#so why do we have two characters called PAIGE and ROSE ???????
thebirdandhersong · 1 year
Also to be completely honest--warning: I have been obnoxious about names since I was a kid (which is why I gave up reading the Green Ember series... I remember reading it in high school and being Incredibly Frustrated by the lack of consistency in the way the writer chose his characters' names, so despite the fact that I liked the story somewhat, I just never read the rest of the series based on this sticking point)--it really bothers me that Paige and Rose are named Paige and Rose
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vqrtualheartss · 10 months
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ᴅ☆ᴇ'ꜱ ꜱᴀʏ| (Yes that is my name)
I'm getting a lil' emotional cz like, my page is growing?? Again, I love y'all for it and like thank you so so much and I promise to get started on atmv3 as soon as I can
I've been seeing these all around so I'm giving them a try
Might turn these into stories
There's are what the title says, plus character pairings
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Online Dating AU |
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 On facetime with Miles you told him "I love you" for the first time thinking he wouldn't hear because he was playing CoD until you saw him try to physically wipe the smile of his face with it returning wider each time. He was stuttering trying to say it back after he realized you were looking directly at the screen smiling. (He was basically talking gibberish until he gave in and said it in Spanish). —Bonus, you didn't understand the Spanish so he tried saying it in English and was still stuttering so he used Spanglish—
(💜) "yo love you también- I mean tienes todo mi corazón- Yo estaba tratando de decir I love you"
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(💜) Had a 3 hour long call with you two doing hair but kept going offtrack arguing which hair products were better for 4c, eventually he admitted that he just wanted to hear you talk
(💜) Drew a big ass portrait of you in Brooklyn but decided against showing you over the phone promising himself that he has to show you in person one day. It took him days to perfect with him being The Prowler and all
(💜) Visiting unknowingly, Rio caught him singing Spanish love songs to you and teased him about it.
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Break up AU |
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 His friends practically begged you to speak to him because he's been out of it in studies, on the court etc. Turned into having that deep talk and you both sobbing, holding each other. Or making out who knows
(💜) "Why are you here ?" x "I didn't know where else to go"
(💜) There were multiple times where you caught each other staring, the tension wasn't anything rough or edgy though, more like unfinished business.
(💜) Both found each other getting wasted trying to forget about one another, when confronted about it y'all had that gaze set upon the other waiting to see who'd make the first move you want to. (Kinda like a Lil Tjay and Rubi Rose moment)
(💜) Made up an excuse that he came for his stuff just so he could see you. (He left them there btw)
(💜) Over the phone he had that honeyed laughter saying " Tesoro, you're not my ex if we're gonna come back to each other? Aún te amo y sé que tú también"
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ִ ࣪𖤐 (Y/N) x e42 Miles Tropes
(☁️) Laughs at kids falling x Covers mouth if they do it in broad daylight (vice versa could work too)
(☁️) "I'd never let my girl out like that" — "My wife can do whatever she wants I have a glock"
(☁️) Brat x "Yell at me again and I'll give you a real reason to scream"
(☁️) "I hate my hair today" x "I really don't care. You still look beautiful and I'm trying to not kiss you senseless right now"
(☁️) "Are you making a hickey on me??" x "How else are people supposed to know what's mine?"
(☁️)"I'm nothing special" x "You're special to me"
(☁️) "I don't think I'll be able to give you what you want right now", "It's a good thing we have forever"
(☁️) "I'm so fucked up all I want is you" "I love you too"
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I'm so sorry it's short, I needed something to keep my page alive, I have like 3 stories I want to write and have not started one. lol
©vqrtualheartss 2023 ©dae 2023
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Some underrated YA novels that are actually good and you should read right now
-Asylum by Madeline Roux
A boy named Dan goes to college at a school called Brookline, which used to be an insane asylum. He makes two friends, Abby and Jordan and together they try to figure out all the creepy secrets about the place, relating it an old warden who has the same name as our main character, Daniel Crawford
It’s a trilogy (Titles: Asylum, Sanctum and Catacomb), has three novellas (The Scarlets, The Bone Artists and The Warden) and a prequel (Escape From Asylum)
It’s really well written, creepy (horror but not terrifying) and we get five main queer characters: Jordan, Cal, Ricky, Kay and Fallon and one minor one: Martin
I recommend starting in canonical order (not the order of release), so: Escape From Asylum, Asylum, Sanctum and Catacomb and then the Novellas: The Scarlets, The Bone Artists and The Warden
-The Jewel by Amy Ewing (The Lone City series)
After the royalty starts dying out, they start using surrogates to bear children who can control things called auguries which control the how the baby looks and it’s personality. Our main character, Violet is a surrogate who gets auctioned off to the Duchess of the lake. Soon she realises she doesn’t like being treated like an expendable object and wants to get out of the jewel. She meets a boy named Ash who is a companion (basically a boyfriend for hire) to the Duchess’s niece. They fall in love and have to get out together
Trilogy (Titles: The Jewel, The White Rose and The Black Key) and two novellas that are only available as ebooks (Garnet’s Story and The House of the Stone)
It’s super good but the main romance is a little insta-lovey. Even though it takes place over a couple of moths, the chapters are so close together it doesn’t feel that way, but it’s not that bad. The lore of the surrogates is also super interesting and Raven and Garnet are the best and most interesting characters by far 
-Queen of Hearts by Colleen Oaks
A origin story of the queen of hearts and how she became the way she was portrayed in Alice in Wonderland
Trilogy: Queen of Hearts, Blood of Wonderland, War of the Cards
Super good, I loved the plot twist of why she was written that way, I didn't love Wordley’s twist, I thought it was kinda dumb but whatever. The other plot twists, especially the Cheshire one was really good
-The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee (The Monatgue siblings series)
We follow Monty, Percy and Felicity as they go touring around Europe. The plan is that they travel for a year, Percy goes to law school in Holland, Felicity goes to finishing school and Monty goes back home to run the estate but boy do things go wrong after Monty steals an innocent looking puzzle box, only to find that it’s not so innocent, all while dealing with his sister’s eye rolls and sassy remarks and his massive crush on his best friend Percy
Trilogy (The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue, The Ladies Guide to Petticoats and Piracy and The Nobleman’s Guide to Shipwrecks and Scandal) and one novella (The Gentleman’s Guide to Getting Lucky)
Probably one of my favourite books of all time. Queer (and it has pirates, what could be better?) Historical romance, just so good and so well written
-Girls With Sharp Sticks by Suzanne Young
Trilogy (Girls With Sharp Sticks, Girls With Razor Hearts and Girls With Rebel Souls)
About a bunch of girl who are in a private academy and being trained to be perfect. But soon they realise the indoctrination they’re undergoing and fight back to escape the academy
The theme of sexism is a little heavy handed, the book sort of shoves it into your face that that is the theme but apart from that, very enjoyable. There’s a queer side ship too which I appreciated. The main romance is cute too if a little uninteresting since there’s hardly any drama, it’s just “I like you,” “I like you too,” “Cool let’s date” and I’m okay with that
-Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige
About a girl, Amy that gets to Oz in a tornado and it put to the mission of killing Dorothy Gale who came back after the original plot of the wizard of oz, crowned herself as leader and fucked up the place
Series (Dorothy Must Die, The Wicked Will Rise, Yellow Brick War, The End of Oz) and nine novellas (No Place Like Oz, The Witch Must Burn, Order of the Wicked, Ruler of Beasts, Heart of Tin, The Straw King, The Wizard Returns, Dark Side of the Rainbow and The Queen of Oz)
Super creative premise, I think. The book was fun and I loved all the rebellion planning. Dorothy was a great villain and a great character 
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
i don't know if i'm the only one but i've often wondered exactly how hard it was to convince julian mcmahon to stick around for season five. they took his character, a feared powerful half demon and made him into the butt of the joke and the whole joke was basically ha ha look at this lovestruck fool obsessing and suicidal because he's got nothing to live with but can't die. ain't that funny? like how the fuck did the writers sell that to julian is my question
i find the entirety of season five just so goddamn insulting to cole's character. hell the fact that he got possessed by the source and this was treated as him turning evil instead of a shitty situation that got out of hand. like it wasn't bad enough he was villified for something that he wasn't even in control of half the time they couldn't even just vanquish the dude, they dragged it on and ridiculed him. i hate it here
lol. i mean. yeah. i really. like. it's like. like okay we all know cole was a fan favorite right and he & phoebe were really meant to like. be the sex appeal to the show no one else was really filling that role they were charmed's Sexy Couple tm. so like. in a sense i get the notion ab wanting to keep him around. because everyone loves him! he's bad boy! he adds this dangerous edge love balancing on a knife's point stuff like that. so like. that being said. u wanna keep him around. i just like Do Not Get how you opt to keep him around Like That. tbh. as w all things. i am blaming brad kern. i think it all really started to tank s4 (well, with mortal cole, but like) with source cole. that was bad, but i know it was part of the push to have like long form season drama character driven plots conflict between the sisters themselves it just like. sucked ass and balls imo. like i mean the fact they had to do the source as a possession just so they could get demon cole and lover cole,,, i mean it speaks to how stupid it was. the fact that u wanted cole to be a villain So Bad but the only way to do it was like. possession? sign that u should not do that like. like. like. i don't know how we're supposed to feel ab that.
and then. the vanquish. not sticking. i think like. i think they probably had the vague idea that cole having a mortal soul would not be able to be vanquished properly right? like. demons get destroyed into nothingness, but the human part of him lives, so i think they probably knew that was what they were going to do, that's what they sold to jmm and like. we sowed those seeds in the s4 finale w his ghost whispers and materialization. so i think like. they knew they wanted to Not Kill Him because he was such a fan favorite. maybe there was an intention to do a will they won't they variant of phole? and then. of course. there was the whole idea of paige cole, which, as the rumor goes, was meant to kick of in the s5 pilot, but both julian and rose shut it down. but i feel like. assuming that's true (which i 100% do assume that's true absolutely and i'm not endorsing it i don't think it would have been good or well written or whatever but like. 👀. you know?) but yeah. assuming that's true, i feel like that piece really speaks to what their designs for cole were: man meat. he was meant to be their male sex appeal and they weren't going to be picky about the narrative itself as long as he was still kicking.
but like honestly? i mean i shouldn't have to say this it's a given: it's not enough to just put your sexy man in front of a camera and call it a day like imo even a man who is not sexy can be made appealing through the power of the narrative. like, to level with you, i never really ever shipped phole nor found cole attractive at all like ever, but i can see like the fucking support beams you know i can see the infrastructure on which this whole thing can you know take on a life of its own in the earlier seasons because they very consciously put it there!! people shipped it for a reason n not just because they were two people standing next to each other on a tv screen i mean hello almost sinking a dagger in her heart but can't do it sends her away back to her sisters because he can't act out on his evil plan!! that's something!!!! that's so very something and they gave us Nothing they gave us nothing in the later seasons. and still expected it to fly. like. tbh julian was probably just like unwittingly duped like dragged along for the ride s5 which is likely why he was vanquished halfway through because i'd imagine roughly three episode in he went okay! um. what's this? guys? what's this? and then they said cole<3 you know he like knew he had to get the hell outta dodge.
anyways. if i were to resuscitate phole in s5. which like. to level w u. i wouldn’t. because they would need a lot of one-on-one screentime and we already spent so much of s4 splitting up the sisterhood in the name of phole i wouldn’t really want to continue with that per se But. if i were. this ask is getting long it’s under a cut 
something something demon of the week something something realms the point is cole is there when he very much shouldn’t be and like. he and phoebe get knocked into a different plane. so their bodies are fine and at the manor, but their minds are elsewhere and they need to solve whatever it is in order to get back. and we’ll say there’s a fuckin deadline because the girls need the power of three and right now they are sealed off from accessing it. and you know phoebe’s pretty fuckin pissed with cole because you know. he dragged her down to hell and she almost gave birth to the antichrist. actually source’s heir might be fun to keep around in this au idk. the point is phoebe’s pissed at cole and cole’s pissed at phoebe because phoebe’s pissed at him but he literally didn’t have control over himself in that era and he’s not getting the space he needs to justify himself because phoebe keeps stepping over him. but they gotta work together to get out of here. and were kinda doing enemies to lover 2.0 but like now they have History. of course we’ve gotta do a moment where cole has idk done something normal and phoebe’s so riled up that she does something rash and almost dies cole saves her like catches her bridal style or something faces inches apart breathing heavy and there’s a moment. like a we’re back in early s4 moment. which phoebe immediately breaks from and like walls going flying up but just for a moment there we see it it’s obvious: she’s still in love with cole. which then segues into an argument because like. cole wasn’t sure. right? he wasn’t sure if phoebe now just genuinely hated him. but now he knows right he knows better now so why are you acting like this? why are you taking every opportunity to shut me down to shut me out? why are you acting like you hate me when you know that’s not true right that whole thing to phoebe who gets the Classic because i do hate you. i hate you for what you did to me for what you did to my family and i hate you because i loved you so much and you destroyed me and i hate you because no matter how hard i try that love is still there and i know that for a second if i stop hating you i’m going to love you just like before and you can destroy me again and i hate myself because i’d let you because i love you. you know? big speech. big reveal. i have No Idea what piper and paige are up to right now. the point is. after this big confession we get the lull the cards are on the table what the fuck do we do now which is when cole Finally gets to opportunity to say he was actually possessed by the source and manipulated by the seer and the only thing that kept him holding on was his love for her and after she became queen of hell after he saw what the source had done to her he knew it had to end he doesn’t hold it against her for vanquishing him right this is where we exonerate all wrongs we’re just saying anything bad that has happened ever? scrub it. it’s the source’s fault. cole has no resentment against phoebe. he loves her a healthy, normal, non-possessive amount, so much so He Loves Her So Much he let her kill him and like honestly would probably do it again. idk and then they make out or something. and then they’re out of whatever plane they were in by the end of the episode. And Then we get a buddy cop episode with paige and cole where they bond and also sort through everything that happened there. slowly but surely. and then we do a real phole wedding a super small affair in the manor lowkey bc i hated their wedding episode it blowed we give them a good one. wallah <3
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hazzoranstories · 3 years
The door to the Cullen's house creaked open as Jacob cut the ignition of his motorcycle, and both he and Paige jumped off. They saw Carlisle standing near the door as he let him in, knowing the wolves were irritated and not wanting to push them.
"Is it true?" Jake barked out as the two pushed past the vampire.
"Hello, Jacob, Paige, how are you?" he replied with sarcasm, hardly ever heard from the ancient vampire.
"Listen, just give it to us straight," Jake stressed, and Carlisle sighed.
"Jake, is that you?" Bella's voice rang across the house, causing everyone to snap alert.
Paige turned around to face Carlisle with a scowl. "She's here?"
"They came home two weeks ago," he answered, and Paige wasted no time in running up the stairs. "Paige," Carlisle called after her. Both men raced after the tempered Alpha as she stormed into the Cullen's living room. There they were met with the other vampires.
Paige could barely see past Rosalie, who was guarding Bella as she tried to see her sister. "I'm glad you came," Bella croaked from behind the blonde. Jake walked up to Paige, who kept taking steps towards the couch Bella rested on.
"Close enough," Rosalie snickered.
"What's your problem?" Jake said, tilting his head to the side.
The entire room went stiff. "Rose, it's okay," Bella granted, and Rosalie stepped aside. What the imprints saw almost made Paige gasp. Bella looked absolutely horrible. Her eyes were sunken with bags under them, her hair split and greasy. With grey dead-looking skin, she resembled a dying corpse.
"You look terrible," Paige laughed, and Bella sent her a half-smile.
"Yeah, it's nice to see you, too."
"So, are you gonna tell us what's wrong with you?" Jacob asked. Bella sighed and glanced towards Rosalie.
"Rose, you wanna help me up?" Bella was then lifted from the couch, and the werewolves rose with her. The first thing Paige saw was her huge and bruised stomach. Just like the rest of her body, it was dull and grey. Both Paige and Jake's mouths dropped.
Once their shock was over, Jake's fury kicked in. They looked over to Edward, who didn't look happy himself either. "You did this!" Jake spat, about to tackle Edward but Emmett held him back.
"We didn't know it was even possible," Carlile stated.
"What is it?" Paige questioned, being more controlled than her lover.
"I'm not sure. Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac."
"I can't see it, either. And I can't see Bella's future anymore," Alice frowned.
"We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on. What we do know is that it's strong. And fast-growing," Carlisle said.
"Why haven't you done anything? Take it out of her!" Jacob yelled.
"This is none of your business, dog," Rosalie interrupted.
"Rose!" Esme snapped.
"All this fighting isn't good for Bella," Paige added, and everyone looked over to her. Jake's expression showed a sign of defeat while everyone else was in pure astonishment.
"The fetus isn't good for Bella," Alice announced sharply.
"Say the word, Alice. "Baby." It's just a little baby," Rosalie fought.
"Possibly," Jasper stepped forward, placing a hand on Alice's shoulder.
Jacob's face fell as he gazed at Carlisle in desperation. "Carlisle, you've gotta do something."
"No," Bella spoke. "It's not his decision. It's not any of yours."
"Jacob, I need to talk to you," Edward said hoarsely. He hadn't said anything about the matter since either of the wolves arrived. It took a lot of visible incentives from Paige for Jake to follow Edward outside.
With the fight now out of the house, for now, everyone looked to the one person they still hadn't heard an official opinion from. Paige sat on the coffee table where Jake had previously sat and huffed, leering into her sister's hopeful eyes.
"You're an idiot, you know that?" the shifter joked, and Bella's lips perked up a touch. "But my loved ones have never been known to be the brightest. So I guess I can attempt to help my sister."
"Thank you," the sisters engulfed in an embrace, and Paige kissed the side of Bella's hair.
"Don't make me regret this, Bells."
Paige and Bella talked for the past fifteen minutes about the child inside the elder sister. All the Cullens had left to give them privacy, even if Rosalie had wanted to begin a riot again. "Oh! How about Lennix if it's a boy and Rory if it's a girl," the Claymore suggested. She had been doing this for the past five minutes.
Bella grimaced. "No. I want the name to mean something."
"Rory means something. She's one of the main characters from Gilmore Girls, and I love that show," the wolf gleamed, and Bella shook her head.
"I want him named after someone I love."
"Okay. How about Rosalice. It's a mix between Alice and Rosalie," Bella gave her sister a look that knew she hated it. "CJ for Charlie-Jacob? Isabella-Renée? Rossica? This is a lot harder than I'm making it look," Paige raised her hands in defeat as her sister chuckled.
"They're all . . . . interesting names, but I think I'll stick to that task on my own," Bella said, and Paige nodded, saying she had a point. A groan from the stairs made Paige look up to see Jake walking up to them. As Bella noticed his presence, the air became thick, but Paige still stood from her spot next to her sister.
"Don't say anything stupid, Jacob," she advised and walked up to her imprint. She kissed his cheek and whispered, "I'll be back at Billy's."
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desiraypark · 4 years
Love in Writing [Prologue]
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Series Summary: Friends since childhood and sweethearts since adolescence, Finn and Darla are now of age to court and eventually marry. But when Finn is away in the army, his “brother” and frenemy, Ben, snatches their chance at matrimony away.  Main Characters: Darling “Darla” Teven (Daughter of Dekari and Amala Teven) (Blk/F) Finn Okani (Son of the late Jace and Callila Okani) Ben Skywalker Solo (His Grace, the Young Prince) Setting: - Country of Alderaan - Not space - In a world comparable to the Western hemisphere of the Earth (but not Earth lol) - Starts in a time comparable to the early 1910s Disclaimer: Though set in a “historical” period, this series won’t be completely historically accurate. The series is more so “inspired” by the Western culture of the early 20th century, but much of the content is the result of my re-imagining and re-envisioning the era(s).  Categories: Angst - Drama - Fluff - Historical - Romance - Scandal - Smut  Content Warnings: Arranged Marriage - Backstabbing - Conniving - Deceit - Degradation - Infidelity
Though the original character will be forced into a marriage, I intend to avoid putting any non-con into this series.
(Prologue after break) 
The Debut Ceremony
My Dearest Finn,
My Love, I wish the contents of this letter were pleasant. The most horrific thing has happened. Ben has asked my parents’ permission to court me and they said “yes”! I am mortified. I miss you my Love and wish you were here to fight this with me. My parents said that they think you are a splendid young man and they adore you. But of course, a union within the royal family would be more beneficial to the Teven family. I can’t understand why Ben would do this. Surely, he knows that we’ve been in love since we were in secondary school. I know that you’ve shared your affections for me with him. Yes, I remember you telling me that he may harbor some resentment toward you, but I did not believe it was this strong. Princess Leia asked me if I was sure I wanted to court Ben. I’m sure that she, too, is aware of our affection for each other. But my parents burned into me with a mighty glare, striking the fear of the Maker into me. I said “yes”. But as you know, Princess Leia isn’t the final decision-maker. King Luke also sees benefit in a Skywalker-Solo-Teven union. My sweet Finn. I am sorry that I have to share this news with you in a letter. Please say a prayer for me, as I will continue to pray for you. But now, I fear that I pray for an end to this undesirable union in a not-so-pleasant way. I love you, Finn. And only you. Always.
Sincerely, Your Darling ____________________ THREE EVENINGS BEFORE
“Ladies and gentlemen, the highlight of our evening begins…”
“Ready to make ourselves available for sanctified deflowering, ladies?” Rey asked. Jenaveve pinched her daughter’s bare shoulder.
“Twelve gorgeous young ladies are ready to make their debut as women among King Luke Skywalker, his Royal Family, esteemed guests, and twelve Alderaan’s finest young men. Here they are…”
A violin played.
“First out, Estela Becall, daughter of Trevin Becall, escorted by her mother, Lumina Becall…”
The announcer--Prime Minister Tico, called the names of the remaining eleven young ladies, including his granddaughter, Rose. She was Rose Tico, daughter of Issak, escorted by her mother, Belle. Isaak Tico was a Navy general who wanted little to do with politics and the frills of the aristocracy. He was intent on letting his daughters, Rose and Paige, live relatively normal lives--but he wasn’t always able to escape the golden claws of his esteemed father. Rose took it all in stride. She was a perfect combination of her male descendants: fiercely independent like her father and boldly persuasive like her grandfather. And she was a humanitarian like her mother--dedicated to remaining on the right side of history. Now, here she was following Alderaan aristocrat tradition--her hair pinned up and body adorned in minimal jewels and a gown of Skywalker blue. 
Jannah Itanni--fourth in the debut line. She was the granddaughter of York Itanni I - the world-famous inventor and engineer, and daughter of his son, York Itanni, II. Jannah was very much like her father--an explorer at heart. Curious. Always ready for a new adventure. She didn’t hate the debut ceremony--in fact, she hoped to catch the eye of a young pilot who could teach her to fly--but she hated the rules and the consequences of unfollowed rules. So many unnecessary things, if you asked her. Rose and Jannah went to school with Rey Jakkan and Darling Teven. Rey was the youngest daughter of Markus Jakkan and Jenaveev Olvair-Jakkan (daughter of oil tycoon, Cyrus Olvair). She and Jannah were best friends. Whenever one was in trouble, the other one usually was, too. They often snuck out of their homes to meet each other. How they were able to do it so often without being caught, no one ever knew. Like Jannah, she hated all the rules and protocol of the debut ceremony--but unlike Jannah, who kept her complaints to low mumbles, Rey fought and protested the entire way. Ninth in the line (and alphabetically in front of Rose) was Darling Teven. Yes, Darling is her real name. But everyone (except her mother) called her “Darla”. Darla was the daughter of Dekari and Amala Teven--and granddaughter of Jahani Teven. Her grandfather was the founder and CEO of Eastland Preserves, one of the biggest dried foods manufacturers in Alderaan. Eastland Preserves also had storefronts in five of Alderaan’s major cities. 
Darla was just as mischievous as Rey and Jannah, but she did an excellent job of hiding her capers and quieting her quips. Always relaxed and easygoing, she knew when to play with the fire and knew when to step away. Naturally, Rose Tico was her best friend.
Twelve single young men stood in line to greet the young women with bows, kisses to hand, and hellos. If they didn’t know their names, they asked - but there were probably only two young ladies who were strangers to the Skywalker castle. For many of these young men and women had roamed the marble halls and plush grounds as children--passing the hours with boundless fun as their parents talked business, politics, or simple social affairs with King Anakin and Queen Padme, and for five years now, King Luke. Additionally, many of them attended the same prestigious academy. The young men traditionally lined up by titles and importance - royals first, the children of politicians second, and esteemed citizens (like businessmen’s sons) after. One by one, they chose their first dance. First in line was Prince Ben Skywalker-Solo - son of Princess Leia and Prince Han Solo, nephew of King Luke. This was his third time attending the annual debut ceremony. For it was no secret that the carefree young man wasn’t interested in a wife, but his parents forced him to participate. To at least look like he was trying to be an honorable man.
“Darling,” Ben said when he reached the Teven family’s only daughter. He bowed and kissed her hand, and she raised an eyebrow at him. The chandelier seemed to illuminate her and only her. She was always lovely, but the night’s air and the room’s airs made her radiant. “Benjamin,” she responded. He noticed Rose biting down a chuckle. “Ben is my full name, Darla.” “I know.” He smirked and walked to Rose. When greetings were done, Ben chose Rey to dance with first. He knew that she hated the entire affair and only wanted to antagonize her for it. Then, there was Darla--his final dance partner. Unofficial sweetheart to his unofficial brother.
“Darling Teven,” Ben said, as he took her hand. The second dreadfully long song of the evening began, and the two bowed and curtsied, and pranced into their waltz. “Why do you keep calling me that?” Darla asked. “Is your name not Darling?” “You have never called me Darling, Ben.” “Ben?” he asked, looking into her eyes. “Your Grace, you mean.” “You would love for me to call you that, wouldn’t you?” “I would. Just like I enjoy calling you Darling.” “All of a sudden...” Darla mumbled. Ben grunted and looked over Darling’s head. It required little effort--for he towered over everyone on the dance floor. “How is Finn? Do you still write him?” he asked. He met her eyes again. Darla was slightly annoyed by the question. She didn’t quite know why. There seemed to be a tinge of intrusiveness to it. He knew good and well that nothing could stop them from writing each other. “Of course I do. He is well. Ready for his advanced training soon,” she answered with a proud smile. “You don’t write him?” Ben shrugged. “He writes to his uncle. His uncle passes the messages on.” Darla nodded and they danced in brief silence. “So, how does it feel to be a woman?” he asked. She shrugged. “I feel no different.” “Oh. So I must give Finn some lessons.” Darla’s eyebrows scrunched together. “What are you talking about?” “Oh, you know. Sweet little harlot,” he said. Darla blinked in shock. “What did you call me?!” she growled. “Shh. Not in front of the guests, Darling,” he said with a grin. “Your secret is safe with me.” Darla huffed and suddenly began to sweat.
“Finn didn’t tell me, by the way,” Ben continued. “I knew when he left for the base. The way you two looked at each other at the station. The way he walked like he’d drank ten coca drinks. Where did you two go? His uncle’s barn?” "That’s none of your fucking business,” she said between clenched teeth.  Ben shook his head. “Language, little one. Language...” “Oh, shove it up your ass, Ben,” she whispered. He just laughed. “But you’re right. It’s none of my business,” he said. “It’s just such a shame that the Darling of Alderaan didn’t get her beautiful cherry popped by a man with more experience.” “You’re disgusting,” Darla hissed. “And I wouldn’t want my cherry popped by a worn out and used utensil, anyway.” Ben threw his head back to laugh this time. He looked back down at her. “Used? Yes. Worn out? Not even close. Darling.” Darla rolled her eyes. “When will this song end?” Ben glanced over the dance floor and ignored the pained and impatient expressions on his peers’ faces. “We can change partners at this point.” “Thank the Maker.” “I have to initiate the switch. Me being the more important bachelor and all,” he said. “Well. Initiate!” Ben bit down on his bottom lip. Dimples pressed into his cheeks. He kept waltzing with Darla. “You’re a torturer,” she said. “And Finn would kill you if he saw what you were doing right now.” Ben didn’t say anything. He just stared into Darla’s eyes. “Why are you doing this?” she asked.  “Finn isn’t the only person who thinks you’re beautiful, Darla.” Chills went down Darla’s spine. She swallowed. His confession was sweet but dripped with a sinister elixir. Surely, these feelings of his were new. If they were even genuine. “That’s kind of you, Ben. But Finn is the only man whose affections I desire.” Ben smiled. Then, his eyebrows knitted together. He nodded.
“We’ll see.” ____________________ Let me know in the comments if you want to be tagged in “Love in Writing”!
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ms-rampage · 3 years
Eden’s Gate: Left Behind Chapter 19 - Jackson
Warnings: Angst
Word count: 2.2k
Summary: In the series finale Kate and Morgan leave Hope County, Montana and move back to Jackson, Wyoming. John and Kate say their final goodbyes. 
Guest OCs: Joel Winchester [mentioned]
Guest characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel [mentioned], Lilith [mentioned]. 
Note+UPDATE: The Mother will continue to be posted, then Aftermath, then the New Dawn series will finish off the entire series. Thank you to those who shared, and read my Lucifer forsaken writings!!. 
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Ever since Kate told John about her leaving Hope County, he spent every second of every day with her.
Wanting to be by her side all day, everyday. When that day came, November 2nd. It was tough for him, the love of his life leaving him.
Kate constantly reassured him. Telling him that she’ll come back, and they can talk on the phone all day, every day. Video calling, all of it. 
Her and Paige finally settled their differences, after uncle Brent gave Paige an hour long lecture on the phone, talking about family and shit. They were to leave that afternoon. John never, not once left Kate’s side.
He spent the night at her house, sleeping in the same bed as her. Cuddling with her the whole night, never letting her go. Had a little sex here, and there. He even let her do all the work, let her go on top, and ride him.
“I love you” he says in her ear, playing with her hair.
She chuckles softly, “I love you too”. 
Kate and Morgan were gonna leave around 1pm, the 7 hour drive that will be ahead of them from Hope County to Jackson.
“I can’t believe you’re leaving” John tells her.
She sighs, “Yeah me too. It’s gonna be hard, leaving all of my friends and you behind”. She signs again, resting her head on his chest, “It’s gonna be a tough one, but I’ve dealt with worse. I think I can manage”.
John chuckles, “What about me? I’m gonna need you. I need you here. How are we gonna keep us alive?!”.
She lifts her head up, and looks up at him, “I may have a few ideas”. 
Kisses him on the lips before getting up off the bed, and over to her shelf. She grabs a bluetooth earbud.
“What is that?!” he asks, sitting up.
“A bluetooth earpiece. You hook it up to your phone, and we can talk on the phone for hours. Well it works up to 12 hours. We can talk on the phone without even holding them” she explains to him. 
The whole day passed by so slow yet so fast. Going from Montana to Wyoming, then Wyoming to Pennsylvania. Who knows how long this demon shit is gonna be. Demon deals can only last for so long, 10 years usually. 
Kate knew this would be a long trip. A long and painful one.  That afternoon before they left, she had an angst worthy conversation with John. well actually she had two. One with John, and another with a feathery boy.  He left that morning to work on some Cult stuff, and he returned that afternoon before Kate and Morgan left. 
They both had a heart to heart conversation. Kate and Morgan were packing up the trailer, and the car with their stuff. They planned on leaving some furniture behind, donating it or leaving for the trash collector to pick it up.
“Katie?!” John singfully calls out for her as she packs up the trailer.
“Hey!” she replies, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him.
They smile at each other, they step away from the vehicle. Away from where Morgan can hear them. John looks down at her, his eyes glossy. She knows he’s gonna cry, and he knows it as well. 
He clears his throat and says with his voice cracking, “You know I love you, and I would do anything for you. You changed me. I never loved anyone like how I do with you. I never cared for anyone the way I do, other than my brothers. I never thought I would be able to have these feelings for someone. You changed me, you made me feel”.
Tears start to form in his eyes, his breathing goes shaky. 
“I don’t want to lose you” he continues, “I don’t want anyone else to have you”.
Kate shakes her head, “You won’t lose me” she says softly.
“I know I won’t, I’m just scared you’ll find someone else” he tells her.
Tears streaming down both of their faces, “You don’t have to leave” he pleads with her.
“I’m sorry” she mutters, “But I have to”.
He nods his head, “I know”. 
They stand in silence for a few moments, time seemingly seemed to freeze in place. 
Kate looks around, and sees that time is going at its normal Earth pace. 
“I love you” he tells her.
“I love you too” she responds back. 
They pull each other in for an embrace, Kate rests her head against John’s shoulder. 
A few hours later, Kate and Morgan packed up the car, and trailer. All set to go back to Wyoming. Resting on the floor inside the somewhat empty house. 
“So are you gonna do anything else before we leave?” Morgan asks Kate.
“Yeah, Yeah I have a few things I have to do before we leave” she tells her.
She gets up off the floor and goes outside to the backyard. Going behind the fence, Haley follows her outside. Kate sits down underneath a tree. She takes a deep breath, slowly petting Haley.
She closes her eyes, and prays to Castiel.
“Hey Cas” she starts, “It’s me Kate Winchester. If you can show yourself that will be great”. 
A few moments of silence followed by a whooshing sound, and a slight breeze to her left.
“You prayed?” the Angel in the beige trenchcoat asks in his monotone, hoarse voice. 
“Yeah” she responds standing up, “I never got to properly thank you for bringing me back”.
He looks at her in slight confusion which is normal for him. He never really understood human emotions to begin with.
“Of course” he says.
“I just wanted to say thank you for bringing me back from The Other Side, and letting me see my dad for the first time” she tells him with a smile on her face.
“It’s my job. It wasn’t your time, and I had to bring you back to Earth” he says to her. 
“Yeah I know” she says, staring off into the distance, “What do you know about dreams?”.
Once again he looks at her confused, “Dreams? They’re images, visions and stories that one’s subconscious manifests when in slumber. It can be in many different forms”.
Slightly shaking her head, “No, no I mean. What does it mean when you have the same dream over, and over again. Everytime it happens it never progressives. It always ends the same way, nothing else happens”.
“What is this dream you’re having?!?” he asks, head slightly tilted.
“It’s with Lilith, she threatens me that if I don’t say yes to her. She’ll hurt Paige, and then Gabriel shows up, and banishes her. It’s the same thing over, and over, and over. It never goes any further”.
Castiel narrows his eyes at her, eyebrows furrowed, “I could mean that Lilith is somehow manipulating you into saying yes, and harvesting your soul”.
Kate nods her head, “Yeah I assume, but she won’t get the answer she’s looking for”.
“Now the part with Gabriel, well that means because he’s your guardian angel, and he has to protect you”.
“Yeah I figured that” she responds, nodding. Exhaling. 
Cas sighs, “You know he’s proud of you. He talks about you whenever I go up to Heaven”.
Kate smiles, “Gabriel talks about me?”.
He awkwardly clears his throat, “Well actually. Your father. Joel, he talks about you and Paige a lot. He’s proud of both of you”.
Kate gasps softly, smiling through her tears, “Oh, he um, he talks about us?!?”.
Nodding his head, “Yes”.
She wipes her tears away, her breath shaky. “I’m leaving Hope County”.
He nods his head, “I know. I heard about the deal Flora made, and the 10 years ends soon”.
“And that’s why I’m leaving” she says, “Again thank you for everything”.
“I know, I’m glad I can help. See you soon” he tells her with a smile. 
Before Cas could disappear. She stops him.
“Cas wait!!” she exclaims. He turns to face the young Winchester, “Why didn’t you come to my save when I prayed to you all those months ago?!?”.
He sighs, looking at the ground, “I can’t tell you much, but I will tell you this. I was told by God, Chuck not to get involved because of his plan for you, and your family”.
She stares at him in utter disbelief, “I-I don’t get it!?!”. 
Nodding his head, “I know. I know, I didn’t understand it at first. I still don’t, I just want to leave it at that”. 
With that said Castiel disappears, leaving Kate by herself outside by the trees with Haley sitting at her side. 
She goes back inside the house. “Are you ready to go?” Morgan asks as she walks in.
“Yeah all set” she responds, nodding her head. 
They put the remaining of their stuff in the car, Haley jumps in the back seat, Morgan in the passenger seat and Kate drives. Starting up the car, and Carry on Wayward Son plays on the radio. 
Once I rose above the noise and confusion. Just to get a glimpse beyond the illusion. 
I was soaring ever higher. But I flew too high. 
They drive off down the road as the song plays. 
Driving out of Holland Valley, driving past the fields, and small businesses. Over the bridge, passing the University and the diner. Entering the Henbane River. 
Though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man. Though my mind could think, I still was a mad man. I hear the voices when I’m dreaming. I can hear them say. 
Carry on my wayward son. There’ll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest. Don’t you cry no more. 
The Henbane River, the toxic bliss flowers, drugged up angels and blissed out animals.
“Not gonna miss this place” Morgan mutters to herself as she looks out the car window. 
Joseph’s Word, the eye sore of a statue. Someone should destroy that shit, blow it up. Destroy it into teeny tiny unfixable pieces. 
Masquerading as a man with a reason. My charade is the event of the season, and if I claim to be a wise man, well. It surely means that I don't know. On a stormy sea of moving emotion
Tossed about, I'm like a ship on the ocean, I set a course for winds of fortune, but I hear the voices say. 
Carry on my wayward son. There’ll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest don’t you cry more, no.
Halfway out of the Henbane River, only a few miles away from the Ancient Bison Tunnel, one of the two exits leading out of Hope County. 
Kate stops the car in the middle of the road, putting the car in park. Pausing for a brief moment. 
Lowering the volume on the radio, Morgan looks at her in confusion. 
“What is it?!?” she asks.
Kate sighs, and says “I can’t believe we’re doing this. We’re leaving this inescapable town, only because of John, and I have this feeling that. That once we leave, we won’t be welcomed back”.
Morgan tilts her head in confusion, “What makes you say that?!?”.
“It's just a feeling I have. Like if we were to come back for our friends. It’ll be ugly, bloody and violent. Bad shit will happen, I just- I just feel it, and it won’t be good. Chaos will happen”.
“You’re just feeling guilty about leaving John, and all of our friends here. They know, they understand. They get that family is important to us. We told them we’ll be back, not sure when, but we’ll be back. John will see you again”. 
She reassures her friend, and to continue their exit out of Montana.
“Yeah, yeah. You’re right” she says before taking a deep breath and an exhale, “Let’s go”.
Kate turns the volume on the radio back up, and Kansas finishes playing. 
Now, Turn The Page - Metallica plays. 
She lets out a soft chuckle, putting the car back in drive and they drive up the road towards the tunnel guiding them out of Hope County.
On a long and lonesome highway, east of Omaha
You can listen to the engines moanin', out this one-note song
You'd think about the woman, or the girl you knew the night before
“Here we go” Kate says with a hint of relief in her voice. Morgan looks over at her friend with a smile on her face. 
But your thoughts will soon be wandering
The way they always do, when you're riding 16 hours
There's nothing' much to do, and you don't feel much like riding
We just wish the trip was through
They go through the tunnel, on the other side, they see a sign that says “Next stop Missoula - 5 miles. Jackson, Wyoming 386 miles”.
Kate sighs, “Jackson, here we come” they drive down the long, and lonesome road of Montana. Going back home. 
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welldonebeca · 4 years
why do we have to go and make things so complicated? (24)
WC: 1.1k words Characters: Rose Tico, Rey Palpatine, Ben Solo. Warnings: Medical stuff, angst and of fluff to illuminate our date. I have a feeling you’ll enjoy where I’m going with this now. 
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Time To Move On Now (Without the Fear of How in Might End)
“Oh, she’s such a precious little thing,” Rose cooed to the video in front of her. 
Ophelia was growing strong, just as everyone was expecting. She had grown out of her first clothes, was gaining weight and eating more and more every day, which amazed everyone. Her most recent milestone was opening her eyes, and she was the most curious of little bugs, turning in the direction of any voice, as soft as it would be. 
“And she looks more like Ben every day,” Rey confessed. “Leia and Han are quite literally drooling over her every time they visit. You should stop by when you can.”
Rose’s eyes widened, and she leant over to rest her glass of wine on the near coffee table. 
“I don’t want to be a bother,” she said quickly. “I know it’s a stressful situation, someone else barging in is the last thing…”
But Rey just shook her head. 
“Oh, no, Rose. Ben and I both agree you and the guys should be free to see her just as well, you’re family.”
Her friend smiled and seemed thoughtful for a brief moment. 
“Speaking of you and Ben…”
There it was. She knew the subject would come sooner or later. 
“You know how Hux and I are nearly done moving into our new house, right?” she asked. 
Rey nodded. How could she ever forget when that was all Rose talked about? 
“Well, his landlord asked for his apartment back at an earlier date than we expect, he’s already sold the place, so we’ll have to move his things into the new house’s garage, and he will stay with me and Paige while we finish giving the house it’s last touches,” she told her. “That means we had to reschedule a date, but we still have reservations to a restaurant. Maybe you should go with Ben. It could be your first date.”
Her eyes widened. A date with Ben? She wasn’t exactly sure if that was a good idea. While their relationship was better now, she hadn’t thought about how things were in the romantic side of things. It felt like a bit of a stretch of thing. 
“Why not?” Rose insisted. “You two deserve a break after everything you’ve been through.”
“I don’t know if Ben will like the idea,” she sighed. “A date, Rose?”
Her friend shook her head. 
“And how bad would a date be for you two? You and Ben are in love, you know it, he knows it, everybody knows it,” she rolled her eyes. “Give it a try.”
She was about to answer - and protest some more - but the door opened and Ben walked into the flat, setting fabric bags filled with groceries down and shedding his jacket, which was a bit wet from the raining outside.
“Hey Rose,” he called from his place. “Is your phone on?”
Rose looked at him with a frown between her brows.
“It died, I put it to charge in the kitchen. Why?”
“Hux is trying to call you,” he explained. “You better check it up, it sounds important.”
Rose got up, walking out to check the said calls, leaving the pair of parents alone. 
“Do you need help?” she offered, pointed at the groceries on the floor. 
Ben looked down and shook his head.
“No, don’t worry,” he answered, just as Rose emerged from the kitchen, fishing for her handbag and storing her things inside. “Well?”
“I have to go,” she wrote something down on the phone. “Hux ate something wrong and got the worst diarrhoea now. I need to get him some medicine and buy toilet paper.”
Ben snorted and Rey laughed, both knowing they were not supposed to hear that. 
“Do you want a ride?” he offered. 
“I just got myself an Uber,” she waved a hand. “It’ll be here in a minute, don’t worry. Bye Rey-Rey, bye Ben. Good luck.” 
Rey’s eyes widened, but their friend left quick, spotting a tiny grin and leaving them behind. 
“Good luck?” he turned to her.
Rey shrugged. 
“No idea,” she lied. 
Ben didn’t say anything, and just walked into the pantry with the groceries, and she fidgeted with her top. Maybe she should invite him. How badly could it go? 
Very badly, her mind answered almost instantly. Third world war doesn’t define how badly that could go. 
“Rey,” his voice dragged her from her thoughts. 
Ben was standing in front of the arch that divided the kitchen and the living room with his hands buried in his pockets, a clear sign he was nervous, and hunched in such a way he almost seemed like was trying to get smaller. 
“Hux called me,” he said slowly. “His landlord asked for his apartment earlier than expect, so he’ll have to move out before he was planned to.”
Rey raised her eyebrows a bit. Rose had already told her about that, almost in the same words. She was moving into a new place with Hux, an actual suburban house, with a white picket fence and two dogs, and maybe a kid soon. The whole American dream. 
“I heard.”
“He…” he hesitated and cleared his throat. “He has a reservation for that restaurant you like on the very same day as the moving. He offered it to me.”
Her heart raced in her chest at the words between the lines. Did he mean...
“Maybe we could go?’ he suggested. “Together.”
She swallowed down, holding a breath. 
Truth be told, Tey really didn’t know where her relationship with Ben was standing. They were civil and on a friendly level, but she couldn’t help but wonder if they would ever be a couple. She had declared her love for him, and Ben had done the same to her, but love alone isn’t enough to make or maintain a relationship, and their history wasn’t very good. They needed a lot of focus and effort if they wanted anything to work. 
“Like a date?” Rey asked. 
Ben blushed and looked down at his feet, and she could see his ear were very red. 
“If you want to,” he muttered, only loud enough for both to hear. “It’d be pretty great.”
When he looked up at her, his eyes were hopeful, and she felt her own chest filling with the feeling.
“I mean… I’d like to go to a date,” she tried to be nonchalant. “With you.”
Ben smiled, finally, and his shoulders dropped in the release of a tension she didn’t even notice he had been holding this whole time. 
“Great! I will…” he looked around. “I’ll call Hux, then. Get the details.”
She nodded. 
Ben looked down again, giddy, and clearly trying to contain himself, but it was quite hard to fool Rey. They’d known one another for long over a decade, after all. 
“Okay,” he cleared his throat. “I’ll… I’ll go make dinner now.”
Rey bit her lower lip, grinning.
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ @ria132love​​​ @letsdisneythings​​​ @maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @unicorntrooper​​​ @shadowhunter7​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega​ Forever SFW tags: @waywardemo​​? @newtospnfandom​​? @thewinterhunter​​? @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme​​? @fandomlover2001​​? @heartislubbingdubbing​ ​
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norcumii · 4 years
yet another sequels rewrite
UGH. I have absolutely no stamina anymore. Ok, so this might be an unholy mess especially with as little sleep I’ve managed lately, nevermind the headcold, but here we go. I want it out of my system, dangit.
Also, apologies, you can see where I got caught up in the banter and a character hogs the screen when they’re meant to be more on the sidekick level of prominence. I should fix it, but I enjoy razzing the character too much, so. Er. Sorry?
(and then you can see about halfway through my energy levels just died and the rest is handwaving. THAT one I’m sorry for.)
Episode 7: The Legacy of Skywalker
This begins much like canon, with Poe and BB-8 getting vital intel from random old guy in the desert – it’s not about Luke Skywalker, it’s about what the First Order plans. Finn doesn’t shoot, and no Dark Side figure romping around – though Phasma IS there, and she kicks serious ass and is generally terrifying. Poe is captured, Phasma questions him, sends him off to an actual interrogation cell.
We cut to a small smuggler vessel, sleek but not top of the line, has seen some wear and tear. Inside, Kylo Ren is having just another day as a smuggler kvetching with his crew – none of them want to deliver goods to Jakku, but damn the pay is decent (and stars know business has been thin lately – something’s been riling up the smuggling underground, though no one can point to what exactly). Kylo is tall, favors dark clothes, maybe has a helmet for when going into battle but not around the ship (very similar to that of the bounty hunter Boushh). His crew are Rose and Paige Tico, mechanic and gunner respectively. The sisters aren’t happy he wants to make the delivery on his own, but he’s determined – he needs them to come to the rescue if things do go badly. Someone has a bad feeling about this, but fine, whatever. Kylo ends with a cocky grin and a swagger as he pulls on the helmet and straps on probably more guns than are necessary (attentive audience members will note there is nothing REMOTELY like a lightsaber to his gear).
Meanwhile, Finn and Poe – tortured by a familiar style of interrogation bot – escape, and crash, and Finn presumes Poe is dead. He ends up meeting up with Rey, desert scavenger, and her new friend BB-8 who recognizes his jacket. In the background, we can see Kylo delivering a pallet of goods, bargaining with the locals, etc. Then the First Order swoops in, blowing shit up. The crowd scatters, Finn and Rey hauling each other to the parked ships. They run towards the closest – only to have it blow up before they get there.
The audience sees Kylo shrieking “My ship!” and gawping at the explosion, and about to be shot down (he was doing a damn good job fighting his way to the escape vehicles before then). Rey and Finn grab this idiot and drag him towards the nearest ship, aka a battered old Millennium Falcon. He shuts down a little as they sprint aboard, Finn dives towards the gunner turret while Rey works to get them the hell out of there. Things happen much like canon, though things break down in the fight. Kylo finally shakes off the shock of losing his ship and almost dying, and sprints towards maintenance to Deal With Things (by now the audience STILL doesn’t know who he is, but there should be the suspicion that he’s tied into this – he’s too familiar with things). The Falcon escapes into hyper, and Kylo is very angry about having to leave his crew behind, as is Rey about leaving in the first place.
We swap back to Kylo’s crew, waiting for word from him. As they’re scanning frequencies, they pick up a Resistance SOS. The sisters are exchanging looks, clearly not happy about this. “Aw man. Kylo won’t like this.” “I don’t like it, nevermind Kylo. Wait, play that on repeat, was that – Paige. Paige, that’s Poe Dameron’s ID squawk.” They share agonized looks, then Paige quietly says, “You know the Generals wouldn’t send him out if it wasn’t important.” “...shit. Kylo is gonna be so pissed.”
They rescue Poe, only to reveal the ladies are undercover Resistance agents, don’t tell Kylo, he cannot know. Meanwhile, they’ve gotten a space!E-mail/text from Kylo, he’s off planet and trying to get back they should get safe then contact him. So they’re off to take Poe to the Resistance.
Back on the Falcon, things break down again, dumping them back into normal space. A very crankry Kylo starts repairs, he and Rey get a bit snippy about how one does this, he’s being territorial until pushed then he’s all “you know what? Fine! You do it your way, see if I care!” Finn just wants to deliver BB-8 to the Resistance, guys, please stop this. Kylo is very against going to the Resistance for any damn reason at all. He just wants to get back to his ship, and off this stinking bucket of bolts! Rey...is speculating about Han Solo, and other legends (all of which make Kylo hunch his shoulders and be all disdainful). She wants to help Finn and BB-8, but she HAS to get back to Jakku.
They get tractored by a Resistance corvette, then boarded by Chewbacca and General Han Organa, who wants to know WTF is going on here, he hasn’t seen the Falcon in forever, not since Lando disappeared with it. And – wait. WAIT. WHO IS THE TALL SKINNY SMUGGLER IN BACK, SLINKING AROUND TRYING NOT TO BE NOTICED? WTF BEN?
(Rey and Finn: Who’s Ben? “That – that would be me, guys.” “I thought you were Kylo Ren!” Han rolls his eyes, looking embarrassed. “You’re really calling yourself that? Still? You came up with that when you were five.” Kylo gets a stubborn look and glares right back. “Hey, you know what, maybe I could’ve just named myself after the family cat, would that’ve made you happier?” Han has an agonized look. “Your mother named it after a land walker!” “And you’re complaining about Kylo Ren?? It’s not like anyone else in the family is any better! That was AT-AT the third, she has burdened at least two other animals with that ridiculous–” Finn: “Excuse me, but could we possibly save this argument for later?”)
Saved from more embarrassing family moments by the First Order attacking (unrelated to the Jakku mess, should emphasize how the First Order is getting up to more and more shit in the galay), Vice Admiral Holdo aboard the ship tells them to go, she’s got this. Off the Falcon goes to Maz Kanata’s. 
We finally see the leadership of the First Order - a cloaked figure at the head of the table (maybe a holopresence?); Hux; Phasma; another cloaked figure, slouching and apparently uninterested in what’s going on. Something something ominous plans, the Resistance is the last bastion against us, the Republic is corrupt and just as bad as its predecessors, burn away the past and let new life grow forth as we dictate it, to create something new and glorious (and altogether creepy as fuck). 
Back on the Falcon, Han and Kylo are Not Speaking To Each Other, but Han is answering basic questions about how the First Order’s been up to shenanigans, clearly someone’s paying off politicians and/or controlling them, they tried working within the system but that finally became a clear dead end so here they are. Grumbling about Luke being off on a mission and Lando’s been missing for awhile, it’s been rough. *MEANINGFUL NOT-QUITE-A-GLARE AT KYLO, who is still totally ignoring this* They’re headed to Takodana, which should be a solid neutral location - they can contact the Resistance there, then send everyone on their way. (He’s totally keeping the Falcon, though. It was his first!)
Things on Takodana go very similar to canon. The group splinters some, Rey finds the lightsaber, visions of vague betrayal, glimpses of Order 66, hints of the Big Four meeting. The First Order attacks (again) much to everyone’s shock because this is Neutral, how dare. Han and Chewie get captured instead of Rey. Leia shows up, invites them back to Resistance HQ, Kylo is...torn. He goes along with. 
Reuniting with Poe, Kylo sees the Tico sisters being far chummier with the locals than they should be, realizes his mother had spies watching him, HOW DARE, he is an ADULT why are they LIKE THIS--
“You can yell at me all you want later, but right now we have data to decrypt and a rescue to plan, especially if you want to yell at your father in person too. It was his idea.” (It was, but Leia is THE head honcho, and she was the one who had to approve it.)
Data is from a spy, most of it has insane good encryption, but what they can make out is a HQ and something about Lando (??!?). They have coordinates, Finn has intel, so off they go for a rescue.
Since travel time is a thing, we need to see actual interaction with the new heroes. The new trio sparring, talking, hanging out playing space chess. Kylo is the awkward older brother figure who totally does not know how to fit in but somehow does a little anyways (note: these moments should be in the minority. He’s a side character, not a main). Getting to know and hang out with Rose, Paige, and Connix. Leia holds regular lightsaber classes for all interested (Finn’s a natural, Rey’s interested but prefers her staff, and Poe’s been doing this for years (Kylo is almost aggressively absent)). Folks keep stumbling over Rey in the hydroponics (look, there’s an AMAZING montage here, ok?). 
The focus should be on Rey, Finn, and Poe: Poe digs these two; Finn’s reactions to going back; Rey grappling with how she left but at the same time she’s got people around and she likes them, wants more of this.
At some point, Rey - who’s been trying to get ANY and all intel on her parents or family who might just not know where she is, corners Kylo with Finn, Poe, and BB-8’s help. It’s honestly distressing to her that he has all these things and he just...left. He left family. Just...how could he?
He doesn’t blow them off, instead sits down and is visibly pushing himself to speak. “My family...is a lot. My uncle’s a galaxy renowned Jedi, the Jedi, the man who killed the Emperor and reforged a millennia old Order. Mom’s been an outstanding politician since she was a teenager, the Rebel leader, last Princess of Alderaan, the woman who built up the new Republic and kept it together though sheer willpower. Oh yeah, AND a Jedi, too. Dad’s a war hero, and while the criminal underworld sometimes says different, he’s got the rep of some amazing criminal mastermind with a heart of gold. My grandfather was Anakin Skywalker, one of the last great Jedi, General, hero of the Clone Wars - and Darth Vader, everyone’s worst nightmare.” He looks at Rey and Finn. “You two are at the opposite end of things. You’re figuring yourselves out from the ground up. Nobody’s shoulders to stand on, and hell, that’s hard. I get it.
“But for me…. My family – the names, the history – it all has such weight to it. All this legacy. I’m not anything like any of them, and I’ll never have the skills or power that any one of them do. Hell, what’s even left for me to be good at?” Poe opens his mouth, it’s possibly an old debate between them. Kylo waves it off. “I know, I know. ‘Find something. Make something.’” He makes a face at Poe, who makes one back. He turns back to Rey and Finn. “You’ve never had anyone’s shoulders to stand on. I’ve never been Ben Organa and not in several very large shadows. I didn’t know how else to find myself, and no, I still don’t know who that is, sorry.”
Finn makes a face. “So, what, we all ought to just give up because someone’s already been the best at things?”
“Hell no. That’s my problem, not yours. Besides, you’re not in those shadows. If you want to pick up that legacy, if you’re willing and able to shoulder that burden, more power to you. It’s not for me, though. Be Jedi, be smugglers, be heroes.” Grins at Poe. “Be the best damn pilots in the galaxy. Whatever.” He pauses and smirks. “Probably not the villains, though. Galaxy’s got enough of those.” 
Leia leads the rescue team, there needs to be serious callbacks to RotJ and her saving Han then. The First Order is surprised at being attacked directly, but rallies, lots of fighting, Resistance doing well. 
Phasma leads a mixed group of “specialty troopers” which encounters Finn, Rey, Kylo, and...danggit, probably not Poe. I want to include Poe, but he’s probably air support. During the flight, when the Resistance is getting the clear upper hand, Phasma motions to the specialists, who all pull lightsabers. It’s not a total flip to the Order’s advantage, but they’re using the Force and suddenly Finn and Rey are having to tap into powers they’ve only experimented with, and meanwhile everyone’s playing keepaway. Finn probably has Luke’s old lightsaber, Rey is ALWAYS dangerous. Eventually Phasma pulls out a lightsaber and does one of those scary Force throws so it’s spinny glowy blade of DOOM heading right towards the center of the normal Resistance troops, away from a very busy Rey and Finn who don’t even see it - 
And Kylo reaches out and Force pulls it to himself, swings it around, and makes a face. “I hate these things.” (It shows. He’s adequate with it, but Phasma has another lightsaber and is kicking his ass. This should also be the first time he EVER shows any hint of being Force sensitive, and that includes he should never be pulling some Han Solo bullseye shots without looking shenanigans.)
Han and Chewie’s rescue party is fighting their way out, and then things cut to an officer running into central HQ, telling the two cloaked figures that no really, they need to evacuate, NOW, there’s too great a likelihood that the whole place is going to come down. 
Head-Honcho-Cloaked-Figure [who I now desperately want to call Head Honcho inna Poncho, but I shall try to refrain] turns to Casual-slouchy-stance-cloaked-figure. “I think it’s time to reveal the Second Order, don’t you?”
The second figure shrugs, like it’s no big deal to them, and pulls out a datapad to punch in some things. “Signal sent.”
And across the battlefield, Resistance fighters start to turn. A bunch of them are using stun blasts, but in the air there’s no such mercies. I keep playing with the notion that Holdo’s ship just up and leaves the system (and let’s face it, with the potential for an Ackbar who’s swapped sides cackling “It’s a trap!” like “and you fools have fallen into it!” appeals, then sure, him too.) Paige, wherever she is, is also one of the turncoats. And down in that messy cluster with Finn and Rey, Kylo Ren pauses, then turns and strikes down several of the Resistance fighters he just saved.
At this point, people decide it is LEAVING TIME. Rey and Finn are presumably Most Distraught, there’s some kind of retreating fight between them and Ren-and-Phasma-and-her-troopers. 
It’s not quite a rout. Not quite. There’s a lot of blood spilt on the ships they retreat onto, though. People just turned, for no reason anyone could figure. (Later, someone analyzes comm traffic, and finds another encrypted signal they can’t interpret.)
Our Heroes are Not Happy, for all that ok, they achieved some pretty significant mission goals. By the time they get back to base, everyone’s caught up with everyone else. Losses - in both senses - were significant. Finn took a nasty blow to the back, but given time he should be ok. Whether that means back to functioning as before, or he now needs some kind of mobility device AND THAT IS NOT SOME HUGE TRAGEDY, I leave up to the viewer. (In the latter case, damn well ought to later on show a number of Resistance members in similar circumstances, because representation and let’s face it, should be happening ANYWAYS regardless.)
They all get back to base to find that during the time they were away, a number of folks did the turncoat thing, but thankfully nothing too important blew up. Also, Luke finally got back from his mission. He greets the crew, and introduces them to what he went to fetch: a new medic named Kix, who had been working with some space pirates. (LET DANIEL LOGAN PLAY CLONES, DAMMIT.) They don’t know why things went strange, but they might have a few ideas.
General notes because I’ve reached the end of my patience with this plunnie, in no particular order:
I cannot emphasize enough that Kylo Ren is not, and NEVER is, the main villain here. He’s on par at MOST with Phasma, as we saw her in canon Episode 7 and 8. Quite possibly less.
It may or may not be relevant, but Rose and Paige were never sent out with the primary mission to babysit him (the man is THIRTY, for the love of GODS). He was honestly just a useful cover for them to travel around a lot, make contacts, and courier stuff. (He thought they kept making deals on the side, whatevs, not his problem.)
The person in charge of the First Order was once a Jedi (probably a padawan?) who escaped the purge, gave in to the dark side, and decided fuck the Empire and the Emperor, and what they did to us - AND fuck the Republic, too! (And that’s why they have the whole “burn down the past” attitude.)
There’s technically three “Orders”: the First order is the public face, the stormtroopers and the battleships. The Second Order is the hidden agents, some actually turned, but many with control chips like what was used on the clones. The Third Order is a group of Dark Force users, building their bullshit upon old sith books and those Jedi books they’ve decided to repurpose (and that way you can tie in the books of ancient Jedi Bullshit that were almost burned in canon). 
Hux is in charge of First Order, Phasma the Third, DJ in charge of Second - he’s the reason there keep being encrypted stuff the Resistance can’t read. They go looking for someone who can slice into this stuff, and naturally this sketchy as hell guy has a reputation for being able to crack these things. No one really quite twigs to him being the likely culprit as to creating them. Or at least, that opinion gets drowned out somehow. 
Finn was being groomed to be part of the Third Order. He did not realize this.
Kix helps suss out the chips and ways to try to deal with them.
Without much useful detail, my brain supplied Episode 8: The Fall of the Republic; and Episode 9: The Resilience of Hope. Make of that what you will?
I think this would mean 8 would be about the chips, while across the galaxy assorted sleeper agents would be taking out relevant political targets, and causing general unrest to take down the Republic. It should be about the small victories, not the large ones - this person rescued here, that life skill learned over there - even as the First Order keeps making successful powergrabs. 
9 would be more about finding roots. Lando - who’s been spying within the Order, finally surfaces with intel (what intel is a very good question I do not have an answer to). I get the feeling Kylo would die somewhere in here - if so, it absolutely should not be the pivot point of either the battle OR the war, no more than Paige’s death was in canon. (Meanwhile, it’d be nice if Paige could be saved.)
No, the person behind everything is not connected to “something greater,” they remain a random padawan from the old Jedi who managed to survive.
I think that’s all I’ve got, tagging @dragonhoardsbookz for their interest, and many thanks to @dharmaavocado for egging me on and being a kind voice of reason. <3
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dalekofchaos · 4 years
Why do you think Finn and Rose were broken up in between TLJ and TROS?
I’d say it results in a few things
Racist toxic assholes who harassed Loan Tran won and JJ and Terrio kowtowing to the racists and sexist assholes for reducing Rose altogether
The popularity of Finnpoe/Stormpilot and Finnrey overshadowed Rose as a character and her possible relationship with Finn. The tie in novel just showed that the author preferred Finnpoe and wrote Finnrose out of the picture because of that. And….it was all FOR NOTHING! Finn and Poe did not get together and Finn and Rey did not get together. So Finn and Rose were broken up for absolutely nothing, the racists won and Finn ends up alone. It’s as if someone was afraid of an interracial relationship between a black man and a asian woman. 
John Boyega. I am not referring to his “not being able to handle it” comment about KMT  as John has apologized for it. After TROS, he has obviously shown visible disdain for TLJ and TROS. Clearly he viewed Finn’s dynamic with Rose as a downgrade to the kind of character he was playing in TFA. He has shown that he prefers Rey and Poe and obviously shows he did not view Finn’s time with Rose very highly.
I just think it’s a real shame. I like their dynamic very much. I do still feel like there are internalized racist overtones with how Rian wrote them and it could have been written better, but I still like Finn and Rose together. These are two characters who lost their families to The First Order. We could’ve gotten a scene of Finn and Rose talk about their families in TLJ. Finn would say he was taken from his family by The First Order and never really knew them. Rose empathizes with Finn’s trauma and acknowledge that they are both cut from the same cloth. Rose and Paige lost their family and home and Finn lost his family and home, they have something in common and a reason to fight for The Resistance and against The First Order. Could’ve just cut the hostility altogether if you just let the characters empathize with each other.
Finn has shown throughout TLJ that he does care about Rose. He listened to her vent about the atmosphere of worlds like Canto Bight, he cared about making them hurt, cared about Rose’s attachment to Rose’s twin pendant, cared when Rose crashed into him and cared enough to carry Rose and cover her up when Rose was knocked out from the crash. Rose was enamored by Finn’s courageous actions from TFA. Escaping the First Order and leading The Resistance into destroying Starkiller Base. But, ultimately disappointed after discovering that he wanted to escape. Rose was in mourning and thought it was a dishonor to her sister. But ultimately they decided to work together and get along better and become close. Rose is obviously infatuated with Finn and wanted him safe after Phasma’s defeat and cared enough to save him from a pointless sacrifice. She kissed him because she loved him. Finn and Rose care about each other and it could’ve been more if they were allowed to.
Finn and Rose had chemistry and excellent potential for a relationship. There was no reason whatsoever to kill the potential. It was simply to please the Finnpoe/Finnrey crowd and to appeal to the racists and sexists who harassed KMT.
Instead of just passing off the kiss as a “heat of the moment” in the tie in novels and dismissing their relationship, Finn could’ve simply just kissed Rose back and they embrace each other.
What should have happened in TROS is that Finn and Rose are sent on a mission to start a Stormtrooper Rebellion. Just imagine Finn goes to Hux’s flagship and Rose helps using her skills to help Finn to broadcast a signal to every Stormtrooper. I think it could be something like this. “My name is Finn, I was FN-2187, a Stormtrooper. Like every one of you, I was taken from a family I will never know. I was raised to do one thing… but my first battle, my friend Slip died and that death marked me and made me realize We are people and we have a choice. I wasn’t gonna kill for them. I had nothing to fight for. Until I met my friends, they gave me a name, a purpose and something worth fighting for.(cue Finn smiling at Rose) So I am here to tell you.  You have a choice. You are people. You do not have to kill for them anymore. Take back your lives and fight the people who took your lives away from you. I am giving you the one choice they never gave you and choose for yourselves. You can either storm this very room and kill us or you can take back your lives. The choice is yours.” Then we get a very emotional scene of Stormtroopers led by Finn’s last surviving Squad member, Zeroes removing his helmet and tossing it to the ground and then we see hundreds, to thousands of Stormtroopers ripping their helmets off and tossing them to the ground. Officers DEMAND they put their helmet back on and kill The Resistance scum, but they don’t. It happens. Rebellion.  Finn and Rose have successfully led a Stormtrooper Rebellion and together burn The First Order from the inside out and Rose could say something that calls back to TLJ. “It was worth it, though. To tear them up, make ‘em hurt.” Finn would embrace Rose in a kiss and say “Now it’s worth it.” And you could’ve had the conclusion to Finn’s story by having Hux at Finn’s mercy. Hux is begging for his life, saying he will call for The First Order’s complete and unconditional surrender and giving Finn and the rest of the Stormtroopers info of their families and planets. But the defected Stormtroopers want blood. All the Stormtroopers who left the First Order because of Finn are telling him he has to kill Hux while Rose is telling him killing Hux will not be right. Finn makes the decision to spare Hux. Finn tells his brothers and sisters “that’s how we’re going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love.” Inspired by Rose, Finn let’s  go of his past and takes Hux in alive so he can answer for his crimes. 
It wouldn’t change anything if Rose were in the mission with Finn, Poe and Rey. Finn, Rose and Poe is a more believable trio than Rey, Finn and Poe. Rey seemed to largely annoyed by Finn and Poe’s mere presence all movie. Seeing Finn, Rose and Poe together would’ve just been good, and wouldn’t it make more sense to use Rose’s mechanical skills to get 3PO to learn the Sith language to decipher the Sith dagger? And really, why was Finn just given a new dynamic with Jannah? They pretty much erased Finn’s ENTIRE NARRATIVE by making Jannah a new Stormtrooper who rebelled and was not inspired by Finn’s defection. Could’ve had Finn and Rose hug, forehead kiss her goodbye and kiss her after the battle was over. 
But no, they deliberately left Rose out of the adventure. They just had Finn pat her on the shoulder. It came off as a giant middle finger to the fans of their relationship and their dynamic. Then Finn is back to being someone who is just clingy to Rey. The entire point of Finn’s character arc in TLJ is that he needs to live for more than just himself and Rey. He learned that Rey is not his only reason for being. So not only was Rey’s character horribly regressed, it was Finn. He was right back to screaming WOOOOO and REEEEEEYYYYYY. Good fucking god. No wonder everyone now ships Rose with Hux. You gave up a connection to Kylo from Jakku, gave up on trying to resolve the fact that Poe killed Slip and changed Finn’s existence and gave up a Stormtrooper Rebellion.....FOR FUCKING SPACE HORSES. So stupid
They could be more than their past, their trauma and build a future together. Finn could finally move beyond Rey. Finn could take Rose’s last name and get both first and family name from his friends and loved ones. Finn Tico. Now that’s a big deal.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Old Guard: How the Immortal Quynh Was Brought to Life
You may think you haven’t seen Veronica Ngo before, but you have, especially if your stream Netflix. Like her character Quynh, the immortal partner of Andy (Charlize Theron) in The Old Guard, she’s been all over. She was the radio propagandist Hanoi Hannah in Spike Lee’s Da 5 Bloods; she also played Tien, the Inferni Elf assassin pursuing Will Smith in Bright, as well as and the Kung Fu assassin Mantis in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny; her tour de force, Furie, is on Netflix too. Made in Vietnam, Furie was submitted to the Academy Awards as an International Feature Film entrée. Beyond Netflix, and in a galaxy far, far away, she played Paige Tico, the rebel martyr and Dreadnought bombardier who was the sister of Rose in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
Like with many Asian stars, crossing the Pacific loses something in translation. Veronica’s Vietnamese name is Ngo Thanh Van. In many Asian cultures, the surname is first, and the given name follows. This confounds IMDb, which in a flailing effort to resolve this difference, labels her with a name that she’s never been credited as – ‘Van Veronica Ngo.’ Nevertheless, in Vietnam, Ngo is a longstanding celebrity. She caught the country’s attention in 2002 as a pop singer, going by her initials NTV. Two years later, she began acting for TV, and had a major break with Vietnam’s biggest martial arts film, The Rebel, in 2007.
The Rebel was Vietnam’s highest grosser at the time, demonstrating that Vietnamese cinema could deliver its own style of gritty brutal action. Since then, she’s appeared in a variety of movies, including two more major actioners, Clash and Once Upon a Time in Vietnam, and even directed herself in two fantasy films: The Lost Dragon, a goofy rom-com about heavenly fairies in modern Ho Chi Minh City that was released for Tet (Vietnamese New Year) and Tam Cam: The Untold Story, a classic Vietnamese legend that begins eerily akin to Cinderella, replete with an evil stepfamily, a prince, a ball, and the fitting of a lost slipper. It then takes an entirely different direction as a tale of reincarnation and undying love. This is a lushly CGI-heavy movie reminiscent of the fantasy films coming out of Mainland China lately. Ngo cast herself as Di Ghe, the evil stepmom, and she’s far worse than Cinderella’s.
Ngo spoke to Den of Geek about The Old Guard along with some of her other projects.
Den of Geek: I’ve been a fan of yours since The Rebel. Let’s start there. 
Veronica Ngo: The Rebel was my breakthrough movie. It was the movie that gave me the title of the first female Vietnamese action star. I got supported by the Vietnamese people. They encouraged me to do more action movies and since then I have become the only female action star in Vietnam.
How did you land the role for Quynh in The Old Guard?
When the movie had filmed for two weeks, my agency in America called me and said that The Old Guard wanted me to be a part of it. They said Charlize Theron watched Furie and was really interested in inviting me to her project. During our conversation through Skype, Charlize and I found our mutual voice to acknowledge the fact that women like us work hard to fulfill the roles in the Hollywood action movies. After that 45-minute-long discussion, and with the empathy we had, Charlize felt safe to give me the role.
How was working with Charlize?
For me, Charlize Theron is a talented and extremely brilliant woman. I admire her for the high standard of movies she has played in. Now, having a chance to work with her, I understand why she reached that position in Hollywood. With her outstanding talent, great beauty, and unpredictable ability, I do admire her even more. 
The original comic book character of Quynh was Japanese, but you had her changed to Vietnamese. How important was that for you?
I think it is very important since this is the time when I speak up with my own voice and represent Vietnamese talent. I believe we have a lot to show, and because I have this precious chance to connect with a Hollywood movie like this, I would love to show my race and my background in the film industry. Also it is very important to see that the movie made by Hollywood has diverse choices so we can learn together and grow better.
How does Hollywood action choreography compare to how it is done in Vietnam?
Working with an American action team has its advantages. Their team joined big projects so they have the experience and creativity to come up with spectacular fighting scenes. Before The Old Guard, I have worked with other Hollywood action movies, so I am not that surprised with their professionalism.
Furie was such a physical role. How did you prepare? And did you suffer any injuries during filming?
Furie is a movie that I had to prepare physically for over two months. I did have a very big injury during the first week of shooting. I hurt my kneecap and I couldn’t walk for a week. After I hurt myself, the production had to stop filming and wait for my recovery. At that time, I was very scared that I might not walk again. That is why I planned to do it as my last action movie. But luckily, I am all recovered now.
How did you feel when Furie was submitted for the Academy Awards?
I am very proud to hear the news that Furie represents the Vietnamese cinema submitted to Academy Awards. It’s a payoff to all the hard work that we put into the project. There are many people involved. We want to be heard – representing the people, the culture, and the love from Asia to the world.
What martial arts do you practice?
Through all the years I have been an actress, I have trained in many different kinds of martial arts. For each project, I only do my training for that. And if the character requires a specific style, I practice for that. 
And how was joining the Star Wars galaxy?
The journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi was a great experience for me. From being shocked to hear the news of my role until flying to London to start the shooting days, it was a journey [worthy] of being cherished. I felt blessed to be chosen and treated specially. I was fully supported to do my job well.
What’s next for Veronica Ngo?
I am currently producing a sequel to Furie in Vietnam. I hope the world can watch more Vietnamese movies and support us. Thank you. 
The Old Guard and Furie are available on Netflix.
The post The Old Guard: How the Immortal Quynh Was Brought to Life appeared first on Den of Geek.
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stairset · 5 years
what did you think of last jedi?
Well I certainly like the alternate version of Last Jedi in my head, featuring:
Rey, Poe, and Luke are in-character.
Finn is actually treated like the male lead he is and we learn more of his backstory and he leads a stormtrooper revolution and is revealed as force sensitive.
Kylo is a well written VILLAIN and we actually learn more of his backstory and motivations and what he was like before turning dark and why he turned dark in the first place but he still doesn’t overshadow the actual protagonists.
Rose is well-written and consistent and has a role besides being mean to Finn and then randomly kissing him.
There’s no r3ylo bait because those freaks don’t even deserve to be baited.
Rey is Luke’s daughter and they actually spend time together and have a meaningful bond, and he gives her more than two fucking lessons so that her new skills don’t seem so out of nowhere, and none of the “she downloaded Kylo’s training from his mind while he was interrogating her” nonsense cause that’s a half-assed cover-up.
Also in classic Skywalker tradition she gets her hand cut off by Kylo because having him actually win against her for once would make him seem more threatening and it would get people to stop calling her a “mary sue”.
Finn’s back injury is fucking acknowledged and affects his character in some way instead of just being ignored.
Finn and Kylo’s arcs actually progress their characters instead of just being shittier versions of their arcs in TFA.
Finnrey is canon and they kiss because fuck you.
Poe’s “becoming a leader” arc is actually GOOD.
Also Poe is gay.
Leia gets to do something besides standing around looking sad and being in a coma, she doesn’t slap Poe, also the flying scene is written out but she does still get a scene where she uses the force, just in a way that’s not stupid, also she becomes Chancellor because, like her mother before her, she was the only smart senator and they all should’ve listened to her.
Lando is fucking IN IT.
R2, 3PO, and Chewbacca get to be relevant again.
The impact of Han’s death on people like Rey, Finn, Luke, Leia, Lando and Chewie is actually explored and they have a funeral for him at the end.
Ackbar’s death is given the gravitas it deserves like seriously what the fuck.
The prequels are actually acknowledged outside of a few indirect references. Also some more fanservice for the cartoon stans.
More focus on Anakin’s legacy and Rey and Kylo representing his light and dark sides because even in death he’s still the central character of the saga.
Holdo and DJ are written out entirely because I hate Holdo and DJ is annoying and boring.
Lobster Guards are also written out and replaced with the Knights of Ren, and their backstory isn’t exactly top priority but maybe an offhand mention of where they came from or why they follow Kylo would be very much appreciated.
The politics of the situation are actually like. Fucking acknowledged instead of making the book writers fill everything in for you. This was a problem with TFA as well and TLJ COULD’VE fixed it but instead it made it worse.
Hux is actually threatening instead of being used for lame slapstick.
Phasma still dies but she actually gets more than like a fucking minute of screentime and she gets at least SOME of the personality that she has in her book and comic, and, y’know actually does something cool.
Snoke is an actual character instead of a pointless plot device for Kylo and we learn fucking SOMETHING about him because he was built up to be a big deal for TWO YEARS.
Luke and Snoke don’t die and Snoke stays the main villain throughout the trilogy.
Rose and Paige actually get a scene together before Paige’s death.
BB-8 and BB-9E get a Duel of the Droids style fight, we were fuckin robbed man.
Maz does something,
Canto Bight actually looks cool,
We actually learn something NEW about the force and the Jedi instead of just repeating things that other stories have told us and treating it like it’s new and revolutionary, like seriously, you bring us to the FIRST JEDI TEMPLE and don’t bother diving into the lore even a LITTLE, when it’s GIFTWRAPPED FOR YOU.
A fucking consistent tone please, get rid of all those forced attempts at mimicking MCU humor, it doesn’t work for Star Wars. Shit like Luke throwing the lightsaber or Poe prank calling Hux is funny in a Tumblr shitpost, but when you actually put it in the movie it’s just stupid and takes you out of the moment, and finally,
In general it actually follows up on the characterization and plot points that were established in TFA instead of making shit up in an attempt to be edgy.
I definitely like that version of Last Jedi. As for the canon version,
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What if That’s the Future
Desire and Decorum/MC x Ernest Sinclaire 
Summary: Ernest has been shot and as he slept waiting for Clara he has a dream. A dream that shows him more then he ever wanted. Just before she comes to him at Ledford in the chapter. 
Authors Note: so today’s chapter has me majorily po’ed and so I wrote this. My last TE story from that poll and then starting my desire and decorum ones will come next. See if you can spot a character from Red Carpet Diaries and High School Story. 
Tag list: @flyawayboo @queen-among-writers   @cosigottahavefaith  @am-i-invisible777 @countrymusicandncis-blog @fluffy-cat-whisper @melodyofgraves @symonde @paisleylovergirl
The shot didn’t go off as Ernest found himself dreaming. He was sure that Luke and the others would bring him back to Ledford Park. Doctor Kerrigan was there, and Clara was nowhere to be seen. Of course, the duke….
That didn’t seem to matter as Ernest saw her. Clara was right next to him in a gorgeous satin green gown that reminded him of flowers. A wide smile on her face and her hair loose as it pooled around her shoulders. This was dreaming, this was lucid dreaming, he thought as he could hear his friends telling him not to sleep.
“Mr. Sinclaire you cannot die, please think of Clara,” said the demanding voice of Miss Parsons.
“He can rest,” said Doctor Kerrigan.
Sleep didn’t come easy as Ernest tried to relax. He had to think of Clara her smiling face and standing beside him. Finally, his mind rested on a dream that he wanted to be reality. Clara was in his bed as he saw love marks on her chest, her nightgown thrown on the floor as the sun filtered into their bedroom. Ernest stepped into the room already fully dressed as she rose from the mattress.
“Don’t have too much fun at work,” she said arching her feet to kiss him softly on the lips. He relished in her kiss and touch.
That illusion was shattered as he heard something from down the steps, however. His Clara seemed to have disappeared as quickly as she rose. Ernest took in a deep breath as he turned and started toward the noise. He straightened his cravat he headed toward the steps when the noise turned out to be voices.
“James,” he called wondering if his butler had let someone in.
No answer as Ernest headed down the steps as music eventually filled the air. Someone was playing his pianoforte. He was dreaming still right? He could bring Clara back as the flash of her green skirt disappeared down the steps. She was still with him but leading him somewhere.
Her giggle seemed to beg him to follow as he did what she wanted. He was curious to know himself. Gradually he made his way into the hall to see people. He peered around into the room where she disappeared as he could see that it was a packed. People milled around in strange clothes that he couldn’t begin to place. Next to him two girls were speaking animatedly to each other as Ernest couldn’t even catch up. Clara had to be around her somewhere as he heard their conversation.
“So, what was it like working with Chris Winters? Addison you have the most amazing job,” gushed a girl with auburn hair to the blond. “The Last Duchess has to be my favorite movie so far this year.”
“Chris is awesome, I don’t think you could work with someone nicer. Working on The Last Duchess was so much fun. The historical clothes were a blast to make and the cast is just all-around fun,” said the blond, presumably Addison. “What is it that you do Paige?”
“I’m an OBGYN and a certified midwife, it’s not nearly as glamorous,” said the redhead, Paige.
Ernest shook his head as he leaned forward and cleared his throat hopefully to get some answers. Who were these people and how were they in his home? Forgetting about Clara now he tried to piece together what was happening.
Neither girl looked up before a third joined them. The newcomer, a girl with ink black hair and a purple shirt that the girls called Kara, just seemed to walk right through him. Ernest put his hands on his body as he seemed to be invisible and ghost like. This was his death, he was sure of it as he glanced around the room.
This couldn’t have been death though. Where was his mother, father, stillborn siblings?  Trembling Ernest straightened himself up and confidently walked toward the middle of the room. Someone around here had to be talking about why they were all gathered. He wasn’t presuming that this was some kind of heaven or limbo. Why was Clara here? Could she have killed herself thinking he was dead too?
Around him children ran with devices in their hands he didn’t know. Ernest took another breath. If there was one place, he could find answers there was the library. His sanctuary. He turned on his heel and walked off his heavy footsteps not making a sound underneath him.
Upon reaching the library he heard more voices. How dare these people for inviting themselves into rooms not designated for guests! Ernest felt shudder run through his body as another person seemed to walk right through him. He took a hesitant step toward the group that was gathered in the middle at a table.
On said table was a paper with lines and neat printed handwriting. Getting even closer upon closer inspection Ernest could see his name on that paper. Remembering that people couldn’t see him or anything he forced himself until he was sitting on the table. Although it was un-gentlemen like he needed a look at this.
At the very top of the paper Ernest read the first line unable to believe it. Sinclaire Family Tree.
His eyes settled on his ancestor Walter Fitzwilliam Sinclaire situated on the few middle lines. Then his eyes followed the lines to his own name. Swallowing Ernest trembled staring a bit aghast at section where his name was as if he could burn a hole right through the paper.
Ernest Sinclaire (20 Jul 1788 - 30 April 1867)
He couldn’t tear away, that was his birthday and that was his death date. He was eight and seventy upon his death. It appears that he was at the Sinclaire family reunion. Judging from the clothing of those around him he could be decades or even centuries ahead of his own time. He put a hand to his head as if to clear it. Blue eyes glanced over at the name on the left. Roselyn d’Ouler with the death dead marked when she gave birth to the Dukes child. Then his eyes slide over to the name on the right of his name.
He caught his breath and heart quickened as a smile of delight crossed his face. The name adjacent to his: Clara Mills (2 Nov 1795 – 24 Jun 1875). The date of their union to sometime in mid June of 1816. Ernest couldn’t help but glance at the next line.
Nine, there were nine marks for nine children. Six sons and three daughters were a blessing as he could see their names of their family. A family that he would make with Clara. His eyes saddened upon seeing the last name on the list, as his heart twisted to know that she only spent mere hours on earth. Underneath the names the lines got more and more complicated as they weaved together. Several last names of people he knew like Marlcaster and Chambers.
Sometime at the turn of the century a few family members dropped the ‘e’ from the last name he noticed. Several had moved from England and to far off places like America and New Zealand.
Everyone around him was his family, people that were related to Ernest Sinclaire, in some way shape or form. Ernest watched as a young woman brought her children to the front of the group. An elderly man smiled as he picked the girl up and put her on his lap.
“Now can you tell me your name young lady?”
“Melissa Grace Sinclaire,” she said proudly with a smile on her face. “My mummy told me to tell you to put my name on your paper.”
“Did she now?” said the man grinning as he mused her blond hair teasingly. “Well, I need to know who your mummy and daddy are. Your birthday and if you have any siblings and their birthdays.”
“My daddy is Luke Sinclaire and mummy’s name is Emma. My birthday is 10 August 2014. My brother’s name is Matthew Ernest Sinclaire and his birthday is 23 January 2017.”  
The man put her name near the bottom of the tree as he watched. Ernest gapped upon hearing this as this far beyond what he thought it was. Everything he was witnessing. This was two hundred years from now. He was in the twenty first century as everything played around him like a moving picture. The only thing that made Ledford the same was the layout of his home.
A dream, this is what this was a dream, but this was a dream that he could make happen. Ernest could make that family with his beloved Clara and their family could prosper. Unable to help himself Ernest reached out and touched her name next to his as it lingered there.
His finger traced down the marks for each child as he wondered what they were like. Perhaps they were quick to smile like Clara. Did they have his sword skills (even the girls!)? Which one inherited the blond hair that he remembered from his mother?  Ernest’s smile grew as his finger traced over the name Vincent Sinclaire. He knew where that name came from as his breath caught short as he looked at the dates under his name. 9 Feb 1817 – 30 of Mar 1895. No. That couldn’t be possible as he thought back to the night before the duel.
He got Clara pregnant, unless she went into labor a month early, she was already pregnant with their son.
Ernest had to wake up, he had to go to her and keep the Duke from ever touching her or their baby. He felt fingers brush upon his own as Clara was next to him. She grinned widely as she was examining the tree as well. Her free hand tracing over their marriage date as everyone else around them seemed to gradually fade.
“Can you believe it?  We did this,” she said as tears pooled in her eyes. “This is our family that we made together.”
He glanced around as he saw the kids running, gossip from the older people, and someone playing a beautiful song on the pianoforte.  
Ernest reached over and brushed her hair away from her face. “I know that this is a dream, but I want to make this happen. Both of us happy and married with a family of our own. There’s no Duke and I could keep you safe and loved.”  
This Clara nodded as he kissed away the tears that had spilled over her cheeks. “Ernest wake up, I’ll be there, I promise.”
He adjusted and blinked himself awake over and over. Everything from the morning came back to him with the fight. That didn’t seem to matter anymore as he had a good idea of what would follow when they were finally together. Waking up he saw that Luke was still in the room.
“Where’s Clara?” he demanded.
“She’s coming,” said Luke.
“I need to see her.”
“She’ll be here.”
He was afraid that she would never show up until a half hour later. She was there in Ledford as he sighed. Clara was unharmed as his eyes and smile lite up. She looked beautiful as his eyes flitted briefly down to her stomach. Could they really have?  
“Clara, how I’ve longed to see your face,” he said. If he could stand one more day, he could fight. Above all he was going to be with her until the end of his days.
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Charmed Again (Charmed Fanfic)
Episode 7 - Mother Knows Best
Warnings: I don’t own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show “Charmed” or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.
15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.
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Many Years Ago
Melinda found herself frantically walking up and down the attic of the Halliwell Manor in a state of panic and worry.
“Hear these words hear my cry. Spirit from the other side. Come to me, I summon thee. Cross now the great divide.” She chanted before a non-corporeal Piper appeared within a series of white orbs.
“I figured it would only be a matter of time before you summoned me sweetie.” Piper said to her only daughter.
“Does that mean you know?” Melinda asked her mother.
“Yes, but don’t worry about the elders Paige sure none of the other elders know anything about any of this for the time being.” Piper replied.
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do mum.” Melinda admitted as Piper suddenly became corporeal and walked over to her daughter.
“There’s nothing you can do but support them.” Piper told her while giving Melinda a hug.
“Mum our family is dwindling and fading fast Wyatt and Chris were more powerful than I could ever dream of being and they’re gone now.” Melinda admitted her fears as she broke off the hug with her mother. “I don’t want to lose my children like I lost my brothers.”
“I know this family has lost a lot Melinda, but you can find some comfort in knowing Paul and Pan are both powerful witches.” Piper replied, attempting to comfort her daughter.
“That never stops a Halliwell from dying.” Melinda said as tears began forming in her eyes. “I don’t want to have to watch my children die and now Paul’s got this demon pregnant they’re only going to become bigger targets for the Underworld.”
“Paul and Eve’s child will be part demon part witch and that’s going to be one truly unique grandchild for you Melinda.” Piper explained to her. “And a truly unique first great grandchild for me.”
“Let’s be clear here mum being unique just makes you more of a target around here.” Melinda cried. “No-one can ever know of Eve’s pregnancy.”
“I know you’re worried for them and rightly so, but you can’t hide her pregnancy forever I mean she will eventually give birth.” Piper replied to her daughter.
“The elders are never going to allow this which means we’d be going up against them and the Underworld.” Melinda continued to cry.
“I’ve lost count of the amount of times this family has went up against the elders I mean if we never fought with them, I would’ve never married your father or had you and your brothers.” Piper admitted.
“Mum that’s when the charmed ones existed, they don’t exist anymore and even if they did it wouldn’t change anything.” Melinda told her mother. “All this family will do is bring danger to this child. I can’t go through that again losing Patience almost killed me.”
“Melinda this is your first grandchild we are talking about here not just some baby but your grandchild.” Piper said, trying to make Melinda see sense.
“Exactly and giving up this child to a nice normal family would be the best thing for it sparing it from ever seeing the real evils of this world or living life as a Halliwell.” Melinda replied, making her opinion clear.
Modern Day
Drake just stood there in Ash’s hotel room with Ash and The Source of all evil stunned by the source’s claims of being his mother.
“You can’t be my mother both my biological and adoptive mothers died a long time ago.” Drake dismissed the source before turning to look at Ash. “If this is another of your tricks Ash, I’m going to vanquish you so hard.”
“Enough with the flirting.” The Source replied before waving her hand and making Ash blink out of the room.
“No offense lady but I’m more likely to talk to him than I am willing to listen to you.” Drake snapped at her.
“Drake my darling boy I’m the only in your life right now that’s actually willing to be honest with you.” She claimed.
“I’m a reluctant charmed one and an even more reluctant Halliwell so I suggest you better go now because today really isn’t the day to piss me off.” Drake warned The Source of all evil.
“I’m proud to see there’s more of me in you than your father.” She replied with a sinister laugh. “You are a Halliwell and I would hold that against you because I was in love with a Halliwell once and it led to me bringing life to you.”
“Why are you making up these lies?” Drake questioned her, not believing what she was telling him.
“Paul is your father not your brother and unlike your treacherous father I actually want you.” The Source admitted to her son. “Giving you up was genuinely the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make but now I’m the queen of hell making me powerful enough to protect the both of us from anything.”
“Paul’s my father.” Drake replied as tears began forming in his eyes. “That actually makes a lot of sense, why is everything about my life a lie?”
“Honey please don’t waste a single tear on humans not when you can make those humans burn for what they’ve done to you.” She told her son.
“I’m sure he’ll show up soon enough he’s probably just in a bar somewhere drowning his sorrows and I can’t blame him after everything he’s had to deal with recently.” Pan told her brother as she walked down to the bottom of the stairs in the foyer of the Halliwell Manor and sat down next to Paul.
“Pan he just learned he killed the people he saw as his real parents and he was traumatized enough about their deaths before learning he was the cause of it.” Paul replied to his sister.
“I know but it’s not like he purposely went out of his way to kill them it was an accident and we’re just going to have to make him realize that.” Pan reassured him.
“If only I had bound his demonic side when he was a baby none of that would’ve happened.” Paul said, blaming himself.
“You could never have known any of this would happen and the last thing your son needs right now is you blaming yourself. All we can do is just be there for him while he tries to work this all out for himself.” Pan explained to her older brother.
“I just want to tell him everything’s going to be okay that I’m his father and I’ll make sure no harm will ever come to him again.” Paul admitted as tears began forming in his eyes.
“Paul even if he was raised by you, he would’ve still had to face some hard times we all do, and you would never be able to protect him from everything that’s just life.” Pan told her brother as she gave him a hug.
“Not meaning to cause alarm to my grandchildren or anything but all hell is literally about to break loose once again.” Piper declared after appearing from out of nowhere, standing in front of her two grandchildren.
“Grams what are you doing here?” Pan asked as her and Paul stood up to face their grandmother. “Not that it’s not good to see you.”
“I’m here because Drake is in danger.” Piper revealed to them both.
“What do you mean?” Asked a worried Paul.
“Eve or The Source as she now calls herself is with Drake as we speak.” Piper told her grandchildren.”
“Quinn!” Paul instantly shouted before Quinn quickly orbed into the foyer of the Halliwell Manor.
“Drake’s alone with the source of all evil.” Quinn revealed, a little too late.
“You’re not the quickest on the news front, are you?” Piper said to Quinn sarcastically.
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“I know that this is a lot to take in, but I want you to know I’m here right now because I love you.” Eve revealed to her son as he walked up and down the hotel room frantically. “You couldn’t possibly begin to understand what I went through to become the queen, but I did it all for you.”
“You are literally the source of all evil why would you ever think I would want that as a mother?” Drake asked her.
“I only gave you because I was a low level demon I was too weak to protect you but I rose through the ranks clawing my way to the top to become powerful enough to protect you from anything.” The Source admitted to him.
“So, the person I believed was my best friend was spelled to befriend and protect me, my brother is my father, the queen of hell is my mother and the only real parents I ever had are dead because of me.” Drake replied frantically.
“They were never your true parents they would never be capable of loving you like I love you because I love all of you unlike everyone else. I love the person, the demon and even the witch.” Eve declared.
“My parents were amazing people.” Drake snapped. “Don’t you dare say they weren’t my real parents because they were. They raised me not you or Paul they raised me!”
“Drake I only want to give you the world, I want to make the world bow beneath you.” She told her son. “You are so much more powerful than you could ever possibly imagine.”
Before Drake could respond to his birth-mother Piper, Paul, Pan and Quinn orbed into the hotel room together.
“Back away bitch!” Piper shouted at Eve before raising her hands to explode her, which only hurts the source making a wound and doesn’t explode her.
“Halliwell’s really need to learn when to stay dead.” Eve snapped back at Piper.
“Are you my father?” Drake asked Paul with a broken look on his face only for Paul to remain too silent to respond resulting in Drake punching Paul across the face before blinking out of the hotel room.
“Looks like you’ve lost him again Paul, but I won’t lose him twice.” The Source said to the eldest Halliwell sibling. “Sooner or later he’s going to realize I’m the only parent he can really rely on.”
“Eve you better watch yourself you’re hardly the first Source I’ve came up against.” Pan warned her, defending her grandson.
“How could you just tell him like that?” Pan asked Eve looking genuinely hurt by her. “Drake has already been through so much.”
“Pan, you were the one who always told me it’s the truth that sets you free.” The Source replied to her before disappearing within a burst of flames.
“I can’t believe he found out like this he should’ve never have found out like this.” Paul said as he frantically paced himself up and down the attic of the family home while Piper and Pan stood looking through the book of shadows.
“You’re right about that because you should’ve told him the minute you told him he was a charmed one.” Piper told her grandson.
“Grams take it easy on him please.” Pan said, defending her brother.
“Look I’m not blaming you for all this Paul well not just you.” Piper replied to Paul. “I know your mother pushed more than a little for you to give Drake up and I’m still pissed at her for that but you had a chance of telling him the truth the minute you were reunited with him. This poor boy lost his adopted parents believing his childhood sweetheart was to blame, discovered he was part witch part demon and now he’s having to get his head around the idea his father has been pretending to be his brother and his mum just so happens to be The Source of all evil.”
“Grams I know you’re right I’ve failed him all I’ve ever done is fail him since the day he was born.” Paul admitted to his grandmother. “All I ever wanted was the best for him and now I fear we’re going to lose him forever. What if he chooses his mother?”
“To hell with letting that happen.” Lacey snapped as she stormed into the attic of the Halliwell Manor. “I’ve not been a witch’s lapdog for most of my adulthood life just to fail Drake now.”
“Lacey Morgan I can’t begin to thank you enough for all the things you’ve done for my great grandson but you’re only human so everyone would be a lot safer if you just sat this one out.” Piper replied to Lacey as politely as possible.
“Great grandson,” Lacey said confused as she stopped to look at Piper. “Hold on aren’t you Pan’s dead grandmother.”
“I guess you’re not particularly well knowledgeable in all things ghosts then.” Pan cackled at Lacey. “Glad to know there’s something you don’t know.”
“I’m sorry Mrs Halliwell I really am but your daughter made it literally impossible for me to sit on the side lines when it comes to Drake so if you have a problem with me being involved you got your daughter to thank.” Lacey responded to Piper.
“I see why you like this one sweetie, I’m glad you’re finally seeing someone I approve of.” Piper said to her granddaughter Pan before turning her attention back to Lacey. “You can stay.”
“Drake doesn’t seem to be stopping long enough for me to find him he clearly doesn’t want to be found.” Quinn revealed after orbing into the attic.
“Okay that means it’s time to take this approach from a different angle.” Piper said as she walked over to a nearby unit getting white crystals before walking over to form a circle with the white crystals. “This should hold him long enough to make some sense out of him.”
“Wait, what are you doing?” Paul asked his grandmother.
“Power of the witches rise, course unseen across the skies. Come to us who call you near come to us and settle here.” Piper chanted before Drake suddenly blinked into the circle of crystals.
“What the hell?” Drake snapped as he tried to escape the crystal cage just to be shocked by it. “Get me out of here!”
“Yeah that’ll just keep doing that every time you try escaping from the circle.” Piper revealed to her great grandson.
“So, now I’m your prisoner?” Drake asked, shouting at everyone in the attic, each of them looking equally guilty.
“Of course, you’re not a prisoner.” Quinn stated before looking at the others with uncertainty. “Right?”
“Drake we’re all just really concerned about you after everything that’s went down.” Pan admitted to her nephew.
“So, you decide to trap me in a bloody magic circle.” Drake snapped at his aunt.
“Drake, we are all just trying to protect you your mother is very dangerous and you’re not safe.” Lacey said, giving it a shot to try and convince her best friend.
“I can look after myself just fine.” Drake replied, clearly furious with everyone in the room.
“Drake you have no idea what your mother is capable of.” Piper warned him.
“Who the hell are you?” Drake snapped at the woman he didn’t know was his great grandmother.
“I’m Piper Halliwell your great grandmother the original charmed one and I will blow you up if you keep up that attitude with me whether your distressed or not.” Piper explained to him.
“Forgive me but I must have missed school when we were discussing magic crystal prisons.” Drake said while looking down at the crystals. “One of use tell me how they work, please?”
“I’ll happily give you any magic lessons you want once you hear us all out.” Piper replied with a smile on his face.
“Crystal!” Drake shouted as he held out his hand, breaking the crystal circle as one of the crystals blinked into his hand. “I guess that’s how they work.”
Pan quickly held out both her hands and attempted to freeze Drake.
“Good witches don’t freeze Pan, but you already knew that, so my guess is you thought I was evil just because I’m half demon.” Drake stated while looking at Pan before blinking away.
“Why the hell did you try to freeze him?” Piper snapped at Pan before looking over at Paul. “And why the hell did you just stand there mute the entire time.”
“I didn’t know what to say.” Paul admitted looking defeated before he walked out of the attic.
“Melinda you better get your ass down here right now and help me fix your bloody mess.” Piper shouted while looking upwards before Melinda appeared in the attic from out of nowhere.
“There was no need for shouting mother I could hear you loud and clear.” Melinda told Piper.
“I will never forgive you for this!” Pan told Melinda before she was next to stormed out of the attic.
“Okay I knew they could summon ghosts but seeing it is beyond weird.” Lacey admitted to Quinn while Piper and Melinda stood there both looking hurt.
“You know I’m technically a ghost too.” Quinn replied to her.
“Yeah but your basically Caspar.” Lacey joked with the white lighter.
“You need to talk to your son Melinda the two of you made this mess so the two of you are going to fix it.” Piper ordered her daughter.
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Jake woke up from his nap in his prison bed shocked to see Drake once again standing in his prison cell.
“Finally, you’re awake I was beginning to think I’d get caught by the guards before your lazy ass woke up. I don’t know how you can still nap during the day I mean how can you be tired when you literally stare at the same four walls every day.” Drake said to him.
“Drake, why the hell are you here now?” Jake asked him as he got out of his bed and stood up to face his former lover.
“Because I’ve only just worked out you really were innocent all this time.” Drake admitted to him.
“Wait, are you telling me you finally believe me?” Jake wondered, clearly happy by the possibility.
“Jake I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am for taking so long to finally believe you but I’m here to try my best to make up for it now.” Drake apologised to him.
“If you’re telling me your going to try to get them to re-open my case it’s not going to be easy.” Jake replied, looking defeated.
“Yeah that could take forever I know which is why I’m breaking you free now.” Drake revealed before grabbing a hold of Jake’s hand and blinking the two of them out of the prison cell.
“Poor Drake he looked so disappointed in me for assuming he was evil which I never I don’t even know why I tried freezing him it was just some knee jerk reaction.” Pan said to Lacey as the two of them sat on the edge of Pan’s bed in her bedroom. “I hate the thought of him not being able to trust us, but I can’t say I blame him after all the lies.”
“Pan you can’t go blaming yourself for any of this you were put in a truly impossible situation.” Lacey replied trying to reassure her girlfriend as she took a hold of her hand. “I’m sure once he gets over the initial shock of all this, he’ll realize all we’ve all ever done was to try and protect him.”
“I’m so blessed to have you in my life I never thought I’d ever find someone who’d understand me let alone the witch stuff too.” Pan admitted to Lacey.
“All families are crazy your family just happens to have magic infused with all the crazy.” Lacey told her before placing a kiss on her girl’s lips.
“Do you really think Drake will forgive us?” Pan asked her.
“Drake has never been big on forgiving or trusting people but he’s always been big on doing the right thing and deep down he knows being a charmed one is the right thing however I don’t think any of us will be playing happy families anytime soon.” Lacey explained to pan before The Source appeared within a burst of flames once more, standing in front of the two lovers.
“So, I’m guessing your Drake’s biological mother?” Lacey said to Pan as the two of them stood up to face The Source.
“Well done you must be a good detective,” The Source replied before waving her hand, making Lacey collapse onto Pan’s bed completely unconscious as she turned her attention to Pan. “She’s merely sleeping I’m not here to kill anyone at least not yet.”
“What the hell do you want?” Pan snapped at Eve.
“I want you stay away from my son and allow him to reconnect with me.” Eve replied to her.
“You must be raving mad if you think we’d ever let you anywhere near Drake let alone hand him over to you.” Pan told The Source.
“Listen I don’t deny that I am a villainess bitch who stops at nothing to get what she wants which is exactly the reason you should remove yourself from my son’s life before I remove you myself.” The Source warned the Halliwell woman.
“Eve you should know by now the power of three defeats the source of all evil every single time.” Pan threatened her.
“If we were talking about the original charmed ones I’d agree and as for the original source he had nothing on me.” Eve stated. “I came here to be kind and deliver you a warning because of our history but I promise next time I won’t be so nice.
“No, you came here to try and scare me which is a fool’s move because I don’t scare easily.” Pan argued with her.
“Paul and I were nothing but a meaningless affair, but I really did love you once upon a time Pan.” Eve admitted as she placed her hand lovingly on Pan’s face. “It’s only because of that I’m allowing you and your girlfriend to live another day but if I have to kill you all to get my son I will.”
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“Where the hell am I?” Jake asked as him and Drake blinked into the middle of a seemingly endless field. “How are we even here?”
“I’m part witch part demon.” Drake revealed to Jake. “That’s how this is possible.”
“But demons are witches aren’t supposed to be real.” Jake replied while in a state of shock.
“Then how are we here instead of being in that frankly smelly prison cell which totally ruined all prison porn fantasies for me.” Drake said to him.
“Oh my god you really are a witch.” Jake realized.
“And part demon although clearly a good-looking version of both unlike the horrid movie renditions.” Drake boated to his ex.
“I’ve known you my entire life and I knew you were special, but I never knew you were some kind of witch/demon hybrid.” Jake told Drake as Drake couldn’t help but smile by being called special by his first love.
“Yeah it was quite a shock for me to but if it wasn’t for me learning about that I never would’ve found out you were innocent.” Drake admitted to Jake.
“Did demons or witches kill your parents?” Jake asked him.
“Ruck sack!” Drake shouted before a ruck sack blinked into Drake’s hands.
“Oh my god how did you just do that?” Jake wondered.
“Clearing your name is going to be a long and tricky process so until then I want you live a great life.” Drake admitted to Jake before throwing the ruck sack at him, which Jake quickly catches. “In the bag there’s enough money to get you started anywhere in the world as well as a fake ID which I won’t reveal how I got but I promise you I’ll never stop trying to clear your name.”
“I can’t believe any of this is even real.” Jake admitted in disbelief.
“Jake, I failed you a long time ago when I refused to believe you. I knew you had your problems, but I should’ve known you were no murderer.” Drake told him. “You were the first person I ever loved, and I should’ve believed you no matter what. I want you to never look back and accept this as the new start you truly deserve.”
“For what it’s worth I really did love you too Drake.” Jake replied sincerely.
“I know,” Drake said with a soft smile on his face. “Okay so where in the world shall I blink you too?”
“I think it’s time you and I had a conversation.” Melinda said to her son as she walked into his bedroom to find Paul sitting on the edge of his bed still looking completely defeated by recent events.
“I’m not really wanting to speak to you right now mum.” Paul replied as his mother sat down next to him.
“I need to say something I should’ve said to you years ago I’m sorry Paul. I’m sorry that I forced your hand and allowed my fear to be pushed on to you resulting on you giving Drake up.” Melinda admitted. “I genuinely believed the further away he was from all this the safer he’d be, but it turned out the human world is just as dangerous as the Underworld.”
“I don’t understand how you could know where he was this entire time and never tell me.” Paul told his mother. “You knew how hard it was for me to give him away and yet you kept that from me.”
“I believed giving him away would the best option for him and I didn’t mean to lie to you about knowing where he was. It started out as curiosity over what my grandson would be like but the minute, I saw him I just couldn’t stop from going back.” Melinda revealed. “His life seemed perfect although his taste in men was awful, but he was happy and safe and to me that’s all that mattered. I wanted to tell you, but I was scared you’d want him back and that he wouldn’t be safe anymore.”
“How many times did you go and see him?” Paul asked her.
“Only a couple of times when I was alive but once I died, I watched over him just as much as I watch over you and Pan.” Melinda told her son. “He’s a truly remarkable man.”
“What am I supposed to say to him mum?” Paul wondered.
“You tell him the truth that’s all you can do and then you just got to hope he listens and understands.” Melinda said before hugging her son.
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Drake stood on the top of the golden gate bridge looking down at the busy traffic when Quinn orbed there to stand beside his charge.
“I’m so relieved that I finally managed to track you down.” Quinn admitted.
“I knew it would only be a matter of time before you showed up to ruin my peace.” Drake replied as he turned to face his white lighter. “Did you know Paul was my father?”
“Yes, I did.” Quinn reluctantly revealed.
“Was anyone ever going to tell me the truth?” Drake asked him.
“I want to lie and say yes but the truth is I honestly don’t know Drake. What I do know is that Paul wants you to be in his life so badly and I know may fell like he doesn’t with all the lies, but he loves you. Everyone loves you.” Quinn told his charge.
“Why are the evil more honest than the good?” Drake questioned him. “I mean the good should be honest and the bad should be deceitful or at least that’s how it’s supposed to be but clearly the world’s not so black and white.”
“I’m sorry Drake I really am.” Quinn apologized.
“I want you and everyone else to leave me alone from now on and you all need to respect that decision.” Drake told Quinn bluntly. “I’m going to get on with my life, live it for me and that life doesn’t include any of you anymore.
“Please don’t say that.” Pleaded a heartbroken Quinn as tears began forming in his eyes only for Drake to blink away to leave him alone with his tears.
Lacey walked into the police station only to be shocked as she walked over to Drake’s desk to see it completely clear with his name plaque in an office bin next to his desk before picking it up from out of the bin and rushing to her father’s office.
“Dad where the hell are all of Drake’s things?” Lacey asked her father after knocking on his door and walking into his office.
“He resigned earlier today but that’s the least of our problems right now.” Eric Morgan revealed. “Your brother has somehow broken out of prison.”
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“Hi honey.” Melinda greeted her daughter as she walked into the dining room of their family home to see Pan sat at the table drinking a glass of white wine.
“You spelled my girlfriend and it’s partly because of you I’ve been forced to pretend my nephew was my brother you don’t get to call me honey right now.” Pan snapped at her mother before taking a drink from her glass.
“Pan I never knew for a single second when I cast that spell on Lacey that you would wind up with her and I’m far from proud about what I did to her but I was just so desperate to make sure Drake was safe.” Melinda told her as she sat down next to her daughter. “If I didn’t intervene when I did Drake could’ve wound up in prison for something that wasn’t his fault and it was bad enough, he lost his parents without having to go to jail for it.”
“I hate what you did mum I really do but in a weird way I understand it too. When we went up against Barba, she made me realize my greatest fear was losing another loved one and it made me realize I would stop at nothing to protect the ones I loved.” Pan admitted to her mother. “I don’t forgive you for how you went about everything, but I do understand why you did it and I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done if I were in your shoes.”
“You would’ve done the right thing sweetie like you always have.” Melinda told her as she reached out and held her daughter’s hand. “You’re a lot like your grams in that sense and that makes me so incredibly proud of you. I wasted my time alive being in this constant state of fear especially after losing my brothers, my cousins and my baby girl. You’ve never once let your fear control you and I admire that so much. Pan you were born to be a charmed one and I believe you whole heartedly that you will be the glue that helps put Paul and Drake back together.”
“I had a feeling you would wind up here at some point.” Paul told Drake as he walked up to his son who was stood outside his burned down and boarded up family home.
“I guess Quinn never passed on my message so I’m going to make myself loud and clear I’m done with charmed and I’m done with you.” Drake told him coldly as he turned to face his birth father.
“Drake you’re my son and I’m sorry I never told you that sooner, I’m sorry that I ever gave you up.” Paul apologised. “If I could go back and do it all over again, I would’ve kept you no matter what.”
“Why did you give me up?” Drake asked him.
“I wanted you to be free from having to be a Halliwell I wanted a better life for you than that.” Paul admitted to his son.
“Here’s the thing Paul and I’m not saying this to be cruel I’m saying it because it’s the truth. You might be my biological father, but I will never see you as my dad because I already had one and he was a great one.” Drake made himself clear.
“I just want to be a part of your life.” Paul told him.
“I don’t want that, and you need to respect that if you do care about me like you claim.” Drake replied.
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Pan walked into the living room of her family home shocked to see Quinn teary eyed while sitting on her couch.
“Quinn are you okay?” She asked while sitting down next to him. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you upset before.”
“Sorry.” Quinn apologised while drying his tears. “I came here to give you guys an update it’s just I can’t seem to pull myself together.”
“Quinn you’re more than just my white lighter you’re my family you can tell me what’s wrong.” Pan told him.
“I don’t think Drake’s ever going to come back.” Quinn admitted.
“You’re in love with him, aren’t you?” Pan asked Quinn.
“Yes!” Quinn replied finally admitting it to not only Pan but himself.
“I hoped I would see you again, but I must admit I never thought you come to see me so soon.” The Source said to Drake after he blinked into the caves of the Underworld while she sat on her throne.
“You’re the only person in my life who’s never lied to me and I’ve got to give that some merit.” Drake admitted to his birth mother. “I’m not evil and I’m never going to be evil.”
“Good and evil is such a black and white point of view my darling and I prefer to live my life with a bit of color.” Eve replied. “You can be whoever you want to be because I love you for exactly who you are.”
“That’s a relief because I never wanted to be royalty and I sure as hell don’t want to be prince of hell.” Drake told her honestly. “I’m not going to start calling you mum suddenly but as long as you play nice and stay honest, I’m sure I can make some space for you in my life.”
“Really?” Eve asked with excitement at the prospect of finally being a part of her son’s life.
“As long as you stop killing innocent people and make all your demons stop hurting innocents.” Drake demanded to a speechless Eve. “Just because we’re demons doesn’t have to mean we act like monsters.
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“Today has been one surprise after the other.” Lacey said to Pan and Quinn as she walked into the living room of the Halliwell Manor and sat down next to them both. “I can’t wait for this day to be over already.”
“Same!” Pan and Quinn replied in unison causing the three of them to laugh at each other.
“Drake quit his job in a clear attempt to stay as far away from me as possible and I’m pretty certain he also broke my brother out of jail.” Lacey revealed to them both.
“That’s good your brother’s no longer in jail.” Quinn said to the detective. “Not so good Drake may have exposed magic in the process though.”
“My brother’s probably out there with Drake right now, both of them despising me and having every right to.” Lacey told Pan and Quinn.
“What you did you do because you were under a spell cast by my mother none of it was ever your fault.” Pan reassured Lacey.
“Looks like the elders want me.” Quinn declared after hearing the jingle from them in his ears. “This can’t be good.”
“Is it ever?” Pan scoffed before Quinn orbed away.
“I love you Pan Halliwell.” Lacey admitted to her with admiration in her eyes before kissing Pan on the lips.
“Thanks.” Pan awkwardly replied.
“Drake please tell me you’re here because you’re already reconsidering your resignation because like I told you earlier, we really would hate to lose you.” Eric said to Drake as he welcomed him into his office before closing the door behind him.
“Trust me when I say this place is a lot better off without me.” Drake told Eric as he the two sat down at a nearby sofa.
“Is this about Jake’s recent prison break?” Eric asked him.
“Jake never started the fire your daughter lied.” Drake admitted to the man who was like a second father to him. “I know this because I’m the one who started the fire that killed my parents.”
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youremyonlyhope · 4 years
The Last Jedi
Here we go. The most controversial Star Wars movie ever (unless Rise of Skywalker has reviews that are just as mixed. I haven’t read any so I don’t know how it’s been received yet.) I actually really really enjoyed the Last Jedi, but I haven’t rewatched it since I saw it in theaters.
Also, unrelated, but literally just a few hours ago I met Oscar Isaac. I was doing a caroling event where I work, and he came by with his son to watch. During one of our breaks, he asked if his son could try the microphone and he held him up so he could whisper and sing stuff into the mic. It was adorable.
I seemed to be the only person who recognized who he was, though one of my co-workers said he had thought so too but he wasn’t sure until I confirmed it. So I went up to Oscar and said hi, asked if he was Oscar Isaac, shook his hand, and thanked him for coming. He says that it was great and that his son loves to sing.
I always joked that I’d bump into Oscar one day since he lives in Brooklyn, but I didn’t think it’d actually happen. And not while I’m wearing a Star Wars shirt and Star Wars socks (which he obviously couldn’t see since I was bundled up in a coat and a scarf and boots but whatever). And definitely not the day before I’m supposed to see the Rise of Skywalker.
I’m still freaking out oh my god. Ok. Time to rewatch the Last Jedi.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... This was the first Star Wars movie I’d seen in theaters in like 12 years at this point. Seeing those words on a giant screen again was amazing. “Certain that Jedi Master Luke Skywalker will return and restore a spark of hope to the fight.” I love that line. I love any and all comparisons of Luke to hope. Yes I am biased. But also, restoring the spark is exactly he does in the end so yes, I love it. It’s just now hitting me that we’re picking up exactly where we left off. Having 1 night between the two movies is every different than having 2 years. ...Was that whatsherface from Game of Thrones, Catelyn’s creepy sister? (IMDB says yes) *BB8 beeps* “Happy beats here buddy, come on.” BB8 sort of said the thing! Also, OH MY GOD I JUST MET OSCAR ISAAC AND NOW HERE HE IS ON MY SCREEN WHAT THE HELL. Was today even real? Oh General Hugs. “Skinny guy. Kinda pasty.” Knowing Oscar and Domnhall are friends makes this better. Oh BB8. Very honorable of Billie Lourd’s Lieutenant Connix to make sure she’s in the last ship leaving the base so everyone else leaves before her. I forgot about the chain reaction of bombs destroying their own Resistance ships... You know, Paige dying while dropping the last of the bombs was already emotional. Rewatching it after you know she’s Rose’s sister makes it worse. First Binary Sunset of the movie. General Hugs has a very good upset face that makes me not feel bad for him at all. More like I want to punch him. Snoke can use the Force across the galaxy... forgot about that. I realized I didn’t mention this in the last one, but I remember the crew complaining that when they filmed the end of Force Awakens it was a cloudy day, but then when they went back to the island for TLJ it was super sunny. And now that it’s been pointed out, I noticed it immediately. Luke throwing the lightsaber. I can’t remember if I was spoiled for this but I feel like when I watched it, I wasn’t that thrown off by it. Something else I didn’t mention at the end of Force Awakens is that I LOVE this set. The stone houses are amazing. Oh porgs. Also, that porg looking into the lightsaber always gives me anxiety. The first words we hear Luke say in 40 years are an annoyed “Go away.” which at least is less whiney than the Tosche Station. Oh Chewie’s like “DUDE. WE NEED YOU.” “Wait... where’s Han?” Awww. Throwing in a little Vader’s theme in there. More temper tantrums. People getting mad at Luke calling a lightsaber a laser sword (in a purposefully mocking way) even though George Lucas himself called them that in some interviews. Yes, it’s not a laser sword, but Luke is trying to show how ridiculous he thinks the idea of him taking down everything is by calling a lightsaber that. I remember being like “Luke... no let’s not just milk that thing... oh ew” I do love the shot of Luke using the giant stick to cross to the other cliff and kill the fish. God that’s a steep hill. “No one’s from nowhere.” “Jakku.” “Alright that is pretty much nowhere.” That’s funny. “It’s time for the Jedi to end.” Remember when that line in the trailer made the fandom literally break down? I love knowing that behind the scenes, Carrie had to slap Oscar a billion times. Also, I do not blame Leia at all. So many people were mad about Leia and Holdo demoting Poe, but Poe was too fearless in that moment. Yes, he destroyed the ship and it worked out, but they lost so many people and they already didn’t have many to begin with. It was worth it, but at a very high cost. So I don’t blame her. Heyyyyyy it’s that girl from that Black Mirror episode and what was that other show? Chewing Gum or something? (IMDB says yes it’s Michaela Coel) See and Poe’s already learning a little by asking permission. Of course... later on he doesn’t ask permission... but whatever. Leia’s Theme... causing me pain. Oh, Kylo didn’t kill his mom. We’re supposed to be happy about that? The bar is on the ground. The utter horror I felt the first time the control room was destroyed and Leia was pulled into space. Oh I love the moment when Leia flies in. Because I’d heard that in the books and comics, we get to explore Leia’s Force abilities and stuff but we don’t get it in the movies besides “I feel that Luke’s in trouble.” Which sucks, because she is the “other” if Luke didn’t work out, so she’s just as strong as Luke if she got trained. They should have just trained both kids honestly, why did they pick the boy? Not saying Obi-Wan and Yoda are sexist... but they’re probably sexist. Also, foreshadowing. I actually noticed the hologram of the ship and Leia flying through this time. Oh Chewie. I like the porg that literally has his jaw dropped in horror. Knowing now that the dice were kind of a symbol of Kira (was that Emilia Clarke’s character?) and Han’s relationship makes me not like them as much. Still, cute throwback that they’re still on the Falcon. We can just ignore they weren’t there in Force Awakens (I kept an eye out and didn’t see them) The way Luke laughed when he said “R2!” I just... my heart. “Nothing can make me change my mind” *R2 plays the Leia hologram* I literally just went “AWWWW” out loud because I forgot that that’s why R2 started playing it. Oh my heart. That hurt the first time. Luke standing over Rey, but offering to help her. Parallels. Oh Admiral Ackbar. I love Holdo’s dress. I love the draping. Someone teach me how to make it. “Thank you for making me aware.” Yeah Poe, she already knows. Stop mansplaining. This is literally a case of mansplaining, why would Poe think he’d have to explain to a commander that there’s no fuel? Yeah it’s a little harsh, but is Holdo wrong? All of these fanboys complain about Canto Bight, but forget that it was Poe’s idea. Then they go and say Holdo was too mean should have put Poe in charge. Guys. Poe’s impulsive. We love him, but he’s the ultimate Gryffindor with no fear and will just do anything without considering consequences. I do wish Holdo had been more open like “I have a plan. You don’t need to know all the parts of it. Just let me do what I need to, ok?” instead of “Just follow my orders.” but still. Oh poor Rose. “Doing talking....” Oh she’s so cute. “I’ve had to stun 3 people trying to use this escape pod.” We love a girl who can fight. Yeah. Once again. Not mad at Rose. Finn does have some selfish tendencies, he’s well meaning but ultimately selfish (or at least, only thinking of Rey). So I do not blame Rose for stunning him.
And now I will take a nap since I have to go to a show tonight. And then I will finish the last 3/4-ish of the movie when I get home later.
Annnnd I’m back!
See. Rose has good reason to be mad at deserters. Ok so it wasn’t Poe’s idea to go to the Star Destroyer it was Finn’s. I will give him that. But still Poe went along with it. “That... wasn’t exactly my...” Oh 3PO. I wish Maz had had a bigger scene. More Lupita please. I have one question: from what angle is this hologram filmed? And how does the camera follow her? I guess it’s multiple hologram cameras, but still, it followed her as she rolled and ran around. Also, did Finn call Maz or did Poe call her? Because as far as we know, only Finn knows her. It seemed like they both had the idea to call her, but that Poe had it first. Did Finn tell Poe about Maz? I’m glad they showed Finn handing Poe the binary tracker thing, since for a second I was like “What if Rey had popped up next to Finn on the Star Destroyer?” I’m glad Rey’s first instinct is to shoot Kylo. “Can you see my surroundings?” “You’re gonna pay for what you did.” “I can’t see yours.” Why do I remember that line so vividly? Why does it make me feel so unsettled? Rey, my sweet Rey, I wish you had just told Luke that you saw Kylo. I love Luke’s explanation of the Force. And him messing with Rey was funny. I love when Rey’s reaching out and feeling life, death, peace, violence, etc. And I love Luke saying the Force doesn’t belong to the Jedi, because it doesn’t. The Jedi failed years ago. “You didn’t even try to stop yourself.” Luke’s horrified. But also, Rey’s just like an extreme version of Luke. Yoda knew that Luke’s emotions could make him vulnerable to the dark side, Rey’s already vulnerable. Yeah, I don’t blame Luke for being scared of Rey after he feels like this is Ben all over again. Oh my god. I love the porg that has a metal piece over its head. That actually made me laugh out loud. Poor Chewie.
I just had to refresh tumblr because my draft wasn’t saving. It brought me back to my dashboard. Where there was a spoiler for the new movie and it wasn’t tagged. PLEASE tag your spoilers people.
The water hitting Kylo still confuses me. Say what you will about the Canto Bight plot... the costumes are AMAZING. The costumes literally make the whole side plot worth it to me. Literally I was just in awe by all the costumes during every single scene. And the set! The set’s fantastic too! I literally just paused every single second to take in all of the costumes. Do I care if the Canto Bight trip ended up pointless? Nope! Because it gave me some of Star Wars’ best costumes. Oh... to be an extra in the Canto Bight scene... Just show up... And put on a beautiful outfit... And do nothing else but pretend to drink, talk, and gamble... That’s the dream. Oh hi Mark Hamill! That was cute that they let him voice that little thing. I remember noticing the thing and being like “...is he important?” and nope, it’s just Mark doing an extra voice. Oh I love the Fathiers. Aww and it’s the little Force sensitive boy. I have thoughts about that kid that I can get into later. The way BB8 jingles with the coins. I love it.
Rey: *Does a move with her stick* Rey: *Does the same exact move with the lightsaber* Fanboys: She’s too good too fast! Mary Sue!
As I said throughout all of the Force Awakens, she’s just applying the skills she already had. If anything, a lightsaber’s easier since it’s half the length and she doesn’t have to worry about the back of it hitting her. LOL, remember when we thought this shot was an epic shot of Luke training her? Good times. Oh that poor fish nun. Everything Luke says about the Jedi is true (also did I not say they failed earlier in the post? Luke agrees with me). Rey’s right that a Jedi got Ani to come back from the dark side, but the Jedi’s system enabled him to turn in the first place. Soooooo yeah. Oh Luke. Don’t blame yourself. Kylo was already basically gone. Sure, seeing his uncle standing over him with a lightsaber definitely didn’t help... but it’s not the only thing that made him turn. Who is this captain of the medical ship? He looks familiar. (IMDB says he’s Danny Sapani. I probably recognized him from the Crown) Oh BB8. Finn, did you learn nothing from Rey? Put the cover back on the vent! Awww the Fathiers have such sad eyes... I love the Resistance ring. Can I buy one? Ok. The shot of the bubble egg lady singing felt like it was much longer the first time, but it’s really only a split second. I. LOVE. THE. CANTO. BIGHT. SET. I know it’s a real town in like Italy or somewhere near the Mediterranean. I want to go. I love it. I love that the first thing Luke does when he decides to use the Force again is to seek out Leia. Oh poor Adam became a meme after this. He just has a very wide and bulky body, ok? God Luke looks so scary in Kylo’s flashback. “Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.” That reflection scene is so visually stunning. So in a way, it’s like Luke is failing Rey like he failed Ben. He’s not helping her in the way she needs, so she’s being lured by the dark side instead. I love the walls falling around Luke. “Did you do it? Did you create Kylo Ren?” Rey, he already told you earlier that he believes it’s his fault, so the answer from him is yes. I can’t remember if we hear this story of Luke and Kylo one more time after this or not. “Then he’s our last hope.” Ok ew. No. Kylo is not allowed to be compared to hope. Only Luke, Leia, or Obi-Wan can be. Oh for a second I thought that torch was a lightsaber. YODA!!!!! I think I had been spoiled for Yoda showing up. It was definitely still exciting though. “The sacred Jedi texts!” Oh Luke. Oh memes. Not as whiney as I remembered. “But that library contained nothing that the girl Rey does not already possess.” Because Yoda knows she stole the books. Oh Yoda. I love Yoda. Oh Rose. Ok, so I will give it to Poe that at this moment it doesn’t seem like Holdo has a good plan. Abandoning ship isn’t necessarily cowardly, but on the surface it does seem like it puts them in more danger. Literally earlier today I watched a video about the layout of the Millennium Falcon, and the escape pods were mentioned. And I thought to myself, wow that must be something from the novels since we’ve definitely never seen that in the movies. Welp... I was wrong... Rey’s in one now. I was about to be like “Do they not care that an escape pod just docked?” before I saw Kylo. LOL the iron coming down like a ship. I feel like I remember being completely terrified when Rey stepped in front of Snoke. Oh BB8. Bumping into stuff. I remember being super relieved that DJ (has he told us this is his name yet? I can’t remember) gave back the medallion. Captain Phasma! Hey girl hey! Leia shooting Poe is still funny to me. Also Lieutenant Billie Connix is smart.  I love the scene of Holdo and Leia saying goodbye. Also, Holdo’s purple hair with her bright blue eyes is super striking. Good choice. Snoke puts down the lightsaber. Unknowingly sealing his fate. Literally when Snoke reveals he connected their minds, I was like OF COURSE. Because the whole time I’m like neither of them are strong enough to do this. “She was more interested in protecting the light than she was seeming like a hero.” See. And that’s the flaw in both Poe and Finn. And Rey to an extent. They’re thinking about the big picture, but in context of smaller things like seeming like a hero, saving Rey, saving Kylo, etc. But Holdo’s thinking of only the big picture. I knew DJ betrayed them, I just forgot how badly.
And here’s another annoyance (which I was sorta trying to touch on earlier). Everyone hates the Canto Bight plot, yet they complain about Holdo trying to take charge. If Poe just let Holdo take charge and ignored Finn and Rose’s idea, then her plan would have been a complete success. No Canto Bight, no DJ to betray them, all the transports make it to Crait unnoticed, and the First Order eventually destroys a ship that’s empty except for Holdo. They complain about Holdo, but don’t think about the fact that Holdo could have prevented another plot they hated if the main characters had just listened to her.
And then Snoke hits Rey and literally puts the lightsaber back to where it will kill him. Ok literally I just misread a caption that said “Lord Vader” as “Lord Voldemort” and I was very confused. Taking a second to say that I love this set of Snoke’s throne room. Been thinking it forever, but Kylo picking up the lightsaber off the ground and seeing the reflection in the smooth red floor is amazing. Kylo igniting the lightsaber through Snoke is amazing. Also, I typed “Ben igniting” before literally freezing for a second and being like “...ok that’s a lot to unpack” I guess when he does something good my brain thinks of him as Ben instead of Kylo. ALSO, arm #16 and #17, I love that Snoke’s arms were cut off too in true Star Wars fashion. And I am VERY excited to see this fight scene again. I told myself not to pause at all during the Kylo and Rey team up fight, but I paused literally a second into it because Binary Sunset yes.
And my idiot brother and my mom are texting in the family group chat so it’s popping up on my screen throughout this scene. Ugh.
All of these red knight weapons are so cool. And I forgot about the one that gets chopped up... Oh my god one is a sword that transforms into a whip. LOVE. IT. And I love the quick lightsaber ignite through the head. Love it. Woah how is there still 44 minutes? I remember this battle being much closer to the end. I was wondering when the red walls went away, but I rewinded and saw that they had been slowly burning away after Rey made something hit them. Nice touch.
Ugh my brother and mom will not stop texting.
“You have no place in this story.” Wow Kylo, harsh. Oh shoot I forgot about the lightsaber breaking until they started their Force tug of war with it. I’d always wondered what would happen if someone lightsped through something... I want to say that I realized what she was doing before they told us, but now I realize that they basically told us what she would do when the First Order guy said “they’re preparing to hyperspeed.” so I guess I just caught on to the obvious hints.
God that moment still gives me chills. The silence. The way it sort of goes black and white. The multiple angles. So good.
I know for a fact that I spent the rest of the movie from this point on with my hands over my mouth in a constant stake of shock/fear/anxiety. Oh BB8. Some people thought this was ridiculous. But I had just spent the last few months rewatching the prequels before seeing this, and compared to the stuff R2 does, BB8 clumsily controlling a walker is nothing. Oh how I love Gwendoline Christie. I FORGOT THAT WE SAW HER EYE IN THE MASK. I hope Phasma survived. She’s so awesome. Ok my quality is like horrendous right now so I’m gonna refresh. LOL I FORGOT ABOUT GENERAL HUGS NEARLY ATTEMPTING TO KILL KYLO. Oh I forgot how much I love Crait as a set location. OH AND THE ICE DOG THINGS! LOVE THEM! Poe petting BB8 when he comes back kills me. I like those space age two person laptops. “People believe in Leia.” *Binary Sunset plays* My heart. Ok for a second I was like “This first person camera is like a war movie” and then it turns and we see the trench and I’m like “...ok... ok fine but that was very literal.” The red footsteps. Just... guys this set is so AMAZING. Ugh, these red streaks of dust behind them are so amazing. And when Finn passes in front of the camera, it gets covered in the dust and blurs part of the lens. Just like the Rathtar goo in the Force Awakens. I wonder if that’s going to be like... the thing of the sequels. One shot that has the camera lens partially covered by something. Also, I just wasted time trying to figure out if there’s an official name for that or not... oh well. The winding stripes left behind as they weave around... just... amazing. YEAH! GO CHEWIE! GO REY! Oh my god I forgot about the porg roaring. “Oh, they HATE that ship!” I’M DEAD. Look at the salt and how it forms the crystals in the trench. I love it. I FORGOT ABOUT THIS SHOT OF THE CAVE FULL OF THE RED SALT. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. I remember when the trailer had the first shot of the gorilla walkers, and I didn’t notice at first that there were normal AT-ATs next to them, and then I realized these things were twice as big as AT-ATs and I was horrified. See, and now Poe has learned that you can’t always be a hero and is making a good decision. I forgot about Finn’s speeder literally melting as he gets closer. I don’t understand the people who were mad that Rose stopped Finn. I for one was HORRIFIED at just the thought of Finn dying this way and thankful she stopped him. “That’s how we’re gonna win. Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love.” The kiss is pointless but I love the line and sentiment behind it. Oh god. Ok. Here come the emotions. Binary Sunset is playing. I was a wreck. And a little of Han and Leia’s Love Theme as she sees the dice. I remember actually noticing that in the theaters and half-sobbing. Oh god the forehead kiss. Oh and he winks at 3PO as he walks by. My heart. This is the specific shot of the gorilla walkers and the AT-ATs in a line that freaked me out. That shot of Luke standing up against all the First Order walkers and ships. Amazing. That shoulder brush though. Kylo’s so dumb, he literally just watched that lightsaber get destroyed, he HELPED destroy it. He should have known something was up, it couldn’t have been repaired that quickly. Purposeful shot of Luke’s feet not moving the salt. That Matrix back bend though. “I will have killed the last Jedi.” He said the title. Also, is that the only time it’s said? Because they say it a lot in Force Awakens but I don’t think so yet in this movie.. “And I will not be the last Jedi.” Ok so now it’s said again by Luke. Purposeful shot of Kylo’s shoe leaving a footprint as he runs to Luke. I’m pretty sure I probably shrieked when he tried to slice Luke in half.
I just now remembered that I’d actually kind of wondered if he’d be a Force projection or something when he first showed up. Because I’d just watched Return of the Jedi like a week earlier and saw Obi-Wan do it, so I wondered if Luke was doing it too. Especially when Poe said Luke was distracting the First Order. It passed my mind and was confirmed when Kylo couldn’t hit him. And here’s where I started to feel like my world was crumbling...
Oh god. My eyes are wet. It hurts. But when I watched it the first time, I really felt like my world was absolutely falling a part and ending forever while I watched Luke die. With the stupid binary sunset in front of him just like when he was a teenager and when he was a baby. One of the first things he ever saw was the binary sunset. I was like “This is beautiful, but that doesn’t mean I’m not completely in pain and dying.” That shot from above of Kylo with the stormtroopers, mirroring a shot from the prequels of Ani. Nice. So do they still have that connection even if Snoke’s dead?
HEY! Hey. Those dice were still visible to Kylo even after Luke was dead... was Leia Force projecting them to Kylo? It wouldn’t take as much work as doing it to everyone else at once from lightyears away. One person, your son, would be easier. So maybe... maybe Leia’s the one continuing the projection of the dice. I’m gonna stick with that theory thanks.
Awww BB8 asked Rey about his antenna, just like when they first met. Remember when people were like “Are Poe and Rey gonna be a thing?!?!?” and of course I’d much prefer that over Reylo thanks. The books! Somehow, that obvious shot of the books goes over so many people’s heads. So many complaints about the books getting burned, when they literally show us that Rey saved them. I had never noticed the bunks in the Millennium Falcon either until I saw that video earlier, and I’m glad I got to actually see one in use since Rose is sleeping in one.
Oh GOD the entirety of the Resistance can fit on the Millennium Falcon... that is NOT good.
I LOVE the scene of the kids retelling the story of Luke. I must have already gone in depth about this 2 years ago, but I love it. Luke became a legend in the end. He didn’t necessarily want to be one, but he’s become one. It was exactly what was in the opening scroll, he restored the spark of hope. That subtle use of the Force by that little boy. With Binary Sunset playing. And I love that last shot of him holding the broom up like a lightsaber.
I nearly forgot that they put in “In loving memory of our princess, Carrie Fisher” at the end. That’s what got me to finally cry. 40 straight minutes of covering my mouth in anxiety, then feeling like my world was crashing down around me as Luke died. Having it dedicated to Carrie made me just start sobbing so hard. Watch that happen again tomorrow.
I remember when I left the theater, at first I was like “What if the boys is Rey’s brother?!” but then... I realized that a huge point of the movie went over my head for a second there.
The fandom got so caught up in figuring out who Rey’s parents are, whether it’s Obi-Wan or Luke or Leia or even Palpatine, that they were mad when Kylo said they were no one. But like... guys... not every single Force user is related to the Skywalkers or anyone else we already know. There were hundreds of Jedi in the prequels, because anyone can be Force sensitive. Obi-Wan’s parents were nobody, Qui-Gon’s parents were nobody, Mace’s parents were nobody. They didn’t come from long lines of Force users (at least in movie lore), BECAUSE THE JEDI WEREN’T SUPPOSED TO HAVE KIDS. The Skywalkers aren’t even a long line, it’s just 3 generations at this point. So literally none of the Jedi of the past came from powerful Force users (or at least from ones who got the chance to become Jedi) since that literally goes against the code.
Luke found at least 11 other Force sensitive kids to train alongside Ben, their parents were all definitely nobodies since he’s the last Jedi. Ben is an anomaly, Luke and Leia are anomalies, the Jedi don’t have kids! The fandom got so caught up in figuring out who Rey could be related to, that they forgot that for millennia the individual Jedi were not related to anyone.
Anyone can be Force sensitive. Anyone can be a Jedi. Rey is an example of that. That little boy is an example of that. That’s why I love that the little Force sensitive boy was the final shot of the movie. He was meant to reassure and remind us after the Rey parentage reveal that anyone can end up Force sensitive. They don’t need a famous/powerful parent. They can come from anywhere and be anyone. And I love that that’s the final note of this movie.
Some people were not reassured. Some people couldn’t handle the idea that Rey’s powerful just because she’s Rey, not because she’s someone’s daughter. She HAS to be related to someone to be that powerful, right? But every Jedi before her who was just as powerful wasn’t related to anyone, so why does she have to be?
ANYWAY! I was actually worried over the last 2 years that I’d rewatch The Last Jedi and not like it as much as I did in theaters. I still like it a lot. Even the Canto Bight scenes get redeemed by the costumes and the set being so amazing. But I love the message of don’t be a hero, this is bigger than just you. And I love the message that even if you’re “nobody” from “nowhere” you could still be Force Sensitive and you could still be a Jedi. I love Luke’s send off, I love that he does end up reigniting the spark and being a beam of hope again. I love it.
And I’m excited to see the Rise of Skywalker tomorrow.
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hazyheel · 5 years
WWE Smackdown Live 6/18/19 Review
We kicked everything off with The New Day. They talked about Kofi Kingston’s WWE Championship match for Stomping Ground. Big E talked about the freaky hour, but Dolph Ziggler came out to interrupt. Ziggler said that Kofi didn’t deserve to be WWE Champion, and said that he would be nothing without the New Day, and that he would be destroyed in the cage. Kingston pointed out that his whole journey started in a cage, the elimination chamber. He then said that he had to worry about Xaiver woods for the night. Ziggler said that he would destroy Woods to the point where he couldn’t help him ever again. Then he did the classic it should have been me stuff.
Grade: C. This was a classic promo between all of them, but I have gotten much more wary of the over the top Ziggler promos. I’m not a fan anymore, it’s gotten kinda annoying, and this didn’t really add anything. But they were all still okay, so I don’t want to punish it too much. 
Then we went right into Dolph Ziggler vs. Xavier Woods. The two had pretty good chemistry, but were limited to the classic TV match formula. Woods was about to win, but Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens ran down to attack the rest of the New Day. Woods hit them both with a splash, and some refs came down to clear the ringside area. At one point, they brawled on the apron, and Ziggler hit an awesome looking superkick, which Woods sold perfectly. He followed that up with a zig zag, but kept up the punishment. He tied Woods up in the ropes and nailed a superkick before getting the win.
Grade: B. Pretty good match, they have some good chemistry. Ziggler showed a far more sadistic side here, in line with his character as of late. This match actually got me more excited for the steel cage match, so I guess it did it’s job. Good stuff, and match of the night.
Backstage, B-Team and Shelton Benjamin were lined up outside of a room for Baron Corbin where he was begging people to be his referee. Benjamin really didn’t want to deal with it, but stayed anyway to get a TV paycheck, probably. The B-Team didn’t really get why they were there. As they were talking, Matt Hardy walked out of the room, referred to Shelton as Senor Benjamin and told him he was next. Funny, I like the reference. 
Then we had a Moment of Bliss, with Bayley as the guest. Bayley came out drinking Alexa’s coffee. Bayley told Cross that Bliss was just using her, and Bliss got quite irritated. She told Bliss to confront her right now if there was a problem. Bliss then told Bayley that her and everyone that she was with in NXT made her feel worthless. Bayley then pointed out that Bliss has done this same manipulation to Mickey James and Nia Jax. Bayley then called Bliss an entitled brat, and Bliss said that she was just the best. Bliss then said that Bayley peaked in NXT, so Bayley attacked her. Cross pulled Bayley off of Bliss, only for Bliss to get a shot in from behind. Cross looked horrified as they walked out.
Grade: B+. I liked this, good promo war from two wrestlers who can talk.
Backstage, Apollo Crews confronted Zelina Vega about finding Andrade. Vega distracted him a bit with flirting, which Crews wasn’t into, before Andrade attacked from around the corner. Then Chad Gable was taking notes. So Gable is taking notes on Apollo Crews, interesting. 
Then we had the B-Team vs. Heavy Machinery, with the Planet’s tag team champions on commentary. On commentary, Daniel Bryan said that they didn’t take Heavy Machinery seriously because they treat everything as a joke. At one point, Bo Dallas was attacking Otis, but Otis still was able to keep the advantage. Heavy Machinery quickly got the win after the compacter. 
After the match, Seth Rollins showed up and beat both of the B-Team with a chair. 
Grade: B-. Inoffensive squash match. Daniel Bryan on commentary made this better. Plus I didn’t think that Rollins would be on the show tonight. 
In the parking lot, Shane McMahon talked to Zayn and Owens about Rollins’ conduct, they asked him to do something. They also complained about Kofi. So, in response, Shane booked a 2 out of 3 falls tag team match between Seth and Kofi against Sami and Kevin for the main event. Fun.
Aleister Black did his promo. It was the same that it always was. 
Then we had Shane complaining about Roman’s attack, before McIntyre said that same things, and then the Miz came out. Sorry to give such a paraphrase, but this was the same as always as well. Miz then showed a replay of Reigns’ attack on Raw. Miz made fun of Shane for being sweaty, and Shane threatened to fire anyone who aired further footage of the attack, and Miz said that he was the bosses son. They then insulted each other’s fathers, and Miz said that Shane was sucking up too much airtime, and this is one of those things where the faces say things that the fans think to get cheers. Miz then said that he blamed himself for this, because of his injury at crown jewel. Miz then said that he would be the one to put shane down. Shane then challenged Miz to a tag match, Drew McIntyre and Elias vs. Miz and any partner he could get in 10 seconds. He didn’t know what to do, but R-Truth emerged from underneath the ring, and became Miz’s partner. Shane then made it an elimination match for some reason, and the match was next. 
Grade: B. Another good promo, with a shocking inclusion of R-Truth, which was unexpected. I like that though, more Awesome Truth. And they actually were good at speaking in this segment, with Shane doing some good work with his delusions of grandeur. 
Backstage, The IIconics made fun of the Kabuki Warriors, which is a match that should happen. Paige tried to challenge them, but they refused. They then said that there was a big match at the Tokyo show next week. If they win the match, then they get a women’s title match. I’m glad that’ll happen, but my god how far Asuka has fallen. Bayley vs. Asuka on the main roster needs to happen like, now.
So then into the elimination tag match, R-Truth and the Miz vs. Drew McIntyre and Elias. This match made me remember that Truth can still go. I always forget because he is such a comedy guy right now, but he is good. Truth was beaten down, and almost got the tag to Miz, but Shane pulled him off the apron. Elias then pinned Truth, but for some reason didn’t lose the 24/7 championship, so the lower card guys chased him out of the ring. Miz then fought off Elias for a bit, until being sent into the ropes for a glasgow kiss from McIntyre. Elias then tagged out, so McIntyre hit the claymore for the win. He gave Miz another Claymore after the match.
Grade: C-. Meh match that definitely suffered from the fact that Truth didn’t lose his belt during it. He totally should have. This match should’ve had low card guys running through the ring to attack Truth for sure. Plus they just sacrificed Miz for Shane’s stuff again, when he should be the one to put Shane down, not Roman.
Backstage, Ember Moon and Carmella talked a bit about Fire and Desire, cuz they both hate them. Moon then sound Rose and Deville, and confronted them. Moon attacked them for a wild brawl backstage. God I miss Ember, she was my favorite in the women’s division in NXT. 
In the parking lot, Truth was trying to escape, but Drake Maverick, disguised as Carmella came up to him, and pinned him for the 24/7 championship, before booking it. Finally he won it.
24/7 grade: C-. I love that the 205 Live GM finally got the belt, because that story will be funny on 205 Live, but Elias should be the champion right now. He pinned Truth, with a ref present. He was screwed.
And we came to the main event, Kofi Kingston and Seth Rollins vs. Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens in a 2 out of 3 falls match. Kingston hit a trouble in paradise right away on Zayn to win the first fall. The heels quickly gained control during the second fall, but when the faces got control, things got fast paced. There was an awesome point where Zayn grabbed Seth’s leg from outside of the ring, so Kingston gave him a flying clothesline. Rollins and Owens then traded superkicks and rollups, before Rollins hit the curb stomp for the win.
Grade: B-. Fine match. Again, I don’t know why this was 2 out of 3 falls. You would think it would be to give one of the losers a little victory to keep them strong, but nope. And the first fall was right away. Just weird that they did that two nights in a row.
Overall Grade: C+.
Pros: Woods vs. Ziggler; moment of bliss; Miz and Shane promo; drake maverick won the 24/7 title!
Cons: opening promo; elimination tag match; truth didn’t lose the 24/7 championship to Elias for some reason.
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