#some fugo loving hours :)
2-rustywings-2 · 8 months
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Doodle of the bois I forgot to post here
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knifefather · 2 years
ah ur last post about fugo made me go blush so yea and it got me thinking about him teaching his inexperienced fem s/o how to masturbate and pleasure like idk this is self indulgent but i was raised by religious parents so i have heavy religious trauma and shame around embracing sexuality even tho i know it’s a healthy normal thing to do (and it’s good for you too) i just can’t do it and i feel like i’m a freak so just being in his arms and exploring it in a safe and loving way <3 sweet praise and terms of endearment, just appreciating each other in an intimate moment, yk? we both gotta work on our trauma and its effects on our sexuality ( i’m sorry this came out to be vent-ish (?) i didn’t intend to. so i apologize if this made you uncomfortable)
also have a nice day!! ~🐚
also you are so right, the new tumblr icon looks so bad like wtf is it?! ~🐚
First off, I apologize how long this took me to respond to! Thank you for sharing this, it was not too much of a vent at all. I really appreciate getting more personal messages like these. (: One of the best parts of having f/os is being able to explore these kinds of feelings with their help imo.
I could see Fugo having a lot of complicated, shameful feelings towards his sexuality. He wants so badly to have a healthy relationship with sex, but it's a learning process for him. Having your support and listening to your experiences has helped him work through some of his feelings. Fugo finds peace in helping you work through your traumas, though. If anything, being there for you helps him more than it helps you, in a way.
Being intimate with you, gently guiding you through the experience, is therapeutic to him. His touch is so gentle, praise genuine and tender while he teaches you. You have to stop and start several times while trying to touch yourself, but Fugo is right there for you. He talks you down and kisses your ear gently from his place behind you. “It’s okay, hon… I’m here. Just relax." His sweet cadence in your ear sinks you deeper into the pleasure. Everything is okay while you're in his embrace.
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 11 months
Hello, I did not want to disturb but I wanted to know how the stands of Bucci-Gang + Trish and Diavolo would behave in front of their beloved?Since they are manifestations of his soul, they would also show his Yandere side, sorry if it is a lot of work and I love how you write
*just so everyone knows I keep a lot of asks and hope to eventually write them later if I really like the concept…even if it may literally take an eternity to get to them*
So since this is Yandere focused I’m going to lean on that, but you’ll get to see the expressions of obsession as I write.
Yandere Bucciarati Group + Diavolo and Trish’s stands reacting to their darling
Bruno Bucciarati
Generally speaking Sticky Fingers particularly seems to “stand guard” around you. It’s fingers sometimes float across your skin, gentle touching. But at a moments notice is quick to use its ability if Bruno even suspects you trying to escape or pull something. There are times where you feel it grab your arm and drag you closer to its master.
Leone Abbacchio
Since his stand doesn’t really have offensive capabilities, it tends to like also hanging around you. Though if Abbacchio really insists on you not leaving his side, Moody Blues will do its best to keep you still. If he decides to use his ability depending on where you’re at, it does it relatively quickly and quick to pause with precision if it’s something like seeing your face sleeping at night. Simply watching you seems to be one of its favorite things to engage in.
Guido Mista
The Sex Pistols pretty much adore you, even the troublemaking number stops being a nuisance when you’re around. If you can see them, they insist on you feeding them when mealtime comes around. They may slightly pester Mista saying you’re better at doing so simply for holding food a certain angle. He enjoys this as much as the pistols do, and even if you can’t see them and feed them they still generally cheer when you’re around. if anyone outside the gang and Mista himself, they’ll end up reacting somewhat hostile. Snide or sarcastic remarks if someone tries to romance you.
They’ll also pester Mista if he hasn’t seen you in a few days due to a job or something he had to take care of on his own.
Narancia Ghirga
Aerosmith’s flight patterns seemingly change course a bit when you’re around Narancia. Out of protective instinct, it seems to fire it’s bullets/weapons more aggressive if you’re in any sort of immediate danger. Or if Narancia is tracking, Aerosmith seems to get a quick reading on you, fast. For some reason if the stand was used casually, the way it would fly around would be akin to something at an air show. Presenting the way Narancia may be excited to be with you.
Pannacotta Fugo
Purple Haze is interestingly affected by Fugo’s obsession for you. It stops obsessing over its arms, drooling minimizing to almost nothing. It’s aggression in battle nearly quadruples, out of getting rid of anything that Fugo considers a threat. So there’s times things may or may not get out of control or on the other end of the spectrum killing something with almost unusual precision . But it settles once knowing you’re safe, this may or may not exhaust Fugo occasionally. Under the surface Purple Haze would be pleased if you came to check on Fugo out of concern.
Giorno Giovanna
Gold Experience and Giorno are pretty much in sync almost constantly. It generally likes to express certain flowers that evidently have deep romantic meanings as a gift. It’ll daze you in a heartbeat if you try to sneak off somewhere, giving way to its stand master taking care of you for a few hours. Generally it seems to enjoy kissing your hand, and occasionally turning an object into a small animal for you. It doesn’t hesitate to turn something that you own into an animal to track down either if it means being in your presence again.
Aromatherapy is another thing it seems to do with plants, especially after Giorno figures out what your likes, dislikes, (and potential allergies) are.
Requiem is basically game over for any escape attempts with a stand, and even if you’re hesitant takes some effort to try and comfort you. Caresses and touches that would be comforting in a normal context that’s not having you run in terror from a mafioso.
Due to his violent tendencies and tactics, King Crimson is intense in presenting Diavolo’s dark desires. It’s touches are tight and unbelievably strong, that it tends to leave bruises on your body. Erasing time is smooth and precise, inducing confusion from trying to escape Diavolo. The stand is of course as impulsive as it’s stand master, your legs are broken or are knocked out as quick as your thoughts to wander.
Trish Una
Spice Girl has some impulsive traits that King Crimson does, as much as Trish probably doesn’t want to admit it. This stands intensity shines through sitting on your lap, arms around your neck. Not caring in the slightest if you can see it or not. It gives faint phantom kisses on your cheeks, and certainly uses its abilities to keep you in place no matter the area. It tends to also enjoy having you match Trish someway, even the smallest accessory it enjoys seeing Trish put on you to coordinate. Like you and her were meant to be.
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
How They Flirt / Scarlet Ribbons.
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(tl;dr most of them can’t . 🙏)
[Scarlet Ribbons Index]
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Giorno genuinely has no idea what he’s doing, although you’d never know on first glance. He studies you like he’s a sociologist conducting naturalistic observation. He subtly plays up the aspects of himself he thinks you’d be taken with, adjusting how much he talks or listens, how physically close he gets, etc. Is it a little weird? Yes. In his defense, he’s never cared for someone this deeply, so he doesn’t want to mess it up. Even if he’s making adjustments to how he acts around you, it’s still sincere. He wouldn’t want you falling for a false image of himself, after all. Giorno is easy to get along with due to his polite nature and quiet charm. He makes you feel as if you’ve known one another all your lives within a few weeks. As his confidence builds, he’ll get a little more playful, displaying a mischievousness few expect him to possess. He’ll whisper quips into your ear, lean in to wipe cream off the corner of your lips after you take a drink, and purposefully get ‘lost’ when walking you home so that you spend more time together. He learns fast. 
Bruno’s flirting is old-fashioned and kinda stiff, but charming in its own way. He has the basics down from watching how his father interacted with his mother before she left. Despite being a prized bachelor, he has no experience in the romance department, he’d been too focused on his ambitions to dabble. Rather than embarrassing himself by trying something he’s unfamiliar with, he focuses on what comes naturally. When you both aren’t working, he’ll lighten up and show a more relaxed side of himself. He has to resist the temptation of spoiling you every waking second. He recalls how enthused his mom would become upon receiving gifts like pearl earrings from his father and takes a similar approach. The concept of there being a reminder of him on your person pleases him greatly, he especially loves giving you necklaces. Surprisingly, he does have something of a possessive streak. He’ll sometimes drape a coat/blazer over your shoulders if you’re wearing an outfit that earns stares, using the excuse that he doesn’t want you to be cold. 
Lord please help him. Most of his flirting is confined to the realm of theory. He’ll lay awake at night staring at his ceiling, contemplating the most efficient method to get his feelings across. Many hours have been spent penning prose to paper, the parchment ultimately meeting the same fate. He rips it to pieces in fits of frustration so thoroughly, one might believe he used a paper shredder. Fugo already thinks you’re completely of his league and his inability to woo you without internally combusting makes him feel extra pathetic. So rather than go on the offensive, he’s on the defensive, doing what he can to obstruct the other “hormonal imbeciles” from making serious headway with you. For example, he’s always the first to sit next to you in restaurants or on car rides. He also feeds the others false information about you, by saying your least favorite food is your favorite, stuff to that effect. A professional saboteur. Poor guy doesn’t know you’d genuinely be flattered to receive one heartfelt compliment from him. 
He thinks he has mad game (he does not have mad game). Oddly enough, he has more confidence when the others are present? Maybe it’s some caveman instinct that makes him want to show off, but whatever the case, he gets in a decent flow of things. His arm is wrapped around your shoulders more often than not. Mista knows how to make you laugh and you both have innumerable inside jokes. When you’re caught between two dessert choices, he’ll get the one you didn’t pick, so that you’ll ask him for a bite. He then proceeds to feed you said bite while ignoring the death stares from the other gang members present. When it’s just the two of you though, it feels oddly intimate, and he starts losing his cool. He does get better about this over time. Drops some corny lines that you mistake for jokes and laugh at. Honestly, he’s a chill guy, so this outcome doesn’t even perturb him. There’s no better prize than making you laugh. 
Narancia is the most overt out of all his rivals. He's willing to stab someone for so much as looking at you the wrong way, he really thinks you’re some higher being who has graced him with your presence. His flirting is mostly just him hanging out around you every second he can. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing something fun like going to the arcade or grocery shopping, he wants to be there, by your side, where he feels the most at peace in the world. He laughs at your jokes, smiles when you enter the room, and gets visibly dejected when you leave. Narancia is basically your cheerleader — he hypes you up when you wear a new outfit, offers to paint your nails, lets you test out new makeup ideas on him... he’s down for anything, so long as you’re involved. 
Abbacchio erroneously assumes you’ll be able to piece together his intentions yourself if he drops enough hints. When this proves to be going over your head, he swears that you’re a lethal threat to his sanity. His style is similar to Narancia’s, loath as he is to admit it. He’ll invite you over for a nice vintage bottle he claimed to have happened upon (in reality, a great deal of care went into choosing it), so that you can spend a leisurely evening together. He tries curbing his sardonic comments in your presence, but you never make him feel like he needs to change his personality. You just naturally bring out this softer side to him he didn’t know existed. He is vigilant in looking out for your best interests from afar, helping you in ways you’ll never know about, as he doesn’t expect gratitude. What matters most to him is knowing you’re happy. 
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🧚‍♀️ Anon here!
I have a few Fairytale ideas that I’d like to share to see your opinion on them and if their interesting or not (And some ideas from Movies)
Grim Yandere Tales
Hansel and Gretel (NO incest!): Reader is the mother who takes her children and runs from her abusive husband, with Leone and/or Bruno as the Witch (She adopted her children, who are Giorno, Narancia and maybe Trish)
Aladdin (I think you’ll like this): Reader is the street rat, Diavolo is the Sultan, Giorno and Bruno are visiting Royalty (Who plan to try and free Diavolo’s people either by killing him or taking his throne), Risotto is the sorcerer and Mista is the Genie
Thumbelina: Reader is a small human who was discovered by the Fairy Prince Bruno, only to be seen by Risotto/Doppio who’s either a normal human or a Dark Fae who wants her for himself
Dracula: Count Risotto and Bruno (With Reader being his fiancée)
Sleepy Hollow: Dio as the Headless Horseman
Corpse Bride: Not sure yet, what do you think?
Jekyll and Hyde: Either Diavolo and Doppio, Bruno and Risotto
Labyrinth: Risotto or Diavolo as the Goblin King
Legend: Diavolo as The Darkness with Doppio as his only way to go out in the sunlight, Reader is the Princess and Giorno is the hero who lives in the forest
I mentioned Diavolo, Bruno and Risotto a lot because there my favorites (It’s hard to stray from them)
I'm sorry I took so long to respond, been really busy lately packing.
I've actually had ideas for thumbelina and and corpse bride for a while now but never managed to get them written down so I'll cover those first
I was thinking that Bruno would attempt to save darling. Thinking that they were another fae captured by a human. Darling explains the situation. It's revealed they're a fae who'd probably been taken far from their home. Bruno offers to take Darling back with him so they can be where they belong and get a pair of wings. Darling is hesitant on the idea and tells him they need a week to decide.
During that week two things could happen.
Another fae named doppio meets darling. Reader is unaware he's a dark fae, so when he asks them to help him and that he'll return them home straight after they agree non the wiser
Darling is discovered by Risotto after their mother leaves for an emergency and is quickly snatched away. Initially he's looking to sell them for money but soon starts to fall for them and decides to keep them for himself
Corpse bride
Honestly I think Fugo. He was born into a wealthy lifestyle but could not stand the family around him. Believed he'd found love but in reality it was all a set up that lead to his death.
Darling is forced into marrying into wealth but doesn't want to. Tries running away into the forest and comes in possession of the now cursed ring originally meant for that first love that causes him to awaken and subsequently gets trapped in the underworld.
Hansel and Gretel
Ok so reader initially ran and hid away in a town. During this she took in the three. Their upbringings similar to canon. Narancia is 10 and had an eye infection that Darling was trying to earn the money to treat. Giorno and Trish are 8.
After being found by their ex again they run in the forest in night. For what seems like hours they keep going until they find a house with a door wide open and lights on.
They all go inside and call out to the owner but no response. Darling would try to leave but it's evident that the kids are too tired to keep running. So Darling decides to tuck them into one of the beds and wait for the owner to explain, however they fall asleep shortly after.
Now it could be either or a poly situation with both.
Bruno would be more outwardly willing to help while Abbacchio though still helping would be a bit more stern.
Darling wakes up in the morning where they meet the house owner and explain the situation. They're offered the spare bedrooms to stay in. Darling initially refuses the offer as they have to keep running. The kids wake up and it's immediately noticed that narancias eye's swelling has reduced. And that is how Darling would be hooked into staying.
Darling and her family used to be farmers but after harsh heatwaves are left with little to nothing left and Diavolo the newly crowned sultan attempts to arrange a marriage with darling but due to their hatred of the new sultan they refuse. After stealing food from traders they're caught and imprisoned and Risotto confronts them. He explains that he too hates Diavolo and that if darling were to help him retrieve a powerful artifact that he would offer them enough riches to let their family live without working another day in their life when he takes over.
So darling agrees but only if he allows them ownership of a particularly expensive ring he has until he fulfills his end of the deal.
So darling helps Risotto grab the artifact, some old lamp that they don't see any purpose of. As they're about to leave Risotto attempts to help them escape but the floor caves beneath darling and they fall in and he leaves.
Awhile after darling is found by Giorno and Bruno who have ropes to help darling escape and bring them back into town. They reveal they're both royalty from another land who've come to try and establish a trade route. However upon entering town they're meet by Diavolo who quickly has darling arrested, telling them that they're luck they weren't attacked as they have a record of stealing from traders and the like. The lamp being left in the hands of the two.
Bruno and darling come to transylvania after receiving a letter from count Nero who wants to relocate to London and help with selling the castle.
They arrive and discuss with the count. Bruno and darling discuss the state of the castle and come to the conclusion that sell to the count will be easy however it'd take some work to clean areas of the castle to get photos good enough to try and convince potential buyers.
They're warned not to leave the bedroom at night however one night darling hears a scream in the night. Bruno is still asleep so they investigate on their own. They encounter Risotto while he's feasting and is pretty much frozen in fear. The next morning Bruno finds that both his fiancee and the count are gone. Bruno investigates only to find a journal written by the count that reveals the truth.
Headless horsemen
(Have not watched sleepy hollow unfortunately)
Darling is an aspiring novelist who moves into a small town after getting inheritance. They hope that the local legends will fuel their inspiration. Locals warn them they shouldn't be outside at nightfall. They investigate one night and grabbed by who the locals refer to as the headless horseman and dragged into the thick fog.
Jekyll and Hyde
Bruno is a detective who is trying to solve a string of crimes connected to a mysterious Diavolo. Darling a close friend to both bruno and Doppio (though doppio and bruno are only acquainted) begins to get stalked and eventually kidnapped. Now Doppio needs to hide them away from investigators as if he doesn't Diavolo vow to ruin their lives.
I'd probably say Diavolo is best for the role of Jareth. Honestly this one will probably be as close to the movie as it gets from me.
(Another one I unfortunately haven't see)
Giorno and darling are taking a stroll through the forest when all of a sudden the weather changes to a harsh snow storm and are separated. Darling stumbles across the scene of doppio and the unicorn, hearing what he says to himself they decide to follow the man back to the castle after hearing all that is needed they attempt to leave only to be caught by Doppio.
Originally locked in the dungeon she is eventually moved to a room in the castle and is free to wonder. Given various gifts with letters of proposal until Diavolo decides to meet her in person.
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 8 months
Head Over Heels
i got bored
"Giogio... get out of bed..." Fugo sighed, trying to push Giorno off him. "You have a meeting in two hours..."
Giorno simply groaned and clung tighter to his boyfriend. He really didn't want to get out of bed. He always hated mornings, which is ironic, considering that his name quite literally translates to the word day.
"I stayed up till 2am last night, let me sleep," the blond mumbled, yawning as if to emphasize his point.
He did have a healthy sleeping schedule at one point, but it quickly fell apart once he took over as the Don.
"C'mon, goldilocks, you need to get ready," Fugo said tiredly as he sat up, which also forced Giorno to sit up.
"Pannaaaa..." this guy really didn't want to get up, and he expressed this by whining to his lover until the latter pushed him of the bed, which definitely woke him up.
Giorno immediately shot up, whipping his head around to stare at Fugo with the most offended expression the red eyed boy had ever seen, which caused him to immediately burst out laughing.
"C-come on, amore mio! Don't be dramatic!" Fugo said between laughs, as Giorno stood up and turned away, crossing his arms.
"I cannot believe you," he huffed, pouting as Fugo laughed his ass off behind him.
Moments after, however, Giorno seemed to give up the offended act and his pout cracked into a grin. The boy giggled and hopped back onto the bed, sitting in front of Fugo and holding the Italian's head in his hands.
"You're so cute, cutie pie~," he teased his lover affectionately, before placing a chaste kiss to his lips.
Fugo grinned wildly and wrapped his arms around his neck. "You've got it all wrong, pretty boy, you're the cute one here!"
Giorno laughed and kissed his pale lover again, who quickly reciprocated the kiss.
"I love you, Panna," the green eyed blond said softly, resting his forehead against Fugo's as they both pulled away from the kiss.
"And I love you too, my Giogio," the albino closed his eyes, just sitting there in his lover's embrace for a moment to appreciate him.
The cute moment was then promptly cut off by Mista bursting into room and almost tripping over one of the books lying on the floor.
"WAKE UP SLEEPYHEADS!! IT'S MORN-" Mista immediately cut himself off, as he saw the two teens turn to glare at him. Giorno was visibly playing with Fugo's hair to make sure he doesn't let his anger take control of him.
Mista, with a slightly scared-for-his-life expression, chose the smart idea and slowly backed out of the room, closing the door behind him.
Giorno sighed and turned back to Fugo, smiling at him. "I'll go get ready for that meeting, thanks for waking me up."
The white haired boy smiled and kissed his boyfriend's cheek, before letting go of him. "You're welcome, sunshine. I love you."
"I love you too, baby," Giorno kissed his forehead, before getting off the bed to go get himself ready for the day.
Fugo also got out of bed, deciding to water Giorno's plants for him and feed all the animals that Giorno insists on having. Some of them he created, but most of them are just strays he picked up off the streets.
It almost reminded him of how Bucciarati took him in off the streets, in a way. Fugo smiled solemnly at the memory of Bucciarati, before wiping his eyes and watering the plants.
About an hour or so later, whilst Fugo was playing the piano, Giorno entered the room and walked over to him. "I have to go now, I love you."
Giorno kissed the top of his head and quickly left, with Mista trailing out after him. Fugo sighed and smiled, taking his hands off of the keys to feel his face, which was warm and blushing. He was head over heels for that boy, that was for sure.
As Giorno left, a small, black dog ran up to Fugo, yapping excitedly.
Fugo chuckled and pet the dog, which was lovingly named Citrus, because Giorno gave it part of the orange he was eating when they had found the poor little thing on the streets.
Citrus jumped up onto the stool Fugo was sitting on, looking up at him and wagging his little tail happily. What Fugo really took notice of was the dog's eyes, however.
They were purple, and they looked just like Narancia's.
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Going to the movies headcanons
Giorno: always cringes at how much movie theaters rip you off with their high snack prices. Uses golden experience to turn popcorn into ants to sneak it into the theater, but everyone else is super grossed out when he takes out the bag of ants so he eats it all himself. If the movie isn’t interesting to him he will try to see how much candy he can steal from other people using his powers.
Bruno: no one can tell that he snuck a ton of food into the theater, wonder how he managed to do that. Almost always gets free tickets because “oh that’s bucciarati, we can’t make him pay for anything”. Despite already having tickets, he always sneaks into the theater using his zippers because he thinks it’s fun and he is silly. His favorite thing about movie theaters is that movies tend to last somewhere between 1 1/2 to 3 hours, and they are dark. Perfect environment to fall asleep in. Sometimes he will even sleep through the sound of one of his team members getting into a fist fight with someone.
Abbacchio: Gets super annoyed at anyone who talks during the movie (so with the gang he is in absolute hell). Always knows the answers to the trivia questions they show before the movie begins, and argues with Mista about them until it’s shown that he was right. If the theater sells alcohol he buys it (usually wine). If there’s a huge line to get tickets, he will just let the others wait in it for him. Used to love cop movies, and sometimes still enjoys them, but they hurt more to watch.
Mista: is super glad that normal citizens can’t see his stand because they are OBNOXIOUS during movies. Especially if there are any guns in the movie, they immediately start yelling “YES TAKE THAT SUCKER DOWN” and things like that. Despite how annoyed his stand makes him for being disruptive, he is super disruptive. He does commentary the entire time. Him and the pistols eat so much food!
Narancia: he is either super into the movie or super distracted. One time he was so bored he started making paper airplanes and flying them around and they kept hitting people. Has to go to the bathroom multiple times during the movie, but never wants to miss a good part. Always forgets to silence his phone (despite being reminded to many times by the theater AND Fugo AND Bruno AND Abbacchio) and always gets a call. Eats all the snacks :) makes a crazy huge mess always.
Fugo: has a rough time at movie theaters, especially if they are packed. Would prefer to just watch a movie at home. If someone talks during the movie he gets upset, and the more times it happens the closer he gets until he finally snaps. He can’t do 3D movies, he gets a migraine. He often ends up leaving before the movie ends and just sits outside and cries. He does better if the theater is mostly empty and he has a pair of ear plugs just in case of the shenanigans.
Trish: if there’s anything she doesn’t want to do, it’s go to the movies with this group of people. But Narancia and Mista usually convince her, and sometimes it’s a movie she actually wants to watch. Also sometimes they sell cotton candy, and she knows that multiple people in the gang can use their powers to steal her some. If she is super tired of the movie she will leave and just watch TikTok’s outside.
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a-998h · 4 months
Hello, can you please do Bucci gang hcs with a reader who freestyle raps while they fight/in their free time? Their stand is literally a giant boom box (like how Aerosmith is a tiny plane)
Stand Name: Music Factory
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Bruno Bucciarati
He is a little confused
when you both first met anyway
You two met when he saw a performer on the street, you, who was barley getting money fro tourists and stuff
He took you in and how you're a member of team Bucciarati
He learns you Stand's power When a street creep tried to touch you
You basically rattled the creep's brain and the surrounding area with Music Factory when you turned up the volume
Like, there were cracked windows, walls, and street
He now understands how your Stand works
During off time, he's happy to let you rap all you want
During fights, he hates it cause it puts a target on your back
Swears Music Factory can hear him and plays his favorite songs on an off day
Is happy your rapping bonds you, Narancia, and Mista together
Is sometimes annoyed when you play the same song over and over again
Will listen to your rapping if you want him to
Proud of your rapping and fighting spirit
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Leone Abbachio
Unlike Bruno, he hates it so damn much
He likes peace and quiet... you're everything but that
He listens to his own music and yells at you to turn your's down
Doesn't understand why you rap
Thought Music Factory was a normal boom box, so he tried to change the volume
Suddenly the restaurant felt windows shake
Once he realizes Music Factory is a Stand.. he is more annoyed
Tries to ignore Music Factory and your rapping
When he sees you rap during a fight... he debates if he should leave you behind
Then he sees Music Factory shake the area... he now tolerates you both
Sometimes when he has a hard day, he hears Music Factory play his favorite song
Might request his former partners favorite song
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Giorno Giovanna
At first thought it was a normal boom box
Then he tried to push the play button
Yeah... he now doesnt push any buttons on Music Factory
When he sees you rap during a fight... he just looks at Bruno, very concerned for your safety
Then he sees you use Music Factory to basically rattle the enemy...
He hears Music Factory playing people's favorite songs when they're having bad days and smiles
When you rap during your off time he will support you
Smiles that you and Narancia can bond
Also a little more of a peace and quiet lover
Part 5 Spoilers
After the death of his friends and Fugo leaving
The songs Music Factory plays, make him a bit sad
Has those songs going for hours
He uses some of his new found money to help your career in music
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Pannacotta Fugo
Fucking hates it too
Is like Abbachio, so loves peace and quiet
When you rap, Narancia gets distracted and it drives him nuts
He really doesn't like it
Swears Music Factory plays songs he hates, very loud on purpose
Your rapping during a fight annoys him because you become a target
Whenever he tries to turn Music Factory off... his ears end up ringing for a bit
When he sees Music Factory in action, he just sighs
Now, ge just asks you to turn down the music and asks you to not bother Narancia during study time
Now, he will hear his favorite song when he's not busy
Will ask Music Factory to play Mozart or something when he is teaching Narancia math
Still finds your rapping during fights annoying
Part 5 Spoilers
Hums your raps are he leaves the team
Keeps an ear to news of a rising rap star
He might use his family's money to fund you
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Guido Mista
Absolutely loves it
Will throw out song requests for him and Sex Pistols
Loves whenever you rap
Tries to rap along with you... he's not that good at it
When he first met you, he thought you were just entertainment
When Music Factory rocked the pavement and enemy, he gained massive respect for you both
Sex Pistols try to befriend Music Factory so it'll play their favorite songs
Has tried to put real CDs in Music Factory, then he learned his lesson
Thanks Music Factory for playing his favorite song
The only one, other than you, who can change volume of Music Factory without difficulty
Laughs whenever you rap during a fight
Part 5 Spoilers
He tries not to cry when Music Factory plays his dead friends favorite songs
Hopes to hear you made it big in music some day
Turns Music Factory off on bad days
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Trish Una
She is so confused
She doesn't get how you're meant to protect her
Finds your rapping a little comforting at times
During a fight, she watches as you rap... which makes her worry
Then she sees Music Factory rattle Greatful Dead and Pesci
Now she just hums along when she's bored
When you rap, she gets into it slowly
When Music Factory plays her requests, it freaks her out a bit
She might write songs with you
Is still uneasy when you rap during a fight
Has to be reassured she's not crazy when Music Factory plays her favorite song
Overall, she loves Music Factory and your rapping, she just doesn't say it to your face
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Narancia Ghirga
Also loves it
He will try and fail at putting real CDs in Music Factory when he thinks it's a real book box
Will listen to your rapping in favor of doing math, which passes off Fugo
Whats Aerosmith and Music Factory to get along
When you rap during off time, he'll rap along with you
Begs you to teach him how to rap
Has had a few mishaps with using the buttons on Music Factory
Will blast the volume when his favorite song is playing
Gives Music Factory song lists
Has tried to use headphones with Music Factory
Finds it cool Music Factory can shatter glass
Defends you when the others scold you for rapping during fights
Is the only one of the group to figure out that Music Factory will play song requests if you ask nicely
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garden-of-violets · 2 years
hi i love your blog !! i hope you're doing well :D
can i pls request fluff of fugo and abbacchio (or just one of the two) with an insomniac s/o? it could be fic or hc, either would be great! thank you ^^
Abbacchio with an Insomniac s/o !!
Literally so sorry for the late post. I had exams and was unmotivated so I only did Abbacchio.
I did look up some things about insomnia but it may not all be accurate so I do apologize in advance.
And there many be some spelling errors as I didn’t read this through more than twice
Abbacchio with an Insomniac S/O
♡︎ He understands how frustrating it is to not be able to fall asleep, and how especially frustrating it is after a long, tiring mission. Your frustration and tiredness is understood and he’ll try to do what he can to help you.
♡︎ That being said, he can’t sleep either, ever. This means that you two regularly end up sitting together on his bed either reading or watching tv—maybe sometimes listening to Abbacchio’s music as well.
♡︎ He actually prefers classical music, it helps him fall asleep and it’s something calming he can listen to after dealing with the rest of the noisy household. He’ll (subtly) encourage you to listen to it as well, he thinks it might be able to help you sleep better.
♡︎ It’s more likely that when you can’t sleep, he can’t sleep either because as much as he won’t admit it, he worries about your insomnia and it keeps him up when he knows you’re struggling to sleep.
♡ He understands not being able to sleep and he doesn’t want you to have to deal with that as well.
♡︎ Late night conversations.
♡︎ Late night conversations nearly every night that the two of you are left awake. Whether it be you talking and debating on some random things you heard the others discussing, or if you’re having those rare deep 3AM conversations.
♡︎ Occasionally, he’ll make himself some tea before bed that he can have while he reads— if he knows you might not be able to sleep well, or you haven’t been sleeping well in the previous nights, he’ll make you some tea as well. He’ll usually prefer to make some chamomile or lavender tea for himself, as that’s what usually helps him sleep. He’ll encourage you to drink it as well.
♡︎ When you finally do get to sleep, if he’s still awake (he usually will be) he’ll gently brush any stray hairs from your face before leaving you be. He won’t move much, and will try to keep still to prevent you from waking.
♡︎ If you end up stealing the blankets from him in your sleep, he’ll begrudgingly let you sleep peacefully and will allow you to keep the blankets all to yourself. He’d rather sleep cold than risk waking you up in an attempt to steal some of the blankets back. He’d never admit this though and would be grouchy about it the next morning lmfao.
♡︎ On the days you wake up early, there’s an equal chance he’ll be awake as well. Everyone else thinks he always sleeps in, which he does sometimes. Most of the time though, he’s up early and just hangs around in his room for a few hours. He’s more than okay with you hanging around with him during this time, even if he seems a bit annoyed.
♡︎ When he’s awake early, the two of you lay in his bed for a bit longer before getting up. He’ll start the day off with some more tea, he’ll just drink whatever kind you want to have.
♡︎ If you’re still feeling tired after a full night of sleep, he’ll send you back to bed; maybe he’ll even have a cup of tea ready for you when you awake again.
♡ Overall, Abbacchio is there when you need him. He has all the tea, blankets, and music you could want and need to sleep properly.
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tangytiramisu · 2 years
(JJBA) Karaoke Event 🎤- Reader Raps “Lift Yourself” by Kanye West [Bucci Gang]
Warnings: Reader spittin straight facts None
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Bruno Buccellati
He likes the song at first. He thinks the name is uplifting and thinks you’re singing it nicely.
Watches you intently with a slight smile of intrigue.
Then the beat drop and music comes along and you’re just standing there waiting, and he waits too, for you to continue singing to this beautiful melody. But his eyes widen when you start speaking,
“What they don’t really realize tho… This next verse… This nEXT VERSE THO… THESE B A R S… Watch this some shit, go…”
His eyes widen further when you finally drop the best bars of the century
“Poopy di scoop, scoop diddy whoop, whoop di scoop di poop”
Despite this, he’s sort of a boomer so doesn’t understand just how profound this song is. He sits there looking up at you confused and at some point exchanges a look with Abbacchio.
Smiles and claps with confusion when you finish
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Leone Abbacchio
Oh no.
Oh no.
He knows what this song is.
He’s had to listen to Narancia play it at least 5 times a day before.
He’s immediately rolling his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose as soon as the first note plays.
At least your singing is decent enough he supposes.
Then the awaited moment arrives and you begin rapping.
He’s got this grimace on his face and you’re desperately trying not to laugh.
When Bruno glances at him he shakes his head, silently telling him not to even bother asking.
Lackluster clapping at the end
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Guido Mista
Almost chokes on his drink.
Man does he love this song.
He laughs cheers as soon as you begin singing.
He grooves lightly with the beat while taking a swig of his drink every so often 😙🎶
When the instrumental plays he goes quiet while grooving and stares up at you expectantly while smirking.
His smirk only widens when you speak, preparing everyone for the legendary words.
“Poopy di scoop, scoop diddy whoop, whoop di scoop di poop”
He laughs and chants them with you tbh.
Raises his drink and whistles when you finish.
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Narancia Ghirga
He’s your resident rap lover so there’s no way he wouldn’t know and love this song. Ironically and unironically.
He cheers along with Mista when you start but is more enthusiastic, ignoring Abbacchio’s glare.
A grin is plastered on his face and he practically vibrates with happiness as the song goes on.
Definitely mouths the lyrics.
You can clearly see that he’s very hyped even during the instrumental bit and it’s hard not to smile.
When you finally begin rapping the killer lyrics he cheers so loudly your ears ring.
He 100% raps along with you and Mista.
He practically tackles you in a hug when you exit off the stage. It’s both hilarious and adorable.
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Pannacotta Fugo
Like Abbacchio he’s also a victim of having to hear this song on repeat for hours at a time.
He is gritting his teeth to hold himself back from an outburst that is especially due to Narancia and Mista’s loud cheering.
He sits hunched over, rubbing his temples while he watches you in disdain with pursed lips.
He’s already dreading the iconic verse as soon as the instrumental part starts playing and scrunches his nose when you speak.
When you start rapping he’s already done. He’s burying his head in his hands as Narancia and Mista go wild.
Glares as you with his head in his palm as you come off stage.
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Giorno Giovanna
Hasn’t heard this song before and, like Buccellati, thinks it sounds quite pleasant.
He watches politely with one leg crossed over the other, observing you. He’s definitely a bit startled by Mista and Narancia’s enthusiasm.
Now he has a feeling that this song is more than it may seem on the surface, though he’s definitely not prepared for the moment you speak after the instrumental. He tilts his head as he listens.
When you finally rap he’s got the same vibe as 🧍‍♂️ but sitting down.
Doesn’t know what to make of this experience but claps nonetheless.
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Trish Una
She doesn’t listen to rap music so she doesn’t know what song this is.
As you sing, she listens while swaying ever so slightly to the beat, ignoring Narancia’s hollering. This is a pretty nice song, she could get behind it.
She’s a bit confused by the music break and thinks that the song is over until you speak. She was not expecting that.
Though when you start rapping, she makes the most incredulous face you’ve ever seen her make. She then immediately attempts to stifle a giggle, albeit mostly failing to.
Why would anyone write a song like this…?
She claps for you with an amused smile on her face.
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fatiguedcorvid · 1 year
everything stays- Golden Wind fanfic
JJBA GW one shot ~1.6k words, SFW genfic
now on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50584042/share
As much as he might have been loathe to admit it, Giorno hated his requiem stand. He felt like an immature ingrate thinking it; Gold Experience Requiem saved him and his friends in Rome. It was the reason Giorno was able to pursue his dream of cleaning up Naples’ streets. But with every passing month the feeling weighed on him more.
He sat bodily on a public bench outside some hair salon, the sign reading ‘il parrucchiere mago- trova il tuo nuovo sé’. Breathing heavily, he was trying to glance at GER behind him without arousing suspicion from the few people already out and about at 5:40 AM on a Tuesday. GER had no such considerations, glaring at every passerby with what Giorno could only imagine was murderous intent. ‘Touch my water bottle’ he thought to it. ‘Turn it into a nutria.’ GER didn’t budge. He tried to call it back into him. It didn’t work. 
Once his vision stopped spinning he sighed and started heading back to the Villa. Giorno had taken up morning jogs in the past few weeks, hoping they would help clear his mind. In reality they did little other than make him feel guilty for not starting his already too busy workday earlier. Is that why he found himself sprinting full force every time he started running?
“Ah, man, what to do about GER… ?” Mista scratched his head with the tip of his revolver, considering the question. Most people would be hesitant to stand at the barrel of a gun, but Mista trusted Sex Pistols to never let him come to harm. Well, no harm so irreversible as brain death. Even if perhaps he shouldn’t have. “I dunno, Giogio, I’m not usually the advice guy.” he looked at Giorno, impassive as ever. “But,” he smiled at him, “I'll tell you what. I might not be able to fix anything, but I do know what you need. A distraction.”
“Yeah! Anything to just stop thinking about it.”
Giorno paused to consider. “I am very busy, Mista. But I increasingly can’t put it out of my mind.”
Mista pftt-ed automatically before suddenly remembering where he was and looking to see if Giorno was offended. He wasn’t able to tell. “Yeah, but you’re busy with work stuff. Peril, danger, stand attacks. How can you expect GER to lay low like that? Do something fun, for once.” Giorno tried to think back. ‘When did I last do something for pure enjoyment?’
“How was the movie? Did Tony McGire spider a lot of men?” Fugo asked, somewhat exasperated. Though he was invited, he didn’t come to the viewing, which only quietly convinced Giorno he got the name wrong on purpose. Fugo wasn’t exactly a pop culture aficionado.
“I don’t know. Fell asleep about fifteen minutes in.”
Fugo shook his head. “C’mon, Giogio. How can you expect to be taller than me one day if you keep sleeping barely four hours a night?” Fugo still retained three stubborn centimeters over Giorno, which he didn’t hesitate to mention at any available opportunity. Giorno had to admit he probably had a point, but sleeping more would leave even less time for his job, let alone having fun. He took a tentative bite of his croissant, smeared with copious butter and his favorite apricot jam; the taste was divine. He loved this quaint little cafe. But at that moment it brought him no comfort. He took his time chewing, wanting any excuse to delay the next part of this conversation. But if anyone could help him with this, it had to be Fugo. “When we came back, I tried to summon Gold Experience again. Strained so hard I felt my eyes almost pop out of their sockets. GER was just staring at me, wearing a certain disapproving expression. I might have snapped at it. Or maybe it was the one who snapped at me. Even now I'm not entirely sure. But it left a giant gash on my forehead.” He pointed to the now traceless site of the injury, undone by the very stand that caused it. Fugo sat there staring at him, mouth full of tuna salad sandwich. Giorno waited expectantly for him to swallow, silently resenting him for using the same time earning trick as himself.
“I don’t really know anything about requiem stands. Did you ask Polnareff about this?”
“I did. He even contacted the Speedwagon Foundation on my behalf to see if they can discover something useful.”
“And… ?”
“And nothing. He says he barely understands them himself. But if the original Gold Experience hadn’t asserted itself once since it was pierced with the arrow, it’s unlikely it ever will again.”
“I see.” Fugo said eventually. “If that’s the case, I think the only way forward is to accept your circumstances. You need to stop thinking up ways to bring it back. You’re just torturing yourself. You’ll never be able to make peace with GER if you only ever think of how to turn it back. Who knows? Maybe GER will change, become something bearable, even if it will never be the same Gold Experience again.” Giorno held back his response.
“Well, regarding the monthly budget-”
Giorno knocked on the half opened door to Coco Jumbo’s room. It was already rather late, but Polnareff would usually still be awake at this hour. From inside came an ever cheery voice “yes, come in!” It echoed like it was coming from a much bigger space than the modest room could allow. Coco Jumbo was sitting on the sofa in the corner. Normally much too tall a surface for a turtle to climb onto, given access by ramps stretching from the floor to every piece of furniture or appliance not already placed on the floor. They’d offered to get rid of the sofa, but Polnareff insisted they keep at least a small sofa and desk. As soon as he was inside the turtle Polnareff charged at him with a bear hug. The contact with his ghostly form felt a bit weird. It had mass, but wasn’t entirely solid. 
“What’s wrong Giorno? Couldn’t sleep? Something bothering you?” Coming from any other person that kind of attention would’ve felt smothering, but from him it felt genuine. Like he was asking because he wanted to hear the answer, not just out of politeness.
“I suppose.” he sat down, reminding himself not to get so comfortable as to fall asleep in the turtle. “I talked to Fugo. He said I can't live with GER if I'm constantly trying to turn it back to something that's already gone. But I can't seem to actually let it go. Even though I know it’s all useless.”
“What is it exactly about Gold Experience that you miss?”
Giorno was a bit taken aback. “How do you mean?”
“Well, Gold Experience might not be coming back, but why do you miss it in the first place? Do you know what it is about it that made you happier than GER? Maybe you can have this thing back. That same feeling, just in a different way.”
It was over a decade ago now. Giorno, only five years old, was sitting on the dirt in the tiny unkempt garden of their new house in italy. It was the time when his mother’s marriage was still fresh. When he was excited to make friends at this new place called “school”. When he still believed his stepdad’s wrath could be avoided if only he was well behaved enough. That garden was his refuge, a garden of eden. Crows and pigeons would fight over the right to rule the fence. Stray cats would sometimes sneak in; they might’ve let him pet them, if he gave them food scraps before. He was digging around for worms, eyes widening every time he found a squirming form in the moist ground. It made him wonder if they were placed there by a higher power just for him. The critters hiding in foliage and underground seemed like too much of a miracle to be a product of mere chance. Aristotle wrote about the theory of spontaneous generation. That living creatures could be birthed from dead, inanimate matter. And that was what humans believed for centuries. Common knowledge, really. By Giorno’s time everyone knew this was nonsense, of course; a fantasy created by prescientific minds. But Giorno was too young to have learned about such things; free to dream up explanations for the miracle in front of him.
Once giorno figured out how the damned UV lamp was supposed to be set up the cage was complete. Substrate, sticks, a stone to rub on, and every amenity a crested gecko could hope for. He opened the small plastic container and placed it inside the terrarium, letting the little guy step out and explore in his own time. Mista stood behind them, making faces.
“A gecko, really? Am I going to see it now every time I step in your office? Ugh, it’s face gives me the heebie-jeebies.”
“How could you say something so awful?” he said, his back still turned. Not that seeing his face would’ve given away whether or not he was joking. “In any case, his name’s Charlie, and you’re perfectly within your right to look away if his face bothers you.” When Giorno finally turned to face him, he took another sip of his tea. Out of politeness more than anything. He was never much of a tea guy, but when Giorno offered him a cup he brewed with the mint he grew himself, Mista didn’t have the heart to tell him no. Because at this point he knew Giorno well enough to see through his mysterious air; he was proud of himself.
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goatpaste · 2 years
before i watched part 5 i heard dio had a kid and i thought fugo was said kid and giorno was still the protag of part 5 but just like. i thought fugo was dio's kid for some unknown reason that never got elaborated in the show, i thought itd just be mentioned and that was that. i also called fugo an incel the 1st second i saw him and i regret that bc fugo's one of my top blorbos now
Fugo being Dios son for literally no reason would be sO SO funny and yet would be nearly the same as when it was Giorno because it really doesnt bring anything to the plot, Dio sure just had a kid who happened to be involved in that story loosely
its so funny because the dio kids in p6 manage to make being dio their dad way more plot important that Giorno did
also if it makes you feel better, when i "started" p5 i was on 24+ hours of no sleep, had just watched ALL of p4 and was so fucking grumpy that when Bruno first showed up i was inFURATED by him just being on screen and i refused to learn him name and solely refereed to him as spotted beast. Now hes my bestest friend light of my life and one of the few things in p5 i really truly love
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
HngnGNhnngn thinking about. scarlet ribbons and how unused the members of bucciarati's gang are to being doted on. or just cared for in the slightest really. all of them have experienced being cast aside at some point or another. that's why your kindness shines through like blinding rays, engulfing them with warmth that makes them realize just how cold they've been all along.
for giorno, it's reminding him that he doesn't have to be the infallible don of passione around you. giorno giovanna wears so many masks that he sometimes forgets his true face — if such a fabled countenance exists any longer. he always needs to be three steps ahead of both his allies and his enemies. this habit would exhaust anyone else, yet he's so used to it by now, that the weariness is mistaken for normalcy. you maneuver past the cracks in his façade and remind him that a person still exists behind the innumerable walls he's built up. without your reminders, it's likely he would forget. it takes time and diligence on your part. however, piece by piece, he'll reveal to you a more vulnerable self than he's never shown anyone else. in the dead of night, he'll quietly admit his fears. you don't need to present him any solutions, you just need to listen, hearing him out and withholding judgment. the resulting lightness where heavy pressure once oppressed his chest amazes him. you amaze him. you become his lifeline as much as he's been yours.
for fugo, it's simply engaging in his interests. his enthusiasm for learning never disappeared. he's been shut down in the past, his ability to quickly grasp the most complex subjects at a young age earned no shortage of envy from his older peers. due to this, they never cared to engage him in conversation on academics. consequently, his mind is buzzing with things to say that he figured no one would ever care to hear. when you don't just inquire what book he's reading, but really dig in with some specific questions, he can barely contain his excitement. you might not understand astrophysics or quantum mechanics but the way he lights up at your genuine investment is beyond endearing. by the time he finishes his explanation, he'll flush, murmuring an apology for getting carried away on something you likely could care less about. you adamantly refute this claim. he's at a loss. especially now, as you scoot next to him, pointing to some term he briefly mentioned and asking if he wouldn't mind expanding on it further. he has to bite down on his lower lip to stop the toothy grin that threatens to overwhelm his features.
for bruno, it's asking if he's been remembering to take care of himself. whether or not he answers in truth is subject to chance, since he doesn't want to worry you. still, if he brushes off your concern, guilt travels through his system like a poison and is expelled only when he confesses that he can't remember the last time he slept for more than five hours. your worry transcends anything he expected. you don't just give him a sorrowful glance and murmur how unfortunate that is, no, you act. advocating for his well-being when he's always considered it a second-rate concern. you're beside yourself, flitting to and fro, making the necessary arrangements for him to properly relax. he offers the slightest resistance just to relish in the guilty pleasure of how indignant you get for his sake. it's adorable, you're adorable, and if his heart was anymore full with love, it might burst. he scoops you up once you've finished lecturing him for not attending to his health and insists you'll be his personal remedy.
(nara, mista and abba under the cut)
for narancia, it's enjoying a homecooked meal. the poor boy grew up food insecure. even now that he has a job and livable income, he still mostly sustains himself off restaurant leftovers and takeout. when you make a point of asking what he's had to eat so far that day and he responds with something like a bag of chips or a slice of cold pizza, he doesn't understand your aghast expression. from his perspective, that's a solid diet, considering he used to rummage through trashcans for scraps. when you're still in your roommate era with fugo, you go against his wishes and start inviting narancia over often. you've become acquainted with some folk willing to share the produce their gardening hobby yields. narancia is in pure awe at the sight of freshly squeezed orange juice and waffles made from scratch on the first morning you had him over for breakfast. gobbles it down despite fugo chastising his poor manners. narancia becomes a regular at your doorstep after that point, pitching in to help with groceries. you teach him how to make some staples and he eagerly soaks in the knowledge. he thinks you're an absolute beauty with your little apron, shining and radiant.
for mista, it's just being down to vibe. he's a chill dude with a curious mind. the other guys tend to groan when mista introduces his wild hypotheticals or strange questions, so when you reciprocate his enthusiasm, he knows he's found his soulmate. wants to propose to you right then and there. it goes both ways, too. you could chat for hours about the most inane things and he'd find it absolutely riveting. time flies by unnoticed when the two of you get together. the sun will be high in the sky when he asks you about aliens and it'll be night when you ask him which animal he thinks is the most catholic. it's no exaggeration to say you're his best friend. whenever he calls you, he does that thing where he twists the phone cord with his finger. he's smitten and he has no complaints. mista couldn't get tired of you if he tried, you both just gel together perfectly.
for abbacchio, it's showing up at his dingy apartment uninvited and breathing life into the desolate space. he doesn't even remember giving you a key. regardless, here you are, chastising him for his empty fridge and swearing that you'll shrivel up and die if he doesn't go grocery shopping with you. he rolls his eyes, calls you dramatic, yet concedes anyway. he always does if you're the one insisting. you're not exactly rolling in cash but you purchase little trinkets that make his home, well, a home. a framed picture of the two of you by the bay. a candle for the kitchen windowsill that has a scent you know he's partial to. matching frog mugs that he swears he finds unsightly (he doesn't). a welcome mat, an ornate mirror found at a thrift shop, this pink blanket that feels as soft as a cloud. abbacchio's particularly fond of that last one, since it smells like you. what used to be four walls with a roof is now this vibrant space that screams you at every corner. he might grumble about your unsolicited redecorating but he wouldn't have it any other way.
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The Passione Scaredy-Cats (Team Bucci and Reader)
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Enjoy this silly, fluffy one-shot between Team Bucci and Reader!
[Y/N] was reading a book while checking the time. It'd been a whole hour since their friends left for the reconnaissance mission near one of the warehouses on the bay. They looked up, a bit concerned. This didn't feel like any ordinary reconnaissance mission Team Bucci was on.
Just as they were about to ponder the strange feeling, the sound of a van's tires screeching outside snapped them out of their reverie. A bit confused, they saw that the van screeched right in front of the doors. They hurried down the stairs as they heard more noise getting louder. It sounded an awful lot like kids from a horror movie screaming.
'Huh,' [Y/N] thought. 'What is going on out there?'
Before they could even reach the door, a mass of vibrant colors came flying into the living room. [Y/N] blinked as they saw Fugo and Giorno hiding behind the couches while Abbacchio and Bruno hid behind the curtains. Mista hid under the coffee table while Narancia hurried right behind [Y/N] and buried his face in their back.
"Uh," [Y/N] asked, bemused, to a tired-looking Trish. "What's going on here?" They tried to provide some comfort to Narancia by petting his hair.
"Long story short, they all got hit with a Stand. It makes them scared for the rest of the day," She sighed, running a hand through her hair.
"Oh no," [Y/N] winced sympathetically, continuing to soothingly pet Narancia's hair. "That's terrible." They looked over the others as they continued to hide. They sighed. "Go get some rest, Trish. It'll be ok." They gave her an encouraging smile. "I'll take it over from here."
Trish nodded hesitantly before heading upstairs. [Y/N] sighed as they looked over. The others were still scared out of their minds, no doubt. They shivered from fear, Bruno and Abbacchio sometimes peeking to see if everything was safe.
"It's okay, everyone," [Y/N] soothingly smiled. "You're back in the villa. You're safe and sound."
They all looked over to [Y/N] with uncertainty, Narancia holding onto them with a vice-like grip. [Y/N] gently walked over to the couch with Narancia, slowly sitting him down. Narancia whined, not letting go.
"It's okay, Narancia, it's alright," [Y/N] gently smiled. "Here. Why don't I make some tea or hot chocolate so that it'll help you guys calm a bit from the Stand attack? I'll be back shortly."
They hurried over to the kitchen and make their one-of-a-kind tea as well as some snug hot chocolate. They were just about done when a loud shriek made them jump. Fearing the worst, [Y/N] ran back right into the living room to see all six of them on top of the couch and the coffee tables, screaming on top of their lungs.
"What happened," [Y/N] asked concernedly. They yelled all at once in their terror. "One at a time."
"M-M-Mouse!" Mista squeaked, pointing near their feet.
[Y/N] looked down and an adorable mouse was squeaking innocently by their feet. They smiled and gathered the poor thing, gently putting it outside. As they went back to the kitchen, [Y/N] saw the awe in the air. They smiled as they washed their hands and brought the drinks.
"Here," They said, setting the drinks down on one of the side tables. "I have an idea. How about we make a blanket fort to feel safer if it's ok? We can also watch movies until these effects go away. Sound okay?"
"Ah, [Y/N]," Fugo stuttered. "T-This is..."
"Are you sure," Bruno asked hesitantly. "We might be up all night..."
"I'm sure," [Y/N] smiled. "Besides, it might be great to talk about more soothing things."
"We'll be a handful." Abbacchio warned softly.
"That's fine," [Y/N] continued to grin sweetly. "In fact, I really love it."
"I call dibs sitting next to [Y/N]!" Narancia piped up, looking a lot more like his usual self.
The next couple of hours were just sitting, soft talking, and watching a couple of nice movies to take the fear off. It was nice to unwind for just a little while, even if it was supposed to be to counter the effects of a Stand.
It was thirty minutes into the second movie. Narancia and Mista were asleep, Fugo was close to nodding off, and Bruno and Abbacchio had been the only ones watching the movie quietly. [Y/N] sipped on some hot chocolate when they felt Giorno rest his head on their shoulder.
"[Y/N]," Giorno murmured as he nodded off. "Thanks for this."
"It's no problem at all, Gio," [Y/N] whispered back. "I'm always here for you."
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silvernyxchariot · 2 years
Shall I interest you in some sad hours?
Rhetorical question, of course, love.
I know Polnareff has done nothing but suffer since childhood and being a soul stuck inside of a turtle's Stand isn't quite the happiest ending, but it is an ending that makes sense for his tragedy arc.
Become the guardian of the Stand arrow and gain a little peace.
His sister was killed. His mother more than likely dead and it sounded like his father wasn't even in the picture. France may have been Polnareff’s birth country, what he claimed to be home, but didn't sound like he had anything left there.
Half of his closest friends were killed in battle. Joseph, while still alive, was growing old and senile; he probably wouldn't have recognized Polnareff especially since he didn't even have his original body. Jotaro, while also alive during the events of Vento Aureo, was too busy searching for Stand arrows, defeating DIO's legacies, and protecting his own family to search for Polnareff.
No one would be looking for him. No one in Italy would have recognized his body, unless Giorno cleaned him up. The only reason why the Speedwagon Foundation would consider Polnareff's existence was 1) Polnareff contacted them, 2) they wanted the arrow he possessed, and Purple Haze Feedback was about Fugo and Giorno. The light novel didn't really involve Polnareff.
So, becoming the guardian of a Stand arrow was quite the perfect end for someone whom no one would look for.
Now, Polnareff, what is the circumference of Coco Jumbo's leg? Because I'm putting a ring on it.
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Beach trip headcanons! (Because I would’ve loved to see a stereotypical beach episode)
-They plan to get there super early but of course that doesn’t work out.
-they all decided to bring a ton of Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and bottles of water. And Narancia brought some chips and soda. Abbacchio brought a bottle of wine.
-Fugo brought a book to read but didn’t end up reading it because the sun was too bright
-the pistols ate way more sandwiches than they anticipated, like they just ate them right when they were taken out. So everyone had to share half a sandwich with someone else, and Bruno just went without, but kinda angrily. Number 5 apologized like fifty times to him, and Mista and Fugo tried to give up their half of a sandwich.
-Giorno decided that he was gonna build a really nice sand castle, and Trish decorated it with seashells and rocks she found. And narancia decided to dig a super deep hole right next to it.
-Fugo built a tiny sand castle but Mista ran over it, which ended up just as you’d expect it would, minus the fork because they didn’t bring any. To calm down Fugo went on a walk to look for sea glass, and he found quite a lot of it. He was very excited about how much sea glass he found and talked Bruno’s ear off about it.
-Abbacchio drank a bottle of wine and took a nap for like six hours. When he woke up he was on the ground and he had a layer of sand covering his hair.
-Bruno was hungry and grumpy and decided to talk to a bunch of crabs he found about it. He eventually caught the crabs with his bare hands and cooked and ate them.
-Mista and Narancia decided to have a seaweed fight in the water that Giorno joined in on eventually, Trish stayed away. Giorno befriended so many fish
-when abbacchio woke up, him and Trish did beach photo shoots of each other because no one else wanted to take pictures
-Fugo got the worst sunburn despite putting layers upon layers of sunscreen on.
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