#some of y'all need to just stop watching the show ig you seem to hate everything about it
itsjustpoopeh · 1 year
whew some of the takes i have seen in the tags
you can’t say that men need to work on toxic masculinity and holding themselves and each other accountable while simultaneously calling any portrayal of them *actually doing that* “bad writing because it’s unrealistic” like? do y’all think through what you’re saying or nah?
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anonil88 · 3 years
Generation hbo ep. 8 liveblog; midseason finale
Let's get into this episode before I loose my train of thought:
He dressed like an entire funeral. Of course he's listening to Bad Religion by Frank Ocean. I do love that the song is in the catalog.
As Sam should. Accept the consequences Chester you were in the wrong and you're lucky no one knows besides administration what you did.
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Wow no need to be rude Chester, Riley is just trying to be nice. This isn't about him setting boundaries, this is about how he brushed her concern off.
Oh he really disregarded this entire kid and has now found himself a new talking buddy. Of course now that he doesn't have his head in the improbable clouds, he can sees around himelf. He still should talk to his friends though and his new counselor. The person you date isn't the solution to your self fabricated drama.
So he did get suspended, good.
Ay Legends of Zelda and DND. Whoever did that chaotic good chart placed Chester pretty correctly haha.
Get his number. Yo Chester you need to get his number or his IG.
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These kids are kind of dicks but I'm glad everyone including his teammates are like we love you something is wrong and we can tell. It just feels a little heres our token gay entertainment moment.
This is so stupid but they did make him smile and laugh again because he can't stay in this rutt forever. Kind of wild how when you are the loudest person in the room just being yourself and you are off people notice.
The joy was good for some time but it doesn't last because he needs to face the root of his loneliness. Alone in a room full of people.
That doesn't mean he likes you so you need to slow down. But, also he needs to get the rejection so he's not stuck on the crush.
This message is awful and awkward start, but its become long and awkward.
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I guess there was no pregnancy intro because we are going to the mall. This mall day seems so fun minus the pregnancy.
Some solid people and the fire station is the best location to go to.
Its been 4/5 days and you haven't talked to her, come on now the two of you. Euphoria and this show remind me of how much I hate teenage communication issues. The number 1 reason you could not pay me to go back and redo my teen years.
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Tiktok dances to make the baby go yo sleep lmfao how gen z.
Why is Chester being kind of an asshole to Nathan all of a sudden?
Oh fuck that kiss was uploaded oh fuck. No Chester now is not the time.
I would of hung tf up if that woman was my mother, because you're not gonna be a homophobe to me and then ask me to come home. It's coded but she's really just upset her son does actually like women AND men, and probably anyone under the realm of nonbinary that he deems attractive.
Just say thankyou. Sisters ? When did y'all get that close?
Girl its not funny to tell your adoptive parents, who treat you like gold, that you'd rather they didn't adopt you. It is fucking cruel especially to two gay parents who likely had to fight to get her. They just let her get away with it in the name of teenage angst.
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Delilah is setting this baby up to be so conscious. Aw his beanie.
They are really all gifting the baby charms and tokens. A proper sending off. Maybe not so much the cbd oil lmfao but everything else is so sweet. Those things will stay in the babies possessions too.
I really don't like Ariana, that was not the time to talk about the hot firefighter. She is used as the inappropriate comic relief character and it grinds me up for multiple reasons.
What us Riley? 🤨 There was no "us" established, yall didn't even share a kiss kiss. How the heck is a quick couple of pecks turning into saxophone time, but also how do those quick peck without talking about anything constitute a relationship or even situationship. Mutual feelings exist but they aren't even in a relationship. Also, Greta needs to apologize to Riley for how she spoke to her. Theres a correct way to say, "I'm not comfortable instead of you sleep around I'm not like you." Greta barely spoke in this episode and didn't even look at Riley or utter an apology. That's real strange.
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Chester is gonna find someone his own age, awesome, and break Nathan's heart in the process. Oh the drama.
Mid season thoughts: This show isnt bad it just needs some refinement and work. The issues I had throughout the season did not get cleared up in this episode at all. I really like some of these characters and others are not for me at all. Some of the other characters could use more solidification of their interactions. These characters just felt very different in this episode specifically that we've seen them previously. Ariana was still consistent as were Riley and Nathan in comparison to the others. This is only the mid season there are 8/9 episodes coming soon, the cast is currently still in production. Sigh if only we could get a Euphoria cross over in one of the eps they are filming right now. I say this since Euphoria starts filming this upcoming week. How cool would it be to see Chester, Riley, and Greta coming out of a corner store and Chester holds open the door for Jules and Rue. Then in the foreground Riley and Greta awkwardly talk and in the background Chester says I like your hair or outfit before running up behind his friends like "Stop bring weird let's go."
Anyways I'll be here to watch when the series does come back.
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spotlightsaga · 7 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews... The Mist (S01E03) Show and Tell Airdate: July 6, 2017 @spike @paramountpictures Ratings: 0.428 Million :: 0.12 18-49 Demo Share Score: 4.75/10 TVTime/FB/Twitter/IG/Path/Pin: @SpotlightSaga **********SPOILERS BELOW********** 'The Mist' has literally been driving me crazy. It's a project that I've taken on, completely committed to, no matter what the outcome... Although, you know, I knew in my heart of hearts that this was going to be tough road to travel. TV is such a completely different vessel than film and writing, books, or in this case, short stories. You have your Film Fans, who are protective & rabid, and that's understandable... 'The Mist' that was released in 2007, was listed as #4 on Bloody Disgusting's 'Top 20 Horror Films of the Decade', and it earned it, hardcore! We've already praised Marcia Gay Harden enough (or have we?), but it's really hard to argue that the film is anything but an unexpected gem that horror fans absolutely fell head over heels in love with, and rightfully so. The short story written by Stephen King has its own set of accolades and personal touches, and it all must be set on its own particular shelf. Despite the straight up 'mixed to negative' reviews that the television series has been getting, you're going to hear fans of the tv series avidly defend it... Ratings aren't exactly high, but they're steady. The same people who were watching it from the beginning are sticking with it, give or take a few minor down & upticks. Just like the film and the short story it's based upon, the show has it's own set of true blue fans. This is 'The Mist: The Series', its in its own realm, and we have to accept that. As hard as it is to stop yourself from compulsively comparing the three separate entities, you simply cannot give in... You have to look at each piece as its own room, with its own door, with its own individually made key... Each complete with its own decorative key caps, so that we know the exact door we're opening. So, when you get right down to it, I guess the most important question is what does a relatively low-budget television series have to present to a rebranding network on the dwindling eve of its 'end of the year' transition? What does it have to offer an already established franchise like 'The Mist', that a near $20 Million budget film and the infinite imagination of words on paper written by a world renowned author like Stephen King, within the pages of a collection of short stories have that has not already been offered up already? The answer is simple... Long term character work, but they must get it right to make this project stick it to its critics and it's overeager naysayers. Now here I go again, bringing up Marcia Gay Harden, but I have a good point. Harden was able to represent the opposite of what Thomas Jame represented in the film. The movie itself had limited time, but it made the most of its seconds on the clock... Separating the two complete opposite sides of a spectrum under extreme duress. It wasn't the monsters that buzzed about and added additional scares to the film that were so successfully frightening in the long run, it was the idea that under the weight of the world, two different sides of people emerge... One are heroes who do absolutely terrible things in the name of humanity, and the other are villains that think they are heroes because they are acting in the name of what they believe to be righteous. Pretty brilliant, right? That was the horror of 'The Mist', the film. We, as human beings, are the very things that go bump in the night... We are the bad guys, even if your intentions are pure. I've literally watched that film a gazillion times, so its extremely hard to get out of my head. It's only fair for me to judge the show without an extreme bias... And the only way to rid myself of that extreme bias is if I watch these episodes again and again and again. Four, y'all. I'm talking, I watched this specific episode 'Show and Tell' four times! Before you start sending me fruit baskets and letters of condolences, I started to notice that while many of these actors just aren't up to par, that the ones that are or are shaking up to be (Frances Conroy, Holly Deveaux, Danica Curcic *my breakout vote for the series*, Romaine Waite *step up, now, papo*, and even newcomers like Luke Cosgrove & Okezie Murro) are really attempting to step up and create some sort of magnetic character development for the audience to hold onto, to explore on a much more intense level, where time constraint that a film would face, really isn't a major issue. It's just that we have actors and actresses like Isiah Whitlock Jr and Alyssa Sutherland who simply didn't seem to get the memo that 'The Mist: The Series', needs them to tone down the cheese-factor. This is horror... And 'The Mist' (no matter the format) isn't a cheeky or B-Film Trip down a 'Full Moon' or 'Troma' like lane. I hate to rag on actresses, especially competent ones, but it's not always the actresses or actors that are to blame... It could be direction or something as simple as a horrible miscast... But Alyssa Sutherland (Eve) is not doing this series any favors. I'm a bit confused on her reactions in relation to her daughter Alex (Gus Birney) being trapped with the boy who 'supposedly' sexually assaulted her. It doesn't feel natural and it seems like the kid being accused is clearly innocent. After 4 viewing of this episode, I've developed an intricate theory, but I'll save it for later. The main issue is that the characters are all so separated right now, so until we start killing some off, thinning out the herd, and meeting important characters up somewhere in the middle, there's really no reason to dive too far into such a subplot. Honestly, and no disrespect to Sutherland, I just truly believe she was horribly miscast and unfortunately I feel like the young Gus Birney would fly better in the series if she had a different mother to play along side her. Hopefully their chemistry starts to percolate in the next few episodes, but for now it's not feeling conducive to the young actress trying to spread her wings. Speaking of spreading wings (oh, come on, you know I had to use that).... 'The Mist' shows off a different kind of horror than what we've come to expect from 'the brand' itself. It looks as if whatever is in The Mist is feeding off the psychological fears of each individual. This is where the show could not only get interesting, but use a completely new type of horror twist to attach to 'The Mist' name and flavor. The imagery was out of this world. Sure, the budget is low, but it looks like they are using good chunks of money on moments where it really counts, where they really need to capture their audiences attention... And believe you me, that scene where that boy sprouted wings in the murky fog of the dense mist was absolutely breathtakingly horrifying. Having Frances Conroy react to that scene was the best possible decision that the creators of the show could make. Although, 'Show and Tell' still shines down a mediocre light on 'The Mist' as a whole, this was the first episode where I didn't feel like it was such a chore to sit through. Sure, I had to watch it multiple times to truly find the things I appreciate about the episode the most, but not everyone will need that extra time to see what makes the positive side of the series pop. Like I said before, the cast is a bit too large in the numbers department, it's time to start killing these characters off, and if these are the type of innovative ways they plan on tackling this issue, then that's a pretty damn good reason to stay tuned in... At least for now!
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danhcwll-blog · 8 years
the beach || phan (3)
chapters: 3/?
words: 1578
“if i told you that i loved you tell me, what would you say?”
dan is a model; phil is a writer
inspiration: the beach by the neighbourhood
[ let me know what you thought of this chapter! ]
dan's pov
i went to check my mailbox in the apartment building's lobby, as i took the elevator back to my floor i looked at the mail, some subscriptions here and there but there was a fancy looking envelope mixed with the pile as well.
you've been invited!
i sighed, i had to make an appearance at yet another red carpet event, which ultimately meant going to the club after. i used to love doing this, i was quite arrogant in the beginning of my career, and so i got wasted did whatever i wanted and whoever i wanted with no regards, or second thought. now that i'm sober for a year, i try to avoid this as much as possible, but it's also apart of my job. which i'm beginning to hate.
i threw the invitation in the trash, still rsvping them saying that i would go, even though i really didn't want to. i emailed it to them, never checking a plus one because even in my fuckboy days, i was always there by myself. this is the life i made for myself though, i shouldn't be complaining so much, others have it worse.
it was the day of the red carpet event, showing up for yet another fashion designer to promote them, watching other models walk the run way that were much much more skinnier than i. i decided on wearing just a black button up with black fitted slacks, taking a deep breath i grabbed my phone and wallet and walked out my loft, locking the door behind me, and instead of calling my driver, i decider to take a walk to the nearest Starbucks. which was the Starbucks i always went to but it's been a while.
i used to go to the Starbucks closest to my apartment all the time, but i had stopped going since i've been rather busy. i used to go almost every other day because of the coffee, but then a certain raven-haired lad arrived and he became my reason for showing up.
i walked in, looking around for the lad with the blue-green, and sometimes even yellow eyes, but he was nowhere to be found. i mentally sighed, really hoping to see him, but then remembered that i didn't even believe in love to begin with. so i walked up to the register, half-smiling to the barista and just asking for a hot chocolate with a cinnamon sprinkle. once i paid i went to my usual spot, in the corner by the window, where the glass was fogged up and i would make little doodles, and then proceeded to just scroll through my tumblr feed on my phone. they called my name and i got up to grab my drink, i had an hour before i needed to call my driver and get going, and it was nice to have this bit of time to sit back and relax. not too long after receiving my hot chocolate, i looked up to see that the raven-haired lad had arrived, i felt my cheeks get hot and my heart begin to race. it had been a while since i've seen him and he still makes my heart race. i cleared my throat and looked down at my phone, sinking into my seat a bit out of nervousness, as if i was trying to hide from him even though he probably didn't even notice me to begin with.
i glanced up, peeping my eyes over my phone and seeing him sit in the same seat that wasn't too far from mine. he pulled out his gold mac laptop, set down his drink, adjusted his glasses and began typing away. i stared at him for a little while, always intrigued and caught in a trance as i watched him type away, he did it so smoothly, without a second thought as if he was planning in his head what he was going to type before hand.
but then he stopped.
he had never stopped typing before, not even for a break, and i was confused. i saw the crease in between his eyebrows, the crease of writer's block and frustration. i began nibbling at my bottom lip, tapping my fingers against the fake wooden table, debating whether or not to speak up and talk to him for the first time.
"looks like you're having trouble there."
shit what did i just do.
he looked up, and for the first time, his blue eyes met my brown ones. he smirked a bit and sat back in his seat and nodded his head, chuckling a bit.
"yeah i am, writing something a bit different so it's harder to think of what to say."
my heart raced a bit, hearing his voice for the first time, it was like a baritone voice. it was perfect. i could tell he was also from another part of england, his voice having a sort of twang to it when pronouncing certain words.
"hey that's a good thing though, you're doing something different and you really wanna make sure that it's perfect. it happens." i replied, mentally fist pumping the air because of how well crafted my response was.
"you're right..." he said, his voice drifting as he kept looking at me, and then suddenly he started grabbing his stuff and brought it over to where i was sitting, taking a seat in front of me and smiling.
"i'm philip lester, you can call me phil."
i felt my cheeks heat up more, he was now sitting in front of me, i'm sorry, phil was now sitting in front of me. and i finally knew his name.
"daniel howell, you can call me dan." i said with a smile, wanting to put my hand out and shake his but then realized that this is the 21st century, and not many people do that anymore.
"it's nice to meet you dan." he said, his voice confident while my response... "it's n-nice to finally meet you too."
...was utter crap.
phil furrowed his brows as he looked at me, he must've caught me saying finally. "what do you mean by finally?"
shit dan, what the bloody hell did you just do.
"i-i well... i've always seen you in this Starbucks and i've actually wanted to talk to you for a while but i've never had the chance to... or the confidence."
phil chuckled a bit, and i was suddenly embarrassed, what have i just done.
"that's rather cute, i've noticed you as well but haven't said anything because you always seemed like you wanted to be by yourself, it's quite intimidating." he replied with a chuckle, i sighed in relief that the response was better than i thought it was gonna be.
"that's quite a relief, i literally thought you would make fun of me for it... i don't really know why, so don't mind me." i said, beginning to mumble towards the end, a habit of mine that i hate actually.
"no it's fine, but question, would you be alright with listening to what i've typed so far? it's nice to have someone critique."
i nodded my head, feeling honored that he asked me. and so he proceeded to read what i was assuming a prologue, and i was so intrigued by how he spoke. how animated he was, and he wasn't even moving his hands, or moving about the room. he was sitting still, his eyebrows moving a bit whenever he said some certain syllables, his mouth intricately moving, speaking rhythmically and fluently, as if it had just happened yesterday.
"how was it?" he asked, his baritone voice snapping me out of my daze. "i- it was lovely, absolutely amazing."
he smiled, an angelic smile that made my heart skip a beat because i had caused that, that smile was because of me.
"t-thank you."
"alright love birds, i'm sorry but you're gonna have to leave, we need to close." a worker who was now standing at our table.
we blushed at the phrase he used to refer to us but started packing up, and eventually left the premises, leaving us out in the december cold. we stood there in front of each other, hands in our coat pockets, both of our relatively pale faces flushed red in certain areas because of sharpness of the cold. we both opened our mouths to speak, but then chuckled a bit because of the awkwardness.
"sorry, you go." phil had said, being a gentleman.
i smirked a bit, revealing my right dimple as i did so. "it was really nice meeting you, and talking to you, good luck with the book, i'm excited to read it."
phil looked as if he was taken aback, as if i had stunned him by what i had just said but i decided to not call him out on that.
"it was lovely meeting you too, i hope to talk to you again soon?" i nodded my head, "definitely."
"bye, dan." he said with another one of his sweet, angelic smiles.
"bye, phil."
and with that we turned in the opposite direction, and began walking our separate ways, and for the first time in a long time i smiled...
without being told to do so.
[ hope y'all liked this chapter, i had a lot of fun writing it. follow me on my social medias!: ig //  lnh.x twitter // laurenrblvd snap // lenixsnow
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