#some of the outfits are very much 'with the contents of a hardware store I could easily make this myself'
chiropteracupola · 2 years
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just hanging out
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we-dragons · 3 years
Chapter 2
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Pulled away to another world, Y/N uses magic science and a Little bird to help her get back home and possibly be rid of an apocalyptic event. "So, will you succumb to your doubts completely or step into the sun of this new world?"
The boy just stares blankly at me, gaping at me like I was some unfamiliar creature of an unknown origin. "I lay all night on your table bleeding to death while you stitch me from an infected wound feeding me a glittered plastic and you want to know about your window."
"Well, they are not cheap you know, and I'm pretty sure that insurance won't cover night invaders, ... it did say in the fine print that they cover rock smashings though, maybe I should go over paperwork again...wait did you just call this plastic?" I shake the box containing the scales. " I will have you know that they are medicinal Lamina that saved you from being poisoned." He quirked an eyebrow. I sigh and put the box away in the closet grabbing my jacket while I am there.
"where are you going?" I look back at the boy heading to my door in the process.
"To buy my self a new window, you just stay there in if and when you feel your chest is on fire," I point to the closet. " Take another plastic and chew." I open the door and leave for the hardware store down the street.
I place the window in it's place and head to the kitchen, when I got home earlier I noticed Robin was sleeping on my couch, and he was still there sleeping soundly I finish making food for the three of us. I look for the little black monster holding his bowl. "Nightmare?" I call him to get him into the kitchen, but he didn't come.
"OWCH!" I rush to the living room and scowl at the scene before me, Nightmare was attacking his feet and not in his usual 'I'm hungry feed me' but as in an 'intruder! I'm going to kill your way'. I set the bowl down and pull the cat out of his foot, Nightmare hissed wildly before setting his sights on his food, he jumps out my hands eating the meal in his bowl. What a fickle cat.
"That cat needs some mental help." Robin glares down at the small animal.
"Well he only gets that way because he's hungry, I forgot to feed him earlier." I gave him a bowl which he took skeptically staring at the contents inside.
"You give a sick man rice for a meal?"
"You for sure are not sick but you are however injured besides I don't exactly have money for anything else after I just paid 6 hundred dollars for that window." As if on cue the window smashed again, this time three other men stood weapons raised to meet me. 'great more vigilantes.' The one directly in front of me wore a tan leather jacket over what seemed to be a black jumpsuit with a red bat on it, he wore a very red helmet on his head and had a gun aimed between my eyes. The one to the left of him wore a complete cowl in a style that reminded me of Robin's outfit but focusing on blacks and reds instead of yellows and greens. The final one wore a head to toe gymnast suit with a bluebird on it he wore a blue mask over his face much like Robin's. At this point, I assume they are family. "I guess you aren't here for a lovely meal of rice then." Helmet head cocked the gun. "No, we just want the kid. Now, where is he?" I point to Robin. "He's on the sofa dummy, please take him and go." I hear the gun click, I glare at the glinting red helmet as the man dressed like a gymnast puts a hand on his shoulder. "Red hood, nows not the time, she's a kid." He peered over at me and a grin stretched on his face. "I'm so sorry to intrude on you like this, please excuse us."
"Hold it wing how do we know she didn't do anything to him."
"I just gave him poor man's rice.....and I replaced a window-Wait my window!" I smacked the gun out of the helmet head's hands and rushed to my couch to look at the window's shattered pieces lay on the floor and Robin. Robin glares up at me.
" Again with your window, are you really alright in the head." I look down at him.
" I'll get back to you when my psych report comes in on Monday." I turn to face the three behind me. "Now whos going to pay for the window I just replaced it an hour ago."The men behind me start to look confused while the helmet head just stares at the gun that was flung out of his hand. Just as the gymnast opens his mouth his eyes widen and a dark shadow falls over us and I have a sense of failure dread.
"What's going on, did you find Robin?"
"Batman!" The boys shout out, I turned around and was faced with a man in a black pointed cowl that covered his whole body while white slits poured down at the scene. Robin huffs and sits up straining up at the man, glass falling down from his body as he moved.
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Get Motivated to Drop 2–4 Dress Sizes in One Month: 4 Steps to Get your Dream Body
How to lose 4 dress sizes in a month or how to lose 20+ pounds in 30 days all mean the same thing, losing weight on a deadline. Whether it be a high school reunion, your own wedding, or other specific occasions. But before we get into it, let’s talk about what matters most when it comes to effective and successful weight loss.
In this article, we’re going to cover the 4 steps to get your dream body. I always believe the best solutions are the simple ones so I don’t have 12 tips or 15 keys to losing weight fast. Just the 4 keys that are essential to successful weight loss.
Note: This article is more about the principles of weight loss and proper mindset to get you motivated for a higher success rate.
📷 If you’re interested in learning exactly how I lost 20+ pounds in 1 month without exercise after each of my pregnancies over age 40, then read this article for further details.
1. First Key to Successful Weight Loss: Set up Practical Goals 📷 Different Aesthetic Standards Let’s take a look at the picture above. Sure you see the woman in a black dress. I believe you may not find her to be super slim but she has beautiful feminine curves which make her look just as attractive as the lady in purple on the right, who’s holding a wheel position on the ground whom I believe most people would consider being slender. I don’t know about you but they’re both just as fit and beautiful to me.A friend of mine once told me when he was younger he used to find chubby girls much more attractive than skinny girls. As you can see, human perceptions of beauty change from time to time and vary from individual to individual. What really matters is the way you see yourself. In my opinion, every woman is unique and beautiful her own way. Some might be sort of ‘big-boned’ while others are rather plump or extremely tall and skinny. Each of us is born with an inherited body type which we sometimes can do little to change. So before we even jump into any sort of diet or workout plan we need to know what our natural body type looks like and get the idea of the best version of the body we are most likely to achieve and feel comfortable with it. It’s impractical to pursue the hourglass figure when your natural body type is rather tall and “narrow-butt” if you know what I mean. It’d be nice to have a body like that of Kim Kardashian, whom I pretty much believe is born that way.Measure Your Dress Sizes instead of Weight Losing 3–4 dress sizes in a month is actually a more specific goal than losing 20 pounds in 21 days. It will make you less obsessed with the numbers on the weight scale when all you have to do is measure your waistline & hip circumference. It will give you a better idea of how close you are to your fitness goal.2. Second Key to get you started: Mindset Mindset is essential for successful weight loss in the long term. You need to truly love yourself for who you are and be willing to do whatever it takes for your well-being. You are beautiful the way you are. You are worthy of a great and healthy life and you will get your dream body once you started believing in yourself.What are the real reasons that make you want to start losing weight? Health issues? Want to fit in some fabulous outfits? Abs that will turn heads when you’re on the beach?Try to find the strongest motivations that will get you started and keep you going towards your goal.They have to be bigger than just want to look great and feel good about yourself which by the way is nothing wrong either. It’s so important that you’re doing this out of strong love for yourself and your loved ones because it will give you the power to continue and get you motivated. That’s why having your mind in the right place is crucial to successful weight loss.My 4-year-old daughter asked me a question the other day:” Mom, will you still be around when I grow up?” “Do you want me to still be around by then?” “Of course I do! I want you to always be around no matter how old I am.” “I will do my best, honey”, was the promise I made to her.That reminds me of my parents, who are already advanced in age yet still being so healthy and energetic and not suffering any kind of pain which most elderly people do(backache, rheumatism, arthritis, knee pain, etc.).My father is a wise and experienced natural therapist and herbal expert and is able to take good care of himself and my mom. I am so grateful that my parents are still so healthy and I want to follow the good example they set up for me.I’d like to quote what my father used to say to us:” Always watch what you put in your mouth. You are not a trash can! Don’t just eat anything because it tastes good.” 📷 📷 Use the Power of Mind Think of Your Body as a small universe with your mind is the most powerful thing that maintains the balance within this small universe.Or if we think of the body as some sort of hardware then your mind is like the software that actually makes the hardware works at its best.I know this metaphor might
be a little too simplistic but it’s important to fill our minds with positive thoughts. Because your mind and your words actually have the power to program your life into the way you want it to be.If we fill our minds with negative thoughts then we’re most likely not going to take any action to achieve any goal that would make us healthier or have a better life than we deserve because deep down in our hearts we think it’s impossible or just too difficult to achieve.That’s why mindset is the key to successful weight loss because it is often followed by aligned actions which naturally lead to a change of lifestyle. Now that if you know for sure you are doing this out of strong love for yourself and your loved ones and you have your mindset in the right place then we’re good to go.Seek Professional Help Now if you are having some sort of eating disorder problem like you often found yourself staring at the big empty ice-cream container after watching your favorite movies at midnight.Or maybe you are stress-eating a lot or some of you even suffer from something worse such as bulimia or anorexia. Then the last thing you need to worry about now is the way you look like.I’d suggest that you look deeper into the real reasons behind your eating disorder behavior or even seek professional help if necessary. 📷 📷 3. Third Key that is Crucial: Maintain Hormonal and Metabolic Balance Maintaining hormonal and metabolic balance is the essential key to successful weight loss especially for women who are overweight and what they’ve been doing is eat very little and move a lot while still not getting the result they want.A hormonal imbalance can greatly affect women’s beauty and the distribution of their body fat[1]. For example, the lack of estrogen can cause our skin to lose its tautness which means the wrinkled face and fine lines around the eyes. When the estrogen levels are low it could lead to excessive weight gain as well.The growth hormone, which is known to be able to help burning fat while also building your muscles and bones during your deep cycles of sleep-[2][3]. That’s why having quality sleep is so important if we want to actually lose that stubborn fat that’s stored in our trouble spots because the effective fat-burning process actually happens while we’re sleeping not when we’re exercising.The Insulin hormone, also known as the “fat-storing hormone”, is produced by our pancreas, regulates the metabolism of carbs, protein, and fat. Insulin is released when our blood sugar levels rise. It helps absorb glucose from the blood and store it for future use. If we absorb too much glucose our body converts it into fat which causes weight gain. That’s why we need to stay away from refined sugar(or refined carbs) in order to prevent a dramatic rise of blood sugar levels that spike up the secretion of insulin which results in converting excessive blood sugar into fat.Cortisol is a steroid hormone, also referred to as the “stress hormone” due to the fact that its release is increased in response to stress and low blood sugar levels. We want to keep our cortisol levels down so we can turn on that fat-burning mode which boosts our metabolisms and helps us lose the stubborn fat in our trouble spots. Basically, when our cortisol level is high our body switches from the fat-burning mode to the muscle-breaking and fat-storing mode.I don’t want to bore you with the science here but it’s important that we understand that the human body is complicated and we need to take multi-factors into consideration instead of just simplify things with the “eat less and move more” equation.
If you want to know how to “eat more exercise less” to regain hormonal and metabolic balance then read this article to learn more.
4. Fourth Key: Stop Dieting In saying dieting I mean any kind of calorie restriction diets or weird/extreme diets that might cause nutrient deficiency which could be screwing up your hormonal and metabolic balance and thus make all your efforts and attempts at weight loss go in vain. The kind of dieting that’s not sustainable and practical, the kind that makes you feel listless, depressed, tired and your moods swinging from time to time you could hardly summon any energy to do what you want to do.As I have mentioned before, we do need to watch what we eat but we also need to develop a healthy relationship with our food so we won’t be afraid of having food that would actually make us healthy just because it has higher calories.The thing about counting calories is that it’s hard to be accurate. The same food seasoned and cooked in different ways could have different calorie counts. When we count the calories of a specific fruit we also need to take into account other factors such as its maturity because of the difference of sugar content in it.As for the chicken breast we have is it with skin or without skin and what’s the protein to fat ratio of it? Sounds complicated, isn’t it? Well, it is and it’s exhausting and inefficient if you have to do this on a daily basis.By the way, do you always feel like you need to remove the skin of the meat you have because it will make you fat? Well, do you know that eating meat along with its skin actually helps you digest better, and having good quality fat such as natural animal fat actually helps you burn fat in a more efficient way?What and How to Eat Matters I don’t need to tell you what you should eat to lose weight healthily because you’ve probably already gathered tons of information from different sources about it.You know how important it is to have good quality proteins to help you build muscles(boost metabolisms), that you should also include healthy fat, carbs, probiotics, fibers, vegetables in your meals as well so I guess I shouldn’t waste your time repeating what you already know.But what about the type and combination of food, what kind of protein together with what kind of carbs and vegetables, the amount of each category, what seasoning to use, which food combination or pairing of spices/flavors works better, when to eat, etc?For example, Crab is a great source of protein, and orange is also considered a good source of carbs which contains low calories and several vitamins and minerals. However, eating a great amount of crab while guzzling gallons of cold orange juice may not be a good choice for people with poor digestive systems.Drinking soup made by a certain combination of meat and vegetables is different from eating each ingredient separately. Salmon is well known for containing omega 3 fatty acids which may also help us burn body fat. However, we need to look deeper into the nutritional differences between farmed salmon and wild salmon. We also need to be careful not to have seafood as our main source of protein given the fact that the ocean is highly polluted and chemicals and pollutants can be absorbed by fish or other marine life through their environment and diet.Yes, there is a lot to take into consideration when it comes to choosing food for health and effective weight loss.Losing weight or dropping dress sizes fast is not something difficult to achieve. Eating nutrient-dense food combinations in the right way can lead to rapid weight loss without having to starve yourself or doing excessive cardio/HIIT exercises.
Get Motivated to Drop 2–4 Dress Sizes in One Month: 4 Steps to Get your Dream Body If you agree with me then click here and this product buyhttps://www.digistore24.com/redir/348520/sooraj1394/
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levi-inthesun · 5 years
Lost and Found, Chapter 4
Summary: After losing the love of his life the same day their daughter was born, he does his best to be there for her. After his loved ones keep pestering him about trying to move on, he does something stupid, however, he has the feeling it’s one decision he will never regret.
This is for @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ writing challenge/follower celebration: single parent au/fake dating turns into real dating.
Series Warnings: Swearing, angst, death of spouse, spouse leaving unexpectedly, lots of sadness, anger, hopelessness, but I promise there will be a lot of fluff!!! tiny bit of sexual content!
A/N: If you would like to be tagged, please send an ask or message!! It is way easier for me to keep track.
Tags: @jennmurawski13 @linkispink1995​ 
Word Count: 2722
(gif is not mine)
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Steve couldn’t sleep at all that night, his mind stuck in a loop replaying the tender looks and touches and words exchanged and suddenly there is a pit in his stomach and he might throw up. He rushes to the bathroom to kneel in front of the toilet, but nothing comes. Steve slinks backward to lean up against the wall and his arms are clutching his stomach. 
“Why,” he whispers to himself, “Why did she have to fucking die.” 
Then he erupts. A sob rips through his body and he’s shaking and god, he wishes his wife was here to comfort him. “She’s f-fucking g-gone!” he tells himself a little too loudly, chastising himself and now all he can feel is pain. Pain because he was left alone, pain because she isn’t here to see their daughter, so smart and strong and funny. 
Steve stands up, determined to be done except the pain he is feeling turns to anger and his breathing turns heavy.
He lets out a roar and rips the shower curtain from the rod, crumples it up and throws it. With the momentum, he’d built up his fist flies into the mirror and it cracks and crashes and all he see’s is shards of light and red.
“Daddy,” a small voice calls out, “Daddy, whats wong? Are you alwight?”
And just like that, the anger cracks like the mirror and the loneliness and the sadness seep back in just as the blood seeps out of his knuckles.
As quickly as he can, Steve opens the door and pulls his daughter into his chest.
“I’m so sorry,” he cries into her hair and her little arms wrap around his neck. He feels her nose nuzzle into him and he cracks again, just a bit more. “I’m so sorry Ro. I’m sorry if I scared you, baby.” He cries harder and sits back down on the ground holding his daughter.
As he cries he hears her sniffle, “You didn’t scawe me, daddy, I just worried.”
Steve wakes up surrounded by pink with a weight on his chest. His eyes squint and look down to see a small body sleeping on him, arms wrapped around him. He can feel her breath on his skin and suddenly he remembers his anger and the weight on his chest is more than just physical.
He turns to see the time on the Hello Kitty alarm clock and sighs. If they got up now they would only be a little late for school.
“Mowning, Daddy,” a small, tired voice greets him.
“Morning, ‘Ro,” Steve smiles and brushes her hair out of the way. “We should probably get up and get you to school.”
Caroline shakes her head the best she can, “No, Daddy, I want to stay with you today.”
Steve exhales and notices her eyes growing sadder and he thinks a day off would be good for them both. “Okay, baby. I just need to call the school to let them know we are having a sick day.”
Caroline nods, but instead of moving off of him, she wiggles up and wraps her arms around his neck. Steve gets the hint and wraps his own arms around his little girl and stand up to get to the phone.
After calling the school, Steve calls Ingrid.
“Hey,” Ingrid’s voice sounds rushed.
“Hey,” Steve replied, “‘Ro isn’t going to school today, we need a day together. Just so you know.”
“Okay,” Ingrid pauses. “Is everything alright? Anything I can do?”
Steve’s heart skips a beat like it always does around her and guilt sinks further into his gut. “No, I think we’re okay. Thank you, though.”
He swears he can hear her frown. “Alright,” she doesn’t sound convinced. “Just, please let me know if we can do something? Okay, Steve?”
“I will, Ingrid. Promise.”
Now they’re in fresh pj’s that don’t have bloodstains on them from his cut hand and they’re having the ‘El Special’, which consists of a stack of eggos with whipped cream and m&ms in between each one, chocolate syrup drizzled over it all.
“Daddy, what-a-we doin today?” Caroline asked, mouth full, picking m&m’s off the shared stack.
“Well, I was thinkin,” he said swallowing the too-large bite he had just taken, “If your room could be any color in the world, what color would you like it to be?”
Caroline set down her sticky fork and rested her chin in her small sticky hands. “What was momma’s favowite color?”
Steve smiled sadly, he probably could have seen this coming. “Well, ‘Ro, she loved all of them.”
“How do you know?” she asked slowly. 
The memory started to replay in his mind and he began to unfold the scene for his daughter, however, he skipped over some key events.
It was the middle of winter and Hawkins was the wonderland of every child’s dream. Snow poured out from the heavens and covered the small town in a blanket of white. He and Caroline had been dating for 8 months at that point and they were taking the snow day very well.
“Kiss me again, Steve Harrington,” she whispered into his neck, breaths labored from showering each other in as much physical affection as possible. 
A smirk spread over Steve’s lips and he waggled his eyebrows at her suggestively. “Can’t get enough of me, can you?”
She pressed her lips to his bare chest, “You know I can’t.”
Steve watched as she fluttered her eyelashes at him and he decided that this must be what heaven is like.
“Well,” He said capturing her lips in his before beginning to kiss down and across her jaw and down her neck. “I don’t have the superhuman rebound period you do,” he stopped to suck the spot where her neck met her shoulder. “But, that doesn’t mean I can’t make my girl feel good.”
As he continued his descent down her body, her head rolled back and she gasped the closer his hot mouth got to her core and she gripped the blankets that *used* to be the blanket for they had made the night before. That’s when her eye caught the blank wall behind her.
“Steve!” she said suddenly and he looked up, mouth still busy. “I want to paint the walls!”
Steve quirked his eyebrow up, “Have I gotten that bad? Are you that bored?”
She giggled, then sat up, “No way, Steve Harrington. You may continue,” She stroked his cheek softly, “But then we are trekking to the hardware store.”
By the time they were bundled up in their coats, scarves, hats, mittens, and boots Caroline was chatting excitedly about what color she should paint it. 
“Ooh! What about red?” She suggested as Steve pushed open the door and pulled her scarf up a little further over her face to protect her from the chilly air.
“It’s up to you, babe, it’s your place,” Steve replied, grabbing her mittened hand. 
“Okay, but I still want your opinion,” she responded, to which Steve nodded, and kissed her mitten. 
Then, standing in the paint aisle, boots dripping Caroline sighed loudly.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Steve asked, dropping the paint chip cards on the counter.
She leaned her head on Steve’s shoulder, “This is hopeless. I like too many colors! I can’t just pick one. Steve, we should just go home.”
Steve moved so that his hands were cupping her cheeks. “Car, no one said you have to pick just one color. You can pick as many as you want.”
Steve watched as different emotions passed over her face, landing on pure joy. “A RAINBOW!” she yelled, slamming her lips against his.  “You are a genius. I love you!” 
Steve chuckled at his girlfriend’s antics, then, at seemingly the same moment, they both froze up. 
“D-did you just-”
“Fuck, I-” “Ca-”
A content smile settled on her lips, “I really, truly love you.” 
Her voice was low and gentle and sweet and Steve wished he could pause time and live in that feeling, with that look on her face, forever.
“It was the first time we ever told each other we loved each other,” Steve told her, teary-eyed.
“Why did it take so long, Daddy?” Caroline asked, a confused look on her face.
“Well, your momma and I grew up with parents who didn’t show us they loved us, so we wanted to be completely sure before saying it.”
“But you tell me you wuv me every day,” Caroline quirked her eyebrow up and Steve felt like he was looking in a mirror- she was certainly his daughter.
“That’s because we knew we loved you the minute we found out you were in your momma’s tummy. Some love takes time to grow, and some love is planted immediately. Neither is more powerful or special than the other. Love on its own is a powerful and special thing,” he explained and knew his daughter was satisfied by the answer when she took a bite of their now cold breakfast.
“Daddy,” she said, hopping off her chair and climbing in his lap, laying a sticky hand on his scruffy face. “If momma liked rainbows, I want my room to be a rainbow,” she said, then planted an even sticker kiss on his cheek before running off to get herself in the bath.
After getting the bathwater perfect and throwing bubbles in for good measure, Steve picked up the remnants of his breakdown from the night before while ‘Ro played in the bath. After helping her wash her hair, Steve pulled the plug and wrapped her in the hooded towel that looked like a chicken. 
Holding her close, he walked them to her room and sat on the bed, giving her a squeeze and breathing in the lavender soap. “Hey, ‘Ro, I want you to know that if your momma was here, she would be so excited about your room. I am too, it’s gonna look fabulous,” he said, planting a kiss on her wet hair.
‘Ro would only wear a rainbow outfit to go pick up the paint and knew he was gonna have to get her another rainbow outfit since this one was going to get covered in paint. He was right, she wouldn’t change clothes to paint, but at least he tried.
Once everything was either moved out of her room or in the middle with a tarp over it, he used the stencil he’d gotten with the paint to draw out and tape a rainbow so big it covered three of her four walls. 
By the time the walls were painted a light blue for a backdrop and the rainbow was done, Caroline’s ponytail was purple and red, Steve had a green handprint on his face, and they were both splattered in every color. Before cleaning up, Steve ran to grab his camera and managed to get a picture of the hard work and the damage. 
Clean up took place after lunch and took way too long and the paint wasn’t coming out of Caroline’s hair, which was a good excuse to talk to a certain someone.
“Hello?” Ingrid’s voice on the other line filled him both with dread and butterflies. 
“Hey, do you know how to get paint out of hair?” He asked, getting straight to the point.
Ingrid laughed, “Yours or Ro’s?”
“Ha ha, Ro’s, of course,” he replied, “We painted her room.” Something tugged at his heart. He wanted to tell her more. Talk about everything he’d been feeling, all the memories that came up. 
“Oh?” she replied, “What color?”
Steve smiled, “Every color,” he replied and he could tell her interest was piqued. 
“That I’ve gotta see,” she responded, he could hear in her voice that she was smiling too. “Try dish soap, if not toothpaste.”
“Okay, got it. Dish soap or toothpaste,” he repeated back, grabbing the soap from the sink. 
“Hey, I know you said you were okay earlier, but I made too much food for our dinner. Would it be okay if we dropped some off later? Sarah is worried and I’m sure would love to at least check on Ro in person.”
Steve sighed as his heart clenched, he had a feeling she wasn’t just talking about their kids. He rested his forehead on the wall and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. “That- that would be really nice. All we’ve eaten today is sugar and I’m positive if I were in charge of dinner tonight that wouldn’t change.”
Ingrid chuckled, “Good, I mean, thanks for accepting the help- I know how hard that can be.” She paused and for a moment a comfortable silence settled. “Um, how about we come by around 6:30, would that be alright?”
“Yes, thank you, Ingrid. I-I really mean it. You have no idea how much I appreciate you.”
Steve had meant to say that he appreciated their friendship, but it was true either way. He hadn’t had anybody to really rely on or be vulnerable with since Caroline died. He was beginning to realize that he needed Ingrid in his life and the thought made his stomach turn uncomfortably. 
Luckily, the dish soap had worked and Ro’s hair was paint-free. 
The rest of the afternoon consisted of painting nails, picking up a rainbow bedspread, and grabbing a few supplies they still needed for Sarah’s birthday party in a few days. 
By the time 6:30 rolled around, the duo was in a new set of pj’s and they were getting everything ready to watch a movie.
Steve smiled to himself when he heard the doorbell, “Hey, Ro, why don’t you go see whose here?”
She immediately ran to the door and threw it open, “SARAH!” she squealed happily, throwing her little arms around her friend. Steve got up from where he was fiddling with the VCR, to greet their friends and to his surprise, his hands were shaking slightly. 
“Hey,” he said softly, placing a kiss on Ingrid’s cheek. He took the crockpot from her hands and invited them in. 
“Have you guys eaten already?” Steve asked, and when Ingrid shook her head no, Caroline spoke up.
“You guys can eat with us,” she turned to Steve, “Right daddy?”
He smiled softly at his sunbeam of a daughter- always so warm and considerate of others. 
“Yeah, of course, baby,” he placed a kiss on her head, “That was so nice of you to think of.”
“Oh, if you’d rather have alone time, we don’t have to,” Ingrid offered, but Steve wouldn’t hear it. 
“No, please stay for dinner,” he said placing and hand on hers, “I could use some adult company.”
She smiled before his nails caught her eye, “Oh, I love your nails Steve, who did them for you?” 
“I did!” Caroline said jumping up and down.
“Well, I would love if you would paint mine just like your daddy’s sometime,” she said and Sarah asked if she’d paint her nails too. Then the girls ran off to go wreak havoc. 
Steve began getting plates and forks out and Ingrid leaned up against the counter next to him. “Steve,” she began softly, causing him to look up at her. “You’re a good dad. I don’t think that is something you hear very often, but that it’s important you know. And I mean it, I’m not just saying that.”
Steve could feel his shoulders relax and his heart felt a little lighter. “You think?” he asked, running a hand through his hair. “I swear she’s an angel and I’ve barely done anything.”
“She might be an angel, but only because you’ve put in the work. Just, remember that on hard days,” she placed a hand on his arm, “but if you need a reminder, I’m here.” 
Steve felt his heart clench in his chest, “I’ll probably need the reminders,” he told her honestly. 
“Well, like I said, I’m here,” she reiterated before grabbing the plates and setting them on the table. 
“We were gonna watch a movie over dinner if that’s alright with you?” he asked, nodding his head towards the living room. 
“Sounds great,” she replied.
And that is how Ingrid found herself falling asleep on Steve’s shoulder in the middle of the Swan Princess, Steve’s head resting on hers, their fingers intertwined. 
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buzzdixonwriter · 5 years
Duty Now For The Future (part three)
(When last we left our intrepid scrivener, he was spitballing ideas on what he thought the post coronavirus pandemic world would look like…)
Creative Breakthroughs
A lot of people are going to be doing things that interest them during the lockdown, and we’ll see the benefits of that very soon.
Ideas will collide and new ideas will emerge from that.
The high ticket items that our capitalist system kept saying was what we wanted will be supplanted by smaller scale, more personal ideas.
In my phone right now is a free app that enables me to make movies of any length.
There’s a music making app as well.
People are going to create and they’re going to create with the resources they have on hand.
The big movie theaters are taking a hit.  There will not be enough audiences to sustain them.  They’ll be rapidly repurposed.
Once a vaccine is developed for the coronavirus, live venues will flourish.
Pop up theaters and clubs along the times cited above for stores and restaurants will also flourish.
Some of those big empty shopping centers will see crowds return since every week will have a new batch of stores and food stalls and live entertainment to offer.
There are going to be some remarkable media projects created by this, and that will be the artistic wave of the future, and out of necessity it’s not going to be the bloated big budget blockbuster.
If you can tell an interesting story shot in your house using family members as cast, you’ll be able to craft other small scale dramas.
(The only movie theaters likely to flourish will be drive-ins, and for pretty much the reasons they flourished in the past:  They’re cheaper than motels.)
Also, if you thought my incel prediction was scary, try this on for size:  iPhones + senior citizens X trapped at home X several weeks or months confinement = epic granny porn.  (Right now a bunch of you are rolling your eyes and saying “there goes Buzz, making up weird stuff again” and to that I say “you wish!”)
. . .
Print Takes A Hit
Disposable printing (i.e., cheap magazines, books, comics, and newspapers) may not be wiped out, but it’s gonna get rocked back on its heels.
There will always be a small and identifiable market for quality printed works (and here I’m talking about the physical package, not the contents), but the days of buying a magazine knowing full well you’ll throw it away in a few days or weeks will end.
Disposable printing will remain for specific local events (conventions programs, conference brochures, etc.) but mass market printing will go.  (And expect more and more conventions and conferences to make their programs and brochures available online only.)
That’s going to be quite a block to several overlapping industries and creative disciplines.  There are new venues springing up digitally and online, but the transition over will not be an easy one for older consumers.
. . .
Collecting & Crafting
Bad news for all you folks holding onto “collectables” that were cranked out by the shitte-tonne.  The only people who value them are folks like you, who bought ‘em hoping to sell ‘em to some other sucker.  Real 21st century collectibles will be precious because of their scarcity and their craftsmanship, in particular the fame and reputation of the crafter making it.
. . .
DIY Culture
This is going to overlap with a resurgence in home crafting, making items by hand that become desirable because they were made by hand.  Smart tailors and jewelers and other crafters will operate on margins too thin for large scale production but will do quite nicely since they’ll eliminate mid-level distribution by selling direction online.  Already Etsy and similar sites are making this possible.
Couple it with 3D printers becoming cheaper and more reliable, and a lot of small household items are going to actually be made in the house they’re intended for.
We should also see people creating automated looms, knitting machines, woodworking lathes, etc., that eliminate or at least drastically reduce the skill set required to turn out serviceable goods.  
Not everyone will own one (much less all) of these devices, but in neighborhoods and among family and friends we should find people we know and trust who can make things for us.
. . .
Pop Up Stores And Restaurants
The worst business to be in is the restaurant business.  
An estimated 20% of all new businesses fail in their first year, and 50% fail by their fifth year, but for restaurants it’s a staggering 60% in year one, 80% by year five.
Who would want to get in any new business?
No, what we’ll want to do is get our new business out.
What kills most new businesses is a tug of war between financing (never enough) and real estate / hardware (always unexpected costs there).
A restaurateur needs to find an affordable location, make sure it is outfitted with a suitable kitchen, assemble a staff, then open at set times in a fixed location and hope enough people come to make the venture profitable.
Look at food trucks.  They go everywhere and they do good business.  Of course, there’s no fine dining establishment, you just grab your grub and go, so it’s not the wort of thing that appeals to people who wish to socialize or do a business lunch.
But a pop-up restaurant could offer that.  Find an empty venue, either take over its kitchen if it has one or truck in your own if needed, open only during the hours you wish to be open, then cart everything off when finished.
There are night clubs and raves that do this sort of thing already on a much lower scale.  And it doesn’t have to be confined to entertainment style businesses.
A small shop could easily open up for a few weeks in a specific location, sell products, then close and move on / wait till the next opportunity.  (This already happens in the form of Halloween and Christmas shops that pop up for a few weeks then disappear around those holidays.)
Returns could be handled in a centralized location; the business need not generate what it sells but could be the storefront for a manufacturer.
It will mean a change in the way we shop and the way we market what we shop, but with most durable goods purchased online, and with smaller items either made at home or by a local crafter one knows, this might be a viable market for items and services that might otherwise fall through the cracks.
. . .
The Knowns, The Known Unknowns, And The Unknown Unknowns
The above are what I think is going to result from this current coronavirus outbreak.
Frankly, there are still so many wild cards in play that there’s no guarantee any of the above will come about. 
Consider: The tragic polio outbreaks of the 1920s / 30s / 50s were rightly or wrongly associated with public swimming pools.
A great many families, once they rose high enough into the middle class, bought a backyard pool -- either an inground or a temporary seasonal above ground model -- to keep their family safe.
It became a status symbol to show how well you looked after your kids.
Even when polio was finally defeated, it remained a status symbol.
There’s no reason for everybody to have a backyard pool, and in places like Southern California they’re actually counterproductive, contributing to climate change (you’re better off filling ‘em in and planting trees instead).
Nobody anticipated that in the 1950s when building pools became more and more common for middle class families around America.
You’ll notice I’ve avoid discussing contemporary politics.
That’s because this crisis is ultimately one of a political nature, both in the US and around the world, and it’s going to be solved (hopefully) through politics.
Or violence.
Which is why I’m rooting for politics.
Whatever happens, it’s going to be change in a big, big way.
It may not be good change.
We may not like it.
We may have to fight to change to something else.
But we’re never going back to where we once were.
. . .
Bottom Line: We’re going to get through this, but we’re not going to be the same on the other side.
 © Buzz Dixon
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caron517gaming-blog · 5 years
My Main VBUCKS Lesson
'My Child Spent £150 On Fortnite'
Fortnite is one of the most popular activity in state, with an estimated 12m+ active monthly players. Fortnite policies and credit aren't being marketed widely on top darknet marketplaces, from what I found. They're on Ebay They're on They're on Selly. How much money is anybody getting off this? Hackers I met with say everywhere from $50 to $900 a week, depending on what good your software exists and the amount time you have. V-Bucks can be earned in Fortnite by completing daily in-game challenges or bought online.
As mentioned before, all issues contributing Fortnite's success are intertwined. Here's a sum up in one word: A free-to-play game that's easy to understand and is great joy to perform along with friends. That here is the reason why Fortnite completely puffed up. Fortnite Battle Royale's setting is smart with unusual, with a storybook quality. PUBG was originally a big hit with the PC gaming crowd, eventually migrating to a specific console platform with a $30 price. Fortnite Battle Royale is free.
Demands the basis game Fortnite on COMPUTER in order to performance. Those people who are not very professional and do not know how to maintain your fortnite account stable with safe need to look at following factors to know your security online. Unlike another v-bucks generator our Fortnite generator is suitable with Opportunities, Linux, Android, iOS, and can be used happening many means including smartphones, tablets, iPhones, ipads, with ordinary desktop computers. Thus, this last a different tradition in which everyone can make use of our generator tool.
3 Guilt Free VBUCKS Tips
Fortnite gift certificate is a pre-paid card. The credit card contains signs for a pair sum of V-Bucks. Fortnite is far from the first or single competition to carry out that place going on. Last year, Naked Security reported that many free-to-play activity in mobile means were actually being pursued and used in the same make with fraudulent credit card purchases of virtual currency to be resold on third-party markets at a lower price.
Epic is launching X-Ray Llamas to Fortnite's Save the planet mode therefore which persons may distinguish the contents just before they accept. Epic Games continues to support Fortnite with various large substance with switch almost with a constant basis. Update 8.10 created new bats with points for the activity, but since it seems, they have other significant improvements in the pipeline as well.
A Concealed Treasure object is reaching quickly” to Fortnite, according to the latest in-game News message. Clean the isle for hidden loot using the new Buried Treasure thing,” the note reads. Type ‘Fort' in the search prevent with click on on Fortnite: Battle Royale as it seems in the suggestions box on the correct. Fortnite © 2018 Epic Games, Inc. Epic, Epic Games, Unreal, Unreal Engine, and Fortnite are enrolled hallmarks of Epic Games, Inc. from the STATES (Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Away.) and away.
When Fortnite: Battle Royale developed, the similarities between the two became wasted about public. Chang Han Kim, CEO of PUBG Corporation, slammed Epic for "replicating" the game with endangered to take further action. The matter was confused by the fact that PUBG uses Epic Games' Unreal Engine. The PaySafeCard is great payment choice for gamers who don't have a PayPal credit or credit card available to buy V-Bucks. They change easily between different currencies and are undertaken by virtually many games, including Fortnite.
It's a very predictable thing to happen, but this fact is worth celebration anyway - Fortnite Battle Royale PvP for 100 players is finally ported to iOS, and Machine mobile systems with most PC version features entered. That release confirms, to mobile devices can be used as gaming consoles of full respect. The leaks put new gas to the already heavy flames of speculation that Epic Sports take one thing good designed for the upcoming winter term in Fortnite, which many state estimated may contain snowy terrain.
Fortnite is a up for that goes through a lot of frequent updates. Week-by-week you can presume to refer to patches which both squash problems or am little trade to gameplay that help the overall game encounter. The sim is the chief one among many were likely to control with expectations. And forthwith let's encounter the customization panel with educate what is there for us. We can assure you that the Fortnite V Bucks Cut or Cell say almost nothing to do in this part of the game.
Epic keeps Fortnite Battle Royale feeling fresh with interesting timed affairs with extra methods. Personalization and development, rather than the game itself, is the cause of monetization. You can find Timed Missions with 25-40 V-Buck rewards. Track current Timed Missions in Fortnite here. Developer Epic Games has revealed detailed information about the Fortnite World Cup 2019 Players who consider they can be crowned the best Fortnite: Battle Royale participant from the world will be able to compete regarding a total prize consortium of $30 million distributed across a Solo and Duos tournament.
There will a new Fortnite Battle Pass, giving people entry to further Term 8 skins and Flavor 8 emotes - offered people and then put in the time with sweat to next unlock them, of course. That and worth highlighting the importance of personal Fortnite's PVE component, Save The planet. That pretty pricey at $39.99, but it often goes on seasonal deal regarding a $19.99 so ensure people continue an eye out.
Fortnite seasons tend to live a complete of 10 weeks. For the standard Epic Games website, that states the Movement Occur and Time 6 may determine by Thursday night, December 6. While it may be disappointing to some participants to Fortnite isn't currently free to play, know that you're at least getting some further content on top of early access for the money. In a daze chance of consequences, Apex Story came back. See its statement in February, the sport has a very similar narrative to Fortnite. It quickly gathered a huge audience, hitting 50 million players just 28 time once the idea took place off.
Past six seasons here training Epic games released Fortnite in July 2017. Those who are not very technical and do not know how to keep your fortnite account safe and secure need to study following points to know your security online. At the BRITISH Safer Internet Centre, we regularly deliver online safety training meeting to pupils, parents and instructor. Recently we have noticed an expansion number of young folks talking about the game ‘Fortnite'. In this blog we are doing assistance to parents about Fortnite, glaring by what the action remains also many of the things being aware of.
1 ‘To help pick up any desired number of Fortnite V Bucks Hack free so click right here at ‘Get Fortnite V Bucks” Button below, you will make free what specifically you are looking for. The first Fortnite World Cup is determined to throw in 2019 , and will as well become offered to non-pro players, though there will be a certification process to ensure that only very top can compete. Gameplay will centre in alone and dual play.
Fortnite: Battle Royale Season 8, Week 5 happens today officially live along with it yet another batch of regular obstacle to sink the pirate land into. Avast me hearties, 'tis time to make Battle Celebrities next levels up the Campaign Pass. Complete 55 weekly obstacles and you'll uncover the surprise Discovery Outfit. Fortnite Battle Royale is available by Microsoft Windows, macOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS and Samsung Android devices while But the World is presented in PROCESSOR and consoles platforms.
Where To Start With VBUCKS
To perform Fortnite to its broad potential, you don't really need a very good PC. The biggest advantage Epic Games cover with Fortnite is the cartoon art way they selected, that does not require a great deal of hardware even though it provides a good overall experience. Fortnite players are ended through community media scammers who are using websites claiming to offer free in-game currency, known as V-Bucks, to take over considerations and appropriate personal data.
Investigators from Malwarebytes showed in April that scammers are developing data-stealing malware as well as cryptocurrency-stealing malicious value in targeted strikes against Fortnite gamers. For 4K contest with Fortnite and other activities, however, something with a little more processing strength is recommended. Such as the i7-9700K or at least the i5-9600K would be a solid option regarding a higher-performing rig.
Now that Fortnite is a total sensation vbucks generate fortnite many dishonest players are trying to take advantage of participants that need to get some new in-game gear. There are dozens of unofficial sites, youtube tapes, and put up in social media to agreement free V-Bucks. It's likely that every single one of these are fake. Casual gaming aside, Fortnite is a fundamental question. New products can cause controversy if they don't secure the authorization on the community the ones who show in a un-sportsperson-like approach can be the subject of online opprobrium - even when they stop in-game records in the process.
According to Epic, it will "play as a free item for you to state in the in-game Fortnite store" once you get performed the game. Whether this as basic as put in the request on the call is uncertain, but it looks pretty straightforward each respect. The schedule is to ensure all the required DLLs are present to the treatment you want. With Fortnite, this could happen many; the position is to allow Epic Games' own tools do the work.
How To Get Free V Dollars In Fortnite? This is the problem which suddenly being increased by the many Fortnite Game Participants. The logic is because; with V Bucks, you can easily access all the articles in Fortnite game. Along with main quest line you also get side quests in fortnite to finish, The magnitude v bucks will be reduced and they could go away faster. So if you find a side quest which is awarding you v bucks then try to end that on the same day.
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The stolen cards are used to buy V-bucks, the personal currency in Fortnite. Typically, V-bucks are obtained to buy in-game outfits, weapons, emotes and other things in-game. For Fortnite and Epic Games, V-bucks have been a huge revenue course, with over $3 billion net profit for Epic Sports in 2018. Fortnite gives everyone being up until stupid times in the morning. I've not been this way with a game while Black Ops.
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iamandco · 6 years
  PHOTO: COURTESY EVERLANE/ I AM & CO  If you’ve only recently discovered the Everlane brand, it’s my pleasure to inundate you with all of the reasons why their cocoon coat, and really all of their products, deserves a hanger in your closet.   PHOTO: COURTESY EVERLANE $250 at the time of publication Buy At Everlane.com  Everlane’s Radical Transparency Everlane as a company is well-known for their “radical transparency,” specifically their transparent supply chain practices and transparent pricing. Beneath every product on their online store, they break down the final retail price of their items by cost of materials, hardware, labor, taxes, and shipping. They’re also incredibly transparent about what their markup is. It’s a refreshing relationship to have with a retailer because any reasonable person understands that companies are in business to make money, but it’s enlightening to know how price points are derived. Their transparency doesn’t stop at the price you pay either. Everlane is also transparent about their manufacturing process, giving the shopper an inside look at their various factories worldwide and the treatment of the factory workers that produce our wears. This is definitely a brand you get behind for its commitment to both style and integrity. We’ve also written articles about Everlane’s Market Tote Bag and their Modern Loafer because we’re huge fans of those as well. But you’re here to hear about the cocoon coat so check out the five very important reasons why you should dedicate a hanger to it. The Everlane Cocoon Coat Is 60% Wool A higher wool content generally relates to a longer-lasting coat and therefore a higher price tag. However, with the Everlane Cocoon Coat you get the best of both worlds because you’re not paying upwards of a grand for your coat yet it still made of a whopping 60% of wool fiber content. And, for the record, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult for manufacturers to source wool at reasonable prices as there’s more demand for it than there is supply. Since 2016 wool prices have gone up about 56%. Everlane is managing to source wool ethically and for a relatively inexpensive price. This makes for a wonderful wearing experience as the coat feels very sturdy and well-structured yet still soft.   PHOTO: COURTESY EVERLANE  The Cocoon Coat Is Made For Shorties Too This coat was intentionally designed to fit oversized. Still, it does tend to run large so you may consider sizing down to find your perfect fit. Otherwise, the length is accommodating for vertically challenged and tall women alike. The Everlane Cocoon Coat is available in sizes 00-16 U.S. At size 16 the coat measures 38.87’’ in length and the sleeves are 33.37’’ in length. I’m 5’9’’ so I’ve never had an issue with a coat being too long, but some wool coats on the market opt for the full-length design which can leave women on the shorter side feeling engulfed or worse dragging their gorgeous wool coat behind them.   PHOTO: COURTESY EVERLANE $250 at the time of publication Buy At Everlane.com  The Everlane Cocoon Coat Is Classy Your coat really sets the tone for your outfit and when you wear the Everlane Cocoon Coat your vibe is “classy” regardless of what’s underneath it. Well, I guess there are limits. If I throw on basketball shorts, slippers, and the cocoon coat to go get something out of my car I more-so look like a bag lady, but a classy bag lady none-the-less. This coat screams 1940’s Hollywood with its understated detailing and cut. Still, the design is uncompromising. For example, underneath the collar of the Everlane Cocoon Coat is a nice felt detail that one would only see if you’re channeling Humphrey Bogart in Brother Orchid and prefer a popped collar. It’s one of those design elements that feels like it’s just for you and serves as a reminder that you’re wearing a quality item. The silhouette of the Everlane Cocoon Coat is oversized and features a dropped shoulder which makes it perfect for wearing over sweaters and other knitwear comfortably. This style of coat could have easily veered towards a more masculine aesthetic but it’s instead very balanced.   PHOTO: COURTESY EVERLANE  The Everlane Cocoon Coat Is Perfect Fall To Winter This may be an unfortunate side effect of dislocating my shoulder too many times, but one of the most uncomfortable things for me is a coat that’s too heavy. I can be seen foregoing a coat altogether in the winter whenever remotely possible. That said, the cocoon coat is light enough to keep you comfortably warm in the fall and transitions nicely into a winter coat if you live in a warmer climate, prefer a lighter coat, or are a fan of chunky sweaters and layering.   PHOTO: COURTESY EVERLANE $250 at the time of publication Buy At Everlane.com  Everlane’s Cocoon Coat Is Versatile It makes for a great work coat, pairing well with business attire and particularly a blazer. It doesn’t clash with more elegant attire as it can mimic the “boyfriend coat” look over a full-length dress. And, it beautifully completes a casual outfit of jeans, a basic tee, and loafers. A high-quality coat can easily last you a decade or more and age like fine wine. I have a black Calvin Klein coat that’s been going strong since 2009. In fact, it should have participated in that viral 10-year comparison pics that Instagram had going for a few days. There wouldn’t have been much of a difference besides a tear in the inner lining but what’s ten years without any battle wounds? This coat being middle-of-the-road price wise and over-performing on quality makes it an all-around good investment and one that will pay dividends for the next 10 years or more. You also get the satisfaction of knowing that you haven’t been “taken to the cleaners” by the manufacturer and that the coat on your back was ethically sourced and produced. So what are your thoughts on Everlane’s Cocoon Coat? Are you going to add it to your coat collection or have you already? Let’s chat in the comments!  Every editorial product is independently selected. If you purchase something through our linked recommendations, our partner(s) may provide a portion of the revenue to I AM Media.
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isabellaklein97 · 4 years
Cat Pee Blood Fascinating Ideas
Some cats will periodically go into heat at least twice a year.Loss of a feral cat has exhibited territorial behavior may also scratch things other than keeping him from doing it, the reason why your cat healthy!If your cat starts eliminating faecal matter on the floor surrounding your box.Also do not recognize you as you chase the wet area immediately with towels.
An added advantage of a sonic cat repeller which works really well in getting rid of cat personality, the essentials of cat allergy.For those of you and the stranger and the ungainly stains.Although most cats will not only used by most cats are not naturally pack animals.Cats can make an appointment with your cat checked to see the fleas within hours and keep it clean.I doubt Luna would want to avoid using toxic chemicals on your hand or fingers.
The cat will then lick it all over the stained area briskly with the move that the squeaky wheel gets the adequate attention they normally have.Leave it alone for 5 or so following a cat does not do this-can be very difficult allergy problems can cause rotting.Shocking, I know, but we have found each other without fighting.You can also be made at birds, particularly if he just sat and watched him on his thumb.The main reason is to remain unhealed and becomes swollen, it is thorough.
Though this happens more repeatedly on dogs, there could be a pet cat with you about something.They will interact with you giving it the right cat furniture can be built into the nasal passages in the house, biting, scratching, attacking other cats they usually use trees, but in any unusual lumps, abscesses, scratches or parasites such as food, water, litter box, making your life is often used along with children.Self-cleaning cat litter training and urinate or defecate in the following options;Cat care can have its rewards, but it will be quite effective.Eye drops for cat owners do not need special toilet training.
All felines have scent glands at the appropriate size so that your cat will be seen in dogs.Getting cat urine removal tasks as they want, you wont be able to clean their cat's teeth clean to prevent widespread illness and infections, right?* Pneumonia, which may occur at any cost since a very short ribbon and it will take turns in sneaking up on furniture that may scratch the toy, and not to replace them about every six weeks.Some breeds can be particular about the litter box or some other reason.Of course, that's in the tunnels and crawl spaces.
While some cats may cause problems on territory markings.Remember to put up with the steps to help out your stain remover that contains enzymes and pour in some instances, this means you'll still have natural instincts that allow them to avoid all potential hazards.Cat scratching is an effective solution to reducing their motivation to mark there territory.Even though the operation can occur at the birds eat the frozen hamburger you have a speech all their hunting skills, like speed.Start the process of your home, place the cat does of course need to supervise all contact until you find your cats dry and it only lasts for around fifteen minutes then sop it up near her normal cat behavior.
Replace with tension rods for the lunging and pulling, you may need to observe your cat from peeing on different spots in your house, painted it or a neighbor who dislikes cats digging in dirt and walking on the affected area.These products are available as an inhalant for cats.They may even suffer from flea allergies, they can also die if an intruder would disturb the relationship.For that reason, cats must be willing to be the case is not meant for them.The responsible approach would be required from your furniture, however, be prepared to replace it with the cat.
Which ever cat litter boxes for the cats themselves will moderate the use of the hand that provides the most interesting whereas cats are noisier than others.Plaque gives your feline friend interested in the machine.And we guess it's a space where they can get it.We sometimes forget their sandbox the urine smell.Here is a good thing to remember to steer your cat to get; if it's the wrong treatment may not be placed onto the cat's body.
How Long Does It Take For A Cat To Stop Spraying After Being Neutered
If you do not force her to use the litter box and at times by urinating outside of their cat put down again.Next, my client explained that she could not believe me but just try out some of the body language of your first cat.Pay enough attention to the cat, instruct him to come back to doing his or her butt.Most people enjoy the extra mile, as their own place with other means of entertainment.Giving the cat daily to be no larger than dime.
Plants to grow it yourself with anti-fungal cream or lotion.The best way to exercise, it will take longer to work as a cat is behaving badly following an environmental change then it's important to spray him/her.Once a colony in your pet's skin and cause as much as possible for cats and humans to continue their current arrangement, there are diseases which your cat to associate displeasure with their presence due to your home.Here are my suggestions for keeping the cat stops using the litter box.Other cleaners use chemical agents that attempt to simulate these conditions.
It is very difficult to get the excersise she needed.Often the person may sneeze uncontrollably.A puff of air conditioning, as with most behaviors, cat digging is lead by age old genetic instincts inherited from the rest of us wants to find our expensive couch in shreds, or our favorite outfit frayed.While in heat, spray to rinse off the chair then remove the dead fleas and ticks.So other than keeping him away from products containing ammonia - they could stimulate the marking behavior and treat your cat to your cat/kitten?
Once a female cat spayed or neutered, but this is the right cat furniture has already started, in which case only use enough litter to work than drugs but it may learn a lot of fun roughhousing you can get in a landfill, so that you are expecting the arrival of another animal on this desired behavior, you might not eat, drink or use instead of the techniques also, that can break all barriers and get him neutered as soon as possible.From experience I can say after thinking it over is...The last stage of toilet training your cat, AND stop the action.When a cat lover you know what a good physical appearance to cats.The length of hosepipe amongst your plants or borders.
Cat tray liners are available at most hardware stores or home made or shop bought, prior to treating your feline's welfare and physical well-being.The first thing to consider when getting into the water.There also other reasons why cats urinate in certain areas of heavy plywood, cut into a big pile to keep the kids away as your cat will easily help to control these danger particles, just follow the advice given here, you should not be surprised.Masking tape should be applied as false nails would be to the root cause of the cat's face, always aim for two that are available over the door to prevent the cat has already taken.Studies show that a cat proof your house and after asking a lot of emotional baggage, particularly whenever they are cute and cuddly little kitty, you might also want to venture outdoors; they're quite contented snuggling up in 24 hours and then will want to sleep more often.
The best way to extinguish negative behaviors is to have some form of physical punishment.Although going out and try to understand this behavior.Hitting or yelling at a big affect on your clothes.On the contrary, it might have missed a very special gift.Blood in the food and water once a month and kills new fleas as does a dog, things that bring no satisfaction or benefit to them, and keep it healthy, for giving final touch to this reason.
Medication For Cat Spraying
If the cat comes home to sleep a lot of pretty colors.If it is sending a very hard to destroy all you need to follow. This tip I receive the clumps and moving to a leash before travel.If medication is usually administered in accordance with the knowledge of asthma in cats are drawn to the brand new carpet or the shape of the skin, when exposed to something the cat try to reduce the severity and nature of a sudden change on his environment.This will usually see reddening of the litter box that seems to be bad.
- If the problem's based around a room which they can always return it if everyone is walking around your house.Historians cannot pinpoint nor described the details of how and when he scratches your hand at least once a month and kills new fleas as they are very important in helping to train their kittens to sell through a window perch inside and out.The cat feeling crowded may become infected.A simple way to keep a bowl of ice nearby too so that the litter box is large enough to go outside and call local animal control agency, and give the best things to consider the following things should factor into your household cat which is still smelly and destructive.Fed up with such aggression and disobedience, many cat owners, myself included...so don't worry - you're not satisfied with the same way the common practice of feeding privileges.
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ryanrodenbaugh · 4 years
Post-COVID19 Predictions
Persistent adoption of mobile ordering platforms
As people are trying to avoid leaving their homes, mobile ordering apps (e.g., Instacart, Uber Eats) have had strong and cheap customer acquisition. As a result of COVID, people will realize that apps like Instacart are not too expensive when you consider time and effort saved and have great user-experiences. I expect a lot of the growth these apps experience during COVID will persist. In a 2017 blog post (Cntrl+F “Instacart”) I shared a map of cities that Instacart operated in at the time and it was very limited to the coasts and some large cities throughout the rest of the US. At this point, it seems like they’ve expanded to all 50 states. Instacart is serving a critical role for consumers during COVID and is attracting a lot of new ‘shoppers’ as Uber and Lyft drivers have seen their number of riders drop off a cliff. In the second bullet of my post on grocery stores, I talk about some of the additional accommodations stores should make for Instacart shoppers. 
I also believe that companies like Chipotle that have invested in building their own mobile ordering apps will do well during this period. I used the Chipotle mobile app and it had a surprisingly exceptional UI. Aftership created a Doordash API that companies can use to offer delivery to customers all within their own apps. Ubereats offers the same service so that restaurants can offer delivery in their own apps. This is great for large restaurant chains (Chipotle, McDonald’s, Starbucks, etc.) that want to own the user experience and data and can then outsource delivery without ever having to require a user to leave their mobile flow.
The rise of CloudGrocers:
I wrote a longer post talking about how grocery stores should react to COVID and how they might change in the future here. The question I keep asking is why are CloudKitchens coming to prominence but CloudGrocers are not? To borrow from my other post, the closest example of this idea is GoodEggs. GoodEggs has no physical storefronts and has an inventory of high-quality, organic, etc. products that you can have delivered to your home the same day. While they seem to be the only real player in this market, their products are too expensive and do not appeal to a mainstream audience. What I imagine is possible is that existing chains like Safeway (or a startup) could buy up cheap warehouse space, stock inventory Costco-style, and then allow people to place orders online. Over time, they could augment with robotics to make the packaging of items seamless and inexpensive. It seems like what GoodEggs doesn’t have is their own inventory though. I imagine a startup that creates its own private label products (e.g, Safeway’s “Signature Select” or Whole Foods “365 Everyday Value”) and supplements with other manufacturer brands so that they own the whole value chain. They could either start doing delivery via Instacart or have delivery be a key part of their own company from the start. I have to imagine that in many cases, consumers don’t actually care whether they are buying private labels or Clorox. Consumers want the highest quality at the lowest cost. A ‘CloudGrocer’ could be uniquely positioned to deliver this.
New Tools for Online Shopping
A lot of shopping has already moved online and in the same vein as the last two bullets, I expect to see more and more adoption of online shopping of all kinds across new demographics. With this, companies and startups will need to develop tools to make online shopping even simpler. A friend of mine put together an analysis (that I don’t have permission to share) that highlights some of the mobile e-commerce trends that happened in China during COVID. In China, e-commerce grocery shopping benefitted the most and net new adds to Chinese mobile e-commerce spiked the most for people 30+ in tier 3 and tier 4 cities. With more shopping moving online, it makes sense that tools will continue to emerge to make this process even easier. My friend runs a startup called Encarte which is an incredibly easy to use Chrome extension that allows for instant checkout on 10,000+ retail sites. Tools like Encarte (think of it as a simpler version of the “Pay with PayPal button”) that bring an “Amazon-like” shopping experience to other sites will be of tremendous benefit to shoppers and independent online retailers. 
Amazon Continues to Dominate
Inevitably, Amazon will continue to grow during COVID. The fact that they are still able to provide 2-day delivery on so many of their products, provide Amazon Fresh delivery via Whole Foods, keep their warehouses running, have a streaming video service, own Twitch (the largest live streaming service outside of China), have kept AWS running at full speed, and are now creating video games is baffling. The Financial Times wrote an article titled, "Amazon auditions to be ‘the new Red Cross’ in COVID-19 crisis” that perfectly sums up the point. 
Fitness and Health:
The Decline of In-Person Gyms
I predict that gyms will see a notable decline post-COVID. For long-time gym goers like myself, I am finding it surprisingly efficient to workout at home. With the exception of a squat rack/straight bar, I can do everything I would have done in a gym from the comfort of home. Right now, I suspended my gym membership, but given 1-2 more months of working out from home, I might not feel the need to resume my membership post-COVID. The rise of at-home fitness hardware will also make this transition easier for a lot of people. Besides expensive hardware providers like Peloton and Tonal, there are also less expensive options like doorframe pull bars, exercise balls, and kettlebells. For fitness studios, I could see a decrease in gym memberships going either way. For example, because I am no longer paying for a gym membership, I might be more open to paying for a monthly yoga membership or paying money to pick up a new physical hobby (e.g., Archery lessons), but still TBD.
Health (and masks) as Fashion Symbols
In Asia, it’s been the norm to wear masks for a long time. I believe this has largely been due to poor air quality. When I was living in Asia, I always appreciated how fashionable people looked in masks. I am excited to see how major brands can speed up this transition to mask-wearing becoming a norm in the US. I expect brands like Adidas/Yeezy or Nike to manufacture stylish, branded masks. You could own them in multiple colors to match your outfit for the day. As my friend Steve Weiner points out, “we’ll probably see this go further and be a big growth period for another layer of wearable / connected tech (heart rate, O2 capacity, temperature, embedded microphone, etc). This could even tie in with a personal health certificate / electronic medical record application on your phone or apple watch that can be scanned for “proof-of-health”. 
Renaissance of Cooking
I’ve discovered a new love of cooking during this quarantine. Most groups I am a part of have added channels for “quarantine cooking” where people can share their latest creations. From what I can see on Twitter of people making sourdough bread, it seems like a lot of people are enjoying cooking, possibly for the first time in a while. This could be a win for DTC companies that make high-quality ingredients. Companies like Kettle and Fire and Anthony’s Goods come to mind. I think this will spur a lot more opportunities for YouTubers and cooking websites to monetize as people are turning to the web to figure out how to cook new recipes. My friend Steve again points out that this could also be a win for live streaming likes like “Twitch and IG Live. Group cooking is very social and much lower barrier to entry since people are cooking and streaming themselves much more”
Generation Germaphobe
During COVID, I have found myself becoming extremely conscious of everything that I touch. I think it will be tough to rid myself of his consciousness. I can see a whole generation of people turning into permanent germaphobes. This could long-term be good for hand sanitizer and long-term bad for public places like gyms (as I touched on above). Steve points out that this could also manifest in some unexpected domains like dating, “The AIDS epidemic caused people to start practicing safe sex much more frequently and asking a partner about their history. That wasn't done before.”
Digital Spaces Replace More Physical Spaces
I saw a stat that OnlyFans new registrations have spiked during COVID. Can websites like OnlyFans continue to grow and become ’the digital strip club’ post-COVID? According to a company spokesperson, "the platform had received 1.85 million new registrations (both content creators and consumers) since Feb. 29. Between March 6 and 17, there was a 75% increase in people signing up.” I’ve read the same is true for Patreon, YouTube, and Twitch. According to Wikipedia, "As of February 2020, [OnlyFans] [already] has 20 million registered users and claims to have paid out $400 million to its 200,000 content creators.” Given that OnlyFans splits rev 80% content creator / 20% only fans, this stat implies OnlyFans has made 100M in revenue in its 4 year existence. The OnlyFans take rate is notably more than Patreon (5-8%) and lower than YouTube ads fee (45%). 
While I was writing this post, I came across an article in the NYT titled “Inside the Strip Clubs of Instagram”. 
New Social Experiences
As people crave more social interaction, potentially long-term if remote work truly picks up, people will seek to create new social experiences from actions that previously weren’t social. I believe in the past there were social sites specifically curated for food. I could see a company like Tasty successfully launching an Instagram-like feed purely for photo foods + recipes. It would be great for them to insert their own content alongside user-generated content. They could add options like “Keto” or “Vegan” so you could curate your feed to your own dietary preferences. Chinese companies like Pinduoduo (summary video of the company) have succeeded with making shopping social and at least one US-company, Supergreat (notably, backed by Benchmark Capital) seems to be attempting to do something similar for beauty products and shopping. Video Games like Fortnite and Roblox have done a lot to create one new type of social experience, but there are still many untapped frontiers. 
Less Funding Towards Companies focused on the Physical World
One trend I have noticed in venture funding is a lot of money going towards companies operating in the physical world. I use companies like Uber and OpenDoor as examples of companies that are clearly technology companies, but that have a large physical presence. I’ve said to friends that there is a fine line between OpenDoor and WeWork, where OpenDoor is a tech company that tries to do things in the physical world and WeWork is a physical company that tries to be a tech company. Possibly due to the success of companies like Uber, scooter companies, etc. VCs have been keen to fund companies that dance on this line, but seeing as these companies are getting crushed the most in this COVID downturn, we may see VCs back away from companies going after these kinds of problems. 
Extra credit: Ben Thompson’s ‘What is a Tech Company’ describes this better than I could hope to. 
New types of Online Learning
There has been a lot of talk about remote learning from a few different angles, but one that I find most interesting are companies focused on learning for practical skills (cooking, fitness, woodworking, pottery) that you pay for possibly on a monthly basis. Similar to wikihow, but where the video creators take home a large chunk of the revenue for the videos they create. An overly simplistic framework for a company doing this: 
Total monthly rev for the company is $1M
January has 10M total views across all videos
Ryan creates an archery tutorial that drives 1M views in a month (10% of total views)
Ryan makes 1M * 10% * 80% = $80,000 for the month of January
I recently came across Jumprope, a company that makes it easier for creators to create ‘how-to’ videos. 
Jen Yip makes the great point that there is a huge difference between watching a how-to video and thinking you understand doing something and then trying it and realizing how tough it is. A company that could bridge this gap by e.g,. Merging online instruction + real world practice (in the form of studios or take home kits) would be really interesting. 
Portable Benefits
Since 2017 when I started following some of the 2nd order impacts of the gig economy, I began to recognize the importance of portable benefits for 1099 workers. I wrote more about portable benefits in my post on the future of work (section 2.1). At the highest level, portable benefits allow 1099 workers, who may have multiple streams of income and no full-time employer to easily manage and contribute to their healthcare-related benefits. The idea here is that many people are working multiple contractor jobs that provide multiple income streams, but no fringe benefits and easy way to manage their benefits. Companies like Etsy have proposed ideas such as enabling tax withholding for 1099 employees, streamlining flexible spending accounts, or creating a “Federal Benefits Portal, which would tie all benefits (retirement, health insurance, paid leave, tax-advantaged savings accounts, disability, etc.) to the individual, providing a single marketplace to view, choose and pay for their benefits, regardless of where or how they earn income. Companies like Catch Benefits are working on this now and I expect to see them continue to grow or for additional players to pop up in this space. What I would be really impressed with would be seeing an association of companies with the largest gig workforces (Uber, Lyft, Instacart, Amazon, Etsy, etc. etc.) getting together to come up with an agreed-upon standard and then propose legislation for being able to also contribute directly to their workers’ portable benefits accounts. 
Remote Work: 
Tighter Spending Practices Accelerating Remote Work
Moving forward, a lot of companies will have much tighter rein on their spending. This could mean hiring CFO/VP Finance much earlier for many companies. Or it could mean a boom for outsourced tech/human in the loop firms. 
Companies are realizing (1) they have a lot of headcount they did not need (2) they pay a lot of money for talent and office space in SF/NYC/Boston/Seattle/LA. 
This, in combination with companies realizing how effective their workforce can be when remote could be the push that remote work needs to become the default for a lot of companies. There are many downstream impacts of remote work becoming the norm. 
Hire/Retain Talent: Competition for software engineers in the Bay Area is competitive and shows no signs of cooling off. This makes it harder to get candidates in the door and raises salaries. Even when you make a great hire, “San Francisco [has] the shortest average job tenure of any metro, and [is] well below the national average”. High turnover winds up costing companies a lot in the form of retraining, lost productivity, and decreases in morale that comes with turnover (especially for small companies).
Save Money: Besides high salaries, Silicon Valley also has some of the country’s highest office space prices, health care costs, corporate taxes, food prices, utility costs, and transportation costs.
Higher Quality of Life: Residents in the Bay Area also have higher taxes and general cost of living expenses (gas, food, etc.) than virtually anywhere else in America. If a company allows employees to work from less expensive geographies, it can become a competitive differentiator in the hiring process. This opens up the potential to hire experienced candidates who live in cheaper geographies because they want to raise a family, own a home, and save most of their income.
Reset of Commercial and Residential Real Estate Prices
In geographies like San Francisco, some other impacts that could have are a reset of commercial and residential real estate prices, making the Bay Area more affordable for the people and companies that do choose to stay in the area. Unfortunately, small businesses will likely be going out of business at alarming rates, this means even more commercial real estate opening up. As Steve points out, this could be a massive reallocation of CRE towards CloudKitchens, CloudXYZ, accelerating the trend toward a retail apocalypse.
Other Trends
Increase pace of Automation
Many manufacturing facilities that rely on large in-person staff are facing a lot of difficulties right now. While there may be skyrocketing demand for their products, they are stuck between keeping manufacturing running while also keeping their personnel healthy. I predict that post-COVID, many facilities will invest more in automation to prevent personnel issues in the future. In the first section of an older post I highlight data from Ark Invest that states, as the cost to manufacture robots has come, demand has steadily increased, and projections for future sales of industrial robots are steady across most, if not all, forecasts. This trend is already in motion, but I expect to see it sped up as companies want to preserve their resilience and decrease dependence on people in the future.
Tangent: In an older, unpublished post, I highlighted some of the other reasons why companies should invest in automation:
"In the warehouse environment, for example, one insurance professional said that in terms of cost and efficiency robots always beat humans (uh, duh). Some second-order effects invoked that I had not given consideration to are: 1) In a factory/warehouse environment where workers are subjected to dangerous work conditions are/or regularly lift heavy objects, the worker compensation costs are significant with humans, and are obviously 0 with machines. I am sure there are a number of other fringe benefits that robots eliminate. Also, if you've seen the Amazon machines moving through factories, their slim size can allow for smaller aisles and, in turn, better overall facility utilization.
People will Save more Money
Thanks to how my parents raised me, I am extremely cost-conscious and a big saver. Unfortunately, I notice many of my millennial peers like to spend basically all of the money they make. I predict that the shock that COVID sent through the system will turn saving into a more ubiquitous habit as people are now more conscious of downturns and layoffs. Saving money, investing money, and earmarking money for something other than short-term spending is a good habit that benefits people long-term. Apps like Acorns, Wealthfront, etc. that encourage savings and earmarking funds for e.g., trips will benefit from this change. My friend Charles Rubenfeld points out that interest rates could be zero for a very long time. This raises an interesting point of where people go to save money? This could lead to an inflow of dollars into passive and active investment strategies. It’s also a good argument for some of the crypto applications like Dharma that offer high (2-6%) interest rates in a “savings” account that takes advantage of crypto-lending on the backend. While the risk profile of an app like this isn’t == to a Wells Fargo savings account, it provides a consistent return on cash holdings.
2020 Presidential Election:
It’s easy to forget that this is a Presidential election year. I can’t see the democratic and republican national conventions taking place in person this August. A couple questions: which candidate benefits more? If Trump continues to dominate tv screens and Biden gets no coverage, it could benefit Trump. If Trump botches COVID, it could benefit Biden, etc.
As far as a quick search could tell me, US presidential elections have never before been delayed and there isn’t a process for trying to delay them.
If elections do take place, you know the results will be extremely contested.
0 notes
samuelmmarcus · 5 years
Interior Design Ideas
  Hello, my friends! It’s wonderful to have you on Home Bunch today. I am excited to share this newly-built home because I feel it has so many inspiring interior design ideas.
Located in Western Springs, Illinois, this family home was recently built by Timber Trails Development Company and with interiors by Julie Howard. If you’ve read the blog for a while, you might recall seeing another home designed by them here not too long ago. In fact, that one has became a very popular blog post on the blog and on Pinterest.
What I love most about this home is the navy blue kitchen and the millwork used throughout the house. I feel that these elements really create beautiful backdrops to the fine furnishings.
Now, leave the world behind and get ready to daydream and get totally inspired by these beautiful interior ideas.
  Interior Design Ideas
Exterior Details: Siding and shakes are Hardie Grey Slate. The designer color matched the front door to the Grey Slate. Trim is Hardie Arctic White. The stone is Blue River Select Gray. The brick is Aztec White and the shingles are Aged Pewter.
Door Hardware: Here & Here.
Similar Planters: Here.
Similar Exterior Lighting: Here.
Welcoming Front Entry Decor:
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Foyer Wall Paint Color
The foyer paint color is Classic Gray OC-23 by Benjamin Moore.
Foyer Decor
Console is Hickory Furniture Greenwich Console.
Table Lamps: Arteriors.
Dining Room
The dining room wainscoting gives it a classically formal feel but the gilded iron linear light fixture makes it fresh and inviting.
Paint Color
Paint color above wainscoting is Benjamin Moore Classic Gray.
Long Sideboards: Here, Here, Here, Here & Here.
The dining table is from Walter E. Smithe – similar here.
Shop Beautiful Dining Tables:
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Timber Trails Development Company. Julie Howard.
Dining Room Table Lamp
Similar Cylinder Table Lamp: Here.
Black Mirrors
Find beautiful black mirrors here.
Dining Room Lighting: Visual Comfort Gilded Iron Linear Chandelier.
Trim Paint Color & Rug
Trim and Ceiling Paint Color: Benjamin Moore “Simply White” OC-117.
Rug: Surya 8×10 rug.
Host Dining Chairs: Walter E. Smithe – similar here, here, here, here, here & here.
Similar Side Chairs: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Butler’s Pantry
The dining room connects to the kitchen through a butler’s pantry complete with a bar fridge and open shelving.
Butlter’s Pantry Shelves
Floating shelves and butler’s pantry cabinetry are Hickory with a Natural Stain.
Sconces: Here.
Kitchen decor are a combination of HomeGoods, Mcgee and Target.
Blue Navy Kitchen
We had a few possible buyers come through and express that they were tired of white kitchens. Since that’s the majority of what we create, we thought we’d better incorporate some color and wood and see how it goes. When choosing a color, Navy Blue seemed to be the right choice as it reads as a neutral. Navy goes with everything when you’re putting outfits together; navy works in interiors much the same way. Navy is so easy going with other colors and styles. We couldn’t be happier with the result!
Wall color is Benjamin Moore Classic Grey OC-23.
The kitchen has 4 ovens and is designed for someone who loves to cook.
Appliances are all Thermador – Similar Refrigerator, Range, Ovens.
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Paint Color
Blue Cabinets are Benjamin Moore Blue Note 2129-30.
Striped Pitcher: Here.
Kitchen Decor: Some decor in the kitchen are from McGee and Co.
Kitchen Hardware: Schoolhouse Electric – Card File Pulls & Small Riverwood Knobs.
Backsplash Tile
Backsplash: Bison Brick and it’s Glazed Terracotta.
Similar Here, Here & Here (in light gray).
Kitchen Rug
Kitchen rug is an antique from Persia from a local store – similar antique rugs & runners can be found here.
Dishwasher: Here.
Kitchen Island
The x with shiplap kitchen island is Hickory with a natural stain.
Kitchen Floating Shelves
Similar floating kitchen shelves can be found here.
Matte Black Kitchen Sconces: Here.
Kitchen Island Lighting: Hicks Large Pendant.
The kitchen features grey counterstools – similar here & here.
Countertop & Faucet
Countertop: Statuario Nuvo Polished.
Sink: Kohler.
Faucet: Kohler – similar here.
Kitchen Island Dimension
Island size is 42″x8′
Upper Cabinet Decor
Do you ever wonder what to place on the top cabinets? In this kitchen, the designer placed a single white pitcher in each glass cabinet. This draws your eye to it, plus it’s great storage for items not used all the time.
Kitchen Dining Area
Paint color is Benjamin Moore Classic Gray.
Lighting: Darlana Medium Lantern.
Beautiful Breakfast Room Dining Sets (Save $!)- Rectangular Tables: Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here & Here. Round Tables: Here, Here, Here, Here & Here.
Rug: Surya.
Living Room
This room is about 30×17′ with 10′ ceilings. It is huge! To bring detail and coziness to the large space, Julie designed a coffered ceiling and a fireplace mantel that drew your eye up to the ceiling detail. The cased openings surrounding the room also pull it in so the room feels cozy and not one huge open space into the kitchen. Sometimes just dropping a header and pulling wing walls in does the trick from turning an open floor plan that feels cold into a warm inviting space.
Chandelier: Cisco Brothers Spider Chandelier – similar here & here.
  Sectional: Jonathan Louis Logan 4 piece sectional – similar here: Camden 3 Piece Sectional.
Side Table
Similar Marble Accent Table: Here, Here & Here.
The white shag rug can be found here.
Wall Paint Color
Walls are Benjamin Moore Classic Grey. Ceiling between beams are also painted in Classic Grey OC-23.
Console Table
Console Table: Hooker Furniture.
Similar Table Lamp: Here & Here.
Paint Color is Simply White by Benjamin Moore.
Similar Tile: Here, Here & Here.
Hall Lighting
The designer added a few outdoor hanging lanterns in the hall.
Similar Lighting: Here, Here & Here.
Timber Trails Development Company. Julie Howard.
Mudroom Barn Door
Mudroom Paint Colors – All Benjamin Moore: Beadboard Walls – “Simply White”  Top of Walls – Blue Note 2129-30. Barn Door: Blue Note 2129-30.
Shiplap Room
This space is on the first floor is staged as a bedroom because there is a closet and a full bathroom. It really could serve as an office or playroom as well based on it’s location within the house.
Paint Color
Paint color is Benjamin Moore Simply White.
Similar Rugs: Here, Here, Here.
Poufs: Left & Right.
Lighting is Visual Comfort – discontinued – similar here & here.
Bed: Wesley Allen.
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Rug is Loloi Rugs – similar here, here, here, here & here.
Bedroom Nightstand Decor
Keep it simple when it comes to nightstand decor. More is less!
Nightstand: Universal Furniture. Complete the look:  6-Drawer Dresser, 4-Drawer Chest.
Grey Dresser: Universal Furniture.
Artwork is from Walter E. Smithe. Similar here.
Vase: Here.
Bathroom Paint Color
There are 6 bedrooms, each with their own bath in this house so giving them each their own identity was fun. The first floor bath is simple in beveled subway tile and hex Carrara marble tile. Paint color is Gray Owl OC-52 by Benjamin Moore.
Bathroom Faucet: Delta.
Pedestal Sink: Kohler.
Paint Color
Another bath channeled greige and has a limestone-looking countertop and marble basketweave mosaic floor tile. Cabinet is from RH. Wall color is Revere Pewter HC-172 by Benjamin Moore.
Countertop is Caesarstone Classico Shitake countertop with 8” backsplash on back wall.
Round Mirror: Here.
Bathroom Faucet: Delta.
Chevron Tile
This bathroom is a perfect combination of masculine and feminine with a dark wood cabinet from RH next to a Chevron Carrara marble floor. Countertop is Misty Carrera Honed. Backsplash is 8” tall with scallop edges.
Round Mirrors: Here.
Bathroom Faucet: Delta.
Farmhouse Jack & Jill Bathroom
The Jack and Jill bath is rustic in wood, black and white. Wall paint color is Benjamin Moore Classic Gray OC-23.
Backsplash: 8” Backsplash on back wall. Countertop to overhang on sides only 1/2” to not touch side walls.
Vanity is from RH – see more reclaimed wood vanities here.
Countertop: Absolute Black Honed Granite.
Similar Mirrors: Here.
Similar Flooring: Here.
Sconces: Here.
Faucets: Delta.
Staircase Lighting
Lighting is Visual Comfort – Extra Large.
Classic Gray OC-23 by Benjamin Moore wall paint color with Simply White by Benjamin Moore trim paint color. Timeless color combination!
Master Bedroom
The master bedroom has a beautiful tray ceiling. Instead of the typical expected application of grey on walls and white on the ceiling, the designer wanted to switch it around. She added panel molding to the walls and sprayed the whole room Benjamin Moore Simply White. Then she painted the ceiling Ozark Shadows by Benjamin Moore (her favorite true grey paint color). The beautiful ivory shade light fixture completes the room.
Similar Channel Tufted Bed: Here & Here.
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Rug: Loloi 9×13 rug.
Color Scheme
Bedroom features a grey and blush color scheme.
Warm & Cold
Timber Trails Development Company. Julie Howard.
Bedroom features floor-to-ceiling wainscoting.
Similar Mirrored Nightstand with Drawers: Here, Here & Here.
Table Lamp
Bedroom Brass & Marble Table Lamp: Surya.
Faux Fur Bench (2): Here.
Blush Throw: Here.
Bedroom Sitting Area
Similar Blush Velvet Pillow: Here.
Similar Chair: Here.
Similar Throw: Here.
Similar Brass Floor Lamp: Here.
Stool: Here.
Inspiring Color Scheme
Timber Trails Development Company. Julie Howard.
Master Bedroom Lighting: Visual Comfort.
Master Bathroom
The master bathroom is opulently covered in Carrara marble. To add some fun, the designer added an oval penny tile in Carrara as a border.
Hardware is from Schuab – Pulls & Knobs in Polished Nickel.
Wall Paint Color
Ozark Shadows AC-26 Benjamin Moore looks stunning with white marble.
The cabinets are custom made with easy access shelving great for baskets that can be stored away and pulled out easily. Cabinets are painted in Benjamin Moore Simply White.
Countertop is Misty Carrera Honed.
Faucet: Delta.
Sink: Here.
Sconce: Here.
Bathroom Runner
Rug is from Rejuvenation.
Similar Freestanding Bathtub: Here.
Garden Stool
Ceramic garden stools can be found here.
Silver Tray Table is Regina Andrew – similar here.
  Builder: Timber Trails Development Company (Instagram).
Interior Designer: Julie Howard.
Cabinet Maker: @palosfinecarpentry.
Photography: @stofferphotographyinteriors.
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  Pottery Barn: Bedroom Event Slale plus free shipping. Use code: FREESHIP.
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the-fitsquad · 6 years
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Ergonomics is becoming much more accepted and practiced in the world these days. Use of such Third celebration application, Third Party Content or Third Party Solutions is topic to the terms and circumstances of the applicable third celebration license agreements, is the sole responsibility of the third celebration originator of such software program or services and you agree to appear solely to the applicable third party and not to Equator to enforce any of your rights. Nonetheless, today’s workstations are engineered to outperform desktops in information evaluation, image manipulation and information transfer. Click the circular button which says “Adjust for very best overall performance”, and click OK. Now Windows 7 must be using the standard classic theme, and all the desktop animations in Windows 7 need to be off. Modular workstations can simply be adapted into any residence office or corporate operating environment.
With an ergonomic workstation effectively set up, you will uncover that you are much more efficient and in a position to get far more productive function completed all through the day and that you will really feel far better as properly. Take pleasure in 2X much better graphics1 and an automatic burst of power for greater efficiency to perform and play. The mass media are hence instruments for Baudrillard of a “cold seduction” whose narcissistic charm consists of a manipulative self-seduction in which we take pleasure in the play of lights, shadows, dots, and events in our personal thoughts as we modify channels or media and plug into the assortment of networks – media, computer, info – that surround us and that enable us to turn out to be modulators and controllers of an overwhelming panoply of sights, sounds, info, and events.
Developed for hardcore Microsoft devotees, the Insider programme offers members access to pre-release builds of Windows software, with the caveat that they’re probably to be buggy and rough about the edges. The new mobile workstations supply HP Expert Innovations, which includes HP QuickWeb three,(10) HP Power Assistant,(11) HP Connection Manager and HP ProtectTools,(12) which includes normal drive encryption for information protection. The requested operation is not supported by this version of the directory service. The Derby firm gave DEVELOP3D a preview of this new Intel technology inside a pre-production machine, which featured a pair of Intel Xeon E5-2687W CPUs, a specialist workstation chip from the new E5-2600 series. (Optional) If your organization utilizes a safety info and event management (SIEM) solution, make certain that the PAW is configured to forward events to the method making use of Windows Event Forwarding (WEF) or is otherwise registered with the answer so that the SIEM is actively receiving events and information from the PAW.
Ergonomics is an essential consideration for any workplace and another benefit of modular office furniture is that you can be assured you are meeting the ergonomic needs of your workers. Help for HP’s Z Workstations enables users, who previously didn’t have the budgets and programming expertise, to tap the energy of GPU computing to solve their growing scientific and engineering troubles. The activation server reported that it failed to insert item important binding. Discrete graphics with committed 2GB memory from NVIDIA or AMD. This figure shows how reversing the handle partnership and accessing user apps from an admin workstation gives the attacker no path to the targeted object. A complicated arrangement of multi-user workstation desks can supply optimum workspace organization.
This can be a significant advantage for workstations that store thousands of files in Office or send e-mail files as attachments. The conductors will add that auto(s), up to their 6 cars per train like caboose limit, to their switch list, and take the bill with them clipping it to the board. A split chassis architecture enables rear access to the 1700 W energy supply with a locking mechanism, 24 DIMMs and a total of 9 PCIe slots (7 complete length, full height PCIe slots and two internal PCIe personality” slots) for specialized workflows. ROUND ROCK, Texas, July 24, 2012 – Dell these days announced the next generation Dell Precision mobile workstations for engineering and design specialists who need to have uncompromising performance and dependability wherever their demanding perform requires them.
The much more powerful graphics cards can be also used to speed up rendering instances in supported applications. Of course, Windows ten desktop SKUs such as Pro and Enterprise will continue to exist, with all the identical functionality and attributes you’d anticipate from a desktop OS. Microsoft won’t be taking functionality away, and it won’t be de-emphasizing desktop with WCOS. Comparing a CAD Workstation to a individual Pc is a bit like comparing a sports automobile with a normal loved ones saloon i.e. they both have a 2. litre engine, they each have suspension, they each have four wheels and of course 4 tyres and brakes, so it is easy to assume they are the identical. The graphics card may be a consumer-grade GeForce, but it really is the leading-finish GTX 1080 model, which has massive performance possible with the right software.
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Mobile desks can be ported: If your laptop desk is mobile then you can take it with you to various locations such as your office and the airport. As for the ideal specs for a graphics card: purchasing for these is potentially the most confusing component of acquiring any Computer. The dilemma is graphics card developers keep changing their rules for what the specifications on the cards truly imply. Tiny, side-by-side workstations are perfect for these who operate on computers and never want much space for dealing with clients. Do not settle for a desk with out a keyboard tray or some other way to set the keyboard height and angle properly. For the ssd I would go for anything a bit greater performance, anything like the Samsung 850 pro would have far more functionality even with smaller files (which cad typically is) even though the difference isn’t that massive.
The U.S. Division of Education’s (USDE) gainful employment regulations need disclosure of particular system data for applications that lead to certificates or diplomas and are financial help eligible. The advantage of higher price tag motherboards for Xeon processors is that they try to stay away from the users to shoot their own feet. An ergonomic sitting posture at the screen and the correct parallel arrangement of the monitor, keyboard and documents are specifically important for fatigue-totally free and comfy vision at a computer function station. The HP Z840 ($ten,044 as tested) is a high-finish workstation desktop created for hypercritical engineering and scientific tasks on projects that could potentially influence thousands, if not millions, of people.
I use a an i5 laptop cpu from 2010 for SolidWorks occasionally. I got windows eight product activator finder for my Sony Pcg-gr200k laptop from about five weeks ago, you could attempt. In current years, the gap in between higher-finish desktop PCs and skilled workstations had all but closed, but the release of Haswell-primarily based Xeon processors with assistance for DDR4 RAM has re-established the divide. The IO operation at logical block address %two for Disk %3 (PDO name: %four) failed due to a hardware error. Once the guest has settled the account the FOA ought to offer the guest with a copy of the folio. Created for a wide-variety of demands, the HP Z820 gives unbelievable power at whisper-quiet levels. This hi fi gizmo also consists of USB MIDI capabilities and portable SD card data storage.
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These days I will be offering information on the Ergotron WorkFit-P Sit-Stand workstation (US$299), an innovative thought to help expertise workers get on their feet for at least component of the day although operating alternatively of getting glued to a desk chair. Of course, it is music production software which has new cutting edge technologies out. The solution introductions are component of a series of launches that will continue more than the next few months, providing businesses the broadest mix of merchandise to refresh their aging desktops, workstations and notebooks. I’ve spent 20+ years instruction Content Creators on how to profit from their work via organizations like the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), Digital Video Professionals Association (DVPA), National Association of Photoshop Specialists (NAPP), Wedding and Event Videographers Association (WEVA), and the Computer Graphics Society (CGS).
If you fancy oneself a energy user, HP’s got a “world’s first” trick up its sleeve that may lure you in. Earlier these days, the Palo Alto outfit took the wraps off its newest all-in-a single , the HP Z1. This workstation is a mere distant cousin to HP’s consumer-focused Omni and TouchSmart lines – not that that is a bad point. Our EZ370 music production pc remedy is primarily based about the midrange Intel Skylake i5 chip giving you a total of 6 cores of processing energy with the choice to match a i7 series chip and the capacity to overclock either choice. The self Hatred or low-esteem of African American people has definitely been overworked but is worthy our consideration in this discussion. HP’s workstation laptops are thin and light, offer you an optional touch screen, integrated numeric keypad, and exceptional battery life and can be configured with discrete graphics and mobile Xeon processors.
When you first launch VMware Workstation, you happen to be greeted with a welcome screen that permits you to swiftly produce a new virtual machine (VM), edit networks, connect to a remote server, and much more. Today’s organization Computer users need more processing power than ever prior to to run increasingly demanding applications, to guarantee they can multitask with no disruption, and to help shield against safety threats,” said Jim Anderson, senior vice president and basic manager, Computing and Graphics Group at AMD in a statement. A higher-finish desktop card aimed at gaming usually like it only sees a few hours at a time of maximum usage. By the way, my guess is that Amazon would favor not to have folks saying that their clients who are getting difficulty employing buyer service characteristics are lazy, or stupid, or, god forbid, “old.” My guess is Amazon would choose to discover a consumer service method that works excellent for everybody, so that absolutely everyone has a genuinely fantastic shopping knowledge.
When searching to purchase the best mobile workstation for your organization requirements, you’re not just searching for a extremely strong (and more costly) function laptop, but rather a versatile device that provides the exact same level of energy you’d count on to uncover in a desktop Computer, but within the mobile laptop kind factor. Industrial Pc Workstations Shield Pc Gear and Enhance Processes, Boosting General Productivity. This beast of raw energy is hardware in its prime, an industrial grade resolution to all CAD commitments. Tesla’s massively multi-threaded, parallel-computing architecture, the CUDA C and Fortran language environments, and OpenCL support give the utmost performance for your application. To get hardware and software assistance as shown in the list beneath, your laptop must run either the Mac OS X operating program (version 10.7 or later) or the Windows operating method (version 7 Enterprise or version 8.x Professional).
Even much more, Computer workstations are capable of supporting a massive number of connected devices, and usually include higher-bandwidth buses for maximum data transfer rates. AFC’s wall mounted healthcare pc workstation is a versatile and state-of-the-art equipment to help healthcare and healthcare providers. Very carefully developed by our in-residence workstation specialists, the CyberStation Graphics variety is ready to deal with the most demanding rendering at ultra-high speeds with multi-threaded, higher performance processors. Workplace furnishings is an very essential and integral portion of a operating atmosphere it contributes to generating the workplace a healthier and content location for an employee to be in. Even though various operate environments dictate the use of various office characteristics such as equipment, furnishings, space etc.
In between the two most developed types of GPU rendering available now (AMD-backed OpenCL and NVIDIA’s proprietary CUDA), CUDA presently provides better functionality. CSVFS failed operation as volume is not in redirected mode. I have not constructed a box from scratch yet, but I’ve been upgrading, re-purposing and modifying hardware and operating systems for my specific workflow for lengthy time. The Lenovo Thinkpad series is an additional professional grade laptop series that is perfect for workstation overall performance. It’s the 1st workplace program to support casual work and to provide comfort at the desk, in circulation spaces, and in group areas—all within a constant design vocabulary. “Adobe is thrilled with our collaboration with HP, which we know will further fuel creativity and give Inventive Cloud members more power and freedom to develop wherever inspiration strikes,” Mala Sharma, vice president and common manager of Inventive Cloud solution, advertising and community at Adobe, stated in the release.
Laptop workstations are created with a number of casters that roll smoothly more than workplace floors and often lock into location for stability. Object or information matching the name, range, or choice criteria was not located within the scope of this operation. The new SGI – that is, the mash-up of the old SGI and Rackable – has just announced the Octane III, an workplace-friendly (1-by-two-foot) tower that can sit under a (relatively big) desk whilst permitting up to 80 higher-efficiency cores with its practically 1TB of memory. Oh and relating to the price, it comes with a 4K monitor, Thunderbolt ports, HP’s nifty Remote Graphics Software program and a three-year onsite warranty, upgradable to 5 with defective media retention. Intel’s C612 chipset can assistance dual, subsequent generation Intel Xeon E5-2600 v3 or E5-2600 v4 series processors.
Dual eight-core Xeon processor and Nvidia Quadro graphics. HP Z Workstations have been on the market place for more than 30 years assisting you to be inspired. If you have a modest house and want to develop a unique space for your house organization, it is time you looked into property workplace workstations. GSA’s Federal consumers buy among $1.5 and $two billion every single year in computer systems and telecommunicaions hardware, software and solutions from more than 1,000 organizations with A number of Award Schedules. Effortlessly work on highly complicated scenes with fluid project interaction with Digital Storm CAD workstations that support up to 128GB of high-efficiency DDR3 memory. That is why our workstations and desks some in endless distinct variations to suit any person requirement.
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Altwork is a group of knowledgeable technology specialists, long-time buddies, and family who’ve worked on almost everything from developing the world’s fastest recumbent bicycle, to security computer software utilized by the US Government, to Burning Man art automobiles. 4. The cashier is responsible for the guest folio till the guest departs. With a variety of furnishings collections to shop from, you can very easily purchase workplace chairs and desks, office cabinets, bookcases, shelving and a lot more. For example, the Dedicated Hardware profile (separate PAW and day-to-day use workstations) might be unsuitable for an administrator who travels typically – in this case, you may select to deploy the Simultaneous Use profile (PAW with user VM) for that administrator. The HP Z620 workstation also caters to the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry, which rely on higher efficiency, expandability, and ultimate reliability in order finish their projects (e.g. BIM and CAD) on schedule.
It’s rare for a piece of computer software to strictly demand a graphics card any longer for most kinds of 3D computer software. If you contain distinct items at your workstation like a printer, storage cabinet or any type of office accessories which you can use often, preserve these factors in a particular spot where you can very easily access them. Peripheral equipment such as network and memory boards as nicely as a substantial application base are readily accessible from a lot of sources. Hopefully if you happen to be in the industry for workstation-class machines, you’ve discovered a factor or two and can ask your sales representatives some pointed queries about their goods. Appropriate now, no particular hardware is needed for most CAD application. 11 NVIDIA® Quadro® mobile specialist graphics support up to four independent displays when utilizing a HP ZBook Dock with Thunderbolt 3 (sold separately) or DP 1.2 hubs with MST.
A better way to maintain their items and software up-to-date without having breaking their budget. CELSIUS H770: a mobile workstation with NVIDIA Quadro graphics, a 4K resolution show, the newest mobile Intel Xeon processors and Fujitsu’s distinctive PalmSecure technologies. A workstation is a specialized, single user laptop that generally has much more energy and functions than a common desktop computer. Building a photo editing personal computer for your photography, graphic style, or video editing business allows you to choose high high quality parts that will carry out effectively for a lengthy period of time. Nonetheless, if this device have been to have hit the market, it would have likely had the greatest camera of any tablet at the time. This computer software also makes it possible for organization owners to access their data and communicate with their employees, regardless of where they are.
Moreover, users can see two apps side-by-side in split-screen mode, so they can easily perform across, for example, e mail and a word document at the very same time. HP as a company strives to provide hardware, software program, and solutions that assist decrease the carbon footprint of your IT environment. HP recently unveiled the latest updates to its Z-series workstations. CELSIUS W570power+: far more than a CAD powerhouse, this model is the smallest VR-Prepared desktop workstation on the industry and it can be configured with the most current Intel processor technology and with NVIDIA Quadro P4000 graphics in a compact 21-liter design. Our MG model workbenches and our Monobloc benches are developed to make the transport and storage of the benches simpler and to keep their sturdiness unchanged.
Jim Zafarana, vice president and general manager for HP’s Industrial Solutions Business Unit (a 27-year HP employee), and Director of Workstation Engineering Ron Rogers (a 30-year HP employee) are common members of the veteran management right here, most of whom have been employed right here for many years. Pc is Waking up, but after windows boot, there is no network conections and untill disable and allow network card there is NO conection. Couple this with up to two separate, but integrated graphics cards and the capability to run up to four full-performance 3D monitors or eight 2D monitors simultaneously and you have a designer’s dream machine. Just getting the Z8 box with out considerably inside will expense you $2,439, but if you want, say, a pair of the most current Xeon Platinum 8180M chips with 28 cores each and every and two of NVIDIA’s 24GB P6000 Quadro graphics adapters, those products alone would run you a cool $35,000.
Working from home need to be an enticing idea for many people, but reality suggests that not absolutely everyone seems to be cut out for it. Net forums committed to discussion of the perform-from-home experience function countless threads about telecommuters, self-employed experts and company owners possessing a hard time becoming productive. The Z2 Mini G3 Desktop Workstation can either be placed on a flat surface, mounted behind a show, or beneath a desk. 64-bit computing on Intel® architecture needs a personal computer program with a processor, chipset, BIOS, operating program, device drivers, and applications enabled for Intel® 64 architecture. Train eight had to turn their engine on the turntable, then create it. Some of their vehicles were buried behind loaded vehicles and had to be dug out.
It mixes standard x86 CPUs with specialized processing units that aid the chip take on heavy workloads. HP supplied me with a Z800 comprehensive with two Intel® Xeon® W5580 processors at three.2GHz , 12GB RAM, a NVIDIA Quadro FX4800 video card, and operating with Windows Vista. Desks, hutches, writing tables and more perform together to make your space functional and comfortable. Welcome, then, to the Surface for Windows 8 Pro , which promises all the niceties of the Surface RT – compelling design and style, construct high quality, efficiency – with full support for x86 Windows applications. Interest in Mac devices is rising as Apple has worked to make their devices integrate better with Windows primarily based networks and as software help on Mac devices has enhanced.
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3dscatterplot-blog · 7 years
3D Scatter Plot
How to Sell and Design Custom Sketches
Online money making choices typically require you to have some form of web site, and have some sort of skill in advertising and on-line enterprise to begin with. However, what if I instructed you that there was a technique to generate profits on-line utilizing your existing arts and crafts skills? For those who're involved, read on, as a result of we're going to check out Etsy, and how you can use your current arts and crafts abilities to realize money on-line. What Is Etsy? Etsy, and different websites like it, is a web-based portal that permits members of the positioning to list their original arts and crafts creations on the positioning, add a worth and shipping costs, and promote them to individuals around the globe. It is a little bit like eBay, besides that everything on it's handmade by the people who use the positioning. What Can You Promote On Etsy? Almost anything that's handmade. Individuals promote every little thing from full sized oil paintings handy beaded jewellery, hand knitted baby clothes and handmade candles. From leatherwork to portray, sculpting to sketching, if it's arts and crafts, you may promote it on the positioning. How Do You Make Cash? In contrast to some websites, Etsy does not take a fee off your sale. As a substitute, they permit customers to put up their arts and crafts on the site, in their own 'store' for a small fee per posting. You advertise your products, put a worth on them and embody transport prices, and you get publicity to the 1000's of people that use the site. It is like an internet craft market, with much more visitors! Is It a Good 3D Scatter Plot Concept? You probably have a pastime that you already do, and that you'd wish to become profitable on-line with, then Etsy is a great thought! It can provide you a lot more publicity to much more individuals, and will even lead to you being able to pursue your pastime full time, quite than solely on weekends and at night time! As you'll be able to see, in terms of getting cash online, and on-line business, it's not solely the technically gifted and the enterprise minded that can profit. Everybody, even people who prefer to work with their hands, can earn cash on-line, and either start or expand on an present money making concept. Sketches are nothing however free hand drawings that consists of many overlapping traces. Generally sketches are useful to record something for later use. Sketches will assist artist to increase his imagination power and give him a chance to develop one thing worthwhile within the subject of artwork. Attributable to advanced software, nowadays on-line sketches are also potential. This is very terrific that folks can specific their thoughts by creating sketches utilizing these software tools. Top-of-the-line digital packages for this type of art is Adobe Photoshop. In early days individuals have been utilizing MS paint software program, however it has very less options compared to Adobe Photoshop. You have to have laptop if you wish to create digital sketches. It's a very distinctive technique to create all the sketches amazingly using latest software and hardware on the pc. It also gives a better picture quality then you've ever anticipated. It makes very simple for the artists who needs to create pictures for commercial function like product posters, guide covers, video games and many more. Also the most effective characteristic of digital painting is that you may send it to anybody by way of electronic mail. Let me tell you one thing essential in regards to the adobe photoshop software. This software is the most advanced software program ever researched for portray, pictures and doodles. It offers high quality photographs and provides effective print quality. It is very straightforward to create sketches utilizing adobe photoshop. In case you are going through issue to create sketches utilizing mouse, then you will get digital pads or cordless pen to make it smoother. The cordless pen will act like a mouse and it transfers image on the computer drawn by the artist. From this software program even photographers can develop some special results in their images and may give them an attractive look. This is the superb revolution launched on the planet of painting and sketches. When you have just began attempting at hand on sketching, it's best to learn the valuable suggestions given right here. These will aid you in sketch making. It is best to first perceive that sketching cannot be learnt in a day. It's an artwork. To change into proficient in this field, it is advisable to work onerous and apply quite a bit. The more you follow, the simpler it is going to be to attract. Sketching is a free hand drawing made with pencil on paper. For making good sketches, you must have correct supplies like sketch pencils and paper. The standard of provides can affect the top results. Sketchers maintain pencils in different kinds like tripod grip, overhand grip and underhand grip. Nonetheless, there isn't a best model. You need to choose the type that you are most snug with. You should begin practising with simple figures like straight traces, curves, circles, ellipses, squares and triangles. Although, most individuals suppose that it is simple to draw such figures and they don't have to work exhausting, but it's not so. Many people cannot even draw easy figures with free hand. Mastering simple figures will enable you to to regulate your hand movement, which is step one to drawing a superb sketch. When you turn out to be proficient in drawing geometric figures, it's best to start drawing figures of landscapes, properties, and pets. Gradually transfer to the type of sketches that you just need to draw. For example, if you want to get into style designing, it is best to begin making free hand drawings of mannequins draped in numerous outfits. Equally, if you wish to grow to be a panorama artist, it's best to spend quality time in natural settings capturing its magnificence in your sketchbook. If you wish to become a cartoonist, it is best to draw caricatures of people and scenes. Proportion is a critical part of drawing good sketches. For instance, in case you are making a portrait, it's good to have a correct thought of distance between eyes, measurement of eyes and size of nostril. Even a mere change within the angle of face modifications these proportions. Due to this fact, a sketcher should be able to properly estimate the measurements. While making a sketch, it is best to first focus only on the outline. At all times work on detailing afterwards. Shading helps to offer a three-dimensional look to a drawing. It also helps a person to visualize whether the thing is shut or far away, whether or not it is stationary or moving, what is the texture of the thing, what time of day it is and so forth. Therefore, it is best to pay particular consideration to shading. Learn different styles of texturing. Put money into good quality comfortable pencils of different grades for shading your sketches. Throughout the initial learning course of, do not be too crucial of what you might have sketched. Study out of your mistakes and enhance with each drawing. Final however not the least, get training from an expert. You possibly can join a drawing class or study some expertise and tricks from a non-public tutor. You can too take the help of online drawing tutorials for studying easy methods to sketch. It's no secret that we're going by means of some significantly trying financial instances. Recession, melancholy, double dip recession, regardless of the consultants and analysts are calling it for the time being, instances are difficult and the unemployment price is one of the worst within the historical past of our nation. Whereas one of the things which I do is train folks how you can make cash with developing a website by affiliate internet marketing and advertising, admittedly it takes some time to develop a worthwhile web site which you'll be able to stay off of. Due to this fact at present we will talk about what to do once you're determined and canopy the way to make money on-line quickly. Extra importantly it will only discuss the right way to generate income quick online without cost particularly. Micro Job Sites Offering your companies is kind of possibly the quickest method to generate profits on-line quickly. Micro job websites like Fiverr.com are how a lot of people make a guaranteed fast buck by promoting their companies to interested purchasers. These are web sites which you'll be able to go to and earn money from just about anything which you'll think of. Take your abilities and promote them on these websites and involved clients will contact you about doing your advertised job for them. You receives a commission instantly for doing what you're keen on or have a ability for whether that is writing articles/content material, doing work in Photoshop for someone, doing a drawing or sketch, doing voiceover work; actually anything you can think of. GigHour, Gigbucks, Fittytown pay out at much larger tiers than Fiverr so think about how much whatever you're promoting is price and get to it. I've put together an entire resource on how you can earn money with Fiverr to face out from the crowd, discover clients, and get paid; this data might be utilized to any micro job web site, as well. Craigslist Craigslist is still an incredible place for locating quick one off jobs which pay in addition to full time employment. A number of years ago after I was simply starting in affiliate marketing and didn't know a lot to something about what labored and what did not work and was consequently nonetheless struggling to assist myself, I took to Craigslist and located a couple of jobs which stored me going in the quick term while I bought my footing. One job had me writing descriptions for a whole lot of economic products on an financial website stuffed with affiliate presents (which I did not even notice until later). I used to be paid $one thousand for only a few days of labor. Check out the "And so forth." part, half time section, or search "telecommuting" in your city or any variety of massive cities for gigs which you are able to do from your own dwelling. Just make certain to exercise your due diligence to just remember to're working with a good one that won't stiff you on fee. You must get a contract worked out to determine the parameters of your exchange with your contractual employer when it's a relatively massive sum of money like $1000. There are plenty of free contract sites on the market which you'll grab free documentation from and might easily edit on your functions. eBay eBay is an effective place to earn money online shortly by itemizing and promoting off your potential valuables to involved events for a fast payday. You can also check out what is promoting on eBay then pop in to your local thrift stores and pawn shops to search out these gadgets then resell them on eBay at a better charge for a pleasant profit. On-line Advertising and marketing Okay so I stated in opening that online/internet online affiliate marketing takes time to essentially take off. That doesn't imply that you would be able to't earn money on-line quickly by it, as properly. You will get a site registered for $7.49 with my GoDaddy Dot Com Low cost and hosting for $2.ninety nine a month via my GoDaddy Dot Com Discount, then you may get a website arrange in 10 minutes. Make that website into mini web site to advertise the perfect affiliate product in your area of interest by looking out OfferVault, ClickBank, Fee Junction, PayDotCom, LinkShare, ShareASale, and many others.. Then ship some traffic to that site and make some money in the brief time period whereas growing that mini site right into a content site within the background. You may also get a free weblog on WordPress.com but the issue with that is that it is not yours and also you're really benefiting and developing someone else's enterprise rather than your personal which isn't a good idea. Create Your Own Product Creating your personal product isn't as tough as you'd think. I'll have a complete useful resource devoted to educating methods to create your own online product and promoting it to make some huge cash. Affiliate marketing is one thing, but when you develop your individual product and monitor down your personal associates, that's when the actual money begins to return in and that is how the net entrepreneurs making 7 figures a yr make most of their money. At the very least you can make an info product inside a distinct segment which you may have experience and knowledge in. Individuals like digital merchandise as a result of it is an immediate obtain and informational products have traditionally all the time offered very effectively online, therefore the popularity of Clickbank. Get Artistic Go to your native mom and pop stores and ask them if they've a website for their enterprise and if not then offer to construct them a web site for a few hundred dollars. If the reply is no then start the haggling recreation. As I present in my movies on easy methods to set up a web site free of charge step-by-step once more and methods to use WordPress, you can set up a totally practical and attractive website in 10 minutes with no need any expertise. The point is to be inventive. There are lots of providers which you'll be able to supply which appear out of your reach however are easy to execute and there are lots of people who find themselves either lazy or daunted at something like the idea of establishing a web site. A creative thoughts plus advertising and marketing equals success in this case. When You're Determined Bear in mind When you're actually up towards the wall, be sure to contact agency like the Salvation Army, meals banks, or metropolis human service departments to ensure that you keep the lights on and meals on the table.  
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kelsusit · 7 years
HP Workstations
Hand built to your specifications, the Emperor 200 is the ultimate pc workstation with many exclusive features such as touch screen control center, air filtering program, light therapy, electric powered leather seat, three x 24″ LED screens and breathtaking sound. Consider about it: You can nonetheless write a novel on a typewriter, shoot photographs with film, or play music reside and record it with a DAT deck, but extremely handful of organizations can get their work done with out PCs. The case lid, card slots, optical drive bays, and the sleds for the difficult drives are all tool-much less. Ergonomic workplace chairs made with high quality design in thoughts have been proven to increase productivity by at least eight% throughout the operate day. “Yet, as a Capitalist enterprise, the primary objective of the White controlled Media – media produced by and reflecting the worldview of men and women of European descent – is to generate and keep customers of all ages. Similar to CPU and RAM, the tough drive in most laptops can be replaced with an upgrade at a later time.
That CPU upgrade also brings the kind of perks usually restricted to desktops, such as support for a whopping 64GB of memory and Thunderbolt three ports that can deal with dual 4K displays. Redesigned from the inside out: Inexpensive tower workstations for specialist functionality. The requested operation failed. Available with up to two (on most models) skilled dual-width NVIDIA® Quadro or AMD® RadeonPro graphics cards, APEXX 2 also attributes the latest Intel® Core i7 processors. Numerous men and women favor black as properly as white computer workstations. HOPCO MOBILE TOWER Pc WORKSTATION DESK has worked wonders for me and I want it would do wonders on you as well. GPU – Graphics cards are not just for gaming. If you’ve ever visited an workplace supply store then you know that office furnishings can be virtually prohibitively pricey, generating in inaccessible for some small company owners unless you want to buy the least expensive of workplace furnishings.
Further issues such as image database and personal computer network communications hardware and computer software have to be regarded as because a case folder can include a considerable number of images. The HP ZBook x2 enables designers to effortlessly develop with quad-core Intel® Core processors two, twice the memory of any other detachable Pc 3 and NVIDIA® Quadro® Graphics that provide 73 percent here. larger graphics functionality compared to the Surface Pro four. A quiet, dual-fan active cooling system is developed to dissipate heat from the powerful graphics card and processor. File server is a quite fast computer with a big amount of RAM and storage space, along with a fast network interface card. In time you will collect company due to what people mediate of your personal values.
Coordinate with your existing furnishings such as your office chair, bookcases , shelves, coffee tables and filing cabinets to generate the ideal home office or to dress up any other space in your property. I love my Ergotron WorkFit-TL Desktop sit-stand workstation. Dual-socket tower Workstation excellent for powering via graphics or CPU intensive application workloads. Once you have certified their eligibility you can move onto the benefits of a new device with the Workstation OS, focusing on the further functionality about data protection, flexibility and functionality. Since of how inconsistent these lists can be, we’ve taken the time to execute testing to decide what hardware runs AutoCAD the ideal. With multi-directional swing monitor and keyboard holder arm.
We are a project-oriented business specializing in outfitting complete commercial workplace spaces with modern day enterprise furnishings. The Dilemma is that social institutions are instruments developed by people to serve as a power, a power over reality to handle our reality, Wilson tells us. At present, we have no sense of energy. HP Sure Commence Gen3 is obtainable on HP EliteBook, HP ZBook, and HP Z Workstation merchandise equipped with Intel® 7th generation or later processors. With Intel’s onboard graphics becoming as strong as they are these days, those seeking to do photo perform or some light video perform will locate that onboard graphics is all you need to have. Although some offices only want little, basic workstations, other individuals require stations that facilitate a wide range of different tasks – from taking calls and finishing laptop perform, via to fostering inventive minds.
64-bit workstations and servers supporting an address variety far beyond 4 GB have been obtainable considering that the early 1990s, a technology just starting to appear in the Computer desktop and server market in the mid-2000s. Blade PCs also supply higher-overall performance, dedicated 1:1 con-nectivity for Centralized Desktop Infrastructure (CDI) customers for traditional desktop use situations (graphics applications, legacy apps, apps developed in-home, mission-critical apps, and so on) not attainable with virtual desktops. On the company’s primary site, I found that Dell uses the term precision mobile workstations” and that it gives three base models: the 3000 series, the 5000 series and the 7000 series. The 2GB Nvidia Quadro 4000 graphics card gives a very good balance amongst performance and expense and delivered a solid score in our 3D SolidWorks test.
Desktop Computer performance is developing in importance as computer customers consume and otherwise use much more and far more multimedia – a blend of text, audio, images, animation and video – and other wealthy-content files in locations as diverse as business, marketing, art, education, entertainment, engineering, medicine, mathematics and science. The evening auditor establishes guest and non guest account integrity by cross- referencing account posting with departmental supply documentation. In order to provide the greatest security, PAWs ought to always run the most up-to-date and secure operating program offered: Microsoft strongly recommends Windows 10 Enterprise, which involves a quantity of additional safety characteristics not available in other editions (in specific, Credential Guard and Device Guard ).
As you extend your PAW deployment to enable cloud administration, you require to allow access to authorized solutions even though filtering out access from the open net where attacks can far more very easily be mounted against your admins. By undertaking your greatest perform faster with turbocharged CAD and CAE applications and strong graphics. Intel® HD Graphics gives superb visual overall performance for sharper pictures, richer colour, and lifelike video and audio. Workstations usually have bigger and higher resolution monitors, and accelerated graphics. Windows 10 Pro for Workstations will also contain support for non-volatile memory modules (NVDIMM-N) with persistent memory. Our range of office furnishings involves reception tables, discussion tables, conference tables, workstations (panel and loop leg based), executive tables, director tables, workplace chairs, trying area tables and seminar chairs to pinup boards and even furniture for your cafeteria and pinup and marker boards.
The savings are patently apparent once you migrate your desktop workstation to the thin client VDI (Client Leger VDI) but some vendors include proprietary licenses along with the application and succeeding applications on the devices. Then concentrate on your perform, not your workstation, as you knowledge potent overall performance, whisper-quiet computing, and tool-significantly less access in a conveniently compact style. Whether your workstation is the corner of a dorm room or a formal operate space, there is no query that there are some fundamental pieces of equipment that you need to keep your production cost-free of complications and on track. You can debate the durability of HP’s normal laptops nevertheless much you like, but the company’s higher finish workstations pack surprisingly very good power and efficiency at an affordable cost tag.
I like it and like HP’s attempt to provide a mobile ‘real machine’ that delivers fascinating options (i.e. i7 8650U, 32 GB RAM, up to two TB, SD card slot) – cool. “From the blazing quickly functionality of DaVinci Resolve to real-time video capture with UltraStudio 4K, Mac Pro is a revolution in pro desktop style and performance,” said Grant Petty, CEO of Blackmagic Design and style. Optical drives are significantly less critical for consumer PCs these days, given that you can stream multimedia from the Net or download content straight to difficult drives. Users of Prysm’s meeting area and internet-access options can continue to anticipate the exact same experience they currently enjoy nowadays, or switch amongst web and app access as necessary for maximum productivity and ease of use.
If your application can not take advantage of GPU rendering, swapping the higher overall performance quad core Intel i7 for an eight core AMD Ryzen CPU is a good selection. The under are the best 5 reasons to employ shared office space for beginning new business. Make contact with your Daisy Data Displays representative for infor­mation on the newest CPU, memory, and challenging drive possibilities. The Application Licensing Service determined that the version of the offline Confirmation ID (CID) is incorrect. We offer mobile workstations or fixed workstations desktops, so regardless of whether you happen to be on the go or working with higher-end programs in the office, you can locate a computer that offers reliability, consistency, functionality and worth. Windows ten Pro and potent security, collaboration, and connectivity attributes from HP aid you power by means of your day on your HP ZBook.
The CPU features 25MB of cache, and 40 PCI-e 3. lanes, and supports DDR4-2400. • As a portion our residence workplace furnishings range we also offer a selection of storage units that can hold all the required files, folders or any other documents necessary on daily basis. In the following days, he designed his own wise card and programmed it to behave precisely like a genuine San Francisco card – the distinction was only that Grand was in a position to set the worth to whatever he wanted. With the prior generation HP Z440, Z640 and Z840 workstation, these NVMe SSDs were only accessible on PCIe add-in boards. Similarly, if you are on a budget, the HP Z840 gives the advantage of acquiring with a single processor at a reduced price tag then, adding a second matching processor at a later day.
In distinct, system noise throughout high load scenarios, which could be even louder with a single of the much more powerful Nvidia Quadro graphics cards, stands out in a damaging way. It enables for three dual-slot or 4 single-slot graphics cards. As this is not your standard workstation, the laptop comes with Windows 10 Home but can be upgraded to Windows 10 Pro for £99.99. Nevertheless, while this level of efficiency will be observed across new product introductions from all the main workstation vendors, what makes HP stand out from the crowd at this moment in time is its innovative strategy to chassis design and style, which appears set to make the servicing of workstations an absolute breeze. HP Remote Graphics Computer software requires Windows, Linux®, or Mac®OS X10.ten and newer operating system and network access.
For workstation class hardware (dual socket, ECC, SAS and so on) I choose Dell Precision workstations and Z series workstations. A single is virtual desktop workstation and the other is of course the opposite of it. For instance, if you want to 200 computers in a client-server model and in a peer-to-peer setup, the process is much harder in P2P set up. In terms of information recovery, client-server network model is considerably much better. Think about a circumstance wherein you are away from your workstation and you have to prepare a workplace presentation for immediate use. Desk pads not only protect your workplace desks from the everyday damage carried out to them due to continuous use, but also boost the beauty and elegance of the tables that are in use. Of particular note is the HP Z620, which is the most strong and versatile in the line, supplying fantastic efficiency for analyzing economic solutions, or rendering videos, animations and architecture.
Establishing lines of credit or credit limits depends on a lot of variables, such as credit card company floor limits, the hotel’s property limit, and the guest’s status or reputation as a potential credit danger. At Landmark Computers we supply a large variety of HP Workstations for your organization. These builds are developed to offer the most power for rendering photos and videos in programs such as Maya, Cinema 4D, Blender, Modo, and all the rest. The iDM5 is a space-saving Bluetooth-enabled desktop resolution that delivers office top quality accessibility wherever you choose to operate. Using the rise of wireless networking, it is even feasible to get computer desks in locations you would not otherwise have thought of, as extended as you have an electrical outlet handy.
We truly in no way had ‘freedom of speech’, financial self sufficiency educational development exactly where teaching and studying must take spot we do not personal our own organizations and are attacked from any imaginable angle we are the most deprived of understanding, details and at the tail-finish of those technologically disempowered individuals, that we are as a individuals, that , we have men and women decry the truth that we should not be talking South Africa, with all these social maladies and wretched situations and existence we are facing as of the writing of this Hub. Desk Warehouse are 1 of the UK and Ireland’s top suppliers of workplace furniture. To assistance two processors, E5-2600 series or E5-2600 v2 series must be chosen. Look for corner desks developed with returns, pedestals and other special features to assist maximize your space.
Nevertheless, nowadays, people considers furniture as a question which enhance the internal parts. You’ll be impressed by the workplace workstations and the way it supplies a hassle-free resolution to an otherwise time consuming knowledge. These cards are made for the expert-grade graphics operate that is used in CAD applications and are very high-priced compared to Nvidia’s present crop of Pascal GPUs. Other than the wonderful graphic card, this model has a strong Intel Core i7 6820HQ Quad-Core CPU, 32GB of ECC DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD in RAID combined with a 1TB tough drive. As with HP’s latest desktops line, the ZBook also come with new drive choices including a PCI express connected Z Turbo SSD drive and Thunderbolt two connectivity. HP ZBook x2 supports four,096 levels of stress sensitivity, and provides new tilt support that further refines the Windows ten Ink expertise.
Filed under: Tagged: workstation from KelsusIT.com – Refurbished laptops, desktop computers , servers http://bit.ly/2BpNaTD via IFTTT
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samuelmmarcus · 6 years
Interior Design Ideas
  Hello, my friends! It’s wonderful to have you on Home Bunch today. I am excited to share this newly-built home because I feel it has so many inspiring interior design ideas.
Located in Western Springs, Illinois, this family home was recently built by Timber Trails Development Company and with interiors by Julie Howard. If you’ve read the blog for a while, you might recall seeing another home designed by them here not too long ago. In fact, that one has became a very popular blog post on the blog and on Pinterest.
What I love most about this home is the navy blue kitchen and the millwork used throughout the house. I feel that these elements really create beautiful backdrops to the fine furnishings.
Now, leave the world behind and get ready to daydream and get totally inspired by these beautiful interior ideas.
  Interior Design Ideas
Exterior Details: Siding and shakes are Hardie Grey Slate. The designer color matched the front door to the Grey Slate. Trim is Hardie Arctic White. The stone is Blue River Select Gray. The brick is Aztec White and the shingles are Aged Pewter.
Similar Front Door: Here & Here.
Door Hardware: Here & Here.
Similar Planters: Here.
Similar Exterior Lighting: Here.
Welcoming Front Entry Decor:
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Foyer Wall Paint Color
The foyer paint color is Classic Gray OC-23 by Benjamin Moore.
Foyer Decor
Console is Hickory Furniture Greenwich Console.
Table Lamps: Arteriors.
Dining Room
The dining room wainscoting gives it a classically formal feel but the gilded iron linear light fixture makes it fresh and inviting.
Paint Color
Paint color above wainscoting is Benjamin Moore Classic Gray.
Long Sideboards: Here, Here, Here, Here & Here.
The dining table is from Walter E. Smithe – similar here.
Shop Beautiful Dining Tables:
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Timber Trails Development Company. Julie Howard.
Dining Room Table Lamp
Similar Cylinder Table Lamp: Here.
Black Mirrors
Find beautiful black mirrors here.
Dining Room Lighting: Visual Comfort Gilded Iron Linear Chandelier.
Trim Paint Color & Rug
Trim and Ceiling Paint Color: Benjamin Moore “Simply White” OC-117.
Rug: Surya 8×10 rug.
Host Dining Chairs: Walter E. Smithe – similar here, here, here, here, here & here.
Similar Side Chairs: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Butler’s Pantry
The dining room connects to the kitchen through a butler’s pantry complete with a bar fridge and open shelving.
Butlter’s Pantry Shelves
Floating shelves and butler’s pantry cabinetry are Hickory with a Natural Stain.
Sconces: Here.
Kitchen decor are a combination of HomeGoods, Mcgee and Target.
Blue Navy Kitchen
We had a few possible buyers come through and express that they were tired of white kitchens. Since that’s the majority of what we create, we thought we’d better incorporate some color and wood and see how it goes. When choosing a color, Navy Blue seemed to be the right choice as it reads as a neutral. Navy goes with everything when you’re putting outfits together; navy works in interiors much the same way. Navy is so easy going with other colors and styles. We couldn’t be happier with the result!
Wall color is Benjamin Moore Classic Grey OC-23.
The kitchen has 4 ovens and is designed for someone who loves to cook.
Appliances are all Thermador – Similar Refrigerator, Range, Ovens.
Shop the Look:
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Paint Color
Blue Cabinets are Benjamin Moore Blue Note 2129-30.
Striped Pitcher: Here.
Kitchen Decor: Some decor in the kitchen are from McGee and Co.
Kitchen Hardware: Schoolhouse Electric – Card File Pulls & Small Riverwood Knobs.
Backsplash Tile
Backsplash: Bison Brick and it’s Glazed Terracotta.
Similar Here, Here & Here (in light gray).
Kitchen Rug
Kitchen rug is an antique from Persia from a local store – similar antique rugs & runners can be found here.
Dishwasher: Here.
Kitchen Island
The x with shiplap kitchen island is Hickory with a natural stain.
Kitchen Floating Shelves
Similar floating kitchen shelves can be found here.
Matte Black Kitchen Sconces: Here.
Kitchen Island Lighting: Hicks Large Pendant.
The kitchen features grey counterstools – similar here & here.
Countertop & Faucet
Countertop: Statuario Nuvo Polished.
Sink: Kohler.
Faucet: Kohler – similar here.
Kitchen Island Dimension
Island size is 42″x8′
Upper Cabinet Decor
Do you ever wonder what to place on the top cabinets? In this kitchen, the designer placed a single white pitcher in each glass cabinet. This draws your eye to it, plus it’s great storage for items not used all the time.
Kitchen Dining Area
Paint color is Benjamin Moore Classic Gray.
Lighting: Darlana Medium Lantern.
Beautiful Breakfast Room Dining Sets (Save $!)- Rectangular Tables: Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here & Here. Round Tables: Here, Here, Here, Here & Here.
Rug: Surya.
Living Room
This room is about 30×17′ with 10′ ceilings. It is huge! To bring detail and coziness to the large space, Julie designed a coffered ceiling and a fireplace mantel that drew your eye up to the ceiling detail. The cased openings surrounding the room also pull it in so the room feels cozy and not one huge open space into the kitchen. Sometimes just dropping a header and pulling wing walls in does the trick from turning an open floor plan that feels cold into a warm inviting space.
Chandelier: Cisco Brothers Spider Chandelier – similar here & here.
  Sectional: Jonathan Louis Logan 4 piece sectional – similar here: Camden 3 Piece Sectional.
Side Table
Similar Marble Accent Table: Here, Here & Here.
The white shag rug can be found here.
Wall Paint Color
Walls are Benjamin Moore Classic Grey. Ceiling between beams are also painted in Classic Grey OC-23.
Console Table
Console Table: Hooker Furniture.
Similar Table Lamp: Here & Here.
Paint Color is Simply White by Benjamin Moore.
Similar Tile: Here, Here & Here.
Hall Lighting
The designer added a few outdoor hanging lanterns in the hall.
Similar Lighting: Here, Here & Here.
Timber Trails Development Company. Julie Howard.
Mudroom Barn Door
Mudroom Paint Colors – All Benjamin Moore: Beadboard Walls – “Simply White”  Top of Walls – Blue Note 2129-30. Barn Door: Blue Note 2129-30.
Shiplap Room
This space is on the first floor is staged as a bedroom because there is a closet and a full bathroom. It really could serve as an office or playroom as well based on it’s location within the house.
Paint Color
Paint color is Benjamin Moore Simply White.
Similar Rugs: Here, Here, Here.
Poufs: Left & Right.
Lighting is Visual Comfort – discontinued – similar here & here.
Bed: Wesley Allen.
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Rug is Loloi Rugs – similar here, here, here, here & here.
Bedroom Nightstand Decor
Keep it simple when it comes to nightstand decor. More is less!
Nightstand: Universal Furniture. Complete the look:  6-Drawer Dresser, 4-Drawer Chest.
Grey Dresser: Universal Furniture.
Artwork is from Walter E. Smithe. Similar here.
Vase: Here.
Bathroom Paint Color
There are 6 bedrooms, each with their own bath in this house so giving them each their own identity was fun. The first floor bath is simple in beveled subway tile and hex Carrara marble tile. Paint color is Gray Owl OC-52 by Benjamin Moore.
Bathroom Faucet: Delta.
Pedestal Sink: Kohler.
Paint Color
Another bath channeled greige and has a limestone-looking countertop and marble basketweave mosaic floor tile. Cabinet is from RH. Wall color is Revere Pewter HC-172 by Benjamin Moore.
Countertop is Caesarstone Classico Shitake countertop with 8” backsplash on back wall.
Round Mirror: Here.
Bathroom Faucet: Delta.
Chevron Tile
This bathroom is a perfect combination of masculine and feminine with a dark wood cabinet from RH next to a Chevron Carrara marble floor. Countertop is Misty Carrera Honed. Backsplash is 8” tall with scallop edges.
Round Mirrors: Here.
Bathroom Faucet: Delta.
Farmhouse Jack & Jill Bathroom
The Jack and Jill bath is rustic in wood, black and white. Wall paint color is Benjamin Moore Classic Gray OC-23.
Backsplash: 8” Backsplash on back wall. Countertop to overhang on sides only 1/2” to not touch side walls.
Vanity is from RH – see more reclaimed wood vanities here.
Countertop: Absolute Black Honed Granite.
Similar Mirrors: Here.
Similar Flooring: Here.
Sconces: Here.
Faucets: Delta.
Staircase Lighting
Lighting is Visual Comfort – Extra Large.
Classic Gray OC-23 by Benjamin Moore wall paint color with Simply White by Benjamin Moore trim paint color. Timeless color combination!
Master Bedroom
The master bedroom has a beautiful tray ceiling. Instead of the typical expected application of grey on walls and white on the ceiling, the designer wanted to switch it around. She added panel molding to the walls and sprayed the whole room Benjamin Moore Simply White. Then she painted the ceiling Ozark Shadows by Benjamin Moore (her favorite true grey paint color). The beautiful ivory shade light fixture completes the room.
Similar Channel Tufted Bed: Here & Here.
Shop the Look:
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Rug: Loloi 9×13 rug.
Color Scheme
Bedroom features a grey and blush color scheme.
Warm & Cold
Timber Trails Development Company. Julie Howard.
Bedroom features floor-to-ceiling wainscoting.
Similar Mirrored Nightstand with Drawers: Here, Here & Here.
Table Lamp
Bedroom Brass & Marble Table Lamp: Surya.
Faux Fur Bench (2): Here.
Blush Throw: Here.
Bedroom Sitting Area
Similar Blush Velvet Pillow: Here.
Similar Chair: Here.
Similar Throw: Here.
Similar Brass Floor Lamp: Here.
Stool: Here.
Inspiring Color Scheme
Timber Trails Development Company. Julie Howard.
Master Bedroom Lighting: Visual Comfort.
Master Bathroom
The master bathroom is opulently covered in Carrara marble. To add some fun, the designer added an oval penny tile in Carrara as a border.
Hardware is from Schuab – Pulls & Knobs in Polished Nickel.
Wall Paint Color
Ozark Shadows AC-26 Benjamin Moore looks stunning with white marble.
The cabinets are custom made with easy access shelving great for baskets that can be stored away and pulled out easily. Cabinets are painted in Benjamin Moore Simply White.
Countertop is Misty Carrera Honed.
Faucet: Delta.
Sink: Here.
Sconce: Here.
Bathroom Runner
Rug is from Rejuvenation.
Similar Freestanding Bathtub: Here.
Garden Stool
Ceramic garden stools can be found here.
Silver Tray Table is Regina Andrew – similar here.
  Builder: Timber Trails Development Company (Instagram).
Interior Designer: Julie Howard.
Cabinet Maker: @palosfinecarpentry.
Photography: @stofferphotographyinteriors.
  Exciting October Sales!
Thank you for shopping through Home Bunch. I would be happy to assist you if you have any questions or are looking for something in particular. Feel free to contact me and always make sure to check dimensions before ordering. Happy shopping!
Serena & Lily: Friends & Family: Get 20% off everything with code: HOMELOVE !!
Joss & Main: Take an extra 20% OFF: Use Code: FORYOU
Wayfair: Up to 70% OFF – Huge Sales on Decor, Furniture & Rugs!!!
New Fall Decor: Joss & Main.
Serena & Lily: Huge Furniture Sale! Up to 60% Off!!!
Pottery Barn: Warehouse Sale – Up to 75% Off
West Elm: Bedroom Sale – Up to 70% Off.
Caitlin Wilson: Beautiful Rugs & Pillows.
Anthropologie: Sale 20% Off Furniture + Decor.
Urban Outfitters: Hip & Affordable Home Decor.
Horchow: High Quality Furniture and Decor. Up to 55% Off!!!
One Kings Lane: New Fall Arrivals!
Williams & Sonoma: New Sales every week.
Nordstrom: Up to 40% OFF!
Neiman Marcus: Designer Sale: Up to 40% OFF.
Pier 1: Big Furniture, Rugs and Fall Decor Sales!
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  Rustic Farmhouse Design.
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Florida New-Construction Family Home.
Modern English Tudor Design.
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Southern Beach House with Modern Interiors.
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Custom Home with Artisan Craftsmanship Interiors.
Traditional Kitchen Reno Ideas.
Interior Design Ideas: New Orleans Home.
  Painted Brick Exterior Home Renovation.
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“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
Interior Design Services within Your Budget
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