#some guy asked me if I saw the Mario movie and I said no. then he asked if I wanna see it and I said no again
lemonadebottlecap · 1 year
I thot I could pick up on flirting but you know what I can’t. Everyone that’s ever flirted with me ever should do it again
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stabortega · 1 year
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Summary: What it would be like to date Sam Carpenter.
Pairings: Sam Carpenter x Fem!Reader.
Warnings: SFW & NSFW. Implied fem reader, she/her pronouns used. MDNI.
Author's note: Not much to say, look at those arms tho. 🤤
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You've met Sam through her job (one of them).
She's a waitress at one of your favorite diners, but after seeing her face, you had one more reason to go eat there everyday.
Sam had issues and that was obivous.
You didn't knew what had happened, and Sam didn't knew if that was a good or a bad thing.
You knew something was off when you looked at her, while she was serving your morning coffee, and she would just look away.
Like if she wanted to look, but she couldn't.
One day, the diner was about to close and she was cleaning everything up, while you finished your last mug of coffee.
So, you handed her your phone number written on that 10 dollar bil that Sam swore she wouldn't keep it.
And of course, she did. She rather have 10 dollars out of her paycheck than to miss the opportunity of having your number.
Sam was scared.
Everyone who came into her life got involved into her mess, one way or another. She didn't wanted that for you.
And although she didn't even knew a single thing about you (despite the fact that you liked your coffee black), she cared deeply about you.
But after you guys started exchanging texts, she realized that all she wanted was to be herself with you.
Behind all of that protectiveness, Sam was just insecure. She just didn't felt safe anymore.
And she hated not having control of things.
Which is why you guys' first date made her anxious as fuck.
She didn't knew what do to, or what to say. She was scared to drive you away with all of her baggage.
But you, and thank god for that, took the matters into your own hands.
Being the extroverted girl you always were, you talked about pretty much everything all night. All of your favorite movies, your favorite music.
You even explained to Sam why purple was the superior color for a good amount of time.
And all of the anxiety she felt before, suddenly was gone.
Needless to say she kissed you goodnight after that amazing date.
Sam proved herself to be an amazing girlfriend, actually.
You would visit her at the diner everyday, sometimes you guys would even walk home together.
But for a very especific reason, Sam would never let you go upstairs to her place.
And you didn't knew why; she never told you.
You thought it could be her sister who didn't liked you, her friends who thought you might be weird; maybe she was a secret hoarder.
But all of the questioning came to an end when she drove you to college one day, and your friends saw her face for the first time.
"Holy shit, is that the Woodsboro girl?" One of your friends said after she left.
"Who?" You asked, confused.
"You don't know what she did? Dude, she's a murderer."
That night, you and Sam had a heated argument.
You were sad that after 6 months of dating, she couldn't even be real with you. It's like she didn't even trusted you enough.
"How would I tell this to you, (Y/N)?? No one teaches you to tell your girlfriend that you had to kill someone, god damnit." You took a deep breath, and looked at her.
"Look at me, baby. I don't care what you did, what you had to do, or what happened back in that town. I believe in you. I trust you." And that was what Sam needed to hear. From anybody. From you.
After that argument, you guys rarely fought anymore. You gave her time, and space. You understood her issues, you took care of her.
Eventually, you got to meet her friends, her roommates,and especially her sister, Tara.
And you guys hit it off right away, which made Sam so happy and relieved.
"You really like her, don't you?" Tara said, while Sam and her were together in the kitchen. Sam looked at you and Chad playing some Mario Kart together, laughing and making fun of each other while Mindy and all of the gang were laughing as well.
"Yeah, I do."
Sam is the kind of girlfriend who pretty much always wants to break up with you because her mind tells her to do so.
She's just too scared to hurt you, to bring you into her life.
But she's also very caring, being the most incredibly sweet girl you've ever met.
When she's home from work, tired, all she wants do to is cuddle you and feel your fingers onto her her.
She's just a huge softie sometimes.
Everything about Sam being a softie doesn't apply here.
It took you guys a certain amount of time to finally have sex.
Mainly because Sam was just insecure.
But when you finally did, you've asked yourself how the fuck could she be so insecure?
She was just that good.
Sam is a dom most of the times, like I've said; she feels safer when she's in control.
And she's a good dom, lemme tell you that.
She's the kind of dom who wants to overstimulate you so bad until you use your safe word.
She wants to make you feel the better you've ever felt.
Her favorite position is the missionary (especially with the strap).
There's something about looking at your face while she fucks you raw that just gets her going.
One of her biggest kinks is also mommy daddy kink.
And she kinda found out by accident.
You were supposed to call her mommy, just like she'd asked you.
Somehow, daddy came out instead.
And now she won't stop railing you untill you call her that again. And again.
And again.
She's VERY into dirty talking.
She could easily make you cum just by whispering all of the things she wanna do with you.
"Fuck, you like that? Look at your fucking face, you wished I was fucking your mouth too. God, you're such a slut. Your pussy is made for me to fuck."
And at that point she was fucking you so good that all you could do was nod and whimper.
Sam also prefers to fuck at your place, mainly because she's terrified that Tara finds out she has a sex life.
And let's never forget about the day Mindy has caught you two.
"Oh, my god! I am so, so sorry- Wait, is that a butt plug?"
So now Sam's traumatized enough.
And also, she has a huge toy collection that she absolutely adores using on you.
Like I've said, overstimulation is a big thing for her, and she wants to fuck you in every way possible.
And at the same time.
"Fuck, look at you... So fucking tight yet so ready for me, huh?" She whispered while she was fucking your ass with one of the plugs. "Bet daddy can make you cum just by fucking your ass, don't you think?"
But when Sam bottoms, though.
Seeing her so vulnerable, so submissive, gets you going like crazy.
Sam didn't allowed herself to be in that position for a very long time, it's safe to say she's insecure about that too. But you respected her time, her space.
And now she's a whore in bed with you.
Sam loves when you fuck her in all fours, it makes her feel like she's a dog in heat and that makes her crazy.
When you pull her hair, slap her ass, god.
She has a big mirror in her room, and something about watching you fuck her gets her so turned on.
And you knew that.
"Look up, baby. Look at your face while I'm fucking that tight pussy of yours."
Also, she has zero gag reflex. You do whatever you want with that information.
Being completely honest here, Sam doesn't really knew much about aftercare.
Mainly because all of the people she's been with never really cared enough to do it, so she was unaware.
But, of course, you taught her. And you took care of her.
And everytime you guys were done, she would look at you and ask if you were okay, if she hurt you too much.
She loved you too much to hurt you, at that point.
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gachawolfiebloom · 6 months
Your Pursuit of Perfection
Story and Artwork By: @GachaWolfieBloom
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Alternate Ending: What have I Done?
Summary: A few months after the events of WOTFI 2023, SMG4 starts having really bad dreams about the "Its gotta be perfect" incident. One night however, his fear allows the nightmares to break through and he gets taken to a horrific dimension. He finally meets the tv adware, who manipulates him into returning to his insane ways, intent on claiming much more than the perfect video. Now it's up to his friends to stop this madness and save SMG4. Can they do it in time or will they lose SMG4 forever? (In case you are unaware this is a sequel to the its gotta be perfect movie)
Tags: angst, its gotta be perfect, love confession, luigi, mario, meggy, melony, nightmares, scary, smg3, smg4, smg34, smg3 x smg4, tari, tv adware
Author's Note: Okay okay I hear you. I have gotten comments on my Tumblr and Wattpad for the bad ending to your pursuit of perfection for quite some time, so here it is! This chapter leaves off right after the rap battle and answers the question lots of fans have been wondering: What would have happened if Smg4 gave in to Mr Puzzles? Warning that there is blood and gruesome descriptions in this.
The TV Adware shields his eyes, but opens them to find that rays of meme powers have hit Smg4. One speaks in a commanding voice to the corrupted man. "Your darkness cannot survive in our energy! Loosen your grip on Smg4's heart and let him speak!" The pink cracks on his face etched in deeper as the man they belonged to struggled to fight it. "NO!" Mr Puzzles had enough of this foolishness as he disappeared into the dark shadows behind him, determined to put a stop to this once and for all.
"This isn't working!" Meggy called out until a familar voice spoke "You...guys came back? You didn't forget about me?" They all tuned to see Four with his soft blue eyes, grieving in pain and speaking in a low croak. Tears formed in his eyes as he asked "You didn't replace or reject me?"
Tari smiled and said "Of course not! Why would you think that?" Four felt a dark cloud surrounding him while he was curled up on his knees. Why wasn't his corrupted form disappearing? "I thought that you would never forgive me for what I did. I wanted to forget it!" Suddenly that voice following him around was echoing through his ears once again. "Smg4...don't let these 'friends' fool you."
"Y-You...It was you that gave me those nightmares." The connection was running out and Four was distraught. "We can't hold it for that much longer!" One called out. When Three heard that, his heroic stupidity took hold as he let go of his fellow meme guardians and rushed towards Four. "THREE NO!" Meggy tried to stop him, but it was too late. Three grabbed his hand and tried to use their connection.
What happened next was quite unfortunate as Three awoke to find himself in Four's mind. He then saw his lover from another life and the tall TV man next to him. Mr Puzzles was whispering conflicting persuasions into his ear that made Three understand why Four was so broken.
"What have they done for you?"
"You could have had the perfect video if you didn't save him."
"You should be ruling this world with me."
"I'm your only friend."
Three's anger started to boil as he yelled "LET HIM GO!" Mr Puzzles chuckled and said "Why should I do that?" Three pulled out a bomb and said "Easy. Because I will KILL YOU!!!" He rushed towards him and threw the bomb, but the entertainer disappeared upon impact. Three looked all around and yelled "SHOW YOURSELF YOU FRICKING TV CRAP!!!"
Mr Puzzles reappeared behind him and said "Over here." Three turned and threw another explosive at him, but once again Mr Puzzles's great vanishing act had happened again. He kept reappearing in several spots for each explosion to happen a few seconds too late.
"Just missed me."
"I could do this for all eternity."
All according to plan.
Mr Puzzles played around with Three's emotions for a few more minutes until he appeared by Four and waved. Three was breathing tirelessly as his body ached with exhaustion. "What's wrong Smg3? Tired already? Aw that's a shame. I was having such a good time." Three could have never foretold what happened next. It would soon become the biggest regret of his life...or even his last moments.
Mr Puzzles face didn't change into shock, but instead to a pleasing expression. "Oh my. Did you hear that Smg4?" Three's eyes widened as he noticed that Four was listening and his face was horrified like nothing Three had ever seen before. "You...hate me?" In a mad panic, Three tried to take back what he said. "NO! I WAS TALKING TO MR PUZZLES! I SWEAR I WOULD NEVER SAY THAT ABOUT YOU FOUR!"
Mr Puzzles placed a hand on his shoulder and said "I'm sorry Smg4, but this was what I was warning you about. Your friends never loved you and they never will." It was all made clear. Everything that Three had done was just what Mr Puzzles had wanted. Four's transformation was never permanent...but now it would be.
"You're right. You both were right. I'm a monster. I have no friends. I'm trapped with my wrongful actions. I'll never be anything more." Three covered his mouth with his hands. If anyone was feeling more immense guilt between the two, it was him. Out of everything he did to Four, this had crossed the line. The smirking Adware clapped his hands and said "Thank you Smg3. You finally admitted your true feelings for Smg4...didn't you."
"NO! THAT'S NOT TRUE!" He couldn't take it anymore as he grabbed Four and admitted "I LOVE YOU SMG4!" He hoped that admitting his real feelings would be enough to repair the damage he had caused, but no matter how much he tried Four was convinced that the opposite of Three's honest feelings was what everyone really thought of him.
Four's hands grew cold and his body shook. Three had hit his breaking point as he grabbed Four and pulled him into an embrace. He shut his eyes tightly, reopening them to find that the bond had broken and One and Two looked like they were about to collapse from exhaustion. Four was grimacing with anger back in his corrupted form. Mr Puzzles saw his opportunity and seized it when he yelled out "YOU ALL HAVE INTERFERED FOR THE LAST TIME! NIGHTMARE FOUR DESTROY THEM!" In a flash, the permanent transformation controlled the movement of a mad dash and Four gripped Three's wrist, growing tighter and tighter.
"Four! You're hurting me! Stop!" Four didn't listen as he could clearly sense what this being had said. "SHUT IT! YOU ALL HAVE TREATED ME LIKE A JOKE! I'LL SHOW YOU THAT I'M MORE POWERFUL THAN ALL OF YOU COMBINED!!!"
"THREE! NOOO!" Meggy cried as a sharp pain filled his wrist. His vision blurred as he looked down and saw that Four had broken his wrist so badly that it was bleeding. The others watched in complete shock. They never had known what Four was capable of until right now.
Three tried to pull himself up, but a strong force pulled him up to their face. "Isn't it ironic that you have threatened to kill me so many times and I was actually the one who did it to you..." His past. He could have used his last bit strength to pull away and end the man's life for good just like his old self had promised. Instead he flashed a weak smile and said with tears "I'm sorry Four...for everything." He deserved to be put out of his misery. No matter how much he tried, his selfishness just made the one he loved suffer more. "If this will make you feel better...I'm ready."
That was the last thing he said before an arm pounded through his chest. A metallic taste filled his mouth and his eyes flickered out. It was his final moments. Four dropped the corpse and looked at the others with a flashing pink eye. "Don't worry, you're next!"
Silence. Sweet silence. Mr Puzzles sat upon his bitter throne while watching over his new kingdom. His partner watched along with him, eyes narrow. He should be happy. Finally no more nightmares. No more pain and suffering. Nobody to tell him he was worthless. These thoughts swarmed him until something else made him feel...different? Everything was shriveled up and the sky was blood red. Reminded him of someone's eyes.
A bunch of corpses lied down in the distance beneath them. One caught his eyes and he sighed. "Isn't this better Smg4?" He nodded and said "I'm going for a walk..." He left his once tranquil castle of the Showgrounds and looked down at the bleeding man. His chest had a huge hole in it and his face looked tired.
Four looked down at his hands, covered with blood. Those memories. Those feelings. Those good times. It was filled with so much more happiness than what had come now. Maybe even better if Three and him had become...
Tears started to stream down his face as he collapsed onto his knees. He held his lover in his arms, looking down at his sweet face. Corpses of his friends surrounded them as sadness and loneliness was the only thing to keep him company now. Gone. Gone forever. A lump in his throat had formed and a shaky voice said the only thought he had left.
"Oh god. What have I done?"
You've made things perfect...
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factual-fantasy · 2 years
I has 30 asks! :}}
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The only thing that mattered to me in that trailer was Mario saying “I’m not afraid, I’ll do anything for my brother.” Their brotherhood is the only thing giving me hope for this movie-
That, and the blue shelled koopa troopa’s are interesting..
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The idea I had in mind is that they were magically transported to the Mario universe some how, where they ended up in the middle of a forest. They kind’a wandered for a while before finding the Mushroom kingdom. This was right after Peach was captured.
I was thinking that the toad people let them in to help them and later witnessed Mario using a fire flower. That’s when they knew these two were the hero's of legend and their quest began :0
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Yes! They don’t have enough food to go around so they try to avoid waking anyone else up. That, and the fact that that Spy and Pyro don’t carry anything particularly useful to them. Nothing worth risking being seen by the camera at least.
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In my AU at least, there is no Glamrock Ballora. Its just the main Glamrocks we’ve already seen. The original Ballora did exist though. :0
As for the tiger guy and mermaid gal? They are not in my AU either.. 
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Not only would he not care and do it again, but he would attack Mario because he is in pain. He would take advantage of his vulnerability.
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The plans I had for Luigi is that he dies to a Goomba. BUT WAIT HANG ON- THAT’S NOT FUNNY- The Goomba’s in my AU are real monsters. Luigi gets bitten by one and his entire leg gets shredded. Then the venom from the Goomba slowly makes Luigi rot from the inside out.
He rapidly begins to deteriorate over the span of a few days. Eventually he looses all his strength and is just laying on his death bed.
Mario is holding his hand and keeps telling him he’s going to be fine. Everything's gonna be okay, Luigi’s going to get better everything will be fine-
Luigi’s hand goes limp.
And then he gets revived by the 1-UP he had absorbed a couple of days ago. All better! :D
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Thank youuu!!! :DDD
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I don’t take commissions or straight up “Hey draw this thing for me” stuff. Buuut, the other stuff sounds like it could be fun :}
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I think if a little kid came in and didn’t mess with anything and was just scared and crying. I feel like King Boo would show mercy and have his Boos kind’a guide them back out of the forest. 
If its some bratty little kid well... I cant say he’d be patient with them.
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I’m on desktop. If you click this little doo-dad here?
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And then this one?
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You can put literally as many pictures as you want. Its never stopped me and said there was too many images. Same thing with the orange photo option. When I fill up the 10 slots I just click the little grey camera and keep adding more drawings-
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Yeah I remember trolls. Never saw world tour but I always intended to- here’s to hoping trolls 3 turns out good!
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I have! Such a bizarre game concept has no right to have such good animation and interesting (to me) character design-
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XD My body is basically just grey and black goop. I can have as many arms as I want! I’ve just found having a 3rd arm to be rather convenient recently.
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Thank you for understanding <:} It means a lot that even if some people don’t get it, they can still see my perspective and respect my boundaries. 
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The 1-UP has to be consumed before dying. So it wouldn’t work if you just shoved it down their throats after they died-
Also it works instantaneously. It could be literally 5 seconds before they’re about to bleed out, as soon as the mushroom makes contact with them, their body absorbs it and its energy is fully prepared to be consumed.
Also thank you! I’m glad to hear you like my content! :DDD
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I’m not familiar with that character, so I didn’t write him into the AU.. <:/
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Bowser wants Peach’s land. Because it is healthy and fruitful. But he has never be able to take it because Daisy and Peach’s kingdoms stand together. Its 2 kingdoms against 1.
But somehow he managed to kidnap Peach. Not sure how he did it but this meant he had the upper hand. He threatened to harm or even kill Peach if they didn’t surrender their land to Bowser. 
Its right after this all starts that the Mario brothers show up and end up rescuing her.
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Thank you! I’m glad you like my work! :DD But so far nah... I mostly just came back to goof around with the Octo-dads for a bit. Not much work being done on my Octonauts AUs...
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When Foxy was reactivated he only went out of the basement for that first night. And Freddy guided him through blind spots in the cameras. 
After that first night Foxy never left the basement. Neither did Bonnie. So Vanessa never saw Foxy and doesn’t know they’ve both been reactivated.
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XD You can like what ever you want man! You’re never too old to enjoy your old comfort shows.
Also thank you! I’m glad you like it! :DD
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aaaa thank you!!
Also its okay. Internets gonna internet. There’s always gonna be people who disrespect you for no reason. 🤷‍♂️
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snffle.... t-tnk u
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Awe you’re too kind, Thank you!
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I have not :0 I’ve heard good things about it though!
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Wow really? :0 That’s nuts!
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Man, that’s an unfortunate way to find me. But its cool that you did! Also AAAA thank you!!! I’m glad you like my artwork!! :DD
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someforzari · 9 months
Omg something abt watching this edit made me think of brothers bsf niki and I'm abt to explode
A/N: no smut obv, just fluff, reader is Jake's sister, Jake is aware of Niki's feelings, niki is a flirt, Niki is in love, set in UK (for some reason), kind of short (like reader).
Let me know if I should make part 2.
Female reader!!
(Actual fic + video under cut)
Niki was your brothers best friend. He was also your neighbour of 6 yrs, upon moving to this neighbourhood, Jake and him quickly became friends and you often saw him at your house or at his if Jake brought you along.
On one of your days off from work and school, he came over with 2 boxes of pizza because Jake had invited him over for video games and a movie. You opened the door because Jake was too busy tackling Sunghoon who beat him in Mario kart for the 5th time. Niki couldn't help but spark an interest in you since the first time he met u. Dare I say, he liked you.
"Hi Niki" You greeted.
"Hey _____, how are u pretty?" He said looking down at you.
Your heart flips at the nickname, it wasn't unusual for Niki to give you nicknames but all of them were jokes and silly names (eg: shorty, armrest, gnome, Santa's elf etc)
"I-" You were abruptly cut off by Jake pushing past you to hug the taller boy and welcoming him in, grabbing the pizza from him.
You and Jake were very close, thats why he always protected you and indulged your reckless behaviour. Jake loved you more than anything and knowing Niki, he knew the younger boy wouldnt treat you badly, ever.
Jake knew Niki's feelings for you and he didn't disapprove of the idea of you two dating.
Rolling your eyes, you locked the door and went into the living room where Jake and all of his friends played games and drank soda. As you normally do, you grabbed a slice of pizza and a can of coke and left for your room.
Niki was staring at you as u walked away, smirking to himself.
A few hours passed and you quickly got bored of your room, of course, you decided to go annoy your brother.
Walking into the living room and winking at Sunghoon to signal your plan, he quickly moved over to the single lounge chair leaving space for you to sit between Niki and Jake.
Jake caught on and asked Sunghoon why he moved.
"It's more comfortable here plus your massive arm isn't digging into my stomach when I get close to winning" Sunghoon joked.
Jake chuckled not minding that you sat between him and Niki as it was normal for when you got bored. Niki, however, gulped loudly when he saw how close in proximity you were to him.
You watched the boys play and laughed at some of their jokes but evidently got bored again only this time, you had jake to annoy. You waited until he was close to winning when you reached over your legs to the coffee table, pretending to get your coke and pushed into him gently when going backwards. Not too hard but hard enough to knock his hand out of place, both Niki and Sunghoon getting to the finish line before him.
"_____!!" He shouted right as Sunghoon started dancing in victory and Niki laughed clapping his hands.
"Sorry!" You weren't sorry. "I was getting the can but you were too close to me so I nudged into you!"
"Cmon Jake don't be a sore loser" Sunghoon said sitting down and patting niki on the back as a well done.
Jake grumbled under his breath and started the next game. Video games weren't really your thing so you went into the kitchen for a snack since they ate all the food already. Noticing the fridge and cupboards were empty, you went to ask Jake for money to go do some food shopping.
"Jake, can I have like 20 bucks" without even asking you what you needed he just threw a £20 note at you. "Thanks"
Niki couldn't help but smile when you guys made eye contact and you shyyed away.
You left the house locking the door and finding your car in the driveway.
(Back in the house)
Jake waited until he could hear your car engine start to speak up.
"So, Niki, what happened to that girl you were dating? Jenny was it? Janice?" He said curious to know more qbout the boy's love life..
"She broke up with me a few months ago because her parents didn't approve."
Jake just hummed, nodding at his response.
It got quiet for a moment until Sunghoon spoke up.
"Niki do you think you will start dating again anytime soon?"
"I've thought about that and I think I won't jump to the first girl who asks me out, this time, I'll wait for the right girl."
Sunghoon nodded "Do you have anyone in mind?"
"Yeah, but you guys aren't ready for it."
"Oh come on, tell-"
The sounds of the door opening and closing interrupted sunghoon as you entered and waved the packet of crisps in the air. All 3 men began cheering as you threw it at Jake and it hit him straight in the head causing you and the 2 older boys to laugh as Jake held his head in his hands. You ran to your room as Jake ran after you. Holding the door and locking it in Jake's face. He was banging on it and yelling at you to open it. Eventually, he stopped and went back to the living room. Although, he wasn't going to give up that easily. He sent Niki to talk to you and get you to open the door, Niki obviously didn't decline because it was alone time with you.
"_____? It's me Niki. Open the door I'm not gonna let Jake in."
"You promise?" You asked making his heart swell with adoration.
"Yes I promise."
Unlocking the door and creaking it open slightly just to peak out and make eye contact with Niki. He smiled warmly and you opened the door enough for him to walk in, eyeing the hallway cautiously. Making him laugh and pull you into the room, fully locking the door.
He felt a surge of confidence from being alone in a room with you and as you turned around he crept behind you and pinned you against the door.
"Nik-!" You yelled and he hurried to cover your mouth for fear of Jake thinking you were in danger and breaking the door down.
"I'll move my hand, but don't shout, please"
After calming down, you nodded quickly and he moved his hand slowly resting it on your shoulder. He sighed thankful that you didn't shout, and grabbed your waist, hugging you.
"What are u doing?" You whisper-yelled into his bicep.
"I don't know, but if you want me to stop, just say so."
After getting no response, he scoffed lightly and pulled away to look at you. The look in your eye made a light pink hue fall on his cheeks as he smiled.
"Yeah?" You answered softly.
"Can I kiss you?" He was desperate to, but he wanted to make sure he could.
Instead of answering him, you wrapped ur hands around his neck and pulled him down to kiss him. It happened too quick for Niki, as he felt his face grow hot and his hands exploring your small back, kissing you deeply.
Oh, how badly you've wanted to kiss him since year 8 (9th grade) but never wanting to break the bond you and him had. You could kiss him forever but the sound of Jake laughing loudly from the living room startled you, causing you to break away from Niki and open the door quietly. Gesturing him to the kitchen where you both waited for something to happen, the sound of Jake's voice broke the silence.
"_____? You okay, it's been a while."
"Yeah, I'm alright." You answered back.
You and Niki crept to the doorway, Niki hiding behind the wall, reassuring you that Jake couldn't see him. Jake and Sunghoon walked over to see you by urself.
"She's okay dude" Sunghoon said annoyed.
Jake sighed lightly. "I know, had to make sure though."
You smiled softly at them and look in Niki's direction, only to see him smirking at you and lifting his eyebrow at you.
Video here
(Credits to aesphae on tiktok)
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loving08 · 1 year
Love or Pain
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Nicholas leister x reader
summary: Y/N and Nicholas has been best friends since childhood but Y/N started to have feelings for Nick. will she confess her feelings to him or the entry of Noah in their life will change everything??
Part 3
Jenna and Mario were already sitted at a table when Y/N and Nicholas meet them. When they reached, Jenna huffed in her sit and said "Well, thank you for gracing us with your presence finally". Y/N laughed and said "Sorry guys, there was so much traffic so we got late". Jenna shook her head and said "Yeah sure and we will believe you right, we know you got late cause you guys were making out in the car" and wriggled her brows at Y/N and Nick.
They both just looked at each other and laughed, their friends would always assume that someday they would date each other or they already are and Y/N and Nick never correct them about that.
They all have been just talking and laughing when Nick's phone rang, he took out his phone and he groaned when he saw it was his dad who is calling him. Y/N looked at him and motion at him to receive the call, he reluctantly accepted the call and listen to whatever his father was saying and by the look on his face everyone can tell he is not pleased with it. After a few mins he cut the called and looked at his friends, Mario raised his brows at him asking what happened, Nick sighed and said "Dad said that his new daughter is getting bored and want to go explore and since he's taking his new wife on a date this evening he wants me to take her outside and take care of her as my sister" and rolled his eyes in anger.
Y/N knows William just wants Nick to get along with his new family but she can't help but feels like something might change after this, like a gut feeling, she shook her head looking at Nick and said "its okay if she wants to explore here, she is just a 17 years old girl obviously she will get bored staying at the house". Nick knows what she gonna say next and said "No, dad knows that I don't want to know anything about his new family or spent any time with them at all but he still want to force me". Y/N sighed and said "C'mon , they might not be that bad, I'm not telling you to accept them but atleast try to get along with them or be interested in them it will make your dad feel a little better Nick".
Nick just stared at her so she continued "and in the evening we all are going to Ava's house for the party right, asked for her mom permission and we can take her along with us and we all will be there, I will keep her by my side and let her enjoy herself a little, its going to be okay Nick" and gave him a big smile. He let a out a long sigh and nodded his head at her, knowing he can't say no to her with that smile on her face. They discussed what time they will go to the party with Jenna and Mario and then parted ways with them. Throughout the drive to her house, Y/N noticed Nick was very quiet, knowing he is still upset she didn't said anything. When they reached her house she took his hand and lead him inside.
Inside the house Y/N mother was sitted at the sofa with her laptop working on some of her files, she looked up when she heard footsteps approaching her and a smile took over her face when she saw it was Y/N and Nick. She wrapped her arms around Nick when he came closer and said "its nice to see you again sweetie, how was your day, Y/N didn't troubled you right". Y/N held an offended look on her face and Nick laughed looking at her and shook his head and said "I had a good day and No she didn't troubled me at all", Y/N smiled looking at him laughing and glad his mood is changing and he's not so upset anymore.
She took his hand and dragged him to her room and told him to choose a movie while she changed to some comfy clothes. When she came back she saw he already had chosen a movie but he is not looking at the screen but thinking about something. she came up to him and said "care to share what's going on in that head of yours". Nick turned towards her and pulled her closer, hugging her around her stomach and sighed, she runs her finger through his hair softly and stayed silent, letting him know that she's there for him.
After some mins Nick sighed again and said " am I being selfish for not accepting his new family, am I bad that I don't want be a part of his happiness". Y/N put her hands on his face and made him looked up, she gently moves her fingers on his face and looked at him softly and said "No Boo, you are not bad or being selfish by not accepting his new family or being part of his happiness, its not wrong of you to feel like that, no one is going to force you for that as well not even your dad, he just... want you to be happy, he is your father afterall he will never think for anything bad for you, and Boo... know that its okay that you don't want to accept them, sometimes its okay to be selfish and you can be selfish for as long as you want okay but... don't think that your dad doesn't loves you okay".
Nick face softened hearing her saying that, its okay for him to be selfish its okay for him to feel not okay. he just continued looking at her and she said "C'mon let's take short nap, I don't think we are in the mood for a movie anymore" and pulled him to lay on the bed properly. He laid down on the bed and pulled her closer to him, she put her head in his chest and started to form small circles there to lull him to sleep, feeling content and having her in his arm he let himself feel relaxed and closed his eyes and let sleep consume him.
Part 4
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multicolour-ink · 17 days
Hi there multicolor!
I've recently refound alot of your mario multi universe questions and answers! And I got to say I love them all so much genuinely since I really love the super show and 1993 mario movie so I not only wanted to thank you for making those but I also wanted to share some of my own findings of the super show specifically because I know you recently saw and liked my post about the super shows and game marios height which are these images.
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Where I said the heights for the super show were 4'11 for mario, 6'1 for luigi, 6'2 for toadstool, 3'4 for Toad (yes I figured out what it was) and 6'2 for koopa
Well now I have something new to add to this that I will be telling paino eventually too and that is a good while ago just for fun I was looking up to see if anyone who worked on the super show was still alive and most if not all the writers, producers and creator are still alive and while looking this up I saw that a few of the writers who worked on super show had an instagram! Now when I saw that I decided to shoot my shots and text some of these writers instagram accounts if any of them would be able to answer my questions about the super show. Now I will say this I was polite and did apologize just in case there were fake accounts or just normal accounts that just so happened to show up when I looked up writers of the super show. Now all be honest I really didn't expect any replies tbh with you because to these amazing writers I'm just a person that not only just randomly text them out of no where but also asked them about a silly little mario cartoon in the late 80s so I really didn't expect an answer. But a day later Phil Harnage the man who not only wrote for many cartoons like Sailor moon, He-man, She-ra, Sonic underground, Super Show, Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario World etc but also wrote the episode for mama luigi....MAMA LUIGI GUYS! Here's a screen shot of him answering my insta text! (also I got permission for me to send these screen shots and share this conversation so i'm fine!)
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I. WAS. SHOCKED I wasn't expecting an actual reply! As a Super Show fan I was ESTATIC I had sooooo many questions for him and he did deliver well on most of them anyway 😅
Now I had ALOT of questions to ask him but for this reply I'll keep it on theme of this reply which was super show character heights!
Now when I originally did my height chart I knew I wasn't a hundred percent right because all I did was watch the show and look at some side by side views of the characters when and if it happened. So that and a mixture of using the height chart I got my results which you already know about.
So when I asked him this question I was REALLY happy and surprised with what he said! Take a look! ( the purple is me and the white is Phil )
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I. WAS. SO. HAPPY! I was really close you guys! Like that means my guess for Mario, Luigi, and Toad are most likely spot on or one inch difference! The only ones I we're more off we're toadstool and koopa which yeah I could see why possibly so that means Toadstool is mostly likely Luigi's height 6'1 instead of my guess which was 6'2 and koopa was most likely 6'3 or 6'4 but that's still iffy but there REALLY close to what I guess! Which again made me really happy as a Super Show fan!.
Now I asked him ALOT more questions but this ask is already long so I won't put them here but I felt like I HAD to put this last screen shot here so take a look!
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Use this information as you like :)
But thank you so much for reading this LONG ASS REPLY it really means alot to me as not only a Super Show fan but as a Mario fan in general you're fanfics and AUs are incredible! And really do help the community alot. I also hope this information helps anyone who wants to make Super show stuff or just au material at all because I want to see more Super show and 1993 mario fan stuff guys I know we can do it!
Again thank you for reading this and have a fantastic day/night!
Thank you for writing to me and saying you apprecaite my stuff, @savagegirl1930 😊 It means a lot to hear that.
I will leave your findings here for everyone to see. It's all very interesting!
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pepperonidk · 2 years
vii. a dream within a dream || all my love
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream ." - A Dream Within a Dream; Edgar Allan Poe
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Pairing: Jeon Wonwoox f!Reader Summary:  jeon wonwoo ocassionally lives out his dream of being a hallmark holiday movie protagonist. only on weekends. Warnings: food mentions Word Count: 2.8k A/N: sometimes i think about the original plans i had for this story and i realize just how far i am from that original plan... haha this was gonna be a bucky barnes fanfic... imagine... if you ask me about my original plans i will think you're 1000% cool. ALSO I AM SO SORRY ABOUT THE LATE POST. I'M BACK BABEY.
take a look at my pinned post to see how to join the aml taglist!
previous chapter || back to library || next chapter
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“Wonwoo,” Mingyu sighed in frustration. “You’ve missed the freaking turn three times already. We’ve been circling this block for twenty minutes.”
“Mingyu, with all due respect, please shut up so I can see better.”
“I’ll shut up when you finally make the –” Mingyu was cut off by Wonwoo making a sharp left turn and he grabbed the handle above his window. “Oh my god, this isn’t Mario Kart, use your brakes.” 
“Well I made the turn didn’t I?” Wonwoo huffed at Mingyu as he readjusted his wheel. Thankfully, the streets weren’t too busy at this time of night. Wonwoo glanced over at Mingyu who let out a chortle of disbelief.
“I guess that’s true,” he admitted.
“So why was everyone being so weird earlier?” Wonwoo asked, referring to the weird shift in events that occurred when he stopped at Joshua’s house.
The question seemed to catch Mingyu off guard as he let out a surprised cough. “Weird? What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about why Seungkwan seemed to be hauling your ass to the front door, and how Seokmin suddenly got food poisoning less than half an hour after I called him,” Wonwoo said flatly, glancing over at Mingyu, who was staring outside of the window, pretending to be interested in the empty and clear night sky.
“Oh that? You know Seokmin has IBS, he’s really sensitive about it,” Mingyu replied a little too quickly.
“Okay…” Wonwoo dragged out. He very well knew that Seokmin did not have irritable bowel syndrome, having eaten many meals with him. 
Mingyu turned back around to face him. “Why did you only ask Seungkwan and Seokmin to go with you?” he asked in return.
Now it was Wonwoo who was caught off guard. “Well, they’re uh… they’re the most entertaining people to roadtrip with.” The words left his mouth a little too quickly and Mingyu responded with an unconvinced nod.
“Oh, I’m sure Soonyoung would be happy to hear that,” Mingyu teased. Wonwoo rolled his eyes with a huff. 
“What are you doing right now?” Wonwoo asked as he noticed Mingyu rummaging through the glove compartment of his car.
“Looking for snacks,” Mingyu replied, as if it was obvious. “I didn’t get a chance to eat dinner.” As if on cue, Wonwoo’s own stomach began to rumble. He hadn’t really had the chance to eat all day, choosing to spend all of his time planning this surprise rather than making meals. He was slightly annoyed, but saw that they managed to make up for some time and had a bit of lee-way before they needed to be at the airport.
Without looking down, he reached down and handed his phone to Mingyu. “Look for a fast-food place and we can grab something to eat.” Mingyu hummed in response, unlocking Wonwoo’s phone.
“Uh, Wonwoo,,” Mingyu announced, looking up from the phone with a hint of panic. “You have a lot of missed messages and calls from your roomie.”
“Shit,” Wonwoo cursed under his breath. At the next stoplight, he grabbed his phone back to check the messages, and sure enough, there was a slew of notifications all from you. 
neighbor 💩 (8:10 p.m.): wonu where r u rn
neighbor💩  (8:10 p.m.): if you’re out can u pick up mcdonald’s pls, i’m craving chicken nuggets
neighbor💩  (8:13 p.m.): nvm, i think i actually want taco bell
neighbor💩  (8:15 p.m.): OR ACTUALLY, isn’t it guy’s night? Can u bring home some of the soup jun makes? it’s the only thing keeping me sane rn
neighbor💩  (8:35 p.m.): Why is my dad calling and asking me where you are
neighbor💩  (8:37 p.m.): Why is Seokmin saying you’re not at Joshua’s house and that you and Mingyu are taking a roadtrip together
neighbor💩  (8:39 p.m.): if you are with Mingyu tell him to answer his phone before I find him and leave him stranded in the woods myself
(3) Missed calls from neighbor💩 8:40 p.m.
Neighbor 💩  (8:50 p.m.): wonwoo i swear to god… i can’t believe you didn’t tell me my dad’s coming in!!
Neighbor 💩  (8:51 p.m.): u better be driving safe… that’s precious cargo
Neighbor 💩  (8:52 p.m.): anyway i haven’t decided if i’m mad or happy that you planned this whole thing without telling me… find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z
“By any chance,” Mingyu started sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked down at his own phone. “Is this supposed to be a surprise?”
“That’s correct,” Wonwoo confessed, setting his phone down as the light turned green once again. “It’s supposed to be a surprise.”
“Well, not anymore,” Mingyu said sheepishly. 
Wonwoo looked at him, eyes wide with panic. “You told her?” He asked loudly.
Mingyu raised his hands in defense. “I didn’t know! You know I’m terrible with secrets,” he pouted. 
Wonwoo took a deep breath, calming himself down. “It’s fine,” he said. “It’s fine. I mean, it’s fine. It’s fine right?” 
Mingyu nodded back. “It’ll be fine,” he echoed. “At least we’re almost there.”
After a half an hour, the boys finally arrived at the airport.
They were greeted by the familiar figure waiting at the curb with an excited smile and a friendly wave. As Wonwoo pulled the car into a stop, he took a deep breath before getting out of the car to help his guest load into the car.
“Wonwoo!” your dad exclaimed as he pulled him into a warm hug that Wonwoo wasn’t really expecting. “Nice to see you.” He peeked over Wonwoo’s shoulder to see Mingyu waving to him from the passenger’s seat.
“Mingyu, is that you?” He asked with a cheerful smile as Mingyu nodded sheepishly. He too received a hug through the window, before entering the car himself.
As they headed home, the three boys in the car found themselves in pleasant conversation as they caught up on life.
“How’s your application going, Mingyu?” Your father asked from the back seat.
Mingyu hesitated, looking out the window as he finally answered. “I uh, I sent it in last month. Just waiting to hear back from them.”
As if noticing a shift in Mingyu’s demeanor, he switched his focus to the boy in the driver’s seat. “What about you, Wonwoo? What are your plans for next year?”
Just like Mingyu, Wonwoo hesitated before answering. “I think I’m going into education,” he exclaimed, as if the words surprised him as well.
“Oh education?” Your dad hummed thoughtfully. “Your dad always thought you would go into engineering or something science-y. What made you decide on education?” 
Wonwoo smiled as he replied. “A good talk with a good friend.” He didn’t miss the way Mingyu looked at him with an eyebrow raised, but decided not to mention it.
An hour later, Wonwoo pulled into the driveway and put his car in park. He hadn’t even opened his door before the back seat passenger door was being swung open and he heard your voice ring in his ear.
“Dad!” you called, pulling him out of the car and into a warm embrace. As Mingyu and Wonwoo got out of the car you immediately latched on to both of them as well, surprising Wonwoo. Maybe hugging runs in the family? He thought.
“Wonwoo,” you said firmly, now pulling away from him. Your eyebrows were furrowed together and your eyes looked glassy and— were you mad?
“I’m so sorry, I’m sorry, I’m— I thought it would be a cool surprise and I—” 
“Why are you apologizing?” You asked incredulously. “This is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me.” Now you had wrapped him into another hug, but Wonwoo let himself relax, relieved that you weren’t pissed off at him.
Before he could say anything else, you had already moved on to Mingyu, joking with him about how he sucks at keeping a secret, and inviting him to stay just a little bit longer before heading home. Mingyu nodded sheepishly, even after seeing the 11:57 p.m. blare at him from his phone screen as he checked the time. 
Wonwoo bit the inside of his cheek, thinking to himself that it was weird for him to find your mix of emotions and giddy excitement so endearing. However, he found himself still leaning against the car, in awe that he managed to pull this surprise off. Part of him felt like the protagonist of a Hallmark Christmas movie, moving heaven and earth for the girl he lo– 
Wonwoo let out a cough, not letting himself finish the thought.
As he watched you drag Mingyu into the house, Wonwoo found himself alone with your dad who was still gathering the last of his things from the trunk.
“Oh, let me get that for you,” Wonwoo insisted as he grabbed one of the bags. 
Your dad thanked him as he shut the trunk, turning to face Wonwoo but making no effort to move toward the door of the house.
“Wonwoo,” he called, his voice much softer than it was at the airport. “I’m guessing she’s the ‘good friend?’” he pat Wonwoo on the shoulder as he nodded sheepishly, looking down at the ground.
“Let me give you some advice, kiddo. Don’t think too much, life is so much better when you don’t.” With that, he also made his way inside, leaving Wonwoo alone in the icy chill of the night. 
What did he mean by that? Wonwoo thought. I think a healthy amount, no more and no less, in fact, if I wanted to stop thinking right now I could. See? I did it. For a whole 5 seconds I stopped thinking. Or maybe he—
“Penny for your thoughts?” Wonwoo’s ears perked up at the sound of your voice. You walked over to where he was leaning against the hood of the car, looking into the night sky. 
“I’m not really thinking about anything,” Wonwoo shook his head. “At least, nothing important.”
He looked down as you handed him a blanket. 
“Well if you’re gonna sit here and think about nothing important, you should at least stay warm,” He unraveled the blanket, placing one side around his shoulders and extending his arm as an invitation.
“Join me for a bit?” Wonwoo surprised himself as he asked the question, and had to resist the urge to tense up when you shifted closer and allowed him to wrap the other side of the blanket around your shoulder. 
Thankfully, the silence that followed was peaceful, and when you broke it with a quiet voice, he found himself leaning closer to hear you.
“Thank you,” you whispered. 
“For what?” He asked, giving you a gentle nudge, inviting you to speak up.
“For everything,” you answered. “For every late night study session, for bringing me back tea and croissants when you go to the cafe, for bringing my dad here. I feel like you’ve done so much for me, and I’ve just been kind of… a parasite since the beginning.”
Wonwoo felt his heart lurch at your words. A parasite? How could you think of yourself that way?
Your father’s words echoed in his head once again. Stop thinking so much, he told himself.
So he turned to you, and told you exactly how he felt. “You’re not a parasite, you’re a catalyst.”
You scoffed out a laugh, playfully punching him on the shoulder. “What does that mean?”
Wonwoo rubbed his arm, pretending to be in pain as you rolled your eyes at him. “It means,” he began. “That the moment you walked through that door, everything changed.”
“For the better, I hope,” you added.
“Well, for reference, I was finally invited to one of Seungkwan’s exclusive karaoke parties. He said I’m a lot more fun these days. I even sang a song.”
You raised your eyebrow at him in curiosity. “Oh? What song?”
He shook his head, refusing to tell you, until you poked his side and he all but fell. “I am the Best by 2NE1,” he admitted in embarrassment. “Don’t laugh.”
“I’m not laughing, I didn’t laugh,” you said with your lips pursed tightly together, trying hard to fight a chuckle. “What did you score?”
“No way.” 
Wonwoo nodded sheepishly as you finally let out your laughter.
“Okay, okay, I believe you,” you relented. “The Wonwoo I met in August would have vomited at the thought. I guess I may have rubbed off on you a little.”
“See? This is a symbiotic relationship.” Wonwoo chuckled.
“Alright, alright,” you relented, pulling the blanket off yourself and turning to extend your hand to Wonwoo. “Now let’s head inside so we don’t freeze.”
A cozy meal and a few board games later, the clock read 4 a.m. and everyone was starting to lose it. Your dad had turned in two hours ago, after the first round of Monopoly ended with you claiming total domination and Mingyu and Wonwoo going bankrupt. After you begged your father to stay up, he promised he would only take a nap and that he’d be up by seven a.m. to get breakfast with you.
Still full of energy from the day’s excitement, you forced Mingyu and Wonwoo to stay up with you to play a round of Catan, only for you to be falling asleep halfway through it. 
“Mingyu,” Wonwoo groaned sleepily as he lazily dropped the dice out of his hands. “Make us more coffee–”
He was cut off by Mingyu slapping his hand over his mouth. “Shhh.” Wonwoo sat up and slapped his hand away. “She’s finally knocked out.”
Sure enough, your soft snores were coming from the couch as you lay there peacefully, giving Wonwoo and Mingyu time to finally escape. Mingyu got up first, trying his best to move silently.
“I’m gonna make a cup of coffee before I head out,” Mingyu whispered to Wonwoo who nodded.
As Mingyu headed to the kitchen, Wonwoo tried to stand up carefully from his spot on the floor in front of the couch you were on. He didn’t make it very far before he heard you.
“Stay?” your voice came out with the softest puff of air, and he wondered if he imagined it.
If Wonwoo had any more self control, he would have walked away.
But when you reached your hand out in search of his, how could he bring himself to leave?
So instead he knelt back down beside you and decided that once again, he would stop thinking and let himself be in the moment. And in that moment, he was well aware of how his heart hammered against his chest and how his lips were quirked into a smile. Have you always been cute, or was the lack of sleep finally getting to him? Chalking it up to his sleepy deliriousness, he allowed himself to be just a little reckless. 
He looked down at where your hand was still in his, and with his free hand reached up to brush a hair out of your face, his hand freezing when he felt your hand twitch in his. Your face grimaced just a little bit at the disturbance and he finally let out a breath when it settled back into a look of peace. 
“Sleep well,” he whispered out before giving your hand one final squeeze as he pulled away, taking note of how cold his hands suddenly felt. He balled his hand into a fist and quickly opened it again, aware of all the blood rushing back into his fingertips. 
As he stood to drape a blanket over your sleeping figure, he noticed Mingyu had returned from the kitchen.
“She’s out,” Wonwoo informed Mingyu who nodded back absent-mindedly, not quite looking at him. “Do you want a ride back to Joshua’s?” 
“Hmm?” Mingyu hummed before finally turning to Wonwoo. “Oh, no it’s fine, it’s a short walk and the weather is nice tonight.”
“You sure?” Wonwoo asked with his hands in his pockets, stifling a yawn.
“Yeah,” Mingyu nodded back with a small smile. “The coffee woke me up.” 
Wonwoo relented and walked Mingyu to the door before finally making his way into his own bed. Against his better judgment, he found himself replaying the few minutes you sat outside with him, looking at the stars. 
He let out a sigh, reaching for the book that rested on his side table, Pride and Prejudice, untouched since the day he read it at the cafe. However, he did not grab the book itself, but rather the bookmark that kept his page – a pink envelope still sealed, addressed to him. 
Maybe one day I’ll open it, he thought to himself. But not today. 
And with that, Wonwoo slipped into a deep slumber. 
Maybe I’ll dream of you.
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taglist: @mariechan123 @jwwonu @spidersohn @nvmbheart @yksthings @sdoulc @starryjww @sherizaraiyah @comerollwithme @pastel-andme @mingyublues @leahel @nichoswag @freakyfriedrice @pusangmamon @dekusgirl @hokuuu @xxluckydreamsxx @noraehey @dreams-in-different-colours @bunniparadise @dazedhxze @thedeeppoet @wonuziex @inlovewith-yeosang @tfmingyu @hanniesrock @ilymarkchan @royal9 @may1996s @hqstimpy @dnylwoo @dobbyflwr @awyunh @calvinkleinhoon @kei-is-simping @travelleratheart101
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YOU. opinion on ttcc manager dynamics. do u have any headcanons
AHHHH I DO ! AND I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED. heres a few of my head thoughts grinnn. ill put them under the cut :3c
- flint, holly and ben are friends. a chum of mine pointed out their potential, given flint likes drama, ben spreads drama and holly starts drama ^__^ theyd be at a mall and watch people from the corner before sending holly out to start something for shits and giggles
- william and alton are sooo straightman funnyman duo to me. i think usual conversations between them consist of alton rambling on and on to say something so small in five hundred words, with william responding bluntly in two
- big love for brubuck but i need it to be said that dave and buck are goofy and best friends before theyre lovers. as in theyd do dumb shit together and they are the best of friends while being in love is more of a byproduct. i mean of course theyre in love. they broke the space time continuum to be together as high roller. if thats not love i dont know what is
- dana and tawney speak regularly now! i remember reading somewhere that dana was the host of suitopia fm, tawney’s favorite radio show. originally dana saw tawney as just a fan, but after some time theyre mutually pretty close!
- theres not much to basis this one off of, but i think itd be neat if buck ruffler and buck wilde were acquainted in some way. nothing much, usually just light hearted conversations between the two. usually ruffler getting wilde to speak more, in which wilde appreciates
- chip and spruce are soo. so important to me. this is less of a headcanon given the fact their friendship is canon, but i like to hope that they still close regardless of anything. no matter what chip is trudging through, spruce is stubborn enough to stay at his side. its sad spruce is unaware of the override, though ..
- cosmo would strangle buck if he wouldnt get fired for it. send the investors in
- i remember seeing one of daves vinyls in grahams room on his wall. maybe graham is a fan of dave? i really didnt take him to be much of a jazz guy, though. i dont think dave would like graham though. i for one think dave would put graham in a casket
- brian probably attempts to make some contact with winston. i think he finds winston interesting, but more in a subject type of way. of course, winston enjoys the company nontheless
- william Deeply dislikes desmond. and its mutual. desmond would beat the hell out of william, but unlike will he actually has some form of self control
- mary, misty and holly are pretty close, too! mary and holly are stated in canon to be pretty close, and im sure misty would be loved among them. i like to think theyre in a relationship, more of a subtle thing. theyd go to the movies together :3c
- i like to think that misty and chip are pretty close, too. in a similar way to the above, there is a bit of love, but again nothing more outside of polite acknowledgments — theyre still close! love language is just spending time or something. they both like the quiet which is funny given one of them is a Chainsaw and the other is a Storm
- alton and spruce are friends to me. they deserves to wreck destruction and laugh unintelligibly at eachother. mary hates both of them Deeply due to harming the ecosystem
- the three directors got somethin going on between them to me . dana wilde and desmond they probably play toono together and then the other two beat up the winner
- this ones rooted in canon, belle and dave having some kind of beef thats usually limited to verbal back and forth insults. why is the meemaw and the jazzman fist fighting. dave youre going to be put in a grave belle is scary strong
- cathal and flint should be friends i think. theyd play vidya games together ^__^ the he theys are playing mario kart its true
- prester hates the Entire litigation team. that old man Hates them with a Burning passion. the only one he somewhat enjoys is barry. courtney, mundie and kilo are plotting to kill prester i think!
- also erfit sads and high roller are all friends. shrugs
and thats everything i can think of off the top of my head :-] thanks for the ask 🫶
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hello, I saw your post earlier :D
For the fanfic prompt ask:
I had an idea that’s been haunting me, namely: httyd - Snotlout and the twins being overly competitive over something (eg card games. These guys would tear each other apart verbally during werewolf I swear)
thank u and have a nice day!
Saturday Night
Fandom: HTTYD
Words: 482
Rating: T
Warnings: swearing, mention of weed/alcohol
Genre: humor
AU: Modern
Notes: they are 21
Also I’ve never played werewolf so I wouldn’t be able to write that correctly (sorry). And I haven’t played Mario Kart in a while so don’t fact check me.
Saturday night was the favorite of all nights among the group of friends. Ever since they were fifteen they would get together at one of their houses and have a sleepover. The night always consists of junk food, games, and pranks. This year however alcohol and weed were a big part of the night. And so things got a bit more wild and a whole lot more competitive, well at least among three of them. Hiccup and Astrid had gone outside to get some fresh air, everyone knew they were actually making out somewhere, and Fishlegs had fallen asleep about an hour ago so now Snotlout and the twins sat in the basement playing a game of Mario Kart.
“Are you fucking kidding me Ruffnut! Another green shell,” Snotlout yelled, nearly throwing his controller across the room.
“This is payback for your banana you jerk,” Ruffnut replied, kicking her friend in the side.
“Well stop using all your items on me and use them on your brother, who is winning by the way! Though how he is doing that when he is high off his ass is beyond me. No wait, he's always high,” Snotlout said, taking a jab at his best friend.
“You’re no better than him, you drunkard,” the blonde retorted, grabbing her drink.
“Hey! I’ll have you know I’ve only had two beers tonight, no three,”
“Oh wow, I’m so proud of you,” Ruffnut said, the sarcasm practically pouring out of her.
“Will you two quit flirting, it’s disgusting,” Tuffnut interjected, his eyes never once leaving the screen.
“You’re disgusting,” Ruffnut said, Snotlout nodding his head in agreement and following up with the snarky reply “Yeah, when’s the last time you showered?”
“Two days ago,” Tuffnut said, though it sounded more like a question. Ruffnut rolled her eyes in disappointment but her mood quickly changed when she got a golden mushroom and was able to win the game.
“Who’s the best, I am! You two are stinky, dirty losers,” she taunted while doing a little victory dance on the coffee table. Tuffnut pushed his sister off the table and threw his controller at her head. “No, you’re just a cheater you little…cheater,” he pouted.
“Yeah, well you gave me a crappy controller anyway. I would have won if I had a good one,” Snotlout added, placing his feet on the table and leaning back against the couch.
“Wow, you guys are such sore losers, and all because you lost to a girl that's a bit sexist don’t you think.” Snotlout scoffed, looking over at Tuffnut with an expression that said ‘What the heck is wrong with your sister.’ Tuffnut shrugged his shoulders, grabbing the remote and turning on some random movie. Ruffnut chuckled to herself before sitting back between the two men and wrapping a blanket around her and Tuff, she sure did love the feeling of winning.
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impostorsshow · 4 months
I just saw your Kagerou Daze story post and I love it but like at the same time what’s the deal with the lady(?) in the corner just… Chiling
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First of all there was someone on a ladder behind Walt and I don't think most people decide to draw someone for him but I wanted to
Second of all, Prince [the lady] was one of the most important characters in my old story. I used to have the old notes about the entire thing that had some personality descriptions on my old laptop, but I don't have the files anymore. I do have my old notebook where I drew some of them, but all I have on Prince, and most characters aside from my own memory is this page
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And also, most of these characters were girls since I am trans, so Prince was unique by being a boy, so i genderswapped him into a her to keep that uniqueness. The entire page is transcribed with some extra info in the alt description
Kagerou Daze story used to go by copyverse and I only realized when i searched through this book for information for the ask. A few things is that Jessica and Latte?? Holy shit I didn't know her name was latte I've been searching for that name for forever, latte has been referred to as Flora for all of my posts, but they were apart of this multiverse thing mostly as a cameo, like when a Mario trophy shows up in solid snake or whatever - if you wanna know about any of these other fuckers listed I have at least a few paragraphs of information on all of them but anyway Prince
I don't know where the idea came from, but creating a royal au isn't exactly anything super creative. I think Prince had a sister so ig it would be a brother now, and the royal families hair is bleached blonde to make them appear more regal. She was supposed to be a bit stuck up and with way too big of an ego, but a good heart and was one of the main good guys when the climax of the story went down. She ruled over a seaside town, with the castle resting on a cliff that overlooked the ports of the town on the beach. I also think horseback riding was one of her hobbies, but I can't remember tooooo much else?? She had an extreme distaste for most of the characters and only really got along with Ori, the resident of Pastverse and Kit-Kat, and despite being on neutral terms with Red decided to side against them due to the way he treated those under him.
Prince is also one of the few people who actually had parents, and said parents show up frequently. Uh, in hindsight with me having extreme familial issues uh. It lines up that most of these universes have dead parents and highschoolers [originally middle schoolers since I was in 8th grade] living on their own. I think the last two universes on the list in the picture has parents, and Kit-Kat was heavily based off of the animated version of Sabrina the Teenage Witch so her parents were alive, she just never saw them like at all also I decided to put on that show cause i finally remembered what the name of it was and it is actually still entertaining to watch
I'm fully distracted now so this is all your getting from this post have a good day
Edit, Sabrina actually lives with her lesbian parents the only memory I had of this show was the movie Sabrina; Friends Forever
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godofcreatitivity · 1 year
One Piece the Movie
(the following is a nonprofit fan based parody any characters form one piece is owned by Eiichiro Oda, Toei Animation Co., Ltd., any characters from super Mario are owned by Nintendo, any characters from troll hunters, are owned by DreamWorks and universal
Some of the characters found in this story and / or universe does not belong to me, but are intellectual property of their respective owners. Any original characters in this story are my intellectual property.
Story nonprofit created fan and fan without compromising the original work.)
Chapter 10:Here we are! The Mushroom Kingdom
(The mushroom kingdom: toad town)
After about 20 minutes of walking down and through the mushroom forest Luffy and Toad we’re finally reaching the mushroom kingdom’s entrance.
While the toad was still up ahead leading the way to their destination, Luffy was busy hanging back a little checking out the beautiful fungi scenery around him.
He was amazed at how different this world was from his own while still almost looking like it at the same time.
It truly was an incredible fantasy world that no one he knew could rationalize or doubt if they saw this.
He wandered what else was living out in this world that he hadn’t seen yet.
He then also saw a clear white bird flying overtop of him towards the top of a mushroom tree.
After taking a closer look, he saw that the bird was only trying to carry some pieces of wood up to. It’s almost finished nesting on top of the mushroom tree.
It was amazing that even some of the wildlife from this world acted the same way as they would from his world.
A second or two passed by of him looking up at the mushroom top before he turned his attention forward to follow toed but suddenly he tripped, and fell over something tall and round that was right in front of him.
He laid his face first on the pavement Like a flat pancake on the stove.
When he picked himself up, his face looked as flat as a board, so he once again held his hand over his nose and mouth and reinflated himself.
He turned around to see if he tripped over when he saw that it was Toad who had fallen over.
Luffy must’ve been walking too fast for Toad and accidentally tripped over him without paying attention.
He immediately ran over to help his smaller companion up off the ground,”oh heh sorry buddy didn’t see you there you OK Toad”.
Toad looked up at him in confusion as a response to his concern,”D-do I know you”?, Toad asked curiously.
That definitely confused Luffy.
What was this guy talking about?
They literally just met not even an hour ago.
Yet he was acting as if he didn’t know him nor met him before .
Luffy shot him a confused look,”Toad it’s me Luffy remember, you said you show me your home”.
Toad’s confused look stayed on his face,”I’m sorry Mr….”, takes a look at Luffy,”Whatever you are but you must have me confused with another Toad”.
If Luffy wasn’t confused before, he was definitely confused now.
What was he talking about, another Toad?
What is the one right not the same one here just met?
Did they all look the same?
Luffy tilted his head in confusion,”Another Toad-“.
“Hey Luffy, come on we’re almost there”, a familiar voice shouted from behind him.
Luffy turned around to see who it was and to his surprise, it was Toad.
He was standing right behind him holding his bag tightly in his hand.
Luffy was definitely confused.
She turned from one of them to the other, trying to process what he was seeing.
After a moment or two, he then realized why he was getting this one confused with the toad he had just met.
Though they may have had the same color on the head, the new one didn't have a blue vest with yellow lining but a red vest with yellow lining.
And he didn’t have a backpack on his back either, which Luffy just now noticed.
Toad suddenly looked at the other Toad and smiled,”Oh hey Tobias, how ya doing”?
Tobias shrugged,” Eh ya know it comes and goes”, and said before turning curiously to Luffy,”What’s this thing, something you found on another one of your wanders to sell at your shop”?
Toad shook his head,”Nope not something but someone and he’s not another item though I did find some on the way, but let’s just say he’s something really important”.
The red mushroom shrugged his shoulders,” Well you have grin with that”, he said before walking away.
Luffy looked down at Toad in curiosity,”Wow he looked just like you”.
“Of course he does, he’s a mushroom person just like the rest of us”,Toad said before turning back to walk the direction he was going before.
Luffy did the same but faster until what Toad had just said hit him.
Was he saying that there were more mushroom people that look exactly like him?
“Us”?Luffy asked right before his question would be answered in a crazy way.
There it was the entrance to the place Toad had been talking about.
The two of them walked over a bridge and into the town.
And let’s just say when Luffy walk past that entrance, he was amazed by what he saw.
It was incredible!!!!
The first things he noticed were the giant mushroom buildings surrounding him wherever he looked that surrounded the entire city.
There was a rainbow surrounding the entire city giving it a very colorful look.
As they walked over the bridge, he spotted multiple fish leaping over top of it with strange, sucker fish-like faces, except looking like literal sucking faces.
And speaking of colorful things everyone of the mushroom buildings had a different color code to it
There were little blocks floating over top of each building.
And not just a few blocks either.
As in literal, floating islands, miniature ones, at least.
Luffy walked forward and spotted multiple trees that looked as if they had a certain Speer-like top to them.
Toad stopped and turned to Luffy before holding his hands high in the air,” Alright buddy, welcome to part of the mushroom kingdom, toad town, where all of us mushroom people work and help support the kingdom, while having some time to live on lives”, he declared.
Luffy looked on in aw,”THIS PLACE IS AWESOME”, he shouted in excitement.
Toad closed his eyes and nodded his head in agreement,”That it is Luffy, that it is”.
He then opened his eyes and looked right at Luffy,”And just so you wondering, this place has everything a town could ever need, a grocery market, a couple wrecking sights, a couple of shops, a few store to shop at, a crazy cap store or two, and before you ask no it is not just a hat store it’s a close shopping center”, Toad said as he pointed to all the different places before gasping loudly,”and the restaurant, oh my gosh you have to go to toadstool cafe, there fire flower cupcakes are to die for”.
After hearing that, Luffy’s stomach began to grumble, all this talk about food was starting to get him hungry.
He rubbed his stomach,”Speakin of food I’m starvin, ya guys got any meat here”, he asked hopefully.
Toad quickly shook his head in response,” no siree Bob”.
That response pretty much broke Luffy’s world after hearing that.
And this wasn’t exactly good news to him.
When Luffy is either tired or exhausted, he is able to consume meat in order to promote faster regeneration to recover from exhaustion, and thanks to his rubber metabolism, he is able to recover from even the largest of meals, being full of energy and ready to fight in no time.
Well, almost all the time.
He didn’t know why but ever since his last fight with Kaido he hasn’t really felt up to full capacity since then.
He was still strong, sure, but he’s sold as if he was limited, and was more worn out than usual.
But either way, he didn’t have any meat to eat, and that was not a good thing for him.
His jaw dropped to the floor in shock,”WHAT, HOW CAN YOU GUYS LIVE A LIFE WITHOUT MEAT, THAT SOUNDS AWFUL��, he shouted.
Toad simply shrugged his shoulders,”Well we don’t really need to, none of us here eat meat and even if we did there’s nothing here to hunt or at least nothing that we’d be able to catch”.
Luffy turned and pointed to the river underneath the bridge they had just crossed,” What about the fish there they’re pretty good to eat, don’t you guys go fishing?" Luffy asked curiously.
“We can’t eat those fish because we have a peace treaty with them, and we have them there to help clean out all the filth and waste from some of the pipes that lead into the water so basically they help keep the water clean, with some time to fish them for fun, but that’s about it, we never eat them, especially considering the fact that they mostly eat waste and suck things, so yeah, ew”, Toad explained.
Luffy then pointed to the sky,”What about the birds everywhere”?
Toad shook his head,” Oh no especially not them, they play as our alarm systems in case there’s danger around, you see when the see a threat coming towards them they have this really loud screeching sound that loud enough to alert the entire kingdom, so eating them’s kinda outta the question”.
He then walked towards one of the fruit carts and grabbed an apple and started juggling it,”So we eat the next best thing, fruit and we got lots of it, so much so that we use it for almost anything we eat”, he explained before tossing Luffy the apple and walking forward.
Luffy caught it and quickly took a huge bite out of it and began to follow him before he soon realized what he was surrounded by, actually who he was surrounded by.
Remember when Toad said that there were multiple mushroom people that looked like him, well he definitely wasn’t lying about that.
Luffy looked around and was completely shocked at the sight of all the mushroom people that looked as if they were all identical siblings.
Every one of them looked exactly alike from height, to facial expressions, to the little diaper shaped pants on their legs and the same shoes.
It’s as if he was in a mirror maze that reflected all these identical little guys.
But though they all allowed the same, there thankfully was a way to tell them all apart.
And it was the mushroom parts themselves.
Each of them had a different color mushroom cap and vest that each of them wore.
Red, blue, yellow, green, and purple.
Each mushroom person had one of these colors on their Mushroom cap and vest.
He knew that they were going to be other people that were mushrooms like to, but he didn’t think they’d be identical.
It has various inhabitants residing in the town that look alike and not alike at the same time.
It was an incredible sight to behold.
But what wasn’t so incredible were the shocked and somewhat confused looks on each of the mushroom people gave him when he passed by.
Some of them stepped back out of fear.
Others stepped closer in curiosity.
Some were even just straight up staring at Luffy.
Though he didn’t really care much about it though, he was more focused on following wherever Toad was leading him to.
And hopefully it was to find help from that princess toad I was talking about earlier whoever she is.
If she was their princess, she must have looked more like a giant mushroom person like in a bee or ant hive.
Well whatever she looked like didn’t matter, as long as she was willing to help Luffy on his journey to save his friends then he could care less about her looks.
(A few minutes later)
The mushroom kingdom was an amazing sight, as they walked through the mushroom kingdom they saw a bunch of mushroom people collecting coins at what looked like a strange ATM system.
Toad was doing his best to get him and Luffy past this crowd but it sure as hell wasn’t easy,”Scuse me, everybody, coming through. We gotta big adventure happening right now. Clear a path for us. If I could just... Excuse me...", unfortunately for them the crowd wasn’t exactly making that a simple task.
The mushroom people were bewildered by Luffy as they looked at him with curiosity, the Luffy wasn’t really that surprised with the mushroom people, but instead was more cheerful and was even more than happy to smile and wave at them.
As he’s making his way through the crowd, Toad accidentally bumps into another mushroom person which causes him to bump into another, dropping a bunch of coins they rolled over to Luffy.
He quickly picks one of them up and examines it carefully.
He then sees a mushroom person nervously walking up to him, carefully trying to get his coin back
Luffy smiles wildly as he hands him back the coin and pats him on his mushroom cap,"Here ya go", he said cheerfully.
The little mushroom slowly smiled a little and nodded his head,”T- thank you”,he said quietly and nervously.
He appreciated Luffy’s kindness.
Luffy responded by smiling and tipping his hat to the little guy,”No problem”.
He then turned and quickly started grabbing the coins and falling on the ground and handed them to the other mushroom people that were around before turning to follow towed and waving goodbye.
They all just stood there stunned at what they just saw.
Who and what was that thing, was the only thought on their minds.
As they were making their way through the crowd, Toad was starting to get fed up with the lack of progress they were making and decided to do something about it.
He jumped up midway in the air,"Excuse me, everybody! Comin' through! This guy's friends are going to die! immediately! Out of the way, please!"he shouted, Startling some of the mushroom people around them and causing them to move out of the way.
Luffy was shocked at what just came out of Toad’s mouth.
The last thing he wanted was to think that way in such a dire situation like this, especially about his friends.
He quickly walked up the toad,” What the hell man, that’s not what I want to hear right now.
Toad held up his arms in defense,"Just trying to clear a path. That's all I'm doing. They’re gonna be fine Luffy I promise you”, he said, reassuring Luffy that everything would be OK.
Just then Toad saw a familiar face and waved to them,”Chanterelle!".
The purple mushroom person looked over to Toad and smiled,"Morning!"
"Nice to see ya, bud!"Toad waved goodbye to his friend.
They were walking through town when Toad suddenly stopped in front of an almost tiny building that looked as if it was an antique store.
He then turned to Luffy,” all right we’re still heading to the princesses castle as planned, but I still need to drop some things off and talk to a friend of mine before we do, is that cool?”?.
Luffy nodded his head, signaling that Toad to go into the antique store, with Luffy right behind him so he had to crouch down a little to fit in.
The Antiques store looked as if it consisted of antiques which included SuperBells, Hammers, Music Blocks and Lakitu's Clouds.
Inside the store, there were three mushroom people, one green one looking through the back, a yellow one looking through the front aisle, and finally a red one sitting behind the cash register.
The yellow mushroom grabbed something from the isles, and walked up to the,"Does this thing work at all?"
The red mushroom looked down at what the customer was talking about and instantly recognized it before looking up, confidently,"Yes, it works great. Eh, you just have to blow into it a couple of times, and it should be fine".
The customer looked at him with a little bit of confusion,”So is there a certain part that I blow into it or is there an open a Slot”.
The room, a red toad put his hand up and looked underneath the counter and pulled out a manuscript,” here you go they should tell you everything you need to know”.
The customer nodded and placed a few coins on the counter,” Thanks, Bernie”, he said, before running off.
Toad smiled at the side of this before walking up to the red mushroom,” Hey Bernie, I’m back with some new items”.
Bernie looked up at Yoad with a smile on his face,”Well we’ll it’s about time you brought something new Toad, these customers are bleeding me dry over here”.
Toad chuckled before placing his bag on the floor and started pulling out some of the artifacts that he found earlier that day.
It took a few moments until the red mushroom noticed Luffy (who was grabbing and checking out random items from the shelves) standing right behind Toad.
Bernie leaned forward to whisper to Toad,” hey buddy, you didn’t tell me you had a new, strange lookin friend here with you”.
It took a second or two before Toad realized what he was talking about,” oh yeah, I almost Bernie. This is monkey D Luffy,”, he then turned to Luffy,” monkey D Luffy, this is Bernie, one of my oldest friends and co-owner of this antique store”.
Movie put down the item and turned to face Bernie before waving at him,”Hi I’m Luffy”.
Bernie responded by slowly waving back at him before turning to Toad,” so I take it that this strange thing is not one of your new finds”, he asked curiously.
Toad shook his head,”Nope I ran into him in the forest and he’s in trouble and I’m taking him to see the princess”.
Bernie Rosa browe at the explanation,” the princess what’s the song about and is it that serious”?
Luffy spun around, shot his arms up into the air,” YEAH, BECAUSE THIS “BULAR” GUYS GOT MY FRIENDS SO I'M GONNA KICK HIS ASS!!!!!”,Toad tried to put his hand up to stop Luffy but it was too late, he already shouted that sentence loudly, very loudly.
Bernie froze at what he had just heard.
A few other mushroom people walking by had stopped and turned, gaping at him in awe.
“What did he say”
“Did he just shout out his name”
“Wait what is he”
They began to whisper and gossip to one another and it was starting to cause a small commotion.
Toad slapped his hand on his face in frustration.
Had he really just said that out loud, In front of everyone here.
The last thing Terrell wanted to do was cause too much of a commotion.
All he wanted to do was to get Luffy to the princesses tower.
And it wouldn’t be a good thing. If everybody in the village knew about the current situation going on, they’d all go into a panic.
Bernie (who had been frozen in fear after what came out of the young man’s mouth) stepped out of his trance, and instantly ran over to the front of the store and grabbed the cover door,”(Chuckles)sorry everyone, just an idiotic friend telling jokes just called for a little bit. Come back later”, he said before slamming it shut, and putting the closed sign on the outside door.
Toad quickly turned to Luffy in a panic,”Luffy when I said, keep a low profile, I didn’t mean go off and get everyone’s attention, especially not with his name”.
Before Luffy could respond, Bernie grabbed Toad by the arm and quickly pulled him to the back of the store,” HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND”?!!!!
Toad put his hands up in defense,” look I know it may sound bad-“.
Good tried to explain,“Look I know-“.
“Luffy’s not a maniac”, Toad defended.
Bernie responded by pointing to Luffy, who was examining one of the items in the store when it accidentally slipped out of his hand and crashed onto the floor, shattering into pieces.
He panicked and quickly swept up broken pieces and slid them underneath one of the isles before turning away from the scene and quickly whistling loudly.
Unbeknownst to him however, Toad and Bernie already saw what he had done and both looked at him with unsurprised faces.
Toad slapped his hand on his face seeing that Luffy wasn’t really helping his case.
Bernie turned to him and whispered,”He needs to leave and you should get rid of him before he goes off and causes any more trouble”, Bernie sternly suggested.
“Come on, he's not causing any trouble. I mean for all we know he can actually just be a good person with a lot of good intentions”, Toad said in a reassuring tone.
Bernie responded by pointing to Luffy again,”Yeah and he could always be a spy for “You know who” and you might as well be handing him all the information about our kingdom, especially if you’re taking him to meet the princess”.
Toad looked straight at him before turning to look at Luffy,”You don’t know that”.
“Do you”, Bernie shot back,”Come on think Toad he just so happens to just arrive in the mushroom forest without any explanation to how he got there, unless he conveniently came up with some sobby backstory that got your attention”.
Toad was about to say something back when he stopped and thought about that.
Was there more to Luffy’s story that either he didn’t know or wasn’t told.
Was Luffy lying to him about how or why he was here just to come and get to the princess.
He looked over to Luffy (who was looking behind the register and before pulling out an apple and taking a bite out of it) when he turned to look at Toad and waved at him.
No that’s not it.
There’s no way Luffy would do something like that.
Though toad didn’t really know him all that well, he could kind of tell just by the vibes that Luffy was giving off that he meant them no harm.
Also if that was really his intention then why would he even need Toad to get here when he could’ve simply killed him and snuck into the mushroom kingdom on his own cause let’s be honest, the Mushroom Kingdom wasn’t actually the most hidden place.
He wouldn’t have needed to go through all this trouble just to get information or capture they’re princess when he could’ve simply done that himself without Toad.
Bernie slapped his hand on his face,” this ain’t no game toad and you’re not an adventurer, us toads aren’t really meant to go on adventures, we're meant to stay here and serve the princess, and that does not include bringing random strangers who you met in the same day back to a Home when there’s a current war going on right now what’s an insane warlord who wants to take over the world”.
Toad turned back to face Bernie,” look believe me I understand why you feel this way, and it probably might make sense in some way, but you have trust me on this”.
Bernie looked down to the floor after he said this, unsure of whether or not he should agree with this.
When he looked back up he saw Toad giving him a wide eyed puppy dog look,”Please”, he said with a real high pitch tone.
Bernie grunted and groaned for a couple of seconds before throwing his hands up in the air, showing that he’d finally given up,”Ugh fine, I’ll turn a blind eye this time, but the only thing you’re gonna do is take him to see the princess, and nothing else, he doesn’t come back to our store, whatever situation he’s got himself into with that monster, he won’t bring back here and he’ll get it sorted out with the princess and the princess alone, are we clear”.
Toad instantly hopped up in the air before giving Bernie a quick hug,” thanks buddy I knew you’d understand?
Once he let go, Bernie dusted himself off,” yeah, yeah whatever, but you got an hour to get him over to the princesses castle and get back here for your shift, if anything stirs up that’s too much to handle I can’t help you”.
Toad, nodded at that,” yes, of course you won’t regret this Bernie”, he said reassuringly.
“ I hope not Toad, I hope not”, he said before turning to the front and going to lift up the cover, but right before he did, he turned to Luffy,” And you, do yourself a favor, and don’t cost too much trouble while you’re here. Hopefully the princess can help you with whatever situation you’re in but after that we want you gone”.
Luffy responded by nodding his head and smiling wildly,”Sure thing. Thanks again, Bernie.”
Bernie chuckled and turned to the clothes store,” don’t take me just yet”, he says before lifting up the cover and reopening the store.
There was a group of customers outside, waiting patiently, which was perfect for Bernie to get business back up again,” ALL RIGHT EVERYONE SORRY FOR THE DELAY LET’S GET BACK TO YOU GIVING ME MONEY”, he announced with a smile on his face.
He turned his head to Luffy and toad, who were still in the isles of the store, and quickly motioned them to get a move on.
They nodded and quickly ran out of the store entrance to continue on their way.
After a couple of moments, they start to slow down and Toad turns to Luffy ,” hey sorry about Bernie he can be a bit paranoid about certain things, but he means well”.
Luffy simply smiled and said”Don’t sweat it, he kind of reminds me of how my crew is sometimes so I’m used to the web, and hey, at least he doesn’t start beating you up”.
Toad chuckled at that,” yeah, that definitely does sound a lot better”.
Toad then clapped his hands,” all right Luffy, you ready to meet this princess and get the help you need”, he asked the pirate captain.
Luffy’s say switch from a goofy smile to a determined grin,” Hell yeah let’s do this”!
Toad smiled before turning around and pointing to the top of the only tall hill in this kingdom,” the princess lives right on that hill and thankfully I got a shortcut to get there, so come”, he said, before running forward towards the castle
Luffy nodded before running after him, trying to get there as quickly as possible.
After a few minutes of running through crowds, and across toad town they reach a certain construction site.
In this site Luffy saw some of the mushroom people wearing would look like constructive gear as they were working on some of the platforms in the town.
Lucy was about to walk in another direction, seeing as though it was nothing but a flat one in front of them, when Toad suddenly yelled out,"And up we go".
"Wait, upstairs?" Luffy asked in confusion to what he was talking about.
After taking a closer look, he saw that Toad wasn’t on a concrete floor but on a platform.
It was an elevator!
An elevator that gates just closed and was about to go up.
Toad quickly motions for Luffy to get on before it’s too late.
Luffy acts quickly and jumps onto the elevators and as it takes off,.
After a few moments of the short right, they were finally at the highest point.
And when they got off, they ran towards another platform but Luffy didn't see anywhere for the elevator to go.
Then, all of a sudden, it starts to move forward as in floating over to the other side surprising Luffy.
He didn’t take very long for the platform to stop Midway right next to another platform.
Toad immediately jumped on and Luffy followed, but a little too late, because the new platform had begun to move forward, and Luffy hadn’t stepped onto it causing him to fall and almost hit the pavement all the way back down to the ground.
But luckily, for him, he was quick, and his hand cut the side of the platform, and he basically bungee jump himself from the bottom back up to the top as soon as the platform reaches the other end and toe, topped off, goofy, jumped up in the air, and landed safely on his seat before running after Toad.
Toad had run over to another platform, which worked as a different elevator that moved slowly.
Luffy didn’t get there in time because the platform Toad was on had already started to go up.
So he just decided to take the next one with this other random green mushroom person.
Once Toad had gotten off the platform, he turned to see Luffy, on the next one waving at one of his fellow toads.
Toad put two of his fingers in his mouth to whistle and get his attention.
Which worked because he jumped right off and ran after him.
“Come on Luffy just across these bricks”, Toad said, before running across the floating brick bridge to get to the other.
Luffy quickly followed before looking down and was shocked to see the floating bricks he was walking on,”Whoa check out the view from up here”.
After a little bit more running the duo finally made it to one of the main entrances to the castle grounds.
Which, luckily for them, just so happened to be a couple of clear pipes.
"Just get in this pipe and we're on our way just be sure to follow me so that you don’t get lost cause believe me it’s easy to get lost!"Toad shouted as he ran over to one of them.
Luffy had caught on in amazement to how many pipes there were,"oh"
"It's the only way to fly, man. Wow!" He shouts as he jumps in the one he ran up to.
He was cheering loudly in enjyas he was being taken through the pipes
Luffy grinned widely before taking a couple of steps back and running right into it, sucking him in.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" he laughed as he traveled through the pipes.
And as he was traveling through them, he was bouncing off every curve he had gone through laughing hysterically because he was having the time of his life.
"Woo!", Toad said in enjoyment as he too was being taken through the pipes.
After a little while of going through the pipes, Toad finally jumped out of it through a red end of the pipe, and then he instantly jumped up over the green entrance pipe, and into the blue one which led to the castle.
Luffy unfortunately didn’t see which one Toad had gone through when he came up so be quick with instead he jumped into the first one he saw, the green one.
But since that wasn’t the right one, he ended up going out of a blue entrance, which was right across from where he had jumped in.
He looked over to the pipe confusion, before turning, and seeing another entrance pipe, which was Red and he immediately jumped into it.
Which, yet again, caused him to come out of the wrong green entrance and fall flat on his ass.
He hopped up and ran into another green one to his left, which only ended up leaving him to the other right end of the pipe he just went through.
Oh, he once again ran into a red pipe entrance that simply led to him once again, falling flat on his his.
He got up and looked around seeing as he was in the same area he just a went through multiple times.
“ Uh-oh!", he said in realization.
He was lost, which was the opposite of what he was supposed to be.
He looked around and saw all the countless pipes that surrounded him, which led to different parts of the kingdom.
This could take a while…..
And it did take a while…..
Toad was waiting at the top entrance annoyed at how long it was taking Luffy to get up here.
He was hoping that Luffy was fast enough to follow him, and that he didn’t get lost.
Because that could definitely mess up their plan which they didn’t have time to happen.
He was about to go in and check and see if Luffy was all right when just then, after having to go through so many pipes.
Luffy jumped right out of the pipe and cheered for joy,”WOO HOO I FINALLY MADE I-“, he shouted before, unfortunately, falling flat on his face.
Flattening it once again.
Told backed up a little, surprised to see that Luffy was finally here on a zone in one,” about time what took you so long? I was going to have a search party sent after you”, he said, before turning in walking off.
“Sorry Toad, I got lost on the way up”, Luffy sat apologetically with his face still on the ground.
He pushed himself up, put his hand on his nose and mouth and re-inflated his face once again
"Well, it’s cool now cause Here we are! Palace gates. Big bang boom!", he shouted before running up to the palace,”Come on! Wow!"
"Whoa," Luffy said as he followed the toad as they were surprised by the castle.
It was gorgeous.
It was a tall tower supported by four towers along the outside walls. It was surrounded by a moat on top of the tallest hill in the kingdom. It had sort of a Melee and has a bit more of a brownish brick color to it rather than the whiter color but it did still mix well. Its highest tower was emerging from a wider circular tower underneath the castle and the main feature of the castle is a rectangular or square shape. And the roof is nearly a deep shade of red as Luffy’s shirt. But most importantly, the castle was located on top of a mountain overlooking the entire Mushroom Kingdom.
Now this was truly a beautiful sight to behold.
"Pretty impressive, am I right?",Toad said as he ran across the bridge towards the castle.
It was almost like another strange kingdom from his world that he’d never seen before.
But now that he thought of it, there was one thing that he had yet to see, Humans.
In the last hour, he had been there, yet to see any other life, other than toad, who he just met and the other mushroom people and different creatures here.
Though they hadn’t reached their destination quite yet, It was still strange to Luffy that there weren't any humans around.
But then, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a stained glass image of a blonde haired human girl with a pink dress near the top and front of the castle.
This caught Luffy's curiosity, not only was there another human here, but maybe that was made recently and maybe he could find her somewhere if she could possibly help him out if this whole princess thing didn’t work out.
Luffy and Toad were just in front of the castle about to open in the entrance when suddenly…..
"Hold it right there, you two!"They were stopped by two guards.
The duo stopped in their place.
One of the guards steps forward,”The princess will not be seeing visitors at this moment and is busy with other affairs, so state your business, and be on your way.
Toad leaned over and whispered to Luffy,” OK let me do the talking, and maybe we might be able to get past the skies”.
Luffy nodded in response to this.
Toad then stepped forward in a more friendly gesture,"Oh hey! Billy, Jake how ya guys been lovin the new outfits by the way make you guys look nice and intimidating-“.
Bang, one of the guards slams the bottom of his staff long to the concrete, for startling Toad a little,” As my comrade had just stated we are in the middle of a crisis right now, so either state your business, or you and your…..”, takes a quick look at Luffy before looking back at Toad,”Thing will be on your merry way”!
Toad chuckled nervously before continuing,” Ah yes that business, well you see, we need to see…the princess. Because It's an emergency and-".
Luffy jumped in front of him,”Yah an emergency, and I need to see her right away”.
Toad froze before calling out,”LUFFY”!!!, loudly, trying to keep him from getting the guards worked up.
The two guards took a step back at the strange, talking creatures outbursts before turning to each other, and smiling.
"What a princess?", the first guard asked..
The second guard stepped forward,"I have never heard of any princess".
"Oh wait, I did. However, our princess is in another castle”, Said guard number one
Guard number two snickered"Oh yes, that's right".
"You should try another castle, maybe. She's not in this one."call number one said, shrugging his shoulders,” and if my memory serves me she’s right in that direction”, he said, pointing in a random direction towards a field of hills.
Luffy nodded his head,”Oh ok thanks”.
He was about to run off in that direction when Toad placed his hand in front of "Okay yeah, they're messing with you buddy”.
Luffy after being told that stopped and looked at the two guards angrily.
The two of them then started snickering loudly seeing how gullible Luffy was.
After a couple more seconds of them, snickering, purposely clears his throat loudly to get their attention.
They soon stopped snickering, and got back to a serious posture.
“ OK all jokes aside, we cannot allow either one of you to see the princess now at this moment due to urgent matters, so your request has been denied”, guard number one said.
Toad quickly stepped forward, trying to plead his case,” oh come on Billy this is serious we have to see her”.
Billy the mushroom guard simply shrugged his shoulders,” as am I, the princess of dealing with the situation, and she doesn’t have time to deal with visitors especially ones that look so…… strange”, he was referring to Luffy.
“Sorry but until the princess's affairs have all been put in order, we are forbidden from laying anyone into the castle that includes foreigners and strange creatures, so you’ll have to come by later”, Guy number two explained.
That didn’t sound anywhere near good.
Luffy couldn’t wait that long, especially with his friends' lives on my mind.
He would’ve just punched through the door, but Toad, his friend, had been nothing but kind to him. The last thing he wanted was to hurt any of Toad’s friends, especially ones that didn’t cause a threat to him.
But if he waited too long and didn’t see her before it was too late who knows what will happen.
He didn’t really have much of a choice.
He didn’t have to hurt them anyway, all he needed to do was just get past them, which probably would be more than easy.
Luffy balled his fist and stitch for preparing his next move, when suddenly Toad put his hand five movie, stopping him and his tracks.
toad, then shot him, an “I got this” look before putting his arm down and stepping forward.
“Do you know my friend over here really wants to help his other friend out and right now he needs help and you’re not gonna give it to him, and you know what...I don't like it", Toad then pulled out a frying pan and shouted as he lunged forward shocking both mushroom soldiers for what was about to happen.
But it wasn’t what you would expect.
Instead of attacking them, he built, and started t a fire pit, pulled out some cooking supplies, some little chopped up vegetables like squash, potatoes, and little tomatoes. Grab some cooking utensils from his bag, And started to stir frying some vegetables with his pan that he had pulled out.
He wasn’t trying to attack them, he was trying to make them food?
"What do you guys um.....? What do you want to eat? Anything, anything your heart desires", Toad ass, as he was preparing the food.
Luffy looked at him with confusion but shrugged his shoulders and went to grab some food off the pan.
Told saw this and slapped his hand before looking at him,”Go”, he whispered somewhat loudly to the pirate.
Then, Lucy finally got what Toad was doing, he wasn’t just making food. He was trying to distract them and give Lucy the opportunity to sneak inside.
"Wow! And let's stir it up because I am ready to scramble it up", he said try to distract them.
Luffy nodded at him before rushing in quietly without attracting attention, but suddenly he saw two more guards sitting on the side, having a conversation.
Luffy was still able to pass them when they let him through as they saluted him, thinking it was their superior (even giving him the chance to wave at them friendly).
But then five seconds later they realized that he wasn’t their superior, and he wasn’t supposed to be in there, so they quickly grabbed their spears and ran after him,"Hey! Intruder!"
Luffy saw this and started to run down the hall but unfortunately for him he ran into more guards.
The extra guard saw him and ran after him as well,"Stop him!"
"Stop him! After him! Whoops! Stop him!" They continue to shout.
Lucy was laughing at himself silly as they chased him down the halls.
But he didn’t care because he was on his way to meet the princess and get the help he needed.
(End of chapter)
Yes, I know I know you want to see the other characters like princess peach and everyone else be patient. The next chapter is coming like it always does. Hope you like seeing the mushroom kingdom and a bunch of new details I added.
And gear up because we’re about to see some cool things coming.
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
My heart was working overtime but I don't care. I needed to get away from them as possible. I could still hear their angry shouts echoing behind me. Once I got to the end I barged into a room built of scorched stone and dimly lit. There were entryways and some cells, but I was too frightened to know which one led to freedom. I grabbed a torch and walked around, making sure to listen out for any soldiers coming my way. Nothing. I sighed, finally away from those nightmarish lizards.
Suddenly I felt Hot breath scorch my skin. I froze as I heard heavy snorting. Slowly I turned around and came face to face with the most burning, spiteful eyes.
It all began on my usual mornings in New Donk City. After oversleeping, and falling out of bed to cut the alarm off, I was in the middle of showering when the pipes stopped. Often I fixed it by myself but this was the final straw. So, I relented and called the cheapest plumber I could find in my phone book. Some twenty minutes later they arrived.
They were two brothers who looked alike in face and attire but the short one wore a red shirt and the slightly taller one wore green.
"Good morning miss! We're the Mario Brothers!" The red one introduced in a perky way.
"And we'll be servicing you, today," the green one called Luigi chimed in. From the way they spoke I could tell they were Italian.
"Right," I said a bit unsurely. They sort off creeped me out with their cheerfulness & dead blue eyes. I led them into my house. "It's been working on and off for quite some time."
"We'll solve your lil' dilemma," the red one, Mario, tipped his cap determined like a knight about to save a princess. "It'll be a few minutes."
As they worked I sat in the kitchen counter reading a newspaper. Suddenly I heard some noises, followed by Luigi's frightful shout.
"Hey you better not mess up my bathroom!" I shouted. Quickly I sped in there then gasped as I saw a rainbow colored cloud. Before I could ask what they'd done I felt a pair of hands pulling me forward.
Which brings me to my second dilemma.
Coming this April (maybe)
Me and Luigi ended up near a place I can only describe as hell. The face of the biggest volcanic bore the image of some sort of demonic figure. Even worse, an army of goofy looking turtle creatures surrounded us. Their boss came out and I knew he was the same as the image on the fortress. He was freaking HUGE!
The giant dragon grabbed Luigi and started interrogating him about a man with a mustache (Mario, who we haven't seen anywhere). Poor Luigi tried to cover for his brother, only for the lizard to start plucking the hairs off his mustache. Even though I'd literally just met the guy I wasn't about to stand by and watch him get tortured. So I shouted at the monster to leave the poor plumber alone, that he's an overgrown lizard and bully.
That didn't go very well.
Now, without knowing where Mario OR Luigi was, I was trapped inside the volcanic fortress. I hope they were okay...
But I wasn't and I was going to let that giant turtle know it!
"Put me down you overgrown turtle!" I spat banging my fists against the green part of his spiky shell. Obviously it didn't hurt him, but he did let out an irritated huff. Good. As long as he kept me hostage he will NEVER know peace!
My rump met the floor as the dragon dropped me, chuckling spitefully as he did.
Not your ordinary fairytale romance
Bowser flipped through a pink book. "How to convince a Princess to fall in love with you?"
I was sitting on the platform still refusing to lose my cool, when Bowser of all things came in with a guitar. To my horror he began to sing.
"Baby your an ice queen, why are you so mean! I'll melt your frozen heart like a love machine!" Bowser sang gruffly as he stemmed the guitar.
I looked at the Koopa guarding me. "Is he for real?" I asked jerking my thumb at the beast lost in melody.
The Koopa shrugged.
GritsandBrits presents the Super Mario Movie: GritsandBrits Edition. Coming to a hellsite near you!
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Totally Spies (Valkyries) Chapter 23
@sunshinebingo @aelinchocolatelover
That evening, Team Night took Team Exile’s advice. They all decided to have a game night at Lucien’s estate. After Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie finished all of their homework, they practically begged the boys to have a game night tonight at the Vanserras. They declined at first since the last time they went over there, they snuck in. But Lucien assured them it was okay and the whole sneaking around never happened. So, the boys decided to take Team Exile’s offer and spend the evening playing video games with Lucien and his friends.
It was currently 6pm and the sky was just now getting dark. “I can’t believe we actually agreed to this.” Cassian said as he saw the girls walking ahead of them. Nesta and Emerie were bragging about which game would be cooler to play while Gwyn was walking beside them carrying Shadow who chilled in her touch. Azriel rolled his eyes at the two of them. “I can’t believe we agreed to take Shadow.”
“No, you agreed. We only said yes because we wanted them to stop fake crying.” Cassian recoiled as Rhysand chuckled. “I can’t believe you of all people fell for it.” Now this time, both Rhysand and Azriel laughed. Cassian frowned but started to laugh as well. “We’re here!” Gwyn called out as the girls raced to the estate.
The estate’s gate was locked so Emerie tried to bang on it. “Hey, Lucien! We’re here!” Rhysand couldn’t help but chuckle. “There’s an intercom on the side of the gate, you didn’t have to shout,” he said, ruffling the girl’s hair. Azriel walked over to the intercom and told Lucien they’d arrived. In an instant, the gate opened up. The girls cheered and ran into the forest of the estate. “Hey guys, don’t run!” Cassian tried to warn them but the girls were completely out of earshot. Having no choice, the boys jogged after them.
Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie found their way to the front door of the estate. Emerie was about to knock again, but the door swung open before she could. Vassa looked at the girls and smiled. “Hey guys, you made it!” she said as the girls said hi. “Where are the boys?”
“Over here.” Vassa and the girls looked to see Rhysand and his brothers right behind them. They were also breathing heavily like they just finished running. “You guys okay?” Vassa asked as Rhysand replied, “Ask me that after you have to chase after 3 kids in the dark.”
Lucien was right about having a tone of video games. He practically had the entire store. The game room in Lucien’s house was as big as a movie theater. He had an Xbox, ps5, Wii, and Nintendo. While Cassian and Nesta betted to see who can beat one another in Mario kart, Azriel and Rhysand chilled in the soft and comfy chairs at the pool table with Lucien and Vassa. Gwyn was sitting in one of the chairs watching Cassian and Nesta play Mario Kart while petting Shadow. Emerie and Jurian had snuck off somewhere, but it didn’t matter. The boys knew Jurian was a good guy.
“It really was nice of you to invite us, Lucien,” Rhysand said as Lucien finished drinking a soda can. “It was my pleasure Rhys. We’re not close friends, but you are one of my favorites apart from Tamlin.” Hearing Tamlin’s name stung.
He and Tamlin used to be close. But after he betrayed him and his entire family, Prythian hasn’t really been on the best of terms with Spring. In the end, Tamlin’s family was demoted from going out into the field work for an entire decade. It was a fair punishment for some, but Rhysand never looked at him the same after that.
He even started calling him Flower Boy after the incident. His reputation was ruined after that. However, Tamlin came back on top after he started a fight with him back in grade school. Rhysand’s own reputation was damaged after that. A small part of him felt bad for humiliating Tamlin, but he’ll never apologize for it.
Azriel, sensing his brother’s stiff body, placed a hand on his shoulder. Rhysand tapped his hand as a way of saying thanks. “So, I heard you guys got expelled from college,” Lucien said with a smirk. Vassa laughed as Rhysand and Azriel rolled their eyes. “You can blame that on Cass.”
“It was ONE BUILDING!” Cassian shouted as Nesta fired a red turtle shell as his character while her character finished in 1st place. “YES!”
“NO!” Cassian cried as Nesta laughed and started to do a victory dance in her seat. “I beat you; I beat you!” Nesta chanted while Cassian playfully glared at the 13-year-old. “You only won because I got distracted.”
“That was your own fault.” Nesta fired back as Gwyn laughed at her comment. Now, Cassian was glaring at both of them. “You’re both lucky you’re still children. You’d be hearing from my lawyer about this.”
“You can’t afford a lawyer!”
“You are my lawyer Az!”
“I don’t work for free.” Nesta and Gwyn laughed at Azriel’s comment.
Turning away from the trio, Azriel faced the others. “Sorry about that, my client was being bitchy today.”
“He’s always bitchy.” Rhysand commented making everyone laugh harder. However, the laughter soon died out when everyone started hearing laser-firing sounds. “What the?” Rhysand said as he and the others started to get up. Before they all started to worry, Emerie zoomed down the stairs waving something small in her hand. “Hey guys look what I found!” she said smiling from ear to ear while Jurian raced down the stairs with her.
Getting a closer look, Lucien spoke. “A pen?” he asked as Emerie shook her head. “Not just any pen. A laser pen!” she cheered as Lucien widen his eyes. “Oh no.” he said as he and Vassa stomped toward Jurian who was trying to explain that Emerie tricked him into finding a small weapon.
Azriel walked over to Emerie and snatched the pen away. “Emerie, no weapons.” he said coldly as Emerie pouted. “Aw, but it’s so cool.” she whined trying to reach for the pen. Azriel dangled the pen. “I said no.” he replied as Emerie stopped reaching. “Hey Az, what’s that on your head?”
“Huh?” Azriel looked away for a split moment. Big mistake. Emerie smirked and jumped onto Azriel, grabbing his shoulders for support. “Woah! Hey!” Azriel tried to wiggle Emerie off of him, but Emerie only smirked and grabbed the pen from his palm. “Haha! Mine!” she yelled in triumph. Azriel regained his footing and reached out to grab the girl, but Emerie had already jumped off of him after she grabbed the pen. “Emerie, give that back!”
“How did she even get that anyway?” Rhysand asked as he, Azriel, and the others turned to Jurian. Jurian smiled nervously while scratching the back of his head. “Well, she said she needed something to write with, so I gave her a pen.”
“You gave her the laser pointing pen!” Vassa yelled. “It’s not my fault. Lucien doesn’t label them.” Jurian fired back trying to put the blame on Lucien. Emerie groaned. “Relax guys, I can handle a tiny laser pointer.”
And then all hell broke loose. Emerie’s thumb accidentally pressed the top of the pen, causing the laser to shoot out of it, startling everyone. It bounced off the mirror near one of the theater lights, bounced off Gwyn’s pegasus necklace, and Jurian dodged it by bumping into Lucien. The laser zoomed its way near Rhysand, but he ducked in time.
For a moment, no one said anything. Until Rhysand glared at Emerie. She laughed nervously and placed the pen in her pocket. “Um...oops?” Rhysand, still glaring, held out his hand gesturing for the young girl to give him the weapon. Realizing that it’d be better if she didn’t get on her friend’s bad side, Emerie coughed up the pen. “Sorry,”
Rhysand sighed and turned around for a moment to facepalmed. “What am I gonna do with you?” Rhysand didn’t get a response. Instead, he heard sound of laughter coming from Emerie and Vassa. Turning around, Rhysand looked to find Azriel looking away and Jurian and Lucien trying not to laugh. He also noticed his brother Cassian and the girls Nesta and Gwyn were here, arriving while the laser pointer show was in affect. Nesta and Gwyn were laughing like Emerie . Cassian was merely chuckling silently.
“What?” Rhysand asked as Azriel took a picture of the back of his head. Before Rhysand could ask what was that for, Azriel showed him picture. Rhysand’s eye were as wide as the sun. There was a bald spot. Right in the middle of the back of his head. And, it was noticeable. The laser bounced off the wall from behind him and hit his head. And he didn’t even know it.
But he did know one thing. Someone has to pay. “EMERIE!!!!!!!!!”
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jezabatlovesbats · 1 year
Now for our spooky month special, where we react to Nightmare Before Christmas.
(Unreality CW! I say some untrue joke things here, and on this blog from time to time!)
Our comments went from praising the movie and how good it is to a discussion of how many subscribers Jack has.
Me casually ripping out part of my rib cage to play fetch with my dog:
So, Jack sleepwalked all the way into the woods and ended up in between dimensions?
What Jack sees after landing in Christmas Town: Welcome to the sun-drenched tropical paradise of Isle Delfino!
This is Jack’s profile pic:
Tumblr media
I wanna be as cozy as Zero.
Mom and Dad when you stay up a nanosecond past bedtime: (Dr. Finklestein locking the door on Sally)
My brother: Jack and Sally are both hardcore Breaking Bad fans. Sally, we need to cook.
Jack is trying to plan out his next video. It’s a review video for Christmas, but how is he gonna actually do it?
”Doctor, we need some of these. These are ponies, and they fly around using the power of their friendship.” “Jack, you haven’t even watched the show.”
HERE THEY ARE! HERE THEY ARE! LS&B!!!! (By the way, @crystallizedtwilight and @ask-lock-shock-and-barrel make amazing LS&B art!)
I made an animatic of the kids doing the Red Velvet Russian Roulette choreo. It took me weeks.
Once, I saw a comment on KTSC that said, “Man, kids these days. Back in my day, we used to sing about kidnapping the Easter Bunny.”
Sally is Wade’s mom. (Same VA.)
Yo, it’s Oswald!
My brother when he plays Epic Mickey: “BUNNY!”
When we saw Dr. Finkelstein’s Igor, we were reminded of that weird-ass movie from 2008. (My brother saw it on YouTube, but he didn’t watch it. I watched, like, the first 20-ish minutes, and I don’t know why.)
Jeez Louise, Jack! Nice flow!
We took a brief second to talk about Mario Wonder.
So, there’s a fanfic I read about how Lock, Shock and Barrel kidnapped Santa offscreen, and it’s called Kidnapping the Sandy Claws. It’s on fanfiction.net, and I would highly recommend!
Alright, hear me out- Jack turns into an elephant.
🎶 Elephant Jack might catch you in the back, and trumpet like a horn, make you jump out of your skin!
Talking Ben 🤝 Santa Claus “Hohoho!”
Where did Sally get the fog juice?
There sure are a lot of shots of Sandy’s ass.
How did Jack fly into our world?
Fun fact (this is actually true): I sang Sally’s Song for my Little Mermaid audition junior year!
Jack’s first kid looks like my brother when he was, like, 6 or 7.
”And what did Santa bring you, honey?” Isn’t it, like, midnight?
“I know, a skeleton- wait, so, like, a LIVING skeleton? A living skeleton with no flesh or organs?”
Hold on- mom and dad made us a cake!
Oogie has some very questionable ways of making gumbo, let me just say that.
In defense of Jack: https://www.tumblr.com/jezabatlovesbats/701225279422709760/trust-us-jack-is-nothing-like-elon?source=share
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weedle-testaburger · 2 years
Well since you asked id probably see the new Puss in Boots movie. As I’ve said I’ve heard people say it’s really good. Aside from it the only other films which have caught my eye so far aren’t out yet (GoTG 3, John Wick 4, Oppenheimer (which I like to pretend is a Trinity Desk Project movie, I can’t immediately recall any others). Apparently December this year will have the release of a prequel holiday special for The Bad Guys. Which sounds interesting.
Sounds good, I can definitely recommend it. One of my friends saw it right after me and loved it and one of my other friends is seeing it at the weekend, so yeah. I might be going to see the new Ant-Man with my friends at some point if they want to ig, and when they come out I'll probably be rubbernecking for the Mario movie and the Barbie movie, but other than that idk what I'm doing movie-wise this year.
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