do, but it’ll probably be Peter again, and even if the next one does star Miles – eventually, there will be another Peter Parker movie, and as soon as the next actor is cast, we’re going to see this pattern again. I would be willing to put money down on it. 
At the end of the day, like I wrote in my big Homecoming criticism post, I’m a little tired of the idea that there can only be One True Adaptation, which is where a lot of this argument comes from, when it comes to a body of works that spans decades and hundreds upon hundreds of issues. “Oh, we already had a bunch of Spider-Man movies” is like, so? We already had a bunch of Spider-Man comics, too. There’s so many stories to adapt and retell, and I love the one TASM/2 threw itself into adapting, but there’s so many more I want to see up on screen, too. (Here’s to Sony’s announced Kraven movie project! PLEASE be a Kraven’s Last Hunt movie!) 
But yeah, ultimately, popularity isn’t exactly the best metric for how good a movie is, let alone how much you’re allowed to enjoy it, and what matters is that you liked it. I love it a lot, too.
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yourdlmatchmaker · 6 years
I think this one is the longest match up I’ve answered so far… :’)
“Hello there, this looked fun. Could I have a long match-up please?
1. Physical appearance: 5'4" (163cm) 100lbs (45kg) very long dark reddish brown hair, dark brown eyes, olive skin (Mix of Thai, English and German) My look has been compared to a scaled down (in height) fashion model – that is long legs, very skinny, high somewhat hollow cheek bones, narrow face and a high forehead with almost no bust to speak of and a teeny tiny waist, I don’t know if that’s good or bad.
2. Personality: Oh my, where do I begin? Well, I’m definitely an extreme introvert. People usually seem to think I come across as very professional and aloof. I try to be kind and courteous to everyone I meet, but if they do or say anything that bothers me I can be a little prickly and sometimes downright vicious. Little do they know though that I’m like that, because I’m terribly shy around strangers and have a very strong desire to make people happy and protect them. I fear getting close to others, because I don’t want to hurt or be hurt and have a very hard time finding people I can bond with in both an intellectual and emotional way, so I hide behind distance and politeness. Just because I’m shy at first though, doesn’t mean I won’t be a chatterbox once you get to know me though. Once I’m comfortable with you I’ll share (almost) all of my ideas, random musings and gripes, if I think you’ll be receptive towards it anyways. That takes a very long time though and so far only two people have gotten to that point with me. For people that I’m friends with normally I tend to act in a sort of motherly way, giving them advice and helping them with their problems – sometimes admittingly to my own detriment. As well as taking care of them when they are sick or having emotional issues. I don’t like to help people, but on some level I feel like I must do so especially if I know them.
I’m normally a very logical person, so much so that I will occasionally say the wrong thing or offer ideas or advice when it’s not what the other person is looking for, which I realize after the fact but because I really like to just ‘fix’ things I have a hard time understanding that sometimes people need to emotionally vent, and I often just get confused by it. I’ll try to “be there” for them despite that but it is still difficult.
Despite my size and shy disposition I’m actually extremely hard to intimidate and will stand up for myself and other people very quickly. It doesn’t matter who my opponent is or how big, strong or powerful they are, I will stand my ground possibly to the end if I believe in my cause strongly enough (though because of my protective nature it is very easy to make me back down by threatening other people). No matter how many feminine things there are that I love, for some reason I always feel like I end up coming across as a bit too masculine and I often feel a bit more male than female. This isn’t necessarily out of a desire to be male, but rather I feel like I have more masculine than feminine qualities and also feel like I am sadly bereft in the supposedly more girlish personality traits of my sex. Despite this though I have no real desire to change my personality or sex, I am who I am after all. Nevertheless I remind people more of their brothers and sons, and my tiny social circle is all boys (at the moment.)
3. Scorpio (Sun), Gemini (Moon), Gemini (Rising) (The last two are important because despite having almost all of the Scorpio traits, once you get to know me I never shut up. ^_^;)
4. Hobbies/Interests: Drawings, painting (I like both fine art and illustration and can work in several different mediums – acrylic, watercolour, marker, ink and even digital art. Fantasy art, Surrealism, Manga and Impressionism are examples of styles I can do, and I’m still working towards improving my hyperrealist style.) I’ve been obsessed with making art since I was a very small child and at this point it’s really become my life’s work. I dedicate so much of my time, energy and resources to this that I forget to eat or sleep and become a bit of a shut-in. Reading: (Most of my books are non-fiction, though I do enjoy some older fiction on occasion – The Silmarillion, The Great God Pan and pretty much anything by H.P. Lovecraft being some examples. My library contains field guides, books on botany, mycology, medicine, artbooks, anatomy, geography, geology, microbiology, mythology, occult/witchcraft, religion, linguistics, phrasebooks, particle physics, cartography, calligraphy, history, psychology, genetics (…probably a lot more but we’ll be here for far too long.) Gardening: I love growing all sorts of things, but especially herbs and flowers. My living area is full of plants of many different kinds and I devote a significant portion of my time and energy to them. I also like to grow tropical plants from the seeds of fruit that I buy at the grocery store. Manga and Anime: I don’t seem immediately like the sort of person who would love popular culture, but the fact that I can enjoy some fun stories while reading or watching in a language that is not my native tongue has always been the main motivation behind this obsession. I’m also madly in love with cute things and ink drawings. Video Games: Another thing people probably wouldn’t expect by looking at me but… I have a HUGE collection of games (on my computer) of many different kinds. Like with anything else I do, I have to play everything in it’s original language (it’s more fun and respects the artistic integrity more.) I mostly like JRPGs and Visual Novels now, but I used to love Sierra games when I was younger, and some FPS like Doom. There is no type of game I won’t play. Though gaming is generally the lowest thing on my list of priorities these days. Cooking: I like to cook, can can do many different styles. Mostly Thai, but also frequently Japanese (both traditional and modern), Italian, German, English etc. I can cook pretty much anything though I don’t like baking as much. (I’m not super fond of sweets, except on the rare occasion when I must have them.) Fashion and Makeup: I am completely unable to leave the house without makeup and sunscreen and always have to make sure my clothing is at least presentable and neat. I actually enjoy applying makeup and like experimenting with it (I hate doing my hair though, the length is too much so I usually bun or ponytail it.) I also like a few Jfashions, Mori-Girl, Otome-kei and Classical Lolita especially. Unfortunately I’m also a very active person so I usually end up dressing in a more Korean style instead (tight high-waisted jeans, long sleeved tight black shirts and heeled boots – is running in heels a skill? XD), but when it’s practical to do so I love wearing the frilliest dresses I can find with a very poofy petticoat, a bonnet and floral designs. Hiking: I like to forage in the forest for mushrooms and plants when I can. I find that the fresh air and beautiful scenery calms me down and energizes me. Studying Languages: I haven’t had as much time for this lately, but it’s a side hobby. Unfortunately Japanese is the only one I’ve gotten particularly far in… (There are not enough hours in the day or night.)
5. I like: Tea (Especially Earl Grey, must be high quality or I get a stomach ache… yeah I know, its true. @_@), coffee (espresso in lattes or specialty black coffee made in a French Press, no drip :P), Self discipline, Quiet time, Nature, Music (all kinds, though especially symphonic metal), WalkingI love: My cats (though I get along quite well with all felinekind and animals in general (save humans :P), Plants (I mean every kind of plant, though trees and flowers stick out a bit), Fungi (even molds, though not when they’re growing on my food), Beautiful things, Art Supplies, Bright and pastel colours, Antiques, Books, Art, Paintings, Illustration, Shopping for art suppliesI dislike: When people look untidy, Foul smells, People that bore me, Small talk, Sloth, Loud noises, Erratic behavior, Selfishness, People who act overtly friendly and try to get close to you too fastI loathe: Cruelty (especially towards animals and children), Cowardice, Deliberate ignorance, People who complain a lot, Irresponsibility
6. I was unable to bond with my sole caregiver due to extreme child abuse and neglect on their part, In addition to that I was not allowed to attend school until my teenage years (I was educated very strictly at home, supposedly because I was too advanced to fit in at school – though it might also have been to keep me prisoner at home all the time. >_<). Due to this I have had a very hard time fitting in with society as my childhood was mostly spent alone, reading, drawing, playing computer games, spending time with the cats that I lived with and going out into nature (I made friends with a couple of squirrels.) Much of what I knew about people and the world was gleaned from books, magazines and the internet – although I was allowed to associate with a few family friends on occasion. I did have a very good intellectual education (though often held to impossible standards), but because I was so cut off from more normal ways of socializing I still have a very hard time relating to other people.“Relationship-wise” I’m umm… actually extremely submissive in private (^_^;) (Not something most people would expect as I seem very proud and dominant normally). I’m also very easy to embarrass as I’m not very comfortable talking directly about certain sorts of… umm… “romantic” things and avoid almost all forms of public affection. Above all else I look for people who can understand and relate to me via interests and experiences and who I can also relate to in the same way. Probably the same thing most people look for… but figured I should mention it. Would rather not be paired up with Ruki, I have a huge personal grudge against him that dates back to More Blood – and a part of me still plots his doom. (I apologize deeply to all the Ruki fans though.)
Hope this wasn’t too long, I feel a bit silly. (^_^;)
Take your time and have fun with this.
Could I please be anonymous?”
Admin Abi: Oh my~ what a long and detailed match up!! I really enjoyed reading it and I NEED to say that I felt identified with many parts!! Well~ I hope you get to see it “anon-chan” ;D and I thank you for the long wait. Long reply for a long match!
*finishing your match up*
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Your romantic match is…
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I must say/confess…I seriously I thought I was reading Reiji’s female description! I don’t intend to offend you and I apologize if I did. But you see…I want to explain myself a little more as to why I said it…
I'll tell you how you two met! After some time that you were studying in a school, you just wasn’t able to fit. Your parents then decided to change you into a more private school. They even changed you into a night-time school. During that time of the day, they thought you would be able to fit more since there would be less students as well as to keep your high level of education. They sing you up to this school and to be honest you weren’t very sure or excited about it. It would mean to adapt one more time and start all over again. Adapting to the time, education system and…met new people once again. On your first day you had a hard time finding your classroom…you were lost and let’s say you didn’t know exactly how you ended up in the chemistry laboratory. You knocked and…a handsome and elegant man opened. He seemed somehow annoyed, but he asked you what is that you wanted. You showed him your schedule and asked him where you could find your class. He gave you the directions and you thank him. This encounters seem to happen constantly since you seemed to always cross paths. He was always polite (and annoyed) and gave you instructions whenever you needed. One time you asked a girl of your class if she knew him so you could thank him properly for all his help. She was surprised and told you that he was no other that Reiji Sakamaki, the most popular family in school. She was more surprised that you get to be in good terms with the second eldest of the brothers.
“Reiji is well known to be the perfect gentleman…but he is unrechable. He’s cold towards everyone and thinks of himself above all. No one has see him dating any girl and he just closes himself in the chemistry laboratory, yet he is the top student in school. I really think you shouldn’t try to catch him, you’ll end up rejected” the girl told you. It’s not like you had those intentions with him in the first place, you just wanted to thank him. The next day you went to his class and simply left him a small note telling him how greatful you were. He was impressed? You couldn’t tell to be honest. You kept having encounters with him, you discovered that he was a little more open when you both were alone. He showed you his perfectionist nature as his sadist part. Yet…you seem to be unavoidable attracted to him. You of course were polite and a lady at first and that gave you extra points! He never confessed to you directly? He just simply let know that you now belong to him~.
He can’t believe how many things you both have in common. Just like you Reiji has an interest in botanics and science. You both have created a small garden with all types of herbs and a small section with flowers. You two sometimes have disagreements since you both are very logical, so you tend to discuss about some things. There were times in which you had troubles with him since he can’t stand being told what he should do (I mean it wasn’t your intention to offend him…you just tried giving him some advice!). Yet…even Reiji had it difficult to make you afraid…you were so difficult to intimidate, how you do it?.
He also had some troubles accepting or at least trying not to change you that much about your preferences. He sometimes have problems dealing with your more masculine nature…but well no one is 100% perfect. He sighs loudly and you know that you are doing something that is bothering him. He also doesn’t like that you tend to hang more with men that girls, yet he knows that even though you are nice and such with them…no one could provide you with the things he offers for you like a deep connection both mental and emotional. He also don’t mind the fact that you have social problems…I mean he manages to keep you with him almost all the time. He’s pleased whenever you dress like a lday or all cute just for him…it makes him feel good with the fact that he gets to know you better than anyone.
He understands what is like to grow alone and being force (in a way) to always give your best and being the best. He felt like he needed to have you all by himself and you fekt the same. You had someone to care for (well not literally but as a target to your attentions and love) and so has he. He always take care of you no matter the circunstances, he has found you and has no intention to let you go…never!
Your dates are mostly staying at his room, having a nice cup of Earl Grey tea (of the highest quality, who you think he is?) and discussing for hours about deep and serious topics. He enjoys your vast knowledge in literature, sciences, botanics, medice, linguistics, witchcraft (which he also has used), gentics…man, he can talk to you for hours and just like you said there are times you both wished the day had more hours to keep going. Even your drawings, pieces of art and knowledge in general never cease to stop to amaze him (he won’t admit it though…his biggest attempt to praise you, would be telling you “you did a good job” or “Indeed you are right about this”). Your interests are so vast that is incredible to make you both stop (Reiji is the one that always stops the conversation in order to go to sleep). Reiji sometimes have problems with your huge invest of time in your video games…but he accepts that a break once in a while is important. You small walks also doesn’t bother him that much…he has one of his familiars keeping an eye on you at all moments so he doesn’t have to worry and can concetrate on his chores and experiments in peace.
Reiji is a true gentleman: he always remembers the important dates, the things that you like and those you don’t. I can tell you that he knows perfectly that you are rather new when it comes with romantic things, so he doens’t push you into hand holding or kissing since he, himself, doesn’t like it. Your submissive nature with his dominant one makes a great combination, he feels so proud that he gets to see your true nature…and that you show it just for him…not just in a “pervert way”, but also as the chatty and even your akwardness. Because that true self with imperfections and all…is what makes you perfect to his eyes. You are so perfect together: YOU TWO HAVE SO MANY THINGS IN COMMON THAT HE SHOULD THANK HEAVENS FOR SENDING HIM SOMEONE AS PERFECT FOR HIM AS YOU!!
I hope you liked it and that I made sense? I feel that in some parts I wasn’t very clear or…maybe that was just my imagination…?
Either way hope you get to see it and like it of course…and thank you for your patience again!!
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pigeonacademic · 7 years
pipermccloud So far, i've made other alien species for the gems to interact with; some they've fought, some they're neutral with, others they've aided (or been aided by) and some they've opened trade with
thegemnants that's cool! i think it's really neat for the gems to actually be involved in intergalatic affairs with other species. considering how much of the universe they must've combed through, it would make sense for them to have at least met ONE species as powerful as them.
pipermccloud Yep! Could also be a reason why they need a lot of planets and why they had to quickly churn out half-baked gems for the war
pipermccloud Because resources were low by fighting an even bigger war
thegemnants in my fic, red diamond once commit genocide against an entire species which the gems were allied with, and because of that, the gems were ex communicated from the Union... which is one of the reasons why red diamond is so awful and yeah, if there were other aliens, it would make sense why the gems need more resources
pipermccloud The Union? I haven't heard much of REd Diamond Are you going to make a post on it? I need to go downstairs to check on my sisters real quick
thegemnants The Union is just a generic term I'm using to refer to the alignment between the other aliens :P and i do think you've seen red diamond, i'm probably going to draw some more intimidating pix of her
pipermccloud ! ^-^ I've seen her before, and she does look like she'll crush you if you so much aas look at her funny
thegemnants yep! because she did that horrible atrocity to the alien species, gemkinds reputation tarnished. but it doesn't end there, because red diamond was also exiled from the gempire as a whole. not just because she commit that genocide, but because of how she did it-- forcing fusion with the other 4 Diamonds.
pipermccloud BIG YIPES
thegemnants So, Red Diamond was cast out, and took her Court with her, vanishing to create her own empire. And she was gone for millions of years before returning, stronger than ever. There's more to it than that, but yeeeeah, that's red diamond's story :'D
pipermccloud DAMN SHE'S HORRIFYING Suggested nickname for her: The Red Death
thegemnants absolutely! :D Sometimes I wanna call her Blood Diamond, which is an actual term! but, you knooooow gems dont have blood :'D
pipermccloud Pfffft! True So, how is her empire like? I bet she was real rough on them now that she was on her ow n
thegemnants it's a dystopian hellscape where gems are shattered for showing the slightest bit of disrespect or noncomfority. yellow wishes she had the heart to be this intense. the only gems free from red diamond's wrath are her pearl and her zirconia, because they've been so brainwashed that they would never even THINK of doing something that would upset their diamond.
pipermccloud sent a GIF
holy cow- So, she's a dictator basically, a warmonger?
thegemnants HellllLLLL YEAH!
thegemnants and the thing is, she and her court live entirely on ships she leaves nothing left of the planets she harvests Gems from
pipermccloud OOH o-o She makes them go ka-boom. Out of not wanting to leave a trace, leave any resources for the others or just because of sadism?
thegemnants mostly just wanting to be undetectable now, what if i told you, that in my fic, there's someone worse than red diamond :'D
pipermccloud Okay, how can anyone other than Space Satan herself be more terrifying- I'm curious how o_o
thegemnants So, you may be wondering this, not just in fic sense but just in SU canon general.
thegemnants Where did the Diamonds come from? Well, a long time ago, a burst of magic born of the gap between universe brought life to a planet of carbon. Not of carbon-based minerals or carbon-based organisms, but purely of the element Carbon. "I want friends, I want friends," she cried, this living Carbon.
pipermccloud O-O
thegemnants So, from her body, she created 5 children: the Diamonds. Red, Pink, Blue, Yellow, and White. "But it's not enough" So, after a while, Carbon sent her children out to make "more friends" Thus, the first Gem Colony was created "But it's not enough, it will never be enough"
thegemnants So, the Diamonds continued to spread out, taking planet after planet, creating Gem after Gem
pipermccloud O_O
thegemnants However, after a supernova, the Diamonds were seperated from Carbon. Even though she no longer had her grasp on them, the Diamonds were still terrified of what would happen if they didn't please her. So they kept grabbing planets and making Gems.
pipermccloud holy cow
thegemnants But then, guess what? When Red Diamond was banished, she went to the other side of the universe
pipermccloud what
pipermccloud CARBON
thegemnants SHE TOOK A BIG BITE OUT OF IT AND ABSORBED BILLIONS OF GEMS INTO HER BODY and when i say absorbed, i mean they are digesting forever inside of her while being completely concious and part of a hivemind so yeah, carbon is the "final boss" of the fic
pipermccloud I cannot find a gif for the life of me to express how horrific that is So, Cluster but over 90000 holy shit
thegemnants Yep! And that's the entire reason why Yellow wants the Cluster. What better to take out a planet-sized monster than a planet-sized monster?
thegemnants It probably would've only served as a distraction, though.
pipermccloud How many gems know of Carbon's existence? For the newer ones, is she regarded as a myth?
pipermccloud Also, what does Carbon look like?
thegemnants oooh, carbon being a scary myth that agates used to scare new recruits is actually a really good idea!
pipermccloud :D
thegemnants originally i was gonna go with a 'just diamonds know', but very, VERY old gems probably know, too and carbon is like a giant, black planet, slightly larger than earth, with a face a fucked-up nightmare face and she reflects no light have you heard of hellstar remina? that's what i'm envisioning carbon to look like, but all dark and stuff
pipermccloud I haven't actually, but holy-cow, imagine her eclipsing Homeworld..a dark shadow falls across the gempire, and wait-does it have TEETH AND EYES-
heres a picture of remina from hellstar remina basically something like this mixed with the face of an elderly woman
pipermccloud !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pipermccloud sent a GIF
You got an eye for nightmare fuel
thegemnants awww thank you ;w;
pipermccloud She's VERY terrifying, both in personality AND appearance Red Diamond is practically Mother Thersa compared to her, isn't she?
thegemnants pretty much! :'D even red is terrified of her at first red wanted to pull a "mommy, my siblings were mean to me! aren't you going to punish them?" but when carbon took that nice, juicy bite out of homeworld she immediately went to "WTF MOM THIS ISNT WHAT I MEANT!"
pipermccloud Classic mom, always misunderstanding and doing things her own way-
pipermccloud Is it likely she'll take a bite out of her own kids too?
thegemnants they'd have to do something reeeeeally bad for that to happen, so while possible, not likely not that it's much of a solace, considering she'll still breath down your neck and cause constant anxiety with her moon-sized eyes staring down at you
pipermccloud eugg I feel so sorry for all the Diamonds even Red And this also just gave me an idea for art! How many Diamonds did Carbon have again-
thegemnants 5, but she could probably make more if she wanted. she just chooses not to :D
pipermccloud "Okay, five's enough for me, this bunch is getting out of hand."
thegemnants not to mention, since she literally turns parts of her body into the diamonds, it would probably hurt a lot huhuhu
pipermccloud Ooh, planet-version of labor pain I'm going out on a limb here and guessing she likes Red better than the others? thegemnants Well, in her eyes, Red DID come and find her, even if it wasn't actually intended. So, she probably liked Red the best. Speaking of RD's dystopian style gempire, how much does it differ from Homeworld?
thegemnants i guess it's just really... tight. homeworld as we see it in the show seems pretty bland and generic as far as alien empires go, but in my fic, i want it to be like a mirror of earth where some things are similar but the things that are different are so vastly different that its hard to wrap your head around it. (not saying that my version is better, im just not a fan of the way this show is handling its mythology)
thegemnants Whereas Red Diamond is just a complete warrior culture where none of the members have any free time at all (except for RD's Pearl and Zirconia)They're always training, training, training, working, working, working. Ship builders and engineers and mechanics have to be constantly on their toes, since the Court lives solely on ships Soldiers have to be constantly sparring one another until exhaustion cycles into movation Sapphires have to novelize any and all visions Mages have to work on spells, Tourmalines have to work on maps, Agates have to constantly supervise, etc etc etc There is literally no room for anything else
Architect wise, how do the ships look inside and out?
thegemnants big enough to be cities, but inside, it's mostly just angular and grey monotonousness. but the gems in RD's court are just so used to it that they can tell the slightest differences in these highly-similar locations to find their way around and yes, shattering always is a fear sans those higher-up, who are the only ones allowed to show any sign of slack Do they have a uniform or is it a variety, as long as it allows them to function?
thegemnants it's all uniform per gem race, although, i suppose somewhat thankfully, red diamond does like to get fancy with it thegemnants I feel like she'd prefer to stay sedentary unless she has a reason to move. Although I also think she has a room where she goes when she's upset where she just fucking beats up statues to get her stress out.  @ufolotus
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horsebitesfence · 4 years
On Chronophobia and ADHD – RB with Hestia Peppe
RB: hey, i think i just self-diagnosed with ADHD, am i right in thinking that's something you know about? would welcome any recs you might have for reading/resources
RB: (it would explain so muchhhh)
RB: (also wondering about the rel between ADHD and trauma)
HP: Oooh yes! ADHD is definitely the errr paradigm I am working with right now if that's a way to think about it.
HP: I am actually amazed by how practically useful it has been to think in these terms.
But I will say in terms of research/resources stuff is thin on the ground and mixed up with a lot of neurocognitive research which i find quite dodgy in places, not to mention the (very american) pharmaceutical agenda.The best stuff i found has been self advocacy descriptive personal account stuff, and that has been very much a process of reading between the lines.
Basically, people with ADHD tend to at least appear quite ‘high functioning’ (not an ideal phrase because hierarchies) so go undetected often, and then its very very stigmatised, i would say, in that often symptoms or traits are judged in moral terms. The most important sort of secondary ideas i have found are about Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria, and anxiety as a hugely comorbid secondary issue which is more likely to be treated than the ADHD itself.
The relationship to discipline and goal-setting is formative, as is chronophobia or a traumatised relation to time, and sometimes memory. The neurocognitive hypothesis is that it’s a problem in the dopamine cycle, so process is more fulfilling than completion of work; but i am super skeptical about neurotransmitter theories.
HP: As far as its relation to trauma goes, i would say it probably renders us more vulnerable to CPTSD. Lack of diagnosis or 'management' of ADHD leads to problematic coping mechanisms, leading possibly to abusive or addictive behaviours or on the other end vulnerability from a lack of or funky interpersonal boundaries. But whether anything is causal/symptomatic or comorbid seems always particularly hard to tell with ADHD, partly because of the non-typical relation to time.
HP: The neurocognitive hypothesis is that it’s a problem in the dopamine cycle, so [that] process is more fulfilling than completion of work, but i am super skeptical about neurotransmitter theories.
HP: On the plus side, [my] university and NHS [practitioners] have both been really encouraging about seeking help for it and getting a psychiatric diagnosis, which i am interested in, tho will no doubt have its downsides.
Most important, i think, is that mental health problems are treated in the context of ADHD as a constitution, rather than [in isolation], and i think that would go for trauma stuff too. Apparently ADHD folks have less success with SSRIs than others.
I think a body focused/somatic approach [is] v. v. productive, for both ADHD and trauma.
Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria [also] seems key. It’s the idea that the emotional impact of rejection is almost irrationally high in many ADHD folks, but [then again] this may be a traumatised relation from the stigma of ADHD, and literally being reprimanded more often than neurotypical folks, rather than being an essential difference. So if there's an interaction with trauma specific to ADHD it might be related to emotional response to external stimuli being higher.
RB: gosh, yea.
HP: Sorry so much.
RB:  Wondering how receptive my gp would be to my requesting an adult diagnosis
HP: My GP was like ‘yes, will refer u immediately’, but that’s with a recommendation from an Ed Psych which uni paid for. *UPDATE: NHS maybe aren’t doing this as quickly as i thought, so it remains to be seen if they follow through; and university seems to just be sending me through as many hoops as possible, lots of assessments, minimal support systems.
RB: ok
RB:  i saw this on Twitter – ‘ADHD Explained Using Comics’ by Dani Donovan,1
and, like, so much of it is me. ,2So much. idk what chronophobia is but def. have weird relationship with time. Very weird.
HP:  I have sort of made up chronophobia but am sure its a thing.
RB: 'comorbidity'
RB:  i feel lost in time.
HP: It seems to me the best stuff around is DIY stuff exactly like the comics u link to
RB: also – trouble starting anything; trouble finishing without hard external deadlines – so me.
RB: why i never write
HP:  I think these are like the defining traits tbh
RB: even tho i want/need to be writing
RB: + procrastinating
HP:  Comorbidity is the creepiest word
RB: as described ^^
HP:  Same!
RB: do u medicate for it, may i ask? seems like mindfulness / meditation cld really be helpful
RB:  i had an insane year on citalopram
HP: In America they see it as essential to medicate for it from a v early age but i am like v v v skeptical
RB: sertraline seemed better
HP:  I took Prozac for 5 years; it didn’t do much except make me sleepy and a bit ok with shit life, but for ADHD it’s Ritalin or Vyvanse, so treatment with low constant dose of stimulants (*sometimes also something called dopamine blockers, but I don't know the details).
RB: ok; so, like coffee? just on my risky 2nd cup.
HP:  I dont myself want this prescription.
HP:  Am sure mindfulness etc v. good, but i do think body-focused methods best.
RB: ok
HP: I read this Twitter by Erynn Brook (sp?), and she advocates meds but also talks a lot about building in good coping mechanisms like how you organise yrsrlf in space/time in ways that work for u.
RB: yea; more interested in strategy
HP: So yeah strategy v. key.
RB: hey thanks so much, also in as much as i may unconsciously have posited u as gatekeeper. couldn’t have hoped for a more helpful reply.
HP: No worries! It’s good talking to other people about it cos the grand narrative of it is well shaky
HP: One thing i have worked out is that it’s all just emerging now so u can’t really gatekeep it, thank fuck. Glad to be helpful always. Check out Erynn Brook and remember being kind to yourself cos probably u havent been being if u just got to this point.
[time passes]
RB: hey, i'd really like to hear a bit more about your thinking on chronophobia;
it stayed with me as a strong motif.  felt so 'full' when you said it it took me a while to realise i hadn't asked u to describe it.
HP: Yes I would love to see you and talk about all this stuff. I have thoughts tjoughts thought ... Google searching ‘Chronophobia’ brings up this book from MIT about art in the 60s:
https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/chronophobia. It appears to be also a term in use in psychology/self help; is in wiktionary, and appears to mean the obvious: fear of the passing of time. Associations with incarcerated people, particularly, suffering from it and also anyone suffering from heightened stress and anxiety. Searching chronophobia + ADHD, there are plenty of hits, so, again, this seems a well-made connection. I’m also thinking about ‘Chrononormativity’, an idea i was first introduced to by my friend Helen Stuhr Rommereim, and which I think she gets from Elizabeth Freeman (possibly via Lauren Berlant), in relation to ‘queer time’ or a failure to achieve normative milestones in the time allotted, such as maturity, childbearing, marriage. Her paper on this is included in the documentation of a conference about Chris Kraus we both attended in 2013, which is where we met as we were on the same panel. 3
HP: Context in my work right now – all of this to do with ideas about speculation, past/present/future, chance/fate, resistance to goal/plan/target, not knowing what to do.
I’m currently doing some early/cursory research into the mythology of the fates (Ancient Greek and other cultures) as spinners, and thread as line; trying to parse linearity and how it might or might not relate to neurodivergence/neurotypicality. I like lines as a way of following or tracing, and also drawing as well as writing –thinking a lot about the work of Renee Gladman, who is interested in architecture and fiction (prose architectures), and works with drawing and writing and the relation between the two – so, also automatic and asemic writing. I also think a lot about Ariadne’s red thread in the labyrinth, and now that i am trying to learn to spin, how all threads are made of many tiny ones. This trying to spin has grown out of an old durational performance work i have done for years – so, durational performance, as a form, is part of this, maybe, for me. I always like the durational form, as it is more about setting up boundaries in space and then letting time happen than [it is about] existing in linear time. Chronophobia as anxiety about mortality, and control, or volition/agency; or the trace of subjectivity in the world (cf maybe tim ingold). Also, there are two types of time in the classical sense: Kairos (the now) and Chronos (history), or something like that.  None of this is fact-checked, I must say.Tarot cards relating to time are: wheel of fortune, temperance, death, the hanged man.
HP: Not sure i am doing this right, but thought some context to the earlier conversation might be useful for orientation, at the same time as thinking about my own self-diagnosis of ADHD and how it relates to knowledge and action and intention and access. Not sure if you saw this on my Twitter, but I thought it was a very good overview of neurodiversity discourse as it stands: https://www.janinebooth.com/content/two-and-half-cheers-neurodiversity
RB: Thanks. You’re doing this very right, I’d say.  Like somewhere back in the transcript there is a ‘gosh, yea’ of mine which stands in as a marker for the point at which my mind was blown, began to make new neural connections, bathed in a sort of speechless radiant awe for what you said; and this feels the same only more so, galaxy brain in mandelbrot – only grounded in and by your efforts to verbalise it and connect it with your work and that of others. That this is what you’re working on for your doctorate – I am awed and excited to know it. I would really like to be present when you perform.  I’m really impressed by your articulation. I feel such a relieved shock of recognition for chronophobia as you describe it, as something I had begun to acknowledge and articulate internally, but never outside myself, verbally or otherwise; nor had any inkling that it might be tangled up with ADHD ... nor that it is something other people experience or know about, nor that you are working on it in this profound way. I feel less alone and am honoured that you shared this here with us.
RB: Also – ehheh!  I saw today that we both liked this tweet
RB: Another highlight, for me, of today’s feed –
RB: I’m always keen for writers’ writing on technique, scanning in case I find a key there to my own outward articulacy and/or the means to vanquish distraction/avoidance. Just remembered when the poet Lucy Mercer said to me that as a writer, I’m a weaver. I was happy with that then and I am happy with it here, in this context. 4
HP: Hey! This is all so kind of you to say I am sort of overwhelmed. I can't believe i have even been paid for this already, so shout out to that. I made up chronophobia because  i wanted a way to describe my fear of time. I dont think it was really to talk to anyone else about it. I looked it up afterwards when I mentioned it to you I guess i have really let you have it with the inner monologue. I looked it up after I mentioned it to you. I figured that this had, you know, happened before, that other people would already be using this word. And they are. As a sort of intra-post-script, it is important to say that in terms of ADHD I came to this knowledge or understanding after like 12 years working as a private tutor, and without the students I worked with in that time I don’t see how I would have got to this articulation, so immense gratitude and respect to them for the thinking we did together about how thinking and learning work for different people.
HP: I was going to email you and ask for a deadline today but in the end i didn't write any emails because i was just spinning yarn on the wheel. It’s an amazing process learning to do it. Like a truly never-has-to-end embodied action. I think it could be the best way to replace some obsessive Twitter scrolling. My dad totally gets it. He says singing while spinning, that's the thing, he's heard. I learnt how to learn things from him mostly. I think maybe both my folks have ADHD. It’s supposed to be super heritable.
HP: My mum's a doctor. That's maybe where I get the cavalier attitude to discussing stuff like this you are supposed to be an expert to be allowed to think about. I am absolutely not an expert except perhaps of my own experience. Which this is, but but i push it, i know that. tho I don’t want the meds, I absolutely want to stress i am not like totally against meds. Chemicals are fine and good. Like coffee or you know whatever works. I am just in favour of people being given the best possible understanding of any treatment they undergo. I feel like i wanna unwind my own coping mechanisms like manually. Maybe that's a perk of late diagnosis – for me, anyway.
HP: I have to stop now. I am in a park and it’s dark now. I was sitting in the park cos i was an hour early to get a lift from my friend because i was so worried about being late. It’s perfect timing though. If you like sitting in parks watching orange street-lamps through blossom as if they are the sunset like some kinda shook moth. Which I do. And then type super fast into a phone cos you know someone asked.
HP: Thanks xx
RB: <3
RB: Thank you
1 –   https://Twitter.com/danidonovan/status/1100414551932030984
3 (http://www.metamute.org/editorial/books/you-must-make-your-death-public-collection-texts-and-media-work-chris-kraus )
4 mercer | ˈməːsə | noun British, chiefly historical a dealer in textile fabrics, especially silks, velvets, and other fine materials. (Oxford English Dictionary Version 2.3.0 (203.16.12))
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A compressive guide of Touhou Project! Part 1 – What is Touhou?
Do you recognize these characters? From left to right they are Reimu Hakurei and Marisa Kirisame. From what anime are they from? Well... From no one, but they have a couple of animes.
These were pretty commons questions when I started in this fandom 9 years ago. So, if you didn’t know these answers, you are in the right place.
Today we’re going to make a beginner friendly guide about one of my favorite games of all times! Touhou Project. So, first thing first.
What is Touhou?
Well, it’s a video game, but not just that. But we are going to get to that point soon. Being specific, Touhou is a series of a Japanese Shoot ‘em up game (Being even more specific, is in the category of the Bullet Hell type) where you take control of one of the main characters to resolve the incident that is presented in every instalment. Simple stuff, right? It is developed by Team Shanghai Alice who is composed by the one man-army himself Jun'ya Ōta (Yeah… He is the only member of his team…), also more known as his pseudonym ZUN.
ZUN the man behind the series
Shoot ‘em what!? Bullet Hell? What is a bullet hell?
Shoot em’ up is a subgenre of video games where you usually have your character/spaceship shooting to many enemies in the screen while dodging its attacks. Things like Space Invaders, Gradius, Aerofighters and many others. In summary you just shoot thing up.
Screenshot of Aerofighters II
Bullet Hell in the other hand we can call it a sub-subgenre of the Shoot em’ up, and is all about dodging the enemy’s attacks, you got a curtain of bullet coming at you and intricate patterns of attacks where you really need to focus in your movement to dodge every single one of the bullets in the screen while trying to keep destroying the hordes of enemies that appear during the game. The Japanese term for this concept is Danmaku.
Pretty neat isn’t it? Good luck in avoiding being hit by those.
I got that… But why is so good?
There are many points to talk about this, so I’m going to point out the most important things about them.
Characters: Every single one of the characters that appear in the game is particularly memorable. Most of the time they are bishoujo versions of diverse monsters, spirits and demons of the Japanese folklore (the so called yōkai), and some other monsters from others culture as well. They have their own backstory usually explained in a little dialogue before each boss fight, they have their own musical theme and even some bosses become playable in later games too. All in all, this make every single character of the cast to be enjoyable and memorable, even the ones that appear just once in the game!
And this is something pretty hard to achieve from the point of view of a video game developer, how can you make that the player remember every single one of the characters of the game, and over 180 characters across all the games of the series? Well, ZUN can do it.
Hong Meiling is like Bobba Fett in Star Wars, she appears just one time in a game and her popularity grow immense! She started appearing in later games too.
Mythology: As I said before, ZUN transform myths and youkais from the Japanese culture to bishoujo characters for his game, so here we have an amalgam of the Japanese and other countries folklore and ZUN’s own story. So, there is a lot of room to cultural and historical references in the game, and of course some others pop cultural references that the developer isn’t afraid to show.
Remilia Scarlet is a Vampire and the final boss of the 6th release of the game in 2002. As you can see, ZUN didn't draw that well, but he has been improving.
ZUN isn't ashamed to put some references from Jojo neither. (Sure, this scene is from the anime adaptation of 2012, but is a reference to the manga of 1987)
Music: This is probably one of the strongest points in the series. The creator himself has stated in multiple times that he first composes a musical theme and then he creates a character or a stage to fit in that melody. In the end, we have a game with an excellent soundtrack aside with musical themes that fit with every single character. This will help us greatly to remember the characters from Touhou.
The Community: I’m not going to say something like “This is the best videogame community that have ever existed” because, as we know, every single fan-communities have some cancer in it. And Touhou is no exception to this. BUT what I can ensure, is that Touhou community is one of the largest and more active communities of all times. You don’t believe me? Oh… You should.
I still have that torrent to download almost 2 Terabytes (2048 Gigabytes) of arranges covers of the music of Touhou. We’re not talking about just a couple of fan covers that some fan makes to upload to his YouTube channel about video game covers. We’re talking about Bands that born only with the intension to create covers of his favorite music from this game. We’re talking about bands and circles that periodically release new albums to sell it to the indie (or so called doujin) market in Japan in massive events like Comiket or Reitaisai. And this is ONLY the music, you can find a complete world in fan-created mangas (Doujinshi) and fangames. We can have an entire post only for this topic (and is, exactly what I’m going to do) so let’s just end with: ZUN really likes the fan creations of his own game and he have no problems with them being commercialized.
The Comiket has been held in Tokyo Big Sight since 1996. May be you recognize this building from some anime like Steins;Gates or Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon.
Woah… That’s impressive, but the game looks hard as hell... Why should I play it?
You should try it because, as a game Touhou is a pretty fun game. Have a simple and intuitive gameplay of the Shoot ‘em up, just pick the upgrades in the screen and keep destroying things with your bullets for 6 stages. Remember, if you’re in danger just drop one bomb and with a spectacular and flashy light show all your problems are gone! Also, the game has tons of different characters across all the games, for a mere probability issue, you will like at least one of them. Haha.  And of course, you will not be disappointed with the gorgeous soundtrack of any of the games.
About the difficult… Yeah… It will take you some practice to beat the game, but I guess that is part of the joy of the game. I have absolutely no shame to admit that I play the game in Easy Mode until I can finally beat it, because the first dozen of tries I made in Normal Mode when I just picked up the game, I couldn’t pass the level 3. It’s was a matter of time till I finally even beat the Extra Stage (A bonus stage with the hardest boss in the game). So, just don’t give up and keep trying!
Don't listen/read to them.
You convinced me… How can I play it?
This is the best part, Touhou is finally in Steam! You can play right now for free the Demo of the last game here! Touhou 17 ~ Wily Beast and Weakest Creature. (Link!) The complete game should be release in August of this year for around 15 dollars (In Chile, the price is around 6400 Pesos). Or you could try the other release in Steam, Touhou 16 ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons (Link!).
And don’t worry about the number 16 or 17, you don’t really need to play any other game of the series to have a good time with this new release. As I said before, most of the time the story of every game is basically the same. There is an incident on the village -> Our Heroines go to beat the hell of the evil girls -> They solve the problem and drink some sake to celebrate. The story is spiced up with a lot of cultural reference, interesting characters, mythology and a huge etc. There is a whole wiki dedicated to it. Check it out If you like the stories that Touhou has to offer. You will find a lot of information about your favorites characters there!
I don’t really like this genre… I don’t really think this is for me…
SAY NO MORE, there is a lot (A LOT) of fangames and other more things about Touhou than… Touhou itself, is such an irony. So, I’m going to point out some of my favorite fan games that have another type of gameplay but with the thematic of Touhou. Unfortunately, some of them aren’t in Steam, so Google will be your friend.
MegaMari: If Megaman is your thing, you should definitely try this out. It will be a good challenge.
TouhouVania I & II: Well, The official names are Koumajou Densetsu - Scarlet Symphony and Koumajou Densetsu 2 - Stranger's Requiem. As the name suggest, they’re a mix of the classic Castlevania and Touhou, where you can see a marvelous gothic version of the characters. These are my personal favorite Touhou Fangames of all the times.
Touhou Puppet Dance Performance: This is a Pokemon-like fangame. One of the best versions of this type of RPG.
Touhoumon: There’s a lot of Pokemon ROM Hacks of Touhou out there. You will find most of them by this name.
Touhou 12.3 and Touhou 15.5: What are these names? Oh… Yeah… I forgot to mention that Touhou have a couple of officials Spins-off. 12.3 and 15.5 are the official Fighting games of the series. They are pretty good, and Touhou 15.5 is in Steam too! (Link!)
Touhou Luna Nights: A Metroidvania type where you explore the map and search for upgrades to your character in order to access to the other areas of the game. It’s in Steam! (Link!)
Touhou Rhythm Carnival! Kurenai: A collection of rhythm mini games like Rhythm Heaven series.
Today you can find in Steam and in the Nintendo Switch eShop a bunch of others fangames too, so It’s worth to check them out.
Well this was a hell of a post, and as I said, in the next part we’re going to talk more about the diverse non-game fan-related media that Touhou have. So, I leave you with a couple of memes of ZUN for the tradition.
This was literally the first image that appeared me when I searched ZUN in Google.
Fun fact: ZUN is a beer lover. (He makes the games while is drunk. No joke)
And finally, a photo of ZUN and his wife <3. (I have no idea who is the lady in the left though…)
See you in the next dream…
Enrique Valdés
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